Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! America st©os aw ‘astfHo aabho S - 80££ "Idy ■8Ay aayniiM sist oisaaisns awyis "aa What Others Think About Cleveland Redevelopment In st m /trt I s*! s* 11 * l s* A • . _ • . In an article titled downtown Cleveland Slowly Redeveloping” - subheading Baltimore's Model No Longer Fashionable” in the Saturday, April 15 edition of the Washington Post written hy Gwenn If ill, some com-Plimentary things were said °hout the newly reshaped downtown Cleveland and its Waterfront development. There are no streets closed °fT for pedestrians or water-front festival marketplaces in Ohio’s largest city, even though it has a river, a lake, a handsome downtown plaza and prosperous suburbs. Cleveland’s officials were c°ping with default, a steady ^dining population and soar-ln8 unemployment in the when the rest of urban j^uierica was sandblasting r‘ck, building aerial skywalks and putting in boutiques. The city’s 1930s skyline, dominated by the ornate Terminal Tower, remained vir-Wally unaltered during that But the tides of downtown development, which have ebb-®d and flowed with changing 0rrnulas for revitalization ^nce the flight to the suburbs e8an taking its toll on urban areas in the 1950s, have turned a8ain. The by-now familiar ^Uern established in dtirnore and other ports has o°r the most part played itself ejUt' and in Cleveland and I Sevvhere urban planners are poking for different strategies take them to the turn of the Century. tj heV do so with the realiza-^ n that programs such as Ur-^,an Development Action t|^arits> which fueled much of t^e downtown development in V anc* 1980s, have all vo h ^’saPPeared, leaving a l 1 that will have to be filled .someone else. Cleveland HiCh missed out on the last phase, is on the cutting edge of the next. Instead of focusing their efforts on building a single office tower or downtown mall, the city’s planners are taking a broader approach, combining retail, office, light industry and other commercial development. And while the city is pursuing an ambitious downtown plan that will ultimately include restored theaters, a renewed shoreline and a permanent home for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the timetable is a gradual one and the funding will not come from Washington. “This is the ’80s,” said Richard Shatten, the executive director of Cleveland Tomorrow, a consortium of 50 corporate chief executive officers who are helping to plot the city’s future, “And the ’80s say that if there is a deep pocket, it is most likely going to be the state.” Along with the traditional emphasis on bricks and mortar has come a new link between development potential and dealing with hard-core issues such as drugs, failing schools and crime. ... Cities such as Charlotte, N.C., and Evanston, III. are ripping up their 1970s-era walkways and putting the streets back in. The waterfront development boom has slowed. Developer Willard Rouse recently pulled out of a proposed $700 million riverside plan in Philadelphia, while in Toledo and Manhattan, waterfront developments patterned after Baltimore’s Harborplace have floundered. “Cities are starting to do what they do best,” said Charles Bartsch of the Northeast-Midwest Coalition. “They are taking it on their own instead of thinking, ‘If it was wonderful in Toledo, it will be marvelous here.’ It is generally agreed among developers and city leaders that most downtown economies are faring better than they were before the boutique boom. Shatten, for instance, likes to show off the view from his office: Visitors can still see the smokestacks of the old Cleveland. Several blocks up the streets in the opposite direction, a $9 million harbor development is beginning to take shape in the shadow of Municipal Stadium. On the day of the Cleveland Indians baseball home opener this month, visitors were lured to North Coast Harbor, as the new waterfront area will be called, by 20,000 free hot dogs. The area is all bricked walkways and designer streetlights now, and in a few weeks, there will be trees and outdoor concerts. Eventually, plans include a Great Lakes Museum, an aquarium, a water taxi, restaurants and a huge floating ore boat exhibit. But most of this will not be ready before the city’s bicentennial in 1996, and other projects will take at least until the turn of the century. Such “incremental planning,” Shatten said, will save Cleveland from the fate of other cities, which in the rush to renew during decades past, he said, “tore down the wrong things and built the wrong things.” Some localities have coped with the absence of federal funding and their own tight budgets by finding creative ways to encourge development. In Boston, the City Council recently created a new light manufacturing zone to encourage high-tech business by preserving downtown land that would otherwise be gobbled up for office development. And in Houston, the city and v.«, v,., I,,v mol win uc inai vciuus nere. rtnu m nuusiun, me cuy ana napp« Viki Ašič Ensemble in Cleveland May 10 to 14 FYnrw county have put up half of the $18 million cost of developing Buffalo Bayou, a waterfront project located on an urban floodplain that is scheduled to include a multi-use development with a “Star Wars” space theme. To many business people, there is an up side to the withdrawal of federal funds that city and state officials do not see. “Private developers impose a greater economic rigor on the whole process,” said Gary Conley, Cleveland’s former economic development director and now president of the North Coast Development Corp. “When there were lots of federal dollars around, you would go to the feds, put the money together and sometimes overbuild, but justify it by pointing to the public benefit,” he said. Michael D. Spear, the president of the Rouse Co., which was responsible for many of the big city waterfront developments, said the pattern of urban development is shifting not because past efforts failed, but because new opportunities are opening up. “There are unlimited numbers of places you can build waterfront marketplaces, but most of those are in much smaller cities” that do not have the markets needed to support the project, he said. “Where specialty projects do the worst is where it is expected that the project alone will make a fundamental difference in the way the cities view their downtowns,” he said. In Cleveland, they are hoping that starting slower, in the end, will be better. “We’ve covered a lot of ground a lot faster than other cities,” Conley said. “There was a pent-up’ demand for things to happen.” p Slovi"?- the ,own of Celje ... b|e la> the Viki Ašič Ensem-e°rdi eaiur‘n8 the button ac-‘ts "" SOUntl, will be making C 'r*t appearance in ^nad r°llowing a tour of °f Sjx a‘The group, consisting 0,1 WoT'*1 arr've 'n Cleveland Toll eSday’ May 10-*0) 0vv'n8 a first day (May C|evehPe.C,al visit '° the 't Euci", P°lka Hall of Fame polka vdn * 2 p,m- and Tony’s a> 4 p I"la8e - WELW Radio Concertj ’ the 8rouP w'll then Thurcffe ln several locales. ^Torni^’ ^ay 11 an evening Plaee a|ai^c and social takes °rpe park Slovenian ’ 4583 West 130 St. beginning at 7:30 p.m. Also featured will be the West Park Button Box Club. On Friday, May 12 the Col-linwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. will be the scene for a cabaret concert and dance. Featured will also be the Holmes Hall Buttonaires at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, May 13 the band goes to Enon Valley, Pa., and then returns Sunday afternoon, May 14 for a playing performance at the local SNPJ Farm on Heath Road in Kinland. The entire week is under the auspices of the United Slovenian Society with tickets available at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., or Tivoli Enterprises, 6419 St. Clair. Musicians performing include Henrik Prijatelj on accordion-vocal; Ignac Karba on baritone, bass guitar and vocal; Tone Mohar on guitar and vocal; Franc Jerič on No Paper May 12 The English section of the Friday, May 12 edition of the American Home will be included in the Tuesday, May 9 issue. Due to a short weekend committment of the printer, there will be no paper published on Friday, May 12. clarinet, saxophone and vocal; Milan Džakušič on trumpet and vocal; and leader Viki Ašič button box and keyboard and vocal. Emcee is Boris Kapitar of Domžale. SNH Brunch The Friends of the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. will sponsor a Sunday Super Brunch on Sunday, June 4 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The food will be served from 12 noon to 2 p.m. For further information call John Perencevic (.216) 361-5115 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday thrugh Saturday. Coming Events Saturday, April 29 Slovenian Heritage Committee of the Washington, D.C. area heritage program, 7:30 p.m. in the Collins Room of St. Ann’s Parish Church, 4400 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. (Tenley Circle). Entrance from Yuma St. (church basement). Featured speaker will be Dr. Matjaž Klemenčič, professor of history at University of Maribor, Slovenia. Also featured will be a salute to Ivan Zorman; the Washington Slovenian Choral Society will sing, and an art exhibit by Dora Plestenjak. Thursday, May 11 Viki Ašič Ensemble at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 12 Viki Ašič Ensemble Cabaret Concert and Dance at Collin-wood Slovenian Home, 7:30 p.m. Tickets from Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., or Tivoli Enterprises, 6419 St Clair. Sunday, May 14 Mothers Day Smoked Sausages Dinner at St. Vitus auditorium from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Music by Don Slogar duet. Tickets $5 for adults, $3 children at 531-7887 or at the door. Sunday, May 14 Slovenska Pesem Chorus concert at St. Mary Seminary Church in Lemont after the 2:30 p.m. May devotions. Fri., Sat., Sun. May 26,27,28 Pittsburgh Slovenian Heritage Association participates in Pittsburgh Folk Festival at the David Lawrence Convention Center featuring Slovenian food and music. For further information call (412) 446-7923 or (412) 733-4567. Sunday, June 4 Friends of Slovenian Home on St. Clair Brunch from 11:30 until 2 p.m. combined with musical entertainment. Fri., Sat., Sun., June 9, 10, 11 Weekend Festival celebrating 10th anniversary of Tony Klepec Orchestra. Friday at Sterles Country House, Saturday at St. Clair Slovenian Home, Sunday at AMLA Recreation Center. For information call Tony Klepec (216) 539-4762 or Tony’s Polka Village, 481-7512. Sunday , July 9 Slovenska Pesem Chorus picnic at St. Joseph Park in Joliet from noon to 8 p.m. Music by Vince Rigler and Ensemble Heritage. Food, games, dancing and fun. Sunday, July 23 St. Anne KSKJ Lodge 150 Annual Feast Day Celebration. Mass at St. Lawrence C hurch in Cleveland at 11 a.m. followed by dinner at Sterle’s at 1 p.m. IŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 Nationalities Movement Nixes Volgograd Proposal Former Cleveland Mayor and currently president of the American Nationalities Movement, Ralph J. Perk, sent the following letter to Cleveland Mayor Voinovich and City Council President Forbes concerning the proposal to declare Volgograd a Sister City. On Behalf of our Nationalities Movement, which combines representatives of 47 different heritage groups, we «5 would like to bring to your at-< tention a very important issue. As you are aware, there is now an official introduction of the Legislation to the City Council by councilman Dale Miller, Ward 20, to declare the Partner Cities relationship with the city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Resolution No. 833-89). There have been some efforts over the past two or more years to formalize an official relationship between the two cities. A series of visits, exchanges, and “people to people’’ programs have been initiated under the direction of the locally based Cleveland Partner Cities group. In as much as such activities serve a positive purpose of fostering the development of a better understanding between people in our country and in the Soviet Union, we view favorably the general develop- ment of such relationships between groups of private citizens a movement initiated in the United States by President Eisenhowever. Given the liberalization attempts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe under the “Glasnost and Perestroika” Banner, we hope such “people to people” contacts may flourish further if and when governmental constraints and controls are phased out by Soviet and other East European authorities - only then can free “people to people” relationships be useful and successful. However, the Cleveland Partner Cities programs so far lack focus on the very important issues of human rights, particularly the rights of dissidents and the basic freedoms of association, movement, religion, etc. Therefore, just as the U.S. government is bound to consider the basic human rights issues in the context of our formal, governmental relationships with other countries of the same considerations. The passing and signing of an official City Council resolution “to formalize the Cleveland-Volgograd Partnership” violates both U.S. government policy and the “private’’ nature and philosophy of the “people to people” thrust. In addition, the Cleveland