VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 75 VESTNIK 2022 | 77 VESTNIK 2022 | 79 1. POSTNA NEDELJA 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 10/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 6.3. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Hudobni duh je neizmerno bister. Cloveku prikazuje življenje kot uživanje, uspešnost in pomembnost. Jezus pa nam govori o križu. Kljub temu, da smo se dokopali do marsikatere življenjske modrosti, se težko odlocimo, kateremu izmed njiju bomo zares sledili. Stalno smo v skuš-njavah. Skušnjave pa imajo en sam namen: da bi nas locile od Boga in od bližnjega, da bi nam vzele ljubezenski odnos, tisto pristnost, lepoto, domacnost, po kateri hrepenimo. Kako premagovati skušnjave, nam v današnjem evangeliju pokaže Jezus. Postni cas je po svoji naravi podoben pušcavi, v kateri se dogaja pri-poved o Jezusovih skušnjavah. Podobno kot pušcava cloveka usmeri na bistveno, ga razgali vsega nakopicenega, odvecnega in necimrnega ter ga usmerja le k nekaterim bistvenim stvarem (voda, hrana, prava pot, zatocišce pred soncem), tako nas tudi postni cas vodi k bistvu kršcan-skega obstoja. K tej usmeritvi nas danes vabi s tremi svetopisemskimi odlomki, med seboj povezanimi z obcutljivo, vendar temeljno vsebino o izpovedani veri, korenini osebne in skupne izkušnje božjega ljudstva. Naše svetopisemsko branje se namrec zacenja z najstarejšo izraelsko izpovedjo vere. Pušcava se za nekaj dni ogrne kot z nežno tancico zele-nja, obdelana polja ponujajo prve sadove in s tem, ko jih Hebrejec v žr-tveni daritvi podarja Bogu, izpoveduje svojo vero v Stvarnika in Gospo-da zgodovine. Njegova izpoved vere se vrti okrog treh temeljnih poudar-kov: poklicanost ocakov, »blodecih Aramejcev«, podaritev svobode po boleci izkušnji egiptovskega zatiranja ter dar obljubljene dežele, to je svobodne domovine, kjer se »cedita mleko in med«. V vsej tej tematiki je odlocilno dejstvo: Bog se ne razodeva v mistic-nih videnjih, ne pojavlja se sredi z zlatom obdanih nebes, temvec se skri-va v zemeljskem prahu. Verovati torej nikakor ne pomeni sodelovati pri neki cudaški duhovnosti; vera ni nikoli odmaknjena miselna pustolov-šcina, temvec je potovanje k bistvu naše zgodovine. Tu je tisto, kjer se pojavi »ucloveceni« Bog. Najpopolnejša oblika izpovedi vere je v Svetem pismu torej zahvala Bogu za navzocnost med nami, za njegovo razodevanje v vsakdanjosti, za njegovo nežno in »v rodila segajoco« ljubezen do cloveštva, za njegova odrešenjska dela, ki jih lahko prepoznamo le z ocišcenimi ocmi. Najpopolnejši odgovor v veri je v neprestanem prizadevanju za bratsko ljubezen. Od izraelske veroizpovedi se preselimo k pripovedi o skušnja-vah, o izpovedi zaupanja Ocetu in njegovemu od-rešenjskemu nacrtu, ki ga je Kristus trikrat izpove-dal. Za Luka pri skušnjavah ni središcna »zelo vi-soka gora« kot pri Mateju, temvec Jeruzalem, me-sto, h katerem teži ves Lukov evangelij. Jeruzalem je središce Kristusovega življenja, tudi vrhunec njegovega preizkušanja in izraz njegovega zaupa-nja. Tam se namrec dopolni tudi najvecja preiz-kušnja njegovega mesijanskega poslanstva: Jezus se bo moral namrec odpovedati poslednji izbiri, odrešenju, ki ga ne bo dosegel z blešceco zunanjos-tjo, temvec z izjemnim uboštvom križa. Ce bi na-mrec Jezus podlegel tej skušnjavi, bi tudi zavrgel svoje popolno zaupanje Ocetu in mi bi izgubili ve-ro v resnicnega Odrešenika. Vendar Jezus na vrhu templja razglaša svojo dokoncno pritrditev Ocetu in s tem postaja tudi za vernika svetla podoba sve-topisemske vere, ki je polna in popolna izrocitev Bogu in njegovemu nacrtu. Tako prihajamo k tretji izpovedi vere, k veroiz-povedi, ki jo Pavel navaja v Pismu Rimljanom. Apostol v njej opisuje odmev Cerkve, ki izpoveduje svojo velikonocno vero v dveh vzporednih izrazih. Prva izpoved je: »Jezus je Gospod.« V grški obliki Stare zaveze »Gospod (Kyrios) pomeni svetost in neizgovorljivost Boga samega. Drugi izraz je še bolj pomenljiv: »Bog ga je obudil od mrtvih.« Gre torej za veselo velikonocno oznanilo. Ta vera, nadaljuje Pavel, je na voljo vsem, Ju-dom in Grkom, in jo je treba izpovedati »z usti« in »s srcem«. Usta in srce, bogoslužje in življenje ni-kakor niso locljivi drug od drugega. Jezuit Sta-nislas Lyonnet zapiše: »Z notranjo izrocitvijo srca, to je vse duše, razumnosti in volje, je treba z vso skladnostjo primerjati zunanjost in živost izpovedi te vere.