Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 2 (2009) 181–189 On the number of connected and disconnected coverings over a manifold Valery A. Liskovets ∗ Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Minsk, 220072, Belarus Alexander D. Mednykh † Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia Received 5 February 2009, accepted 4 September 2009, published online 30 September 2009 Abstract A general formula is obtained for the number of non-equivalent coverings (possibly disconnected) over a connected manifold with an arbitrary finitely generated fundamental group. Some illustrative examples are considered. Keywords: Counting homomorphisms, non-equivalent coverings, disconnected coverings, fundamen- tal group; Euler transform. Math. Subj. Class.: 57M10, 20F34, 05A15, 14H30 1 Introduction Let p : U →M be an arbitrary (possibly disconnected) covering over a connected manifold M. Then every path γ ∈ M has a unique lifting γ̃ starting at a given point of p−1(γ(0)); so we obtain a well-defined mapping Lγ : p−1(γ(0))→ p−1(γ(1)) by sending the starting point γ̃(0) of each lifting γ̃ to its ending point γ̃(1). By the familiar monodromy theorem, Lγ depends only on the homotopy class of γ. This means that the association γ 7→ Lγ gives rise to a homomorphism from π1(M, x0) to a permutation group acting on the fiber F = p−1(x0).We note that this action of π1(M, x0) is transitive if and only if the covering ∗Supported by the BRFFR (grant F07-293). †Supported by the RFBR (grant 09-01-00255), APVV SK-RU-0007-07 and by Fondecyt (grants 7050189, 1060378). E-mail addresses: (Valery A. Liskovets), (Alexander D. Mednykh) Copyright c© 2009 DMFA Slovenije 182 Ars Math. Contemp. 2 (2009) 181–189 manifold U is connected. More generally, the number of orbits of the action coincides with the number of connected components of the covering. Two coverings p1 : U1 → M and p2 : U2 → M are equivalent if and only if the corresponding actions of π1(M, x0) on the fibers F1 and F2 over x0 are isomorphic. This shows that n-sheeted covering spaces overM are classified by equivalence classes of ho- momorphisms ρ : π1(M, x0) → Sn, where Sn is the symmetric group on n symbols and the equivalence relation imposes an equivalence between ρ and all its conjugates h−1ρh by elements h ∈ Sn. All the above-mentioned results remain valid for any path-connected, locally path- connected and semilocally simply connected topological space M; see, for example [2, Ch.1.3: Th.1.38]. In particular, they are valid for finite graphs. In the present paper we count the number of all non-equivalent coverings (connected or not) over a connected manifold with a finitely generated fundamental group. Then, by making use of the standard Euler transform (see Lemma 2.6 below) we relate the number of connected and disconnected coverings to get a new proof of the main result of [12]. This approach, which makes it possible to calculate the number of connected coverings through the number of disconnected ones, is, essentially, new. Earlier, for the special cases of the free group and the free product of cyclic groups, it has been effectively used in [4] and [15] to enumerate graph coverings and ‘unsensed’ maps on closed orientable surfaces, respectively. Related general results for the enumeration of coverings were obtained by H. Tama- noi [18] and by T. Müller and J. Shareshian [13]. Several preceding papers contain formulae for counting non-equivalent connected and disconnected coverings. The numbers of non-equivalent connected and arbitrary coverings of a graph were determined in [7] and [4], respectively. Connected coverings of closed surface were counted in [10]. A general method to enumerate connected coverings over manifolds was given in [11, 12]. In more detail, the enumeration of graphs and manifold coverings (including disconnected ones) is considered in [6]. In [1], a relation between the numbers of connected and disconnected weighted ramified coverings over a torus is derived and used. Some enumerative applications of disconnected structures to chemistry are given in [14]. 2 Main results The following theorem has been proved by the second-named author [11, 12]. Theorem 2.1. LetM be a connected manifold with a finitely generated fundamental group Γ. Then the number un of non-equivalent connected n-fold coverings overM is given by the formula un = 1 n ∑ `|n `m=n ∑ K