ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 49 — JI , 2OO4 Dru{tvo za opazovanje in prou~evanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS) in njegovih 25 let DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia and its 25 years Dru{tvo za opazovanje in prou~evanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS) letos praznuje svoj srebrni jubilej. In kot se za tako prilo`nost spodobi, se je treba ozreti na res uspe{no prehojeno pot, se{teti sladke pa tudi grenke trenutke. In iz vsega potegniti kak{en nauk. Iz nebogljenega, a odlo~nega begavca, ki je v prvem letu obstoja {tel borih 88 ~lanov, je po nekaj golitvah zrasel mogo~en pti~, za katerim leti tiso~glava ~lanska jata! Dru{tvo pa ni nastalo ~ez no~, ampak so razmere za njegovo ustanovitev dozorevale in nazadnje tudi dozorele. Ti~arska tradicija na Slovenskem je stara in je tudi pre`ivljala svojo evolucijo. S tesnobo v srcu se spominjamo na{ih daljnih predhodnikov, ki so svojo ljubezen do pti~ev izkazovali tudi zelo neposredno: imeli so jih tako radi, da so jih kar po`rli! Hoteli ali ne, priznati moramo, da je bila pri nas kultura lova pti~ev za prehrano, predvsem jeseni, precej razvita, zlasti v osrednjem in primorskem delu dr`ave, ~e stvar pribli`no zaokro`imo. Tiso~e drobnih pevcev je jeseni kon~alo zlasti na gosposkih mizah. To pa je, hvala bogu, `e daljna preteklost. Hkrati z lovom pa se je vzpostavljal dolo~en odnos med lovci in pti~i. Pti~e so zadr`evali v kletkah tudi za zabavo, predvsem pa so jih uporabljali za vabnike v naslednji lovski sezoni. Uspe{no zadr`evanje pti~ev v ujetni{tvu je zahtevalo dobro poznavanje njihovih potreb, predvsem prehranjevalnih. In nekateri ti~arji so bili v tem pravi mojstri. Tudi glede ogla{anja pti~ev so bili prav tenko~utni: pri nekaterih vrstah, npr. {~inkavcu Fringilla Coelebs, so lo~evali razli~ne tipe petja in pevcem dajali svoja imena, kot npr. ropo~ev, gri~u, vidru, cekiv, ko~év in {e druga. Za~etek organiziranega obro~kanja pti~ev, leta 1926 v okviru Ornitolo{kega observatorija, je za ti~arje pomenil pravo revolucijo. Lahko so osmislili svoje delo in z njim prispevali k napredku ornitolo{ke znanosti. Sprva lov na limanice, s {tevilnimi pomanjkljivostmi, ki so {le zlasti na ra~un ujetega, z limom zamazanega pti~a, je leta 1973 zamenjal lov z mre`ami. Ulov je bil neprimerljivo ve~ji in lovilo se je vse ve~ za Slovenijo novih pti~jih vrst. Danes obro~karska dejavnost poteka v okviru Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije in zdru`uje okoli 60 zunanjih sodelavcev. Med `e omenjenimi 88 ~lani dru{tva v prvem letu jih je bilo kar 45 iz vrst obro~kovalcev. Opazovanje pti~ev – in zapisovanje podatkov o tem – se je zelo razmahnilo. O tem govorijo {tevilni zapisi v razli~nih revijah ali samostojna dela, ki pomenijo za~etek in temelj favnistike. Neprimerno ve~je {tevilo zapisov pa je kon~alo po razli~nih bele`nicah in predalih, ni jim bilo dano, da bi bilo njihovo poslanstvo udejanjeno. Vse bolj se je kazala tudi potreba po kvantifikaciji zbranih podatkov, po njihovem sistemati~nem uvr{~anju v prostoru, skratka, pokazala se je potreba po ornitolo{kem atlasu, tako gnezdilk kot prezimovalcev. Pa ne samo pri nas. Priprave zanj so se za~ele tudi v okviru Evrope in Slovenija je pristopila k evropskemu sodelovanju, ko na drugih podro~jih o podobnih dejavnostih sploh {e sli{ali nismo. Napo~il je ~as, da smo se slovenski opazovalci 49 Uvodnik / Editorial in preu~evalci pti~ev zdru`ili v dru{tvu in skupaj za~eli vle~i ornitolo{ki voz. Pobudo za ustanovitev dru{tva so dali in utemeljili trije mo`je, Iztok Geister, Dare Magajna in Dare [ere, ki so dru{tvu tudi dali ime: Dru{tvo za opazovanje in prou~evanje ptic Slovenije. Omeniti velja tudi akademika dr. Andreja @upan~i~a, ki je ves ~as nastajanja dru{tva in {e dolgo potem, ko je to `e delovalo, zvesto stal ob strani z dobrimi predlogi in nasveti in, ~e se izrazimo sodobno, vlival pozitivno energijo. In to z vedrom! Na ustanovni skup{~ini DOPPS-a, 8.12.1979 v Ljubljani, je Iztok Geister v pozdravnem nagovoru tedanja dogajanja na ornitolo{kem podro~ju slikovito strnil z besedami: »Vse to rojenje favnisti~ne dejavnosti na Slovenskem v zadnjih nekaj letih vse glasneje i{~e svojo matico, okrog katere bi se v grozdu zbrali vsi, zdaj po vseh mogo~ih predalih raztreseni terenski podatki. Tak{na a`urna in `ivahna izmenjava podatkov bi dala na{emu delu nov impulz in mo`nosti za hitrej{o realizacijo pobud v zvezi z delom na terenu. Ta matica naj bi bilo dru{tveno glasilo Acrocephalus. To bi bilo, ~e izvzamemo v letu 1933 iz{lo prvo in edino {tevilko Izvestij ornitolo{kega observatorija v Ljubljani, prvo periodi~no ornitolo{ko glasilo na Slovenskem. Rodovno ime trstnic Acrocephalus simbolizira delovno in problemsko zasnovo glasila, saj so trstnice, ~e upo{tavamo te`avnost determinacije, ekolo{ko izolacijo in akutno ogro`enost biotopa, za raziskovanje zelo privla~en rod ptic.« Matica Acrocephalus je za`ivela in imela {tevilno potomstvo: danes bele`imo 121 izdanih {tevilk. Njeno potomstvo je vse do 93. {tevilke urejeval in negoval Iztok Geister, bil mu je ve~ kot skrben o~e. Na takratno delo uredni{kega odbora ostajajo v spominu prijetni sestanki, dolge pti~arske razprave, pa tudi kak{no zabavno smo razdrli. Denarja pa ravno toliko, da so bili pokriti stro{ki izdajanja revije in {e kaj za pisarni{ke posle. Ko vle~emo ~rto pod ~etrstoletno delovanje DOPPS-a, smo dol`ni povedati tudi tisto, kar bi bilo najbolje pozabiti. @e pred 93. {tevilko, leta 1999, so se za~eli v dru{tvu tudi grenki trenutki, sedenje na sestankih je postajalo vse bolj more~e. Pravijo, da je bil konflikt generacij. Pa naj bo tako. [koda je le, da se je vse za~elo pri denarju. Leta 1994 je dru{tvo, vzporedno z revijo Acrocephalus, za~elo izdajati tudi Novice DOPPS, ki so se kasneje preimenovale v Svet ptic. Mlaj{i in prodornej{i ~lani dru{tva so vse bolj zasedali klju~ne funkcije v dru{tvu, bili so uspe{ni tudi poslovno, povezovali so se s sponzorji in za~eli s projektnim delom. Usmeritev Izvr{ilnega odbora je bila, da bi Acrocephalus postal strogo strokovna revija, bolj poljudne prispevke in kramljanje s ~lanstvom pa naj bi prevzela revija Svet ptic. Acrocephalusu so vse bolj omejevali porabo denarja, ostajali so nepokriti ra~uni, ki so jih potem o~itali uredniku. Najve~krat, da je objavil kak{no barvno sliko preve~ in s tem zvi{al stro{ke tiska. [lo je za pi{kave denarce. Konflikt so re{ili tako, da je Izvr{ilni odbor dru{tva urednika razre{il. Kratko malo ga je zbrisal! Celotni uredni{ki odbor je odstopil v znak podpore dotedanjemu uredniku. Svet ptic in novi Acrocephalus pa sta se kot Feniksa dvignila s pogori{~a uredni{tva, ki je pripadalo starej{i generaciji. Dobro, izbrali so pot, ki jo starej{i te`ko razumemo in ne odobravamo. Nekaj pa je k temu treba {e re~i. Seveda je prav, da so mladi poskrbeli za denar. A ~e je `e bilo treba zamenjati urednika, ki je tudi sam `e omenil, da bo predal urednikovanje, bi to lahko naredili na dostojen na~in. Zelo preprosto. Od 50 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 49 — JI , 2OO4 njega bi se poslovili in se mu zahvalili za opravljeno delo. Iztok Geister si je to ve~ kot zaslu`il. O razli~nih generacijah pa tole. Rasli smo {e v ~asu, ko so nam za `ivljenjsko popotnico dali pregovor, ki je ravno prav{nji, da ga izre~emo ob razmi{ljanju o grenkih trenutkih v dru{tvu. Je preprost: »Ti o~eta do praga, sin tebe ~ez prag.« Danes DOPPS cveti, priboril si je pomembno mesto v stroki in dru`bi. Uspe{no poslovanje in krog zavzetih sodelavcev, ki skrbijo, da izhajajo monografije in bogat propagandni material predvsem z naravovarstveno vsebino. Acrocephalus je odli~na strokovna revija, prestopila je doma~i prag in postala mednarodna. Samo pohvalno tudi o reviji Svet ptic, ki bralce navdu{uje s pestrimi prispevki o `ivljenju in iz `ivljenja pti~ev, vse bogato barvno ilustrirano. Ob praznovanju ~estitke vsem, ki se trudijo za uspeh DOPPSa, in iskrena `elja, da bi se vse {e tako nadaljevalo in cvetelo! Janez Gregori JI Acrocephalus 25 (121): 53 — 59 , 2004 Monitoring the Austrian relict population of European Roller Coracias garrulus – a review of preliminary data and conservation implications Monitoring reliktne avstrijske populacije zlatovranke Coracias garrulus – pregled preliminarnih podatkov in varstvenih prizadevanj Peter Sackl1, Michael Tiefenbach2, Werner Ilzer3, Johann Pfeiler4 & Bernard Wieser5 1 Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum, Forschungsstätte Pater „B. Hanf“ am Furtnerteich, Raubergasse 10, A–8010 Graz, Austria, e-mail: 2 Gartenstadt 43, A–8330 Feldbach, Austria, e-mail: 3 BirdResearch, Conrad v. Hötzendorf-Strasse 106, A–8010 Graz, Austria, e-mail: 4 Murweg 42, A–8490 Bad Radkersburg, Austria, e-mail: 5 Herbstsiedlung 22, A–8330 Feldbach, Austria, e-mail: Kongres ornitologov Slovenije ob 25. obletnici DOPPS Slovene Ornithologists’ Congress at the 25th anniversary of DOPPS (BirdLife Slovenia) Up to the mid-1980s the formerly continuous breeding range of the European Roller Coracias garrulus in the pre-alpine lowlands of southern Austria had declined to a remnant population in the districts of Feldbach and Bad Radkersburg (Gornja Radgona) in south-eastern Styria. Since 2001 we have studied population numbers and nesting success as well as spatial and seasonal patterns of habitat use, by locating used nest sites and with the help of roadside counts for locating core feeding areas. Population numbers have stabilized since the mid-1980s at between 7 and 15 breeding pairs (bp). Due to a lower proportion of unsuccessful breeding attempts, annual nesting success has increased to 1.3 – 3.3 juv. / bp per year since the end of the population decline in the mid-1980s. All currently used nesting sites are situated in the lower section of the Sulzbach river valley, less than 400 m from the river. With bird usages of 40.5% and 44.9.%, respectively, agricultural lands are used for feeding to the same degree as cultivated grasslands (meadows). More hunting birds were found on agricultural lands during April and May whereas, from June to mid-September, freshly cut fallow and grasslands, as well as higher parts of the river valley along hillsides, were more frequently used for feeding. Logistic regression analysis of 32 habitat parameters measured in 50 m-plots around perching sites and in adjoining areas not used for feeding indicates that European Rollers prefer areas with large cumulative length of telegraph wires and boundaries between fields. Areas with large numbers of potential perching sites and greater proportions of grasslands and fallow land for feeding are also favoured. Due to its small size the population is expected to be extremely susceptible to inbreeding and stochastic fluctuations of population numbers. To mitigate the risk of extinction, we recommend extension of the current range into adjoining farmland areas on both sides along the Austrian-Slovene border by implementing suitable farming practices and grassland management. Key words: European Roller, Coracias garrulus, relict population, Austria, population numbers, reproduction, nest site, habitat, feeding site selection, prey availability, conservation Klju~ne besede: zlatovranka, Coracias garrulus, reliktna populacija, Avstrija, velikost populacije, razmno`evanje, gnezditveni prostor, habitat, izbor prehranjevali{~, razpolo`ljivost plena, varstvo 53 P. Sackl et al.: Monitoring the Austrian relict population of European Roller Coracias garrulus – a review of preliminary data and conservation implications 1. Introduction Since the late 19th century the range and population size of European Rollers Coracias garrulus has dramatically declined in western and northern Europe, bringing the species to extinction in southern Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Scattered remnants of its formerly continuous Central European population remain in the Baltic states and eastern Poland (Glutz von Blotzheim & Bauer 1980, Samwald & [tumberger 1997). In contrast to its earlier decline in northern Europe, the species was still widespread in southern Austria and Slovenia until the 1950s. However, in the wake of large-scale intensification of agriculture after World War II the breeding distribution and numbers of the Austro-Slovene population collapsed during the 1960s and 1970s (Bra~ko 1986, Samwald & Samwald 1989). In Slovenia, where population numbers have been estimated at 0 – 5 breeding pairs (bp) for 1998 – 2004, the species is currently restricted to scattered and mostly vagrant birds (Bo`i~ 2003, F. Bra~ko & B. [tumberger pers. comm.), while a small remnant population has survived in south-east Austria around Bad Gleichenberg and Straden (Styria), a few kilometres from the Slovenian border. Data concerning the nesting ecology, reproduction rate and the dramatic decline of European Rollers during the second half of the last century in south-east Austria were analysed by Samwald & Samwald (1989), with a short update up to the mid-1990s published by Samwald (1996). For the preparation of a management plan by local conservation authorities we have investigated the breeding distribution, nest site selection, reproduction and habitat use of the Austrian population since 2001. A preliminary review of our data with a brief discussion of their implications for the conservation of the Austrian population is presented here. 2. Study area and methods Since the mid-1980s the breeding distribution of European Rollers in Austria has been restricted to a handful of low lying, narrow river valleys (220 – 342 m a.s.l.) in the prealpine hill country of south-eastern Styria, all used intensively for maize production (Samwald & Samwald 1989). Our study area of 66.4 km2 is situated in the districts of Feldbach and Bad Radkersburg (Gornja Radgona) in the middle and lower reaches of northern tributaries of the Mur river, i.e. the Sulzbach, Poppendorfer Bach and Drauchenbach river. It includes all currently, and at least six formerly, used nesting sites. The latter were deserted towards the end of the population decline 54 between 1985 and the mid-1990s. Since 2001 we have organized annual population surveys by locating used nesting holes, investigated breeding success and, based on the results of a survey of actual land-use around active and currently abandoned nesting sites (16.9 km2), studied the spatial and seasonal pattern of habitat use. To study feeding site selection and habitat requirements we located core feeding areas by mapping perched and actively hunting birds during roadside counts (n = 13) throughout the whole study area between April and September 2002. In addition, since 2003, 31 nestlings and 11 adult birds, the latter mostly caught in nest boxes while feeding nestlings, were ringed with metal and individual combinations of colour rings. 3. Results 3.1. Population numbers and reproduction In the course of the 1960s and 1970s the original population, which was estimated at 300 – 500 bp by Samwald & Samwald (1989), contracted to a remnant range of 25 – 30 km2 along the Poppendorfer Bach, Sulzbach, Drauchenbach, and Kutschenitza rivers. With the exception of 2 to 3 nesting sites, close to the Slovene border at St. Anna a. Aigen, which were deserted till 1995, numbers of the Austrian population have been stable between 8 and 12 bp since the mid-1980s (Samwald 1996). Between 2001 and 2004 we found 7 to 15 bp / year in the area. In contrast, the annual nesting success has increased from 0.0 to 1.7 juveniles / bp during the period 1978 to 1984 to 1.3 – 3.3 fledged juveniles / bp for 1985 to 2003, over which period the population decreased by approximately 76% from an estimated 75 bp in 1978 to 18 bp in 1985 (Samwald & Samwald 1989). The currently higher reproduction rate correlates with lower numbers of unsuccessful or deserted breeding attempts (mean = 13.3%, min – max = 0 – 33%, n = 102, 1985 – 2003), in comparison to the period 1978 – 1984, when annual proportions of unsuccessful nesting attempts varied between 14 and 75% (mean = 58.7%, n = 39). 58.2% of the currently used nesting areas are covered by arable land (42.4% used for maize production) and 14.5% by cultivated grasslands (Figure 1). With the same long-term pattern of reproduction and nesting success for different sub-populations (in different river valleys) within and outside the recent breeding area, land-use patterns, i.e. the area of different field or habitat types, appear not to be responsible for the higher breeding success since the mid-1980s. Acrocephalus 25 (i2i): 53 - 59 , 2004 Figure 1: Feeding habitat of European Rollers Coracias garrulus in south-east Austria, Karbach; summer 2003 (Photo: M. Tiefenbach). Slika 1: Prehranjevalni habitat zlatovranke Coracias garrulus v jugovzhodni Avstriji, Karbach; poletje 2003 (foto: M. Tiefenbach) 3.2. Nest sites Between 2001 and 2003 we located a total of 15 actively used nesting holes (including 3 nest boxes). All were situated in small woodlands (0.2 – 2.0 ha) close to or in a narrow strip of riverine forest (width ?10 m) along the main river in the low-lying section of the 1.5 – 2.5 km wide valley of the Sulzbach river. The mean of nearest distances between natural nest holes and the river was 231.6 m (SD = 202.9, min – max = 1 – 402 m, n = 12); on including abandoned nest sites, maximum distances to the river increase to 730 m. Most natural nesting holes used in the area obviously originate from nesting and sleeping holes made by Green Picus viridis or Grey-headed Woodpeckers P. canus. All nesting holes (n = 12; excluding nest boxes) were found within the main trunk of nesting trees, 4.5 – 10.2 m above ground (Figure 2). In order of decreasing frequency in our study area, nesting holes were found in willows Salix sp., Common Ash Fraxinus excelsior, oaks Quercus sp., Common Beech Fagus sylvatica, birch Betula sp. and Wild Cherry Prunus avium. All nest sites were situated within a maximum distance of 11 m (mean = 5.0 m, SD = 3.9, n = 11) from the edge of woodlands, in open or semi-open agricultural land outside closed settlements or more densely populated areas (Streusiedlungen). The nearest distances of nesting holes and used nest boxes to closed settlements varied between 98 m and 375 m (mean = 215.3 m, SD = 93.7, n = 15). Figure 2: Adult European Roller Coracias garrulus feeding young in birch Betula sp.; Oberpurkla, Austria, June 2002 (Photo: P. Sackl) Slika 2: Odrasla zlatovranka Coracias garrulus med hranjenjem mladi~ev na brezi Betula sp.; Oberpurkla, Avstrija, junij 2002 (foto: P. Sackl) 3.3. Habitat use Of all hunting strikes recorded during summer 2002 (n = 204), agricultural lands (40.5%) were used for feeding to the same extent as cultivated grasslands (meadows; 44.9%). More hunting strikes and perched birds were found on agricultural land during late April and May, whereas from June to mid-September freshly cut fallow and grasslands were the most frequently used feeding habitats (Figure 3). A comparison of habitat characteristics during the breeding season by logistic regression analysis showed that 82.1% (July) to 100% (August) of 32 habitat variables measured in the field are correctly classified to feeding sites (50 m-plots around perching sites) and absence data sites, i.e. randomly selected 50 m-plots in adjoining farmland not used by the population. Besides distances from the main river to nesting holes, the cumulative length of telegraph wires and boundaries between fields, as well as the number of potential perching sites (solitary trees, bushes, poles etc.), and the area of grassland and fallow land within 50 m-plots, were accepted by stepwise regression as statistically significant for separating feeding habitats from areas not used for hunting (Sackl et al. in prep.). Nearest distances of hunting birds from used nest holes and the main river showed significant seasonal changes. Except in late August and September most feeding patches were situated <400 m from the Sulzbach river in the lowest part of the river valley (mean: 100.8 m in May – 526.6 m in September; 55 P. Sackl et al.: Monitoring the Austrian relict population of European Roller Coracias garrulus – a review of preliminary data and conservation implications I I 10 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 4 Apr May Jun Juli Jul2 Jul4 Augl Aug2 Aug3 Aug4 Sep ---------Agricultural land (ABSENT) -•------Agricultural land (PRESENT) — Grassland (ABSENT) <^ Grassland (Present) Fallow land (ABSENT) ¦ Fallow land (PRESENT) Figure 3: The area of arable fields, grasslands (cultivated meadows) and fallow land around perching-sites of European Rollers Coracias garrulus in south-eastern Austria during summer 2002 (50 m-plots). Horizontal lines indicate corresponding means for habitat types in 50 m-plots (n = 34) not used by European Rollers (absence data). Slika 3: Obmo~je obdelovanih polj, travi{~ (gojenih travnikov) in neobdelanega sveta okrog lovi{~ zlatovranke Coracias garrulus v jugovzhodni Avstriji poleti 2002 (povr{ine z radijem 50 m). Vodoravne ~rte ponazarjajo ustrezne srednje vrednosti za habitatne tipe na povr{inah s 50 m radijem (n = 34), v katerih se zlatovranke ne zadr`ujejo. Figure 4). As for many bird species, distances of hunting birds from the nearest nest site were lowest during the nestling period and shortly after fledging (Figure 4). During the latter period freshly fledged juveniles normally hide in tall trees close to nesting holes, where they are fed by adults. Between late July and mid-September mean distances from the main river steadily increased from 500 to 2500 m (Figure 4). During late summer, peripheral parts of the river valley and adjoining hillsides were more frequently used by independent juveniles and adult birds. In August 2004, with the help of colour-ringed birds, we saw that in late summer, contrary to adult and some juvenile birds which remained stationary within their original feeding area around nest sites, some adults and most fledglings shifted their core feeding areas permanently away from nest sites to the periphery of the valley or into adjoining river valleys. 4. Discussion In the wake of population decline in western Hungary 56 Acrocephalus 25 (121): 53 — 59 , 2004 N 10 o 25.4. 8.5. 22.5. 5.6. 19.6. 3.7. 17.7. 31.7. 14.8. 26.8. 6.9. 