CaseStudyoftheInsuredPersons SatisfactionwiththeAssistance Centre aleksanderjaneš University ofPrimorska, Slovenia martinafranˇ ceškin Triglav,Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, Slovenia Thepurposeof thepresented paper istodiscussonthefactors thatinfluence thesatisfaction oftheinsuredpersonswith the assistancecentre (ac)oftheinvestigated health insurancecom- pany.Intheempirical part oftheresearch thefactors whichare important forthesatisfaction oftheinsuredwith the acwere in- vestigated with thequestionnaireforinsuredpersons.Thefactor thatis themoststatistically positivelyrelated tousersatisfaction is the‘understandingtheneeds andrequirements ofpolicyhold- ers’. Basedon thefindings fromempirical research (question- naire forinsuredpersons andinterview with ac’semployees), im- provement proposals were defined whichshouldincrease thesat- isfaction of policyholders with the ac’sservice. Recognized find- ings andsuggestions shouldbe consideredandreasonably imple- mented bytheinsurancepolicydesigners. Key words: Health InsuranceCompany,insuredpersons,process management, policyholders, satisfaction Introduction Health is the highest value in modern society, as it is the first con- dition for increasing well-being. The company needs to take care of the right environmental conditions as these are a prerequisite for maintaining and promoting health (Svetovna zdravstvena orga- nizacija 2014). Due to the current topic of population aging and the consequentincreaseinthemorbidityandmortalityofpeopleandthe nature of work, the investigation focused on the satisfaction of in- sured persons with the assistance centre (ac) of the selected health insurance company. It is a well-known fact that waiting times for specialist examinations, diagnostics and public health interventions management15(2):121–136 121 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin in Slovenia are increasing and as a consequence, people’s dissatis- faction is increasing (Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje 2019). As a result of this, more and more people are opting to buy additional healthinsurance,whichallowspolicyholderstohaveshorterwaiting timesfor medicaltreatment. The official records of the selected insurer show that the growth of supplementary healthinsurance has increaseddramatically from 2013 to the present, with the increase in claims of insured persons through the ac(Triglav zdravstvena zavarovalnica 2016). It was this fact that prompted investigation of the insured persons satisfaction with the acand which are the important factors to the satisfaction of theinsuredpersonswiththe ac. LiteratureReview Call centres accept calls and forward them to the assistance cen- tre based on insured’s requests for assistance. In assistive centres, employeesarepromptedforappropriatetreatmentbasedonthena- ture of the call. The AssistanceCentre is thus anindispensable part of the insurance industry, whose core business is managing sudden and unexpected events. Insurance companies provide assistance in various areas such as: home assistance, car assistance, medical as- sistance. Assistant centre employees offer a wide variety of invisi- ble services to users. They can only provide information about the desired assistance service or assistance as a service (Rolland et al. 2006). ac’s employees are required to always have a friendly voice when in contact with the insured. It is a well-known fact that working in an acischaracterizedbyroutinetasksandahighlevelofstressand a low level of control for employees in terms of work tasks and in- teraction with clients. Ferreira et al. (2015) describe the purpose of establishing assisted care centres designed for the insureds’ or pa- tients’ needs and contributing to the overall satisfaction of citizens withthe healthcaresystemandits effectiveness. Mazzucato,Houyez,andFacchin(2014)andNayak,Bhattacharyya, and Krishnamoorthy (2019) emphasize the need for telephone ser- vices that are parallel to other information systems. Parallel to the online providers of information on health advice or health services, information services have been introduced, i.e. assistance centres, based on telephone communication. Assistance centres have been designedasanalternativeinformationaccesspointforpatientswith rarediseases(Babacetal.2018). The acof the selected Health insurance Company alias insurer 122 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction started operating in 2013. It was also the first time that additional healthinsurancewastakenout.Duetothesmallnumberofinsured persons with supplementary health insurance, the need for assis- tanceworkerswaslow.Onlyagraduatenurseandotheradministra- tive employees were employed. With the surging growth in supple- mentary