Partner Cities request for a City Council resolution states that such action “will permit this relationship (Cleveland-Volgograd) to grow.” The implication of such a request is clearly that, despite “Glasnost and Perestroika”, Volgograd’s city government still views this “partnership” as an official “government to government” relationship and does not intend to allow (yet?) a truly private “people to people” development. The program should stay as a grass roots relationship without any governmental pressures or influences. Another very serious consideration is the fact that the City of Cleveland does not maintain at this time any formal relationship with any other city, not even with any of the twelve member cities of the traditional “Sister Cities” program developed in the early 1070’s and terminated by 1978. Nor does it appear fair to initiate on-formal relationships until formerly established relationships are reconsidered as a priority if the City of Cleveland were to, hopefully, resume such worthwhile initiatives. Until such time, however, we deem it unwise and inappropriate for Cleveland City Council to adopt the “Volgograd” Resolution requested by Cleveland Partner Cities, and Welcome Dobrocio^V® . ,i\ '..rtyks_ St. Vitus R^sli p’mm. r ( V V ( Weekend in Slovenia ’V. ■ Dafl)(J2tirifiers k x “Si: ; V r? ■ Games.of Chance «. — ' * * * * ^ ■ Live Eiitertainmenf\ ' ■ Variety of Side Ethnic Foods WL NatidjiaHty~Dance Groups ■ Raffle - $7,500 in Cash Prizes Held on Parish Grounds at East 6lst St. and St. Clair Ave. introduced by Councilman Dale Miller. At its last two regular meetings, we reviewed all issues and our board unanimously voted against supporting a formal, official relationship between Cleveland and Volgograd at this time. Our nationalities groups, particularly those representing captive nations are still under the oppressive Soviet and other totalitarian regimes, cannot and will not support such official relationships as long as human rights issues are not positively resolved. Because of the seriousness of these issues, they are top priority and any country that violates human rights should be carefully studied. We, therefore, urge Mayor Voinovich and Council President Forbes to enlighten the members of City Council and the Administration on this delicate issue so council can act fairly, having first heard both sides of the issue and avoids rushing through a decision based on an unilateral request. We will continue to support the position of Mayor Voinovich and other elected officials that a formal “Volgograd Partnership” resolution should not be adopted/ at this time for all the reasons stated herewith. Our freely elected public officials can never forget that the universal struggle to achieve freedom and equal rights everywhere is the best promise for peace and equality in the world. As Americans, we cannot fail to show our solidarity with efforts to achieve freedom, peace, and equality as the inalienable rights for all people. We appreciate your consideration of our request. For the Nationalities Movement Board Sincerely, Ralph J. Perk President Mayor opposes ‘Official Partner’ with Volgograd Cleveland Mayor George V. Voinovich has sent the following letter to Council President Forbes and Councilman Dale Miller opposing proposed city lesgis/ation to make Volgograd an official partner with Cleveland. I have been informed there will be legislation introduced at tonight’s (April 24) Council meeting designating Cleveland as an “official partner” with the City of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I have been working with all of the foreign exchange programs, especially the “people to people” programs with many countries including the Soviet Union. Therefore, I cannot support the official designation of such a partnership with just this one city. I understand many nationalities heritage groups are also opposing such legislation and am quite sure they will express their opposition. The American Nationalities Movement, headed by former Mayor Ralph J. Perk, is also strongly against such a resolution. A letter to this effect is in the process of being mailed to Council President Forbes and myself. (Copy of the letter elsewhere in the American Home.) 1 have worked a number of years on Soviet-American relations and I belong to many nationalities organizations. Given the present situation, I feel that at this time the City of Cleveland should not engage in an “official partnership” with the City of Volgograd. There is no need for such a controversial issue in our nationalities communities. Sincerely, George V. Voinovich Mayor Cleveland Mayor Voinovich has sent the following letter to the rest of the persons and organizations concerning Volgograd. Thank you for your letter regarding a formal work relationship between the City of Cleveland and the City of Volgograd/U.S.S.R. I ap- \ preciate your interest in the “Cleveland Partner Cities’ program. As you know, Cleveland has many institutions such as the Cleveland Council on World Affairs and the Greater Cleveland Growth Association that deal with different international groups. I strongly encourage all of our local agencies, businesses, and educational institutions to keep these types of programs alive. Unfortunately, because of financial restraints, the City ol Cleveland has not officially participated in these types of programs for many years. At this time it would be inappropriate and unfair to create a formal relationship with Volgograd since our city has not formed this type of relationship with any other cities such as Ljubljana, Yugoslavia (the birthplace of my grandmother); Taipei, Taiwan (builders of the $350,000 Cultural Garden); Ibadan, Nigeria, or Holon, Israel. AH of these cities have a long history of friendly relations with the City of Cleveland, but have not enjoyed any “f°r' mal” status. Sincerely, George V. Voinovich Mayor In Memory Mrs. Marie Hosta donated $10.00 to the American HoP> in memory of the 18th an^ niversary of her husband, M thony (Tony) Hosla who PaSS ed away April 25, 1971. Appreciation Brunch Recognizes Home for the Aged Volunteers Last Sunday, April 23, the Slovene Home for the Aged recognized some of the many volunteers who have contributed so selflessly of their time to assisting the residents of this facility. Mrs. Agnes Pace, SHA Administrator, noted in her welcoming remarks that it was not possible to honor each and every volunteer on a single occasion, but that all would be recognized over a period of several years. The gathering last Sunday was held in the Laurich Room of the 150-bed facility and was attended by 65 persons. An excellent brunch was served, after which a videotape on fire and safety was shown. The purpose of this was to acquaint the volunteers with the most effective ways of moving or evacuating residents from an area threatened by fire. A brief description of how to use fire extinguishers also was included. Awards were given to SHA volunteers in several categories. Those who had contributed the most volunteer hours were presented certificates and small gifts. These honorees and the hours they have donated were: Dorothy Elersich .... 355.00 Frank Champa........ 328.50 Mary Stražišar...... 302.50 Florence Zaman..... 284.00 Josephine Sadar..... 267.00 Fay Lasicky......... 240.50 Frank Ivancic...... 205.00 Jane Matias......... 202.00 A special recognition was given to one of the most selfless volunteers the Slovene Home for the Aged has ever bad: Mrs. Ann Snyder. For tflany, many years Mrs. Snyder was at the SHA helping the residents virtually on a daily basis. Recently she has had some health problems and is now herself a resident of the SHA. She was present to re-ceive her award, as were Several members of her family. Special acknowledgments wcre made to a group of v°lunteers who come each nmnth to take part in a birthday party for those residents whose birthdays fall in that n^onth. The volunteers sing Slovenian songs for the residents and provide good humor and enjoyment. Ann Tomsick, mother of orchestra leader Joey Tomsick, donates a homemade birthday cake each month. Members of the volunteers “birthday” group are: Frank Kokal, Ann Kokal, John Ko-kal, John Cech, Alice Cech, Ed Polšak, Cyril Rovanšek, Antoinette Simcic, John Lube, Ann Terček, Josephine Trunk, and Steve Valencie. A large group of volunteers received certificates of merit for their dedication to the SHA. They are: Rose Bavec, Julianna Bochenek, Nancy Boyce, Joseph Brichacek, Mary Cesnik, George Daniel, Marian Doljac, Andy Elersich, Valeria Fortuna, Mary Gerl, Helen Haffer, John Ho-kavar, Marie Hosta, Joseph Hrvatin, Josephine Klein, Mary Kokal, Nichole Lozada, Alice Lucich, Barbara Magajna, Jane Marchuk, Peter Mc-Glanery, Louis Mervar, Frances Nemanich, John Petrie, John Prosen, Mary Prosen, Mary Sell, Jimmy Slapnik, Frank Sluga, Phillip Strunk, Ann Tomsick, Pauline Tursic, Agnes Ward, Lynette Yurcho, Heather Zacharias, Mary Zakrajšek, and Joe Zgonc. Finally, also singled out for recognition were several organizations: Circles 3 and 7 of the Progressive Slovene Women of America, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Slovene Home for the Aged, and the singers for the Saturday Mass services. Not all of those honored were able to be present last Sunday. Presenting the awards to the honorees was Kit Meister, Recreational Therapist at the SHA, who also coordinates the volunteer program. In addition to this writer, other members of the SHA Board of Trustees in attendance were Marie Shaver and John Cech. Volunteers at the SHA are always welcome. If you’re interested in helping, contact the SHA for further information. Rudolph M. Susell Josefs Hair Design Waterloo Pensioners Club Reports Signs of Spring are everywhere. Not so, you say; then look at the tulips, hyacinths and crocuses. Conducting the April meeting was vice president John Prhne who did a great job. President Frank Slejko is home and recuperating. All the members wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him soon. Members, send Frank a cheery card. His address is 1156 Norwood Rd., Cleveland, OH 44103. Trip coordinator Ann Otoničar has seats open for the tour of covered bridges in Ashtabula on Tuesday, May 23rd. The Carousel on June 28 is full. John Strancar is always ready to tell us all the news from the National Health Care, Social Security and health news that is of interest to all. We find that holding our annual dinner-dance on a Sunday is a good idea. We had a nice crowd with dancing to the Sumrada Orchestra. The dinner-dance date for next year is Sunday, April 2nd. Steve Shimits, our secretary-treasurer for many years, is leaving June 1st for Iowa. As he puts it, “I want to enjoy my grandchildren.” The club is having a farewell luncheon on Tuesday, May 9. That date is also our regular meeting. Luncheon will be served after the meeting. Tickets are available by calling Tillie at 486-1505 and are $5.00 in advance. It is for members only and deadline for reservations is May 2nd. The annual picnic will be at SNPJ grounds on Wed., June 21. Dinner tickets are $7.00 with serving from 1-3 p.m. Music from 3-7 by Chuck Krivec. If you do not have a dinner ticket, admission is $2.00. Welcome to new members John and Helen Blaskovich and Bill and Hildegarde Kazen, Frank and Betty Mirti, Ed and Frances Karnak, Tillie Boyd and Joe and Marie France!. Don’t forget the May meeting on the 9th. See you there. Helen Vukčevič Meeting On Wednesday, May 17 the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 10 will honor the “Woman of the Year” who this year is Rose Micklich. A short business meeting will take place at 1 p.m. at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue, first floor. After the meeting dinner will be served. Marie Dular is the cook. Donation is $9.00. Reservations must be made in advance and deadline is May 10. Members, friends, and guests are welcome. Please call 531-5108 or 531-7635 for reservations. We hope to see many of our members in attendance. Ann Stefančič Rec. Secretary OR THE UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY (USICA) BETWEEN OCTOBER 8,1974 AND NOVEMBER 16,1984. ^YOU MAY BE A VICTIM 0F SEX DISCRIMINATION ENTITLED TO A MONETARY AWARD AND A POSITION WITH THE AGENCY. ______UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CAROLEE BRADY HARTMAN, et al„ Plaintiffs, CHARLES Z. WICK, Defendant Civil Action No. 77-2019 Judge Charles R. Richey PUBLIC NOTICE JOBS COVERED Specifically, fhe Court has found that the Agency has discriminated against women in hiring in the following jobs: •Electronic Technician (Occupational Series 856) •Foreign Language Broadcaster (Occupational Series 1048) •International Radio Broadcaster (Other) (Occupational Series 1001) •International Radb Broadcaster (English) (Occupational Series 1001) •Production Specialisi (Occupational Series 1071) •Writer/Editor (Occupational Series 1082) ’Indei30)n,Orma'iOn SpedallEt/F"8l9n A,,aire SpacWist/Forelgn Service Information Officer/Foreign Service Oflicer (Occupational Series 1085 •Radio Broadcast Technician (Occupational Series 3940) WHO IS INCLUDED be^>ot if irxhvid ual^yaM cP he?r right °U b®10«' 6inc8'h8 Coyrt ordered an alternative form of relief for them and selected women In this group will RELIEF AVAILABLE AND HOW TO OBTAIN IT agjwjBB.w. 18l9HS!r»I.N.W..SUlt9300.WM.b9wn.D.C.20006(a)a«SM5,5).Wm,kainolai,Cj^ti !9M Room 1425), 1900E Street. N.W., Washington. D.C. (8:30am-2:3o£.m.). or from area OPM ofl33oh^^ Fl00f- ^u2'1!Il!!