An active networks security architecture Arso Savanovič, Dušah Gabrijelčič, and Borka Jerman Blažič Jožef Štefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (arso|dusan|borka) AND Stamatis Karnouskos Frauenhofer FOKUS, Kaiserin-Augusta-Alee 31,10589 Berlin, Germany Keywords: active networks, security architecture, FAIN Received: March 4,2002 Active netv/orks allow user-controlled network programmability. A security framework has to assure that our infrastructure will bebave as expected and wiU efficiently deal with malicious attacks, unathorized attempts to execute active code etc. We present here a security architecture that is designed within the FAIN project and aitns at supporting multiple heterogeneous execution environments. We argue for the pros and cons as well as why we have selected the specific components and also take a look at their interworking in order to provide the security services to the execution environments our active network node hosts. A Introduction Basic AN principles have serious consequences have seri­ous consequences for the operation of an Active Netvvork (AN). The possibiHty of loading and executing active code in Active Netvvork Nodes (ANNs) imposes considerable threats to expected operation of AN/ANN due to flaws in active code, malicious attacks by unauthorized users, and conflicted code execution. Thus, security in AN deals mainly with protecting system (AN infrastructure) from malicious (unauthorized) and erroneous use. The central objective of FAIN [7] security architecture is to guaran­tee robust/secure operation of AN infrastructure despite the unintentional or intentional misbehaving of users, i.e. their respective active code/active packets. Fulfilling these objectives is fundamental for the usabil­ity of ANs. Clearly, if it is trivial for any user to intention­ally degrade the performance of an AN or any single ANN, or to bring down the AN/ANN, then ANs are not really us­ahle. Note the difference betvveen degrading performance of (disabling) an ANN and that of an AN. It is possible that specific netvvork service, i.e. the respective active code, is consistent vvith local security policy of an ANN; hovvever, due to global, netvvork vvide behaviour of the protocoi, it can degrade the performance of (part of) netvvork or even completely disable it. Furthermore, if an unintentional er­ror in the design of a nevv netvvork service, its implementa­tion (active code), or its configuration can degrade perfor­mance of an AN/ANN or disable an AN/ANN, then ANs are not really usable. Finally, if a malicious or unintentional misbehaving of any user can severely degrade or even disable the netvvork services perceived by other user(s) of an AN but vvith no affect on the ANN/AN, then again, ANs are not really us­able. The threat model for active netvvorks covers three broad classes of security issues: protecting AN infrastruc­ture from users and active code, protecting users and active code from other active code, and protecting users and ac­tive code from AN infrastructure. Hovvever, the scope of initial FAIN security architecture is limited mainly to the first class, i.e. protecting AN infrastructure from users and active code. B FAIN Active Nodes The FAIN Reference Architecture consists mainly of AA, VE, EE and Node OS: - Active Applications/Services (AA) are applications executed in Active Nodes. An A A is often referred to also as Active Code (AC). - Execution Environments (EE) are environments vvhere application code is executed. A privileged EE manages and controls the Active node and it provides the environment vvhere netvvork policies are executed. Multiple and different types of EE are envisaged in FAIN. EEs are classified into Virtual Environments (VEs), vvhere services can be found and interact vvith each other. VEs are interconnected to form a truly vir­tual netvvork. - NodeOS is an operating system for active node and includes facilities for setting up and management of channels for inter-EE and AA-EE Communications, manages the router resources and provides APIs for AA/EEs, isolates EEs from each other. Through its extensions the NodeOS offers: Resource Control Facilities (RCF). Through resource control resource partitioning is pro­vided. VEs are guaranteed that consumption stays Nvithin the agreed contract during an ad­mission control phase static or dynamic. Security Facilities. Main part about security is authentication and authorisation of using the re­sources and other objects of the node like inter­faces and directories. Based on the poIicy profile of each VE security is enforced. Application/Service code depIoyment facili­ties. As flexibility is one of the requirements for programmable netvvorks partly realised as ser­vice deployment either on the fly or static, the NodeOS must support it. Deinultiplexing facilities. It filters, classify and divert active packets. Flows of packets arrive at the node and they should be delivered to the VE and consequently to the service inside the VE they are destined for. V u L --­ CCM Figure 1: FAIN active node reference architecture Figure 1 describes the main design features of the FAIN nodes. In FAIN a number of node prototypes are under development as follows: - A high performance active node, with a target of 150 Mb/s. - A range of flexible and very functional active nodes/servers, with the objective of supporting mul­tiple VEs and hosting heterogeneous EEs. The common part of the prototypes (the FAIN middievvare) is the NodeOS with the relevant extensions. C General FAIN Model and Security Reqiiirements The fundamental property of FAIN AN is the possibility to dynamically inject active code known as active appli­cation (AA), that implements new functionality, into the netvvork. This code is executed or interpreted by specific execution environment within ANNs and this way it pro­vides end- user applications