SLevfco. MOVINft AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNING DAILY NEWSPAPER NO. 237 CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1937 LETO XL — VOL. XL, Italija ne gre na zborovanje brez Nemčije Rim, 8. oktobra. Sedaj jo de-finitivno gotovo, da se laška vlada ne bo udeležila konference treh sil, Anglije, Francije in Italije. Konferenca bi imela sklepati o španskem položaju in o intervenciji v španski civilni vojni. Italija se udeleži te konference le pod pogojem, da bodo navzoči tudi zastopniki Nemčije, toda Nemčija ni bila povabljena. Italija bi se udeležila konference tudi, ako bi bili na iljej zastopani vsi narodi, ki so podpisali pogodbo proti intervenciji. Teh je 27. Toda An- i glija ne želi take konference. Nadalje se poroča, da sta bila Včeraj v španskih vodah zaplenjena od nacionalistov dva angleška parnika, ki sta vozila hrano socialistom. Tudi en laški Parnik je bil napaden od zrakoplovov, toda so bili prepodeni Po strelih iz laške ladje. -o- Francija apelira na delavce in na kapitaliste Pariz, 8. oktobra. Dasi je francoski frank včeraj zopet nekoliko padel v ceni, pa ima zadnje čase francoski narod večje zaupanje v bodočnost. Ta bodočnost je pa odvisna od skupnega prizadevanja kapitala in dela, sicer bo Francija prenehala biti velesila. Kapital mora postaviti moderno mašineri-jo v delavnice in delavci morajo gledati, da stroji ne bodo stali. Stvar bo pa težavna. Od zaključene svetovne vojne je francoski kapital se obotavljal riski-rati denar v podjetja, dočim na drugi strani francoski delavec, ki se zaveda svoje velike politične moči, zahteva vedno krajše delovne ure. Vlada bo sedaj apelirala na kapital in delo, da vsak stori vse, da se Franciji po-niaga naprej. -o--- Smrtna kosa Včeraj zjutraj je nagloma preminul John Gosdanovich (Gozden), 1448 Northland Ave. Lakewood. Ranjki je bil rojen v Chicagu, rodom Hrvat, star 44 let. Tu zapušča soprogo Loretto, sina, Richarda, hčer Rose Marie, starše John in Martha, ki stanujejo na 329 E.'161st St., in sestro Mary Bobetz. Pogreb se vrši iz August F. Svetek pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev sv. Nikole za 36, cesti in Superior. Čas bo oznanjen prihodnjič. Iskreno sožalje preostali družini. Selitev delavcev Republic Steel Co. naznanja, da bo preselila iz tovarne v Monroe, Mich, kakih 250 uslužbencev v Cleveland, kjer bodo zaposleni v novi tovarni, katero je Republic jeklarska družba zgradila za $15,000,000. V Clevelan-du bodo dobili na'daljnih 750 de. lavcev, tako da bo v novi tovarni delalo 1,000 ljudi. Ljudje v Monroe, Mich., se silno jezijo radi tega koraka Republic jeklarske družbe. Ko je bil letos štrajk v Monroe, so prebivalci mesta Pomagali kompaniji s tem, da so BURTON STRAŠI V CITY HALLU . .. Bilo je v četrtek pozno popoldne v mestni hiši mesta Cleveland — v City Hallu, kjer županuje Harold Burton, kralj clevelandslcih banketov. Ob četrti uri pridrvi v urad direktorja javne varnosti neki uradnik, ki z vso resnostjo pove, da se nahaja v tretjem nadstropju mestne hiše neki divjak z revolverjem v roki in ki je, začel streljati. In tedaj se je začel ples. Direktor Ness, pomožni direktor ChamberHn in osebni stražnik Walker zgrabijo hitro vsak en revolver in žepe si natlačijo s plinskimi bombami. V naglici so poklicali tudi glavni policijski stan, policijski radio aparat je začel igrati po vsem mestu, nastala je splošna mobilizacija policije. V par sekundah je dal direktor 'Ness) vstaviti vse vzpenjače v mestni hiši, tako da ni mogel nihče ven. Pri koncu vsakih stopnjic se je vrstilo po pet policistov, z revolverji v rekah. V par minutah pridrvijo še štirje policijski križarji, polni policistov in detektivov.. Eni imajo bombe, drugi revolverje, tretji kratke puške. Tem se pridruži še armada civilistov, dočim so se drugi zaprli in zaklenili v svojem uradu — kar je bilo boječih in strahopetnih. Armada policistov z direktorjem Nessom se tako pripravljena poda v tretje nadstropje, kjer so uradi mestnih sodnikov. Vsak Čas pripravljeni streljati, pazno preiščejo vse hodnike in kote in končno dobijo — strah. Na tleh je ležala ugasla ':< * V Ameriki je par organizacij nagcev. Ti imajo celo svoje konvencije, kjer se delajo pravila in paragrafi. Pri tem se človek nehote vpraša, le kam si delegat je pripno regalije? Cleveland, O. — V fari sv. Vida, ki je prva med prvimi, najstarejša, največja s številom fa-ranov in najveličastnejša s cerkvijo, se te dni vrši sv. misijon. Misijonski zvon zvoni, smo slišali pripovedovati od starih ljudi in zvonil je vsak večer veliki zvon v vsaki fari, kjer se vrši misijon. Ne samo v visokih stolpih je zvonil zvon, marveč tudi na ko-ru je prepeval pevski zbor pesem sv. misijona. Vsa cerkev je pela. Kdor pa ni znal ali ni mogel, ta je čutil s srcem važen pomen sv. misijona. ■ Vse to, kar se je godilo nekdaj po naši stari domovini, nam je priklicano v spomin tukaj v naši fari. Isto se je godilo že tudi po drugih farah. Požrtvovalni misijonar g. Vital Vodu-šek, ki slovi po Ameriki kot goreč govornik in razlagatelj sv. resnic, je sedaj za dva tedna pri fari sv. Vida, ki neumorno dela za razširjenje sv. evangelija in božje besede. Neumoren je v svoji gorečnosti. Od ranega jutra do pozne večerne ure je uprežen. Najmanj trikrat na dan govori in spoveduje pa ves ostali čas. Z žejno dušo ga poslušajo verniki in njegove prepričevalne besede o verskem nauku so pa tudi ljubeznive in vabljive. Pri vsakem začetku govora vabi in prosi vernike, naj povedo še drugim, onim, ki ne vedo, da se vrši sv. misijon pri sv. Vidu. Tudi onim naj povedo, kateri drugače v cerkev ne hodijo. Silno želi, da bi vsi prišli. Obeta jim lepe nagrade v miru in sreči ter zadovoljstvu, kar drugje ne morejo dobiti. Zelo se trudi ta požrtvovalni misijonar. Milo doneče so njegove besede. Zdi se, da je res kot pastir, ki je zgubil svojo ovco in jo je tako milo in glasno klical, naj pride nazaj v čredo, V, prilikah pripoveduje zgodbe in resnične dogodljaje iz življenja enih in drugih, da vzbuja iskre ljubezni v srcih vernikov, da bi tisti, ki ga slišijo privabili še druge, ki se še niso odločili za sv. misijon. Veličastna je cerkev sv. Vida in toliko prostorna. Kakor nalašč je to tempelj božji za božjo besedo in božjo službo. Veselje je poslušati ognjevite misijonar-jeve besede vsak večer in vsako jutro po deveti maši. Sedaj je pa obljubljeno, da bodo govori tudi popoldne. Na koru pa donijo orgle, ki spremljajo lepe pesmi cerkvenega pevskega zbora Lire, ki prepeva misijonske pesmi. Ali se ne bi lahko vprašali: zakaj da ni cerkev ob taki priliki premajhna in prenapolnjena? Sicer se ni pritoževati glede udeležbe, ker je res velika, če vzamemo v poštev, da je prvi teden namenjen le ženskemu spolu. Vendar pa bi iz širne naše naselbine lahko prišlo toliko žena in deklet, da bi bila cerkev, kakor je velika, veliko premajhna. Kdor je enkrat navzoč, ne bo zamudil nobenega večera več. Le zvoni zvon z visokih lin, le kliči vernikom v spomin! Prijatelj, pridi, ker te kliče tvoj največji prijatelj. Nikar ne pre-sliši klica sedaj. Misijonar je tu iz stare domovine, visoko učen in dober govornik. Ne bilo bi lepo, če bi se vsi ne odzvali njegovemu vabilu, ki nas tako lepo vabi in kliče. Spomni se, dragi rojak in rojakinja, da jih je veliko prišlo v to deželo, pred teboj in za teboj. Pa jih že ni nikjer več. Kam so odšli? Zaspali so. Iz visokih lin jim je pel zvon, ko se je pomikal sprevod v cerkev in od tam na pokopališče. Potem pa je zvon utihnil in nismo se več videli z onim, ki je odšel za vedno. Zelo smo bili vsi žalostni. Uboga družina, ubogi otroci! Očeta ni več, mamice ni več. Drugje sina ali hčere. Kam so odšli? Njih trupla so bila položena v grobove. Predno se je pa to zgodilo, je Cerkev molila za njih duše in tolažila žalujoče ostale, naj nikar ne žalujejo, marveč upajo na veselo vstajenje in življenje po smrti. Dragi moj, ali ni v tem veliko | tolažbe zame in zate? Oba se bojiva groba. O strašni grob! Ti grozoviti grob, ki razdeneš telo človeka, katerega tako negujemo in se trudimo zanj. Pa ga smrt razdene, da je potem prah in pepel. Oh, pa se oglasi v