Let Not The Light Of Freedom = fv iff 1=3 i Amei °ut w oa asnouLHnoo tret OOO20O VrNVAVH)! NV^IH ■Ameriška domov ^ ^ — imi riitiiftiimir -111 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 16, 2000 Serving over 200,000 American Slovenians ’ ISSN Number 0164 68X 60C Slovenian Singer, Actress Highlight Primorski Banquet Performances by Slovenian actress Sasa Pavček and singer Vlado Kreslin will highlight the 2000 Ameri-can-Slovenian Primorski Club Annual Spring Banquet on Saturday, April 8 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Tickets for the 6 p.m. performance and dinner are $20. Pavček will perform ‘Buzec On, Busca Jaz” (Poor Him, Poor Me), a selection of humorous monologues performed in the Primorski dialect. A member of the Slovenian National Theater Company since 1985, the critically-acclaimed Pavček has appeared in dozens of stage, TV and film productions. This year she was the recipient of the Prešeren Prize, the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a stage performer in Slovenia. Vlado Kreslin is undeniably the best-known and most popular folk singer in Slovenia. His unique brand of music - innovative, modern arrangements blended with the folk traditions of his Prekmurje roots - has topped the charts in Slovenia for the past decade. His performances throughout Europe and Australia have helped put Slovenia on the international folk music map. A family-style dinner will follow the performances. The Stan Mejac Orchestra will provide musical entertainment. For tickets and more information, contact Silva Ramšak at 216-692-1069 or Sabina Milavec at 440-516- 0212. Everyone Invited to Art Guild Gathering Featuring Borut Sraj A multimedia presentation produced by Borut Sraj from Ljubljana, Slovenia, will be the featured program at the Slovenian National Art Guild meeting on Monday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid. Slovenia is the featured country, but highlights from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, the Czech Re-Public, and Hungary will also be included. Narration aud commentary will be Provided by Borut with ^I'ke Cerar from Travelmax assisting. Borut Sraj was born in *^2 in Ljubljana. After ^°iTipleting his studies at the ch°ol of Graphic Art, he ^0ntinued his study of phi-0S0Phy in India where he raveled for five years. His esire to explore took him Jrom India around the world 0 the United States and °uth America before com-lng back to Europe. during his travels he was never without his camera with which he took fantastic photographs. Borut co- authored a photo essay with the National Geographic Magazine, USA, in 1989. “A House Much Divided” was a documentary project for a French editor about Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries. His work has been published in various magazines, books, and tourist publications. On his own he printed photo calendars, posters, and artistic post cards, he has presented a number of multimedia productions accompanied with lectures in Slovenia and while visiting abroad. Today he lives and works in Ljubljana where he is tour director and manager of Okarina Tours. Everyone is invited to this unique presentation. The Art Guild welcomes you and hopes to see you there. —Patricia Habat Intelligence and hard Work are more precious than mountains of gold. ^_______—Bishop Slomšek Don't let the present slip completely away while you focus on the future. -Liz Pulliam Persons from Slovenia find happiness in the Jurečič household. Anna-Marie (the author) is the cute little girl in the front row. Can you name some of the others in the photo? Remembering Our New Friends From Slovenia I was talking to my father the other day, by phone, of course, far removed from family and many old friends, like most everyone else is now-a-days. Among a variety of topics we shared were our frailties and infirmities, which “at my age” I have begun to experience - especially short-term memory loss, I joked - but, my long-term memory is very much intact. Dad laughed when I told him that I feel quite at home now living in a retirement community in Florida since I catch myself saying to my husband, Frank, “Remember back when,” or “When I was young, we did it differently,” didn’t we, etc. When I was young, I remember our living room was filled with people. - It was like Grand Central Station. So many young new friends who had emigrated to this country from Slovenia to fulfill their hopes and dreams. Having been raised by my parents behind the old Acme Dry Cleaning Store (E. 152ncl Street in Cleveland) and also living with my adopted grandparents, Ančka and Frank, I understood Slovenian before 1 spoke English. Our home was filled with laughter and music; sometimes I can still hear the accordions playing. I can still smell the smoke from the cigarettes filling the room - it wasn’t known to be an unhealthy habit in those days. The wine was being poured and the beer bottles were clinking. Everyone was filled with animation and conversation. I was a little girl of about six years of age, walking around and enjoying the commotion. Yes, I remember it well! We all went on to grow up and move on to make our own lives, married had children and now our children have children. Some of us have long departed, some in recent times; but we remember now and then, strolling down the corridors of our memory as if we were visiting a museum, remembering a piece of the past with great affection. -Anna-Marie (Jurečič) Mozzicato Ft. Myers, FL Slovenian Athletes Seek Place to Stay Two university athletes from Slovenia will be traveling to Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, California from May 15 through May 23, 2000 to compete in Ironman, California, these Slovene athletes are members of the Slovenia National Triathlon Team and are trying to qualify for the Olympics. The athletes are looking for a Slovenian family near Oceanside, California who would provide them with a place to stay during this period. The generosity of any Slovenian family for this purpose would be appreciated. To contact one of the Slovenian athletes: Klemen Zevnick, Hrasnje 31-Kranj, Slovenia, 386-643-30035, or e-mail to: kle-men.zevnick@kiss.uni-lj.si Or, in the USA contact Jim Konchan, 216-687-0222, e-mail j kqnch@hotmai 1 .com St. Vitus Slovenian School says thanks We wish to express our thanks to the many donors who either for the first time or over a number of years have responded to our annual fund raiser. Our annual campaign for the year 1999/2000 was a great success. Additional donations may be made to St. Vitus Slovenian School c/o 6625 Great Oaks Parkway, Independence, OH 44131. The easiest way to remain poor is to pretend to be rich. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 16, 2000 1 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec We were at the St. Vitus Senior Citizens Housing Project fund raiser last Saturday evening in the St. Vitus auditorium. A capacity crowd was composed of a nice mix of Slovenians and their friends. No, on second thought it was not a mix, but a blend of enthused Slovenians featuring persons from young adults to seniors, some of whom were born in this country and others who were not. It was quote, “One big, happy family.” Congratulations to chairperson Louise Strauss and her committee, especially the dignified St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans who were dressed in their blue blazers for the occasion. They all did a superb job and it went off without a hitch. Josie Cerer was in charge of the kitchen. The food, from dumpling soup to strudel dessert, was excellent and plentiful. Pastor Rev. Joseph P. Božnar was smiling the entire evening. He was happy about both the proposed Senior Housing Project kickoff banquet, and the fact his Name Day is this Sunday. Best wishes to a genuine sincere priest. * We Slovenians were all beaming earlier in the day when we picked up the morning Plain Dealer and saw the large photograph on the front page. It was easy to recognize our two Slovenian Cleveland Councilman, Council President Mike Polenšek and Freshman Councilman Joe Cimperman. They were in conference trying to keep St. Michael’s Hospital (formerly St. Alexis) from closing. Another Slovenian, Father Frank Godic is the chaplain there. * Happy St. Patrick’s Day this Friday to all Irish persons and those who wish they were Irish. It’s nice the Irish have a day to celebrate. The African-Americans have the month of February to boast of their achievements. The Italians crow about Columbus Day. But what about us Slovenians? Some say Slovenians work so hard they celebrate Labor Day as their holiday. If other nationalities have their own day or week or month, the Slovenians should also have a nationally recognized day, too! What can it be? It might be something that is synonymous with their heritage. Like mountain climbing, or skiing, gardening, building, listening to polkas and waltzes, or singing. I’ve got it; we should have a “National Potica Day” when everyone in the country should have a slice of potica for breakfast and salute us Slovenians for bringing such a tasty morsel to this country. When should this be? I know - June 25, the day Slovenia declared their independence. As a matter of fact the entire world can observe this wonderful day by enjoying the famous delicious walnut bread, [potica]. This year we can help celebrate on June 25 by going to Slovenska Pristava to observe Ohio’s KSKJ Day (with some great home-made potica). Comments to Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, fax (216) 361-4088, or e-mail at ah@buckeyeweb.com Why do this? When you can do this plus save money! Sale of All Sails Book Now! Sale ends March 31, 2000 Any Norwegian Cruise Line ship All ltineraries--AII Year Long 'Receive a two category upgrade. 'Second person half-off or better. @ tStessa NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE A division of Euclid Travel 22078 Lakeshore Blvd, Eudid, Oh. 44123 1 -216-261 -1050, cruise@cmisegiants.com ^ J 10O WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina AIM IRISH PRAYER FOR AMER1 CAN H OME READERS 1 May God grant you always... A sunbeam to warm you, A moonbeam to charm you, A sheltering angel I So nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you, Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you! Happy St. Patrick’s Day To All The Slovenians! Memories in my AWOL bag i A Selection of I Slomsek’s Guidelines i ♦ Friendliness is the J sister of genuine Christian J love. i ♦ May holy faith be ! your light and mother [ tongue be your key to a j salutary Slovenian culture. i ♦ As the little tree j leans, so later the tree will J grow and fall. ♦ It is the dead who ] teach us how to live. i ♦ When the just join the | unjust, what’s good gets J contaminated. ♦ The greater our free-i dom, the greater our re-| sponsibility before God. i ♦ Scholarship without [ virtue is like a blossom J without fruit. i ♦ Do what reason dic- | tales and ignore [the pres-! sures by] other people. i ♦if others jump into [ the fire, don’t do likewise. i ♦ It’s not enough to j learn without putting into J practice what you have | learned. i These appeared in | Newsletter of the Slovenian \ Research Center of Amer-| ica, January 2000. Thanks \ to Professor Ed Gobetz for ! submitting these significant | thoughts of wisdom. Slovenians "R" Us! By Rudy Flis I emptied my old “AWOL” bag this past weekend. Its contents brought memories from the past. I am holding a post card from Notre Dame convent, dated Christmas 1953. Both sides of the card from top to bottom has writing on it. It had to come to me in an envelope. I think this is the only correspondence I have saved from my days in the Army. Sister Mary Cesarie, principal of St. Boniface High School and my home room teacher in my senior year, sent me the post card. Now that I think of it. Sister Mary Cesarie sent me poems written by Joyce Kilmer, soldier poet, killed in WWI. Sister states in her message to me, “Both your letter and Christmas card came today.” She also wrote, “You say that you will visit Rome in January? The address of our Mother House there is 45 Via Della Camillucia. Ask for Sister Mary Alice or Sister Mary St. Therese; they are both good friends of mine.” (Do any WWI I vets who spent time in Rome recognize the address of the Mother House? I did as Sister Mary Cesarie instructed. It took a whole day. I knocked on the front door. A short-round Nun opened the door. From a piece of paper I read, “Seror Mary Alice and Seror Mary St. Therese. Looking at me and smiling, she said, “Wee, wee.” Sister Mary Cesarie would have been proud of me. I understood French. As I visited with the two Nuns in their parlor, the little round Nun wheeled in tea and cookies on a cart. I enjoyed my visit, and the sisters were happy I had visited them. I was given a VIP tour of their chapel, just remodeled. When back in Germany, I wrote Sister Mary Cesarie about my visit to the Notre Dame Mother House, and their beautiful new chapel. My letter arrived a couple of weeks ahead of movie film of the new chapel, which was to be a surprise to the Notre Dame communities worldwide. I am sure Sister Mary Cesarie enjoyed the film of the new chapel in their Mother House in Rome, even though she had a sneak preview through the eyes of a former student. First Polka Song A action For the first time a Polka song Auction will take place at Super Button Box Bash 18. three of the greatest American button accordion players will be featured at 6 p.rn. on Sunday, April 2nd. Polka Hall of Famer Lou 1 rebar, A1 Battistelli, master of the diatonic accordion, and Joey Tomsick, 1999 button box player of the year, will put on a virtuoso performance with you the audience picking the songs on the program. Recently the Slovenian Junior Chorus of SNPJ Youth Circle 2 was invited to sing in Slovenia in June, but it does not allow much time to raise the necessary funds. Here’s where the Polka Song Auction comes into play. We are asking for bids to hear the song you want the three button accordion maes-tros to play. The bids start at $ 100 per song. If you have the winning bid for a particular song, the song will be played at the Super Bash in your honor and dedicated to you in the printed program book. All proceeds will go toward the youngsters tour to Slovenia. These are the songs you can choose to have played and the artist: L - Blue Eagle Polka, played by Lou Trebar 2. - Iron Mike Polka, played by Lou Frebar 3. - Plovi, Plovi Waltz, played by Lou Trebar 4. - The William Tell Overture, played hy A1 Battistelli 5. - Under the Double Eagle Polka, played by Al Battistelli 6. - Jazz Medley, played by AI Battistelli 7. - Annie T’s Polka, played by Joey Tomsick 8. - Mister Buttons Polka, played by Joey Tomsick 9. - Yankovic Waltz medley, played by Joey Tomsick. 10. - Argentina Waltz, played by Lou Trebar and Joey Tomsick. 11. - Old Timer’s Polka, played by AI Battistelli, Joey Tomsick and Lou Trebar. 12. - (Your personal choice of song, and choice played by three artists listed above.) Please send your bid in by March 27, with your name, address, and phone number. We will notify you if you have won the auction. The songs will be played in the order of the lowest bid to the highest bid. Send your bid to: SNPJ Circle 2, 28992 Istra Lane, Willoughby Hills, OH 44092, or call 440-944-7303, or e-mail DolganC@cs.com The auction is open to individuals, lodges, halls, or organizations, who wish to participate in the fund-raising for the Children’s Chorus Concert Tour. Twenty children are interested in singing in the land of their ancestors. The goal is to raise $20,000. Super Button Box Bash XVIII and the All-Star Button Accordion Performance will take place at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, OH 44119, in both halls, from 1 to 9 p.m., with 16 button accordion groups on the schedule. The Slovenian Junior Chorus will sing at 3 p.m., followed by Joey Tomsick, and the Mahoning Valley Button Box Club, winners of the 1999 Polka Hall of Fame awards for button box. Admission is $6 at the door. --Cecilia Dolgan Director Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Aron Presley s first singing experience came in a church choir. Help Wanted Part or full Time. Pat’s Deli 5204 St. Clair Ave. 216-391-5600 Part Time ^ Workers Needed l^rt time workers needed ^ hours to 4 hours every ^ekday evening for light anitorial work. Excellent Pay!!!! Call 216-383-3507 ^!!^JVlike or George. **************** * DID YOU KNOW * * Slovenia... Joseph Želle * **************** In Ljubljana, the first five-star hotel, the Lčv Intercontinental, opened recently. It has 173 rooms and 16 apartments. Five rooms have dedicated facilities for facsimile. pnnters, and copters. Before you rush for reservations during vacation, the rate is $170 and $280 a night. in 1945, on orders of the Partisan military court, seminarian Dušan Leskovic, Salesian assistant. Alojz Rakar, and civilians. Ivan Novak. Ludvik Eržen, Franc Žgavec, and Jane/. Lukan were executed. Through the efforts of the regional commission, the skeletons have now been exhumed and buried in a common grave with Catholic rites in the blessed grounds of the cemetery Friends and relatives of the victims were present at the holy sacrifice of the Requiem Mass and burial, In Slovenia, people have an overpopulation of brown bears. It is estimated that 600 brown bears are roaming around One was even reported in the outskirts of Ljubljana As a result the Ministry for Farming. Forestry, and Nutrition has ordered the killing of one-tenth of the bear population, that is 65. There was an immediate furious uproar from the environmentalists. The execution has been temporarily called off. pending further study of the situation La Vitta Cattolica, the Catholic weekly for the archdiocese of Videm (Udine), has started to include a “Slovenian Page” for the Slovenian minority along the Italian-Slovenian border Two Slovenian newspapers are published there, both with subscriber problems. They are Dom (Home, - a religious biweekly) and Novi Matajur (New Matajur). Ailing Bishop Dr. Franc Kramberger. Bishop of Maribor, was visited by Archbishop Dr. Franc Rode of Ljubljana The visiting archbishop was accompanied by Auxiliary Bishop Dr Jožef Smej and secretary Magister BlaX Jezeršek. Two other patients in the hospital were also visited at that time. Prelate Rev Ignacij Čretnik, and Pater Maks Klanjšek The oldest vine in the world is located in Lent near Maribor. After a trimming, it blossomed again. More than 400 years old, it lias produced 27 kilograms (59.5 pounds) of grapes with a record yield of 18.7% of sugar, according to Boris Sovic, the owner. Last year on the occasion of Pope John Paul IP's second visit to Slovenia, he was presented the famous grapes. The city of Maribor keeps tab of the wine for record purposes. The American Home congratulates Neda Gačnik, the 1999 Miss Slovenia, a 19-year old student of Ljubljana. Her first assistant maid was Mateja Kisovec, while her second assistant chosen was Silvija Osojnik. Many happy returns, girls! FLICKINGER TIRE & AUTO COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR ON ALL MAKES 8. MODELS INCLUDING 4X4’*, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTOR HOMES ___ m. C°cMV^S«“T Mo* Frl 7Mo-6pai Sot good/vear 731-7100 laKL2SSJS4£ s- 1 MLCaiAVE A Slovenian Online Newsletter By Martin Krpan Congratulations to all who had participated in the “Maškarada” last weekend at the Collinwood Slovenian Home. Lilija has held this event for many years. This year’s event was all fine, but controversy overshadowed the contest for best costumes. The Slovenian cultural costumes were left cold, without a prize. Veseli Godci played wonderful, except they played too many rock and roll songs. The Slovenian Cultural Gardens of Cleveland is hosting a membership drive this year. Membership costs $10.00 for individuals and $25.00 for organizations. Membership forms are at all Slovenian Homes and both Slovenian parishes. Slovenian News Highway tolls have gone up 9% in Slovenia. Around 46 athletes will be representing Slovenija at : the Olympic games this j Summer in Sydney. [ In skiing, Spela Pretnar ‘ won three slalom events this i year on the World Cup tour. \ Planica will be hosting ' the last event in World Cup ; ski jumping on March 18 j and 19. Over 100,000 Slovenians gather in Kranjska Gora to watch this event each year. Rumors Ansambel Slapovi might be in Cleveland this year. They were in Pittsburgh two years ago. Vlado Kreslin is rumored to be coming to Cleveland for one day next month. It is reported he will attend a Slovenian function in April. Kreslin is ranked as one of the best song writers in Slovenija. Slovenian Newsletter editor Martin Krpan can be reached via e-mail at krpan@hotmai 1 .com Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) CLEVELAND ACCOUNTING SERVICE Specializing in Small Businesses Individual & Business Taxes 6218 St. Clair Ave. 881-5158 ^ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 441^3 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 16, 2000 4 In-Flight Announcements 1. - From a Southwest Airlines employee - “There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane.” 2. - Pilot: “Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane until we land; it’s a bit cold outside and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight pattern.” 