16. MAJ 2006 16 MAY 2006 št./No 101 10 KULTURA CULTURE št./No 3 KINEMATOGRAFIJA, SLOVENIJA, 2003 CINEMAS AND FILMS, SLOVENIA, 2003 V letu 2003 je Statističnemu uradu RS poročalo o svoji dejavnosti 76 kinematografov oz. enako kot leto pred tem. V letu 2003 je bilo v teh kinematografih predvajanih 48 478 filmskih predstav, te pa si je ogledalo več kot 2,8 milijona obiskovalcev (za 7,2 % več kot leta 2002). In 2003, 76 cinemas sent the data on their activity to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, which is the same as in 2002. In these cinemas 48,478 cinema performances were attended by over 2.8 million cinemagoers (7.2% more than in 2002). Filmski producenti, ki so poročali o svoji dejavnosti, so v letu 2003 posneli 134 filmov in videofilmov (20 več kot leto poprej), od teh je bilo 11 celovečernih filmov, 50 srednje dolgih in 45 kratkih filmov ter 28 nadaljevank oziroma serij. In 2003, film producers that sent their data shot 134 films and videofilms (20 more than in 2002), of that there were 11 long films, 50 medium-length films, 45 short films and 28 series. Osem uvoznikov filmov oziroma distributerjev, je kinematografom razdelilo 188 celovečernih filmov in videofilmov, to je za 22,6 % manj kot v letu 2002. Eight film importers or distributors distributed 188 long films and videofilms, which is 22.6% less than in 2002. Slika 1: Število posnetih filmov in videofilmov po zvrsteh, Slovenija, 2003 Chart 1: Production of films and videofilms by category, Slovenia, 2003 Statistične informacije, št. 101/2006 2 Rapid Reports No 101/2006 1. Kinematografi po številu in vrsti kinoprojektorjev, Slovenija, 2003 Cinemas by number and type of projectors, Slovenia, 2003 Število kinematografov, ki imajo Number of cinemas with Vrsta kinoprojektorja Type of projectors Kinema- tografi skupaj Cinemas total 1 kino- projektor 1 pro- jector 2 kino- projek- torja 2 pro- jectors 3 in več kinopro- jektorji 3 and more projectors skupaj total za 16- mm trak 16-mm reel za 35- mm trak 36-mm reel za 70- mm trak 70-mm reel SKUPAJ KINEMATOGRAFI 76 31 36 9 135 10 125 - CINEMAS - TOTAL Organizacijsko samostojni kinematografi 7 1 5 1 16 2 14 - Independent cinemas V sestavi: kinopodjetja 5 1 3 1 10 1 9 - Part of: cinema centres podjetja, družbe 29 25 1 3 36 2 34 - enterprises, companies zavoda za kulturo 15 1 10 4 36 5 31 - institutions for culture občine 2 - 2 - 4 - 4 - communities kulturnega društva 7 1 6 - 13 - 13 - cultural societies drugega 11 2 9 - 20 - 20 - other 2. Kinematografi po tehniki predvajanja filmov, Slovenija, 2003 Cinemas by technical characteristics, Slovenia, 2003 Na širokem platnu in s kinoprojektorjem za predvajanje filmov v standardni, vistavizijski in kinemaskopski tehniki Wide screen and projector for films produced in standard, vistavision and cinemascope technique Kinematografi skupaj Cinemas total Na normalnem platnu in s kinoprojektorjem za predvajanje filmov, posnetih v klasični standardni tehniki na 35-mm filmskem traku Normal screen and projector for films produced in standard technique - 35-mm reel svetlobni tonski zapis reel with light- sound recording magnetni tonski zapis reel with magnetic sound recording Na širokem platnu in s kinoprojektorjem za 70 mm trak Wide screen and projector for 70-mm reel SKUPAJ KINEMATOGRAFI 76 7 51 17 - CINEMAS - TOTAL Organizacijsko samostojni kinematografi 7 2 4 1 - Independent cinemas V sestavi: kinopodjetja 5 1 4 - - Part