4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 51/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 18. 12. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Njen mož je bil pravičen V evangeliju je Jožefu odmerjenega zelo malo prostora. Današnji evangelij odkriva njegov značaj. Matej uporablja besedo »pravičen« vedno, ko opisuje vestnost v izpolnjevanju verskih predpisov in človekovo poslušnost božji volji. Jožef je ob tem preprost in privlačen. Poslušal in upošteval je božji nagovor — čeprav v sanjah — ter ga tudi uresničil. Zaradi vrstic današnjega evangelija lahko trdimo, da je bil skrben, naklonjen Mariji in otroku, ki ga je spočela. V Stari zavezi so Boga pogosto klicali »Oče« in tako poudarjali izvoljenost, povezanost izvoljenega naroda s svojim Stvarnikom. Jezus je v zaupnih trenutkih tako nagovarjal Boga. V molitvi očenaša tudi nas uči novega, osebnega odnosa do Stvarnika. V mnogočem pa beseda oče opiše tudi Jožefov odnos do svojega posinovljenca. Lahko trdimo, da je bil prav ta Jožef posrednik, kanal, po katerem je Jezus prejel del svoje edinstvene modrosti. 470 | VESTNIK 2016 472 | VESTNIK 2016 474 | VESTNIK 2016 476 | VESTNIK 2016 478 | VESTNIK 2016 480 | VESTNIK 2016 Spoš tovani farani in prijatelji ž upnije šv. Gregorija Velikega. Letoš šmo š pišmom malo požni, pa pravijo, da ni nikoli prepožno. Smo v žadnjem tednu adventenga č aša - letoš šmo imeli polne š tiri tedne. Prejš nji teden šmo imeli gošpoda iž Toronta, ki šta pomagala pri špovedovanju, v petek pa šmo žač eli tudi ž bož ič no devetdnev-ničo, ki je ž e dolga leta lepa priprava na Bož ič . Slab mešeč je minil, odkar še je žaključ ilo ižredno šveto leto ušmiljenja, a naš je papež ž e ob odprtju le-tega opožoril, da moramo »nenehno imeti pred oč mi škrivnošt ušmiljenja. Ušmiljenje je vir vešelja, radošti in miru. In tudi naš e odreš enje je od njega odvišno.« V adventnem č ašu vše prepogošto vešelje, mir in vedrino špremljajo škrbi, žaškrbljenošti. Poškušimo letoš to špremeniti in poškrbeti, da ši bomo vželi dešet minut č aša na dan žaše, morda prebrati odlomek iž švetega pišma, dobre knjige ali preprošto, moliti. Dar molitve bo trajal dlje, kot katero od daril, ki šo nam jih podarili drugi. Ali pa ši vžemimo ža nalogo, da bomo šami škuš ali ižkažati ušmiljenje nekomu, ki ga potrebuje. Za naš krištjane ušmiljenje nima meja, še nikoli ne konč a in vemo, da šmo ta dar prejeli ž rojštvom Ježuša v preproštih jašlih. Ob bož ič u je navada, da ši ižmenjamo darila tako v druž ini kot med prijatelji. Mi pa šmo prejeli največ je darilo - Ježuša šamega. K nam je bil pošlan iž nebeš, rojen na šlami ža naš e odreš enje. Gotovo mi ne moremo prinešti takega daru, lahko pa Ježušu podarimo švoje šrče in hvalež nošt ža njegov prihod, drug drugemu pa lahko podarimo dar ušmiljenja in ljubežni. Letoš tradičionalnega marijanškega koledarja ali angleš kega, ne bomo poš iljali po poš ti, ši ga bošte pa lahko vželi žadaj v čerkvi, ko pridete naokrog k maš i ali na obišk. Prav tako imate žadaj letne nedeljške kuverte in tudi pišmo, v katerm je kuverta ža bož ič ni dar, poleg nje pa tudi lišt ž voš č ilom in na drugi štrani nekaj »domač e naloge«. Letoš je š kofija prošila vše ž upnije, da žač no uporabljati novi program ža vodenje ž upnije. Do šedaj šmo imeli podatke ražtrešene na več krajih, šedaj pa bodo vši bolj popolno žbrani na enem meštu. Ugotavljamo pa, da imamo želo nepopolno štatištiko faranov, š e pošebej otrok. Z eleli bi, da nam na drugi štrali lišta, ki je v kuverti, napiš ete imena in priimke druž inških č lanov in kontaktne informačije. Drugo šoboto je ž e šveti več er in prva maš a v angleš č ini bo ob š eštih žveč er. Na žač etku maš e bodo otroči pripravili kratek program ob pešmi in bešedi. Druga maš a je ob 10:00 žveč er. Tudi pri tej maš i bomo imeli, kot je navada, kratek uvod, ki ga bo pripravil meš ani pevški žbor ob špremljavi inštrumentov. Tudi letoš bomo prič akali Novo leto 2017 v naš i dvorani. Našlednjo šoboto bo žato maš a ob obič ajni uri, 5:30 p.m., potem pa šte vabljeni, da še pridruž ite pražnovanju. Več informačij je na plakatu! Režervačije šprejema Ivan Kruš ič na telefonški š tevilki: 905-393-6594. Pohitite š prijavami. V imenu Z upnijškega paštoralnega šveta in všeh ž upnijških škupin in druš tev ž elim blagošlovljeno bož ič no pražnovanje in vše