^!ln®,0n’5"C“"J^erallquMtlonsonttiedalmfornvSlo^.fnSretimflnoOTunsel’tordie^iimlHs! Dqmotii (First Floor. P.O. Box PROCESSING OF CLAIMS en,',le™n<'0 r®1«' by showing that you applied lor one or more of the covered positions to retroactive seniority with the associated benefits and the value of any promotions you would likely have had if you had rot suffered dischninalon REQUIRED STEPS TO FILE YOUR CLAIM October 4, 1988 Bruce A Fredrickson Webster* Fredrickson 1819 H Street. N.W.. Suite 300 Washington. D.C. 20006 (202/659-8515) Date /s/ Judge Charles R. Richey United States District Court Judge Charles R. Richey 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 St. Vitus Celebrates 96 Years During July Fast The largest Slovenian Roman Catholic parish in the United States will be celebrating its 96th year as a parish during its annual Summer Festival. St. Vitus parish, located in Cleveland, will hold its annual Summer Festival on July 14, 15 and 16 on its parish grounds. The parish is located off E. 61st and St. Clair Avenue Founded in 1893 by immigrating Slovenes from the northern most republic in current Yugoslavia, St. Vitus has played an integral part in developing many persons from birth through adulthood. Some of its most distinguished parishioners are Senator Frank J. Lausche, Auxiliary Bishop A. Edward Pevec, and Common Pleas Judge August Pryatel. The Summer Festival provides a means for the parish to have Greater Clevelanders experience and share a part of the parish’s cultural and social life over the three-day period. Many activities are planned for this summer event. Dinners will be available each day, ranging from fresh fish, stuffed cabbage, smoked/-fresh sausages, to chicken and roast beef. Other foods, such as pierogis, will be available. Approximately 14 entertainment groups will also perform. Groups such as Kres (Slove- Plant Sale St. Mary’s P.T.U. Annual Plant Sale will be held May 12. A wide variety of plants will be for sale. Orders must be placed by Wed., May 3rd. For more information call 761-1725 or 944-5766. nian) Folklore Dance Group, Kashtan Ukrainian Dance Group, Polynesian/Hawaiian Revue, Joe Fedorchak Orchestra, Jeff Pecon Orchestra, and Joey Tomsick Orchestra are part of the entertainment. There may also be a cooking demonstration by the reknowned Parker’s Restaurant as well as blood pressure screenings. Two other unique aspects of this year’s Summer Festival will include the celebration of the Mass on July 15 at the scheduled 5:00 p.m. service in the Eastern (Ukrainian) Catholic Rite due to the recent Millenium celebrated by Ukrainians in 1988 (988-1988); and a series of three 1/2 hour concerts performed in the afternoon in St. Vitus Church on Sunday, July 16 only. This year’s theme is “Weekend in Slovenia.” The theme reflects upon the background and history of the founding parishioners; and successsive generations. A 12-page tabloid newspaper will be printed in conjunction with this event. The St. Vitus Slovenian Language School will also be honored due to its 40th year anniversary (1949-1989). The net proceeds from this event will be used for repair of the school roof, other maintenance work, and the newly established Endowment Fund. St. Vitus has no bingo at this event (or otherwise during the course of the year). Admission is $2.00/adult; $ 1.00/child. Children under 14 years-old must be accompanied by an adult. This is for the entertainment section. Welcome! Dobrodošli! BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E, 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor Affiliations e Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Xv>.v.%v.v.v.\v.v.v.\v.v.\v.v.v. /. liiii v.\v.v.v MARIE CLERNT Marie Clernt (nee Zamejc), 80, beloved wife of the late Louis F., mother of Louis R. and Mary Lou Galaska (Fla.), sister of Andrew, Anthony and Joseph Zupančič (dec.); grandmother of six, greatgrandmother of four. Mrs. Clernt was a school teacher at St. Vitus for many years. Family received friends at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral was Tuesday with Mass at St. Vitus Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. In Memory Editor: We are enclosing $25.00 in support of the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Joseph and Rose Baškovič who during their entire lifetime were avid readers of the paper. Mr./Mrs. Joseph S. Baškovič Cleveland, Ohio Meeting A meeting of the St. Vitus Alumni Assoc, will be held on Thursday, May 4 at 7 p.m. in the Social Room of the school auditorium. Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 In Memoriam John J. Prince (Sr.) who passed away April 26, 1967 Sadly missed by: Son:John Daughter-in-law: Hiroko Grandchildren: John Jr., Carol and Paul CATHERINE POKOPAC Catherine Pokopac (nee Levak), age 88, passed away in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Saturday, April 15. Catherine was born in Yugoslavia. She came to the United States as a young child. She was a resident of Indian Hills, Euclid, since 1983. Catherine was the widow of Mathew who died in 1952. She was the mother of Olga Steitz and George Pokopac, grandmother and greatgrandmother. She was a member of CFU No. 235. Visitation was at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Services were at St. Paul Church, E. 40 St., and burial in Calvary Cemetery. In Memory Sirs: I would like to donate $20.00 to your fine newspaper in memory of Anton and Antonia Baraga, who were the parents of Albina Zimmerman, my dear friend and relative of Cleveland, Ohio. Paul Dennis New Monmouth, NJ William H. Plymesser Third anniversary April 28, 1986 We ’ll meet again someday, / know Beyond the distant blue But until then, my dearest one. I’ll always think of you... and So / live with thoughts of you... A nd all you meant to me... and Always I can feel you near... If just in memory Sadly missed by Wife, Sylvia Mother, Alice Brothers Robert and John Grdina-Cosic Homes' 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 85 years. JOSEPH PIRTZ Joseph Pirtz, 72, a Madison, Ohio residence since 1949, passed away in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Tuesday, April 25 after a short illness. Joseph was born in Greens-burg, Pennsylvania. He came to Cleveland in 1934 and was a former resident of East 67th Street. Joseph was a U.S. Army Veteran of WWIL He was a member of SNPJ Lodge 5, the Fraternal Order of Eagles Lakeshore Aerie 2293 of Geneva, Ohio. Mr. Piertz was a former employee of Steel Improvement and Champion Steel, Orwell Forge. He retired in 1979. He was the brother of Frank W. (Warren) and Christine Ujcich (Richmond Hts.), uncle of Frank M., Michael, Christine Ujcich, Charlotte Thompson, Sheila McKnight, James Ujcich and Richard. Visitation was held at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Thursday with services today at St. Felicitas Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 Carst-Nagy Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 486-2322 “Serving the Slovenian Community.’’ FOURTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF OUR LOVING HUSBAND, FATHER, GRANDFATHER, AND FATHER-IN-LAW John J. Urbancich Died April 29, 1975 Fourteen years have passed since that sad day. The one we loved was called away. God took him home - it was His will - But in our hearts he liveth still. Sadly missed by: Wife, Dorothy, Daughter Madeline Debevec, Son John M. Son-in-law James V. Debevec, Daughter-in-law Candy Urbancich Grandsons James V. Debevec II. Mathew John Urbancich, Granddaughter Carey Jane Urbancich Slovene George Voinovich runs for Governor of Ohio The following is pari of the statement given by Cleveland Mayor George V. Voinovich yesterday in announcing his candidacy for Governor of Ohio. Some folks refer to me as the Father of Ohio’s Senior Citizen Homestead Exemp-t'on> because I was the chief House sponsor of the resolution that created it. I sponsored the resolution which stopped the drilling for 8as and oil in Lake Erie, and j^as the chief proponent in the House for the creation of the Ohio EPA. As a member of •be Finance Committee, I used my influence to get every available state dollar for education. The Republican Party again called upon me in 1978 during 'be state’s first ever tandem Hection for Governor/Lt. Governor. I was on the ticket that defeated Dick Celeste that Vear — the last time our party as won a statewide non-Judicial elected office. In 1979 I responded to the ^aH of the citizens of Iceland and returned to my doubled and bankrupt city. For the last 10 years, I have . Hd one of the most challeng-ln8 Positions in this nation — and my administration has delivered for the people of ^hio. Cleveland is now an Jio asset, not a liability. It’s he municipal miracle of the „ ^s- My city has been named 'Ml-American City” an un- Ihecedented three times. Today, let me tell you, ^ eveland is off the rocks and ^ a roll. Our neighborhoods ^better, jobs are up, and the es are down. Inherited an unbelievable financial and administrative mess from my predecessor. Our administration brought Cleveland out of default... revitalized downtown and the neighborhoods... Business, labor, and government are talking and working together. We are the most successful example of a public-private partnership in the country. Put simply, we have gotten things done. And we’re getting the job done with $55 million a year less in Federal funds than when I started as mayor., and with 1,000 fewer city employees. We are working harder and smarter... doing more with less... and we can do the same thing for the state of Ohio. Celeste began his first term with an all-time record state tax increase. And now, according to a national survey, he is again seeking the biggest tax hike in all of America’s 50 states. Ohio doesn’t need higher state taxes. The problem is not taxes... but how the money is spent. Ohio needs a governor that can manage our resources in a more efficient manner. My message to Ohioans in the next 18 months will be a very simple one — it’s time for a change. We can do better in Ohio. Ohio deserves efficient leadership and management at the top of state government. In Memory Joseph Jenc of Seven Hills, Ohio donated $50.00 to the American Home in memory of his 97-year-old mother Mary Jenc of Euclid, Ohio, who passed away April 5. PRAYER VIGIL requested by St. Stephen’s Baraga Association of Chicago PRAYER 0 Wv Cod, 1 adore Your infinite Majesty with all the pow-e^J of my soul. I thank You for 1 e graces and gifts which You ‘d bestow upon Your faithful cr\'ant, Frederic Baraga. I ask °u to glorify him also on earth. °r this end I beseech You to ifioitt me the favor which 1 hum-' as^ from Your Fatherly ^ Amen. Uf Father, Hail Mars, hlorY be to the Father... molimo ^ hog. : vsemi močmi lJJ. duše tnolim tvoje nes-^oMičasno. Zahvalim se naklonliOS,iindarOVe’kisijih slu*nh ; mfimu western V, Frederiku Baragu ia„J ga lud> na zemlji! V H^ieponiinoprosim, us- zatekam i Pro}n>0- s ka,ero Usm,, kh'<>Jmu očetovskemu ' ••• Amen. bodi e ni‘S Zdrava Murija, čast zvestemu We ask you to join us in daily prayer for our pastor of St. Stephen’s Church, Father Thadeus Trpin, O.F.M., that he will be given full recovery from his suffering. Please say the prayer of intercession to Bishop Frederic Baraga, our Slovenian-American sainthood candidate, with this intention. Thank you and God bless you. Prosimo vas, da se nam pridružite v naši skupni molitvi za zdravje patra Tadeja Trpina, župnika pri sv. Štefanu v Chicagu, ki je hudo bolan. Molimo za njegovo popolno okrevanje! V ta namen vas prosimo, da vsak dan zmolite sledečo molitev k škofu Frideriku Baragu. Quarterly Economic Outlook by Daniel Pavšek Chief Economist A merit rust • Growth in real Gross National Product will be bolstered by a recovery of farm output to normal levels following last year’s drought-reduced output. Excluding this factor, we expect the economy to expand 2.9% in 1989. • Higher interest rates will slow the expansion later in the year, but we expect the economy will avoid a recession in 1989. However, as we enter 1990 the likelihood of a mild recession occuring early in the year will increase. • The onus of higher interest rates is beginning to have a negative impact on consumer demand for autos and other interest rate-sensitive items. • After posting strong gains in construction and sales activity during the fourth quarter, we expect a substantial slowdown in housing demand for the first quarter and for most of 1989. • Business investment spending is not expected to match the double-digit growth recorded in 1988. • The rate of improvement in the U.S. net export position during the first quarter, and throughout much of 1989, is not expected to match the pace observed in 1988. • Long-run progress in reducing the U.S. trade deficit hinges largely on progress in reducing the U.S. budget deficit. The federal budget deficit is expected to widen in 1989. • The long-neglected crisis in the savings and loan industry is finally being given the attention that it should have received years ago. • We expect interest rates to peak early in the third quarter