ChTcado Welcomes SWAJKcfilers April 7 8 n 547SS SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14. 1927 in the Stale of Illinois, SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI U stanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—ANTONIA TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago S, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Jo-liet, 111. „ , , DIRECTORS of Women’s Youth and Sports Activities Women’s Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Junior Division—CUR 1STINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, 5830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan—■ ELLA STARIN 17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of IUinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TANKO, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TANKO, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Uradno Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Ksi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Mar. 18—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. March 25—Games Party, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. April 1—3&th Anniversary and Ohio State Day, Br. 10, Collinwood Ohio April 7-8 — Midwest Bowling Tournament, Chicago, 111. April 27-30 Excursion to Washington, D. C. May 2 Mother’s Day Pot Luck Supper, Br. 21, Cleveland. O. May 26 — Excursion to Europe via S. S. France June 16 — Excursion to Europe via Alitalia Jet July 15 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Demoni, 111. July 18-23 Excursion, to St. Ann De Beaupre, Canada August 19 Excursion to Hawaii HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH Supreme Officers: March 3—Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor, Duluth, Minn. Marbh 23—Ella Starin, State President., Cleveland Ohio Branch Presidents: March 4—Mairy Kovac, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. March 4—Tillie Spehar, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio March 10—Helen Shuster, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 13—Anna Pischel, Br.. 21, Cleveland, O. March 16—Pauline Kokal, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. March 17—Roselyn Shuster, Br. 47, Cleveland, O. March 20—Prances Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn March 2C—Betty Ann Murphy, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsbugh, Pa. March 24—Agnes Dragovan, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. March 28—Helen Corel, Br. 93, Brooklyn. N. Y. March 31—Rose Želodec, Br. 50, Cleveland, O. MANY HAPPY RETTURNS OP THE DlAY! PACK YOUR BAGS!!! WE’RE GOING PLACES Our Zveza trips are receiving lots of interest from the members who are busy making preliminary plans to assure them “A front seat on the Bus!” whether it be for Washington, D. C., Canada, Hawaii 6r Europe! And, there’s no time to lose for reservations! Read the reports of our officers in this issue who are outlining the S.W.U. tours' for this summer! Then, dust off the suitcases — shake out the moth-balls — and get set for having the fun-trip of your choice! C. L. A St. Joseph’s St. Patrick s ■earn g l]8ltjau ft v >.*K, * Many of our members are named: Josephine, ophle, Josie, Jo, Pepca and Pep! There are quite number of Pats and Pattys, too! To them, our rtiest namesday wishes, March 17 — March 19th! P£) ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXIV — NO 3 MARCH, 1962 LETO XXXIV — ŠT. 3 REV. CLAUDE OKORN: ST. JOSEPH -»*»■ ONTH of March is dedicated to St. Joseph. He lYj,. was the holy spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, jif By birth he was the descendent of the kings of *^y*l Juda and the most illustrious of the ancient patri- archs. his family had fallen from its original condition, he was obliged to gain his livelihood by the exercise of his trade, which was that of a carpenter. He was a manual worker by profession. At Nazareth, his home town, he was known to the neighbors as a simple worker. No one dreamt of the sublime dignity that God had conferred upon him. St. Jerome says that the guardian and foster father of the world’s Redeemer — that is what St. Joseph was — always preserved chastity; and as it is of faith that Mary was a virgin, it follows that St. Joseph had no spouse before the Virgin Mary. He was unacquainted with the mystery of the Incarnation until it was revealed to him by an angel. To Mary, his spouse, he was a faithful guardian. The Gospel says very little of St. Joseph. But it praises him immensely by the words: “He was a just man.” The very fact of his intimate association with Jesus, the Source of all sanctity, and with Mary, the perfect model of sanctity, should convince us of the pre-eminent holiness of St. Joseph. Though he did nothing remarkable in the eyes of the world, his mission was the greatest ever conferred upon a mortal with the exception of that of his immaculate spouse, Mary. He probably died before Jesus began His public life, and was thus spared the sorrows that pierced the soul of Mary, when she witnessed the cruel death of her Divine Son. On July 7, 1871, Pope Pius IX proclaimed St. Joseph “Patron of the Universal Church”, so that he who protected Christ while on earth might continue to protect and defend his church in all parts of the world. St. Joseph was prefigured in history by Joseph, who ruled Egypt under Pharao. As Pharao said to the famine-stricken people who begged for food; “Go to Joseph; and do all that he shall say to you;” so the church bids “go to Joseph”. The first Joseph grew old and died; his memory faded. But the memory of the second Joseph will never fade, nor will his power ever fail. Let us seek the protection of St. Joseph for ourselves personally, for our church and for our country; making ourselves worthy of it by dealing justly with God and men. Our President s Alontlily Alessage Dear Members, This is the last month of the 35th Jubilee — Class “B” — Membership Campaign, and top prizes are the free trips to Washington, D. C. for the tour which our Union is sponsoring. Surprise us all and get your quota of 35 points which entitles you to the FREE TRIP! Remember, for every new Class A member, i/2 Point, for every new Class B member, 1 point, for every new Junior member, Vi point. The Union also pays $1 for each point accumulated, so you’ll have some cash to go with the trip! Let’s end the campaign with a real bang and go “over the top” — with new members! The Washington, D.C. trip has been scheduled for April 27—30 . This will give more of you an opportunity to make the trip because it doesn’t conflict with the heavy May schedule for most of us. The Washington Cherry Blossoms will be in bloom then, and we expect to have very nice weather. From Cleveland, the charter bus will depart at 7 a.m. Friday morning, April 27, 1962 from the Slov. Nat’l Home on St. Clair Ave., and will return on Monday morning, April 30th about 6 a.m. We hope to have a bus join us from Chicago and the midwest area so there’ll be plenty of space for all! The three day trip to Washington including sightseeing, hotel accomodations, dinner at the Casino Royale (inc. entertainment) and bus fare costs approximately $36.45, from Cleveland. Please make your reservations now! Your secretary is gathering the list, so add your name and your friends’ names, to make this trip a huge success. (Details on the trip were in the Feb. issue of Zarja for your reference.) In the coming months there will be a number of branches celebrating 25th Anniversaries. To all the officers and member of these respective branches, I wish you luck and success in the future! Br. #10 of Cleveland, Ohio is celebrating their 35th Anniversary combined with Ohio-Mich. State Convention on April 1st, 1962. The day will begin with Holy Mass, followed by the State Convention. A gala Banquet will climax the day. At this time, I wish to