taued daily except Sunday. and Holkteffc GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Urvdntikl in upravniškl prog tor t: 1057 South Lawndala Ava. Offioa of Publication: S657 South Lawndala Ava. Telephone, Rockwall 4904 S^YÉAB XXXnL Cena lista)« »6.00 ¿«g- ¡g^y^¿^«^rfgi» CWCA«* ILL. SREDA« IS. NOVEMBRA (NOVEMBER II). 1141 Suction >4 00 Yearly ŠTEV.—NUMBER 2M AccgpUncr for mailin< »t ,p«cial rate of poata<« provided tar In aoctlon 1101, Ad of Oct I, 1917, authorlml on Junr 4, 191» u2kenemske lombe PADAJO NA sevastopol fa sto ti*oč rutkih uo-jtkov ujetih na Krimu JUTE bitke pri kalininu Btrlin. 18. nov. — Nemški le-■ici mečejo dvotonske bombe Sevastopol, zadnjo sovjetsko ^naricno bazo in trdnjavo Krimu, dočim topovi bruhajo le na obrežje in mesto. Vr-io poveljstvo pravi, da so _ potopile ruski tovorni lik, poškodovale križarko in drugi parnik v luki. Vojni poročevalec Oskar Kae-¡f pravi, da so bombe razbili c skladišč, pomolov in vojaš-l naprav, toda Sevastopol se vedno brani. List Deutsche Ifemeine Zeitung piše, da so ibe potopile več ruskih vo-ih transportov v sevastopol-| Ud. Berlin, 18. nov.—Samo dve ilji širok pas ozmelja leži med umi armadami in kavka-buni pokrajinami, kjer so bo-jpu oljna polja, poroča vrhov-poveljstvo, ki je nekaj ur naznanilo okupacijo Ker-i. sovjetske mornarične baze na hmu ob Črnem morju. Kerč most, po katerem bodo nem-e čete prodirale proti Kav-kzu Vojna poročila omenjajo, da i Kerč padel po ostrih bitkah oed nemškimi, rumunskimi in dumi četami. Run>unske prodi «ole preti mestu 41 psdne. nemške pa z južne stra-Okupacija je bila ievrftena p ljutih bitkah na cestah. Ali je Kerč v razvalinah kot Bledica nemškega bombardira s kopnega in iz zraka, ni aano V normalnem času je el Kerč 100,000 prebivalcev. Vojni buletin pravi, da je bilo MiOO ruskih vojakov ujetih v Singapora Angleška vlada naznanila sporazum London. 18. nov.—Vladni krogi so naznanili dosego sporazuma z Ameriko glede obrambe Singapora, največje britske trdnjave na Daljnem vzhodu. Ti ad* dostavili, da sedaj še ni jasno, ali se bo Japonska odločila za invazijo Siama, ker je bila informirana o dosegi sporazuma med Anglijo in Ameriko. Victor Gordon Lennox, dopisnik lista Daily Telegraph, poroča, da japonske čete v Indokini prodirajo proti siamski meji in o koncentraciji angleških in ameriških bojnih ladij pri Sin-gaporu in Malajskem polotoku. Angleška vojaška posadka v Hongkongu je bila ojačena s prihodom kanadskih in avstralskih čet. Lennox je napovedal polom misije japonskega diplomata Ku-ruse, ki se nahaja v Washingtons Diplomat bo spoznal, da Velika Britanija in Amerika zasledujeta enake cilje in da bosta storili vse za osvoboditev ljudstev, ki so prišla pod japonsko dominacijo. roosevelt sprejel japonskega diplomata J a p o n m k i parlament odobril vojni proračun NOVE ČETE POSLA-NE V INDOKINO ^racijah na Krimskem poloto-Izguba Kerča bo reducira-1 dotok olja iz kavkaških po-njin sovjetskim armadam. O-► K bilo tr ansportirano po vod-■ ožini iz Kerča v Ros to v. Na-krogi molče o vojnih ope-Onjah na centralni fronti in rt Leningradu. Vrhovno poveljstvo je nazna-■d" letalski napad na Giarabub, Jfleiko letalsko oporijtfe v Lt-*Ji Bombe so razbile več an-Nkih bojnih letal na tleh in pfcodovale vojaške naprave. *tekva. 18. nov.—Ljute bitke * nadaljujejo pri Kalininu, 95 WJ «everozapadno od Moskve, *>vi danes objavljeno uradno Ntfilo. Dve nemški pehotni fciji sta bili deloma zdrob-N na tej fronti v zadnjih dveh Nemika ofenziva, ki 1 pnčela v soboto, se je izjalo-^ V več krajih so bile Hlt-•H^e kolone pognane v beg. fcročilo dosUvlja. da so so-fftake < ete reokupirale več va-'*|>adnl strani reke Volge, bližini Možajska, 65 milj za-» '»d Moskve, so Rusi raz-nacijske kolone. N» Itrungradski fronti so ru-* **te začele protiofenzivo, v i , k »gnale Nemce z utr-pozicij. Rusi prodirajo JjPfej ob reki Nevi. Sovjeti ie komentirali nemškega *■>» o padcu Kerča. 18. nov.—Uradna časo-*** *«entura Štefani omenja trdijo enot angleške boj- * o**rnarice pri Malti, otoški bazi na Sredozem- ^ morju, ki je oddaljena «0 Sicilije. Tja so dospela Srbi porazili Nemce v bitki Velika četniika _ ofenziva v teku London. 18. nov.-Caanikar-ska agentu ra Reuter poroča iz če^ Jeruzalema, PaieoUna, da je 3$0 i M^fflmakm vojakov padlo v bitki s srbskimi četniki. Ta se je vršila v bližini razdejanega mesta Ulbane, južno od Niša v Srbiji. Poročilo dalje pravi, da so vse četniške grupe v Srbiji združene pod poveljstvom polkovnika Mi-hajloviča, bivšega častnika v jugoslovanski armadi. On je začel ofenzivo na široki podlagi proti osiščnim vojaškim posadkam v vseh krajih razkosane Jugoslavije. Francija ne bo izročila mornarice Nemčiji Vichy, Francija, 18. nov. -Vladni krogi so zanikali govorice, da bo Francija izročila boj no mornarico Nemčiji in da bodo nacijske čete okupirale Bordeaux. Zanikanje je bilo objavljeno po konferenci med generalom Weygandom, poveljnikom francoskih armad v Afriki, premierjem Petainom in člani njegovega kabineta. Rosenberg imenovan za načelnika civilnih uprav Berlin, 18. nov. - Alfred Ro-aenberg, ideološki vodjs naciz ma. Je bil imenovan za načelnika «jivilnih administracij v vzhodnih deželah, ki so prišle pod Hitlerjevo oblast. Te so LU iva, Estonija, Latvlje in Bela Rusija. Za vrhovnega komisarja Ukrajine je bil izbran Erich Koch. Zasežena nemika ladja pripeljana v luko Waahlngion. D. C.. 18. nov.— Pogajanja med Ameriko in Japonsko glede ublažitve krize na Daljnem vzhodu so se včeraj formalno pričela, ko se je Sabu-ro Kurusu, vodilni japonski diplomat, oglasil v Beli hiši in kon-feriral s predsednikom Roose veltom. Tokijska vlada je poslala diplomata v Ameriko v zvezi z napori, katerih cilj je dosega sporazuma, ki naj bi odvrnil preteči konflikt. Kurttsu je prišel v Belo hišo v spremstvu admirala Kičisabu-ra Nomure, japonskega poslani ka v VVashingtonu. Tja ju je privedel državni tajnik Cordell Hull. Konferenca, katere se je udeležil tudi Hull, je trajala pol drugo uro. Predmet razgovorov ni bil objavljen. Pogajanja so diplomatičnega in političnega značaja. Japonska, ki kontrolira že velik de Kitajske in francoske Indpkine, se je pritožila, da Amerika in Velika Britanija ovirata njene napore glede raztegnitve sfere vpliva na nadaljnje pokrajine Daljnega vzhoda. Rooaevelt je prej obsodil japonsko agresijo proti Indokini in zapretil z ak djo, če bo Japonska storila na bi ogi Malali lake Vzhodne Indije. Teldd. 18. nov.—Parlament je danes odobril vojni proračun 3,-800,000,000 jenov (okrog $874,-000,000). Glasilo zunanjega u-rada piše, da zadeva vojne ali miru na Pacifiku zaviai od Združenih držav. "Ako Amerika noče vojno v tem delu sveta, mora priznati dejstvo, da je v njenih rokah ključ glede rešitve nasta lih problemov," piše glasilo. "Japonska je položila svoje karte na mizo in čaka na Ameriko, da ona »tort nadaljnji korak." Premier Hidekl Tojo je že objavil pogoje za sporazum z A-meri ko Slednja naj bi prekli cala ekonomsko blokado, ustavila kampanjo glede obkrožitve Japonske in držala roke proč od japonsko-kitajskega konflikta Ssagkaj. 18, nov—Japonska je pozvala vlado francoske In-dokine, naj uredi vse potrebne stvari v zvezi s prihodom novih vojsških čet v deželo. V smislu dogovora, sklenjenega v juliju preteklega leta. je poslala Japonska 40,000 vojakov v Indokl-no. Zdajle je tokijaka vlada odločila za ojačanje oborožene Kile v Indokini. Domač« vesti Jutri ne bo Proavolo Chicago.—Jutri (četrtek) je zakoniti In zapovedani praznik zahvalnoati v lUinoiau in Prosveta ne izide. Upravitelj Oodina v bolnišnici Chicago.—Filip Godina, upravitelj publikacij 8NPJ, se nahaja ie dobra dva tedna v Weeley Hospitalu, Dearborn in 2ftth sts., in dne 7. novembra je bil operiran na ulj«ih v želodcu. Operacijo je dobro prestal in zdaj se mu vrača sdravje. Številka njegove sobe v bolnišnici je 600. Zelja vseh njegovih sodelavcev In prijateljev je, da ae čim prej vrne domov in na delo. dodatne milijarde za oboroževanje Roosevelt naslovil poslanico kongresu 0B0R02ITEV TRGOVINSKIH PARNIKOV Waukegan-North Chicago, 111. —Albin Mivšek, član društva 14 SNPJ. ai je pri avtomobiiaki nesreči zlomil roko.—Nadaljnja dva člana društva 14 SNPJ, ki sta odšla v vojaško službo Strica Skma, sU Frank Borštnik John J. Govekar. ie ena nssesŠs pri del« Som er se t, Colo—Dne 11. novembra Je v bolnišnici podlegel poškodbam pri dedu rojak An ton TVebec, po domače Joštov, star 41 let in rojen v Klenhl pri 3t. Petru na Krasti, Pred sedmi mi tedni je bil teiko pobit v rovu. Tukaj zapušča ženo, štiri hčere, ^trica Andreja Repca In več drugih aorodnlkot» Član v Canton, O—Frank Dodlč mlajši, član drvfttva 733 SNPJ, se nahaja v boln je bil 13. nov. oi piču Člani mu šele hitrega okrevanja, i Nacijska straha- i rudarska unija vlada m Norveškem]^ fr raztegnila stavko |Washlngion. D. C« 18. nov,— Predsednik Rooeevelt je včeraj poalal poslanico kongresu s pozivom, naj dovoli dodatno vsoto $7,000,000,000 aa ojačanje armade in bojne mornarice. Od julija preteklega leta, ko je kon gres odobril oborožitveni program, je bila dovoljena veota $66,000,000,000 aa ojačanje oborožene oile na kopnem, morju In v zraku. Pričakuje ae, da bo kongres odobril Rooeeveltovo priporoči In] lo. Značilno je to, da poatavka v predsednikovi poslanici ome nja vsoto $268,000,000 za ojačanje ameriške armade na Flli pinakih otokih. Ta naj bi šla za mobilizacijo, vzdrževanje In vež banje armade, ki se nahaja na teh otokih. Opazovalci pravijo, da Je Rooaeveltova ad ministra cija prišla do zaključka, da je konflikt med Ameriko In Ja ponoko na Pacifiku neizbešen. Bojna mornarica bo dobila $380,060,006 za oborožitev trgov akih parnlkov. To je v soglas ju s revizijo nevtralnostnega sa kona. Provizije tega zakona, ki ao prepovedovale oborožitev tr govskih parnlkov In vstop teh v luke zavojevanih držav, 00 bile odpravljene zadnji teden. Domneva Je, da bo oboroieva Neznosen položaj v koncentracijskih taboriščih Stockholm. švedaka. 18. nov. | Pod naslovom "Vea narod v ječi" je list Kskilatuna Kurilen oriaal nacijako strahovlado na Norveškem In neanoaen položaj v koncentracijskih taboriščih. Peto koncentracijsko taborišče bo kmalu dograjeno. Dopisnik trdi. da je lutkovska vlada majorja Vidkuna Quis linga uveljavila nadaljnje dras Proiistavkovna zakona-daja pred kongresom LEWIS NAPADEN KOT DIKTATOR Waahlngion. D. Cm 18. nov,—. Večina izmed 53.000 rudarjev v "kaptivnih" premogovnikih Jeklarskih korporacij Je v stavki, katero je oklica! John L. Lewie tične ukrepe da zatre odpor, predl(e(inik uniJo UMWA< v tnak Zdaj ae sploh voč ne sklicuje * na zakone, temveč stori vse, kar Pro * P®" zahtevajo naciji. sredovalnl odbor izrekel proti; Na tisoče norveških delavcev ^•»•vnlcl. SUv kar Jem ae se nahaja v koncentracijskih ta- J® prldruiilo okrt>g 7000 rudar-boriščih Vsi se morajo pod- Jov v komercialnih premogov-vreči takozvanemu "telesnemu I nikih iz simpatija, vežbanju," In ako kateri pade v nezavest kot posledica izčrpano- Predaednlk R«a»aevelt ae še nI •ti in stradanja, tedaj ga naciji «1^«! ta zasego pramogovnitov pretepajo, dokler se ne dvigne, fklarsklh Norporaclj po voja-Doplsnlk pravi, da Jetniki ,tra- žkih četah. Uwia In Benjamin dajo. V taborišču pri Grlnl do- ralrleaa, predaednlk korporacije bivajo le krompirjevo juho en- United States Steel, sta inform -krat na dan in dva kosa kruha, rala Rooeevelta o polomu ml- ravne konference. Lewls je dejal, da nima oblaati glede pogajanj o zadevi zaprte delavnioe, ker bi ta uničila že iivojevane pridobitve in razveljavila pogodbe, ki krijejo rudarje, upo-slene v premogovnikih komercialnih kompanlj. L. Evans, član ekoekutivnega odbora drugega rudarokego dia-triku UMWA, Je dajal, da Jo večini rudarjev v Johnstownu, Cleveland.—Charlea Zake-ly (Žakelj). tajnik društva 364 SNPJ, In njegova žena sta 4. t. m. praznovala 2ft-letnlco zakonskega življenja, dne 8. novembra ao pa JIM s hči Margareta, sorodnik Jesen ko in • prijatelji priredili "surprlse party" pri Cirilu Urbančlču, predsedniku omenjenega društva. Da bi alav-ljenca živela še 28 zdravih in veselih let do zlate poroke! nje in inataliranjc top* na paznikih izvršeno v treh meeopih. Mornarlčnl tajnik frank Knoic Je zahteval $100,000 za kritje stroškov najemanja novih pisarniških delavcev. Predsednik Roosevelt je sinoči podpisal zakonski osnutek glede oboroževanja parnlkov, ki Je bil odobren v obeh kongresnih zbornicah/ S Um Je načrt po sUl zakon. Konvencija CIO podprla Leunsa Resolucija proti Hillmanu mavrična Detrolt« Mick» 18. nov.-Dele- gatjo no konvenciji unij Kon- ----- ---------- greaa induatrljaklh organizacij, p«., edglaaovala aa oklic sUvke. ki ae je pričeU včeraj v tem me- Konflikt nI omejen na premo-atu, so soglaano podprli rud^Hto gbviMka jeklarskih korporacij unijo UMWA in Johna L. Lewi-| umveč se je rasUgnil na drtifi Čeprav indokinska vlada še ni formalno odgovorila na Jo; ponako zahtevo, so vojaške čeU pričele prihajaU v Indokino Ja-ponsks trdi. da je dotok novih čet potleben za obrambo, Motnost Je. da se je Japonaka odločila za sunek proti Siamu In Burmi, angleški koloniji. Okrog 13,000 japonskih vojakov se Je v zadnjih treh dneh izkrcalo v Hanoju, indokinski luki. Druge elevelandake novice CleveUnd —Dne 17. t. m. Je umrl pionir Pavel Oblak. sUr 78 let In doms od Vrhnike. V Ameriko Je prišel pred M leti In svoječaano je ,bll delovodja v klobučerski tovarni. Tu zapušča Hčer.—Dne 15. nov. je umrla za rakom KaUrina Jakšlč, roj. Cipot, doma iz Trnja pri Crenšovcih v Medmurju. V Ame-riki Je bila 20 let In tu zapušča sina, hčer In aeatro. Nov «rob v U tallu \m Selle, III.—Dne 15 novembra je umrla Mary Pirnat, roj. Smole In po svojem prvem možu Potleek, sUra 60 let In doma s Jeaenic n« Gorenjskem. Bila Je članica društva »8 SNPJ. pred leti Je pa bila uaUno-viUljlca bivšega ženakega društva 103 SNPJ. Oblačilna unija morda izstopi iz delavske stranka Waahington. D. C.. 18 nov H . ,/ll ¡¿¿^ meriška bojna mornaric je 450 MandsmnZiaov umrlo v taborišču Ameriška - __ po- privedla nemško ladjo Oden-wald. ki je bila zaaežena 6 no. vembra na AtUntlku. v luko Sen Juan. Portoriko Na krovu ladje ao bili ameriški mornarji. Ladja je bila naložena s kavčukom in drugim materialom Kaj m j« zgodilo s čUni nemške posadke. ni znano ^ letala iz' Gibraltarja , _____ J+«*ni krogi pravijo, da so; v Afriki. f-^JJ^S letalci sestrelili pet i poročil )e ^^¡^¡r, JCHkih bo/nih letal v apopa- nap^i na Demo. prisUn,*/no * Malto. Edina aktivnosti mesto v Ubyi. New York. 18 nov --Caanikar •ke sgentura hoUndske Vzhodne Indije AneU poroča, da je 450 mladih Židov umrlo v nacij-•kem krmcentracijskem Ubori-ŠOu pri Msuthauzenu, Avstrija V to Uborišče so naciji posUll M0 holandaklh Židov v starosti 18 do M v zadnjem februarju Izgon je sledil izgredom v New York, 18. nov. - Unija InUrnetionaJ Ladies Garment Workers (ADF), katere predaednlk je David Dubinaky, bo morda izetopiia Iz Ameriško de-lavake stranke, "ker noče več biti plašč uglednosti sa komunistične ekrmenU," ae glaai veet Stranka Je daU 434.207 glasov župenu Le GuardlJI pri nedav ni h meetnlh volitvah in mu o-mogočila zihago Ta iiefanlzaci-ja In unija Amagalmated Clothing Workers (CÍO) Ma hrbtenica Ameriške delevake stranke v Kitajska zagotovila o pomoči Vojaške ¿ete uničujejo mostove London. Hi: nov.—"KlUjska bo poalala na tisoče Izvežbsnih vojakov na pomoč Angležem, če bodo japonake čete udrle v Bur mo, briUko kolonijo, aH pa b< Japonska napadla Rusijo," J< dejal klUjskl poslanik dr. Wellington K oi» Ko«) je izjavil, da še ni dobi informacij glede poročila, da Je general Kaišek ponudil milijon vojakov sovjetom v slučaju Ja* pnoskegs sunka. Ta možnoal n Izključena, kajti KlUJska ima pet milijonov vojakov pod orožjem In nadaljnjih dvanajat mili Jonov v rezervi. Mogočna kiUj ska oborožena sila je koncentr rana v provinci Junan. Južna KI tajska. Ta bo lahko pomagala Angležem pri obrambi Buirn« Čungklng glleleka. 