HACQUETIA 12/1 • 2013, 11-85 DOI: 10.247B/HACQ-2013-0002 phytosociology and ecology of the dinaric fir-beech forests (OMPHALODO-FAGETUM) at the north-western part of the illyrian floral province (nw dinaric alps) Boštjan SURINA1 & Igor DAKSKOBLER2 Abstract We studied the phytosociology, ecology and biogeography of the Dinaric fir-beech stands (Omphalodo-Fa-getum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau, at the north-western part of the Illyrian floral province. We identified and confirmed two geographical variants (var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia - central and western part of the plateau, and var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora - eastern part of the plateau), and 10 floristically and ecologically well differentiated subassociations (-rhododendretosum hirsuti,-saxifragetosum cuneifoliae, -adenostyletosum glabrae, -festucetosum altissimae, -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae, -stellarietosum montanae, -seslerietosum autum-nalis, -calamagrostietosum variae, -sambucetosum nigrae and -asaretosum europei). The most frequent stands bel-long to the subassociation -festucetosum altissimae and -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae, which, in terms of site ecology and floristic composition, represent the central forest types in the research area. They are floristically impoverished and lack majority of association's characteristic species which is in line with the biogeographic peculiarites of the research area. Key words: Aremonio-Fagion, biogeography, Dinaric Alps, Illyrian floral province, Fir-Beech forest, Omphalodo-Fagetum, Trnovski gozd plateau, phytosociology, vegetation. Izvleček Podali smo fitocenološko, ekološko in biogeografsko oznako gozdov bukve in jelke (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu, ki v biogeografskem oziru predstavlja severozahodni rob Ilirske florne province. Ugotovili in potrdili smo dve geografski varianti (var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia - osrednji in zahodni del planote in var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora - vzhodni del planote) in 10 subasociacij, ki se floristično in okoljsko dobro razlikujejo (-rhododendretosum hirsuti, -saxifragetosum cuneifoliae, -adenostyletosum glabrae, -festucetosum altissimae, -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae, -stellarietosum montanae, -seslerietosum autumnalis, -calamagrostietosum variae, -sambucetosum nigrae in -asaretosum europei). Osrednjo in najbolj pogosto obliko dinarskih jelovo bukovih gozdov predstavljajo sestoji -festucetosum altissimae in -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae. Sestoji teh subasociacij so floristično obubožani, zastopanost značilnih vrst dinarskega gozda jelke in bukve pa najmanjša, kar je skladno z biogeografskimi značilnostmi območja. Ključne besede: Aremonio-Fagion, biogeografija, Dinaridi, Ilirska florna provinca, jelovo-bukov gozd, Ompha-lodo-Fagetum, Trnovski gozd, fitocenologija, vegetacija. 1 University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Glagoljaška 8, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia, bostjan.surina@prirodoslovni.com 2 Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional unit Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin, Slovenia, igor.dakskobler@zrc-sazu.si 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 FlR-BEECH STANDS IN THE NORTHWESTERN Dinaric Alps (Omphalodo-Fagetum s. lat.) Dinaric Alps, streching between South-eastern Calcareous Alps and the Pindos mountain range, represent a backbone of the Illyrian floral province of the Central European floral region. Circumscribed on the basis of classical biogeo-graphical principles (Beck 1901, Adamovic 1909, Horvat et al. 1974), Illyrian floral province is recognised by considerable number of Balkan and local (narrow) endemics as well as the taxa restricted to the Dinaric Alps only. As pointed out by Sercelj (1996), and based on palinological data, the area served as a forest refugium during the Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Recent evidence in molecules, combined with the results of the analyses of charcoal and pallinological data as well as analysis of floristic composition of stands furtherly support Sercelj's statement and suggest several glacial refugia for European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in southern Europe and in the area of NW Dinaric Alps and South-eastern Calcareous Alps in particular (e.g., Taberlet et al. 1998, Brus et al. 2000, Willis & van Andel 2004, Magri et al. 2006, Willner et al. 2009, but for the recent review see Brus 2010). One of the most prominent characteristics of the area are more or less preserved European beech forests covering huge areas of the Dinaric Alps. They are characterised by number of »Illyrian« forest species or »illyricoid elements« (sensu Trinajstic 1997) thus syntaxonomically belonging to Illyrian alliance Aremonio-Fagion (Borhidi 1963, Borhidi 1965, Torok et al. 1989, Marincek et al. 1993). In the (alti)montane belt, fir-beech stands (»Abieti-Fagetum« s. lat.) generaly prevail (e.g., Horvat 1938, Tregubov 1941, 1957, Vukelic et al. 2008, Dakskobler 2008, Dakskobler & Marinsek 2009) representing the climax vegetation type and due to high level of biodiversity and socio-economic importance (wood production, hunting, turism, etc.) also an important aspect of natural and cultural heritage of the area. Phytosociologi-cally, these forests are one of the most studied in the western Balkans and their ecology, biogeog-raphy, syntaxonomy and typology are rather well known (see Markgraf 1927, Horvat 1938, 1957, Fukarek & Stefanovic 1958, Blecic 1958, Fukarek 1964, Bertovic et al. 1966, Trinajstic 1970, 1972, Puncer et al. 1974, Pelcer 1976, Puncer 1980, Zupančič & Puncer 1995, Vukelic & Baričevic 1996, Accetto 1998, Marinček & Košir 1998, Dakskobler et al. 2000, Surina 2001, 2002, Vukelic & Baričevic 2002). Depending on general ecological conditions (e.g. geological bedrock, soil type, inclination, exposition, elevation, ...), Dinaric fir-beech forests are on their lower elevational limit in contact with montane beech forests of the associations Lamio orvalae-Fagetum, Arunco-Fagetum, Hacquetio-Fagetum, Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum, Ostryo-Fagetum, Rhododendro hirsuti-Fagetum (compare with Dakskobler 2008), pine forests of the associations Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetumprostratae and Fraxino orni-Pinetum nigrae or even directly with thermophitic European Hop-hornbeam forests of the associations Seslerio autumnalis-Ostry-etum and Amelanchiero ovalis-Ostryetum. On their upper elevational limit, however, they are in contact with altimontane (Ranunculo platanifolii-Fage-tum) and subalpine (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum) beech forests, forming frequently both on the upper and lower limits of their elevational range transitional stands of ambiguous tipology. Latitu-dinally, on their north-western limits of their distribution range (the Trnovski gozd plateau), they are in contact with pre-alpine fir-beech stands of the association Homogyno sylvestris-Fagetum. The southern limit of the distribution range of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum, as well as the whole alliance Aremonio-Fagion, is not clear yet (for the relevant discussion see Surina 2002) and an extensive analysis in order the define its south-eastern limits awaits. Dinaric fir-beech stands in the Illyrian floral province, initially described as Fagetum croaticum australe abietetosum by Horvat (1938), Tregubov (1957) lately treated on the association rank (Abieti-Fagetum dinaricum). Following the rules of a phytosociological code (Barkman et al. 1986, but see also Weber et al. 2000), Marinček et al. (1993) did the nomenclatorial revision of some of the Illyrian forest syntaxa and the name Abieti-Fagetum dinaricum was replaced by Omphalodo-Fagetum. However, as pointed out subsequently, nomenclatorial and chorological issues were not entierly solved (Surina 2002). Recent treatments and interpretations (Trinajstic 2008, Trinajstic et al. 2009) appeared to be redundand, missing the point, and by proposing a new name, Fago-Abietetum omphalodetosum, missinterpreting and violating the phytosociological code (Weber et al. 2000) in several articles. Floristic differences and phytogeographical peculiarities of stands of Omphalodo-Fagetum at the northwestern part of the Dinaric Alps were firstly discussed by Wraber (1953, 1959) and lately by Puncer (1979), who reported on lower proportion of South-east European - Illyrian (il-lyricoid), and higher proportion of south-eastern Alpine taxa in Dinaric fir-beech stands at the north-westernmost part of its distribution area (Abieti-Fagetum austroalpinum nom. nud.) in the Trnovski gozd plateau. Unfortunatelly, Puncer's early death prevented him to continue the research and publish the results supplemented with the table material. Extensive phytogeographical analysis of stands of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum through all the distribution range proved floristic distinctions and led to recognition of the two geographical variants (Surina 2002): Omph-alodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia (restricted to northwesternmost part of the Dinaric Alps, majority of the Trnovski gozd plateau), and Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora (easternmost part of the research area and the rest of the distribution range of the association). In this paper we follow the footsteps of Puncer furtherly trying to elucidate the phy-tosociological, ecological and phytogeographical characteristics of Dinaric fir-beech stands at the north-western part of the Illyrian floral province. Figure 1: Research area and distribution of Dinaric fir-beech forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum) at northwesternmost part of the Dinaric Alps. Slika 1: Območje raziskav in razširjenost dinarskih jelovo bukovih gozdov (Omphalodo-Fagetum) na skrajnem severozahodnem delu Dinaridov. higher elevation of the plateau, karst relief, wind-ness and abundant rainfall, relatively cold. Mean yearly temperature of the plaeau is estimated to be around 5 °C (Zupančič 1980), but is considerably higher at the western and southern part of the plateau. One of the characteristics of the plateau is a phenomenon of temperature and vegetation inversion frequently occuring in freezing dolines (e.g., Krašan 1880, Beck 1906, Martinčič 1977, Surina & Vreš 2009). 1.2 Study area Trnovski gozd is a high karst plateau between 800-1200 m a.s.l. extending on app. 120 km2 at the north-western most part of the Dinaric Alps (W Slovenia, Figure 1). The highest peaks are found in it's central part (Mali Golak, 1495 m). Except for the eastern (and partly north-western) side, the flanks of the plateau are steep and in-tersepted by precipited walls. Jurassic limestone prevails in the area. However, Cretaceous platy limestone with addition of chert is present in some dolinas and slopes, e.g. Mala Lazna, Velika Lazna, Avška Lazna and Gospodova senožet, while Triassic dolomites and Dachstein's limestones occur only on the north-eastern part of the plateau (Buser 1965). Among soils, most common types are different forms of rendzinas and mosaics of rendzinas and brown calcareous soils (Vovk et al. 1966). The climate is humid with high amount of precipitations, 2000-3000 mm yearly (Zupančič 1995), and on account of the 1.3 Forest vegetation of the Trnovski gozd plateau Being in close proximity both to the Alps and the Adriatic Sea, the biogeographic aspect of the flora and vegetation of northwesternmost part of the Dinaric Alps attracted botanists from early beggining (for the review see Wraber 2004). However, majority of botanical studies were done on phytosociology of forest vegetation. M. Wraber did the first studies in 1950's and 60's (Wraber 1953, 1959, 1963), followed by Piskernik (1954) and Zupančič (1967, 1969) who studied maple-beech forests (Stellario glochidispermae-Fagetum = Stellario montanae-Fagetum). Extensive mapping of forest vegetation (in a scale 1 : 10.000) was performed between 1977-79 (Marinček et al. 1977, Čampa 1978, Urbančič et al. 1979). Spruce (Lonicero caeruleae-Piceetum, Hacquetio-Piceetum) and fir-spruce forests (Ribeso alpini-Piceetum) were studied in detail by Zupančič (1980, 1999) and Zupančič and Accetto (1994), respectively. Subalpine beech stands (Polysticho lonchitis-Fage-tum var. geogr. Allium victorialis) were studied by Marinček (1996), while Dakskobler (1997, 1998, 2000, 2003) and Dakskobler et al. (2000) have done extensive studies on various types of beech forests: termophilous (Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum), fir-beech (Omphalodo-Fagetum), and beech forests with hairy alpenrose (Rhododendro hirsuti-Fagetum). Native pine forests (Fraxino orni-Pinetum nigrae) are restricted only to precipited walls and terrases of northern slopes of the plateau above the Trebuša valley (Dakskobler 1999, 2004, Urbančič & Dakskobler 2001). In general, beech forests completely prevail in the Trnovski gozd plateau, while fir-beech stands (Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia) cover app. 70% of the research area (Turk 1994). 2. METHODS Forest stands were studied applying sigmatistic method (Braun-Blanquet 1964, Westhoff & van der Maarel 1973, Dierschke 1994). Plot size used for sampling was 400 m2 (a standard plot size for forest stands, but see also Chytry & Otypková 2003). All in all 208 relevés were entered into the FloVegSi database (Seliškar et al. 2003), 15 of which were already published by Dakskobler et al. (2000) - Omphalodo-Fagetum rhododendreto-sum hirsuti, and 35 of which originated from the unpublished manuscript of Puncer. Relevés were then compared using methods of hierarchical and non-hierarchical classification as well as ordination with help of the computer programme packages PAST (Hammer et al. 2001) and SYNTAX (Podani 2001). Prior to the analyses, the combined cover-abundance values were transformed into the ordinal scale as proposed by van der Maarel (1979). In the first step we applyed non-hierarchical clustering (global optimisation with k values ranging from 2-10, 5 repeats and 100 searches), suitable for large datasets (Gauch 1999), in order to achieve within-cluster homogeneity. After initial non-hierarchical clustering we used several methods of hierarchical clustering (complete linkage -farthest neighbour, unweighted average linkage method - UPGMA, incremental sum of squares - MISSQ) which all yielded very similar results. The similarity measures were Dice and Jaccard indices (when presence or absence of species was considered), Euclidian distance and Wishart's coefficient - similarity ratio. The arrangements of relevés in phytosociological tables is based on the results of hierarchical clustering. For every taxon in the table we calculated its cover index (Ic) as suggested by Lausi et al. (1982). In order to explain the variation by specific environmental and structural (phytosociological) variables, unconstrained (PCA, DCA) and constrained (RDA, CCA) ordination analyses were performed using CANOCO computer programme (Braak Ter & Šmilauer 2002). In order to determine the lenghts of gradientes, DCA analyses, detrended by segments, were initially performed and the models (linear, unimodal) were used accordingly. Statistical significance of ecological variables (p<0.05) was tested using Monte Carlo test with 499 permutations. Only significant variables were then analyzed together in order to produce a general view of environmental impact on floristic composition and structure of forest stands. For the general environmental affinities we used bioindica-tor values of vascular plants of the Flora of Italy (Pignatti 2005). The environmental value in a relevé (EVw) was estimated as a weighted average of the indicator values of all the s present species, their abundances being used as weights: s ^ IVjXÂbundj EV = —- / , Âbundt where IVi is the indicator value of ¿th species and Abundi is the abundance of ¿th species in a relevé (Lepš & Šmilauer 2003). In order to investigate whether a slope exposition of studied stands is randomly distributed within stands grouped to syntaxa recognized based on floristic composition, a directional analysis was performed using Rayleigh's - R (Mardia 1972) and chi-square -H2 tests (Hammer & Harper 2006) by means of programme package PAST. Five representative soil profiles were used in order to explain soil conditions in different types of stands. Profiles were described by M.Sc. Tomaž Prus, and the chemical analyses were conducted in the laboratories of the Pedology and Environment Protection Centre of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. The association Omphalodo-Fagetum was subdivided into lower units according to the principle of multi-dimensional subdivision of vegetation units (Matuszkiewicz & Matuszkiewicz 1981, but see also Surina 2002). According to this principle geographical variants are treated as small independant regional associations and subassociations are discribed within the geographical variants (for example Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae) and not within the association in broader sense (Omphalodo-Fagetum festucetosum altisimae), what is in accordance to the Code (Weber et al. 2000). We find this approach in geographically widespread and climazonal associations to be practical and justified, being aware of the fact that certain newly described subassociations, according to the Code, are typified illegitimately. The nomenclature and taxonomy of vascular plants is in agreement with the Mala flora Slovenije (Martincic et al. 2007), while mosses and lichens with Martincic (2003) and Suppan & al. (2000), respectively. Phytosociological groups were formed on the basis of our own criteria, but in accord with numerous authors (e.g., Mucina et al. 1993, Oberdorfer 1994, Aeschimann et al. 2004). Type relevés for various syntaxa bellow the association rank are marked with an asterix. Taxa occuring only once in phytosociological tables, detailed locality descriptions and all the syntaxonomical units with complete names mentioned in the paper are listed in the Appendix. Since only the most frequent and abundant taxa of mosses and lichens were determined, mosses and lichens were not chosen for the diagnostic group of taxa. Their inventory is listed at the bottom of the analytical tables (Tables 5-14). 