ANGLEŠKA VADNICA K PRIROČNIKU ANGLEŠKE SLOVNICE I. Člen __i § i. OBLIKA ČLENA i. On je pošten človek. 2. Po enournem sprehodu sem se vrnil domov. 3. Povedal mi je zgodovino svojega potovanja med počitnicami. 4. To je zgodovinsko dejstvo. 5. Kupil je hotel. 6. Pri vratih je berač z eno nogo. 7. On je študent na univerzi. 8. London je evropsko mesto. 9. Na travniku je mati ovca in njeno jagnje. 10. Zdravnik je bil Hebrejec. 11. Bil je junak svoje domovine. 12. On je Anglež in Protestant. § 2. PRED LASTNIMI IMENI i. Nesrečna Marija Stuart je bila obglavljena, čeprav je izjavila, da je nedolžna. 2. Napoleon je umrl 1. 1821. — Pravijo, da se bo princezinja Marija čez par mesecev poročila. 3. Dekan Swift je rekel: »Pojdi in pripravi konje«. 4. Doktor Carved mu je poslal pilule, o katerih je mislil, da se bodo uspešno izkazale, j. Papež Leon XIII. je znan po svojem socialnem mišljenju. 6. Zadnje besede angleškega admirala Nelsona so bile: »Anglija pričakuje, da bo vsak mož storil svojo dolžnost«. 7. Stric Janez mi je prinesel zanimivo knjigo; zdaj jo bere teta Marija. 8. Cesar Honorij je odklonil, da bi poslal čete v Britanijo. 9. Cesarica Cita je bila italijanska princezinja. 10. Volilnik Friderik in volilnica Zofija sta se sešla v Davosu. 11. Nadvojvodinja Elizabeta bo zimske mesece prebila v Švici. 12. Vojvoda Wellingtonski je dobro znan v zgodovini. 13. Humoristični Dickens je moj najljubši pisatelj, pa tudi satiričnega Thackeray-a imam rad(a). 14. Ubogi Peterček je živel s svojo materjo v majhni hišici (koči). ij. Sončni Viljem je navadno pel, kadar se je igral na vrtu. 16. Na zadnjem potovanju sem v Gentu občudoval Van Eycka. 17. Med Smithovimi in Whiteheadovimi je vedno obstojalo tekmovanje. 18. Stari oče in stric prideta na kosilo. 19. Otroška negovalka je šla z otroci na sprehod. 20. Vojvoda Viljem Normanski je porazil Angleže v bitki pri Hastingsu. 21. Vitezi niso imeli usmiljenja z nesrečnim Tomažem. 22. Angleži smatrajo Nelsona za enega svojih največjih pomorskih junakov. 23. Slavni rimski vojskovodja Cezar je napravil ekspedicije, da osvoji Britanijo. 24. Cesar Hadrijan je zgradil veliko kamenito obzidje. 25. London Sv. Tomaža je zelo različen od današnjega. 26. Gospod Grimes ubogega Toma kruto pretepa. 27. Na angleškem prestolu so Stu-artovci sledili Tudorcem. § 3. DOLOČNI ČLEN PRI ZEMLJEPISNIH IMENIH i. Devonshire meji na Cornwall. 2. Krasni Torquay se dviga nad Torbay-em. 3. Moj(a) bratranec (sestrična) živi v Congu. 4. Otok Man je v Irskem morju. 5. Anglijo ločita od kontinenta Doverska ožina in Rokavski preliv. 6. Šetland-ski, Orkenjski, Hebridski otoki in otok Anglesey, Silijski otoki in otok Wight se smatrajo za dele Britanskih otokov. 7. Večina čaja, ki se uvaža v Anglijo, prihaja iz Ceylona, otoka v Indijskem oceanu. 8. Mnogo starih Britancev je šlo preko v Bretanijo. 9. Alzacija je bogata dežela. 10. Normandija je rodila marsikaterega velikega moža. 11. Tirolska je znana po svojih lepotah, Vališka po svojih dobrih vinih in Transvaal po svojih zlatih rudnikih. 12. Na zadnjem potovanju po krasnih delih Nizozemske sem srečala veliko ljudi iz Flan-drije. 13. Združene države so bogate na surovinah. 14. Birmingham je središče trgovine z železnino; Bristol je znano pristanišče v Bristolskem Prelivu, in starodavni Rim je bil zibelka rimskih pesnikov. 15. Stratford na Avonu je slaven, ker je rodil Shakespearea, čigar drame bodo vselej slavili; Frankfurt ob Meni pa je slaven zato, ker je rojstno mesto Goetheja. 16. V preteklosti je bil Haag sedež mednarodnega sodišča. 17. Španci so si pridobili velikansko bogastvo v Zapadni Indiji. — Angleži so naleteli na ostanke njihovega brodovja, ki so ležali na španski obali, blizu Trafalgarskega rta. 17- »Victoria« je plula proti Rtu Dobre Nade. 19. Videl sem vrh Montblanca, ki je 18.000 sežnjev visok. 20. Sneg na vrhu Mont Everesta je večen. 21. Etna in Vezuv sta ognjenika. 22. Jungfrau, Simplon, prav tako tudi St. Gotthardt so v Švici, to se pravi v Srednji Evropi. 23. Ali si videl(a) Michi-gansko jezero? Ne, toda skoro 6 let sem živela ob divnih bregovih Ženevskega jezera. 24. Svobodna država Orangska spada k Južno afriški Uniji skupno z rtom Province, Trans-vaalom, Sudanom itd. 25. London leži ob Temzi, Newcastle ob Tyni. 26. Congo je reka in Congo je tudi država. 27. Obe mornarici sta zagledali druga drugo blizu Rta de la Hogue. 28. Na Škotskem in Velškem višavju govorijo keltske jezike. 29. Jura in Alpe se strnejo v Švici. 30. Pireneji ločijo Francijo od Španije. 31. Pri Piccadili Circusu smo zapustili avtobus in šli peš (doli) po Regent ulici. 32. Čez Temzo so zgradili številne mostove, kot London Bridge in Tower Bridge. 33. Stanovali smo na vogalu Arden-ove ulice in Haugh Shaw Lame. 34. Green Park je shajališče mnogih otrok. 35. V Londonskem stolpu so bili internirani marsikateri slavni Angleži. 3 6. V velikem londonskem požaru ni bilo prizanešeno stolnici Sv. Pavla. 37. Dolgo časa je bil Tower trdnjava in londonska državna jetnišnica. — Videl je usmrtitev vojvode Jorškega. 38. Edvard Izpovedovaleč se navadno smatra za ustanovitelja (zgraditelja) Westminstrske opatije. 39. Vitezi so prišli v Canterburško stolnico in umorili Tomaža Becketa. 40. Kraljevska prestolnica v Londonu je Buckinghamska palača. 41. Vojvoda Welingtonski je bil vzgojen v Etonskem kolegiju. 42. Ubogi Edgar je o polnoči dospel do King's Cross postaje. 43. Šofer, ali me lahko peljete k Britanskemu muzeju, prosim? 44. Mansion House v Londonu je javni sedež župana. 45. Londonska banka izdaja papirnati denar. 46. Poslušaj, ura na borzi bije! 47. Vredno je, da si človek ogleda kristalno palačo v Londonu. 48. Vatikan je svobodna in neodvisna država. • 49- Potniki, ki prihajajo v Rim, lahko vidijo Capitol in Qui-rinal. jo. V Louvru občudujemo dela vseh slavnih slikarjev, antičnih in modernih, ji. Prenekateri slaven mož je bil vzgojen v Mertonskem kolegiju. § 4. DOLOČNI ČLEN IN SAMOSTALNIKI SPLOŠNEGA POMENA i. Življenje je kratko, umetnost dolga. 2. Čas je denar. 3. Dolžnost gre pred zabavo. 4. Ljudje se bojijo smrti kot otroci teme. j. Učimo se zgodovine, književnosti in matematike. 6. Čitanje naredi celega moža; govorjenje pripravljenega, pisanje natančnega. 7. Človeško življenje ne zadostuje, da bi izčrpalo človeško znanost. 8. Angleška, literatura skupno z občo zgodovino je moj najljubši predmet. 9. Ona sanja o dobri in odlični družbi. 10. Čednost in sreča sta mati in hčerka. 11. Jel je zavidati srečo svojega prijatelja. 12. Shak-espearejevo življenje in umetnost kompozicij dram. 13. Čas, ki smo ga preživeli ob morju ni bil vreden denarja, ki smo ga morali plačati. 14. Raj in pekel sta verska pojma, ki sta v tej ali oni obliki razširjena po vsem svetu. 15. Dobri bodo šli v nebesa. 16. Bolje je zaupati božji previdnosti kakor usodi. 17. On ni obdarjen z umetniškim občutjem. 18. Mleko je hranilno. 19. Volna je glavni izvozni predmet Avstralije. 20. Holandski sir se razlikuje od švicarskega. 21. Sveže meso je okusnejše kot prekajene ali posušene ribe. — Ceylonski čaj je močnejši od kitajskega. 22. Kava, ki jo človek dobi v Angliji ni tako dobra kot čaj, ki ti ga ponudijo. 23. Ceylonski čaj v zavitkih mi je ljubši od onega, ki ga prodajajo na tehtnico (ki se tehta). 24. Lastavice živijo od žuželk. 25. Ptiči se ne smejo pustiti k sadju. 26. Dečke, ki se prepirajo, morajo kaznovati. 27. Zelenjava našega vrta je dražja od one, ki jo kupimo na trgu. 28. Človek le malo rabi tu na zemlji in še te malenkosti ne rabi dolgo. 29. V preteklem stoletju se je žena skušala oprostiti moža. 30. Ljudje hočejo govoriti. 31. Človeštvo, kot pravijo, postaja vse bolj degenerirano. 32. Včeraj zvečer je padla vlada. 33. Gladko govori nemško in slovensko. 34- Latinščina in grščina sta vzgojiteljici človeštva. 35. Nikoli ne delam pred zajtrkom niti ne po večerji. 36. Za zajtrk imam rad slanino in jajca. 37. Kosilce je na mizi. 38. Večerja, ki so nam jo dali včeraj zvečer v hotelu, ni bila dobra; plačati smo morali 3 krat toliko, kot smo istega dne plačali za kosilce v restavraciji, in nismo dobili polovice toliko jedi. 39. Spomladi se bomo preselili. 40. V torek vas bom prišel obiskat. 41. Pretekli ponedeljek sem bil pri stričevih. 42. Poletje 1921. leta je bilo suho. 43. Prvi četrtek v aprilu smo prišli sem. 44. Počakaj do jutra, do jutri. 45. Šola se začne ob osmih in konča ob dvanajstih. 46. Šolo so popolnoma prezidali. 47. Brat je šel v šolo, da bo govoril z učiteljem zaradi dečka, ki je s snežno kepo ubil šipo na oknu. 48. Obiskal sem kolegij, katerega je ustanovil Wolsey (eden izmed oxfordskih univerzitetnih kolegijev). 49. Prihodnji teden se vrnem v kolegij (na univerzo), jo. Nevarno je govoriti neresnico na sodniji, dočim je nevarno govoriti resnico na dvoru. 51. Londonski sodni dvor je lepa zgradba. 52. Oče je na borzi. 53. Borza je nasproti Old Lady of Threadneedle ulice. 54. Bili smo še pri kosilu, ko je pozvonil. 55. Nikar ne sedi tako daleč od mize! 56. Pojdimo spat! 57. Slabo je spal; postelja ni bila dobro postlana, je rekel. § j. UPORABA DOLOČNEGA ČLENA ZARADI POUDARKA i. Vsaka njegovih besed je potrjevala, da je hraber vojak in velikodušen prijatelj. 2. Preveč je gospod, da bi čital tuja pisma (koga drugega). § 6. UPORABA NEDOLOČNEGA ČLENA 1. On je kapetan v armadi. 2. Bil je rojen Italijan in je živel kot tujec med nami. 3. Živel je kot poštenjak in umrl kot žrtev sovraštva. 4. Postal je izdajalec svoje domovine. 5. Kardinal ga je posvetil za škofa; bil je imenovan za ljubljanskega škofa. 6. Eden mojih prijateljev je bil imenovan za kapetana gardistov. 7. Eden mojih prijateljev je bil izvoljen za predsednika, drugi za člana stojičnega kluba. 8. Zaslužili ste pohvalo kot predsednik našega društva, in vaš brat kot član odbora. 9. Nekaj let zatem, ko je Clive vstopil v armado, se je povzpel do časti polkovnika. 10. Pravijo, da mu je bila ljubša obrt čevljarja kot duhovniški poklic. 11. Mar je kdaj kateri kralj storil več za svoj narod, kot je to storil naš? 12. Nikoli ni nihče več storil za svoje tovariše. 13. Del tovora je bil poškodovan. 14. Kent je del Anglije. 15. Ker je pameten dečko, bo lahko našel izhod iz te težkoče. 16. Tri sto funtov zasluži na leto. 17. Obresti je 6 odstotkov. 18. Rim ni bil zgrajen v enem dnevu. 19. En vbod o pravem času jih reši devet. § 7. UPORABA ČLENA Z NEDOLOČNIM ZAIMKOM i. Imam malo (ne veliko) vina, malo (ne veliko) kozarcev. 2. Ostalo mi je malo vina in takoj bomo pili na vaše zdravje in srečen povratek. 3. Ali rabite veliko črnila? Ne, malo bo zadostovalo: samo toliko, da napolnim pero. 4. Večina Angležev si privošči športe. 5. Zadnjega dne, lansko leto sem šel od doma, in sem prišel sem prvega januarja; že naslednji dan pa sem zahrepenel, da bi šel nazaj. 6. Vsaka sled je izginila za njo. 7. Izgubil je vsako upanje. 8. Vsi ljudje, ki so se uprli, so bili obsojeni. § 8. UPORABA ČLENA V KRATICAH i. Bil je pri delu, ko sem se vrnil. 2. Ko je to slišala, je izpremenila barvo. 3. Zločinec je bil obsojen na smrt. 4. Reka teče od vzhoda proti zapadu. j. Ta kip je bil postavljen Srečnemu Princu v čast. 6. Preden je odpotoval, je stisnil roko vsem svojim prijateljem. 7. Mladi mož je bil do glave (vratu) v dolgovih. 8. Gospod Turnor je zasnubil mojo sestro. 9. Zadnjo nedeljo nisem bil pri maši. 10. Ona si vse to preveč jemlje k srcu. 11. Izpred oči, iz spomina. 12, Šli smo na sprehod, da zaužijemo malo svežega zraka. 13. Včeraj zvečer nas je sestra zabavala z igranjem na klavir. 14. Pod pretvezo, da gre na sprehod, je šel obiskat svojo prijateljico. 15. Ker me zelo boli glava, te ne morem spremiti. 16. Mlada gospa se je zanimala za življenje ubogega moža; toda bilo je zelo škoda, da se je preselila iz tiste mestne četrti. § 9. KJE STOJI ČLEN i. Vse hiše so bile okrašene. 2. Oba generala so navdušeno proslavljali. 3. Daj mi dvakratno, ali celo trikratno vsoto, ki si mi jo plačal poprej, pa ne bom storil tega. 4. Polovica mesta ga pozna. 5. V pol ure se vrnem. 6. Kako je škoda! 7. Kakšna množica! 8. Nikoli poprej nisem videl tako veliko ljudi. 9. Daleč je od skodelice do ustnic. 10. Nič manjša osebnost kot škof sam je zasedel prižnico. 11. Jaz sem prav tako dober veslač kot je on. Ne, nisi tako dober veslač kot je on. 12. Prilika je preugodna, da bi jo mogel prezreti. § 10. IZPAD IN PONAVLJANJE ČLENA i. On je pameten, učen in dobrosrčen človek. 2. Kupili smo rdečo in belo kravo. 3. Težko je živeti hkrati mirno in hrupno življenje. 4. En močan in en slaboten človek sta lahko oba dobra moža. 5. Mrtve in ranjene so odstranili iz bojnega polja. 6. Daj mi iglo in nit. 7. Prinesi mi nož in vilice. 8. Gospodar in gospodinja sta šla na morje. II. Samostalnik § i. SPOL SAMOSTALNIKA i. Služabnik je dražji kot služkinja, 2. Ona rabi prijateljico. 3. Samoten otrok, preziran od prijateljev, je še vedno tu. 4. Punčka je umrla s sedmimi meseci. 5. Orlica in njen samec. 6. Slon in njegovi zavezniki. 7. Lev v naravnem stanju. 8. Lastavica in njeni mladiči. 9. Škrjanček in njegova družina. 10. »Lord Kitschener« bo odplul. 11. Čoln je bil kmalu zunaj! bil je zelo lahek. § 2. MNOŽINA SAMOSTALNIKOV A—D i. Bilo je za vladanja treh Henrikov. 2. Sokrati so (prav) tako redki kot Dickensi. 3. Nočem slišati o nobenih »če« ali »toda«. 4. Napravi piko na tvoje »i«. 5. Otroci (se) radi (hodijo) plazijo po »vseh štirih«. 6. Kolački so bili komaj večji od penijev in je vsak stal dva penija. 7. Ljubših mi je 8 penijev zdaj, kot 80 penijev jutri. E—G 1. Gospodični Foster in Moore sta zapeli pesem. 2. Brata Robinson imata trgovino z igračami. 3. Doktorja Carver in Cutter sta napisala knjigo o raku. 4. Kapetana Walker in Talker sta odpotovala v Ameriko. 5. Kupil sem dvesto in dva ducata jajc. 6. Bilo je stotine, ducate jajc ubitih. 7. Jajca se prodajajo po parih, ducatih in dvajseticah. 8. Ljudje so umirali na stotine. 9. Vole so postavili po vrstah in parih. 10. Naša kuharica rabi 3 funte masti na teden; pozimi porabi 3 tone premoga. 11. Naročili so tri sode. 12. Ta zaboj tehta osem stotov (11 funtov). 13. Pravijo, da so kamele zmožne prenašati 1120 funtov (thousandweight). 14. Ta knjiga stane dva funt-šterlinga in tri (šilinge). 15. Letos je malo sadja, pa kolikor ga je, je izvrstno. 16. Ponudi snop prvega klasja vaše žetve! 17. Sadovi čednosti, marljivosti, greha. 18. Sosedova perutnina kljuje vse mlade solatne rastline. 19. Otroci radi krmijo vodne ptice po parkih. 20. Ali je kaj rib v tem potočku? 2i. Kako more človek sedeti cele ure s trnkom v roki samo zato, da ujame dve ali tri majhne ribe na dan? 22. Na ' Angleškem smo imeli vsak dan ribe za zajtrk. 23. Sto pešcev je moralo držati svoje postojanke pred mnogo močnejšim sovražnikom. 24. Sto nog dela več hrupa kot dve. 25. Meni se smilijo ljudje, ki so na morju v takem viharju. 26. Hrvati so narod, ki se hoče uveljaviti. 27. Če se dva naroda srečata v miru in razumevanju, sta prepričana, da bosta bolje uspevala kot vsak sam. 28. Družba je kriva prenekaterega zla, zaradi katerega trpimo. 29. Družba revnim ljudem obrača hrbet. 30. Prijateljska društva se imenujejo klubi. 31. Brigaj se za lastne zadeve! 32. Kupčevati s platnom. 33. V tem delu mesta ni trgovin. H—K 1. Ta tri očala so precej draga. 2. Daj mi škarje, ležijo na mizi. 3. Ali so vse te tehtnice pravilne? 4. Vsak človek je odgovoren za svoja dejanja in nehanja. 5. Mislim, da ima često histerične napade. 6. V matematiki nisem najboljši, ljubša mi je etika in glasba. 7. Fizika je zanimiva znanost. 8. Denarnico sem dal v žep dolgih hlač, ne v žep kratkih hlač. 9. Ob vrtnih vratih je brusilec za škarje. 10. Zanjci so na ovsenem polju. 11. Kupiti moram mizo za biljard (biljardno mizo) in domino-škatlo. 12. Ta knjiga ti bo dala nasvete, kaj moraš v takem slučaju storiti. 13. Dal sem miloščino beraču, ki se mi je zahvalil zanjo. 14. Žleb naše hiše daje zavetja nekaterim ptičjim gnezdom. 15. Sreča mi ni mila. L—M i. Otroci so dvignili glave. 2. Vojaki so dali puške na ramo. 3. Odločili smo se, da sledimo zgledu naših dveh sester, ki sta pred smrtjo postali katoličanki, dasi sta bili v življenju protestantinji. 4. Kako morejo ljudje na zemlji v svoji vesti prenesti, da slabo ravnajo z nebogljenimi otroci. 5. Dolina se je skoro skrila (je bila pokopana) pod veliko množino snega. 6. Treba je trdnega zdravja, da prenesemo veliko poletno vročino in veliki zimski mraz. 7. Bela in Rdeča Vrtnica Yor-ške in Landcasterske rodbine. 8. Nemški in angleški jezik imata mnogo skupnih besed in fraz. 9. Dvakrat deset je dvajset. 10. Trideset frankov se plača vpisnine. 11. Če teh pet sto funtov ne najdem do jutri, sem uničen. 12. Štirje funti ležijo na pultu. 13. Trije šilingi so v denarnici. 14. V denarnici je tri šilinge denarja. 15. Zadnjih pet let sem bil pri njem. 16. Povedal mi je vso svojo zgodovino v tistih petih minutah, ki sem jih prebil z njim v tramvajskem vozu. 17. Osem milj je dobršna pot za pešhojo (infinitiv). 18. Dandanes redkokdaj igrajo »Dva Gospoda iz Verone«. 19. Marseilles je veliko pristanišče, Bruselj je pa znan po svojih čipkah in Lyon po svoji svili. 20. Nizozemska meji na Flandrijo, ki je zelo cvetoča. 21. Združene države imajo mnogo plovnih rek. 22. Združene države pripadajo Novemu svetu. 23. Policija je stavila vse napore, da najde tatu. 24. Odkar je pouk postal obvezen, se je družba s tem okoristila. 25. Vsi poslušalci so se smejali. 26. Odbor je enodušno odklonil predlog. 27. Družba je sprejela vaš predlog. 28. V družini jih je bilo šest ali sedem. § 3. UPORABA SAMOSTALNIKOV A. Nominativ i. Človek je razumno bitje; misli in razmišlja preden stori. 2. Koga si videl? 3. Oče naj dolgo živi! 4. Bog naj da očetu dolgo življenje! 5. Bodi ti čuvaj svojega brata! 6. Če bi bila ta lestva dovolj dolga, bi lahko splezali na luno. 7. Nekoč je živel mlad in lep princ. 8. Scrooge ni vedel, niti se ni brigal, kako živita njegov nečak in nečakinja. 9. Zaman je skušal veslati proti toku. 10. Malo smo vedeli kako srečni smo bili pred njeno smrtjo (preden je ona umrla), n. Šele ko je minula nevihta, smo mogli natrgati jabolka. 12. Prosim, ne pošiljajte več tega časopisa Mariji Lloyd; njena naročnina je potekla (je izčrpana). Da, zares! 13. Srečen sem in moj prijatelj tudi. 14. Dobro jutro, gospod! 15. Oprostite, gospa, ali je to pot na kolodvor? 16. Dame in gospodje, ali izvolite priti k večerji? 17. Ali je gospod Crossley doma? Ne, toda gospa Crossley je (doma). 18. Prosim, Ivanka, povejte gospodarju, da ga neki gospod želi videti! 19. Povejte gospodinji, da jo neka dama želi (videti)! 20. Danes nas je učitelj oštel. B. Akuzativ i. Bratrancu v Londonu sem včeraj poslal pismo. 2. Knjige sem spravil v knjižno omaro. 3. Spravil sem jih v knjižno omaro. 4. Nikoli ne čitam knjig brez očal. 5. Vedno čitam knjige v postelji, preden zaspim. 6. Ta hiša, ki sem jo kupil pred nekaj leti, je zdaj vredna dvakrat toliko, kot sem jaz dal zanjo. 7. Sinu je kupil škatlico z barvicami, hčerki posteljo za punčko. c Dadv 1. Preveč pijače (Gerund) škoduje zdravju. 2. (Ona) je prijateljica gospe Johnson. 3. Zakaj pošiljate to pismo meni? (ki nimam o tej zadevi ničesar govoriti). 4. Če imaš Čepico tega fantka, daj mu jo, prosim. 5. Njemu ne bom (pošiljal nobenih čestitk) čestital. 6. Ta knjiga stane mojega brata dve gvineji. 7. To povest sem že povedal očetu. 8. Preskrbel nam je taksi. 9. Nam je preskrbel taksi. 10. Meni je odkril resnico. 11. Njej ni povedal ničesar. 12. Noče se prodati brutalni sili. 13. Zdi se mi, da bo kmalu umrl. 14. (On) Je še njihov in vseh njihovih sorodnikov prijatelj. 15. Denar bo temu možu jezik odvezal. 16. Dober sin vselej uboga svoje starše. 17. Odpuščati sovražnikom je naša dolžnost. 18. V življenju se moramo odpovedati mnogim stvarem. 19. Ta človek ti je podoben. 20. Ne morem se upirati njegovim dokazom. 21. Ne umakni pomoči tem revežem! 22. Ta gospod je dobrotnik za ves okraj! (tako ravna). 23. Ta gospod je dobrotnik revežev (vsaj tako ga imenujejo). 24. Ne pozna uboštva, sovraži laskanje in ljubi resnico. 25. Starši so navadno slepi za napake svojih otrok. D. Genetiv i. Ribja glava je različna od ponijeve. 2. Knjiga onega dečka je na mizi. 3. Ni razumel kramljanja moških in žensk. 4. Otroške noge cepetajo. 5. Ovčja volna je zelo topla. 6. V tej trgovini utegneš najti gosje perje. 7. To sem storil zaradi miru. 8. Henrikova soba je večja kot moja. 9. Karlov pes je skočil v vodo po potapljajoče se palico. 10. Nedaleč od tukaj je sloviti park sv. Jakoba. 11. Prečital sem vse Cervantejeve knjige. 12. Kdo je kupil motor mojega brata? 13. Shakespear-jeve drame so mnogo boljše na odru, kot jih analiziraš v šoli. 14. Starši mojega brata še živijo. 15. Pod streho je lasta-vičino gnezdo. 16. Gosi so jedle iz pasjega korita. 17. Trpljenje revežev je ganilo srce Srečnega Princa. 18. Sanje mojega življenja so bile, videti divne lepote Švice. 19. Jutranji listi so naznanili zborovanje odbora. 20. Vzel je dežnik nekoga drugega. 21. V Etonskem kolegiju sem videla kip vojvode Wellingtonskega. 22. Ko se je bližala zima, smo vsi zapustili deželo. 23. Silvestrov večer je zadnji večer v letu. 24. Prihodnjo pomlad, upam, da bom mogel uresničiti to potovanje. 25. Ne čutimo gibanja zemlje. 26. Je na koncu svojih smešnic. 27. Jedel je kolikor mu je srce poželelo. 28. Svoje naloge ima v mezincu. 29. Skoči k peku, nimamo dovolj kruha pri hiši! 30. Je strojepisec pri Cook & Sin. 31. Peljite mene in mojo prtljago v Warrenov hotel, prosim! 32. Zdaj je v zavetišču sv. Lukeža. 33. Vseeno je, čigav sem, odkar nisem več podanik svojega kraljevskega gospodarja. 34. Nekaj učencev mojega prijatelja je prišlo in mi prineslo to knjigo. 35. Ali si čital katero Byronovih pesmi? 36. Videla sem mnogo Rubensovih slik. 37. Samo bogati ljudje morejo kupiti Rembrandtove slike. 38. Bil je mož velikega poguma in neomahljivega samo-zatajevanja (samoobvladanja). 39. Avijatika je aktualno vprašanje. 40. Na ljubljanski univerzi je mnogo študentov. 41. En liter vode tehta manj kot en cm3 železa. 42. V Wales-u sem videla milje pašnikov. 43. Prvega oktobra bomo začeli z lovom. 44. Ob koncu prejšnjega stoletja avijatika še ni bila znana. 45. Služkinja je dala dečku peščico orehov. 46. Ljub- Ijanska škofija je zelo majhna. 47. Oljska gora ni tako velika kot Mont Everest. 48. V besedah Rt Dobre Nade in Rt Viharjev besedi Rt sledi »of«; v besedah Rt Horn in Rt Camorin, besedi Rt ne sledi »of«. 49. Mesec april ima 30 dni. 50. Včeraj je dobil mesto paznika. $1. Navadno smo stanovali najprej v hiši »Belgrove«, pozneje pa v vili »Westgrove«. 52. Napisal je knjigo o vojvodi Norfolškem. 53. Šolski otroci so čudovito peli. 54. Pri nas je strogo prepovedano tepsti šolske otroke. 55. Na knjižni polici stoji poprsje Danteja. 56. Ti psi vašega brata mi celo noč ne pustijo spati. 57. Značaj Švicarjev je čisto različen od značaja Špancev. 58. Je močnejši med njima, j 9. Je talentiran dečko. 60. Naveličal sem se je poslušati. s ITI. Pridevnik § i. BESEDE RABLJENE KOT PRIDEVNIK i. Tigri so krvoločni. 2. Ljudje skušajo iztrebiti krvoločne živali. 3. Ta knjiga je zanimiva. 4. Zanimiva knjiga, j. (On) ima obširno znanje, ki si ga je pridobil iz knjig in izkušenj. 6. Liverpulska volna in bruseljske preproge. 7. Jedel je s srebrno žlico. 8. Junak je zaslužil zlato kolajno. 9. Vedno nosim svilene nogavice. 10. Molk je zlat. 11. Kovači imajo usnjene predpasnike. 12. Bazilij je vzel v svoje usnjeno naročje konjsko kopito kot kako igračo. 13. Temza teče proti vzhodu (ima vzhodni tok). 14. Penzanze je najbolj zapadno mesto Anglije. 15. Mi imamo sedaj služabnika. 16. Imel je vseučiliško izobrazbo, kolegijsko vzgojo. 17. Nosil je nedeljski klobuk. 18. Gornja opomba. 19. Vlak, ki pelje v Ljubljano, iz Ljubljane. 20. Oblekla je sprehajalno obleko (ki jo ima, kadar gre na sprehod). § 1. STOPNJEVANJE A—C i. Ta človek je tako velik kot Goliat. 2. Ali je ta človek tako velik kot drevo? Ne, ta mož ni tako velik kot drevo. 3. To najlepšo sliko mi je dal najvdanejši prijatelj. 4. Sprehajala se je po rosnem travniku, j. To je tedenski časopis. 6. To je zadnja pariška moda. 7. Žena je nosila prazno košaro. 8. On rabi skromnejše in aktivnejše (marljivejše) ljudi. 9. Ta knjiga je bolj učena in bolj zanimiva kot ona. 10. Druga izdaja je popolnejša in natančnejša kot prva. 11. Želim popolnejše in natančnejše poročilo. 12. Tu se čutim srečnejšega kot kjerkoli drugje. 13. To so bile njegove najbolj odkritosrčne besede. 14. Rekli so, da je ladja v veliki nevarnosti; v današnjih časopisih so poznejša poročila poročala, da sploh ni nobenega upanja več; toda zadnja novica je zopet upa-polnejša. 15. V drugi polovici novembra se začenja zimsko vreme. 16. Pretekli teden sem bil v Londonu; prihodnji teden upam, da bom v Parizu. 17. Tu sta Alfred in Janez; prvi je moj prijatelj, drugega nimam rad (ne maram). 18. Moj rajni oče. 19. Zadnji nemiri v Indiji. 20. Bivši župan. 21. Čim starejše je vino, boljši okus ima. 22. To je najstarejša hiša v mestu. 23. Dva moža sta stopila iz vagona: starejši (izmed njiju) je očividno spadal k armadi. 24. Starejši sin prejme (dobi) očetov naslov. 25. Najbližja (prva) nedelja je 13. in naslednja (prihodnja) nedelja je 20. tega mesca. 26. Videli smo podlasico, ki je kukala (gledala) izza debla podrtega drevesa na bolj oddaljeni strani ceste. 27. Povedala mi je nadalje, kaj se je zgodilo, ko se je (bila) vrnila. 28. Daljni Zapad je zapadni del Združenih držav, Daljni Vzhod sta Kitajska in Japonska. D—E i. Dobro drevo ne more roditi slabega sadu. 2. Šla sem obiskat bolnega brata. 3. Mnogo ljudi ima morsko bolezen (je morsko-bolnih). 4. Sit sem laskanja (bolan sem od laskanja). 5. Na stopnišču smo slišali stopicanje (cebetanje) dekličinih nožic. 6. Pravijo, da imajo kitajske gospe (žene) majhne noge. 7. Napisal je majhno knjigo (knjižico) o svojem rojstnem mestu. 8. Želim (rabim) majhno knjigo, ki jo morem vtakniti v žep. 9. V svoje največje začudenje sem ga našel na vnanjem dvorišču. 10. Spodnji del kipa je bil iz gline, gornji del je bil iz zlata. 11. Nihče ne more biti bolj zvest in vdan, kot je bil on. 12. Hoteli (želeli) so rešiti najdragocenejše in najredkejŠe knjige, toda najbolj neizprosni in kruti ukazi (dispozicije) so vsakomur onemogočile (ovirale) približati se goreči knjižnici. 13. Vzdolž vse obale je komaj (težko) kak manj zaščiten ovinek, kot je ta. 14. Bolje pozno kot nikoli. 15. Pišem mlajšemu bratu (imam dva) in starejši sestri (imam tri). 16. Anglija je mnogo večja od Škotske. 17. Postajal je vedno bogatejši, dočim so za druge ljudi razmere po- stajale vedno težavnejše. 18. Čim daljši dan, tem krajša noč. 19. Čim ogromnejše (večje) naše premoženje, tem nujnejša (zapovedujoča) naša dolžnost, da pomagamo svojim manj srečnim bratom. 20. Zdi se (izgleda), da je najlepša v umetni luči. 21. (On) je vselej zanimiv kadar govori o lastnem (svojem) delu. 22. (On) je vselej in tem bolj zanimiv, če govori o svojem delu. 23. Najbolj zanimiv del zanimivega romana je opis divjega lova preko snežnih poljan. § j. UPORABA PRIDEVNIKOV A—C i. (Ona) je bila vesela, da jo zopet vidi (ko jo je zopet videla). 2. Upam, da bo deček postal pametnejši, dasi človek ne postane pameten v enem dnevu. 3. Moja služkinja postaja lena. 4. Že ob sami misli je obledela 5. Upam, da bo deček tudi nadalje priden. 6. Cvetlica se zdi (zgleda) lepa, prijetno diši in jo mehko čutimo. (Cvetlica je lepa, prijetno diši in je mehka.) 7. Čuti se bolnega (bolan je). 8. Zdi se, da je bogat. 9. Vrnil se je nepričakovano bogat. 10. Odpotoval je srečen, toda prenaglo, n. Umrl je srečen in smehljajoč, dasi nenadoma. 12. Vsakdo ga ima za poštenega (misli, da je pošten). 13. Našel sem ga zelo bolnega. 14. Bogastvo lahko naredi moža ponosnega, lepota pa žensko. (Mož je ponosen na svoje bogastvo, žena na svojo lepoto.) 15. Ta deklica je zelo bolna. 16. (Neka) deklica je odprla školjko in našla biser, ki je bil vreden premoženje. 17. To delo je utrudljivo (te utrudi); je utrudljivo delo. 18. Ta gospod je ljubljanski trgovec. 19. Kupil mi je zlato uro. 20. Ta ura je zlata. 21. Debel (velik) človek (mož) ne more nositi čepice, ki je premajhna za kakega dečka. 22. Iti sem moral skozi (čez, po) 4 sežnje globoko blato. 23. Narodno in versko čustvovanje, je storilo, da je Švica ostala trdna in združena (edina) ob strani svojega vodje (voditelja), v njegovi nevarni, pa prav tako (tudi) uspešni politiki proti sovražnikom. Dosegel je svoj cilj (smoter), zaradi svoje navihane in razumne (inteligentne), vendar tiranske in celo krute narave. 24. Vives je bil dober človek in dober šolnik. 25. Mars je zvezda, ki jo vidiš s prostim očesom. 26. Vsaka, četudi majhna pomoč je dobrodošla. 27. Povedel (peljal) me je v krajine, ki so bile tako lepe, da mi manjka besed, da bi jih opisal (da mi jih ni moči opisati). 28. Vse z rajnim sorodne osebe se naprošajo, da so prisotne, ko se odpre njegova oporoka. 29. Princ Regent je napravil svoj običajni obisk pri kraljici vladarici. 30. Gornja zbornica obstaja iz duhovskih in svetnih Lordov; prvi pripadajo vojskujoči se cerkvi. 31. Izbrali so srebrnega orla na sinjem polju. 32. Potoval je po Mali Aziji. 33. Alfred Veliki je bil znamenit kralj. 34. Iz najbolj neumnih vzrokov je bil obsojen. 35. Oni so najboljši ljudje, ki jih poznam; navzoča (ta) družba je oči-vidno izvzeta. 36. Mnogo dam je bilo prisotnih. D—F i. Victor Cousin je napisal knjige o vsem, kar je resničnega, dobrega in lepega. 2. Čudovita stvar je, da nas privlačuje vse, kar je izredno (nenavadno) in čudovito. 3. Vlada je ustanovila šole za gluhe in neme, in delavnice za slepe. 4. Irci so šaljivi, živahni in velikodušni. 5. Sovražniki so pokopali svoje mrtve, preden so se umaknili, svoje ranjence in poškodovane pa so pustili na bojnem polju. 6. Razlika med bogatinom in siromakom je ta, da bogatin je, kadar se mu zljubi, siromak pa, kadar more. 7. Šved je švedski, Španec španski, Turek turški podanik. 8. Slovenski fantje se vzgajajo čisto drugače kot angleški (fantje). 9. Govorilo se je, da Karol II. nikoli ni izustil kake neumnosti in nikoli ni storil nič pametnega, ro. Tu je veliko (polno) vrtnic; katere naj ti dam? Daj mi tri bele in eno rumeno. Meni so ljubše te rožnate od belih. 11. Hiše imajo često dvoje vhodnih vrat: obiski hodijo skozi prednja, obrtniki skozi zadnja. 12. Na sever sem se peljal z Wakefildskim vlakom, vrnil sem se pa s Šefild-skim. 13. Imam rajši flamsko kot holandsko slikarsko šolo. 14. Napoleon ni napadal samo svetne, ampak tudi duhovno oblast cerkve, ij. Tu je črno in zeleno črnilo: katero želiš (hočeš)? Daj mi zeleno: (nekaj črne), črno imam (jaz) sam. 16. Vsak, ki je šel v tuje dežele, se rad vrne v lastno. 17. Severna polovica sveta (zemlje) je bolj obljudena kakor južna. 18. Komični prizori njegove drame so daleko inferiorni od resnih. 19. V življenju najbolj veseli dogodki sledijo često najbolj tragičnim. 20. Naredi mi šopek vrtnic in vzemi najprej najlepše! 21. Hvala za ponujeni sedež (da mi ponudite sedež), imam zelo udobnega. 22. Meni je majhna hišica ljubša od velike. 23. Ta cigara je premočna zame; želel bi (kako) milejšo. 24. Sedanji predsednik je praktičen človek; prejšnji je bil velik sanjač. 25. Moje ime je prvo, vaše drugo na listi. 26. Boljši je navaden ptič v roki, kakor lep v grmu. 27. (Možno je, da je bilo tam) tam je moglo biti kakih 50 ljudi, mladih in starih, revnih in bogatih. 28. Kako vam gre, vam in vašim otrokom? 29. »Pridi k meni, otrok moj,« sem slišal reči mater. 30. Mornar je sanjal o domu, o svojih sorodnikih in prijateljih. 31. Pridi sem, srček moj, ljubček moj! 32. Bodi spoštljiv do svojih predstojnikov, prijazen do svojih enakih, in ljubezniv do svojih podrejenih (subordinates). 33. V naši domovini so katoliki in protestanti; imamo dominikance in frančiškane. 34. Ti grdo pišeš velike črke. 35. Katere so tvoje začetne črke? 36. Te rdeče barve se bi jejo. 37. On je pozabil bistvo vprašanja. 38. Čitala sem vse, antične in moderne (pisatelje). 39. Spoštujem tiste, ki so boljši in starejši od mene. 40. Tujce prosimo, da zaklepajo svoje dragocenosti (dobrine). 41. Brat je napravil diplomski izpit. 42. Pokopali so ga v uniformi. 43. Imamo švicarsko služkinjo. 44. Spoznal sem enega Švicarja, tri Švicarje. 45. Angleščina, kakršno on govori, mu ne bo mnogo pomagala, če bo šel v to deželo. 46. Mnogi ljudje so se začeli učiti nemščine in italijanščine. 47. Zdaj kar najbolje uporablja svoj čas in svoje (zmožnosti) spretnosti. 48. Najhujša zima je minula. 49. Podpisani s tem izjavlja, jo. Iz gornjega, iz sledečega (nasveta) boste razbrali, kaj mislim; iz priloženega (dokumenta). 51. Naslednje (novice) po-natiskujemo iz »Times«-a. IV. Števnik § 2. GLAVNI ŠTEVNIKI i. So iste (ene) velikosti. 2. Soba je v isti višini z ulico. 3. 2 eno besedo, taka (to) je zadeva. 4. Prišel bom danes štirinajst dni. 5. Bil je en teden, osem dni na Angleškem. 6. Vaše petice se ne razlikujejo dovolj od vaših trojk. 7. Nekateri ljudje štejejo jajca po dva, nekateri po tri. 8. Je na senčni strani svojih 30 let (med 35 do 39), (gre proti 40 letom). 