11.9. Date/datum Figure 4: Seasonal variation of nearest distances (m) of perching-sites of European Rollers Coracias garrulus from the main river (MEAN = thick line with closed circles, MIN and MAX = thick lines) and from used nest sites (MEAN = broken line with open cicles, MIN and MAX = broken line) in south-east Austria during summer 2002 (road site counts). Slika 4: Sezonske spremembe v najkraj{ih razdaljah (m) po~ivali{~ zlatovranke Corac/as garrulus od glavne reke (MEAN = debela ~rta s polnimi krogi, MIN in MAX = debela ~rta) in od aktivnih gnezdi{~ (MEAN = prekinjena ~rta s praznimi krogi, MIN in MAX = prekinjena ~rta) v jugovzhodni Avstriji poleti 2002 (obcestna {tetja). and Croatia, where the species is currently on the brink of extinction (Magyar et al. 1998, Radovi} et al. 2003), the Austrian population and scattered birds in adjoining areas in Slovenia are isolated by at least 90 – 110 km from the nearest nesting areas (B. [tumberger pers. comm.). Due to its small size, the population is expected to be extremely susceptible to inbreeding and to stochastic fluctuations of population numbers. To mitigate the risk of extinction by catastrophic events we recommend increasing population numbers and extending the current range into adjoining, currently abandoned farmland areas by implementing suitable farming practices and grassland management on both sides of the Austro-Slovenian border. Factors relevant for the viability of the Austrian population, which act on migration and in winter quarters, are unknown. Thus, basic information on factors influencing nesting success, habitat requirements and mortality are essential for restoring viable population numbers and for reconstituting a continuous breeding range across the Austro-Slovene border. This can only be done by enhancing nesting success and the survival probability of individual birds inside the current nesting area. Since 2002 road casualties along the main road of the Sulzbach river valley between Haag and Karbach, where rollers regularly hunt in late summer, have been responsible for an annual loss of 4.7 – 10.4% of the population (mean = 6.6%). The loss of grassland areas to maize cultivation discussed by Samwald & Samwald (1989) suggests that the exact causes for the disappearance of the species throughout Central Europe are more complex. European Rollers depend on medium-sized to large insects for food. Western European studies have provided good evidence for a widespread decline over the last 40 years, not only of insectivore farmland birds, but also of the abundance of key arthropod groups like butterflies Lepidoptera, beetles Coleoptera and grasshoppers Saltatoria in bird diets, as a result of changes in land use, habitat quality and increased pesticide use (Robinson & Sutherland 2002, Baker 2004). In our study area rollers depend, during the breeding season, on riverine lowlands with high levels of ground water. Higher ground adjoining the hillsides is more frequently used during July and August, 57 7 P. Sackl et al.: Monitoring the Austrian relict population of European Roller Coracias garrulus – a review of preliminary data and conservation implications coinciding with the availability of high densities of large grasshoppers in late summer ( P. Sackl & M. Tiefenbach in prep.). Grasslands with low vegetation, in particular freshly cut meadows, as well as unpaved tracks, ploughed fields or stubble are used for hunting in spring and late summer. Preliminary data from transect counts for estimating prey availability in different habitat types in the Sulzbach river valley in 2004 indicate that, during the breeding season, original grasslands used for hay-cutting harbour significantly higher densities of invertebrate prey than improved grasslands and maize fields (Z = 3.96, P < 0.001, n = 132, Mann-Whitney U-Test; Figure 5). Thus, following the large-scale transformation of grasslands into agricultural land since the 1960s, the abundance of arthropod prey has presumably declined significantly throughout the riverine lowlands of southeast Austria. Furthermore, according to our data, European Rollers prefer smaller fields, mosaics of arable land interspersed by meadows and fallow land along tracks, roadsides and ditches, to large-scale arable fields for hunting. Hedges and grassy strips along field boundaries harbour large numbers and diversity of insects, with the overall abundance of invertebrates usually greater near the boundary (Holland et al. 1999). During our studies we found that European Rollers carry out 50 – 75% of all hunting strikes within a strip ?10 m from field boundaries. Consistent with this, transect counts (Figure 6) indicate that, in contrast to the central parts of all meadows investigated, arthropod abundances are significantly higher along grassland boundaries (Z = 2.78, P = 0.005, n = 110, Mann-Whitney U-Test). The evidence shows that the drainage of most fertile lands throughout the riverine lowlands and their transformation into monotonous fields of arable land, the loss of adequate small-scale arable and fallow lands, and the loss of pastures and grasslands traditionally used for hay-cutting and fodder (Kaser & Stocker 1986), coincide with the decline of the Austrian population since the late 1950s. Although relevant data are not available, the short-term increase in nesting success since 1985 may indicate the role of farming practices. Avilés & Parejo (2004) recently published evidence for high chick mortality in European Rollers in irrigated fields following insecticide use by farmers to avoid insect plagues. However, throughout Central Europe remnant populations of European Rollers inhabit intensively used agricultural land. We hope, that our research will contribute to understand habitat traits important for 300 o o ! 200 100 O O 300 meadows / travniki (n = 110) maize field / koruzno polje (n = 22) o o I (0 200 100 boundaries / meje (n = 55) center / osrednji del (n = 55) Figure 5: Median of the abundance of arthropods in six grassland areas and an adjoining maize field according to transect counts (transect length = 50 m, width of transects = 2 m) in the Sulzbach river valley, Austria, April – September 2004 (n = 132) Slika 5: Mediana {tevil~nosti ~lenono`cev Arthropoola na {estih travi{~ih in v sosednjem koruznem polju na osnovi transektnih {tetij (dol`ina transekta = 50 m, {irina transektov = 2 m) v dolini reke Sulzbach, Avstrija, april – september 2004 (n = 132) Figure 6: Median of the abundance of arthropods along boundaries (?5 m from border line) and in the central parts of six grassland areas used for hay-cutting and fodder according to transect counts (transect length = 50 m, width of transects = 2 m) in the Sulzbach river valley, Austria, April – September 2004 (n = 110). Slika 6: Mediana {tevil~nosti ~lenono`cev vzdol` meja (?5 m od mejne ~rte) in v osrednjih delih {estih redno ko{enih travi{~ na osnovi transektnih {tetij (dol`ina transekta = 50 m, {irina transekta = 2 m) v dolini reke Sulzbach, Avstrija, april – september 2004 (n = 110). 58 Acrocephalus 25 (121): 53 — 59 , 2004 the species and the development of farming practices compatible with conservation. Acknowledgments: Between 2001 and 2002 our research was funded by the conservation authorities of the Styrian government in Graz (Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, FA 13C – Naturschutz). Support was also granted by the regional conservation group L.E.i.V. (Lebende Erde im Vulkanland) in Stainz b. Straden and EURONATUR, Germany. Furthermore, our thanks go to farmers and land owners in the area, who accepted any damage we may have caused to crops or other property during our investigations. 5. Povzetek Od sredine osemdestih let 20. stoletja se je nekdanji sklenjeni gnezditveni areal zlatovranke Coracias garrulus v predalpskem ni`avju ju`ne Avstrije skr~il na skromen ostanek populacije v okro`jih Feldbach in Bad Radkersburg (Gornja Radgona) v jugovzhodnem delu province Steiermark. Od leta 2001 so avtorji preu~evali velikost populacije, gnezditveni uspeh ter prostorske in sezonske vzorce izbora habitata z iskanjem aktivnih gnezdi{~ in s pomo~jo {tetja vrste vzdol` cest, da bi ugotovili polo`aj zlatovrankinih glavnih prehranjevali{~. Od sredine osemdesetih let je bila velikost njene populacije med 7 in 15 gnezde~imi pari (gp). Od konca populacijskega upada v sredini osemdesetih, pa se je zaradi manj{ega {tevila neuspe{nih gnezditvenih poskusov letni gnezditveni uspeh pove~al na 1,3 – 3,3 mladi~a / gp na leto. Vsa trenutno aktivna gnezdi{~a le`ijo v spodnjem delu doline reke Sulzbach in sicer <400 m od re~nega toka. Na obmo~ju predstavljajo 40,5 do 44,9% kmetijskih povr{in kultivirana travi{~a, na katerih se zlatovranka hrani. Ve~je {tevilo love~ih zlatovrank je bilo zabele`enih na kmetijskih povr{inah med aprilom in majem, medtem ko so se med junijem in sredino septembra pogosteje prehranjevale na sve`e preoranih poljih, travi{~ih in vi{e le`e~ih predelih vzdol` doline reke Sulzbach. Analiza logisti~ne regresije 32 habitatnih parametrov, izmerjenih na povr{inah za radijem 50 m okrog zlatovrankinih lovi{~ in na povr{inah, ki mejijo nanje, a se v njih zlatovarnke ne hranijo, je pokazala, da zlatovrankam bolj ustrezajo obmo~ja z ve~jo skupno dol`ino telegrafskih `ic in mejne povr{ine med polji, pa tudi obmo~ja z visokim {tevilom potencialnih po~ivali{~ in precej{njim dele`em travi{~ in neobdelane zemlje za hranjenje. Glede na zlatovrankino neznatno populacijo je pri~akovati, da bo ta v veliki meri nagnjena k parjenju v sorodstvu in stohasti~nim populacijskim nihanjem. Da bi ubla`ili mo`nosti zlatovrankinega izumrtja, avtorji priporo~ajo, da se podalj{a trenutni areal vrste v sosednja kmetijska obmo~ja na obeh straneh avstrijsko-slovenske meje z uveljavljanjem ustreznega kmetovanja in upravljanja travi{~. 6. References Aviles, J.M. & Parejo, D. (2004): Farming practices and Roller Coracias garrulus conservation in south-west Spain. – Bird Conservation International 14: 173 – 181. Barker, A.M. (2004): Insects as Food for Farmland Birds – Is There a Problem? pp. 37 – 50 In: van Emden, H.F. & Rothschild, M. (eds.): Insect and Bird Interactions. – Intercept Publishers, Andover. Bra~ko, F. (1986): Rapid population decrease of Roller Coracias garrulus in Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 7(30): 49 – 52. Bo`i~, L. (2003): Mednarodno pomembna obmo~ja za ptice v Sloveniji 2. – DOPPS–BirdLife Slovenia, Ljubljana. Glutz von Blotzheim, U.N. & Bauer, K.M. (1980): Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas, Bd. 9. – Akad. Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. Holland, J.M., Perry, J.N. & Winder, L. (1999): The within-field spatial and temporal distribution of arthropods within winter wheat. – Bull. Entomol. Res. 89: 499 – 513. Kaser, K. & Stocker, K. (1986): Bäuerliches Leben in der Oststeiermark seit 1848. Bd.1, Landwirtschaft von der Selbstversorgung zum Produktivitätszwang. – H. Böhlaus Verlag, Graz. Magyar, G., Hadaric, T, Waliczky, Z., Schmidt, A., Nagy, T. & Bankovics, A. (1998): Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke – An Annotated List of the Birds of Hungary. – Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület, Budapest & Szeged. Radovi}, D., Kralj, J., Tuti{, V & ]ikovi}, D. (2003): Crvena knijga ugro`enih ptica Hrvatske. – Ministrastvo za{tite okoli{a i prostornog ure|enja, Zagreb. Robinson, RA. & Sutherland, W.J. (2002): Post-war changes in arable farming and biodiversity in Great Britain. – J. Applied Ecology 39: 157 – 176. Samwald, O. (1996): Zur Bestandsentwicklung der Blauracke (Coracias garrulus) in der Steiermark 1987 – 1996. – Egretta 39: 113 – 115. Samwald, O. & Samwald, F. (1989): Die Blauracke (Coracias garrulus) in der Steiermark – Bestandsentwicklung, Phänologie, Brutbiologie, Gefährdung. – Egretta 32: 37 – 57. Samwald, O. & [tumberger, B. (1997): Roller Coracias garrulus. pp. 436 - 437 In: Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. (eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance – T & AD Poyser, London. Arrived / Prispelo: 13.10.2004 Accepted / Sprejeto: 26.1.2005 59 Acrocephalus 25 (121): 61 — 72, 2004 Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) Thirteen years of the Corn Crake Crex crex census at Lake Cerknica (Slovenia) Slavko Polak1, Leon Kebe2 Branko Koren3 1 Notranjski muzej Postojna, Ljubljanska 10, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenija, e-mail: 2 Notranjski regijski park, Tabor 42, SI-1380 Cerknica, Slovenija, e-mail: 3 Hru{evje 48, SI-6225 Hru{evje, Slovenija Kongres ornitologov Slovenije ob 25. obletnici DOPPS Slovene Ornithologists’ Congress at the 25th anniversary of DOPPS (BirdLife Slovenia) Between 1992 and 2004, annual censuses of Corn Crakes Crex crex were carried out at Lake Cerknica, mainly during the first weekend in June. Calling males were counted during the night from 23:00 to 03:00 hours. In the 13 years, a total of 91 ornithologists contributed their voluntary work. The 26 km2 large Lake Cerknica was divided into six areas, which were separately investigated by smaller groups of ornithologists who mapped every singing male. The lowest number of calling Corn Crakes, i.e. 42, was registered in 1997, the highest, i.e. 101, in 1993. On the basis of the carried out study, the 60 to 90 calling males are stated as an average calling male population at Lake Cerknica. The number of calling birds changed significantly during the study period. The high water level in some years proved to be in statistically significant negative correlation and seems to be one of the reasons for oscillations. During the mapping, the distribution of Corn Crakes at Lake Cerknica and the habitat preference was established. The most suitable habitat for Lake Cerknica’s Corn Crakes is a mixture of wet meadows, particularly the communities Deschampsio-Plantaginetum altissimae with occasionally mowed sedges Magnocaricion. Some areas, where Corn Crakes were present in the early 1990s, are no longer suitable for breeding due to the cessation of mowing. Nevertheless, the population of Corn Crakes at Lake Cerknica seems to be stable at the moment. Key words: Corn Crake, Crex crex, census, distribution, Lake Cerknica, Slovenia Klju~ne besede: kosec, Crex crex, {tevil~nost, raz{irjenost, Cerkni{ko jezero, Slovenija 1. Uvod Prve zapise o pojavljanju kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru navaja Gregori (1978), ki kosca obravnava kot redkega gnezdilca zamo~virjenih travnikov. Posamezne pojo~e samce so pri dnevnih obiskih Cerkni{kega jezera kasneje zabele`ili {tevilni ornitologi. Cerkni{ko jezero je bilo zaradi koscev vklju~eno v prvi seznam evropsko pomembnih obmo~ij za ptice – obmo~ja IBA (Grimmett & Jones 1989). Oceno 5 do 10 parov koscev na Cerkni{kem jezeru kasneje zasledimo tudi v prispevku o raz{irjenosti in stanju kosca v Jugoslaviji (Schneider–Jacoby 1991). Pomemben prispevek k poznavanju raz{irjenosti in predvsem {tevil~nosti kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru so prinesle no~ne raziskave. Tako smo na Ornitolo{kem raziskovalnem taboru med 1.6. in 7.6.1992 v no~nih in jutranjih urah popisali celotno jezero in na{teli kar 70 pojo~ih koscev (Polak 1993). Celoviti no~ni popis koscev smo ponovili na Cerkni{kem jezeru leta 1993 v okviru akcije DOPPS »Kosec v Sloveniji« (Trontelj 1995) in nato {e v letu 1994. Rezultati so pokazali, da na Cerkni{kem jezeru `ivi mednarodno pomembna populacija kosca. Z razvojem novih kriterijev za opredeljevanje mednarodno pomembnih obmo~ij za ptice (IBA) je dobil kosec takrat status 61 S. Polak et al.: Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) globalno ogrožene vrste ptice in zato prišel v ospredje 1978, Martinčič & Leskovar 2002). ohranitvenih prizadevanj v Evropi. Rezultati so nas Kosec je travniška vrsta ptice, ki živi prikrito spodbudili k nadaljevanju vsakoletnega popisovanja življenje v gosti travniški oziroma močvirni vegetaciji. pojočih koscev na Cerkniškem jezeru. Akcija je z Pri ugotavljanju njegovega pojavljanja in oceni ustanovitvijo Notranjske sekcije DOPPS leta 1995, številčnosti se je treba zanesti na registracije oglašanja. s popularnim imenom »Crex night«, postala tudi Telemetrijske raziskave koscev na Škotskem (Hudson temeljna in tradicionalna vsakoletna akcija te sekcije. et al. 199°) so pokazale, da je verjetnost oglašanja (petja) V tem delu objavljamo zbrane rezultate popisov koscev največja med 23.00 h in 02.00 h od 20. maja do 10. na Cerkniškem jezeru med letoma 1992 in 2004. junija in zajame okrog 80% samcev. Na tej osnovi in ob upoštevanju priporočil za prvi vseslovenski popis 2. Opis obravnavanega območja in metode kosca leta 1992-93 v okviru akcije »Kosec v Sloveniji« (Trontelj 1992, arhiv DOPPS neobjav.) smo se Med vsemi kraškimi polji v porečju Ljubljanice je odločili za skupinske popise kosca na Cerkniškem Cerkniško polje po obsegu, razsežnosti in trajnosti jezeru med 23.00 in 03.00 uro. Kot najprimernejši poplav največje. Celotno dno polja meri okrog datum smo določili jasno in mirno noč v zadnjem 33 km . Najvecja poplava z gladino na koti 33z tednu maja oziroma prvem tednu junija. V primeru pokriva približno 26 km površja ter vsebuje kakih slabega vremena smo akcijo nočnega popisa prestavili 70.000.000 m vode (Gospodaric & Habič 1978). za en teden. Priporočenega ponovnega kontrolnega Jezero ima vodo povprečno dobrih devet mesecev na štetja, razen v letu 2004, zaradi obsežnosti območja leto, od tega na običajnem nivoju štiri do pet mesecev, nismo opravljali. od nekaj dni do nekaj tednov pa je gladina izredno Da bi se izognili podvajanju registracij zaradi visoka. Jezero je najpogosteje polno aprila, maja sprememb položaja pojočih samcev (Schäffer & in decembra, suho pa med avgustom in oktobrom. Münch i993)> smo popis enega območja opravili Povprečno enkrat na deset let jezero sploh ne presahne. v eni noči. Cerkniško jezero je preveliko, da bi Podrobnejše geografske, geomorfološke, geološke in ga popisal en sam ornitolog, zato smo na podlagi hidrološke značilnosti območja so predstavljene v izkušenj ornitološkega tabora iz leta 1992 enkraten Gospodaric & Habič (1978) ter Gaberščik (2002). popis celega jezera opravili s skupinsko akcijo. Za razumevanje razširjenosti kosca so poleg klime in Jezero smo popisovali po geografsko dobro ločenih hidrologije pomembni tudi popisi vegetacije (Ilijanic območjih, ločenih predvsem s težko prehodnimi Tabela 1: Opredelitev šestih ločenih popisnih območij in tam obstoječih prevladujočih vegetacijskih združb: VŠ - visoko šašje, TS - trstičje, VŠ/TS - visoko šašje/trstičje, MS - modro stožkovje, ZMS&RS - združba modre stožke in rjastega sitovca, ZMS&RS - združba modre stožke in čnikastega sitovca, ZRM&VT- združba rušnate mastnice in visokega trpotca, ZRM&VT/MS - združba rušnate mastnice in visokega trpotca z modrim stožkovjem, BK - belo kljunkovje, JB - jezersko bičkovje, RV&NK - grmiščni predeli rožmarinolistne vrbe in navadne krhlike. Table 1: Definition of the six separated survey areas and dominant plant communities in these areas: VŠ - Magnocaricion, TS - Phragmitetum australis, VŠ/TS - Magnocaricion/Phragmitetum australis, MS - Molinietum caeruleae, ZMS&RS - Schoeno ferruglnel-Mollnletum caeruleae, ZMS&CS - Schoeno nigricantis-Molinietum caeruleae, ZRM&VT- Deschamps/o-P/anfag/nefum altissimae, ZRM&VT/MS - Deschamps/o-P/arrtag/nefum altissimae/Molinietum caeruleae, BK - Rhynchosporetum albae, JB-Scirpetum lacustris, RV&NK - Salix rosmarlnlfolla, Frangula alnus. Območje/ Opredelitev popisnega obmo~ja/ Prevladujo~e vegetacijske zdru`be/ Area Location of survey area Dominant plant communities 1 Dolenjska blata – Jezerska gmajna – Re{eto VŠ, MS, ZMS&RS, ZMS&CS, RV&NK 2 Ponikve – Otok – Plesa – Lo`arice – Obrh TS,VS,ZRM&VT, ZRM&VT/MS, MS 3 Grintovci – Dujice – Steljnik V[, TS, ZMS&RS, MS 4 Osrednji del jezera (Osredki – Str`en – Blatnice) VS, VS/TS, TS, ZMS&RS, JB 5 Podslivišniki – Boričke V[, TS, ZMS&RS, MS 6 Vrbje – Retje – Vodonos ZMS&CS, RV&NK 61 ACROCEPHALUS 2 J (l2l): 6l - Jl, 2004 Slika 1: Pregledna karta Cerkni{kega jezera z vrisanimi {estimi popisnimi obmo~ji za popis kosca Crex crex Figure 1: Map of Lake Cerknica with marked six survey areas for the Corn Crake Crex crex census kanali, rekami in potoki (tabela 1, slika 1). Osnovne in prevladujo~e rastlinske zdru`be so opredeljene v tabeli 1. Popisovali smo v petih do {estih skupinah z dvema do petimi popisovalci, ki jih je vodil izku{en poznavalec obmo~ja oziroma ptic. Skupina je po lastni presoji, glede na konfiguracijo raziskovanega terena, prehodila za~rtani predel in v zemljevid vpisovala ~im bolj natan~ne polo`aje pojo~ih ptic. Pri skupinskih popisih koscev na Cerkni{kem jezeru je doslej sodelovalo 91 popisovalcev, ki so v 13 letih v ta namen opravili pribli`no 850 terenskih ur. Cerkni{ko jezero je bilo razdeljeno na {est obmo~ij, ki so jih popisale posamezne skupine. Obmo~je 1 (obm. 1) je bilo ob spodnjem toku Cerkni{~ice, imenovano Dolenjska blata. Obmo~je 2 (obm. 2) na levem bregu Str`ena je pokrivalo obmo~je ob Otoku, Ponikve, Plesa, Lo`arice in gornji del jezera od La{kega studenca do Obrha. Predel obmo~ja 3 (obm. 3) je potekal med potokoma Str`en in Lipsenj{~ica ter naseljema Gori~ice in Lipsenj. Osrednji del jezera je obsegalo obmo~je 4 (obm. 4) med Lipsenj{~ico, Str`enom in @erovni{~ico. Dostop v ta predel je ob poplavah nekajkrat onemogo~ala narasla voda v predelu Predblatnice oziroma Blatnice. Obmo~je 5 (obm. 5) je bil predel med potoki @erovni{~ico, Grahov{~ico in Martinj{~ico, obmo~je 6 (obm. 6) pa predel na desnem bregu Martinj{~ice in Retje. Pri kartiranju koscev smo ocenili in si bele`ili tudi ko{~eve habitate. Pri tem smo uporabili vegetacijske zdru`be, kot jih navajajo Ilijani} (1978) ter Martin~i~ & Leskovar (2002). Poleg koscev so popisovalci v iste zemljevide bele`ili {e ogla{anja drugih no~no aktivnih ptic. Za ugotavljanje natan~ne pozicije pojo~ih samcev koscev smo poskusno za~eli uporabljati avtomatske merilce geografske pozicije GPS {ele v zadnjih treh letih. Rezultate skupinskih popisov smo iz pisne oblike prenesli v elektronsko s pomo~jo zaslonske digitalizacije. Za natan~en prenos lokacij pojo~ih samcev so nam kot podlaga rabili digitalno ortofoto posnetki DOF 5. Za zaslonsko digitalizacijo smo uporabili program Autodesk Map 2004 (Autodesk Inc.). Posamezen pojo~i samec je v slikah 2, 3 in 4 prikazan s piko, ki v naravi pokriva 0,8 ha. Kot podlago za prikaz raz{irjenosti koscev smo uporabili karto v merilu 1: 50.000. 3. Rezultati V 13 letih se je {tevilo pojo~ih samcev koscev na Cerkni{kem jezeru gibalo med 42 in 101 osebkom (tabela 2). 3.1. Leto 1992 DOPPS je v terminu od 1.6. do 7.6. 1992 organiziral Ornitolo{ki raziskovalni tabor z namenom celovitega kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega ovrednotenja favne ptic gnezdilk Cerkni{kega jezera. Tabora se je udele`ilo 11 ~lanov dru{tva. Kosce smo popisovali prilo`nostno podnevi, prvi~ pa smo jih {teli tudi v no~nih urah. V obdobju tabora je bil nivo jezera izjemno nizek. Gladina potokov pa je {e upadala, tako da smo jezero lahko v celoti pregledali in popisali. Na celotni povr{ini jezera smo skupno popisali 70 pojo~ih samcev. Kosci so bili razmeroma enakomerno razporejeni po celotni povr{ini jezera (slika 2), peli pa so tudi v predelih, ki so v maju pogosto {e poplavljeni. 3.2. Leto 1993 V okviru akcije »Kosec v Sloveniji« smo v no~i z 28.5. na 29.5. kosce pre{teli na celotni povr{ini jezera. Popisovalo je 9 ~lanov dru{tva. Leto je bilo izjemno suho, tako da so bili prehodni vsi predeli jezera. To leto zbuja pozornost po doslej najve~jem {tevilu popisanih koscev. Na{teli smo jih kar 101. Razporejeni so bili enakomerno po celotni povr{ini jezera, tudi v predelih, ki so pogosto poplavljeni, kot so Ponikve, Tr{~enke, Plesa in celo v predelih Vodonosa ter Retja (slika 2). 63 S. Polak et al.: Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) Tabela 2: [tevilo popisanih pojo~ih samcev kosca Crex crex po {estih popisnih obmo~jih v 13 letih cenzusa na Cerkni{kem jezeru Table 2: Number of registered calling male Corn Crakes Crex crex in six survey areas during the 13-year census carried out at Lake Cerknica Let/Year Obm. 1 Obm. 2 Obm. 3 Obm. 4 Obm. 5 Obm. 6 Skupno / Total :992 IO 12 8 26 8 6 70 1993 3 21 16 29 15 17 101 1994 5 IO 9 7 9 5 45 1995 8 21 14 24 IO 6 83 1996 5 14 22 16 IO 1 68 1997 4 14 5 14 5 0 42 1998 5 16 5 14 5 0 45 1999 6 14 12 13 8 1 54 2000 8 20 12 8 6 0 54 2001 13 15 11 22 4 0 65 2002 15 13 15 23 IO 0 76 2003 16 24 16 14 3 1 74 2004 9 20 11 15 4 0 59 Povpre~no / Average 8 15 12 17 7 3 64 3.3. Leto 1994 Zna~ilnost pozne pomladi leta 1994 je bila velika koli~ina padavin ter posledi~ne poplave na Cerkni{kem jezeru. To se je pokazalo tudi na {tevilu in razporeditvi koscev. Zaradi poplav na jezeru smo kosce popisovali nekoliko kasneje, in sicer {ele v no~i z 10.6. na 11.6. Na{teli smo 45 pojo~ih ptic, popisovalo pa je 9 ornitologov. Kosce smo zabele`ili na najbolj suhih predelih Cerkni{kega jezera, predvsem na obrobju (slika 2). Nekaj koscev smo popisali tudi na gojenih travnikih pri Lipsnju (obm. 3) in Martinjaku (obm. 5), ki zaradi dolgotrajnega slabega vremena {e niso bili poko{eni. Osrednjega dela jezera (Osredki) zaradi visoke vode v predelu Predblatnice nismo popisali. V takih razmerah nad vodo ostane le plavajo~i barski del sredi jezera, imenovan Benetek, ki je ostal nepregledan. Zanimivo je bilo opazovanje koscev, ki so peli tudi na plavajo~em rastlinju v predelih s 5 do 10 centimetrov globoko vodo. 3.4. Leto 1995 Popis koscev leta 1995 je potekal v no~i s 3.6. na 4.6. Pomlad tega leta je bila precej de`evna in gladina jezera je bila visoka. [teli smo v jasni in mirni no~i sredi bolj ali manj de`evnega tedna. Kljub te`ki dostopnosti smo pregledali tudi delno poplavljene predele na osrednjem delu jezera. Popisali smo 83 pojo~ih koscev, razporejenih na bolj ali manj nepoplavljenih predelih, tudi na Osredkih (slika 2). V akciji je sodelovalo 13 popisovalcev. 3.5. Leto 1996 Medijsko bolj odmevne, tokrat `e tradicionalne akcije Notranjske sekcije DOPPS, se je v no~i z 8.6. na 9.6. udele`ilo kar 15 popisovalcev. Nivo jezerske gladine je bil razmeroma visok, vendar je gladina vode hitro upadala. Tudi to leto smo popisali osrednji del jezera. Skupno smo na{teli 67 pojo~ih samcev. Kosce smo zabele`ili tudi na predelih, kjer se je voda umaknila {ele malo prej (slika 2). 3.6. Leto 1997 Akcije, ki je potekala v no~i s 13.6. na 14.6., se je udele`ilo 12 popisovalcev. No~ je bila mirna, vodna gladina pa nizka, zato so bili lahko dostopni vsi predeli Cerkni{kega jezera. Kljub na videz ustreznim razmeram smo popisali le 42 pojo~ih samcev. Ti so bili razporejeni po vsej za kosce primerni povr{ini jezera, vendar v ni`jih gostotah (slika 2). 3.7. Leto 1998 Popis je potekal v mirni no~i po nevihti s 13.6. na 14.6. Nivo vode je bil nizek. [tevilo popisanih koscev 64 ACROCEPHALUS 2.$ (l2l): 6l — 72, 2OO4 Slika 2: Razporeditev pojo~ih samcev kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru ob popisih od leta 1992 do leta 1997 Figure 2: Distribution of the calling Corn Crake Crex crex males at Lake Cerknica during the censuses carried out between 1992 and 1997 65 29 59 S. Polak et al.: Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) je bilo skromno, le 45 pojo~ih samcev. Razporejeni so bili pribli`no enako kot leta 1997. Zahodni Osredki in Podslivi{niki ter Retje so bili povsem brez koscev, pojo~e osebke pa smo zabele`ili tudi na nekaterih gojenih, a {e nepoko{enih travnikih ob Lipsenj{~ici (obm. 3) in Grahov{~ici (obm. 5; slika 3). 3.8. Leto 1999 Leto 1999 je bilo mokro in ve~ji del Cerkni{kega jezera je bil poplavljen. V no~i popisa s 5.6. na 6.6. je 12 popisovalcev popisalo 54 pojo~ih samcev z zgostitvami na obrobju jezera. Na poplavnih predelih jezera so bile gostote koscev majhne (slika 3). 