3. RESULTS 3.1 Floristic composition Complete floristic inventory of the Dinaric fir-beech stands in the Trnovski gozd plateau is given in Tables 4-14 and Appendix. In total, 253 taxa of ferns and phanerogams were recorded. Characteristic taxa for the European beech forests (Fagetalia sylvaticae) represent the core group (Figure 2, Tables 1 & 2) of species in studied stands, constituting 24.1 (rhododendretosum hirsuti) - 46.3% (asaretosum europaei) of a total floristic inventory according to various lower ranked syntaxa. Beech forests taxa achieve the highest coverage values (Ic), ranging from 357.2 (festucetosum altissimae II) - 1019 (asaretosum europaei), as well. Moderatelly acidophilous, subhi- grophilous and mesophilous taxa, characteristic of spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea), are also frequent, representing 10.9 (asaretosum europaei) -24.4% (festucetosum altissimae II) of a total floristic inventory, and achieving rather high coverage values (330.2 - 717.8). They are good diferential species to pure beech stands which represent climax forest vegetation type in lower montane and subalpine belts. Tall herbs (Mulgedio-Aconitetea) represent 4.6 (sambucetosum) - 12% (rhododendretosum), while highly diagnostic illyricoid taxa (Aremonio-Fagion) from Illyrian forests 5.3 (rhododendretosum) - 9.5% (asaretosum) of total species inventory (Table 1). A proportion and coverage of groups of taxa may vary a lot according to different types of Dinaric fir-beech forests recognized in our analyses which is in accordance with general cognition of extreme ecological plasticity of forests of the climazonal association Omphalo-do-Fagetum. taxa Syntaxa Figure 2: Number of taxa per selected syntaxa in Dinaric fir-beech forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps; FS - Fagetalia sylvaticae, VP - Vac-cinio-Piceetea, QF - Querco-Fagetea, AF - Aremonio-Fagion, AT - Asplenietea trichomanis, QP - Quercetalia pubescentis, EP - Erico-Pinetea, ES - Elyno-Seslerietea, TR - Thlaspietea rotundifolii, QRP - Quercetalia robori-petraeae). Slika 2: Število taksonov v dinarskem jelovem bukovju (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi) glede na izbrane sintaksonomske skupine (FS -Fagetalia sylvaticae, VP - Vaccinio-Piceetea, QF - Querco-Fagetea, AF - Aremonio-Fagion, AT - Asplenietea trichomanis, QP - Quercetalia pubescentis, EP - Erico-Pinetea, ES - Elyno-Seslerietea, TR - Thlaspietea rotundifolii, QRP - Quercetalia robori-petraeae). Table 1: Syntaxonomic groups (%Ic) in the subassociations of the Dinaric fir-beech forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps). Tabela 1: Sintaksonomske skupine (%Ic) v subasociacijah dinarskega jelovega bukovja s klinolistnim kamnokrečem (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi). Syntaxa rho ade sax cal aru fesI fes II ste cal var ses sam asa Aremonio-Fagion 5.31271 7.7852 6.7917 7.01085 5.91133 6.9761 6.51101 7 9134.5 9.31347 8.31708 9 5193.7 Fagetalia sylvaticae 24.14396 36.95938 30.6433.3 35.9561.4 38.5645.8 34.4357.2 41.3862.4 33.5630.0 37.34896 43.15500 46.310191 Quercetalia pubescentis 3.037.5 3.10.0 4.5261 3.5229 3.77.6 4.66.2 4.57.4 4.9357 6.8104.2 2.8167 5.466.7 Quercetalia roboris-petraeae 0.808 0.81.4 2.7159 Querco-Fagetea 5.366.0 2.3370 6.0706 6.3520 6.741.3 5.3333 7 752.9 7.974.5 6.8597 5.5667 8.81492 Erico-Pinetea 6.01090 3.8160 3.0178 2.12.6 2.20.9 1.508 1.916 4.991.7 2.8111 1.4127 Mulgedio-Aconitetea 12.01542 10.81444 9.0361 7.7108 6.723.1 6.93.3 9.7149.2 7.971.4 5.942 4.68.3 4.8302 Vaccinio-Piceetea 23.36535 20.0224.1 23.17178 20.4466.7 20.03160 24.4357.2 12.91709 14.02073 20.32861 18.3306.9 10.9330.2 Elyno-Seslerietea 2.3340 2.3136 0.71.1 3.0202 0.73.2 Asplenietea trichomanis 9.81319 6.943.2 7.5122.8 6.384.0 6.749.8 5.3387 4.5392 6.1671 5.963.2 4.6472 2.731.7 Thlaspietea rotundifolii 2.3403 0.8309 1.5363 2.128.4 1.5191 0.824.3 0.679 1.8363 1.7243 0.928 0.71.6 Other species 6.8708 5.460.5 7.5772 8.5938 8.1827 9.264.2 10.375 1 7.940.8 5.1500 9.21722 6.1635 No. of ferns and seed plants 13318639 13012488 1181630 7 1321000 13512995 131962 1 13714767 16414095 11812174 10913528 1471917.5 Mean no. of seed plants/ relevé, CV % 65.310.0 42.1148 51.512.4 42.9137 42.811.5 34.3193 45.416.1 50.6200 41.911.6 587.4 57.9139 Nom. od lichens and bryophytes 53475.7 31219.1 48209.4 171317 16123.1 33205.8 45189.9 17124.5 22156.3 15122.2 211825 Table 2: Phytosociological parameters (Me-Min-Max) of different types of Dinaric fir-beech stands (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps). Tabela 2: Fitocenološki parametri (Me-Min-Max) različnih tipov dinarskega jelovega bukovja (Omphalodo-Fage-tum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi). c o v e r a g e (%) syntaxa elevation incl. tree layer shrub layer herb layer moss layer stoniness (m) (0) (A) (B) (C) (D) (S) rhododendretosum hirsuti 13 051130-1350 3525-35 7060-80 5020-60 6040-70 2010-30 600-70 adenostyletosum glabrae 12701240-1300 250-40 8570-90 101-«> 6040-70 105-20 3010-60 saxifragetosum cuneifoliae 11951035-1340 400-50 8050-100 205-60 7570-100 101-50 3010-70 calamagrostietosum arundinaceae 1130945-1245 200-50 9070-100 205-70 7040-90 105-40 301-70 festucetosum altissimae I 1Q1Q790-1275 150-40 10070-100 101-50 7030-100 101-50 301-70 festucetosum altissimae II 1040790-1220 50-30 8070-90 100-40 6030-90 100-60 600-80 stellarietosum montanae 970800-1100 150-35 8050-100 101-90 8050-100 101-50 200-70 calamagrostietosum variae 960680-1200 3520-40 8070-90 2010-40 5010-70 50-20 2010-40 seslerietosum autumnalis 970800-1120 17.510-25 9080-100 105-40 7010-100 101-30 305-60 sambucetosum nigrae 850800-1000 2015-25 8580-100 5030-60 8070-90 105-10 155-20 asaretosum europaei 660640-800 32.530-35 9080-90 1010-20 5540-60 55-20 1510-30 Table 3: Chemical and physical characteristics of five representative soil profiles in five Dinaric fir-beech stands (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps). Tabela 3: Kemične in fizikalne lastnosti tal v petih reprezentativnih profilih v sestojih dinarskega jelovega bukovja (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi). sample 1 2 3 4 5 elevation (m) 1130 1160 1000 1210 850 exposition E W SW W-NW E inclination (0) 25 20 15 25 20 horizon Oh A AB Brz Oh A Oh A Oh A Oh A depth (cm) 0-4 4-23 23-49 49-86 0-13 13-38 0-12 12-30 0-13 13-20 0-15 15-30 pH (CaCl2) 4.4 4.2 5 5.2 3.5 6.5 6.2 6.9 3.8 6.4 6.3 7 P2O5 Al k2o5 mg/100g 1.7 5.5 0.9 7.1 3.3 12.1 0.6 8.3 1.3 5.4 1.7 6.8 org. matter % 32.6 4 1.8 1.3 39.6 25.1 32.7 15.8 51.8 18.1 27.7 16 C 18.9 2.3 1 0.8 22.9 14.5 18.9 9.1 30 10.5 16 9.3 C : N 16.7 14.4 12.5 13.3 15.3 17.5 13 13.6 18.8 16.7 15.1 14.5 N total 1.13 0.2 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.8 1.5 0.7 1.6 0.6 1.1 0.6 sand 6.7 6.7 6.8 14.3 12.6 10.9 14.4 rough % 18.9 19.1 4 24.9 17.8 16.8 20.2 il fine 33 31.5 10.5 35 40.5 43.1 43.9 total 51.9 50.6 14.5 59.9 58.3 59.9 64.1 clay 41.4 42.7 78.7 25.8 29.1 29.2 21.5 texture class MG MG G MI MGI MGI MI Ca 1.6 8.2 10.1 56.4 48 33.8 40.0 Mg g 0 0.2 0.5 0.5 1.6 0.6 10.2 11.4 K Na mmol H/1( sample 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 H 10.4 13.2 10.4 18.8 10 16.9 8.7 S a- ° * ° o /o BS ............D.................... ¥ ++ o o o U T N -1.3 environmental variables 1.3 supplementary variables samples □ adenostyletosum glabrae O saxifragetosum cuneifoliae •+■ rhododendretosum hirsuti + calamagrostietosum arundinaceae < festucetosum altissimae O calamagrostietosumvariae + stellarietosum montanae A seslerietosum autumnalis < sambucetosum nigrae □ asaretosum europaei Figure 4: RDA analysis of Dinaric fir-beech stands (Omph-alodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps), according to elevation (alt) and Pignatti's indicator values: nutrients (N), light conditions (L), moisture (U), temperature (T) and soil reaction (R). Only elevation was used as an explanatory variable (F-ratio= 15.87; p-value 0.002), while other indicator values were used as supplementary variables and are passively projected. Eigenvalues 0.068, 0.123, 0.086, 0.057, cumulative percentage of variance of species data: 6.8, 19.0, 27.6 and 33.3. Slika 4: RDA analiza dinarskih jelovo bukovih sestojev (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi), glede na nadmorsko višino (alt) in Pignattijeve indikatorske vrednosti: nutrienti (N), svetlobne razmere (L), vlažnost rastišč (U), temperatura (T) in reakcija tal (R). Za pojasnjevalno spremenljivko smo izbrali le nadmorsko višino (F-ratio= 15.87; p-value 0.002), medtem ko smo indikator-ske vrednosti obravnavali kot dodatne spremenljivke in so le pasivno preslikane na diagram. Vrednosti eigenvalues: 0.068, 0.123, 0.086, 0.057, kumulativni odstotek variance vrstne sestave: 6.8, 19.0, 27.6 in 33.3. From the group of character species, Rhamnusfal-lax and Calamintha grandiflora are lacking, while differential species for the geographical variant are fully represented (Table 4). The subassociation -rhododendretosum hirsuti is floristically and ecologically very well defined. It also hosts the highest number of seed plants per relevé area (mean=65.3, Figure 5), while low coefficient of variation in number of seed plants per relevé (10%) suggests very homogenous species composition (Table 1). According to numerical analyses, one relevé we made belongs to the subassociation -rhododen-dretosum, although the stand lacks majority of its differential taxa, and most probably represents a transitional stand towards the subassociation -saxifragetosum cuneifoliae: Locality: Predmeja, Mali Golak, Paradana above Ledenica; 45.990° N, 13.848° E; alt. 1130 m, exp. SE, incl. 25°; rocky slope, stoniness 60%; 17. 5. 2000, leg. M. Zupančič, I. Dakskobler, B. Surina. A (80%): Fagus sylvatica 3, Abies alba 2, Picea abies 1; B (30%): Lonicera alpigena 2, Acer pseudo-platanus 1, Fagus sylvatica 1, Abies alba +, Daphne mezereum +, Picea abies +, Rubus idaeus +, Sa-lix appendiculata + Sorbus aria +, S. aucuparia +; C (60%): Anemone nemorosa 2, Calamagrostis arun-dinacea 2, Adenostyles glabra 1, Cardamine ennea-phyllos 1, Mercurialis perennis 1, Polygonatum verti-cillatum 1, Rosa pendulina 1, Vaccinium myrtillus 1, Oxalis acetosella +, Cardamine trifolia +, Abies alba +, Actaea spicata +, Aremonia agrimonoides +, Aruncus dioicus +, Asplenium ruta-muraria +, A. trichomanes +, A. viride +, Athyrium filix-femina +, Carex digi-tata +, Clematis alpina +, Cyclamen purpurascens +, Dactylorhiza fuchsii +, Dryopteris filix-mas +, Fagus sylvatica +, Galium laevigatum +, Gentiana asclepia-dea +, Hepatica nobilis +, Homogyne sylvestris +, Hu-perzia selago +, Lilium martagon +, Lonicera nigra +, L. xylosteum +, Maianthemum bifolium +, Mycelis muralis +, Omphalodes verna +, Paris quadrifolia +, Phyteuma spicatum ssp. coeruleum +, Platanthera bifolia +, Polystichum aculeatum +, P. lonchitis +, Prenanthes purpurea +, Ranunculus platanifolius +, Rubus fruticosus agg. +, R. saxatilis +, Saxifraga cu-neifolia +, Solidago virgaurea +, Sorbus aria +, Valeriana tripteris +, Veratrum album, Veronica urticifolia +, Viola riviniana +; D (10%): Ctenidium molluscum 1, Dicranum scoparium +, Isothecium alopecuroides +, Neckera crispa +, Plagiochila asplenioides +, Pol-ytrichum formosum +, Tortella tortuosa +, Cladonia digitata +, Leptogium saturninum +, Peltigera leu-cophlebia +, Schistidium apocarpum +. Subassociation -adenostyletosumglabrae subass. nova (Table 5) These stands were recorded on the south-eastern part of the Plateau, bellow the Mt. Bukov vrh (1314 m a.s.l.), within the forest reserve Bukov vrh (Kordis 1985). They are developed on moder-atelly inclined to steep rocky slopes (Me=25°) in Figure 5: DCA analysis of elevation (alt), nutrients (N), light conditions (L) and number of phanerogams per relevé (Nsp) in Dinaric fir-beech forest stands (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps), according to selective phytosociological parameters and Pignatti's indicator values. Symbols are congruent with those in Fig. 4. Slika 5: DCA analiza nadmorske višine (alt), nutrientov (N), svetlobnih razmer (L) ter števila praprotnic in cvetnic na popisni ploskvi (Nsp) glede na izbrane fitocenološke parametre in Pignattijeve indikatorske vrednosti v dinarskih jelovo bukovih sesto-joh (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi). rhododendretosum (R: p=2.8109E-07*, H2=2,526E-07*) adenostyletosum (R: p=0,61688,H2=0,4753) s / / / ,4k ■ i / 10 > \ 1 1 \ __ \ s s z / i -" / / ✓ saxifragetosum (R: p=0,0023*,H2=0,00088*) cal. arundinaceae (R: p=0,565,H2=0,113) festucetosum I (R: p=0,858,H2=0,331) festucetosum II (R: p=0,691 ,H2=0,274) stellarietosum (R: p=0,781,H2=0,121) cal. variae (R: p=0,568,H2=0,00117*) seslerietosum (R: p=0,0015*,H2=0,019*) sambucetosum (R: p=0,154,H2=0,01005*) asaretosum (R: p=0,229,H2=0,0072*) Figure 6: Rose plots of exposition of different types of Dinaric fir-beech forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps). Statistically significant results of Rayleigh's test (R) and chi-square tests (H2) are marked with an asterix. Slika 6: Diagrami ekspozicije različnih tipov dinarskega jelovega bukovja (Omphalodo-Fage-tum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinar-idi). Statistično značilne vrednosti Rayleigh-jeve-ga (R) in hi-kvadrat testa so označene z zvezdico. the altimontane belt (1240-1300 m a.s.l.) on dolomites and dolomitized (rarely pure) limestones regardless of slope exposition (Figure 6, Table 2). The most common soil type is rendzina. In the tree layer, Fagus sylvatica usually prevails, while Abies alba and Acer pseudoplatanus are less frequent. Complete floristic inventory and the differential species of the subassociation (Adenostyles glabra, Veratrum album and Saxifraga rotundfolia) in particular indicate intermediate position of stands between fir-beech forest stands and the al-timontane beech forest stands of the association Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum, developed on the summit of the Mt. Bukov. Among the character species of the association, only Cardamine trifo-lia occurs with higher constancy (89%); Aremo-nia agrimonoides, Omphalodes verna and Rhamnus fallax occur in only 6% of releves (Tables 4 and 5). Paederota lutea and Phyteuma scheuchzeri ssp. columnae were the most frequent geographically differential taxa. In comparison to other studied syntaxa, these stands host the highest proportion of the taxa from the groups of tall herbs (Mulgedio-Aconitetea), rock crevices (Asplenietea trichomanis) and subalpine and alpine grasslands (Elyno-Seslerietea). Ecologically and floristically (biogeographically), these stands, at the upper elevational limit of the Dinaric fir-beech association (Figures 4 and 5), represent transitional forests towards altimontane beech stands at the north-westernmost part of their distribution area. Vikariant form of this subassociation from the Kočevsko region (SE Slovenia) is Omphalodo-Fa-getum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora adenosty-letosum glabrae, described by Puncer (1980). Subassociation -saxifragetosum cuneifoliae sub-ass. nova (Table 6) Typical stands of this syntaxon are developed on higher elevation (Me=1200 m) and markedly cooler sites, on rocky, shady and steep slopes (Table 2, Figures 4-6). Slope inclination was the highest of all studies syntaxa (Me=40°, but up to 50°). Slopes are most frequently of northern - north-eastern exposure rendering both Ray-leigh's and chi-square tests statistically significant for non-randomly distributed directions (Figure 6). The soil is predominantly composed of moder rendzina on limestone bedrock (Table 3, profile No. 4, Figure 3). Tree layer only rarely covers 100% of the relevé area (Me=80%) due to highly diversified relief and slopes intersepted with boulders and rocks. While shrub layer is on- ly moderately (Me= 20%), herb layer is rather well developed (Me=75%) but due to highly diversified relief only rarely forms a homogenous layer. Moss layer is well developed and usualy covers about 10% of the relevé area. The most numerous taxa belong to the group of European beech forest species (Fagetalia sylvaticae, 30.6% of total species inventory, Ic=433.3), while the highest coverage of all studied syntaxa achieve taxa from the group of spruce forest species (Vaccinio-Piceetea, 23.1%, Ic=717.8; Table 1). This is explained by severe ecological conditions which suite well the species adopted to moist and shady sites. To this end, these stands also host relatively high proportion of tall herbs (Mulgedio-Aconitetea, 9%, Ic=36.1) and species of rock crevices (Asplenietea trichomanis; 7.5%, Ic=122.8). In total, 118 taxa of ferns and seed plants were recorded for the subassociation; mean number of taxa per relevé is 51.5 (CV=12.4%; Table 1), and the complete floristic inventory is given in Tables 4 and 6. From the character species of the association, beside Abies alba as an edificator, only Cardamine trifolia and Ompalodes verna were relatively frequent, while Aremonia agrimonoides and Calamintha grandiflora appear only sporadically and with low coverage values. Rhamnus fallax is completely absent in selected stands. Differential species for the geographical variant are all well represented. The most frequent taxa (present in more than 90% of relevés) in the herb layer are Asplenium viride (100%28), Gentiana asclepiadea (100%27-8), Calama-grostis arundinacea (95%633), Polygonatum verticil-latum (95%30 6), Rosa pendulina (95%294), Clematis alpina (90%489), Anemone nemorosa (90%30 6), Pre-nanthespurpuera (90%294), Calamagrostisarundinacea (94%693), Valeriana tripteris (94%69 3), Solidago virgaurea (90%272) and Daphne mezereum (90%228). Floristical composition of stands of the subassociation -saxifragetosum on their upper elevational limit show a transition to Dinaric fir-beech stands with Hairy Alpenrose (Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia rhododendretosum) and subalpine beech stands (Polysticho lonchitis-Fage-tum var. geogr. Allium victorialis) sharing majority of the floristic inventory. This is particularly true for the subassociation -rhododendretosum (Figures 4-6), where half of the differential species for the subassociation -rhododendretosum, although with much smaller coverage values, appear in stands of the subassociation -saxifragetosum (Table 4). Another feature shared by both fir-beech syntaxa is high proportion and coverage values of species of the classes Vaccinio-Piceetea and Asplenietea tricho-manes (Table 1). Fir-beech stands of the subass. -saxifragetosum are on their lower elevational limit in transition to fir-beech stands of the subassociations -festucetosum altissimae and -calamagrostieto-sum arundinaceae. As a differential species for the subassociation we selected Saxífraga cuneifolia, a typical representative of the class Vaccinio-Piceetea which achieve the highest coverage value of all studied syntaxa. Although only a progressive differential species and frequent in stands classified to other fir-beech syntaxa on higher elevation (Table 4), Saxifraga cuneifolia achieves the highest coverage and constancy in stands of the subassociation -saxifragetosum. Subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae subass. nova (Table 7) Calamagrostis arundinacea is, in contrary to the Dinaric fir-beech stands of other regions in Slovenia (Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Cala-mintha grandiflora), the most frequent grass species in studied stands in the research area. Hence, stands where it dominates in the herb layer are one of the most widespread in the Trnovski gozd plateau, particularly in its central and western part of the research area. These stands thrive at lower elevation on plains or moderatelly inclined rocky slopes, while at higher elevation on steeper slopes (Me=20°, 0-50°) and ridges exposed to Bora between 945-1245 m (Me=1130; Figures 4-6). Although warmer slope expositions prevail, Rayleigh's and chi-square tests show no statistical significance for non-randomly distributed directions (Figure 6). RDA analyses furtherly suggest sunny (tree canopy is markedly disclosed), dryer and warmer sites and soils with pronounced lower pH reaction (Figures 4-6). This is congruent with the results of soil analyses (Table 3, Figure 3), where the A horizon has the lowest pH reaction (4.2) and contains the lowest amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, organic matter, nitrogen, sand and silt, but the highest amount of clay of all analyzed soil profiles. Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba dominate in tree layer, covering 70100% of a relevé area (Table 2). Due to disclosed canopy (see light conditions in Figures 4 and 5), Sorbus aria use to penetrate frequently out of the shrub layer. Occasionally, and mainly due to consequences of forest management, Picea abies occurs abundantly. Shrub layer is poorly developed (Me=20%) and mainly constituted of beech, fir, spruce and maple offsprings. One of the charac- teristics of these stands is low species diversity per relevé in the herb layer (mean=42.9, 32-58; Figure 5). This is most probably due to dense tussocks formed by Calamagrostis arundinacea, disabling successful germination and rejuvenation of other seed plants. However, relativelly low coefficient of variation (13.7%) suggests rather homogenous species composition of stands. Most of the species inventory belongs to European beech forests group of taxa (Fagetalia sylvaticae), representing 35.9% (Ic=561) of the total inventory of the subassociation. Acidophilous taxa of the spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceetea) are frequent as well (20.4%466 7). Tall herbs (Mulgedio-Aconitetea) and illyricoid species (Aremonio-Fagion) represent 7.7% (Ic=10.8) and 7% (Ic=108.5), respectivelly. The most frequent and abundant taxa are Dryopteris filix-mas (100%275), Senecio ovatus (100%265), My-celis muralis (100%258), Calamagrostis arundinacea (94%69 3), Oxalis acetosella (94%50-3), Cardamine tri-folia (94%356), Adenostyles glabra (94%356), Prenan-thespurpurea (94%301), Adenostyles glabra (94%284), Athyrium filix-femina (94%281), Rubus idaeus (94%25 2) and Galeobdolonflavidum (94%242). Continuous transition to stands of the subassociation -festucetosum altissimae (Figures 4 and 5), specially on higher elevation, cooler and moister sites, are frequent and indicated by high coverage of Festuca altissima (68%22 9), rendering the differentiation between the two syntaxa difficult (Figure 7; see the discussion further below). In moss layer, only 17 taxa were recorded where only Ctenidium molluscum (76%34), Cladonia coniocraea (56%127) and C. pyxidata (53%118) occur in more than 50% of the relevés. From the character species of the association, Cardamine trifolia (94%35) and Aremonia agrimo-noides (71%173) are frequent, while both Calamin-tha grandiflora and Omphalodes verna occur in 6% of the relevés. As a differential species for the subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae we chose Calamagrostis arundinacea, a taxon already mentioned as a local differential species for studied stands by Puncer (1979). Calamagrostis arundinacea thrives from montane to subalpine belt, frequently on non-calcareous bedrock or sandstone, moderatelly acid to acid humus, on shallow or deep soils (Table 3). In Slovenia it is frequent above all in coniferous, rarely in deciduous forests (Zupančič 1980). Due to ecological preferences and high constancy in spruce and aci-dophilous fir-, fir-beech- and pine forests across the Europe, phytosociologists consider Calama- grostis arundinacea as characteristic species for the class Vaccinio-Piceetea (Zupančič 1980). Being missleaded by the taxonomic issues regarding the genus Calamagrostis in the studied area, M. Wraber (1953) treated stands of the subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae as Abieti-Fagetum calamagrostidetosum variae nom. inv., a mistake repeated by later phytosociolo-gists who studied the phytosociology of fir-beech stands in the Trnovski gozd plateau (Marinček et al. 1977, Urbančič et al. 1979), while on the northeastern part of the plateau, selective stands were not recorded (Čampa 1978). C. varia occurs more frequently only at the north-eastern part of the research area, while C. arundinacea generally prevails across the whole plateau. Based mainly on physiognomy of stands, Wraber (1953, 1959) differentiated two elevational variants. However, in our analyses and according to floristic inventories, we couldn't confirm his synsystematic treatment. This may well be due to the high impact of forest management on floristic inventory and physiognomy of stands, since after woodcutting, causing the overexposition of undergrowth, Calamagrostis arundinacea quickly started to dominate in the herb layer. On lower elevation, dryer and warmer sites, stands of the subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae are in contact with stands of the subassociation -seslerietosum autumnalis. Subassociation -festucetosum altissimae subass. nova (Tables 8 & 9) These stands are the most frequent and along with stands of the subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae represent the central type of fir-beech forests in the study area, occuring between 790 (on northerly exposed slopes) and 1275 m a.s.l. (sunny and warmer sites) in elevationally the widest belt of all studied stands (Table 2) and all expositions (both Rayleigh's and chi-square tests show no statistical significance for non-ran-domly distributed directions, Figures 4-6). Although the percentage of stoniness per relevé may vary a lot (0-80%), most typical stands are developed on rocky and steep slopes with rocks and boulders arranged in cascades. Stands are scatered through all the research area but never occur on large and homogenous areas. Soils are shallow and organogenic, brown rendzines prevail (Figure 3, Table 3). In the tree layer Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba, occasionally intermixed with Picea abies, dominate. In severely perturbat-ed stands by forest management, fir may be com- pletely replaced by spruce. Acer pseudoplatanus and Sorbus aucuparia are less frequent. Shrub layer use to cover round 10% of relevé area, and beside the beech the most frequent taxa are Ru-bus idaeus, Daphne mezereum, Sambucus nigra, Lonicera nigra and Rosa pendulina. In typical stands, Festuca altissima prevails in herb layer. On sunny sites with lower stoniness and slope inclination, more acidic and nutrients impoverished soils, Calamagrostis arundinacea may co-dominate, thus rendering typological delimitation of respective sintaxa (namelly, -festucetosum altissimae and -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae) difficult (Figures 4-6). Other frequent, moderately acidophilic species are Luzula luzuloides and Oxalis acetosella. In general, species of the class Vaccinio-Piceetea are very frequent and abundant, indicating cooler and moister site conditions (Table 1, Figure 4). European beech forests species represent core group of inventory (up to 38% of total species inventory): Dryopteris flix-mas (100%23-32), Paris quadrifolia (92%115"22-2) and Galeobdolonflavi-dum (80-85%21'4"22-2) occur in more then 80% of relevés. Illyricoid taxa (Aremonio-Fagion) are less frequent, representing round 6% of a total species inventory. Cardamine trifolia and Aremonia agrimo-noides are, beside the edifier Abies alba, the only character species with higher constancy (Tables 1 and 4); Rhamnus fallax occurs sporadically and with low coverage, while Omphalodes verna and Calamintha grandiflora are completely absent. Moss layer may cover high percentage of the relevé area (up to 60%), specially on sites with high stoniness, with Neckera crispa, Dicarnum scoparium and Ctenidium molluscum being the most frequent moss taxa. All in all, 131 (Table 9 - typical variant, Puncer's relevés) and 135 (Table 8 - variants with Calamagrostis arundinacea, Lamium orvala and Picea abies) fern and seed plants were recorded, with round 40 species per relevé (24-55). As a differential species for the subassociation we selected Festuca altissima, occuring in tussocks and contributing most to the physiognomy of typical stands. They were typologically segregated already by M. Wraber (1953, 1959), Marinček et al. (1977), Čampa (1978) and Urbančič et al. (1979), but without selection of differential species. Puncer (1979) proposed Festuca altissima, Orthilia secunda and Dicranum scoparium as differential species based on the results of his studies from the Kočevski rog area (Puncer et al. 1974, Puncer 1980). However, Orthilia secunda occurs in our stands only moderatelly, while Dicranum Cal aru œ CČ Fes alt 6.0 4.0 8.0 Cal aru Cal aru œ CČ Fes alt œ al -\ Fes alt 3.5 N 7.5 4.6 U 6.0 Figure 7: Species response curves for Calamagrostis arundinacea and Festuca altissima in Dinaric fir-beech stands (Omphalodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps), according to selective Pignatti's indicator values; light conditions (L), soil reaction (R), nutrients (N), moisture (U); response model type: generalized linear model; degree: linear; distribution: binomial. Slika 7: Krivulje odzivnosti vrst Calamagrostis arundinacea in Festuca altissima glede na Pignattijeve indikatorske vrednosti v sestojih dinarskega jelovega bukovja (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi); svetlobne razmere (L), reakcija tal (R), nutrienti (N), vlaga (U); tip modela odzivnosti: generaliziran linearni model; stopnja: linearna; porazdelitev: binomska. scoparium occurs in stands of all studied syntaxa with different frequences and coverage values (Table 4). Therefore we did not select them as differential species for the subassociation. Floristic composition and structure of stands of the subassociation -festucetosum altissimae are presented in Tables 8 and 9, based on the results of cluster and ordination analyses. In stands from the Table 8 we recognized three variants fur-therly supported by the results of RDA analysis (Figure 8). Stands of the variant Calamagrostis arundinacea (differential species for the variant is Figure 8: RDA analysis of Dinaric fir-beech stands (Omph-alodo-Fagetum) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps), of three subassociations: A - seslerietosum autumna-lis, B - stellarietosum montanae, C -festucetosum altissimae, according to elevation (alt) and Pignatti's indicator values: nutrients (N), temperature (T), soil reaction (R), moisture (U), light conditions (L). Only elevation was used as an explanatory variable, while other indicator values were used as supplementary variables and are passively projected (A: alt - F = 2,582, p = 0,004; B: alt - F = 5,568, p = 0,002; C: alt - F = 2,614, p = 0,002). Slika 8: RDA analiza sestojev treh subasociacij (A - sesle-rietosum autumnalis; B - stellarietosum montanae in C -festucetosum altissimae) dinarskih jelovo bukovih gozdov (Omphalodo-Fagetum) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi), glede na nadmorsko višino (alt) in Pignattijeve indikatorske vrednosti: nutrienti (N), temperatura (T), reakcija tal (R), vlažnost rastišč (U) in svetlobne razmere (L). Za pojasnjevalno variablo smo izbrali le nadmorsko višino (A: alt - F = 2,582, p = 0,004; B: alt - F = 5,568, p = 0,002; C: alt - F = 2,614, p = 0,002), medtem ko smo indikatorske vrednosti obravnavali kot dodatne variable in so le pasivno preslikane na diagram. Calamagrostis arundinacea) occur on sunny slopes and soils low on nutrients (Figure 7). Stands of the variant Lamium orvala (differential species for the variant are Lamium orvala, Cardamine bulbifera and C. impatiens) represent the most mesophilous type of the subassociation, occuring on shady, moist sites and on deeper soils rich in nutrients. Stands of the variant Picea abies (differential species for the variant are Picea abies, Saxífraga rotun-difolia and S. cuneifolia) prefer cooler and shady sites and are usually developed on higher elevation and shallow soils. Table 9 consists almost exclusivelly of the unpublished relevés of Puncer and represents floristically impoverished stands of Dinaric fir-beech forests in the research area. On lower elevation and sunny sites, stands of the subassociation -festucetosum altissimae are in contact with stands of the subassociation -sesleri-etosum autumnalis, while on higher elevation and more acidic soils with stands of the subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae (Figures 3-5, 7). Subassociation -stellarietosum montanae subass. nova (Table 10) Abundance and high coverage of ferns, tall herbs and other plants indicating high soil and air moisture as well as nutrient rich soils, are main characteristics of stands of the subassociation -stellarietosum (Figures 4-6), ecologically one of the best circumscribed lower syntaxa of fir-beech for- seslerietosum □ T □ □ □ o > alt rN °u □□ O 0 o L 2.5 environmental variables □ var. Platanthera bifolia _1.3 supplementary variables O var. Poligonatum verticillatum environmental variables supplementary variables □ var. Cardamine pentaphyllos O var. typica festucetosum 4 L R □ ^ environmental var. ->- supplementary var.->• o <è> o > alt T □ □ - □ □ i N \ DO A 8 u 1 1 -1.0 □ var. Lamium orvala O var. Picea abies 1.3 O var. Calamagrostis arundinacea ests. These stands usualy thrive at the bottom and on flanks of small dolines, in trenches, on foothills and lower edges of larger dolines, plains and slopes between 800-1100 m (Me=970 m; Table 2). The most important ecological factor to shape such a specific floristic combination seem to be soil properties (Figs. 4 and 5). Median coverage of tree layer is 70%, but may vary a lot (50-100%). Fagus sylvatica dominates, while Abies alba and Acer pseudoplatanus are equally represented. Shrub layer is usualy well developed (Me=30%). The most frequent and abundant taxa are Fagus sylvatica and Acer pseudoplatanus. One of the most distinct feature of typical stands of the subassociation -stella-rietosum is abundantly developed herb layer, most frequently completely covering the site. Coverage of moss layer is very much dependent on coverage of stoniness and ranges from 1-50% of a relevé area (Table 2). European beech forests species (Fagetalia sylvaticae) completely dominate in the floristic inventory and also achieve very high coverage values in studied stands (41.3% 862 4). Only 12.9% of taxa with low coverage values belong to the group of spruce forests species (Vaccinio-Piceetea), which is the lowest percentage and coverage of all identified syntaxa in our survey. Tall herbs (Mulgedio-Aconitetea), while prefering moist and nutrient rich soils, achieve relatively high coverage values and represent 9.7% of species inventory in stands. In total, 137 species of ferns and seed plants were recorded. Mean number of seed plants per relevé is 45.4 and may vary from 35-64 (CV=16.1%). Further details are given in Table 2. All association's character species are represented with decent coverage. On the other hand, only one (Saxifraga cuneifolia) out of five differential taxa for the geographical variant is recorded in studied stands. The most frequent (occuring in more than 90% of the relevés) and abundant taxa in the herb layer are Dryopteris filix-mas (100%413), Athyrium filix-femina (100%407), Paris quadrifolia (100%243), Cardamine bulbifera (95%286), Stellaria montana (90%39 2), Festuca altissima (90%392), Cardamine en-neaphyllos (90%317), Urtica dioica (90%30 7), Senecio ovatus (90%286) and Calamagrostis arundinacea (90%27 5; Tables 4 and 10). Differential species for the subassociation we selected from the order Fagetalia sylvaticae: Stellaria montana (90%392), Impatiens noli-tangere (81%328), Adoxa moschatellina (76%201), Arum maculatum (67%159), Lunaria rediviva (57%27) and Circaea lutetiana (52%116). While achieving high coverage and being frequent in stands of the subassociation (Table 4), they are also rather good indicators of fresh and nutrient rich, neutral to basiphilous soils in forests from lowlands to altimontane zone. Based on numerical analyses of floristic composition of stands and environmental variables, two types of stands within the subassociation were distinguished (Figure 8). The first group of stands (var. typicum, rel. 1-13 in Table 10) are developed at the bottom and on flanks of small dolines. A representative soil profile (results not shown and discussed in earlier chapter) was more than 2 m deep and represented biologically very active colluvial soils with plenty of stoniness and organic matter in different stages of decomposition. Rocks and boulders frequently cover the soil surface. Floristic composition of stands suggests neutral to slightly basiphilous and nutrient rich soils, lower light and temperature conditions. Previously performed field measurements of temperature and moisture of the air in similar stands (e.g., Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora aceretosum pseudoplatani) during the growing season suggested lower air temperature at the bottom of the dolines in comparisson to the one on the flanks, while air moisture is usua-ly higher at the bottom of the dolines during the growing season (Puncer 1980). Since such a specific microclimatic conditions occur almost exclusively in small dolines, studied stands are conditioned also by specific soil properties, although frequently occuring, are never developed on a large scale. Sites are usualy plane or only slightly inclined (max. up to 20°). Hence, Rayleigh's and chi-square tests show no statistical significance for non-randomly distributed directions (Figure 9). Differential species of the subassociation are very frequent and achieve high coverage values. Relevés 13-21 in Table 10, in contrast, represent stands developed on rocky slopes (median value of stoniness is round 50%, max. 70%), inclined up to 30° where north-western expositions prevail. In contrast to stands of the var. typicum, both Rayleigh's and chi-square tests are statistically significant for non-randomly distributed directions (Figure 9). These stands are developed on slopes and prefer warmer sites, higher soil reactions (Figure 8) and amounts of stoniness. Differential species of the subassociation are still well represented, while their coverage is lower. Therefore, we segregated these stands into a new variant Cardaminepentaphyllos, and as differential species for the variant we chose Cardamine pentaphyllos and Mercurialis perennis. (Figure 9) Cardamine pentaphillos (R: p=0,033*, H2=0,012*) Figure 9: Rose plots of exposition of Dinaric fir-beech forests (Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia stellari-etosum montanae var. typica and var. Cardaminepentaphyllos) in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps). Statistically significant results of Rayleigh's test (R) and chi-square tests (H2) are marked with an asterix. Slika 9: Diagrami ekspozicije dinarskega jelovega bukovja s kijevolistnim kamnokrečem (Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia stellarietosum montanae var. typica in var. Cardamine pentaphyllos) v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi). Statistično značilne vrednosti Rayleigh-jevega (R) in hi-kvadrat testa so označene z zvezdico. Subassociation -calamagrostietosum variae sub-ass. nova (Table 11) These stands thrive on the Idrian (eastern) part of the Trnovski gozd plateau: at the headwaters of Idrijca river above the Bedrova grapa gorge, above the valley of Belca (Crna draga), under the Zeleni rob ridge above the Ipavsek valley in eastern part of Govci, under the Jelenk and on margines of the Vojsko plateau above the Kanomlja valley. Majority of relevés were made between 800-1000 m a.s.l. (Table 2), on very steep (Me=35°), stony and shady slopes (Figure 6) on dolomites and rendzines. Although this is another type of transitional Dinaric fir-beech forest stands towards pre-alpine fir-beech stands of the association Homogyno sylvestris-Fagetum, character species of the association, as well as differential species of the geographical variant, are well represented (Table 4). Abies alba occurs in all layers, but is rather rare in a tree layer or even absent. Floristic inventory of stands of this subassociation is characterized by comparativelly lower proportion of spruce forests taxa (Vaccinio-Piceetea), and relatively high proportion of ba-siphytic taxa from pine forests (Erico-Pinetea), rock crevices (Asplenietea trichomanis) and subalpine and alpine grasslands (Elyno-Seslerietea), as a consequence of extreme environmental conditions and dolomite bedrock in particular (Table 2). Differential species for the subassociation -calamagrostietosum variae are Calamagrostis varia, Carex alba, Polygonatum multiflorum, Rham-nusfallax, Helleborus niger and Buphthalmum sali-cifolium, rather common taxa from the basiphytic pine forests. Subassociation -seslerietosum autumnalis sub-ass. nova (Table 12) On lower elevation between 800-1120 m (Figures 4 and 5, Table 2), sunny and rocky slopes (Figure 6; both Rayleigh's and chi-square test show high significance for non-random distribution of slope exposition), Sesleria autumnalis (100%771) completely prevails in the herb layer in fir-beech forests. These stands represent the most thermophilous fir-beech stands and are ecologically and floristically (CV=11.6%) very well circumscribed. They are continuously distributed at the western and southern parts of the plateau where an influence of the submediterranean climate is still present. On lower elevation they are developed on summits or ridges, while on higher elevation use to cover steeper slopes. Shallow and skeletous rendzina is the most frequent soil type in these sites and is developed on limestone or dolomitized limestone (Table 3, Figure 3). In lower and upper tree layer Fagus sylvatica (100%72 9) prevails over Abies alba (100%653). Acer pseudoplatanus and Sorbus aria (both 6%14) only rarely penetrate into the lower tree layer. Tree canopy use to be almost completely closed (Me=90%). Shrub layer consists of Fagus sylvatica (100%37 5), Abies alba (56%132), Acer pseudoplatanus (38%83) and Sorbus aria (25%5 6) is only modestly developed, covering round 10% of the relevé's area and together with the high coverage of Ses-leria autumnalis in the herb layer make these stands appear picturesque. On lower elevation Fraxinus ornus, Lonicera xylosteum (both 25%56) and Tilia platyphyllos (both 19%42) occur rela-tivelly frequently, while on higher elevation more frigoriphilous and mesophilous shrubs, e.g., Rosa pendulina (56%146), Sambucus nigra (44%9 7) and S. racemosa (both 13%125) use to prevail in the shrub layer. In typical stands, Sesleria autumnalis in dense tussocks completely domintates in herb layer. Other species present in more than 80% of relevés are Solidago virgaurea (100%25), Mycelis muralis (100222), Cardamine trifolia (94%243), Adeno-styles glabra (94%243), Senecio ovatus (95%236), Dryopteris filix-mas, Galeobdolon flavidum (both 94%20 8), Mercurialis perennis, Cardamine ennea- (R: p=0,9939, H2=0,1407) phyllos (both 88%326), Calamagrostis arundinacea (88%278), Maianthemum bifolium (88%277), Veronica urticifolia (83%153), Oxalis acetosella (81%264), Anemone nemorosa (81%243), Galium odoratum (81%20 8), Lathyrus vernus ssp. vernus (81%201), Are-monia agrimonoides (81%181), Lamium orvala and Prenanthespurpurea (both 81%181). Moss layer use to cover only smaller areas of relevés (Me=10%, 1-30%) and are more frequent and abundant on rocky and stony sites. The most common moss taxa are Ctenidium molluscum (88%375) and Neck-era crispa (81%278). Cardamine trifolia and Aremo-nia agrimonoides are the only character species of the association with high constancy and coverage value; Rhamnusfallax (13%28), occurs more rarely, while Omphalodes verna and Calamintha grandiflora are absent. On the other hand, other illyricoid taxa (Aremonio-Fagion) represent 9.3% (Ic=134.7) of the total species inventory which is one of the highest proportion of all studied syntaxa. European beech forest species (Fagetalia sylvaticae) are the most frequent and occur with highest coverage (33.5%489 6), followed by spruce forests species (Vaccinio-Piceetea, 20.3%286 1). Characteristically for stands of the subassociation -seslerietosum au-tumnalis is that thermophilous species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis are most aboundant of all studied syntaxa (6.8%1042). For the differential species of the subassociation -seslerietosum autum-nalis we chose Sesleria autumnalis (100%771), Lathyrus vernus ssp. vernus (81%201) and ssp. flaccidus (50%125). While none of them being completely exclusive, they achieve the highest frequency and coverage in stands of the subassociation -sesleri-etosum autumnalis. In these stands, the physiognomy of the herb layer (and the shrub layer in part) is defined by dense carpets formed by Ses-leria autumnalis, a particularly thermophylous, submediterranean-illyricoid species distributed on the western part of the Balkan peninsula from Slovenia to Macedonia and