appeal to all the branches of Ohio and Michigan to select representatives to this convention so we will be able to discuss very important matters for the good of aur Zveza. By attending the convention, they will not only become informed on the various activities and plans of our organization, and be able to report them back home, but, they will meet new and old friends which is very rewarding in itself. Reserve April 1st, for the OHIO-MICHIGAN State Convention! The Midwest Tourney will be held on April 7-8 in Chicago, Illinois. To all the bowlers taking part I wish you good luck and high scores! A very successful tournament to you all! To our March birthday celebrants, wishes for a very happy day and many more in the future. GOING Toni Tanko Supreme President ACTIVITIES GREAT SPIRITUAL LEADER PASSES No. 2, Chicago, III. Our ladies are all enthused about their travels this spring. At the last meeting, sister Liz Zefran outlined the tour to St. Ann De LSeaupre in Quebec, Canada, for us and believe me, all the members present felt like stopping only good enough to say goodbye at home, before jumping on the train! Liz has promiued a grand 5 day train trip to Canada, visiting seven of the most famous shrines and all this plus hotel is included in the price of approximately $50.00 We urge all of you who aie interested in malting this trip — or giving it as a gift to your mom and dad — to get in touch with Liz right away for reservations. The Bowling Tournament is the activity our Sports Club is sponsoring in April and they are busy working on plans to make it a good one. Many of our members wish to bowl in the tournament, even tho they are not regular bowlers, and to them we say, “COME ON AND JOIN US'” Plans were made to celebrate Mother’s Day at our regular May meeting night, on the 10th. Hope we have a big turnout because it’ll be the first meeting party after the long lenten season of abstaining from our usual sweet treats. See you at the March 8th session. Corinne Leskovar No. 7, Forest City, Pa. It is with sadness that I must report the loss of two members. Mollie Bechaj, our member since 1934, very active and our Vice-President for years, was called to her eternal rest. I’m suie her many friends will miss her, especially the quilting ladies. May she rest in peace and our sympathy to the bereaved family. The second member to depart from this world is Mary Fine Bosh, who was born and raised in this vicinity and known to all. She was a kind and helpful person and belonged to Br. 7 since 1934, a next door neighbor for 27 years. Gone, but not forgotten! Eternal rest grant unto her, o Lord! Her husband, Frank Bosh, our well-known insurance man, survives as well as five sisters and three brothers. Our members attended her funeral; Mary Kameen led the rosary at her bier. The Rt. Rev. Ambrose L. Ondrak, O.S B., fourth Abbot of St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, 111., died Dec, 23, 1961 in We have many shut-in members — our wishes to them for good health. Happy birthday to all who will celebrate in the near future. Welcome to all new members; have you enrolled a friend or two? Try to do this as we must replace those we’ve lost through death. Seems hard, I know, but at least try. Best wishes and greetings to all, far and near. Christine Menart, sec’y No. 13. San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco has a grand schedule for the year of 1902. Each member has received in the mail a copy of our entire calendar we hope you all read and saved your schedule so you could use for reference. As social chairman I have tried to satisfy all tastes so here are a few of the highlights for the year . . . March 30th, Friday night at 7 p. m., we depart S. F. for Lake Tahoe. Cost is $7.81 with $5.00 refund ... May 20th, Zveza Day Breakfast to follow Mass, Rose Scoff is Chairman of the day . . . August 19, HAWAII TOUR open to members and guests MALE and FE-MALE. Cost is $395, plus $12.00 tax. (Now that Hawaii is a state, tax must be paid separately). Ask those who went in 1961 if Hawaii is worth a ‘come see!” More about Hawaii in future articles . . . Brochures will be Chicago. As the active head of the Abbey, he earned many titles and distinctions, but, he was a humble man who loved people and hated social injustice. He was a great friend of the S.W.U., for he knew us well in his position as head of the Press where Zarja has been printed the past 15 years. We spoke together not long before illness overtook him. In the words of his friend and co-worker, Archbishop Bernard J. Sheil, let us pray: “Lord, who shall dwell in Thy tabernacle or who shall rest in thy holy hill? For here was a man who walked without blemish, who worked justice, who spoke the truth in his heart. A great priest who in death has now found the victory of the cross.” sent each and every member in each and every branch (Thanks to Corinne for her help) . . . September 30th, Sunday Dinner at the Slovenian Hall for guests and members. This is our money-making project, so let’s get behind our officers and make this a TRULY BIG DAY . . . October 4th, meeting night, Costume Party for Junior members in their honor . . . but, all you gals come in your zaniest costume. PRIZES will be awarded! Congratulations to Katie Plut (oui-past treasurer for 14 years) and her husband Matt on their 40th Anniversary. A surprise Dinner for 100 guests was planned by her two sons and daughters-in-law. Eddie and Connie and Richard and Regina. To say Katie and Matt were surprised would be putting it mildly! I took Katie and Matt out for a drive to get them away from the family, when we returned, all the guests were there to holler SURPRISE! Katie burst into tears and Matt looked stunned, but after they settled down and saw the guests from all over our state, they were happy as a couple of love birds. Nice going, kids, here’s hoping the next 40 will be as much fun! Our lovely Social to welcome our officers was enjoyed by all. The entire menu was donated by the officeis. On the Cover . . . Br. #2, Chicago, 111. SPORTS CLUB Fifty high-steppin’ bowlerettes who comprise the 10 regular bowling teams of Br. #2, Chicago, took time out from one of their Monday bowling sessions to pose this “welcome to Chicago” picture. They will host the 26th annual Midwest Bowling Tournament to be held April 7, 8, 1962 with an expected entry of 40 teams, from all over the midwest and as far away as Minnesota! The Chicago league is 22 years old — and some of these girls have been bowling since it was formed — altho, they don’t look it, do they? And, their scores are competitive with any women’s league in the city. We salute our Chicago bowlers and all the grand sports of our organization who promote the classic so proudly. See you in Chicago, April 7 & 8! On the picture, 1st row: Sam Guido (Proprietor for Prima Bowling Lanes in Chicago), Gert Bendl, Amelia Russell, Betty Groniofsky, Frances Zefran, Ann Wagner, Gerry Norman; 2nd row: Geneva Niedzielko, Marilyn Zefran, Rosemary Litwin, Betty Travnik, Virginia Bogolin, Shirley Rybak, Helen Swapa, Libby Hasek, Elsie Kroe-scliel, Jean Železnikar; 3rd row: Frances Klecki, Agnes Marrazzo, Martha Uliks, Ann Vucko, Elsie Statkus, Liz Zefran, Eleanor Jasien, Tina Terselich, Mayme Fabian, Alvine Leben, Josephine Meden, Marcella Wilbert; 4th row: Betty Mladic, Lynn Sutton, Dorothy Biencek, Mary Stuck, Mae Persa, Lil Gajda, Bea Zalik, Mary Novak, Edith Koren; 5th row: Jean Križman, Helen Jurczak, Corinne Leskovar, Shirley Melissa, Helen Fitzgerald, Charlotte Tomazin, Anne Persa and Stella Gorka. Not on the picture are: Barbara Panock, Mary Ann Duller, Betty Fye, Lorraine Ovnik and Rosemary Venskus. Corinne Leskovar DETAILS OF TOURNAMENT AND EXCURSIONS FROM THE WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR No. 2, Chicago, 111. BOWLING NEWS! The 26th annual S.W.U. Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held on April 7-8, 1962. Sat., singles and doubles roll off at Prima Lanes, 2501 S. Kedzie. Bowleis from Wisconsin may take Cicero Ave. south to Cermak Rd. (2200 South), east to Kedzie Ave (3200 West), turn right (south) to W. 25th St., and to the 2nd stop light. A parking lot is located south of the alleys, entrance on 25tli St. Bowlers from LaSalle, Joliet and Oglesby on Rts G6, 34 (Ogden Ave.), may take Cermak road east to Kedzie Ave., and turn south as far as W. 25th St. Sunday, the team events will be held at the Modern Lanes, located at 5330 W. 35 th St, Cicero, 111. Wisconsin bowlers take Cicero Ave., turn west on Cermak to 5200 west (Laramie Ave.), and then turn left (south) to 35tli St. There are two motels close to the Modern Lanes: the Turf Motel at 3126 S. Cicero Ave., Cicero, 111., telephone Olympic 6-6794, and the Plaza Motel, 3030 So. Cicero Ave., telephone Olympic G-0300. In the downtown area, we recommend the Morrison Hotel, 79 W. Madison St., Chicago, telephone Franklin 2-9600. For further information, you may call me at Virginia 7-6688, Area Code for Chicago and Cicero is 312. The entry blanks have all been mailed to the captains of last year’s teams and the Directors of the Midwest Bowling Ass’n who have extra copies and can answer any questions you may have in regard to rules, handicap, etc. The Directors are: Josephine Sumic, Joliet, Ann Pelko, LaSalle, Marion Marolt, Milwaukee, Rose Kraemer, Milwaukee, and Lil Putzell or Liz Zefran, Chicago. * * * Our visit to the shrines of the Province of Quebec, Canada, will take place Wednesday, July 18, 1962, departing at 9:30 a.m., and arrive back home on Monday, July 23id at 7:30 a.m. The departure is from Chicago and all points north, west and east will meet at that place and time. The Shrines to be visited are: St. Ann De Beaupre, Quebec and this includes a walking tour of the area; also, Trois Rivieres for a visit to Cap de-la-Madeleine which is known also as the Shrine of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary; continuing to Montreal for a stop at the St. Joseph’s Oiatory, the Notre Dame Church, the Church of Mary, Queen of the World, formerly called St. James Church, now a Basilica Cathedral, a half-size copy of the Basilica of St. Peter’s in Rome. There are many other stops and points of inteiest and we know our members will find this to be a never-to-be-forgotten trip. The complete itinerary will be printed in the Zarja. Charges for the round trip and hotel accomodations for 3 nights will be $75.00 from Chicago. The meals will be extra according to your choice; however, the prices are very reasonable in all these places. “A wonderful MOTHER’S DAY, or FATHER’S DAY gift — or a gift for any occasion for someone dear to you! Why don’t you give serious consideration to making this trip during the feast-month of St. Ann! In conclusion, a note to members of Br. 2! Save the bands from cans of Hills Bros, coffee as we are interested in obtaining an automatic coffee-maker for our branch. Bring your collections to the meeting! Thanks! Elizabeth Zefran Anna Stark, our Mother for 1962, again was Chairman and this meant Ann once again (or I should say as always) served and washed the dishes. This smiling little gal flits around and makes things look so easy! She is our MASTER OF THE KITCHEN. Her apron has a permanent place in the kitchen at the Slovenian Hall. Thanks, gang, for a swell feed! We all enjoyed it tremendously! Happy to report all the wonderful things for the coming year ... We are on the ball with happy events. If you are interested in coming to any of these events, just call FRAN CHIODO at VA 4-8204! Fran Chiodo No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — The discussion at our February meeting was mostly about our 35th anniversary which will take place in the fall. Our faithful member. Sister Jennie Rome, is hospitalized. She has been visited by a few of our members and we all hope that she will be with us at our next meeting. Sister Frances Plevnik broke her arm Christmas Eve and was hospitalized during the holidays. Many of her friends have visited her; now she is recuperating in her beautiful home, and with the help of her two daughters she is doing very well. Visiting Sister Jennie Macerol from Yugoslavia is her sister Miss Marija Bergoč. Miss Bergoč is from Fara Slavna, Notrajnsko. She is here on a six month visit and when she returns to Yugoslavia we hope it will be with many pleasant memories oi' this country. Our vice-president, Sister Mary Stra-zisar’s son, Capt. Alan Grill received the degree of Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago on Dec. 15, 1961. He attended the university under a special program provided by the Air Force. He is now stationed at Webb AFB in Texas, where he will be an instructor in the jet pilot training program. At a lovely church wedding on December 2nd, Sister Antonia Kausek’s son was married. To the newlyweds, Joyce and Leslie Kausek we send our best wishes. Many of our members have begun their winter vacations. Vacationing in Florida is former president Molly Legat and her husband Joe. Going out west to the warm and dry climate of Arizona was Mrs. Boiko; and also in Arizona are Mrs. Mandich and her husband. Sister Jennie Golic and her husband started their vacation in Arizona and will return home by way of Tennessee. On Jan. 20th, a group of our members and their families had an excel lent dinner at Globokar’s Lounge. A Happy Birthday to all our members, who will celebrate during the month of March. Pauline Cesar, sec’y. No. 16, So. Chicago, III. — For as cold as it was, our January Meeting was fairly well attended. We discussed our Games Party, which is to be held Sunday, March 25, 1962 at 7:30 P. M. at St. George’s Church Hall. We hope the members will participate as well as they have in the past. We are going to have our annual chicken dinner at “Cholalcs”, 99th and Ewing Avenue sometime in the spring. No definite date was yet set at this meeting. However, the following by attending six or more meetings are being treated to a free dinner. They are: Katie Triller, Gladys Buck, Anna Buck, ltose Salakar, Mrs. Josephine Krai, Sylvia and Marge Spretnak, Mary Brebericlc, Marge Borota, Jean Bukvich, Mary Krznarich, Angeline Novak, Edna Winters, Marge Prebil, Katy Vidmar, Mrs. Wine, Zinca Se-sic, Mrs. Krese, Anne Jancaric, Mrs. Matasick and Katherine Zlogar. Congratulations to Gladys Buck, who has been our secretary for twenty years this month. She has assumed her responsibilities well and has worked conscientiously for the good of the branch. We have made much progress under her secretarial-ship. We hope she realizes how much we appreciate her and that she will be with us for many years to come. I have been asked by Mrs. Bregar to use this opportunity to thank all the members for their “get well” cards and also members, who remembered her with individual cards, visits and gifts. She will never forget these thoughtful friends and how much cheer they brought her. Those having March Birthdays are: Mrs. K. Triller, Mrs. Frances Kuhel, Mary Primazich, Angeline Novak, Mrs. Pucel, Mary Fugina, Mary Breberick, and Antonia Krese. See you at the March Meeting. Rose Salakar Rec. Sec CHICAGO HOSTS MID WEST S.W.U. TOURNAMENT No. 17, West Allis, Wise. Congratulations and best wishes are in order lor one of our members, Mary Petrich, on her 35th anniversary as secretary of St. Mary’s Lodge, KSKJ. She was the recipient of a beautiful wrist watch presented to her by the Supreme Secretary, Louis Železnikar. Members of St. Mary’s Lodge also presented her with a gift and corsage t'other faithful and diligent service. We are so very pioud of you, Mary, for this most deserved recognition. Congratulations are in order for Josephine Kerzich on her marriage to Jacob Stariha. Many, many years