Kranjsko - Slovenska Katoliška Jednota je prva in najstarejša slovenska bratska pod porna organizacija v . Ameriki Posluje ie 48. leto LETOS GESLO KSKJ. JE: "Vse za vero, dom ta narodf ^cfaLtŽrjomoAL O^G^^SOS^A OF THE GRAND CARNIOUAN SLOVENIAN CATHOUC UNION CLEVELAND, O., 14. MAJA (MAY)t 1941 NO. 19 — ŠTEV. 19 VOLUME XXVil. — LETO XXVII. Največja smodnišnica na svetu V bližini mesta Charlestown, v Južni Indiani so pred kratkim dovršili ogromno smodniš-nico, katere razna poslopja in tvornice se nahajajo na 5,500 akrih. Ta ogromen projekt vlade Združenih držav, ki je veljal $86,548,000, bo sedaj upravljala znana du Pontova kor-poracija, ki ima ondi zaposlenih 10,000 delavcev. Na dan se lahko producira 600 tisoč funtov brezdimnega smodnika, kar zadostuje za en milijon mož močno armado. , Navedena smodnišnica je največja na svetu. TRUPLO POKOJNEGA JOŽETA KASTELICA NAJDENO Iz Puente del Inca v Južni Ameriki poročajo, da so v višini 5,400 metrov našli truplo našega izseljeniškega duhovnika Jožeta Kastelica, ki se je pred letom ponesrečil, ko je z Linko-vo ekspedicijo skušal doseči vrh Akonkague. Truplo pokojnika je bilo prenešeno z gore v Puente del Inca. JUGOSLOVANSKI RUDNIKI V NEMŠKIH ROKAH New York.—Berlinsko radijsko poročilo, prestreženo tukaj, se je glasilo, da so Nemci prevzeli rudnike bakra v vzhodni Jugoslaviji. Ti rudniki, najbogatejši v Evropi, se nahajajo pri Zaječaru nedaleč od bolgarske meje. . DRUŠTVENA NAZNANILA snanjam, da se bo vršila pri- Druitvo sv. Jožefa, it. 57, 0fWU|fA| iV. I. O naši zadnji veselM. Zahvala. Naše dne 20. druitvo je priredilo aprila igro in veselico, ki je bila prav dobro obiskana. Pred igro "Zupanova Micka" je naš predsednik brat John Cvet-kovič v lepih besedah pozdravil vse navzoče. Rekel je zaeno, da pogreša še nekaj naših članov, ki so menda izostali iz gotovih vzrokov in dali drugim priložnost. Nato je govoril sobrat Svet in nam zaeno predstavil Mrs. Pavline Curl, ki je nastopila v solospevu "Kaj ne bila bi vesela." Za to točko je brat John Kerkovich Jr. zaigral nekaj komadov na svojo harmoniko, nakar je nastopil Brooklynski tamburaški zbor pod vodstvom Mr. Harry Ger-joviča. Ta dobro izvežbani zbor je tudi žel mnogo aplavza. Po dovršeni igri v dveh dejanjih je sledila prosta zabava. Tem potom se naše društvo lepo zahvaljuje vsem udeležencem, vsem našim prijateljem in znancem. Posebna hvala pa našim članom in članicam za udeležbo in pomoč pri delu, osobito veseličnemu odboru; igralcem in igralkam pod vodstvom brata Jack Pishkurja, tudi temu gre vsa čast za njegovo dobro delo, tako tudi gospem Pauline Curl in Albini Potočnik, bratu Kerkovichu Jr. in našim tam-burašem. Med odmori je je delilo srebrne dolarje sledečim trem srečnim: Frank Žagar, Frances Marčun in Joseph Gergu-rič; posebne denarne nagrade vsled udeležebe so pa dobili sledeči: Joseph Duzzi, Mrs. A. Klarich, Louis Palcic in naš newyorški župnik Rev. Pij J. Petric. Cul sem, da je teta "štorklja" predzadnji teden letala tu-naokoli, pa se je kar z dvojčki ustavila pri sobratu Louis Rup- j niku Jr.% njemu in soprogi je pustila kar dvojčice; mati in novorojenke se počutijo dobro. Upam, da se bo število članov našega mladinskega oddelka s temi dvojčicami pomnožilo. Potem se je pa teta "štorklja" vrnila nazaj v naš Ridge-wood, pa je obdarovala družino Mr. in Mrs. Frank Stariha tudi s f letno punčko; ponosen oče je tudi član našega društva. Naš Frank se je baje jezil, čemu se ni štorklja že prej pri njemu z dvojčicami ustavila. Ker je pa Lojze Rupnik precej velik, se je pa gotovo ta čudna ptica njegovemu mahanju z rokami prej odzvala. .»Naše čestitke srečnim staršem. Več navzočih je na naši zadnji veselici vpraševalo, da kje sta brata Anthony Omerzu in Louis Rupnik Sr., ker se vedno naših prireditev udeležujeta. Nikar ne mislite, da so bili oče Rupnik doma in gledali dvojčke (vnukinje), na katere so zelo ponosni; toda bili so istočasno v bolnišnici; upam, da se kmalu domov vrnejo, tako tudi brat Anthony Omerzu. Obema želimo, da bi kmalu okrevala. Zvedel sem tudi, da bo naš sobrat Joseph Staudohar v Wor-cester, N. Y. imel obiskovalce za en teden in sicer bodo to: Mr. in Mrs. Marcus Supancic iz Forest Hi lis in Mrs. Kennedy s svojima hčerkama Constance in Eugene; Mrs. Kennedy je hčerka Supančičevih. Toliko za danes, če bo še kaj posebnega, se pa še oglasim. S pozdravom, Joseph J. Klun, poročevalec. važnih stvari riješiti, isto i račune ako bude moguče za pro- šle tri mjesece. leto čeme imati govor za naš piknik, kojeg smo nakonili imati na 22. juna. Dalje opomfinjam dugujoce članstvo, koje je ostalo dulne dva ili više mjeseca, da to isto na ovoj sjednici up late po mo-gučnosti, jer inače budem prisiljen sve one, koji ne budu pla-tili svoga duga, da ih suspendiram. Dalje videli ste u zadnjom Glasilu broj 17 da je nastala naša kampanja 1. maja; lepe nagrade za svakoga tko če ra-diti u ovi kampanji, onda ajdi-mo na rad! Sa bratskim pozdravom, Imbro Mavracich, tajnik. Druitvo ar. Srca Jezusovega, št. 70, St. Louis, Mo. Cenjeno mi članstvo: Kakor vam je gotovo znano, se je z dnem 1. maja začela naša jubilejna kampanja. Nagrade za vaš trud v pridobivanju članstva so lepe ali primerne; niso pa nagrade vse, kar je važno! Naš obstoj kot narodna skupina v teh burnih časih nam mora biti vedno pred očmi; tako tudi ne smemo pustiti naše sv. vere v nemar. Za vse to se bomo borili, ko bomo v tej kampanji pridobivali novo članstvo za našo K. S. K. Jednoto. Torej dragi mi, na noge! "On to Chicago" je geslo te kampa nje. Kateri izmed nas bo časten gost prihodnje Jednotine konvencije leta 1942 