O. SPAI] et al.: APPLICATION VALIDITY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE FOR MAKING ... 77–81 APPLICATION VALIDITY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE FOR MAKING SPIRAL DRILL-BIT GROOVES OVREDNOTENJE UPORABNOSTI TEHNOLO[KEGA POSTOPKA IZDELAVE SPIRALNIH SVEDROV Obrad Spai} 1* , Milan Vuk~evi} 2 , Budimirka Marinovi} 1 , Aleksandra Koprivica 1 , Janko Jovanovi} 2 1 University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Production and Management Trebinje, Stepe Stepanovi}a bb, Trebinje 89101, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro Prejem rokopisa – received: 2020-05-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2020-09-17 doi:10.17222/mit.2020.071 The current world trends and the global market require production organizations to increase the quality while reducing the costs of their products. In most cases, traditional production technologies of spiral drill bits (SD) cannot meet these expectations, as they most often fulfil only one of the set requirements. Thus, the cost of a SD produced with the rolling technology is low, but its quality is also much lower than that of the drills produced with the grinding technology whose cost is also much higher. The grooves of the SDs produced with our new technological method have advantages over the grooves produced with the rolling technology or grinding technology, and the savings in the material and grinding wheel are higher compared to the SDs produced with the grinding technology. This paper presents an analysis of the application of this new technological process for producing SD grooves. Keywords: drilling, grinding, rolling, new technologies Trenutni svetovni trendi na globalnem trgu zahtevajo od proizvodnih podjetij stalno izbolj{evanje kakovosti njihovih izdelkov ob isto~asnem zmanj{evanju stro{kov. V ve~ini primerov tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje oz. izdelave spiralnih svedrov (SD) ne morejo izpolnjevati teh zahtev in lahko pogosto izpolnijo le enega od zahtevanih pogojev. Stro{ki izdelave spiralnih svedrov, izdelanih s tehnologijo valjanja so ni`ji in tudi njihova kvaliteta je slab{a od tistih, ki so izdelani s precej dra`jo tehnologijo bru{enja. Izdelava trna in brazd na spiralnih svedrih z novim tehnolo{kim postopkom omogo~a zmanj{anje porabe materiala v primerjavi z obstoje~ima tehnologijama izdelave z valjanjem in bru{enjem. V pri~ujo~em ~lanku avtorji opisujejo, analizirajo in ocenjujejo nov tehnolo{ki postopek izdelave spiralnih svedrov. Klju~ne besede: rezkanje, bru{enje, valjanje, nove tehnologije 1 INTRODUCTION One of the most commonly used cutting tools is a spiral drill bit (SD), which can be manufactured using technologies such as: forging, milling, grinding, rolling and extrusion. 1–3 The geometry of SDs is more complex than the geometry of other cutting tools, so it takes a lot of time, engineering knowledge and research to construct and manufacture them. 4 Therefore, the researchers in this field tried, based on the appropriate input parameters, to develop software so- lutions for an automatic generation of 3D models. Thus, in 2006, Vijayaraghavan 5 developed a tool in SolidWorks 2003 for an automatic generation of 3D models of SDs, based on the production parameters. In the production of conventional SDs with two spiral grooves, the two basic operations are the fabrication of the spiral groove and grinding the front surface, which defines the geometric parameters of a SD. Parameters such as the top angle and core thickness imply the functions of a SD. In 2012, J. Jovanovi} et al. 6 developed software for a profile genera- tion of SD-groove tools depending on the nominal diam- eter of the SD, core diameter, angle of rise and top angle, provided that the main cutting edge is a straight line and the width values of the key and groove are in a ratio of 1:1. Production technologies of SDs do not satisfy the cri- teria of quality and costs equally. So, for example, the rolling technology results in material savings and better strength properties. 