HACQUETIA 7/2 • 2008, 123-140 DOI: 10.2478/v10028-008-0007-2 dry grasslands in the slovensky kras mts (Slovakia) and the aggteleki-karszt mts (hungary) - a comparison of two classification approaches Daniela DÜBRAVKOVÄ-MICHÄLKOVÄ1- 2 *, Monika JANKOVÄ1- 3, Jirf KOLBEK4, Robert ŠUVADA5, Viktor VIROK6 & Maria ZALIBEROVÄ1 Abstract The paper brings numerical classification of 48 new phytosociological relevés of dry grassland vegetation from the Slovensky kras Mts and the Aggteleki-karszt Mts located on the border between Slovakia and Hungary (Central Europe). We performed a comparison of two classification approaches (an unsupervised method - modified TWINSPAN, and a supervised approach - electronic expert system based on formal definitions of associations), which were applied on the same dataset. Four associations were distinguished: Campanulo divergentiformis-Festucetum pallentis Zolyomi (1936) 1966, Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis (Dostal 1933) Soo ex Michâlkovâ in Janišova et al. 2007, Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae (Dostal 1933) Kliment in Kliment et al. 2000 and Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis Klika 1939. A newly recorded stand of the rare Stipetum tirsae Meusel 1938 association is characterised. What is more, we established a neotype of the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae association. Key words: Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis, xerophilous grassland vegetation, electronic expert system, Festucion valesiacae, modified TWINSPAN, phytosociology, supervised and unsupervised classification, syn-taxonomy. Izvleček V članku je predstavljena numerična klasifikacija 48 novih fitocenoloških popisov vegetacije suhih travnikov iz hribovja Slovensky kras in Aggteleki-karszt na meji med Slovaško in Madžarsko (srednja Evropa). Naredili smo primerjavo dveh klasifikacijskih metod (nenadzorovano metodo - modificirani TWINSPAN, in nadzorovano metodo - elektronski ekspertni sistem, ki temelji na formalnih definicijah asociacij), ki smo ju opravili na istem podatkovnem nizu. Ločili smo štiri asociacije: Campanulo divergentiformis-Festucetum pallentis Zolyomi (1936) 1966, Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis (Dostâl 1933) Soo ex Michâlkovâ in Janišova et al. 2007, Alysso he-terophylli-Festucetum valesiacae (Dostal 1933) Kliment in Kliment et al. 2000 in Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis Klika 1939. Označili smo tudi novo nahajališče redke asociacije Stipetum tirsae Meusel 1938. Prav tako smo definirali neotip asociacije Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae. Ključne besede: Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis, kserofilna travniška vegetacija, elektronski ekspertni sistem, Festucion valesiacae, modificirana metoda TWINSPAN, fitosociologija, nadzorovana in nenadzorovana klasifikacija, sintaksonomija. 1 Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta 14, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia; 2 Homeland Museum in Považska Bystrica, Ul. odborov 244/8, 017 01 Považska Bystrica, Slovakia; 3 Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University, Tajovského 40, 974 01 Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; 4 Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 252 43 Prûhonice, Czech Republic; 5 Slovensky kras Mts NP and BR Administration, Hamosiho 188, 049 51 Brzotin, Slovakia; 6 Aggteleki-karszt Mts NP and BR Administration, Tengerszem oldal 1, 3758 Jösvafö, Hungary. *Corresponding author E-mail: daniela.dubravkova@savba.sk, monika.janisova@savba.sk, kolbek@ibot.cas.cz, suvada@sopsr.sk, virokvt@ya-hoo.com, maria.zaliberova@savba.sk 123 Hacquetia 7/2 • 2008, Knjižno poročilo/Book review, 124-176 INTRODUCTION Vegetation of the unique dry grassland biotopes in the Slovensky kras Mts National Park and Biosphere Reserve (Slovakia) was studied by numerous top Slovak and Czech botanists in the past. The adjacent southern part of this karst area, the Aggteleki-karszt Mts National Park and Biosphere Reserve (Hungary), has been studied mainly for its flora composition. A detailed overview of botanical research in the study area was published in Michâlkovâ & Janišova (2008). Since the area forms a homogeneous geo-morphological unit, it is necessary to study its vegetation complexly. In Slovakia and Hungary, the dry grassland vegetation has been studied separately in the past, resulting in diverse syntaxonomical evaluations (Borhidi 2003, Janišova et al. 2007). To link the two national approaches, a numerical analysis of all accessible relevés from the Slovensky kras Mts and Aggteleki-karszt Mts should be performed in the future (Dûbravkovâ et al. in prep.). The current paper brings actual vegetation data from the study area, which has been missing until now. During three vegetation seasons we organised fieldwork excursions to collect phytosociological relevés representing the actual species composition of the dry grassland sites including the vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. The paper reveals new vegetation data of dry grasslands of the Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis and the Festucion valesiacae alliances. We compared classification of the dataset based on modified TWINSPAN algorithm (Roleček et al. 2008) with classification performed using the electronic expert system for identification of associations (Janišova et al. 2007). What is more, a typification of the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae association is performed and a new locality of Stipetum tirsae, a newly recorded association in the study area, is mentioned. MATERIAL AND METHODS 1. Study area Slovensky kras Mts and Aggteleki-karszt Mts belong to a homogeneous geomorphologic unit with identical geological structure and flora (Figure 1). It is Figure 1: A map indicating location of the study area on the border between Slovakia and Hungary. Author of the map: R. Šuvada. Slika 1: Karta nahajališč na raziskovanem območju na meji med Slovaško in Madžarsko. Avtor: R. Šuvada. 124 D. DÜBRAVKOVÄ-MlCHÄLKOVÄ, M. JANISOVÂ, J. KoLBEK, R. SuVADA, V. VlRÖK, M. ZALIBEROVÂ: Dry GRASSLANDS IN THE SLOVENSKY KRAS MTS divided into two parts by a boundary line between Slovakia and Hungary, which is over 50 km long (Rozložmk & Karasova 1994). The territory of the Slovensky kras Mts and Aggteleki-karszt Mts is one of the greatest and very well developed karst areas in Central Europe. The today's geomorphology of the area reaches back to the history of the Neogene and Pleistocene ages. The ground water system divided the plateau area formed of limestone into a complex of plateaux with numerous surface as well as underground karst phenomena (karst rocky fields, karst hollows, caves, abysses, gorges). The major soil type is rendzina. Although forests cover the majority of the study area, the karst phenomena indicate rich presence of the xerophi-lous steppe vegetation in sunny slopes, rocky fields and edges of plateaux. Based on Futak (1984), the area belongs to the Pannonian phytogeographical district (Pannonicum), zone of xerophilous flora of the prae-Matra area (Matricum). However, it is in close vicinity to the Western Carpathian Mts and some montane species enrich the flora of this area. 2. Vegetation survey and data analysis The phytosociological relevés used in the analyses were sampled by applying the principles of the Zürich-Montpellier school (Braun-Blanquet 1964, Westhoff & van der Maarel 