3.9. Leto 2000 Nivo vode je bil zmeren. V no~i popisa z dne 3.6. na 4.6. smo zabele`ili 54 pojo~ih samcev. Osrednji del jezera je ostal nepregledan. Zgostitve {tevila pojo~ih koscev so bile na bolj suhih predelih obrobja jezera v Dolenjskih blatih, ob Otoku, pri Gornjem jezeru, ob Lipsenj{~ici, Grahov{~ici, pri Bori~kah in pod Martinjakom (slika 3). [tevilni so peli celo na gojenih travnikih, ki takrat, zaradi padavin v maju, {e niso bili poko{eni. Sodelovalo je 14 popisovalcev. 3.10. Leto 2001 Leto 2001 je bilo precej su{no, zato smo v no~i popisa z 2.6. na 3.6. zabele`ili pojo~e samce tudi na mo~virnih travnikih Ponikev, Tr{~enk in Plese (slika 3). Skupno smo na{teli 65 pojo~ih koscev. Na obrobju jezera pri Bori~kah, Retju, desnem bregu Martinj{~ice in ob Otoku kosci ob na{em popisu niso peli. Akcije se je udele`ilo 17 popisovalcev. 3.11. Leto 2002 Akcije skupinskega popisa koscev, ki je potekala v no~i s 1.6 na 2.6., se je udele`ilo 29 popisovalcev. Na{teli smo 76 pojo~ih koscev. Teritorialna razporeditev pojo~ih samcev je bila podobna tisti iz leta 2001, le da koscev zaradi vi{je vode nismo zabele`ili v zahodnem delu Osredkov, Ponikev, Tr{~enk in Plese. Nekaj koscev smo zabele`ili tudi v predelu Re{eta in okoli Otoka (slika 3). Tudi tokrat koscev na desnem bregu Martinj{~ice in v Retju nismo zabele`ili. 3.12. Leto 2003 Leta 2003 je DOPPS organiziral akcijo »Monitoring kosca« po vsej Sloveniji. Pri popisu koscev na 66 Cerkni{kem jezeru v no~i z 31.5. na 1.6. je sodelovalo 19 popisovalcev. No~ je bila jasna, dokaj mirna z ob~asnim rahlim vetrom. Gladina vode je bila zelo nizka. Na{teli smo 74 pojo~ih samcev. Opazna je bila zgostitev pojo~ih samcev v predelu Dolenjskih blat, ob Lipsenj{~ici ter ob gornjem toku Str`ena, medtem ko je bilo koscev na osrednjem delu jezera in pod Martinjakom malo (slika 3). Po {tevilnih letih so posamezni kosci peli tudi pri Gorici, v Tr{~enkah, pri Levi{~ih in ob potoku Mrzlik. 3.13. Leto 2004 Popis je bil opravljen v no~i s 5.6. na 6.6. Popoldanske nevihte so se spremenile v jasno in mirno no~, kar je omogo~ilo razmeroma natan~en popis pojo~ih koscev. Popisovalo je 29 popisovalcev, ugotovili pa smo le skromnih 32 pojo~ih samcev (slika 4). Pomlad leta 2004 je bila izjemno de`evna in hladna. Osrednji del jezera je bil skoraj v celoti pod vodo, zato tam nismo {teli. Popis smo ponovili pribli`no dva tedna kasneje, to~neje 16., 18. in 19.6. V tem ~asu je gladina jezera upadla in uspelo nam je pregledati tudi v za~etku junija poplavljena obmo~ja osrednjega dela jezera. Ob drugem popisu smo na{teli 59 pojo~ih koscev, kar je skoraj {e enkrat toliko kot ob prvem skupinskem popisu. Kosci so peli tudi na Osredkih (slika 4). 3.14. Nihanje {tevil~nosti kosca na Cerkni{kemu jezeru [tevilo pojo~ih samcev kosca je na Cerkni{kem jezeru med leti nihalo (slika 5). Maksimalno {tevilo pojo~ih samcev je bilo leta 1993, ko smo popisali 101 kosca. Minimalno {tevilo pojo~ih koscev 42 smo kljub na videz ugodnim razmeram zabele`ili leta 1997. [e manj{e {tevilo koscev smo popisali med prvim {tetjem leta 2004, ko smo jih zanesljivo popisali le 32, vendar ob tem popisu zaradi poplav osrednjega dela jezera nismo v celoti pregledali in je zato lahko zavajajo~e. Glede na trinajstletno popisovanje (slika 5) sklepamo, da so {tetja v zadnjem tednu maja oziroma prvem tednu junija pokazala ve~je {tevilo koscev, nasprotno pa so {tetja po drugem tednu junija pokazala praviloma ni`je {tevilo pojo~ih koscev. Razlika v {tevilu ugotovljenih koscev med leti, ko smo {teli pred 8.6., in leti, ko smo {teli po 8.6., pa statisti~no niso zna~ilne (U = 50, NS; Mann-Whitneyev U-test), zato tega ne moremo z gotovostjo trditi. Cerkni{ko jezero je izpostavljeno nerednim poplavam. Predvidevali smo, da v letih z visokimi poplavami na Cerkni{kem jezeru poje manj koscev, saj se zaradi poplav fizi~no zmanj{a primeren gnezditveni ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 6l — 72, 2OO4 Slika 3: Razporeditev pojo~ih samcev kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru ob popisih od leta 1998 do leta 2003 Figure 3: Distribution of the calling Corn Crake Crex crex males at Lake Cerknica during the censuses carried out between 1998 and 2003 67 S. Polak et al.: Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) Slika 4: Razporeditev pojo~ih samcev kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru ob prvem popisu 5.6.2004 in drugem popisu od 16.6. - 19.6. 2004 Figure 4: Distribution of the calling Corn Crake Crex crex males at Lake Cerknica during the first census carried out on 5 Jun 2004 and the second census carried out between 16 and 19 Jun 2004 habitat vrste. Glede na nivo vode na Cerkni{kem Korelacija med vi{ino jezerske vode ob na{ih popisih jezeru na prvi dan popisa (slika 6) ka`e, da se nekatera in ugotovljenim {tevilom pojo~ih koscev je statisti~no leta, v katerih smo popisali manj koscev, delno zna~ilna in negativna, kar pomeni, da je ob mo~nej{ih ujemajo tudi z visokim nivojem jezerske gladine. (obse`nej{ih) poplavah {tevilo pojo~ih koscev na I ji no 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 (M Ol Ol CO Ol Ol «* in lo r-. oo Ol CD CT> cn CT) O CT» CT> CT* CT» CD Ol U3 oo CVJ IO ö ID 00 ID od cd cd iß LT) o o o CM id cd o o CM id CM CM O o CVJ U3 CO O O CM O o o o C\l CM ID ID ID Datum pričetka štetja / Counting date Slika 5: Skupno {tevilo pojo~ih samcev kosca Crex crex na dan popisa od leta 1992 do 2004 Figure 5: Total number of Corn Crake Crex crex calling males on the census day from 1992 to 2004 68 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 6l — 72, 2OO4 D Gorenje jezero Dolenje jezero I 9 S CM Ol CT) CO CT) CT1 ^- ID IO CT) CTl CT) CT) CT) CT) CT) CT) Iß 00 CM Ö ID CO 00 CO 00 CT) CTl CO CTl CTl CTl ID O O O CM CO O O CM ib Ovi CM O O CM ID CO O O CM O O o o CM CM IO IO Datum meritve / Measure date Slika 6: Nivo vode na Cerkni{kem jezeru na dan popisa od leta 1992 do 2004 (~rni stolpci - Dolenje jezero, sivi stolpci - Gorenje jezero; vir podatkov: Agencija RS za okolje) Figure 6: Water level at Lake Cerknica on the census day from 1992 to 2004 (black columns - Dolenje jezero, gray columns - Gorenje jezero; source data: Agencija RS za okolje) Cerkni{kem jezeru praviloma ni`je (Pearsonov koeficient, r = – 0,194, p < 0.05; slika 7). Obseg poplav nedvomno vpliva tudi na razporeditev in lokalne gostote teh ptic, kar je razvidno iz distribucije pojo~ih koscev v posameznih letih (slike 2, 3, 4). Ob poplavah oziroma ob vi{jem nivoju jezerske vode kosci pojejo na bolj suhem obrobju jezera. 3.15. Habitat kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru Na osnovi ve~letnih popisov koscev smo z upo{tevanjem prevladujo~ih rastlinskih zdru`b Cerkni{kega jezera (tabela 1) ugotovili, da kosci pojejo predvsem na predelih z mo~virsko vegetacijo in predelih zdru`b mokrotnih travnikov. Ob~asno, predvsem v maju, ko mo~virska vegetacija {e ni dovolj visoka, in pa ob nerednih poplavah v juniju smo popisali pojo~e kosce tudi na gojenih travnikih na obrobju jezera. Kosci so dosegali visoke gostote v travni{kih sestojih zdru`be ru{nate mastnice in visokega trpotca Deschampsio-Plantaginetum altissimae. To je zdru`ba vla`nih travi{~, kjer je nivo podtalnice vse leto visok, ve~krat pa so taki travniki ob~asno poplavljeni. V najvi{jih gostotah smo kosce na Cerkni{kem jezeru popisali v sestojih mozai~nega prepleta travni{ke zdru`be ru{nate mastnice in visokega trpotca s sestoji visokega {a{ja Magnocaricion. Med {a{i oblikujejo najve~je povr{ine Cerkni{kega jezera visoki {a{i, predvsem togi {a{ Carex elata. V ~istih in zaradi opu{~anja ko{nje visoko razvitih predelih visokega {a{ja so bili kosci redko zabele`eni. Pojo~e kosce smo zabele`ili tudi v sestojih modrega sto`kovja Molinietum caeruleae, ki pa so praviloma mre`no razporejeni med drugo mo~virsko vegetacijo. Na bolj poplavnih predelih sestoji {a{ja in mokrotni travniki prehajajo v sestoje bolj ali manj redkega trsti~evja Phragmitetum australis. Tu koscev praviloma nismo zasledili. Prav tako jim ne ustrezajo sestoji trsti~ne pisanke Phalaris arundinacea in sestoji jezerskega bi~kovja Scirpetum lacustris. Ti sestoji so fiziognomsko previsoki, zato koscu kot travni{ki vrsti za gnezdenje ne ustrezajo. Kosci le izjemoma nastopajo v barjanskih zdru`bah, kot na primer v zdru`bah belega kljunkovja Rhynchosporetum albae in zdru`bi modre sto`ke z rjastim sitovcem Schoeno ferruginei-Molinietum caeruleae, ki uspevajo v predelu Dujic, plavajo~em delu na sredi jezera, imenovanem Benetek, v predelu med Marofom in Martinjakom ter na Podzevnikih pri Dolenji vasi. Koscem zdru`ba modrega sto`kovja s ~rnikastim sitovcem Schoeno 69 S. Polak et al.: Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) I li 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 '•..* ¦ ¦ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110 Število pojočih koscev / No. of calling CornCrakes Slika 7: Odnos {tevila ugotovljenih koscev Crex crex glede na nivo jezerske vodne v posameznih letih ka`e statisti~no zna~ilno negativno korelacijo (Pearsonov koeficient, r = – 0,194, p < 0,05) Figure 7: Correlation of the number of Corn Crakes Crex crex and water level of the lake shows statistically significant negative correlation (Pearson Correlation Coefficient, r = – 0.194, p < 0.05) nigricantis-Molinietum caeruleae, ki je razvita ponekod v Vodonosu, Re{etu pod Marofom in Jezerski gmajni, prav tako ne ustreza in jih tu nismo zasledili. Ve~ji del teh rasti{~ je ob visoki vodi poplavljen, v poletnih mescih pa se tla mo~no izsu{ijo. V za kosca prenizki vegetaciji te zdru`be ter ponekod znatni zara{~enosti z grmovnicami, kot sta ro`marinolistna vrba Salix rosmarinifolia ter navadna krhlika Frangula alnus, pripisujemo razloge, da pojo~ih koscev v tej zdru`bi ni bilo. Med na{imi trinajsletnimi popisi koscev smo ugotovili, da so tovrstni predeli pri Retju, Marofu in Martinjaku, kjer so v zgodnih 90. letih 20. stoletja kosci {e peli, danes preve~ zara{~eni z grmovnicami in so zato v zadnjem petletju za gnezdenje kosca postali neprimerni. 4. Diskusija Na osnovi na{ih rezultatov in ugotovitev o gnezditveni ekologiji kosca v tujini (Schäffer & Münch 1993, Schäffer 1995) ocenjujemo, da na Cerkni{kem jezeru vsako leto poje med 60 in 90 samcev koscev. Maksimalno {tevilo pojo~ih samcev iz leta 1993 ter minimalno {tevilo v letih 1994 in 2004 smemo {teti za izjeme. [tevilo registriranih pojo~ih koscev je med leti nihalo. Razloge bi lahko iskali v naravnih regionalnih nihanjih populacije, v relativnem zmanj{anju primernega gnezditvenega habitata v primeru poznih poplav, pa tudi v metodolo{kih napakah, kot so razli~ni datumi {tetja, ter v {tetju samo enkrat v sezoni. V letih 1994 in 2000 z visokim nivojem vode na osrednjem delu jezera zaradi te`ke prehodnosti v 70 predelu Blatnice (slika 1) nismo celovito raziskali. Odlo~itev za vsakoletni monitoring zadnji vikend maja oziroma prvi vikend v juniju se je izkazala za ustrezno, vendar smo zaradi slabega vremena ali drugih objektivnih razlogov nekajkrat {tetje opravili teden ali dva kasneje. [ele z obdelavo rezultatov smo ugotovili, da smo pri popisih konec maja in v prvih dneh junija zabele`ili ve~ pojo~ih ptic kot med {tetji sredi junija. Razlika se je pokazala statisti~no nezna~ilna in bi lahko bila le plod naklju~ja. Pri interpretaciji rezultatov nam manjka podrobnej{i ve~kratni letni monitoring aktivnosti koscev za to obmo~je. V ju`ni Nem~iji je bilo dokazano (Schäffer 1995), da se upad aktivnosti no~nega petja samcev ujema z obdobjem parjenja in se pove~a z zaklju~kom le`enja jajc, ko samci zapustijo vale~e samice in za~no z nepretrganim no~nim petjem privabljati drugo samico. Na Ljubljanskem barju prvo gnezdenje verjetno poteka v drugi polovici maja, drugo pa br`kone sredi junija (Grobelnik 2000). Za~etek gnezdenja sredi maja potrjuje tudi najdba gnezda in komaj izle`enih mladi~ev na Ljubljanskem barju konec maja (Grobelnik 2000). Konkretnih podatkov o za~etku gnezdenja na Cerkni{kem jezeru nimamo, vendar bi glede na rezultate lahko sklepali, da se mladi~i prvega legla izvalijo konec maja ali v prvem tednu junija, ko je aktivnost pojo~ih samcev velika. Ob~asne poplave utegnejo prvo gnezdenje zavle~i pozno v junij, na kar bi lahko sklepali iz rezultatov ponovnega {tetja leta 2004. Tovrstno mo`nost zakasnitve prvega gnezdenja ali pa celo zaklju~ek drugega gnezdenja nakazuje primer, ko so bili 21.6.2003 pri Gornjem jezeru najdeni kak dan stari mladi~i kosca (Polak 2003). Gnezditveni fenologiji kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru bo vsekakor treba posvetiti posebno pozornost. Uporabljena metodologija vpisovanja pik pribli`ne pozicije pojo~e ptice v zemljevid je bila namenjena oceni {tevil~nosti in raz{irjenosti kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru. Na osnovi na{ih kartiranj pa smo ocenili tudi najustreznej{e ko{~eve habitate. Najpogosteje smo kosce popisovali v sestojih poplavnih travnikov zdru`be ru{nate mastnice in visokega trpotca, ki se ponekod prepletajo z zaplatami zdru`b modrega sto`kovja. Te travnike kosijo praviloma enkrat v poznem poletju, kar se ujema z zaklju~kom ko{~evega gnezdenja. Zdru`be mo~virnih travnikov so razvite na manj{ih povr{inah, ve~inoma na obrobju jezera, ki so `e toliko dvignjena, da bi opu{~anje rabe pomenilo za~etek zara{~anja s pionirskimi lesnimi vrstami. Floristi~no in favnisti~no so te zdru`be izjemno pestre (Martin~i~ & Leskovar 2002). Varstvo in na~rtno usmerjanje predelov jezerske povr{ine v zdru`be mo~virnih travnikov so klju~ne ne le za dolgoro~no ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 6l — 72, 2OO4 ohranjanje kosca, pa~ pa tudi drugih ogro`enih vrst ptic (Kmecl 2000, Polak 1993 & 2002) ter drugih `ivalskih in rastlinskih vrst (Gaber{~ik 2002). V manj{ih gostotah so kosci peli v mo~virskih zdru`bah ~istih sestojev visokega {a{ja. Kjer je zdru`ba razvita v tipi~ni obliki, togi {a{ mo~no prevladuje, zato je v takih sestojih le malo drugih rastlinskih vrst. Veliko povr{ine, kjer prevladuje togi {a{, kmetje pozno poleti kosijo za steljo. Tak{en na~in rabe vpliva na fiziognomski videz sestojev, saj tu {a{je ne nastopa v zanj sicer zna~ilnih visokih kupih, ampak tvori na prvi pogled enotno ru{o (Martin~i~ & Leskovar 2002), kar ustreza tudi koscu. Tu za~no nastopati tudi druge rastlinske vrste. Opu{~anje tradicionalne pozne ko{nje {a{ja za steljo vodi torej v smeri razvite oblike visokega {a{ja, ki je za kosca neprimerno, zato je smiselno to vrsto rabe ohranjati in spodbujati, vendar ne pred 1.8., ko je gnezdenje kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru predvidoma povsem zaklju~eno in so {e zadnji mladi~i sposobni letenja. Na osnovi 13-letnih popisov koscev sklepamo, da so predeli pri Marofu in Martinjaku, Vodonosu in Retju, kjer so v zgodnjih 90. letih 20. stoletja kosci {e peli, danes preve~ zara{~eni z grmovnicami, kot so ro`marinolistna vrba ter navadna krhlika, in so zato za gnezdenje koscev danes neprimerni. Opu{~anje ob~asne ko{nje predelov jezera torej vodi tudi v zara{~anje z grmovnicami, kar smo v na{ih raziskavah dokazali. Ob nadaljevanju tovrstnega zmanj{evanje primernega gnezditvenega habitata kosca lahko na Cerkni{kem jezeru dolgoro~no pri~akujemo trend upadanja {tevila koscev. Ekolo{kim zahtevam kosca sicer najbolj ustrezajo predeli s prepletom travni{kih in mo~virskih zdru`b, kar so potrdila tudi na{a opazovanja. Kljub temu da je dno jezera razmeroma uravnano, je povr{ina dovolj razgibana, poleg tega pa je tu {e veliko kanalov in starih strug, kar vodi v mo~no prepletenost rastlinskih zdru`b. Menimo, da je preplet razli~nih habitatov ekolo{ko za kosca najustreznej{i, saj kosec poleg ugodnih prehranjevalnih razmer, ki jih najde na mo~virnih travnikih, potrebuje tudi ustrezno kritje, denimo v visokem {a{ju. Dosedanje spremljanje {tevil~nosti in raz{irjenosti kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru je pokazalo, da populacija {tevil~no letno sicer niha, vendar {e ne ka`e upadanja, da pa lokalne spremembe v raz{irjenosti kosca ka`ejo na nevarnost negativnega trenda v nekaterih koscu primernih gnezditvenih prostorih. Za dolgoro~no ohranjanje kosca na Cerkni{kem jezeru bomo morali z obmo~jem zato usmerjeno upravljati. Bodo~e raziskave je zato smiselno usmeriti v fenologijo kosca, v natan~no definiranje ko{~evih ekolo{kih zahtev in nadaljevanju letnega cenzusa cerkni{ke populacije. Zahvala: Za no~no sodelovanje pri dolgoletnem popisovanju koscev bi se koordinatorji akcij {tetja koscev na Cerkni{kem jezeru in avtorji prispevka ob tej prilo`nosti radi zahvalili udele`encem. To so bili: Nata{a Adle{i~, Toma` Berce, Jo`e Berce, Mateja Bla`i~, Tatjana ^elik, Peter ^erne, Manca ^ernigoj, Katarina Denac, Janez Dragoli~, Matev` Dragoli~, Mitja Dragoli~, Peter Dragoli~, Bojana Fajdiga, Andrej Figelj, Karin Gabrov{ek, Rado{ Gregori~, Vesna Grobelnik, Vojko Havli~ek, Alenka Iva~i~, Olga Jakovec, Tadej Jerman, Lara Jogan Polak, Barbara Kaiser, Janez Kandare, Tone Karer, Ale{ Klemem~i~, Klemen Kmecl, Primo` Kmecl, Ur{a Koce, Mika Kocjan~i~, Tadej Kogov{ek, Metod Koro{ec, Janez Ko{ir, Marija Ko{ir, Stane in Milka Ko{merlj, Jurij Kraj~i~, Miro Kunstek, Bogdan Lipov{ek, Marjan Logar, Jure Majzelj, Bojan Mar~eta, Helena in Marjan Mele, Toma` Miheli~, Miri Mlinar, Borut Mozeti~, Mateja Nose, Marija in Zvone Ogrinec, Peter Pavli~, Andrej Pavlovi~, Nevenka in Rado Pfajfar, Katja Pobolj{aj, Janko Porok, Terezija Poto~ar-Koro{ec, Tamara Poto~nik, Dragica Prosen, Andreja Ram{ak, Samo Razdrih, Karin Ri`ner, Borut Rubini~, Tine Schein, Maja Slak, Meta Slak, Brigita Slavec, Maru{a Sotler, Marija Svet, Nata{a [alaja, Tatjana [tefan~i~, Metka [toz, Branka Tavzes, Drago Teli~, Marko Trebu{ak, Tomi Trilar, Alojz Troha, Peter Trontelj, Gregor Torkar, Maksimiljan Tur{i~, Jana Kus Veenvliet, Paul Veenvliet, Vlasta Vi~i~, Al Vrezec, Janez Zakraj{ek, Irena Zalar, [pela @agar in Miha @nidar{i~. 5. Povzetek Med letoma 1992 in 2004 je bil po enotni metodologiji opravljen vsakoletni popis pojo~ih koscev Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru. Po letu 1995 je popis postal tradicionalna akcija Notranjske sekcije DOPPS. No~ni popisi koscev so potekali med 23.00 in 03.00 uro ve~inoma v prvem vikendu v juniju. V 13 letih je sodelovalo 91 popisovalcev, ki so vsako leto po skupinah lo~eno popisali celotno jezero, razdeljeno na {est zaokro`enih obmo~ij, in na zemljevide vrisovali ~im bolj natan~ne pozicije pojo~ih ptic. Minimalno {tevilo 42 koscev je bilo ugotovljeno leta 1997, maksimalno {tevilo 101 koscev pa leta 1993, kar {tejemo za izjeme. Na osnovi trinajstletnega {tetja je ocenjeno, da na Cerkni{kem jezeru poje povpre~no 60 do 90 koscev. [tevilo koscev med leti precej niha. Vi{ja vodna gladina jezera zaradi ob~asnih poplav na dan popisa je v statisti~no zna~ilni negativni korelaciji s {tevilom popisanih koscev. Ob visokih 71 S. Polak et al.: Trinajst let popisov kosca Crex crex na Cerkni{kem jezeru (Slovenija) vodah se poveča število pojočih koscev na bolj suhem obrobju jezera, občasno tudi v gojenih travnikih. Kot najustreznejši habitat za kosca so se pokazali močvirni travniki združbe rušnate mastnice in visokega trpotca Deschampsio-Plantaginetum altissimae, ki se prepleta s sestoji visokega sasjuMagnocaricion, predvsem tam, kjer je visoko šašje občasno pokošeno. Nekateri predeli, kjer so v zgodnjih devetdesetih letih kosci še peli, so zaradi opustitve košnje danes zaraščeni z grmovnicami in zato za kosca niso več ustrezen gnezditveni habitat. Kljub temu pa o upadanju števila koscev na Cerkniškem jezeru za zdaj še ne moremo govoriti. 6. Literatura GaberŠČik, A., ed. (2002): Jezero, ki izginja. Monografija o Cerkniškem jezeru. – Društvo ekologov Slovenije, Ljubljana. Gospodaric, R & Habič, P. (1978): Kraški pojavi Cerkniškega jezera. – Acta carsologica 8: 7–162. Gregori, J. (1978): Prispevek k poznavanju ptičev Cerkniškega jezera in bližnje okolice. – Acta carsologica 8: 301–329. Grimmett, R.F. & Jones, T.A. (1989): Important Bird Areas in Europe. – ICBP, Technical publication No. 9, Cambridge. Grobelnik, V. (2000): Oglašanje, ocena številčnosti in izbira mikrohabitata koscev (Crex crex, L. 1758) na dveh lokacijah Ljubljanskega barja. – Diplomska naloga, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana. Hudson, A.V., Stowe, TJ. & Aspinall, S. (1990): Status and distribution of Corncrakes in Britain in 1988. – British Birds 83: 173–187. Ilijanic, L. (1978): Vegetacijske razmere Cerkniškega jezera. Močvirna, barjanska in traviščna vegetacija. – Acta carsologica 8: 163–200. Kmecl, P. (2000): Cerkniško jezero. pp. 107–117 In: Polak, S. (ed.): Mednarodno pomembna območja za ptiče v Sloveniji; Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Slovenia. – DOPPS, Monografija DOPPS St. 1, Ljubljana. Martinčič, A. & Leskovar, I. (2002): Vegetacija. pp. 81-96 In: GaberŠČik, A. (ed.): Jezero, ki izginja. Monografija o Cerkniškem jezeru. – Društvo ekologov Slovenije, Ljubljana. Polak, S. (1993): Ptice gnezdilke Cerkniškega jezera in bližnje okolice. – Acrocephalus 14 (56–57): 32–62. Polak, S. (2002): Cerkniško jezero – mednarodno pomembno območje za ptice. pp. 237–247 In: GaberŠČik, A. (ed.): Jezero, ki izginja. Monografija o Cerkniškem jezeru. – Društvo ekologov Slovenije, Ljubljana. Polak, S. (2003): Mlada kosca Zivko in Srečko pripovedujeta… – Svet ptic 9 (2): 18–19. Schäffer, N. & Münch, S. (1993): Untersuchungen zur Habitatwahl und Brutbiologie des Wachtelkönigs Crex crex im Murnauer Moos/ Oberbayern. – Vogelwelt 114: 55–72. 72 Schäffer, N. (1995): Rufverhalten und Funktion des Rufens beim Wachtelkonig Crex crex. – Vogelwelt 116: 141–151. Schneider-Jacoby, M. (1991): Distribution and size of the Corncrake population in Yugoslavia. – Vogelwelt 112: 48–57. Trontelj, P. (1992): Kosec v Sloveniji. Raziskovalna akcija. Navodila in oporne to~ke za poro~ilo o popisu. Dru{tvo za opazovanje in prou~evanje ptic Slovenije (neobjavljeno). Trontelj, P. (1995): Popis kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji v letih 1992-93. – Acrocephalus 16 (37): 174–180. Prispelo / Arrived: 20.10.2004 Sprejeto / Accepted: 26.1.2005 Acrocephalus 25 (121): 73 — 80, 2004 Changes of breeding numbers and habitat of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia in Vojvodina (N Serbia) Spremembe v gnezditvenem {tevilu in habitatu `li~arke Platalea leucorodia v Vojvodini (S Srbija) Marko Tucakov Marka Ore{kovi}a 9, 25275 Ba~ki Breg, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: mtucakov@eunet.yu Kongres ornitologov Slovenije ob 25. obletnici DOPPS Slovene Ornithologists’ Congress at the 25th anniversary of DOPPS (BirdLife Slovenia) In the 19th century, the Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia was a numerous breeder in Vojvodina. Except for the lower Sava valley, where traditionally the strongest colony existed, breeding colonies have been recorded in Zasavica, Pan~eva~ki rit, Novosadski rit and in the lower Begej valley. Although in the first half of the 20th century 500 – 1000 pairs still bred, the population had already started to decrease in the first decade. During the second half of the 20th century it bred or attempted to breed on 9 localities: the lower Begej, Uzdin forest, Jazovo fish farm, natron lake Okanj, the Danube floodplain near Apatin, Be~ej fish farm, Luda{ lake, Obeska bara and Plati~evo. In the mid 1980’s, when the breeding numbers were lowest, Spoonbills started to colonize reed beds in a carp fish farm. Today, three out of the four existing breeding colonies in Serbia are situated on these man-made habitats. 147 to 182 pairs bred in Serbia in 2004, which is 2.49% of the European population. The historical and present breeding distributions in Vojvodina, features of current feeding sites, and threats and measures needed for the protection of Spoonbill breeding sites are described. Key words: Eurasian Spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia, Vojvodina, Serbia, breeding, distribution, fish farms Klju~ne besede: `li~arka, Platalea leucorodia, Vojvodina, Srbija, gnezditev, raz{irjenost, ribogojnice 1. Introduction The Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia is a species concentrated in Europe (SPEC 2; Burfield & van Bommel 2004), where between 5081 and 8125 pairs bred in 2000/2001 in three clearly separated regions. In NW Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany and Denmark) 1243 to 1290, in SW Europe (Italy, Portugal and Spain) 1738 to 2058 pairs, and in central and south-eastern Europe (Greece, Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Ukraine, Romania and Czech Republic) 1950 to 4277 pairs bred (Overdijk & Zwart 2003). The species is, however, also breeding in Montenegro (two small colonies, 19 plus 8 pairs in 2002 and 2003, B. [tumberger & M. Schneider-Jacoby pers. comm.) and, in recent times, Serbia (Puzovi} et al. 1999). Data on breeding distribution and numbers in Serbia and Montenegro have not been considered in almost any research or publication about European birds and their numbers over the last decade (Tucker & Heath 1994, Hagemeijer & Blair 1997), mainly because lack of quality data coming from these two countries (Overdijk & Zwart 2003). The aim of this work is to list and describe the Eurasian Spoonbill’s current breeding grounds, to recommend measures needed for their active conservation, and to analyse the development of breeding numbers of Spoonbill in Vojvodina (northern province of Serbia), from the first accessible data until 2004. Although the recent 73 M. Tucakov: Changes of breeding numbers and habitat of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia in Vojvodina (N Serbia) population status of the Spoonbill in parts of Serbia outside Vojvodina is not surveyed or discussed in the present paper, it is known that this species does not breed there (Puzovi} et al. 1999). However, the research on the basis of which this study was done was restricted just to Vojvodina. 