Bojan MACUH TIAN GETS A NEW FRIEND BoMa Murska Sobota In the beginning, there was ... A bunny. What did you think? A bear, a dog, a hedgehog? No, a plush bunny, of white and light brown colour. He was born … Well, some time ago. He was made in one of the many plush toy factories, where else than in China. It is said that everything is made there. Even plush bunnies. After a long journey to the country below the Alps, he found himself on a sales shelf with many other plush toys, including black and white cats, green frogs, brown bears and puppies of various colours. Our bunny also landed among this colourful group of animals. At that time, he was just a bunny who didn’t have a name yet. Plush toys are said to get their name when someone buys them. And our bunny waited ... One day, son Tian, Mum Eva and Dad Jaka stop in front of the sales shelf. They curiously look at the plush animals. Tian can’t help but marvel at the animal heroes staring at him. And none of them says anything. Tian is not surprised. He knows plush toys can’t talk. Nevertheless, he adores them immensely. Who is Tian? Tian is a small, dark-haired boy, with lively and curious blue eyes. He is three years and three months old. He can easily pronounce the sound "r". So, he is not thlee years and thlee months old, but three years and three months old. Mum and Dad are very proud of his r. He is the little child who, as his mother likes to boast, started babbling before walking. Dad was less happy about it, because he had to give him a piggyback more often. Mum explained everywhere: “Our Tian is already talking. He doesn’t just say Mum and Dad, Granny and Grandpa. He makes sentences. Not just clauses but real long sentences." No wonder she spoke that he formed sentences. Mum is a teacher. She knows how to say it correctly. Dad is employed at a bank. After eight hours of sitting, he enjoys chatting with Tian on their way to a nearby creek. Tian's family lives in the countryside. It is beautiful there. Meadows, fields, and little further, lower hills, which they often climb. They look at the houses beneath them. It is lively everywhere. Animals graze in the meadows. People work in the fields. At home, Tian has always loved looking at picture books and colouring different colouring pages. There are many in his room. He also has cars, airplanes, Lego bricks and, of course, plush toys. Tian and the plush bunny “Mummy, Mummy, look at that bunny!” Tian points to the sales shelf where the motionless plush toys sit. Among them is the bunny. His belly is white and his back is light brown. His paws are also white, so he looks like he is wearing short socks. "That, I would like that, please!" he claps, pointing at the bunny. It wasn't hard for Dad to find him. The plush bunny was the only one on that part of the shelf. "Here you go, Tian. Hug him a little. If you really like him, we will buy him." Dad looks at Mum Eva who nods with a smile. She knows very well what Dad's weakness is. If there is an opportunity, he buys Tian a toy. Tian takes the bunny. He turns him around and around. He investigates whether he has paws, ears, tail and eyes. Everything is in place. His long ears dangle back and forth. The mouths are shaped into a friendly smile. The eyes above the brown nose look kindly at him. For a moment, he even thought the bunny winked mischievously at him. But only for a moment. "Daddy, he is so beautiful. I would like to have him, please," says Tian. Dad nods. Mum too. Tian hugs the bunny gently. They head towards the checkout. The bunny has a string hanging around his neck. There is a price tag on it. While driving home, Tian is sitting in the child seat. He is fastened with a seat belt. He is cuddling the soft plush bunny. His face is glowing. Mum and Dad are happy, too. They arrive home. They are greeted by their house with the garden standing on the edge of the village. It is yellow with large windows. A brick chimney rises on the red, wavy roof. On the right side of the house, there is a small terrace. On the left is a balcony, in the middle the entrance. Tian runs to the door. He waits for his Dad and Mum to come and unlock. He is impatient. He wants to play with his new plush toy as soon as possible. Tian's problems with the name Tian changes his shoes. He puts on his slippers and storms into his room. "This is my new friend. I want him to be yours, too. He doesn't have a name yet, but he'll get one soon. I hope you will be friends,” he says cheerfully to his toys. Mum and Dad are in the kitchen. In a while, Tian joins them. He holds the bunny in his arms and watches him thoughtfully. "A problem," he says surprisingly. "What problem?" Mum and Dad want to know. They are both waiting for Tian's explanation. "The