Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American- Slo.venians Vol. 107, No. 15 American Home Amer iška Domovi n a> SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 •ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 2005 Phone:(216)431-0628 ermail: aIi@biickeyeYveb.coin Left to right, Stan Markun, Martin Hozjan, President of Slovenian Cultural Center, Lemont, IL), Bill Trinko, and Mike Vidmar. KSKJ Awards $500 for Film Preservation Project in Lemont Julie Schneller, KSKJ Youth / Adult Activities Director, announced that the KSKJ awarded a $500 Cul-hiral Grant to the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, IL. The grant is for an audio ! video project being headed by Bill Trinko. Bill (and before him his brother Mike) has been filming, recording and more recently, video taping various Slovenian events in Chi-Cago and other places for alrnost 80 years. Many of the events center on St. Stephen Church in Chicago, but also include Lemont, Joliet, Toronto, Marquette, MI, and Various other locations. The project will transfer to videotape and DVD the °Id films and reel-to-reel sound recordings. The tapes and DVD will be available at file Slovenian Cultural Cen-jfr library for viewing and istening. Copies will also be bailable for purchase. Some of the earliest films 'nclude the offices of the Slovenec news- (luJSSsthe 1930s’the KSKJ % ®^§ktional Convention in \ Jrf Chicago, Bishop Rozman’s visit to Chicago and graduation classes from St. Stephen’s School. More recent films of Slovenska Pesem Chorus concerts, 1974 Bishop Baraga Days, Lojze Slak’s 1985 Chicago performances, Slovenian American Radio Club Slovenian Days, Korotan concert, Kolina Dinners, Slovenian Christmas performance at the Museum of Science and Industry, Slovenian Sports Club softball tournament in Lemont, and the 100,h anniversary of St. Stephen Church in Chicago. And there is much, much more that will become available. This is a very important project to save the records of these Slovenian events for future generations. Both the KSKJ and Slovenian Cultural Center deserve congratulations for their support of Bill Trinko for engineering this important project. --Michael Vidmar President of IL. Federation of KSKJ Lodges Annual Slovenian Ski Trip - Vail 2005 by ANDREJ N. LAH The group arrived in Denver on Saturday morning, April 2 for a week of skiing at Vail Resort. All but a few of the skiers had been on the trip to Banff in 2004, so it was as if a group of old friends were gathering for a week of good skiing and camaraderie. While the conditions and the weather could not have been better, the true enjoyment came from the time spent with a group of nice people with the added bonus of having a common background. Moreover, it was great for me to be able to practice my Slovenian. When we arrived at Vail Spa, a condominium complex located in Lions Head and a short walk from the gondola, we celebrated our arrival in typical Slovenian style, food and drink. With the weather predictions being sunny and warm, sun screen was a critical necessity. Our first day of skiing on Sunday consisted of perfect snow conditions with sun and warm temperatures. We also experienced a sky so blue and mountains so defined that it was as if we were looking at a perfect painting. Most of the group gathered for lunch at the top of the gondola, where we shared a meal and spoke of the beautiful day we were given on that first day of skiing in Vail. That evening, we gathered to share another meal, this was shared during Mass and was the most important meal of the week. Sunday evening Mass was said by Father Martin Cimerman. We all gathered in the same hospitality room as when we arrived, and again in a typical Slovenian manner, we praised God for the blessings bestowed upon us. It was a simple celebration, on a simple altar in a simple place and it reminded me of how many of our Slovenian ancestors must have remembered Christ’s sacrifice when all they had was a small table, a cross, some bread and wine and a small room in which to gather. The next day we skied at Beaver Creek, which is a short bus ride from Vail. What made our day at Beaver Creek most enjoyable was our tour guide. Pavle Košir took the group under his wing and brought us to all the good runs. He decided where we would ski and we gratefully followed. With Pavle as our guide, we were able to enjoy the mountain without worrying where we should go next. Snow arrived Monday evening and brought with it powder skiing. In a few locations this skier got some waist deep snow. Due to the weather, however, many of our group took the day off. Competitive spirits were at their peak on Wednesday for the races. As Slovenian music resounded over this portion of Vail mountain, the Slovenian skiers prepared for their two runs through the giant slalom course adjacent to the Avanti lift. Mira Kosem exemplified the fearlessness of the Slovenian competitors as she flew through the gates with the intensity of an Olympic competitor. Despite the spirited competition, we cheered each other on in the true spirits of sportsmanship we all shared. This camaraderie manifested itself at the awards dinner as we cheered for those who had won and for those who competed. We cheered for Stephan Bilicic because he was the 20th racer, making the entire race possible. While he may have been the slowest racer, we made sure that he knew how much we appreciated him for getting through those gates. We cheered for our 12-year-old Alexander Cobb, for being the youngest racer and for Pavle Košir as our oldest racer. The success of the race was the joy we shared in this friendly competition. The results of the race for the men were that Gregor Sodja had the fastest run and for that he won the Gold Medal. Matej Brane came in second for the Silver, and Rudi Luzar was third for the Bronze. In the men’s masters competition (stari moški) Jože Skof won the Gold; Ivan Kamin won the silver, and Tone Kačičnik won the Bronze. In the ladies competition, Mira Kosem was first for the Gold, and Mia Brane won the Silver. Next year we expect more ladies to join the group and participate in the race. After the race we celebrated with food at one of the mountain restaurants. The next two days were filled with more good skiing and fun. Our spirits were high knowing that we had enjoyed some of the best skiing conditions possible with wonderful spring temperatures. Although the fun came to an end for some members of the group, for a few, the week was not over yet. There was no time to relax for some of us; a Saturday afternoon departure meant Saturday morning skiing. However, our friends from Canada could not enjoy this bonus because they departed on a 3:30 a.m. bus. Ouch. While we said our goodbyes on Friday, I would like to take this opportunity to tell our Canadian friends again what a pleasure it was to ski with all of them. For me, I got in about three hours of skiing before boarding the bus for Denver and I had the opportunity on that last day to spend it skiing with our group leader, Ivan Kamin, Peter Jenko and my father, Jože Lah. I still remember when I was 11 years-old with my leg in a full cast, Ivan carrying me onto the plane at Aspen airport and that was over 30 years ago. Thank you Ivan Kamin for organizing such a wonderful trip. While the skiing alone would have made the trip memorable, the friendship made the trip unforgettable. See you all next year. Hey Ivan, Park City seems to be the place. Slovenians: A Class Eact AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 2005 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 15 April 21, 2005 Favorites: Beans and Eggs by RUDY FLIS I find it interesting when my mind hop scotches around the world, and through time, like this past Saturday morning as I sat at the table sipping my morning coffee. My wife, Therese, asked, “How would you like scrambled eggs for breakfast?” “Great, if you make pork and beans with them,” I replied. I think I have mentioned this before, but here goes again anyway. The first time I tasted this scrumptious dish was on a cold, snowy morning while on maneuvers at a place called Hoenfels, a large training area in Germany, close to Nurenburg and Regansburg. It was the year 1953 and the month of March, around my mom’s birthday which was on March 6. She was 59. As I think of it now, my mom wasn’t bom too far from where I was on that day. That morning, at reveille, as I stuck my nose out of my sleeping bag, I saw all was white. It had snowed during the night. It was cold, as I dressed quickly in the confines of my sleeping bag. Boy was I hungry as I got in the chow line. It was not only cold, but it was dark. No street lights in the woods. I picked up an aluminum plate shaped much like a pie plate, and held it out in front as a cook, who plunked a huge spoon of pork and beans into my plate. As I moved forward, another cook plunked a huge spoon of scrambled eggs right smack dab in the middle of the pork and beans. It did look a bit like barf to me. The only place I could go was hungry. No way. The stuff was hot, and I was cold and starved. As my spoon dragged along the bottom of my plate, it scooped up beans and eggs. There was just a little hesitation, but then into my mouth it went to pleasantly surprise me with great taste. It wasn’t klobasa, it wasn’t potica, and it wasn’t želodec, but it was delicious and filling. Now I like it to this very day. My son Mike and I love this meal. We are the only two in this family who enjoy it. How sad. Pray for our troops and may God bless America. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA IR SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989/461-0623 -r-Wr Richmond Rts., Ohio 44143 .4 iv ■ZZ'SZ-. Korotan Concert is Sojourn Fund-raiser The Slovenian choms Korotan, under the direction of John Srsen, is having its concert on Saturday, April 30 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Reservations can be made by calling Theresa Rihtar at 440-286-5421. Tickets for the concert only, to begin at 8 p.m. will be available at the door. Stan Mejac orchestra will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Members of Korotan are honored to have been invited to Slovenia this summer, for the commemoration of the 60lh anniversary of Slovenians having to leave their homeland because of Communism. We will follow “the paths of martyrs,” as the venues have been designated, for the events will honor the World War II and post-war victims. The events will also celebrate the accomplishments of the refugees, who have remained faithful to their Slovenian roots and have not forgotten the sacrifices of their countrymen. Korotan will, for the first time in Slovenia, perform two original compositions by our for- mer directors. We will sing “Naša pesem,” by the late Franček Gorenšek, with lyrics by Marjan Jakopič. The members of the Ljubljana Philharmonic Orchestra will accompany the chorus for the cantata “Pozdravljena zemlja,” by Korotan’s founding director, Dr. Metod Milac, and with Pavle Borštnik as lyricist. Both of these works are very suitable for the occasion, for they express all the emotions of the horrors of war, betrayal, martyrdom, and refugee status, but also the deep-rooted love and eternal hope anchored in Faith. Those refugees who did not live to see the beginnings of a new Slovenia will surely rejoice and be proud of their children and grandchildren who, with some of the refugees, will comprise three generations of participants. Korotan’s dinner-concert is intended as a fund-raiser to help defray the costs of this extraordinary trip to Slovenia. A cordial invitation is extended to all. —Milena Stropnik i Study Slovenian in Slovenia We are pleased to inform you about the 12th Slovene Language Summer Course on the Slovenian Coast. The summer course is titled, “Hello, This is the Slovene Mediterranean.” The program is organized by the Center of Languages and Intercultural Communication, Science and Research Center of Koper, Faculty of Humanities Koper of the University of Primorska. It will take place in Portorož between 1 and 14 August. The course is for all who wish to learn the Slovenian language or improve the basic knowledge of it, and for all who want to know Slovenia and its culture and at the same time spend two pleasant summer weeks by the Slovenian sea. The results of language tests as well as the participants’ impressions gathered in the gazette of the Summer Course and the results of a questionnaire, showed how successful the Summer Courses have been. —Dr. Vesna Mikolič Director Hospitality is Highlighted in Slovenia Newburgh Dinner Dance The Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, will present a Dinner Dance honoring Joe Novak, the 2005 Newburgh Musician of the Year. The event will be held at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., on Sunday Afternoon, April 24. Doors open at 1 p.m., dinner begins at 2 p.m. Music by Joe Tomsick Orchestra from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. Donation is $18.00. For reservations call Anna Mae 216—341-6136, Dorothy 216—475-7946, or Florence 216-662-3339. