/f— 36 f st't/'f- ¿9 £"4 OLO - ¿954 ^^t^uun'ko^ V— £/ <£j /SS-&4, 3A ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <2 ANALYTICAL INDEX TO OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME IV - (F. T. T.) ISSUES No. 1 - 36 (11 Jan. 1951 - 31 Dec. 1951) Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1952 A ADELMAN DELLA NAVE Mario Appointed as Judge at the Tribunal of Trieste .........ADM. 0. 42 369 AGENCIES Forwarding, Tourist, etc. Taxation (Arts VII-X) .......... 35 85 Loans Agency ................................................................. 58 213 184 627 AGRICULTURE (See also Fruits, Seeds and Vegetables) „Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana“ of Aurisina, Appointments . ADM. 0. 72 628 Contributions for the year 1951 48 167 51 180 65 222 Direct Cultivators, Representative of, to be appointed to the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Article II). 180 616 ERR. CORR. 180 625 Dual property owner’s crossing permits (Article II) ......................... 179 611 Fertilizers and anti-cryptogam products, Taxation (Part VII).... 35 85 Fiscal concessions for the development and modernization of agricultural equipment (Order No. 226/1950), Appointment of a Committee ADM. O. 11 149 Land Reclamation, Provisions relating to .................................... 2 4 Threshers, Insurance of................_........................ 125 408 AIRCRAFTS Permission for landing (Article V) ......................................... 179 611 ALBERTI STENO Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM O. 9 109 ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Sale and consumption in health, holiday and tourist resorts, Amendments to Order No. 185/1949 ...........................,......,........ 181 619 Beer, Fiscal provisions (Part V) .....,.....,................... 35 85 (Article VI) 172 579 Brandies, Institution of a coloured State label ............................ 90 328 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT Appointment of Director General, Civil Affairs, AMG, Br/US Zone, FTT.. 136 437 Contribution of AMG for the engaging of apprentices ........................... 5 7 192 651 Creation whitin the Department of Public Works and Utilities of the Branch „Sezione Lavori Aiuto ai Disoccupati“ (SELAD) 197 660 Gazette, Edition „Bis“, Publication of approval of final accounts issued by Local Administrations ........................................... 146 461 Gazette, Edition „Bis“, Publication of decrees of cancellation of instruments representing bank deposits (Article IX) ..................... 189 645 A ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT (Continued) Gazette, Publication of....................................NOTICE 55 635 Loans Agency .............................................................. 58 213 184 627 Organization of AMG, Amendment to Order No. 208/1958 ....................... 6 12 Power to perform notarial acts, etc. to the Director of Legal Affairs and such other officers of the Department of Legal Affairs ...................... 171 574 ADM. O. 68 577 ALLOWANCES (See also Assistance and Pensions) Family allowances of the personnel employed in railwaymen messes.... 30 77 Family allowances of workers employed with messes of private firms, Service of, entrusted to „Gestione del Commercio della Cassa TJnica degli assegni famigliari“ ..................................................... 98 341 Family allowances, New determination of the value of remuneration paid in kind for the reckoning of contributions due for ...................... 99 341 Family allowances in industry ............................................ 126 409 Family allowances to personnel employed in surveillance and watch services 156 476 Family allowances for depending personnel of recreational and cultural centres entrusted to commercial, professions and arts sector of the „Cassa TInica degli Assegni familiari“ ........................................ 159 488 Residence allowance in favour of rural chemists’ shop, Increase of... 28 66 AMBROSINO Rodolfo Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ .................................................ADM. O. 67 575 APPRENTICES (See Artisans) ARTISANS Apprentices, Provisions in favour of ....................................... 5 7 192 651 „Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana“ of Aurisina, Appointments to .. . .ADM. O. 72 628 Loans to artisans ......................................................... 82 300 Representative of artisans to be appointed to the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Article II) ..................... 180 616 ERR. CORR. 180 625 Taxes (Arts III & IV)........................... 35 85 ASSISTANCE (See also Allowances, Insurance and Pensions) Anti-TB Campaign, Special charge on travel tickets ....................... 174 585 Appointment of Prof. Romano Redento as Commissioner of the „Federa- zione Provinciale O.N.M.I.,, of Trieste .................ADM. O. 36 287 Disbanding of „Divisione Lavori in Economia“ and establishment of „Se- zione Lavori Aiuto ai Disoecupati“............................... 197 660 „Ente Ausiliario Assistenza Sociale“, Amendment to Order No. 185/1950 Gazette No. 18 113 371 „Ente Assistenza Lavoratori“, Provisions concerning, Amendment to Order No. 403/1947 ....................................... 182 619 ADM. O. 71 622 „Ente di Previdenza e di Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali“, Appointment of Dr. Mario Spina as Manager ......................... ADM. 0. 41 „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza per i Lavoratori dello Spettacolo“, Amendment to Order No. 114/1950 ....................... 27 Merger of „Fondazione Antitubercolare Saul Daniele Modiano“ with „Fondazione Generale Conte Carlo Petitti di Roreto per la lotta contro la tubercolosi“ ................................................... 77 Patronage and Social Assistance Offices, Determination of the rate of contribution due for the year 1950 in favour of................... 140 Patronage Office, Appointment of funds for the financing of ...... 177 Sanitary assistance to personnel of the Railways Provisional Administration of the FTT, Repeal of Order No. 153/1949 ..........Gazette No. 18 118 Tubercular patients, Assistance to ............................... 157 ASSOCIAZIONE GIULIANA PER IL CONTROLLO DELLA COMBUSTIONE Tariff rates of, and contributions due to, for 1951 ................. 101 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (See Justice sub Examinations) AUTHORITY (See Churches, Donations, Legacies, Loans, Surnames and Property) B BAYLEY, Lionel H., Capt. Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations .........'...ADM. O. 61 BAND INI Sergio Appointed to the Board of Auditors of „Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana“ of Aurisina ..............................................ADM. O. 72 BANK-NOTES (See Currency) BANKS (See also Currency) Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste : Loans to artisans .................................................... 82 Loans foreseen in Order No. 26/1951 (Housing) .............ADM. O. 52 President and Vice-President, Re-appointment of ...........ADM. O. 65 President of the Watching Committee, Appointment of ....ADM. O. 66 ERR. CORK. 66 Statute, Modifications of ............................................ 22 Instruments representing Bank deposits, Cancellation of .............. 189 BEER (See Alcoholic Drinks) A-B No. Page 324 65 293 448 590 375 477 343 478 628 300 411 499 575 625 57 645 B-C BENEDETTO Francesco Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board ... .ADM 0. 8 BOARDS „Cassa Rurale e Artigiana“, Appointment of Auditors of Aurisina . . ADM. 0. 72 „ENAL“, Directing Council .................................... 182 ADM O. 71 „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“, Board of Directors .... 12 39 ADM. 0. 10 Gazette No. 18 112 „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste, Appointment of the Board ... .ADM. O. 9 Housing Development Board, Constitution of (Article XI)....... 26 Housing Development Fund Board, Appointment of........ADM. O. 21 Tax-collectors, Examining Board, Article V ................... 79 Trieste Stock-Exchange Board, Appointment of members of ..ADM. O. 8 ADM. O. 23 Utilization of Resources Corporation, Board of Directors, Amendments to Order No. 243/1948 ............................................. 23 BONIFACIO Giorgio Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission forThe performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ............ADM. O. 61 BONIFACIO Tullio Appointed as substitute member of the Housing Development Fund Board ADM. O. 21 BOUNDARIES (See Local Government) BRANDIES (See Alcoholic Drinks) BREAD Milling and bread-making industries, Amendment to Order No. 103/1950 195 Sampling and analysis ........................................... 193 BUILDINGS (See Housing) c CALISSANO Guido Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 31 CASSA DI R1SPARMIO DI TRIESTE (See Banks) CASSA RURALE E ARTIGIANA, AURISINA Appointments to the Board of Auditors ................ADM. O. 72 628 108 628 619 622 26 137 148 370 109 60 171 294 108 173 58 478 171 658 652 264 CAU Rodolfo Appointed as member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ................... ADM. O. 12 CAVICCHI Ernesto Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative.Societies ADM. O. 20 CBLLANTE Antonio Appointed as Vice-President of the Provisional Consultative Committee of I.N.A.M................................................ADM. O. 3 ADM. O. 78 CELLULOSE Rate of compensation due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on cellulose produced in, or imported into the Zone ........................................ 49 CENSUS (See Statistic) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE Amendment to certain provisions of Order No. 11/1945 and Order No. 106/1950 ......................................................... 180 ERR. CORR. 180 CHEMISTS’ SHOPS Contribution to be paid by .......................................... 28 CHERINI Aldo Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ................ADM. O. 12 CHIOCCHIO Enea Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry...........ADM. 0. 12 CHIRIACO Umberto Appointed as member of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. 11 Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies .................................................ADM. O. 20 CHURCHES, RELIGIOUS BODIES and INSTITUTIONS „Chiesa Parrocchiale di Basovizza“, Authorized to purchase immovable property...............................................ADM. O. 30 „Chiesa Cappellaniale di San Giovanni Battista“ in Bagnoli della Rosandra, Authorized to purchase immovable property..............ADM. O. 70 „Chiesa Parrocchiale S. Antonio Taumaturgo“ in Trieste, Authorized to purchase immovable property ...........................ADM. O. 76 c Page 150 170 20 664 177 616 625 66 150 150 149 170 264 617 662 c CHURCHES, RELIGIOUS BODIES and INSTITUTIONS (Continued) „Comunità Israelitica“, Authorized to accept a legacy....ADM. O. „Ente di Culto Madonna delle Grazie-Marija Milostljiva“, Recognition of juridical personality of ................................ADM. O. Authorized to accept a donation .........................ADM. O. „Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum“, Recognition of juridical personality of and authorization to purchase immovable property......ADM. O. „Ente di Culto San Giusto“, Authorized to purchase immovable property ADM. O. Evangelical Community of St. Augustine's Confessors, Authorized to purchase immovable property ..................................ADM. O. „Monastero delle Madri Benedettine di San Cipriano“ in Trieste, Authorized to purchase immovable property ............................ADM. O. Parish Chinch of „Beata Vergine del Soccorso“ in Trieste, Authorized to purchase immovable property ...............................ADM. O. „Seminario Diocesano di Trieste e Capodistria“, Authorized to accept an inheritance .............................................ADM. O. Serbian Orthodox Community of Trieste, Amendment to the Statute of.. CINEMA PERFORMANCES State duty ....................................................... CLARICI Andro Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ ...................................................ADM. O. CLERGY Economic benefits in favour of the Clergy entitled to receive „congrue“, Increase of ..................................................... COURTS (See Justice) CO AS SINI Romano Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies .................................................ADM. O. Appointed as member of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. CODES (See Justice) COFFEE Special State labels for blends of coffee substitutes with colonial coffee and compensation for all coffee substitute labels ................... Taxation (Part VI) ............................................... COHEN Umberto Appointed as member for the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. 49 392 22 172 75 630 26 208 55 420 57 439 69 592 16 160 32 265 71 281 103 346 67 575 10 25 20 170 11 149 15 44 35 85 175 589 11 149 c COMMERCE (See also Import, Export, Chamber of Commerce and Taxes) Census ............................................................. 141 ERR. CORR. 141 Goods imported under bond, Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 380/1947 ......................................................... 132 Stupefying substances, Control over..............Gazette No. 18 115 Trieste Stock Exchange Board, Appointment of the members of . . ADM. O. 8 ADM. O. 23 COMMISSIONERS Appointment of Prof. Romano Redento as Commissioner of the „Federazione Provinciale dell’O.N.M.I.