19. APRIL 2004 19 APRIL 2004 št./No 106 15 KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIŠTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING št./No 15 MORSKO RIBIŠTVO - DELOVNO AKTIVNE OSEBE, RIBIŠKA PLOVILA IN OPREMA, SLOVENIJA, 2003 MARINE FISHING - PERSONS IN EMPLOYMENT, FISHING VESSELS AND GEAR, SLOVENIA, 2003 V letu 2003 je bilo v dejavnostih morskega ribištva 144 delovno aktivnih oseb: 132 oseb se je ukvarjalo z gospodarskim ribolovom, 12 pa z marikulturo. V primerjavi z letom 2002 se je število delovno aktivnih oseb zmanjšalo – v ribištvu za 7,7 %, v marikulturi pa za 29,4 %. Glede na zaposlitveni status oseb v obeh dejavnostih se je število samozaposlenih oseb povečalo za 2,2 %, število zaposlenih in tistih, ki so delali po pogodbi ali kot pomagajoči družinski člani, pa se je zmanjšalo – prvih za 19,1 %, drugih pa kar za 45,0 %. In 2003, 144 persons in employment were engaged in the activities of marine fishing: 132 persons were engaged in fishing and 12 persons in mariculture. Compared to 2002 the number of persons in employment in fishing decreased by 7.7%, while their number in mariculture decreased by 29.4%. According to the status in employment in both activities, the number of self- employed persons was up by 2.2% while the number of employees decreased by 19.1% and the number of persons under contract or unpaid family workers by 45.0%. V slovenski ribiški floti je bilo lansko leto 116 plovil. Čeprav se je število plovil povečalo za 4,5 % (5 plovil), sta se njihova skupna bruto tonaža in moč motorjev glede na leto 2002 zmanjšali. Število manjših plovil se še naprej povečuje na račun večjih. The Slovene fishing fleet had 116 vessels last year. In spite of the increase of the number of vessels by 4.5% (5 vessels), their total gross tonnage and the engine capacity decreased compared to 2002. The number of smaller vessels has been increasing on account of bigger vessels. Slika 1: Ribiška plovila po bruto tonaži in moči motorja, Slovenija, 2003 Chart 1: Fishing fleet by gross tonnage and engine capacity, Slovenia, 2003 Statistične informacije, št. 106/2004 2 Rapid Reports No 106/2004 1. Delovno aktivne osebe v morskem ribištvu, Slovenija, 31. 12. 20031) Persons in employment in marine fishing, Slovenia, 31. 12. 20031) Ribištvo Fishing Marikultura Mariculture Skupaj Total Indeksi Indices 2003 2002 Delovno aktivno prebivalstvo, skupaj 132 12 144 90,0 Persons in employment, total Zaposlitveni status Status in employment zaposlen/a 35 3 38 80,9 Employee samozaposlen/a, 97 9 106 93,8 Self-employed, pomagajoči/a družinski/a član/ica ali unpaid family worker, delavec/ka po pogodbi ali za neposredno plačilo under contract or cash in hand work Trajanje dela Permanency nedoločen čas 122 8 130 87,2 Permanent določen čas 10 4 14 127,3 Temporary Pogostost dela Frequency of work polni delovni čas 81 6 87 110,1 Full-time skrajšani delovni čas, sezonsko ali 51 6 56 69,1 Part-time or seasonal or priložnostno delo occasional work Delo Job ribič in školjkar/ka v ribištvu 113 - 113 84,3 Fisherman ribogojec/ka in školjkar/ka - 8 8 53,3 Fish farmer and shell farmer drugo 19 4 23 209,1 Other 1) Podatki so zbrani in obdelani po mednarodnih klasifikacijah (ILO in FAO) Data were collected and processed considering international classifications (ILO and FAO). 2. Ribiška plovila, po dolžini, Slovenija, 31. 12. 2003 Fishing vessels, by length, Slovenia, 31. 12. 2003 Indeksi / Indices 2002/2001 Število Number Bruto tonaža (BT) Gross tonnage (GT) Moč motorja kW Engine capacity kW Starost (leto) Me Age (year) Me Število Number BT GT kW Ribiška plovila, skupaj 116 808 7500 26,0 104,5 84,1 96,0 Vessels, total nad 18 m 2 312 1176 22 50,0 56,8 50,0 over 18 m 12-17,9 m 17 275 2922 46 113,3 130,4 106,4 12-17.9 m 6-11,9 m 44 161 2871 26 118,9 114,1 130,8 6-11.9 m do 5,9 m in čolni brez motorja 53 60 532 26 96,4 99,6 101,7 up to 5.9 m and small boats 3. Ribiška plovila, po ribiški opremi, Slovenija, 31. 12. 2003 Fishing vessels, by fishing gear, Slovenia, 31. 12. 