International review for modern archival theory and practice Rivista internazionale di teoria e pratica archivistica moderna Mednarodna revija za sodobno arhivsko teorijo in prakso Volume 29(2019) Number 1 Questions of Archival Sciences Questioni di archivistica Vprašanja arhivske znanosti International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor State Archives of Trieste Trieste - Maribor 2019 General Directorate of Archives - Italy State Archives of Trieste International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor Alma Mater Europaea - European Center Maribor Editors in Chief: Peter Pavel Klasinc, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Grazia Tato, Ph.D. (Italy) Editor: Aida Škoro Babić, MPhil (Slovenia) Scientific Committee/ Editorial Board: Stefano Allegrezza, Ph.D. (Italy) Giulia Barrera, Ph.D. (Italy) Giorgetta Bonfiglio Dosio, Ph.D. (Italy) France Dolinar, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Živana Heđbeli, Ph.D. (Croatia) Peter Pavel Klasinc, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Mikhail V. Larin, Ph.D. (Russia) Monica Martignon, Ph.D. (Italy) Antonio Monteduro (Italy) Miroslav Novak, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Andrei Rybakou, Ph.D. (Belarus) Izet Šabotić, Ph.D. (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst, Ph.D. (Austria) Zdenka Semlič Rajh, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Grazia Tato, Ph.D. (Italy) Ludvik Toplak, Ph.D. (Slovenia) Aida Škoro Babić, MPhil (Slovenia) Technical Editors: Tjaša Pogorevc (Slovenia) Editing: Aida Škoro Babić, MPhil (Slovenia) Translations: Laura Castegnaro (Italy) Antonio Monteduro (Italy) (Italian, English) Aida Škoro Babić, M.Phil. (Slovenia) (Bosnian, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, English) All the texts have been peer reviewed. Process of the peer review was lead by: Aida Škoro Babić M.Phil. (Slovenia) The publisher resumes no responsability for the contents of the reports The authors are fully responsible for the contents After six months the publication will be available on the IIAS website: The edition was finished on 15th October 2019 The publication was made possible by the support of: Slovenian Research Agency, Slovenia Alma Mater Europaea - European Center Maribor, Slovenia Published by: State Archives of Trieste International Institut for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor Alma Mater Europaea – European Center Maribor Printed by: Design Studio Circulation of 400 copies Copyright 2019 by: State Archives of Trieste and International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor, via La Marmora n.17, I-34139 Trieste – Italy Alma Mater Europaea – European Center Maribor, Slovenska cesta 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia All rights reserved: No parts of this publication may by reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. Organizing Secretariat: State Archives of Trieste Via A. La Marmora, 17 - I-34139 Trieste - Italy tel. +39 040 06 47 921 fax +39 040 93 800 33 e-mail: International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor c/o State Archives of Trieste Via A. La Marmora, 17 - I-34139 Trieste - Italy tel. +39 040 06 47 921 fax +39 040 93 800 33 e-mail: ISSN 2282-9709 UDC 930.251 The atlas of the title page is taken from: ATLAS NOUVEAU, Amsterdam 1733 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT Peter Pavel Klasinc ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND THE ANSWERS TO SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN ARCHIVAL THEORY AND PRACTICE – THE CURRENT SITUATION  8 LE SCIENZE ARCHIVISTICHE E LE RISPOSTE ALLE TRASFORMAZIONI SOCIALI NELLA TEORIA E PRATICA ARCHIVISTICA – LA SITUAZIONE OGGI ARHIVSKA ZNANOST IN ODZIVI NA DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE V ARHIVSKI TEORIJI IN PRAKSI – DANES Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION  17 ARCHIVISTICA: PONTI FRA TRADIZIONE ED INNOVAZIONE ARHIVSKA ZNANOST: MOSTOVI MED TRADICIJO IN INOVACIJO Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS  27 L'ARCHIVISTA: IL PROTETTORE DEI DIRITTI UMANI ARHIVIST – VARUH ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST?  35 PERCHE SCEGLIERE L'ARCHIVISTICA, PERCHE DIVENTARE E RIMANERE UN ARCHIVISTA? ZAKAJ IZBRATI ARHIVISTIKO, ZAKAJ POSTATI IN OSTATI ARHIVIST/KA? Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL  48 IDENTIFICARE, REAGIRE E CONNETTERSI – SULLE CONOSCENZE E LE COMPETENZE NECESSARIE PER LA GESTIONE MODERNA DELL’ARCHIVIO E DEL MATERIALE DOCUMENTARIO IDENTIFICIRATI, UKREPATI IN POVEZATI – O ZNANJIH IN SPRETNOSTIH ZA POTREBE SODOBNEGA UPRAVLJANJA Z ARHIVSKIM IN DOKUMENTARNIM GRADIVOM Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT  60 DOCUMENTI ELETTRONICI IN ARCHIVIO: UN ASPETTO TEORICO ELEKTRONSKO GRADIVO IN ARHIVIRANJE: TEORETIČNI ASPEKT István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY  69 STRATEGIA DI DIGITALIZZAZIONE DELLA COLLEZIONI PUBBLICA DI UNGHERIA E SUO IMPATTO SULL’ARCHIVIO NAZIONALE DI UNGHERIA MADŽARSKA STRATEGIJA DIGITALIZACIJE JAVNE ZBIRKE IN VPLIV SLEDNJE NA NACIONALNI ARHIV MADŽARSKE Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA  80 LO SVILUPPO DELLA SCIENZA ARCHIVISTICA COME RIFLESSO SULLA FORMAZIONE SCIENTIFICA IN AUSTRIA RAZVOJ ARHIVSKE ZNANOSTI V LUČI ZNANSTVENEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA V AVSTRIJI Tijana Rupčić ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA  90 L’ARCHIVISTICA NEI PROGRAMMI DI STUDIO UNIVERSITARI NELLA REPUBBLICA DI SERBIA ARHIVISTIKA V UNIVERZITETNIH ŠTUDIJSKIH PROGRAMIH V REPUBLIKI SRBIJI Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA  96 TUTELA DEGLI ARCHIVI NELLA REPUBBLICA DI SLOVENIA VAROVANJE ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA V REPUBLIKI SLOVENIJI ARHIVSKA ZNANOST IN ODZIVI NA DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE V ARHIVSKI TEORIJI IN PRAKSI – DANES Peter Pavel Klasinc Peter Pavel Klasinc11 Peter Pavel Klasinc, arhivski svetnik Direktor Mednarodnega inštituta arhivskih znanosti Univerze v Mariboru in izpostave v Trstu in Predsto­jnik vseh treh študijskih programov Arhivistika na AMEU ECM ARHIVSKA ZNANOST IN ODZIVI NA DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE V ARHIVSKI TEORIJI IN PRAKSI – DANES Letošnjo 29. konferenco »Mednarodni arhivski dan« organiziramo v Mednarodnem in­štitutu arhivskih znanosti Trst-Maribor v sodelovanju z Alma Mater Europaea, bodočo Fakulteto arhivskih znanosti, Državnim arhivom in CEI iz Trsta ter ARRS iz Ljubljane. K izvedbi in udeležbi konference smo povabili tudi nekatere pokrovitelje in donatorje. Vsem se lepo zahvaljujem! V uvodnem delu mojega razmišljanja bi se rad dotaknil aktualnih vprašanj pri raziska­vah arhivske znanosti. Zadnja leta se intenzivno ukvarjamo z arhivistiko kot akadem­sko, samostojno, multidisciplinarno in interdisciplinarno znanostjo, za katero lahko trdim, da ji moramo danes dati tudi novo, širšo opredelitev. Pri tem moram posebej poudariti, da nekatere do zdaj objavljene poglede glede definicij arhivskih znanosti lahko s pridom uporabimo. Dejstvo je, da se definicije arhivske znanosti spreminja­jo, ker se spreminja vse, še posebno pa za nas pomembne aktivnosti na vseh nivojih arhivske teorije in prakse: pri skrbi za arhivsko gradivo od nastanka do hranjenja pri ustvarjalcih, pri postopkih urejanja arhivskega gradiva pred predajo v pristojne arhive in glede obveznosti tega hranjenja v profesionalnih arhivskih ustanovah. Ker so moje razlage v zvezi z definicijo arhivske znanosti odprla določena vprašanja, odgovarjam s predstavitvijo strukture znanstvenega raziskovalnega dela, ki predstavlja osnovo za uvrščanje novo znanost med znanosti. Nesporno je, da pri arhivistiki poznamo pred­mete raziskovanja, kakor tudi vzroke raziskovanja in metode raziskovanja. O tem je pisala že dr. Durantijeva leta 2000, torej pred skoraj 20 leti. Sam bi dodal predlog za resen znanstvenoraziskovalni pristop k poznavanju historič­ne preteklosti arhivske znanosti, pri čemer opozarjam na vrsto dokumentov, ki naka­zujejo na raziskave obravnavanja arhivske teorije. Okvirno jih lahko spremljamo že od leta 1571 v priročniku za pisarniško poslovanje (če ga navajamo v najširšem pomenu besede). O tem je pisal Weidling leta 2013. Ob tem je treba omeniti članke dr. Lodolinija o arhivistiki pred razvojem pisav. Ko go­vorimo o osnovah oziroma podlagah zapisanih informacij, lahko temu sledimo daleč v preteklost. Dejavnosti človeka lahko spremljamo vse do podzemnih jam, kjer je stene uporabljal kot podlago za zapisovanje določenih informacij. Seveda nam ta omemba nekaj pomeni le, če sprejmemo dejstvo, da so informacije v arhivskem gradivu lahko zapisane na kakršno koli podlago. To se nanaša na ugotovitve, da so se skozi stoletja za zapisovanje informacij uporabljale zelo različne podlage (glinaste ploščice, papi­rus, kamen, pergament, kosti, les, tkanina itd.). Če se odmaknemo od teh pisnih podlag in se seznanimo z definicijami arhivske zna­nosti (o tem sem pred leti objavil posebno besedilo), moramo glede na raziskave ar­hivske znanosti te definicije jemati z veliko mero strokovne tolerance. Mladi ljudje se na raznih družabnih omrežjih, in to me veseli, srečujejo z zelo različnimi definicijami arhivske znanosti, s katerimi se osebno v glavnem ne strinjam, a v njih vedno najdemo izraze, kot so: »arhivistika je znanost«, »arhivistika je znanje«, »arhivistika in razisko­vanje«, »arhivistika kot študij«, »arhivistika in nazivi« in podobno. Dejstvo je, da je arhivistika v zadnjem času skoraj vedno že citirana kot znanost. Čas je, da se poslovimo od napačne trditve, da je arhivistika pomožna veda zgodovine. Glede na raziskave arhivske znanosti lahko trdim, da gre prej za obraten proces: ta se odraža v raziskavah relacij arhivskih znanosti, ki obsegajo opise in raziskave arhivisti­ke na vseh ravneh, vse do raziskav relacij vezanih na arhivsko strokovno delo. Te rela­cije arhivskih znanosti se odražajo tudi v vrednotenju in odbiranju arhivskega gradiva iz dokumentarnega, ki je po mojem eno najbolj odgovornih in najtežjih del profesio­nalnih arhivistov. Tega procesa ni mogoče urediti z mednarodnim standardom (razen okvirnih določil), ampak mora biti v soodvisnosti med ustvarjalci arhivskega gradiva in okoljem, kjer ti ustvarjalci delujejo. Pri raziskavah se v profesionalnih arhivskih ustanovah srečamo z vrsto relacij arhivskih znanosti, ki se odsevajo v oblikah in načinih urejanja, popisovanja, izdajanja popisov, vodnikov in drugih informativnih pomagal za gradivo, ki ga hranijo profesionalni ar­hivi. K temu lahko dodamo vse raziskave relacij glede pravilne hrambe arhivskega gradiva, neomejenega in čim lažjega dostopa do ohranjenega arhivskega gradiva, priprav in izdelav informativnih pomagal ter dostopov do teh s pomočjo novih infor­macijskih tehnologij. Pomembne so tiste raziskave relacij arhivskih znanosti, ki se nanašajo na primer na teorijo in prakso arhivistike, vprašanja formiranja fondov, postopke opredeljevanja arhivskega gradiva, pojavljanje celot spisov, načine odlaganja spisov (dokumenti v personalnih mapah, v mapah študentov), delovanje arhivov, komparacije zakonov in na podzakonske akte, različne uredbe ter mnoge (včasih nepotrebne) nacionalne in mednarodne standarde. Menim, da je ena od najbolj odzivnih sprememb (ob mnogih) uvedba študijskih pro­gramov, ki se v celoti ukvarjajo z arhivskimi znanostmi (posebej množina), kar je raz­vidno iz predmetnikov študijskih programov, ki jih na vseh treh stopnjah bolonjskega študija izvajamo na Alma Mater Europaea. Pri tem se mi zdi posebej pomembno, da arhivistika kot mednarodna znanost pridobi za šolanje arhivistov uradno habilitirane profesorje za posamezne predmete v študijskem programu. Nujno je, da prevzamejo predavanja univerzitetni profesorji, pa naj gre za redne, izredne, docente ali pa za visokošolske predavatelje. Vesel sem, da lahko sodelujem pri izobraževanju arhivi­stov, ki nosijo nazive diplomiran arhivist, magister arhivistike in dokumentologije, doktor arhivskih znanosti, torej s strokovnjaki arhivistike z več desetletno prakso v profesionalnih arhivih, ki so doma in v tujini objavili številne znanstvenoraziskovalne prispevke, ter so sodelavci v nacionalnih in mednarodnih znanstvenoraziskovalnih in študijskih projektih. Dejstvo je, da imajo družbene spremembe, ki smo jim priča danes, velik vpliv na ar­hivistiko. V zvezi s tem v arhivski teoriji in praksi obstajata nekako dva pola. Eden je klasična arhivistika, ki ji nasproti stoji arhivistika v informacijski družbi. Zavedam se, da sta oba pola pomembna za razvoj arhivske teorije in prakse. Narobe bi torej bilo, če bi zaradi hitenja v prihodnosti zanemarili skrb za klasično arhivistiko. Arhivistika se že ukvarja z danes še posebno aktualnimi procesi digitalizacije, ki dejansko vsto­pajo v vse plati življenja, pa naj gre za kulturo, gospodarstvo, znanost itd. V arhivistiki vemo, kaj je ta digitalizacija, saj jo že vrsto let uvajamo v arhivsko teo­rijo in prakso, v izgradnjo informacijskih centrov, v izdelavo podatkovnih baz. Z njo spreminjamo odnose do ustvarjalcev arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva. Preprečiti pa moramo sprejemanje takih zakonov, ki niso ali ne morejo biti odzivni v arhivski teoriji in praksi in za katere dvomimo, da prinašajo klasični arhivistiki kaj dobrega. Tu mislim predvsem na znano uredbo GDPR, ki je sicer delno prilagojena arhivski teoriji in praksi, bilo bi pa boljše, da bi bilo v njej jasno opredeljeno, da ne velja za profesionalne arhive in v njih ohranjeno javno arhivsko gradivo. Prav tako bodo morda družbene spremembe, ki jih doživljamo, rešile probleme gle­de redefinicije proaktivne vloge arhivov in vloge arhivistov v sodobnem času. Arhivisti vztrajajmo, da se morajo v teh nemirnih časih vse družbe zavedati in vzdr­ževati ter upoštevati kompleksnost arhivskih strokovnih rešitev in najti mesto tudi v projektih, kot so Blockchain, umetna inteligenca, G5 in podobno. Pozivam in prosim vse, ki se s temi težavami ukvarjate, da ne pozabite na temelje in nespremenljive zakone ter standarde, ki urejajo delovanje arhivske teorije in prakse in pri tem upo­števate, da je arhivistika samostojna, akademska, multidisciplinarna in interdisci­plinarna znanost. Peter Pavel Klasinc LE SCIENZE ARCHIVISTICHE E LE RISPOSTE ALLE TRASFORMAZIONI SOCIALI NELLA TEORIA E PRATICA ARCHIVISTICA – LA SITUAZIONE OGGI La XXIX edizione della Giornata archivistica internazionale vede l’organizzazione dell’Istituto Internazionale di Scienze Archivistiche di Trieste e Maribor in collabo­razione con Alma Mater Europaea - Centro Europeo di Maribor, la futura Facolta di Scienze Archivistiche, l’Archivio di Stato, l’INCE di Trieste e l’Agenzia della Repubblica di Slovenia per le attivita di ricerca avente sede a Lubiana. Sono stati inoltre invitati ad unirsi alla realizzazione della conferenza, nonché all’evento stesso, anche alcuni sponsor e donatori. A tutti va il mio piu sincero ringraziamento! In apertura di questa mia riflessione vorrei toccare alcuni punti di grande attualita ine­renti alle ricerche nel campo dell’archivistica. Negli ultimi anni ci stiamo occupando con particolare zelo dell’archivistica come scienza autonoma, accademica, multi- e interdisci­plinare, di cui posso affermare che va ormai anche ridefinita in senso piu ampio. A tal ri­guardo devo sottolineare in particolar modo che possiamo mettere a buon uso alcuni dei punti di vista sinora pubblicati sulle definizioni attribuite alle scienze archivistiche. Sono definizioni che stanno cambiando perché la realta stessa e in continuo divenire, specie quelle attivita per noi importanti che riguardano la teoria e la pratica archivistica ad ogni livello, con riferimento alla cura del materiale archivistico dalla sua creazione alla conser­vazione presso i soggetti produttori, nonché alle procedure di riordino di tale materiale prima del suo successivo conferimento ad archivi competenti e, non da ultimo, all’obbligo di conservarlo presso archivi professionali. Essendomi imbattuto in alcuni interrogativi nel corso delle mie interpretazioni della definizione di archivistica, vado a darvi risposta illustrando la struttura del lavoro di ricerca scientifica che funge da presupposto affinché una disciplina emergente possa essere inserita nel novero delle scienze. E ormai assodato che nel mondo dell’archivistica ben conosciamo gli oggetti delle nostre indagini, come anche i motivi che spingono a fare ricerca e le relative metodologie. Sono tutti aspetti su cui Duranti si e soffermata gia nel 2000, ormai quasi vent’anni fa. Da parte mia aggiungerei una proposta di serio approccio scientifico di ricerca per quanto riguarda la conoscenza del passato storico delle scienze archivistiche, ponen­do in tal senso una particolare attenzione ai molti documenti che si rifanno a studi sul modo di intendere la teoria e la pratica archivistica, rinvenibili gia dal 1571 circa come nel caso di un manuale per il lavoro d’ufficio (da interpretare in senso lato). Di questo ha scritto Weidling nel 2013. A tal proposito e anche importante citare gli articoli di Lodolini sull’archivistica in epo­ca anteriore all’invenzione della scrittura, perché se parliamo dei supporti fisici usati in passato per la registrazione della memoria possiamo rintracciarne anche di molto remoti andando a ripercorrere le attivita dell’uomo, che nelle grotte ipogee sfrutta­va le pareti rupestri a mo’ di supporto su cui segnare determinate informazioni. Per noi, naturalmente, quest’ultima puntualizzazione ha valore solo se accettiamo che il materiale archivistico possa contenere dati registrati su qualunque tipo di supporto, riallacciandoci in tal senso al dato di fatto che, nel corso dei secoli, sono stati utilizzati i materiali piu svariati come supporto per l’annotazione di informazioni varie (tavo­lette d’argilla, papiri, pietre, pergamene, ossa, legna, tele ecc.). Allontanandoci ora dai supporti di scrittura per passare ad esaminare le varie defini­zioni attribuite alle scienze archivistiche (anni fa ho pubblicato un articolo specifico su questo argomento), viste le ricerche condotte in questo campo dobbiamo usare un alto grado di tolleranza scientifica nel prenderle in considerazione. Sui vari social media i giovani si imbattono, e di questo sono lieto, nelle piu disparate definizioni di scienza archivistica; si tratta di definizioni che in buona sostanza non mi trovano d’accordo, ma in cui comunque ricorrono sempre parole come: “l’archivistica e una di­sciplina scientifica”, “l’archivistica e un sapere scientifico”, “archivistica e ricerca”, “ar­chivistica come materia di studio universitario”, “archivistica e titoli annessi” e altre ancora. Di fatto, negli ultimi tempi l’archivistica risulta ormai pressoché sempre citata come disciplina scientifica. E ora di dire addio all’erroneo assunto secondo cui l’archivistica sarebbe una scien­za ausiliaria della storia. Considerando le ricerche condotte nel campo delle scienze archivistiche posso affermare, anzi, che si tratta del processo opposto: e la storia a riflettersi nelle ricerche che indagano i legami intrinseci all’archivistica, e che com­prendono descrizioni e studi su ogni dimensione di questa disciplina fino ad includere gli aspetti connessi al lavoro archivistico. Simili legami intrinseci alle scienze archivi­stiche si riflettono, inoltre, anche nella valorizzazione e selezione del materiale ar­chivistico a partire da fonti documentali, che a mio parere costituisce uno dei compiti piu gravosi e di maggiore responsabilita assegnati agli archivisti di professione. Un processo simile non puo essere regolato da parametri internazionali (fatta eccezione per le disposizioni di massima), ma deve inserirsi in un contesto di interdipendenza tra i soggetti produttori del materiale archivistico e l’ambiente in cui essi operano. Nell’ambito del lavoro di ricerca, all’interno degli archivi professionali ci troviamo di fronte a tutta una serie di nessi intrinseci alla scienza archivistica, che si riflettono nel­le forme e modalita di riordino e catalogazione, nella pubblicazione di inventari, gui­de e altri documenti di ausilio inerenti al materiale in essi conservato. A cio possiamo inoltre aggiungere tutte le ricerche sui legami che sottendono la corretta conserva­zione a lungo termine del materiale archivistico, l’accesso illimitato e quanto piu age­vole possibile allo stesso, la predisposizione e realizzazione di documenti di supporto e l’accesso agli stessi coadiuvato dalle moderne tecnologie dell’informazione. Importanti sono anche le ricerche sulle interconnessioni dell’archivistica che riman­dano ai seguenti ambiti: teoria e pratica archivistica; questioni relative alla forma­zione dei fondi; processi di definizione del materiale archivistico; unita organiche di documenti; modalita di conservazione degli scritti (documenti in cartelle personali, in cartelle studenti ecc.); funzionamento degli archivi; analisi comparata di leggi e regolamenti di applicazione, di regolamenti europei e numerosi (talvolta superflui) standard nazionali e internazionali. A mio parere, uno dei cambiamenti di maggiore risonanza (uno tra i tanti) e l’intro­duzione di programmi di studio a livello universitario interamente incentrati sulle scienze archivistiche (quanto meno la maggior parte di essi), come risulta dai piani di studio dei corsi al momento attivi presso Alma Mater Europaea, con riferimento a tutti e tre i cicli di istruzione universitaria dell’ordinamento post-riforma. A tal riguardo mi sembra di particolare rilevanza il fatto che l’archivistica, intesa come disciplina di ca­rattere internazionale, usufruisca a scopo di formazione dei futuri archivisti di docenti in possesso di regolare abilitazione per le singole materie del piano di studi. E quanto mai necessario, infatti, che le lezioni siano tenute da docenti universitari – a prescin­dere dal fatto che si tratti di professori ordinari, associati, ricercatori a tempo inde­terminato oppure assistenti. Sono lieto di poter collaborare alla formazione di futuri laureati di primo e secondo livello in Scienze archivistiche e gestione documentale, come anche di dottorandi nella medesima disciplina, e di farlo peraltro insieme ad esperti con decenni di esperienza lavorativa negli archivi professionali, che vantano un nutrito numero di pubblicazioni a carattere scientifico tanto nel rispettivo Paese di residenza quanto all’estero e sono coinvolti in progetti di ricerca scientifica, anche in ambito accademico, di portata nazionale e internazionale. I cambiamenti sociali cui assistiamo al giorno d’oggi hanno forti ripercussioni sulle scienze archivistiche. Nel mondo della teoria e pratica archivistica esistono a tal ri­guardo due poli contrapposti, il primo dei quali e dato dall’archivistica intesa in senso classico, il secondo invece dall’archivistica nell’ambito della societa dell’informazio­ne. Sono consapevole di quanto siano entrambi importanti per lo sviluppo della teoria e pratica archivistica, per cui sarebbe un errore se nella foga di correre verso il futuro andassimo a trascurare l’archivistica classica. Le scienze archivistiche si stanno gia oc­cupando dei processi di digitalizzazione, oggi un tema particolarmente attuale che permea, di fatto, ogni dimensione della vita quotidiana – si tratti di cultura, economia, scienza o altro ancora. Noi archivisti sappiamo bene cosa sia, questa digitalizzazione, avendo a che fare gia da anni con la sua progressiva introduzione nella teoria e pratica archivistica, nonché nella realizzazione di centri di informazione e documentazione e di banche dati. La digitalizzazione ci fa modificare i rapporti con i produttori di materiale ar­chivistico e documentale. Dobbiamo pero impedire che vengano adottati testi di legge tali da non fornire o non poter fornire risposte alla teoria e pratica archivistica, e riguardo ai quali dubitiamo che siano in grado di dare un apporto positivo all’archivistica classica. In tal senso il pensiero va soprattutto al ben noto GDPR, il Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati, che per quanto in parte calibrato su quella che e la teoria e pratica archivi­stica, sarebbe meglio che indicasse chiaramente la non applicabilita nel caso degli archivi professionali e del materiale archivistico pubblico in essi conservato. Puo essere che le varie trasformazioni sociali che stiamo vivendo in prima persona prospettino delle soluzioni riguardo al problema della ridefinizione di un ruolo fatti­vo degli archivi e degli archivisti nell’era contemporanea. Noi archivisti insistiamo sul fatto che in questi tempi irrequieti ogni formazione socia­le debba essere consapevole della complessita delle soluzioni tecniche in campo ar­chivistico, nonché adoperarsi per il loro mantenimento e tenerne conto, com’e anche necessario inserirsi in progetti come Blockchain, l’intelligenza artificiale, il G5 e altri analoghi. Invito tutti coloro che si occupano di simili problematiche a non dimenticare i fondamenti né le immutabili leggi e gli standard che governano il funzionamento della teoria e pratica archivistica – e, nel farlo, tenete a mente che si tratta di una scienza autonoma, accademica, multi- e interdisciplinare. Peter Pavel Klasinc22 Peter Pavel Klasinc, archival councilior, Director of International Institute for Archival Sci­ence of the University in Maribor and the expositure in Trieste; Dean of four study programes of Archival Science at AMEU ECM. ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND THE ANSWERS TO SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN ARCHIVAL THEORY AND PRACTICE – THE CURRENT SITUATION The 29th International Archives Day sees an organisation effort by the International Institute for Archival Science of Trieste and Maribor in collaboration with Alma Mater Europaea - European Centre Maribor, the future Faculty of Archival Science, the State Archive, the CEI of Trieste and the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for research activ­ities, which is headquartered in Ljubljana. In addition, a few sponsors and donors were invited to join the implementation of the conference, as well as to attend the event. I would like to sincerely thank them all! To open this reflection of mine, I would like to touch upon a few topical issues which involve the research in the field of archival science. In the past few years, we have been particularly concerned with archival science as an independent scientific field – an ac­ademic, multi- and inter-disciplinary one – which, I can say, it is time to redefine in a wider sense. In this regard, I have to highlight that it is time to start applying a few of the points of view that have surfaced on the definitions given to archival science. These definitions are changing because reality itself is constantly changing, especially those activities that are important to us with regard to archival theory and practice at every level. This refers to the attention paid to the archival material, from its creation to its storage within the entities which produce it, as well as the procedures that concern the reorganisation of such material before its subsequent delivery to competent archives and, last but not least, the obligation to store it within professional archives. Since I stumbled across a few questions along the path of my interpretation of the definition of archival science, I would like to provide a few answers by illustrating the structure of the scientific research work that is a precondition to include an emerging discipline among proper sciences. It is a well-established fact that in the archival science world we have a good understanding of the subjects of our research, as well as the reasons that lead us to carry out research, and the related methodologies. These are all aspects which Duranti already explored in the year 2000, now almost 20 years ago. On my part, I would like to contribute a proposal for a serious scientific research ap­proach in what concerns the knowledge of the historical past of archival science, paying special attention to the several documents that go back to studies on the way archival theory and practice was conceived, which can be dated back to about 1571, as is the case with a manual for office work (to be interpreted in the broader sense). Weidling wrote about this in 2013. In this respect, a special mention has to be made of Lodolini’s papers on archival science in the age prior to the invention of writing. If we are to talk about the physical supports used in the past to record memories, we can even trace very ancient ones, which allows us to go back over the past activities of humans, who used the walls of the caves as a support to record certain information. Obviously, to us the previous statement has a certain value only if we accept the fact that archival material can contain information recorded on any type of support. This leads us back to the fact that – over the centuries – the most varied materials were used as a support to record all types of information (clay tablets, papyri, rocks, scrolls, bones, wood, fabrics, etc.). Moving away from writing supports to examine the various definitions given to ar­chival science (years ago I published a specific paper on this topic), based on the research carried out in this field, we have to use a high degree of scientific tolerance in taking them into account. On the various social networks, young people can find – and I am glad they do – several different definitions of archival science. On the whole, I have to say I disagree with such definitions, however they contain recurring phrases such as: “archival science is a scientific discipline,” “archival science is scien­tific knowledge,” “archival science and research,” “archival science as a university subject,” “archival science and the related titles” and more. In fact, over the past few years, archival science has always been mentioned as a scientific discipline. It is therefore time to say goodbye to the erroneous assumption according to which archival science would be a scientific subject ancillary to history. Considering the research carried out in the field of archival science, I can actually say that it is quite the opposite: it is history that reflects itself in the research that investigates the con­nections intrinsic to archival science. This includes descriptions and studies on every dimension of this discipline, also comprising the aspects connected to archival work. In addition, similar connections intrinsic to archival science reflect in the enhance­ment and selection of archival material based on documental sources, which I think is one of the most difficult and important tasks given to professional archivists. A process like this cannot be governed by international parameters (save for broad guidelines), but it should fall into a context of interdependence between the sub­jects producing the archival material and the environment in which they operate. In the context of research work, within professional archives there is a wide range of connections that are intrinsic to archival science, which reflect themselves in the forms and methods for reorganisation and cataloguing, in the publication of inven­tories, guides and other auxiliary documents associated with the material that is stored in them. In addition, we could add all the research carried out on the connec­tions related to the correct long-term storage practices for archival material, how to make access to it unlimited and as practical as possible, the preparation and imple­mentation of support documentation and the access to it through modern informa­tion technology. Other important research concerns the interconnections of archival science, which refer to the following fields: archival theory and practice; issues related to the for­mation of funds; processes for the definition of archival material; organic document units; storage methods for writing materials (documents in personal folders, in student folders, etc.); functioning of archives; compared analysis of laws and en­forcement regulations, of EU regulations and several (and sometimes superfluous) national and international standards. In my opinion, one of the many changes that attracted more attention is the intro­duction of university-level programmes entirely devoted to archival science (or at least, most of them), as can be seen from the curricula that are presently available at Alma Mater Europaea, with reference to all three university education cycles includ­ed in the post-reform system. In this respect, for the education of future archivists, particularly relevant appears to be the fact that the teaching of archival science – in­tended as an international discipline – should be based on lecturers formally quali­fied in the single subjects included in the curriculum. It is all the more necessary that classes be held by university lecturers – whether they are full, associate, assistant professors or full-time researchers. I am delighted to be able to contribute my effort to the education of future first- and second-level graduates in archival science and documental management, as well as PhD students in the same discipline, and do so together with experts having decades of working experience at professional ar­chives, who can boast a large number of scientific publications in their countries as well as abroad, and are involved in scientific research projects, also at the academic level, with a national and international scope. The social changes we are witnessing today have strong repercussions on archival science. In this regard, in the world of archival theory and practice there are two op­posite poles, one being archival science intended in a traditional way, and the other being archival science within information society. I am aware that they are both im­portant for the development of archival theory and practice, therefore it would be a mistake to overlook traditional archival science in the heat of running towards the future. Archival science is already dealing with digitisation processes, today a par­ticularly topical issue which basically permeates every dimension of our day-to-day life – be it culture, economy, science or other aspects. We archivists know well what this digitisation is, as for years we have been dealing with its progressive introduction into archival theory and practice, as well as the implementation of information and documentation centres and data banks. Digiti­sation leads us to change our relationships with the producers of archival and docu­mental material. However, we have to prevent the adoption of pieces of legislation that are not able to provide answers to the archival theory and practice, and that make us doubt they are able to provide a positive contribution to archival science itself. In this sense, I am thinking about the now well-known GDPR, the General Data Protection Reg­ulation, which – despite being partially designed for archival theory and practice – should have been made clearly non-applicable to professional archives and the public archival material stored within them. Possibly, the various social changes we are personally witnessing will offer a few solutions to the issue of the redefinition of an active role for archives and archivists in the contemporary age. We archivists insist on the fact that, in these troubled times, every social formation should be aware of the complexity of technical solutions in the archival field, as well as work to maintain them and take them into account. It is also necessary to cooperate on projects such as Blockchain, artificial intelligence, the 5G and the likes. Therefore, I would like to invite all those who deal with similar issues not to forget the fundamentals or the immutable laws and standards that govern the functioning of archival theory and practice – and, in doing so, please keep in mind that this is an independent, academic, multi- and inter-disciplinary scientific field. Elena Romanova11 Elena Romanova, PhD, Deputy Director, The All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Records and Archives Management (VNIIDAD), 2 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow 117393 Russia,, tel. 007 495 334 48 80. ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Abstract In the conditions of digital transformation archival science as an autonomous scientific discipline faces serious challenges which force to revise traditional archival theories, to look for and to try new methods in interconnection with other scientific disciplines as well. Besides, the proving of the system of organization of archival research takes place, which, in Russia, is presented in the centralized model. This system has both benefits and disadvantages, which are described in the article. The necessity to resolve new sci­entific and practical problems appeared in the period when scientific institutions have certain financial problems and the lack of specialists. New qualified specialists of new formation, and a solid technical and technological base to work with digital data are strongly required. Obviously, the search for new partners is indispensable, as well as the development of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional cooperation, including this on the international level. Building the new bridges will help archival science save its authenticity and receive new impetuses for further development. Key words: archival science, archives, digital transformation, electronic records, organ­ization of research, multidisciplinary approach, VNIIDAD ARCHIVISTICA: PONTI FRA TRADIZIONE ED INNOVAZIONE Abstract Nelle condizioni della trasformazione digitale l’archivistica come disciplina scientifica autonoma affronta gravi sfide che costringono a rivedere le teorie archivistiche tradi­zionali, e pure a cercare ed a provare nuovi metodi di interconnessione con altre discipli­ne. Inoltre, ha luogo la verifica del sistema di organizzazione della ricerca archivistica, che in Russia consiste nel modello centralizzato. Questo sistema presenta sia vantaggi che svantaggi, descritti nell’articolo. La necessita di risolvere nuovi problemi scientifici e pratici e comparsa in un periodo in cui le istituzioni scientifiche hanno alcuni problemi finanziari e soffrono per la mancanza di specialisti. Sono fortemente necessari nuovi specialisti qualificati di nuova formazione ed una solida base tecnica e tecnologica per lavorare con i dati digitali. Ovviamente, e indispensabile la ricerca di nuovi partner, cosi come lo sviluppo della cooperazione interdisciplinare e inter istituzionale, anche a li­vello internazionale. Costruire i nuovi ponti aiutera la scienza archivistica a salvare la sua autenticita ed a ricevere nuovi impulsi per un ulteriore sviluppo. Parole chiave: archivistica, archive, trasformazione digitale, documenti elettronici, or­ganizzazione della ricerca, approccio multidisciplinare, VNIIDAD ARHIVSKA ZNANOST: MOSTOVI MED TRADICIJO IN INOVACIJO Izvleček V času digitalne preobrazbe se arhivska znanost kot samostojna znanstvena disciplina sooča z resnimi izzivi, zaradi katerih je treba revidirati tradicionalne arhivske teorije, iskati in preizkušati nove metode tudi v povezavi z drugimi znanstvenimi vedami. Po­leg tega poteka tudi dokazovanje sistema organizacije arhivskih raziskav, ki je v Rusiji predstavljen v centraliziranem modelu. Ta sistem ima tako prednosti kot slabosti, ki so opisane v članku. Nujnost reševanja novih znanstvenih in praktičnih problemov se je pojavila v obdobju, ko imajo znanstvene ustanove določene finančne težave in pomanj­kanje strokovnjakov. Nujno so potrebni novi usposobljeni strokovnjaki novega formata ter trdna tehnična in tehnološka osnova za delo z digitalnimi podatki. Očitno je iskanje novih partnerjev nujno, pa tudi razvoj interdisciplinarnega in medinstitucionalnega so­delovanja tudi na mednarodni ravni. Z izgradnjo novih mostov bo arhivska znanost oh­ranila pristnost in dobila nove spodbude za nadaljnji razvoj. Ključne besede: arhivska znanost, arhivi, digitalna transformacija, elektronsko gradivo, organizacija raziskav, multidisciplinarni pristop, VNIIDAD .............: ..... .. ........ . ......... . ........ ........ ............. ............. ... ......... ....... .......... ........... . .......... ........, ....... .......... .............. .....­....... ........ ....... ......, ...... . .......... ..... ......, . ... ..... .. .............. . ....... ........ ............. ..... ...., ......... ........ ........ ....... ........... ....... ............, ....... . ...... ..... .... .......... .............. ...... ... ....... ..... ... ............, ... . ..­......... ............. ...... ..... ....... . ............ ...... ...... .. ..­...., ..... ......-................. ......... .......... ......... .......... ......... . ....... ....... ... .... ...... ...... ......... ................. ........... ..... ........, ......... ........... . ............... .... ... ..­.... . ........ ............ ........, ... ........ ....... .. ...... ........ ........ ..... ..... ........., ........ .................. . .............­........ .............., . ... ..... .. ............. ....... ............ ..... ...... ....... ............. ......... .... ............. . ........ ..... ..­...... . ........... ......... ........ .....: ....., ............., ......., .................... ......, ....­....... ....... ............, ........ ............., ........... ........ 1. ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AS AN AUTONOMOUS SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE Archival science as “the science developing the procedures for preserving, managing, im­proving and describing by standards the archival heritage” [electronic source, 10] has a long history of its formation and self-identification [.........., 2003, 2012]. In the article we will follow the abovementioned definition of the term “archival science”, given in the IIAS Multilingual dictionary of archival terminology, in order to harmonize the perception of the statements and ideas proposed in the article. It has to be mentioned, though, that there are different definitions of the term in different languages, in different dictionaries and scientif­ic publications. In Russia the term usually includes the study of the history of archives, being thereby understood wider than just an applied science [.........., 2003]. The theoretical base of the modern archival science was generally formed more than a century ago. The basic archival principles, such as the principle of provenance and its two major concepts: “respect des fonds” and “original order” were accepted as the core, and were later supported and compiled by different theoretical reflections and conclu­sions and practical guidelines. Special educational programs appeared, training cours­es and institutes providing higher educational programs for archivists were created (in Russia, for example, Archaelogical Institute in 1877 [..........., 2010] and, later, the Moscow Institute for history and archives in 1930 [.........., 1997]). In the process of its formation archival science integrated different approaches inherit­ed from many other scientific areas. Having emerged from diplomatics, archival science accumulated methods and approaches of many other scientific disciplines. Duranti and Michetti [2015] note that the ‘autonomous’ internal core of archival knowledge coming to us from ancient times is very small. It had influences from law, history, philology, so­cial science, library and information sciences. Nowadays the archival science summarizes methods and techniques of a number of special and auxiliary historical disciplines: source studies, paleography, diplomacy, his­torical chronology, historical metrology, sphragistics, heraldry, genealogy, epigraphy, numismatics, historical geography and others, as well as of the documentation science - the study of the recording and retrieval of information, taking historical perspective, organization of records management. Achievements of sociology, psychology, and mar­keting research are in demand while organizing the use of archival documents and for strengthening the positions of archival institutions in the society. Archival science re­quires also knowledge provided by chemistry and biology for ensuring optimal condi­tions of storage of documents, their conservation, restoration, migration to other media. Engineering and architectural knowledge is necessary for designing and construction of archival buildings. Legal aspects of access to archival documents and their use include complex of restrictions concerning intellectual property, state secret, sensitive data and other aspects, as well as the necessity to balance between different freedoms, individ­ual rights, and public and private interests. Therefore, a good knowledge of civil law is required from archivists, and not only of the archival legislation. Knowledge in econom­ics and management is indispensable for archives management, including equipment, staff, and budget planning, etc. Digital transformation of the society requires the use of the achievements of computational science [Marciano, R. et al., 2018]. Nevertheless, archival science pretends and is recognized to be an autonomous scientif­ic discipline, not contrary to, but even due to the multidisciplinarity of its methods and knowledge required. Being used for the common purpose, united by basic principles of archives’ formation, classification, preservation, and use, these numerous approaches, methods, techniques, theorems and concepts, combined all together, form a separate field of research – archival science. 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE ARCHIVAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN RUSSIA The organization of archival research influences rather a lot the development of archi­val science within the certain country. It depends a lot on historical reasons, traditions and on the administrative model accepted in the state. In Russia, due to the centralized state governing model in the twentieth century, the similar approach was applied to the archives administration, archives management [........., .........., 2007] and archival science organization models. The center for research in the field of archival science was created in 1966 in Moscow in the system of the Main Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (now – the Federal Archival Agency of the Russian Federation) - the All-Soviet Sci­entific and Research Institute for Records and Archives Management (VNIIDAD) [....., 2006]. After the dissolution of the USSR the Institute continues its activity on the territo­ry of Russia, while the similar institutes were created also in Ukraine and Belarus. This centralized model of archival research, which resulted both in fundamental theo­retical works and in different rules, regulations, standards, instructions, guidelines, and recommendations, was combined with university science centers in Moscow, Ekaterin­burg, Tomsk, Kazan’ and other cities, and with research activity performed in archives. VNIIDAD was playing the leading role in the development of archival science in Russia. The centralistic way of organization of archival research under the supervision of the governing body in the field of the archives management has been maintained until now. 3. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE CENTRALIZED MODEL OF ARCHIVAL RESEARCH There can be found both benefits and disadvantages in this model. 3.1. Among the benefits are the following: 1) The special profession was created – archival science researcher. There were about 250 employees at the Institute, and their only task was to conduct scientific research in the field of archives and records management. Nowadays there are about 80 em­ployees in VNIIDAD. The full-time employment in the sphere of archival science con­tributes to a comprehensive and indepth study of the subject field of research. 2) The second advantage is the rapid dissemination and implementation of research into practice. After a certain procedure of quality control and, in some cases, prac­tical approbation (please see below) the research reports and other results of the scientific work (in the form of recommendations, instructions, guidelines, etc.) are being placed at the official site of the Federal Archival Agency as recommended for practical use in archival institutions. 3) Control over the quality of the results of scientific activity. Before being recom­mended for practical use, all the research reports and their statements, conclu­sions and recommendations should be approved by a special commission under the Federal Archival Agency. There are two commissions: the Scientific Methodi­cal Commission and the Expert-Verification Commission, the last one specialized mostly on the questions of appraisal, accessioning, acquisition policy, and the de­termination of the retention period of records. It should be added that in the regions of the Russian Federation there are function­ing scientific and methodical councils (8 councils in different areas of Russia) which perform the role of expert organizations for approving the results of application studies of regional archivists or making comments and critical remarks on them. These councils are also giving their opinions to the works of VNIIDAD at the request of the Federal Archival Agency. All received comments are analyzed and taken into account when finalizing the research. The results of scientific work of the Institute may also have practical approbation in some archives which express such a wish, depending on the theme of the re­search. For example, when the new classification scheme was elaborated, there was organized its experimental implementation in the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the State Archive of the Murmansk region, which used it for clas­sification of information at the process of creation of electronic catalogues. After receiving favorable reviews, the classification scheme was recommended by the Federal Archival Agency for use in the archives all over Russia. 4) Interconnection with educational and training process. Since 1999 VNIIDAD has been proposing professional training and retraining of archivists organized in the form of educational courses, seminars and workshops, both resident and non-res­ident [Romanova, 2017]. The training programs are based mainly on the results of the archival research made by VNIIDAD, other Russian and foreign institutions and researchers. The participants have an opportunity to learn archival knowledge from the authors of widely used standards, guidelines and recommendations, to ask their questions and to receive comprehensive, scientifically based answers, to get acquainted with the latest trends and achievements in archival science. 5) The existence of the scientific and analytical center, which has possibilities to col­lect statistical and other data because of its direct subordination to the Federal Ar­chival Agency, can help to summarize the achievements of archives of all the levels (federal, regional, municipal, and, in some measure, archives of organizations) and of different numerous constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This sta­tistical and analytical information is a precious resource for scientific research. In comparison, the archives are mostly guided by their current needs in their work. With the help of the activity of VNIIDAD they have got an opportunity to see their place and role in common processes, to evaluate their progress in comparison with the others, and to use the achievements of their colleagues instead of reinventing the wheel. It must be noted, though, that federal and regional archives have rather strong spe­cialists, which are not just making their routine job, but proposing very interesting solutions to the topical problems. The work on making descriptions, reviews and publications of archival documents, compiling guidebooks and collections of docu­ments, preparing instructions for archivists, etc. is also a kind of scientific work, the results of which are estimated by the Expert and Methodical Commissions working under the archival administrative bodies in the subjects of the Russian Federation and in federal archives. Scientific activity of archival institutions is encouraged and supported by various competitions of scientific works organized on the federal and regional levels. 6) The research center is at the same time the center for scientific and technical in­formation, gathering materials related to archival science, archival practice and records management from different sources. The archives of Russia are sending their books, brochures, booklets and other materials to VNIIDAD. So the specialized library is being formed, in traditional as well as in electronic form. It contains also periodicals, books and scientific publications of Russian and foreign authors. 7) Archives participate in planning archival research and influence the choice of themes to be included into the annual plan of the Institute. This plan is annually prepared by the Federal Archival Agency which takes into account the needs and the proposals of archival institutions and of VNIIDAD. 8) International and intranational cooperation and coordination in the field of ar­chival science is organized in large measure through this centralized model, but then again alongside with the activity of other educational organizations and archival institutions. 3.2. As every centralistic model, it is accompanied by certain side effects. Among the disadvantages of this centralistic approach are the following: 1) While operating with statistical data and summarized indexes, the researchers risk to get isolated from the real practical needs of archives. The common recommen­dations are not always appropriate for this or that concrete archive. Sometimes, the archivists consider that the scientific works are too “theorizing” and ask re­searchers to be closer to the practical needs of archives. 2) The lack of personnel negatively influences the development of archival science. The specifics of the profession, which requires a certain way of thinking, certain knowledge and facilities for writing scientific texts, precondition the difficul­ties with selection of cadres and attraction of new researchers into the Institute. The full-time employment in archival science together with low level of salaries doesn’t contribute to a better situation with skilled specialists. The challenges of digital era, transformation of archival processes and the objects of archival stor­age require the new type of specialists, skilled both in computational sciences and archival science, able to use freely new information technologies. These special­ists are mostly engaged in other spheres and do not feel interested in archival re­search. At the same time experienced researchers are not always able to overcome traditional thinking, while the new approaches are needed and new procedures in archival work are to be elaborated. 3) The lack of financial, technical and technological resources has much more nega­tive effect on the development of archival science research than it had decennaries ago. Nowadays huge governmental and nongovernmental data centers and inno­vation technologies centers have much more opportunities to work with digital data, including big data, to use digital platforms for trying different approaches, to get experimental material to analyze. Archival institutions and archival science institutions in Russia don’t have these opportunities until now. 4. INTERDISCIPLINARY, INTERINSTITUTIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AS A STRATEGIC WAY TO FOLLOW In spite of all the difficulties the Russian model of organization of archival research has enough potential for its further development. Having recognized all the problems that we have, the archival science institutions need to make certain conclusions and to take certain measures to overcome difficulties and to look for the new methods and tech­niques in their activity. Interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and international coopera­tion should be recognized as the strategic way of the development of archival science. 4.1. The traditional interdisciplinarity of archival research should take new orientation points. Together with traditional cooperation with the representatives of adja­cent disciplines and using their methods and achievements (see part 1) the accents should be taken to the methods and approaches, knowledge and experience of the computational sciences. It is obvious that for digital records it is not efficient and in some cases is absolutely inappropriate to use archival theories and meth­ods developed for paper records. So the close study of the processes of production and consumption of electronic records and digital data is indispensable together with the examination of the theories and methods of computer science. At the same time computer science face certain problems which can be solved in mutual cooperation with archival science specialists. Archival thinking and computation­al thinking, terminology used by both sciences and the methods applied need to draw closer together. 4.2. Interinstitutional cooperation is also an indispensable factor for the successful de­velopment of archival science. Among the primary partners of archival science institutions there should be archives of different types, IT companies, computational and other scientific centers, educa­tional institutions, data centers and organizations in the system of the Ministry of digital development, communications and mass media, as well as various organiza­tions creating different types of records both in digital and in traditional form. Strengthening of relationships with archives which are the first customers and consumers of the research results is very important. The representatives of our In­stitute participate in the meetings of archival councils and commissions (see part 3.1), archivists are invited for participating in research projects and for reviewing research reports. Different forms of cooperation with education institutions help to attract young specialists to the archival science sphere. The choice of appropriate candidates can be realized through the organization of professional competitions for young re­searchers. The multidisciplinarity of archival research requires specialists working in different areas. The lack of these or those specialists in the scientific institute can be compensated by realization of common projects with organizations of various profiles. In VNIIDAD we are trying to attract the interested organizations to participate in the discussions on the topical archival problems and we endeavor to enter differ­ent programs and projects connected with our sphere of scientific activity. The realization of research projects is organized on the base of tight cooperation with all the interested parties and those who can contribute into the project. One of the examples is the process of preparation of the new Rules for storage, acces­sioning, accounting and use of scientific and technical documentation in organi­zations. A wide discussion of topical questions in this connection was organized in VNIIDAD (see electronic source, 11). While preparing the draft project the special­ists of the Institute visited organizations of different types which create scientific and technical documentation in various forms, with different software. The pur­pose was to study the practical decisions applied in organizations and to learn their current needs and topical problems. One of the biggest challenges nowadays is the creation of the branch of the State Archives of the Russian Federation, specialized on the storage of electronic records and digital data, which is expected (see electronic source, 12) to be built in 2022. Specialists in archival science, IT specialists, representatives of archives and man­aging authorities are working together in making the concept of the archival da­ta-center and developing schemes and making descriptions of archival processes and procedures required. While such a repository is under construction, special agreements with different organizations, including data centers, could permit to use their technical and tech­nological base for the purpose of scientific research. Cooperation with other institutions will also help to gain prestige of archival sci­ence and to strengthen positions of archival institutions in the State and in the so­ciety. 4.3. The archival science cannot develop only within the boundaries of one single country, being isolated from the world research community and its achievements. Different professional associations and organizations, first of all the International council on archives, and (in Europe) the International institute for archival science of Trieste and Maribor, international projects, conferences and meetings are mak­ing a lot for promoting research, developing archival theory and practice, and dis­seminating archival knowledge. Active participation of archival science institutions in the processes of international cooperation, using the achievements of the colleagues together with making their own contributions will strengthen the theoretical base of archival science and will facilitate and improve the quality of decision-making in archival area. 5. CONCLUSION The pervasive force of the digital era influences a lot the processes of archival work. Digital data and electronic records as the new objects of archival storage generate new tasks and new problems to resolve. The sphere of the archival research renewed and enlarged a lot. Digital transformation processes are challenging and at the same time giving a new impetus to the development of archival science. These challenges are in­spiring researchers for new ideas, new discoveries and even breakthroughs. It’s obvious that stagnation is not about archival science, all the preconditions for its fructuous de­velopment are existing, but the appropriate conditions should be created, and most­ly by the efforts of the archival science institutions themselves. The new challenges of digital society are to be met by archival science with the new methods, approaches and way of thinking. The perfecting of organizational forms of archival science research is also indispensable. The most important is not to stay apart of the processes of digital transformation but to get included in them. In the conditions of above mentioned problems with personnel, technical, techno­logical and financial support the coordination and cooperation strategy is seen as the most appropriate and farsighted. Archival science needs to build new bridges and these bridges will lead it to new horizons. Duranti, L., Michetti, G. (2015). The Archival Method: Rediscovering a Research Tradition. A. Gilliland, A. Lau, and A. Mc Kemmish (eds.) Research in the Archival Multiverse. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing. .......... .... (1997). ..... . .....: ...... . ........ ........-......... ......... ..... ..: ..... .......... .... (2003). .......... ..... .. .......: ........ ....... ..... ..: ..... .......... .... (2012). ....... ............... ...... ..: ..... IIAS Multilingual dictionary of archival terminology (online edition). Scientific coordi­nation by Grazia Tato and Antonio Monteduro; digital editing by Marcello Scrig­nar and Carmelo Bianco. Available at (accessed on 01.07.2019) ..........., .... (2010). ..... .......... ..... .............. ................ .......... In: ....... ........., no. 4, pp. 205-219. ..... .... (2006). .......: ..... ........ . ........... ............ . 1966 - 2006 ... In: ............. ......, no. 3, pp. 41-53 Marciano, R., Lemieux, V., Hedges, M., Esteva, M., Underwood, W., Kurtz, M., and Con­rad, M. (2018). Archival Records and Training in the Age of Big Data, in Johnna Per­cellLindsay, C. SarinPaul, T. JaegerJohn, Carlo Bertot (ed.) Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education (Advances in Librarianship, Volume 44B). Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 179-199. Materials of the Round table “Topical issues of storage, accessioning, accounting and use of scientific and technical documentation in organizations”. Available at (accessed on 01.07.2019). Romanova, E. (2017). Professional training and retraining of archivists in the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for documentation and archives (VNIIDAD) in: AT­LANTI , no. 7 (2), pp. 117 – 123. ......... ...., .......... .... (2007). ...... . .......... ..: ..... The project of the new building of the State archive of the Russian Federation. Available at­pXHZj9cBKnEobgHkNRpvWD9xVYg (accessed on 01.07.2019). SUMMARY Archival science as “the science developing the procedures for preserving, managing, improving and describing by standards the archival heritage” has a long history of its formation and self-identification. It summarizes methods and techniques of a number of other scientific disciplines. Nevertheless, archival science is an autonomous scientif­ic discipline, not contrary to, but even due to the muldisciplinarity of its methods and knowledge required. In Russia, the centralized model of archival research has formed with the creation of the All-Soviet Scientific and Research Institute for Records and Ar­chives Management (VNIIDAD) in 1966. The centralistic way of organization of archival research under the supervision of the governing body in the field of the archives man­agement has both benefits and disadvantages. In the era of digital transformation of the archival sphere and in conditions of lack of personnel, technical, technological and financial resources the interdisciplinary, interinstitutional and international coopera­tion is proposed as a strategic way to follow. Archival science needs to build new bridges and these bridges will lead it to new horizons. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Jelka Melik11 Jelka Melik, Alma Mater Europaea, European Centre Maribor, Slovenska ulica 17, 2000 Maribor Slovenia, E-mail: THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Abstract Social changes also require changes in the protection of current and archival records. One of the most important is certainly the regulation of the profession of archivist. Inadequate protection of archives affects the protection of human rights. The archi­vist is certainly the guardian of cultural heritage, but he is increasingly becoming the guardian of human rights. Human rights law is a new law that has paved the way for human rights declarations and has developed more strongly over the past half-cen­tury. Human rights law is very much ambivalent. The state or state authority is on the one hand the ombudsman of the Constitution, and on the other, the main potential violator of these same rights. The experience of the twentieth century has, therefore, matured the idea of transposing rules for the respect and protection of human rights to the international legal level. The duties of the modern archivist, who must provide the documents necessary for the protection of rights, should also be defined in international instruments. Key words: human rights, international law, cultural heritage, archival science, archi­vist L'archivista: il protettore dei diritti umani L'ARCHIVISTA: IL PROTETTORE DEI DIRITTI UMANI Abstract I cambiamenti sociali richiedono cambiamenti anche nella tuteli dei documenti corrren­ti e d'archivio. Uno dei piu importanti e sicuramente il regolamento della professione di archivista. Una tutela inadeguata degli archivi incide sulla protezione dei diritti umani. L'archivista e certamente il custode del patrimonio culturale, ma sta diventando sempre piu il custode dei diritti umani. La legge sui diritti umani e una nuova legge che ha spiana­to la strada alle dichiarazioni sui diritti umani e si e sviluppata piu fortemente nell'ultimo mezzo secolo. La legge sui diritti umani e molto ambivalente. Lo stato o l'autorita statale e da un lato il difensore civico della Costituzione e, dall'altro, il principale potenziale vio­latore di questi stessi diritti. L'esperienza del ventesimo secolo ha quindi maturato l'idea di trasporre le regole per il rispetto e la protezione dei diritti umani a livello giuridico in­ternazionale. I doveri dell'archivista moderno, che deve fornire i documenti necessari per la protezione dei diritti, dovrebbero essere definiti anche con strumenti internazionali. Parole chiave: diritti umani, legislazione internazionale, patrimonio culturale, archivi­stica, archivista ARHIVIST – VARUH ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC Izvleček Družbene spremembe narekujejo spremembe tudi na področju varstva dokumen­tarnega in arhivskega gradiva. Med najvažnejšimi je prav gotovo ureditev poklica arhivist. Neustrezna zaščita arhivskega gradiva vpliva na varstvo oziroma zaščito človekovih pravic. Arhivist je vsekakor varuh kulturne dediščine, toda vse bolj po­staja tudi varuh človekovih pravic. Pravo človekovih pravic je novo pravo, ki so mu odprle pot deklaracije človekovih pravic in se je močneje razvilo v pretekli polovici stoletja. Pravo človekovih pravic je izrazito ambivalentno. Država oziroma državna oblast je na eni strani varuh človekovih pravic, ki jih razglaša v ustavi, na drugi strani in obenem pa tudi glavni možni kršitelj teh istih pravic. Na izkušnjah dvajsetega sto­letja je zato dozorela zamisel o prenosu pravil za spoštovanje in varstvo človekovih pravic na mednarodnopravno raven. Tudi dolžnosti sodobnega arhivista, ki mora zagotoviti dokmente, potrebne za varstvo pravic, bi morali opredeliti v mednarodnih aktih. Ključne besede: človekove pravice, mednarodno pravo, kulturna dediščina, arhivisti­ka, arhivist 1. UVOD Družbene spremembe, kakor tudi spremembe na področju poslovanja javnopravnih oseb, narekujejo spremembe tudi na področju varstva dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva. Med najvažnejšimi je prav gotovo ureditev poklica arhivist. Neustrezna zaščita arhivskega gradiva neposredno vpliva na varstvo oziroma zaščito človekovih pravic. V letu 2019 mineva 230 let od francoske Deklaracija o pravicah človeka in državljana (francosko: La Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen), ki je eden ključnih dokumentov francoske revolucije. Na podlagi doktrine naravnega prava je definira­la pravice, ki naj bi veljale vedno in za vse. Končno različico je avgusta 1789 sprejela francoska konstituanta, kot začetek priprav na novo ustavo. Ta deklaracija je bila razglašena dve leti pred ameriško dekleracijo o človekovi pravicah.22 neodvisnosti in tudi za Listino pravic Ustave ZDA, ki je stopila v veljavo leta 1791. Pritegnila je mednarodno pozornost (Hunt 2015:117). Toda morali sta se zgoditi dve svetovni voj­ni, da se je zavest o potrebi priznavanja človekovih pravic globlje zasidrala v zavest. Generalna skupščina Organizacije združenih narodov je 10. decembra 1948 potrdila Splošno deklaracijo človekovih pravic ; 48 držav je glasovalo za, 8 držav sovjetskega bloka se jih je vzdržalo, nobena država pa ni glasovala proti. Še vedno so te pravice neuresničen seznam želja, a vendarle se nekaj premika. (Hunt, 2015:172,173). Člo­vekove pravice so, vsaj v določeni meri, nadideološke, so nadpolitična in nadnacio­nalna vrednostna in pravna kategorija, ki je počasi nastajala in še vedno nastaja v političnih in ideoloških spopadih ter razvoju človekovega zavedanja o vsebini in po­menu pravičnosti. Deklaracija je odprla pot oblikovanju posebne veje prava – prava človekovih pravic. To je pridobitev splošne, politične in pravne kulture, do katerih se je del sveta dokopal v dvesto letih po francoski revoluciji, skozi vojne, revolucije, državne prevrate, avtoritar­ne in totalitarne režime ter posledično politične procese. To pravo, oblikovano v ustavah in zakonodaji posameznih držav in še posebej v mednarodnih pravnih aktih, je dobilo v današnjem času velik, celo izjemen pomen. V pravnih določbah mednarodnega prava človekovih pravic in v odločbah mednarodnih sodnih in nadzornih organov in ustanov so vsebovana dokaj trdna merila zakonitosti oblasti, njene zakonodaje in pravne pra­kse. Z drugimi besedami, mednarodne pravne norme in stališča še zdaleč niso idealna, a so kljub temu »neprimerljivo bolj čvrst in zanesljiv kriterij, kot so tiste, ki si jih sproti izmišljajo ljudje v interesnih in političnih spopadih ter jih razglašajo za legitimne in pra­vične« (Bavcon, 2006:17). 2. PRAVO ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC KOT NOVA IN POSEBNA VEJA PRAVA Pravo človekovih pravic je treba razumeti in obravnavati kot novo in posebno vejo pra­va, ki je drugačna od vseh drugih pravnih disciplin. Uveljavljene norme in načela so plod sporazuma večine držav, ki pripadajo Organizaciji združenih narodov ali kakšni ožji skupnosti držav. Pravo človekovih pravic je izrazito ambivalentno. Država oziroma državna oblast je na eni strani varuh človekovih pravic, ki jih razglaša v ustavi, na drugi strani in obenem pa tudi glavni možni kršitelj teh istih pravic. Na izkušnjah dvajsetega stoletja je zato dozo­rela zamisel o prenosu pravil za spoštovanje in varstvo človekovih pravic na mednaro­dnopravno raven. Deklaracija o pravicah človeka in državljana iz leta 1789 ter Splošna deklaracija OZN o človekovih pravicah iz leta 1948 sta odprli proces nastajanja medna­rodnega prava človekovih pravic (Bavcon, 2006:20,21). Pri tem je treba še poudariti, da je tudi razvoj mednarodnega prava v drugi polovici dvajsetega stoletja doživel oziroma dosegel temeljite spremembe. »Medtem ko je mednarodno pravo nastalo kot sistem pravnega urejanja odnosov med državami, ki so se jim pozneje pridružili še drugi su­bjekti, pa je vprašanje položaja človeka kot posameznika v mednarodnem pravu razme­roma novo. Zelo pomemben del mednarodnopravnega razvoja zadnjih šestdeset let je bil posvečen prav usodi človeka kot posameznika« (Türk, 2018:23-24). 