3. - After landing, --“Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride.” 4. - As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington National, a lone voice comes over the loudspeaker, “Whoa, big fella, WHOA!” 5. - After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in Memphis, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced, “Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted.” 6. - From a Southwest Airlines employee -“Welcome aboard Southwest flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seat-belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat-belt and if you don’t know how to operate one, you probably shouldn’t be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children, decide now which one you love more.” 7. - Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but they’ll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember nobody loves you or your money more than Southwest Airlines. 8. - “Your seat cushions can be used for flotation and in the event of an emergency water landing, please take them with our compliments.” 9. - “As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses as we have enough of our own.” 10. - “Last one off the plane must clean it.” —Bill Edwards Phoenix LAVRISHA Construction & Repair BUILDING IMPROVEMENTSER VICES 6507 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103 _________216/391-0035_______ Steffi's Restaurant 6106 St. Clair Avenue St. Patrick's Day - Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage Fish Fries Every Friday during Lent FRESH Perch Dinners - and Shrimp Dinners served (216) 431-1126 - Take Outs Available CLEVELAND SENIOR HOUSING Millennia Housing Management, Ltd. is now taking applications for the 36 new two bedroom ranch-style homes for seniors at Gabriel’s Green. The Senior Homes are located on Central Avenue, between East 57 and East 63 Streets in Cleveland. Rents for the two bedroom, ranch style houses are $315. Applicants for the two bedroom elderly ranch style homes need to be 55 years of age or older. An income certification for all household members prior to move in and annual thereafter is a requirement of the program. You will be mailed an application if you call (216) 221-0393 and leave your name, address, and phone number, there is a $35.00 application fee at the time you submit your application. Equal Housing Opportunity American Owners of Nationalized Slovenian Property Important Announcement! Appeals are now possible that people should turn to the European court of Human Rights in Bruxelles. This applies only for those who have filed their claims in Slovenia and have been ignored or abused for years. For necessary forms turn to: Vladislav Bevc, American Owners of Property in Slovenia, P.O. Box 561, San Ramon, CA 94583. Tel (925) 837-7612 fax: (925) 362-9719. Meeting Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 10 meeting on Wednesday, March 22 at 1 p.m. in the Collinwood Home on Holmes Avenue. Members are cordially invited to attend this meeting. -Ann Stefančič Large Donations Many thanks to Joseph Mersol, M.D., of North Lima, Ohio who kindly submitted $125.00 for payment of Airmail Postage of the Ameriška Domovina to the Svobodna Slovenia in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dr. Mersol also included a $125.00 donation to the Ameriška Domovina. Thanks again. For Rent Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for Aged, off Neff Rd. - Phone: 216 531-5754 or 440-951-3087. (X) I------------------ | Fences - Ograje i i Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call JOKIC FENCE CO. 944-6777 Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 ____________________I CD or IRA Maturing? How About 125% 1 Year Guaranteed Principal & Interest Guaranteed Call for more details 1-330-225-1474 NO OBLIGATION Kevin Ostrowski 1-800-940-8780 •Rates subject to change Mr)avch to c^lbie s' Just a reminder that Albie Somrak will have a “March to Albie’s” on Thursday, March 30^. It’s a Slovenian buffet from 5 to 7 p.m. Featuring on his menu will be Slovenian ajmoht soup, roast beef with gravy, breaded chicken breasts and legs, Slovenian oven baked home fries, and peas and carrots. Homemade sweet rolls and butter, beverage, and apple strudel should cap the feast. Joe Novak will again be squeezing the cheese box button-box style with Slovenian tunes and nostalgic American tunes from the good old days. Last month Albie’s Place was overbooked so that a repeat performance had to be held the next Friday. Don’t be disappointed; reservations are necessary and Alberta Jarc is waiting by the telephone. Call her at (216) 289-0836. Alberta will give you instructions on how to find Albie’s Restaurant, too: 26250 Euclid Avenue (in the Euclid Medical Bldg.) in Euclid, Ohio. ,!,• Happy St. Patrick’s Pay PAT’S DELI 5204 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland 391-5600 ^ Play Lotto CHILI DOGS & CHILI Drive in - or Walk In Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water - => We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer Mihelin Travel Bureau Established in 1952 Roundtrip to LJUBLJANA From April 1 until June 12, 2000 From Cleveland and Pittsburgh - $720 From Minneapolis/Chicago/Detroit - $705 From: Denver ~ $699 From: San Francisco -- $760 Weekends and taxes are extra. Subject to availability. STAY UP TO THREE MONTHS. 4118 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 Fax: (216)431-5712 1-800-536-6865 e-mail: capybara@ix.netcom.com “Serving Customers Throughout the U.S.A. and Around the World!” A Proposed St. Vitus Village St. Vitus parish in Cleveland, Ohio, through the St. Vitus Development Corporation, is planning to meet on Monday, March 27 with Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, Diocese of Cleveland, to discuss the “St. Vitus Village,” a proposed three-story, 33 one and two-bedroom unit new building for independent senior citizen living. Pictured is the artist rendering of the front of this facility, on the comer of Glass Avenue and East 61st Street and the version of the courtyard, planned backside of the facility. This parish initiative has been in the planning stages since 1995 when St. Vitus parish purchased three parcels of land adjacent to the former St. Vitus Convent. Since the enterprise began, three additional parcels of land have been purchased. K V Uo- ilSgS5®5p. PETER J. KUHAR ACCOUNTING SERVICES INCOME TAX PREPARATION IN-HOME CONSULTATION PERSONALIZED AND CONVENIENT (440) 944-1468 29439 Woodway Drive Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 W. MAIER W i DOORS UNLIMITED J Garage door repair and re-1 ] placement. Entrance and ] | storm doors. Door openers j ] and electrical repairs. | Call (Slovenian) Walter | J Majer at 216 - 732-7100. [ * If niMJPr! 216- ! _ 'a/2 FUNERAL HOME 7Wv/ 7un.-ral ' taci,/'/ m Y^r/Aeas/ <)/>"> Family Owned and Operated Because we care... We offer our families the option ol Advance Funeral Planning • Burials/PIemorial Services • Trusts Available^ • Traditional Services a Entombments Dan Cosic, Licensed Funeral Director I* Complete Funeral Pre-Planning Cremations Itemized Pricing . immunity Rooms Available__ 440-944-8400 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were born in the month of March: 3-1 - Marijan Habjan, 78, born in Slovenia 3-1 - Joseph Kavulis, 88, born in Byesville, Ohio 3-3 - Charles Singer, 66, bom in Cleveland 3-4 - Konstancia Stungys, 84, born in Rak-iskis, Lithuania 3-5 - Dolly Allen, 87, born in Cleveland 3-11 - Irene Alexander, 77, born in Niles, Ohio 3-11 - Valerie Sternad, 83, born in Cleveland 3-17 - Josephine Skra-bec, 93, born in Pennsylvania 3-17 - Josephine Štepec, 85, born in Cleveland 3-23 - Mary Fugina, 85, born in Slovenia 3-28 - Anne Apanites, 83, born in Cleveland 3-28 - Carmen Frederico, 77, born in Cleveland 3-28 - Mary Leskovec, 90, born in Slovenia 3-31 - Mary Van, 98, bom in Slovenia. Holmes Pensioners 5 Annual Dinner-Dance The Holmes Ave. Pensioners invite everyone to their annual dinner-dance April 9 at Coilinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Avenue. Dinner is served at 2 p.m. Music for dancing by Dan Peters orchestra from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Come out and have fun and dance with all the recycled teenagers. Donation is $15. For tickets call Matt 1-400-943-3784 or Ann 1-216-531-2088 before April 2. Donation Thanks to Evelyn Pipoly of Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $10.00 with a note, “Thanks for providing us with ethnic local news.” Donation Thanks to Louise Zabukovec of Cleveland who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $20.00 donation. Cleveland Botanical Garden classes The Gardening and Greenspaces Committee of the St. Clair-Superior Neighborhood Development Association will host two Cleveland Botanical Garden classes. The first will be held on Wednesday, March 22 and will cover how to grow plants from seed. The second class will be on Wednesday, April 26 and will cover how to grow herbs. Both classes will be from 6 to 8 p.m. and are free and open to the public. St. George Lithuanian Church, and Superior has graciously allowed the use of its facilities for these classes. The Gardening and Greenspaces Committee is very excited to have this opportunity available in the community. It is our hope to promote gardening and green space use through many community-wide events. Anyone interested in being part of this committee or participating in their events, please contact Vicky at the SCSNDA office 881-0644. RETAIL/COMMERCIAL SPACE Up to 10,000 Square Feet — Can Be Divided St. Clair Ave. (Near East Side) Restoration of Historic Building in Progress ________________» Ample Parking »______________ Call 216/321-5325 Pager 216/829-8515 Pager 216/625-1934 Visit us... Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 1-440-473-4746 Office Hours - by appointment only. Saturday and evening hours available. H e also speak SLOVENIAM 1 1 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 16, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 16, 2000 In Memory Thanks to Jožefa Sommers of California who donated $36.75 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, Stanley W. Sommers. In Memory Thanks to John and Mary Obat of Cleveland who donated $10.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Obat and $10.00 in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Macek. Rudolph Frank Zelle Thursday Afternoon, April 29, 1926 f Friday Evening, March 18, 1994. Rudy, I miss you. .. --joe In Loving Memory of ANGELA PUCEL Died March 10, 1990 JOSEPH PUCEL Died April 11, 1950 EDWARD PUCEL Died March 13, 1994 SOPHIE (MAROLT) PUCEL Died June 6, 1977 Mama, Ata, Brat, in Svakinja You are loved and always will be remembered by us all. Sadly and lovingly missed by daughter and sister, granddaughter, grandson and wife, and great grandson St. Michael, PA In Memory Thanks to Diana Kozak of Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $20.00 in memory of her wonderful parents, Joseph W. and Antonia Sajovic. In Memory Thanks to Vinko Kaplan of Cleveland who renewed his subscription plus enclosed an additional $10.00 in memory of his sister Mary Semen. In Loving Memory Of the 7lh Anniversary Of Our Beloved Mother, Grandmother and Sister Josephine A. Godic (Died March 19, 1993) Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A loving heart that knew no guile. Deep trust in God that alt was right, Her joy to make some other bright. If sick or suffering one she knew. Some gentle act of love she’d do. No thought of self, but of "the other” I know He said, "Well done, Mother. ” Sadly missed by children: Rev. Frank & Roger Godic — Sons Bonnie Simmons, Clare Miller — Daughters Christina and Michelle Simmons — Grandchildren And Relatives In Loving Memory John N. Ambrosic CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovqgian Community.,,' In Memory Thanks to Ann Strasser of Hilltop Village in Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $10.00 in memory of Ivana Kodrich. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E. 152 Street Phone 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 He had a nature you could not help loving, and a heart that was purer than gold; and to those who knew him and loved him, his memory will never grow cold. Mom, Josephine son,Jason brother, Joseph and wife Pat ' and all the rest of the family Euclid, Ohio, March 9, 2000 In Memory Thanks to Jeanne Maloney who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Frank, Jennie, and Frank Lavrich. In Memory Thanks to Alice Opalich of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $100 in memory of the deceased members of her family. In Memory Thanks to Frances Godec of Cleveland, Ohio who donated $10.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Louis Godec. Donation Thanks to St. Mary’s Seniors of Collinwood, Ohio who donated $25.00 to the American Home newspaper. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zlatoper of Moreland Hills, Ohio who renewed their subscription plus enclosed a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Antonija Bucik of Norridge, Illinois who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. People over 62 are Superior Citizens Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Kmetich of Highland Hts., Ohio who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Many thanks to world travelers Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pivik of Middleburg Hts., Ohio who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Flower Power 1000 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216) 361-9909 PLACE: THECLUBOOM 6409 St. Clair (Rear) WHEN: EVERY FRIDAY (During Lent) Lunch: 11:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. Dinner: 5:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. (Take Out Available) For More Information Call: (216) 361-5115 or (216) 361-5335 Friday, March 17 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland 7:30 -11:30 p.m., featuring A1 Nowak. Sunday, March 19 Federation of Slovenian Homes Man/Woman of Year Banquet at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Main hon-orees Judge Ron Šuster and Marie Shaver. Friday, March 24 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 w. 130 St., Cleveland 7:30 -11:30 p.m., featuring Joey Tomsick. Saturday, March 25 St. Vitus Parish Women’s Day of Reflection (ages high school and up) at Notre Dame College 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call Sister Mary Avsec 361-7330. Friday, March 31 Fish Fry, Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Cost $8. Music by Wayne Tomsic from 6:30 -9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 1 St. Vitus Parish Men’s Day of Reflection (ages high school and up) at Notre Dame College from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call Sister Mary Avsec 361-7330. Sunday, April 2 Super Duper Button Box Bash XV1I1 at Slovenian Society Home (Euclid) from 1 to 9 p.m. featuring 16 button accordion groups. $6 for adults. Food and refreshments available. Youth Circle 2 Choir sings at 3. i Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina p=H= AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 16, 2000 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Marjan Podobnik obvestil Janeza Drnovška ° nameravanem izstopu SLS iz vlade po 15- aprilu in združitvi SLS s SKD Včeraj je predsednik SLS in podpredsed-nik vlade Marjan Podobnik predsednika Wade dr. Janeza Drnovška obvestil, da bo-ministri SLS z dnevom združitve s SKD izstopili iz vlade. Med sejo glavnega odbo-, ra SLS je Podobnik povedal, je Drnovška j0 izstopu obvestil potem, ko je glavni od-| k°r stranke z veliko večino glasov sprejel sklep, da podpira usklajen predlog vodstev SLS in SKD, da se združitveni kongres iz-Vede v soboto, 15. aprila. Marjan Podobnik je dejal, da vladne kri-j zaradi izstopa ministrov SLS iz vlade ne > vsaj ne v smislu nenormalnega funkcio-niranja države. Z Drnovškom sta namreč v V^rajšnjim pogovoru skupaj ugotovila, da ahko kljub izstopu SLS iz vlade poiščejo takšne rešitve, da se bodo reforme in delo Wade normalno izvajale še naprej. Tudi mi-n'stri SLS bodo naredili, kar je v njihovi tn°^> da bodo tudi po njihovem izstopu stvari v viadi funkcionirale pozitivno in ko-rcktno. Podobnik je poudaril še, da so v franki ponosni na delo SLS in njenih ministrov v vladi. Glede združitve s SKD Podobnik meni, da med strankama ne obstaja več nobeno °dPrto vprašanje, ki bi lahko preprečilo sa-m° združitev: “Tudi glede vprašanj, pri ka-jCrih stranki še nista sprejeli dokončnih od-^Cltev, recimo glede predsednika nove tranke ali imena združene stranke, smo 0*°čili načine, kako priti do rešitev.” Drnovšek o napovedanem izstopu SLS v ^rvern'er Janez Drnovšek je odgovoril na ^Prašanje, kaj bo po izstopu SLS iz vlade, d Je več možnosti: “Ena je, da bi takrat, ko se izteče mandat oz. ko nekdo izstopi iz te koalicije, šli na volitve. Ker volilna zakonodaja očitno še ne bo sprejeta, se zdi možnost predčasnih volitev majhna.” Druga možnost je, da se s parlamentarnimi strankami dogovori, da podprejo vlado v vmesnem obdobju: “Če bodo ministri ponudili izstop, potem bom moral te ministre zamenjati z drugimi, da kar bo potreben večinski dogovor v parlamentu s parlamentarnimi strankami. Takšne pogovore sem začel z dnem, ko sem dobil formalno obvestilo in ko bodo ti pogovori opravljeni s predsedniki parlamentarnih strank, bo jasno, kakšna bo vlada oz. opcija do konca mandata, do volitev.” Poročilo STA pravi: “Novo vlado bi lahko oblikovali tako, da bi jo izpopolnili s tehnično in strokovno podkovanimi ljudmi in bi do konca mandata izpeljali tekoče zadeve in del evropske zakonodaje. Manj verjetno pa je, da bi ministri ljudske stranke, če bodo 15. aprila res ponudili odstope, v vladi ostali še naslednje tri mesece, je še dejal Drnovšek.” Sinoči so člani sveta SKD na zaprti seji potrdili sklic združitvenega kongresa, ki bo v soboto, 15. aprila; dan pred tem bosta ločena kongresa SKD in SLS. Obenem je najvišji organ SKD potrdil smernice združitvenega sporazuma - te povzemajo vsebino zapisnika o t. i. soglasnem sklepu - in dopolnjen oz. usklajen sporazum o koaliciji Slovenija. “Svet krščanskih demokratov je sprejel zgodovinsko odločitev,” je po seji poudaril predsednik SKD Lojze Peterle. Tokratne seje sveta SKD se je “za krajši čas” udeležil tudi predsednik SLS Marjan Podobnik, ki je članom sveta pokazal odstopne izjave ministrov SLS in jim predstavil odpoved koalicijske pogodbe. V ZNAMENJU ZMAJEV - Dne 7. marca je bil sprevod mask po središču Ljub-Začel se je na Krekovem trgu pri Lutkovem gledališču, vodila sta ga dva zmaja. Prevod je končal pot na Kongresnem trgu, vmes pa se je ustavil pri Prešernovem 'DOtv« . pvi 11Č1 0—7 ----- ■ * en,ku (posnetek zgoraj, gledan proti Tromostovju). Sončen pustni laV' 06 mask« radovedneže tudi na mariborske ulice. Tam so bile številne maske tud, a8raiene, ker so bile mnoge izjemno duhovite, je imela ocenjevalna komisya težko delo. torek je privabil Iz Clevelanda in okolice Materinska proslava— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu bo priredila v soboto, 25. marca, ob 6.30 zv., v farni dvorani materinsko proslavo. Učenci in učiteljski zbor ter starši učencev vljudno vabijo na to vedno lepo prireditev. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Pristavskim upokojencem— Mesečni sestanek Kluba pristavskih upokojencev bo v sredo, 22. marca, pop. ob 1.30, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vsi člani in članice prisrčno vabljeni. Seja— Klub upokojencev New-burg-Maple Hts. ima mesečno sejo v sredo, 22. marca, ob 12. uri opoldne v SND na E. 80. St. Članstvo lepo vabljeno. Izredna podpora— G. John Goričan, Richmond Hts., O., je ob obnovi naročnine poklonil še $170 v podporo listu. Najlepša hvala! Novi grobovi Eleanor T. Fabian Dne 11. marca je umrla Eleanor T. Fabian, rojena Melgun, vdova po Louisu, mati Roberta, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Agnes Kuchta in že pok. Edmunda. Pogreb je bil 15. marca s pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Edward J. Marinič Dne 17. februarja je umrl Edward J. Marinič, mož Helen, roj. Janša, oče Thomasa, Mary Ann Herrmann, Donne in že pok. Edwarda ml., 10-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila v cerkvi sv. Vida 11. marca. Donald R. Gress Umrl je 35 let stari Donald R. Gress iz Mentorja, prej živeč v Euclidu, mož Mary, roj. Vihtelic, oče Donalda in Mikayle, sin Donalda in Mary, brat Mary Cirelli, Michelle Or-licki, Pamele in Paula. Pogreb je bil 11. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Bede the Venerable v Mentorju in pokopom na pokopališču Mentor. Primorski večer— Primorski klub vabi na svoj “Primorski večer” v soboto, 8. aprila, v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričel se bo ob 6h zv. s kulturnim programom, po katerem bo večerja in nato ples. Več informacij v dopisu na str. 9, pokličete lahko za rezervacije vstopnic ($20) 216-692-1069 ali 440-516-0121. Zanimiva predstava— Sinoči je August B. Pust govoril o programih, ki jih ima oz. podpira država Ohio za izobraževanje menedžerjev v nevladnih organizacijah v Sloveniji in tudi v drugih državah v srednji in vzhodni Evropi. Z njim je bilo tudi več predstavnikov organizacij, ki te programe izvajajo. V kratkem gre v Slovenijo skupino teh ljudi, med njimi je tudi g. Pust, seminar bo izvajan v Ljubljani 23.