dan rasan in praznikov dsily except Sundays and Holidays PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NAROÙNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Urednilki in uprsvnilki prostori: 2667 South Lawndale Ava. ——— ê Office of Publicatisn: MA? South Lawndale Ava. Telephone. Rockwall 4M4 LETO—YEAR XL Cene Usia )e SLOO aunar Jaauarv t«. IMS. at tfca oaat-oidc« m Act at CaosraM at March I litt T CHICAGO 13. ILL« SREDA. SS. FEBRUARJA (FEB. IS). 1948 Subscription 91.00 Yssrly STEV.—NUMBER 39 Razkol med socialnimi demokrati v Cehoslovakiji r Komunisti kontrolirajo vlado v Slovakiji. Narodni socialisti obdolženi zarote Praga. Čehoslovaldja. 24. feb. —Znamenja so, ds bo Čehoslo-vskija dobila po komunistih kontrolirano vlado zaradi razkola v vrstah stranke socislnih demokratov, ki je tvorila ravnotežje v politični krizi. Voditelji levičarskega krila so sprejeli ponudbo komunistov glede enakopravnosti v kabinetu in se izrekli za pogajanja. Stranka že vztraja v opoziciji proti komunistični manipulaciji p611cijske sile. ! Preokret je nastal sinoči, ko je notranji minister nsznanll razkritje zarote narodnih socialistov proti rspublikf. Sedem oseb je bilo sretiranih, med temi dva vojaška častniks. Komunisti so že dobili kontrolo nad vlado v napol avtonomni Slovakiji. Odstrsnili so nasprotnike z vsžnih pozicij in jih ssmi prevzeli. Slovskija je odrezana od normalnih telefonskih komunikacij s Prago. Komunistična akcija v Slovakiji je sledila komunistični kampanji za popolno kontrolo republike. Policijske enote so nava-lile na glavni stsn narodne socialistične stranke v Pragi, trdnjave protikomunističnih sil. Policijske enote, oborožene s puškami in strojnicsmi, zdaj stra-žijo poslopje parlamenta, vladne urade in zunanja poslaništva. Dr. Edward Beneš, predsednik republike, ki je skušal vzdržati, koalicijsko vlado, je kbnfertt»! z ministri in reprezentanti narodnih soeitliéov in voditelji kstoliške ljudske stranke. Predmet razgovorov ni bil razkrit. Politična kriza se je razvila zadnji petek, ko je dvanajst protikomunističnih ministrov, re-prezentantov narodnih socialistov in katoliških ljudskih strank, resigniralo v znsk protesta proti komunistom, ki niso Wallace za ustanovitev mednarodne armade New York, 24. feb.—Henry A. Wallace, kandidat za predsednike Združenih držev, je podprl predlog, ds organizacija Združenih narodov ustsnovi mednarodno armado za uveljavljsoifc načrta glede razdelitve Paleeti-ne na dve državi—židovsko in srsbsko. Načrt je bil sprejet ns zborovanju generalne skupščine Združenih nsrodov 29. novembre. Wsllsce se je izrekel proti nsdaljnji ameriški pomoči brit« ski vlsdi, katero je obdolžil, da zalaga Arabce z orožjem. Warburg kritizira Trumanovo doktrino * Marshallov načrt ne bo uspel v okviru te doktrine BrenxviUo. N. Y» 24. feb.— James P. Warburg, znan ekonom in pisetelj, Je dejsl, ds ims Amerike dober načrt za reševanje svetovne ekonomske krize, ne pa za reševanje svetovne politične krize. On je obsodil Trumanovo protikomuntstično doktrino, pohvalil ps Marshallov načrt. "Trumanova doktrina," je de-'al, "je izrodek ignorance, predsodkov in bojazni. Marshsllov nsčrt ne bo uspel v okviru te doktrine. Ljudje ne morejo razumeti konfuzije, ki prevladuje med političnimi voditelji in ve ščaki. Trumgnova doktrina ne bo rešila sveta pred komunizmom, temveč povečsls prepad med zapadom ln vzhodom. Ta v bistvu gladi pot izbruhu voj-ne. Warburg je kritiziral Trumanovo politiko trde pesti proti Rusiji v svojem govoru pred profesorji In dijski kolegije Lawrence. "Mojs eugestijs je, nsj Trumsnovs adminlstrscija pokaže pot v mir in zbltžanje s Sovjetsko imljo," Je dejel "Tru-men je prezrl organ i racijo Zdru Jenih narodov, ko Je razglasil protikomunistlčno doktrino, ds zajezi Rusijo. Amerika je že zspravtls rrÜlijone dolsrjev za podpiranje grške monarhisttčne hoteli preklicati odredbe, da morajo komunisti prevzeti pozicije nekomunistov v zaščitni policiji. Beneš ni hotel sprejeti re-signacij, zaeno pa je zanikal pravico komunističnemu premi-erju Klemen tu Gottwaldu do imenovanja drugih ministrov. BeneŠ je naznanil, da bo danes govoril ljudstvu po radiu. Voditelji levičarskega krila stranke socialnih demokratov so sestavili resolucijo s pozivom ne stranko, naj ostane v vladi in se prične pogajati s komunisti. Obseg in moč opozicije v stranki nista znani. Notranje ministrstvo je izdalo ukaz za aretacijo Jana Ursinvja, poslanca in bivšega podpredsednika vlade. Ursiny je vodja slovaške demokratske stranke, katera je zaeno z narodnimi socialisti in katoliško ljudsko strsn-ko izstopila iz vlade zadnji petek. V septembru je bil Ursiny obtožen špionsže, ko je notrsnje ministrstvo našlo zadevne dokumente v njegovem uradu. Odbor zavrgel peticijo unije New Bedford, Mass., 24. feb.— Federelni delsvski odbor je zavrgel peticijo tekstilne unije CIO zs rszpis volitev med delavci v tovarnah Bedford Cotton Co. Bernard Alper, pokrajinski direktor odbors, je dejsl, da je bila peticija zavržena, ker unija ni predložila dokazov, da representee večino delevcev. mm Utn« at apoctsl rota of poets«« provided fer In section U03. Act of Oct S. 1SIT, authorised on June 4, ISIS. Konferenca zapad-nih držav v LoAdonu Državni department zavrnil proteste 24. feb.—Konferenca reprezentantov Velike Britanije, Amerike in Francije se je pričela v Londonu v znamenju povečanja razkola med zapadom in vzhodom. Predmet diskusij je bodočnost zapadne Nemčije. Poljska, Čehoslovskija in Jugoslavija so pred odprtjem kon? ference kritizirale zspadne države zaradi politike v Nemčiji. Namen sspadnih držev je ustanovitev separatne vlade v zapad-ni Nemčiji. Poslaniki treh *lo-vansklh držav v Londonu so obdolžili Veliko Britanijo, Ameriko in Francijo kršenja dogovorov, sklonjenih v Jalti in Pots-damu. Izjavili so, da bo ustanovitev sepsrstne vlade v za-padnl Nemčiji omajala varnost Evrope, podžgsla nacionalizem in militarizem in omogočila novo nemško agresijo v bodočnosti Britski zunsnji minister Ernest Bevin je ostro odgovoril sovjetskemu poslaniku Zarubinu, ki j« protestiral proti londonski konfersnci. Dejsl je, de sovjet-sks vlada vodi opozicijo proti ekonomski enotnosti Nemčije. Sprejet je bil zaključek, da ss naslovi povsbllo Belgiji, Holon-dlji in Luksemburški, nej pošljejo svoje reprezentante na londonsko konferénco. William S t r a n g e, reprezentant Velike Britanije, je predlagal, naj bodo razprave tajne. Predlog je bil sprejet. Listi bodo dobili le dro-bec informée j i o poteku konf* rooce. Washington, D. Domače Testi Is CtorOlanda Cleveland.—Dne 20. febr. je umrl John Barbiih, član društva 53 SNPJ. Star ji bil 60 let, do-ma iz Podtabori pri Trnovem, Notranjsko, odkoder je prišel leta 1912 v Verono, Pa., kjer je bil tudi tajnik tfrtftštve 210 SNPJ. Zapušča ženo, sedaj na krmilu v Washing-tonu. Vesel sem, ker mi jo dana prilika m svobodne kampanjo na strani Wsllacea. s„ On ie edini vodja, > ki lahko konča mrzlo vojno in vzpostavi med narodno dobro voljo. Naš cilj J« razbitje dvoetrankarske kos-llclje, preklic Tsft-Hsrtlsyeve ga protldelavskegs zakona, odprava dlskrimktsclj in zatiranja «civilnih svoboščin".; * Prijatelji Tayiorja so izjsvill, da bo obdržal pozicijo senstor-ja, katero Je dobil pri volltveh ldta 1944. , ' M0SLEY USTANOVIL FASlSTlO» STRANKO S POMOČJO 80GATASW London. — (ALN) — Oswald | ga svojo fašistično zastavo z za-Mosley, angleški fašistični vod-1 kullsnlm odobrsvsnjem bogata-ja, se je odločil, da organizira šev, je dovolj, da vlada pazi na novo fašistično politično stranko. Mosley je zenlkal vest, ds stoje zs njegovim gibenjem angleški bogstašl in tovarnarji. Dejstvs kažejo, da mnogo Mosleyevih predvojnih finanč-nlh podpornikov, med keterimi so bili rszni tovsrnsrji in veleposestniki, zre slmpstlčno ns rszplet nove Mosleyeve fašistične organizacije, ki jo nazive "Unijsko glbenje". Angleški bogstašl so pripravljeni deti podporo fsšistlčnomu gibsnju zlssti sedej, ko je delevsks vle ds nscionsllzlrala nekatere in-duetrije. Posledice vojnih ran v Veliki Britaniji so fte dokaj sveže, de bi Mosleyevi podporniki prišli odprto ns dsn in se povezali z njegovim fašističnim gibenjem. Ampek dejstvo, ds se že zbirajo ns "neuradnih" sestankih, jasno priča, ds pričakujejo na-daljnega razvoje fašistične po lltična orgsnizarije. Člani briUke delavske vlade so sicer u ver Jeni, da Mosley nl- vlsde in njene ermsde m vse me nobene polttlčne bodočnosti, ksže, ds Je bil densr vržen smpak v tem se mords vsrsjo. proč." 1 ¿e dejstvo, ds Mosley «pet dvi- ; t Mosleyeve psjdsše ln njihove manevre. Prva seje nove Mosleyeve f*» Šistične stranke se Je vršila 0. februarja. UdelSžilo se Je 200 dies Home Journsl članov, ki so zastopali 51 obsto- *T . ječlh felističnlh orgenlzaeij. m Med temi )e bilo mnogo členov Truman zapustil knjižnih klubov," s katerimi, Viriinske otoke tors. Romsevelt pomot komunistih-ntm drkavam Wsshingtn, D. C., 24. feb.— Eleanor Rooeevelt, vdove pokojnega predsednike, je Izjavila, de hi morela Amerika pomagati tu di komunističnim državam. Ako ad bo življenskl standard v teh državah z ameriško pomočjo dvignil, se bodo Človeške pravice bolj upoštevale. Svoje mnenje je Izrazila v magszinu I.a odevajo Mosleyevi pristaši svor je feHattčne postojsnke. Mosley Je naznenll, de bo pri volitvah kandidiral za člana psrlamenta V svojem govoAi je odprto zagoverjel Hitlerjevo vlogo v zednjl vojni in zahteval odprto vojno proti Sovjetski zvezi/" Zaeno Je bilo neznenjeno. de Je Mosley dobil dovoljenje ze izdejanje svojega tednik« Po leg tefe Je dobil tudi dovoljenje ZS dobavo tt«kar«kega papirja, četudi Je pomanjkanje papirja občutno. Znano je. da so zaloge papirja pod «trofo vladno kontrs^o, kar dela stvar le bolj zagonetno. Urednik Moa-leyevoga lista bo A Raven Thompeon. predvojni direktor fašistične stranke. , Christiansted. Viržinski otoki. feb.—Predsednik Truman je popustil Vlržinsk« otoke in od-(Kjtovsl proti Kubi. On je bil goKt govemerja Williams H. Htetiejs, ki Je zsmorec Truman bo dospel v Guantanemo, Kuba, kjer Je smeriške morns ričns bese. v pouk. Od Um bo od letel v Kev West, Fia., kjer U ostal devet dni. Organizacija ADA podprla Trumana % Delavski voditelji v odboru Phlladelphla. Pa.. 24. feb.— Orgsnizacijs Američani za demokratično akcijo je končno sklenila politično zvezo z organiziranimi delavci in po dolgem obotavljanju naznanila, da bo podpirala predsednika Trumana v volilni kampanji. Odločitev je padla na prvi letni konvenciji te organizacije v tem mestu. Jasno je bilo, da člani organizacije niso zsdovoljni s vodstvom Trumana. Kljub temu so bile sprejete resolucije, ki so na» glsšale, da zs liberalce In pro-gresivce ni pristors drugje kot v demokratski strsnki. Politična smernice so bile začrtane v teku viharne debate. Delegati so naglašall, da ne marajo biti repek Trumanovega demokratskega psa. Kljub temu je bil sprejet zsključsk, ds bo organizacija podpirala Trumsns, ker ni druge alternative. Baldwin odgovoril senatorju McGrathu Wallace se ne bo vrnil v demokratsko stranko. Isacson bo dobil pozicijo v kongresnem odseku Wsshlngion. D. Cm 24. feb.— C. B. Baldwin, direktor kempa-nje za izvolitev Henryja A. Wal lacea za predsednika Združenih držev, je odgovoril senstorju J. H. McGrathu. nsčelnlku o-srednjegs odbors demokratske stranke, ki je nedsvno apeliral na Wsllsces, nsj se odpove ksn-dldsturi ln vrne v demokratsko stranko. Bsldwln je dejsl, ds se strinja s pozivom senstorja, nsj se vsi držsvljsnl udeleže vo Utev v novembru, zaeno pa je naglasll, da se Wallace ne bo vrnil v demokratsko stranko. "Progreslvcl ln liberalci bodo oddali svOJe glasove Wellsceu, ne Trumsnu, v novembru," Js rskel Baldwin. "Glasov ns bo dbbil ksndldst bsnkrotlrsne re-publlksnske stranke. Obe stari stranki sta pod kontrolo Wall 2Ui načelnika organizacije Je bil izvoljen Leon Henderson,1 streets in"reakeiie% bivši upravitelj OPA. Nasledili 1 je Wilsons Wystts. Zs podna-l Senstor McGrsth je pledirsl čslniks je bil livoljen Hugo " nek*J» k"r 0,1 n>*lvi 'Pr*k" Ernst, predsednik unije hotel- tlčnl liberalism' dsmokrstske sklh ln restsvrscijskih delevcev »tränke, v momentu, ko je Tru-ADF. Drugi členi eksekutlvnega «nan pozval kongres, naj ssnkcl-odbors so Emil Rlsvs, pt edsed- onlra $570,000,000 kot pomoč vis-nlk unije tekstilnih delsvcev <»l kltajskegs diktatorja Clsngs CIO; Wslter Reuther. predsed- Kslšeks. Istočasno je Loy Hen nlk unije avtnih delavcev CIO; David Dubinski, predsednik unije Internetionsl Ladles Garment Worker< ADF; Hubert Humph-rey, župan Minneapollsu, ln Paul Por ter. , IgAjssteM • m — omo. noover opozarja tm šibkost zaveznikov New York. 24, feb. — Bivši predsednik Herbert Hoover je opozoril Ameriko ns šibkost njenih zeveznlkov. Izrazil Je mnenje, ds Velike Britsnlja In sa-psdns Evrops bosta morda ostali nevtralni v slučaju napada na Ameriko. "Zapadna Evropa Je šibka in razdeljena in se ne bi mogls upirati rdsčim armadam 2,500,000 mož, zbranih za telesnim zestorom," je dejsl. "Amerika nima nobene garancije, da jI bodo države, kstere sedaj podpira, priskočile ns pomoč, če bo napadena. Ustenovltev federacije držev zspsdns Evrops bi ojsčils sile miru ln obrambe." derson namignil, ds bo Amsrlks poslala vojaške čfte v Grčijo, ds se bodo borile na strsnl monarhisttčne srmsde proti gerilsklm silam. Ti Incidenti dokazujejo politiko nepraktične reakcije, ne praktičnega liberalizma, demokratske stranke Senator Me G rath ne more pričakovati, da bo ameriško ljudstvo vzelo njegove besede, ds so komunisti omogočili zmago Isscsonu. kandidatu zs kongresnlka na llatl Ameriške delavske stranke v newvorškem dlstriktu. zs resne." Bsldwln Je nssnsnll orgsnlsl-ranje odborov za Wsllacea v več državah. Odbori so formirani tudi med dijaki v več mestih. Med dijaki je mnogo vojnih veteranov, ki poznajo strahote voJ« ne, ln vsled tege podpirajo Wsl-lscev mirovni program. Volitve v New Yorku so dokszsle, ds člsni unij Amalgamated Clothing Workers In Interns tlonsl Lsdies Gsrment Workers ROGGE VLOŽIL TOŽBO PROTI TRU , MANOVt ODREDBI 0 LOJALNOSTI Wsshlnglen. - « --v I , fi„,. premoženju In da Wi Hiti bile odrečene civilne svobodščins, ne ds bi Imel 'prilike do tago vora, kakor določs zskon. Odbor, ki preiskuje lojelnost držsvljsnov, je enostsvno dal ns listo prevrstnlh organizacij tudi protifsšistični odbor, ki skušs pomsgsti žrtvam dikts-torjs Frsnrs. Dslje je v obtoft nlcl rečeno, da so člani proti žulje napadli Arabce v bliiini Gaze Jeruzalem, Palestine. 24, fek —členi židovskogs motornega konvoja so streljali ne erebski avtobus v tftfffni Gaze in ubili štiri Arabce. Dva druga Arsb ee sta bila ubita v bitki s >idl, )e rečeno, de v predmestju Jeruzeleme. odbor utrpel nega uslužbenca To ji osebne svobode in privstnegg življenje Tožbo je vložil prevdnik O. Rogge, bivši pomožni justičnl tajnik, v imenu protifašistične-gs odbora, ki nsbire dener, obleiu> in rdrsvils v pomoč beguncem. ki so pobegnili Iz Aps-ninje pred Frenco/im terorjem. Rogge je bil glsvnl vledni tožilec proti domačim fašistom sa čaaa vojne, ker «orovirsll vojne napore Anfrrlke. ' IloKgejeva obtožnics imenuje justlčnega tajnika Toma Clsrka In vse člane Trumsnovegs od-bor a.ki preiskuje lojelnost vlad nlh uslužbencev, V obtožnici Je protifašietlčnl velike I/gube v menova odredba zs neustsvno Zseno tožbe zshtevs. ds sodi' šče izds zsčssno aodnljsko pre poved prrdi Justičnemu tajniku Clerku ln odboru, ki preiskuje lojelnost državljanov, ds ne bo-sts amela še nsdslje proglsšsti protifašističnega «»d bora kot "prevratno" organizacijo To Je prva to*ba te vrste, od-ker Je Trumsnovs odredi» stopi Is v vsljsvo. Ds Is odredba krati oeebtie avobodščine poaa me/.nlh držsvljsnov, je jsano Vprašanja ps je, kako bo dla-triktno sodišče rszaodllo zadevo o "iskanju coprnlc" med vladnimi uslužbem-i In raznimi organizacijami, ki Imajo le galni status. niso sledili uradnikom, temveč podprli Wal lacea in glasovsll ss Isscsona. "Volilcl so spregovorili, ko jim je bila dana prilika," je rekel Baldwin. "Slišal se je glas a-meriškega ljudstvs. Prava Amerika je demonstrirals zaničevanje do dvostrsnksrske reakcije, militaristov in wallftreetskih bankirjsv, ki imajo zdsj kontrolo nad usodo dežele. Preprosto ljudstvo ve, ds ts profltov po-žrešna manjšina skušs potisniti Ameriko v atomsko vojno, ki bi uničila zadnje ostanke demokra tlčnlh svoboščin doma." Joseph W. Martin, republikanec ln predsednik nižje kongresne zbornice, Je dejsl, da bo morala biti sprsjeta possbna resolucija. ds bo novoizvoljeni kon-grešnik Isscson dobil pozicijo v kongresnem odseku. PozlclJjS so zdsj razdeljene med republikanci in demokrati. Eden odsek bo trebe povečati, ds bo Isacson dobil pozicijo. Kongresnik Vito Msroantonlo, ki je bil izvoljen na listi Ameriške delevske stranke v New Yorku pri volitvah I. 1946, nima nobene pozicije v odsekih. Re-publlksncl so mu Jo odrekli, prev tako demokrati, čeprav Je bil kandidst tudi ns Usti demokratske stranke. Vokunka nI ameriška drimvljanka Prags, čehoslovskija, 24. feb. — Ameriško poslaništvo Je laja-vilo, ds 20 1st stsro dekle, ki Je bilo aretirano in postavljeno pred sodišče zsrsdl špl insžs, ni amerišks državljanka. Deklf, ki je priznalo špionašo, je trdilo na obrsvnsvi, ds Je njsno Ims Porothy Brown In da Je bile rojena v Washingtons D. C. Uradniki ameriškega konzulata trdijo, ds je obtoženka podsls zapriseženo izjavo, ds Je njeno pravo Ime Dorothy Schwellen-berg, da je bila rojena v Wal-marju, Nemčija, In ds nI bils nikdar v Ameriki. Sodiiie v Belgradu obsodilo Američanko ; llelgrsd, 24. feb.—Emms De-brljak, v Ameriki rojene žensks in bivša žena jugosluvsnsksgs uradnika, je bila na obrsvnsvi pred tukajšnjim sodiščem obsojena ns deset let zspors in težkega dela Spoznane Js bila sa krivo akrivsnjs nekega vojnege ■iočinea. V njeni hiši «o se sbi-rsli teroristi. Obtoženka je prl-znala krivdo, fttirje drugi so bili obsojeni v /spor od štirih do osmih let. Sklenitev pakta udarec Ameriki Hueno« Alres, Argentina, 24. feb — Nedavno sklenjeni trgovinski pakt med Argentino ln Veliko Britanijo je težek uderec Ameriki Ta določe med drugim, da imajo britski produkti predno«t v Argsntini. Pskt Je v naaprotju s prej sklenjeni do govori med Argentino in Ameriko, ki dajejo prednost smeri-škim produktom. Ameriške trgovina v Argentini Je prizedete kot posledica sklenitve pekte. Člani poljske delegacije v Moskvi Motkvs, 24 feb.—Član| poljske tttfovinake delegacije so 4o-»peli v Moskvo v svrho rssgo vorov Načelnik delegacije Je Ludvik Gorasfeld, minister ze zunsnfo trgovino. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO IM LASTNIMA SLOVENSKE MAJIODME PODPORNE JEDMOTB by Sioeeae MaHeaal NuoMm m ZdruMn« driavt (Ima Cook Co« SI.&0 sa colo leto. $4.7» aa pol lota; aa Uiuaawatra $11JS. Subacrlptloo ratMt (or tha United State« (except Chisago) and pet fear, Chicago and Cook County $$J9 par rear, eooalrt— $11410 par year. pa dofoeeeu. Itoknpial dopieev In Hahoytil Sterarao eeebiae (I drama, pami ltd ) ae »raejo poUljatelju la a sluleju. ¿a Ja priloiil poiaftae. Adeeetiaia« tatea on ey em awl,— MenaeertpSa ai aad uaeolidted article« will not be relumed. Other aaah ae ataeiaa. play«, paaaia. etc.. «81 be retaraad to «baa accompanied by seli-addreeeed and SiapiJ eaeelepe aa eta. kar fana Mik s PROSVETA 2617 . 59 So. Ltwndale Ava« Chicago 23. Illinois SREDA, 25. FEBRUARJA 1948 Ml I...................