THE MINERALOGICAL STUDy ON THE CUEVA DE LAS VELAS (NAICA, MEx ICO) MINERALOŠKE RAZISKAVE JAME CUEVA DE LAS VELAS (NAICA, MEHIKA) Paolo FORTI 1 , Ermanno GALLI 2 , Antonio ROSSI 2 Izvleček UDK 552.54:551.44(72) Paolo Forti, Ermanno Galli & Antonio Rossi: Mineralološke raziskave jame Cueva de Las Vegas (Naica, Mehika) Cueva de las Velas je zadnja odkrita jama na nivoju -290 v rud- niku Naica. Votlina je je v začetku leta 2005 presekala rudniško galerijo. Ena od zanimivosti jame je razširjenost diagenetski� mineralov, ki na debelo odloženi na jamski� stena � pred raz - vojem kristalov sadre. Te obloge so iz kompleksni�, le redko kristaliozirani� železo-mangano-svinčevi � �idroksidov s prisotnostjo karbonatov, sulfatov in silikatov. Rast ostali�, v glavnem sulfatni� mineralov, se je začela takoj po odvodnjavan - ju tega dela rudnika pred 20 leti. Do sedaj smo našli 17 različni� mineralov, od kateri� je pet taki �, ki so bili prvič najdeni v jamskem okolju. Raziskave te� mineralov, so poleg prisotnosti povsem novi� vrst kristalov sadre, omogočile nova spoznanja o speleogenezi te jame. Ta je verjetno precej bolj kompleksna od geneze ostali� jam na tem nivoju (-290), saj so ji botrovali različni speleogenetski me� anizmi, kot npr. termalna korozija, neravnotežje sistema sadra/an�idrit, delovanje različni � kislin, ter kapilarna migracija in iz� lapevanje. Ključne besede: jame v rudniki�, jamski minerali, speleoge- netski me� anizmi, Me�ika. 1 La Venta Exploring Team & Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, paolo.forti@ 2 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Received/Prejeto: 22.08.2007 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3, 379-388, POSTOJNA 2007 Abstract UDC 552.54:551.44(72) Paolo Forti, Ermanno Galli & Antonio Rossi: The mineralogi­ cal study on the Cueva de Las Vegas (Naica, Mexico) The Cueva de las Velas is t� e last cave unveiled at -290 level wit�in t � e Naica Mine; t� e cavity � as been intercepted by a mine gallery at t� e beginning of 2005. One of its peculiarities is t� e widespread t�ick deposits of diagenetic minerals deposited over t� e cave walls before t� e beginning of t� e evolution of t� e giant gypsum crystals. These deposits consist of complex, often scarcely crystalline iron-manganese-lead oxides-� ydroxides, but carbonates, sulp� ates and silicates are also present. Ot� er minerals, mainly sulp� ates, started developing just after t�is area of t� e mine was dewatered some 20 years ago. Presently 17 different minerals � ave been observed, 5 of w�ic � (orien - tite, starkeyite, szmolnokite, szmikite and woodruffite) are completely new for t� e cavern environment. The study of t� ese minerals, toget� er wit� t � e presence of a completely new type of gypsum crystals, allowed to improve t� e knowledge on t� e speleogenetic evolution of t�is cave, w �ic � seems to be by far more complex t� an t� at of t� e ot� er cavity of t� e -290 level. Its complexity is reflected by t� e activity of a larger number of different speleogenetic mec� anisms. Among t� em are wort� of mention t� e t� ermal corrosion/dissolution, t� e an� ydrite- gypsum disequilibrium, t� e acid aggression, and t� e capillary migration and evaporation. Keywords: Mine caves, cave minerals, speleogenetic mec� a- nisms, Mexico. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 380 The systematic study of “mine caves” � as emp� asized t� e �ig � scientific interest of t � e minerogenetic processes active t� erein (De Waele & Naseddu, 2005; Forti et al., 2005). Fig. 2: General view of the giant gypsum crystals (caver for scale) (photo Archive Speleoresearch & film and La Venta Exploring team). INTRODUCTION From t�is point of view, t � e natural cavities crossed by mine galleries in Naica (C�i � ua� ua, Mexico) (Fig. 1) � ave been world renowned for over a century, due to t� e dimension and purity of t� eir gypsum crystals (Hill & Forti, 1997) (Fig.2). Beside Cueva de las Espadas (Swords cave), unveiled at t� e be- ginning of t� e 20t� century at t � e -120 level, w� ere crystals up to 2 meters in lengt� exist (Degou - tin, 1912; Fos� ag, 1927). In t� e last 5-6 years mine galleries at t� e -290 level � ave intercepted several natural cavities, t� e most important of w�ic � are Cueva de los Cristales (Crystal