Domen Zupančič ■ 2oo8/l VREDNOTE VERNAKULARNE ARHITEKTURE GORENJSKE IN PREKMURJA PRI STRATEGIJI ZASNOVE DEJAVNOSTI V PROSTORU VALUES OF VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF GORENJSKA AND PREKMURJE _ IN THE STRATEGIC CONCEPTION OF SPATIAL ACTIVITIES H ARRS: Z5-9275-0791-06, podoktorski projekt 2007 Ključne besede ekonomika, prenova, študija izvedljivosti, kultura, maketa Key words economics, renovation, feasibility study, culture, model Povzetek Vernakularna arhitektura je v teoretičnih izhodiščih najbližja človekovi logiki upodobitve bivališča in rabe prostora. Logika tržnega gospodarstva vernakularno arhitekturo selektivno idealizira in posledično marginalizira. Množična turistična in kmetijska dejavnost z uporabo strojev in vpeljavo novih tehnoloških, sistemskih, procesnih ter higienskih standardov odstopa od utečenih vzorcev vernakularne zasnove objektov in zasnov gospodarskih posestev. Odstopanje od teh principov sistematizira in učinkoviteje vključuje pogoje trga, proces pridelave proizvodov in prodaje proizvodov. Z vidika oblikovanja prostora pa tovrstno slepo sledenje sistematizaciji siromaši kulturno identiteto, ki jo vernakularna arhitektura premore. Namen projekta je povezati doprinos vernakularnosti in obstoječe standarde v izbranih dejavnostih. Prostorske kombinacije turizma in kmetijstva zaradi strogih meril o zahtevani celoviti kakovosti proizvodov opuščajo vernakularni ekonomični pristop zasnove in oblikovanja procesov dela, objektov ter kmečkih gospodarstev. Največkrat gre za podrejanje začasnim ekonomskim razlogom (osnovanje ekoloških kmetij in turističnih centrov na podlagi črpanja subvencij kohezijskih skladov), brez dolgoročnih strateških razvojnih usmeritev. Na osnovi izhodišč projekta in nastajajoče dokumentacije terenskih posnetkov objektov in analize obstoječih lokacij je nastalo delovno gradivo, ki obravnava dvojnost vsebine projekta: • obravnava in analiza posameznih objektov na izbranih lokacijah, • obravnava izbrane lokacije v strnjenem delu naselja Bled. S preveritvijo lokacije se je izkazalo, da je proces preslikave tradicije kompleksen proces, kjer je treba usklajevati več dejavnikov. Doseženi cilji, namen in rezultati Cilj projekta ni le v produkciji dokumentacije obstoječih objektov, temveč v prenosu logike zasnove bivalnih in gospodarskih objektov v nove nastajajoče objekte. Prenos poteka postopno, prvi korak je preliminarna študija izvedljivosti projektne naloge, kjer so analizirani posamezni parametri (prostorske smernice, zakonodaja, tehnična izvedljivost, prostorska analiza, finančna izvedljivost). Nemalokrat se v okviru standardnih parametrov v študijo vključijo še kulturna vpetost projekta v okolje, zgodovinska dejstva in potencialne možnosti vpetosti projekta v mrežo financiranja v okviru posameznih projektov na nivoju Evropske unije. Rezultata študije v praksi sta: idejna zasnova obnove objektov na lokaciji - potrebna je celovita revitalizacija območja; postavitev makete v merilu 1:1 na izbrani lokaciji. Na osnovi študije je bil k načrtovanju povabljen projektivni biro, ki bo projekt izpeljal do izvedbe. Ocenjujem, da je tako namen teoretičnega dela projekta utemeljen in smiseln. Problematika v arhitekturi, umestitev obravnavane teme v te tokove in njen pomen Vsebinsko je projektna naloga zasnovana kot katalizator med objekti kulturne tradicije območja in novimi objekti na istem območju. Dokumentacija ne stremi zgolj k arhiviranju preteklosti, temveč k razstavljanju celote in ponovnemu snovanju nove celote z upoštevanjem Abstract In terms of its theoretical starting points, vernacular architecture is the nearest to peoples ' logic of representation of a dwelling place and use of space. The logic of a market economy selectively idealises the vernacular architecture and consequently marginalises it. Mass tourism, and farming activities utilising machines and applying new technological, systemic, process and hygiene standards, deviate from established patterns of vernacular structure design and farmstead design. Deviation from these principles systemises and involves with greater efficiency the market conditions, as well as the production and sale processes of products. From the viewpoint of spatial design, such blind following of systematisation