cerkvi sv. evangelij, ki je sveta in čista resnica in nam pove, da se nam smrti ni treba bati, ker je in bo srečnejše življenje po smrti. Strohljivost življenja je spremenjena v nestrohljivost. Smrt je po vsemogočnosti božji le prehod v bolje življenje za tiste, ki verujejo in skušajo v veri in po veri živeti. Sv. misijon je čas za premišljevanje, je klic in opomin ter prilika vsem, kateri so pametni in se hočejo poslužiti izjemnih milosti. Naj nikogar ne vara novodobna razvada, ozirajoč s-? na druge, češ, saj tudi drugi ne gredo v cerkev. Kdor je pameten in želi rešiti samega sebe, naj gleda na sebe in naj opomni še prijatelja. .Največji vaš prijatelj izmed vseh drugih vaših prijateljev je tisti, kateri vas želi in skuša pripeljati k pravi verski zavesti. Že v grobu počivajo tisti, ki so to meni storili in do smrti jim bom ostal iz srca hvaležen, še danes molim zanje. Le pridite k sv. misijonu in prepričali se boste, da je vse to res, kar sem napisal. Misijonski zvon zvoni zdaj. Še enkrat nam bo zvonil in to pri našem zadnjem sprevodu, ko nam bo zvonil v zadnje slovo na potu proti grobu. Potem pa nam ne bo zvonil več in nas ne bo več vabil k misijonu. Ves prihodnji teden je misijon pri sv. Vidu za moške. Zaključek bo v nedeljo 17. oktobra. Pridite! A. G. E. 36. cesti. To novo društvo apelira na vse Jugoslovane, da se udeleže te prireditve. Posebno se društvo obrača s prošnjo za poset na vsa slovenska in hrvatska mladinska društva, takozvana angleško poslujoča. Tako se bomo bolj spoznali med seboj za poznejše skupno delovanje. Za ples bo igral tamburaški orkester Neven. Vstopnina bo samo 25 centov. Pričakujoč obilega odziva od naših Jugoslovanov, ostajam z narodnim pozdravom N. K. Bobich. Novice od St. Clair Grove Zdaj, ko so bolj hladni večeri, bo bolj luštno hoditi na seje, posebno pa na seje društva Sc. Clair Grove št. 98 WC. Naše ženske in dekleta se vedno kaj izmislijo. Zdaj pravijo, da bomo imele nekaj zabave po seji in to v pondeljek 11. oktobra v navadnih prostorih. Zato hočejo, da se članice stoprocentno udeležijo te seje in da pripeljejo | s seboj tudi vsaka svojo prijate-i ljico, da tudi te nas spoznajo, da smo vesele in zabavne ženske. Obenem tudi poročam, da se bo vršila konvencija vseh drill teamov od Woodmen Circle v Omahi, Neb., od 16. do 22. oktobra. Tajnica Jennie Zakrajšek bo zastopala drill team od St. Clair Grove. Ker je to prva konvencija drill teamov te organizacije, se pričakuje, da bo jako zanimiva. —tajnica. Novo srbsko društvo V Clevelandu se je ustanovilo novo angleško poslujoče društvo, ki spada k Srpskom Na-rodnom Savezu, ki je glavna organizacija vseh Srbov v Ameriki. Ime novega društva je "Progress" in je dobilo št. 63 SNS. To društvo ima $vojo prvo zabavo v nedeljo 10. oktobra ob 7:30 zvečer v srbski dvorani na Koncert "Kanarčkov" Z veseljem se spominjam nastopa "Kanarčkov" na zadnjem koncertu Združenih mladinskih pevskih zborov, pri katerem niso niti malo s petjem zaostali za večjim zborom. Akoravno po številu ni sijajno velika skupina, se mi pa zdi kot bi bili izbrani samo najboljši pevci in pevke. Priliko boste imeli slišati njih petje v nedeljo 10. oktobra ob 3. uri popoldne v Slovenski delavski dvorani na Prince Ave., ko prirede svoj šesti koncert. Program nedeljskega koncerta vsebuje krasne pesmi zbora kot tudi solistov in duetov. Kot že mnogokrat, bodo gotovo tudi ob tej priliki "Kanarčki" vas zadovoljili. • Zvečer za ples bo svirala Za-lokar godba, katere sviranje vam bo gotovo ugajalo. Pripravljalni odbor vam obljublja en popoldan užitka in večer zabave, ako se udeležite tega koncerta. V imenu vseh "Kanarčkov" prav prijazno vabim starše in prijatelje vseh mladinskih zborov v Clevelandu kakor tudi starše in prijatelje "Barberton-skih Slavčkov." Vabljeni ste sploh vsi prijatelji mladine in ljubitelji slovenske pesmi, da posetite koncert "Kanarčkov" ob priliki tretje obletnice ustanovitve, ki se vrši v nedeljo dne 10. oktobra ob 3. uri popoldne v Slovenski delavski dvorani. Na svidenje v nedeljo popoldan,! Anna Traven. Vabilo na koncert Koncert na Jutrovem Hitro se nam je spet približal jesenski čas in ž njim tudi konec naših zabav v prosti naravi. S tem ni rečeno, da je konec tudi naših prireditev. Saj zato imamo narodne domove, da se tudi v zimskem času lahko malo pozabavamo. Tako so tudi naši Kanarčki sklenili, da priredijo svoj jesenski koncert v Slovenski delavski dvorani na Prince Ave. Prvotno je bilo sklenjeno, da se vrši koncert na 3. oktobra. Ker je bila pa ravno isti dan otvoritev narodnega doma v Maple Heights, smo pa ta koncert prestavili na 10. oktobra. Zato vas vljudno vabim, da se udeležite v nedeljo tega koncerta. Od vašega odziva je odvisno, če se bodo ti mali pevci in pevke še naprej učili in prepevali slovenske pesmi tu v Ameriki. Saj večjega zadostila jim ne moremo dati za njih trud kot to, da napolnimo dvorano do zadnjega kotička in s tem jim tudi vlijemo novega poguma do učenja, da nam bodo še dolgo peli lepo slovensko pe sem, katera se iz otroških grl najlepše glasi. Pridite od blizu in daleč brez izjeme vsi. Ob priliki vam hočemo povrniti. Vstopnina za koncert popoldne in zvečer je 35 centov, samo za ples pa 25 centov. Začetek; koncerta bo ob treh popoldne. Po koncertu pa bo prosta zabava in ples. Godba bo prvovrstna. Za lačne in žejne pa bo preskrbljeno v spodnjih prostorih. Dobrodošli v nedeljo v Slovenski delavski dvorani na Prince Ave. H. Mirtel. Cleveland (Collinwood), O.— Kakor že vsi veste, da je naša cerkev Marije Vnebovzete vsa na novo prebarvana. Tega dela se vsi veselimo. Kadar je pa kako delo gotovo, se pa istega na lep način praznuje. In tako bomo tudi mi praznovali s koncertom v cerkvi v nedeljo 10. oktobra. Po koncertu bo imel lep nagovor vsem dobro poznani in priljubljeni č. g. Vital Vodušek. Pa to še ni vse. Po koncertu in opravilu v cerkvi bomo žejni in lačni, zato je odbor poskrbel, da ne bo nihče lačen in ne žejen. Zunaj cerkve in v dvorani bomo imeli ljubko domačo zabavo. Tam bo na razpolago okusna koštrunova pečenka, ki kaj dobro tekne pripravljena s čebulo in če se zalije s finim pivom. Pa tudi zavrteli se boste lahko v dvorani. Igral bo Pepi. Slovesnost v cerkvi se prične točno ob dveh popoldne. Torej vas, dragi farani in fa-ranke, v imenu cerkvenega odbora vabim na to lepo prireditev, kajti kaj takega se ne vrši vsak dan. ves čisti dobiček te prireditve je namenjen za popravila cerkvenega poslopja. Kar bo pa ostalo, gre pa, seve, na dolg. Pozdrav! Louis Šimenc. Iz Euclida Kam pa v nedeljo, dragi prijatelji in znanci? V Euclidu bo v dvorani sv. Kristine vinska trgatev, ki jo priredi Oltarno društvo fare^sv. Kristine. Pridite na to lepo prireditev! Pridite trgat grozdje v naš vinograd. Pričetek bo ob 7 :30 zvečer. Vam garantiram dobro zabavo in obilo užitka. Dan naše vinske trgatve vam bo ostal dolgo v spominu. Za ples pa bo igral Pecon orkester. Da se torej vidimo jutri večer v dvorani sv. Kristine. Pa še nekaj. V nedeljo je seja društva sv. Kristine št. 219 KSKJ. Seja se prične točno ob dveh popoldne. Prosi se vse članstvo, da pride gotovo točno, ker so važne stvari za rešiti. Prosim vas velike udeležbe. Pozdrav ! Terezija Zdešar, tajnica. Kaj pravijo v Collinwoodu? Pravijo, da je Slovenski dom na Holmes Ave. premajhen, da bo treba dobiti Ribničane, da ga bodo raztegnili. Ta teden se vrši v njem trgovska razstava in ob večerih je natlačeno poln naroda po vseh dvoranah. Pravijo, da bodo v nedeljo pri slovenski cerkvi pekli ko-štruna. Tudi živega se bo lahko dobilo, prav za prav, eden ga bo dobil, ki še ni znan. Tudi druge dobrote ce bo dobilo zraven koštruna. Menda bo g. Po-tokar poslal cel truk pive in druge sladke pijače. Mr. Z alar (pek) bo pa spekel kar pol vola za roast beef. Vsega tega bomo deležni po cerkvenem koncertu in še plesali bomo v stari šoli, kjer bo igral "Pepi" in njegov orkester. Pravijo, da bo tudi naša cerkev premajhna v nedeljo popoldne, ko se bo v njej vršil cerkveni koncert pod vodstvom g. Martina Rakarja. Točno ob dveh popoldne bodo zapeli prvo pesem, potem govoril č. g. Vital Vodušek, ki sedaj vodi misijon v cerkvi