18 nov Kltajake čete so zbrane v provinci Junnan In Kwangai. ki me-JIU na franroako Indokino l'o gnale so v zrak z dinamltom že voč mostov In cest. da se prepreči možna japonska ofmzivs proti Burmi Is Indoklne Člani ameriške In angleške vojaške mlalje v Cungkingj ao bili Informira« nI o kitajskih miliUrlaU4nlh pripravah. predsednika U unije, ki Jal v Mp«dni PennsylvonlJI In Woet ok Heal sUvko v premogovnikih virglnljl. }Tjr.rna^ - -tallvGjjryju, M RonoevelUve admlni- W. V«,, kjer so -straclje, bo danes prišlo na dnev-Uarji s plketl. HWnJl^ifc bill nirT razpršeni v spopadu. Trije ru- u„ ^ * I darji so bili ranjeni. Lewlaova hči Kathryn Je la- ' ročlla proti vojno resolucijo re- Kongreanlk Sam Rayburn, solucljskemu odseku, toda goto* predsednik nižje abornice, je vn je. da Je konvencija ne bo naznanil, da bodo protlaUvkovni «mjela. Qdbor 'Tight for Free- načrti prišli na dnevni red. Na- domM Je naznanil, da Je »8 od- men teh Je preprečitev sUvk v stoikov delegatov izreklo mne» industrijah, ki ao udeležene .v nje. da je poraz Hitlerja bolj produkciji bojne opreme važen kot pa vprašanje, ali naj „ . _ se Amerika drži proč od vojne. Senator lom Connelly, denu>-phlllp Murray je obljubil, da bo- ki at Iz Tezaaa, Je predlagal a-do unije CIO podpirale politiko mendiranje zakona glede obvez- 1 ne vojaške službe, kar bi dalo večjo oblast Rooseveltu glede Rooseveltove administracije. A. D. Lewia. brat Johna I . I Uwiaa, Je predložil resolucijo| gUnie odstrsnitve Hidneyja Hill-mana kot sodirektorjs urada zal produkcijo bojne opreme. Nai Murrsyjev pritisk Ja bila füo-| lud ja zavržena Nemkki letalec se ubil Berlin, 16 nov, — General Brnet Uden. sloviti leUlec ki se Je udeležil prve svetovne vojne in Je bil poveljnik loUlek* sile v sedanji, se Je ubil v leUlski n-m, Yorku Predsednik__ t J^TJ! STB^flEjnSBr Hillman. w^rok- neteči/previ' ursino počilo Amsterdamu zaradi uveljavijo, nj ¡ ^«MuriU bojne| N«areča se Je prisila, ko Je pra- nja proti židovskih ukrepov M ^ ' izkušal now orožje". 1 nocljsklh avtoriUtah. ^ | opreme. Avtna unija odloiila oklic stavke Buffalo, N Y., 18 nov, — Avtna unija. kaUre člani so uposle* ni v tovarnah liell Alrcraft Corp tu In v Nlagara Fallau, Je odložila oklic atavke na priporočilo Lsona Umotta, pomožno* ga direkUirja letalske divizije avtne unije. Pri glasovanju zadnji teden se Je večina delavcev izrekla za oklic «Uvke, ker Je korporerija zavrnila zahtevo glede zvišanje'plače za deset «id stoikov Ameriški mornarji * dobili svarilo Waahlngton. D C., 18 nov — Mornarlčnl depertmenl Je «po-«orli častnike in mornerje ne U-djah, ki love nemške p<»dmornl-ce, de ne amejo dati nrnire. Svarilo Je sledilo Izjavi, kaUro je podal š4msUtr Burton K Wheeler. vodilni izolacloniat. da Je dobil pianvi od nekoga mornarja da ameriška bojna mornar m« viidi agresivno vojno na AtUntlku in Pacifiku, zasege privatne lastnine in Industrij, ki produclrajo bojno o-premo Kongreanlk Howard W. Smith, demokrat U Virginije, Je predložil osnuUk proti zaprti detsvnlct, za odpravo juriadik-cijskih sporov in sim|iatlčiih sUvk. Connelly Je udrihal po Lewi-su In na Imenoval dlkutorja. "Kdo drugI razen federalne vlade naj posreduje v slučajih, kadar ae »potne stranke ne morejo aporazumetl?" jo vprašal "Ne vet jamom« da rUdarji odobravajo I,ewlsovo arogantno aUllšče. Ca» Je prišel, liti moramo t»dlo-čiti, kdo vlada U» deželo r~ Lewis, kongres ali predaednlk Združenih držav. Upem, da bo HooM'velt odločno nastopil proti dikutorju U'wiau, ki Izziva kmigrea in vlado " Francoski general Camelin bolatt Vkhy, Francija, 18 nov. — General Maurice Uamelin, bivši vrhovni poveljnik franroako o-borotene alle. je zbolel v trd-njavskl Ječi v PorUletu in so ga i»..,«li .^peljali v bolnišnic«» v Pauju Gat i-.t ni» slovensko korenino v narodni noši in pel slovenske narodne in fantovske popevke s spremljanjem kitare. Tako narr bo vzbujal spomin na lepo Slovenijo in mislim, da vsakdo rad v duhu poseže v svoj rojstni kraj. Da vse to izvedemo točno in da bomo imeli še dovolj čaaa za ples, sc program prične ob 7. uri Igra na Sygenu Sygan, Pa. — V nedeljo, 30 novembra, priredi mladinski krožek št. 22 iz Midwayja za nuše društvo igro v treh dejanjih "There Comes Charley". Vršila se bo v naši dvorani, pričetek točno ob 2. popoldne. To bo prva igra, ki bo podana na našem novem odru. 'Kot znano, je naše društvo moderniziralo dvorano in je Dom zdaj mnogo večji kot prej. S tem je društvo napravilo podlago za združenje vseh tukajšnjih društev, mladinskega in odraslega, v skupno in močno postojanko. Imeli bomo tudi mladinski krožek, ker se je pridružilo društvo bivše SSPZ. Torej ste vabljeni vsi od blizu in daleč, da nas posetite na tej igri. Po igri bo ples in druga zabava in dobra postrežba. Ne zamudite te prilike in se udeležite v velikem številu, da bo zabava in uspeh toliko boljši. Lorens Ksuclc. Društvene vesti "Tako nervozni 0 "Ako vam zguba spanca napravlja noči atraina brez spanja, poskusit« Xoeni«'s Nervi ne! Nad SO let vliva caupnost tisočerih, ki Jim je pomagal pri zgubi spanca. razdratenju živcev. Odreiite ta oglas ln vprašajte vaiega lekarnarja po Xoenlg'a Nervine v zelenem zavojčeku. Jemljite kot naročeno. Zadovoljstvo ali denar nazaj. Vzorec zastonj—vprašajte: .. Xoenlg'a Medicine Co.. Dept. JS 30 100 N. Wells St.. Chicago, III. ŽELIM SE SEZNANITI 9 pošteno ter naprednega mišljenja Slovenko v* starosti 39 do 45 ltt V svrho ienitve. Tajnost strogo jam-čena. Pišite na: Californijan, c/o Prosveta—2657 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, III. — (Adv.) V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti našoga ljubega soproga in očeta JOHNA PAVLINA ki je preminul 20. novembra 1940. Ni je ure ne minute, da bi se Te ne spominjali, dragi soprog in oče. Počivaj v miru in lahka naj Ti bo žemljica, dokler se tudi mi ne združimo s Teboj. Žalujoče soproge MARY PAVLIN, sin. hči in 3 vnuki. Fayette City. Pa. V blagi spomin tretje obletnice smrti našege ljubega soproge in očete PRODAM ALI ZAMENJAM Lake Zurich hotel z gostilno, restavracijo in plesno dvorano. Dvonadstropna hiša z U sobami. V središču mesta. Cena $10,500. 38tnilj iz Chicaga na državni cesti št. 12. Lepa prilika.—Pišite na: Anton Jordan, 2822 S. Harding Ave., Chlcago.—1Tel. Lavvndale 7182. —(Adv.) MARTINA FINKA kl je preminul 21. novembre 1939. . Nepozabni soprog in oče, tako nepričakovano si se ločil od nas in mi Te tako pogrešamo. Usoda je tako hotela in ftači klici so zaman, ne vrneš se več nazaj. Prestal si, in se rešil vseh nadlog. Lahka naj Ti bode žemljica. Žalujoči ostali* MARY FINK. ftenai WILLIAM, sin: FLORENCE in MARY, hčerke, vsi v Turile Creek. Panna. Veselice društvs 81 Moon Run. Pa.—Društvo 88 SNPJ priredi svojo letno veselico zvečer pred Zahvalnim dnevom, v sredo 28. nov. Seja Je zaključila, da bo moral vsak član plačati vstopnico (doklado) 25c, kar je malo za kritje društvenih stroškov. Izvzeti so samo bolniki. Vabljeni ste vsi člani, da sc udeležite. Prav tako vabimo tudi vse občinstvo Iz domače ln sosednjih naselbin, da nam pripomorete do boljše zabave in uspeha. Društvo 88 je do sedaj klobase 2elodce in brezkostno meso s česnovim okusom in "Hickory" prekajene sope! raspošUjam ne vse kreje v Ameriki Cena Ib..____________________________ 38c frank paulich D.D.Sw M. D. S. Peiitlit Orthodontist Zobozdravnik (Izravnava zobe) IIH S. Slad Ave. • C1CE*0. IU V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti odker nes je se vedno zapustil nas ljubi soprog in oče MIHAEL MAHNE dn* i* npvmbra i945' Pošte plačana sa naročile 8 lb. eil več. Denar se pošlje a naročnino. Pišite na Joseph Leskovar 10-14 Rocino. Wis. ustanove in se pričakuje obilo udeležba na tej veselici. Pri-prsvljalnl odbor je pridno na delu, da bo udeležencem postregel v vseh ozirih z jedačo in pijačo. Za plesaželjne bo pa skrbela godba Jacka Martinčlča Iz Strabana s prijaznimi valčki ln polkami, kot tudi z "modernimi". Torej na svidenje 26. nov. zvečer pred Zahvalnim dnevom. Jecob Ambrosic. osebno naznanilo gabelsa Zdaj Je čas nakupiti obleko za vso vašo družino in s tem prihranite 50%. Lahko Izberete is Oebelsove zaloge moških, ženskih In otročjih oblek vrednosti 8150,000.00. Molki površniki 915.00 in več. nflE^H Otročje štiri ko-made oprave IHiMjj^^H samo 95.50. ^■Kfl^H Ženski površniki kotuhovine, kroja 1941 -1941 modele 819.09 ln več. VI PRIHRANI* I^Hj^^M tt »ov. ženski površniki končani In ne- skončeni 910.00 ln več. Popolne aeloge površnikov sa dekleta In motnlee 99.90 Hi več. DAMC »tbl)M>« sto. ogleda U * Oebel soea velflte aalago itmakth kotuhev, "prolet arec" Socialistično-dele veki tednik Glasilo Jugoslovenske soe. Igre mladinskega kroŠka Glrard. O. — V soboto zvečer, 22. nov., priredi krožek društev 4U in 64:i SNPJ igro v Slovenskem domu. Igra j»- zanimiva in smešna. Zapeli bodo tudi nekaj lepih slovenskih pesmic. Torej ste vabljen» vsi člani ln čla-| niče in ostali rojaki, da se udeležite te priredbe, ker igre že dolgo nismo imeli v naši naselbini Pripeljite s seboj tudi svojce in /nancc Po igri bo ples. Louls Reclck. 49 StaM 89 ae eele. 81.78 sa poL 81 se četrt leta. NAROČIT« 81 O Al Neslov: PROLETARBC 1901 South La wedele Amte CHICAGO. ILL. ANTON TURSIČ Ä VLOGE ^^ y tej posojilnici Veeellce goepodlnlelroge klube Imperial. Pa. — V soboto zvečer. 2S new., priredi gospodinjski »»deek društva 106 SNPJ ple-Srto veselico v Društveni dvora-1 nI. Prav uljudno vabimo ' Vse članstvo bližnjih društev in gospodinjskih klubov, ds nas poee-lite ne tej robovi Vstopnina bo nizke, samo 2V ze vae enako. Imeli bomo fino Martinčičevo UTirint da 81.99*09 pe Federal Seetags ft Leeo hewim Corporelle». Waa Klagt ms. D. C. Sprejemamo osebne ta društvene vloge . , PLAČANI OBRESTI PO 9« St. CUIr Sovtnfs a Leon Co. 9899 Si Ciel» Avemse - Heod. 99T9 CLEVELAND. OHIO 1«. novembra (asa do tisa poroča in komentira Milan Medvolek « -kolena ne bo izdihnila, ka-* to zgfÄlrnavadno s kolo- i po konvenciji... Tu v Cle- du smo sedaj precej zapo- 11 kulturnimi in društveni-"pnrcditvami, zato ni dosti - ta pisanje. Dopisniki precej tožijo čez zad- konvencijo. Kakršna sta delegacija in glavni odbor, je bila konvencija. Dru-ni mogla biti. Frises Bar bič se jezi čez Či-¿jne Pravi, da jih je zagovar- 1 in poveličeval 24 let, sedaj pa [Neumni Čikažani capljajo za opolo . . . "fttitfiTo kritizira, da se ni nič ^ilo za stare člane. Sedaj je ["vedno čas, da se to vprašanje Ker ni bilo pred resoluclj-i odborom nobenega znanst-načrta za podporo sta-,, članom, je bil izvoljen od-t, ki ima študirati to vpraša-i in potem načrt predložiti jiemu članstvu. V tem od-. so Cainkar, Vider in Ku-S Kuhlom je izvršni odsek bil izborno moč. Razume _ ovanje od A do Z. Prepri-i tem, da se bodo Kuhel, Ca-_ in Vider potrudili in te-tljito pretresli to vprašanje in [p izvedli v splošno zadovolj- PImc je pred konvencijo pisal ugovarjal izdatnejšo in bolj atiéno pomoč starim čla-Istotako pred glavnim om in pri resolucij skem ru. Nekajkrat sem se za-i tega vprašanja pošteno spri pkaterimi odborniki. Toda bili j« vse zaman. Kakor da bi meri bob ob steno. Dobil sem ve-èo enak odgovor: "Saj jim polarno iz izrednega sklada, od pa ne-moremo prenesti ja, ker tega postave ne do-ijujejo!" In potem so ponov-in ponovno poudarjali, da je iji sistem podpore starim najboljši, najpravičnejši, bpa ni bilo vprašanje podpore m članom povoljno rešeno, nekateri moji "prijatelji" in oni, ki ne vidijo dalj kot dva inja pred nosom, krivili meti, češ, v Prosveti je pisal, da je a podporo starim članom, sedaj h pa samo rad zvišal asesment. Konvencija je naložila izvršil odseku nalogo, da uvede vano pogojno zavarovanje a prvo leto. Asesment prvega to prenese v upravni sklad. ■» vrste zavarovanja imajo ■noge druge organizacije. Imeli ga je bivša SSPZ. Ima ga tudi SDZ n z njim vzdržuje svoji glasilo, t Resolucijo za omenjeno zava-avanje, katero pride v pošte v za *» nove člane, ie predložil regijskemu odboru Mirko Kyll Resolucijo je temeljito polarni Odbor je zaslišal tudi br. Vidri o tem in on ni nasproto-J1 resoluciji. Razen Franka ni noben ^član resolucij-odbora nasprotoval uved-"preliminary term" certifika-V odboru «o bili Cainksr, Zaitz, Grill, Olip, Sular ■Pisec . Resolucijo je nato pred «»vencijo zagovarjal Kuhel in ■Ji je sprejeta z ogromno ve-mo Brat Vider sedaj kritizira v »■■vrti, ker je bilo sprejeto to ¡¡»»rovanje. Zakaj ni rajftc r*-Jwcijo pobijal pred resolucij iP «dborom in pred deleijaci- ^bro bi bilo, da bi brat Kuhel Jfeiil v Prosveti, zakaj je ko- enoletno pogojno zdvi.n- tako da ne bo nepotrHmc- Jjovijanja in prerekanje o km r CUml tajnik Vider je obenem P*atlral, da upravni skM. ne [Ptrebo)# nobenih novih virov, • Wemo gospodariti pravilno ■Wteno kot v preteklosti. Na JU* piše, da ima U sklad lep Seveda ga ima! Ne T*TWj P» pozabiti, da smo vsnj J***!» v zadnjih štirih letih p*»(J0 iz mladlnakega oddel-«mrtninskega sklada $4«,. T7*- i«. sklada Prosvete $5000 4 ^bda tukarne $5000 in od drugje $»46JI. Rezumlji-2 lo )• büo izvršeno v smi- * P»»vil in zakonov. Kar me-! j« to, do ae ne more nič Janti v smislu "zakonov in ^' viUrortnisklod Na pri- mer, ako bi se našla pot, da se bi v smislu "zakonov in pravil" prenesel del nadsolventnosti smrtninskega sklada v fond za sUre člane, pa bi bila stvar takoj rešena. 4-" John Lokar (tlndj) je bil nekoč gl. podpredsednik SNPJ. Bil je priden in energičen agitator za SNPJ. Potem se je zapletel v spor z nekaterimi našimi voditelji. Pred 11. redno konvencijo so ga dolžili, da se je zvezal z lemontskimi patri. Na konvenciji so se ga mnogi delegat je in odborniki izogibali, kakor da bi bil okužen. John je tiho prenašal očitke in ni več kandidiral v gl. odbor. Njegovi nasprotniki so se zadovoljno mencali roke: "Pa smo mu dali j>o repu! Pa smo ga ubili!" .,■ Danes pa se lahko John smeje tem ljudem v, brk. Kajti njega je elevelandski župan Lausche imenoval za svojega ekseku-tivnega pomočnika, kar bi bilo po naše nekak podžupan. Zanimivo je, da skoro vsi tisti, ki so nekoč Lokar ju metali polena pod noge, jih danes mečejo v pisca. Eden med njimi je celo na neki seji (v Chicagu) zagrozil, da me bo obtožil pred glavnim odborom. Obtožil? Zaradi česa? Morebiti zato, ker se trudim na našem kulturnem in društvenem polju? Obdolžil?! Haha! That'? a joke! V nedeljo (23. nov.) uprizori dram. društvo Ivan Cankar pre-miero Jontezove drame "Z vero v vstajenje". Ves čisti dobiček gre v Jugoslovanski pomožni fond. Dramo režisira tu rojen Slovenec Rudy Widmar. Štirinajstega decembra pa se vrši spominska slavnost pisatelju Ivanu Cankarju v Narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Priredbo poda Cankarjeva ustanova. Program bo izredno bogat: igra, pevske, godbene in plesne točke. Ob tej priliki bo prvič nastopila v metropoli priznana pevka Ann Beniger iz Chicaga! Več o tej priredbi v kratkem. PR08V1TA Druitvene priredbe Priredba sa pomoč Jugoslaviji Buffalo, N. Y. — Vsem Hrvatom in Slovencem v tem mestu in okolici naznanjamo, da se v nedeljo, 30. nov., ob 2. popoldne vrši skupščina za relifno akcijo za Jugoslavijo, zvečer ob 8. pa se prične ples. Ta priredba .se vrši v Liberty Halli, 1993-95 Niagara st. Prireja jo sedem društev, med katerimi je tudi naše društvo 405 SNPJ in en srbski ženski klub. Nastopili bodo dobri "govorniki. Torej vabimo vse občinstvo, da se gotovo u-deležite skupščine popoldne, zvečer pa plesne veselice, da tako skupno pomagamo našim bratom v Jugoslaviji, kjer se tako hrabro bore proti fašizmu. Ako kdo žežli sodelovati z nami v tej akciji, naj se prijavi odboru Jugoslovanskega doma na 226 Condon ave. Mary Kuatlch. tajnica št. 405. Veselica društvs 38« Rockinghsm. Pa.-D r u š t v o 389 SNPJ priredi svojo veselico ski dvorani v Central Cityju. Veselica se vrši v korist društvene btagajne. Za ples bo Igral trlo Martina Serra. Uljudno vabimo rojake od blizu in daleč, da nas posetite na tej naši zabavi, ob priliki pa vam poset vrnemo. Torej na svidenje v soboto zvečer v Poljski dvorani v Central Cltyju. Joseph Cebron. tajnik. Veeollca sa pomoč Jugoslaviji Verona. Pa.—Tukajšnja štiri društva, 21« in 680 SNPJ ter 602 in 770 HBZ, priredijo skupno veselico za pomoč Jugoslaviji. Veselica se vrši v Narodnem domu 29. nov. Cisti preostanek bo poslan, polovico SNPJ ln polovico HBZ v pomožni sklad Imeli bomo dobro godbo. Obeta se dobra zabava. Pridite vsi. Odbor. # Vabilo na veselico Aveila, Pa. — Članice društva 292 SNPJ vabimo vse na našo letno veselico, ki ae bo vršila na zahvalnf dan. 27. nov., v korist društvenega doma Rade bi videle, da vsakdo, ki bo čiUl to vabilo, gotovo pride k nam U dan ker žal ne bo nobenemu udeležencu. pač pa mu bo lahko žal. ako ne pride. Vse bomo tako u-redile, da bo zabava prvovrstna J. Kavctc Federacije SNPJ Zapisnik federacije sapadne Penoe Braddock. Pa.