Some Aspects of lmpurity Grain Boundary Segregation in Low Alloy Cr-Mo-V Steels Segregacije nečistoč v nizko legiranih Cr-Mo-V jeklih J. Janovec1, Institute of Materials Research, Košice, Slovakia V. Magula, VVelding Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia P. Sevc, Institute of Materials Research, Košice, Slovakia Prejem rokopisa - received: 1996-10-04; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 1996-11-01 The present work is focused on theories of grain boundary segregation. An overvievv of different approaches to solution of surface enrichment phenomenon is given in the first part. The second part is devoted to the verification of introduced theories by means of experimental results. Key words: low alloy steels. phosphorus, grain boundary segregation, non-equilibrium segregation, kinetics V članku so predstavljene teorije različnih avtorjev o segregaciji po mejah zrn. V prvem delu je podan pregled različnih razlag obogatitve prostih površin. V drugem delu smo obravnavane teorije verificirali z eksperimentalnimi rezultati. Ključne besede: nizko legirana jekla, segregacija po mejah zrn, neravnotežne segregacije, kinetika segregacije po mejah zrn 1 Introduction Enrichment of solute or solvent atoms from bulk at the grain boundaries is referred to as grain boundary segregation. Segregation is mostly attributed to the grain boundary weakening due to lowering the interface cohe-sion. As a consequence, an intergranular embrittlement occurs. Because segregation phenomenon decisively in-fluences properties of commertial materials, the grain boundary segregation has been intensively studied in last decades1"8. The present vvork deals vvith segregation theories9-15 and their experimental verification. By use of multicom-ponential alloys in the verification, the introduction of some simplifications is necessary because the segregation theories vvere mostly derived for binary or ternary solid solutions. For example, lovv alloy steels containing Fe, Cr, Mo, V, Mn, Si, C and P vvere considered to be binary Fe-P or ternary Fe-Mo-P systems13"15. 2 Segregation theories 2.1 Non-interactive equilibrium segregation The theory of equilibrium segregation for dilute bi-nary solid solution Fe-I (Fe - solvent, I - solute impurity) vvas derived by McLean to be the grain boundary analo-gous of Langmuir adsorption at free surfaces1,16. The Langmuir-McLean isotherm yields: CFCtc (11) [4D,(t-tc)] [4D,(t-tc)] The process in vvhich the desegregation is dominant can only occur vvhen CiN(tc) > CiEeci for a given temperature. It means the desegregation is limited by reaching the equilibrium grain boundary concentration. The mi-gration of grain boundaries during austenitizing and re-crystallization can also contribute to the non-equilibrium segregation in term of a svveep effect. The nature of this phenomenon resides in embedding and subsequent drag-ging of solute species by moving grain boundary. As a consequence the grain boundary enrichment of solute species occurs31'32. 2.4 Segregation under stress Stress and thermal energy does not affect the equilib-rium grain boundary concentration of impurities during the tempering (aging) significantly, but it influences segregation kinetics. Grain boundary segregation of impurities vvith higher diffusivity can be enhanced effectively by applied stress. Atoms of some impurities (e.g. carbon, nitrogen, boron) fastly occupy the convenient sites on grain boundaries and they prevent subsequently due to competition effect the segregation of other elements33"35. Shinoda and Nakamura36 studied the grain boundary segregation of phosphorus in lovv carbon steel during long-term tempering and subsequent aging under stress at the same temperature. In the first step of aging under tension (compression) phosphorus grain boundary concentration increases (decreases), then its value approxi-mate to the initial one36. Changes in impurity concentration at the grain boundaries oriented normal to the applied stress ACis can be calculated as follovvs37: 4<|)CfDIpCTAt "f RT (12) where 0 is a numerical factor of the order of unity, Ciso is the initial grain boundary concentration of impurity, p is the specific volume of alloy, c is the stress related to the grain boundary, and At is the aging time under stress. 3 Verification of segregation theories To verify the above described theories the phosphorus grain boundary segregation in five low alloy steels was investigated, Table 1. Schedules of heat treatment and phases identified in individual investigated steels termed 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are given in Table 2. Grain boundary concentrations of relevant elements were calculated after Daviš et al.38 from Auger spectra. Peaks of Pl20eV, Sl52eV, M0l86eV, C272eV, N379eV, V473ev, Cr529eV and Fe703eV were used in calculation. The peak of oxygen was not considered because of additional adsorption of this element on freshly fractured surface. Parameters, at which Auger spectra were achieved are given in Ref.13,15. Table 1: Chemical composition of investigated steels in wt.% Steel C Mn Si Cr Mo Ni 1 0.110 0.004 0.525 0.385 2.685 0.694 0.355 - 0.010 2 0.100 0.014 0.700 0.270 2.620 0.690 0.330 - 0.007 3 0.110 0.027 0.665 0.340 2.700 0.733 0.357 - 0.010 4 0.060 0.013 0.650 0.290 2.660 0.700 0.310 - 0.009 5 0.160 0.014 0.460 0.290 2.700 0.640 0.300 0.060 0.015 Table 2: Schedules of heat treatment and phases identified in investigated steels Steel Heat treatment Phases identified 1 1250°C/0.75h, water quenching. 