FOR Freedom AND Justice NO. 89 Ameriška Ri>Ti n n f AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY 9 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Friday, November 22, 1985 '^V/TNA -J 4 VOL. LXXXVII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Reagan poročal zveznemu kongresu o srečanju z Gorbačovom — Nov začetek v odnosih med velesilama WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sinoči se je predsednik Reagan vrnil v ZDA po dvodnevnem srečanju v Ženevi s sovjetskim voditeljem Mihailom S. Gorbačovom in nato poročal o tem srečanju na skupnem zasedanju obeh zborov zveznega kongresa. Predsednikov govor, ki je trajal 20 minut, je bil televiziran po ZDA. Reagan je zelo pozitivno ocenil svoje razgovore z Gorbačovom. Srečanje v Ženevi je odprlo pot do nadaljnjih srečanj in intenzivnejše izmenjave mnenj o problemih, ki zadevajo obe državi. V Ženevi so ZDA in ZSSR začele nov proces, ki se bo mogel v naslednjih letih razvijati. Tako bo Gorbačov obiskal ZDA že v juniju prihodnjega leta, Reagan pa bo obisk vrnil v letu 1987. Ne moremo pričakovati, je rekel predsednik, da bo Sovjetska zveza spremenila svoj značaj ali sistem, da bo pozabila na svojo ideologijo. Moramo biti stalno budni glede varnosti ZDA. Reagan je poudaril, da ni nič popustil v zvezi s svojim obrambnim načrtom, ki se uradno imenuje Strateška obrambna iniciativa, v tisku pa ga imenujejo »Vojno zvezd«. Gorbačov zahteva od Reagana, da ZDA opustijo ta načrt in da brez lega ni mogoče misliti na kakšno zbliževanje med ZDA in ZSSR. Kljub temu pa je ostal Reagan trden. V Ženevi je imel Gorbačov dolgo tiskovno konferenco, na kateri je s svojo očitno sposobnostjo očaral marsikaterega zahodnega novinarja in analitika. Sovjetski voditelj je povedal, da ni z Reaganom našel skupnega jezika glede »Vojne zvezd«, da pa je treba nadaljevati s pogajanji in prizadevanji. Rekel je tudi, da ako ZDA ne bodo opustile svojega napovedanega obrambnega načrta, bodo Sovjeti prisiljeni ustrezno reagirati. kar bi bil za svetovni mir nevaren, a neob-hoden korak. Pod nobenim pogojem ne hodo Sovjeti dovolili, da bi ZDA imele vojaško premoč nad ZSSR. Reagan in Gorbačov nista podpisala nobenega pomembnejšega sporazuma, podpisala pa sta razne druge sporazume, med njimi o izmenjavah kulturnikov in znanstvenikov. v svojem sinočnjem poročilu Kongresu je Reagan poudaril, da bo SZ odprla konzulat v New Yorku, ZDA pa bodo odprle svoje Predstavništvo v Kijevu, glavnem mestu Ukrajine. To bo prvič, je dejal predsednik, da bodo imele ZDA svoje zastopstvo v Ukrajini. Reagan je rekel, da je v pogovorih z Gorbačovom — trajali so vsega skupaj 15 ur omenil Afganistan, Kambodžo, Angolo, Nikaragvo itd. Sovjetski predstavniki so rekli. da res želijo kompromisno rešitev v Af-Sanistanu. Na svoji tiskovni konferenci je pa porbačov dejal, da so bili vsi pogovori med st'rimi očmi osredotočeni na obrambno polivko, tu predvsem na ameriško strateško °brambno iniciativo. Kongresniki so sprejeli predsednikovo Poročilo sinoči z navdušenim aplavzom. udi mnogi vodilni demokrati so govorili Pohvalno o Reaganovem srečanju z Gorbačovom. Posredovalec Terry Waite še optimističen Slede izpustitve ameriških talcev v Libanonu REJ RUT, Libanon — Posebni odposla-dec Terry Waite, ki deluje v imenu nadškofa Canterburyja, vrhovnega voditelja angleške anglikanske cerkve, je rekel v intervjuju v Bejrutu, da se je že dvakrat sestal z muslimanskimi skrajneži, ki zadržujejo šest ameriških talcev. Waite skuša posredovati pri izpustitvi teh talcev. Njegovo delo je bilo ovirano včeraj zaradi srditih pouličnih bojev med sprtima muslimanskima skupinama. Waite namerava odpotovati v ZDA že danes ali jutri, kjer bo imel razne pogovore, nato se bo vrnil v Bejrut. Napredujemo, je povedal novinarjem, vendar bo pot do izpustitve dolga in naporna. Muslimanska Jihad Island skupina, ki ima ameriške talce v svojih rokah, še vedno zahteva izpustitev kakih 17 svojih pajdašev — obsojenih teroristov — iz kuvejtskih zaporov. Civilni uslužbenec ameriške mornarice aretiran in obtožen vohunjenja za Izrael WASHINGTON, D.C. — Včeraj je bil aretiran 31 let stari Jonathan J. Pollard, civilni uslužbenec mornariških sil ZDA, in obtožen vohunjenja za Izrael. Izraelci naj bi Pollarda za posredovane podatke denarno obilno nagradili. Agenti FBI so Pollarda aretirali v bližini izraelskega poslaništva. Baje je Pollard iskal izraelsko pomoč pri pobegu. Predstavnik poslaništva ni hotel nič komentirati o incidentu ali o Pollardovi aretaciji, seveda ni nič rekel o tem, ali naj bi bil Pollard res bil izraelski vohun. Pollard je delal v mornariškem obveščevalnem centru v Suitlandu, Md. Za svoje usluge Izraelcem naj bi bil prejel v zadnjem poldrugem letu nekaj manj kot $100.000. Menda je Izraelcem prodajal tajne šifre. Kot kaže, je Pollard prodajal zaupne podatke tudi neki državi v Aziji. Pri FBI trdijo, da je Pollard priznal svojo krivdo. - Kratke vesti - Panama City, Fla. — Včeraj in sinoči je orkan Kate opustošil po zahodni floridski obali in v drugih južnih državah. Danes zjutraj so vetrovi Kate dosegli le 70 do 75 milj na uro in tako ne spada več v kategorijo orkana. Osredotočen je v Georgiji, povzroča pa še vedno obilno deževje, kateremu bodo v mnogih krajih sledile nevarne poplave. V neurjih in drugih nesrečah, ki jih je povzročil orkan, je izgubilo življenje najmanj 13 oseb. Johannesburg, J. Af. — Včeraj so policisti streljali na demonstrante v bližini mesta Pretoria, pri tem pa ubili najmanj 6 demonstrantov. Več sto drugih demonstrantov je bilo ranjenih od streljanja ali pa v paniki, ki je nastala, ko se je streljanje začelo. Po nepotrjenih vesteh, namerava južnoafriška vlada izpustiti 67-letnega črnskega voditelja Nelsona Mandelo, ki je v zaporu 21 let. Mnogi smatrajo Mandelo za najvplivnejšega črnskega voditelja v Južni Afriki. Dublin, Irska — Včeraj je irski parlament z večino 88:75 odobril pogodbo o Severni Irski, ki sta jo bila podpisala irski predsednik vlade Garret FitzGerald in angleška premierka Margaret Thatcher. Pogodba predvideva določeno »svetovalsko« vlogo za Irsko republiko v zadevah pokrajine Severne Irske, ki je sedaj del Anglije same. Moskva, ZSSR — Sovjetski kontrolorji vesoljskih poletov so bili prisiljeni prekiniti polet treh kozmonavtov, ker se je zbolel poveljnik posadke. Kozmonavti so srečno pristali včeraj. Kozmonavt Vladimir Vasjutin bo moral v bolnišnico, je poročala agencija Tass. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Žegnanjski festival— To nedeljo od 3. do 9. zvečer bo v Baragovi dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti tradicionalni Žegnanjski festival. Pridite! Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo imelo prodajo pecivo to soboto in nedeljo. Sobotna prodaja se bo začela ob 11. dop., v nedeljo pa bodo prodajale po vsaki sv. maši in seveda na Žegnanjskem festivalu. Članice bodo vesele tudi za darovano pecivo. Spominski dar— Družina pok. Franca Slem-ca je darovala $100 v podporo Ameriški Domovini v njegov spomin. Bil je naročen na naš list 34 let in ga je vedno prebiral z velikim veseljem. Za lepo podporo se njegovi družini iskreno zahvaljujemo. Novi grobovi Louis Recher V torek, 19. novembra, je na svojem domu na Recher Ave. (ulica je bila imenovana po njegovem očetu, prodajalcu nepremičnin, ki je prodajal parcele v tej okolici po $50 v prvih letih tega stoletja, poleg tega pa bil zelo aktiven pionirski društveni delavec) v Eucli-du nenadno po nesrečnem padcu umrl 83 let stari Louis Recher, rojen v Clevelandu, mož Mary, roj. Strah (poročena sta bila 63 let), oče Marie Kahl, Louise Troglia in Ruth Ann (pok.), brat Franka (Madison, O.) ter že pok. Molly Golic in Louise, član Kluba slov. upokojencev v Euclidu, zelo vnet športnik skozi življenje in je 25 let lastoval in vodil Recher Athletic Club na E. 222 St. in St. Clair Ave., redno pa zaposlen 40 let pri New York Central železnici, znan v Euclidu kot »Mr. Euclid«. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. St. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Kristine dop. ob 9.15 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 6. do 8. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele. Maks Eršte' V torek, 19. novembra, je na svojem domu nenadno umrl 81 let stari Maks Eršte, mož Ivane, roj. Rems, in Marije, roj. Bevec (u. 1980), oče Lojzeta (Jug.) in Marijana (p.d. M.F.), 5-krat stari oče, do svoje upokojitve zaposlen kot strojnik pri Rischer Co., član Kluba slov. upokojencev na St. Clair Ave. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na 1053 E. 62. St. danes, v petek, v cerkev s\. Vida dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Skupno sv. obhajilo— Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete bo imelo skupno sv. obhajilo v nedeljo, 1. decembra, pri osmi sv. maši. Ura molitve bo ob 1.30 pop., nato bo redna mesečna seja. f Popravek— V jubilejni številki našega lista za 90. letnico senatorja Franka J. Lauscheta sta bila nadaljevanje in konec sestavka »Spominski utrinki ob 90. letnici« postavljena pred začetek (stran 10 in 11). Izpuščeno je bilo tudi ime pisca. Prigodnico je prispeval pisatelj Mirko Javornik iz Washington, D.C. Za napake je odgovoren urednik, ki se g. Javorniku opravičuje. Žalostna vest— Janez Hočevar iz Chardon, Ohio je prejel žalostno novico, da mu je v Ljubljani v Sloveniji umrla mama Marija Hočevar, v starosti 74 let. Zapušča sinova Radota v Ljubljani in Janeza tukaj v Ameriki. Zapušča tudi vnuka Davida in vnukinjo Barbi, v Sloveniji pa brata, sestro in ostalo sorodstvo. Sin Janez se bo udeležil pogreba v Ljubljani. Na čast sen. Lauschetu— Na čast Franku Lauschetu ob njegovem 90. rojstnem dnevu, je darovala družina Vincenta in Mary Vrhovnik $40 Slovenski šoli pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Odbor staršev se iskreno zahvaljuje! Frank J. Šuštaršič Včeraj dopoldne je v Western Reserve Convalescent domu za rakom umrl 76 let stari Frank J. Šuštaršič, mož Helen, roj. Rovsek, oče Lucille McKenna in Dolores Miller, 8-krat stari oče, brat Victorja (pok.), Edwarda (Stanley), Alberta, Alice Mervar (Fla.), Julie Roytz, Josephine Roth (Ariz.) in Ann Ujcic, zaposlen pri E.S.B. Corp. do svoje upokojitve 1. 