health insurance policies, in 2016 the employees at the ac increased to three employees with different health backgrounds. In 2019, there are six health professionals with different health back- grounds in the ac. Zichello and Sheridan (2008) consider that most frequently employed nursing assistantships in the European Union (eu)areregisterednursinggraduateswhodirectpolicyholderstoap- propriate medical treatment. If the patient’s condition does not re- quire the judgment of a physician on call, the graduate nurse often contacts the insured person only by telephone counselling. In Nor- way, the system is organized in the municipal-owned primary care sector. The system serves as the protector of the secondary health servicesofstate-ownedhospitals.Medicalresponsibilityformedical servicesislargelyassumedbygeneralpractitionerswhoalternatein their area. Nursing assistance represents an important part of pri- mary health care services. Medical assistance is an important and extensive activity that educates and advises patients, healthcarers andrelatives.Asaresult,theworkloadofclinicsisreduced(Midtbø, Raknes,andHunskaar,2017). The selected acof the insurer employs six people with a medical degree,one graduatenurse,twograduatemedicaldoctors,onemas- terofnursing,onemasterofeducationandhealthmanagementand amedicaltechnician.Thework tasksofemployees arearrangedac- cording to internal duties and assigned tasks in the ac.Oneofthe key tasks of the help centres is to talk or counselling on health and psychosocial issues. Research has shown that telephone lines are needed for help or personal contact. Patients with chronic illnesses orrelativeswanttelephonecounsellingledbymedicalprofessionals with broad healthcare competencies. acsare created to assist pa- tients and provide broad spectrum information on health and psy- chosocial issues (Adam et al. 2012; Babac et al. 2018; Ekberg et al. 2014).Beesleyetal.(2010)describetheintroductionofan acthatof- fers exclusive telephone counselling. Telephone counselling differs fromassistancedependingonthetypeofinformationprovided,such as references, counselling and or medical information. Zichello and Sheridan (2008) stated that health education in eucountries plays an important role in health insurance companies. They researched that graduating a nurse by adapting an insurance plan would have number2·2020 123 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin an impact on managing claims and improving the safety of insured persons.Ratanawongsaetal.(2012)describethatnursinggraduates engage in supportive education for the insured persons to manage andmanagechronicillnesses.WienerandGilliland(2011)foundthe importance of properly documenting the insured person’s medical treatment and care of the medical records. They found that nurs- ing graduatescarewas inline with standards setby regulations and professionalethicalexpectations (Cartwright-Vanzant2010). Theworkprocessatthe ac isdefinedasasequenceofworkproce- duresandactivities,whichisintegratedintothecomprehensivepro- cess(Gošnik2019)oftheselectedinsurancecompany.Theactivities of this process are directly related to the insurance or the enforce- mentofthecontractuallyagreedliabilitiesoftheinsurancecompany on the basis of covered risks insurance, which represents the ‘in- surance case’ and the liability to the insured (Triglav zdravstvena zavarovalnica2013). Forinformationonregisteringaninsurancecase,theinsuredper- son calls the call centre, which gives him instructions on register- ing or announcing the insurance case. For more detailed explana- tions of the medical personnel, the call centre connects the call of the insured person to the acwhere they are employed with med- ical knowledge. They provide policyholders with information, ad- viceonhealthissues,insurance-relatedinformation,andhealthcare providers. When exercising supplementary health insurance rights, registrationorannouncementofthedesiredhealthservicetothe ac isrequired.Insuredpersonshavetheoptionofannouncingorregis- tration of the insurance case by e-mail, telephone call (Mevissen et al. 2012) and in writing via regular paper mail. Upon arrival of the announcementorregistrationoftheinsurancecase,thelatterisau- tomatically transferred to the program where the documentation is stored. The employee in charge of the program, where case is man- aged and stored without paper documentation, assigns insurance claims to employees atthe ac. Employees with health education are involved in the treatment at the ac.Theacorganizes the terms of medical treatment on the basis of the obtained medical documen- tation and the wishes of the insured person, issues the consent on the implementation of the provided health services, prepares reim- bursementsofinsurancecasesandprovidesassistanceinexercising