Cave), Ojo de la Reina (Queen’s Cave) (S� an- gun, 2001) and Cueva de las Ve- las (Sails Cave) (Fig. 3). All t� ese caves � ost gypsum crystals muc� bigger t� at t� ose in t� e Cave of t� e Swords, but t� ere are many ot� er features wort� y of study (Forti, 2006). The Cueva de las Velas is t� e latest large mine cave found at Naica. This cavity was intercepted in 2005 and it was explored and mapped by La Venta Exploring Team in April 2006 (Badino & Forti, 2007). The cave, w�ic � � as a total lengt� of about 80 m, is oriented nort�-sout � and consists of two main large rooms par - tially superimposed (Fig. 3). The average �ig � of t � e c� ambers is 3-4 m, w�ile t � eir widt� is often over 10 m. Cueva de las Velas immediately proved to be ex- tremely interesting due to peculiarity of t� e � osted c� em- ical deposits. W� at makes t�is cavity absolutely special is t� e presence of many small, t�in and very delicate spe - leot� ems (t� e sails), developed on top of t� e gypsum crystals in t� e upper room of t� e cave (Fig. 4) (Bernabei et al., 2006), but t�is is not t � e single peculiarity of Cueva de la Velas. In fact it is t� e single cavity in w�ic � most of t� e carbonate rock, w� et� er covered or not by gypsum crystals, is overlain by a t�ick (up to 20-50 cm) deposit of metallic oxides-� ydroxides (Fig. 5). These deposits are muc� more frequent and t �ick in t � e lower room, w�ic � t� erefore ex�ibits a muc � darker aspect. The present study is focused on t� e minerals of t� ese deposits and it is a part of a general researc� project Fig. 1: Sketch of the Naica mine with the locations of the main natural cavities: on the right the stratigraphic sequence as derived by a 1150 m long drilling (after Badino & Forti, 2007, modified). PAOLO FORTI, ERMANNO GALLI & ANTONIO ROSSI ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 381 Fig. 4: A characteristic gypsum crystal (called “vela”, sail), which gave the name to the Cueva de las Velas (photo Archivio La Venta & S/F). Fig. 3: plan and vertical sections of the Cueva de las Velas with the sample locations. w�ic � t � e owner of t� e mine, t� e Peñoles Company, decided to commit to La Venta Exploring Team from Italy and Speleo- researc� & Films of Mexico City in 2006 (Forti, 2006). Fig. 5: A portion of the cave wall in which a thick deposit of metallic oxides-hydroxides are exposed (photo Archivio La Venta & S/F). THE MINERALOGICAL STUDy ON THE CUEVA DE LAS VELAS (NAICA, MEx ICO) Ex PERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS The general geology, t� e structure and t� e ore evolution of Naica region is well known and documented (Stone, 1959; Megaw et al., 1988; Lang, 1995; García-Ruiz et al., 2007), t� erefore it would be useless to discuss t� em in detail. The Naica mine opens on t� e nort�-western side of a 12 km long and 7 km wide dome-s� aped structure NW-SE oriented and affected by secondary foldings, faults and erosion. This structure � as an average � eig� t of 1700 m above sea level and is formed, almost entirely, by calcare- ous rocks (limestone, dolomitic limestone and carbonate dolostone) t� at � ave settled during a dozen million years, starting from t� e Albian (125 Myr BP). The sulp�ides mineralization (Pb, Zn and Ag) � as formed due to � ydrot� ermal circulation, produced by tertiary dykes(26,2-25,9 My) some 3 km below t� e Naica surface. The structural control over t� e arrangement of t� e mineralized masses, t� e water circulation and t� e karst development was exerted by a system of faults and frac- ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 382 Fig. 6: Limestone ceiling of the cave close to the entrance where small corrosion domes induced by acid aggression developed (photo Archivio La Venta & S/F). Fig. 7: a) Lower surface of gypsum mega-crystals incrusted by a dark grey to reddish brown thin scarcely cemented powder; ESEm images: b) well formed transparent celestine crystals; c) toroidal grain of earthy milky white rozenite; d) whitish earthy hard aggregate of starkeyite; e) layered structure of thin films rich in rozenite and starkeyti. PAOLO FORTI, ERMANNO GALLI & ANTONIO ROSSI tures, parallel to t� e longer axis of t� e dome, NW-SE oriented and dipping towards SW all t� e way to vertica- lity (Fig. 1). Finally, t� e mining area is still