—Zapisnik redne federacijske seje društev SNPJ v zapadni Penni, vršeče se v nedeljo, 26. oktobra 1941 v Avel-li. Brat preds. Anton Cipcic odpre sejo ob 10:30 dop. Odbor je ves navzoč. Zastopana so sledeča društva: 6, 52, 88, 89, 106, 122, 138, 141, 145, 166, 210, 240, 245, 265, 287, 292, 295, 300, 319, 426, 427, 517 — skupaj 22 društev s 44 zastopniki in 8 odborniki. Sledi čitanje zapisnika prejšnje seje, kateri je bil sprejet s popravkom, da je tajnik društva 287 v Burgettstownu br. Frank Laurie pridobil 16 novih v odrasli in 17 novih članov v mladinski oddelek, ne pa vse društvo. - 1 Dopisi: Društvo 618, Monaco, se ne more udeležiti seje radi slabih finančnih razmer, društvo 629, E. Pittsburgh, pa radi oddaljenosti. Poročilo odbora: Br. preds. poroča, da je napravil vse delo, katero mu je bilo naloženo. Udeležil se je seje društva 216 v Ve-roni po zaključku zadnje federacijske seje in poroča, da je društvo zaključilo, da bo pristopilo nazaj v federacijo pod pogojem, da se. jim oprosti asesment za leto 1941. Društvo želi, da bi se v mesecu juliju 1942 vršila fe-deracijska seja pri njih. Poročilo predsednika se vzame na znanje in se sklene, da se društvu oprosti članarina za leto 1941, kar se tiče prihodnje julijske seje, se bo pa upoštevalo, ko bo čas za to. Pod predsednikovo poročilo se vzame na znat\je. Br. tajnik Jakob Ambrožič poda finančno poročilo za zadnje tri mesece. V blagajni se nahaja $660.97. Blagajnik in nadzorniki se strinjajo in računi se odobre. Br. tajnik tudi poroča, da se je udeležil proslave 25-let-nice društvenega doma v Impe-rialu na zadnji Delavski praznik po navodilu zadnje federacijske seje in je opravil sVoje dolžnost. Nadzorni odbor priporoč», da se napravi zaključek, do kdaj je kampanja za nove člane odprta pri federaciji, nakar se po daljši razpravi sklene, da se kampanja «»zaključi decembra 1941 in nagrade izplača do aprilske seje za vse nove člane sprejete v društva in jednoto od oktobra 1940 do decembra 1941. Kar se pa tiče članov, sprejetih v letu 1940, se pa nagrad ne bo plačalo VeČ po oktobrski, to je današnji seji. Torej se pozivajo vsi tajniki društev, da pošljejo'vse zahteve za izplačila nagrad najkasneje do aprilske seje 1942. Br. predsednik poroča, da je federacija dobila nagrado od gospodinjskega odseka društva 586 v Cheswicku, nakar se soglasno sklene, da federacija podari nagrado nazaj gospodinjskemu odseku v korist. Poročilo zastopnikov: St. 52 (Broughton), umrl je član ln ustanovitelj društva br. Mike Cerv. St. 6 (Sygan), mladinski krožek iz Midwayja bo uprizoril šaloigro "Here Comes Charlie" v nedeljo, 30. novembra, v Syga-nu. Vabijo na veliko udeležbo. mrli bo- Jamea Maglich, nakar ae poročila vzame na znanje. Ker bo prihodnja aeja letna, se bo vršila v smislu pravil v Pittsburghu v nedeljo, 25. janu arja 1942, ob 10. url dopoldne. . Prošnje: Družini Frank Smre-kar od društva 122, West All-quippa, se odobri vsota $7.05 za asesment. Odobri se tudi oglas v Ameriški družinski koledar za isto vsoto kot prejšnja leta. Ker bo v nedeljo, 23. nov., v Pittsburghu seja federacije prejšnje SSPZ, se sklene, da br. Am-brozic piše pismo oziroma vabilo za združitev. S tem je bil dnevni red izčrpan, br. Cipcic zaključi sejo ob 4:15 popoldne. Anton Rednak. zapisnikar. Naanaollo šlkaške federacije Ckftcago. III. — Zadnja seja fe-deradje SNPJ za čikaško okrožje ni bila od strani zastopnikov društev vsled slabega vremena povoljno obiskana. Radi tega smatram za (>otrebno, da objavim nekatere zaključke te seje. Glavni med njimi je, da je bil na seji določen dan za priredbo delavcem dneva SNPJ. Ta priredba se bo vršila v soboto dne 6. decembra v dvorani SNPJ. Ta večer se bo vršila tudi seja federacije in sicer pred prirodbo^ tako da bomo lahko izvršili nujne stvari ter se T tem ognili posebne seje federacije v mesecu decembru. Po seji bo pa zabava, na katero se vabijo vsi oni, ki sQ delali na proslavi dneva SNPJ. Poročano je že tudi bilo, da federacija priredi božično priredbo za člane mladinskega oddelka. Ta priredba se bo vršila v nedeljo, 21. decembra, in sičer v dvorani SNPJ, pričetek točno ob 3. url popoldne. Kakor na prejšnjih priredbah, bo tudi letos program proizvajan po članih mladinskega oddelka k federaciji pridruženih društev. Zato apeliram na starše, kateri želijo, da bi njih otroci sodelovali v programu, da jih prijavno meni ali pa Simonu Tro-j ar ju in to najkasneje do 15. decembra. To je potrebno, da nam jih je mogoče vtyrstltl v v program, kec skoro vsako leto ae pripeti, da se starty spomnijo še» le na dan priredb», da bi njih. otroci lahko nastopili ter z raznimi točkami obogatili program. Zato naj tem velja ta opomin. Mi želimo, da nastopijo vsi, kateri so sposobni igrati na kak instrument, peti uli proizvajati kakšno drugo zanimivost ter jih bomo z veseljem uvrstili v program, samo da ae pravočasno prijavijo; nI nam pa mogoče, da bi na dan priredbe dodajali točke k programu, da bi ugodili njih želji. Kakor na prejšnjih božičnih priredbah, bo tudi letos nastopil stari Miklavž ter obdaril z darili člane mladinskegu oddelka k federaciji pridruženih društev. Kakor nam je že sporočil, bodo darila prav lepa. . Frank Aleek. tajnik. Is urada elevelandake federacije Cleveland.—S tem želim opo-zoritl društvene zastopnike, da Imajo roaoh BMnaP uUeiešoToiii uo^ strani društvsnik aast-,¡pni se federacljskih soj. Pred nami Clavolandčoni jo velika naloga pripravo sa praznovanje narodnega dneva SNPJ v letu 1942 ki se vrši v našem mestu. Z združenimi močmi ln z v zajem nim sodelovanjem vseh društev ln članov bomo napravili to praznovanje še bolj uspešno kakor je bilo praznovanje ohljske-ga SNPJ dneva leta 1940. Tista društva, ki' še niao stopana pri federaciji, posebno pa še društva bivše SSPZ, vabim iskreno, da se nam pridružijo v letu 1942. Stroškov ni nobenih, ker je članarina suspendirana. Edino, kar pričakujemo od vu, je vzajemno in brataku sodelovanje. Sedaj pa Še nekaj dstumov naših društvenih prireditev pred novifn letom: Društvo Comrade« št. 568 priredi pleano veselico v sobot., zvečer, dne 29. novembra. Vrši ae v Slov. narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Društvo Združeni bratje št. 26 bivše SSPZ, sedaj SNPJ, priredi ples \> nedeljo, dne 7. decembra, v Slov. delavskem domu na Waterloo Road. Društvo Spartans št. 198 bivše SSPZ, sedaj SNPJ, priredi ples v soboto zvečer dne 27. decembra. Vrši se v Slov. narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Prosim, udeležite se teh prireditev, ako le mogoče. Mati Petro vlek. predsednik federacije. Soja bridgeportske federacije lellalre. a — Kot tajnik o-krožne federacije SNPJ naznanjam vsem društvom v tej okolici, da se vrši redna ln obenem glavna seja federacije 28. doc., začetek ob 2. popoldne v društveni dvorani na Boydsvillu. Bratje ln sestro, na glavnih ae-jah se začrtajo smernice z« prihodnje leto. Polog tega bodo podani računi od zadnje seje, kot tudi poročila zastopnikov. In kar je glavno, bodo tudi volitve fe-deracijskegu odbora za priiiod-nje leto. Torej je bratska dolš-nost vseh okoliških društev SNPJ, da pošljejo svoje zastopnike na to važno sejo, ker le s skup-* nlm delovanjem nam je mogoče urediti dano nam nalogo v koriat federacije, društev ln jednote. In od novega odbora bo največ odvisno, kako bo vodil federacijo po poti napredka, bratatva in e-nakopravnosti. To najlažje dosežemo, če se vsa društva udeleže glavne oeje federacije 20 dec. Loula Pavllnlch. tajnik. veselico na Zahvalni dan. Društvo 300 (Braddock), imeli bodo proslavo 25-letnlce v soboto, 29. novembra, s plesom; društvo želi br. A. Cipcics za govornika, kar se odobri,. Društvo 517 (Moose), Imeli bodo veselico v soboto, 1. novembre. Ker je njih blagajna prazna, prodajajo knjižice ln želijo, da bi jih federacija nekaj kupila. Se kupi za $5 vrednosti. Društvo 88 (Moon Run), na 26. novembra bo ples ln tudi oni Imajo listke. Se isto tak/) kupi listke za $6 vrednosti. Umrl je član Valentin Koritnik. Društvo 89 (Midway) ima ma-škeradno veselico 1. novembre. Poročilo zastopnika zs angleško poelujočo federacijo br. Antona Rednaka se vzame na znanje. Angleško poelujočo federacijo zastopa br. Mike Kumer. ki poda precej obširno poročilo. Na novega leta dan bo "National Bowling Tournament" ln vabijo na sodelovsnje. V januarju 1942 bo angleško poslujoča federacija stars 10 let. Imeli bodo veliko prireditev v ta namen. Sklene s«, da naša federacija da vso moralno podporo ter se priporoča vsem »društvom, da se udeležijo te proslave v kar največjem številu. Program ln prostor, kje ae bo vse to vršilo, bo objavljen prsvočosno. Govori tudi br se vrši prlhodnjs seja ske federacije SNPJ \ nedeljo dopoldne, dne 23. novembra. Prosim vas, da pridete pravočasno, ker je naš namen sejo zgodaj zaključiti, da bodo imeli fe-deracijskl zastopniki dovolj časa za odhod v Kenmore, Ohlo, ki je blizu Akrona. Tam se bo Isti dsn ob 2. url popoldne vršila seja vseh ohijskih federacij, ki bodo reševale zadeve ln napravile potrebne zaključke z osi rom na praznovanje ohijskega dneva SNPJ v prihodnjem letu V Clevelandu živi sedsj 6 čla nov glavnegs odbors SNPJ Vsem tem želim sporočiti, da je sklep ln želja federacije, da naj bi bili vsi lokalni člani glavnega odbora tudi člani federacije z istimi pravicami kakor društveni zastopniki, Ta sklep je bil napravljen zato. ker smatramo člane glavnega odbora za naše voditelje ln želimo njihovega sodelovanja pri vseh naših akcijah za napredek jednote Prosim torej lokalne člane glavnega odbora, da vzamejo to na znanje in ae skušajo udeležiti, sko le mogoče, vse federacljskih sej. Naša društva bodo imela pri* hodnji mesec- volitve društvenih odborov, kakor tudi zastopnikov za federacijo. Moja ftelja je. da bi bili izvoljeni le taki člani, ki Jobnstownska federacija Johnatown, Pa.—Naj se ml oprosti, kei sem nekoliko zakasnil z običajnimi poročili o naši federaciji, zlasti o njenem velikem pikniku, ki se je vršil 14. sept. na prijaznih prostorih br. Andreja Dolgana. Piknika se je udeležilo mnogo nad tisoč oseb ln .r^ecivomno bi bila ta pilml ba ena izmed najboljših, kar smo jih še imeli, da nam niso sredi največjega prometa pokvarili razvijajoče se zabave vohuni državnega monopola alkoholnih pijač, ki so nam na mah pokvarili vse, da smo morsli prenehati z vsem, tudi s plesom mladimi, ki aa ja bil komaj pričel. Povzročili so nam mnogo skrbi in bojazni, kajti navad no zasole zelo občutne densrne kazni, kar pomeni, d« je uničeno vse ogromno delo na teh pik nikih, ki ga izvrše odbori in (*>-lag tega bo tudi sitnosti in stroški. Veseli me, da lahko poročsm da smo 10. nov. zadevo končno uravnali na sodišču okrajs So-merset. V obrambo smo se skrb no pripravili in tudi uspeli Hod nlk nedvomno pozna SNPJ.in tudi mu ni tuje, da živi v nj govem sodnem okraju Cambria nad 2700 članov in da je njih or ganlzaclja neomadeževsns "TliIs čase Is suspended," je bil njegov končni odlok, ml smo pa še dobili poduk, kako naj napravimo piknike v bodoč»*, da bomo Izven nevarnosti pred vohuni. "Go ahead and go home." Pojdimo, sem si mislil, da se mož ne premisli. Zadnja seja federacije, ki se je vršila 31. avgusts. je sklenila, da se vrši prihodhja seja v nedeljo, 30 nov., v Društveni dvorani v St. Michaelu. pričetek ob 2 |»opoldne Ta seja bo zelo važna In pttdMno bo tudi poročilo o zadnjem pikniku, kar vas bo go tovo zanimalo in torej lahko pri čpkujemo polnoštevllno udelvf kov. Za enkrat naj bo od moje strani izrečena zahvala bratu In sestri Dolgan sa tako fino kooperacijo in delo poleg vse poslu-ge, kakor tudi za lepe brezplačr ne prostore, za porabo elektrike in mnogo drugega. Hvala tudi članom in članicam, ki so tako neumorno delali vse skozi brez oddiha kot točaji in v kuhinji z občudovalno vztrajnostjo. Poleg teh so tudi mnogi drugI radi prijeli za delo v zvezi s postrežbo ob tsko velikem navalu. Dva pevska zbora, ln sicer srbsko pevsko društvo in hrvatski Rodoljub sta nam v mešanih zborih podala več klasičnih pesmi, med njimi največ slovenskih in smo jim dolžni oddolžiti se. Hvala tudi delegatom in delegat in jam, ki so prišli Iz Pitts-burgha, na čelu jim France Bar-bič iz Clevelanda. Sicer je prispel nekoliko kasno, ker se je bil menda zapeljal s svojo limo-zino. (France, drugič rabi kompas, ako ne zadostujejo cestne številke in napisi!) Well, vseeno ti priznanje, ker si mnogim ustregel, da so te videli, zlasti pa radovednim ženskam, češ kakšen je tu Barbič, Za naš narod so vsekakor napočili važni trenutki v boju za biti ali ne biti. Povsod po Ameriki se naše članstvo zanima za dogodke, Iti se zdaj dpgajujo. NI to resnica, kar vam nekateri skušajo dopovedati, da naj nas nič ne briga, kaj se dogaja onkraj morja. Taki ljudje so ali toliko brezbrižni, aH hudobni, ali pa v službi "aplzarjev". Za zgled nam je lahko društvo Danica 44, SNPJ, ki je določilo $50 is svoje blagajne za sirote v starem kraju in bo to vsoto izplačalo, kakor hitro bo možnost v sa pravično razdelitev. Uverjen sem, da se ta pomoč ne bo tako delila, kot pripovedujejo o delitvi v zadnji vojni, ko so razni župani In župniki delili, seveda v prvi vrsti svojim pripadnikom in gotovo tudi sami nase niso pozabili, Taka delitev se ne sme več vršiti, za to bodo gledule naše podporne organizacije, katerim lahko zaupamo. Andrej Vldrlck, tajnik. Zaptanlk federacijo centralnega Ultnoisa Springfield. Ill.-Rledeča je zapisnik seje federacije društev SHPJ V f ntmlnam UMnotaU i* St. Loulsu, ki se je vršila 2. nov. v Slovenskem delavskem domu v Sprlngfieldu. Sejo odpre predsednik ob 10. zjutraj. Zapisnik sprejet kot čitan. Zastopana so društva 47, 74, 107, 116, 184, 335 ln 465. Poročila uradnikov sprejeta. Poročilo zastopnikov. Sestra Anton la Church od društva 47 poroča, da jI je tajnik Loula Al-dich izročil vse tikete od federa-cljskega piknika.' Nadalje jI je tudi izročil br. J. Rugel od društva 465 $3 69 kot preostanek piknika. Ariton Stigel poroča, da je njih društvo 116 izgubilo dva člana, Edvard Jereba ln Franka Zupana. Sestra Agnes Tomlnšek poroča, da je prt njih društvu 184 umrla Johana Lah, Louls Mahkovec p» omenja, da je pri njih društvu 362 umfla Frances Johnson (prejšnje ime Podobnik), Predsednik pozove zbornico, da vstane v znak sožalja sa umrlimi brati ln sestrami. • Pismo čiktiške federacije j« sprejeto. Glede tega se sklene, da se naša federacija pridruži akciji Čikaške federacije in priporoča La Salle kot mesto, kjer naj bi se vršil Midwest SNPJ day. Našli federuciju obaoja de^ lo poverllnega odbora na konvenciji glede delegatlnje There-se Speck od društva 107 Iz St. Loulsu. Rr. Rugel Iz Glllespieja (465) poroča kot delegat o zadnji konvenciji SNPJ. Federuciju se pridruži Rudio CentruT komiteju in duruje $2 Iz svoje blagajne. Prihodnja sejs nsše federacije se vrši v need ljo, 1. febr. 11)42, v Glllespleju, pričetek ob 10. dopoldne. Rr. John Homec (335) priporoča, da bi se nekaj pomagalo našim rojakom v stari domovini. Sklenjeno, da se daruje $5 ln so pošlje gl, predsedniku Vlncentu Calnkurju s pripombo, naj ao denar drži tukaj, dokler ae položaj ne izboljša. Prošnje br. Johna Kralnoa |n Martina Kolenca od društvp 466 so odobrene ln federacija plača sa vsakega asesment za dva meseca. Zuključek seje ob 2, popoldne. Antonla Church. zaplsnlkarlM. PUatelll med sel») -e- Kdaj jo bila zadnjič vprt-zorjena tvoja veseloigra? — Pri premieri. ISCEJO SE dediči po pokojnem Jakobu Markoviču. ki }e umrl leta ltt$ v Ely-ju. Miss. Pokojni Markovlč Jo bil član društva sv. Lovrenca, bivše Slo-venako Hrvatske Zvese (sedaj adrušona s Hrvatako Svaftako Zajed-nlco), Ely. Minn. Dedič je bila njegova kšl Danica, sa katero slišali, da lo bila omoiona a nekim Hrvatom v loti«. Moot* katerega Ime nam pa nI mano. Posnele je bale umrla ter |o aa* pustila dva aH tri otroke. Ako kdo ve kje šivi sedal njen soprog. oalrOasa njeni otrpH alt Peter Suttey. Id lo pred loti llvol fMMkdvUlu. Utah. Je^pltaUn. da Ker le ostalo še do bllsu $900.00 neisplsčsnegs od dotlčoe po-talne In ker dršava sakteva. do moramo denar ed dedičev, katere nt mogočo najti, lsročiti nil, bi na vsak način radi lsvedell. kje se nahajalo njegovi dediči tabo da nam poamrtnloo njim. prodno sapede dršavt. HRVATSKA BRATSKA ZAJEDNICA »441 Forbes St. Pittsburgh. Pa. t Umm-ê IZPLAČANE SMRTNIKE •k toter« 1941 DEATH CLAIMS PAID in Oetoteer INI — v* J™ Ru4elpk K a el « «•teto 8IN| V uslgiipda Ttalnlk toMg skMiu |H ¿dgtn tmZlL 0|MM Sto«* RmiIm itou tolif« M mil (gMNI$ T MIT Ttoïï» •III mi MM IIS II« IM III IM III M' Mm»*», r« IrlMl««* 9 m IUMU.O» r-CMMft 1U routwrto r*. rtit*iw(|k