najboljš e v novem letu 2017. Fr. Drago Gač ni, ž upnik BOŽIČ 2016 VESTNIK 2016 | 471 VESTNIK 2016 | 473 VESTNIK 2016 | 475 VESTNIK 2016 | 477 VESTNIK 2016 | 479 Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Greg-ory the Great Parish, This year our Christmas letter is later than usual and we are already coming to the end of the Advent season. Our spiritual prep-arations began last week with the sacrament of confession and the start of the Novena - nine days of traditional preparations before the Feast of Christmas. Less than one month ago, the Extraordi-nary Jubilee Year of Mercy came to an end, but as Pope Francis said in announcing the celebration, ”We need to constantly contem-plate the mystery of mercy. It is the well-spring of joy, serenity and peace. Our salva-tion depends upon it.” In the Advent season, we all too often re-place joy, serenity and peace with frustra-tion, stress and worry. This year, let us strive to change that by giving ourselves the gift of ten minutes each day to read a portion of scripture and to pray. My prayer for you is that you will find this gift to yourself lasts longer than a gift you need to unwrap and that what you read inspires you to show mercy to just one person on that day. For us as Christians, mercy never ends and we know that this gift began with the birth of Jesus in a humble manger. Christmas is traditionally a time for ex-changing gifts with family and friends. We have already received the greatest gift - that of Jesus; sent from heaven and born in a manger for our salvation. While we can nev-er give a gift of such significance, we can give Jesus the gift of our heart in gratitude for His coming and we can give one another the gift of our mercy and love. This year, traditional Slovenian calendars from Rakovnik as well as English calendars will be available at the back of the church. We would ask that you pick up your calen-dar, Sunday collection and Christmas mailing envelopes as soon as possible. The envelope includes a page that you are asked to com-plete by providing some information about your family. The Diocese of Hamilton has asked that- like all other parishes - we use the new database to maintain our records. If you have any questions about this form do not hesitate to ask. On Christmas Eve, the first Mass will be celebrated at 6:00pm - in English. Children from the parish, with the help of the English choir, will present a pageant before Mass. Come and celebrate as a family and enjoy what the children have prepared. The second Mass – Midnight Mass - will be in Slovenian and will start at 10:00pm. The Slovenian choir will sing Christmas songs with a theme of “Shepherds,” followed by Mass. On New Year’s Eve, Mass will be celebrat-ed at 5:30pm. Immediately following Mass, the doors to the hall will be open for all those attending the New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance. We encourage all parishioners and friends to come out and ring in the New Year at St. Gregory’s. The evening will feature a delicious meal, lively Slovenian and English music by the Spotlight Orchestra, great priz-es and good company. Once again we are co hosting the event with Drus tvo Bled. Tickets are limited so please call early to ensure that you can be part of this traditional event. For reservations contact Ivan Krus ic at 905-393-6594. On behalf of the Parish Council and all parish organizations, I would like to extend to everyone sincere good wishes for a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year. - Fr. Drago Gac nik, pastor CHRISTMAS 2016 Božični program 2016 -2017 18. december, nedelja 09:30 a.m. - Slovenska sveta maša 11:00 a.m. - Angleška sv. Maša 12:00 noon - Spoved in sv. maša - Sava-Breslau 04:00 p.m. - Spoved in sv. maša - London, cerkev 24. december, sobota - Sveti večer 8:00 a.m. - Jutranja maša 06:00 p.m. - Maša v agleščini - za družine 10:00 p.m. - Polnočnica, maša v slovenščini 25. december, Božič - Gospodovo rojstvo 09:30 a.m. - Slovenska sv. maša 11:00 a.m. - Angleška sv. maša 26. december, ponedeljek - Sv. Štefan 10:00 a.m. - Slovenska maša 3:00 p.m. - Sv. maša v Lipa Parku, St. Catharines 31. december, sobota, Silvester 5:30 p.m. - Zahvalna maša 6:00 p.m. - Silvestrovanje v dvorani (se odpro vrata) 1. januar 2017, Novo leto - Marija, Božja Mati 09:30 a.m. - Slovenska