1975, član društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ in Katoliških borštnarjev št. 1640. Bil je glasbenik in igral pozavno pri nekdanji godbi Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave., pri nekdanji godbi Sv. Jožefa KSKJ, zadnja leta pa pri U.S.S. godbi. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Justina mučenca v Eastlaku dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Sophie Korencic Včeraj je na svojem domu na 20681 Miller Ave. po kratki bolezni umrla 73 let stara (Dalje na str. 3) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Praznovanje 90. rojstnega dneva Franka Lauscheta 6117 Sl. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 1 8 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $ 1 8.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00-3mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 61 1 7 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 89 Friday, November 22, 1985 ®u^|^>83 Predno bo prepozno Ni prvič, da se sprašujemo istočasno o bodočnosti gospodarstva v ZDA in v Argentini, kar pomeni prav toliko kakor gledati zaskrbljeno na gospodarsko politični položaj vsega sveta. Jasneje kot marsikateri gospodarski teoretik potrjuje isto zaskbljenost znani podjetnik in predsednik Chrysler Corp., Lee S. lacocca v Los Angeles Times. Podvzemamo nekaj značilnih misli, ki so pisane sicer za ZDA, a drže tudi drugje po svetu. »Nihče noče priznati, kaj se godi. Američani živimo razsipno. Nihče ne misli, da bo treba plačati račun, in vsi bi radi živeli zastonj. Hočemo vse in takoj! ... Proračunski primanjkljaj pred petimi leti je bil (v ZDA) 74.000 milijonov dolarjev... danes 222.000. Trikrat več. ... Leta 1 980 je bil dolg ZDA 1 bilijon ( dolarjev. Potrebno je bilo 205 let, da smo si ga nabrali. Pet let kasneje smo ga podvojili... V začetku desetletja je bil trgovski primanjkljaj 24.000 milijonov. Danes je dosegel 1 50.000 milijonov in še raste... Če hočemo biti popolnoma odkriti, priznajmo, da gremo v gospodarski zlom. In hitro... Bodoče generacije Američanov bodo morale trdo garati, da bodo zlezle iz jame, ki jim jo bomo zapustili... Potrebujemo več davčnih dohodkov in manj državnih stroškov — civilnih in vojaških — in sicer brez vsakega izgovora. »ZDA potrebujejo krepke industrijske politike... Izgubljamo na vsej črti razvito in temeljno industrijo, poljedelstvo, vse! Edino, kar raste v državi, so podjetja na področju uslug, ki pa pomagajo zapravljati več kot to, kar zaslužimo. ... Ne vem, kaj bomo storili iz dežele, a kar vem, je, da moramo priti hitro do dogovora in najti (med različnimi mnenji) srednjo pot. Tako smo preživeli do zdaj vedno: v dogovoru, z združenimi močmi, z napori v isti smeri...« Vse, kar pravi lacocca, je mogoče obrniti tako na argentinsko kakor na jugoslovansko gospodarstvo. Le številke bi bilo treba zamenjati. Vendar osnovna problematika je zelo podobna. Pa tudi izhodiščna točka za morebitno rešitev. Dogovor med državljani je namreč politična odločitev, ki omogoča gospodarske rešitve. Dogovor pa je mogoč med svobodnimi ljudmi v okviru sistema, ki dovoljuje razvoj oseb in idej za skupno blaginjo. V tem oziru je Jugoslavija, prav kakor vse totalitarne države, daleč za ostalimi deželami, ki razpravljajo o svoji gospodarski preureditvi. (Nato pisec članka citira ameriškega ekonomista, ki predlaga razne gospodarske in davčne reforme za Argentino. Zaključna misel članka bo pa gotovo zanimal mnoge bralce. Ur.) Vse to pa naj bi se zgodilo hitro, kajti časa ne preostaja. Treba je temeljitih in hitrih odločitev. Tega se zavedajo tako v ZDA kakor v Argentini in Jugoslaviji, vendar od spoznanja do dejanj vodi naporna pot, katero demokratični sistem lajša, totalitarni pa otežkoča, če ne celo onemogoča. V demokratičnem družbenem okviru se vlade lahko motijo, a volivci, ki sodijo vlado po »sadovih«, sčasoma morejo popraviti napake ali vsaj presumeriti gospodarsko politični razvoj. Kdo naj stori to, na primer, v Jugoslaviji, kjer je totalitarna stranka edini sodnik svojih lastnih dejanj? Na sliki vidite sen. Franka J. Lauscheta z dvema njegovima dolgoletnima prijateljama. Na levi je ohijski apelacijski sodnik 8. okrožja, August Pryatel, ki je tudi načeloval pripravljalnemu odboru ter vodil program v SND, srednji je John Lokar, ki je bil več let Frank Lauschetov osebni tajnik, na desni pa je seveda Frank Lausche. (Slika: Madeline Debevec) Preteklo nedeljo popoldne in zvečer so se mnogi Slovenci in Slovenke udeležili sv. maše v cerkvi sv. Vida in banketa ter kulturnega programa v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair aveniji in sicer z namenom, da skupaj s priljubljenim Frankom J. Lau-schetom praznujejo njegov 90. rojstni dan. Slavje je sponzoriral Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet, pripravljalnemu odboru pa je načeloval ohijski apelacijski sodnik 8. okrožja August Pryatel, ki je eden Frank Lauschetovih najzvestejših prijateljev. Člani Sveta so tudi bili stopili v stik s časopisom Cleveland Plain Dealer, ki je v nedeljski reviji »Sunday Magazine« dne 10. novembra objavil dolg in zelo dober članek izpod peresom novinarja Brenta Larkina. Prav tako je zasluga članov tega Sveta, da je bilo za Frankom Lauschetom imenovano državno poslopje v središču Clevelanda. Od časa do časa smo priča prizadevanj nekaterih, da bi si prilastili priznanje za ta ali oni uspeh. Preredko se zoperstavimo takim poskusom. Celodnevni program preteklo nedeljo se je začel s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida, rojstni fari Franka Lauscheta. Maševal je škof A. Edward Pevec, ob navzočnosti clevelandskega škofa Anthonyja Pilla, soma-ševali so pa slovenski duhovniki. Cerkev je bila zasedena. Mnogi, ki so se bili udeležili sv. maše, so potem prišli v Slovenski narodni dom. Navzočih vsega skupaj je bilo več kot 500 gostov, v veliki večini sicer Slovenci, vendar je bilo tudi več predstavnikov drugih narodnostnih skupin. Goste je pozdravil g. Pryatel, ki je vodil program v dvorani. Predsednik SND Edward Kenik je zapel narodno himno, škof Pevec pa vodil molitev. Sledila je dobra večerja, pripravila jo je ga. Julka Zalar, spretno in hitro so postregle njene pomočnice. Po večerji se je začel sam program. Prvi govornik je bil guverner Richard F. Celeste, ki je dejal, da je bil Frank Lausche zanj inspiracija. V imenu Slovensko ameriškega kulturnega sveta je spregovoril njegov letošnji predsednik dr. Karl B. Bonutti, ki je dodal nekaj misli tudi v slovenščini. G. Pryatel je prosil trenutek molka v spomin na Frank Lauschetovo pokojno ženo Jane, potem je zelo lepo govoril Robert L. Moulton, ki je bil član ohijske vlade, ko je bil Frank Lausche guverner. V svojem kasnejšem nagovoru je Lausche dejal, da mu je zelo žal, da ni aktivno podpiral Moultona za svojega naslednika v guvernerski palači, ker je bil Moulton izredno sposoben. Sodeč po Moultonovem nagovoru, bi Lauschetu lahko verjeli. Tu je treba omeniti, da je bil navzoč na banketu tudi bivši ohijski guverner James Rhodes, ki je imel kratek, a pohvalen nagovor o Lauschetu. Nato je govoril Ralph S. Locher, nekdanji Lauschetov tajnik in pozneje sam župan Clevelanda, sedaj pa sodnik ohijskega vrhovnega sodišča. Locher je govoril zelo pohvalno o Lauschetu in posebej o Lauschetovi osebni poštenosti, kar so sicer poudarili tudi drugi govorniki. Vendar je bil Locher po splošnem mnenju predolg. Po Locher ju je zapel par lepih slovenskih pesmi pevski zbor Korotan pod vodstvom Rudija Kneza. V imenu zbora je imel lep nagovor v slovenščini Jože Likozar. Glavni govornik dneva je bil Thomas Vail, izdajatelj in urednik The Cleveland Pla,n Dealer. V zelo rafiniranem govoru je Vail govoril o svojih prvih stikih z Lauschetom pred več kot 30 leti. Pripomnil je, da ne bi bil zamudil tega banketa za nobeno ceno, tako visoko ceni Lauscheta. Po Vailovem govoru s0 nastopili plesalci Slovenskega folklornega inštituta z zel° primernim plesom in predstavo, ustanoviteljica in voditelji' ca inštituta ga. Eda Vovk-Pu^ pa je kratko in lepo nagovori' la. Sedaj pa je bil na vrsti sam Frank J. Lausche. Govoril je zelo ubrano in lepo, nihče m11 ne bi prisodil njegovih devetdeset let. Med drugim je šaljj' vo dejal, da mora zelo pazit*-da ne začne verjeti, da je reS tako velik mož, kot so ga PreCl' stavili prejšnji govorniki. Njegov govor je bil sprejet s stoječim aplavzom. Potem Je bil od Anne Opeke povab|jeJ| na oder, kjer so mu čestita1 predstavnice raznih naro nostnih skupin Clevelanda svojih narodnih nošah, ter m11 izročili velik »birthday cake«’ Po programu je vsak S°s lahko dobil kos te kras*16 torte. Zaključna točka dolgeB® sporeda je bil pevski zbo Glasbena Matica, s katerim J® Frank Lausche dolgo poveza in ga ima zelo rad. Pod v0 stvom Vladimirja Malečkar) ^ so zapeli nekaj lepih skih pesmi, med njimi Gor (Dalje na str. 3) Sv. Miklavž bo obiskal Slovensko šolo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti 1. decembra CLEVELAND, O. - Lepa večerna zarja nas spominja na otroška leta. Starši so nas v tem času spodbujali, naj bomo pridni, da sv. Miklavž še piškote peče, kar se na nebu pozna. Letošnja topla jesen nas bo kar mimogrede pripeljala k praznovanju otroškega svetnika. Otroci Slovenske šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Collinwoodu se pridno pripravljajo na sprejem prijaznega svetnika pod vodstvom g. Rudija Kneza. V nedeljo, L decembra, ob 3. uri popoldne bodo v Šolski dvorani zaigrali igrico »Na nebeški tehtnici«, nato pa se bo ustavil tudi sv. Miklavž. Starši se lahko pogovorite s svetnikom od druge ure naprej pod staro cerkvijo. Pripeljite vaše malčke v Šolsko dvorano k lepemu programu miklavževanja, pa tudi vi sami se podajte z otroci v svet otroštva, saj je pričakovanje tega svetnika res svojevrstna lepota. Vabi vas pa tudi Odbor staršev Velika prednost demokracij pred totalitarizmom se pokaže predvsem v trenutkih, ki zahtevajo svobodne iznajdljivosti in resnične solidarnosti. Prav zato nalaga življenje v demokraciji posameznikom veliko odgovornost, ki si je marsikdo ne želi, če se je celo ne boji. Strah pred svobodo pogosto preslepi ljudi, da se skrivajo pod trhlo streho razpadajočih socializmov. Pri tem