-25. marca za od 60 do 100 udeležencev. Navzoč je bil še konzul Anton Gogala, ki bo v naslednji od te serije predstav 12. aprila govoril o delu in pristojnostih konzulata Slovenije v Clevelandu. Udeležba sinoči je bila kar dobra. Zahvala— Odbor Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu se zahvaljuje vsem dobrotnikom, ki so se odzvali prošnji za podporo. Nabirka za leto 1999 /2000 je lepo uspela. Vsak dodaten dar (samo v čeku) se lahko pošlje na naslov Slov. šole, c/o 6625 Great Oaks Parkway, Independence, OH 44131. Spominski darovi— Ga. Jožefa Sommers, Kalif., je darovala $36.75 v pomoč listu, v spomin na moža Stanleyja. Ga. Maria Lajner, Midland, Ont., je poklonila $35, v spomin moža Franceta. Ga. Ann Strasser, Euclid, O., je darovala $10, v spomin prijateljice Ivane Kodrich. Ga. Jeanne Malonej je darovala $20 v spomin Franka, Jennie, in Franka Lavricha. G. in ga. Stane Kuhar, Wick-liffe, O., sta darovala $20, v spomin Josepha Ambrosi-ca. Ga. Ivanka Kete je darovala $10 v spomin moža Jožeta za njegov godovni dan. Hvala vsem! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/381-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $160 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly lor $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send acftslress changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair A'ie., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 10 Thursday, March 16, 2000 Strokovno izpopolnjevanje učiteljic in učiteljev iz ZDA in Kanade Sledeče sporočilo nam je posredoval g. Anton Gogala, konzul /RepabUke Slovenije v Clevelandu s prošnjo za objavo. Ur. AD Spoštovani, Sporočamo vam, da bomo avgusta 2000 nadaljevali s strokovnim izpopolnjevanjem za učiteljice in učitelje slovenskega jezika in kulture iz ZDA in Kanade, ki ga bosta pripravila in financirala Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport ter Urad RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve. Strokovno izpopolnjevanje bo potekalo predvidoma v času med 18. in 27. avgustom 2000, udeleži pa se ga lahko skupno 18-20 udeležencev iz obeh držav. Vsi zainteresirani naj ob prijavi za strokovno izpopolnjevanje navedejo: rojstni datum, formalna izobrazba, naslov, telefon, dosedanje delo na področju poučevanja slovenščine, naziv šole, kjer poučujejo, koga poučujejo, kakšno znanje imajo učenci, katere učbenike uporabljajo za delo ter motiv za udeležbo na tovrstnem izobraževanju. V kolikor bo število prijav preseglo največje možno število udeležencev, bodo imeli prednost tisti, ki se prijavljajo prvič. Prijave nam, prosimo, pošljite najkasneje do 3. maja 2000 na naslov: MZZ, Urad RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu: Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Urad RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Gregorčičeva 25 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Fax (iz ZDA): 011-386-61-1782296 Prosimo vas, da učitelje tudi obvestite, da si bodo morali 20% stroškov letalske vozovnice kriti sami, vse ostalo - stroške bivanja, strokovnega programa in 80% letalske karte (ekonomski razred) - krijeta organizatorja. Letalske karte si morajo udeleženci priskrbeti sami, Urad pa bo denarna sredstva nakazal na veleposlaništvo. Min. za šolstvo in šport Min. za zunanje zadeve Urad RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in svet Alenka Taštanoska Mihaela Logar Državna sekretarka Državna sekretarka Življenjska pot Srečka Gaserja (ob 70-letnici)^ Med zavednimi Slovenci v Clevelandu, ki obiskujejo slovenske igre, koncerte in druge kulturne, družbene in dobrodelne prireditve verjetno ni nikogar, ki bi ne poznal delavnega in vedno veselega Srečka Gaserja. O njegovi življenjski poti pa vseeno vemo zelo malo ali skoraj nič. Zato je prav, da jo ob njegovi 70-letnici vsaj na kratko opišemo. Srečko se je rodil 14. marca 1930. na Jesenicah. Oče Albin je bil tovarniški delavec in aktiven v delavskih organizacijah, kjer si je prizadeval za izboljšanje delavskih razmer, mati Francka pa je vzorno skrbela za družino. Komaj 15-leten je moral tudi Srečko skupaj z družino zapustiti domače ognjišče, saj se je takrat razlila preko naše ljube Slovenije krvava komunistična poplava. Najprej se je skupaj s kakimi 15.000 drugimi Slovenci znašel na Vetrinjskem polju, potem pa je preživel štiri leta v begunskem taborišču Špittal. Slovenci so tudi v taboriščih uživali sloves kot ena najbolje organiziranih narodnostnih skupin. Razvili so verske ustanove in društva, razmnoževali svoje liste in glasila, ustanavljali pevske zbore in športne in dra-matske klube in iz nič ustvarili tudi taboriščne šole in med slednjimi razmeroma odlično gimnazijo. Salezijanci in drugi duhovniki, bivši profesorji, kot dr. Marko Bajuk, učitelji in zavzeti prosvetni delavci so znali tudi v najskromnejših razmerah ustvariti bogato razvejane kulturne dejavnosti. In v vse to se je med svojim petnajstim in devetnajstim letom veselo in navdušeno vključil tudi mnogo obetajoči mladenič Srečko. Postal je igralec pri igrah, korajžni golman nogometnega kluba, izvabljal je melodije iz z vodo do različnih višin napolnjenih steklenic in zelo rad je igral na kitaro. Bivši taboriščniki se še danes radi spominjajo teh let: hudo je bilo, a vendar lepo. Leta 1949. je Argentina med prvimi sprejemala begunce in tam so po enomesečni vožnji z ladjo pristali tudi Gaserjevi. Poleg vseh drugih težav, ki jih mora prenašati begunec in domala vsak novi priseljenec so bili Gaserjevi še posebno preizkušani. Oče Albin je zbolel za tuberkulozo, mati Francka pa je bila noseča s četrtim otrokom. Prve tri tedne so preživeli v natrpani skupni hiši v Buenos - Airesu, potem pa sot se izselili v 400 milj oddaljeno1 Cordobo, kjer je bilo podnebje bolj zdravo kot v velemestu. Srečko se je zaposlil v tovarni in pomagal družini preko začetnih težav. Brat Miha je bil za silo preskrbljen v semenišču, sestra Magda pa je našla delo v bolnici. Čez šest mesecev po prihodu v Argentino je mati Francka povila še hčerkico Metko. Očetova bolezen pa se je neusmilijeno slabšala in eno leto po naselitvi v Argentino ga je pobrala kruta jetika, ki se ji je pridružil še rak v grlu. Srečko je skušal biti toliko bolj v pomoč in oporo materi vdovi. Ukaželjen, se je pozneje pri slovenskem mojstru g. Jazbecu izučil še za urarja. Že v taborišču se je naš jubilant spoznal z zalo mladenko Heleno Arnež in se v njo zaljubil. Leta 1955. je to mlado izvoljenko, ki je medtem postala ameriška državljanka, povabil v Argentino. Res je prišla na obisk, a zdelo se ji je, da bi se težko privadila na življenje v Argentini. Vrnila se je v Cleveland, kjer se je 5. novem-(daije na itr. 9) Srečku Gaserju za 70-letnico Minilo let je sedemkrat deset, odkar prišel naš Srečko je na svet. Če je prijokal, ali se je prismejal, to je vprašanje zgodovine. Kdor Srečka pa je kdaj poznal, ta ve, da smeh njegov nikdar ne mine. Še več, bolj kakor nahod nalezljiv , ta Srečkov smeh je vedno j bil. Mar kdo med nami ne pozna resnice, da jubilant naš zna vse vice? Kjer Srečko je, pač srečen je in z njim se rado smeje | vse. A ni le komik, je igralec, režiser, predsednik, pravi rekorder Na odru je najbolj doma: j z njim vsak se smeje 'd srca! Kako je srečna Lilija, da v svojih vrstah ga ima-Še več! Krščanske vodi demokrata: rdeče pa preganja škrata V nedeljo pa ta grča čila : prebira sveta nam berila. Takrat je vedno vzorno resen, obred olepša nam slovese^1 Ko zunaj spet srečaš ga, spet dobrodušno se smehlja. Morda zaslišiš njegov klic: “Še kdo ne ve za tisti via ko polž čez mejo je ušel’ da svojo hišico pred komunistično zaplembo bi otel?" Gara veliko Srečko naš za res in pa za kratek nikdar ne gleda on na ur°' ko treba je storiti to M ono za kulturo. Naš srečni Srečko ženko dražestno ima, Helenco blago, dobrega srca. Vzgojila sta Andreja in Tomaža, Jožeta, a hči je zala Monika- ( Kako je lepa ta družin^' ♦ ♦♦ Zdaj, ko je dočaka! sreč1** let, si jubilant naš sedemkrat deset, Bog daj, da zdrav nam vedno J in šal imel boš polni k1 Da njivo narodno še dolgo skupaj bi °rl in Bogu in slovenstva vse, kar zmoremo. (dalje na str. 9) Življenjska pot (nadaljevanje s str. 8) bra 1955. njena sestra (in dvojčica) Pavla poročila z Ivanom Hauptmanom. Dne 22. novembra 1956. sta dobremu vzgledu Pavle in Ivana sledila tudi Helena in Srečko. Ženin se je preselil v Cleveland, kjer sta si s Heleno v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete obljubila večno zvestobo. Poročil ju je preč. g. Jože Varga, go-I stijo pa sta imela že v novi Hauptmanov! hiši. Srečo se je hitro vživel v ameriške razmere in v slovensko skupnost v Clevelandu. Službo je dobil Pfi Case Manufacturing tvrdki, kjer je delal njegov svak Ivan, Helena pa je bila zaposlena pri General Electric. Oba sta se pridružila pevskemu zboru Korotan. Srečko se je tudi takoj pridružil dramatskemu društvu Lilija”, kjer že polnih 44 let plodno sodeluje kot odbornik, igralec in režiser, od njegovim predsedstvom je ta zaslužna organizacija lani praznovala 80-letnico Plodnega delovanja v Cle-Velandu, gostovala pa je večkrat tudi v Torontu in drugod. Srečo je že od mladi let tudi navdušen za glas l^0- Leta 1957. se je tak pridružil orkestru Marjan Tonklija. Igrali so za pore ke in plese. Leta 1963. s 2ačeli kot “Veseli Slovenci 'Stati z Dušanom Marši CeiT>- Postali so celo hišr orkester v znani restavraci H°fbrau haus”, igrali si Oktobcrskem festivalu anadi in nastopili tudi S'oveniji. °S je mlad Gaserjev pa tudi s štirim timi in zdravimi otroci ^sinovi Tomažem, Jožeton Andrejem in hčerki ^On'ko. Medtem sta si n- ^nim delom in varčeva J 01 Postavila lep don ^anptmanovih. Za edno sta vzorno skrbel; ob VZ®01° sv°jih otrok ir jj ' 0stala zelo aktivna tu km V .Slovenski vcrski ir Se Ulrni topnosti. Helene Sc danes hvaležno spo učenrJ0 • niCni nekdanj dno C' *n u^enke kot izrc-Uči ,Vestne in priljubljene ski .J1Ce'vrtnarice v Sloven-v‘ So'i v župniji Marije Povzete V , ■ fari ^ ^e'oei slovenski po,’ k* j° 2elo sposobno in j.l^tVovalno vodi g. župnik inn^z Kumše, sta Srečko sl«elena zelo aktivna. V 1 Pa jc Srečo leta Srečka Gaserja 1985. postal inšpektor, deset let pozneje pa je stopil v zasluženi pokoj. Seveda se mu še vedno ne manjka dela, saj je med drugim tudi zdaj še zelo aktiven kot režiser in predsednik pri Liliji. S Heleno pa prebijeta preneko srečno urico tudi z vnuki in vnukinjami; Rachel, Ano, Kati, Jakobom, Lukom in Natašo. Srečkotu smo hvaležni za njegovo tako požrtvovalno in uspešno kulturno delo. Dragi Srečko, ob Tvoji sedemdesetletnici Ti iskreno čestitamo in prosimo Boga, naj Ti v krogu družine, sodelavcev in prijateljev nakloni še dolgo vrsto zdravih, srečnih in plodnih let. Bog Te živi še na mnoga leta! Prijatelji Srečku Gaserju za 70-letnico (nadaljevanje s str. 8) še dolgo, dolgo skupaj bi dajali! Zahvaljen, Ti garač naš vnet! Bog živi te še mnogo let! Tvoji hvaležni sodelavci in prijatelji OBVESTILO za ameriške lastnike podržavljenega premoženja v Sloveniji Sedaj so možne pritožbe na evropsko sodišče za člo-vekove pravice v Bruslju. Pritožijo naj se le tisti lastniki, ki so svojo vlogo že vložili na pristojnih uradih v Sloveniji in še niso prejeli odgovora oziroma je bil odgovor odklonilen. Za potrebne obrazce se obrnite na; Vladislav Bevc American Owners of Property in Slovenia P.O. Box 561 San Ramon, CA 94583 tel.: 925-837-7612 fax: 925-362-9719 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO S i E VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Primorski klub vabi na svoj “Primorski večer” CLEVELAND, O. - Slovensko ameriški Primorski klub vabi na svoj letošnji “Primorski večer”, ki bo v soboto, 8. aprila, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Pričel se bo ob 6h zvečer, vstopnice so pa po $20. Za rezervacije in več informacij, pokličite ali Silvo Ramšak na 216-692-1069 ali Sabino Milavec na 440-516-0121. Posebnost letošnjega sicer vedno veselega večera bo nastop dveh kulturnikov iz Slovenije. Na začetku večera bo nastopila s posebnim programom igralka Saša Pavček, letošnja prejemka ene od Prešernovih nagrad. Podala bo v primorskem narečju serijo humorističnih predstav. Saša Pavčkova je od leta 1985 članica Slovenskega narodnega gledališča in je nastopila tudi v mnogih filmih in televizijskih oddajah. Vlado Kreslin je v Sloveniji zelo znan in priljubljen pevec folklornih pesmi. Doma je s Prekmurja in nastopa po Evropi ter gostoval tudi v Avstraliji. Oba umetnika bosta nastopila tudi 7. aprila v SKC v Lemontu in 9. aprila v dvorani pri sedežu SNPJ v Imperialu, Pa. Na Primorskem večeru bo po nastopu servirana večerja v družinskem stilu, za ples in zabavo bo pa igral Stan Mejačev orkester. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & K. 222nd Sl. — Euclid, Ohio Zahvala Dramskega društva LILIJA Cleveland, O. - Lepo je in tudi spodobi se, da se človek zahvali tistemu, ki mu je kakorkoli pomagal pri kaki stvari ali delu. Zato je prav, da se Dramsko društvo “LILIJA” zahvali na tem mestu vsem, ki so tako velikodušno pomagali pri lepem uspehu naše nagradne maškarade. Na prvem mestu gre zahvala ge. Julki Zalar, ki je s svojimi pomočnicami pripravila res dobro večerjo, in pa točajema Rudiju in Tonetu, da smo to dobro večerjo pošteno zalili. Zahvala gre tudi vsem, ki so pomagali pri okrasu dvorane in pri vpisovanju maškar, kakor tudi sodnikom, ki so maškare ocenjevali. To ni bila lahka naloga in je vedno kaj nevšečnosti zraven. Tudi “Godci” so poskrbeli za dobro voljo, da so lahko plesalci prišli na svoj račun. Velika zahvala gre vsem obiskovalcem in gostom naše maškarade. Največja pa našim pustnim šemam in maskam. Lepo število jih je bilo, dejal bi, da jih je vsako leto nekaj več. Letos je bilo nekaj novega. Za “kurente” vemo že vsi, prav tako za “zelenega Jurija” - letos so se pa predstavili prvič tako-zvani “škoromati”. Odkod to ime ne bom na dolgo razlagal. Ena razlaga je, da pride iz staronemške besede “skar-wachta”, kar pomeni ljuda straža. Druga je iz latinščine “scaraman-gum”, ki pomeni širok vojaški plašč ali ogrinjalo, ki pokrije celo telo. Te vrste maškare danes nastopajo v Podgradu in Hrušici na Primorskem. Ponavadi je to nekakšen sprevod po vaseh, v kateri nastopa do petnajst različnih mask. Na naši maškaradi so se predstavili trije: “Zgončar”, ki je imel koničasto kapo, narejeno iz klobuka, na njem obroč in nanje pritrjene pokoncu štiri ali pet palic ovite z rdečo svilo in vanje nataknjene umetne rože iz papirja. Kapa ima potem zadaj še trakove iste barve kot rože. Na sebi je imel narobe obrnjen ovčji kožuh in obešenih za pas večje število zvoncev; tudi čez rame jih je imel in enega velikega v roki. Nosil je bele hlače in rdeče nogavice. Na naši maškaradi ga je upodobil Erik Kobal. Druga šema se imenuje “U cunjah”. Na srajco in hlače prišijejo čim več trakov različnih barv in tudi na pokrivalo tako, da pokrivajo cel obraz. Taka obleka je splošno znana kot obleka “Harlekina” o-sebe iz beneškega gledališča. Tu so jo predstavile ga. Marija Sedmak in njena hčerka Kristina. Povedala mi je, da ji je vzelo kar precej ur, da so vse te trakove prišile na obleko. Tretja šema pa je bila “Fant u belmi”. Je to fant oblečen v bele hlače z rdečo črto ob strani, čez telo pa ima spuščeno rjuho, ki je na sprednji strani zašita tako, da le obraz gleda skozi. Na vrhu je rjuha zvezana skupaj, povrhu vsega pa je še brezova metla, ki je okrašena z umetnimi rožami. Na obrazu ima leseno masko, v roki pa ukrivljeno palico. Kaj ta šema pomeni, ne vedo natanko. Zgodovinarjem se zdi, da pomeni to viteza s perjanico na čeladi. Izviralo naj bi to še iz časov, ko je bil v Podgradu grad in z njim povezani vitezi. Tu ga je upodobil Sedmakov Edi. Velika večina obskovalcev naše maškarade teh šem ni še nikoli videla in je prav, da se to objavi, kaj pomenijo in iz katerih krajev izhajajo. Menda so se v domovini sedaj že parkrat predstavili v Ptuju, kjer imajo pustne šeme svoj festival. Upam, da se bodo med nami še kdaj pokazale, da nam bodo v dobro voljo in pa da tako obdržimo naše narodne običaje. Hvala vam vsem! Lilijaš KOLEDAR MAREC 19. - Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov ima letni banket ob počastitvi možev in žena leta, v SND na St. Clair Ave. APRIL 8. Primorski klub ima vsakoletni “Primorski večer” v SND na St. Clairju. Pričetek ob 6h zv. Igral bo Stan Mejačev orkester. 8.-15. - Slovenska skupnost v New Yorku ima smučarski izlet v Whistler Mtn., B.C., Kanada. Tel.: I. Kamin: 718-424-2711. 16. - Kosilo v podporo (dalje na sir. II) SVETOVNI SLOVENSKI KONGRES SPOROČILO domači in mednarodni javnosti o slovenskem holokavstu Svetovni slovenski kongres, kot predstavnik slovenske civilne družbe, je ob ustanovitvi pred desetimi leti upravičeno pričakoval, da se bodo - oblikovale in uveljavile temeljne civilizacijske vrednote v novi slovenski državi. Med neurejenimi problemi je bil in je polstoletni odnos slovenskih oblasti do žrtev in posledic slovenskega holokavsta, ki ga je po 9. maju 1945. leta izvedla slovenska totalitarna komunistična partija. Njeni nasledniki nasprotujejo nepristranskemu urejanju tega dolgoletnega zanikanja pravic tisočerih po vojni umorjenih Slovencev in njihovih preživelih svojcev. Ob tej ugotovitvi pozdravljamo januarsko poslansko pobudo primi Majde Zbačnik in sklep Vlade RS, sprejet na pobudo slovenske stranke v začetku februarja, o pospešitvi urejanja statusa žrtev množičnih povojnih pobojev. Pričakujemo, da bodo ti sklepi Vlade čimprej uresničeni s sprejetjem zakona v Državnem zboru. Slovenska civilna družba je pričakovala spravna dejanja, pokop žrtev, izdajo mrliških listov in vrnitev dolga človečnosti slovenskega naroda. Namesto tega smo priča poskusom, da bi zločinsko ravnanje takratne partijske oblasti z njihovimi političnimi nasprotniki prikazali kot legitimno in legalno kaznovanje in ga izenačili z ravnanjem zmagovitih zaveznikov po drugi svetovni vojni. V svojem nastopu, dne 27. januarja 2000, na mednarodni konferenci o holokavstu v Stockholmu je predsednik Republike Slovenije, g. Milan Kučan obsodil holokavst, ki sta ga povzročila totalitarna režima fašizma in nacizma. Pokazal je na dejstvo, da se v mnogih državah sveta še vedno niso soočili z lastno (pro)fašistič-no ali (pro)-nacistično preteklostjo in na potrebo po takem soočenju. Komunistični totalitarizem, ki je v svoji dolgi zgodovini povzročil toliko svojevrstnih holokavstov, je zatajil. Zatajil je trpljenje in razdejanje, ki ga je povzročal komunistični režim v slovenski družbi, in naš tragični slovenski holokavst. Ni priznal, da se v naši državi prav zaradi obnašanja naših oblasti še nismo soočili, z dejstvi naše preteklosti. Konferenca v Stockholmu •J je bila forum, na katerem bi predsednik naše države mogel in moral v imenu slovenske države izreči obžalovanje za vse nasilje slovenske partije, katere zadnji formalni predsednik je bil, za povojne zločine in za dolgoletno barbarsko preziranje dostojanstva teh žrtev in pravic njihovih svojcev. Še več. Poleg drugih zavajanj v svojem govoru je predsednik Republike Slovenije, g. Milan Kučan v Stockholmu v nasprotju z zgodovinskimi dejstvi in z mnenjem velikega dela slovenskega naroda napačno obvestil mednarodno javnost. Namesto, da bi povedal resnico in poiskal podporo za odpravo posledic slovenskega holokavsta, je svetu zatrdil, da je partijska oblast v tedanji Sloveniji po 9. maju 1945 ravnala v skladu z določili Potsdam- Dr. Jože Jančar V torek, 14. marca, je v Bristolu v Angliji po težki bolezni umrl dr. Jože Jančar, slovenski zdravnik-znanstvenik, v starosti 80 let. (Op. ur. AD: Bralci se ga bodo morda spominjali po daljšem članku o njem. ki je bil objavljen v AD 10. februarja letos.) Rojen je bil 23. maja 1919 v Žalni na Dolenjskem. Medicino je študiral v Ljubljani in Gradcu in dokončal na Irskem. V Angliji se je posvetil znanstvenim raziskavam na področju psihiatrije. Napisal je več knjig in mnogo znanstvenih razprav, za kar je dosegel več visokih odlikovanj. Pokojni dr. Jože Jančar ima velike zasluge, da je po vojni mnogo begunskih študentov moglo študirati na univerzi v Gradcu. V Angliji zapušča ženo Marijo, hčerko Sonjo in sinova Jožeta in Martina, ter štiri vnuke; v Sloveniji sestro Pavlo in v ZDA pa sestro Marijo, poročeno Kompare. Mnogi, ki so ga poznali, ga bodo ohranili v posebno hvaležnem in lepem spominu, zlasti številni nekdanji slovenski begunski študenti iz Gradca, saj je bil pokojni Jože njihov prvi predstavnik pri taboriščni upravi ip na univerzi. skega sporazuma. Ob dejstvu, da je bila večina nasprotnikov režima pomorjena pred 17. julijem 1945, ko se je Potsdamska konferenca šele začela, in ob dejstvu, da so potsdamski dokumenti izrecno nalagali dolžnost vodenja pravnih postopkov zoper morebitne zločince, so tovrstna izvajanja g. Kučana nekorektna obrazložitev mednarodno uveljavljenega pojmovanja zločina in kazni. Spričo še vedno pristojnega revolucionarnega sovraštva do drugače mislečih Slovencev je tako izvajanje predsednika slovenske države v mednarodni javnosti nesprejemljivo in žali človeško dostojanstvo slovenskih žrtev komunizma in njihovih družin. Svetovni slovenski kongres kot civilno društvo zavedajoč se svoje odgovornosti do slovenske države in družbe, (dalje na str. 11) m C/o lovenska _ isarna o T'other 216-361-1603 Fax: 216-361-1608 c/o Sl. Vitus Church 6 J 04 Glass A ve. Cleveland, OH 44103 Slovenska pisarna sporoča, da sta telefon in fax že izključena, to zaradi selitve v začasne prostore dvorane pod cerkvijo Sv. Vida. Za vse želje in potrebe kličite na dom Antona Oblaka in sicer na tel./fax: 216-461-9150. Naslov pisarne ostane isti kot doslej, ker gre vsa pošta na župnišče Sv. Vida. Zopet imamo manjšo zalogo angleško-slovenskih in slo-vensko-angleških slovarjev, Hermanov dosje, avtor Aleksander Bajt, za katerega smo dobili sporočilo, da je pred kratkim umrl. Pisarna ima še štiri izvode knjige Luč vere za novo tisočletje, z barvastimi slikami, ob priliki obiska papeža Janeza Pavla II. in beatifikacije Antona Martina Slomška. Na razpolago je tudi še nekaj drugih knjig, o katerih smo na tem mestu od časa do časa pisali. Če se za katero teh zanimate, pokličite. Lep pozdrav, za Slovensko pisarno Anton Oblak Kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji? Berite Ameriško Domovino in boste vedno zelo na tekočem! NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z globoko žalostjo v srcu naznanjamo vsem prijateljem in znancem, da se je po dolgi in težki bolezni 19. decembra 1999 poslovil od nas ljubi mož, oče, stari oče, prastari oče, brat in stric 1923 1999 Jože Smolič Pokojni je bil rojen 10. oktobra 1923 na Dobrovi pri Dobrniču, kjer je preživel otroška leta. Bil je domobranec in se je maja 1945 z drugimi domobranci podal v Avstrijo. Po božji previdnosti je ostal živ in je v taboriščih Lienz in Spittal preživel štiri leta. Julija 1949. leta je prišel v Združene države in se naselil v Clevelandu. Zaposlen je bil kot strojnik do leta 1964, potem pa lastnik “Smolič Machines”. Pokojni Jože je bil faran cerkve sv. Kristine v Euclidu. Bil je član društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ, društva Tabor, član Lilije in Slovenske pristave. Pogreb pokojnega je bil 23. decembra 1999 iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev sv. Kristine in nato na pokopališče Vernih duš v Chardonu, Ohio. Najlepša hvala osebju pogrebnega zavoda za vzorno vodstvo pogreba. Iskrena hvala g. župniku Franku Sterku za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, za darovano pogrebno sv. mašo in molitve na pokopališču. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo pevcem in pevkam cerkve sv. Kristine za njihovo lepo petje ph pogrebni sv. maši. Hvala članom društva Tabor in Lilije za molitve ob krsti. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste se prišli poslovit od pokojnega Jožeta, darovali cvetje, za sv. maše in v dobrodelne namene. Posebno se zahvaljujemo za mašni plašč, darilo Franka in Marije Hren. Zahvala č.g. Ivanu Lavrihu za molitve in darovano sv. mašo. Prav lepa hvala nosilcem krste in vsem, ki ste nas spremljali na zadnji pot' pokojnega. Prisrčna hvala ge. Julki Zalar in njenim pomočnicam za dobro pripravljeno pogrebščino. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, za katere smo imeli naslove, če kdo take kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to javno zahvalo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. Dragi Jože, počivaj v miru in naj ti bo lahka ameriška zemlja! Za vsa tvoj# dobra dela naj ti bo Bog dober plačnik! Tvoji žalujoči; žena Štefka sinova: Joe z ženo Sally; Emil z ženo Margo vnuki in vnukinje: Joe, Chris, Stepnani, Jason in Melissa pravnukinji: Lindsy in Loren ! sestra Marija in drugo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Slovensko olimpijsko odštevanje do Sydneyja... \ Psiholog razmišlja Dr. Hubert Požarnik Od violine do harmonike Naučimo se ravnati s stresom in spet nazaj. Tako lahko začnemo, nekoliko nenavadno, zgodbo o olimpijskem nastopu enega najbolj znanih slovenskih atletov Marka Račiča, ki bo konec aprila slavil osemdesetletnico. Še vedno je čil in zagnan ter tesno povezan z atletskim u-tripom pri nas. Atletiko je pač spoznal v vseh plati - kot tekmovalec, trener, zvezni kapetan, organizacijski delavec in sodnik, zadnja leta pa velja njegova skrb tudi zbiranju in razvrščanju atletskih rezultatov. __________ ♦ Pravkar je pripravil obsežen seznam petdeseterice najboljših v Sloveniji vseh časov in razvoj slovenskega rekorda v vseh disciplinah -; dragoceno gradivo, po katerem bodo radi segali vsi, ki jih kraljica športov še posebej zanima. Olimpijski nastop leta 1948 je bil vrhunec moje I tariere, četi di v Londonu nisem dosegi I kakega pose-i bnega rezultata. V teku na 400 m sem sicer precej za-°stal za dotelj najboljšo 2namko, ki je bila sekundo P°d 50,0, a sem se vseeno Uvrstil v četrtfinale, med 24 najboljših, s štafeto 4 x 400 m pa smo dosegli 12. čas. Gotovo bi bilo zame bolj®, ko ne bi bil poslušal nasveta - češ, začni na vso ^oč, pa bo, kar bo, kajti , tako sem se v začetku za-1 res držal slovitega Jamajča-na McKenleyja (nazadnje je 0sv°jil srebro), na zadnjih sl° metrih pa me je pov-Sem zmanjkalo. Toda v ta- jsvn Sporočilo SSK (nadaljevanje s str. 10) Protestira zoper takšno zlo-^ ° roednarodnih srečanj. vsem spoštovanjem dc nJnkcije predsednika države , Stoječl na naših držav-Junskih odgovornostih in takiV'Cah protestiramo Proti funk1- Z*orakarn državnih Slovenska in mednarodna nier°St rnorata biti na pri-p^.61"1 način in po ustrezni s'oveni6209^609 Z dejStV' •p0 . e Povojne tragedije. staijx! V Skladu s sprejetim Cern na konferenci v ^kh°lmu' treba l^v ° °bravnavati vse holo-|oš|Jte.ter v današnji tehno-zacj.. in o^onomski globali- a'obalizt? Sp°dbuditi tudi t uoijo in uveljavitev dn^eljnih civilizacijskih vre-^ ot 'n meril. Ljubljana, 4. marec 2000 ^Pravni odbor Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa dr. Jože Bernik predsednii kratnem navdušenju zaradi prvega olimpijskega nastopa po 2. svetovni vojni smo se pač vsi hoteli še posebej izkazati in "je veljal predvsem - pogum.” Zdaj je tudi že čas, da pojasnimo naslov. Marko Račič je ve London namreč odpotoval s harmoniko in kar precejšen del časa v olimpijski vasi (to so bile nekakšne paviljonske barake -britanskega letalstva v West Draytonu) zabaval tovariše s svojim bogatim repertoarjem, ki so mu vsi radi pritegnili s pesmijo. Sicer pa je bila harmonika že drugi Markov inštrument. Majprej se je izpopolnjeval na violini, k njej se je spet vrnil sedaj, ko se je tudi njegova 12-letna vnukinja Maruška odločila zanjo. Pri tem jo tudi sam spodbuja z igranjem. “London je bil za vse nas veliko doživetje. Razdalje so se nam zdele velikanske (in so za naše razmere tudi bile), tekmovati in spremljati tekmovanja je bil izjemen užitek. Živeli smo seveda skromno, vendar je bila kljub povojnemu pomanjkanju tudi hrana kar na ravni, četudi večinoma iz konzerv. Spominjam se, da so nam za vsak primer dali s seboj tudi nekaj velikih škatel salam. Ker ni bilo potrebe, smo jih odprli šele pri koncu in ugotovili, da so se zaradi velike vročine, ki je vladala med igrami, pokvarile -- čisto plesnive so postale,” pripoveduje sogovornik. Marko Račič se je pred potjo na igre z reprezentanco pripravljal v domači Ljubljani, sicer pa je bil član beograjskega Partizana. Tako je imel med olimpijci mnogo znancev. Njegov sošolec Ciril Pelhan je uspešno nastopal v plavanju (s štafeto 4 x 200 m prosto je prav tako kot Tone Cerer v prsnem slogu osvojil peto mesto, kar sta bili najboljši slovenski uvrstitvi), poznal je telovadce in telovadke (v jugoslovanski Vsaka čustvena napetost ni škodljiva. Drugače je, če so neprijetna čustv, na primer jeza, strah, žalost zelo močna, prepogosta ali dolgotrajna. Tedaj govorimo o stresu, to je o pretirani in škodljivi duševni ter telesni obremenitvi človeka. Posledice so lahko psihosomatske motnje in bolezni, med katere sodijo povišan krvni pritisk, motnje delovanja srca, čir na želodcu in dvanajsterniku, prebavne in presnovne motnje, kroničen glavobol, nespečnost itd. Ljudje se ločimo po tem, koliko stresa prenesemo brez večjih težav. Nekateri med nami imajo prislovično “debelo kožo”, medtem ko so drugi bolj krhki. Vendar velja za vse, da lahko izboljšamo svoje stresno vedenje, če se držimo naslednjih nasvetov: 1. - Ne izpostavljajmo se brez potrebe stresom. Zato pretehtajmo svoje osebne stresne situacije in ugotovimo, kaj nas vedno znova vznemiri. Potem kot enkrat vemo, kateri ljudje, okoliščine ali pogovori nam gredo posebno na živce, ni nobenega pametnega razloga več, da se jim ne bi - če se le da - izognili. 2. - Vedno skrbno premislimo, ali nismo sami povod za to, da se pogosto znajdemo v stresni situaciji. Častihlepnost, zagrizena tekmovalnost, precenjevanje svojih sposobnosti in pretirana ambicioznost, nesposobnost sodelovanja z drugimi ljudmi, nestrpnost, oblastiželjnost, prepirljivost in nespravljivost, ljubosumnost ali neosnovani občutki manjvrednosti, krivde, ogroženosti in zapostavljenosti nam zanesljivo ne prinašajo duševnega miru. 3. - Strokovnjaki štejejo za posebno obremenjujoče zlasti naslednje stresne situacije (razvrščene so po težavnosti): smrt otroka, zakonca ali staršev, smrt brata ali sestre, pogosti prepiri v zakonu, razveza zakona, izguba službe, dolgotrajna bolezen, upokojitev, pogostni prepiri s sodelavci ali sosedi, veliki dolgovi in sprememba kraja bivanja. Če nas doleti dvoje ali celo troje in več teh stvari v enem letu, smo resno zdravstveno ogroženi. V tem primeru moramo nujno nekaj storiti, da zmanjšamo notranjo napetost. 4. - Ne računajmo, da se bomo otresli med dopustom, kar se je nabiralo v nas vse leto. Počitnice prinašajo navadno le nove strese. Zdravniki vedo povedati tudi, da je vse prej kot zdravo, če si skušamo, kadar smo pod močnim stresom, naložiti konec tedna pretirane telesne napore. Mnogo bolje je omiliti negativna čustva sproti z raznimi vajami sproščanja, sprehodi, s pomočjo prijetne družbe ali pogovorov o problemih in stiskah, ki nas tarejo, z nekom, ki je življenjsko izkušen, kateremu zaupamo in za katerega vemo, da nam iskreno želi pomagati. 5. - Če ne vidimo nobenih možnosti, da bi se izognili stresni situaciji, potem skušajmo spremeniti svoje poglede in stališča. To pomeni: ne želimo si vsake stvari tako zelo k srcu in pričnimo gledati nase, na ljudi in življenje z bolj vesele in optimistične strani. 6. - Skušajmo živeti tako, da bomo imeli čim več duševnega miru. Srečen zakon in srečna družina sta pomembna dejavnika. Tudi prava mera v vsem in pravo ravnotežje veliko pomagata k temu. To pomeni med drugim, da moramo najti dovolj časa zase in tudi za druge, da se ne smemo povsem zapisati delu, ampak moramo imeti tudi prosti čas. In končno: ne pozabimo, da je tudi pristna vera vir duševnega miru. 7. - Izogibajmo se temu, da bi premagovali stres s pomirjevali, uspavali in tabletami proti bolečini, z alkoholom in pretiranim uživanjem jedi. Ker s tem ne odpravimo vzrokov svoje duševne in telesne napetosti, smo prisiljeni vedno znova segati po teh blažilih in večati odmerke, dokler nas ne zasvojijo. 8. - Telesne reakcije na stres, kot so na primer bolečine pri srcu, hujši padec in dvig krvnega tlaka, posebno še, če ga spremljata potenje in vrtoglavica, so opozorila, ki jih moramo vzeti resno. Če jih pogosto čutimo, moramo nujno čimprej k zdravniku. vrsti so bili štirje Slovenci in tri Slovenke), družil se je z metalcem diska Danilom Žerjavom, iz njegovega kluba je bil tudi metalec kladiva Ivan Gubijan in številni od nogometašev, ki so z drugima mestoma dosegli edini kolajni za Jugoslavijo “Nogometaši so bili, zlasti glede na priljubljenost te igre v Veliki Britaniji, še posebej na očeh. Vsi smo jih spodbujali, z uvrstitvijo v finale, v katerem so sicer izgubili s Švedsko, pa so se zares imenitno oddolžili. Čisto posebno je odmevala njihova polfinalna zmaga nad gostitelji, ki niti v sanjah niso računali s tem, da bo boj za zlato minil brez njih," je še povedal Marko Račič. Jugoslavija je poslala v London 86 nastopajočih, med njimi jih je bilo 12 (od tega štiri ženske) iz Slovenije. Delež Slovencev je bil potemtakem manjši kot v Berlinu leta 1936. Največ je bilo telovadcev in telovadk, ki pa so z 10. oziroma 7. mestom med ekipami zaostali za zadnjima uvrstitvama pred vojno. Med našimi je bil najboljši Konrad Grilc, kot 46. v mnogoboju, Miro Longyka je bil 71., pokojni Jakob Šubelj 85., Karel Janež pa 104. Dekleta so spet tekmovala samo v mnogoboju ekip, največ točk med našimi pa je za ekipo prispevala Ljubljančanka (zdaj zdravnica v Kopru) Vida Gerbec pred Mariborčankama Ružo Vojsk in Nežo Černe. Zdravnica je postala tudi tedanja celjska atletinja Alma Butia, ki zdaj živi v Zagrebu, v Londonu pa je tekmovala v obeh šprinterskih disciplinah. Evgen Bergant Nedelo, 27. febr. 2000 KOLEDAR (nadaljevanje s str. 9) šoli pri sv. Vidu. Serviranje od 11. dop. do 1.30 pop., v šolskem avditoriju. Sponzorirajo Oltarno društvo sv. Vida, DNU ter društvi KSKJ št. 25 in 162. MAJ 20. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Po koncertu zabava in ples. 28. - Fara sv. Vida priredi banket škofu A. Ed-wardu Pevcu na čast ob 50. obletnici njegovega posvečenja. Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVLA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS NAŠA DRUŽINA Mesečna priloga tednika DRUŽINA Marec 2000, letnik 20. štev. 3 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE' PRIPOROČA.) I E NAŠ LIST' Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1321. Molitev za Sveto leto (3. del) Papež Janez Pavel II. Oče, Podpiraj z možjo Duha prizadevanje Cerkve za novo evangelizacijo in vodi naše korake na cestah sveta, da bomo s svojim življenjem oznanjali Kristusa. Naše zemeljsko potovanje usmerjaj proti mestu Luči. - 2 - Jezusovi učenci naj se odlikujemo po ljubezni do ubogih in stiskanih; naj bomo solidarni s potrebnimi in velikodušni v delih usmiljenja; naj bomo prizanesljivi do bratov, da bomo tudi sami deležni tvoje prizanesljivosti in odpuščanja. (Izdala “Družina) Nam v premislek v postnem času: Vdovin denar: “In Jezus je sedel nasproti zakladnici in gledal, kako ljudje mečejo denar v zakladnico. Mnogo bogatih je vrglo. Ko pa je prišla neka uboga vdova, je vrgla dva novčiča, kar je ena četrtinka. In poklical je svoje učence ter jim rekel: “Resnično, povem vam: Ta uboga vdova je vrgla več ko vsi, kateri so metali v zakladnico. Zakaj vsi so vrgli od tega, česar imajo v izobilju, ta pa je vrgla od svojega uboštva vse, kar je imela, vse svoje premoženje.” Msgr. Metod Pirih, koprski škof, pozdravlja vse MZA sodelujoče s sledečimi vrsticami: “Spoštovani! Danes sem prejel vašo pošto in popravljeni ček. Za ves vaš trud se vam prav prisrčno zahvalim. Žal mi je, da imate z nami sitnosti in da dobrotniki od bogoslovcev ne prejemajo hvaležnosti. Ponovno jih bom spomnil na to, ko bom v Ljubljani. Za vse se vam res iz srca zahvalim in vas ter MZA (vašo karitativno ustanovo) hvaležno pozdravljam. Metod Pirih, škof koprski" Večina bogoslovcev ljubljanskega in mariborskega semenišča se je letos oglasilo svojim dobrotnikom za božične praznike. Nekaj dobrotnikov je tudi meni pisalo in so bili prav veseli pisem vzdrževanih. Dobrotnica, ki ne želi biti imenovana, je poslala pismo njenega vzdrževanca: “V veliko veselje mi je, da Vam lahko pišem in se zahvalim za Vašo ljubeznivost. Hvala Vam za vso pozornost, ki mi jo skazujete tako z duhovno, kakor tudi s finančno podporo. Sem Alan Tedeško, študent prvega letnika teologije in gojenec ljubljanskega bogoslovnega semenišča. Izhajam iz petčlanske družine, poleg staršev imam še dve sestri, starejšo (26 let), ter mlajšo, ki ima komaj 6 let. Doma čuvamo tudi staro mamo, ki pa je že zelo bolehna in bo napolnila kmalu 86. leto. Prihajam iz vasi blizu Kopra, komaj nekaj kilometrov stran od morja. Osnovno šolo sem končal doma, nato pa sem maturiral na Škofijski gimnaziji v Vipavi. Letos (1999) sem se začel pripravljati na vstop v duhovniško službo, da bi izpolnil božjo voljo in bi tako lahko pomagal ljudem odkrivati božjo ljubezen. Nisem se ravno lahko odločil za ta poklic, saj imam precej težav z ljudmi okrog sebe, kateri te moje odločitve, pa tudi mene ne sprejemajo. Ni bila pa to edina težava, saj sem si želel študirati fiziko. Vedno sem pa poleg tega čutil, da mi nekje globoko v srcu Gospod ne da miru in želi, da mu sledim. Tako sem se odločil, da grem v bogoslovje. Želim pomagati ljudem, ki so obupani, da bi ponovno spoznali Gospoda in preložili Nanj svoje težave. V Istri, od koder prihajam, je še posebej majhna verjetnost, da bi se kdo odločil za bogoslovje, v kolikor Gospod Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija - Catholic Mission Aid je registrirana v Columbusu, Ohio, ZDA. Je javna, nepridobitna misijonska dobrodelna organizacija, ki jo je ustanovil g. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M. Zbira darove za pomoč slovenskim misijonarjem, ki delujejo po svetu. Prosimo, da nam bodo prijatelji misijonov darovali še vnaprej finančno pomoč, ter se spominjali misijonskih potreb v svojih oporokah. Za vsak dar Vam bomo hvaležni, kakor tudi misijonarji in ubogi, ki bodo vaših darov deležni. Za vse prejete darove izdamo potrdila za “Income Tax.” Glavni odbor MZA-CMA, Cleveland spet koga ne pokliče. Tu je malo duhovnikov. Upam in verujem, da bom zmogel priti do tega odgovornega poklica, tako z Vašo in božjo pomočjo. Bog povrni vsem, ki me podpirate v molitvi in z žrtvami in dobrimi deli izkazujete zaupanje. Tudi jaz se Vas bom še posebej spominjal v molitvi. Še enkrat iskrena zahvala. Želim Vam vesele božične praznike, obilo božjega blagoslova v letu, ki je pred nami. Naj Vam novorojeni Jezus prinese obilo zdravja in moči, ljubezni, predvsem pa miru, ki je še posebno potreben v teh časih. “Dete nam je rojeno, Sin nam je dan. Oblast na njegovih ramah, imenuje se: Čudoviti svetovalec, Močni Bog, Večni Oče, Knez miru.” (Iz. 9,5) Prisrčno Vas pozdravljam, Alan Tedeško." Iz Kampale, Uganda, National Seminary Ggaba, se je oglasilo pet bogoslovcev svojim dobrotnikom. Iz St. Paul’s national seminary, Kinyamasika, Uganda, sta se oglasila dva bogoslovca svojim dobrotnikom. Pričakujemo še iz Vietnama, Hochiminh, Salesians of Don Bosco Vietnam, kjer vzdržujeta dva dobrotnika vsak po dva bogoslovca, da se oglasijo. Ob božičnih praznikih se je oglasil škof dr. Franc Kramberger iz Maribora. Med ostalim se toplo zahvaljuje vsem dobrotnikom za dar za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev, kar smo posredovali preko MZA. “Jezus Kristus, isti včeraj, danes in vedno,” naj bo naša pot, resnica in življenje! Lepo pozdravlja in se spominja v molitvi! Škof dr. Franc Kramberger” Z zahvalo in toplimi željami za Sveto leto 2000 sta se oglasila tudi oba rektorja semenišč: g. Anton Slabe iz ljubljanskega in dr. Marjan Turnšek iz mariborskega. “Vse dobro vsem MZA sodelavcem.” Misijonar Janko Kosmač, Mission Catholique Meagui, Slonokoščena obala, je pisal Anici Tusharjevi: “Sinoči sem z veseljem sprejel Vaše pismo in priloženo božično pismo sr. Andreje Šubelj, ki ga piše v imenu MZA; ter priloženi dar MZA, za nas štiri misijonarje, ki delujemo na Slonokoščeni obali (ter posebej še osebni dar MaryAnn Mlinar, kateri se bom osebno zahvalil. Za vse to in vsem, ki ste darovali in prispevali, se vam iz srca zahvaljujem. Vsemogočni naj vam v tem Svetem letu povrne z ljubim zdravjem ter notranjim mirom. Srečo vašiim družinam in pri delu MZA božjega blagoslova. Ponovno vam vsem pri MZA in vsem dobrotnikom voščim vse dobro za to jubilejno, sveto leto iz naše vedno tople Afrike. Hvaležni mis. Janko Kosmač, Seveda srčna zahvala tudi v imenu mis. Ivana Bajca in Sandi Škapina.” Tudi moje hvaležne pozdrave vsem bralcem AD ter vsem MZA sodelujočim veliko božjega blagoslova v teh postnih dneh v pripravi na Gospodovo Veliko noč. Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto ON M8W 4M7 Canada Tel. 416-255-2519 I I KANADSKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES VABILO TORONTO, Kanada - Kanadski slovenski konges (KSK) vabi slovenske rojake iz Ontaria in ostalih delov Kanade na kongresno srečanje, ki bo v soboto, 1. aprila, ob 5h pop., v veliki dvorani župnije Brezmadežne na 739 Browns Line, New Toronto. Letos se je odzval našemu vabilu kot slavnostni govornik guverner Banka Slovenije, dr. France Arhar, ki bo govoril na temo: VKLJUČEVANJE SLOVENIJE V EVROPSKO UNIJO IN V EVROPSKO DENARNO UNIJO Letošnje kongresno srečanje bo imelo tri dele in sicer ob 5h redni letni občni zbor Kanadskega slovenskega kongresa, ob 6h tradicionalna domača slovenska večerja (bogat jedilnik slovenske domače kulinarične umetnosti), in ob 7.30h kulturni program, katerega bodo pripravili slovenski kulturni ustvarjalci iz Ontaria. Ob srečanju bodo priznani slovenski slikarji iz Kanade razstavljali svoja dela. Ker bo srečanje z guvernerjem Banke Slovenije dr. Francem Arharjem resnična presoja slovenske gospodarske dejavnosti, smo prepričani, da se boste odzvali našemu povabilu. ODBOR Kanadski slovenski kongres Dr. Bogdan Novak 80-letnik (Kar sledi, je izšlo v Novem glasu 2. marca, brez podpisa. Ur. AD) ♦ Daljši zapis Jožeta Velikonje v Ameriški domovini ki jo žal zelo neredno pr®' jemamo, nas je opozoril, da je v lanskem oktobru obhajal 80. obletnico rojstva dr. Bogdan Novak. Kdor pripa' da na Tržaškem in Goriškem starejši generaciji, se slavljenca gotovo spomin]3 predvsem zato, ker je sodil v tisto skupino izobražencev iz osrednje Slovenije, ki s° odločilno prispevali, da so se obnovile ali na novo ustanovile slovenske šole vseh vrst in stopenj v od angl°' ameriške vojske zasedeni Coni A na Primorskem i([ se nato v Coni A Svobodnega tržaškega ozemlja “se izpopolnile in utrdile. Slavljenec je dalje s svojimi prijatelji imel važno vlogo pri postavljanju temeljeV slovenskega kulturnega 'n prosvetnega dela v skladu z demokratičnimi in krščanskimi vrednotami, ki tisti čaS niso bile pri nas ie zamol čane, temveč tudi zanikan® in celo teptane. Zaradi novih razmer, Id sC nastale na začetku 50. Ietj na Tržaškem, so Novak ko1 mnogi njegovi prijatelji M° rali v tujino, da si zagotovi jo prihodnost. Bogdana Novaka je P1 zanesla v ZDA, kjer je delu za vsakdanji kruh naš1 čas za študij zgodovin® tako da je na univerzi Chicagu doktoriral z disert3 cijo o Trstu. Nastala je tako znamenj knjiga Trst 1943-1954 j politični, etnični in ideološ boj. Na to knjigo so knna^j postali pozorni tudi italijarl ski založniki in je delo i^0! leta 1973 pri znani mila*18 j založbi Mursia. Knjiga je in rii'- živela še eno izdajo mo nje ni mogel in more nihče, kdor proU< tisto obdobje zgodovine n« Tr- sta, ki je toliko let po drU0' sre^' ,dne svetovni vojni bilo v šču pozornosti mednafO javnosti. j ^ Dr. Bogdanu Novaku. ^ ie tudi zvest naročnik tej pozoren bralec našega dnika, ob pomembnem ^ Ijenjskem jubileju isk^y čestitamo in mu želimo ^ mnogo zdravja z zacjot0^ lom, da ga tako na škem kot na Tržašk® . marsikdo ni pozabil. ; nov' > 2. marca Federation of Slovenian Homes A1 ■ American Home I March, 2000 I 21st SPECIAL EDITION | _______________________________SECTION A Theresa Krisby Alba Plutt William Mannion AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 Ron Šuster is Top Slovenian Man Ronald Suster’s Slovenian roots are long and proud. Judge Šuster is the son of Slovenian parents, the late Joseph Šuster and Frances Pryatel Šuster. The Šuster family lived on the East Side of Cleveland. Young “Ron” and his sister, the late Carol Šuster Rutar, lived with their parents and their uncle. Judge August Pryatel. Ron attended elementary school at Oliver Perry School. In 1957, he entered St. Joseph High School, where he distinguished himself as a charter member of the National Honor Society, and is now in the St. Joseph High School Hall of Fame. Following graduation from St. Joseph’s, Ron attended Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Because his father passed away during Ron’s senior year in high school, Ron worked at the U.S. Post Office on evenings and weekends while attending school full-time. His academic performance in college earned him acceptance into the Case Western Reserve University School of Law. Following graduation from law school in 1967, Ron was appointed an Assistant Law Director for the City of Cleveland by then Mayor Ralph S. Locher. In 1968, he became an Assistant County Prosecutor. Meanwhile, Ron was working to provide legal services to the residents of the Neff Road area where he lived. Evenings and weekends found Ron working in the neighborhood law office on E. 185 Street, where he served local residents, many of Slovenian heritage. In 1974, Ron married Patricia Hočevar. The couple have been married for more than 25 years. Soon, the Susters, who now live in Euclid, were blessed with three children: Jennifer (now a law and business student at Case Western Reserve University), Joseph (a law student at Ohio State University, who also passed the CPA exam), and Michael (an engineering student at Case Western Reserve University). A commitment to academics has always been part of the Šuster family ethic and Ron points with pride to the academic accomplishments of his three honor student children. The Susters remain active in St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Church, where Ron was a member of St. Paschal’s first Parish Council. Today Ron and Pat regularly serve as lectors at Mass. In 1980 Ron ran for State Representative and won an American Home The newspaper the elite seek to read. The Holy Name Society of St. Christine Church Congratulates our member the Honorable Ronald Šuster Officers and Members RONALD SUSTER BEST WISHES TO ALL HONOREES! / /1 iisiiPor^.tfTni from the parish community ot St. Christine Church 840 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Ohio 44123 " remembering the past, celebrating the present, preparing for the future. Established in 1925 overwhelming victory. Thus began more than fourteen years of service in the Ohio Legislature, the longest period ever served by a State Representative representing the Grovewood, Euclid and Hi Merest areas. During his years in the legislature, Ron became known for his strong ethical stands as well as his legal expertise. At various times, he served as chairman of the highly sensitive Ethics Committee, chairman of the critical Financial Institutions Committee, chairman of Civil and Commercial Law, and as chairman of the Judiciary and Criminal Justice Committee. Ron’s legislative work earned him numerous awards. A leading pro-life advocate, Ron was honored as “Catholic Citizen of the Year” by the Knights of Columbus. His efforts in criminal justice garnered him several awards, including “Legislator of the Year” by the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association. While a state representative, Ron continued to be active in local events. He is a lifetime member of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation and the Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. He has been a member of virtually every Slovenian fraternal, and Slovenian honorees often found themselves recipients of Ohio House of Representatives commendations sponsored by Ron. Judge Šuster can often be seen at the various Slovenian Homes and other Slovenian activities. He has always been willing to participate in the Federation’s Slovene of the Year awards and has honored recipients with citations from the legislature, the State of Ohio, and from his court. Ron served on the St. Joseph High School Alumni Board and on the Villa Angela Academy Advisory Board. In 1995, then Ohio Governor George V. Voinovich appointed State Representative Šuster to be a judge of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. The governor’s decision to name a member of the opposite party to the bench was widely hailed as an example of putting good government over politics—a recognition of Judge Suster’s outstanding reputation as a lawyer, legislator and community activist. Judge Suster’s legal ability and reputation for fairness caused him to receive the highest ratings possible from both local bar associations. In addition, he received the prestigious “four star” rating from the Citizens League, which is reserved for those candidates who are considered exceptionally well qualified. As a judge, he has been involved in major cases in the City of Cleveland, including the i Sam Sheppard civil trial, over which he is currently presiding. In his varied career, Judge Šuster has had many titles, ! including lawyer, legislator and judge. He is always quick to point out that his professional life is nowhere near as important to him as his faith and family. It is in that spirit that he is now both honored and humbled to receive the Slovene Man of the Year 2000 Award. Gonr/talulalw/is to l/w (Stovenum C/tte/i & QVome/i O/eo/T £000 Judge Ronald Šuster Lifetime Member of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation <£x&culu e (Som/rul/ee , f/tori/ul of SJuiste&s a/iet cMe/nAots Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Slovensko Ameriški Kulturni Svet Federation Salutes Marie Shaver Marie was bom in the St. Clair Slovenian neighborhood in a house on E. 60 St., the eldest of eight children, to Joseph and Katarina Stefan ic. As she grew up, her family moved to the Holmes Avenue area where she attended Collinwood High School until she left to attend the Darvas School of Fashion. She worked in the fashion industry for over sixty years, both for herself and various companies. She met her late husband, Harry Shaver, on her way to work. Harry Shaver was the driver for the bus she trav-eled on. They married and had two children, Linda and Charles. She presently enjoys her four grandchildren: Andrew, Katherine, Stephen and Alex. Marie was a focal point in the beginnings of the Slovene Home for the Aged (SHA). Her efforts included fund raising as well as other administrative functions for this organization throughout its original construction and two subsequent expansions. During her involvement with the SHA, she served as Recording Secretary, President, and Chairman of the Admissions Committee, to name a few of her many responsibilities. She served on the Board of Trustees for °ver thirty years and in March of 1981 was awarded The Edward F. Meyers Outstanding Trustee Award” hy the Greater Cleveland Hospital Association. This award is given for distinguished leadership and Indication in meeting the ealth care needs of the community. Marie was employed most H er life and kept herself Usy ‘n the evenings by par-'C'Pating actively within ovenian organizations romoting culture and fra- ernalism. For over fifty 'ears, she sang with Glas-t.en^. Matica chorus under Section of Anton Schu- spestit^e ^eni ILeta 2000 mare shaver Olga in Frank Petek bel and later under the direction of Vladimir Malečkar. During this time, she held leadership positions, including service as President, Vice President, and Costume Committee Chairman. Employing her expertise in sewing and the fashion industry, she had made costumes for a number of cultural organizations. They include the Glasbena Matica choral group, Zarja choral group, USS Band, as well as the Slovenian Junior Chorus Circle 2. She researched the accurate design of the traditional “narodna noša” and made the first authentic costumes for all of the Circle 2 members. She also created and made all the costumes for the group’s production of “Cinderella”. She had the opportunity twice to travel to Slovenia with Glasbena Matica. Additionally, she was instrumental in arranging to have groups such as the Lojze Slak Ensemble, the Slovenian Octet, the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Dragotin Kette group come here and perform in the United States from Slovenia. “My Slovenian heritage is very important to me,” says Marie. “I have always felt the need to work with and encourage the youth of our society, because they are our future. The elderly are equally important because they have so much knowledge to pass down. I have dedicated my life to bringing these two distinct but similar groups together to exchange and share ideas. I am proud to say I have been able to touch many lives in this way. During 70 years of membership in SNPJ, she had served as Secretary for Comrades Lodge No. 566 SNPJ; later she transferred to Strugglers Lodge 614 of SNPJ, and held a number of offices, including Recording Secretary, Auditor, and Vice President. She was active in the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges, where she worked on National SNPJ Days on the Pageant Committee, as well as the National Convention Committees on a number of occasions. As a representative to the Athletic League, Marie helped at and participated in many bowling tournaments. This led to her involvement with - the creation of the Cleveland Youth Board and this organization’s first Biannual Debutante Ball at one of Cleveland’s premier hotels. She was involved with the reactivation of Circle 77 on the West Side of the Cleveland area. Marie is and has been a member of AMLA for over 50 years. Other memberships include the Progressive Slovene Women of America. In the past, she had been a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of Slovenian Workmen’s Home; she helped serve at many fish fries at the hall. Congratulations and God Bless You Marie Shaver Slovene Women of the Year Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. MARIE SHAVER Congratulations & Best Wishes To Our Member MARJE SHAVER, Slovenian Women of the Year 2000 SI QAIR PENSIONERS CLUB We love you. Grandma Federation Woman of the Year Marie Shaver ^yyn\j Arulnmy-. Xatlu^^ kljijJwrb, a/ruL AIqsl CONGRATULATIONS MARIE SHAVER Slovene Wowjoi of the Ye the initiative to spruce up st Clair Avenue with new tree5! •|8S and flower plantings. He b legislated and funded th first new market-rate home* in the St. Clair-Superior afei since the East Ohio Gas & plosion over 50 years a15 He has ensured and le8' lated the $50,000 dop Neighborhood Revital'2^ tion Assistance Program benefit the St. Clair Slov nian National Home. Joe’s hero is his fath^’ 7M? Joseph F. Petrie Jr. Historian Joe, Your family is very proud of you. You are always 'Our Man of the Year' 0%T5» Rev, Victor Cimperman k Aunt Mary Keep Smiling! [oze Cimperman Cany Hočevar Jrpm One Jronoree *° -Another "Congrats J°e Cimperman" hdee Jenko-1999 'Mi 'ntinued Success to the ^ of the Year' Councilman Jo$eph Cimperman ©nm$ wmimmcnM; The road is long Your vision is clear This award is the First of many for OUR MAN OF THE YEAR’ tie love/ou and support you, Joe David and Alenka in; The Plain Dealer Sunday, March 19, 2000 Councilman Joseph Cimperman 'St. Clair Man of the Year' m i— ~ i Councilman Joseph Clflipennaji Congratulations and best wishes to Councilman Joseph Cimperman as St. Clair Slovenian National Home 'Man of the Year' From Your Friends at the The Plain Dealer CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES Slovenian Jfom ■ St, Clair Mm of tk year Councilman Joseph Cimperman FFCOM CUYAHOGA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jane Campbell Jimmy Dimora Tim McCormack The Peoples Spokesman for the New Millenium Councilman Joseph Cimperman -JSMMKL- Fred Taylor Candidate State Representative Laurel Warnke-Taylor Ward 13 Democratic Club President Serving ¥011 with Integrity and Commitment Paid for by the Committee to elect Fred Taylor State Representative, Laurel Warnke-Taylor, Treasurer, 1444 West 10th Street - Suite 208, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Congratulations to Joseph Cimperman ZELE FUNERAL HOME Since 1908 ! f ■ FOUR. GENERATIONS OF THE ZELE FAMILY’ LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J.Zele-Louis F.Zele Louis E.Zele-Sutton JGirod fey 452 East 152nd Stret Cleveland, Ohio (216) 481-3118 ■famify OwnedindOperatedsince 1908 ■ In time of need - We are here to help you. AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 Congratulations All Honorees & Our Man of the Year Joseph Cimperman SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6409 St. Slcun s4ve*tue Best Wishes Councilman Joseph Cimperman William D. Mason Cuyahoga County, Prosecutor fircefiiMis Joe Cimperman Honorcc of flic Year Bill and Margaret Mitchell Even Cut Abrasive Company Greet ibni'g’s i To All Homorees i Since 1923 MIKE & ANNE MARIE BENZ AUGUST & MALA KOLLANDER TONY PETKOVŠEK & STAFF 77 Years of Dependable Travel Service Vocation /Mj 692-1000 *8um M12161692-0064 Nationwide and Canada 18001800-5981 Tax 12161692-1831 971 last 186th Street‘ Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Sfretiali&tA i*t Inavel Slovenia, ZAIHlUAlHOIffi Spanning "3” Centuries of Service Congratulates Joe Cimperman 'Our Man of the Year' 6016 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 fimfy 0m[& OpnM Zachary A. Zak Funeral Director (216)361-3112 (216)361-3111 VSE NAJBOUSE Joseph Cimperma Emilee 8c Rikk Jenko GongratuCatiohs & Best tifisAes SlomianHomeStClair-ManofkYeai Councilman Joseph Cimperman & All Honorees umslw 6S0 East 1851 1%^ (216)531-7887 (Pofhg JfaCC of Fame Spring Fundraiser (216) 481-8669 lePemOrcliestra'sZlAiiveBaij in cooperation with and being held at The Slovenian National Home 6417 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Wednesday - May 3, 2000 3:00 to 9:00 pm Tickets at Door $5.00 (440) 944-7303 ProfessionalExpertise is Wrobel’s Offering Frank C. Wrobel, the Barberton Slovene Center Man of the Year and the owner of the West End hardware store in Barberton, has always exhibited a strong sense of community spirit and involvement. Over the years he has given generously of material and his professional experience to churches and organizations when they faced financial burdens in the repair or refurbishment of their properties. Nowhere has that community spirit of giving been fulfilled more than in his long relationship with and support of the Slovenian Independent Society Home, proprietors of the Slovene Center, which includes a spacious ballroom and annex, eight bowling lanes, and a private club. Frank joined the Society in the early forties and subsequently served as trustee and vice president. His support both as an officer and member was especially critical during several periods when the Society faced severe economic and man- agement problems. He contributed paint and other material to refurbish the ballroom and annex, and was among the volunteers who climbed scaffolds to paint the ballroom ceiling and walls. “I was also the flood control chairman when the bowling lanes would flood periodically from a heavy summer downpour,” he says. Among his many contributions were the donation of sump pumps to remove the water. A quiet, forthright man, Frank could also be counted on to support fund raising efforts to cover the cost of facility improvements and to serve as ticket seller for various functions held in the ballroom. “I’ve seen all the ups and downs of our business, but we’re doing pretty good right now,” he notes. Now 80 years of age and semi-retired, Frank recalls the hardships he faced early in life. His mother died when he was barely five years old. Less than two years later he went to work "Wen* Ms Venr Ms Your Phune' 486- 4343 or FLO-WERS Terri Jarem BIG BOUQUET FLORIST N 480 East 200 Street • Euclid, Ohio 44119 CONGRA TULA TIONS Congratulations »if FRANK C. WROBEL m Slovene Center Man of the \fear from the Wrobel Family and the staff of the West End Hardware sweeping floors in the small hardware store started by his mother. He learned the business well—so well, in fact, that in 1938, at the age of 18, he took it over with a $45 loan. He repaid the loan quickly. The West End hardware store soon became a center of business for the predominantly ethnic community on the west side of Barberton. Besides managing the hardware store, Frank held a second job at the Pittsburgh Valve and Foundry during World War II. “I would work from eight until about six at the store, then go to the foundry and work from seven until 11 six days a week,” he says, adding: “I was turned down for military service because of a medical condition.” B Frank Wrobel As his business prospered, Frank gave more time to various organizations. He became an officer in the West Theater, formed and funded principally by the local Slovenian community under the leadership of Vincent H. Lauter. He, along with Mr. Lauter, helped establish the West Side Merchants Association to ensure parking and other improvements to help small business. He is a longtime member of the Knights of Columbus and was honored by being named Grand Knight. Additionally, he is a past trustee of the Barberton Elks and is a longtime member of the Polish National Association and St. Mary’s church. Frank has been married to the former Mary Fern Satina for 57 years. The couple has two daughters, both teachers, and one son, who now manages the hardware business. They also have three lovely grandchildren. Congratulations Barberton Slovene Center Man of the Year 650 East 185th Street-Cleveland, OH 44119 (216)531-7887 S , m 1 I m SLOVENIAN INDEPENDENT SOCIETY HOME CONGRATULATE ALL HONOREES AND FRANK C. WROBEL SLOVENE CENTER MAN OF THE YEAR OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF THE BARBERTON SLOVENE CENTER Sl rt nnnz mMvui ‘umm« xmiTVM^mrj Smirm AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 Marty was Active in Euclid Society Home Marty began her active interests with her son Bud PurrelPs school. She was in charge as a Room Mother, a member of the school’s PTA, and with his involvement in Little League baseball and football. She also became a den mother in the Boy Scouts. Marty was the daughter of Mary (nee Vehanna) and Alfred Pifer. She was born and raised in Jeanette, Pa., and lived there until 1947, when she moved to Cleveland. Those early beginnings continued with enthusiasm after she married Edward Koren in 1981, who was an active member and board member of the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue, located in Euclid, Ohio. Because of her interest and “roll up your sleeve and pitch in” attitude, Marty was welcomed into the Ladies Auxiliary of the Home. She addressed whatever tasks she was given and soon gained the confidence of the senior members of the auxiliary. Her positions ranged from prep-cook to waitress, cashier, cook, and treasurer. She currently held the officer position of vice president. The Slovenian Home’s many activities would find Marty and Ed involved with every event. She was the president of the “Klub Društev” and held other officer positions. Later, the “Klub” disbanded with the assistance of Marty, whc was instrumental in revamping this older organization into the establishment of the Friends of the Slovenian Society Home, Inc. Marty took charge of the kitchen for various organizations closely associated with the Home, from the annual Balinca tournaments to the monthly Monday night dinners sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary. Fraternally, Marty and her husband Ed belonged to SNPJ Utopians Lodge 604, which she served as its treasurer. She was a ladies auxiliary member of the SNPJ Farm Board, representative to the Cleveland Athletic League, Vice President of the Federation of Slovenian Lodges, an active member and president of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 14. Marty also was a member of the Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle 3, and later