2. Methods In order to collect detailed data about the characteristics of recent breeding grounds and breeding colonies of Eurasian Spoonbill in Vojvodina, intensive research carried out by the members of the Bird Study and Protection Society of Vojvodina (BSPSV) took place in 2003 and 2004. During 2003, the census of breeding pairs was conducted during colour-ringing of chicks in the colony on Be~ej fish farm, organized as part of the International Spoonbill Colour Ringing Project. In 2004, the work was accomplished by a detailed census of pairs in all known breeding colonies, and a systematic search for possible unknown breeding sites. Apart from the localities where colonies were found, 90% of other suitable wetlands in Vojvodina were surveyed at least once during the breeding season. The basis for the field work was a survey of the historic distribution of the Spoonbill in Vojvodina. 3. Results 3.1. Contemporary distribution and breeding numbers Research on breeding distribution and numbers of breeding pairs carried out in 2004 has been concentrated on all existing and potential colonies. Breeding has been proved at three localities, while on another, breeding was very probable (Figure 1). 3.1.1. Be~ej fish farm In 2004, the colony was situated in the western part, on the island slightly elevated from the water level, and overgrown by emergent vegetation. The nests were built just above the water surface, exclusively inside small, vegetation-free patches on the island. They were massive and solid platforms composed of dry plant material: reed stems at the base, leaves of reed and cattail on the top. 80 to 100 pairs bred in the colony, together with Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Purple Heron A. purpurea, Little Egret Egretta garzetta, Great White Egret E. alba, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides and Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax. 3.1.2. Jazovo fish farm 74 Figure 1: Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia breeding distribution in Vojvodina. Breeding sites in 2004: Be~ej fish farm (1), Jazovo fish farm (2), Perleska bara (3), Kapetanski rit fish farm (4). Historical breeding sites: Zasavica (5), Pan~eva~ki rit (6), Novosadski rit (7), Uzdin forest (8), Okanj (9), Apatinski rit (10), Luda{ lake (11), Obedska bara (12), Trskova~a marsh (13), and Fene~ka bara (14). Slika 1: Gnezditvena raz{irjenost `li~arke Platalea leucorodia v Vojvodini. Gnezditvene lokalitete v letu 2004: ribniki v Be~eju (1), ribniki Jazovo (2), Perleska bara (3), ribniki Kapetanski rit (4). Zgodovinske gnezditvene lokalitete: Zasavica (5), Pan~eva~ki rit (6), Novosadski rit (7), gozd Uzdin (8), Okanj (9), Apatinski rit (10), jezero Luda{ (11), Obedska bara (12), mo~virje Trskova~a (13) in Fene~ka bara (14). The colony is located on two distinct sites within the fishpond system. 20 to 30 pairs bred in the first location, in dense cattail vegetation situated close to the western edge of the fishpond. Purple Herons bred in the same colony. On the second location, 40 to 50 pairs bred in the reed island, together with Great White Egret and Purple Heron. Most of the nests were placed on platforms composed of plant material, built in small patches of open water. 3.1.3. Perleska bara Two pairs bred in the colony, accompanied by Little Egret, Squacco Heron, Great White Egret and Night Heron, in a spacious reedbed. 3.1.4. Kapetanski rit fish farm The breeding on this fish farm has not been confirmed by entering the colony, but it was nevertheless very probable. Up to 25 individuals were foraging, throughout the breeding cycle, on wet meadows around the fishpond (N. Stojni}, J. Gergelj, & K. ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 73 — 80, 2OO4 Barna pers. comm.). They were flying in the close vicinity of the local Great White Egret and Purple Heron colony but breeding could not be checked by direct inspection. The probable minimal number of breeding pairs was 5 to 10. 4. Discussion 4.1. Historical overview of breeding sites and breeding population 4.1.1. 19th century The key breeding ground at Obedska bara in Posavina supported 300 pairs in 1838 and 350 in 1869 (Garovnikov 1992). Puzovi} (1998) published a maximum of 500 pairs in the second half of the century. Although Obedska bara was the strongest breeding ground during the 19th century, Spoonbills also bred at other wetlands: Zasavica (Dombrovski 1895), the floodplain of the Danube - Pan~eva~ki rit and Novosadski rit – as well as in the lower Begej floodplain (Mar~eti} 1955/56). 4.1.2. 20th century In Serbia 500 to 1000 pairs bred within this period (Osieck & Voslamber 1997), almost entirely in Vojvodina. On traditionally the largest breeding ground, Obedska bara, 1000 pairs bred in 1908, 120 in 1930, and 100 in 1945 (Garovnikov 1992). About 50 pairs bred on the same locality in 1946 (Matvejev 1950). Breeding has been recorded on some other marshes accessible only with difficulty, for example in Pan~eva~ki rit, where some pairs still bred in the first half of the century (Matvejev 1950). At lower Begej Spoonbill probably bred in the late 1940’s (Peki} 1958). The number of breeding pairs in Vojvodina decreased in the first decade of the 20th century. Other than at Obedska bara, it had become an irregular breeder on almost all the former breeding sites (Mar~eti} 1955/56). During the second half of the 20th century it bred or attempted to breed at 11 localities (Figure 1). However, the predominantly negative trend of breeding continued to dominate: it was marked as a disappearing species (Ham 1977). Breeding colonies in Banat From 1950 to 1959, 1 to 2 pairs probably bred in the valley of the lower Begej, a wetland complex near the mouth of the river Begej, nowadays composed of Stari Begej — Carska bara” special nature reserve, and E~ka” fishponds. Spoonbill did not breed in the area between 1960 and 1990 (Ham 1977 & 1989, Puzovic 1998). From 1965 to 1973 the species did not breed in the western Banat at all (Šoti & Dimitrijevic 1974). Its breeding is questionable during the 1980s (Puzovic 1998) . It is possible that a very small number of pairs bred (Puzovic et al 1999) and that, in the early 1990s, the number slowly started to increase. In 1996, 17 pairs bred (Lukač & Tern ovac 1997) and, in 1998, 21 pairs (Puzovic et al. 1999). Data between 1998 and 2001 are missing. In 2001 20 to 30 pairs bred, dropping to just 1 pair in 2003 (I. Ham pers. comm.). In 1958 and 1967 Spoonbill bred in Uzdin forest, situated on the left bank of the Tami{ river (Szlivka 1959, Pelle et al. 19 jj). About 100 pairs bred there in 1965 (Pelle 1966/67). Later, there is no confirmation of breeding in this or in other parts of the Tami{ floodplain, although about 50 individuals used to stay regularly during the breeding season at nearby Uzdin fishpond between 1977 and 1992 (Devic 1995). In the late 1980s, 40 pairs bred on Jazovo fish farm (Puzovic et al. 1999). Although adult individuals were observed on the fishpond in 2001, the first proved breeding was recorded in 2002, when six pairs bred (Gergelj 2002). In 2003 four pairs bred on the fishpond (J. Gergelj pers.comm.). In natron lake Okanj, 59 to 60 pairs bred in 1998 (Puzovic et al 1999). There is no data about breeding on this site before or after. Breeding colonies in Ba~ka Spoonbill bred in 1969 in the colonies at Srebrenica and Mil{val (Danube floodplain near Apatin; Szlivka 1959), but since then, it no longer breeds in northwestern Ba~ka (Lakatoš 1977). In Be~ej fish farm, Spoonbills have been observed regularly during the breeding cycle since 1987. The breeding of one pair was first confirmed in 1991, although breeding had probably occurred before that (I. Baloghpers. comm?). The number increased to 45 in the following year (Lukač & Lukač 1992). From 1993 to 1995 the colony was situated in small pond with dense reedbed, the centre of the island being covered by White Willows Salix alba (Balog 1997A). 5 to 6 pairs bred in the reedbed below the willows, while 15 to 20 built their nests on the northern edge of the same pond, in cattail (I. Balogh pers. comm.). Although 30 chicks were ringed in 1996, the total number of breeding pairs was not recorded (Balog I997B). In 1997, 60 to 80 pairs bred and, in 1997 and 75 M. Tucakov: Changes of breeding numbers and habitat of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia in Vojvodina (N Serbia) 1998, 50 to 60 pairs (Puzovi} et al. 1999). Although the colony was visited in 1999 and Spoonbills were recorded, no breeding pairs were found (Barna & Matovi} 2001, K. Barna pers. comm.). In 2002 two pairs bred (Gergelj et al. 2000). The number of breeding pairs is again unknown for 2001, while in 2002 25 to 30 pairs bred (Gergelj 2002). In 2003 50 to 70 pairs bred, but the colony had shifted to a different microlocation (A. @uljevi} & I. Balogh pers. comm.). One breeding attempt at Luda{ lake was recorded during the 1980’s. Before and after that this species has never bred in heron colonies on this lake (Puzovi} 1998). 4. 1. 2. 3. Breeding colonies in Srem The number of breeding pairs on Obedska bara decreased from 1970 to 1980. Altogether 25 pairs bred. In 1992 Spoonbill disappeared as a breeder in what had traditionally been the strongest breeding ground in Vojvodina (Puzovi} 1998). In 2002, 1 – 2 pairs most probably bred again in a local heron colony (Puzovi} pers. comm.). In Trskova~a marsh, near Plati~evo, a well populated mixed heron and Spoonbill colony existed up to the mid 1970’s, after which the area was drained, and birds stopped breeding (Puzovi} et al. 1999). Table 1: Breeding sites of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia in Vojvodina, and their occupation by breeding pairs between 1800 and 2004 (+ breeding confirmed, – breeding absent). Tabela 1: Zasedenost gnezditvenih lokalitet `li~arke Platalea leucorodia v Vojvodini med letoma 1800 in 2004 (+ potrjena gnezditev, – ni gnezditve). site i8oo- 1900- 1911- 1921- 1931-1899 1910 1920 1930 1940 1941- 1951- 1961- 1971- 1981-1950 i960 1970 1980 1990 1991- 2000-2000 2004 Be~ej fish farm Jazovo fish farm Perleska bara Kapetanski rit fish farm Zasavica river Pan~eva~ki rit Novosadski rit Uzdin forest Okanj natron lake Apatinski rit Luda{ lake Obedska bara Trskova~a marsh Fene~ka bara + + + + + attempt + + + + + + ++++ ++++ + + + 76 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 73 — 80, 2OO4 4.2. Changes in breeding habitats The breeding habitat of the Eurasian Spoonbill in Vojvodina changed significantly in the second half of the 20th century. Before, all colonies were situated on alluvial wetlands and river floodplains, or in marshy depressions. Following immense changes and shrinking in area and quality, influenced by the intensive drainage activities carried out throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries (Tomi} et al. 2002), and having in mind that this species reacts immediately to the changes in its habitat (Müller 1984), the number of pairs started to decrease as early as in the first quarter of the 20th century. This decrease continued and the population reached its lowest level in the 1970’s, when breeding was confirmed only in Obedska bara. This unfavourable situation lasted until the late 1980’s. At this time, breeding habitat became suitable on two fish farms, Jazovo and Be~ej, which Spoonbills colonized. These fish farms were constructed in 1972 and 1969, respectively, but emergent vegetation had not been sufficiently structured, at least until the late 1980’s when birds, probably at the same time, occupied both sites. Be~ej fish farm has been a regular breeding site since then, Jazovo being only intermittently suitable. As breeding numbers continued to drop at Obedska bara, the importance of Be~ej fish farm increased, and it was probably the only breeding site in Vojvodina between 1993 and 1996, when Spoonbills colonized the lower Begej complex. That was the period of stabilization of the breeding population. This lasted probably until 2000 or 2001, when the population started to increase. In 2004 it was 22% larger than in 1998. The increase in breeding numbers was probably connected with the increase in Hungarian colonies (Overdijk & Zwart 2003, Végvari et al. 2003), as well as with the recent dispersal of birds which used to breed in colonies in Croatia, especially near Slavonski Brod (Schneider– Jacoby et al. 2002). The Okanj colony appeared to be quite large in 1998. It was reported during the census of heron and cormorant colonies in Serbia in 1998, but its existence was not proved, either before or after (personal observations). Having in mind the very intensive research on Okanj between 1965 and 1973 ([oti & Dimitrijevi} 1974) and its inspection in 2004, it is hardly likely that conditions for breeding of Spoonbill existed there. It is a somewhat typical natron lake, with just a narrow belt of emergent vegetation composed of sparse reed. The water is not suitable for feeding – no foraging Spoonbill or herons were observed there throughout 2004. The regular home range of the birds from the colonies, even if feeding conditions are suitable, is 25 - 30 km (Schneider-Jacoby et al. 2002). The changes of quality of feeding sites and lowered accessibility of food were the most important causes of drastic and progressive decrease in the number of breeding pairs of Eurasian Spoonbills in Vojvodina. Spoonbill needs shallow water (up to 30 cm deep) for foraging (Hancock et al. 1992). The progressive deterioration of suitable feeding sites was the reason for the immense decrease in the number of pairs in the largest recorded colony at Obedska bara. In the lower Sava valley, after large-scale drainage of the wide floodplain, the rest of the shallow flooded depression that used to be the most important feeding sites for all wading birds, have been planted with clone poplar plantations (Puzovi} 1998). The last breeding pairs from Obedska bara disappeared after the small fishpond near Obre` was closed in 1988 (Puzovi} 1995). 4.3. Features of current feeding sites The large number of individuals breeding on Be~ej fish farm (maximum 60 on 24 May 2004) have regularly fed until mid June in the ponds created on the site of the former “pond 1”, after it was partitioned. As part of work aimed at deepening these ponds, embankments have been constructed and consolidated, creating numerous shallow depressions with water on their bottoms. A ditch, projected for sluice, has been connected with one of the fishpond’s channels, which provided water for the shallow depressions. This artificial and temporary habitat was only slowly overgrown by sedge Carex sp. and was very rich in food, indicated by the presence of numerous herons. During June, the reconstruction works progressed, all the water evaporated and, in one of the newly constructed ponds, water was released. By that time, these ponds had become invaluable as Spoonbill feeding sites. Suitable feeding habitats on other parts of the fishpond have been very limited, and were visited by only a small number of individuals. A wide spectrum of suitable and regularly visited feeding sites exists in the Tisa inundation zone: regularly flooded sites and small floodplain lakes situated along both banks of the river, waste water basins of the local sugar factory situated near @abalj, and other suitable wetland sites. A new pond was dug in 2004 on the north-eastern edge of Jazovo fish farm. Since its bottom was not flat, a number of depressions filled with water, mainly rainfall, serving as a regular feeding ground for local JJ M. Tucakov: Changes of breeding numbers and habitat of Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia in Vojvodina (N Serbia) Spoonbills during the breeding period (until the second decade of July). In addition, a large number of individuals foraged throughout the breeding season on a number of suitable niches in other parts of the fish farm. Birds, probably originating from this colony, were also observed foraging at the Novi Kne`evac fishponds, situated some 20 km to the NW. 4.4. Current threats A large number of people frequent Be~ej, Jazovo and Kapetanski rit fish farms while, on the contrary, Perleska bara is almost completely isolated from human disturbance – there are no regular man-induced activities in the vicinity. On fishponds, fish feeding boats pass next to the colony at least once every day. Regular shooting takes place, aimed to protect fish from Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. Nevertheless, the sites on which all the colonies were found (including the potential one at the Kapetanski rit) are well protected from predator intrusion by the surrounding water, which acts as virtual barrier. However, there is evidence of illegal entry by humans taking chicks for private bird collections and zoos. Burning of emergent vegetation is widespread on all fishponds in Vojvodina (Tucakov 2004), the scale and timing depending on the estimates and decisions of fishpond directors. There is a real possibility of threatening colonies in this way, as in the case of Jazovo, where reedbed burning has taken place several times, the last time in 2002. Further, changes in water level during the breeding period, occasioned by the fish production process (sudden rise or lowering), can stop breeding and destroy the clutches. The privatization of formerly state-owned fishponds that is currently taking place in Serbia is a matter of special concern. There is reasonable fear and a real possibility that, after almost unavoidable changes of ownership of the fishponds, fish production will be greatly intensified, and breeding niches destroyed. Spoonbills breeding in 2004 in the listed colonies have used very wide surrounding areas for feeding. These habitats are very fragmented and quite small. Feeding conditions, numbers of foraging individuals and its the associated dynamics, as well as overall importance for Spoonbill colonies, remain unknown. 4.5. Spoonbill protection in Vojvodina Of the recent Spoonbill colonies in Vojvodina, only the colony on Perleska bara is protected, since this site is within the Stari Begej – Carska bara” special nature reserve and Ramsar site. All other colonies are 78 unprotected. However, the diversity of species and habitats on all the sites described above have been evaluated according to the BirdLife Internationals criteria, since all of them are inside Important Bird Areas (IBA). Be~ej fish farm and its vicinity forms a 4000 ha large IBA site (IBA code 003), Jazovo fish farm is part of IBA Jazovo – Mokrin” (8000 ha, IBA code 011), while Kapetanski rit fish farm is situated in IBA Subotica lakes and sandy terrains” (20000 ha, IBA code 002; Puzović & Grubač 2000). Today, 97.9% of Spoonbill pairs in Vojvodina are breeding on man-made wetlands. The shift from natural wetlands poses a serious threat, as the survival of this species in Vojvodina now depends completely on the management of its breeding sites. Considering the sensitivity of the man-made habitats on which Spoonbill breed in Vojvodina, management measures should be well defined in order to harmonize economical utilization of resources on these sites with preservation of stability of the breeding and feeding sites for Spoonbills. For all fish farms where Spoonbills breed in Vojvodina, it is urgent that consistent conservation activity is focused on implementation by fishpond management authorities of the measures already prescribed in national biodiversity protection legislation (Decree on Protection of Natural Rarities, Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia, 50/93), and on strict control of this implementation by inspectors. Special attention should be paid to: 1. prevention of any physical destruction or damage of breeding niches; 2. maintenance of the quality of breeding niches by limiting the entry of humans to the reedbed during the breeding season, and avoidance of burning or cutting emergent vegetation in winter and early spring; 3. maintenance of suitable surfaces and appropriate water levels on Spoonbill feeding sites situated within the fishponds; 4. creation of permanent feeding sites (shallow ponds) which will be managed exclusively for feeding specialized feeders. Conservation should be very carefully directed. Not a single fishpond system in Vojvodina is currently protected, although these sites support a very important proportion of the national population of other waterbirds, as well. Of greatest importance is the globally threatened Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca, which is now almost completely a fishpond-breeder in Serbia (Puzovic & Tucakov 2003). The value of feeding areas situated outside the fishpond for Spoonbills is more important than those situated within the ponds. All of them have to be ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 73 — 80, 2OO4 mapped and, where possible, maintained suitably for Spoonbill. Besides harmonization of the conservation needs of Spoonbill and other waterbirds breeding on fish farms, special attention should be paid to the restoration and adequate management of historical breeding sites. This is particularly needed for Obedska bara, once the key site for the Eurasian Spoonbill in Vojvodina (Puzovic et dl. I999). Since the Spoonbill colony disappeared, due to deterioration of foraging sites, special attention, with international participation, is already being directed in order to ensure maintenance of regularly flooded meadows, and to slow their rapid eutrophication (S. Puzovic & M. Schneider-Jacoby/kot. comm.) Acknowledgements: Census work in 2004 was sponsored by European Nature Heritage Fund (EURONATUR) with the project Eurasian Spoonbill Population Survey and Protection in Serbia”, carried out by The Bird Protection and Study Society of Vojvodina (Ref. No. SR-04-151-07). Many thanks are due to Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby for his useful comments. The International Spoonbill Colour Ringing project, coordinated by Otto Overdijk, motivated me to start the census work. My special thanks goes to the ringers: Antun @uljevi} and Istvan Balogh, as well as to Krisztian Barna, Jozsef Gergely, Lorand Vihg, Boris Erg and Dejan \api}. 5. Povzetek V 19. stoletju je `li~arka Platalea leucorodia v Vojvodini gnezdila v velikem {tevilu. Odtlej so bile njene gnezde~e kolonije zabele`ene — razen ob spodnjem toku Save, kjer `e tradicionalno obstajajo njene najmo~nej{e kolonije — tudi v Zasavici, Pan~eva~kem in Novosadskem ritu in v spodnjem delu doline Begej. ^eprav je v prvi polovici 20. stoletja v Vojvodini {e vedno gnezdilo od 500 do 1000 parov, pa je populacija `li~arke v Vojvodini v prvem desetletju prej{njega stoletja za~ela upadati. V drugi polovici 20. stoletja je gnezdila ali je poskusila gnezditi na 9 lokalitetah: v spodnjem delu doline Begej, v Uzdinskem, na ribnikih Jazovo, na Okanjskem jezeru, v donavskem poplavnem gozdu blizu Apatina, na Be~ejskih ribnikih, Luda{kem jezeru, v Obedski bari in v Plati~evem. Sredi osemdesetih let 20. stoletja, ko je bilo {tevilo gnezde~ih osebkov najni`je, so se `li~arke za~ele naseljevati v trsti~jih ribogojnic. Te umetne habitate danes naseljujejo kar tri od {tirih gnezde~ih kolonij, obstoje~ih v Srbiji. Leta 2004 je v Srbiji gnezdilo od 147 do 182 parov, kar je 2,49 % evropske populacije. Avtor pripevka opisuje zgodovinsko in dana{njo gnezditveno raz{irjenost te ptice v Vojvodini, njeno ogro`enost, zna~ilnosti njenih trenutnih prehranjevalnih okoli{ev in ukrepe, ki bi jih bilo treba sprejeti za za{~ito `li~arkinih gnezdi{~. 6. References Balog, I. (1997a): Breeding of Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) on the Be~ej fishpond. - Ciconia 6: 40-43. (In Serbian, with English abstract) Balog, I. (1997b): Results of ringing herons at the Becej fishpond. - Ciconia 6: 17. (In Serbian, with English abstract) Barna, K. & Matovi}, ^. (2001): Results of ringing of herons in some breeding colonies in Vojvodina during 1998 – 2000. - Ciconia 10: 27-29. (In Serbian, with English abstract) Burfield, I. & van Bommel, F. (2004): Birds in Europe: Population Estimates, Trends and Conservation Status. – BirdLife International, Cambridge. Devi}, I. 