VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 231 VESTNIK 2022 | 233 VESTNIK 2022 | 235 VESTNIK 2022 | 237 VESTNIK 2022 | 239 Znano je, da je v mnogih kul-turah - še posebej orientalskih - precej razvita zelo izdelana simbolika, povezana s števili. Gre za prepricanje, da število poleg tega, da izrazi neko na-tancno vsebino, predstavlja tudi razkritje neke skrivne harmoni-je ali prikrite sposobnosti. V Svetem pismu je treba števila razumeti kot tista, ki imajo dodaten in »duhoven« pomen. Tako lahko razume-mo tudi število, ki ga navaja Luka v zacetku današnjega branja: »Tisti cas je Gospod dolocil še drugih dvainsedemdeset«, poleg apo-stolov, katerih misijonsko poslanstvo je evangelist že prej zacrtal. Število ima pomen, ker orisuje idealno skupnost. V Cetrti Mojzeso-vi knjigi je bil namrec poleg Mojzesa sestavljen nekakšen senat, ki je štel 70 starešin, na katere je prišel preroški duh: »da bodo z Mojze-som vred nosili breme ljudstva« in ga skoraj predstavljali pred Bo-gom. Vcasih bi se lahko tudi v našem Lukovem porocilu prebralo 70 in bi imelo zelo zanimivo vzporednost z besedilom na Sinaju in Moj-zesom: Kristusovi ucenci tvorijo skupnost novega izhoda, usmerjeni naproti obljubljeni deželi kraljestva, ceprav so sedaj potopljeni v pušcavi zgodovine in v lastnih preizkušnjah. Vendar obstaja tudi drugacen pomenljiv svetopisemski namig. Velicastna »miza ljudstev« (1 Mojz. 10) obsega 70 ljudstev, ki so sko-raj kot raznobarven šopek cloveštva v svojih posebnostih, razlikah, v svojem kulturnem, etnicnem in duhovnem bogastvu. Vendar staro-davni grški prevod Svetega pisma (tudi tega so poimenovali po sim-bolicnem številu prevajalcev »Septuaginta« - »Sveto pismo sedemde-setih«) našteva na tem seznamu 72 ljudstev. V tej luci lahko torej mislimo, da nam je Luka hotel nakazati simbolno vrednost: 72 ali 70 ucencev postane neke vrste znamenje imenitnosti nove kakovosti božjega ljudstva, ki je sestavljeno iz razlicnih narodnosti, raznovrstnih kultur in števil-nih družbenih struktur. Prav z omembo števila 70/72 se tako doseže upodobitev Cerkve, ki je misi-jonska in vesoljna. K tej nas Jezus usmerja z govorom, kjer poudar-ja tri temeljne naloge, ki jih bomo sedaj zelo na kratko pojasnili. Prvo prizadevanje je znacilno za Luka. Poklicanost v apostolat ima korenine v bož-jem delovanju, ki rojeva oznanjevalce Besede. Spre-jem v skupnost apostolov in pricevanje ne nastane-ta s simpatijo do kršcanskega gibanja, niti z željo po vkljucitvi ali zgolj z osebnim zanimanjem. Kr-šcanska poklicanost ima na svojem zacetku »Gospodarja žetve«. In tudi naprej se rodovitnost misijonskega prizadevanja hrani samo v živem in pristnem stiku z Bogom v veri, v milosti in molitvi. Druga naloga je vesela in opogumljajoca: tudi ce mora ucenec tvegati ali ga zadene preganjanje, se ne sme nikoli prepustiti skušnjavi, da bi ga pre-slepil car nasilja ali razkazovanje moci. Vedno je treba biti kot »jagnjeta«, to je oznanjevalci miru, ki predlagajo in ne nalagajo. Biti je treba tudi pri-pravljen »otresti prah, ki se je oprijel nog«, odlocni oditi drugam, da bi oznanjali božje kraljestvo. Kdor oznanja evangelij, ne more biti vezan na denar in na obleko, sprejeti mora to, kar mu je da-rovano, in podariti, kar je prejel. Njegova ljubezen do bolnih in revežev mu bo zelo hitro odvzela »denarnice in torbe«; njegov življenjski slog je po-doben jagnjetu, ki se daruje. Njegov apostolski ide-al je v mocni avtoriteti, ki nam jo Jezus ponuja: »Lisice imajo brloge in ptice neba svoja gnezda, Sin clovekov pa nima, kamor bi glavo položil.« Število 72 (ali 70) odmeva tudi na koncu odlom-ka, ko po izpolnjenem poslanstvu opisuje vrnitev ucencev. Ti se veseli vracajo v skupnost, ker so za-cutili silovito moc evangelija, ki so ji »pokorni hudi duhovi«. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 4) 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 27/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 3.7. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Veselite se, ker so vaša imena zapisana v nebesih 230 | VESTNIK 2022 232 | VESTNIK 2022 234 | VESTNIK 2022 236 | VESTNIK 2022 238 | VESTNIK 2022 240 | VESTNIK 2022 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Make joyful noise to God, all the earth! First Reading Isaiah 66:10-14 The human city is only at peace when it is also the city of God. Second Reading Galatians 6:14-18 The Christian way of transformation is through the cross. This is how we are to be reborn. Gospel Luke 10:1-12. 