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “I DARE YOU TO TRY THIS” (Sent by a friend, author unknown) □ Enter Slovenia illegally. Never mind immigration laws, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense. □ Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family. □ Demand bilingual nurses and doctors. □ Demand free bilingual local government forms, bulletins, etc. □ Keep your American identity strong. Fly old glory from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window or on your car bumper. □ Speak only English at home and in public and insist that your children do likewise. □ Demand classes on American culture in the Slovenian school system. □ Demand a local Slovenian driver’s license. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Slovenia. □ Insist that local Slovenian law enforcement teach English to all its officers. □ Good luck! You’ll be demanding for the rest of time, or soon be arrested. It will simply never happen in Slovenia, or Mexico or any other country...except right here...paid with your tax dollars. Land of the free and the nai’ve. ■"Z'11'*1*— ! uv,v „Jk v« !^.V_\ ”?-“5 t C Qj L ^TrrSTTtranr - ■ I > )fiw r [ ,, , „ „ -- -- 7 Žakelj Family Chronicle plow. During the first years of the war, we carried our Voinovich announces Ohio water projects in Senate bill by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ World War I (Continued from last week) In 1917, it appeared that the Italians would finally break through the Austrian line. Austria begged Germany for help and Germany secretly sent 7 divisions under the command of general Otto von Velova. Together with the Austrians, they formed an army of 112 battalions, 1,761 cannons and 327 mine throwers - a huge force, but still smaller than the Italian side. At 2 a.m. on October 24, 1917, the Austrian-German army attacked with all their might and broke through the Italian line. Italian commander Gadoma ordered a retreat. Hundreds of thousands of Italians were captured and taken prisoner by the Austrians. The prisoners were taken back to Austria, which at that time still included Slovenia. Some of them were housed in a camp near our home village. Since the government had no food to give them, they were allowed (o roam the countryside, looking for food. One day, our friend Mici Kokelj found an Italian prisoner near a hayrack outside our village. He was looking for food and since he didn’t know Slovenian, he made hand signals to show that he was hungry. She motioned to him to stay put and tried to explain that she would get some food for him. She ran home, cut a large piece of bread and filled a bottle with milk. But when she returned with the food, he had disappeared. He must have thought she was going to get someone to take him back to the prison camp. She was sad that she couldn’t help him. Her own brother was a prisoner in Italy. She was sure that, if she helped an Italian soldier, someone in Italy would treat her brother with equal kindness. Later, we learned that her brother died of starvation in Italy. And we never found °ut what happened to the Italian that Mici tried to help. Ata was in the heaviest battles for 13 months without a break and was only wounded once - he was hit ^ the nose by a rock from an explosion. They sent him to a hospital in Ljubljana for two weeks and then to the mountains to train him to be a soldier on skis. Somewhere in there he was allowed to visit us for a few days. He immediately went to work making shoes for our own family and for sale. He hoped he could get us some food, but he was not successful. One day, when he was home making shoes, he suddenly heard a shot and came running out to see what happened. He saw a group of 5 young boys, including me (I was about 8 years old). One of us had found a small revolver, and another one had found a bullet that fit the revolver. But the revolver didn’t have a spring to make the cock fire the bullet. So we weYe trying to push the cock down with our fingers, to get the gun to fire - and it finally fired. We were huddled close together around the gun, so it was an absolute miracle that the bullet missed us all. This incident, and finding a can of gunpowder in the house, caused our father to worry about us even more than when he first left for the war. But he had no choice - he had to return to the war. I think it was in 1917 that the emperor decreed that fathers with 6 or more children no longer had to serve on the front line. Ata was assigned to police duty in an occupied area of Italy, where he soon learned perfect Italian. Later, he told us many interesting stories about that time. Once they were checking on food supplies throughout the occupied area. The soldiers were hungry but the people didn’t want to feed them. Ata inspected a parish rectory and found, above the ceiling, a hidden compartment with many sacks of wheat. Ata asked the pastor why he had so much wheat. The pastor said he needed it to make communion hosts. Ata knew the pastor was lying, but he congratulated him on having such a large congregation - and left without taking any action. While Ata was away at war, our family was at first hungry, and then literally starving. When the war began, we had two sacks of flour, a small garden and a pig. Our aunt let us farm a field up on a hill, but it was very rocky and impossible to wood ashes up there each year to fertilize the field, but it didn’t usually produce much. One morning in 1917, we were planting potatoes in that field when a hailstorm suddenly destroyed what we had planted. We planted some more that afternoon, and that actually turned out well. In 1918, our aunt said we could no longer use that field since she was worried her own children would go hungry. Other people let us use part of their field during the second and third years of the war, but that one was too steep to plow and it was a half hour’s walk from our house. One lady, Blaz’s mother, was particularly nice to us. At that time, it was the custom that, on the day before All Saints (Halloween to us now), peasant women would bake many small loaves of bread, which they would then give to children. These loaves were called “vahee” and the children would go from house to house asking for “vahee.” Blaz’s mother baked some just for us, but Mama did not allow us to go begging. So this lady sent word the next day that we could come get our “vahee.” But by the time I arrived, the “vahee” were all gone. So she gave me a large piece of bread, which made me very happy. The following year Mama changed her mind and allowed us to go out for “vahee.” That year, winter came early. My ten-year-old brother Joze, my 7-year-old sister Julka, and I went visiting homes in the' nearby hills. Our feet started sinking into snowdrifts that came up to our knees and the wind threw needles at our cheeks. My brother and I could still somehow plow through'the snowdrifts, but Julka began to gasp for breath. We were far from home. What would we do if she couldn’t make it back? We were worried that we might freeze in the snow if we stopped to rest. But we rested for a little bit, Julka caught her breath, and we made it back home safely. (To Be Continued) Hold a true friend with both your hands. For Rent 4 rooms E. 52 St., garage. Very clean. 216-881-8709 Stimburys Accounting Accounting G Income Tax Seruices 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 tax time @en.com http://sttmburysaccounting.com £mM to Pricfc* Mto to Mem* Rowiw Swtfce Stn^MkMlCaniommtSmtlBuamsts WASHINGTON. U.S. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) announced several Ohio water projects have been authorized for funding through legislation approved by the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee. The projects were included as part of the Water Resources Department Act of 2005 (WRDA), which Voinovich cosponsored and helped author as a member of the EPW Committee. The bill must pass Congress and be signed by the President, and then funds must still be appropriated in federal spending bills. “This is a big step forward to help address the challenges we have in many of Ohio’s communities with water quality. I have long been an advocate of the importance of having better St. Vitus Slovenian School will hold its annual Spring Program on Saturday, April 23 at 6 p.m. in the school auditorium. This year the children will perform a special play called “Žogica Nogica.” water infrastructure - and cleaning up our lakes and streams is critical to improving our nation’s water quality,” said Voinovich. “I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to get these projects funded through the appropriations process.” These projects include: Hocking River Basin Environmental Restoration, Toussaint River Oak Harbor, Middle Bass Island State Park Marina, Lower Grand Lake Dam, Ohio River Ecosystem Restoration Program, Asian Carp Barrier in the Chicago River, Great Lakes Fishery and Ecosystems Restoration Program, John Glenn Basin Program, Great Lakes Sediment Management Program, and Great Lakes Remedial Action Plans and Sediment Remediation Program. Admission will be $5.00. Tickets will be sold at the door on the day of the performance. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this wonderful event. Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster LJUBLJANA, April 17 - Marko Baloh has managed to tour Slovenia on his bicycle in 46 hours and three minutes. Baloh has improved his personal best from 2003, when he rode the same route in 50 hours and 10 minutes. _______________________(Submitted by Phil Hrvatin) St. Vitus Slovenian School Play AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 2005 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane m 9 flarry. by RAY MLAKAR Hey, the good weather is here, so let’s get out and enjoy it. The snow, cold is only a memory. With the warm weather our heating gas bill should be lower and wish I could say the same for the gas we put in our cars. One would think that with all the money we spend in rebuilding the war-tom oil well countries, they would give us a break, but I guess that is just too much to hope for, but perhaps with a few extra prayers to St. Peter, he may come to the rescue again. Well, this is the week all you housewives go back to school. Got your scissors handy. Although in my younger years aside from writing jokes for all the big stars, I was also making notes on good helpful hints. I know in the past when you observed the man of the house running around with his can of WD-40, perhaps in time you thought he was wrapped too tight. But you see I told him of the real uses of WD-40 some time back. For those not familiar with WD-40, it comes in a spray can, a blue and yellow can which can be bought at any hardware store. WD-40 is a must for every home and don’t think it belongs in the garage above the old man’s tool bench. Keep a can under the sink, on your dresser right next to your channel No. 5. Since its uses are so numerous, I will only incorporate a few, for I want all of you fine young women to come back next week and if you use it on the things listed below, you can be rest assured you will not only be moved to the head of the class, but you will be the “apple of your mate’s eye.” The honeymoon will start all over again. Shower room door. Try it; it’s the first thing that has ever changed a spotty shower door, regardless if the door is plastic or glass. It’s a miracle. Don’t stop there, try it on your stove top. It’s now shinier than the day you bought it. To give you a little history; WD-40 was created back in 1953 by three technicians in San Diego Rocket Co. Its name comes from the project that was to find a “water displacement” compound. They were successful with the 40lh formulation, hence the WD-40. It has a carefully guarded recipe known only to four people. Only one of them is the brew master. There are an estimated 2.5 million gallons of the stuff manufactured each year. It gets its distinctive smell from a fragrance that is added to the brew# Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that will hurt you. Okay, Ray, give us some more hints on where we can use it. Use it to protect silver from tarnishing. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings. (That’s why the Lawrence Welk Band sounds so good.) Now here is the kicker. It gives floors that “just waxed” sheen without making it slippery. (Mr. Clean, eat your heart out.) Wait, we are not done yet. Keep flies off cows. Next time you are out in the country, give a cow a spray and do him a favor and he’ll fill your jug with milk. Hey, teachers, are you listening? It will restore all your chalk boards. You husbands out there, keep a can in your car and it can be used to remove lipstick stains. All you seamstresses, WD-40 will loosen all stubborn zippers. This is nifty for all men when they have to use the bathrooms to prevent them from pulling on a stuck zipper. Good for the bladder. Ladies, it will untangle jewelry chains. It will also remove all stains from stainless steel sinks. Men, get this: it will remove all dirt and grime from barbecue grills. The one I like is that a spray of WD-40 on ceramic-terra cotta garden pots keeps them from oxidizing. When you slops are eating or cooking spaghetti sauce, it will remove all tomato stains from clothing. Well, I have a lot more, but you will have to wait for next week’s issue, for I don’t want to cloud your brain all at one time. You might say, “Ray, where have you been all my life with your good hints.” To tell the truth I have been in Sister Bernadette’s class trying to keep her rosary beads shiny. I know you won’t be satisfied until I give you a couple of jokes for all work with a can of WD-40 makes for a dull day, so take a break. (Let this joke be a lesson to the young women about to say, “I do.”) The 70-year-old groom and the 25-year-old bride attracted raised eyebrow attention as they checked into the resort hotel. Next morning at eight sharp, the groom came into the dining room whistling a happy tune, sat down at the table and ordered Slovenian klobase and eggs. The smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye told everyone present that he was happy and confident. Fifteen minutes later the young bride slowly trudged into the dining room and seated herself across from her 70-year-old husband. Her face was drawn and her voice weak as she ordered toast and coffee. The groom now finished, excused himself and strolled into the lobby for his morning cigar. As the waitress approached with the bride’s toast and coffee, she said, “Honey, I don’t understand it. Here you are a young bride with an old husband, looking like you encountered a buzz-saw.” “That guy,” said the bride, “double crossed me. He told me he had saved for 60 years, and I thought he was talking about money.” Well, now that you had your laugh, time to get back to your can of WD-40. Till next week, may the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in good health with a full can of WD-40 at your side at all times. Movie Puts Blame on Slovenians SWU Scholarship Winners Editor, Because the Italian war criminals were never put on trial, Italian neo-fascists consider themselves a normal political party and continue with their plans and activities. Robert D. Paxton is author of the book, “The Anatomy of Fascism,” editor A. Knoof, New York. In this book the author analyzes how German Nazis and Italian Fascists were looking for their main enemy. For nazis the main enemy were Jews and for Italian fascists, the Slovenians were, and still are, the main enemy. There is, however, some differences between German nazism and Italian fascism. First, the Italian fascism was founded first, and the German nazis followed their ideas and objectives. Second, German nazis have been curtailed (partly because of the judgment in Nuremberg). On the contrary, Italian fascism continues to flourish. It is also interesting that Germany (and Japan) apologized to the countries where nazis (and Japanese soldiers) committed atrocities. Italians did not apologize to any country. Slovenians are particularly concerned about Italian fascism, because as was stated above, for the Italian fascism, enemy number one are the Slovenians, and their objective is to damage them as much as possible. Good example of the attitude of Italian fascist is recently released in the Italian movie, “Heart in the abysm” about the events at the end of the Second World War. The majority of the Italian victims were due to crimes committed by the Croatian communists. However, the movie puts all the blame on the Slovenians. Back in 1920, Italian fascists burned Slovenian center in Trieste, because the Croats shot and killed an Italian officer in Split, Croatia. Canada has a long tradition of fostering peace everywhere in the world. As a Canadian of Slovenian origin, I am particularly concerned with the peace on the Slovenian-Italian border. I am writing with the following petition: 1) That Amnesty International should be concerned with the fascism and neo-fascism movement anywhere in the world. 2) Now at the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, Amnesty International should suggest to the Italian government that it is high time to apologize for the war crimes committed during the occupation of the Slovenian littoral (1918-1943), and for the crimes in occupied Slovenia during 1941-1943. The Italian government should apologize also to other countries they occupied such as Greece, Croatia, etc. Amnesty International has performed an extraordinary job in protecting political prisoners all over the world. Promoting good neighbor relations between European nations is a worthy cause for that noble association. —Dr. Peter Klopcic, Toronto .lo.-boq s.ta tnoii :»vom m/, 'to teat >>«* jlfi ’{»Lb:r -> Six Slovenian Women’s Union of America scholarships have been awarded to the following high school seniors entering college or universities in the fall of 2005: Lindsey Stratton - Lodi, Wisconsin, member of Branch 39, Biwabik, Minnesota, has received the Rose Marie Princ Award. Lindsey will major in a health profession at University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. Anthony Perko -Pueblo, Colorado, member of Branch 3, Pueblo, Colorado has received the Josef Prince Award. Anthony will study history at Colorado University. Robert Končar - Joliet, Illinois, a member of Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois has received the Frances Barman Award. Robert will major in accounting at Loyola University. Andrew Kuhar - Wick-liffe, Ohio, a member of Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio is the recipient of the Frances Cimperman Svet Award. Andrew will major in industrial art and design. His school of choice has not yet been decided. Michelle Goldmann -Greenfield, Wisconsin is a mqpber of branch 43,.. Mil. ruoite ush! '-»raw b/ifi .».b'jd i-.Vik'.ii '-<() !>('»- waukee, Wisconsin and was awarded the SWUA Cultural Award. Michelle will be attending Loyola University in the fall. Her major is unidentified at this time. Kevin Mangold Rockville, Maryland, a member of Branch 103, Washington, D.C. has received the SUA National Merit Award. Kevin will study computer science; college not yet chosen. Two SWUA 2005 Travel Awards were given to the following young SWUA members: Anne Kemmerling - Denver, Colorado, a member of Branch 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio, is a librarian and part-time student. Kyle Anttila - Coon Rapids, Minnesota, a member of Branch 35, Aurora, Minnesota, is an elementary teacher and hockey coach. Anne and Kyle will attend a two week seminar, consisting of Slovenian language classes, travel throughout Slovenia, and cultural events, sponsored and funded by the SOU -Student Organization of Ljubljana. SWUA is providing travel expenses between the United States and Slovenia as the 2005 SWUA »*»***’' nodi bor. n! .obtetuo od ci lf,H U5L1- tv-AVv ] Russians Dance to Frankie Yankovic Tunes by TOM McMANAMON On Friday, March 18 I attended a “Polka Party” put on by SELREC South Euclid/Lyndhurst Rec Center) but the dance instructors were Russian and Ukraine. It was a Russian Polka party and they showed Russian/Ukraine Polka steps during the party. As was reported in your last issue of American Home, I was invited to join a Russian Folk Dance Group (a separate and different thing) and invited to go to their next practice session the following Thursday at their dance studio. Art of Dance Studio in Mayfield Heights. So I did. I just sat and watched. About 12-15 dancers assembled, all talking Russian, not one looked at me. They were there to practice for an on-stage performance April 16 at the eastern campus of Tri-C. So, 1 saw their whole performance 3-4 times since it was a rehearsal. I expected Russian music. I saw beautiful, lightning-speed Russian steps like I’d never seen before. But to my bewilderment, the music they were doing it to was a Frankie Yankovic CD. It was Russian folk dancing, Russian steps, Russian people, voicing their commands in Russian, a Russian Director and his beautiful Ukraine Director of Art of Dance School imbedded in the group. - All dancing the Rus-sian-style polka to Frankie Yankovic. Their routine for the show finished with a beautiful Viennese Waltz as done by the Russian Folk Dance Group. Toward the end, I heard Alina Feld, Director of Art of Dance, read a letter of thanks from (what sounded like - I was an observer off at a distance), the Cleveland Orchestra for their February performance while the orchestra played Tchaikovsky. The credentials of the Director and his assistant of this local Russian Folk Dance Group are impressive and can be found at their (under construction) website www.luvdance.com. There is also a picture of the Dance Group on stage in Russian Dress. The director of the group, Arkady Tsirlin is in front of the photo. I wonder if they are aware of they are in the middle of the Frankie Yankovic Cleveland-style polka territory and home of the Slove-nian-Viennese waltz? And, I wonder if the Slovenian Community is aware of such a talented Russian group performing for the Cleveland Orchestra and elsewhere with Slovenian folk music. Spending A Week in Paris by PATRICIA COIL Euclid Travel Part 3 (Continued from last week) Monday, Les Halles, Tuileries, Champs Elysee My daughter and I were able to change trains by ourselves and so some shopping at Les