LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2010 Vol. 18, št. 1: 47-52 NOTE ON PSELAPHINAE (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE) FAUNA OF TURKEY (EUROPEAN PART) Rostislav Bekchiev National Museum of Natural History, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria e-mail: rbekchiev@gmail.com Abstract - New data on Pselaphinae species in European part of Turkey are presented. One genus (Fagniezia Jeannel, 1950) and 6 species (Bibloplectus ambiguus, Bryaxis roumaniae, Bythinus leonhardinus, Bythinus acutangulus lunifer, Brachygluta trigonoprocta, Fagniezia impressa) are new to the fauna of Turkey. Key words: Yildiz (Strandzha) Mts, Black Sea coast, faunistics, Pselaphinae Izvleček - ZAPISKI O FAVNI PODDRUŽINE PSELAPHINAE (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE) V TURČIJI (EVROPSKI DEL) Predstavljeni so podatki o vrstah poddružine Pselaphinae v evropskem delu Turčije. En rod (Fagniezia Jeannel, 1950) in 6 vrst (Bibloplectus ambiguus, Bryaxis roumaniae, Bythinus leonhardinus, Bythinus acutangulus lunifer, Brachygluta trigonoprocta, Fagniezia impressa) je novih v favni Turčije. Ključne besede: Gorovje Yildiz (Strandzha), Črnomorska obala, favnistika, Pselaphinae In the recent catalogue and check-list of Staphylinidae (Löbl and Besuchet, 2004; Anlag, 2009) only 24 species of the subfamily Pselaphinae are listed for the European part of Turkey. The Strandzha mountain region (including Black sea coast) is situated in the border area between Bulgaria and Turkey and has some specific characteristics (fairly low altitude combined with varied mountainous relief). The geographic and climatic specifics of the Strandzha mountain has determined special characteristics of the vegetation which is a conglomerate of European, Black Sea, Caucasian species, dif- Introduction fering in origin, biological peculiarities and levels of development. They are divided into four large groups of vegetation families: Pre-coastal forests, marshlands and dunes; East beech-tree and durmast formation with evergreen bushes, East beech-tree formations in the high mountain area (500 - 700m) and Xerothermic beech-tree formations with or without remainders of Mediterranean vegetation. All this contribute to considerable species diversity and existence of rare species, as well as ones that are not widespread in the rest of the two countries. The current paper presents the results of two field expeditions in Yildiz (Strandzha) Mts. and Black Sea coast during the summer and autumn of 2009. Materials and methods The material was collected using the following methods: Sifting - with litter reducer. The leaf litter and rotten wood was sifted and examined in place or soil samples (2,5-3 kg) was taken for Winkler/Moczarski extractors; night hunt with light - a lamp 160W MBTF and black light tube (F8T5 - 365 nm) was used; sweeping - with entomological net and with handy one-hand blower Partner GBV 325. One part of the specimens are mounted using standard procedures, second part is preserved in alcohol. All materials are preserved in the author collection. In order to avoid repetition of GPS coordinates and altitude data, they are given only in the first mentioning of the record. List of species Euplectus kirbii Denny, 1825 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, N 41° 51.457 E 27° 57.536, 5 m, under bark of old tree, 02.10.2009, 2 ââ, 2 , leg. R. Bekchiev. Bibloplectus ambiguus Reichenbach, 1816 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Ruins of Demirköy smeltery, N 41° 49 03.5 E 27° 48 50.0, 171 m, in leaf litter of Fagus orientalis Lipsky and Rhododendron ponticum L., 03.10.2009, 2 ââ, 3 5 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bibloplectus pussilus (Denny, 1825) Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, N 41° 49.720 E 27° 57.518, 5 m, in leaf litter of Salix sp., 02.10.2009, 7 ââ, 4 5 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bibloplectus spinosus Raffray, 1914 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, in leaf litter of Salix