of: cinema centres podjetja, družbe 29 - 16 13 - enterprises, companies zavoda za kulturo 15 4 7 3 - institutions for culture občine 2 - 2 - - communities kulturnega društva 7 - 7 - - cultural societies drugega 11 - 11 - - other 3. Kinematografi po številu kinopredstav v celem letu, Slovenija, 2003 Cinemas by number of performances in the whole year, Slovenia, 2003 Število kinopredstav Number of performances Kinema- tografi skupaj Cinemas total do 50 to 50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-600 601-800 800-1000 1001- 1200 1201 in več 1201 and more SKUPAJ KINEMATOGRAFI 76 8 11 5 12 10 - 5 4 21 CINEMAS - TOTAL Organizacijsko samostojni kinematografi 7 - 1 - 3 2 - 1 - - Independent cinemas V sestavi: kinopodjetja 5 - - - - - - 2 3 - Part of: cinema centres podjetja, družbe 29 - 1 - - 5 - 2 - 21 enterprises, companies zavoda za kulturo 15 1 2 2 7 2 - - 1 - institutions for culture občine 2 1 1 - - - - - - - communities kulturnega društva 7 3 3 1 - - - - - - cultural societies drugega 11 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - other Statistične informacije, št. 101/2006 Rapid Reports No 101/2006 3 4. Kinopredstave in obiskovalci v kinematografih, Slovenija, 2003 Performances and attendance in cinemas, Slovenia, 2003 Kinopredstave Performances Obiskovalci Attendance skupaj total slovenskih filmov of Slovenian films tujih filmov of foreign films skupaj total slovenskih filmov of Slovenian films tujih filmov of foreign films SKUPAJ KINEMATOGRAFI 48478 1522 46956 2883720 242248 2638466 CINEMAS - TOTAL Organizacijsko samostojni kinematografi 3180 129 3051 117209 7253 107016 Independent cinemas V sestavi: kinopodjetja 5103 171 4932 332552 15761 316791 Part of: cinema centres podjetja, družbe 33505 1007 32498 2182767 205292 1977475 enterprises, companies zavoda za kulturo 4650 163 4487 184201 12024 172111 institutions for culture občine 78 1 77 2007 30 1977 communities kulturnega društva 456 7 449 12788 561 12227 cultural societies drugega 1506 44 1462 52196 1327 50869 other 5. Zaposlene osebe v kinematografih po izobrazbi in poklicu, Slovenija, 2003 Persons in paid employment in cinemas by education and occupation, Slovenia, 2003 Skupaj Total Mene- džer, direktor Manager Program- ski direktor Pro- gramme manager Tehnični vodja Technical manager Reditelj Ticket collector Blagajnik Box office cashier Kino- operater Projec- tionist Drugo Other SKUPAJ 347 19 20 12 55 62 69 110 TOTAL Osebe, zaposlene s polnim delovnim časom 129 10 11 9 10 23 33 33 Full-time employment Visoka izobrazba 15 4 4 2 - - - 5 University education Višja izobrazba 9 1 3 3 - - 1 1 Higher non-university education Srednja izobrazba 44 4 4 1 - 4 13 18 Secondary education Visoko kvalificirani delavci 21 - - 1 - 7 12 1 Highly-skilled worker Kvalificirani delavci 25 1 - 2 5 10 4 3 Skilled worker Polkvalificirani delavci 8 - - - 3 - 2 3 Semi-skilled worker Drugi 7 - - - 2 2 1 2 Others Zunanji sodelavci 120 2 4 1 35 26 23 29 External collaborators Visoka izobrazba 3 1 1 - - - 1 - University education Višja izobrazba 4 - 1 - - 2 1 - Higher non-university education Srednja izobrazba 91 1 1 1 30 19 12 27 Secondary education Visoko kvalificirani 2 - - - - - 2 - Highly-skilled worker Kvalificirani 12 - - - 3 3 5 1 Skilled worker Polkvalificirani 4 - - - - 2 2 - Semi-skilled worker Drugi 4 - 1 - 2 - - 1 Others Prostovoljni sodelavci 36 0 0 0 7 4 9 16 Volunteers Višja izobrazba 2 - - - - - 1 1 