pozabljajo, da se človek pod svobodnim nebom lahko prepoti od dela in vročine ali zmoči od dežja, a ni v nevarnosti, da ga pokopljejo razvaline njegove lastne zgradbe. -Žar Svob. Slov., 14.11.1985) Ob 90-letnici Franka J. Lauscheta (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) izaro, ki jo ima Lausche zelo rad, zaključili pa so z angleškim Battle Hymn of the Republic in slovenskim Ostanimo prijatelji. Program je uradno končal z molitvijo msgr. Louis Baznik. Mnogi gostje so ostali v dvorani in prizidku tudi po Programu. Mnogi so si ogledali lepo razstavo članic Slovenian National Art Guilda, v dvorani je pa igral Dušan Maršičev ansambel Veseli Slovenci. Poleg že imenovanih so v ozadju veliko pripomogli k nspehu slavnostnega dneva tudi August B. Pust, ki je pripravil lep tiskan spored, Sophia Opeka, Hermina Bo-nutti, Frances Kosch in Ann ' Prste. Pri Sv. Vidu je veliko Pomagal župnik Jože Božnar, Pri Ameriški Domovini pa James in Madeline Debevec (izšla je posebna 12-stranska Priloga o Franku Lauschetu, ki jo je pripravil Rudolph M. Susel ob pomoči g. Debevca), lepo je oglaševal o prireditvi, P° njej pa podal zelo pohvalno Poročilo na svoji oddaji Tony Petkovšek. Posebno poročilo o prireditvi je za slovensko oddajo na Glasu Amerike pripravil dr. Milan Pavlovčič. Cvetlice v dvorani in pri Sv. Vidu je prispeval cvetličar James Slapnik, torto je pripravil Stanley Chadim, pri tem pa niČ računal za svoje osebno delo. Blagajno je vodil James War, ki je tudi organiziral točaje v prizidku. Navzočih je bilo več drugih uglednih gostov, ki jih pa ni tttogoče vse imenovati. Predv-Sem bi pa rad še omenil euclid-skega župana Anthonyja Giunto, ki je pomagal priredi- teljem ob nepričakovanem manjšem spodrsljaju, in pa Otmarja Mauserja, ki je prišel na slovesnost iz Toronta, končno pa dr. Johna Nielsena, ki je prišel iz New Yorka. Med navzočimi sta bila tudi generalni konzul SFRJ v Clevelandu Ivo Vajgl in njegova žena Meta. Bilo je lepo praznovanje, tako Franku Lauschetu kot vsem navzočim všeč. Vsi smo lahko soglašali z željo, ki jo je bil izrazil predstavnik in predsednik zbora Glasbena Matica Joe Penko, da bi mogli biti vsi skupaj ob Frank Lauschetovi stoletnici. Urednik Tony Petkovškova 24. Polka zabava bo 28. novembra Tudi letos na Zahvalnem dnevu prazniku (28. nov.) priredi Cleveland Slovenian Radio TV klub polka zabavo ob 24. obletnici radijskih oddaj Tonyja Petkovška. Kraj zabave bo višja šola sv. Jožefa na E. 185. cesti in Lake Shore Blvd. Gostovali bodo številni polka ansambli. Pričel se bo ob 6. uri zvečer. Vstopnice v predprodaji so po $4.50 in jih lahko dobite pri Tony’s Polka Village na E. 185. cesti. Pri vhodu v avditorij na večer zabave bodo po $5. Del prebitka te zabave je namenjen kot podporo za javno radijsko postajo WCPN, na kateri oddaja Tony Petkovšek vsako nedeljo od 1. do 2. popoldne. Rojaki! Priporočajte Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim prijateljem in znancem! V BLAG IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN ob šesti obletnici, odkar nas je zapustila naša draga mama in tašča, in ob peti obletnici, ko je šel od nas naš dobri ata in tast Marija Erznožnik zatisnila svoje oči 12. nov. 1979. mama! Zakaj si šla od nas? Je res prišel Tvoj čas? Mi radi smo Te imeli 'n Ti še mnogo let želeli, ^akaj si šla od nas? Karel Erznožnik v Gospodu zaspal 30. nov. 1980. Komaj dobro leto je minilo, odkar odšla je žena, mama ko tudi Ti si umrl in naju pustil sama. To nas močno je ranilo. Draga starša! Za vse dobri) Vama nihče plačati ne more, zato upamo, da sta prišteta v nebeške zbore. Žalujoči: hčerka Jolanda, poročena Bogataj, zet Frank Bogataj, in sorodniki v Žireh, Slovenija. Cleveland, O., 22. novembra 1985. FESTIVAL NABOŽNE PESMI LEMONT, 111. - Univeristy of Wisconsin - Milwaukee je za pospeševanje ustvarjalne dejavnosti v umetnosti v okviru »School of Fine Arts« vpeljala slovenski umetniški program. Obstoj in napredek tega programa je možen po podpori spominskega sklada Frank in Mary Ermenc. V petek, 15. novembra 1985, je bil tretji letni koncert »The Slovenian Arts Program« pod naslovom »Festival nabožne pesmi«. Koncert se je vršil v samostanski kapeli sv. Jožefa, 1051 South Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Nastopili so trije pevski zbori: 1. — University Slovenian Vocal Ensemble »Gallus« pod vodstvom profesorja Leona C. Muskatevca; pri orglah je bila s. Mary Hueller, OSF. Zapeli so šest pesmi, ki so predstavile slovensko nabožno pesem od klasične do ljudske: »Mirabile Mysterium« (Gallus - Petelin) in »Marija Pomagaj na Brezjah« (K. Selak). Druge skladbe (»Že slavčki žvrgolijo«. St. Premrl; »Spevi najlepši«, V. Špendov; »Sveti trije kralji«, L. Mav; »Smeji se maj«, E. Hochreiter) so v znanih in priljubljenih melodijah izrazile ljubezen in zaupanje slovenskega ljudstva, ki se Slovenski dom v Collinwoodu vabi v petek, 29. nov. Slovenski dom na 15810 Holmes Ave. v Collinwoodu vabi na svojo večerjo s plesom, ki bo v petek, 29. novembra, dan po Zahvalni dan prazniku. Za ples bo igral Vad-njalov orkester. Vstopnice so po $10 in jih lahko dobite v bari pri Slovenskem domu, ali pa pokličite enega od sledečih: Mary Podlogar (851-5761), Gus Petelin-kar (481-6882), John Habat (732-8827). V BLAG SPOMIN DVANAJSTE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE TETE ROSE DOBRICH rojena Jalovec ki je preminula 16. nov. 1973. Dvanajst let je že minilo, odkar te več med nami ni. V našem srcu še živiš, in boš živela do konca dni. Žalujoči: Mary Kaucnik, Anna Mivec, John Mivec, Frank Grdanc, Helen Ferenčak, nečaki in nečakinje. Cleveland, O., 15, nov. 1985. najraje s pesmijo obrača do Matere božje. Pesem »Marija Pomagaj na Brezjah« je prošnja slovenskega ljudstva k Mariji za pomoč in varstvo. 2. — Pevski cerkveni zbor Sv. Janeza Evangelista je pod vodstvom Mary Bregant zapel »Hvalnico« (F. Kimovec), »Že pada mrak v dolino« P. Jereb, iz maše p. Vendelina »Svet, svet, svet« in »Jagnje božje«, in »Jezus Permagavec«, L. Mav; pri orglah je zopet bila s. Mary Hueller, OSF. Cerkev sv. Janeza Evangelista je upostavila »Majheniče-vo glasbeno središče«, ki pospešuje petje in omogoča slovensko petje pri službi božji. 3. — »Slovenska pesem« je pod vodstvom p. Vendelina zapela Aljaževo »Slovenska zemlja« in dve kompoziciji p. Vendelina: »Ko zarja zlati nam gore« in »Turki na Slevici«; petje je spremljala na orgle Helena Rozman. Točke programa sta z dobro zgoščeno razlago napovedovala: Vladislav Kralj v slovenščini in Isabella Kralj - Bambič v angleščini. Slovenski umetniški program na University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee je vpeljal »The Award of Merit«. To nagrado je dobil letos dr. p. Ven-delin Špendov O.F.M. Župnik Sv. Janeza Evangelista p. Lawrence Grom O.F.M. je opisal življenje in glasbeno delo p. Vendelina in mu je izročil plaketo, na kateri je napisano: University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee — School of Fine Arts — the Slovenian Arts Program Award of Merit — Rev. dr. p. Vendelin Špendov O.F.M. — in recognition of his service to his God and his people through his musical artistry and creativity. Prof. Leo C. Muskatevc, Director — Slovenian Arts Program; Robert Hickok, Dean, School of Fine Arts. November 15, 1985. P. Vendelinu čestitamo: Slovenci na področju Chicaga in Jolieta ter slovenski ameriški frančiškani smo hvaležni profesorju Muskatevcu, da je dal priznanje ustvarjalnemu in požrtvovalnemu delu p. Vendelina. P. Vendelin s svojo V SPOMIN OB OSMI OBLETNICI MARIJE IN ALOJZ BALAŽIČ Umrla novembra 1977 Pri Bogu zdaj sta združena, prosita za vse nas Boga, da bomo enkrat skupaj vsi veselje rajsko uživali! Žalujoči: sin — Jože z družino, brat — Tone z družino, sestri — Rozika in Tonika z družinama, vnukinja — Silvija Cleveland, O., 22. novembra 1985. delavnostjo in svojimi kompozicijami daje spodbudo Slovencem, posebno mladini, za slovensko pesem. Z uspehom vodi pevski zbor »Slovenska pesem« s središčem v Lemon-tu, in mladinski orkester. P. Vendelin je zvest učenec p. Hugolina Sattnerja. S svojimi kompozicijami in z zborom »Slovenska pesem« je vzbudil pozornost med ljubitelji slovenskega petja in tudi med glasbenimi strokovnjaki. S svojimi kompozicijami in koncerti je dal slovenski nabožni pesmi ugled med širšim krogom. Pokazalo se je, da to močno vpliva na mladino, da je pripravljena tudi na žrtve, kadar je treba s slovensko pesmijo nastopiti pred Slovenci in drugimi narodi. Koncert so zaključili združeni zbori z dvema kompozicijama p. Vendelina: »Stvarniku«, nova kompozicija, ki je bila prvič predvajana ob tej priliki, in »Pozdravljena Kraljica«. P. Fortunat ofm Novi grobovi (Nadaljevanje s str. 1) Sophie Korencic, rojena Klemen v Clevelandu, žena Josepha, mati Barbare Meadows (Chardon, O.), 2-krat stara mati, sestra Tillie Vranekovic, članica ADZ št. 6. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. cesti jutri, v soboto, dop. ob 10.30 na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. MALI OGLASI Looking for Cook Homestyle meals for breakfast and lunch. Slavic Village area. Some experience required. Call 641-0170. (89-92) Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Curst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! First Anniversary Sale at New Location from November 29th to December 7th Fri. Nov. 29th and Sat. Nov. 30th 9 till 6 — Sun. Dec. 1st 1 till 4 Rest of week regular hours - Good Selection of Dresses for the Holidays - n H ’•ip m •jrj ii m m FRANGIE’S FASHIONS 475 East 200th Street Euclid, Ohio 692-2099 TOOLMAKER Small East side company seeking individual with 6 yrs minimum experience making dovetail form tools and counter bores for Brown & Sharpe & Acme machines. An excellent opportunity with full benefits. Call 944-8203. (89-90) In Loving Memory OF MY WONDERFUL AND DEAR WIFE, MOTHER AND MOTHER-IN-LAW Mary (Kopach) Janis A wonderful wife, mother and aid; One who was better God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million, that was you. Just in your judgement and always right, honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by everyone, you knew, A wonderful wife, that was you! Thanks for 49 wonderful years. Sadly missed by: Husband - William Son: William and wife, Margaret Willoughy, 0., Nov. 22, 1985. Two Homes for Sale 2643 Bates Lane, off Eddy Rd. Close to S.N.P.J. Farm Willoughby Hills, Ohio Main home has 3 bdrms, new oak kitchen, formal liv. & din. rms., glass enclosed sun rm. 2 fireplaces. Breezeway entrance rm. Finished, carpeted basement utility rm. 2 car att. garage. A little over 1 acre of land and circular driveway. Second home: Perfect mother-in-law suite or rental home. Kitchen, bdrm, living and dining area. By appt. only - 946-1506 or 942-6664. For Rent 5 rooms, down. St. Vitus area. Call 431-5572. Indian Hills Area By owner. Alum, sided bungalow with att. garage. Cent, air. Rec. rm. & upstairs finished w/knotty pine. Asking $69,000. Call 383-8554. (89-92) For Rent Single house, 5 rooms. 