sv. Vida: Vsi ga poznamo z lanskega misijona in vsak bi ga rad še slišal govoriti. Pravijo, in tako bo. V nedeljo 10. oktobra ob dveh popoldne bomo najprej poslušali krasen pevski koncert v cerkvi na Holmes Ave. Slišali bomo č. g. Voduška in potem se bomo pa pošteno zabavali na cerkvenih prostorih in v stari šoli. Cerkveni odbor je na delu in tako bodimo tudi mi. Pravijo, da bodo v nedeljo popoldne še taki prišli v cerkev, ki drugače ne gredo. Zakaj pa ne? Pravijo, da letos cerkveni odbor ne govori samo, ampak tudi dejansko izvrši, kar reče in obljubi. Novo pobarvana cerkev to priča. Pravijo, da bo ves dobiček od prireditve v nedeljo zopet šel za nadaljne poprave pri cerkvi. Pravijo, da so nekateri dobri farani sami dali pobarvati kri-žev pot, vsak eno postajo. Samo 14 jih je. V našem življenju pa še več. Ivan Trček. Kampanja v Euclidu Euclid, O. — Rad bi dal malo pojasnila in obenem malo opisal našega kandidata za župana, Mr. K. J. Simsa. On prihaja od nizozemsko - angleško - škotske rodbine. Njegovi predniki so bili celo v sorodu s predsednikom Abrahom Lincolnom. Star je 35 let, ima družino ter ima odvetniško pisarno v Hippodrome poslopju že 15 let. Je iskren in mirnega značaja, na kratko povedano—ves je gentleman. Slovencem je zelo naklonjen in če bo on izvoljen, je gotovo, da bomo Slovenci imeli več priznanja v mestni hiši kot smo ga imeli kdaj poprej. On hoče očistiti Euclid in dati našemu mestu zopet dobro ime, ker vsak ve, da ga sedaj nima. Kampanja je pred durmi. Zadnje volitve je Mr. Ely kandidiral na podlagi: Lower taxes with Ely. Zakaj pa ne kandidira zdaj na omenjeni platformi? Ej, kdor davke plačuje, že ve, koliko jih je plačal. Nekateri ljudje mislijo, da je Ely napravil Euclid park in mestno hišo. če se ne motim, gre ta žasluga predsedniku Rooseveltu. On trdi, da je industrijo pripeljal v Euclid. Ja, ta je tudi lepa. Tovarnarji so postavili tovarne tu iz ljubezni do našega župana. Tovarnarji so prišli sem zato, ker je prostor ugoden in pripraven za trans-portacijo njih produktov, torej radi ekonomije, pa nič drugega. Torej dragi rojaki in rojakinje, če boste volili Mr. Elya in če bi bil izvoljen, bi jo zopet popihal v sončne kraje, kot navadno in prišel nazaj enkrat spomladi. Mestni posli pa naj se sami urejujejo. Briga me, si misli. Še veliko bi se dalo napisati, pa bom nehal za enkrat. Samo to še apeliram na slovenske volivce, pojdite in volite Mr. Simsa. On bo očistil Euclid, mu dal dobro ime in vsi bomo veseli, kadar bo konec terorizma v Euclidu. Torej več pravice in svobode Slovencem! John Knific, 23101 Nicholas Ave. Podpirajte slovenske trgovce! Udobnost za bolnike je ena prvih stvari, katere se upošteva, kadar se pokliče invalidni voz, zato smo v tem oziru storili vse, kar je v naši moči, da smo napravili naš invalidni voz kar najudob-nejši. Naj smo poklicani kamorkoli, v mestu ali v predmestju, naše cene so vedno jako nizike. August F. Svetek POGREBNI ZAVOD 478 E. 152nd St. KEnmore 2016 _ 1081 Addison Rd PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI PRELJUBLJENEGA IN NEPOZABLJENEGA SOPROGA IN OČETA ki je za vedno zatisnil svoje trudne oči dne 9. oktobra, 1936. Leto dni je preminilo, Mi iz srca Ti želimo, kar Te več med nami ni. da pri Bogu se zdaj veseliš, A Tvoj spomin ostal je in Jezus mili naj Ti podeli v naših srcih večni čas. mir in pokoj v raju večnemu. Žalujoči ostali: soproga, sinova in hčete. Cleveland, Ohio, 9. oktobra 1937. V BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI PRELJUBLJENEGA IN NIKDAR POZABLJENEGA SOPROGA IN OČETA JOSEPH ZUL1CHA ki je mirno v Gospodu zaspal dne 7. oktobra 1936. Žalostni in potrti smo ob spominu na Tvojo bridko ločitev. Eno leto je minilo, Vdnevih žalosti in veselja, kar smo izguMh Tebe. misli nam nazaj' hite, Božja volja je to bila, ko skupaj smo živeli srečno, da Te več med nami ni. a odvzel Te nam je Bog. V tem življenju našem v duhu z nami si povsod; mirno sladko sedaj počivaj, duša Tvoja naj pa sveti raj vživa. Žalujoči ostali: Frances, soproga; Joseph in Albert, sinova; Frances, Vera, Emily in Dolores, ljčere. Cleveland, Ohio, 9. oktobra 1937. M HAMBURG5AMERICAN LINE lA C,J s fcf NORTH GERMAN LLOYD gjf Fino grozdje c°Hcord vrste, se proda, $40.00 tone.' Vprašajte pri Mike *rankof 1104 E. 711st St. Nove vrste surprise party Cleveland, O. — Zadnji teden enkrat je vabil svoje prijatelje, da naj gredo v nedeljo na dobro poznane Zupančičeve farme v Genevo, O. Najprej si je preskrbel štiri dobro izurjene možake, vštevši mene. Nekako o polnoči smo se odpeljali, tako da smo bili tam vsi naenkrat, mi in beli dan. Najprej smo oddali clevelandske pozdrave in potem smo dobili do-voljenje, da smemo v gozd, da tam zakurimo velik ogenj. In fes smo ga, tako da smo se bali, da nam ne bi zgorela vsa Geneva. Enega smo postavili na stražo, da ne bi prišla požarna hramba in nam pogasila tisti °2enj, ki je bil namenjen za dva koštruna in pa nekaj bu-sljev krompirja. Dva sva skrbela, da se niso koštruni preveč opekli. Sami namreč niso mogli skrbeti zase, ker smo jim prej glave posekali. Eden je vneto skrbel, da niso na ogenj padale vrane, ki jih je tam precej. Okrog poldne so se pripeljali Povabljeni ljudje. mize in prinesli posebne krožnike, namizni papir, vino vsake sorte in nekaj onega. Ob pol dveh se je vršila mala parada s Pečenimi jagnjeti, da so prišli na zaželjeno mesto. Nato se je Pa par lepih zapelo na čast Zupančičevi mamici, ki so nam dali prostor. Pa še prihodnjič, Prosimo. Ko je prišlo na dnevni red vPrašanje, koliko bo kdo pla čal, je pa rekel Frank Vidmar ki stanuje na 1038 E. 74th St., da je to surprise nanj in da bo za vse plačal on. Tako se govori in vzame na znanje. Lepa hvala v imenu vseh. To pa rečem, da Srno se dobro imeli. Joe Pograjc. -o-- Javna zahvala Primarne volitve so minile in Vsak kandidat je imel svoje prijatelje, da so delali za njegovo Zmago. Tako so delali tudi moji prijatelji, katerim bi se moral osebno ali posamezno zahvaliti. Ker pa nisem hotel sprejemati daril za mojo kampanjo, tudi nisem imel denarja. Prosim vas, da sprejmete to zahvalo s tistim namenom, kakor da je vsakemu osebno poslana. Zahvaliti se moram našemu časopisju, ki je priobčilo dopise Za mojo zmago, za katero je bila oddana tako nepričakovana večina. Ako so nasprotniki kaj rekli, jim od srca rad odpustim in bi ravno tako prosil, da isto napravijo drugi, ako smo in hočemo ostati Ako bo moja zmaga 2. no-vembra, bodite sigurni, da bom delal po svoji moči za 32. vardo in splošno za vse mesto, ker imam že štiri leta dobre šole v mestni zbornici. Moja vrata so vedno odprta vsakemu, pa naj bo Slovenec ali pa druge narodnosti, naj bo tega ali onega verskega ali političnega prepričanja. Še enkrat, lepa hvala za vaše glasove in se priporočam tudi Za volitve 2. novembra. Anton Vehovec, councilman 32. varde. MALI OGLASI Hiše naprodaj Naprodaj je hiša za dve družni na E. 43. cesti. Takoj plahte $350.00. Dve hiši na E. 47- cesti, takoj $750.00. Hiša za družini na Norwod Rd. Takoj $550.00. Hiša na E. 73rd St. Takoj $550.00. Hiša na E. 160. Cesti, za dve družini, takoj ?4°0. In hiša v bližini E. 185. ^ste. Takoj se plača $500.00. podrobnosti vprašajte pri J. Tisovec 1366 Marquette Rd. Tel. ENdicott 4936. (238) Norwood Sweet Shoppe Mrs. Frances Krašovio 6205. St. Clair Ave. (zraven Norwood gledališča) NAJFINEJŠI CANDY, SLADOLED . PRIDITE K COLLINWOOOSKI TRGOVSKI RAZSTAVI Iuaaa Bg prostih nagradah — Vsakdo dobrodošel RUvUui Od 8. zvečer do polnoči Dobite si vstopnice pri trgovcih, članih—| Zabava - veselje - godba - $500 v ColUnwood Better Business ■Association Frank Klemončič i v najem j-ciiliv xndtidiciv ge da stanovanje za malo družino. Vpraša se na 6303 Glass 1051 ADDISON ROAD Barvar in dekorator HEnderson 7757 Ave. (237) Tedenska raZpr«l,ja SEALY MODROCIH PRIHRANITE $10.00 SEDAJ NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Žalostnim srcem naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, znancem in prijateljem, da je 27. septembra po dolgi srčni bolezni preminula naša ljubljena žena in draga mati Marija Stibil (ROJENA SEMIČ) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 