1973). They were collected during the vegetation seasons in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Longitude, latitude and altitude of the sampled sites were measured by eTrex Vista GPS set. We stored all the relevés in a TURBOWEG database (Hennekens & Schaminée 2001). The cover values of species in all relevés were transformed into the nine-degree ordinal scale (van der Maar-el 1979). Vegetation data were processed in the JUICE 6.5 software (Tichy 2002), which helped in all procedures - performing modified TWINSPAN analysis, applying the expert system and creating Table 2. For the purpose of numerical analyses, we have merged some problematically determinable species or subspecies, which were not determined in all relevés. These taxa are: Campanula sibirica (incl. C. sibirica subsp. divergentiformis), Centaurea stoebe (incl. C. stoebe subsp. micranthos), Festuca valesiaca s. lat. (incl. F. valesiaca and F. pseudodalmatica) and Potentilla arenaria s. lat. (incl. P. arenaria and P. tommasiniana). In Table 2, in the case of Festuca valesiaca s. lat., we indicate cover values of both a merged taxon (F. valesiaca s. lat., standard font size) and a relevant ploidity stage of F. valesiaca s. lat. (F. valesiaca s. str. - diploid 2n=2x or F. pseu-dodalmatica - tetraploid 2n=4x, smaller font size). The ploidity level of individual herbarium specimens was determined by Petr Smarda (Masaryk University Brno, the Czech Republic) using laboratory methods. The ploidity stage of Festuca vale-siaca s. lat. is very difficult to determine directly in the field. According to our actual knowledge, the ploidity itself has no major influence on the syn-taxonomical classification of the stands (Michal-kova 2007: 47). The numerical classification was performed using the modified TWINSPAN algorithm, a divisive classification method sensitively respecting the internal structure of the data. As a heterogeneity measure we used the total inertia index. Three pseudospecies cut levels (0 %, 5 %, 25 %) were applied. The results of numerical classification are summarised in Table 2. Percentage constancy (C) is given for each species in individual clusters. In small clusters (5 or less relevés) we indicate only the presence (P) of species in the cluster expressed as number of relevés with the species present. The diagnostic species for the clusters were selected subjectively. This selection rule was applied: constancy of diagnostic species was higher than 30 % and at the same time fidelity was higher than 0.3. As a fidelity measure, we applied the phi coefficient with the Fischer's exact test at the level of significance P<0.05 (Tichy & Holt 2006). The size of all clusters was standardised to equal size. The dry grassland vegetation in the study area is very variable, frequently forming transitions between different communities. For this reason, and because of small number of relevés in each cluster, the diagnostic species mentioned in this paper are set as preliminary. Besides the unsupervised classification methods such as TWINSPAN, the vegetation data can be classified using methods of supervised classification. We compared the classification of relevés in Table 2 based on modified TWINSPAN analysis with the results of classification of the same dataset, using the electronic expert system for identification of associations (Janišova et al. 2007, http://ibot.sav. sk/ES_trav_veg_Sk.doc). The expert system was designed using the Cocktail method (Bruelheide 2000, Bruelheide & Chytry 2000), a type of supervised classification approach. It is based on formal definitions of associations using exclusively floris-tic criteria (the presence of sociological species 125 Hacquetia 7/2 • 2008, Knjižno poročilo/Book review, 126-176 groups in combination with species dominance). The expert system was created for the territory of the Slovak Republic using a large stratified dataset comprising all vegetation types. In spite of this, we dare apply it also for the Aggteleki-karszt Mts in Hungary since the Slovensky kras Mts and Ag-gteleki-karszt Mts are a geologically and floristically integrated area. Classification procedure based on the electronic expert system was accomplished in two steps: formal definition criteria fulfillment, and similarity index calculation. Nomenclature of vascular plants and lichens is in accordance with Marhold & Hindak (1998), nomenclature of bryophytes with Kubinska & Janovi-cova (1996). The syntaxa names and assignment of species to diagnostic species for high-level syntaxa in Table 2 follow Janišova et al. (2007). The following abbreviations were used in the paper: agg. - aggregate, cl. - cluster, C-B - Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati, E2 - layer of shrubs, E1 - layer of herbs, E0 - layer of mosses and lichens, FPFI - frequency-positive fidelity index, incl. - inclusive (including), rel. - relevé, subsp. - subspecies, s. lat. - sensu lato (in a wide sense) and s. str. - sensu stricto (in a constricted sense). The cover values of species in Table 2 were abbreviated as follows: 2a-a, 2b-b and 2m-m. RESULTS 1. Syntaxonomy We identified five associations of dry grassland vegetation in the study area. Based on Janišova et al. (2007: 29) and Chytry et al. (2007), the syntaxonomical position of these associations is as follows: Classis: Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et Tüxen ex Soo 1947 Alliancia: Bromopannonici-Festucionpallentis Zolyomi 1966 Associatio: Campanulo divergentiformis-Festuce-tum pallentis Zolyomi (1936) 1966 Associatio: Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis (Dostal 1933) Soo ex Michalkova in Janišova et al. 2007 Alliancia: Festucion valesiacae Klika 1931 Associatio: Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae (Dostal 1933) Kliment in Kliment et al. 2000 Associatio: Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis Klika 1939 Associatio: Stipetum tirsae Meusel 1938 2. Classification based on modified TWINSPAN analysis Vegetation of the alliances Bromo pannonici-Festu-cion pallentis (dry grasslands of limestone and dolomite outcrops) and Festucion valesiacae (narrow-leaved continental steppes) was clearly separated at the highest classification level. Along the moisture and soil-depth gradient, we separated 5 clusters at the lower hierarchical level. Clusters 1-4 represent ecologically and floristically well-defined associations. The two relevés in cluster 5 show transition in their species composition towards the Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati alliance. The open vegetation of Campanulo divergen-tiformis-Festucetum pallentis (Table 2, cl. 1, rel. 1-5) occurs in extremely dry rocky stands with thin soil layer. The dominant species is Festuca pallens. In some stands Carex humilis and Potentilla arenaria agg. dominate as well, which indicates a shift in succession towards the Poo badensis-Caricetum humi-lis association. In individual cases, some powerful competitors can take over (e. g. Anthyllis vulneraria, Bromus erectus, Stipa pulcherrima). Rare endemic taxa Astragalus vesicarius subsp. albidus and Onosma tornensis grow in this vegetation type. The Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis association (Table 2, cl. 2, rel. 6-29; Figure 2) occurs in karst rocky fields with humus rich soil accumulated in cracks between the boulders. The community settles the deforested south-facing slopes of the karst plateaus (e. g. Plešivska planina Plateau and Dolny vrch/Also-hegy Plateau). Dominant species