v Chicagu, 111.? Dragi mi čitatelj, če hočeš, si prav lahko baš ti ona srečna oseba. Naj še pri tej priliki omenim, da je bil naš4 dosedanji društveni zdravnik Dr. J. A. Virant pozvan v vojaško službo za dobo enega leta in sicer se nahaja v Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Poiskati ali dobiti nam bo torej treba drugega zdravnika; kakor hitro mogoče vam naznanim ime istega. Dr. Virant je že drugi član našega društva, ki nosi vojaško suknjo, prvi je bil poklican brat Nicholas Sestric. Predzadnji teden smo imeli tukaj v St. Louisu izrednega častnega gosta, in to slovenskega duhovnika, brata našega pomožnega glavnega tajnika, č. g. Rev. Mihael Zeleznikarja, župnika iz Aledo, 111. Ker se je Father Železnikar mudil tukaj na duhovnih vajah, je bil njegov čas z malo izjemo v ta namen porabljen, ter mi je bilo nemogoče ga spoznati z večino naših rojakov. Samo članice tukajšnje podružnice št. 42 SZZ so bile malo presenečene, ko je njih blagajničarka sestra H. Skoff Rev. Zeleznikarja za novega člana predstavila na njih seji. Seveda, zapriseči ga niso hotele, ampak ni bilo zaradi tega kakor je izgledalo nič slabe volje. Upam, da je bilo kratko bivanje v našem mestu dovolj privlačno za Rev. Zeleznikarja, c|a nas bo še v bodoče rad obiskal. Dobro nam zopet došel! Na bolniški listi nimamo zdaj nobenega. V kratkem se zopet oglasim. S sobratskim pozdravom, Anton J. Skoff, tajnik. hodnja seja v nedeljo, 18. maja. Na tej seji bomo imele par važnih toik na dnevnem redu. Vsem onim na«m Slanicam, ki se niso udeležile zadnje seje, naznanjam sklep iste, da priredimo dne 21. maja Card party v korist naše blagajne in sicer v cerkveni dvorani, začetek ob 8. uri zvečer. Pripravljalni odbor že danes prijazno vabi vse članice in vse naše prijatelje k obilni udeležbi. Članice, ki še niste nam dale kakega daru že dolgo časa, ste prošene, da prinesete sedaj kak dar, da ne bomo prosile vedno ene in iste članice. One članice, ki so obljubile "prize," so prošene, da jih izvolite pravočasno prinesti kaki odbornici našega društva, aH pa na sejo. K sklepu vas še prosim, da bi prihajale na mesečne seje v, lepem številu in redno'; tako tudi, da bi svoj asesment točno plačevale. Pozdrav, s < • • Anna Solomon, predsednica. H j epa hvala za dverenje 4 nje-vinoj bol jesti Mft. Mary Mar-I6vifc„ i još jo j sto puta hvala, a Bog joj plati. Ovaj put *a-ključim uz: Večni pokoj mojo j suprugi, naj u miru bošem počiva; a vam svima hvala! U drugom dopisu bude sve drugo objavljeno. Matt Brozenič, suprog. Druitvo sv. Jožefa, št. 110, Barberton, O. Vsem članom našega društva se uradno naznanja, da prihodnja redna društvena seja se vrši na podlagi sklepa zadnje glavne seje v petek večer pred tretjo nedeljo, to je 16. maja, začenši ob sedmi uri zvečer in to se bo vršilo skozi celo poletje končavši z mesecem septembrom. Vsi člani ste naprošeni, da blagovolite to vpoštevati in da se Druitvo Mart Je Pomagaj, it. 164, Eveleth, Mimt. S tem zopet prijazno vabim vse naše članice, da bi se za gotovo udeležile prihodnje seje dne 18. maja, fcer bomo imele malo programa po seji v počast materam, in še nekaj drugega bo; zato pridite vse! Zal, da moram zopet poročati o smrtnem slučaju pri našeip društvu. Dne 16. aprila je namreč Bog k*ebi poklical našo so-sestro Roze Pozega, ki je bila ustanovna članica, kamor je spadala 24 ,4et in en mesec. ,'K večnemu p<}čitku smo jo spremile 19. aprila. , , . , Naj ji bo lahka ameriška prosim, odprite srce in pomagajte našim trpečim rojakom v stari domovini. Pomislimo, kaj če bi bili mi na njih mestu. Zato naj ne bo med člani nobenega, da bi ne daroval toliko potrebnim. Člani so ie nekaj darovali vsak, kar nas je bflo na zadnji seji, drugi pa lahko prinesete darove ali prispevke na moj dom ali pa na drugo sejo. Imena vseh darovalcev bodo objavljena v Glasilu. S pozdravom, Anna Peleic tajnica. Druitvo »v. Štefana, it. 224, Cleveland, O. Vabilo na veselico. Opomin Kakor je že vsem članom gotovo znano, se vrši veselica našega društva v nedeljo, 18. maja v Hrvatski cerkveni dvorani na 40. cesti zvečer ob 7:SG. čemo, da je to sedaj vse naše. Prav zaradi takega napredka so naši Jednotarji zelo ponosni, poaebno pa še mladina. Vsi se koaajo, kateri bo boljše sa društvo a bi po slovensko morali imenovati "vinsko drevo." Toda do-načini to drevo že več stoletij lazivljejo s pridevkom "drevo popotnikov." In res to drevo po vsej pravici tako nazivljejo, ker ltrujenemu popotniku zastonj ludi nekaj takega, kar je sicer / gostilnah treba plačati z goto-/im denarjem. Ker pa v tistih ejajih, ki ^o redko naseljeni, jostiln sploh ni, zato to drevo popotniku kar samo od sebe postreže z "vinom." Popotniku ni treba nič drugega kakor stopiti k drevesu ter tam z nožem precej globoko zarezati v skorjo, nakar iz debLa priteče neka te-:očina, ki jo domačini in tujci iila radi pijejo. Domačini to tekočino imenujejo "okusna vofli-:a z vinskim okusom," s čemer hočejo povedati, da je ta tekočina. In trde, da tekočina vinu ni le podobna po okusu, temveč nazadnje tudi po učinku. Kdor je popil kaj več te tekočine, se nazadnje kar ne more ločiti od te pijače, kakor je navada pri vinu. RAZDELITEV AFRIKE Po vestih iz Švice bo Afrika, ako Nemčija premaga Anglijo takole razdeljena: 1.—gpanija ohrani svoj dolenji kos Maroka s Tangerjem, ki se mu priključi še dobršen del francoskega Maroka, ter Rio di Oro. Španija bi na ta način dobila svoj atlantski imperij. 2.—Za Gibraltar bi stopil v veljavo poseben pravilnik. 3.—Portugalska bi ohranila svoje kolonije, Mosambikue in Angola. 4.