9. Deček je plezal po sobi po vseh štirih, ro. Teh sto vojakov prihaja iz mesta. 11. Sedem tisoč vaših cigar. 12. Osem milijonov frankov (dva načina). 13. Imeli smo lep izprehod in videli smo ducate zajcev. § 3. UPORABA GLAVNIH ŠTEVNIKOV i. Mi trije hočemo iti na čelu. 2. Trije smo, da gremo na čelu. 3. Trije izmed nas smo, da gremo na čelu. 4. Ko sem bil jaz dvajset let star, si bil ti komaj dve. 5. Star sem štirideset let. 6. Jaz sem osemnajst let starejši od tebe. 7. Sem za 18 let starejši kot ti. 8. Deset je ura (ura je deset). 9. Ura je skoraj deset. § 4. VRSTILNI ŠTEVNIKI i. Prvo, kar bom storil, ko se vrnem, je, da bom šel obiskat materin grob. 2. Jurij V. je sledil svojemu očetu Edvardu VII. kot angleški kralj. 3. Janez je prvi v razredu in Jakob predzadnji. 4. Ta hiša je tretja od zadnje v tej vrsti, j. To je druga naslednja hiša. § 5- ULOMKI i. Zahteval sem četrt funta čaja in položila je pol funta na eno izmed skledic na tehtnici. 2. Pojedel je polovico kolača. § 6. STEVNIŠKI PRISLOVI i. Vprašal sem ga, koliko dolgujem, in omenil je smešno nizko ceno za fino (lepo) delo, ki ga je napravil; dal sem mu dvojno vsoto (dvakrat toliko). 2. Ima trikrat toliko knjig, trikrat toliko denarja kot ti. 3. Rekel mi je, naj vsakemu teh beračev dam en peni. 4. Plačati sem moral en šiling za vsako popravljeno nalivno pero, za vsakih deset prepisanih strani. V. Zaimek § t. OSEBNI ZAIMEK Oblike osebnih zaimkov — Uporaba osebnih zaimkov x. Spomniti te hočem nanj. 2. Ali si ti pozvonil? (Ali si bil ti tisti, ki je pozvonil?). Da, gospod, jaz sem bil. Dobro, ali česa potrebuješ (želiš)? Ne jaz, on želi prositi dovoljenja, da izostane od pouka. 3. Tako mi je sam povedal. 4. Oba sva hkrati govorila. 5. Tam ni bilo prostora zame reveža. 6. Povedal sem jim v hlevu, da naj bodo pripravljeni okrog šestih. 7. Rad bi prišel k vam, pa ne morem; bratu sem obljubil (da pridem k njemu), da se bom pri njem oglasil. 8. Ti, nesmrtni ptiček, nisi bil rojen za smrt. It rabljen kot subjekt — It rabljen kot objekt i. Pozno je; skoraj enajst. 2. Poglej to drevo; strela je udarila vanj. 3. Dežuje. 4. Nesrečen sem, ko slišim o njenem žalostnem slučaju. 5. Znano dejstvo je, da resnično dostojanstvo ne mara za noben vnanji potek. 6. Ponos je, ne pogum, ki ga pripravlja, da tako govori. (Iz ponosa, ne iz poguma govori tako.) 7. Ljubezen in vdanost sta, ki delata življenje življenja vredno, kajti ne denar ne čast ne moreta zadovoljiti človeškega srca. 8. Kdo je ta deklica? Je moja strojepiska. 9. Kdo so ti otroci? So moji nečaki in nečakinje. 10. Španci so bili, ki so se prvi naselili v Ameriki (prvi stopili doli). 11. Slučajno sem imel prav tisto knjigo na pultu. 12. On je bil navadno tajnik v banki in mislim, da je še vedno. 13. Marljiv si in delaven in upam, da boš takšen ostal. 14. Ali so pripravljeni? Da, zdi se. 15. Morali bomo prestati to nesrečo (to nevarnost). 16. Ali ste slišali o. novem knjigotržcu? 17- Mislil je, da ni potrebno, da bi navajal kake nadaljne posameznosti. 18. Ali znate voziti? Ne, ne znam. Ali znate vi? Da, mislim, da znam. 19. Koliko stane to kolo? Ne vem; niti ne morem uganiti. 20. Ali bo prišel danes? Upam da, vsaj rekel mi je tako. 21. Rekel je, da bo osrečil svojega varovanca, in tako je storil; toda ne vem, če je res tako nameraval. § 2. POVRATNI ZAIMKI Oblike povratnih zaimkov — Poudarni zaimki x. Če bi bili vaši bratje tukaj, bi se vsi lahko odločili, kaj naj se napravi. 2. Študirati samega sebe, je morda najtežji problem (vprašanje), pred katerim se človek nahaja. 3. Sama nase pozabljajoč je bila ta deklica čar in središče privlačnosti. 4. Sam je zaklenil blagajno, mi sami smo ga videli to storiti, j. Nekateri ljudje se ponašajo z bogastvom. 6. Nova ideja mu je prišla na um. 7. V prejšnjih časih so šolski otroci morali šolsko sobo snažiti sami in sami so morali prinašati drva ali šoto, da so sobo greli pozimi. 8. Dobro je, da ste sami ubili skodelico. 9. On sam je odrezal kos pogače. 10. Sebi je odrezal kos pogače. 11. Damo samo sem videl (videl sem damo samo). 12. Še nisem čisto okreval. 13. Ni ravno tako bogat kot sem jaz. 14. Pošiljam svoje in moje soproge najprisrčnejše želje Vam in gospodu Heale. 15. Odločili smo, da bomo sami slišali tožitelja in obtoženca. 16. Bodi odkrit samemu sebi. Pravi povratni zaimki — Recipročni zaimki i. Deček se je urezal, ko je ostril svinčnik. 2. Pazite sami nase in porabite vsako priliko, da govorite angleško, dokler ste v Londonu. 3. On sam je to rekel. 4. Mislim, da se je urezal. j. Porabim to priliko, da grem v gozd. 6. Deček se je poškodoval, ko je padel z drevesa. 7. Ne rani (poškoduj) malega dečka. 8. Veselili smo se večera, ko je stric prišel iz Londona. 9. V gostilni smo dobili dobro večerjo, ki nam je res ugajala. 10. Umije in obleče se v nekaj minutah. 11. Jaz se vsako jutro obrijem. 12. Človek naj bi se pokoril svojim predstojnikom. 13. Pred nekaj tedni sem se začel briti sam. 14- Nesramen deček vselej izbere najboljše kose za sebe. i j. Na sami sebi je kaznovala napako nekoga drugega (tuj), greh (napako). 16. Domišljav človek težko kdaj govori, ne da bi na-migaval na samega sebe. 17. Dečki, vi bi boljše storili, če bi gledali na same sebe. 18. Učiteljica je poklicala deklico k sebi. 19. Vsako minuto me je prekinil in vendar sem ves čas njega samega branil. 20. Imamo samo eno uro zase. 21. Imeli so sami zase stanovanje. 22. Ob Mazarinijevi smrti je Ludvik XIV. začel sam vladati. 23. Deklica, te vreče ne moreš nesti sama, je veliko pretežka. 24. Svoboda, napredek in marljivost podpirajo druga drugo. 25. Če drug drugemu pomagamo skozi življenje, bodo naša bremena postala lažja. 26. Srečali smo se v Londonu. 27. Ali ste se že poprej videli? Če ne, bi me veselilo, da vas predstavim. § 3. SVOJILNI ZAIMEK Oblike svojilnih zaimkov — Pridevniški svojilniki — Samostalniški svojilniki i. Vsakega poslušaj, z malokaterim govori! 2. Človek je redkokdaj zadovoljen s svojo usodo. 3. Naše želje naj bi se prilagodile našim sredstvom. 4. Vsakdo ima svoje napake; nobeden ni brez napak. j. Človek ima svoje napake. 6. V svetu so se mnenja delila. 7. Z vsem srcem ti hočem pomagati. 8. Piše z levo roko. 9. Volk je navadno migal z repom. 10. Bil je ustreljen v srce. 11. Nekdo je prišel, me prijel za roko in me udaril na ramo. 12. Ne hodi ven brez dežnika. 13. Od jutra do večera kadi pipo. 14. Kje bomo večerjali? 15. Sedeli so in pili kavo, ko sem vstopil. 16. Odločil se je. 17. Jaz sem na vrsti. 18. Pot sem zgrešil. 19. Rešil ji je življenje. 20. Ob osmih smo se poslovili. 21. Ušel je. 22. Pred časom se je postaral. 23. Mati, bratje in sestre so mu prišli naproti. 24. Možu je dal dvojno plačo. 25. Izgubili so polovico denarja. 26. Vsi moji prijatelji so bili navzoči. 27. Uboga mati je izgubila oba otroka. 28. To bo moja poguba! 29. Vsak človek je gospodar svojih dejanj. 30. Vzgojila je več otrok, lastnih in tujih. 31. To ni lastna hiša mojega brata, ni nje- gova lastna hiša. 32. Stanujejo v lastni hiši; stanujejo v eni lastnih hiš. 33. Rajši imam svoj kot njen klobuk. 34. Nikoli nisem srečal ljubkejših otrok kakor njenih. 35. Tvoje bo vse uživanje. 36. Naša je ta dežela in naša bo ostala. 37. Naše življenje je bilo polno doživetij. 38. Ta odločitev bo zadela na vaše in njihovo odobravanje. 39. Slišal sem o tej nezgodi od nekega soseda. 40. Po nekem znancu je bila imenovana za tajnico. 41. Te svoje knjige vam bom poslal. 42. Včeraj sem srečal onega vašega prijatelja. 43. Nobena naših besed ne more izraziti njenega trpljenja. § 4. KAZALNI ZAIMEK Redni kazalni zaimki — Slučajni kazalni zaimki i. Dame v Ljubljani in one v Angliji imajo o vsaki stvari popolnoma različne nazore. 2. Ne želim tistega klobuka v kotu, ampak onega z zelenim peresom. 3. Poglej malo v te časopise, medtem ko bom jaz govoril s temi neumnimi dečki na dvorišču, ki se zopet prepirajo pri svojih kroglicah. 4. Izvolite iti po tej poti, gospa! 5. Pridnost in lenoba imata čisto različen rezultat; ta pelje v propast in celo večkrat v bolezen, ona v poštenje, napredek, srečo in blagostanje. 6. Prijatelj in sovražnik, oba moreta služiti našemu moralnemu razvoju: prvi nam navadno pove, kaj storimo prav, drugi kaj storimo napačno. 7. Razum je zdaleka boljši ko bogastvo: zadnje se more izgubiti, prvo ostane. 8. Ko je učiteljica poklicala gospo Wiggs, je ta komaj verjela svojim ušesom. 9. Če greste k zdravniku, bo tole rekel: nikoli ne pretiravaj v ničemer, ne v delu, ne v spanju, ne v jedi. 10. Zadnje tri dni tega meseca mnogo trpim zaradi glavobola. 11. Danes zjutraj (danes zvečer) vas bom prišel obiskat. 12. Danes teden ali danes štirinajst dni bom šel v mesto. 13. Če bom živel 80 let, kdo ve, — kaj se bo zgodilo, preden pride tisti čas! 14. Ah, to so bili zanjo rožnati dnevi; takrat ji je bilo ravno okoli osemnajst let. 15. Ali ste zdravnik? Sem, gospod! 16. Pravi, da želi postati pameten. Saj je že. 17. Ali je tvoja naloga že napisana v zvezek? Je že, oče, toda bojim se, da sem napravil nekaj napak. 18. To je moj oče in to so moji bratje. 19. To so stvari, o katerih nimam skoro nikakega pojma. 20. Kdo je ta, ki trka na vrata. 21. Kdo so vsi ti mladeniči v teh smešnih črnih kapah? To so študentje na univerzi. In ta debeli gospod v dolgi črni obleki? To je prorektor. 22. Kaj je ono poslopje? To je kolegij Adrijana VI.! In one hiše dalje v ulici? To so poslopja tehnike! 23. Tista žena je srečna, ki se zna prikupiti možu in vzgajati otroke družbi v prid. 24. Od vseh mojih knjig mi je tale najljubša. 25. Oni s krova »Lusitania« so se skoro vsi potopili. 26. Kakšna dežela najbolj rabi to, kar sta mir in svoboda. 27. Kar oče stori, je dobro. 28. Ta zdravnik pomaga samo pacientom, ki mu lahko plačajo: ta nizkotni človek zanemarja tiste, ki nimajo denarja. 29. Ti ne moreš odrezati te palice s tem nožem, odreži jo s temle! 30. Najbogatejši evropski premogovniki so oni v Zapadni Evropi. 31. Sonce, ki tu sije nad vami, me bo tudi tam grelo. 32. Čutila je srečo, ki se poraja iz zavesti, da si koga osrečil. 33. Tisti večerni zvonovi, tisti večerni zvonovi! Kako sladko povest pripoveduje njihova godba! (Moore.) 34. O, ti ljudje! 35. Tako je bila zadovoljna z darilom, da je skakala od veselja. 36. Moja hiša je dvakrat tako visoka. 37. Ta drevored je najmanj desetkrat tako dolg (take dolžine). 38. Mar ni upravičen biti ponosen na to svojo hišo in na ta svoj park! 39. To pravim tudi jaz. 40. Zato sem tu. 41. Tam stanujem. 42. To je dober dečko. 43. To ti je dobra deklica! 44. Pridi vendar med počitnicami, to je meseca avgusta in septembra. 45. Vse do danes je moj prijatelj. 46. Prav na tem prostoru je bil ob prav tisti uri. 47. Ali vidiš oni grič tam preko? 48. Bog je rekel: Naj bo luč: in bila je. 49. Pravijo, da je srečna in zdi se, da je. 50. Tako pravi on in tako pravimo mi vsi. 51. Mislil sem, da ima najin prijatelj prav, in ti si tudi mislil, j2. Ali veš, da se Janezek igra s tvojo žogo? Kar naj se! 53. Oče mi pravi, naj storim tako in tako. 54. Eno miljo ali tako vstran, je stal Napoleon. 55. Pridelali smo tako grozdje, kakršnega niste nikoli videli. 56. Meni bi bil ljubši kak dober roman kot vsaka dolgočasna vrsta pesmi. 57. Kako si ga mogel zapustiti ob tej uri? 58. Kakršen gospod, takšen sluga. 59. Rekel mi je, naj pridem ob tej in tej uri na ta in ta kraj. 60. Sila viharja je bila takšna, da so vsa okna žven-ketala. 61. Zdaleka ljubše mi je, da ostanem doma in čitam, kakor, da bi obiskal take znance, ki bi me gotovo nadlegovali s svojo radovednostjo. 62. Kdor hoče biti gentleman, se mora tudi tako obnašati. 63. To ni bil slučaj. 64. Ne mara za gledališče in kino in take podobne kraje. 65. Meni se smilijo otroci, katerih otroško dobo spremenijo v pekel starši, ki niso vredni tega imena. 66. Pokaži mi vendar tvojega profesorja zgodovine. Ali je tisti s črnim, filcastim klobukom? 67. Če bi bil jaz na tvojem mestu, bi napisal članek o tem ali onem predmetu; s tem bi tvoje ime postalo znano vsaj nekaterim ljudem. 68. Tisti, ki bo vztrajal do konca, bo zveličan. § j. VPRAŠALNI ZAIMEK x. Kdo je tam? 2. Čigav sin ste? 3. Komu si dal tisto darilo? 4. O katerem psu govoriš? 5. Kakšne so knjige, ki jih čitaš? 6. Kdo je pri vratih? Ali veš, kdo je pri vratih? 7. Zaradi česa se prepirate? (dva načina). 8. Kdo je uvedel uporabo tobaka v Evropi? 9. Čigava podoba in napis je to? 10. Kaj si našel spotoma? 11. Radoveden sem, kaj tukaj išče. 12. Ali si moreš misliti, kaj vidi v tem človeku? 13. O čem govoriš? 14. Kaj je črnilo? 15. Kakšne cvetlice so to? So begonije? 16. Kako imenujete to drevje? 17. Kako ti je ime? 18. Kako imenuješ človeka, ki ne pije piva, ne vina in ne alkoholnih pijač? 19. Koliko si plačal za to mizo? 20. Koliko zasluži ta človek na dan? 21. Katerega smo danes? 22. Koliko je ura? 23. Kako dolg je ta ostanek (blaga)? 24. Ali gremo na dobro kosilo h »Clock«, kaj? 25. Kaj rabimo nadaljnih dokazov? 26. Kar je storjeno, je storjeno. 27. Kake težkoče more delati? 28. S kakšnimi ljudmi se igra? 29. Kakšen denar ima? 30. Katera reka obkroža (obliva) Ljubljano? 31. Kakšno knjigo si naročil iz Berlina? 32. Ime prosim, gospod? 33. Ob katerem času, kdaj naj pokličem? 34. Koliko je ura? 35- Kakšen norec si, kaj? 36. Kak pameten dečko je on. 37. Kako debela jabolka? 38. Kakšno neumnost govoriš. 39. Koliko hrupa za nič! 40. Koliko je moral trpeti! 41. Kateremu izmed vas se moram zahvaliti za prijetno presenečenje? 42. Radoveden sem, kateri izmed vas je opazil napako na tabli. 43. Katero napako sem pustil na tabli? 44. Radoveden sem, kateri prijatelj mi je poslal to lepo knjigo. 4j. Kakšen časopis je »Jutro« (literarni, denarni)? 46. Kateri časopis je »Jutro« (ta na mizi ali oni na stolu)? 47. Kateri časopis objavlja njegove črtice? 48. Kateri časopis vas najbolj zanima? 49. Kdo neki te je naučil tako grdega govorjenja? 50. Kaj neki mora delati? 51. Katero pot neki so šli? Zdaj naj bi bili tu! § 6. OZIRALNI ZAIMEK Pravi oziralni zaimki r. To so dečki, ki so napačno pozvonili na vaš zvonec. 2. Jura odgovarja po svojem meglenem pregrinjalu (mrtvaškem prtu) veselim Alpam, ki mu kličejo glasno. 3. Skupščina, ki je pazljivo poslušala, je ploskala govorniku, ko je končal. 4. Družina, ki je bila pravkar pri mizi, je hitro vstala, j. Armada, ki naj bi branila deželo, je bila komaj enaka napadalčevi. 6. Svetoval mi je, naj pridno študiram, nasvet, ki ga je dal tudi vsem svojim prijateljem. 7. Drevje, ki raste na vrhu griča, je bolj izpostavljeno vetru kakor ono, ki je v dolini. 8. Nima pomena (nepotrebno je) vlivati vodo v vedra, ki puščajo. 9. Služkinja jo je spravljala v slabo voljo od jutra do večera; ta služkinja pa je delala kolikor je mogla in storila je, kar je mogla, da ustreže gospodinji. 10. Ni je strasti, zoper silo katere bi bil človek tako brez pomoči, kot zoper silo ljubezni. 11. Decimalni ulomek je ulomek, čigar imenovalec je deset ali kaka potenca od deset. 12. Obljubil je, da bo storil, kar bo mogel in to je bilo najmanj, kar je mogel storiti. 13. Stric je tu, je zavpila, in stekla po stopnicah. 14. S smehom je stopil v sobo in, kar nas je vse presenetilo, čisto prijazno je stisnil roko svojemu staremu sovražniku, ij. Veliki človek je brezbrižen za množico, katere naklonjenost in nenaklonjenost ga pušča čisto hladnega. 16. Življenjska pot, o kateri sanja veliko mladeničev, je redkokdaj tista o vdanem in ponižnem delu. 17. Kdo je deček, s katerim si govoril? 18. Ni bilo človeka, ki bi se ganil, ne psa, ki bi lajal, ne dimnika, iz katerega bi se kadilo. 19. Kateri pes, ki sledi lovu (je deležen lova), ne želi dobiti del plena? 20. Obžalujem narode, družine in dežele, katere obišče potres. 21. Vse, kar storim, mu je všeč. 22. Je nekaj v njem, kar mi ne ugaja. 23. Ne morem storiti ničesar, za kar bi se ne jezil. 24. Daj miloščine od malega, kar imaš. 25. Njegov oče je bil eden najpametnejših in najbistrej-ših ljudi, ki jih je ta pokrajina kdaj imela. 26. Knjiga, ki si mi jo pred kratkim kupil, ni vredna branja. 27. Knjigo z naslovom »Zlata reka«, ki si mi jo pred kratkim kupil, ni vredna branja. 28. Človek, ki vas je prišel včeraj obiskat, je spodaj. 29. Gospod Carver, ki vas je včeraj prišel obiskat je spodaj. 30. Nikoli ne verjemi človeku, ki hoče dokazati, da je pošten. 31. Drznost je stvar, ki v življenju nekaj pomeni. 32. Jaz (ki sem), tvoj oče, in oni (ki je), tvoj učitelj, te želiva oteti onih, ki hočejo zlorabljati tvoje neizkušeno blago srce. 33. Kako bi mogel pomagati v tej nesreči on, ki je sam ubogi Job? 34. Zopet je prebral odstavek, čigar smisel mu je ostal uganka; zopet je prebral odstavek, čigar smisel mu je razložil prijatelj. 3 j. Kmalu po materini smrti je Ivan stopil v naše društvo, čigar največja slava naj bi bil postal. 3 6. Vsaka mati ljubi svojega otroka, za čigar ljubezen bi rade volje umrla. 37. Bil je popolnoma vdan svojim študentom, od katerih so nekateri postali pozneje slavni. 38. Naša šola stoji na trgu, sredi katerega so prav pred kratkim postavili kip. 39. Tat je zbežal v klet; ko sem to videl, sem takoj zaprl in zaklenil vrata. 40. Ubogi človek, zadel je na neprijetno znanje, za katerega se je toliko prizadeval, da bi se mu izognil. 41. Naletel je na moža, katerega se je s tolikim trudom izogibal. 42. Živimo v mestu, kakršno bi malo katero bolje ustrezalo našemu okusu. 43. V njegovi bližnji okolici je gozd, ki ga ni bolj očarljivega za sprehode in tavanje. 44. Mi gremo večkrat v gozd in tam prebijemo dan s prijatelji, kar ne more biti ničesar bolj prijetnega in pomirljivega po našem trudu. A. Ponavljanje in izpad oziralnikov i. To je knjiga, ki sem jo kupil pretekli teden in ki danes stane približno tri šilinge več, ker se je tečaj dvignil. 2. Deček, ki ste ga poslali po tobak, je prišel nazaj, in: sluga, ki ste ga poslali po tobak, se je vrnil. 3. Kraji katere omenja časopis, niso na zemljevidu. 4. Kraja Walverghem in Ploegsteert, ki jih omenja učitelj, nista na zemljevidu. 5. Tu je človek, ki pravi, da je tri in dve pet. 6. Ni ga, ki bi bil storil toliko zame. 7. Tatovi so ukradli ves denar, ki je bil v blagajni. 8. Barva njenih lic ne pomeni nič, uboga deklica je slabša, kot izgleda. 9. Postal je popolnoma drugačen deček kot ona vaška nadloga, kot je navadno bil. 10. Je še vedno tisti leni deček, kakršen je vedno bil. 11. Kashmere je kraj, vesel in očarljiv, kot je komaj še kateri na zemlji. 12. Švica je dežela, ki jo je narava obdarila z najbolj izbranimi darovi. 13. Rada bi zopet videla poljane, po katerih sem se igrala, in drevje, pod katerim sem navadno sedela. 14. Dama, ki sem jo lani srečal v Parizu, je potnica, s katero sem se vozil pretekli mesec v Ljubljano, ij. Na ta način umivamo tla. 16. Tako učimo poredne dečke ubogati. 17. Zabava je ena izmed skal, kjer se cesto zdrobijo naši dobri sklepi in čistost značaja. B. Oziralni zaimki brez odnosnice i. Kdor se zadnji smeje, se najbolje smeje. 2. Kogar Bog ljubi, ga tepe. 3. 2ivi v kraju, o kakršnih beremo v romanih. 4. Govori kar hočeš, ne boš me prepričal. 5. Tu je nekaj knjig: vzemi katero (koli) hočeš. Vzemi knjigo kakršno hočeš. 6. Veterni mlin ujame veter, pa naj piha na katero koli stran. C. Slučajni oziralniki i. Tisti, ki niso imeli olja v svetilkah, niso vstopili na veselico. 2. Gladko sem odklonil, da bi stanoval v taki sobi, kot je ta. 3. Za prijatelje si izberem samo take ljudi, katerim lahko popolnoma zaupam. 4. V njegovem pismu so take napake, kakršne običajno najdemo v otroških spisih. 5. Ljudje, kakršen je on, imajo v življenju redko uspeh. 6. Dečku sem dal igrač, kolikor jih je hotel za igranje (inf.). 7. Tvoja knjiga ni ista kot moja. 8. Ni ga prizora v Shakespearejevih igrah, ki ne bi izdajal avtorskega genija. 9. Kakor oče žvižga, sin piska. 10. Domovina je kraj, kamor večkrat pohite naše popotne misli pri delu in igri in odkoder naše srce črpa (ima) vzpodbudo (bodrilo) v urah žalosti in skrbi. § 6. NEDOLOČNI ZAIMEK A. Nedoločni števniki 1. Človek ima lastne misli najraje. 2. Človek ima vedno dovolj prijateljev, dokler je bogat in uspeva. 3. Človek je lahko mogočen, in vendar si ne more pomagati skozi vse tež-koče življenja. 4. Izmed vseh teh dečkov se mi zdi oni z modro čepico najbistrejši in najljubeznivejši, in vendar ni ne eno ne drugo. j. Naš prijatelj je nekdo, čigar učenost je enostavno čudovita. 6. Rdečih vrtnic nimam tako rad kot rumenih. 7. Človek je lahko srečen, četudi ni bogat. 8. Mi radi verjamemo, kar on pričakuje (upa). 9. Na dan javne slovesnosti si moraš utirati pot skozi množico v ulicah, kjer ob katerem koli drugem času komaj srečaš kako dušo. 10. Pravijo, da so Black & Co ustavili plačila. 11. Ljudje često želijo, da jih imamo za to, kar niso. 12. Otroke večkrat hvalijo in vzpodbujajo vsaj z nasmehom in šalo, kadar bi bilo bolje, da jih kaznujejo in oštejejo. 13. Rekli so mi, da je bil moj prijatelj nekaj dni bolan. 14. Pravijo, da je moj prijatelj že nekaj dni bolan. 15. V moji sobi ne boš našel denarja, ker ga nimam (nič). 16. Nimam nikogar, ki bi me prišel tolažit. 17. Nihče ni bil v sobi. 18. Nobeden navzočih ga dozdevno ni poznal. 19. Ni nobena tistih neumnih mladenk, ki mislijo samo na obleke. 20. Ničesar ni rekel. 21. Sploh ničesar ni rekel. 22. To knjigo imam rad, ne tiste. 23. Povej nam kako drugo zgodbo. 24. Daj mi še eno skodelico. 25. On je čisto drug človek, odkar mu je delo resna stvar. 26. Rad bi bil predstavljen temu ali onemu vaših prijateljev. 27. Upajmo, da bo ta ali ona mladenka stopila na njegovo pot in ga na ta ali oni način privedla do resnejšega pojmovanja življenja. 28. Oba brata sta šla k zdravniku. Obema je bilo rečeno, da sta bolna. B. Distributivni i. Vsak človek v oddelku je bil preiskan. 2. Ta jabolka stanejo vsako po dva penija. 3. Prostor za vsako stvar in vsaka stvar na svojem prostoru. 4. Vsakdo občuduje njegove talente (nadarjenost). 5. Vsak mojih bratov, vsak izmed mojih znancev, vsak dan našega življenja. 6. Vsaka hiša je imela deset oken in vsako je bilo opremljeno z žaluzijami. 7. Eden od njiju (eden ali drugi) je v zmoti. 8. Vi lahko brcate z eno vaših nog istočasno. 9. Nesla je v vsaki roki en zavoj. 10. Nobeden od vaju ni pomagal vajinemu bratu, ko je bil v slabem položaju. 11. Nobeden od naju ni poznal poti. C. Partitivni 1. Imate kaj papirja? 2. Sploh nisem videl lastavic to leto. 3. Georgina je iskala v tem predalu nekaj starih znamk; ali veste, če je sploh katero našla. 4. Da, našla jih je nekaj. — Ne, ni našla nobene. 5. Nekateri mislijo, da se učenost pridobi s kupovanjem velikega števila knjig. 6. Ali je kaj pisem zame to jutro? 7. Vsak deček v vsaki civilizirani deželi je videl in vozil kolo. 8. Zmožen je vsakega zločina. 9. Pridi katerikoli dan hočeš. 10. Tukaj je nekaj jabolk; spravi jih nekaj v svoj žep. 11. Brali naj bi nekaj romanov E. M. Dell-a. Katerega? Vse eno, katerega; vsi so zelo zanimivi. 12. Ali vam je ostalo kaj denarja od tistega, ki sem vam ga dal včeraj? (gotovo vam ga je nekaj ostalo). 13. Ali nočete vzeti nekaj več slanine? 14. Ali vam lahko ponudim nekaj omake? 15. Ali ni nekaj napak v pismu, ki ste ga pravkar napisali? (Olikan način govorjenja; pismo je polno napak.) 16. Če bi kdo vprašal po meni (če bo kdo vprašal po meni, kar bodo sigurno napravili), povej jim, da se bom vrnil pred deveto. 17. Nekateri ljudje ne morejo živeti v miru s svo-3 jimi sosedi. 18. Ne morem razumeti načina nekaterih ljudi, 19. Če bodo ugovarjali tej ali oni besedi mojega pisma, povej jim, da ne nameravam nič spremeniti. 20. Na vsak način bo videl, da sem vprašanje popolnoma preštudiral. 21. Stanuje nekje pri muzeju. 22. Šel bom k nekomu drugemu. 23. Nikjer drugje ne boste našli boljšega blaga. 24. Ni nič drugega rekel. 25. Nisem videl nikogar razen svojega brata. 26. Če greste malo hitreje, mati ne bo mogla z vami korakati (slediti). 27. Imej vsaj malo smisla za dostojnost. 28. To je nekam izreden slučaj. 29. Smatra se za nekam vzvišeno. 30. Dečka so odpustili, ker je odgovarjal ali nekaj podobnega. 31. On zasluži približno 50 funtov na mesec. 32. Zdelo se je, da je zvenelo nekaj obupa, nekaj strahu iz njegovega glasu. 33. Njena bluza zdaleč ni tako lepa, kot ona njene sestre. 34. Ni mesta na svetu, ki bi imelo podoben vrvež kot londonski City 35. Ali lahko postopam z njim nekam obzirno, če ga smatram krivega takšnega zločina? 36. Ali je kakšna stvar na svetu, ki jo ceni bolj od svojega otroka? 37. Ljubezni lahko odgovori samo ljubezen. D. Kvantitativni x. Imam malo upanja v življenju in malo prijateljev, ki jim lahko zaupam svoje skrbi. 2. Imam malo denarja in upam, da bo zadostoval še nekaj let. 3. Ima veliko upanja v življenju in mnogo prijateljev, s katerimi deli svoje uspehe in procvit. 4. To je skoraj ista stvar. 5. Mi smo skoraj slične postave. 6. Marsikateri čoln odpluje na morje, ki se nikdar več ne vrne. 7. Ni bilo navzočih zelo veliko ljudi. 8. Videli smo nič manj kot petnajst zajcev v smrečju. 9. Ta obleka stane nič manj kot petnajst funtov. 10. Imamo obilo prijateljev, obilo znancev in veliko število zaščitnikov. 11. Obljubil je, in kar je še več, bil je tako dober kot njegova beseda. 12. Rad bi vedel, kdo izmed vas lahko napravi največ hrupa. 13. Večina teh hiš pripada županu, v večini od teh boste našli isto opremo. 14. Večina prijateljev nas zapusti v naši nesreči. 1 j. Je najbolj učen mož, kar jih poznam. 16. Bival je veči- noma v Švici. 17. Pokadil je največ 5 cigar. 18. Vprašaj drugega. 19. Nekdo drugi ti bo povedal. 20. Čigav klobuk naj bo ta? 21. Nihče drug ni bil tukaj. 22. Ali sem mogel kaj drugega napraviti? 23. Kaj bi mogel še kupiti? 24. Dela dovolj hrupa, da bi zbudil mrtve. VI. Glagol § 2. SPREGATVE GLAGOLOV i. Učenci so začeli brati. Učitelj je rekel: »Začnite vendar brati!« 2. Dva ptiča plavata po ribniku za hišo. 3. Kovač je začel kovati železo. 4. Ubogi Vili je želel postati velik mož. j. Armada je predrla sovražnikove vrste. 6. Težko je najti pravega prijatelja, toda Peter ga je našel. 7. Mali deček bi se rad znal voziti z avtomobilom. 8. Včeraj sem pisal pismo staršem in ko je bilo napisano, sem se spomnil, da sem pozabil naslov. 9. Za zadnjih počitnic sem vsako jutro zakuril. 10. V prejšnjih časih so dekleta in dame nosile dolge lase. 11. Včeraj sem dobil lepo knjigo. 12. Spomladi in poleti sije sonce jasno. 13. Oče mi je rekel včeraj, da ga dobro pozna. 14. V jeseni so odletele vse ptice selilke. 15. Pogumni mornar je stal na krovu ladje. 16. Včeraj sem po kosilu s teto jedel jabolka. 17. Uboga lastavica je padla v morje. 18. Jaz niti svojega sovražnika ne bi mogel ubiti. 19. Uboga mati je pre-lila potoke krvi, ko je slišala, da je njen sin mrtev. 20. Sekati drva je moško delo. 21. Kot deček sem se rad učil pesmi na pamet. 22. Bankirjevo opravilo (delo) je, da posoja denar. 23. Po naših parkih vidimo otroke, ki so zaposleni s krmljenjem ptičkov. 24. Pred nekaj leti sem zapustil dom, in odtlej sem izgubil toliko svojih najboljših prijateljev. 25. Vihar je potegnil (zavlekel) ladjo na obalo. 26. Pomorske ptice so bile letale nad njo. 27. Reči mu hočem na svidenje. 28. Danes zjutraj je kmetovalec (farmar) prebil močvirje. 29. Včeraj je vrtnar kopal naš vrt. 30. Zdravnik ji prepove kaditi. 31. Včeraj sem videl ženo presti volno. 32. Sosedu je posodil lonec. 33. Deček si je raztrgal hlače na žici. 34. Oblečena je bila v svojo večerno obleko. 35. Plaval je eno miljo in nato je z nogo zadel na kamen. 1 § 2. UPORABA GLAGOLSKIH OBLIK A. Progresivna oblika i. Ne govori mi, prosim: jaz pišem pismo. 2. Ker čistijo mojo sobo, moram na sprehod. 3. Kakšno knjigo čitaš zdaj (ta trenutek)? 4. Prav zdaj slikam indijsko pokrajino. 5. Pridi pogledat (me obiskat), kadar slikam (ko imam čopič in paleto v roki). 6. Škotska leži severno od Anglije. — Pes leži pred ognjiščem (leži tam za nekaj časa, kmalu bo vstal in stekel stran). 7. Mislim (zdaj in vselej), da denar ne pomeni sreče. — Mislil sem (v tistem izrednem trenutku), da bi te prišel jutri obiskat. 8. Občudujem pogum in vztrajnost. — Občudujem vaše slike: kako ljubko ste napravili odsev čolna na razburkani vodi. 9. Kaj dela (kaj je njegova obrt ali poklic)? — Kaj dela prav zdaj ta trenutek. 10. Ali kadite stalno? — Ali kadiš (prav zdaj)? 11. On čita romane (kadar ima čas). — Ravno čita roman (v tem trenutku). 12. Ko sem stopil v sobo, je čital. 13. Jutri, ko boš ob morju, bom mislil nate in zanimalo me bo, kako ti gre. 14. Ko sem prišel, je ona (takoj, zares) odšla. — Ko sem prišel, je bil on na tem, da odide (pa je najbrže še ostal trenutek). 15. Ko smo vstopili, je bil pri pisanju (je on pisal). 16. Imeli smo krasen sprehod; na vsakem travnem listu je na koncu blestela kaka rosna kapljica; ptički so peli in čebele so nabirale med po cvetlicah, ki so se smehljale izza svežih zelenih listov. 17. Dečki, ki vedno mislite na igro in zabavo. 18. V vaši odsotnosti bomo vsekdar govorili o vas. 19. Nisva iskala drug drugega in vendar sva se vsekdar srečala na najinih sprehodih in tekanju. 20. Jutri odpotujem v Ljubljano. 21. Prihodnji teden bomo imeli veliko veselico. 22. Smo na tem (povabili bomo), da povabimo veliko prijateljev na počitnice. 23. Takoj si bo kupil (je na tem, da si kupi) nov klobuk. 24. Takoj pridem. 2j. 2e pridem (v naslednji minuti). 16. Danes vam pošiljamo vzorce, za katere ste nas prosili (četudi bodo poslali vzorce pozno popoldne). 27. S popoldansko pošto vam bomo poslali prepise, katere ste naročili z vašim cenjenim pismom, ki je pravkar dospelo (ob desetih dopoldne). 28. Popravljajo most. 29. Čutili smo, da nekaj manjka. 30. En deček je manjkal, ko smo se vrnili v šolo. 31. Še vedno manjka vsota denarja. 32. Mesto je bilo razsvetljeno. 33. Vpregali so konje v voz. 34. Polagoma se je cerkev polnila. 35. Otroke umivajo, mojega brata brijejo. B. Trpna oblika i. Tistega, ki ljubi svoje sosede, navadno tudi sosedje ljubijo. 2. Človeku, ki pomaga svojemu bratu, tudi brat pomaga, kadar se nudi prilika. 3. (Na)učili smo ga lepega vedenja (na tri načine). 4. Dečka so vprašali brezkončno vprašanj. 5. Smatrali smo ga za učenca. 6. Mestni svet ga je imenoval za učitelja. 7. Te deklice so proglašene po vsej deželi za najboljše igralke na klavir. 8. Bil je vzgojen in napravljen za arhivarja. 9. Žetev žanjejo. (Je pripravljena za mlačev.) 10. Molitev je končana. 11. Moja naloga je končana. 12. Povzročil mi je mnogo skrbi (na tri načine). 13. Pokazali so nam sobo v prvem nadstropju (na dva načina). 14. Obiskovalcem so dali lep spomin (na dva načina). 15. Kdorkoli pride v bližino moje prijateljice, jo posluša, jo gleda in govori o njej (na dva načina). 16. Z njimi se ni niti šaliti, niti ga zasmehovati. 17. Najboljši zdravniki so negovali otroka. 18. O čudežnem ozdravljenju so pisali in razpravljali v vseh časopisih. 19. Takoj so vzeli posest nad hišo. 20. Moja teta je prevzela skrb za otroka. 21. Domnevajo, da so Egipčani verovali, da duše žive tako dolgo, dokler telo ne razpade. 22. Odločeno je, da bomo odšli vsi na sprehod. 23. Menijo, da je bogat (na dva načina). 24. Pravijo, da zna zelo mnogo stvari. 25. Pravijo, da ima ta človek lepo zbirko spominskih novcev. 26. Pravijo, da je v Rusiji mnogo volkov. C. Uporaba časov (Sedanji čas) r. Vidim, da bereš knjigo. Vesel sem, da ti ugaja. Ne rabim je še ravno sedaj, pišem pismo. 2. Zunaj je mrzlo, znotraj pa kar naprej lepo gori ogenj. 3. Molk je zlato. 4. Poleti vedno zgodaj vstajamo. 5. Moj gospodar me pošilja, da vas prosim, da pridete h kosilu. 6. Profesor Tomson mi piše in pravi, da je bolan in da ne more priti. 7. Vem, da sem vas prej videl, toda ne vem kdaj in kje. 8. Sv. Peter priporoča biti premišljen in pazljiv. 9. Odpotoval bom jutri s prvim vlakom. 10. Preselil se bom danes mesec. 11. Če bo prišel mu povej, da naj počaka. 12. Nikdar naj me ne kliče, dokler ne pride. 13. Obvesti me, ko bo prišel. 14. Nikdar več ne bo povabljen, dokler živim, i j. Poslal bom glasnika, brž ko bo prišel nazaj. 16. Upam, da se boste kmalu vrnili. 17. Pričakujem, da bo vsak trenutek doma. 18. Vsak spodoben človek pričakuje, da se bo pravi gentleman vzdržal kajenja v prisotnosti dam. Imperfekt i. Moj brat je bil tri leta v Franciji. 2. Moj brat je tri leta v Franciji. 3. Nikdar nisem bil v Ljubljani na tako lep dan (kot je danes). Nikdar nisem bil v Ljubljani ob lepem vremenu (vselej dežuje). 4. Čakal sem tri ure (in nato šel domov). 5. Danes zjutraj sem bil v Ljubljani, od tam sem šel v Logatec in sem že nekaj ur na Vrhniki. 6. Pretekli teden (mesec, lansko leto) sem šel na izlet v Milan. 7. On je dosedaj (zadnja tri leta) v mojem uradu. 8. Vedno je pameten dečko. 9. Zadnji čas je moja sestra precej bolna. 10. Danes zjutraj sem dobil tri pisma. Perfekt i. V tej hiši živim skoro devet let. 2. Ona je z nami tako dolgo kot se spominjam. 3. Od najzgodnejših časov vplivajo tuji jeziki na angleški jezik. V enajstem stoletju je vplivala na angleščino normanska francoščina. 4. Že dvajset minut čakam na vas. 5. Moja mati je mrtva že dve leti. Umrla je pred dvemi leti. 6. Kako dolgo si tukaj? Koliko časa si tam prebil? 