Ameriška l> moviima jl iLh ir jh i 13 Bfa AMCRICAN IN SPIRIT Pon—N IN LANeUAG« ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NCWSPAPM AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) ' AMERIŠK. JOMOVINA, MAY 6, 1983 VOL. LXXXV Koncert Mladih harmonikarjev V naših srcih /7 Clevelanda in okolice CLEVELAND, O. - Letošnji koncert Mladih harmonikarjev bo v soboto, 21. maja, ob Pol osmih zvečer v šolski korani pri Sv. Vidu. Kot vsi Programi prejšnjih let, bo tudi Program letošnjega koncerta obsegal igranje in petje. Ubrane pesmi, ki jih bomo slišali zapete iz mladih grl, so ^d rednih in vztrajnih vaj torek za torkom ter nedeljo za nedeljo. Če bo kdaj, recimo čez dve, dvajset ali štirideset let, ko bo na ohceti, na kaki drugi naši Prireditvi ali na Slovenski Pristavi spontano zadonela naša slovenska pesem, če bo torej takrat ali kadar koli pristopil zraven mož, ki je kot mlad fant dobil prvo pobudo za ubrano petje prav pri Mladih harmonikarjih, bo to najlepše priznanje vsem vajam, vsem koncertom in vsemu trudu. Tudi naša udeležba bo imela pri tem svoj delež, saj prav ta je najtrdnejše zagotovilo za bodočnost teh koncertov. «Piece of the Rock» lastujemo pri tej prepotrebni zgradbi; pridimo pogledat v soboto, 21. maja, ali še trdno stoji in kaj nam obeta za bodočnost! Tone v v • se žive CLEVELAND, O. - Četudi so že pred 40 leti omahnili v množične grobove, v naših srcih še žive! V naših srcih še žive tisti prvi, ki so bili pomorjeni po domovih in cestah in gozdovih, na Turjaku in v Grčaricah, v Mozlju in po drugih postajah našega križevega pota. Vsak posebej je s svojo smrtjo posvetili ideje, za katere so se borili in izkrvaveli. Ko se vračamo v preteklost, srečamo na križevem potu vernega slovenskega naroda junakinjo, malokdaj omenjeno — slovensko ženo. Niso padle žene v revoluciji v takih množicah kot možje, toda umirale so vsak dan z njimi, svojimi možmi, brati, sinovi, zaročenci. Zato je njihov spomin ravno tako dragocen. In prav tako kot možje, je bila postavljena tudi žena pred to odločitev. In tako je bila slovenska žena vedno varuhinja krščanske vere in slovenske zavesti v naših domovih. Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev, Cleveland, bo letos praznovalo spominski dan v nedeljo, 29. maja, s sv. mašo za vse žrtve vojne in komunistične revolucije. Sv. maša se bo darovala pri Lurški Mariji na Chardonu. Sv. maša bo ob 11.30 dopoldne, daroval jo bo rev. dr. Pavel Krajnik in sicer za vse žrtve komunizma in tudi za vse tiste, ki so se že tukaj poslovili od nas. Važno je, posebno v tem času, da se zavedamo, da so na svetu duhovne dobrine, ki morajo biti vedno na prvem mestu in da jih ob vseh napakah, ki jih imamo kot ljudje, na prvo mesto tudi postavljamo. Med temi vredno tami je med prvimi svoboda. Vsak narod ni imel daru in moči tako splošne in brezmejne požrtvovalno za boj in delo za ohranitev svobode, kot jo je pokazal, dokazal in s svojo krvjo zapečatil naš slovenski narod ob takih in sličnih tragedijah, kot jih oznanjata v izredni meri Turjak in Grčarice. V ognju Turjaka in Grčaric se nam naj to oznanilo v živo vžge, pa bomo za veliko mero močnejši in modrejši narod. Poskušajmo odnesti od svete maše pri Lurški Mariji vsaj to od mrtvih: v nesebičnosti pomagati graditi boljši svet in modrejši narod. Kdor ima narodno nošo, naj se opravi. Ni namreč samo lep pogled na pestrost naše noše. Z njo se približa domača zemlja in marsikak lep spomin. V.R. Materinski proslavi slovenskih šol— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu prireja v soboto, 7. maja, ob sedmi uri zvečer v farni dvorani Materinsko proslavo. Učenci in učenke Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu pod vodstvom svojih učiteljic pripravljajo lep spored. Vsi vljudno vabljeni! Po prireditvi bo na razpolago kava in bobi. Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vabi k Materinski proslavi, ki bo na Materinski dan, 8. maja, ob 3. uri popoldne v šolski dvorani. Poleg deklamacij, bodo učenci podali igrico «V boj za mamico». Skupno sv. obhajilo— Prihodnjo nedeljo, 8. maja, pri sv. maši ob 8. zjutraj bo imelo Društvo Najsv. Imena pri Sv. Vidu skupno sv. obhajilo. Takoj po maši bo zajtrk in sestanek, na katerem bodo volitve novih odbornikov. Vsi člani vabljeni, da se udeležijo tega važnega sestanka! Koncert Mladih harmonikarjev— Mladi harmonikarji prirede svoj spomladanski koncert v soboto, 21. maja 1983, ob 7.30 zvečer v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Za ples in zabavo igra ansambel