“ of Trieste ..............ADM. O. 36 Appointment of Rag. Giorgio Krecic as Special Commissioner for „Consorzio Peschereccio Istriano“ ................................ADM. O. 51 COMMISSIONS Census, Supervisory Commission for (Article VII) ................... 141 Central Commission of Professions, Amendment to General Order No. 20/1945 ........................................................... 46 Commissions for Apprentices, Constitution of (Art. Ill) .............. 5 Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry .....................................................ADM. O. 12 Territorial Commission for Cooperative Societies, Appointment of the members of ........................................... ADM. O. 20 COMMITTEES Fiscal concession for the development and modernization of the industrial and agricultural equipment, Appointment of a Committee .. . .ADM. O. 11 Housing Offices and Committees ............................................ 40 95 Watching Committee to the „Cassa di Risparmio dell’Istria“, Appointment of new President of ...........-...............................ADM. O. 66 COMMUNES (See Local Government) COMPETITIONS Provisions concerning competition with prizes, Amendment to Order No. 213/1950 ......................................... ...... 128 CONSALVO Alfonso Appointed as „Procuratore Generale“ of the Court of Appeal of Trieste ADM. O. 19 CONSORZIO FRA PESCATORI DELLA ZONA D1 TRIESTE (See Fishing) Page 448 459 431 373 108 173 287 410 448 165 7 150 170 149 138 337 575 413 162 c CONSORZIO TERRITORIALE PER LA TUTELA DELLA PESCA (See Fishing ) CONSORZIO DELLE COOPERATIVE DI PRODUZIONE E LAVORO (See Cooperative Societies) CONTRACTS (See Employment) ® Lease contracts (See Housing) CONTRIBUTIONS (See also Agriculture and Housing) AMG contribution for the engaging of apprentices................... 5 192 Annual contributions to be paid by Chemists’ Shops ................ 28 „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“, Tariff rates of, and contributions due to, for 1951 .............................. 101 Patronage and Social Assistance Offices, Contributions due to for the year 1950 ....................................................... 140 Rate of contribution due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on cellulose produced in, or imported into the Zone...................................... 49 Social Insurance (See Insurance) CONTROL Control over goods (See Commerce) Control of movement of persons (See Traffic) Control over importation, exportation, transit, trade and holding of stupefying substances, ..............................Gazzette No. 18 1.15 Weight and Measures, Provisions relating to..................... 76 CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES Employment of workers .......................................... 4 „Consorzio delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro“, Liquidation of NOTICE 15 Provisions, Amendment to Order No. 298/1948 ........................ 31 ERR. CORR, 31 Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies, Appointment of the members of ......................................... ADM. O. 20 COTTON (See Textiles) CREDIT (See Loans) CURRENCY Withdrawal from circulation within the Zone of AM-Lire and of bank-notes of the Banca d’Italia, Amendment to Order No. 49/1950 ........ 163 7 651 66 343 448 177 373 291 6 191 78 153 170 D-E D’ANGELO Giotto Appointment as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-Operative Societies ............................................ ADM. O. 20 170 DE CAMPI Emilio Appointed as President of the Directing Council of „Ente Assistenza La- voratori“ (ENAL) .....................................ADM. O. 71 622 DECLARATION Of distressed areas (See Distressed Areas) Of presumptive death (See Presumptive Death) Of public utility (See Public Utility) DEL PIETRO Dante Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board.ADM. 0. 8 108 DINON Giovanni Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board .... ADM. O. 8 108 DISTRESSED AREAS Declaration concerning the villages Ternova Piccola and Prepotto. 185 633 DOCUMENTS Special procedure facilitating the filing of documents with Public Offices, Amendment to Order No. 167/1949 ................................. 17 53 Documents of identification (See Identity Cards) DOCK-WORKERS (See Workers) DONATIONS (See also Churches) Authority to University of Trieste to accept a donation.ADM. O. 25 208 DUTIES (See Taxes) E ECCLESIASTICAL BODIES OR INSTITUTIONS (See Churches) ECONOMIC TREATMENT (See Wages) EGGS Fiscal provisions (Part III) ................................ 35 85 ELECTIONS Dock-Workers Companies’ Officials, Election of............... 21 56 Communal elections (See Local Government) E EMPLOYMENT Of Workers, Amendments to Order No. 85/1949 ................... 4 Contracts of private employment ............................... 32 ENTE AUSILIARIO ASSISTENZA SOCIALE (See Assistance) ENTE AUTONOMO COMUNALE TEATRO VERDI Provisions, Amendment to Order No. 59/1950 .................... 133 ENTE DI PREVIDENZA ED ASSISTENZA PER I DIPENDENTI STATALI (See Assistance) ENTE NAZIONALE ASSISTENZA LAVORATORI also known as ENAL (See Assistance) ENTE NAZIONALE DI PREVIDENZA E DI ASSISTENZA PER I LAVORATORI DELLO SPETTACOLO (See Assistance) ENTE NAZIONALE PER LA CELLULOSA E PER LA CARTA (See Cellulose) ENTE DEL PORTO INDUSTRIALE DI ZAULE ì ENTE DEL PORTO INDUSTRIALE DI TRIESTE ) (See aule ndws °T ) ENTE PER IL TURISMO, TRIESTE Appointment of the Board .............................ADM. O. 9 Appointment of the President ......................... ADM. O. 27 Appointment of a member of the Board .................ADM. 0. 31 EXAMINATIONS „Procuratore Legale“, Examination for 1951 .................... 102 State examinations for professional qualification, Suspension of. 84 Tax-collectors, Examination to qualify as „Ufficiale Esattoriale“ NOTICE 40 EXPORTATION Cotton, Finished products exported, Restitution of duties (See Textiles) Duties levied in favour of „Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero“ for the control service relating to the exportation of vegetables and fruits, including citrus fruits ........................................... 14 Restitution of duty on exported products (spirits and beer) (Articles XII & XIII) ....................................................... 172 Stupefying substances, control over exportation of .... Gazette No. 18 115 Temporary exportations, New concessions of ......................... 54 148 EVICTIONS (See Housing) 6 80 431 109 209 264 344 320 471 43 579 373 194 466 F FACCINI Giuseppe Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry..........ADM. 0. 12 FAIR OF TRIESTE Temporary protection of inventions presented.................... 60 FAMILY ALLOWANCES (See Allowances) FARINARO Domenico Appointed as Judge ................................ ADM. O. 44 FATTORINI Giulio Appointed as member of the Commission for the granting of wages supple- mentation to workers in industry................. ADM. O. 12 FEDERAZIONE PROVINCIALE DELL’ O.N.M.I. Appointment of Prof. Romano Redento as Commissioner .... ADM. O. 36 FEES Amendment to the table of fees due to tax-collectors for executory acts relating to direct taxes ................................................... 43 Increase of fees for professionals in economics and commerce and for accountants (Ragionieri) .................................................... 52 Radio licence fees ........................................................... 93 FEGITZ Renato Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ........ ADM. O. 12 FERRAIOLO Renato Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board .... ADM. O. 8 Substitution ...........................................ADM. O. 23 FERRAZZI Giovanni Termination of temporary appointment and treatment .... ADM. O. 7 FERTILIZERS (See Agriculture) FILIPPINI Giuseppe Appointed as President of Provisional Consultative Commitee of the „1. N. A. M.“ ..................................... ADM. O. 3 ADM. O. 78 FINANCING (See Loans) 150 215 370 150 287 147 193 336 150 108 173 68 20 664 F Order No. Page FISHING „Consorzio fra Peseatori della Zona di Trieste, Amendment to Adm. 0. No. 69/1950 ADM. O. Repeal and amendments ADM. 0. „Consorzio Peschereecio Istriano“, Substitution of Special Commissioner for 6 67 29 223 ADM. 0. 51 410 „Consorzio Territoriale per la Tutela della Pesca“, Appointment of a Commissioner ADM. O. Fishery, Fiscal provisions (Part III & XI) Kerosene destined for lighting elements used on fishing boats, Amendment 59 454 35 85 to Order No. 237/1950 Timavo fishing ground, Declaration of public utility of the enlargement of 83 319 106 365 FLOUR Sampling and analysis...... ... —..... 193 652 FLOWERS Fiscal provisions (Part III) FONDAZIONE ANTITUBERCOLARE SAUL DANIELE MODIANO (See Assistance ) FONDAZIONE GENERALE CONTE CARLO PETITTI DI RORETO PER LA LOTTA CONTRO LA TUBERCOLOSI (See Assistance) 35 85 FORESTRY Amendment to Order No. 108/1949 Fines for certain offences under the law on forestry, Increase of 59 214 70 281 FORTI Bruno Re-appointed as President of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ ADM. 0. 40 323 FRANZIL Mario Appointed as Secretary of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ADM. 0. 61 478 FRANZIN Ferruccio Appointed as Commissioner of the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato di Trieste“ ADM. 0. 62 489 FRUITS Duty on the exportation of Fiscal provisions concerning (Parc III) Provisions concerning the importation and the transit of ^ 14 43 35 85 33 81 FUELS (Lubricants, Oils, Petroleum, etc.) Excise duty on petrol, Partial reimbursement to taxi-drivers. Fiscal provisions concerning (Parts VIII and IX) 89 328 35 85 91 330 14 F-G-H Installation and operation of certain categories of apparatuses for automatic distribution of fuel .................................. 11 Kerosene destined for lighting elements on fishing boats, Amendment to Order 237/1950 .............................................. 83 Oils, Privileges for walnut, sunflower and colza oils ......... 122 Petroleum products, Prices of ........................ NOTICE 13 FÜRIAN Egone Appointed as member of the Board of Directors of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ .......,........................... ADM. Q. 10 G GAME Fiscal provisions concerning (Part III) ....................... 35 GANDUSIO Fernando Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ................ ADM. O. 61 GAS Gas-oils, Fiscal provisions concerning ........................ 91 Methane, propane, butane and relative mixtures (Taxation) Part. XIV & XVI) ................................................................ 35 GONAN Giovanni Appointed as member of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. II GRISOGONO Paolo Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procurators Legale“ ............................................ ADM. O. 67 GUIDI Aldo Appointed as full member in the zone Commission for Taxes . .ADM. O. 77 H HAAG de Riccardo Appointed as member of the Housing Development Fund Board ADM. O. 21 HAUSBRANDT Roberto Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 Page 25 319 390 185 148 85 478 330 85 149 575 663 171 109 H-l HILL, Joseph J., Lt. Col. Appointed as member of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. 11 149 HOLIDAYS Provisions concerning, Amendment to Order No. 200/1949............ 190 650 HOUSING (See also Distressed Areas) Evictions from dwelling premises, Delay of .............................. 87 322 Housing offices and committees, Amendment to Order No. 96/50 ............ 40 138 95 337 Lease and sub-lease contracts, Amendments to Order No. 175/1950.... 44 155 75 291 168 517 188 645 Loans, Granting of, for constructions and reconstructions.......... 26 60 ADM. O. 52 411 131 416 Loans, Appointment of the Housing Development Board .... ADM. O. 21 171 Luxury houses, Characteristics of, Amendment to Order No. 36/1950.. 20 55 Popular and economical house-building, Amendment to the Consolidated Text on ............................................ Gazette No. 18 111 370 Reconstruction of buildings, Exemption from taxes, Amendment to Order No. 222/1949 ........................................................ 176 590 Resumption of the construction of buildings, Extension of time-limit, Amendment to Order No. 117/1949 ..................................... 186 633 HUNTING Provisions relating to the hunting season of 1951-1952 ................. 107 366 I IDENTITY CARDS Electors, Extension of validity of identification documents of.... 130 415 Regulations for movement of persons into and out of the British-United States Zone of the F.T.T....................................... 179 611 IMPORTATION. Control of goods imported under bond, Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 380/1947 ....................................................... 132 431 Control over importation of stupefying substances......Gazette No. 18 115 373 Duty free importation of materials required for the construction of machineries for ships, Amendment of Order No. 181/1950.................. 152 473 Provisions concerning the importation and transit of plants, seeds, fruits, vegetables and greenes in general, Amendment to Order No. 232/1949 33 81 Rate of compensation due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on- cellulose produced in, or imported into the Zone .................................................. 49 177 IMPORTATION (Continued) Temporary importation of foreign materials required for ship’s construction on account of foreigners, Exemption from turnover tax on............. 149 469 Temporary importation, New concessions of .............................. 