under t� er- mal anomaly: t� e water t� at spurts into t� e mine bottom reac� es a temperature close to 59°C. The morp� ology of t� e few parts of t� e Cueva de las Velas free of gypsum crystals s� ows t� at karst evolution was mainly controlled by bedding planes, w�ile, at least in one developing stage before t� e deposition of gypsum, acid aggression induced by sulp�ide oxidation was t � e main corrosion factor (Fig. 6). Nine samples were taken from seven spots in t� e wall of t� e cave w� ere t� e primary minerals � ave been transformed to give rise to alteration compounds: all of t� em were taken in t� e lower part of t� e caves w� ere t� e widespread lack of gypsum cover allows an easy c� oice (Fig. 3). Four samples were obtained by scratc�ing t � e inner part of t�ree wall fractures in t � e mine gallery (spots 1, 2, 3 of Fig. 3) w�ic � are clearly connected wit � t � e cave and in one fracture (spot 6 of Fig. 3) in t� e wall between low- er and upper part of t� e cavity. Inside all t� ese fractures t� ere were clear evidences of active diagenesis, probably induced by � ydration and/or oxidation due to t� e pres- ence of an atmosp� ere as a consequence of mine dewa- tering since 17 years. All t� ese samples consist of rock fragments (calcite and/or dolomite 1 and 2; and gyp- sum 3 and 6) covered by alteration material. One side of sample 1 is covered by a t�in film of sp � eroid aggregates of small scaleno� edral semitransparent calcite crystals, w�ic � are in turn partially covered by greyis � powder. The ot� er side is covered by a deposit of grey to reddis� eart� y material. Bot� sides of sample 2 are covered by t�in silver s �ining cauliflower s � aped very fragile blades, w�ic � loose t � eir s�ining and turn into eart � y coal black powder w� en scratc� ed. Bot� samples from spot 3 and 6 consist of gypsum fragments covered by an eart� y deep grey, cinder like, powder very similar to t� at of sample 2 even if wit� bigger grains. Because t� ese four samples � ave similar textural and structural c� aracteristics (t�in powder from w �ite to greyis� to pale brown) and evidenced similar mineral - ogical composition, t� ey � ave been considered as a single sample, referred as Wf (wall fractures) in Table 1. The ot� er five samples came from t� e t�ick black deposit underlying t� e gypsum crystals and were taken in t� e spots 4, 5, 7 of Fig. 3. All of t� em consist of black, s�ining black, red to reddis �-brown, eart � y yellow, some- times partially cemented powder (Fig. 7a). Always inside t� e powder t� ere are several small transparent sub-mil- limetric sized crystals. Due to t� eir rat� er constant mor- ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 383 Tab. 1. Cave minerals of Cueva de Las Velas (Naica) Sample type Mineral Chemical formula System Group Fig. No References 1 Wf Anglesite PbSO 4 Orth. Barite HB 5, 24 Wf - Bd Celestine SrSO 4 Orth. “ 7b; 9f HB 5, 122 Wf Szmolnokite* FeSO 4 · H 2 O Mon. Kieserite HB 5, 688 Wf Kieserite MgSO 4 · H 2 O Mon. “ HB 5, 358 Wf Szmikite* MnSO 4 · H 2 O Mon. “ HB 5, 687 Wf - Bd Gypsum CaSO 4 · 2H 2 O Mon. 9e; 9f HB 5, 271 Wf Rozenite FeSO 4 · 4H 2 O Mon. Rozenite 7c, e HB 5, 602 Wf Starkeyite* MgSO 4 · 4H 2 O Mon. “ 7d, e HB 5, 663 Wf Jarosite K 2 Fe 3+ 6 (SO 4 ) 4 (OH) 12 Trig. Alunite 8a HB 5, 330 Wf - Bd Calcite CaCO 3 Trig. Calcite HB 5, 101 Wf Dolomite CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 Trig. Dolomite HB 5, 191 Wf - Bd Goethite α-Fe 3+ O(OH) Orth. 8d, e, f; 8e HB 3, 223 Wf Fluorite CaF 2 Cub. HB 3, 205 Bd Coronadite Pb(Mn 4+ , Mn 2+ ) 8 O 16 Mon. Cryptomelane 9a, b, c, d, e, f HB 3, 138 Wf Woodruffite* ZnMn 3 O 7 · 2H 2 O Tetr. 8b HB 3, 606 Bd Opal SiO 2 · nH 2 O Amor. Wf Orientite* Ca 2 Mn 2+ Mn 3+ 2 Si 3 O 10 (OH) 4 Orth. 8c HB 2/2, 602 1 HB: Ant� ony et al. “Handbook of Mineralogy” , Volume, Page. * New cave mineral. THE MINERALOGICAL STUDy ON THE CUEVA DE LAS VELAS (NAICA, MEx ICO) p� ology and mineralogical composition also t� ese sam- ples � ave been considered as a single one and referred in t� e Table 1 as Bd (Black deposit). Ex PERIMENTAL METHODS A detailed analysis of all t� e samples by t� e stereoscopic microscope was performed to distinguis� and to separate t� e different mineralogical p� ases present in eac� sam - ple. Then t� e single p� ases