ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <3 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME V No. 11 - 21 April 1952 Published by the A. M. G. F.T.T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1952 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 58 PROVISIONS IN FAVOUR OF TREASURERS OF THE PROVINCIAL AND OF COMMUNAL ADMINISTRATIONS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant certain benefits in favour of Treasurers of the Provincial and of Communal Administrations, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Commencing from 1st July 1947 and up to 1952 inclusive, Communal and Provincial Administrations shall grant to their respective Treasurers (whether collectors or „Ricevitori provinciali“ of Direct Taxes or not), at the request of the latter, an annual compensation if, as a result of the additional burdens borne after 8 September 1943 in connection with improvements in the economic treatment of their personnel and with other operating costs, the expenses for treasury services have become „exceedingly heavy“. The said expenses shall be considered as „exceedingly heavy“ only when an actual loss is sustained by the Treasurers. ARTICLE II The procedure for the approval of the additional concession referred to in the preceding Article shall be the same as established by Article II of Order No. 318, dated 10 February 1947, the provisions of which shall be considered as an integral part of this Order. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of April 1952. Ref. : LDIAI52I33 JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 59 EXTENSION OF INSURANCE AGAINST SICKNESS TO WORKERS EMPLOYED IN DOMESTIC SERVICE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to extend the compulsory insurance against sickness to workers employed in domestic service {„servizi domestici familiari“), in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. — All workers employed in personal and domestic service who carry out their work, continuously and mainly, for 4 hours daily at least, with the same employer in return for a compensation either in cash or in kind, shall be subject to the compulsory insurance against sickness. Section 2. — All persons of both sexes who work, under whatsoever title, for the running of family life either with a specific qualification (preceptors, instructors, governesses, graduated nurses, butlers, cooks, drivers, coachmen, stablemen, wet-nurses, wardrobe-women, door-keepers, watchmen and gardeners) or with general duties (laborers („tuttofare“), washerwomen, common nurses, waiters and porters) are considered workers employed in personal or domestic service. Section 3. — The family members of the workers employed in domestic service shall be excluded from the compulsory insurance against sickness. ARTICLE II The provisions relating to sickness insurance contained in Law 11 January 1943, No. 138, are hereby extended to the workers set forth in the foregoing Article within the limits and with the modalities laid down in the subsequent Articles. ARTICLE III Section 1. — The above workers shall be entitled to the following benefits for a maximum period of 180 days pursuant to the third paragraph of article 6 of Law 11 January 1943, No. 138: a) general medical assistance, both at home and in consulting-rooms ; b) consulting-room medical assistance by specialists ; c) pharmaceutical assistance ; d) hospital assistance ; e) obstetrical assistance. Section 2. — The benefits set forth under paragraphs c), dj and e) of the foregoing Section shall be granted at the rates, within the limits and with the procedure to be established by Regulations. Section 1. — The employer shall notify the worker employed to the Insurance Institute not later than 8 days from his employment. Section 2. — In ease of failure of or delay in notification there shall be applicable the penalties set forth in Article X hereof. ARTICLE V Section 1. — The employer shall notify the Insurance Institute of the termination of the employment not later than eight days from the' date of termination. Section 2. — Failure to notify the termination of the employment shall result in continuation of the insurance for all purposes of law and the Regulations. ARTICLE VI The Insurance Institute shall release to each inscribed worker a personal card bearing a three-month validity stamp according to which he shall be granted the benefits set forth in this Order. ARTICLE VII The insured worker shall be entitled to the benefits provided that he has been in employment for at least six months and that there are shown as due in his favour by the employer or employers, even if not paid, 12 weekly contributions in the 24 weeks immediately preceding the date of the application. ARTICLE VIII Section 1. — A fixed contribution of 130 Lire weekly shall be charged' to the employer for the granting of the benefits. The entire rate of contribution shall be paid even if the employment lasts less than one week. Section 2. — The rate of the contribution may be changed within the first five years from the coming into force of this Order if changes occur in the cost of the benefits. ARTICLE IX The ¡payment of the contribution shall be made by monthly postponed payments not later than the 15th day of the subsequent month ARTICLE X Section 1 — The employer shall be liable for payment of the contribution. If the contribution is made later than the 15th day of each monthly date of expiry, the employer .shall pay, along with the contributions due, an equal amount as penalty, as well as interest