r«. r«»utk •StoEU Dm«W CMvMMto. O I » ill« CM* IUM P. MM _ »M M Î.IN4S Ii ^Mrlltk ■ ••MUM tlWI lita Ion ■awl TMtafc Or if M nw MtT m a«** r«s. n MM m r*MS c»M, r« MM m ommmmi r* MM m PUum SM. O MM m P r mM. a*. •Ml m PMssPi Ntete. MM MM m •IS attosf. ». a., e Chi*««« IM MM •SM •M 1 m M« «Ml v t M*. P. 1. WIM*»« WU • 1 ira im i M Mim»» ta. im M Oi«>n«SS H. I.IMWk . i,., i j IMS IMS i m itt» IMS »•I no IM IM ■te li n.... w n. Ml rta* PSK saurai TOTAt r a Ttoen t* tot** lit M M»M Ml M il »I M4U4M fc to». PROSVETA THE EHUOHTEVMElfT OLAMLO Of ULBTMWA ILOVBHU ----- JEDNOTE ___ ___drlav« (to- vm Chlmmg*) >n K*n«fc> »8 00 na toto. $3 00 u pot toU. I1M M tetrt UU; m Chicago to Ctoaro fTJi «to tot>. $3 7» u pol tot*; u iooMmrtvo ■utowfipttoo rata«: tor tha United Btataa (aacapt Chicago» and Canada MOO par yaar. Chicago and Ctoaro «7 JO par yaar. «uralgn countrtoa par yaar. __ Cana xl—trr p<> dogovoru. Rokoplal dopuov in nanarotenih tUnkov m na vra£a)o. UokoplM Utarama vwbina («rttoa. povaatt. drama, pwml lldu) aa vmajo poAXl)«Ulju to v •lutoju. ¿a )a prttotU poAtnino. Advarttotnf ratoa an agraatnant Manuscript« o< communication and arttoto« will not ba ra-turnad. Othar manuacrtpta. auch aa •tortoa. plays, poama. ate., will ba ra-turnad to aandar only whan accom-pantod by Mll addraaaad and atampad envelope. Naatov « m taf in. »ttk « PROSVETA SM7-M to. Lawndato Aw. or TMS rXDCKATTD ;ii, da se »klice za 12. februarja • 1042 slovenski narodni kongres J v M l v Chicagik sestoječ iz celokupnih glavnih odborov vseh slovenskih centraliziranih podpornih organizacij; poleg tega imajo pravico poslati po dva zastopnika slovenske centralizirane politične in kulturne organizacije in povabljeni r bodo tudi posamezni slovenski pisatelji, časnikarji, kulturni delavci itd. Jasno je, da bo kongres — prvi te vrste v zgodovini ameriških Slovencev — tako sestavljen, stoodstotno reprezentativen in resnično demokratičen občni zbor ali parlament našega naroda v Ameriki. Datum v oklepaju na primer (Kovambar SO 1MI). poleg v «toga imena na naalovu pomeni. dt vam >e g tem datumom potekla naročnina. Ponovite Jo pravočasno, o koncertna solistka miss Anna Beniger,, ki bo nas zopet zaraja la s svojim sočnim sopranom Nastopila bo z več skladbami. Mična bo vsekakor opereta "Ponočnjaki" — spevoprizor fantovskega življenja na kme tih v starem kraju. Videli boste, kako znajo fantje potegniti kme-•ta, ki ima nočno gostilno taka pod roko in pri katerem se "na-žerejo" in najedo zastonj. Glavne vloge bodo imeli Garden (kmet), m rs. Miško (njegova žena) in Alice Artach (njuna bei). Johnny Rak bo vaški čuvaj, fantje Save pa "ponočnjaki' -"lumpje", kot pravi kmet Boit-i jan. Je nekaj za kratek čas in razvedrilo srca. Upamo, da bo dvorana bNi-J napolnjena do zadnjega kotička, ker program bo vreden vec kot 40c v prsd proda ji nh 50c pri vhodu. Potem se bomo lahko pa še naplesali ob fini godbi Sava uljudno vabi vse ljubitelje lef* slovenske pesmi. Sav«» Pred dvaj^timi leti (Iz Prosvete, 19. novembra 192! H Domsč. vesti. V Chicagu si K ustanovila slovenska umburaslu godba pod vodstvom Franka Pa-vliČs. Zadovs SNPJ. Gl. tajnik Turk d. je «P-'^ tvene konvencije obliki knjige in kmalu ^ vsa društvs. D.l.«k. «.«• V C..l..r.du r zastavka)" 350« X vemeri.po.l.Kj.vo,.^^ u ta«—« }agmU:t£ gnvarja U*i f^J^C Me v Albanij. n«" rrd«. > V^r*r«inc nad kaUrnm, — ipksa» ' .,„ Sorla.d.. It«"* vlada obtotuj* P°0«*> £ ukralinak« m rumun.k< ^ rss» i«v 101 Ukrajino. t % p bö8vet a "plačane operacije in odškodnine okiobi« iMi " "—n—— operation benefits «i disability claims la October 1941 foùyoma Iržnnit kredit članom mladinskega -twin j----------- Donirl Gagich Mikeal Sholay« Aldrane Turk M Nim 1 «cajel UJnlk of wwm>wn »V i Prank Magagnotl Stanley Skril Dorothy Urb«« Mary Zgonc John Ri bar Ich Emma Koroeec Margaret Seganoe Anion Zagar ........ Krank Yuko______ Mary Wolfe ........ Jacob Kunstelj ... Amalla Slabo ...... Prank Laurich Bernard Tillman • Jack Ko v «co v Ich Charles Krusich Mary Paun Ann Jakl Joeeph Koelch Joseph Mader« Margarvt Reanik 10 Prod. P. Taucher Margaret Yardaa Loul* Oblak Jack Podbovaek, Jr. & Rlberlch 309 Tony Pecarlch John Skerl John Omeyc Joeaph Snoy ........... Ludvik Pinter ....... l.ouia Orlic ............ Lrnhaii Werdlnok John Potokar ...... 19 Johann« (kill : S3 John Oaanlch 14 Charlae Vod look 39 Charlae So lak 30 George Rurich M«rk Patrick 100 Rudolph Zor man Roberl Hrgtich George Stlgllch 40 Elale Desman David Roetan Frank Wolgemuth John Strancar — Joeeph Jes »»«..»• Andrew Maroeok Mike Bmerdel .... Dan Sorak .............. Vincent Yakaotlch Jack Pompe .......... 311 Auguala Pelkoveek SIS Tony Tomaich SSI Joaephlne Naatal 337 Fred Benagall« ' 33S Frances Glogovaek 394 Valentin Kaualarich 301 John Buala 309 Michael Kobik John T«ncek •1 Adolph Mlkllch John 8nyder ¥ luči resnice o dvanajsti r redni konvenciji Plie glavni tajnik VIDER Louis Zelnick Joeeph F. Dum Frank Slvlc....... 93 Frank Koalch 98 Francee Slvlc 391 Paul Alt Charlea Coaale Joeeph Kolenc 63 Wilma Ivanac Frank Caldro Jim Milovoc ... Joe Tesak ....... Mary Kustich Louis Hlak ,..... Joeeph Dollnar Peter Mavrlch Paul Bublc Ivanka Flk ..... 303 "Law renče Koren 907 George Shoffar 409 Christine Rellin 413 Hedwln Poy 437 Dorothy Vidlc 499 Annie Perkovlch 494 Florence Rukavina 49I Jennie Hartman Vprašanje gotovinske vrednosti certifikatov ali "endowmenta" po na naših konvencijah že parkrat pretresali in enajsta redna fevencija je celo zaključila, da jih smemo upeljati, ako glavni ¿bor dožene, da so koristni ln sa J od no t o potrabnL Izvršni odmiki smo iskali zadevne podatke pri organizacijah, kjer ie ima-itake vrste zavarovanje; posvetovali smo se z ljudmi, ki imajo NČletne izkušnje o endowment-za varovan ju itd. Nekateri člani tomega odbora so se potrudili in posvetili del svojega časa temu ipnšanju, da se prepričajo, ali je za našo organizacijo dobro, če «toupelje, ali ne.« Glavni odbor je na podlagi predloženih faktov aUjučil, da ne vidi nobenih koristi ali potrebe takega zavarovali pri naši jednoti in naložil je glavnemu uradu, naj pripravi pri-*rno pojasnilo, zakaj upeljave endowmenta ne priporoča in po-jpilo naj bi prejel vsak delegat dvanajste redne konvencije, itrudili smo se in izvršili nalogo glavnega odbora ter ob kratkem k v glavnem orisali razloge, zakaj se od strani glavnega odbora fcga zavarovanja ne priporoča. Vsak delegat pa je prejel zadevno imeno pojasnilo. Ce bi ne bilo navedenih nobenih drugih razlogov v dotični knji-fci kot to, da v sedanjih časih vedno nižjega obrestovanja od nail investicij ni skoro mogoče upeljati zavarovanja kot je endow-Int. ki bazira na 3% obrestni meri, brez riskiranja, bi že to lahko fcblo kot merodajen vzrok za opustitev misli na endowment, foenjeno zavarovanje ni izključno le zavarovanje, pač pa je kom-knacija zavarovanja ln hranilna vloge, ki se ima obrestovati po Ifefeotiu obcestni meri.» Jednota bo pa kmalu —- če se bo tako ktro znižavala obrestna mera bondom kot se zadnje čase — pre-jmala dva ali k večjemu dva in pol odstotka obresti! Poučeni smo, da marsikje, kjer imajo večletne izkušnje z Mgo-ainsko vrednostjo" certifikatov, iste v teh časih omejujejo ali alo opuščajo, ker jih smatrajo za preveč riskirane. Mi, ki jih se-M poznamo največ v teoriji in ki nam so bili tudi odsvetovani paktuarju, smo jih pa vzlic temu upeljali. Dasi se ne more glavnemu odboru očitati, da ni pretekla štiri fa delal v interesu skupnega članstva, niti ni napravil take po-P&e ali prestopkov, da bi kdo mogel upravičeno izgubiti zaupa-V v istega, kljub temu skupni glavni odbor ni imel pred večino Megatov toliko zaupanja, da bi upoštevala v tem oziru njegovo sporočilo. Iz tega se lahko sklepa ter sodi, kaj in koliko je bilo Nmeznemu glavnemu odborniku ali upravnemu odseku mogo-fc doseči na zadnji konvenciji. Da pa ne bo nihče pod vtisom, da bomo izplačali $1000 po preteku dvajsetih let plačevanja z malo razliko v asesmentu, naj tu Svedem nekaj številk plačevanja asesmenta za razna zavarova- * pole« smrtnine. ' / John Kobe ........ Matt Karcich ... Margaret Jelene Frank Chuchek Anton Gardin Katherine Valonclc Albert Slavok Joaehlue Umek John Medvoeek Emm« Uh«n 479 Helen Wukoltch Martha Omatta Milan Pugely Albert Zupan Frank Mrvattn Ralph Končnik Ml John Grlll ...»...... Philip Belta Marko Oovorcin FUip Kal Ich ....... SIS Olga Vogrln 919 Mary Hoalc 917 M«ry Daroah 99U Kala Murât 949 Edward Slanlaa Henry Vldrich 940 George Davis Judith Pod bock Holon Storni«« ..... Antoni« Beaok •,..., John J. Gabrenja Anthony Mekian , Antoinette Stmclc Mary Gllha Carl Celaroc Antoinette Jerman Joaephlne Maurich Louiae Perme Donald Lotrieh „ Thomas Hoatnik Marie Slofanlc Christine Stritar 990 Elsie Krak 994 Rœemarlo Main 999 John Trebels 999 Eva simelc 990 Vincent Batista Theresa Kodric Helen Robich 199 Roee Duaak 19« Catherine Fuaari Frank Podboy Rudolph Harvatin Kiank Nahllgal ( Meli« Markoff..... Mary Duriako.... . Frad O'Kftrn ..... Fiancee Kovaeh ... Mailin Vogler John l<«ngethoU Michael RnaignoB Frank Gerbet-....... Louis Zor man William Clarine -, Albin Cvelbar ...... 9111 Lawrence Starman 949 Ludwlg N ah t Iga I 990 Lillian Hrvatin 997 Joeeph M. Segulin 99v Angolo Pepe 70S Harry Habe 707 Stanley Vlnler 713 Jennie Volk 719 Ceellla Puakarkh 7S8 Frank Dodleh 7SS Frank I'oaega 747 Htefka Btriater 799 Joe Rupert 199 Frank--Homec Mary Porah in 190 Elisabeth Verscaj 101 Dolly Vidas 109 Amelia BerflMf" 109 Mary Vukovich 300 Allee Poren lo sis Albert Mihevc sss Elsie Shume ss9 Albert Pohlopek sm Ann Stemplhar Philip Be bar ,..M. Louis Varljon ..... Joeeph Slemec Anton Blatnik ... John Doaelak ..... John Ambroao ... Mary Ruas ......... Annie Jelovehan John Holjevec .. TOTAL NOVOPRIOTOPIM CLAN! ais AnU» C Tomsk' iserra «I» Wilma L Wim «k lOSTT« asi J6 ............$3 JO $4.10 $480 20 ................ 3.92 4.12 4.82 » ................ 3.94 • 4.14 4.84 30 ................ 4.97 4.17 4.87 •fi ............... 4.03 ' 4.23 4.93 40 .............. 4.13 4.33 5 03 .............. 4.31 4.51 5 21 les Mar« Oaganoa ISSTM SSS Margarol Saanik ISStM SSS T «m» Paehailati ISS7S1 »11 A us PatSuvaak ISST7I 411 lt»il»iii Por ISfTSI «IT l»»t>Oty V14k! ISSTSS SIS Mary H»ru ISSTST MB K4*miš f. «lama* IMftn SSS J ud M Mlm* laaow I ass Jutm 1 »atola ISSSIS I ses Margot Hui-Iito IMBUS I e«s iA*wig NaMieai isesM M SSS Mllia« i Nivalin ISSSM I SST Jmmph M »aguli.. IS8SS1 I ass AitjaU. Papa ISSBSU I Tli Jana L- V.»lk lasa* j l TIS lumph Hup»11 ISSS4S I AOMirrao serras«a«« i, imi S < narloa Kiuauii lOSMl I Mary faun isesss I SS Val ma Ivana« ISSTSS . I hank t,Uit» ISSTO« I IWI Ulllom M akuMr ISSTIS I Ma Ann «lamirMuir laeiM I BIS Danny O liasul. ISSlM I ISS laaiMM Kman ISSTS4 I «M r Uh Suka vina laSTSI ■ t Tli I or lilo 1'uakar ui. laSeST I AOMITTCO AUOUST I, IMI 1ST Jualma Mlaltial ISSTSa I ISS aiiralMtti VaraaaJ ISSTM I m (hI lat UM Mallln ISSTSS I SM JutMl OuraOa lussna Jummptt Kor)an luSSia MS atol la » r.a«M II lassu ses ava etmala ISSSM Ml Mui»ui|>ti «admak ISHIII SM iwtui W VuiH.uk I ms IS aas Vioaaol Hat laut ISMIT MI l<0«r. «ta« man IMBM sei a*war4 Maaku« ISSMI SM gmuta etrauM IMMS aomirrao #utv i. imi sm Miaaal atM.Uya isersi SM William S romata I SMI* AOMirrrn iuam i. imi ms Stota Ki«k isesm ro«Mr« sees_. admitted mov km bb« i imi I atu 8 mt.mu.fc laSOM I; m Malaie IMaaly issbm , |i m Mati« i atr una lasbm M AM«*IMM iafcavM issom m William OiMia-ti laSSM as SMTiare A etoMr I SSM I fian« l*mioi IMMI I Wm a nanus laOOU I IM ritailaa lirvirk laoSM }> a#mittbi> ocroaaa i. imi IT Ivan M« MBS " TM fiana fumgm ISSSM * Til A ana* iaffra» ' ISBMI * TM Ma« iuru isesM •r TST Nam» B*ftatar laSMl * Olaffca «t» Mr la i ISCSM i ¡2 TM Valant w AuOal ISSOM im AOMirran ocroaaa i. imi IM S Ja«* Itavaatviai» IS«M» . I«S Arm« Vaki ISSSM IM |« l*»ia oatwrfc ^ ISSSM IM i O etMfcavaafc ISOBOl IM M iatm t Oranim ISSMI IM M franfc M Kaata«* ISSTas I M M KrtXai Va«m*te ISSTM IM M imtm MaOvaM« IMTII IM |M Naory VtOiwfc HTM IM us Mar» Otma IMTM i#l u» cmi A cemne Mam 4 društvo kontroliral. Torej vsi na sejo 7. dec ob • dopoldne. Annie WWlmar. tajnica Društvene res ti Banld. 111.-Društvo 556 SNPJ bo imelo letno sejo prvo nedeljo v decembru v navadnih pro-storih eno aro prej kot navadno Vabljeni ste vsi. da se U seje gotovo udeležite, ker bodo volitve odbornikov za IM2 Sedaj je čas. da si izvolite odbor po svoji volji, ne pa po aslunih gro-žiti, kdo ne bO Ujmk In kdo bo Spring!laid. I1L—Vsvlm élan-stvo društvs 47 8NPJŠ. da aa udeležite prihodnja seje, ker bomo morali reélti mnogo vainegs. (Prišlo prepozno xa zadnjo sejo. —Uredj Louis Aldkk- tajnik. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER in STth Year óf Continuous Servie* 1904 - - - 1941 ENGLISH SECTION i> t íierp to increase Our Juvenile, 'And Adult Membership PAGE SIX For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes The Chicago Pioneers Reach a Goal! Ever true to their worthy name, the Chicago Pioneer« continue their upward surge with the indomitable persistence which has marked their successes in the past sixteen year«. Last week it was announced that the Pioneers, SNPJ Lodge * 559, have reached the 800 mark in adult and juvenile membership! This is one of the highest records ever attained by any lodge of our Society and, therefore, merits the attention of the entire membership of our organization. Moreover, as an all-time record for any lodge of our fraternals achieved during a period of sixteen years, the occasion calls for an all-out celebration of all members in our jurisdiction. But the Pioneers are aiming to climb still higher on the ladder of success; they are determined to reach the 1000 mark before their next major anniversary celebration. Knowing the caliber of their leadership, we are convinced that the Pioneers will march on until their goal is reached—and then go still further. Exactly a year ago, at the time of their 15th anniversary, we said that the Pioneers will not rest on their laurels after they have reached the 700 mark. It was soon after that they surpassed all the SNPJ lodges by being proclaimed not only the first und largest ESL—an honor they have been holding for the past fifteen yeant—but also as the largest lodge in our Society. This fact undoubtedly spurred the Pioneers to redouble their efforts for new achievements. Teday the Pioneers are 800 strong! * They reached that goal on their Sixteenth Anniversary,, in November, which is their birthday month. Our Pioneers will observe the occasion with a dance Saturday evening at the SNPJ Hall. With them the entire SNPJ world rejoices at their splendid success; and we salute them on their pioneering spirit which has brought this about. We may well ask: What makes the Pioneers move so successfully on the road which is not dissimilar in many oif our other communities? What is their motive power? The source of their energy? The real answer may be found in the word leadership. Without leadership which is essential to any growth and progress the Pioneers would remain another dormant lodge, doing only so much and no more. We muit remember that the Pioneers hav* to surmount many obstacles and that their success has not come their wajf without extraordinary efforts on their part. The lodge operates in a cosmopolitan city of nearly four million people, and our own people are widely scattered over a broad territory. Yet the magnetic power of the Pioneers brings them together for a common purpose. Undoubtedly their little monthly publication, "Pioneer Bulletin," is all assisting factor in this. It has been continuously published for the last 12 years, With Dqnald J. Lotrich as its editor. Not forgetting past officers of the lodge, outstanding among whom In period of service are Donald J. Lotrich (in office 18 years) and Oscar B. Godina (past officer)» and Dr. John Zavertnik (as lodge physician), we feel it ' only right to record here the names of the present officers, who are: Frank Zordani, president; Frank Groser, vice-president; Donald J. Lotrich, secretary; Frank Sodnik, rec. secretary; Ernest Dre-shar, treasurer; **rank Vidmar, sgt.