1 This means that the cost is lower, but the quality is also much lower than that of the drill bits made with the grinding technology, whose cost is much higher. When analyzing grinding and rolling, from the aspect of their advantages and disadvantages, we decided to de- sign a new technological process for producing the groove of a SD, based on the advantages of these two technologies. This new technological process involves a combina- tion of the rolling technology as the initial operation, and the grinding technology as the finishing operation. With the groove thus produced, the SD retains all the advan- tages of the rolling technology (good mechanical proper- ties due to the continuous flow of material fibers, consid- erable material savings and reduced main fabrication time) and grinding technology (greatly improved geo- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 77–81 77 UDK 620.1:620.162:621.95 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 55(1)77(2021) *Corresponding author's e-mail: obradspaic59@gmail.com, obrad.spaic@fpm.ues.rs.ba (Obrad Spai}) metric accuracy and quality of the machined surface and reduced cutting resistance). This paper analyzes the justification for the applica- tion of the new technological process for the production of SD grooves in relation to rolling and grinding as the most commonly used technologies for producing SD grooves so far. 2 TECHNOLOGIES FOR PRODUCING SD GROOVES SD-producing technologies are named after the method of making grooves: forging, milling, grinding and extrusion. 1,6–11 2.1 Grinding technology The first steps in the production of the spiral groove on a drill bit by grinding were made in 1931 on drill bits with small diameters (up to Ø3.0 mm), but the technol- ogy began to be applied in the regular production of tools only in the late 1950s. The development of deep grinding (full grinding or single grinding) made it possible to produce spiral grooves on larger drill bits, see Figure 1. The main advantages of producing the spiral groove on a drill bit with the grinding technology are signifi- cantly improved surface quality and accuracy of shapes and dimensions. 2.2 Rolling technology The rolling process of SD manufacturing, illustrated in Figure 2, was introduced into industrial production in the 1960s and had a lot of advantages in the serial and mass production. The productivity of the SD production by rolling increased by 15–20 times in comparison to the milling technology, while the material saving went up to 30 %. Namely, with this technology, there is no loss of material in the formation of grooves because it is trans- formed into the drill bit during the rolling process. The advantages of producing the spiral groove of a drill bit with the rolling technology are increased mate- rial savings, good mechanical properties of the drill due to the continuous flow of fibers of the material and the deviation of the groove-profile dimensions. 3 ANALYSIS OF THE SD-GROOVE PRODUCTION WITH THE GRINDING AND ROLLING TECHNOLOGIES An economic analysis of the production of SD grooves with the rolling and grinding technologies was carried out, considering two aspects: • saving the basic material and • grinding-wheel savings. The analysis was carried out on DIN 338 drill bits with nominal diameters of (Ø12, Ø15 and Ø20) mm, made of high-speed steel (EN standard HS 6-5-2, DIN S 6-5-2, W. Nr. 1.3343), which is most commonly used for the production of SDs. A higher carbon content af- fects the formation of carbides. 12 In accordance with the SD producer’s technological charts, the dimensions and weights of the raw parts for the SD nominal diameters of Ø12, Ø15 and Ø20 mm, used for rolling and grinding are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Dimensions and weights of raw parts for SD rolling and grinding Nominal diameter of the SD (mm) Ø12 Ø15 Ø20 Total length of the SD (mm) 151 169 205 Length of the handle (mm) 49 54 64 Dimensions of the raw part Nominal di- ameter (mm) 12.3 15.3 20.3 Length (mm) Rolling 104 114 143 Grinding 151 169 205 Weight of the raw part (g/piece) Rolling 100.84 171.03 377.67 Grinding 146.41 253.54 541.41 Difference in weight (g) 45.57 82.51 163.74 (%) 31.12 32.54 30.24 From the data presented in Table 1, it can be con- cluded that the material savings in the production of SD grooves by rolling are significant, amounting to about 30 %. The conducted analysis confirms the economic justification for designing a new technological process for the production of SD grooves. 4 ANALYSIS OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE OF PRODUCING SD GROOVES With the new technological process, rolling is per- formed as the pre-operation with a grinding additive, fol- lowed by heat treatment and a grinding operation as the finishing operation. O. SPAI] et al.: APPLICATION VALIDITY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE FOR MAKING ... 