Higher non-university education Srednja izobrazba 28 - - - 6 4 4 14 Secondary education Visoko kvalificirani 2 - - - - - 2 - Highly-skilled worker Kvalificirani 2 - - - - - 2 - Skilled worker Polkvalificirani 1 - - - 1 - - - Semi-skilled worker Drugi 1 - - - - - - 1 Others Delno zaposleni v kinematografu 62 7 5 2 3 9 4 32 Part-time employment Visoka izobrazba 14 6 2 1 - - - 5 University education Višja izobrazba 7 - 1 1 - 1 - 4 Higher non-university education Srednja izobrazba 25 1 2 - 1 5 1 15 Secondary education Visoko kvalificirani 7 - - - - - 1 6 Highly-skilled worker Kvalificirani 9 - - - 2 3 2 2 Skilled worker Statistične informacije, št. 101/2006 4 Rapid Reports No 101/2006 6. Posneti filmi in videofilmi, Slovenija, 2003 Production of films and videofilms, Slovenia, 2003 Dokumentarni Documentary Skupaj Total Igrani Acted skupaj total čisti pure izobra- ževalni educa- tional Risani Ani- mated cartoons Glasbeni Musical Lutkovni Puppet SKUPAJ 134 54 72 53 19 5 2 1 TOTAL Celovečerni filmi 11 8 3 3 0 0 0 0 Long films Srednje dolgi, TV 50 14 34 32 2 0 1 1 Medium-length, telefilms Kratki filmi 45 23 18 12 6 3 1 0 Short films Nadaljevanke, serije - število naslovov 28 9 17 6 11 2 0 0 Series: - number of titles - število epizod 231 87 132 34 98 12 0 0 - number of episodes 7. Uvoz in promet (distribucija) filmov in videofilmov, Slovenija, 2003 Import and distribution of films and videofilms, Slovenia, 2003 Uvozniki oziroma distributerji Importers or distributors Celovečerni filmi oziroma videofilmi Long films or videofilms Za kinematografe Intended for cinemas - uvoz 8 151 - import - promet (distribucija) 9 188 - distribution Za TV, videoteke itd. Intended for TV broadcasting, video rental services, etc. - uvoz 1 198 - import - promet 2 553 - distribution 8. Celovečerni filmi v prometu, predvajani v kinematografih, Slovenija, 2003 Long films distributed among cinemas, Slovenia, 2003 Celovečerni filmi Long films Komercialne kopije za predvajanje v kinematografih Copies, intended for cinemas SKUPAJ 188 527 TOTAL Evropa 76 164 Europe od tega: Slovenija 26 66 of that: Slovenia Belgija 1 1 Belgium Bolgarija 1 1 Bulgaria Danska 2 4 Denmark Francija 18 29 France Irska 1 3 Ireland Italija 4 8 Italy Nemčija 2 6 Germany Nizozemska 1 1 Netherlands Rusija 2 2 Russian Federation Srbija in Črna gora 3 6 Serbia and Montenegro Španija 3 7 Spain Švedska 2 6 Sweden Velika Britanija 10 24 United Kingdom Azija 9 13 Asia Oceanija 2 4 Oceania Srednja in Južna Amerika 2 6 South America Kanada 3 8 Canada ZDA 95 331 USA Koprodukcija 1 1 Coproduction Statistične informacije, št. 101/2006 Rapid Reports No 101/2006 5 9. Kinematografi po številu sedežev, kinopredstav, obiskovalcev po statističnih regijah, Slovenija, 2003 Cinemas by number of seats, performances, attendance and statistical regions of Slovenia, Slovenia, 2003 Kinopredstave Performances Obiskovalci Attendance Kinemato- grafi Cinemas Sedeži Seats skupaj total slovenskih filmov of Slovenian films tujih filmov of foreign films skupaj total slovenskih filmov of Slovenian films tujih filmov of foreign films Delež kinopredstav domačih filmov Share of performances of Slovenian films (%) Delež obiskovalcev domačih filmov Share of attendance of Slovenian films (%) SLOVENIJA/SLOVENIA 76 20836 48556 1562 46994 2883720 243768 2639952 3,2 8,5 Pomurska 1 478 505 20 485 19414 625 18789 4,0 3,2 Podravska 7 1631 3869 125 3744 227470 11639 215831 3,2 5,1 Koroška 