rights. The employees at the achave different health education and dif- ferent job responsibilities and competences (Bach and Suliková 2019). When dealing with an insurance case, in addition to qual- 124 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction ity nursing care, employees at the acmust also include insurance skills in the process, as all insurances have different limitations on the insurer’s obligations. ac’s employees must adapt to insurance when dealing with an insurance case, since insurance is limited in contentor coverage. When dealing with an insurance case, the employees at the ac must verify the formal, procedural and substantive relevance of the insurancecase.Withthehelpofacomputerprogram(RathandPat- tanayak2019),theemployeeverifiesalltherightsintheexistingin- suranceandthenproceedswiththecase.Ifitfindsdeviationsinfor- mal, procedural or substantive inadequacy, it calls the insured per- sonanddismissesthecaseinthecomputerprogramandinformsthe administrativeemployeestosendarejectionnotice. When ordering the insured person for the intended health care services, the employees of the acplay an important role, since they provide the insured person with information about the order for in- vestigationorspecialistexaminationsorinterventions.Whenorder- ing an insured person for the planned health service, employees of the actake into account the time and place restrictions of the in- sured person. They provide the insured person with information on possible preparationsfor investigationsandassistintheinterpreta- tion and fulfilment of various investigations or interventions. They are in close contact with healthcare providers, as they wish to pro- videcomprehensiveassistancetopolicyholders atthe ac. On the basis of mutual internal agreements between the employ- ees of the acand prior communication with the insured person and with health care providers, they advise the insured person about possiblediagnosticsbeforespecialistexaminations.Withthehelpof thelatter’sagreedmethodofworkandinternalarrangementsofem- ployees and communication with health care providers, they speed uphealthcareandshortentheinsured’s timetothefinaldiagnosis. After completing the order for the planned examination or diag- nostics or intervention, the employee in the acprepares the autho- rization in the computer program for the intended health service of the insured person. For the traceability of health treatments, the ac hasacomputerprogram(RathandPattanayak2019)inwhichallin- formation about the treatment of an insurance case is entered from the date of announcement to the date of completion of the medical treatment. After expert processing of the insurance case and preparation of authorization in the ac, the latter is handed over to the administra- tive employees who arrange for the dispatch of the authorization. number2·2020 125 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin The administrative employees sendthe authorization tothe insured person in electronic form or in physical form via regular mail, ac- cording totheinsuredperson’s request. Methodology The purpose of the research was to gain in-depth insight into the work process (Gošnik 2019) of the acof the selected health insur- ance company case study (Gummesson 2000) and to research and analyse the satisfaction of the insured persons with the acservices. Forthatpurposethefollowingresearchquestions(rq)weredefined: rq1 What importance do the insuredpersonsattribute to theassis- tancecentre? rq2 Whatfactorsareimportanttothesatisfactionofpolicyholders? rq3 Howtoincreasethesatisfactionoftheinsuredpersonswiththe helpcentre? rq4 Howtoimprovetheworkprocessintheassistancecentre? A survey of the acusers with a survey questionnaire was con- ducted. The author’s original questionnaire was created using the 1ka ( website. The online survey questionnaire was active on and forums and on social networks from May 23, 2019 to August 22, 2019. The sample of respondents was occasional, which is an unrepresentative sample. During the three-month period, 117 people activated questionnaire online; 74 questionnaires from acusers were submitted, of which two were only partially completed. The completed questionnaires about satisfactiondataof 72respondents wereusedinthe analysis. The survey comprehended 52 women’s i.e. 72.22% of all respon- dents,and20men’s i.e.27.78%of allrespondents.Mostrespondents werebetween41and50yearsold.Thestructureoftherespondents’ education is usually higher education or university education, or as muchas50%ofallparticipants. Based on the obtained demographic data of the respondents, it can be concluded that the majority of additional health insured is from central Slovenia, that there are highly educated, married and aged between 41 to 50 years. From this it can be concluded that the insured are middle-aged, have a good economic standard and want to create a secure future in the event of potential health prob- lems. Purchasing additional health insurance allows them to have a quick medicaltreatmentand,consequently,toobtainafinaldiagno- sisquickly. 