Projektna mreža Slovenije junij  3 V vsakdanjem pogovornem jeziku vse pogosteje srečamo besedo projekt. Uporabljajo jo – poleg managerjev in strokovnjakov s področja poslovne organiziranosti – tudi drugi poklici kot so npr. zdravniki, politiki, učitelji itd. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da si projektni način dela in projektni management utirata pot tudi na področja in v dejavnosti, znotraj katerih do sedaj ni bil v večji meri prisoten, ter postajata stalnica in nepogrešljivo orodje v procesih vodenja, doseganja strateških ciljev in dvigovanja konkurenčnosti ne samo v gospodarstvu, temveč tudi v izobraževalnih ustanovah, zavarovalnicah, bankah, javni upravi ipd. Navedeni trendi pa niso prisotni samo v našem okolju, temveč bi lahko govorili o globalnem prodoru projektnega managementa na skoraj vsa področja človekovega ustvarjalnega delovanja. Torej lahko govorimo o renesansi projektnega managementa v sodobno razvitih družbah. Veliki popularnosti projektnega načina dela v sodobni družbi sledi tudi razvoj stroke projektnega managementa. Zadnjih dvajset let se je projektni management razvijal od sistemskega vidika, preko ciljno usmerjene teorije, do projektno usmerjenega managementa (termini, ki jih v strokovni literaturi srečamo so project-based management, management by project ali project oriented management, strategic oriented project management). Danes so aktualna področja znanstvenega preučevanja teorije managementa na eni strani usmerjena v razvoj novih oblik instrumentarija projektnega managementa (kot je npr. projektni portfolio) in na drugi strani v razvoj teorije o integralnosti projektnega managementa, ki obsega celovit koncept managementa v organizaciji. V navedena prizadevanja se uvršča tudi področje preučevanja projektne odličnosti, kateri posvečamo tudi vsebino junijske številke revije Projektna mreža Slovenije. Druga letošnja številka revije Projektna mreža Slovenije je po svoji vsebini – znanstvenem preučevanju področja projektne odličnosti – tesno povezana z letošnjim osrednjim dogodkom Slovenskega združenja za projektni management – Projektnim forumom 2007. K sodelovanju pri nastajanju tematske številke smo povabili nekatere mednarodno priznane strokovnjake s področja projektnega managementa in projektne odličnosti. Nekateri avtorji prispevkov so se udeležili tudi Mednarodnega akademskega foruma, ki je bil organiziran v sklopu Projektnega foruma 2007. Njihovi prispevki niso bili objavljeni v Zborniku Foruma, temveč smo jim namenili prostor v posebni izdaji naše revije. S tem smo prispevali majhen delež k popularizaciji znanstvenega razvoja projektnega managementa – predvsem projektne odličnosti – v slovenskem prostoru. Jure Kovač glavni urednik The word ‘project’ can be found more and more often in everyday colloquial language. It is being used – apart from managers and business organisation experts – by other professionals, such as doctors, politicians, teachers, etc. A conclusion can be drawn from the above that project work and project management are blazing its trail to the fields and activities in which they have not been largely present until now and are becoming a constant and an indispensable tool in processes of management, achievement of strategic goals and raising of competitiveness not only in economy but also in educational facilities, insurance companies, banks, public administration, etc. The above trends are not present in our environment only; one could speak of a global breakthrough of project management in almost all areas of man’s creative activities. One can thus speak of the renaissance of project management in modern developed societies. High popularity of project work in contemporary society is followed by development of the project management field. For the last twenty years, project management has been developing from the system point of view through target-oriented theory to project-oriented management (terms one comes across in specialised literature are: project-based management, management by project or project oriented management, strategic oriented project management). Today’s topical areas of scientific research of the management theory are, on one hand, oriented towards the development of new forms of project management instrumentation (e.g. project portfolio) and, on the other, towards the development of the theory on completeness of project management, comprising an overall management concept in a company. The June issue of the Project Management Review is dedicated to the research of project excellence, which is part of the above stated endeavours. The contents of this year’s second issue of the Project Management Review – scientific research of project excellence – are closely linked to this year’s central event of the Slovene Project Management Association – Project Forum 2007. Some of the internationally renowned experts from the field of project management and project excellence were invited to collaborate in this thematic issue. Several of the participating authors assisted in the International Academic Forum that was organised within the Project Forum 2007. Their articles will not be published in the miscellany of the Forum, but were dedicated a separate place in the special issue of our review. This is our small contribution to the popularisation of scientific development of project management (of project excellence, above all) in Slovenia. Jure Kovač Editor-in-Chief Uvodnik Jure Kovač