3. ARHIVISTIKA ENAINDVAJSETEGA STOLETJA Arhivistika kot znanstvena disciplina, katere predmet je arhivsko gradivo, se je relativ­no pozno razvila v samostojno vedo. Rojstvo moderne arhivistike postavlja največ arhi­vistov, bolje arhivskih strokovnjakov, šele v drugo polovico dvajsetega stoletja. K temu so pripomogli predvsem veliko povečanje dokumentarnega gradiva, naraslo število arhivov, nove zahteve zgodovinopisja, nove vrste zapisov, vse večja potreba po vredno­tenju in odbiranju arhivskega gradiva, razvoj arhivskega prava, mednarodno povezova­nje arhivskih strokovnjakov in podobno. Preteklo stoletje je torej preobrazilo arhivistiko v samostojno znanstveno vedo, novo stoletje pa ji nalaga dodatne zadolžitve. Ob koncu dvajsetega stoletja je namreč prišlo do velikih sprememb, ki so že in bodo še bolj v prihodnosti vplivale na arhivistiko kot znanstveno disciplino in s tem na njenega nosilca arhivista, ki mu odmerja veliko večjo in odgovornejšo vlogo. Ena izmed novih stvari je prav gotovo razvoj prava človekovih pravic, pa tudi dosežki informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij in hitro spreminjajoče se družbene strukture. Razvoj prava človekovih pravic in spreminjajoče se družbene strukture silita arhivistiko v evropske in dalje v širše mednarodne povezave, dosežki in uporaba novih komunikacijskih tehnologij pa brišejo mejo med delom z arhivskim gradivom in upravljanjem z dokumenti (record management). (Granström, 2005:56-63) Prav to zadnje je ena temeljnih premis, ki zahteva preoblikovanje paradigme arhivistike oziroma njenih nosilcev – arhivistov. Nastale so nove oblike arhivskega gradiva, saj so se in se še spreminjajo oblike dokumentarnega gradiva, s tem pa tudi pisarniško poslo­vanje v vseh treh vejah oblasti, predvsem v upravi in sodstvu. Poslovanje v elektronski obliki ima za posledico spremembe delovnih postopkov in organizacijskih struktur. Ar­hivski dokumenti morajo biti določeni v fazi nastanka dokumenta in ne na njegovem koncu. Arhivist, ki se zaradi novih nosilcev zapisov vse bolj staplja z upravljavcem do­kumentov (dokumentologom), širi svoje delovanje daleč preko meja zgodovinskih oz. javnih arhivov – na področja ustvarjalcev dokumentov in tistih, ki zanje opravljajo dela, povezana z dokumentarnim in arhivskim gradivom.33 Tu so mišljeni predvsem ponudniki storitev zajema in hrambe gradiva v digitalni obliki oziroma spreml­jevalnih storitev. Iz neuglednega urejevalca zaprašenih papirjev se arhivist spreminja v vodilnega skrb­nika ustvarjenih dokumentov. Iz poklica arhivista mora zrasti profesija, ki ji bodo za­upani dokumenti, še posebej tisti, ki jih čas ne sme izbrisati iz spomina ne le države, temveč celotnega človeštva. (Melik, Jeraj, 2017) Ob tem je treba poudariti, da so doku­menti, ki jih imenujemo arhivski, tisti dokumenti, ki jih moramo zaradi vsebine hraniti neomejeno dolgo, ker so pomembni kot dokazi dejstev, dejavnosti ali pa pomenijo kulturni spomenik oziroma oblikujejo kolektivni spomin neke države oziroma ožje ali širše družbene skupnosti. Arhivsko gradivo v prvem pomenu je torej ključno za zaščito človekovih pravic. 4. ARHIVISTIKA V MEDNARODNIH POVEZAVAH Arhivistika je bila sprva vezana le na države. V dvajsetem stoletju so nastale mednaro­dne povezave in začelo se je sodelovanje držav na tem področju. 9. junija 1948 so ar­hivski strokovnjaki iz osmih držav na posvetu v pariški zgradbi Unesca sklenili ustanoviti Mednarodni arhivski svet – MAS (International Council on Archives – ICA). Ta se je nato dve leti pozneje, na prvem mednarodnem arhivskem kongresu, prav tako v Parizu, tudi formalno konstituiral. Mednarodni arhivski svet je že od ustanovitve tesno povezan z organizacijo Združenih narodov. Mednarodni arhivski svet kot nevtralna nevladna or­ganizacija deluje v smislu prepričanja, da je varno in premišljeno upravljanje z doku­mentarnim in arhivskim gradivom bistveni predpogoj za pravno državo, za dobro in transparentno delovanje uprave pa tudi za ohranjanje kolektivnega spomina človeštva. Med vidnejše rezultate tega mednarodnega sodelovanja arhivistov sodi nedvomno etični kodeks, ki je bil sprejet na XIII. mednarodnem arhivskem kongresu v Pekingu sep­tembra 1996.44 Code of Ethics, ICA Bulletin, No. 47 (1997-1). Kodeks ICA je bil sprejet s strani številnih članskih institucij in združenj članic po vsem svetu bodisi v celoti bodisi v prilagojeni obliki. (Cook, 2006) Kodeks nala­ga arhivistom deset temeljnih, zelo visokih in strogih etičnih norm: 1. Arhivisti morajo varovati celovitost arhivskega gradiva in tako zagotoviti, da ostane zanesljiva priča preteklosti. 2. Arhivisti morajo vrednotiti, odbirati in ohranjati arhivsko gradivo v njegovem zgo­dovinskem, pravnem in upravnem kontekstu ter tako ohranjati načelo provenience (izvora), ki varuje in izkazuje prvotno ureditev dokumentov. 3. Arhivisti morajo zavarovati avtentičnost gradiva med njegovo arhivsko obdelavo, varovanjem in uporabo. 4. Arhivisti morajo zagotoviti neprekinjeno dostopnost in razumljivost arhivskega gradiva. 5. Arhivisti morajo beležiti svoje postopke z arhivskim gradivom in jih biti sposobni tudi zagovarjati. 6. Arhivisti morajo spoštovati dostopnost in zaupnost informacij ter delovati v mejah odgovarjajoče zakonodaje. 7. Arhivisti si morajo prizadevati za čim večjo dostopnost arhivskega gradiva in omo­gočiti nepristranske usluge vsem uporabnikom. 8. Arhivisti morajo upravičiti zaupanje, ki jim je bilo dano, v splošno korist in se izogi­bati, da bi izrabili svoj položaj za nepošteno okoriščanje sebe in drugih. 9. Arhivisti si morajo prizadevati za poklicno popolnost s sistematičnim in stalnim izpo­polnjevanjem arhivskega znanja ter za razširjanje izsledkov svojih raziskav in izkušenj 10. Arhivisti si morajo prizadevati za varovanje in uporabo svetovne dokumentarne de­diščine tako, da sodelujejo s svojimi stanovskimi sodelavci in drugimi. Ta etični kodeks, ki je že praznoval dvajseti rojstni dan, je prav gotovo velika pridobitev za arhivsko teorijo in prakso, še posebej zato, ker skrbno upošteva ambivalenten značaj arhivskega gradiva. Arhivsko gradivo ima namreč pomembno nalogo varovanja člove­kovih pravic, a omogoča tudi njihovo kršenje. Leto 1789 ni le rojstna letnica človekovih pravic, temveč tudi današnjih nacionalnih oziroma državnih arhivov, katerih bistvo je dostopnost javnosti, ki pa zahteva temeljito in dodelano pravno ureditev. Dostop do arhivskega gradiva je vsekakor velika pridobitev civilizacije, a ne sme ogrožati varstva osebnih in tajnih podatkov ter rušiti oziroma ogrožati človekovega dostojanstva. Toda žal ostaja kodeks bolj ali manj neuporabljiv. Njegovim zahtevam bi bilo mogoče vsaj nekoliko ugoditi le v primeru, če bi ga države vključile v svoje zakonodaje (tako se je zgodilo na primer z zdravniškimi etičnimi kodeksi). To bi bila prva stopnja, ki bi ji morala slediti druga – neodvisnost arhivske službe. Etični kodeks je namreč pomemben pogoj za samostojnost in neodvisnost profesije, na področju arhivistike in upravljanja z dokumenti je torej preizkusni kamen avtonomije arhivskega poklica oziroma profesije. Naslednji pomembnejši, čeprav mnogo bolj bled mednarodni akt na arhivskem po­dročju, je Splošna (univerzalna) deklaracija o arhivih, ki jo je dokončno potrdil Med­narodni arhivski svet na letni generalni skupščini v Oslu septembra 2010. Uvodne besede so že na prvi pogled prej umik, korak nazaj, kot dopolnitev in nadgraditev zahtev etičnega kodeksa: »Arhivi dokumentirajo odločitve, aktivnosti in spomine. So izjemna in nenadomestljiva dediščina, ki se prenaša iz ene generacije v drugo. Arhivsko gradivo se upravlja od njegovega nastanka, zato da ohranjamo njegovo vrednost in pomen. Je verodostojen vir informacij, ki podpira odgovorno in trans­parentno poslovanje uprave. Arhivi igrajo poglavitno vlogo pri razvoju družb, saj varujejo in prispevajo k individualnemu in skupinskemu spominu. Prost dostop do arhivskega gradiva bogati naše znanje o človeški družbi, spodbuja demokracijo, ščiti pravice državljanov in izboljšuje kakovost življenja. » Mnogo bolj vzpodbuden je delovni dokument, ki podaja temeljna načela o vlogi arhi­vistov in dokumentologov pri podpori človekovih pravic (Basic Principles on the role of Archivists and Records Managers in support of Human Rights), ki je nastal ob kongresu ICA v Seulu leta 2016,55 Dostopno na:­man-rights. a terja nadaljnje dejavnosti in sadove v obliki zavezujočih aktov. ARHIVISTI V EVROPI Odločitev o tesnejšem sodelovanju arhivov evropskih držav zaznamuje Resolucija Sve­ta in kulturnih ministrov glede arhivov, sprejeta na srečanju Sveta 14. novembra 1991, ki je poudarila potrebo po večji medsebojni povezanosti glede skrbi za arhivsko gradi­vo med državami članicami in institucijami EU, saj je arhivsko gradivo skupna evropska dediščina in nepogrešljiv instrument za pisanje ne le zgodovine posameznih narodov, ampak celotne evropske celine, njegova dostopnost javnosti pa pomembna podpora demokraciji. Od takrat dalje so stekle številne akcije in sodelovanja arhivskih strokov­njakov iz držav članic EU. Vidnejših rezultatov ni bilo. Evropska Unija je sprejela tudi vrsto aktov o arhivskem gradivu in arhivih. Žal so to predvsem pravno nezavezujoča pri­poročila kot na primer: Priporočilo Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 16. novembra 2005 o filmski dediščini in konkurečnosti z njo povezanih industrijskih dejavnosti (UL C 325, 9.12.2005), Priporočilo Sveta z dne 14. novembra 2005 o prednostnih dejavnostih za večje sodelovanje na področju arhivov v Evropi (UL C 312, 29.11.2005), Priporočilo Komisije z dne 24. avgusta 2006 o digitalizaciji in spletni dostopnosti kulturnega gradi­va in digitalnem arhiviranju (2006/585/ES), Priporočilo Komisije z dne 27. oktobra 2011 o digitalizaciji in spletni dostopnosti kulturnega gradiva ter njegovi digitalni hrambi (2011/711/EU). Arhivska problematika torej tudi v EU kliče po intenzivnejšemu delu, povezovanju, harmonizaciji arhivskega prava, še zlasti, ker se tudi Evropa zavzema za človekove pravice in v njej deluje Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice,66 Mednarodno sodišče, ki je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1959. Odloča o individualnih in državnih pritožbah glede domnevnih kršitev državljanskih in političnih pravic, določenih z Evropsko konvencijo o človek­ovih pravicah. ki za svoje delo neobhodno potrebuje arhivske dokumente, kot dokazni material. ARHIVISTI V SLOVENIJI Slovenija je stopila v evropski sistem varstva človekovih pravic, ko je leta 1994 v slo­venskem pravnem redu začela veljati Evropska konvencija o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin. Državljani se lahko s pritožbami zaradi domnevnega kršenja človekovih pravic zoper slovensko državo obračajo na Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice. Kljub temu, da je državnost slovenske države utemeljena na varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, praksa kaže, da te v Sloveniji niso ravno najbolj ščitene. Evropsko sodišče je do sedaj podalo kar 337 sodb zoper Slovenijo z ugotovljeno kršit­vijo enega ali več členov Evropske konvencije, kar nas uvršča med države z najvišjim številom kršitev na prebivalca. (Letnar Černič, 2019) Prav tako se Slovenija ne more po­hvaliti z uspešno javno arhivsko službo, saj javni arhivi nimajo niti dovolj prostora niti dovolj kadra. Pa vendar je v Sloveniji prišlo ne le do pomembnih, temveč prelomnih sprememb na arhivskem področju. Visokošolski zavod Alma mater Evropaea –Evropski Center Maribor omogoča akreditiran dodiplomski študij Arhivistike, s katerim se pridobi naziv diplomirani arhivist/ arhivistka; magistrski študij Arhivistike in dokumentologije (magister arhivistike in dokumentologije / magistrica arhivistike in dokumentologi­je) ter doktorski študij Arhivskih znanosti. Ta novost, zaenkrat skoraj povsem prezrta, odpira nova pota arhivskega poklica in predvsem omogoča nastanek arhivske profe­sije. Slediti bodo morale še mnoge zakonodajne spremembe, ki bodo ustrezno uredile delovne zadolžitve in pristojnosti arhivistov in postavile zahteve po njihovi nastavitvi tako tistim ustvarjalcem arhivskega gradiva, ki so dolžni izročati svoje arhivsko gradi­vo javnim arhivom, kot tudi vsem tistim, ki tem ustvarjalcem ponujajo svoje storitve za izvedbo obveznosti, ki jih imajo do javnih arhivov (odbiranje, urejanje in popisovanje gradiva, digitalizacija, priprava notranjih pravil itd.) Vsi ti nujno potrebujejo arhiviste, ki bi znali vzpostaviti in voditi dobro pisarniško poslovanje oziroma učinkovito upravljanje s sodobnimi dokumenti, učinkovito sodelovati z arhivisti javnih zgodovinskih arhivov pri ovrednotenju (valorizaciji) dokumentarnega gradiva oziroma določanju arhivskega gradiva, zaščititi intelektualno lastnino ter varovati osebne podatke in tajnosti. Arhi­visti bi morali ob nastalih družbenih spremembah nujno prestopiti prag javnih in zgodo­vinskih arhivov. Le tako bi bile lahko ustrezno ščitene človekove pravice. Študij, ki je prva vrata odprl že leta 2013 ima žal veliko nasprotnikov. Novosti se praviloma težko uveljavljajo, še posebej če so politično občutljive in povezane z dodatnimi zahtevami. 4. ZAKLJUČEK Kaj smo želeli povedati? Obstajajo mednarodni in evropski akti, ki varujejo arhivsko gra­divo kot kulturni spomenik (npr. Haaška konvencija o varstvu kulturnih dobrin v primeru oboroženega spopada iz leta 1954; Konvencija o ukrepih za prepoved uvoza in izvoza kulturnih dobrin ter prenosa lastninske pravice nanje iz leta 1970; Uredba Sveta (EGS) iz leta 1992 o izvozu predmetov kulturne dediščine; Direktiva sveta (EGS) iz 1993 o vrača­nju predmetov kulturne dediščine, ki so bili protipravno odstranjeni iz ozemlja države članice77 Dostopno na:; 22.06.2019 ). (Jogan, 2008:60-82) Varstvo arhivskega gradiva kot kulturne dediščine je vsekakor pomemben del pos­lanstva javnih zgodovinskih arhivov in arhivistov. Ni pa celota. Vse pomembnejši mora postati tudi drugi del poslanstva arhivistov – hramba dokumentov, ki dokazujejo dolo­čena dejstva, stanja in dejavnosti. V Sloveniji imamo zato dva člena v kazenskem zako­nu, ki ščitita arhivsko gradivo v prvem pomenu ter dokumentarno in arhivsko gradivo v drugem pomenu. 219. člen določa: »Kdor protipravno poškoduje ali uniči stvar, ki je posebnega kultur­nega pomena, naravno vrednoto ali drugo zavarovano naravno bogastvo ali stvar, ki je javna dobrina, se kaznuje z zaporom do petih let. Če je poškodovana ali uničena stvar kulturni spomenik ali naravna vrednota velikega ali izjemnega pomena za Republiko Slovenijo ali če je povzročena škoda velika, se storilec kaznuje z zaporom do osmih let», 259 člen pa: »Uradna oseba, ki v uradno listino, knjigo, ali spis vpiše lažne podatke ali ne vpiše kakšnega pomembnega podatka ali s svojim podpisom oziroma pečatom potrdi uradno listino, knjigo ali spis z lažno vsebino ali s svojim podpisom oziroma uradnim pečatom omogoči sestavo uradne listine, knjige ali spisa z lažno vsebino, se kaznuje z zaporom do treh let. Enako se kaznuje tudi uradna oseba, ki uradno listino, knjigo ali spis z lažno vsebino uporabi v službi kot resnične ali ki uradno listino, knjigo ali spis uni­či, skrije, jih precej poškoduje ali kako drugače napravi neuporabne. Kdor protipravno odtuji, uniči ali prikriva arhivsko gradivo, ali ga napravi neuporabnega, se kaznuje z za­porom od treh mesecev do treh let.»88 Kazenski zakonik (KZ-1-UPB2) (uradno prečiščeno besedilo), stran 5111 (Neuradno prečiščeno besedi­lo Kazenskega zakonika obsega: Kazenski zakonik – KZ-1 (Uradni list RS, št. 55/08 z dne 4. 6. 2008), Popravek Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1 (Uradni list RS, št. 66/08 z dne 1. 7. 2008), Zakon o spremembi Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1A (Uradni list RS, št. 39/09 z dne 26. 5. 2009), Zakon o spremembah in do­polnitvah Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1B (Uradni list RS, št. 91/11 z dne 14. 11. 2011), Kazenski zakonik – uradno prečiščeno besedilo – KZ-1-UPB2 (Uradni list RS, št. 50/12 z dne 29. 6. 2012), Popravek Uradnega prečiščenega besedila Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1-UPB2p (Uradni list RS, št. 6/16 z dne 29. 1. 2016), Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1C (Uradni list RS, št. 54/15 z dne 20. 7. 2015), Zakon o spremembi Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1D (Uradni list RS, št. 38/16 z dne 27. 5. 2016),Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Kazenskega zakonika – KZ-1E (Uradni list RS, št. 27/17 z dne 2. 6. 2017). Žal sta oba člena le mrtvi določbi, ki se v praksi ne uporabljata. Prav tako veljavni ar­hivski zakon (Zakon o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih)99 Uradni list RS, št. 30/06 in 51/14. nima ustreznih določb, ki bi zaščitile posameznika pred zlorabo arhivskega gradiva. Pred arhivisti je pomembna zadolžitev – poskrbeti za človekove pravice. Med pravicami, kjer so še posebej udeleženi arhivisti, so v prvi vrsti pravica do pravne varnosti, ki obse­ga predvsem pravico do poštenega obravnavanja pred vsemi upravnimi organi in sodišči, pravico do obrambe ter politične pravice, ki zagotavljajo med drugim pravico sodelovati pri upravljanju javnih zadev.V prvem primeru arhivsko gradivo nudi oziroma mora nuditi dokazni material, v drugem primeru pa omogočati državljanom dostop do dokumentov javnopravnih oseb. Povsem neurejeno je tudi varstvo in dostop do dokumentov različnih strok ( npr. zdravstvene dokumentacije tako za uporabo zdravnikov kot pacientov). Vse te pomanjkljivosti bodo potrebovale skupno delo arhivskih strokovnjakov in dvig ob­čutljivih določb na mednarodni nivo, kakor se je to zgodilo s pravom človekovih pravic. VIRI IN LITERATURA: Bavcon L. (2006). Kratek oris prava človekovih pravic kot nove pravne discipline. Izzivi in odzivi. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, str. 15-23. Cook M. (2006). Professional Ethic and Practice in Archives and Record Management in a Human Rights Context. Journal of the society of archivists. Volume 27, number 1, April 2006, 1-15. Gale C. (2006). Record-keeping as an Ethical Imperative. Journal of the society of archi­vists, Volume 27, number 1, str. 17-27. Granström C. (2005).E-uprava in upravljanje z dokumenti – zahteve, problemi in rešitve. Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja. Zbornik referatov z dopolnilnega izobraževanja 4, št. 1, Maribor 2005, 56-63. Hunt L. (2015). Iznajdevanje človekovih pravic, Znanstvena založba Filozofska fakulte­ta, Ljubljana. Letnar Černič J. (2019). 25 let Slovenije pred Evropskim sodiščem za človekove pravice. dostopno na: (29.06.2019) Jogan S. (2008, Pravno varstvo dediščine; Ogrožanje in uničevanje kulturne in nara­vne didiščine ter pravni vidiki njunega varstva, Univerza na Primorskem, Znan­stveno-raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales, Koper 2008, Klasinc P. P. (2019). Med poslovanjem z dokumenti in arhivsko teorijo in prakso. Dostopno na: (06. 06. 2019) Kodeks etike, Arhivi. XX, 1997, str 14-16. Melik J., Jeraj M. (2017). Arhivist: poklic ali profesija. Atlanti. ISSN 1318-0134, letn. 27, no. 2, str. 125-131. Splošna deklaracija o arhivih, dostopno na­ments/10662/30403/ICA_2010_Universal-Declaration-on-Archives_SL.pdf Türk D. (2018). Temelji mednarodnega prava. Lexpera, GV Založba, Ljubljana. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.01 Original scientific research Živana Heđbeli11 dr. sc. Živana Heđbeli, viši arhivist, znanstvena suradnica, Hrvatski državni arhiv Marulićev trg 21, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska,, +385 1 48 01 945 WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Abstract The goal of this work is to show why one would become, be and remain an archivist. To properly arrange and present archival records requires research, allowing all those who like to constantly improve their knowledge to come into their own. Archivists working in the department for records outside the archives, take a most active part in shaping writ­ten heritage. Archives organize lectures, courses, they organize exhibitions and foster interest in archival holdings and the archival profession. This is a field where an archi­vist can do most to shift boundaries. Rare are the generations that have the privilege of participating in changing the paradigm of their science, in determining and shaping it. Work at an archive indirectly satisfies many needs. Most importantly, it enables the existence of archivists through space and time, thus satisfying our main need, the need for trans-generational existence. Key words: science, archive, archivist, motive PERCHE SCEGLIERE L’ARCHIVISTICA, PERCHE DIVENTARE E RIMANERE UN ARCHIVISTA? Abstract L’obiettivo di questo lavoro e mostrare perché uno dovrebbe diventare, essere e rima­nere un archivista. Organizzare e presentare correttamente i documenti d’archivio ri­chiede una ricerca, consentendo a tutti coloro che desiderano migliorare costantemen­te le proprie conoscenze di farle proprie. Gli archivisti che lavorano nel dipartimento per le registrazioni al di fuori degli archivi, prendono una parte piu attiva nel modellare il patrimonio scritto. Gli archivi organizzano conferenze, corsi, organizzano mostre e promuovono l’interesse per le istituzioni archivistiche e per la professione archivistica. Questo e un campo in cui un archivista puo fare di piu per spostare i confini. Rare sono le generazioni che hanno il privilegio di partecipare a cambiare il paradigma della loro scienza, a determinarlo e modellarlo. Il lavoro in un archivio soddisfa indirettamente molte esigenze. Ancora piu importante, consente l’esistenza degli archivisti attraverso lo spazio e il tempo, soddisfacendo cosi il nostro bisogno principale, il bisogno di esi­stenza transgenerazionale. Parole chiave: scienza, archivio, archivista, motivazione ZAKAJ IZBRATI ARHIVISTIKO, ZAKAJ POSTATI IN OSTATI ARHIVIST/KA? Izvleček Namen prispevka je prikazati, zakaj postati, biti in ostati arhivist ali arhivistka. Pravilna obdelava in predstavitev gradiva zahteva raziskovalno delo in vsi tisti, ki se radi nepre­stano izpopolnjujejo tu najdejo zadovoljstvo. Arhivisti z oddelka za gradivo, ki se nahaja izven arhiva, najbolj aktivno sodelujejo v oblikovanju pisane dediščine. Arhivi organi­zirajo predavanja, tečaje, delajo razstave in spodbujajo zanimanje za arhivsko gradi­vo in arhivsko dejavnost. Na tem področju lahko arhivist meje največ premika. Redke generacije imajo ta privilegij sodelovati pri spremembi paradigme svoje znanosti, pri določanju in oblikovanju slednje. Delo v arhivu posredno zadovoljuje mnoge potrebe. Najbolj pomembno je, da omogoča obstoj arhivista skozi čas in prostor in s tem ugodi naši glavni potrebi, potrebi po transgeneracijskem obstoju. Ključne besede: znanost, arhiv, arhivist, motiv ZAŠTO ODABRATI ARHIVISTIKU, ZAŠTO POSTATI, BITI I OSTATI ARHIVIST/ICA? Apstrakt Cilj je ovog rada pokazati zašto postati, biti i ostati arhivist ili arhivistica. Pravilno obra­dili i prezentirali gradivo zahtijeva istraživački rad te sve osobe koje vole neprestano usavršavanje znanja dolaze na svoje. Arhivisti odsjeka za gradivo izvan arhiva najak­tivnije sudjeluju u oblikovanju pisane baštine. Arhivi organiziraju predavanja, tečajeve, priređuju izložbe i potiču zanimanje za arhivsko gradivo i arhivsku djelatnost. Ovo je polje u kojem arhivist/ica može najviše pomicati granice. Rijetke se generacije koje ima­ju privilegij sudjelovanja u promjeni paradigme svoje znanosti, u njenom određivanju i oblikovanju. Rad u arhivu posredno zadovoljava mnoge potrebe. Najvažnije, omoguća­va postojanje arhivista kroz prostor i vrijeme, i time zadovoljava našu glavnu potrebu, potrebu za transgeneracijskom egzistencijom. Ključne riječi: znanost, arhiv, arhivist, motiv 1 UVOD Arhivistika je znanstvena grana znanstvenog polja informacijskih znanosti, koje spa­daju u društvene znanosti (Društvene znanosti čine znanstvene discipline koje se bave proučavanjem društvenog života grupa ljudi i pojedinaca.) Informacijske znanosti bave se izučavanjem informacija ili znanja. Arhivistika je znanost koja se bavi proučavanjem biti arhivskog gradiva, njegovim preuzimanjem, odabirom, svrstavanjem, zaštitom, ču­vanjem i stavljanjem na raspolaganje znanstvenicima i istraživačima, ili - arhivistika je znanost koja se bavi proučavanjem načela i metoda zaštite arhivskog gradiva radi nje­gova korištenja kao izvora za povijest, ostale znanosti i općedruštvene potrebe. Arhivistiku javnost ne percipira kao otmjenu, razvikanu, prestižnu disciplinu, čiji pripad­nici pune naslovnice celebrity časopisa i portale društvenih mreža. Rad i životi, spome­nimo samo neke, Casanove, Mullera, Feitha i Fruina, Jenkinsona, Schellenberga, Bear­mana, Duranti ili Cooka, nisu (bili) predmet novinskih članaka, o njihovom životu i radu nema filmova, oni ne snimaju reklame za dezodoranse i piva, nemaju stotine tisuća pri­jatelja na Facebooku ili pratitelja na Twiteru i Instagramu. Mladi ljudi o arhivima znaju malo, ako išta. Đake osnovnih i srednjih škola rijetko se vodi u arhive, a nitko ih ni ne uči da pismohranu svoje škole identificiraju s arhivima. Arhive se, nažalost još uvijek, pove­zuje s povijesti (Povijest je humanistička znanost. Humanističke znanosti su znanstvene discipline koje proučavaju postojanost i bit čovjeka, tj. iskustvo bivanja čovjekom.), a informacijske znanosti s računarstvom (računarstvo, računarska znanost ili znanost o ra­čunalima bavi se proučavanjem teoretskih osnova informacije i računanja, te njihovim implementacijama i primjenama u računalnim sustavima.). Cilj je ovog rada pokazati dio razloga zašto postati, biti i ostati arhivist ili arhivistica, što nas motivira i koje potre­be zadovoljavamo kao pripadnici svoje profesije i znanosti.22 Rad je nastao na temelju predavanja koje sam održala, u svibnju 2018. godine, studentima 3. godina preddiplomskog studija informacijskih znanosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, predmet “Osnove upravljanja informacijskim institucijama”. Cilj predavanja bio je pokazati aspirantima zašto odabrati rad u arhivu, zašto postati arhivist ili arhivistica. 2 ARHIVISTIKA Wikipedija nudi definiciju znanosti: „Znanost je organizirani sustav sveukupnog ljuds­kog znanja stečenog opažanjem procesa i pojava u prirodi i društvu, a obrađenog raci­onalnim, znanstveno prihvatljivim metodama. Znanost je objektivno, sistematizirano i argumentirano znanje o zakonitostima, činjenicama, pojavama i njihovim vjerojatnim uzrocima. Stečeno je i provjereno egzaktnim promatranjem, organiziranim pokusom i pravilnim razmišljanjem. Također, znanost nije samo skup znanja, već i način razmi­šljanja i gledanja stvarnosti. Taj se pogled temelji na razumu, logici, kritici, sumnji te objektivnom, slobodnom i samostalnom razmišljanju. Znanost je također objektivna, sustavna, logična, precizna i provjerljiva metoda prikupljanja, opisivanja, klasificira­nja, definiranja, mjerenja, eksperimentiranja, uopćavanja, objašnjavanja i vrednovanja iskustvenih činjenica.“ Znanost je sistematizirano znanje, cjelina spoznaja organiziranih u području istraživanja i izvedenih prema racionalno utemeljenim metodama na osnovi opažanja pojava i procesa u prirodi i društvu radi njihova objašnjenja i ovladavanja nji­ma. Pojam znanosti označava znanost kao skup svih stečenih znanja, metoda tehnika, sustava mišljenja i pojedinih pravaca istraživanja u cjelini znanosti. Znanstvena disci­plina je sustavni skup znanja, metoda, procedura (algoritama) i tehnika koji, u nekom vremenu i s dovoljnom pouzdanošću, smatramo istinitima. Znanost čine znanja, znanstvene spoznaje i stjecanje znanja primjenom znanstvene me­tode. Jednako važni, temeljni i nezaobilazni element bilo koje znanosti su znanstvenici, oni koji se danom znanosti bave. U današnjem, komercijaliziranom svijetu svjedoci smo nepoštenog „lova na glave“ (head hunt). Fakulteti, korporacije, instituti, organizacije nastoje zaposliti najbolje, odnosno one za koje očekuju da će im donijeti najviše profita. Lov počinje rano, za doba školovanja pulena. (Podrazumijeva se da i „lovina“ i te kako vodi računa tko će ih „uloviti“, odnosno gdje će dobiti najbolje uvjete rada, prihode, pri­vilegije, status. Siromašne i zemlje u tranziciji, s velikom stopom nezaposlenosti, svje­doče suprotnom procesu, često je privilegij imati bilo kakav posao, što je tema za neko naredno izlaganje.) Kazalište, muzej, knjižnica, galerija može i ne mora postojati, no – arhiv – mjesto gdje se čuvaju dokumenti nastali radom službenih tijela grada ili države, je obvezan, i upravo je po ovome arhiv specifična ustanova koja se razlikuje se od muzeja, knjižnica, galerija i drugih ustanova u kulturu. Knjižnice, galerije i muzeji nabavljaju knjižnu / muzejsku građu ovisno o svojoj namjeni – opće, školske, sveučilišne, nacionalne, gradski, povi­jesni, prirodoslovni muzej, moderna galerija … Arhivski dokumenti nemaju, za razliku od slike, kipa, drame ili zbirke pjesama, svrhu sami po sebi. Spise primarno služe za za­dovoljavanje prava i dužnosti građana i države, a sekundarno za razna istraživanja i pro­učavanja (npr. oporuka, dokument koji određuje tko ima pravo raspolaganja imovinom umrle osobe, primarno je važna nasljednicima kako bi ostvarili svoja pravo nasljeđiva­nja i državi zbog naplate poreza. Sekundarno, oporuka može važna za proučavanje bo­gatstva stanovništava u danom razdoblju, jezika i pisma, povijesti notarstva, (ne)ravno­pravnog tretiranja sinova i kćeri, ili važnosti i ulozi vjere i td.). Temeljna je zadaća arhiva čuvanje, obrada i omogućavanje korištenja registraturnog i arhivskoga gradiva. 3 OBRADA, SREĐIVANJE I OPISIVANJE GRADIVA Obrada, sređivanje i opisivanje gradiva razlikuju arhivski rad od onog knjižica ili muzeja. Obrada gradiva znači njegovo prikupljanje, sređivanje i opisivanje. Sređivanje su intel­ektualni i fizički postupci i učinci raščlambe i rasporeda dokumenata sukladno arhivis­tičkim načelima. Sređeno se gradivo opisuje. Arhivistički opis je izrada točnog prikaza neke jedinice opisa i njezinih sastavnih dijelova, izborom, raščlambom, rasporedom i zapisivanjem obavijesti koje omogućuju prepoznavanje, upravljanje, određivanje mjes­ta i tumačenje arhivskoga gradiva, kao i konteksta i sustava uredskoga poslovanja u ko­jemu je gradivo nastalo, odnosno dohvaćanje, analiziranje, organiziranje i zapisivanje informacije koja identificira, upravlja, smješta i opisuje arhivsko gradivo, njegov kon­tekst i sustav u kojemu je nastalo. Osobno obradu, sređivanje i opisivanje gradiva držim najkreativnijim dijelom arhivskog posla. Pravilno obradili i prezentirali gradivo zahti­jeva istraživački rad, proučavanje stvaratelja gradiva i njegovih nadležnosti, sustava uredskog poslovanja, povijesnog razdoblja u kojem je djelovao, društveno-političkog sustava, relevantnih zakona, čelnih osoba, organizacijske strukture, vrste dokumenata nastalih radom stvaratelja i njihove vrijednosti, pravnog i informacijskog značaja i po­tencijala. Obrada gradiva nije rutinska, svaki je stvaratelj i svaki je fond / zbirka priča za sebe, neovisno o istim, standardnim elementima opisa. Obrada, sređivanje i opisivanje gradiva traže istraživanje, proučavanje, učenje, upoznavanje s raznim područjima ljud­skog rada i djelovanja. Sve osobe koje vole neprestano usavršavanje znanja obradom gradiva dolaze na svoje. U arhivama znanstveni rad često proizlazi iz stručnog. Sve informacije prikupljene za izradu obavijesnog pomagala o danom fondu mogu poslužiti za izradu adekvatnog znanstvenog rada, bilo o samom stvaratelju, njegovom gradivu, području rada, bilo o sustavu uredskog poslovanja, najboljem načinu klasifikacije, prezentacije i opisa do­kumenata. Mogućnosti su praktički neograničene. Tako npr. u Arhivskom vjesniku iz 2018. godine nalazimo više članaka nastalih na temelju rada s gradivom: Diskontna banka d.d. Zagreb (1920.-1948.), “Nenadkriljeni zagrebački fotograf ” – prilozi o živo­tu i radu Ivana Standla, Prilog poznavanju Odsjeka X Glavnog ravnateljstva za javni red i sigurnost Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Nezavisne Države Hrvatske … Ili, pub­likacije nastale radom arhivista: Narodno vijeće SHS, Hrvatsko proljeće na željeznici : (1966.-1974.) : izvori, Državni arhiv u Zagrebu 1907. – 2017., Poglavarstvo slobodnog i kraljevskog grada Zagreba … Ilustracija: publikacije arhiva i arhivista, arhivski časopisi Državni arhiv u Zagrebu utemeljen je 1907. godine. Tijekom postojanja Arhiva desila su se 3 rata, promijenilo 5 država, 6 čelnih osoba i cca 240 djelatnika. Arhiv je u cijelos­ti, ili u znatnom dijelu, seljen 8 puta, što je sve ostavilo traga na sačuvanosti gradiva. Sređivanju gradiva Arhiva pristupilo se 2015. godine. Izrađen je sumarni inventar i mon­ografija povodom 110. obljetnice postojanja ustanove. Ilustracija: Državni arhiv u Zagrebu, obavijesno pomagalo, monografija 4 GRADIVO IZVAN ARHIVA Obrada gradiva znači i njegovo prikupljanje. Arhivi obavljaju stručni nadzor nad ču­vanjem i odabiranjem arhivskoga gradiva koje se nalazi izvan arhiva i određuje mjere njegove zaštite. Nadzor nad gradivom koje se nalazi kod imatelja i stvaratelja prva je crta očuvanja i zaštite gradiva. Osobe kojime su prirodno sklonije i nadarenije za rad s ljudima, imaju dobre komunikacijske vještine, a istodobno žele i podučavati i ne­prestano učiti plivat će poput ribe u vodi u odsjeku za gradivo izvan arhiva. Nerijetko će spašavati gradivo od uništenja i propadanja, pronaći prave bisere važne za povijest i druge znanosti, stvoriti i sačuvati informacije o stvaratelju i gradivu bez kojih obrada dokumenata ne bi bila moguća ili bi bila nepotpuna. Kontakt sa stvarateljima i imatelji­ma gradiva donosi u arhiv njihovo tacitno, nezamjenjivo znanje. Odsjek za gradivo izvan arhiva zadužen je za izlučivanje gradiva kod stvaratelja i imatelja. Neovisno o općim, granskim i posebnim popisima s rokovima čuvanja, neposredan kontakt s gradivom toč­ka je na i izlučivanja. Prema svjetskim standardima, cca 5 % od registraturnog gradiva ima značaj arhivskog. Arhivi po sili zakona preuzimaju javno arhivsko gradivo, do pri­vatnog dolaze otkupom, pohranom ili darovanjem. Neophodno je znati tko su za dani arhiva važne fizičke i pravne privatne osobe. Arhivisti odsjeka za gradivo izvan arhiva najaktivnije sudjeluju u oblikovanju pisane baštine. Ilustracije: gradivo u pismohranama 5 KORIŠTENJE GRADIVA Cijela svrha čuvanja arhivskog gradiva njegovo je korištenje. Arhivi na zahtjev korisnika daju podatke, izvatke iz dokumenata i ovjerovljene prijepise, najčešće su to izvodi iz matičnih knjiga, sudskih registara, zemljišnih knjiga, platnih lista, svjedodžbe, čime služe potrebama građana i tijela u ispunjavanju njihovih zadaća i obveza. Rad s ljudi­ma i odgovaranje na njihove upite izazov je sam po sebi. Osim iznimno dobrog pozna­vanja i snalaženja u fudnusu danog arhiva, neophodno je odlično poznavanje povijesti institucija, uredskog poslovanja, specifičnosti svakog stvaratelja, poznavanja arhivske mreže u zemlji i inozemstvu, koji arhiv čuva koje gradivo. U par riječi, bitni su radozna­lost, istraživački duh i upornost. Korisnička služba treba znati kako doći do informacija iz i o arhivskom gradivu. I, ne manje važno, prevaliti put od katkad veoma nejasnog upita korisnika do konkretnog dokumenta. Ilustracija: čitaonice Hrvatskog državnog arhiva i Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu 6 BRENDIRANJE, BRAINSTORMING, EVENTI Arhivi organiziraju predavanja, tečajeve, priređuju izložbe i potiču zanimanja za arhivsko gradivo i arhivsku djelatnost, prevedno u jezik bliži široj javnosti- marketing, promoci­ja, organizacija događanja. Ili rečeno danas još popularnijim terminima – brendiranje, brainstorming, eventi. Ovo je polje u kojem arhivist/ica može najviše pomicati granice. U ovom je području rada arhiva najvažnije pitanje kako. Kako privući publiku, kako prib­ližiti arhive javnosti, kako osmisliti izložbu, kako napraviti zabavnu i edukativnu radi­onicu za djecu? Arhivska pedagogija se tek rađa, stidljivo se javljaju promotivni filmovi arhiva, postavljati virtualne izložbe. U ovo područje rada spadaju kontakti s medijima, suradnja s drugim ustanovama, rad u područjima s kojima se arhivi u prethodnim razdo­bljima nisu često susretali, kao što su lobiranje, kulturna propaganda i turistička pro­mocija, ali i pitanja isplativosti, posjećenosti, cost-benefit analize. Arhivska je zajednica (još uvijek) poprilično zatvorena i rigidna, nesklona promjenama (quieta non movere). Pionirski duh, smjelost i odvažnost imaju svoju cijenu, svugdje i uvijek. Preporučam ino­vativnim, kreativnim osobama koje čvrsto vjeruju u svoje ideje i nije ih lako pokolebati. Uz kreativnost, važna je strpljivost. Ilustracija: promotivni filmovi Hrvatskog državnog arhiva i Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu Državni arhiv u Zagrebu priključio se proslavi dana Zagreba, 31. svibnja. Proslava 2016. godine bila je hit dana, događanje bez presedana u povijesti Arhiva. Na temelju ide­je nekoliko djelatnica i tadašnje ravnateljice, uz besplatnu podršku (fotografiranje, obrada u fotošopu, montaža) više vanjskih suradnika, pravnih i fizičkih osoba, izrađen je „Knjigomjer“ kojim se mjerilo „Koliko je tko velik purger/purgerica“, te su izdavane personalizirane Domovnica grada Zagreba. Događanje je izazvalo veliki interes medija i građana. Arhiv je taj dan posjetilo oko 550 ljudi, od kojih je većina po prvi puta bila u Arhivu, a izdano je oko 1.500 domovnica. Ilustracija: Knjigomjer, 31. 5. 2016. 