with appHcation specific net­work services. Many different active applications can coex­ist in an active network. We assume that FAIN AN consists of unlimited number of network nodes and some of them are active (ANN). Active code is injected into the network via active packets, vvhich carry active code itself or its ref­erence, which is used by ANNs to install the code from code repository. Code can be executed in the nodes within the packet path. Execution provides new functionality in the network, which can be temporary or permanent. It can also produce new packets. Each execution ušes some of the ANN and AN resources, like CPU, storage and band­width, again temporarily or permanently. Specific code in an ANN can be injected, removed or replaced by explicit or implicit request. Additionally, the following properties apply to generalized AN model [1]: - an AN is a distributed system - an AN is a packet-switched network, as opposed to circuit-switched - not ali nodes in an AN need to be active - an AN explicitly provides for computation inside the network, but - the primary goal of active netvvorks is communication, not computation - the contents of an active packet can legally change in­side ANNs' - not ali packets are active - an AN consists of multiple domains, each controlled by a different administration. Active networking supplies the users with the ability to install and execute program code within a network node. That by its nature is a security critical activity. In such an infrastructure the security implications are far more com­plex than in current static environments. In AN the au­thor of the active code, the user who deploys it, the owner of the node hardvvare, the ovvner of the execution platform can ali be different entities govemed by different security policies. In such a heterogeneous environment security be­comes an extremely sensitive issue. The possibility of load­ing and executing active code in ANNs imposes consider­able threats to expected operation of AN/ANN due to flavvs ' In ANNs the payload (data part) can be changed also, not just header fieids. AN ACTIVE NETWORKS SECURITV ARCHITECTURE in active code, malicious attacks by unauthorized users, conflicted code execution etc. Thus, security in AN deals mainly with protecting system (AN infrastructure) from malicious (unauthorized) and erroneous use. The central objective of FAIN security architecture is to guarantee ro­bust/secure operation of AN infrastructure despite the un­intentional or intentional misbehaving of users, i.e. their respective active code/active packets. Active Code (AC) is transferred to the node or is itself mobile e.g. in the form of a mobile agent. Therefore the attacks that AC and also the EE are susceptible to are more than those in current passive netvvorks. In general we can have: - Misuse of an active network node by the active code - Misuse of active code by other active code. - Misuse of active code by an active network node. - Misuse of active code and/or execution environment by the underlying network infrastructure. - Misuse of the Active Netvvork as an entity. Finally a combination of the above categories is possible. These kinds of attacks (the complex and coUaborative ones) are very difficult to detect, let alone to prevent or effectively tackle. Classical examples include the co-operation of var­ious hosts and ACs against another EE or AC. Threats can also be analysed from the perspective of a single ANN, and from the network- wide perspective. Of course, threats to a single ANN apply also to the whole AN (domain). How­ever, network-wide threats can be more subtle and harder to combat, since they are based on the global, distributed na­ture of netvvork protocols, and thus, their respective active codes. In the initial phase of the FAIN project, only high prior­ity security requirements have been addressed in detail: - authentication - authorization - policy enforcement - active code/packet integrity - code verification - audit. We have compiled this list in light of the main objec­tive of the FAIN security architecture, which is to provide secure and robust operation of FAIN AN infrastructure in spite of unintentional and malicious misbehaving of AN users, i.e. their respective codes. From this perspective, our criteria in assigning priorities can be summarized as follows: - How subtle is particular security requirement, i.e. the respective threat "behind" the requirement? - More subtle yields lower priority. Informatica 26 (2002) 211-221 213 C.l Authentication, Authorization, and Policy Enforcement FAIN ANN is essentially a multi-user computing system. As in any such system, enforcement of access control is a requirement of high significance within every FAIN ANN. On the other hand, FAIN aims at developing a flexible sys­tem. In order to achieve the desired level of granularity we decompose access control in authentication, authorization and policy enforcement. These three security requirements have the highest-priority within FAIN security architecture. C.2 Active code/packet integrity Active code is executed within an ANN and performs ac­tions on behalf of a user. Therefore, active code is the "car­rier of activity" and as such, it is a povverful tool when misused by malicious users, which can potentially tam­per with active code while it is in transit over the network. For instance, the whole access control system could be cir­cumvented, if the original active code can be modifled or SNvapped with any other code. Similarly, there are ways to obviate access control system by tampering with active packets, such as cut and paste attacks and replay attacks. This is why protecting integrity of active code and packets deserves a high- priority. C.3 Code verification Protecting the active code integrity is a first step to ensure non- modification of the transient code. Hovvever this is