1 3 9 23 37 107 41 139 42 143 54 194 72 282 147 465 148 467 161 493 162 494 I.N.A.M. (See Insurance) INDUSTRY (See also Chamber of Commerce, Shipping and Zaule Industrial Port) Appreniices, Provisions in favour of ..................................... 5 7 192 651 Census ................:............................................ 141 448 ERR. CORR 141 459 Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ADM. O. 12 150 Family allowances ...................................................... 126 409 Financing of medium and small industrial enterprises .................... 80 297 Fiscal concessions for the modernization and development of the industrial equipment (Order No. 226/1950), Appointment of a Committee ADM. O. 11 149 Milling and bread-making industries .................................... 195 658 Restriction in the use of nickel,.copper, zinc and their alloys......... 170 554 Supply of data of stocks of certain materials and on the productive capacity of certain industries ......'................................... 45 157 INHERITANCES Aulhority to accept (See Churches) INSURANCE Association for mutual cattle insurance, Payment of taxes (Art. XXVI) 35 85 Economic treatment for sanitary officials and communal physicians requested to give their service for the ascertainment of the consequences due to occupational accidents and professional disease ............... 160 488 Entertainment workers, Amendment to Order No. 114/1950 .................. 27 65 „Istitulo Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ : Appointment of the President and Vice-Presidents of...... ADM. O. 3 20 Provisional Consultative Committee ........’............. ADM. 0. 78 664 Abolition of the post of Inspector of.................... ADM. O. 60 458 Occupational accidents, Insurance of threshers in the 1951 season ...... 125 408 Sickness insurance contributions due to the „Ente di Previdenza e di Assi-stenza per i lavoratori dello Spettacolo“ and to the „Ente di Previdenza per i Dipendenti dagli Enti di Diritto Pubblico“ ........................ 68 279 I-J INSURANCE (Continued) Sickness insurance contributions ........................ Social insurance contributions for domestic servants Social insurances, Integration fund, Date of contributions Social insurance contributions .......................... Tubercular patients (insured), Asssistance to ........... INVENTIONS Temporary protection of (See Fair of Trieste) 99 56 97 99 47 157 J JANCHI Antonio Appointed as President of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ .....................................................ADM. O. 67 JAUT Giorgio Re-appointed as Vice President of the „Cassa di Risparri.io di Trieste“ ADM. 0. 65 JURIS Umberto Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 JUSTICE Assize, Reorganization of proceedings of .......................... 167 Civil Code, Declaration of presumed death of persons who disappeared consequent to deportation occurred between 8 Sept. 43 and 12 June 1945 53 Code of Civil Procedure, Amendments and additions to............... 67 ERR. CORR. 67 127 Code of Civil Procedure and Code of Penal Procedure, Increase of certain deposits and of pecuniary punishments ...............Gazette No. 18 116 Code of Penal Procedure, Amendments to (Articles XXXVI - XLV) .... 167 Examination for „Procuratore Legale“ for 1951..................... 102 ADM. O. ' 67 Executory deeds, Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 233/1946. 100 Judicial Auditors, Conferring of Judicial functions to Dr. Silvano Lugnani and Dr. Domenico Maltese.................................ADM. 0. 17 Legal representation and defense by the lawyer of the State, Amendment to R. D. No. 1611 of 30 October 1933 ............................... 19 Magistrates : Dr. Angelo Rivera relieved from his functions ................ADM. O. 18 Dr. Francesco Vitanza and Dr. Alfonso Consalvo temporarily appointed to the Court of Appeal of Trieste ..........................ADM. O. 19 341 206 340 341 166 477 575 499 109 502 194 227 289 413 373 502 344 575 343 161 54 162 J-K-L Order No. Page Dr. Piero Tonini and Dr. Gabrio Szombathely, Promotion of ADM. O. 24 Dr. Mario Adelman della Nave appointed as Judge ............ADM. O. 42 Dr. Bruno Paseoli appointed as Substitute Procuratore of the Procura di Stato, Trieste ...................................... ADM. O. 43 Dr. Domenico Garinero appointed as Judge ....................ADM. 0. 44 Dr. Giuseppe Raimondi appointed as subordinate Pretore ADM. O. 45 Dr. Francesco Ligabue appointed as subordinate Pretore. .Gazette No. IS ADM. O. 46 Power to perform notarial acts to the Director of Legal Affairs and such other officers of the Department of Legal Affairs ...................... 171 ADM. O. 68 181 369 369 370 370 376 574 577 K KRECIC Giorgio Appointed as Special Commissioner for „Consorzio Peschereccio Istriano“ ADM. O. 51 410 L LABELS Coloured State label for brandies, Institution of ......................... 90 328 Special State labels for blends of coffee, substitutes.................... 15 44 LABOR (See also Employment, Unemployment and Wages) Labor relations in the Port of Trieste .................................... 62 217 Disbanding of „Divisione Lavori in Economia“ and establishment of „Sezione Lavori Aiuto ai Disoccupati“ (SELAD) .............................. 197 660 LAND RECLAMATION (See Agriculture) LEGACIES Religious Bodies authorized to accept legacies (See Churches) LEGAL RECOGNITION (See Recognition). LEGITIMATION of Pastore Bruno .......................................ADM. O. 50 410 LELLI Antonio Appointed as Secretary of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ ............................................ADM. O. 67 575 L’EPISCOPO Cataldo Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 109 LEVI Arrigo Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies..............................................ADM. O. 20 170 LIGABUE Francesco Appointed as subordinate Pretore...........Gazette No. 18 ADM. O. 46 376 LICENCES Professional licences ................................................ 84 320 Radio licence fees ................................................... 93 336 Driving licences (See Traffic) LIGHTERS Fiscal provisions concerning ......................................... 78 293 ERR. CORR. 78 324 143 463 LIGHTHOUSE (See Port) LINARDI Bruno Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ...........ADM. O. 12 LOANS Agency .......................................................... 58 184 Fiscal privileges in respect of advances and loans connected with operations of cession or pawning of credits, Extension of time-limit for.. 94 For housing development ............................................. 26 ADM. O. 52 131 ' ADM. O. 21 For artisans and artisans’ enterprises .............................. 82 Industrial enterprises, Financing of........................... 80 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ( See also Public Offices) Appointment of Dr. Ambrogio Sacchi as Acting Secretary General of the Commune of Trieste .....................................ADM. O. 28 Boundaries of the Commune of Sgonico, Change of ................. 134 Census ............................................................. 141 ERR. CORR. 141 Communal Councils, Extension of tenure of ............... 88 Communal elections .................................................. 38 86 130 Communal elections, Postponement of (Repeal of Order No. 86/1951).. .. 145 Electoral rolls, Temporary derogation from Order No. 190/1949. 108 150 213 627 337 60 411 416 171 300 297 210 432 448 459 327 111 321 415 457 Finance ................................................................... 169 518 Local Administrations, Final accounts and provisions for the payment of expenditure notes ....................................................... 146 461 Sanitary officials and communal physicians, Economic treatment for. ... 160 488 Secretaryship dues, Amendment to Order No. 44/1949 ..................... 154 474 LUBRICANTS (See Fuels) LUCCHESI Alceo Appointed as member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ..............ADM. O. 12 150 LUGNANI Silvano Temporarily charged with judicial functions ...........ADM. O. 17 161 LUZZATTO-FEGIZ Pierpaolo Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ..........ADM. O. 61 478 LUZZATTI Giuseppe Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies ...............................................ADM. O. 20 170 M MAINERI Augusto Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. MALTESE Domenico Temporarily charged with judicial functions ........ ADM. O. 9 109 17 161 MANNI Giorgio Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board . .ADM. O. 8 108 MANZUTTO Gerolamo Appointed as Commissioner of „Consorzio Territoriale per la Tutela della Pesca“................................................. ADM. O. 59 454 MARINO Annibale Appointed as substitute member of the Housing Development Fund Board ADM. O. MARTINA Arturo Appointed as President of the Watching Committee to the „Cassa di Risparmio dell’ Istria“................................ADM. O. ERR. CORR. 21 171 66 575 66 625 M-N MATE’ Fiscal provisions concerning (Part VI) .................... McINTOSH, Kenneth L. Appointed as substitute Chairman of the Housing Development Fund Board .............................................ADM. O. MEASURES (See Control sub Weights) MEDICINES Propriotary medicines, Taxation (Part X) ........................ 35 85 MESSES Fiscal provisions concerning (Part II) .......................... 35 85 METALS Restriction in the use of nickel, copper and their alloys ...... 170 554 MICELLI Sebastiano Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. MILLING New discipline of .......................................... MOLASSES Fiscal treatment (Article VII).............................. 172 57!) MONOPOLY Salt and tobacco monopoly, Amendments to Law 17 July 1942, No. 907 120 379 MORANDINI Amedeo Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for co-operative Societies ..................................... ADM. O. 20 170 MOTOR - VEHICLES (See Traffic) MURATTI Giusto Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board.. ADM. O. 8 108 N NOBILE Carlo Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies ............................................ADM. O. 20 170 9 109 195 658 35 85 138 438 21 171 OILS (See Fuel) ORDERS Of Medical Professions (See Physicians) ORGANIZATION EUROPEAN ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION (O.E.C.E.) Fiscal exemption ............................................. 129 ORIGONE Agostino Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“.............................................ADM. O. 67 OSMON, John, TD Appointed as President of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. 11 P PADOA Carlo Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 PALERMO Carmelo Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ ............................................ ADM. O. 67 PAPER Rate of contribution due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on cellulose produced in, or imported in the Zone ......................................... 49 PASCOLI Bruno Appointed as Substitute procuratore of the Procura di Stato, Trieste ADM. O. 43 PATRONAGE OFFICES (See Assistance) PELLEGRINI Ennio Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale .............................................ADM. O. 67 PENSIONS Pensioners of „Previdenza Sociale“, „Una tantum“ extraordinary allowance and supplementary contingency allowance to ......................... 64 Seamen’s pensions, Increase of ....................................... 7 ERR. CORR. 7 O-P No. Page 414 575 149 109 575 177 369 575 220 17 74' p PERRIA Mario Appointed as Secretary of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ .................................................ADM. O. 67 575 PETRIS de Ernesto Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies ................................................ADM. O. 20 170 PETROLEUM (See Fuels) PHYSICIAN’S Regulations governing the reconstitution of the Orders of Medical Profes - sions and the practice of same .................................... 13 Sanitary officials and communal physicians, Economic treatment of .... 160 PICUCCI Domenico Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board .. . .ADM. O. 8 PISON Attilio Appointed as member of the Commission for the granting of wages sup- plementation to workers in industry ................. ADM. O. 12 PLANTS Provisions concerning the importation and transit of.............. 33 PODESTA’ Carlo Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board . . . .ADM. O. 8 PORT (See also Traffic) Dock-Workers Companies’ Officials, Election of ................... 21 Labor relations in the Port of Trieste ........................... 62 Lighthouse, Temporary appointment of a manager and deputy manager of the Lighthouse Department ........................ ADM. O. 37 POSTET Ovidio Pietro Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-Operative Societies ......................................... ADM. O. 20 POSTOGNA Dario Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 POULTRY Fiscal provisions concerning (Part III) ...................... 35 PREGNANCY (See Wages sub Economic Treatment) 27 488 108 150 81 108 55 217 288 170 109 p PRESUMED DEATH Declaration of presumed death of persons who disappeared consequent to deportation occurred between 8 Sept. 1943 and 12 June 1945 . 53 194 PRIZES (See Competitions) PR 0 C UR AT OR E LEGALE (See Justice sub Examinations) PROFESSIONS Central Commission of Professions, Amendment to General Order No. 20/1945 ...............................'