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Végvari, Z., Kóvacs, G. & Kapocsi, I. (2003): Population trends, conservation and colony site selection of Spoonbills in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. pp. 31-34 In: Veen, J. & Stepanova, O. (eds.): Wetland management for Spoonbills and associated waterbirds. - EUROSITE, Tilburg. Arrived / Prispelo: 14.12.2004 Accepted / Sprejeto: 26.1.2005 8o Acrocephalus 25 (121): 81 — 85, 2004 Pregled pojavljanja tujerodnih rac v Sloveniji Occurrence of non-native duck species in Slovenia: an overview Henrik Cigli~1 & Dare [ere2 1 Likozarjeva 7, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenija, e-mail: 2 Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Pre{ernova 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: 1. Uvod Glede na izvor eksoti~nih rac, pojavljajo~ih se v Sloveniji, gre v vseh primerih br`kone za osebke, ki so pobegnili iz ujetni{tva in se pozneje naselili v primernih okoljih. To ugotovitev v nekaterih primerih {e dodatno potrjujejo plasti~ni obro~ki na njihovih nogah. [tevilne za Evropo neavtohtone race je namre~ mogo~e kupiti na skoraj vsakem perutninskem sejmu v Evropi. Tako navdu{enje nad opazovano raco, tudi ~e je prvo za Slovenijo, kmalu zamre, ~eprav je na{e opazovanje potrdila Nacionalna komisija za redkosti. V pri~ujo~em prispevku obravnavava le podatke o neavtohtonih vrstah rac, ki so bila opazovane v naravnih okoljih (reke, jezera, mlake, ribniki itd.), sicer pa meniva, da bi bilo v bli`nji prihodnosti primerno objaviti tudi podatke za druge vrste ptic, ki se pojavljajo v naravnem okolju, a izvirajo iz ujetni{tva. Dejstvo je namre~, da alohtone vrste ne prispevajo k ve~ji biodiverziteti ptic v Sloveniji, ampak kve~jemu k posebni obliki polucije okolja (Vrezec 2001). V nadaljevanju predstavljava zbrane podatke o opazovanjih tujerodnih vrst rac v Sloveniji, pri tem pa dodajava {e doslej v Sloveniji neregistrirano vrsto, ro`natokljuno `vi`gavko Netta peposaca. 2. Pregled vrst tujerodnih rac, ki so bile opazovane v Sloveniji 2.1. Mandarinka Aix galericulata Vrsta, ki sicer gnezdi v vzhodni Sibiriji, na Kitajskem in Japonskem, prezimuje pa na vzhodnem Kitajskem in Japonskem (del Hoyo et al. 1992). V Sloveniji najpogostej{a eksoti~na raca, o ~emer govorijo tudi {tevilni podatki o opazovanjih (tabela 1). Ustreza ji vse od manj{ih vodnih povr{in do rek. 2.2. Nevestica Aix sponsa Gnezdilka Severne Amerike, od Kanade do Mehike in Kube. V Evropi naseljena na ribnike in v `ivalske vrtove (del Hoyo et al. 1992). Tudi zelo priljubljena med evropskimi avikulturisti. Pri tej vrsti je morda zanimiv podatek, da je bila pri nas ugotovljena `e v za~etku prej{njega stoletja (Poneb{ek 1911). V Sloveniji je bila doslej ugotovljena samo na jezerih in rekah (tabela 2). 2.3. ^ipkasta raca Callonetta leucophrys Gnezdilka Ju`ne Amerike, predvsem Bolivije, Brazilije, Argentine in Urugvaja (del Hoyo et al. 1992). Za to raco imamo iz Slovenije samo dva podatka (tabela 3), oba iz zadnjih let, kar je br`kone povezano s pove~anim zanimanjem za gojenje eksoti~nih rac. 2.4. Grivasta raca Chenonetta jubata Splo{no raz{irjena v Avstraliji in na sosednji Tasmaniji (del Hoyo et al. 1992). V Sloveniji je bila vrsta opazovana dvakrat (tabela 4). Oba podatka izvirata iz istega leta in verjetno gre pri obeh opazovanjih za isti osebek. 2.5. Mo{katna ble{~avka Cairina moschata Prebivalka Srednje in Ju`ne Amerike, od Mehike do vzhodnega Peruja in severnega Urugvaja (del Hoyo et al. 1992). V slovenski literaturi sta znana le dva podatka (tabela 5), ~eprav je pri nas pogosta na vseh vodnih povr{inah. Zaradi domestifikacije se pojavlja v razli~nih barvnih odtenkih (od skoraj popolnoma ~rne do ~rno-bele). 2.6. Ro`natokljuna `vi`gavka Netta peposaca @ivi v obmo~jih od Atacame do Valdivie v osrednjem ^ilu, od ju`ne Brazilije in Paragvaja do Rio Negra v jugovzhodni Argentini (del Hoyo et al. 1992). Samca ro`natokljune `vi`gavke sva opazovala med 22.10. in 13.11.2003 v Hra{ah pri Smledniku in na Zbiljskem jezeru (barvna priloga – slika 1). Gre za doslej prvi in edini podatek o tej vrsti za Slovenijo v naravnem 81 H. Cigli~ & [ere: Pregled pojavljanja tujerodnih rac v Sloveniji Tabela 1: Pregled opazovanj mandarinke Aix galericulata v Sloveniji Table 1: Observations of the Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata in Slovenia Datum / Date [t. osebkov/ No. Individ. Lokacija / Locality Opazovalec/ Observer Vir / Source X. 1985 1 (ustreljen / shot) Ljubljanica pri Podpe~i V. Čuden Komisija za redkosti (1993) XL 1992 — III. 1993 1 Sava pri Jesenicah M. Rijavec Rijavec (1994) 1. 1997 1 Pivka – pred Postojnsko jamo S. Polak Stumberger (1997) 1. 1998 1 Pivka pri Postojnski jami J. Draguli~ in drugi Stumberger (1998) Začetek / 1 $ Drava pri Mariboru D. Denac Denac (2004) beginning 1999 I. 1999 1 Pivka, Postojnska jama (avtocestni most) S. Polak, B. Peternelj Stumberger (1999) I. 1999 1 Drava L. Božič Stumberger (1999) 3.3.1999 1 ß Perni{ko jezero D. Denac Denac (2004) XII. 1999 1 ß Drava pri Zrkovcih M. Premzl, A. Tomažič Premzl & Tomažič (1999) I. 2000 1 Stara Drava, Melje – Star{e L. Božič, D. Remsko Stumberger (2000) I. 2000 1 Savinja pri Celju, Dobrte{a vas D. Vengust Stumberger (2000) I. 2000 1 ß jezero Crnava (Preddvor) H. Ciglič to delo I. 2000 1 § Ljubljanica (Prule -Fu`ine) B. Majstorovič, A. Potočnik, B. Lipušek Stumberger (2000) I. 2001 1 Drava (Ptujsko jezero) L. Božič, B. Stumberger Stumberger (2001) I. 2001 1 Savinja pri Celju, Dobrte{a vas D. Vengust Stumberger (2001) 23.3. & 12.4.2001 1 § [kalsko jezero (Velenje) D. [ere to delo 3.11.2001 1 $ razcep Gruberjevega kanala in Ljubljanice D. Bordjan to delo I. 2002 2 ((3\y)* jezero Crnava (Preddvor) H. Ciglič Stumberger (2002A) 6.11.2003 1 $ jezero Crnava (Preddvor) H. Ciglič to delo 3.12.2003 1 (J ribnik pri Hotinji vasi D. Bordjan Bordjan (2004) 18.4.2004 1 $ Draga pri Igu D. [ere to delo * Samec je bil opa`en med vsakim obiskom. Od poletja 2004 pa se na jezeru redno pojavlja tudi samica. okolju. Opazovani osebek je imel rumen plasti~en 2.7. Beloli~na trdorepka Oxyura jamaicensis obro~ek na nogi – znamenje, da izvira iz ujetni{tva. Podatek je potrdila Nacionalna komisija za redkosti. Areal beloli~ne trdorepke se razteza med Severno Ameriko in Mehiko (del Hoyo et al. 1992). V 60. 82 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 8l — 85, 2OO4 Tabela 2: Pregled opazovanj nevestice Aix sponsa v Sloveniji Table 2: Observations of the Wood Duck Aix sponsa in Slovenia Datum / Date [t. osebkov/ No. Individuals Lokacija / Locality Opazovalec/ Observer Vir / Source 6.12.1910 1 $ (ustreljen/shot) Koseze pri Ljubljani PONEBŠEK (1911) 22.3.1978 1 (J Bled I. Geister Geister (1985) XL 1987 19 Spodnja Idrija P. Grošelj Grošelj (1989) I. 1997 2 ((^\ Y) Drava pri Mariboru F. Bračko Bračko (1998) 11.12.1999 1 $ Drava pri Zrkovcih M. Premzl, A. Tomažič Premzl & Tomažič (1999) I. 2000 1 Stara Drava (Melje – Star{e) L. Božič, D. Remsko Štumberger (2000) I. 2000 1 Ljubljanica (Prule – Fu`ine) B. Majstorovič, A. Potočnik, B. Lipušek Štumberger (2000) I. 2001 1 Stara Drava (Melje – Star{e) A. Tomažič Štumberger (2001) 27.10.2001 1 $ ribnik pri Hotinji vasi D. Bordjan to delo 13.11.2001 1 (J razcep Gruberjevega kanala in Ljubljanice D. Bordjan to delo I. 2002 2 Ljubljanica (Prule – Fu`ine) R. Tekavčič, J. Stergaršek, I. Kovše, J. Strnad Štumberger (2002A) Tabela 3: Pregled opazovanj ~ipkaste race Callonetta leucophrys v Sloveniji Table 3: Observations of the Ringed Teal Callonetta leucophrys in Slovenia Datum / Date [t. osebkov/ No. Individuals Lokacija / Locality Opazovalec/ Observer Vir / Source [ob~ev bajer pri Bledu I. Geister Geister (1996) Drava pri Mariboru T. Basle Basle (2002) XII. 1994 - IV. 1995 1 5 V. —XII. 2001 1 j? Tabela 4: Pregled opazovanj grivaste race Chenonetta jubata v Sloveniji Table 4: Observations of the Maned Duck Chenonetta jubata in Slovenia Datum / Date [t. osebkov/ No. Individuals 19.3.2003 I ß 16. - 19.II.2003 1 (j Lokacija / Locality Opazovalec/ Observer Vir / Source Savska loka v Kranju Trbojsko jezero T. Trebar H. Cigli~ Trebar (2003a & b) to delo 83 H. Cigli~ & [ere: Pregled pojavljanja tujerodnih rac v Sloveniji Tabela 5: Pregled dokumentiranih opazovanj moškatne bleščavke Ca/r/na moschata v Sloveniji Table 5: Documented observations of the Muscovy Duck Ca/rina moschata in Slovenia Datum / Date [t. osebkov/ Lokacija / Locality Opazovalec/ Vir / Source No. Individuals Observer 3.4.1996 1 os. (mrtev $) Sava pri ^ate`u R. Kova~i~ Vrezec (2002) 20.1.1997 2 os. ((Jin 9) Trbojsko jezero A. Vrezec Vrezec (2002) Tabela 6: Pregled opazovanj belolične trdorepke Oxyura jamaicensis v Sloveniji Table 6: Observations of the Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis in Slovenia Datum / Date [t. osebkov/ Lokacija / Locality Opazovalec/ Vir / Source No. Individuals Observer 20. - 24.10.1999 1 zadr`evalnik Medvedce J. Smole, Božič (2001) B. [tumberger, M. Vogrin 2.11.2002 1 prvoletna ^ Ptujsko jezero B. [tumberger Stumberger (2002B) letih prej{njega stoletja je bila naseljena v Veliki Britaniji, od koder je pobegnila in se zdaj {iri proti ju`ni Evropi (Hughes 1997). Za Slovenijo sta bili doslej dokumentirani dve opazovanji (tabela 6). 3. Zaklju~ek V prispevku je opisanih sedem vrst alohtonih rac doslej ugotovljenih v Sloveniji. ^eprav so naravni areali raz{irjenosti vseh obravnavanih vrst zunaj Evrope (del Hoyo et al. 1992), je nekaterim vrstam zaradi umetnih naseljevanj uspelo razviti gnezde~e populacije tudi v Evropi. Beloli~na trdorepka, opazovana v Sloveniji, na primer, verjetno prihaja iz sicer naravno gnezde~e alohtone evropske populacije (Hughes 1997), medtem ko gre pri drugih opisanih racah skoraj zagotovo za ube`nice. Pri~ujo~i podatki ka`ejo, da {tevilo opazovanj alohtonih rac v Sloveniji nara{~a, kar je lahko razlog za upravi~eno zaskrbljenost. Dejstvo je namre~, da so se mnoge med njimi uspe{no prilagodile novim `ivljenjskim okoljem in v~asih celo postale pomembna komponenta tamkaj{njih ekosistemov. Zaradi biotskih interakcij z avtohtonimi vrstami, pa utegnejo biti posledice za slednje zelo neugodne ali celo usodne (Kry{tufek 1999). Povzetek V prispevku so navedeni podatki o sedmih tujerodnih vrstah rac (mandarinka Aix galericulata, nevestica Aix sponsa, ~ipkasta raca Callonetta leucophrys, grivasta raca Chenonetta jubata, mo{katna ble{~avka Cairina moschata, ro`natokljuna `vi`gavka Netta peposaca in beloli~na trdorepka Oxyura jamaicensis) opazovanih v Sloveniji. Vse vrste so bile opazovane v naravnih okoljih (reke, jezera, mlake, ribniki itd.). Po vsej verjetnosti so se izvalile v ujetni{tvu in bile izpu{~ene na prostost, ali pa so pobegnile in se pozneje naselile v primernih okoljih. Pri beloli~ni trdorepki domnevava, da gre za osebke iz divje gnezde~ih evropskih populacij. Summary The article presents data on seven non-native duck species (Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata, Wood Duck Aix sponsa, Ringed Teal Callonetta leucophrys, Maned Duck Chenonetta jubata, Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata, Rosy-billed Pochard Netta peposaca and Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis) recorded in Slovenia. All of them were observed in natural environments (rivers, lakes, pools, ponds, etc.). They were most probably hatched in captivity and eventually released, or they simply escaped and settled in habitats most suitable to them. The observed Ruddy Duck individuals probably originated from the European breeding population. 84 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 8l — 85, 2OO4 Literatura Basle, T. (2002): ^ipkasta raca Calonetta leucophrys. – Acrocephalus 23 (115): 194. Bordjan, D. (2004): Mandarinka Aix galericulata. – Acrocephalus 25 (120): 34. Bo`i~, L. (2001): Poro~ilo nacionalne komisije za redkosti o opazovanjih redkih vrst ptic za obdobje 1997-2000. – Acrocephalus 22 (106/107): 109–113. Bra~ko, F. (1998): Nevestica Aix sponsa. – Acrocephalus 19 (89): 116–117. Denac, D. (2004): Mandarinka Aix galericulata. – Acrocephalus 25 (120): 34. Geister, I. (1985): Ra~ka nevestica Aix sponsa na Bledu. – Acrocephalus 6 (23): 6–7. Geister, I. (1996): ^ipkasta raca Callonetta leucophrys. – Acrocephalus 17 (75/76): 87–88. Gro{elj, P. (1989): Ra~ka nevestica Aix sponsa. – Acrocephalus 10 (41/42): 59–60. del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A. & Sargatal, J., eds. (1992): Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1. – Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Hughes, B. (1997): Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis. pp. 128 In: Hagemeijer, E.J.M. & Blair, M.J. (eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their Distribution and Abundance. – T & AD Poyser, London. Komisija za redkosti (1993): Seznam redkih vrst ptic Slovenije 1990. – Acrocephalus 14 (58/59): 117. Kry{tufek, B. (1999): Osnove varstvene biologije. – Tehni{ka zalo`ba Slovenije. Ljubljana. Poneb{ek, J. (1911): Gozdna raca. – Carniola II.: 235–238. Premzl, M. & Toma`i~, A. (1999): Nevestica Aix sponsa. – Acrocephalus 20 (97): 194–195. Rijavec, M. (1994): Mandarinka Aix galericulata. – Acrocephalus 15 (64): 98. [tumberger, B. (1997): Rezultati {tetja vodnih ptic v januarju 1997 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 18 (80/81): 29–39. [tumberger, B. (1998): Rezultati {tetja vodnih ptic v januarju 1998 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 19 (87/88): 36–48. [tumberger, B. (1999): Rezultati {tetja vodnih ptic v januarju 1999 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 20 (92): 6–22. [tumberger, B. (2000): Rezultati {tetja vodnih ptic v januarju 2000 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 21 (102/103): 271–274. [tumberger, B. (2001): Rezultati {tetja vodnih ptic v januarju 2001 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 22 (108): 171–174. [tumberger, B. (2002a): Rezultati {tetja vodnih ptic v januarju 2002 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 23 (110/111): 43–47. [tumberger, B. (2002b): Beloli~na trdorepka Oxyura jamaicensis. – Acrocephalus 23 (113/114): 148. Trebar, T. (2003a): Gosja raca. – Gea 13 (9): 68. Trebar, T. (2003b): Gosja raca Chenonetta jubatta. – Acrocephalus 24 (118): 110. Vrezec, A. (2001): Polo`aj alohtonih vrst v slovenski avifavni. – Acrocephalus 22 (106/107): 69. Vrezec, A. (2002): Mo{katna ble{~avka Cairina moschata. – Acrocephalus 23 (113/114): 148. Prispelo / Arrived: 9.1.2004 Sprejeto / Accepted: 26.1.2005 85 Acrocephalus 2$ (121): 87 — 90, 2004 New data on breeding of Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus in caves in Bosnia and Herzegovina Novi podatki o gnezdenju planinske kavke Pyrrhocorax graculus v jamah Bosne in Hercegovine Jasminko Mulaomerovi}1 & Dra`en Kotro{an2 1 Ornithological association “Na{e ptice”, Semira Fra{te 6, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-mail:, 2 National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zmaja od Bosne 3, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-mail: Kongres ornitologov Slovenije ob 25. obletnici DOPPS Slovene Ornithologists’ Congress at the 25th anniversary of DOPPS (BirdLife Slovenia) 1. Introduction The Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus is a widespread breeding species in the southern Palearctic (Sackl 1997). It commonly nests in caves (Cramp & Perrins 1994). In Bosnia and Herzegovina it has been recorded as nesting in all seasons (Reiser 1939, Obratil 1967, Matvejev & Vasi} 1973, Mulaomerovi} et al. 2002). However, apart from general facts concerning the habitat and time of nesting, very little is known about the breeding habits of the Alpine Chough in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are numerous caves and crevices with names suggesting a connection with the species (e.g. Vranja~a, Vranovica, ^avljak, Vrana pe}ina cave, ^av~ija jama hole, ^avkarica, Golovranjka, Vranovina, Gavranja~a, Vranova jama hole, Vranska jama hole, ^av~e jama hole, Vranovica, ^av~arica, ^avka, etc. [respectively from vrana = crow, or ~avka = jackdaw]). There is no evidence so far, however, linking the nesting of the Alpine Chough with these sites (Mulaomerovi} et al. 2002). Much work has been devoted over the past few years to observing the nesting habits of this species in holes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a result, this species was confirmed breeding in holes on Mt. Vranica in 2000 and 2001 (Mulaomerovi} et al. 2002). This paper sets out our findings to date on the nesting habits of the Alpine Chough in holes on Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica. 2. Study area and methods During the period 2002–2004 we conducted speleological studies on Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica (Figure 1). We checked the holes as to whether they Figure 1: Position of the Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica in Bosnia and Herzegovina Slika 1: Geografska lega Vranice in Viso~ice v Bosni in Hercegovini were occupied by Alpine Choughs. We also gathered information from the inhabitants of alpine summer settlements who spend the whole of the summer months on Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica. We have received confirmation from several local people living in the summer cattle-rearing mountain villages that certain crevices are occupied by the Alpine Chough. Mt. Vranica belongs to the ore-bearing central Bosnian mountain range, and is wellknown for its many ore-bearing sites, which have been exploited since prehistoric times. It is covered with forest vegetation up to approximately 1600 m a.s.l., where forest is replaced with alpine pastures covered in some Sy J. Mulaomerovi} & Kotro{an: New data on breeding of Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus in caves in Bosnia and Herzegovina places with extensive stands of Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus. There are isolated Mountain Pines Pinus mugo along the mountain ridge above the tree line at altitudes of 1900 to 2000 m a.s.l. Mount Viso~ica lies within the Mediterranean region although, at its extreme limit, it is separated from Bosnia by the river Rakitnica. The highest peak of the mountain is 1988 m a.s.l. Apart from a few stunted individual plants of the Beech Fagus sylvatica on the lower southern slopes, the mountain is completely bare, consisting of the rocky terrain and alpine pastures typical of Herzegovina. The holes are located at an elevation of 800 to 1900 m a.s.l. 3. Results and Discussion We have recorded the presence of the Alpine Chough in four holes on Mt. Vranica. The holes were in limestone formations and are found solely in this zone. The holes known as Pti~ije jame are at approximately 2000 m a.s.l., above Sarajevska vrata in the direction of Krstac (2069 m a.s.l.). There are two holes, one of which has three entrances, standing about 100 m apart. In each case the entrance holes are quite small. The hole with three entrance holes is in an open-cast mine, and the entrance to the other is surrounded by pines. We found the entrance holes by observing the birds swooping earthwards. Both holes are on a south-facing slope. In late July 2000, we saw birds only in the hole with three entrance holes (Table 1). We registered four birds. As we came closer to the hole, the birds stopped entering it. There were some quite well-grown fledglings about 2.5 to 3 m below the entrance, on a small natural ledge in the rock; they continued to perch there without flying away the whole time we were there. During subsequent speleological investigations in August 2000, once again four birds flew out of the hole, and one nest was observed on the wall of the hole, which was about 25 m deep (Habul 2000). The bottom of the hole and the rocks around the entrance holes were covered with dark-blue droppings. The colour is presumably caused by the birds’ feeding on bilberries (Cramp & Perrins 1994). Another site where the presence of the Alpine Chough was confirmed in 2001 is an unnamed hole alongside the mountain track leading to Nadkrstac below Krstac (Table 1). This hole is at an altitude Table 1: Breeding locations of Alpine Choughs Pyrrhocorax graculus in caves of Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica in Bosnia and Herzegovina recorded in years 2002 to 2004 Tabela 1: Gnezdi{~a planinske kavke Pyrrhocorax graculus odkrita med letoma 2002 in 2004 v jamah Vranice in Viso~ice v Bosni in Hercegovini Mountain/ Cave / jama UTM Altitude/ Evidence of Alpine Chough presence / dokaz za prisotnost gora nadm. vi{ina planinske kavke Birds / ptice Vocalisation/ Nest/ Eggshell/ ogla{anje gnezdo jaj~na lupine Vranica Pti~ije jame YJ27 2000 m + + Vranica hole near Krstac YJ27 2000 m + + - Vranica hole near Lo}ika YJ27 ? + - Vranica hole on Vodi~ke strane YJ27 ? + + - Viso~ica hole near Puzim cemetery BP72 1650 m + - Viso~ica ^avkarica (Hotanj spring) BP72 1600 m + + + Viso~ica ^avkarica (Dolovi) BP72 1410 m + - Viso~ica Siljeva~a hole BP73 1650 m + - 88 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 87 - 90, 2OO4 Figure 2: Nest of the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus in the ^avkarica hole by the Hotanj spring on Mt. Viso~ica (photo: J. Mulaomerovi}) Slika 2: Gnezdo planinske kavke Pyrrhocorax graculus v jami ^avkarica pri Hotanjskem studencu na Viso~ici (foto: J. Mulaomerovi}) of approximately 2000 m a.s.l. The birds were not observed, but their calls could be heard. According to the locals, there is one other hole where the Alpine Chough had been found. This is on the western facing slopes of Lo}ika, not far from a small clearing between the pine trees (Table 1). We did not check this site. There is a hole on the Vodi~ side, on the western slopes of Rosinje, the furthermost summit of Vranica in the direction of Gornji Vakuf. The hole has yet to be studied speleologically because of its extremely awkward position, but when approaching the entrance to the wide karst valley speleologists saw 10 to 15 Alpine Choughs flying in and out of the hole (Table 1). An unnamed hole alongside the road between the Puzim cemetery and Poljice was checked. When passing by, two birds were observed flying out of the hole. The hole is surrounded by alpine pastures, at an altitude of approximately 1650 m a.s.l. A small stream disappears underground in the hole. The ^avkarica hole, a cave with a small hole-like entrance, is not far from the summer cottages at Hotanj spring, on a hill named after the cave, at an altitude of 1600 m a.s.l. The local people occupying the summer houses confirmed that they had often seen Alpine Choughs. There were no birds in the hole when we visited it, but we observed a nest on a stone ledge at a height of about 2.5 m (Figure 2). There was also one broken egg on the ground, about 2 m from the nest (Figure 3). The second ^avkarica hole is on the summit of a lower hill (1410 m a.s.l.), directly above the meadow below the summer houses of Dolovi. The depth of the hole was estimated at 10 to 12 m. We did not see birds, but the local people told us that Alpine Choughs are present there. A Siljeva~a hole occupied by a fair number of birds, also known only from local accounts, is located at an altitude of about 1650 m a.s.l. in the Volodera~a (1728 m a.s.l.) region. Further systematic ornithological surveys would provide a better view of the species’ nesting habits, not only on Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica, but also on other Bosnian mountains, e.g. Bjela{nica, ^vrsnica, Vran, etc. Figure 3: Egg of the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus in the ^avkarica hole by the Hotanj spring on Mt. Viso~ica (photo: J. Mulaomerovi}) Slika 3: Jajce planinske kavke Pyrrhocorax graculus v jami ^avkarica pri Hotanjskem studencu na Viso~ici (foto: J. Mulaomerovi}) Summary Observations between 2000 and 2004 confirmed that the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus nests on Mt. Vranica (four caves) and Mt. Viso~ica (four caves). The birds constructed their nests on natural ledges on vertical walls in the holes. The populations observed on Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica corroborate the known facts (manner of nesting, type of habitat, exposure of the nests, altitude etc.) concerning the breeding habits of this species. Further systematic ornithological are needed to get a better view of the species’ nesting habits, not only on Mts. Vranica and Viso~ica, but also on other mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 89 J. Mulaomerovi} & Kotro{an: New data on breeding of Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus in caves in Bosnia and Herzegovina Povzetek Med raziskavami, opravljenimi med letoma 2000 in 2004, je bila potrjena gnezditev planinske kavke Pyrrhocorax graculus v {tirih jamah na Vranici in v {tirih jamah na Viso~ici. Ptice so si gnezda zgradile na naravnih skalnih policah v jamskih navpi~nih stenah. Populacije, ugotovljene na Vranici in Viso~ici, potrjujejo `e znana dejstva (na~in gnezdenja, tip habitata, izpostavljenost gnezd, nadmorska vi{ina itd.), kar zadeva gnezditvene navade te vrste. Sicer pa bi bile za bolj{i vpogled v gnezditvene navade vrste potrebne nadaljnje sistemati~ne ornitolo{ke raziskave, ne le na Vranici in Viso~ici, marve~ tudi na drugih gorah Bosne in