—Francija ohrani ostali del Maroka in Alžir, ki sta potrebna za njeno gospodarsko življenje. 5.—Južnoafriška Unija bo pod posebnimi pogoji ohranila svojo neodvisnost, toda bi bila znatno zmanjšana na svoje meje pred zadnjo svetovno vojno. 6.—Italija bi dobila Tunizijo in Sudan, tako da bi bil njen imperij v Afriki od Libije do vzhodne Afrike med seboj povezan. L. 7.—Za Egipt in njegovo nadaljnje trajanje bi bila postavljena nova pravila. 8.—Za Sueški prekop, ki bi v glavnem prišel pod nadzorstvo Italije, bi bil ustanovljen poseben pravilnik v isti meri kakor za Gibraltar. 9.—Ves ostali del Afrike bi prišel pod nadzorstvo Nemčije. je bila na licu mesta policija, ki je moža sprejela v svoje varstvo. Sprva so ga sicer zaprli in odvedli v Tokijo. Tukaj pa so ga izpustili, ko je slovesno obljubil, da nikdar več ne bo poskušal usmrtiti se sam, ker je prestal toliko groze. la kar zona spreletavati. Ko je videl, kam bi mogel pasti vsak hip, si je zopet zaželel življenja. Poskušal je torej priti nazaj v življenje. Z nadčloveškimi ni-pori je plezal po steni navkreber in je čez tri ure srečno pri* plezal na rob prepada. Tamkaj je nezavesten omahnil. Toda že NOVI GROBOV! V CLEVELANDU LOVE THY NEIGHBOR... ^ BEAR YE ONE ANOTHER S BURDENS Week of Moy nth »o May i8th \txt/ čatAo/ic_alH&M46&t> AGITIRAJTE ZA ML A DIN S KI ODDELEK! ki smo jo izdali za petdesetletnico Preizkušena zdravila proti < glavobolu je s stališča slovenske zgodovine in drugače nadvse zanimiva knjiga. Vsaka slovenska hiša bi jo naj imela v svoji hiši. Naročite jo, 50C stane samo ............................. Kdor pa želi naročiti tudi Spominsko knjigo ki je bila izdana za »štiridesetletnico "Amerikanskega Sloven9a" pred desetimi leti, katerih imamo še nekaj na roki, tak dobi obe skupaj, to je Spominsko knjigo od 40 letnice in sedanjo Zlato 7Sc knjigo, obe za samo ....................IvV Naročila sprejema: MandeFs Headache Tabs 1. Ustavi glavobol 2. Uredi želodec 3. Ojači živce 4. Odpomoč ženskemu zdravju CENA SOf mandel drugltore SLOVENSKA LEKARNA 15702 Waterloo Rd. CLEVELAND, O. Pošiljamo po pošti Lastnik te lekarne je član društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ vloge Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings & Loan Co. OH St. CSaftr Ave. Hlad. K71 Cleveland, Ohls SLOVENSKI DNEVNIK ki izhaja v Clevelandu vsak dan razen ob nedeljah in praznikih semena Zaradi vojne v Evropi, ne moremo več dobiti semena mli drugega blaga is starega kraja, xato zaloga ni ve* po-, polna. Imamo pa še v zalogi sledeče ter priporočamo, da naročite takoj: SALATA, velika poletna glavnata. SALATA, fina celoeesonska ledenka. ENDIVJA. pozna širokoperesna ENDIVJA. ramena lepo kravžljana. KUMARE, Atenske dolge zelene. KUMARE, velike najbolje domače. KOLERABA, podzemeljska ramena. KOLERABA, velikanska za krmo. PETRŠILJ. gladki s korenom. PESA. fina okrogla namizna. REDKVICA, srednje-zgodnja rdeča. REDKEV. črna okrogla poletna. GRAH. užiten v stročju, nizek. GRAH. užiten ▼ stročju. visok. FIŽOL, brez niti, nizek, ramen. FIŽOL, brez niti, visok, rumen. FIŽOL, brez niti, nizek, selen. FIŽOL, brez niti. visok selen. PESA ZA KRMO. ramena, funt 50c. PESA ZA KRMO. rdeča, funt 50c. REPA. sa kisanje. funt SOc. PROSO, pristno rumeno, funt 40c. MAJERON. sladki dišeči. SPINAČA. najboljša iz Maribora. RADIČ, pravi rdeč Goriški. CENA JE: Trije paketi 35 centov, 10 paketov $1. Lahko kar izreiete ta oglaa. podčrtajte semena, katera želite ter ga nam vrnite s Monev Ordrom in naročilo bo točno odposlana STEVE MOHORKO CO. 704 Sa tnd St. • Milwaukee, Wis. V njem dobite vse najnovejše svetovne novice, zanimive dopise in lepe romane. Naročite se na ta dnevnik, ki vam bot zvest tovariš ob dolgih večerih. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA slovenska unijska tiskarna, ki izdeluje vsakovrstne tiskovine, točno in lično, pa po zmernih cenah. 6117 St Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio ON TO CHICAGO! "The Špirit of a 'Reju%)ena1ed K.SK.J" —BOOST KSKJ SPORTS— —BOOST KSKJ SPORTS— * * » * » VVINNERS OF 7tk ANNUAL EASTERN KSKJ BOWLING TOURNAMENT May 9,10,11, Cleveland, Ohio Men'« Teams 1—St. Paul'8 Federal Bank, Chicago (St. Stephen's No. 1)..2728 2—C. & M. Presidents, Lorain............................................ 2691. 3—St. Joseph's Sports No. 1 Cleveland (Lodge No. 169).. 2677 4—Svetek Funeral Home, Cleveland (Lodge No. 169) .... 2604 5—A. Grdina & Sons, Cleveland (Lodge No. 25) .............. 2597 ♦ Doubles > 1—A.-Sluga, F. Sluga ..............................-.......................... 1170 2—F. Christy, F. Baraga..................................................... *165 3—J. Zore, M. Slana .......................................................... 1161 4—A. Kristoff, H. Andorka ................................................ 1132 5—J. Pustaver, J. Zabkar.................................................... 1121 Singles 1—Larry Shuster ,.................................................................. . 643 2—S. Cerne ...............................................r...................... 641 3—A. Drobnic ....................................................................- 628 4—L. Medved ...................................................................... 610 5—J. Zore ...................................................................- 606 AU Event* 1—A. Kristoff ...................................................................... 1796 2—F. Baraga ........................................................................ I765 3—Larry Shuster.................................................................. I764 Ladies' Team Event 1—Slapnik Florists, Lodge No. 162 .................................... 