-at-arms; Leo Vider, Eddie Huriale and John Hak, auditors. ' The Pioneers are constantly on the alert for new prospects; they put into practical use the opportunity offered by our So-city on a large scale; they take full advantage of each membership campaign; they know how to apply the principles and insurance features of our organization. During the current Juvenile Campaign, which will close at the end of next month—the Pioneers have not been asleep. Can the same be said of your own lodge? FLASHES By DONALD J. LOTRICH CHICAGO. ILL.—All Pioneers are urged to attend the next regular meet ins Friday. November 81. at the SNPJ Hall With this meeting, we begin our 17th year, and a «ood attendance will enable us to Aliut the iww yat iwnrielwly. We will have reports on howling, the Iflth Anniversary dance and the JHF conference. Wc will have a few timely word« on the part of the Pioneers arc playing in the English npeaking lodge movement, and refreshment» will lie available. A check for fifteen dollars will be on hund for some one member. Make nure that you ure present. Our Anniversary Dance takes place Saturday, November 22. at the SNIM Hall. We hope that our many go" a Club of Sharon urw apon-lOff.ng » dance Saturdnv Nov 22. ft* |l«r Slovene i huh, featuring the WiU'fcrMs«r> Crank B*rbl<-h • mu-mm 0i Cirvrliwtd Admit«» >n J.V ttmm III g from S p. m. t«> ' The* M*I« a gr.jjt help to the Dom ■Mi* mmmM b* rewarded With a big NOVAK. 7U Eddie Hudale i* due to sell them U» you by the yurd and you shall *ee .S'yltiia Homer, John Alic and Oscar Godina at the door. The«» supervisors will have other«, naturally, t«» help mo that you will eeertvr the kind Xft service please you. %J • • The hoy» tell u* that quite a num-l>er of our friend* from adjacent town* will be down for the Dance, including the Badger* and Jolly Alii* of Milwaukee und West Alii*. Little Fort und Calumet Sentinel*. We understand that a return bowling engagement between a couple of Badger* und Pioneers will be rolled tiff Sunday afternoon. We hope that aoine of our *enior member* will *ee fit und have time to be with u*. In the piud, they have left the dance function* to the young people entirely, which isn't alto gether proper. We extend u cordial invitation to all of them. also. For a long while now. Leo Cret-nik ha* been waiting to get on to the post office force in Arkansas. He finally got the call and has left for home last week.—And. hi* brother, Tony Cretnik. wo* married November I. Congratulations and tieat wishes!—AI ftoste was operated on for appendicitis and Is recuperating at the St. Anthony Hospital -All tlx«*' who wurked for the Nu lional SNPJ Day are urged to reserve Saturday, December for apcctal guthering and "party.—Ir-ne*i Neeen has had his left hand mangled up ut his place of employment Our parting word today is that the Pioneer ISth Anniversary Dance, . Novemttei 21. will net be complete Without yout attendance. And that means you should be there. Little Fort Lodge New« A Night in Slovenia WAUKEGAN. ILL.—The Night in Slovenia program and dance sponsored by the Little Fort Lodge, No. 568 SNPJ, last Saturday night was a tremendous success. More than four hundred enthusiastic persons crowded into the large hall at the Slovene Hall. The big feature of the evening was the awarding of titles as queens to Millie Sftncic and Frances Gregorin, and titles of ladyships to Edith Dobnikar and Lillian Potoch-nik. Alma Guntor, winner of the last queen contest a couple of years ago, presented the awards. Millie received her title by getting the largest amount of votes in the vote-getting contest, and Frances Gregorin received her title by collectihg the largest amount of money. We wish to thank all these young ladies for their grand work during this contest. We thank them again and again. The orchestra, under the leadership of Stan Gregorin, played simply wonderful music throughout the evening. Young and old-danced to the strains of old-time polkas and waltzes, swayed to the music of the rhumba, and skipped across the hall to the music of the modern music. Swell work, Stan. To Eddie Udovich and the Zni-dersic girls we *uy thank you for their part in presenting a fine and entertaining program. We also wish to thank the waitresses, the checkroom boys, and the ticket collectors for the splendid cooperation. The refreshments and the ticket selling committees also did their work in an excellent manner. Meeting Highlights The November meeting of the Little Fort Lodge was held this after-noonr (Sunday) and theje are many items which are worth mentioning. Jimmie English becamc a member in th¿ Adult division, and two more children were admitted into the Juvenile department of Little Fort. Reports of various committees were heard and a committee has been selected to choose a date for our next, anniversary program. The members at the meeting decided that the annual meeting of Little Fort would be held on the regular meeting date—third Sunday in December, commencing promptly at 1:30 p. m. Because Sunday afternoon is the regular bowling day, tfto membership wondered whether or not the bowlers would postpone their fun to another day—> the president to make the inquiry. Notices will Ik? sent to all members Ipy the Secretary announcing the meeting day. The President also stated (hat he intended to appoint a nominating committee to nominate officers for next year. It was also suggested that written reports be made by all standing committees, such as Juvenile, Athletic, and Auditing—this to be done if the officer* wish. The President also stated that an Executive Committee meeting would be held during the month of December to present certain rocom-mendations to the membership. Lodge Bit* Little Fort Lodge will take part juuit presentation (will lodges 119 und 114) of s fine pro gram in the near future .. . Leonard Alpner of Milwaukee, won a mix-master sel given by the queen contest group lust Saturday. Frances Gregorin sold the winning ticket to Lennie. In a short time Lennie will receive the grand price . . . The membership figure of Little Fort now totals 202 adult and 9* juvenile memlHMs ... A big crowd of Little Fort members plan to go to Chicago next Saturday night to share In the fun with the Pioneers. . . , Eddie Hartel, Little Fort member and former meat-cutter at the Co-op Who was drafted last month, Is now In the cavalry unit at Fort Riley. Kansas. TONY, Lodge M8. CAVALIERS'LODGE Integrity GIVE FALL DANCE Broadca,t SATDAY, NOV. 29 BURGETTSTOWN, PA.—For the past two months the Cavaliers, SNPJ lodge 741, have been stirring, arranging, planning and preparing for the annual ¿Fall Dance, the affair that is second only to their anniversary dances. It is to be held on Saturday, Nov. 29, at the local Slovene Hall, featuring Joe Kramer and his popular orchestra. All of our friends from the neighboring lodges are cordially invited to attend. Congratulations to the following Cavaliers who were recently visited by the stork: Mrs. Margaret Ferro, formerly Margaret Taucher; Mrs. Mary Bartoletti, formerly Mary Je-ram, and Mrs. Kathryn Baron, formerly Kuthryn Paw low. We hope that this means an increase of three, in our Juvenile department. All members are urged to attend tin- annual meeting on Sunday, Dec. 14, at 10:30 sharp. This is an important meeting and it'is the duty of the members to attend. A pajrty will be held after the meeting, good refreshments will be served and a good time is assured for all. JOSEPH MOSKUN, Sec'y. r Morning Stars * PITTSBURGH, PA.—Our Nov. 8 Fall Dance was a big success. Our many friends mingled in a most sociable way. Jack Persin's music and Joe Piskur's singing kept thé crowd in a dancing mood. We appreciate the visit from 25 Veroni-ans, the six Strabune lassies, Am-bridge, Universal« Center, Caro-polis, Germantoivn, Sykesville, Har-marville, Newfleld, N. Bessemer, Library, Latfobe, Herminie, McKees Rocks, Clairton, Warren, Girard, E. Palestine and our many local supporters who helped to jam the dance floor. We also had a surprise visitor in Pvt. Beachey Bruee. Wo began Cthr' 'fraternal reciprocating by attch&ng the Veronian victory dance ISM'weekend. (Where were Rose Mary RosSu and Albina?) Nov. 1 saw Ed Adfesic and the writer "spring in" on thó Smugglers' dance where Taffy's band had everything under control. We enjoyed the visit immensely. Staying over, we witnessed the performance of the ope- Ave. retta "Gypsy Báron," which was "tops.":' Fifteen *of our local Slovenes came to CléVéland by train to see this performance. It should be put on in our city by the same group. Many thanks to Vidmar and Gasser for showing us the city. The E. S. Fed. of W. Pcnna with its 19 affiliated lodges will celebrate its 10th anniversary of Jan. 31, 1942. Organized on Jan. 31, 1932, at Library, It Is considered the backbone of the SNPJ in the Keystone State, and rightly so because it incites our youth for closer cooperation, brings harmony among lodges, promotes activity as well as sociability. The federation was formed for this purpose.' which is still being maintained. The committee for the affair (Agnes Balint, Mary Maglich, John Ujcich) will meet Dec. 7 at 1:30 p. m. with one representative of each lodge. 1%e Natl SNPJ Duckpin tournament Is again slated for New Year's Day. Jan. 1, 1942, at the Stanley Alleys, Garrlck. and indications point to a secord-breaking tourney. The M. S.'s, last yeur's champs, hope to repeat again and are "cannonading" nome high scores already In local leagues and at the SND. The M. S.'s women can be seen on the firing line every Thursday nltc on the SND alleys anil ure ready for the battle. JOHN UJCICH, 666. CHICAGO —First of ail, the Integrity lodge extend their thanks to all the members and the many friends who attended our dance on Nov. 8 and who made the danee successful. Treasurer Louis Kozuk's wife sold 20 tickets for the dance to her friends who all attended the affair. Many thanks to Mrs. Kozdk, and do not forget, Louis, we are looking for such members. In fact, if all the members would have done this much the hall would not have been large enough for all the people. We thank the Pioneers for their help, also the Sentinels who came with the Koseles. We have missed many of our members who did not come to help us. All members who have the dance tickets and did not dispose of them are asked to please return them as soon as possible. Also do not forget that you must pay for one ticket regardless if you attended the dance or not Sisters .Notto and H. Kon turned in the most tickets sold by them. We hope others will follow suit. Regular Meeting The- regular monthly meeting is Friday, Nov. 28, at 8 p. m. at the Secretary's home. So try to attend your monthly meeting and make It a real gathering everj^ month. Bro. Charles Yanwlenich is a married man now. We wish him lots of luck, and we hope he will not forget to bring his wife into the lodge. Sister Mary Cremosmk and her husband came to the Integrity's dance from Moline, 111. Thanks, Mary, you have displayed a real fraternal spirit. Also, a gentleman from La Salle came to our dance. We all know him only the secretary forgot his name. He used to be a regular visitor in Chicago. Bro. Otto Sitter is on the sick list. We all wish him a speedy recovery. All members are asked to pay their dues on time. Attend the Pioneer Lodge dance at the SNPJ hall Saturday, Nov. 22. Juvenile Circle Many mothers of our juveniles would like to see the Integrity lodge sponsor a Christmas party for the youngsters, The secretary and a few mothers are working on this plan, but we must have the help of all mothers if we want to see it put over. In order to come to a definite conclusion, a meetnig will be held Tuesday, Nov. 25, at 8 p. m. at the Secretary's Home, 1642 N. Fairfield All those who are interested in the youngsters should attend. The boys of the Circle meet every Monday at 6:30 p. m. at 1642 N. Fairfield. The meeting is for all who are interested in sports. The girls will soon have the same opportunity, that is, those who are interested irf sports. They should notify the secretary. We are planning to have a baseball team next year and we will try to have indoor practice. The Circle will elect their officers on Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, at the Secretary's home. All juvenile members are asked to attend. The Juvenile Campaign will close on Dec. 31. Lcty make It a success by securing a few more new members for the Juvenile department. We are sorry to learn of the death of Sister Mary Legauld's husband and extend our sincere sympathy. MICHAEL R. FLEISCHHACKER, Secretary A veil* Women's Club Give Dance Nov. 27 AVEUÍA PA —The 6th annual Thanksgivin Day festival of the Ladies' Club will be given on Thursday, Nov 27. at 1 p. m at the local hall. They will make this dance the biggest and liest yet We will have duncieg and howling, prises and re-frestituant* including kranjske klo-base and potice. From t p. m. to ISM a. nv 1*« Banett's orchestra will play-Our bowling league is well undri way. A group of members attended the danee at Sygan and we all had a grand time.—I wish to remind our members of the annual meeting In iMfcmbei. Let's aH show a little more interest In the lodge. SECRETARY, Lodge !R Four Verona Lodges to Give Benefit Dance VERONA. PA—The four local lodges, namely, SNPJ lodges 690 and 216 and CFU lodges 770 and 602, will hold a dance at the National Hall on Arch St., Saturday, Nov. 29. beginning at 7 30 p. m. It will be a benefit dance. All proceeds will go jointly to the SNPJ snd CFU Jugoslav Relief Funds. Good music. Admission 35c A pleasant evening Is assured all. COMMITTEE. Issue Call for^H| National Congress Repregentativeg of Seven Slovene Organ« tions Agree to Call a Slovene National ( gress in February in Chicago to Lay Plant r< Political Action Concerning Our Homelanc Provisional Committee Elected CHICAGO. Last Saturday. Nov. 15. on the Initiative of BNPJ. the repreaentathres of SNPJ. AFU. KSKJ. ZSZ SZZ and JSP met In conference at SNPJ Headquarters and unani« ly decided to call a Slovene National Congress for Feb 12 ¡942 Chicago, which will lay the foundation for political action in t interest of the old-country. J. Z. Jr. Bright Spots LIBRARY, PA.—The SNPJ lodge J. Z. Jrs. No. 682 are again about to celebrate another anniversary, on Thanksgiving Day, Nov, 27, with a dance at the Slovene Hall, featuring Martin Kukovich and his Slovene Commanders. Those of you who have attended the convention dances know that this orchestra made the biggest hit of all the orchestras. The J. Z. Jrs. haven't held an affair for quite a while Snd this will be the last chance this year for our friends to visit us. The affairs of the past were rather unsuccessful and the treasury suffered accordingly. Let's try to put this one over with a bang. Many of the distant lodges owe us a visit and we ore convinced some of them will attend. - The annual meeting of our Lodge will be held on Sunday, Dec. 7, at 6:30 p. m. This meeting is highly important to all members since the election of officers will take place. All members are urged to attend. Let's make it interesting. This 'n' That: Sidi Bruni has been accepted into the lodge. Cleveland still owes us that visit. To Jo Kla-rich of Detroit: that book will come one of these days. A post-card from Shorty Bertovic who is in camp. Cards from Rose Mary Rossa and Ray Travnik are acknowledged. A 1 food time by all at the M. S.'s dance. Zome to our anniv. dance on Thanksgiving for a good time. ADOLPH SLAPNIK, 682. Lodge No. 7 Will Hold Merger Meeting Nov. 23 CLARIDGE, PA.—Attention members of SNPJ Lodge No. 7: Sunday. Nov. 23. SSPZ Lodge No. 1 will merge with our ladfr at a meeting at the Slovene Hall at I p. m. All members are (-equated to attend. JMh lodges will meet tqpther. U Is prgent that you are present. . * MUCK BALOH. Secy. With the SNPJ Ladies at the SWH Recreation CLEVELAND, O — More and more of our bowlers are hitting 500 series. Sophie Jeric, boasting an average of a 132, pounded out a neat 812 series. Strugglers No. 1, wiped the slate clean by taking three straight from Comrades No. 3. The honor and glory are credited to Sophie who bowled games of 177, 169 and 166. Another surprise came from a comparative beginner, Jo Vehar. It Is the first league-bowling year for Josephine who hit a 492 series. She bowled games of 180, 188 and 124. Although she was well supported by Pauline and Fran Spik who bowled a 486 and 462 series, respectively, the team eked out but one game from Comrades No. 2. This team had Ross and Zadcll bowling series of 446 and 442. The contest between the other two teams, namely. Strugglers No 2 and No. 2 turned out in favor of Strugglers No. 1 for two games The high series on the team was Ann Karlinge's 431. The apposing team had Lucille Jeram's 426 as the top series. . Having completed two rounds of our schedule, we find the teams In the following standing: Comrades No. 2. 