7. Konj je izgubil podkev. 8. Odprl je okno (je še odprto). Odprl je okno, pa sem ga zaprl. 9. Bil sem v Angliji. Leta 1930. sem obiskal London. 10. Prišel je danes zjutraj. Prišel je ob osmih. 11. Shakespeare se je rodil 23. aprila 1564. 12. Tom se je naučil tako mnogo, da je bil hvaležen Irki za to, kar je zanj storila. Prihodnji čas in pogojnik (Futur in kondicional) i. Odpotoval bom jutri s parnikom. 2. On se bo kmalu vrnil v Nemčijo; je na tem, da se vrne v svojo domovino. 3. Dal bom peni onemu, ki bo povedal to pesem na pamet brez oklevanja. 4. Vsi oni, ki bodo končali pred deseto, bodo dobili še pol šilinga, j. Rekel je, da bodo dobili še pol šilinga vsi oni, ki bodo končali pred deseto. 6. Zvoni, to bo perica. 7. Morda je popolnoma pozabil, da smo mi. 8. Mislim, da nas sploh ne pozna več. 9. Ne zgleda, da bi se nas sploh še spominjal. 10. Šel bom na sprehod, brž ko bom napisal pismo. 11. Prihodnje leto bo ona že petnajst let v naši družini. 12. Rekel mi je, da se hoče kmalu vrniti. 13. Pravi (rekel je), da ne bo imela časa, da bi nas obiskala. — Pravi (rekel je), da ne bo imel časa, da bi nas obiskal. 14. Vedel sem, da boste imeli neskončne težave z ono osebo. Pripovedoval sem vam, kaj bo prišlo iz vaše prijaznosti. 15. Pričakoval sem, da bo povabljen. 16. Mislim, da bo vesel, da vam pomagam (na dva načina). D. Uporaba naklonov i. Vem, da je odkrito njegovo skrivališče. 2. Bojim se, da je njegovo skrivališče odkrito. 3. Ne ljubi spanja, sicer prideš do uboštva (revščine). 4. Kupi nam malo hrane, da ne umrje-mo. 5. Govori z mojim bratom, naj deli dediščino z menoj! 6. Brzdaj poželjenje, da te greh ne iznenadi. 7. Zanima me, če me vidi. 8. Bog vas blagoslovi! 9. Bog bodi hvaljen! 10. Bog nam pomagaj! 11. Dolgo naj kraljuje. 12. Naj brani naše zakone. 13. Bodite vedno srečni. 14. Da bi imeli mi vsi vsekdar polno šampanjca in nikdar prave bolesti! 15. O, da bi bila moja mati še vedno tu, da bi z menoj uživala veselje (da bi delila moje veselje). 16. Naj bo povedano v njegovo dobro, da je delal kakor nihče ne bi mogel. 17. Naj bo daleč od mene, da bi kaj krivega rekel. 18. Če bi imel on priti, takoj pošlji pome. 19. Sramota bi bila, da bi odklonil tako lepo ponudbo. 20. Ves čas sem bil radoveden, če ste to vi. 21. On je dvomil ali je to zavist, ali je sovraštvo kar jo žene (podžiga). 22. Obnaša se, kakor da je gospodar vse vasi. 23. Kakor da bi bil dolžan koga sprejeti, ko sem že v postelji. 24. Mi bi gotovo prišli, če bi bilo vreme lepo. 25. Želeti je, da bi pacijent miroval. 26. Kralj odloča, da naj se mesto očisti sovražnika. 27. Gorje mu, ki bi se drznil kratiti svobodo. 28. Naj jaz stanujem v (tej) hiši, dokler se kak stanovalec ne pojavi. 29. Raje živim v vasi, pa naj bo še tako skromna. 30. Ne sodite, da ne boste sojeni. 31. Delaj tako, da te bo vsak jutrišnji dan našel boljšega kot današnji. 32. Ustavite se, kjer ste. Roke kvišku! 33. Pustite me, prosim! E. Raba pomožnih glagolov r. Morem priti. — Lahko bom prišel. — Smem priti. — Dovoljeno mi bo priti. — Hočem priti. — Obvezan bom, da pridem. — Možno, da pridem. — Morda bi prišel. 2. Jaz bi možno prišel prihodnji teden. 3. Lahko pridem, kadarkoli me boš potreboval. 4. Kaj morem storiti pod temi okol-nostmi? — Prisiljen sem bil priznati, da sem se strašno motil nad tem človekom. 5. Lahko bi bil preje odpotoval. 6. Tako bi bil mogel reči. 7. Znam italijansko govoriti. 8. Prosim, rabim drugo pero. Morati i. Vi morate zboleti. — Preveč študirate in si ne jemljete dovolj počitka. 2. Vsak mora plačati svoje davke. 3. Vsak naj bi skrbel za svoje zdravje. 4. Ne bi smel tvegati življenja za tako malenkost, j. Potniki se ne smejo nagibati skozi okna na vlaku, kadar vozi. 6. Vem, da je nekaj gumbov odpetih na moji bluzi. — Menim, da je tako (z njimi). 7. Včeraj smo sklenili končni dogovor: hišo moramo zapustiti pred koncem meseca. Novi najemnik mora skrbeti za premog, katerega pustimo in plačati davke. Lastnik pa mora kriti stroške naše preselitve. 8. Težko delo mora izvršiti. Kaj mora delati? No, on. mora nalagati in razlagati vse vagone in sicer mora to delati od jutra do večera. 9. Prosim, ne zadržuj me pri marljivem delu. Pripraviti moram časopis še pred koncem tega meseca. Obljubil sem to svojemu prijatelju in moram držati besedo. 10. Država nudi razne ugodnosti dijakom, ki žele nadaljevati študije v inozemstvu. Seveda se pa morajo zanje potegovati. 11. Za slučaj, da hočete imeti v življenju uspeh, morate odpreti oči, rabiti pamet in ne varovati rok. 12. Oblečen je bil tako staromodno, da nisem mogel drugega kot smejati se; moja sestra se ni mogla vzdržati glasnega smeha. 13. Z deklico so ravnali tako slabo, da ni mogla kaj, da se ne bi upirala. 14. Če želite, mi lahko pridete jutri pomagat, toda ni vam treba. 15. Ni treba, da bi mi pripovedoval, da si tu srečen. Možnost i. Mož lahko nosi težje breme kot otrok. 2. Majhen razum ne more doumeti velikih misli. 3. Vsak lahko pade in vsak se lahko zmoti. 4. Brž ko se rekonvalescent more razveseliti cigarete, je njegovo zdravje skoro doseženo. 5. Mož je delal dokler je mogel. 6. Riba lahko plava, enako tako tudi mnogo ljudi. 7. On ne more biti isti človek, kakor oni, katerega sem občudoval zaradi njegove kreposti in nesebičnosti. 8. Kako morete govoriti tako neverjetne stvari. 9. Kaj morete pričakovati od takega moža, kot je on. ro. Ne morem se vzdržati smeha, kadar govorite kaj takega. 11. V tem stanovanju lahko kadite. 12. Lahko plačate preprogo za stopnice ali sedaj, ali pa, ko bo dobavljena. 13. Ona lahko dobi kavo ali čaj, kar ima rajši. 14. Če ne stojite radi tukaj, lahko greste domov. 15. Smem vzeti polo papirja z mize? Smete, z veseljem. 16. Lahko zapusti hišo, če hoče. 17. Kralj lahko zapusti parlament. 18. Sedaj je lepo, toda lahko začne deževati še pred koncem dneva. 19. Je lahko poštenjak, pa je (tudi) lahko goljuf; zato je boljše, da se pazimo. 20. Morda vas bom danes zvečer prišel obiskat. Toda ne pripravljajte ničesar posebnega, ker bom verjetno zadržan dalj, kot bi želel. 21. Najbrž bo deževalo še pred koncem dneva. 22. Možno je, da bomo imeli še kaj mraza. — Morda je pošten. 23. Morda bom prišel danes zvečer. 24. Če bi bil Filip II. živel sto let prej ali sto let kasneje, bi bil morda vzor vladarja. 25. Človek nikdar ne ve, kaj se lahko zgodi. Mi lahko postanemo še milijonarji. 26. Kako naj jo prepričam o njeni napaki? Lahko ji pišete pismo in ji razložite stvari, kot jih vidite, tudi jo lahko obiščete, ji svetujete in vse poveste. 27. Kako neumna je njena misel, da poskuša slikati z oljnatimi barvami na svilo; lahko bi me bila vprašala, pa bi ji bil povedal, kaj naj stori; zdaj je zamazala svoje blago in zapravila čas. 28. Ne morem razumeti, zakaj se ljudje toliko trudijo, da delajo drug drugega nesrečnega. 29. Obiskovalci ne smejo kaditi v muzeju (ni dovoljeno obiskovalcem — obiskovalce prosimo, da ne). 30. Otroci ne smejo hoditi v gledališče brez staršev (ni dovoljeno). 31. Smem oditi od mize, mati? Ne, ne smeš! 32. Knjig ne smete jemati iz čitalnice. 33. Kajenje prepovedano! 34. Ne smete se smejati, kadar govori vaš oče (to nasprotuje spoštovanju, ki ste mu ga dolžni). 35. Ne smete nositi mojega zavitka (tega vam ne dovolim). — Ni vam treba nositi mojega zavitka (preveč ste prijazni, da bi mi nosili). 3 6. Oče nam je dovolil, da se igramo in zabavamo na vrtu, brž ko smo končali naloge. 37. Ta delodajalec pusti svojim pomočnikom, da zapuste urad, preden je čas, da se zapre, da bi jih opogumil, da delajo hitreje, kadar so pri delu. Volja in odločitev i. Naredil bom, kakor jaz želim. 2. Če bi bil jaz vi, bi naredil kakor bi hotel. 3. Pri stvari hočemo imeti svojo besedo. 4. Naj rečejo in delajo, kar hočejo, hočem, da me ubogajo (da se me uboga). 5. Moraš me ubogati, dečko moj, rad ali nerad, sicer boš moral zapustiti hišo. 6. Želim, da bi me nikdar več ne prišel obiskat. (Ne smete več zatemniti mojih vrat.) 7. Moraš me ubogati! Pravi, da ga moram ubogati. 8. Rekel sem, da ga bom ubogal. 9. Takoj bom odpotoval. 10. Artur pravi, da bo takoj odpotoval. 11. Ali naj se oglasim v torek? (Ali želite, da se zglasim v torek.) 12. Se boste oglasili v torek? (Ali ste se odločili, da boste to naredili.) 13. Ali naj se oglasi v torek pri vas? (Ali zahtevate, da to naredi?) 14. Kje se bomo srečali? 15. Bomo šli na sprehod danes popoldne? 16. Ali naj prinesem dežnik? 17. Želim, da se oglasite pri meni v torek. 18. Želimo, da nas pride obiskat. 19. Želimo zapustiti urad. 20. Želite obiskati vašo mater, kaj ne? 2i. Pravkar sem hotel zapahniti prednja vrata, ko je pozvonil. 22. Ravno je hotel vreči v ogenj grafikone, ko sem jaz na srečo pravočasno vstopil. 23. Kaj želite tu na mojem vrtu? Želel bi nekaj cvetlic. Prav, storite kar hočete, lahko jih vzamete, kolikor želite. 24. Če se hočete dobrikati norcu, ga vprašajte sveta; če se hočete narediti njemu enakega, mu sledite. 25. Ona trdi, da me pozna, pa sem gotov, da je prej nisem videl. Vzrok 1. Drevo pade; gozdar podira drevo. 2. Ptič leta. — Deček spušča zmaja. 3. Dal sem vezati knjigo. 4. Potnik je takoj dal svojo prtljago prinesti v hotel. 5. Vaše čevlje boste morali dati v popravilo. 6. Dal sem očistiti svojo sobo. 7. Potnik je dal spraviti svojo prtljago čez noč v garderobo. 8. Kralj je dal zgraditi kip nasproti palači. 9. Dal sem očistiti okno. 10. Pridobil sem ljudi, da so opustili pričkanje in prepiranje. 11. Dal sem vezati svojo knjigo. — Dal sem spraviti čez noč svojo prtljago v garderobo. 12. Brata sem pripravil do tega, da mi je razložil vsa pravila igre. 13. Pripravil je starega moža do tega, da je verjel, da je sin njegovega nečaka. 14. Ne boste me pripravili do tega, da bi obljubil, da bom pozabil vse dobro, ki mi ga je storil. 15. Denar stori, da se svet vrti. 16. Zakaj tako mislite? 17. Knjigoveza sem pripravil do tega, da mi veže mojo knjigo v starem slogu. 18. Pripravil sem nosača do tega, da je priznal, da je on vzrok škode, ki je bila napravljena mojemu imetju. 19. Želela je, da bi doktor prišel dvakrat na dan. 20. Ukazali so nam ostati v našem oddelku do nadaljnjega povelja. 21. Rekel sem pomočniku, naj še enkrat pregleda knjigo. 22. General je ukazal vojakom, da mesto zažgejo. Dvom x. Žal mi je, da ste tako utrujeni (kot se zdite). z. Veseli nas, da bo prišel tako zgodaj. 3. Bojim se, da bomo pozni. 4. Škoda, da bo morala zapustiti prijatelje in domovino. 5. Prav je, da boste vedeli, kako prijazen mož je on bil. 6. Čudno je, da bi vas prišel prosit za to uslugo. 7. Zelo smešno je, in neumno in zelo napačno, da ona ves svoj denar zapravi za igrače. 8. Čas je, da so taka dejstva znana. 9. Ni se mi zdelo pametno, da je tako zelo vztrajal na nečem, kar je le malenkost. 10. Spravlja me v začudenje, da prihajaš sam. 11. Žal mi je, da sem te pustil čakati. 12. Zal nam je, da smo vam povzročili ves ta trud. 13. Kako lahkomišljeni ste: zares se čudim, da še vedno živite (da ste še pri življenju). 14. Kakšno čudno naključje, da se srečamo tu v tej odmaknjeni vasi. 15. Ali ni sramota, da mož kot vi, zapravlja čas s tako neumnimi stvarmi, kot to delate vi. 16. Zelo prijazno je, da greste vso to pot peš, da bi me tolažili v žalosti. 17. Mislim, da vas bom prišel obiskat danes popoldne. 18. Mislimo, da so na tem, da nasadijo mlada drevesa v naš drevored. 19. Mislil je, da je že zadel milijon v loteriji. 20. Kar pomisli, da on (edini) od vseh mož ravna z menoj tako nehvaležno. 21. Pričakujejo, da bodo z njimi ravnali spoštljivo. 22. Ali je mogoče? (Ni mogoče.) Ni mogoče, da bi še vedno imel dokument med svojimi papirji. 23. Ali je mogoče, da bi ovca napadla človeka? 24. Ni mogoče, da bi kdo postal učenjak, če spi 20 do 24 ur dnevno. Verjetnost 1. Verjetno je, da je pozabil moj rojstni datum, neverjetno pa je, da ne bi vedel, da je približno v tem letnem času. 2. Zelo verjetno je, da se bo vrnil, brž ko bo imel denar. 3. Ni verjetno, da bi se tako hitro vrnil. 4. Ni verjetno, da bi on tako hitro prišel. Zavisno vprašanje i. Rad bi vedel, zakaj me vedno napada. 2. Ne morem si misliti, zakaj je zavrnil to mesto. 3. Mi lahko poveste, zakaj prašički ne morejo letati? 4. Vsi so se čudili, kako je mogel priti v hišo razen skozi okno. 5. Vprašal je, kdaj se bodo vojne končale. Dopustitev i. Čeprav je bogat, ne zmore, da bi denar zapravljal, kakor on to dela. 2. Naj dela toliko, kot more, nikdar ne bo končal tega v določenem času. 3. Naj nas še tako tiransko uporablja, nikdar se nočemo ukloniti. 4. Naj še tako mrmra, mi se za to ne menimo. 5. Porabite mazil, kolikor hočete, te rane ne morete zaceliti. 6. Naj ima človek vse zlato sveta, to ga ne bo napravilo srečnega. 7. Čeprav prihaja semkaj vsak dan, še nismo prelomili ledu. 8. Čeprav pozna literaturo bolj ko vsak izmed nas, se redko vmešava v naš razgovor, kadar govorimo o knjigah. 9. Čeprav je bogat, si služi svoj kruh. Domneva 1. Kdorkoli bi našel napako v namestitvi tega podjetja, bi storil bolje, da gre drugam. 2. Človek, ki bi mislil na gradnjo hiše in ne bi imel niti denarja niti izgleda, da ga dobi, je (enostavno) neumen. 3. Predpostavljamo, da Shakespeare ne bi bil napisal dram, ki jih njemu pripisujejo! Ali bi bil zmožen, da bi bil varal svojo ženo, otroke, služabnike, soigralce, tovariše, da ne omenimo tekmece, prvega med njimi Ben Jonsona? Oziralni stavki i. On želi poročiti dekle, ki bi lahko z njim delila njegovo duševno delo, prav tako kot hrano in stanovanje. 2. Poznate osebo, ki bi hotela pisati po mojem diktatu? 3. Napiši novelo (tako novelo), ki bo obravnavala življenje na univerzi. 4. Rad bi imel knjižno omaro, ki bi lahko sprejela vse moje knjige. 5. Potrebujemo pisarja (pisarniškega pomočnika), ki lepo piše, ki pozna dvojno knjigovodstvo in zna francosko in italijansko. 6. Glejte za ženo, ki bi vas naredila srečnega ne za eno leto, ampak za vse življenje. Namenilni stavki i. Delaj, da postaneš koristen v svetu! 2. Jej, da živiš, ne živi, da ješ. 3. Prišel je zgodaj zjutraj, da bi vas dobil preden ste odšli. 4. Ljudje so plezali na strehe in drevesa, da bi bolje videli mimoidoči sprevod. 5. Porezal je nohte na nogi, da bi bolje rasli lasje. 6. Govoril sem namenoma glasno, da bi vsakdo v sobi slišal, kaj sem rekel. Odločitev i. Odločili smo, da bomo šli jutri sami pogledat mesto za nas. 2. Odločili smo, da bomo vsi šli za en dan k morju. 3. General je odredil, da ne sme noben vojak zapustiti mesta. Predlog i. Predlagam, da preberete knjigo, preden podaste sodbo o avtorju. 2. Svetujemo vam, da pazite na čas. 3. Predlagali so, da bi podpisali neko pismo, ki je bilo prav takrat poslano vladi. Zahteva in stremljenje i. Vztrajam na tem, da to naročilo odpošljete takoj. 2. Zahtevali smo, da nam lastnik tovornega avtomobila da odškodnino za škodo. 3. Gospodar vztraja na tem, da se delo opravi s primerno skrbnostjo. 4. Zahtevam, da ste tukaj pred osmo. Zahteva in prošnja i. Prosimo vas, da pridete h kosilu. 2. Prosimo vas, da takoj greste. 3. Prosimo vas, da otroci sede z nami pri mizi. 4. Prosimo, da vrnete časopis pred poldnevom. 5. Judje so molili, da bi deževalo. 6. Prosim vas, da pridete in obedujete z nami. 7. Prosimo vas, da nam odpustite. 8. Prosili smo jih, da bi nas počastili s tem, da bi ostali nekaj dni z nami. 9. Zahtevamo, da takoj vrnete ključ na ono mesto, kjer ste ga zjutraj vzeli. Želja 1. Želim, da bi bil bogat. 2. Želim, da bi znal igrati na klavir. 3. Zeli, da bi imel več potrpežljivosti. 4. Kralj želi, da bi bil kmet, kmet pa želi, da bi bil kralj. 5. Ko smo bili otroci (kot otroci) smo želeli, da bi bili očetje manj strogi, kot možje pa želimo, da bi bili bolj strogi. 6. Želim, da bi še na- dalje bilo lepo vreme. 7. Ona je želela, da bi deževalo. 8. Mi vsi želimo, da bi Ivan bolj skrbel za svoje zdravje in nogavice. 9. Želimo, da bi vi imeli uspešno potovanje. 10. Oče (resno) želi, da bi mu ti poslal poročilo o tem, kar se je zgodilo. IX. Nobene spremembe nisem naredil v hiši, ker je mati želela, da bi pustil vse, kakor je bilo in da bi ničesar ne premaknil v študijski sobi rajnega očeta. Upanje in pričakovanje i. Upam, da bo zopet kmalu prišel k sebi. 2. Upali smo, da bo kmalu ozdravel. 3. Upam, da bom lahko prišel. 4. Pričakovali smo, da bo vse pripravljeno. 5. Upam, da vas bom prišel obiskat. 6. Pričakovali smo, da bo vse v redu. 7. Upa, da se bo nova služkinja bolje izkazala, kot se zdi. 8. Pričakovali smo, da bo nehalo deževati. Strah i. Bojim se, da kuharica ni poštena. 2. Bali smo se, da kuharica ni poštena. 3. Bojim se, da bo deževalo. 4. Bal sem se, da bo deževalo. 5. Bali smo se, da bo reven deček umrl zaradi hudega padca. 6. Boji se iti domov v temi; boji se, da ga bodo napadli vlomilci. 7. Ona se boji, da bi se srečala z očetom, ko bo zunaj, kajti bala se ga je prositi za dovoljenje. 8. Napiši moje ime, da ga ne pozabiš. 9. Dal mi je napisati svoje ime, da ga ne bi pozabil. 10. Napišite moje ime, da ga ne pozabite. 11. Dal mi je napisati svoje ime, da ga ne bi pozabil. Previdnost in skrb i. Glejte, da vas pes ne ugrizne. 2. Zabranite, prosim, da bi kdo stopil v mojo sobo. 3. Glej, da bo deček dobro oskrbljen s hrano. 4. Glej, da ne prevrneš mize! (Dva načina.) Pogoj 1. Če ima denar, ga ima skritega. 2. Če boste končali vaše delo pred Veliko nočjo, se boste lahko veselili počitnic. 3. Če imam pismo v žepu, sem ga moral vtakniti tja nevede. 4. Če bi pil vodo namesto žganja, bi se počutil mnogo bolje. Če bi bil on pil vodo namesto žganja, bi ne bil naredil te neumnosti. 6. Če bi vedel, kam sem položil svojo škatlico za pisma, bi vam čital, kaj mi je pisala. 7. Če bi bil vedel, kam sem položil škatlico za pisma, bi mi je ne bilo treba iskati ves večer. 8. Če bi trava ne bila mokra, bi bili lahko sedli na tla. 9. Če ne bi bilo mokro, bi bili sedli na travo. 10. Dal bi mu bil dela, če bi bil moj sin. n. Če bi pozabil omeniti ceno, opozorite me, prosim na to. 12. Če bi me prišli jutri obiskat, se bodo morali vrniti, kakor so prišli. 13. Če bi kdorkoli povpraševal po meni, mu povejte, prosim, da se danes počutim mnogo bolje. 14. Če je on res tako prijazen mož, kot pravijo, da je, bo pokazal svojo velikodušnost v tej nesreči. 15. Lahko bi bil našel potrebno pomoč, če bi se le obrnil na pravega moža. 16. Naredil vam bom to uslugo, če bo to (sploh) usluga! 17. Kmalu bi bil uničen, če bi mu posodil denar, za katerega prosi. 18. Če bi imel dovolj denarja, bi potoval tri mesece v letu. 19. Če bi se kdo pritoževal... 20. In če bi padlo nebo... 21. Če bi imel dovolj denarja, bi veliko potoval. Poudarjanje 1. Nikdar ne obupaj nad uspehom svojega dela: pameten si; in če se zelo zavzameš, boš gotovo uspel. 2. Dobro, to je krasno izvršeno! Oj, ti si pameten! 3. Ona je ljubezniva, on pa je včasih lahko slabe volje. 4. Torej nas mislite zapustiti? Meni je žal: tako zelo vas bomo pogrešali. 5. Smejali smo se njegovim šalam, kakor se je vsak. (Kako smo-se smejali onega večera!) 6. Upam, da ste uživali v vašem bivanju? Prepričan sem, da ste uživali vsak košček posebej. 7. Kako dobro vaša sestra uči! Klara? Da, ona res dobro uči. 8. Sem vas res slišal (reči), da imate radi slike? Res sem to rekel, imam jih res rad. 9. Povej vendar beraču, da naj ne pozabi mojega naročila. 10. Nikdar ne pripovedujem zgodb. 11. On ne le da pripoveduje zgodbe, ampak si jih tudi izmišljuje. 12. Oče je res kaznoval svojega sina. 13. Često je ponavljal, da ni nikdar vedel, kaj pomeni pomanjkanje in potreba, zdaj pa to ve. 4 14- Ljudje mislijo, da je len: jaz pa vas lahko zagotovim, da trdo dela. ij. Spoštujem ga zaradi njegove učenosti: vendar pogreša pravega človeškega razuma, r 6. Čeprav poskuša storiti, da bi se počutil kakor doma, vendar ni oseba, da bi radi ostali z njim več kot z ali 3 dni. 17. Zapoj nam vendar kako pesem! 18. Povej mi vendar, zakaj se mi zdiš tako žalosten! 19. Dečki, bodite mirni! 20. Lahko sta si dobra prijatelja, kakršnih si moreš le želeti, (vendar) se navadno pojavi sem in tja kako sporno vprašanje. 21. Dečke imaš lahko najstrožje, včasih pa to le zlorabljajo. 22. Moja mati navadno sedi v naslonjaču in plete. 23. Naš pes navadno sedi po ure v vrtu in preži na mačko, da bi jo oblajal. 24. On navadno drži vilice z desno roko. 25. Pacientka je nemirna: v mrzlici včasih navadno vstaja in gleda za menoj; jaz vzamem njeno roko, jo božam in nato navadno znova zaspi. Ponavljanje i. Odrekel mi je svojo pomoč, ko sem bil v stiski: sedaj, ko je sam v težkem položaju, bi jaz prav tako lahko odklonil njemu svojo pomoč. Jaz pa bom plačal slabo z dobrim. 2. Obljubljal mi je, da se bo zglasil pri meni in tako je storil. 3. Mislil sem, da ste hodili vso pot? Da, sem. 4. Pa se ne zdite utrujeni! O, da bi ne bil, toda izčrpan sem. j. Mislim, da imate radi čašo čaja? Da. Ne. 6. Mislim, da bi vaš brat rad čašo čaja? Da. Ne. 7. Mislim, gospod Pickwick, da vozite. Da. Dobro, hočete vzeti v vaše roke vodstvo voza? Da. 8. Si pripravljen? Sem. "9. Ste videli moj dežnik? Prepričan sem, da ga nisem. 10. Bomo šli peš? Naravno, bomo. 11. Veste, katera pot je najkrajša? Ne. 12. Mislim, da naš vlak vozi, če smo v njem ali ne. 13. Bo Ivan prišel? Da. 14. Bo paket poslan danes? Da. 15. Boste pripravljeni ob dveh? Da. 16. Boste šli po vstopnice? Da. 17. Pa niste bolni? Kajne? 18. Ves dan ste hodili, kaj ne? 19. Hodili ste vso pot, kajne? 20. Vam ni za vino, kajne? 21. Kajne, da je vaš brat zelo pameten? 22. Vaša sestra ne bo ugovarjala, če jaz kadim, kajne? 23. Pisar naj vpiše to postavko v stroškovnik, kajne? 24. Kajne, da lahko pridejo nocoj? 25. Vas bo bolj ljubil kot mene. 26. Bolj vas je ljubil kot mene. 27. Bolj vas ljubi kot jaz. 28. Raje vas bo imel, kot jaz. Parafraza i. Ne mislim, da ne razume, zakaj niso prišli. 2. Ne bojte se, kaj ljudje govore, ampak storite kar morate narediti. 3. Nikdar nisem mislil tako neumnih stvari o kakem možu. 4. Ničesar ne vem o tem, kar pravite. 5. Nisem ga le videl, ampak sem se rokoval z njim! 6. Nisem se bal zase, ampak za uboge osamele otroke. 7. Kaj mislite? 8. Kaj pravi? 9. Koga ste videli? Kdo vas je videl? 10. Čigava konja si kupil? Čigav konj je zmagal na tekmi? ir. Koliko ovac je šlo po tej poti? 12. Nisem razumel, kaj je mati v življenju moža, dokler nisem moral objokovati njene izgube. 13. Nikjer se človek ne počuti tako prijetno, kakor doma. 14. Zaman smo pripovedovali dečku, da poskuša narediti nekaj nemogočega. Trdovratno je vztrajal pri svojem namenu. 15. Scraege ni nič vedel, niti se ni brigal, da bi vedel, kaj pomeni v življenju čustvo. 16. Nočem, da bi ravnali z menoj na tako nevljuden način. 17. Kje ste, odkar ste nas zapustili? 18. Nikdar ni imel kak človek toliko težav s svojim denarjem, kakor jih ima on. 19. Ne bodi smešen! 20. Ne imej kake bojazni zanj! 21. Ne upa priti. 22. Ni se vam treba vznemirjati! 23. Ostalo mi je nekaj papirja, katerega nisem potreboval. 24. Prav nič nismo poškodovali cvetlične grede. 25. Nikdar ni nihče naredil več dobrega svoji domovini. 26. Ustanovil je tovarno cigaret na lastne stroške, toda zdi se, da ne gre dobro. 27. Kaj? Zapraviš več denarja, kot zaslužiš? To ne bo šlo, dečko! 28. Če se ne motim! 29. Nič ne pomeni (de). 30. Ne vem! 31. Ne zanima me! 32. Ne dvomim! 33. Kako to, da ste tako pozni? 34. Kaj pravi on k temu? 35. Ne tepi ubogega psa: svojo dolžnost izpolnjuje, ko dela hrup proti tujcem. 36. Še enkrat predelaj nalogo! 37. On dela dobre kupčije. 38. Mali deček je (opravil) bil pri prvem obhajilu. 39. Henry je odšel na sprehod; na jahanje; vožnjo. 40. Končajte s tem hrupom! 41. Končal sem s pisanjem. 42. Časopis sem prečital. 43. Končal sem z njim za vedno. 44. Z menoj je končano. 45. Končal bom z njimi. 46. Meso je bilo pripravljeno za raženj. 47. Rad imam malo pražen kotlet in dobro praženo teletino, celo prepraženo. § 3. GLAGOLOVA FUNKCIJA 1..Ptič poje. 2. Ptica (pravkar) poje. 3. Ptica je čudovita stvar. 4. Ptičje petje. 5. Peti kakor ptič je skoro nemogoče. 6. Rad imam ptice pevke (rad imam male ptičke). 7. Slišite peti ptiča v grmu? 8. Raje imam pesem, ki jo poje ptič v svobodi, kakor ono, katero poje v kletki. A. Glagol kot glagol 1. Ti si bogat, jaz pa reven, vendar se imava zelo rada. 2. On in jaz sva bila dobra prijatelja; vi in on nista. 3. Je mnogo poslušalcev. Vsi poslušalci kašljajo in kihajo. 4. Konjenico so namestili ob (pobočju) hribu. Konjenica je sprožila puške in planila v napad. 5. Sestanek je bil zelo soglasen dotlej, ko so morali oddati svoje glasove. 6. Ves narod se zdi, da je brez pameti. 7. Svetloba, zrak, voda in hrana so neobhodno potrebne za živo bitje. 8. Konj in kočija sta pred vrati. 9. Vsak deček in deklica hrepeni, da bi dosegel zrelejšo dobo. 10. Noben mož in nobena žena ne misli, da je zrelo življenje vredno njihove mladosti. 11. Ta mož s konjem je prišel iz sosednje vasi. 12. Oče in sin sta prišla, da sta pripeljala svojega osla na trg. 13. Ladja s tovorom je bila izgubljena. 14. Drednot in križarka sta bila vidna v daljavi. 15. Niti ladja niti posadka nista bili rešeni. 16. Rešena ni bila niti posadka niti tovor. 17. Tako posadka, kakor (tudi) tovor sta bila izgubljena. B. Glagol kot samostalnik (Nedoločnik) i. Poskušal je govoriti počasi, toda, ker je bil navajen požirati zloge, ni mogel stavkov prilagoditi svojim mislim. 2. Ker ostro ugovarja kajenju, nima nihče poguma vdihniti dim v njegovi prisotnosti. 3. Mi boste mogli pomagati? Naredil bom, kar morem, toda ničesar ne obljubim. 4. Molimo! j. Pusti ga, da pride notri! 6. To pravilo ni treba, da bi razlagal. 7. Ne upa se upirati mojim željam. Ne upa se priti me vprašat, da bi mu dovolil, da gre ven. 8. Kako se upate ravnati z menoj kot z mojim podložnikom? 9. Otroke naj pri mizi vidimo ne pa slišimo! 10. Čemu tako zgodaj vstajate? 11. On da je odstranjen iz moje hiše? Dokler jaz živim, ne! 12. Da bi ga prosili odpuščanja? Jaz ne! 13. Prosil me je naj sedem. 14. Dal sem mu znova prepisati pismo. 15. Kaj bi hoteli, da mora žena znati? 16. Kmalu ga bomo videli, ko bo sam prišel po denar. 17. Ste ga slišali govoriti? 18. Videl sem, da se smeje. 19. Čutil je, da mu solza drsi po licu. 20. Videl sem, da je to nemogoče. 21. Čutil sem, da je ta mož uničil naš mir in srečo. 22. Dali smo mu prepisati znova pismo. 23. Prosili smo ga, da se vsede (pas.). 24. Videli smo jo smejati se (pas.). 25. Čutiti je bilo (čutil je), da solza drsi po licu (pas.). 26. Bolje bi storil, da takoj grem. 27. Ljubše bi mi bilo, da ga danes ne vidim. 28. Rajši bi umrl, kot (postal izdajalec svoje domovine) izdal svojo domovino. 29. Rajši bi od gladu umrl z nekom, ki ga ljubim, kot bi bil bogat z nekom, ki ga (sovražim) mrzim. 30. Ne morem si kaj, da ne bi mislil, da sem pustil zavitek v vlaku. 31. Biti ali ne biti, to je vprašanje. 32. Motiti se, je človeško, odpuščati božansko. 33. V zelo veliko veselje mi je, da vidim, da si zopet zelo zdrav (v izvrstnem zdravju). 34. Reči, da se jaz ne brigam zanj, se pravi govoriti neresnico. 35. Izogniti se enemu zlu se dostikrat pravi pasti v drugo (zlo). 36. V toplih večerih je rad sedel zunaj in kadil pipo dokler ni šel spat. 37. Smatral je za svojo dolžnost, da me je prišel opozorit na neodkritosrčnost (pomanjkanje odkritosrčnosti) mojega tajnika. 38. Boji se, da bi ga pustili samega v temi. 39. Imel je veliko srečo, da je našel prijatelja, ki mu je posodil denar. 40. Bil je dosti srečen, da je našel prijatelja, ki mu je pomagal v nesreči. 41. Samo takrat je srečen, kadar ima o čem tarnati. 42. Rad najde kaj, o čemer tarna. (Srečen je, kadar najde kaj, da tarna.) 43. Ta dvojčka radi zamenjajo enega z drugim. 44. Je določen čas za delo in čas za igro. 45. Strahopetci se bojijo govoriti resnico. 46. Imel je veliko srečo, da je našel prijatelja, ki mu je pomagal. 47. Določen čas je za delo, določen čas za igranje. 48. Novica je predobra, da bi bila resnična. 49. Mož je bil tako prijazen, da mi je pomagal pri prtljagi. 50. Njegova učenost je tako velika, da njega samega čudi. 52. Edina stvar, ki jo je bilo treba narediti, je bila, iti po zdravnika. 53. Ta deček dobro teče, težko ga je ujeti. 54. Jegulje je lahko ujeti, pa težko ubiti. 55. Kava je prevroča, da bi jo pil. 56. Ta pogača je pretrda, da bi jo grizel. 57. On vidi, da nosim polno knjig (na dva načina). 58. Nikdar nisem srečala moža, o katerem mi je mati pravila, da je bil očetov najboljši prijatelj. 59. Obljubil je, da bo okvir pripravljen do sobote. 6o. Videl sem, da je bil na tem, da odide. (Da je hotel oditi.) 61. Opazil sem, da je bil na tem, da pokliče voz. (Je hotel poklicati voz.) 62. Izjavil je, da je avtor onega romana. 63. Vem, da sem vzrok teh težav (na dva načina). 64. Zakon zahteva, da so vsi državljani vpisani pri registrator jih mest in vasi. 6 5. Skoro vsak kraj po vsej deželi da zgraditi spomenik v spomin na vojno. 66. Svoje knjige sem dal vezati v usnje. 67. Videl sem, da so ubogega mladeniča sovražniki ustavili na poti. Videl sem, da so ga izpraševali, da sta ga dva moža odpeljala in ubila, preden sem se mogel zavesti, kaj se je zgodilo. 68. Nekoč sem slišal Orelia peti to pesem. 69. Naenkrat sem čutil, da me je nekdo zagrabil za roko in stisnil za rame. 70. Mislijo, da je elektrika premikanje atomov, kakor je toplota in svetloba. 71. Gospode prosimo, da peljejo dame v obednico. 72. Pravijo, da je naš sosed bogat. 73. Primerilo se je, da je prav ista knjiga, o kateri je govoril, ležala na moji mizi (na dva načina). 74. Dečku so ukazali, naj očisti gumbe iz medi na plašču svojega gospodarja. 75. Videl sem moža, ko je vstopil v hišo. 76. Slišali smo (svojega) strica, ko je hodil po svoji študijski sobi. 77. Odkrili smo, da je nadarjen glasbenik. 78. Domišljal sem si, da je svet manj otročji, kakor dokazuje, da je. 79. Izrazila se je, da je hiša taka, kakor ona želi. 80. Rezultat dokazuje, da je bilo podjetje dobro zasnovano. 81. Pravijo, da je minister bolan. 82. Pravijo, da se je pripetila nesreča v drevoredu Torest. 83. Poročajo, da je sovražnik izgubil mnogo mož in pušk. 84. Naši prijatelji nas silijo, da bi ostali pri večerji. 85. Služabniku sem dal očistiti sobo. 86. Svetujemo vam, da skrbno pazite na svoj denar. 87. Predlagal mi je, da bi prišel živet v njegovo bližino. 88. Nikdar nas ne pusti kaditi, kadar smo pri delu. 89. Dovoljeno nam je bilo občudovati njen star porcelan. 90. Prosili smo prijatelje, da bi prišli in preživeli dan z nami. 91. Oče mi je prepovedal kaditi v njegovi sobi. 92. Želim, da prijatelji vedo, da sem jim vedno na razpolago. 93. On hoče, da njegov sin vstopi v vojsko. 94. 2elel je, da bi jaz prevzel denar v varstvo. 95. (Rad vidim) Želim, da prideš brž ko je mogoče. 96. On ima rajši, da so glavna vrata zaklenjena, ko se stemni. 97. Mati se je bala, da bo njen deček preveč utrujen. 98. On pričakuje, da bo hiša popolnoma pripravljena, ko bo ona prišla. 99. Žalosten bi bil, če bi jo razžalil. 100. Kupil je knjigo za čitanje v vlaku. 10 r. Prišel je k meni, da bi izvedel več podrobnosti o velikem dogodku. 102. Jej, da živiš, toda ne živi, da ješ. 103. Skrbel je, da bi se izognil vsem mogočim trenjem. 104. Bolje stori, da ne dela tako pozno v noč. Zbolel bo. 105. Prav storite, da vsadite potrpežljivost in dobroto v otroška srca. 106. Morali ste sanjati, da me niste opazili, ko sem se skoro zaletel v vas. 107. Imel je tako bogastvo, da bi lahko napravil vso vas bogato. 108. Preveč ponosen je, da bi se hotel brigati za svoje revne sorodnike. 109. Dovolj neumen je bil, da ni sprejel vašega predloga. 110. Rad bi vedel, kako naj postane pameten. 111. Ne vem kateri klobuk naj izberem. 112. Ne vem ali naj odklonim ali sprejmem. 113. Delati bi moral za svoje življenje, če to želi ali ne. 1x4. Veliko čitam; vendar ne čitam več toliko kot sem. 115. Okopljimo se, ali vsaj umijmo in zdrgnimo! 116. Pojdimo jezdit ali plavat! Glagolnik i. Delo je samo po sebi veselje. 22. Malo dela je sedaj. (Naročila, ki jih je treba izvršiti.) 3. Ne odobravam zasmehovanja ljudi. Prav tako kot bi me ne zasmehovali! Ne spomi- njam se, da bi vas kdaj zasmehoval, niti, da bi me kdaj vi zasmehovali. 4. Človeški glas se utrudi, če kličete preveč na glas in preveč pogosto, j. 2elim vas opozoriti na težave, na katere boste naleteli. 6. Ubogi mornar je slišal klic morja v trenutku svoje smrti. 7. Glasno klicanje me je vrglo iz sna. 8. Ste slišali ono klicanje? 9. Brat je pritekel k nam na očetovo klicanje. 10. Utrudil sem se vsled onega klicanja imen. 11 Moj prijatelj je obogatil skušnje z vednim popotovanjem. 12. Vsakemu je trgalo srce njeno klicanje po usmiljenju. 13. Ugaja mi, da je brat pri izpitu uspel (zadovoljen sem, da). 14. Odpotovali smo, ne da bi nas mož opazil. 15. Jezil se je, da so mene višje cenili. 16. Revež se sramuje, da so starši revni. 17. Zapustil je bolnico, ne da bi bila njegova roka zopet popolnoma zdrava. 18. Raje bi videl, da pošljete paket na moj naslov. 19. Odšli smo, preden se je veselica prav pričela. 20. Stali smo cele ure na cesti, ne da bi kak voz šel mimo. 21. Dečki redko više cenijo čitanje in študij, ko igranje in klatenje. Dečki običajno daleko bolj ljubijo igro in klatenje, kot pa čitanje in študij. 