■■■■■■! ......I I II.........................Il I I__ Glasovi iz naših naselbin Vrti se pa le! Ko je "sveta" inkvizicija leta 1633 prisilila italijanskega astronoma ,Galileja Galilejo na preklic svojih znanstvenih dognanj, da se zemlja vrti okrog svoje osi in okrog sonca, ne pa obratno, je imel zadnjo besedo on z vzklikom: "Eppur si muove—vrti se pa le." Tudi v ameriški politični areni se je začelo vrteti, odkar je Henry A. Wallace na pritisk organizacije Progresivnih dižavlja nov Amerike naznanil svojo predsedniško kandidaturo ln usta novitev nove progresivne stranke. Kako se bo to gibanje vrtelo v prihodnjih mesecih in če se bo deffcnitivno »kristaliziralo v močni masni stranki delovnega ljudstva, bo seveda pokoaala šeie bodočnost. Tods danes je nesporno to, de je v deželi močnejši sentiment za Wsllacea in novo politično gibanje nego so do zadnjih dni domnevali ali priznavali vodilni krogi obeh starih strank ali pa konservativni unijski voditelji in asortirani "liberalci" in lažiliberaki, ki so se histerično vrgli proti Wallaceu in "tretji" stranki. * Vse te kroge je neprijetno dirnila, sploh udarila do omotice vest o nepričakovani zmagi pristašev nove progresivne stranke V New Yorku, kjer je pri nadomestnih volitvah za kongresnika z veliko večino zmagal Leo Izacson, kandidat ameriške delavske stranke. Spložno mnenje v vseh političnih krogih v New Yorku je bilo, da be zmagal demokratski kandidat Karl Propper, kajti prizadeti kongresni distrikt je bil že več kakor pol stoletja trdnjave "tammanitov". Toda zgodil se jo politični čudež: Izacson, po poklicu odvetnik, star 38 let in pristaš Wallaces in novega političnega gibanja, je prejel 22,«»7 glasov, demokrat Propper 12,678, liberalec Alfange 3,840 ln republikanec De Nigris le 1,482 glasov. Skoro 56% volilnih udeležencev je glasovalo za "Wallacevega kandidata." Podobno presenečenje smo prošlega novembre doživeli v Chl-cagu pri sodnijskih volitvah, ko je bilo za kandidate progresivne liste oddanih od 16 do 35 odstotkov glasov. V New Yorku Je bil« bitks pri teh nadomestnih volitvah sevede bolj resna. Politični krogi so v naprej smetrall te volitve kot barometer sentimenta glede Wallaces in nove stranke. Zato sta obe stranki npbilizlrali vse svoje sile za to kampanjo. Demokratie so na pomoč poklicali tudi mrs. Roosevelt, župena O'Dwyerja in druge prominentne politike, da so govorili ns kampanjskih shodih. Toda vse to nI nič pomagalo. Ko je prišel v distrikt Henry Wallace na agitscijo za Isacsona, se je dveh njegovih shodov na predvečer volitev udeležilo 25,000 oeeb. * Zdaj je med demokrati velika poparjenost, skoraj panika. Pa tudi republikanci molče in ne kažejo veselje nad Isecsonovo odnosno Wallacevo zmago. Demokratie so zdaj Wallacea pričeli •klicati nazaj v stranko. Načelnik narodnega odbora se je prejšnji torek skoraj jokal po radiu in "za božjo voljo" prosil Hen ryja, naj se vrne med demokrate. Zdaj ga vabi nazaj tudi pred sednik Truman, kakor tudi vse druge odpadnike. Istega Wal-lacca, ki ga je pred poldrugim letom vrgel is kabineta. Istega Wallacea, katerega so do zadnjega časa zasmehovali in obreka vali. Tej vabi je zadnji četrtek na "Jacksonovem" banketu v Wash-ingtonu Truman posvetil ves svoj govor. Ta govor so demo-kratje poslušali na vseh svojih banketih, ki so bili isti večer prt rejeni ilrom dežele v korist kampanjskega sklada—vstopnina $100 na osebo. V svoji desperatnosti je Truman v tem govoru skušal zaviti demokratsko stranko v plašč "liberalizma" in svaril deželo pred "republikansko reakcijo"—kakor da bi bila demokratska reakcija kaj boljša» Kakor da govore besede, ne pa dejanja! Resnica je, da obe stranki zasledujeta iste smernice. V zunanji politiki delata roko v roki. Republikanci kot demokrati podpirajo Trumanovo doktrino, militariziranje dežele ln služijo Wall Streetu Oboji sodelujejo roko v roki pri širjenju reakcionarne histerije. Obe stranki sta enako odgovorni sa draginjo, Taft Hartleyev zakon, ubitje Unre. izpodkopavanje Združenih narodov in razmetavanje ljudskega denarja v svrho podpiranja reakcije križem sveta. Obe stranki sta poram negativni, kar se tiče socialne zakonodaj^, stanovanjske krize in ljudske blaginje. Edina razlika je pri vprašanju glede znižanja dohodninskega davka, toda še ta razlika je bolj politična neg« bistvena. ___________ DRUŽABNI VtČER CANKARJEVE USTANOVE Cleveland. O—Večini izmed čitateljev je znano, da je pred leti Cankarjeva ustanova izdajala izborno urejeno, napredno revijo Cankarjev glasnik. Njen urednik je bil skoro ves tm znani pisatelj in mislec Etbin Kristan. Ta revije si je v teku pet-inpol letnega obstanka pridobila mnogo iskrenih prijateljev, pa vendar ne dovolj, da bi si ustvarila trdno finančno podlago za svoj obstoj. Navzlic velikim naporom in požrtvovalnosti od strs-nl nekaterih idealistov, se je moralo vodstvo CU ukloniti razmeram in leta 1943 ukiniti ns-daljno izdajanje revije^ Jasno je, da je bil to velik udarec na literarnem polju ameriških Slovencev, ampak preboleli smo gs —dasi težko. Medtem pa Cankarjeva ustanova še vedno životari. Ifjen delokrog je sicer omejen, toda po zaslugi tajnika L. Medveška še vedno živahen. Preostanek blagajne je šel deloma za otroško bolnišnico in deloma za vezavo nekaj garnitur Cankarjevega glasnike. Zs te knjige so izvedeli tudi v starem kraju. In tako imo od ondotnih čitalnic prejeli veliko število prošenj za vezene letnike CG. To znsči, de se v novi Jugoslaviji ne zenl-majo samo za ameriške dolarje, temveč si želijo tudi ožjih kulturnih stikov z nami. V tem teran Committers. Temu odboru se te pridružila tudi naše postojanka 91 SANSa. f Apeliramo na vse ameriške Jugoslovane v Chlsholmu in o-kolici, da ste r.a me&tu točno ob dveh popoldne, kajti Wallace bo pričel a svojim govorom točno ob označenem času. ob ¿tirih bo pa govoril v Evelethu. Udeležite so tega shoda, kajti važno je, da vsi slišimo njegov govor. Podi u¿niča 91 SANSe bo imela redno sojo 28. t, m. v City dvorani, začetek ob 7.30 zvečer. Udeležite se seje prav vsi! Frank Klime, tajnik. SEJA PODRUŽNICE 1 SANSa IN DRUGO Datroit. Meh.—Seja podružnice 1 3ANSa se bo vršila koti običajno prvo nedeljo v mesecu, to je dne 7. marca v Slovenskem narodnem domu na John mu odboru. Ako želi kdo kaj darovati v ta namen, naj prinese denar na tajnikov dom, 831 W. National ave. Mi bomo toliko časa zbirali denar, da bo zmagala pravica. Naš narod je bil vedno priden in delaven, zato je sramota, da ga sedaj tožijo na-zacfnjaki na ameriških sodni jah. Pr. Pevka tajnik. R. Apeliram na društvo ln u-j tftčna kampanje i« tiskanja kam- stanove, da plačajo članarino za pmjefce "ltteratare". Obtošen tekoče leto» Denar lahko po- j* MI rod! tega. ker le nerotll išljete na sejo podružnice po svo - uredniku glaaile CIO Newe. naj ¿ih zastopnikih, katere izvolite podplre nekega še to mesec, če jih še niste. Na keadidata T PfeUedotpfclftMH jta način mi boste prihranili pot demoni ga J. tiral da mi ne bo treba hoflltf na se- L^ T#Uporoto +¿¿^ rld| jo vsakega ¿Mtve; i* posebej p^,^,. ^^ točka apelirati za ponovitev članarine. Ob tej priliki se zahvaljujem! klubu 114 JSZ za prispevek $101 V UMtARttJtJ NA BRANIKU NAŠEGA TISKA LibretV' Po* — Članstvo dru štva 386 SNPJ je na zadnji redni seji pretresalo tožbe proti našim trem naprednim listom, prav tako jo o tem razpravljal Is. in zob; dom. Sklonjeno je bilo, do društvo 386 prispeva za PhlU. Mu»!* ki «. Kil m*mA °br*mb° ****** tisko VSOtO $60, Iz- in zab. dom pa $100. Kakor čitamo v naših listih, zahteva tožitelj precej visoke vsoto, do bi še udobneje živel na tem svetu, ker v posmrtno Ako ▼eleporoto obtošen ktie Taft-H«rt?eyjevega sakona. Id med drugim prepoveduje tro-Sanje nirijakega denarja sa poli Jc rea zanimivo, kako se dominantni demokrati s Trumanom vred h«ičejo cez noč spremeniti iz hlapcev leakcije v—"liberal ce" Se bolj čudno pa je, da akušajo odeti dcniokratako stranko s plaščem "liberalizma" patentirani lažiliberalci in konserve-tivni unijski v<»diteljl, ki *« se / vso silo vrgli proti Wallaceu in novemu političnemu gibanju. Koliko uspeha bodo imeli s tem farbanjein ljudstva in vihtenjem komunističnega strašila, se bc pokaralo pri jesenskih volitvah Možno je, da jim bo marsikdo nasedel Lahko pa se tudi zgodi, da bodo šli s tem strašenjem in farbanjem v take ekstreme, ds bodo spregledali tudi politično nezreli volila Kar se demokratske stranke tiče, nI niti najmanjšega upanja da bi se dane» spremenila Iz Savla v Pavla—iz reakcionarne v newdeal*ko" stranko. Skozi to fa/o je šla pod Rooseveltom loda to je bilo le zaCaano—dokler ae «merl&kl kapitalizem ni skopal na noge od velikega borznega kraha leta 1929 In nastale krize Danes ki Tiumeii z laiiliberalcl in Mtirrayjl In Gtecnl lahko se bolj prtzodeva, da bi jo odeli s plaščem "liberalizma", *e jim to ne bo posrečilo, kajti stranka ne je po Rooseveltovl »mrli. odnosno že prej, totalno udinjala velebi/niškl reakciji in imp^riolutični zunanji politiki Sploh pa so južni demokrati že danes v revoltl proti Trumanu, ker m hoče iz zgolj oportuni in sestri Klarich, kije denar prt- DELOVANJE PROGRESIVNIH nesla na moj *>m. Klub*de- V SHEBOYGANU — nor podariš z» bolnišnico v Ju Sheborgaa, Wia.—Pred krat oziru prednjači ondotne mladi- goslaviji, mesto za venee za po- kim smo članice tukajšnjega kojno mrs. A. Azicek tAnzi- krožka Progresivnih Slovenk cek?>. Želelo bi, da bi imel klub priredile kartno zabavo, katera več poanemalcev. Spominjam je izpadla v zadovoljstvo ne sada je neka podružnica iz mo nas, ampak vseh navzočih. Clevelanda poslala za otroško In kake ne bi, saj so se članice bolnišnico $800. denar, ki so ga vrgle na delo z vso energijo. Re-ljudje darovali v ta namen, me- zultat je bil, da smo prišle do sto za cvetice za pokojno mre. precejšnje blagajne. Priznanje gre v prvi vrsti taj-Lepo je, če sorodniki in pri- niči mrs. Stih, katera se je naj-jotelji izkažejo svoje simpatije bolj trudila in vso stvar organi-druttni pokojnika s cveticami zirala s pomočjo mrs. Koren in venci, vendar po se to vsaj Poleg nje je najbolj delala mri. v nekaterih primerih pretirava, M. Toman, ki je sama dobila od teko da znašajo venci več tiao- trgovcev 12 daril za ta namen, čekov. Po mojem mnenj« hi U- Tretjo pa je mrs. Skrtner, ki je lo bolj korletno, ako bi del tega prodala 24 vstopnic denarje porabili v bolj koristne Kep je eni ¡2med naših članic nomene^ Danes strada na mili-Unadoma pobrala smrt soproga, ^^ ^ ^ «no članice Progresivnih Slo- ■Erš., u "if* - ^ posamezno darovale pri- bi bilo bolj humanitarno, co W|merne vsote in sino pokojnemu t^daii aTt.kL ^iLT rTr1^ lep iz samih rde-K' »rJZuZJ fiih VrtniC V imenU Pr°«re8iv- L 7ZH H iii^nfa^" nlh S,0Venk Se Je Za t0 StVar P° V- t - trUdila mrs E ErSte' ki je 8 to «1< nin S £kSJ2s*„inT ide>° pfi41a na dan in tUdi V9C ^ Zi ^ f°koJni" delo sama izvršila, za kar ji gre ka in vidim colo skladnice ven- vge priznanjC cev in cvetic. 1 »» j .. ...... v nt ,swiu u ^ Na zadn^ J* bil° Pr6dla- Koliko ameriških vojakov, de Ranih novih ¿lanic ¿«s ne štejem mllljdne drugjh, je U9t da gremo vse ns delo in se dalo svojs življenjs zs domovi- Uinižimo v eni napredni delavno in za tiste, ki smo ostali do- ski organizaciji, to je v orgsniza-ma na varnemf Da. umirali so ciJi siov^jh iena in deWlet za druge, toda često niso bili p^j okriljem Progresivnih Slo-položeni niti v krsto, da o cv*-|venk. Franca« Skrube. ticah niti ne govorim. ns, ki se predvsem zanima literarne proizvode ameriških Slovencev. Revne je naše literatura, ampak koMkor jo jo, je bila z redko izjemo ustvarjena s potrtimi sragami in srčnimi izlivi bivših dekel in hlajpcev. Zato je tem bolj značilna in dobrodošla ukaželjni mladini v Sloveniji. Cankarjeva ustanova po ni v položaju, da bi mogla financirati vezavo in poštnino nad dvajset garnitur CG. Potrebuje nemudoma najmanj $100. Kaj ae- t daj? V blagajni pejki preth^o ,d svoje mreže. Pa smo našli iz hod, ki je tipičen za vse naše organizacije. CU bo namreč v ta namen Priredila čisto domač družabni večer zs prijatelje "oldtajmerje.'* Ts zsbava se bo vršila v soboto zvečer dne d. marca v Slovenskem narodnem domu, dvo-rana št. 1., novo poslopje na St Clair ave. Bi radi vedeli, če bo luštno? Seveda bo, pa še kako Na takih priredbah se zabava aama od sebe razvije. Za ples bo igral naš stari znanec Louis špehek. On vam bo pokazal ds ne zna samo "fenccv" delati ampak se spozna tudi na "kno-fe" svoje slavne harmonike. Siguren sem, da se bo tudi pelo, kajti brez petja ne mine nobeno poštena slovenske zabova Na razpolago bo tudi prigrizek ln še kaj drugega—Um v tisti kamrici. Vstopnins bo samo 50c, kar je komaj miloščina se sedanje čase Kdor se torej hoče pošteno zabavati v krogu starih žnen cev, ta naj pride v soboto dne 6. marca na družabni večer Cankarjeve ustanove. Pripelji te tudi svoje družine in prijatelje s seboj. Ves prebitek bo šel za vezavo in poštnino celotnih garnitur Cankarjevega glaanika, katerega bomo odpoalali raznim čitalnicam v industrijske kroje Slovenije. Torej na svidenje! Frank čaaan- WALLACE V CHISHOLMU IN SVELETHU Chtsholm. Minn. — V našem mestu bom«i imeli prvikrat priliko slišati velikega ljudskega voditelja Henryja Wallacea, kandidata tretje stranke sa predsednika Zedlnjenlh držav. Njegov program Je vsem znan. On se bojuje za trajen mir in za lepše življenj« in blagostanje ameriškega ljudstva. Shod se bo vršil v Junior High School Auditoriumu dne 39 februarje, začetek ob dveh popoldne, in si-rer pod avspicljo American Ve- SMRTNA KOSA PRI DRUlTVU lût SNPJ VSAKEGA NEKAJ Milweukoo. Wla.—Spominjam se na čase, ko smo bili še on kraj luže, in ko smo otroci ho- življenje očitno ne veruje, bi veroval» potem bi bilo njegova dolinost, da izpolnjuje, kar druge uči. Ker se mu v domovini no obetajo predobri časi, pa misli» da bo tukaj na ta načih prišel do ogromne vsote denarja, vse' na račun poštenih delavcev, ameriških državljanov, kateri so s trdim delom ustanovili omenjene listo V naši novi domovini smo znali pošteno živeti in nismo potrebovali pouka tožitelja in njegovih pomočnikov, tako bomo tudi pošteno vodili boj z vsemi močmi, katerega so nam napovedali. Najlepše pri vsem tem pa je, da neki nedržavljan skuša ustrahovati ameriške držav ljane. Na velikonočno nedeljo, 28. marca, se bodo predvajale kino-slike iz Slovenije v Library iz in zab. domu. Te slike bomo dobili od SANSa. Vljudno je vabljeno vse občinstvo in našel bine iz okolice. Ves čisti dobiček je namenjen v podporo SANSu. O tej priredbi bomo bolj podrobno pravočasno poročal!.. . Mick T^iHer, tajnik. ZAHVALA ZA HITRO IZPLAČILO SMRTNINE Wheel Ridge, Colo.—Na tem mestu se najlepše zahvaljujemo SNPJ za hitro izplačitev smrt-ninske zavarovalnine za našim dragim soprogom in očetom Jakobom Lenichem, ki je preminil 14. januaija 1948. Ob tej priliki se tudi zehva-ljujemo društvenemu tajniku Podboju za tako točno postrežbo, kakor tudi br. Cohari. Lepa hvala tudi vsem ostalim članom in člsnicam društva 645 SNPJ za udeležbo pri pogrebu in cvetice. Zahvaljujemo se tudi drugim prijateljem in znancem, ki so stali na naši strani ob uri žalosti. Katarina Lenlch in otroci. VABILO NA PLES DRUŠTVA 690 SNPJ Kaneaa City. Kans—Društvo Hearts of America 690 SNPJ bo priredilo plesno veselico v nedeljo, 7. marca, začetek ob osmih zvečer v Hrvatsko-slovenskem narodnem domu «a 5. ulici ki Elizabeth. Za ples bo igral Emil Boga-tay iz Pitts bur ga, Kans. O« je imeniten godec na harmoniko. Igra slovenske komade in angleške. i Na veselico vljudno vabimo tudi člane in članice društva 408 SNPJ, kakor tudi vse druge prijatelje in znance. Naše društvo je z vesoljem sprejelo v svoje vrsto člane, ki so biü poprej pri društvu 287 v Franklinu. Ti so: Lena Volk, Anna Rezin in John Rezin. Dobili smo tudi eno novo članico sestro Gladys Spauk. Ns člene, ki imajo vstopnice, apeliram, da bi jih prinesli s seboj v nedeljo.—Veeeh me poro» čilo, da se zdravje vročo see. Dolly Belorse in Heleni Rezin. Ne svidenje v nedeljo no plesu! Mary Bileck, zapisnikarica. , SEJA KROŽKA 9 PROGRESIVNIH SLOVENK Chicago. 111.—Članice krožka 9 Progresivnih Slovenk in druge napredne Slovenke vabimo na redno sejo, ki se bo vršila v sredo, 3. marca, začetek ob osmih zvečer v Slovenskem delavskem centru, 2301 So. Lawndale ave. Namen Progresivnih Slovenk je seznanjati članice tudi o časovnih dogodkih. Naš krožek ima prosvetni odsek, v katerem sta agilni Članici Ann Beniger in Dorothy Sodnik. Orti skrbita, da imamo poleg običajnih društvenih zadev tudi kakšno predavanje ali razpravo. Na prihodnji seji bomo imele priliko slišati miss Grace Cohen, učiteljico ljudske šole, katera nam bo podala svoje vtise z mladinskega kongresa, kateri se je . vršil v Pragi zadnje poletje. Tega kongresa se je udeležil« tudi ona kot delegatlnja. Sestala se je tudi z delegati iz Jugoslavije, ki so nanjo napravili zelo dober vtis. Članice, ne zamudite te seje in pripeljite s seboj tudi mladino, kajti predavanje se bo vršilo v angleškem jeziku. Minka AM». Nanaimo. B. C. Kanada.- teli k«l boljšega za pod zob, so Dne 15. avgusta 1947 je umri nam rekli« da i® 40-dnevni post br. Louis Clavora, član društva ni č**' Mt*° 80 iedlt ** tam* 109 SNPJ, v starosti 73 let. Po- ki#r K* ^eli, dočim je imel kojnik je bil rojen v Udlnsh. M^®* «reh. & J«*«1 Italija. Tu zapuščs soprogo Ido, P°*tn'm àmu. Tuksj pa je vse sinova Louisa ln Bruns, dve hče- dru««««- Lahko hupiš kar bori in dva zeta, tri vnuke, v Ze- K®4« Mmo den«-dinjenlh državah pa enega brata. |. prav tako je pri društvih. Dne 13. novembra 1947 pa je izgubilo naše društvo brata An tona Lukančičl. Ob smrti mu je bilo 64 let. Rojen jo bil v Logatcu. V Kanadi zapušča brata Matijo, sestro Ivsnko Pečjak, svaka in več drugih sorod nikov. Smrt nikdar ne počiva in ta- Člani morajo plačevati aaesment ob pravem času. Ako pa hoče društvo priti do kakšnega denarja. mora naložiti nstlado ali prirediti veselico. ■Društvo Sloga 16 SNPJ bo imelo kartno zabavo dno 7. mar I ca v Lenkotovi dvorani na vogalu 8. ulice in National ave ko smo izgubili 2«. januarja 1948 S*? 06 dveh ^poldne. Va sestro Joh.no Turk v steroeti 76^ let. Rojen, je bile v Velikih kakor tudl dru*lh dntšiev.m Laščah n. Dolenjskem. V Ka DrP«® priredbe: K.rtno zaba-nadt zapušča soprog« Antona ln ™ 60 Priredilo društvo Bled 19 dve sestričnl v Zedinjenih drže-1JPZS dne 29 februerja v Re berniškovi dvorani na So. 6th In Bruce st. Društvo Venera 192 SNPJ bo V* tantou 'društva' lz£ | \m9[° kart£° "bavo (ln* 4 ^ 'la v S S T-dvorani spodaj. Vse te priredbe obiščimo ln drug drugepnu pomagajmo. v«h Pri pogrebu vseh treh Je sodelovalo neše društvo št. 109 SNPJ. tam sorodnikom globoko soša Ije! Joseph Koelovac. tajnik. Za obrambo naših naprednih podlagi svojih bogatih izkušenj kot dolgoletni predsednik Penn časopisov smo darovali Društvo svlvanske delavske federacije zapisal, da imo rajo opravka 11 Sloga 16 SNPJ ffo federacija ¡učnih spremenit! is lutke rr.k. i.e v Jibiafc.""^ ~ in! ** ^^ ¡T^UmarJi * IstlUboralct. Tega društev SNPJ $25. M Pogacar južni k 1 »t je «nM^tanlca aUanlT ' T^.TL1,^ m* , f^* admijist racija bi $!0, Fr. J.ger $10. M Kirn$19 Pokojni Jame« Mauier '-«i k ni,a, -t. Can Bo JZidl' b'U ^ ^ ^lnJan> ln Fr iJvStflc SI. skupaj $81. " ,V®,, kn,'Kt 11 C,n B* na J* THtmnn.ifii K Wallateu In novem gibanju st bomo še vrnili. J Denar jc bil poslan tottdevnc POPRAVEK IN NAZNANILO SEJE Neži* O. — Prosim popravita vašo pomoto v zapisniku federacije društev SNPJ za južni Ohio in W. Virginijo. Louis Pavlinich ni stsvil pred logs no protipredloga za nobeno stvar. Moralo bi se glasiti, da jo bil predlog stavljen,, da se daruje Louisu Pavlinichu $10 iz federacijske blagajne, protipred-log pa za $25. nakar je bil pro-tipredlog sprejet, da se mu da $29. Prihodnja federacijska seja se bo vršila 25. aprila v Društvenem domu ho Bordevillu. začetek ob štirih popoldne. Toliko v prijazno pojasnilo. F. Plehek. STARI DRUiTVENIKI ZA SVOBODEN TISK — Članstvo društva 9 SNPJ je na svoji redni eeji 15. febr. razmotrivalo o tožbi, katero jo naperil kaplan Gabrovšek proti trem slovenskim čaeoptaetn Članstvo «o je izreklo, de bo te čaeopiee pod SEJA PODRUŽNICE 2 SANSa Chicago, 111.—Redna seja podružnice 2 SANSa se bo vršila prihodnjo soboto, 28. t. m., začetek ob 8. uri zvečer pri bratu L. Katzu, 2126 Magnolia ave. Kakor so vse naše seje Vašne, tako bo tudi ta. Na tej seji bomo tudi zvedeli natačni prebitek in račune zadnje priredbe. Pridite vsi ln pripeljite seboj še nove člane! V poročilu o naši zadnji priredbi 1. februarja, bi moral o-meniti tudi ses. Roee Sajovic, katera je darovala nagelne s katerimi smo se fantje postavljali, a skupiček zanje je pomagal do uspeha. Katka Horvatin, naša članica, katera se že nekaj mesecev zdravi v Califomiji, nam je pa ob tej priliki poslala pet dolarjev. Iskrena hvala obema, sploh vsem, ki ste pripomogli do lepega uspeha! Na svidenje v soboto zvečer na seji. John Turk. tajnik. NAZNANILO DATUMA PIKNIKA McKeasport. Pa.TVsa bratska društva v McKeesportu in okolici obveščam, da bo društvo 347 SNPJ priredilo svoj letni piknik dne 4. julije. Prosim, da vzamete to obvestilo na znanje in ne prirejate svojih piknikov na isti dan, kar bi bilo v vzajemno škodo. Marko Sablch. tajnik. PRAVI NASLOV FEDE-RACIJSKEGA TAJNIKA Uaftaetoeen. Pa^-V Prosveti ptralo moralno in gmotno, za pr- bil nepravilen naslov tam,ka -M**,** pa nakazalo $10. fedrr.ri* „k.aja KaveT m i Pravilen » Pe£ vsi takšni hujskači, ki so jim v P.vlovich. R D 4. Box 4. Union starem kraju tU prevnv town. Pl ^ R D 3 čs, so tukaj dobrodošli Francu blagohotno pojasnilo Gabrovšku bi sxetovali. naj tož- p". Vm . , . bo umakne, dokler je še čaa. in *«*»<"rtch. nai pazi. da mu ne bodo tudi v V Ameriki postala prevroča tla. ae I« John Pecer.' ČUele ^tevsha veefi AH Jtb ï*r*)da, 2$. februarja 1948 p r os v et a Federacije S. N. P. T. ZAPISNIK c^evelandske FEDERACIJE Cleveland. p.