Albania with a discjunction on the Apennines. Its synsistematic characteristics and chorology were dealt in detail by Dakskobler (1991). It shows high fidelity to studied stands, occuring in stands of only two other subassociation: -saxifragetosum cuneifoliae (10%5) and -festucetosum altissimae (4-7%0-9"2-9), but with low frequency and coverage values (Table 4). Of the differential species for the geographical variant only Paederota lutea is missing. Based on the floristic composition (Tables 1, 4 and 12), site ecology, phytosociological param- eters (Table 2) and results of the cluster and RDA analyses (Figure 8), two elevational variants were identified: var. Platanthera bifolia (differential species for the variant are Platanthera bifolia, Fraxinus ornus and Lonicera xylosteum) and var. Polygonatum verticillatum (differential species for the variant are Polygonatum verticillatum, Huper-zia selago, Rosa pendulina and Anthriscus fumari-oides). Stands of the variant Platanthera bifolia occur on lower elevation, warmer sites and nutrient rich soils, while stands of the variant Polygonatum verticillatum are developed on higher elevation, generally cooler sites with high coverage of stoni-ness, and on more acidic soils. Complete floristic inventory of stands of the subassociation -seslerietosum represents only 118 taxa of phanerogams and 22 taxa of mosses and lichens. This might be due to high coverage and dense tussocks of Sesleria autumnalis, completely dominating in the understory. The median number of phanerogams per relevé is 41.9 (35-51) with low coefficient of variation (CV=11.6%) indicating rather homogenous and floristically well defined stands, typologically recognized already by earlier phytosociologists (e.g., Wraber 1953: Abieti-Fagetum seslerietosum autumnalis; Wraber 1959, Urbancic et al. 1979: Abieti-Fagetum dinari-cum seslerietosum autumnalis; Marincek et al. 1977, Puncer 1979: Abieti-Fagetum praealpino dinaricum seslerietosum autumnalis). On lower elevation, fir-beech stands of the subassociation -seslerietosum are in contact with beech stands of the association Seslerio autum-nalis-Fagetum var. geogr. Anemone trifolia, while on its upper elevational limits with fir-beech stands of the subassociations -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae (warmer sites, on more acidic soils) and -festucetosum altissimae (cooler and moister sites). Floristical and ecological comparissons between the syntaxa Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum and Omphalodo-Fagetum seslerietosum autumnalis were already performed by Dakskobler (1997). He found no ubrupt changes in floristic composition between the stands of the two syntaxa, but rather gradual transitions of stands in the contact zones. However, stands of the association Seslerio-Fagetum host considerably higher number of thermophilous taxa from the order Querceta-lia pubescentis, thus thriving on warmer sites and lower elevation in comparisson to stands of the subassociation Omphalodo-Fagetum seslerietosum autumnalis (Dakskobler 1997). Geographical variant Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora Subassociation -sambucetosum nigrae subass. nova (Table 13) One of the most mesophilous and homogenous fir-beech stands are developed on lower elevation (Me=850 m, 800-1000 m, Table 2) of northeastern flanks of the plateau on slopes with low amount of stoniness (Figures 3-5). Stands prefer northerly exposed sites (Figure 6), Chi-square test (but not Rayleigh's) shows statistical significance for non randomly distributed expositions. The bedrock consists of dolomite and dolomitized limestone which is evident in the highest amounts of magnezium and calcium (Figure 3). Shallow, skeletous neutral to slightly basiphilous rendzi-nas prevail. The Oh horizon has highest amounts of calcium, magnezium, phosphorus and potassium of all studied soil profiles, while the A horizon showed the neutral chemical reaction (pH=7; Table 3). In the tree layer, Abies alba (100%73) prevails over Fagus sylvatica (100%56 9), which is more an acception than a rule for the studied stands in the research area. Ulmus glabra and Sorbus aria (both 17%28), usually less frequent in other fir-beech forest types, occur quite regulary, while Picea abies (100%208) occurs in all relevés. Shrub and herb layers are well developed; shrubs cover up to 60% of the relevés (Me=50%), and the most frequent taxa, beside those from the tree layer, being Daphne mezereum (100%264), Sambucus nigra (100%208), Rubus idaeus (100%181), Lonicera nigra (83%181) and Tiliaplatyphyllos (50%83). Herb layer covers round 80% of the relevés (70-90%); with the highest presence and coverage occur Omphalodes verna (100%444), Mercurialis perennis (100%38 9), Maianthemum bifolium (100%306), Oxa-lis acetosella (100%264), Festuca altissima, Cardamine trifolia, Prenanthespurpurea, Solidago virgaurea (all 100%25), Athyriumfilix-femina (100%222), Calamintha grandiflora (100%208), Aremonia agrimonoides, Polygonatum verticillatum, Dryopterisfilix-mas, My-celis muralis, Gentiana asclepiadea (all 100%181), Asplenium trichomanes, Moehringia muscosa, Paris quadrifolia, Sorbus aucuparia (all 100%167) and Epipactis helleborine (100%153). Due to high coverage of herbs, moss layer is only modestly developed (Me=15%), rarely covering more than 20% of the relevé area. All in all, European beech forests species (Fagetalia sylvaticae) completely dominate in stands (43%550), while tall herbs (Mulgedio-Aconitetea - 4.6%83), rock dwellers (As- plenietea trichomanis - 4.6%472) and generally ther-mophilous taxa (Quercetaliapubescentis - 2.8%167) achieve one of the smallest presence and coverage values above all recognized fir-beech syntaxa in the study area. Diagnostically significant group of illyricoid taxa (Aremonio-Fagion) represents 8.3% of the total species inventory and one of the highest coverage values (Ic=170.8). Hence, all associations'species, but Rhamnusfallax, and geographical character species, are present in all relevés with high coverage values. Being one of the most mesophilous syntaxa within the fir-beech stands in the study area, we chose differential species from the group of European beech forests species (Fagetalia sylvaticae). Sambucus nigra (100%20 8) occurs most frequently in a shrub layer in all relevés with the highest coverage value, while Tilia platyphyllos (50%83) in half of the relevés but with significantly higher frequency and coverage with respect to other syn-taxa. Although they do not occur in stands of the subassociation -sambucetosum exclusivelly, they are good indicators of deeper, humus rich and fresh, skeletous soils, and contribute much to the overall physiognomy of stands, rendering these forest types easy to recognize. In only 6 relevés we identified 109 taxa of ferns and seed plants, but the highest number of taxa per relevé area averagelly (58; Figure 5). The lowest coefficient of variation of number of taxa per relevé (7.4%) of all circumscribed syntaxa suggests rather homogenous species composition of the subassociation. Subassociation -asaretosum europaei Puncer 1980 var. Symphytum tuberosum var. nova (Table 14) These stands represent forests from the north-westernmost part of the distribution area of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum s.l. We found them on northern margin of the Vojsko plateau above the Kanomlja valley (Studenec clough) and at the headwaters of Sevnica stream under the Vojsko plateau between the Kanomljica and Idrijca rivers. They usualy thrive on shady (Figure 6) and steep slopes (Table 2) on mixed bedrock (marl of marl with clay slates, dolomite and black limestone with clay insertions, see Mlakar & Car 2009), between 640-800 m a.s.l, at the lower elevational limit of the association (Figures 4 & 5, Table 2). Fresh and relatively deep eutric soils (only occasionaly also dystric soils) prevail and are indicated by the occurance of Lamium or- vala, Scopolia carniolica, Senecio ovatus, Athyrium filix-femina, Doronicum austriacum and Blechnum spicant. These forests are heavily managed and in the tree layer, beside Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba, Picea abies, Acer pseudoplatanus and Ulmus glabra occur rather frequently, while Prunus avium, Fraxinus excelsior, Ostrya carpinifolia, Carpinus betulus and Juglans regia occur more sporadically (Table 4). In one relevé we even found Larix decidua (subspontaneously). Character species of the association are well represented, while differential species for the geographical variant Saxifraga cuneifolia lack; on the other hand, due to the presence of Calamintha grandiflora and the number and high coverage of other Illyrian taxa (Table 1), stands of the subassociation: -asareto-sum europaei were classified into the geographical variant Calamintha grandiflora and represent a disjunct forests to the one distributed more towards south-eastern part of the association's distribution area (see also Surina 2002). Subassociation Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora asaretosum europaei was described by Puncer (1980) in the Kočevsko region (southern Slovenia) and is characterized by high proportion of beech (Fagetalia sylvaticae) and beech-oak (Querco-Fagetea) forests taxa and at the same time by lower proportion of spruce (Vaccinio-Piceetea) taxa. These stands host the highest number of illyricoid taxa (Aremonio-Fagion) among all studied stands (Tables 1 and 4). Pulmonaria officinalis, Asarum europaeum ssp. caucasicum, Ulmus glabra, Hedera helix, Carex digi-tata and Primula vulgaris are differential taxa of the subassociation, while the differential species for the new variant are Petasites albus and Symphytum tuberosum. Differential taxa for the subassociation and the variant, and other species as well (e.g. Prunus avium) indicate favorable soil conditions in the lower montane belt in the contact area with submontane beech forests of the association Hacquetio-Fagetum. In many aspects (geological bedrock, soil conditions, elevation, distribution area; Figures 4 and 5) they represent marginal types of Dinaric fir-beech forests. Typification of the syntaxa Nomenclature types (holotypus) for the subassociations and variants: Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia adenostyletosum glabrae subass. nova: Tab. 5, relevé No. 9, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia saxifragetosum cuneifoliae subass. nova: Tab. 6, relevé No. 2, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia calamagrostietosum arundinaceae subass. nova: Tab. 7, relevé No. 10, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae subass. nova: Tab. 8, relevé No. 4, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae subass. nova var. Calamagrostis arundinacea var. nova: Tab. 8, relevé No. 4, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae subass. nova var. Lami-um orvala var. nova: Tab. 8, relevé No. 14, holo-typus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae subass. nov. var. Saxífraga rotundifolia var. nova: Tab. 8, relevé No. 22, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia stellarietosum montanae subass. nova: Tab. 10, relevé No. 7, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia stellarietosum montanae subass. nova var. Cardamine pentaphyllos var. nova: Tab. 10, relevé No. 16, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia calamagrostietosum variae subass. nova: Tab. 11, relevé No. 4, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia seslerietosum autumnalis subass. nova: Tab. 12, relevé No. 4, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia seslerietosum autumnalis subass. nova var. Pla-tanthera bifolia var. nova: Tab. 12, relevé No. 4, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia seslerietosum autumnalis subass. nova var. Po-lygonatum verticillatum var. nova: Tab. 12, relevé No. 14, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora sambucetosum nigrae subass. nova: Tab. 1S, relevé No. S, holotypus hoc loco. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora asaretosum europaei Puncer 1980 var. Symphytum tuberosum var. nova: Tab. 14, relevé No. 5, holotypus hoc loco. 4. DISCUSSION Fir-beech forests in north-western Dinaric Alps (Omphalodo-Fagetum s.l.) represent a climatogenic vegetation type in (upper) montane - (alti)mon-tane belt, where the association's character species, and many other illyricoid taxa, achieve their biological optimum. However, along the distribution range of the association, there is a marked decline in presence of characteristic taxa for the association Omphalodo-Fagetum and the alliance Aremonio-Fagion towards north-west (Surina 2002). This is not only due to the biogeographical peculiarities of the Trnovski gozd platau (at the north-western most limit of association's distribution range and thus the presence of the de-alpine elements due to the close proximity of the Julian Alps), but also due to the geological bedrock; in the central part of the plateau limestone (and in a lesser extent dolomite) is substituted with chert which siginificantly reduces the number and coverage of generally calcifitic illyricoid taxa. This is well represented in the two most frequent types of the association, -calamagrostietosum arundinacei and -festucetosum altissimae, being in comparisson to other types of the association floristically impoverished (Tables 1, 2, 4, 7-9). Diversified karstic relief, extensive elevational gradient, considerable differences in geological bedrock and soil depth already in a scale of only a few meters, render Dinaric fir-beech stands in the Trnovski gozd plateau (but in other parts of the Dinaric Alps as well) as one of the most diverse forest stands in terms of biodiversity: the complete floristic inventory based only on our own relevés includes round 400 taxa of ferns and seed plants. Environmental heterogeneity leads to a strong floristical and ecological differentiation of the climatogenic forest types. Within the association Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia, we identified 10 forest types at the subassociation rank and several types at the rank of variant (Tables 4-14, Figures 3-9) which is in accordance to the high number of recognized fir-beech forest types in other parts of the Dinaric Alps (Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora; e.g. Tregubov 1957, Punc-er et al. 1974, Puncer 1980, Accetto 1998). In his original study, Puncer (1979 mscr.) treated fir-beech stands in the Trnovski gozd plateau as a new, »small« association Abieti-Fagetum praealpino-dinaricum Puncer 1979 nom. nud., trying to stress its transitional character between the Dinaric and pre-Alpine fir-beech stands. Hence, following the principle of multi-dimensional subdivision of syntaxa (Matuszkiewicz & Matuszk-iewicz 1981), we desided to apply the name Om-phalodo-Fagetum for these stands, and within the newly described geographical variant -Saxífraga cuneifolia (Surina 2002) find new vicariant names for the syntaxa of the subassociation rank, e.g.: var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia saxifragetosum cuneifoliae subass. nova hoc loco stellarietosum montanae subass. nov. hoc loco festucetosum altissimae subass. nov. hoc loco adenostyletosum glabrae subass. nov. hoc loco rhododendretosum hirsuti Dakskobler et al. 2000 calamagrostietosum arundinaceae subass. nov. hoc loco seslerietosum autumnalis subass. nov. hoc loco calamagrostietosum variae subass. nov. hoc loco var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora homogynetosum sylvestris Tregubov 1957 aceretosum pseudoplatani Puncer et al. 1974 festucetosum altissimae Puncer 1980 adenostyletosum glabrae Puncer 1980 sambucetosum nigrae subass. nov. hoc loco asaretosum europaei Puncer 1980_ Within the geographical variant Calamintha grandiflora, which in the Trnovski gozd plateau represents Dinaric fir-beech stands at its northeastern margin of the plateau only, we identified stands which resemble much to the stands described by Puncer (1980). He classified them into the subassociation -asaretosum europaei and we retained his proposal. Otherwise, while pre- serving the names already used by the researchers in the tipology of Dinaric fir-beech stands for the geographical variant Calamintha grandiflora, we proposed for the respective stands in the Trnovski gozd plateau and within the geographical variant Saxifraga cuneifolia new names for the syntaxa: -festucetosum altissimae and -adenostyletosum glabrae. During our initial research in the field, and co- firmed with subsequent numerical analyses, we encountered several typological problems both within the forests of the syntaxon Ompalodo-Fa-getum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia and between the forests of similar - contact syntaxa. This may be a biological reality but in many cases also a consequence of intensive forest management as well. At their upper elevational limit, fir-beech forests of the subassociations -rhododendretosum hirsuti and -adenostyletosum glabrae frequently form transitional stands with altimontane (Ranunculo platanifolii-Fagetum) and subalpine beech forests (Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum) which are difficult to classify. However, these stands show considerable floristic similarities with fir-beech forests of the association Homogyno sylvestris-Fagetum from the pre-Alpine area which is in accordance with their biogeographic position. Dinaric fir-beech stands (the subassociation -asaretosum in particular) on their lower elevational limit form transitional forests to the stands of the association Hacquetio-Fagetum. Within the syntaxon Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia we observed continuous transition of forests of the subassociation -festucetosum altissimae to forests of the subassociation -calamagrostietosum arundinaceae (Figures 4 and 5); higher elevation, cooler and moister sites are frequent and indicated by high coverage of Festuca altissima, while dryer, sunny slopes and acidic soils low on nutrients prefers Calamagrostis arundinacea (Figure 7). 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The paper presents the results of the research performed at the Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia) in the frame of Master Thesis of the first author under the supervision of the second author and late Prof. Dr. Tone Wraber. Academician Dr. Mitja Zupančič, late Prof. Dr. Tone Wraber and Dr. Branko Vreš allowed a continuous exchange of experience and immediate feedback on potential problems during the research. Branko Vreš and Tomaž Seliškar helped in solving many technical issues during data analyes and manuscript preparation. Mr.Sc. Tomaž Prus did the soil analyses. Valuable information during our field work were given by foresters Alfred Gruden (Nemci), Franc Likar (Predmeja) as well as Igor Kuščer and Jože Crmelj, heads of the Local units Trnovo and Predmeja of the Slovenian Forest Service, respectively. Two anonymous reviewers helped us with valuable improvements and corrections. Our sincere gratitude goes to all of them. 6. REFERENCES Accetto, M. 1998: Dinarsko jelovo bukovje z gorsko bilnico v Kočevskem rogu. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva 56: 5-31. Adamovic, L. 1909: Vegetationsverhältnisse der Balkanländer (Mösische Länder). Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 567 pp. Aeschimann, D., Lauber, K., Mosser, D. M. & Theurillat, J.-P. 2004: Flora alpina. Band 1-3. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, 1159 pp.+ 1188 pp. + 322 pp. Barkman, J. 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Received 19. 1. 2012 Revision received 17. 10. 2012 Accepted 19. 10. 2012 7 APPENDIX 7.1 Taxa occuring only once in ANALYTICAL TABLES. Table 5. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia adenostyletosum glabrae 2 (+) Corallorhiza trífida; (r) Polystichum lonchi-tis; 3 (+) Camptothecium lutescens, Clematis vitalba, Mnium sp., Polystichum x luerssenii; 4 (+) Fissidens taxifolius; 5 (1) Hacquetia epipactis; (+) Encalypta streptocarpa; 6 (2) Calamagrostis villosa; 7 (+) Grim-ia pulvinata, Piptatherum virescens, Plagiochila as-plenioides; 8 (+) Cladonia pyxidata, Rhododendron hirsutum; 9 (r) Carex ornithopoda; 11 (1) Homogyne sylvestris; 12 (+) Rhizomnium punctatum, Rhytidi-adelphus loreus; 13 (r) Cystopteris regia, Sambucus racemosa; 14 (+) Valeriana montana; 15 (+) Homalo-thecium lutescens, Plagiomnium cuspidatum; 17 (+) Eurhynchium striatum. Table 6. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia saxifragetosum cuneifoliae 1 (+) Bazzania trilobata, Polystichum x illyricum; 2 (+) Lonicera xylosteum, Melittis melissophyllum; 6 (1) Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus; (+) Brachythecium erythrorhizon, Bryum capillare, Bryum sp., Calliergon sp., Campylium halleri, Cirriphyllum piliferum, Fis-sidens dubius, Herzogiella seligeri, Hypnum sauteri, Icmadophila ericetorum, Isothecium myurum, Lepi-dozia reptans, Leptobryum pyriforme, Lescuraea saxicola, Mnium marginatum, Odontoschisma denudaum, Plagiothecium undulatum, Platygyrium repens, Pla-giopus oederi, Rhizomnium punctatum, Tetraphis pel-lucida; (r) Dactylorhiza maculata; 7 (+) Cardamine pentaphyllos, Mnium ambiguum, Platanthera bifolia; 8 (+) Carex brachystachys, C. ferruginea, Oncophorus virens, Plagiomnium undulatum, Polystichum braun-ii; 9 (+) Melampyrum sylvaticum, Ribes alpinum, Vi- ola biflora; 10 (+) Thalictrum aquilegiifolium; 11 (+) Viola riviniana; 13 (+) Peltigera canina; 14 (1) Anemone trifolia, Melica nutans; (+) Convallaria majalis; 15 (r) Neottia nidus-avis; 16 (1) Sanicula europaea; 17 (+) Cardamine impatiens, Milium effusum; 18 (+) Atrichum undulatum; 19 (+) Neckera complanata. Table 7. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia calamagrostietosum arundinaceae 2 (+) Cirsium erisithales, Hypericum perforatum; 3 (+) Carex alba; 4 (+) Polystichum braunii, Salvia glutinosa; 5 (r) Clematis vitalba; 8 (+) Cystopteris montana; 12 (r) Cardamine impatiens, Polystichum lonchitis; 13 (r) Doronicum austriacum; 14 (+) Lu-zula pilosa, Salix appendiculata; 15 (1) Fraxinus excelsior, Orthilia secunda; 16 (r) Impatiens noli-tangere; 17 (+) Petasites albus; 18 (+) Arabis alpina, A. hirsuta, Sedum hispanicum; 19 (+) Corylus avellana; 22 (+) Cruciata glabra, Galium rotundifolium; 24 (1) Arabis turrita; 26 (+) Collemaflaccidum; 28 (+) Helleborus odorus, Milium effusum; 29 (r) Atropa bella-dona, Eupatorium cannabinum; 30 (+) Veronica montana, Viola reichenbachiana; 31 (+) Phy-teuma ovatum; 32 (r) Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Phyllitis scolopendrium; 34 (+) Asarum europaeum ssp. caucasicum, Cardamine bulbifera, Heracleum sphondylium, Pulmonaria officinalis, Symphytum tuberosum; (r) Peucedanum austriacum. Table 8. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae I 1 (+) Hypericum perforatum, Moehringia trinerv-ia, Orthilia secunda, Peltigera canina, Tilia platyphyl-los; 2 (+) Deschampsia cespitosa, Poa nemoralis; 3 (+) Anemone x pittonii, Cirsium erisithales; 4 (+) Mono-tropa hypopitys; 11 (+) Aegopodium podagraria, Arabis turrita; 13 (+) Circaea lutetiana, Phyteuma spica-tum; 15 (+) Tortella tortuosa; 17 (+) Atropa bella-dona, Cephalanthera damasonium, Platanthera bifolia, Sesleria autumnalis; 18 (+) Asplenium ruta-muraria; 19 (1) Euphorbia amygdaloides; 20 (+) Carex sylvati-ca; 21 (+) Hylocomium splendens, Radula complana-ta; 22 (1) Polystichum lonchitis; (+) Clematis alpina, Thuidium tamariscinum; 23 (+) Huperzia selago; (r) Cystopteris montana; 24 (+) Collemaflaccidum, Ribes alpinum; 25 (+) Doronicum austriacum. Table 9. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae II 1 (1) Lathyrus vernus ssp. vernus; (+) Anemone trifolia, Cephalanthera damasonium; 2 (+) Cruciata glabra; 3 (+) Thamnobryum alopecurum; 4 (+) Anti-trichia curtipendula, Homalotheciumphilippeanum; 5 (1) Galeopsis speciosa, Corylus avellana; (+) Adoxa moschatellina, Circaea alpina, Cladonia digitata, Cystopteris fragilis; 6 (+) Cladonia coniocraea, Polystichum x luerssenii, Urtica dioica; 10 (+) Thuidium tamariscinum, Valeriana tripteris; 11 (+) Cymbalaria muralis, Hedera helix, Heracleum sphondylium, Os-trya carpinifolia, Viscum album ssp. abietis, Pyrola minor; 14 (+) Cyclamen purpurascens; 17 (+) Doronicum austriacum; 19 (+) Euphorbia amygdaloides, Hieracium murorum, Phyteuma spicatum, Saxífraga rotundifolia; 20 (+) Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Dactylorhiza maculata, Piptatherum virescens, Ranunculus lanuginosus; 21 (+) Symphytum tuberosum, Veronica montana; 25 (+) Ajuga reptans, Blechnum spicant, Galium rotundifolium; 27 (+) Carex alba, Clematis alpina, Galium mollugo, Monotropa hypo-pitys, Platanthera bifolia, Veronica officinalis. Table 10. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia stellarietosum montanae 2 (+) Cymbalaria muralis, Fraxinus ornus; 3 (+) Cardamine flexuosa, Scrophularia vernalis; 4 (+) Asplenium viride, Cladonia digitata; 7 (+) Mnium marginatum, M. spinosum, Rhizomnium punctatum; 8 (+) Geum urbanum; 10 (+) Neottia nidus-avis; 11 (+) Deschampsia cespitosa, Mnium orthorrhynchi-um, Plagiothecium sp.; 12 (+) Luzula sylvatica ssp. sylvatica, Thudium tamariscinum; 13 (+) Plagiothecium sylvaticum; 14 (+) Calamagrostis varia, Digitalis grandiflora, Eunoymus latifolia, Fraxinus excelsior, Hypericum maculatum, Polystichum x illyricum, Rosa pendulina; (r) Cirsium erisithales, Primula vul-garis; 15 (+) Aruncus dioicus; (r) Ostrya carpinifolia, Sorbus aria; 18 (+) Allium ursinum, Anemone ranun-culoides, Anthriscus nitida; 19 (+) Neckera compla-nata, Plagiomnium cuspidatum; 20 (+) Eupatorium cannabinum, Peltigera canina; 21 (+) Aconitum de-genii ssp. paniculatum, Dactylispolygama, Epipactis helleborine, Galanthus nivalis, Poa nemoralis. Table 11. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia calamagrostietosum variae 1 (+) Camptothecium lutescens, Festuca altissima, Pulmonaria officinalis, Sorbus aucuparia, Ulmus glabra, Verbascum lanatum; 2 (+) Ilex aquifolium; 3 (1) Aquilegia nigricans; (+) Orthothecium rufescens; (r) Digitalis grandiflora; 4 (+) Betonica alopecuros; (r) Valeriana saxatilis; 5 (1) Anemone trifolia; (+) Anemone x pittonii, Laserpitium peucedanoides; (r) Euonymus latifolia; 6 (+) Prunus avium; 7 (+) Epi-lobium montanum, Peltigera canina; (r) Ranunculus platanifolius; 8 (+) Angelica sylvestris, Galium odoratum, Petasites albus; (r) Euonymus verrucosa, Lunaria rediviva; 9 (+) Carex humilis; 14 (+) Cepha-lanthera damasonium, Polystichum x bicknellii; 15 (+) Bartramia halleriana, Dryopteris affinis, Taxus baccata; 16 (+) Carex brachystachys, Peucedanum austriacum, Potentilla carniolica; 17 (+) Cladonia pyxidata, Mnium thomsonii, Phyllitis scolopendri-um, Poa nemoralis, Solanum dulcamara; (r) Hieracium lachenalii, Sambucus racemosa. Table 12. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia seslerietosum autumnalis 1 (+) Clematis vitalba, Hieracium murorum, Or-thilia secunda; 4 (r) Cardamine impatiens, Thalic-trum aquilegiifolium; 9 (+) Lilium martagon, Melica nutans, Vaccinium myrtillus; 11 (+) Arabis turrita, Asarum europaeum ssp. caucasicum, Ulmus glabra; 12 (+) Frangula alnus; 13 (+) Aposeris foetida, Hel-leborus odorus, Luzula pilosa, Mnium spinosum, Plagiomnium affine, Plagiothecium sp., Symphytum tuberosum, Thamnobryum alopecurum, Thuidium tamariscinum; 15 (+) Atrichum undulatum, Plagiothecium neglectum, Veratrum album. 16 (+) Polytri-chum formusum, Peltigera aphthosa. Table 13. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Cala-mintha grandiflora sambucetosum nigrae 1 (+) Cardamine bulbifera, Heracleum sphondylium, Plagiomnium undulatum; 2 (3) Vaccinium myrtillus; (+) Adenostyles glabra, Dicranum scoparium; 3 (1) Ulmus glabra; (+) Circaea lutetiana, Galeopsis speciosa, Hylocomium splendens, Lunaria rediviva, Petasites albus, Phyllitis scolopendrium, Polypodium vulgare, Ranunculus lanuginosus, Stellaria montana; 4 (+) Carex alba; 5 (+) Atropa bella-donna, Blechnum spicant, Cladonia furcata, Hacquetia epi-pactis, Hypericum hirsutum, Monotropa hypopitys, Scrophularia nodosa, Sorbus aria; 6 (+) Calamagrostis arundinacea, Cladonia digitata, Moehringia muscosa, Neckera complanata. Table 14. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Cala-mintha grandiflora asaretosum europaei 1 (+) Melica nutans; (r) Gymnocarpium rober-tianum; 2 (+) Carex alba, Cardamine enneaphyllos, Euonymus latifolia, Helelborus niger, Laburnum al-pinum, Lilium martagon, Melittis melissophyllum; 3 (+) Brachythecium velutinum, Carex pendula, Cono-cephalum conicum, Dryopteris dilatata, Euphorbia carniolica, Fissidens taxifolius, Fragaria vesca, Knau-tia drymeia, Ranunculus lanuginosus, Rosa arvensis, Thelypteris limbosperma; (r) Ilex aquifolium; 4 (+) Stachys alpina; (r) Quercus petraea; 5 (+) Bromus benekenii, Dicranum scoparium, Monotropa hy-pophegea, Neottia nidus-avis, Plagiochila porelloides, Thudium tamariscinum; (r) Betula pendula; 6 (+) Asplenium viride, Geranium robertianum, Heracleum sphondylium, Homalothecium philippeanum, Hyp-num cupressiforme, Mnium thomsonii, Plagiochila asplenioides; 7 (+) Aegopodium podagraria, Anomo-don attenuatus, Asplenium ruta-muraria, Lathraea squamaria, Moehringia trinervia, Plagiomnium cus-pidatum, Polygonatum verticillatum; 8 (1) Stellaria montana; (+) Atrichum undulatum, Festuca altissi-ma, Gymnocarpium dryopteris; (r) Tamus communis. 7.2 Taxa occuring only once in Table 1 Fagetalia sylvaticae: 8 - calamagrostietosum variae: Cephalanthera longifolia 123-1, Peucedanum austria-cum 61-2, 2 - adenostyletosum glabrae: C. pilosa 112-5, 5 -festucetosum altissimae I: Cerastium sylvaticum 81'8, 7 - stellarietosum: Anemone ranunculoides 51-1, Cardamineflexuosa 51-1, Corydalis cava 196-9, C. solida 246-3, 11 - asaretosum: Carpinus betulus 254-8, Carex pendula 133-2, Ilex aquifolium 1316, Juglans regia 254 8, Rosa arvensis 1332; Quercetalia pubescentis: 8 - calamagrostietosum variae: Euonymus verrucosa 60'6, 4 - calamagrostietosum arundinaceae: Arabis hirsuta 3°-7, 7 - stellarietosum montanae: Hypericum montanum 102-1; Querco-Fagetea: 1 - rhododen-dretosum hirsuti: Ranunculus auricomus agg. 61-4, 8 - calamagrostietosum variae: Hieracium lachenalii 60'6, 7 - stellarietosum montanae: Vinca minor 143-2, Gagea lutea 102-1, Galanthus nivalis 51-1, 11 - asaretosum: Corylus avellana 133-2; Erico-Pinetea: -1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Erica carnea 256-3, Polygala chamaebuxus 61-4, Rhodothamnus chamaecistus 61-4, 8 - calamagrostietosum variae: Buphthalmum sa-licifolium 418'6, Potentilla carniolica 61-2, Aquilegia nigricans 61-8, 2 - adenostyletosum glabrae: Carex orni-thopoda 60'6, 6 - festucetosum altissimae II: Pyrola minor 4°'8; Vaccinio-Piceetea: 1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Lonicera caerulea 509-7, 3 - saxifragetosum cuneifoliae: Melampyrum sylvaticum 51-1, 6 - festucetosum altissimae II: Luzula luzulina 194-5; 11 - asaretosum: Larix decidua 2532, Mulgedio-Aconitetea: 1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Salix glabra 192-1, Sor-bus chamaemespilus 448-3, Pleurospermum austriacum 255-6, Senecio nemorensis 6°-7, 2 - adenostyletosum glabrae: Adenostyles alliariae 112-5, Senecio cacaliaster 112'5, 7 - stellarietosum montanae: Hypericum macu-latum 51'1, Scrophularia vernalis 51-1, Anthriscus nitida 1°'5; Elyno-Seslerietea: 1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Pinguicula alpina 1321, 8 - calamagrostietosum variae: Betonica alopecurus 61-2, Laserpitium peuce-danoides 61-2, 11 - asaretosum: Stachys alpina 133-2; Asplenietea trichomanis: 1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Primula carniolica 316-3, 2 - adenostyletosum glabrae: Valeriana montana 61-2; Other species: 1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Dactylorhiza fuchsii 194'2, 8 - calamagrostietosum variae: Carex humilis 61-2, Clinopodium vulgare 122-5, Vincetoxicum hirun-dinaria 182-5, Verbascum lanatum 61-3, 3 - saxifragetosum cuneifoliae: Spiraea chamaedryfolia 256-1, 6 - festucetosum altissimae II: Galium mollugo 40-8, 7 - stellarietosum montanae: Dactylis polygama 51-1, Geum urbanum 51-1, Stachys sylvatica 51-1, 11 - asaretosum: Bromus benekenii 133-2, Lathrea squamaria 133-2; Lichens & bryophytes: 1 - rhododendretosum hirsuti: Entodon schleicheri 8122-9, Cladonia sp. 6915-3, Peltigera leucophlebia 5612-5, Dicranum sp. 389-7, Metzgeriafur-cata 449-7, Ditrichiumflexicaule 388-3, Bryum capillare agg. 255-6, Plagiothecium cavifolium 255-6, Hookeria lucens 194'2, Calypogeia trichomanis 132-8, Dicranodon-tum denudatum 132-8, Plagiothecium nemorale 132-8, Scapania nemorea 132-8, Collema sp. 132-8, Campylium stellatum 61-4, Cirriphyllum tenuinerve 61-4, Distichium capillaceaum 61-4, Leptogium saturninum 61-4, Parmel-iella tryptophylla 61-4, Peltigera collina 61-4, 3 - saxifragetosum cuneifoliae: Plagiothecium laetum 102-2, Baz-zania trilobata 51-1, Brachythecium erythrorhizon 51-1, Bryum sp. 51-1, Calliergon sp. 51-1, Campylium hal-leri 51-1, Cirriphyllum piliferum 51-1, Hypnum sauteri 51-1, Lepidozia reptans 51-1, Leptobryum pyriforme 51-1, Lescuraea saxicola 51-1, Mnium ambiguum 51-1, Od-ontoschisma denudatum 51-1, Oncophorus virens 51-1, Platygyrium repens 51-1, Icmadophila ericetorum 51-1, 2 - adenostyletosum glabrae: Homalothecium lutescens 61-2, 9 - seslerietosum autumnalis: Plagiothecium ne-glectum 61-4, 6 - festucetosum altissimae II: Cladonia rangiferina 71-6, Antitrichia curtipendula 40-8, 7 - stellarietosum montanae: Plagiomnium affine 143-2, Porella platyphylla 102-1, Brachythecium glareosum 51-1, Brachythecium sp. 51-1, 11 - asaretosum: Anomodon attenuatus 133-2, Brachythecium velutinum 1332. 7.3 List OF LOCALITIES: corresponding number in the table, relevé No., coordinates (in Gauss-Krugger projection), coverage: A - tree layer, B - shrub layer, C - herb layer, D - moss layer, S - stoniness Table 5. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia adenostyletosum glabrae Forest reserve Bukov vrh (Trnovo): 1 (131135) 45,992° N 13,890° E; alt. 1270, exp. N, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 10%, S 60%; 27.5.1999, leg. I. Dakskobler; 2 (131136) 45,993° N 13,890° E; alt. 1250, exp. N, incl. 25°; A 90%, B 10%, C 60%, D 20%, S 50%; 3.7.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 3 (131137) 45,990° N 13,888° E; alt. 1260, exp. SW, incl. 25°; A 90%, B 20%, C 50%, D 10%, S 30%; 3.7.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 4 (131138) 45,990° N 13,891° E; alt. 1240, exp. SE, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 40%, C 50%, D 10%, S 20%; 3.7.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 5 (131139) 45,991° N 13,887° E; alt. 1250, exp. SW, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 15%, C 50%, D 10%, S 30%; 3.7.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 6 (131140) 45,990° N 13,890° E; alt. 1270, exp. N, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 1%, C 70%, D 5%, S 40%; 3.7.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 7 (202783) 46,989° N 13,886° W; alt. 1280, exp. W, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 10%, C 60%, D 10% S 50%; 5.6.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 8 (230619) 45,991° N 13,885° W; alt. 1250, exp. SE, incl. 10°; A 80%, B 5%, C 70%, D 10%, S 20%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 9 (230620) 45,992° N 13,888° W; alt. 1280, exp. SW, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 10%, C 50%, D 20%, S 50%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 10 (230621); 45,990° N 13,888° W; alt. 1275, exp. W, incl. 25°; A 90%, B 5%, C 60%, D 10%, S 20%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 11 (230623) 45,991° N 13,888° W; alt. 1270, exp. SW, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 10%, C 60%, D 20%, S 60%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 12 (230624) 45,991° N 13,888° W; alt. 1250, exp. /, incl. /; A 60%, B 60%, C 40%, D 10%, S 20%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 13 (230625) 45,990° N 13,887° W; alt. 1240, exp. SW, incl. 25°; A 70%, B 60%, C 50%, D 10%, S 10%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 14 (230626) 45,990° N 13,889° W; alt. 1280, exp. /, incl. /; A 90%, B 10%, C 60%, D 5%, S 10%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 15 (230627) 45,989° N 13,889° W; alt. 1280, exp. NW, incl. 25°; A 80%, B 30%, C 60%, D 10%, S 20%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 16 (230629) 45,989° N 13,888° W; alt. 1260, exp. N, incl. 25°; A 90%, B 5%, C 60%, D 10%, S 30%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 17 (230630) 45,989° N 13,887° W; alt. 1280, exp. N, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 5%, C 60%, D 20%, S 40%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 18 (230631) 45,991° N 13,889° W; alt. 1300, exp. S, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 5%, C 50%, D 10%, S 30%; 19.6.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler. Table 6. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia saxifragetosum cuneifoliae 1 (10111) Predmeja, Cingolca, 45.946° N 13.851° E; alt. 1170 m a.s.l., exp. NE, incl. 50°; A 70%, B 50%, C 70%, D 30%, S 50%; 7.7.2000, leg. B. Surina.; 2 (10112) Predmeja, 45.960° N 13.889° E; alt. 1060 m, exp. NW, incl. 40°; A 60%, B 40%, C 70%, D 40%, S 70%; 7.7.2000, leg. B. Surina. 3 (10113) Predmeja, Ojstrovica, SE from the peak; 45,997° N 13,831° E; alt. 1280, exp. E, incl. 50°; A 70%, B 20%, C 70%, D 20%, S 60%; 8.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 4 (10114) Predmeja, between Veliki Bukovec peak and Paradana above the road Turški klanec-Paradana (Ledenica); 45,990° N 13,838° E; alt. 1250, exp. SSE, incl. 30°; A 70%, B 30%, C 70%, D 20%, S 60%; 8.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 5 (10115) Predmeja, Škrbina, by the path Škrbina-Golaki; 45,981° N 13,891° E; alt. 1250, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 20%, C 80%, D 20%, S 30%; 22.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 6 (10116) Trnovo, Bisaga; 45,983° N 13,818° E; alt. 1190, exp. E, incl. 20°; A 60%, B 50%, C 80%, D 20%, S 20%; 26.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 7 (10117) Orlevc, Tisovec; 45,961° N 13,932° E; alt. 1040, exp. SW, incl. 20°; A 70%, B 40%, C 80%, D 10%, S 30%; 20.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 8 (10118) Trnovo, Bisaga; 45,981° N 13,819° E; alt. 1270, exp. N, incl. 45°; A 70%, B 60%, C 70%, D 30%, S 70%; 26.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 9 (10119) Predmeja, rocky slope above Mala Lazna between Turški klanec and Paradana (Ledenica); 45,988° N 13,836° E; alt. 1230, exp. E, incl. 40°; A 60%, B 40%, C 70%, D 10%, S 70%; 8.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 10 (10120) Trnovo, Petelinovec; 45,980° N 13,803° E; alt. 1200, exp. NNE, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 20%, C 80%, D 10%, S 20%; 31.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 11 (10121) Trnovo, Petelinovec; 45,978° N 13,806° E; alt. 1340, exp. N, incl. 40°; A 100%, B 5%, C 80%, D 10%, S 20%; 31.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 12 (10122) Trnovo, between peaks Kališevi hrib, Petelinovec and Bat; 45,978° N 13,797° E; alt. 1135, exp. NE, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 31.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 13 (10123) Trnovo, forest reserve Kališev hrib; 45,982° N 13,790° E; alt. 1035, exp. NNE, incl. 25°; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 30.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 14 (10124) Trnovo, forest reserve Kališev hrib; 45,980° N 13,790° E; alt. 1075, exp. NE, incl. 25°; A 100%, B 10%, C 80%, D 10%, S 30%; 1.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 15 (10150); Predmeja, Škrbina; 45,985° N 13,891° E; alt. 1210, exp. NNW, incl. 25°; A 90%, B 20%, C 90%, D 10%, S 30%; 22.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 16 (10151) Predmeja, Škrbina; 45,987° N 13,888° E; alt. 1230, exp. /, incl. /; A 100%, B 20%, C 100%, D 1%, S 10%; 22.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 17 (10153) Lokve, Ilovca; 46,011° N 13,814° E; alt. 1150, exp. NE, incl. 45°; A 100%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 20.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 18 (10154); Predmeja, above Avška Lazna; 45,974° N 13,816° E; alt. 1245, exp. NE, incl. 45°; A 100%, B 10%, C 80%, D 50%, S 20%; 30.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 19 (22813) Trnovo; alt. 1140, exp. NE, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 20%, C 80%, D 5%, S 30%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 20 (22814) Trnovo; alt. 1150, exp. N, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 20%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer. Table 7. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia calamagrostietosum arundinaceae 1 (10125) Predmeja, Polomov rajda; 45,956° N 13,860° E; alt. 1020, exp. NNE, incl. 25°; A 100%, B 30%, C 40%, D 10% S 30%; 26.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 2 (10136) Predmeja, Pri studencu, near Golobova jama; 45,949° N 13,812° E; alt. 1210, exp. SSW, incl. 25°; A 70%, B 20%, C 70%, D 10% S 50%; 30.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 3 (10137) Predmeja, Strgarija, Prevalski vrh; 45,961° N 13,796° E; alt. 1120, exp. SW, incl. 50°; A 70%, B 20%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 4.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 4 (10139) Lokvem Škol, NW from the peak; 46,025° N 13,800° E; alt. 945, exp. E, incl. 20°; A 100%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 9.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 5 (10140) Lokve, Robotna, between peaks Mali Češevik and Jančerijski vrh; 46,025° N 13,800° E; alt. 1045, exp. /, incl. /; A 100%, B 10%, C 80%, D 10%, S 20%; 9.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 6 (10141) Predmeja, Vrh dolin; 45,970° N 13,820° E; alt. 1130, exp. SSE, incl. 15°; A 90%, B 20%, C 90%, D 10%, S 20%; 4.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 7 (10142) Predmeja, Vrh dolin; 45,969° N 13,800° E; alt. 1210, exp. S, incl. 15°; A 90%, B 30%, C 90%, D 10%, S 30%; 4.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 8 (10143) Predmeja, Polomova rajda towards Mala Lazna; 45,958° N 13,859° E; alt. 980, exp. NNE, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 30%, C 70%, D 20%, S 20%; 26.