9, T937 "-m A. Greenwald Plumbing & Heating Co. se je preselila iz St. Clair Ave. in 27. ceste na 1229 St. Clair Ave., kjer bodo odjemalci enako dobro postreženi, pa tudi točno. Se priporočamo. Tel. CHerry 0845. GLenville 5089 ali Liberty 2140. (X. Sat.) Fine harmonike Predajam vsakovrstne harmonike, lepo okrašene, najfinejšega izdelka, vsakovrstne barve, modre, bele, sive, črne, kakor kdo želi. Pošljem jih po pošti, lepo zapokane. Nekaj denarja je treba naprej poslati, drugo pa, kadar prejmete. Ako vam harmonike niso po volji, vam seveda povrnem denar. V zalogi imam nemško uglašene, slovenske dve vrsti, hro-matične in piano harmonike. Cena je od $85.00 naprej pa do $125.00. Imam tudi nemške harmonike, krasni izdelek, po $140.00. Druge harmonike na 5 vrst in 100 basov po $250.00. Piano harmonike, najfinejše in okrašene, 112 basov, veljajo $350.00. Se vljudno priporočam za naročila. Pišite ali pridite osebno k meni. Joseph Kebe Box 629, Greensburg, Pa. (Oct. 7-8-9) Proda se skoro novo moderno hišo, 6 sob, zraven tudi breakfast room. Hiša se nahaja na 18708 Kewanee Ave., blizu 185. ceste. Odprto za ogled v soboto in nedeljo. Druge dneve se pa zglasite pri lastniku na 1071 E. 171st St., blizu Lake Shore bulevarda. (237) Mrzlo vreme povzroča, da vas bole zobje! Vaši zobje bodo v dobrem stati ju ako greste k Dr. Zupnik-u na 6131 St. Clair Ave. On vam jih popravi poceni in v vaše zadovoljstvo. Jamči vam njegova dolgoletna izkušnja. Uradne ure od 9. zjutraj Jo 8. j = zvečer. — Vhod na E. 62nd St.'! = ZA DOBRO PLUM BIN GO | 1 IN GRETJE POKLIČITE § | A. J. Budnick & CO. 1 = PLUMBING & HEATING 6707 St. Clair Ave. Tel. HEnderson 3289 976 E. 250th St. Res. KEnmore 0238-M 5MiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiimiiiiiimiiiiiJiiiiiiB Poceni za .$4,850 Hiša na 826 E. 146th St., za eno družino, 8 sob, dvoje kopališč, v fari sv. Jožefa. Se lahko rabi za dve družini brez sprememb. Parna kurjava, garaža za tri avtomobile. Odprto od 4. do 8. v četrtek, petek in soboto. Hiša je prazna. Lastnik CHerry 1471. Posredovalci dobrodošli. (237) V najem se dajo štiri sobe, pravkar deko-rirane, brez kopališča, za starejše ljudi. Rent $12.00 na mesec. Odda se tudi pet sob zadaj. Vprašajte na 1189 E. 60th St. (237) Naprodaj Velika izbera vsakovrstnih zimskih jabolk po zmerni ceni. Dobite jih pri Valentin Mavko North Dayton Rd., Madison, Route No. 84. (237) Poceni za $4,-500 Dve hiši, vsaka za 1 družino, na 998 E. 149th St. blizu St. Clair Ave. Kakor novi. Vsaka ima 5 sob, velik lot. Se lahko renta za .$70.00. Mala plačila. Hiši sta, prazni. Pokličite CHerry 1471. Posredovalci dobrodošli. (237) Grozdje mošt sodi! Odjemalci, ki so stalno jemali mošt ali grozdje pri poznanem John Možinu, bodo tudi letošnjo sezono z vsem prav dobro postreženi. Kot prej, tako bomo tudi zdaj prešali najboljše grozdje v istih znanih Možinovih prostorih. Kdor hoče torej imeti res fino kapljico, naj pride k nam. V zalogi imamo tudi vedno fine sode. Točna postrežba in zmerne cene. Se priporočamo vsem starim in novim odjemalcem, da naročujejo pri na«. MM MOŽINA NASLEDNIKI: JOE MUCHITZ HEnderson 0782 ,,, .,, -—= * -A- ... ^ •V stari domo-Oini SEALY MODERN REST MODROC ima sledeče kakovosti: Kaljene inner-coils, lockseal assembly, šivano sisal podlogo, sklade mehke bombaževe klo- bučevine, inner roll kraje, vnaprej delane robe, jeklene t držaje, oblečene gumbe, damask prevleko in proge. OBLAK FURNITURE 6612-14 St. Clair Ave. HEnderson 2978 Išče se stanovanje dveh ali treh sob v Collinwoodu. Kdor ima kaj naj pusti naslov v našem uradu. (238) Stanovanje samo za sebe se odda, pošteni družini. Pripravno tudi za no-voporočene. Dve veliki sobi na 1114 E. 63rd St. Vprašajte na 1133 Norwood Rd. (238) Delo dobi izurjen mesarski pomočnik. Delo je za dva aH tri dni v tednu. Za naslov vprašajte v uradu tega lista. (239) DANES ODPRTIJA Cenjenemu občinstvu vljudno naznanjamo, da smo danes otvorili novo pekarijo na 6124 Glass Ave. kjer boste vsak čas vljudno postreženi z najboljšim kruhom in drugim pecivom. GLASS AVE. BAKERY SHOP. Stanovanje se odda 5 sob, kopalnica, vse novo papi-rano in barvano. Cena je $22 na mesec. Vprašajte na 1134 E. 71st St. (239) PRIJAZNO VABILO Nocoj večer bomo servi-rali v naših prostorih izvrstno KOKOŠJO PEČENKO. Gostom na razpolago je izvrstno pivo in vino. Igrala bo tudi godba za ples. Cenjenim rojakom sirom Clevelanda se prijazno priporoča SYLVIA CAFE 546 E. 152nd St. NAJBOLJŠI GASOLII* Cenjeno občinstvo prijazno opozarjam na našo Gulf Gas gasolinsko postajo, ki se nahaja na vogalu E. 222nd ST. IN ST. CLAIR AVE. Pri nas dobite ob vsakem času prvovrstno postrežbo. Gulf gasolin je priznano najboljši, dobite pa tudi olje za vaš avto in druga mazila. Slovenskim avtomobilistom se vljudno priporoča VINCENT KLEMENČIČ St. Clair Ave. in 222. St. BOŽIČ PRIDITE! PREŽIVITE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE V STARI DOMOVINI Parniki iz New Yorka: Stara je bila 60 let. Doma je bila iz Ajdušine na Primorskem. Pokojnica je bila članica društva Brooklyn, št. 135 SNPJ. Poleg podpisanih žalujočih, zapušča v stari domovini dva brata in eno sestro. Rojena je bila 8. decembra 1877. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1913. Pokopana je bila po katoliškem obredu s peto sv. mašo iz hiše žalosti v cerkev sv. Lovrenca v Newburgu, od tam pa na Calvary pokopališče. \ Srčna hvala vsem sosedom in prijateljem. Lepa hvala vsem članom in Članicam društva Brooklyn za udeležbo pri pogrebu, kakor tudi vsem, ki ste jo spremili od hiše žalosti v cerkev in na pokopališče. Zahvaljujemo se društvu Brooklyn za krasni venec! Lepa hvala družini Ostroška iz Pittsburgha Pa Mrs. Lori in družina Bajd iz Maynard, Ohio.'Lepa hvala Louis Ferfoliju, pogrebniku, za lepo urejeni pogreb. Lepa hvala Msgr. Rt. Rev. J. J. Omanu za opravljene cerkvene obrede. Torej še enkrat prisrčna hvala vsem sorodnikom, znancem in sosedom. Bog vam povrni vaš trud. ' Ti, ljubljena žena in draga naša mati, želimo da počivaš \ miru. Prestala si že vse trpljenje v tej solzni dolini, zdaj si tega rešena, nas pa še čaka. Lahka naj Ti bo svobodna ameriška zemlja, katero si tako ljubila. Žalujoči ostali: Frank Stibil, soprog; Frank, John (poročena) in Joe, sinovi. Cleveland, Ohio, 6. oktobra 1937. FR. MIHčIč CAFE 7202 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Night Club 6% pivo, vino, žganje in dober prigrizek. Se priporočamo za obisk. Odprto do 2:30 zjutraj EUROPA......27. novembra NEW YORK .... 2. decembra HAMBURG ... 9. decembra EUROPA......16. decembra Brzi vlak ob Eurona v Bremerhaven za jamči udobno potovanje do Ljubljane. Izbome železniške zveze od Cherbourg ali Hamburga. Za informacije vprašajte pri AUGUST KOLLANDER CO. 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio ODPRTO ZVEČER REV. VITAL VODUSEK Pew of us know the Rev. Vital Vodušek, excepting that he is a visiting missionary from Jugoslavia and that he did some writing. Yet in Jugoslavia his name is a byword in literary, religious, and socio-economic circles. It was, in fact, as a representative of the Most Rev. Archbishop Gregory Rož- man that he has come to America, conducting missions in ev-every Slovenian parish in the United States and in that way aiding financially to the fund for the Baraga Seminary in Ljubljana. Father Vodušek was born in 1906 at Ljubljana, the son of an attorney. His mother died when he was still at a very tender age. Under his father's care he entered law school but in his second year left the institution to enter the seminary. When only twenty-five years old he was ordained. After serving as assistant for a number of years, he was appointed pastor of church in a mining town. Here he became intensely interested in the social problems of the day. He actively participated in the movements which developed so rapidly during the decades after the war. Not only that but he became a pioneer and missionary among the laboring classes of his beloved Slovenia and particularly where he was stationed. The people in turn showed their gratitude by undying' devotion and confidence in him