11 29 Norwood Rd. 431-7931 4 UNITS EUCLID AVE - WICKLIFFE 3 COMMERCIAL 1 RESIDENTIAL SUITES ALL BRICK, excellent parking, fantastic income, mint condition. $159,000. TAPESTRY BRICK EUCLID OFF E. 200 ST. Bungalow - 4 bdrms, 2 baths 2 car brick garage, excellent! $59*900. SALOTTO REALTY 585-0007 (88, 89) For Rent 3 room apt. St. Vitus area. No pets. Call 432-0806 after 5 p.m. (88-91) Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj Tapeciramo (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNIK Pokličite 423-4444 ali 729-1023 (x) *10.0% Interest ' "T Tax Deferred Investment | • No Income Tax as Accrued • 10% Withdrawal Feature without penalty Not Included in estate (opt.) Contact: Frank J. Feola 1353 E. 260th Phone 216-261-1546 ‘Subject to change NEW YORK LIFE NEEDED Woman to clean tavern once a week on Sunday morning. Apply Fritz's Tavern, 991 E. 185 St. Call 531-2239 or 481-9635. (88-91) FOR SALE — BY OWNER Off E. 200 St., Brick bungalow, 3 bdrm., 1 Vi bath, formal din. rm., eat-in kitchen, porch, basement, 2 Vi garage and a lot more! Mid 50s. Call after 4 p.m. — 486-4296 (87-90) For Sale 2 family house with 2 car garage. 1072 E. 67th St. $27,900 - Call 692-1172. (fx) For Rent Upstairs apt. on E. 67th St. 3 bdrms. Garage. 692-1172. (fx) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 Prijat el's Pharmacy] St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS________ FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVAR'S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica BRANKO HERIC REALTY Residential - Commercial -Investment Consultants Buy - Sell - Trade PHOTO GUIDE SERVICE MUIIIHE LIST INC SMVICf MLS 531-9508 SERVING EUCLID & NORTHEAST OHIO □3 ttALlO«* Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) Margie Kamber Died June 25, 1940 Darling Daughter Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear. Too far away for sight or speech. But not too far for thoughts to reach. Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days pass by. Deep in our hearts memories are kept, Of those we loved and will never forget. Joseph Kamber Died Nov. 22, 1976 To my loving husband A million times I’ve needed you, A million times I’ve cried If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died. In life I’ve loved you dearly In death I love you still In my heart you hold a place That no one else can fill. It broke my heart to lose you, But you did not go alone For part of me went with you The day God took you home. Sadly missed by Julia Kamber — wife and mother John — son — Irene — daughter 13 grandchildren — 15 great-grandchildren The rest of the family here and in Europe Frank M. Penko Died Jan. 9, 1974 To My Loving Son We often think of the days gone by, When we were all together; A shadow o’er our life is cast, A loved one gone forever. Within our store of memories You hold a place apart. For no one else can ever be More cherished in our hearts. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1985. Todd Ilc takes First Vows By Anton Lavrisha Over the years the names, pictures, and biographies of numerous graduates of colleges and universities have graced these pages. The long, arduous road to obtain a diploma is at last over. It is appropriate that the community, family, and friends recognize these achievements and applaud them. It is most heartwarming, however, when these pages are graced with the announcement that a member of our community has been called to a religi°us vocation. Unlike the sense of completion upon obtaining a diploma rom an institution of higher earning, the formal entrance ■nto a vocation is the beginn-mg of a new life for the voca-t'onalist. A total commitment ^ fequired and demanded. he life spring of a vocation is Pfayer. The sustenance of a v°cation is prayer, both of the v°cationalist and of others. On August 17 at Saints Peter ®nd paui church, Detroit, Mlch>gan, the Detroit Pro-Vlnce of the Society of Jesus nnnounced the pronounce-^ent of the first vows of poverty, Chastity, and Obe-mence by Todd M. lie. odd M. Ilc, S.J., is the son Metod and Michelle lie of arleston, North Carolina. edV'C formerly resid- 0r many years in Euclid, Todd graduated from St. T0sePh High School in 1983. a ereafter, he became s°ciated with the Society of 1 SUs 0n a novitiate level. Dur-8 the novitiate he initially ten!!- SOme f*016 *n Detroit at-Oet t^le University of to 'VOrking at hospitals an(iearn about life and death, Cj1jlcjrVVOr*c'nS w>th battered ^ext’ he went to New York City, where he taught and tutored at a Jesuit junior high school which was attended mostly by Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. Finally, he spent six weeks in Texas learning Spanish. Now Todd is known as a “collegian”. He is attending Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Once he obtains his degree he will be designated a “scholastic”. It is interesting to note that even though one is in a novitiate program of the Society of Jesus, in order to enter the Society by taking vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience the individual must be invited. Thereafter, it is up to the individual to work at his own pace towards academic degrees and the sacrament of Holy Orders. Speaking on behalf of all of those who know you, Todd, we are very proud that you have accepted God’s call. You are in our prayers and thoughts. God Bless. Get Well Editor: I hope Madeline is feeling better and well. I enjoy the paper and look forward to reading it as soon as I receive it. Mary Lou Prhne Englewood, Fla. j Todd He Slomšek dinner a success Many thanks to all those attending the dinner held on Oct. 20 for the benefit of the Beatification of Anton Martin Slomšek. Heartfelt gratitude to all those who made the dinner a true success: the ticket sellers, especially Julie Smole, our top seller; Sr. Albina and Angela Winter; the cooks and waitresses; and all who donated baked goods and raffle items. The efforts of all who support the Slomšek Association are sincerely appreciated. May God bless you all! Hope to see you again next year. Slomšek Association of Cleveland J. Petrie Zele Funeral Home Memorial CHapel 4S2 E. 152 St. Phone 481-31181 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-05831 io_ vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio NDEPENDENT 1WINGS (Currently Earning) 00% * N.O.W. Checking Computed daily Compounded monthly ^Balances $1,000 and greater earn variable rate. Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25%. $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Road, Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. _____ Independent Savings Bank Opens Fifth Office in Parma Heights Independent Savings Bank $1,000.00 and whose mam office is located at . . .. . 1515 East 260th Street, Euclid, greater’ TT m a ^ Ohio, opened its fifth office compounded monthly; 6 to 36 on Thursday, October 17th at mTc u v P and 5.50% passbook savings accounts. This full service office also offers escrow ser- M HuppM Thanksgiving 6650 Pearl Road, Parma Heights, Ohio. Harold R. Swope, President, reported that this is the first office to be "lces’ mortgage and consumer opened on the west side of en ing Cleveland and represents the company’s desire to incorporate the western suburbs into its service area.Independent Savings Bank is a locally owned savings bank and takes pride in its roots which are tied to residents all over the greater Cleveland area.” Independent Savings Bank has been open for business since 1979 and through conservative management policies and progressive marketing has enjoyed continued profitability and growth since its formation. The new office is located on the main floor of a three story office building, has ample off-street parking, drive-in facilities, safe deposit boxes and has extended customer service hours on Tuesday and Friday evenings until 6:30 p.m. Stop in or phone Mr. Richard General, Manager, for personalized service, phone 845-8200. Some of the popular savings programs offered include N.O.W. interest-checking which is a variable rate ac-count currently earning 7.00% FAMOUS PUMPKIN PIE RECIPE 1 can (16 oz.) Libby’s Solid1 Pack Pumpkin 2 eggs, slightly beaten 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground doves 1 can (12 - 13 fl. oz) Carnation Evaporated Milk 1 9-inch unbaked pie shell with high fluted edge Preheat oven to 425°. Mix filling ingredients in order given. Pour into pie shell. Bake 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350°; continue baking 45 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool completely. Garnish, if desired, with whipped topping. Yields one 9-inch pie. Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director VI biters GRDINA Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361 - 3112 — tel. št. 361-3112 9 No Branches nor Affiliations • Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 22, 1985 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 22, 1985 Memo from Madeline Lausche Birthday “An Affair to Remember” by MADELINE DEBEVEC The 90th birthday party for our beloved friend and former U.S. Sen. Frank J. Lausche truly was an affair to remember. A capacity crowd, comprising a veritable who’s who in local political circles, packed the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue Sunday in an emotion-filled tribute to Cleveland’s favorite Slovenian son. Sponsored by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation (SAHF), the event drew more than 500 persons, who heard speeches from Ohio Gov. Richard Celeste, former Gov. James Rhodes and Plain Dealer publisher Thomas Vail in praise of the honored guest. Before the $20-a-plate dinner, Bishop A. Edward Pevec, honored by the SAHF a year ago, celebrated a Mass at St. Vitus Church. Bishop Pevec also offered the Invocation before the traditional Slovenian meal, served quickly and cooked to perfection by the always reliable Julia Zalar and her crew. After the meal, SAHF master of ceremonies August Pryatel, an Ohio Court of Appeals Judge, introduced a parade of speakers, including Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, SAHF president; Robert L. Moulton, who served in Lausche’s administration as state director of commerce, and Ohio Supreme Court Justice Ralph S. Locher, the former Cleveland mayor and secretary to Lausche. Following a patriotic dance by members of the Slovenian Folklore Institute, Frank Lausche himself brought down the house in his own inimitable way. Lausche, whose dignity and integrity were trademarks during his municipal judgeship and in his administrations as Cleveland Mayor, Ohio Governor and U.S. Senator, gave a typically stirring speech. “The conduct of the chief is always followed by the conduct of the subordinates,” he said. “When the chief becomes weak in moral character, little by little it trickles down to the branches and finally you have nothing but a corrupt government.” Folk songs by Korotan, a program finale by Glasbena Matica and Bendiction by Rev. Msgr. Louis Baznik concluded the tribute, which was followed by music for dancing by Duke Marsic’s Happy Slovenians. We at the American Home are extremely grateful to the SAHF and to Sen. Lausche, who designated the American Home and the Slovene Home for the Aged as beneficiaries of Sunday’s memorable event. All of us here are proud to be part of one of the Senator’s most cherished causes and will do everything in our power to maintain and uphold the high principles and staunch ideals he represents. Sen. Lausche, your accomplished life continues to be an inspiration to us all. * * « Another Big Party We’ll barely have time to catch our breath from Sunday’s big event before it’s time for another extravaganza — Tony Petkovsek’s 24th Radio Anniversary Thanksgiving Day Polka Party. This year’s bash will go from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. at St. Joseph High School Auditorium, E. 185th Street and Lake Shore Boulevard. Tickets, priced at $4.50 in advance or $5 at the door, are available at Tony’s Polka Village or by calling (216) 481-7512. Here’s a schedule of party attractions: UPPER HALL 6 p.m. — Sumrada Brothers, featuring Chris and Jeanette 7 p.m. — Verne and Steve Meisner (Wise.) 8:30 — Kalik and Co. Revue (Pa.) 9‘30 — Mesaba Button Box (Minn.) 10 p.m. — Dave Wretchsko Orchestra 11:30-1 — Hank Thunander Orchestra (Minn.) LOWER HALL 6‘30 — Zolka Brothers (Penn.-Ohio), featuring Walter Ostanek 8 p.m. — Art Perko Band 9‘30 — Tony Klepec “Alpine” (Girard) 11-12*30 — Fred Kuhar Orchestra LOBBY 5*30 — Maple Heiehts Button Boxers All food will be served in the lower cafeteria, with records and tapes on sale downstairs, free parking is available a[ Euclid Clinic, Euclid General Hospital and in the school lots. Flowers (courtesy James Slapnik) and records and tapes (from Tony’s) will be among the free gifts. See you there! * * * Circle No. 2 — SNPJ " 15 sponsoring its annual fa dinner-dance and program on Sunday, Nov. 24, at the Slovenian Society Home, 207 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Serving is at 2:30 P-01^ followed by the program 3 3:30. Dancing is from 5-9 P111' to the Sumrada Brothers Or chestra. Tickets are available ® Tony’s Polka Village, 971 185th St. ♦ * * HERE’S ANOTHER DON’T MISS EVENT - S‘ Mary’s Parish annu* Thanksgiving Festival will e held from 3-9 p.m. Sunday- e there!!!!! Rev. Godic meets Rev. Godec father Frank Godic, Saint Alexis Chaplain (left), met his Slovenian counterpart, Father Era>n . Godec of Trebnje, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, when they shared lunch and conversation at Sain Alexis Hospital recently. Bernard Lavrisha, a mutual friend, acted as interpreter for the priests. Although they share the same name, and possibly distant relationship, research has ye to show which branch of the family changed the spelling of the family name, and when. Falhe Godec spent four weeks in the U.S. visiting relatives and friends. A void Probate Court WILLS Call Thomas G. Lobe (216) 621-2158 Legal Services at Reasonable fees. * Special discount on wills for subscribers of Ameriška Domovina. Duuuqu« St. Vitus Ladies Auxil*3^ the Catholic War Vets ^ j 1655 will hold a Boutida the St. Vitus pei Auditorium on Sunday-^: 3, from noon to 5 P 01-reservations are availap a calling Rose P°P^ uSfl 432-1057 or Patty ^ White 881-5957. Thanks „ The Ohio Federation K.S.K.J. Lodges made a ^ tion of $25.00 to the t< Home Press Fund. Than* all of you! ^North Coast News Vol. 1 No. 1 Serving Collinwood, Waterloo, Nottingham, Euclid, and the entire northern Ohio area ®a&tg&U’as John Habat, Jr. — Publisher Collinwood Welcomes Minnesota Guests at Nov. 29 Dinner, Dance Music by Johnny Vadnal, Mesaba Button Box Club, and the Collinwood Buttonaires Everyone is invited to attend the big dinner and dance at the Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. (off E. 152 St.) on Friday evening, Nov. 29 (the night after Thanksgiving). Featured will be the music of the Johnny Vadnal Orchestra. The Vadnals were born and raised in the Collinwood area, a stone’s throw from the hall. Likewise other polka musicians came from the area including Yankovic, Pecon, Bass, etc. Therefore the Collinwood area claims to be the polka capitol of the country. They, in turn, are honoring the Minnesota people who share a love for the polka music. Polka leader Oscar Fryckman is bringing a bus load of polka lovers to the dance from Minnesota and will be providing some of the music with his Mesaba Button Box Club from Chisholm. The Collinwood Home directors urge former Minnesotians and music lovers and those interested in a good time to come down to the hall to greet their Minnesota guests and join in the fun and good fellowship of the beginning of the holiday season. The Collinwood hall’s own Buttonaires, button box accordionists, will also provide music. Tickets are $10.00 and can be obtained from Mary Podlogar 851-5761, Gus Petelinkar 481-6882, or John Habat 732-8827. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. and last indefinitely. What’s Inside ... Minnesota Governor Proclaims 2 Places to go .•••*»••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••*•*•••■ 1 — 8 Photos from last Thanksgiving.............4 Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving lineup......5 Euclid’s Salute to Minnesotans............7 A Tour through Northern Ohio..............8 Greetings from Rudy Perpich, Governor, State of Minnesota State of Minnesota Office of the Governor ST. PAUL 55155 November 1985 Dear Friends: I'm delighted to have this opportunity to send my greetings to all of you attending Tony Petkovcic's 24th Annual Thanksgiving Polka Party in Cleveland, Ohio. I'm very pleased that Tony has decided to honor Minnesota and Minnesotans during this special celebration, and I'm sure you'll be pleased with the sounds of the Mesaba Button Box Club and the Hank Thunander Band, as well as all the other polka bands you'll hear during the gala. I'd also like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to all of you to visit Minnesota in the not-to-distant future. Minnesotans, and especially Rangers, love polka music and would be honored to be able to return the special treatment they're receiving this weekend. Again, have a wonderful time at the polka party and don't forget to pay us a visit soon. Minnesota’s friendly polka ambassadors Oscar and Helen Fryckman of Chisholm, Minn, have spent most of their lives promoting polka music, polka bands, polka events and polka fests. They have truly earned the title of Minnesota’s Ambassadors. Helen was born in the Glen Location, a little min-ing Co. location near Chisholm in 1929. Her parents both immigrated to the United States at the turn of the cen- tury from the Ukraine. Helen is 100% Ukrainian. Her parents instilled in her the value of life and her heritage and love for music. Oscar was born in Wyndotte, Mich, in 1929 and moved to the Iron Range at the beginning of the Depression. Although his parents were born in America, his grandparents were immigrants from Ireland, France and Sweden. Oscar grew up in Penopscot location near Hibbing and it was there that at a very eafly age his love for ethnic music and ethnic culture began. Many immigrants from Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia and Finland had settled in the mining locations and built their homes there. This early life style on Minnesota’s Iron Range was full of real culture as each nationality endured to preserve their own ethnic cultures in a new land. Oscar found many new friends, especially among the Slovenians. His love for their music began to develop. Oscar recalls numerous times his dad would come looking for him and would find him with his friends listening to the music of a wedding celebration. Oscar is proud of the fact the club performed for Governor Rudy Perpich’s Innaugural Ball. Oscar and Helen host the most popular radio polka program each Sunday over WEVE, 1340 AM in Eveleth. Polka bands and artists are encouraged to send albums and tapes for first class exposure. This year Oscar and Helen presented Chisholm Polka Days, a first annual event. ,, I POLKAS« 1 1 #lr: I r ....