22. Rad čitam romane. 23. Rad bi čital kak roman. 24. Običajno raje jaham, kot pa hodim. Danes pa, ko je tako lep dan, raje hodim vsaj del poti. 25. Moji prijatelji radi plavajo (imajo radi plavanje); prav zdaj so šli plavat. 26. Rad veslam; pred nekaj leti sem rad veslal na morju vsak drug popoldan vse moje počitnice. 227. Rada govori; ona želi družbe sedaj le zato, ker hoče klepetati. 28. Poslušanje pri-lizovalcev je uničilo marsikaterega neizkušenega mladeniča. 29. Hoja je najcenejša oblika športa. Kajenje ni dovoljeno. 30. Veslanje. 31. To, da se je cesar odpovedal in zbežal na Nizozemsko je bila novica, ki ni nikogar presenetila. 32. Brez koristi je prikimavati slepcu. 33. Danes ni igre. 34. Varčevanje pomeni imetje. 35. Govorjenje gluhemu možu je izgubljanje časa. 36. To se pravi nositi vodo v morje. (Vse zaman.) 37. To je izkazovanje prevelike vljudnosti. 38. Prav tako imam rad čitanje kot igranje. 39. Odpustite mi, da vas tako dolgo zadržujem brez odločilnega odgovora. 40. Priznam, da sem nagovoril svojo sestro, da vam je pisala ono pismo. 4i. Razumem, da imate malo naklonjenosti do moža, ki zapravlja čas in svoje priložnosti. 42. Ni se mogel vzdrževati smeha. 43. Vztrajala je, naj ostanem pri obedu. 44. Veselje, ko slišim o vašem uspehu, povzroča, da pozabljam lastno bolečino, ko izgubljam od sedaj naprej vašo družbo. 45. Moja sestra je bila jezna zaradi mojega hitrega prihoda, in ker ji ••nisem dala potrebnega časa za neumne priprave. 46. Ko smo zapustili hišo, smo šli naravnost na postajo. 47. Preden je dosegel polnoletnost, mu je bilo dovoljeno soodločanje pri upravi premoženja. 48. Ker je postala nervozna, je izgubila vsako nadzorstvo nad svojimi živci. 49. Več škode kot dobrega storite s tem, da delate pozno ponoči. 50. Mislil je, da je vredno poskusiti. 51. Bila je bližja vpitju kot smejanju. 52. Upa, da je blizu uspeha. 53. Nič ni tako dobro, kakor, da stvar naredite sami, če hočete, da je točno narejena. 54. Sprehodna palica, ptica pevka in salon so sestavljenke, v katerih je uporabljen gerundij, da pokaže dejanje glagola. Zaposlen je bil s pritrjanjem vej rožnatega grma. 56. Nehaj žvižgati! 57. Nehaj kričati! 58. Ni se mogel zdržati smeha, ko je videl otroka, kako je poskušal dvigniti težki kovček, o katerem je sanjal, da ga je poslal na kolodvor s samokolnico. 59. Spominjam se pripovedovanja svojega prijatelja o vaši zadevi. 6o. Ne premisli, da je bil sam v revnejših razmerah. 61. Nikdar ne pozabi zapahniti glavnih vrat. Deležnik i. Oni mož je izredno obdarjen s talenti in moralnimi odlikami. 2. Učen mož je navadno zanimiv drug. 3. Najbolj učen mož pa ni vedno najbolj zanimiv drug v življenju. 4. Neučen mož; nezanimiva knjiga. 5. Govoril je zelo učeno (oboje), zanimivo in z zanimanjem o rastlinah in cvetlicah. 6. Na pamet naučena pesem; učen doktor; stvari, o katerih govorijo. 7. Tolažiti žalostne, pokopavati mrliče. 8. Sovražnik se je umaknil, pusteč padle, ubite in ranjene na bojnem polju. 9. Videli so jo včasih, ko je premikala svoje ustne kot v molitvi. 10. Rad vidim, da očistijo mojo sobo medtem, ko sem zunaj. n. Izjavil je, da je zadovoljen. 12. Želel sem, da bi bil moj mož zaposlen pri bolj odgovarjajoči nalogi. 13. Mislila je, da je ves moj žep poln zlatnikov. 14. Mati je skrbela, da so otroci prilično napravljeni. 15. Človek, ki resno dela na tem, da stori svojo dolžnost tako dobro kot more, morda nima uspeha (možno ne uspe), gotovo pa bo (dobil) dosegel srečo. 16. Ko je brat zaklenil vrata, je vtaknil ključ v žep. 17. Ker je moj prijatelj vedel za moj prihod, je prišel po mene na kolodvor. 18. Zeleč pokazati svojo hvaležnost, je kupil lepo darilo. 19. Ker ji starši niso pustili nobenega premoženja, se je moj stric zavzel za ubogo Loti. 20. Ko smo uredili vse račune, smo zapustili hotel. 21. Ko je bil obed končan, smo vsi odšli v salon. 22. Šofer je imel roko na volanu in čakal znaka za odhod. A. Prehodni glagoli i. Tujec je vstopil v sobo. 2. Skratka, vi morate odgovoriti na moje pismo. 3. Otroci morajo pomagati svojim starim staršem. Otroci ne smejo ugovarjati svojim predstojnikom. 4. Ubogi Jakob je sličil svojemu umrlemu bratu. 5. Adjektivi so navadno pred samostalnikom, ali jim slede. 6. Vsak mož naj bi verno služil domovini. 7. Vsi smo si jih predstavljali kot može z veliko večjo izobrazbo. 8. Zapustili so svojo (hišno) gospodinjo. 9. Imenujejo me zaščitnika in prijatelja, kar jim v resnici skušam biti. 10. Papež je kronal Karla Velikega za cesarja zapadnega Imperija. 11. Postavili smo ga za svojega vodnika. 12. Smatram ga za poštenega moža. 13. Kralj ga je imenoval za viteza. 14. On me je najprej vprašal za svet. 15. Kdo vas je učil glasbe? 16. Odpusti nam naše žalitve! 17. Prosim, da nehate s kajenjem. 18. Oprostite mi mojo sproščenost! 19. Mene so najprej vprašali za svet (na dva načina). 20. Glasbo me je poučeval potujoči igralec. 21. Deček je bil kaznovan 3 gvineje, ker je brez dovoljenja streljal. 22. Vrgel je kroglo dobrih petdeset jardov. 23. Nikar ne dodajaj surovost krivici! 24. Daj nam danes naš vsakdanji kruh. 25. Svojega služabnika dolži tatvine. 26. Odvzeli ste mi prostor. 27. Sodišče ga je oprostilo vseh obtožb, ko je prepričal sodnike o svoji nedolžnosti. 28. Spominja me moje dolžnosti. 29. Dovolite, da vas predstavim svojemu tovarišu. 30. Primerjal je svojo pesem onim Virgila in Danteja. 31. Prijatelj me je prosil za nekaj cvetlic in sem rekel, da naj trga, dokler ne bo utrujen. 32. Citati je želel svojo knjigo in čital jo je, dokler ga niso bolele oči. 33. Poslušaj, moj kanarček poje! 34. Ali Marija že zna govoriti? ker je stara šele dobrih deset mesecev, ne zna; niti ne zna pisati ne čitati. 35. Cvetka se odpre zjutraj in zapre zvečer. 3 6. Ta posest obsega čez 1000 akrov. 37. Deklica je stala in sanjala med tem, ko se je polnil vrč. B. Povratni glagoli 1. Gospa se je ponašala s svojo lepoto. 2. Tujec se je okoristil s položajem. 3. Videli smo mnogo ljudi v sobi. — Videli smo se v ogledalu. 4. Deček je hotel odrezati palico v grmu ob poti, pa se je precej hudo urezal. 5. Pripravili smo se za obed. 6. Pestunja je pripravila otroke, da gredo ven. 7. Skrili smo se v gubah zavese. 8. Ivan se nam je pridružil na poti. 9. Družina se je naselila v bližini Ljubljane. 10. Dame se bodo kmalu umaknile v salon. 11. Nekaj tednov se sam brijem. 12. Odšli smo pripravit sobe in otroke za potovanje. 13. Precej časa mine, preden moja sestra konča z umivanjem in oblačenjem otrok in same sebe. 14. Ko se je vihar polegel, so se mornarji začeli čutiti manj utrujene. 15. V tej mrzli letni dobi se človek lahko prehladi. 16. Ker so se skoro vsi moji prijatelji vkrcali za Ameriko, sem se začel čutiti zelo osamljenega. 17. Začuden je nad bratovo pozabljivostjo. 18. Zmotil se je v tem, kar je rekel onega dne. 19. Vedno se smejeta eden drugemu. 20. Ljudje redko poskušajo, da bi napravili drug drugega srečnega. 21. Kdaj se bomo mi trije spet srečali? C. Neprehodni glagoli i. Vrnil se je v mesto in šel naravnost v svoj hotel. 2. Umrl je za mrzlico. 3. Kaj bo postalo iz nje? 4. Varuj se psa! 5. Življenje obstoji iz ločitev. 6. Obupuje, da bi postal zopet zdrav. 7. Zdi se, do je dober deček. 8. Potem, ko je slišala moje razloge, je obljubila, da se mi bo pridružila. Pripadala je moji stranki od tistega trenutka naprej. 9. Malo jim ostaja od tega, kar je bilo navadno njihovega. 10. Posmehoval se je originalnosti. 11. On dela zjutraj. 12. On stanuje poleg cerkve. 13. On skloni glavo kadar govorim. 14. Pozdravi me, kadarkoli me sreča na cesti. 15. Odgovarja na vaše pismo s tem, da citira odstavek svojega pisma. — Odgovoren je za vso škodo, ki jo je napravil njegov pes. 16. Prisoten moram biti pri predavanju. 17. Opravljati moram svoj posel. 18. Revno je živel in sramotno umrl. — Živel je borno življenje in umrl sramotne smrti. 19. Daj, zapoj nam pesem! 20. Globoko je vzdihnila. 21. Vsak mora dobojevati svojo borbo. 22. Dela kot kak lord. 23. To smo plesali! 24. Ona dela ko kaka kraljica. 25. Močan vihar divja. 26. Gre po poti k uspehu. 27. Bili so bitko. 28. Bridko je jokala ob moji povesti. 29. Zvonovi so lepo doneli. 30. Na ves glas so odobravali. 31. Ogenj in žveplo sta deževala na Sodomo. 32. Tu mrgoli mačk. — Tu je veliko mačk. 33. Ladja plove po oceanu. 34. V tišini smo hodili svojo pot. 35. Ona prav dobro jezdi kot moj jezdec. 36. Mi smo to prejahali, moji bratje pa prevozili s kolesom. 37. Stopil je čez mejo. — Prestopil je mejo. 38. Presenetil je sovražnika. 39. Zoperstavili so se napadu. 40. Reka je preplavila bregove. 41. Deček je spregledal to podrobnost. D. Brezosebni glagoli i. Danes je mrzlo. 2. Tako močno je pihalo ponoči, da nisem mogel spati. 3. Potrebujem nov pas. 4. Kdo je oni mož? 5. On je čevljar. 6. Nekdo je pozvonil prav ta trenutek. 7. Vsakdo se je smejal njegovi prikazni v oni smešni obleki. 8. Bilo je plesa in petja po kosilu. 9. To je krasen prostor za ples. 10. Glas ne zveni lepo v tej dvorani. E. Vzročni glagoli i. Premog leži na mizi. — Jaz sem ga tja položil. 2. Spomenik se dviga nad sosednjim grmovjem: meščani so ga dali zgraditi v spomin umorjenemu možu. 3. Ptica leta — samica uči svoje mladiče letati. 4. Aeroplan je letel nizko nad hišnimi strehami, j. Kot otrok nisem nikdar spuščal zmajev. 6. Tobak tu prav dobro raste. — Na vrtu gojimo tobak. 7. Voda vre pri sto stopinjah. — Ona kuha vodo za čaj. 8. Čoln plove po valovih. Splovili smo čoln. 9. Zvon zvoni. Prosim, pozvoni dvakrat. 10. Majhna deklica je plesala. — Oče je zibal svoje dete na kolenih. 11. Sidro pade s hrupom. — Ladja je vrgla sidro. 12. Moja roka krvavi. — Kirurgi navadno puščajo ljudem kri iz rok. 13. Lastavice se vračajo spomladi. — Vrnili bomo pismo neodprto. 14. Konj gre, teče, dirja v galopu ali trapu, preskakuje jarke in ograje. — Dober jezdec pusti, da gre konj počasi, in da dirja, ga pusti v galop in trap in da skače preko mej in jarkov. 15. Vojaki korakajo v paradi pred kraljem. — General ukaže svoji armadi v paradi korakati pred kraljem. 16. Pes hiti (vzdolž) po cesti. — Mornarji spuste most pred izkrcanjem. 17. Deklica je tekla v cerkev. — Podili smo strica v cerkev. 18. Dali smo vrtnarju nasaditi cvetlice ob steni. VII. Prislov § i. OBLIKA PRISLOVOV i. Čisto sem pozabil na večerjo, z. Prav potrpežljivo je prepisoval pismo. 3. Ona poje radevolje in očarljivo. 4. To je rekla v šali (šaljivo); govori prisiljeno. 5. Sladkor je zelo sladka poslastica. — Te pogače zgledajo sladke. — Govori tako sladko, da ga imajo radi vsi otroci. 6. Ta človek zgleda (da je) prijazen; on je tudi prijazen in z menoj je čisto prijazno ravnal. 7. Ta ura prehiteva. — Ne hodi vendar tako naglo. 8. Kratko (hipoma, naenkrat) sem odrezal (prekinil, nehal) pogovor s tem, da sem obljubil, da bom jaz sam kmalu odšel. 9. Hodil je v šolo, pa zato ni postal pametnejši, celo tem bolj neumen. 10. Prišel te bom obiskat danes teden (danes mesec). 11. Sem smo dospeli danes pred enim mesecem. 12. Stric Viljem bo prišel sem prihodnji petek in bo odpotoval četrtek štirinajst dni, vsaj tako je pisal včeraj (pred enim tednom) teden. 13. Čim prej prideš, tem delj lahko ostaneš. 14. Čim večkrat vas vidimo, tem prej se bomo spoznali, ij. On govori bolj pošteno kot prijazno. 16. Ona je pela najsladkeje in vendar najenostavneje o tistih, ki smo jih slišali. § 2. MESTO IN UPORABA PRISLOVOV i. Nikdar ni takšen veter divjal nad mestom. 2. Tako bridko je jokala, da je bil vsakdo gin jen. 3. Tako se končuje žalostna zgodba Kornelije. 4. Tu stanuje pošten pravnik, j. Doli je pridrl vihar in gori se je valil pesek in prah; stran so bežali vsi ljudje in iz neba je lila ploha. 6. Ona slika glave čudovito. — Ona čudovito slika vse možne vrste glav. 7. On ima (prodajalno) trgovino v naslednji ulici. — V naslednji ulici ima trgovino (prodajalno), ki je vedno4 polna ljudi. 8. Komaj je mogel jesti. — Komaj je pojedel en grižljaj. 9. Lepo oblečen človek se ne obnaša vselej dobro. 10. Samo (moj) brat mi je obljubil uporabo svoje kamere. — To je obljubil samo meni. — Brat sam mi je obljubil uporabo svoje kamere. — Obljubil mi je samo uporabo kamere. — Samo kamero mi je obljubil uporabljati (na dva načina). 11. Ima dosti denarja in dovolj prijateljev, da mu bodo pomagali. 12. Je dovolj bogat; in zato dosti previdno ravna. 13. Potrpežljivo je čakal nekaj časa; ko je prišel sluga, ga je vljudno vprašal, če je gospodar doma. 14. On govori gladko angleško in igra klavir precej (dosti) dobro. 15. Tebe imam rad, toda še rajši imam tvojo dobrobit. 16. Deček je naravno želel mater, ko se je izgubil. 17. Našega gosta smo (dostojno) primerno (kot je treba) zahvalili za njegovo prijaznost. 18. Otrok je neumno odklonil našo ponudbo. — Otrok je na neumen način odklonil našo ponudbo. 19. On stanuje poleg, toda hodi vsak dan v mesto na delo. 20. Ne boš ga našel doma, če greš sedaj tja. 21. Človek najde lepe kraje povsod v vsaki pokrajini. 22. On prebije večino svojih počitnic ob morju. 23. Psa je poklical nazaj in ga je zopet poslal stran. 24. Vzemi to knjigo s seboj, nikar je ne prinašaj več nazaj. 25. Jutri te bom prišel obiskat. 26. Jutri zjutraj med deveto in deseto te bom prišel obiskat. 27. Nikoli ne bom pozabil na vašo prijaznost, vedno mislim, kako ste me pred davnim lepo (prijazno) sprejeli one sobote večer; redkokdaj sem se čutil tako srečnega kot takrat. 28. Henrik je bil često raztresen, zato je bil večkrat prepozen za kosilo (večerjo). 29. Oprosti, da ti ugovarjam; on je bil vselej točen in ni bil nikoli za noben obed prepozen. 30. Pismo še ni prišlo, ga še vedno pričakujem. 31. Ali bi hoteli še malo čaja? Ne, ne ravno sedaj, ga še nekaj imam. 32. Pojdimo zdaj! 32. Prav zdajle sem ga videl iti mimo. 34. Zdaj bomo mogli delovati ali pa nikoli. 35. Zdaj je šel Cezar proti zapadu. 36. Zdaj se nam je posvetilo, da je obljubil, da bo prišel. 37. Zdaj je bilo jasno, da se je zmotil. VIII. Veznik i. Pel je in plesal. 2. Ti kot on naj bi storila svojo dolžnost do svojih predstojnikov. 3. Ni bil samo obdolžen, ampak so ga tudi spoznali za krivega. 4. Delo je človeška usoda v življenju, poleg tega je to še njegova sreča; in še pomaga nam skozi življenje; mu celo dovoljuje, da omiljuje potrebe drugih ljudi. 5. V Londonu je bil čisto tuj, niti ni bilo nikogar, da bi se nanj obrnil. 6. Leni ljudje so sami sebi in drugim v nadlogo. 7. Pridni (marljivi) delavec osrečuje samega sebe, in tiste, s katerimi živi. 8. Stvar morate vzeti kakršna je, ali pa popustiti. 9. Ne potrebujem ne vaše pomoči, ne vašega denarja. 10. Najmanjše oporekanje, če je odkritosrčno ali samo narejeno, ga onesrečuje cele dneve. 11. Paziti boste morali na svoje zdravje, sicer boste zboleli. 12. Jaz ne rabim ne vaše pomoči, in tudi ne vašega denarja. 13. Ne poznam ga in ga niti ne želim poznati. 14. Nimam nikakega denarja, in prepričan sem, da ga tudi vi nimate. 15. Rekel sem mu, da izpostavlja svoje zdravje, pa se mu to ni zdelo važno. 16. Bilo je spomladi, vendar je bilo še tako mrzlo kot pozimi. 17. Obljubil je, da bo prišel in mi pomagal, medtem pa me pusti, da opravim vse delo! 18. Pametni ljudje ljubijo resnico, dočim se je norci bojijo. 19. Če hočeš, lahko greš tja; samo če se kaj zgodi, jaz nisem odgovoren. 20. Vse mogoče je ukrenil, da se izogne nesreči, toda okoliščine so bile močnejše kot on. 21. Tega moža večkrat vidim v trgovini, pa bi ga ne spoznal, če bi ga videl kje drugje ko v njegovem običajnem okolju. 22. On je zelo velikodušen, pa saj je tako bogat! 23. Je tako zanimiv pripovednik, pa saj je toliko čital! 24. Ta mož bi ne bil smel vzeti denarja nekoga drugega, toda ne smemo poza- biti, da je pomanjkanje slab svetovalec. 25. Pojdimo, ker postaja pozno. — Pozno postaja, zato pojdimo. 26. Čas je oditi, zato je bolje, če se zganemo. 27. Vem, da sem pozen, toda radoveden sem, če sem prav zadnji. 28. Prepričan (siguren) sem, da veš, po kaj sem prišel. 29. Dobro, mislim, da; bojim se, četudi ne morem storiti mnogo; vprav danes zjutraj so mi rekli, da nima pomena vztrajati. 30. Rad bi vedel, če bo prišel o pravem času (ali ne). 31. Ne vem, če je še v tisti pisarni. 32. Ne tajim, da je bila to težka naloga. 33. Niso dvomili, da bodo našli sredstva, da plačajo svoj dolg. 34. Gozd ni tako divji, da bi pes ne našel svojega pota ven. 35. Ni bil (on) tako bolan, da ne bi mogel čitati časopisa. 36. Nihče ni tako pameten, da bi se ne mogel zmotiti. 37. On stanuje ob naslednjih vratih. 38. Sem predzadnji v razredu. 39. Prišel je naslednji dan. 40. Kadar sva se srečala, sva si podala roke. 41. Brž ko je prišel domov, smo hoteli vedeti, kje je mati. 42. Slišal sem godbo, ko sem šel mimo hiše. 43. On vstaja pred sončnim vzhodom in dela dokler se ne zmrači. 44. On nikdar ne študira po sončnem zatonu. 45. Delaj, dokler je dan! 46. Človek, prepuščen samemu sebi, komaj ve, odkod prihaja, in kam gre. 47. Bolan je, ker se ne pazi. 48. Čitamo časopise zato, da vemo, kaj se po svetu dogaja. 49. Vzel je svetilko, da se ne bi spotaknil in padel na poti preko poljan. 50. Kdor stoji, naj pazi, da ne pade! 51. Čital je tako dolgo, da so črke plesale pred njegovimi očmi. — Čital je tako dolgo, da so plesale črke pred njegovimi očmi. 52. Pameten je, čeprav je zelo mlad. — Kakor tudi je še mlad, je zelo pameten. — Mlad kot je, je gotovo spreten dečko. 53. Prišel bom, če bo le vreme ostalo lepo (še nadalje lepo). 54. Malo je važno (nič ne de), kako je opravil delo, da je le storjeno. 55. Nič ne de, kdaj prideš, samo, da prideš. 56. Tvoje pismo je čisto pravilno, samo, da ni nobenih ločil. 57. Niti en dan ni minil, da bi ji ne bil prinesel kake igrače ali slaščice za otroke. 59. Dober človek govori tako kot misli. 60. Kakor seješ, tako boš žel. 61. Bil je tako nepreviden, da so se vsi tisti, ki so ga gledali, bali za njegovo življenje. 62. Bil je tako pri- jazen, da mi je pomagal iz težkoč. 63. Mnogi ljudje ravnajo, kot bi bil svet ustvarjen samo zanje. 64. Kakor vrtnar skrbi za najnežnejše rastline, tako naj bi učitelj posvečal največ pozornosti najbolj zaostalim učencem. 65. Obnašal se je kot bi bil nor. 66. Kakor je potrpežljiva, vendar ne more še nadalje požirati njegovih nesramnosti. 67. Nikoli ne vstopi v sobo, razen če ga zahtevajo (če ga ne zahtevajo). 68. Kot deček sem šel večkrat na sprehod v pustinjo. 69. Mi maramo storiti svojo dolžnost, če smo (že) revni ali bogati! t IX. Predlog i. Cvetlice vpijajo jutranje sonce. — Ljudje sedijo in uživajo sijanje zgodnjega sonca. 2. Mož je priložil veliko denarja. — Tega spomenika ni zgradila ljubezen; postavili so ga z mnogo denarja. 3. Napisal je to dolgo vrsto številk. — Vzdolž te dolge vrste številk je napisal nekaj, kar je bilo podobno velikemu V. 4. Razmišljal je o stvareh, ki so bile rečene. — O tem je razmišljal. 5. Ona izhaja iz stare družine. 6. Skočila je s stola. 7. Odnesla je le neznatne praske. 8. Je prost (nima službe). 9. On vedno govori o dolžnosti. 10. Danes je prost. 11. Po kosilu malo počivaj, po večerji pojdi miljo daleč na sprehod. — Ko sem povečerjal, sem šel miljo daleč na sprehod. — Povečerjal sem in nato sem šel miljo daleč na sprehod. 12. Verjel je moji besedi. 13. Pri moji veri, srečen si! 14. Voda nam je segala do gležnjev. 15. Skodelico je izpil do zadnje kaplje. 16. Prišel je k meni. 17. Ostal je do zadnjega trenutka. 18. On je iz mojega mesta (moj rojak). 19. On se boji vlomilcev (roparjev). 20. Živi v gozdu. 21. Živi z delom svojih rok. 22. Gre v cerkev. 23. Namenjen je za velike stvari. 24. Nisem pričakoval, da bom to slišal o tebi. 25. Nisem pričakoval nikakega pisma od tebe. 26. Prihaja naravnost iz Nemčije. 27. Ta meč je iz najboljšega jekla in njegov nosilec najboljšega kova (ki je kdaj eksistiral). 28. Umaknila se je pred ljudmi in želela je iskati zavetja pred vsakomur, razen pred svojo lastno družino. 29. Šli smo v Ljubljano. 30. On dovršeno poje. 31. Šli smo proti mestu. 32. Deklica je čutila simpatijo do junaka vsakega njenih romanov. 33. V tem vodnjaku je voda. 34. On čita v svoji sobi. 35. Ne padi vendar (glej, da ne padeš) v ta jarek! 36. Nesi to knjigo v sobo! 37- Vtakni ta novec v žep! 38. Pomoči pero v črnilo! 39. Zaljubil se je v njo. 40. Jezdili so do drugega konca gozda in do pol šestih niso prišli nazaj. 41. On stanuje v Ljubljani; gre v Ljubljano. 42. Prišel sem med šesto in sedmo. 43. Stal je med kladivom in nakovalom. — Živel je med roparji in umrl med svetniki. 44. Prišel sem pred teboj. 45. Hodil je pred menoj. 46. Ko je odšel, je nastal molk. 47. Služabnik je stopal za gospodarjem. 48. Zrakoplov je bil daleč nad najvišjo strmino. 49. Nad vrati je bil hebrejski napis. 50. Vedno se sklanja nad knjige. 51. Mož je imel svoje sobe pod mojimi. 52. Pes je ležal pod mizo. 53. Če si na tem hribu, vidiš mesto pod seboj. 54. Še enkrat sva se sešla pod tem senčnim logom (streho, zatišjem). 55. Pojdiva tu okoli tega murvi-nega drevesa. 56. Divje (razmršeni) kodri so viseli okrog njenega vratu. 57. Ozdravil ga ni zdravnik, ampak morski zrak (pas). 58. Poznam ga po svojem bratu. 59. Znanje si pridobivamo v glavnem preko oči. 60. Otrok se je tresel od mraza. 61. Prevzeti (premagani) smo bili od utrujenosti in padali smo v nezavest od gladu, vendar smo goreli od navdušenja. 62. Plesala je od veselja in jokala je od same zadovolj-nosti. 63. On vedno ostaja doma iz strahu pred nezgodami. 64. Prišel sem izza hiše. 65. Miška je švignila izpod tal. 66. Sprehajal se je okrog po mestu in se vrnil okoli ene. 67. Tujec je videl polja okrog Ljubljane in vprašal svojega sopotnika, če ima vodnika (knjigo) pri sebi. 68. Otrok se je igral zunaj vrtnih vrat. 69. Vse, kar tu pravite, je lepo, toda nam nedosegljivo. 70. Besedilo smo razumeli, ne da bi ga prevedli. 71. Za časa mojih počitnic (med počitnicami) te bom prišel obiskat. 72. Ni v moji moči, da ti pomagam. 73. Moj prijatelj je stanoval pri nas. 74. Pri starodavnikih je bilo to drugače. 7j. Tom je stal nem od začudenja. 76. Kljub pomanjkanju gozdov je Italija lepa dežela. 77. Ubogi Edvardček se je tresel od mraza; in bil je bled od strahu in zdelo se je, da ni zadovoljen s svojimi predstojniki. 78. Stric Janez je bil sit (truden) njenih pritožb. 79. Razen v funtih računajo Angleži tudi v gvinejah. 80. Rajši smrt kot nečast. 8r. Vsak naj pometa pred svojimi vrati. 82. Ne hvali dneva pred večerom. 83. V kratkem ti bom vrnil denar. 84. Oče je bil zelo jezen, ker je sin prišel prepozno. 85. Med tem, ko so se otroci igrali (bili pri igri), je mati delala (bila pri delu). 86. Napoleon je bil poražen pri Waterloo (v bitki pri). 87. Za časa Cromwella je Anglija preživljala slabe čase. 88. Shakespeare je bil rojen v Stradford-on-Avon. 89. Onstran morja so drugi kontinenti. 90. Mati je na koncu svojih moči. 91. Lepoto narave presega vsako popisovanje. 92. Pavel, ponovi predzadnjo vrsto, in ti, Janez predpredzadnjo. 93. Samo članom bo dovoljen vstop k veselici. 94. Vrni mi to knjigo najpozneje v ponedeljek. 95. Vojak najde svojo pot podnevi in ponoči. 96. Slepca sem peljal za roko. 97. Drevo se spozna po sadu. 98. On služi svoj kruh s pošteno igračo. 99. Korak za korakom smo šli naprej. 100. Poiščite si svojo pot na zemljevidu. 101. Na Angleško sem šla preko Ostende in se vrnila preko Boulogne. 102. Kaj mislite o tem? 103. Pot me je utrudila. 104. Priporočam ga zaradi njegove bistroumnosti. 10 j. To sem storil za šalo. 106. Uboga mati je jokala od veselja. 107. Kljub vsem napakam je vaš esej miselno dober. 108. Dame in gospodje prestopite, prosim za Koln. 109. »Victoria« je bila namenjena v Ameriko. 110. To predmestje leži južno od Londona. 111. Dva dečka sta tekla drug proti drugemu. 112. Vile so Toma spremenile v povodno dete. 113. Nekateri so (iz)bruhnili v jok, drugi v prisrčen smeh. 114. Z onim tujcem smo navezali pogovor. 115. Kaj bo postal ta deček (kaj bo iz tega dečka)? 116 Mladi uradnik se je zelo ponašal s svojim potovanjem. 117. Umirali so na tisoče in umirali so od gladu. 118. Mladeniču je slaba predla za denar. 119. Petega novembra je bil vsak (službe) prost. 120. Vitezi niso imeli (čutili) usmiljenja z nesrečnim Tomažem. 121. Po Tacitovi knjigi vemo mnogo iz življenja starih Germanov. X. Medmet i. Ubogi dečko je zelo bolan. 2. Ba, on ni vreden, da si belimo glavo! 3. Zdaj me pa vzemite s seboj! 4. Jaz, nesrečnež! 5. Torej, kdo je to bil? 6. Dobro, morda imaš prav! 7. Mir! 8. No, to je gotovo Ivan! 9. Bravo! 10. Pogum(no)! IX. Pogum! 12. Kaj ne poveste! 13. Le poslušaj! 14. O, jej! 15. Zaboga! 16. Bog ne daj! 17. O, moj Bog! 18. Zaboga! 19. Zaboga! 20. Hura! dobili smo igro! 21. Kako (je) škoda! EXERCISES TO THE HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR I. The Article § i. FORMS OF THE ARTICLE i. He is an honest man. 2. After an hour's walk, I returned home. 3. He told me the history of his travelling during the holidays. 4. This is an historical fact. 5. He bought an hotel. 6. There is a one-legged beggar at the door. 7. He is a university student. 8. London- is a European town. 9. In the meadow there is a ewe and her lamb. 10. The doctor was a Hebrew. 11. He was a hero to his country. 12. He is an Englishman and a Protestant. § 2. BEFORE PROPER NOUNS i. The unhappy Mary Stuart was beheaded though declaring herself to be innocent. 2. Napoleon died in (the year) 1821. — Princess Mary is told to get married in a few months. 3. Dean Swift said: »Go and get the horses ready.« 4. Doctor Carved sent him pills, which he believed would prove efficacious. 5. Pope Leo XIII. is famous for his social feelings. 6. The English admiral Nelson's last words were: »England expects every man to do his duty.« 7. Uncle John brought me an interesting book; Aunt (Auntie) Mary is reading it now. 8. The Emperor Honorius refused to send troops to Britain. 9. The Empress Zita was an Italian Princess. 10. The Elector Frederick and the Electress Sophia met at Dawos. 11. The Archduchess Elizabeth will spend the winter months in Switzerland. 12. The Duke of Wellington is well known to history. 13. The humorous Dickens is my favourite author, but I like the satirical Thackeray as well. 14. Poor little Peter lived with his mother in a small cottage. 15. Sunny William would sing when playing in the garden. 16. On my last journey, I admired the Van'Eyck at Ghent. 17. There has always been rivalry between the Smiths and the Whiteheads. 18. Grandfather and Uncle are coming to dinner. 19. Nurse has gone for a walk with the children. 20. Duke William of Normandy defeated the English at the battle of Hastings. 21. The knights felt no pity on the unhappy Thomas. 22. The English regard Admiral Nelson as one of their greatest naval heroes. 23. The famous Roman general Caesar made the expeditions to conquer Britain. 24. A large stone wall was built by the Emperor Hadrian. 25. The London of St. Thomas was very different from what it is now. 26. Mr. Grimes cruelly beat poor Tom. 27. The Stuarts followed the Tudors on the English throne. § 3. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE BEFORE GEOGRAPHICAL NOUNS r. Devonshire borders on Cornwall. 2. Beautiful Torquay overlooks Torbay. 3. My cousin lives in Congo. 4. The Isle of Man is in the Irish Sea. 5. England is separated from the Continent by the Straits of Dover and the English Channel. 6. The Shetlands, the Orkneys, the Hebrides, the Isle of Anglesey, the Scilly Islands and the Isle of Wight are considered as parts of the British Isles. 7. A great deal of the tea imported into England comes from Ceylon, an island in the Indian Ocean. 8. Many of the ancient Britons went over to Brittany. 9. Alsace is a rich country. 10. Normandy has produced many a great man. 11. Tyrol is famous for its sights, the Valais for its good wines, and the Transvaal for its gold mines. 12. On my journey through the beautiful parts of the Netherlands I met many people from Flanders. 13. The United States are rich in raw materials. 14. Birmingham is the centre of the hardware trade, Bristol is a famous sea-port on the Bristol Channel and ancient Rome was the cradle of Roman poets. 15. Stratford-on-Avon is famous for having produced Shakespeare, whose dramas will always be praised, and Frankfurt-on-the Main for being Goethe's native town. 16. In times gone by, the Hague was the seat of the International Court. 17. The Spaniards had gained immense riches in the West Indies. — The English reached the rest of their fleet lying off the coast of Spain, near Cape Trafalgar. 18. »The Victoria« sailed towards the Cape of Good Hope. 19. I saw the summit of Mont Blanc which is 18.000 feet high. 20. The snow on the summit of Mount Everest is eternal. 21. Etna and Vesuvius are volcanoes. 22. The Jungfrau, the Simplon as well as the St. Gotthardt are in Switzerland, that is in Central Europe. 23. Did you see Lake Michigan? No, but I lived for nearly six years on the beautiful shores of the Lake of Geneva (of Lake Leman). 24. The Orange Free State belongs to the Union of South Africa together with Cape Province, the Transvaal, the Sudan etc. 25. London is situated on the Thames, Newcastle on the Tyne. 26. The Congo is a river, Congo is a country. 27. The two fleets came in sight of each other near the Cape de la Hogue. 28. Celtic languages are spoken in the Scottish and Welsh Highlands. 29. The Jura and the Alps join in Switzerland. 30. France is separated from Spain by the Pyrenees. 31. At Piccadilly Circus we left the bus and walked up Regent Street. 32. Numerous bridges, such as London Bridge and the Tower Bridge, have been built over the Thames. 33. We lived at the corner of Arden Road and Haugh Shaw Lame. 34. The Green Park is the meeting place of many children. 35. In the Tower of London many famous Englishmen were kept in prison. 36. In the Great Fire of London St. Paul's Cathedral did non escape destruction. 37. The Tower was for a long time the fortress and state prison of London. — It saw the murder of the Duke of York. 38. Edward the Confessor is usually regarded as the founder of Westminster Abbey. 39. Knights came to Canterbury Cathedral and killed Thomas Becket. 40. The royal residence in London is Buckingham Palace. 41. The Duke of Wellington was educated at Eton College. 42. Poor Edgar reached King's Cross Station at midnight. 43. Driver, can you take me to the British Museum, please? 44. The Mansion House in London is the official residence of the Lord Mayor. 45. The Bank of London issues bank notes. 46. Heark! The Exchange clock is striking. 47. The Crystal Palace of London is worth seeing. 48. The Vatican is a free and independent State. 49. Travellers coming to Rome may see the Capitol and the Quirinal. 50. At the Louvre we admire the works of all the renouned painters ancient and modern. 51. Many a great man was educated at Merton College. § 4. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE AND NOUNS WITH A GENERAL SENSE i. Life is short and art is long. 2. Time is money. 3. Duty before pleasure. 4. Men fear death as children darkness. 5. We are taught history, literature and mathematics. 6. Reading makes a ful man; speaking a ready man; writing an exact man. 7. Human life is not sufficient to exhaust human science. 8. English literature is my favourite branch, together with universal history. 9. She dreams of good society and high life. 10. Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter. 11. He began to envy the happiness of his friend. 12. The life of Shakespeare and the art of composing dramas. 13. The time we spent at the seaside was not worth the money we had to pay. 14. Paradise and Hell are religious ideas that are spread in some form or other all over the world. 15. The good will go to heaven. 16. Better trust to Providence than to fate. 17. He is not gifted with the artistic feeling. 18. Milk is nourishing. 19. Wool is the chief export article of Australia. 20. Duch cheese is different from Swiss cheese. 21. Fresh meat is more agreeable than smoked or dried fish. — Ceylon tea is stronger than China tea. 22. The coffee which one gets in England is not so good as the tea they give you. 23. I prefer the Ceylon tea in packets to that which is weighed out. 24. Swallows live on insects. 25. Birds must be kept off the fruit. 26. The boys who quarrel must be punished. 27. The vegetables from our garden are more expensive than those we buy in the market. 28. Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long. 29. Woman has tried in the last century to free herself from man. 30. People will talk. 31. Mankind, as people say, gets more and more degenerated. 32. Government was overthrown last night. 33. He speaks fluently German and Slovenian. 34. Latin and Greek are the educators of mankind. 35. I never work before breakfast, nor after supper either. 36. I like bacon and eggs for breakfast. 37. Lunch is on the table, please! 38. The supper they gave us at the hotel last night was not good; we had to pay three times as much as we had paid for the lunch at the restaurant on the same day, and we did not get half as much to eat. 39. We shall remove in spring. 