2003 Oprema ISSCFG 1) Število Number Indeksi 2003 Indices 2002 Gear Skupaj 116 104,5 Total Mreže vlečnice, pridnene, nespecificirane TB 22 91,7 Bottom trawls, not specified Mreže vlečnice, lebdeče, v paru PTM 2 50,0 Midwater trawls, pair trawls Plavarice PS 13 185,7 Purse seine Stoječe mreže, kombinirane GTN 67 111,7 Combined gillnets-trammel nets Druge mreže in oprema TX, GTR, GN, 12 66,7 Other nets and gear and mariculture 1) Okrajšave Mednarodne standardne statistične klasifikacije ribiške opreme (ISSCFG) Abreviation of International Standard Clasification of Fishing Gears (ISSCFG) Statistične informacije, št. 106/2004 Rapid Reports No 106/2004 3 4. Objekti za gojenje rib in školjk, Slovenija, 31. 12. 2003 Facilities for fish farming and shell farming, Slovenia, 31. 12. 2003 Indeksi / Indices 2003 2002 Število Number Prostornina ali površina Volume or area m3 ali/or m2 število number prostornina ali površina volume or area Ribogojne ploščadi (kletke) 60 17200 115,4 99,8 Fish farming platforms (cages) Objekti za gojenje školjk (lijije) 70 7200 104,5 110,8 Facilities for shell farming (lines) STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS - ni pojava - no occurrence of event ... ni podatka ... data not available Ø povprečje Ø average * popravljen podatek * corrected data 0 podatek je manjši od 0,5 dane merske enote 0 value not zero but less than 0,5 of the unit employed 0,0 podatek je manjši od 0,05 dane merske enote 0,0 value not zero but less than 0,05 of the unit employed + in več (let, članov,...) + and more (years, members,...) 1) označba za opombo pod tabelo 1) footnote ( ) nezadostno preverjen ali ocenjen podatek ( ) incomplete or estimated data z podatek zaradi zaupnosti ni objavljen z data not published because of confidentiality METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen raziskovanja Purpose of the survey Na podlagi zbranih podatkov prikazujemo statistike o delovno aktivnih oseb v morskem ribištvu, o ribiških plovilih in njihovi opremi ter o proizvodnih zmogljivostih v marikulturi. On the basis of collected data statistics on persons in employment in marine fishing, on fishing fleet, on main fishing gear and on the facilities for fish farming and shell farming are calculated. Enota statističnega opazovanja Observation units so podjetja in družbe, ki se ukvarjajo z ulovom ali vzrejo morskih rib in školjk, in registrirani zasebni ribiči in ribogojci, ki jim je ribolov oziroma vzreja morskih živali glavna ali dopolnilna dejavnost. Če več samostojnih ribičev lovi skupaj, uporabljajoč isto ribiško plovilo (ista plovila), jih štejemo kot eno opazovano enoto. are enterprises and companies engaged in catching and breeding marine fish and shells as well as registered self-employed fishermen whose main or supplementary activity is fishing or breeding marine animals. If several fishermen catch together using the same fishing vessels, they are con- sidered as one observation unit. Viri podatkov in zajetje Sources of data and coverage Podatke o zaposlenih v ribištvu in sredstvih za morsko ribištvo zbiramo z letnimi poročili o morskem ribolovu, ki jih izpolnjujejo podjetja, družbe in registrirani zasebni ribiči in ribogojci. Zajeta so bila vsa podjetja in družbe ter samostojni ribiči in ribogojci, skupaj 119 enot, ki so bili registrirani za opravljanje ribiške gospodarske dejavnosti ali vzreje morskih živali. Data on employment and resources for marine fishing are collected with annual reports on marine fishing, which are submitted by enterprises, companies and registered self-employed fishermen and fish farmers. The survey covered all enterprises, companies and fishermen - all together 119 units - registered in economic activities of catching or breeding ma- rine animals. Definicije Definitions Morsko ribištvo je področje gospodarskih dejavnosti; lovljenja morskih živali (gospodarski ribolov) in gojitve morskih živali (marikultura). Marine fishing is an economic area that covers catching marine animals i.e. fishing and breeding marine animals