1 272 387 19 368 15971 1644 14327 4,9 10,3 Savinjska 15 3486 11914 321 11593 468936 21519 447417 2,7 4,6 Zasavska 5 1396 1466 35 1431 31641 1379 30262 2,4 4,4 Spodnjeposavska 1 550 334 16 318 11648 2424 9224 4,8 20,8 Jugovzhodna Slovenija 10 2143 3818 163 3655 96652 7640 89012 4,3 7,9 Osrednjeslovenska 22 6236 19655 697 18958 1720577 190443 1530134 3,5 11,1 Gorenjska 8 2565 3117 75 3042 145980 2223 143757 2,4 1,5 Notranjsko-kraška - - - - - - - - - - Goriška 3 785 198 8 190 10026 96 9930 4,0 1,0 Obalno-kraška 3 1294 3293 83 3210 135405 4136 131269 2,5 3,1 Slika 2: Kinematografi po statističnih regijah, Slovenija, 2003 Chart 2: Cinemas by statistical regions, Slovenia, 2003 Statistične informacije, št. 101/2006 6 Rapid Reports No 101/2006 METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja The purpose of the statistical survey Kinematografija je dobiti podatke o predvajanih filmih, filmskih predstavah, obiskovalcih le-teh, o zaposlenih v kinematografih in finančnih sredstvih kinematografov, podatke o domači proizvodnji filmov in videofilmov ter podatke o uvozu in distribuciji filmov in videofilmov. on cinemas and films is to obtain data on films shown, performances, attendance, persons in paid employment in cinemas, financial means of cinemas, Slovenian production of films and videofilms, and import and distribution of films and videofilms. Enote opazovanja Observation units so vsi kinematografi, filmski producenti in filmski distributerji, ki so Statističnemu uradu RS sporočili podatke o svoji dejavnosti v letu 2003. are all cinemas, film producers and distributors operating in 2003 that sent their data to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Viri Sources Podatke o kinematografiji pridobimo iz letnih statističnih poročil kinematografov, filmskih producentov in filmskih distributerjev; ti nam poročajo na podlagi svojih evidenc, in sicer prvi na vprašalniku Statistično raziskovanje kinematografov (KINO), drugi na vprašalniku Statistično raziskovanje o domači proizvodnji filmov in videofilmov ter distribuciji in izvozu domačih filmov in videofilmov (FILM-P), tretji pa na vprašalniku Statistično raziskovanje o uvozu in distribuciji (prometu) filmov in videofilmov (FILM-D). Data on cinemas and films are obtained from annual statistical reports. They are sent to us by cinemas on the Statistical Questionnaire on Cinemas (KINO), by film producers on the Statistical Questionnaire on the Slovenian Production of Films and Videofilms and on Distribution and Export of the Slovenian Films and Videofilms (FILM-P) and by distributors on the Statistical Questionnaire on Import and Distribution of Films and Videofilms (FILM-D). Zajetje Coverage Vprašalnik FILM-P za leto 2003 smo poslali 68 poročevalskim enotam; izpolnjene vprašalnike za navedeno leto nam je vrnilo 62 izvajalcev filmske produkcije. In 2003, FILM-P questionnaires were sent to 68 reporting units and 62 performers of film production answered the questionnaire. Vprašalnik FILM-D je v letu 2003 prejelo 26 filmskih distributerjev, izpolnilo pa ga je 25 filmskih distributerjev. FILM-D questionnaires were sent to 26 film distributors and 25 of them answered the questionnaire. Vprašalnik KINO smo v letu 2003 poslali 105 poročevalskim enotam, prejeli pa smo 96 izpolnjenih vprašalnikov. KINO questionnaires were sent to 105 reporting units and we received 96 completed questionnaires. Definicije Definitions