17-20 The mission of Christians is never a case of going where we want to go, but of going where we are called to go. “The kingdom of God is very near.” Illustration A Christian writer once used the analogy of a kite he received as a present when he was a child. He eagerly ripped off the wrapping, only to find that the wrapping was actually the most crucial part of the kite, so that it was now ruined. The idea of the Church as mission is a bit like that. To be missionary is not an add-on extra to the Church: mission is what the Church is. The Church herself is the continu-ance of the mission of the Son of God from the Father. Christ himself only came as a human being because he was sent by the Father. Since no human being can do much on his or her own – in fact humans can’t be much on their own – Christ had to extend that mission through his Church. The wrapping paper was the wings of the kite – and the Church does not fly if it is not missionary. Gospel Teaching In all three synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke – Jesus sends out the twelve apostles, but only in the Gospel of St Luke do we have this second sending of the seventy-two disciples. If we think of the Gospel of St Luke and the Acts of the Apostles as one work in two parts, this makes even more sense. For Luke, the Church is continually expanding. So first Our Lord sends out the Twelve. They are called the Twelve, rather than the apostles, because they represent the twelve sons of Jacob, who were the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. The twelve apostles will form the new Israel. Now he sends out the seventy-two. We can speculate about the meaning of these numbers, as many commentators have done, but the important thing is that the Church is expanding. For most of us, even clergy, it is rare to be a mission-ary in the traditional sense. Not many of us are sent out from our homes to carry the Gospel. Yet the words of Christ apply to every life, to every person. We should not force our faith on anyone but we should look for and encourage faith in others, and that faith should generate a shared life of some sort. Sometimes we live very closely with others who do not share our faith. That is fine; they may be our friends and family, neighbours and colleagues. Nonetheless, for Chris-tians there should be people in our life who are united to us by faith, even if it is only the people we meet in church on a Sunday. Still, there will be times when we may have to choose to enter into the house of a per-son of peace, or to “shake the dust off our shoes” in response to one who would oppose our faith. Application We shouldn’t think of the rejection by or of others as a negative way of living. We are never to disregard the needs of others. Jesus cured those who were sick, even in his home town when he could find no faith there. However, we are called to build community, a community based on our shared faith. This means following where the peace of God leads us, being open to the lives of other people of faith, or who are open to learning about and sharing our faith. The sev-enty-two do find houses where that peace is to be found, and they do find people who, being destined to receive the faith, will form the new community with them. For most of us, the people we know best are our family and friends. They will not all be Christians, but we can seek some shared values and beliefs. With Muslims and Jews, for example, we can believe in God; with Buddhists we can see the importance of meditation in our lives. With fellow Christians we can share our belief in Christ. With humanists we can agree that this life is crucial, that the earthly life never comes back, though we believe that it will determine our eternal life. There is always some sort of common ground. Still, we need to know that there is the unify-ing belief of the Church, that we are part of the mysti-cal body of Christ. And finally, we too must never be afraid to say, as Jesus has told us, that “the kingdom of God is very near”. BARAGA DAYS TORONTO Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 4:30 pm Slovenian Litany 5:00 pm Slovenian Mass 6:00 pm Showing of the EWTN documentary Walking with Baraga: The Joe Gregorich Story. Q & A Session to follow 7:30 pm Banquet and entertainment in hall ($45.-) Cash bar will be available at banquet and luncheon RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Sunday, September 4th, 2022 9:00 am EWTN Documentary – They Might Be Saints Bishop Frederic Baraga Q & A Session to follow 10:00 am English Mass 11:30 am Luncheon in hall ($30.-) RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 12.30 pm Bishop Baraga Association annual meeting Bring or send reservation & payment by August 8th to: Rose Nesich 739 Browns Line, Toronto ON M8W 3V7 Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Email: 416-255-2721 Za našo župnijo bomo za soboto zvecer organizirali avtobusni prevoz. Kot vidite iz sporeda, se je potrebno prijaviti najkasneje do 8. avgusta. Za našo župnijo bo prijave zbirala Terezija Sarjaš, telefon 905-930-7990. Glede cene avtobusa bomo objavili pozneje. Za nedelja ne bomo posebej organizirali, kdor bi se želel udeležiti, naj se prijavi Rose Nesich - podatki so zgoraj! CANADA DAY LONG WKND THURS JUNE 30 - MON JULY 4 Whether you are off work on the Friday or the Monday - we got you covered. CAMPING $40 per person (under 18 years of age free when accompanied by a parent) ... there is a always something happening for everyone at sLOVEnski park Sunday: Mass at 1:00 p.m. Pick-up Volleyball & Basketball Camping $40 per person SLOVENSKI DAN 2022 NA NIAGARSKEM POLOTOKU Slovenski Koordinacijski Odbor Niaga-ra je bil, po dveh letih Covida-19, znova sponzor Slovenskega dneva. Tako smo letos obhajali že 31. Slovenski dan, ki kro-ži med slovenskimi organizacijami v tem delu Ontaria. Tokratni gostitelj je bilo društvo Slo-venski Park in to prav na dan slovenske samostojnosti preteklo soboto 25. junija. Dan je potekal po že ustaljenem sporedu: Svecana sveta maša ob 11 uri pri kapelici, nato kosilo in po kosilu kulturni program. Popoldan se je nato prelil v veselo druže-nje rojakov na pikniku, saj smo ga, prete-kli dve leti, vsi pogrešali. Bilo je lepo soncno dopoldne, ko je pri kapelici daroval sveto mašo župnik g. Drago Gacnik s 15 clanskim sodelova-njem laikov, nekateri tudi v narodnih nošah. Rekordna udeležba rojakov je z ljudskim petjem obogatila ta duhovni del praznovanja. V kuhinji so se odrezali z dobrim kosi-lom, ljudje pa so se posedli na klopi v pri-jetni senci. Zacetek kulturnega programa sta za-znamovale kanadska in slovenska himna. Program so spretno in duhovito povezo-vale Mary Ann Demšar in Martina Malevic Bellemore. Najprej so sledili pozdravni nagovori in sicer: Predsednik Slovenske-ga parka Danny Demšar in predsednica upravnega odbora Mary Ann Demšar. V imenu Slovenskega Koordinacijskega Odbora Niagara je spregovorila koordina-torka Heidy Novak. Navzoce sta nagovori-la tudi Marjan Kolaric in Blaž Slamic v imenu slovenskega veleposlaništva v Ot-tawi. Sledila je podelitev priznanja najzasluž-nejši prostovoljki pri Slovenskem parku, Štefki Kanc. V nadaljevanju so se zvrstili nastopajoci. Poseben užitek je bilo poslušati kar 4 igral-ce na diatonicno harmoniko – »frajtonarico«, ki so se predstavili kot: Vida Godina - Lipa park, Peter Kralj in Mario Rozman - London in Jesse Kumer – Sloven-ski park. Mark Morassutti pa je s kitaro in petjem navdušil poslušalce. Predsedniki sodelujocih Slovenskih organizacij so prejeli spominske plakete za Slovenski dan 2022. Nakar je sledila simbo-licna predaja slovenske zastave, ki potuje vsako leto k naslednjemu gostitelju sloven-skega dne; naslednje leto bo gostitelj druš-tvo Bled v Beamsvillu. Kulturni program sta živahno zakljucila dva para iz plesne skupine Mladi Glas. Kanadsko slovensko kulturno društvo in društvo Slovenski park so v dvorani pred-stavili zanimivo razstavo in video, ki so si ga lahko ogledali. Ansambel Šibaj pa je poskrbel za ples in dobro razpoloženje in druženje rojakov. Slovenski Park se je izkazal kot prijeten gostitelj in odlicne organizator za kar gre vrlim prostovoljcem vsa zahvala in prizna-nje. Tudi to pot, kot vedno, je bil Slovenski dan pri Slovenskem parku množicno obi-skan. Za konec praznicnega dneva, nas je zve-cer Radio Glas Kanadskih Slovencev oboga-til na ta najvecji državni praznik Republike Slovenije z custvenim domoljubnim pro-gramom. Frank Novak OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS - July 1 to 3 2022 - Slovenski park - Canada Day Long Weekend - Mass on Sunday, July 3rd at 1:00 p.m. - July 10, 2022 - Lipa Park - Summerfest pic-nic - July 23, 2022 - Slovenski park - Pecenkafest - July 24, 2022 - Bled - Prošccenje, picnic - July 29, 2022 - Slovenski park - Civic Holi-day Long Weekend: July 29 - Aug. 1st; Mass on July 31, 1:00 p.m. - August 7, 2022 - Lipa Park - Music in the Park picnic - August 14, 2022 - Breslau - Sava - Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Picnic - August 28, 2022 - Bled - Summer picnic - September 3-4, 2022 - Toronto - Brez-madežna - Baraga Days CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH July 9th - Gosgnach team July 23rd - Groznik, Erzar, Lukežic DONATIONS - DAROVI Za gradbeni sklad je darovala $50 Ana Gergyek v spomin na pokojnega brata Jurija Rajbar. Za gradbeni sklad smo prejeli $100 od N.N. Za projekcijsko platno v cerkvi je darova-la $400 Štefka Eržen. Hvala vsem za vaše darove, še posebej vsem za redno nedeljsko nabirko. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO Na racun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 23. junija 2022: $134,040. - Obljubili / Pledged $112,410. - Vplacali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. 14. NEDELJA MED LE-TOM 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3. JULIJ TOMAŽ, APOSTOL IZSELJENSKA NEDELJA † † † † † †† † †† †† † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Marija Špiler Martin Simoncic, obl. Martin Simoncic, obl. Martin Simoncic, obl. Maks Pavlic Pok. iz družine Štefanec Milka Ferko Pok. iz družine Berkovic-Škof Pok. clani društva Slov. Park Frank Zabukovec Jože in Marija Kuzma Frank Zabukovec 10:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - - - - - - - - Mož z družino Žena Kathy Družina Pinter Audrey Hawthorne Marina Štefanec Marina Štefanec Mirko in Irena Kolmanic Zlatko Berkovic z družino Maša v Slovenskem parku Jože Pust Družina Kuzma Kristijan Razpotnik V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Zupancic Ivan July 5, 1993 Letnik Anton July 7, 1992 Žekš William July 8, 1985 Zrim Marija July 8, 2009 PASTORAL EMERGENCY CALLS AT HAMILTON HEALTH SCIENCE SITES – MCMASTER, GENERAL & JURAVINSKI Effective June 29, a new system for con-tacting a Catholic Priest to attend the dying for each HHS site comes into effect. HHS switchboard will no longer contact the Priest on-call in case of pastoral urgency at General, McMaster or Juravinski Hospitals. Instead, a self-governed call-forwarding system has been established by the Hamilton Deanery. Each HHS site will have a telephone number that can be accessed through the nurses’ station and used by Hospital staff, or patient families, to call for a Priest to offer the Anointing for the sick and dying in urgent need. For all other spiritual needs while in hospi-tal – counselling, reception of Holy Commun-ion, or other needs – please contact your own Parish. NOTE: this change does not impact Saint Joseph Hospital. It’s always a good idea to let the Parish know if you anticipate a hospital stay so that arrangements can be made for a pastoral visit. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 4. 7. 2022 - 10. 7. 2022 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 4. JULIJ Urh (Uroš), škof †† † Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Viktor Glavac 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Žena Olga z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 5. JULIJ Ciril in Metod, slovanska ap. † † † Metod Kuzma Ivan Zupancic, obl. Sonya Rosmus 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica z družino Žena z družino Mama SREDA - WEDNESDAY 6. JULIJ Marija Goretti, mucenka † † † † † Marija Bregar Ivan Žižek Ivan Žižek Martin Simoncic, obl. Marija Špiler 7:00 P.M. CWL - KŽZ Amalija in Mirko Marija Hocevar Lorie, Kathy & Frank Družina Škrban CETRTEK - THURSDAY 7. JULIJ Anton M. Zaharija, duh. † † Anton Letnik, obl. Anton Letnik, obl. Za sreco v življenju 7:00 P.M. Žena Anica z družino Družina Vegelj Dragica Đondraš PETEK - FRIDAY 8. JULIJ Gregor Grassi, škof † † †† †† Ignac Korošec Milka Ferko Pok. iz družine Jurkic Slavka in Frank Mramor 7:00 P.M. Ana Gergyek Jožica Novak z družino Ana Tadic Julija Sagadin z družino SOBOTA - SATURDAY 9. JULIJ Avguštin Z. Rong in kitajski mucenci Hadrijan III., papež †† †† † † † † † † Pokojni iz družine Zelko Katarina in Vinko Antolin, obl. Milka Ferko Milka Ferko Strici in tete Mira Špiler Ivan Kunej Marta Bembenek 5:30 P.M. Matilda Bratuž Sin Ivan z družino Toni Ferko Regina in Martin Nedelko Marija Košir Karolina in Niko Bogovic Paula Kunej Marija Korošec z družino 15. NEDELJA MED LETOM 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 10. JULIJ AMALIJA, REDOVNICA VIKTORIJA, MUCENKA †† † †† † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Pokojni starši iz druž. Pozderec Boris Brott Paula in Franc Pelcar Jože Razpotnik Klemencic in Rev Lojze Lesica Ivan Žižek Frank Mramor 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Julija Sagadin z družino Milena Volcanšek Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Anica Blas Zorka Rev Žena z družino Toni in Marija Franc Mirko in Irena Kolmanic