2242 2—C. & M., Lodge No. 191.......1.......................................... 2181 3—Waterloo Recreation, Lodge No. 162............................ 2123 4—Mary Magdalenes, No. 162 ............................................ 2102 5—St, Helen's, No. 193 ........................................................ 2030 Doubles 1—M. Leskovec, A. Pozelnik..................j....................................................947 2—A. Tanko, R. Košir ................................................................................................................923 3—A. Sray, F. Globokar...................-..........................................854 4—M. Jerman, A. Budan ............................-.....-................................854 5—J. Skolich, M. Skolich ....................................-............................848 Singles 1—F. Globokar - J'............—......................................553 2—M. Gliha ......-........................T.....-....................................................................497 3—E. Urbancic ..............................................................................................489 4—A. Tanko ..............h..'...............—..............................................................484 5—A. Pozelnik .......................................»........................................................477 AU Events ' 1—A. Tanko......................................-....................................................................1473 2—A. Budan ...................................................................................................................................I401 3—F. Globokar ......................................................................................................x888 4—A. Pozelnik...........-.....................-....................................................................I868 CHICAGO SCRIBE THANKS KAYJAYS FOR CO-OPERATION Chicago, 111. — Yes, friends, >*our tourney seribe is back! I think that I can justfully say that those who attended our Bowlmg Tournament witness-cd the biggest Midwest Bowl-ing Classic that was ever held in the history of such tournaments, but only through the co-operation of aH Kay Jay members from aH parts of our Union. I know that fond mem-ories were carried back home by everyone, and many were sorry to see the tourney end so fast. Well, friends, happy memories until we ali meet again at 1;he 15th Annual K. S. K. J. Bowling Tournament. Thanks to ali who in any way aided in the success of the tournament. , Tourney Seribe. OUR B O Y S VVrite to Them JOLIET KSKJ BOWLlNG CHAMPS — JOLIET SLOVENIC COALS" «« THE CANONSBURG KAV JAYS TO PLAT HOST TO FATHERS, MOTHERS SUNDAT Strabane, Pa. — Once again the Canonsburg KSKJ Boosters will play host to their par- ( ents at their fifth annual | Mother's Day Banquet Sunday j evening, May 18, in the St. Jer-i ome's Home. A very appropriate program j has been arranged to supply a j full evening of entertainment | lor the parents. As additional guests, the Boosters are also in-viting the iathers to portake in this annual feast Headed by Frances Cook, the girls have prepared a very tasty meal for the occasion. The chairman of the evening will be Frankie Batista, organizer of the re-cently formed Juvenile Booster Club. In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the KSKJ Juvenile Department, the Juvenile Booster Club will be in complete charge of the entertainment for the evening. Some very good talent has been diseovered since the organization of the club, and the Jun-iors are expected to put on a real program. i Besides the Supreme KSKJ Board Officers, the presidents of ali the local Slovenian Fraternal organizations have also been invited, as well as a number of other prominent offici-als from Canonsburg. This vear vvill see an added inerease in the attendance, for the parents of the Juveniles in-the Booster Club wfll also be the honored guests. After the ban-quet, dancing vvill be supplied for those who wish to dance. The banquet is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. eastern standard time. MfAUKEGANITES BLOSSOM TIME HOP IS SUCCESS Waukegan, 111. — Amid blossoms and confetti to the music of Johnnie Arch and his orchestra, whose theme is "Music that is easy to love," danc-ers at the St. Mary's Šport Club Second Annual "Blossom Time" dance vvere transiormed to the land of make-believe on Satur-day evening, May 10, 1941, in the Mother of God Auditorium. Approximately 260 young miss-es and gallant young men attended the dance. Jake Repp was general chairman of the annual event, with the program being han-dled by Ann Cankar and Rose Treven. Publicity vvas taken care of by Mary Gosar, and decorations by Ji>Bn Cankar, vvho was assisted by Josephine Treven and Joseph Govekar. The house committee consisted of Anton Jeffers, John Grom, and Anton Mozina. -e- Private Frank E. Udovich 59 Company C, lst Medical Regiment Fort Ord, California Private Paul J. Prijatel 7 Comoany B, 81 Training Battalion Camp Roberts San Miguel, California Private Anthony W. Prah 7 Training Battalion 2 Training Squadron Bldg. 2052 Cav«lry Rec. Center Fort Riley, Kansas Private Rudolph Tomsic 153 A. P. G. Air Corps Detachment Aberdeen Proving Grounds Aberdeen, Maryland Private John H. Muhic 7 j Company E, 42nd Engineers ! Camp Shelby, Mississippi Private L. P. Ancel Company F, 60th Infantry A. P. O. Fort Bragg, North Carolina Private Joseph N. Zunich 1 Bat. F 124 F. A. Camp Flayed by the mem- Doubles: Ed Kucic, R. Konar, So. Chicago..... .............. 