were analysed by a powder diffractometer (P�ilips PW 1050/25), w � en t� e material was quantitatively enoug� and � omogeneous, or by a Gandolfi camera (Ø: 114.6 mm, exposition: 24/48 �rs), w� en t� e material was scarce or in� omogeneous. Always t� e experimental conditions were: 40Kv e 20 mA tube, CuKα Ni filtered radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). Rat� er all t� e samples analyzed by Gandolfi camera were later used to obtain images and c� emical qualita- tive analyses t�roug � an electron scanning microscope (ESEM FEI Quanta 200) wit� an electronic microprobe (EDS Oxford INCA 350) at t� e C.I.G.S. (Centro Interdi- partimentale Grandi Strumenti) of t� e Modena and Reg- gio Emilia University. ANALy TICAL RESULTS The diagenetic minerals observed in t� e first group of samples (Wf) are by far t� e majority (see Tab. 1) and t� ey consist mainly of � ydrated sulp� ates, carbonates, oxides and silicates. Sample 1, and in particular its frac- tion consisting of cinder grey eart� y material proved to be very interesting. In fact in t�is sample beside common cave minerals like celestine (Ant� ony et al., 2003c), one of t� e most abundant mineral w�ic � is present mainly as equant cross-section (Fig. 7b) but also as millimetric, perfectly transparent, well-formed lat� like crystals, tabu- lar on {001} and anglesite (Ant� ony et al., 2003a), t� ere are also very rare � ydrated sulp� ates of Fe like szmolnok- ite (Ant� ony et al., 2003m), and rozenite (Ant� ony et al., 2003�), of Mg come kieserite (Ant � ony et al., 2003g), and starkeyite (Ant� ony et al., 2003i),) and of Mn like szmikite (Ant� ony et al., 2003l). Three of t� em (szmol- ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 384 A few minerals (celestine, gypsum, calcite and goe- t�ite) are common to bot � t � e sample types (Wf and Bd). Goet�ite (Ant � ony et al., 1997c), is by far t� e most com- mon and widespread compound. It is normally scarcely crystalline and occurs normally as sub-millimetric par- tially empty sp� eres. The outer part is reddis�-brown to black w�ile t � e inner part consist of eart� y red aggregates. The ESEM-EDS analyses evidenced t� e presence of tuffs of filaments consisting of a sequence of micro-sp� eres of different size w�ic � give rise to complex dendritic struc - tures (Figgs. 8d, e, f): it is evident t� at goet�ite fossilized biogenic structures, probably t� ose responsible for t� e oxidation of t� e ore bodies. Coronadite (Ant� ony et al., 1997a), is t� e most pe- culiar and rare mineral of t� e Bd samples. This Pb and Mn oxides is rat� er common wit�in t � e Sout� America ore bodies even if it was rarely well-c� aracterized. Its name comes from t� e first Spanis� explorer of t � e American nokite, starkeyite and smikite) are new for t� e cavern environment. Rozenite (Fig. 7c) and starkeyite (Fig. 7d) are always deeply mixed toget� er giving rise to millimetre sized, eart� y, milky w�ite sp � eres wit� a cotton ball wrinkled surface. Bot� t � ese mineral are monocline and ex�ibit very similar crystallograp�ic constants (rozenite: a o = 5.799 Å, b o = 13.650 Å; c o = 7.977 Å, β = 90.43°; starkey- ite: a o = 7.902 Å, b o = 13.594 Å; c o = 5.920 Å, β = 90.89°). Their x-ray powder diffraction patterns are rat � er co- incident because t� e t� ey are isostructural (Baur, 1960, 1961; Jambor & Traill, 1963). Therefore t� eir identifica- tion was possible only analysing t� e same samples of t� e Gandolfi camera by EDS microprobe on ESEM. Figure 6e s� ows alternating bands respectively ric� in rozenite or in starkeyite. It � as been extremely difficult also to identify t� e t�ree mono � ydrated sulp� ates szmolnokite (FeSO 4 ·H 2 O), kieserite (MgSO 4 ·H 2 O) and szmikite (MnSO 4 ·H 2 O). They were undistinguis� able at t� e stereo-microscope, because all t� ese t�ree minerals give rise to small eart � y aggregates of micrometric crystals wit� slig � tly different colours (pale brown masses: szmolnokite; milky w�ite, greasy sp� eres: kieserite; botryoidal milky w�ite to pale pink masses: szmikite). Therir x-ray powder diffraction are very similar, because all t� e t�ree minerals belongs to t� e same group and � ave similar crystallograp�ic con - stants (szmolnokite: a o = 7.624 Å, b o = 7.468 Å; c o = 7.123 Å, β = 115.9°; kieserite: a o = 7.511 Å, b o = 7.611 Å; c o = 6.921 Å, β = 116.17°; szmikite: a o = 7.766 Å, b o = 7.666 Å; c o = 7.120 Å, β = 115.85°). Their identification was made by c� emical analyses performed on t� e same samples used for t� e x-ray diffraction: szmolnokite and szmikite proved to be very rare and � ave been identified surely only once, w�ile kieserite is muc � more abundant. Jarosite, (Ant� ony et al., 2003f) t� e iron � ydroxyl- sulp� ate belonging to t� e alunite group, is rat� er com- mon as eart� y lemon yellow soft crumbly grains (Fig. 8a) or as minutely crystalline crust over metallic grains over w�ic � often diagenetic calcite and dolomite may be found. Woodruffite (Ant� ony et al., 1997d), a compound w� ic� is c� aracteristic of t� e oxidized zone of Ag-Pb-Zn deposits, � as been � ere reported for t� e first time as cave mineral. It is anyway very rare and it occurs as tuffs of t� in small, silver s� ining to old gold yellow, blades (Fig 8b). The last of t� e five new cave minerals, orientite (Ant� ony et al., 1995), is a Mn and Ca � ydrous silicate present as t�in silver blades, w �ic � at �ig � er enlargement proved to be tuffs of t�in acicular crystals (Fig. 8c): it is always mixed to woodruffite and t� ey were found exclu- sively in a small lens filling a crack of t� e sample taken in t� e wall fracture close to t� e spot 2. Fig. 8: ESEm images: a) detail of a earthy lemon yellow globular aggregate of jarosite; b) thin emi-transparent tabular crystals of woodruffite; c) tuffs of acicular silver grey to gold shining orientite crystals; d) thin layer of goethite reddish-brown to dark grey micro-spheres: most of them are empty inside, clearly fossilizing biological masses; e) strange aggregate of goethite micro-spheres; f) detail of the structure of the goethite consisting of thin small blades resembling a wool skein. PAOLO FORTI, ERMANNO GALLI & ANTONIO ROSSI ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 385 sout� west, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. Coronadite was described as cave mineral only recently from a single cave, Santa Barbara mine cave, Italy (Forti et al., 2005). In Cuevas de las Velas it occurs as: a) radial aggregates (Fig. 9a) of microscopic tabular blades wit� colour c � anging from s�ining gold yellow at t � e bottom to s�ining silver grey at t� e top; or b) as eart� y soft deep grey to reddis� material. At strong enlargement (Fig. 9b) t� e tabular blades of t� e radial aggregates consist of a t�ick network of t�in elongated iso-oriented micrometric crystals (Fig. 9c), w�ile fibrous radial aggregates of prismatic crystals, far s� orter t� an t� e previous ones, constitute t� e eart� y material (Fig. 9d). In a single sample it was possible to detect opal as small sp� eres often growing over t� e Fe- oxides-� ydroxides. From paragenetic point of view no deposition se- quence can be defined wit�in t � e Wf samples: it is t� ere- fore �ig � ly probable t� at all t� e 15 different minerals are presently growing simultaneously. On t� e contrary t� e Bd samples evidenced a clear depositional sequence. Goet�ite and coronadite are t � e more abundant and first deposited minerals, t� en opal and calcite started forming just w� en t� e deposition of t� e oxides was close to t� e end. After t� at eu� edral celes- tine crystals started to develop t� us covering t� e pre-ex- isting minerals. Finally w� en t� e deposition of celestine was over gypsum begun to form, later giving rise to t� e development of t� e giant gypsum crystals. DISCUSSION From t� e mineralogical point of view t� e black deposits s� ow a far lower variability (6 minerals) if compared wit� t� at of t� e samples coming from t� e cave walls fractures (15 minerals). Moreover only two minerals are peculiar of t� e black deposits (coronadite and opal), w�ile t � e ot� er 4 are present also in t� e cave wall fractures. Among t� e six minerals of t� e black deposits 5 are very common: only coronadite may be considered a “rare” cave mineral, � aving been detected until now in a single cavern envi- ronment (Forti et al., 2005). The strong oxidation processes of t� e ore bodies are testified by t� e t�ickness of t � e black deposits and by t� e � uge amounts of biogenic structure fossilized inside t� em. Anyway t� e scarcity of