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 9 (10144) Pred-meja, Petrov hrib, plateau; 45,966° N 13,858° E; alt. 1070, exp. E, incl. 5°; A 90%, B 20%, C 80%, D 10%, S 30%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 10 (10145) Predmeja, Nemški hrib; 45,971° N 13,853° E; alt. 1130, exp. E, incl. 25°; A 90%, B 20%, C 80%, D 10%, S 30%; 28.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 11 (10146) Predmeja, Petrov hrib; 45,962° N 13,855° E; alt. 1060, exp. SE, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 20%, C 40%, D 20%, S 70%; 28.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 12 (10147) Predmeja, Bevške jame; 45,963° N 13,840° E; alt. 1010, exp. SW, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 30%, C 70%, D 20%, S 30%; 29.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 13 (10148) Predmeja, Rusa pot, plateau; 45,964° N 13,864° E; alt. 1030, exp. /, incl. /; A 80%, B 30%, C 80%, D 10%, S 20%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 14 (10149) Predmeja, Pri jelcah towards Kozarnice; 45,963° N 13,860° E; alt. 1130, exp. /, incl. /; A 90%, B 70%, C 70%, D 40%, S 60%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 15 (10152) Predmeja, beneath Ruske barake; 45,953° N 13,865° E; alt. 980, exp. SE, incl. 20°; A 100%, B 20%, C 50%, D 10%, S 1%; 26.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 16 (10155) Predmeja, Strgarija, S from Prevalski vrh, between Smrečje and Črni vrh; 45,965° N 13,809° E; alt. 1190, exp. NE, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 30%, C 70%, D 10%, S 20%; 4.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 17 (10156) Lokve, between Ojstrovica and Snežna jama; 45,999° N 13,816° E; alt. 1180, exp. S, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 30%, S 50%; 20.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 18 (10157) Predmeja, Mali Golak, SW from the peak; 45,975° N 13,865° E; alt. 1245, exp. SW, incl. 30°; A 100%, B 20%, C 70%, D 20%, S 50%; 22.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 19 (10158) Predmeja, Mali Golak, Paradana; 45,983° N 13,848° E; alt. 1135, exp. NNW, incl. 5°; A 100%, B 10%, C 80%, D 20%, S 40%; 23.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 20 (10159) Predmeja, Kozarnice; 45,971° N 13,863° E; alt. 1080, exp. S, incl. 10°; A 80%, B 30%, C 80%, D 20%, S 40%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 21 (10160) Lokve, between Snežna jama and Ojstrovica; 45,005° N 13,816° E; alt. 1160, exp. SW, incl. 45°; A 70%, B 20%, C 40%, D 10%, S 60%; 20.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 22 (10173) Predmeja, Smrečje, Mali Črmenjak; 45,955° N 13,828° E; alt. 1240, exp. S, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 6.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 23 (10175) Predmeja, plateau between Bevške jame and Bevški vrh; 45,958° N 13,846° E; alt. 1210, exp. /, incl. /; A 90%, B 30%, C 70%, D 20%, S 30%; 29.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 24 (10176) Predmeja, Pri studencu; 45,948° N 13,817° E; alt. 1090, exp. SW, incl. 40°; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 30.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 25 (10177) Predmeja, Selovec, Gojaške jame; 45,941° N 13,809° E; alt. 1150, exp. NE, incl. 20°; A 70%, B 30%, C 70%, D 20%, S 40%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 26 (10178) Predmeja, Čaven, Za Gracem; 45,938° N 13,800° E; alt. 1100, exp. N, incl. 30°; A 70%, B 20%, C 80%, D 20%, S 40%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Suri- na; 27 (10179) Predmeja, Njivica, Kucelj; 45,942° N 13,796° E; alt. 1160, exp. /, incl. /; A 80%, B 10%, C 90%, D 5%, S 5%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 28 (10180) Predmeja, Njivice, Krnica; 45,946° N 13,794° E; alt. 1030, exp. W, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 20%, C 90%, D 5%, S 5%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 29 (10182) Predmeja, Rusa pot; 45,959° N 13,863° E; alt. 990, exp. SE, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 30%, C 80%, D 10%, S 30%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 30 (10183) Predmeja, Petrov hrib; 46,008° N 13,849° E; alt. 1095, exp. SE, incl. 50°; A 70%, B 40%, C 40%, D 40%, S 80%; 29.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 31 (10185) Predmeja, Njivice, between peaks Javorščak and Jelov hrib; 45,951° N 13,809° E; alt. 1150, exp. N, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 5%, C 80%, D 20%, S 30%; 30.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 32 (10186) Predmeja, Smrečjem Mali Črmenjak, Pod vratci; 45,955° N 13,822° E; alt. 1140, exp. E, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 10%, C 60%, D 10%, S 30%; 6.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 33 (10187) Predmeja, between Cingol-ca, Veliki Črmenjak and Požgane jame; 45,947° N 13,847° E; alt. 1230, exp. SW, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 20%, C 60%, D 20%, S 60%; 7.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 34 (10194) Predmeja; 45,962° N 13,887° E; alt. 1140, exp. SW, incl. 15°; A 90%, B 40%, C 40%, D 10%, S 30%; 7.7.2000, leg. B. Surina. Table 8. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia festucetosum altissimae I 1 (10126) Trnovo, Nemci; 46,005° N 13,775° SE; alt. 910, exp. SE, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 20%, C 80%, D 40%, S 30%; 24.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 2 (10161) Trnovo, Lokve, Poncala, Na Bajti; 45,999° N 13,805° E; alt. 980, exp. NE, incl. 25°; A 100%, B 10%, C 80%, D 20%, S 20%; 21.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 3 (10172) Trnovo, Lokve, Ojstrovica, NW flank; 45,994° N 13,819° E; alt. 1160, exp. W, incl. 20°; A 100%, B 5%, C 80%, D 1%, S 5%; 20.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 4 (10174) Trnovo, Smrečje, rocky slope above Gospodova senožet; 45,959° N 13,828° E; alt. 1210, exp. N, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 50%, C 70%, D 5%, S 20%; 6.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 5 (10201) Trnovo, Nemci, Brezov hrib, slope; 46,002° N 13,788° E; alt. 915, exp. NNE, incl. 20°; A 100%, B 5%, C 70%, D 5%, S 10%; 8.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 6 (10202) Trnovo, Nemci, Brezov hrib, plateau; 46,002° N 13,786° E; alt. 900, exp. /, incl. /; A 100%, B 20%, C 70%, D 20%, S 30%; 8.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 7 (10203) Trnovo, Nemci, Šibrove doline; 46,005° N 13,785° E; alt. 915, exp. N, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 20%, C 100%, D 1%, S 1%; 8.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 8 (10124) Trnovo, Kališev hrib, Forest reserve Kališev hrib; 45,980° N 13,790° E; alt. 1075, exp. NE, incl. 25°; A 100%, B 10%, C 80%, D 10%, S 30%; 1.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 9 (10169) Trnovo, Lokve, Poncala, Na Bajti; 45,995° N 13,805° E; alt. 1010, exp. SW, incl. 5°; A 100%, C 90%, D 1%, S 1%; 21.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 10 (10170) Trnovo, Lokve, Poncala, Na Bajti; 45,996° N 13,808° E; alt. 990, exp. SW, incl. 30°; A 100%, B 1%, C 60%, D 10%, S 20%; 21.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 11 (10198) Trnovo, Jelov hrib; 45,980° N 13,774° E; alt. 865, exp. W, incl. 25°; A 100%, C 30%, D 10%, S 30%; 1.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 12 (10205) Trnovo, Mrzovec; 45,984° N 13,806° E; alt. 1180, exp. W, incl. 40°; A 100%, B 10%, C 50%, D 30%, S 50%; 31.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 13 (10206) Trnovo, Kolovrat, doline; 45,958° N 13,778° E; alt. 945, exp. /, incl. /; A 70%, B 10%, C 50%, D 40%, S 50%; 2.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 14 (10195) Trnovo, Nemci, Na Dolinah; 46,005° N 13,761° E; alt. 850, exp. SW, incl. 15°; A 100%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 25.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 15 (10196) Trnovo, Nemci, between Nemci and Dolina; 46,001° N 13,726° E; alt. 820, exp. SW, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 5%, C 50%, D 30%, S 50%; 7.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 16 (10199) Trnovo, Vratarski hrib, S from the summit; 45,995° N 13,764° E; alt. 790, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 10%, C 40%, D 30%, S 30%; 7.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 17 (10200) Trnovo, Nemci; 45,989° N 13,779° E; alt. 865, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 30%, C 100%, D 1%, S 5%; 8.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 18 (10162) Predmeja, Mali Golak, Strgarija, below the Preval; 45,974° N 13,857° E; alt. 1275, exp. SE, incl. 15°; A 100%, B 30%, C 100%, D 1%, S 1%; 23.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 19 (10163) Predmeja, between Kališe and Rusa pot; 45,961° N 13,867° E; alt. 1050, exp. W, incl. 15°; A 90%, B 1%, C 80%, D 1%, S 1%; 28.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 20 (10164) Trnovo, Lokve, Mojski vrh, small doline between Mojski vrh and Velika Ilov-ca; 46,004° N 13,818° E; alt. 1125, exp. /, incl. /; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; 20.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 21 (10165) Predmeja, Mali Golak, Str-garijski vrh, preval Strgarija; 45,976° N 13,854° E; alt. 1217, exp. N, incl. 25°; A 100%, B 20%, C 80%, D 1%, S 5%; 22.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 22 (10166) Trnovo, Petelinovec; 45,983° N 13,804° E; alt. 1130, exp. /, incl. /; A 80%, B 10%, C 40%, D 30%, S 60%; 31.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 23 (10167) Predmeja, Mali Golak, Paradana; 45,980° N 13,851° E; alt. 1270, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 10%, C 40%, D 30%, S 60%; 23.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 24 (10168) Trnovo, Smrečje, Prevalski hrib; 45,957° N 13,810° E; alt. 1070, exp. N, incl. 15°; A 100%, B 20%, C 70%, D 20%, S 50%; 6.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 25 (10171) Predmeja, Nagnovec; 45,968° N 13,838° E; alt. 1040, exp. SE, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 10%, C 30%, D 50%, S 70%; 29.6.2000, leg. B. Surina. Table 9. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifoliafestucetosum altissimae 2 1 (10127) Trnovo, Vratarski hrib; 45,992° N 13,760° E; alt. 810, exp. /, incl. /; A 70%, B 20%, C 40%, D 40%, S 70%; 7.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 2 (22794) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 860, exp. NW, incl. 10°; A 70%, B 10%, C 90%, D 40%, S 70%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 3 (22795) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 850, exp. NW, incl. 10°; A 80%, B 20%, C 60%, D 40%, S 50%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 4 (22798) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 880, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 20%, C 30%, D 60%, S 80%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 5 (10181) Predmeja, Rusa pot; 45,959° N 13,863° E; alt. 990, exp. SE, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 30%, C 80%, D 10%, S 60%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 6 (10184) Predmeja, Bevške jame; 45,963° N 13,845° E; alt. 1150, exp. SSW, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 40%, C 50%, D 20%, S 70%; 29.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 7 (22785) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 850, exp. N, incl. 5°; A 90%, C 40%, D 5%, S 5%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 8 (22809) Predmeja; alt. 1050, exp. E, incl. 5°; A 90%, B 5%, C 40%, D 5%, S 10%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 9 (22796) Trnovo, Lokve; alt. 1150, exp. W, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 5%, C 60%, D 10%, S 50%; July 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 10 (22797) Trnovo, Lokve; alt. 1030, exp. N, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 10%, C 50%, D 20%, S 60%; July 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 11 (224115) Predmeja, Voglarji, Zavrh; 46,006° N 13,748° E; alt. 790, exp. W, incl. 20°; A 80%, B 5%, C 60%, D 30%, S 30%; 15.6.2010; leg. I. Dakskobler; 12 (22800) Predmeja; alt. 1080, exp. SW, incl. 10°; A 80%, B 5%, C 60%, D 30%, S 60%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 13 (22803) Predmeja; alt. 1020, exp. SE, incl. 10°; A 90%, B 5%, C 50%, D 20%, S 50%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 14 (22805) Predmeja; alt. 1040, exp. S, incl. 10°; A 90%, B 5%, C 60%, D 20%, S 60%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 15 (22806) Predmeja; alt. 1070, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 80%, C 50%, D 30%, S 70%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 16 (22801) Predmeja; alt. 1070, exp. S, incl. 10°; A 70%, B 10%, C 50%, D 40%, S 70%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 17 (22802) Predrla; alt. 1050, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 10%, C 60%, D 40%, S 60%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 18 (22786) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 860, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 5%, S 10%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 19 (22787) Predmeja; alt. 1080, exp. NW, incl. 5°; A 70%, B 10%, C 50%, S 5%; June 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 20 (22791) Trnovo; alt. 1000, exp. NW, incl. 5°; A 90%, B 5%, C 90%, D 5%; July 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 21 (22792) Trnovo; alt. 1030, exp. SW, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 10%, C 90%, D 10%, S 5%; July 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 22 (22793) Predmeja; alt. 1220, exp. NE, incl. 10°; A 80%, B 10%, C 90%, S 10%; June 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 23 (22808) Predmeja; alt. 1200, exp. NE, incl. 5°; A 80%, C 70%, D 5%, S 10%; June 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 24 (22799) Predmeja; alt. 1060, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 80%, B 10%, C 80%, D 10%, S 10%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 25 (22810) Predmeja; alt. 1060, exp. S, incl. 5°; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 10%, S 10%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 26 (22811) Predrla; alt. 1040, exp. /, incl. /; A 90%, C 80%, D 5%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer; 27 (22812) Predmeea; alt. 1020, exp. /, incl. /; A 80%, B 10%, C 50%, D 10%, S 5%; August 1979; leg. I. Puncer. Table 10. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia stellarietosum montanae 1 (10207) Trnovo, Nemci, Na dolinah; 46,007° N 13,769° E; alt. 880, exp. S, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 20%, C 50%, D 10%, S 20%; 24.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 2 (10208) Trnovo, Nemci, doline between peaks Bezgov & Markov hrib; 46,011° N 13,758° E; alt. 800, exp. /, incl. /; A 80%, B 80%, C 60%, D 40%, S 40%; 25.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 3 (10209) Trnovo, Nemci, Na dolinah; 46,007° N 13,769° E; alt. 870, exp. S, incl. 15°; A 70%, B 90%, C 90%, D 1%, S 1%; 24.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 4 (10210) Trnovo, Nemci, NW from Strgarija; 45,996° N 13,787° E; alt. 900, exp. /, incl. /; A 70%, B 30%, C 100%, D 50%, S 50%; 7.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 5 (10211) Trnovo, Nemci, Šibrove doline; 46,005° N 13,779° E; alt. 880, exp. /, incl. /; A 60%, B 30%, C 100%, D 10%; 8.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 6 (10212) Trnovo, Strgarija; 45,988° N 13,794° E; alt. 1030, exp. /, incl. /; A 60%, B 50%, C 90%, D 10%, S 20%; 21.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 7 (10213) Lokve, Mali Češevik; 46,019° N 13,808° E; alt. 1040, exp. /, incl. /; A 100%, B 5%, C 100%, D 1%, S 5%; 9.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 8 (10214) Predmeja, Pri jelcah; 45,965° N 13,860° E; alt. 1000, exp. /, incl. /; A 50%, B 30%, C 100%, D 10%, S 10%; 27.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 9 (10215) Trnovo, Nemci, Na dolinah; 46,007° N 13,760° E; alt. 820, exp. /, incl. /; A 100%, B 1%, C 80%, D 5%, S 10%; 25.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 10 (10216) Trnovo, Nemci between Kamni breg & Medvedji vrh; 45,986° N 13,761° E; alt. 800, exp. /, incl. /; A 90%, B 10%, C 100%, D 10%; 7.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 11 (22788) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 840, exp. /, incl. /; A 50%, B 30%, C 100%, D 40%, S 10%; August 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 12 (22789) Trnovo, Lokve, Turški klanec; 45,994° N 13,812° E; alt. 970, exp. /, incl. /; A 60%, B 10%, C 100%, D 20%, S 10%; July 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 13 (22790) Trnovo, Lokve, Turški klanec; 45,995° N 13,816° E; alt. 980, exp. N, incl. 15°; A 60%, B 10%, C 100%, D 10%, S 10%; July 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 14 (131123) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,037° N 13,799° E; alt. 880, exp. W, incl. 35°; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 50%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 15 (131124) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,035° N 13,798° E; alt. 950, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 40%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 16 (131125) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,037° N 13,801° E; alt. 970, exp. W, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 20%, C 70%, D 20%, S 50%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 17 (131126) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,030° N 13,798° E; alt. 1050, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 40%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 18 (131127) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,039° N 13,803° E; alt. 970, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 40%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 19 (131129) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,043° N 13,808° E; alt. 1000, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 20%, C 70%, D 20%, S 70%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 20 (131130) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,037° N 13,803° E; alt. 1040, exp. NW, incl. 30°; A 80%, B 10%, C 80%, D 20%, S 70%; 4.5.2000, leg. I. Dakskobler; 21 (131131) Trnovo, Čepovan, Čepovanska reber; 46,025° N 13,795° E; alt. 1100, exp. SW, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 5%, C 70%, D 10%, S 40%; 6.6.2000, leg. I. Dak-skobler. Table 11. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia calamagrostietosum variae 1 (131132) Idrija, Kendov vrh; alt. 1030, exp. E, incl. 35°; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 10%, S 30%; 27.5.1999, leg. I. Dakskobler; 2 (131133) Idrija, Zgornja Idrijca, Bedrova grapa; alt. 970, exp. NE, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 10%, C 50%, D 10%, S 20%; 29.6.1999, leg. I. Dakskobler; 3 (131134) Idrija, Zgornja Idrijca, Bedrova grapa; alt. 1030, exp. NE, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 20%, C 60%, D 10%, S 20%; 29.6.1999, leg. I. Dakskobler; 4 (217948) Idrija, Govci, Ipavšek, under the Zeleni rob; 45,997° N 13,876° E; alt. 960, exp. NE, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 5%, C 50%, D 10%, S 20%; 9.7.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 5 (217955) Idrija, Govci, Ipavšek, under the Zeleni rob; 45,997° N 13,876° E; alt. 940, exp. NE, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 40%, C 10%, S 20%; 9.7.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 6 (217956) Idrija, Govci, Ipavšek, under the Zeleni rob; 45,996° N 13,877° E; alt. 1000, exp. NE, incl. 30°; A 90%, B 40%, C 10%, S 20%; 9.7.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 7 (217957) Idrija, Govci, Ipavšek, under the Zeleni rob; 45,994° N 13,874° E; alt. 1200, exp. E, incl. 45°; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 20%, S 30%; 9.7.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 8 (217992) Idrija, Črna draga, above Belca; 45,981° N 13,918° E; alt. 870, exp. SW, incl. 30°; A 70%, B 20%, C 50%, D 5%, S 20%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 9 (217993) Idrija, Črna draga, above Belca; 45,982° N 13,918° E; alt. 900, exp. SW, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 30%, C 60%, D 5%, S 30%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 10 (217994) Idrija, Črna draga, above Belca; 45,983° N 13,917° E; alt. 940, exp. SW, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 30%, C 60%, D 5%, S 40%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dak-skobler; 11 (217995); Idrija, Črna draga, above Belca; 45,983° N 13,917° E; alt. 960, exp. SW, incl. 35°; A 90%, B 20%, C 60%, D 5%, S 20%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 12 (217996) Idrija, Črna draga, under Gnelice; 45,983° N 13,917° E; alt. 980, exp. SW, incl. 40°; A 80%, B 20%, C 60%, D 5%, S 20%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 13 (217997) Idrija, Črna draga, under Gnelice; 45,983° N 13,917° E; alt. 980, exp. SE, incl. 35°; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 5%, S 30%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dak-skobler; 14 (218003) Idrija, Črna draga, Belca, above Putrihove klavže; 45,976° N 13,927° E; alt. 680, exp. S, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 10%, C 50%, D 5%, S 10%; 8.5.2007, leg. I. Dakskobler; 15 (230609) Idrija, Gorenja Kanomlja, V Studencu; 46,039° N 13,912° E; alt. 830, exp. NE, incl. 35°; A 80%, B 30%, C 50%, D 10%, S 25%; 13.5.2005, leg. I. Dakskobler; 16 (230612) Idrija, Gorenja Kanomlja, V Studencu; 46,040° N 13,908° E; alt. 870, exp. NE, incl. 35°; A 70%, B 10%, C 50%, D 10%, S 20%; 14.7.2004, leg. I. Dakskobler; 17 (230613) Idrija, Vojsko, near Log; 46,037° N 13,907° E; alt. 1070, exp. W, incl. 20°; A 90%, B 10%, C 30%, D 10%, S 30%; 14.7.2004, leg. I. Dakskobler; Table 12. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia seslerietosum autumnalis 1 (10128) Trnovo, Kamni breg; 45,987° N 13,771° E; alt. 865, exp. E, incl. 15°; A 80%, B 10%, C 80%, D 5%, S 10%; 1.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 2 (10129) Trnovo, Kopica; 45,976° N 13,784° E; alt. 1010, exp. W, incl. 20°; A 100%, B 30%, C 10%, D 5%, S 5%; 1.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 3 (10130) Trnovo, Kopica; 45,971° N 13,783° E; alt. 1000, exp. SSW, incl. 15°; A 90%, B 40%, C 100%, D 5%, S 5%; 1.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 4 (10197) Trnovo, Nemci, between peaks Bezgov & Markov hrib; 46,011o N 13,7580 E; alt. 830, exp. S, incl. 250; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 30%, S 60%; 25.5.2000, leg. B. Surina; 5 (22780) Trnovo; alt. 890, exp. W, incl. 100; A 100%, B 5%, C 60%, D 20%, S 40%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 6 (22778) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 900, exp. S, incl. 200; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 7 (22779) Trnovo; alt. 880, exp. SW, incl. 100; A 90%, B 5%, C 40%, D 30%, S 50%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 8 (22777) Trnovo, Nemci; alt. 880, exp. SW, incl. 100; A 90%, B 10%, C 70%, D 10%, S 30%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 9 (22781) Trnovo; alt. 860, exp. S, incl. 200; A 80%, B 10%, C 90%, D 10%, S 30%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 10 (22782) Trnovo; alt. 920, exp. W, incl. 150; A 90%, B 20%, C 90%, D 5%, S 20%; June 1979, leg. I. Puncer; 11 (10131) Predmeja, Krnica, Kucelj; 45,944o N 13,800o E; alt. 1070, exp. SE, incl. 200; A 100%, B 20%, C 90%, D 10%, S 20%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 12 (10132) Trnovo, Jančerijski vrh; 45,956o N 13,779e E; alt. 1000, exp. WSW, incl. 100; A 100%, B 10%, C 70%, D 20%, S 30%; 2.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 1B (10133) Trnovo, Korenina; 45,952o N 13,778o E; alt. 985, exp. NW, incl. 250; A 100%, B 20%, C 60%, D 30%, S 40%; 2.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 14 (10134) Trnovo, Kolovrat; 45,959o N 13,776o E; alt. 1010, exp. W, incl. 200; A 80%, B 10%, C 70%, D 20%, S 40%; 2.6.2000, leg. B. Surina; 15 (10135) Trnovo, Kolovrat; 45,962o N 13,786o E; alt. 955, exp. S, incl. 150; A 100%, B 10%, C 70%, D 20%, S 40%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 16 (10138) Trnovo, Njivica, Krnica; 45,946o N 13,799o E; alt. 1120, exp. SW, incl. 250; A 90%, B 5%, C 100%, D 1%, S 10%; 5.7.2000, leg. B. Surina. Table 13. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora sambucetosum nigrae 1 (10188) Idrija, Tisovec, below Nemškarica; 45,9540 N 13,9460 E; alt. 850, exp. E, incl. 200; A 90%, B 30%, C 80%, D 10%, S 20%; 18.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 2 (10192) Idrija, Orlevc; 45,958o N 13,9360 E; alt. 1000, exp. NE, incl. 200; A 90%, B 60%, C 90%, D 10%, S 20%; 20.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; B (10193) Idrija, Tisovec, above Belca, NW from Borfove doline; 45,948o N 13,963o E; alt. 800, exp. E, incl. 150; A 80%, B 50%, C 70%, D 10%, S 20%; 18.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 4 (10189) Idrija, Tisovec, Pri Magazinu, towards Borfova dolina; 45,942o N 13,966o E; alt. 860, exp. W, incl. 250; A 80%, B 50%, C 70%, D 5%, S 10%; 18.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 5 (10190) Idrija, Tisovec; 45,947o N 13,9580 E; alt. 840, exp. NNE, incl. 200; A 80%, B 60%, C 80%, D 10%, S 10%; 19.7.2000, leg. B. Surina; 6 (10191) Idrija, Tisovec; 45,95^ N 13,9570 E; alt. 850, exp. N, incl. 200; A 100%, B 40%, C 90%, D 5%, S 5%; 19.7.2000, leg. B. Surina. Table 14. Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora asaretosum europaei 1 (230602) Idrija, Šebreljski vrh, above Sjavni-ca and Močnik; 46,0670 N 13,939o E; alt. 640, exp. NE, incl. 300; A 90%, B 10%, C 40%, D 5%, S 10%; 2.8.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 2 (230603) Idrija, Šebreljski vrh, above Sjavnica and Močnik; 46,0610 N 13,9390 E; alt. 800, exp. E, incl. 350; A 80%, B 20%, C 40%, D 10%, S 20%; 2.8.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; B (230604) Idrija, Šebreljski vrh, above Sjavnica and Močnik; 46,062o N 13,942o E; alt. 660, exp. E, incl. 350; A 90%, B 10%, C 60%, D 5%, S 10%; 2.8.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 4 (230605) Idrija, Šebreljski vrh, above Sjavnica and Močnik; 46,0640 N 13,9410 E; alt. 650, exp. NE, incl. 300; A 90%, B 10%, C 50%, D 5%, S 10%; 2.8.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 5 (230606) Idrija, Šebreljski vrh, above Sjavnica and Močnik; 46,065o N 13,940o E; alt. 660, exp. NE, incl. 350; A 90%, B 10%, C 40%, D 10%, S 30%; 2.8.2002, leg. I. Dakskobler; 6 (230607) Idrija, Gorenja Kanomlja, V Studencu, under Hum; 46,044o N 13,915o E; alt. 700, exp. NW, incl. 350; A 90%, B 10%, C 60%, D 20%, S 30%; 13.5.2005, leg. I. Dakskobler; 7 (230608) Idrija, Gorenja Kanomlja, V Studencu, under Hum; 46,043o N 13,9140 E; alt. 700, exp. SW, incl. 300; A 90%, B 10%, C 60%, D 5%, S 30%; 13.5.2005, leg. I. Dakskobler; 8 (230611) Idrija, Gorenja Kanomlja, V Studencu, under Hum; 46,0470 N 13,918o E; alt. 640, exp. NW, incl. 300; A 80%, B 10%, C 60%, D 5%, S 10%; 14.7.2004, leg. I. Dakskobler. 7.4 SYNTAXONOMIC UNITS (AND SYNONYMS) WITH COMPLETE NAMES MENTIONED IN THE ARTICLE: Amelanchiero ovalis-Ostryetum Poldini 1982, Are-monio-Fagion (Horvat 1938) Borhidi in Torok, Podani et Borhidi 1989, Arunco-Fagetum Ž. Košir 1962, Asplenietea trichomanis Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934, Elyno-Seslerietea Br.-Bl. 1948, Erico-Pinetea Horvat 1959, Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawl. 1928, Fraxino orni-Pinetum nigrae Martin-Bosse 1967, Hacquetio-Fagetum Ž. Košir (1962) 1979, Hacquetio-Piceetum (Zupančič 1980) 1999, Ho-mogyno sylvestris-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1993, Lamio orvalae-Fagetum (Horvat 1938) Borhidi 1963, Lonicero caeruleae-Piceetum (Zupančič 1980) 1999, Mulgedio-Aconitetea Hadač & Klika in Klika & Hadač 1944, Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957 corr. Puncer 1980) Marinček & al. 1993 var. geogr. Calamintha grandiflora Surina 2002 (=Fagetum croaticum australe abietetosum Horvat 1938; Abieti-Fagetum dinaricum Tregubov 1957; Fago-Abietetum omphalodetosum Trinajstic 2007 nom. ileg.) aceretosum pseudoplatani Puncer 1980, Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957 corr. Puncer 1980) Marinček & al. 1993 var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia Surina 2002 (=Abieti-Fagetum austroalpi-num Puncer 1979 nom. prov.) rhododendretosum hirsuti Dakskobler & al. 2000, Ostryo-Fagetum M. Wraber ex Trinajstic 1972, Polysticho lonchitis-Fa-getum (Horvat 1938) Marinček in Poldini & Nar-dini 1993 var. geogr. Allium victorialis Marinček 1996, Quercetalia pubescentis Klika 1933, Querco-Fagetea Br.-Bl. & Vlieg. 1933, Ranunculoplatanifo-lii-Fagetum Marinček et al. 1993, Rhododendro hir-suti-Fagetum Accetto ex Dakskobler 1998, Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum prostratae Zottl 1951, Ribeso alpini-Piceetum Zupančič & Accetto 1994, Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum (Horvat 1938) M. Wraber ex Borhidi 1963, Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryetum Horvat & Horvatic 1950 corr. Zupančič 1999, Stellario montanae-Fagetum (Zupančič 1969) Marinček & al. 1993, Thlaspietea rotundifolii Br.-Bl. 1948, Vac-cinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. 1939 em. Zupančič 2000. Table 4: Synoptic table of the lower syntaxa of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps). Tabela 4: Sintezna tabela sintaksonov nižjega ranga asociacije Omphalodo-Fagetum v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi). No. of relevés Lower level syntaxa 12345ó7S9 10 11 rho ade sax cal aru fes I fes II ste cal var ses sam asa Characteristic species of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum AF Cardamine trifolia C 1003°-<¡ S927.S S025.0 9435.ó AF Aremonia agrimonoides C ó1.4 ó1.2 204.4 71173 AF Omphalodes verna C SS2ó.4 ó0.ó 401S.3 ó2.3 AF Calamintha grandiflora C 51.1 ó1.3 ó015 AF Rhamnus fallax B . 60 6 Diff. sp. for the geographical variant Saxífraga cuneifolia 9ó3L7 5714S 3574 94243 100250 75190 S1189 4S10,i . S11S1 1001S1 25° . 144-S 59133 ó . 100444 SS23. 8 . 511 ó13 . 10020S ó3190 721 1021 59123 132S . . VP Saxífraga cuneifolia C 5011.1 ó1.2 S5300 5ó170 329S 33s2 142.ó. 132.S AT Paederota lutea C 9422.9 337.4 401S.3 . 409 . 94197 AT Phyteuma scheuchzeri/columnae C 5011.S 224.3 205.ó 30.7 . . . 419S 194.9 A ó0.7 . 35ó7 FS Laburnum alpinum B ó0.7 2Só.2 51.1... . 5912.4 C 113.1 102.2... . 9421.ó ó1.4 Diff. sp. for the geographical variant Calamintha grandiflora AF Omphalodes verna C 88264 AF Calamintha grandiflora C . Differential species for the subassociations ó0.ó 401S.3 51.1 144.S 51.1 5913.ó ó1.3 EP Rubus saxatilis C 100 2S.5 103.9 ó1.3 122.7 51.ó 1225 FS Aruncus dioicus C 100 25.7 203.9 51.1 29ó.1 MASalix appendiculata B 100243 ó1" 357.S 30.7 121.S EP Rhododendron hirsutum B 94 58.3 ó12 10ó.7 243.1 ES Aster bellidiastrum C SS 22.2 3374 121.S ES Carex ferruginea C 50 9.7 224.3 51.1 5913.5 AT Valeriana saxatilis C 31 ó.3 ó0.ó AT Primula carniolica C 31 ó.3 TR Adenostyles glabra C 100243 100309 751S.9 942S.4 S019.1 S1243 337.9 SS27.1 MAVeratrum album C 100 27.1 100247 7017.S 153.3 32S.4 194.5 245.3 24ó.2 MASaxifraga rotundifolia C ó 1.4 4410.5 3ó9.3 40.S 102.ó VP Saxifraga cuneifolia C 50 11.1 ó1.2 S530.0 5ó17.0 329.S 33S.2 142.ó 1728 133. 133. 133. 100444 SS23S 10020S ó3190 ó712.5 335.ó 3S9. ó No. of relevés 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VP Calamagrostis arundinacea C 100604 89235 95633 9469.3 40191 67296 1432 1225 88278 1728 63 17.5 FS Festuca altissima C 56123 35128 6822.9 10061.8 10035.0 9027.5 61.3 6318.1 10025.0 13 3.2 FS Stellaria montana C 224J 122.3 6821.8 194.1 9039.2 172.8 13 4.8 FS Impatiens noli-tangere C 30.3 81.8 81328 FS Adoxa moschatellina C 1328 2256 102. 2 296.5 367.6 40.8 7620.1 FS Arum maculatum C 81.8 6715.9 38 11.1 FS Lunaria rediviva C 5727.0 60.6 172.8 FS Circaea lutetiana C 619 40.9 5211.6 172.8 EP Calamagrostis varia C 614 449.9 51.1 10028.9 508.3 EP Carex alba C 173 1 30.7 40.8 7120.9 172.8 13 3.2 FS Polygonatum multiflorum C 61.3 327.6 71.6 388.5 6514.2 255.6 25 6.3 AF Rhamnus fallax B 60 6 82.2 72.1 102.1 5912.3 132.8 AF Helleborus niger C 50139 225 6 5315.3 13 3.2 EP Buphthalmum salicifolium C 4186 QP Sesleria autumnalis C 105 0 40.9 72.9 10077.1 FS Lathyrus vernus/vernus C 153. 9 267.2 3611.1 41.2 388.5 246.9 8120.1 38 9.5 FS Lathyrus vernus/flaccidus C 153. 3 246.2 81.8 5012.5 FS Sambucus nigra B A 2556 5913.4 5212.0 225.3 81238 51.1 1225 449.7 614 100208 50 14.3 FS Tilia platyphyllos B C 40.9 143.2 51.1 194.2 508.3 172.8 FS Asarum europaeum/caucasicum C 30.7 1225 61.4 100 36.5 FS Pulmonaria officinalis C A 30.7 101.1 61.3 61.3 172.8 100 88 31.7 34.9 FS Ulmus glabra B C 61.3 1225 61.4 174.2 174.2 50 88 14.3 23.8 FS Symphytum tuberosum C 1328 286 8 307 40.8 338.5 183.8 61.4 88 28.6 FS Petasites albus C 61.2 172.8 75 30.2 QF Hedera helix C A 40.8 75 38 20.6 6.3 QP Fraxinus ornus B C 81.3 51.1 418. 0 255.6 25 63 6.3 17.5 FS Prunus avium A C 61.2 63 38 14.3 9.5 AF Aremonio-Fagion 7 10 9 10 8 9 10 13 11 9 14 Cardamine trifolia C 100306 8927 8 8025.0 9435.6 8832.9 9631.7 5714.8 357.4 9424.3 10025.0 75 19.0 Aremonia agrimonoides C 61.4 61 2 204.4 71173 6015.6 81189 4810.6 8118.1 100181 25 6.3 Cardamine enneaphyllos C 100313 9430 9 8023.3 8530.1 8840.4 5915.6 9031.7 8829.0 8832.6 8315.3 13 3.2 Cyclamen purpurascens C 2549 56130 50122 5015.4 40.8 8823.4 6918.1 8319.4 63 17.5 Euphorbia carniolica C 8118. 8 173. 7 1533 81.8 4187 8315.3 13 3.2 Lamium orvala C 102.2 124.6 4816.9 153.7 8128.0 246.3 81181 509.7 10042.9 Omphalodes verna C 88264 60 6 4018.3 62.3 144.8 5913.6 10044.4 88 23.8 Anemone trifolia C 51.7 61.3 123.6 40.8 338.5 61.8 5616.7 Calamintha grandiflora C 51.1 61.3 51.1 61.3 100208 63 19.0 Rhamnus fallax B 60 6 82.2 72.1 102.1 5912.3 132.8 Helleborus niger C 50139 225 6 5315.3 13 3.2 Hacquetia epipactis C 61 9 123.7 172.8 25 6.3 Knautia drymeia C 183.7 13 3.2 Scopolia carniolica C 103.7 298.1 38 11.1 Helleborus odorus C 30.7 61.4 Polystichum setiferum C 244.8 25 6.3 Vicia oroboides C 49 112.5 132.8 No . ofrelevés 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Daphne laureola B Geranium nodosum C 52 6 Fagetalia sylvaticae 32 48 594 41 433 51 561 52 646 45 357 64 862 55 630 44 490 47 550 A 10084 0 10095. 7 10067 8 10069. 6 10078. 2 10060 5 100778 100875 10072. 9 10056. 9 Fagus sylvatica B 10031 9 10034. 6 7030 6 10047 1 7228 0 9325 1 9530 7 100375 8129 . 2 10050. 0 C 69153 8927 2 9527 2 10036. 9 10032. 9 378 6 7621 7 9425 8 8822 9 100194 A 6312 5 9424 7 205 0 297 5 3611 6 153. 3 5219 6 10024. 6 61 4 336 9 Acer pseudoplatanus B 10023. 6 8925 3 358 9 7923 5 8024 0 6314 4 8636 5 2450 388 3 8326 4 C 4497 8328 4 7017 2 9138.6 9635 6 307 0 7629 6 9423 4 56125 10038. 9 Actaea spicata C 8819 4 285 6 408 9 6214 1 6014 2 4410 3 8118. 5 4711 2 316. 9 10016. 7 Daphne mezereum B 8118. 8 449 9 9022 8 7920 3 6015 1 5612 8 6213 8 8822 8 9422 9 100264 Dryopteris filix-mas C 81174 8322 8 8521 1 100275 10032. 0 10023 0 10041. 3 8217 3 9420 8 10018. 1 Epipactis helleborine C 61 2 152 9 204 0 224 9 51 1 7616 0 316. 9 10015. 3 Galeobdolon flavidum C 61 4 8926 5 4510 6 9424 2 8022 2 8521 4 6719 0 7118. 5 9420 8 8320 8 Galium laevigatum C 132 8 399 3 4013 3 185 6 205 3 113 7 194 8 8826 4 6316 7 508 3 Mercurialis perennis C 6317 4 3312 3 3010 6 2614 4 246 7 112 5 5215 9 9429 6 8832 6 10038. 9 Mycelis muralis C 194 2 7818 5 7017 8 10025. 8 8420 4 7417 3 8619 0 65148 10022. 2 10018. 1 Paris quadrifolia C 69153 7216 7 7015 6 7616 3 9222 2 5211 5 10024. 3 2450 75167 10016. 7 Polystichum aculeatum C 8118. 8 5612 3 5012 2 388 5 286 7 265 8 5212 7 53117 194 2 8315 3 Prenanthes purpurea C 10028. 5 9426 5 9529 4 9430 1 7221 8 7417 3 3810 1 10028. 3 8118. 1 10025. 0 Epilobium montanum C 316. 9 5613 0 5512 8 7418 6 4412 0 378 2 5713 2 61 2 2556 509 7 Lonicera alpigena B 9428 5 173. 7 6019 4 329 2 3211 1 337 8 387 9 6516.0 389 0 509 7 Neottia nidus-avis C 7816 7 50 6 479 8 489 8 112 5 51 1 59123 2556 8312 5 Symphytum tuberosum C 132 8 286 8 30 7 40 8 338 5 183. 8 61 4 Festuca altissima C 5612 3 3512 8 6822 9 10061 8 10035 0 9027 5 61 3 6318 1 10025. 0 Galium odoratum C 6117 3 256 7 3812 4 8833 3 3711 1 7624 3 61 2 8120 . 8 6715 3 Lilium martagon C 10022. 2 449 9 408 9 183 9 82 7 71 6 419. 3 61 4 Salvia glutinosa C 61 2 30 7 368 4 153. 3 7617 5 7619 1 194 2 6712 5 Sambucus nigra C 255 6 5913 4 5212 0 225 3 81238 1225 449 7 10020. 8 Sanicula europaea C 449 9 51 7 266 5 409 3 265 8 337 9 61 2 132 8 8315 3 Viola reichenbachiana C 192 8 153. 3 30 7 367 1 224 9 194 2 316 9 508 3 Cardamine bulbifera C 5613 6 30 7 368 9 71 6 9528 6 1225 132 8 172. 8 Scrophularia nodosa C 286 2 265 6 245 3 112 5 4310 6 1225 316. 9 172. 8 Adoxa moschatellina C 132 8 225 6 102. 2 296 5 367 6 40 8 7620 1 Carex sylvatica C 6715 4 122 9 40 9 419. 1 245 8 132 8 8313 9 Lathyrus vernus/vernus C 153. 9 267 2 3611 1 41 2 388 5 246 9 81201 Phyllitis scolopendrium C 60 6 30 3 81 8 72 1 5713 2 61 2 172. 8 Melica nutans C 61 4 61 2 51 7 296 1 61 4 Phyteuma spicatum/coeruleum C 6313 9 6715 4 156. 7 92 0 7618 4 Polygonatum multiflorum C 61 3 327 6 71 6 388 5 65142 2556 Stellaria montana C 224 3 122 3 6821 8 194. 1 9039 2 172. 8 Euphorbia amygdaloides C A 60 7 61 3 41 3 40 0 297 4 3567 6712 5 Laburnum alpinum B C 60 7 286 2 113. 1 51 1 102. 2 59124 9421 6 61 4 172. 8 Milium effusum C 61 2 51 1 30 7 4812 0 153. 3 4312 2 Poa nemoralis C 61 4 173. 7 40 9 51 1 61 2 Ranunculus lanuginosus C 91 6 40 8 193 2 194. 2 172. 8 Euphorbia amygdaloides C 61 3 41 3 40 0 297 4 6712 5 Aruncus dioicus C 10025. 7 203 9 51 1 296 1 Cardamine impatiens C 51 1 30 3 163. 6 4811 1 60 7 11 10028. 6 68 1019 100794 88317 75254 88317 2563 88317 100302 50127 100302 2563 7519. 0 50127 50190 50127 100254 8830 2 7520 6 133 2 8828 6 133 2 5015 9 133 2 10033 3 50143 8823 8 7519 0 3812 7 5012 7 7520 6 3895 5011 1 133 2 3895 256 3 134 8 3895 133 2 133 2 133 2 133' 389 389 No. of relevés 7 10 11 Chrysosplenium alternifolium Fraxinus excelsior Cephalanthera damasonium Circaea lutetiana Lathyrus vernus/flaccidus Myosotis sylvatica Phyteuma spicatum Polystichum braunii Tilia platyphyllos Ulmus glabra Arum maculatum Campanula trachelium Cardamine pentaphyllos Impatiens noli-tangere Lunaria rediviva Veronica montana Acer platanoides Allium ursinum Circaea alpina Dryopteris affinis Acer campestre C A B C C C C C C C A B C A B C C C C C C C A B C C C C A B C 612 606 112-5 111.9 1533 2044 511 2462 610 307 61.2 327 40.9 40.9 818 818 40.9 40.9 408 224' 30.7 408 57159 51.1 102 1 5211.6 62148 1953 51.1 143.2 51.1 101.1 6715.9 143.2 3819.6 81328 5727.0 51.1 143.2 51.1 51.1 4174 358.0 5315.3 61.2 61. 61. 122. Fraxinus ornus Ostrya carpinifolia Sesleria autumnalis Melittis melissophyllum Piptatherum virescens Digitalis grandiflora Tamus communis QR Quercetalia roboris-petraeae Betula pendula Frangula alnus A B C A B C C C C C A B 105 51. 40.9 102.1 51.1 132.8 5012.5 61.4 194.2 4180 243.8 357.4 60.6 255 1007 508.3 508.3 172.8 QP Quercetalia pubescentis 4 38 4 0 6 26 5 23 5 8 6 6 7 7 8 36 8 104 3 17 A 316.3 60.6 205.0 92.0 505 29" 61.4 172.8 Sorbus aria B 8819.4 398.6 5512.8 5011.8 81.8 306.6 246.8 255.6 508.3 C 132.8 112.5 6013.9 327.5 1227 40.8 479.8 255.6 335.6 Arabis turrita C 31.0 40.9 40.8 102.1 61.4 Convallaria majalis C 449.0 51.1 256.3 133.2 389.5 7525.4 508.3 172.8 172.8 174.2 174.2 5013.9 172.8 8834.9 5014.3 8823.8 3811.1 6315.9 133.2 257.9 256.3 256.3 389.5 133.2 133.2 8 67 256.3 133.2 386.3 256.3 6317.5 7522.2 133. 131.6 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 3 4 3 6 6 4 6 8 5 3 8 6 4 6 8 6 6 No. of relevés 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Monotropa hypophegea C 1332 Pteridium aquilinum C 389.5 Quercus petraea C 131.6 Veronica officinalis C 40.8 QF Querco-Fagetea 7 66 3 37 8 71 9 52 9 41 7 33 12 53 13 75 8 60 6 67 13 149 Anemone nemorosa C 100347 10030.9 9536.1 8531.0 8023.1 5913.6 8626.5 7117.9 81243 8318.1 6315.9 Carex digitata C 254.9 224.9 6013.9 5311.8 245.3 5211.9 102.1 5311.0 3169 506.9 7519.0 Lonicera xylosteum B 614 51.1 122.6 204.9 194.1 296.3 183.1 255.6 389.5 Platanthera bifolia C 1328 51.1 61.0 40.9 40.8 142.6 244.3 449 7 8315.3 Anemone x pittonii C 153.9 122.6 40.9 102.1 61.2 132 8 Corylus avellana B 30.7 82.2 102.1 183.1 132 8 335.6 7520.6 Clematis vitalba B 61.2 30.3 244.9 61 4 6711.1 8822.2 Hepatica nobilis C 7519.4 3511.1 61.3 4711.7 256 3 Corylus avellana C 122.2 41.2 509.7 Cruciata glabra C 102.2 30.7 40.8 Euonymus latifolia B 51.1 60.6 133.2 Moehringia trinervia C 40.9 143.2 133.2 Primula vulgaris C 50.5 4712.4 7519.0 Aegopodium podagraria C 40.9 133.2 Hedera helix C 40.8 7520.6 Viola riviniana C A 61.4 51.1 182.5 256.3 Taxus baccata B C 61.2 133.2 EP Erico-Pinetea 8 109 5 16 4 18 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 8 92 3 11 2 13 Cirsium erisithales C 5011.1 111.2 256.1 30.7 40.9 50.5 9424.6 389.5 Rubus saxatilis C 100285 103.9 61.3 122.7 51.6 1225 6712.5 Rhododendron hirsutum B 9458.3 61.2 106.7 243.1 Ribes alpinum B 607 51.1 40.9 VP Vaccinio-Piceetea 31 26 31 29 27 32 20 23 24 20 16 653 224 718 467 316 357 171 207 286 307 330 A 10036.8 8921.6 10046.1 100686 10065.3 10073.3 10043.4 8220.4 10065. 3 100542 10073.0 Abies alba B 10031.3 336.2 7531.1 5014.1 163.6 5613.2 438.5 359.3 5613 2 172.8 8830.2 C 8118.1 9423.5 9033.9 10038.6 10031.6 7418.1 71164 4199 9422.2 8325.0 8827.0 Calamagrostis arundinacea C 100604 8923.5 9563.3 9469.3 4019.1 6729.6 143.2 1225 8827.8 172.8 6317.5 Gentiana asclepiadea C 100257 5612.3 10027.8 5612.7 4811.6 7817.3 143.2 6514.2 388.3 10018. 1 8822.2 Oxalis acetosella C 81208 8325.3 8531.7 9450.3 10051.1 10043.2 8637.6 183.8 8126 . 