« »Kdor koli bo klical Gospodovo ime, bo rešen.« (Prim. Oznanjevalec -leto C_2006/7, štev. 3) Hudi duh skuša Jezusa - Jezusov odgovor 74 | VESTNIK 2022 76 | VESTNIK 2022 78 | VESTNIK 2022 80 | VESTNIK 2022 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT Response: Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble. First Reading Deuteronomy 26:4-10 We are to walk in the ways of God and lis-ten to God’s voice. Second Reading Romans 10:8-13 Paul says that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Gospel Luke 4:1-13 Jesus, like Moses before him, retreats into the wilderness, where he fasts for forty days and rejects the temptations put be-fore him. “You must worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone.” Illustration Yeb Sańo was a talented young Catholic Filipi-no diplomat – a Commissioner of the Philippines’ Climate Change Commission – when a disaster in his home region of the Philippines prompted a career change. He had been attending a UN cli-mate summit in Poland in 2013 when the news came that Typhoon Haiyan had devastated the city of Tacloban and surrounding areas. He wept and fasted for two weeks, as he heard news from family and friends in the area, before deciding that his life needed a change of direction. The following year, he gave up his career as a diplomat. “I will be working with different faith groups across the world, as part of the larger global climate movement,” he said. He had seen communities suffering because of severe weath-er. Yet political and industrial leaders internation-ally were failing to act seriously on climate change to secure a safe and just future for all. Later that year he was part of a People’s Pilgrimage, which culminated in a sixty-day walk from Rome to Paris to arrive in time for the landmark UN climate change summit that saw the first serious interna-tional agreement to tackle climate change. He had a clear mission to work with people of faith on the climate crisis, which he felt hurt poor communities the most. He saw it as a moral issue. Gospel Teaching In today’s Gospel, we see a Spirit-filled Jesus standing at the crossroads of his life. He enters the Judaean wilderness. At that time this would have hosted lions, leopards, bears, jackals, foxes and an-telope – this was before humans had driven most of these creatures into extinction in the Near East. It was here in the wilderness, away from human socie-ty, that Jesus accepted his messianic ministry. But what drew Jesus to the wilderness? The natural world played a key role in his teachings and life. He regularly returned to the hills to pray and commune with the Father, especially before making important decisions. The devil knows that when Jesus leaves the wil-derness he will embark on his public ministry, so now is the time to try to seduce him away from his mission. But Jesus shows his resolve. He uses this time to clarify his identity and the direction and work of his life. The devil challenges Jesus to pro-duce bread from a stone, potentially solving poverty and hunger as a show of his strength. Instead, Jesus will offer himself as living bread, to help transform his followers into people who would share the mate-rial resources they had with those in need. Jesus taught that wealth should not be hoarded but shared, and that frugality and living simply should go alongside caring for the natural world. Jesus rejects the temptation of political power, of becoming a leader who would overthrow the occupying Roman rulers. He resists the use of violence. And while he is urged to use a miracle to prove unambiguously that he is the Messiah, he rejects power again. Application Lent is a time of repentance and new beginnings. Jesus’ experience teaches us that there is nothing wrong with being tempted. It’s how we react to the temptation that matters. Temptation is less about a choice and more about our identity and direction in life. Think about the decisions before you at the mo-ment. What are they? What is it you are really seek-ing? What brings you peace? This Lent, let us look at the signs of our times, particularly the damage being done by destructive human behaviour to those who are poor and to the community of living