sp., 02.10.2009, 2 ââ, 3 5 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bibloplectus hungaricus Besuchet, 1955 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, under bark of old tree, 02.10.2009, 1 8, 1 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Trimium caucassicum Kolenati, 1846 Kirklareli Province, 5 km of Vize Town, N 41° 35.810 E 27° 49.518, 376 m, in leaf litter of Quercus sp., 07.07.2009, 1 8, 5 5 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Delenda carthago Croissandeau, 1891 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Mahya Hill, N 41° 47 57.3 E 27° 44 03.1, 617 m, in leaf litter of F. orientalis and Rh. ponticum, 06.07.2009, 10 88, 5 5 5 ; Sislioba Village, N 41° 57 44.2 E 27° 54 36.1, 49 m, in leaf litter near little stream, 03.10.2009, 1 8, 1 5; Ruins of Demirköy smeltery in leaf litter of Populus sp, 30.09.2009, 1 8; in in leaf litter of F. orientalis and Rh. ponticum, 03.10.2009, 2 88, 2 5 5 ; Mahya Hill, N 41° 47 57.3 E 27° 44 03.1, 617 m, in leaf litter F. orientalis and Rh. ponticum, 29.09.2009, 6 88, 20 5 5 ; îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, N 41° 49.720 E 27° 57.518, 5 m, in leaf litter of Quercus sp., 02.10.2009, 1 8, 1 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bryaxis bulbifer Rechenbach, 1816 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, a fountain with an inscription on the Longoz road, N 41° 51 51.0 E 27° 56 54.1, 15 m, in leaf litter of Fraxinus sp., 05.07.2009, 1 8 ; 02.10.2009, 1 8, 3 5 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bryaxis curtisii orientalis Karaman, 1952 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District., bank of Degirmendere, N 41° 49.287 E 27° 45.129, 289 m, in leaf litter of Alnus sp., 06.07.2009, 4 8 8, 5 5 5 ; îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, A fountain with an inscription on the Longoz road, 02.10.2009, 1 8, 4 5 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bryaxis roumaniae Raffray, 1914 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Sarpdere Village, above entrance of Dupnisa Cave, N 41° 50.028 E 27° 33.410, 436 m, in leaf litter of Quercus sp., 08.07.2009, 6 88, 3 5 5 ; 29.09.2009, 2 88; îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, a fountain with an inscription on the Longoz road, 02.10.2009, 1 8, 1 5; Ruins of Demirköy smeltery, 30.09.2009, 1 8; 03.10.2009, 1 8; Mahya Hill, 29.09.2009, 1 8 ; îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, 02.10.2009, 1 8, 1 5, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bythinus balkanicus Reitter, 1885 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, bank of Degirmendere, 06.07.2009, 1 8; Mahya Hill, 06.07.2009, 2 88; 29.09.2009, 1 8, 1 5 ; Sislioba Village, 08.07.2009, 1 S; 03.10.2009, 1 S, 1 9; Ruins of Demirköy smeltery, 30.09.2009, 10 SS, 15 9 9; 03.10.2009, 5 SS, 7 9 9, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bythinus leonhardinus Reitter, 1913 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District., bank of Degirmendere, 06.07.2009, 7 SS, 7 9 9 ; Mahya Hill Summit, N 41° 46 15.6 E 27° 38 18.0, 820 m, in leaf litter of F. orientalis, 30.09.2009, 6 SS, 12 9 9; Sarpdere Village, Dupnisa Cave, N 41° 50 25.7 E 27° 33 21.9, 345 m, in leaf litter of Salix sp, 01.10.2009, 1 S, leg. R. Bekchiev. Bythinus acutangulus lunifer Karaman, 1948 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Sarpdere Village, above entrance of Dupnisa Cave, N 41° 50.028 E 27° 33.410, 436 m, in leaf litter of Carpinus sp., 08.07.2009, 1 S, leg. R. Bekchiev. Tychus anatolicus Besuchet, 1964 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Mert Lake, N 41° 51.457 E 27° 57.536, 5 m, at light and by sweeping, 05.07.2009, 2 SS, 34 9 9; îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, 02.10.2009, 1 S, 3 9 9, leg. R. Bekchiev. Brachygluta trigonoprocta, Ganglbauer, 1895 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Sarpdere Village, above entrance of Dupnisa Cave, at light, 08.07.2009, 30 SS, leg. R. Bekchiev, B. Zaltkov. Brachygluta foveola