Halles, which was Paris’ central produce market for 800 years before it was replaced by a shopping center in the late 1970s. The Wall has a rooftop park and it >s within sight of St. Eustache, a large Gothic church. Outside the mall on a street comer, we saw some life-sized statues of former residents. We bought wonderfully scented French soap for everyone for Christmas. At the department store we were able to find presents for all the granddaughters. After returning to the aPartment, we went out to lunch at one of the neighborhood bistros. The sidewalk tables were really small and Wade for two tiny people. If y°u had a drink you hardly had room for a sandwich on a plate, but we managed and enjoyed it. While my husband Walked back to the apartment, the rest of us went to we Tuileries, which adjoins t e Louvre. When these gar-ens were originally created, hey were outside the city "'alls and the aristocrats cawe there to enjoy royal estivities and fireworks. P The Tuileries were still • led with flowers even h°ugh it was October. The ^ kept going behind °uds, but it was still pleas-ant to be outside. In addition to gardens and trees, there are statues, fountains, and a huge pond where in the summer children sail boats. There were many people just strolling through the gardens or sitting on benches. The Tuileries end at the Place de la Concorde where the king, queen, and 2,780 people were beheaded during the French Revolution. An obelisk from Luxor, Egypt marks the spot. One of our tour books stated that it took three people to operate the guillotine: one managed the blade, one held the bucket, and one caught the head, raising it high for all to see. On the other side of the Place de la Concorde is the famous Champs Elysee, which is filled with expensive stores like Louis Vuit-ton, Mont Blanc, Peugeot, Cartier, etc. It was fun just walking the two miles down to the Arch de Triumph and looking in all the store windows and observing what the fashionable French women were wearing. Their shoes had the highest heels and thinnest heels that I had ever seen, made my feet hurt just to look at them. For a fee we could have gone up to the top of the Arch de Triumph, but by that time we were too tired. We just looked up at all the people on the top and waved. Since we had no past experience dining in Paris, we relied on Sondra Gustafson’s "Cheap Eats Paris. ” Every year the author travels to Paris and writes about the places that she believes serves great food at reasonable prices. The book is arranged by endorsements, so it was easy to use. The author recommended Le Bistrot, which specialized in baked potatoes with various toppings. All I remember about my dinner was that I had the best French Fries (frites) I have ever eaten in a restaurant. They were hot, crisp and delicious. For dessert we all had profiteroles, which are like small cream puffs - excellent. French restaurants do not discriminate and a couple near us had their dog sitting in a chair and enjoying the meal with them. The dog seemed very well behaved. We had read about how everyone smokes in Paris and how there are no nonsmoking areas in restaurants, but we were very lucky and never had any smokers near us while we were eating. The metro was very crowded when we went out to dinner and when we got off, my son-in-law discovered he had been the victim of a pickpocket. His Carte Orange card had been removed from his pocket. Luckily all the rest of his Tourists like the top of the Arch de Triumph v a ^ Stylish shoes and boots in a window on the Champs Elysee. valuables were in his money pouch around his neck. My daughter had extra copies of the pictures we needed for the Carte orange so he was able to buy a replacement. Expensive lesson for him. (To Be Continued) ---------------------------------------------------- j Barley Soup Dinner j 314 to 4 lbs. lean cottage ham j Vi cup barley, well washed j 1 cup roman beans, well washed i 4 qts. water j 2 cups carrots, diced i 1 cup celery, diced j Vi cup finely chopped onion j 1 clove garlic, finely minced j I cup canned or fresh tomatoes, chunked j 1 spring each, bay leaf and mace i 1 sprig fresh green parsley, chopped i Put ham, barley and beans with water in large deep kettle, j Boil gently for 2 hours. Add rest of ingredients except i parsley, and simmer slowly for another hour or until meat . and vegetables are. tender. Soup should be rather thick. .Sprinkle chopped parsley over soup when serving. Will i serve 6 to 8 generously. j Ham, sliced and served with a tossed green salad, plus pie i_o_r pther hearty dessert, completes the Barley Soup Dinner. ‘CD” Alternative 8.67% yidi Principal Safety Higher Interest IRA Rollover AA rated company No 1099s issued Lighten Social Security Taxes Lifetime Income No taxes on interest Below 50k: 13.85%yield Call for information Nightbreeze Financial DENNIS SAMSA 440-953-2394 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 21, 2005 50-member Tone Tomšič Chorus from Ljubljana appear in St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.) on Thursday, April 28 at 7 p.m. The parish is looking for families willing to house the 26 girls and 23 boys for two nights. If you can help, please call Fr. John Kumse at 216—761-7740. The singers are university students from various parts of Slovenia. (Photo courtesy of PHILIP J. HRVATIN) Mark Maruszak Rides for MS Cure Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system, usually striking adults in the prime of life. One new case of MS is diagnosed every hour. More research is needed to find a cure for this affliction which is now being diagnosed in children as young as three years of age. It is important and necessary for money to be raised for further study. To meet the challenge, Ron Oravec and his mentor Mark Maruszak will host a fundraiser on Wednesday, May 11 at Friendly’s Restaurant in Willoughby Hills, OH, 27751 Chardon Rd., between the hours of 5 and 9 p.m. Friendly’s will donate 10% of all dining sales made during this time to the MS society. Encourage Ron and Mark in their endeavor by dining at Friendly’s Restaurant in this unique opportunity for real community involvement and participation. If you would like to make a donation, please make checks to The National MS Society. Questions? Call Mark at 440-944-4229. Checks can be mailed to: Mark Maruszak 2151 Larchmont Dr. Wickliffe, OH 44092 Ron and Mark also will be riding bicycles round trip (150 miles) from Berea to Sandusky on August 20-21 raising money for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. Federation of Slovenian Homes Elects Officers The Federation of Slovenian National Homes announces the election of officers and board members for its 2005-06 calendar year. They are: Anthony Man-nion, president; Robert Royer, Is' vice president; Edward Gabrosek, 2nd vice president; Lou Grzely, financial secretary; Chris Novak, recording secretary; Nancy Vasilko, corresponding secretary; and Patricia Ipavec Clarke, executive secretary. Auditors are Frank Gruber, Anna Mae Mannion, and Evelyn Pipoly. The federation is made up of Slovenian Homes in the following Northeast Ohio communities: Barberton, Collinwood, Euclid, Fair-port, West Park, and three Cleveland homes on St. Clair avenue, East 80,h street and Waterloo Road. Purpose of the federation is to preserve the Slovenian language and culture through its eight homes. Best Wishes Pope Benedict 16 Congratulations to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on your election as Pope Benedict XVI from the American Slovenian Community! Baraga Ad Hoc Committee Meets A meeting of the Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee will take place on Tuesday evening, April 26 at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.), Cleveland, Slovenian Room. Plans are being formulated for the Bishop Baraga weekend in Cleveland during Labor Day weekend, Septembers and 4. Anyone wishing to join the committee and help plan the activities, is most welcome to attend. The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever. -Phil Hrvatin The first antibiotic was penicillin, discovered by British scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928. Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area 531-7700 - EMERGENCIES-Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Coming Events Saturday, April 23 St. Vitus Slovenian School spring play titled “Žogica Nogica.” Admission $5. Tickets at door. Everyone welcome. Sunday, April 24 Fuller Brush Party at Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave., Cleveland at 2 p.m. Refreshments served. Sunday, April 24 United Altar and Rosary Society Convention at St. Vitus at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 24 Newburgh Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80lh St. Dinner Dance honoring Joe Novak. Dinner 2 p.m. Music by Joe Tom-sick Orchestra. Donation $18. Tickets call 216-341-6-136 or 216475-7946. Tuesday, April 26 Meeting of Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian Room, 7 p.m. Any persons interested in helping with the Cleveland Labor Day Baraga Weekend are also cordially invited. Saturday, April 30 Slovenian chorus Korotan benefit dinner-concert, 6 p.m., in Slovenian National-Home, St. Clair Ave. Dance to follow; music by Stan Mejac. Saturday, April 30 Zaija Singing Society Spring Concert titled, “My Big Fat Slovenian Honeymoon” at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. Dinner 5 - 6:30; concert at 7 p.m. and Jeff Pecon Orchestra provides dance music beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets $20 Call (216) 531-5542 or (440) 257-2540. Sunday, May 1 Annual Dinner-Dance of Holmes Ave. Pensioners at Coll. Slov. Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Dinner at 2 p.m. Dancing to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets see members or call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784. Everyone welcome. Saturday, May 7 Comedy Night at Collinwood Slovenian Home. Donation $10. Doors open at 7, show begins at 8 p.m. Cash Bar available. Sponsored by C.S.H. Club Card, One Day Only. Saturday, May 14 Holy Cross Church of Fairfield, CT hosts “A Spring Polka Celebration” beginning with 4:30 Polka Mass followed by Dinner-Dance featuring “The Polka Quads.” For reservations call 203-259-5366 or 203-372-4651. Sunday, May 22 Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH, served 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. $5. For details call Joe Blatnik at 440—943-1191. Sunday, May 29 Chicken Barbeque dinner and dance with Frank Moravcik Orchestra at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing 3:30 to 7:30. For details phone Joe Blatnik at 440—943-1191. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Dance with the Joe Grkman and Wayne Tomsic Orchestras at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. For details call Val Paw-lowski (440) 286-1786. Sunday, June 5 Cleveland Athletic League dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Fred Ziwich Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Gerri Trebets at 440-951-9611. Saturday, June 11 “Dolenjski Večer” with Vinogradski Oktet from Šentjernej, Slovenia concert at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s parish community center. Music and dancing to follow by young musicians from Šentjernej. For tickets please call 440-877-9044. Sunday, June 12 Mimi Raj Lodge 142 annual dinner, dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Bob and Shelly Orlandi and the Frank Moravcik Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Sophie Matuch at 440-951-6906. Sunday, June 19 Spartans annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Joe Novak and Friends 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Lou Novak (216) 461-6476. Sunday, June 26 SNPJ Lodge 126 annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Captain’s Crew and Sumrada Brothers Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Grace Marinch at (440) 269-1334. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 in Euclid, Ohio Death Notices WILLIAM TUSHAR William Tushar, age 85, beloved husband of Mary R. (nee Curilovic) of 64 years. Dearest father of William Jr. (Lourine), Peter (Dorothy), Caroline Warner and Randy (Carol); grandfather of Peter (Ellen), David, Steven, Tracy (Mark) Alfieri, Jodi and Bryan; great-grandfather of three; dear brother of Josephine Koss, Charles (Margaret), Paula Francik and Henry (Marilyn) and the following deceased: Frank, Jimmy, Dorothy Shunk and Tom. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. on Monday, March 28 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Funeral Tuesday 9:30 am. at Holy Redeemer Church, Cleveland. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by Golub Funeral Home. CAROLINE L. LOUSHIN Caroline L. Loushin (nee Delgaudio), age 84, beloved wife of Louis (deceased); loving mother of Leslie (TX) and Kenneth (deceased); grandmother of Brad; greatgrandmother of Darien and Lauren; sister of Virgil Delgaudio and Mary Krainz (both deceased); aunt of many. Friends received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Friday, April 15 from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m., where services were held last Saturday at 10:15 a.m. and at St. Pascal Baylon Church at 11 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Frances Masar of Mentor, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Joseph Masar. She writes, “Want to tell you how very much I enjoy reading those very interesting articles throughout every edition.” In Memory Thanks to Eleanor Kaporc of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Frank and Mary ®ubnic. In Memory Thanks to Vida Kalin of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a 'kJ'.OO donation in memory ^ her parents, Philip and ^ary Kalin. In Loving Memory Of the 2nd Anniversary of the death of our beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister and sister-in-law (Nee: Per) Died April 14, 2003 In Life we loved you dearly, In death we love you still. . In our hearts you hold a place No one can ever fill. Sadly missed by: Anthony J. Baznik, husband, Margaret Hetz, Barbara Stevenson, Elizabeth Smith, daughters, and family In Loving Memory of 2nd Anniversary of our wife and mother Marie March Born: Sept. 25,1917 Passed Away: April 24, 2003 A light from our household is gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. Sadly missed by Husband: Eugene Son: Eugene Daughter: Marlene Son-in-law: Jack Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. tBZ St. Ph:.(216) 481-3118 ■r. r - - Ramify GTHf-- *308 - - --- •" All-Star Polka Show on Video A two-hour All Star show is now available on video or DVD. It is the Polka Hall of Fame Awards Show XVII. The program was filled live, and opens with the Kres Slovenian Folklore Dancers performing the Great Waltz, accompanied by the Polka Hall of Fame all-star orchestra. Denis Novato from Trieste, absolute world champion button accordionist, is featured in a virtuoso interpretation of a medly from his recordings. Also in the show, fancy fingers George Staiduhar is seen in one of his final band performances, prior to retiring as a leading piano accordionist bandleader. Canada’s Polka King Walter Ostanek and his recording band appear on the video in a Blast from the Past, then and now. The video showcases the two, latest Greatest All-Time Hit Polkas and Waltzes that were inducted into the Polka Hall of Fame - “Zaplula je barcica moja” lung by Lifetime Achievement singers paul Yanchar and Eddie Kenik. The other song inducted, “Over Three Hills,” is adapted from the Slovenian folk song “Cez Tri Gore” and is sung by Angie Žabjek and Cecilia Dolgan. Another musical highlight is a medley of polkas and waltzes by Cleveland-style polka musicians who are of Slovak descent. The performers are Joe Fedorchak, Del Sinchak, Eddie Vallus, Don Wojtila, Frank Moravcik, Ray Somich, Ron Somich, and Johnny Pastirik. Fred Ziwich directs the Polka Hall of Fame All-Star Band. Master of Ceremonies Ray Somich chats with technicians and performers, including an interview with the Kres Dancers. Ambassador of Slovenia to the United States Samuel Žbogar made the presentation for the Cultural-Heritage Award and is part of the program. The video is a great gift or wonderful keepsake with outstanding performers in one show. This video is available in VHS or DVD format, at $29.98, but members of the Polka Hall of Fame or people who enroll as members for a $ 15 annual membership can purchase the video for $15.00. The Awards Show was directed by Phil Smick and produced by the American Slovenian Polka Foundation. The video is available at The Polka Hall of Fame and Museum is located at 605 East 222nd Street, Euclid, OH 44123. Admission is free. The Museum Gift Shop stocks hundreds of polka and Slovenian recordings, CDs, tape cassettes, videos and DVDs. Call 216-261-3263 for store hours and/or ordering by phone. Great Whole Grain Cereal Breakfast each morning is a smart idea: Daily breakfast eaters are nearly half as likely to get heart disease or diabetes or to become obese, as those who skip the morning meal, according to research presented at an American Heart Association meeting last year. This 10-year study examined not only the importance of breakfast, but previous trials by the same Harvard researchers suggest that you’ll fare best when that breakfast includes a bowl of whole-grain cereal. Why? It fills you up so you eat less throughout the day, stabilizes blood sugar, and has a higher concentration of fiber than most other foods, says study author and nutritionist Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. The soluble fiber in whole-grain cereals forms a gel-like material in intestines that prevents cholesterol and saturated fats from entering the bloodstream and also plays a beneficial role in metabolizing blood sugars. Meanwhile, the insoluble fiber in whole grains keeps you regular, so excreted carcinogens pass more quickly through your intestines -which may prevent cholo-rectal cancer. And because these cereals are typically fortified, they also contain hefty amounts of iron and vitamins C and B6, as well as folic acid and various phytochemicals that protect against heart disease. SonglMelodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family jj j .LHUSUVV/.m MU) 'Ul oblil; v Klub upokojencev SP— Upokojenci Slovenske pristave so lepo vabljeni na mesečni sestanek, ki bo v sredo, 27. aprila, ob eni uri pop. na Pristavi. Kdor more, naj pride že zgodaj, da pomaga pograbiti listje, očistiti dvorano in Orlov vrh. Za vse bo pripravljena malica. Dopis na str. 11. Zbor “Tone Tomšič”— Koncert zbora Tone Tomšič iz Ljubljane bo v četrtek, 27. aprila, s pričetkom ob 7h zvečer v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Pevski zbor Zarja— Zbor vabi na svoj koncert, združen z večerjo, ki bo v soboto, 30. aprila, v SDD na Recherjevi ulici. Večeija bo od 5. do 6.30 zv., sledil bo koncertni nastop, nato bo ples/zabava. Za vstopnice in informacije, pokličite ali Vicky Kozel (216-531-5542) ali Barbaro Elersich (440-257-2540). Zveza oltarnih društev— Letno zborovanje je to nedeljo pri Sv. Vidu. Ob 2h bodo molitve, sledil bo sprejem novih članic, nato bo sestanek v šolski dvorani. Vabljene so članice društev sv. Vida, Marije Vnebovzete, sv. Kristine in sv. Lovrenca. Odbor za 2005/2006— Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov ima sledeči odbor za 2005/2006: Predsednik, Anthony Mannion; I-podpreds., Robert Royer; II. podpreds., Edward Ga-brosek; finančni tajnik, Lou Grzely; zapisnikarica, Chris Novak; kores. tajnica, Nancy Vasilko; eksekutivna tajnica, Patricia Ipavec Clark. Nadzorniki so Frank Gruber, Anna Mae Mannion in Evelyn Pipoly. Spominski darovi— Vida Kalin, Cleveland, O., je darovala $35 v pod* poro našemu listu, v spO' min staršev Philipa in Mao' Kalin. Eleanor Kaporc, EU' did, O., je darovala $25, v spomin staršev Franka >n Mary Bubnič. Joseph Pet6' sutti, Cleveland, je darova $15, v spomin žene Mary* Vinko Vrhovnik in Mao' Gosar Vrhovnik, Madisod* O., sta darovala $50, v sp°' min Alojza Gosarja, očeta ge. Vrnovnikove. Gerald i11 Don Filips, Solon, O., sta darovala $25, v spomin staršev Therese in Anthonyj3-Frances Nemanich, Euclid, je darovala $15, v spoH1*11 moža Josepha. Hvala vsefli- •>t ut .jsmoq W5 ivrslsi’ C t r t i '1 t PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Pevski zbor KOROTAN - Fotografija posneta na koncertu ob 50. obletnici ustanovitve UMRI VTSKM Cleveland, o. - Gornji Naslov Jakopičeve poezije bo tudi prošnja pev-Cev zbora Korotana slo-Venski publiki za moralno gmotno podporo za ^aše prizadevanje. Prisluh-melodiji Frančka Go-renška, ki tako z občut-0rn glasbeno spopolnjuje besedilo Marjana Jakopi-a- To pesem Vam bomo, tIled drugimi, zapeli s sr-^eiT1 in dušo - saj je na-a- Tu je spočeta, delo teh dveh naših begunskih ^Ikanov. Prav mi Koro-smo ji dali življenja vodstvom Frančka C°renška. Sodstvo Korotana si je ralo pester program domovinskih, poskočnih, krajevnih in nabožnih pesmi. Slišlai boste pesmi, ki jih bomo julija ponesli v domovino, ko bomo sodelovali pri proslavi za 60. obletnico begunstva v Ljubljani - v stolnici, Cankarjevem domu in še drugih krajih. S pevovodjem Janezom Sršenom smo sprejeli to poslanstvo z vso resnostjo. Hodili bomo po poti mučencev, kjer so pred 60 leti zvezani stopali naši očetje in bratje -naša domobranska vojska. Obiskali bomo množične grobove v Kočevskem rogu, Teharju in tudi sledili poti beguncev v Vetrinje. Letos januarja smo dosti brali o 60-letnici osvoboditve koncentracijskega taborišča Auschwitz. Iz vsega sveta so se tam zbrali državniki in preživeli zaporniki. No, za nas je to Auschwitz, nekaj izredno pomembnega, globokega. Tam je pokopan cvet mladosti, ki je padal v jame za življenjske vrednote - “Bog, narod, domovina". Letos bo pevski program malo skrajšan, ker Vam bomo pred koncertom postregli z večerjo. Upamo na dober obisk, ker rabimo finančna sredstva za potovanje v Slovenijo. Mnogo naših pev- cev je upokojenih, z malimi dohodki, nekaj je šolarjev. Plačati bo treba tudi člane Ljubljanske filharmonije, ki nas bodo spremljali pri Milačevi kantati “Pozdravljena Zemlja". V teku so tudi načrti za spominske DVD plošče o našem sodelovanju pri tem slovenskem dogodku. Potreba je torej velika! Pridite! Zavzemimo se vsi, da bo še dolgo zvenela slovenska pesem “Ne umri nam pesem”. Naj bo to naše skupno geslo. Serviranje okusne večerje bo točno ob 6h, to v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. v soboto, 30. aprila. Večerji bo sledil bogat pevski nastop, po katerem bo zabava s plesom, za katerega bo igrala godba Staneta Mejača. Vstopnice za banket in koncert bodo samo v predprodaji. Za rezervacije kličite preds. Cvetko Rihtar na tel. 440-286-5421, ali pa prijatelje, ki so člani Korotana. Vstopnice za koncert s sedeži na balkonu boste lahko dobili pri vhodu na večer koncerta. Za vašo podporo smo Vam pevci že vnaprej hvaležni! Mira Kosem Pristavski upokojenci poročajo... pomlad tukaj, a na Pristavi je še veliko dela, da bo pripravljena za letošnjo sezono. Zato vabimo vse člane našega kluba, da pridete v sredo, 27. aprila, že Cleveland, o. da Je zima ha ^0m*acL čepra' » Veseli s prvi In ozelenel Udi na naši S stavi se pOZn£ zgodaj na Pristavo, da bomo pograbili listje, počistili dvorano, pospravili odpadle in požagane veje na Orlovem vrhu. Za vse, tudi za tiste, ki ne morejo več delati, bo pripravljena malica. To bo naš prvi mesečni sestanek letos na Pristavi. Kdor ne more več voziti, pokličite prijatelja in vas bo z veseljem pripeljal. Lepo popoldne v prijetni družbi prijateljev nas bo kar poživilo. Naš klub obstaja že skoro 18 let in v teh