of happy wedded bliss to you! Our deepest sympathy to Frances Marolt and family on the loss of husband, father and grandfather Rudolph. May he rest in peace and the perpetual light shine upon him! With the artic-like weather, 31 of us braved the trip to Sheboygan on Dec. l7th to attend the 35th anniversary of Br. l and the S. W. U. Sixteen members from Br. 17 and 15 from Nos. 12 and 43 joined in the trip and we were given a warm welcome by the hostesses. Minutes later, our Founder, Marie Prisland, arrived and we were very happy to see her looking so well after her siege of illness. In no time, a delicious dinner was served, followed by a delightful program. They have a wonderful singing group and Olga Plesetz rendered some beautiful selections on the accordion. She also led in community singing which everyone enjoyed most heartily. Master Patrick Ziegenhorn, of the junior group, should be congratulated for his recitation in honor of Mrs. Prisland to whom tribute was given as founder of the organization and of the first branch. It was my pleasure as Supreme Vice- President, to be the official representative of the Supreme Board on this occasion and it really was a full day spent in good spirit and good will. Our group felt right at home and we were given such friendly hospitality, that my thank you seems inadequate by comparison; however, many thanks to you all. To Mrs. Prisland, sincere congratulations and wishes that you may a-chieve even greater success in the years to come, and we will pledge continued interest and support in our S.W.U. activities. A little late, but I must add the compliments and congratulations to our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak, who has faithfully served S.W.U. for 33 years. May both our leaders enjoy good health and may they both live long and happy lives! Our deepest sympathy to Henry Wisniewski and son, and to mother, Mrs. Theresa Kerhin and family on the death of wife, Anne, who was a very active member and bowler in many fraternal organizations. May she rest in peace! Don’t forget the meeing date, the Joliet, III. Tlie twenty-sixth annual Mid West S.W.U. Bowling Tournament sponsored by the Mid West S.W. U. Bowling Association will be staged at two bowling establishments in Chicago, 111. On Saturday, April 7tli the singles and doubles will be rolled at the famous Prima Lanes at 2501 So. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, 111. On Sunday, April 8th, the team championships will be decided on the elaborate Modern Lanes at 5330 West 35tli St. in Cicero. All the officers of the association are working hard in their localities to gamer as large an entry as possible as are all the S.W.U. Leagues anxiously anticipating this as the banner year for their entrants. Very much appreciation, recognition, honor and esteem is given to the many S.W.U. workers who so unselfishly support and uphold our tournaments and who lead them to the splendid successes they are. Without their unstinted cooperation these great affairs would not be possible and these great significances of S.W.U. love and solidarity would not be possible. Our Tournaments are great spectacles in themselves not only filled with athletic programs but also with many fraternal, social and entertaining features. It is the most wonderful scene in the world — the gathering of bouyant women with one purpose in mind, “S.W.U. Allegiance” exchanging views in many phases and having a rip roaring time of it, just being together. No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Our January meeting was enjoyed by all who came. It was decided that we will have five more meetings in 1902, that is in April, May, August, November and December on the second Thursday of the month. Our Mother of the Year honor was given to worthy member Johana Zarkovich. The Minnesota Zveza Day will be in Gilbert this summer. Will see you at the April meeting. Greetings to all, Mary Lenich, sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — At this writing, one-half of our scheduled games have been rolled and American Slovenian Home has reclaimed the much coveted position of first place, with Horvath Bakery second, Ellena Builders and Merichkas Restaurant tied for third, Papesh Funeral Home a n d Sheps DX Service tied for fourth, Northwest Recreation coming in fifth and Krause Radio and T-V following. Helen Golobic, one of our versatile captains lives up to her word. At one of our meets, she emphatically stated, that she would allow herself only one open frame in her second game. She held good to her word, and came third Sunday of March! Greetings to all. Marie Floryan, sec’y The Chicago Br. No. 2 Sports Club, hostesses of this year’s extravaganza, promise the most delightful and amusing times. In the whole world, no community can boast of being always on their toes as the Chicago S.W.U. Spoils Club! We wish it to be known and understood that every branch in the S.W.U. world is invited to be represented and that every S.W.U. member is most cordially invited to attend. 11’ you wish to be a participant, either as a contestant or a spectator, feel free to write to any of the following directors lor information: Elizabeth Zefran, 1941 W. Cermak rd., Chicago 8, 111., Lillian Putzell, 3731 Home Ave., Berwyn, 111., Rose Kraemer, 4304 So. K.K., Ave., Cudahy, Wise., Marion Marolt, 1512 So. 53rd St., West Milwaukee, Wise., Ann Pelko, 1217 7th St., LaSalle, 111., and Josephine Sumic, 1305 N. Center St., Joliet, 111. Even though the deadline is a few days lapsed — if you act immediately it is not too late to enter a team or yourself in the tournament. Afford yourself this great opportunity of being in the most colossal, gigantic and stupendous S.W.U. Swirl of the year and have yourself as Jayne Mansfield sez, “A real ball!” It’ll be most wonderful to see and greet all for the twenty-sixth time! Josephine Sumic, President, Mid West SWU Bowling Association up with a neat 179 for that game. Another of our captains, Jo Mlakar, again went over the “200" mark, (his time rolling a beautiful 227, making it two consecutive weeks in which she rolled the high game of the night as well as high series. And, we must not forget Sophie Stiglich, who rolled her first over the 200 mark, with a 204. Let’s see her do it again. Another of our low average bowlers (118) is also having good luck. She is Ann Cernetich, who recently rolled a high of 186. Congratulations to her, and we hope it becomes a regular habit. Therese Pavnica also came in with a high of 1214, her best of this season. In that “Make That Spare” area, we have Therese Pavnica and Shirley Goron with a 5-7; Dot Nemanich 2-10; Ann Papesh 3-7-10; Gen Gasmovic 6-7-10; Ann Stefanich 5-10 and a high series of 503 the same evening; Editli Itosenquist with a 4-7-9-10 and 3-6-7-8. This shows the girls can make that spare when it is important. Going up the ladder, we have Marge Itachor with a 154-158-162. And returning to the fold of regular bowlers, we have Jo Sumic, who was out the fore-part of the season. We are happy to have her back with us. Agnes Koerber, Secretary No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Our Feb. meeting was a little disappointing as there were only a few members present. I know the awful weather kept the ladies away, but, let’s see you at our next meeting. Alice Sabol became grandmother for the 3rd time when her daughter presented the Sabols with a new granddaughter. Congratulations to them. Following members are on vacation trips: Helen Less is in sunny California, where she is enjoying temperatures of 70 and 80 degrees! She'll be there (i weeks visiting daughters Christine Zak in Taft, Calif., and Elsie Ford in Oriville, Calif. Cecilia Brodnik is enjoying the balmy weather of sunny Florida. Have a good time, and return safely. Josephine Oblak had a happy trip to San Diego visiting cousin