40. I shall come and see you on Tuesday. 41. I was at my Uncle's last Monday. 42. The summer of 1921 was dry. 43. We arrived here on the first Thursday in April. 44. Wait till daylight; till morning. 45. School begins at eight and is over at twelve. 46. The school has been rebuilt entirely. 47. My brother has gone to the school to see the teacher about the boy who broke a pane in the window with the snowball. 48. I visited the college founded by Wolsey (a University College of Oxford). 49.1 am going up to college next week (to the University). 50. It is dangerous not to tell the truth in Court (of Justice), whereas it is dangerous to tell the truth at court (of the King). 51. The London Courts are fine buildings. 52. My father is on 'Change. 53. The Exchange is situated opposite the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. 54. We were still at table when he rang, j j. Do not sit so far from the table. 56. Let us go to bed! 57. He slept badly; the bed was not well made, he said. § j. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE USED FOR EMPHASIS i. Every word of his proved him to be the brave soldier and the generous friend. 2. He is too much the gentleman to read somebody else's letters. § 6. USE OF THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE 1. He is a captain in the army. 2. He was born an Italian (or Italian, as adjective) and he lived a foreigner amongst us. 3. He lived a man of honour and died a victim to hatred. 4. He turned traitor to his party, j. The cardinal consecrated him a bishop; he had been appointed Bishop of Liubliana. 6. A friend of mine was nominated a captain in the Guards. 7. One of my friends was elected president, and another a member of the Stoics' Club. 8. You have deserved praise as president of our Society, and your brother as a member of the committee. 9. Some years after Clive had joined the army he rose to the rank of colonel. 10. He is said to have preferred the trade of a shoemaker to the profession of a clergyman. 11. Did ever king do more for his people than ours has done? 12. Never did a man do more for his fellow-men. 13. Part of the cargo was damaged. 14. Kent is a part of England. 15. Clever fellow as he is (or: as he is a clever fellow), he will easily find his way through this difficulty. 16. He gains three hundred pounds a year. 17. The interest is six per cent. 18. Rome was not built in a day. 19. A stitsch in time saves nine. § 7. THE ARTICLE USED WITH INDEFINITE PRONOUNS x. I have little (not much) wine, a few (not many) glasses. 2. I have a little wine left, and we are going to drink your health and safe return. 3. Do you want much ink? No, a little will do: just enough to fill my pen. 4. Most English- men indulge in sports. 5. I left home on the last day of last year, and I arrived here on the first of January; already on the next (following) day I longed to go back. 6. All trace of her was disappeared. 7. He lost all hope. 8. All the men that had mutinied were sentenced. § 8. USE OF THE ARTICLE IN STANDING EXPRESSIONS i. He was at work when I returned, 2. Hearing this she changed colour. 3. The criminal was condemned to death. 4. The river flows from East to West. 5. This statue was erected in memory of the Happy Prince. 6. Before leaving he shook hands with all his friends. 7. The young man was over head in debts. 8. Mr. Turnor asked my sister in marriage. 9. Last Sunday I did not attend Mass. 10. She takes all these things to much to heart, n. Out of sight, out of mind. 12. We went for a walk to take air. 13. Last night my sister amused us playing the piano. 14. On the pretext of going for a walk, he went to see his lady friend. 15. Having a bad headache I cannot accompany you. 16. The young lady took an interest in the poor man's living, but it was a great pity, that she removed from that part of the town. § 9. PLACE OF THE ARTICLE 1. All the houses were decorated. 2. Both (the) generals were enthusiastically cheered. 3. Give me double, or even treble the money you paid before, and I will not do it. 4. Half the town knows him. 5. I shall return within half an hour. 6. What a pity! 7. What a crowd! 8. I never saw such a lot of people before! 9. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip. 10. No less a person than the bishop took the chair, ir. I am as good a rower as he is. No, you are not so good a rower as he is. 12. It is too good an opportunity (or: a too good opportunity) to be missed. § io. OMISSION AND REPETITION OF THE ARTICLE i. He is a clever, learned and kind-hearted man. 2. We bought a red and white cow. 3. It is difficult to live a quiet and a turbulent existence at the same time. 4. A strong and a weak man may both be good men. j. The dead and wounded were removed from the battlefield. 6. Give me a needle and thread. 7. Bring me a knife and fork. 8. The master and mistress have gone to the sea-side. II. The Noun § i. GENDER OF NOUNS i. A man-servant is more expensive than a maid-servant. 2. She wants a lady-friend. 3. A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there still. 4. The baby died in her seventh month, j. The eagle and her mate. 6. The elephant and its allies. 7. The lion in its natural state. 8. A swallow and her young ones. 9. A lark and his family. 10. The »Lord Kitschener« is weighing her anchor, n. The boat was soon out: it was a very light one. § 2. PLURAL OF NOUNS A—D i. It was in the reign of the three Henrys. 2. Socrates's are as rare as Dickens's. 3. I will not hear of any »if's« or »but's«. 4. Dot your i's. 5. Children like to walk on all fours. 6. The cakes were hardly larger than pennies and cost twopence each. 7. I had rather have eightpence now, than eighty pence to-morrow. E-G 1. The Misses Foster and Moore sang a song. 2. The brothers Robinson have a toy-shop. 3. The doctors Carver and Cutter wrote a book on cancer. 4. The captains "Walker and Talker left for America. 5. I bought two hundred and two dozen eggs. 6. There were hundreds of eggs, dozens of eggs broken. 7. The eggs were sold by couples, by dozens, by scores. 8. Men died by hundreds. 9. The oxen were placed by teams and yokes. 10. Our cook wants three pounds of fat a week; in winter she uses three tons of coal. n. They ordered three hogsheads. 12. This box weighs eight stone. 13. Camels are said to be able to carry a thousandweight. 14. This book costs two pound three (shillings). 15. There is little fruit this year, but what there is, is excellent. 16. Offer a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest. 17. The fruits of virtue, of sin, of industry. 18. My neighbour's fowls peck all the rising salad plants away. 19. Children like to feed the waterfowl in the pares. 20. Are there any fish in this brooklet. 21. How can a man sit for hours with a line in his hand just to catch two or three minute fishes a day? 22. In England we had fish for breakfast every day. 23. A hundred foot had to hold their positions against a much stronger enemy. 24. A hundred feet make more noise than two. 25. I pity the poor people who are at sea in such a storm. 26. The Croates are a people that will work itself up. 27. When two peoples meet in peace and understanding, they are sure to get on better than by themselves. 28. Society is the cause of many of the evils under which we suffer. 29. Society turn their backs on poor people. 30. Friendly societies are called clubs. 31. Mind your own business! 32. To do business in linen. 33. There are no businesses in this part of the town. H—K i. These three pair of spectacles are rather expensive. 2. Give me the scissors, they are lying on the table. 3. Are these scales all right? 4. Every man is responsible for his doings and goings. 5. I think he has often fits of hysterics. 6. Mathematics is not my strong point; I like better logic and music. 7. Physics is an entertaining science. 8. I put my purse in my trouser-pocket and not in my breeches-pocket. 9. There is a scissor-grinder at the garden gate. 10. The harvesters are in the oat field. 11. I want to buy a billiard-table and a domino-box. 12. This book will give you advice about what you are to do in such a case. 13. I gave alms to the beggar who thanked me for them. 14. The eaves of our house give shelter to several bird's nests, ij. The odds were against me. L—M i. The children raised their heads. 2. The soldiers shouldered their rifles. 3. We made up our minds to imitate the example of our two sisters who, although having been Protestants during their lives, became Catholics before their deaths. 4. How on earth can people find it in their consciences to ill-treat harmless children? 5. The valley was nearly buried under the snows. 6. It requires a robust health to bear the heats of summer and the colds of winter. 7. The White and the Red Rose (or: The White and Red Roses) of the Houses of York and Lancaster. 8. The German and the English language (or: The German and English languages) have many words and turns in common. 9. Twice ten makes (make) twenty. 10. Thirty francs is paid for immatriculation feet. 11. If this five hundred pounds is not found before to-morrow, I am a ruined man. 12. Four pounds are lying on the counter. 13. There are three shillings (three shilling pieces) in this purse. 14. There is three shillings (the value of 3 shillings) in this purse. 15. I have been with him this five years. 16. He told me his whole history in that ten minutes I spend with him in the tramcar. 17. Eight miles is a good way to walk. 18. The Two Gentlemen of Verona is rarely played nowadays. 19. Marseilles is a great port, and Brussels is famous for its laces, Lyons for its silks. 20. Netherlands border on Flanders which is very prosperous. 21. The United States have many navigable rivers. 22. The United States belongs to the New World. 23. The police have made every effort to find the thief. 24. Society have been the gainers since instruction was made compulsory. 2j. The audience were all laughing. 26. The committee was unanimous in rejecting the proposal. 27. The society (the company) accept your proposal. 28. The family were at sixes and sevens. § 3- USE OF NOUNS A. The Nominative Case i. A man is an intelligent being; he thinks and reflects before he acts. 2. Whom did you see? 3. Long live the father! 4. God give long life to the father! 5. Be you the guardian of your brother! 6. Were that ladder long enough, we could climb to the moon. 7. Once upon a time there lived a young and fair prince. 8. Neither did Scrooge know, nor did he care to know how his nephew and niece were getting on in life. 9. In vain did he try to row against the stream. 10. Little did we know how fortunate we were before her death. 11. Not until the storm was over could we pluck the apples. 12. Please, do not send this paper any more to Marie Lloyd: her subscription has expired! So has she! 13.1 am happy, and so is my friend. 14. Good morning, Sir! 15. Excuse me, Madam, is this the way to the station? 16. Ladies and Gentlemen, will you kindly come to dinner? 17. Is Mr. Crossley at home? No, but Mrs. Crossley is. 18. Please, Jane, tell the master that there is a gentleman wanting to see him! 19. Tell the mistress that there is a lady wanting to see her! 20. The master has scolded us to-dav. 3' B. The Accusative Case 1. I sent a letter to my cousin in London yesterday. 2. I put away the books in my bookcase. 3. I put them away in my bookcase. 4. I never read books without my glasses. 5. I always read books in bed before falling asleep. 6. This house, which I bought a few years ago, has now double the value at which I purchased it. 7. For his son he bought a paint-box, for his daughter a doll's bed. C. The Dative Case 1. Drinking too much is prejudicial to health. 2. She is a friend to Mrs. Johnson. 3. Why do you sent this letters to me (who have nothing to say in the matter)? 4. If you have that boy's cap, give it him, please, j. To him I shall not offer any congratulations. 6. This book costs my brother two guineas. 7. I told my father that tale already. 8. He procured us a taxi. 9. He procured a taxi for us. ro. He revealed the truth to me. n. He said nothing to her. 12. He refused to yield to brutal force. 13. It seems to me that he is going to die. 14. He is still a friend to them and all their relations. 15. Money will loosen this man's tongue. 16. A good son always obeys his parents. 17. It is our duty to pardon our enemies. 18. We have to renounce many things in life. 19. That man ressembles you. 20. I cannot resist his arguments. 21. Do not withdraw your help from the poor. 22. The Squire is a benefactor to all the district (he acts as thus). 23. The Squire is the poor people's benefactor (he at last has that name). 24. He is a stranger to poverty, an enemy to flattery, a friend to truth. 25. Parents are generally blind to the defects of their children. D. The Genitive Case i. A fish's head is different from a pony's. 2. That boy's book is on the table. 3. He did not understand the men's and the women's talk. 4. Children's feet patted, j. The sheep's wool is very warm. 6. In this shop you may find geese's quills. 7. I did it for peace's sake. 8. Henry's room is larger than mine. 9. Charles's dog sprang into the water to fetch the sinking stick. 10. Not far from here is the famous St. James's Park. 11. I read all Cervantes' books. 12. Who bought my friend's motorcar. 13. Shakespeare's plays are much better on the stage than when analyzed in the class. 14. My friend's parents are still alive. 15. Below the roof there is a swallow's nest. 16. The geese ate out of the dog's kennel. 17. The sufferings of the poor touched the Happy Prince's heart. 18. It was my life's dream to see the wonderful sights of Switzerland. 19. The morning papers anounced the committee's meeting. 20. He took somebody else's umbrella. 21. In Eton College I saw the Duke of Wellington's statue. 22. At winter's approach we all left the country. 23. The New Years's Eve is the last day's evening in the year. 24. In next year's spring I hope to be able to make this journey. 2j. We do not feel the earth's movement. 26. He is at his wit's end. 27. He ate at his heart's content. 28. He had his lessons at his finger's end. 29. Just run over to the backer's (shop); there is not bread enough in the house. 30. She is a type-writer at Cook and Son's (office). 31. Drive me and my luggage to Warren's (hotel), please! 32. He is now at St. Luke's (asylum). 33. No matter whose I am, since I am no more my Royal Master's. 34. Some pupils of my friend's came to bring me this book. 35. Have you read any poems of Byron's. 36. I have seen many pictures of Rubens's. 37. Only rich people can buy pictures of Rembrandt's. 38. He Was a man of great courage, of imperturbable self-command. 39. Aviation is the question of the day. 40. There are many students at the University of Liubliana (Liubliana University). 41. A liter of water weighs less than a cubic decimetre of iron. 42. In Wales I saw miles of pastures. 43. On the first of October we shall begin shooting. 44. At the end of the preceding century aviation was not yet known. 45. The nurse gave a handful of nuts to the little boy. 46. The diocese of Liubliana is very small. 47. Mount of Olives is not so high as Mount Everest. 48. In the words: Cape of Good Hope and the Cape of Storms, Cape is followed by »of«; in Cape Horn, Cape Comorin, Cape is not followed by »of«. 49. The month of April has 30 days. 50. Yesterday he got the post of surveyor. 51. We used to live first in the house »Belgrove«, later in the villa »Westgrove«. 52. He wrote a book about the Duke of Norfolk. 53. The schoolchildren's singing was admirable (the sing). 54. The beating of schoolchildren is severely prohibited in our country (the children are beaten). 5$. A bust of Dante is standing on the bookcase. 56. These dogs of your brother keep me awake all the night. 57. The character of the Swiss is quite different from that of the Spaniards. 58. He is the stronger of the two. 59. He is a lad of parts. 60. I am tired of listening to her. III. The Adjective § i. WORDS USED AS ADJECTIVES i. Tigers are bloodthirsty. 2. People try to exterminate bloodthirsty animals. 3. That book is interesting. 4. An interesting book. 5. He has a knowledge of many thinks learned from books and from experience. 6. Liverpool wool and Brussels carpets. 7. He ate with a silver spoon. 8. The hero deserved a gold medal. 9. I always wear silk stockings. 10. Silence is golden. 11. Smiths have leather aprons. 12. Basil took in his leathern lap the hoof of the horse as a plaything. 13. The Thames runs an easterly course. 14. Penzanze is the most westerly town of England. 15. We have a manservant now. 16. He has had a university education, a college training. 17. He wore his Sunday hat. 18. The above remark. 19. The up train (going to Liubliana), the down train (going from Liubliana into the country). 20. She put on her out-of-door garment. § 2. DEGREES OF COMPARISON A—C i. That man is as tall as a Goliath. 2. Is that man as tall as a tree? No, that man is not so tall as a tree. 3. This most beautiful picture has been given to me by a most affectionate friend. 4. She took a walk through the dewy meadow, j. This is a weekly paper. 6. This is the latest Parisian fashion. 7. The woman carried an empty basket. 8. He wants men that are more modest and more active. 9. This book is more learned and more interesting than that. 10. The second edition is completer and minuter than the first, ii. I want a more complete and a more minute report. iz. Here I feel happier than elsewhere. 13. These were his sencerest words. 14. The ship was said to be in great danger; in to-day's papers the later bulletins announced there was not any hope left; still the latest news is more sanguine again. 15. In the latter part of November wintry weather sets in. 16. Last week I was in London; next week I hope to be in Paris. 17. Here are Alfred and John; the former is my friend, the latter I do not like. 18. My late father (deceased). 19. The late trouble in India (recent). 20. The late Mayor (the one who was mayor before the present one). 21. The older the wine, the better the taste. 22. This is the oldest house of the town. 23. Two men stepped out of the carriage: the older of the two evidently belonged to the army. 24. The eldest son steps into his father's title. 25. The nearest Sunday is the 13th, and the next Sunday the 20th of the month. 26. We saw a weasel peeping from behind the trunk of a fallen tree on the farther side of a road. 27. She further told me what happened after she had returned. 28. The Far West is the western part of the United States, the Far East are China and Japan. D—E i. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. 2. I went to see my sick brother. 3. Many people are seasick. 4. I am sick of flattery. 5. We heard the patter of the girl's little feet on the staircaise. 6. Chinese ladies are said to have small feet. 7. He wrote a little book about his native town. 8. I want a small book that I can put in my pocket. 9. To my utter astonishment I found him in the outer court. 10. The inferior part of the statue was of clay, the superior part was of gold. 11. Nobody can be more faithful and affectionate than he has been. 12. They wanted to save the most precious and rare books, but the most ruthless and cruel orders prevented anyone from approaching the blazing Library. 13. There is hardly any less sheltered creek than this one along the whole coast. 14. Better late than never. 15- I am writing to my younger brother (I have 2) and my eldest sister (I have 3). 16. England is a great deal larger than Scotland. 17. He became richer and richer, whereas for other people the circumstances became more and more difficult. 18. The longer the day, the shorter the night. 19. The more enormous our wealth, the more imperative our duty to help our less fortunate brethren. 20. She looks prettiest in artificial light. 21. He is most (very) interesting when he talks about his work. 22. He is always interesting and he is the more, when he talks about his work. 23. The most interesting part of this interesting novel is the description of the wild chase through the snowfields. § 3. USE OF ADJECTIVES A—C i. She was glad to see her again. 2. I hope that the boy will grow wiser although one does not grow wise in a day. 3. My servant turns lazy. 4. At the very thought she turned pale. 5. I hope the pupil will continue diligent. 6. The flower looks fine, smells agreeable, feels soft. 7. He feels ill. 8. He appears (to be) rich. 9. He came back rich unexpectedly. 10. He departed happy but abruptly. 11. He died happy and smiling though inexpectedly. 12. Everybody believes him honest. 13. I found him very ill. 14. A man may be made proud by wealth, a woman by beauty. 15. This girl is very ill. 16. A girl opening an oyster found a pearl which was worth a fortune. 17. That work is tiring; it is a tiring work. 18. This gentleman is a Liubliana merchant. 19. He bought me a gold watch. 20. This watch is a gold one. 21. A big man cannot wear a cap too small for a boy. 22. I had to march through mud four feet deep. 23. It was a national, as well as a religious feeling that made Switzerland stand strong and united by her leader's side in his dangerous, but as well successful policy against the enemies. He attained his aims thanks to the shrewd and intelligent yet tyrannical and even cruel nature that was his. 24. Vives was a good man and a good scholar. 2j. Mars is a star visible to the naked eye. 26. Any help, however little, is welcome. 27. She brought me to places so beautiful that my senses fail in describing them. 28. Any persons akin to the deceased are invited to be present at the opening of his will. 29. The Prince Regent made his usual visit to the Queen regnant. 30. The Upper House consists of Lords spiritual and Lords temporal, the former belong to the Church militant. 31. They chose an eagle argent on a field azure. 32. He made a journey through Asia Minor. 33. Albert the Great was a famous king. 34. He was condemned for reasons the most absurd. 35. They are the nicest people I know, the present (this) company evidently excepted. 3 6. There were many ladies present. D—F i. Victor Cousin wrote a book on the True, the Beautiful and the Good. 2. The wonderful thing is that we are always attracted by that which is strange and wonderful. 3. Government erected schools for the deaf and the mute, and workshops for the blind. 4. The Irish are witty, lively and generous. 5. The enemy buried their dead before retreating, but left their wounded and injured in the battle-field. 6. The difference between a rich man and a poor man is that a rich man eats when he likes, and a poor man only when he can. 7. A Swede is a Swedish, a Spaniard a Spanish subject, and a Turk is a Turkish subject. 8. Slovenian boys are educated in quite a different way to English boys. 9. Charles II. was said never to say a foolish thing, and never to do a wise one. 10. Here are plenty of roses: which shall I give you? Give me three white ones and one yellow one, I prefer these pink ones to the white ones. 11. Houses often have two gates: visitors enter by front one; tradesman by the back one. 12. I went up to the North by the Wakefield train, and I came back by the Sheffield one. 13. I prefer the Flemish School of pointers to the Dutch. 14. Napoleon attacked not only the temporal authority of the Church, but the spiritual as well. 15. Here is black ink and green: which do you want? Let me have the green: I have some black myself. 16. Everybody who has gone to foreign countries likes to return to his own. 17. The northern half of the world is more populated than the southern. 18. The comic scenes in this play are by far inferior to the serious. 19. In life the merriest events often follow the most tragic. 20. Make me a bunch of roses, taking the most beautiful ones first. 2i. Thank you for offering me a seat: I have a most comfortable one. 22. I prefer the smaller house to the larger 23. This cigar is too strong for me: I should like a milder one. 24. The present president is a practical man: the former one was so much of a dreamer. 25. My name is the first, yours the second on the list. 26. Better one plain bird in your hand than ten fine ones in the bush. 27. There might have been fifty people there, young and old, rich and poor. 28. How are you getting on, you and your little ones. 29. »Come to me, my pretty one (child)« I heard a mother say. 30. The sailor dreamt of home and the dear ones (relatives and friends). 31. Come here my sweet one (my pet), my own one (my darling). 32. Be respectful to your superiors, friendly to your equals and kind to your inferiors. 33. In our country, there are Catholics and Protestants; we have Dominicans and Franciscans. 34. You make your capitals badly. 35. "What are your initials. 36. These reds fight. 37. He forgot the essential of the question. 38. I read all, the ancients and the moderns. 39. I respect my betters and my elders; those who are better and older than I. 40. Visitors are requested to keep their valuables under lock and key. 41. My brother passed the greats (final examination for B. A. at Oxford, which is called the great go at Cambridge). 42. He was burried in his regimentals (uniform). 43. We have a Swiss maid. 44. I made the acquaintance of a Swiss, of three Swiss. 45. The English he speaks will not be of much service if he goes to the country. 46. Many people started learning German and Italian. 47. He is now making the best (use) of his time and his abilities. 48. The worst (part) of the winter is over. 49. The undersigned hereby declares. 50. You will gather what I mean from the above; from the following (advice); from the annexed; from the inclosed (paper, document). 51. We take the following (piece of news) from the »Times«. IV. The Numeral § 2. CARDINAL NUMBERS i. They are of a size. 2. The room is on a level with the street. 3. In a word, this is the matter. 4. He will come to-day fortnight. 5. We stayed a week, a sevennight in England. 6. Your fives are not distinct enough from your threes. 7. Some people count the eggs by twos, some by threes. 8. She is on the shady side of her thirties (35 to 39). 9. The boy crept about the room on all fours. 10. These hundred soldiers come from the town. n. Seven thousand of your cigars. 12. Eight million of francs (eight millions of francs). 13. We had a fine walk and saw dozens of hares. § 3. USE OF THE CARDINAL NUMBERS i. We three will walk ahead. 2. We are three to walk ahead. 3. There are three of us to walk ahead. 4. When I was twenty, you were hardly two. 5. I am forty years old. 6. I am eighteen years older than you. 7. I am older than you by eighteen years. 8. It is ten (It is ten o'clock). 9. It is nearly ten. § 4. ORDINAL NUMBERS i. The first thing I shall do on my return is to go and see my mother's grave. 2. George the Fifth (V.) succeeded his father Edward the Seventh (VII.) as King of England. 3. John was the first of his class and James the last but one. 4. His house is the last but three of this row. 5. It is the next house but two. § S. FRACTIONAL NUMBERS i. I asked for a quarter of a pound of tea and she put a half pound on one of the scales. 2. He ate half of the cake. § 6. NUMERAL ADVERBS i. I asked him what I owed, and as he mentioned a ridiculously low price for the fine work he had done; I gave him double the sum (twice as much). 2. He has three times as many books, three times as much money as you. 3. He told me to give these beggars a penny each. 4. I had to pay a shilling for each fountain pen repaired, for every ten pages copied. V. The Pronoun § i. THE PERSONAL PRONOUN Forms of the Personal Pronouns — Use of the Personal Pronouns i. I will remind you of him. 2. Was it you that rang? Yes Sir, it was I. Well, do you want anything? No, it is not I, it is he who wants to ask for the permission to be absent from the lesson. 3. He told me so himself. 4. Both of us spoke at once. j. There was no room for poor me. 6. I told them in the stable to be ready about six. 7. I should like to come to your house, but I cannot: I promised my brother to call at his house (I promised to call at my brother's.) 8. Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird! It used as subject — It used as object i. It is late; it is nearly eleven. 2. Look at that tree; it has been struck by lightning. 3. It rains. 4. I am unhappy to hear of her sad case. 5. It is a known fact that real dignity dislikes all outward display. 6. It is pride, not courage, that made him talk like that. 7. It is love and affection that makes life worth living: for it is neither money nor honours that can satisfy the hunger of the human heart. 8. Who is that girl? She is my type-writer. 9. Who are these children? They are my nephews and nieces. 10. It was the Spanish who first set foot in America, u. I happened to have that very book on my desk. 12. He used to be a secretary to a banker, and I think he still is. 13. You are zealous and active, and I hope you will remain so. 14. Are they ready? They seem so. 15. We shall have to rough it (the difficulty, the danger). 16. Have you heard it about the new librarian? 17. He thought it unnecessary to add any further details. 18. Can you drive? No, I cannot. Can you? Yes, I believe I can. 19. "What does this bicycle cost? I do not know; I cannot guess either. 20. Will he come to-day? I hope so: at least he told me so. 21. He said that he would make his ward happy, and so he did; still I do not know whether he really intended to do so. § 2. THE REFLEXIVE PRONOUN Forms of the Reflexive Pronouns — The Emphatic Pronouns 1. If your brothers were here, you could decide yourselves what should best be done. 2. The study of self is perhaps the most difficult problem that man can face. 3. Forgetful of self the girl was a charm and a centre of attraction. 4. He locked the safe himself, we ourselves saw him doing it. j. Some people pride themselves in riches. 6. A new idea presented itself in his mind. 7. In former times the schoolchildren themselves had to keep the room clean and they themselves had to bring wood or peat to warm it in winter. 8. It is a good thing that you broke the cup yourself. 9. He cut a piece of cake himself (he actually cut it; himself is a nominativ). 10. He cut himself a piece of cake (he cut a piece for himself to eat it himself (himself is a dative here). 11. I saw the lady herself, or: I saw herself (for her herself = her). 12. I am not yet myself again (have not quite recovered). 13. He is not quite so rich as myself (or: as I am). 14. I offer my heartiest wishes of my wife and myself, to yourself and Mr. Heale. 15. We decided that ourselves shall hear the accusers and the accused. 16. To thy own self be true! The Proper Reflexive Pronouns — Reciprocal Pronouns i. The boy cut himself when sharpening the pencil. 2. Take care of yourselves and avail yourselves of every opportunity to speak English whilst in London. 3. He said so himself. 4. I think he hurt himself. 5. I avail myself of this opportunity to betake myself to the woods. 6. The boy hurt himself falling off the tree. 7. Do not hurt the little boy. 8. We enjoyed ourselves the evening when Uncle arrived from London. 9. We had a nice dinner at a restaurant, which we really enjoyed. 10. He washes and dresses in a few minutes, ir. I shave every morning. 12. A man should submit to his superiors. 13. Since a few weeks I have started shaving myself. 14. A nasty boy always chooses the best pieces for himself. 15. She punished in herself another's fault. 16. A vain man hardly ever talks without alluding to himself. 17. You had better look about yourselves my boys (consider yourselves and your doings and your goings). 18. The mistress called the girl to her (towards her). 19. He interrupted me every minute and still I was pleading all the time for himself. 20. We have only an hour to ourselves. 21. They had a compartment to themselves. 22. At Mazarin's death Louis XIV. started reigning by himself. 23. You cannot carry that bag by yourself, my girl! it is far to heavy. 24. Freedom, Prosperity and Industry support each other. 25. If we help one another through life, our burdens will get lighter. 26. We met in London. 27. Have you met before? If not, I should be pleased to introduce you to each other. § 3. THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUN Forms of the Possessive Pronouns — Adjective Possessives — Substantive Possessives i. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. 2. One is rarely pleased with one's lot. 3. One's wishes should be measured after one's means. 