are Carex humilis, Stipa pulcherrima and Potentilla arenaria agg. In places with deeper soil, the dominants are replaced by tussock grasses (e. g. Festuca valesiaca, F. rupicola) and the vegetation composition changes into the following association. Semi-open vegetation of the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae association (Table 2, cl. 3, rel. 30-40; Figure 3) develops on deeper soil layers accumulated over karst limestone. The less extreme stands are located at bases of slopes where the substrate accumulation is possible. They commonly occur close to human settlements because the stands used to serve as pastures for sheep and cattle in the past. Syntaxonomical remark: Until now no nomenclatural type has been established for the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae association. Reasons for this fact are explained in Kliment et al. (2000: 169) and Michâlkovâ (2007: 40). The major problem was 126 D. Dûbravkovâ-Mlchâlkoyâ, M. Janišova, J. Kolbek, R. Suvada, V. Vlrök, M. Zaliberoya: Dry grasslands in the Slovensky kras Mts ... Figure 2: Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis in the Slovensky kras Mts, Tumiansky hradny vrch National Nature Reserve, township of Turna nad Bodvou, 340 m above sea level. The open vegetation in a stand located on a rocky karst field. Flowering taxa are Anthyllis vulneraria and Astragalus vesicarius subsp. albidus. Photo: D. Dubravkova, May 2005. Slika 2: Asociacija Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis na hribovju Slovensky kras, nacionalni naravni park Turniansky hradny vrch, občina Turna nad Bodvou, 340 m nad morjem. Rastišče odprte vegetacije na kamnitem kraškem polju. Cvetoči vrsti sta Anthyllis vulneraria in Astragalus vesicarius subsp. albidus. Foto: D. Dubravkova, maj 2005. absence of a relevé containing both taxa Festuca valesiaca and Alyssum tortuosum subsp. heterophyllum, and according to the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000, Art. 16) it would be suitable to be set as a neotype. Just for this purpose we decided to trace an appropriate locality and sample a relevé. We establish relevé No. 35 in Table 2 as neotypus hoc loco of the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae (Dostal 1933) Kliment in Kliment et al. 2000 association. Basionym (Dostal 1933): Festucetum vallesiacae pannonicum Dostal 1933. Compared to previous associations, Festuco rupi-colae-Caricetum humilis (Table 2, cl. 4, rel. 41-44) is less extreme in water deficiency. The closed stands are located in places with colder or more humid microclimate usually near forests or shrubberies. Besides the generalists of steppe habitats, some mesophilous meadow species are also present (e. g. Arrhenatherum elatius, Filipendula vulgaris and Salvia pratensis). The last cluster (Table 2, cl. 5, rel. 45, 46) indicates a transition between the Festucion valesiacae and the Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati alliances. Brachypodi-um pinnatum was not present in the sampled stands but it dominated in their vicinity. However, relevé 45 shows close relationships to the Polygalo majoris-Brachypodietum pinnati Wagner 1941 association. 127 Hacquetia 7/2 • 2008, Knjižno poročilo/Book review, 128-176 Figure 3: Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae in the Slovensky kras Mts, Turniansky hradny vrch National Nature Reserve, township of Turna nad Bodvou, 345 m above sea level. Some of the noticeable species are Festuca valesiaca, Koeleria macrantha, Sedum acre and Thymus pannonicus. Photo: R. Šuvada, June 2005. Slika 3: Asociacija Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae na hribovju Slovensky kras, nacionalni naravni park Turniansky hradny vrch, občina Turna nad Bodvou, 345 m nad morjem. Najbolj opazne so vrste: Festuca valesiaca, Koeleria macrantha, Sedum acre in Thymus pannonicus. Foto: R. Šuvada, junij 2005. 3. Classification based on the electronic expert system A noticeable consensus between the results of modified TWINSPAN analysis and classification of the same dataset (Table 2) using the electronic expert system for identification of syntaxa was achieved in two associations (Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis and Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis, Table 1). We explain the procedure of the expert system utilization and results interpretation using the example of the Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis association. An identical technique was used for other clusters. Electronic expert system classification was accomplished in two steps: formal definition criteria fulfillment and similarity index calculation. Five of all 24 relevés from cl. 2 fulfilled the criteria of the formal definition of Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis. For the individual relevés in cl. 2, which did not meet conditions of the definition, we calculated the Frequency-Positive Fidelity Index (FPFI, Tichy 2005), which expresses the similarity of species composition of a relevé and an association to be assigned to. The highest index values do not always mean that the relevé should undoubtedly be assigned to the association at the first position. The final classification result should be carefully indicated by the author concerning several most similar associations and looking at the information regarding their environmental and chorological conditions (Janišova 2007: 27). For this reason we looked at the three highest values of similarity index FPFI. If one of the associations with first three highest numbers of FPFI was the one which was set by the modified TWINSPAN analysis (e. g. for relevés in cl. 2 it is Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis), we considered the 128 D. Dübravkovä-Michälkovä, M. Janisovâ, J. Kolbek, R. ŠuvADA, V. ViROK, M. Zaliberovâ: Dry grasslands in the Slovensky kras Mts ... relevé as correctly assigned to a proper association. The consensus of modified TWINSPAN and expert system classifications for the formal definition step, similarity measure step (FPFI) and their total is given in Table 1. Summing up, the compatibility of the two types of classification of relevés in cluster 2 was high: based on the formal definition criteria fulfillment 20.8 %, and based on similarity index calculation 58 % of relevés were assigned to the identical association. Based on the fulfillment of a formal definition of the Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis association, 3 from the 4 relevés in cl. 3 where classified within this association. Table 1: A comparison of classification of relevés in Table 2 based on modified TWINSPAN analysis with the results of classification using the electronic expert system for identification of associations (Janišova et al. 2007). Tabela 1: Primerjava klasifikacij popisov iz Tabele 2 med modificirano analizo TWINSPAN in rezultatom klasifikacije z elektronskim ekspertnim sistemom za prepoznavanje asociacij (Janišova et al. 2007). Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Association Campanulo divergentiformis-Festucetum pallentis Poo badensis- Alysso heterophylli-Caricetum Festucetum humilis valesiacae Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis Number of relevés in cluster 5 Rel. accomplishing a formal definition 0 Classification consensus (formal definition) 0 % Rel. reaching first 3 highest values of FPFI 0 Classification consensus (FPFI) 0 % Classification consensus total 0 % 24 5 20.8 % 14 58.0 % 78.8 % 11 1 9.1 % 2 18.2 % 27.3 % 4 3 75 % 0 0 % 75 % In cases of the Campanulo divergentiformis-Festu-cetum pallentis and the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae associations, the results were not so plausible. None of the relevés, that we identified as Cam-panulo divergentiformis-Festucetum pallentis according to the modified TWINSPAN analysis was classified within this association using the expert system. Beside the small number of relevés in cl. 1, we believe the reason is in the untypical character of the sampled sites. Degradation and successional shifts in the species composition is remarkable in the high cover values of Anthyllis vulneraria (Table 2, rel. 1-4) and Bromus erectus (rel. 5). The formal definition of the Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae association was fulfilled only by one relevé from cl. 3. The other two relevés showed the first to the third highest level of similarity coefficient FPFI for this association (one of them was rel. 35 - the newly established neotype of the association). The total agreement in the two classification approaches is 27 %. Reasons for such a little correspondence might be found in a few factors. It is possible that the formal definition of the association is set quite narrowly, incorporating only a small number of relevés with very typical species composition. What is more, the variability of stands dominated by Festuca valesiaca s. lat. in Central Eu- rope is hard to trace. The vegetation comprises numerous steppe generalists and a small number of specialists, which are diagnostic for the individual communities. Therefore, besides the typical stands, a lot of relevés miss the specialists for many reasons orjust by chance. The specific character of the individual communities dominated by Festuca valesiaca s. lat. might be diminished by abandonment of the sites. The cessation of grazing leads to homogenisation of species composition of these fragile steppe communities. 4. Stipetum tirsae Meusel 1938 - a new association in the study area We recorded an interesting stand dominated by Stipa tirsa in the Aggteleki-karszt Mts, locality Galya-tetö (rel. 1). A similar site occurs also in Szölö-hegy Mt. (Figure 4). Stipa tirsa is a species of continental distribution, which occurs in Central Europe in relic localities indicating the former Pleistocene steppes (Chytry et al. 2007: 422). This vegetation syntaxonomically belongs to the Stipetum tirsae association. Compared to the diagnostic species listed in Chytry et al. (2007: 421), four species are in common: Festuca rupicola, Fragaria viridis, Stipa tirsa and Thymus pannonicus. 129 Hacquetia 7/2 • 2008, 123-140 Figure 4: Stipetum tirsae in the Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Szôlô-hegy Mt., township of Josvafô, 324 m above sea level. Photo: V. Virok. Slika 4: Asociacija Stipetum tirsae na hribovju Aggteleki-karszt, hribovje Szôlô-hegy, občina Josvafô, 324 m nad morjem. Foto: V. Virok. In place of the diagnostic moss Weissia brachycarpa, W. controversa occurs in our stand. The numerical analysis showed a close relationship of this relevé to Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis. Both associations are the least xerophilous associations within the Festucion valesiace alliance. The slightly mesic character of the stand is fully reflected in the species composition (rel. 1). This also may be caused by shrubs, which partly shade the locality. The stands of Stipetum tirsae are usually species-poor (Meusel 1938, Chytry et al. 2007). Relevé 1 includes as many as 42 species, however cover value of 14 species does not exceed 1 % (r). These species were leaf rosettes and isolated individuals, which penetrated into the stand from species-rich surrounding vegetation types (fringe vegetation and rocky dry grasslands). Relevé 1 HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Aggtelek, Galya-tetö, upper part of a karst rocky field above the village, a grassland surrounded by shrubs, 48°28'19"N, 20°30'43"E, 20 m2, 396 m a. s. l., W (260°), 30°, Et 100 %, E1 100 %, E0 2 %, V. Virok, D. Dubravkovâ & E. Illyés, 39/06, 29. 5. 2006. E1: Stipa tirsa 4, Festuca rupicola 2b, Achillea pannonica 2a, Fragaria viridis 2a, Arrhenatherum elatius 1, Salvia pratensis 1, Agrimonia eupatoria +, Allium flavum +, Brachypodium sylvaticum +, Dorycnium pentaphyllum agg. +, Eryngium campestre +, Tithymalus cyparissias +, Koeleria macrantha +, Poa angustifolia +, Potentilla arenaria +, Sedum sexangulare +, Teucrium chamaedrys +, T. montanum +, Thymus pannonicus +, Vicia angustifolia +, V. hirsuta +, Ligustrum vulgare juv. +, Prunus spinosa juv. +, Rosa canina agg. juv. +, Carduus nutans r, Daucus carota r, Echinops sphaerocephalus r, Filipendula vulgaris r, Geranium pusillum r, Lepidium campestre r, Myosotis arvensis r, Picris hieracioides r, Pyrus pyraster juv. r, Ranunculus bulbosus r, Stachys germanica r, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria r, Viola hirta r. E0: Brachythecium glareosum +, Schistidium apocarpum +, Thuidium abietinum +, Weissia controversa +. 130 D. Dübravkovä-Michälkovä, M. JaniSovâ, J. Kolbek, R. ŠuvADA, V. ViROK, M. Zaliberovâ: Dry grasslands in the Slovensky kras Mts DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The comparison of classification of the same dataset using an unsupervised method (TWINSPAN) and a supervised approach (expert system) brought some interesting points to discuss. Both of the classification approaches have advantages and disadvantages. The divisive (TWIN-SPAN) and agglomerative classification methods (cluster analyses) seek to find major gradients in data variability and the algorithm used creates clusters as homogeneous as possible, according to the internal information in the analysed data set. The variability of species composition in plant communities is usually continuous (Chytry 2007: 20). Therefore the "sharp edges" between clusters might sometimes be artificially defined. For the purpose of clusters' interpretation, the unifying features of clusters as complex units are emphasised. There is a risk that a cluster might include some rather different relevés just because they are most similar to this cluster concerning the whole analysed dataset. This might distort the results of classification. On the other hand, the expert system applies an individual approach to relevés, which leads to a less generalised interpretation of classification. The supervised classification uses external predefined criteria of what the individual vegetation units should look like. These criteria are independent from the classified dataset. This means that the actually analysed data do not serve as a dataset for calibration of the classification. The expert system was calibrated by a dataset, which served for its creation - a stratified dataset including all vegetation types of the territory for which it was created (it was Slovakia in our case). Although the accuracy of correct classification of relevés depends on numerous factors, it still remains a great tool for relevés classification. An important advantage of the expert system usage lies in the identification of transitional stands. For example, rel. 3 and 4 in Table 2 were classified as Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis; rel. 8, 19, 39, 40, 46 in Table 2 and rel. 1 mentioned in the text (Stipetum tirsae) were identified as Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis. Although these results cannot be implicitly accepted by the modified TWINSPAN analysis and our field observations, it is evident that the species composition of these particular relevés is shifted towards the mentioned associations. Concluding the results, we find combined usage of both unsupervised method (divisive or agglomerative classification) and supervised method (expert system) to be a very informative and fa- vourable tool for the vegetation data classification. However, the expert knowledge and experience of a researcher performing the classification remain one of the key factors in correct interpretation of any classification approach. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are obliged to the following botanists for determination or revision of individual plant groups: Anna Kubinska (Institute of Botany SAS Bratislava, Slovakia) and Anna Petrašova (Matej Bel University Banska Bystrica, Slovakia) determined the specimens of bryophytes; Ivan Piš^ and Alica Dingova (Institute of Botany SAS Bratislava, Slovakia) determined the lichens; specimens of the genus Achillea were revised by Jin Danihelka (Masaryk University Brno, the Czech Republic), the genus Festuca by Petr Smarda (Masaryk University Brno, the Czech Republic), the genus Orobanche by Jin Zazvorka (Institute of Botany AS CR Prûhonice, the Czech Republic) and the genus Thymus by Pavol Martonfi (P. J. Safarik University Košice, Slovakia). 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Recieved 5.6.2008 Revision recieved 20.10.2008 Accepted 24.10.2008 132 Table 2: Communities of the Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis and the Festucion valesiacae alliances with dendrogram of the modified TWINSPAN analysis. Tabela 2: Združbe zvez Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis in Festucion valesiacae na dendrogramu modificirane analize TWINSPAN. Alliance Cluster No. Association Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis Festucion valesiacae 1 Campanulo divergentiformis-Festucetum pallentis Poo badensis-Caricetum humilis Alysso heterophylli-Festucetum valesiacae Festuco rupicolae-Caricetum humilis 5 Transition to C-B Relevé No. 1 2 3 4 5 11111111112222222222 C 33333333334 C 4444 P 44 P 678901234567890123456789 (%) 01234567890 (%) 1234_5 6 os os E2 Rosa canina agg. Juniperus communis Ligustrum vulgare Pyrus pyraster Fraxinus ornus Berberis vulgaris Crataegus monog\ma Cerasus mahaleb Ouercus pubescens agg. Prunus spinosa Swida sanguinea E, Diagnostic species of individual clusters Anthyllis vulneraria a 4 b b 1 5 Minuartia setacea + 1 + + + 5 Tortella tortuosa E0 1 1 1 1 + 5 Rhodax canus 1 1 1 a 4 Anthericum ramosum + + + a 4 Cerastium glutinosum + + + + 4 Orobanche alba + + + + 4 Festuca pollens b 3 a 3 Astragalus *albidus 1 a a 3 Linum tenuifolium b a + 3 Onosma tornensis + 1 + 3 + + + + r + + + r . + + + + 1 . . + . + 11.1 + + 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . r + r r . . + . . . . + . + . + . +..... 29 13 33 ... 29 + + + 21 ... 21 + + r . + . . + b + + a + 45 . + . + + . . . r 36 21 + + . . 18 13 . + r 18 17 17 + . . 9 13 + 9 13 . + . 9 8 r . . r . . 18 . + 18 9 + + 64 + 18 1 + Relevé No. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 C 4 4 4 4 P 4 4 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 («/.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Carex humilis 3 3 a b . 1 4 3 3 3 a b a 3 3 b 3 + 3 a 1 + 63 + a + 27 Stachys recta 1 + 2 i i + r + + + r + r + + r i + + + + + + + 88 i r + 27 1 1 1 3 1 + 2 Lactuca perennis + + 1 + + 1 + r + r + + + + + + r r + 79 + + 18 + 1 Stipa pulcherrima 3 a 2 a 3 b b b + r + b a + 1 4 3 1 3 3 a 75 + 4 2 3 1 Helianthemum *obscurum + 1 + i 1- + + + + + + + 1 + i i 1 + + 71 1 r 1 27 + 1 Verbascum lychnitis i + + + + r + + + r r + + + + + 67 i + 18 Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma + 1 + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + + 67 + r + + 36 Thlaspi perfoliatum r + + r + + + r + + + + + + + 63 + + + + 36 1 + 1 A splenium rata-mur ari a + + 2 + r + r r r r + + + + + r r 58 Pleurochaete squarrosa E0 + + 1 1 1 + + + + 1 + 1 1 54 1 + 18 Polygonatum odoratum + r 1 + + r + + + i + + 50 Thymus *praecox + 1 i 1 + 1 1 1 m + a + 1 46 i 9 Schistidium apocarpum E0 + 1 + + + + 1 1 1 + + + 42 + 9 Pulsatilla grandis + + r + + r + 1 + 38 Geranium sanguineum r + r + + + + + + 38 + + 18 Weissia condensa E0 + + 1 + 1 + + + 33 + 9 Festuca valesiaca s. lat. 1 1 2 3 b + a r 3 a 1 + + b 1 1 b + + 1 71 4 b 3 3 5 b 3 4 a + 91 + 1 Festuca valesiaca s.str. 1 1 3 + a r 3 + + b 1 + + 1 3 3 b 3 4 + + Festuca pseudodalmatica b a 1 1 b 4 b a Poa angustifolia + + + + + 21 + + a + + r + 1 73 1 1 2 Securigera varia + + r + 17 a + + + + + + + 73 1 + + 3 + 1 Achillea nobilis + + + + 17 i + 1 + + + + 64 Lepidium campestre + r r 13 + + + + + + + 64 Convohndus arvensis + + + 13 + + + + + + 55 1 + 2 Agrimonia eupatoria + + 8 a + + + + + 55 a + 2 Medicago lupulina + 4 i + + + + 1 55 Hypnum cupressiforme E0 1 1 1 a + a 55 Arrhenatherum elatius 4 + + + a 45 3 1 Pilosella officinarum + + + + + 45 + 1 Plantago lanceolata + + + 8 + + + + 36 + + 2 Cladonia symphycarpa E0 + + 8 + + + + 36 Cladonia furcata E0 + 4 + + + + 36 Alyssum *heterophyllum 1 9 Achillea pannonica + 1 -1 + + + + 21 1 1 1 + + + + r 73 + + + + 4 1 1 Seseli hippomarathrum + 1 1 + 8 + + + 3 Genista pilosa + + 8 + + + 3 I ralerianella rimosa + + 8 + + + 3 Filipendula vulgaris + 4 + 9 + + 2 + 1 Festuca rupicola Chamaecytisus albus Dianthus pontederae Peucedanum cervaria Vicia cracca agg. Onobrychis viciifolia Colymbada scabiosa Bromo pamioiiici-Festucioii pallentis b 3 3 Jovibarba *hirta Silene otites Inula ensifolia Onosma visianii Festucion valesiacae Koeleria macrantha Eryngium campestre Thymus pannonicus Arenaria serpyllifolia agg. Sedum sexangulare Echium vulgare Acosta rhenana agg. Stipa capillata Acinos arvensis Adonis vernalis Medicago minima Tragopogon dubius Saxifraga tridactylites Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati Pilosella bauhinii Scabiosa ochroleuca Viola hirta Aster amellus Carex michelii Plantago media Festuco-Brometea Teucrium chamaedrys Potentilla arenaria s.lat. a . . + . + ...al . . . . + 1 a a r + + . + : + b 1 . + 1 + + . . . a . 1 + . . + Teucrium montanum + . + + + 4 Campanula sibirica + a 1 + . 4 Alyssum montanum a a + + + 5 Poa badensis + + + . 3 + + + + + 3 1 a b 1 1 . + 17 13 4 + 8 + b 3 27 14 5 b 5 I 4 . 1 . 9 + 1 1 + + + + + + + + + r + . r . . 1 . . + + . . . . .ml 1 + . . + . + . . + . . + . . . + + . . . . + 1 + + . + . . a l+ + aa + l+ abm+a + + +l l+ + a + . .+ + + + + +. . r + . ,+ + + + + + + r. 1........+ .+1+. . . + . .a. .+ . . + . . r. + + +.+ + + +. + +.+.+ + + . . .+. . .+.......++. .+ + + + + . . r . . . . +.......r .++.... + ....r.... + . + .r... +.....+ .. +......a. . 1. . .++. . ,+ + b . . + . . r . + . + . . .r. . . .+ + +. . . . 1 .... 1.....+......+ . . . . ...................++r+ + . . . . r + . +...............+ ........+ + . . . r.......... + . . + . m . . + r r . . . + + . + . r + r . .+ + + + +. ,+ + a . + . . . + . . + . .+ 1 . . . +....... aaaaaa 1 m + 1 r 1 a m + a a 1 b m 3 + . + 3.ba+m3a33baa+334bab+34a 92 71 33 63 38 25 25 33 33 17 21 17 13 54 33 42 13 4 96 96 aalab + b3.al + +.1+ + + +.+ + . a + 1 1 + b . 1 + a + + + + . . . + + + + + + . + + + r + . + . + + + + 1 91 82 82 45 73 55 27 27 9 27 27 9 9 73 . b a a 111 + a 1 a . . + + + . . + + + + 1 + . + . + . + r + r + 64 . + + . + . . + . . 36 . + . . 9 + . . . . + . . 18 . + . . . r 18 + . 1 . + + . allbllaaamm 3 1 + 3 b 1 . b b 3 4 100 91 a b a a 1 b 3 b 1 b 2 1 b 2 1 + 2 + + 2 + + 2 + + 2 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 79 . . + + 1 + + . + 55 . 