considered pretty basic and we need to go beyond that in order to achieve a high level of security. The active code has to be somehow marked and tightly coupled with one or more entities, based on which further security decisions can be made. The code carries credentials from these en­tities, which have to be verified in order to set the security context within which this active code can execute. As code verification is critical into taking further security decisions, this is considered a high-priority requirement for the FAIN security architecture. C.4 Audit The Audit Manager component is an integrated part of the security architecture. Via this component - ali events occurring from the usage of the security sub­system are implicitly logged for further future usage. - It also provides an interface to explicitly log any other events coming from other parts of the FAIN architec­ture in a clear and homogeneous way. Modern computer systems do not emphasize enough on the significance of the audit facilities. Hovvever audit tools help in realizing possible security leaks (or even preventing some) and make sure that mistakes are not repeated. We feel that within the AN community special čare has to be taken with audit activities and therefore it is also considered a high-priority security requirement. D Technical aspects of active network security D.l Authentication Authentication is a process of verifying an identity ciaimed by or for a system entity. Symmetric or asymmetric cryp­tography can be used for authentication. Symmetric cryp­tography is suitable only for closed systems due to its scala­biiity problems. Thus, we use asymnietric cryptography in FAIN. This requires every AN user to have a public/private key pair and a valid public key certificate. Nevertheless, common remote authentication protocols employ a hand­shake, i.e. a two way communication in order to perform authentication. In active networks this vvould require an end-host to perform an authenticating handshake protocol with every ANN en route, which is clearly unacceptable. Thus, we propose the use of "unidirectional" procedure, where authentication is based on digital signatures and one-way communication from end-host to an ANN. Overview of this authentication scenario: - User employs its private key to digitally sign the static part of an active packet and adds a signature to the packet it transmits - ANN ušes the public key certificate to verify the va­lidity of the user's public key. - If valid, ANN employs user's public key to verify the digital signature of the packet A PKI infrastructure is needed to support authentication based on digital signatures. D.2 Authorization There will be several enforcement engines in FAIN ANN, each of them residing in a different FAIN ANN subsystem and responsible for mediating access to functions and re­sources of the respective subsystem. On the other hand, au­thorization component can be either integrated with policy enforcement or separated from it. In the former čase, there vvould also have to be one authorization engine per ANN subsystem. In the latter čase, only one, general-purpose authorization engine can be implemented and used by ali policy enforcement engines. We have adopted the latter approach for FAIN due to the following reasons: - no duplication of work; this is especially important if we consider that design and implementation of any security component is a difficult and subtle task - inherent flexibility as a consequence of separation of authorization from enforcement - possibility of reuse of existing tools. D.3 Policy enforcement In the initial phase our discussion is limited to enforce­ment mechanisms up to and including FAIN Node facil­ities level, i.e. we currently omit the discussion of pol­icy enforcement vvithin EEs/VEs. Policy enforcement is the active component of security architecture that enforces authorization decisions and thus enforces the use of ANN resources, which is consistent with local security policies. We distinguish two types of resources, hardvvare and func­tional resources. Hardware resources include basic low-level ANN resources such as memory, storage capacity, CPU cycles and link bandwidth. Functional resources are high-level resources in the sense that they consume some portion of hardware resources. However, with functional resources it is not important how much memory or stor­age space they consume but rather what purpose they serve within an ANN, i.e. what function they provide. Examples of functional resources include: - special purpose files, such as configuration files, - policy entries in the policy database, - ANN State, - ANN API functions themselves, etc. We note that ali resources in an ANN, hardware and functional, are accessible at certain node interface. In or­der to prevent unauthorized use of ANN resources, policy enforcement has to be scattered across different ANN sub­systems that provide specific subsets of ANN API func­tions. Thus, basic technical approach to policy enforce­ment is to add an "adaptation" software layer on top of ev­ery subsystem API, which then mediates access to node API functions. Whenever an ANN function is called by an "eKternal" entity (such as VE, EE, active code), this soft­ware layer: - intercepts the request (call to node function) and sus­pends it - provides call parameters to authorization engine ef­fectively asking for authorization decision; parame­ters include caller ID, called function name, object(s) name, amount of requested hardvvare resources, etc. - when authorization decision is returned - if request is authorized, enforcement layer re­sumes the execution of the request - if request is not authorized, enforcement layer discards the request and thus prevents unautho­rized actions from taking plače In addition to this "high-Ievel" operation, policy en­forcement also has to operate at Iow-leveI in