transferred to Circle 1. Culturally, Marty was a social member of Singing Society Jadran and traveled with her husband Ed to Slovenia in 1994. She was a member of the Waterloo Greetings To All Honorees of the Year Officers & Members of the Euclid Pensioners Club (Recher) CONGRATULATIONS Dear Friend, Marty Koren Recher Hall Honoree (Posthumously) For Her Past Years of Dedication To The Slovene Community The GORJUPS & NEVARS Slovenian Home’s Balinca Club, where she prepared all their dinners. She was a member of the parish community of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, where she again took pride in participating in the church festivals, where she was known for her delicious preparation of “Slovenian” roast beef. Marty even performed in the Mt. Carmel Players productions at Lakeland Community College. She participated actively in local politics, campaigning for all local and state Democratic candidates. She joined the Euclid Vets Auxiliary, where her volunteer work aided many projects of the Vets. Later, she became president of the Auxiliary. On Memorial Days she could be seen proudly marching in the Euclid Memorial Day parade and took an active role in many memorial services performed in the early morning hours. Marty loved her volunteer work and socializing with the many friends she made over the years. Unfortunately, she was called to a greater reward unexpectedly, and we are sure she is still helping everywhere she can. God bless you, Marty. We all love you. Greetings to all Honorees from Officers €L ’Members of where Fred volunteered her services in the 'tchen for the Euclid Vets Steak Roast. Fred then priced Pat away from t ennsylvania and her career 0 being a professional vol- nteer in the Cleveland and Uclid Slovenian commu-tlity. t was a difficult decision i° t0 leave my family n ittsburgh (city of Cham-l^°ns) and move to Cleve-(home of the Browns) 1 years ago, but the people ave met here have made k e feel at home, probably ®cause so many of them ^ so have ties to Pennsylva-h'a’ Pat said. “My daughter a^ even moved here.” at has been a member of e Slovenian Workmen’s hruT6 Auxiliary, which s a fish fry every Fri- (Lontinued on pace 6) CONGRATULATIONS PAT (pack your Pags Travel Joe A J*net Nomn, CTC, Ownen 34730 Vine Street Eaetlnke. OH 44095__________________ Tel (440)942-8200 Fm (440)942-8301 CONGRATULATIONS PAT NEVAR!! From the Friday Night Massage Group “DoMCAlf. jd&ufo, “PatK. Congratulations Pat Nevar On Being Chosen Woman of the Year by the Slovenian Workmen's Home From Friends and Members of the Euclid Veterans Auxiliary Please remember our ANNUAL CARD PARTY to be held on TUESDAY, April 4th at Tizzano’s Party Center on East 260th in Euclid, Ohio_____ . Congratulation to PAT NEVAR SNPJ LOYALITES HISS Woman of the Year And to all honorees From the Officers and Members of Loyalites #158 President - Pat Nevar 1st Vice President - Linda Strath 2nd Vice President - Donald Srnick Secretary - Dorothy Gorjup Treasurer - Esther Podboy Recording Secretary - Karen O’Donnell Sgt. at Arms - Joanne Heintz Publicity - Sue Srnick Auditors - Fred Nevar Donna Helmecy Jackie Ulle Ruth Korelec, alternate ] c i c *> s CONGRA TULA TIONS HONOREES! TERRY L. STRANKE Attorney-at-Law 18975 Villaview, Suite 8 Cleveland, OH 44119 Phone: 216-692-1192 Fax: 216-692-0823 Fraternal Greetings and Congratulations! To All Honorees and especially to our Members Federation Woman of the Year 2000 MARIE J. SHAVER, Lodge No. 09 Federation Man of the Year 2000 Honorable RONALD J. SUSTER, Lodge No. 04 JOSEPH CIMPERMAN, LODGE NO.09 WILLIAM P. MANNION, LODGE NO. 20 THERESA KRISBY, LODGE NO. 26 From The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers, and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 9424 South Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 216-531-1900 - Fax: 216-531-8123 nnnz UVWWIAT ‘jarnt'-»'arc kiy-kw. [ Pat Never... Congratulations, i i i i i i i i Grandma Pat Nevar! i i i ! I 1 [ l ; i ■ ! I I* ( Love, Dennis, Derek 8r Davjna CONGRATULATIONS To All Honorees for 2000 & WATERLOO HOME HONOREE PAT MEVAR PYRAMID ACCOUNTING PARTNERS Albert Sproul Janet Marcus 38083 West Spaulding Street Suite 206 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 440-953-5835 Congratulations to PAT NEVAR - SWH and ALL HONOREES! ‘FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Home, Inc. LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Louis E. Zele — Sutton J. Girod 452 East 152nd Street 216 - 481-3118 CLEVELAND, OHIO -Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to nelp you. (Continued from page 5) day. The office of president of SNPJ Lodge 158 Loyal-ites is held by Pat, and she is a representative to the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges, and a member of the SNPJ Farm Auxiliary. Pat has been treasurer of the Euclid Veterans Auxiliary for the past 14 years. She is on the Education and Welfare Committee of Circle 1 of the Progressive Slovene Women of America. She is the president of the Waterloo Pensioners, a member of the Entertainment Committee of the Fair-port Slovenian Senior Citi- (Continued on page 7) All Aboard We're Travlin' With PAT NEVAR Congrats, Pat Esther Podboy Greeting PAT NEVAR Euclid Veterans Assoc. < < ; i (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE, Attorney at Law SCOTT ZELE, Attorney at Law Center Plaza South Suite 330 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 Congratulations to Wojnan of the Year Slovenian Workmen’s Home Pat Nevar Love, Fred 64Your Permanent, Live In Chauffeur” I'm Proud of you, Mom !! Congratulations Pat Nevar - Woman of the Year SWH Waterloo Love, Pam Congratulations PAT NEVAR and all Che Hononees JTok youn many yeans of senuice to Fniends, Family, and Community Sincerely, First Union Securities, Inc. Frank Jay Zak Vice President Pat Nevar... (Continued from page 6) Zens> and serves as treasurer of the Federation of Ameri- can Slovenian Senior Citizens. ^at is a singing member of ■kdran Singing Society and •s one of the auditors. She as been the treasurer of the Waterloo Balinca Club for several years and is a mem-er of the Keystoner club. Being involved intensely j11 all these organizations eaves Pat little time to be Resident of Nevar Sales, representing Paulich Inc specialties and Pack Your “ags Travel. Before being elected to the oard at Slovenian Work-Pen s Home, Pat was very pvolved at the Slovenian pociety Home as an officer ^'th its “Klub Društev”, and Panaging the Tuesday a 'na League for several pars. ! One of Pat’s favorite ac-'v'ties is traveling. The jrPSt exotic trip was to 'na. She has also traveled L ^Ussia, Europe (including °Venia twice) and Mexico everal times. Another fa-°rite activity is sports. She s Won several medals in e Senior Olympics. She is ' member of the Golden kl"'ls team that competes in pf, bowling and balina pmaments and has won ^ any honors. Even with the rsy schedule she keeps, e attends most of the ^children’s basketball VoUeyball games. i0 ^'v‘n8 in a Slovenian tia??Unity and being asso-L* W‘th 50 many Slove-but ■ ’.wnat else could I do 6 s JOln tbe crowd and have L^d time- I have enjoyed 5lovnV°lvement in all of the •aid. n',an- activities’” pat for ka- very honored Workln^ Se*ected Slov Orf —-'-'-icu oiuveman S ^°me Woman .ar 2000 and hope lf:h >tinue :nergy 1 °Venian heritage.’ aid e u,ue to devote time to be*P preserve ^J^tron Ads teTFrank Koreiec Si,leTreenyUlk r elYanchar ^sV0hn P|utt Mr. | ^°enig ^ & n rS- ^bert Meglich fcH^zarinCh C,VUlia Sadar Jsrry^ ,Jackie u,le l0an Pike D®bevec Vnk ? Samsa Cigoy 2000 Patrons from Slovenian Workmen’s Home Al & Ronnie Pestotnik Allan Pestotnik Painting/ Co. Tom Pestotnik Construction Co. Edward W. Lipovec Helen & Tony Sturm Frank & Elsie O’Hara Josephine Kastigar Harold White Gerry White Eleanor Zernik Frank Zernik Frank & Jo Minello Mitzi Yeray Millie Bradač Mary Wolf Joe Valencie & Family Milan & Marie Dular Joyce Plemel Evelyn Pipoly Michael Pipoly Ray & Evelyn Lonchar Mary Vida Kalin Linda Stroth Dee Grace Mimi Struna Charlie Shaver Al & Grace Marinch Angela Batulewich Bertha Dovgan Congratulations to the Honorees Officers and Membens of Lodge V Bo) S.N.PJ. Jennie Gorjanc, President Al Meglich, Vice President Pat Habat, Recording Secretary Mimi Struna, Treasurer Martha Meglich, Secretary Auditors, Ann Wagner, Louisa Jartz, Hrovat, Fran Mauric Congratulations to Our Treasurer PAT NEVAR 8c All Honorees American Federation of Slovenian Senior Citizens Join Us At Our Picnic August 16, 2000 - SNPJ Farm _______ Heath Road - Kirtland, Ohio CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE HONOREES FOR 9.000 SNPJ Lodge #14-7, Vodnikou Venec JOIN US FOR OUR 20TH ANNUAL ART & CRAFT SHOW & PICNIC Sunday, July 16th at the SNPJ Farm - Heath Road ____ Jeff Pec on Orchestra Congratulations to PAT NEVAR Our Never Too Busy Friend Celeste & Joe Frollo Congratulations to our Treasurer Ps47 & s4*td /4M 'ZSottoneet. WatenLoo Balinca Club WaCealoo Road Four Courts Indoors - For membership information call 216-481-0163 or 216-732-9231 2000 Officers President, Dorothy Gorjup Rec. Sec., Eleanor Godec Refreshments, Joe Frollo Al Marinch & JoAnn Heinz Vice-President, Fred Nevar Treasurer, Pat Nevar Auditors, Harold White, Mark Vesel & Hank Skarbez Congratulations Pat Nevar Memory of Marty Koren Cleveland Federation SNPJ Lodges Picnic - July 2, 2000 at SNPJ Recreation Farm on Heath Rd., Kirtland, OH. Congratulations to Pat Nevar! Lake Shore Insurance Agency “For All Your Insurance Needs” Auto, Home, Commercial Health Life & Disability 735 Beta Drive Cleveland, OH 44143 Dan Wajahn Bill Rodgers 440-446-1600 fax 440-446-0405 lkshore@flash.net CONGRATULATIONS PAT Pfl U 1695 Joseph Lloyd Parkway • Willoughby, OH 44094 Phone: (440)954-6600 • Fax: (440) 954'-6610 CONGRAWLAnONS PAT NEVAR SWH WomAti of the Ycat ah5> All Honorees Ladies Auxiliary Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Road 216-481-5378 We Serve Fish Fries Every Friday 11:30 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE Congratulations to Pat Nevar Modern Crusaders No. 45 AMLA Pres. - Frank O’Hara Vice-Pres. - Anthony Sturm Financial Secretary - Millie Bradač Treasurer - Frank Minello Recording Secretary - Josephine Minello Auditors - Julie Sadar, Helen Sturm & Mitzi Yeray AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 Congratulations PAT NEVAR From Your BUS People CONGRATULATIONS MAN AND WOMAN OF THE YEAR LODGE 604 UTOPIANS CONGRATULATIONS To Our F»ien January 23, 2000. The Meeting was chaired by ! President Celeste Frollo. Florence Unetich agreed to Vice Chairperson. President Frollo thanked all members for attending. 1999 was a very busy year, hut also a very sad year, as ! we suffered the loss of trus-tee Ralph Urbancek, who Passed away on May 9. And j then, on January 2, 2000, came the sudden loss of Don Gorjup. These two board i ^embers played an ex-I tremely vital part in the op-eration of the hall. They are j ^adly missed by all of us, j ut they will never be for-; gotten. \ Celeste informed us of the norn>riation of Pat Nevar, »hij 'y^10 was chosen ‘‘Woman of J Jhe Year 2000 from SWH.” ^ I,31 *S We" deserv'ng °F this Jst> honor, as she gives her “all” rti« j? See that the hall is in good ltlancial standing. She is the treasurer of the SWH and (IS also does an outstanding job as president of the Ladies Auxiliary. Profits were not as good as in 1998. This can be attributed to many costly improvements and necessary major repairs and purchases that had to be made. Utilities were higher due to switching our electrical supplier from CPP to CEI. This was necessary due to having power outages; you cannot rent the hall for weddings and other functions and have this happen. The cost of food items was much higher and this resulted in a decline of profit for the Ladies Auxiliary. A1 Meglich, Vice President, reported the bimonthly raffles have been very successful. A1 thanked everyone who attended the raffles, because without your support this success would not be possible. He also thanked non-members who sell tickets: Frank O’Hara, Lou Prebevsek, Tony Silc and Vida Zak, as well as the board members for their cooperation. A very successful bake sale held in November was chaired by Martha Meglich. Martha does a tremendous job in organizing all aspects of the sale from beginning to end. Another fund raiser, chaired by the Gorjups, was the delicious spaghetti dinner held in February. This is a large undertaking and is always very rewarding. The House Committee has been kept busy with various projects. There is no end to the work in trying to keep the hall in good shape. A lot of painting was done and complete renovation of Room 1, including new carpeting, which was installed by the members. This was completed by the crew of Joe Frollo, Al Marinch, A1 Meglich, Fred Nevar, Harold Volpe and, of course, the late Don Gorjup, who was committee chairman, and the late Ralph Urbancek. Auxiliary President Pat Nevar related that the auxiliary is comprised not only of ladies, but men as well. Without their help it would be impossible to accomplish what they do. More volun- teers, both women and men, are needed. Pat thanked everyone for their continued support of the fish fries. A new reach-in cooler was purchased by the Ladies Auxiliary, which they are excited about. Ken Kleinhenz reported on the properties that were purchased in 1993 and paid off in 1998. The board is waiting to see what the N.E. Coast Development Project brings before any definite plans can be made. Ken indicated rentals were good in 1999 and already are booked for Saturdays in July and August. The committee, comprised of Celeste Frollo, Ken and JoAnn Heinz, does a great job in showing and handling all the details in rentals, which is an enormous job. Regarding shareholders’ certificates, Joyce Plemel, Ken Kleinhenz and President Frollo have been working diligently throughout 1999 to update all the certificates, and will continue to do so in 2000. Ken advised 424 letters, with raffle tickets enclosed, were sent out. The response was terrific and he thanked all who purchased the raffle tickets. We have been quite successful in obtaining additional shareholders. A big thank you to all the people and lodges for their generous donations. 1999 trustees serving on the board in 2000 will be Millie Bradač, Celeste Frollo, Joe Frollo, Eleanor Godec, Dorothy Gorjup, JoAnn Heinz, Ken Kleinhenz, A1 Marinch, Grace Marinch, A1 Meglich, Fred Nevar, Pat Nevar, Joyce Plemel, and Harold Volpe. In addition to the above, we were fortunate to have two new and younger trustees elected to serve. They are Linda Stroh and Pam Ruma. Laura Curtin was asked by President Frollo to serve as an alternate, and she accepted. They will be a tremendous asset to the board with their ideas and willingness to do their best for the good of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Grace Marinch Recording Secretary Newburgh has great j _Flie 80th Anniversary of e Slovenian National *0nie on East 80th Street in I ^wburgh was a huge suc-ess. What a memorable ree-day weekend it was on (F°rideniber 5’ 6 and 7 cja^ ay> Saturday and Sun- saw a split raffle, bv u3 ^ouse and n1115'0 w ay«e Tom sic. Saturday ataS a fuH day, with bowling ty, ree games for a dollar - Pated 3 d?al! Many partici' j j, • there was music Ql°aghout the day in the (ja_ Hoom. The dinner and . nce in the evening had 400 Attendance. vVe^cS*^ent ^ony Mann ion tj,, ^ITled everyone and 80th ad f°r rnaH'ng the such anniversary on 80‘h St., Ces a great event. The Fran- Fou and ^ane S’ Gausche jj ndation, represented by 1 and Madeline Debevec, art)Sented a check in the d0|?Um °F two thousand tir> a^S t*le Slovenian Na-H°me. Np e. dinner was catered by Muc; Ur8h s K-J- Catering. 1C was provided by the Eddie Rodick Orchestra. The dance floor was always crowded. The Nash’s auditorium was cleaned, painted and refurbished for the occasion of the SQth anniversary. This was done by volunteers. On Sunday, a polka Mass was held in the auditorium. It was celebrated by the Rev. Dominic Modzelewski OSB, Sacramental priest at St. Lawrence Church. He was accompanied by the Wayne Tomsic band, with great participation from those present. The attendance was around 200 persons. Following the polka Mass, a jam session was held in the main hall, coordinated by Wayne Tomsic and Ralph Szupski. Many bands were in attendance and again there was a tremendous crowd. A favorite couple and good supporters of the Nash, Lou and Mitzi Champa, celebrated their 60 years plus wedding anniversary, together with their family and many friends. Many more years to you both! Lou and Slovenian Home 80th anniversary Mitzi donated $100 to the Nash for the many, many happy memories the hall has given them. A special anniversary book was presented to all in attendance for the 80th anniversary celebration. Many of the people attended all three days of the event. The book contains a brief history of the Slovenian Home and of the bowling alleys, along with many ads. Unfortunately, a few of our hardworking people were omitted from the history. Paul Oblak and his wife ran the bowling alley and snack bar for many years. Paul always said the best pinsetter was none other than our Joe Fortuna. How about that! Alan Novak was a vice president of the Nash and also served as bowling alley manager. Alan also did a lot of odd jobs at the Nash. A three-day weekend is a tremendous undertaking. To accomplish it, many volunteers were needed. Among them were Jim Micklich, who painted and scrubbed whatever along with Jerry Westfall and Willie Man-nion. The coordinator and mainstay was John Kužnik, who did anything and everything. There were Art & Florence Zanutic, who washed all the windows inside and out. And Dorothy Bishop, Dee, Gloria and Dave, Eddie Škufca, Katie and Jeanie and all of the board of directors, along with Tony Kaplan. Saturday, November 12, 2000 will be the grand finale of the Slovenian National Home’s 80^ anniversary. The year 1999 wasn’t any different than the past few years. Much hard work for the directors and friends, with numerous events to keep the Nash going. We had the disaster of a water pipe breaking and ruining the floor in the main hall and the bowling alley. But now the floors in the main hall are beautiful and the bowling alley ceilings and alleys, which were refinished and resurfaced, look terrific. This was thanks mostly to the insurance. As always, some people pass away from our close-knit family. 