and in his activities. Perhaps this zeal for political and economic, reform sprang from his poetic nature; for Rev. Vodusek is highly emotional and energetic. And he has also given proof of his abilities in printed form. Prom his pen have emerged "Pesmi" (a collection of poems) published at Ljubljana in 1928 and "Misli za nedeljo" published in 1933. "Dom in svet" and "Mladina," the two most literary journals in Jugoslavia have printed his poems and works. His translation of the missal for4*-:-- Sundays ("Misal za nedelje") which tunity is offered to make a general confession and to inquire about those scruples which you might have. You will find that Father Vodušek understands and speaks English quite well, too. PAMPHLET RACK During October the pamphlet rack is featuring topics on our Blessed Mother. Since this is the month of the rosary the booklets are especially timely. Why don't you stop in the lobby after Mass and select 'a few? appeared in 1931 at Ljubljana was a classic and an important contribution to the Slovenian liturgy for the layman. A daily missal ("Misal za vsak dan") is scheduled for publication early in 1938 and will complete the missal translations. Furthermore, his newest work "Poezije" comes off the press for the Christmas holidays 1937. More than half of the poems will concern his impressions of America and American life, which he has been carefully observing the last ten months since his entry to this country. During this mission trip Father Vodusek has traveled from coast to coast conducting missions, delivering as many as si» sermons in one day. He conducted the Forty Hour's Devotions at St. Vitus this ye(ar and delivered the sermon on the occasion of Father Baraga's first Mass. But for this strenuous work he had nine years of priestly work and Archbishop Rož-man knew whom and what he was sending to America to represent him At present Rev. Vodusek is conducting a two-week mission here. This young man only in his 31st year is six feet tall and tops the scale at one ninety. Ruddy in the face, of a broad healthy build with long and powerful arms he impresses one with power and confidence. His highly emotional and active spirit is easily felt and influences whomever he comes in contact with. His dominating personality is immediately felt. One need but listen to his enthusiastic speech on some religious or social matter to sense his dynamic power. Rev. Vodusek knows Greek, Hebrew, French, Croatian; he speaks fluently in Latin; has mastered the German language so that he is as familiar with it as with Slovenian; and he knew English before he ever came to this country, for he translated Cardinal Newman's "Lead, Kindly Light" into Slovenian. Furthermore, he read America's best seller "Gone With the Wind" in a couple of weeks! His talents are not confined to language alone. He is a marvelous pianist although he never took lessons; yet he can play reading notes directly. He operates a typewriter, drives, a car, — in fact he has become completely Americanized in the few months that he has been in the U.S.A. Perhaps he is even more American than we are! This intense activity and zeal is particularly evident in his religion. He is intensely sincere and devout. For instance, in the course of a mission he allows himself no outside pleasures or distractions. Frequently he will fast and engage upon all the rigor in order to be more fitted for the occasion which he is conducting. How else can the people react but follow him and listen to him? And this deep religious conviction permeates his entire life, all his actions and all his plans. A real poet-priest. -0- INTEREST FUND CONTRIBUTORS FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS $10.00—Družna Savnlk (Vincent and Anna), družina Prime. $6.00—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Verbic. $5.00—Mr. and Mrs. James Macerol, Miss Mary F. Prince, Mr. Andrew Ko-dromaz, Mrs. Mary gtrumbelj, Mr. Anton Anžlovar, Mrs. Mary Kalister, Mr. Dominic Lušin, Mr. Jernej Knaus, Miss Mary Modic, Frank Lenarčič, F. Milharcic, Miss Mary Misic, Anton Miklaucic. MISSION For the past week Rev. Vital Vodusek has been conducting k daily services as part of the mission devoted to the women of our parish. He has been available during the afternoon and evening hours for confessions and it certainly was a gratifying sight to see so many of our pious women availing themselves of the opportunity. And Father Vodušek's sermons command the attention of everyone; his classic style is bound to attract even those who have only a smathering of the Slovenian language. This coming week the mission will be devoted to men. Every young and elder man should attend the evening devotions at least. There will bo a timely sermon, rosary, followed |by Benediction, An excellent oppor- nik 21-10; 18-21; 21-11. OPENING PRODUCTION On Saturday, October 30 and Sunday, October 31 the St. Vitus Dramatic Guild will present its first production of the current season, namely, the five-act Slovenian drama "Črno-Solec." The cast is composed of veteran actors, and will undoubtedly give a high caliber performance. Tickets will soon be on sale; be sure to get yours early. YE OLDE FALL FESTIVAL Plans for the floor show, which is to be held in conjunction with the Koly Name Festival, are rapidly assuming a tangible form. At the present writing it appears likely that the bill will consist of at least five acts including the well-known Modern Crusaders Octet from Collinwood. It will be the best variety show that has yet been presented at any previous Holy Name Dance, for it will give laughs and provide entertainment for the young as well as the old. To enjoy an evening; of dancing and entertainment, plus the pleasure of a delicious meal you cannot afford to miss the annual Holy Name Fall Festival on Sunday, November 7 at the St. Vitus Club Room. FROM MOURNING TO DUST Written at Chicago, Sept. 13th, 1937 in dejection at the passing of a friend. To the memory of Tony Zorko. The fog comes pouring in November gloom And leaves a feeling of foreboding doom. Again bleak winds begin to blow through me More dreary than they ever used to be. Relentless waters break in foaming spray; Alas! so futile is our mortal way. Now clouds scud through the darkened sky And by that speed my soul they terrify. I know just why I feel so very strange; These signs of passing Fall have brought the change. For there upon a forlorn sunny spot Snow-covered is that little grassy plot. 1 Where one lies cold, gone to another part, And left me nothing but a lonely heart. PING PONG TOURNAMENT Last Tuesday the first ping pong tournament of the Holy Name Society got under way. The tournament is an elimination series, the winner must take best out of three, while the loser drops out. Twelve members are competing for the prize—a genuine leather dressing case. The Schuster-Intihar combination displayed the greatest finesse in technique. In eliminating Intihar, Schuster, a top-heavy favorite, defeated a formidable opponent. Furlan.W. Tome, E. Ogrinc, V. Cimperman, and Doc. Opaskar are the other survivors. From the point of interest to spectators the Joe Brodnik-Vic Cimperman and Frank Brodnik-Doc. Opaskar matches proved most interesting. Complete results are: Furlan defeated Vic Tome, 11-0; 21-9; W. Tome defeated John Brodnik Jr., 21-12; 21-9 E. Ogrinc defeated C. Winters 21-13; 21-7; L. Schuster defeated A. Intihar, 21-8; 21-15; V. Cimperman defeated Joe Brodnik 16-21; 21-17; 21-19; Doc. Opaskar defeated F. Brod- The second round will be played after the general meeting in November. The pairings are:'' Furlan vs. W. Tome E. Ogrinc vs. L. Schuster V. Cimperman vs. Doc. Opaskar Holy Communion All Holy Name members are reminded that tomorrow is the quarterly Communion of the Society. The group will meet in the new school building at 8, from where the Society will march into church and attend the 8:30 Mass and receive Holy Communion. Breakfast will be served after the services. OREL CLUB NEWS Monthly Mecting-Tlie Orels will have their monthly meeting this