i t,s l y u; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 02/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 11. 01. 2015 JEZUSOV KRST BAPTISM OFTHE LORD Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca Web page www.carantha.com Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca IN ODPRLA SO SE NEBESA ... S praznikom Jezusovega krsta zaključujemo božični čas cerkvenega leta. Bogastvo misli in doživetij ob božjem učlovečenju bi morali zdaj prenašati v svoje življenje. Na to veliko dolžnost in poslanstvo ter obenem radost nad tem nas bo nenehno spominjal naš krst, ki je božje učlovečenje v vsakomur izmed nas. Živeti krst, pomeni živeti Kristusa. Živeti iz krsta, pomeni uresničevati božjo zamisel o človeku. Kakšna je le-ta, borno lahko vsaj malo razbrali iz opisa Kristusove osebnosti v vseh treh svetopisemskih odlomkih. Prerok Izaija se zazira v prihodnost in vidi Kristusa-človeka kot božjega služabnika, kot božjega hlapca: »Glej, moj služabnik, ki ga podpiram, moj izvoljeni, nad katerim imam veselje«. Samemu Bogu v veselje je človek, ki izpolnjuje svoje življenjsko poslanstvo, saj le tako ta človek more biti srečen. In Bog hoče srečnega človeka, ki edini more osrečevati tudi druge. Človek, po božji zamisli, je predvsem dober in prizanesljiv, zato pa mnogokrat neopazen in tih: »Ne bo vpil, ne bo hrupa delal, ne bo dal slišati svojega glasu po ulicah. Nalomljenega trsta ne bo zlomil ...« Apostol Peter, kot očividec, opisuje osebo Jezusa Kristusa. V zelo kratkih in klenih stavkih postavlja pred nas vzor vsakega krščenca. Prepričuje nas, »da Bog ne gleda na osebo«, se pravi, da Boga ne moremo premotiti s kakršnim koli videzom. Pred Bogom nisi večji, ker si mlad, sposoben, premožen, izobražen. Bogu je »v vsakem narodu všeč, kdor se ga boji in dela po pravici«. V božjih očeh je torej velik tisti, ki razume, da je edino božja pot za človeka pravilna. In da le taka pot vodi k pravici. Evangelist Marko s svojo kratkostjo in neposrednostjo poroča o Jezusovem prvem javnem nastopu. Ko se je Jezus dal Janezu krstiti, takoj zatem pride božja potrditev: »Ti si moj ljubljeni Sin, nad katerim imam veselje«. Zopet je božje veselje nad Sinom, ki izpolnjuje Očetovo voljo s svojim odrešenjskim delom. Človek, ki izpolnjuje božjo voljo, je božja in človeška radost. Takšen človek je nekakšno odpiranje nebes. PRIČAKOVANJE NOVEGA LETA_ Župnijski pastoralni svet že vrsto let organizira za vse, ki se prijavijo, prireditev za pričakovanje Novega leta. Tudi letos se nas je zbralo skupaj z delavci skoraj 150. Zgornja dvorana je bila lepo pripravljena, z novimi lučmi za plesišče, na odru je ansambel Murski vas poskrbel za zanimive točke programa. Razni dobitki so se žrebali skozi ves večer. Posebej so bili zamivi baloni z ali brez dobitkov - sreča je pač opoteča. Tudi letos smo imeli kotiček za slikanje in nekateri so ga izkoristili, da so potem s seboj odnesli tudi sliko. V kuhinji je »Kata« s svoje ekipo pripravilo dobro, okusno večerjo in pozneje še narezek, kajti po plesu človek postane lačen - in za vse je bilo dovolj. Mladi so hitro postregli na mize obenem pa uživali v družbi vrstnikov. Ob polnoči so si vsi izrazili čestitke in dobre želje, iz balkona so prileteli še baloni... Tako, da je bilo veselo razpoloženje. Starejši so začeli počasi odhajati, mladi pa so vztrajali še nekaj časa ob glasbi, njim primerni. Hvala članom župnijskega sveta in drugim, ki so pomagali pri pripravi in izvedbi programa. Response: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. First Reading Isaiah 55:1 -11 A vision of salvation: listen to the Lord and your soul shall live. Second Reading 1 John 5:1-9 Faith in Christ Jesus leads us to love all God's children. Gospel Mark 1:7-11 The gentle carpenter of Nazareth is empowered as God's beloved Son. "You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you." Illustration Every Saturday afternoon, back in the 1950s, the local cinema used to have a children's matinee. Two films would be shown, usually American Westerns, and the children of that little town in the north of England would queue up along the side wall to be let into the auditorium. On this particular Saturday afternoon, Brian and his sister Tricia, both of primary school age, persuaded their mum to let them go to the matinee. With a sixpence in his hand, Brian led the way and soon they were standing in a great crowd of children, all excited at the prospect of the show. In that crowd, Brian met up with a school pal, a boy who was a bit more rough and ready. "Give me your sixpence and follow me," the boy said, and without thinking Brian handed