letih smo že veliko naredili za Pristavo z našim delom in v denarju, saj vsako leto dobiček od našega piknika darujemo ravno Pristavi. Z dobičkom od naših Kolin pa podpiramo naše slovenske šole, fare in druge slovenske organizacije, tudi Slomškovo ustanovo v Sloveniji za revne študente. (dalje na str. 12) Izpod zvona sv. Marije Vnebovzete OSMRTNICA JANEZA PROSENA CLEVELAND, O. - Jutro cvetne nedelje je bilo o-blačno. Iz preddverje župnijske dvorane, kjer je bilo zbirališče za narodne noše in mladino, ki je brala Pasijon, smo v procesiji odšli v cerkev. Po blagoslovu zelenja, palm, butar, ki je bilo zadaj za klopi, smo šli v procesiji na svoj prostor. Sv. maša je bila zelo slovesna. Mladina je skrbno brala Pasijon. V polni cerkvi je Jepo donela pesem, vse je bilo v veselem pričakovanju. Hvala vsem za vso lepoto te cvetne nedelje, tako narodnim nošam kot mladini. V svetem tridnevju velikega tedna Je bil lep obisk, tudi spovednica je bila lepo zasedena, saj še vsak skrbi za lepoto duše. Sobotni popoldan je bil dvakrat priča blagoslova hrane v različnih košarah. Zvečer sta bili dve osebi sprejeti v našo župnijsko skupnost, kar smo bili zelo veseli. Pozdravljena! Lepo velikonočno jutro! Cerkev razsvetljena le s svečami, oltar in prezbiterij vse v cvetju. Ker ima naš župnik problem z glasilkami, je organist zapel Alelujo, nato pa zbor. Luči so se prižgale, zvonovi so zapeli, zvonci pri oltarju, fantje so nesli Vstalega Zveličarja na o-krašenem podstavku, razvila se je procesija po cerkvi in tudi malo zunaj. To je dan, ki ga naredi Gospod. Misliš si, kako bo šele v nebesih lepo, ko te že tukaj obdaja velika sreča. Bilo je kar veliko narodnih noš, tudi otrok. Hvala vsem, polepšali ste lepoto dneva. Ko smo na beli nedelji čitali naše oznanilo, smo opazili, da se je tudi župnik zahvalil za tako lepo sodelovanje v velikonočnem času. Tudi župniku hvala za vso skrb. Na beli nedelji smo po deseti maši ostali še pri litanijah Matere božje in prejeli blagoslov, saj to Je bila nedelja Božjega usmiljenja. Bila je tudi prva nedelja v mesecu, ko smo bile zbrane pri deseti sv. maši članice Oltarnega društva in popoldne pri uri molitve, kar nas je bilo lepo šte- vilo. Hvala vam. V ponedeljek po beli nedelji smo v velikem številu prisostvovali sv. maši, ki je bila darovana za pok. sv. očeta Janeza Pavla II., ki je odšel po svoje plačilo k Nebeškemu Očetu, saj se je trudil, da bi dosegel čim več duš na svojih potovanjih in jih pripeljal v božje kraljestvo. V nedeljo, 24. aprila, bo sestanek Zveze oltarnih društev pri sv. Vidu. Vse članice ste povabljene, da se udeležite tega sestanka in molitev, ki bodo ob drugi uri v cerkvi. Sledil bo sestanek, ko bomo slišale poročila o delu društev. V četrtek, 28. aprila, bo v naši cerkvi koncert zbora Tone Tomšič iz Ljubljane, nanj ste pač vabljeni. V soboto, 30. aprila, bo pa koncert Korotana v SND na St. Clairju. V nedeljo, 1. maja, ste zopet vabljene članice Ol- (dalje na str. 13) Upokojenci Slovenske pristave poročajo (NADALJEVANJE s str. II) Članov v našem klubu je 200; 60 jih je pa že umrlo. Kadar kak član kluba umrje, se v velikem številu poslovimo od njega z molitvijo rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu in pri pogrebni sv. maši. V zadnjih mesecih smo se poslovili od Mirkota Antloge in Janeza Prosena. Janez Prosen je več let z ženo Marijo skrbel za Orlov vrh na Pristavi, veliko časa je bil dopisnik za Ameriško Domovino in bil zvest zastopnik Mohorjevega društva v Celovcu. Pred 20. leti Je potom Slomškovega krožka v Clevelandu organiziral poseben odbor pod predsedstvom Jožeta Želleta, da bi tukajšnji Slovenci nabrali denar za knjižnico v Modesto-vem domu v Celovcu. Knjižnica naj bi bila posvečena škofu dr. Grego-riju Rožmanu. Predno me On, čigar ime je sveto, odpokliče, si sam pišem osmrtnico - malo po svoje - nekaj pa povzeto iz katoliškega tednika Družina. Za dopolnjenih srečno preživetih 90 let dolgega življenja se Bogu zahvaljujem, ' ponižno prosim usmiljenja, naj spregleda moje grešne prestopke v tem zemeljskem življenju. Pro-sim tudi vse drage, s katerimi sem živel skupaj, naj oproste, če sem kdaj enega ali dru-gega kakorkoli žalil - oprostite, kakor tudi jaz vsem iz srca odpuščam. Rojen sem bil 4. julija 1914, v župniji Krka pri Stični. Srečno sem živel na mali kmetiji do konca druge svetovne vojne. Pošten in delaven v vseh katoliških organizacijah, sem bil na listi nezaželjenih, zato sem zapustil domovino in preživel štiri leta v begunstvu na Koroškem. Koroška je postala moja druga domovina. Leta 1949 sem prišel v Ameriko, se tukaj poročil z Marijo Šporar in z njo preživel lepih 40 let. Brez navajanja imen - prav iz globine srca, se vsem prijateljem in dobrotnikom zahvaljujem za številne izkazane pomoči, vedno - še posebno v zadnjem obdobju bolezni -Bog povrni vsem, ki so me obiskali v pogrebnem zavodu, me spremili v cerkev in na božjo njivo, zame molili in darovali za dobre namene v moj spomin. Še enkrat, Bog vsem obilno povrni. Oj, zbogom svet, veselja in žalosti, Usmiljeni Bog bodi z menoj, Da kmalu nebesa sveta, Bodo dom tudi moj. Pripis ge. Lojzke Zabukovec, rojakinje, soseda in dobre prijateljice Janeza Prosena in njegove žene Micke, ki je skrbela za oba prav do njune smrti. Čutim dolžnost, da se vsem lepo zahvalim v imenu Janezovih nečakov in nečakinj in v mojem imenu, ker sem tudi poskrbela za njegov pogreb. Janez je bil zadnje mesece njegovega življenja v Slovenskem starostnem domu na Neff Road, kjer je tudi umrl 21. januarja 2005. Lepo so skrbeli zanj, za kar se vodstvu in osebju Slovenskega starostnega doma lepo zahvaljujemo. Pogrebno sv. mašo je daroval č. gospod Janez Kumše s somaševanjem nečaka, č. gospoda Tonija Prosen. Najlepša hvala č. gospodu J. Kumšetu za lepo opravljeno sv. mašo, kakor tudi za obiske v domu ostarelih in za molitev rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu skupno s člani društva Najsvetejšega imena. Lepo se zahvaljujemo organistu in pevcem pri Mariji Vne-bovvzeti za lepo petje, in tudi violinistu Joškotu Štepec, za ganljivo zaigrano “Ave Maria”. Vsem naša topla zahvala, da ste ga prišli kropit, darovali v njegov spomin, in za krasno cvetje. Najlepše se zahvaljujemo članom Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave, ki ste prišli v tako lepem številu k molitvi rožnega venca v pogrebni zavod, in še posebej lepa hvala predsedniku kluba Ivanu Jakominu, za lep nagovor. Topla hvala nosilcem krste. Sprejmite našo zahvalo vsi, ki ste ga spremili prav do groba in mu tam zapeli v slovo pesem “V nebesih sem doma”. Iz srca se zahvaljujem kuharici ge. Julki Zalar in njenim pomočnicam za tako okusno pripravljeno pogrebščino. Pogreb je vodil Želetov pogrebni zavod, za njihovo uslužnost, da je bil pogreb res lepo pripravljen, naša iskrena hvala. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice, v kolikor smo imeli naslove; če smo koga pomotoma izpustili, naj oprosti in sprejme to javno zahvalo kot njemu namenjeno. Dragi Janez, stric, rojak, sosed in dober prijatelj, počivaj v miru in lahka naj Ti b° ameriiška zemlja! Janez zapušča: Nečake in nečakinje tu v Ameriki in številne prijatelje v Clevelandu, v Kanadi, Argentini, Afriki in Sloveniji. Res se nam je posrečilo zbrati 28 tisoč dolarjev. Ta denar In še krasno sliko škofa Rožmana smo poslali v Modestov dom. Škoda pa, da je bil ta dom prodan, slika škofa Rožmana pa zdaj visi v Mohorjevi hiši. Kar se je pa nabralo obresti od nabirke, smo poslali v Lemont, da so... lepo obnovili grob škofa Rožmana. Janez, vemo, da se z Micko veselita v nebesih in da ste tam poplačana za vse dobro, kar ste na tem svetu storila. Naš piknik bo letos prvo nedeljo v avgustu. Takrat bomo skupno s Slovensko-ameriškim svetom obhajali 60-letnico begunstva. Ta dan se bomo posebno spomnili dr. Valentina Meršola in nje' mu v spomin blagoslovil* spominsko ploščo v *s' kreno zahvalo, da je re' šil tisoče slovenskih beguncev v Vetrinju, da n*' so bili poslani nazaj Titovim morilcem. Vse člane še enkrat lepo vabimo, da pridete prihodnjo sredo na Pt*' stavo; Bog nam daj *eP dan! Odbor kluba sl ti n ti d d g 1 r ( r F \ F j ! 1 1 Pogovor z ALBERTOM SVETINO, bivšim Oznovcem... Mitja Ribičič je največji še živeči zločinec METOD BERLEC (Ur. AD: Intervju, ki sledi, je bil objavljen v tedniku Demokracija 17. roarca (št. 11, leto X), ponatisnjen bo v celoti, a v nadaljevanjih, ker je precej dolg. Albert Svetinovo knjigo imam, to po zaslugi dr. Edija Gobca, za kar se mu na tem mestu zahvaljujem. Gre v knjigi za osebne spojine in tako trditve niso podprte z nobeno preverljivo dokumentacijo. Nihče pa, Id se zanima za to obdobje, ne bo mogel mimo nje.) O Gospod Svetina, v prostorih Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa so Predstavili vašo knjigo Od osvobodilnega boja do banditizma. Vas je velik obisk ljudi presenetil? Na predstavitvi sem bil bil zelo presenečen, saj sem mislil, da bo prišlo kakšnih deset, dvajset ljudi, na koncu pa sem 'ddel množico ljudi, ki 80 morali tudi stati, kjer Je bilo le mogoče. Presre-^en sem, da ljudje s 8vojo navzočnostjo dajejo ^oji knjigi tak pomen. Kaj vse vas je vodilo k temu, da ste se od-l°čili napisati to knjigo? Najprej sem si rekel, ^ jo napišem zato, da b° moj življenjepis ostal 2a zanamce. Ko pa sem ^del, kako knjiga nasta-■k’ sem se zavedel, da ne bo samo življenje-Pl®' ampak pomembno 2§°dovinsko pričevanje. Glede posameznih stvari Pravzaprav edina sled, ki razkriva ozadje nekaterih dngodkov, ki sem jih doživel. V Demokraciji smo o Va&l knjigi že veliko pi-SaK- Objavljali smo tu-^1 odlomke iz prvega ^la knjige. Tisti, ki so brali knjigo, so navdušeni predvsem nad drugim delom, kjer opisujete stvari, ki prej niso bile še nikjer zapisane in nikoli povedane. Ali lahko za naše bralce na kratko poveste, kako ste postali član Ozne? Že leto 1941 sem se kot organizator vključil v Osvobodilno fronto in kmalu postal tudi član komunistične partije. Zaposlen sem bil v Vidmarjevi tovarni nogavic v Savljah in tam sem organiziral partijsko celico. Lastnik tovarne Vidmar se je odselil, ker so mu tako svetovali Italijani. S svojo najmlajšo hčerko se je naselil v bližini Rima. Tovarno je vodila njegova žena, ki je bila do delavcev zelo dobra, za vodenje tovarne pa tudi sposobna. Pripravili smo Jo do tega, da je t&e, ^ ^lovz*vu* Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR Vi/n,..0n 50.000 Watt PN Cleveland Public Radio * /ov5r~C£'a gni T*»ny Ovsenik M 4*0-944-2538 r«*—m todfcO ! nsb Izpod zvona (NADALJEVANJE s str. 12) tarnega društva, da se udeležite sv. maše ob 10. uri in popoldan molitve ob pol dveh, nato pa sestanka v šolski sobi za sestanke. Pridite, da skupaj rešimo nekaj problemov, ki so pred nami. Vsem, ki berete te vrstice, prav lep pomladni P^rav.! , Lavrišcva ,‘ib lltnmoqa ottd-iaoq om tudi denarno podpirala osvobodilno gibanje. Kako konkretno pa ste prišli v Ozno? Ocenili so mojo organizacijsko sposobnost. Ko so me imenovali za partijskega sekretarja v zunanjem ljubljanskem okrožju, sem se posvetil samo političnemu delu z odbori OF. Čeprav nisem več delal v tovarni, mi je Vidmarjeva žena dala potrdilo, kot da delam v njeni tovarni. Tako sem se lahko gibal po terenu. Pri Jaršah je bil bunker, ki so ga uporabljali CK KPS in druge partijske organizacije, sam pa sem se med hajkami tja večkrat skril pred Italijani. V njem sem imel razne dopise in tja sem dobival tudi sporočila od Kardelja. S Kardeljem sem imel samo pisne stike in najprej nisem niti vedel, kdo je, ker je uporabljal ilegalno ime Pepca. Denar, ki sem ga nabral od odborov OF, sem po ALBERT SVETINA - Njegovo medvojno ilegalno ime je Erno. Rodil se je leta 1915 v Dolnjih Ležečah pri Divaži, kjer se je že v rani mladosti navzel uporniških in protifašističnih nazorov. V knjigi Od osvobodilnega boja do banditizma skozi svoja življenjska doživetja nazorno razkriva ozadje številnih dogodkov, ki so usodno zaznamovali polpreteklo zgodovino Slovencev v 20. stoletju. Iz njegove