1999 was no exception. Two of our former board of directors members are gone. They are Albin Stražar, a former president and Newburgh man of the year, and Louis Mussig, a former auditor and also Newburgh Slovenian man of the year. Both men gave their all and are missed. Our thank you for donations from the American Mutual Life Association of $600. AMLA donates to all the Halls every year. Also making a donation were Jean and Joe Fortuna. The three KSKJ lodges from the Newburgh area made a donation and together with the KSKJ matching fund the amount was $1,000. The three lodges are St. Lawrence, St. Ann and St. Joseph. The Federation of Slovenian Homes also donated $1,000. Our fish fry dinners began on Friday, March 10. There will be four of them during the Lenten season. Anna Mae Mannion Congratulations Slovenian Woman of the Year 2000 MARIE SHAVER AND Slovenian Man of the Year 2000 JUDGE RONALD SUSTER And All Honorees Best Wishes from the Ipavec Clarke Family IPAVEC In Loving Memory V Blag Spomin In liebevolle Erinnerung WAGNER Frank 1893 - 1962 Antonia 1896 - 1983 Alfred 1893 - 1962 Louise 1896 - 1974 Parents - Grandparents - Great-Grandparents Charles F. and Ruth W. Ipavec Charles T. Ipavec Susan Erica and Christina Patricia Ipavec Townsend S. and Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Elizabeth Sutherland and Patricia Wagner Katherine Townsend and Shannon Bryan Clarke Bil , J? . Con4|r»tnlati«»iiK »ml Sincere IKest 11'iKlies t» All Hwnorees! »IV* Arc Proud of Vim AH! »■. FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES Born Nov. 14,1895 In Memory of Senator Frank J. Lausche 4 merica ’s Greatest Slovenian An Inspiration to All! The Frances and Jane S. Died April 21,1990 Lausche Foundation Sue Kosco is Lorain’s Pick Sue Kosco was born on November 2, 1948, to Martha and the late Leroy Smith. She married Dale Kosco on August 4, 1968, and the couple has four children: Beth, Andrea, Rebecca and Dale Jr., and three grandchildren. Sue also has three sisters: Sandy Smith, Marti Smith, and Dessa Keathley, and a brother, Howard Smith. Sue and her husband began their employment with the Lorain Slovenian Home in April 1985, along with two other couples serving as a management team. Eventually, the other two couples departed and Sue’s sister, Sandy, joined her in 1986 to co-manage the Clubroom, along with Dale as their silent support. When Sandy moved out of state in 1991, Sue took over as the manager on her own, with Dale always there for her. Sue graduated from Lorain High School and went to work for the telephone company in Lorain. From there, she went to work for the Ford Assembly Plant in Lorain. Then, Sue and Dale managed the AMVETS Post 47 in Lorain for several years before they came to the Lorain Slovenian Home. Over the years. Sue has introduced various activities, among them: dart teams in a traveling dart league, machine bowling league, golf league, and men’s soft-ball team. She has estab- Sue Kosco Lorain Hall struggles, but remains profitable e are happy to report that We have been successful for °Ur 76th year. We have striJggled at times, but 'Ve Ve made it so far. elected a new president |n 1999. James Muzek, and . e's doing a fine job keep-ln8 on top of all aspects of grating our Slovenian Home. Oar fish fries continue to ^ Profitable. We draw peo-P e from as far east as Fair-P°rt Harbor and from as far estas Sandusky and many, any points in between. s Ur customers tell us we erve the best fish dinner in w‘n County- e have a varied menu: Lake Erie perch, walleye, pork schnitzel, shrimp, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, cabbage and noodles, french fries, tossed salad, coleslaw, onion rings, fried mushrooms, and home made desserts for as long as they last. We make five roasters of cabbage and noodles and they are gone before we stop serving at 8:00. We start serving at 11:30. We average between 250 and 300 dinners each Friday. On Good Friday we serve 600 to 700 dinners. Our supervisor, Joan Rogers, does a fine job for us. (Continued on page 5) lished taco nights, hot dogs and beer nights, a happy hour, tailgate parties in the clubroom for football games shown on TV, barbecued rib dinners, steak dinners for the golf league, spaghetti dinners, costume parties for Halloween, and DJ parties— all done to promote business in the Clubroom. Sue is very personable, pleasant to everyone, trustworthy and conscientious. She does her very best to increase our social membership. She has a good team of bartenders. She and Dale are always willing to help at functions sponsored by the Board of Directors. She and Dale are shareholders in our Lorain Slovenian Home Patrons Dave Hepburn Nick Denardo Greg & Mary Costin Carol Popiel Dale Luczkowski Tony Favre Mike & Roberta Costin Mike & Alice Rutar Kathy Janda Chris Deering Hugo & Dolores Tenorio Nancy Kruman Jim Pincura Cano Ortiz Bob McPhie Vicki McPhie Cathie McPhie Jerry Osko Mike & Amber Tomazin Kathy Janosik Ruth Shook Bonnie Knepper Jack Tomazic Joan Rahotina Congratulations SUE KOSCO Pat and Patricia Judge Lorain Congratulations to all the Honorees Helen Urbas Lorain Congratulations to a Very Deserving Person SUE KOSCO Denny “Poo” Lorain Slovenian Home and are Slovenians by adoption. The Board and Sue and Dale and her crew have a very good relationship, which we hope will continue for many more years. Sue is very deserving of the honor of Woman of the Year 2000 bestowed on her by the Lorain Slovenian Home and the Federation. Congratulations, Mommy Love You Beth, Rebecca, Andrea and Dale David Lorain Congratulations SUE Jimmy - Linda -Gerry - Kris Lorain CONGRATULATIONS AND LEST WISHES Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Sue Kosco Jim and Audrey Yurman Lorain Congratulations Well Deserved SUE KOSCO Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Jim Muzek and Donna Snyder Lorain Con0ratulations SUSIE Best of Luck Frank Renusi Lorain AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 Congratulations Sue Kosco Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Year Bill and Dorothy Brletic Lorain _________ Congratulations SUSIE Q Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Helen Urbas Lorain To Our Great Boss and Good Friend Congratulations, SUE LOVE YOU Dessa, Butch, Beth Lorain ______ Congratulations and Best Wishes to Sue Kosco Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Cha-Ching!! An Honor Well Deserved Helen and Linda Sekular _____________Lorain Congratulations, SUE Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year From the Guys: Blackie, Bobby, Charlie, Jimmy and George Lorain Melanie And Sandy Lorain Congratulations James Slapnik, Jr. 650 E. 185 St. Cleveland, OH 44119 (216) 531-7887 Congratulations Sue Kosco Lorain Honoree SUE KOSCO Congratulations sister-in-law Tim & Vicki Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year 2000 SUE KOSCO Buck I, Buck II, Will and Patti Lorain love aeways Mom, Sandy, Marty Howie, Dessa Lorain Congratulations to our Daughter and Sister Mary Susan Thatfa girt! Congratulations to the Best Sue Kosco Helen, Mary Ellen, Andy, Bob, Chris Lorain To Our Dear Triend Congratulations Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Year SUE. KOSC0 Larissa and Richard Reidy Lorain j To Our Best Friend SUE KOSCO Sood Luck! Linda and Butch Lorain Congratulations Lorain Slovenian Club Woman of the Year SUE KOSCO BOARD OF DIRECTORS James Muzek, President Ruth Shook, Vice President Linda Sekular, Financial Secretary-Treasurer Helen Urbas, Recording Secretary Dorothy Breltic, Auditor Frank Renusi, Entertainment Donna Snyder Kathy Janosik Bonnie Knepper William Brletic, Advisor Lorain Congratulations, Sue An Award That is VERY MUCH DESERVED Dale Kosco Lorain Krisby Favored by WP Theresa Krisby was bom to Frank and Theresa Lach. They both came from Ljubljana, Slovenia, and later met in Cleveland, Ohio, where they were married and started their family. Theresa has three brothers, Frank and twins Joseph and Stanley. They grew up in the West Park area of Cleveland. Theresa went to Annunciation Church and elementary school, Wilbur Wright junior high, and then West Technical high school. The family was active in the Slovenian community by going to dances and picnics. The parents belonged to a number of lodges, namely KSKJ and AMLA. They were also on the board of the West Park Slovenian Flome and promoted the construction of the new Home building. Theresa met her future husband, Steve, at a Denison Slovenian Home dance. They danced to the "Blue Skirt Waltz” and, after fifty years of marriage, still enjoy dancing to it. Steve and Theresa were married in 1949 and started a family with the birth of their sons, Kenny and Wayne. Their family has grown to include Kenny’s wife, Kathy, and grandchildren Terry, Randy, Kyle and Karly, who live in Columbus, Ohio. Wayne and wife Darlene, along with children Brianne, Adam and Matt, live in Cleveland. When the boys were young, the family traveled frequently and went on fishing vacations both East and West. In 1972, Theresa and Steve went to Las Vegas and have been going back ever since. Theresa enjoys bowling with her league and going to tournaments around the state. She also loves to play bingo, both real and instant. Theresa is very active with the West Park Slovenian community. She is the recording secretary of Lodge No. 26 Soča of AMLA. She sang with the AMLA singers under the direction of Marie Pivik. Theresa has been treasurer of the West Park Ladies Auxiliary since 1975 and has assisted in the raising of money through rummage sales and potica baking to help keep the WPSH operating. While serving on the Board of Directors of the West Park Slovenian Home, Theresa has filled many roles. She serves presently as recording secretary and as a representative to the Federation of Slovenian Homes. Alba Tops Collinwood C3 Alba Plutt Was born in Cleveland, 0h'o, on October 13, 1930, ® Frances and Guy Liberti cnvissuto. My brother, ^en- and his wife, Lillian, 11,6 'n Crestline, Ohio. ^ attended John Hay High c*ioo|, where I met my hus-aild, John Plutt We were married at St. Vitus Church on September 2, 1950. When we got back from our honeymoon, we learned that John’s Air Force Reserve unit was activated because of the Korean War. We were off to Law'son Air Force Base in Columbus, Georgia. After John served four years in the military, we returned to Ohio and bought our home in Bedford Heights. We have three children, who attended and graduated from Bedford High School. They then went on to college. We have two sons and a daughter. John Plutt Jr. served eight years in the Navy Air Force and now lives in Huber Heights, Ohio, where he works in management for Freightliner Trucking Company. He and his wdfe, Charlotte, have seven children. Our son, Colonel Thomas Plutt, is in the United States Air Force. He and his wife, Jane, and their two children are now' living in Sumter, South Carolina, where Tom is stationed at Shaw Air Force Base. Our daughter, Vicky-Lynn, and her husband, John Gnali, live in Parma, but will soon move to their new home in Florida. We are the proud grandparents of Gregory, Keith, Angela, Mark, Matthew, Ryan, Dustin, Tara, Jessica and Alexa. We also have four great-grandchildren: Johnnie May, Logan, Bran-den, Olivia, and a new one, expected in May, to Ryan and Gina. 1 am a member of the Board of Directors of the Collinwood Slovenian Home, St. Mary’s Senior Club, Altar and Rosary So- ciety of St. Mary’s, the Collinwood Pensioneers, and a representative of the Federation of Pensioneers. I am also an alternate representative of the Federation of Slovenian Homes. I have been the treasurer of the Collinwood Home’s board of directors for the past four years, and have been active with the Collinwood Slovenian Home for the past 21 years. John and I were managers of the Collinwood Slovenian Home for 15 years. We retired in 1994, but stayed on as board members. During our years as managers, we made many lasting friendships. Under President Dan Pavšek, we did an extensive renovation in our upper hall and had our grand opening for our 65th anniversary. We had many events, such as: golf outings, bowling teams, darts, bus trips to sporting events, summer men’s bowling. Super Bowl (Continued on page 5) To: MARIE SHAVER Congratulations and THANK T0U for your help through the years. SNPJ Youth Circle 2 |Lb/7ffl-arf//ar/b/7J ro Wjfr\ FUCKINGER TIRE & AUTO COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR OH ALL MAKES & MODELS IHCLUDIHO 4X4*1, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTOR HOMES COMPUTER ALIGNMENT & BALANCE • SHOCKS • STRUTS C.V. JOINTS • RACK & PINION • BRAKES • EXHAUST Tarestone Mon-Tfl 7*w-6pin Sal Hssa 731.7100 COODpYCAtt 919 f. 901 St. , j-nwf ».Vp j AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 PATRON ADS: Mary Gorišek Donna Ohman Zina Sesek Eda Garstick Joan & Jim Cifranic Janet & Wally Lachowski Ella Samanich Betty Mirtich Helen Semasko Linda Anderson Rosemarie Krysiak Florence Healey Irene Dupak Margaret Lunder Harris Joseph R. Tomazic Marie Pivik Andy Disceno Rudy Pivik Ed Zalar Ann Lekan Marian & Bob Royer Emma Zupan Dorothy Pelko Helen Konkoy Eleanore Cham Elly Simcic Joe & Ruth Lach John & Karen Lee Mismas Mimi Stibil Joe Maloney Congratulations Theresa Krisby from The Ed Zalar Band Ed Zalar Bob Myers Ed Zalar III Joe Reboudo Steve Zalar 1-440-237-7155 Congratulations to West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby HAPPY TIMERS BUTTON BOX CLUB New Cassette Tapes $10 c/o Music Director Larry Zaletel 957 Meadview Dr. Seven Hills OH 44131 1 -216-520-1531 Congratulations Theresa Krisby James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 650 E. 185 St. Cleveland 44119 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets -Funeral Wreaths -Cut Flowers Congratulations Theresa Krisby from Styles By Rosemary Rosemary Pignataro 216-267-0919 To a Good Friend Theresa Krisby T^is is Your Past Honorees Joe & Marge Peresutti Congratulations to West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS • DISC BRAKE SERVICE EXHAUST SYSTEM & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE JOE’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TIRES • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES TOWING & SNOW PLOWING 4700 WEST 130TH STREET JOE TOMAZIC CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 PHONE 251-8782 CONGRA TULA TIONS TO HONOREE, Theresa Krisby Woman of the Year WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS Congratulations Theresa Krisby from The Ladies Auxiliary of West Park Slovenian Home President: Joan Cifranic Congratulations to West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby Car Parts Warehouse Inc. “The Import Specialists” Full Line of Import & Domestic Parts TONY DI FORCE - PRESIDENT Tel: 216-676-5100 Ext 201 1-800-247-2886 Fax: 216-676-5516 Cel Phone: 216-496-4370 5200 W. 130 St. Brookpark, OH 44142 It’s Cool to be Slovenian Congratulations Theresa Krisby AMLA Lodge #26 SOCA President: Ruth Lach I5* Vice President: Marie Pivik 2nd Vice President Dorothy Latino Secretary: Eleanor Simcic Treasurer: John Mismas Recording Secretary: Theresa Krisby Audit chairman: Dorothy Uranker r* Auditor: Joe Lach 2nd Auditor: Olga Klinec F.A.C. Coordinator: Mimi Stibil Congratulations Theresa Krisby & All Past and Present Honorees Rudy and Marie Pivik Lorain Slovenian Home Remains Profitable... (Continued from page 1) Our steak dinner/dances usually draw a good crowd; we serve a 16 oz. porterhouse steak grilled to order, baked potato with sour cream, tossed salad, dessert and coffee; then dancing to good music, all for $13. Our pork chop dinner is December is always a sellout. The dinner is prepared by the women of our Auxiliary, the Board, and other volunteers. Our other affairs are our annual picnic, Nite at the Races, Jazz on Pearl, and Clambake. All are well attended. We held jam sessions for several years, but this past year the attendance has gone down considerably. In 2000 we may hold a jam session occasionally, perhaps in conjunction with a dinner. Our Jazz Nite will be held again, on April 8; this New Orleans Dixieland type of Jazz is a departure from the usual type of music heard at °ur Home. The “River Hawks” band is very good. Our Clubroom continues to hold its own. Our manager, Sue Kosco, hold taco nights, hot dogs and beer nights, barbecued ribs dinners, tailgate parties in the Clubroom for football games shown on TV. We sponsor a softball team and Sue sponsors a golf league. She does a great job as manager. Alba Plutt... (Continued from page 3) Parties, and, of course, always ending each event with inners. So, you see, John ePt me and my sister-in-aw, Mary Podlogar, cook-lng! We have a 50/50 raffle every other month, and the °ard of directors members w°rk hard and very well together. I also worked at Brent-^ood Hospital in telecommunications, and retired in 1995. * could not have done '''hat had to be done without 1 e help of my family and ^any friends, who worked my side always. ®e'ng on the Board has |eally been a pleasure. It is a ot of work, but with mem- ers who really care, and dVe*yn Pipoly, our presi-er,t, who keeps us on the ri8bt track. T am very honored to be Reeled as Woman of the ®ar 2000 by the Board of Irectors of the Collinwood l‘k°Ven'an ^orne- I would ’ e to thank my family and 0^ends for their support l, er the past years. God less all of you! Our Women’s Auxiliary holds bake sales and strudel sales, the proceeds of which are used to purchase equipment for the kitchen and the Clubroom. The Auxiliary also sponsors a young Slovenian woman as a princess in the Princess Pageant that is part of the Lorain International Festival held annually. All in all, we continue carrying on our Slovenian culture and heritage. We have a hardworking Board of Directors. T^ie members are: James Muzek, president; Ruth Shook, vice president; Linda Sekular, financial secretary-treasurer; Helen Urbas, recording secretary; Dorothy Brletic, auditor; Frank Renusi, entertainment committee; Kathy Janosik, Donna Snyder, and Bonnie Knepper. Congratulations to all the honorees! .v/u-:. • • ,d»3 g-iV'T mil, ■% m-:o? Congratulations Theresa Krisby Bob and Marian Royer (You Buying?) Congratulations to West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby ‘Wittiam Isaac Insurance Agency, Inc. BILL ISAAC (216)524-5588 FAX (216) 524-3512 6505 ROCKSIDE ROAD, SUITE 300 • INDEPENDENCE, OHIO 44131 Congratulations, “Mom, ” West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby Ken & Kathy - Wayne & Darlene Ka Ko Pa Si, Grandma Terry, Randy, Brianne, Adam, Matt, Kyle & Karly Congratulations Sister Theresa Krisby Joe & Ruth, Frank & Leela and Stanley & Loretta Lach Congratulations Theresa Krisby West Park’s Woman of the Year Joe Tomazic Congratulations to West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby DJC AUTO PARTS 4382 w. 130™ St. Cleveland, OH (216) 251-3659 Complete Carburetor Rebuilding - Complete machine Shop Service - Free Delivery to Business Accounts Quality Parts at Competitive Prices DAVID MIKE TOM Congratulations Theresa Krisby “Woman of the Year” West Park Slovenian Home 4583 West 130th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Phone: 216-941-3224 Club Room Hours 11 a.m. - Till 1 a.m. Daily Food Every day and Fish Fries on Friday Congratulations to West Park Honoree Theresa Krisby DON • BILL • AL FRANK • JACK 'pinetf Auto. TCkcctii? 4343 WEST 130th STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 (216) 941-4488 FAX 941-5004 c MUMt, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT Your Friend Joe Stariha CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT Honoree of the Year Bronko's Drive-In Beverage Dave Heuer CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT “Our Grandmother” Keith Gregory Ryan Matthew Angela Mark Tara Dustin Jessica Alexa Great Grandmother Johnnie Mae, Brandin, Logen, Olivia CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT DEDICATED WORKER MIKE & EVELYLN PIPOLY Congratulations \ CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT Frank 8r Charlotte Ferra John Telich Annuity CLU-CHFC Honoree of the Year ALBA PLUTT John Telich 24100 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, OH ? Congratulations :j toAlltheHonom , *.* »*1 C0LLINW00D SLOVENE NO, 22 President - Tina Collins Vice Pres. - Joyce Segulin Rec. Sec. - Stephanie Dagg Sec. - Frank Koncilja Auditors: Stephanie Segulin, Tina Collins, Joyce Segulin, Youth Coordinator: Theresa Dagg CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT From Jim & Megan Krann Trucks & Trailers, Local or One-Way ZIGMAN’S We Rent Moving Vans --Not Freight Trucks U-HAUL CHOOSE THE MOVING —1 EXPERTS AND SAVE O'lBaa 30500 Euclid Avenue Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Phone: (216) 585-3619 Congratulations to Alba Piutt 30500 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 ZIGMAN’S SERVICE Complete Auto & Truck Repairs Custom Trailer Hitches U-Haul Rentals Ph.: (216) 585-3619 FRANK ZIGMAN Collinwood Slovenian Home Board of Directors EVELYN PIPOLY-President JOYCE SEGULIN-Vice-President ALBA PLUTT-Treasurer FRANK FERRA - Financial Secretary JENNIE TUMA - Recording Secretary MARY BLATNIK - Corresponding Secretary Auditors-MICHAEL PIPOLY JOHN PLUTT MARYPODLOGAR JOHN HOZJAN, Alternate House Committee - DOMENIC CEKADA JOHN PLUTT JOHN HOZJAN Bylaws - ANN DAGG & STAN ERZEN Director - ARLENE MARTIN Federation of Slovenian Homes Representatives: EVELYN PIPOLY, FRANK FERRA, & MICHAEL PIPOLY Alternates-JOHN & ALBA PLUTT ALBA PLUTT 'SuilcUnfrOur futuresOn/ServicesTo-Yow ^ Domestic and Foreign Auto Body, Inc. EXPERT BODY AND FENDER WORK Bus. 216/481-8696 17017 St. Clair Fax: 216/481-8663 Cleveland, Ohio 44110 CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT AS OUR HONOREE FOR THE YEAR 2000 Jennie Tuma CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE YEAR 2000 HONOREES THE DAN COSIC FUNERAL HOMES 28890 CHARDON ROAD 178010 LAKE SHORE BLVD. Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 Cleveland, OH, 44010 440-944-8400 216-486-2900 (formerly Grdina’s) Serving Families into the New Millennium Owned and Operated by Dan Cosic and Joseph Zevnik Licensed Funeral Directors Collinwood History... The Collinwood Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue opened its doors on August ^4, 1919. Harry Davis, who 'Vas the Mayor of Cleveland, came to open the festivities. John Prusnik was the first president. . n 1941, major renova-tions got under way. A new ^lng was added and the j'oat steps were enclosed, downstairs, the bowling a eys were removed and a 'g club room was made, tvhich served as a meeting Pace for many organiza-l0r>s. Air conditioning was ^tailed and the parking lot ^asexpanded. ^ Sophia Magajna was the lrst woman president; she as elected in 1979. I lo 1981, the second floor ps renovated. Lodges and n ividuals donated lights H mirrors. The Holmes Pensioners were organized March 22, 1962, with only men. The initiation fee was $1.00 and the dues were 30 cents per month. They now have 300 members and a long waiting list. Lilija, a drama society, has been a part of the hall since it opened. Many of the families that were active when the hall was opened are still with us today. The Habats, Ferras, Pavseks and the Kocins are among them. We have a 50/50 raffle every other month. We also have a horse race every year. Each year we honor a musician at our Music Fest Homecoming. We have honored many of our local musicians. This year, 2000, we will honor Tony Petkovšek as Polka Man of the Year. We are alive and hope to continue serving you for years. Evelyn Pipoly CONGRATULATIONS AUNT ALBA Jeff &• Manj Ann Moses Bob & Manj Ann Podlogar CONGRATULATIONS To A Dear Friend ALBA PLUTT Tony & Dee Miklich Congratulations ToAllHonorees PAULIGf AL HREN Store Manager STORE: (216) 486-8900 FAX: (216) 383-3615 ORPH: (440) 954-6600 FAX: (440) 954-6610 Tr°phies & Awards - Executive Gifts Wearables - Embroidery - Specialty Advertising Store 16001 Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Corporate Headquarters 1695 Joseph Lloyd Pkwy. Willoughby, Ohio 44092 CONGRATULATIONS To Our Sister-in-Law ALBA PLUTT God Bless You Bill 8c Pat Tomsick John 8c Rose Kokel Albert 8c Phyllis Tomsick Mary Podlogar CONGRATULATIONS To Our “Mom” ALBA PLUTT John & Charlotte Plutt Colonel Tom Plutt & Jane Vicki Lynn & John Gnali CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT Your Neighbors Ursuline Nuns CONGRATULATIONS To A Pear Friend ALBA PLUTT An Honor a Long Time Coming Dan 8c Helen Pavšek CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT Our Woman of the Year St. Mary's Seniors 0?u*tenaC'%ame .