Capt. VV. F. Petrovič, U.S.N. I am calling on the members to notify us when any member is sick; we’d like to remember them with cards of cheer. Also, please call me for any change of address so that I, in turn, may notify the Zarja mailing office of the change. Another reminder, namely dues! If you cannot pay the dues at the meeting, send a money order or check, whichever is more convenient. Thanks for your promptness! At this time, we want to thank Josephine Zupan for her donations to the branch treasury and to Pauline Friedel and Mary Nosan for the surprise lunch. Belated birthday greetings to Helen Less and Helen Banker; please overlook my error. Our March celebrants, to whom we add many good wishes, are; Jennie Kmet, Frances Kozely, Josephine Hočevar, Kate Maglicic, Mary Rahne, Mary Sanker, Mary Stevens, Josephine Weiss, Anna Widmar and Anna Pishel. Remember the Mother’s Day Pot Luck in May. Let’s make it a big affair! Stella Dancull, sec’y No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. We held our regular meeting at the Jugoslav National Home on Jan. 7tli in 40 degrees BELOW zero cold. The attendance was poor as a consequence. The newly-elected officers took over their duties. Pres. Barbara Brennan presided at the meeting, opened with prayer. We decided to have a Valentine Party at the Feb. meeting and exchange hankies as in the past. At this writing our city is in the midst of preparation for the 12th Annual Winter Carnival on Feb. 2-4, with the usual features, including a Pancake and Bacon Breakfast for over 1,000 persons! As in the past, the log-sawing contest and fishing contest brings thousands of visitors to Ely for these events. Games were enjoyed by all after the meeting and a delicious luncheon was served by the committee, as follows: “VICKI CALLING” . .. No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. One of the most interesting and enjoyable publications is this “ZARJA”. It brings to our very doorstep news about our friends and neighbors that are far and near. We get well informed about what other blanches and their activities include, written by our members for our members makes it the best magazine that comes to our homes. Note: Dear members of Br. No. 25, if possible when paying your dues, please pay on the meeting evening which is every second Monday of the month or on the 25th of each month at the meeting room at St. Vitus School. (Better yet, come on meeting Mmes. Leo Erchull, Frank Preshiren, Jos. Pishler, John Richards and John Miklavsich, who also took home the door prize. The committee in charge of the Valentine party were named, as: Mmes. Frank Pucel, Frank Vidmar, Jos. Skufca, Tony Knapp, Jos. Godec, Steve Seliga, John Schubitz, Jos. Jamnik, John Rosandich and Miss Mary Stubler. (Ed. note. Just reading about you brings to mind the smiling and beautiful faces of the girls who helped at the Convention in Ely last May and whom we’ll never forget for their sincere hospitality! We love you, all!) Speedy recovery to our convalescing members. Ann Rowe No. 24, La Salle, III. The officers were all re-elected to serve another year for our branch, they are: Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Michael Železnikar, pres, Mary Krogulski, vice-pres. Justine Anglevar, sec’y, Angela Strukel, treas. Mary Kastigar, rec. sec’y, Mary Krogulski and auditors: Mary Uranič, Anna .Takse and Justine Anglevar. The March 4th meeting is an important one and we hope many of our members will be on hand for the discussions. Congratulations to the families who have welcomed new arrivals: Barbara Krogulski (Lopsek) had a baby boy and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bernardi also a new bundle from heaven. Sympathy to Paula Vidrik and family who lost their husband and father. Two daughters and two grandchildren also survive. We are sorry to report the death of our member, Frances Petelin, who was taken ill suddenly and died. In fact, she was at the Dec. meeting and was selected our Mother of the Year. The bereaved family includes a son and 3 grandchildren. God grant them eternal rest. Condolences also to treas., M. Kastigar on the death of her brother( Jimmy Zaletel! Best wishes to all sick members and to Anna Meglen who is recovering from an operation. Don’t forget your dues payments. Regards, Angela Strukel, sec’y night and stay to meet your friends to enjoy and relax with an evening of pleasant conversation.) P. S. To all branches of S. W. U. “How’s the Campaign for the 35th Jubilee progressing? I would be very pleased if you would place a small notation in the "ZARJA” at the end of the article by each Branch telling of your individual progress. Thank you!” Campaign Chairman, Vicki B. Faletič Let’s hear from you through oui “ZARJA!” No. 28, Calumet, Mich. It was gratifying to see so many happy faces at our meeting last Dec. A delicious chicken supper was served by the committee and games were enjoyed afterward. Many members were lucky and won prizes. Gifts were exchanged for Christmas and we remembered our sick members with Christmas greetings. At our Jan. meeting, the following officers were installed: Pres., Ann Heinemann; Vice-Pres. Rose Barrons; Fin Sec’y, Mary Jakovich; Rec. Sec’y, Mae Munch; Treas., Stephanie Ryan; Trustees, Mary Bracco, Ann Klobucliarich and Angeline Checada; Conductors, Katherine Toth and Mary Ann Thomas; Sentinels, Gertrude Kastelec and Theresa Augustine. Memorial services for members who passed away during the year 1961 were scheduled for the Feb. meeting. Sister Anna Stanfel was selected as Mother-of-the-Year. She is well deserving of this honor—she held the office of secretary for several years and also, the office of trustee. The Lenten season is upon us and let us observe it properly, so that we’ll receive many graces. Best wishes to all for a very happy and joyous Easter. Ann Heinemann, Pres. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Greetings to all! The following is a decision of the yearly meeting. In the past years, we have had a special collection in the event of a death of a member in our branch, or any immediate relative who lived in the same household with a member. A donation of 25(( for a member and lOtf for all others was collected to help defray the cost of this service. To avoid this collection each time and to make it easier on our Secretary, the members decided to set up a special fund headed by our Vice Pres. Frances Danko. Each members is asked to contribute $1.00 toward this fund. From this fund, a high Mass is offered for the soul of a member and $20.00 will be donated to the family. [f a relative of a member living In the same household should die, a low Mass is offered and a $10.00 donation given. When this fund is exhausted, each member will be asked to donate again, to bring up a reserve in this fund. The members have also offered to help at these dinners, and it has been greatly appreciated by the immediate families. These acts of kindness and help given to the family in time of need has proven a great satisfaction and praise from outsiders. We are proud to say the Slovenian Women’s Union has been recognized for this wonderful work and has brought many new members. Members who live out of town, or who are unable to attend meetings, please mail your $1.00 contribution In as soon as possible to the Secretary or Frances Danko, 308 West House Street, Duluth 8, Minnesota. Our Christmas party followed the meeting, which was headed by Emily and Doris Skull and a wonderful group of women. Much preparation went into this social event. All the table decorations were made by the girls and a delicious lunch was served with all the fancy cookies and etc. Many prizes were won by the women who played cards and games. Thanks girls, the members are still commenting on this affair. Must also comment on a group of our members who were asked to sing at our