126 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction Beside the questionnaire for acusers, the interview with the six employeesfocus groupwasperformed(Adametal.2012). EmpiricalFindingsandDiscussion analysisoftheassistancecentreresponse In the survey the responsiveness of the acin relation to the med- ical records provided via e-mail, mobile application and telephone call to the acwas analysed. The data, together with the frequency ofcallsandcalltimes,servedasinformationaboutwhenthe acwas the busiest and whether the work process was still optimal with re- gardtothegrowthofinsuredpersons. Most of the insured persons surveyed communicated with the ac via telephone, i.e. 97.78% of all, and send the documentation via email, i.e. 87.67%of all. The insured’s medical records were emailed to 87.67%, followed by a call to the ac. Considering that 10.11% of the insured persons did not send medical records via e-mail, but only called the ac, it can be concluded that they wanted only gen- eral information or information on exercising rights or some other information relatedto assistance.Namely,claiming insurance rights requirestheregistrationorannouncementofaninsurancecase,and amedicalindicationisrequired,whichissentbyinsuredpersonsby e-mailorregularmail. Themostcommonanswergivenbytherespondentsregardingthe accallbacktimewasupto1hour,whichwasansweredby29.23%of allrespondents.This,indescendingorder,isfollowedbytheanswers thattheyhadtowaitupto15minutes,26.15%,followedby15.38%of the respondents who were waiting for the call until the next day. 12.31%oftherespondentswerecalledbackimmediatelyand10.77% of respondents received a call back within two hours. The fewest respondents claimed to have waited either 4 hours or 8 hours – two participants ineachcase,whichis 3.08%ofallinboth cases. Regarding the frequency of calls to the ac,themajorityofpar - ticipants answered that they had called or sent medical records be- tween10:01and14:00hours.Suchresponseswereashighas64.18%. Thedescendingorderisfollowedbytheanswersregardinglastcalls times: from 6:00 to 10:00 with 20.9% and in the penultimate place from 14:01 to 18:00 with 11.94%. Last calls time was from 18:01 to 22:00withonly twoanswers,representing2.99%. Throughinterviewwiththe acemployeefocusgroup,weobtained information that they have the highest frequency of work between 10:00and14:00.Duringthistime,alunchbreakwithaslidingsched- number2·2020 127 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin uletakesplaceforemployees.Duetothisfact,employeesthinkthat, as a result, it is very likely that the call back time will be extended. Through the interview of the acemployee’s focus group, we found thatallemployeeshaveaconsensusthattheworkprocessisnotop- timal and that a work process audit is needed. They unanimously believe thatthe rapidgrowth of policyholders hasledto anincrease in the volume of work and consequently led to a sub-optimal work process. analysisofresearchquestionsanddiscussion Regarding the research question rq1, ‘What importance do the in- sured persons attribute to the assistance centre?’ two sets of ques- tions wereused: 1.acServiceSatisfaction,and 2.Thecharacteristicsofthe employeesinthe ac. The first set about the acservices included twelve questions, which could had been answered by a choice on a six-point Likert scale:Iwould not know, Verybad, Bad,Neithergood nor bad,Good, Verygood(table1). The most important assistance service according to policyholders is receivingclearguidance on thehealthcareprovider (83.33%).An- otherassistanceservicethatisveryimportanttopolicyholdersisthe receiptofclearmedicaltreatmentinstructions (81.54%). The surveyed policyholders expressed a poor opinion about the telephoneconnection(63.64%)andtheexplanationoftheenvisaged further treatment of the insured (64.18%). With these two services, the insuredaretheleastsatisfied. This can be related to the fact that the maximum frequency of workinthe acisbetween10:00and14:00hoursandthatduringthis timethemostinsuredpersonswaitedforthecalloftheassistantsfor as much as 1 hour. This fact confirms that acis the busiest during this time, and that work reorganization is needed to ensure policy- holders satisfactionwith acresponsiveness. The second set about the characteristics of the employees in the ac included eleven questions, which could had been answered by a choiceonasix-pointLikertscale:Iwouldnotknow,Itdoesn’tmatter atall,Littleimportant,Important,Veryimportant,Especiallyimpor- tant (table2). Asseenfromtable2themostimportantattributeforthesurveyed, is the employee’s communication skills (61.19%), and followed by the knowledge regarding the exercise of rights from supplementary 128 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction table1 FrequencyAnalysis of ac ServiceMetrics Question (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Doyouthink thattheemployeehas deepenedenoughin yourproblem? 