sv. maša 11:00 a.m. - Angleška sv. maša 8. januar, nedelja - Gospodovo razglašenje 09:30 a.m. - Slovenska sv. maša Christmas Program 2016 -2017 Sunday, December 20th 09:30 a.m. - Slovenian Mass 11:00 a.m. - English Mass 12:00 noon - Confessions & Mass in Sava-Breslau 04:00 p.m. - Confessions & Mass in London /church/ Saturday, December 24th - Christmas Eve 8:00 a.m. - Morning mass 06:00 p.m. - English Mass for Families 10:00 p.m. - Midnight Mass in Slovenian Sunday, December 25th - Christmas Day 09:30 a.m. - Slovenian Mass 11:00 a.m. - English Mass Monday, December 26th – St. Stephan 10:00 a.m. - Slovenian Mass 3:00 p.m. - Mass at Lipa Park, St. Catharines Saturday, December 31st - New Year's Eve 5:30 p.m. - Mass of thanksgiving 6:00 p.m. - New Year's Eve celebration - Hall Sunday, January 1st 2017 - New Year's Day 09:30 a.m. - Slovenian Mass 11:00 a.m. - English Mass Sunday, January 8th - Epiphany of the Lord 09:30 a.m. - Slovenian Mass Pripravite pot Gospodu! »SANTA« JE OBISKAL DRUŠTVO BLED V nedeljo, 11. decembra 2016, je bilo pri društvu Bled zelo živahno. Začelo se je z dobrim kosilom. Glavna teža je bila na Antonu in Andreji Marinčič. Za strežbo so bile zadolžene Maya in Izzy Marinčič in Adriana Erzar. Po kosilu je Silvija Stankovič organizirala razne igre za otroke in starejše. Zelo izvirno pripravljen program ob petju, raznih igrah in so sodelovali mlajši in starejši. Pomerili so se v raznih spretnostih in zmagovalci so dobili lepe nagrade. Za zaključek je otroke obiskal še Santa. Z njim so se poslikali, večino je tudi kaj povprašal in z njim so se tudi poslikali. Lepo prijetno popoldne s pravim zimskim vzdušjem, saj je že od dopoldanskih ur po malem naletaval sneg. Ta teden smo začeli s pripravami za okrasitev cerkve. Maks Pavlič nam je pripeljal smreke in z Mirkom sta jih potem postavila na mesto. Hvala Maksu in ženi Mileni, ki sta smreke darovala za cerkev. G. Olga Glavač tudi že navdušeno vsak teden nekaj doda k okrasitvi cerkve, da bo pripravljena za Božič. Bog plačaj vsem za pomoč. 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Response: May the Lord come in; he is king of glory. First Reading Isaiah 7: 10-14 The young woman is with child and will bear a son, who will be called God-with-us. Second Reading Romans 1: 1-7 St Paul proclaims Jesus as the son of David and the Son of God. Gospel Matthew 1:18-24 Joseph trusts in the power of God’s Spirit and overcomes his fear. “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has con-ceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit.” Illustration Julia and Mike were surprised when she be-came pregnant again. It was rather unexpected. They already had their family with three children, the youngest of whom was seven. As she ap-proached forty, Julia was worried. She knew that pregnancy at this age could be risky, both for the mother and for the new child; she was worried for her family. Mike’s parents were ageing, too, and his mother was showing signs of forgetfulness. The couple wondered why God had called them in this way. Prayer was a struggle but desperately they prayed that all would be well. Some friends went quiet and didn’t make contact; they quickly discov-ered who were true friends. The GP urged Julia to undertake various scans and tests, but the couple knew these carried risks. They believed that their child would be a gift to the family and decided to wait and see what the outcome would be. Julia and her baby received the best medical attention. A beautiful daughter was born. They knew quite soon that she had a disability but that she was special; still, God was asked a lot of ques-tions. They baptised their daughter Lydia, because she was a woman named in the Bible as one whose heart was open to hear the things spoken by the Lord. Lydia quickly became a focal point in their family and the parish. She simply enjoyed life. Lydia soon had a special place in the life of the communi-ty as she reminded them that life is a gift from God and brought her joyful and loving presence to all around her; it often seems to be a special gift of people with disabilities to be able to do this. Gospel Teaching Joseph was a man of deep faith who listened to the voice of God. He struggled to make sense of the message that Mary had given him. Sometimes Joseph heard God speak