Motschulsky, 1840 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, at light and by sweeping, 05.07.2009, 14 SS, 2 99; by handy one-hand blower Partner GBV 325, 01.10.2009, 105 SS, leg. I. Gjonov, K. Kunt, R. Bekchiev. Brachygluta helferi longispina (Reitter, 1884) Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, by handy one-hand blower Partner GBV 325, 01.10.2009, 36 SS, leg. I. Gjonov, K. Kunt, R. Bekchiev. Fagniezia impressa Panzer, 1805 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, at light and by sweeping, 05-07.2009, 12 SS; by handy one-hand blower Partner GBV 325, 01.10.2009, 50 SS, leg. I. Gjonov, K. Kunt, R. Bekchiev. Trissemus atennatus serricornis Schmidt-Göbel, 1838 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, at light and by sweeping, 06.07.2009, 5 SS, 59 9 9 ; handy one-hand blow- er Partner GBV 325, 01.10.2009, 3 SS, leg. I. Gjonov, K. Kunt, R. Bekchiev; Sislioba Village, 03.10.2009, 1 S, 1 î, leg. R. Bekchiev. Rybaxis longicornis Leach, 1817 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, at light and by sweeping, 06.07.2009, 14 SS, 14 îî ; by handy one-hand blower Partner GBV 325, 01.10.2009, 2 SS, 4 îî, leg. I. Gjonov, K. Kunt, R. Bekchiev; îgneada Town, National Park of Longoz Forests, Hamam Lake, in leaf litter, 02.10.2009, 1 S, leg. R. Bekchiev. Ctenistes palpalis Reichenbach, 1816 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Sarpdere Village, above entrance of Dupnisa Cave, at light, 08.07.2009, 1 î, leg. R. Bekchiev, B. Zlatkov. Tyrus mucronatus Panzer, 1805 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Sarpdere Village, in bank of Velika River, N 41° 51.23 E 27° 34.04, 316 m, under bark of old tree, 01.10.2009, 1 S, leg. R. Bekchiev. Pselaphus caucasicus Motschulsky, 1845 Kirklareli Province, Demirköy District, Sarpdere Village, above entrance of Dupnisa Cave, N 41° 50 25.7 E 27° 33 21.9, 345 m, by handy one-hand blower Partner GBV 325, 01.10.2009, 1 S, leg. R. Bekchiev, K. Kunt. Conclusions As a result of this report 23 Pselaphinae species are established for the investigated region. One genus (Fagniezia Jeannel, 1950) and 6 species (Bibloplectus ambiguus, Bryaxis roumaniae, Bythinus leonhardinus, Bythinus acutangulus lunifer, Brachygluta trigonoprocta and Fagniezia impressa) are new to the fauna of Turkey. New localities are mentioned for Delenda carthago and Bythinus balkanicus, which were known only from the vicinity of Belgrad Ormanlari (Karaman, 1957, 1969; Anla , 2009) till now. As a result, including the species mentioned in Anla§ (2009), the total number of the Pselaphinae species in European part of Turkey is 38. Having in mind the geographical position of the area (between Europe and Asia) and variety of natural habitats within this territory the richness of the studied fauna must be greater. Acknowledgements I wish to thank my friends Kadir Bogaç Kunt, Ilia Gjonov and Boyan Zlatkov for their help and excellent company during field trips in the mountain. The material was collected with financial help of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science (project "Investigation of model epigeobiont and geobiont animal groups as a poten- tial for long-term monitoring and conservation of the biodiversity in Strandzha Mountain (Bulgaria and Turkey)" - 2009 - 2011, D 02-159/16.12.08). Literature Anla§, S., 2009: Distributional checklist of the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) of Turkey, with new and additional records. Linzer biol. Beitr., 41/1:215-342. Karaman, Z., 1957: Die balkanischen Bythininen (Col. Pselaphidae). Ihre Systematik, Zoogeographie und Phylogenie. Biol. Glasn, 10 (3-4): 161-208. Karaman, Z., 1969: Über einige neue und interessante Pselaphiden Vertreter der Balkanhalbinsel. Fragmenta balcanica. 7 (3): 9-20. Löbl, I., & Besuchet, C, 2004: Pselaphinae. - In: Löbl I., Smetana A. (eds.). Catalogue of the Palearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 2: Hydrophiloidea - Histeroidea -Staphylinoidea. Steenstrup, Apollo Books, pp. 272-329. Received / Prejeto: 4. 11. 2009