over the money. The boy barged through the waiting children and made his way to the front of the queue. Brian refused to follow. Without money, he and his sister turned for home, where Tricia reported the drama. Brian never forgot that event. The English are famous for forming queues, but the boy who lost his sixpence remembers the incident for a more important reason. We are part and parcel of one another in this world, in solidarity with each other. It is not right to barge through where other people stand and wait. It's better to be among the people, one with them, than to push yourself forward at others' expense. Gospel Teaching Today, by the banks of the Jordan, we come upon another face in the crowd. Jesus comes from Galilee, and joins all the other people - and there are many - who have come out into the wilderness to listen to the prophet and to be baptised by him. John the Baptist has called people to renounce their sinful ways and to prepare themselves for one who is to come. By going down into the water, they renounce their sinful life. As they emerge from the river, they are renewed for holiness and ready for the coming one. Jesus joins this crowd of sinners, walks in step with them and, when his turn comes, goes down into the waters. John recognises Jesus as the Holy LIPA PARK, MAŠA NA PRAZNIK SV. ŠTEFANA 2014 One, and is initially reluctant to baptise him. But Jesus insists. He is taking on the sins of everyone, of the whole world, and with those sins upon him he goes down into the water. Jesus is one of us, and it is because he is not a sinner that he can share our sins. Sin makes us all strangers to one another, keeping us apart from one another. But the sinless person is the one who is closest of all to us. With this public act, in his thirtieth year, Jesus sets out on the road of our redemption. We will be saved through him. He will carry our sins for us. There will come a time when Jesus will say, with urgency, "There is a baptism I must still receive, and how great is my distress till it is over." The baptism that began in the River Jordan will come to its fruition on the cross and in the resurrection from the dead. Application At the Jordan, Jesus hears the words of his Father affirming and confirming him in his true identity as beloved Son of God. This powerful affirmation brings to Jesus all the calm confidence of a person who knows who he is. God's Spirit is poured into him. Jesus is able to go out and begin his public life and work. He is fitted for that task by the voice of his Father and the gift of the Spirit. That voice and that Spirit are given to all Christian people. We are a baptised people, and gifts have been given to us. As Isaiah says, "I have made of you a witness to the peoples, a leader and a master of the nations." Such is our vocation. We may not remember the day of our baptism, if we were mere babes in arms, but that does not matter: we are baptised and confirmed people, and God has bestowed favours upon us. Today is the day to respond to the favour you have received, God's Holy Spirit dwelling in you. You are not just a face in the crowd. You are a child of the living God and God's favour rests on you. Vsako leto se na Štefanovo, ob štirih popoldne, zberemo k sveti maši v dvorani društva Lipa park. Tokrat sva prišla skupaj z g. Bogdanom Kolarjem. V letu 2014 je društvo dvorano znotraj prenovilo in sedaj je veliko bolj privlačna tudit za tiste, ki jo želijo najeti za razne dogodke. Tokrat se nas je kar precej zbralo k sveti maši in lepo so tudi vsi sodelovali, tako z molitvijo kot tudi s petjem. Po maši pa so dobre gospodinje pripravile kuhano vino, čaj, kavo in še dobrih slovenskih sladkih dobrot. Ob klepetu je čas hitro tekel naprej. Zaželi smo si sreče in zdravja v novem letu in se počasi razšli vsak na svoj dom. F)IT Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR-VAJE ?•,> —:-S ' *f% Župnijski zbor ima vaje v ^ jv? J četrtek 15. januarja. Potem pa ' jim damo en teden počitnic. Vaje bodo zopet v četrtek 29. januarja. Pripraviti se moramo za svečnico. Peli bomo v nedeljo 1. februarja. 18. januarja 2015 pojemo tudi v katedrali pri »multikulturalni maši«. Pri maši pojemo Psalm, Svet, Skrivnost vere, Amen, Jagnje božje in vodimo zadnjo pesem: Alleluia! Raise the Gospel. Maša se začne ob 1:00 p.m. Vabljeni tudi drugi. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 11. januar: 12:00 maša pri društvu Sava-Breslav, 4:00 p.m. maša v Londonu - St. John the Divine Church ♦ 18. januar: Katedrala Hamilton: maša za narodnosti - 1:00 p.m. ♦ 18. januar: Bled- Koline ♦ 25. januar: Slovenska šola vabi na kavo in pecivo po obeh mašah. ♦ 31. januar: Spaghetti supper NAROČNINA ZA OGNJIŠČE 2015_ Vsem, ki želite nadaljevati z naročnino za Ognjišče tudi v letu 2015 sporočamo, da je naročnina 80 kanadskih dolarjev. Hvala vsem, ki ste že poravnali. ČIŠČENJE CERKVE_ Hvala vsem prostovoljcem, ki ste se prijavili za čiščenje cerkve v letu 2015. Hvala tudi Pameli, ki je sestavila listo. Zadaj si lahko vzamete list z vsemi datumi za čiščenje. V primeru, da kdo ne bi mogel na določen datum, naj se dogovi s kom drugim, da zamenjata dneve. Hvala! 14 | VESTNIK 2015 VILLA BINGO_ Villa Bingo resumed on Monday January 5th at 1:30 PM & our Društvo Social Nights on Tuesday, January 6th. MULTICULTURAL DAY, JAN 18_ The many and diverse Parishes of our Diocese will gather at the Basilica of Christ the King on Sunday, January 18th at 1:00 pm to celebrate the diocesan Multicultural Day. The Most Reverend Daniel Miehm, Auxiliary Bishop of Hamilton, will be the main Celebrant and Homilist. A reception will follow. Please join us! KONZULARNE URE_ Iz slovenskega velepostaništva v Ottawi sporočajo, da bodo naslednje konzularne ure v Torontu v soboto 17. januarja 2015 med 11.00 a.m. in 4:00 p.m v prostorih Generalanega konzulata na 747 Brown's Line, Etobicoke. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu januarju večna luč gori za pokojnega ALEXANDRA ZOLISA po namenu Zlatka in Marije Berkovič. NEDELJSKE NABIRKE_ Odlsej imate na oglasni deski, pri vhodu v cerkev,podatke o nedeljskih nabirkah. Hvala vsem, ki redno podpirate našo župnijo z darovi. Le tako je mogoče ohranjati urejene prostore za vse prireditve, ki jih imamo v okviru župnije. CWL- KŽZ_ A quick reminder that CWL memberships are due. They can be placed in the collection basket on Sunday, or you are welcome to give them directly to Milena Krusic. Praying for Vocations_ If you love priests and religious men and women, please support them by joining us in praying for vocations. Vocation Saturday is an initiative of the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Hamilton to gather people from across the diocese to unite in prayer for vocations. Join us on Saturday, February 14, at Canadian Martyrs Church in Hamilton, for 9:00 a.m. Mass and Holy Hour for Vocations. Thinking about Priesthood or Religious Life? Find out by attending one of the upcoming events: Discernment Group (a monthly morning of prayer, reflection, and lunch): Saturday, February 14, at Canadian Martyrs Church in Hamilton: starting at 9:00 a.m.: Mass, Holy Hour, Discernment Groups for men and women, and lunch. For more information visit www.HamiltonVocations.com VM SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in alt Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 11. 01. 2015 DO 18. 01. 2015 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Nedelja- Sunday .. za žvedin rajnezupljane Jezusov Krst ? StarSJ Peter In Ana StareSiniC 11.Januar 2015 t JanPOna Pavlin Oglejski tt Pokojni StarSi in brat SerbeC j. \A> vlili Vy 2; t kjivi , , — - a v- - „ tt Za pokojne člane društva 9:30 a.m. Hči Marija Miketič z družino 11:00 a.m. Krystyna Kasia 12:00 Noon Zinka Mirt / SAVA-Breslav 4:00 p.m. London: St. John the Divine Ponedeljek Monday Na čast Materi Božji 12. Januar tt Verona in Štefan Prša Tatjana, mučenka 7:00 p.m. Ignac Horvat z družino Ignac Horvat z družino Torek - Tuesday 13. Januar t Janez Selšek Veronika, devica 8:00 a.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Sreda - Wednesday t Sofija Vinčec, obl. 14. Januar 2015 tt Anton in Antonija Vinčec Oton, red., Malahia, pr. t Toni Šverko 7:00 p.m. Mož Toni Vinčec Štefica Šverko z družino Četrtek - Thursday t Janko Demšar 15. Januar Bugu v zahvalo za 83. roj dan Pavel, pušč., Mihej, pr. tt Pokojni iz družine Trček 7:00 p.m. Družina Demšar Gizella Ray z družino Francka Seljak Petek tt Pokojni starši in Lojze Pozderec Friday t Marija Grebene 16. Januar t Sidonija Drvarič Marcel, papež t Sidonija Drvarič 7:00 p.m. Julija Sagadin z družino Tone in Marija Bukvič JoseDanny Dube Družina Pelcar Po namenu Sobota tt Pokojni iz družine Pinter Saturday tt Pokojni iz družine Simončič 17. JANUAR tt Pokojni iz družine Gerič Anton (Zvonko), pušč. tt Frančiška in Stane NaPast tt Pokojni iz družione Germ 8:00 a.m. n.n. 5:30 p.m. Družina Pinter Družina Pinter Družina Pinter Družina Pinter Družina Pinter Nedelja - Sunday + za žive 'n rajne župljane 2.Jed. med letom t M u 18. Januar 2015 t Mary Hočevar t Dane Jesih Marjeta, redovnica Multikultural mass 9:30 a.m. Sestra Jožica z družino Hči Mia Goodfellow z dr. 11:00 a.m. Theresa Koželj 1:00 p.m. Katedrala Hamilton