Hercegovine. References Cramp, S. & Perrins, C. (1994): Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and Nort Africa, Vol. VIII – Crows to Finches. – Oxford University Press, Oxford. Habul, A. (2000): Speleological camp “Vranica 2000” – Report. Records of S. D. “Speleo dodo”, Sarajevo. Matvejev, S.D. & Vasic, VE (1973): Catalogus faune Jugoslavie IV/3, Aves. – Slovenian Academy of Science and the Art, Ljubljana. MuLAOMEROVIC, J., KoTROSAN, D. & BajRAKTAREVIC, A. (2002): Dodatak poznavanju gnje`|enja `utokljune galice, Pyrrhocorax graculus (Linnaeus, 1758), na podru~ju planine Vranice. – Na{ kr{ 22 (35): 65–73. Obratil, S. (1967): Pregled istra`ivanja ornitofaune Bosne i Hercegovine (I. dio). – Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu (PN) NS 5: 191–268. Reiser, O. (1939): Materialien zu einer Ornis Balcanica I., Bosnien und Herzegovina nebst teilen von Serbien und Dalmatien. – Zemaljski muzej Bosne i Hercegovine, Wien. Sackl, P. (1997): Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus. pp. 675 In: Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J. (eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. – T & AD Poyser, London. Arrived / Prispelo: 1.10.2004 Accepted / Sprejeto: 26.1.2005 90 Acrocephalus 25 (121): 91 — 94, 2004 Povzetki diplomskih, magistrskih in doktorskih del Thesis Summaries Tome, D. (1995): Gnezditvena biologija in ekologija male uharice (Asio otus) [Breeding biology and ecology of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)]. – Dissertation Thesis, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology, Ljubljana. Mentor / Supervisor: prof. dr. Kazimir Tarman UDC 598.88:591.56(043.3)=863, 95 pages Avtorjev elektronski naslov / Author’s e-mail: The breeding biology and ecology of the Long-eared Owl Asio otus in the Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana marsh) area was investigated over the period 1984 to 1993. The Common Vole Microtus arvalis was the dominant small mammal on the grasslands of the research area throughout the study. It was also the most important prey species for the Long-eared Owl. The proportion of this vole in the diet of the owl varied according to changes in its density in the field. Mice (genus Apodemus) were the most important alternative prey, followed by Field Vole Microtus agrestis. Their proportion in the diet increased significantly only during seasonal and year-round shortages of Common Vole. Males of the Long-eared Owl started with advertising calls and display flights in the beginning of the February. In March, vocal activity of the males was at its maximum, gradually reducing until May, when calling stopped completely. The Long-eared Owls most frequently occupied the old stick nests of Hooded Crows Corvus corone and Magpies Pica pica, located on the top of the Pine tree Pinus sylvestris. The average height of the nest was 6.3 m, on a tree of average height 9.2 m. Owls readily adopted artificial nesting platforms, made from a wooden, top-opened box and filled with straw. Long-eared Owls are one of the earliest birds to breed. They begin with nesting activities while broadleaf trees are still without leaves. On Ljubljansko barje, the owls preferred nests that were well hidden in the tree and easily accessed. Nests on isolated spruces appeared to fulfil these requirements best. But such trees are low in number so, for late breeding pairs, only nests on the pines, tall broadleaf trees and bushes remained. Of these, owls preferred to take nests on the pines. Females of pairs occupying nests on spruce, laid eggs 9 days earlier on average than females occupying nests on pine. Nests on broadleaf trees become more suitable for nesting when foliation was completed. By that time, the majority of the owls had already laid their eggs, which is the reason for many unoccupied nests on broadleaf trees. The annual breeding density of Long-eared Owls on Ljubljansko barje varied between 0.4 and 4.0 pairs per km2. Variation was, in the first place, due to changes of Common Vole density in the field. When density was low, there were only a few nesting attempts and vice versa. The density of voles in January and February, appeared to have the biggest influence on breeding density of the owls. The average size of the Long-eared Owl’s eggs was 40.7 x 32.7 mm. The most common number of eggs in one nest was 6 (5.6 on average, variation 3 to 7). The number varied according to the Common Vole density and the time at which the breeding season began. When food was abundant, increase in body weight of the females (the ultimate factor for the beginning of egg laying) was faster and more pronounced and, as a consequence, laying took place earlier in the season and clutches consisted of more eggs. On the other hand, when food was scarce, laying was late, and females produced fewer eggs. The density of voles in March and April appears to have the greatest influence on the number of eggs in the nest. Females incubated eggs on average for 29 days. Most clutches were laid in March and April, with a mean date of 24 Mar. When food was abundant, some pairs produced two broods per year. The influence of food was indirect. When food was abundant, owls laid clutches earlier (on average 8 days earlier than when it was scarce) and more time remained for the pairs to start a second brood. During incubation, owls interrupted incubation for 12 minutes at the most. The longest periods of uninterrupted incubation were more than 5 hours. The greatest activity of the owls on the nest was soon after sunset and shortly before sunrise. The period when the activity of the owls was lowest was late morning. Their activity peaked every 2 to 4 hours. The timing of peak activity is possibly connected with peaks of vole surface activity. 9I Povzetki diplomskih, magistrskih in doktorskih del / Thesis Summaries The average number per year of nestlings reaching the flying stage varied between 0.7 to 2.5 per nest (1.5 on average) and 2 to 5 per successful nest (3.9 on average). Variation was due to changes of Common Vole density in the field. In years when voles were abundant, more nestlings reached the flying stage, and vice versa. The density of voles in March and June was the most important factor. The first owl left the nest on average 27 days after hatching and the youngest, 29 days after hatching of the first owl. The weight growth index (K) of young owls was 0.225. They reached half the adult weight (T50) in 13 days. The first hatched owls grew faster than later ones. The biggest daily increments of weight were at about 11 days, while the period of fastest growth (the biggest increment as a proportion of the weight) was around 7 days. The biggest daily increments in wing length were at an age of around 19 days, while the period of fastest growth (the largest increments as a proportions of the wing length) was around the 13th day. Estimating the age of young owls on the basis of wing measurement is more reliable than on the basis of body weight. Up to the 9th day, differences are small. The most reliable estimate of age on the basis of the body weight is when owls are 5 to 8 days old. The most reliable estimate on the basis of wing measurement is between the 4th and 15th days. During the egg stage, more nests failed to succeed than during the nestling stage. Denac, D. (2001): Bela {torklja (Ciconia ciconia) v Sloveniji leta 1999 [White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Slovenia in year 1999]. – Graduation Thesis, University in Maribor, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Biology, Maribor. Mentor / Supervisor: doc. dr. Davorin Tome Somentor / Co-Supervisor: doc. dr. Tone Novak UDC 57/59(043.2), 57/59:378.242, 53 pages Avtorjev elektronski naslov / Author’s e-mail: After 20 years, the national census of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia population in Slovenia was repeated in 1999. The White Stork’s choice of feeding habitats, phenology and the presence of other bird species in White Stork nests were studied at the same time. In 1999, 239 nests of White Stork were counted in Slovenia. 18 of them were empty and 18 utilised for a short period by nest visitors. Data on occupancy was not obtained for 3 nests. 200 pairs occupied nests and 92 153 of them fledged young. Altogether, 365 young fledged. The mean number of fledged young relative to all pairs that occupied nests was 1.83 and, relative to pairs with fledged young, 2.39. The majority of pairs fledged 2 young. The number of nests on chimneys and trees decreased and the number of nests on poles increased compared to year 1979. The reason is the disappearance of suitable objects and trees on which to build. White Storks breed in the lowland parts of Slovenia, the majority of nests being located on panonic plains. A correlation has been discovered between the proportion of woodland and the breeding density of White Stork. In regions with a higher proportion of White Stork’s optimal feeding habitats (e. g. Kr{ka ravan) breeding success was higher than in regions with lower proportion of such sites (e.g. Murska ravan). The number of occupied nests in Slovenia has increased by 19% since 1979. Despite the differences in methodology of censuses between 1979 and 1999, the increase of population was the result of immigration. In the past 20 years, White Storks have begun to breed in Western Gori~ko, Bela Krajina, alpine regions and on Pohorje, Savska ravan and Dolenjsko podolje. During this time, the number of breeding pairs significantly increased in Dravinjske Gorice, Savinjska ravan, Gori~ko and Kr{ka ravan. In the same period White Stork disappeared as a breeder from Notranjsko podolje. The majority of all the nests in Slovenia is located on Dravska ravan, Murska ravan and Slovenske Gorice. Breeding success of pairs building new nests was lower than that of pairs breeding in old nests. White Storks returned to their breeding sites at the end of March. Individuals that formed pairs earlier in the breeding season had higher breeding success than those forming pairs later. The young left breeding sites earlier than adults. White Storks were observed feeding mostly on mowed meadows, which are their optimal feeding habitat. In most nests of White Stork there were also present nests of House Sparrows Passer domesticus and Tree Sparrows Passer montanus – this kind of interspecific relationship is defined as carposis. Nests of House Sparrows were more frequent. Sparrows preferred nests that were not located on chimneys. Some White Storks threw eggs and young from the nest. Pairs with larger numbers of hatched young threw them from the nest more frequently than those with lower numbers. ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 91 — 94, 2OO4 Miheli~, T. (2002): Gnezditvene in prehranjevalne navade velike uharice (Bubo bubo L.) v jugozahodni Sloveniji [Nesting and diet habits of the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo L.) in south-western Slovenia]. – Graduation Thesis, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Forestry Department, Ljubljana. Mentor / Supervisor: prof. dr. Miha Adami~ FDC 148.2 Bubo bubo: 151: (497.12) : (043.2), 76 pages Avtorjev elektronski naslov / Author’s e-mail: The Eagle Owl Bubo bubo is the rarest owl breeder in Slovenia. From the early 20th century, when it was generally distributed and fairly common, its distribution has been reduced to the south-western part of the country, which is still the focal point of its present distribution. The main objective of this research was to establish the Eagle Owl’s breeding characteristics in SW Slovenia, the characteristics of its hunting habitat and diet, and to pinpoint the factors that have endangered it most. The study area covered the south-western part of Slovenia, predominantly hilly and plateau-like Dinaric territory on limestone substratum with a sub-Mediterranean and moderately continental climate. The area belongs to the sub-Mediterranean and Dinaric phytogeographical region, with Dinaric forests of Beech Fagus sylvatica, Silver Fir Abies alba and Blue-eyed Mary Omphalodes verna prevailing in the forests. For the needs of diet analysis and comparison, three smaller areas (Notranjsko, Vipavsko and Karst) were eliminated from the region under consideration. The Eagle Owl was studied from 1997 to 2001. Its presence was ascertained on the basis of the males’ spontaneous spring calling and a systematic search of suitable nest-sites. The immediate nest-site area was established on the basis of calls by pairs and their young. In the autumn, the identified areas were examined thoroughly. During the research, 53 nest-sites were found within the area studied, 29 of which were marked as abandoned, which means that the Eagle Owl did not breed in them during the study period. At these sites, the orientation and gradient of the terrain were established, together with disturbing factors when nest-sites were situated in rock walls. The height, raggedness and dampness of the walls were determined. Rock wall was marked as a characteristic nest-site of the Eagle Owl in Slovenia, the bird breeding in it in no less than 92% of all cases. The average height of these rock walls, which were predominantly vertical and highly ragged, was 30 m. In 31 cases (58%), they faced southerly directions (SE, S, SW). The Eagle Owls bred mostly in the dry parts of the rocks. On comparing the differences between active and non-active nest-sites, it became evident that human disturbance is one of the main reasons for the Eagle Owl abandoning its nest-sites and becoming increasingly rare. The most frequently observed human disturbance was free climbing. An important role in the nest-site selection is played by the vegetation in and along the rock wall. As for nest-sites, parameters were established for the nests themselves, identified within the nest-sites. 85 nests were found and their size, height above the ground and the terrain gradient established. Furthermore, the nests’ position, orientation, protection from precipitation and dampness of the base were also assessed. As a rule, they were located in rock walls (95%) some 14 m from the ground. In view of their relative position in the wall, most of them were located in the middle third of the wall (47%). Nests facing southerly directions (SE, S, SW) were prevalent (N = 61, 72%). Most of the nests (N = 69, 81%) were located in vertical or overhanging rock walls. The most numerous, as far as their different types are concerned, were those in rock holes, which provided a solid protection against rain and snow. On average, the nests covered 0.9 m2, and the material piled up in them was either dry or fresh. The Eagle Owls’ diet was ascertained on the basis of pellets, plucking posts and material gathered on nest shelves. For safety reasons, the material was collected in the autumn. During the diet analysis, 2392 prey units were established, with 322 g average weight per prey. Due to the great differences in the prey’s weight, the shares represented by separate species in view of the entire abundance or biomass, varied a great deal. The highest shares were the Edible Dormouse Glis glis (20.2%), Water Vole Arvicola terrestris (16.7%) and Field Vole Microtus agrestis (9.8%) while, in terms of entire biomass, the highest share went to the Eastern European Hedgehog Erinaceus concolor (26.6%), Edible Dormouse (9.4%) and representatives of the eagle family Accipitridal (8.4%). 19 different mammalian and 47 bird species were also registered and, to a minor extent, fishes, amphibians and insects. When comparing the diet between separate areas, the greatest diet niche overlap was established between the areas of Vipavsko and Karst (O = 0.86). The area of Notranjsko differed a great deal from them (O1 = 0.54 and O2 = 0.51), particularly in the higher share of voles Arvicolidae. 93 Povzetki diplomskih, magistrskih in doktorskih del / Thesis Summaries For 9 selected pairs, the analysis of hunting area was established through digital orthophotoshots at a scale of 1 : 5000. Nest-sites in the Notranjsko area had the highest share of forest. A negative correlation was established between the share of forest surfaces in the Eagle Owl’s hunting area and the diet niche width (DNW); (r = -0.874, p < 0.003), and a positive link between the share of meadow surfaces and DNW (r = 0.904, p < 0.001). The suitability of hunting surfaces was assessed with the so-called popularity index, which showed substantially greater suitability of non-forest surfaces than those covered by forests (Bforest = 0.22; Bnon-forest = 0.78). Our conclusions were further substantiated by comparing indexes calculated on the basis of the weight shares of prey, which indicated that, in open areas, the Eagle Owl hunts for larger prey. 94 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 95 — IOC, 2OO4 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice From the ornithological notebook Slovenija / Slovenia Bobnarica Botaurus stellaris Great Bittern – 1 individual observed on 20 Dec 2002 at Požeg reservoir (UTM WM44; NE Slovenia) Zimska opazovanja bobnarice v Sloveniji so v obdobju popisovanj za Zimski ornitološki atlas veljala za redkost [SoviNC, A. (i994): Zimski ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana]. Zadnja leta pa je bilo tudi v tem letnem času dokumentiranih več opazovanj [Reberc, P. (2000): Bobnarica Botaurus stellaris. – Acrocephalus 21 (102–103): 275; Szymanski, M. (2002): Bobnarica Botaurus stellaris. -Acrocephalus 23 (112): 99; Štumberger, B. (2002): Rezultati štetja vodnih ptic v januarju 2002 v Sloveniji. – Acrocephalus 23 (110–111): 43–47; Vaupotič, L. (2002): Bobnarica Botaurus stellaris. – Acrocephalus (110–111): 49; Božič, L. (2003): Bobnarica Botaurus stellaris. – Acrocephalus 24 (118): 109; Figelj, J. (2004): Bobnarica Botaurus stellaris. – Acrocephalus 25 (120): 33] iz različnih koncev Slovenije. Temu dodajam še lastno opazovanje z dne 20.12.2002, ko sem jo splašil iz kanala ob južnem robu zadrževalnika Požeg pri Racah. Matjaž Kerček, Kungota pri Ptuju 44, SI-2325 Kidričevo, Slovenija, e-mail: Capljica Ixobrychus minutus Little Bittern – small artificial Hodoš Lake (UTM XM06) as a new breeding locality for three water species important from the conservation point of view: Little Bittern (1 singing male), Water Rail Rallus aquaticus (at least 2 breeding pairs), and Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus (3 singing males). Other breeding waterbird species found at Hodoš Lake on 21 May 2004 were: Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus (1 pair), Mute Swan Cygnus olor (1 pair), Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (5 pairs), Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (4 pairs), and Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris (8 pairs). Razglasitev Goričkega za območje IBA se vse bolj kaže kot zelo utemeljena odločitev, saj očitno ni pomembno le zavoljo vrst ekstenzivno obdelovane kulturne krajine, zaradi katerih je bilo razglašeno za IBA [Denac, D. (2000): Goričko. p.p. 173-182. V: Polak, S. (ed.): Mednarodno pomembna območja za ptice v Sloveniji. – Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije – DOPPS, Ljubljana], pač pa tudi zaradi vodnih vrst. Dne 21.5.2004 sem v okviru projekta »Z vidro do čistejših voda« popisoval ptice Hodoškega jezera (UTM XM09). V ranem jutru sem na jezeru poslušal tri ptičje posebnosti: čapljico (1 samec je pel v gostem grmovju ob jezeru), mokoža Rallus aquaticus (ocenjujem, da na jezeru v gostem rogozišču gnezdita vsaj 2 para) in rakarja Acrocephalus arundinaceus (iz rogozišča se je razlegalo petje 3 samcev). Sodeč po ornitološkem atlasu Slovenije [Geister, I. (1995)-Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana] gre pri vseh treh vrstah za nove gnezdilne lokalitete. Vse tri vrste sodijo v kategorijo močno ogrožene vrste (E2) v Sloveniji [Jančar, T, Gregori, J., Mihelič, T, Štumberger, B., Vogrin, M. & Vrezec, A. (2001): Rdeči seznam ogroženih gnezdilk Slovenije. – Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije (DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia), Ljubljana]. Capljica velja za vrsto SPEC 3, poleg tega pa je navedena tudi v Dodatku I. Ptičje direktive [Polak, S. (2000): Mednarodno pomembna območja za ptice v Sloveniji. – Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije – DOPPS, Ljubljana]. Vse to daje sicer majhnemu jezeru antropogenega nastanka velik ornitološki pomen, ki bo ob ustreznem sonaravnem gospodarjenju še večji. Navsezadnje jezerce redno obiskuje vidra Lutra lutra (M. Honigsfeld-Adamič ustno) in je redno prehranjevališče vodomca Alcedo atthis. V ekstenzivno obdelovani okolici so pogoste smrdokavre Upupa epops, pojavlja pa se celo zlatrovranka Coracias garrulus [Bedič, E. (2003): Zlatovranka Coracias garrulus. – Acrocephalus 24 (119): 151]. Tega dne sem ocenil še gnezdeče populacije nekaterih drugih vodnih ptic na Hodoškem jezeru: čopasti ponirek Podiceps cristatus (1 par), labod grbec Cygnus olor (1 par), mlakarica Anas platyrhynchos (5 parov), zelenonoga tukalica Gallinula chloropus (4 pari) in močvirska trstnica Acrocephalus palustris (8 parov). Al Vrezec, Pražakova 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: 95 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook Rjava čaplja Ardea purpurea Purple Heron — 1 individual observed on 25 Apr 2004 at Fiesa lake (UTM UL84, SW Slovenia) Dne 25-4.2004 sem obiskal jezerci v Fiesi. Večino časa sem opazoval želve rdečevratke Trachemys scripta, ki so se sončile na prav vseh nad vodo poleglih drevesnih deblih. Na enem izmed njih jim je družbo delala rjava čaplja. Aprilsko opazovanje te vrste ni sicer nič posebnega, prav veliko podatkov iz tega časa pa tudi nimamo. Davorin Tome, Trnovska 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia White Stork — 1 adult reeding on marshy grassland at Zlebič in the Kočevje—Ribnica area on 4 and 5 Jul 2004 (UTM VL76, S Slovenia) Dne 4.7.2004 sva z Alom Vrezcem v Zlebiču pri Ribnici na Dolenjskem (500 m n.v.) opazovala belo štorkljo, ki je na močvirnem travniku ob reki Bistrici iskala hrano. Ptico sem na istem travniku videla tudi naslednji dan, 5.7. Glede na datum opazovanja bi štorklja utegnila v okolici Ribnice tudi gnezditi, a gnezda kljub iskanju nisem našla. Najbližja gnezdišča belih štorkelj so na Cerkniškem jezeru, Dolenjskem podolju in v Beli krajini [Geister, I. (1995)- Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. — DZS, Ljubljana; Denac, D. (2001): Gnezditvena biologija, fenologija in razširjenost bele štorklje Ciconia ciconia v Sloveniji. — Acrocephalus 22 (106—107): 89—103; Kebe, L. (2004): Bela štorklja Ciconia ciconia. — Acrocephalus 25 (120): 33]. Štorklje kasneje nisem več videla. Petra Vrh, Grič C. LX/1, SI-1310 Ribnica, Slovenija, e-mall: Zli čarka Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill — first wintering and second c „: __ond__1 winter record in olovema; one z year ina. observed at Medvedce reservoir (UTM WM53, NE Slovenia) between 20 Nov 2002 and 3 Jan 2003 V novembru je zadrževalnik Medvedce v primerjavi s siceršnjo pestrostjo in številčnostjo ptic bolj ali manj prazen. Po mlakah stikajo za preostalimi ribami velike bele Egretta alba in sive čaplje Ardea cinerea ter rečni Larus ridibundus in rumenonogi galebi L. cachinnans. Dne 20.11.2002 sem med skupino sivih čapelj opazil drugoletno žličarko. Ptico sem tu opazoval še ob vseh mojih naslednjih obiskih, zadnjič 3.1.2003. Doslej 96 je bilo znano le eno zimsko pojavljanje žličarke v Sloveniji [Sovinc, A. (1994): Zimski ornitolški atlas Slovenije. — Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana], tokrat pa je prvič tudi prezimovala. Opazovanje ni presenetljivo, saj na Hrvaškem, na območju med Dravo in Savo, prezimujejo skupine do 120 osebkov. Žličarke uporabljajo ribnike kot prehranjevališča po koncu gnezdilne sezone, vsaka lokaliteta pa zagotavlja optimalne prehranjevalne razmere le krajši čas [Schneider-Jacoby M., Mikuska, T, KovAČić, D., Mikuska, J., Šetina, M. & Tadić, Z. (2002): Dispersal by accident — the Spoonbill Platalea leucordia population in Croatia. — Acrocephalus 22 (109): 191—206]. Matjaž Kerček, Kungota pri Ptuju 44, SI-2325 Kidričevo, Slovenija, e-mail: Čopasta črnica Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck — five females with 5, 4, 3, 8 and 5 downy ducklings on 15 Jul 2004 at Studenčnica along Ptujsko jezero (UTM WM64, NE Slovenia) Na kanalu hitrega potoka Studenčnica, ki teče tik ob jezu Ptujskega jezera, sem 15.7.2004 opazoval pet samic čopaste črnice z mladiči. Prva jih je vodila 5, druga 4, tretja 3, četrta 8 in peta 5. Sicer je bilo nedaleč stran, na otoku Ptujskega jezera, leta 1980 najdeno prvo gnezdo čopaste črnice v Sloveniji [Geister, I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. -DZS, Ljubljana]. Davorin Tome, Trnovska 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Tatarska žvižgavka Netta rufina Red-crested Pochard — pair observed on 16 Apr 2004 at Ljubljansko barje near Bevke (UTM VL49, central Slovenia) Po obilnem deževju je bilo Ljubljansko barje 16.4.2004 ponovno polno rac. Na poplavljenih travnikih južno od Bevk sem med številnimi mlakaricami Anas platyrhynchos, okoli 100 regijami Anas querquedula in 30 kreheljci Anas crecca opazoval tudi par tatarskih žvižgavk. Vrsta je bila do sedaj na Barju opazovana le dvakrat. Tudi tako velika jata kreheljcev v pomladanskem času na Barju ni ravno običajen prizor. Kreheljc je namreč tu precej bolj pogost med jesensko selitvijo. Davorin Tome, Trnovska 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Acrocephalus 25 (121): 95 — 106, 2004 Beloglavi jastreb Gyps fiilvus Griffon Vulture — observation of 2 individuals on 19 Jul 2004 above V. Razbor near Mt. Snežnik (UTM VL54, SW Slovenia) Dne 19.7.2004 sem se sprehajal po kraških travnikih nad Žabicami, jugozahodno od Snežnika. Okoli poldneva sem nad vrhom V. Razborja (1290 m n.v.) opazil par beloglavih jastrebov. Ptici sta nekaj časa krožili, nato pa odjadrali v smeri proti jugovzhodu. Nekaj ur kasneje sem na istem mestu opazil še enega beloglavega jastreba, morda enega izmed prejšnjih dveh. Ze prej sem prav tako na vrhu V. Razborja opazoval par postovk Falco tinnunculus, ki sta se lovili v zraku. Pas kraških travnikov, kjer sta bila opažena jastreba, se proti severozahodu nadaljuje proti Volovji rebri in dalje prek Knežaka in Pivke proti Nanosu in Vremščici in je morda eden izmed koridorjev za selitev te vrste. O opažanjih na območju Snežnika in Vremščice je poročal že Genero [Genero, F. (1995): La presenza del grifone {Gyps fulvus) sulle Alpi Giulie. — Annales 7: 95—102], ki pa predvideva, da glavna smer premikov poteka bolj proti zahodu prek Trnovskega gozda, Tržaške province in Kraškega roba. Miha Krofel, Zavrh pri Borovnici 2, SI-1353 Borovnica, Slovenija, e-mail: Srednji detel Dendrocopos medius Middle Spotted Woodpecker - new breeding locality in SW Slovenia, where it is considered a very scarce breeder. 