—Letna seje cle-velandske federacije se je vršila v nedeljo, 18. januarja, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair ave. Predsednik Matt Petrovich odpre sejo ob dveh popoldne. Čitan. je zapisnik zadnje seje in sprejet kot čitan. Citano je pismo od odbora izletniške farme, v katerem sporoča, naj federacija izvoli dva zastopnika, zaeno pa apelira za prostovoljne prispevke in da si naj. federacija rezervira datum za piknik. Atletična liga želi, da izvolimo zastopnike in se zahvaljuje za izvrstno sodelovanje. "Enako želi podružnica 39 SANSa, da izvolimo dva zastopnika, prav tako podružnica 48 SANSa. Sprejet je predlog, da se plača običajno , letno članarino $12 Prosvetni matici, Ameriškemu slovanskemu kongresu pa se nakaže $10. Predsednik poroča, da je zadovoljen z uspehom, katerega je imela federacija v letu 1m7. Podpiramo vse napredne organizacije, priredili smo tri priredbe, štiridnevna slavnost dneva snpj pa je bil največji uspeh v zgodovini naše federacije Tajnica poroča, da bo Vadna-lov orkester igral 20. marca. Poda tudi račune do 31. decembra 1947. Računi so s priporočilom nadzornega odbora soglasno sprejeti. Čekovno vlogo pa naj tajnica prenese na banko v svojo soseščino. Za izletniško farmo poroča br. Novak, da so izvolili nov odbor. Najemnina na farmi bo $45 za nedelje, $25 za sobote in $15 med tednom, za veeje piknike unij in tovarn pa bo najemnina večja. V blagajni imajo gotovo vsoto, toda če bi izplačali vse dolgove, bi bili brez denarja, j Pri podružnici 39 SANSa je bil izvoljen za predsednika Leo-nard PoljšSk. Za podružnici 48 in 106 ni poročil. Mladinski pevski krožek lepo napreduje, potrebuje pa več tenorjev. Učitelj mr. Hartzel je navzoč na seji in poda lepo po ročila Poročila društvenih zastopnikov: Društvo št. 5: Pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek in enega v odrasli; dva člana sta umrla; poslali tri zastopnike na sejo atletične lige; sprejeli protest proti a. d.; kupili vstopnice za priredbo Ameriškega slo vanskega kongresa. Društvo 26: * Pridobili enega člana; kupili vse vstopnice za priredbo Ameriškega slovanskega kongresa. Društvo 28: Pridobili dva člana v mladinski oddelek; v novembru bodo prazno vali 40-letnico; imajo svojo kampanjo za nove člane in določene nagrade. Društvo 53: Pridobili' dva nova člana; kupili vstopnice za priredbo Ameriškega slovsn-skega kongresa. Društvo 128 Izgubili pet članov s prestopnimi listi; darovali $5 za Ameriški slovanski kongres in kupili vse vstopnice te orgsnizacije; darovali so tudi lepo vsoto njihovim kegljačem; 14 febr. priredijo veselico v snd; umrl en član. Društvo 129: Umrl je br. John Jakar. Društvo 135: Poslali bo-do eno skupino na clevelandski kegljaški turnir. Društvo 139: Umrl en član; pridobili eneita člana v odrasli oddelek in ene ga v mladinski; kupili vstopnice za priredbo Ameriškega slovanskega kongrese. Društvo 142: v letu 1947 je umrlo pet členov; pridobili dvs člana v odrasli oddelek in dva v mladinski. Dru štvo 147: Sprejeli protest proti a. d ; v aprilu bodo slavili 35-letnico; pridobili šest člsnov v decembru in januarju; kupili vstopnice za priredbi» Ameri-škegs siovsnskegs kongresa Društvo 158: Izvolili mlade člane v društveni odbor Drufevn 185 Priredili bodo plesno veselico s februarja Društvo 287- Kupili vse vstop niče ca priredbo Ameriškega slovanskega kongresa Društvo 2s4 Pridobili precej lepo število novih članov, darovali $111 za obrambo našega naprednega tiska Društvo 312: Pridobili issassssaisssawsssssssf precej novih članov v 1. 1947; en član je umrl; darovali $5 ji* goslovenskemu odboru in $10 za obrambo tiska. Društvo 442: Pridobili tri člane v mladinski odbor. Društvo 450: Pridobili šest novih članov v odrasli od delek in pet v mladinski; daro< vali $15 izletniški farmi in $10 za obrambo tiska; 25-letnica lepo uspela. Društvo 544: Umrla'dva, člana; pridobili tri v mladinski oddelek in enega v odrasli. Društvo 566: Pridobili v 1. 1947 12 odraslih in 19 mladinskih članov; darovali lepe vsote vsem naprednim organizacijam, ptav tako njihovim kegljačem; vse skupaj so imeli v 1. 1947 devet priredb. Društvo 576: Pridobili enega člana v odrasli oddelek; veselica 24. januarja. Društvo 604: Pridobili dva člana v odrasli oddelek: in tri v mladinski; društveno 25-letnico bodo praznovali 1. februarja; poslali bodtf na kegljaški turnir deset skupin. Društvo 614: v aprilu bodo praznovali 21-obletnico; turnirja se bodo udeležile štiri skupine Društvo 742: Dne 6. marca bodo praznovali 15-letnico v snd na St Clair ave. Zastopniki atletične lige poročajo, da so pristopila zraven tri nadaljnja društva: Nanos, v boj isi Naprej. Za krožek št. 2 poročajo, da so dobili dvoje priznanj za dopise v mladinskem listu "Voice of Youth". % Sledijo volitve odbornikov za leto 1948: Predsednik Matt Petrovich, podpredsednika Rudy Lisch in Louis Kaferle, tajnica Josephine Tratnik, blagajničar-ka Julija Zerovnik, zapisnikar Carl Samanich. Nadzorni odsek: Anton Wavpotich, Agnes Jerich in Anton Grchman. za stopnika za atletično ligo Joseph Fifolt in Rudy Lisch. Odbor za mladinaki pevski krožek: c. Zaraick, «Joseph Fifolt, l. Kaferle, j. Tratnik. m. Stefanie, Ann Opeka, j. k rebel, Agnes Jerich, c. Samanich. Zastopnika za podružnico 48 Marion Bašhel, za podružnico 106 f. Habic. Seje se bodo vršile po starem, namreč vsako četrto soboto v mesecu, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St Clair ave. Tajnica ima polno moč, da izbere datum za pomladanski koncert mladinskega pevskega krožka. Otvoritev izletniške farme se bo vršila 23. maja. Sprejet predlog, da se daruje podružnicam SANSa št. 39, 46 in 106 vsaki po $25. Soglasno je sprejet predlog, da federacija v glasilu protestira proti a. d. in poda izjavo, da trdno stoji na braniku našega tiska ter pomaga v boju proti tožitelju, kateri sedaj toži naše časopise. Dalje je sprejet predlog, da se plača nadzornikom po $5 vsake-! mu za veliko dela, ki so ga ime* j li v 1. 1947. Delsvce za marčno priredbo bomo izvolili na prihodnji seji. Dalje se naroči zastopnikom, naj pri društvih odločijo. ali so za centralno božič nico za« vsa društva, ali bi se priredile božičnice v posameznih naselbinah. Zaključek seje ob 4:40. Caal Samanich. zapisnikar. seja cisvelanpske federacije Clovoland. o.—Na tem mestu želim obvestiti vse zastopnike clevelandskih društev, da se bo vršila prilodnja seja naše federacije v soboto, dne 28 februarja, /aoetelg ob 7.30 zvečer v Slov., nar domu na St. Clair ave. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli med drugimi zadevami tudi priprave za federacijsko plesno veselico, ki se bo vršila v soboto večer, dne 20. marca. Prosim vse, da se te seje prav gotovo udeležite. Petrovich. jfredsednik federacije. Graditev novega delavskega naselja v Zagrebu. Za mestna gradbena podjetja, ki zaposlujejo številne gradbene delavce in nameščence, so začeli graditi delavsko naselje. Tu bo nastanjenih okrog 2500 delavcev. Gradijo enonadstropne stanovanjske hiše, ki bodo imele po 20 sob, QracKtev deltvikih naaolij v Bosni In Hercegovini. Nikjer drugje v naši državi ni bila vetja potreba po zdravih delavskih stanovanjih kakor v BiH, zlasti is ker je bilo med vojno razdejanih ali poškodovanih nad 172,000 poslopij. Razei tega je treba upoštevati, da se je po osvoboditvi število delavcev povečalo za okrog 100,000. v BiH so sindikajpe or^rnizau-jt v preteklem letu prevzele na iogo, da zgradijo več delavskih naselij. Delavske stanovanjske hiše so gradili v 23 krajih. Določeno je bilo, da l>odo pridobili 926 stanovanj. Najlepše uspehe so dosegli v Sarajevu, kjer so do konca leta pridobili 200 delavskih stanovanj, v Tuzli so pridobili 147 stanovanj, v Zenici 60 in 40 Zavidovičih. Popolno ma gotovih je bilo ob koncu decembra v vsej ljudski republiki 112 stanovanj, sflo so jih dogo-tavljali, na pol končana so pa bila dela pri 245 stanovanjih. .m NAROČNIKOM Dašosa v oklepaj*, na (Feb. 20. 1948). poleg vašega Imena na naalovu pomeni, ds vaas le s tem datumom potekla naročnino* Ponovite Jo pravo tasnn. de ao ««m liât no uatavt Pošiljanje moke, velikih in malih paketov preko Reks v Jugoslavijo Aj Kot 0o sedaj nadaljujemo t poftiljanjsm STANDARD GOTOVIH PAKETOV it. 1, 2, S. 4. 5, in 6—vsak sase v lesenem ruboju In naslovljeno na prejemnike. Od teh it S »«stoji is 100 funtov najfinejša MOKC ra eeae SI» 04 —s itev. S vsebuj«! 40 funtov špagetov. M funtev riš«. 30 funtov sladkorja in 30 funtov s«tona kav« . . . sa samih »37.00. -8 temi vsotami Je v naprej plačan prevoz do Reke in zavarovalnina proti ugubitvi zaboja pošiljke do prfjemniks li nsjbliinjo carinarnica. Pakete it. S in 0 se lahko poilje skupaj, drugače pa samo en paket na vsako oxebo t enim pomikom. S) Ako gornje ne odgovarja za vas. tedaj lahko poljubno naročiti večje pošljke iz našega cenika, ali poslati vašo hrano, obleko, obuvalo, stroje, orodje, barvo, l.t.d. C) NAJNOVEJŠE! SIGURN1JE POŠILJANJE MANJ$IU PAKETOV Pri nas lahko naročite sedaj mnogo različnih manjših paketov (do 44 funtov), kateri bodo sami zase zapakirani v kartonu, vezani z ielezpimi obroči in naslovljeni na prejemnik«. V«fi takih malih paketov bomo pakirali v močna laaane saboja. «pas«na a obroči in bodo odposlani na odpremno podu set Je e Jugoslaviji, katero je pristalo t« raboje odpreti in te mala paket« izročiti prejvmnikom. Cena j« nlija od pošt«, paketi se savaeevaai. ter J« tako manjša nevarnost, da bi se raztrgali ali poškodovali. . 4 Zu v«* gornje podatku in detajliiana pojasnila in za naš CENIK vprašajte nas. PARNIKI ODHAJAJO ZA REKO VSAKIH 14 DNI Je FABRIS & COe prej XHE MA.KU CO. | 416 WEfST 23rd STREET NEW YORK H, N. Y. . ** ..... . ,r. , | —rr .. i-|ii|«n«iansin(iiMi mm snaonr POS1UATVE V STARI KRAJ Donama darila sa Vollbe noš Ako ste namenjeni poslati denarno darilo svojcem v starem kraju sa Vellkonoč (2H marca), je sedaj čas, da to storite.—Vse naš« denam« po-šiljatve so gsraatiran« in mi vam pošljemo potrdilo podpisano od prejemnika, Stroški za pošiljke od $10 do 150 znašajo: za navadno pošto f 125, za zračno pošto $1 50, a z« brzojavno nakazilo 03.75— Pri pošiljkah nad $50 se strošek poviša v vsakem slučaju za 25 centov aa vsakih nadaljnjih 50 dolarjev. Blagovno pošftljeive Zadaja čase dobivamo zelo veliko vprašanj gleda pošiljanja vsako vrslnoga blaga kot Jesivin (zlasti moke), zdravil, orodja, strojev Itd. —Ker J« tam poUobe velika in nujna. smo pripravljeni pomagati rojakom tudi v tem ostra —Pišite in pojasnite, kaj hočet« poslati, pa vam bomo poslali potrebna pojasnila in navodila LEO ZAKRAJ5EK Ml E. tM tt. N.W Y of k II, H. T. .............. ~~ - -rrf rrr rrr r f j Jtr jj J KOLAR FLORAL CO. Shorn* FI or ht $ CVETLIČARNA •111 W. Cermak M CI«B*OM, ILL. Telegraph or Phonoi OLYMPIC IMS. WO Dai. to Çhicago, Borwyn. Oak Park, Lyons. j V blagi opomin pele obletnice smrti našega aeposabljenegs sina In krsta FRANKA RACICK Jr. — kateri j» preminul dn« 23. f«kruar|« 1043.' Podlegel j« poškodbam, ki jih J« ladobil pri vojaških vajah in tak« je vojna uničil« tudi njegovo življenj«. Ljubljeni sin in krst na*, pet l«t j« minilo, odkar — slišimo več Tvoje«» glasuj v hladnem grobu tam počival, g v srcih naših še vodno iivii in osi s I nam bodeč v trajnem spominu do konca naših dni—Žalujoči ost sli; Prank In Louis« Raclck. startih John, brati Anna Oantor in Minuni« Žitnik, s«sirii J snel in Ranold. nečakinj« in nečak v Glrardu. Ohio. Naznanilo in zahvala Žal«alUege srca nasnanjam« sorodnikom, snaocom «n pri ja-tefjes» tušno ml. da Je dn« II. januarja I Odg s« vodne »remi nuie naša ijukljona soproge in mati MARY ANZICK Rojena Ig Mig 20. januarj« 1004 v vasi Obrh. fara Toplice a« Dolenjskem v' Jugoslaviji. Pogreb s« je vršil II. jea. t. I. n« Orandlewn pokopališču v Detroitu. Michigan PVajprlsrš noje se saheallm« vsem. ki so nem e togfclk urek stali ob str«-. nos tolešill in dam pomagali. ler s tem nam IsrssUl svojo naklonjenost i« sofcrt}«. Lepa hvalo društvu It. gt? OIVPJ - "Wolv.rlne In druitvtf št. 144 A8Z. kaserik članica je Mla do svoje smrti -e krasne darove*« ji vence in cvetlico. Hvala obema društvoma sa glnljiv govor n« pckopališču. Ukrene hvala vsem. ki st« pokejntoo obiskali ob aj«< nem irrt vaškem odru In vsem. ki sle Je spremili k mirnemu počit, ku na mlredeor. Sploh mm, ki ft« prišli od bliso In od deleč k pogrofcd Oečna kvota vsem. kl sie se «s si s vik od pokojnleo s krasnimi venci in cvetlicami, ter sploh vsem naj ko n« tem mostu ter očesa najlepšo hvele m vse, kar keM slo nam dobroga sterMI e aoši šaiootni ort Leos hvala prijateljem im posteljicam. M s« jo okiekovoii e kolnišntei in o« njenem domu 011« i« vedno pri-pr« vi Jono pomegetl vsaki erponlseetjl dokler J, mogla Bita Je n«. milijoni« la uljodne s vsem«. Prago aelo ljubljene se* In me«. *ončeto si eeoje tr ude po I no doto. salo T» telimo, počivaj e miru v noreč j* molečo semtj«. Ofcreottt Te bomo v ved no ljubečem spomina de konce neših dot Peči vej v miruf-telu loči osi«li' Anion Ao-tok. soprogi Anthony J., sini Mary Ann In Charterte B sne Strt kčerl in 4— vnuke, n»trete Mich, aacs^ssTV ireymri > i . |ii g|W •I I VLOGE g loj ffcaaalHotirt 8avlnga * Loan Insuman Corporation. Wwhlnfioa. D. % Sprejemam« gsdboa In društveno vlog« 1 IHKRALNC OBKÈST1 8L Clair Savlofla k Loan Co. 113181. Clair Avobim • Hend. MTt Dr. Jokn J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN k 8UROEON 3724 W. Mih 8(r«gi Skene CnvtoH lilt tr NO ANSWgR C AU. AtfSTW t?N orrict hours 1:90 to 4 e. M.-SJS to IN P. M, Bmcvpi Wednvsdsys, Saturdays snd Sundays Residence! 111! a Ridgsway Ave. » »I V blagi opomin druge obletnice omrti mojega ljubljenega brata BART0L OBLAKA . kateri je preminul 22. februarja 1141. Dragi brat odšel si tja od koder več vrnitv« nI a v mojem srcu še vodno šivlš in ostaneš mi v trajnem spominu do oknee šlvlji mojega. Počivaj v miru —Tvoj i slu joči bral Ciril Oblak. Thorr pol Is. Wyo. srcu Isti« rmb- V blagi opomin ieite obletnice smrti našega neposabljenoga soproga in brat« JOSIPA METELKOTA ki j« preminul M. februarja 1142. S«st let jo šo minulo, odkov si. dragt odšel v \ -čnost so vodno. Počiv«) v miru v remiji hladni.— Žalujoča loproea Frances Metelko. Hinsdale. 111.. in sestra Elisabeth Koaioiie. Clandge. Pa. V blagi spomin prva obletnice smrti našo ljubljen« in drag« mamo MARY KUS » k store j« premlnuls dns 14. februar j« 1M7. Minulo jo šo prvo leto dni. odkar nas )« sa vodno sapustiia naš« dregft mam« ln odšla od nas s« vedno. A naš spomin š« y«dno šivi v srcih nsiihi ni dneva ne ure. da bi nsm n« bil« pr«d očmi. Ostal« nam bodoš v vodnem spominu, dokler se tudi mi n« snidemo s Teboj, Pošivaj v miru.—talujošl ostalli Mrs Angola V«rgo. John Iq frrnk KuaJn mrs. Mary Fl«la. sinovi in hčere.—Oreensboro. P«. ★ * * * * * h * II blag spomin • ČETRTE OBLETNICE NENADNE SMRTI n«J«Ss preljubega in nikdar pozabljenega »ina, brata, vnuka, nečaka in bratranca * * * * 1922 M * + 1944 P* : * Ensign Walter F. Cerkvenik * I Svoje mlado šlvljonje je sgubll dno 27. februarja 1144, ko le ns I manevrih Ireščllo njegovo letslo v Orefonu ns somi jo. In je dohll smrtne 'poškodbe. zdaj bivaš vrh vlšsvg jasne, . kjer ni mraku, kjer ni noil; * tsm solnce sreče ti ne vjf * ŽALUJOČI OSTALIi rs ANK in THERESA CERKVENIK. oim In m.lli jL MRS. EMMA ZORC. M.lr.t PVT. STANLEY J. ZORC. ...ki MARY OBED. .Inr* m.II/ CYRIL OBED. JACK OBED In ANTON CERKVENIK. «trldi ROBE SALAMANT. LILLIAN OBED. 4 Mili EDWARD In RORERT BALAMANT. DOLORES I« RONALD OBED. CRANCES. MARY In OLGA CEIIKVEN1K. br.tr.ncl la Mnlrltan. )+> CUvnl.aS. Ohio. P A. Frank Corkvenik, oče jiokojneMa Walter F Ceikvenika, Jo doma v stsri domovini is (iorojih Vtem, št 1.J, |N»iia Vremski liiltuf. Shivonsko Pm mor Je, Jugoslavija Mati Theresa Cerkvenik je pa doms Iz Cerknem, št 44 na (ri&kem Prlmorju v Jugoslaviji. }âà Slovenska narodna pod\ Ave. GLAVNI ODBOR vuiaarr CAHOLAB. gi r. A. VIDXÄ. gl la Jate gWTON TMOJAIt gl. pomoto! LajnU MTBKO O. KUHKU gl ttegsjailr_____ LAWKKNCX OIADUEK. tajnte bol. Odd MITKAM. VBHOVNIK. (Brett mted oddtL Ml g*. L PHIUP GODU»A. upraviialj PrnmU--MST le Law rta I« An AJrrOM GAJU»! umhUk Proavdt«___«ti «o. Lmtoll Af» BAYMOMD TRAVNIK, pnr» . UIJCAK. U/Ug| Ml Bo LawmUte An , CTiloaae M. lil ■o Lavadtli Avt , Chic—o M. OI go. Lavmdate A v«, chlcaco M. m go Lawadate At«.. Chicago M B So. Lawndala A»«.. Ctleape M. 01 .■—doli AM, CMWM ■. OL Am. JOHN V. CKBULAB. prvo «aro*)« FRANK QBADIBEK. dftlgo ok rot}* JOSEPH riroi.T Setrto okrožja JOHN VILLAR, pato ofcrofca___, URSULA AMHROZICH. train ofcroftja JOHN rniUTZ, »Mirno ok rol Ja frank POLJAK oami ofcrotte UM Siiollcroae M. Philadelphia g¿ P» Boa M. Hornilale. P«, im S. Mth «L. Clava land S. Ohio Mît Randau H«, «t Louto 1«. Mo -4M Piaros BL. Bvalath. Canaona Ava.. Los Anaalaa M. CaMf. MATH PETROV ICH, predaadnlk P A VID EH_____ MIRKO O KÜHKL----- JACOB ZUPAN_ Ml Z IMU) ft. Clava land M. OHM «o La arndala A v« .. Chicago M. DJ RUDOLPH L1BCM ^ DOMALO J LOTR1ČH. Mt7 8« Lawndala Ava Chicago M, Bo Lawndala Ava., Cliteag« M. -IMt g Lombard Ava TM R. Moth ki ÍMT Be Trumbull Ava Chicago M Ol ANTON gHULAR.H PRANK VRATAK1CH ANDKJTW VIDI!ICH /OHM KOMI. SB CAAOLUS ZARMICK JUS Bpa ■ i.^^-., M -MS Foraat Ava., JolmitowB, P». So SMM Ava W.. DuluU) T, BN V. «Ith St.. davaland t. MMR. a Ohio FRANK ZAITZ, MJCHABL R. KUMER MATTHEW i TUR* LOUIS KAFFRLE ANDREW OMUM . IMtl So. Lawndala Ava , Chicago M. M. ------Bo« M, L'nlvaraal. P« ■ Lawndala A v«. Chicago M ■•et Hark Ilm Urno Zapisniki sej gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJr Se,a 7. jun. /941 Predsednik odpre sejo glavnemu Izvršnega odseka ob eni uri popoldne. Nav»od so bratjr Csinkar. Vider. Trojar, Kuhel, Gradiiek. Vrhov-nik. God i na in Gtrden. Prvo Je predloten in sprejet zapisnik izvrine seje z dne 31. dec. 1. I. Sledi porodilo pododl>ora. ki je pooblaščen. da se pogaja z zastopniki unije pisarniških delavcev (¿led* nove pogodbe, in sicer se je izvršil sestanek, kjer je unija predložila poDfg zahteve za zvlianje plsir- ie /grozne nadsljne koncesijo, toda do kdkeg« sporazuma le rnao prišli in bo cela stvar predložena izvršnemu odseku no tej seji. Po potrebni razpravi Je odobreno nekoliko zvišanje na plači, kakor tudi izboljšanje gle-de poCitmc, dofim so druge zahteve odk loti jene. V zvezi s tem Je nadaljt aklr-nje no, da ¿as, v katerem jednotini uslušbenei lahko vzamejo počitnice, je od maja pu do J, novembra vsakega leta. Nadalje je sklenjeno, ds letno zborovanje glavnega odbora pridne v četrtek dne 12. februarja t. 1. Nato glavni udmk »n^k&jde-deče zadeve v rrtltev: Od glavne organizacije Ameriškega rdeCt ga krita Je prošnja zn denarne prispevke. Sklrnji-no. da se nakaJb vsota $200 00. Od organizacije "The People'* Ix»bby" J« pismo, v katerem izročajo o tvojem delu U*r prosijo, dn bi jim naklonili nekaj nadaljtie liodpore za kritje primanjkljaja,—t Odobreno tU Nato ravnat« lj mladine predloti Listo, ki jo Je pripravil za nagrade voditeljem mladinskih kroškov. katere skupaj znatajo vsoto 3433. kar Je odobreno. Priporočilo, da ae okrožni ravna-taljicl mladinskih krolkov Ann San nemann nakuše vsota 100 za njim» delo, je tudi odobreno Prolnjo drultva It. 7, Clarldg». Pa., ca denarno podporo v h vrhu nabave jopičev ca ke»*|joče njih društva.—Dovoljeno $27. V CVed s tem Je sklenjeno, d» ravnatelj mladine izdela potrebni načrt v svrho kampanje za novu člane, ki Jo nameravamo Izvesti to I »Ho, ter istega predloži na eni prihodnjih aej v razpravo in odobri tev. Upravnik I Vos vete In tiskarne poroča, 1« ho p« godba za zavarovanje delavcev kmalu potekla tfr opozarja, da v smislu zaključka glavnegu odbora glavni ir vrini odsek ta svoji seji izbira tvrdko In odloča glede bodočega zavarovanja. Hledt rarpreva in k«-r nekateri ome> rjajo, du takecvane "mutual" drul» be dajejo boljše pogoje, Jc« sklenjeno. da se stvar prellče. predno bomo nadalje odločali o tem. terlm se bo mojtfke odttfghiU o4 Gl tajnik predloli zadevo sestre Mary Zidar, članice drattyg It. 1U2, Chicago,'III. Društvo poroča o slar bem zdravstvenem staftjo fn tenkih i a/merah te članice ter priporoča, da ji gl. izvršni odsek ntkaše nekoliko podpore.—Odobreno $33.00. Društvo št. 287. Burgettstown. Pa., poroča o nesreči člana A. Wyt-kota. Ogenj mu je namreč uničil stanovanje in vae, kar je potedovšl. Prosi za Izredno denarno pomoč od jednote.