Jasmin. Lepa podpora— Albina Pešec, Locherie Ave. v Euclidu, je darovala $72 v sklad za nov tiskarski stroj. Za velikodušno podporo se iskreno zahvaljujemo! Slovenci na radiu— Na radijski postaji WLRO 1380AM je slovenska radijska oddaja «Slovenian Polka Bandstand», ki jo vodi harmonikar Wayne Golob. Postaja je v Lorainu in jo je težko dobiti na vzhodni strani Clevelanda, včasih pa se dobro sliši. G. Golob oddaja vsako nedeljo ob 12. uri opoldne in sicer za 30 minut. Organizacije lahko pošiljajo obvestila na naslov: Slovenian Polka Bandstand, Wayne Golob, 314 West Bogart Road, Sandusky, OH 44870. Za nov tiskarski stroj— Robert M. in Elaine A. Debevec, Novelty, Ohio sta darovala $100 za nov stroj. France in Mara Hren, Vine Ave. v Euclidu, sta prav tako darovala $100 Ameriški Domovini. Paul in MaryAnn Hribar, Euclid, Ohio sta darovala $60 v podporo našemu listu. Vsem darovalcem res iskrena hvala! Sporočajte osebne in krajevne novice! K skupni molitvi— Članice Oltarnega društva fare Marije Vnebovzete so vabljene v nedeljo zvečer ob 7.30 v pogrebni zavod Cro-baugh na 22595 Lake Shore Blvd. k skupni molitvi za umrlo članico Mary Novinc, v ponedeljek, 9. maja, dopoldne ob 10. pa k pogrebni sv. maši v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Počastitev— Podružnica št. 25 Slovenske ženske zveze bo v torek, 10. maja, ob 1. popoldne v Frank Sterletovem Slovenian Country House počastila svojo «mater leta» Caroline Rožič. K obedu so vabljene vse članice, ki lahko pripeljejo tudi gosta. Nov odbor— Dramatsko društvo Lilija je na svojem zadnjem občnem zboru izvolilo sledeči odbor: Predsednik, Avgust Dragar; podpredsednik, Ivan Jakomin; tajnik, Frank Zalar ml.; blagajničarka, Martina Košnik; zapisnikarica, Mojca Slak. Nabirka starih časopisov— V soboto in nedeljo, 21. in 22. maja, organizira slovenska folklorna skupina Kres javno nabirko starih časopisov in sicer v korist Slovenskega doma za ostarele na Neff Rd Naprošeni ste, da prinesete zvezane stare časopise k Domu za ostarele 21. ali 22. maja, od 8. zj. do 8. zv. Če ne morete sami dostaviti papirja, lahko pokličete na tel. 531-1588 ali 944-8675 in bodo Kresovi člani prihiteli na pomoč. Čisti dobiček te nabirke je namenjen Domu za ostarele. Spominski darovi— Ann (Lamovec) Maher, Euclid, Ohio, je darovala $30 v sklad za nov tiskarski stroj v spomin na pok. starih staršev Vincenta in Amalie Povirk. Josephine Kovač je darovala $25 Ameriški Domovini v spomin na pok. moža Jožeta Kovača in pok. brata Ferda Gospodariča. Frances Kosch, Rocky River, Ohio je darovala $10 v naš tiskovni sklad v spomin na pok. mamo Frances Peren-cevich, ki je umrla 1. aprila letos. Vsem darovalcem se iskreno zahvaljujemo! VREME Pretežno sončno in vetrovno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 70 F. Spremenljivo oblačno in vetrovno jutri z možnostjo dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 77 F. V nedeljo, za Materinski'dan, bo oblačno z možnostjo dežja in najvišjo temperaturo okoli 68 F. Pozdrav in zahvala materam! ČHlCAGO, 111. - Vsa leta elovanja slovenskih radijskih olklornih plesalcev - torej vse 1- 1975 - so njih matere in Imetje vedno izkazovali veliko Jubezen in požrtvovalnost. K° se bližamo Materinske-dnevu, se želim najlepše , valiti mnogim materam Plesalcev Radio kluba. okazale so močno podporo jn s°delovanje, kar je otrokom n m|adini tako potrebno, da izvijejo svoje različne talen-One so nam učiteljicam po-a8ale, da smo mogle vzdržati ocno skupino plesalcev sku-aJ osem let. Gotovo bi brez Podpore naših dragih mater ne 1 •hogle biti uspešni. Želim ob tej priliki izreči sem in vsaki posebej «Vesel v ater'nski dan!», in se vam iz Sega srca zahvaljujem za vašo Potrpežljivost, zvestobo in k vsaka izmed vas je len °r cvet**ca meni, vsaka virn i*1 e^*nstvena - vsaka iz- K° se bližamo materin-mormu dnevu, 8. maja, tuHi^0 V to skupino vključiti niftH ^odoCe matere. Ena iz-teii^danjih plesalk in uči-he C^admske plesne skupi-^ ’ agda Simrajh-Razpot-) Jošll.j živi srečno z možem Macrf0m v Londonu, Ont. zahval * PoSUjamo izraze 8U in ii 2*a,njeno del° v Chica-Mat„ J že‘,m° nad vse srečni "finski dan! !l^PnSkP'ram "a Čas‘ vsem Mil materam se bo ^C!oivLrrpci PesmiZVeKer’ Na Pro8ramu so Pesem z°°ra «Slovenska delina>> P°d v°dstvom p. Ven-Zubek ? spremliavi Patti Plesno* 1 Sedai U^1 mladinsko kodo nt S*c.uPlno- Nastopili ve Šoip r°C* sobotne Slomško-slovenci,2 voSčili mamicam. V Ma a ŠOli oCijo Krista ^OMari*^ RemeC’ Anka > k° IM; m. Nandi Puc. Igral Priljubljeni otroški Kati Vučko, ki vodi