and then decline toward the end of the year or in early 1990. Changing seasons brings about depression in some QUESTION: It seems that every winter 1 get very depressed, and I just can’t snap out of it. But in the summer, I’m fine. What could be wrong with me? ANSWER: You may have a type of major mood disturbance called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which affects thousands of otherwise normal people each winter. This disorder seems to be caused by chemical changes in the brain that are triggered by reduced exposure to sunlight during the winter months. Typically, people with SAD feel lethargic and severely depressed; gain weight; and need more sleep during the winter. When spring comes, their mood changes dramatically. They feel euphoric and have boundless energy. They may even do things that are out of character, such as going on spending sprees. The usual coping mechanisms for depression do not help people with SAD. However, a treatment called phototherapy is helpful. Throughout the winter, patients periodically sit in front of special high-intensity-full-spectrum lights. Exposure to these lights prevents the winter depression and the springtime highs for many people with seasonal affective disorder. Dr. Joseph Calabrese (M.D.) Dept, of Psychiatry Cleveland Clinic Diet Prevention of Cancer Question: I’ve read that scientists think diet and nutrition may be related to the development of certain cancers. Can you tell me what diet guidelines they suggest for the prevention of cancer? Answer: Making wise choises about your daily diet promotes good nutrition and may reduce your risk for developing certain cancers. The American Cancer Society recommends the following nutritional guidelines: • 1. Avoid obesity • 2. Decrease total fat intake. • 3. Eat more high-fiber foods, such as whole-grain cereals, fruits and vegetables. • 4. Eat foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E daily. • 5. Include cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, or brussel sprouts. • 6. Be moderate in alcohol consumption. • 7. Use smoked, salt- and nitrate-cured foods in moderation. Be sure to follow your doctor’s specific dietary recommendations if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or any other medical problem that is affected by diet. If you would like more information, please write for the free booklet, “Dietary Guidelines to Reduce Cancer Risk,” from The Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center, One Clinic Center, 9500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44195. John H. Raaf, M.D., D. Phil. Director Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center Mother’s Day concert in Lemont, III. Slovenska Pesem Chorus is presenting their annual concert on Sunday, May 14 at St. Mary’s Seminary Church in Lemont after the 2:30 p.m. May devotions. The Mother’s Day concert is dedicated to the Blessed Mother and all mothers. There is no admission charge, but donations to the church will be appreciated. Happy Birthday Birthday greetings from Emilee’s Beauty salon to Marie Orazem, Eddie Bril, Suzi Snyder and Robert Novak. IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT’ £ sP NDEPENDENT SAVINGS BANK Computed dally, Compounded monthly • 6 Month to 36 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ‘Balance* $1,000 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. FSLIC • ederai Savings t loan Intuianra Corp Your Savings Insured to $100.000 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper, the oldest independent Slovenian paper in the world. Mrs. Gizella Hozian, Des Plaines, 111. — $9.00 Mrs. Majda Ambrožič, Thornhill, Ont., Canada — $11.00 Frank Osredkar, Toronto — $10.00 Jennie Zakrajšek, Willowick, O., in memory of her brother Stanley Škrlj, — $5.00 Mary Strancar, Cleveland — $10.00 Rose Chandek, Cleveland — $10.00 Franc Lajner, Midland, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Mrs. Mary Fakult, Cleveland — $9.00 Louis and Mitzi Champa, Maple Hts., O., in memory of Mrs. Paula Stampfel — $10.00 Rose Bavec, Cleveland, in memory of the 20th anniversary of her husband, John Bavec, and the 15th anniversary of her son-in-law, Joseph Kovacic — $14.00 Helen M. Fonda, Cleveland — $15.00 Mrs. Mary Noggy, Euclid, O. — $10.00 Rev. Aloysius Zitko, Oakland, Calif. — $14.00 Rev. Ignatius Strancar, San Bernardino, Calif. — $24.00 Dr. Anthony Ravnik, El Cerrito, Calif. — $14.00 Mrs. Rudy (Caroline) Lokar, Euclid — $10.00 Max Music, Consort, Alberta, Canada — $5.00 Vinko Ivanc, Euclid — $5.00 Postotnik Art Saie Daniel Postotnik, nationally known earthenware artist, will have some of his pottery works for sale at the annual Spring Studio Sale and Open House of the the Artcraft Studios on Sunday, May 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 2570 Superior Ave., 6th floor. Seven other artists will also have their works on display and for sale. For further information call (216) 589-9371. Besides having his earthenware crafts pictured at various times on the cover and inside pages of the Sunday Plain Dealer. Postotnik’s pottery has also been the subject of a feature story recently in the New York Times when his works were on display in New York. Postotnik’s pottery artistry is gaining wider recognition each year. A word to the wise is sufficient. Dan Jr. is the son of Mollie and Dan Postotnik Sr. of the St. Vitus area in Cleveland. Kres Dance The folklore dance group Kres will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a dinner and performance at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue on Sunday, Sept. 3rd. St. Vitus Mothers Meet May 3 The St. Vitus Mother’s Club will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 3. They will begin with Crowning and Mother’s Club Corporate Communion at 6:30 p.m. at St. Vitus Church. Please be there at 6:15. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in the service. After church service, the monthly meeting will be held with Sister Ann Marie Kanusek, principal of the School, as guest speaker. Her topic is the school, past, present, and future. Refreshments will be served. Reaches 100th Year Editor: Our mother, Mary Ocvirk Sr. was 100 years old on December 1, 1988. She has been having a lot of difficulty reading newspapers including the Ameriška Domovina and therefore we must cancel the twice weekly paper. She enjoyed the Domovina as long as she could read. Our check in the amount of $21.00 is for the Friday only edition. We like to read the news in the English section. Joseph Ocvirk Cheswick, Pa. Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) Has Your Car Been Rustproofed Lately? MARIO’S Rust Control Rustproofing SPECIAL THRU MAY 31 Quality Work and Low Prices 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE You are welcome to stay and see how rustproofing should really be done. USED CARS NEW CARS $99.oo Slovenes Participate in Pittsburgh Folk Festival The Slovenian Heritage featured by each participating Association (of Pittsburgh) will participate in the 33rd Annual Pittsburgh Folk Festival to be held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center on Friday, May 26, Saturday, May 27 and Sunday, May 28. Summer Festival of Slovenian Music and Dance is the theme for the Slovenians this year. Music will be provided on stage by the Tony Klepec Orchestra. Darlene Balog Fe-jka and Frank Kalik are Co-Directors and choreographer. Sixty plus members of the Slovenian Heritage Association will perform on stage in authentic costume. On the Slovenian menu will be home made noodle soup, beef goulash with bread and polenta, roast pork, dumplings and sauerkraut, klobase, cheese pillows, potato salad, blood sausage, jellied pigs feet, apricot filled doughnuts, cheese and apple strudel, walnut bread and assorted pastries. Sample a new taste treat or savor your homemade favorite. Ethnic foods will be group. The Slovenian display booth will feature the world’s most-celebrated holiday, “Veseli Rojstni Dan!” - Happy Birthday! The booth depicts a Slovenian home ready to celebrate a family member s special day, complete with traditional flower-ornamented cake. Come celebrate with Slovenia. Slovenian Heritage members dressed in Slovenian attire will be waiting to assist you with dolls, blouses, lace, crystal, jewelry and articles too numerous to mention. AT&T will participate with an exhibit featuring the latest telephone equipment affording a popular 2-minute complimentary “phone home line abroad. Hours are Friday, 4-11. Saturday 1-11 and Sunday, 1-9. Admission is $4.00 in advance, $5.00 at the door, $2.00 for children 6-12. Under six there is no charge. Ticket chairpersons are Joe and Mary Sprohar (412) 687-2028. Attention All Brides The American Home Publishing Co. offers a complete line of Wedding Invitations and Accessories for the bride-to-be. Several books are available to choose from and all at a 20% discount for Ameriška Domovina subscribers. Shop around and compare prices. You will agree the American Home offers the BEST IN QUALITY AND PRICES. Groups Are Asked to Make Positions Known August B. Pust, Executive Assistant, Ethnic Affairs of the City of Cleveland, is asking groups or individuals who are interested in the possible “Partner Cities” program with the city of Volgograd, for or against, to let their positions be known by either writing a letter directly to Council President George Forbes with a copy to Mayor Voinovich or get in touch with Pust at City Hall by calling him at 664-3534. The Emergency Resolution as presented by Councilman Dale Miller will be discussed further in a committee meeting sometime in May, then it will be voted upon shortly thereafter. A 2/3 majority of Cleveland Council is needed for passage. ANNUAL MEETING Slovene Home for the Aged — Friday, May 19, 1989 — Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Tel. 361-4088 USED PICKUPS OR VANS NEW PICKUPS OR VANS WITH WARRANTY s135>»160 *160 ”185 Call for Appointment 531-3355 • 692-0826 16901 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELAND. OHIO Registration: 7 p.m. — Meeting: 7:30 p.m. All members of the Slovene Home for the Aged are invited to attend this important membership meeting. Members of the Board of Trustees will present reports, there will be discussion of items important to the SHA, and there will he elections to the Board of Trustees. Members of the SHA are those who have ever contributed at least $25.00 to the Slovene Home for the Aged. Maksim Gaspari — The Slovenian Painter from magazine Slovenija The famous painter Maksim Gaspari was born on January 26, 1883, in the village of SelŠček near Begunje in the Notranjsko region of Slovenia. His father was a timber merchant, native of Friuli, and his mother a local Peasant girl. At first the boy attended a secondary school, but soon itad to abandon it and become a tradesman. Since he was an excellent drawer, he attracted •he attention of the Kamnik yeterinary, N. Sadnikar, who advised the boy to enter the Applied Arts School in Ljubljana. 'n 1902 Gaspari went to Vien-na and was admitted to the Graphic Institute. He devoted himself to drawing and study, visited art exhibitions, became acquainted with Slovene and Groat students at the Vienna aiming Academy (G. Birolla, ■ Peruzzi, S. Šantel, I. ^eŠtrovič and others) and fre-'laented in their company the nevvly founded Slovene art s°ciety, “Vesna” whose motto 'Vas. ‘‘From the People, For 'he People.” As late as 1903 'he door of Vienna Art ^cademy opened to Gaspari. i ^he* future painter began to hrdy with renewed vigour and ! he first flowers appeared in *s art garden. (“The ;°othache,” “the Lark will Kly>” “The Girl and the H” etc.) ■aspari found inspiration for .s Voung art mainly in the ^ynamic and rich artistic life ^ 'he capital of Austria-s.Un8ary. There was a succes-°n of exhibitions with native 'heir foreign artists putting works on show. 'jaspari saw the exhibitions p ^ench impressionists and ^L.G'Hapressionists, the ex-u'ons of Segantini and ^dler, Boecklin and others. ter he was primarily in- 'n m°dern art 'hal was Njamly flowering in the Art au movement. The N°uve thg11^ Painter was inspired by titu?ew art’s almost sacred at-Itj e 'o^ard artistic creation, sPec'f0r*C* °L i^635 anc^ 'ts t^h* ,lcally new, formal and pCal achievements. tesp r0rTI Glaspari’s cor-hjs .