mineral variability wit�in t� e black deposits are clearly a direct consequence of t� e fact t� at t� ese processes occurred wit�in a � uge t� ermal reservoir, w� ere no s� arp variation of pH, nor supersat- uration wit� respect to soluble salts may be induced by oxidizing processes. W�ile goet �ite and coronadite are direct products of t� ese processes, t� e opal formation was induced by a even scarce pH lowering caused by t� e oxidation of t� e H 2 S to H 2 SO 4 . Later, t� e increase of SO 4 2- caused t� e su- persaturation wit� respect to Celestine and after to gyp - sum, t� us confirming t� e mineralogical sequence of Fig- ure 9f. Finally calcite is always very rare and it is present as small aggregates of crystals wit� complex s � apes: its ori- gin was likely controlled by variation in t� e activity of t� e biogenic masses ruling t� e oxidation of t� e ore bodies, w�ic � caused simultaneous variation in CO 2 concentra- tion wit�in t � e t� ermal water. The number of minerals (15) present in t� e pow- der scratc� ed from t� e cave wall and from its fractures is very �ig � and testifies t � e minerogenetic efficiency of t� e oxidation processes of t� e primary minerals, dispersed in t� e � ost rock, induced by t� e presence of an atmosp� ere. Unlikely to t� ose of occurred in t� e black deposits, t� e oxidation processes wit�in t � e wall fractures are abso- lutely uncontrolled by microorganisms, and t� erefore no biomasses � ave been observed inside t� em. All t� e wall fracture reactions occur wit�in very small amount of condensation water, w�ic � is in turn subject to fast evaporation due to t� e forced ventilation of t� e mine. Therefore t� e supersaturation is reac� ed not only for low solubility sulp� ates like anglesite, celestine, jarosite and gypsum, but also for some very soluble com- pound: it is t� e case of szmolnokite, kieserite, smikite, rozenite, and starkeyite. Moreover, in suc� an environ - ment, t� e variation in t� e p� ysico-c� emical parameters is very �ig � and t � e pH often reac� es values close to 1 or 0 (Forti & Salvatori, 1988; Forti & Mocc�iutti, 2004). This fact induces t� e deposition of minerals normally unstable in a cavern environment like jarosite. In order to understand t� e deposition of rare and/or unusual minerals, anot� er point � as to be considered: t� e very s� ort time span since t� e different minerogenetic reactions were active (less t� an 20 years). This fact justify t� e presence of only two crystalline oxide (goet�ite and woodruffite), w�ile most of t � e iron and manganese is still in amorp� ous oxide-� ydroxides compounds. More- over t� e scarcity of time �indered many elements (in par - ticular iron and manganese) to reac� t � e �ig � est possible oxidation, t� us inducing t� e deposition of minerals in THE MINERALOGICAL STUDy ON THE CUEVA DE LAS VELAS (NAICA, MEx ICO) ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 386 Fig. 9 – ESEm images: a) flower consisting of thin bended blades of coronadite, the color of which is gold yellow at the basis and shining silver on top; b) radial tuffs of small prismatic acicular crystals of coronadite; c) detail of a coronadite tuff showing the quadrate section of the prismatic crystals; d) detail of the earthy coronadite structure; e) transparent prismatic tabular celestine crystals with overgrowth of iso-oriented acicular gypsum crystals and goethite micro-spheres; f) Small opale cavity covered by filaments and micro-spheres of goethite on the left, and dendritic aggregates of coronadite on the right. w�ic � t � ese elements � ave a lower valence (i.e. szmol- nokite, smirkite, rozenite, coronadite, orientite). The presence of calcite and, wit� a biogenic me - diation, of dolomite is t� e normal consequence of CO 2 STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAVE On t� e basis of t� e actual knowledge on t� e mineralogy of t� e Cueva de las Velas it is now possible to reconstruct t� e main evolutionary steps, t� e cavity underwent from its genesis up to t� e present days. Its first stage of development, w�ic � must be clearly contemporary to t� at of t� e ot� er 3 caves of Naica, � as to be referred to t� ermal water uplift along t� e main faults, w�ic �, still now, are responsible for t � e water circulation inside t� e Naica