70.42 28.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 Theemployeewasconsiderate, respect- fulandlistened toyou? 77.61 20.9 1.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wereyouexplainedthepurposeofthe medicaltreatmentandanyfurtherproce- dures,interventions? 64.18 28.36 1.49 1.49 0.00 4.48 Hastheorderedtreatmentbeen carried outin accordancewith yourexpecta- tions? 72.73 24.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.03 Were you involved in deciding about your treatment? 75.38 21.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.08 Didyoueasily get a phoneconnection withthe ac? 63.64 19.70 9.09 1.52 0.00 6.06 Didyouget the information youneeded? 74.24 24.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.52 Didyoureceiveclear instructionson the selectedhealthcareprovider? 83.33 16.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Didyoureceiveclear instructionsregard- ingmedicaltreatment? 81.54 15.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.08 Doyouthink theemployeeexplainedthe matter/treatment/informationthatyou haveunderstood? 74.24 22.73 1.52 0.00 0.00 1.52 Doyouthinkthattheemployeestimu- lated yourconfidence? 77.61 22.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Doyouthink theemployeeis profession- ally qualified for the job? 71.21 27.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.52 notes Columnheadingsareasfollows: (1)verygood,(2)good,(3)neithergoodnor bad, (4)bad,(5)verybad,(6)iwouldnotknow.In percent. health insurance (52.17%). In most cases, the gender (71.01%) and age (56.52%) of the employee were chosen as an insignificant fea- ture ofthe ac’s employees. Proper handling of insurance casesrequires extensive healthcare knowledge and work experience in various health fields. Insured persons do not feel that the qualities of the employees at the acare important.Themostimportantfeatureofassistingusersisthecom- munication skill of the help desk employees. The first contact of the insured person with the employee at the acis interpersonal contact and communication. Insured persons are not aware of the impor- tance of a broad knowledge of healthcare and work experience of employees, as this enables them to properly refer the insured to the intended medical treatment. At the same time, a great deal of work number2·2020 129 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin table2 ac Employee’sCharacteristics Question (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Occupationofan employee N 2 42 01 6425 % 33.8 28.17 22.54 5.63 2.82 7.04 Thegender oftheemployee N 22574 94 % 2.9 2.9 7.25 10.14 71.01 5.8 Employeeage N 431 253 96 % 5.8 4.35 17.39 7.25 56.52 8.7 Medicalknowledge N 2 41 71 7425 % 34.78 24.64 24.64 5.8 2.9 7.25 Employeeeducationlevel N 1 21 42 0977 % 17.39 20.29 28.99 13.04 10.14 10.14 At least 5 yearsofworkexperience inhealthcare N 16 15 15 11 6 6 % 23.19 21.74 21.74 15.94 8.7 8.7 Employeeknowledgeofhealth care legislation N 2 02 12 0403 % 29.41 30.88 29.41 5.88 0 4.41 Employeecreativity N 1 72 31 7504 % 25.76 34.85 25.76 7.58 0 6.06 itknowledge ofemployee N 1 12 52 4414 % 15.94 36.23 34.78 5.8 1.45 5.8 Knowledgeofexercisingsupplemen- taryhealth insurancerights N 3 62 37003 % 52.17 33.33 10.14 0 0 4.35 Communicationskills N 4 12 41001 % 61.19 35.82 1.49 0 0 1.49 notes Columnheadingsareasfollows:(1)especiallyimportant,(2)veryimportant, (3)important,(4)little important,(5)itdoesn’tmatteratall, (6)Iwouldnotknow. experienceinvariousfieldsofhealthcarehelpstointerpretcorrectly the intendedhealthtreatmentof theinsuredperson. Research questions rq2and rq3were examined using the factor analysis.First,allthesetsofquestionsthatwererelatedtothesatis- factionof theinsuredwiththe acwereidentified: estimatedtimeofinsurancecaseresolution (4sub-sets); evaluation ofthe acproperties(11sub-sets); evaluation ofsatisfactionwith acservices(7sub-sets); ac’s Quality Assessments(13sub-sets). Respondentswereabletoanswereachofthesub-setsbyachoice on a five-point Likert scale: Very unsatisfied, I’m not satisfied, Nei- thersatisfiednor dissatisfied,Satisfied,Verysatisfied. Beforeperformingthefactoranalysis,thedatawereanalysedwith aPearsoncorrelationtest.Theresultsshowedthatsomevalueshave 130 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction table3 