—Sklenjeno, da se mu nS-kaibe $30. Od organizacije National Founds* tion for Infantile Paralysis je pi-smo, v katerem te priporočsjo za denarno pomoč ca izvajanje njih velike naloge,—«e nakaže $10. Ravnatelj mladine predloti mi-daljno listo ca nagrade voditeljem mladinskih krožkov za skupno vsoto $80. kar je odobreno-v izplačilo. Nato poroča, da bo potrebno približno $100 ca nakup trofej, katere priporoča, da se spet letos podari tistim mladinskim krožkom, ki po-kažejo največ aktivnosti in uspehov. Take nagrade se dajajo krožkom, ki «» dobro «Ackašejo v pridobivanju novih članov, s dobro udeležbo na krožkovih sejah, t dopisi-in prispevki v mladinsko glasilo The Voice of Youth, v atletičniti, kulturnih ter drugih programih in aktivnostih.-— Sklenjeno, da «e t tem nadaljuje in dovoljena je vsota $100 sa nakup Irofgj, Glavni tajnik predloti ponudbe /a stenske koledarje, ki jih je pre" je I od raznih tvrdk. Sprejeta je IMinudba tvrdke Brown & Bigelow, Nato ao predložene prošnje za po-pojilo za asesment in izredno podporo. Odobrene to članom in ca vsote kot »ledi: ,* Prošnjo sa pooolllo asosmonta Application* lar Spaatal Banani DmttvoM I «*1||r Ni» 7 John J. I lay d uk ca tri mesece. 83 John Metan ca tri nuseee, 220 Ignac Cotman ca tri mesece: '{ i , 1 ' ' . "!»« 'I tj.' pt Prošnje ga lsrodno podporo Appllaanoni lar Spadal Banani IV iiilvo ti U>d«a No • . . 3 An\on Kukee asw«maut >u tri nnaece; Mtnon Bosuh 128.00 fl Juhti Veitčaj $23 041. 27 Anton Vičič $2300^ 44 Louis Ceglar $93 00 , , 43 Jnavpii Panear aaesirnnt sa tri mesece. «8 Mihael ČVVnnla $33 00 81 Tom Pa v lov ič $23 00 141 lllat čelik, asesment za lest mesece v* 2fl3 John Smole $23 00. 308 Johana Jurllč a»« anient za lest TB . , m« ssesv. , rL.lJL "I Z VT' !" ,U' 341 Jrnni» AnU,n Volčič vsak pripravljen«! za danalnjo m-Jo. na- |n( iiiu.inu.lll kar predsrdnlk isto zaključi ob 3 43 popoldne, ' St ,a 21 januar /a I HM Piedunlnik odpre sejo ob cm uri popoldne. Navzoči ao vsi člani glav-negp Uvrtnega mt»«ka Predi«»/« n |e zapisnik izvršne seje s dne 7. pinuarja t, I. In je tu> pojaanilo preda« «Inika, da ae je na racpla dela v »vrzi s prenovo razsvetljave v uiadih ptijavila samo ena tvrdka. s«4|iasoo sptejit. Prečita no je piuno od Kongr«*aa bi «takih otgaiii/nrtj države Wuvon-sin, v katerem poročaj«», da bo njth Utnt zborovanje vrlilo 28 februarja v »neatu Miiwaukee ter va bijo. da SNPJ polije svoje zastopnike—Br vran»«- na znanje in sklenjeno je. da te na) udeleži gl predsednik ali p« gl tajnik za slučaj, da te ptvi ne more Nadalje >e vabilo, da jednota polije svoje castopnikr na letno zlioiovanje Kongr*«»a bratahlh organizacij države IlItnkM. kl ae ima vrltu 20 in 21. februarja v CM-«agu—Ba vcame na znanje Vpričo dejstva, da a« to cboiovanj« v ril v Chieagu in vsb^d tega m puavbuih potnih stroékov. je »H-nlmo da ae udcUiijo vsi izvršni odborniki, k«- ■ za trt metece aseam««rtl 738 J«ihn Kran/ asesment ca tri mesece. Zaključek seje ob peti uri popoldne, Seja 28. januarja 1848 IHedftednik odpre sejo ob eni uri popoldne v navcočnosti vm h članov glavnfgti izvršnega odseka. Piodložen in sprejet je zapisnik It vršne seje g dne 21. januarja t. 1. (»lavni tajnik predloli sledeče za.* d« ve v r vAitev (M f« dr r ar I je društev SNPJ v Chlragu Je pMmo, v kalni em prlpo-ničajo. da naj bi tudi «lavni I/vrini odM k Imel z«stop«tvo prt njth federaciji ter izvolil tvrned svoje srede trt člane, k I naj bt ae udeleže, vali njih se J—Sklenjeno, da se Jim pojasni da federacijo tvorijo po««-m« zna drultva doitčrte okollep ali okraja in d« /«stopatvo rui tejah federacij aettojl 1« članov, ki jih te-vtdijo dotična društva, ter da vtlrd teg« ne hi bih» pravilno niti izgledal» lugično, če bi glavni izvršni odi» k ki pti izvrševanju svojih poslov zattopa vae članstvo in vsa drultva. bil te poaebej uradno ta. •topan pri čikašln ali kaki dmfl ladMaells K**t P"«an*esMlki II) kol i lani j« d note pu i« \ rini odborniki lujejo in pomagajo pri aktivnostih svojih društev in federactla. kolikor hočejo. Društvo št 747. Milwaukee. Wis., prosi za izredno podporo za sestro Maty llodich, ki je imela pred krst-kim težko operacijo in m nahaja v veliki potrebi.—Po pregledu predloženih dokazov je aklapjeno. da m ji nakaie $60 tc sklada ca izredne podpore. Tajiftk bolniških podpor predloti zadevo umrlega člana J. Kobe ta od društva št. II. Milwaukee. Wis. Hčer, ki Je imela tega člana v času ^ole/ni na skrbi, prosi, da bi se ji nakazal aptali cfcl njegove bolniške podpore, kar je odobreno, f Nadalje pojasni zadevo br. A. Kin-kele od drufttv» št. 69. Eveleth. Minn. Priporoča, da se odobri njegova prošnja in mu dovoli, da bo čepet zavarovan za bolniško podporo, kar je sprejeto. ' Odobreno je na priporočilo tajnika bolnilkih podpor, da se najtale neizplačana podpora umrle Violete Gena'i, članice društva It. 76, Do-nora, Pš„ njenemu očetu, ki je ca-njo tkrbel. Ravnatelj mladine poroča, da te Je pri društvu 308, Anaconda, Mont., ustanovil nov mladinski krošek ter priporoča, da se mu nakaže denarna podpora za začetne aktivnosti.— Se nakaie $26. Mladinski ravnatelj nadalje predloži, prošnjo južnočikafik« meddruš-t.vene kealjaške lige, ki teli jed-.ootinesliJte za predVaja dovoljeno, za predajanje na (svo7 dne 7. februarja, kar Je IttotgkJ) je odobrena prošnja d rova 'št t». Washington, D. C, ki U. predajati Jednotine fUme dne ;i8, febr. L L ... • ' Ng pojasnilo m M m.s k «-ga ravna-tdlja, Cfkaj ja cakatnela prošnja društva,št.. 698. Sheboygan, Wis,. za denarno pomoč sa nakup jopičev za njik kegjjače. je Odobreno, da te jim nakaie vsota $93. Upravnik tiskarne poroča o zahtevah tiskarske unije ca zvišanje plače in da so pogajanja v teku ta več Časa, do končnega sporazuma pa še ni prišlo. m Sledi razprava o raznih operacijskih in odpravninskih zadevah, ki Jih je vrhovni zdravnik pregledal in Jih priporoča gl. icvršnemu odseku v končno rešitev. Odobrena sp članom in za vsote kot tu sledi: Društvo Ime . Vsota 26 Vhat. Zakosb, vet. podpora (ca cgiibo leve noge v vojjil) ...--------$200.00 47 Lobis Bučar, odpravnina..$677.74 i32 WiUiam Ratkovieh ......... 26.00 67 Patrkia Huncie _____________ 26.00 316 Oenevleve Ferlgn ........... 26.00 366 Anton Klemenčič ............ 26.00 665 John E. Fabec ml.-......... 25 00 716 Leopold Zupančič ........ 60.00 Nadalje so odobrene prošnje ,zg izredno podporo sledečim: Društvo Ime 62 šlargaret Oeshel 02 Mary Aleth ....... 209 Mary Turk .......... 6)6 John Gril ......... , .K- Vsota ... $36.00 ..... 36.00 ..... 33.00 » ., »6.00 Ker je s tem dnevni red Izčrpan, predsednik zaključi sejo ob 4. pop, V. CAINKAR, gl. predsednik, F. A VIDER. Gl. tajnik. VOVOPRI8TOPLI ČLANI št. Bel. Cert. gmrt- la društvi ime M. nina «dût. tedga Daath Bitk M« Mam« Cert nt nt ADM. ma. I. IMt S OoidovK Don i. t Butar« J «»lin i. N««trour William ISMIf ' . BaBlčli Nicholas /. 1SM1T « I AKMt Var«in«a M... IM«lt 10 Pmth Onroihy Ann ISt4M M Rooburk Herman. , IM4U M MplnMit CMtŠtV W i CS iS 4 t* BasBttf Ja wall « MMIS tg aphint- Dana k . im«m 74 jfewchanan Rot« MarylMAM SHamatit Mwsrd Jr.. lISMt Shalay fUfa Man* IM41I iu4i4 ii,mm i - . 1ss41s i.mm im mo im mo > IM tOQ 1M MS'Idt Mt , I .M0 DM. IMS IM ;ur« M lltMV i MO IM IIMJI SM .....-, IM4M IMS IM l$8jM 1,«M . IM h IM BMaMy ç Ä WCnki IM Muh loh Char let 0 IM Ralo*h a«!« IM J«rtr» Roban A. . ISS4M Mt ZM IM tag«i Franco« A. r iss«4i i.ooo im IM Boh Joaaph F IM4U MO IM Mt Surav Joaophlna M IMHS' l.ooo Stt BUN»* Anthony . iSStM IMt IM »a BfMalll Aacwrido J. IMttV Dons« Anth««y I Don» 11 Krn «al 1 Vanraaa« wm ItJrl Mt Ropa« Doloroa E IMU I B< Uroanih WiniMod M IBiU t MB LeskovIc l-aulina SM XKil «r Robart W Kaiser Joaoph T Ml Ju vae Hilllam Jr MM Mor*VIU Kdward SM Kornxia Andrew Pst«ra«n Kdward \ vfMih Bam O J S IM IM Ii Ii BtanMy IIS 11» Ml Ou van Ich j« m Bowel gar Olga i. «M Soi*Oc William «d Patkovifr«! Halan rtaakJr t K I I II ft I I i msi i l»«m Dr. Ü taaüflBB _ Ha gMMad biamSM 2 Don 3. Gnidovic..... 3 Nick Subieh 6 Veronica Avtec 6 Vera Zorich 10 Dorothp Ana Pivik 26 Csrl Zadrovi 31 Dorothy 64 Rose Marie Roebuck 76 Doris K. Bobine 79 Rose M. Buchanan 96 Edward HüinaiU 104 Joan M. Növsk.......; 116 Dolores Kezele Genevieve Mihelic 128 Isidore Codispotl 130 Charles Muhich .. 142 Robert E. Slokar 144 Louise Murin ...... 196 Francas Kogel .... 204 Betty Oroshel ..... 209 Anton Stoisek . 222 Jotdphine Zuray 244 Anthony Stimac .. 260 Delores Ropac M.M 262 Robert W. Zickar 267 William Juvan, Jr... lalo tke adult 287 Alice Ben Helen 0*8hanka UH Anton U Mdhnich Mary Vrdrnar L._____ Ludvik Medvctek .... Michael Chandick Rose K. Doak...... Frank S Thompson Eva Paulenleh -k— Albina Kravaaja .... Thomas Oblak ........ Kath. Devereau* .... John Widmar ......... Joseph Turek .......... ftŠfca. 500 8 00 1.00 300; iS 12.00 6.01 10.00 200 1» 00 19.00 400 Angeline Bile If .00 Marie Strah __________lIJM Josephine Frantar ... 12.00 John Bostjanclc ..... If40 Anton Zele_____________________19.09 Louise Zupančič »... 16.00 Stephanija Vratarie. ---- Mary Ptchnik .......... Joe Tomazlne .......... JohnDolmovieh ........ Milka Pasavec .......... Frances Go renče .... Anton Trstnlk ....... ........ r ' 100 —r Frank ¿Laurich 16.00 lit feward MoraviU äff Evelyn Reechlo ... 299 Joe Dfrnovthek ... 199 Frank W. Archer 0*otf# Krlsantc na l Si Joâeph Duvartích f# 460 Frank Siskovic | 467 Dorotky Oblak ..... 497 Angaline F. Kràlj. lacob Felicijan ...... ïrt, Laurine Ksstrovec .... 418 Jacob 669 Lorraine Fitter ' Unland J. Tolar vc< ' «OS will; 624 Dplc Ht William Matter osepl^ine A. Miller J, Kranitc 04t »Lorraine Chesnlk Mary Ahn Gaul 700 Norma Jane Powell 785 John R. Savor f.¡:j»-fr7. ¿'•i jriW-t ¡".¡¡.u 1tntti^ Anton Skvarsši ....... i oo Pauline Debelak .... 16 09 Louiftc Zupančič____ 10 00 10.00 17.00 Anthony Rozanec___ John Strancar, Sr... Jot88>h Jet ----------- Marko Sabich ........ Jack Pompe ............ Mollie Rl Dovyak.... Frank Udovich..... Mary Janezic ------- Joseph Kriz —........ Mary Kralj ............. Frank Tohovnik ...... Adam Getto __________ John Krall .............. 27.00 16.01 I ■ I imo4 mo loo Uiba John f. ßt........ »so Or asorda Joaaph .1 M« Milter Joaaph Ine A« 100 1M 4M Starla LaonaZd Z.....1$N8V 41t Ooran« JottpB A.1IMM IMt SM ¡SURSIS Ml Outer WilKpm Sl) MO IM 471 Royl« in.s™t ItMll m tT Miccinl Ctotlii îmu Dote Rosa rupnor . «SIS MO ...... Mt Chaanlk Lofralna .....iSMM I HM 1.00 718 Cornwall WWnir R. 18S9SU lAoo DU 7M Bams« John ^.^.iazMi M8 \Z.\ 7M Michael Josoph C.....tpMI M8 7M Können Bett« M......|Mt« Mo l oo 7M Palmer Rite jt...... ISMM MO *..„.. SM IM -■ppaY.n.l.R wwinHHCI« *W 1.1*1 Oaul Mary Aj»n ...... itmit SM IM s«v«r c. i. INI » . , . ' JJL • 'j M f 'f-u1 IM «M tlaku« h Frank J MT Ob tek bo««Oiy P MM R⻫r,v«f Bod> Chapman Rally Ann I CMBBMS Paul R Jr I hi UM - ti IgaawMu Kdward t. I T«|a» Ratent J O 11 M t tj IM IM DM IM IM IM IM IM IM Fite i borte« f HioiMk Bila 1 Jacklteh Margara« JaeBlirh Man« O ■ Znidrrair IgnaU R I V«M0ovte Vwruc M I MS IM »B t« anter D Klink Ch«ttea W IM IM Vuechak A ADM, JAM. I, 1B4S 8 Zorich Vera . ,. lMtlt 1M0 1M 11 Paulenich Dorothy IMU» 500 1M, 1M Novak J««» Marte ..|8MJ0 ' Mg l oo 118 Kazala Doloraa .....-JlMiS Mt .3 Mlheltc Ctenpvteva 12MS4 I ,oao » IM IM Codlspotl laidora 1M4M Mt I4Š Slokar RobarTz ... 1MM7 M» IM 14« Murln Loutee* V . IS8MS IMS IM SM Oroahal Bettyjw . 1SS4U MO lM M7 Bon Alte« IMOt IMS IM Osh«nka H«|&. ... , 1SS4M Mt IM Mt Dpnurvahelrltttr.. IBMM Mg M0 Mt Arrher Prtnk?*.V LMMt lBoo lM Ml lUran Dorothg .....1MM7S 1.0M 148 M7 Kralj AaaellnS #.... IM47S IMS IM Mt Plater Ixirralo! ........ 1M4S4 Mt TIT MS Kranltt lone J. . ... IMSM M0 Dla. M4 Suppan jhlck DoloiaalHtlO M0 100 MM Oaul ~ 7M Dtfe. Mt Meeear WlUlam It^4M 1 MOV. i. IM7 V; ' J. I •m Zadrtvm ttrl Ml Laurtee Bol»«r| . ,,v. |«^M 7M Poudal Mora»« J, /. ...l^Mit 1.0M OCT. ». tatv ' > ^ ' M8 SM Bocchla F.vtlyn l«MM l ooo IIS Felicijan Jacob 4.....iMtto MS F. A. VIDER, y. tejalk—Supr. S«c'r ( SPREMEMBE FRI DRUftTVIH mososR januarja 194« ¡f-i CHANGES I* MEMBERSHIP (or the month of January, 1949 Drult.št. Y lA>dge No. ' J • 3 Umrl: Stanley Tomagevic, c. 47709. • Črtani: Dewey Paulo-•• vlifc, c. 97410. Sava Pt-rieh. e. l«4oa|; George Perlch, * 11996«, Busies Napijalo.'e. 119719. Nick Marinkovich. c. 121714. John J Bardar, e. 104661, Edward G Bardar, c. 199192, Mildred Ban r da, c. 104999, - $ Umrll: George Rak*?; c 11702, Julia Keprc. c. 5.1421 10 Umrtl: Jakob Volcic Frederick fkhar. t 15 Umrl: Loulg Kocelj, e. 81323 Crtsol: Fraak Reakovleh St.. c. 117409. Heldn M. Raskovick. g. 104834. Juanita Lupmt, c« 100034 16 Umrli .John Kobe. <, 91^6; d 20 Umrllt Florban 14136, John Movrin. «. U Črtan sopet ipiiaf: Spolanch, b, 10927ft. 29 Črtana i GMkrla Dawn Ninter, e. 121111, . , 44 Črtani: F.nna Yagrr. c 112904, t9^| George Cagfcst. e. 119006 Aktdl! K rtohi Louis Dr. št. Lodged. * 104 Ui t. A. VIDteR, gl. tajnik—Supreme Sec y. .■i .n.....j 1 g 119096, 119099 0 «T! ./»':.• Mi tfrirtv .*; ■ > vVo tjiw t. • y< J • • K Anton Erste, c. II5ÏX. Kami c. Delia 7999. 113338. Lucas LI Baloh, ! c. Alexander Ferbezar, c. 106 Črtah: James A. 107 entila zopet sprejeta: Moran, c. 118749. 109 Umrtà: Mary Močnik, c. 112 Umrl: Anton PutseJ, c. Črtka Nick 114 SSi 116 118 Umrli. Frank dok*, c. .42932, WtaZajc, €.#>248. Črtana Mary F. Domik. c. 107306. 124 Umrla: Agnes Traven, c. 46069 126 Um^l: Frank MIHO Medvet. ( ČrtRRi C. 69240, fc ' sek, e. 99946 c. 90930. 129 Umrl: John Jsger, c. 29690. 124 ČrtahJ: Jennie M. pozd*^ c 934*4, Vincent A. Pocuhi c I99t06, Anton Zu->46. Joseph W. Zuzek. ïrtani: Lucilla Augustina Lopes, e. 121190. Jat>e O. Bevec, c. 107616. Marge Katherltto^Vo-cobet. c. 121666. Ftncak, 8. IK 8. Í069Pi, Ah Éimiil psp Joseph C ç U a v o, "•iïÂ^t; ïVank.' C. tombas, t. Il frtnk gnsMiich, ¿ UW6. R ' ' I «a S5S8&/;tS5!. ViBotnt ^.iidt. C, 88888. 994 Črtate: Frances Oodde. t. p0876 Umrla : NktR Pola., e- jMoT 941 tt ' M 8405. .m :ll* i 1 f" dr*op8l$preiÄt; JOhtT Cor-?7T,ineH, Br' 119174; Črtani: Jarrtos 19*976, Lawrancd '1 J» Kaminski, c. 119974. SÖtfjÖrtant zopet11-sprejeti: Mary Fuflhs, t 69299, Frank Fondo, c. SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV^ e hib edi tvs CHICASK£ FEOS m. p. j. dhuStvo iT. p ter svojo 40-letnico V, ga . jprUa 1949. UlM^, FEDERACIJA D ZA JUŽNI DRUŠTVO "SLOGA" fr. 19 SJIPJ priredi kartna sabavo 7. marca v Lenkotovi dvorani. DRUŠTVO "VENERA" *T. 192 SNPJ priredi kartno zabavo 4» aprila v Collins Meyer FotŠ-jM S. S. Turn dvorani. , - DRUŠTVO "BRATOLJUB" iT. 234 SNPJ priredi domačo sabavo 3. aprila v Rdbarniškovi dvorani. DRUŠTVO -LILIJA" iT. 794 SUPJ priredi svojo plesno V^«Heo U. aprila v Collins-Meyer Posi—prtj S. S. To» dvorani! ■ MATHEW SMOLE, UU So. 69th Slr««t. Watt Allla U/ Wls. .i.. ........ I II .ll i *t ..... ... II. Kadar kupujete darila V Amerike je aelo razširjeni nšva-da, da dajemo darila za rojstne dneve, godove, obletnice in druge slične družinske praznike. Teiko boste našli primernejše in cenejše darili za tvojo ženo, svojo mater» za tvoje to-rodnice in prijateljice kakor je nova, velika, praktična ln lepa kuharska knjiga—Slovensko-emBnška kuharica. katero danes ie najdete s licor o v vseh naselbinah od New Yorka do San Francisca. Vsaki kuharici, Izurjeni kot neizurjeni. je dobra kuharska knjiga vsakdanja svetovalka in pomočnica tako pri izbiri kot pripravi vsakovrstnih jedil, itarokrajlkih kot ameriških. Ako je še ni v Vaši kuhinji, ai jo še danes naroČite. Stane 961 poštnino vred. Pošlje te tudi COD.. Naročilo naslovite na: Mrt. Ivanka Zakrajšok. 902 E. 72nd St.. New York 21. N. Y. cehu trpeti Ann Urbas, c. 604 606 Črtan: Ludwig 120766. 609 Črtan; William R, 1009T9. • ^ 919 Črtana: Ahnè. Bocko 926 črtan Dssi 626 Umrla Bi Zukina, Godina, c. valed Gtarpbola . \ Noracinodtk želodca NeprebavtMMI ' ■ .'MorvosnoBn v Vsdlganla plinov Zstfttbo apaaca U apatita povsroèonega ^SaT itM , Nabavile ti preiskušano. prijasno ,«ocko, c. 8 zopet »preist! Stephi trova B Te prtJasM étedko «dvslsU I realka .«rarilo van» Prodi vala *dte*snJo to Htlll. 11MISli Iti ■5PiSSCfltó: tekka r J ^ C. o.«» tàm IÉmi «. R^^HL' » 4 Klaslae. k . 8, 47 Umdš-34424 črtah 19178 63 Umrl GeoriB Stimac. «.19999. Črtan: Max M SchlberL «. 116163 91 Umrla: Frances DeMatt, t. 11879. , - % 99 UmrtI: John Nartnik. e. 9729-119999. Domian Blatnik, e. 11910 >7J> r. , 72 Umrli Joa«ph Andracia, . e. 114199. ' 29 Uifcrli Mike Kombc. c 44164. In rt Frank Mak. c 49991« .«8an aopet tprvjet Rail rt Mstaya. e 191999 ^ M črtana topgl aprajs4: Magda- lena Kuvi,«^ a 91999, M l,mrl JofcRltflifc a 17419. 90 črtaikt VielOc Jrje. 99 črtg»; John N. Puhat. g. 97 Odstopil JdBdph MrauUi. 0. 199298 Črtano Olfg c. 109991, t » it «àM«, « Vi j?aa,^. Marjeta Hose), c. 49960 ; Jaoob Unit, e. 27348 Raymond Ma*rin, to Mary Anzick. e. 83332 ni: Edward l^iita. c. 106790 g " Potar fuchs r, e» 119400, Antho-,+ nr Knmar, c. Min. 992 Louise M Rosa, c. sopet fpreJet: John Kar t Wték, c. 28661 •« 14997 c. 121966. Moor», c. 120660. George Marinkovich. c. ZSTJm&tZi D«. a Il sa. copet CalahfBM, «. léiOJ Antal. c. 100094. Etroite,', c. po8tsiro !f % ,posnanttveno> • POHÜDBO • ted te sa 1 Hilms pettnlne 1 _ «tedtte do VMS vrai. V»*'*'" •• i- Pošljite la "POBftBftt ÎFOKUDBr- i ; O Prllotan« M , \ a«vs M»^ ^ pot ta la« ¡□CO. D (I LA, VIDER. See'y. au hk r 919 Umrlf:*JosgphlaM Kot, «,,61646. 111 ^^k^fgg i mv^MM ta « Vi % 74 Ui 79 Ci Sitftl V^.V . . I'îWHiM urad •t Ptlfi tkÊÊMt t 89M (BU tte#t Stl MF . a ZOPET RAZPOŠILJAM PO DOMAČE NAREJENE KLOBASE IN ŽELODCE V 4MB kraja V (6 lha.1 ali veš. BiJvvJ»" * SJ JtiobBge Zon« 1 do 4 .t Cena 76» ». HM ......' • ------ -«rty-f^-——— rv. Cet... 91 Ii, Zom9 6 do 9 S»* — SSíSJÉí. ¿«»J*L I Hi_ Aunke od 13 lbs. m več tete pc 89c NAMOČITE SEDAJ ZA VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE JOSEPH LESKOVAR RACINE. WISCONSIN SUvm» Nafl Benefit SWifr in 4St h Year of jB fraternal Serwce~1964'194é ■...... .o ■ m ÏHkMH ENGLISH SECTION Help lo Increase Our I Juvenile And Adult Membership WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, ms LODGE YOUNG AMERICANS «hing foung win DETROIT, Mich.—You are cordially invited to attend the-Young American Anniversary Dance, Saturday, Feb. 21, with the ever-popular Frank Porovne and hs Musical Styl 1st« from Verona, Pa., furnish the music. At this affiar the Y American bowlers' drawing I take plate and the winners will be announced. Six prizes will be given away, with a combination radio being first prise. All bowlers with stubs out please get in touch with the writer or Josephine Spendal or else bring them to the dance. • The SNPJ Rowling League will resume bowling Feb. 2« after one week lapee due to the majority of thé bowlers partlcip|tlng in the SNPJ Eastern Invitational Tourney in Cleveland. In the Palmer Park Detroit Free Press mixed doubles, several Young American doubles combinations had very formidable scores such as Julius Kamineki and daughter Shirley, 127«; Andrew WerholU and wife Mitzi, 1256; Rudy Junko and wife Dora, 1826, and also Yin ;Hoetnik and Jean Nagel, llftO. \ The Detroit committee tor the National SNPJ Rowling Tournament April 26-64.26 are getting every, thing ready for all SNPJ bowlers and friends. Palmer Park Recreation is the aRe of the championahip bowling, and the Sproat Street Hall wRl he the place V> M "toof*" Saturday pfte with Franjbe-Jankovic'i polka music. The deédl/ne for en. trite fàr the tournament is March ,Oet your entries and hotel reservations in early so everything ean be scheduled well in advance of the week of .bowling. -'iAll j .Ta'4he secretaries of 1 ■pleaaeaend íes and ad-dreaéee to Joe«* Göll*. 