680°C/20 h, water cooling, Ferrite+M7C3+MC aging at 500°C for 0.33h,lh,5h,150h 2 3 4 1250°C/0.16h, water quenching, 680°C/20h, water cooling, aging 580°C for 5 min and 150h Ferite+M7C3+MC 5 welding cycle:Tmax=1300°C At«/5=30s, 580°C/100h Ferrite+MjC+IvbCi welding cycle:Tmas=l 300°C,Atn/5=30s, 600°C/120s under stress(strain rate 300mm.h"1) Ferrite+M3C Phosphorus grain boundary concentrations measured for steels 1, 2, 3 aged at 500°C for different times shovved the best fit with McLeans non-interactive kinetic equation (2), (Figure 1). The segregation can be characterized as slow, because after 150 h aging the equilibrium vvas not reached for any of the steels. A completely different situation vvas observed for steel 4 aged at 580°C 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 iT....... a Steel 1 ♦ T 0,001 0,01 0,1 10 m,-1 100 1000 ™r b Steel 2 0,001 0,01 0,1 10 100 1000 c Steel 3 i- 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 time [h] 10 100 1000 Figure 1: McLean's non-interactive equilibrium kinetic equation fitted to values of phosphorus grain boundarv concentration for steels: 1 (a), 2 (b), and 3 (c), aged at 500°C (after15) -th -t/-l ■ calculated after (4) and (7) experiment I ' 1 ' I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I // 1 1 I 1 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 500 550 600 time [ks] Figure 2: Interactive kinetic equations (4) and (7) fitted to values of phosphorus grain boundary concentration for steel 4 aged at 580°C (after13) (Figure 2). Here, the measured values of phosphorus grain boundary concentrations correlate vvith the curve, calculated according to equations (4) and (7). The equi-Iibrium vvas reached after 5 min, and that indicates to very rapid segregation process. The obtained results shovved that both rate of equilibrium segregation and also participations of interactions in this process are temperature dependent. McLean's non-interactive kinetic theory seems to be available for the description of segregation kinetics at lower aging temperatures (slovver segregation rates) and interactive equations are more con-venient for higher ones (accelerated segregation rates). In Figure 3 Auger spectra for the steel 5 after tem-pering (a) and short-term aging under stress (b) are shown. For loaded state the peaks of C, S, N, and Cr vvere evidently higher than for tempered one (Table 3). Differences betvveen carbon, sulphur and phosphorus grain boundary concentrations for the loaded state can be explained by different diffusivity of these elements in iron at 600°C20'39'40. Atoms of carbon and sulphur dif-fuse faster than phosphorus atoms and occupy earlier convenient sites at grain boundaries. Site competition betvveen P-C and P-S5'41 make impossible an additional phosphorus enrichment at grain boundaries. With pro-longing the aging an inerease in phosphorus and a de-crease in carbon grain boundary concentrations occur because of carbide precipitation5'42,43. Table 3: Experimentally measured grain boundary concentrations of C, S. P, N, Cr. Mo, and V for steel 5 in at.% C S P N Cr Mo V tempered 9.5±1.0 - 4.411.6 - 4.9±0.5 1,4±0.5 2.7±0.4 stressed 26.9 17.7 5.4 9.3 9.6 2.1 2.5 Higher grain boundary concentrations of chromium and nitrogen in the first period of aging under stress are probably caused by Cr-N interactive segregation. Misra and Balasubramanian34'35 supposed a Cr-N co-segrega-tion (stressing up to 5 min at 580°C) due to strong chemical interaetion betvveen these elements. After reaching the maximum coverage (depending on aging temperature), a continuous decrease in Cr and N grain boundary concentrations occurs. The shape of carbon peaks (Figure 3) indicates the occurence of carbide particles on the grain boundaries44. Then, also peaks of alloying elements, preferentially Cr, must originate partially from these particles45"47. Re-flexes originating from intergranular carbide particles mostly influence the achieved spectra and they can not be neglected in interpretation of grain boundary segregation in multicomponential alloys. 4 Concludig remarks An overvievv of the theones of grain boundary segregation is given in the present vvork. The verification of E[eV] Figure 3: Characteristic Auger spectra taken on intergranular facets of steel 5: a) tempered at 580°C for 100 h, b) aged under stress for 120 s at 600°C the theories for multicomponential Cr-Mo-V lovv alloy steels leads to the follovving findings: 1. The McLean's non-interactive equation is the most convenient for the description of equilibrium segregation kinetics at lovver temperatures (500°C), vvhile the interactive equations are more suited for the description of equilibrium segregation kinetics at higher temperatures (580°C) 2. In comparision vvith unstressed aging, the higher rates of C, S, N and Cr grain boundary segregation in the first period of the aging under stress (600°C) vvere observed 3. In the investigated multicomponential steels, an influence of carbide particles on achieved Auger spectra can not be neglected. Ackno\vledgment - This study vvas supported by the Grant Agency of Slovak Republic under grant No. 2/2001/96. 5 References 1 D. 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