18-12; Comrades No. 2. 16-14; Strugglers No. 1, 16-14; Strugglers No. 1. 13-IT; Strugglers No. 2. U-lt MOLLIS KOREN. See*? | Spirit-o-Grams By Whoozit, Lodge 659 ST. LOUIS, MO.—When this article appears in print our 13th Anniversary Dance will be just a past memory. I know all those who attended had a wonderful time, and will always look forward to another affair like it. All members are asked to return their tickets as soon as possible. Our Nov. 14 meeting was well attended. All members are urged to be present at our Annual meeting on December 12, as this meeting is very important; officers arc elected for the coming year. All members will be notified by post card as to the time of the meeting. v Wq have another new Juvenile transferred into the Adult Department—our little red-head Helen Hervatin. We also have a few new members coming up in the next few months. At our last meeting a transferred The Congress will consUl the supreme officers of all a. trallzed Slovene benefit org* zations. who will be meeting that time In their annual slons. Centralised Slovene tttrel and political organiul may be represented by two gates each. Prominent indi uals as writers, newsmen others will also be Invited. ' First on the agenda will several problems concerning benefit organisations which ha arisen from the present situât (soldier-members). Then the Co greaa will proceed to adopt a lltical program for Amerir Slovenes in regard to the futui of their old homeland. A resolution adopted unan mously and which will be pul llshed simultaneously in Slovene papers, recomme that the Congress shall set up i Its goal a democratic politic union of all European Sloven within a renewed, democrat! Jugoslav. Balkan and ultimate European federation. A provisional committee wi elected conalsting of one reprt senftatlve of each organlxatio cooperating with this moremen Its executive members. Leo Jul Jevec. Frank Zaits and Ivan M lek. will carry out sll necessar; preparations for the Congr Pr eaant at the conference wafl also Etbln Krlstan, our distil guished wfiter. Journalist, am political authority. member from Springfield, III., wa presented, Cecilia Yartz. Wr very proud to have Sis. Yartz jum ing us, because she has slum» great deal of interest in the Lin colnites Lodge, and wc know will be a very valuable member. Plans are being siade to have Christmas party and also a "winne and looser" party sometime in cember. This party will be a joir party; instead of having I wo s parties we will piake it all in THIS AND THAT: All the mem bers wish Sis. Baranich a sp« National Congress will be held o on~ February 12 next to nine the exact nature of action interest of Slovenia and its The fact that the representatives a resolution for a united tnia within a democratic setup Jugoslavia, unanimously, i much hope that the action will united approval. It is nec-that we act unitedly and that ||have a democratic representation I «our meetings for this purpose. Mottling would be more detrimen I to effective action than separa-Evcn the most skeptical of us put aside his personal beliefs I convictions and Join his brethren great purpose. Neither reli-nor politics should deter any rican Slovene from supporting action which" \jjill bring hope new life to our poor, broken eland across the sea. TVOSVITA Joe Ovca J r. Jos Ovca Jr., member of SNPJ lodge 47. Springfield. 111., has ths position of teacher and coach at Leaksville High School, Leaksville. Miss. He is teaching American History and Civics, and coaching football and basketball. He graduated from Fettshans High School In Springfield and then attended Mis sissippi Southern College. During, his fourth year he was elected president of the entire student body. He has been a member of SNPJ lodge 4? since the age of one. We con gratulats htm on hit appointment and wish him success in the future. (Pioneer Bowling News CHICAGO.—This Wednesday in fluding our first round and one | fcfd of the season, the teams will off their games as scheduled [position nite. The feature match 1 be the Crawford Furniture who * leading the league and the fast ! •fpping Lotrich Insurance team •fcifh is two games off the pace. | "S match and others in respect to •Hr positions should furnish some ; T hot games. I*t week Cafe Bohemls took two !£■*« from Crawford Furn., Bobs ■Mm took two from SNPJ Print-the Labor Center won three Joit Xuvertniks, Nachtman j «"tut* won three from Drs. Walt-i •> and Zbitnoff and Lotrich In-won two from Reliable The latter rolled high M'rics of 2744.-"—*-!— TEAM STANDINGS W. J Cr«*.,Vd Kurn........ I J Lulrifh Int. ' Ufam (>nter J N »Hitman ........ J *«• /»vrrtnlk J Cite IV.ti. rnm ' »<*» lUrlwi J "» W.iu-r. 1 »«"•t'U l.iquora ■ 1NHJ l'i mlery ... Friendly City News JOHNSTOWN, PA.—The Friends ly City Reporters are back on the job with the beginning of the bowling season, which started with .bang Sept. 20. Those wishing to bowl may still join us, ut the improved Capitol Bowling Center, Franklin St. The Center hus added eight new alleys making it a total of twenty. We bowl every Monday evening from 7 to 9. Alleys 9-10-11-12. The first tert high bowlers heading the league are: F. Bombach, J. Trofino, N. DePolo, J. Culkar, Er. Trofino, T. Bricely, B. Jaeoby, J. Simonich, Ed. Trofino, I. Vidrick. Our heartfelt sympathies to Sister Vida (Koss) Ziner, whose husband met his death in an auto accident on Oct. 26. Our sympathies also to Brother Percy Turner, whose brother met his death in an auto accident in Kentucky. He served in the army 18 years, His body was shipped to Johnstown where he was given a military funeral. Wedding bells will ring early next spring for Sister Marge Uk-mar. She is now flashing a beautiful sparkler. Does this mean a new member, Marg? Best of luck to Brother Andy Mele, who was drafted into the army. He will leave us Nov. 24. To Sister Kay Trofino, who underwent an emergency appendix operation Nov. 8 at the Mercy Hospital, a speedy recovery. Sister Mary Gasser has gone to Cleveland to seek employment. Best of luck. We had a Young American from Detroit with us a week. Einma Culkar visited with her brother Joe. We feel that the Young Americans like our Friendly City. We hope you had an enjoyable time while here, Emma. Our old* standbys Elsie Culkar and Stella (Sudonick) DePolo, who for the past eight years have taken care of the Christmas treat for the Friendly City Kiddies, decided to give some one else a t>y at it. Ann* Bricely volunteered with Irene Vid- L. Pet. IS • son IS—11 M3 IS-11 SOT IS—It 14-13 It- 15 It IS ll—M II—IS individual standings s. J P on tie 7. V. Komuchar IT* S r fieri net t Iti S. J H uda le 171 i«. a. Peti M iw KOMUCâiAR, Sec'y. Sharon Keystoners SHARON, PA.—It's time to lay out our winter clothes, cause snow is peeking around the corners, and many people are already complaining about staying indoors. There's one group that isn't complaining. I'm sure: The Traveling Keystoners. Says the Paulenich quartet. Which dance are we attending next? Says Frank Cvclbar and I, 'The good ole SNPJ dances with plenty of polkas." Do we all agree? Yes! We also attend other affairs. O/i Oct. 19 we attended the Fall Concert given by the "Roimarin singing society in Ambridge. The singing was very beautiful. Much credit goes to their director, Mr. Halovi. The Slovene chorus "Bled of Library was also very fine. This chorus especially reminded me of our chorus here in Sharon, which was one of the most popular in west crn Pa., "Slavec" which existed some years ugo. It was an honor meeting some very active people at this concert; namely, Mr. und Mrs. Martin Spec, Julia Pelt*, a very charming lady; Jean Anzur, Rudy Kosele, a brother of Louis Kosele of Chicago; the Rosenbergers, two fine young-lads from Aliquippa, the Ya ger brothers. Oct. 28 found us at the "Golden Eagles" annual fall dance in Girard Ohio. The crowd came mostly from Cleveland, Barberton, and Sharon With F. Rezek greeting them as usual "Le kar nuprej!" There came a very young and buppjf'lift Fred KluiHk, and can he sing, especially "Ti si moje sonce." (Grab him Golden Bugles, before he finds out the good looking blondes we have in Sharon.) Pvt. Rudy Locnikar was our visi tor of the week from Camp Lee, Vu What a man the army made out of Rudy! Our bowling alleys are very busy nowadays. Our Keystoners have two woman teams; one girls' and one married ladies', lx>th very good Ann Paulenich can surely strike them. Juvenile Circle At the Circle Halloween masque rade dance Oct. 31. The Girard Circle was there with about 30 juvfc niles, led by Managers Rexek, Selak and Racick. Prizes were given to the best dressed. Bern ice Lukz won first prize, Frances Novak second prize and the little Macek girl of Girard third prize. Games wer^ had and there was plenty of fun for all Thanks to Frank O'Korn of Lodge 262 for donation of the music. Camilus Zarnlck of Cleveland was the main speaker far the W. Penn Ohio Federation meeting held in Bessemer, Pa., a few weeks ago The Girard and Sharon Circles put on a little program after the meet ing and were well applauded. After the program, a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Snezic. Thanks for the hospitality! I want to thank Mrs. Frances Go rence, Mr. Louis Zickar, Mr. Al Cvelbar and Mri, Cvelbar for the donation of their cars for the Juve niles. Much thanks goes to ou Mitzie Anzur, accordionist. Mitzie is a lover of music und spends much of her time with our Juveniles. We are all proud of her. FRANCES NOVAK, H Lodge 788. rick as hpr aid. We appreciate the untiring efforts Sisters Elsie and Stella put into their work in glv ing the kiddies their annual treat Don't forget the last meeting of 1941, the second Sunday in De cember at 7 p. m. Election of of ficers will take place, F. C. REPORTERS, 004. 1 r Juvenile Circles Juvenile Circle No. 7 Will Sponsor Dance Saturday GIRARD, OHIO.—Here is the Dawn of Youth Circle again reporting on its latest activities. Thirty-five or more of our circle members spent Halloween night with the Sharon Circle. Music and games were enjoyed during the evening. Later prises were award ed and delicious luncheon was served. We thank them for an en-oyable evening. Rehearsals for our program-dance are well under wag This great event will take place November 21 at the Slovene Home. Music will be furnished by the ever popular Jake Persin and his orchestra. Admission only 38c. We are hoping that a large crowd attends. MEMBERS NOTICE: Don't forget our regular meeting Sunday, Nov. 23. at Nagoda's. Bring your sales stamps and your photographs for our scrap-book. BETTY REZEK. President. Jolly Juvenile Circle to Present Yule Oparetta on dm. 21 m v I|)U al J L K m.ii« („t |70 J, *'»«i«-r 17« ; i «*"ia it« , r SvuUKJ. 17« L. SIS 'mr 370 17» ^valier.' Fall Dance Wed for Nov. 29 * K<;mSTOWN, PA—ThcCav-,JT SNPJ 741. cordislly ln-'nends and neighboring N 1« attend our Annusl Fall . * on November 29 Music will P*]M»ed by Joe Kramer and his A good time is in store I*** U*kovi«|^ one of our mem- t, J'1 ' ,r<,ntly for service in the w 1 S«*«es Army, and he is sta-Mtsxisslppi. Good luck. ! ■w.tf.l, meeting was hrld on ¡TT*? 9 We discussed '-II Dunce. pKASK KOROSEC JR, Pres plsns A«, »V. ;ed me a lot und 1 appreciate it very much. The contest which we had this summer for getting new members, writing articles in the M. L. and Prosveta. was a success and many children received prizes. The children who won first place were Agnes Brnot, JuNetta Gabrosek Daniel Ark, snd Raymond Ark Their prise was a wrist watch to each. Second place wus won by Margie Kenik, Dorothy Gabrosek Dick Pekley und Clifford LsU Third place was -won 1>y Rose Zni-dariic, Ellen Celarec, Ronald Lata and Frank Stritar.l Also, the children who had more than 200 points wn either h book iff a puzzle, Many children got dollar checks for bringing in new members. The contest will close at the end of the year. I want to thank the SNPJ for the dollar check I received. Our Circle is planning to have sn; operetta, "Christmas with the Old Woman In the Sitoe," on Sunday, Dec. 21, at the SNIi. We have had our first rehearsal on Nov. 3. We received our parts in the play and Jiave begun to learn some of the songs. There is a part for everyone in our Circle. We are all looking forward to the day. We are gaining new members all along. Some day we are going to have a wry large circle. We have about 100 memlters now and we are all good friends. Come on si I you boys snd girls, bring in more new members so we will lie a much larger group. And say. members, how about writing In the M. L. and Prosveta sometime? Will see you at the next meeting. .........I DOROTHY GABROSEK, Pres. Circle Dawn of Youth to Stag* Program at the Slov. Home GIRARD, OHIO,-We of Circle 7 CLEVELAND. O.—Thursday. Nov. 20, another Thanksgiving, marks another milestone, another year of success for Zarja; a day when entertainment will run rampant for it is the club's 28th anniversary, and they will present a most fitting jubilee program which will be long remembered. Heading the program will be "Zblrka," a medly of old tunes, 28 in all, Including such old favorites as "Dekle, daj ml rot rudeilh," baritone solo by Andrew Turkman; "Ptanlnska rofta, Josephine Turk; CLEVELAND.—*Z vero v vstaje-nje" (Faith In Resurrection) is the title of the second production of the 1941-42 season of the Ivan eihkar players which will be given Sunday, Nov. 23. at 3 p. m. on the stage of the SNH, 08th and St. Clair. The story of the play, written by Ivan Jontez. deals with the present day regime in Europe and takes place in a small village in Slovenia that has been occupied by the Nazis. It portrays all the sufferings of our people, of the sabotage, of the war against freedom of religion Golden Eagles Circle Program-Dine* Nov. II GIRARD, OHIO—Saturday, Noy St. will be the biggest (and pe. -haps, most nervous) day of the year for our "Dawn of Youth" Circle members. On this particular day, the circle goes Into action with s program of big scsle proportions, enveloping s variety of features, st-tractions and aelections You will liaten to the accepted Slovene instrument, the accordlan; you will hear Slovene songs as sung by a group of six young girls und then by a group of aix young boys. There will also be duets as well as a miscellaneous aaaortment of attractive bits. Looming over the top of the entire program la a two act play, "Trijc snubCl." Dancing U> the music of Jack Pcrsin's orchestra will fol low the completion of this vsriety show. The program begins at seven. The Circle tries to keep itself Independent aa far as finances go and it la using this program-dunce to remain so. We an* asking the CO operation of all of our Utrard people and, of course, all thtwe from out uf town who enjoy watching the youngsters perform. When you are approached by one of young members snd are asked to purchase a ticket, by all means, do so. It's only thirty-five cents -snd If you can't use it. give it to someone who can. It'a for a worthy cause—in the fraternal field, you couldn't find a better oik*, a Meeting Minutes The Eagles went on record to, ngain,' enroll in (he Pa Annual Duckpln Bowling Tournament. Lud "Mayor" Milavec was given the job of rounding up the neoeasury people und aaaortlng the material into some fine teama. So to Carrie k again on January Istl Henry CI-golle Is up and around but Jiw I 'm.. k will be inactive for about another month vet. And by the way, "Whoosit,"f William Umeck is now at Randolph Field, Texaa, so that should explain his abaenee from your recent dance. Joseph Cherne and Stanley Hribar will describe the Olrard situation at the Educational Bureau's gathering in Cleveland on the last Sunday of the month. Seem« odd to us why more of the English Speaking Lodges aren't assembled at these meetings. On several instancea, we noticed that our Eagles composed the only young element in attendance. Are there not working people—young people—in other lodges in various parts of Ohlot'Are young people no longer Intereated in labor's hurts? Its sacrifices? Its at-tempts to get an extra loaf of bread? an extra pound of meat? If these things are being overlooked, there will, one day, be words of regret. Bill Seitl, who waa home on a week-end leave, visited our meeting and was asked to give an account of« Armv life. Bill is now a First Claae Private. Had Frances Roas been in attendance, ahe would have had her insurance paid by the lodge, Fred Klucik was proposed as a new member. Fred has done u lot of traveling orf* this country of ours but he has now decided to settle In Girard and we are glad Ui have him. IMPORTANT NOTIC«—The nest regular meeting of the Magle» will take place at Nagoda's on Sunday, December 14, rather than the usual second Monday, You will remerulier that the election month ia up again and in order to make It easiei for everyone, the date was changed. A social will follow the meeting. In order that everyone may get this information, cards will lie sent out by the Heeretsry. OFF THE RECORD—The Boga-tays and Helaks were In Clevelumi fot the play sponsored for the Jugoslav Relief Committee. You can't have Bill Seitl's company in im isoii Universal Comets Your Dollar will hold am of Ihé hesi programs no* hut you ean still write to htm: ever pre*enU>d by our group, in' Battery C, IIth Bat , Fort Eustls, fact, it Is THE greatest. We hope | Vlrglnis. that you will support us by com- k*at week's editorial wu» quite Ing to the program Saturday, Nov- interesting as well as debatable, ember 22 The tickets cost only, We are of the opinion that, oui p«»l-thlrty-flve cents and can im l>ought icy should »m« one of unllmit.