local School P. T. A. Christmas program. The chorus was directed by Frances (Ilutar) Blatnik; they sang Christmas Slovenian selections. They did a wonderful job and we are all proud of them. Mrs. Boben and Barbara Giacominni are confined in the hospital, we wish them a speedy recovery. Also to our honorary President, Mrs. Prisland, who has been In ill health. Membership drive so far, has brought in twelve adults and seven children — this is a good start; let’s try and increase this drive greatly In the near future. Ann Podgoršek No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Members met at the Catholic Men’s Club for their first meeting in 1962 on Jan. 17th, with Mrs. Edward Dragavon presiding. In spite of the 40 degree below zero weather, sixteen members were present and the evening was a warm, jovial one in spite of the freezing temperatures outside. After routine business was disposed of, election of officers took place (as we had no December meeting, and all present officers were re-elected. They are besides Mrs.Dragavon, pres.; Mrs. John Pahula, vice-pres.; Mrs. Mary Pahula, Sec-Treas.; and Mrs. Nick Te-kautz, Recording Sec.; and Trustees are Mmes. Frank Planton, John Za-vodnick and Joseph Gornick. Mrs. Anthony Yapel is again the reporter. Mrs. Peter Yapel, the former Ann Spreitzer of Ely, was named Mother of the Year. A social hour followed with awards in Cootie going to Mmes. Ernest Mu-stonen, Herman Mesojedec and Edward Dragavon, and in “500” to Mmes. Anthony Yapel, John Pahula and Nick Tekautz. The evening’s activities were concluded with a delicious lunch served by the hostesses, Mmes. Louis Chi-abotti and Ramon Berg. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. To all our members, a wish for a happy new year. The Dec. meeting and party was held on Dec. 10th. As this is the party of the year, it was well attended. The juniors were invited and had their own gift exchange and treats. There were 15 juniors present. A very nice lunch was served and the decorations on the table were lovely. Some of the nicest things were given in the dollar gift exchange. Sister Christine Krall won the door prize. The meeting was called to order by the president, Margaret Setnikar and after the old business was taken care of, the delegation of officers was held, with the following named: Pres., Anne Kasteliz; Sec’y-Treas., Frances Anzelc; Rec. Sec’y, Angeline Karish (and reporter); Sick Committee, Angeline Brennan and Sister Anne Bezek was chosen Mother of the Year, a very well-deserving member. Our meetings are held in the church basement every 2nd Sunday of the month from Nov. through April. No meeting during July and August. Our deepest sympathy to the Steb-lay family on the loss of wife and mother, Margaret Steblay, who died at Univ. of Minnesota Hospital following an illness of 2% weeks. She was only 37 years old and always so full of life. It’s a great sorrow in our little town for Margaret was loved by all, old and young. She is survived by her husband, Frank, one son, Edward, and a daughter, Donna. Her mother. Frances Sherek, is one of our first and oldest members, being in her eighties. She is also survived by two sisters, Frances Anzelc, our sec’y and Mary Berkness. Daughter Donna is a junior and Donna’s grandma, Johanna Zallar is a past president of our lodge and a great lady. An aunt, Mrs. Joe Ahlin is also a member, so the dearly departed Margaret came from a true Zveza family. She will be greatly missed by all of us. We wish her God’s eternal blessings and everlasting peach. We must take a moment to thank our president, Ann Kasteliz, for her good organization of the funeral cars for our ladies and for getting such a number of them out on that cold day, 27 degrees below zero. Thanks to Ann and her workers, too, for the wonderful meal prepared for all the family and friends after the funeral. It was a job well done and makes us all happy to be members. Hospitalized are two of our members; Christine Medved had surgery done at the Eveleth hospital and Frances Ribich was in a Duluth hospital. We wish them both an early return to good health. Angeline Karish No. 42, Maple Hgts, O. The installation of new officers and the introduction of a new member, Ann Petrov, opened our Feb. meeting. This was to have been the date of the Spring Hat Sale, but, due to circumstances beyond our control, it has been tentatively postponed. Refreshments hostesses were the birthday celebrants, namely, Antonia and Frances Legan, Lillian Sadowski and Nicky Lerchbacker. Delicious coffee and bakery was served and enjoyed by all. This was followed by a “B” games session with prizes donated by Antonia Matis and yours truly. Congratulations to member Jennie Perko and her husband, Joe, who celebrated their 50th, Golden Wedding on Jan. 21st, with a Mass at St. Wen-ceslaus church and “open house” for relatives and friends. On the sick list was Mary Filips who underwent surgery and is now convalescing nicely. Our best wishes to Angela Zupanc whose husband, John, recently faced major surgery. In my last report, I made mention of the passing of a long-time member, Josephine Franetič. Now, only a few months later, her husband, Rudolph followed her. To their daughter, Mary Fink, a member of Br. No. 42 and to all the members of the Fianetic family, we extend our deepest sympathy in their great loss. Mr. Franteic was also a brother of our past pres., Antonia Legan. Please remember this grand old couple in your prayers. Sorry for the absence of a report in last month’s Zarja. Yours truly was busy welcoming the arrival of a brand new baby boy. This makes Antonia Legan a grandmother for the 11th time. Not to be outdone in this department was Frances Legan whose son, Dr. Jos. Legan, D.D.S., and wife Dorothy, welcomed Joseph, Jr. Congratulations ! To Mary Yemec, w'e also extend congratulations in the recent appointment of her son Jack, as Recreation Director of Maple Hgts. Since our next meeting on April 4th falls in Lent, we will omit the usual refreshments, and instead, we ask the March and April birthday celebrants to donate prizes for popular games. See you all at the meeting, beginning at a new time — 7:30! Please be prompt. Lillian Sadowski Marie Prisland: i - 1 f T t t ■■ 1 ip lift ,1 ,, 1 1 LI and Strudels take their place among the most popular deserts. The main requirements for a good strudel are proper dough and the proper filling. The dough must be so well kneaded, that it can be stretched paper thin. Thick dough will not make a good strudel, regardless of filling used. Pol lowing is the recipe for apple strudel as is made by that excellent cook, Mrs. Mary Otoničar of Cleveland. Apple Strudel Dough 11/2 cup flour 3 tablespoons melted butter 'A teaspoon salt 1 beaten egg h cup luke warm water Sift flour into a bowl; add the egg, butter and salt and enough warm water to make a soft dough. Mix it quickly with a knife. Then place it on floured board and knead it by hand, stretching it up and down to make it elastic and until it leaves the board clean. Work on dough at least 20 minutes. Don’t be afraid to treat it rough. Toss the dough on a well floured board, moisten top with a little water or oil to prevent crust from forming, cover it with a warm bowl and allow to rest one hour. While dough is resting prepare the following: — Apple Strudel Filling 8 apples Vi lb. butter 1 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon % cup bread crumbs, browned in butter Peel, core and slice apples, then put them in a pan with melted butter. Mix thoroughly. Add bread crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Mix. This mixture you will spread on the dough. Roll out strudel dough with a rolling pin on cloth-covered table sprinkled with flour until dough is about '/4 inch thick. Spread about 4 tablespoons melted butter over it and stretch dough by hand until paper