4. Everybody has his faults; no one is without his faults. 5. One has one's faults. 6. The council were divided in their opinions. 7. I will help you with all my heart. 8. He writes with his left hand. 9. Wolf would wag his tail. 10. He was shot through the heart. 11. Somebody came, took me by the hand and tapped me on the shoulder (or: took my hand and tapped my shoulder). 12. Do not go out without your umbrella. 13. He smokes his pipe from morning till night. 14. Where shall we have our supper? 15. They were sitting and drinking their coffee when I entered. 16. He made up his mind. 17. It is my turn. 18. I lost my way. 19. He saved her life. 20. We took our leave at 8 o'clock. 21. He made his escape. 22. He is old before his time. 23. His mother, brothers and sisters came to meet him. 24. He gave the man double his wages. 25. They lost half their money. 26. All my friends were present. 27. The poor mother lost both her children. 28. That will be my ruin (that will be the ruin of me). 29. Every man is master of his own actions. 30. She brought up several children, her own and other people's 31. This is not my brother's own house (it is not his own house). 32. They live in a house of their own: they live in one of their own houses. 33. I prefer my hat to hers. 34. I never met gentler children that hers. 35. Yours will be all the pleasure. 36. Ours is this country and ours it will remain. 37. Ours was an eventful life. 38. This decision will get your approval and theirs. 39. I heard about the accident through a neighbour of mine. 40. She got appointed as a secretary through an acquaintance of hers. 41. I shall send you these books of mine. 42. Yesterday I met that friend of yours. 43. No words of ours can give an idea of her sufferings. § 4. THE DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN Regular Demonstrative Pronouns — Occasional Demonstrative Pronouns i. The ladies in Liubliana and those of England have quite different views on any things. 2. I do not want the hat in the corner, I want this one with the green feather. 3. Have a look at these papers whilst I go and talk to those silly boys in the yard, who are quarrelling again over their marbles. 4. Will you kindly step this way, please, Madam! j. Industry and idleness have quite a different result; this leads to ruin and even very often; to illness, that to honesty, prosperity, happiness, and wealth. 6. A friend and an enemy are both conducive to our development: the former generally tells us what we do right, the latter what we do wrong. 7. Intelligence is far better than riches; the latter may be lost, the former remains. 8. When the schoolmistress called up Mrs. Wiggs, the latter could hardly believe her ears. 9. If you go to the doctor, he will say this: Never overdo anything, neither work, nor sleep, nor eating! 10. I have suffered much from headache this month, these three days (and still I am suffering), n. This morning (this evening) I shall come and see you. 12. This day a week, or this day fortnight I shall go in town. 13. If I live to be eighty — who knows what will happen before that time comes! 14. Ah, those were rosy days for her; she was then all about eighteen, ij. Are you a doctor? That I am, Sir? 16. He says he wants to become clever. That he is already. 17. Is your exercise written out already in your copybook? That it is, father, but I am afraid I have made some mistakes. 18. This is my father and these are my brothers. 19. These are things of which I have hardly any idea. 20. Who is that knocking at the door? 21. Who are all these young men in their funny black caps? They are students of the University And that big man in his long black gown? He is a proctor 22. What is that building? It is Adrian VI.'s College. And these houses further in the street? They are the buildings of the schools for engineering and science. 23. She is a happy woman who can please her husband and educate her children to the benefit of society. 24. Of all my books this is the one which I prefer. 25. Those on board the Lusitania were nearly all drowned. 26. What a country most wants is peace and liberty. 27. What father does is well. 28. That doctor only helps such patient as can pay him; such as have no money are abandoned by that mean fellow. 29. You cannot, cut that stick with that knife; cut it with this! 30. Tht richest coal-mines in Europa are those of Western Europe. 3i. That sun that shines on you here, shall warm me there too. 32. She felt that pleasure which results from the sense of having made somebody happy. 33. Those evening bells! How sweet a tale their music tells. (Moore). 34. O these men! 35. She was that pleased with her present that she jumped for joy. 3 6. My house is twice this height. 37. That alley is at least ten times this lenght. 38. Has he not a right to be proud of this his house and that his park! 39. That is what I say. 40. That is why I am here. 41. That is where I live. 42. That is a good boy. 43. A fine girl that. 44. Do come during my holidays that is, in the months of August and September. 45. He is my friend to this very day. 46. He was in that very spot in that same hour. 47. Do you see that hill yonder? 48. God said: Let there be light: and it was so. 49. She is said to be happy and she seems so (and so she seems), jo. So he says and so say all of us. 51. I thought our friend was right and so did you. 52. Do you know that Johnnie is playing with your ball? So he may. 53. My father tells me to do so and so (that). 54. A mile or so away Napoleon stood (or so = or about that distance). 55. We get such grapes as you never saw. 56. I should prefer a good novel to any such tedious kind of poem. 57. How could you leave him at such an hour (this). 58. Such master, such servant. 59. He told me to come at such and such hour, to such and such place. 60. Such was the violence of the storm that all the windows rattled (or: the violence of the storm was such that all...). 61. 1 prefer by far staying at home reading, to visiting such of my acquaintances as will certainly annoy me by their inquisitive manners. 62. He who wants to be a gentleman, has to behave as such. 63. Such was not the case (such = that). 64. He does not like theatres and cinemas and such (or: such like) places. 65. I pity the children whose infancy is turned into a hell by parents who are not worthy of the name. 66. Do point me out your professor of history. Is it the one with his black felt hat? 67. If I were you, I should write an article on this or the other subject; it would make your name known, at least to some people. 68. He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. § 5. THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN i. Who is there? 2. Whose son are you? 3. To whom did you give that present? 4. Of which dog are you talking? 5. What are these books that you are reading? 6. Who is there at the door? — Do you know who is there at the door? 7. About what are you quarrelling? (What are you quarrelling about?). 8. Who introduced the use of tobacco into Europe? 9. Whose imagine and inscription is this? 10. What did you find on the way? xi. I wonder what he is looking for there? 12. Can you imagine what he sees in that man? 13. What are you talking of? 14. What is ink? ij. What are these flowers? Are they begonias? 16. What do you call these trees? 17. What is your name? 18. What do you call a man who never drinks any beer, wine or spirits? 19. What did you pay for this table? 20. What does that man earn a day. 21. What is the date? 22. What is the hour? 23. What is the length of this remnant? 24. Let us have a nice dinner at »Clock«, what? 25. What need we further witness (for what)? 26. What in done, is done (that which). 27. What difficulties can he make? 28. What sort of people does he play with? 29. What money has he? 30. What river washes Liubliana? 31. What book did you order from Berlin? 32. What name, Sir? (What name shall I anounce to my master, Sir? (Servant to a visitor.) 33. What time shall I call? 34. What o'clock is it? 35. What a fool you are? What! 36. What a clever boy he is! 37. What big apples! 38. What nonsense are you talking! 39. What a noise about nothing. 40. What he must have suffered! 41. Which of you have I to thank for the agreeable surprise? 42. I wonder which of you noticed the mistake on the blackboard? 43. Which mistake have I left on the black-board? 44. I wonder which friend sent me that fine book. 45. What paper is the »Morning«? (Is it literary? Financial?) 46. Which paper is the »Morning« (is it that on the table, or that on the chair)? 47. What paper publishes his sketches (what asks after the title)? 48. Which paper interests you most (which of the three or four)? 49. Whoever taught you such bad language? 50. Whatever may he be doing? 51. Whichever way have they gone? They should be here by now! § 6. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN The Proper Relative Pronouns i. These are the boys who unduly rang your bell. 2. Jura answers through her misty shroud Back to the joyous Alps who call to her aloud. 3. The assembly, who had been listening attentively, cheered the orator when he had finished. 4. The family, who were just at table, rose in a hurry. 5. The army, which was to defend the country, was hardly equivalent to one tenth of that of the invador. 6. He counselled me to study hard, which advice he gave to all his friend as well. 7. The trees which grow on the top of a hill are more exposed to the wind than those which stand in the valley. 8. It is no use pouring water into pails which are leaking. 9. She was annoyed with her servant from morning till night, which servant, however, worked as much as she could and did what was possible to please her mistress. 10. There is no passion against whose power man is as helpless as against the love. 11. A decimal fraction is a fraction whose denominator is ten or any power of ten. 12. He promised to do what he could, which was the least he could do. 13. There is uncle! the little girl cried, with which she rushed downstairs. 14. He entered the room with a smile, what surprised us all, shook hands quite friendly with his old foe. 15. A great man is indifferent to the crowd of which the favour and disfavour leave him quite cold. 16. The career that many young men dream of is rarely one of devoted and humble work. 17. Who is the boy that you have been talking to? 18. There was not a man that moved; not a dog that barked; not a chimney that smoked. 19. Which dog that follows a chase, does not want to get a share of the quarry. 20. I pity the people, the families and the countries that were visited by the earthquake. 21. Anything that I do, pleased him. 22. There is something in him that I do not like. 23. I can do nothing that he does not grumble at. 24. Give an alms out of the little that thou hast. 25. His father was one of the wisest and cleverest men that the country ever had, 26. The book that you brought me a little while ago is not worth reading. 27. The book entitled »The Golden River«, which you brought me a little while ago, is not worth reading. 28. The man that came yesterday to see you is downstairs. 29. Mr. Carver, who came yesterday to see you, is downstairs. 30. Never believe a man that wants to prove that he is upright. 31. Audacity is a thing that counts in life. 32. I, who am your father, and he, who is your teacher, we want to free you from those who are only intend in imposing upon your inexperienced generous heart. 33. How could he help me in this distress, who is himself as poor as Job? 34. He read again the passage the sense of which (or: of which the sense) had remained a puzzle; he read again the passage the sense of which his friend had explained or: which his friend had explained the sense. 35. Shortly after his mother's death, John entered our society, of which he was to become one of the greatest glories. 36. Every mother likes her child, for the love of whom she would gladly die. 37. He was entirely devoted to his students, some of whom have become famous in later life. 38. Our school is on a square, in the middle of which has been erected a statue quite recently. 39. The thief ran into the cellar seing which I at once shut and locked the door. 40. Poor man, he ran into the tedious acquaintance to avoid whom he had taken so much trouble. 41. He ran into the man whom he had taken so much trouble to avoid. 42. We live in a town, than (Latin quo) which very few could suit better our taste. 43. In the near vicinity of it is a wood, than which none is more delightful for walks and rambles. 44. We often go and spend the day there with some friends, than with nothing can be more agreeable and resting after our labours. A. Repetition and Omission of the Relatives i. This is the book which I bought last week and which now costs about three shillings more on acount of the rise of the change. 2. The boy you sent for some tobacco has come back (and: The office-boy, whom you sent for some tobacco, has come back). 3. The places the paper mentions are not on the map. 4. The places Wulverghem and Pholg-street, which the teacher mentions, are not on the map. 5. Here is a man says that three and two are six. 6. There is nobody has done such a lot for me. 7. The thieves stole all the money (that) there was in the safe. 8. You cannot go by the colour there is on her cheeks; poor girl, she is worse than she looks. 9. He had become quite a different boy from the plague of the village he used to be. 10. He is still the lazy boy he has always been. ir. Kashmere is a country delightful and charming as hardly another on earth. 12. Switzerland is a country endowed by Nature with the choicest of her gifts. 13. I should like to see again the fields I played in and the trees I used to sit under. 14. The lady I met with in Paris last year, is the passenger I went to Liubliana with last month. 15. This is the way we wash the floor. 16. That is the way we teach the naughty boys how to obey. 17. Pleasure is one of the rocks on which our good resolutions and the integrity of our character often shipwreck. B. Relative Pronouns without antecedent i. Who laughs last, laughs best. 2. When the Lord loveth, he chasteneth. 3. She lives in a place like what one reads about in novels. 4. Say what you like, you will not convince me. 5. Here are some books: take whichever you like. Take whichever book you like. 6. The windmill meets the wind whichsoever way it may blow. C. Occasional Relatives i. Such as had no oil in their lamps, did not enter the feast. 2. I flatly refuse to live in such a room as this. 3. I only choose such people for my friends as I can fully trust. 4. There are such mistakes in his letter as we generally meet with in children's composition. 5. Men such as he is, rarely get on in life. 6. I gave the boy as many toys as he wanted to play with. 7. Your book is not the same as mine. 8. There is no scene in Shakespeare's plays but betrays the genius of its author. 9. As the father pipes, so the son whistles. 10. The native country is the place where our wandering thoughts often fly to in work and toil, and where our heart derives comfort from in hours of sadness and trouble. § 6. THE INDEFINITE PRONOUN A. Indefinite Numerals i. One likes one's own ideas best. 2. One always has friends enough whilst one is rich and prosperous. 3. One may be powerful, still one cannot help oneself through all the difficulties in life. 4. Of all these boys that one (the one) with his blue cap seems the brightest and the kindest, and still he is neither the one nor the other, j. Our friend is one whose erudition is simply wonderful. 6. I do not like the red roses as much as the yellow ones. 7. One may be happy, although one is not rich. 8. We willingly believe what he hopes for. 9. On day of public rejoicing you have to thread your way through the crowd in those streets where at any other time you hardly meet a soul. 10. They say that Black & Co. have stopped payment. 11. People often want to be taken for what they are not. 12. Children are often praised and encouraged, at least by a smile and a joke, when they had better be punished and scolded. 13. I was told that my friend had been ill several days. 14. They say that my friend has been ill for several days. 15. You will find no money in my room because I have none. 16. I have not anybody to come and console me! 17. There was nobody whoever in the room. 18. Nobody present seemed to know him. 19. She is none of those silly girls that only think of their dresses. 20. He did not say anything. 21. He said nothing whatever. 22. I like this book, not the others. 23. Tell us another story. 24. Give me another cup. 25. He is quite another fellow since he took to work seriously. 26. I want to be introduced to this or the other of your friends. 27. Let us hope that some girl or other may come across his way to bring him somehow or other (someway or other) to a more serious aspect of life. 28. Both brothers went to the doctor. Both of them were told that they were both ill. B. Distributives r. Each man in the compartment was searched. 2. These apples cost twopence each. 3. A place for everything and everything in its place. 4. Everyone (everybody) admires his talents. 5. Each of my brothers, everyone of my acquaintances, every day of our lives. 6. Every house had ten windows and each was provided with shutters. 7. Either of them (the one or the other) must be wrong. 8. You can only kick with either of your legs at a time. 9. She carried a parcel in either (each) hand. 10. Neither of you helped your brother when he was in a bad plight, n. We neither of us knew the way. C. Partitives i. Have you any paper? 2. I have not seen any swallows this year. 3. Georgina was looking in this drawer for some old stamps; do you know whether she has found any? 4. Yes, she found some. No, she did not find any! j. Some think that erudition is acquired through buying lots of books. 6. Are there any letters for me this morning? 7. Any boy in any civilised country has seen and handled a bicycle. 8. He is capable of any crime. 9. Come any day you like. 10. Here are some apples: put some in your pocket. 11. You should read some novels by E. M. Dell (one or other). Which one? Any one? (indifferent which): they are all most interesting. 12. Have you not some money left from that I gave you yesterday (surely you have some left)! 13. Will you not take some more bacon? 14. May I help you to some sauce? r j. Are there not some mistakes in the letter you have just written? (Polite way of saying; the letter is full of mistakes.) 16. If somebody should ask after me (when somebody will ask after me, which they are sure to do), tell him I shall be back before nine! 17. Some people cannot live in peace with their neighbours. 18. I cannot understand some people's way. 19. If they should object to some word or other of my letter, tell them that I do not want anything changed. 20. Anyhow he will see that I have studied the question thouroughly. 21. He lives somewhere about the Museum. 22. I shall go to some one else. 23. You will not find better goods anywhere else. 24. He did not say anything else. 25.I did not see anybody except (but, save) my brother. 26. If you walk any faster, mother will not be able to keep pace with us. 27. Do have at least some sense of decency! 28. This is a somewhat (rather) extraordinary case. 29. She thinks herself something (important). 30. The boy was sent away because he had answered back or something (had done something of the sort). 31. He gains something like (about) fifty pounds a month. 32. It seemed as if something of despair, something of »fright sounded in his voice. 33. Her blouse is not anything so pretty as that of her sister (by far not so pretty). 34. In no town of the world is there anything like the busy life of London City. 35. Can I treat him with anything of respect if I think him guilty of such felony? 3 6. Is there aught (anything) in the world that he values more than his child? 37. Nought (nothing) but love can answer love. D. Quantitative Pronouns i. I have little hope in life and few friends to confide my troubles to. 2. I have a little money and hope to live a few years on it yet. 3. He has much hope in life and many friends with whom he shares his success and prosperity. 4- It is much the same thing, j. We are much of the size (nearly of the same size). 6. Many a boat goes to sea that never comes back again. 7. There were not very many people present. 8. We saw as many as fifteen rabbits in the firwood. 9. That dress costs as much as fifteen pounds. 10. We have lots of friends; plenty of acquaintances; a great number of supporters. 11. He promised, and, what is more, he was as good as his word. 12. I should like to know who amongst you can make most noise! 13. Most of these houses belong to the mayor, in most of them you will find the same arrangement. 14. Most friends leave us in our trouble (and: Most of our friends left us in our trouble). 15. He is the most learned man I know. 16. He makes the most of his stay in Switzerland. 17. He smoked five cigars at most! 18. Ask anybody else. 19. Someone else will tell you. 20. Who else's hat can that be? 21. No one else has been here. 22. Could I have done anything else? 23. What else could I have bought. 24. He makes enough noise to waken the dead. VI. The Verb § i. CONJUGATION OF VERBS i. The pupils began to read. The teacher said: do begin to read. 2. Two birds swim on the pond behind the house. 3. The blacksmith began to strike the iron. 4. Poor Willy wished to become a great man. 5. The army broke the ranks of the enemy. 6. It is difficult to find a true friend, but Peter found one. 7. The little boy would know how to drive a motor-car. 8. Yesterday I wrote a letter to my parents and when it was written, I remembered, that I had forgotten the heading. 9. During last holidays, I lit (lighted) a fire every morning. 10. In former times, girls and ladies wore long hair. 11. Yesterday I got a fine book. 12. In spring and summer the sun shines clear. 13. Father told me yesterday, that he knew him well. 14. In autumn all birds of passage flew away. 15. The brave sailor stood on the deck of the ship. 16. Yesterday, after dinner, I ate apples with auntie. 17. The poor swallow fell into the sea. 18. I could not slay even my enemy. 19. The poor mother shed a flood of tears, when she heard, that her son was dead. 20. To split wood is a man's work. 21. As a boy, I liked to learn poems by heart. 22. It is the banker's work to lend money. 23. In our parks, we see children that are occupied in feeding the birds. 24. I left home some years again, and since I lost so many of my best friends. 25. The storm had driven the ship on the coast. 26. Seabirds had flown about it. 27. I will bid him farewell. 28. This morning the farmer has broken up the moorland. 29. Yesterday the gardener dug up our garden. 30. The doctor forbids her to smoke. 31. Yesterday I saw the woman spin wool. 32. He lent her neighbour a saucepan. 33. The boy tore his trousers on the wire. 34. She wore her evening dress. 35. He swam a mile and then struck his foot against a stone. § 1. USE OF THE VERBAL FORMS A. Progressive Form i. Do no talk to me, please: I am writing a letter. 2. My room is being cleaned, so I have to go for a walk. 3. What book are you reading here, at this moment? 4. Just now I am painting an Indian landscape (it is on my easel), j. Come and see me when I am painting (when I have brush and pallet in my hand). 6. Scotland lies to the north of England. — The dog is lying in front of the fire (it is lying there only for a time, it will get up and run away presently). 7. I think (now and always) that money does not always mean happiness. — I was thinking (at this particular moment) of coming to see you to-morrow. 8. I admire courage and perseverance. — I am admiring your pictures: how lovely you made this reflection of the boat in the rippling water. 9. What does he do (What is his trade or profession)? What is he doing (just now, at this moment)? 10. Do you smoke (generally)? — Are you smoking (just now)? 11. He reads novels (when he has leisure). — He is reading a novel (just at this moment). 12. He was writing when I entered the room. 13. To-morrow when you will be on the sea, I shall be thinking of you and wondering how you are. 14. When I came, he went (he actually left). — When I came, he was going (he was preparing to go away, but probably stopped a while longer). 15. He was writing when we entered. 16. We had such a delightful walk: a dewdrop was glittering at the end of every grass blade; the birds were singing, and the bees were humming about the flowers that were smilling from amongst the fresh green leaves. 17. You boys, you are always thinking of play and pleasure. 18. We shall always be talking of you in your absence. 19. We did not look for each other and still we were always meeting in our walks and rambles. 20. I am leaving for Liubliana to-morrow. 21. We are going to invite no end of friends for the holidays. 22. Next week we shall have a great feast. 23. He is going to buy a new hat. 24. I am coming (presently). 25. I am going (in another minute). 26. We are sending you to-day the samples you asked for (although the samples will only be dispatsched in the late afternoon). 27. We were forwarding by this afternoon's mail the copies you ordered by your favour, which has just reached us (at 10. a. m.). 28. The bridge is repairing (instead of: the bridge is being repairing). 29. We felt something was wanting. 30. A boy was missing when we returned to the school. 31. There is still a sum of money owing. 32. The town was illuminating. 33. The horses were putting to the coach. 34. Little by little the church was filling. 35. The children are washing, my brother is shaving. B. Passive Voice i. He who loves his neighbours is generally loved by them in return. 2. The man who helps his brother is helped by him as well when occasion arises. 3. We taught him good manners: he was taught good manners: good manners were taught to him. 4. They asked the boy no end of questions. 5. We considered him a scholar: he was considered a scholar by us. 6. The towncouncil appointed him a teacher: he was appointed a teacher. 7. These girls are pronounced the best pianist in the whole country. 8. He was bred and was made an archivist. 9. The harvest (is reaped) is being reaped. (Also: is ready to be thrashed.) 10. Prayers are said (are over). 11. My task is finished (is ready). 12. He caused my a lot of anxiety: I was caused a lot of anxiety by him! A lot of anxiety was caused to me by him. 13. We were shown a room on the first floor: a room on the second floor was shown to us. 14. The visitors were given a nice souvenir: a nice souvenir was given to the visitors, ij. Everybody who comes near my friend listens to her, looks up to her and talks 8 of her: my friend is listened to, looked up to and talked of by everybody who comes near her. 16. He is neither to be trifled with, nor to be laughted at. 17. The child was attended to by the best doctors. 18. The marvellous recovery was referred to and talked about in all the papers. 19. The house was taken possession of at once. 20. The child was taken care of by my aunt. 21. It is supposed that the Egyptians believed the souls to live as long as the bodies kept together. 22. It is decided that we shall all go for walk. 23. It is supposed that he is rich. He is supposed to be rich. 24. He is said to know a lot of things. 25. That man is reported to have a fine collection of medals. 26. Wolves are said to be very plentiful in Russia. C. Use of the Tenses (Present) i. I see that you are reading my book: I am glad that you like it; I do not want it just now, I am writing a letter. 2. It is cold outside, but inside the fire burns away merrily. 3. Silence is gold. 4. We always rise early in summer. 5. My master sends me to ask you to come to dinner. 6. Professor Thomson writes to us that he is ill and cannot come. 7. I know I saw you before, but I forget when and where. 8. St. Peter recommends to be sober and keep watch. 9. I leave to-morrow by the first train. 10. We remove this day month. 11. If he comes, tell him to wait. 12. Do not call me before (unless) he comes. 13. Send me word when (as soon as) he comes. 14. He never will be invited again while I live. 1 j. I shall send the messenger-boy immediately after he comes in again. 16. I hope that you will soon come back. 17. I expect that he will be home by now. 18. Every decent man expects that a real gentleman will abstain from smoking in the presence of ladies. Past Tense i. My brother was three years in France. 2. My brother has been three years in France. 3. I never was in Liubliana on such a bright day (as it is now). I have never been in Liubliana on a bright day (it rained each time). 4. I waited three hours (and then went home). 5. This morning I was in Liubliana, since then I went to Logatec and I have already been a few hours in Vrhnika. 6. I went for a trip to Milan last week (last month, last year). 7. He has been a clerk in my office up to now (these three years). 8. He has always been a clever boy. 9. My sister has been rather poorly lately. 10. I have received three letters this morning (this is said e. g.: at breakfast). The Present Perfekt x. I have been living in this house nearly nine years. 2. She has been with us as long as I remember. 3. Since the earliest times the English language has been influenced by foreign tongues (till now). In the eleventh century English was influenced by Norman-French. 4. I have been waiting for you these twenty minutes (čakam že), 5. My mother has been dead for two years. — She died two ears ago. 6. How long have you been here? — How much time did you spend there? 7. The horse has lost a shoe. 8. He has opened the window (it is still open). — He opened the window, but I shut it. 9. I have been in England. — In 1930 I visited London. 10. He has come this morning. He arrived at 8 o'clock. 11. Shakespeare was born on the 23rd of April 1564. 12. Tom had learnt so much that he was thankful to the Irishwoman for what she had done for him. The Futur and Conditional Tenses i. I shall leave to-morrow by the first steamer. 2. He will soon go back to Germany: he is about to go back to his country. 3. I shall give a penny to him who says this poem by heart without hesitation. 4. All those who have finished before ten, shall get an extra sixpence. 5. He said that all those who had finished before ten, should get an extra sixpence. 6. There is a ring; that will be the laundry. 7. I dare say he has forgotten all about our existence. 8. I suppose, he does not know us any more. 9. He is not likely to remember us any more. 10. I shall come for a walk as soon as I have (I shall have) finished copying this letter, ii. Next year she has been (she will have been) fifteen years in our family. 12. He has told me that he will soon return. 13. He says (said) he shall (should) not have time to visit us. He says (said) she will (would) not have time to visit us. 14. I knew that you would have no end of trouble with that person; I told you what would come of your kindness. 15. I expected that he would have been invited. 16. I think, he will be glad to help you. — I should think that he would be glad to help you. D. Use of the Moods i. I know that his hiding-place is discovered. 2. I tremble lest his hiding-place be discovered. 3. Love not sleep lest thou come to poverty. 4. Buy us a little food that we die not. 5. Speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me. 6. Govern well thy appetite lest sin surprise thee (Milton). 7. I do not care if he sees me. 8. God bless you! 9. God be praised! 10. Heaven help us! 11. Long may be reign! 12. May he defend our laws! 13. May you be happy for ever! 14. May we all have at all time plenty of champagne (sham pain) and never any real pain! ij. Oh! Were my mother still here to share my joy! 16. To his credit be it said that he worked as no man could have done. 17. Far be it from me to say anything false. 18. If he were to come, send for me at once. — Were he to come, send for me at once. 19. It were a shame to refuse such a fine offer. 20. I wondered all the time whether it were you. 21. He doubted whether it were envy or hatred that moved her. 22. He behaves as if he were the lord of the whole village. 23. As if I wanted to receive anybody after I were in bed! 24. We certainly would come, provided the weather were fine. 25. It is desiderable that the patient keep quiet (or: Should keep quiet). 26. The King resolves that the town be purified from the enemy. — The King resolved that the town should be purified from the enemy. 