........................ 46 165 Fees for professionals in economics and commerce and for accountants („Ragionieri“), Increase of ................................................. 52 193 Fiscal provisions applicable to (Article V) ................................... 35 85 Professional licences ......................................................... 84 320 PROPERTY (See also Churches) Compulsory pre-payment („riscatto“) of the extraordinary tax on real property ................................................................... 155 475 Time-limit for serving notice of assessment of value in transfer of property 153 474 Transfer of property from the Public Maritime Domain to the „Patrimonio dello Stato“ ................................................................. 8 23 119 379 164 496 Transfer of property from State Demesne (Bene Pubblico „Acque“) to State „Patrimonio“................................................................ 165 501 PRUCHER Mario Termination of temporary appointment and treatment........ADM. O. 7 68 PUBLIC OFFICES Special procedure facilitating the filing of documents with public offices, Amendment to Order No. 167/1949 ............................................. 17 53 PUBLIC UTILITY Declaration of Public Utility: Works for the construction of a new building for passengers and of an underbridge at the Sistiana-Visogliano railway stop ......................... 74 286 ERR. CORR. 74 361 Works relating to the extension of eight sidings in the Poggioreale del Carso station .............................................................. 105 364 Works for the enlargement of the Timavo fishing ground........................ 106 365 Works on the stretch of the Rosandra provincial road from Lacodisce to Ronca....................................................................... 109 368 Works necessary for the development of the Zaule Industrial Port.. 114 372 ERR. CORR. 114 402 Works for the construction of a high tension line for the transmission of electric energy to Lazzaretto............................................... 123 405 P-Q-R PUBLIC UTILITY (Continued) Declaration of Public Utility: Works necessary for the enlargement of the „Villaggio del Fanciullo“ . . Works necessary for general arrangement of the Rosandra provincial-road on the stretch from Lacodisce to Ronca....................... Works relating to the trolley-bus-line from Trieste to Muggia.. Works necessary for the enlargement of the „Villaggio del Fanciullo“.. Subsidiary Bus Station ................................NOTICE Q QUATTRONE-PERUGINI Giuseppe Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board ..ADM. O. R RABBITS Taxation (Part III)..................................... RADIO Licence fees .. ........................................ RADOS Andrea Appointed as substitute member of the Housing Development Fund Board ADM. O. RAILWAYS PROVISIONAL ADMINISTRATION Sanitary assistance to personnel of ............... Gazette No. 18 RAIMONDI Giuseppe Appointed as subordinate Pretore ....................... ADM. 0. REAKES, J. Stewart, Major, R. S. F. Empowered to perform notarial acts .....................ADM. 0. REAL PROPERTY (See Property) RECLAMATION (See Agriculture sub Land) RECOGNITION Legal recognition of Caus Maria ......................... ADM. 0. Legal recognition of Riccardo Giuseppe Attilio Ugottini and of Ettore Vallipponi .............................................. ADM. 0. Of juridical personality of „Ente di Culto Madonna delle Grazie-Marija Milostljiva“ ................................................ADM. 0. Of juridical personality of „Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum“ ADM. 0. Of the Body „Université Popolare di Trieste“ .......Gazette No. 18 124 407 137 437 151 471 158 487 54 630 23 173 35 85 93 336 21 171 118 375 45 370 68 577 63 497 74 629 22 172 26 208 110 369 R-S REGISTRATION (See also Traffic) Inscription in the permanent population register, No right to (Article VII) 179 611 RELIGIOUS BODIES or INSTITUTIONS (See Churches) RINALDINI Doro Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. RIVERA Angelo Relieved from his functions as First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste ............................................ADM. O. ROMANO Mario Appointed as substitute Secretary of the Examining Commission for „Pro- curatore Legale“ '................................. ADM. O. 67 575 ROMANO Redento Appointed as Commissioner of O.N.M.I.................ADM. 0. 36 287 RONDINI Ottavio Appointed as member of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 ADM. O. ROSSETTI Paolo Appointed as member of the Commission for the granting of wages sup plementation to workers in industry ................ ADM. O. s SACCHARINE Selling price of........................................................ 24 59 SACCHI Ambrogio Appointed as acting Secretary General of the Commune of Trieste ADM. O. 28 210 SADAR Guido Re-appointed as President of the „Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ ADM. O. 65 499 SANCHINI Ernesto Appointed as President of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry................. ADM. O. 12 150 -SALT (See Monopoly) SANCIN Boris Appointed as members of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ........ADM. O. 61 478 SANITARY ASSISTANCE (See Assistance) 11 149 12 150 9 109 18 162 s SANTONASTASO Francesco Saverio Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ ........................................... ADM. O. 67 576 SCHIFFRER Carlo Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ........ ADM. O. Appointed as member of the Housing Development Fund Board ADM. 0. SCHLECHTER Edoardo Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ ........................................... ADM. 0. 67 575 61 478 21 171 SCHWARZ Federico Appointed as member of the Territorial Commission for Co-operative Societies ........................................... ADM. 0. 20 170 SCIOLIS Narciso Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 109 SEAMEN Granting of an unemployment extraordinary subsidy to seamen discharged owing to rotation of employment ................................. 69 279 Pensions, Increase of .................................. 7 17 ERR. CORR. 7 74 SEEDS Provisions concerning the importation and transit of............. 33 81 SEZIONE LAVORI AIUTO AI DISOCCUPATI - „SELAD“ - (See Unemployment) SFORZA Federico Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ........... ADM. O. 61 478 SHARES Provisions concerning the issuance of ............................ 36 106 Surtax on transfers of shares, Abolition of ...................... 25 60 SHIPPING Exemption from turnover tax on temporary importation of foreign materials for ship’s construction on account of foreigners ................ Salvage of wrecked merchant ships, Addition to Order No. 126/1950. . .. Ship-building industry, Provisions in favour of ......Gazette No. 18 Transit and stay of mercantile ships along the coasts of the Zone.. 149 469 29 77 117 374 152 473 142 452 s SKOFF Gualtiero Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. 0. 9 SLOCOVICH Piero Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. 0. 9 Appointed as President of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste .... ADM. O. 27 SMUGGLING Penalties for smuggling monopoly goods ............................... 120 SPICES Fiscal provisions concerning (Part XIII) .............................. 35 138 SPINA Mario Appointed as Manager of „Ente di Previdenza ed Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali“ ..............................................ADM. O. 41 SPINOTTI Vittorio Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ............ ADM. O. 61 SPIRITS Fiscal treatment .................................................. 172 STANN, Eugene G„ Lt. Col. Appointed as Chairman of the Housing Development Fund Board ADM. O. 21 STATISTIC Census of the population, of industry and of commerce ....... 141 ERR.CORR. 141 ADM. O. 61 Fiscal census .................................................. 169 Sampling survey of living conditions of families......NOTICE 4 Statistics and data effecting the economic life of the Zone, Amendment to Order No. 11/1945)...................................... 180 ERR. CORR. 180 STATUTES „Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“, Modification of the Statute of . 22 Serbian Orthodox Community of Trieste, Amendment to the Statute of 71 „Università Popolare di Trieste“, Approval of the Statute - Gazette No. 18 110 STOCK-EXCHANGE BOARD, TRIESTE Appointment of members................................ADM. O. 8 ADM. O. 23 STUPEFYING SUBSTANCES Control over importation, exportation, trade, transit and holding of stupefying substances .............................Gazette No. 18 115 109 109 209 379 85 438 324 478 579 171 448 459 478 518 22 616 625 57 281 369 108 173 373 S-T SUGAR Taxation (Part XII) ................................... 35 85 132 431 SURNAMES Authorithy for addition of surname: Profili to that of Slavich Mario ............................ADM. 0. 1 De Bora to that of Giurco Umberto............................ADM. 0. 35 19 267 Authority to change the surname: Grzancic into that of Grisani ............. Guagnin into that of Guagnini ............. Starace into that of Stare ................ Rosa into that of Rose .................... Ghiotto into that of Giotto ............... Stupari into that of Stuparich............. Milani-Sciarrelli into that of Sciarrelli . Kosi Cleope Maria into that of Cleope Rita.... Bestiaco into that of Bastieo ................................ ADM. O. Svrljuga into that of Borruso ...........................Gazette No. 18 Dell’Asino into that of Dorati ..........................Gazette No. 18 Bellasich-Redivo into that of Redivo Zheligoj into that of Celigoi ........... Zerjal into that of Sereni ............. Benvenuto into that of Colombani Romanazzo into that of Romanazzi .. Zaglievich into that of Ranier ......... 4 21 5 41 13 151 14 152 15 152 33 265 34 266 38 302 39 322 47 376 48 377 53 419 54 419 56 435 58 453 64 498 73 628 SUSMEL Paolo Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry.........ADM. O. 12 150 SZOMBATHELY Gabrio Promotion of..... ADM. O. 24 181 T TAXES (See also Labels) Circulation tax on bicycles fitted with a motor, light motor-cycles and light motor-vans 66 225 Customs duties, Amendment and addition to Orders Nos. 76/1950 and 1S3/1950 173 584 139 447 34 82 50 178 96 338 T Direct taxes (Articles VI-XVIII) ...................................... Duties levied in favour of „Istituto Nazionale per il Commereio Estero“ for the control service relating to the exportation of vegetables and fruits, including citrus fruits, Increase of ............................... Excise duty on petrol, Partial reimbursement to taxi-drivers .......... Excise duty on benzol, Abolition of ................................... Exemption from customs duties on rough common wood destined for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood-pulp (cellulose)........ Exemption from turnover tax on temporary importation of foreign materials required for ship’s construction on account of foreigners ....... Exemption from taxes, Reconstruction of buildings, Amendment to Order No. 222/1949 ....................................................... Extraordinary tax on real property, Compulsory pre-payment of.......... Fiscal benefits for housing development (Article IX) .................. Fiscal benefits in favour of shipbuilding and shipping industries, Amendment to Order No. 181/1950 ............................................ Fiscal concessions for the development and modernization of the industrial and agricultural equipment, Appointment of the Committee in terms of Order No. 226/1950 .........................................ADM. O. Fiscal exemption in favour of O.E.C.E.................................. Fiscal privilege relating to kerosene destined for lighting elements used on fishing boats ...................................................... Fiscal privileges in respect of advances and loans with operations of cession or pawning of credits, Extension of time-limit for ................. Fiscal treatment of yarns of natural and artificial textile fibres .... Fiscal treatment of walnut, sunflower colza oils and for seed oils..... Fiscal treatment of spirits and beer and provisions specifying the fiscal treatment of molasses .............................................. Frontier customs duties, Goods imported under bond, Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 380/1947 ........................................ Income tax, Census for the identification of tax-payers and of the sources of incomes (Part IV) ............................................... Indirect taxes, Extension of time-limits of expiration ................ Indirect taxes on business, Settlement of disputes (Part VI) .......... Licence tax for prize competitions .................................... Lighters, Possession of, Regularization of ............................ Lighters and relative spare parts, Fixed taxes on ..................... ERR. CORR. Local Government Finance (Part VII) ................................... Monopoly duties, Payment of, in case of smuggled tobacco (Article V).. .. Registry and Mortgage taxes relating to loans for housing development, Reduction of (Article X) ........................................... Restitution of duties in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the second half-year of 1950 .................................... State duties on cinema performance whether combined or not with other entertainments, Amendments to Orders Nos 200/1948 and 21/1949.... Order No. Page 169 518 14 43 89 328 91 330 18 53 149 469 176 590 155 475 26 60 152 473 11 149 129 414 83 319 94 337 121 386 122 390 172 579 132 431 169 518 73 285 187 634 169 518 128 413 143 453 78 293 ' 78 324 169 518 120 379 26 60 61 216 103 346 T TAXE S (Continued) Surtax on transfers of shares, Abolition of ................................ 