— irefrtft aSiim/i« % ffilare rapfe Bes/ Wishes to All Our Friends from Minnesota! '' f ' The Fred Kuhar Orchestra % > Classic Records: 29106 Weber Avenue, Wickliffe, O. 44092 phone: (216) 943-3865 I While in Town Plan to Visit our “BIG 10’’ Slovenian Homes Celebrating our 25th Anniversary SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 ST. CLAIR AVE. — 44103 361-5115 SLOVENIAN HOME SOCIETY OF COLLINWOOD '5810 HOLMES — 441 10 681-9675 SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME 20713 RECHER AVE. — 44119 531-9309 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 5050 STANLEY AVE. MAPLE HEIGHTS 44137 662-9731 West side Slovenian home 6818 DENISON AVE. — 44102 631-9661 SLOVENIAN WORKMEN'S HOME '5335 WATERLOO RD. — 44110 481-5378 Trafalgar ^iscovef* Waterloo*"4'"100 ® Business Assoc JC AB £ 160 © (§) £. 161 Waterloo -as/6®®^ (®®@®J ( © © " E. 157 ^ E. 158 E. 160 1. ) Clark Gas Station 481 0294 2. ) Century Tire Service/Firestone 531 3536 3. ) Stonegate Auto Alarms 692 0500 4. ) Tarr Industrial Drug 531-0011 5. ) Stakich Furniture 481 8288 6. ) Freeway Citgo AutoCare 486 4939 7. ) F.xer Ball Inc. - 383-822b 8. ) Report Center Bar 692 0646 9. ) Waterloo Florist 531 7330 10. ) Macs Lockshop - 481 1355 11. ) Leonis Pizza 531 4270 12. ) Jans Coiffures 531-6700 13. ) Waterloo Auxiliary Police 486 4397 »4.) R & D Sausage 692 1832 15. ) Trohas Eagle Supermarket 486-4290 16. ) Mesa Hall 531-7640 17. ) McPhillips Plumbing/Heating 481-1400 18. ) Cleveland Regulator 731-8053 19. ) Evergreen Midwestern 531 3358 20. ) Tony and Als’ Corral 481-0077 21. ) J.J.R. Auto Paints 531-5089 22. ) Paulich Trophies - 481-6300 23. ) Paulich Specialties 481-6300 24. ) Transport Workers Union 692-1911 25. ) Ann’s Beauty Shop 531 5240 26. ) Mike’s Barber Shop 486 7431 27. ) Waterloo Recreation 531 2022 28. ) Croatian Home 383-1124 29A.) Alpha Inter. Enter. Inc. 481 1040 29B.) Tom’s Shop Repair 486 6067 30A.) Central Bank 481 2400 30B.) Dr. Jarm 481 6805 30C.) Dr. Žnidaršič 481 7788 31. ) Caboose Bar 486 3586 32. ) Law Offices Prince & Shea 531 4116 33A.) Leo Club 481-5616 33B.) Dr. Ogrinc 531 6665 34. ) Mickey’s II - 531 9710 35. ) Kuhar's Eagle Market 481-6340 36. ) Paternal Order of Eagles 531 4444 37. ) Mulally Funeral Home - 531 9411 38. ) Fanny's Restaurant 531-1231 39. ) Alpine Village - 481-9711 40. ) Crystal BBQ 692 1375 41. ) J & J Hotel 486 3050 42. ) Mainline Electric 486-7304 43. ) Waterloo Bakery 531 1297 44. ) Northeast Mower Service 531 8197 45. ) Emerick Custom Cabinets 574 2324 46. ) Jephson Medic Drug 481 1286 47. ) Carst Memorials 481 2237 48. ) Slovenian Workmens Home 481-5378 49. ) Advance Industrial Sales 486 7359 50. ) B & B Upholstery ■ 481 9330 51. ) Scorpion Racing Engines 486 4999 52. ) Variety Flea Market 692 3532 53. ) Collinwood Jeep 481 4950 54. ) Motor Vations 481 AUTO SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 3563 E. 80th ST. — 44105 641-9664 West park Slovenian national home 4583 w. 130th ST. — 44135 ^41-3224 "fwAMK-SCiWiMfi \a1cei4. PesTivines WEVNESVAY - N0Y. 17th VON W0JT1LA ORCHESTRA (70:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M.) THURSVAY - N0Y. ISth DON W0JT1LA ALL-STARS (70:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. ] FRIPA/ N0Y. 19th HANK TANNANVER (10:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M.) Ifitiom Minnesota) - 1:00 A.M.) SATURDAY - N0Y. 30th AL MARKIČ ORCHESTRA (70:00 P.M. SUNDAY DEC. 1st DON W0JT1LA ORCHESTRA ( S: 00 PM. -11:00 A.M.) lorain Slovenian club /1'4 pearl ave. LORAIN, OHIO 44055 477-8101 ***** TURKEY VAY - Wzdnuday, NovembeA lltk. Elitzzn (7 5) tixAkzy& atiU be g-tven away, along utilk own umloI Wednesday night activities. Hot Vogs 25^ too. Please take note that music will be fiaom 10:00 P.M. till 2:00 A.H. AMERICAN SLOVENE HOME ®'7 THIRD ST. A|RPORT HARBOR, OHIO 44077 ''357-5046 Kenny Bass Polka Lovers’ show 09 Sundays since 1948 9 AM to 10:30 AM WBKC 1560 AM Tell someone you like, to Join us Sundays from ^ 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ^rank Kochevar - Pres. Waterloo Beach Horne Owners Association A»Mnlk-SlAK*Yankovic The WORLD’S Besl! P°I KAS & WALTZES mervar esim. 1921 6919 Si. Clair Ave. u KVELAND, OH 44103 Teh 216/361-3628 •juk*YURKOVIC*Zalac S S z x On Paljday, blovmben. 10th, we will ^eatutie the HANK TANN ANVER BANV {Aom Minnesota. uArmu TUAKiremitwc: to pvoAuone kAom the management and stafifi ofi Mickey's II. Mickey’s II 397 East 156 Street 531-9710 yoc/* !H /u AND MARIOM ■tfe sr X IxPi __sir«!"""«*, ^555 šil Jtespi . tlinsMii 1HM 1 1 I POLKA YOUR TROUBLES ^ P0l AWAY in the FLORIDA SUN MARCH 5 thru IS, 1986 with Johnny VadnaVs Orchestra For Reservations send in Coupon below with S250 deposit per person to: Johnny Vadnal 717 East 157th Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44110 (216) 268-3368 S.N.P.J. FESTIVAL — March 8 & 9 Nam, _________ DISNEYWORLD (Epcot) — March 10 a«««__________________ MAGIC KINGDOM — March 12 ;-------------—s,,,e BUSCH GARDENS — March 13 Deposit enclosed ($250 per person)_ DEPOSIT IN BY JANUARY 5, 1986 - . -q — qq SPACES LIMITED • per person based on double occupancy C & J BEVERAGES IMPORTED & DOMESTIC 23900 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, O. 732-9948 Delicious Ham/Bacon - Smoked Bone or Boneless from Strasburg Country — Ohio Lottery Tickets Sold Here — DANA’S CAFE A FRIENDLY PLACE TO MEET 16901 Grovewood Avenue Chuck and Helen Sumrada — owners Roy G. Sankovič funeral home ^ankovic-Johnston Funeral Home ^WLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 ^nera/s to meet the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director |&uljar’a ^Restaurant Finest Old World Cuisine 4291 N. Broadway (Rt. 534) Geneva, Ohio 44041 JOHN KUHAR 466-7020 Tony Petkovsek’s 24th Radio Anniversary WELW —NBN — WCPN THANKSGIVING DAY POLKA PARTY Thursday, November 28,1985 and the Weekend “Cleveland’s Great Holiday Extravaganza — Saluting Minnesota” St. Joe’s Hi Auditorium E. 185th St. & Lake Shore Cleveland, Ohio 6 D.m. till 1 a.m. 10 BANDS 2 HALLS Supporting WCPN-90 FM Stereo Cleveland Public Radio Tony’s Show Sunday 1 till 2 p.m. Daily on 1330 AM and NBN Cable Donatlon/Admlaalon $5.** at door — $4.,• advance Fra# at Door 1,000 Camatlon«Ja«. Slapnlk/fc00 CamatlonaF- Sterla/sOO Albuma & Tapaav 300 Pena Mickey Opoka Special Appreciation: Cleveland Slovenian Radio TV Club, John Peetotnlk, Chairman; Polka Boosters; Lake Shore Patrol; United Slovenian Society; St. Joe's High; Euclid General Hospital and Euclid Clinic ENJOY ANOTHER GREAT AND MEMORABLE THANKSGIVING POLKA WEEKEND IN CLEVELAND! Caber's Tavam, 595 E. 185th, 481-9509 Wednesday evening Brian Somrak Friday evening Don Wo|tlla Saturday evening Fred Kuhar Hofbrau Haua, 1400 E. 55, 881-7773 Friday evening Roger Bright (Wise) Saturday evening Duke Marslc Kuzman’a Lounge, 1025 S. State, Girard Friday evening Del Slnchak Saturday evening Bright & Melsner Mickey’s II, 397 E. 156, 531-9710 Wednesday evening Don Wojtlla Thursday evening Friday evening Hank Thunander (Minn) Saturday afternoon Jam Session Saturday evening Al Marklc____________ Slmclc’a Tavam, 1080 E. 260, 731-9783 Saturday afternoon Jam Session Saturday evening Dave Wretschko________ Sterte'a Country House, 1401 E. 55, 881-4181 Wednesday evening Zadar Express Friday afternoon Jam Session Friday evening The Melsners (Wise) Saturday evening Music Two Cro’s Lounge, 731 E. 185, 531-7775 Wednesday evening The Melsners (Wise) Friday evening Sumrada Bros. Vogue Lounge, Downtown Palnesvllle, 354-9155 Saturday evening Joe Luzar ___________ SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS! Friday Noon till 8:00 p.m. POL KATS DANCE Featuring Pol-Kat Musicians Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue/Euclid (off E. 200th - Lindbergh) $2.00 ★ Friday Evening at 6:00 p.m. MINNESOTA DINNER DANCE Featuring Johnny Vadnal Orchestra Holmes Hall Buttonaires Colllnwood Slovenian Home $10.00 15810 Holmes Avenue (off E. 152) ★ Saturday Evening at 5:30 p.m. POLKA MASS — Fr. Qeo. Balasko DINNER DANCE — John Krlzanclc Holiday Inn Holldome $12.50 28500 Euclid Avenue/WIckllffe * * * 1986 Marks the 25th Anniversary of Cleveland and America’s Longest Running Dally Polka & Ethnic Radio Show Conducted by Tony Petkovšek ■\MuSay Cleveland WICKLIFFE The Holiday Inn-Wickliffe, situated at 1-90 and Euclid Ave. in Cleveland, Ohio, offers a location and a facility appealing to business travelers and vacationers. Newly remodeled guest rooms include standard accommodations, king leisure^ and king sofa rooms, specially appointed executive and bridal suites, and rooms with direct access to our Holidome® Fun Center. Sauna, whirlpool, swimming pool, electronic game room, shuffleboard, ping pong, miniature golf, pool table, kiddie slide and play set / The Holidome® Fun Center provides rest, relaxation, and amusement for all who have chosen the Holiday Inn—Wickiiffe. If you're getting away for a weekend, or enjoying a break in the business day, the Holidome lets you make the most of your free time. TIMOTHY M. LESCOE General Manager HOLIDAY INN* - Cleveland-Wickliffe 28500 Euclid AVe. • Wickiiffe, OH 44092 216/585-2750 Owned and Operated by C.I.D.C.O. Mgmt. Co., Inc. NORTH COAST NEWS 'Z Mi; 'W> ZOLKA'S POLKA SO MUCH LOVE POLK ■'MV SWEETHlARr W !;/: .§;»V55 SLOVELA« VILLA«« POLKA • L , "DO I STILL HEtONG TO you walvz EL OOSTO POLKA Rll.VN POLKA ii f:'=:<« ♦MARU • J V : : : TgBfU A!S>N POLKA A {.Vfiv *i:LL WAIT FUR VOU WALTZ ZIP POLKA :R/>y ‘•'•.v : 'MARIČKA MOYA POLKA THAT'S ALL •šv?‘ : lyyrrx% vL y- V> y- V v' -Yft':; i ■••••>.> A-A JR« POLKAS AND WALTZES EHNsE ZOl KbH c. os.ioi; A « SCOTT aROCSEN/C«..'..' - NED SLiOR V:NO//><:>s I? oTt»ft I g«: a rhanc« M> ;::;>t>U»na you t mtrcxJuc« yov to The 2olk* BcotAers BarKi TW$ you;.sj bft»»d has co*»e !io w*tl' a rwtw aod <*xcitioy polka sound that y^H roake yw vsw«; to dance, dance, dance. The Zolka Ornthen Bend (uat cn rhelr polk.t tdeas w«Th a:i ol t:» and to know. that with tins love they have Tor polka mosic, wa can be estored that the polke Intot will hn around Inr meny year* to coma. I enwid go »n and on, hut if you are one of the lucky one* to own onaot their a-hnrr«. nothlnt: more has to to »aid. Ladies and nenttemerv ««y I introduce you to The Zolka drotltert Band. Dal Sinchdfc. President Pano Ofeio Polke Pal* [CO»J:*9 tn4 **:<:«$ Zr>z:K<-H' oeL SINt HOH nycarexe s.\-. »■r-cawrintnt •'»dclactinas L»:j:. ».>3 C. <«*»»:«>:&:* Avo. 