27. Woe to him that venture to crush liberty (or: should venture). 28. Let me live in the house until a tenant present himself. 29. I prefer to live in a village, humble though it be. 30. Judge not that you be not judged (or: may not be). 31. Act so that each to-morrow find you better than to-day (or: may find). 32. You stop where you are; hands up! 33. You leave me alone, please! E. Use of the Auxiliaries i. I can come. — I shall be able to come. — I may come. — I shall be allowed to come. — I will come. — I shall be bound to come. — I might come. — I should perhaps come. 2. I might come next week. 3. I can come whenever you will want me. 4. What can I do under the circumstances? I was forced to admit (instead of: I must admit) that I had been grievously mistaken in the man. 5. You might have left earlier. 6. You ought to have said so. 7. I know Italian. — I can speak Italian. 8. I want another pen, please. Obligation 1. You must get ill. — You study to much and do not take sufficient rest. 2. Every one must pay one's taxis. 3. Everybody should take care of his health. 4. He should not have risked his life for such a trifle, j. Passengers should not lean out of a window in a train when it is going. 6. I know there is a couple of buttons unfastened on my blouse: they are supposed to be so. 7. We made the final arrangement yesterday: we are to leave this house before the end of this month; the new lessee is to take care over the coal that we leave, and to pay the taxis; and the proprietor is to cover the expenses of our removal. 8. He has no light work to perform! What has he to do? Well, he has to load and unload all the waggons, and that he has to do from morning till night. 9. Please, do not keep me from my strenuous work: I have to preparate a paper before the end of this month: I promised it to my friend and I ought to keep my promise. 10. There are several opportunities offered by the state to students who wish to continue their studies abroad: but of course, they have to apply for them. n. In case you want to be successful in life, you have to open your eyes, use your brain and not spare your hands. 12. He was dressed so quaintly that I could not but smile; my sister could not help laughing aloud. 13. The girl has been treated so badly that she could not avoid rebelling. 14. If you like, you can come and help me to-morrow, but you need not. 15. No need to tell me you are happy here. Possibility i. A man can carry a heavier burden than a child. 2. Little mind cannot grasp great ideas. 3. Everybody can fall and everybody can make a mistake. 4. As soon as a convalescent can enjoy a cigar, his health is nearly restored, j. The man has worked as long as he could. 6. A fish can swim, and so can many people. 7. He cannot be the same man as the one I used to admire for his virtue and unselfishness. 8. How can you say such improbable things. 9. What can be expected from such a man as he is? 10. I cannot help (forbear, avoid) laughing when you talk like that! 11. One can smoke in this compartement. 12. You can pay for the stair-carpets either now or when they are delivered. 13. She can have coffee or tea, as she prefers. 14. If you do not like to stay here, you can go home at once. ij. May I take a sheet of paper from the desk? You may, with pleasure! 16. She may leave the house if she likes. 17. The king may disolve Parliament. 18. It is fine now, but it may rain before the end of the day. 19. He may be honest and he may be a cheat; therefore we had better look out for ourselves. 20. I may come and see you this evening; still do not prepare anything extra, for I may be detained much longer than I should wish. 21. It will perhaps rain before the end of the day. 22. We shall possibly have some frost yet. Perhaps he is honest. 23. I shall perhaps come this evening. 24. If Philipp II. had lived a century earlier or a hundred years later, he might have been a model of a king. 25. One never can tell what may happen: we might become millionaires yet. 26. How shall I convince her of her wrong? You might write her a letter explaining things as you see them; or you might go and see her adviser and tell him all. 27. What an absurd idea of hers to try and paint on silk with oil-paint: she might have asked me, and I should have told her what to do; now she has spoilt her piece and lost her time. 28. I cannot understand (I am unable to, I fail to understand) why people take so much trouble to make each other miserable. 29. Visitors must not smoke in the Museum (are not allowed to, are requested not to smoke). 30. Children must not (may not) enter (are not allowed to enter) theatres without their parents. 31. May I leave the table, Mother? No, you may not! 32. Books must not be taken away (are not supposed to be taken away) from the Reading-Room. 33. No smoking (is allowed here)! 34. You ought not to laugh when your father talks to you (it is contrary to the respect you owe him). 35. You must not carry my parcel (I do not allow you to). You ought not to carry my parcel (it is too much kindness on your part to carry it). 36. My father allowed us to play and amuse ourselves in the garden as soon as our exercises were done. 37. This employer suffers his clerks to leave the office before the closing time so as to encourage them to get on quicker with their work whilst they are at it. Will and Decision i. I will do as I like. 2. If I were you I would do as I liked. 3. We will have our say in the matter. 4. They may say and do what they like, I will be obeyed. 5. You shall obey me, my boy, willingly or unwillingly, otherwise you shall leave the house. 6. I want him never to come and see me again. (He shall not darken my door again.) 7. You shall obey me! He says that I shall obey him. 8. I said that I should obey him. 9. I will leave at once. 10. Arthur says he will leave at once. 11. Shall I call on you on Tuesday (do you want me to call on Tuesday)? 12. "Will you call on Tuesday (have you made up your mind to do so)? 13. Shall he call on you on Tuesday (do you require him to do so)? 14. Where shall we meet? 15. Shall we go for a walk this afternoon? 16. Shall I bring an umbrella? 17. I want you call on me on Tuesday. 18. We want him to come and see us. 19. He disires to leave the office. 20. You wish to go and to see your mother, do you not? 21. I was just going to bolt the front door when he rang. 22. He was about to throw the engravings in the fire when happily I entered in time. 23. What do you want here in my garden? I should like some flowers. Well, do as you like, you may take as many as you wish. 24. If you want to flatter a fool, ask his advice; if you wish to make yourself his equal, follow it. 25. She pretends to know me and I am sure I never saw her before! Order and Causality 1. The tree falls: the woodman fells a tree. 2. The bird flies. The boy flies a kite. 3. I had my book bound. 4. The traveller had his luggage taken at once to the hotel, j. You will have to have your shoes mended. 6. I caused my room to be cleaned. 7. The traveller caused his luggage to be stored in the cloak-room for the night. 8. The king caused a statue to be erected in front of the palace. 9. I got my window cleaned. 10. I got the men to give up their brawling and quarrelling, xi. I got my book bound, I got my luggage to be stored in the cloak-room for the night. 12. I made my brother explain to me all the rules of the game. 13. He made the old man believe that he was his nephew's son. 14. You will not made me promise to forget all the good he did to me. 15. Money makes the world go round. 16. What makes you think so? 17. I got the binder to bind my book in the oldfashioned style. 18. I caused the porter to admit that he had been the cause of the damage done to my belongings. 19. She desired the doctor to come twice every day. 20. "We were directed (they directed us) to remain in our compartment until further order. 21. I told my clerk to look again through my books. 22. The general ordered his men to set fire to the town. Doubt 1. I am sorry that you should be so tired (as you seem). 2. We are pleased that he should come home so soon. 3. I am afraid that we should be late. 4. It is not wretched that she should have to leave her friends and country. 5. It is right that you should know what a kind man he has been. 6. It is surprising that he should come and ask you for that service. 7. It is quite ridiculous, and foolish, and wrong even, that she should spend all her money on baubles. 8. It is time that such facts should be known. 9. It did not seem reasonable to me that he should insist so much on what is a mere trifle. 10. It surprised me that you come yourself, ir. I am sorry that I have kept you waiting. 12. We regret that we caused you all that trouble. 13. How reckless you are: I really wonder that you should be still alive! 14. What a strange coincidence that we should meet here in this out-of-the-way village! ij. Is it not a shame that a man like you should waste his time on such silly things as you are doing? 16. It is very kind that you should walk all this way to comfort me in my affliction! 17. I think I shall come and see you this afternoon. 18. We suppose that they are going to plant young trees in our alley. 19. He thought that he was going to get the million in the lottery. 20. Just think that he of all men should treat me with such ingratitude. 21. They expect that they should be treated with respect. 22. Is it possible? (It is not possible.) It is impossible that I still should have (can have: have) the document amongst my papers. 23. Is it possible that a sheep should (could) attack a man? 24. It is impossible that one should become an erudite by sleeping twenty out of the twenty-four hours of a day! Probability i. It is probable that he forgot the date of my birthday, but it is unlikely that he should not know that it is about this time of the year. 2. It is most likely that he will return as soon as he has money. 3. It is not probable that he should return so soon. 4. He is not likely to come so soon. Indirect interrogation i. I should like to know why he always should pitch on me! 2.1 cannot imagine why he refused (should have refused) that place! 3. Can you tell me why pigs cannot fly? 4. They all wondered how he could have got (should have been able to get) inside the house, except by the window. 5. He asked when wars should cease (were going to cease). Concession i. Though he be rich, he cannot afford to waste money as he does. 2. He may work as much as he can, he will never finish it at the time stated. 3. However tyrannically he may use us, we will never give in. 4. He may grumble ever so much, we will not mind. 5. You may apply as much salve as you like, you cannot heal that wound. 6. Let a man have all the gold of the world, it will not make him happy. 7. Though he comes here every day, we have not broken the ice yet. 8. Although he knows more about literature than any of us, he rarely mixes in our conversation when we talk books. 9. Rich though he is, he works for his living. Supposition i. Anybody who should find fault with the accommodation of this establishment had better go elsewhere. 2. A man who should think of building a house and has neither money nor prospect of getting any, is simply mad. 3. Suppose that Shakespeare should not have written the tragedies ascribed to him, would he have been able to impose upon his wife, his children, his servants, his fellow-actors, his partners, not to say anything of his competitors, Ben Jonson foremost amongst them? Relative clauses i. He wants to marry a girl who may share his mental work as well as his board and house. 2. Do you know of a person who would be willing to write under my dictation? 3. Write a novel that shall treat of University Life. 4. I should like a bookcase that may hold all my books, j. Wanted a clerk who writes a good hand; who knows book-keeping by double entry, and is acquainted with French and Italian. 6. You look out for a wife that makes you happy, not for a year, but for the whole of your life! Finality i. Work that you may make yourselves useful in the world. 2. Eat that you may live, but do not live that you may eat. 3. He came early in the morning, that he might meet you before you left. 4. People climbed on roofs and trees that they might see the better the passing procession. 5. He cut his toe-nails that his hair might grow better. 6. I talked loud on purpose that everybody in the room should hear what I said. Determination i. We have determined that we shall go and see the place for ourselves to-morrow. 2. It was fixed that we should all go for a day to the sea-side. 3. The general resolved that no man should be allowed to leave the place. Proposal suggestion x. I suggest that you should read the book before passing a judgment on its author. 2. We advise you (shall) take good care of your time. 3. They proposed that we should sign a letter that was going to be sent to the Government. Demand and Claim i. I insist upon it that you should send this order at once. 2. We demanded that the owner of the lorry should indemnify us for the damage. 3. The master insist upon it that the work (shall) be done with due care. 4. I require that you be here before eight. Request and Entreaty i. We request you to come to dinner. 2. We beg you to go at once. 3. We request you that the children may sit with us at table. 4. We beg that the newspaper may be returned before noon. j. The Jews prayed that rain might fall. 6. We request that you will come and dine with us. 7. We beg you that you will excuse us. 8. We entreated them that they would do us the honour of staying a few days with us. 9. We request that you should at once return into its place the key you took away this morning. Wish and Desire i. I wish I were rich! 2. I wish I could play the piano. 3. He wishes he had more patience. 4. A king wishes he were a peasant, and a peasant wishes he were (was) a king. j. When boys we wished our fathers were less strict with us; when men we wish they had been more severe. 6. I wish it may keep fine. 7. She wished it might rain. 8. We all wish John would take more care of his health and his stockings. 9. We pray that you may have a prosperous journey. 10. Father wishes that you should send him a report of what has happened, n. I made no changes in the house, as my mother wished that I should leave everything as it was, and that nothing should be disturbed in my late father's study. Hope and Expection i. We hope that he will soon be himself again. 2. We hoped that he would soon recover. 3. I hope I shall be able to come. 4. We expected that everything would have been ready. 5. I hope to come and see you. 6. We expected everything to have been ready. 7. He hopes that the new servant may prove better than she looks. 8. We expected that it might have stopped raining. Fear and Apprehension i. I am afraid Cook is not honest. 2. We were afraid that Cook was not honest. 3. I fear it will rain (it may rain)! 4- We feared it would rain (it might rain)! 5. They were afraid that the poor boy might die from his bad fall. 6. He is afraid to go home in the dark; he is afraid of being attacked by burglars. 7. She is afraid of meeting her father whilst she is out; for she was afraid to ask his permission. 8. Write down my name lest you should forget it. 9. He made me write down his name, lest I should forget it. 10. Write down my name that you may not forget it. 11. He made me write down his name that I might not forget it. Precaution and Care i. Take care that the dog does not bite you. 2. Kindly prevent that anybody should enter (enters, enter) my room. 3. See that the boy be well provided with meat. 4. Be careful that you should not upset the table. — Be careful not to upset the table. Condition i. If he has money, he keeps it hidden. 2. If you (will) finish your work before Easter, you will be able to enjoy your holidays. 3. If I have the letter in my pocket, I must have put it in unknowingly. 4. If he drank water instead of brandy, he would feel a great deal better. 5. If he had drunk water instead of brandy, he would not have done that silly thing. 6. If I knew where I put my letter-case, I should read you what she wrote to me. 7. If I had known where I had put my letter-case, I should not have had to look for it the whole evening. 8. If the grass was (were) not wet, we might sit down (we should be able to sit down). 9. If it had not been wet, we might have sat down on the grass (we should have been able to sit down). 10. I should have made him work if he had been my son. 11. If I should forget to mention the price, kindly remind me of it. 12. If they should come to see me to-morrow, they will have to go back as they have come. 13. If anybody should ask after me, you kindly tell him that I feel much better to-day. 14. If he be really the kind man they say he is, he will show his generousity in this calamity. 15. He would easily find the necessary help, if he only apply to the right man. 16. I will do you that pleasure, if it be a pleasure! 17. I should soon be ruined if I were to lend what money he asks for. 18. Had I money enough (if I had money enough) I should travel three months of the year. 19. Should anybody complain (if anybody should complain)... 20. Were the sky to fall (if the sky were to fall)... 21. Supposing I had money enough, I should travel a lot. Emphasis 1. Do not dispair of the result of your work: you are clever: and since you put your heart into it, you are sure to succeed. 2. Well, that is nicely done! Oh, you are clever! 3. She is kind. He can get cross at times. 4. So you are going to leave us? Well, I am sorry; we shall miss you so much. j. We laughed at his freaks as everybody did! (We did laugh that evening!) 6. I hope you enjoyed your stay? I am sure I did enjoy every bit of it! 7. How well your sister teaches! Clara? Yes, she does teach well. 8. Did I hear you say that you like pictures? I did say so; I do like them. 9. Do tell your brother not to forget my message. 10. I never do tell stories. 11. He does not only tell stories but does even face them out. 12. The father did punish his son. 13. He often repeated that he never knew what want and need mean: he does know now. 14. People think he is lazy: I can assure you that he does work hard. 15. I do give him credit for his erudition: still he lacks all common sense. 16. Though she does try to make us feel at home, she is not the person we would like to stay with for more than two or three days. 17. Do sing us a song! 18. Do tell me why you seem so sad! 19. Do be quiet, boys! 20. You may be as good friends as can be wished, some little argument will occur now and then. 21. You may have the strongest hold upon your boys, they will get abusive at times. 22. My mother would sit in her armchair and knit. 23. Our dog will sit for hours in the garden looking for a cat to bark at. 24. He will handle his fork with his right hand. 25. The patient is restless: she will start up feverishly at times and will look for me: I take her hand, soothe her and then she will fall asleep again. Repetition i. He refused me his help when I was in trouble: now that he is in a bad plight himself, I could refuse him my help as well. I shall, however, repay evil with good. 2. He promised to call on me and he has done (has called) so (on me). 3. I thought you walked all the way? So I did. 4. But you do not seem to be tired! May be I do not; still I am exhausted. 5. I suppose you like a cup of tea? Yes, I do! No, I do not! 6. I suppose your brother would like a cup of tea? Yes, he would! No, he would not! 7. I presume, you drive, Mr. Pickwick? Yes, I do. Well, will you take into hands the management of this carriage? Yes, I will! 8. Are you ready? I am. 9. Have you seen my umbrella? I am sure, I have not. 10. Shall we walk? Of course, we shall. 11. Do you know, which is the shortest way? I do not. 12. I suppose our train starts whether we are in it or not? I dare say it does. 13. Will John came? Yes, he will. 14. Shall the parcel be sent to-day? Yes, it shall. 15. Will you be ready at two? I will. 16. Shall you go for the tickets? Yes, I shall. 17. You are not ill, are you? 18. You have walked all the day, have you not? 19. You walked all the way, did you not? 20. You do not care for wine, do you? 21. Your brother is very clever, is he not? 22. Your sister will not object to my smoking, will she? 23. The clerk shall enter this item in the waste-book, shall he not? 24. They can come to-night, can they not? 25. He will like you better than he will do me. 26. He already liked you better than he did me. 27. He likes you better than I do. 28. He will like you better than I will. Periphrasis i. I do not think that he does not understand why they did not come. 2. Do not fear what men say, but do what you should do. 3. I never thought such awkward things of any man. 4. I know nothing of what you say. 5. I not only saw him, but I shook hands with him! 6. I trembled, not for myself, but for the poor lonely waifs. 7. What do you mean? 8. What does he say? 9. Whom did you see? — Who saw you? 10. Whose horses did you buy? — Whose horse gained the Derby? 11. How many sheep passed this way? 12. Not until I had to bewail her loss did I understand what a mother is in man's life. 13. Nowhere does one feel as comfortable as at home. 14. In vain did we tell the boy that he was trying to do an impossible thing. He stubbornly kept to his purpose. 15. Neither did Scraege know, nor did he care to know what affection means in life. 16. I will not to be treated in such an off-hand manner. 17. Where have you been since you left us? 18. Never had any man such trouble with his money as he has. 19. Do not be ridiculous! 20. Do not have any misgivings about him. 21. He dare not come. 22. You need not trouble yourself. 23. I have some paper left which I did not need. 24. We did not do any harm to the flower-bed. 25. Never did any man do more good to his country. 26. He started a cigar-mill on his own account, but it seems that it does not do well. 27. What! spending more money than you earn: that will not do, my boy! 28. If I mistake not. 29. It matters not. 30. I do not know! 31. I care not! 32. I doubt not. 33. How comes it that you are so late? 34. What says he to it? 35. Do not beat the poor dog: it does its duty when it makes a noise at strangers. 36. Do your task over again. 37. He does very well in business. 38. The little boy made his first Communion. 39. Henry took a walk, a ride, a drive. 40. Have done with that noise (stop)! 41. I have done writing. 42. I have done with the paper. 43. I have done with him for good (broken off). 44. I am done for (lost, ruined)! 45. I shall do for them (ruin, destroy). 46. The meat was done (ready) to a turn (of the spit). 47. I like my chop underdone, and my veal well done, overdone even. § 3- function of the verb I. The bird sings. 2. The bird is singing. 3. The bird is a wonderful creature. 4. The bird's singing (the bird's song), j. To sing like a bird is hardly possible. 6. I like singing birds (I like small birds)! 7. Do you hear the bird singing in that bush? 8. I prefer a song sung by a bird in freedom to that which it sings in a cage. A. The Verb as Verb (agreement with the subject) i. Thou art rich and I am poor, still we are very fond of each other. 2. He and I (we) were good friends; you and he (you) are not. 3. The audience is numerous. The audience are all coughing and sneezing. 4. The cavalry was stationed by the side of the hill. The cavalry fire their muskets and rush towards to the attack. 5. The meeting was very unanimous until they had to bring out their votes. 6. The whole nation seems to be out of their wits. 7. Light, air, water, food are indispensable to a living being. 8. The horse and chaise is at the door. 9. Every boy and every girl long to get to the riper age. 10. No man and no woman thinks that matured life is worth their youth. 11. That man with his horse has come from the neighbouring village. 12. The father with the son have come to bring their ass to market. 13. The ship with her cargo was lost. 14. The dreadnought with the cruiser were seen in the distance, ij. Neither the cargo nor the crew were saved. 16. Neither the crew nor the cargo was saved. 17. The crew as well as the cargo were lost. B. The Verb as Noun (The infinitive) i. He tried to talk slowly, but being accustomed to slurring, he could not adapt his sentences to his thoughts. 2. As he strongly objects to smoking, nobody has the courage to take a whiff in his presence. 3. Will you be able to help me? I shall do what I can, but I do not promise anything. 4. Let us pray. 5. Let him come in. 6. This rule need not 9 be explained. (This rule does not need to be explained.) 7. He dare not oppose my wishes. He dares not come and ask me to give him leave to go out. 8. How dare you to treat me as my inferior? 9. Children ought to be seen, and ought not to be heard at table. 10. Why (do you, should you) rise so early? 11. He being sent away from my house? not as long as I live! 12. Ask his pardon? Not I! 13. He bade me sit down. 14. I made him copy the letter over again, ij. What would you have a woman known? 16. We shall soon have him come for his money. 17. Did you hear him talk? 18. I saw her smile. 19. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. 20. I saw it to be impossible. 21. I felt that man to be the ruin of our peace and happiness. 22. He was made to copy the letter over again. 23. He was bidden to sit down. 24. She was seen to smile. 25. A tear was felt to roll down. 26. I had rather go at once. 27. I had as lief not see him to-day. 28. I would sooner (rather) die than become a traitor to my country. 29. I would rather starve with somebody I like, than be rich with one that I loathe! 30. I cannot but think that I left my parcel in the train. 31. To be or not to be, that is the question. 32. To err is human, to forgive is divine. 33. It is a great pleasure to me to see that you are in excellent health again. 34. To say that I do not care for him is to tell an untruth. 35. To draw away from one evil often means to run into another. 3 6. He liked to sit outside in the warm evenings and to smoke his pipe until bedtime. 37. He considered it to be his duty to come and warn me about the lack of sincerity of my secretary. 38. He dreads to be left alone in the dark. 39. He had the good fortune to find a friend who advanced him the money. 40. He was fortunate enough to find a friend who helped him in his trouble. 41. He is only happy when he has something to grumble about. 42. He is pleased to find something to grumble about. 43. These twins are apt to be mistaken the one for the other. 44. There is a time to work and a time to play. 45. Cowards are afraid to tell the truth. 46. He had the good fortune of finding a friend who helped him. 47. There is a time for working and a time for playing. 48. The news is too good to be true. 49. The man was so kind as to help me with my luggage. 50. His erudition is such (so great) as to astonish his own self. 52. The only thing to be done was to send for the surgeon. 53. That boy runs hard: he is not easy to be caught. 54. Eels are easy to catch, but hard to kill (to be caught, to be killed). 55. The coffee is too hot to drink. 56. This cake is too hard to bite. 57. He sees that I carry a lot of books. He sees me carry a lot of books. 58. I never met the man whom my mother told me to have been my father's best friend. 59. He promised the frame to be ready by Saturday. 60. I noticed him to be on the point of leaving. 6r. I noticed him to be going (to be about) to hail a cab. 62. He declared that he was the author of that novel. (He declared to be the author of that novel. — He declared himself to be the author.) 63. I know I am the cause of all this trouble. (I know myself to be the cause of all this trouble.) 64. The law orders all citizens to be inscribed by registrars of the towns or the villages. 65. Nearly every place throughout the country causes a monument to be erected in memory of the "War. 66. I had my books bound in leather. 67. I saw the poor young man stopped on his way by the enemies; I saw him questioned, led away by two men and killed before I had time to realise what was happening. 68. I once heard that song sung by Orelio. 69. Suddenly I felt my hand grasped and my arm clutched by somebody. 70. They suppose that electricity is a vibration of atoms like warmth and light. (They suppose electricity to be a vibration of atoms. — Electricity is supposed to be a vibration of atoms.) 71. The gentlemen are requested to lead the ladies in to dinner. 72. They say that our neighbour is rich. (Our neighbour is said to be rich.) 73. It chanced that the very book of which he had spoken lay on my table. (That very book chanced to lay on my table.) 74. The boy was told to clean the brass buttons of his master's coat. 75. I saw the man enter the house. 76. Uncle was heard to walk about in his study. 77. We discovered him to be a clever musician. 78. I fancied the world to be less childish than it proves to be. 79. She pronounced the house to be to her liking. 80. The result proves the undertaking to have been well conceived. 81. The minister is said to be ill. 82. An accident is said to have happened in an alley of the Torest. 83. The enemy is reported to have lost many men and many guns. 84. Our friends force us to stay for supper. 85. I caused the servant to clean the room. 86. We advise you to take good care of your money. 87. He suggested me to come and live in his vicinity. 88. He never lets us smoke whilst we are at work. 89. We were allowed to admire her old china. 90. We requested our friends to come and spend the day with us. 91. Father forbade me to smoke in his room. 92. I wish my friends to know I am always at their disposal. 93. He intends his son to enter the army. 94. He desired me to take charge of the money. 95. I like you to come as soon as possible. 96. He prefers the front door to be locked after dark. 97. The mother feared her boy to be too tired. 98. He expects the house to be quite ready when she comes. 99. I should be sorry if I should offend you. — I should be sorry to offend you. 100. He bought a book to read in the train. 101. He came to me to learn more details about the great event. 102. Eat (so as) to live but do not live (in order) to eat. 103. He was careful (so as) to avoid all possible friction. 104. He had better not work so late. He will get ill. 105. You do right to instill patience and charity into the children's hearts. 106. You must have been dreaming not to have noticed me when I nearly ran into you. 107. He possessed such wealth as to make a whole village rich. 108. He is to proud to take any notice of his poor relations. 109. He was foolish enough not to accept your kind proposal, no. He should like to know how to get intelligent, in. I do not know which hat to choose. 112. I do not know whether to refuse or to accept. 113. He would have to work for his living, whether he wants to or not. 1x4. I do read a lot; still I do not read as much now as I used to. 115. Let us have a bath, or, at least, a wash and a brush. 116. Let us go for a ride, or a swim. The Gerund i. Working is a joy in itself (the fact of doing something). 2. Work is scarse just now (orders that have to be worked out). 3. I object to laughing at people, as well as to being laughed at. I do not remember ever having laughed at you, nor having been laughed at by you either. 4. One's voice gets tired by calling too loud and too often. 5. I prefer calling your attention to the difficulties with which you will meet. 6. The poor sailor heard the calling of the sea on the moment of his death. 7. A loud calling made me start up from my slumber. 8. Did you hear that calling? 9. My brother came running to us on my father's calling. 10. I got tired through the calling out of these names. 11. My friend's continual travelling (travelling continualy) has enriched his experience. 12. Her crying so piteously (her piteous crying) broke everybody's heart. 13. I am pleased at my brother's having succeeded in his examination. (I am pleased at my brother having passed his examination.) 14. We left without the man noticing us (without him noticing us). 15. He was annoyed at me being preferred. 16. The wretch is ashamed of his parents being poor. 17. He left the hospital without his arm being quite well again. 18. I prefer the parcel being send to my address. 19. We left before the feast having properly begun. 20. We stopped hours on the road without any car passing. 21. Boys rarely prefer reading and studying (books and study) to playing and romping about (play and games). — Boys generally like far better to play and to romp about than to read or to study. 