^l es "Pozimi is lok*," chorus; "Roima- and the malicious manner In which rln," chorus; "Delavski pozdrav,' men's chorus; Ulnoil sein na vasi bll." men's quintet; "Slovo." mixed quintet, and many other songs to bring beck gay memories. Zarja will again present their Strauss' waltx. "Tales from the Vienna Woods." which met with such acclaim upon its last presentation a few years ago. Vojan will be there as Zarjs's guest etid will present the gay. lilting da nee from the "Bartered Bride." one of that club's greatest hits of past years. The chorus Slovan will also appear on the program, as well as the Detroit chorus Rvotonda After the program, there will be dancing for young snd old to the music of Johnny Peeon and his boys. Admiastaft for the danee and program will be Mt: fo* dance alone. 3Sc You w cordially mv»u«d U» attend. COMMITTEE the Nasi government ope rates. De talis are being given abaolute attention to enable us to give the su-dience as clear an under»tend ing of the play as possible Special Nazi uniforms are being obtained from New York City The cast Includes the following Caroline Hodnlck, Anne Cebul. Ol-ga Mam, Antra Schuster. Frsrtces lie. Anton Epplrh. Milan Medvesek, Vslro Grill. Max Traven. Louis Zor-ko. Frank Plut. Jos Skuk. Rudolph Widrnur, John Oh, Stanley Skuk, Frank Kokal. John Krebel. shd J«»hn Kokal Rudolph Widmai Is the director. Tlie play Is being givm for the tier* fit of the Jugoslav Relief Committee. Slovene seetloh Admission 80c, for dance alone. Me Dancing in the evening to Johnny Pecon s uecheslrs. _ COMMITTEE from any juvenile member | Hie program will include a Slovene play, Slovene singing and other things that make up s good program. The program will lie followed by a danee, and the muale will be played by Jake Persin. Come and hov» a good time, we will have plenty "sa pod sob in doati za pit." It will be at the Slovene Home. • This ia one of my ideas that I proposed at our meetings The adulta have a federation so I thought why couldn't we have one? Each Circle select severs! delegates to meet at a certain city (this is to be changed at periods aa are the meeting places of the adult federstlon) At this meeting the delegates can discuss things fot the betterment of the circles. Besides this, they csn give esperlenee to the younger members This federstlon Is to have s president, vice president and auch other officers that are neccrssary. I hope that this idea will be carried through and that all Circles will be intefestodo If you lik« this Idea p»«aee wrMe to me and UII me what your opinion la ijouir racick Jr.. Circle T. fruth to Tell *is the lady of the houe» r Caller In*" ffcWh Maid (bitterly) hi. but she s uae leddy," Ay she's pension; of invlrogating resourcefulness We would suggest that Information or reports such as supreme board or convention minutes snd all other Items slmillar In character lie printed on s supple mentai y sheet end Inserted and mailed with the regular Pro«vete This would release space for the articles which now seem to lie "boiled down." If this la a case of "cutting down" or "adding to," we would say It ia better to spend a few cents more on some papei and keep the good-will of our nwrm bers. And as a closing thought All of our soldier-members should be hunted up and aent the Prusve-ts. and Saturday. Nov. 20. should be spi rit at the Barbel ton Hu'keyes Bowling Dance? Our last Eagle dance was a de c-tded sueeeas and why shouldn^1 It lie with thirty"*!* Loyellte mem. bers. led by the Rosea girls in at tendance The Buckeye« also hi ought down a fine crowd All of th» eur rounding lodges were alao well rep resented end so the Eagle, have •on** visiting ,U> do "Jo" Klerich. Ann Bogatay and Alberta Neprud-nlk were here too, only they didn't arrive until s|s on Sunday morning "Anywsy. they «Keeked in fot IV • tioit, even Uio somewhat Iste Guard was glad b* see you, girls, nonetheless FRANK REZKK. *4J Nrwt and Views UNIVERSAL, PENNSYLVANIA. —We regret thst we (ailed to it-port earlier on the successful promotion of the 14th Anniversary Celebration of the Keystonians' Lodge 813, of Herminle, Pa., the second E S. lodge organized In this state. The dance held on Sat, Oct. II, was a big success, as was the banquet held on the afternoon of the next day. Joseph Balis, secretary ot the lodge, was toastma*ter, and did the job well, and Frank Graduek, president, gave the welcome address. Othgr addresses were made by Michael Stem, president of the Hermlnte senior-lodge, James Maylu-h, SNPJ district vice-president-elect, and the writer. The entertainment was provided by Mamie Tnller, Aston Roiance Jr., snd Martin Herro and his orchestra. Many visitors were present, including numerous friends from Johnstown and Kmil Jfrast of Washington, D C. The writer la deeply indebted nrhls Herminle friends fur a good time, and eNpecially to Anne Kuhae und tho Graditek family fur their splendid week end hoapltallty. # Just to add a bit of humor to that week end in Herminle, the writer returned home with Mr. and Mrs James Mugllch In Jim'« cars, und the vehicle uctually stopped thror times on the level road. As a result, he pui villisihi another one the nest day, und inure people than his wife Mary were happy about it. Last Saturday night we utteiuled a successful dance held liy ' the Morning Stars' Lodge 008 uf Pitts bugh. A large crowd was In at tendance, and a good time pre vailed.' Beaehy Mruce, our soldler boy friend, was there, after which we took him to his train for De trolt to be back at~ Camp Custer, Michigan, on Monday morning, tteeehey'a home Is in Broughtnn, Pa., where he visited fur two weeks on furlough. It needs to tie reported that ten people from Pittsburgh and vicinity are considering a trip to Chicago to attend tlie 10th Anniverssry Cele brstion of Uio Pioneers' Lodge 889, the oldest K. S. lodge in our So ciety, ss well ss the largest lodge In membership. Regsrding the Ninth Annusl Ns tional Duckpln .Tournament of our Society, it can be reported that rules governing the tournament entry blanks, and a letter of Invitation will be mailed to all lialges the committee feels would lie Interest ed In psrtictpstlng. Those lodges interested and not receiving this information, kindly write to Larry Cassol, chairman of the arrange-menta committee, and he will furnish you with It st onoe. HI« address is 838 Penn Street," Verona* Pa. Tlie tournament will be held ai the Stanley Parlos, 2030 Brownsville Road, Carrlck (Pittsburgh), Pa., on New Year'» Day, January lit. Trouhle« and rash prises will lie awarded to the winners of the 8-persnn men'i snd Isdles' events. There will lie additional five-person prlaes, doubles, «Ingles, Individual high score fur single game of all events, Individual low score for single game of all events (must bo at least 40 for the lady winner and 00 for the man winning), Individual low score all events prise, and low score for the five person teams. The prises are the same for both the men and women. This tournsment, we believe, should prove to lie the best yet For, trully, the committee's action indicates that thuy regard our tournamenta as genuinely frater-nallstic, snd for that reaeon are Setting up attractive prlaee for everyone, regardless of ability, to i>o»l We endorae this plan, for that is aa it should lie in our or> gsnlzatlon where the Society is appropriating funds lielonglng to thotw I seat able to howl as well as those less fortunate A dance will fol hi w the tournament at the Slovene Hall. Library, Pa, Hut more of this late«—and you, liegin making your plans to attend now, and mall In your requests and entries to Uss rhuiiniuii liiduuhd MICHAEL R KUMER, 71». Defense Bond Quiz "I only regret that life to loae for my Q Who said I have but one country"? • A. Nathan Hale, who gave hie life fur America, like great numbers of his fellow countrymen We are only asked to lend our dollars for Defense Bond» and Stamps to defend the liberty for whuh they died Q Where I work there is no payroll allotment plan for the buying uf Defense Savings Bond« and Stamps How ean I get one started? A This depends on your ptrsition. and the kind of organization in which you are employed Generally speaking, your immediate superior would I*» the proper pei son to receive your suggest urn that you would like to hsVe a voluntary pay* roll allotment plan introduced The firm's bank ran supply information about such a plan Note -To buy Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to the nearest pust of flee, bank, m savings and loan asso nation, or write to the Treasurer uf the United Stales, Washington I) C Also Stamps now are un sale at retell stores. _ By CONSUMERS UNION Do youi^Christmas shopping ear-' ly, CU advises Early «hoppers this year are apt to find more variety, better quality and lower prices In the Chrt«tme« buying Issue of Consumers Union Report«, CU will give rating« on a large variety of prod-ucta popular for Christmas gifts— , radio-phonographs, sewing ma-chtneat mechanical pencils, record albums, pisno«, electric shavers, electric clocks, bicycles, science sets, leather good«v footballs, movie cameras and projectors. Hero are summaries of a few CU recommendations. Srience Set« Don't get your child s sfclcncc act unless He's old enough to read and understand Instructions. And don't get him one juit because you think he ought to have It, or you would huvo loved it when you ware hia age, There has to lie soma natural'' Interest to make this kind of gift uttractlve. Again, don't grah the first set that you're offered at the price you want to pay, * Look oVer tho materials. Read the Instructions to ■ee If the experiments are interesting and conitructivo. Exiicrlnicnt« that are too long and tealou« will discourage the child; those that aro merely flashy will lie tried junt once. Make sure the directions uro clearly worded, with plenty of warnings and with instruction» as. to what to do If things go wrung. A science set shuuld be more or leas foolproof. That is, the combi* nation of Ingredients should be such that even if the child strikes out Into new experiments of hi« own, or has an accident, the results will not lie disastrous. CU rated a number of physics sets and chemistry seta on their safety,, educutlonul und entertainment vulue, and variety of expert« incuts possible. Best Buyt. of the physic» sets wcie (¡ill; II N<> I (|l 18); Sciencecraft No. 302 ($2.80); Gilbert Nu. S (fSOO). 1941 Automobile» What'« happened to all those aav* Ing« auto manufacturer« were «up-poaed to make, to aid the national defenae? CU found few traQe« of them In this season's models. True, some substitutions of one metul for another, or plaatlc for a metal, huvo been forced on the manufacturer (and It'« too soon yet to tell how they will turn out). But also, manufacturer« have made expensive and unnoco««ary changes In the body «tyles. U«e of brightwofk and ple«tk trim 1« more extravagant than ever. And Improvementa which would make for significant gas economy have not been Introduced. Bodies are heavy, en« glue« about the same aa laat year'a. Most 1941 ear« will have difficulty even In meeting the ga« mileage of prevloua model«. One exception ia gtudshaker, which ha« changed Its asle lutios towards greater economy Price« are higher all along the line. Some manufacturer«, Ilk* Chi v»ler, are refusing to set any list price--a move against consumers at the present time. In February, CU will report ill detail on the 1941 models. In the meantime, It can be stated that 1941 imalels at the old prices are definitely better buys. The gfwdebaker Champion is likely to be best buy In Its price cls«s for the ruining year. Vacuum Cleaner« You may chuose between two main types of cleenerst those with handles whk'h you push aruund und those Welti tank* which rest on the floor, Hie tank type Is easier to carry up and downstairs If you hsve that problem Tlie handle type may lie «unpler fur you to use in cleaning, if yuu don't bother with many of the aeeeaamy attachments. Beat way to decide which you pn fer 1« to try them both in yuur uwn home. - Don't take the list price too ae-rioualy, especially In the vacuum cleaners sold from door to door. Yuu can ufteii get tliem cheaper than the list pi lee If you try. CU tested 20 models uf vacuum cleaner«, ranging In price (rum $29 98 to |S|, fur their rleanlng ability, durability, convenience and economy. Beat Buy« were ¿eats' Cat No -717 (129 98 plus transportation), tank type flertroliu-12 A Rebuilt (»33 80), tank type; Co-op Deluxe ($29 98), handle type; gear'« Cat No, 71» ($29 98 plus $g9$ for altachmenta plus transportation), handle type; Co-op MM! <$3S90), tank type, Wsfjf'« Cat No. S4I ($34 98 plus transportation), handle type, >oi a oou.ab 1» s ratals* —IIS» (mom* Vto fa*« ae4 «Haf— |i«* a«* hurt «a I'mmmmt I'alaa «mrk, IS* —Mr annus W l a—aaww Ualaa. If lialM nmfs Wm*. Mae cm», a eae-a>«#N wimimum, iimw ma flSiart 1» le ■•4•**•<•« Ure» k Crpenenced He "Do you think yuu could learn to love me?" Mb« "Well, I learned to eat spinach " President Roosevelt hough I the first Defenae Savings Bond on May I, 1941, Your bank or your pnet office I« wailing for you to call for yours today* > Minutes of ir SNPJ Convention Session 15» September 22 V (ContiBtMd) Committee moves to accept all present provisions of juvenile depert-ini-nt which have not been amended, as well as all amendments proposed by supreme board with corrections of this committee and the convention. Motion c-arried.