things on earth. Christian churches have been waking up to the moral impera-tive to address justice, peace and care for creation. Could we get more involved in local initiatives, work-ing for the common good of humanity and of the whole earth community? A transition to a more sus-tainable life will mean opting for a new way of living based on simplicity and sufficiency rather than end-less consumption and the greed-driven accumula-tion of material possessions. We need to make a move to escape the materialism that seeps into our minds through incessant advertising. Somehow, we have to break this cycle because it makes us sin against our needy brothers and sisters and God’s creation. Let us reject temptations of greed, selfish-ness and indifference towards our neighbours. God expects from us a maturity to accept responsibility for the future of our lives and the communities of which we are part. Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00 za našo župni-jo. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampa-nje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bo-do vodili vse racunovodske zadeve, tako, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku objavimo koliko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kampa-njo za našo župnijo preko škofijskega racuna in koliko je že dejansko »vplacanega«. Iz škofije so nam sedaj poslali kodo, da lahko sami pogledamo tekoce stanje na našem racunu. Na racunu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega je: $124,843. - Pledged - March 4, 2022 $99,878. - Paid - Mrch 4, 2022 Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Smo že krepko cez polovico zastav-ljenega cilja. Tokrat so se številke kar dvignile. DIOCESE OF HAMILTON 2022 Lenten Letter Full of the Holy Spirit During the forty days of Lent, we recall the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert. Scripture tells us that when he went into the desert he was "full of the Holy Spirit." He had been baptized in the Jordan River by John and when he came out of the water the heavens opened and the Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove. The voice of God was heard "This is my Son, the beloved. In him I am well pleased!" The Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son. "Full of the Holy Spirit", he went into the desert, ready for whatever awaited him there. For forty days he was tempted by the devil. Fundamentally, the tempter tried to convince him that as the Son of God, he had great power and did not need the Fa-ther, he could "go it alone"! He resisted the tempta-tions — his relationship with the Father remained intact and strong. He was ready to begin his public ministry. We are going to die — let us choose how we are going to live Like Jesus, we too are loved by the Father! The same Spirit that filled Jesus enlivens us during the forty day Lenten journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Throughout Lent we consider what it means for us to "choose life" — aware always that we are going to die. ("Remember, you are dust, and you will return to dust! ") Prayer and Fasting All of the parishes in the Diocese of Hamilton offer many opportunities for prayer throughout Lent: Sunday and Weekday Masses, Stations of the Cross, Adoration, and devotions, both public and private. For many, it is a Lenten practice to "give up" something for the 40-days of Lent — or, alternatively, to "take on" something extra. Consider giving up some time on social media and giving more time for family interaction or pray-er. Spiritual reading is always a good way to strengthen one's faith. Almsgiving Since 1967, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has set aside the fifth Sunday of Lent as Solidarity Sun-day. A special collection is taken up in support of the Canadian Catholic Organi-zation of Development and Peace (CCODP). The Share Lent campaign is an important supporter of impoverished and oppressed partners in the Global South. Our almsgiving assures that they too "will live"! Please be generous in your support. Donations can be made in the Sunday collection basket in your parish, online at , by mailing a cheque, or by calling 1-888-234-8533. May I suggest that an offering of $1.00 per day x 40 days = $40.00 is a gen-erous donation? Those of greater means