življenjske izpovedi, ki se ob vsej osebni prizadetosti kaže za zelo verodostojno pričevanje, lahko zares razumemo bistvo medvojnega in povojnega dogajanja v Sloveniji. O poti, ki jo je prehodil, zgovorno govori že v naslovu. Napredoval je od zagnanega člana OF do pomočnika načelnika Ozne za Slovenijo Ivana Mačka-Matije. Od blizu je videl tovariše in jih opisal, kako so se bojevali in kako so živeli. Ko so ga po vojni iz Ozne izključili, se je upiral, bežal in preživel, da bi nam lahko nazadnje vse skupaj izpričal. Nevidno, ilegalno in skrivnostno delo Ozne je, potem ko so ga zavrgli in izbrisali, razkril v objavljeni knjigi. Svetina pripoveduje, odstira in hkrati tudi obtožuje. Zločinsko organizacijo, ki ji je tudi sam pripadal, obtožuje za vsa hudodelstva, ki jih je storila nad slovenskim narodom. Ker je njegovo pričevanje prepričljivo, njegove obtožbe pa argumentirane, se resni obravnavi obdobja, ki mu je bil priča, ne bo mogoče izogniti. Tudi zaradi njegove knjige Od osvobodilnega boja do banditizma, ob kateri ne moremo ostati ravnodušni, ne bomo več živeli v slepilu o poštenem osvobdodilnem boju na Slovenskem, ali o dobronamernosti komunistične partije in njenih organov. kurirju pošiljal v Ljubljano na ime Pepca. Na Vodnikovi cesti v Dravljah je bil pek Pretnar, ki je bil naš človek. Pri njem je bila javka in tam so prejemali denar ter prenašali pošto. Ko so odkrili bunker v Jaršah, sem bil kompromitiran, kajti v njem so našli moje dopise. Umaknil sem se v Dolomite, kjer so bili tedaj CK KPS, IOOF in GŠ. Od tam so me pozneje poslali na Notranjsko za pomočnika k Francetu Popitu, ki je bil komandant notranjske cone. Po partijski liniji sem delal z aktivisti po okrožjih. Kot inštruktorja CK KPS so me nato poslali tudi v partijsko šolo CK KPS v Kočevski rog. Iz partijske šole sem v začetku 1944 prišel na Stražnji vrh v Belo krajino. Nisem vedel, kam so me poslali. Niti Boris Ziherl, ki je bil vodja partijske šole, mi o tem ni ničesar povedal. Ste se takrat prvič znašli v Mačkovi bližini? Za Mačka sem vedel že prej, vendar z njim ED MEJAČ KOC Program Dirtfctor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Son«*^ Melodies SS0"p„, from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb.org ZioAri iltvbndo oqol um riu.oH u(h nisem imel nobenih stikov. Stike sem imel s Francem Leskoškom, ki Je bil sekretar CK KPS. Od njega sem prejemal navodila. Na Stražnjem vrhu me je sprejel Ivan Maček-Matija in mi dejal, da bom kot partijski sekretar njegov pomočnik. Bil sem presenečen, ker sem bil mlad in je bilo veliko starejših komunistov, ki bi Jih lahko postavil na to mesto. No, očitno se je Maček odločil zame, ker sem bil pred tem uspešen na terenu. Partijski sekretar sem bil potem samo na oznovski bazi. Na Stražnjem vrhu so bili štirje oddelki, iz katerih se je usmerjalo delo na terenu. Tudi iz Ljubljane so pošiljali svoje podatke v oznovski center na Stražnji vrh. V Ozni nisem bil samo partijski sekretar, ampak sem po Mačkovem pooblastilu v Ozno sprejemal tudi nove člane. Na javki blizu Črnomlja smo jih preverjali. Na Stražnji vrh so lahko prišli samo najbolj preverjeni in pomembni par-tijsko-oznovski kadri. Maček mi je naročil, naj se z oznovskimi kandidati najprej malo pogovorim. Na podlagi pogovora s kandidatom sem napisal zapisnik in ga dal Mačku, ta pa je potem odločil o vstopu kandidata v Ozno. Pri izbiri je bila pomembna odločnost kandidata, njegov partijski (DALJE na str. 14) -yjž' dtp] oil >{_ aan 10:1 Novela zakona o žrtvah vojnega nasilja Zamolčani priznani kot žrtve V Sloveniji ni šlo le za osvobodilni boj, temveč tudi za komunistično revolucijo Ljubljana - Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve je pripravilo predlog sprememb zakona o žrtvah vojnega nasilja. Po njih bi status žrtve pridobili tudi državljani, ki so bili v vojni ali vojaški agresiji na Slovenijo kot civilne osebe izpostavljeni nasilnim dejanjem ali prisilnim u-krepom katere koli organizirane vojaške sile, skupine in enote, ki je od 6. aprila 1941 do 15. maja 1945 delovala na območju Slovenije. Pravico do rente bodo z novelo zakona dobili tudi prisilni mobiliziranci v nemško ali madžarsko vojsko. V veljavnem zakonu ima status žrtve vojnega nasilja državljan Slovenije, ki so ga nemške, italijanske ali madžarske o-kupacijske sile od 6. aprila 1941 do 15. maja 1945 iz političnih, nacionalnih, rasnih ali verskih razlogov prisilno izselile, poslale v taborišče, zapor, na prisilno delo ali internacijo oziroma je bil kot pripadnik bivše jugoslovanske vojske v vojni od 6. aprila 1941 do 17. aprila 1941 odpeljan v ujetništvo, in oseba, ki je pobegnila pred vojnim nasiljen ali je bila nasilno odvzeta staršem. Žrtev vojnega nasilja je tudi oseba, ki je pobegnila pred prisilno izselitvijo, ali je bila od 6. aprila 1941 do 15. maja 1945 zaradi izvajanja povračilnih ukrepov okupatorja ali njegovih sodelavcev zoper družine partizanov, pobitih talcev ali Joseph L. FORTUNA m ■: 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! zaradi sodelovanja z NOB nasilno pregnana z doma, zaradi česar se ni mogla vrniti na svoj dom nepretrgano najmanj tri mesece. Status žrtve vojnega nasilja ima tudi oseba, ki je bila rojena staršem v času, ko so trpeli kot žrtve vojnega nasilja. Status žrtve vojnega nasilja je bil doslej priznan izključno osebam, ki so bile med vojno izpostavljene nasilnim dejanjem ali prisilnim ukrepom okupatorja, agresorja ali njunih sodelavcev. Tudi iz tega kroga so izločeni vsi politični ali drugi emigranti oziroma begunci, ki se niso vrnili v domovino najpozneje do 31. decembra 1945, čeprav so bili žrtve navedenih agresorjev. Zato niso mogli dobiti statusa in pravic žrtev vojne številni državljani, ki so bili med vojno izpostavljeni prisilnim u-krepom ah vojnim dejanjem partizanskih vojaških enot, zavezniškim bombardiranjem oziroma nasilnim ukrepom pripa- V ljubeč spomin ob peti obletnici smrti našega dragega, skrbnega očeta, starega ata in strica ki ga je Bog poklical k sebi 20. aprili 2000. Odšel od nos si vse prerano v večno srečo in življenje, srce iskreno več ne bije, le tvoj spomin nam celi rano. Obstale tihe so besede, in misli naše se v pomladi oklepajo podobe tvoje. Žalujoči otroci z družinami: Tone, Miha, Janez in Tomaž, Katka, Pavli in Francka, pok. hčerka sestra Marija Vida SND svakinja, nečaki in nečakinje in ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, 21. aprila 2005. dnikov VOS, VDV, teren-cev in raznih paravojaških enot na strani, ki je nasprotovala okupatorskim vojaškim in civilnim oblastem. V ta /sedaj veljavnem/ zakonu tudi niso vključeni otroci, katerih roditelj je bil med vojno ubit ali pogrešan zaradi vojaških akcij NOB, kot žrtev zavezniških bombardiranj ali kot žrtev revolucionarnega nasilja. Kako popraviti sedaj veljavni zakon v prid enakosti pred zakonom Ministrstvo sodi, da je navedena ureditev sporna s stališča pravice do enakosti pred zakonom, saj gre za civilne osebe, ki niso bile udeležene v vojnih akcijah in zato niso bile subjektivno odgovorne za posledice vojnih ukrepov. V zakonu ni upoštevano dejstvo, da v Sloveniji ni šlo samo za boj proti nemškim, italijanskim ter madžarskim o-kupacijskim silam, temveč za komunistično revolucijo, ki je narod u-metno razdelila na dve nasprotujoči si strani in spodbudila državljansko vojno, ugotavlja ministrstvo. Ministrstvo je že dobilo 600 zahtevkov otrok, katerih starše so pobili partizani. V teh primerih bi bili upravičeni do pavšalnih odškodnin v znesku 200.000 tolarjev (tj. ok. $1080 US po sedanjem tečaju, op. ur. AD), ki se izplačujejo iz sklada za poplačilo vojne škode. To število se bo v naslednjem letu bistveno povečalo. Po podatkih ministrstva je bilo doslej vloženih in zavrnjenih 208 zahtevkov beguncev zaradi zavezniškega bombardiranja, ki bi bili upravičeni do rent. Največje finančne posledice bi imela uvedba pravice do mesečne rente za prisilne mobilizirance v nemško vojsko, ki jih je po dosedanjih podatkih 5500. Po ocenah bi letni odhodki za te upravičence dosegli nekaj manj kakor milijardo tolarjev. Sprememba zakona bi tako v letu 2005 dodatno obremenila proračun za 400 milijonov tolarjev, v letu 2006, ko bi večina upravičencev že uveljavila pravice, bi se odhodki proračuna povečali za 1,1 milijarde tolarjev. Pogovor z Albertom Svetino NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) staž in disciplina. Kandidat je moral ob/ vstopu v Ozno podpisati, da je pripravljen izpolnjevati naloge, ki Jih Ozna od njega zahteva. In kdor se je Ozni enkrat zapisal, se ji je zapisal za vedno. V kakšnem smislu pa je bila pomembna odločnost? Odločnost v boju proti sovražniku in pri izvrševanju naloženih nalog. Kakšen človek je bil Ivan Maček-Matija, za katerega nekateri menijo, da je bil največji slovenski zločinec? Maček je bil zelo primitiven človek. Mislim, da je naredil samo štiri razrede osnovne šole. Politično pa je bil izobražen, saj je bil na partijskem izobraževanju v Moskvi. Bil je član CK KPS, kot osebnost pa je bil človek brez duše. Njegovo obnašanje do ljudi in njegovo govorjenje je bilo surovo. Do mene. pa čeprav sem bil partijski sekretar, se je vedel enako kakor do vajenca. Podobno se je obnašal tudi do komandanta Franca Rozma-na-Staneta. Imel je ambicije, da vse vodi in o vsem odloča. Tudi v CK KPS si je izbojeval izredno veliko moč. Ne da bi se ga bali, so mu to nekako dopuščali. Je on največji slovenski zločinec? Seveda je. K njemu je spadala Ozna, ki njemu je spadal Knoj in to sta dve organizaciji, ki imata najhujše stvari na vesti. Da bo stvar jasna, moram povedati, da je konec aprila 1944 odšel v Drvar, in ker so Nemci takrat napadli Titov štab, ga skoraj mesec dni ni bilo na Stražnjem vrhu. Ko se je vrnil, je sklical načelnike oznovskih oddelkov in mene kot partijskega sekretarja. Takrat je dejal, kakšna navodila je dobil in kako se mora Ozna organizirati. Dejal je, da se v CK KPJ Rankovič in Tito strinjata z mnenjem Rusov (pri Titu je bila zelo v naslednjih letih pa bi se zmanjševali zaradi naravnega manjšanja števila upravičencev. Matjaž Albreht Delo, 11. aprila 2005 močna sovjetska misija), da se bliža konec vojne in da sodišč po osvoboditvi ne bo, ampak da bo treba politične nasprotnike samo likvidirati. In tako se je po vojni tudi zgodilo. Maček je na našem sestanku ukazal, da se začne sestavljati seznam ljudi, ki jih bo treba Ukv*' dirati. To evidenco je vodil Branko Ivanuša, njegov namestnik pa je bila “Tina”, poznejša Maležiče-va žena. Do začetka leta 1945 so pripravili seznam, na katerem je bilo sedemnajst tisoč ljudi. Na podlagi tega seznama je Ozna ob koncu vojne lju' di aretirala in likvidirala Kakšno mnenje Pa | imate o Mitji Ribičič3 oziroma kako ocenjuj6' te njegovo medvojno povojno vlogo? Ribičiča prej nisem P°' znal, ker je bil na Koroškem in na Štajerskem, Slišal sem, da je tam lz' vedel številne likvidacije- V času vojne ga niste srečali? Ne. Ob koncu vojne s« je vrnil s šolanja v Sovjetski zvezi. Iz akademij6 Deržinski je prišel naravnost v osvobojeni Trst' kjer se je pred osvoboditvijo Ljubljane zbral veS oznovski štab. Maček $ je imel za nekakšne^3 pravnika, ker je dobre# pol leta hodil na pravu0 fakulteto. Vse aretacije, povezaU6 z oznovskim seznamoU1, je vodil Ribičič. Pri njedj je v Slavij! ob Apih°v ženi delala tudi rU°J3 nekdanja žena, ki mi Je pripovedovala vse te stv3 ri. Ribičič je imel toč«11 pregled, kdo je aretir3^ kdo je zaprt v taborišči in koga je treba lik^' rati. To je bilo vse cel1 tralno vodeno. V zadnjih tednih ^ v Sloveniji veliko g°v0, o kraških breznih " e bah zaradi filma $T v breznu. Vam je na to, da ste se ? koncu vojne kratek , mudili v Trstu, ^ znano, kdo vse je k čal v teh breznih? t 7 Tf £ Tega ne vem. v ^ sem ob osvoboditvi P ^ šel iz Gorice. Ozno Gorici je vodil Mattnk Po zavzetju mesta jc na takoj začela z arctaC (DALJE na str. 1<Š) i i J r K l. I e ,e| /- le /• t, D' ie n. ,ja Jc '3' en iH' Ji- S« »f1 )J' cf a5 ;aj 10' rs1 ifi' v y id' Prvo približevanje Sadovnik - Narodni svet Celovec - Na povabilo predsednika Skupnosti koroških Slovencev (SKS) Bernarda Sadovnika je prišlo 4. aprila na sedežu SKS do pogovora z Narodnim svetom koroških Slovencev (NSKS). Za NSKS so bili na pogovoru podpredsednik Rudi Vouk, tajnik Marjan Pipp in Janko Kulmesch, ki sta jih sprejela predsednik SKS Bernard Sadovnik in podpredsednica Zalka Kuchling. Bernard Sadovnik je dejal, da je zanj razveseljivo ta spodbudno že samo dejstvo, da je do pogovora Prišlo. Glavna tema je bila razširitev Koordinacijskega odbora, kjer pa še ni soglasja, ker NSKS ni za razširitev. Obe strani pa sta si edina, da mora biti skupno zastopstvo neke vrste slovenski parlament, edina pot do cilja pa da so neposredne volitve. Narodni svet je Skupnosti predlagal skupne neposredne volitve z NSKS. Za predlog pa se pri Skupnosti ne morejo ogreti, ker želijo javnopravno zastopstvo. Soglasje pa so našli glede konference o konsenzu (29. aprila na Dunaju). Pred konferenco se bodo ponovno srečali in se usklajeno podali na Dunaj. Na ta pogovor pa bo vabil Narodni svet. sk Novice. 