^^^^^^^1 Committee moves that various new certificetes be issued for the juvenile department such as 20 year paid-up life, endowment, etc. Lotrich, Kuhel, Medvesek, Vapotic and Mocnik support the motion, which is carried unanimously. Fifplt moves thst sll convention committees shall submit final reports at the next session. Session adjourned at 5 p. m. . Session 16, September 23 Session opened at 9 a. m. 336 convention members present. Minutes of session 14 approved. AxM-mbly rues in condolence of death of Bro. Matt Kanjer, Lodge 131, Chicago. Telegrams read from Lodge 115, Circle 1. Letter reed from Singing Society "Naprej", Milwaukee. Wis. Stokcl motion carried that in every esse a candidate for office must receive an absolute majority trf pll votes cast to be elected, snd thst where there are several candidate», the two receiving the highest number of votes on first bsllot shall be voted on again. Convention president Petrovich instructs delegates on voting procedure und appoints tellers for first election. Motion cerried that tellers shell count votes in adjoining room; also, that all ballota be kept for verification if necessary. Nominated for supreme president: Vincent Cainkar, John Kvartich, Frank Bolka. Accepted by Cainkar and Bolka. Nominated for supreme vice-president: Micheel Kumer, Joe. Terbizan, Andrew Vidrich, Edw. Tomsich, R. Lisch, J. Kvartich. Accepted by Kumer, Terbizan. Nominated for second vice-president: C. Zarnik, Bolka, E. Tomsich, Vratarich, F Vidmar, Kvartich. Only Zarnik accepts, and he Is declared elected. _ __'I'M •j^^f Tellers report Vincent Cainkar has 228 votes for supreme president, Bolka 108 votes. CeinkSr elected. Tellers report Michael Kumer has 272 votes for supreme ¿rice-president, Terbizan 02. Kumer elected. Nominated for supreme secretary: M. J. Turk, Fred A. Vider, Wm. Rus. Only Vider eccepts. and he is declared elected. < • Nominated for assistant secretary: Milan Medvesek, Wm. Rus, Anton Zaitz, Lsw/ence Gradisck. Accented by Medvesek, Rus, Zaitz. Lawrence Gradisek is only nominee for secretary of sick benefit department and is declared elected. Mirko Kuhel is only nominee for supreme treesurer end is declered elected. , . - Ir < Nominated tor juvenile director: Micheel Vrhovnik, F. Rezek, Christine Stritar, M. Medvesek, V. Grill. No one sccepts snd nominations sre reopened: Vrhovnik, Medvesek, Rezek, Becek, Grill, F. Vidmar, Tiaol, A. Zaitz, Lisch, Terbizan. Bolka, Magllch, Durn, Peternel. Only Vrhovnik accepts and he is declered elected. Nominated for manager of publications snd printery: Milsn Medvesek, Anton Trojar, Philip Godina, V. Grill. Accepted by Medvesek, Trojar, Godina. Nominated for editor of publications'. Ivan Molek, Vatro Grill. Both accept. Bro. Cainkar presents district plan of division of jurisdiction which sks:i be ss follows: First district: Pennsylvsnia, West Virginis, Maryland, New York und all territory East including Eastern Canada. Second district: Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Central Canada. Third district: Indiana, Illinois, Missouri snd Lower Wisconsin. Fourth district: Upper Wisconsin, Iowa. Minnesota, Upper Michigsn. Fifth district: Ksnsas, Colorsdo, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, Wyoming. Sixth district: Idsho, Oregon, Washington, Nevsds, Arizona, California and Western Canada. Kumer and others do not agree with set-up of first district. Lotrich moves to refer plsn to s committed of five for study and correction. Plen as presented by Cainkar receives 128 votes for, 120 votes against. Plan is accept in I. However, opposition is continued and Becek motion, for roll call vote Is carried. „.«•—•, There is sharp criticism of this and similar unesaential procedure, and convention president decides that a committee which shall include Bro. Cainkar shell prepare and present a now plan at the next session. T«IU«I* iMMlm* received 173 votes for mensger, Medvesek 110, Trojar 44.Godlna elected. Teller*. report Molek icceived 181 votes for editor. Grill 194. Molek ele< ted. Nominated for Chairman of finance committee: Matt Petrovich, Grill, Medvesek, Lotrich, Zupan, Ollp, Larko, F. Zaitz. Only Petrovich accepts, and he Is declared elected. Nominations for 3 finance committee members: Zupan, Liech, Ollp, Becek, Turk, Lotrich. Medved, Grum, Tlsol, A. Zaitz, Grill. Accepted by Zupan. Lisch. Olip, Becek. Turk, Lotrich. Session adjourned st noon. Session 17, September 23 Session opened trt I p. m. 335 convention members present. Minutes of lu-kAion 15 spproved. Convention president appoints Maglich, i'oljsak. Travnik, Rezek, F.[ l^oiiuli to committee for SNPJ. Districts. Assembly rises In condolence of death of Bro. Emil Kepnik, Lodge 1, Chicago. Tellers rej>ori on election for finance committee members: 331 votes caal: Jacob Zupan 207 votes, D. J. lotrich 107, John Olip 151, Rudolph Llaeh 135 M J. Turk 117, Jos. F. Becek 73. Zupan and Lotrich elected. Olip und Llaeh are voted on again, and each receives 184 votes. On third •»allot Lisch receives 173 votes, Ollp 153 Lisch elected. ■On question of credentials committee relative to compensation of detc- U<*tea, F. 7mit/ motl.tn carried that delegates be paid per diems up to dav of abaencr lte|H»rt of satiricj and comj; nsalions committee: Approved to pay convention president Petrovich 850. convention vice-presidents each 815* convention secret*»lei. ereh 920. To each member of credentials committee three extra per die nut and 925 To each member of appeals. Investigations mid complaints committee 910. To each member of resolutions committee 910 To tecictaiy of committee for sudil <4-delegates' expense statements 920, other members 910 each To secietary of juvenile circle committee 910. other members 95 each. Approved to increase «alary of medical director from 975 to 9100 per month Approved to pay salailct committee members 910 each. To by-laws committee secretaries (2) 940 each, other members 930 each. Motion carried that these compensations arc in full and final for service* tendered at thin convention. Motion carri.nl to refer request of building manager Trojar to executive < ommittee. Approved to pay Uto I'odborsek 910 foi his aervice aa sergeant-at-arms, ('ooiirtttec recommend* that local convention committee he eompen-t>.lt ^ Pucel. Ztgman N nonationa ^tetpted und votea received Medvesek 103 (elected!, Mai .3, 4 let I , lilt (iium 147. Kvartich »4 Obluck 41. Cebular 34. Ambroslc 10?. Tuik 7«, Olip lOS. Ztgman 31 On aeeond b*IM Cirum |&* Olip |2w Aleah 125. KVartieh 122, Malgal 121 AmbtoSu* 117 No one circled and third vote la taken ' Approved to pay the «urn of ISA aa lip to hotrl employe«-« for service at iMHKjort H«poit of mvrsticutiom. apprala and complaints committer Approved to recommend that dtaputr Itelweei) lodge* 333 and 407 ahould be «rilled by them in Ure W«oe;.t <»f thru memtwrs and the SNPJ. Approved to refei compUmt of IimIk* ¿«» i to executive committee Approved to iej«ct CVfi.plaUlt of lodge 52. Civdentiels committee reports on alternate delegate Somrak and recommends that he be seated. Vider points out that this would establish an undesirable precedent. A vote la taken in which 189 votes are cast against, and 92 votes for seating Bro. Somrak. Moved to allow Bro. Somrak to make a statement. Nominated for chairman of judicial committee: John Gorsek, E. Tomsic, f. Vratarich, Bolka, Vidrich, A. Zaitz, f. Berbic. Grill, Cvetkovlch, Tercelj, Terbizan, Shular, Klansek, Pecnik, Becek, Olip. Accepted by end votes received: Shular 190 votes (Elected), Vratarich 119, Pecnik 25 Cainkar reports for committee on SNPJ Districts which has reached an agreement on division of jurisdiction, and that convention shall authorize supreme board to furnish assistance to president of the extensive sixth district if it shall be necessary from time to time. Districts shall be: First District—from Csmbria County. Pennsylvania east, including New Jersey, New York, Merylend, Eastern Canada. Second District—All of Pennsylvania west of Cambria County, West Virginia. Third District—Ohio. Kentucky, Lower Michigan. Central Canada. Fourth District—Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Lower Wisconsin. Fifth District—Upper Wisconsin, Minnesota, Upper Michigan. Sixth District— Kaneas, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Montana. Idaho. Oregon, Washington, Nevade, Arizona, California, Western Caneda. W' » * Committee motion carried. ~ Election of medical director. By-laws committee reports provisions for mcdicsl director sre not completed, but are contained in resolution. Vider ststes that a medical director of any other fraternal society cannot be a candidate unless he is prepared to resign his present poeition. Nominated for medical director: Dr. Zavertnik, Dr Arch, Dr. Kern, Dr. Skur. All accept. It is determined that Dr. Arch and Dr. Kern are at present medical directors of other frsternels. On question by Bolka, Vider states that he was mistaken in thinking thet there is a by-law provision prohibiting a medical director of another fraternel society to be a candidate. Convention president asks Dr. Arch if he is prepared to resign as medical director of the other organization in the event of his election, and if the convention decides thst he must resign. Bro. Arch states thet if elected, he is prepared to resign elsewhere, if required. By-laws committee explains that resolution does not contain this provision, and unless now accepted, the four nominees may be candidates. Nominated for 4 members of judicial committee: Vratarich, Terbizan, Tercelj, Jelenic, Klansek, Becek, Vidrich, Josephine Mocnik, Kosic, Trat-nik, Barbie, Opeka, Krulc. Smrekar, Trojar, Bolka, Kvartich, Cvetkovich, Medved, Snoj, Artach, Karish, Rezek, Stonich, F. Vidmar, Zigman, Cipcic, Grill, Stritar, Klun, Klanchar, Fifolt. Accepted by VraUrlch, Terbizan, Tercelj, Jelenic, Klansek, Becek, Vidrich, Mocnik, Kosic, Trstnik, Barbie, Krulc, Medved, Snoj, Vidmar, Zigman, Stritar, Klanchar, Fifolt. Session sdjotyned st 5 p. m. Session 18, September 24 Session opened at 9 a. m. 335 convention members present; M. J. Turk absent. Minutes of session 18 spproved with corrections. Communicetions from lodges 20, 126, SSPZ lodge 84, Ely, Minn., reporting desth of Bro. Ignsc Jerich. Assembly rises in condolence. Tellers report on voting for supervisory committee: 324 vslid ballots; Grum 181 votes (elected), Alesh 112, Ambrozich 103, Olip 150, Kvartich 117, Malgai 121. Olip, Malgai, Alesh, Kvartich are voted on again. Tellers report on voting for judicial committee» Vratarich 124 votes, Bsrbic 113, Tercelj 95, Vidrich 79, Mocnik 75, Bec^k 61. Terbizân 55, Ko-sich 47, Stritar 47, Vidmsr 45, Jelencic 43, Medved 88, Snoj 38, Fifolt 25, Klansek 28, Klancher 22, Tratnik 20, Zigman 19, Krultz 16. 330 votes were cast, and no one has absolute majority. Stritar withdraws, and first eight named above are voted on again. < t p*. r Local convention committee reporta a deficit of 8467.02. Carried to pey this from convention fund. Resolutions committee presents » resolution providing for first year term insurance . Whereas the. Slovene Nstionsl Benefit Society is in need of additional funds in order to promote more effectively the growth and expansion of its membership, and Whereas the present income and condition of the expense fund does not permit more extensive and more successful moves lit this inspect, end Whereas the present members of the SNPJ cannot Support financially the Society's efforts for such purpose and objectivé, K' "" Now therefore it is resolved that the Executive Committee of the SNPJ shall, under the provisions of Section 13 (d) and Sectiorf 45 of the By-laws, take the necessary steps to place all mortuary benefit certificetes issued «,•• laniiuiui 1 | Ail) M J i L _ - - _ _Ê A. — — - -- iL - ,. . 1 * -. -t------- . i ------ I ■ » .. 1.. ...111. M. -II on January i. ann tnerearter on tne preliminary term oasts wttn Tun non-forfeiture values, and to enter all the mortuary aaaessments paid to the Society on account of the first ccrtificste year into the generel expense fund, provided, however, that any death claims occurring under such certificates during the first year shall be paid out of the expense fund. Bro. Frank Zaitz of resolutions committee opposes resolution. Bro. Kuhel supports and recommends it. Resolution adopted. Tellers report Ollp has 162 votes, Mslgsl 158, Kvartich 140, Alesh 105. Alesh withdraws, and others are voted on a third time. Tellers report on voting for judicial committee: Vretarich 185 votes (elected), Barbie 165 (elected), Vidrich 136, Trcelj 130, Mocnik 129, Becek 93, Terbizan 73, Kosich 68. Vidrich, Trcelj, Mocnik, Becek are voted on again, and receive: Vidrich 166 votes (elected), Mocnik 132, Trcelj 127, Becek 96. Another vote is teken on Mocnik and Trcelj. Tellers report on election for medical director: Arch 160 votes, Zavertnik 181, Kern 11, Skur 8. 327 votes cast; Arch snd Zavertnik are voted on again. Mihelic motion carried to discuss new resolution for aid to aged mem" bcrs. Pszman moves, Stonich seconds to rescind previous decision for aid to aged members. Motion carried by majority. Resolutions committee presents resolution to establish a fund to aid aged members The Twelfth Regular Convention of the Slovene Nnttonal Benefit So- reports of the supreme OFFICE! T. MW. of nth !u,ui„ c««», „ INPJ Report of th* Supreme A-Utant Secretary Undoubtedly we all are taking great interest »*gin until a • new eertlf>«ate is delivered to the member while In good health. (< ustlaeH aeil week) " Rupnik-Mq Farland (SSPZ 198), Mary Mlkec (SSPZ 235); also 830 special benefit for Joe Kozlevcer (898). Convention recommendation, to settle debit of lodge 19 ceused by bank liquidation ia carried out Also on convention recommendation total compromlasorial claim of Anton Sadar (263) is approved. Meeting edjourned at 4 p. m. Meeting of October 22 Meeting was called to order at 1 p. m. In attendance were all officers except treasurer snd manager, who were ill. Minutes of the Oct 18 meeting spproved. President Cainkar submits letter from Circle 22. asking for financial aid; 888 is appropriate Erasen Gorshe asks for additionel per diem as convention recorder, that ia, for two Sundays, the seme es the delegation, threatening he will take further action if request Is rejected. Bccauae he wea hired by the executive committee on the baata of receiving payment for only thoee days he actuslly worked, decided he had no further claims and the committee's decision is final. Secretory Vider submits complaint of lodge 107 regarding the diequeltficetton of delegate. The decision was made by the convention es the highest authority snd the committee has no power to make changes, but the protest ed-dreeeed to the editor may be published Request of lodge 800 for M Kumer m speaker at their 88th anniversary Nov 29 la approved. A cover page ed for 888 In the American Family Almanac is approved. Secretary's recommendation to install a new system for monthly reports was unanimously approved t Is not sdvissble to doso, asthey would be then entitled to «""benefit ' which would meen greater obligations for the ssme sssessmonts Then no need, therefore, for any changes, ss fsr as this clsss is concerned (Continued next week) _ " Nick Operation claims approved: Mistovich, lodge 536, 825; Josephine Krutso, lodge 590, 850; also, three-month assessment for John Piute, SSPZ 160, snd 810 In payment to Bozica Ruzich of lodge 462 for travel expenses for visiting sick members over ten miles from lodge. Meeting edjourned at 3 p. m. Meeting of October 29 Meeting was called et 1 p. m. Present were sll officers except manager and treasurer, both of whom are 111. Minutes of the Oct. 28 meeting epproved. President Csinkar submits a bill from president's section of NFC for Annuel dues, amount 810. which la approved. District vice-pres. Ed Tomsic asks for contribution for Circle 1; 925 approved. C. Zarnick's report on federation affair at Bessemer Oct 26 Is reed end filed. 985 was approved for American Civil Liberties Union. Presidents report on Jugoalev Relief concerning collections received by efflliated frsternels wee approved; alao. since It lent possible to send any of the collected money to our people, the committee does not consider it of immedtete neceealty to turn over the money contributed by our membership end the convention to the relief treesurer. Sec y Vider submits request of lodge 910 thet Cainkar and Vrhovnik participate in the ennual Yule affair of So Chicago lodges Dec 21 ■ Assessment schedule pre- pared by the actuary t» also «P PrSr^her Cainkar « M««** attend the special meeting of"" nois Fraternal Congress Nov 13 and 14 in Peoria. o( On information that the «* £ amortization of secur.tio would w approximately Phillip H. Beller A Co do th' w Special help is requested by l « Cil Against Intolerance In Amerie. aqd 915 Is spproved Secretary report» that merger there is hkely to he a Hue to short* .g, of viously ordered. \ y)0o the number of ealcnd.r» hy > The following sppl^ approved: Anna K«^1 ^ Kauclc (537). sod Frank Zup-n M Z m Meeting edjourned 3 * P Vmcmt f A Vider. SoPrrTTV take fif at ref r<* t Setu/ertio" Robert "What do you ^¿rTgU of wir* •^ar -Nobutlt^^ fled to keep a^ ^ ponos skp —