Kinematograf je dvorana ali odprt prostor, urejen z napravami za javno predvajanje filmov. Kinematograf lahko deluje kot samostojni zavod ali pa v sestavi zavodov za prikazovanje filmov in drugih poslovnih subjektov. Cinemas are cinema theatres or open air facilities with equipment for public exhibition of films. Cinemas can be independent institutions or parts of institutions for showing films and other business entities. Film ali videofilm je posnet takrat, ko je izdelana prva vzorčna zvočna kopija filma. A film or a videofilm is shot when the first sample sound copy of it is made. Celovečerni film izpolnjuje osnovni spored javne kinematografske predstave in praviloma traja vsaj 90 minut (dolg je najmanj 2000 m pri 35-milimetrskem filmskem traku ali 900 m pri 16-milimetrskem filmskem traku). A long film is the one which fulfils the whole feature of a cinema performance and, as a rule, lasts at least 90 minutes (at least 2000 m of the 35-mm film reel or 900 m of the 16-mm film reel). Srednje dolgi ali TV-film traja približno 60 minut (dolg je od 1200 do 2000 m pri 35-milimetrskem filmskem traku ali od 540 do 900 m pri 16- milimetrskem filmskem traku). A medium-length film or telefilm lasts about 60 minutes (from 1200 to 2000 m of the 35-mm film reel or from 540 to 900 m of the 16-mm film reel). Kratki film je dolg do 1200 m pri 35-milimetrskem filmskem traku ali do 540 m pri 16-milimetrskem filmskem traku. Mini filmov in spotov, ki trajajo do 3 minute, in reklamnih filmov tu nismo upoštevali. A short film is less than 1200 m long for the 35-mm film reel or less than 540 m for the 16-mm film reel. Mini films and videos which are up to 3 minutes long and advertisements were not covered. Videofilme opredeljujejo iste definicije trajanja kot film. Videofilms are defined by the same criteria as films, i.e. by duration. Objavljanje rezultatov Publishing Letno: - Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije - Statistične informacije. Kultura in šport. Kinematografija Yearly: - Statistical Yearbook of Republic of Slovenia - Rapid Reports. Culture and Sport. Cinemas and Films Statistične informacije, št. 101/2006 Rapid Reports No 101/2006 7 KOMENTAR COMMENT Podatke o kinematografski dejavnosti nam je v letu 2003 sporočilo 76 kinematografov, od teh je bilo 7 organizacijsko samostojnih kinematografov, 5 v sestavi kinopodjetja, 29 v sestavi podjetja ali družbe, 15 v sestavi zavoda za kulturo, 2 v sestavi občine in ostalih, 8 v sestavi ZKD, 7 v sestavi kulturnih društev in drugih organizacijskih oblik. In 2003 we received reports on cinema activity from 76 cinemas; 7 of them independent cinemas, 5 part of cinema centres, 29 part of enterprises or companies, 15 part of institutions for culture, 2 part of communities, 8 part of associations of cultural societies and 7 part of cultural societies. Kinematografov, ki so imeli 2 kinoprojektorja, je bilo v letu 2003 36. Glede na vrsto kinoprojektorjev pa prevladujejo taki za 35-milimetrski trak (92,6 %). In 2003, 36 cinemas had two projectors. As regards the type of projectors, projectors for 35-mm reels prevailed (92.6% of all projectors). Večina kinematografov (89,5 %) je predvajala filme na širokem platnu in s kinoprojektorjem za predvajanje filmov v standardni, vistavizijski in kinemaskopski tehniki. Most cinemas (89.5%) showed films on wide screens and with projectors for showing films in standard, vistavision and cinemascope