20486 RuU, oAlj. Mich, or cell TW;i-20öL The SND has dancing every Satur-hite with music by Stagey .and Sunday nite 7. to 12 midnight, music by Rudy Masser k:; TJo JOSEPH GOLIA, 564. anttvj Export Marinos Plahning Dance ofc'the 3rd was a hua* mmi » and ottfc iilahF, »Vcronlana; .Ramblm add ot er lo^aes represented. WaW ha beaàiaiaUt *> bold k iksti on Ar PAGE FIVE comate swj juvenile anniversaries! EE NEW JUVENILE CIRCLESI tltPJI Once again we remind you that the year 1946 marks the 36th anniversary of the eetablishment of the JuvenUe Department and the 10th anniversary of the organisation of JuvenUe Circles in our Society. Each of these events, separately or combined, is highly deserving ot special ofaaervance. . We'utfo eut M^ka. circles and federations to designate at least one day this year to coramemOrate these two important anniversaries by staging elaborate social and cultural entertainment affairs in their respective lo-captfefc' Invite the talented Juvenile members of local and nearby lodges to participate in the programs. Call this your "SMPJ Juvenile Day" celebration. < Utillee the' ptaRla and success of these anniversary affairs to expand and develop juvenile activities in the communities where they are held. Use them alao to buttd.the membership by having your friends and relativea join the' Society for greater security, protection and happineea. a dual and active JuvenUe Circle ln every locality where one or more SNPJ lodges exista and, through this medium, educate the members to better understanding of the meaning of cooperative action for mutual benefit Organise juvenile singing' choruses, dramatic groupa, handcraft classes, athletic teams, sport events, games and contests for a more intelligent. and healthier membership, thus insuring the future prdgreaa of the Society. ' * ' ' 1a we Raff way of adding to the good name and prestige of the Society in your community than through the establishment of aa active Juvenile Oirole, one th«$.wUl,do things not only for the benefit of the local lodge or. circle but, also; U> make the community a better place to Which to live—one that will ataum« • responsible role in helping to re-juvenete the spirit and principle of fratarnellsm of which the entire world la so badly in need of today. > Oar luvefdle taambt» «nd m Circles form a medium through which the brotherhood of man can be railed te a higher standard than has ever before been attained within the ranks of our Society. We appeal, therefore, to every active lodge, not haying a Circle to organise one this year in honor of.thq 10th annfvaffgjy of our Juvenile Circles. There is no service more, valuable to the future profreaa of the Society and of the na-" than that *hkti has to do with keeping the minds and bodies of our t and neahh building Intereata and Make your number aine goal and project lp 1041 The ficat new juvenile circle of the year was organised at Anaconda. Chi activities this your occupied ln useful, Character Our JuvenUe dircjee are a far step In that direction. Montana. a iown df seme eleven thousand population located nopr Ru|ta, the largeat elty Jh the elate. As reported la the fetters received frpm Slater Violette Rtavanja. Director of the Circle, several'successful mçetirtf« ............' - ' " plana Äi%>der way for an active progra* mm knd enthusiasm df our juveniles in rahlp of the Circle« Rocauaè of the locality are mucji spirit knd enthusiasm Of our 1 a rapid racé and Sie mem' increase with each meeting of SNPJ In this particular imalntoe past. > 'A ¡ '7<" '1 ' . »» », « k e- e e Mvm* tr than any " • '7' 1 -e- a „ - , ,i 1**1 . '•. f '/Ui Y ■ ' Ax. 4. fc-V: *-J Afiee several yeaes of festivity, Circle II, (Ruckeye Jra.) of Warren, (dies been reorganized and ia nqw functioning under the direct! tava iacë^eïin^evÎvi^hTcS-S!?« are forward to the day when It will rank among the more Society. CW copfide prominent juvenile groups of the Society. We congratulate the leaders and members on their record to date and wish them every succeaa in their future endeavors. • * there for a ^yi rtowoniyaatai le> leadership Is and raaaensbleiin Htm«iieitvnf tka ouncemeni 01 m» IdMea w^a received last week from Slater. Freda Ro-Juvenile Director of Lodge 71«. Esport, Pa. in which with reference > procedure in laying. Ihe Iflilje't he preliminary plans call for the efteb-whlch the lUvenUgk of aU three local SNPJ ledgea idea behind this movement is a splendid one and *y outeet . .. . Still 'another letter on -----Rosemary Janetic. Secretary and Ju- of Lo^,l0O,jfcelid. Ohio .Hjfckoo, an effort wlM be je a new Circle and we are hopeful that aucoeaa will be article of Brother Joseph Dum, Secretsrv of n lust weeklf iaaue of the Official Organ in a specie! mretiai of aU the off ices* eMM la thd'Sloveac, Workingmen's Home en ,W®. & there en March 1, starting at I p, m. The pur* REORGANIZE CIRCLE NO ). Tkf. Collin wood lies era l<* sted, la aa ideal community for an lodge;a>ntiibutlng rnorsl snd financial lp, there ear be little doubt aa le tie MILWAUKEE, Wis.-Three mem-are on the aick Hal. Clara Yahnke, 4631 W. Burleigh at, Joe Kereich. 2664 N. 16th si.. Henry Maren. 1663 R 63 st. Pleaae visit the sick Whenever possible. Those receiving cards from the alofc committee to vlalt the sick should do so as the by-laws atate that ViaiU are to be made fwlce a week. Another thing is the lenity of members in paying their dues on time. Time and again We have stressed the Uhportaneo of paving dues on time er in advano* but lo ho avail. It ia not the sec. obligation to pay your dues at any time, ao make il a point to take care of this matter aow. The sec. haa received entry blanks for the Pioneer Handicap team bowling tourney lo be held |n Chi-cago April 11. All interested should atari lining up teams now and the same gees for those thai intend' to travel to Detroit for the SNPJ Rational Rowling tourney AprU >4*16. ' vaRewltaf Ta»s ' Welly Remic was top man In fhe Remlc 676 aa Me toppled g'total of 60S on games «f 2M-1I7-H6. Just missing the select group waa Tony Obluck aa he finiahed with 6*6 with a 134 game. k|att Lever alao hit 696 including a SU game. Joe Qla-van cracked 664.206. A! Maren 866. Frank Saalkowaki 663, and Eddie, Starlch 661 The Badger thru their wfrakly biffing with FLASHES went «il reaching the select class. Mickey e owak waa |h the groove as she totaled a nice Ml on games of 163-2P0-14I., Rice going, £T No. 1 a big with spot went ta shot a 491 at gama. Dot Rich came thru with a 161 game to U>t¿ 463. Was neaMn Une with WS of m acattafed over the copntry in a strong footheld anáj/et. a great major-be« their juVeéile mem Î$ÊM » ' waHere snd progress a péacreeg and watfare of \ we solidly behind our Juvenil** j Ivè locality MICRAEL VSHOVJflK, J**atfe Olredler . ylU be fur. Ernte H^PB HHP MM ti CSevktaM, wh^s hiuak W i*o,d*d ea'VKHdr reeordO»Jf heard ev-ary morning frotfi • » » 30 ah ata-Hon WOAR. Cleveland. ; . • D ; iAwagr Sata le hmp fa mind ia Saturrisy. fem K Wusw by the Vagabond* fr*fb Sharon The Vaga-t>ends s re heard every Sunday efler» ^ >iT«iSSaron aUlien, Si ■iL Trees we nirr to aee ee aaany of na; timers" who i •tp* ua'fV<">a om^i^mts i Old Slovene ¿2&W riirrtm*. we'll hied say MARY A. ttsr , aÄfty A kir drei e fed Croes eheptat« provided «ai «al fhaiilÉI laktaia ta ^ramae^duriiig the m. rasâna^ssa rontinue this work eo Uhelf 444^ Edith Haasa 4M, Loretta Geist 06. Ceil Oroth 434, Olga Rolka 4ML and Dolores Fischer J 4ï«r.Top spot of the week goea> te' Ntae going, lassie. Others lo hit for the honor group were Oen Hren with 631 in the Woman's Classic and Jane Perko 603 ln the Ore6n-field's ladies loop. i fakt ragbiat meny keTa'SÄttt there and bring that neighbor along With you., Tie enUrulnment committee promises some delightful surprises for you» ao don't miss obi. Kebernisek'i Ks 11 1$ the place lo-OS ted. at 8. .Üb and W. Bruce at. Time, 6 p.m. sharp, j Salty, 664 r • f eronitn VERONA. Pa^i ry members ot held this fx ikmoni High na wW pîieerti enterutaer, in a tier. This er«anU nationwide and Js^ entertainment fdr young at the doof/B bei s to ut tend (he dance March I The dance Ml W^auB fíj^ , 'Alee r»nUpd ymt nywü»n af the taálla» »aant«t aetnn| far March Will be UrM Hundar, MdlS iTl* glnmng et | pm. Make ae oakar arrendements fer äS^deriTA meet In» la the important event fer that day. : The Universal Comets are te ht ■aaVJpt massai of i Uf a grand who Mtfn¿d. - - — — - I - — w - - — ^p — — I- m ■ ^^ » I'® i^la^ Oterglf EiffWv .rlebe^W hu Mb bihhday Feb 16 by hevtng a ear* 1er Ms meny fneela, as aend he- vfi IHR Mf IM mem, m the ----thiy et CHICAGO—The February meeting of , the Pioneer* waa one in whieh we dtacussed many problem at length and one which had a belter attendance than usual. Many members look part In the discussions. We reviewed maltara pertaining to the federation, oar bowling league, the. Mldw«t SNPJ bowling tournament, eur own Invitational handicap tournament and the matter of free press. Indeed, we contributed |100 towards the cause of the free press which la an answer to the lawsuit filed by Ihe Rev. Gabrovsek against Proa vela. Prolaterec and Enakopravnaat. Likewise. we contributed to the urgent appeal of the Spanlah Refugee Committee. Four new membera were Initiated and two transferred membera were received. Four othera transferred out to other lodges. The auditing committee gave a report on the fourth quarter audit and Ihe complete financial statement was given. The Pioneers have Ihe larg-eat membership on record, numbering 741 d^es paying active membera, 4 newly accepted and • on the canceled Hat, most of whom will be reinstated. It waa a good meet* ing, aU in aU. Rrother Michael Vrnovnik showed movlea at ihe conclusion of the meeting: These were Well received. • • • It la neceaaary for the yauag people in our Society 1« learn ,more about the lawauit tiled against the prognasaive Slovene publications snd go into Ihe matter of contrib uting to the defeaae fund. We are quite positive that many thlaga are aaid and done and even written which are detrimental to orgentaa* fions and individuate, by thoae who are behind thia lawsuit, but the real have been tolérant enough te apaer* them. The auR, therefore, k unjustified. It la our duty lo help la tha defenae. It la a duly of the committee to go out add aollcit and wage an eggreeaiVa campaign for funds. Let'a unite all the progrès-atve ioraaa against ilia reaction whidh is trying ta dislocate us. , Wa had to piaoe Margaret Her-ganrolher on the aick liai again She had a relapse of the previous ailment.—-Anna Deverlch now op-erataa a tavern at 3343 Blue Island a.f-Jaak Groeer of New ' sehda money for Ihe Pioneer an and sska ta ba pUced an of thr squads for Aa Pioneer >a ¿?tko,nsob Gregorft^Anna^Oni-Stoil John Jane«k and Previa nezlc have responded ta Our request to vlalt the sick. Our new setup calls for tha rnaiitmi of postcards lo' all Pioneer membera ae thai all of you ean ahaia in the fraternel work and particularly rth» visiting otf |M^atae>b«-rs^t>okg;Wie • new spirit , haa permeated the Pioneers and they are responding »plendldly Jo the e*t»ala of the office* We «till n«-rd mare Willing frsternalisu lo aha re In our work. • •.« »The Chicago Bun and Times had a splendid editorial en Ihe Or« k situation last Thursday. They r». iatad how the American people had keen fooled and bluffed by Preil. dent Truman about the Oreek sn ualion, hew wa were going te help ~ seoe economically with millions dollars, but eew find thai moat the lidMy haa «one far military Il 10 a shame when our must lie taenia own peo g lu rally, (hey were W^tHm, s| piaoe, 1%ey knew what wanted all the whll.-In* Resident Truman A me rida n people when ihe y tMr— „ far taiarfering In the ■as ate doing m «reace, ear military officials are taking j 4n ihe reactionary side of tha Oreek civU war. If we have a right to Wdta aide« ae lMave,4|a RawtajM, fc what » sham. ih#%r5oulH Have to mkrni$mt raaetionety fraupe qgamgt the eemhiog p Yea the editorial bring« tame the people in the country awaken soon, we can be embroiled in another war before you know it • • • Congrees haa before It now a bill to reduce Ihe intereat on poet«I savings from 8« lb 1%. The committee reported it favorably. Now it wUl be up lo Ihe leglalqlure lo approve It Becauae Ihe only purp«»«-this change would have, would be to drain funds from the postal savings system, we are oppoaed to It. and we are advising our congrees-man accordingly. Free enterprisers lust can't stand by and see a good and sound and well functioning government agency. They 4o everything poaalble te cripple It. If you are smart, you, Joe, will write your congressman —A report current in the Wall St. Journal relate« th«l American automobiles Have been bringing a pretty penny in England. A 1647 Ford, fetches up lo 6%000 and a Bulck aa much aa 611000. Ia it any wonder, ao many cars are ablpped abroad? Is it any wondff why wo don't have cars that want and nedtft Pre« doesn't care for us. They juat want the bucka. Jugoslavia la having a difficult 4 time In trying lo defreete its go) in ihe Uplted Slates. It ia all right for tha reactionary governments to wpocure their money and their credit, but not for the people's government of Jugoslavia which la a re. public. And, in order to counter act the demand our State Department piles up all kinds of bills agaiasl the Jugoslav». The> wouldn't do that If tha preaent gov bMpB^waa headed by the reec Uonary King or bjr some seml-faaclst Ep, juat ao || waa frae enterpria-;Only Strong preaaure from thd rican oitlaana can defreeze thia gold for the Jugoslav government, (loodndgg Rhea* they oould use it clothe to faed aad elotke their people and build theii' Induatrlea • • • Uf ; Freni what I know about free. R ia Rial «imply a nloe way te aay that M'a a robbing aya-tem and that there la no limit to what you can rob and take, ft's a aha me that'a ae. • » « Membera of the Jugoalav Savings and Lean Aaa'n will hold their an-Meal meeting SeturdaF, VML A'at ¿he Center, 1991 Si Uwndele ave After the uaual reports and (he new business, we will serve good re-ifeahmenla, AB membqra are invited to attend STRABANE PIONEERS STRARANE, Pa—Just like we iredlcted, our Valentine party urned out to be a huge success. Everyone that came couldn't deny that they had a wonderful time. Every table was taken and the ballroom was so crowded that we had very little room to dance but we managed quite well. We are sure our Invited guests Were very impressed with the warm friendlineas and inaffected simplicity among our lodge member« «nd no doubt are thinking, "Now, how did I miss being a member of such wonderful fraternal organization al the SNPJ all this time?" We always stand ready to welcome you all aa member«, just let us know when. The Frank Klemenclc band fur-nl«hed the lovely music. Have you all noticed how obliging they are when we want them to play a few eatra round» of music long after their quitting time? They Just can't say no, Their gracious wives were also our invited guest« and they aeemed to enjoy every minute of Ihe party. The professions! floor show hired for the occasion was grand, but we think our "shows" among our "rank and file" are still "tops" as they are never rehearsed and provide many and many good healthy chuckle for all of us. The entertainment committee deserve the highest praiae for making our Vaelntine party Ihe oUtatand-ing affair that |t waa. It will fond-ly remain In our memories forever. Piontfr Personalities The Eddie Florganclca celebrated their 6th wedding anniveraary with a large party of their own al our Valentine party. Congratulations! Helen Twardy, prety young mother of 3 sons, celebrated her birthday at the same affair. We extend belated birthday greetings, x. Bo that birthday greetings won't always have to be "belated," you all can help by submitting friends', ralatives' and your own birthday dates at least I weeks ahead either to us or "Slim" and Helen Tershel in the barroom. We will be happy to wiah a greeting to all of our members on their own apecial days. That goes for anniversaries, new babies, engagements etc. ' Mr, and Mrs Frank Marscek of Varberton, Ohio, were among the many out-of-town guests al our Valentine party. Josephine was a former Pioneer "princees," Frankie vfry graciously played the aecor- LI. Jr. Bright Spots WT _ . _ A dion for the musical background for ||a> nonprofessional floor «hows. Many thank« to you, Fronkie, from No. 669 One, of the many diversion« at i iiiaiv Li. «hhf evening waa group »Ing- uTUrtB3J faZSjPS} h2 P"« A"**1™ and a,OVWni' ""I" me very well informed an^ from'^ frtnc-i Julm Abac, Millw ■rMl Podbov Tunv Mavrleh. Carl Pod- peftln^fll fim i slid REPOS, 3T9 l'a tamil ws I ma f-ryfiffrf m gor t/n. aaa, Cleveland SNPJ Federation Will Meet February 2S 1 CLEVELAND. 0U49>U la to t$, g an ishitjaaagflfii of (he «aad SNIV Lndgf« (bal tM naiutar meetn« of Ctavatann «BfUaewl be held Set. i. 99, at 7 JO p. m. et the at'l Heme on St Clair 1er ear Sanee en Bnafi 99 will be up fer dlsfesalon. reahineeu Witt be served after the Plan ta attend MATT PBTROVICH, Free all raparía time at the danee, Thank Vaa»boiid¿ritfff everybody quite conte ef-towaatal »wm. »trabane I fVeryone W'ifmr a Thera are rUitnfrou« dance« ea ihe futura eehetfúta that aM a mugt. In Coverdele on March 9, featuring Ule Vagabonda. You fan bel your Ufa the I t to, will he (fiera very w«ll lepiesented and in Ml swing } Then on April ft b4*k in Library for Ike dene« betag laid la rakM* funda far the Slavene Radio aro-Thia la vary SnpeAaat. Kr- rEt^Mt' apd mopej ^ ti Mail wdfk hi radio SM I W< find the exact precíalo fat ever a. mmI aha frienda, you »ea« we w from eur Stavena Hour going ta heve ta 0(tah somelhiim about R. ft,I ,eaak and ëydi Uf eamlinee wOl be here give yen good nuíaia. end fie rommMMMHPjM vary good hosts and tooftagaea (d rob. May f count on seeing you (hartf , I still aan't get around to lather up the lorel goMlp, but f( prornlae /0u er a law weeks rs im weH M Aw, and give you «ri Rie apera you wgna. Rere la the Im tie ftp* y bave Waa b«fr fron. SmT\S»;i rJ^Jj'S® M from Sedllng me Oom to see all the *1r I. ...... ( -...) 3. -..wwii»».....(.........i. (-----------) I —{ ) I............... ......> 3.--------- Name Address ..'. ... nd Hsrlk heevy burs* also dlcsp dlvlsfon better thsg tbe that had been jeer. Fragfc Gpfob added 187 tallies for t 80S series 173. The the han-two pins 8's 1150 prsctlcslly sll iM spd to pace impegers to a three point win over the second aJoi Concordian No. I^Hj^Bi fotertodgs League the Mustsngk, Hi Wsntuck's 584 series lesding e way, strengthened their hold on first piace by whipping the Wolves twice. Tl?e $£%rs Continued thafr Winning way* by taking two games iron) ll^ BMNWM^^ ti^y series wee the big noise foe the Beers. Wk K. Vrhovaik sweeping along la m 818 series the Tigers took the Rangers for two gsmes. K. Metushek's 580 e*n<* was the big factor In the Sentinel* dowoiag the Psnthers twice. they include: EBTRIESt Mail entry Avenue Chteago 28 I« no «.harfe te ment Mcretary. »e MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. Juvenil* ptreeiar of MJJ I Tb« siastn* cntry «et* k March 38. 1848. De aal briiaag eaeept fbe uul çl br.wtl»>g which muet h« 1 » m 288* Se. Lewndale any lees es these paid »a the leoal tauraa C8RTI F IC AT I O g This Is lo certify the« the sbove listed headers ere membera standing of lbs SN P J . Lodge Hau......