mladinsko skupino SARK-a, pripravlja ples v pozdrav materam. Naši najmlajši 3 in 4 leta stari otroci, Kristina Sovan, Lidija Kores, Erika Gombač, kakor tudi Sonja Arko in Nuša Remec, ki sta 5 in 6 let stari, bodo nastopile prvič s plesom v posebnem slogu, ki ga je koreografirala Barbka Remec. V tem plesu nastopijo tudi Barbka in Tone Gombač in mladinca Mihec Gombač in Mojca Magajna. Upamo, da bodo vse matere z nami tega večera in uživale lep program njim na čast. Na čelu odbora proslave je Jože Rus ob sodelovanju učiteljev in učiteljic šole ter Lojzeta Ar-kota, Janeza Vidmarja, Alice Martinčič in podpisane. Ob koncu bi želela opozoriti, da bo v petek, 24. junija, opoldne SLOVENSKI FESTIVAL na Daley Plaza v čikaškem Loopu. Radijski plesalci bodo predstavili mestni publiki slovenske ljudske plese in naša izročila z govorom o Sloveniji. Program je v okrilju Chicago Arts Council. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Corinne Leskovar Novi grobovi Dolores R. Frimel Včeraj dopoldne je v Lake County Memorial West bolniišnici umrla 51 let stara Dolores R. Frimel, rojena Košir, žena Williama J., mati Michaela P., Mrs. Gordie (Susan R.) Starcher, Timothyja D. in Wayne-a A., hčerka Franka in Rose, roj. Kostan-sek, Košir (oba že pok.), članica SNPJ št. 158. Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Kristine ob 11.30 dopoldne, od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združine države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih dežav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $15.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih dežav; $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $ 14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $1 5.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 No. 35______________Friday, May 6,1 983 POZDRA V NAŠIM MA TER AM ZA MA TERINSKI DAN Anzlovar’s Dept. Store 6214 St. Clair Ave. Y Na MATERINSKI DAN . •'I najlepše počastimo naše matere S CVETLICAMI Say it with flowers on MOTHERS DAY James A. Slapnik Jr. - Florist 6620 St. Clair Ave. Tel.: 431-8824 VESEL DAN VSEM MATERAM FRANK STERLE Slovenian Country House 1401.E. 55 St. 881-4181 60 plodnih let! CLEVELAND, O. - Poteklo je že 60 let, odkar je Avgust Kollander odprl svojo potovalno agencijo. Več let je ta ustanova poslovala v prostorih Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave., prav v prostorih, kjer je sedaj Tivoli Imports. Na steni te trgovine je še ena sicer zastarela karta, ki je ostala iz te dobe. Avgusta Kollandra so poznali domala vsi clevelandski Slovenci iz predvojnih in prvih povojnih let. Pisec teh vrst je prvič potoval v Slovenijo preko Kollandrove agencije že 1. 1954, njegov oče pa se je vrnil na obisk v svojo rodno domovino že 1. 1930, prav tako po Kollandrovi agenciji. Po prezgodnji smrti Avgusta Kollandra, je agencijo prevzel njegov sin August, ki jo skupaj s svojo ženo Maio vodi še danes. Z namenom, da praznujejo 60-letnico agencije, sta se August in Maia Kollander odločila za javno zabavo, ki se bo vršila v Slovenskem narodnem domu na 6417 St. Clair Ave. v nedeljo, 15. maja, od 3. do 7. zvečer. Vabljeni ste vsi, da pridete na zabavo, na kateri bodo nastopile razne godbe, navzoči bodo mnogi, ki so vodili potovanja v Slovenijo in druge kraje. Na razpolago - vse brezplačno - bodo okrepčila. Kollandrova agencija se nahaja danes na 971 E. 185. cesti, tik zraven Tony’s Polka Village trgovine in radijske postaje na istem naslovu. Agencija ima podružnice v Chicagu, Detroitu, Pittsburghu in Albuquerque, N.M. ter na zahodni strani našega mesta. Torej, pridite na zabavo v SND ob priliki 60-letnice Kollandrove potovalne agencije! Rudolph M. Susel Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS. (FXI V blag spomin OB DVANAJSTI OBLETNICI SMRTI John Globokar Umrl 9. maja 1971 Žalujoči: Sin Vince in snaha Mitzi vnuki, vnukinji, 2 pravnuka in 1 pravnukinja Euclid, O., 6. maja 1983. NAŠIM MAMICAM VSE NAJLEPŠE ZA MATERINSKI DAN Kollander World Travel, Inc. 971 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 216-692-2225 Happy Mother ’5 Day NAŠIM MATERAM VSE NAJBOLJŠE ZA TA NJIHOV PRAZNIK ŽELE Funeral Homes 452 E. 152 St. — 481-3118 6502 St Clair Ave. — 361-0583 J I Ivanhoe I I Restaurant i I 16378 Euclid Avenue ♦ Open Mother's Day 10 am to 8 pm ♦ SLO VENI AN HOME COOKING — HOMEMADE STRUDEL — We Have Fish Fries Every Friday • Reasonable Prices • (Special Children's Portions) KONDRICH and SPLICHAL Phone 681-6122 HAPPY M O T H E R ’S DAY SHELIGA DRUG 6131 