78 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 77–81 Figure 2: Production of SD by rolling Figure 1: Production of SD grooves by grinding The rolling process allows us to achieve good me- chanical properties due to the continuity of the fiber flow, considerable material savings and reduced fabrica- tion time, while the grinding process ensures that the SD exhibits, in addition to the aforementioned characteris- tics, features such as significantly improved dimensional accuracy and surface quality. It is important to note that the combination of techno- logical processes caused, in addition to the material sav- ings and due to a small grinding additive, significant sav- ings in the consumption of the grinding wheel, compared to the grinding technology. The economic analysis of the new technological pro- cess for producing SD grooves was also carried out on SD DIN 338 with nominal diameters of Ø12, Ø15 and Ø20 mm, made of the HS 6-5-2 high-speed steel, with respect to material and grinding-wheel savings. 4.1 Economic analysis of the new technological pro- cess for producing SD grooves with respect to mate- rial savings SDs are produced with the new technology from a raw part with the same nominal diameter as with the pre- viously analyzed technologies, Table 1. However, since the new technological process of pro- ducing SD grooves includes a rolling operation with a grinding additive (A 2 ), Figure 3, a smaller volume of the material is extruded from the spiral grooves into the body of the SD. As the length of the formed spiral part of the ex- truded material is smaller, the length of the raw part must be longer than the length of the groove raw part of the SD made by rolling by length x.InFigure 3, the groove surface in the cross-section of the SD after the rolling operation is denoted by A 1 and after the grinding opera- tion by A 1 + A 2 . The difference between the length of the raw part used for the new method of producing SD grooves and the length of the groove raw part of the SD made by rolling, that is, the length of the SD body made from the volume of the grinding additive can be obtained from the equality of the volume of the grinding extension and the volume of the SD body formed with the grinding additive: V ga = V ba (1), where V ga – the volume of the grinding additive and V ba – the volume of the SD body made with the grinding additive. Acknowledging that: V ga = A 2 · l s and V ba = A t · x (2), where A 2 – the surface of the cross-section of the grinding ad- ditive, l s – the length of the raw part where groove rolling is performed, A t = A – A 1 – the surface of the cross-section of the SD body, A – the surface of the cross-section of the raw part and A 1 – the surface of the cross-section of 2 grooves with the grinding additive, x – the length of the SD body made with the grinding additive. Thus, we obtain: x V A Al AA == ⋅ − ga t s 2 1 (3) The cross-sectional surface of the grinding additive A 2 and the cross-sectional surface of the grooves for roll- ing A 1 were determined with respect to the nominal di- ameter of the SD, the core diameter and the angle of rise of the spiral, provided that the groove: key ratio is 1:1. For the grinding procedure, the diameter and core thick- ness were set according to the SD producer’s technology charts, and the rolling operation was expected to provide a grinding additive of 0.5 mm for SD Ø12, 0.55 mm for SD Ø15 and 0.75 mm for SD Ø20 mm. For both opera- tions, an angle of rise of 27 +/–2 of the grooves was adopted. According to A. K. Dell et al. 13 and L. F. Xavier et al. 14 , the best geometry of a SD depends on the prop- erty of the drilling material, and for the drilling of steel and cast iron, they propose an angle of rise of 24–32°. O. SPAI] et al.: APPLICATION VALIDITY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE FOR MAKING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 77–81 79 Figure 3: Cross-section surfaces of the SD Table 2: Dimensions of the SD groove according to the new technological procedure Nominal diameter of SD Rolling operation Grinding operation Core diameter Core thickening Angle of rise of spiral Core diameter Core thickening Angle of rise of spiral Ø12 3.0 0.96–1.20 27 +/–2 ° 2.0 0.96–1.20 27 +/–2 ° Ø15 3.4 1.20–1.50 2.38 1.20–1.50 Ø20 4.0 1.40–1.75 3.0 1.40–1.75 The data for the SD nominal diameters of (Ø12, Ø15 and Ø20) mm are shown in Table 2. Based on the dimensions of the SD groove, Table 2, provided that the groove and the key width were in a ra- tio of 1:1, and after the sharpening operation at a top an- gle of 118°, the cutting edge was a straight line, generat- ing a geometric model of a SD in the AutoCAD application program. The surface of the grinding additive A 2 and the SD groove surface were measured in the SD cross-section for rolling and grinding. The obtained val- ues are shown in Table 3. Table 3: Dimensions of the SD groove for rolling and grinding Nominal diameter D (mm) Rolling oper- ation Grinding operation Groove sur- face A1 (mm 2 ) Groove sur- face A1 +A 2 (mm 2 ) Surface of grinding additive A 2 (mm 2 ) Ø12 45.26 55.94 10.68 Ø15 73.24 88.05 14.81 Ø20 130.72 157.78 27.06 The difference in the length of the raw part of the SD grooves made