i.e. mariculture. Delovno aktivne osebe v morskem ribištvu so vse osebe, stare 15 let ali več, ki so v preteklem letu od januarja do decembra opravile kakršno koli delo za plačilo (denarno, nedenarno) ali dobiček. Sem sodijo vse zaposlene osebe, samozaposlene osebe, osebe, ki so delale po pogodbi o delu, preko študentskega servisa, za neposredno plačilo, ter pomagajoči družinski člani. (Vir: Ralf Hussmanns Fahrad Mehran and Persons in employment in the activity of marine fishing are all persons older than 15 years that have in the previous year from January to De- cember done any kind of work for payment (in money or other payment) or for profit. Included are all persons in paid employment, self-employed persons, persons working under contract, by student's service, for direct payment and assistants (unpaid family workers). (Source: Ralf Huss- Statistične informacije, št. 106/2004 4 Rapid Reports No 106/2004 Vijay Verma: Surveys of economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment: An ILO manual on concepts and methods, Ženeva, International Labour Office, 1990) manns, Fahrad Mehran and Vijay Verma: Surveys of economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment: An ILO manual on concepts and methods, Geneve, International Labour Office, 1990) Pomagajoči družinski člani (le člani gospodinjstva) so osebe, ki formalno niso zaposlene niti samozaposlene, a so v preteklem letu delale v družinski ribogojnici in/ali pomagale pri ribiški dejavnosti in za svoje delo praviloma ne prejemajo rednega plačila. Unpaid family workers (only members of the household) are persons who are formal not employed or self-employed but have in the previous year worked in the family fish farm and/or shell farm and/or helped in fishing and for their work as a rule do not get payment. Ribiči, ribogojci in školjkarji so zaposlene ali samozaposlene osebe ter pomagajoči družinski člani, ki opravljajo dejavnost gospodarskega ribištva in/ali vzreje morskih živali in jim je to edina, glavna ali dopolnilna dejavnost ali pa občasna pomoč. Fishermen, fish-farmers and shell-farmers are persons performing the activities of fishing and/or breeding marine animals as employed, self- employed or unpaid family worker. Fishing and/or breeding marine animals can be either their main or supplementary activity or occasional help. Osebe, zaposlene za nedoločen čas, so lahko zaposlene ali samozaposlene osebe ali pomagajoči družinski člani. Osebe, ki delajo po pogodbi o delu ali preko študentskega servisa za neposredno denarno ali nedenarno plačilo, štejemo med zaposlene osebe, ki imajo delo za določen čas. Permanently employed persons can be all persons in paid employment, self-employed persons, unpaid family workers, except those who are working under contract or by student's service or for direct financial pay- ment or other non-financial payment. They are temporary employed persons. Kategorije pogostnosti dela so opredeljene in izračunane na podlagi števila delovnih ur, opravljenih v lanskem letu, in ustrezajočih definicij, sprejetih pri FAO in Eurostatu (Vir: Handbook of Fishery Statistics, FAO and Eurostat, Coordinating working patry on Atlantic Fishery Statistics (CWP), Rome, 1990). Categories of frequency of work are defined and calculated on the basis of all working hours performed in the previous year and by corre- sponding FAO and Eurostat definitions (Source: Handbook of Fishery Statistics, FAO and Eurostat, Coordinating working party on Atlantic Fish- ery Statistics (CWP), Rome, 1990). Kot osnovo smo upoštevali da je v koledarskem letu 225 delovnih dni oziroma 1800 delovnih ur. As a base we consider that the calendar year had 225 working days or 1,800 working hours. V kategorijo »polni delovni čas« so vključene osebe, ki so delale več kot 1620 ur ali 90 % od 1800 ur. The category »full employment« covers persons working more than 1,620 or 90% of the 1,800 hours. V kategorijo »skrajšani delovni čas« so vključene osebe, ki so delale celo leto in opravile 30 %–90 % ur od 