for delay in payment („interessi di mora“), to be charged at the official rate of discount increased by two points. If the delay in payment exceeds the 90th day, the employer shall be liable to an additional fine („ammenda“) of Lire 20.000. Section 2. — In the latter case the contra venei may, pursuant to article 162 of the Penal Code, pay the Insurance Institute an amount equal to one fourth of the fine levied against him or, in case of recurrence, to1 one half. ARTICLE XI The worker shall be entitled to the benefits by the Insurance Institute even if, at the eommencem'ent of the sickness, the employer has not complied with the obligation to inscribe him or if he is not up to date with the payment of the contribution. In this case the Insurance Institute shall be entitled to take action for recovery („azione di rivalsa“) from the employer who has not complied with the above obligations of the entire amount of the benefits granted to the sick worker and to collect the arrears of contributions and any other amount set forth in Article X hereof. However, the action for recovery shall not be taken by the Insurance Institute if the employer provides, not later than 30 days from the date of notification („contestazione“) of the said non-compliance, for payment of the amounts due pursuant to Article X hereof, and pays, within 30 days from the end of the sickness, an amount equal to 30 percent of the total amount of the benefits. ARTICLE XII Within three months from the date of publication of this Order the Regulations for its application shall be issued. ARTICLE XIII In so far as not contemplated by this Order and by the Regulations for its application, the provisions in force relating to the sickness treatment of workers in industry, so far as applicable, shall apply. ARTICLE XIV This Order shall become effective two months after its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Arm y Ref. : LD/AI52/45 Director General* Civil Affairs Order No. 60 NEW CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant new concessions of temporary importation, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION OP GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minim um quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed . for re-exporta- tion 1. Knitted fabrics of nylon or rayon mixed with other textile fibres For the manufacture of gloves 100 kilos 6 months 2. Hops For the production of beer (concession valid from 12 Sept. 1951) 50 kilos 1 year 3. Raw straw braids For the manufacture of straw goods, such as bags, baskets, etc. 100 kilos 6 months 4. Borax For the production of sodium perborate (concession valid from 25 Sept. 1951) 500 kilos 6 months 5. Special synthetic resins (polyvynil chloride) For use as insulating material in the manufacture of electric cables and conductors (concession valid from 12 Oct. 1951) 100 kilos 1 year 6. Copper-plated steel rods (copperweld) For the manufacture of electric cables and conductors (concession valid from 28 Nov. 1951) 100 kilos 2 years 7. Copper-plated steel wire (copperweld) For the manufacture of electric cables and conductors (concession valid from 12 Oct. 1951) 100 kilos 2 years Temporary importation of photographic and radiophonic records (on disks, wire or bands) belonging to foreign journalists coming into the Zone on radio or press missions or for special „reportages“ shall be allowed for a period of .6 months commencing from 9 July 1951. The re-exportation of the said materials shall take place within six months of the relative importation. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to the administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 10 February 1952. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A\52fi& Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 61 LIMITS OF EFFECTIVENESS OF PRIVATE WRITINGS NOT REGISTERED WITHIN THE TERMS ESTABLISHED BY R.D.L. 27 SEPTEMBER 1941, No. 1015, CONVERTED INTO LAW 29 DECEMBER 1941, No. 1470 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to apply the limits of effectiveness of private writings not registered within the terms established by R.D.L. 27 September 1941, No. 1015, converted into Law 29 December 1941, No. 1470, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: < ' ‘ -, - r. •. * » ARTICLE I Deeds drawn up under any name and concerning transfer or promise of transfer of real property or of rights in real property may not be declared null and void in terms of R.D.L. 27 September 1941, No. 1015, converted into Law 29 December 1941, No. 1470, when the actual possession thereof has been acquired and the relative consideration has been given therefor. ARTICLE II Conventional terms relating to rights of redemption („patti di riscatto“) and concerning the transfers referred to in the foregoing Article shall run again as from the effective date of this Order for the same period as established by the parties, on thè conditions which will be equitably re-valued by the Judge. ¡ The provisions of Article I hereof shall not be applicable when, on the effective date of this Order, the nullity of the ddeds referred to in the said Article has already been declared by a final Judgement or when a compromise agreement has been reached by the parties in relation to such nullity, or if the consequences of the said nullity have been regulated by mutual agreement. Likewise, the said provisions shall not apply in respect of deeds bearings a sure date preceding that of publication of this Order by which, in relation to the real property or rights in real property referred to in the foregoing Article, the party transferring or promising to transfer such property or rights has arranged, in whole or in part, for the transfer or for a promise of transfer in favour of third parties, or as a result .of which the said property or rights have been the subject of a division. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 21 February 1952. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. :LD¡A¡52I51 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 62 TEMPORARY IMPORTATION OF SILK WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to permit temporary importation of silk, into that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I. JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Di-rector General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: * ARTICLE I With effect from 15 December 1951 and for a period of six months thereafter, temporary importation is hereby permitted of raw silk („seta tratta greggia“), whether White or yellow, and of toussah. silk for the production of textiles, socks and stockings, sieves („veli da buratti“) etc. With effect from 18 December 1951 and for a period of six months thereafter, temporary importation is hereby permitted of raw silk („seta tratta greggia“), whether white or yellow, and of toussah silk for doubling and twisting (into weft, organzine, crepe, fur, grenadine, etc.) and/or for manufacture into bobbins and the like. ARTICLE III Both concessions referred to in the foregoing Articles shall be subject to importation of a minimum quantity of one hundred kilos and to re-exportation within a maximum term of six months from the date of importation. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of April 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/AI52I60 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 21 APPOINTMENT OF THE FILM BOARD WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to change the composition of the Film Board established by Order No. 151, dated 17 June 1946, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F, BÜRGER, Colonel Arty, Executive Director to the Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The persons listed hereinbelow are hereby appointed members of the Film Board established by Order No. 151, dated 17 June 1946: Mr. Hërbert L. Jacobson, President Mr. 0. L. Bartelli, Member Mr. R. G. M. Darwall, Member Mr. W. M. Harrison, Member Mr. Norman Lister, Member Mr. J. S. Martin, Member Maj' or Paul Sasson, Member 2. — The appointments made by previous provisions are hereby repealed. 3- — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 12th day of April 1952. VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel Arty Executive Director to Ref. : LD/BI52I22 Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 22 INCREASE OF THE RATES OF CONTRIBUTION DUE FOR THE COMPULSORY INSURANCE AGAINST SICKNESS Notice is hereby given that the Chief, Department of Social Assistance for the purposes of article 10 of R.D.L. 29 November 1925, No. 2146 as amended by Law 17 July 1942, No. 99S, has approved the following resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the „Istituto Nazionale per VAssicurazione contro le Malattie“ in the meeting held on 27 February 1952 : „Resolution With effect from the first pay-period commencing on 1 March 1952 or from the pay-period immediately subsequent to such date, the rates of contribution due by the employers to the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ for the compulsory insurance against sickness shall be and are hereby established as follows : a) 6,47% on the entire amount of the earnings subject to contribution, for workers in all sectors, except for those in agriculture, who, in case of sickness, are entitled to the daily indemnity ; b) 3,75% on the entire amount of the earnings subject to contribution, for those employees to whom the ,,I.N:A.M.“ pays, in case of sickness and for a maximum period of 6 months, the integration of the economic treatment due by the employer pursuant to law or contract ; c) 3,20% on the entire amount of the earnings subject ■ to contribution, for those employees entitled to medical services only. The above mentioned rates shall be and are hereby established exclusively for insurance against sickness. Consequently, in addition to the said rates there shall be paid those set forth in Order No. 55, dated 7 April 1951, regarding the physical and economic treatment of female workers during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery.“ F. A. INGALLS Chief, Department of Social Assistance CONTENTS Order Page No. 58 Provisions in favour of treasurers of the provincial and of communal administrations.............................................................................. 213 No. 59 Extension of insurance against sickness to workers employed in domestic service 214 No. 60 New - concessions of temporary importation ................................. 217 No. 61 Limits of effectiveness of private writings not registered within the terms established by R.D.L. 27 September 1941, No. 1015, converted into Law 29 december 1941, No. 1470 .......'....................................... 218 No. 62 Temporary importation of silk......................................... 219 Administrative Order No. 21 Appointment of the film board ............................................. 220 Notice No.. 22 Increase of the rates of contribution due for the compulsory insurance against sickness ..............,............................................... 221