25 Tax-collectors, Fees for executory acts relating to direct taxes............ 43 Tax-collectors, Provisions concerning qualification for the functions of „Ufficiale Esattoriale“ .................................................. 79 Tax collectors, Examination to qualify as „Ufficiale Esattoriale“ NOTICE 40 Turnover tax on commercial transactions relating to textile products .... 16 Turnover tax for 1951 in respect of certain categories of receipts....... 35 Turnover tax, Official value of tea, maté and spices for the purposes of taxa- tion ................................................................. 138 Turnover tax on coffee, Official value of coffee........................ 175 Zaule Industrial Port, Taxes relating to ............................... 57 Zone Commission for Taxes, Substitution of a member ...........ADM. O. 77 TAXI-CABS (See Transportation) TEA Fiscal provisions concerning (Part VI) ............................... TEXTILES Cotton, Restitution of duties paid in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the second half-year 1950 .......................... first half-year 1951 ............................................... second half-year 1951 ........................................... Turnover tax on commercial transactions .............................. Yarns of natural and artificial fibres, fiscal treatment of .......... 35 138 61 81 178 16 121 TIBERINI Guido Appointed as member of the Examining Commission for „Procuratore Legale“ .................................................ADM. O. 67 TIRRONI Giuseppe ; Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board .. . .ADM. O. 8 TOBACCO (See Monopoly) TONINI Dr. Pietro Promotion of ......................................ADM. O. 24 TORTORELLA Ugo Appointed as member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry .................ADM. O. 12 TRADE (See Commerce) TRAFFIC (See also Transportation) Circulation tax .................... 66 60 147 294 471 46 85 438 589 213 663 85 438 216 299 616 46 386 575 108 181 150 225 T-U-V Order No. Page Driving licences for motor-scooters ................................. 3 Registration (compulsory) of motor-scooters and driving licences for same 3 Regulations for movement of persons into and out of the British-United States Zone of F.T.T.............................................. 63 179 191 Transit and stay of mercantile ships along the coasts of the Zone.... 142 TRANSPORTATION (See also Traffic) Anti-TB Campaign, Special charge on travel tickets in favour of...... 174 Motor-buses and trolley-buses for town-service, Characteristics for the supply of new material for municipalized concerns ................ 183 Partial reimbursement for the year 1949 of the excise duty on petrol consumed for the operation of taxi-cabs in public service ............. 89 Subsidiary Bus Station .....................................NOTICE 54 TRIESTE STOCK-EXCHANGE BOARD (See Stock-Exchange Board) u UNEMPLOYMENT Assistance to unemployed persons through the „Sezione Lavori Aiuto ai Disoccupati“ - (SELAD) .................................... 197 Granting of an unemployment extraordinary subsidy to seamen discharged owing to rotation of employment ........................... 69 UNIVERSITÀ’ POPOLARE DI TRIESTE Recognition as a Welfare and Charity Institution and approval of its Statute ............................................ Gazette No. 18 110 UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE Authorized to accept a donation .......................ADM. O. 25 Creation of new chairs of professorship ....................... 104 Creation of a degree course in Civil Engineering, Transportation Subsection 166 UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES CORPORATION Board of Directors, Amendment to Order No. 243/1948 ........... 23 V VEGETABLES Fiscal provisions concerning (Part III) ....................... 35 Duty on the exportation of .................................... 14 Provisions concerning the importation and the transit of ...... 33 VERSACCI Antonino Appointed as member of the Housing Development Fund Board ..ADM. O. 21 VERZA Ugo Appointed to the Board of Auditors of „Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana“ of Aurisina .............................................ADM. O. 72 5 5 218 611 650 452 585 621 328 630 660 279 369 208 363 502 58 85 43 81 171 628 v-w VIATORI Diego Appointed as member of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ................ADM. O. 61 478 VINEGAR Excise duty on spirits used in the manufacture of vinegar (Article IV).... 172 579 Manufacture and sale, New provisions ........................................... 135 433 150 470 VISAL Giorgio Appointed as member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste ADM. O. 9 109 VITANZA Francesco Appointed as First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste .. . .ADM. O. 19 162 VOORHIS, Nicholas R„ Colonel, XA.G.C. Empowered to perform notarial acts ...................ADM. O. 68 577 w WAGES Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry, Reorganization of .............................ADM. O. 12 150 Economic and physical treatment of female workers during pregnancy and subsequent to delivery .................................... 65 198 Minimum Wages : For janitors employed by house-owners ..........................,..... For personnel employed by „Alberghi Diurni“ .......................... For personnel employed by notary offices ............................. For casual laborers of commercial firms .............................. For workroom personnel in the service of confectioners and keepers of corn fectionery stalls annexed to restaurants, bars and similar catering shops For workers in the employ of craftsmen master-barbers ................ For workers performing their activities in medical consulting rooms, etc For workers employed by master-craftsmen hairdressers .......NOTICE For personnel employed in offices of lawyers, attorneys, etc ......... For personnel employed by wood-working industrial concerns............ For personnel employed by coffee-houses, bars, etc.................... For non-clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed autobus lines .............................................................. For personnel employed by private hospitals .......................... For metal-workers employed with iron-manufacturing concerns........... For personnel employed by petroleum refinery concerns ................ For personnel employed by industrial wine and liquor concerns......... For personnel employed by industrial printing concerns ............... 1 13 2 14 3 15 5 68 6 69 7 71 8 72 9 74 10 173 11 181 12 183 14 189 16 210 17 268 18 270 19 272 20 302 w For peisonnel employed by artisan-opticians ............................... For personnel employed by artisan-vulcanizers ...................... For personnel employed by building contractors ............................ For personnel employed by artisan photographers ........................... For personnel employed by keepers of restaurants, inns and similars caterers ..................................................................... For personnel employed in laundering, clothes pressing, dyeing and cleaning artisan-firms.................................................. For personnel employed by concerns publishing and printing daily papers and periodicals, etc.................................................... For workers employed in firms carrying out scaling works .................. For personnel (non-clerical) employed in chemical industrial concerns .... For personnel (non-clerical) employed by candy makers, manufacturers of canned vegetables, meat and sundry foodstuffs .......................... For personnel (clerical) employed by industrial concerns .................. For personnel (sales and clerical) employed by keepers of confectionary shops, etc.............................................................. For personnel by horse-flesh butcher shops ................................ For personnel employed by artisan metallurgical work-shops................. For personnel employed by craftsmen-launderers, dyers and ironers .... For personnel employed by farming concerns or by direct farm owners .. For personnel employed by Rowing Clubs and Trieste Sailing Club (,,So- cietà Tries!ina della Vela“) ........................................... NOTICE For personnel employed by craftsmen vulcanizers............................ For personnel employed by artisan workshops ............................... For workers, without clerical qualifications, employed by flour milling, ride peeling industiial concerns and by pasta factories .............. For laborers employed by manufacturing concerns of tiles and concrete products ............................................................... For personnel employed by stone-industrial concerns ....................... For personnel employed by forwarding and shipping agencies ................ For personnel employed by Yacht Club Adriaco .. ........................... For personnel in the employ of motor-hiring firms, of garage running motorcar hiring and sundry repair services .................................... For personnel employed by inn and restaurant keepers ...................... For personnel in the employ of firms, operating motortruck goods transport services for account of third parties ............................... For personnel employed by keepers of coffee-houses, bars and similar shops For personnel employed by day-service-hotels („Alberghi Diurni“) .......... For workers employed by privately owned nursing homes ..................... For garden laborers in the employ of flowers and fruit-trees growing firms For personnel employed by bill-brokers .................................... For personnel employed by petroleum companies ............................. For personnel employed by private educational institutes .................. For casual laborers employed by commercial concerns ....................... For personnel employed by commercial concerns dealing in clothing articles, etc............................................................. 21 352 22 354 23 356 24 357 25 359 26 371 27 373 28 392 29 393 30 397 31 400 32 421 33 422 34 422 35 441 36 442 37 443 38 444 39 455 41 478 42 481 43 483 44 593 45 596 46 597 47 599 48 600 49 602 50 604 51 606 52 607 53 623 56 635 57 636 58 638 59 639 W-Y-Z WEIGHTS (See Control) WHITELAW, John L., Brigadier General, U. S. Army Appointed as Director General, Civil Affairs, AMG, Br/ITS Zone, FTT WOOD Exemption from customs duty ..................................... WORKERS (See also Assistance, Allowances, Contributions, Employment, Insurance, Pensions and Wages) Dock-Workers Companies’ Officials, Election of................... Labor relations in the Port of Trieste .......................... YARNS (See Textiles) Y YEAST Fiscal provisions concerning (Part XV) z ZACCARIA Nicolò Appointed as substitute member of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry .......ADM. O. ZAFFIROPULO Dario Appointed as member of the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board.. ADM. O. ZAULE INDUSTRIAL PORT Board of Directors ............................................... ADM. O. Gazette No. 18 Declaration of public utility ...................... Gazette No. 18 ERR. CORR. New denominations of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste" and „Trieste Industrial Port“ ............................................... Provisions regarding the area of, Amendment to Order No. 102/1949. . . Re-appointment of the President of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ .................................................. ADM. O. ZAY Livio Appointed as Vice-President of the Provincial Consultative Commit!ee of l.N.A.M................................................ ADM. O. ADM. O. 136 18 21 62 35 8 12 39 10 112 114 114 194 57 85 40 3 78 437 53 55 217 85 150 108 26 137 148 370 372 402 656 213 320 323 20 664 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE ■Ö NUMERICAL INDEX TO OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME IV - (F. T. T.) ISSUES No. 1 - 36 (11 Jan. 1951 - 31 Dec. 1951) Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander * British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1952 ORDERS 1 New concessions of temporary importations........................................... 3 2 Provisions concerning land reclamation ............................................. 4 3 Compulsory registration of motor-scooters and driving licenses for same ............ 5 4 Employment and placing of workers -— Amendments to Order No. 85/1949.. .. 6 5 Provisions in favour of apprentices ................................................ 7 6 Amendment to Order No. 308/1948 — Organization of Allied Military Government 12 7 Increase of seamen’s pensions ..................................................... 17 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 7 .......................................... 74 8 Transfer of property from the Public Maritime Domain (Pubblico Demanio Ma- rittimo) to the „Patrimonio dello Stato“ ................................. 23 9 New concessions of temporary importations ......................................... 23 • 10 Increase of economic benefits in favour of the clergy entitled to receive „congrue“ 25 11 Provisions governing the installation and operation of certain categories of appa- ratuses for automatic distribution of fuel ............................... 