structure. These faults partially displaced t� e mineral deposits and t� erefore t� ey are far younger t� an t� e ore bodies, w�ic � started to develop 26,2-25,9 My BP (Megaw et al., 1988). The existence inside t� e ore bodies of different kinds of fluid inclusion wit� temperature ranging from 680 to 130°C (Erwood et al., 1979) suggest t� at, until t� e tem- perature of t� e t� ermal fluids was �ig �, no karst void was developed: during all t�is period, in fact, t � e t� ermal fluids were in a condition of net deposition or at least of balance between deposition-corrosion processes, as confirmed by t� e scarcity and t� e small size of t� e open voids inside t� e mineral bodies. Surely t� e cooling down of t� e fluids lasted a very long time due to t� e fact t� at no external spring was related to t� em and t� e contribute of meteoric seepage scarce if any. After t� e end of ore bodies development tectonic movements took place causing t� e partial displacement of t� e mineral deposits: t� ese displacements were con- trolled by t� e same faults w�ic � later allowed t � e water uplift w�ic � gave rise to t � e speleogenesis of t� e Naica caves and t� en t� e development of t� eir gigantic gypsum crystals. PAOLO FORTI, ERMANNO GALLI & ANTONIO ROSSI diffusion in a solution saturated wit� respect to gypsum (Forti et al., 2007; Vasconcelos et al., 1995). Finally t� e fast evaporation of small volumes of water may be t� e cause of t� e deposition of fluorite, t� e fluorine ions coming from t� e widespread fluorite wit�in t� e mineralised masses. It is not possible to give a depositional c�ronology, like t� at obtained for t� e black deposits, for t� e samples scratc� ed from t� e cave walls: t�is because eac � powder grain is composed by a single mineral or, eventually, by t� e minerals of t� e same group. It is �ig � ly probable t� at t� e number of t� e mineral actually forming wit�in t � e fractures of t�is cave s � ould be �ig � er, in fact a preliminary mineralogical analysis performed over a few scratc� ed samples from fractures of t� e Ojo de la Rejna cave (a few tens of meter far from Cueva de las Velas) evidenced t� e presence not only of several already observed minerals (gypsum, starkeyite, calcite, coronadite) but also of four new ones (bloedite, quartz, bassanite, and epsomite). ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 387 Therefore t� e first stage of t� e karst development s� ould � ave started only a few millions years BP , w� en t� e c� aracteristics of t� e � ot waters, wit� temperatures lower t� an 130°C, allowed corrosion to prevail deposition. This first stage of deep karst development was surely s� ort and t� e corrosion process not very effective: in fact, t� e presently known caves are small and always t� ey cor- respond to scarcely widened fractures (Ojo de la Reina and Cueva de las Espadas) or bedding planes (Cueva de las Velas). After t�is first speleogenetic stage, w �ic � was com - mon to all t� e 4 caves of Naica, t� eir evolution was slig� t- ly different from eac� ot � er, depending on local factors. Cueva de las Velas was interested by widespread oxi- dation of sulp�ide minerals w �ic � were transformed into oxides-� ydroxides: t�is process was clearly controlled by micro-organisms, as testified by widespread biogenic structures preserved wit�in t � e deposits (Fig. 8d.e). During t�is stage, w �ile a t �ick black deposit cov - ered t� e cave floor and most of its walls, t� e roof clearly underwent acid aggression as testified by t� e corrosion cupolas still visible in t� e first part of t� e cavity (Fig. 6). During t� e latest stage of oxides-� ydroxides de- position, t� e uplifting water became oversaturated wit� respect to celestine and, later, wit� respect to gypsum: t�is sequence is clearly recorded in t � e black deposit as s� own by ESEM-EDS (Fig. 9f). The appearance of gypsum crystals is an indirect proof t� at t� e temperature of t� e t� ermal water reac� ed a value lower t� an 59°C, because above t�is value an � y- drite s� ould be t� e single forming mineral (García-Ruiz et al., 2007). W� en t� e sulp�ide oxidation was over, t � e devel- opment of t� e giant gypsum crystals started: t�is pro - cess was completely controlled by t� e an� ydrite-gyp- sum equilibrium and t� e needed calcium