ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE ! V U J A ~ K O P E R K N J I Z. N ! C A OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME I No.10-21 December1947 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria, Trieste - 1947 HEADQUARTERS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 68 INCREASE OF THE FEE FOR SLAUGHTERING WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to increase the fee for slaughtering in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE 1 With effect from 25 October 1947 the maximum rate of the slaughtering fee provided for by Article 265 of the Consolidated Text of Sanitary Laws, approved by R. D. 27 July 1934, No. 1265, is established in Lire 18.000.— for each head of cattle. ARTICLE II With effect from 25 October 1947 the fee due by exporters and importers as established in Table No. 2 attached to the Consolidated Text of Sanitary Laws, approved by R. D. 27 July 1934, No. 1265, is hereby multiplied by 30. ARTICLE III This Order shall come into force on the day of its publication in the Allied Military Gov* ernment Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 83 INCREASE OF RADIO LICENSE FEES WHEREAS the provisions of Order No. g8 dated 1st April 1946 relating to Radio License Fees are considered inadequate, and WHEREAS it is deemed essential to increase Radio License Fees commensurate with present standards, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste, occupied by British and United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U.S.A., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF ORDER No. 98 That Order No. 98 dated 1st April 1946, entitled „Increase in Radio License Fee“, be and the same is hereby repealed, and shall no longer remain in force and effect. ARTICLE II LICENSE FEES DUE BY PRIVATE PERSONS Section I. — Effective 1st January 1948 the license fee due by private persons in the Free Territory of Trieste for the first 6 months of the calendar year 1948 is hereby increased to Lire 1.050.— Section 2. — Any person obtaining a license during the course of the year, shall pay a fee of Lire 175.:— for each month or, part thereof, as of the date of possession of the Receiver. ARTICLE III DISCONTINUANCE OF LICENSES Section 1. — All persons desiring to discontinue their radio licenses shall notify the Ufficio del Registro of their intentions, not later than 31 January 1948. This concession is exclusively limited for the current year. Section 2. — The previous regulations to time limits, and conditions to be adhered to. by holders of Radio-sets, when giving notice of discontinuance of their licenses, shall remain in full force and effect. FEES ON RADIOS IN PUBLIC PREMISES Section i. — Persons having radio receivers installed in licensed premises or in any other premises open to the public, or for reasons of direct or indirect profit, shall enter into- a special contract with the „Ente Radio Trieste“ of the Free Territory of Trieste. Fees for such contracts shall be increased tc 5 times those of the existing contracts. Section 2, — The fixed license fees from bathing-establishments, clubs and associations, thermal and hydrotherapeutic establishments, in accordance with Article 15 of R.D.L. 17 November 1927, No. 2207, shall be as follows: . a) for thermal and hydrotherapeutic establishments (for each establishment) .............................................................. Lire 5.000.— b) for sea-side, river and lake bathing-establishment having: more than 50 and less than 100 bathing-huts more than 100 and less than 200 bathing-huts more than 200 and less than 300 bathing-huts more than 300 bathing-huts ................... 2.500, — 3.750.— 7.500, — 12,500.— c) for Kursaals, resort and entertainment-establishments enjoying following gross incomes, as assessed by the Tax Office : up to Lire 18.000.— ............. from Lire 18.001.— to Lire 36.000.— from Lire 36.001.— to Lire 75.000.— from Lire 75.001 upwards ......... „ 2.500,— „ 3.750.— „ 7.500,— „ 20.000,— d) for clubs and associations, if located in town having an urban population between : 5000 and 20.000 inhabitants............ from 20.001 to 100.000 inhabitants from 100.001 inhabitants upwards 2.500. — 3.750,— 7.500, — Section 3. — The annual fixed contribution of Communes is hereby increased to five (5) times the previous existing fee. Section 4. —• The special reduced license fee for radio installations with one central receiver and several loudspeakers-fitted in particular quarters or buildings, is fixed at Lire 2.100.-—• per annum for the central radio-receiver to be paid in equal portions by the various holders of loudspeakers. The annual fee for each loudspeakei shall be 625.— lire. If the license is obtained in the course of the year, the monthly instalments t-o be paid shall be Lire 50.— LICENSE FEE DUE BY WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS No amendment is made to the regulations in force regarding the payment of the ordinary license fee by wholesalers and the retailers trading in radio-sets. The „Ente Radio Trieste“ is authorized, however, to adjust the special license fees as from the effective date of this Order, raising them in proportion to the increase provided herein for license fees due by private persons. ARTICLE VI TEMPORARY IMPORT LICENSE The temporary import license shall be issued upon payment of a duty of Lire 500.