2 territorial males found in Durmast Oak Quercus petraea montane forest along a 2 km transect on 1 Jun 2003 on Mt. Brdo near Senožeče (UTM VL26). Čeprav velja srednji detel za specialista za stare hrastove gozdove [Purroy, F.J. & Schepers, F.J. (1997): Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius. p.p. 452-453 V: Hagemeijer, W.J.H. & Blair, M.J. (eds.): The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. — T & AD Poyser, London], je v JZ Sloveniji presenetljivo redek z le enim opazovanjem v gnezditvenem obdobju [Geister, I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. — DZS, Ljubljana], navkljub dokaj obsežnim gozdovom puhastega hrasta Quercus pubescens. Razlog je verjetno v deležu debeljakov, ki so srednjemu detlu ljubši [Bo`i~, L. (2002): Primerjava združb in nekaterih populacijskih parametrov ptic v izbranih tipih nižinskih gozdov. — Dipl. delo, BF, Oddelek za biologijo, Ljubljana], teh pa v omenjenih gozdovih ni veliko. Primernejši so gozdovi gradna Quercus petraea, saj gradnova drevesa dosežejo precej večje višine in širine kot drevesa puhastega hrasta. V enem takih gozdov sem 1.6.2003 popisoval ptice v okviru popisov za Novi ornitološki atlas gnezdilk, in sicer na hribu Brdo (UTM VL26) nedaleč od viadukta Bandera blizu Senožeč. Hrib pokriva obsežen gradnov gozd, poleg tega pa je v gozdu v večjem številu najti tudi bukev Fagus sylvatica in borova drevesa Pinus sp. Tega dne sem na dvokilometrskem transektu slišal kar 2 teritorialna samca srednjega detla. Da pa je omenjeni gozd razmeroma dobro ohranjen, dokazuje tudi pestra paleta drugih plezalcev, saj sem na istem transektu v dveh popisih (26.4. in 1.6.2003) našel teritorije 2 pivk Picus canus, 1 zelene žolne P. viridis, 2 črnih žoln Dryocopus martius, 2 velikih Dendrocopos major in 2 malih detlov D. minor. Gradnovi gozdovi na Primorskem so očitno precej bogato okolje, čeprav so ornitološko slabo poznani. Morda srednji detel, sicer pretežno nižinska vrsta v V Sloveniji, na Primorskem v montanskih hrastovih gozdovih le ni tako redek, kot smo domnevali doslej. Al Vrezec, Pražakova 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Mestna lastovka Delichon urbica House Martin — nesting colony under the bridge at Nova vas pri Markovcih (UTM WM73, NE Slovenia) in 2004 with about the same number of breeding pairs as 20 years earlier (more than 100), and a colony of 30 nests under a water slide at Cateške toplice (UTM WL48, E Slovenia) V 25. številki Acrocephalusa je Franci Janžekovič poročal o neobičajni, več kot 100 parov veliki koloniji mestnih lastovk na betonskem mostu čez kanal HE Formin [Jan`ekovi~, F. (1985): Mestna lastovka Delichon urbica. — Acrocephalus 6 (25): 49—50]. V zapisu se je spraševal, ali je takšna koncentracija lastovk na enem mestu pogost pojav. Na njegovo vprašanje nimam odgovora, sem pa 27.5.2004 opazil, da je kolonija pod mostom še vedno približno tako velika kot pred 20 leti. Na območju kopališča v Cateških toplicah pa sem 24.7.2004 opazoval morda še bolj nenavadno gnezdišče te vrste. Kakih 30 gnezd (aktivno je bilo samo še eno) je bilo pripetih na spodnjo stran kovinske ploščadi stopnišča vodnih toboganov. Na ploščadi se je trlo zabave željnih ljudi, zdi pa se mi, da nihče ni opazil družinskega življenja lastovke, ki je potekalo le nekaj centimetrov pod njihovimi podplati. Davorin Tome, Trnovska 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: 97 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook Šmarnica Phoenicurus ochruros Black Redstart – observation of unusually coloured singing male on 9 May 2002 at Ptujska gora (UTM WM53, Dravinjske gorice, NE Slovenia). The male nad red belly and black breast. The author suspects that the bird could belong to the Central Asian subspecies P. o. phoenicuroides or that it could possibly be a hybrid between Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus and Black Redstart. (Colour appendix - Figure 2) Na Ptujski gori v Dravinjskih goricah sem dne 9.5.2002 opazoval nenavadnega samca šmarnice. Čeprav je prihajalo s slemena hiše značilno šmarničino petje, se mi je zdelo, da gledam pogorelčka. Ptica je imela namreč oranžen trebuh! Prsi in glavo je imela črne, teme in hrbet pa siv (barvna priloga - slika 2). Meja med oranžnim trebuhom in črnimi prsmi ni bila ostra. V primerjavi s šmarnico podvrste gibraltariensis, ki gnezdi pri nas, ji je manjkalo tudi belo zrcalce v perutih. Od pogorelčka se je razlikovala po večjem obsegu črnine, ki je segala tudi na prsi, manjkalo ji je tudi njegovo belo čelo. Ptujsko goro sem v maju in juniju obiskal še večkrat. Samec nenavadne šmarnice je bil ob vsakem obisku na istem mestu. Spreletaval se je med dvema sosednjima hišama in žico električne napeljave. Naredil sem tudi več posnetkov te zanimive ptice. Podoba šmarnice se ni ujemala z nobeno v meni dostopnih priročnikih. Zadeva se je nekoliko razjasnila, hkrati pa tudi nekoliko zapletla, ko sem od Franca Bračka dobil obsežen članek o šmarnici. Po obarvanosti bi lahko bil namreč opazovani osebek hibrid med pogorelčkom in šmarnico, ki pa ga v naravi ni moč zanesljivo razlikovati od podvrste phoenicuroides. Podvrsta phoenicuroides gnezdi v osrednji Aziji, prezimuje pa v Indiji, Arabiji in severovzhodni Afriki. Domnevajo, da se v zadnjem času pojavlja tudi v Evropi. Po drugi strani obstaja tudi vrsta dokumentiranih opazovanj mešanih parov pogorelčkov Phoenicurus phoenicurus in šmarnic, ki sta sestrski vrsti. Hibridi so plodni! Hibride so opazovali tudi v Nemčiji, Švici in Avstriji. Mešani pari so pogostejši tam, kjer sta obe vrsti nesorazmerno številčni in pogosteje prihaja do pomanjkanja partnerjev. V srednji Evropi je zaradi upada številčnosti pogorelčkov računati z vse številnejšimi opažanji hibridov [Nicolai, B., Schmidt, C. & Schmidt, EU. (1996): Gefiedermerkmale, Masse und Alterskennzeichen des Hausrotschwantzes Phoenicurus ochruros. – Limicola 10 (1): 1–41 ]. Vprašanje, ali je opazovano šmarnico po spletu okoliščin naplavilo v naše kraje iz daljne osrednje Azije ali gre »zgolj« za hibrida, pa ostaja še vedno odprto. Matjaž Kerček, Kungota pri Ptuju 44, SI-2325 Kidričevo, Slovenija, e-mail: Rečni cvrčalec Locustella fluviatillis River Warbler – singing male on 21 May 2004 near Gornji Petrovci (UTM WM98, Goričko, NE Slovenia) Dne 21.5.2004 sem pri Gornjih Petrovcih na Goričkem (UTM WM98) poslušal petje rečnega cvrčalca. Gre za novo gnezdimo lokaliteto, saj ga Ornitološki atlas Slovenije za območje Goričkega ne omenja [Geister, I. (1995): Ornitološki atlas Slovenije. – DZS, Ljubljana], v knjigi o mednarodno pomembnih območjih za ptice pa je naveden le za okolico Ledavskega jezera [Denac, D. (2000): Goričko. p.p. 173–182. V: Polak, S. (ed.): Mednarodno pomembna območja za ptice v Sloveniji. – Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije – DOPPS, Ljubljana]. Al Vrezec, Pražakova 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Rjavoglavi SRAKOPER Lanius senator Woodchat Shrike – 1 singing male on 17 May 2003 in the area of Veliki kras (UTM VL14, SW Slovenia) Dne 17.5.2003 sem iskal rjave cipe na Podgorskem krasu. Čeprav nisem našel nobene, sem užival ob petju dokaj številnih vrtnih strnadov Emberiza hortulana. Ko sem prečkal železnico na območju imenovanem Veliki kras, slaba 2 kilometra vzhodno od vasi Crnotiče, sem zaslišal petje srakoperja. Ker rjavi srakoper poje dokaj poredko in me zato njegovo petje večkrat zmede, sem si silhueto ogledal še skozi daljnogled. Na moje izredno veselje je na žici sedel samec rjavoglavega srakoperja. Po le nekaj trenutkih opazovanja se je vanj zapodil drug srakoper, od katerega pa sem ujel samo obris in ga pregnal z žice. Popoldne istega dne je to mesto obiskal Dare Fekonja in tudi on je opazoval rjavoglavega srakoperja. Kasnejša preverjanja na tej lokaliteti pa žal niso več obrodila sadov, tako da bomo morali na morebitno ponovno gnezditev te domnevno izumrle gnezdilke v Sloveniji [Jančar, T, Gregori, J., Mihelič, T, Štumberger, B., Vogrin, M. & Vrezec, A. (2001): Rdeči seznam ogroženih gnezdilk Slovenije. – DOPPS, Ljubljana] še počakati. Matjaž Kerček, Kungota pri Ptuju 44, SI-2325 Kidričevo, Slovenija, e-mail: 98 ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): 95 — IOC), 2OO4 Črnoglavi strnad Emberiza melanocephala Black-headed Bunting — observation of a male near the village of Kreplje near Sežana (UTM VL06, SW Slovenia) on 18 May 2003 Dne 18.5-2003 sem skupaj s Primožem Bizjanom in Darkom Zdešarjem popisoval ptice v okolici Sežane. Med zanimivejšimi opazovanji velja izpostaviti par kačarjev Circaetus gallicus, ki je krožil nad kamnolomom Veliki Medvedjak. Ko se je dan že prevesil prek poldneva, smo se odločili, da napravimo še krajši postanek pri vasi Kreplje. Kmalu zatem, ko smo parkirali, sem zagledal strnada, ki je zletel iz bližnje mejice. Strnad se je usedel na vrh drevesa ob robu vasi. Bil je samec črnoglavega strnada. Glede na datum gnezditev ni izključena, kar je zanimivo predvsem zaradi dejstva, da črnoglavi strnad velja v Sloveniji za izginulo gnezdilko [Geister, I. (1998): Ali ptice res izginjajo? — DOPPS, Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana]. Matjaž Kerček, Kungota pri Ptuju 44, 2325 Kidričevo, Slovenija, e-mail: HrvaŠka / Croatia Mute Swan Cygnus olor Labod grbec — najjužnejše gnezdišče na Hrvaškem; na območju reke Krke pri Skradinu (UTM WJ75, S Dalmacija) je par prvič gnezdil v letu 2002 v trstičju med Skradinskim bukom in Skradinom. V gnezdu je bilo 8 jajc, iz katerih se je izvalilo 8 mladičev. V letu 2003 se je iz 8 jajc izvalilo 6 mladičev, v letu 2004 pa iz 9 jajc prav toliko mladičev. According to the observations made by Ivica Sušić from Skradin, a pair of Mute Swans bred for the first time in the area of the Krka River near Skradin in 2002. The Mute Swan is a relatively new breeding species in Croatia, considering that its breeding was recorded for the first time as late as in 1990 in the Croatian part of Lake Ormož [Lesinger, A. (1994): Mute Swans, Cygnus olor, in the Međimurje region in Croatia. — Troglodytes 7: 69]. Since then it has had the status of a regular breeding species with increasing number of nesting pairs by expanding into suitable habitats towards the Croatian east and the south reaching the Kupa and Sava rivers. In 2002, the nest containing six eggs was located in reeds on the left bank of the Krka River halfway from Skradinski buk to Skradin. In the same year, five young were hatched and fledged. Most probably the same couple nested in 2003, when eight chicks hatched from eight eggs, though only six survived, and in 2004, when nine young hatched from nine eggs and eight survived. This particular family was observed several times at different parts of the Krka River around Skradin between 2 and 10 May 2004. The pair winters on the Krka River and is fed by the locals. The young birds do not spend the winter there. This is the southernmost nesting area of Mute Swans in Croatia. Jasmina Mu`ini}, The Institute of Ornithology at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU), Gunduli}eva 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: Beloglavi jastreb Gyps fulvus Griffon Vulture – 2 individuals observed on 3 Apr 2004 while flying very low over bare karst @bevnica hill (1014 m a.s.l., UTM VL23, W Croatia) Dne 3.4.2004 sem se potikal po zgornjem Kra{kem robu. Ker je bilo do ve~era, ko sem imel namen prisluhniti teritorialnemu ogla{anju velike uharice, {e kar nekaj ~asa, sem jo mahnil pod @bevnico (1014 m n.v.), ki je nekak{no logi~no hrva{ko nadaljevanje slovenske Lipni{ke planote. Ker terena ne poznam najbolje, sem si ga najprej sku{al ogledati z razglednih travi{~. Kmalu sem opazil dva beloglava jastreba, ki sta letela vzporedno z golim grebenom, kakih 50 metrov nad pobo~jem. Opazoval sem ju kak kilometer in pri tem nista niti enkrat zamahnila s perutmi. Razdalja med njima je bila manj kot 100 m. [e preden sta izginila iz mojega zornega kota, sem odhitel nazaj v Slovenijo, saj nisem `elel zamuditi pri~akovanih uharic. Toma` Miheli~, [t. Jurij 125, SI-1290 Grosuplje, Slovenija, e-mail: Mali klinka~ Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle – first record for Pelje{ac Peninsula; 1 individual observed on autumn migration towards the south at the village of Kuna (UTM XH95, S Dalmatia) Dremavi dolg~as sem si dopoldne 12.9.2002 v idili~ni ju`nodalmatinski vasici Kuna na sredini polotoka Pelje{ac preganjal z opazovanjem ~rnoglavk Sylvia atricapilla in vrtnih penic Sylvia borin, ki so izmenjaje polnile veje z br{ljanom Hedera helix zara{~enega mandlja Prunus amygdalus, stoje~ega ob hi{i na robu vasi. Da se je jesenska selitev `e dodobra razmahnila, so poleg omenjenih penic pri~ale {e posami~ne ujede, 99 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook ki so v pribli`no polurnih presledkih drsele po nebu nad Kuno. Ob 10.00 uri je v smeri SV—JZ priplaval osamljen sr{enar Pernis apivorus, sledila sta mu dva ka~arja Circaetus gallicus, sicer lokalna gnezdilca, nato pa ob 11.15 uri {e enakomerno temnorjava srednje velika ujeda z zna~ilno kratkim repom. Bil je mali klinka~. Opazovanje je prvo za Pelje{ac, pa tudi drugod po obali je vrsta redka, tudi v ~asu selitve [Kralj, J. (1997): Ornitofauna Hrvatske tijekom posljednjih dvjesto godina. — Larus 46: 1—112]. Ta dan je lokalni dopoldanski prelet ujed proti jugu ob 12.30 sklenila stepska kanja Buteo buteo vulpinus. Borut Rubini}, DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia, Tr`a{ka 2, p.p. 2990, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Sredozemski sokol Falco eleonorae Eleonora’s Falcon — 1 adult observed while unsuccessfully attacking a Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis colony on 8 Jul 2004 at Kolan marshes on Pag island (UTM WJ08, N Dalmatia) Zadnja poletja je `e pravilo, da z dru`ino letujemo na Pagu. Tja nas vsako leto zvabi osamljeni kamp v majhnem borovem gozdi~ku na robu Kolanskega blata, obdan s pa{ko kulturno pustinjo. Po letu 2002 se je v gozdi~ku ustalila kolonija travni{kih vrabcev Passer hispaniolensis. In ravno vrabci so me s svarilnimi klici 8.7.2004 opozorili na ujedo, kro`e~o nad gozdom. Njeno ogla{anje je bilo nekaj med ogla{anjem sokola selca in {krjan~arja. Ko sem pritekel iz gozdi~ka, sem ptico takoj prepoznal. Bil je odrasel sredozemski sokol, ki je nizko preletaval borove kro{nje, v katerih so ~epeli vrabci. Pripadal je svetli razli~ici. Sredozemski sokol se o~itno na otoku Pagu pojavlja dokaj redno in tam morda celo gnezdi [Denac, D. & Denac, K. (2002): Sredozemski sokol Falco eleonorae. — Acrocephalus 23 (112): 104]. Toma` Miheli~, [t. Jurij 125, SI-1290 Grosuplje, Slovenija, e-mail: Rde~a lastovka Hirundo daurica Red-rumped Swallow — three breeding localities on Pelje{ac Peninsula (S Dalmatia): (1) Potomje (UTM XH95), 2 nests under a bridge in 2002, one in 2004; (2) Sreser (UTM XH95), one individual collecting mud in a puddle; (3) Praprotno (UTM YH14), one nest under a bridge. It seems that Red-rumped Swallows select open areas, and avoid very closed valleys surrounded by steep cliffs. ioo Kot gnezdilko ju`ne Dalmacije je rde~o lastovko na{el `e D. Rucner [Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. — Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministarstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb], a je za polotok Pelje{ac ne omenja. Podatke o pojavljanju in gnezdenju rde~e lastovke na Pelje{cu smo zbirali med letoma 2002 in 2004. Gnezdenje in gnezditveno vedenje smo registrirali na treh lokacijah. Pri naselju Potomje (UTM XH95) rde~a lastovka redno gnezdi pod starim mostom. Dne 4.5.2002 sta bili pod mostom najdeni kar dve gnezdi, v preostalih letih pa le po eno, nazadnje 11.6.2004. V naselju Sreser (UTM XH95) gnezdo sicer ni bilo najdeno, a je bila rde~a lastovka tu redno opazovana pri nabiranju blata ob lu`i tik ob morju, 3.5.2002 in 9.6.2004, ko je blato nabirala v dru`bi mestnih Delichon urbica in kme~kih lastovk Hirundo rustica. Tretje gnezdo je bilo najdeno blizu glavne pelje{ke ceste pod mostom pri naselju Praprotno (UTM YH14) dne 13.6.2004. Skupno vsem trem gnezdi{~em je bilo, da so bila v razmeroma odprti krajini. Za primerjavo naj navedem, da smo v letu 2004 sistemati~no pregledali vse mostove med Oskoru{nim in Trpnjem, a gnezd rde~ih lastovk tam nismo na{li. Verjeten razlog je neustrezen okoli{ki biotop, ki je tu precej zaprta, sen~na in s strmimi stenami obdana dolina. Kljub temu verjetno posamezni pari gnezdijo tudi drugod po Pelje{cu. Al Vrezec, Pra`akova 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: Srbija (Srbija in Črna gora) / Serbia (Serbia & Montenegro) Little Tern Sterna albifrons Mala čigra — mo`no gnezdenje na manj{em oto~ku opu{~enega ribnika v kompleksu ribnikov pri Ba~u (UTM CR53, JZ Ba~ka, Vojvodina). Dne 12.6.2004 je par svatoval nad ribnikom. Mala ~igra je sicer izjemno redka gnezdilka Vojvodine, zadnje gnezdenje pa je bilo potrjeno leta 1969 v Perleski bari. On 12 Jun 2004, two noisy Little Terns were observed at a fishpond near Ba~ (UTM CR53) during their intensive aerial courtship, with one of them (most probably male) carrying a caught fish in its bill. The only niche with suitable conditions for possible breeding was on the small bare island in the middle of a half-emptied pond, situated in the most distant part of this huge fishpond system in SW Ba~ka, Vojvodina. The islet was low, reaching just a few centimetres above the water level. The place was very remote, and almost unreachable by humans; the Acrocephalus 25 (121): 95 — 105, 2004 fishpond keepers did not control that pond, since there was no fish stock present. For that reason, the road that approaches the pond was totally overgrown by reeds, and the pond itself was surrounded by a reed belt. During my inspection of the islet from the bank, I did not record any defensive behaviour by the Little Tern pair, although both birds continued mating above the nearby pond. From the islet I heard the characteristic Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius calls, probably uttered by a pair breeding there. Although the Little Tern breeds most often in small colonies, it can also nest solitarily [Cramp, S. (1998): The complete birds of the Western Palearctic on CD-ROM. – Oxford University Press, Oxford]. This species is a very rare and sporadic breeder in Vojvodina [Ham, I. (1977): Avifaunal dynamism in Vojvodina. – Arhiv biolo{kih nauka 29 (1/2): 83–87], and it is even very rare during migration. Actually, the last data that confirmed its breeding comes from Perleska bara (swampy depression situated on the left bank of the river Begej), where 7 – 8 pairs bred in 1969 in man-made habitat [Dimitrijevi}, S. (1977): [ljukarice (Charadriiformes) na podru~ju Vojvodine. – Larus 29/30: 5–32]. During my field trip to Ba~ fishpond on that day I observed 44 species, including 9 White–tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla (2 adults), 2 Eurasian Spoonbills Platalea leucorodia, 2 calling Bitterns Botaurus stellaris, 45 Little Egrets Egretta garzetta, breeding pair of Mute Swan Cygnus olor with 3 chicks, numerous Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus and Ferruginous Ducks Aythya nyroca. Marko Tucakov, Marka Ore{kovi}a 9, 25275 Ba~ki Breg, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: mtucakov@eunet.yu Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus Grivar – gnezdo na okenski polici stavbe v vasi Kru{evlje (SZ Ba~ka, Vojvodina, UTM CR58) najdeno 4.5.2001 On 4 May 2001, an active nest with incubating individual was observed on the window-ledge of a building temporarily used as a garage for agricultural machines in the small village of Kru{evlje (NW Ba~ka, Vojvodina, UTM CR58). It was my first observation of Wood Pigeon breeding on a building, a rare occurrence elsewhere as well [Cramp, S. (1998): The complete birds of the Western Palearctic on CD-ROM. – Oxford University Press, Oxford]. Marko Tucakov, Marka Ore{kovi}a 9, 25275 Ba~ki Breg, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: mtucakov@eunet.yu European Roller Coracias garrulus Zlatovranka – dve opazovanji iz gnezditvenega obdobja v letu 2004 iz Banata (V Vojvodina): (1) 1.6.2004 opazovana med svatbenim letom med mostom ~ez Tiso in Novim Be~ejem (UTM DR34), (2) 24.6. opazovana med vasema Novi Kozjak in Iland`a (V Banat, UTM DR90). Sistemati~nih raziskav zlatovranke v vojvodinskem delu Banata {e ni bilo, izpostavljena po so `e bila tri pomembnej{a gnezditvena obmo~ja: (1) Potisje, (2) Deliblatska pe{~ara in (3) ni`avje med Deliblatsko pe{~aro in mejo z Romunijo. In 2004, two Rollers were observed during the breeding season in Banat (E Vojvodina). Both were sitting on wires of high-voltage electric system. One was seen on 1 Jun in explicit display and foraging flight, next to the road, between the bridge over the Tisa river at Be~ej and the place where local Be~ej-Novi Be~ej road bifurcates towards Kumane and Novi Be~ej, respectively (UTM DR34). The habitat at the display site was semi intensively cultivated arable land, with small saline meadows and wetlands. The entire area was covered by small groups of old trees, mainly White Poplar Populus alba. I presumed that the breeding niche was situated in one of them. The second bird was observed on 24 Jul in E Banat, between the villages of Novi Kozjak and Iland`a (UTM DR90). Arable land predominated in the immediate vicinity, with fragmented grazed saline meadows between cultivated fields. In the vicinity was a group of old poplars Populus sp. Although a systematic census of breeding pairs of Roller in the Vojvodinian part of Banat is yet to be carried out, the current research has determined at least three areas of importance for its breeding: (1) Potisje, alluvial and forest-steppe habitats along the left bank of the Tisa river [Matovi}, ^. & Sekere{, O. (2002): Census of breeding pairs of Roller in northeastern Ba~ka and northern Banat. – Ciconia 11: 146–148], (2) Deliblato sands with its slopes, and (3) the flat area situated between the eastern edge of Deliblato sands and the Romanian border [Purger, J.J. (1998): Observations of Roller (Coracias garrulus) during breeding period in Banat. – Ciconia 7: 115– 116]. There are no breeding pairs in the lower Tami{ valley (habitats along both banks of 117 km of the river passing through Vojvodina, from Ja{a Tomi} to Pan~evo), where intensive research took place in 2004. Marko Tucakov, Marka Ore{kovi}a 9, 25275 Ba~ki Breg, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: mtucakov@eunet.yu Robert MacCurrach, Vinogradska 30, 21131 Petrovaradin, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: rob@eunet.yu Marko [}iban, Bate Brki}a 18, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: sciban@eunet.yu 101 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix Siva vrana – gnezdo s tremi mladi~i in enim klopotcem v starem tanku sredi voja{kega vadbenega polja ob mrtvici reke Tami{ blizu vasi ^enta (osrednji Banat, Vojvodina, UTM DQ59) najdeno 9.5.2004 (foto: B. Erg) One of the most spacious saline meadows along the lower Tami{ river is situated near the village of ^enta (central Banat, Vojvodina, UTM DQ59). It is treeless, covered by meadow vegetation, and used in some parts as a pasture. The entire meadow is surrounded by former Tami{ oxbow, which is now semi-extensively managed carp fishpond. The meadow still serves as a military shooting ground. Numerous craters, up to several meters deep, filled with water and emergent vegetation, are one of the most interesting features of the habitat. However, in the most distant part of the meadow, four old tanks were abandoned years ago. During our inspections of the tanks on 9 May 2004 we found an active nest of Hooded Crow pair with three chicks and one infertile egg. The nest was situated 2 meters above the ground. This species is well adapted to breeding on various nest sites, including human artifacts [Cramp, S. (1998): The complete birds of the Western Palearctic on CD-ROM. – Oxford University Press, Oxford]. The solitary tank was the only place elevated from the ground in the area, otherwise very rich in food, where it could found suitable breeding site. Other species breeding in the same meadow and observed on that day include Skylark Alauda arvensis, Crested Lark Galerida cristata, Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava, Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra, as well as Northern Weather Oenanthe oenanthe: two territorial males were observed on that day, probably having their nests in the crevices of dry soil around the craters. 