8. aprila 2005 Dodatno o Slovenski izseljenski matici in o slovenski manjšini na Koroškem Franc Pukšič je SIM-u zmanjšal predvideni proračun O tej zadevi je bilo ^Javljeno poročilo iz De-1° faxa, sedaj je pa na razPolago celoten tekst, k* vsebuje veliko več podrobnosti in je zato posredovano v celoti. Ur. O Ljubljana - Parlamen-tarna komisija za Sloven-Ce v zamejstvu in po sve-Je zaskrbljena nad stanjem na avštrijskem Kolškem, kjer upada šte-V1*° pripadnikov sloven-S^e manjšine. Slovenska vtada naj zato avstrijsko °L 50. obletnici podpisa j*Vstrijske državne pogod-e opozori na niz obve-2n°sti, od postavitve dvo-•tezičnih topografskih na-fs°v, uveljavitve sloven-lne kot uradnega jezika 0 Poslanskega sedeža v 0roškem deželnem zbo-m financiranja sloven-ega radia in časopisov. Povod za razpravo v Vi0«, sfiji?8ri med organizacijami Slovencev na Koroškem, ki bi utegnili biti še posebno usodni pred sklicem konference konsenza konec tega meseca (30. aprila, op. ur. AD) na Dunaju o izvajanju odločbe avstrijskega ustavnega sodišča o dvojezičnih napisih. Predsedniki vseh treh organizacij (tj. SKS, ZSO in NSKS) so 7. aprila sicer izražali pripravljenost za dogovore, a niso bili najbolj prepričljivi. Drugače jim državni sekretar za Slovence po svetu Frame Pukšič ne bi zabičal, da se je treba, če se hoče nekaj doseči, pogovarjati tudi s samim hudičem, vendar morajo Slovenci nastopati enotno. V drugem delu sestanka je komisija nadaljevala razpravo o finančnem sta-mju v Slovenski izseljenski matici in o občutno ,, .zmanjšani'*—dotaciji od 5005. clliqa U .oI-jH predvidene v državnem proračunu. Poslanci so sicer dobili zahtevano finančno poročilo Matice za lansko leto, tudi njen predsednik Sergijj Peljhan se je posul s pepelom, da so se v Matici pred leti res obnašali, kot da so državna ustanova in ne društvo, in da so izgubo iz prejšnjih let vendarle znižali na devet milijonov tolarjev (ok. 49 tisoč U$S, ur. AD), toda državni sekretar Franc Pukšič je vztrajal po svojem, da bo letos še naprej Matici nakazoval samo po sedem milijonov (ok. 38 tisoč U$S, ur.) na mesec, prihodnja leta pa financiral le posamezne odobrene programe. Še več, Pukšič je ljudi v Matici poleg negospodarnega ravnanja z državnim denarjem - previsoki telefonski stroški in podobno - obtožil tudi goljufije pri financiranju kulturne delavnice za mlade v BiH. Govoril je o dvojnih računih v višini 320 bosanskih mark oziroma 260 evrov za udeležence te delavnice, ki so bili menda v povprečju starejši od 65 let. Pukšič je napovedal policijsko preiskavo, druge nepravilnosti, denimo dvojno prikazovanje stro- škov za pisarniški material bo bosta raziskala vladna notranja finančna kontrola in računsko sodišče. Peljhan se je s tem strinjal in dodal, naj se, če se izkaže, da očitki držijo, Matici nakaže manj denarja, kot je predvideno v državnem proračunu. Razočarano je dodal, naj državni sekretar Franc Pukšič naravnost pove, kako se je odločil, da Matici zadostuje sedem milijonov na mesec. Ne pa, da najprej govori o preveč zaposlenih. Ko se je ugotovilo, da so trije tudi na Svetovnem slovenskem kongresu in da so plače na Matici previ- soke, je bil razlog za manj nakazanega denarja, ker da ni bilo finančnih poročil. Zdaj, ko poročila so, pa trdi, je bil denar porabljen negospodarno. Komisija se je razšla s sklepom Branka Grimsa iz SDS, ki sta ga podprla še dva člana, drugi pa niso nasprotovali, da bodo o denarju za izseljenske in zdomske organizacije v komisiji govorili, ko bo vlada poslala parlamentu rebalans proračuna za letošnje leto. Jože Poglajen Delo, 8. aprila 2005 4 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE | Priporočajte naš listi It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Savings Account ^^Life Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? 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Na predvečer nedelje božjega usmiljenja (bele nedelje) je Gospodar življenja odpoklical svojega zvestega služabnika. Čeprav je izguba velika, verujemo Jezusu, da nas sirot ne bo zapustil. Za četrt stoletja je dal Cerkvi in svetu Karola: neizmerno smo mu hvaležni. A zahvala se že prepleta s prošnjo, naj nam spet pošlje papeža, apostola in misijonarja za naše čase, za vse ljudi. Na pogrebni maši za papeža so na Trgu sv. Petra prebrali misel prvaka apostolov: "Slavljen Bog in Oče našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa! V svojem velikem usmiljenju nas je po vstajenju Jezusa Kristusa od mrtvih prerodil za živo upanje... Jezusa Kristusa ljubite, čeprav ga niste videli. Verujte vanj, čeprav ga zdaj ne vidite, veselite se v neizrekljivem in poveličanem veselju, ko dosegate namen svoje vere, namreč odrešitev duš.” S to Pavlovo spodbudo vas iskreno pozdravljam.” D. K. Ocvirk, narodni ravnatelj za misijone. (Misijonska obzorja) “Gorje meni, če evangelija ne bo oznanjal!” Janez Pavel II. si je neutrudno prizadeval, da bi vse seznanil z Jezusom in v njihovih srcih prižgal ljubezen do njega. Zato je hodil iz kraja v kraj, oznanjal z besedo in dejanji, se poglabljal v molitev in vanjo vse do zadnje ure vključeval svoje trpljenje... Zato je spisal misijonsko okrožnico o Odrešenikovem poslanstvu, iz katere navajam prvi odstavek: “Odrešenikovo poslanstvo, ki je zaupano Cerkvi, je še zelo daleč od svoje uresničitve. Ob koncu drugega tisočletja po Odrešenikovem prihodu nam celovit pogled na človeštvo razodeva, da je to poslanstvo šele na začetku in da moramo z vsemi svojimi močmi delati za njegovo uresničevanje. Duh priganja k oznanjevanju velikih božjih del: ’Če namreč oznanjam e-vangelij, nimam pravice, da bi se ponašal, kar mi je naložena dolžnost. Zakaj gorje meni, če evangelija ne bi oznanjal’ (1 Kor 9,16). Neodložljivo dolžnost čutim, da v imenu vse Cerkve ponavljam ta krik sv. Pavla. Že na začetku svoje- ga papeževanja sem se odločil za potovanja do skrajnih meja Zemlje, da bi pokazal misijonsko vnemo. In prav neposredni stik z ljudstvi, ki ne vedo za Kristusa, me je še bolj prepričal o nujnosti misijonarske dejavnosti, ki je posvečam to okrožnico. Drugi vatikanski koncil je želel obnoviti življenje in dejavnost Cerkve skladno s potrebami sodobnega sveta. Poudaril je njeno misijonskost in jo dinamično utemeljil v poslanstvu Svete Trojice same. Misijonski polet sodi torej k notranji naravi krščanskega življenja in navdihuje tudi ekumenizem: ’Da bodo vsi eno... Da bo svet veroval, da ni me Ti poslal” (Jn 17, 21). Janez Pavel II” (Misijonska obzorja, april 2005j V spomin na zvestega služabnika Kristusove Cerkve. Smrt in vstajenje! Molimo zanj in za sveto Cerkev. Za MZA, Sonja Ferjan Pogovor z Albertom Svetino (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) jami in likvidacijami. Aretirali so predvsem veliko duhovnikov. Na goriškem gradu so jih zasliševali. Nekatere so odvažali v goriške zapore, druge pa neznano kam. V Trstu je bilo podobno. Tam so bili Maček, Ribičič, Šilih, More in drugi. V Trst so prišli iz Bele krajine čez Gorski kotar. V Trst je prišel tudi Edvard Kardelj, prav tako Pepca Kardelj, ki je bila pred tem v Trstu že več mesecev. V Trstu sem najprej poiskal Mačka in ta me je takoj vprašal, kako si upam po mestu v oznov- V BLAG SPOMIN ob 31. obletnici smrti našega ljubljenega očeta, starega ata in tasta ob 45. obletnici smrti naše ljubljene mame in stare mame FRANK PAJK ki je dovršil svoje zemsko potovanje in se preselil v večno bivališče dne 25. aprila 1974 Kako strto 'srčno Te ljubili, prezgodaj smo Te izgubili; preljubi oče Ti, naj Ti večna luč gori. Lepa nam je misel na Te, na prijazni Tvoj nasmeh, na besede ljubenive, ki imel si jih do vseh. ANNA PAJK ki na^ je za vedno zapustila in se preselila v večno bivališče dne 10. januarja 1960 Sprejmi od nas. Gospod, molitve in darila, pokaži mil obraz, pokbjni daj hladila. Gospod, daruj ji mir, naj večna luč ji sved; ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Francis Paik, duhovnik (pok.) in Edward ter pokojna žena Diane Vnuki: Edward, Gregory in Michael Vnukinje: Anne Marie, Sue Ann Bares in Sharon Walker Pravnuki: Justin, Bobby, Francis Edward; Pravnukinja: Lauren MENTOR, OHIO, 21. aprila 2005. ski uniformi. Odgovoril sem mu: “Če me do sedaj niso ubili, me tudi zdaj ne bodo.” In je rekel: “Boš videl, ti norec!” Nato me je iz Trsta kmalu poslal v Postojno, kamor se je preselila oz-novska komora s Straž-njega vrha. Naselila se je v Windischgraetzovo graščino. Maček mi je naročil, naj grem tja in organiziram vse za njeno preskrbo. Za menoj sta pozneje prišla tudi Ivan Maček in komandant Knoja Bojan Polak-Stjenka. Skupaj sta se napila skoraj do nezavesti. Medtem ko sem spal v drugi sobi, je do mene prišla Mačkova tajnica Vida in me prosila, naj ji grem pomagat, ker Maček leži v banji in se bo utopil. Mačka sem nato zares potegnil iz banje. Maček drugače ni pil, ker naj bi imel čir na želodcu, ampak takrat si ga je pa privoščil. Po tistem se je Maček s spremstvom in oznov-skim arhivom ter kartoteko odpravil v Ljubljano, ki so jo Nemci in domobranci zapuščali. Pri Vrhniki so Mačkovo spremstvo napadli domobranci. Maček in njegovi sodelavci so zbežali, pri tem pa pustili avto, v katerem je bil oznovski arhiv. Po vojaških akcijah na Gorenjskem se Je isti avto skupaj z arhivom po nekaj dneh presenetljivo pojavil pred Slavijo nedotaknjen. Ozadje tega dogajanja mi je nejasno. V knjigi ste precej pozornosti namenili tudi zaporom v Slaviji in na Poljanskem nasipu? V Slaviji je imela Ozna tudi zapore. Ko je prišlo do velike eksplozije na ljubljanski železniški pos- taji, sem hitel iz Slavije gledat, kaj se dogaja. Mislil sem, da bombardirajo. Pri vhodu v stavbo sem skozi zračne rešetke iz kletnih prostorov slišal vpitje ljudi. Spoznal sem glas Jožeta Sluge-Lenarta, ki je bil prej namestnik Mira Perca-Maksa v Trebuši in nato načelnik Ozne za Primorsko v Ajdovščini, kjer je delal nemoralne stvari. Aretirali so ga in je izginil. Na t. i. Pučnikovi komisiji za raziskave povojnih množičnih pobojev in drugih nepravilnosti so me vprašali, ali sem kaj slišal o tem. Kolikor vem, so večino tistih, ki so bili zaprti v kleti Slavije, likvidirali. Te stvari je imel pod nadzorom Ribičič, ki je bil Mačkov zastopnik. Ribičič je dajal tudi predloge za obravnavo na sodiščih. Navzoč je bil tudi pri likvidacijah, na primer pri usmrtitvi Leona Rupnika, ko je tudi napisali, kaj je Rupnik izjavil pred ustrelitvijo. Kaj pa je Rupnik takrat izjavil? Da obžaluje, da je bil proti slovenskemu narodu in podobno. (SE BO NADALJEVALO) Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 10) je bil 16. aprila v oskrbi Ferfolijevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Our Lady of Guadalupe in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. This little girl from Predoslje is now 60! Vse najboljše za Tvoj rojstni dan! Ljubimo Te, “Granny * Tvoji hvaležni otroci Barbi, Frank in Viki in družine.