1 1 + . 1 1 + + + . + + + 46 . + r + + + + . . 55 + . 1 + + 2 1 + + . 1 + + 33 . . + + . + . 27 + + . 2 1 a . + 46 r 9 1 1 + 1 + . + + 38 . . + + + 1 + + . . 55 + 1 . 2 + 1 . + + + 25 + + r . . 27 b + . 2 + 1 r 42 + a 2 1 13 1 . 1 + + . + + + Relevé No. P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 C 4 4 4 4 P 4 4 P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tithymahis cyparissias a a + + + 5 1 a + m 1 + + 1 + 1 1 1 m 1 + + + 1 1 + 1 + 92 1 + + + 1 + 1 + + + + 100 1 + + 3 + + 2 Bothriochloa ischaemum 1 1 + 3 1 + + 1 + + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + + + + m 1 79 + + 1 1 a 1 a 1 a 82 1 1 + 1 Allium flavum + + 2 + + i + + r + + + + r i + + + + r r 75 + + + r + + 55 + + + 3 Dorycnium pentaphyllum agg. a 1 + 3 + + + + r + + 29 1 b + + b + 1 64 1 + 2 + 1 2 Salvia pratensis + 1 a 3 + + r + + + + r + + 1 1 50 1 + + + 1 1 55 1 1 a 3 Fragaria viridis 1 + i r a + m + 33 m b 1 + 1 + m 64 1 a a 3 a + 2 Asperula cynanchica + + + + + + + + r + + + + r + + 67 + r + + + + 55 + + 2 Hypericum perforatum + + 2 + r + + r + r + r + r + + 54 r + + + 36 + 1 Melica ciliata + 2 + 1 + + a + + + + 1 42 1 + 1 + + 45 1 1 Thesium linophyllon + + 2 + r 5 + + + + + + + + 46 + + + 27 1 + 2 Seseli osseum + 1 + + + + 1 r + + + + + + 50 + + 1 + 36 + 1 Sanguisorba minor r + i + r + 25 + + + + + + + + 73 + 1 1 + 2 Hippocrepis comosa 1 + + m + + + + 33 + + 1 + 1 45 + + 2 + + 2 Arabis hirsuta agg. + 1 + r + + + + r r + 38 + + + + + + 55 A ledicago falcata + 1 i + 1 + + + + + r 38 + + + 27 + 1 Primula veris + + + + 1 r 25 Trifolium montanum + + + 13 + 9 + 1 Bromus erectus 4 1 1 + 18 b 1 Galium verum + + + 27 + 1 Carex caryophyllea + + 8 m 9 Polygala major + + 8 + 9 Other taxa Erysimum odoratum + 1 + + 4 + -1 + + + + + + + + + + + 54 + + + + 36 + + 2 Sedum acre + 1 r r r + + + 1 + i + r + 1 54 + 1 + 27 + 1 + 3 1 I 'incetoxicum hirundinaria + + 2 r + r r + r r + + 38 r 9 + 1 Artemisia campestris agg. + 1 + r + r + + r 1 33 + + 18 1 + 2 1 I Ida angustifolia + + + + 17 + + + 27 r + 2 Origanum vulgare + r + + + + + + 33 1 + + 27 + + 2 Ranunculus bulbosus 1 + + + + + r r 33 1 9 1 + + 3 Elytrigia intermedia + m + + 17 + + + + 36 a + b 3 3 1 Genista tinctoria + r i + a + + 25 + 1 1 27 + a 2 H 1 Veronica austriaca r + + + r + + 29 + + + + 36 Linaria palidiflora + i + + + + + 29 r 9 + 1 2 Aster linosyris + + + r + 1 1 + + 29 Sedum album r 1 r + i + + 29 r 9 Pseudolysimachion spicatum + 1 1 + r + + 29 + 1 Galium glaucum + + 2 1 + + 1 + 21 + 9 Ajuga genevensis + + r + + a + 29 Digitalis grandiflora Jurinea mollis Sempervivum marmoreum Iris pumila Myosotis arvensis Lappula squarrosa Carduus collinus Melampyrum arvense Thymus glabrescens Poa compressa Lactuca viminea Asperula tinctoria Trifolium alpestre Picris hieracioides Thalictrum minus Vicia tetrasperma Veronica chamaedrys agg. Cleistogenes serotina Cyanus triumfettii agg. Verbascum *austriacum Cytisus nigricans Stipa joannis Polygala comosa Pilosella cymosa Bupleurum longifolium Arabis auriculata C hondrilla juncea Daucus carota Vicia hirsute/ Campanula bononiensis Chamaecytisus Heucotrichus Chamaecytisus *ciliatus Galium mollugo agg. Trifolium campestre Viola arvensis Cerastium brachypetalum Cuscuta epithymum Senecio jacobaea Tithy■malus epithymoides Anthémis tinctoria + + . r . r + 1 + r + + 1 + ......r + . ......+..+ + + + .+ +. . . . + . . . .+.1 +......+...... ......+....r.. + ..+ .+..........+ + . r + + .+.........r + + + . . . . . . +.............1 . . 1.....+......... +................. ......+..++....... ......+..++....... 1......+.......... + 1 13..... . + + . . . + . 1 . . . . + + . + + . . + . . . + r . . + + . + . + . r + 29 ............ 17 ............ 29 ............ 17 .......+ . . . 9 17 +.......... 9 25 ............ 25 ............ 8 +.....+ + . . . 27 17 ............ 8 ....++..+.. 27 13 ....1.1.... 18 13 . . +........ 9 21 ............ 4 . . . . r . . r . r . 27 4 .......r . . . 9 8 ......+ .... 9 17 ............ 17 ............ 13 .......+ . . . 9 4 .....r..... 9 13 ............ 13 ............ 17 ............ 17 ............ 8 .......+ + . . 18 4 ......+ .... 9 8 ............ 4 .... +...... 9 + . . . +...... 18 .......+ . . . . 9 8 ............ 8 ............ 8 ............ ........ + . . + 18 8 ......+ .... 9 8 ............ 8 ..+........ 9 13 ............ 13 ............ 13 ............ Relevé No. 1 2 3 4 5 11111111112222222222 C 67890123456789 0 123456 7 8 9 (%) 33333 3 33334 C 4444 P 44 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (%) 1 2 3 4_56 oo Thaiictrum aquilegiifolium Valeriana officinalis agg. Campanula rohindifolia Valerianella dentata Carduus crispus Carex nmricata agg. Veronica arvensis Clinopodium vulgare Geranium columbinum Phleum phleoides Scorzonera purpurea Bupleurum falcatum Pimpinella major E0 Thuidium abietinum Grimmia pulvinata Orthotrichum cupulatum Rhytidium rugosum Cladonia pocillum Homalothecium lutescens Tortula ruralis Cladonia subulata I errucaria nigrescens Grimmia anodon Cladonia fimbriata Cladonia pyxidata Cladonia coniocraea Di tri chum flexicaule Homalothecium sericeum Bryum caespiticium Tortula intermedia 1 . . . 1 + 1 + 4 + + . 1 1............1 m 1 1 . ..1.....1...++.++1 + . . . . + . . 1 + . + .+ +. .+ + +...+.....+...... .....+.........+ + + .....+........+ . . . ...........+ . . + . 1 . +............+ . . . . . . . +........+..... .+.........+ ...+.+ + .... +............ ..........+....... .....+........+ . . . .........11....... ......1 ... 1....... ............+..... . . . +........ 11+. + + . . + . . + . + + + . + . . + 1 . . 13 13 13 13 13 4 4 4 4 8 4 33 38 42 29 21 17 13 13 13 17 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 + . b . b + +.++. . + + . + + 1 . . 1 b . 1 . 1 + .. + ... a 1 + a 3 a 9 18 18 18 73 36 55 45 18 9 9 9 18 9 18 1 + + 1 + D. DüBRAVKovÄ-MicHÄLKovÄ, M. Janisovâ, J. Kolbek, R. Šuvada, V. Virok, M. Zaliberovâ: Dry grasslands in the Slovensky kras Mts ... Species present in one or two relevés: E2: Acer campestre 41: 1; Carpinus betulus 38: r, 41: +; Cornus mas 5: +, 34: +; Rhamnus cathartica 7: +, 38: +; Rosa gallica 23: r; Spiraea media 9: r; Viburnum lantana 5: +, 38: +; E1: Aconitum anthora 7: +; Allium senescens subsp. montanum 3: 1; Alyssum alyssoides 15: +, 30: +; A. montanum subsp. brymii 9: +, Arabidopsis thaliana 15: +; Asplenium trichomanes 6: r; Avenula praeusta 46: +; Brachypodium pinnatum 6: r, 12: r; Bupleurum affine 24: r; Camelina microcarpa 18: r; Campanula trachelium 45: +; Cerastium holosteoides 31: +; C. semidecandrum 15: +; Cerinthe minor 41: +; Clematis vitalba 46: r; Crupina vulgaris 24: +, 29: +; Cytisus procumbens 17: +, 19: +; Eremogone micradenia 9: +, 17: +; Erysimum diffusum agg. 24: r, 35: +; Falcaria vulgaris 23: 1, 39: +; Fallopia convolvulus 7: r, 23: +; Festuca csikhegyensis Simonk. 