— The renewal of such license for radio-sets fitted permanently on motor-vehicles is subject to the payment of a fixed duty of Lire 500.— for each period of 90 days. ARTICLE VII LICENSE FOR RADIO SETS ON TRIAL The blocks containing 25 license-forms for radio receivers given on trial shall be sold by the licensed Broadcasting Company at the price of Lire.500.—, so that the cost of each license-form amounts Lire 20.— ARTICLE VIjI PAYMENT OF FEES AND PENALTIES Section i. — The payment of license fees through the postal current account and the delivery of the radio subscription certificate to the holder of the radio-set are exempt from taxes and postage. Section 2. — The „Imposta Generale sull’Entrata“ is included in the license fee, and the Broadcasting Company shall pay it to the Treasury under the appropriate heading. Section 3. — Payment of the Radio license fee is due in advance within the first month of the half-year or, in case of commencement during the year, on the day of commencement. Section 4. — For failure to pay the license fee in accordance with the provisions of this Order, any holder of one or more radio-receivers or aerial installation or any other apparatus fitted or which may be fitted for radio-reception is liable to a fine of not less than Lire 3000.— and not exceeding Lire 30.000.— and is bound to pay the license fee overdue. Section j. — Delay in the payment of license fees for private use may be compensated, provided such violation has not yet been checked by the appropriate office, by payment of the amount overdue, plus the following percentages : 5 % if settlement is made within 30 days after the time-limit established for the payment; 10% if settlement is made within 60 days such time-limit; 20% if settlement is made more than 60 days after time-limit. ARTICLE IX EXCISE TAX Excise taxes on the manufacture of such radio material, as radio receivers, \alves, loudspeakers and crystal-detectors, shall he as follows : a) for each radio -receiver with valves, 2 percent on the invoice price, without deduction or discounts, allowances, etc. with a minimum of Lire 500.-— Importers shall enter in the usual Customs declaiation the price at which they intend to sell radio receivers subject to the tax. b) For each radio-receiver with crystal ................................. Lire 125.— c) For each thermoyonic valve of any type, even if regenerated, used for receiving, transmitting or transforming industrial electrical power „ 275.— d) for each loudspeaker forming, or manufactured to form an inseparable unity with the radio-receiver................................ „ 300.— e) for each loudspeaker detached from the body of the radio-set .. „ 600.— f) for each crystal-detector ............................................. „ 50.— ARTICLE X PACKING, SEALING AND UNSEALING EXPENSES The amounts fixed for packing, sealing and unsealing radio-sets shall remain respectively at Lire 250.— and Lire 125.— ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Free Territory of Trieste. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GA;THER Brigadier General II. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 85 FAMILY ALLOWANCES TO WORKERS EMPLOYED BY LAND RECLAMATION SYNDICATES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and’ necessary to make ■provisions for the payment of family allowances and contributions therefor in terms of Table A-l annexed to Order No. 325 dated 5 March 1947 as amended, in respect of the workers employed by Land Reclamation Syndicates, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British- United States Forces (herein-' after referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General USA, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from the beginning of the frst pay period after the date of publication of the present Order, the Land Reclamation Syndicates shall apply in respect of the workers employed by them, the provisions relating to family allowances as laid down in Table A-l annexed to Order No. 325, dated 5 March 1947, and subsequent amendments. ARTICLE II The present Order shall become effective upon the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Allied Military Government. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S, Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 70 STAMP AND REGISTRY TAXES WHEREAS it is deemed opportune to amend existing provisions of the Stamp and Registry taxes („negoziazione“) on shares in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U.S.A., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I TAX ON „NEGOZIAZIONE“ OF SHARES Section i. — Effective as of 1st January 1947, the tax on „negoziazione“ shares on the Stock-Exchange in the foregoing year, shall be paid on the average assessment value resulting from official settlement day quotation, as determined in the said, year by the Managing Board of Stockbrokers. Amounts on such shares which at the date of 31 December of the same year are still due shall be deducted. Section 2. — Should the Company’s capital be increased or reduced in the course of the said year, the assessment value shall be determined only' on the basis of settlement day quotations, commencing as of the month following the last increase or reduction of capital up to the 31st of December. Section 3. — If Allied Military Government. Finance Division, does not consider the monthly settlement day quotations corresponding to the actual value of the. shares, it may request the competent Stock-brokers’ Managing Board to estimate such value in accordance with the provisions of Art. 7 of R.D.L. 15 December 1938, No. 1975. In this case, however, a provisional assessment shall be made on the basis of the average assessment value resulting from settlement day quotations. Section 4. — The request for such estimate must be made within the year following that to which the tax refers. Section 5. — Where, for any reason whatever, no official settlement day price has been quoted, the relative valuation shall be made by the Managing Board of Stock-brokers of the Trieste Stock-Exchange. ARTICLE II EXEMPTIONS Section I. — The capital limit for exemption from payment of the tax on „negoziazione“ of Cooperative Societies, as provided for by Art. 9 of Tariff ,,C“ appended to R.D.L. 15 December 1938, No. 1975, converted into Law 2 June 1939, No. 739, is hereby increased to Lire 300.000.—, subject to the face value of the shares not exceeding Lire 1.000.— Section 2. — As to Cooperative Societies wose capital exceeds the limit of 300.000 lire, the provisions of Art. 2 of Tariff ,,B“ appended to the said decree shall be applicable. Section 3. — As to Cooperative Societies for the construction of popular and economic houses, the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article shall apply whenever the capital thereof does not exceed two millions, and the provisions of the second paragraph shall apply whenever the capital exceeds such amount. Section 4. —■ The provisions of this Article shall become effective as of 1st. January 1947. ARTICLE III REPEAL OF LAW No. 242 Law No. 242 dated 29 March 1940, is hereby repealed and shall no longer be in force and effect. TAX ON CAPITAL OF FOREIGN COMPANIES OPERATING IN THE ZONE Section i. — The taxable capital of foreign companies and associations provided for by „Titolo II“ of R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3280, shall be annually assessed by the Finance Administration under due consideration of increases and actual reductions of the capital occured in the preceding year and, where more than the previously established capital has been employed, then the tax shall consider the commercial value of each asset. Section 2. — In assessing the taxable capital, fractions of thousand lire shall be computed upon the next even thousand. Section 3. — After the tax has been assessed the Registry Office shall communicate it to the taxpayer, specifying the assets and values liable to taxation. ARTICLE V APPEALS Section 1. — Within 30 days from such notification, any taxpayer who desires to object to the assessment fixed by the office, may appeal to the District Commission of First Instance -2nd Section - instituted by Art. 26 of R.D.L. 7 August 1936, No. 1639, in order to object to the taxable capital as deteimined, both as legards the assets subjected to the tax and the value attributed thereto. The appeal shall not suspend the payment of the tax assessed. Section 2. — Against the decisions of the District Commission taken in accordance with the preceding Article, the taxpayer may appeal, in second and last instance, to the special Sections of the Area Commissions pursuant to the terms of Art. 1 of General Order No. 21 dated 5 November 1945. Section 3. — The provisions of R.D.L. 7 August 1936, No. 1639, shall remain unchanged as far as the settlement of disputes relating to the legality of the tax referred to in the preceding Article is concerned. ARTICLE VI TAX ON ADVANCES OR LOANS AGAINST SECURITIES, GOODS OR VALUABLES Section 1. — The time-limit for filing the semi-annual declarations provided for by Art. 22 of the Law approved by R.D. 30 December 1923, No. 3280, for the tax due on advances or loans made against securities, goods or valuables, is hereby extended to the end of Februarj and to the end of August of each year. Section 2. — The tax must be paid within the 10 days following the expiration of the above time-limits set forth for the. filing of the declaration. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the day of its publication in the F.T.T. Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 11th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General IT. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 60 PROVISIONS CONCERNING LEASES OF FARM LANDS WHEREAS by Order No. 340 Allied Military Government Venezia Giulia, certain provisions concerning leases of farm lands were adopted in the Territory ; and WHEREAS it has been considered necessary to make new additions to said, provisions, in that Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces, hereinafter called the „Zone“ ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I Revision of the rents as provided for by Art. 5, para 1 of D. L. dated 1st April 1947, No. 277, shall be granted for the agricultural year 1946-47 even if the rent is being paid exclusively in kind, i. e. in cereals subject to amassing, and with reference to prices of these products. ARTICLE II Section 1. — The rents fixed in cereals subject to amassing or fixed with reference to the prices of these cereals, shall be computed at the rate of 70 percent of the price paid to those contributing to the amassing ; the remaining 30 percent shall be considered as a cultivation premium for the producer. '• Section 2. — Either of the parties concerned may apply to the „Commissioni Agrarie Mandamentali“ (Distric Agricultural Commissions) of the Zone, established pursuant to Art. IV of Order No. 141 of the Allied Military Government of Venezia Giulia, if the considers the rent so fixed is disproportionate according to Article 5 of D. L. No. 277 dated 1 st April 1947. Section 3. — The rent reduced in accordance with the preceding section, must be paid when due, even if the appeal has been submitted to the Agricultural Commissions. Whenever an agricultural contract of whatever kind comes into effect by local custom on a date between the 1st January and 28 February 1947, such period shall be considered as agricultural year 1946-47. The same rules shall be observed for the following agricultural years. ARTICLE IV This Order shall take effect on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this OOday of December 1047. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 91 MOTOR TRANSPORT OPERATION WHEREAS certain provisions of Order No. 25, dated 1st October 1945, are no longer applicable and unnecessary ; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to modify, revise and amend the said Order No. 25 to conform with present existing conditions, in order to facilitate the operation of commercial vehicles ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U.S.A., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I REVOCATION AND AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN ARTICLES OF ORDER 25 Section 1. — So much of Article III, Section 1. Order No. 25, dated 1st October 1945. which reads : „of a capacity of ten (10) quintals, or more“ be and the same is hereby deleted or cancelled and shall no longer remain in force or effect. Section 2. •— That Articles IV and V of Order No. 25, dated 1st October 1945 and Order No 113 dated 10th April 1946, be and. the same hereby are revoked. ARTICLE II AMENDMENTS TO ORDER No. 25 Section 1. — The term „Motor Transport“, wherever the same appears in Order 25, dated 1st October 1945, or in the within Order shall include all trucks, lorry tractors with trailers, auto trains, and any other motor vehicles constructed for, or capable of, or converted to the purpose of carrying goods, wares, commodities or materials of any nature, kind or description. Section 2. — In lieu and in place of Article IV, Order 25, the following is hereby substituted : „Any and all persons, firms or associations owning, controlling, or possessing any motor transport as defined herein will register the same with Centro or through its local or communal offices that have been established.“ Section 3. — The mere possession, control and/or operation of any motor transport without the same being registered with Centro, shall constitute a penal offense and subject the offenders to prosecution by law. ARTICLE III REGULATION AND CONTROL OF MOTOR TRANSPORT This Article shall replace Article V, Order 25, rescinded in Article I herein. 1. — CARTA CARBURANTI (Pol card) a) Any and all persons, firms or associations owning, controlling or possessing any Motor Transport in operating condition, who have received the required permit to circulate under General Order No. 2, and who have paid the circulation taxes, shall be entitled to receive the CARTA CARBURANTI (Pol Card) from Centro. b) The Carta Carburanti shall accompany all Motor Transport and shall be accepted documentary evidence that the operator of the vehicle is in legitimate possession of his petroleum products. c) The Carta Carburante shall and must be presented to Centro in order to obtain an allocation of petroleum products. . 2. — PETROLEUM PRODUCTS a) Issuance of petroleum products by Centro to owners and/or operators of Motor Transport shall only be made on coupons provided therefor. b) Neither petroleum products nor coupons shall be in the possession of any person, except the owner, operator or duly authorized employee of motor transport to whom it was issued. c) The petroleum products so issued, shall be used solely and exclusively for the Motor Transport of Merchandise, which shall be clearly indicated in the Carta Carburante. 3. — PRIORITIES Priorities in allocation of petroleum products shall be given to organizations under direct or indirect control of the Government, Commune, Public Bodies, and for the Transport of foodstuffs and other commodities of Public Utility. 