order to en­force proper usage of low-level hardware resources. At the "lower level" enforcement is embodied in a more complex policing algorithm(s), which can control the scheduler(s) for specific resource and thus impose Hmits on resource usage by an entity. D.4 Active packet/code integrity In general, protecting integrity of active packet/code while in transit over netvvork involves cryptographic operations. The most common approach is as follovvs: - at the sending end—generale integrity protection to­ken (data): - calculate a hash of the packet/code - encrypt the hash to protect it from modifications - send the encrypted hash together with the active packet/code - at the receiving end—verify the integrity of the packet/code: - decrypt the hash that accompanies the received active packet/code - calculate a hash of the active packet/code, - compare the two hashes; if they differ active packet/code has been modified and should not be processed or allowed execution. The hash value, vvhich is carried along with active packet/code and is used for integrity, can be protected ei­ther by applying asymmetric encryption or symmetric en­cryption. If asymmetric encryption is used, integrity protection is provided by digital signatures and there is no need for ANNs to maintain a private/public.key pair.^ ANNs only need to be able to obtain the certificate chain, vvhich veri­fies the validity of the public key of the party signing the active packet/code. Thus, the advantage of asymmetric en­cryption is that it eases management of encryption and de­cryption keys. Hovvever, the dovvnside is that asymmetric encryption is on the order of two magnitudes slower than symmetric encryption. In čase symmetric encryption is used, the encrypted hash is known as a MAC^ value. Hovvever, this requires each ANN to maintain a non-compromised private/public key pair and a public key certificate. ANN ušes asymmetric en­cryption to establish a shared secret key with the sending end. Thus, asymmetric encryption in this čase is stili used, but this tirne only to set- up a secret key for symmetric en­cryption. Additional dovvnside of symmetric encryption is that integrity protection requires a negotiation phase before active packet/code can be injected into the AN. ^Note that other security requirements may/will impose this. ^Message Authentication Code. Informatica 26 (2002) 211-221 215 In FAIN we have used a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption for active packet/code integrity, in order to leverage the advantages of both. The proposed approach is as follovvs: - each ANN has a public/private key pair and a public key certificate - each ANN maintains a shared secret key with every of its direct neighbouring ANNs; neighbouring ANNs employ asymmetric cryptography for establishing and updating shared keys - the sending end signs active packet/code (using asym­metric encryption) and injects it into the AN - the ingress ANN fetches the public key of the signer and verifies it against its certificate - the ingress ANN then ušes this key to check integrity of the received active code - if active code is intact, ingress ANN calculates a MAC value, using a secret key it shares with the next hop ANN - ingress ANN sends MAC value along with active packet/code and its signature - every subsequent ANN - ušes the secret key it shares with previous-hop ANN and checks integrity - calculates new MAC values using the secret key it shares with the next hop ANN - sends the new MAC value along with the active packet/code This approach represents a trade-off between FAIN goals of security and performance. On one hand, the described approach is based on the assumption that trust exists be­tween ANNs, vvhich obviously reduces the level of secu­rity. Hovvever, this is a valid assumption at least in a sin­gle domain, vvhich is under the control of a single author­ity. The trust vvithin domain is applied by per-hop sym­metric encryption. On the other hand, this approach is ad­vantageous for ANN performance, since it leverages high speed of symmetric encryption algorithms. Furthermore, because (pre-established) per-hop shared keys are used, it effectively eliminates the symmetric key negotiation phase. Note that per ANN public/private keys and per-hop crypto­graphic calculations are used. Hovvever, since some parts of an active packet are dynamic, i.e. they can change at every hop, they cannot be protected vvith digital signatures and, thus, per hop integrity vvill have to be used, anyway. D.5 Code verification Verification can enable us to trust to some extent that the active code will bebave safely and properly and that we can have some guarantees on its resource usage on the node and in the network. But we shall say in general that verification provides only enhanced trust in proper and safe code exe­cution, which is usually not related to the trust in the user on behalf of which the code is executing. Code verification can help an ANN decide vvhether to run the newly received code. If the code fails the verification test, it is not trusted and it is dropped or altematively it can run in an EE with minimal facilities available. In the latter čase the EE is the same one that will be used to run anonymous active code. Broadly, code verification techniques can be classified into two groups: 1. Digitally signed code, so we trust the user, organiza­tion or repository that has signed the code. Digital signature can be checked at the NodeOS level, imme­diately after it is available. 