'tzi-r.frtown, Ot>v:r'’'t4502 £ on b«» ^olKA «5>»»>v*a,Ohia aasiA / (2»«} zsr ene* S«*.*'«*: rtcwoa* $!«<»:<•'> / Oi- »asa Kxiu*^ i>-4<*; Voun^n Pen Kryone ; Ci*v«iyM, Chic GOME MIMES 4320 BROOKLYN AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44109 Looking tor a band or just one man... then look no further because I'm your man Eddie Andres cordovox-solo (One Man Band) and Orchestra 216-351-5046 m Fritz’s Tavern 991 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 481-9635 Noon Day Lunches Fish Frys - Fridays Fritz and Ruthie Hribar, proprietors WELCOME FEDORCHAK Gene and Joe Fedorchak RADIO 57 WKBY Youngstown, Ohio 9:30 — 11:00 a.m. March 23 ’86 Penn/Ohio Pals Banquet POL-KATS “After Thanksgiving Dance & Jam” Pol-Kat Bands and Musicians featuring Out-of-Town Guests Friday, November 29 Noon till 8:00 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Avenue, Euclid Admission $2. Refreshments available. HHjjr1 FRANK STERLE Slovenian Country House Restaurant Visit your best ethnic restaurant OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK CALL FOR RESERVATIONS FOR ANNIVERSARIES, BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS OR BOWLING PARTIES Music Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1401 E. 55th St. — 881-4181 Corner Bonna Avenue «*b> <0* $ 'V(aita i ~Art Cjadery ORIGINALS • FRAMING • LESSONS • CARDS LIMITED EDITIONS • COMMERCIAL 22744 SHORE CENTER DR EUCLID OHIO 44123 (216) 261-601 1 Simcic’s cJavern, Qnc. '0^*0 FOOD-LIQUOR ENTERTAINMENT 1080 EAST 260 ST, EUCLID. OHIO 44132 re« A »*•#*»*• !A.w.yeyPy te** v«*«; '»S'*: ttxtu 1 ?•>** A.r*e**t*y ec4-«vo»;. __ SSKSSL, TiZZZXr- Records $3.99 Cassette $4.99 (includes postage & hand!.) Eddie Vallus 1711 Mathews Rd. Poland, OH 44514 (216) 757-9166 Residential Commercial Industrial Engineering and Design Free Estimates Plufiiumy heating - Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Fabrication Complete Temperature Control Service Pneumatic and Electric Service On All Makes ENTOR ECHANICAL 255-7222 Dennis Koenig 8887 Perkins Drive Mentor, Ohio 44060 Congratulations, Tony on your 24th (A) Italo-American Chromatic • Poly Tone vO (B) 1930 Italo-American ^ Ctf 3 Row Piano Limit 120 Bass A* (C) Italo/American Chromatic O o o 4. £ Special Model 3 row Piano Accordion 120 imitation Bass Concert Master (D) 1950 Italo/American Concert Master 120 - 3 Row Imitation Key Board (E) 1929 Excelsior -Chromatic 3 row Button Key Board — 120 Bass (F) 1930 Skorka Chromatic P I Keys 120 (G) 1965 Strong-Aroni Chromatic Button Key Board 120 Bass (H) 1957 Italo/American Special 3 Row Button Key 120 Bass (I) Italo/American 3 row Button Key Board Electronic Organ For information call Dennis Koenig in Mentor’ O. at (216) - 255-8482 From the City of Euclid on the Shores, of Lake Erie... Best Wishes Mayor Anthony Giunta welcomes visiting Minnesotans to Euclid, “the City of Superior Services’’ Proclaims Nov. 28, 29, 30 Minnesota weekend in Euclid November, 1985 Dear Friends, I am very pleased to welcome all of you to the city of Euclid. It is tru-'y an honor to have visitors from Minnesota come to our city. I am Specially excited to hear that the Mesaba Button Box Club will perform at the Collinwood Slovenian Home as part of their Thanksgiving Celebration and Iron Range Reunion. The people of the City of Euclid believe that culture is an important Part of our way of life. We have many ethnic, civic and religious associations and organizations that stress old world heritage. We are pleased to Participate in what I consider to be a form of cultural exchange by your corning to our fine city as part of a Slovenian Polka program. The city of ^oclid encourages and supports those kinds of programs. The City of Euclid has dedicated a large facility to cultural and educational Or9anizations as an incentive to maintain our deep interest in the Peritage of our parents. I salute and congratulate each and every one of you for your involve-rnent and participation in an effort to preserve and perpetuate the music your parents. I thank you for coming to the city of Euclid to share that ^usic with us. Very truly yours, Anthony J. Giunta Mayor Euclid Mayor, Anthony J. Giunta sc- Half century old city hall included in tour of Euclid A tour of Euclid’s fifty year old City Hall, will be personally conducted by Mayor Tony Giunta for the Minnesotans. The structure built of cut stone reflects the sturdiness and pride of the men who labored so diligently, most of whom were ethnic craftsmen and laborers. Euclid Shares List of Polka Kings 0f p Polka is as much a part P Euclid as is its Slavic heritage. ar|kie Yankovic, Johnny Vad-g ’ Johnny Pecon, Louis Tribar ro k ddie Habat, to name a few, ty ^ed Euclid’s Slovenian Socie-p>o|?0rrie w'th the foot stomping Se ka sounds during the past eral decades. Thus, Euclid ared the title of “The Polka pltal” along with Cleveland. Tour of Euclid Square Mall Entertainment Stage - Enclosed Mall Oining - Refreshments Shopping Available Cultural Center Rises From Vacated School Shore Civic Cultural Centre is the renaissance of Shore Junior High School. Shore School served the Euclid community as an educational facility begining in 1913. Due to declining enrollment, it was closed in 1983. In the spring of 1984, Mayor Anthony J. Giunta began an effort to redevelop Shore as a multi-purpose Civic-Cultural Center. The plans for this renovation currently envision a Senior Citizens Center, a Community Educational and Post-Secondary Educational Center, a Social Services Center, and a Cultural Complex. This 135,000 square foot facility will provide ample space for this multi-faceted approach to the needs of Euclid citizens. The 1200-seat Auditorium will allow utilization of the spacious stage, near perfect sightlines, and acoustics. It is anticipated that this center’s contribution to the Greater Cleveland cultural awakening will extend far beyond Euclid’s boundaries. Congratulations and Best Wishes the Iron Range Reunion______________________________ 8 Polka Tour This will be the third year in a row that visitors from Minnesota will be touring various sights in the Northern Ohio area during their visit to Cleveland during the Thanksgiving weekend which will be highlighted by Tony’s Ten Band Polka Party on Thanksgiving night and a dinner dance at the Collinwood Slovenian Home on Friday night. There will be buses leaving the Holiday Inn in Wickliffe at 9 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. John Habat, the Cleveland Connection, has lined up a very interesting two day event. On Friday morning the City of Euclid will be host to the visitors. Among the places on the itinerary, at press time, are Euclid City Hall, Shore School Civic Cultural Facility and perhaps Euclid Square Mall. After lunch the group will visit the exciting “in” place in Cleveland, the downtown flats. Taking an active part in explaining the historic sites will be Cleveland Landmarks Commissioner, John Cimperman. With the cooperation of June R. Kosich, the log cabin in the “Settlers”area will be viewed. That is the spot where Moses Cleveland first landed in the northern Ohio area. On Saturday morning the buses will head east to Char-don, Ohio in Lake County to visit Kenny Bass, radio personality of station WBKC. He will be taping his program which is aired on Sunday mornings. Later in the afternoon a first-hand glimpse of “live -on the air” procedures of disc jockeys Tony Petkovšek and Eddie Bucar of WELW will be experienced. After the Kenny Bass interview, the group will travel to The Chalet Debonne for some wine in the famous Ohio wine county in Geneva. Then the buses will proceed to the Fairport Harbor Slovenian Home. A large musical rendezvous with other travelers is expected. The sounds of the “Goodwill Troubadors of Minnesota” will be heard far and wide. r i ! American Home Newspaper Brings you your ethnic heritage news EVERY WEEK. Call 431-0628 for a subscription. MESABA BUTTOH BOX — ■ ||f« 706 SIXTH STREET NORTHWEST I U CHISHOLM, MINNESOTA 55719 ULUD PHONE: 218/254 - 4554 WEVE EVELETH POLKA PROGRAM ^niong those joining Frank J. Lausche at his birthday celebration Sunday were the ”°n. August Pryatel (left), Judge of the Ohio °urt of Appeals, and John Lokar (center), who served as Lausche’s secretary for many years. While Lausche celebrated his birthday on Nov. 14, Lokar celebrated his 80th on Nov. 18. (Photo by Madeline Debevec) Many enjoy Lausche’s 90th Birthday Party at Slov. Home Frank Lausche (right) is called to the stage by Anne Opeka (at microphone) where a huge birthday cake was displayed and nine plaques of 10 candles each were displayed. Lausche went about blowing out all the candles with the'help of the students represen- ting various ethnic backgrounds. Sharing a moment of levity are (left to right) Judge August Pryatel, Governor Richard Celeste, Lausche, and Tom Vail. Karl Bonutti, founder of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, introduces the clergy in attendance at (Photo by Lausche’s 90th birthday party. James V. Debevec) a^rTl^ers °f American Mutual Life Association were well represented at Lausche’s big *he photo, left to right, are Louis Boldin, Supreme Secretary,' Mary Sinkovič, Me OUprp ' 'v',% ’ '«' • *> —K— w....«wv.vs, C|6v lme Treasurer, Sylvia Banko, Supreme officer and her husband, Jack, former i and (-'ounc'|man. Supreme officers also present at the AMLA table were Stanley dentr ’ President, Tony Satej, 1st Vice President, Anna Mae Mannion, 2nd Vice Presi-’ J°sephine Ambrosic, Marie Orazem, Lillian Novak, and Alice Arko. Ohio’s Newest Instant Lottery Wln$t IJIXIIIII Instantly or Million Dollar Grand Prize Millions of Chances to Win Millions of Dollars. Win instant cash from $2 (2,506,434 prizes) to $100,000 (13 prizes). Or Win a "free ticket" and you're automatically entered in the Million Dollar Grand Prize Drawing. Prizes range from $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, $40,000 up to an exciting $1,000,000. Winning game cards must be validated. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. NOVEMBER 22, 1985 Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 22, 1985 The following talk was given by Most Rev. Bishop A. Edward Pevec at St. Vitus Church at the 1:15 p.m. Mass which was celebrated in honor of Senator Frank J. Lausche’s 90th birthday on Sunday, Nov. 17th, It is said by some that a song is not a song until you sing it, and that a bell is not a bell until you ring it. How much more true it would seem to be that a life is not a life until you live it. Senator Lausche, this afternoon we come with you into the parish of your boyhood to celebrate with you and to thank God for the life you’ve lived with us and for us. As Catholics, as fellow Americans, as fellow Slovenians, and as friends we come from all walks of life to wish you the happiest of birthdays and to ask God to bless you with a sense of His love and ours. We are so grateful for the 90 years during which you’ve lived your life. You give us reason to be proud to be your friends. On what do we focus our attention in today’s liturgy? Perhaps the historian in all of us will be fascinated by the dimensions of time. Senator, our nation was just 119 years old when you were born right around the corner from here; now as a nation we are 209 years old. Just 30 years before your birth the brutal Civil War between the north and south had been brought to an end. The United States into which you were born had 44 stars on its flag, and now we have 50. It would be eight more years before Orville and Wilbur Wright would make their first flight at Kitty Hawk. Today we can fly at speeds faster than that of sound. The Spanish American War was fought while you were just a baby, but as a man you would witness two World Wars, a Korea, and a Vietnam. Even now the world rests in an uneasy and troubled peace. The new St. Vitus School building was opened in 1912, and it seems odd that even now, some 73 years later, some still refer to it as the “new school.” You remember the Depression of 1929 and the following years. It is almost incredible that in its tightest grip this church in which we worship this afternoon was dedicated in 1932. As a ball player, Senator, you would remember the Steps to Immortality Cleveland Indians of 1920, 1948, and 1954. Probably you shake your head in dismay to think that in all these years we were able to produce only three pennant winners in Cleveland. The sentimentalist in all of us might recall the loving and helpful Frances Lausche. So often you’ve spoken of your mother, Senator. She must have been quite a lady. Remember the old wooden church on Norwood Road? The three-storied wooden school building? The old rectory on Glass Avenue? How many can say that they knew personally all six pastors of this 92-year old parish? It takes more than a good memory; it takes a long life to recall Vitus Hribar, Bartholomew Ponikvar, Louis Baznik, Rudolph Praznik, Edward Pevec, Joseph Boznar. The struggling neighborhood business — Spech’s, Pintar’s, Dezelan’s, Pianecki’s, Novak’s, Gornik’s, Belaj’s, Meglich’s, Washington pie, Double Eagle pop, Clover Dairy milk. All from another generation, weren’t they? The realist in all of us can recall the hardships. Homes bought and sometimes lost. Jobs found, treasured, and suddenly terminated. Wives, husbands, children, relatives, friends — here with us, and then suddenly no longer. It seemed odd that visits to Grdina’s, Zakrajsek’s, and Zele’s became more frequent. We shared our finer moments and sought support in those which were darker. It is this way that a life is lived — with beginnings and ends, with successes and failures, with hopes and disap- pointments, with all that must be the lot of humankind in the course of our pilgrim way to heaven. Our liturgy today respects the historian, the sentimentalist, and the realist in each of us, but reminds us that there has to be another perspective to what we see. Our readings today are stuff from which bumper stickers are made, THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED. STARS WILL FALL OUT OF THE SKIES. THIS EARTH WILL PASS AWAY. At first glance, these are frightening signs of finality which might easily dampen the joy of this day, but only for those who are unbelievers. To hear of a TIME UNSURPASSED IN DISTRESS (Daniel) and to hear what will happen AFTER TRIALS OF. EVERY SORT (Mark) unsettles even the bravest but fascinates even the least interested. Do I believe in a loving God? Then the believer in me must be rooted in the conviction that Jesus is very active among us at this very moment. In spite of the awesomeness of what is and what might be, I must believe that God’s loving purpose for our world is a truth that I must accept un-questioningly. So very easily and so very naively we can become overliteral and very fundamen-talistic as we read what the Lord says to us. We can emphasize the trivial and discover what we think are detailed “predictions” of things to come. We get caught up in trying to chart the future, and we find ourselves involved with modern visionaries and prophets who reveal “secrets of Coming Events Sunday, Nov. 24 St. Mary’s Collinwood, Thanksgiving Festival from 3 to 9 in Baraga Hall. Sunday, Nov. 24 Fall Dinner-Dance of SNPJ Circle 2 at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. Tickets $9 adults, $4 children at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St. or Recher Hall Club Room. Thursday, Nov. 28 Big ten band polka party at St. Joseph High Auditorium, E. 185 St. beginning at 6 p.m. sponsored by Tony Petkovsek’s radio club. Friday, Nov. 29 Board of Directors of Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. sponsor Dinner Dance for the Iron Range Reunion honoring the Minnesota people. Vadnal Orchestra. Dinner at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 1 St. Vitus Ladies Auxiliary C.W.V. Post 1655 hold a Boutique at St. Vitus School Auditorium noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14 St. Mary Magdalene Lodge No. 162 KSKJ Adult and Juvenile Christmas party at 2 p.m. in St. Vitus Social Room. Sunday, Dec. 22 Christmas Party for Newburgh KSKJ lodges St. Lawrence No. 63, St. Joseph No. 146 and St. Ann No. 150 at Slovenian Hall on E. 80th St. at 3:00 p.m. the unknown.” And to whom does the future belong if not to our loving God? Do we confuse what is to be with what already was (and even Scripture experts admit that they don’t have all the answers)? We can wrongly put so much into some far-off future and see it as a vague and remote end of everything. The word of the Lord is not intended to be a gypsy’s fortune telling card. There are times and will be times when I will feel so much out of control. E.g., the present volcanic eruption in Columbia, the recent earthquake in Mexico city, the hijacking of Flight 847, the fear of nuclear disaster, the evils of abortion, the disintegration of moral values in society. Or perhaps there are the more personal ones — loss of a job, a broken marriage, a prodigal son or daughter, financial disaster, cancer, throbbing relentless arthritic pain, the death of someone we love. And I feel so out of control. There is a divine paradox in all this: whatever the troubles, they become the occasion of renewed hope in a loving God who genuinely cares for me. Such problems mark the beginnings of an end; they are the birth-pangs of a new and final age for which everyone of us was created. No one of us here this afternoon believes for a moment that this life is all there is. Jesus is always near, very much the loving Mqster of my life. A life lived is a suffering li'e-Senator, I’m sure you can s° eloquently tell us all that sue cess, political or social, did no temper the hurt that came from the death of y°ur parents, your loving e' Jane, so many of your fncn s' Even not to hear well is s0 troublesome. But our Catholic-Christi^ response to what we ^ee 3 a “crisis situations” must deep-seated peace and cv^ joy because we trust in a ^ who has promised fuU ® final justice to those who Him — and God keeps promises. The trials of our life are n3 “end times” for us, eV^ though they may seem to be-we are faithful disciples o lord, we have reason to in Him, to trust in nj spend less time in predm i and more in preparing f°r Lord’s coming are marks Christian life well lived. Birthdays for some are ^ of mortality, but to ^ believer they are steps to* mortality. To be accept® ^ our friends is so grat' but to be received by our is eternally rewarding. . On this day esPeC!30 js Senator, may the lord w £ Life, give you a deeper 5 in His life. Happy Birthd^L Slovene Artists Featured in New York City Showing By Marie Prelog Five Slovene artists were featured at a Fine Arts Exhibition sponsored by the Slavic Heritage Council of America Inc. The exhibit was held at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York City and ran from October 21 thru the 25th. The purpose of the Slavic Heritage Council is to foster an understanding and sense of unity among the different Slavic nations and to introduce the various Slavic cultures to the American public at large. The art exhibition was only part of a week long Slavic Cultural program. A gala reception for the artists and guests was held on October 21st following the reading of various proclamations by government representatives. The guests had an opportunity to meet and speak with several of the artists. Featured at the exhibit were Byelorussian, Croatian, Polish Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Ukraio'3 lists. (j D' Most of the works wo ^ considered “Modern ^ but also shown were jj. works which were more Ther tional in genre and sty e-were various still '*veS^s ^ scapes, and portraits, as classical and native s The Slovenian« jn represented by the _° J artists. Erika Marija 3 Chicago, sent two P ^ sculpted from plastl j f painted. They repres6**.^fl-interpretation of the two parts of a PuzZ e'ubif'1 SV j,( ted two photographs Gosar, of New York, “ ^i' black and y of nudeS Vodlan, of New hibited a colorful wo bird motif. The birds ^i| to resemble peaco® ^pjij their fans open. Mir j^d cic, of New York, eXf ^ cubist style painting 0 ^ From Simon ^re®a^ven ^ tion, there was a w ofli. hanging by Bogdan