102 Marko Tucakov, Marka Ore{kovi}a 9, 25275 Ba~ki Breg, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: mtucakov@eunet.yu Boris Erg, Institute for the Nature Conservation of Serbia – Department in Novi Sad, Radni~ka 20A, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: berg@eunet.yu Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis Travniški vrabec - teritorialni samec opazovan na Ka}kem mostu prek Malega Ba~kega kanala v predmestju Novega Sada (Vojvodina, UTM DR11) 17.7.2002 ter 13. in 15.8.2004. Na mostu gnezdi 50 do 70 parov mestnih lastovk Delichon urbica in leta 2004 so doma~i vrabci Pässer domesticus gnezdili v 3 do 5 izmed 116 gnezd mestne lastovke. Samec travni{kega vrabca je sicer obiskoval eno izmed gnezd, vendar gnezditev ni bila zanesljivo potrjena. A Spanish Sparrow male was observed early in the morning of 17 Jul 2003 on Ka}ki bridge over the Mali Ba~ki channel (UTM DR11) on the outskirts of Novi Sad. In the scrub situated in the immediate vicinity, a House Sparrow Pässer domesticus male was also observed. The Spanish Sparrow, which spent most of the time on the bridge, was observed for more than 15 minutes. It could possibly breed in one of the nests of House Martin Delichon urbica, whose large colony (50 – 70 pairs) occupies the construction of the bridge. Several pairs of House Sparrows bred there, but I saw no sign of territorial behaviour by the Spanish Sparrow. A similar nest niche was recorded in the suburban area at Bizeljsko (E Slovenia), where an adult territorial male was recorded filling up a House Martins nest with nest material, although breeding was not confirmed [Vrezec, A. & [tumberger, B. (2000): The first territorial Spanish Sparrows Passer hispaniolensis in Slovenia. – Acrocephalus 21 (100): 161–163]. Having in mind the fact that there had been no breeding records of this species after its first confirmed breeding in Vojvodina at Titel loess plateau in 1973 [[oti, J. (1973): Der Weidensperling, Passer hispaniolensis, eine neue Vogelart in der Vojvodina. – Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke 45: 155– 159], I believe that this could be just a temporary breeding site. However, I observed another male on the same bridge on 13 Aug 2004. Additionally, two House Sparrow males and three females were observed flying into the nests with food for the young, whose calling could be well heard from the nests. Of the 116 House Martins nests (just a few of them still active; adults feeding second clutch chicks), only 3 – 5 were inhabited by sparrow pairs. During some 30 minutes of the afternoon observation I did not see the Spanish Sparrow flying into the nest, but I heard its alarm Acrocephalus 25 (121): 95 — 105, 2004 call and observed its territorial behaviour. Robert MacCurrach observed a male Spanish Sparrow on 15 Aug 2004 at the same site. It flew into a damaged House Martins nest with enlarged entry hole; it did not appear to be feeding the young, but engaged in apparently vociferous social activity. It was not clear whether the female or young were in attendance, although there were a number of House Sparrows still carrying food for the young in other old House Martins’ nests. The surrounding habitat was a channel enclosed by high embankments. At the base of the bridge, ruderal herbaceous plants grew as well as stands of Hawthorn Prunus spinosa and a bush of Mulberry Morus sp. On the opposite side of the channel’s embankment there is a shallow marsh covered by Reed Phragmites communis and White Willows Salix alba. Although the phenomenon of fast spreading of the Spanish Sparrow’s breeding range towards the north took place in Serbia till 1973 [Matvejev, S. (1976): Pregled faune ptica Balkanskog poluostrva. — Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Beograd], it seems that since then Spanish Sparrow still follows the same line of spreading (the Danube valley), except that the process of spreading has slowed down a great deal. Namely, the described locality is situated some 30 km upstream on the Danube from the last breeding record at the foot of Titelski loess plateau, but this is the only record of possible breeding after 20 years. Marko Tucakov, Marka Ore{kovi}a 9, 25275 Ba~ki Breg, Serbia and Montenegro, e-mail: mtucakov@eunet.yu Črna gora (Srbija in Črna gora) / Montenegro (Serbia & Montenegro) Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Plamenec — ve~ nedavnih opazovanj v Ulcinjskih solinah (41°55’N, 19°18’E; JV ^rna gora): (1) 14.7.2000, 1 os., bazen Jezero II., (2) 20.7.2002, 1 os., bazen [toj, (3) 30.7.2000, 3 os., bazen Jezero II., (4) 21.8.2001, 6 os., v obeh bazenih. Opazovani plamenci so bili precej pla{ni in so se prehranjevali prete`no v velikih bazenih z nizko saliniteto. The Greater Flamingo is a very rare visitor of the Ulcinj saltpans (41°55’N, 19°18’E). In the last 20 years of the otherwise not very intensive studies, this species has been recorded in small numbers during the summer period in July and August [Ham, I. (1986): Birds’ settlements In Ulcinj Saltpans in the Second Decade of July. — Larus 36/37: 125—142]. On 14 Jul 2000, Ante @uljevi}, Marko Rakovi} and the author registered one individual in the basin Jezero II., and the second individual in [toj Basin on 20 Jun 2002. On 30 Jul 2000, three (3) individuals were observed in basin Jezero II, and on 21 Aug 2001 six (6). Flamingos observed in Ulcinj saltpans were feeding mainly in basins Jezero II. and [toj, which are moderately salty and spacious. The birds were generally very shy and kept us at the distance of at least 200 metres. Flamingos were also observed in 2000 at the Tivat saltpans (I. Radovi}^ot. comm.). Darko Savelji}, P.O. Box 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e-mail: dasav@cg.yu Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus Prlivka — v letu 2004 sta gnezdila dva para na obmo~ju Starega aerodroma pri Podgorici (UTM CN50, JV ^rna gora), in sicer na odlagali{~u odpadkov velikem __2 3 km The Stone-curlew is a common breeder in the Mediterranean part of Montenegro — in the area of ]emovsko field, Ulcinj saltpans, Ada Bojana, 12 km Long Beach, and the hinterland of the beach [toj [Puzovi}, S., Vasi}, V. & Ham, I. (1992): Progradacioni procesi u ornitofauni Ulcinjskih solana. — Glasnik Republi~kog zavoda za za{titu prirode Prirodnja~kog muzeja Podgorica 25: 63—75; Savelji}, D. (2002): Changes in the population size of some shorebirds breeding at Ulcinj salt pans (Montenegro). — Acrocephalus 23 (110/111): 39— 42]. In 2004, 2 pairs bred near Podgorica in the area of Stari aerodrom (19 16 E, 42 026 N) on the surface of 3 km . Territorial pairs were registered on the spot, where waste disposal was located in 2003. In the meanwhile, the spot was cleaned. Darko Savelji}, P.O. Box 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e-mail: dasav@cg.yu Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus Rečni galeb — prva potrjena gnezditev na Skadarskem jezeru (40°30’N, 19°30’E; JV ^rna gora): (1) 9.7.2001, 4 gnezda, (2) 9.7.2002, 4 gnezda, Crni @ar, (3) 6.6.2003, 4 gnezda During the field trip with Ondrej Vizi on 9 Jul 2001 to Lake Skadar (40°30’N, 19°30’E), breeding of the Black-headed Gull was confirmed. Four nests were found with two nesting birds in each of the nests. This is the first data on the breeding of this species on Lake Skadar. On 9 Jul 2002, another 4 breeding pairs 103 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook were registered at Crni @ar. On 6 Jun 2003, Ondrej Vizi, Borut Rubini~ and I again registered 4 pairs. Black-headed Gull is the most numerous gull species on Lake Skadar during the non-breeding period, but the rarest as a breeder. Darko Savelji}, P.O. Box 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e-mail: dasav@cg.yu Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus Belolična čigra — v letu 2003 je bilo na Sakadarskem jezeru (40°30’N, 19°30’E, JV ^rna gora) pre{tetih 216 gnezde~ih parov v ve~ kolonijah s 4 do 90 parov Whiskered Tern is a regular breeder at Lake Skadar (40°30’N, 19°30’E). Between 5 and 9 Jun 2003, during the 4-day field trips with Ondrej Vizi, Nela Ve{ovi} and Borut Rubini~, we registered 216 breeding pairs. Whiskered Tern breeds on the lake in smaller or larger colonies from 4 to 90 pairs. In 2003, 80% of the lake or 90% of the potential breeding area was searched. The largest part of the breeding population is situated in the Pan~eva oka ornithological reserve (90 pairs) and in Gornje blato (85 pairs). On Lake Skadar, Whiskered Terns move their colonies every year, with their sizes varying significantly on yearly basis. It is not rare that, after the nests are made, a colony moves and settles at some other locality. In Montenegro, Whiskered Terns are most numerous, after Lake [asko, at Lake Skadar. Darko Savelji}, P.O. Box 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e-mail: dasav@cg.yu Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Močvirska uharica— dne 26.4.2003 so bili opazovani trije osebki, ki so leteli nad morjem in lovili nad obalnimi mokri{~i na Veliki pla`i pri Ulcinju (UTM CM53, J ^rna gora). Glede na literaturne podatke avtorji sklepajo, da je o`ina Otrantskih vrat v ju`nem Jadranu med Italijo in Balkanskim polotokom (150 km) verjetno pomembna selitvena pot mo~virskih uharic in drugih selivk. Tega dne so na obmo~ju Velike pla`e opazili {e 41 rumenonogih galebov Larus cachinnans, 2 gagi Somateria mollissima, 28 {koljkaric Haematopus ostralegus, 1 progastorepega kljuna~a Limosa lapponica, odraslo samico stepskega lunja Circus macrourus, 3 sive ~aplje Ardea cinerea, 2 samici rjavega lunja Circus aeruginosus, 3 rde~enoge postovke Falco vespertinus in 1 mo~virskega martinca Tringa glareola. Subject to the abundance and availability of prey, Short-eared Owls are highly nomadic. Northern populations winter mainly in inland and coastal lowlands of western and continental Europe, while smaller and probably fluctuating numbers reach the southern Mediterranean, North and sub-Saharan Africa during the winter. The breeding range of the species, which includes isolated archipelagos of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as its regular occurrence outside the breeding season on off-shore islands, like Helgoland and the large islands of the Mediterranean, and various off-shore ship records indicate that Short-eared Owls regularly cross the open sea [e.g. Cramp S., ed. (1985): Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Vol. 4. – Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York; Schmidt, R.C. & Vauk, G. (1981): Zug, Rast und Ringfunde auf Helgoland durchziehender Wald-und Sumpfohreulen (Asio otus und A. flammeus). – Vogelwelt 102: 180 – 189]. Between 7.00 and 11.30 on 26 Apr 2003, the first of the authors watched the birds along the shore of Velika pla`a at the end of the newly constructed Copacabana road, while B. [tumberger and J. Smole made transect counts along the coast from Porta Milena, SSE of Ulcinj, in southern Montenegro (UTM CM53). Without cloud cover and with a very weak southwestern wind blowing from the sea, the weather and sight conditions of at least > 2 km were excellent. As we were virtually the only people present, the 5 – 6 km long shore was largely undisturbed. During the entire morning, most of the birds were in the air or feeding along the coast or close to it, i.e. small groups of 41 Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans, 2 Eiders Somateria mollissima, a group of 28 Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus including a solitary Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica, and an adult female Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus, which actively hunted along the coastal sand dunes and adjoining marshlands. However, during the short period between 7.45 and 8.00, 3 Grey Herons Ardea cinerea, 2 female Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus, 3 Red-footed Falcons Falco vespertinus and a solitary Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola flew in directly from the sea. These birds came in from the Adriatic Sea in southwest-northeast direction, and without resting on the shore continued their migration further inland in their original direction. Around 7.55, both groups of observers spotted, approximately 2 – 3 km out on the open sea, two medium-sized birds flying in with deep, but soft and slow wingbeats, 5 – 10 metres above the sea surface. We identified both birds as Short-eared Owls, which in their characteristic harrier-like flight flew slowly towards the shore. Both birds kept closely together, reacting to our presence by rising for another 10 – 20 metres above the surface, when closing in on 104 Acrocephalus 25 (121): 95 – 105, 2004 the coastline. When reaching the shore they began to circle, uttering low alarm or contact calls and after a few seconds continued their flight further inland. In the evening of that day, around 20.03 another solitary Short-eared Owl was found hunting in the coastal marshlands 300 – 400 metres inland of Velika pla`a. Along the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula, Short-eared Owls are sparsely recorded passage migrants and winter visitors. For Dalmatia and Montenegro, O. Reiser, L. von Führer and D. Rucner noted most records on the coast and in lowland depressions of the Dinaric karst between November and March, with a few passengers recorded in the September–October period and in April [Reiser, O. & von Führer, L. (1896): Materialien zu einer Ornis Balcanica, IV. Montenegro. – Carl Gerolds Sohn, Wien; Reiser, O. (1939): Materialien zu einer Ornis Balcanica, I. Bosnien und Herzegowina nebst Teilen von Serbien und Dalmatien. – Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien; Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. – Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministarstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb]. Waterfowl, herons, some wader and raptor species following a central Balkan flyway cross the Adriatic Sea regularly during autumn and spring migration [e.g. Elphick, J. (1995): Collins Atlas of Bird Migration. – Harper Collins Publishers, London; Schneider-Jacoby, M. (2001): Lastovo - a new bottleneck site for the migratory Honey Buzzards Pernis apivoruš? – Acrocephalus 22(108): 163–165; Agostini, N. (2002): La migrazione dei rapaci in Italia. pp. 157– 182 In: Brichetti, P. & Gariboldi, A. (eds.): Manuale di Ornitologia, Vol. 3. – Edagricole, Bologna]. The nearest distance across the Strait of Otranto between Ulcinj and Brindisi on the Italian coast (150 km) coincides exactly with the main direction of migration of the owls and other migrants, which we saw coming in on the Montenegrin coast. Recoveries of Short-eared Owls ringed in Scandinavia and eastern Europe indicate a preponderance of recoveries south-west to south of their breeding areas during passage periods and winter [Glutz von Blotzheim, U.N. & Bauer, K.M. (1980): Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas, Bd. 9. – Akad. Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden; Cramp 1985]. Our records illustrate that Short-eared Owls like other migrants may more regularly cross the narrow channel of the southern Adriatic Sea between the Italian and Balkan Peninsulas. Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus Planinska kavka – med oktobrom/novembrom in marcem/aprilom ve~ kot 1000 planinskih kavk na rednem prezimovanju v Podgorici (UTM CN50, JV ^rna gora); najve~ se jih zadr`uje na mestnem smeti{~u pri Veli Ribni~ki Alpine Chough breeds in the highlands of central and northern parts of Montenegro [Matvejev, S.D. & Vasi}, V. (1973): Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae IV/3. Aves. – SAZU, Ljubljana]. During the October/ November-March/April period is a regular visitor of the city of Podgorica (19016’ E, 42026’ N). The capital of Montenegro is situated in the Zeta basin, the largest in Montenegro, dividing the mountainous/ continental and Mediterranean parts of the country. When snow covers the mountains around Podgorica (with more than 20 peaks above 2000 m a.s.l.), more than 1000 Alpine Choughs come to the city, spending the winter there, until the snow starts melting. Flocks of Alpine Choughs are usually seen in the suburbs of Podgorica. The highest concentration of the birds could be found at the city waste disposal site at Vela Ribni~ka. Darko Savelji}, P.O. Box 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e-mail: dasav@cg.yu Peter Sackl, Stmk. Landesmuseum Joanneum, Forschungsstätte Furtnerteich, Raubergasse 10, A-8010 Graz, Austria, e-mail: Jakob Smole, Cafova 4, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, e-mail: Borut [tumberger, SI-2282 Cirkulane 41, Slovenia, e-mail: 105 Acrocephalus 2J (121): 106, 2004 Nove knjige New books Trilar, T. & Vrezec, A. (2004): Gozdne ptice Slovenije. – Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana. ISBN 86-11-16656-6, cena: 3390 SIT Med mno`ico naravoslovnih vodnikov, dostopnih bralcem v slovenskem jeziku, si posebno pozornost zaslu`ijo izdelki doma~ih avtorjev, {e zlasti, ~e so kakovostni. Mednje nedvomno sodi `epni vodnik iz zbirke Narava na dlani: Gozdne ptice Slovenije. O tem nas prepri~a `e vabljivo oblikovani ovitek, {e bolj pa vsebina sama, ki pritegnete tako zahtevne poznavalce kot za~etnike. Uveljavljena slovenska poznavalca ptic, dr. Tomi Trilar in Al Vrezec, z vodnikom zaokro`ujeta na{e znanje o gozdnih pticah Slovenije. Knji`ica obsega 143 strani, je `epnega formata, bogatijo jo {tevilne fotografije, dostopna pa je za 3390 tolarjev. Vodnik je svojevrstna dopolnitev zvo~nega cedeja Gozdne ptice Slovenije (izdal Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, 2002), s katerim nam je avtor Tomi Trilar predstavil petje in ogla{anje 93 vrst gozdnih ptic. Uvodni del, ki ga bralci obi~ajno presko~ijo in pohitijo k prepoznavanju vrst, je vreden pozornega branja, saj je tu skrit klju~ do celovitega razumevanja in prepoznavanja gozdnih ptic. Pomembno je dojeti `e sporo~ilo prvega poglavja, da so pestri in ohranjeni gozdni ekosistemi temelj izjemne biotske raznovrstnosti, katere nelo~ljivi del so tudi ptice. Tako bomo la`e doumeli skrivnostno `ivljenje gozdnih ptic, njihove posebnosti, pestrost vseh mogo~ih prilagoditev in `ivljenjskih strategij, na~ine prehranjevanja, ogla{anja, paritvene obrede, odnose med vrstami in osebki znotraj vrst, ki jih bralcu pojasnjujejo naslednja poglavja. Avtorja opozarjata tudi na aktualno ogro`enost `ivljenjskega prostora {tevilnih vrst ptic, hkrati pa izpostavljata pomembnej{e vzroke za tak{no stanje in ustrezne na~ine re{evanja. Na koncu naravovarstveni vidik zaokro`uje prikaz rde~ega seznama ogro`enih gnezdilk Slovenije. Za~etniki morajo pozorno prebrati poglavje »Opazovanje in preu~evanje gozdnih ptic«, v katerem so nanizani {tevilni napotki in izku{nje za uspe{no terensko delo. Pri prepoznavanju ptic ni pomemben le dober daljnogled ali teleskop, marve~ predvsem poznavanje biologije ptic, njihove dnevne in sezonske dinamike, `ivljenjskega prostora, raznovrstnih sledi in seveda ogla{anja, ki je v gozdu velikokrat klju~nega pomena. 106 Jedro knjige je predstavitev 96 gnezdilcev. V opisu sta avtorja znala izpostaviti izbor klju~nih zna~ilnosti ter bistvene posebnosti iz njihovega `ivljenja, kot denimo: raz{irjenost, telesne zna~ilnosti, ogla{anje, selitvene navade, izbor bivali{~ in gnezdi{~, paritvene navade in, kar je najbolj pomembno, kje in kako ptico pri nas lahko opazujemo. Poleg opisa je za vsako vrsto posebej navedena tudi velikost, bivali{~e, aktivnost, gnezdo, jajca, zarod, hrana, status, podobne vrste, podobno petje, ogro`enost, ob slovenskem in latinskem imenu pa je navedeno tudi angle{ko, nem{ko, hrva{ko, mad`arsko in italijansko ime. Opis dopolnjuje dober izbor fotografij, ki so za za~etnike ena klju~nih informacij pri prepoznavanju. Avtorja sta kljub visoki meri strokovnosti, ki preveva vodnik, znala vsebino prevesti na poljudno raven. Knji`ica je zato berljiva, jezik pa lahkoten in razumljiv. Vodnik je popestril doma~o ornitolo{ko knji`no polico, ptice pa postajajo z njim ena na{ih bolj prepoznavnih favnisti~nih skupin. Prepri~an sem, da bo vodnik na svoj na~in spodbudil opazovanje in ve~jo mero poznavanje gozdnih ptic ter posredno raz{iril ne le krog poznavalcev, marve~ tudi zagovornikov narave. Andrej Hudoklin ACROCEPHALUS 25 (l2l): IO J, 2OO4 Popravek Corrigendum V 23. letniku Acrocephalusa (113/114): 155–156 je bila v poglavju Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice med prispevki iz Srbije (Jugoslavija) narejena napaka v prispevku Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus. Med opa`enimi vrstami je naveden srednji `agar Mergus serrator, ~eprav je {lo za velikega `agarja Mergus merganser. Popravljeni prispevek objavljamo v celoti. In the issue of Acrocephalus 23 (113/114): 155–156, an error was made in the short Serbian (Yugoslavia) contribution regarding the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (published in the section From the ornithological notebook). Among the observed bird species, Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator was erroneously stated instead of Goosander Mergus merganser. Here, the contribution’s corrected version is published in full. Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice From the ornithological notebook Serbia (Yugoslavia) / Srbija (Jugoslavija) Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (1 ex.), Ku~kin kr{ (4 ex.), Nemanji}a grad (12 ex.), Beloglavi jastreb – 21 gnezd pre{tetih v koloniji and Orlovica (3 ex.). During the return trip, 46 v soteski reke Uvac (UTM DP10 in DP11) in roosting birds were counted. Other species observed at {e dodatnih 13 v bli`nji soteski Mil{evka (UTM the same place included Goosander Mergus merganser DN09) dne 7.8.1996; poleg tega je avtor posamezne (two females, one with 9 juv. and other with 6 juv.), osebke opazoval {e pri [uplji kosi, Ku{kinem kr{u, Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis, Golden Eagle Nemanji} gradu in Orlovici (UTM DP10 in DP11, Aquila chrysaetos, Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus southwestern Serbia) (2 pairs), Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (one pair with 2 juv.), Common Redshank Tringa totanus, On August 7th, 1996, Borko Obu}ina, Du{anka Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes (2 ex.), and Stokovi} and the author of this article visited the Common Raven Corvus corax (5 – 6 ex.). Uvac Gorge by boat (14:10-20:10h). The limestone Dragan V. Simi}, Ustani~ka 144, 11050 Beograd, Serbia & Montenegro, gorges of Uvac – Mile{evka IBA (E and S of the Mt. e-mail: ddsimic@ eunet.yu Zlatar, respectively) are known as the breeding site of the largest Griffon Vulture colony in Serbia. 17 active nests were found and 12 juveniles noticed in them (which mean that 29.5% juveniles had left their nests by that time). B. Obu}ina indicated that further 4 active nests were located downriver from the dam wall and additional 13 in the nearby Mile{evka Canyon. Flying Griffon Vultures were noticed at [uplja kosa 107 barvna priloga/colour appendix Slika 1: Samec rožnatokljune žvižgavke Netta peposaca v Hra{ki mlaki pri Smledniku (osrednja Slovenija), 25.10.2003 (foto: D. Šere) - glej str. 81 Figure 1: Male Rosy-billed Pochard Netta peposaca on Hra{e pond near Smlednik (central Slovenia), 25 Oct 2003 (photo: D. Šere) - see page 81 Slika 2: Nenavadno obarvan samec {marnice Phoenicurus ochruros, Ptujska gora, Dravinjske gorice (SV Slovenija), 9.5.2002 (foto: M. Ker~ek) - glej str. 98 Figure 2: Unusually coloured male Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros, Ptujska gora, Dravinjske gorice (NE Slovenija), 9 May 2002 (photo: M. Ker~ek) - see page 98 io8