6.00 bers of the KSKJ during this Singles: Carl Stnipeck, Chicago........................................ 3.00! tournament was one that can Ali Events: Ed Kučic, So. Chicago .................................... 4.00,be boasted about among KSKJ Past 45 Event: Meriftk's Tavern, St. Joes, VVaukegan .... 7.00 members, but as this is usually Bovvling Prizes—Ladies' Division: j found among our members, we Team: Merlock'8 Service Station,St. Anne's, Waukegan .$10.00 will not have to diseuss the Doubles: Louise Ribieh, Johana ZOre, Sheboygan............ 4.00 matter further. Singles: Lee Beisbier, Milwaukee ...................................... 2.00[ The banquet which follovved Ali Events: Lee Beisbier, Milwaukee................................ 3.00 the bowling sessions was very Joseph Zore, chairman KSKJ Athletic Board. well attended and the chicken dinner prepared and served ADV1CE TO CATHOLIC RECRUITS _Get on the KSKJ Special— ASK TOUR SfiCRETARV! 1. Be a good soldier. You lics before, you represent the can serve God and country best Catholic Church. Help others by being true to yourself. 2. Seek out a Catholic chaplain at once: offer your serv-ices to him for any assistance he may require. 3. Find your friends at the Communion rail. Some soldiers are daily communicants; oth- to be good, representative Catholics. 10. Don't get married before bali team, and Fritzie Zivic, welterweight champion. The toastmaster was Mr. Frank J. Lokar. The audience received each one of the guest speakers very enthusiastically and judging by the applausethey were certain-ly happy to have with them such honored guests. The committee wishes to express its appreciation to these guests and sincerely hopes that they will vvas worthy of comment. We again have an opportunity to had vvith us quite a few celeb- accept our invitation ,at some rities and I vvill try not to miss of our future affairs. any of the guest speakers. Rev. | We vvish to thank each and Matthevv Kebe, pastor of St. jevery member of the commit-Mary's Assumption Church, tee, each and every member opened the banquet with pray- J who bowled in this tournament, er and also greeted the bovvlers the mothers vvho helped pre- you leave; don't get married in the Army. A year of separa- and guests very cordially; Mr. jpare the delicious banquet, the tion novv may save years of John Pezdirtz, member of the girls who served, and in gen separation later on. Board of Trustees of KSKJ, eral ali vvho helped in any way 11. Offer your sacrifices ev-;from Cleveland, O.; Mrs. make this banquet and bovvl- ers go as often as they can. Youjc-ry day in union with the suf-nes Gorisek, member of the ing tournament a success. are sure of good companion-'ferings of Our Blessed Lord in;Board of Jurors, KSKJ; Mr. j A list of vvinners in the tour-ship if you spend your time I His Passion and Death. In this | John Decman, Supreme Juror, nament who were awarded with freouent commuuicants. |way you supernaturalize your,KSKJ; Father Domjnic of Av-|prizes at the banquet, will be 4 Obey commands promptly s^crifice, turning it to eternal alon; Dr. J^J. BolteyMr. F. |found elsewhere in the Our ;._uL !J. Boltey; Dr. F. J. Arch, su^Page. and vvith good vvill. No officer[advantage MEETING NOTICE So. Chicago, 111.—The sum-mer schedule of meetings for Immaculate Conception lodge, No. 80, vvill be every third Wednesday of the month, instead of every third Sunday. The new time will be in effect for the next meeting, Wednes-day evening, May 21, at 8 p.m. Louise Ukovieh, sec'y ON TO CttICAOO! is likely to command you to do anything contrary to good con-science. If any officer should do so, consult your chaplain on the matter. 5. Seek wholesome amuse-ment in recreation hours. The chaplain can advise yon where to find it. Don't gamble. Most gamblers become "moochers" —and the mooeher is an army pest 6. Carry a medal and rosary; keep a prayerbook in your kit. Use them. Join the Holy Name Society. 7. Join a discussion group or study club. If there isn't one in your outfit, help the chaplain organize one. 8. Write home £requently; write occasionally to your pas- preme medical examiner of A. -o- 12. Look upon your years of training as a special opportu-nity God has given you to de-velop a strong body and a rug-ged character. Your country needs men of character—par-ticularly men whose vision looks clear into eternity. A Joliet, 111. — The choirs of man vvhose eyes are fixed on St^Joseph's Parish announce a Frances Lokar. FOUR JOLIET CHOIRS WILL PRESENT CONCERT; GUEST GROUPS TO AID God as his Last End has no temptation to seek his heaven on earth. Subversive doctrines promise you heaven on earth: no such promise can ever be fulfilled. Enter the Army clean—Come home clean. God bless you! Selected. NOTICE The regular Ohio KSKJ yvuic UWW,BIB111J _____Bocster Club meeting sched- tor.^ the chaplain has cardsuled for Sunday, May 18, 1941, to certify attendance at the has been postponed until a fu-Sacraments, send them home. j ture date tobeannounced 9. 