«L_______________ Jery had 51B for who weiti bowled over In thif fifth knockdown I crew the lajttfr rty plenty "mon. Bpkuu:, Bpbinc It Co. (Gubanc. Vfjyc and Novak) march on! Tha Utopian Ha 3 quintet hurdled the Euclid No. 188 veteran* three times to extend their winning stresk to twelve games. Joey Usic was the mainstay for the rising keglers (from twenty-first place to a tie for seventh) with a »4 game in a 572 set. A 484 by John Zgonc was best for the Vets. The Utopian No. 8 five featured Bill Kronik in the leedlng role to conouer the Buekd No. 188 sans twice. «Ufa finale ended la a 348 abet that Bounded out a 804 setto. The 348 went Igte 8 three way tie tfekd in the igdividasl standings. enMtori* with 500 was high for Another winning streak saw last yesr's charuipon Lodge, Cleveland clubbers rsck up then ninth striaght and a tie for fifth after * close evenly matched batfle with tHe Lundgr Adatpie'*. Vic Gruden led hi* m«te* wltb 534 while Frank Svlgel topped, »ne hl* companion* with 512. t«am Results: Loyalite Utopian No. 2—Q, M. Dei jyi Ufoplen No- 2—0. » H. Zorman SÍ2 Loyalite No No, 1—f, benak 58^ 55O7J' o. Ira tie Np S. Porun 484 ■1»' 3-0: T. Star-Cleveland H. Zorman Loyallt* No S t ra •/ 1—8 ste - Združeni Brat man 553, S. F 31. Lunder Ad«mlc 0. V, Gruden nP. $vlgel 511. Ufoplaii No. $— ucltd Vets No. 158—0! J. Uslc 573, J. Zgonc 481 Speitap* 3, Concoman No. S. Žagar 564, A. Lunder 530. Lopatite No. 3-1 Utopian No 4-1. t Ple*lvec 543, J. Jerse 505. Struggtei No. 1—1 Uttmlan No. f—1. J. Pretnar 539. . Benedlct 500. Utopian No. I S. Struggler No. F. Telar 528. Concordian No. Utoplgn No. 5—3, 3—V' i. fom*ic 555, fenfire smj —In pesien* week's bowling sessions of the Southside %-lJavec's 818 sffenile teegraphic twrney april 2-3-4 Closinff Entry QmU Marek 26 ' The National 8NPJ Juvenile Telegraphic Tenpm Bowling Tpufnament which, th.i* year, wiU bv held on April 2-3-4. had U* beginning ia tha spring of 1945—the closing year of the recent world war. In fact it pwes it* origin te the emergency ben imposed by the government on traveling and national Sport events a* necessary, w*r restrictions Thst year both adult and juvenile members wese Invited te partial«ate in tbe telegraphic tournament. The resppgs* qi pur lodge* «nd Juvgnile Circles exceeded our highest hopes. A total of 127 teems, of which 115 warn adult and 13 were juvenile, entered and competed for na|ipg^ championships, trophies, snd cash awards. Eleven local tournaments vweee com -bin«d info one big national tournament with all results forwsrded to the Mgin Office of the Society to (fotermine champions in each event Tha ftsat telsgsaphlr tournament was one of the most interesting ever stsged in the SNPJ. It was something new snd different—e national bowling event which required no traveling. Everyone ooukl stay right at home and roU his games at the nearest sanctioned bowling alleys. When 4ll tha shooting was over, the local tournament secretary telegraphed or mailed by speeigl delivery to the Main- Office the namee of the winnera and, tbeu respective scores. Tbe suspense which followed was terrific, especially for those bowlers who felt thay had a chance to win, for a period W. Jar y 5W. Utopia« 1158-ñn Ne. 1—2, fmsrk luad the .X Op 10b 80 n, 8—2 Eu-B'.' Kronik 804, T, did No Ogrln 522 200 Clrclsi B. Krenlk 248, J. Usic 234, F. Oofob 338. T. Skok 220. J. Pretnar 319, S. Zupqn »18, J. Keren 21^ M. Debensk 313-810, F. MaroK 213, F Lube 310, D. Novak 308, L. Zadali 308. f. Y« kovač 388. T. Starman 383, S. Žagar 181. V. Gruden 300, C. Starman 208. Bilde 8a s Sleatsi Our sincere congratulations, snd Cleveland's »o Stan Z upon of tbe keyslites on his election' ss sthletlc nepeesantstivs on the NaUonsI Athletic Board. . . Mr. St Mrs. Joseph FtfoU and family enjoying the evening* oard. . . Petri Golob of the Sm ugglers also drop-pnlg ln to sea hie aaamhers in sc-. . After losing all three to tlfo in««. Andy Pokier of the Utop-solemnly exefttmed. "ftlabo delal." Can't get them sll the Andreje I. .. Jws Karlinger had Brnie Merritt merited a better then the 103 gMomer thst was wtched between 181 snd 103... big oesh snd cmry home men week were BiH Kronik and lb Oolob with their 348 and 383 returns. . . Lsst week Vic Oruden assured himself of a happy birthday by knocking off the jaehget and this week orlebrgled the even* by leadlitf his lory over the shutout vie- 110 and 100 sticks peer the aver< were Chuck Staritytt'e (113) 170-174. Ed LeskoveO's (I») 158*171 and Leuta 308-181-188. . .Hike >ve, D. Lesseri's 581 (198) and Mender's 309 (181 >. ' So long, until again L. K., 810. Credit fop Photograph Th« picture of Rudy Perdan, five-year-old Cleveland bowler, which appeered in last week's official organ was one of a series of four different photo« taken of him by Frenk lie Jr.. member of Lodge 578 SNPJ. Brother He was slso engaged by the Clevelend SNPJ Athletic Leegue as tbe officiel photogrepher for tbe Eastern Invitstkmsl Howl Ing tournsment held lest Seturdsy snd Sundsy, We understand that pictures taken of bowlers uk! via iters In Clevelend will be pftfcted at Ihe headquarters of the National Hng Tourney In Detroit Higher c will no doubt be on hard to c*-nd hta oamere ' sheotlnf" to "big ger game"—scenes snd champions of tie national event. long 81* th en Slovenian 1 eat ing in the I miaa Home al lewer hall a« Ihe that Our tend drawing wiU also take place al that time with thirty six pities going to the lucky winners Music and re-frfahmcnta available with sll SNPJ members and friends Invited te at-Join in the merrymaking Attest Tournament Secirtary lawlge Sécrétai y S.N.P.J. BOWLING TOURNAMENTS Mama fog Place Ba«#lna -—«JIPI ....... MIDWCBT BOWUnO TOtfMBY Mar. 8-7 Sheheygen Feb. If PIONEER HANDICAP TOWRNtV Ag|. U Chkege Mer Jt 38 NATI88U JU j IIIWI >4>i Va*.pfoe« Mae.« NATtOHAL Ttimr M>WI S#8- 3134 31 Detreti M«f.38 AimVIL DOCim fOOMlY 3t9f 3 .... ¿ of ten d«ys eiapaed before complete and flnsl results oould be announoed in the Prosveta. But it wa* a lot 0/ fun competing agains^ members you couldn't see, hundreds of miles «part and on the same days, and then having to wait and wait for the report of the winners. Tbe sgase kind of tournament, described in the foregoing paragraphs, will be the big attraction in the SNPJ on April 3*3-4, but confined to juve-nUe contestants only. For sfter the war ended, the telegraphic tournament for adult members was discontinued. They went back to the prewar method of deciding Vieir championships which requires ail bow lata to compete for honot-s in the sgme bowling establishment. The juvenile telegraphic tournament was not only retained, but'to it were addbad double» and singles events. It h*s grown slowly but steadily in the throe years of its existence, increasing from a low of 12 teams in 1945 to twenty ill 1947- Thi* iraar w* are anticipating a record-breaking entry of possibly ss many as thirty teams. Doubles and. singles also are expected to show a propprtlonate gain. All of laej4 year's champions, we believe, will again see action In defense of their titles. The tournament promises to be the biggest sport event of the entire year for SNPJ juveniles, one that will provide thrills, excitement, suspense, and fun galore for every contestant. Oa behalf pf th« SNf J, the National Athletic Board extends a hearty invitation, to all Juvenile members to enter and participate in the fourth annual National Telegraphic Bowling Tdurnament. If your lodge or Circle has never before been represented in any of our juvenile bowling tournaments, then do make this your first year. Begin at once to contact and organize your bowlers. Don't put off till you are sure they can win high honors, but enter them now and let them have fun growing Into championship caliber. , A* in tbe previous three years, so also in 1948, the telegraphic tournament wiU consist of a number of smaller tournaments, these organized and staged in vgripus localities where our lodges and Circles are established. There shall be two sepsrate divisions, one for boys and the other for girls, esch consisting of five-person team, doubles and singles events. Any juvenile member in good stending, who joined the SNPJ on or prior to February 1, 1948, will be eligible to participate in any one or all three events. Your Circle or ledge may organize and conduct a tournament in your town, as a part of the NATIONAL TOURNAMENT, confined entirely to your own members or, if you so de^de by mutual agreement, arranged in conjunction with other Circles and lodges in your locality or district. H a local tournsment cannot be organized, the lodge or Circle can still be represented in the telegraphic tournsment even if there is only one member willing to bowl. The Ins portent thing about our telegraphic tournament is that none of the bowlera need travel any farther than the nearest bowling alleys tu take pact in its various events You are free to choose any bowling estSblnkmeht lii'pour town 01 nearty town. The alleys, however, must be certified by the Amerioen Bowling Congress, otherwise the scores will not be acoepted. The rules also provide that each event shall be rolled across two alleys snd no two events shall be rolled on the same alley* by the same bowlers, unless there are fewer than six alleys in the bowling establishment. Eaeh focal tournament should have a secretary, preferably an adult member who ia familiar with the rules and conduct of such events. It should be his duty to report the time and piece of the tournament, mail the entry blenks, scores, and any other necessary info* mat ion to the Juvenile Director. Trophies and/or other suitsble prizes, more sttrsctive thsn those given by ^he SNPJ lsst year, will be awarded to the champions and runners-up. First, second and third places in each event, including also all-events and high game winners, will be entitled to prises, a complete list of which will be published in the Proaveta. It Is of utmost Importance thst entry blsnks be acted upon *t the earliest possible dete, so that all arrangements can be completed in time. March 20 Is tbe dcedllno. This mesns that entry blanks must be in the possession of the Juvenile Director of SNPJ on or before that date. If your lodge or Circle did not reeeive entry blanks for tbe telegraphic tournament, or failed to get a sufficient number of them, kindly use the one printed be-K>w. As rapidly as teems are formed, send in your entry blsnks. Dpn't deley! MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, Juvenile Director. NATIONAL SNPJ BOWLING TOURNEY Important Rules and Regulations Nth National 8NPJ Tenpin Detroit, Michigan, en April 33-34-38 Tbf DEADLINE lev all entries ta Mi held The Twelfth Netfonel SNPJ Tenpin Bowling Tournament will be fo Detroit. Michigan, en April 33-34-38. 1848. March 38. This meeas that stt entry la the heads of the teurnement secretary on er tbe BMPJ en or prier te January tranaferrfd from one st least ntoety (881 days ledge le another. preceding th« AB entries shell he checked for eligibility with membership records In the Main Office 0« the S1ftJ and. in case any membes Is found to be ineligible. tbe Athletic Director shall nogfy the local ledge secretary al least lea day* prior fo fbe tournament. The tournament shall be conducted la two classes, A and 8* snd each a« these fo twe >«par»!* divisions, on« foe ama and the ethos foe women Ljwl«rt. a* fol low t MEN'S DIVISION TEAM ... DOUBl.rs SIMOLES TEAM DOUBLES SINGLES « ISO CLASS ~A" WOMEN'S DIVISION DOUSLEI £ " - BINOLES .....130 * - OLAS 788 average and lew« 318 - ' * 188 foe fer each bowler per s "f" TEAM DOUBLES BINOLES 848 a 138 "A" Is 83 88 end m eegy el the fo CLA88 eeel el bee la CLASS ~B L 188». vgrttjéag mm with a hg the respective secretary. 81 asmas, railed to Isagaa competition, is required »0 Fee aialMi who 8« «al heve sa established avec end 138 tar women bowlers, required fo weev the Society s elhletk emblem ec the le otbee aOisMlssmal. mtn thst portamin« to the Is Mti »ai. Far further tolotmaltoa sad developments an Ihe townsmsal. wsirk the English Section el the Prosveta ia Ihe weeks ahead RATIONAL ATHLETIC BOARD. Forward, Loyalites CLEVELAND—Another successful Loyalite affair has been written in the books. Yes. I am speaking of our lodge bowlers dance, which was held just recently. Once again our faithful member« came through with flying colors and gave that very fine cooperation which ia needed to make any affair a success, not by just working at the dance but also going out and setting tickets, also advertising our dance and our lodge. The people that helped out at this dance one tfay or the other are too numerous to mention, so to all of you good people a great big "Thank you" from the lodge. A lot of us wonder sometime what would happen if Stan Zupon would lose a certain little notebook that he carries around before and after our dances of which he is chairman. Maybe there would be a lot of hap py people, huh, Zup? Our regular monthly meeting held Feb. 14 was well attended altho some members missed pai^t of tho meeting due to the fact that for a change our meeting started oa time and business was taken care of ia short order. The lodge would like ta continue this policy, and with the members cooperation it could be so. It sure was a pleasure to see Joe and Jennie Fonda, Ann Grabowski and Mary Gornik at our meeting. Incidentally, Jennie, Ann and Mai y are charter members of our lodge. Here's hoping that we see more of you at our meetings. New members accepted into our lodge are William Quinn, John Car dowsky and Joseph Cadowsky, transferred from Lodge Mir juve-1 niles to lodge Loyalites; adults, Martha Jean Bambic. A hearty welcome to you new members, which also goes to our new juvenile member and the youngest, Mary Ann Fortuna. On the sick list we have Mamie Bokal and Kay Bozic. ) The lodge wishes both a speedy recovery. Some things that you don't see very often at our socials. Tony Kaz-telic and a few other members carrying a juke box into the room to give out with the music on account of no accordion player. Helen Smer-del selling refreshment tickets in place of Sophie Pajk. No offense, Helen. As Red "Ballerina" Zaman , would say, "Very good." Some people like to dance with tbeir shoes off if they want to save shoe leather. I guess it's their business, but what business has a bartender letting a bottle of spirits of something trickle through his fingers and break. (Clumsy guy.) I wonder who that was? But all in all, a good time was had by the members and that's why we have our lodge socials. Congratulations are in order for our lodge secretary, Stan Zupon, who was elected to the National Athletic Board to represent Oiatrict 3. We are all quite sure thet Stan ia more than capable of handling this job. Stan is and hae been one of our hardest workers in our lodge for quite some tipie. He alao has been the lodge's representative to the Clevetanc^Athletic League since it was organized, which ia a long time. We all know that he will put forth his best efforts in this job as he has done to others that he was responsible for. The very best of luck, Stan, from Lodge Loyalites. LOUIS ZADELL, 500 ■ Juvenile Circles Of the SNPJ Family Helpmate By Dorothy Sodnik For thtx week we have a tasty quick dessert. I haven't found a name for it yet Perhepe you can find one after you make it. Here are the ingredients: Make 1 pkg. pudding any flavor; \ box vanilla wafers (Graham crackers are good too), 1 bottle whipping cream; grease one refrigerator tray, line with cookie crumbs blended with 2 tablespoons butter or shortening, pour cooked padding into tray, cover with the rest of the cookie crumbs and set in freezing compartment. When reedy to ecrve. whip one bottle of cream, spreed of top cut into squares and top with red maraschino cherries. Serves 5 people. Shortcut to Pressing To Iron the many waahable boys' trousers quicker and eesler, just hang them with a crease, wet on pants hangers When they ere dry they retain a crease and have a nice smooth hhape. Ley them on ironing board, run a damp clo^h over them and pre»» lightly. You won't imnd washing so much when you can iron them so much quick• r. Noveltir« Have you ev»-r juet for fun liked to do things differently« Here's a little perronal touch you ran add to thet delayed n<4* you are sending to a friend. Fold ordinary stationery peper in half. On the top sheet in the upper left hand corner peste e flower or deaign from some of your odd bits of materials You can make the most unusual note peper of just a plain sheet Find out what flowers or rotor* youj fiu-ndi. like and erl a/--i • •rdmgly It mean* a lot when >«iu go to * lit lie trouble for a fiiend You can uar cotton prints, silks and yarns peated into initiate or other designs. D<> the duty which Hetb nearest to thee Thy second duty will elided) have become clearer - TVirna* čailyle Circle No, 58 to Present a Play DETROIT. Mich.—On Feb. ,14, the Juvenile Circle No. 38 was invited to a Valentine party given by our director, Mrs. Gertrude Taucher. Itl was held at hex home and there was fun galore. TherV were games, prizes, music and valentines were exchanged. Afterward a very lovely luncheon was served; yum, yum, those delicious cakes! On Feb. 15. our Circle met at the Slovene Workers Home on the date of our regular meeting. There was quite an attendance. Come on you young SNPJ juveniles, let's make this Circle bigger and better. We start rehearsing for our play that will be given the first part of May. H is coming along fine; with the hard work of our director -and with the cooperation of everyone we are sure it will be a success. Our Circle was very sorry to hear that Jeen McEackrm waa ill. We ail wish her a speedy recovery so we cen see her at ear next meeting which will be held March 11 at the SWH. «7 Livernoia. We'll be seeing yea all I MARGARET DEVYAK. Pres. Circle 56 Plans Birthday Dance ALIQU1PPA, Pa—The following members arc our officers for this year: President, Dorothy Rudich; Vice President, Ann Boranko; Secretary, Bernice Golixer; Recording Secretary, Elsie Kabay; Treasurer, Marlene Smrekar. Our Feb. meeting was held on Feb. I, with thirty-five members present. Our past president, Mary Ann Rudich, who is now acting as our assistant director, reed the pledge te the new officers. I am sure we will do many more things this year than we had last year with our two directors and assistant director. We have plenty of things to look ahead for and to accomplish. Sach as our pins we are making and the younger children their sowing. We are still planning on our anniversary dance which will be bold on April 10 at the Sens ef Italy hail it West Aliquippa. More details in the next letter. The outstanding in bowling activities are frene Mukanus, Catherine Danjanick, Mildred Rudich, Shirley Grazulis. Roftald Derglin, and many others are improving their scores. Keep up the good work, kids. DOROTHY RUDICH, Pres. Perfect Circle 26 News and Views CHICAGO.—Perfect Circle held a regular business meeting last Satur day morning. It wae a good meeting, well conducted, end I think this is largely due to the tact that the Circle has adopted the policy of having the executive officers meet oace e month to assemble ideas, sugges t|ona and plans tor the mutual bene fit and welfare of the Circle. The officers then preaent the program to the membership, and have been doing a very good job of this, end the members respond accordingly. Tentative activities discussed and scheduled so fee ase are an E party which the older rnembe«» will make for the younger ones, the SNPJ National Bowling tournament which Perfect Circle will sponsor here in Chicago (see "Speaking of Sporla"), a program appearance at a meeting of the Progressive Slovene Women of Amerlce. end a special sectai fer our parrnta to take place sometime in May. perhaps in connection with a bowling match between parents and the members. The parents have been after us to even up scores, and we will try and work it in somewhere at this time. SNPJ Awards We were very plaaaently surprieed with e visit from Michael Vrhovnik. Juvenile Director of the SNPJ. It was nice to see him in our midst, cr pec tally since he was the bearer of such good tidings. Mr. Vrhovnik present** the Circle wKh e plaeque, the bronae emblem ef which reeds "SNPJ Juvenile Circle of the Yeer-1047—Circle No. 80. Chicago. Illinois." The plecqae ie e reel beauty, m fact the beet we have ever won, and the Ctrrle Is very proad and happy to be Ac owners of it We were alao preeeated with the Voice of Youth trophy for 1947, and this golden like trophy cup. beeutifully Inscribed, only added to our already brimming cup of happiness Both awards will be very ettractlve additions to our ever-growing collection ef tiuphfce Thle ie the fourth con secutive year that Perfect Circle hea won both theae tronhy award*, and H la *>oi« thing that we all are very pro«td at. To the SNrj. Perfect Circle ex ♦end »tirere epprvnafinn for alt the opportunities which enabled them to arln theae beiutlful and highly coveted awards Wolterines News DETROIT—Our second meeting of the year waa wcR attended considering the fact that quite a few of our members were either on their way to Cleveland or home making preparation« for the event. Because our meetings are aow being held on the t*st side, we had to havi saw the stage play. "The Man Who charter transferred from the West Came To Dinner." a hilarlaus 3 act' ddc. Nominated for the task was comedy which we all enjoyed im- Vic Strciaar, wholly capable of the mensely. 1 jvb which he peeved by bringing the It was e double treat Sir us be- Lodge 511 charter instead of our cause we had the opportunity to see own. Sorry, 518. 'twas really a mis- Edward Udovich doing a bit part in take .u. »jk..