25 12 Amendment to Order No. 104/1949 — „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ 26 13 Regulations governing the reconstitution of the orders of medical professions and the practice of same ................................................. 27 14 Increase of duties levied in favour of „Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero“ for the control service relating to the exportation of vegetables and fruits, including citrus fruits .................................................. 43 15 Special State labels for blends of coffee substitutes with colonial coffee and com- pensation for all coffee substitutes labels .............................. 44 16 Provisions concerning turnover tax.......................................... 46 17 Extension of special procedure facilitating the filing of documents with Public Offices — Amendment to Order No. 167/1949 ................................ 53 18 Exemption from customs duty of rough common wood destined for the man- ufacture of mechanical and chemical wood-pulp (cellulose) ................ 53 19 Legal representation and defense by the Lawyer of the State — Amendment to R. D. No. 1611 of 30 October 1933 ........................................ 54 20 Amendment to Order No. 36/1950 — Characteristics of the luxury houses ... 55 21 Election of Dock-Workers Companies’ Officials .................................. 55 22 Modification of the Statute of the Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste ................ 57 23 Amendment to Order No. 243/1948 — Utilization of Resources Corporation.. 58 24 Selling-price of State saccharine destined for pharmaceutical uses ................ 59 25 Abolition of surtax on transfers of shares ...................................... 60 26 Housing development............................................................... 60 27 Amendment to Order No. 114/1950 ................................................... 65 28 Increase of residence allowance in favour of rural chemists’ shops .............. 66 29 Provisions for the salvage of wrecked merchant ships — Addition to Order No. 126/1950 ................................................................. 77 30 Assignment to the commercial management of the „Cassa Unica“ for family allowance of the personnel employed in railwaymen messes ................. 77 31 Amedment to Order No. 298/1948 — Provvisions for Cooperative Societies 78 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 31............................................ 153 32 Repeal of the Law 22 January 1934, No. 401, amending article 10 of the R. D. L. 13 November 1924, No. 1825, concerning contracts of private employment 80 33 Provisions concerning the importation and the transit of plants, seeds, fruits, vegetables and greens in general — Amendment to Order No. 232/1949 .... .81 34 New additions to the temporary rules for the first application of the new Customs Tariff, as approved by Order No. 183/1950 and amedments to the preliminary provisions of the said tariff ............................................ 82 35 Special provisions concerning the payment of the turrlover tax for 1951 in respect of certain categories of receipts ...........•............................ 85 36 Provisions concerning the issuance of shares and debentures ..................... 106 37 New concessions of temporary importations ........................................ 107 38 Amendments to provisions concerning communal elections...................... Ill 39 Amendment to Order No. 104/1949 — „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ 137 40 Amendment to Order No. 96/1950 — Provisions concerning Housing Offices and Housing Committees ........................................................... 138 41 New concessions of temporary importations .................................... 139 42 New concessions concerning temporary importations and restitution of duties 143 43 Amendments to the table of fees due to tax-collectors for executory acts relating to direct taxes............................................................... 147 44 New provisions concerning lease and sub-lease contracts — Amendments and additions to Order No. 175/1950 ............................................ 155 45 Provisions concerning the supply of data of stocks of certain materials and on the productive capacity of certain industries................................. 157 46 Central Commission of Professions — Amendment to General Order No. 20/1945 165 47 Improvement of tuberculosis benefits for the children of the insured workers .. 166 48 Determination of the rates of contributions in agriculture due for the year 1951 167 49 Rate of compensation due to „Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta“ on invoices relating to the sale of paper and on cellulose produced in, or imported into the Zone ............................................................... 177 50 Temporary modifications of customs duties on bacon, lard and certain seed-oils and further additions to the temporary rules for the first application of the new customs tariff, as approved by Order No. 183/1950....................... 178 51 Supplement for assesment expenses to be collected in addition to the amount of unified contributions in agriculture for the year 1951 .................. 180 ’ 52 Increase of fees for professionals in economics and commerce and for accountants („ragionieri“) ................................................................... 193 53 Declaration, of presumed death of persons who disappeared consequent to de- portation occurred between 8 September 1943 and 12 June 1945 .. ............ 194 54 New concessions of temporary importations and exportations ..................- 194 55 Physical and economic treatment of female workers during pregnancy and sub- sequent to delivery .......................................................... 198 56 Determination of average weekly earnings of domestic servants for the purpose of assessment of compulsory social insurance contributions.................. 206 57 Area of the Zaule Industrial Port — Amendment to Order No. 102/1949 ...... 213 58 Amendment to Order No. 380/1948 — Loans Agency ......................... 213 59 Amendment to Order No. 108/1949 ................................................ 214 60 Temporary protection of inventions presented at the Fair of Trieste ......... 215 61 Rates of restitution of duties paid in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the second half-year of 1950.................................... 216 62 Labor relations in the Port of Trieste ......................................... 217 63 Control of movement of persons into and out of the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste ........................................... 218 64 Granting of a „una tantum“ extraordinary allowance to the pensioners of „Pre- videnza Sociale“ and confirmation of the rate of the supplementary contingency allowance due to the said pensioners ................................. 220 65 Extension of the provisions concerning the time-limits and procedure for the payment of the unified contributions in agriculture......................... 222 66 Introduction of circular labels for the collection of the circulation tax on bicycles fitted with a motor, light motor-cycles and light motor-vans ................. 225 67 Amendments and additions to the Code of Civil Procedure ........................ 227 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 67 .......................................... 289 68 Contributions for sickness insurance due to the „Ente di Previdenza per i dipen- denti dagli Enti di Diritto Pubblico“ and to the „Ente di Previdenza e di Assi-stenza per i Lavoratori dello Spettacolo“ .................................. 279 69 Granting of an unemployment extraordinary subsidy to seamen discharged owing to rotation of employment .................................................. 279 70 Increase of fines for certain offences under the Law on Forestry ............... 281 71 Amendment to the Statute of the Serbian Orthodox Community of Trieste 281 72 New concessions of temporary importation........................................ 282 73 Extension of time-limits of expiration relating to indirect taxes............... 285 74 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the works for the construction of a new building for passengers and of an underbridge at the Sistiana-Visogliano railway-stop .................................... 286 Errata Corrigenda to Order No.' 74 .......................................... 361 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Amendment to Order No. 175/1950 — Provisions regarding lease and sub-lease contracts .................................................................. 291 Amendments to provisions concerning weights and measures ..................... 291 Merger of „Fondazione Antitubercolare Saul Daniele Modiano“ with „Fondazione Generale Conte Carlo Petitti di Roreto per la lotta contro la tubercolosi“ 293 Modification of fixed taxes on lighters and relative spare parts ............. 293 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 78............................................. 324 Provisions concerning qualification for the functions of „Ufficiale esattoriale“ 294 Provisions concerning the financing of medium and small industrial enterprises 297 Value to be attributed to the cotton contained in finished products exported during the first half-year of 1951 ......................................... 299 Amendments to Order No. 169/1950 — Authority to „Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ to grant credit to artisans and artisans’ enterprises ............. 300 Amendment to Order No. 237/1950 — Provisions governing the application of the fiscal privilege provided for by Order No. 128/1950 relating to kerosene destined for lighting elements used on fishing boats............................ 319 Extension of the provisions concerning temporary professional licenses ....... 320 Enlargement of the Area of the Zaule Industrial Port......................... 320 Fixing the date of communal elections......................................... 321 Delay of evictions ■ from dwelling premises .................................. 322 Extension of tenure of office of Communal Councils ........................... 327 Partial reimbursement for the year 1949 of the excise duty on petrol consumed for the operation of taxi-cabs in public service ........................... 328 Institution of a coloured State label for brandies ........................... 328 Amendments to the fiscal treatment of mineral oils and abolition of the excise duty on benzol............................................................. 330 Increase of fees due to the Vital Statistical Official for the release of extracts and certificates ....................^...................................... 334 Radio licence fees ........................................................... 336 Extension of time-limit for fiscal privileges in respect of advances and loans connected with operation of cession or pawning of credits .................. 337 Amendment to Order No. 40/1951 — Provisions concerning Housing Offices and Housing Committees....................................................... 337 New additions to the temporary rules for the first application of the new Customs Tariff as approved by Order No. 183/1950 ................................... 338 Determination of the rates of contribution due to the „Integration Fund for Social Insurance“ for the year 1950 ........................................ 340 Service of family allowances of workers employed with messes of private firms etc. entrusted to „Gestione del Commercio della Cassa Unica degli Assegni Familiari“ ................................................................. 341 New determination of the value of remuneration paid in kind for the reckoning of contributions due for social and sickness insurances and family allowances 341 Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 233/1946............................. 343 Tariff rates of. and contributions due to „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ for 1951 .........*...................................... 343 Examinations for „Procuratore Legale“ for 1951 ............................... 344 Modification of rates of duty on cinema performances whether combined or not with other entertainments .................................................. 346 Creation of new chairs of professorship at the University of Trieste ......... 363 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the works relating to the extension of eight sidings in the Poggioreale del Carso Station 364 Declaration of public utility of the enlargement of the Timavo fishing ground 365 Provisions relating to the Hunting Season of 1951-1952 ....................... 366 Temporary derogation from Order No. 190/1949 ........................... 367 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the roads-. works on the stretch of the Rosandra provincial road from Lacodisce to Ronca 368 Recognition of the Body „Università Popolare di Trieste“ — Gazette No. 18.. 369 Amendment to the Consolidated Text on popular and 'economical house-buildings — Gazette No. 18............................................................ 370 Appointment of Auditors — Amendment to Order No. 104/1949 and repeal of Administrative Order No. 14/1950 — Gazette No. 18........................ 370 Appointment of Auditors — Amendment to Order No. 185/1950 — Gazette No. 18 371 114 JZaule Industrial Port — Declaration of public utility — Gazette No. 18...... 