7 PARADIGMA Razvoj arhiva, arhivske službe, arhivske teorije i prakse nije ni blizu kraja. Čovječanstvo eksponencijalnom brzinom proizvodi sve više „papira“, sve više informacija. Arhivisti­ka je nastala i razvila se upravo iz praktične potrebe snalaženja u „papirima“, nasto­janja pronalaženja (univerzalnog) sustava brzog, lakog i jednostavnog dolaska do traženog dokumenta. U arhivistici se u zadnjih pola stoljeća govori o potrebi promjene paradigme. Pojačana uporaba računala dovela je do pojave prvih međunarodnih nor­mi opisa gradiva i stvaratelja, arhivskih ustanova i funkcija, kodifikacije struke, etičkog kodeksa, arhivisti su počeli stvarati baze podatka, informacijske sustave, uključuju se u e-upravu. Brže ili sporije, ali neminovno, društvo postaje e-društvo. Zadnjih se desetl­jeća promjena arhivske paradigme vezuje uz tehnologiju, računala. Računala su samo ubrzala promjenu koja je arhivskoj struci koliko neophodna i poželjna, toliko i neizbjež­na. Prvenstveno, odgovorni smo za ono čega se sjećamo, i arhivisti više ne mogu izbjeg­avati i ignorirati svoju odgovornost za sjećanje grada, države, korporacije čiji su dio. Ar­hivisti htjeli-ne htjeli moraju usvajati nova znanja, počev od zaštite osobnih podataka, preko toga kako (intelektualno) kreirati bazu podataka do autorskih prava. „Papiri“ više ne miruju, brži su od tekućeg zlata, i jednako opasni ako se njima ispravno ne postupa. Arhivisti i arhivi (što milom, što silom) iz pasivne prelaze u aktivnu ulogu, od nekadašn­jih pasivnih čuvara memorije postaju njeni aktivni stvaratelji, odnosno oni koji se intel­ektualno brinu za oblikovanje, pronalaženje, usvajanje, zadržavanje i uporaba infor­macija iz e-gradiva. Arhivi od mjesta sjećanja postaju mjesta pamćenja (Sjećanje se više vezuje za obnavljanje, oživljavanje onoga što znamo, uz uspomene. Pamćenje je proces usvajanja i zadržavanja novih sadržaja ili novih oblika ponašanja.) Rijetke se generaci­je koje imaju privilegij sudjelovanja u promjeni paradigme svoje znanosti, u njenom određivanju i oblikovanju, te - po meni - nema većeg motiva zašto odabrati arhivistiku. Ilustracija: NAIS - Nacionalni arhivski informacijski sustav i PROJEKT E-ARH.SI 8 MOTIVACIJA Što pokreće ljudska bića? Zašto radimo ono što radimo, kada, gdje i s kim? Kao i sva živa bića, prvenstveno nas pokreću nagoni, nagoni svakog organizma za djelovanjem i oču­vanjem. Primarni nagoni su univerzalni: nagon za hranom, vodom, izbjegavanjem boli i drugih štetnih čimbenika, seksualni, roditeljski nagon. Sekundarni ili stečeni nagoni su naučeni povezivanjem s primarnim nagonima (npr. nagon za stjecanjem novca). Nagoni motiviraju naše ponašanje. Postoji više teorija motivacije, najpoznatija je Maslowljeva. Najkraće rečeno, motiviraju nas: 1. fiziološke potrebe (hrana, voda, stan, toplina), 2. potrebe za sigurnošću (fizička sigurnost i sigurnost od gubitka posla i imovine), 3. potrebe za povezivanjem (čovjek je ljudsko biće i ima potrebu za povezivanjem i pri­hvaćanjem od drugih ljudi), 4. potrebe za samopoštovanjem (donosi moć, ugled i status), 5. potrebe za samopotvrđivanjem (maksimizirati svoj potencijal i postići nešto u životu). Prema McClellandovoj teorijia imamo potrebu za moći, povezivanjem, postignućem. Prema Vroomu motivirani smo za ostvarenje cilja ako vjerujemo u njegovu vrijednost i ako možemo vidjeti da ono što činimo pomaže u njegovu ostvarenju. Rad u arhivu posredno zadovoljava mnoge nagone. Plaća nam omogućava zadovoljenje bazičnih fizioloških potreba. Znanje koja se upravo razvija o radu s digitalnim zapisima sve je traženije. Sve dok postoje organizirane zajednice ljude, čiji je odnos uređen zajed­ničkim dogovorom, arhivi(sti) će biti potrebi, te je zadovoljena potreba za sigurnošću. Arhivisti su povezani, povezani kroz prostor i vrijeme. Kvaliteta današnje obrade fonda i te kako ovisi o dobrom radu nekadašnje pisarnice i pismohrane. Kad današnji arhivisti odobre izlučivanje gradiva, ono više ne postoji. Oblikovanje povijesti zadovoljava po­trebu za moći. Nema arhivista/ice koji nije zadovoljan kad vidi knjige, izložbe, članke i emisije za koje se koristilo gradivo koje je obradio, što je posredno, odnosno neposred­no samopotvrđivanje ukoliko je arhivist autor izložbe / knjige. Svaki je znanstvenik sre­tan kad ga se citira. Ilustracija: izložbe za koje je korišteno arhivsko gradivo 9 ZAKLJUČAK Arhivistika je znanost koja se bavi proučavanjem biti arhivskog gradiva, njegovim preuz­imanjem, odabirom, svrstavanjem, zaštitom, čuvanjem i stavljanjem na raspolaganje znanstvenicima i istraživačima. U današnjem, visoko komercijaliziranom i konzumer­skom svijetu, znanost je sve više podređena profitu, a sve manje sticanju znanja radi znanja samog. Arhivistiku javnost još ne percipira kao otmjenu, razvikanu, prestižnu disciplinu, koja omogućuje veliku zaradu. Kako društvo sve više postaje e-društvo oso­be koje u moru informacija znaju kako brzo doći do one prave, pouzdane i autentične sve više dobivaju na cijeni. Stoga arhivska struka mora naučiti „loviti glave“, i motivirati osobe da postanu njeni pripadnici. Obrada, sređivanje i opisivanje gradiva zadovoljavaju potrebu za kreativnosti, is­traživanjem, kontinuiranim i trajnim usavršavanjem znanja s raznim područja. Arhivisti odsjeka za gradivo izvan arhiva najaktivnije sudjeluju u oblikovanju pisane baštine, što je posredno zadovoljenje potreba za moći. Korisnička služba znaci rad s ljudima, odnos­no povezivanje. Brendiranje, brainstorming i eventi najkraći su put ka samopoštovanju. Sudjelovanje u promjeni arhivističke paradigme pridonosi samopotvrđivanju. Arhivis­ti, baveći se arhivskom teorijom i praksom, zadovoljavaju niz svojih potreba i nagona: afilijativni nagon (život u zajednici s drugim ljudima), altruistički nagon (pomaganje drugima bez potrebe za povratom), nagon za igrom i razonodom, za radoznalosti i is­traživanju novog, nagon za autoafirmacijom (prihvaćenost i priznatost od drugih), na­gon za samoaktualizacijom (ostvarivanje svojih mogućnosti i postajanje onim što jesmo po svojoj suštini). Glavni motiv, glavna potreba, kad odmaknemo potrebu za kreativnosti, moći i priznan­jem je potreba za transgeneracijskoj egzistencijom, potreba da nas se pamti, potreba za postojanjem i nakon smrti. Ilijada, jedan od najpoznatijih i najstarijih epova, pjeva upra­vo o tome. Rad u arhivu, omogućavanje da od primarnih nastanu sekundarni i tercijarni izvori informacija, suptilno i posredno zadovoljava ovu potrebu, koju ni roditeljstvo ne može zadovoljiti do kraja. Zašto odbrati arhivistiku, zašto postati, biti i ostati arhivist/ica? Zato jer tako postojim kroz vrijeme i prostor. I kad umru djeca moje djece, i kad više ne bude osoba koji će me se sjećati, i raspadne se moj nadgrobni spomenik, postojat ću kroz knjige, izložbe, emisi­je i radove istraživača i korisnika koji se služe i koji će se služiti gradivom (informacija­ma) fondova i zbirki koje sam sredila i obradila. Archivistica, amor noster. BIBLIOGRAFIJA I IZVORI Arhiv Republike Slovenije, Arhivistički rječnik, Arhivski vjesnik, Vol. 61 No. 1, 2018. Atlanti, brojevi iz 2005., 2011., 2013. i 2016. godine Državni arhiv u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, Arhivistika i dokumetnalistika,­dex.php/hr/odsjek/katedre/arhivistika-i-dokumentalistika Heđbeli, Ž., Barbaric, M. Otvaranje arhiva na primjeru recentne prakse Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu. Radovi 5. kongresa hrvatskih arhivista ARHIVI U HRVATSKOJ – (RETRO)PERSPEKTIVA, 24. – 27. listopada 2017. Zadar. Hrvatsko arhivističko društvo, 2017., str. 517-530 Hrvatski državni arhiv, Hrvatski jezični portal, ISAAR (CPF) : Međunarodna norma arhivističkog normiranog zapisa za pravne i fizičke osobe te obitelji. 2. izd., ISAD(G) : Opća međunarodna norma za opis arhivskoga gradiva. 2. izd. , Ministarstvo kulture RH, Nacionalni arhivski informacijski sustav, Radovi 5. kongresa hrvatskih arhivista ARHIVI U HRVATSKOJ – (RETRO)PERSPEKTIVA, 24. – 27. listopada 2017. Zadar. Hrvatsko arhivističko društvo, 2017. Struna, terminološka baza hrvatskoga strukovnog nazivlja, Wikipedija, Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima, Narodne novine službeni list Republike Hrvatske broj 61 iz 2018. godine Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima, Narodne novine službeni list Republike Hrvatske broj 105 iz 1997. godine, 64/2000, 65/2009, 46/2017 Zbornik radova II. kongresa hrvatskih arhivista: ARHIVI I DRUŠTVO - IZAZOVI SUVREMENOG DOBA, Hrvatsko arhivističko društvo i Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, 25. do 27. listo­pada 2005., Dubrovnik SUMMARY The goal of this paper is to show some of the reasons why one would become, be and re­main an archivist, what motivates us and which needs do we satisfy as members of our profession and science. As society increasingly becomes e-society, those people who, in a sea of information, know how to find information that is real, reliable and authentic are becoming increasingly valued. The archival profession must learn how to motivate people to join it. The arranging, describing and processing of records is what differentiates archival work from that of libraries or museums. Properly arranging and presenting records requires research, studying the creators, their authorities, records management systems, the historical periods in which they were active, the socio-political systems, relevant legis­lation, leaders, organizational structure, type of documents created through their work and their value, legal and informative significance and potential. All those who like to continuously improve their knowledge by arranging material will find themselves here. All information collected in order to design a finding aid for any given fonds may be of use in producing scientific papers. Archives perform the work of expert oversight of the preservation and appraisal of ar­chival records outside archives and determine measures to protect it. People naturally more inclined towards and talented for work with people, with good communication skills, who also wish to teach and continuously learn, will take to the department for records outside the archives like a duck to water. They will frequently save records from destruction and deterioration, find true jewels important to history and other sciences, create and preserve information about the creator and the records, without which ar­ranging would be either impossible or incomplete. The department for records outside the archives is tasked with disposal of records held by the creators and holders. Archi­vists working in this department take a most active part in shaping written heritage. The entire purpose of preserving archival records lies in its use. Work with people is a challenge in and of itself. In addition to an exceptionally high level of acquaintance and familiarity with the fonds of any given archive, it is necessary to have an excellent knowledge of the history of institutions, records management system, the specifici­ties of each creator and knowledge of the archival network in the country and abroad. Curiosity, an inquisitive spirit and perseverance are essential. The customer service needs to know how to find information from, and about, archival record. And, no less important, to negotiate a path between users’ sometimes very unclear inquiries and specific documents. Archives organize lectures, courses, organize exhibitions and foster interest in archival records and the archival profession. This is the area where an archivist can do most to shift boundaries. This field involves maintaining media contacts, cooperating with oth­er institutions, and work in areas that archives in previous eras did not frequently en­counter, such as lobbying, cultural propaganda and tourist advertising, as well as issues of cost-effectiveness, attendance rates, and cost-benefit analyses. The archival commu­nity is rather closed and rigid, averse to change. Pioneering spirit, courage and daring come at a price, everywhere and always. I recommend this part of profession to inno­vative, creative people with a firm belief in their ideals, who are not easily discouraged. Patience is important as well as creativity. The development of archives, archival services, archival theory and practice is not near­ly complete. Over the past decades, the shift in the archival paradigm has been con­nected to technology, to computers. Computers have merely accelerated the change that is essential, desirable and inevitable to the archival profession. We are responsible for what we remember; archivists can no longer avoid and ignore their responsibility for the memories of the city, state or corporation of which they are part. Once the pas­sive keepers of memory, archivists and archives are becoming its active creators, that is, those who take intellectual care of shaping, finding, mastering, keeping and using information from e-material. While they were once places of recollection, archives are becoming places of remembering. Rare are the generations that have the privilege of participating in changing the paradigm of their science, in determining and shaping it, and, in my view, there is no greater motive than this to choose the archival profession. Working in an archive indirectly satisfies many needs and drives. Our salaries allow us to fulfill our basic physiological needs. Archivists will be necessary as long as there are organized communities of people whose relations are governed by common arrange­ments, thus satisfying the need for security. Archivists are connected through space and time. The how well fonds are arranged very much depends on the quality of the work of the erstwhile registries and record offices. When today’s archivists approve the disposal of records, they no longer exist. Shaping history satisfies the need for power. There is no archivist who fails to be pleased to see books, exhibitions, articles and broadcast programmes using material he or she processed, which is self-affirming. Every scientist is happy to be quoted. The chief motive, the main need, is the need for trans-generational existence, the need to be remembered, for existence after death. Working in an archive makes it possible for secondary and tertiary information sources to arise from primary sources, thus sub­tly and indirectly satisfying this need, which not even parenthood can fully satisfy. Why choose the archival profession, why become, be and remain an archivist? Because this way, I exist through time and space. And when my children’s children die, and there are no more people to remember me, and when my tombstone has crumbled, I shall contin­ue to exist through books, exhibitions, broadcast programmes and works by research­ers and users making use of the material (information) from fonds and collections that I had arranged and described. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.02 Review Article Miroslav Novak11 dr. Miroslav Novak, Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor, Glavni trg 7, SI-2000 Maribor, Tel.: + (386 2) 22 85 013, IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Abstract: In today’s society data management is becoming more and more complex. Consequent­ly, this is also reflected in the management of different archival contents and already established proactive professional procedures. Because of that it is necessary to perma­nently check, develop and complement the necessary archival professional knowledge and competences. In this verification process, however, there is an issue regarding the necessary changes and defining their upgrades. Therefore, this paper presents the pos­sible methods of detecting changes needed for new archival knowledge based on the paradigm: identify, react and connect. Keywords: data management, archival knowledge, archival competences, modern so­ciety, archival science IDENTIFICARE, REAGIRE E CONNETTERSI – SULLE CONOSCENZE E LE COMPETENZE NECESSARIE PER LA GESTIONE MODERNA DELL’ARCHIVIO E DEL MATERIALE DOCUMENTARIO Sintesi La gestione dei dati della societa odierna sta diventando sempre piu complessa. Di conseguenza, cio si riflette anche nella gestione dei diversi contenuti d’archivio e nelle procedure professionali proattive gia consolidate. Per questo e necessario con­trollare in modo permanente, sviluppare e integrare le necessarie conoscenze e le competenze archivistiche professionali. In questo processo di verifica, tuttavia, si e verificato un problema relativo alle modifiche necessarie ed alla definizione dei rela­tivi aggiornamenti. Pertanto, questo articolo presenta i possibili metodi per rilevare i cambiamenti necessari per nuove conoscenze di archiviazione in base al paradigma: identificare, reagire e connettersi. Parole chiave: gestione dei dati, conoscenza dell’archivio, competenze archivistiche, societa moderna, archivistica IDENTIFICIRATI, UKREPATI IN POVEZATI – O ZNANJIH IN SPRETNOSTIH ZA POTREBE SODOBNEGA UPRAVLJANJA Z ARHIVSKIM IN DOKUMENTARNIM GRADIVOM Izvleček: Upravljanje s podatki v sodobni družbi postaja vedno bolj kompleksno. Posledično se to odraža tudi na področju upravljanja arhivskih vsebin in že vzpostavljenih proaktivnih strokovnih postopkov. Prav zato je potrebno permanentno preverjati, razvijati in do­polnjevati arhivska strokovna znanja in spretnosti. Pri tem preverjanju pa se med dru­gim pojavi problem zaznavanja potrebnih sprememb in definiranja njihove nadgradnje. Zato so v prispevku predstavljene nekatere metode zaznavanja sprememb po novih ar­hivskih znanjih, ki temeljijo na paradigmi: identificirati, ukrepati in povezati. Ključne besede: upravljanje podatkov, arhivska znanja, arhivske kompetence, sodobna družba, arhivska veda 1. UVOD Uporaba sodobnih informacijskih rešitev v arhivski teoriji in praksi, standardizacija arhivskega strokovnega dela, predvsem pa nove pojavne oblike arhivskega gradiva, vključno s problemi zajemanja njegovih kontekstov, zahtevajo mnoga ad hoc znanja in spretnosti, ki si jih arhivski strokovni in drugi delavci ali uporabniki arhivskega gradiva največkrat (še) ne morejo pridobiti skozi formalno vzpostavljene sisteme strokovnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja22 Pod pojmom formalno vzpostavljene sisteme arhivskega strokovnega izobraževanja opredeljujemo vse tiste oblike izobraževanja, ki: • imajo svoje izhodišče v veljavni zakonodaji tako z vsebinskega kot tudi izvedbenega vidika, • temeljijo na vnaprej znanih in sprejetih učnih načrtih, • izobraževanje kandidatov se zaključi s podeljenim certifikatom. . Kot izrazit problem pa lahko opredelimo dejstvo, da zahteve po tovrstnih znanjih in kompetencah niso povezane le s potrebami zaposlenih v arhivskih organizacijah in ustanovah, ampak segajo v sam nastanek dokumentov in s tem v njihov aktivni del življenjskega cikla. Neposredno pa vplivajo tudi na segment splošne in posebne uporabe arhivskega in tudi dokumentarnega gradiva33 Prim.: Šabotić, Izet. (2013). Obrazovna djelatnost u arhivu tuzlanskog kantona. Atlanti, letn. 23, št. 2, str. 141-151.; Aristovnik, Bojana, Horvat, Mojca. (2012), Pedagoška djelatnost u Historijskom arhivu Celje i Pokrajinskom arhivu Maribor. V: Arhivska praksa, letn. 15, str. 139-159. Tuzla : Historijski arhiv. . Obstoječi pogled na izobraževanja in usposabljanja zaposlenih v arhivskih strokovnih institucijah, pri ustvarjalcih arhivskega gradiva in uporabnikih arhivskega gradiva izha­ja iz spoznanj, ki so bile pridobljene skozi daljša obdobja. Na tej osnovi so se delila zna­nja in spretnosti, ki so potrebna za: • dela v aktivnem življenjskem ciklu dokumentov in so bila sistemizirana za potrebe profila »dokumentalist«, • dela v pasivnem življenjskem ciklu dokumentov in so bila sistemizirana za potrebe profila »arhivist« in • dela, ki so bila potrebna za uspešno uporabo arhivskega gradiva in so bila povezana s splošnim profilom »raziskovalec« oz. »uporabnik« arhivskega gradiva. Taka splošna sistematika znanj je bila zelo tesno povezana s pristojnostmi in potrebnimi specialnimi znanji, ki so bila nujna za izvajanje nalog in poslanstva posameznih profilov. Potrebna znanja in spretnosti so se sčasoma akumulirala in so v veliki meri opredeljena kot različne zahteve, oblikovane v arhivski zakonodaji in standardih ali neposredno v različnih teoretičnih izhodiščih in s tem tudi načinih njihove implementacije v praksi.44 Novak, Miroslav. (2010). Celostno strokovno izobraževanje v okviru slovenske arhivske službe. Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja : zbornik referatov dopolnilnega izo­braževanja s področij arhivistike, dokumentalistike in informatike, št. 9, str. 483-498. Maribor : Pokra­jinski arhiv Maribor. V nadaljevanju tega prispevka bomo na podlagi pridobljenih izkušenj izvajanja izo­braževalnih programov arhivistike in dokumentologije55 Novak, Miroslav. (2014). Arhivistika in dokumentologija. V: Atlanti letn. 24. št. 2 (2014) str. 203-214. Mar­ibor: Mednarodni inštitut za arhivsko znanost in Državni arhiv v Trstu. izpostavili le nekatere vidike opredeljevanja posebnih metod poučevanja arhivskih vsebin ter posredovanja potreb­nih znanj in spretnosti na področju arhivske teorije in prakse v najširšem pomenu bese­de66 Novak, Miroslav. (2011). Metode stručnog i istraživačkog rada u savremenoj arhivskoj teoriji i praksi. V: Arhivska praksa, letn. 14, str. 213-227. Tuzla : Historijski arhiv. . S tem pa opozarjamo tudi na potrebne nujne prilagoditve oz. spremembe in s tem povezane pasti nadaljnjega celovitega razvoja strokovnega izobraževanja s področja upravljanja življenjskega cikla arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva. 2. STANJE, PERSPEKTIVE IN USMERITVE PREDMETNEGA PODROČJA Obstoječe možnosti in izvedbe izobraževanj in usposabljanj arhivskih strokovnih delav­cev lahko opredelimo z arhivsko-teoretičnega stališča na različne načine. Za potrebe tega prispevka naj omenimo le: • sistem izobraževanja in usposabljanja na podlagi »paradigme OAIS modela77 OAIS : Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), Recommended Practice, June 2012. «. Po tem modelu z izobraževalnimi vsebinami enakomerno pokrivamo celoten življenjski cikel arhivskega gradiva, vključno s posebnimi znanji in kompetencami za potrebe ustvarjalcev arhivskega gradiva, arhivskih in drugih strokovnih delavcev v arhivskih ustanovah in tudi za potrebe uporabnikov arhivskega gradiva. • Sistem izobraževanja in usposabljanja, ki ga opredelimo kot »arheo-centričen«. V središču pozornosti tega sistema so napredna arhivska strokovna in specialistična znanja in kompetence, ki so namenjena arhivskim strokovnim delavcev. Vsem osta­lim osebam, ki so kakorkoli povezane z nastajanjem in obravnavanjem arhivskega gradiva, pa zadostujejo osnovna znanja in kompetence za izvajanje natančno dolo­čenih del kot npr. pri »Crowdsourcing-u«88 Podrobneje o tem v Crowdsourcing. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. . • Sistem izobraževanja in usposabljanja, ki ga opredeljujemo kot »ad hoc« problemsko usmerjen za vse deležnike v življenjskem ciklu dokumentov. V tem primeru se izvaja izobraževanje vseh, kakorkoli povezanih delavcev z nastajanjem in obravnavanjem arhivskega gradiva in sicer glede na ugotovljene ali zaznane arhivske strokovne in druge probleme. Pri tem ni pomemben niti status posameznikov niti zakonitosti OAIS modela, ampak izključno izobraževanje in pridobivanje kompetenc za reševanje na­tančno opredeljenih arhivskih strokovnih problemov. V neposredni praksi organiziranja in izvajanja izobraževanj in usposabljanj se zgoraj opre­deljene možnosti velikokrat dinamično med seboj prepletajo. Posamezne arhivske službe ali izobraževalne ustanove se tako odločajo in opredeljujejo za ta ali oni sistem na način, da racionalno uporabljajo prednosti ene ali druge rešitve. Tak pristop je razumljiv in je skladen z vnaprej oblikovanimi zahtevami, potrebami in/ali pričakovanji po znanjih in kompetencah strokovnih delavcev. S stališča deležnikov v izobraževalnih procesih, to je izvajalcev in udele­žencev izobraževanj in usposabljanj, pa so lahko posamezne izvedbe tovrstnih izobraževanj zelo atraktivne in se pogosto interpretirajo kot inovativne ali celo kot unikatne rešitve. Ne glede na vzpostavljene praktične rešitve izvajanja izobraževanja in usposabljanja za delo z dokumentacijo, pa se zastavljeni cilji glede pričakovanih znanj in kompetenc ar­hivskih strokovnih in drugih z arhivskim gradivom povezanih delavcev korigirajo glede na zahteve in pričakovanja ter naloge s področja celote, ki g opredeljujemo z generič­nim pojmom »upravljanje arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva«99 Kot primer naj navedemo kompleksnost potrebnih znanj in kompetenc s področja upravljanja z doku­mentacijo in informacijsko varnostjo. To je izredno hitro rastoče področje, ki vpliva na celotno poslovan­je ustvarjalca arhivskega gradiva, ki ima dolgoročne vplive tudi za arhivsko gradivo. Prim.: Burnač, Danilo, Andrič, Sanja, Špehonja, Boštjan. (2018). Obveznosti podjetja Mariborski vodovod kot deležnika kritične infrastrukture na področju nevarnosti e-poslovanja in potreba po varnostnih pregledih IKT-sis­temov. V: Moderna arhivistika, št. 1, str. 283-292. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. . Če pogledamo na profil sodobnega upravljalca arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva s stališča pričakovanj laične javnosti, se zdi, kot da bi ta moral imeti izredna tehnološka, in­formacijska, pravna, historična in še kakšna znanja in spretnosti. Na tej osnovi bi moral biti sposoben odgovarjati na različna zahtevna vprašanja uporabnikov in aktivno participirati v strokovnih razpravah. Ob tem bi moral oblikovati relevantne in dolgoročno vzdržne pro­aktivne strokovne in druge rešitve s področja upravljanja celotnega življenjskega cikla do­kumentacije, še posebej pa s področja arhivske teorije in prakse1010 Na tovrstne probleme je opozorila že Pejović, Snežana. (2011). Drži li savremeni arhivista arhivsku stru­ku u svojim rukama? Atlanti, vol. 21, str. 295-306. Maribor: Mednarodni inštitut za arhivsko znanost in Državni arhiv v Trstu. . Da bi lahko razvili takšne tipe profilov, je potrebo iskati načelne rešitve v smeri specializacije članov posameznih ti­mov, ki izvajajo arhivske strokovne naloge v določenem času in prostoru. Vendar je ob tem potrebno upoštevati dejstvo, da s tem posegamo v temelje obstoječih sistemov upravljanja z dokumentacijo. Ključne aktivnosti se tako osredotočajo na dinamično oblikovanje timov in na profiliranje članov teh timov, kar pa je lahko v velikem nasprotju z obstoječo organiza­cijo procesov in aktivnosti v posameznih arhivskih in drugih ustanovah. Eden od strateških ciljev sodobnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja arhivskih strokov­nih in drugih delavcev pa je posredovati in zagotoviti način strokovnega razmišljanja in ukrepanja, ki temelji na paradigmi »identificirati, ukrepati in povezati«. Tak način dela bi bilo potrebno uporabiti ne glede na entitete, s katerimi se posamezniki srečujejo pri strokovnem delu in ne glede na tipe relacij, ki se vzpostavljajo med temi entitetami. Pri opredeljevanju in ugotavljanju ustreznosti splošnih vsebinskih, metodoloških in izvedbenih rešitev obstoječih sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja s področja ar­hivske teorije in prakse pa lahko hitro zaznamo določene omejitve v posameznih kon­tekstih. Te se kažejo npr. v: • predpisanem številu izobraževalnih oz. akreditiranih ur, • osredotočenjih predvsem na faktografske podatke, • omejenem obsegu izvajanja prakse s področja upravljanja z dokumenti, • splošnem pomanjkanju arhivskih strokovnih teoretičnih in praktičnih izkušenj z naj­sodobnejšimi tehnološkimi rešitvami in podobno. Zgoraj izpostavljeni sodobni izzivi arhivske strokovne javnosti ustvarjajo potrebe po per­manentnih premislekih v zvezi z oblikovanjem izobraževalnih procesov arhivskih stro­kovnih delavcev, določanjem izobraževalnih vsebin in ciljev za doseganje zahtevanih znanj in kompetenc sodobnih arhivskih in drugih z dokumentacijo povezanih delavcev1111 Klasinc. Peter Pavel. (2011). Študij arhivistike kot znanstvene vede. V: Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, št. 10, str. 73-81. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. . Znano je, da se že preizkušene rešitve in načini izobraževanja in s tem tudi vsebine, ki naj bi jih poznali arhivski strokovni delavci, skozi čas dinamično spreminjajo. To spreminja­nje lahko zaznamo skozi vsebinska prilagajanja učnih načrtov študija arhivistike, osnov­nih izobraževalnih in nadaljevalnih tečajev in izobraževanj in drugih oblik izobraževanj s področja arhivske teorije in prakse1212 Osnovna metoda oblikovanja predmetnikov temelji po inerciji na že preizkušenih rešitvah, predvsem pa na predvidevanju, kaj vse naj bi znal arhivski strokovni in drugi delavec, ki se ukvarja z upravljanjem dokumentacije. Osnovna metoda oblikovanja predmetnikov temelji po inerciji na že preizkušenih rešit­vah, predvsem pa na predvidevanju, kaj vse naj bi znal arhivski strokovni in drugi delavec, ki se ukvarja z upravljanjem dokumentacije. . Pogoste spremembe in adaptacije formalnih in neformalnih učnih načrtov, ki so pove­zani z izobraževanjem profilov dokumentalistov in arhivistov v najširšem pomenu be­sede je potrebno iskati v: • proaktivnosti kot elementarni paradigmi sodobne arhivske teorije in prakse1313 Elektronski dokumenti : priročnik za arhiviste. (2006). Mednarodni arhivski svet, Komite za dokumente v elektronskem okolju. Ljubljana : Arhiv Republike Slovenije. ter v • premiku težišča arhivskega strokovnega dela, ki je bilo v preteklosti predvsem hi­storično orientirano v smer proti arhivskemu strokovnemu delu, ki je prvenstveno orientirano na področje upravljanja podatkov in informacij. S tem pa se tudi spremeni splošno profiliranje arhivskih strokovnih delavcev, ki global­no gledano postajajo vedno bolj »tehnična« in obratno sorazmerno manj »humanistič­na inteligenca«. V sodobni družbi že dolgo ni več smiselno izvajati izobraževanj in usposabljanj, katerih osnovni cilj je izgraditi profil arhivista »univerzalnega arhivskega genija«, ki si mora za­pomniti velike količine faktografskih podatkov s področja zgodovinopisja, ohranjenih vsebin v arhivskem gradivu, različnih tehnoloških rešitev itd. Ugotovitev velja še pose­bej za t.i arhivsko aplikativno področje. Prav zato je potrebno iskati druge, tudi inovativ­ne načine in oblike izobraževanj in usposabljanj zaposlenih na temeljih relevantnih in aktualnih izobraževalnih vsebin. Pri tem se je brez dvoma potrebno nasloniti na že ob­stoječ, dokaj kompleksno zastavljen izobraževalni sistem arhivskih strokovnih delav­cev. Ta je v določenih okoljih že dobro razvit tako po horizontali kot tudi po vertikali1414 Kot primere naj navedem le rešitve na področju izobraževanja arhivskih strokovnih delavcev v Nemčiji (podrobneje v: Kruse, Christian. (2014). Die Archivausbildung in Deutschland im Jahr 2014. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 129-140. Maribor: Mednarodni inštitut za arhivsko znanost in Državni arhiv v Trstu. in Be­lorusiji (podrobneje v: Rybakou, Andrei. (2014). Training and educating professional archivists and re­cords managers in Belarus. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 109-118. Maribor: Mednarodni inštitut za arhivsko znanost in Državni arhiv v Trstu. ali v Sloveniji na akreditiranem dodiplomskem, magistrskem in doktor­skem študiju v okviru Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center Maribor. Podrobneje o teh študijih na splet­ni strani in tudi v: Toplak, Ludvik, Klasinc, Peter Pavel. (2012). Drugost­openjski magistrski študij arhivistike in dokumentologije. V: Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektronskega arhiviranja, Radenci 2012, str. 197-204. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. . Če se proaktivnost arhivske stroke pojavlja kot odgovor na hiter tehnološki razvoj v se­gmentu informacijske tehnologije, se orientiranost stroke v smeri na arhivske podatke in informacije odraža glede na splošno dinamiko sodobnega razvoja družbe. Vse to sicer v arhivski teoriji in praksi akumulira nova znanja in s tem tudi generira potrebe po novih, običajno zelo specializiranih znanjih in spretnostih posameznikov. Od njih se posredno ali neposredno zahteva, da so sposobni sooblikovati vsebine ter sodelovati na različnih nalogah in v različnih timih, vse za doseganje zastavljenih strokovnih ciljev. Tovrstnih znanj pa obstoječi formalizirani sistemi praktično ne posredujejo. Analiza bibliografije s področja izobraževanja v arhivski stroki kaže, da je ta zelo ob­sežna in raznovrstna, a hkrati vsebinsko gledano medsebojno kompatibilna1515 Navedem naj le nekaj prispevkov iz revije Atlanti, letn. 2014: Marosz, Magdalena. (2014). Archival edu­cation. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 141-147; Larin, Michail V. (2014). Modern tendencies of archival educa­tion in Russia. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 159-164, Cheşca, Iulia. (2014). Professional training in archives studies in Romania. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 195-201; Begum, Bilkis, Mostofa, Mamun, Mezbah-Ul-Is­lam, Muhammad. (2014). Developing a new academic discipline of archives and records management (ARM) in Bangladesh. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 119-128; Hanus, Jozef, Vizárová, Katarína, Reháková, Milena, Hanusová, Emília. (2014). Training and education. Atlanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 165-174; Hoa, Đoan Thi. (2014). The current situation of pre-service training of human resource for archives in Vietnam. At­lanti, letn. 24, št. 2, str. 215-221. . To je razumljivo, saj so cilji, ki jim sledijo avtorji na obravnavanem področju postavljeni na podlagi formalnih ali neformalnih zahtev po splošnem zanju na področju upravljanja arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva in s tem tudi spoznanjih in uporabljenih meto­dah splošne arhivske teorije in prakse. Tak pristop nikakor ni v nasprotju s sodobno iz­obraževalno doktrino s področja arhivskih ved. Znano je, da je arhivistom in dokumen­talistom potrebo zagotoviti osnovna splošna znanja in spretnosti za osnovno izvajanje dejavnosti. Zato lahko ugotovimo, da se tak pristop kaže kot zelo uspešen pri posredo­vanju t.i. temeljnih strokovnih znanj, kjer se zahteve po spremembah in dopolnitvah s predmetnega področja pojavljajo v relativno dolgih ciklih. Za razliko od ciklov sprememb in dopolnitev temeljnih arhivskih strokovnih znanj, pa so ti na aplikativnem nivoju praviloma relativno kratki. Velikokrat temeljijo na hitrih, pogosto »ad hoc«, in ne nujno na dolgoročno vzdržnih arhivskih strokovnih rešitvah. To nasprotje med zakonitostmi temeljnih in aplikativnih strokovnih znanj in veščin ustvar­ja antagonizem slehernega sodobnega izobraževalnega sistema. Zgoraj izpostavljeni antagonizem pa ima še drugo faseto, ki ima ponekod izhodišče v relativnem pomanjkanju potrebne teorije in s tem povezane prakse obravnavanih stro­kovnih rešitev. To dejstvo lahko vpliva entropično pri posredovanju temeljnih aplikativ­nih strokovnih znanj. Omenjena anomalija je posebej izpostavljena npr. v primeru, ko je potrebno z formalizacijo posameznih znanj in spoznaj ter s tem povezanih spretnosti čakati v neko nedoločeno prihodnost. Kot primer te anomalije naj navedemo oblikova­nje odgovorov na nekatera preprosta vprašanja, kot so npr.: • kdaj je potrebno začeti s sistemskim izobraževanjem strokovnih delavcev za pod­ročja, ki jih opredeljujemo kot »big data«1616 Primerjajte: Stančič, Hrvoje. (2018). Computational Archival Science. V: Moderna arhivistika, št. 2, str. 323-330. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. , »umetna inteligenca1717 Primerjajte: Hajtnik, Tatjana, Škoro Babić, Aida. (2018). Ali nam lahko pri vrednotenju in odbiranju el­ektronskega gradiva pomaga tehnologija? V: Moderna arhivistika, št. 1, str. 169-196. Maribor : Pokra­jinski arhiv Maribor. «, »block-cha­in«1818 Bursić, Edvin, Stančič, Hrvoje. (2019). Creation of Authentic Digital Copies in the Form of Original by the Pro­cess of Digitization. V: Moderna arhivistika, II., 2019, št. 2, str. 214-227. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. in drugih sodobnih tehnoloških in organizacijskih rešitev, ki že neposredno vplivajo ali pa bodo vplivale v bližnji prihodnosti na nastanek dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva in s tem povezane procese in rešitve tako pri ustvarjalcih ar­hivskega gradiva kot v pristojnih arhivskih ustanovah in nenazadnje tudi pri upo­rabnikih arhivskega gradiva? • Ali je za arhivske strokovne delavce dovolj, da poznajo le osnovne parametre tega področja in morebitne posledice na arhivsko teorijo in prakso, ali pa bi jih bilo pot­rebno izobraževati predvsem v smeri ugotavljanja neposrednih vplivov na temeljno arhivsko doktrino1919 Primerjajte: Novak, Miroslav. (2013). Vplivi informacijskih tehnologij na oblikovanje arhivske doktrine. At­lanti, letn. 23, št. 1, str. 251-258. Maribor: Mednarodni inštitut za arhivsko znanost in Državni arhiv v Trstu. ? Kot relativno velik problem na področju izobraževanja arhivskih strokovnih in drugih delavcev s področja upravljanja z dokumentacijo pa lahko zaznamo tudi v šibkem for­malnem in tudi neformalnem profiliranju delovnih mest ter s tem povezanih vlog v ar­hivskih strokovnih postopkih itd. S stališča upravljanja in racionalizacije delovanja arhivskih organizacij se »strokovna uravnilovka« kratkoročno kaže kot dobra rešitev, ker omogoča veliko prilagodljivost delegiranja in poslovanja oz. izvajanja različnih strokovnih nalog osebam enakih ali različnih profilov. Ta pojav je opazen predvsem pri procesih v manjših zaključenih de­lovnih celotah. V odvisnosti od organizacijskih in vodstvenih struktur in seveda posa­meznikov se posledice uravnilovke lahko kažejo kot počasno prilagajanje spremem­bam, nesprejemanje novosti, vztrajanje pri obstoječih rešitvah, čeprav te nimajo več nobenega razvojnega potenciala itd. S stališča strokovnega izobraževanja in usposa­bljanja taka okolja potrebujejo zelo močne impulze za sprejemanje novih strokovnih znanj in spretnosti. Na drugi strani pa je profiliranje delovnih mest in vlog v delovnih procesih pomembno za pravilno oblikovanje in izvajanje osebnih ali timskih izobraževalnih načrtov. Ti mora­jo biti prilagojeni dejanskim potrebam arhivske stroke tako globalno kot tudi lokalno. Kot primer naj navedemo smisel in potrebe po razlikovanju glede pričakovanih znanj in kompetenc za potrebe dela in odločanja tistih arhivskih strokovnih delavcev, ki se prvenstveno ukvarjajo s starejšim arhivskim gradivom v primerjavi z arhivisti, ki so za­dolženi predvsem za novejše gradivo. Pri prvih ni za pričakovati večjih novih prevzemov in s tem povezanih proaktivnih arhivskih strokovnih aktivnosti. Hkrati s tem se soočajo s problemi razpoznavanja predvsem pa s semantičnimi problemi razumevanja vsebin in kontekstov tovrstnega arhivskega gradiva. V nasprotju z njimi pa je problem razu­mevanja in izvajanja arhivskega proaktivnega strokovnega delovanja lahko zelo velik pri tistih strokovnih delavcih, ki so zaposleni v segmentih upravljanja z novejšim in naj­novejšim arhivskim in dokumentarnim gradivom. Ti se srečujejo s problemi sintaks in semantik na strojnem in človeku berljivem podatkovnem nivoju, npr. pri popisovanju arhivskega gradiva, ali v sektorjih, kjer se pričakujejo novi prevzemi hibridnih ali elek­tronskih oblik dokumentacije itd. Razlika med obema profiloma se ne odseva le v postopkih in pričakovanih rezultatih dela, ampak predvsem v potrebnih znanjih in kompetencah enega ali drugega profila. Profiliranje pa ni enkratna aktivnost, ampak se mora izvajati permanentno in sicer pre­mosorazmerno s procesom uvajanja novih informacijskih, tehnoloških, postopkovnih in drugih rešitev, ki neposredno vplivajo na samo arhivsko in dokumentarno gradivo, na njihove kontekste in procese. Skladno s tem procesom se morajo novelirati tudi izobra­ževalne vsebine. Pri noveliranju izobraževalnih vsebin s predmetnih področij je potrebno uporabiti ustre­zne metode ugotavljanja potrebnih, zahtevanih ali kako drugače znanj in sposobnosti. Kot primer naj navedemo le pojav elektronskih dokumentov, ki so postavili pod vprašaj temeljno arhivsko strokovno paradigmo glede prvotne ureditve in izvora arhivskega gradiva, na kateri v fizičnem okolju gradi celoten sistem javne vere. Vendar ne glede na uporabljene tehnološke rešitve še vedno velja upoštevanje principa »unikatnega arhivskega gradiva«. S pojavom rešitev, ki temeljijo na tehnologiji »block-chain2020 Zago, Matteo Gianpietro. (2018). 50+ Examples of How Blockchains are Taking Over the World. «, pa očitno ta princip spreminja svoj fokus tudi pri arhivskih strokovnih delavcih. Iz tega lahko že danes zaznamo mnoge izzive, ki so povezani tudi z izobraževanjem arhivskih strokovnih in drugih delavcev. Prav zato bi se bilo potrebno ob vsebinah, ki osvetljujejo posamezne tehnološke in druge rešitve, ukvarjati še z njihovimi ključnimi abstraktnimi pojmi in nameni, kot so relativnost, relevantnost, fleksibilnost, inovativnost itd. Skozi javno dostopne arhivske informacijske sisteme zaznavamo različne tehnološke in vsebinske, pa tudi kontekstne rešitve, ki pogosto ne zadoščajo več informacijskim in drugim potrebam uporabnikov. To spoznanje je lahko za posamezni sistem izobra­ževanja zelo obremenjujoče, še posebej glede na dejstvo, da so ustvarjalci tovrstnih vsebin praviloma prepričani, da delajo strokovno neoporečno in skladno s sprejetimi standardi, navodili, usmeritvami itd. Problem ugotavljanja in opredeljevanja potrebnih znanj in spretnosti v teh primerih predstavlja splošni arhivski strokovni izziv. Tega se je potrebno lotiti analitično, npr. na podlagi analiz rezultatov, ki so nastale na podlagi že preizkušenih rešitev. V tem smislu si je potrebno prizadevati za oblikovanje minimuma potrebnih znanj in spretnosti, ki bi bila oblikovana kot potrebna strokovna podstat za iz­vajanje dejavnosti. Pri tem bi bilo potrebno posebej izpostaviti metode in načine jasne­ga in nedvoumnega identificiranja entitet arhivskih strokovnih obdelav tako v fizičnem kot tudi logičnem smislu. Poznavanje metod identifikacije arhivskih strokovnih entitet in njihova praktična imple­mentacija pa nista zadostna za uspešno in dolgoročno vzdržno in kvalitetno opravljeno arhivsko strokovno delo. Vse to zahteva več individualnega dela, sistem doslednega monitoringa rezultatov dela strokovnih delavcev in na drugi strani sistem monitoringa tehnoloških in drugih z arhivskim gradivom povezanih najnovejših rešitev in spoznanj. Ena od spretnosti, ki ji v arhivski stroki sicer dajemo veliko formalno vlogo, v praksi pa pogosto zataji, je tudi ustrezno ukrepanje arhivskih strokovnih delavcev v različnih situ­acijah. Sposobnost ustrezne reakcije pa ni omejena samo na sinhrono komunikacijo npr. uporabnik-čitalničar, ampak predvsem na asinhrono komunikacijo, ki jo vzpostavljamo s pomočjo arhivskih informacijskih sistemov in njihovih vsebin, objav arhivskega gra­diva, s pomočjo izdelanih različnih informativnih pomagal in podobno. Celoten sistem izobraževanja bi bilo potrebno zaokrožiti s posredovanjem metod in načinov povezova­nja oz. ugotavljanja relacij med entitetami arhivskega strokovnega dela, ki so v vsakok­ratnem fokusu arhivskega strokovnega delavca. 3. ZAKLJUČEK Izzivi na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja za obvladovanje celotnega življenj­skega cikla dokumentov so aktualni, kompleksni in strokovno zelo zahtevni. Z uvaja­njem informacijske tehnologije v sisteme za upravljanje z dokumentacijo pri ustvarjal­cih, digitalizacija arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva in tudi vedno kompleksnejši sistemi upravljanja z arhivskim gradivom močno vplivajo na sodobno arhivsko paradi­gmo. S tem pa vplivajo tudi na zahteve po permanentnem izobraževanju in usposablja­nju delavcev, ki vstopajo v različnih točkah življenjskega cikla dokumentov in na sam cikel ali na nastanek, hrambo in uporabo arhivskega gradiva. Procesi prilagajanja novim rešitvam s predmetnega področja so neposredno odvisni od vplivov in uporabe različ­nih tehnologij in rešitev ter s tem povezanih postopkov. Trenutno aktualna področja so »big data«, »umetna inteligenca«, »block chain« itd. Vedno večja akumulacija zahtev po novih znanjih in spretnostih sproža premisleke ustreznosti pridobljenih znanj zaposlenih v arhivih in pri ustvarjalcih arhivskega in do­kumentarnega gradiva. Vendar ne glede na te pomisleke v praksi opažamo fenomen, da nekatera v preteklosti razvita in formalizirana arhivska znanja ter opredeljene spret­nosti ostajajo aktualne in to kljub silovitemu splošnemu tehnološkemu in siceršnjemu razvoju sodobne družbe. Pri oblikovanju sistema predmetnega izobraževanja pa to dej­stvo lahko predstavlja problem pri opredeljevanju potrebnih temeljnih in aplikativnih zanj za posamezne profile. Težave lahko zaznavamo v segmentu opredeljevanja zahte­vane količine, predvsem pa pri problemih njihove implementacije v vsakdanje arhivsko strokovno delo. Prav zato je potrebno dopolniti in nadgraditi obstoječe sisteme izobraževanj v smeri večje formalizacije in vzpodbujanja posebnih znanj in spretnosti. Uvesti bi bilo potreb­no več individualnih oblik izobraževanj in usposabljanj za posamezne profile s skupnimi izhodišči. V tej zvezi bi bilo potrebno uveljaviti personalizirane učne načrte za posame­zne profile, hkrati s tem pa zagotoviti ustrezen monitoring nad rezultati dela arhivskih strokovnih delavcev, kar bi pomenilo pravočasno ukrepanje ob odklonih ali ob uvaja­njih novih spoznanj tehnologij itd. Z vsebinskega stališča bi kazalo tesneje povezati profila sodobnega arhivista in sodob­nega dokumentalista. Pri tem ni niti tako pomembno ali ju razvijati kot en sam profil ali kot dva samostojna profila, kolikor so pomembna zahtevana znanja in spretnosti za potrebe proaktivnega izvajanja dejavnosti na področju celotnega življenjskega cikla dokumentov. Pri tem pa se osredotočiti na metode ki imajo skupne značilnosti v besedni zvezi »identificirati, ukrepati in povezati«. V arhivskih ustanovah moramo začeti oblikovati in uveljavljati nove specialnosti in s tem nove profile kot so upravljalci podatkov, informatorji, arhivski pedagogi itd. Po­samezne profile sodobnih upravljalcev arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva bi bilo potrebno oblikovati in razvijati na podlagi analiz in različnih statističnih kazalnikov tako s področja upravljanja z dokumentacijo, splošnega družbenega in tehnološkega razvo­ja, spoznanj s področja ožje arhivske in dokumentalistične stroke kakor tudi za različnih področji arhivskih in dokumentalističnih pomožnih ved. 4. 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V: Moderna arhivistika, I., 2018, št. 2, str. 323-330. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. Pridobljeno 16. 7. 2019 s spletne strani Šabotić, Izet. (2013). Obrazovna djelatnost u arhivu tuzlanskog kantona. Atlanti, letn. 23, št. 2, str. 141-151. Pridobljeno 13. 7. 2019 s spletne strani URN:NBN:SI:DOC-I7O­XP7X8 from Toplak, Ludvik, Klasinc, Peter Pavel. (2012). Drugostopenjski magistrski študij arhivisti­ke in dokumentologije. V: Tehnični in vsebinski problemi klasičnega in elektron­skega arhiviranja, Radenci 2012, str. 197-204. Maribor : Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor. Pridobljeno 18. 7. 2019 s spletne strani­toteke/Radenci/Radenci2012/22_Klasinc_ESM_2012.pdf. Zago, Matteo Gianpietro. (2018). 50+ Examples of How Blockchains are Taking Over the World. Pridobljeno 14. 7. 2019 s spletne strani SUMMARY Challenges in the field of education and training for supporting the entire life cycle of documents are substantial, complex and professionally demanding. The implementa­tion of information technology into document management systems by creators, the digitization of archival and documentary material as well as increasingly complex archi­val management systems, have a major impact on the contemporary archival paradigm. Consequently they have direct influence on the demands for permanent education and training of employees. As authorized persons, the employees are entering in different points of the life cycle of documents and affect the cycle itself, the creation, keeping and use of archival and documentary material. The processes of adaptation to new solu­tions from the subject area are directly dependent on the impacts and the use of various technologies, solutions and related processes. From this point of view, the important current areas are referred to as “big data”, “artificial intelligence”, »block chain« etc. The increasing accumulation of requirements for new skills and knowledge raises an issue about the appropriateness of the already acquired knowledge of employees in archives and creators. These concerns notwithstanding, in practice, we notice the phe­nomenon that some archival knowledge and the skills, developed and formalized in the past remain actual, despite the general technological and otherwise development of modern society. By designing the system of subject education, this may be a prob­lem when defining the necessary basic and applicative requirements for individual pro­files. Problems can be perceived in the segment of determining the required quantity of knowledge and skills needed, and especially their implementation in everyday archival professional work. Because of that it is necessary to supplement and upgrade existing education systems in the direction of greater formalization and promotion of specific skills. More individual forms of training and training for individual profiles with com­mon platforms need to be introduced. In this context, personalized curricula for individ­ual profiles should be put in place, while ensuring adequate monitoring of the results of the work of archival professionals, which would lead to timely reactions when devia­tions appear or when new technological knowledge etc. is introduced. From the content’s point of view, it is important that the profiles of contemporary archi­vists and contemporary documentaries are closely linked. They can be developed either as a single profile or as two independent profiles, insofar as the required knowledge and skills that are important for the needs of proactive implementation of activities in the entire life cycle of documents are acquired. In doing so, the focus is on the methods that have common characteristics in the verbal link “to identify, react, and connect”. Archival institutions should start to design and promote new specialities and new pro­files such as data managers, informers, archival educators, etc. Individual profiles of contemporary managers of archival material and records should be developed on the basis of analyses and various statistical indicators, both in the field of document man­agement, general social and technological development, lessons from the field of ar­chival and documentary profession, as well as various fields of archival and documen­tary auxiliary sciences. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.01 Original scientific research Mikhail Larin11 Dr. Professor Mikhail Larin, Head of the Department of electronic records management systems, Histori­cal and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for Humanities (RGGU), Russia, Moscow, 125993, GSP-3, Miusskaia pl., 6, Tel: +7 495 628-52-97, mobile: +7 910 421 05 29, e-mail:; ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT ABSTRACT The development of theoretical aspects of the preservation of archival electronic doc­uments in modern conditions is very relevant. Scientists and specialists from many countries are actively working on their solution. Scientists and specialists of the Rus­sian Federation pay considerable attention to this area of archival science, developing various topics of the archiving of electronic (digital) documentation. The report focus­es on a number of key aspects of this problem in connection with the implementation of the National Project “Digital Economy”. Within the framework of this project, it is necessary to conduct research and solve practical problems in the field of electronic documents: problems of terminology, selection of electronic documents for storage, designing of information systems of archives, creation of the Center for electronic documents preservation. Keywords: archival science, archive, electronic document, preservation, archival docu­ment, long-term storage, storage rules, information technology. DOCUMENTI ELETTRONICI IN ARCHIVIO: UN ASPETTO TEORICO ABSTRACT Lo sviluppo degli aspetti teorici della conservazione dei documenti elettronici d’archi­vio in condizioni moderne e molto rilevante. Scienziati e specialisti di molti paesi stan­no lavorando attivamente alla loro soluzione. Scienziati e specialisti della Federazione Russa prestano notevole attenzione a quest’area della scienza archivistica, sviluppando vari argomenti di archiviazione della documentazione elettronica (digitale). Il rapporto si concentra su una serie di aspetti chiave di questo problema in relazione all’attuazione del progetto nazionale Economia digitale. Nell’ambito di questo progetto, e necessario condurre ricerche e risolvere problemi pratici nel campo dei documenti elettronici: pro­blemi di terminologia, selezione di documenti elettronici per l’archiviazione, progetta­zione di sistemi di informazione degli archivi, creazione del Centro per la conservazione dei documenti elettronici . Parole chiave: scienza archivistica, archivio, documento elettronico, conservazione, do­cumento archivistico, conservazione a lungo termine, regole di conservazione, tecnolo­gia dell’informazione. ELEKTRONSKO GRADIVO IN ARHIVIRANJE: TEORETIČNI ASPEKT IZVLEČEK Razvoj teoretičnih vidikov hrambe arhivskih elektronskih dokumentov v sodobnih raz­merah je zelo relevanten. Znanstveniki in strokovnjaki iz mnogih držav aktivno delajo na njihovi rešitvi. Znanstveniki in strokovnjaki Ruske federacije posvečajo veliko po­zornosti temu področju arhivske znanosti, saj razvijajo različne teme glede arhiviranja elektronskega (digitalnega) gradiva. Poročilo se osredotoča na številne ključne vidike tega problema v povezavi z izvajanjem nacionalnega projekta “Digitalna ekonomija”. V okviru tega projekta je potrebno izvesti raziskave in rešiti praktične težave na področju elektronskih dokumentov: problematiko terminologije, izbiro elektronskih dokumen­tov za shranjevanje, oblikovanje informacijskih sistemov za hrambo, ustanovitev Centra za hrambo elektronskih dokumentov . Ključne besede: arhivska znanost, arhiv, elektronski dokument, hramba, arhivski doku­ment, dolgoročno shranjevanje, pravila shranjevanja, informacijska tehnologija. ........ ........ ........... ..........: ............. ....... ......... .......... ............. ........ ........ ........ ........... .......... . ..­......... ........ ........ ...... ........... ...... . ........... ...... ..... ....... ........ ... .. ......... ...... . ........... .......... ......... ...­.... ............ ........ .... ..... ......... ...., ............ ......... .... ............. ........... (........) ............. . ....... ......... ...­..... .... ........ ........ ...... ........ . ..... . ........... ............. ....... «........ .........». . ...... ....... ....... ......... ........ ..­..... ............ . ...... ............ ...... . ..... ........... ..........: ........ ............, ...... .. ........ ........... .........., .......... .............. ...... ......., ........ ...... ........ ........... ........... ........ .....: ............., ....., ........... ........, ........... ........­..., ........ ........, ............ ........, ....... ........, .............. ...­........ INTRODUCTION For several decades, electronic documents have been the subject of discussion in the professional community of records management professionals and archivists. Howev­er, in recent years electronic documents have become increasingly important due to the fact that their significant array, accumulated in various information systems, requires practical solutions for the organization of long-term and permanent storage. This cir­cumstance led to the fact that the storage of electronic documents began to bother the heads of organizations. The lack of effective methods for storage of electronic docu­ments archives and a certain inertness of archival institutions, the presence of a certain psychological barrier among archivists led to the fact that specialists from various fields of activity began to be actively involved in solving the problems of long-term storage of electronic documents. It is quite clear that these specialists approached the solution of this task, based on their specific practical experience and theoretical knowledge from their professional sphere. Two years ago the implementation of the National Project “Digital Economy” began in the Russian Federation, which presupposes the creation of conditions for a more active and effective implementation of information technologies in all sectors of the national economy, including in records management. For these pur­poses measures are planned to improve legislation that ensures the implementation of paperless interaction, the use of electronic documents and the creation of legal con­ditions for the formation of a unified digital environment. By 2025 it is expected to in­crease the volume of departmental and interdepartmental electronic document circu­lation up to 90%. Achieving this indicator will require serious hard work based primarily on the results of scientific research. Terminological aspect. In order to fulfill the positions of the National Project “Digital Economy” working groups were created in various areas of the project, including the spectrum of problems of electronic documents. It is noteworthy that the work of this group, formed from representatives of different areas of knowledge, involves finding answers to theoretical questions, starting with the conceptual apparatus of an elec­tronic document. It should be noted that these questions cannot be vulgarly reduced only to the search of the definition of electronic document that suits everyone, as some authors do. Of course, as in classical records management, the essential characteristics, functions, features and attributes of an electronic document should be investigated. Without pretending to complete the solution of this scientific problem, let us dwell on some theoretical aspects that are relevant to the theory and practice of organizing the archival storage of electronic documents. Regarding the concept of “electronic document” we have repeatedly noted the diver­sity of its definitions in legal acts and in national standards of the Russian Federation22 Larin M.V. Theory and Practice of Electronic Records Archival Storage. //ATLANTI, IIAS, Trieste – Maribor, vol. 27(2017) No 1, c.117 - 124. . Attempts to find a common universal definition for all fields of activity of an electronic document was not reached. The mentioned working group, organized in the course of the implementation of the “road map” of the National Project “Digital Economy”, leads the second year of the discussion on this issue. However, significant progress and re­sults have not yet been achieved. The problem, in our opinion, lies in the fact that the term “electronic document” is used in various spheres of professional activity, for each of which its own specific characteristics matter, which the authors try to include in the defined concept. For office work this is the provision of legally significant electronic records management, for archival science it is long-term preservation, for information technology - data struc­turing, for law - the ability to use as evidence, etc. In our point of view the most reason­able way out of this situation is to bind the definition of electronic document to a specif­ic sphere of professional activity. For example, the standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52292-2004 “Information Technology (IT). Electronic exchange of information. Terms and definitions”, interprets the “electronic document” as follows: “Electronic document; ED: A form for presenting a document in the form of a set of interconnected realizations in an electronic environment and their corresponding interconnected re­alizations in a digital environment”33 GOST R 52292-2004 “Information Technology (IT). Electronic exchange of information. Terms and defi­nitions “[Electronic resource]. URL: (the date of the appeal 11.03.2019). . From the point of view of a computer expert, this definition quite adequately conveys the technical and technological specifics of an elec­tronic document. On the other hand, this definition is not perceived by either records managers or archivists as belonging to their professional field. All the good wishes of individual specialists who dream of establishing a single defe­nition of a document (electronic document) in the laws governing various spheres of social and economic life in international and national standards from various profes­sional fields will not lead to anything. And we need to understand the objective reasons for this, related primarily to the fact that each subject area of the branches of scientific knowledge forms its own specific terminology system for the practical activities of spe­cific specialists (records managers, archivists, librarians, IT specialists, lawyers, manag­ers, etc.). In our case, it is fundamentally important that the concept of an “electronic document” be equally perceived by records management specialists and archivists. In our opinion, the most adequate is the understanding of an electronic document as a document which information is represented in a digital form. The question of the definition of an electronic document acquires additional relevance also because along with this term the term “digital document” is actively used. In this connection, the question arises of how significant this problem is in the scientific aspect? What is behind the use of these terms, only synonymy or is a truly digital document sig­nificantly different from an electronic document? For the solution of this question we will stop on both definitions in legal acts and standards. As for the digital document, in many respects its use is due to the tribute to modern trends (digital economy). However, a fair question arises: is this phrase used only for a witty remark? Is there a new concept behind it? This problem requires a serious theoret­ical understanding. In a multilingual database of archival terminology, the terms “electronic record” (elec­tronic document) and “digital record” (digital document) are given. Although they are positioned as two separate terms, they are actually defined in the same way: infor­mation that was included in the system, which provides the storage of documents and work with them in an automated system and which requires the use of the system to make it understandable to men. The term “digital record” (document) is not used in Russian legislation, however, the words “electronic-digital” and “digitized” are often used. In all cases the use of the word “digital” is associated with the technical side of the existence of a document in the information system where it is represented as a sequence of numbers (0-1), in a binary system. This statement may be supported by the study of international standards containing the terms “electronic” document and “digital” document. In standards that are related to records management, the concept of “record” (document) is generally used, since the medium is not decisive for the formation of a records management methodology. As soon as the standards talk about technical aspects that provide separate records man­agement processes in information systems, the term “digital record” (document) ap­pears. The problem of the relationship between the concepts of “electronic” document and “digital” document from the point of view of the scientific discipline “records man­agement” requires further study. In our opinion, it is fully justified in this case to appeal to the philosophical aspects of information theory. It is known that almost all views on the essence of information are grouped around two main approaches: attributive and functional. According to the supporters of the attrib­utive concept, information is an inherent intrinsic property of all material objects, it is contained in all the elements and systems of the material world. The cognitive pro­cess in this case is the decoding of information that is contained in real-world objects. Supporters of the functional concept proceed from the inextricable connection of in­formation with management, with the functioning of self-organizing, self-governing social-cybernetic systems. Based on these concepts, it can be assumed that the concept of a digital document fits better into the essence of the attribute concept, and an elec­tronic document can act as an object of a functional concept. In other words, the con­cept of “digital” characterizes the internal organization of a document, and the concept of “electronic” indicates that a document belongs to an information system, thanks to which it can take on a form accessible to human perception. Of course, this assumption can still be called a scientific hypothesis that requires further special development. Theoretical aspects of the preservation of electronic documents. As it has already been mentioned above, the interest that has arisen to electronic documents from the part of the management bodies is due to the need to ensure their safety and long-term preser­vation. Therefore, all aspects of the preservation of electronic documents today are the subject of practical solutions. Most often hopes for a confident solution to this problem are reasonably associated with the activities of IT specialists. However, in our opinion, this issue, first of all, is a topic for theoretical understanding in the field of records man­agement and archive science. The problem is that IT-specialists rather simply perceive the problem of documents storage, reducing it to archiving electronic documents in the information system, often without separating the operational and archival storage of documents. A striking example of this approach is the fact that until recently none of the electronic records management systems that are used in Russia did not have an archive module. That is, electronic documents that have lost operational value continued to be stored in the electronic records management information system. However, documents cannot be used in operational activities and stored in the archive in the same sense as archivists understand it, in one information system, since the func­tional characteristics of these systems are fundamentally different, as well as the func­tions that specialists perform working with documents in record keeping and archive. Today in the practice of documents preservation the following scientific and methodo­logical approaches are developed. In the operational activities documents are stored in the record keeping in the framework of the nomenclature in accordance with the reten­tion period or until minimization of need. After completion of cases in record keeping, documents are grouped into files and having passed expert appraisal are transferred to the archives of the organization for storage, where they are stored in accordance with the Rules for the Storage, Completion, Accounting and Use of Documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in government bodies, local government and organizations. At the same time, the organization is still respon­sible for their safety. If the organization is a source of acquisition of state or municipal archives, then after the deadline set in the Federal Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”, ar­chival documents are transferred to the state archive for permanent storage in the rel­evant archive fund, and the state archive is responsible for their safety. Thus, according to the storage conditions, three document arrays are clearly distinguished. The first two (the record keeping and the archive of the organization) are the responsibility of the organization; it is their owner and is responsible for their safety. The difference in the organization of the storage of these three arrays of documentation lies in the different schemes of classification and indexing, due to the functions of the record keeping and the archive. The storage of documents in record keeping and the archive of the organi­zation is determined by clear time periods and depends on the period of storage of the documents themselves. The third array of documents is already state property and is fully under the responsibility of the state archive. This procedure for managing the life cycle of documents has been maintained for dec­ades. It led to the development of stable traditions, the typification of procedures for processing documents, the emergence of stereotypes in the work. However, the emer­gence of electronic documents led to the fact that the established principles of working with documents needed to be revised. There were problems with working with elec­tronic documents. First of all, it became clear that it is necessary to reduce the storage time of documents in information systems that ensure the operational work with docu­ments so that these electronic documents quickly come under the control of archivists. For this, it is necessary to change the relevant positions of regulatory acts, first of all, the relevant positions of the archival law. Obviously, the main source of replenishment of archives is records management doc­umentation. Office work of state and other organizations is a fairly well-established and regulated process that relies on a solid regulatory framework, trained personnel and workflow automation systems. With regard to electronic documents as part of the documentation, there are two main questions. The first question is how to select those electronic documents from the general array that meet the principles of authenticity, integrity, reliability and usability at all stages of the life cycle. And the second question is what methods and tools should be used to examine the value of such electronic docu­ments for their transmission for archival storage. In our opinion, the established rules and methods of archival work can be fully applied to this group of documents, but the technical and technological features of working with electronic documents, based on their specifics, should be taken into account. But at the same time the tasks of archives are drastically complicated due to the need for long-term preservation of electronic documents, since to do this you need to create a trusted environment, ensure the continuity of its operation, information security, information protection, and also maintain a complex of software and hardware. The last is especially important, since, in our opinion, only consistent synchronous updat­ing of the software environment can ensure the authentic preservation of informa­tion from archived documents. The hope that it is necessary to create unique infor­mation carriers for the preservation of archived electronic documents and to develop “perpetual storage formats” does not justify itself. Waiting for this you can lose many files of valuable documents. In addition, for long-term preservation of electronic documents we should take care of the reliability of media and information storage, create and constantly maintain physi­cal, technical and sanitary conditions of storage of archived electronic documents, pro­vide emergency power systems and protection from natural disasters. If, in general, any room can be adapted for storing documents on a paper basis, then a room with special characteristics that not every organization can provide is required for storing archived electronic documents. Moreover, in Russia, the information system of the state organ­ization archive must comply with the standards of the Typical functional requirements for electronic records management systems and electronic records storage systems in the archives of state bodies. Thus, the practical application of electronic documents as a document memory trans­lator is a rather complicated and expensive procedure which requires the creation of an appropriate infrastructure in the organization, the availability and constant updat­ing of information technologies, and highly qualified personnel. Since the creation and, most importantly, the operation of information systems that provide archival storage functions for a separate organization can be a very expensive project, it is proposed to undertake the task of storage of electronic documents on the principles of outsourcing to state (municipal) archives. At the same time, the owner of the elec­tronic documents, before the deadline for their transfer to state storage, will be the organization - the founder. For the Russian Federation this issue is relevant today in connection with the launch of the project for the creation of the Electronic Document Storage Center (TSHED). The preparation of the concept of the TSHED requires deep study not only of technological solutions for its implementation, but also of the theoretical and methodological foun­dations for the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of electronic documents of the Center. A special feature of the documentary file stored in the information system of the TSHED will be that it is intended to store not only electronic documents originally created in electronic form, but also electronic documents created as a result of digitizing documents whose originals are in paper form. In this regard it is impossible to ignore the emergence of a new concept of “replacement scan”, which arose during the implementation of the positions of the National Project “Digital Economy”. Under the replacement scan is proposed to understand the creation of certified electronic copies of documents on paper with the subsequent destruction of the originals. The proposal is very controversial from many points of view. We are convinced that in this situation it is much wiser to initially abandon the creation of doc­uments on paper and switch to electronic documentation and electronic records man­agement in government bodies, where it is possible and appropriate. This transition makes expensive and complicated manipulations with documents unnecessary for the solution of elementary tasks of their preservation in the terms established by the law. As another theoretical task it is necessary to put forward the mastering by archivists of an enormous array of documents created without human participation in information systems or automatic devices, figuratively speaking, “robotic” documentation. In mod­ern conditions, documents and messages automatically generated by information sys­tems will soon dominate in volume in organizations of the digital economy. It seems that a certain part of such documents from banking, payment, postal, information and other systems of this kind can be represented as a new category of archival documents and as such deserves the attention of scientists and specialists. Thus, electronic archival documents are a stimulating factor for the deepening of archi­val theory and a source of new knowledge of archival science of the 21st century. REFERENCES National project “Digital economy in the Russian Federation”. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2015 No. 526 (reg­istered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 7, 2015) “On approval of the Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of doc­uments from the archival fund of the Russian Federation and other archival docu­ments in government bodies, local government authorities and organizations “, Typical functional requirements for electronic records management systems and elec­tronic records storage systems in the archives of state bodies [Electronic resource] // URL: GOST R ISO 30300-2015 “System of standards on information, librarianship and publish­ing. Information and documentation. Management systems for records. Funda­mentals and vocabulary GOST R 7.0.101-2018 / ISO 30301-2017 “A system of standards for information, librari­anship and publishing. Information and documentation. Management systems for records — Requirements” Records management. Terms and Definitions. Dictionary.- M., VNIIDAD, 2013. Surovtseva N.G. (2019). Problems of ensuring the authenticity of electronic documents. Scientific Herald of the Crimea. No3. [Electronic resource] // URL: http://nvk-jour­ Artizov A.N. (2019). On the results of the work of the Federal Archival Agency in 2018, tasks for 2019 and the medium-term outlook. Otechestvennye arkhivy. No2. Bobyleva M.P. (2018). On the evolution and co-evolution of analog and electronic doc­uments // Documentation in the information society: actual problems of manag­ing electronic documents: Reports at the XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference on November 21-22, 2017 / Rosarchiv, VNIIDAD, Moscow. p. 192. SUMMARY The report discusses some theoretical aspects of the organization of archival storage of electronic documents. In the Russian Federation the problem of long-term preservation of electronic documents in archives of various levels has been exacerbated by the im­plementation of the National Project “Digital Economy” in which electronic documents play a key role as means of communication using electronic records management sys­tems. To solve these problems scientists and specialists from related branches of knowl­edge are involved. Therefore, the report puts forward the thesis that the decisive influ­ence on the formation of a methodology for managing electronic documents should belong to archivists. The report focuses on terminological problems, and concludes that it’s futile to search for a single definition of an electronic document for various scien­tific branches of knowledge. The terms “electronic” and “digital” were compared with the use of the philosophical categories of information theory. Proposals are made for dividing arrays of electronic documents by life cycle stages into three groups, each of which must have its own management methods. The issues that require theoretical un­derstanding in the practical solution of the problem of archival storage of electronic documents in state (municipal) archives are named. Attention is drawn to the problems of the so-called “replacement scan” and to the need to pay attention to the safety of the arrays of “robotic” documentation. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.02 Review Article István Hegedus11 National Archives of Hungary – Preservation and Digitization Department, Budapest, Hungary email: PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY Abstract The author would like to present a more detailed view of digitization strategy of the Hungarian government, its archival sector policy and the National Database Program. Through this, I think it will be possible to capture the current impact of social transfor­mation on our archival system, showing the Hungarian case. Publishing their materials digitally, public collections can develop the users access to the collections, both quali­tatively and quantitatively. Full access to collections, which independent of location, in­creases the social advantages. The implementation of the Public Collection Digitization Strategy not only transforms the self-image of public collections, but also transforms their social perception. Keywords: digitization strategy, public collection, Hungary, National Archives of Hun­gary, digital collection STRATEGIA DI DIGITALIZZAZIONE DELLA COLLEZIONI PUBBLICA DI UNGHERIA E SUO IMPATTO SULL’ARCHIVIO NAZIONALE DI UNGHERIA Abstract L’autore desidera presentare una visione piu dettagliata della strategia di digitalizza­zione del governo ungherese, della sua politica settoriale d’archivio e del programma Database Nazionale. Tramite cio, penso che sara possibile cogliere l’impatto attua­le della trasformazione sociale sul nostro sistema di archiviazione, mostrando il caso ungherese. Pubblicando i loro materiali digitalmente, le collezioni pubbliche possono sviluppare l’accesso alle collezioni degli utenti, sia qualitativamente che quantitativa­mente. Il pieno accesso alle collezioni, iindipendentemente dalla posizione, aumenta i vantaggi sociali. L’implementazione della Strategia di Digitalizzazione della Collezione Pubblica non solo trasforma l’immagine di sé delle collezioni pubbliche, ma trasforma anche la loro percezione sociale. Parole chiave: strategia di digitalizzazione, collezione pubblica, Ungheria, Archivio Na­zionale, collezione digitale MADŽARSKA STRATEGIJA DIGITALIZACIJE JAVNE ZBIRKE IN VPLIV SLEDNJE NA NACIONALNI ARHIV MADŽARSKE Izvleček Ator želi predstaviti bolj podroben pogled na strategijo digitalizacije, ki jo je sprejela madžarska vlada, politiko arhivskega sektorja in nacionalni program zbirke podatkov. S prikazom madžarskega primera bo poskusil zajeti, kako se družbena preobrazba trenutno odraža na arhivskem sistemu. Z digitalno objavo gradiva se uporabnikom omogoča bolj kakovosten dostop do zbrik, kot tudi do večje količine gradiva. Prost dostop do zbirk neodvisno od lokacije povečuje družbeno prednost. Izvajanje strate­gije digitalizacije javnih zbirk spreminja samopodobo javnih zbirk, predvsem pa spre­minja njihovo družbeno dojemanje. Ključne besede: strategija digitalizacije, javna zbirka, Madžarska, Državni arhiv Madžar­ske, digitalna zbirka MAGYARORSZÁG KÖZGYUJTEMÉNYI DIGITALIZÁCIÓS STRATÉGIÁJA ÉS ANNAK HATÁSA A NEMZETI LEVÉLTÁRRA Absztrakt Tanulmányomban célom a magyar kormányzat digitalizációs stratégiájának, annak le­véltártudományi hatásának és a Nemzeti Adattár Program részletes bemutatása. Úgy gondolom, hogy mindezeken keresztül lehetőségünk van megragadni a társadalmi átalakulás levéltártudományra gyakorolt hatásait, a magyar példát kiemelve. Gyűjte­ményeik digitális publikálásával a közgyűjtemények képesek lehetnek a felhasználói hozzáférések mind kvalitatív, mind kvantitív irányú fejlesztésére. A gyűjteményekhez történő, földrajzi helytől független teljes hozzáférések növelhetik a gyűjtemények ál­tal biztosított társadalmi előnyöket. A Közgyűjteményi Digitalizálási Stratégia megva­lósítása és gyakorlatba ültetése nem csak a közgyűjtemények önképét, de társadalmi beágyazottságukat és elfogadottságukat is megváltoztatja majd. Kulcsszavak: digitalizációs stratégia, közgyűjtemény, Magyarország, Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár, digitális gyűjtemény 1. INTRODUCTION The social and governmental expectations of public collections and archives, as well as the role of archives (see Szekely 2017 about the digital transition of archives) have changed radically in the last decade. We can see that there is a need, the taxpayers wants to monitor the operation of large national collections and their so-called useful­ness (I think this issue alone could worth a European or regional comparative research) in an increasingly active and growing pace. As a result, collection managers and senior colleagues are facing challenges in an environment that is increasingly competitive, plus see that the financial sources of cultural sector are shrinking. We can safely say that competition between public collections has begun for the sake of users and citizens. In my paper I would like to present a more detailed view of digitization strategy of the Hungarian government, its archival sector policy and the National Database Program. Through this, I think it will be possible to capture the current impact of social transforma­tion on our archival system, showing the Hungarian case. Among other things, the pro­gram strives to balance and entrust national aggregators whether they choose mass or slow digitization projects (Prescott and Hughes 2018). An example of slow digitization project is the Corvina exhibition of the National Széchényi Library for example (NSZL). 2. CASE STUDIES FROM INTERNATIONAL SCENE It is hard to find that a specific national program involves all public collections in a given country. However there are several examples of coordination of digitization programs in Europe. Some are: • based on national strategies or plans • based on nationally funded programs • based on industry-specific plans • based on ministry or priority institutional plans • based on regional plans • based on different institutional strategies and initiatives In 2013, the German Digital Library meeting decided that a national digitalisation plan is ineffective, so they give the decision to the institutions hands to plan digitization in their own. France has been at the forefront of digitizing cultural heritage since it launched Gallica in 1997. The Czech Republic operates a central register system for public collec­tions: the Czech Central Cultural Heritage Registry. I have found the initiative of Canadian government (NHDS). They produced a strategic document for the preservation of the entire national heritage. Although this initiative would also like to get closer to the widest possible digitization of memory institutions through supported projects. According to the latest information of October 2018, 21 supported projects started work. Recognized the recommendations of the Royal Society of Canada, the statement of the Council of Canadian Academies, in the next 10 years they would like to digitize 90% of all published heritage before 1917 and 50% of all monographs published before 1940, all scientific journals published by and theses accepted by Canadian universities before 2000, all microfilm from memory institutions, elected audio and audio-visual record­ings, selected archival fonds and finding aids, all historical maps, all archival material of genealogical interest. In Sweden, Digisam, a coordination secretariat for cultural heritage, has been estab­lished to assist national heritage institutions in the development of digitization strate­gies (Toller, Halling and Källman 2014). In New Zealand, digitizing cultural heritage is a part of New Zealand’s Digital Content Strategy. Digital New Zealand (NLNZ) was created within the New Zealand National Li­brary. DigitalNZ serves as a central hub for content about the country, like Europeana. We have no knowledge of any other comprehensive strategy on national heritage. In the United Kingdom, calls were made for this in 2005, but those were unsuccessful (Bültmann 2005). However the National Archives has Digital Strategy (TNA 2017). 3. HUNGARIAN INITIATIVES An excellent example of the digital unification of the Hungarian cultural heritage is the Bibliotheca Corviniana Digitalis program (2001-2004), which virtually restored the for­mer library of King Matthias, the Bibliotheca Corviniana with pieces from different coun­tries acquired through history. In addition to virtual reconstruction, the project aimed at the scientific processing of the library, the publication of the results on the Internet and the promotion of the library (NSZL). Launched in 2015, the Hungaricana project has evolved into a leading public collection provider in one year (LHP). The portal created by the collaboration of the Parliamentary Library, the Budapest City Archives and the Arcanum Data Base Ltd. currently brings to­gether the digital content of about 150 public collections and collaborators. It is primar­ily intended to share and distribute content generated by the digitization supports of a cultural agency of the Hungarian government. On this site we can find about 5 million images and 7 million OCR pages, and the website is used by 2.2 million visitors per year, which is a huge amount compared to other member states published statistics. In November 2013, the Cultural Public Employment Program launched its largest ini­tiative in the field of culture, involving thousands of partners. The goal was to create and operate a community network that increases both the knowledge and the cohesive power of the local communities. By providing a skilled workforce, cultural public works support the main policy objective of the cultural government, the provision of cultural basic care, which seeks to eliminate territorial inequalities. Its most important social message is community development, which contributes to the initiation and strength­ening of the processes of cultural life. The program has a clear positive message, both with regard to the attitude and work of the outsourced workers and its organizational shaping effect. It contributes effectively to the initiation and strengthening of the pro­cesses of cultural life. The issues of archival digitization appeared in the Medium-Term Information Technol­ogy Strategy of Archives (2006-2010). In 2009, a joint service of the digital content of county archives was launched at the Hungarian Archives Portal in coordination with the Budapest City Archives. Lessons learned from previous strategies and national programs. One of the most im­portant findings of a quantitative and qualitative summary is that digitizing the entire collection could not be a goal. The materials to be digitized should be selected taking into account different specialties per sector. As part of their core aim, the institutions considered their digitization because of preser­vation and conservation issues, which in many cases also had a publishing outcome. The digitization of contents that was specifically intended for publication, and served wider user needs, was realized through external, mainly applicational funding. In this way, more successful, but in many cases separated, insular content was created. Funding was provided through national and EU funding sources, which can be considered a funda­mentally successful concept, as institutions have become interested in developing and implementing projects, such as inter-institutional ones. 4. DIGITAL STRATEGY OF THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY Digitization and online access to cultural content transformed the traditional archival model, create new users with more often new demands, while opened a new opportu­nity for cultural heritage to citizens, science, education and creative industries. The aim of the National Archives of Hungary is to provide the broadest access to more than 300 kilometers of documents stored in the archives, which covers the history of Hungary from the 12th century to the present. Dissemination of documents stored in a variety of forms, parchment, paper, sound, microfilm and film on digital media serves both the purposes of modern, so called ’service archives’ and the preservation of the original record. Undoubtedly, one and a half decades of digitization have been one of the central activ­ities of European public collections. Despite the size of the investments and the amount of content generated, only one-third of the collections have a strategy that underpins their digitization activities. In order to meet their basic goals, the digitization programs need to be economically feasible and sustainable over long term. The National Archives of Hungary has different standpoints and aspects. The Content: The preferences of those who carry out historical research on a regular basis or at least for a larger work has to be taken into account. There is another important aspect of per­manence and continuity, as there are customer service tasks that flood the archives: eg. proof of work in the GDR or claims for different kinds of compensation. The Collection Management: The aim is to digitize only complete and closed description units (see German phrase „Verzeichnungseinheit”), complement the previously fragmented digitally compiled sets of records. The digitization of the entire file should not be in the absolute sense, but at the designated level. The Institution: Digitization of documents linked to the implementation of the Public Education Concept and the Scientific Plan of the Archive is a priority. The National Archives of Hungary, as a national public collection and the largest archive in the country, feels an increased re­sponsibility for supporting the digitization activities of other underprivileged archives. When designing digitization projects, attention should be paid to the financial-econom­ic aspects too. 5. IMPACT OF PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY ON THE ARCHIVAL SECTOR (2017-2025) The Public Collection Digitization Strategy (see PCDS) developed by the government according to the aims of the Digital Nation Development Program. The Strategy itself tightly connected to the Digital Welfare Program but not the same as the National Ar­chive’s digitization strategy. The PCDS as a main national strategy of course has a great impact on the National Archive’s own digitization strategy. What does Public Collection Digitization Strategy (DWP 2017) designate for the archival industry? In case of the archives, the most important part of the collections the medieval diplomas; city, county and council protocols; maps, plans and photos (eg minutes of the Council of Ministers, MDP / MSZMP Leading Board Minutes from the age of socialism, Cap­ital Records of Capital Board / County Councils from the middle ages and from 17-19th centuries, University Management Board Minutes, Church Archives, Church Records, Church Visit Minutes, Episcopal Circulars). Before we take a deeper and more detailed dive into the strategy aims, see the results of different institutional digitization programs since 2003. Sector Amounts Libraries 32 466 documents Archives 16,2 million pages Museums 1,2 million objects Archive of movies* 745 movies Archive of public television 132 400 objects (discs, tapes) Compared to the beginning of 2003 (since we have exact statistics), only a small part of documents suitable for digitization were digitized in all public collection sectors. According to the strategy, the goal is to bring the digitized amounts of public collections close to 50% by 2020 compared to the total amount to be digitized, which is 250 million pages. Not all individual documents need to be digitized. In order to serve users, con­tent packages that meet the needs of each user group should be clearly defined such as: for those involved in public education, for those in higher education, teachers and trainers, for researchers, for the public education community, all Hungarian citizens and those interested in Hungarian cultural heritage. Attention should be paid to the digitization and then content delivery of audiovisual heritage preserved in certain public collections and other archives on the basis of the assessment. The objectives of the strategy is implemented on the basis of the individual sectoral aggregators, however, due to the service-oriented approach of the strategy, in order to maximize the desired result, the coordination of the sectoral aggregators is crucial and essential. The Public Collection Digitization Strategy is a document with more than 60 pages, and of course I have no possibility here to describe it in detail, but I think it is important to present the main points and its focus. Although public collections have play an impor­tant role in preserving, processing, publishing and interpreting national and civilization values, these collections can only become competitive by producing up-to-date, inno­vative and frequently updated contents. The material published with state-of-the-art technology can become a credible, professionally guaranteed source for new types of education, so its role could be greater for both educators and students. Aims of the first phase of the strategy implementation by 2020 are that the proportion of digitized materials in public collections increase close to 50% of the totally required digi­talization. The number of users using content collections for public collections is increas­ing in magnitude. It is very important that existing or emerging digital content should be available on a common search interface (the sub-project called NAP). According to the Digital Education Strategy’s target system, the number of usable digital materials based on public collection content will increase by 40%. Public collections contribute to digital literacy training for an increasing number of citizens. Public collection content will provides additional information to help you work at home, provide high-quality recreation, get to know the domestic and cross-border tourist destinations. In the second phase of implementation until 2025 the content delivery of audiovisual archives becomes complete, WEB harvesting service works within the Carpathian Basin, and the digi­tized stock of public collections reaches the desired level set by the industry aggregators. The overall objective of the PCDS is to reflect the content-oriented approach of public collections, to determine the provided content based on the knowledge of user needs and to plan its usability so that it could help the potential user to achieve specific goals, whether they are recreational, educational, or economical. Public collections become the guardians of cultural heritage, the number one, authen­tic, source-value dividers of cultural heritage. Digitization should be a tool for people to gain access to knowledge that improves their individual life situation. Improve the quality of life of users of digital cultural content. A main goal is to have access to in­formation, access to digitally accessible cultural content at any time, and to increase their knowledge. Improve user comfort is goal too, to provide content that is relevant and easy to access for the user. The interdependence of education and public collection content can be perceived. Improve the quality of citizens’ digital competences, thereby increasing the proportion of the population participating in online education and adult education. Skills in the digital world means a more competitive workforce, a more de­manding consumer, in order to prepare Hungarian citizens to use new opportunities through skills development, training and motivation. The continous renewal of public collections depends on the extent of their social utiliza­tion. This demand requires a new approach, which implies the obligation to digitize all the core activities with this. By strengthening the core business of the institutions, the quality and quantity of content delivery can be improved. It is important to note that digitalisation regarding to conservational and preservational tasks remains an important question. The digitization of publishing should not restrict digitization for conservation purposes. It is not an aim that basic tasks to be competed, but the integration of public collections into the digital ecosystem. When implementing the PCDS, the user considerations becomes a reality only if the relevant public collec­tions are aware of the needs of each user target group. Defining them is an important prerequisite for implementing the strategy. The analyzes carried out during the preparation of the PCDS confirmed that the individu­al public collections use different databases and record systems, which makes it difficult to find related content. The most important barrier is the lack of a single, easy-to-use data logging system and an online search engine based on it. This will be complemented by the establishment of the National Data Warehouse Project (see NDWP), as a registry and public collection search system. The essence of the system is that the collaborating institutions continue to handle, organize, process and make their collections accessible. The NDWP is not a content placement but a search engine, so the management of con­tent rights remains with the individual institutions. In order to provide a user-oriented content service, it is essential to ensure networked collaboration and, consequently, to dynamize public collections. In this process, the Public Collection Digitization College has a decisive role as a cross-sectoral working group. The working group, which links the sectors (library, archive, museum, audio­visual archives), acts as an advisory and proposing body for the minister responsible for culture, and can be defined as a kind of professional forum for existing industry aggregators. Its main task is to coordinate, monitor and ensure the interoperability of the PCDS. As a result of its tasks, it can acts as a two-tier board, which must also be involved in issuing recommendations, tendering and application processes. Beacuse of the fact that the activities have different characteristics, not only a central national aggregator, but separate aggregators are needed to promote operability. 6. AGGREGATE TASKS AND GOAL • Participation in the development of sectoral recommendations; • Elaboration of a methodological guide for digitization • Co-operation in the archiving tasks • Conducting surveys on the digitization capacity of individual institutions; • Developing institutional cooperation models; • Suggesting the creation of regional digitization workshops on the basis of the com­pleted surveys and the possible involvement of market players; • Promoting international cooperation (digital exchange); • Coordination of institutional, inter-institutional project plans; • Evaluation of completed projects; • Prepare a progress report for the College. How these main goals can achievable? The PCDS says that: 1. Through institutional concepts In accordance with the proposals of the national aggregates, sectoral strategies and the National Data Warehouse, a medium-term institutional digitalisation strategy is ex­pected at institutional level. In addition to creating new content, the strategy should also provide guidance for reviewing existing contents. In order to implement the strat­egy, the priority is to organizing the collections’ registers into online databases not just in order to compare thematically related elements of the collections but to avoid dupli­cations and overlaps in the further digitization. 2. Through digitization The process of digitization is based on the cooperation model and recommendation developed by the industry aggregators. Non-unique public collection content, such as printed books should be digitized in the best condition / quality copy regardless of the place of custody. Collaboration between institutions also provides a solution for performing restoration processes. The preparation and restoration of documents and works of art is an integral part of digitalisation, which can occurs before or after digi­tization, depending on the nature of the document and the technology used. 3. Through archiving The long-term, professional archiving of the digital files, objects and metadata is ba­sically an institutional task, but in the absence of appropriate technology, most of the Hungarian institutions are unable to comply. PCDS says that a cost effective solution can provide a public collection archive service as a governmental task. 4. Through maintenance It is essential to finance continuous technical maintenance, software updates and so-called “support”. 7. CONCLUSION The collections must be made available in digital services to a wider range of users than ever before. With the implementation of the Public Collection Digitization Strat­egy, new opportunities could open up for public collections in the knowledge-based society. With the tools of digitization, the task of preservation is also renewed. The digital copy relieves the original one and has a better chance get to the user. How­ever it is obvious that the need for a new approaches, the positive inspirations of the changed social environment also address public collections and make them respon­sive. The traditional image of public collections is complemented by new tasks gen­erated by the information society. The public collections have a bright and fruitful fu­ture in this environment. Through digital publishing, public collections can develop access to their own collec­tions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Full access to collections, which independ­ent of location, increases the social advantages. The implementation of the PCDS not only transforms the self-image of public collections, but also transforms their social per­ception. They can indeed become PUBLIC collections. In order to widen the access to public collections, it is necessary to become the na­tion’s cultural information centers in the future. The current transformation of cul­tural sector, the informative function should be strengthened alongside the pres­ervation role of “archives”. The integration of services should be implemented in cultural memory institutions. The achieve of these goals could be the most impor­tant step towards to the unification of national and international cultural traditions and to cultural equality. REFERENCES Bültmann, B. (2005). A Call for a National Digitization Strategy in the United Kingdom. Alexandria, 17, (2), pp. 89–96. doi:10.1177/095574900501700205 (accessed on 27.06.2019) Digital Welfare Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (DWP). Közgyű­jteményi Digitalizálási Stratégia (2017-2025). Available at: https://digitalisjolet­ (accessed on 27.06.2019) (accessed on 27.06.2019) Library of the Hungarian Parliament (LHP). About the Hungarian Cultural Heritage Por­tal. Available at: (accessed on 27.06.2019) National Heritage Digitization Strategy (NHDS). The Strategy. Available at: (accessed on 27.06.2019) National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ). About DigitalNZ. Available at: (accessed on 27.06.2019) National Széchényi Library (NSZL). Bibliotheca Corvina – Library of King Matthias Hun­yadi, part of the Memory of the World. About the program. Available at: (accessed on 27.06.2019) Prescott, A. and Hughes L. (2018). Why Do We Digitize? The Case for Slow Digitization Available at:­tize-the-case-for-slow-digitization/ (accessed on 27.06.2019) Szekely, I. (2017). Do Archives Have a Future in the Digital Age? Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies, 4, (2), Article 1. Available at: (accessed on 27.06.2019) The National Archives (TNA). (2017). Archives Inspire. Digital Strategy 2017-2019 Availa­ble at:­formance-and-projects/our-plans/digital-strategy/ (accessed on 27.06.2019) Toller, E., Halling, S. and Källman, R. (2014). WP5: Digital Preservation at Cultural Herit­age Institutions in Sweden. Analysis of the Current Situation and of Future Needs and Requirements. Available at:­tent/uploads/2014/06/DCH-RP_WP5_DigitalPreservationAt-SwedishCHInstitu­tions-3.pdf (accessed on 27.06.2019) SUMMARY The social and governmental expectations of public collections and archives, as well as the role of archives (it is enough to see Szekely, 2017 about the digital transition of archives) have changed radically in the last decade. We can see that there is a need, the taxpayers wants to monitor the operation of large national collections and their so-called usefulness (I think this issue alone could worth a European or regional compar­ative research) in an increasingly active and growing pace. As a result, collection man­agers and senior colleagues are facing challenges in an environment that is increasingly competitive, plus see that the financial sources of cultural sector are shrinking. In order to widen the access to public collections, it is necessary to become the nation’s cultural information centers in the digital future. The current transformation of cultur­al sector, the informative function should be strengthened alongside the preservation role of “archives”. The integration of services should be implemented in cultural memo­ry institutions. The achieve of these goals could be the most important step towards to the unification of national and international cultural traditions and to cultural equality. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst11 Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst, Hon.-Prof. Mag. Dr. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Abstract The Institute of Austrian Historical Research was established in 1854 for methodological training and the practice of auxiliary historical disciplines. From 1874 on the institute developed to the only existing Austrian school of archival studies to educate academ­ic archivists. For a long time the course was focused on auxiliary historical disciplines. Structural changes and the requests of the archivists lead to several adaptations of the curriculum to introduce modern developments in the field of archival science and archi­val practice. This paper presents the development of the academic training of archivists in Austria in this institute. Key words: Archival education, archival science LO SVILUPPO DELLA SCIENZA ARCHIVISTICA COME RIFLESSO SULLA FORMAZIONE SCIENTIFICA IN AUSTRIA Sintesi L’Istituto di ricerca storica austriaca e stato istituito nel 1854 per la formazione metodo­logica e la pratica delle discipline storiche ausiliarie. Dal 1874 l’Istituto si sviluppo fino all’unica Scuola austriaca di studi d’archivio austriaca esistente per formare gli archivisti accademici. Per lungo tempo il corso si e concentrato sulle discipline storiche ausiliarie. I cambiamenti strutturali e le richieste degli archivisti portano a diversi adattamenti del curriculum per introdurre i moderni sviluppi nel campo della scienza e della pratica archivistica. L’articolo presenta lo sviluppo della formazione accademica degli archivisti in Austria in questo Istituto. Parole chiave: formazione archivistica, archivistica RAZVOJ ARHIVSKE ZNANOSTI V LUČI ZNANSTVENEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA V AVSTRIJI Izvleček Inštitut za avstrijske zgodovinske raziskave je bil ustanovljen leta 1854 za metodološko usposabljanje in prakso pomožnih zgodovinskih disciplin. Od leta 1874 dalje se je inštitut razvil kot edina obstoječa avstrijska arhivska šola za izobraževanje akademskih arhivis­tov. Dolgo časa je bil tečaj osredotočen na pomožne zgodovinske discipline. Strukturne spremembe in zahteve arhivistov vodijo k prilagoditvam učnega načrta v smeri spozna­vanja sodobnega razvoja na področju arhivske znanosti in arhivske prakse. Ta članek pri­kazuje razvoj akademskega usposabljanja arhivistov v Avstriji na tem inštitutu. Ključne besede: arhivsko izobraževanje, arhivska znanost DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER ARCHIVWISSENSCHAFT IM SPIEGEL DER WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN AUSBILDUNG IN ÖSTERREICH 1 EINLEITUNG Seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert haben sich historische Archive als Forschungsinsti­tute entwickelt. Archivtheoretisches Wissen war lange Zeit eng mit der Geschichts­wissenschaft verbunden. Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivkunde, wie man früher theoretische Reflexionen über das Archivwesen nannte, flossen ineinander. Im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts emanzipierte sich die Archivtheorie von der Geschichts­wissenschaft hin zu einer eigenen Disziplin. Die beiden Wissenschaftsbereiche began­nen sich in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten voneinander zu entfernen. Die Archivwis­senschaft wandte sich verstärkt der Informations- und Veraltungswissenschaft zu. Die Diskussionen um das Selbstverständnis der Archive und den Stellenwert der Archiv­wissenschaft werden weiterhin intensiv geführt.