St. Clalr Ave. 431-1035 Branko Heric Realty Serving Cleveland East & Eastern Suburbs 531-9508 Dedicated to serving you with integrity and hard work. Broker: Branko Pišorn Salesperson wanted for our E. 185 St. office Best wishes for a ... HAPPY MOTHERS DAY To All Our Dear Mothers In Our Community FROM THE Hofbrau Haus 1400 E. 55 St. - Cleveland 44103 Special Buffet Every Sunday Noon Until 8 p.m. Ameriška Domovina druži Slovence po vsem svetu! V blag spomin PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA SOPROGA, OČETA IN STAREGA ATA. Jožef Gerich ki je umrl 6. maja 1982 Minilo je že leto dni, odkar si nas zapustil Ti. Smrt Ti vzela je življenje, končala Tvoje je trpljenje. Nam pa težko je pri srcu, ker Te več med nami ni. Igrajte loterijevo Velik Denar Igro! OHIO LOTTO. Enkratna življenjska prilika se sedaj ponavlja vsak teden. Ako zmagate, dobite tisoče, morda celo milijone! Pri vsaki Number Game Sales Agent prodajalni boste dobili brezplačen listek za stavo. Izberite 6 številk od 1 do 40. Potem vam bo vaš prodajalec prodal OhioLotto listek z vašimi številkami in datumom za tedensko žrebanje. Igrate lahko dvakrat za en dolar. Vsako soboto zvečer Pa glejte OhioLotto žrebanje na TV. Ako vidite vaših 6 številk, v vsakem možnem redu, zmagate. In zmaga vam lahko pomeni tisoče, morda celo milijone dolarjev. Torej, zakaj še odlašate? Že ta teden lahko dobite VELIK DENAR! Solnce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš dragi Ti. Duša pa naj raj uživa, tam v srečni večnosti. Žalujoči ostali: Veronika Gerich — soproga Joseph, Stanley, Matt in Steve — sinovi Andrea in Linda — snahi Julie, Joseph III, Benjamin, Meighan Ann — vnuka in vnukinji Eda Žalik — sestra v Sloveniji ter ostalo sorsdstvo. Cleveland, O., 6. maja 1 983 In Loving Memory FRANK FATUR 3rd Anniversary Died May 7, 1980 A million times we needed you, A million times we cried. If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place, No one else can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Wife — Josephine, Son —Frank and wife Marie, Grandchildren Daughter — Joyce Brothers - Albert and Louis S, Euclid, O. May 6, 1983. MALI OGLASI ROJAKI POZOR Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 OGRAJE POSTAVLJAM Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Tudi prodajam potrebni material za ograje po zmerni ceni in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Lahko pokličete vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) FOR RENT E. 61 St. and St. Clair. Single (7 rooms) or downstairs (4 rooms). Want neat people. Deposit. Call 1-653-9419. (35-38) Rojaki pozor Izvršujem zidarska in mizarska dela, pleskam hiše zunaj in znotraj, izvršujem električno in vodno napeljavo, popravljam strehe. Kličite po 5. popoldne tel. 881-5439. (FX) V blag spomin DRUGE OBLETNICE LOUIS JARM (ALOJZIJ JARM) V večno življenje je odšel 5. maja 1981 Sladka nam je misel na Te, na ljubeči Tvoj nasmeh, na besede ljubeznive, ki imel si jih do vseh. Tvoje roke, ki dobrega tolike storile, utrujene sedaj mirno počivajo, k Bogu naše prošnje se dvigajo, da srečen si zdaj nad zvezdami. Žalujoči ostali: Angela Yarm (rojena Lesjak) soproga; Lillian Oman, pastorka, Milw., Wis.; Frank Yarm in Fani Omahen, nečak in nečakinja, Richmond Hts., O.; Mili Kajzer, nečakinja, Solon, O.; ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji. Richmond Hts., O. 6. maja 1983 Happy Mothers Day Mihelich’s Hometown Restaurant and Lounge 830 Babbitt Rd. — 731-9689 J” HAPPY MOTHERS DAY ! D. J.'s Hairlines ! Hairstyling Salon FOR MEN AND WOMEN Specialists at - Haircuts, Haircoloring — Perms — Henna3s ♦ ♦ \ | 6128 Glass Ave. Sporočajte osebne in krajevne novice! ♦ I Phone 431-8998 { The Corner Hardware Household Hardware - Giftware 6421 St. Clair Ave. 431-4325 Open daily 8:30 - 5:30 (on bus line) SPRING COUPON SPECIALS 20% OFF SCREENS, WINDOW PLEXIGLASS ! 20% OFF LAWNMOWER TUNE-UP & REPAIR We sharpen Hand Mower Blades — —~ ALL PAINT SALE Varnish, Stain, Primer Flat SemiGloss 5.99 7.95 ALSO brushes, rollers, pans, drop cloths, etc. KEYS 2 for $1.00 L — l' m I Mi Čezoceanski klic Vam omogoča, da slišite njihov glas! Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American home ■Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 6, 1983 Pg. 5 Folklore Dancers Dazzle Ohio Theatre Audience % JAMES V. DEBEVEC The Slovene Folklore Institute j °f America dancers put on a spectacular show last weekend comparable to a $2 million Las vegas Review. It had everything: lavish costumes, spectacular lighting, eautiful dancers, precise choreography, expert direc-hon, and a stunning setting in “ie Ohio Theater in downtown Cleveland. The two performances were cld Saturday and Sunday in I e heart of Playhouse Square "'here years ago first-run levies and live stage presenta-10ns lured everyone 'towntown. The three-hour show with "'o intermissions was well-^hearsed and featured a varie-^ °f folk dances from the ^arious regions of Slovenia. ■oe new numbers were mixed Wlth some of the old favorites ^Uch as the Flag Dance. An investing routine was “Dances rot" Ljubjana” where the ^en were dressed in black tux-e os and top hat. It was most elegant. The entire show was extreme-^exciting and most enjoyable watch. There were dozens different sets of beautiful flumes, h cannot be em-asized enough how spec-tac*lar they were. dancers were excep-t^na*|y talented and seemed spring through the air as if wiey 'Vere propelled by angel dgs. it was a delight to atch them tell their story fohf01*8^ tlle art the r ^ance- The 120 members balfeC* *n age from an infant y to college students. for60 deserves a medal endurance as he took part in 14 numbers. The talented dancer could easily make the stage on Broadway. Congratulations to all who participated in the show called, “Folklore Treasures of (the) Old World.” It was so good it should go on tour for a year around the world. Wat- ching the performance was a thrill which resulted in pride in the accomplishments of the talented dancers and their teachers. The poducer and director was Eda Vovk Push Thanks, Eda, the Slovenian community salutes and applauds you. Kollander Travel Salutes Travelers With Open House From the steamship days of the 1920’s through the jumbo jet era of the 1980’s, Kollander World Travel has been at the forefront of all phases of travel from planning individual ticketing to some of the largest groups, including the original polka tours, journeying to various parts of the world. The modern main office is located in its own building at 971 E. 185 th Street with branch offices in Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Albuquerque, New Mexico as well as on Cleveland’s west side. The thousands who have made arrangements with the over 20 travel experts in the modern Kollander World Travel offices throughout the country have enjoyed a most rewarding travel experince. As a gesture of appreciation to all who have been a part of Kollander’s travel services in the past or who look forward to traveling in the future, a Special “Open House” Anniversary Celebration is scheduled for Sunday, May 15, from 3:00 until 7:00 p.m. at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue. Free refreshments and ethnic entertainment will be provided along with a reunion of many of the Kollander clients and hosts. On hand will be several of the polka and button box groups plus prominent radio-TV people who have been a part of the many Kollander tours. The original office was located on St. Clair Avenue and established by the late August Kollander in 1923 to serve the travel and other related needs of the surrounding ethnic community. Today the modern technique of computerized reservations and instant information has broadened the scope of both local and global travel services available at the main E. 185 Street office now headed by August and Maia Kollander and Tony Petkovšek. In the span of the past six decades, the established Kollander World Travel truly came to stand for the “Travel Hallmark of Excellence.” Memo... From Madeline Madeline Debevec There’s never a dull moment in Cleveland with our many Slovenian activities keeping everybody busy. Last Saturday more than 450 persons attended the Holy Family Cancer Guild luncheon at Higbee’s. It was great seeing many of our subscribers enjoying the lovely afternoon. Many thanks on behalf of the Guild to everyone who aided this worthy cause. On Saturday evening, many of the same people enjoyed the Slovenian National Art Guild’s lovely 10th anniversry dinner-dance. Not surprisingly, we then saw many of these same folks at the beautifully performed Slovenian Folklore Institute show at the Ohio Theatre. * * * On Monday’s noon news, which features Slovenian-born and bred Dick Russ on Channel 8 TV here, there was a demonstation of a Slovenian recipe, “Flancate,” or Baked Angel Wings. The recipe was the prizewinning submission of Ann Budan Hočevar. / * * * A speedy recovery and happy birthday to Rose (Ivancic) Ster of Indian Hills