^ence we learn about Q, °f the paintings of Co,hD II^t anc* Segantini’s °S't'0ns which were also DresJCc*, hy the Slovene im-li, Painter Grohar. Self,D Gaspari painted his 0r,rait which at first had ^i'h j^^P0861* fully in accord Lhe Poriod, as a triptych. a[ater later rejected this ,hatur„ he self-portrait is a ’he a. w°rL of art reflecting Hi ?sPhere of the period, O^it was created, and Khe cha^0* youn8 artist- ture, the color scale is in minor key and the artist looks in the distance. In short, this melancholy mood at that time was part of artistic creation in general. The painting of his self-portrait was also Gaspari’s way of saying good-bye to Vienna. ^ho\ ^’eristic fin de siecle y Pervades the pic- M. Gaspari Self-portrait (1905) Due to desperate lack of money he had to abandon his studies in Vienna and continue his artistic education on his own. The year 1907 saw Gaspari and his friend H. Smrekar in Munich where Gaspari continued his studies and began to work. It was here that the beautiful “Peasant Couple” and illustrations of Kette poems were done. In 1908 Gaspari returned to Kamnik where his friend and patron N. Sadnikar, offered him a studio. He began to paint and paid occasional visits to Ljubljana and to his father who lived at Rakek. In 1911 Gaspari married and permanently settled in Ljubljana. Since in those times freelance artists were unable to make a living, the painter had to look for a more stable source of income. He was first a secondary school teacher and then taught at the art school, Pobuda. In 1928 he was appointed restorer with the Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana and remained at this post until his well-deserved retirement in 1952. Gaspari’s art is manifold. He preferred motifs from peasant life remaining true to the motto of the Vesna society: “From the People, For the People.” He consciously followed popular traditions, but his pictorial expression, artistically refined, grew close to the understanding of the common people. “From cradle to grave” - as he wrote once - he was following the life of the Slovene nation, mostly its holiday and optimistic aspects. The early works (Peasant Couples) are about young love. The artist was then convinced that his art would be devoted to Eros. But later his scope widened including peasant customs, weddings, serenaders, carollers, village eccentrics, tenth brothers and sisters, beggars, typical village professions, and the like. In brief, Gaspari became a poet of the cosy, little Slovene Slovenian Wedding (1937) home; its life and fortunes as reflected in his compositions. Another field in which Gaspari achieved artistic success was the illustration. The Art Nouveau movement (Secession) produced strong stimuli for the outflowering of the illustration, and the artist soon devoted himself to this genre. The illustrations of Kette’s poems (1907) have already been mentioned. They were followed by drawings for “The Turks Before St. Tilen” by Slapšak, by illustrations of Milčinski’s “Fairy-Tales” 1012, together with G. Birolla), and by illustrations of “The Tenth Brother,” “The Marauders,” and “The Autumn Flowers.” But these are only his main illustrations; it would be impossible to mention all the books, magazines, yearbooks and peasant calendars containing Gaspari’s drawings. Still, ‘‘The First Reader” (1929) deserves to be mentioned since numerous Slovene artists in their youth found their first inspiration in his illustrations of this primer. The caricature occupies a special place in Gaspari’s art. This genre too has its roots in Art Nouveau which was fond of ideal beauty, but also wanted to see its distorted face - the caricature (e.g. Simplizissimus) and the associated criticism of society and its manners. Gaspari’s caricature appeared already in his Viennese days (The Wasp) and occasionally kept him company throughout his long development. Of the numerous caricatures that also reflected the political life at home, the drawings of artists, writers and other personalities in the public eye should also be mentioned. Last, but not least, there are Gaspari’s picture post-cards which were published as occasional illustrations of Slovene folk songs or on various holidays. It is safe to say that these little pictoral “swallows” reached every Slovene household. The contribution of these “ambassadors” to the artistic and aesthetic education of the common people cannot be overstressed. What was the individual artistic development of Gaspari as a painter duirng long creative years? There has already been a mention of the melancholy years of his early stay in Vienna. In a formal sense the then Gaspari’s painting strikes one as a little awkward and naive, but rich in poetry. This period, which reached its climax in his illustrations, especially those of Kette’s poems, lasted until about 1920 when the artist settled in Ljubljana and became restorer with the Ljubljana Ethnographic Museum. In the meantime, the Art Nouveau movement was long over and a void suddenly developed around the artist. But in the next stage of his growth his Muse grew more matter-of-fact, more realistic in the academic sense, though it did not lack poetry and humor either. The supreme achievement of this new aspirations in the thirties is represented by his “Peasant Wedding” (1937). This was Gaspari’s great fulfilment for which he had been preparing and striving all his life. He made numerous sketches and drawings of details, looked for models, studied national costumes and ethnographic items, and created a beautiful composition, both formally and intrinsically a great work of art. “The Peasant Wedding” gave new impulses to Gaspari, and this period saw the emergence of successful compositions and illustrations. About 1950, however, new elements appeared in the artist’s growth. His art grew increasingly picturesque, the painter began to neglect details and to create his visions with brushstrokes that became more and more relaxed. And there is another trait in Gaspari’s art, especially as regards its content. His old optimistic world, seasoned with a pinch of humor, began to crumble and was being replaced by a different, restless and even malignant vision of the world. It appears that a door to a new mysterious view of the world began to open before the master who has seen so much suffering in his life. For his artistic work and for his great services in bringing the art closer to the people, the master Maksim Gaspari became in 1972 member of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and the Arts. In 1952 he was awarded the Prešeren Prize, and in 1973 he received the Order of Labour with the Red Flag. Maksin Gaspari died in Ljubljana in November of 1980. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 IŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 28, 1989 8 St. Clair Pensioners Sponsor Successful Dinner on Sunday On Sunday, April 23 (he St. Clair Pensioners club sponsored their annual dinner for members and guests at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Cook was Mrs. Krulc. Pictured here enjoying the excellent meal are Chris and Frank Glavan, Ann Krajc, Fran Jakomin and Sister Ticket seller Bertha Vidmar tries her luck with Stan Kuhar and his wife. Three folks having a good time are Rosemary Godic, Anges Shine and Jo Mohorčič. Masculine mixologists are Adolph Kotnik and John Oster. (Photos by Emilee Jenko) Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, exactly 50 years after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Favorite Recipe BARBECUE STEAK 1/4 cup flour Dash pepper 11/2 pounds round steak (3/4” thick) 2 tablespoons oil 1 can French onion soup 1/2 cup ketchup Combine flour and seasoning; pour into steak. Cut into serving-size pieces. In skillet, brown steak in oil; pour off fat. Add soup and ketchup. Cover; simmer 1 1/2 hours or until done. Stir often. 4 servings. BUTTER CREAM SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs 2 cups granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 cup Sapphire flour 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder I !/2 cups Sapphire flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup sweet milk scalded with 6 tablespoons butter or other shortening. Beat eggs and sugar until light. Sift flour before measuring. Sift 1 1/2 cups flour with salt. Add to egg mixture, stirring only enough to blend. Gradually add hot milk and butter. Add 1/4 cup flour sifted with baking powder. Add vanilla, stir until smooth. Pour batter, which is quite thin, into well greased floured cake pan 13x9. Bake 40 minutes at 375 degrees. When cool, top with rich orange cream icing. Note: This batter can also be used for cup cakes. Gene Drobnič '5' Life’s Recipe Given by a grandmother to her granddaughter. 1 cup of good thoughts I cup of kind deeds 1 cup of consideration for others 2 cups of sacrifice for others 3 cups of forgiveness 2 cups of well beaten faults Mix these thoroughly and add tears of joy and sorrow and sympathy for others. Flavor with little gifts of love and kindly service. Fold in 4 cups of prayer and faith to lighten other ingredients and raise the texture to great height of Christian living. After pouring all this into your daily life, bake well with the heart of human kindness. Serve with a smile. Submitted by Ivana Vegel Hvala Editor: Hvala! for all the extra help in publishing our articles for the Slovenian National Art Guild and the generous space given. Doris Sadar Willoughby Hills, O. Shrine Opens Sunday, May 7 The Shrine and Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes,-21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, invites all parishes, schools, Catholic organizations and various lay groups to visit the Shrine this year. Opening day will be on Sunday, May 7. The Reverend Theodore Marszal, STD, Rector of the Diocesan Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, will officiate. Extra Masses will be scheduled to accommodate the crowds usually attending opening day ceremonies. During the pilgrimage season, the St. Ann Dining Room will be open to the general public on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For any other day, reservations for 100 or more are required for dinner in the Dining Room. The gift and card shops are open year round from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. For arrangements for pilgrimages, Day of Recollection or use of the Conference Room, please call Sister Anastasia (216) 481-8232. Prayerfully yours, Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity Thanks Special thanks to the St. Clair Pensioners Club who donated $15.00 for the Ameriška Domovina. Party Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 25 has a Mother of the Year party for Jennie Strumbel on Tuesday, May 9th at Sterle’s Restaurant in Cleveland. For reservations, please call Jo Mohorčič at 361-0334 or Mitzi Andrews 881-1068. City needs Lifeguards Michael D. Polenšek, Cleveland Councilman, Ward 11, announces the City of Cleveland’s Recreation department is in desperate need of lifeguards to work this summer at city-owned and operated swimming pools. The only requirements are that you have advanced life saving training. Lifeguards are needed at the following pools: Tromba, Grovewood, and Neff. For further information call Mr. Luther Demery, Aquatics Manager or Mike Dutko, Assistant Aquatics Manager at 664-2566 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. One of God's Arrangements Is That After Winter There Should Come Beautiful Spring Days. It Happens Every Year And it Happens In Every Life! AMLA Lodge 6 Mother’s Day Dinner AMLA Lodge 6 members who still have not phoned in their reservations and plan to attend the Mother’s Day Dinner have until Saturday, April 29 to make their reservation. Call Mary Petrie at 481-7167. AMLA Lodge 6 Reschedules Class Due to the AMLA Lodge 6 Mother’s Day Dinner, there will be no Lodge 6 Slovenian Class on Thursday, May 4th. This class has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 11 at 7 p.m. Thanks Mrs. Frances Persin, formerly of Revere Ave. in Cleveland, and now residing at the Little Sisters of the Poor Home, wants to thank all her wonderful friends for their flowers, prayers, cards and gifts during her recent stay at the hospital. She says she loves them all and God bless them- Her address now is: Little Sisters of the Poor, 4291 Richmond Rd., Cleveland, OH 44122. In Memory Editor: Enclosed is a check in the amount of $30.00. $21 is for renewal of our subscription, and $9.00 is for the paper’s support, in memory of John Mlakar. Louise Mlakar Euclid, Ohio 1938 Class Picnic St. Vitus Class of 1938 Firs' Annual Picnic will be held Sunday, July 23 beginning at 12 noon. All class members, their spouse or a guest are invited to attend. The place is Emily (Medveš) and Phil DiDonato’s acreage on Route 6 in Mont-ville, Ohio, eight miles east of Chardon. For more information contact Emily at 943-2644. Anthony B. Sajovic A Speedy Recovery Get well soon wishes go out to Angela Winter who had a bad fall and is no'*' recuperating at home. She suffered a dislocated shoulder and is slowly healing. Angela is getting restless at home due to the fact she 's usually so active doioS volunteer work for ma1^ organizations. Her address is 3514 E. 81 St-’ Cleveland, OH 44105. Sustarsic Benefit A champagne brunch is be’11 planned for the re-electi0^ campaign of Euclid C°un cilman Jerald Sustarsic. , ^ It will be held at the Spanlg Manor Party center, 1361 260 St., Euclid on SuncW’ May 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 P-The price per person is To make reservations . 