'Give good example as a later. Catholic gentleman. To men j Mary E. PoluUik, Sec j., vvho have never kno^n Catho- Ohio KSKJ Booster Club. be and English numbers vvill featured. A Choral dance Vili climax the day's entertainment with Roy Gordon's Orchestra fur-nishing the music from 8 T)'-clock to midnight. second Choral Festival to be held on May 18 at 2:30 in the Parish Hali. The first Choral Festival held in May 1939, was a complete success and since then, the Joliet Choirs traveled to other Slovenian communities. They are novv ready to Presentr^ " — £ Z7\iso To a Choral Festival at homel dance ^ ^ 8gm\n' r U See y°u aH °n Mfty 18 »t St. The four home choirs, viz. _ •; ^ . . „ _ .. . . " , T ; „ . L Q Joseph s Parish Hali in Joliet. mixed, male, Junior and Rosa-| rian vvill be aided by "Adrija"| -o- of St. Stephen's, Chicago; "Zarja" of St. George's, So. The Joliet Choirs extend a cordial invitation to you ali to an afternoon of sweet music ON TO CHICAGO! Chicago; and Lira, of Mother, __Get on the KSKJ Special— of God, Waukegan. . Both Slovenian folk songs ASK YOUR SECRETARY! OUR PAGE COOKING SCHOOL B? FRANCES JANCEB 1110 Third SU U Salle, IIL Mrs. Mary V. Novak, 1223 E. Second St., Butte, Mont., a member of St. Ann's Lodge, No. 208 of Butte, tells us how to make a new cake. White or Marble Cake 3 cups of Swans Down Cake Flour, % teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 6 egg whites, 'H cup butter, IV* cups sugar, lVt cups milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, teaspoon lemon extract. Sift flour once, measure. Add baking powder and cream of tartar and sift three times. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, cream until light. Add flour alternately with milk in small amount s, beating after each addition. Add vanilla and lemon extracts. Beat egg white until they stand up in peaks, fold in well. Put half the batter in \vell greased and floured tube cake pan. Then divide remain-ing batter into 2 equal portions. To to m ON TO CHICAGO! GET ON THE # K. S. K. J. SPECIAL -Ask Your Secretary- Pestsclipts to tke Tflidived loulnament 9 . ________. . . 1 1 n!h a _i_____» n. MEETING NOTICE Pittsburgh, Pa. —The meeting of Mary of Seven Sorrows Society, No. 81 will be held Sunday, May 18 in the Slovenian Auditorium. Ali members are asked to attend this meeting, as we have important matters to discuss.' The society will sponsor a card party May 21. Members who didn't donate any prizes for the last card party, are asked to donate us a gift or a cake. It's very hard to ask al-ways the same members for a donation. Kindly bring your gift to the meeting on Sunday or to anv of our officers. The committee is working hard to make this card party a ,, , . . success, and will feel that its one, add pink coloring and g ^ rewarded if the other add Va square u , d , . , , . w1 attend this party. elted Baker s chocolate. Then , , r Members who are in arrears crop the pink batter on top of the vvhite- and the chocolate on top of the pink. spread batter after it is drop- ®s pen in pan. Bake for 1 hour in medium oven. This batter can also be used for a three layer vvhite cake. Icing: Break into bowl: 2 Hershey\s mild and m e 11 o w chocolate 6 oz. bars, and set in the warmin§ closet until melt-td. Then beat until free from lumps. Add milk gradually and continue beating. Do not with assessmehts are requested Do not mix or|t° attend this meeting and pay much as possible on their dues. Don't forget the prizes. Anna Solomon, president. -o ON TO CHICAGO! —Get on the KSKJ Special— ASK YOUR SECRETARY,! PERSONALS Brooklyn, N. Y. — Mr. and Mrs. L. Rupnik, Jr., of Glen- _ , , . — ., , . . dale, are proud parents of become alarmed if the mixture gir,8 both the twjns and becomes heavy ?r separates, mother are doing fjne Here .g just because of this keep add- thftt they wi„ be mem. nior *m*u *™unt* of milk and bers 0f KSKJ. Mr. Rupnik is Father Edvvard Gabrenja, pastor of St. Stephen's Church, and Father Leonard Bogolin, assistant pastor, participated in the opening festivities by roll-ing the first bali on separate al-leys. The "Pueblo Cowboys" were the first visitors to come to the tourney, being on hand Wednesday, April 23. Friday, April 25, the Chicago teams again started things rolling by hitting high seores. Waukegan and Joliet were on hand Friday to help put more špirit into the tournament. About 11 o'clock who should walk into the bowling establish-ment but the only "Babe" Kva-ternik, his sister Anne, Rose Skubic, Pauline Primozich, and Remus Cossalter, Babe's doubles partner. As you know, this party was from Eveleth, Minn. Babe's appearance evi-dently put more špirit into the tournament. Bovvling vvas to begin at 11 o'clock Saturday morning but the "Crazy Hoosiers" put in an early appearance that morning so they started the tournament an hour before, but that morn ing they put on a shovv that vve vvill long remember. While the boys vvere bovvling, one of their group played a squeeze-box and he continually played during the day at the alleys. During the day, our distant friends from Ohio, Wisconsin, and other parts of Illinois came to make the tourney the success it vvas. In the evening everyone, so it seems, attended the dance at St. Stephen's Hali vvhich turn-ed out to be a big hit. After the dance the fun-makers vvent to the 3 o'clock club vvhich lasted to the very vvee hours of Sun-day morning. Without even getting a wink of shut-eye, the .member for attending the Mid- got off to an early start, com- party continued ali morning in various rooms. The Hoo&iers had their concertina player vvith them ali the vvhile. Bowl-ing resumed at 9 that morning vvith the boys getting some high seores. Many missed a chance to see a bowler from Joliet roli nine perfect strikes, but his tenth shot vvas a bit too mneh on the Brooklyn side, vvhich was good for nine pins which he picked up for a spare. He rolled another strike for his 279 game, the highest single seore ever bowled in a Midwest