4. — CHARGES a) All owners of Motor Transport shall be subject to a pro rata charge based proportionally to the petroleum products supplied to them. b) The rate of charge shall be established by the Managing Director of Centro, upon advise from the Advisory Committee and upon approval of Transportation Division, Allied Military Government. 5. — TARIFFS (FREIGHT) RATES Centro will publish, subject to approval of Allied Military Government, a list of rates to be charged for the haulage of goods and materials by Motor Transport, and said rates may be amended or revised as required. ARTICLE IV VALIDITY OF ORDER No. 25 All other provisions of Order No. 25 shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the 1st day of January 1948. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General TJ. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 82 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES REGISTRATIONS WHEREAS urgent necessity exists to establish a Bureau that will embrace all necessary functions connected with the Registration and issuance of licences on all motor vehicles, including drivas licenses, in the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste, (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), and WHEREAS it is essential that definite Rules and regulations covering the functions, powers and duties of the Bureau of motor vehicles registration be enacted ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER. Brigadie, General U. S. Army,Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABL.SHMENT OF THE BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES REGISTRATIONS Section 1. -— Upon the effective date of this Order, an Official Department shall be established and be known as the Bureau of Motor Vehicles Registrations (hereinafter referred to as the „Bureau“). Section 2. — Pending the establishment of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles which will embrace every function and regulation incident to the operation cf all Motor Vehicles in the Free Teuitory of Trieste, the Bureau created in Section 1 herein shall be an interim one and limited specifically to the ± urposes hereinafter enumerate! and defines. ARTICLE II TERMINATION OF POWERS OF A.C.T. (Automobile Club of Trieste) AND LIMITATION OF POWERS OF „PREFETTURA“ Section 1. — The Automobile Club of Trieste, a private organization heretofore performing official functions, be and it hereby is divested of all powers and duties, with regard to the registration of Motor Vehicles. Section 2. — It I, hereby specifically directed that the A.C.T. be divested i f any and all phases of official or quasi-official functions and shall have no official connection whatsoever with the Bureau created by this Order. Section 3 — All functions, powers and dut'es heretofore performed by the „Prefettu.'a“ (Area President) in connection with the registration, licensing and operation of Motor Vehicles, shall and they hereby are terminated or divested and shall be assumed as hereinafter described. ARTICLE III ASSUMPTION OF DIVESTED POWERS Section 1. — The divested functions, powers and duties of the „A.C.T.“ and the „Pre-fettura“ be and they hereby are vested in the Bureau of Motor Vehicle Registrations, which will assume and carry out all of the said functions. Section 2. — Any and all functions heretofore performed by the Prefettura or under his authority in connection with the manufacture, procurement and distribution of License plates, are hereby delegated to and will be assumed by the „Bureau“. ARTICLE IV REGISTRATION PLATES Section 1. ■— The exclusive authority for the manufacture of Registration or License Plates for motor vehicles is hereby vested in the „Bureau“. Section 2. —- It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm or other organization to manufacture and or distribute registration plates for Motor Vehicles. DESIGN OF REGISTRATION PLATES The form, design and specifications of the Ifcer&e oi Registration plates for all vehicles reg stored in the Zone shall be as follows : 22 cm. 1234 32 cm. Description : Metal plates, 32 cm long, 22 cm high, with white background ; Letters TS in upper left section ; Numbers in lower section of plate from left to right, (8.5 cm high). Both letters and numerals to be black. A shield with led background to be on the upper right hand corner of plate, the center of which to have an Alabard (Symbol of Trieste! imposed upon it in white ; the shield to be 8 cm wide and 9 cm. 9 high. ARTICLE VI PERSONNEL Section 1. — The Bureau of Motor Vehicle Registrations, shall operate under the direction of a Director who will be appointed by the Allied Military Government upon the recommendation. of the Chief Trasportation Officer. Section 2. —■ The Bureau shall absorb all oi the personnel of the A. 0. T. and I reiet-tura W’ho have heretofore performed official functions now vested in the said Bureau. Section 3. — Any seniority, civil service and other official rights and privileges enjoyed by the above personnel of the A.C.T. and Prefettura shall in no manner be affected. Section 4 — The