to him through his dreams, at other times in a moment of quiet prayer, some- times at the end of the day when he looked over the events of work, relationship and family. He knew that God is a God of mystery and that in history God had always called people to take risks and live with the unpredictable nature of life. Abraham had left his home and then found that Sarah his wife, in her old age, conceived mysteriously through the power of God. David had been an unlikely choice for a king. The prophets were often surprising choices of God. Joseph wondered why God was testing his faith. He thought that the easiest thing would be to abandon Mary and start again. However, he loved her and knew that she was honest, true and had great integrity. In the turmoil of his mind, he won-dered what God wanted him to do. He asked him-self why life was so complicated, just when all had seemed so good as he prepared to marry Mary. He struggled with God in prayer during the night and eventually went to sleep. Next morning he awoke from his dream and understood the words the an-gel had spoken concerning Mary – God had con-ceived in her through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph needed to accept this fact, care for Mary and support her at this strange but wonderful time. How mysterious are the ways of God! Application We often face difficult situations in our relation-ships with others and in the family. Maybe a daughter becomes pregnant. Perhaps a child is born with a disa-bility. A parent develops dementia. These events in family life can disturb and disrupt our familiar patterns of life. We ask God why they have happened and some-times our faith in God is questioned. The example of Joseph teaches us that it is in these times that we are called to pray more fervently and seek the power of the Holy Spirit to help us trust more deeply in God. Like Joseph, we are asked to accompany people in their struggles and support them with love and care; a loving and strong parish community can be a real help to those who face difficulties in their domestic and family life. It wasn’t easy for Joseph; it is never easy. However, we can be confident that if our hearts are open to God, God will help us to shoulder the burden and carry the load. Učenci Slovenske šole so v soboto, 17. docembra po šolski maši okrasili drevešček z okraski, ki so jih sami pripravili. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V četrtek, po večerni maši so pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 18. december: Sava-Breslau : Maša ob 12:00 noon, Triglav-London: Maša ob 4:00 p.m. v St. John the Divine Church . 20. december: Sv. Jožef - Božičnica . 26. december: Lipa park: Maša - 3:00 p.m. . 31. december: Silvestrovanje: St. Gregory the Great, Bled, London-Triglav, Lipa park, Sava-Breslau. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠATA . 18. december, 9:30 a.m.: Karol in Milka Ferko . 25. december, 9:30 a.m.: Stanko in Jožica Vegelj IZLET V SLOVENIJO - 2017 Jože Razpotnik zbira informacije, če bi se nabralo dovolj zanimanja za izlet v Slovenijo in Madžarsko (Budimpešta). Predvideni čas je od 25. junija do 10. julija 2017. Za več informacij ga pokličite na telefon: 1-519-461-0653. NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION New Year's will be here soon! We invite everyone to come out and ring in the New Year with your Parish Community with friends and family. St. Gregory the Great along with Društvo Bled will be hosting an eventful evening where you will be sure to have a fabulous evening. The band set to entertain us is Spot-light Orchestra. Come and enjoy some appe-tizers, a tasty dinner, a complimentary wel- come drink, prizes, raffles, a midnight buffet and a good time! Tickets are on sale now. Contact Ivan Krušič at 905-393-6594 (email: ivankrusic@hotmail.com) to purchase your tickets and reserve your seat! We look forward to seeing you all on New Year's Eve. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA: MEMBERS’ ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Tuesday, December 20th, 2016 at 7:30 PM - Light dinner & entertainment. - Poinsettia draw fund raiser is for the new flat roof of the Church. - Čas je tudi da člani poravnate članarino za Društvo sv. Jožefa. Vabljeni tudi novi člani, da se včlanite. Članarino plačate pri Franku Erzarju in dobili boste tudi člansko izkaznico za leto 2017. DAROVI Za gradbeni sklad /streho/ so darovali: - $150 Minka in Ivan Šemen - $50 Kerry Wild (Saskatoon) v spomin na +Lynn Lobo - $50 Vida Sajder v spomin na + Steve Sajder - $50 Vida Sajder v spomin na + Steve Booth Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam povrni. MAŠE V LONDONU IN KITCHENERJU Danes je sveta maša in spoved pri društvu Sava-Breslau. Sveta maša ob 12:00h se daruje: - za pokojne člane društva, - za pokojne iz družin Kraner-Vintar, po namenu družine Kraner - za pokojne iz družine Šutej, po namenu Anice Kobetič in družine. Ob štirih popoldne pa je spoved in maša tudi za slovensko skupnost v Londonu. Sveta maša bo v cerkvi St. John the Divine, po maši pa imamo še družabno srečanje v župnijski dvorani. Maša se daruje za: - pokojne člane društva Triglav - pokojnega Štefana Horvata, daruje Terezija Zadravec - za pokojnega Milana Zamuda, darujeta Toni in Marija Franc z družino. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO OGNJIŠČE 2017 - NAROČNINA Naročnina za leto 2017: kdor še želi prejemati Ognjišče v letu 2017 prosimo, da potrdi in čimprej plača naročnino. Cena za Kanado za leto 2017 je 82 kanadskih dolarjev. Hvala! CWL - KŽZ Dear members, our membership fees for 2017 are due. Milena and Pamela will be approaching you with envelopes or they will be in the parish Christmas packages. The fees remain at $19, all of which goes to our Provincial and National committees. We do our own fund raising with our annual Bazaar. Please con-tinue your support of the CWL with your renewed membership. St. Gregory the Great presently has a membership of 100 parish women, strong! … Sisters of the League for "God and Country" working with and for our parish. LETNE NEDELJSKE KUVERTE V atriju cerkve imate tudi nove nedeljske kuverte za leto 2017. Preverite naslov in tudi da se številka na nalepki pri naslovu ujema s številko na kuverti. Če je kakšna sprememba mi sporočite. 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 18. DECEMBER Gacijan, škof † † † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Joseph Nedelko Jožef Gerič, obl. John Recek Pokojni člani društva Sava Pokojni člani društva Triglav 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON 4:00 P.M. Angela in Štefan Antolin Žena Elizabeta Gerič Žena z družino Maša pri društvu Sava-Breslau Maša pri St. John the Divine PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 19. DECEMBER Urban III., papež † † Pavel Novak V zahvalo Materi Božji Štefan Horvat 7:00 P.M. Marianne Kutleša (3) A.T. Joe Ftičar TOREK - TUESDAY 20. DECEMBER Evgen, mučenec †† † †† Pokojni Borštnik in Gačnik Slavko Slobodnik Mihael in Helena Kolarič, obl. 7:00 P.M. Sorodniki Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) Hči Terezija Sarjaš z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 21. DECEMBER Peter Kanizij, duhov. † † † † Jennifer Wall Edy Pučko Marija Peršin Pavel Novak 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Elka Peršin Elka Peršin Sonja Langenfus ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 22. DECEMBER Frančiška Cabrini, ust. †† † †† † Karl in pok. iz družine Zorčič Stane Udovč Martha in Anton Ritlop Marija Plut 7:00 P.M. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Magda Udovč z družino Terezija in Ignac Kolenko Olga Slobodnik z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 23. DECEMBER Janez Kancij, duhovnik † †† † Barbara Car, obl. Ivan in Luisa Sarjaš Štefanija Rihar 7:00 P.M. Hči Marija Berkovič Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Frank Rihar z družino SOBOTA SATURDAY 24. DECEMBER Adam in Eva SVETI VEČER † † †† †† †† † Za mir na svetu Florian Miklavčič Janez Kosednar John Glavač, Bronco Balažic, Pokojni iz družine Koloža Rozina, Alojz in Matilda Zorko Darinka Ferletič 8:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Žena Anica Miklavčič z druž. Žena Hema Kosednar z druž. Jenny Antolin z družino Majda Salajko Ferletič Milan in Sandy Ferletič Milan in Sandy BOŽIČ - GOSPODOVO ROJSTVO 25. DECEMBER CHRISTMAS † † Za žive in rajne župljane Marija Grebenc Ana Krampač 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Lojze in Peter Grebenc Olga Čulig SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 18. 12. 2016 Do 25. 12. 2016 Benjamin Markoja