261-9860 days or 731^ evenings. All checks must ^ made payable to Fr'enC*s ate Jerald Sustarsic (no corP0 [0 checks please), and mail6 Friends of Jerald Sustars^ 595 Willow Drive, Euclid- 44132. i r r 1: t t v r t fc a t s P It a, tt o ŠI T b, U] 7, P< bi ra 'i V FOR Freedom AND Justice 9 No. 33 Ameriška Domovina fciiTj i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Friday, April 28, 1989 VOL. 91 Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Prepovedana številka »Mladine« bo le izšla Več žensk in otrok ubitih v kosovskih izgredih v marcu — Požari in eksplozije LJUBLJANA, Slovenija — Tričlanski senat ljubljanskega okrožnega sodišča, ki mu predseduje Emil Zakonjšek, je razveljavi sklep javnega tožilca v Ljubljani, po katerem ni smela iziti številka tednika »Mladi-na« z dne 14. aprila. Glavni urednik »Mladi-ne« Robert Botteri je dejal, da bo začasno Prepovedana številka kmalu prišla v javno Prodajo z originalno vsebino. Botteri je tlenja, da je najbolj verjetno, da je javni tožilec ukrepal zoper omenjeno številko »Mladine«, ker oblasti niso želele, da bi JPorna vsebina prišla v javnost pred sejo vodstva jugoslovanske komunistične partije, k' je bila pretekli teden. »Mladina« je namreč objavila krajši uvodniški članek o Vogi vojske v jugoslovanski družbi. Med drugim je članek trdil, da Jugoslavijo že da-Pes vodi nekakšna »tiha« vojaška diktatura 'n da vojska operira izven kontrole oziroma neodvisno od vlade in komunistične partije, j ^alje, uvodniški članek trdi, da sta vojska in Policija poslali posebno izurjene enote na Kosovo, da med pripadniki teh enot so bili j tudi »morilci z izpranimi možgani« (brain-i "'ashed killers). Vojska naj bi nastopala na I Kosovu na neodgovoren in dezorganiran na-tPn. Tako »Mladina« kot drugi slovenski tisk \ Sedaj.p,Qtrjuje, da je bilo v marčevskih izgre-j dih na Kosovu ubitih več žensk in otrok. Tisk v Sloveniji zadnje tedne več in več Poroča o pogostejših primerih terorizma. ako naj bi bilo na Kosovu v zadnjem času ^ gozdnih požarov, ki so bili podtaknjeni. J Posebni nevarnosti so novinarji, ki poro-aJ° kritično predvsem o srbski politiki. aKo je neki novinar, ki je kritiziral izjave ^Kega srbskega pisatelja, ki je bil trdil, da je L)raža Mihajlovič prvi gverilec v Evropi, °ral svoj dom z družino nekaj časa zapu-. 'o* ker je prejel toliko groženj po telefonu a Pošti. V nekaterih primerih je prišlo do 'unih obračunov, ko so skrajneži napadli Plinarje. V Hrvatski je bilo v zadnjih ted-j1. Uekaj bombnih eksplozij, ki jih pripisu-|jJ°va*‘ »provokatorjem« iz srbskih naciona-'enih vrst, ali baje obnovljenemu hrvaške-? Ustaškemu gibanju. Hrvatski skrajneži v anJi čas baje dvigajo glave in so začeli go-111 o tem, da je hrvatski narod ogrožen od vpitega srbskega nacionalizma. Srbski i 'onalisti namreč pišejo in govorijo o sla-111 Položaju Srbov v hrvatski republiki. anes popoldne napovedana izstrelitev v asi Veso*-ie zrakoplova Atlantisa s petimi r°navti — Izstrelitev bo ob 2.24 popoldne t'jakCAPE CANAVERAL> Fla- ~ Strokov-’ven* ^^A so danes zjutraj sredi izstreli-postoPKa za zrakoplov Atlantis. str |.ne b° Prišlo do tehnične okvare, je iz-Nd* CV A,*ant'sa napovedana za 2.24 po-leVj Ile’ Ustrelitev bodo tekoče prenašala te-astr 1JSKe družbe. V vesolje bo potovalo pet je tudi prva ženska, ki bo Tq j Ves°lje po nesreči Challengerja 1. 1986. bo (r ^r' Mary L. Cleave. Med poletom, ki »ttn *Jal ^*ri dni, bodo astronavti izpustili boo r S°n^ Z ‘rnenorn Magellan, ki tehta Vr r°V- RaKete na sondu ga bodo nato btiQ ^ c Proti Veneri, kjer bo sond z izre-raZ,Uea,!inČ^mi naPravami zbiral podatke o ?aPrv[a na tem skrivnostnem planetu. Gre unieriški sond, poslan proti kateremu planetu, vse od leta 1978, torej so ameriški znanstveniki nad tem dogodkom zelo veseli in pričakujejo obilico važnih podatkov. Pod pogojem seveda, da bo vse potekalo po načrtu. Sond stane več sto milijonov dolarjev. 150.000 večinoma mladih Kitajcev se udeležilo demonstracije v Beijingu — Oblasti se obnašale previdno — Študentje in delavci BEIJING, Ki. — Včeraj je bila v tem glavnem kitajskem mestu največja »neuradna« in sicer celo prepovedana demonstracija, odkar so komunisti prevzeli oblast 1. 1949. Najmanj 150.000 univerzitetnih in drugih študentov, a tudi več tisoč delavcev in drugih Kitajcev se je udeležilo te demonstracije, ki je izražala splošno nezadovoljstvo z razmerami v deželi. Demonstracija je bila velika klofuta za oblastniški razred, ki je demonstracijo prepovedala, očitno pa ni pričakovala, da bo tako množična. Vrste policistov in skušale demonstrante zadržati, a jim to ni uspelo. Do spopadov ni prišlo, ker so policisti popustili. Poleg tistih, ki so se demonstracije udeležili, jih je ploskalo med korakanjem po mestu do milijona drugih Kitajcev, med njimi je pa bilo tudi veliko navadnih delavcev, kar je za režim zelo nevaren signal. Opazovalci kitajskih razmer soglašajo, da bodo morale oblasti kmalu odločneje reagirati, sicer se utegnejo demonstracije razširjati in postajati radikalnejše glede zahtev po demokraciji in reformi sistema. Gorbačov okrepil svoj položaj s čistko v centralnem komiteju partije — Odšlo v pokoj več takoimenovanih »okostnjakov« MOSKVA, ZSSR — Pretekli torej je bila izredna seja centralnega komiteja sovjetske komunistične partije. Proti pričakovanju tujih opazovalcev, je prišlo do nove čistke v najvišjem partijskem telesu. Več kot 80 članov, pomožnih članov in članov partijskega nadzorskega odbora je odšlo v pokoj, med najbolj vidnimi je bil bivši dolgoletni zunanji minister ter član politbiroja in nekaj časa predsednika ZSSR Andrej Gromiko. Večinoma so odstranjeni funkcionarji res bili precej v letih — najstarejši je bil 88-letni Anatoli Kuznjecov —, vzrok za njihov odhod pa je brez dvoma bil, da niso soglašali s Gorbačove politiko temeljitih gospodarskih in političnih reform. Sovjetski tisk je začel objavljati govore, podane na seji, kar je tudi nekakšna novost. Nekateri govorniki so vsaj posredno kritizirali tudi Gorbačova zaradi raznih napak in še neizpolnjenih obljub glede gospodarskega napredka. Mnogi člani centralnega komiteja so precej podrobno opisali težave, s katerimi se sovjetski državljani dnevno srečujejo. Slišati je bilo tudi mnenj nekaterih visokih funkcionarjev, ki so bili kritični do pojava v njihovih očeh preveč demokratičnosti v sovjetski družbi zadnji čas. Med temi je bil npr. Valeri T. Saikin, moskovski župan, ki se je pritožil zaradi vse preveč pozornosti do pravic, ki jih naj imajo kriminalci in zaporniki. Med zanimivostmi na seji je bila polemika o tem, ali naj bi odstranili Leninovo truplo iz mavzoleja na Rdečem trgu in ga pokopali ali celo sežgali. To je bil predlagal Mark Zaharov, ki vodi neko gledališče. To, kar se sedaj dogaja v zvezi z oboževanjem Lenina, je bil dejal Zaharov, naredi iz Lenina nekakšno turistično atrakcijo. Več govornikov je Zaharovo idejo ostro kritiziralo in ni pričakovati, da bo Lenin končno pokopan, kot je bilo v obdobju Nikite Hruščova pokopano truplo Stalina. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo to nedeljo— To nedeljo od 11.30 do 2. bo v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. kosilo v korist Slov. doma za ostarele. Vstopnice so po $10 (otroke: $5). Kosilo se bo lahko vzelo domov. Popoldne bodo nastopili harmonikarski ansambli in tudi Alpski sekstet. Materinska proslava— Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu priredi v nedeljo, 7. maja, ob 3. pop. v farni dvorani Materinsko proslavo. Vljudno ste vabljeni, da se te proslave udeležite. V tiskovni sklad— Klub upokojencev za St. Clair okolico je daroval $15 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Iskrena hvala! Novi grobovi Ivana Zelko Umrla je 90 let stara Ivana Zelko, vdova po Stephenu, mati Franka in Stephena, 7-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Franka in Angele Rolih (oba že pok.). Pogreb bo iz Zak zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Vida dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na Kalvarijo. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 3. do 5. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele na Neff Road. Mary Spehek Umrla je 81 let stara Mary Spehek, sestra Charlesa ter že pok. Therese Strumbel in An-thonyja, svakinja Stelle. Pogreb bo iz Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. danes, v petek, v cerkev sv. Vida dop. ob 10. in od tam na Kalvarijo. Joseph Pirtz V torek, 25. aprila, je v Me-ridia Euclid bolnišnici po kratki bolezni umrl 72 let stari Joseph Pirtz z Madisona, O., kjer je živel od 1. 1949, rojen v Greensburgu, Pa., od koder je prišel 1. 1934 ter živel na E. 67 St., brat Franka (Warren, O.) in Christine Ujcich, stric, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, zaposlen pri Steel Improvement, Champion Steel in Orwell Forge, v pokoj je šel 1. 1979, član SNPJ št. 5. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes, v cerkev sv. Felicite in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Mathew T. Valencie V ponedeljek, 24. aprila, je umrl v prometni nesreči v mestu New York, kjer je študiral pravo na pravni fakulteti Columbia univerze (povozil ga je tovornjak) 38 let stari Mathew T. Valencie, doma iz Wake-man, Ohio, sin Mathiasa in Marge Valencie, brat Dorothy (dalje na str. 1 2) Seja in počastitev— Podr. št. 14 SŽZ bo imela počastitev svoje Matere leta, Josephine Lustig, v torek, 2. maja, v SDD na Recher Ave. Večerja se bodo pričela ob 6. zv. Članice lepo vabljene. Voinovich želi biti guverner— Včeraj je župan George V. Voinovich uradno naznanil, da bo republikanski kandidat za guvernerja Ohia na volitvah prihodnje leto. Župan Clevelanda je že deset let. Odločil se je tako zgodaj, ker mu županski mandat poteka že novembra letos. Več kandidatov obeh strank je menda čakalo na njegovo odločitev glede županstva. Nekateri bi ne kandidirali za župana, ako bi bil Voinovich iskal ponovno izvolitev. V republikanski stranki utegne imeti Voinovich precej težav, posebno v južnih delih države. Slab vtis, ki ga je bil napravil na mnoge volivce med lansko neuspelo senatno kampanjo, bo tudi moral premagati. V demokratski stranki sicer zelo nepriljubljen guverner Richard Celeste ne more po državni ustavi za to mesto l. 1990 kandidirati, trenutno je najbolj verjetni kandidat državni tožilec Celebrezze. V tem slučaju bi imeli volivci dve izrazito etnični imeni na izbiro, kar bi Voinovichu sicer ne škodovalo, čeprav je ime Celebrezze v ohijski politiki zelo znano in spoštovano. Nevaren republikanski tekmec za imenovanje pa utegne biti Robert Taft ml., seveda tudi zelo znano ime, posebno v republikanskih krogih. Tako bo najbrž Voinovicheva pot do guvernerske palače v Columbusu zelo težka. Viki Ašič ansambel— V Clevelandu bo 11., 12. in 14. maja pod sponzorstvom U.S.S. gostoval Viki Ašič ansambel iz Slovenije. 11. maja bo nastop v Slov. domu na W. 130 St., 12. maja (petek) bo koncert v »kabaretnem« stilu v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave., v nedeljo 14. maja pop. pa na SNPJ farmi na Heath Rd. Večerna koncerta bosta pričela ob 7.30. Za vstopnice in več informacije, kličite Tony’s Polka Village na E. 185 St. ali Tivoli trgovino na St. Clairju. VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z možnostjo dežja in najvišjo temperaturo okoli 60° F. Pretežno oblačno jutri, zopet z možnostjo krajevnih neviht. Najvišja temperatura okoli 65° F. Tudi v nedeljo pretežno oblačno z možnostjo dežja in najvišjo temperaturo okoli 610 F. Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 Sl. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 012400) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche American Home Slovenian of the Year 1987: Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države: $36 na leto; $21 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 8 za 3 mesece Kanada: $45 na leto; $30 za 6 mesecev; $20 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $48 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $28 Petkova AD (letna); ZDA: $21; Kanada: $25; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $28 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $36.00 - year; $21.00 - 6 mos.; $18.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $45.00 - year; $30.00 - 6 mos.; $20.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $48.00 per year; $28 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $21.00-year; Canada: $25.