2. Various other mechanisms that can enhance the trust in proper and safe execution. These mechanisms mainly operate within EEs, and include techniques like proof carrying code, JAVA bytecode verification, and restricted languages. If there is resource consumption estimate available, sim­ple resource check is also possible. Since the scope of ini­tial FAIN security architecture is limited to the NodeOS level, we propose the use of first approach, which employs digital signatures for code certification. D.6 Audit The Information gathered by the audit manager are stored into the audit database and via a policy controlled way are available for further use. Decomposition of auditing ac­tivity in this way allovvs the active node base code to be simpler as it does not have to implement complex handling of audit messages. Audit logs should be securely stored not only locally on the node but also in a distributed scheme as this offers better survivability to attacks against the node. Apart from the node audit, the active code may perform its own auditing and possibly report it via an interface to the node's audit facilities. E FAIN Security Architecture Figure 2 depicts a FAIN active network node; ali shaded components are part of security architecture. As depicted, FAIN security architecture roughly comprises three parts: security subsystem, other ANN security components, and extemal security support facilities. Note that the scope of initial FAIN security architecture does not include EE layer of FAIN ANN architecture. E.l Security subsystem Most of security critical decisions are made by security subsystem, which is one of several subsystems within an ANN. The Security subsystem is also responsible for man­agement of security critical data, such as encryption keys, credentials, and policies. This subsystem is the core of FAIN security architecture and includes the following components: 1. Crypto Engine: performs the actual cryptographic operations, such as symmetric encryption/decryption, asymmetric encryption/decryption, and hashing. It implements various cryptographic algorithms, which are used by other components in the security subsys­tem. 2. Security Environment (SE): in a secure fashion Stores various encryption keys, which are required by crypto engine. For example, SE stores ANN's pub­lic key pair (private and public key) and ali secret keys that an ANN shares with its neighbours (one per neighbour). 3. SE Manager: is used for managing the keys in SE. SE manager can provide facilities for manual config­uration of encryption keys and can also automatically manage keys, e.g. by triggering a key exchange pro­tocol with neighbouring ANN. 4. Integrlty Engine: checks the integrity of active pack­ets and active code. It depends on integrity protection data contained within an active packet and on crypto engine to do the necessary cryptographic operations. 5. Verification Engine: performs code verification (at NodeOS level), if any. It may depend on special data contained within an active packet and on crypto en­gine to do the necessary cryptographic operations. 6. Authentication Engine: verifies the authenticity of active packets. It depends on authentication data con­tained within an active packet and on crypto engine to do the necessary cryptographic operations. 7. Authorization Engine: is responsible for making a decision vvhether a given user request to execute spe­cific action or to access/manipulate particular object within an ANN is authorized or not. Authorization en­gine provides this "service" to ali policy enforcement engines in an ANN. 8. Policy database: stores security policies, vvhich gov­ern who can do what in an ANN. 9. Policy Manager: when asked by the authorization en­gine, searches policy DB and returns aH security poli­cies, that are relevant for a particular request, which is currently subject to authorization. It also provides facilities for editing entries in policy DB, either manu­ally by an authorized user, or automatically, i.e. down­load policies from a centralized policy server. High perfor­mance EE FAlNActive Netvvork Node DPE based EE Mobile agent EE SNAP NodeOS Interface e nfor ce Figure 2: FAIN security architecture. 10. Credential database: stores users' credentials, such as public key certificates and attribute certificates. 11. Credential Manager: when asked by authorization engine, searches credential DB and returns ali creden­tials, that are relevant for a particular request, which is currently subject to authorization. It also provides facilities for editing credential database, either manu­ally by an authorized user, or automatically, i.e. search and download credentials from an external credential repository. 12. Audit database: stores an audit log of security critical events. 13. Audit Manager: will be the plače where aH security architecture's components audit their function in order to be used later in resolution of problems or even to make decisions. E.g. an Intrusion Detection System would use a view of the audit DB in order to recognize attacks against the system. The audit could be also distributed for survivability reasons. E.2 Other ANN Security Components The second part of security architecture includes compo­nents that are part of ANN but are external to security sub­system. This includes policy enforcement engines and var­ious components providing environment variables, e.g. re­source usage monitor. Various subsystems within an ANN offer their services and objects for use by users via their in­terfaces. Access to these objects and services is governed by security policies. Thus, enforcement of node security policies has to be performed at the point where they can be violated, i.e. at interfaces. At every ANN subsystem in­terface, a policy enforcement engine acts as an adaptation layer, which is responsible for mediating access to subsys­tem services and objects based on the authorization deci­sion. While authorization is only a decision making, en­forcement is an active process that prevents access to ser­vices and objects by unauthorized users. The Enforcement engine suspends the request at interface, asks the authoriza­tion engine vvhether this request is allowed and acts upon authorization decision, i.e. either