SpearmanCorrelation Coefficient Item rp Accuracyinthemanagementofinsureddata 0.640 <0.001 Understandingtheneeds andrequirementsofpolicyholders 0.700 <0.001 Fulfilmentofpromises, agreements 0.436 0.006 Transparencyof authorization 0.682 <0.001 Transparencyof coverletters 0.684 <0.001 Accesstotheappropriatecontactperson 0.622 <0.001 Phoneresponsespeed 0.658 <0.001 Complaintshandling 0.282 0.112 Resolvingreclamation 0.233 0.192 Informingpolicyholders 0.502 0.001 notes Due to the space limitation of paper, only Spearman’s analysis is shown be- causethetable ofFactors ofSatisfaction with the acis extensive. a strong correlation (r > 0.8), which is present in questions of the same set. Some measurements, however, either have no statistically significantassociation(statisticalsignificancep>0.05)orhaveavery weak correlation (r < 0.2), which is present for questions from dif- ferentsets. In order to get one measurement i.e. factor which represents sat- isfaction of respondents with ac, exploratory factor analysis of all sub-sets was performed. The recognized factor was called satisfac- tion. The principal axis factoring method was used to find the satis- factionfactor.InordertorotatethefactormodelestimationtheVari- max method was used. When constructing the factors, the standard limitof0.3forthefactorweightswasused,sothefollowingvariables have fallen out: time to reject insurance, time to resolve complaints, resolvecomplaints andresolvereclamation. The result of Bartlett’s test of sphericity indicates that the vari- ablesareinterrelatedandthe factorobtained isvalid(p<0.05).The obtained factor explains as much as 40.2% of the variance of satis- factionof allrespondents. In reviewing the correlations of satisfaction with aca non-para- metric test was used, i.e. Spearman Correlation Test, which results arepresentedintable 3. Based on the analysis, the response to rq2refers to variables that are statistically significantly related to user satisfaction. The strongestpositivecorrelationwithsatisfactionandunderstandingof the needs and requirements of the insured persons is the strongest (r = 0.7).This is followed by transparencyof cover letters (r = 0.684) andauthorizationreview(r=0.682).Ofallthefactorsthatarestatis- number2·2020 131 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin ticallysignificantlyrelatedtoinsured’ssatisfaction,theweakestcor- relationhasthefulfilment ofpromisesandagreements(r=0.436). To find the answer to rq3’s research question on how to increase acuser’s satisfaction, a factor analysis results were used to iden- tifythesatisfactionfactor.Variableswiththehighestfactorsweights value, which also have the greatest impact on acuser satisfaction, are: explaining the purpose of the treatment and possible follow-up procedures,interventions (0.942); orderedtreatmentwasperformedasexpected(0.859); understanding the needs and requirements of policyholders (0.829). With increased attention to these aspects, insureds’ satisfaction with acwould alsoincreasethe most. Therefore,when dealing with an acinsurance case, it is very important to focus on an in-depth explanation to policyholders of what the purpose or the intended treatmentis(0.942).Itshouldbeemphasizetheimportanceofmany years of work experience of health care professionals in ac and the importance of knowledge of different fields of work, since the latter contributes tothe proper healthtreatmentof the insured. The satisfaction of the insured with the acis also greatly influ- enced by the expectation of ordered medicaltreatment(0.859). This variableisalsoconfirmedbythefactthatitisveryimportantforthe insuredpersontoexplainthecourseofthemedicaltreatmentbefore thehearing,sothatheorshecancreatearealisticexpectationofthe intended healthservice. The third most important variable, for the satisfaction of policy- holders with ac, is in understanding the needs and requirements of policyholders(0.829).Thisvariableisstronglyrelatedtothecommu- nication skills of ac employees, since only good communication be- tweenthe insured personandthe acemployee canensure aproper understandingoftheinsured’sneedsanddesiresand,consequently, leadtoasatisfiedinsuredperson. Regarding the rq4research question, ‘How to improve the work process in the assistance centre?’ focus group interview was per- formed. In order to obtain an answer to the rq4,theinternaldocu- mentsoftheselectedinsurancecompanyontheworkprocessofthe ac(Triglav zdravstvena zavarovalnica 2013)was reviewed. With the help of interview with the ac’s employees, the opinions of about the work process in the acfrom another perspective were gained and improvementproposals weredefinedasfollows: 132 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction Continuouseducationofemployeesinthe ac oncommunication skills; Focus on the needs/wishes/requirements of policyholders re- gardinghealthcareproviders; Orientation towards the needs/wishes/requirements regarding theinterpretationofthe envisagedhealthservices; Updatingthecomputerprogramtospeedupthehandling ofin- surancecases; Updating of a computer program for automated verification of theformal,substantive,proceduresuitabilityofinsurancecases; For faster response of the acto move lunch time for employees withanon-slip schedule; To include additional employees in the acduring the maximum frequencyofcalls,whowouldreceivecallsand,basedoncallers needsaddresstheneedsofpolicyholdersasamatterofpriority; Additional training of call centre employees would also con- tribute to a faster response of the ac, as certain information would be processed at the level of the call centre. As a result, therewould befewercallstothe acduring thebusiest hours; Toemployadditionalmedicalstaffinthe ac(themostexpensive proposal). Findings and improvement proposals can be tied to several re- searches about; training and education of employees (Cartwright- Vanzant2010;Mevissenetal.2012;ZichelloandSheridan2008),fo- cusontheneeds/wishes/requirementsofpolicyholders(Adametal. 2012;Ferreiraetal.2015),computerprograms(RathandPattanayak 2019), and additional employees (Ekberg et al. 2014 by Babac et al. 2019). Conclusion The case study focused on the satisfaction of the insured with ac of the selected insurance company. Through the method of survey- ing the insured persons, in-depth insight into the satisfaction of ac users was gained. Through a focus group interview of acemploy- ees, an employee opinion on the impact of the work process on the satisfaction of the insured persons was obtained (Adam et al. 2012). ThestudyconfirmedtheopinionoftheZichelloandSheridan(2008) that health-educated personnel play a very important role in health insurancecompaniesindealingwithinsurancecases.UsedTriangu- lation (interview, questionnaire for insured persons and documents number2·2020 133 Aleksander JanešandMartinaFranˇ ceškin analysis)inthesurveyallowedtoobtainopinionsfromdifferentper- spectives on the important attributes of employees with health edu- cationatthe assistingcentre,astheseinfluence thereflectionof the satisfactionof the insuredpersons. Interviewwithemployeesofthe acrevealedthattheworkprocess was not optimal due to the rapid increase of the insurance cases. They believe thatchanges in the work process and upgrading of the informationsystemareneededtofacilitateandfasterhandlingofin- surance cases.Based on the answeredquestionnaires of acusers,it wasfoundthattheinsuredpersonsdidnotfeelthelackofefficiency oftheworkingprocess(NovakandJaneš2019)inthe acwhendeal- ing withinsurancecases. Investigationsupportedfindingsonanswerstoresearchquestions (rq):Answer to rq1led to the realizationthat it is important for the insured persons to receive clear instructions on the desired service orhealthcareprovider.Regardingtheanswerto rq2:Thefactorthat is the most statistically positively related to user satisfaction is the ‘understanding the needs and requirements of policyholders’. An- swertothird rq3wasachievedwithfindingsonthemostinfluential factorsregardingthesatisfactionoftheinsured(explainingthepur- pose of the treatment and possible follow-up procedures, interven- tions (0.942); ordered treatment was performed as expected (0.859); understanding theneedsandrequirementsofpolicyholders (0.829); table 3). Answer to researchquestion rq4,was found through focus groupinterviewwith acemployeesandreviewoftheinternaldocu- mentationoftheinsurancecompany(Triglavzdravstvenazavaroval- nica2013).Basedontheobtainedanswerstotheresearchquestions suggestionsfor improvementsweremadeout. Thehighlevelofsatisfactionoftheinsuredwiththe ac willproba- blyalsomeantheexpansionofnewinsuredpersonswithadditional healthinsurance.Asaresult,itwillaffectfasterspecialisttreatment and faster diagnosis for policyholders. However, directly raising the insured persons of the selected insurance company will contribute to lower mortality of the population, as they will be faster to get di- agnosesortreatment(Mold2017). Presented research has also some limitations: Firstly the survey period was limited by time and relatively small sample of respon- dents; and secondly investigation considers only one health insur- ance Company. Research on the factors that influence the satisfac- tionoftheinsuredpersonswiththe acsshouldbeextendedtoother health insurance companies on Slovenian and eumarkets in order toacquirenew insightsandfindings. 134 management·volume15 Case Studyof the InsuredPersons Satisfaction References Adam, F., V. Hlebec, M. Kavˇ ciˇ c, U. Lamut, M. Mrzel, D. Podmenik, T. 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