with the new technological process with respect to the rolling technology is the length of the SD body made from the grinding additive x for the SDs with the nominal diameters of (Ø12, Ø15 and Ø20) mm, as shown in Table 4. Table 4: Calculation of the difference in the length of the raw part Nominal diameter of SD Ø12 Ø15 Ø20 Length of the raw part at which the grooves are rolled l s (mm) 55 60 79 Cross-sectional surface of the grinding additive A 2 (mm 2 ) 10.68 14.81 27.06 Cross-section of the raw part A (mm 2 ) 113.04 176.63 314.00 Cross-sectional surface of 2 grooves A 1 (mm 2 ) 45.26 73.24 130.72 Difference in the raw-part length x (mm) 8.67 8.60 11.66 The difference in the length of the raw part used for making SD grooves with the new technological proce- dure compared to the SD grooves made with the rolling process and the length of the raw part for making SD grooves with the rolling process represents the length of the raw part for making SD grooves with the new tech- nological process. Calculated in that way, the dimensions of the raw parts for the production of SDs with nominal diameters of (Ø12, Ø15 and Ø20) mm are shown in Ta- ble 5. Table 5: Dimensions of the raw part and savings of the material for the production of SDs with the new technological process Nominal di- ameter of SD Length of the raw part (mm) Material savings New tech- nological process Grinding process (kg) (8 %) Ø12 113 151 35.43 25 Ø15 123 169 66.36 27 Ø20 155 205 126.97 24 4.2 Economic analysis of the new technological pro- cess of producing SD grooves with respect to grind- ing-wheel savings By making SD grooves with the new technological process, in comparison to making SD grooves with the grinding technology, in addition to material savings, a saving in the grinding wheel is achieved, which is pro- portional to the amount of the material removed during the grinding operation. Figure 3 shows the cross-sec- tional surfaces of the SD grooves made with the grinding technology (A 1 +A 2 ) as well as the cross-sectional sur- face of the grinding additive, removed after the rolling within the new technological process for making SD grooves. A comparative analysis of the volume of the material removed during the formation of grooves with the SD grinding technology and the new technological proce- dure is given in Table 6. 5 CONCLUSION The new SD-groove production technology is a com- bination of two processes: rolling and grinding. The roll- ing process is performed with a grinding additive. This additive is removed during the grinding process. SDs with grooves produced with this method retain all the ad- vantages of the grooves produced by rolling and the O. SPAI] et al.: APPLICATION VALIDITY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCEDURE FOR MAKING ... 80 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 55 (2021) 1, 77–81 Table 6: Comparative analysis of the volume of the material taken off when making grooves with the SD grinding technology and the new techno- logical process Nominal diameter Grinding operation New operation Difference in the volume of the cutting material l 1·A1 (mm 3 ) Relative savings (%) Surface of the groove A 1 +A 2 (mm 2 ) Length of the spiral l 1 (mm) Volume of the cutting material l 1·(A1+A2) (mm 3 ) Surface of the grinding additive A 2 (mm 2 ) Length of the spiral l 1 (mm) Volume of the cutting material l 1 ·A 2 (mm 3 ) Ø12 55.94 102 5705.88 10.68 102 1089.36 4616.52 80.91 Ø15 88.05 115 10127.75 14.81 115 1703.15 8424.60 83.18 Ø20 157.78 141 22246.98 27.06 141 3815.46 18431.52 82.85 grooves produced by grinding while, at the same time, eliminating their disadvantages. In addition, the conducted economic analysis showed that this technological process allows us to achieve mate- rial savings of 24–27 % and grinding-wheel savings of 82–83 %. Acknowledgment This paper is the result of a scientific research project "Making of grooves of spiral drills using a combination of rolling and grinding processes", funded by the Minis- try of Science and Technology Development, Higher Ed- ucation and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska. 6 REFERENCES 1 T. Bulzak, Z. Pater, Numerical analysis of the extrusion process of twist drills, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 19 (2013) 2, 132–140, doi:10.12776/ams.v19i2.97 2 T. Bulzak, J. Tomczak, Z. Pater, Method for producing twist drills by extrusion using a three-slide forging press, Key Engineering Mate- rials, 622–623 (2014), 129–135 3 W. Cubberly, R. Bakerjian, Tool and manufacturing engineers hand- book, Desk edition, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Chapter 24, Michigan 1989 4 G. Meral, M. Sarikaya, M. 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