might choose to be more generous. God's love for us is always abundantly generous! Dear friends, may Mary, Mother of the Church accompany us during these holy days. And may we reach out to those who suffer, most especially these days, the people of Ukraine! (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton Ash Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022, KRST - BAPTISM Zakrament sv. krsta je, v soboto 5. marca 2022 v naši cerkvi, prejela Emma Sophia Chlan. Starša dekli-ce sta oce Beau Chlan in mati Brittany roj. Taugher. Iskrene cestitke staršema ob krstu prvega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH March 12th Gosgnach team March 19th Groznik, Erzar, Lukežic March 26th Lojska Novak team INCOME TAX POTRDILA Ce se je nehote prikradla kakšna napaka, mi prosim sporocite, da jo popravim. Kdor ni vzel potrdil prejšnji vikend, smo jih v ponede-ljek poslali po pošti. DIOCESE OF HAMILTON - ANNOUNCEMENTS Evenings with His Excellency, Bishop Lobsinger – Join Auxiliary Bishop, Wayne Lobsinger, for Evenings with His Excellency, an opportunity to learn more and ask questions about our Catholic Faith. You may attend online or in person at Canadian Martyrs Par-ish, Hamilton, on the 2nd Friday of every month from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, visit: up-coming/2021/9/10/evenings-with-his-excellency. Mount Mary Immaculate Retreat Centre is now open and accepting group and personal retreat bookings for 2022! With a large Chapel and acres of untouched green space Mount Mary is an ideal loca-tion for those seeking a retreat experience. Groups of all types are welcome for a day or for an overnight stay. For more information please visit: PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH - Parenting Tip 138: Lent is a time of reflection for all Catholics and a perfect season to help children understand why we engage in prayer, works of charity, care for all and practising self-control, since all of these can bring us closer to God. Spend time on your Lenten journey as a family by attending Mass and discussing, in simple language, the readings you hear. Decide as a family on prayers and reflections to engage in each day of Lent and together look at how your family might use their resources to give to others. Your children can bring hope to the hearts of others during Lent and their spiritual journey will be enhanced by your presence and guidance. Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250. MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH - Marriage Tip 118: The season of Lent is a perfect time to reflect on how we are living our lives according to God’s call to discipleship and vocation. The vocation of marriage is an essential call since the Sacrament of Marriage is meant to be the visible sign or God’s invisible love to the world. Lent then, is a perfect time to examine what you are bringing to your vo-cation, to see if forgiveness is readily available when needed and to contemplate whether you might make changes to better fulfill your call to marriage. As well, consider praying with your spouse, reflect-ing on a short Bible passage daily and working on holding anger during Lent, since all of these will strengthen your bond of love and bring you feelings of joy as the Easter season draws near. Family Minis-try Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250. SLOVENIAN EMBASSY OTTAWA Please note that from March 1st, 2022, it is a new email: for all consular enquiries and transactions. Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Ot-tawi 150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 2200, ON, K2P 1P1 Ottawa, Canada, Tel: 1-613-565-5781 Dežurna številka za nujne primere sloven-skih državljanov: 1-613-292-6041 SUNDAY MASSES From Palm Sunday April 10, 2022 and on we will go back to two Sunday Masses. Slovenian at 9:30 a.m. and English at 11:00 a.m. Od 10. aprila naprej, t.j. od Cvetne nedelje, bo-mo zopet imeli ob nedeljah dve sveti maši: sloven-sko ob 9:30 a.m. in angleško ob 11:00 a.m.. Povejte tudi tistim, ki morda ne pridejo tako redno, da bo-do vedeli za spremembo. CONFIRMATION & FRIST COMMUNION This year our celebration of both sacrament will take place on Sunday, May 29th, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.. The Most Rev. Bishop