ailows or denies execu­tion of the request. In addition to these "high-level" enforcement engines, there are also "low- level" enforcement engines, which are tightly coupled vvith specific hardvvare resources available within an ANN and therefore they are considered as part of Resource Control Framevvork (RCF). Finally, there are some components in an ANN, which provide authorization engine with necessary data to make authorization decision. For example, resource usage monitor provides data on cur­rent hardvvare resource consumption by particular user, and a clock provides current time and date. E.3 External Security Support Facilities In the initial security architecture, we envisage these secu­rity support facilities: - Certification Authority (CA) - Authorization Authority - Credential repository Authentication based on digital signatures requires a user to have a public key pair and a valid public key certifi­cate. Public key certificate binds a public key and an iden­tity of its owner; these certificates are issued by a trusted third party called Certification Authority (CA). When a user enters an ANN, he must present his public key cer­tificate to authentication engine. Alternatively, he can pro­vide a pointer to his public key certificate in the form of a reference to certificate repository. In the initial phase of FAIN, a single CA is sufficient for demonstration and testing purposes. This can be later ex­tended with more CAs forming a fully-fledged Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Similarly, a scalable approach to authorization requires a user to have one or more attribute certificates. Attribute certificates bind public keys directiy to privileges, which can be exercised by the owner of the key. Attribute Cer­tificates are issued by a trusted party called Authorization Authority, which may not necessarily be the same as the Certification Authority. When a user enters an ANN, he must present one or more attribute certificates either di­rectly or by reference to a repository. Later, when a user tries to execute an action, attribute certificates are used by the authorization engine to decide whether he has the nec­essary privileges. The Credential repository can store both, public key cer­tificates and attribute certificates. Repository can be imple­mented in many ways, such as a directory service or a web repository. F Operation of security architecture Basically, there are two checkpoints where security func­tionality from figure 2 is employed to protect an ANN: when a user enters an ANN and when a user tries to execute some action vvithin an ANN. The former is represented by an arrival of an active packet in ANN and we call it entry-level protection. The latter occurs when a request for cer­tain operation arrives at NodeOS interface and we call it execution-level protection. In addition to these two types of security protections, one can distinguish two operations, which do not directly provide any security protections. Rather, these two are a sort of "backplane" operations, which support entry- and execution-level security protections. These support oper­ations are: setup of a shared secret key between neigh­bouring ANNs and obtaining the missing credentials from a node external repository. A secret key, which is shared by a pair of neighbour ANNs, is used for hop-by-hop symmet­ric encryption of portions of active packet, which is lever­aged e.g. for integrity protection. To setup a shared secret key between two ANNs, any key exchange protocol can be used. Key exchange has to be performed when a new ANN is added to/removed from the AN and whenever the key lifetime expires. On some occasions, a situation may arise, when the credentials needed to make authorization decision are not present in an ANN. In this čase, the missing credentials have to be searched for and obtained from somewhere in the network, usually from a repository service. Finally, there is an audit facility vvithin FAIN ANN, which is responsible for keeping a log of aH security criti­cal events within an ANN. This information is required for activities such as intrusion detection and analysis and as­sessment of security breaches. F.l Entry-level security protections Figure 3 depicts a sequence of security operations that are performed for every packet that arrives at ANN. These se­curity checks are aimed at detecting anything suspicious about this particular packet and, if so, discarding it. A packet is only delivered to appropriate EE if it passes aH checks. Upon entering an ANN, an active packet is first processed in order to extract information needed for secu­rity checks. This information includes: - Digital signatures, which are used for authentication, integrity, and verification - MAC values, which are used for integrity protection - Public key certificate(s), vvhich are used for checking digital signatures - Attribute certificates, which are used for authorization After this information has been provided to security sub­system, entry-level security checks are triggered. The secu­rity subsystem verifies credentials, checks integrity of ac­tive packet and active code, performs code verification (if any), and performs authentication and returns the result of these operations to the de-multiplexing subsystem. Only if ali these checks are successful, the packet is anowed to "enter" an ANN, i.e. it is first processed at NodeOS level (e.g. IP processing) and then forwarded to appropriate EE for further processing. If any of security checks fails, this is reported to de-multiplexing system, vvhich discards the packet. F.1.1 Active packet integrity Integrity protection is based on cryptography. Every packet carries along at least one special token, vvhich is used for in­tegrity protection. This token is in the form of a digital sig­nature and/or a MAC (Message Authentication Code). In AN ACTIVE