9: +, F. pratensis agg. 31: 1, 34: +; F pseudodalmatica x F. pallens 21: +; F. rubra agg. 34: +, 41: 1; Fumaria schleicheri 10: r; Galium boreale 45: +; G. pumilum 29: +; Geranium dissectum 44: +; Geum urbanum 34: +; Globularia punctata 8: +, 45: 2a; Hieracium bauhinii 35: +; Holosteum umbellatum 25: +, 36: +; Hylotelephium maximum 15: +; Inula conyza 11: r; I. hirta 9: +; Isatis praecox 6: r, 9: +; Knautia arvensis 45: +; Lamium amplexicaule 25: +; Lathyrus heterophyllus 18: +, 45: +; L. pannonicus 44: +; Leopoldia tenuiflora 13: 1, 39: +; Libanotis pyrenaica 46: 1; Linaria vulgaris 25: +; Linum catharticum 31: 1, 41: +; Lithospermum arvense 36: r, 41: +; L. officinale 11: +; Lotus corniculatus agg. 39: +; Melilotus officinalis 25: 1; Mentha arvensis 31: +; Noneapulla 42: +, 45: +; Odontites vulgaris 27: +, 30: +; Orchis tridentata 10: +, 14: r; Petrorhagiaprolifera 25: +, 29: +; Pimpinella saxifraga agg. 1: +, 30: +; Piptatherum virescens 22: r; Potentilla argentea agg. 41: +; P. heptaphylla 7: 1; P. recta 36: +; Prunella grandiflora 21: r; Ranunculus illyricus 3: +; Reseda lutea 2: +; Salvia verticillata 39: r, 46: +; Saxifraga paniculata 4: +; Scorzonera austriaca 8: +; Sesleria heufleriana 12: +; Silene bupleuroides 32: +; S. donetzica subsp. sillingeri 36: r; S. latifolia subsp. alba 41: +; S. nutans 31: 1; Stachys germanica 31: +; Stellaria graminea 41: +; Tanacetum corymbosum 38: +; Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia 26: r, 41: r; Tragopogon orientalis 41: r; Trifolium arvense 40: +; T. pratense 41: +; T. repens 31: 1; T. sarosiense 12: +; Trinia glauca 17: +, 19: +; Thalictrum foetidum 15: r; Tephroseris integrifolia 37: r; Thymus x subhirsutus 8: +, 24: 1; Valerianella locusta 36: +; Verbascum nigrum 45: +; V. phoeniceum 7: +; Veronica prostrata 35: r; Vinca herbacea 8: +, 13: +; Waldsteinia geoides 41: 1; E0: Aspicilia contorta 14: +, 17: +; Barbula unguiculata 8: +, 37: +; Brachythecium glareosum 37: +; Bryum argenteum 20: 1, 21: +; B. capillare 28: +; Cetraria islandica 35: 1; Cladonia chlorophaea 41: +; C. polycarpoides 32: +, 42: +; C. ramulosa 35: +; C. subfurcata 30: +; Collema fusco-virens 27: +; C. cristatum 6: +, 25: +; Didymodon acutus 23: +; D. cordatus 13: +; Diploschistes muscorum 38: +; Ditrichum heteromallum 3: +; Encalypta vulgaris 1: 1; Fissidens dubius 17: 1; Lecanora dispersa 7: +; L. muralis 25: +, 27: +; Lobothallia radiosa 33: +; Porellaplatyphylla 17: +; Rinodina bischoffii 12: +; Toninia athallina 9: +; T. tumidula 6: +; T. sedifolia 13: +; Tortella inclinata 43: 1; Squamarina sp. 1: +, 21: +; Staurothele rufa 13: +; Verrucaria muralis 12: +, 27: +; Weissia longifolia 40: 1. Locations of relevés Relevé number, country code (HU - Hungary, SK - Slovakia), detailed description of the locality, latitude, longitude, relevé area, altitude, aspect in letters and degrees (E 90°, S 180°, W 270°, N 360°), slope, cover total (Et), cover of shrub layer (E2), cover of herb layer (E1), cover of mosses and lichens (E0), cover of bare rock (Er), relevé author(s), field number, date (day/month/year). 1. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Hrhov, Okruhle Mt., 48°36'36"N, 20°46'57"E, 25 m2, 376 m, S (180°), 50°, E 80%, E2 10%, E1 70%, E0 15%, Er 30%, D. Dubravkovâ & M. Zaliberovâ, 27/05, 3. 6. 2005. 2. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Dvormky, Zemné hradisko Nature Reserve, the stand is located in a patch with dominance of Ant-hylis vulneraria, 48°36'16"N, 20°48'51"E, 25 m2, 290 m, E (90°), 10°, e, 90%, -, E1 90%, E0 10%, Er 10%, D. Dubravkovâ & M. Zaliberovâ, 25/05, 3. 6. 2005. 3. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Dvormky, Zemné hradisko Nature Reserve, the stand is located in a small patch with dominance of Anthylis vulneraria, 48°36'18"N, 20°48'56"E, 25 m2, 280 m, E (90°), 10°, Et 85%, E2 2%, E1 80%, E0 15%, -, D. Dubravkovâ & M. Zaliberovâ, 26/05, 3. 6. 2005. 4. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Turna nad Bodvou, Turniansky hradny vrch National Nature Reserve, karst rocky field above blue tourist path, a large homogenous stand, 48°36'36"N, 20°52'22"E, 25 m2, 340 m, SSW (203°), 40°, e, 60%, -, E1 60%, E0 10%, Er 50%, D. Dubravkovâ & M. Zaliberovâ, 12/05, 31. 5. 2005. 5. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Turna nad Bodvou, Turniansky hradny vrch National Nature Reserve, a slope over a farm, Bromus erec-tus takes over the stands with deeper soil (basis of a plateau), 48°36'37"N, 20°52'32"E, 25 m2, 330 m, SSW (203°), 10°, Et 85%, -, E1 80%, E0 5%, -, D. Dubravkovâ & M. Zaliberovâ, 14/05, 31. 5. 2005. 6. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Vidovâ, Plesivskâ planina Plateau, Plesivskâ strân, Nad Vidovou, 48°34'14"N, 20°26'19"E, 32 m2, 555 m, E (90°), 15°, Et 90%, E2 1%, E1 90%, E0 15%, Er 7%, D. Dub-ravkovâ, J. Kolbek & R. Šuvada, 4/06, 17. 5. 2006. 7. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Plešivec, Plesivskâ planina Plateau, Plesivskâ strân, Nad novym hâmrom (Site of the European Importance), 48°33'59"N, 20°24'19"E, 25 m2, 476 m, SWW (250°), 25°, Et 80%, E2 3%, E1 75%, E0 20%, Er 10%, D. Dubravkovâ, J. Kolbek & R. Šuvada, 2/06, 17. 5. 2006. 8. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Josvafö, Nagy-oldâl, Bok, western part of the locality, behind a small valley Nagy-szod-volgy, 48°30'22"N, 20°33'43"E, 25 m2, 492 m, SSW (200°), 25°, Et 95%, E2 1%, E1 95 , E0 5%, -, D. Dubravkovâ, 51/06, 1. 6. 2006. 9. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Slavec, Plesivskâ planina Plateau, Sla-veckâ strân, an abandoned orchard, litter layer about 5 cm thick, 48°36'36"N, 20°27'51"E, 24 m2, 557 m, SSE (150°), 45°, Et 85%, -, E1 80%, E0 10%, Er 15%, D. Dubravkovâ & R. Šuvada, 6/06, 18. 5. 2006. 10. SK, Slovensky kras, Hrušov, 48°35'54"N, 20°37'54"E, 32 m2, 508 m, S (180°), 30°, Et 60%, E2 4%, E1 60%, E0 3%, Er 12%, M. Janisovâ & J. Kolbek, 4/06 MJ, 19. 5. 2006. 11. SK, Slovensky kras, Slavec, Plesivskâ planina Plateau, Slaveckâ strân, the stand burnet few years ago, 48°35'32"N, 20°27'54"E, 25 m2, 484 m, EES (113°), 33°, Et 80%, -, E1 75%, E0 3%, Er 15%, M. Janisovâ & J. Kolbek, 1/06 MJ, 18. 5. 2006. 12. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Plesivec, Plesivskâ planina Plateau, Ple-sivskâ strân, Nad novym hâmrom, slope above a small factory in Plesivec, 48°33'53"N, 20°24'21"E, 25 m2, 468 m, W (265°), 25°, -, E2 3%, E1 70%, E0 15%, Er 15%, D. Dubravkovâ, J. Kolbek & R. Šuvada, 3/06, 17. 5. 2006. 13. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Josvafö, Nagy-oldâl, 48°30'11"N, 20°33'58"E, 25 m2, 430 m, SSW (195°), 30°, e, 75%, -, E1 70%, E0 10%, Er 30%, D. Dubravkovâ, 50/06, 1. 6. 2006. 14. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Hrusovo, Silickâ planina Plateau, Hrusovskâ lesostep National Nature Reserve, thin soil layer, 48°35'55"N, 20°37'48"E, 8 m2, 500 m, SSW (210°), 30°, Et 55%, -, E1 50%, E0 30%, -, D. Dubravkovâ & R. Šuvada, 8/06, 19. 5. 2006. 15. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Bodvarâko, Szalonnai-hegység, Esztramos-hegy Mt., near the hilltop, 48°31'01"N, 20°44'51"E, 25 m2, 336 m, SSW (203°), 25°, Et 75%, -, E1 60%, E0 18%, Er 30%, D. Dubravkovâ, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 34/06, 29. 5. 2006. 16. SK, Slovensky kras, Hrusov, 48°35'54"N, 20°37'53"E, 6 m2, 519 139 Hacquetia 7/2 • 2008, Knjižno poročilo/Book review, 140-176 m, SSW (200°), 30°, Ej 45%, -, Ej 30%, E0 10%, Er 40%, M. Janišova & J. Kolbek, 3/06 MJ, 19. 5. 2006. 17. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Silica, Silicka planina Plateau, 48°34'03"N, 20°28'28"E, 25 m2, 530 m, SW (235°), 20°, Et 80%, -, E1 75%, E0 20%, Er 20%, D. Dubravkova, M. Janišova, J. Kolbek & R. Šuvada, 5/06, 18. 5. 2006. 18. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Plešivec, Plešivska planina Plateau, above blue tourist path, 48°33'55"N, 20°24'09"E, 21 m2, 344 m, W (270°), 35°, Et 75%, E2 5%, E1 75%, E0 10%, Er 15%, D. Dubrav-kova & M. Zaliberova, 20/05, 2. 6. 2005. 19. SK, Slovensky kras, Silica, 48°34'03"N, 20°28'28"E, 25 m2, 540 m, SWW (237°), 25°, Et 75%, -, E1 70%, E0 5%, Er 10%, M. Janišova & J. Kolbek, 2/06 MJ, 18. 5. 2006. 20. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Hrušovo, Silicka planina Plateau, Hru-šovska lesostep National Nature Reserve, a small rocky ridge, 48°35'54"N, 20°37'55"E, 4.5 m2, 525 m, SSW (210°), 45°, Et 50%, -, E1 45%, E0 25%, Er 40%, D. Dubravkova & R. Šuvada, 7/06, 19. 5. 2006. 21. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Vidova, Plešivska planina Plateau, above a forest road connecting village and plateau, 48°34' 14"N, 20°26'36"E, 25 m2, 418 m, SE (135°), 5°, Et 70%, -, E1 60%, E0 10%, Er 40%, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 21/05, 2. 6. 2005. 22. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Vidova, Plešivska planina Plateau, near a forest road connecting village and plateau, under an edge of plateau, 48°34'19"N, 20°26'29"E, 25 m2, 470 m, SW (225°), 10°, Et 70%, -, E1 55%, E0 20%, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 23/05, 2. 6. 2005. 23. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, obec Josvafö, Josva-völgy, a grassland above the road curve, 1 km eastwards from the village, 48°28'44"N, 20°34'29"E, 25 m2, 238 m, S (178°), 25°, Et 80%, -, E1 75%, E0 10%, Er 10%, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 37/06, 29. 5. 2006. 24. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Josvafö, Nagy-oldal, 48°30'10"N, 20°34'07"E, 25 m2, 409 m, S (170°), 40°, E 65%, -, E1 60%, E0 5%, -, D. Dubravkova, 49/06, 1. 6. 2006. 25. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Also-hegy Mt., Komjati, a karst rocky field above the villge, 48°33'21"N, 20°44'57"E, 25 m2, 281 m, SSE (158°), 25°, Et 90%, E2 10%, E1 80%, E0 15%, -, D. Dubravkova, 46/06, 31. 5. 2006. 26. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Also-hegy Mt., Szögliget, Szâd-vâr, an oppening on S slope of the castle hill, 48°32'31"N, 20°39'49"E, 24 m2, 347 m, SSE (165°), 35°, Et 65%, -, E1 60%, E0 20%, Er 40%, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 43/06, 30. 5. 2006. 27. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Also-hegy Mt., Komjati, NW from the village, a karst rocky field above a farm, 48°33'19"N, 20°44'53"E, 9 m2, 260 m, SSE (160°), 15°, Et 50%, -, E1 40%, E0 10%, Er 50%, D. Dubravkova, 45/06, 31. 5. 2006. 28. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Also-hegy Mt., Komjati, a karst rocky field above the centre of the village, 48°33'20"N, 20°45'06"E, 12 m2, 244 m, SSE (150°), 12°, Et 70%, -, E1 60%, E0 20%, -, D. Dub-ravkova, 47/06, 31. 5. 2006. 29. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Also-hegy, Komjati, a karst rocky field above the village, 48°33'20"N, 20°45'10"E, 25 m2, 231 m, SSE (160°), 25°, Et 65%, -, E1 60%, E0 20%, Er 40%, D. Dubrav-kova, 48/06, 31. 5. 2006. 30. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Also-hegy, Komjati, about 100 m above the vineyards NW from the village, 48°33'15"N, 20°44'48"E, 25 m2, 248 m, S (170°), 15°, Et 90%, -, E1 85%, E0 30%, Er 10%, D. Dubravkova, 44/06, 31. 5. 2006. 31. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Kečov, Kecovské škrapy National Nature Reserve, Arhenatherum elatius takes over the stand, 48°29'40"N, 20°29'16"E, 25 m2, 420 m, SW (225°), 10°, Et 90%, -, E1 85%, E0 10%, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 18/05, 1. 6. 2005. 32. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Josvafö, Kossuth-barlang Mt., W slope, 48°29'05"N, 20°33'08"E, 25 m2, 258 m, NWW (290°), 45°, Et 100%, E2 1%, E1 100%, E0 60%, -, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 41/06, 30. 5. 2006. 33. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Aggtelek, Galya-tetö, a karst rocky field above the village, 48°28'13"N, 20°30'49"E, 25 m2, 399 m, W (260°), 20°, Et 90%, -, E1 85%, E0 15%, -, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 38/06, 29. 5. 2006. 34. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Kečov, Kecovské škrapy National Nature Reserve, 48°29'39"N, 20°29'17"E, 25 m2, 425 m, SW (225°), 15°, Et 80%, -, E1 75%, E0 10%, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zalibe-rova, 17/05, 1. 6. 2005. 35. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Jablonov nad Turnou, Horny vrch Plateau, Hodovmk Mt.(eastwards from Kukudičova skala Mt.), 48°36'16"N, 20°40'05"E, 24 m2, 560 m, SSW (210°),15°, Et 85%, E2 5%, E1 65%, E0 40%, Er 15%, D. Dubravkova & M. Dubravka, 1/07, 30. 4. 2007. 36. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Turna nad Bodvou, Turniansky hrad-ny vrch National Nature Reserve, near the castle, 48°36'37"N, 20°52'26"E, 15 m2, 345 m, S (180°), 25°, Et 80%, -, E1 70%, E0 15%, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 13/05, 31. 5. 2005. 37. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Bodvarako, Szalonnai-hegység, Esztramos-hegy Mt., edge of a quarry, 48°30'59"N, 20°44'50"E, 25 m2, 320 m, SSW (195°), 20°, Et 85%, E2 1%, E1 80%, E0 10%, -, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 35/06, 19. 5. 2006. 38. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Josvafö, Kosuth-barlang, above the N part of village, a rocky field on right side of red tourist path, 48°29'08"N, 20°33'09"E, 24 m2, 261 m, SWW (245°), 45°, Et 60%, E2 5%, E1 55%, E0 40%, -, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 42/06, 30. 5. 2006. 39. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Josvafö, N from the village, a pasture located between blue and red tourist path, 48°29'31"N, 20°33'19"E, 25 m2, 281 m, -, -, Et 98%, -, E1 85%, E0 40%, -, D. Dubravkova, 52/06, 1. 6. 2006. 40. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Aggtelek, Szölö-hegy (elevation point 440 m), E of the village, near the quarry Aggtelek Köba-nya, an 10-15 years abandoned pasture for catle, 48°28'05"N, 20°31'13"E, 25 m2, 420 m, SSW (205°), 5°, Et 98%, -, E1 98%, E0 40%, -, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 40/06, 30. 5. 2006. 41. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Vidova, Plešivska planina Plateau, above a forest road leading to top of the plateau, under the edge of the plateau, 48°34'20"N, 20°26'30"E, 25 m2, 490 m, SW (225°), 2°, Et 90%, E2 5%, E1 85%, E0 10%, Er 20%, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 22/05, 2. 6. 2005. 42. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Domica, Domické škrapy National Nature Reserve, above a tourist path leading to Starna, W of the Domica cave entrance, 48°28'43"N, 20°28'04"E, 21 m2, 380 m, S (180°), 25°, Et 90%, -, E1 90%, E0 5%, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 16/05, 1. 6. 2005. 43. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Slavec, Plešivska planina Plateau, slope over the E part of village, 48°35'26"N, 20°28'00"E, 25 m2, 335 m, W (270°), 50°, Et 80%, -, E1 75%, E0 15%, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 24/05, 2. 6. 2005. 44. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Domica, Domické škrapy National Nature Reserve, above red tourist path, E of the Domica cave entrance, 48°28'42"N, 20°28'20"E, 17 m2, 380 m, S (180°), 5°, Et 90%, -, E1 90%, E0 3%, Er 7%, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 15/05, 1. 6. 2005. 45. SK, Slovensky kras Mts, Silica, Silicka planina Plateau, Fabianka Hill, an orchard that burnet about 2-3 years ago, 48°33'52"N, 20°32'38"E, 25 m2, 600 m, S (180°), 10°, Et 70%, -, E1 70%, -, -, D. Dubravkova & M. Zaliberova, 19/05, 1. 6. 2005. 46. HU, Aggteleki-karszt Mts, Szölösardö, Galyasag, Zabaryik-hegy Mt., Brachypodium pinnatum dominates the neighbouring stands, 48°27'28"N, 20°37'40"E, 25 m2, 405 m, S (175°), 10°, Et 100%, E2 1%, E1 100%, E0 5%, -, D. Dubravkova, E. Illyés & V. Virok, 36/06, 29. 5. 2006. 140