coming Thursday, October 14th at their usual meeting place. All members should attend as this is .the first meeting that the newly elected board will conduct. Refreshments and music will be furnished after the meeting. Halloween Dance The Orels' annual Halloween Dance will be held Friday, October 29th in the school hall. The dance will also honor the Orel baseball players who won the Interlodge baseball championship. Tickets are now on sale by all members and are only 25c. Music will be furnished by Frankie Yanko-vic and his boys. , Turkey Give-Away The annual Turkey Give-Away will be given by the Orels in the church basement on Tuesday, November 23, just two days before Thanksgiving. More information will be given later. UNVEILING OF THE CANKAR BUST IN CLEVELAND by Julius Slapšak EDITOR'S NOTE: On Baraga Day, July 25, on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ivan Cankar and Simon Gregorčič busts, Mr. Julius Slapšak, retired superintendent of schools of Ljubljana, Jugoslavia, gave the dedication address. This speech was one of the most interesting talks given locally and we are now bringing you an English translation, that the younger folksi may understand the life, of Ivan Cankar, one of the outstanding Slovenian writers. The translation of Mr. SlapSak's talk was made by Mr. Joseph Zel-le, a student at John Carroll University. * » * The history of the world, says the great English philosopher and historian Carlyle, is a life history of great men. As messengers and prophets, as leaders and heroes, they come to the fore when the time arrives which announces great events. Through them a nation creates its history. The Slovenian nation held its own ground in most trying times, struggling and fighting for its preservation and looking forward to a brighter future which was being prepared for it by our great men, Slovenian philosophers and champions. Just like mountain tops these leaders have arisen above our land, above their time. They surveyed the past and present and pointed out—in PreSeren's words—"the right road into the land of spirits." Their reward has been that the field of Slovenian culture has grown up so fruitfully. Creating immortal works that express our national spirit these men were accompanying our Slovenian nation into the kingdom of freedom at the same tme giving their stamp to the letter of our life. Their works are the treas- ure of our national culture; in them, from the Slovenian consciousness was voiced the idea of Jugosldvism and humanity. These prophets precede all: Trubar and Baraga; Vodnik and Frešeien who soared to the heights of contemporary art; furthermore— the young Slovenian triad r Levstik, Stritar and Jurčič; then Gregorčič and Aškerc and also Dr. Krek who completed his life work with the May Declaration—which provided for entry into a national state. And finally you, Ivan Cankar, intellectual giant, man of vision, guide and prophet, pur Slovenian genius. Today this new homeland, too, is dedicating to you a fitting monument in the verdant nationality garden of Cleveland as an expression of our boundless gratitude and esteem. From nov/ on you shall also live outside the country of your birth in this wealthy American city among your native brothers and sisters who shall bring native rosemary and Slovenian red carnations in memory of you. Cankar's life as modest. He was born on May 10th, 1876 at Vrhnika, the son of a poor tailor. He attended public school in the town of his birthplace, "Realschule" in Ljubljana, and higher institutions in Vienna. But he did not complete his studies, for he devoted himself entirely to writing. He led a poor life, being in eternal dread of his daily bread and managing to live only with the awards he received for his compositions. . On December 11th, 1918, at the age of 42 he passed away in the Ljubljana Hospital in the grace of God. This is a short biography of him; his works, however, are voluminous. He wrote 32 books which have been re-published in recent years in Ljubljana in 20 thick volumes of approximately 8000 pages. The primary consideration is not that Cankar wrote so much, that his inheritance is so wealthy; most important is whether Cankar is a true artist, whether his writings are genuine art. In them, soul speaks to soul, unseen rich streams of emotions pour out over us and him; without wanting to and knowing when, — we folow him, dream with him, live with his heroes, talk in his language, write in his style. And these are characteristics of all true genuine art. Cankar, therefore, is a true and real artist. In our literature Cankar means the apex of narration. He created a new narrative style and as no one before him he uncovered the euphony and rhythm of Slovenian speech. Today he is known through translations to varicus Slavonic nations (particularly Czechs) and already to the German, French and Italian. Cankar, however, is not a popular writer as, for instance, Jurčič and others. Time is still too short to enable us to get to the core of all his pieces. While other writers were pointing out to us our outside world, Cankar was laying before us our inner life. For that reason some of his writings are difficult to understand even today. But if we find the key to their comprehension a new world is opened t'o us, a new life which is the fountain of all beauty and truth. He himself says: "Every chamber of the human heart has hidden doors to another chamber, and this one to a third, and yet farther and farther without end from chapel to chapel, from hiding place to hiding place. The outer life is merely a weak reflection of the inner which is locked within your heart and mine." And Cankar was stepping into this inner life, opening hidden doors within our hearts, makig pilgrimages from chapel to chapel, from one concealment into another. And he saw in the depths of those hearts that all people were brothers. And this new world, this new life, this new beauty and truth of our secreted1 recesses in the depths of our hearts he revealed in his essays. (To be continued.) popular orchestra. Among speakers to be present at' the banquet will be many Catholic laymen and prominent members of the KSKJ from Joliet, 111. For more information concerning this affair, watch this column. EXPLANATION!. Readers: We weren't exactly lost, strayed or stolen, but it was our great misfortune, although typewriters were clicking 24 hours a day in our Dispatch "office," our column stflll nevertheless, failed to appear. But we do ask a little forgivness and will try to make up for our absence in future issues with interesting and authentic facts that only the Dispatch can give you. (P.S.—We have engaged more noses to go around collecting news items to make the column more interesting, but we are forced to admit that it will be our policy never at any time to divulge their names. So keep on thinking and maybe your guess is as good as none as to who they really are.) CXXgXXXSXXXXXXXrXXgXXXXTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTtXXllXXrXXXIXXr. The Barberton Dispatch rrYrTTTYTYTYYTTYXXXXXXXXXXYTXXTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTTTy MISSION As information has been let out up to date, a Mission is to be conducted to coincide with 40 Hours Devotion at the church probably the middle part of November by the well known Franciscan, Rev. Father Bernard Ambro-žič, editor of the "Ave Maria" Magazine from Lemont, 111. Interested spokesmen on the subject of this proposed Mission to be conducted were revealing the expressed views of the pastor last week, but were, however, non-committal when approached to give us additional'comment this week. As these reports may not be authentic, you are requested to listen for further announcements in church as to when and if the Mission will be held. Being that the last Mission was held six years ago, we have noted to a marked degree during this lapse of time that Catholicism is commencing to be only a name to many of our Slovene brethren and it is only pertinent and the safe and sane thing to do to have this