•==v.==i.=.v^ Coingra itiurla it iioiris jj to J ALBA PLUTT | =-.•-j| 21900 Euclid. Avenue ( BETWEEN CHAKDON AND EAST 222ND ST.) Euclid, Ohio 44117 (216) 481-5277 COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME PATRON LIST HELEN'S BEAUTY SALON 566 East 200th Street Euclid, Ohio 44119 PHONE: (216) 531-5240 CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT From Stan Erzen *>ur Brake Specialist fe&sTIREiINC i^CKs'.^uONMENTS - '"-LSiLUl MiCHANIC ON STAFF 16) 481-5397= a —w-^UOIh g-r . 400 Foo, Nor(h of (.g0 FLORENCE URANKAR TOM URANKAR MATT ZABUKOVEC JOHN J. MILLS JOSEPH SOPNICAR JOYCE & MIKE SEGULIN MARY BLATNIK TONY MIKLICH MIKE BEZEK MR. & MRS. ALBERT MEGLICH STAN ERZEN STASH & DEE KOCIN MOTTS ZRIM SKIPPY VESEL JEANETTE NUNES EVELYN.PIPOLY JENNIE TUMA JOHN KOZLEVCHAR EDWARD FUJDA JOHN & MARY OBAT ELSIE ZALAR CARL & JENNIE SCHULTZ DOROTHY ZITKO PETE & TERRY KNEZEVIC ROSE KOCJAN JOE STARIHA MARY STERLING HELEN TQMAZIC JOHN & MARY PENCA FRANK & ELLA SKODA MARY PODLOGAR MILAN & MARIE DULAR MARIE ROTAR HELEN SUHY HARVEY & MILLIE SENGAR LILLIAN PEREZ JOSEPH J. STERLE FRANK FERRA FRANK TURK STAN ERZEN JOHN URBANČIČ JIM DEBEVEC HANK & VICKIE SKARBEZ FRANK URANKAR CHAR URANKAR JENNIE MRAMOR DEE DEE GRACE MIRIAM REINKOSTER FRANK & ELEANOR ZERNIC LOUIS KOENIG DEANNA MIKLICH JOE COLLOVA STEVE FARONE ANN DAGG JOHN & JANE HOZJAN RAY & CAROL MIKOLIČ JOHN LIUTKUS ALICE & PHIL YAN MIKE PIPOLY HELEN KOZLEVCHAR EMERIC & ANN PAUCIC LOUISE FUJDA JOE & FRANCES KLEMENČIČ MARY C. JACKSON CHARLIE & TILLIE VRTOVSNIK VAL & DOM CEKADA ANN TERČEK TONY & KAY MOZE ROSE SILVA DOROTHY & TONY SPENDAL ELEANOR DULIC SYL & RICHARD KOTABISH ELEANOR KOPORC FRANK & PEGGY PONIKVAR LUCY KOLODSKY MARGE HUDOCK CHRIS & JOHN CHERMELEY RUTH KOLENC ANNE L. BECKERT CHARLOTTE FERRA ADAM JASIN LIL & BEN LIBERTI DOROTHY URBANČIČ ALICE OPALICH JOHN GRM H, pei>T>£&. AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 ALBA PLUTT CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING HONORED AS WOMAN OF THE YEAR. FROM ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Congratulations to ALL THE HONOREES Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law ONMI PARK BLDG. - Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue (near 1-90) Euclid, Ohio 44132-3547 Telephone: 216-261-0200 Congratulations to Alba Plutt “FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Louis E. Zele — Sutton J. Girod 452 East 152nd Street — 481-3118 — CLEVELAND, OHIO —Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — IVe are here to help you. Congratulations to A.LBA PLUTT SAXON CATERING Large and Small Parties Funeral Luncheons 746 E. 200th St. Cleveland, OH 44119 Phone or Fax: (216) 481-9452 Congratulations Alba Plutt James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 650 E. 185 St. Cleveland 44119 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets -Funeral Wreaths -Cut Flowers CONGRATULATIONS ALBA PLUTT COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME WOMAN OF THE YEAR FROM YOUR MEMBERS OF THE HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS (RECYCLED TEENAGERS) COMING EVENTS: DINNER/DANCE April 9, 2000 PICNIC July 12, 2000 CONGRATULATIONS M. PATRICIA NEVAR Waterloo Slovenian Home “Woman of the Year” ALBA PLUTT Collinwood Slovenian Home “Woman of the Year” THERESA KRISBY West Park Slovenian Home “Woman of the Year” S JUDGE RONALD SUSTER Federation “Man of the Year V ________ ^ PRESIDENT CLEVELAND CITY COUNCIL y and WARD 11 COUNCILMAN f A MARIE J. SHAVER Federation “Woman” of the Year V____________________ JOE CIMPERMAN St Clair Slovenian Home “Man of the Year” V J MICHAEL D. POLENŠEK andEAMDLY WILLIAM MANNIOL East 80th Slovenian Home “Man of the Year” v___________________y ALBA PLUTT OUR PRIDE AND JOY GOD BLESS YOU ' FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND SUPPORT : UM ST. MARY CHURCH REVEREND JOHN KUMSE HOLMES AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO Zivjo Fence Frank Sajn Man of the Year Congratulations Poppy & Stan Modic Congratulations frank sajn Our Man of the Year Charlie Hadden Congratulations and Best Wishes Fairport Slovenian Club’s Man of the Year frank sajn Tony & Carol Satej greeting honoree of the year frank sajn WATJ - 1560 AM Congratulations frank sajn Airport Howoree James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 650 E. 185 St. Cleveland 44119 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets -Funeral Wreaths -_ Cut Flowers Congratulations \ FRANK SAJN Man of the Year 2000 »»»•port Slovenian Club 0*»r Sisters and Brothers .MS}Npj Lodge 355 Congratulations frank sajn a'rport Slovenian Club ^an of the Year from Pearson trophy 32433 VINE ST. WILLOWICK, OH 44095 ' > & SALES MON.&THUR. 10AM-8PM TUES. WED. FRI 10AM - 6PM r TROPHIES - PLAQUES - MEDALS ' RIBBONS - GAVELS CUSTOM & PRACTICAL AWARDS ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES 24 HR. ENGRAVING SERVICE ^ AVAILABLE CLOSED SATL A- 1RDAY X $ PHONE 440-585-0170 FAX 440-585-1530 ESTABLISHED 1973 [7 — THANK YOU FOR THE HONOR to FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN CLUB for the year 2000 FRANK SAJN Honoree Photography and FrameCantar Congratulations to AH Honorees f "pKUttiatj * Needle art ‘Custom matting ‘Posters ‘Coins ‘AND MORE Award Winning Photography * High School Seniors * Families, Children, Weddings and more... Owned and operated by . Ron Kotar and Bob Kunesh Located at 36495 Vine St., Willoughby Call 953-1600for more information * Fairport Slovenian Club Retirees 2000 Congratulations FRANK SAJN American Slovenian Club’s Man of the Year + PATNEVAR Waterloo Slovenian Home’s Woman of the Year President - Esther Podboy Vice President - Frank Minello Treasurer - Ray Gobec Recording Secretary - Ann Pureber Auditors: Tony Sturm - Chairman Elsie O’Hara, Frank Vodko Entertainment: Dorothy Gorjup, Pat Nevar Sgt.-at-Arms - Jean Urbancek Sunshine: Helen Sturm, Betty Kozar Congratulations FRANK SAJN - 2000 - American Slovenian Club Man of the Year In Memory of Louis & Mary Grzely and Kristina & Tony Mahne from Jean and Louis Grzely Katie and John Grzely Mitzie and Tony Mahne Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian Man of the Year FRANK SAJN Club Honoree, and All Honorees from Spear-Mulqueeny Funeral Home 667 Mentor Ave. 312 Eagle St. Painesville, OH 44077 Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 440-357-7514 Jim and Arlene Mulqueeny & son Jay _______ PERSONALIZED SERVICE Mary jo & I^hY ESRTONS Congratulations P PRANK SAJN ““■Port’s Ma„ 0fthc Year Rocks Farm & Garden ^5 Chilicothe Rd. k. & Rt. 306 *'r‘land, Ohio 44026 »P & Elsie Rock 0,n & Marilyn Rock H0-256-3630 °n8ratulations and Wishes to sajn I M°Venian Man of the Year >;;; and I'^J^Fabian American Slovenian Club of Fairport Harbor Man-of-the-Year FRANK SAJN CongratulationSy Frank -Also to All Honorees From the Board of Directors Pres.: John Grzely V. Pres.: Joe Meglen Treas.: Lou Grzely Sec.: Ann Barbish Auditors Jean Fabian Warren Fabian Frank Sajn Sgt.-at-arms: Joe Barbish Matt Zalar Congratulations Theresa Krisby from Dr. and Mrs. Mario Pavicic OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT MARIO PAVICIC. D.D.S 4682 WEST 130TH STREET CLEVELAND. OHIO 44135 TELEPHONE (216) 941-5373 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 CIO Frank Sain Does It All in Fairport A For the last dozen years, the Fairport Slovenian Club has sported a special kind of “shine.” That’s when Frank Sajn (pronounced as “shine”) became a member. Ever since a lot of good things have been happening at the Club. And that is why Frank Sajn is being honored as the American-Slovenian Club Man of the Year. “Frank has volunteered a lot of time to improving and updating the physical environment around the Club and its grounds. Largely because of him the Club is neater and cleaner. He was instrumental in having a new smoke cleaning system installed and spends a lot of time making improvements. One of the latest projects he undertook was installing a new speaker system,” explained John Grzely, Club president. Frank Sajn was voted unanimously to be Fair-port's Man of the Year 2000 by its board of directors in recognition of his many contributions to the Club. “Frank just does it,” says Grzely. “If he sees it needs to be done, he just gets at it. In the past year he spent hundreds of hours working to renovate the rental unit on the Club grounds. And much of it he did alone,” he added. “It’s just that kind of commitment that keeps organi- zations and clubs such as our operating successfully,” Frank joined the Slovenian Club in 1988, when he moved to the Painesville area from Euclid. Since then he has served on the Board for several years and as its president for two terms. He is currently serving on the Board as an auditor. Every Slovenian Club has to have a house accordion player, and Frank Sajn also serves that function for the membership. He said he was self-taught with the encouragement of his father, who would sing and hum the old Slovenian polkas and waltzes to help him learn to play. “There is no better music in the world,” Frank believes. He has played and jammed with some of the best, including the late Johnny Pecon. He has performed around Cleveland and even traveled to Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Florida to share his love of the music with others. Currently, he plays lead piano accordion with the Fairport Polkateers, a button •box :group made up of Club members. Frank and the Polkateers lead a jam session every other Friday at the Club. They also visit the Slovene Home for the Aged monthly to entertain the residents* there, and have appeared at various festivals around the area, including the Octoberfest held annually at the Lake County fairgrounds. Frank’s affiliation with Slovenian Homes started with birth. He was born on E. 159 St., across from the Holmes Avenue Slovenian Home, to Frank and Molly Sajn. The family moved to Euclid in 1940. Frank graduated from Euclid High Central High School in 1949. After high school, he joined the Army and served in Korea in 1950. Frank and his wife, Delores, were married in 1958. They have three children: Frank Jr., who plays the drums, Lori Ann and Jon. He spent 46 years working at Linderme Tube Co. in Euclid, retiring in 1996. Frank is a lifetime member of SNPJ and currently is a member of the Painesville Elks, Fairport VFW, the Hungarian Culture Club in Fairport, and the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid. Asked about his hobbies, Frank will only admit to being a “workaholic.” And fortunately for the Fairport Slovenian Club, in the past several years, most of that workaholic effort has been channeled to the Club. Thanks, Frank! Barberton Slovenian Home Shines With New Optimism The Barberton Slovene Center, owned and operated by the Slovenian Independent Society Home, looks forward to the new millennium with renewed optimism based on its successful business operations and the commitment and support of its officers, executive board, membership and employees. This past year there were more than 70 weddings, banquets and parties held in the ballroom and annex, while the eight-lane bowling facility managed to retain all leagues, thanks to an innovative program that provided each league with a free banquet if it bowled at least 16 weeks. A number of activities, including trips to Las Vegas and Put-in-Bay, helped the private club retain its strong membership base. A program to upgrade and modernize the facility continued. Among major proj- ects completed in 1999 were the installation of new, energy-saving windows and the refurbishing of the ballroom that is now without question the premiere hall in the Barberton area. Other recent improvements include expanded parking and the upgrading of the annex, which caters to small weddings and parties. Two highlights of the past year were the completion of a five-year long range plan for the business operations and lodge and the establishment of two annual $500 scholarships for children and grandchildren of Lodge members. FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES Efforts to increase Lodge membership have resulted in the enrollment of 24 regular and associate members over the past two years, bringing total membership to nearly 300. In support of this effort, Euclid Slovene artist A1 Krnc recently displayed pictures and demonstrated watercolor techniques following one of the Lodge’s regular meetings. Some 40 members and guests were in attendance. This was the first in what is intended to be a series of cultural programs for members and the general public. Edward F. Gabrosek Frank Sajn Congratulations to All the Winners of the Year 2000 Slovenes of the Year FROM Al Markič and Staff of WATJ 1560 AM CONGRA TULA TIONS FRANK SAJN Fairport Man of the Year Value Decorating Inc. 12156 Chilicothe Rd. Chesterland, Ohio 44026 440-729-7004 Frank and Ann Skomrock :=Aun IKc at t, Congratulations Theresa Krisby from loUp) (216) 671-9000 (800) 328-9001 FAX (216) 252-7033 Denison Mo Ports M 4500 W. 130 STREET * CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135-3538 DOMESTIC & FOREIGN CARS • TRUCKS • VANS i Another Mannion drives Nash William P. Mannion was born on April 12, 1952, to proud parents Wilfred and Anna Mae (Pelko) Mannion. He is their second child and bas four sisters and four brothers. Willie attended St. Lawrence Elementary School. He went to Holy Name High School and graduated in | 1970. While in high school, be worked for Richman rothers and Gluntz Brass ar|d Aluminum Cos. After graduation, Willie enlisted 'n the Marine Corps. He spent four years in the serv-1Ce- Two of those years were j 0verseas, in Okinawa, Ja-j Pan, and in Southeast Asia. e was honorably dis-c arged in 1974, holding the rank of sergeant. Wl|lie currently lives in |sonr°23 0.hla He has one Wham name 'S alS° Millie held several jobs , rail he decided that his true a°Ve's cooking. He attended a *cbool for culinary arts n as a result has worked at Leveral Cleveland area res-pnrants: Cleveland’s PM, [p.l'ano>s Bratenahl Place L1,1 afe Restaurant, and Cafe ranai, to name just a few. } He was introduced to fra-■ ^hialism at an early age by pls grandparents and par-Wnts' Willie is a member of iKSKA L°d8e Bled N°- 20' 'I St. Lawrence Lodge lje°' 63> and the SNPJ. Wil- tra p5 *?0nc^ niemories of (NAsuf t0 the SIovenian Home with his A‘ndfather, Anton Pelko. tyitk\Veteran ‘s involved a th VFW Post 2281 and is hiander JUni°r V'Ce C°m' Po "—* ^iir *ast ^our year!>’ be p6 aaS ^een a niember of jov °ar^ °f Directors of the >n pn'an National Home ^u„ti*0.S,reel- He gives fa-. ss hours to the many | nS at the NASH- You at Ways see him helping e various dinners and Best Wishes jv ra*ik and Clara ^ Hrovat raffles. He enjoys helping the kitchen crew of the NASH by making dumplings for the pork, sauerkraut and dumpling dinners. He also helps with breading fish for the fish fries. Most recently he donated many hours to help restore the original hall for its 80th anniversary. Willie, in short, is always ready and willing to give a hand in whatever is needed to be done at the NASH. Willie is very honored to be named Man of the Year 2000 for the Slovenian National Home on East 80th Street. He is following in the footsteps of many other members of his family. In past years his grandfather, Anton Pelko, and his brother Anthony were honored as Men of the Year. His mother, Anna Mae Mannion, his aunt, Ruth Ross, and his sister, Katie Kaw-czynski, have also been honored by the NASH as Women of the Year. Willie enjoys cooking, gardening and crossword puzzles, and is an avid history buff. He also enjoys many types of music, especially polkas. Willie also enjoys spending whatever free time he has left with his family, especially his many nieces and nephews. Newburgh Patron Ads: Alice Arko Gerald Cunningham Lillian Cunningham Rick & Agnes Frys William Hecht Amy Kane Lisa & Bob Kane Anna Mae Kostura Louis Kusa Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lea Jim & Dolores Nose Larry Pozarelli Rosemary Pozarelli Rosemarie Pozarelli Tony Pozarelli Al Resnik Ruth G. Ross Albina Arko Mr. & Mrs. Larry Blatnik Congratulations to ALL HONOREES! Newburgh-Maple Hts. Pensioners Eddie Škufca, President William P. Mannion Fairport Patrons Mary Ann and Lee Jackopin Joseph Meglen John Kutie Herman Kapel Poppy & Stan Modic Lloyd Cross Charles & Josephine Kapel Donna & Stan Baucher Rose Bradack Dorothy Nemura Matt & Gabrielle Zalar John & Andra Prezioso Jim & Mary Ann Savastano Ann & Joe Barbish Frank & Mary Shume Tony and Rose Hegler Warren & Jean Fabian FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES Congratulations to All Honorees! The American Home Publishing Co. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland Tabloid Newspapers 431-0628 CONGRA TULA TIONS JOE & NANCY NOVAK Joe Novak & Friends 1-330-723-3523 Dorothy Cabot Lou & Mitzi Champa Mrs. Peter J. Ellis, Sr. Joe & Jean Fortuna Joseph Globokar Christine Grozdanik Eleanor Grozdanik Judith Grozdanik Ann Harsh Theresa Heaton Susanna Hughey Charles F. Ipavec Ann V. Kapela Tony Kaplan Julie Kastelic Mae Kastelic Thad Kastelic Josephine Klun John Kužnik Julie Mezgec Joe & Dorothy Milavec Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Mlakar Hattie Missig Marge Rys Lois Sever Eddie Škufca Vickie Spech Mary Ann Sray Olga Sray Mimi Stibil Frank & Donna Strainer Bunny Trsinar Rose Vatovec Jo Vercek Marie Vercek Congratulations to WILLIAM (WILLIE) MANNION MAN OF THE YEAR E. 80th - Newburgh FROM YOUR FAMILY Your Mom, Anna Mae Mannion Your Son, Willie Mannion, Jr. Your Brothers, Sisters, In-Laws, Nieces and Nephews Mary Ann & Dave Gesing Therese, Sean, Anna Marie, & Beth Tony & Jan Mannion Michael & Leah Jim & Karen Mannion Jimmy & Katie Tom & Sue Mannion Chrissy & Colleen Joe & Kathy Mannion Patrick & Dylan Brigid & Greg Farone Alexandria Katie & Mark Kawczynski Becky, Judy, Kaitlin Sara & Christine Jean & Jim Marinčič Margot, Brenna, Alainna & Andrew A AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 2000 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME CO. PRIVATE CLUB OPERATORS OF Slovenian East 80th Lanes 3563 East 80th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 641-9664 883-2963 Extends CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES TO all of the HONOREES for MAN and WOMAN OF THE YEAR Especially to Our Own William (Willie) Mannion Board of Directors Anthony Mannion - President Albin Resnik - Vice President Anna Mae Mannion - Secretary Treasurer Anna Mae Kostura - Recording Secretary Ruth Ross - Auditor Florence Mirtel - Auditor William Mannion — Director Alice Arko - Honorary Member Sunday, May 21, 2000 Man of the Year Testimonial Dinner Honoring WILLIE MANNION Donation: $15.00 - Music by Joe Novak & Friends 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Sunday, May 14, 2000 Donation $7.00 adults; children under 8 = $3.00 Congratulations to Newburgh’s Man of the Year WILLIAM mannion Florence Mirtel & Paul Grill Well Deserved! Charles L. & Frances Hočevar Congratulations! Joe Habjan & Terry Anzo Congratulations to All Honorees from Any And All Occasions Katie 1-440-852-9216 / Jean 1-440-526-8658 CONGRA TULA TIONS! James A. SLAPNIK, JR. FLORIST 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 216 - 531-7807 AMLA Newburgh Lodges Lodge Mir No. 10 AMLA President, Louis F. Boldin Secretary, Josephine Boldin Treasurer Lodge Bled No. 20 AMLA President, James Mannion Secretary, Anna Mae Mannion Treasurer Ruth Ross /. < Lodge Kraljica Miru No. 24 AMLA President, Frances Cazin Secretary-Treasurer, Rose Mary Pozarelli In the spirit of togetherness, join the above lodges at the Annual A.M.L.A. NEWBURGH DAY at the A.M.L.A. Recreation Center in Painesville, Ohio on SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2000 with Polka Mass at 4 p.m. - Music until 7 p.m. - Members and Officers of St. Lawrence Lodge 63 K.S.K.J. offer their felicitations to each honoree of the respective Slovenian National Horned with an added personal acknowledgement to our Slovenian Man of the Year from Slovenian E. 80,h National Home - WILLIE MANNION Officers of St. Lawrence Lodge 63 KSKJ Joseph L. Fortuna — President Isabelle Codec — Vice President Nancy Fahey - Secretary-Treasurer Maty Ann Sray —Recording Secretary Auditors: Tony Lausche, Olga Sray, Jean Fortun3 Kevin Ostrowski: Youth Athletic Director ^ Jean & Joe Fortuna and Family and the Staff of the Fortuna Funeral Home Offer their sincerest congratulations to all the Honorees of the respective Slovenian National Homes, with heartfelt thanks to the Board of Directors of the Homes for thdr continued efforts to make this recognition possible. Licensed Staff Joseph L. Fortuna John J. Fortun^ James R. Trzaska Mary Ann (Fortuna) Trzaska Slovenian-East 80 Lane* 3563 East 80th St. A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BOWL OPEN BOWLING Sal. & Sun. / - 5 p.m. For Moonlight Bowling Parties call 883-2963 FOOD - PRIZES - BOWLING SATURDAY NIGHTS ONLY The one & only Slovenian owned Alleys in the areO L