22. I like reading novels. 23. I should like to read a novel. 24. I generally prefer riding to walking (in ordinary cases); to-day, however, as it is such fine weather, I prefer to walk, at least part of the way. 25. My friends like swimming; they have gone to swim even now. 26. I like rowing: a few years ago, I liked to row on the sea every other afternoon during my holidays. 27. She does like talking; she only wants company now because she wants to talk. 28. Listening to flatterers has ruined many an inexperienced youth. 29. Walking is the cheapest form of sport. No smoking (is allowed here). 30. Rowing (title in paper). 31. The emperor's having abdicated and fled to Holland was a piece of news which surprised nobody. 32. It is useless nodding to a blind man. 33. There is no playing to-day. 34. Saving is having. 3 j. Talking to a deaf man is losing one's time. 36. That is carrying water to the sea. 37. This is making to much of politeness. 38. I like reading quite as well as playing. 39. Excuse my keeping you so long without definite reply. 40. I admit having incited my sister to write you that letter. 41. I understand your having little sympathy with a man who wasts his time and his opportunities. 42. He could not refrain from laughing! 43. She insisted upon my staying for dinner. 44. The delight in hearing of your success made me forget my own grief at going to miss your company henceforth. 45. My sister was wexed at my coming home so soon and not having given her the time necessary for making dul preparations. 46. On leaving the house we went straight to the station. 47. Before his coming of age he was allowed to have his say in the management of the estate. 48. Trough getting nervous, she lost all control over her senses. 49. You do more harm than good in working late at night. 50. He thought it was worth attempting. 51. She was nearer crying than laughing. 52. He hopes he is near succeeding. J3- Nothing like doing a thing yourself when you want it done properly. 54. Walking-stick, singing-bird, drawing-room are compounds where the gerund is used to represent the action of the verb. 55. He was busy nailing up the branches of a rose-bush. 56. Have done whistling! 57- Stop shouting! 58. He could not help smiling when he saw that the child attempted lifting up the heavy bag which he contemplated having sent to the station on a wheelbarrow. 59. I remember my friend's telling about your case. 60. He does not recollect having been in a poorer condition himself. 61. He never forgets bolting the front door. Participle i. That man is exceptionally endowed with talents and moral qualities. 2. A learned man is generally an interesting companion. 3. The most learned man, however, is not always the most interesting mate for life. 4. An unlearned man, an uninteresting book. 5. He spoke very learnedly and both interestingly and interestedly about herbs and flowers. 6. A poem learned by heart; a learned doctor, things spoken. 7. Comfort the afflicted, burry the dead. 8. The enemy retired leaving the fallen, the slain and the wounded on the field. 9. She was sometimes seen moving her lips as in prayer. 10. I prefer my room being cleaned whilst I am out. 11. He declared himself (to be) satisfied. 12. I wished my man (to be) employed at a more congenial task. r3. She imagined all my pocket (to be) filled with gold coins. 14. The mother saw her children dressed for the occasion (dressed; to be dressed: elliptic infinitive construction); the mother saw (took care) that her children were dressed for the occasion (by their nurse). 15. A man working earnstly to do his duty as well as he can, may not attain success but will certainly gain happiness (working; who works). 16. Having locked the door (after he had locked; time), my brother put the key in his pocket. 17. Being informed of my arrival (since he was: motive) may friend came to meet me at the station. 18. Wanting to show his gratitude (in order that he should show: finality), he had brought a fine present. 19. The parents having left her no fortune, my uncle took care of poor Lottie (part, marking motive). 20. All accounts settled, we left the hotel (time). 21. Dinner (being) over we all went to the drawing-room. 22. His hand being on the wheel, the driver waited for the signal to set off. A. Transitive Verbs i. A stranger entered the room. 2. In a word you had to answer my letter. 3. Children ougth to assist their old parents. — Children ought not to contradict their superiors. 4. Poor little James equaled his late brother. 5. Adjectives use to precede or follow the noun. 6. Every men should faithfully serve his country. 7. "We all imagined them men of far greater erudition. 8. They left their mistress of the house. 9. They call me protector and friend, which indeed I try to be to them. 10. The pope crowned Charles the Great emperor of the Western Empire. 11. We made him our leader. 12. I consider him an honest man. 13. The king dubbed him a Knight. 14. He first asked me my advice. 15. Who taught you music? 16. Forgive us our offences. 17. I beg leave to smoke. 18. Pardon me my freedom. 19. I was first asked advice. (Advice was first asked from me.) 20. Music was taught to me by a wandering minstrel. 21. They fined the boy three guineas for shooting without a licence. 22. He threw the ball fifty good yards. 23. Do not add rudeness to injury. 24. Give us this day our daily bread. 25. He accuses his footman of theft. (Servum furty incusat.) 26. You rob me of my place. 27. The court acquitted him of all accusation after he had convinced his judges of his innocence. 28. He reminds me of my duty. 29. Let me introduce you to my partner. 30. He compared his poem to those by Virgil and Dante. 31. My friend asked me for some flowers and I told him to pick until he was tired. 32. He wanted to read his book and he read till his eyes ached. 33. Listen my canary sings! 34. Can Maria speak already? Well, as she is only ten month old, she cannot; nor can she write or read eiher. 35. The flower opens in the morning and shuts at night. 36. This property extends over thousands of acres. 38. The girl stood dreaming whilst her pitcher filled. B. Reflexive Verbs x. The lady prided herself on her beauty. 2. The stanger availed himself of the situation. 3. "We saw many people in the room. — We saw ourselves reflected in the glass. 4. The boy wanted to cut a stick from a bush by the wayside and he cut himself rather badly. 5. He prepared for dinner. 6. Nurse prepared the children to go out. 7. "We absconded in the folds of the curtain. 8. John joined us on the way. 9. The family settled near Liubliana. 10. The ladies will presently withdraw to the drawing-room. 11. Since a few weeks I shave myself. 12. We went to prepare the children and ourselves for the journey. 13. It takes a good while before my sister has finished washing and dressing her baby and herself. 14. The storm having obated, the sailors began to feel less tired. 15. In this cold season one can easily catch cold. 16. As all my friends having embarked for America, I began to feel very lonely. 17. He is astonished (amazed) at his brother's forgetfulness. 18. He was mistaken in what he said the other day. 19. They always laugh at each other. 20. People rarely try to make each other happy. 21. When shall we three meet again? C. Intransitive Verbs i. He came back to the town and went straight to his hotel. 2. He died of fever. 3. What will become of her? 4. Bevare of the dog. 5. Life consist of parting. 6. He despairs of getting well again. 7. He appears (seems) to be a good boy. 8. After she had listened to my arguments, she promised to adhere to me. She has belonded to my party from that moment. 9. Little remains to them of what used to be theirs! 10. He laughed at the oddity. 11. He works in the morning. 12. He lives by the church. 13. He bows (bends) his head when I speak. 14. He bows (salutes) me whenever he meets me in the street. 15. He answers (replies to) your question by quoting a passage of his letter. — He answers (is responsible) for all the damage done by his dog. 16. I have to attend (be present at) a lecture. 17. I have to attend (take care of) my business. 18. He lived miserably and died ignominiously. — He lived a miserable life and died an ignominious death. 19. You sing us a song, do! 20. She sighed a heavy sigh. 21. Everybody has to fight his fight. 22. He lords it. 23. We danced it. 24. She queens it. 25. It blows a strong gale. 26. He rides a race to success. 27. They fought a battle. 28. She wept bitter tears at my tale. 29. The bells rang a merry feal. 30. They shouted applause. 31. It rained fire and brimstone over Sodom. 32. It rains cats here. 33. The ship sails the ocean. 34. We walked our way in silence. 35. She sits a horse as well as my rider. 36. We rode it and my brother cycled it. 37. He stepped over the boundary. — He overstepped the boundary. 38. He overcame the enemy. 39. They withstood the attack. 40. The river overflowed the banks. 41. The boy overlooked that detail. D. Impersonal Verbs i. It is cold to-day. 2. It blew so violently during the night that it kept me awake. 3. I want a new sash. 4. Who is that man? j. He is a cobbler. 6. Just then there was a ring. — Somebody rang just on that moment. 7. Everybody laughed at his apearance in that funny dress. 8. There was dancing and singing after dinner. 9. This is a capital plan for dancing. 10. The voice does not sound well in this room. E. Causative Verbs i. The coal lies on the table. I laid it there (made it lie). 2. The monument rises over the neighbouring bushes: the townspeople raised it (made it rise) in memory of the man killed. 3. The bird flies. — The mother bird flies her fledglings (makes them fly). 4. The aeroplane flew low over the roofs of the houses. 5. I never flew kites when (I was) a boy. 6. Tobacco grows quite well here. — We grow tobacco in the garden. 7. Water boils at ioo°. — She boils water for her tea. 8. The boat floats on the waves. — We floated the boat. 9. The bell rings. — Please, ring the bell twice! 10. The little girl danced. — Father danced his baby on his knees. 11. The anchor drops noisily. — The ship dropped her anchor. 12. My arm bleeds. — Surgeons used to bleed people's arms. 13. Swallows return in spring. — We shall return the letter unopened. 14. The horse walks, runs, gallops, trots; it jumps moats and hedges. — A good rider walks and runs his horse, gallops and trots it, and jumps it over hedges and moats. 15. The soldiers march in parade before the king. — The general marched and parades his army before the king. 16. The dog run along the road. — The sailors ran the bridge before landing. 17. The girl hurried to church. — We hurried uncle to church. 18. We made the gardener plant roses against the wall. VII. The Adverb § i. FORM OF THE VERBS i. i clean forgot my supper. 2. He copied the letter quite patiently. 3. She sings both willingly and charmingly. 4. She said it jokingly; she talks forcedly. 5. Sugar is sweet. — These cakes look sweet. — He talks so sweet that all the children like him (in a sweet way). 6. That man looks friendly; he is friendly too, .and he treated me quite friendly. 7. That watch is fast (not right). — Do not walk so fast (quickly). 8. i cut the conversation short by promising i should shortly go myself. 9. He went to school, but he got not the wiser, nay, all the sillier for it. 10. i will come and see you this day week (month); — this day next week (month). 11. We came here a month ago to-day; — this day last month. 12. Uncle Willy will be here next Friday week, and he will leave next Thursday fortnight, at least so he wrote yesterday week. 13. The sooner you come, the longer you can stay. 14. The oftener we see you, the quicker we shall get acquainted, ij. He talks more honestly than friendly. 16. She sang the most sweetly and still the most simply of those that we heard. § 2. PLACE AND USE OF THE ADVERBS i. Never had such a hurricane been raging over the town! 2. So bitterly did she cry that everybody was moved. 3. Thus ends the sad story of Cordelia! 4. Here lives an honest lawyer. 5. Down came the storm and up flew sand and dust; off ran all the people, and out poured the floods of heaven. 6. She paints heads admirably. — She paints admirably all possible kinds of heads. 7. He has a shop in the next street. — He has in the next street a shop which is always filled with people. 8. He could scarcely eat. — He ate scarcely a mouthful. 9. A well dressed man is not always a well-behaved man. 10. Only my brother promised me the use of his camera. — He promised it only to me. — My brother himself promised me the use of his camera. — He promised me only the use of the camera. — He promised me the use of only the camera (of the camera only). 11. He has money enough and enough friends to help him on. 12. He is rich enough; and he acts proudly enough for it 13. He waited patiently for a while; when the footman came he asked him politely whether his master was at home. 14. He speaks English fluently and plays the piano tolerably well. 15. I like You well, but I like your welfare better. 16. The boy naturally wanted his mother when he lost his way (naturally — as was natural). 17. "We duly (as was due) thanked our host for his kindness. 18. The child foolishly had refused our offer (and that was foolish). — The child had refused our offer foolishly (in foolish manner). 19. He lives close by, but he goes to work in town every morning. 20. You will not find him in, if you go there now. 21. One finds beauty spots everywhere in every country. 22. He spends most of his holidays time at the seaside. 23. He called the dog back, and sent it away again. 24. Take this book up with you; do not bring it back again. 25. To-morrow I shall come and see you. 26. I shall come and see you to-morrow morning between nine and ten. 27. I never forget your kindness; I always think of how you welcomed me long ago on that Sunday evening: I have rarely felt as happy as at that moment. 28. Henry was often absent-minded, so he was generally late for dinner. 29. Excuse me contradicting you, he always was regular, and never was late for any meal! 30. The letter has not come yet; I am still expecting it. 31. "Would you like some more tea? No, not just yet, I still have some. 32. Let us go now! 33. I saw him pass by just now! 34. We shall have to act now or never. 35. Ceasar now marched west. 36. It now dawned upon us that he had promised to come. 37. It was now clear that he had been mistaken. VIII. The Conjunction i. He sang and danced. 2. You as well as he should do your duty towards your superiors. 3. He was not only accused, but also found guilty. 4. Work is man's lot in life: besides it is his happiness; moreover it helps him through life; it even allows him to relieve other people's wants. 5. He was quite a stranger in London, nor was there anybody whom he could apply to. 6. Lazy people are a burden both to themselves and to others. 7. The zeolous worker makes himself happy and those with whom he lives as well (too, also). 8. You have either to take it as it is or to leave it. 9. I want neither your help, nor your money. 10. The least contradiction whether sincere or only pretended, makes him unhappy for days. 11. You will have to take care of your health, otherwise (else) you will get ill 12. I do not want your help nor your money either. 13. I do not know him, nor do I want to know him either. 14. I have not any money, neither have you, I am sure. 15. I told him that he was endangering his health, but he did not pay any attention. 16. We were in spring; still (yet, nevertheles, notwithstanding) the weather was as cold as in winter. 17. He promised to come and help me; meanwhile (meantime) he leaves me to do all the work. 18. Wise men love truth, whereas (while) fools shun it. 19. You can go there if you like; only if anything happens, i am not responsible. 20. He did take all possible precautious to avoid the disaster, circumstances, however, were too strong for him. 21. I often see that man in the shop; I should not, however, recognise him if i saw him elsewhere than in his ordinary surroundings. 22. He is very generous, but then he is so rich. 23. He is such a very interesting talker, but then he has read such a lot. 24. That man should not have taken somebody else's money; but then we must not forget that need is a bad counsellor. 25. Let us go for it gets late. — It gets late, therefore (wherefore, consequently) let us go. 26. It is time to leave, so (then) we had better make a move. 27. I know that I am late, but I wonder whether (if) I am the very latest. 28. I am sure you know what I have come for. 29. Well, I suppose I do; I am afraid, though, I cannot do much; I was told this very morning it is useless to insist. 30. I should like to know whether he will be in time (or not). 31. I do not know but he is still in that office. 32. I do not deny but that it was a difficult ask. 33. They did not doubt but they would find the means to pay their debt. 34. The wood is not so bewildering but that a dog will find its way out. 35. He was not so ill but he could read his paper. 36. Nobody is so clever but he may make a mistake (that he should not...). 37. He leaves next door but one (the second). 38. I am the last but one of my class. 39. He came he next day but one. 40. When (ever) we met we shaked hands. 41. No sooner did he get home than we wanted to know where mother was. 42. I heard the music as I passed the house. 43. He is up before the sun rises and works until it is dark. 44. He never studies after the sun has set. 45. Work whilst (as long as) it is day. 46. Man left to himself, hardly knows where he comes from, nor whither he goes. 47. He is ill because (as, since) he does not care of himself. 48. We read the papers (in order) that (so that) we may know what happens in the world. 49. He took an lantern lest he should stumble and fall on his way through the fields, jo. Let him who stands see that he should not fall. 51. He read till the letters danced before his eyes. — He read so much that the letters danced before his eyes. 52. He is clever, although very young. — However young he may be, he proves very clever. — Young as he is, he certainly is a skilful fellow. 53. I shall come if (in case, provided) the weather keeps fine. 54. It matters very little how he did the work, so it be done. $5. No matter when you come, so you do come. 56. Your letter is all right, except that there are no punctuation marks. 57. Not a day passed but he brought a toy or a sweet for her children. 59. A good man speaks as he thinks. 60. As you sow, so shall you reap. 61. He was so imprudent that all those who looked on, feared for his life. 62. He was so kind as to help me out of the difficulties. 63. Many people act as if the world was created only for them. 64. Like as a gardener takes most care of his tenderest plants, so a teacher should devote most attention to the most backward pupils. 65. He behaved as if (he was) mad. 66. However patient (she is) she cannot go on swallowing his insults for ever. 67. He never enters the room unless required. 68. When a boy (while a boy), I often went for walks on the heath. 69. We have to do our duty whether rich or poor. IX. The Preposition i. Flowers drink in | the early sunshine. People sit and drink | in the early sunshine. 2. The man had put by | a good lot of money. This monument was not erected by love; it was put I by a good lot of money. 3. He wrote down | this long series of figures. He wrote | down this long series of figures something that looked like a capital V. 4. He thought over the things that had been said. He thought it over in his mind. 5. She comes of an ancient family. 6. She jumped off the chair. 7. She came off with a harmless scratch. 8. He is off duty. 9. He always talks of duty. 10. He is off for the day. 11. After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile. — After (that) i had my supper, i walked a mile. i had my supper and i walked a mile after (adv.). 12. He relied on my word. 13. Upon my word, you are fortunate! 14. The water came to our ankles (or: up to our ankles). 15. He drank his cup to the last drop (or: down to the last drop). 16. He came to me (or: unto me). 17. He stopped till the last moment (or: until the last moment). 18. He is of my town. 19. He is afraid of burglars. 20. He lives in the wood. 21. He lives by the work of his hands. 22. He goes to the curch. 23. He is destined for great things. 24. i did not expect to hear that of you. 25. i did not expect any letter from you. 26. He comes straight from Germany. 27. This sword is of the best steel and its bearer of the finest mettle that ever existed. 28. She shrank from people and wanted to shelter from everybody but her own family. 29. We went to Liubliana. 30. He sings to perfection. 31. We walked towards the town. 32. The girl felt sym- pathetic towards the hero of every one of her novels. 33. There is water in that pit. 34. He is reading in his room. 35. Do not fall into that pit. 36. Take this book into the room. 37. Put this coin in your pocket. 38. Dip your pen in the ink. 39. He fell in love with her. 40. They rode (un)to the other end of the wood, and did not come back (un)till half past five. 41. He lives at Liubliana, he goes to Liubliana. 42. I came between six and seven. 43. He was between the sledge-hammer and the anvil. He lived amongst robbers and died amidst saints. 44. I arrived before you. 4j. He walked in front of me. 46. There was silence after he left. 47. The servant stepped behind his master. 48. The aeroplane was far above the highest steeple. 49. There was a Hebrew inscription over the door. 50. He is always bent over his books, 51. The man had his rooms under mine. 52. The dog lay underneath the table. 53. When you are on this hill, you see the town below you. 54. Once more we meet beneath these shady bowers. 55. Here we go round the mulberry-tree! 56. Wild curls hung about her neck. 57. He was cured, not by his doctor, but by the sea-air. j 8. I know him through my brother. 59. Knowledge comes to us chiefly through the eyes. 60. The child trembled with cold. 61. We were overcome with fatigue and fainting with hunger; still we were glowing with enthusiasm. 62. She danced for joy and wept for sheer contentment. 63. He always stops at home for fear of accidents. 64. I came from behind the house. 65. The mouse slipped out from under the floor. 66. We walked about the town (all round) and returned about one o'clock. 67. The foreigner saw the field about Liubliana (somewhere round) and asked his fellow-traveller, if he had a guide-book about (with him). 68. The child played outside of (without-old form) the gate of the garden. 69. All you say here is nice, but without our reach. 70. We understood the text without a translation. 71. I'll come to see you within my holidays. 72. It is not within my power to help you. 73. My friend lived with us. 74. This was different with the ancients. 75. Tom stood still with astonishment. 76. "With all her lack in wood Italy is a pleasant country. 77. Poor little Edward trembled with cold and was pale with fear, he seemed not to be pleased with his superiors. 78. Uncle John was tired (weary) with her complaints. 79. Besides in pounds the English calculate in guineas. 80. Death before (rather than) dishonour. 81. Everyone should sweep before his own door (in front of). 82. Don't praise the day before the evening. 83. I shall return you the money before long. 84. The father was very angry at his son's coming to late. 85. "While the children were at play, the mother was at work. 86. Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo (at, in the battle of). 87. At the time of Cromwell England passed evil days. 88. Shakespeare was born at Stratford-on-Avon. 89. There are other continents beyond the ocean. 90. My mother is beyond her forties. 91. The beauties of nature are beyond description. 92. Paul, repeat the last but one line and you, John, the last but three. 93. None but members will be admitted to the feast. 94. Return me this book by Monday. 95. A soldier finds his way by day and by night. 96. I led the blind man by the hand. 97. A tree is known by its fruit. 98. He earns his living by honest toil. 99. We advanced step by step. 100. Find your way by the map. 101. I went to England by Ostende and returned by Boulogne. 102. What do you mean by that? 103. I was tired by the run. 104. I recommend him for his presence of mind. ioj. I did it for fun. 106. Poor mother wept for joy (with). 107. For all the mistakes your essay is good in thought (kljub). 108. Ladies and gentlemen, change, please, for Cologne. 109. The »Victoria« was bound for America, no. This suburb lies south of London, in. Two boys ran into one another (proti). 112. The fairies turned Tom into a water-baby. 113. Some burst into tears, other into a hearty laugh. 114. We entered into conversation with that foreigner. 115. What will become of the boy? 116. The young clerk boasted greatly of his travelling. 117. They died by thousands and died of starvation. 1x8. The youth was short of money. 119. On the fifth of November, every one was off duty (work). 120. The Knights felt no pity (mercy, compassion) on the unhappy Thomas. 121. We know a good deal about the life of the ancient Germans through the book of Tacitus. X. The Interjection x. The poor fellow alas! is very ill. 2. Bah! he's not worth bothering about. 3. Now, take me with you! 4. Dear me! j. Well, who was it? 6. Well, perhaps you are right. 7. Peace! Silence! 8. Why, it is surely Jones. 9. Well done! 10. Cheer up! 11. Courage! 12. You don't say so! 13. i say! 14. Crikey! 15. Bless me! 16. Bless my soul! 17. Heavens! 18. Good gracious! 19. Goodness me! 20. Hurrah! we've won the match. 21. What a pity! Angleška vadnica k priročniku angleške slovnice............................i I. Člen ..........................................................................................................3 § 1. Oblika člena .................................................3 § 2. Pred lastnimi imeni ................................................................3 § 3. Določni člen pri zemljepisnih imenih ...........................4 § 4. Določni člen in samostalniki splošnega pomena ............6 § 5. Uporaba določnega člena zaradi poudarka ....................7 § 6. Uporaba nedoločnega člena ....................................................7 § 7. Uporaba člena z nedoločnim zaimkom ............................8 § 8. Uporaba člena v kraticah ........................................................8 I 9. Kje stoji člen ............................................................................9 § 10. Izpad in ponavljanje člena ....................................................9 II. Samostalnik ............................................................................................10 § 1. Spol samostalnika ....................................................................10 § 2. Množina samostalnikov ............................................................10 § 3. Uporaba samostalnikov ............................................................12 ID. Pridevnik ............................................................................................16 § 1. Besede rabljene kot pridevnik ............................................16 § 2. Stopnjevanje ............................................................................16 § 3. Uporaba pridevnikov ................................................................18 IV. Števnik ....................................................................................................21 i 2. Glavni števniki ........................................................................21' § 3. Uporaba glavnih števnikov ....................................................21 § 4. Vrstilni števniki ........................................................................21 § 5. Ulomki ........................................................................................22 I 6. Stevniški prislovi ........................................................................22 V. Zaimek .................................................................23 § 1. Osebni zaimek .............................f................23 § 2. Povratni zaimki ........................................................................24 § 3. Svojilni zaimek ........................................................................25 § 4. Kazalni zaimek ............................................................................26 § 5. Vprašalni zaimek ........................................................................28 § 6. Oziralni zaimek ........................................................................29 § 6. Nedoločni zaimek ........................................................................32 VI. Glagol ....................................................................................................36 § 1. Spregatve glagolov ....................................................................36 § 2. Uporaba glagolskih oblik ........................................................37 I 3. Glagolova funkcija ....................................................................52 VII. Prislov ....................................................................................................62 § 1. Oblika prislovov ........................................................................62 § 2. Mesto in uporaba prislovov ....................................................62 VIII. Veznik ................................................................................................64 IX. Predlog ................................................................................................67 X. Medmet ............................................................................70 contents Page Exercises to the Handbook of English Grammar.............. 73 I. The Article ................................................ 75 § 1, Forms of the Article ................................ 75 § 2. Before Proper Nouns ................................ 75 § 3. The definite Article before Geographical Nouns...... 76 § 4. The definite Article and Nouns with a General Sense 78 § 5. The definite Article used for Emphasis .............. 80 § 6. Use of the indefinite Article ........................ 80 § 7. The Article used with indefinite Pronouns............ 80 § 8. Use of the Article in standing Expressions............ 81 § 9. Place of the Article ................................ 81 § 10. Omission and repetition of the Article .............. 82 II. The Noun ................................................ 83 § 1. Gender of Nouns .................................... 83 § 2. Plural of Nouns .................................... 83 I 3. Use of Nouns ........................................ 86 III. The Adjective .......................................... 89 § 1. Words used as adjectives ............................ 89 § 2. Degrees of Comparison .............................. 89 § 3. Use of Adjectives.................................... 91 IV. The Numeral ............................................ 95 § 2. Cardinal Numbers .................................. 95 § 3. Use of the Cardinal Numbers ........................ 95 § 4. Ordinal Numbers .................................... 95 § 5. Fractional Numbers ................................ 96 § 6. Numeral Adverbs .................................. 96 V. The Pronoun .............................................. 97 § 1. The Personal Pronoun .............................. 97 § 2. The Reflexive Pronoun .............................. 98 § 3. The Possessive Pronoun ............................ 99 § 4. The Demonstrative Pronoun ........................ 100 § 5. The Interrogative Pronoun ..........................* 103 § 6. The Relative Pronoun .............................. 104 § 6. The indefinite Pronoun .............................. 107 VI. The Verb ................................................ Ill § 1. Conjugation of Verbs ................................ Ill I 2. Use of the Verbal forms ............................ 112 § 3. Function of the Verb ................................ 129 VII. The Adverb ............................................ 140 i i. Form of the Adverbs ................................ 140 § 2. Place and use of the Adverbs ...................... 140 VIII. The Conjugation ...................................... 143 IX. The Preposition .......................................... 146 X. The Interjection .......................................... 150