bunny doesn't have a name. That's the problem." Mum and Dad laugh happily. Mum picks up Tian and Dad strokes his head. "It's really not a big problem," his mother reassures him. "Think a bit. There are many names. Choose the one you like best." Tian gives a little sigh of relief: "Mum, please, put me down." He walks towards his room. There, he sits on the floor. He puts the bunny next to him. His gaze travels through all the other toys. There are already tiger Joc, puppy Piko, kitten Taca, squirrel Mica, the green frog Rega. Yes, all his plush pets have names. So, the plush bunny needs to get it too. To think more easily, he lies down on a soft, colourful rug. And what happens? Finding the name makes him so tired that he falls asleep. But he is still holding the bunny tight. “They are on the meadow by the stream. Mum, Dad, he and the plush bunny. They are sitting on a spread blanket. They are catching warm sun rays. Mum and Dad are talking and Tian is sleeping. He is dreaming. Suddenly, the bunny asks him: "Have you chosen my name yet?" Tian The bunny says: "Even though I'm just a plush toy, I deserve to have a name." Tian nods. "Are you happy to have me?" the bunny asks. Tian nods again. He is so surprised because the bunny speaks that he can’t say a word. "I am happy, too. Well, I'll help you. My name should be Lucky because you say you're happy because of me." Tian smiles. Somewhere in the distance he hears a conversation between Mum and Dad. Tian and Lucky Tian wakes up and jumps up. "Lucky! Lucky will be the name of my plush bunny! He runs towards the kitchen. Mum prepares pasta. Dad helps her. Tian shouts: "Lucky! Lucky!" "Who's Lucky?" Mum asks in surprise. "Lucky will be my bunny's name!" Tian shouts, still loud and excited. Mum and Dad laugh to find out they’ve got a new family member. It is a small, soft plush bunny named Lucky. Tian has a new friend After coming from kindergarten, Tian plays a lot in his room. He doesn't lack toys or ideas for playing, especially now that he has a new friend, the plush bunny Lucky. He is very happy about him. He also talks to him. "Lucky, you know I have a lot of toys, but you're my favourite," he tells him many times. “Are you happy with us, too? Do you feel well? Do you like playing with me and my friends?” Lucky is wisely silent, of course. Tian, on the other hand, asks him new and new questions and answers them himself. "You're happy to be my friend, aren't you?" he wants to know. He tilts Lucky's head with his hand to make it look like he is nodding. Tian is very happy about this. He hugs him with pleasure. "Do you think it's right for you to sleep with me in bed?" he asks him. Lucky nods again with Tian's help. “I have to ask my Mum if you can sleep with me. I know she will allow it. Sometimes dog Piko slept with me on the bed. Lego bricks and cars also sleep with me several times. Sometimes, I forget to put them away before going to bed,” says Tian cheerfully. Lucky doesn't say anything this time either. “Dear Lucky, you know I have other friends, too. I hope you're not offended. I must not forget them. Jure, Miha and Julija are my friends. I'm in kindergarten with them, you know." Tian holds Lucky in his hand, looks at him and explains further: “I’ll ask the aunt in the kindergarten if I can bring you with me to show you. I could meet my friends and play with them. Do I tell you a secret? I like to play most with Julija, so I really want you to meet her, too. Well, now get some rest. I know I'm a little annoyed and you're probably tired." Tian stacks a pile of Lego bricks out of the box. He takes the smaller pillow from the bed where a blanket and a smaller and a larger blue pillows are. The stars twinkle kindly from it. Tian strokes it gently. The yellow stars align on their celestial surface. He puts the pillow in the emptied box and gently and carefully places Lucky on it. "Get rest. I have to when I'm tired, too. And now I am." He takes the larger pillow from the bed. He places it next to the box in which Lucky already rests. He rests his head on it and falls fast asleep. Since no voice can be heard from the room, Mum thinks Tian is tired and resting. She quietly enters and sees her little son and Lucky drifting off into an afternoon nap. Where are they wandering and what are they doing? Do you want to know? Bojan Macuh: Tian gets a new friend Avtor: Bojan Macuh Uredil: Založba BoMa Oblikovanje naslovnice: Založba BoMa Naslovnica: Romeo Štrakl Oblikovanje in priprava knjige: Založba BoMa Zbirka: Otroške knjige Kraj: Murska Sobota Tiskana izdaja: 2018 elektronska izdaja, leto izida: 2021 Dosegljivost: Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI – ID = 72663043 ISBN 978-961-95470-4-5 ( (ePUB)