in Euclid, Ohio, who is in room 922 at Euclid General Hospital for observation. She will celebrate her 80th birthday on May 18. All her children and relatives send her best wishes and many happy returns. Her many friends and the staff at the American Home also join me in extending our best. Our prayers are with you. Meanwhile, another popular lady, Anna Grdina Jaksic, well known in the St. Clair area, is undergoing tests at Charity Hospital. Fondest wishes go her way from family, friends and everyone here. * * * St. Mary’s Parish Altar and Rosary Society is sponsoring a bake sale on Saturday and Sunday, May 14 and 15. * * * Get well wishes to Tony and Helen Sturm of Lyndhurst, Ohio, who are recuperating at home following surgery. All of their many friends are wishing them a speedy recovery. •k It it Stermole-Wagner Mrs. Anthony J. Stermole of E. 196th St. Cleveland, Ohio, announces the engagement of her daughter Marylou to John Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of NorthEast, Pa. The bride-to-be, a 1977 Euclid alumna, graduated from the University of Dayton in 1981. She works as a field sales representative in Belden Corp.’s electronics division in Chicago. Her fiance, also a 1981 Dayton graduate, is in his second year of studies at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. A July 9 wedding is planned, with the couple to take residence in surburban Chicago. Congratulations! * * * HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL! Art Guild holds successful banquet JAMES V. DEBEVEC Guild ^'0ven‘an National Art nive °bserved their 10th an-irig Iast Saturday even-Slov • 3 ^’^r-dance at the Ave n'an Home on Holmes So a,1d d|ne 0f t*le most talented great lst‘n8uished artists in the to (fr Cleveland area belong Uieets 1S 0rgan*zation which baSjs °n a regular monthly their ^ 8'Ves an art show °f Plies ^Wn .each year. and sup-f'UoCtjoaint’ngs’ etc. at various The .v, 'Vas a master °f ceremonies design ae^st Pust. (He the new masthead for our English page.') Pust did his usual spectacular job of introducing each speaker and kept the proceedings running smoothly with his clever humor. The overwhelming delight of the evening was the singing of Judy Browne (Mrs. Greg Križman). Her remarkably clear and dynamic voice kept everyone in a cheerful mood. She belted songs from the musical show “Chorus Line” and the audience demanded an encore and she sang, “New York,New York.” It reminded one of being at a Broadway theater. Browne was accom- panied by the Norm Novak Trio who also provided dinner and dance music. She and her husband will be moving to California this Fall. Good luck, and thanks for the terrific show. Art Guild president Vlasta Radisek spoke a few words of encouragement outlining hopes for continued success of the club. Tony Petkovšek was an honored guest and complimented the group on their cultural contributions to the civilized society. The new president of the Slovenian American Heritage Founda- tion, Fred Križman reminded everyone of the Slovenian National Art Guild’s active participation in all the Slovenski Večer s. The three founding members of the guild each gave a short talk. They are Fran Bezdek, August Pust, and John Stuchal. State Representative Ron Šuster presented a laudatory proclamation from the Ohio House of Representatives. Dr. Karl Bonutti was the main speaker and outlined the importance and many contributions of the art guild. The program chairman was Jean Križman, co-chairman was Justine Skok. John Streck was in charge of decorations. Attendance gifts were donated by Mildred Hoegler, Vlasta Radisek, Mary Ellen Rechner, Eleanore Rudman, Justine Skok, and Enika Zulich. Maria Dimitri-jevic displayed Slovenian artifacts especially stove stit-chery known as splatter cloths. The 1983 officers are Vlasta Radisek, president; Molly Raab secretary; Bill Jansa, treasurer; and John Habat, Jean Križman, and John Streck auditors. (Continued on page 7) Let’s Help Senior Citizens With the coming of Spring, our senses can perceive the glorious resurrection of nature as it springs to life with beautiful colors, sounds and smells. It is a time of rebirh. But yet we cannot forget the things that have been with us throughout the year: the evergreens, the birds, the sun, the moon, but most importantly, family and friends. Many of these friends and family members are often forgotten. Many of our friends are no longer in the spring of their lives but are living in the autumn of their lives — our