372 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 114........................................... 402 115 Control over importation, exportation, transit, trade and holding of stupefying substances — Gazette No. 18................................................ 373 116 Increase of certain deposits and of certain pecuniary punishments provided for by the Code of Civil Procedure and by the Code of Penal Procedure — Gazette No. 18 373 117 Amendment to Order No. 181/1950 — Provisions in favour of ship-building industry — Gazette No. 18.................................................... 374 118 Regulations concerning sanitary assistance to personnel of the Railways Pro- visional Administration of the Territory and repeal of Order No. 153/1949 Gazette No. 18............................................................. 375 119 Transfer of property from the Public Maritime Domain (Pubblico Demanio Ma- rittimo) to the „Patrimonio dello Stato“ .................................... 379 120 Amendments to Law 17 July 1942, No. 907, concerning the salt and tobacco Monopoly .................................................................... 379 121 Fiscal treatment of yarns of natural and artificial textile fibres ............ 386 122 Privileges for walnut, sunflower and colza oils destined for direct household con- sumption of producers, and for seed-oils destined for pharmaceutical uses.. 390 123 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of con- struction of a high tension line for the transmission of electric energy to Laz-zaretto ..................................................................... 405 124 Declaration of public utility of the works necessary for the enlargement of the „Villaggio del Fanciullo“.................................................... 407 125 Average conventional wages of threshers in the 1951 season for the purposes of insurance against occupational accidents .................................... 408 126 Reduction of the rate of contribution due to the „Cassa Unica“ of family allow- ances in industry ....................................................... 409 127 Amendment to Article 677 of the Code of Civil Procedure ....................... 413 128 Provisions concerning prize competitions and operations for the year 1951 .... 413 129 Fiscal provisions in favour of the Organization European Economic Co-operation (O.E.E.C.) ................................................................. 414 130 Extension of validity of identification documents of electors ................. 415 131 Amenument to Order No. 26/1951 — Housing development ........................ 416 132 Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 380/1947.............................. 431 133 „Ente Autonomo Comunale Teatro Verdi“ — Amendment to Order No. 59/1950 431 134 Change of the boundaries of the Commune of Sgonico............................. 432 135 New provisions for the manufacture and sale of vinegar ....................... 433 136 Appointment of Director General ,Civil Affairs................................. 437 137 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the road- works on the stretch of the Rosandra provincial road from Lacodisce to Ronca 437 138 Official value of tea, mat-5 and spices for the purposes of application of turnover tax by the customs .......................................................... 438 139 Addition and amendments to the table referred to in Art. Ill, letter b), of Order No. 183/1950, containing temporary rules for the first application of the new customs tariff of import duties .. . t..................................... 447 140 Determination of the rate of contribution due for the year 1950 in favour of Patronage and Social Assistance Offices .................................... 448 141 Provisions for the carrying out and financing of the General Census of the Po- pulation and of the General Census of Industry and Commerce .............. 448 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 141........................................... 459 142 Transit and stay of mercantile ships along the coasts of the Zone ........... 452 143 Regularization, for fiscal purposes, of lightersmanufactured in the Zone, in Italy, or imported from abroad..................................................... 453 144 Contribution to be paid for 1951 by non-rural chemists’ shops ................. 457 145 Repeal of Order No. 86/1951 .............................................. 457 146 Final accounts and provisions for the payment of expenditure notes issued by Local Administrations...................................................... 461 147 New concessions of temporary importation.................................. 465 148 New concessions of temporary importation and exportation ................... 466 149 Exemption from turnover tax on temporary importation of foreign materials required for ship’s construction on account of foreigners ................. 469 150 Manufacture and sale of vinegar — Amendment to Order No. 135/1951 ........... 470 151 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of the works relating to the trolleybus-line from Trieste to Muggia .................... 471 152 Amendment to Order No. 181/1950 — Provisions in favour of shipbuilding and shipping industries ........................................................ 473 153 Time-limit for serving notice of assessment of value in transfers of property.. 474 154 Amendments to Order No. 44/1949 relating to secretaryship dues .............. 474 155 Compulsory pre-payment („riscatto“) of the extrardinary tax on real property 475 156 Amendments to M. D. 3 February 1938 concerning the payment of family allow- ances to personnel employed in surveillance and watch services ............ 476 157 Amendment to Article 18 of R.D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 636, regarding assistance to tubercular patients...................................................... 477 158 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of the works necessary for the enlargement of the „Villaggio del Fanciullo“ ............ 487 159 Service of family allowances for depending personnel of recreational and cultural centres -entrusted to commercial, professions and arts sector of the ,,Cassa_ Unica degli assegni familiari“............................................... 488 160 Economic tratment for sanitary officials and communal physicians („medici eondotti“) requested to give their service for the ascertainment of the consequences due to occupational accidents and professional diseases ......... 488 161 New concessions of temporary importation .................................... 493 162 New concessions of temporary importation..................................... 494 163 Amendment to Order No. 49/1950 — Withdrawal from circulation within the Zone of AM-Lire and of bank-notes of the „Banca d’ Italia“ in denominations of 50 and 100 Lire of various issues............................................. 496 164 Transfer of property from the Public Maritime Domain (Pubblico Demanio Marit- timo) to the „Patrimonio dello Stato“ ..................................... 496 165 Transfer of property from State Demesne (Bene Pubblico „Acque“) to State „Patrimonio“................................................................. 501 166 Creation of a degree course in Civil Engineering — Transportation Subsection — at the University of Trieste .............................................. 502 167 Reorganization of proceedings of Assize ....................................... 502 168 Amendment to Order No. 175/1950 ........................................ 517 169 Provisions for an equitable distribution of tributary burdens, for an extra-ordinary fiscal census and for the settlement of disputes concerning indirect taxes on business .................................................................... 518 170 Restriction in the use of nickel, copper, zinc and their alloys ............... 554 171 Powor to perform notarial acts etc............................................. 574 172 Amendments to the fiscal treatment of spirits and beer and provisions speci- fying the fiscal treatment of molasses ...................................... 579 173 Extension, with amendments and additions, of the temporary rules for the first application of the new Customs Tariff ..................................... 584 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 173........................................... 617 174 Special charge on travel tickets in favour of the anti-TB Campaign ............ 585 175 Official value of coffee for the purpose of collection of turnover tax ........ 589 176 Amendment to Order Np. 222/1949 concerning further construction of buildings 590 177 Apportionment of funds for the financing of Patronage Offices ................. 590 178 Value to be attributed to the cotton contained in finished products exported during the second half-year of 1951 ........................................... 611 179 Regulations for movement of person into and out of the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste ..................................... 611 180 Amendments to the provisions concerning the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture ............................................................. 616 Errata Corrigenda to Order No. 180 ......................................... 625 181 Sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks in health, holiday and tourist resorts —- Amendment to Order No. 185/1949 ........................................ 619 182 Provisions concerning „Ente Assistenza Lavoratori“ — Amendment to Order No. 403/1947 ................................................................ 619 183 Characteristics of new motor-buses and trolley-buses for town-service ......... 621 184 Financing of Trieste’s Recovery Program ■— Amendment to Order No. 380/1948 627 185 Declaration of „Distressed Areas“ — Villages of Temova Piccola and Prepotto 633 186 Amendment to Order No. 117/1949 —- Provisions concerning the resumption of the construction of buildings — Extension of time-limit ................... 633 187 Extension of time-limits of expiration and prescription relating to taxes ... 188 Extension of lease and sublease contracts ................................... 189 Provisions concerning cancellation of instruments representing bank deposits.. 190 Provisions concerning holidays — Amendment to Order No-. 200/1949............ 191 Amendment to Order No. 179/1951 — Regulations for movement of persons into and out the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste .... 192 Provisions in favour of apprentices — Amendment to Order No. 5/1951.......... 193 Compulsory provisions concerning sampling and analysis of flour and bread.. . . 194 Amendments to Orders Nos. 102/49, 103/49 and 104/49 — „Ente del Porto Indu- striale di Trieste“ ....................................................... 195 New discipline of milling and bread-making industries — Amendment to Order No. 103/1950 .................................................................. 196 Restriction in the use of nickel, copper, zinc and their alloys — Amendment to Order No. 170/1951 ........................................................ 197 • Disbanding of „Divisione Lavori in Economia“ and establishment of „Sezione Lavori Aiuto ai Disoccupati“.. . .......................................... ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1 Authority for addition of surname ......................................... 2 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 3 Appointment of the President and Vice-President of Provisional Consultative Com- mittee of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ .. 4 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 5 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 6 „Consorzio fra Pescatori della Zona di Trieste“ — Amendment to Administrative Order No. 69/1950 ........................................................ . 7 Termination of temporary appointments and treatment given to Dr. Eng. Mario Prucher and Dr. Eng. Giovanni Ferrazzi — Cancellation of Administrative Orders No. 13/1947 and 67/1948 .......................................... 8 Appointment of members to the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board .. ............. 9 Appointment of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste .............. 10 Appointment of the new Board of Directors of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“..................................................................... 11 Appointment of Committee ■— Order No. 226/1950 ............................ 12 Reorganization of the Commission for the granting of wages supplementation to workers in industry ..................................................... 13 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 14 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 15 Authority to change the surname ........................................... 16 Authority to the Parish Church of „Beata Vergine del Soecorso“ in Trieste to purchase immovable property.............................................. 17 Conferring of judicial functions on judicial Auditors ..................... 18 Revocation of appointment of a magistrate ................................. 19 Appointment of magistrates ................................................ 20 Territorial Commission for Cooperative Societies .......................... 21 Appointment of the Housing Development Fund Board.......................... 