^ _ «i_J____i. r\. the pbQr. Edward, a first' yea* stu dent at the Goodman is mainly in teres ted in direction and production, but since the school advocates practical theory in all its phaaez, the «undents ase alao cast in the asaay plays that arq put on for the general paying public. Eddie is a former Circle member, and now is aaslstant director of the Circle, and we all were very glad to see him appear ia a play at one of our very favorite theaters. And Edward, you have our very best wishes for continued success in your chosen field of work. "Carnegie Hall" Movie On Friday evening, a smaller group of members attended one of the local theaters, and saw the movie "Carnegie Hall." This mov», which was highly advocated by their own school music teachers and lendoee was definitely a treat for the music lovers of the Circle. Featured in the merle were such artists ss Ja-scha Hctfetz. Arthur Ruhenstoin, Jan Pmtcc, Ezio Pin?a, LUqr Pons, Rise Stevens, etc., and conductors Stokawshi. Dam roach, Rodeimkl sad many, many other fine musicians. Music, especially good music, is very important to quite a few Circle members who play in their school aad community bands and orchestra Those of us who saw tlMk arcade recommend U highly for its superb musical entertainment. Pley This coming Saturday morning, Feb. >8, Perfect Circle wl» meet between 10 and 18 a. m. aad have a get together session. Games will be set up; we'll discuss this and that» the tickets for our *bowfer's ben" will be reedy for distribution, end more general Information regarding forthcoming activities will be available. Members are requested to at least pick up their allottment ef tickets on thia morning, any of the ether activities scheduled are optional. See you all then. ANN SANNEMANN, Director. Jptry Quip* Circle No. 56 ALIQUIPPA, Pa.—The. monthly faceting of the Circle went on record close to a perteet attendance. The new officers ware inetalled by the former president, Mary Ann Rudie, who si now acting as assist-ent director. Many interesting subjects were discussed pro and con by the members. One ef the meat important subjects discussed was the First anniversary dance to be held on April 10. Since the SNPJ ie having two important juvenile anniveraaries, namely, the 35th anniversary af thz Juvenile Deparunent and 10th Anniversary of the organization of Juvenile Circles, we thought it fitting to combine the three nanlvemries with a generel celebration. For this event we ere engaging Joe Umeck Jr. and his orchestra from Glrard, Ohio. More details of this affair will be given in the near future, These arc busy days for our juveniles between handicraft meetings, bowling practice and the coming SNPJ Quizz Program planned for our next meeltng, they hardly have time for anything else, but they love every minute of it. Our Circle donated 15 to a worthy cause, 'The March of Dimea'1 Our town went over the top In their quota. Bet nice Gaiixer waa the lucky winner of Ike benk award of the month. Congratulations. Four new members were added, to our list. They are Petricie Wau-cbad. Carol Lou let Benedict. 4am-ufl Benedict aad Jean Lampleh. Welcome into our fold, members. JOSEPHINE STRUBLE. Drector P.S. W.News CHICAGO. III.—Thu ia just a short reminder to yap Pregreaaive Slovene Women that your next meeting ia scheduled to take place on Wednesday evening. March 1, et 8 o'clock at Slovene Labor Canter. Beside the regular bounces meeting. and the important by-law» discussions. we're getting a speciel treat Mr* Minka Alesh has been very fortunate to get us a lecturer for the evening A local public aehool teacher attended the Youth Conference laat fall in Prague. Ctechoslovakie While there, she bed thr oppoitumty to meet the various delegates of the many coun Iran »eprea» fH"d at thr innfrniNr, *rtd ¿«reong them the Jugoslav group made qnUm a big hit with Her I'm mire you member* will want to bear her impre»»Mfie and her eaperienre», Shr's e young teacher elw is ia the Oa April % 3. «"<* 4. the National Juvenile Tclegiuphlc tenpin bowling tournament will be held. Last year many of ewr Detroit SNPJ juveniles. participated snd won seveml trophies. Again we have this chance. ■Wry Juvenile will have the oppor-tuaity te compels for national championship honors gad prises against juvenile members living in other lection of the country, as well at these in your own hometown. Don't mise this chance! The tournament will be conducted n tWo separate divisions, oae for he boys end one for the glrla, each onslstlng a/ 3 per teem, doubles, tnd singles events. Anyone joined n the lodge on or before Feb. 1, »48, is eligible. March 10 ia the leadline so all entry blanks must be 1» te your Juvenile Director on or before the above date. Trophies aad other suitable awards, mare attractive than thoze given laat year, «rill be awarded to the champions and runners-up. First, aeeosuft. and third places in each event including all events and high game winners will be entitled to prises. Don't put off till you are sure you can win high honors, but enter now and have fua growing into the cham-pioncblp caliber. Experience teaches us that this ia the best course. Thie Ie the Juvenile Anniversary year of the SNPJ so let's make it a big one by having wholehearted cooperation oa the bowling burns-menl. At ell of the Wolverine affairs, there haa always been a kit ef Young Americans present te hefe make them a succees. This Saturday. Feb. 18, the Y. A.'a are having a dance at the Slovene Workers' Heme. They are ax pec ting a large turnout but let's heve a lot of Wolverine representation'anyway and make their aaee a huge suoeess. m be there 'cause I'm gonna celebrate my birthday. On Feb. 15, there juet arrived from Jugoaiavia two all-around mu-tkeir American Party La* Thursday evening, the tren (cesa the Circle was* dewa town to the Goodman theater and I After the lecture, will be serwd. Dua l forget to el- tend 111 ser you Amt«- FRANCES L RAK. Secy. debut et the John R. Hall. An as-cord ion and cake pan-spoon cem-biaetion for a drum and "railed sheet music" went,over with a bang. The audience never had enough. Not only did they pley the popular Slovene wattaea aad polkas but they had their own arraagemeata of American swing and jazz. Oh yes, their names, Al Berniek and George Perpich, the leltotveeaisted by Rudy Meaner, our regular entertainer at lllf* SliiVt'lll' 1 loi111* Wl* aura hope they make an appearance again soon March 8 the Sens ie sponsoring e dance at the Slovene Workers Home Matt Pink will furnish the music. Bowling taps aa of Feb. 15. The top Wolverine team ia the Wolverine Atomics. Just about six weeks ago they were elaee te the bettoa of the I tat. Now with the encouragement of their captain. Johnny Fink, the four, J. Kipela, Joe VerhoUe, M, Pink and J. Pleeevee are really knocking the wood over fer top honors. Following right behind ere the Power House Wildcats. Bums and Honeet Five. Two Wolverine teeate are still holding the fire« two poaitiena in the Women's League, the Sparklers and Piccolo Five. Jo Gram relied a beautiful game of 134 making a 518 serine. Roar Miller had 188 and 187 making a 547 series. Berehle Na prudruk a 183 game and Lena Mm-ser and Ann Serdoner both with 178. Virginia Koaa, our recording sec , made the 8-7-10 splM. Nice going, Virginia. Don't foiget girls, we aUU bowl at 8 p. m Feb. 10. Thie will be the laat Sunday and then we'll be beck on echadule again. Our Valentine dance that we bed with Lodges 511 and IWO, had a nice crowd Of course, Bill Baloh and his musicians furnished some swell music to help make thr evening "fly by." Thanka to everyone who attended Another one of our members has gone West, Boas Obed He hea been in Cehfornte for over e ^nonth and bee signed up with e const ruction company to go to » Guam It was swell to see Joe Sent Jr bark in circulation again after a Ions stay in the Veterans Hospital In Dearborn. It'a a baby boy for thr Emil Yu vane Frances Rovsek spent a weekend in East Talwa* »kating. tobag-gin, and ekilng. In reading the Springfield news. I ser where Molly Church is engagad Congratulations, MeNr' New accepted waonbrre are George Perptrh. Simon Repovsh. KehUeen Thomas and Frank Thornaa, New luvenile member» are Dora H*au-prey. Barbara Hvrten, and John Bletmk On the kirk list are ftme fjalr and fgnr Cerar Dm* \ forget to visit the *hk member« Happy btrthdey te Johnny Fink. Eddie Bermck. laebelle TachilteHt, Donna Baloh Jecqueltn Pink, and Florence Baloh fftoene* la from Kaaeaa ead ie new rimking bei bomr with her uncle. Stan 11«lob LOUISE IMNK. 077 Appeal to Progressive Slovenes The SANS Executive Committee in agreement with the National Committee lot Free Pfeaa. meeting in Chicago Jim. 17, decided to launch an intensive campaign te raise funds for the defense of Eimkopravnoet. Prosveta and Proletarec. against which the Rrv Frunc Gcbrnvaek. pastor of St. Vitu* Church of Cleveland, Ohio, has filed a libel suit for 11.100,000 concerning a series of articles taken from Nova Zadruga and pertaining to the piewar administration of the clerical Zadružna Zveia in Slovenia. Quota la HUM While the campaign until recently was centered mainly m Cleveland aad SANS breaches, it will aow be nationwide to include every Slovene community and all iodgea thet realize the importance of a free press and the exietence of progressive papers, without which oui people would be deprived ef true enhghtoaiaenet After a thorough discussion, It was unanintewaly decided at the meeting that a quota of $58.000 be set for thiz purpose. At first glance this sum may seem large, but if we want to conduct a successful defense by engaging able lawyers we will heve to rcach deeper into our pockets Today, our entire progressive element hi on trial, into which it wa* fbrccd by the dark reaction. Their strategists believed that this lawsuit wouid find us split and dtacouiuged m their temerity they are even inciting the members of the SNPJ In AVheriMta Domovina against their supreme board. However, the attempts have had the op-posite effect and never before have the pmgreaaive Amncan Slovenes been ao solUNy united ae they ere in the current Gabrovsek suit The three papers concerned have not sought a fight in the courts They have reported the facts aa they were eent to them. But the reactionaries, long waiting for a chance to strike at the progressive press, have now thrown the gauntlet and we are forced to accept it. The Slovene papers without exception are financially poor and trials and lawyers are coatty. Thai la Why It is ear sacred duty to come to their aid in this fight thrust upon them The National Committee for Free Picas ie fully await» that our organ irationa, businessmen and uidividuels are buidened with various national duties. But when It it the question of the existence of oar newspapers in which our cultural and national life is centcrcA we are caaviawd that the progressive element among our imnuaranta, aa weU aa their anna and daughters, it willing and ready te give further moral aad material support. The first result of the campaign ia ladeed satisfactory, because with la a comparatively abort period SANS breaches, individual* and lod« have contributed about 18,000. This shows that our puhlic la not indifferent about what happens to our preea, but ia determined that it will not be forced eat of existence. In connection with the national campaign for free pvesa. tke committee will shortly send out letter« and collection furusa tn various lodge* and organisations throughout tfyr United Stales. Steps havo alao been token to explain the situation tn our youth. The committee la also appeaiuig to lodoea end National Homes to sponsor as many affairs as possible fur this cauee. Slovenes! The success of the campaigu depends un you. In view of the erleie In which our preaa finds itaelf today, we are firmly convinced that you will gledly go to work and collect funds Let ut show to tho reactionaries that we have not worked In vain for more than 40 years for the prograaa of oui- metituiions in this country. Let us rally our (orcet in tlui fighi fur Justice and Uuthl Send all contributions to the Treeeurer of the National Committee (or Free Press: John Pollock 14885 Lakeland Blvd., Euclid 11, Ohio. Help reach the 850,000 quota! FRANK CESKN, President, JOSEPHINK TRATNIK. Kec'y, JOHN POLLOCK, Treasurer. Spirit-O-Grams ST. LOUIS. M" —Heading the supreme board reports and decisions 1q the last lasue, one ftndl satlsfac-tion thet 1047 proved to -be such a successful year for our organ (ration Success seems to be a stimulant to life, a desire for still greater achieve« irents, thus SNPJ aims to have our furthcomhag jubilee membership campaign (April to November) surpass all of oui previous membership campaign record*. Wa feel certain 1040 wtM be a banner yeer for out SNPJ and its lodgea. The Spirits no doubt will devote their time this vear mostly to their juvenHea, making K their business thet a Juvenile Circle will be or-ganired in March Complete detalla will be given by the commit tee at our March II regular mooting Friday, Match 10. ie the date set to organise the Circle, and cards will be sent to all juvenile ireqsiMirs and their parents. Spun members are requested to be praeenl. Your cooperation will be required in order that we succeed with our project. At the conclusion of live session and ceremonies, an Easter eggs hunt will be held, just for the juveniles, with daddy and mommy on the cheering lines There will be prizea for the kiddha. as well as ice cream, cookies end gifts, The event will be held at the Con> cord la Turner Hall (Winter Uaideni, 13th and Araenal. Spirits please remember March 10. For our regular monthly meeting Match 12 we will have the postal • d February meeUng entertainment. TlUlc Ducote la in charge of all plans You must come to see tne "Bloomer Girl Revue." It's a laugh riot. There will be a social following the entertainment Meeting will begin promptly at 8 p m at Con-oordie Hall Our SNPJ Lodge* 150, Rajaki Glaa and English Speaking lodgi 704 Sparklers, are Im ginning te ail* activity The eenkir lodge 250 will heve an entertainment and dami un Banter Sunday, March 28. at the Crystal llall The Sparkler* will sponsor a danee the latter part of May at the Crystal llall, Prtxeoda of both affairs will go toward* the peyment of a building and giouni which these two lodges together have purchased They arr determined to heve e Home all of their own to hold meetings and socials without being shoved eround fiom n>«etlng to meeting as in lhaee laet 0 years Soon aa they clear the present debt, they plans to build a new building or en annea to the preaent, W«< wadi veu kde of lie k m your new venture, Your »uewae* pomta Pi a bigger *nd bettci MNPJ ' We in St. Loui* bettri follow the footsteps ef oui brother» and ial«r« across thr Miaeissippt. and do some hell huflUni, a ple The Slav fraternal organizatinna in Mwdieon and Granite City pui cheeed a 18 mm Bell k Howell movie projector and screen It'a a fine piece of equipment which will be beneficial in the fraternal field, Belated item. Our Yule party committee took some 32 bags of randy fruit and cookies (left over from the juvenile party) to the City Hoapitel to the abandoned children, The hospital staff was juat as thrilled as the children, and thanked the lodge sincerely for their thought • fulneaa. Our 1948 Xmas party foMlie Juveniles will be held i<> . uibeiv 18 at the Concordia Turner Hall (Wlrv ter Garden). Plans are under way for the finest Yule party in Spirits history. The Spirit bowlers are vacationing until March II due to the women's bowling tourney held at the Bevo Howling Lanes On March 8, the Spirit bowlers will bowl Immediately after their regular league bowling (the same evening) participate In the Stai -Times bowling tourney, The Spirit members are requested to be on the cheering lines, t l\ iMJiial* Anthony Laborde and Lillian will be man led Easter Sunday In Clayton, III., hometown of the bride to be Juvenile Leu Paul Durote (Anthony g nephew) will bu ring lieaier. Beat of luck, Tony and Lillian.' Don't forget oui member »hip campaign begins in April, Tony, and we went Lillian to have the honor ea our first Joe ami Gene Johnson's mother Teasir will Ijc departing for the South, visiting her aon Welter and family In Savannah, Georgia Will Iimvc her first opportunity to sac her only grand child. She will also visit relatives in the New Orleans vicinity We hope the sunny south will help regain her health John l«asterni ha* a brand new Chewy and is preparing early for Ilia NNI*J bowling I'aonay in Detroit The Frank Yartaea have a ear now; made a recent test run Pi Springfield Thu Al Kfttirei met««red to hies home town Gilkmpie laat wevketid A •totk fthower waa given in bom* of Mrs Matt Spcck Jr. at Uie bone of Theresa Mperk Woiuter how the Kvegllche» are doing on the ia man aad hla awicty had wae Is or de* inande which resulted in Invention und/or the defiance of nature. A store of books can be written about how we today are Inventing things and are defying nature. Takt* the matter of our teeth for esample. It la nature's Intention thet we eventuallv lose our teeth < mhci thm <>ld age, disease or un-turbinate engagements In fisticuffs Nature haa allowed some animals (especial the rndentta) to grow new teeth in place of the ones which are hat Not »0 with man. Once the prrmenrnt teeth are lost, nature Intends tkat the loss remain po«-inam nl But. taacala that wr are, we defy nature. Whenever w« loee our teeth, we pay a visit to our dentist (who probably yanked thorn out in the first place). He then arranges to heve teeth made for us. With these man-made choppers we caa dispoett of a pork chop in the ueuel toothed manner Ineteed of gumming it Into obliv'un. Mot he 1 nature didn't tntond lor us to fly either—If she did, she would heve equipped ua with wings. We made the airplane, however, and it dues everything a bird deee except use bird aoed for luei. Thanka to aeu'iiee, we can expect te live four times ea king ee the ancient man did. Science is relent-lowly recognising, hunting down and destroying nature's little meaaengers of death -which we call "germs '' Science will never completely win that bccauee netuie intend* that wa eventually die. Still. I doubt if anyone would like to live larever— there wouldn't be any ineantive to accomplish or }e appreciate anything Beside*, think how crowded the world would become, WILLIAM JKKRH. 