senior citizens. Just like Spring autumn can be beautiful. In order to help our senior citizens through their autumn, the Slovenian folkdance group “Kres” is holding a benefit paper drive Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22 from 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. All proceeds from this event will be used to help furnish a room at the Slovenian Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. We urge you to save your papers for this worthy cause. On the weekend of May 21, 22 an attended collecion container will be located at the Slovene Home for the Aged parking lot. You may drop off your bundled or bagged papers, contact any Kress dancer for direct pickup at your home, or call 531-1588 or 944-8675 for pickup. Your help and support is greatly needed. Juri Gori Death Notice Polkas and Operetta in Fairfield May 14 S.K.D. Lipa is sponsoring an operetta and polka dance at Holy Cross church hall, 750 Tahmore Drive, Fairfield, Connecticut on Saturday, May 14 at 7 p.m. The Slovenian Theatre from Toronto, Canada .with stage manager Mr. Vilko Cekuta will present a beautiful operetta in three acts entitled, “Angel with Automobile.” The accompanist for the operetta is Mr. Lojze Mav. The program will be from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The polka dance begins at 8:30 p.m. and will last until 1 a.m. The Burgmaister Orchestra from Cheshire, Ct. will provide the dance music. Good food and refreshments will be available. Donation is $5.00. For reservations call S.K.D. Lipa president at 203-374-7492, or the secretary at 203 — 367-2901. Stan Mally, secretary EDWARD KOPORC Edward J. Koporce, 76, died Sunday, April 24. He had been in ill health for several years. Well known throughout the Euclid, St. Clair Slovenian area, he was an avid sportsman, active bowler and golfer and followed all sports with great zest. He was a member of Club Ljubljana, Euclid Pensioners and Lodge No. 18 of AMLA Survivors include his wife Stella; daughter Arlene LoConti; sons Edwin, Richard and Ronald; 10 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and brother Albert. Another brother, Rudolph, passed away just six weeks before him. Two sisters, Vicki Faletič and Olga Urbas, died in 1974, within 30 days of one another. Friends called at Grdina Funeral Home on Lake Shore B 1 v d . Burial for Mr. Koporc, a precision-grinder who owned the Ohio Saw Service, was at All Souls Cemetery on April 28. GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 1853 East 62 St. 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-6308 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Th< MET MAY 30—JUNE 4 The Metropolitan Opera comes to Cleveland for its gala 59th season for an electrifying week of magnificent music, dazzling stage spectacle, engrossing drama, irresistable comedy & some of the Met’s most luminous stars, featuring Sherrill Milnes, Renata Scotto & Maestro James Levine conducting 4 of the week's productions. DER ROSENKAVALIER by Richard Strauss Conductor: James Levine MONDAY, MAY 30 at 7:30 PM LUCIA Dl LAMMERMOOR by Gaetano Donizetti Conductor: Michelangelo Veltri TUESDAY, MAY 31 at 7:30 PM MACBETH by Giuseppe Verdi Conductor: James Levine WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 at 7:30 PM LA BOHEME by Giacomo Puccini Conductor: James Levine THURSDAY, JUNE 2 at 7:30 PM For information call 771-0055 Tickets on sale at Public Auditorium Box Office starting May 23 BORIS GODUNOV by Modest Mussorgsky Conductor: James Conlon FRIDAY, JUNE 3 at 7:30 PM ADRIANA LECOUVREUR by Francesco Cilea Conductor: Michelangelo Veltri SAT MAT, JUNE 4 at 1:30 PM LA FORZA DEL DESTINO by Giuseppe Verdi Conductor: James Levine SAT EVE, JUNE 4 at 8:00 PM Charge By Phone: (216) 771-4224 (MasterCard & VISA Only) MON-FRI, 9 AM-6 PM SAT, 11-3 PM Thanks for $100 For all the years I have enjoyed Ameriška Domovina and for all the kindness you have shown me, in addition to your friendship — I wish to to express my heartfelt thanks with a donation of $100 for your worthy cause. Wishing you God’s blessing for continued success. Carolyn Budan ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel. st. 361-3112 John Fortuna, licensed funeral director CANADIAN MAY 22. 1983 FOR BENEFIT OF OLD AGE HOME tun ara tra ro «» vm. wa i* yfcJifz? "a "— S*isyiA. dom HW89 AND50 4# ^ , LORETO 3\ HW 9 AND 50 2 FOOD ^ ORANGES KODIAK BOOTS NAPSACK PARKA OR RAIN , COAT VjI 1 * BOLTON MOTEL ON HWY 50 TORONTO START 5:00 A M. SUNDAY MAY 22. 