1800 ur. The category »part-time employed persons« covers persons working through the whole year between 30% and 90% of the 1,800 hours. V kategorijo »sezonsko« so vključene osebe, ki opravijo več kot 30 % ur od 1800 ur v obdobju, krajšem od enega leta. The category »seasonal« covers persons working more than 30% of the 1,800 hours in a period less than one year. V kategorijo »priložnostno« so vključeni tisti, ki so delali manj kot 30 % od 1800 ur. The category »occasional« covers persons working less than 30% of the 1,800 hours. Upoštevali smo le tiste osebe, ki so delale vsaj eno uro na dan. We considered only those persons who worked at least 1 hour per day. Osebam starejšim od 65 let je število ur zmanjšano za 25 %. The number of working hours was reduced by 25% for all persons older than 65 year. Ribiška plovila so plovila za opravljanje dejavnosti morskega ribištva; bodisi ribiške gospodarske dejavnosti bodisi marikulture. Fishing vessels are vessels used for the economic activities of marine fishing: either fishing or mariculture. Tonaža je na predpisani način določen volumen ladijskega prostora. Tonnage is by a defined method determined the volume of a ship’s space. Bruto tonaža (BT) je volumen vseh ladijskih prostorov, pomnožen s spremenljivim faktorjem, ki je odvisen od velikosti ladje in je število brez enote. Gross Tonnage (GT) is the volume of all spaces of a vessel multiplied by the factor that depends on the ship's size. It is a number without the unit of measure. Ribogojne ploščadi so objekti za gojenje rib. So mrežne kletke, ki so potopljene v morsko vodo in v njih ribogojci gojijo ribe (brancine, orade ali druge). Fishing platforms are facilities for fish farming. They are composed of cages submerged into the sea in which fish farmers breed fish (European seabass, Gilthead seabream and others). Objekti za gojenje školjk predstavljajo školjčne linije. To so plavajoči plovci (sodi), ki so med seboj povezani z mrežami, na katerih so obešene gojene školjke. Facilities for shell farming are shell lines. These are floating buoys that are linked together with nets. Cultivated shells hang from them. Objavljanje rezultatov Publishing Letno: − Statistične informacije. Kmetijstvo in ribištvo. Morsko ribištvo − Statističi letopis − Rezultati raziskovanj. Letni pregled kmetijstva Annually: − Rapid Reports. Agriculture and Fishing. Marine Fishing − Statistical Yearbook − Results of Surveys. Annual Review of Agriculture Statistične informacije, št. 106/2004 Rapid Reports No 106/2004 5 KOMENTAR COMMENT Delovno aktivne osebe v morskem ribištvu Persons in employment in marine fishing Z morskim ribolovom se je v letu 2003 ukvarjalo 132, z marikulturo pa 12 delovno aktivnih oseb. In 2003, 132 persons in employment were engaged in fishing and 12 persons in mariculture. Število zaposlenih v dejavnosti morskega ribolova in tistih, ki so v tej dejavnosti delali kot pomagajoči družinski člani ali kot delavci po pogodbi oziroma za neposredno plačilo, se je v primerjavi z letom 2002 zmanjšalo; število samozaposlenih pa se je povečalo le za eno osebo. Compared to 2002, we saw decrease in the number of employees and those who worked in marine fishing as unpaid family workers, workers under contract or cash in hand workers. The number of self-employed persons increased only by one person. V lanskem letu je bilo med vsemi delovno aktivnimi osebami v morskem gospodarskem ribolovu le 61,4 % takih, ki so delale s polnim delovnim časom. Ta podatek pove, da je ribolov mnogim dopolnilna dejavnost in da je določeno število ribičev delalo v povprečju manj kot osem ur na dan zaradi popravila plovila, bolezni, starosti in podobnega. Last year only 61.4% of all persons in employment in marine fishing had full-time jobs. This indicates that marine fishing was a supplementary activity for many people engaged in it and that some fishermen worked on average less than 8 hours per day due to the repair of vessels, illness, old age or similar reasons. Število ribičev se je v primerjavi z