500 Waukegan. Illinois. H. Waulcegan S. N. Elects Officers» Backs Free Press WAUKBGAN, III—On Feb. let. Slovene Net'l Home had IIa annuel meeting with over 150 members eilend ing the meeting, The minutes uf last year s annuel meeting ee well as the secretary's and treaeurer'e en-nuul 11 port* were approved aa rend. The following officers were elected for the year I »48 An loa Ceieeec, president. Paul Hertel, vice-president, Victor Heler. secretary; Anton Zelenik, treaaurer. Faal Pekley. Anton Kerala Jr end Frank drum, truster* Kdwaid Brunei wee elected as chairman of houee committee Ie serve with Incumbent« Krank Stance and John Modna Tlie membership had requeeted •everal thing* thet should be done Tile fust being thet the hy-lawa be revised, for theic have been many emrudrnrnte aiiiee the by-laws had been priated The mrsntMoa have eaprsasad 11 tentative* vitally interacted ill the law*uit that haa been started againsi Proeveta, Ptoleteree and Ena k oprav mat The member ahlp ea-prea**d tbomaelvaa unaairnaaeiy te give their morel ea well m monetary support The membership harked up lite motion 100% to give 8008 to the defense fund to fight tor the free-doe. of the ptrae af our pragi Slovene newepuMia. The m*iM to Ilir Ireaaurer «4 the fund. John pidiork. to help light the law*ort brtaight against our pro-gre*»rve new*|iepcio With courage *nd the natirtK« that tiulh always end* ua an the lap the fight ler fieedom o4 the pram will he woe The rt* mbti«hlp alao «-«proceed the-mretvr« 180% in favor of giving 880 to Fmlateree la belj it* yiH>d wart VIC BELEC PROSVITA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1948 why america needs a new party At 1to recent meeting the Executive Committee of the Slovene American National Council endorsed the candidacy of Henry A Wallace and the establishment of a new progressive political party ' now in the process ol organization. In its statement, which we ara presenUng here and which was prepared by Mr Et bin Kristan, the honorary President of 3ANC, it tells the reasons for its sction. It resds ss follows: , FORWARD! Since the passing away of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, tremendous changes have taken place in this country, changes which—alas! have brought us no good. The course o( those who make decisions now has reversed itself snd is leading into darkness which is concesiing the greatest danger—danger for the American people and for the entire world. How far the reaction, opposed to Labor, is blundering, can be observed every step of the wsy in our daily life Although the United States had fared much better during the war than any other belling* rent country In that har soil never became a battleground, that no enemy fore«« disembarked on sny part of her shores, snd no foreign planes ever dropped bombs on New York, Chiesgo or Los Angelas, and although-there are riches in the lsnd as there were never before in its history, nevertheless the infla* tion appeared and brought along the inevitable high oast of living which is growing worse from dsy to dsy, and is making a farce of th* American way of life that is more tragic than funny. The housing situation is no better than in some European countries whose cities we bombsrded snd villages sat afirs. and there Is no hope that in this respect we may soon realize normal conditions. The wsges .of workingmen in soma categories would appear decent, if the prices of commodities were not increasing by such lesps snd bounds that any gain in wages is losing its value even before the first psydsy comas around. The people in Europe really must giggle when, listening to hysterical advices from the top not to be misled into some planned economy, they can see for themselves where the pnarchy in our own economy is heading, the economy so catted—God knows why— "the private enterprise." It is unnecessary to spesk shout the stuck mad* against all the gains of organized labor. Even the sparrows already chirp about this. But it is necessary to talk about the fact that the Taft-Hartley Law Is obviously only the beginning. because It Is endsngerlng the very existence of labor organisations themselves. The snli-lsbor measures were enacted In the Congress. snd in the Congress alone must they be repealed. But this cannot be achieved by the methods foreed upon Labor by various leaders ever since the times of (tamper». And sines the leadership Includes no Debs. It Is necessary to seek the solution elsewhere. It is also known to what degree our foreign policy departed from the principles in force during the Roosevelt administration The word "democracy" never appeared as often In the columns of the wealthy newspapers as It does today, neither was It given lip service by the propagandists in such measure as today. But at the same time there never wss In our life such a lack of application of democracy as there la today, when symptoms are already sppeartng similar to those in Italy during the time of the "March on Roma, or In Germany during tha sscent of Hitler, or ffter the Clermsn snd Italian troops gsincd "victory" for Frsnco in Spain ln the eeuntry conceived in the revolution against monsrehism and everything related to it. militarism Is more snd mere rising Its heed; this condition brought cstastroph* to every country where it wss allowed to develop The United States has a peacetime srmed force of the slss far greater thsn ever before: army and navy contingents are scattered all over the parts of the globe gsined by the defest of Jspan. and we are constructing military ba«BS slso elsewhere More serious, however. Is the fact that the srmed forces are being used for political purposes in countries which do not belong to us. snd thst wa are supplying the governments of those countries with military equipment for war sgatnst their own citizens, thst the nsvt la using battleships far show.off purposes which csn be considered eatremely threstening and endangering world peace. At the same lime there mi a demand for s universal military train tng of our youth, despite the fact that beth world wars had offered sufficient proof that this la entirety unneceaaary for the maintenance of our security, Not only that auch measures require enormous sa-' pendttures at the espenae of the general welfare of the people, more over, they create the beats for the influence ever the public life by the l military, which these servants of the people should nevet en)oy The t spuit of the military is extremely opposed to the principles of democracy. and wherever it gains ita foothold. the basic civil liberties are always in danger, as the leesons in all militaristic countries so adequately prove. And in sll such cases the peace ef the world Is also endangered. for among the generals by profusion there can always be found men who believe they inuS* prove the need of themaelvea, m the people might get the idea they could get along without generals. The rising militarism is responsible to a great degree for the blunders in our foreign policy which is supporting with srms snd money the darkest resction in Greece, Turkey, China, Korea, and South America. Extremely powerful prop-sgsnds is exerted to sssure us thst sll this is being done in the interest of pesce; actually, however, it Is schieving exactly the opposite; the world peace Is being greatly endangered. The Greek people have shown a high degree of courage during the war; but those who have put up the most determined struggle are now being persecuted, while at the helm are those who si-schieving e x s c 11 y the opposite; with nszi-fsscism — snd our foreign policy is keeping them in the saddle. Even sympathizing with tha guerrillas is considered s sin. Why? During tha American Revolution, was it a sin to sympathize with the armies of George Wsshington? In the grip of dictatorship, Turkey silently supported nazi Germany all the time snd wss even prepsred to psrticipste in the wsr on the side of Hitler,—except thst the events at Leningrad drove fear in the mary»w of her dictator and forced him to change his mind. This dictstorship is enjoying now the support of Americsn arms and American money, and American warships are steaming in Turkish wstors—sgsinst whom? 'piey invented a story about Turkey being in some kind of a danger, and this is the resson thst sllegedly justifies our position. In Chins Chisng Ksishek had to be kidnapped first before he decided to fight the Japanese, although by then Msnchuris hsd si-resdy been subjugsted snd the Jspsnese forces were penetrsting deeper snd deeper in Northern Chins. Chiang Ksishek was promising his people all kinds of righto, but his promises were kept Ilka Hitler's. Americs must be supporting him therefore for some special logical reason, for the Chinese people sre sick snd tired of his absolutism. All these Issues sre not cresting anywhere any sense of security; on the contrsry they are creating constant fear that a gun may go off somewhere unintentionally and become the signal for a new war which can become a world war in the true sense of the word. The thought stone about such a possibility is terrifying, for it is rsther simple to stsrt s new sisughtor. snd this, too, is the only thing certsin sbout it. Whst would follow, is unknown even to those who spesk sbout dropkicking atomic bombs like s football Nobody csn foretell whst might hsppen even the following dsy sfter the outbresk of wsr. except thst its horrors would sffect the whole world snd no "chosen" nstions would be spsred, If scientists state that modern warfare means the end of the human race on earth, tt is possible that they are right, There is nothing ss important at this time aa the prerequisite of prevention of wsr, snd the security of world pesce. How other people msinuin their wsy of. life, is en« tirely their concern, ss is our wsy of life entirely our own sffsir. Nobody Is prescribing us the economic system pnder which we must live, why therefore must we be forcing on others s system which they don't wsnt becsuse they believe theirs is bettor? Indis hss shown thst sgree. ment csn be resched snd pesce secured, if the settlement of the issues is left to the people without sny foreign Interference However, the alms of our foreign snd domestic policies sre reaction-sry snd sre not lesding in the right direction, A change, therefore, is imperative. This was in the mind of the Executive Committee of the Slovenian American Nationsl Council st its recent meeting when it discussed the political situation, and after serious deliberation and con- sideration of all the circumstances decided to join in supporting HENRY WALLACE as candidate for President at the general election, because all his sctivlties to date are proof that he deserves the confidence vf all the progressive people, of all those who desire a true democracy instead of dictatorship of a handful of dollar magnates; of all those who believe in equsl righto for everybody regsrdless of socisl standing, race, creed, land of birth, native tongue, and sex; of all those who want to secure for Labor the rights that have accrued i to the workingmen under difficult conditions, of ail those who are determined to create the conditions under which it is possible to remove the fesrs of s new world conflict snd who are ready to fight with all their power for a lasting peace and friendly relations between sll the nstions of the world. ■ The Executive Committee of BANC is calling upon all its members, friends snd supporters immediately to begin the work and persevere to the end for the victory of peoples righto, equslity and liberty. Therefore, forwardl Executive Committee Slovene American National Council, F. A. Vider, President. M. O. Kuhel. Secretary. A'Glimpse at Some Achievements in Jugoslavia Results of the First Year of the Five-Year Plan BELGRADE.—"The creative power of Jugoslavia's people has demonstrated some great forward steps and fruits during the past year in the various fields of nation's genersl economy, culture et cetera," said Marshal Tito in a radio address to the nation. And in enumerating certain specific instances of the said success Tito adduced some very interesting fscto, like, for instsnce; . Thst in the mining field the plsnned prdouction wss reslized 104 per cent generally and that, specifically, In metalurgy the results were 10 to 15 per cent shove expectation, ensbling thus the country in the construction of lsrge objectives, such ss is the Youth Rsil-wsy. Thst the agricultural plan was realired 00.2 per cent and that the plan for electrical energy was 103 per cent, bringing the toUl electrical production to one billion, IS million and 4110,000 kilowats. That, sccoiding to the construction plan for 1947, 200 large factories were to be built as well as hundreds of smaltor ones and a number of huge hydrorelectrical centers, snd thst fully 02 per cent of this plsn wss successfully sc-compllshed. Also. 6.340 new buildings were erected ss well ss 447 new Industrisl structures—snd, in sdditlon, 73,700 town homes were built as well ss 1,318 new schools. That the ses coast or the Mart-time plan was completed 100 per cent snd thst co-operstives in a variety of fields grew up to 46.3 of completion, I. e. there are now in operation 10.206 co-opera Uvea. Also, over 2000 "Homes of Culture" were opened, snd exsctly 1,166 People's Universities sre now in active operation. That there was a perceptibly good shewing in the radio aqd film services ss Well as in the service» pertaining to better transportation, tourism and many Other branches of nation's etonomlc-cultursl prog- the upper crust "And If he tells me to support Taft again—I'll bop htm In the other eye." world-wise / • By ISRAEL EPSTEIN—Allied Labor News The grest "Russian scsre" is now over two yesrs old. This was impressed oh us forcibly when we had occasion to go through newspaper files for late 1046 an early 1046. During those two yesrs, it turns oyit, the "scsre" has hurt Russia very little. On the other hand it has run the Americsn people into heaps of Thst, finally, all these successes would not and could not have been achieved if there had not been such an extraordinary good will and en-thuslssm on the part of the New JugosUvis's populace in general and her youth in psrticulsr. Yes, of the Jugqglsv men snd women who ln volunUry labor alone contributed to their country over six billion otnara.—JON A. trouble all over the world. In the spring of 1046 all the headlines shrieked about Iran and Man-churU. We were, told that Russian troops, in both countries by wartime agreemento, wouldn't ever get out of either. Shortly afterwards they moved out quietly and they haven't been there since. Iran celebrated the Soviet departure by suppressing all labor unions and democratic opposition. The U. S. State Dept. and press, slwsys so worried about democracy where Russians are present, made no protest of any kind. Iranians will not soon forget this. Anyone who thinks Americs hss acquired a long-term aaset In thst nation had better go there and see for himself. Msnchuria was immediately plunged into civil war by Chiang Kai-shek troops brought in by U. S. naval ships. Evfry eyewitness hss reported thst Msnchuris's inhabitants. who have been bombed by U. S. aircraft given to Chiang from that day to this, d evidently fed up with his har- 100 much- J angue, kicked him in the Jaw, caus- ln a group practice, on the other ing him to bite off the end of his hand, your family doctor and the tongue." specialists are-in the same group of I "Well, commented the young can-offices. It is easy for him to refer didate, "I suppose that put an end you at once to the specialist who is' to his csreer as a politician." skilled in the kind of disease you, »Oh, no," replied Twain. "After have. Your family doctor does not that he could use only words of one have to worry about losing you to syllable, and it made his speeches the specialist, for they are both bo simple and appealing to the farm-partners in a common enterprise. ers that he was elected.' tion. The poll said Wallace draws The U. S. army, i ir.ore heavily from the Democrats so which occupies the southern zone, I that he mskes the stste "a 60-60 arrests unionism with its own hands proposition" between Republicans —as attested by CIO delegate Wil- anle. the Red Cross serves sll people No dsy paaaes without Its help reaching someone in every community throughout our Und- To carry on its nst ion wide program of service, the Red Cross each year calls upon the American people to deride whether It haa been a "good and faithful servant," and If so lodged, to continue their support. Throughout the month ef March the Red Cross is making its 1046 appeal to the public to help sustotn its far-flung activities—activities thst for every dolUr expended bring five to tenfold return In human welfare No truer words were ever spoken than thoae uttered by President Truman when he said ' Many times a year the people turn to the Red Crass Once a year the Red Crocs turns to the people " Let thoec of us who are lortunsto enough to be on the giving rsther than the iet*lvtng end. remember thst It takes mote dollars today to do s >ob equal to that of former years The New York Times, back in 1046 Truman. Presumably they would ( wrote an editorial on Korea en- stay awav again this year unless titled Russisns Never Leave, This Wsllace runs, or so Wallaea support year, in the United Nations aasem- ers say bly. Russia# pmpjfced that both its j The Globe poll says Wallace would own troops and America's pull out get about 162.201 votes from the at once The U^B declined, say Roosevelt supporters of 1144 snd ing elections mug be held with its, about 62.416 from Dewey support troops still present. What do the ers Wallace supporters here say Koreans think? his strength taken from thd Repub Getting away from the too quick- I leans would be proportionately far ly forgotten past, you can see the greater in the west same thing in newspapers today I Crisis plies «m crisis. War is still I around the cmaer. or supposed to be. I Of course, there are many group practices which still chsrge a fee for each visit or service. In such group the high cost of specUlist service stands in the way of good medical care. v One of the most imporUnt advantages of teamwork medicine is that it keeps the doctor on his toes. Doctors who prsctice by themselves, particularly when they are very busy and do not have hospiUl connections, tend all too often to get into a rut. They fail to keep up with new medical discoveries and therefore fail to giVe their patients good care. In a genuine group practice the Individual doctor works together with his fellow physicians. He refers patients to them, gets their opinions, discusses problems at sUff conferences, and so forth. In this wsy he is consUntly stimulated to improve his knowledge and skill. One of the best examples of group practice is the Mayo Clinic, which practices the highest quality of medical care. Our university hospitsls, which employ full time salaried professors of medicine, sre slso good exsmples of group practice. There are, in additioh, numerous medical groups scattered throughout the country. Life's Foibles Said the genial sUtion agent, "Why are you at the station at this unearthly hour, Mrs. Smith? Your train doesn't leave for another two hours." And said the thoughtful Mrs. Smith, "Well, you see, I can never remember all the things I have forgotten until I get to the sUtion, so I have to allow for plenty of time to go back for them." NOTICE TO MEMBERS Mombera who submit Uema such ag a "Card of Thanks," a "Memorial." a "Surprise Party Notice," a 'Tor Sale Ad," or say other similar Item for publication in Promts, please note that all such Items are considered advertisements and are charged st vogulsr advertising rates. No such Itema. therefore, can be published free of charge. Philip Godlna. Manager. Americsn troop*, the papers now Net Be Dumb Two domestic eirplejta were tslking over their individual prob- say. will »toy in Italy to hold the J*"» ,n «»nnection with their work "Communists" in check There were .tK* never any Russians In Itsly snd the withdrawal of U S armies by Dec. 16 waa solemnly pledged in the peace treaty signed with her, Who are the reds to be held at bay? luhana who differ politically from the government—Socialists snd uni-1 on u ta as well as Communist party members Who are the troops which will now remain* Armed foreign ers influence the internal polities of the country. Think whet this meena "The lady 1 work for says I should always warm the plates for our dinner guests But that's too much work so I just wsrm hers snd she never knows the difference." WINTER ISSUE Or THE SLAVIC AMERICAN NOW ON SALE Yrnsr New Fsmlly Magsstne READ ABOUT Nikola Tesla, grest Americsn inventor snd discoverer, of Jugoslsv descent. His genius msde the electric power era possible. Louis Adamic, writer of International note, writes a clear analysis of the crisis thst grips America. \ When Marie Seton, distinguished writer and lecturer, wgs in Jugosisvis a few months sgo, the women she interviewed ask*d her to tell Americsn women sbout them snd what they are try!»« to do. "You have been free snd equal a long time," they said, "but we are just beginning." _ Msrie Seton fulfilled her promise in « story, exclusive for THE SLAVIC AMERICAN, entitled. "Five Women." Whst did Monsignor Ritlg of JugoslsvU toll the visiting Americsn clergymen sbout religious freedom in his country? Read their report which includes an Interview with Archbishop Stoplnac in Lepoglsvs Prison. Reed the heroic story of Geo Milev. Bulgarian poet, who was put to death by a fascist government for writing s poem. Read the richly tlluetratod article on the Slav republics of the USSR . . . snd s host of other features. SUBSCRIBE NOW Hlfh Father (to teen age daughter): Are you going out tonight, deer*" Daughter: "Yea dad Wttmer end I had planned to go to the movies if youll cash a fifty-cent check for I him." THE SLAVIC AMERICAN 206 East 42 Street. New York IT. N. Y. Subscription rete S3 for 4 quarterly issues I enclose $____________ for I Year Subscription 2 Yeer Subscription (Please print) Name Add v City 4 Zone--------------------------------------- State....... MAKE CHECKS AND MONEY ORDCR PAYABLE TO: THB SLAVIC AMERICAN r