22 Recognition of juridical personality of Ente di Culto „Madonna delle Grazie - Marija Milostljiva“ ............................................................ 23 Substitution of a member to the Trieste Stock-Exchange Board — Amendment to Administrative Order No. 8/1951 ...................................... 24 Promotion of temporary magistrates ........................................ 25 Authority to University of Trieste to accept a donation.................... 26 Recognition of juridical personality of „Ente di Culto Orfanotrofio Marianum“ and authorization to purchase immovable property ........................ 27 Appointment of the President of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo of Trieste“ 28 Appointment of dott. Ambrogio Sacchi as Acting Secretary General of the Com- mune of Trieste ......................................................... 29 „Consorzio fra Pescatori della Zona di Trieste“ - Repeal of Administrative Order No. 6/1951 and amendment to Administrative Order No. 69/1950 ............ 634 645 645 650 650 651 652 656 658 659 660 19 20 20 21 41 67 68 108 109 148 149 150 151 152 152 160 161 162 162 170 171 172 173 181 208 208 209 210 223 30 Authority to „Chiesa Parrocchiale di Basovizza“ to purchase immovable property 264 31 Appointment of a member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste.... 264 32 Authority to „Seminario Diocesano di Trieste e Capodistria“ to accept an inher- itance ........................................................................ 265 33 Authority to change the surname ................................................. 265 34 Authority to change the surname ............................................... 266 35 Authority for addition of surname.......................................... 267 36 Appointment of prof. Romano Redento as Commissioner of „Federazione Pro- vinciale dell’O.N.M.I. “ of Trieste............................................. 287 37 Temporary appointment of a manager and deputy manager of the Lighthouse Department ..................................................................... 288 38 Authority to change the surname and name ........................................ 302 39 Authority to change the surname ................................................. 322 40 Re-appointment of the President of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“ . .. 323 41 Appointment of Dott. Mario Spina as Manager of the Ente Nazionale di Previ- denza ed Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali .................................. 324 42 Appointment of a magistrate .................................................... 369 43 Appointment of a magistrate .................................................... 369 44 Appointment of a magistrate .................................................... 370 45 Appointment of a magistrate ........•...................................... 370 46 Appointment of a magistrate — Gazette No. 18..................................... 376 47 Authority to change the surname — Gazette No. 18................................. 376 48 Authority to change the surname — Gazette No. 18 ............................... 377 49 Authority granted to „Comunità Israelitica“ of Trieste to accept a legacy .... 392 50 Legitimation of Pastore Bruno ............................................. 410 51 Substitution of Special Commissioner for „Consorzio Peschereccio Istriano“ 410 52 Authority to „Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“ to grant the loans foreseen in Order No. 26/1951 .................................................................... 411 53 Authority to change the surname.................................................. 419 54 Authority to change the surname ................................................. 419 55 Authority to „Ente di Culto San Giusto“ to purchase immovable property.. 420 56 Authority to change the surname .................................................. 435 57 Authority granted to Evangelical Community of St. Augustine’ s Confessors to purchase immovable property .................................................... 439 58 Authority to change the surname.................................................. 453 59 Appointment of Dott. Gerolamo Manzutto as Commissioner of „Consorzio Terri- toriale per la Tutela della Pesca”............................................. 454 60 Abolition of the post of Inspector of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ ............................................................ 458 61 Constitution of the Supervisory Commission for the performance of the statistical surveys and tabulations ....................................................... 478 62 Appointment of avv. Ferruccio Franzin as Commissioner of the „Mutua Sanitaria tra i Ferrovieri dello Stato“ ................................................. 489 63 Legal recognition of Caus Maria ................................................. 497 64 Authority to change the surname .. .*......................................... 498 65 Re-appointment of aw. dr. Guido Sadar as President and of avv. Giorgio Jaut as Vice-President of „Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste“................ 499 66 Appointment of new President of the Watching Committee to the „Cassa di Ri- sparmio dellTstria“ ............................................................ 575 Errata Corrigenda to Adm. Order No. 66 ................................. 625 67 Examination for „Procuratore Legale” for 1951 ............................. 575 68 Authority to perform notarial acts etc....................................... 577 69 Authority to „Monastero delle Madri Benedettine di San Cipriano“ in Trieste to purchase immovable property ................................................... 592 70 Autority to „Chiesa Cappellaniale di San Giovanni Battista“ in Bagnoli della Rosandra to purchase immovable property......................................... 617 71 Appointment of Mr. Emilio De Campi as President of the Directing Council of „Ente Assistenza Lavoratori“ ................................................... 622 72 Appointment to the Board of Auditors of „Cassa Rurale e Artigiana“ of Aurisina 628 73 Authority to change the surname ........... ................................. 628 74 Legal recognition of Riccardo Giuseppe Attilio Ugottini and of Ettore Vallipponi 629 75 Authority granted to Ente di Culto „Madonna delle Grazie-Marija Milostjiva“ of Trieste to accept a donation ............................................... 76 Authority to „Chiesa Parrocchiale S. Antonio Taumaturgo“ in Trieste to purchase immovable property ......................................................... 77 Substitution of a member in the Zone Commission for Taxes..................... 78 Appointment of the President and. Vice-President of Provisional Consultive Com- mittee of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“... N OTICES 1 Minimum wages for janitors employed by house-owners ........................... 2 Minimum wages for personnel employed by „Alberghi Diurni“ ..................... 3 Minimum wages for personnel employed by notary offices ........................ 4 Sampling survey of living conditions of families .............................. 5 Minimum wages for casual laborers of commercial firms ......................... 6 Minimum Wages for workroom personnel in the service of confectioners and keepers of confectionery stalls annexed to restaurants, bars and similar catering shops.. 7 Minimum Wages for the workers in the employ of craftsmen master-barbers .... 8 Minimum wages for workers performing their activities in medical consulting rooms, pathological, radiological, orthopedical institutes and dental surgeries 9 Minimum wages for workers employed by master-craftsmen hairdressers .... 10 Minimum wages for personnel employed in offices of lawyers, attorneys, certified accountants, graduates in commercial sciences, fiscal advisors, house-stewards and commercial experts .....................;................................ 11 Minimum wages for personnel employed by wood-working industrial concerns 12 Minimum wages for personnel employed by coffee-houses, bars and similar shops 13 Prices of petroleum products ................................................... 14 Minimum wages for non clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed autobus-lines ............................................................... 15 Liquidation of „Consorzio delle Cooperative di Produzione e Lavoro“............. 16 Minimum wages for personnel employed by private hospitals....................... 17 Minimum wages for metal-workers employed with iron-manufacturing concerns 18 Minimum wages for personnel employed by petroleum refinery concerns ............ 19 Minimum wages for personnel employed by industrial wine and liquor concerns. . 20 Minimum wages for personnel employed by industrial printing concerns .......... 21 Minimum wages for personnel employed by artisan-opticians ..................... 22 Minimum wages for personnel employed by artisan-vulcanizers ................... 23 Minimum wages for personnel employed by building contractors .................. 24 Minimum wages for personnel employed by artisan-photographers ................. 25 Minimum wages for personnel employed by keepers of restaurants, inns and similar caterers .................................................................... 26 Minimum wages for personnel employed in laundering, clothes pressing, dyeing and cleaning artisan-firms .................................................. 27 Minimum wages for personnel employed by concerns publishing and printing daily papers and periodicals, provided printing of the latter be carried out according to the technical process of daily newspapers ................................ 28 Minimum wages for workers employed in firms carrying out scaling work.......... 29 Minimum wages for non clerical personnel employed by chemical industrial concerns 30 Minimum wages for clerical personnel employed by candy makers further by manufacturers of canned vegetables meat and sundry foodstuffs................ 31 Minimum wages for clerical personnel employed by industrial concerns in general, except some categories ............................................. 32 Minimum wages for clerical and sales-personnel employed by keepers of confec- tionary shop, further of confectionary stalls annexed to catering businesses.. 33 Minimum wages for personnel employed by horse-flesh butcher shops.............. 34 Minimum wages for personnel employed by artisan metallurgical work-shops 35 Minimum wages for personnel employed by craftsmen-launderers, dyers and ironers...................................................................... 36 Minimum wages for personnel employed by farming concerns or by direct farm owners ...................................................................... 630 662 663 664 13 14 15 22 68 69 71/ 72 74 173 181 183 185 189 191 210 268 270 272 302 352 354 356 357 359 371 373 392 393 397 400 421 422 440 441 442 37 Minimum wages for personnel employed by Rowing Clubs and Trieste Sailing Club („Società Triestina della Vela“) ......................................... 443 38 Minimum wages for personnel employed by craftsmen-vulcanizers ............. 444 39 Minimum wages for personnel employed by artisan wood workshops .............. 455 40 Examinations to quality as „Ufficiale Esattoriale“ .............................. 471 41 Minimum wages for workers, without clerical qualifications, employed by flour milling, rice peeling industrial concerns and by pasta factories ............ 478 42 Minimum wages for laborers employed by manufacturing concerns of tiles and concrete products ............................................................. 481 43 Minimum wages for personnel employed by stone-industrial concerns........... 483 44 Minimum wages for personnel employed by forwarding and shipping agencies .. 593 45 Minimum wages for personnel employed by Yacht Club Adriaco ................ 59G • 46 Minimum wages for personnel in the employ of motor-hiring firms, of garages running motorcar hiring and sundry repair services........................... 597 47 Minimum wages for personnel employed by inn and restaurant keepers .... 599 48 Minimum wages for personnel in the employ of firms, operating motor-truck goods transport services for account of third parties ............................. 600 49 Minimum wages for personnel employed by keepers of coffee-houses, bars and similar shops ................................................................. 602 50 Minimum wages for personnel employed by day-service-hotels (Alberghi Diurni) 604 51 Minimum wages for workers employed by privately owned nursing homes .... 606 52 Minimum wages for garden laborers in the employ of flowers and fruit-trees growing firms . ............................................................ 607 53 Minimum wages for personnel employed by bill-brokers....................... 623 54 Subsidiary Bus Station .......................................................... 630 55 Publication of the Official Gazette ............................................. 635 56 Minimum wages for personnel employed by Petroleum Companies ................ 635 57 Minimum wages for personnel employed by private educational institutes .... 636 58 Minimum wages for casual laborers employed by commercial concerns (forward- ing Agencies excluded) ........................................................ 638 59 Minimum wages for personnel employed by commercial concerns dealing in clothing, outfitting articles, sundry goods, and food in general............. 639 60 Trjeste Stock-Exchange Calendar for the year 1952 ............................... 664