sulp� ate was provided by t� e slow dissolution of t� e an� ydrite lenses widespread wit�in t � e � ost rock. The existence of a lot of small gypsum crystals wit�in t � e black deposits, w�ic � acted as crystallization nuclei, justifies t� e fact t� at, despite t� e new nucleation probability was extremely low (García-Ruiz et al., 2007) Cueva de las Velas is t� e single cave of Naica in w�ic � only a few of giant crystals developed, w�ile most of its floor and walls are covered by a very �ig � number of rela - tively small crystals (10-20 cm in size). The gypsum deposition went on until, some 20 years ago, t� e mine exploitation caused t� e complete dewater- ing of t� e cave: anyway t�is fact did not represent t � e end of t� e development of t� e cave, w�ic � was c � aracterized by two furt� er steps. The first one started just during t� e dewatering of t� e cave giving rise to t� e sails (Bernabei et al., 2006), but it stopped immediately after t� e cave was completely dried. The latest stage, w�ic � is still active now, was in - duced by t� e presence of moist air, t� e condensation of w�ic � induced t � e diagenesis (oxidation) of some of t� e ore bodies exposed on t� e cave walls. This process, even extremely young and still in progress, allowed t� e development a large number of minerals, five of w�ic � are completely new for t� e cavern environment. Because t�is stage is induced by t � e direct contact between rock and air, it is �ig � ly probable t� at t� e same process is ac- tive also in ot� er caves of t� e -290 level or even deeper wit�in t � e Naica Mine: next investigation will test suc� an � ypot� esis. THE MINERALOGICAL STUDy ON THE CUEVA DE LAS VELAS (NAICA, MEx ICO) The mineralogical study of t� e c� emical deposits of Cue- va de las Velas wit�in t � e Naica mine � as evidenced t� e existence in t� e cave �istory of two distinct periods in w�ic � several cave minerals were deposited mainly due to t� e oxidation of t� e ore bodies. In t� e first one, w�ic � occurred deep inside t� e t� ermal aquifer before t� e dep- osition of t� e giant gypsum crystals, a large quantity of material was deposited but, due to t� e scarce variability of suc� an environment, only a few minerals developed. The second one, w�ic � started under aerate conditions less t� an 20 years ago and it is still active now, induced t� e deposition of scarce material but wit� an extremely �ig � mineralogical variability. From t�is point of view t � e Cueva de Las Velas is an extremely important cave because it represent a natu- ral laboratory in w�ic � can be experimentally tested t � e boundary conditions for t� e development of several even extremely rare cave minerals. Unfortunately t� is cave, as all of t� e ot� er karst p� enomena at t� e –290 level of Naica mine will remain visible only for a few years, and as soon as t� e mining activities will stop (an event t� at is expected wit� in 7-10 years), t� e uplifting of groundwater will submerge t� em under some 170 m of water. It is t� erefore important t� at all t� e studies still in progress on Naica and its in- credible mine caves will be completed in t� e s� ortest possible time in order to preserve for future generations at least a full knowledge of t� ese astonis� ing natural p� enomena. FINAL REMARKS ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 388 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Aut� ors t� anks Peñoles Company for allowing t� e access inside t� e Naica Mine and for any kind of � elp giv- en during t� e field work, Roberto Villasuso for t� e useful geological discussions and doctor Pier Luigi Fabbri of t� e “Centro Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti (C.I.G.S.) of t� e University of Modena and Reggio Emilia for t� e precious � elp in t� e ESEM-EDS analyses. REFERENCES Ant� ony J.W ., R.A. Bideaux, K.W . Blad�, & M.C. Nic � ols, 1995: h andbook of mineralogy – Vol. II (Silica, Sili- cates). - Mineral Data Publis�ing, Tucson, Arizona. Ant� ony J.W ., R.A. Bideaux, K.W . Blad�, & M.C. Nic � - ols, 1997: h andbook of mineralogy – Vol. III (h a- lides, h ydroxides, Oxides). - Mineral Data Publis� - ing, Tucson, Arizona: a)138; b) 205; c) 223. Ant� ony J.W ., R.A. Bideaux, K.W . Blad�, & M.C. 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