technique. Leta 2003 si je 48 478 filmskih predstav ogledalo več kot 2,8 milijona obiskovalcev. Predstav tujih filmov je bilo 46 956 (ali 96,9 % vseh filmskih predstav), ogledalo pa si jih je 2 638 466 obiskovalcev (tj. 91,5 % vseh obiskovalcev). Dvorane so bile pri predstavah slovenskih filmov bolj zasedene (56,9-odstotno) kot pri predstavah tujih filmov (20,4-odstotno). In 2003, 48,478 cinema performances were attended by more than 2.8 million cinemagoers. There were 46,956 performances of foreign films (96.9% of all cinema performances), which were attended by 2,638,466 cinemagoers (91.5% of all cinemagoers). Attendance was better when Slovenian films were on the programme than when foreign films were on (56.9% vs. 20.4%). Vsak prebivalec je bil v kinu v povprečju 1,4-krat na leto. On average, a person attended 1.4 cinema performances a year. Vstopnica za ogled filmske prestave je v letu 2003 v skoraj polovici kinematografov stala najmanj 710 SIT. In almost a half of cinemas the average price of a cinema ticket was at least SIT 710. V slovenskih kinematografih je bilo v letu 2003 zaposlenih 347 ljudi; med temi je bilo 69 kinooperaterjev, 62 blagajnikov, 55 rediteljev, preostali pa so bili razni direktorji. Oseb, zaposlenih s polnim delovnim časom, je bilo 129; največ teh oseb je imelo srednjo izobrazbo, in sicer 34,1 %. Poleg omenjenih je bilo pri delu v kinematografih udeleženih še 120 zunanjih sodelavcev in 36 prostovoljcev. In 2003, 347 persons were employed in Slovenian cinemas; 69 of them were projectionists, 62 were box office cashiers, 55 were ticket collectors, and the others were managers at various levels. There were 129 persons in full-time employment; most of them (34.1%) had secondary education. In addition, there were 120 external collaborators and 36 volunteers. Med vsemi posnetimi filmi in videofilmi je bilo največ srednje dolgih, TV- filmov (50 od skupno 134), 28 je bilo nadaljevank in serij. Glede na filmske zvrsti je bilo približno polovico vseh filmov dokumentarnih (72). V letu 2003 so filmski producenti posneli tudi 5 risanih, 2 glasbena in en lutkovni film. Among all produced films and videofilms there were mostly medium- length films (50 of the total of 134 films). In addition, 28 serials were produced. As regards the category, about a half of all films (72) were documentary. In 2003 film producers also shot also 5 animated, 2 musical and 1 puppet films. 8 filmskih uvoznikov je za kinematografe uvozilo 151 celovečernih filmov ali videofilmov; v kinematografe je bilo razposlanih 188 filmov ali videofilmov. Polovica teh filmov je bila ameriškega izvora, približno 40 % pa je bilo evropskih. Eight film importers imported 151 long films and videofilms for cinemas, while 188 films and videofilms were actually shown in cinemas. A half of films were from the USA and about 40% were of European origin. Sestavila / Prepared by: Nadja Svetlin Kastelic Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas – Urednica podzbirke Tatjana Škrbec - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 75 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Kultura in šport 1580-2434 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas – Subject-matter editor Tatjana Škrbec - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 75 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Culture and sport 1580-2434 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.