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published Tuesday & Friday except 1st 2 weeks in July & the week alter Christmas No. 33 Friday, April 28, 1989 »] MATI SLOVENIJA Bralcem prinašam govor, ki ga je imel Andrej Rot na 34. slovenskem dnevu v Slovenski vasi v Lanusu, Argentina 2. aprila 1989. Nekaj njegovih besed je namenjenih seveda svojim domačim poslušalcem, poglavitne misli so pa vredne, da jih preberemo in pretehtamo tudi mi, ki živimo v drugih državah sveta, zanimamo pa se za slovenstvo in za usodo Slovenije. Na prireditvah, kakršna nas danes združi, navadno govornik spregovori o aktualnih temah. Tako naj bo tudi danes, čeprav poudarek ne bo slonel na aktualnosti, temveč na trajnem pomenu današnjega gesla — MATI-SLOVENIJA Gre namreč za besedi, ki smo ju že tolikokrat slišali, da ju pri spregovarjanju in poslušanju komaj še razpoznamo. Kakor toliko drugih besed, ki jih morda prevečkrat slišimo in površno uporabljamo. Vendar — koliko rodov je poteklo, da sta dobili današnji zven in tudi današnji prezir. Slovenija doživlja uresničitev poezije Franceta Prešerna, hkrati pa smo lahko upravičeno ogorčeni nad preziranjem slovenščine, ko je v Sloveniji naš jezik le na papirju enakopravni jugoslovanski jezik. Dobro vemo, da smo daleč od zemlje naših staršev. Drugačna je naša usoda, drugačna je naša odločitev. Življenjske okoliščine nam onemogočajo večini, da se povzpnemo na vrh Triglava, kakor nam je tudi onemogočeno, da spoznamo katero od sedmih čudes sveta. Večini od nas ni zapisano, da bi neposredno vplivali na Slovenijo. Nihče pa nam ne more zabraniti, da se ne bi smeli zazreti v neposredno bližino lastnega osebnega in skupnostnega bogastva. Kdor izhaja iz maloštevilnega naroda, komur sta mati in oče od rojstva vcepljala slovensko zavest, ve, kaj mislim povedati. Kdor živi s slovensko skupnostjo, čuti, kaj hočem povedati. Nihče nam ne more preprečiti, da se ne bi z vso ljubeznijo zagrizli v delo, ki ga spoštujemo. Ena izmed teh stvari je delo za narod. Mnogo časa posvečamo zase, za družino, za državno skupnost, v kateri živimo, vendar si vedno želimo srečati se s prijateljem iz otroških let, s sorodnikom, s katerim moremo spregovoriti intimne in preproste reči v slovenskem jeziku. Slovencem iz kateregakoli dela sveta, s katerim se v srčiki skupnega jezika moremo zbližati kot z najboljšim prijateljem. Domovina, očetnjava, ali kar preprosto slovenstvo, to je ena izmed tistih temeljnih vrednot, ki hrani izvorno plat naših osebnosti. Zakaj nas je včasih sram teh naših korenin? Zakaj pre-mnogokrat pozabljamo na to, kar nas veže, na to, kar je naš enkraten pečat? Zakaj včasih hote ali nehote iščemo izkoreninjenost? Na katero novo zemljo nas popelje pozaba sadov in naporov naših prednikov? Tudi Argentina, naša nova domovina, se more le okoristiti z ohranjanjem evropskih tradicij. Izguba identitete pomeni zoženje lastne osebnosti, lastnih posebnosti. Kaj dobimo v zameno zanjo? S tega vidika ne moremo razumeti, odkod tako histerično sovraštvo, ki se pojavlja na Koroškem med »Nemci« in Stanonikov! mami za 75. rojstni dan V kuhinji zares priznana je Stanonikova mama, vsa mladostna in pokonci suče se med svoj’mi lonci. Bel’ predpasnik Njej pristoja, prav tako še čvrsta hoja, vedro in prijazno lice se preliva v pomočnice. Delo se vrsti po »žnorci«, da igrajo vsi pokrovci, res izvrstna ta jedila bodo goste osvojila. 'Piske, zrezki in prikuhe za debele in za suhe, vsi so srečni, zadovoljni, ko sede ob mizi polni. Zdaj pa še »skrivnost v omarci« — pridemo k važnejši stvarci, dejstvo se pred nas postavlja: mama rojstni dan proslavlja. Me, kot zveste pomočnice — Vam poklanjamo cvetlice, v šopku naj Vas vsaka roža toplo na srce poboža. Leta, ki nas vse modrijo, naj nazaj se zavrtijo, vsaka srčno Vam želi — dobri BOG naj Vas živi! Gospa Josie Stanonik je pred kratkim praznovala svoj 75. rojstni dan. Na sliki jo vidite skupaj s svojimi pomočnicami, ki so (z leve): Helen Gorshe, Angela Vlcek, Tillie Špehar, Pavla Dolinar, ga. Stanonik, Vida Jakomin, Marica Jereb, Marjana Babič in Milena Densa. 23. maj: Praznik Brezjanske Marije SILVER SPRING, Md. - Najbolj vestno nas vsako leto opozarja na god Brezjanske Marije lemontska »Ave Maria«, to še posebej od leta, ko je bil v Philadelphiji Evharistični kongres, ki smo se ga tudi Slovenci udeležili kot posebna skupina. Takrat smo sprejeli zaobljubo, da se bomo vsako leto spominjali godu naše slovenske Marije. Deset let po Kongresu se nam je v tem pridružila Slove-venija. Nadškof dr. Alojzij Šuštar je spomnil na slovensko obljubo ves slovenski svet in sam na Brezjah z mašno daritvijo in po procesiji z lučkami segel miselno nazaj na vire slovenskih krščanskih izročil. Letos bo prav v tem mesecu maju romarska cerkev Marije »vindišarji« do sosedov Slovencev; zakaj tiha asimilacija na Goriškem in Tržaškem; ni nam mogoče razumeti nekatere v Sloveniji, ki kujejo jugoslovanstvo in pozabljajo na svoje slovenstvo; tudi ne tistih, ki ločijo prave od nepravih Slovencev; težko je doumeti prelivanje mnogih izseljencev iz slovenske zavesti v angleški, bodisi severnoameriški, kanadski ali avstralski svet; težko nam je dojeti pozabljanje slovenske zavesti v razosebljeno mentaliteto slovenskih odpadnikov v argentinskem svetu. Hudo je, če si prikrivamo resnico. Da so v Sloveniji danes postali pozorni na našo politično, nazorsko emigracijo, na našo skoraj polstoletno tradicijo, ne pomeni dosti. Marsikdo bo mislil, da je naše delo opravljeno, da je že mogoče počivati na lovorikah, da je konec prihodnosti in le še čas, kako zase uloviti nekaj časti. Mnogokrat delamo, kot da bi bili večni. Privoščimo si sto organizacij, gradnjo neštetih stavb, spomenikov, izdajamo toliko listov in časopisov, da jih ne moremo prebrati; privoščimo si celo z najbolj natančnimi ravnili meriti lojalnost tega ali onega, ki gleda drugače na svet kakor mi, sodimo slovenstvo posameznikov, politično zanesljivost razumnikov; privoščimo si posest pravoverne zavesti, nezmotljivosti, strupeno kritiko in klansko izključevanje; privoščimo si nestrpnost, ločevanje Slovencev po domovih, še celo po nekdanjih več kot 40 let starih mladčevskih, stražarskih ali strankarskih izvorih. (Kako točne so te besede posebno za slovensko skupnost v Clevelandu! — op. ur.). Kaj ne polje po vseh nas isti slovenski duh, da ne rečem ista slovenska kri? Kaj ni slovenska kri raztresena po širjavah muslimanskih pokrajin, starega sveta in po deželah Idalje na str lil Pomagaj na Brezjah v Sloveniji dobila slovesen naslov »bazilika«. K temu smo morda tudi mi doprinesli svoj delež, ko smo javno izpričali, kako nam je Brezjanska Marija ne samo simbol, a je dejansko simbol vere naših očetov in naše globoke zakoreninjenosti v krščanstvu. Naj tako g°d Brezjanske Marije spet postane primerna priložnost, da obnovimo svojo slovensko obljtt' bo, kot za velikonočne praznike obnavljamo svojo krstn° obljubo. Posebno pomemben naj bi bil god Brezjanske Marije zlasti še za člane in posamezna društva KSKJ. Na svoji zadnj' konvenciji je KSKJ sprej^3 sklep, da bo Brezjanska Marl' ja (poleg sv. Jožefa) posebna zavetnica te slovenske organ1' zacije. Zato bi bilo nad vseprl' memo, da — kot nas je hovni vodja KSKJ č.g. delenC že 1. 1980 vzpodbujal — *li god Brezjanske Marije zbere mo skupaj, skupaj praznuje mo in se skupaj poklonim0 temu, kar imenujemo sloven ska krščanska dediščina: dva najst stoletij krščanstva, boga ta kulturna dediščina, ^ podjetnosti in veselje do deh; ki sta omogočila, da so na ljudje obstali in si opornog do zmernega blagostanja; ^ prvem mestu pa naša pneC*f nost in ljubezen do Marije | pa zavest, da njena priprosbr in njena pomoč vedno spre^ Ija naše snovanje in nam opora prav tako v bodoče. bo ri-l Dovolj je še časa, da se p memo pripravimo na prazn0 vanje Marijinega godu 23. ^ ja. Najbolj uspešno bi verj no bilo, da posamezna drus sledijo programu, ki bi sama izdelala. Primerno vsekakor bilo, da med °b*iajJ, njem godu prebero našo h delfijsko obljubo. Le-to je‘ dala KSKJ z lepo opremlja podobico in je na razp°*a vsakomur, ki bi jo želel. Sa , naj se obrne na glavni 11 KSKJ v Joliet. Kot član tajništva nekdaj iM' ga odbora za slovensko u žbo na Evharističnem koug^. su v Philadelphiji, se želih1 družiti »Ave Maria« in ^ lencu ter spomniti na na^ |f-ki smo jo privzeli v zadnj1 ^ tih za praznovanje goc*u venske Marije Pomagaj- j Dr. Cyril J- Zahvala o. pe v^1 CLEVELAND, v^. ^ zbor Korotan se prisrČ11 ^ valjuje častnim gost on1 1 ^ velanda, Washingtona in y Yorka, kakor tudi ce^ \c občinstvu, ki se je v ,a uj|ii pem številu odzvalo in se udeležilo našega preteklo soboto zvečer ^ venskem narodnem do ^ St. Clairju. Najlepša za / dr. Milanu Pavlovčiču 1 ^jj-Mitju za lepa vabila P° skih valovih, kakor tu j ju riški Domovini za vabi ^ ^ javljena v slovenskeu1 gleškem delu lista. vs*1 Še enkrat: »boglouuj ^ in na svidenje drugo P Odbor IZ NEWYORSKE PROSVETE Mesec april je najbolj tragičen mesec v novejši slovenski preteklosti. Aprila 1941. je Hitler s svojo vojsko napadel Jugoslavijo in pregazil Slovenijo. Del Slovenije je začasno Prepustil Italijanom. Njegov namen je bil Slovenijo uničiti in priti preko nje do jadranske obale. Aprila in začetek maja '945 so se Nemci umaknili iz Slovenije in za njimi so prišli, zaščiteni od zaveznikov, na o-blast komunisti. Osvoboditev Je postala osvoboditev od živ-'ionja ali klavnica nedolžnih ljudi. Na uri smo se bavili tokrat satno z aprilom 1941 in z dobo P° njem. Za uvod sta sestrici, naši mladi pianistki, Vanessa in Elizabeth Šolar igrali na klanju v duetu skladbo »Diana«. °il> sta odlični in njuna koordinacija perfektna. Navduše-n° ploskanje sta zaslužili. Nato je naša stalna, izšolana s°lištka dr. Dominika Lango ZaPela Marjana Kozine pesem Pomlad« in Emila Adamiča pesem »Ločitev«. Na klavirju jo je spremljala Roksanda Ce-rovič. Grlo se je pevki popolnoma pozdravilo in pela je z vso dušo, jasno, krepko in ognjevito. Alenka in Sergej Delak sta zatem recitirala zgodbo, kako se je obnašala slovenska mladina pod nemško okupacijo v šoli. Na zahtevo nemške učiteljice, da so otroci odtlej naprej Nemci in ne Slovenci, je mali Jernejček odgovoril, da je Slovenec in da hoče to ostati. Ko je segla po šibi, je Jernejček skočil skozi okno in za njim še več drugih učencev. Zunaj na travniku so nato skupno zapeli: »Slovenec sem! Od zibeli do groba, ne gane moja se zvestoba!« Profesor Peter Remec je podrobno opisal, kako so nemški okupatorji leta 1941 in 1942 izselili nad 80.000 Slovencev v Srbijo, na Hrvatsko in v Nemčijo. Izseljenci so odhajali s svojih domov praznih rok zgolj s culami najpotrebnejšega- V ljubeč in nepozaben spomin 1912 1989 Globoko užaloščeni a vdani v božjo voljo naznanjamo vsem, da nas je po dolgi in težki bolezni za vedno zapustila Paša predraga žena, mati, stara mati, prastara mati in teta Joža Varšek roj. Kršmanc. Pokojna je bila rojena 31. marca 1912 v Rožni dolini, °bčina Vič-Ljubljana. V Ameriko je prišla z družino leta l949. Bila je članica fare sv. Vida, članica cerkvenega pev-sk®ga zbora Lira, Oltarnega društva. Slovenske telovadne *veze, Slovenske pristave in Društva upokojencev Pristave. ^°greb je bil 30. januarja s sveto mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida, ka-,er» je daroval č.g. Jože Božnar. Pokojničino truplo počiva I na Pokpališču Vernih duš na Chardon-u, Ohio. Našo globoko zahvalo naj prejme č.g. župnik Jože Bož-l,ar za tako globoko občuten cerkveni obred in za molitev Sv- rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu. Prisrčna hvala Vsem, ki ste blago pokojnico prišli pokropit in velikodušno ('arovali za sv. maše in dobre namene. Vsem darovalcem ^krasnega cvetja naj Bog obilo poplača. Prijatelji in so-r°dniki, ki ste prihiteli iz Toronta, Hamiltona in Burlingto-n'a’ Prisrčni Bog plačaj. Enako smo hvaležni vnukom, zeto-J*3 in sorodnikom, ki so nosili krsto pokojnice. Prisrčna . Vala dr. Milanu Pavlovčiču za objavo in žaloslinke na radi-Ju- Hvala Ameriški Domovini za obvestila v listu. Prav lepa Vala g. Franku Urankarju za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu. Valežni smo Oltarnemu društvu in pevcem Lire v cerkvi za Pe,ie in molitve v pogrebnem zavodu. I Poslali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so z nami soču-v°vali in darovali v spomin pokojne. Če kdo po pomoti ni prejel zahvale, naj s to javno zah-Pfejme našo globoko hvaležnost, j Ti pa< draga, nikdar pozabljena žena, mama, stara Q,T1a, prosi za nas, naj nam dobri Bog da milost, da bomo °8unino nosili to bolečino slovesa, dokler se ne snidemo \ “»Ra. Žalujoči: mož — Janez otroci — Joži, Blanka zeta — Rudi, Marjan vnuki — Marjan, Tomaž Pravnuki — Mirjam, Neil - John nečak — Odon s hčerkama, Ljubljana - Slovenija. Ljubljana - Slovenija. valo i^tand. V odmoru smo pozdravili v naši sredi dr. Valentina Inzko in gospo iz Sveč, znanega voditelja koroških Slovencev in očeta našega odličnega člana dr. Zdravkota Inzka in gospe Bernarde, svetovno znane pevke; pozdravili smo našega nekdanjega župnika, p. Kalista Langerholza, upokojenega profesorja, ki bo nekaj tednov nadomestoval našega župnika. Nato smo v kratkem nagovoru počastili našega župnika p. Roberta, ki je v sredo, 19. t.m. praznoval sedemdesetletnico rojstva. Bil je že prej v Ameriki in živel več let v Johnstownu, Pa., kjer je zgradil novo cerkev, nato se je vrnil v staro domovino in prišel k nam v New York reševat faro, ki ji je grozil konec. V nekaj letih je izvršil toliko popravil in izboljšanj v cerkvi, dvorani in župnišču, kakor jih ni nikdo prej, odkar fara obstoja. Zahvalili smo se mu za vse in mu želeli še mnogo zdravih in uspešnih let v prvi vrsti za našo faro, če je to mogoče. Mala Sandi Zupan mu je poklonila šopek rož, mu čestitala in se mu zahvalila v imenu slovenske mladine za vse, kar je storil zanjo. Nato je njen očka Nejče Zupan zapel pesem, ki jo je sam zložil na čast našemu župniku. Vsaka kitica se je končala s »Kolikor kapljic, toliko let, Bog nam daj na svet’ živet’«. To so pa vedno zapeli vsi Nej-četovi otroci skupaj z njim. Bila je res prisrčna točka! Drugi del je začela mala Metka Zupančič. Po vzorcu svoje mamice Marinke je zapela solo brez spremljave, lepo, jasno in brez trepetca. Pesem je bila »Prišla po pomlad«, njen brat Andrej je pa recitiral pesem »Pomlad«. Spored je zaključil Drago Osredkar z recitacijo Cankarjeve črtice »Pomlad«. Nastopil je na uri prvič in z velikim uspehom. Prosvetarji so bili z menoj veseli, da smo odkrili novega sodelavca. V BLAG SPOMIN OB TRETJI OBLETNICI NJEGOVE SMRTI MIRKO JAVORNIK ki je umrl 1. maja 1986. Njegovi žalujoči: Zena Agna, hčerka Agna v Washingtonu, hčerka Alenka z družino v New Windsor, N.Y., sin Miro z družino v Hendersonville, N.C., ter sestri Francka v Ljubljani in Marija v Clevelandu. Bog mu daj večni pokoj! Cleveland, O.. 28. aprila 1989. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 806. Svete maše smo odposlali nanovo prosilcem, ki so se zadnje mesece zanje priporočili. Gospod Jože Horn iz Argentine je pisal, kako našim slovenskim duhovnikom manjka v tej državi intencij. Poslali smo mu jih 200 v čeku za $1000. Od MZA Cleveland je bilo v teh 100 sv. maš v najrazličnejše namene, zbrane po ge. Lavriševi. Ostalih 100 sv. maš so darovali sestri Perušek, Frank Staniša, družina Magajna, gdč. A. Gospodarič, družina Tushar, ga. T. Špehar in nekaj posameznikov. Misijonarju Ivanu Bajcu, ki je prosil za sv. maše iz Slonokoščene obale, smo poslali 120 intencij za $600. Od družine V. in T.B. iz New Yorka je bilo 60 sv. maš. Za rajnega Maksa Ovniča od njegove žene Milice 20 intencij. Ostale so bile od posameznih darovalcev. O. Jože Cukale v Indiji v Indiji je prosil nedavno za inten-cije in smo mu jih poslali 100 za $500. Za rajnega duhovnika Antona Gorška 20 sv. maš in Bil je lep sončen dan, ki nam ga je slovenska beseda — pesem in govori — napravila še lepšega. Uro smo morali prestaviti s tretje na četrto nedeljo, ker je bil v soboto pred tretjo nedeljo farni slovenski festival, ki je imel izreden uspeh po sporedu in obisku. O tem bodo pa poročali drugi, bolj poklicani od mene. Dr. Zdravko Kalan za rajnega Maksa Ovniča 80 intencij. G. A. Massiminu v Hong Kongu smo poslali 20 sv. maš iz naše fare Brezmadežnega Srca v Scarborough, Ont., po želji misijonarja A. Majcena, in jih bodo opravili domači duhovniki v Južnem Vietnamu, kjer je g. Andrej zadnja leta misijonarjenja deloval. Vse te sv. maše bodo kmalu opravljene. Redno pošiljamo intencije tudi našemu sodelavcu g. Francu Šeškarju v Miin-chen, Nemčija. Pred veliko nočjo je bil operiran in bo moral še na operacijo za kolk na nogi. Intencije so en način, kako lahko pomagamo potrebnim misijonarjem in duhovnikom. Pri kanadskih intencijah po petak je pisec teh člankov sam dodal razliko med kanadskim in ameriškim dolarjem, ker pošiljamo čeke na teren vedno v ZD valuti in je kanadski dolar vreden okrog 80 ameriških centov. Sv. maše lahko vsak odda kateremu koli, ki sodeluje v MZA krajevno med našimi rojaki in vodstvo v kraju nam jih sporoči in dostavi. Opravljene so čim je mogoče. Ne pozabimo, da so na tem kontinentu sedaj oznanjene sv. maše po $10 že nekaj let in da je dodatna žrtev za vsako tako intencijo misijonskemu garaču na terenu velik bonus, dodatna lepa pomoč za njegovo delo in razvijanje misijon-(dalje na str. 1 21 MATI SLOVENIJA (nadaljevanje s str. 10) obeh Amerik? Kaj niso po nekdanjih nemških univerzah bili številni predstojniki slovenskega rodu in danes po skoraj vseh univerzah na svetu? Kaj se še danes ne izgubljajo tisoči v nemškem, italijanskem in drugih morjih? Kaj ne teče tudi po našem ozemlju kri Ilirov, Hunov, Avarov, Keltov, Bavarcev in Saksoncev in revnih sezonskih delavcev iz jugoslovanskih južnih pokrajin? Govoriti o rasni čistosti bi bilo smešno in nevarno, skrivati krvno sorodstvo in možnosti mešanj nesmisel. In to z ene in druge strani. (nadaljevanje in ..konec prihodnji petek) V BLAG SPOMIN PETNAJSTE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA OČE I A. S TAREGA OČE LA in I AS I A, ki je dovršil svojo žeir.sko potovanje in se preselil v večno bivališče dne 25. aprila 1974. FRANK PAJK Kako smo srčno Te ljubili, prezgodaj smo Te izgubili, preljubi oče Ti, naj Ti večna luč gori. Lepa nam je misel na Te, na prijazni Tvoj nasmeh, na besede ljubeznive, ki imel si jih do vseh. Žalujoči: Francis Paik, duhovnik, in Edward Pike, sinova; Diane Pike, rojena Ross, snaha; Edward ml., Gregory 'm Michael, vnuki; Anne Marie, Sue Ann,in Sharon, vnukinje. Mentor, Ohio, 28. aprila 1989. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki (nadaljevanje s str 11) skega sodelovanja v delokrogu, ki zanj skrbi. MZA Bridgeport je imela 19. aprila sejo in so pripravili vse potrebno za misijonsko prireditev in kosilo na Telovo, Corpus Christi, 28. maja. MZA Cleveland in MZA Milwaukee bosta imeli misijonski piknik letos isti dan, v nedeljo, 9. julija. Sodelavka Antonija Stokar iz Aurora, Ohio, je poslala za novega domačega bogoslovca enoletno vzdrževalnino v znesku $300. Od napada nanjo na cesti v Clevelandu si je malo opomogla in želi, da bi ji Bog dal še toliko let življenja, da bi doživela novo mašo njenega novega kandidata, ki ga bo vzdrževala, če bo dobri Bog dal življenje in denar, še ostala tri leta. Znamke so poslali zadnje čase: s. Cecilija Prebil iz Pariza, gdč. K. Mlakar iz Munchna v Nemčiji. G. Pedro Opeka se je iz Pariza zahvalil za MZA dar $500, ki ga je čakal v njegovem dopustu pri s. C. Prebil. Tudi s. Teresa Medvešek iz Indije se za dar MZA zahvaljuje. O. Radko Rudež je bil po vrnitvi iz počitnic premeščen v Kabwe, kjer dela v državni bolnišnici na naslovu: Bwacha Catholic Church, P.O. Box 80613, Kabwe, Zambia. Iz Slovenije je šel na obisk v Zambijo g. Stane Kerin,.predstavnik MIVE, ki je šel s pro-vincialom minoritov iz Slovenije o. Tarzicijem Kolenkom, o. Jožetom Grošljem in laičnim misijonarjem Klementom Paljkom na srečanje z bratom Zdravkotom Kravosom, in je le temu sapo zaprlo, ko jih je zagledal. V Chass je namreč že prispel traktor, ki ga je M1VA poslala zanj. G. Kerin je v Zambiji hitro spoznal, da so vozila potrebna, ker so razdalje velike. Župnija sv. Jožefa je 120 km dolga. Tudi 50 km ne bi mogel iti peš. Ko so se peljali na podružnico, so ostali v blatu in potiskali kamioneto skozi pol metra visoko brozgo. Tam morajo imeti močno vozilo na štiri PrijateVs Pharmacy S«. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! kolesa. Na poti v Chilongo je bilo 600 km in do Lusake spet 600 km. Staro vozilo takšne poti ne bi zmoglo. Ako se ustavi v divjini, ni nobenega zagotovila za varnost potnikov. Pri Sv. Jožefu v Kalulushiju je minoritski provincial iz Slovenije občudoval novi samostan, vrt, sadovnjak, ribogojnico, nove delavnice in navdušene kandidate minoritskega reda. Opazoval je svoja sobrata o. Miha Drevenška in o. Ernesta Benkota, ki imata v svojem področju veliko osnovnih šol, a nobene gimnazije. Prebivalstvo se je lotilo gradnje gimnazije pod vodstvom lokalnih cerkva in okrajnih oblasti. Dela so zastajala, dokler ni priskočil na pomoč p. Miha. Zgradili so že tri razrede in dve stanovanjski hiši. V načrtu imajo gradnjo gimnazije z 12 razredi, dvorano, knjižnico, sanitarne prostore, igrišča ter stanovanjske hiše za 22 učiteljev. Ker je kraj na deželi in je poljedelstvo treba razviti, bo gimnazija usmerjena v poljedelstvo. Dela bodo končana leta 1992. Novi laični misijonar je kar ostal pri sv. Jožefu. G. Klement Paljk je pripravljen na vsako delo, vendar pa bo delavnica njegovo kraljestvo. G. Rudi Kus iz Toronta, ki je eno leto deloval v misijonu o. Lovrota Tomažina v Centru Duhovnih vaj v Lusaki kot mizar in nadzornik del, se je vrnil v Kanado. Zelo so mu bili hvaležni za njegovo misijonsko žrtev sodelovanja. Dolgo so molili za potreben dež in padal je nedavno kar 14 dni. Iz Botswane obeta svoj o-bisk s. Zora Škerl. Gdč. Bariča Rous piše o spalni bolezni, ki jo povzroča muha tse-tse in je še vedno zelo nevarna za del prebivalstva v Zambiji. Po posredovanju g. Jožeta Kopeiniga iz Koroške so sestre v Nangomi dobile zdravila od avstrijske »Leprosy Relief«, ki rešuje vprašanje gobavosti, kjer je to še problem. 23. aprila so odprli novo ambulanto. O. Janez Mujdri-ca pomaga graditi tu duhovno občestvo. V Nangomi ju so sedaj preskrbeli vodo (jez in tri vrtine z dvema rezervoarjema, ki vsak drži 50.000 litrov), elektriko (generator) in električno o-mrežje. Glavni klinični blok je končno zgrajen, skupaj s sanitetnim prostorom in pralnico. Dve hiši sta pripravljeni za vselitev. Tri so v gradnji. Čakamo na nadaljnjo pomoč iz Belgije: od organizacije CO-MIDE in od Evropske gospodarske skupnosti. Center v Nangomiju z dvema novima ambulantoma so odprli 23. aprila, to je na dan, ko je bila v Nangomiju birma. Ko bodo infrastruktura in potrebne zgradbe končane, so osebje in zdravila vedno zago- tovilo za uspeh. Vsi gornji podatki so iz publikacije »Iz sončne Zambije«, Velika noč 1989. Darovali so ga. Louise Rogina, San Francisco, Kalif., za lačne otroke $50; Frank in Florence Strnad iz Fontane, Kalif., $10; A.J. in Helen M. Deržan, San Francisco, $20; ga. Frances Vidergar, Fontana, $10, petak za sv. mašo za zdravje, na čast Materi Božji, in petak za naše misijonarje. Vsem naj Bog žrtev obilno poplača! Novega domačega bogoslovca je prevzela za vzdrževanje družina Anice in Franca Zelka iz Willowdala, Ont. Darovala je za eno leto $300 ameriških (362 kan. dolarjev). Ga. Zelko je sestra predsednika MZA Bridgeport, Conn., Antona Malenška. Iskreno zahvaljena! Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV APRIL 30. — Fara Marija Vnebovze-ta in direktorij Slov. doma za ostarele priredita kosilo v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Serviranje od 11.30 do 2. pop. Prebitek namenjen Domu za ostarele. MAJ 7. — Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi Materinsko proslavo v farni dvorani. Pričetek ob 3. pop. 14. — Pevski zbor »Slovenska pesem« priredi koncert v semenišču v Lemontu, po šmarnicah. 19. — Slovenski dom za ostarele na Neff Rd. ima letno sejo v spodnji dvorani SDD na Waterloo Rd. JUNIJ 4. — Društvo SPB Cleveland priredi Slovenski spominski dan s sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd., Euclid, O. 4. — Otvoritev Slovenske pristave, na SP. 4. — »Prijatelji Slov. nar. doma na St. Clair Ave.« priredi »brunch«, od 11.30 do 2. pop. II. — Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi piknik na Slovenski prisatvi. Sv. maša na S.P. opoldne, nato piknik. 17. in 18. — Tabor DSPB Cleveland poda spominsko proslavo za pobite Slov. domobrance in vse žrtve komunistične revolucije, na Orlovem vrhu Slovenske pristave. 25. — Piknik ohijske KSKJ federacije na farmi sv. Jožefa na White Rd., Willoughby Hills, O. Igrajo »Button Box Players«. 25. — S.K.D. Triglav, Milwaukee priredi prvi piknik na svoji pristavi. JULIJ 1. in 2. — Pristavska dne- va, na Slovenski pristavi. 9. — Misijonska Znamkar-ska Akcija priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Začetek piknika s sv. mašo ob 12. uri opoldne. 9. — Misijonski piknik MZA v Mihvaukeeju, na pristavi SKD Triglava. 14., 15. in 16. — Fara Sv. Vida priredi poletni festival. 30. — Belokranjski klub priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Igra Tony Klepec orkester. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str 9) Cousino (Lake City, Fla.). Pokojni je graduiral 1. 1973 iz Kenyon College, Kenyon, O., nato prejel veliko akademsko priznanje, ko je bil imenovan za tkim. Rhodes Scholar 1. 1974 na angleški Oxford univerzi, v Angliji študiral tri leta ter je prejel M.A. diplomo iz angleščine in literature, od 1. 1978 do 1984 eksekutivni direktor HALT (Americans for MALI OGLASI Housekeeper Needed for elderly Slovenian woman. Own apt. and utilities inc. Couple considered. 942-1005 (33,34) Two Family 14709-1 1 Westropp. 5 + 5 Full basement, garage, fenced yard. Newer roof, furnaces, driveway. Call Owner 481-5091. $56,500. Home-owners Concept: 951-8239. (32,33) Apartment For Kent Lake Shore E. 1 85 area. Modern Ige 1 bdrm apt. Appliances. Air cond. Garage available. No children. No pets. Lease. $325. 338-3205. (FX) Legal Reform), študiral na Harvardski univerzi ter prejel M.A. v stroki »Public Affairs«. Aprila 1989. naj bi se bil poročil z Rebecco Del Carman, Washington, D.C. Pogreb bo jutri, v petek, s sv. mašo ob 10. dop. v cerkvi sv. Marije na Rte. 20 v Wakema-nu, Ohio. MALI OGLASI POTNIŠKA PISARNA IŠČE DEKLE s srednjo šolo, orientirana na delo s kompjuterji' Izkušnja ni pogoj, ker Vas bomo naučili dela ali poslali na tečaj. Prednost tistim, ki živijo s starši v Clevelandu in okolici. Ponudbe pošiljajte na MAYFIELD MITRA, P.O. Bo* 03736, Cleveland, Ohio 44103. (33-341 Norwood Rd., Near St. Claif For sale by owner. Handyma(1 special. 5 suites 3 garageS' Office space. Workshop-Storage space. $45,000-Negotiable. 289-4395. (x) FENCF:š — OGRAJE Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Prodajana po zmerni ceni potrebni material za ograje in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Pokličite vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) For Rent 3 rooms, up rear. Off Water- j loo. $135. Stove & refrigerator nc. 1 middle-aged man preferred. Call 486-508 or 381-7885. (31-341 Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj. Tapeciramo. (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in dela mo nove kuhinje in kopalnic® ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNl* Pokličite 423-4444 MALI OGLASI JUST LISTED — EUCLID Updated traditional Colonial. Exceptional qualities thru out. 4 large bedrooms. 16x24 family room. Formal dining room. 1 '/2 baths. Mint condition. Off Lake Shore Blvd-$99,500. LOOKING TO BUILD????? Lots available: Willoughby — 6 lots — $17,500 each Mentor — 8 acres — $185,000. Prime area. Roaming Rock Shores — $8,800 We have builders available to help you plan the home your dreams!!! Call today & ask for Bonnie. EXCLUSIVE OFFERING Only the very best is yours in this lovely, updated, mainte nance-free Colonial. Living room features bay windo^' natural woodwork, wood burning fireplace, eat-in kitcheh' pantry, large fenced-in yard, king-sized garage, central a'r Agent owner — $84,900. INVESTMENT DOUBLE Prime area. Possible 3-family. Double garage. Living r0°^J, Dining room. Kitchen. Two bedrooms each. Bath in e3^ unit. Full basement. Great potential. $82,900. Age owned. All Homes By Appointment Only CALL TODAY ASK FOR BONNIE MARINČIČ GOULD 289-4663 2 33I