NETWORKS SECURITV ARCHITECTURE ^ : Customer : Demux Secuiitv&gine :E E hject Packet | I T Parse Packet H Bctract Security Data security dh&ck \enf/credentials 3 checl packet integiity Code integrity H J X irifj^ code authenticalion curitycheck result fc m process packet deli >jer packet Mor execution Figure 3: Entry-level Security Checks Informatica 26 (2002) 211-221 219 FAIN bothe techniques are used for packet integrity. This is due to the fact that digital signatures are required for au­thentication, so it is sensible to leverage digital signatures for integrity as well. However, this applies only to static parts of an active packet, which do not change en route and can be signed by the source of the packet. For the dynamic parts of an active packet, which can change vvithin an ANN, per hop integrity protections based on MAC must be used. Integrity engine checks integrity in three steps. Firstly, it asks crypto engine, vvhich performs ali cryptographic cal­culations, to decrypt the integrity token, in this čase a MAC value; crypto engine needs to get appropriate decryption key from ANN's security environment. This decryption process returns a hash of the packet as it was scen by its sender. Secondly, it asks crypto engine to calculate hash of the packet. The last step is to compare this hash against the decrypted token. If they are equal, then integrity of the packet can be assumed. If these two values differ, however, then integrity check has failed. F.1.2 Active code integrity and code verification Here we check the integrity of the newly received active code. Note that integrity checks for active packet and ac­tive code need to be separate because of the fact that these protections are in most cases provided by different encryp­tion keys, i.e. different actors. The reason for this is that active code can be tampered with even before it is included in any active packet. Thus, digital signature generated by packet source at packet creation does not suffice for ac­tive code. Every active code is accompanied by at least one special token, vvhich is used for integrity protection. This token has a form of a digital signature and/or a MAC (Message Authentication Code). It is envisaged that both approaches to integrity will be used in FAIN. Digital signa­tures by code provider/manufacturer can provide integrity protection until code is injected into the active network. From there per-hop MAC protection can be used, vvhich is expected to yield performance gains. Additionally, the advantage of per-hop MAC protection is that it covers both packet and code at the same tirne. Note that we omit the discussion of multi-domain issues in the initial phase. When active code integrity is provided with digital sig­nature generated by code provider, the integrity engine must first process code provider's public key certificate in order to extract and validate providers public key. After ex­tracting a valid public key integrity engine checks integrity in three steps, similar to active packets. First, it asks crypto engine to decrypt the integrity token, in this čase a digi­tal signature. This decryption process returns a hash of the code as it was seen by the code provider. Second, it asks crypto engine to calculate hash of the code. The last step is to compare this hash against the decrypted token. If they are equal, then integrity of the code can be assumed. If these two values differ, hovvever, then integrity check has failed. The majority of active code verification techniques are specific to particular EE. Since we have limited our cur­rent scope to NodeOS only, we do not address these mech­anisms. The only general verification mechanism, which can be placed in the NodeOS is based on digital signatures by trusted parties. For the initial FAIN security architec­ture we use code providers as these trusted parties. This ef­fectively eliminates the need for distinct code verification process within the NodeOS, since code provider's digital signature is checked as part of code integrity check. F.2 Execution-level Security Protections Once an active packet has successfully passed entry-level checks, active code(s) can execute and perform operations within an ANN on behalf of some user. Obviously, some users will have more privileges than others, i.e. security policies define who can do what in an ANN. In order to protect an ANN it is necessary to prevent users from abus­ing their privileges and violating security policies. According to the previous paragraph, execution-level protection includes two steps: - Evaluating every execution request against node se­curity policies, which is performed by authentication engine and - AUovving or denying execution based on positive or negative authorization decision, respectively; policy enforcement engines are responsible for this. F.2.1 Policy enforcement Crucial to policy enforcement is the subsystem specific en­forcement engine, which is implemented as an adaptation layer mediating requests at subsystem interface. Every re­quest at subsystem interface is intercepted and suspended by this adaptation layer. Before execution a request has to be evaluated against local security policies. Enforcement engine does not itself evaluate whether the request is com­pliant with local security policies. Instead it invokes the authorization procedure within the security subsystem and feeds it with request information, such as: requested ac­fion, name of target object and requesting caller ID. Only after authorization returns, "request authorized" does an en­forcement engine allow execution of the request by the un­derlying subsystem. Obviously, if authorizafion returns a negative answer, i.e. "request not authorized", then en­forcement engine simply discards the suspended request. This way, it prevents execution of unauthorized requests and essentially enforces users to adhere to local