Douglas Crosby will be the celebrant. Please let us know ASAP which chil-dren would like to be part of celebration. You can email to me, or Lorie Mramor: SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES-SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: CHANGES ... We have some hopeful news with regards to COVID and parish protocols which have been shared with us directly by our diocese. In a memo from Chancellor Monsignor Murray Kroetsch the following is being implemented as of March 1st: • Churches may open to full capacity (including parish halls and meeting rooms). • Ropes can be removed. • Masks continue to be required at all services by anyone two-years old and older. • Social distancing mandates are no longer in place. • All liturgical ministries may resume and vac-cinations are no longer required. • Congregational singing is permitted and choirs may resume but still wearing masks. • Cantors may be unmasked, maintaining 3-meter distance from others These reduced mandates will also affect how we can move forward with our parish events and hall rentals. Our direction is still being worked out – A discussion with these details will be shared with everyone at our OBCNI ZBOR/AGM which is scheduled for Sunday March 27th. We hope that with our 100% capacity now imple-mented, everyone will mark the AGM date of March 27th on their calendars and join us as we work towards the opening and getting back to normal of our parish. We have waited a long time for these proto-cols to be relaxed and are grateful that we have made it through these difficult times. We also thank you all for your compliance and look for-ward to seeing our parish benches Jelovc an Alojz - Louis March 7, 1995 Nedelko Katarina March 8, 1999 Vlas ic Matija March 8, 2007 Ftic ar Joz ef Karl March 10, 2008 Peternel Anton March 10, 2010 Ostanek Louis March 11, 1983 Fylypiw Walter March 11, 1988 Langenfus Josef March 11, 1995 Gric nik Franc March 11, 2001 Lovs in Joseph March 12, 1972 Dvors ak Jakob March 12, 1981 C uric Veronika March 12, 2021 De Sarno Sabato March 13, 2010 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 6. 3. 2022 - 13. 3. 2022 1. POSTNA NEDELJA 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT 6. MAREC FRIDOLIN (MIROSLAV), OPAT † † †† †† † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Jože Razpotnik, Sr. Joe Hanc Frank, Matthew & Veronika Ida in Jože Fticar Marija Dominko Ida Fticar Rado Kokalj, 30. dan (Argentina) 10:00 A.M. ------------- Anica Blas Žena Olga z družino Olga Hanc z družino Ana Gergyek Milka Pavlic Marjan in Elizabeth Hozjan Demšar, Scarcelli in Prudon Fam. PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 7. MAREC Perpetua in Felicita, muc. † † Matija Vlašic, obl. Janko Radocaj 7:00 P.M. Žena in Otroci Jožica Vlašic z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 8. MAREC Janez od Boga, redovnik † † Veronika Curic, obl. Milka Cimermancic 7:00 P.M. Marijan & Elizabet Hozjan Jožica Novak SREDA - WEDNESDAY 9. MAREC Franciška rimska, red. †† Štefan in Gizella Ray Božji Materi v priprošnjo 7:00 P.M. Family Ana Tadic CETRTEK - THURSDAY 10. MAREC 40 mucencev † Josef Fticar, obl. 7:00 P.M. Marjan & Elizabet Hozjan PETEK - FRIDAY 11. MAREC Benedikt, škof † † Križev pot - Stations of the Cross Jože Langenfus, obl. Milka Skale 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Žena Sonja Franc in Marija Tomšic SOBOTA - SATURDAY 12. MAREC Justina, redovnica Doroteja, mucenka Gregorjevo - kvatre †† †† † † † † † † † Pavel in Paul Richard Terezija in Jože Yeric Ana Nedelko Ana Nedelko Ana Nedelko Ana Nedelko Franc Raduha Maks Pavlic Tone Bajec, 30. dan 5:30 P.M. Helena Špiler Olga Culig Marija in Jože Magdic z družino Mary in Rayan Tocher z družino Dragica in Lojze Ferencak Ivan Nedelko z družino Ivan Nedelko z družino Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Mia Goodfellow & Family 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT 13. MAREC KRISTINA, DEVICA-MUCENKA †† † † † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Emilija Balažic Izidor Fujs Jože Lovšin, obl. Stephanie Pust, obl. Neil Lambert, obl. Hilda Žigon 10:00 A.M. ------------- Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Hci z družino Aranka Dundek Družina Pust Družina Pust Družina Pust Manja Erzetic (obl.) Curic