impoverishes the cultural identity contained in vernacular architecture. The purpose of the project resides in linking the contribution of the vernacular with existing standards in the chosen activities. Spatial proximity between tourism and farming in agritourism causes a discontinuation in the vernacular design and shaping of working processes, structures and farmsteads, owing to the strict quality standards for products which need to be met. Most often it is a matter of submitting to temporary economic reasons (such as founding ecological farmsteads and tourist centres in order to be able to draw subsidies from EU cohesion funds) without any long-term strategic development policies. On the basis of the starting points of the project, the field surveys which are being conducted, and analysis of the existing locations, working material has been created dealing with the two-fold project content: • dealing with and analysing single structures. • dealing with the selected locations in the compact part of the settlement ofBled. Upon checking the location, it turned out that the process of copying tradition is a complex process which needs the reconciliation of several factors. Goals achieved, purpose and results Theproject objective does not consist only ofproducing documentation about existing structures, but of transferring the logic of design of residential structures and premises to the new structures which are to be built. It is a step-by-step process, the first step being a preliminary feasibility study of theproject task, where single parameters are analysed (spatial guidelines, legislation, technical feasibility, spatial analysis, financial feasibility). Standard parameters of the study not infrequently also involve the cultural inclusion of the project in the environment, historical facts and the potential of financing the project by using the financial possibilities offered within the framework of single European Union projects. The practical results of the study are: conceptual design of the renovation of the structures situated at the location - a comprehensive revitalisation of the area is needed. Erection of a model on a scale of 1:1 at the chosen location. On the basis of the study, a design studio has been invited to do the design work and implement the project. I believe that the purpose of the theoretical part of the project was thus grounded and meaningful. VREDNOTE VERNAKULARNE ARHITEKTURE GORENJSKE IN PREKMURJA PRI STRATEGIJI ZASNOVE DEJAVNOSTI V PROSTORU novih dodatnih pogojev in danosti prostora ter okolja. Projekt zasnove območja na lokaciji na Bledu je dokaz, da je pomen tovrstnega teoretičnega raziskovanja smiseln in potreben. Rad bi še poudaril, da sem med izvajanjem terenskega dela in tudi ob izvajanju aplikativnega dela projekta ugotovil, da je treba novo arhitekturo hitreje prilagajati novim klimatskim pogojem. Tu gre predvsem za hranilnike kapnice, preverjanje izvora vgrajenih materialov in ustreznost materialov z vidika proizvodnje in kemične sestave. Problematics in architecture, placement of the discussed topic within their streams and its significance In terms of content, the project task was designed as a catalyzer between structures belonging to the cultural tradition and new structures located in the same area. The project aims not only at recording the past, but at dismantling the whole, and a fresh design of a new whole which takes account of new, additional conditions andgivenspertaining to the space and environment. The area design project at a location at Bled proves that this kind of theoretical research is significant and needed. I would also like to underline that in the course of my field work, as well as during the implementation of the project, I found that new architecture needs to be adapted more rapidly to upcoming climate-change. First of all, I have in mind the provision of rainwater tanks, and check-ups on the origin of built-in materials and their suitability from the manufacturing and chemical composition viewpoint. Slika 1 Figure i Slika 2 Figure 2 Situacija. Situation. Vzdolžna fasada. Longitudinal elevation. Slika 3: Tloris pritličja. Figure 3: Ground plan of the ground floor. Slika 4: Vzdolžna fasada. Figure 4: Longitudinal elevation.