security policies. F.2.2 Authorization Here we check everything that is required to authorize the request, i.e. to decide whether to grant it or not. In flexible access control systems, authorization is not integrated with A. Savanovič et al. enforcement. Instead it is separated logically and in imple­mentation. In this way, a single authorization engine can be used by multiple poIicy enforcement engines. Authorization decision is based on the foilovving set of data: - request information (action, object name, caller ID) - local security policies, which govern the way in which particular object can be used - credentials associated with particular caller ID - current values of environment variables, such as time of day and amount of resources used by subject Enforcement engine provides the request information when it asks for authorization decision. This information is used as an "index" by poiicy and credential managers for fetching appropriate policies and credentials, respec­tively. Environment variables are provided to authoriza­tion engine upon request by facilities, such as system clock and resource monitoring module within Resource Control Framework (RCF) subsystem. Finally, after gathering ali the required information, authorization engine processes this data according to its internal rules, which return a sim­ple result, either saying, "request authorized" or " request not authorized." This is returned to the calling policy en­forcement engine, which then acts accordingly. G Related work FAIN aims to develop a heterogeneous ANN, allovving coexistence of various technologies that enable installa­tion and execution of active code within an ANN. Conse­quently, FAIN security architecture is aimed at providing a more general solution vvhich provides necessary protec­tions for such an heterogeneous system. This is reflected by the fact that security architecture we have presented does not incorporate details of specific EEs that exist in the FAIN ANN. Its goal is to be as EE independent as pos­sible and provide a common set of basic security services required by ali AN enabling technologies. Some research projects on active networks have already tried to tackle the issue of security, in various ways and at different levels of completeness [3,4,6,8]. In contrast to FAIN, ali these security architectures are tied to the specifics of the respective model of active netvvorks and, consequently, reflect the original design decisions and, more importantly, trade-offs chosen by developers of the respective model. Java Security Architecture [5] proved to be useful for AN security, but it has some drawbacks in this context [6]. There has also been some more general work on AN security [2], but this work is stili in the early phase. Some research projects on active networks have already tried to tackle the issue of security [3] [4] [5] [6]. Contrary to FAIN, ali these approaches are tied to specifics of particular model of programmability. When designing a more general AN ACTIVE NETVVORKS SECURITV ARCHITECTURE AN security architecture, which is the čase in FAIN, these specifics can not be assumed. Java Security Architecture [7] proved to be useful for AN security, but again it is tech­nology specific and it also has some drawbacks [5]. There has also been some more general work on AN security [8]. This work is stili in the early phase. H Conclusion We have presented in this paper a security architecture for future IP active netvvorks as it is done in the context of FAIN project. We try to tackle the high priority security requirements such as authentication, authorization, policy enforcement, active code and active packet integrity and verification and last but not least audit. We have anal­ysed the main design decisions that we have taken and the reasons why we decided to follovv them. Subsequently we have presented the components of a security architec­ture that will be used by multiple heterogeneous execution environments within the same active node. We also pro­vide a look in the interworkings of the architecture and its decision-making logic. A prototype implementation of the presented active netvvork security architecture is currently under development, which will be used for exploring the advantages and drawbacks of our approach. Acknowledgement This paper describes work undertaken and in progress in the context of the FAIN - IST 10561, a 3 year project during 2000-2002. The IST program is par­tially funded by the Commission of the European Union. The FAIN consortium consists of University College London—UK, Jožef Štefan Institute—Slovenia, NTUA—Greece, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya— Spain, Deutsche Telekom Berkom—Germany, France Telecom/CNET—France, KPN—The Netherlands, Hitachi Europe Ltd.—UK, Hitachi, Ltd.—Japan, Siemens AG— Germany, ETH—Switzerland, Fraunhofer FOKUS— Germany, IKV-i-4- GmbH—Germany, INTERGAsys— Spain, University of Pennsylvania—USA. References [1] Active Network Working Group. Architectural Frame­work for Active Networks, Jul 1999. [2] Active Networks Security Working Group. Security Architecture for Active Nets, May 2001. [3] D. Scott Alexander, Wiliam A. Arbough, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Jonathan M. Smith. A Secure Ac­tive Network Environment Architecture: Realisation in SwitchWare. IEEE Network, Special Issue: Active and Programmable Networks:37—45, May/Jun 1998. Informatica 26 (2002) 211-221 221 [4] B. Branden, B. Lindell, and S. Bernson. A Proposed ABone Network Security Architecture. ABone-draft, Nov 1999. [5] Li Gong. Java security architecture (JDKl.2). Techni­cal report, Sun Microsystems, Oct 1998. [6] Active Networks Working Group. SANTS Security Overvievv, May 2000. [7] Future Active IP Netvvorks (FAIN) Project. [8] Stephen Schwab, Richard Yee, and Rishi Dandekar. AMP Security Overview. Technical report, NAI Labs, May 2000.