Mission. YOUNG LADIES SODALITY BALL Another curtain riser in inaugurating the fall season of important doings, will be the Young Ladies Sodality customary dance to be held Saturday evening, October 16th at the Domovina Hall. Expectations are that our popular lassies • predict an overwhelming crowd to attend due to the fine dance orchestra they have engaged for the evening, according to the president, Miss'Anne Wadnak. With this in mind we suggest that you procure, if possible, your admission tickets in advance from any Sodality girl so you may assure yourself a small bit of room on the ballroom floor. Let's go to it, boys, and give the girls a. break! ON SICK LIST Convalescing after some weeks spent at St. Thomas Hospital during the duration of an unusual illness, Mrs. Frank Sterling (nee Antoinette Pri-stov) is at her home now on Brown St. where friend^ are welcome to visit her. Godspeed in, your recovery, Mrs. Sterling! Mrs. Anne Boh is still confined to Citizens Hospital where she underwent an operation some weeks ago. Her Magic City Junior friends especially wish her the speediest recovery! BEST OF SUCCESS, A. J.! Approval of Mi-. Anthony J. Klan-čar, retiring editor of the "SDZ News" to assume a federal position ,is cause for a bit of gladness among his many friends who were accustomed to his jovial friendship, but on the other hand it is to be sorrowfully regretted that he is leaving the editorship of the "SDZ News." With many of his inspiring editorials and his "Here's Tellin' You" column he has done much for the betterment and a step forward to a more fruitful progress for the organization with which he was connected. Our only hope is that he will not leave the journalistic field entirely behind but at the same time we wish him the best of success at his new post! THE LADIES AGAIN! , Our ladies belonging to the St. Mary's lodge, No. Ill KSKJ, are again ransacking the town to announce their red-letter day, Saturday, November 20th, on which date they will celebrate their thirty years of work well done for the Slovene community. Thirty years back some of these ladies were the first to pave the way for a new parish that was to be in name Slovene but in religion sturdy Oatholic to uphold the traditions of their mothers and fathers in the old world. Actively engaged during this time in cultural, social and dramatic woi'k, the ladies merit our praiseworthy commendation. The main attraction for the day will be a huge banquet to be held in both halls followed by a dance to a "LOST AND FOUND" Well, folks, several of our "lost" columnists have returned, and we feel like killing the fatted calf and > celebrating. It is. indeed gratifying to note the fine> interest and generous response to our "Lost and Found" ad of the previous week. The Newburg column responded in a nice way and the result is a newsier column. Then there is the Barberton Dispatch —always interesting, and sorely missed when it is absent. And again, the "Ilirija Choir" jottings!— Boy, it's pleasant to read this sheet when ithe whole family is gathered 'round the table, fl However, our "Round Table" still has an empty seat — the Euclid columnist seems to have been wafted away on ithe gentle zephyrs of the past summer — "Gone with the wind," so to speak. Let us hope he will be "Back with Indian summer," for his column is surely misled by us all. down and try your luck! The LUCKY TENTH dance will start promptly at 8! TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT, LET'S SEE YOU DOWN HERE! — YOU ARE ALL CORDIALLY INVITED! MORE ABOUT "ILIRIJA" Cdll it a revival or what you may, but "Ilirija" is back in the news, after an absence of some weeks. Of course, an encouraging word here and there, or perhaps a criticism might help to bring about the appearance of this portion of St. Mary's News more regularly, that is, in case you might be interested! In the meantime, Ilirija has not been idle! Mary Anslovar has been elected secretary after Mary Gornik handed in her resignation. Miss Gornik has been our very capable secretary for a number of years, for which we are very grateful and thankful to her. We can never repay you for all the time spent in inconveniences you had to endure. But we're sure that the secretaryship is in equally capable hands now. All future correspondences should be mailed to Miss Mary Anslovar, 717 East 155 St. We are sorry that we could not attend the dedication of the new Home in Maple Heights. Nevertheless, we hope the Slovenes of Maple Heights have much success and prosperity in their new venture. We thank them for their invitation. ' Sunday, October 10th, we are to celebrate the completion oif the painting in our church. The choir will present a church concert, and Rev. Vital V°dušek is to be guest speaker. Benediction of thq Blessed. Sacrament will clpse.this portion pf the program. The other part will take us fco the church hall where refreshments and what not (barbecued lamb) shall be served. The program begins at 2:15 p. m. Now—very important news! Ilirija takes this opportunity to announce to the public that on the twenty-first day of November, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, they will present their annual program at the Slovenian Hall on Holmes Avenue. We also wish to announce at this time, that associate members will be accepted into our group. Many of our loyal supporters can now become members, although they do not necessarily have to be active. For a very nominal sum payable once a year they can receive a membership card whicn entitles them to one performance a year, and in case of death in the family of the member, the choir will attend in body and express its respects in its own inimitable way. Editor Jaka" has already claimed firsts on the membership card. Eight Notes in Allegro Tempo Some very charming "gospodične' have been attending our rehearsals lately, namely, Misses Millie Asseg, Alma Grill and Dorothy Trobentar. . . . Yes, Elizabeth Salmich Kapej and "Lou" Brodnik have gone and did it. "Tiny" in the 4th of September and "Lou" a week after. Congratulations! . . . Ditto on the "Lost and Found" section of this page last week. These columnists have done excellent work in the past. They have proven that youth can be relied upon tO carry on Catholic Action. . . . Ilirija was also at Providence Heights a few weeks ago. Mr. Rakar had charge of the singing. . . . Glad to welcome Pauline Znidarsic back, now that she's through with her beauty culture course. . . . Isn't it strange that "Stan" Brodnik should be attending all the church weddings lately? . We wish to express our heartfelt sympathies to our fellow singer, Bill Pla-nišek, to his mother, and to his sisters on their sad loss recently. — "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted!" ST. MARY'S NEWS CHURCH CONCERT AND FESTIVAL The St. Mary's Exeutive Council has arranged a Homecoming Festival this Sunday, October 10th, to celebrate the complete redecoration of the church. , the program is scheduled to begin at 2 p. m. with a church concert by the Illyria Singers under the direction of Martin Rakar. The sermon for the occasion shall be given by the Rev. Vital Vodusek and shall be given during an intermission of the concert. Following the sermon, the concert singers of Illyria shall complete their program. Following which shall be Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The program of festivities shall thus begin about 4 p. m. in the school hall and on the church grounds. Featured shall be lamb barbecue. Refreshments and sandwiches shall be plentiful a(nd the parishioners are urged to spend the day at the Homecoming Festival. Dancing shall be held in the school hall afternoon and evening. , There shall be plenty to interest both young and old. So let us turn out. Plan to spend the whole day at the Homecoming Festival of St. Mary's. Former parishioners, of St. Mary's are cordially invited as are members of neighboring parishes, to see the newly decorated church and, join the parishioners in celebrating St. Mary's progress at the