Director may employ such other personnel as he may deem essential for the efficient administration of the Bureau. ARTICLE VII PUBLIC REGISTER Within one month from the effective date of this Order, a Public Register shall be opened and maintained as of 1 January 1948. This Register, shall be entitled ..Public- Register of Automobile Registrations“. SUPERVISION BY ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT The management, operation and control of the Bureau shall be under the supervision of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IX Should any provisions of existing laws bo in conflict or inconsistent wth any of tho terms of the within Order, then and in that event the present Or er shall govern and prevail. ARTICLE X EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the 1st day of January 1948. Dated at TRIESTE, tins 15th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 64 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF INSCRIPTIONS IN THE REGISTER OF THE PERMANENT POPULATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to suspend temporarily (i. e. till the issuing of new provisions) the inset iptions in the Register of the permanent population within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste occupied by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I As from the effective date of this Order the inscriptions in the „Register of the Permanent population“ of the Communes within the Zone (hereinafter referred to as the „Registers“) shall be and are hereby temporarily suspended. The provision set forth in Article I of this Order shall not apply : a) to the children born to persons already inscribed in the Register on the effective date of this Order ; and ; b) to the wives of men already inscribed in the Registers on the same date. ARTICLE III This Order shall come into effect on December 31, 1947. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Administrative Order No. 25 PROMOTION TO GRADE V, GROUP A, OF GRECO VINCENZO, SUPERIOR DIRECTOR OF POST AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS AT TRIESTE I, RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General V. S. Army, Senior Civil Affairs Officer. ORDER: 1. — GRECO ATncenzo, Superior Director of Post and Telecommunications at Trieste, shall be temporarily promoted from grade VI, group A, to grade V, group A, with effect as from 1st December 1947. 2. ■— This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S.Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSION FOR THE GRANTING OF SUPPLEMENTATION OF WAGES TO WORKERS IN INDUSTRY WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to appoint the members of the Commission as provided for in Article VIII of Order No. 67 dated 28. November 1947, with jurisdiction to decide on the granting on the supplementation of Wages to Workers in Industry ; and WHEREAS, consideration has been given to the proposals of the Employers' and Workers’ Organizations in Industry ; NOW, THEREFORE. I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General USA, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. -- The following shall be and hereby are appointed members of the Commission with .jurisdiction to decide on the granting of the supplementation of wages to workers in Industry : a) Dott. Ernesto SAXCHIN1, Director of Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Soeiale, as Chairman ; b) Dott. Enea CHIOCCHIO, Official of Labour Inspectorate ; c) Mr. Rodolfo CAU and Mr. Attilio PISON, representatives cf the Industrialijts ; d) Mr. Paolo ROSSETTI and Mr. Niccolo ZACCARIA. representatives of the Workers in Industry. 2. — This Order shall come into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General IT. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF FUND FOR SUPPLEMENTATION OF WAGES TO WORKERS IN INDUSTRY WHEREAS, it is deemed, necessary to appoint the members of the Special Committee of the fund for the Supplementation of Wages to Workers in Industry in terms of Order No. 105 dated 5 April 1946 Allied Military Government Venezia Giulia and Order No. 67 Allied Military Government Free Territory of Trieste dated 25 November 1947 ; and WHEREAS consideration has been given to the proposals of the Employers' and Workers’ organizations in Industry ; NOW, THEREFORE, I. RIDGELY GAITHER, Brigadier General V. S. Army. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: 1. — The following shall be and hereby are appointed members of the Special Committee of the Fund for the Supplementation of Wages to Workers in Industry : a) Dott. Luigi FARCI, Inspector of Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale, as Chairman ; b) Dott. Ing. Ernesto de PETRÌS, Director of the Territoriale Labour Office ; c) Dott. Fabio ALBANESE and Mr. ZOLTÁN HALASZ, representatives of the Industrialists ; d) Dott. Livio NOVELLI and Mr. Mario BORRI, representatives of the Workers in Industry. 2. — This Order shall come into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of December 1947 RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General, IT. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officei APPOINTMENTS TO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING - REPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 23 WHEREAS the School of Engineering of the Universtity of Trieste has vacancies to he filled by an extraordinary Professor of Hydraulics and extraordinary Professor of Electrotechnics ; and WHEREAS Prof. Giovanni DE FASSI and Prof. Francesco RAMPONI have been found duly qualified, and have been recommended for the appointments by the Board of the School of Engineering of the University of Trieste ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, RIDGELY GAITHER. Brigadier General U. S. Army, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. — Prof. Giovanni DE FASSI is hereby appointed extraordinary Professor (group A, grade VII) of Electrotechnics at the School of Engineering of the University of Trieste. 2. — Prof. Francesco RAMPONI is hereby appointed extraordinary Professor (group A, grade VII) of Hydraulics at the School of Engineering of the University of Trieste. V 3. — Administrative Order No. 23, dated 24 November 1947, is hereby rescinded. 4. — This Order shall become effective on 1st November 1947. Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER - Brigadier General U. S. Army Senior Civil Affairs Officer Administrative Order No. 41 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF DR. COSTANTINO COSTANTINIDES AS DIRECTOR OF THE „OSPEDALE PSICHIATRICO PROVINCIALE“ (PROVINCIAL PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL) WHEREAS on November 10, 1947, Dr. Giovanni SAL Director of the „Ospedale Psichiatrico Provinciale“ died, and WHEREAS Dr. Costantino COST AN TIN IDES is now performing the functions of Director of said Hospital as the senior doctor, and WHEREAS it is considered necessary to appoint Dr. Costantino COSTANTINIDES as temporary Director of the above mentioned Hospital, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ridgely GAITHER, Brigadier General, U. S. Army, Senioi Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. — Dr. Costantino COSTANTINIDES is hereby temporarily appointed Director of the „Ospedale Psichiatrico Provinciale“. 2. — This Order will enter into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated in Trieste, this 17th day of December 1947. RIDGELY GAITHER Brigadier General U. S. Army Senior Civil Affair Officer Notice No. 4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND TRADE WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES Take notice that on or about the 17th day of December 1947 there will be published within the Trieste Branch of the Bank of Italy two Posters numbered 1 and 2, relating to Foreign Exchange and the fixing of rates of foreign exchange, approved by Allied Military Government. This Notice confirms the publication of the above-mentioned Posters and is published by virtue of the Provisions contained in Order No., 52 (Foreign Exchange and Trade with Foreign Countries) dated 21st November, 1947. Dated at TRIESTE this 15th day of December 1947. N. T. BEARD, Lt. Colonel, Chief Finance Officer Notice No. 5 CANCELLATION OF ORDER NUMBERS The numbers assigned to Orders as listed below have been cancelled and no Orders will be issued bearing said numbers : ORDER No. 19 ORDER No. 4(3 ORDER No. 51 ORDER No. 54 ADM. ORDER No. 29 Dated at Trieste, this 17th day of December 1947 CHARLES M. MUNNECKE Lt. Colonel Infantry Chief Legal Officer CONTENTS No. 68 Increase of the fee for slaughtering ............................. • 141 No. 83 . Increase of radio license fees .............................................. 142 No. 85 Family allowances to workers employed by Land Reclamation Syndicates.............................................................................. 146 No. 70 Stamp and registry taxes ..................................... 146 No. 60 Provisions concerning leases of farm lands.................... 149 No. 91 Motor transport operation..................................... 150 No. 82 Establishment of the bureau of motor vehicles registrations .. 152 No. 64 Temporary suspension of inscriptions in the register of the permanent population ........................................................... 155 Administrative Order No. 25 Promotion to grade V, group A, of Greco Vincenzo, Superior Director of Post and Telecommunications at Trieste ........ 156 No. 36 Appointment of Commission for the granting of supplementation of wages to workers in industry....................................................... 157 No. 37 Appointment of Special Committee of fund for supplementation of wages to workers in industry...................................................... 168 No. '40 (23 A) Appointments to School of Engineering — Repeal of A. O. 23 159 No. 41 Temporary appointment of Dr. Costantino Costantinides as Director of the „Ospedale Psichiatrico Provinciale“ (Provincial Psychiatric Hospital) .................................................................. 169 Notice No. 4 Foreign exchange and trade with Foreign Countries ............ 160 No. 5 Cancellation of Order numbers ................................ 160