letom 2002 zmanjšalo za 15,7 %. Compared to 2002, the number of fishermen decreased by 15.7%. Tudi v marikulturi je bilo stanje zelo podobno. Število ribogojcev in školjkarjev se je zmanjšalo še bolj kot število ribičev, in sicer za 46,7 %. In mariculture the situation was very similar. The number of fish farmers and shell farmers decreased even more than the number of fishermen, i.e. by 46.4%. V obeh dejavnostih so glede na sestavo zaposlenih po spolu prevladovali moški, glede na izobrazbeno sestavo pa jih je bilo največ s srednjo poklicno ali srednjo strokovno izobrazbo. Concerning the sex of persons in employment, in both activities men predominated. Most of them had secondary education level. Ribiška plovila in oprema Fishing vessels and gear V letu 2003 sta obravnavani dejavnosti morskega ribištva imeli 116 ribiških plovil ali za 4,5 % več kot v letu poprej. Povečalo se je število plovil, dolgih od 6 do 18 m, zmanjšalo pa število najdaljših. S tem sta upadli skupna bruto tonaža in moč motorjev ribiških plovil. Bruto tonaža je upadla kar za 15,9 %. Mediana starosti ribiških plovil v letu 2003 je bila 26 let. In 2003, 116 fishing vessels were used in the activity of marine fishing, which is 4.5% more than in the previous year. The number of vessels which have length from 6m to 18m increased while the number of the longest vessels decreased. This caused the total gross tonnage and the engine power to decrease. Total gross tonnage decreased by 15.9%. The median age of fishing vessels was 26 years. Ribiška plovila so precej stara tudi v nekaterih drugih evropskih državah. V letu 2002 je bila mediana starosti španskih plovil 25 let, italijanskih 24,8, portugalskih pa 24,7 let*. Na Eurostatu so izračunali, da je 81 % ribiških plovil EU-15 v letu 2002 bilo dolgih manj kot 12 metrov. V Sloveniji je bilo v istem letu 82,9 % takih plovil, v letu 2003 pa še več, in sicer 83,6 %. In some other European countries fishing vessels are rather old, too. In 2002, the median age of Spanish vessels was 25 years, Italian 24.8 years and Portuguese 24.7 years*. Eurostat calculated that 81% of EU-15 fish- ing vessels were less than 12 metres in length in 2002. In the same year there were 82.9% of such vessels in Slovenia and in 2003 even more, namely 83.6%. Med opremo, ki so jo uporabljali v slovenskem morskem ribolovu v letu 2003, so prevladovala plovila s kombiniranimi stoječimi mrežami (67), za njimi pa plovila s pridnenimi mrežami (22). Največja ribiška plovila so uporabljala lebdeče mreže, vlečnice. Among the fishing gear used in Slovene marine fishing in 2003, the ves- sels with combined gillnets-trammel nets (67) dominated, followed by the bottom trawls vessels (22). The biggest vessels used the midwater trawls. Zmogljivosti za vzrejo rib so ostale enake kot v letu 2003, površine za vzrejo školjk pa so se povečale. In 2003, fish farmers and shell farmers kept facilities for fish farming nearly unchanged and enlarged the areas for shell farming. * EEA 11% reduction in EU fishing fleet in 5 years, David Cross, Eurostat, Statistics in Focus, Agriculture and Fisheries, Theme 5 – 32/2003 EEA 11% reduction in EU fishing fleet in 5 years, David Cross, Eurostat, Statistics in Focus, Agriculture and Fisheries, Theme 5 – 32/2003 Sestavila / Prepared by: Enisa Lojović Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statis- tične informacije Marina Urbas - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Tehnični urednik Anton Rojc - Naklada 110 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Kmetijstvo in ribištvo 1408-9335 - Informacije daje Informaci- jsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slove- nia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English lan- guage editor Boris Panič - Technical editor Anton Rojc - Total print run 110 cop- ies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Agriculture and fishing 1408-9335 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statis- tical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.