thin. Cut off any thick edges. Spread filling only over % of the dough and spread the rest of dough with 4 tablespoons of melted butter. Roll up like a jelly roll. Place strudel in a well buttered long pan and bake in 375° degrees until slightly brown. Reduce heat to 350° and bake for an additional 40 to 45 minutes. When strudel is baked cut it in suitable pieces and serve. It may be served hot or cold sprinkled with powdered sugar. California Salad The recipe for the above salad was contributed by Mrs. Mimi Nicko-loff of Iyos Angeles. She is a social member of Sheboygan branch, born in Maribor, Slovenia. The Nickoloff’s own and operate a famous restaurant in the heart of Los Angeles. We recommend this fine restaurant to all our travelers. You will be cordially served with the finest food. (See Ad.) Ingredients: ’/2 head lettuce % bunch watercress small bunch of chickory % head romaine two medium peeled tomatoes two roasted chicken breasts, cut in cubes six strips crisply fried bacon an avocado three hard boiled eggs two tablespoons chives V2 cup grated roquefort cheese. Chop the greens, slice eggs and tomatoes and put it all together with an old fashioned French dressing and you’ve got a fabulous salad for four. Tips Fried chicken tastes best when it lias crisp, crunchy crust. To insure perfect crustiness, sift two level teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon sugar and one cup flour into a paper bag and shake well. Salt and pepper the chicken, drop into the bag and shake until well covered. Fry as usual and be sure to have enough for second helpings. f)I U3lNAI RESTAURANT (James and Mimi Nicholoff, Prop.) 801 South Vermont Street, Los Angeles, Calif, When traveling WEST, stop at this famous Restaurant for delicious barbecued chicken and other fine Food. You will love their friendly service. Your pancakes will not stick and there will be no smoke or odor if you make a little salt bag and rub your pan with it instead of using grease. * * * Clothespins won’t freeze to the line, if you soak them in strong salt brine. One treatment should last all winter. * * * Silk should not be sprinkled for ironing, but ironed when it has dried to uniform dampness; otherwise it may show water marks. It is best to iron on the wrong side, with a protective cloth. If the material is too wet, it will emerge stiff. * * * To prevent grease from spattering on stove burners not in use when something else is being fried on other burners, place pie pans upside down over the unused burners before you begin frying. * * * Jimmy (watching something tasty going into sick room): “Please, Ma- ma, can I have the measles when Willie’s done with them?” ACTIVITIES—Cont’d No. 43, Milwaukee, Wise. The Jan. meeting was short as our parish had their yearly meeting. Our main topic was the Miscellaneous Card Party to be held on March 18th at St. John’s Hall and all members are urged to attend. Donation of prizes will be greatly appreciated. To all our sick and shut-in members, a speedy recovery. To our March birthday celebrants, best wishes. Mrs. Josephine Kraemer is convalescing at St. Mary’s Hospital. Members, please visit her. Our branch mourns the loss of Agnes Medved, who passed away in Dec.; sincere condolences to the Medved Family. The Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held in Chicago on April 7 and 8. Anyone wishing to enter, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. I am glad the dead line for articles to appear in Zarja is 5th of mo, that way we will receive the Zarja before our meeting date, the second Sunday of month. Our branch wishes to extend our sympathy to our Pres. Jo Prebil, also Mary Moeningmann, her sister, on the death of their father Jacob Speck, who passed away on Jan. 13, 19G2, exactly 9 months after his wife passed away. The mother, Josephine Speck, was the organizer of our branch here in St. Louis. So, to the family we extend our sincere sympathy. We will remember both of them in our prayers. May they rest in peace. Our member, Mary Gregory, is still on the sick list. She still is not able to step on her foot. She fractured her hip and it is still on the mend. So, remember her with a cheer up card. Also Margaret Dolenz, our Vice- 35th JUBILEE — CLASS "B" — MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN ENDS THIS MONTH, MARCH 31ST. Washington, D.C. your goal? Then, do it the easy and most practical way by joining the Membership Campaign Bandwagon! Sign up your relatives and friends, in the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — and they’ll help you aboard that Washington bound Greyhound! The workers who reach 35 points receive the FREE TRIP and $35.00 cash! (A dollar a point!) Get applications from your branch secretary and get out your list of prospective members. Take a tip from our Membership Campaign Director, VICKI FALETIČ, who says: With a smile on your face, pen in hand, application blanks open and goal in mind, you’re bound to succeed! Sign them up! Class A — Class B -- Juniors! The prizes await you for your diligent work! Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary. (Points rated: Class B, 1 point; Class A, l/7 point, Juniors, % point.) Pres., fell down on the ice. We certainly had enough of that this year. No fractures, but she is pretty well bruised up. Oh yes, I believe she has a couple of fractured ribs. Remember her with a card also. I hope this nice weather keeps up. We certainly had a bad winter this year. I hope the attendance at the meetings will increase. Will remind members of our Easter Communion date in next article in the April issue. Mary Thompson, Rec’y Sec’y THANK YOU! | , We wish to thank the Sacred , Heart of Jesus No. 70, the Clergy of St. Anthony of Padua ’ ' Church, relatives and friends > • for their kind expression of , , sympathy tendered to us in the loss of our father, Jacob Speck, ' for the spiritual bouquets, the > « beautiful floral offerings, sym- , , pathy cards and the Gebken- Benz Mortuary for their kind and efficient service. ' ' Josephine Prebil > ■ and , , Mary Moenigmann, daughters. St. Louis, Mo. * ► ■ ' '!■ ■■■ ■■■ T* .pi »»■ No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Oh, what excitement it was at our first meeting of the new year. Lights went out — due to faulty electricity, so we had our meeting by candlelight! We had a large attendance to witness the installation of new officers which was a beautiful ceremony as each officer holding a candle was escorted by charter member, Mitzi Bencin. Pres., Frances Seitz was the installing officer and welcomed our new staff. We also initiated our three new members, and again, Mitzi did the honors in escorting them to the front. Wo were happily surprised to have Mrs. Susnik with us; she is the godmother of our branch flag She was given a warm welcome by all and we hope she attends more often! In fact, we hope to see more of the once-a-year members in the future! Ann Nowakowski come to the Dec. meeting after a long absence. We surely love seeing you all. We hope to make our new president. Rose Želodec and other officers happy by giving them our full support. We hope Rose will love us like Frances has all these years, working hard to build the branch up and organizing the juniors as well. Frances deserves a lot of credit from all of us. Our deepest appreciatiion, Fran, for all your work. We had great interest hearing the minutes of the 1932 yearly meeting which Frances read to us. From time lo time, we’ll have other year’s minutes read at the meetings. O, ladies! A reminder for our White Elephant Sale in April. Don’t forget to save things for the sale — date to be announced later. Ding dong! The 25th anniversary was celebrated in Jan. for Mr. and Mrs. E. Križman. Friends had given them a surprise party — and we extend our best wishes on this happy occasion. Oh — Ho! Something else, if you