Tournament, and finished vvith a 652 series. The Sluga brothers of Cleveland also vvere hot, one of them rolling 634 and 636 in doubles and singles. The 11 o'clock squad gave us a chance to vvateh the 1941 champs, the Copp and Mer-lock Tavern team of Wauke-gan, roli 2810. Then late that evening vve saw Carl Strupeck, our local lad, bowl 666 for sin- west Tournament, and also for the good behavior at the hotel as well as everywhere else. So, may I again say, thank you and vve will be seeing you at next year's Tourney. Tourney Chatter —w» Your tourney seribe made many efforts to catch up vvith Little Sammy but had little luck until he finally met him Sunday evening, thanks to Sammy's helper ... It vvas un-derstood that Sammy's identity i1? stili a mystery to many . . . He and his helpers put plenty of aetion into the fun-making during the tournament. . . . One Hoosier lost his pineapple at the 3 o'clock club and it is believed the Waukegan girls knovv about it . . , Curley of Ind. lost his voice. . . . Lou Ra betz thanks Joe and Lou Deze-lan for the vvonderful trophy that vvas presented to him, but he is novv looking for it. ing in Friday night and vvas on the go from then on ... It vvas hard to find Babe at certain times . . . If one looked among the Ind. gang or the "Cowboys of Pueblo,' 'there was our man Bili Arbanas had the time of his life trying to keep a vvatchful eye on the "Crazy Hoosiers" who took his vvheel-barrovv, step-ladders, and other things in his Rathskeller . . . But vvhat could Bili do but laugh vvith theft ... Did you knovv that the best souvenir that vvas taken by anyone vvas takerr right from St. Stephen's Hali Sat. nite? ... Bet you do not know what it vvas? . . . Yes, half a barrel of Monarch Beer. .. Yes, the beer vvas taken about 2 a.m. Sunday morning . . . The local committee vvas vvorried that something might happen to the boys driv-ing home that night, but they learned that they reached Will someone please return it! home safely . . . John Mladich Gus Zupančič of Ind. did a gle honors and Ed Kucic of So. fine job of serenading vvith his ing small amounts of milk ancl beat until of right consistency to spread on cake. This cake is .vvonderful for children's lunches, it stavs moist for a long time and the frosting is >nu>oth and cream.v vvithout be- L^ We &hQ hope for anoth. ing sticky. Makes 1 large cake. |er member for KSKJ> Mr. sta. . „ „„.„. , riha is a member of St. Joseph Mhl \Vill,am A^Zinsmeister,, Sq Nq ^ Brooklyn. 126 Homer Pl., Etna, Pa., a; Qn the skk m are Mr An_ a member of St. Joseph's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stariha, of Ridgevvood, are the proud parents of a baby girl, both the baby and mother are doing member of St. Mary's Lodge,, No. 81, Pittsburgh,' makes cake in "half an hour." ihony Omerzu and Mr. Louis Chicago take ali events and also doubles vvith Konar, fbr a 1231 duet connt. During the evening many of our visiting friends started the long trip home and some vvent to the dance at the hali. The Minnesota and Indiana group continued their merrymaking at the hali and later at the hotel. A fevv vvere stili at the hotel late Monday morning. Chicago is certainly glad that ev-eryone enjoyed his brief stay here in the Windy City. In closing, may I say that concertina, and winning popu-larity . . . Did you notice the bird cage that Indianian had? . . . They claim that the bird represented the grovvth of K. S. K. J. špirit in Ind., so they are plugging for the 16th Mid-vvest Bovvling Meet. . . . Well, hope a hopel. . . Anne, Rose, and Pauline, ali from Minn. came in Friday night to get a good look at their last year's friends . . . Seemed as tho Rose enjoyed her first visit to the Windy City, and as she prob-ably took back vvith her fond Chicago thanks every Kay Jay memories . . . Babe Kvaternik and Joe Anzelc of Chi. vvore their tuxedos at the Club . . . A Chi. lass has a proposal from one of Sammy's friends who promised her a vvashing mach-ine, but she learned it vvould be no use as there is no elec-tricity on his farm served at Bili Arbanas' Rathskeller sure missed that jovial lad from Minn. called "Babe" . . . He vvas hard to find during his stay here, but novv we knovv where his hangout was, and we don't blame him . . . They say the party that the Crazy Hoosiers and the Minn. gang had at the hotel Sun. nite vvas lively, and why weren't vve told about it? ... Our local committee arranged to have ar* official greeter at th* 3 o'clock club, but our greeter fell fast asleep in a chair directly belovv the sign that indicated vvhere the party vvas to be held. We stili can't see why he fell asleep . . . This same fellow seemed to lose himself aH day Sun. as his friends (or has he any friends novv) vvere looking for him . *. The tournament'turned out to be profitable for Bili Fabi-an, as he vvas busy marking seore the four days . . . The climbing of stairs proved very tiresome for Anne Pelko of La Salle Sunday morning . . . Mike and John Perko of So. Chicago intended to stay only a short vvhile at the club Sun. morning, but hours vvent on before they left. . . Seemed like Waukegan vvould also have to go to vvork to support him! . . . The first bovvler to arrive in Chicago vas Condit of So. Chicago on Thurs. morning at 7 a.m. . . . John Kochevar and John Terselich lost their voices during the tourney and are stili trying to get their throats back in vvorking order . . . This vvriter learned that the vvomen vvho She had something to do vvith your late stay. . . . Stan Zupan, edit-or of O^r Page, vvas