Homecoming Festival. THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. STATION YLS Here is your reporter, folks, after you again with the last bits of Information on that all important event of the day—THE LUCKY TENTH— the dance sponsored by the Young Ladies Sodality of St. Mary's in Collinwood. Our girls have been very busy preparing for it and let me tell you, the results are wonderful. The school hall will be the scene of our mysterious planning. It's all set in drapes and decorations. Ray's Blue Barons will entertain and we are all locking forward to some quite fancy stepping at this our first dance of the season! Maybe you don't know it and you should get your proof first hand, we do have very original dancers at our dances! You will get some side-lights in our next issue. The tickets have been selling fast! Have you procured yours yet? If not, you can buy one at the door. All the Sodalists will be there and they will act as hostesses. Weren't those handbills simply too, too grand! The girls are looking forward to a capacity crowd and they are going to give you a real treat! Now, I would like to remind you of the special feature on our dance program. All evening two girls holding the treasure, will be In your midst. Should you be the person dancing their TENTH DANCE, that is, should you be elther's partner, you will receive the reward. We all think you will get a "kick" out of it! Come MOTHER NATURE'S ART Hello, Folks! It's a pretty darn long time since any news has oozed out of this neck of the woods. Speaking about the woods, have you noticed how grand and beautiful ihe trees are about this time when mother nature begins to deck herself in her nighty? Why nighty? Well, don't we put on our nighties just before we go to sleep? Mother nature is about to retire. There you have it. It may not be very poetic, but it's very real. If I were ^n artist, me-thinks I would mov? to some secluded spot of the woods and there I would try to paint the hundred and more different tints and' shades of color that nature brings out at this time and' sings her praise^ to her Cfsator aind paihts her pictures for Hirii. But you would have news, news, not flights of fancy, I "fawncy." A SYMPHONY 0F WEDDING BELtS New§? There is plenty of it if the scribbler would but gp for it. Take our weddings, for example, they ' are all new and therefore news. Ope of the grandest weddings we ever had up here was the nuptial in which smiling Josephine Godec became the leading star of one of our most promising young men, John Winter. About the same time John Sukovich of War-rensville took to himself Sophie Fol-dis and Stanley Stopar led to the altar Miss Mary Tomažič. Anthony Stepic of Randall, Ohio, saw Pauline Svete become his wife. Philip Fusile promised everlasting fidelity to Julia Novak and Anthony Bubnic took to himself Florence McHugh. And then along came James Brazdil with charming Anne Thomas, putting a lovely ring on her finger with the customary "With this ring I thee wed and I pledge unto thee my fidelity." And Mary Cesar went away with William Jedacek as his wife and we hope they will be happy ever after. And Chris-tne Zupančič has grown up into a dashing young lady and Charles Novak seeing her, threw himself on her mercy and was heard and they are now husband and wife. And George Sekerak ran away with Miss Josephine Blatnik, one of our choir singers, to bave her warble her sweetest 'melodies to liim only. Who says there are no news?, All this happened within one month, and may their happiness be everlasting. ( ' DRAMATICS Tljne marches on. Arid all of'you come marching on next Sunday, October 10th, when the students from Benedictine High School will present in our hall on East 80th Street the most interesting and funniest comedy that has been written in 25 years. This play is produced under the auspices of the newly organized St. Lawrence Dramatic Club. The fact that the proceeds will go for the benefit of our proposed new church should be a universal inducement. The play will be given at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Come and laugh and dance with us. , INITIAL MEETING OF ENGLISH-SPEAKING H. N. S. The first meeting of the English-speaking Holy Name Society brought a fairly good attendance to the club rooms last Monday. Among many other projects discussed, a popular game, the name of which starts with B and has four letters, was decided upon. The members were all in favor of starting these games in the hall for the benefit of the new church. These modern entertainments will be held every first Friday evening At 8 and will be followed by dancing. The first or opening party is to be held Friday, October 15th. We hope the people, old and young, will avail themselves of these good times and recreations during the winter months. LOST .Lost in the. vicinity pf Newburg a first-rate, class" "A" " news-writer and columnist. Has been missing for the last couple of months, depriving the "American Home" readers of a delightful bit of "columnizing." Finder will please persuade him to return. P. S—The present writer is merely pinch-hitting and making a poor job of it. "WILD OATS" Announcing our next play: "Wild Oats." Did you ever see the Benedictine players perform? — And did you ever see "Wild Oats"? We'll have the combination here at the National Home on East 80th St., October 10th. "Wild Oats" will be presented (not sown) by the high school boys of St. Benedict's under the sponsorship of the newly formed St. Lawrence Dramatic Guild; Our column incidentally makes a bow to this pew Dramatic Guild. Come and see the greatest laugh-provoking comedy ever produced in the last quarter century. ' ' A hearty welcome is extended to our neighbors: the "St. Clairs," the "Collinwooders" and the "Euclideers." Just a short ride on the trolley car tommorow can transport you to Newburg. A fine play in all its hilarious entirety awaits you. The time: 7:30 p. m. , OCTOBER Mankind has always said kind, sympathetic, happy, sorrowful things with flowers. Among these, roses are most popular because of their exquisite beauty. There are prayers that that are flowers, arid when Mary our Blessed Mother made a choice of her prayers she chose for them a title expressing a garland of roses, THE ROSARY. How many of these roses will you cull for our Queen during the Rosary Month of October? ATHLETICS Vince Shuster, the "greatest sand-lotter of Cleveland" is in New York City, enjoying the World Series. We heard that the Boston Red Soxs have an eye on him. Best of luck, Vince! . . . Lou Gliha promises much for the Blue and Gold of John Carroll-. . . Stanley Legan of Maple Heights is another of these rising stars who will make a name for himself in college football. . . . Benedictine High School is quite proud of orie of our boys, Tony Arko, who has made quite a showing on the squad. — This column wishes you all the honors and letters of a successful football season. EUROPE Our travelling Father Slapsak and his dad have arrived in the "old country." A card from them seems to indicate that they had rough sailing for a few days. We hope the homeward Journey will prove a more pleasant one. -o- WHOLESOME POSTURE "If posture Is not comfortable it's not good, and a chair that does not make good posture comfortable is not a good chair," declares Henry Eastman Bennett in Hygela. Good posture is essentially relaxed. As soon as one loses the balance oi erectness one can sustain oneseii only by strain on the back muscles against an adverse leverage, whicn increases as the degree of stoop w-creases until one is actually hanging by the back muscles and leaning on the viscera. This is both fatiguing and unwholesome. A simple Pofu"; test for a seat is to sit as far bacK in it as you can and relax a«ams£ the back. If there is the slightest tendency either to slide forward on the seat or pitch forward at »ne shoulders it will require an *ncreas ingly hard fight against gravity maintain erect posture lr - TUXEDO RENTAL S = For Weddings and other ForB»al g Occasions fet? TCLAIKAV« = ■