(Schenk, 2013) Die Archivwissenschaft beschäftigte sich zuerst mit der Institution des Archivs selbst, deren Abgrenzung von Behördenregistraturen und von anderen Gedächt­nisinstitutionen. In weiterer Folge trat das Archivgut in den Fokus. Fragen nach der Klassifikation von Archivgut fanden Eingang in den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Als die großen Verwaltungsarchive mit dem Problem der zur Übernahme anstehenden Massenakten konfrontiert wurden, entstanden Bewertungstheorien. Während in der frühen Sammlungstätigkeit der Archive alle Zeugnisse der Vergangenheit als er­haltenswert betrachtet wurden, weil nur verhältnismäßig wenige die Zeiten über­dauerten, konnten erstmals nicht alle Dokumente aus der jüngeren Vergangenheit archiviert werden. Je komplexer sich die Archivarbeit gestaltete, umso differenzier­ter wurde die wissenschaftliche Debatte geführt. Technische Fragen der Bestands­erhaltung und des Archivbaus bildeten ebenso einen Teil der Archivwissenschaft wie Standards und Archivnutzung, digitale Archivierung und zunehmend rechtliche Bestimmungen. (Keitel, 2018) All diese Teilbereiche der Archivwissenschaft flossen mit zeitlicher Verzögerung in die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung ein. 2 DIE AUSBILDUNG ZUM WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN ARCHIVAR AM INSTITUT FÜR ÖSTERREICHISCHE GESCHICHTSFORSCHUNG Historische Entwicklung der Ausbildung Die Gründung des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 1854 war mit der Absicht „der Heranbildung junger Männer zur tieferen Erforschung der österrei­chischen Geschichte“ (Hageneder, 1989:14) zu Diensten des Staates verbunden. Dem Institut wurde damals der Auftrag erteilt, eine fundierte hilfswissenschaftliche Aus­bildung zu vermitteln. In Anlehnung an die École des Chartes in Paris wollten die ers­ten Direktoren des Instituts eine Schule für Diplomatik einrichten. Aus dieser Idee entwickelte sich besonders unter dem Direktorat von Theodor von Sickel (1869–1891) der Gedanke einer wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung für Archivare. Damit soll­te dieser Berufsstand vom Kanzleidienst in Registraturen auf einen höheren Rang gestellt und gleichzeitig dem Institut ein wichtiger Pool an Studierenden gesichert werden. In den 1890er Jahren erreichte Oswald von Redlich, dass alle Bedienste­ten in den Statthalterei- und Regierungsarchiven der österreichischen Reichshälfte, die in eine Konzipistenstelle oder in den höheren Archivdienst gelangen wollten, die Staatsprüfung oder eine Ergänzungsprüfung am Institut für Österreichische Ge­schichtsforschung ablegen mussten. In der Ersten Republik bildete die Absolvierung des dreijährigen sogenannten „Kurses“ die Voraussetzung für die Anstellung von beamteten Archivaren. Damit nahm das Institut als einzige Ausbildungsstelle für österreichische Archivare und später auch Archivarinnen eine Monopolstellung ein. Das Institut unterstand bis zu den jüngsten Reformen direkt dem jeweils zustän­digen Bundesministerium, während die Lehrveranstaltungen selbst rechtlich dem Institut für Geschichte zuzurechnen waren. Diese Entwicklung des Instituts bedingte eine Anpassung des Lehrplanes an die Anforderungen einer archivwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung. Als erste einschlägige Lehrveranstaltung wurde 1874 die einstündige „Archivkunde“ als Wahlfach auf­genommen, die ab 1898 als zweistündige obligate Vorlesung gehalten wurde. Im selben Jahr wurde das Fach Privaturkundenlehre um Teilbereiche aus der Archiva­lienkunde erweitert und im Rahmen der Reichsgeschichte verfassungsrechtliche Aspekte näher beleuchtet. Die zweistündige Aktenkunde zählte ab 1930 zum Prü­fungsfach des Kurses. Den Schwerpunkt der Ausbildung zum Historikerarchivar bil­deten weiterhin die hilfswissenschaftlichen Fächer.(Hageneder, 1987: 255-260) In den 1970er Jahren mehrte sich die Kritik am Ausbildungscharakter des Instituts mit der Forderung nach archivspezifischen Fächern aus den Bereichen Archivtechnik, Ar­chivmanagement und Archivrecht. Die Folge war eine Differenzierung des Lehrplanes 1977. Den Lehrveranstaltungen „Aktenkunde“, „Archivkunde“ und „Schriftenkunde der Neuzeit wurden nun statt zwei vier Wochenstunden eingeräumt. Zu den obligaten Fächern zählten neben den bereits genannten „Paläographie des Mittelalters“, „Di­plomatik“, „Verfassungsgeschichte des Feudalzeitalters“, „Verfassungsgeschichte der österreichischen Länder im Mittelalter“, „Geschichte der Verfassung und Verwaltung Österreichs in der Neuzeit“, „Übungen über die Tätigkeit österreichischer Mittel- und Unterbehörden“, „Quellenkunde der österreichischen Geschichte mit Quellenlek­türe“, „Übungen an Quellen zur Geschichte der österreichischen Städte und Länder“, „Sphragistik und Heraldik“, „Genealogie und Personenforschung“, „Münz- und Geld­geschichte“, „Kunstgeschichte“ sowie „Museumskunde und Denkmalpflege“. 1988 erfolgte eine weitere Novellierung. Ziel des dreijährigen Kurses, der aus ei­nem Jahr Vorbereitungskurs und zwei Jahren Hauptkurs bestand, war grundsätz­lich die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung, die berufliche Vorbildung von Studierenden sowie die postgraduale Fortbildung von Absolventen eines ordentlichen Studiums für die Arbeit mit Quellen und die vertiefenden wissenschaftlichen Methoden ihrer Erschließung. Als Vorbereitung für den wissenschaftlichen Archivdienst standen die historischen Hilfswissenschaften weiterhin im Vordergrund. Die Lehrveranstaltun­gen boten formale und inhaltliche Quelleninterpretationen, vermittelten Kennt­nisse der Kanzlei -und Behördengeschichte wie der Verfassungsentwicklung und Aktenkunde, die gemeinsam mit den Fächern Paläographie und Schriftenkunde der Neuzeit den angehenden Archivarinnen und Archivaren das methodische Rüstzeug im Umgang mit den verschiedenen Quellengattungen in Archiven vermitteln soll­ten. Die vierstündige Archivkunde deckte ergänzende Themenbereiche ab. Kennt­nisse der Heraldik und Sphragistik sollten in der Landesheraldik der Archive zum Einsatz kommen, ebenso sah man die Fächer Genealogie, Münz- und Geldgeschichte als Grundlagen für die Archivarbeit. Das Wahlfach „Audio-visuelle Quellen: Doku­mentation, Konservierung und Methoden ihrer Auswertung“ gab die Gelegenheit zur Beschäftigung mit anderen Quellengattungen. Den Studierenden stand nun auch das Wahlfach „Fachinformatik und EDV-gestütztes Arbeiten“ zur Verfügung. Es oblag den jeweiligen Lehrenden, in ihren Lehrveranstaltungen Schwerpunkte zu setzen und auf die neuen Herausforderungen Rücksicht zu nehmen. Bereiche der Archivtechnik und Bewertung sollten Teil der praktischen Ausbildung im Berufsum­feld bleiben. (Hageneder, 1989:19-25) Der Kurs bot eine wissenschaftliche Berufs­vorbildung, aber keine Einführung in die Berufspraxis. Er schloss mit einer schrift­lichen und mündlichen Staatsprüfung sowie mit einer approbierten Institutsarbeit ab. Kursabsolventen wurden in die seit der Gründung laufend fortgeführte Liste der Mitglieder des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung aufgenommen. Vom Kurs zum Masterstudium Die letzten drei Jahrzehnte waren gekennzeichnet von einem grundlegenden Wand­lungsprozess der Archivarsausbildung. 1993 erfolgte eine Novellierung des Studien­planes. Das Universitäts-Organisationsgesetz trat im Jahr 2002 in Kraft und schuf einen neuen Rahmen für das Studium. Gleichzeitig konstatierten Archivarinnen und Archivare einen Reformbedarf in der Ausbildung, die nicht mehr den aktuellen Be­dürfnissen der Archivarbeit entsprach. Auf der anderen Seite akzeptierten einige gro­ße Archive die Absolvierung des Kurses nicht mehr als Voraussetzung für die Anstel­lung im höheren Archivdienst. 1999 wurde der Kurs zu einem „Lehrgang universitären Charakters“ umgewandelt und den Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Titel „Master of Advanced Studies“ (MAS) verliehen. Dieser Titel konnte auch nachträglich an Absol­venten des Kurses verliehen werden. In einem nunmehr verpflichtenden Archivprak­tikum sollten die Studierenden erste Einblicke in den Berufsalltag erhalten. Eine tiefgreifende Novellierung der Ausbildung, die gemeinsam mit Berufsvertre­tern der Länder, des Bundes und des Österreichischen Rundfunks (ORF) erarbeitet wurde, trat 2001 in Kraft. Der Lehrgang wurde auf vier Semester verkürzt. Im ers­ten Jahr wurden grundlegende Kenntnisse aus den Hilfswissenschaften geboten, danach konnten sich die Studierenden für ein Fach spezialisieren. Dafür standen die Module „Geschichtsforschung“, „Archivwissenschaft“ und „Medienarchive“ zur Auswahl. Dieser Lehrgang enthielt zum ersten Mal zwei Lehrveranstaltungen mit dem Titel „Archivwissenschaft I“ und „Archivwissenschaft II“. Ein weiteres Novum bildete das Fach „Informationsmanagement“. Das Erweiterungsmodul „Archivwis­senschaft“ des zweiten Lehrgangsteiles vermittelte Kenntnisse in den Fächern „Be­hördengeschichte“ und archivische „Rechtsfragen“. Drei Semesterstunden wurden den Themen „Bewertung“ und „EDV“ gewidmet, jeweils zwei Stunden unterrich­tete man „Ordnung und Verzeichnung“, „Archivmanagement“ und „Archivtechnik“. Im Modul „Medienarchive“ wurde ebenfalls „Rechtsfragen“ gelehrt, wie auch „Me­diengeschichte und Medienanalyse“ und „Nationale und internationale Institutio­nengeschichte“. Im 4. Semester waren in diesem Modul die Lehrveranstaltungen „Informatik/EDV/Datenbanken“, „Technik/Restaurierung/Lagerung“, „Dokumenta­tionshilfsmittel“, „Digitaler AV-Arbeitsplatz“ und „Medienproduktion, Medienver­marktung“ zu absolvieren. (Weigl, 2008: 452-463) Dieser Lehrplan war ein Quantensprung in der archivwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung im Vergleich zu den vorangegangenen, wiewohl die Vermittlung von hilfswissen­schaftlichen Kenntnissen für klassische Archive im Umgang mit unterschiedlichem Archivgut immer bedeutend bleiben wird. Die Einbindung von Archivarinnen und Archivaren in die Ausarbeitung des Studienplanes trägt deren Handschrift. Archivi­sches Know-How wurde nun vermehrt von Fachkräften aus der Praxis gelehrt, die das Personal des Instituts ergänzten. Diese Novelle kam lediglich für den 63. Lehrgang (2002–2004) zur Anwendung. Da­nach wurde die Ausbildung für ein Jahr ausgesetzt, in welchem das Studium an das Universitätsgesetz 2002 angepasst werden musste. Die Struktur des Studiums hatte sich ab diesem Zeitpunkt am „Bologna-System“ zu orientieren, worin der Instituts­kurs als „Lehrgang mit universitären Charakter“ keinen Platz mehr fand. Die Folge war eine Änderung des Curriculums, die von Archivarinnen und Archivaren und Insti­tutsmitgliedern ausgearbeitet wurde. Aus dem zweijährigen Lehrgang entstand das Magisterstudium „Geschichtsforschung, Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archiv­wissenschaft“, das wieder sechs Semester und 180 ECTS-Punkten umfasste. Nach gemeinsamen einführenden Lehrveranstaltungen mussten die Studierenden sich für die vertiefende Ausbildung in einem der drei Fächer entscheiden. Als Voraus­setzung galt ein Bakkalaureat, das zum Zeitpunkt der Umsetzung des Curriculums im Jahr 2005 aber noch nicht vorhanden war und deshalb nur ein abgeschlossenes Magisterstudium sein konnte.(Brunner, 2006:17-20) Bis 2005 wurde die Ausbildung in einem Turnus von drei Jahren abgehalten mit dem Nachteil, dass ein Einstieg innerhalb eines Lehrgangs nicht möglich war. Mit dem Curriculum 2005 endete dieser geschlossene Kurscharakter, der innerhalb des Krei­ses der Studierenden und Absolventinnen und Absolventen aufgrund seiner Grup­pendynamik doch ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl erzeugt hatte. In das neue Studium konnte man kontinuierlich einsteigen. Für das Institut selbst bedeutete dies einen enormen Mehraufwand, mussten die einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen nun wesent­lich öfter angeboten werden. Wir rasch sich Strukturen im 21. Jahrhundert ändern, zeigt sich auch an der Archi­varsausbildung. Das Magisterstudium von 2005 wurde bereits 2008 vom Masterstu­dium abgelöst. Für dieses waren nun nur mehr fünf Semester vorgeschrieben – dies ist immerhin um ein Semester mehr als für die übrigen Masterstudien vorgesehen – im Umfang von 150 ECTS-Punkten, die auf Lehrveranstaltungen mit insgesamt 67 Semesterstunden aufgeteilt wurden. Wie alle anderen Masterstudien bestand auch dieses aus einem einführenden Aufbaumodul und sechs gemeinsamen Grundmodu­len. Die anschließenden Erweiterungsmodule, von denen eines auszuwählen war, wurden von drei auf zwei eingeschränkt, indem man Archivwissenschaft und Me­dienarchive zusammenführte und das Modul Geschichtsforschung beibehielt. Nach der Absolvierung eines sechswöchigen Archivpraktikums, eines Mastermoduls, der Abfassung einer Masterarbeit und der Ablegung einer schriftlichen und mündlichen Masterprüfung in den Fächern Diplomatik, Aktenkunde und einem Wahlfach schloss man das Studium mit dem Mastertitel ab. In das nunmehr auf 150 ECTS-Punkte re­duzierte Studium waren nicht alle notwendigen Fächer unterzubringen, die nun im neuen Bachelorstudium gelehrt wurden, wiewohl dieses einschlägige Bakkalau­reat nicht als Voraussetzung für das Masterstudium vorgeschrieben werden durfte. Eine neue Lehrveranstaltung mit dem Titel „Archivmanagement und Öffentlichkeits­arbeit“ widmete sich organisatorischen Aufgaben im Archivbetrieb. Die Streichung des Faches „Regestentechnik“ für den Archivzweig wurde sowohl von Lehrenden als auch von Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Studiums kritisiert, da dieses Wissen genauso gut in der Erschießung von Archivgut eingesetzt werden konnte. (Weigl, 2011: 65-72) 2011 wurde der Lehrplan erneut modifiziert, vor allem, um eine Durchlässigkeit zu anderen Masterstudien zu schaffen, indem Lehrveranstaltungen für verschiedene Studien anrechenbar gemacht wurden. Dies führte zu Verschiebungen von Lehr­veranstaltungen wegen Veränderungen von deren ECTS-Punkten. (Weigl, 2015: 591–598) Die breite Anrechenbarkeit brachte aber auch ein buntes Gemisch an Stu­dierenden, die nun teilweise ohne fachliches Vorwissen in den Lehrveranstaltun­gen saßen. Eine gravierende organisatorische Änderung erfuhr das Institut mit seiner Ein­gliederung in die Universität Wien am 1. Jänner 2016 als Organisationseinheit der Universität. Damit entfielen die Stipendien für Studierende, die seit der Gründung des Instituts vom (Wissenschafts-)Ministerium vergeben wurden. Abgesehen von strukturellen Anpassungen hatte dieser Akt auch Auswirkungen auf das Studium. Nun musste die Form der Masterprüfung modifiziert werden. Die Masterprüfung mit dem schriftlichen und mündlichen Teil bestehend aus drei Fächern wurde zuguns­ten einer mündlichen Defensio der Masterarbeit und einer Prüfung in einem wei­teren vom Studierenden wählbaren Prüfungsfach gestrichen. Bei dieser Gelegen­heit erfuhr der Studienplan weitere Änderungen, die gemeinsam mit Lehrenden, Studierenden und Archivarinnen und Archivaren erarbeitet wurden. Positives Echo vonseiten der Lehrenden und Studierenden gegen den Abbau der Kompetenzen erntete die neue Lehrveranstaltung „Übungen an archivalischen Quellen“. Die „Be­hördengeschichte“ sowie die „Regestentechnik“ wurden nun obligatorisch. Einige Lehrveranstaltungen wurden durch die Erhöhung der ECTS-Punkte aufgewertet mit der Konsequenz, dass auf anderer Seite eingespart werden musste. Die „Münz- und Geldgeschichte“ fiel diesen Einsparungsmaßnahmen zum Opfer. Das Pflichtmodul Archivwissenschaft enthielt nun auch eine Lehrveranstaltung zum Thema „Elekt­ronische Archivierung“. Die bereits bestehende Vorlesung mit Übung „Archivma­nagement und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“ wurde um das Thema „Records Management“ erweitert, womit man einer bereits mehrfach urgierten Forderung entgegenkam. (Winter, Wührer, 2008: 505–517) Die Curricularkommission übte schon eine geraume Zeit lang Kritik an der Bezeich­nung des Masterstudiums und auch an der von anderen Masterstudien abweichen­den Länge von fünf Semestern. Wieder einmal mussten Kostenreduktionen erzielt werden. Die von 2017 bis 2019 amtierende Bundesregierung hatte in ihrem Regie­rungsprogramm „Innovation und Digitalisierung“ als einen Schwerpunkt gesetzt und als Zieldefinition die „Digitalisierung der Verwaltung und smarte Regulierung für ein besseres Service und mehr Interaktion mit Bürgern und Unternehmen“ for­muliert. Teil des ambitionierten Programms war eine „Digitalisierungsoffensive Bildung in Form einer Aus- und Weiterbildungsstrategie“, dem sich auch die Uni­versitäten anschließen mussten. (Zasammen, 2017: 75-83) Diese Digitalisierungs­strategie galt es auch in den Lehrplan des Instituts einzubinden. Die Umsetzung all dieser Forderungen bei gleichbleibender Qualität der Ausbildung führte zu langen Diskussionen und zu einer erneuten Lehrplanänderung, die wiederum von Instituts­mitgliedern und in der Lehre verankerten Archivarinnen und Archivaren gemeinsam erarbeitet wurde. Die Novelle des Curriculums wurde am 14. Juni 2019 veröffent­licht und gilt ab dem Wintersemester 2019/2020. Zuvorderst musste die Bezeichnung des Masterstudiums geändert werden. Mit dem Argument, dass Geschichtsforschung auch am Institut für Geschichte betrieben wird, wurde dieser Teil gestrichen und der Name auf „Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft“ gekürzt. Medienarchive sind im zweiten Namensteil integriert. Das Curriculum hält einleitend als Studienziel, „über die wissenschaftliche Berufs­vorbildung hinaus die Entfaltung der Fähigkeit, durch selbständige Forschung zur Entwicklung der Historischen Hilfswissenschaften beizutragen, und die vertiefte geschichts- und archivwissenschaftliche Ausbildung und Berufsvorbildung des wis­senschaftlichen Nachwuchses“ fest. Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen sollen damit „zur Anwendung der wesentlichen Methoden der Historischen Hilfswissen­schaften, insbesondere jener, die die Geschichte vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart betreffen, mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Umgang mit historischen Quellen, sowohl mit schriftlichen und dinglichen als auch mit historischem Bild-, Film-, Video- und Ton­material in analoger und digitaler Form, wobei die Quellen zur österreichischen Geschichte besondere Beachtung als Paradigma einer europäischen Quellenkunde verdienen, der Methoden der Archivwissenschaft, moderner Methoden der Doku­mentation und Informationsverwaltung, der archivarischen Bewertung, Dokumen­tation und Bearbeitung audiovisueller Quellen, sowohl in analoger wie digitaler Form“ befähigt sein. Als Berufsfelder für deren Einsatz nennt das Curriculum jene, die „mit wissenschaftlicher Erschließung, mit der Betreuung und Vermittlung von schriftlichen und nicht-schriftlichen Denkmalen der Geschichte im öffentlichen und privaten Bereich“ verbunden sind, und nennt konkret Archive, Medienarchive und Museen sowie Kulturinstitutionen im allgemeinen.22 Curriculum für das Masterstudium Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft (Version 2019), 26. Stück, ausgegeben am 14.06.2019, Nr. 193. Dieses Studium mit seinen zwei Ausrichtungen bietet weiterhin nicht allein die Qualifikation zur wissenschaftlichen Archivarbeit, sondern auch die hilfswissenschaftliche Spezialisierung. Das Master­studium umfasst weiterhin 150 ECTS-Punkte. Einsparungen erreichte man insofern, als einige Lehrveranstaltungen aufgewertet wurden, was im Gegenzug eine Reduk­tion notwendig machte. Gleichzeitig werden Lehrinhalte auf ein verstärktes Selbst­studium der Studierenden ausgelagert. Im novellierten Curriculum fehlt die „Behördengeschichte“, ihre Inhalte sollen in die Lehrveranstaltungen zur österreichischen Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgeschichte integriert werden, eine Forderung, die auch von der Studentenschaft erhoben wur­de, da es Überschneidungen in den Lehrinhalten gab. Die vertiefende Lehrveranstal­tung zur Aktenkunde wurde gestrichen, dafür aber die „Übungen an archivalischen Quellen“ ausgeweitet. Die „Schriftgutverwaltung und Records Management“ wird nun als eigenständige Vorlesung mit Übung geführt und damit diesem Thema mehr Raum gegeben, was den realen Anforderungen aus der Praxis entspricht. Dem Ar­chivrecht sind im Titel das Urheberrecht und der Datenschutz angefügt worden. Ein eigenes Modul widmet sich dem Thema „Archive und Digitalisierung“ und enthält die Lehrveranstaltungen „Digitalisierung“ und „Digitale Archivierung“. Damit wird den entsprechenden Punkten des Regierungsprogramms, die sich hier durchaus mit den Ansprüchen der modernen Archivarbeit decken, Genüge getan. Aus dem Semi­nar „Audiovisuelle Medien im digitalen Zeitalter“ wurde eine Vorlesung mit Übung „Fotografie/Audiovisuelle Medien im Archiv“ mit vier statt sechs ECTS-Punkten. Die Lehrinhalte von „Medienproduktion und Medienvermarktung“ werden von anderen Lehrveranstaltungen übernommen. Das Archivpraktikum, das zuvor im Ausmaß von sechs Wochen zu absolvieren war, wird nun nur mehr vierwöchig angeboten.33 Curriculum für das Masterstudium Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft (Version 2019), 26. Stück, ausgegeben am 14.06.2019, Nr. 193. Für die Studierenden des laufenden Studienbetriebes wurden Übergangsbestim­mungen geschaffen, damit sie ihr Studium nach den vorangegangenen Curricula be­enden können. Dies bedingt aber das Angebot der auslaufenden und gleichzeitig der neuen Lehrveranstaltungen. Werden diese Fächer allerdings nicht mehr ange­boten, gilt die Äquivalenzverordnung, mit Hilfe der Alternativlehrveranstaltungen festgelegt werden. Der Studienabschluss nach der alten Studienordnung ist bis 30. April 2022 limitiert. Der neue Studienplan verspricht eine Modernisierung der archivwissenschaftlichen Fächer, obwohl er den Einsparungsplänen der Universität unterworfen wurde. Eini­ge motivierte junge Fachkollegen konnten für die Lehre gewonnen werden. Auch wenn man die häufigen Novellierungen des Curriculums beanstanden mag, so bie­ten sie doch die Gelegenheit, neue archivwissenschaftliche Strömungen einfließen zu lassen. Dass dies sukzessive umgesetzt wurde, zeigt sich in der Entwicklung des Lehrplanes. Wie die Modulziele erreicht und mit Inhalten ausgefüllt werden, liegt an der konkreten Durchführung der Lehre. An der Universität gilt weiterhin der Grundsatz der Freiheit der Lehre. 3 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 1854 gegründet mit dem Auftrag, die Geschichtswissenschaft zu fördern, entwi­ckelte sich das Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung bald danach zur ein­zigen Ausbildungsstätte für wissenschaftliche Archivarinnen und Archivare in Öster­reich. Das Institut, das bis 2016 dem Ministerium unterstand, aber an der Universität Wien angesiedelt war, führte einen dreijährigen Lehrgang im Kurssystem mit einem Einführungsjahr und zwei Kursjahren. Diese Struktur hielt sich bis der Kurs 2005 von einem Magisterstudium und schließlich 2008 vom Masterstudium nach dem Bolog­nasystem abgelöst wurde. Der Schwerpunkt der Lehrinhalte lag lange Zeit in den hilfswissenschaftlichen Fä­chern, die für die Archivarbeit in klassischen Archiven eine durchaus wichtige Vor­aussetzung bilden. Ab 1874 begann der Kurs, archivfachspezifische Lehrinhalte zu vermitteln, die dennoch eher den Hilfswissenschaften zuzurechnen waren. Mit Be­ginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wurde eine Reihe von neuen, rein archivwissenschaft­liche Lehrveranstaltungen in die Ausbildung aufgenommen, die den Forderungen aus der Fachwelt entsprachen. Dies bedingte einen erweiterten Einsatz von Archiva­rinnen und Archivaren in der Lehre. Neue Entwicklungen in der Archivwissenschaft und in der praktischen Arbeit fanden in das Curriculum Eingang, auch wenn der Lehrplan in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten aus anderen Gründen häufig novelliert werden musste. Gerade diese Novellierungen ermöglichten aber die Anpassung des Lehrplans an neue Anforderungen. Das Masterstudium bietet den Studierenden die Wahlmöglichkeit einer Spezialisierung in historischen Hilfswissenschaften oder Archivwissenschaft. Bis heute hält das Institut die Monopolstellung für die archiv­wissenschaftliche Ausbildung. QUELLEN- UND LITERATURNACHWEIS: Brunner, K. (2006). Gegenwart und Zukunft der Archivausbildung am Institut für Österre­ichische Geschichtsforschung. Scrinium 60 (2006), 17–20. (Brunner, Archivausbildung) Curriculum für das Masterstudium Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivwissen­schaft (Version 2019), 26. Stück, ausgegeben am 14.06.2019, Nr. 193. Hageneder, O. (1989). Die Archivarsausbildung am Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. Wilhelm A. Eckhardt (ed.). Wissenschaftliche Archivarsau­sbildung in Europa. Marburger Vorträge (= Veröffentlichungen der Archivschule Marburg – Institut für Archivwissenschaft 14, Marburg 1989), 14–28. (Hageneder, Archivarsausbildung) Hageneder, O. (1987). Die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung der österreichischen Archivare. Scrinium 36/37 (1987), 239–260. (Hageneder, wissenschaftliche Archivarsausbildung) Keitel, C. (2018). Zwölf Wege ins Archiv. Umrisse einer offenen und praktischen Ar­chivwissenschaft. Stuttgart. (Keitel, Zwölf Wege) Schenk, D. (2013). „Aufheben, was nicht vergessen werden darf“. Archive vom alten Eu­ropa bis zur digitalen Welt. Stuttgart. (Schenk, Archive vom altem Europa) Weigl, H. (2008). Die Ausbildung am Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung – teilweise ein Nachruf. MIÖG 116 (2008), 452–469. (Weigl, Ausbildung) Weigl, H. (2011). Rechtliche Bestimmungen über das Institut und die von ihm betreute Ausbildung. In: MIÖG 119 (2011), 559–581. (Weigl, Rechtliche Bestimmungen) Weigl (2015). Rechtliche Bestimmungen über das Institut und die von ihm betreute Aus­bildung. MIÖG 123. 591–598. (Weigl, Rechtliche Bestimmungen über das Institut) Weigl, H. (2018). Rechtliche Bestimmungen über das Institut und die von ihm betreute Ausbildung. MIÖG 126. 501–526. (Weigl, Institut) Winkelbauer, T. (2008). Vom „Institutskurs“ zum Masterstudium „Geschichtsforschung, Historische Hilfswissenschaften und Archivwissenschaft“ an der Universität Wien: eine Grenzüberschreitung? Scrinium 66 . 7–13. (Winkelbauer, Vom Institutskurs zum Masterstudium) Winter, K., Wührer, J. (2008). Der Kurs ist tot! Es lebe das Masterstudium! Ein Erfahrungs­bericht zur archivwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung an der Universität Wien und dem Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung. Scrinium 66, 65–107. (Winter/Wührer, Archivwissenschaftliche Ausbildung) Zusammen. Für unser Österreich. Regierungsprogramm 2017–2022. (2017). 75-83 ( (zuletzt aufgerufen am 18.07.2019). SUMMARY The Institute of Austrian Historical Research was established in 1854 for methodological training and the practice of auxiliary historical disciplines. Form 1874 on the institute developed to the only existing Austrian school of archival studies to educate academic archivists. Until 2016 it was an academic institution of the Austrian State (a department attached to the Federal Ministry of Science), since January 1 2016 it is a scientific organi­zational unit of the University of Vienna at the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, on basis of University Law from 2002. This educational programme was organized until 2004 as a separate “course”, this course lasted three years with one year introductory course and two years main course, it was a University Level Course, the graduates were entitled to use the academic de­gree “Master of Advanced Studies (MAS)”. From 2005 on, the institute ran a three year “Magister” degree programme (Austrian degree similar to a masters) jointly with the University of Vienna, building on a bachelor’s degree or previous “Magister” degree, which since winter semester 2008/09 has been offered in line with European degree programme structures (“Bologna”) as a master’s degree entitled “Auxiliary Sciences and Archival Studies”. For a long time the course was focused on auxiliary historical disciplines. Since 1874 educational contents from the field of archival science became part of the curriculum. At the beginning of the 21rst century, more and more courses were dedicated to archival science. This corresponded to the demands of the professional world of archivists. The institute employs archivists for those specialized courses. During the last two decades, the curriculum has changed several times, mostly for the reasons of cost cuts. On the other side, these amendments gave the chance to adapt the curriculum to modern de­velopments in the field of archival science and archival practice. Until today, the institu­te hat the monopoly position for academic archival education in Austria. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.02 Review Article Tijana Rupčić11 Archivist historian, Historical Archive Kikinda, Serbia, e-mail: ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Abstract: This article tackles the on-going question of the role of historical archives in the Repub­lic of Serbia. Unlike other countries in the region of former Yugoslavia, Serbia still does not have up to date law concerning archives. Lack of such legislation created difficulties, especially in this day of age when digitization and e-archives are taking over the spot­light and becoming a norm and it is discouraging to even mention that the Republic of Serbia lags behind today’s norms. This article will present study programs in the Repub­lic of Serbia that are oriented towards the archival science. Key words: archives, Republic of Serbia, history, roles, education L’ARCHIVISTICA NEI PROGRAMMI DI STUDIO UNIVERSITARI NELLA REPUBBLICA DI SERBIA Sintesi Questo articolo affronta la questione in corso sul ruolo degli archivi storici nella Repub­blica di Serbia. A differenza di altri paesi della regione dell’ex Jugoslavia, la Serbia non dispone ancora di una legge aggiornata sugli archivi. La mancanza di tale legislazione ha creato difficolta, soprattutto in questo periodo in cui la digitalizzazione e gli archivi digitali stanno prendendo il sopravvento e diventando la normalita, ed e scoraggiante anche ricordare che la Repubblica di Serbia e in ritardo rispetto alle norme odierne. Il presente articolo presentera i programmi di studio nella Repubblica di Serbia che sono orientati verso l’archivistica. Parole chiave: archivi, Repubblica di Serbia, storia, ruoli, istruzione ARHIVISTIKA V UNIVERZITETNIH ŠTUDIJSKIH PROGRAMIH V REPUBLIKI SRBIJI Izvleček: Pripevek se ukvarja z vprašanjem vloge zgodovinskega arhiva v Republiki Srbiji. Za raz­liko od drugih držav v regiji in držav bivše Jugoslavije Republika Srbija še zmeraj nima zakona o arhivih, ki bi ustrezal sodobnemu času. Pomanjkanje takšnega zakona je povzročil kaos in prav nič spodbudno ni videti, da v današnjem času, ko so digitalizacija in e-arhivi v središču pozornosti, arhivisti v Republiki Srbiji poskušajo reševati proble­me, ki so v evropskih in svetovnih arhivih že zdavnaj rešeni. Ključne besede: arhivi, Republika Srbija, zgodovina, vloga, izobraževanje ARHIVISTIKA U UNIVERZITETNIM STUDIJSKIM PROGRAMIMA U REOUBLICI SRBIJI Sažetak: Ovaj članak se bavi sveprisutnim pitanjem o ulozi Istorijskog arhiva u Republici Srbiji. Za razliku od ostalih zemalja iz regiona i bivše Jugoslavije, Republika Srbija još uvek nema zakon o arhivima koji bi odgovarao vremenu u kome se nalazimo. Nedostatak takvog zakona stvorio je haos i pomalo je obeshrabrujuće videti da se u današnje vre­me, kada se u centru pažnje nalazi digitalizacija i e-arhivi, arhivisti u Republici Srbiji još uvek pokušavaju da reše probleme koji su prevaziđeni u evropskim i svetskim ar­hivima još odavno. Ključne reči: arhivi, Republika Srbija, istorija, uloga, edukacija INTRODUCTION In the modern world archives are independent administrative, cultural and scientific institutions. Every country has its own special ways of governing such institutions and efficient organizing of such institutions is in public’s benefit. This article is interested in the question of what happens when such legislation is missing from the legal corpus of a state, and it will be analyzed on the case-study of Serbia. In the Republic of Serbia the role of archives is not clearly defined. This is the conse­quence of a lack of a special law concerning archives. Unlike its neighbors and states from former Yugoslavia, Republic of Serbia never tackled the question of archives more seriously. Working groups were formed with a task of creating new archival leg­islation, however one must ask: How efficient are these working groups and what are their working results in the last decade of their existence? It is hard to talk about serious questions such as digitization or block chains in the Re­public of Serbia when basic questions of archives are left unanswered. That is why we must ask ourselves what the role of an archive is? What documents are kept there and for how long? What kind of education should archivist have? Who will decide what education levels and skills are needed to become an archivist? It is fair to say that only when these questions are answered it is possible to start the conversation and work on the digitization and the creation of e-archives. The general law regarding archives and archival material in the Republic of Serbia dates back to 1994. After this legislation only few legal provisions, regulations and instructions con­cerning archives were issued. Yet, they are not enough to govern archives in a correct manner. The need for a new legislature about archives is evident and it is a hot topic among Serbian archivists for over two decades. One of the problems in the Republic of Serbia is the lack of education that is strictly ori­ented to the archival science. In the law concerning the archives from 1994 it is stated that “archivist can be a person with a BA degree of education and archival assistant can be a person with a high school degree”.22 „Zakon o kulturnim dobrima“ [Law on Cultural Heritage], Službeni glasnik RS 71/94, last accessed on June 18, 2019, Therefore, it is clear that this paragraph is not clearly defined, which in turn creates a problem since it leaves a lot of space for misusage. The employment of people who are not fit to work as archivists is also a concern. In the former Yugoslavia this was not the problem since archival science was in its pioneering days. During that time archivists were creating guidelines and instructions on which modern archival science is based. Such efforts are still used as frame for archiving in the Republic of Serbia. From theory to practice in archival courses In the last few decades there was a shift in the way in which information are stored and kept and this change affected archives in a great manner. As ways of archiving were rapidly changing it become evident that trained professional staff is needed. Unfortunately, this problem is also the least tackled in Serbia. Though this is not sur­prising since half of the staff in archives is not sufficiently educated to even work in the archives, as they lack formal archival training and education. Since the only qualification for the job of an archivist is to hold a certain level of a degree, there are cases where very responsible jobs (such as the surveillance and the sorting of ar­chival materials in registries outside and inside archives) are in hands of people who hold degrees of kindergarten teachers or chemists. This poses a serious problem, since these persons who should give guidance on how to archive certain documents are not sufficiently (or at all) trained to do that job. They also lack the knowledge about proper archival practice. Even the staff which holds those degrees close to the archival science field, such as a historian or a jurist, are still not trained well enough. I myself was not prepared to be an archivist when I started working in the archives seven years ago, since there were no formal courses taught on the universities. Thus, the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade offers a subject named “Introduction course for historical studies” in the first year of BA studies.(Syllabus, 2019) I have attended this class and the only thing that was learned there is how to take notes from the historical document. There is also a subject in the PhD studies in the History Department named “Archival science” and it is stated by the syllabus that the aim of this study course is that it should provide doctoral students the training to explore the most important issues of archival theory and practice. This involves the improvement of methodological approaches in the field of archives, creating professional standards, materials, regulations, and the class holds 10 ESPB credits. This course is divided into several topics and every week is dedicated to the certain topic such as an introduction course for archival science, archi­val science and historiography, archiving methodology, valorization of archival mate­rial, protection of registry materials and archival materials outside the archives and the methodological approach to the development of analytical inventory. Obligatory literature for this course consists of books: .. ....., ...........,..... .. ........ . ........ ........, ....... 