busy con-versing with old friends most of Sun/.morning . . . Well, this is your Tourney Seribe signing off until, should I say, 1947 . . . By the way, Chicago is making plans for the 20th Annual KSKJ Midvvest Bovvling Meet ... So long, but not for long! Tourney Seribe Rupnik, Sr. Mr. Omerzu is at .home and Mr. Rupnik in Bush-Half Hour Cake vvick Hospital. Mr. Rupnik is 2 cups sugar, 1 cup vvater, 6 expected to return home in the eggs, 2V2 fups flour (sifted 6 near future. fimes), pineh of salt, 1 tea-| Mr. and Mrs. Supancic, of spoon vanilla. iForest Hills, N. Y., together Put sugar and vvater into a vvith their daughter, Mrs. Ken-sauce pan and bring to a boil. nedy and her tvvo daughters Set aside to cool! When cool |are expected to spend their va-add egg yolks and beat vvith'cation, next vveek, vvith brother vvire beater for Vi hour. Fold member Joseph Staudohar in in flour, salt and vanilla, and last the egg vvhites vvhich have been stiffly beaten but not dry. vVorcester, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kerko-vich, of 566 Fairyiew Ave., Pour batter into un gre a se d Ridgevvood, are leaving the tube cake pan. Bake in slovv city and vvill take up farming oven 270 degrees for 40 minutes. Increase heat to 325 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes or until done. Invert cake over rack to cool. Mrs. Josephine Jurjevich, 9 Liberty St., Joliet, 111., a member of St. Francis De Sales So-ciety, No. £9, makes a nut cake vvithout using flour. Flourless Nut Cake 2 cups vvalnuts, grated, near Little Falls, N. Y. Mr. Kerkovich is a member of St. Joseph's Society, No. 57, of Brooklyn, and ali members vvish them luck and happiness in their nevv role. J. J.K. ON TO CHICAGO! —Get on the KSKJ Special— ASK YOUR SECRETARY! Baptist Lodge, No. 20 of Ironij vvood, Mich., sends us the fol-cup bread crumbs, 10 egg yolks,llowing recipe for frosting that 10 tablespoons sugar, heaping but not too full, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 10 egg vvhitea beaten stiff. Beat egg yolks and sugar well. Add vvalnuts, bread crumbs, baking povvder and vanilla and mix vvell. Fold in egg vvhites. Bake in vvell bat-tered pan in a quick oven. Frost vvith vvhipped cream and sprin- kle vvith grated nuts. * Anna Majerle, Montreal, Wis., a member of St. John the can be used for any large 2 lay-er cake. Chocolate Fluff Frosting 1 cup povvdered sugar, yA cup milk, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 squares bitter chocolate, 1 egg. Melt chocolate and pour into a bovvl containing remaining ingredients. Bovvl must be ice eold. Beat vvith rotary beater until frosting stands in peaks. Will stay fresh a long time and quantity is sufficient for a large 2 layer cake. HEAR ORGAN FIRST TIME IN 65 YEARS Fr. Baraga U*ed It Among Indians Superior, Wis.—For the first time in 6&years, the organ used by Father Baraga, the north-vvest Wisconsin Indian Mission-er, vvas heard here recently, at the Douglas County Historical Society's Museum. The organ vvas transported from tribe to tribe by boat vvhen Father Baraga labored among the Indians in this part of the ccuntry. It is dated 1802 and vvas recently repaired and vvas given to the museum by John Bardon, pioneer resident of Superior. The honor of playing it for the first time in 65 years went to Mrs. Henry Nelson, at the recital April 29, 1941. Father (the Rev. Frederic) Baraga later became the first bishop of Marquette, Mich., di-ocese. He died in 1869. "Catholic Herald Citizen." -o- MEETING NOTICE Joliet, 111. — St. John the Baptist Society, No. 143, vvill hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday, May 18, at 2 p. m. in the old school hali. Members in arrears vvith their dues are asked to attend this meeting and pay. Ali bovvlers vvho bovvled at the last tournament are also urged to come to this meeting. We have many important items to discuss, so members, please attend. Frank Buchar, Sec'y. -o- Kf^OW YOUR MONEY And Avoid Loss Due to Connterfeits TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC: The United States Secret Service and your police wish you to KNOV/ YOUR MONEY, and through this nation-wide educational program cdm to suppress the mcdor erime of counterfeiting. Observance of these few simple rules will safeguard the pocketbooks of the Nation. Therefore, I urge every person to carefully study the rules and to follow them. The United States Secret Service is grateful for the whole-hearted cooperation which it has always enjoyed from your police officers, and vve now solicit the assistance chief wilson qf every American citizen in this effort to prevent erime through this modem method of education, ln-stead of the age-old method of prosecutions and imprisonment VISITOR La Salle, 111. — Miss Ruth Schneller of Kansas City, Kan-sas, visited in La Salle and Oglesby for a vveek. She also attended the Supan-Kernz vved-ding on Saturday, April 26th, in Oglesby, 111. o- ON TO CHICAGO ! —Get on the KSKJ Special— ASK YOUR SECRETARY! Chlef, U. S. Secret Service. HOW TO DETECT COUNTERFEIT BILLS 1. KNOW YOUR MONEY! • 2. COMPARE the suspected bili vrith a genulne of the same type and denomination. Observe carefully the follovving features: (a) PORTRATT: G«nutn« is litalfc*! «tand» out from oval baekground which to a lin« «cro« of rogular lin*; notic« partlcularly th« *y*«- Th« ccunt«rf«lt to dulL «mudon v thc pas$a uavd ta« thc tao numuks of akt caks mvoivb). TO KNOW YOUR MONEY STUDY DIAGRAM WHICH ILLUSTRATES THE POSITION OF IMPORTANT FEATURES OF CUBBENCT REFERRED TO IN THE PAMPHLET.