1983 APROX. 50 KM 2- HWY 50 AND HWY 9 STEAK HOUSE RESTAURANT INCOME TAX RECEIPTS START 7:30 A.M. SUNDAY MAY 22. 1983 APROX. 30 KM AVAILABLE 3 - LORETO ON HWY 50 ON HOTEL PARKING SPACE START 9 30 A M. SUNDAY MAY 22. 1983 APROX 20 KM 4 - HWY 50 AND HWY 89 ONE CON WEST START 11:30 A.M. SUNDAY MAY 22. 1983 APROX. 10 KM ENTRY FORMS AND INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE HALLS OF BOT'1 SLOVENIAN CHURCHES AFTER EACH MASS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: MAY 1st. MAY 8th AND MAY 15th 428-6640 or 942-1433 (Cleve.) JSiuiss Haus At Nordic Village, Madison ALL YOU CAN EAT "Lavish Swedish Smorgasbord" Aduhl *6.95 (CHILDREN UNDER 5 FREE) CHILDREN *2 ’5 CHEF AR MON c/> fSf • With our new authentic European rn®nufl* -QV • European pastries and Slovenian SausoR '{Fr* * Complete Dinner * »O £ * Mon.-Sat. Starting at SPECIAL CHILDREN’S MEHU FROM *1 BANQUET FOR UP TO 100 FROM *6.95 person ENTERTAINMENT FRI. - SAT. - SUN. HLOUhGHE04UTOA6Tp°MR /FREE H0,,S 0'OEU^ au KM UsaVATKMS (IQHVATMNS NOT ACCIPTID ON IUN0ATS) Dinner-dance to benefit Home for the Aged The American Slovene Club, a women’s organiza-tion, will mark its fifty-fifth anniversary with a dinner and dance on June 4, 1983 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. with cocktails and canapes — the latter to be MALI OGLASI Brick Ranch Richmond Hts. Modern. Must see. $105.000 Modern split — 1 acre Cn beautiful 1 acre lake in perry. New street. $75,000 Euclid Brick Bungalow ^mediate possession. Con-venient location. $49,000 Brick Building ® aPts. and 1 store on 6408 C Clair. Greatly reduced. ^55,000 Jefferson farm CO acres. House, big barn, *ma|l lake. Make offer. CAMEO REALTY 261-3900 ®*k for Anton Matic 531-6787 (FX) FOR SALE BY OWNER suite brick apartment on E. J St. Good investment. , “easonable. 361-5887. House for Sale by Owner Grovewood area 9®- liv. rm. Din. rm.Lge kit-P en- 2 bdrms. 1 'A baths, enced yard. Aum. siding. *ln9le garage. $35,000. Cal1 383-9163. (29-33) for rent 5 rooms up. E. 67 St. Call 881-1018 (35-36) HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER All brick, off E. 200 St. 3 bedroom, dining room, living room and eat-in kitchen. 1 'A baths. Full basement. 2 Vi car garage and a lot more. Mid 50's. Call anytime 486-4296. (35-38) FOR SALE Dining room set in very good condition. 881-1646. (35-38) FOR SALE New 4 row button box, Melodia. Keys F-B-Es As. Call 285-3748. (33,35) BLISS AREA For Sale. D-3 License with fixtures. Also 2 bdrms, refrigerator and stove. Will negotiate. Call 431-6224. (x) FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLO VAR’S DEPT STORE Roy G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME newly remodeled and expanded 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore BWd.) 531-3600 ^nerals to meet the financial status of all familiea. Roy G. Sankovič, director N°\v : Z.VK FUNERAL open COSIC HOME Xttui I8S>0.<•* • - . I- ■Av- the finest total community SERVICE FUNERAL FACILITY IN NORTHEAST OHIO 890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills o (One block East of Bishop) P Zak-Cosic, Reasonable and Dignified ^Uneral DirfWor Luncheo" and Community *ai LFiretlOr Rooms Available 585-5100 °r St. Clair area 361-3113 (FX) prepared by Mary Blatnik of AMLA circles — and will be followed by a full course Prime Rib dinner, prepared by our superb Slovenian cook Julie Zalar and her great crew. Music for dancing and listening pleasure will be by the Jeff Pecon orchestra. Chairpersons of the dinner are Sylvia Banko, a member of 'bp Supreme Board of AMT A and secretary of Lodge No. 6, and Madeline Debevec of the American Home newspaper and AMLA St. Anne’s Lodge No.4 Tickets are $15.00 and are available from all members or Art Guild banquet (From page 5) Committee chairmen are: Eleanore Rudman, Membership; Justine Skok, Special Events; Doris Sadar, Newsletter; Maria Dimitrijevic, Historian; and Marge Turk, Communications. The meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at Vlasta’s Art Gallery, 640 E. 185 St. by contacting Eleanor Cerne Pavey at 531-4445, Sylvia Banko at 481-7554 or Mary Sinkovič of AMLA at 531-1900 or Madeline Debevec at 431-0628. Proceeds benefit the Slovene Home for the Aged. c=>oo<=>oo<=r>oooooo<^ ZELE FUNERAL HOMES MEMORIAL CHAPEL 452 E. 152nd Street Phone 481-3118 ADDISON ROAD CHAPEL 8502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 381-0583 Mi imo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo c=r>oo<=>o()oooo<==>o<)