2006, Laura A.Millar, Archives principles and practices, Facet Publishing, London 2010, Christopher Kitching, Archive Buildings in the Unit­ed Kingdom 1993-2005,Phillmore,West Sussex, 2007, Amanda Bevan, Tracing your Ancestors in the National Archives, The National Archives,London2007, What are Ar­chives, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives, Edited by Louise Craven, Ashgate,Hamp­shire 2008. (Syllabus, 2019) The course consists of lectures, exercises (discussion and presentation of the work), practical work and individual consultations. This course is mostly used as a tool in usage of an archival material while writing a thesis and not as a course dedicated to educating future archivists. There are similar courses held on the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, even better organized and students there can learn about archival science in a period of over a year in four different courses. Unlike courses held in the Faculty of Philosophy these courses are more complete and better organized. These courses are present since 2006 on the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade and are a part of the Department for the Librarian Studies. Course “Archival science introduction” is obligatory for all the students that are a part of the Department for Librarian Studies. The course is divid­ed into several parts that correlate with suitable historical sciences such as paleog­raphy, diplomatic or genealogy. This course is obligatory in the fifth semester (3rd year of study) and it is divided into two main parts. Course “Arhivistika 1” aims to give students a historical and theoretical knowledge of this science, as well as some empowerment to work with the registry materials. This course offers the knowl­edge of the origin and development of archives in Serbia, starting from the initial idea of creating archives of the “Društva srpske slovesnosti”, through the adoption of the national archives, the formation of today’s Archives of Serbia, and with the formation of the Archives of Yugoslavia and historical archives around the Republic of Serbia. At the end of this part of the archival course students are introduced to the structure of the network of archives in Serbia. It should be noted that the students are introduced with the structure of those archives in the region that, in content doc­uments which possess significant information for the Serbian history and culture, such as the National Archives of Dubrovnik, National Archives in Zagreb, Historical archive and State Archives in Montenegro.(Đorđević, 2019) In the sixth semester stu­dents have a course called “Arhivistika 2” in which they study about archival ma­terial in the archives, their preservation and protection, the structure of funds and collections inside Historical archives, its use, and publishing. .(Đorđević, 2019) This module is also offered in the PhD studies on the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade and it is named “Scientific work in the Archives” (Naučni rad u arhivima). This course is both theoretical and practical. Namely, PhD student from the Department of Li­brary and Information Science, which have undergone a complete archival course are provided with more detailed work with scientific sources, methodologies used in archival science and norms of publishing archival materials. It is also stated that students of this course should become more familiar with the work of specialized archives such as the archives of Academy of Serbian Arts and Sciences or Archives of Radio Belgrade. .(Đorđević, 2019) For the PhD students from other departments in the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, there is a brief course that lasts one semester in which students can learn about history of the archives and usage of the archival materials in a scientific work. .(Đorđević, 2019) Both of these course exams are tak­en practically: writing a scientific work based on archival materials. In regards to the high school education, the only related to the archival field in Serbia is the Legal Administrative High School where students can lean to become administrators. What does the future holds? It is noticeable that all these courses are connected to the archival science in a small scope and not one of them is fully oriented to cover all fields which are important for a fully trained archivist. Lack of education is compensated by numerous courses held by archivists across Serbia but this is not the long term solution. New academic programs and courses related to the archival science and protection of the cultural heritage should contribute to the formation of a new profile of professionals who will have complex interdisciplinary approach to the protection of the archival ma­terial, as well its presentation to the interested public. For such purposes modern archival experts are needed to be the leaders in future activities and to quickly and efficiently implement new technologies as a form of preventive conservation and general presentation of cultural heritage. In the field of conservation of cultural heritage, where we have archival materials, there are few courses in the Faculty of Applied Arts. (Syllabus, 2019) On the private faculty Alfa BK in Belgrade there is an MA program “Protection of cultural heritage”. (Syllabus, 2019) There are some high school programs that are archivist-oriented, but that is also not enough knowledge and skills for a fully trained archivist. It is obvious that all these courses and study programs are not on the satisfactory level concerning the future of the archival science, especially in the modern age where the need for trained archivists is expressed. It is less likely that this topic will become a priority in the institutions in the Republic of Serbia any time soon. To conclude, ar­chivists of the future need to obtain knowledge both from archival and IT science. It is already evident that e-archives are the future of the archival science but practical knowledge of basic archiving is still very much needed. Hope remains that in the future we will obtain such archivists that are skillful in both fields. REFERENCES Academy of Arts, Alfa BK University, accessed of June 18, 2019, Arhivistika, last accessed on June 15, 2019, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, accessed of June 18, 2019, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, accessed of June 18, 2019, Službeni glasnik RS 71/94, last accessed on June 18, 2019, SUMMARY In modern world archives are independent administrative, cultural and scientific in­stitutions. As it is expected every country has its own special way of governing such institutions and efficient organizing of such institutions is in everyone’s benefit. As ways of archiving were rapidly changing it become evident that trained professional staff is needed. Unfortunately this problem is also least tackled. Though this is not surprising since half of the staff in archives in the Republic of Serbia is not sufficient­ly educated to even work in archives. It is evident that study programs in the Repub­lic of Serbia are not on the satisfactory level concerning the future of the archival science, especially in modern age where the need for trained archivists is needed. It is less likely that this topic will become priority in the Republic of Serbia any time soon. With problems such as lack of basic guidance for the archives on the national level, question of education for the future is far away from the field of the debate. Archivists of the future need to obtain knowledge both from archival science and IT science. Hope remains that in the future we will obtain such archivists that are skill­ful in both fields and can be educated in courses and program specially designed to achieve such goal. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.04 Professional Article Manja Konkolič11 Manja Konkolič, mag. var. PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Abstract The Republic of Slovenia has an archive network consisting of public archives and three archives of the Catholic Church. It is an important institution for the protection of cultural heritage. As protection of archives, we understand actions, measures aimed at ensuring the permanent existence of archival material and its use. It is provided with legal and ma­terial protection, that is with maintenance. First, they are legal rules designed to prevent the destruction of archives and ensure proper management of the archives, including the appropriate selection. The second is maintenance, which represents the totality of meas­ures of a technical nature aimed at preventing the destruction or damage to archives. Key words: archives, Republic of Slovenia, preservation, protection, archival records TUTELA DEGLI ARCHIVI NELLA REPUBBLICA DI SLOVENIA Abstract La Repubblica di Slovenia ha una rete di archivi composta da archivi pubblici e tre archivi del­la Chiesa cattolica. E un’istituzione importante per la tutela del patrimonio culturale. Come tutela degli archivi, comprendiamo azioni e misure volte a garantire l’esistenza permanen­te del materiale archivistico ed il suo utilizzo. Viene effettuata tramite protezione legale e materiale, ovvero conservazione. In primo luogo, si tratta di regole legali progettate per impedire la distruzione degli archivi e garantirne una corretta gestione, compresa la sele­zione appropriata. Il secondo e la manutenzione, che rappresenta la totalita delle misure di natura tecnica volte a prevenire la distruzione o il danneggiamento degli archivi. Parole chiave: archivi, Repubblica di Slovenia, conservazione, protezione, documenti archivistici VAROVANJE ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA V REPUBLIKI SLOVENIJI Izvleček Republika Slovenija ima arhivsko mrežo, ki jo sestavljajo javni arhivi in trije arhivi ka­toliške cerkve. Je pomembna institucija za varovanje kulturne dediščine. Kot varstvo arhivskega gradiva pojmujemo dejanja, ukrepe, ki imajo namen zagotoviti trajen obstoj arhivskega gradiva ter njegovo uporabo. Zagotavlja se s pravnim ter material­nim varstvom, to je z vzdrževanjem. Prvo predstavljajo pravna pravila, katerih namen je preprečiti uničenje arhivskega gradiva in zagotoviti ustrezno upravljanje z njim, vključ­no z ustreznim izborom. Drugo pa je vzdrževanje, ki predstavlja celokupnost ukrepov tehnične narave, katerih cilj je preprečevati uničenje ali poškodbe arhivskega gradiva. Ključne besede: arhivi, Republika Slovenija, hramba, varstvo, arhivsko gradivo 1 UVOD Arhiv Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju ARS) hrani različno gradivo, npr. rokopise že iz 9. stoletja, listine od 12. stoletja dalje, gradivo zemljiških gospostev, rodbin in posameznikov od 13. stoletja, gradivo državnih organov, ki so imeli sedež na ozem­lju Slovenija od 15. stoletja, gradivo organov, organizacij in društev s področja gosp­odarstva, bančništva, zdravstva in socialnega varstva, šolstva, kulture in znanosti ob 16. stoletja, zemljiške knjige, katastre, načrte od 18. stoletja, slovenske doku­mentarne, animirane in igrane filme pa od leta 1905. ARS je osrednja in največja arhivska ustanova u Republiki Sloveniji. Je organ v sestavi Ministrstva za kulturo. Skrbi za enotno strokovno izvajanje javne arhivske dejavnos­ti in je pomembna institucija za varovanje kulturne dediščine. “Slovensko javno ar­hivsko mrežo sestavljajo javni arhivi (osrednji ARS v Ljubljani in šest regionalnih v Celju, Kopru, Ljubljani, Mariboru, Novi Gorici in na Ptuju), trije arhivi katoliške cerkve (v Kopru, Ljubljani in Mariboru) in zasebni arhivi (Zgodovinski arhiv in muzej Univer­ze v Ljubljani, ZRC SAZU - Glasbeno narodopisni inštitut, RTV Slovenija). Glavne dejavnosti Arhiva Republike Slovenije so zbiranje, varovanje, urejanje in sodelovanje z drugimi državnimi organi, delujočimi za celo državo glede arhiva, ki nastanja pri njihovem delu (Šmid et. al., 2010). Regionalni arhivi delujejo kot javni zavodi, katerih ustanovitelj je država in oprav­ljajo arhivsko dejavnost na območju celotne države. Hranijo javno arhivsko grad­ivo državnih organov ali njihovih organizacijskih enot ter izvajalcev javnih poo­blastil oziroma javnih služb, ki jih zagotavlja država in ki opravljajo dejavnost na območju ene ali več lokalnih samoupravnih skupnosti ter nastaja na območju re­gionalnega arhiva. Regionalni arhivi hranijo tudi arhivsko gradivo samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti, če te ne ustanovijo lastnega arhiva za varstvo svojega javnega arhivskega gradiva. Samoupravna lokalna skupnost lahko ustanovi arhiv za varstvo svojega javnega arhiva. Arhivi samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti varujejo javno arhivsko gradivo organov samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti, nosilcev javnih pooblastil oziroma izv­ajalcev javnih služb, ki jih zagotavlja samoupravna lokalna skupnost, ter skladov, agencij in drugih pravnih oseb, ki jih ustanovijo samoupravne lokalne skupnosti. Če samoupravna lokalna skupnost ne ustanovi lastnega arhiva za varstvo svojega javnega arhivskega gradiva, tovrstno gradivo hranijo regionalni arhivi. Za zdaj teh arhivov v Sloveniji še ni. Izjemoma je nekaterim javnopravnim osebam dana zakonska možnost, da lahko, zaradi svojega posebnega statusa oziroma posebne narave dejavnosti s področ­ja znanosti, visokega šolstva, kulture oziroma informiranja, na podlagi dovoljenja ministra same zagotovijo varstvo lastnega arhivskega gradiva. Dovoljenje imajo: Zgodovinski arhiv in muzej Univerze v Ljubljani, ZRC SAZU - Glasbeno narodopisni inštitut, RTV Slovenija. Med arhive, ki varujejo zasebno arhivsko gradivo uvrščamo arhive Rimskokatoliške cerkve. Arhivsko gradivo Rimskokatoliške cerkve v RS predstavlja izjemno pomem­ben del slovenske kulturne dediščine in v interesu RS je, da se to gradivo trajno ohrani, strokovno obdeluje in, da se zagotavlja oziroma omogoči njegova uporaba. Zaradi javnega interesa, država sofinancira arhivsko dejavnost cerkvenih arhivov - Nadškofijski arhiv Ljubljana, Škofijski arhiv Maribor, Škofijski arhiv Koper (Ministrst­vo za kulturo, 2019). Zasebno arhivsko gradivo nastaja pri zasebnih gospodarskih družbah, podjetjih, zavo­dih, političnih strankah, društvih, verskih skupnostih ter pri posameznikih (Žumer, b. d.). 2 PRAVNA PODLAGA ZA ARHIVIRANJE IN VAROVANJE ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA Podlaga za arhiviranje dokumentov in varovanje arhivskega gradiva je Zakon o varst­vu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih (ZVDAGA, Ur. list RS, št. 30/06 in 51/14), Uredba o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva (Ur. list RS, št. 42/17), Pravilnik o določanju rokov hranjenja dokumentarnega gradiva v javni upravi (Ur. list RS, št. 52/09), Pravilnik o strokovni usposobljenosti uslužbencev javnopravnih oseb ter delavcev ponudnikov storitev, ki delajo z dokumentarnim gradivom (Ur. list RS, št. 66/16), Pravilnik o strokovnih izpitih na področju varstva kulturne dediščine in varstva arhivskega gradiva (Ur. list RS, št. 32/18), Pravilnik o pridobivanju nazivov na področ­ju varstva kulturne dediščine in arhivskega gradiva (Ur. list RS, št. 47/18), Pravilnik o določitvi tarif pri uporabi arhivskega gradiva (Ur. list RS, št. 75/17), Pravilnik za val­orizacijo oseb zasebnega prava, ki so na podlagi zakona pridobile status delovanja v javnem interesu (Ur. list RS, št. 66/16), Zakon o dostopu informacij javnega značaja (ZDIJZ, Ur. list RS, št. 24/03 in vse spremembe), Zakon o elektronskem poslovanju in elektronskem podpisu (ZEPEP, Ur. list RS, št. 61/06), Zakon o tajnih podatkih (Ur. list RS, št. 60/11), Uredba o varovanju tajnih podatkov (ZTP, Ur. list RS, št. 24/11), Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1, Ur. list RS, št. 94/07). Temeljne načela Zakona o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih (ZVDAGA, Ur. list RS, št. 30/06 in 51/14) so: ohranjenost, trajnost, celovitost oziroma neokrnjenost, dostopnost (zavarovanost pred izgubo). 3 OCENA OGROŽENOSTI, TVEGANJ IN RANLJIVOSTI Preprečevanje vseh tveganj je nemogoča naloga za večino subjektov. Zaradi tega je potrebno pri razvoju varnostne strategije zagotoviti natančno oceno tveganj, ki jim je delovni proces izpostavljen, ki mora zajemati tudi oceno požarne ogroženosti. Ocena ogroženosti je podlaga za oceno tveganja. Izdelana mora biti v skladu z Na­vodilom o pripravi ocen ogroženosti (Ur. list RS, št. 39/95), oceno požarne ogroženos­ti ter in načrtom varovanja. Oceno požarne varnosti izdelujemo na osnovi Pravilni­ka o metodologiji za ugotavljanje ocene požarne ogroženosti (UR. list RS, 31/04) in Zakona o požarni varnosti (ZVPoz, Ur. list RS, št. 3/07). Ocena se pridobiva za različna okolja kot so bivalno, naravno, industrijsko in prometno. Najbolj pomembni faktorji pri pridobivanju vrednosti pa so naseljenost okolice, velikost in namembnost objek­ta, oddaljenost gasilcev in požarna voda. Načrt varovanja izdela odgovorna oseba ob strokovni pomoči menedžmenta kor­porativne varnosti. Hramba dokumentov v arhivih je izpostavljena: neustreznim prostorom, neustreznim klimatskim pogojem, tveganja odtujitve, naravne nesreče, tveganja poškodovanja in uničenja, požar, malomaren način ravnanja z gradivom s strani uporabnikov in zaposlenih. V profesionalnih arhivih je potrebno varovati in s tem opredeljevati dejavnike tve­ganja za naslednja področja: • arhivsko gradivo v depojih, arhivskih čitalnicah, razstavah, v času strokovne ob­delave ter v času izvedbe transferov, vključno s postopki priprav in prevzema ar­hivskega gradiva v arhivsko ustanovo, in to ne glede na njegovo pojavno obliko, • kontekste in druge podatke, ki so povezani z arhivskim gradivom, in to ne glede na pojavne oblike in načine zapisov, • arhivske zgradbe in opremo ter naprave, ki so nameščene v njih ali ob njih in so potrebne za normalno delovanje arhivske ustanove, • delovne procese v arhivskih ustanovah in z njimi povezane druge procese, ki so pomembni za upravljanje arhivskega gradiva ali izvajanje drugih dejavnosti, ki so kakorkoli povezane z zaščito in varovanjem ter uporabo arhivskega gradiva, • zaposlene v arhivskih ustanovah ne glede na to, ali delajo posredno ali neposred­no z arhivskim gradivom oz. izvajajo dejavnosti, ki omogočajo delovanje arhivske ustanove, • uporabnike arhivskega gradiva, in to ne glede na to, kakšno tehnologijo upora­bljajo pri uporabi arhivskega gradiva oz. ali jo izvajajo neposredno v arhivskih čitalnicah ali pa dostopajo do arhivskega gradiva oz. informacij o arhivskem grad­ivu z oddaljenih lokacij, • reševalce, ne glede na njihovo poslanstvo in aktivnosti pri reševanju ljudi ali ar­hivskega gradiva in drugih s tem povezanih entitet, kot so oprema, nosilci podat­kov ipd. (Novak, 2011). 4 VAROVANJE IN VARSTVO ARHIVOV Kot varstvo arhivskega gradiva pojmujemo dejanja, ukrepe, ki imajo namen zagot­oviti trajen obstoj arhivskega gradiva ter njegovo uporabo. Zagotavlja se s pravnim ter materialnim varstvom, to je z vzdrževanjem. Prvo predstavljajo pravna pravila, katerih namen je preprečiti uničenje arhivskega gradiva in zagotoviti ustrezno up­ravljanje z njim, vključno z ustreznim izborom. Drugo pa je vzdrževanje, ki pred­stavlja celokupnost ukrepov tehnične narave, katerih cilj je preprečevati uničenje ali poškodbe arhivskega gradiva (Žontar, 2003). 23. člen Zakon o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva ter arhivih (ZVDAGA, Ur. list RS, št. 30/06 in 51/14) navaja, da se dokumentarno gradivo hrani v ustreznih prostorih in opremi, v ustreznih klimatskih pogojih, zavarovano pred vlomom, požarom, vodo, biološkimi, kemičnimi, fizikalnimi in drugimi škodljivimi vplivi, ter zagotavlja dostopnost, kar pomeni varovanje pred izgubo in stalno zagotavljanje dostopa zgolj pooblaščenim uporabnikom ves čas trajanja hrambe, in celovitost, kar obsega nespremenljivost in neokrnjenost ter urejenost tega gradiva. Uredba o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva (Ur. list RS, št. 42/17) nav­aja, da arhivi, javnopravne osebe in imetniki zasebnega arhivskega gradiva morajo zagotavljati pogoje za materialno varstvo arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva, da se pri hrambi, urejanju, popisovanju, uporabi, prevozu in razstavljanju gradivo ne poškoduje, uniči ali kako drugače izgubi. Materialno varstvo obsega: določitev pogojev za ustreznost prostorov in opreme za hrambo gradiva, določitev potrebnih ukrepov za zavarovanje gradiva pred tatvino, vlomom, obrabo, prahom, ognjem, vodo, neustrezno temperaturo in vlago, vdorom ultravijoličnih žarkov ter drugimi škodljivimi biološkimi, kemičnimi in fizikalnimi vplivi. Za hrambo tajnih podatkov se uporabljajo določbe predpisov o varovanju ta­jnih podatkov. Materialno varstvo pomeni zagotavljanje pogojev in izvajanje ukrepov za ohranjan­je gradiva, da se ne uniči, poškoduje in odtuji. Preventivni ukrepi so tisti, ki prispeva­jo k zaščiti gradiva, da se čim bolj upočasnijo procesi staranja in propadanja gradiva, ki ni večno, kljub vsej skrbi. Konservacija so ukrepi, ko je na gradivu že nastala škoda, da se ta zmanjša na min­imum in da se procesi nadaljnjega uničevanja zaustavijo. Tu gre predvsem za spre­membo klimatskih pogojev v prostorih. Skrb za gradivo ARS se nanaša tako na kurativo (konserviranje-restavriranje) kot tudi na preventivo in svetovanje (materialno varovanje gradiva). Najvrednejše je tisto gradivo, ki je bilo le vzdrževano, šele nato tisto, ki je bilo konservirano oz. restavrirano, zato je ključnega pomena tudi dobro izobražena celotna skupina vseh, ki so vključeni v varovanje in upravljanje dediščine, ne le zgolj konservator­jev-restavratorjev. Glede na to, da je v državnih arhivih je še vedno veliko ogroženega gradiva, je nalo­ga Centra za konserviranje in restavriranje ARS, da skupaj z arhivisti in drugimi skrb­niki pisne in grafične dediščine izberejo in določijo prioriteto reševanja posameznih objektov. Konkretni postopki konserviranja in restavriranja so prepuščeni strokovni odločitvi konzervatorja – restavratorja, skrb za pogoje hrambe pa je povečini v pris­tojnosti širše družbe, ki nima vedno posluha za tovrstne t. i. neprofitne naložbe. Prioritete dela se določajo glede na ogroženost dediščine. Čeprav so osnovni kriteri­ji za določitev prioritet obravnave vsebinska pomembnost gradiva, stopnja in vrsta poškodbe ter pogostost uporabe, je glavni cilj prvenstveno ohraniti vse značilnosti izvirnika in čim manj posegati vanj (Vodopivec, 2009 v Vodopivec Tomažič, 2016). Uredba o varstvu dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva (Ur. list RS, št. 42/17) nava­ja, da se pri zagotavljanju varstva arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva razlagajo v skladu z ustreznimi veljavnimi standardi ISO (standard ISO 14721 – za izdelavo ar­hivskih sistemov elektronskih virov, standard ISO 15489 – sistemi upravljanja doku­mentov, standard ISO 23081 – načela metapodatkov za dokumente, standard ISO/IEC 17799/BS7799 – varnost informacijskih sistemov, standard ISO/IEC 27001 – Informa­tion security management systems, standard ISO 9706 – Information and Documen­tation – Paper for Documents – Requirements for Permanence, standard ISO 11108 – Information and Documentation – Archive Paper for Documents – Requirements for Permanence, standard ISO 18014 – Time Stamping Services, standard ISO/IEC 12207 – Software life cycle processes), britanskim standardom BS 5454 Recommendation for the storage and exhibition of archival documents ter drugimi ustreznimi stand­ardi za področje filma, fotografij in drugih novejših nosilcev zapisov, pa tudi v skladu z ustreznimi standardi ISO in ANSI. Med ukrepi za preprečevanje propadanja kakršnegakoli arhivskega gradiva ali vsaj njegove upočasnitve pa je na prvem mestu kontrolirano okolje, v katerem se grad­ivo hrani. To pomeni, da je potrebna primerna temperatura, relativna vlaga, svet­loba in čisto ozračje (brez prahu). Magnetne medije je potrebno varovati tudi pred neposrednim elektromagnetnim valovanjem. Potrebno je poskrbeti za varstvo pred škodljivimi zunanjimi vplivi, kot so požar, voda, biološki dejavniki (insekti in mikro­organizmi). Izjemnih razmer, kot so naravne katastrofe in vojne, ni mogoče predvi­deti, vendar mora imeti arhiv izdelan načrt reševanja tudi za tak primer. Pomembno je tudi preprečevati fizične poškodbe pri uporabi gradiva. To pomeni preprečevanje vsakega škodljivega ravnanja. Zaradi preprečevanja obrabe originalov, se v uporabo dajejo kopije (Žontar, 2003). Arhivski depo mora biti ločen od ostalih prostorov, zavarovan pred vlomi, nesrečami, grajen protipotresno, toplotno izoliran tako, da se zagotovijo primerni klimatski po­goji in preprečijo velika nihanja temperature in vlage, ki so za gradivo zelo škodljiva, varen pred izlivi vode, brez najrazličnejših napeljav, oddaljen od kurišč, električna napeljava mora biti zgrajena tako, da je možen popoln izklop električnega toka, ko ga ne potrebujemo. Arhivski depo se uporablja samo za hrambo dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva. Če je dokumentarnega in arhivskega gradiva manj kot 30 te­kočih metrov, se lahko izjemoma hrani zunaj arhivskih depojev v zaklenjenih oma­rah na mestu, varnem pred požarom in izlivom vode. Gradivo zunaj arhivskih skladišč se hrani v zaklenjenih kovinskih omarah na mestu, varnem pred požarom in izlivom vode. V prostorih, kjer se hrani gradivo, je prepove­dano kaditi. Za hrambo tajnih podatkov se uporabljajo določbe predpisov o varovan­ju tajnih podatkov. Arhivska skladišča se uporabljajo samo za hrambo arhivskega gradiva in morajo biti ločena od drugih prostorov, na mestu, varnem pred vdorom vode, primerno oddal­jena od plinskih, vodovodnih, kanalizacijskih napeljav, kurišč, dimovodov, glavnih vodov centralne kurjave in podobnih nevarnih napeljav in sistemov, grajena pro­tipotresno, iz požarno varnih materialov, grajena tako, da zagotavljajo pravilne mikroklimatske pogoje za hrambo gradiva, ustrezno hidro in toplotno izolirana, zavarovana pred požarom, vlomom in strelo, opremljena z ustrezno električno napeljavo z napravami za izklopitev električnega toka v vseh skladiščih, opremljena s svetili, ki so zavarovana pred škodljivimi sevanji. Imeti morajo kovinsko opremo, ustrezne gasilne aparate in sisteme, higrometre in termometre, naprave za javljan­je požara, vloma in izliva vode, zaščito pred vdorom ultravijoličnih žarkov, tudi če je gradivo s tehnično opremo dovolj zavarovano, ustrezno tehnično opremo za vse zvrsti in formate gradiva. Zagotavljati je potrebno stalne klimatske in druge pogo­je, ki jih določa standard SIST EN ISO 11799 in drugi ustrezni mednarodno priznani standardi. Skladiščna oprema mora omogočati racionalno namestitev gradiva, za­varovanje pred poškodbami, lahko dostopnost do gradiva, kroženje zraka in enos­tavno čiščenje. Arhivsko gradivo se prenaša in prevaža na način in z opremo, ki zagotavlja zašči­to arhivskega gradiva pred mehanskimi, toplotnimi in kemičnimi poškodbami. Pri prenosu tajnih podatkov se smiselno uporabljajo določbe, ki urejajo prenos tajnih podatkov (Kontestabile Rovis et. al, 2017). 5 LETNO POROČILO O DELU ARHIVOV V letnem poročilu o delu arhivov iz leta 2016 so podrobneje opisana večja dela v arhivskih depojih v smislu zagotavljanja ustreznih pogojev za varstvo arhivskega gradiva. Pod strokovnim nadzorom je bila izvedena inventura. Opravljenih je bilo več selitev arhivskega gradiva: okrog 30.000 filmskih kolutov – 14443 negativov in 15535 kopij, iz skladišča v Gotenici in Virant v Ljubljani, na novo lokacijo na Kapusovo v Ljubljani. Selitev iz kletnega depoja v pritlični depo v Ljubljani na Kongresnem trgu, in sicer gradivo okrog 400 tm. Selitev je bila opravljena tudi za Jožefinski kataster za Štajersko in scier 387 fasciklov in za Štajersko 40 knjig. Redno je bilo spremljeno vrednost temperature in vlage v skladiščih ARS. Za Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor je bila opravljena selitev 16 tm časopisa Delo s prilog­ami iz B26 na lokacijo C16/4/e zaradi pridobitve prostora. Prestavljene so bile poličnice zaradi prostora. Selitev gradiva zaradi obnove regalov, v skupni izmeri 712 tm. Razdiranje regalov, vračanje 314 tm gradiva iz začasnih lokacij na obnovljene lokacije, pleskanje prostorov. Za Pokrajinski arhiv Nova Gorica je bila izvedena preselitev vseh fondov samoupravnih interesnih skupnosti znotraj skladišča 1, preselitev vseh fondov krajevnih skup­nosti iz skladišča 1 v skladišče 2, preselitev dela fondov uprave in javnih služb po letu 1945 iz skladišča 1 v skladišče 2, preselitev dela fondov uprave po letu 1945 iz začasnega kletnega skladišča 1 v skladišče 2, preselitev gradiva 527 Okrajno sodišče Ajdovščina, preselitev gradiva 544 Okrajno sodišče Nova Gorica, preselitev gradiva 1012 Zbirka arhivskega in dokumentacijskega gradiva, 1013 Topografija NOB in 1014 Zbirka spominov in drugega dokumentarnega gradiva iz skladišča 2 v skladišče 1, preselitev gradiva ostalih zbirk znotraj skladišča 1. Za Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana je bila izvedena selitev okrog 1000 tm iz skladišča na Kvedrovi v skladišče na Šmartinski cesti. Demontaža in selitev dela kovinskih regal­ov iz skladišča na Kvedrovi v skladišče na Šmartinski cesti. Generalno čiščenje depojskih in upravnih prostorov enote v Novem mestu. Names­titev opozorilnih znakov na fasade objektov arhiva zaradi nevarnosti odpadanja ometa in strešnikov ter razpadanja zidov. Premiki gradiva zaradi izliva vode in adaptacije zunanjega zidu v skladišču Labore, sušenje gradiva in opreme. Prestavljanje starih in montaža novih polic. V ARS je bilo opravljenih več del v zvezi s tehnično opremo arhivskega gradiva. Odd­aja 4 kovinskih zaščitnih škatel v restavriranje, tehnično opremljanje gradiva, prip­rava nalepk, selitev gradiva, preurejanje gradiva, lepljenje nalepk, menjava map in srajčk, označitev, opremljanje arhivskih škatel. Za Zgodovinski arhiv Celje je bilo zamenjanih skupaj 508 kom standardnih arhivskih škatel in opremljeni z nalepkami. Izdelanih je bilo skupaj 119 kom posebnih škatel v nestandardnih merah in 2291 kom standardnih arhivskih škatel. Opremljenih je bilo 533 kom arhivskih škatel z nalepkami. Za Pokrajinski arhiv Koper je bilo opravljeno 706 arhivskih škatel presortiranja in razpršavanja. Lepljenje tablic na 2709 arhivskih škatel. Za Pokrajinski arhiv Nova Gorica je bilo opravljeno dodatno tehnično opremljanje dela fonda v skupni izmeri 32,1 tm. Za Pokrajinski arhiv na Ptuju je bila opravljena dokončna tehnična ureditev 59 ar­hivskih škatel fonda. Za Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana je bilo opravljeno čiščenje sledov plesni s škatel, preložitev ph nevtralnega papirja formata A0 iz rol v ravno stanje s sredinskim pre­pogibom. Na novo razdeljen fond, vrnjeno na staro mesto. Preložitev gradiva v novo tehnično opremo, preštevilčenje ovojev in izdelava nalepk, zamenjava neustreznih velikosti 22 arhivskih škatel, menjava nalepk pri posameznih arhivskih škatel fond­ov. Kontrola načrtov in vsebine posameznih map, vzpostavitev prvotnega stan­ja, zapis signatur na vsak načrt. Kontrola celotnih map, s seznamom manjkajočih. Preložitev fasciklov v arhivske škatle, izdelava nalepk. Zamenjanih je bilo 447 ar­hivskih škatel. Sušenje in čiščenje gradiva, menjava škatel. Na 983 listih različnih formatov je bilo opravljeno čiščenje in restavriranje. Vzroki za nastanek poškodb: mehanske poškodbe, vlaga, pogosta uporaba, plesen, neustrez­na hramba. Restavriranje in različno čiščenje je bilo opravljeno na 29 knjigah. Vzroki za nas­tanek poškodb: prepogosta uporaba, slaba kakovost papirja, neprimerna hramba, madeži, insekti, plesen. Različno čiščenje, restavriranje in zaščitni ovoji so bili opravljeni na 25 pausih. Vzroki za nastanek poškodb: slaba kakovost papirja, neustrezna hramba, prah, nečistoče. Restavriranje, različno čiščenje in zaščiti ovoji so bili opravljeni na 27 različnih formatih papirja. Vzroki za nastanek poškodb: slaba kakovost papirja, neustrezna hramba, neprimerna uporaba. Na dveh listinah na perfamentu je bilo opravljeno suho čiščenje. Vzrok za nastanek poškodb: vlaga, pogosta in neprimerna uporaba. Za 6 pečatov je bilo opravljeno čiščenje in restavriranje ter uporaba ustrezne zaščitne škatle. Vzroki za nastanek poškodb: pogosta in neprimerna uporaba. Za 1 listino je bilo opravljeno čiščenje, restavriranje in zaščita z ovojem. Vzroki za nas­tanek poškodb: slaba kakovost papirja, neustrezna hramba, neprimerna hramba. Za fotografije je bilo opravljeno čiščenje, utrjevanje, mikroskopiranje in uporaba zaščitnega ovoja. Vzroki za nastanek poškodb: vandalizem, neprimerna hramba, prah, nečistoče, raztrganine. Na 21 likovnih delih je bilo opravljeno čiščenje, ravnanje gub, dopolnjevanje man­jkajočih delov, retuša, restavriranje, uporaba zaščitnega ovoja. Vzroki za nastanek poškodb: površinske nečistoče, prah, vlaga, svetloba, pogosta uporaba, lisičje pege. Opravljenih je bilo 28 vezav knjig različnih formatov. Uporabljenih je bilo 61 zaščit­nih škatel za listine. Skupaj je bilo 14.041 mikrofilmanih arhivskih gradiv. Digital­iziranih je bilo 310.959 dokumentov, 6613 strani/ kosov posnetkov, 21.219 kom zvočnih posnetkov. 6 ZAKLJUČEK Vse več je različnih negativnih vplivov iz okolja. Ob tem se pojavljajo večji ali manjši škodni dogodki. Zato je potrebno dejavnike analizirati in obvladovati tveganja. Arhivsko gradivo je kulturni spomenik. Ima trajen pomen za zgodovino, zato je po­trebno narediti vse, da se ga zaščiti in ohrani. Pri načrtovanju strategije za varovanje arhivov in arhivskega gradiva ter izdelavi načrta varovanja, je potrebno dosledno upoštevati dejavnike tveganja, ogrožanja in ranljivosti. Pomembno je, da se arhivsko gradivo hrani v arhivskih depojih in mora biti ločen od ostalih prostorov, zavarovan pred vlomi, nesrečami, grajen protipotresno, toplotno izoliran tako, da se zagotovijo primerni klimatski pogoji in preprečijo velika nihanja temperature in vlage, ki so za gradivo zelo škodljiva, varen pred izlivi vode, brez najrazličnejših napeljav, oddaljen od kurišč, električna napeljava mora biti zgrajena tako, da je možen popoln izklop električnega toka, ko ga ne potrebujemo. Prav tako je potrebno skrbeti, da se arhivsko gradivo ne uniči ali kako drugače poškoduje ali celo odtuji. Zato je potrebno k temu pristopiti celovito: skrbno načrtovanje in or­ganiziranost, ustrezno materialno varovanje in hramba, izobraževanje zaposlenih v arhivih, dobro poznavanje problematike in s tem povezanimi tveganji. S tem se zagotovi visoka stopnja varstva kulturne dediščine – arhivskega gradiva. 7 BIBLIOGRAFIJA Arhivi v službi človeka - človek v službi arhivov (2018). 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Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.04 Professional Article ARHIVSKA ZNANOST IN ODZIVI NA DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE V ARHIVSKI TEORIJI IN PRAKSI – DANES Peter Pavel Klasinc ARHIVSKA ZNANOST IN ODZIVI NA DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE V ARHIVSKI TEORIJI IN PRAKSI – DANES Peter Pavel Klasinc LE SCIENZE ARCHIVISTICHE E LE RISPOSTE ALLE TRASFORMAZIONI SOCIALI NELLA TEORIA E PRATICA ARCHIVISTICA – LA SITUAZIONE OGGI Peter Pavel Klasinc LE SCIENZE ARCHIVISTICHE E LE RISPOSTE ALLE TRASFORMAZIONI SOCIALI NELLA TEORIA E PRATICA ARCHIVISTICA – LA SITUAZIONE OGGI Peter Pavel Klasinc LE SCIENZE ARCHIVISTICHE E LE RISPOSTE ALLE TRASFORMAZIONI SOCIALI NELLA TEORIA E PRATICA ARCHIVISTICA – LA SITUAZIONE OGGI Peter Pavel Klasinc ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND THE ANSWERS TO SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN ARCHIVAL THEORY AND PRACTICE – THE CURRENT SITUATION Peter Pavel Klasinc ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND THE ANSWERS TO SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN ARCHIVAL THEORY AND PRACTICE – THE CURRENT SITUATION Peter Pavel Klasinc ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND THE ANSWERS TO SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN ARCHIVAL THEORY AND PRACTICE – THE CURRENT SITUATION Peter Pavel Klasinc ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova ARCHIVAL SCIENCE: BRIDGES BETWEEN TRADITION AND INNOVATION Elena Romanova THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik THE ARCHIVIST – THE GUARDIAN OF HUMAN RIGHTS Jelka Melik WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli WHY CHOOSE THE ARCHIVAL PROFESSION WHY BECOME, BE AND REMAIN AN ARCHIVIST? Živana Heđbeli IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak IDENTIFYING, REACTING AND CONNECTING – ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS NEEDED FOR MODERN MANAGING OF ARCHIVAL AND DOCUMENTARY MATERIAL Miroslav Novak ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS IN ARCHIVING: A THEORETICAL ASPECT Mikhail Larin PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus PUBLIC COLLECTION DIGITIZATION STRATEGY OF HUNGARY AND ITS IMPACT TO THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF HUNGARY István Hegedus THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHIVAL SCIENCE REFLECTING TO THE SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IN AUSTRIA Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Tijana Rupčić ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Tijana Rupčić ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Tijana Rupčić ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Tijana Rupčić ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Tijana Rupčić ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY STUDY PROGRAMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Tijana Rupčić PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič PROTECTING ARCHIVAL RECORDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Manja Konkolič