have news of a event, illness or anniversary of our members, notify Personality Officer, Josephine Kaplan, RE 1-1338 or Mary Bostian, IV 1-4710. Congratulations to Helen Kobie on her new baby. That reminds me of the story told by our Sophie Zagorc. She told a lady friend that she was selected as Mother of the Year for 1962 and the lady said, “Oh, I didn’t know you were expecting!” We thought that was a cute joke! In case you can’t make it to the meetings, mail in your dues to sec’y Marie Beck, 25854 Highland Rd. (24.) She’ll take care of it and also appreciate your promptness. God bless you all. Mary Bostian No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Here we are again with our glad and sad news report. We again have an empty chair. Prayers were recited for the repose of our dearly beloved sister, Mary Divjak who has passed away Jan. 27th. We wish also to express our deepest sympathy to sister Genevieve Zidarich upon the loss of her dearly beloved husband, William. We all know what this loss means and that it leaves an emptiness that is hard to fill. We hope and pray that in some way our sympathy will help these families sustain their faith in this trying time. God grant them eternal peace. We wish to thank all the ladies who generously gave a helpful hand. It is nice to know that we do have real sisterhood in our branch and of that we can be most proud. To all our sick members, we wish Godspeed to a rapid recovery. The March meeting will be held on Tuesday, March Gth instead of Wednesday, it being Ash Wednesday. Please try and attend. A card of thanks was read from the Udovich family and thus, the meeting came to a close. Popular games entertained the members, honors going to sisters, Josephine Oswald, Ivanna Prelesnik, Mary Russo, Alice Bairatto, Mary Musech, Gertrude Kochevar, Mary Techar and Florence Techar. Door prize was awarded to Carmela Bonazza. Delicious lunch was served by our hostesses: sisters Angeline Russ, Frances Oswald, Angeline Hrovat and Jennie Crea. Don’t forget our March 6th meeting at the Little Grove. Make a big showing, the more the merrier. Gertrude Kochevar No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Greetings from Girard! One month has slipped away since our last reporter, Anna Marie Racick, gave up the job she did so well, to take care of a brand new daughter! So, congratulations to the Racicks and the following mem-beis on their new arrivals: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bestic, Mr. » JUNIOR’S PAGE «««<-« Miss Suzie Moenigman A member of Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., Miss Moenigman wrote an essay we have re-printed here based on her own experience and opinion. We think it shows a very adult and sensible interpretation of the question and her thoughts and words are clearly stated. It’s excellent reading material for our youngsters and a lesson in application of one’s faith. Her mother and other members of the family belong to the branch too, and we send our hearty congratulations to the family. C. L. Dear Juniors, In our Dec. issue, our Juvenile Director greeted all the junior Members and wished them all a very good year. Why don’t we all send her a good year letter through our magazine to let her know that we are glad to hear from her? How many of you read the wonderful Christmas story about the mother and baby and the bear? It was a very nice story and made us all think that kindness always pays. Let’s try and do a kind deed whenever we can. it really pays because God always rewards everyone for all the good things we do for our neighbors. DONNA (Reprinted from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat) SHOULD PARENTS PLAN FUTURE? Parents have at times been accused of attempting to make the decision as to the future of their children. What is your CANDID OPINION of the degree of guidance which should be offered by the average parent? SUZIE MOENIGMANN, 16, St. Elizabeth’s Academy. Vice-president, Foot-li'ght Club; photographer for yearbook; member, speech team, student council, parish Sodality. “The only answer I can give is through what I’ve observed with my friends, and it seems to me that parents more or less leaive the decision almost entirely up to their children. The only exception would be if the father had a certain highly-trained field in life, such as a doctor or a lawyer. Then they might try to persuade their child to enter that profession. “However, as far as trying to push something om a boy or girl, I believe that there are very few people who don’t recognize the fact that if you dislike something, you simply won’t do it well. “Now, there is always the chance that a teenager might want to do something outlandish. Then, of course, the parents should step in. “I can’t imagine a student who doesn’t think enough of her parents to discuss her future with them—if for no other fact than the experience they've had. Youth needs guidance; guidance to the extent where they are helped— and not told. But parents have a way of suggesting things that sink in. “One other thing I’d like to say is that students should think very carefully of the financial ability of the family, and not always place ‘me’ first.” Pen Pals Dear Donna, This year in school, we are having Pony League. The boys from 4th grade up to 7th grade play on teams. The girls from the same grades cheer-lead. I am a cheerleader on the 6th-grade squad. We have cheerleading practice every Monday at 4:0.0 p. m. Our team is called the “Twisters”. They have won 1 game and lost 2. In gym, we have started tumbling. We are practicing how to do flips and somersaults. This week we also received our report cards. Today it is snowing and it sure looks nice out, but it is awfully cold. It has been cold here all week. Well, I’ll close now. Your Pen Pal, Renee Why is a love of the ocean like curiosity? Because it has sent many a boy to see (sea). * * * What do contented men desire; the poor have, and the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves; and all men carry to their ? Nothing. * * * What fruit did they have in the Ark? Pairs (pears). Dear Kathy, Thank you so much for the lovely letter you sent in as a Pen, Pal for the Junior Page. The Junior members of our group always look forward to reading letters from the members of other branches. I hope they, too, will soon write of their experiences belonging to the S.W.U. doing Drill Team Marching and Baton work. I can just imagine all the fun you and your family have during your vacations, having a cabin all your own near a river and surrounded by a lot of pine trees. And, then, to read about your accident, made us all feel sad. But, the cadets all hope you are in the best of health by the time you read this letter. We all said a prayer for your recovery. God bless you. Your Pen Pal, DONNA Write! Dear Renee, We sure made the headlines in the Jan. edition of this magazine! Just think, along with Mary Ann, all the Junior members of all the branches throughout the United States of America were able to read our letters and also see our pictures, so they could get to know us better. Wouldn’t it be nice now if you would write a short note to Mary Ann and Mary could write one to you, too? The pictures of our Junior team members turned out very good. They were all proud to see their pictures as it was a sort of surprise, as they were snapped while practicing. The drummers looked serious about learning to play their drums! I hope you find time to send one of our first Pen Pals a hurry-and-get-well card. I’m sure it would make her very happy. Her name is Kathy Dicke and the address is: 3717 Council Crest, Madison 5, Wise. That’s all for now, DOf^NA tajili'11 First Day of Spring March 21st! please patronize our advertisers »ttrnaMl UR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. 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