4 10026.4 8831.7 A 448.3 606 9041.1 4413.4 247.1 5218.1 102.1 354.3 256.3 100208 8836.5 Picea abies B 9419.4 285.6 6522.8 246.5 122.7 378.6 4181 61.4 335.6 5012.7 C 194.2 224.3 8027.2 711X0 449.8 153.3 102.1 244.9 449.0 8319.4 387.9 Maianthemum bifolium C 100264 5011.1 8529.4 7623.9 8031.6 5916.0 439.0 244.9 8827.1 100306 Rosa pendulina C 10034.7 224.9 9529.4 85235 409.8 6314.8 51.1 5312.4 5614.6 5011.1 Solidago virgaurea C 5010.4 224.9 9027.2 5615.4 163.6 6314.4 5912.4 5612.5 10025.0 8825.4 Valeriana tripteris C 9429.9 173.7 9030.6 246.5 40.8 51.1 7116.0 255.6 334.2 Veronica urticifolia C 9429.9 7217.9 8025.6 2146 122.7 71.6 143.2 8221.6 8315.3 389.5 Huperzia selago C 100222 173.7 8020.6 266.2 40.9 153.3 1225 194.2 335.6 Lonicera nigra B 10031.3 6016.1 5016.3 5212.9 74177 337.4 183.1 194.2 8318.1 Vaccinium myrtillus C 100458 4413.0 6537.8 4412.7 81.8 3310.3 245.6 61.4 179.7 Dryopteris dilatata C 386.3 5010.5 358.9 5313.4 1640 6714.8 489.5 8313.9 133.2 Gymnocarpium dryopteris C 9425.7 224.9 256.1 153.6 289.8 71.6 144.2 133.2 No. of relevés 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hieracium murorum C 3169 1125 3589 92.3 1636 40.8 5311.0 614 Homogyne sylvestris C 9425.7 61.9 7526.7 2159 81.8 153.3 5314.7 336.9 Saxífraga cuneifolia C 50111 61.2 8530.0 5617.0 329.8 338.2 142.6 132.8 Clematis alpina C 100299 9048.9 124.9 40.9 40.8 4711.7 194.9 Dryopteris expansa C 63139 225.6 102.2 153.6 163.6 389.0 132.8 Luzula luzuloides C 614 5518.3 7424.5 6818.7 6315.6 387.9 8820.8 Phegopteris connectilis C 88243 358.9 92.3 112.5 245.8 Polystichum lonchitis C 100271 60.6 307.2 30.7 41.3 102.1 Luzula sylvatica/sylvatica C 1328 399.3 308.3 716 51.1 Aposeris foetida C 5011.7 102.2 4111.7 61.4 Orthilia secunda C 31.0 40.9 266.2 61.4 Blechnum spicant C 40.8 172.8 256.3 Lycopodium annotinum C 63125 102.8 Monotropa hypopitys C 40.9 40.8 172.8 Rubus hirtus B 194.1 122.5 7520.6 Vaccinium vitis-idaea C 3163 154.4 Calamagrostis villosa C 63.1 Corallorhiza trifida C 607 61.2 Galium rotundifolium C 30.7 40.8 Luzula pilosa C 30.7 61.4 Thelypteris limbosperma C 716 133.2 MAMulgedio-Aconitetea 16 154 14 144 12 36 11 11 9 23 9 3 15 149 13 71 7 4 5 8 7 30 Athyrium filix-femina C 10030. 6 9429.0 6015.6 9428.1 8424.9 81193 100407 296.2 388.3 100222 8838.1 Polygonatum verticillatum C 100306 10025.3 9530.6 8521.9 409.3 4810.7 5712.7 6516.0 5013.2 100181 133.2 Senecio ovatus C 607 8321.0 6013.9 100265 9626.7 6316.0 9028.6 8221.6 9423.6 8329.2 10033.3 Geranium robertianum C 111.9 153.3 7919.3 7219.1 5213.2 6216.4 122.5 6915.3 133.2 Heracleum sphondylium C 449.3 30.7 40.8 194.2 244.9 172.8 133.2 Urtica dioica C 111.9 102.2 265.9 4410.7 40.8 9030.7 132.8 Ranunculus platanifolius C 9424 3 7213.6 7018.3 122.6 82.2 606 Salix appendiculata B 10024.3 60.6 357.8 30.7 121.8 335.6 Doronicum austriacum C 131.4 153.3 30.3 40.9 40.8 3811.1 Thalictrum aquilegiifolium C 5011.1 51.1 51.1 61.2 61.4 Saxifraga rotundifolia C 61.4 4410.5 369.3 40.8 102.6 Aconitum degenii/paniculatum C 60.6 51.1 183.7 Aconitum lycoctonum C 61.2 143.2 246.7 Angelica sylvestris C 192.1 61.2 5012.7 Centaurea montana C 194.2 244.9 Phyteuma ovatum C 102.2 30.7 Viola biflora C 5010.4 51.1 ES Elyno-Seslerietea 3 34 3 14 1 1 5 20 1 3 Carex ferruginea C 509.7 224.3 51.1 5913.5 Aster bellidiastrum C 8822.2 337.4 121.8 Sesleria caerulea/calcaria C 111.9 1225 AT Asplenietea trichomanis 13 9 43 10 123 9 84 9 50 7 39 7 39 10 67 7 63 5 47 4 32 Asplenium trichomanes C 6312.5 337.4 7016.7 9121.9 6414.2 5915.2 6213.8 296.1 6313.9 100167 7519.0 Asplenium viride C 100264 286.2 10028.3 6216.0 246.7 337.8 51.1 5912.3 449.7 10016. 7 133.2 Moehringia muscosa C 254.9 112.5 5512.2 5313.4 244.9 307.0 102.1 183.8 449.7 172.8 Polypodium vulgare C 607 357.8 4195 5612.9 225.3 337.4 1225 449.7 172.8 256.3 Cystopteris fragilis C 7517.4 5010.5 5514.4 5011.1 327.1 40.8 5211.6 183.7 508.3 No. of relevés 1 3 4 50150 4110J 205.6 307 4018.3 153.3 307 5L1 8 9 10 11 3574 419.8 9419.7 50118 194.9 1332 612 133.5 60.6 Asplenium ruta-muraria Phyteuma scheuchzeri/columnae Paederota lutea Cystopteris montana Carex brachystachys Cymbalaria muralis Cystopteris regia Sedum hispanicum Valeriana saxatilis TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii Adenostyles glabra Gymnocarpium robertianum Astrantia carniolica Hypericum perforatum Anthriscus fumarioides Arabis alpina Dryopteris villarii Other species Rubus idaeus Sorbus aucuparia Fragaria vesca Sambucus racemosa Solanum dulcamara Polystichum x luerssenii Galeopsis speciosa Atropa bella-donna Dactylorhiza maculata Eupatorium cannabinum Rubus fruticosus agg. Ajuga reptans Hypericum hirsutum Polystichum x bicknellii Deschampsia cespitosa Polystichum x illyricum Viscum album/abietis Lichens and mosses Ctenidium molluscum Neckera crispa Polytrichum formosum Tortella tortuosa Fissidens dubius Dicranum scoparium Isothecium alopecuroides Plagiochila asplenioides Schistidium apocarpum Cladonia pyxidata Plagiochila porelloides C 75160 C 50118 C 94229 C 614 C 1935 C. C 1321 C. C 3163 3 40 C 100243 C 75146 C. C. C. C. C 614 9 71 B 81215 A 4490 B 88215 C 3169 C. B 1314 C. C 193-5 C. C. C 61.4 C. C 61.4 C C C C C 224-3 337.4 1119 60.6 112.5 1 31 10030.9 7 60 8924.7 6113.6 6114.8 112.5 60.6 612 173.1 10 77 8020.0 205.6 4010.6 85200 306.7 102.2 204.4 40.9 40.9 40 4 4°.x 5L 142. 307 30.7 12 94 9425.2 613 62154 8220.6 327.2 92.3 4710.8 613 92.0 30.3 327.2 30.3 40.9 11 83 9628.0 4812.4 68187 163.6 164.0 163.6 818 245.3 40.9 203.6 12 64 74173 112.9 74177 194.1 265.8 41111 40.8 412 16 75 6721.2 511 4810.6 387.9 296.3 102.1 4810.6 245.3 102.1 101.6 13 41 357.4 613 613 357.4 60.6 612 12L 256. 6 50 69181 255.6 316.9 255.6 132.8 44111 471: 40.8 40.9 10 172 100181 336.9 100167 335.6 8313.9 172.8 172.8 671L1 336.9 172.8 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 36 28 19 24 8 36 24 3 2 7518.9 9428.4 80191 8124.3 337.9 8827.1 9424.3 172.8 307.2 357.4 131.6 9 63 256.3 133. 389. 389.5 389.5 2512.7 A 40.8 256.3 53 31 48 17 16 33 45 17 22 15 21 476 219 209 132 123 206 190 124 156 122 183 D 10045.8 10038.3 7534.4 7634.0 8034.7 9639.9 6219.6 8224.7 8837.5 8326.4 10031.7 D 6315.3 173.7 5018.9 4721.2 7228.4 7022.2 5720.1 6516.1 8127.8 509.7 6320.6 D 8820.8 449.9 3010.0 93.3 7016.0 102.1 4710.5 61.4 336.9 7519.0 D 9434.7 6716.0 205.0 185.2 40.9 194.1 102.1 6514.8 5011.1 508.3 D 8126.4 5011.7 51.1 419.1 51.1 8218.4 7522.2 D 7516.7 286.2 7026.7 4413.4 204.9 5211.9 51.1 183.7 133.5 172.8 133.2 D 4411.1 8929.0 102.2 6318.1 5216.9 122.5 388.3 6322.2 D 61.4 61.2 5515.6 123.6 164.4 5211.9 194.2 317.6 10016.7 133.2 D 5011.8 8926.5 308.3 266.9 5212.0 153.3 337.9 5312.3 6313.9 508.3 389.5 D 61.2 7015.6 5612.7 368.0 337.4 61.2 5011.1 D 8824.3 286.8 337.4 296.7 133.2 2 5 6 7 7 8 3 6 5 4 5 6 5 No. of releves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cladonia coniocraea D 3578 53118 48107 408 194 2 1942 5083 . Hypnum cupressiforme D 112 5 102 2 1552 84 4 154 5 297.9 319.0 3313.9 133.2 Conocephalum conicum D 7516.7 112 5 194.2 . 1332 Paraleucobryum sauteri D 88194 6714 8 Mnium thomsonii D 69153 5011 7 102.1 61.2 . 1332 Peltigera canina D 50111 337 4 511 40.9 511 61.2 Cladonia digitata D 614 4510.0 1533 204.4 40.8 511 132.8 172.8 . Atrichum undulatum D 173 7 511 92.0 224.9 102.1 61.4 336.9 133.2 Plagiomnium undulatum D 511 205.8 153 3 4314.3 172.8 . Orthothecium rufescens D 3169 61.2 Eurhynchium striatum D 50104 612 102.1 . 2563 Rhizomnium punctatum D 56139 612 511 71.6 511 Homalothecium philippeanum D 3169 173 7 40.8 194.2 . 1332 Camptothecium lutescens D 612 71.6 337.9 61.3 2556 Leucobryum glaucum D 614 102 8 183.7 Hylocomium splendens D 2556 40.9 1533 1995 172.8 . Thamnobryum alopecurum D 112 5 40.8 194.8 61.4 . 3895 Cladonia furcata D 409 4 1533 172.8 . Encalypta streptocarpa D 194 2 612 511 183.7 Bryum capillare D 1328 224 9 511 297.4 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus D 317. 6 517 1125 Thuidium tamariscinum D 1328 112 5 40.9 40.8 511 61.4 . 1332 Mnium sp. D 612 246.3 Plagiothecium undulatum D 255 6 511 Radula complanata D 153 3 613 40.9 Rhytidiadelphus loreus D 316 9 612 71.6 Neckera complanata D 614 511 1125 511 172.8 . Peltigera aphthosa D 337.4 61.4 Plagiothecium sp. D 614 2258 511 61.4 Eurhynchium zetterstedtii D 307.4 516 Plagiopus oederi D 614 511 Bartramia halleriana D 1328 61.2 Mnium spinosum D 194 2 511 61.4 Plagiothecium sylvaticum D 71.6 511 132.8 Metzgeria conjugata D 122 6 71.6 511 Plagiomnium cuspidatum D 612 511 . 133.2 Anomodon viticulosus D 112.9 102.1 Fissidens taxifolius D 612 . 133.2 Collemaflaccidum D 1022 30.7 40.9 Mnium orthorrhynchium D 1125 511 Tetraphis pellucida D 511 61.3 Herzogiella seligeri D 511 511 Isothecium myurum D 511 511 Mnium marginatum D 511 511 Table 5: Analytical table of the subassociation Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia adenostyleto-sum glabrae subass. nova in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps; complete linkage, Euclidian distances). Tabela 5: Analizna tabela subasociacije Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia adenostyletosumglabrae subass. nova v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi; metoda popolnega povezovanja, Evklidske razdalje). Taxa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Characteristic species of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum AF Cardamine trifolia C11111++. 11111 AF Aremonia agrimonoides C......+...... AF Omphalodes verna C r............ AF Rhamnusfallax B............. Differential species for the geographical variant Saxifraga cuneifolia C + . . + . . . + + B . r . 1 + + . + . C.....+ . 1 . C . + . + . . . + r C........+ 1+1 AT Paederota lutea FS Laburnum alpinum AT Phyteuma scheuchzeri/columnae VP Saxifraga cuneifolia Differential species combination for the subassociation -adenostyletosum glabrae TR Adenostyles glabra C 2 1 + 1 1 + 2 1 1 + 1 + + + + 1 + 1 MA Veratrum album C 1 + + + 1 + + 1 + + + r + + + 1 1 + MA Saxifraga rotundifolia C + + + 1 + + + + AF Aremonio-Fagion Cardamine enneaphyllos C 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cyclamen purpurascens C + + + + + + + 1 + + Helleborus niger C + + 1 + Euphorbia carniolica C + + + FS Fagetalia sylvaticae A 4 S S S S S 3 S S S S 3 3 S S S S S Fagus sylvatica B + + 1 2 1 + + + + 1 1 3 3 1 2 + r + C + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 Prenanthes purpurea C + 1 1 1 1 + + 1 + + 1 + + + 1 1 1 A 1 1 + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + 1 1 + Acer pseudoplatanus B + + 1 1 1 + + + 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + C 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 Galeobdolon flavidum C + 1 1 + + 1 1 1 1 + + 1 1 1 1 1 Dryopteris filix-mas C + 1 + + + + 1 + + 1 1 1 1 1 + Mycelis muralis C + + 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + Neottia nidus-avis C + + + + + + + + r + + + + + Paris quadrifolia C 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Carex sylvatica C + + + + 1 + + + + + + + Phyteuma spicatum/coeruleum C + + + + + + + 1 + + + + Galium odoratum C 1 1 + 1 + + 1 1 1 + + Cradamine bulbifera C + + + + + 1 1 + + + Epilobium montanum C 1 + + + r + 1 + + + Festuca altissima C + + + + + + + + + + Polystichum aculeatum C + + + + + + + + + + Daphne mezereum B + + + + + + + + Lilium martagon C + + + + + + + + Sanicula europaea C + + + + + + + + Galium laevigatum C + + + + + 1 + Mercurialis perennis C 2 + 2 1 + 1 Actaea spicata C + + r + + 56 r + Taxa 1 2 3 C + + C 1 + + C + + 1 C + + C + B + C C A r B C C C C C C C C C C 4 5 6 7 S 9* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1S Scrophularia nodosa Symphytum tuberosum Adoxa moschatellina Circaea alpina Stellaria montana Lonicera alpigena Poa nemoralis Carex pilosa Fraxinus excelsior Campanula trachelium Chrysosplenium alternifolium Circaea lutetiana Epipactis helleborine Melica nutans Milium effusum Myosotis sylvatica Phyllitis scolopendrium Salvia glutinosa QF Querco-Fagetea Anemone nemorosa Carex digitata QP Quercetalia pubescentis Sorbus aria EP Erico-Pinetea Calamagrostis varia Carex alba Cirsium erisithales VP Vaccinio-Piceetea Abies alba Calamagrostis arundinacea Oxalis acetosella Veronica urticifolia Gentiana asclepiadea Aposeris foetida Maianthemum bifolium Dryopteris dilatata Vaccinium myrtillus Luzula sylvatica/sylvatica Picea abies Dryopteris expansa Gymnocarpium dryopteris Rosa pendulina Solidago virgaurea Huperzia selago C C A B C C C C A B C C C C C C C C C C A B C C C C C C 1111 + + + + r 1 + + r + 1 + + 1 + 1 + + + + + 1 + + + + 1 1 + 1 r 11111 + r r r + + r r + + + + 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + r + + + + + + r + + + + r + + 1 + + + 1 r + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + r 1 + + + + r + r + + 2 + + + + + + + + + r + + r + + r + + + Taxa 12345678 9* 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 + 2 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 + + 1 1 1 + + + + + r + r + + + + + + Valeriana tripteris Hieracium murorum MA Mulgedio-Aconitetea Other taxa Rubus idaeus Sorbus aucuparia Galeopsis speciosa Fragaria vesca Lichens and mosses C C Polygonatum verticillatum C + + + +1 Athyrium filix-femina C 1 1 1 1+ Senecio ovatus C + + + ++ Ranunculus platanifolius C + + + .r Heracleum sphondylium C r + .+ Adenostyles alliariae C Geranium robertianum C Senecio cacaliaster C Urtica dioica C Aconitum degenii/paniculatum C Aconitum lycoctonum C Salix appendiculata B ES Elyno-Seslerietea Aster bellidiastrum C Carex ferruginea C Sesleria caerulea/calcaria C AT Asplenietea tricohmanis + + . . + r . . r B . B . C+ C. C. Ctenidium molluscum D 1 1 1 1 1 Isothecium alopecuroides D 1 1 + + + Schistidium apocarpum D 1 1 + 1 1 Paraleucobryum sauteri D + + + + Tortella tortuosa D + + + + 1 Fissidens dubius D + + + + + Mnium thomsonii D + + Polytrichum formosum D + + + Peltigera canina D + + Dicranum scoparium D + + + Plagiochila porelloides D + Bryum capillare D Atrichum undulatum D Homalothecium philippeanum D Neckera crispa D Conocephalum conicum D Hypnum cupressiforme D Thamnobryum alopecurum D Thuidium tamariscinum D + .+ 1 + + + + + + + + Cystopteris fragilis C + . + . . . . + + + + + . . r + Asplenium trichomanes C . + + . . . . + . +.+. . . + Asplenium viride C + + . . . +.+. . . + Carex brachystachys C . . . . . . . r . + . . . Moehringia muscosa C . . . . . . . + . Sedum hispanicum C . . + . . . . . + 1 1 + + r + 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + + + 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 + 1 + + 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + + 1 + + + + 1 + r + + ++ + r + r r + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Table 6: Analytical table of the subassociation Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxífraga cuneifolia saxifragetosum cuneifoliae subass. nova in the Trnovski gozd plateau (NW Dinaric Alps; complete linkage, Euclidian distances). Tabela 6: Analizna tabela subasociacije Omphalodo-Fagetum var. geogr. Saxifraga cuneifolia saxifragetosum cuneiof-liae subass. nova v Trnovskem gozdu (severozahodni Dinaridi; metoda popolnega povezovanja, Evklidske razdalje). Taxa 1 2* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Characteristic species of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum AF Cardamine trifolia C11 + 11 + + + AF Omphalodes verna C .2 + 21 . 2 . AF Aremonia agrimonoides C ... + ... . AF Calamintha grandiflora C......+ . Differential species for the geographical variant Saxifraga cuneifolia VP Saxifraga cuneifolia C 1 + 1 1 2 1 . 1 AT Paederota lutea AT Phyteuma scheuchzeri/columnae FS Laburnum alpinum C C B C 1 22 1+ 1 22 22 1. VP Saxifraga cuneifolia AF Aremonio-Fagion Cardamine enneaphyllos Cyclamen purpurascens Euphorbia carniolica Lamium orvala FS Fagetalia sylvaticae Fagus sylvatica Prenanthes purpurea Daphne mezereum Dryopteris filix-mas Acer pseudoplatanus Mycelis muralis Paris quadrifolia Lonicera alpigena Epilobium montanum Polystichum aculeatum Galeobdolon flavidum Actaea spicata Galium laevigatum Lilium martagon Festuca altissima Mercurialis perennis Galium odoratum Sambucus nigra Aruncus dioicus Phyteuma spicatum Lathyrus vernus/flaccidus Lathyrus vernus/vernus Phyteuma spicatum/coeruleum C1 C. C+ C. C. A B C C B C A B C C C B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C xifragetosum cuneifo + 1 1 2 1 + 1 2 + + + + + + + 1 2 + 3 2 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 + + + 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 + + + + + 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + 1 2 1 + 1 1 + + + + + + + r ......+ ......+ .....+ + ae 1 1 2 1 2 + + 12 12 + 11 21 22 ++ 11 2 3 1 +2 1 + + . . . + + . . . + 4444 . + .12 + + + 21 +1+13 ++++ 1 ++++ 44 1 1 + 1 1+ ++ 33 . + + 1 + . + + . 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + 2 + + 1 ++++ ++ ++ .+ 2 + .+ ++ ++ ++ 2 2+ ++ + + + ++ ++ ++ + + + ++ ++ + + 1 1 + 1 + ++ + + + + + + 2 Taxa 1 2* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Viola reichenbachiana C + + + Adoxa moschatellina C + + QP Quercetalia pubescentis A + + 1 + Sorbus aria B 1 + + + + + + + + + + C 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Sesleria autumnalis C 3 + QF Querco-Fagetea Anemone nemorosa C 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 + 1 + 2 2 1 1 1 1 Carex digitata C + + + + + + + + + 1 + + Hepatica nobilis C 2 1 + + 1 1 + Anemone x pittonii C + + 1 Cruciata glabra C + + EP Erico-Pinetea Cirsium erisithales C + + + 1 + Rhododendron hirsutum B 2 3 Rubus saxatilis C + 2 VP Vaccinio-Piceetea A 2 2 2 2 1 + 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Abies alba B 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 + + 2 + + + C 2 2 2 2 1 + 2 1 2 + + + + + 2 1 1 + Gentiana asclepiadea C 1 + 1 1 1 + + 1 1 + + + + + 1 1 + 1 1 + Calamagrostis arundinacea C 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 Rosa pendulina C 1 2 1 1 2 + 1 2 + + + + + 1 + + + 1 + Clematis alpina C 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 A 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 + 1 2 + 1 1 1 1 + + Picea abies B + 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 + + + + + C 1 2 2 2 + 2 1 2 + + + + + + + + Solidago virgaurea C 1 1 2 1 1 + 2 1 + + + + + + 1 1 + + Valeriana tripteris C 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 + + + + + 2 + + + + 1 Maianthemum bifolium C + 1 1 + 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 + + 1 1 1 1 Oxalis acetosella C 2 1 1 1 1 1 + 2 2 2 + + 1 1 2 1 + Huperzia selago C 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + Veronica urticifolia C 1 1 + 2 1 + 2 + + + + 1 2 1 + + Homogyne sylvestris C 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 + + + + + 1 1 1 Vaccinium myrtillus C 3 1 2 3 4 3 + 3 + + 4 3 1 Lonicera nigra B 1 1 + 1 + + 1 + + 1 + + Luzula luzuloides C 1 + + + 1 + + 3 2 + 1 Dryopteris dilatata C + + 1 + + 1 + Hieracium murorum C + + + 1 1 + + Phegopteris connectilis C + 1 + + 1 + + Luzula sylvatica/sylvatica C + 1 1 + + 1 Polystichum lonchitis C + + + + + 1 Gymnocarpium dryopteris C + 1 + + + Vaccinium vitis-idaea C + 1 1 Aposeris foetida C + + Dryopteris expansa C + + Lycopodium annotinum C 1 + MA Mulgedio-Aconitetea Polygonatum verticillatum C + + + 1 1 1 + + + + 1 1 + 2 3 2 + + 1 Ranunculus platanifolius C 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 + + + + + + + Veratrum album C 1 + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 B. SuRINA & I. DaKSKOBLER.: PHYTOSOCIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF THE DlNARIC FIR-BEECH FORESTS (OMPHALODO-FAGETUM) ... Taxa 1 2* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Athyrium filix-femina C + + + 1 1 + + + + 1 1. + . . Senecio ovatus C + + + + + + + + + + +1 Salix appendiculata B + + + + + + + Doronicum austriacum C + + + Geranium robertianum C + + .+ Phyteuma ovatum C + + Urtica dioica C + + . . AT Asplenietea trichomanis Asplenium viride C 1 1 1 2 + 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + ++ 1 + + Asplenium trichomanes C + 1 + + + + + + 1 + + + . .+ + . . Cystopteris fragilis C 1 1 + + 1 1 + + + .+ + . . Moehringia muscosa C + + + + + + + ++ .+ . . + Asplenium ruta-muraria C 1 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 . + 1.. Polypodium vulgare C + + + + + + .+ Cystopteris montana C + + + TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii Adenostyles glabra C + + 1 + 1 + + 1+ + +1 +++ Gymnocarpium robertianum C + + 1 + + .+ Other taxa A + 1 + .1. Sorbus aucuparia B + 1 + + 1 + 1. . . + C + + 1 + + + + 1 + + + ++ + ++ + . . Rubus idaeus B + + 1 1 + + + + 1 +. 1 ++ +++ Fragaria vesca C + + + .+ + +. Spiraea chamaedryfolia B + 1 + . + + Solanum dulcamara C + + .+ + . . Sambucus racemosa B + + Lichens and mosses Ctenidium molluscum D 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 +. 2 22 . + + Cladonia pyxidata D + + + + + + + + + +. + ++ + . . Dicranum scoparium D 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 + +. 1 +. + . . Plagiochila asplenioides D 1 + + + 2 1 + +. 1 ++ Neckera crispa D 2 2 1 + 2 + + 1. .2 . . + Cladonia digitata D + + + + + + + + + . . Cladonia furcata D + + + + 1 + + + Cladonia coniocraea D + + + + + .+ + . . Grimmia pulvinata D 1 + 1. +1 + . . Polytrichum formosum D 1 2 + 1 +. 1 Tortella tortuosa D + + +. .. 1 Radula complanata D + + .+ Collema flaccidum D + + Hypnum cupressiforme D + +. Isothecium alopecuroides D +. .+. Leucobryum glaucum D 1 + Plagiothecium laetum D + + d -d s o g M $ c C E— > rt > C C rt -C d « K "S s 3 <50 S S 3 s fis iS - cu cd > c s e > c çp ^ rt s sg o S . se i5 'Ö ^ rt O o ^ O cd cd c -M 3 ^ s Cd ~ £ 3 rt H rt rt rt E J S 13 iE ö -d J rt s C - , ^ c •iS Is -s « o « 9 Ü ^ Ü £ fH 2 p ^ t g S I ■ + + + ■ + ■ + ■ + + ■ + + + + + — ■ + + + + + + + 2 + ■ + + + ■ + ■ + ■ + ■ + ■ + + ■ +