Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 40/57 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 3. 10. 2021 27. Nedelja MED LETOM 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-MAiL hallrental@ J Temelji krščanskega zakona Danes nas Jezus sam usmerja k vsebini prvega berila, potem ko v razpravi s farizeji glede tega, ali je dovoljeno, da se mož loči od žene, svoje poslušalce popelje na pozitivno gledanje zakonske ljubezni. Jezus razloži zakaj je Mojzes dovolil dati ločitveni list, nato pa zopet pokaže na čudovito besedilo prve Mojzesove knjige, kjer podčrta pomen stvarjenja moža in žene. Na prizorišču je oseba, ki se ji po hebrejsko, če prevedemo dobesedno, reče »človek«. Tu ni v ospredju toliko določeni Adam in tudi ne le prvi človek, ampak človek vseh časov in vseh dežel: človeštvo. Človek se počuti sam, izgubljen, brez »primerne pomoči«, ali kakor pravi hebrejski izvirnik, »brez pomoči, ki bi mu prihajala naproti«, torej brez osebe s katero bi se lahko pogovoril iz oči v oči. V ospredju je čar stvarstva, ki ga simbolično predstavljajo živali: človek je »poimenoval«. V bibličnem jeziku »dati ime« pomeni prodreti v skrivnost nekega bitja, odkriti njegovo zgradbo in njegov namen. To počne znanost, tehnična dejavnost, kultura. Kljub temu, da je človek prišel do kraja svojih razumskih pustolovščin, se še vedno počuti nepopolnega: ni našel sebi »primerne pomoči«. V trenutku, ko se pojavi žena, izgine vsakršna osamljenost. Bolečine, veselje, tesnoba, človekova vprašanja se odslej prelivajo v srce drugega bitja, ki je zdaj resnično »njemu primerno«. Nezamenljiva edinstvenost žene, dopolnjevanje obeh spolov in medsebojno ljubezensko razmerje so na tem mestu proslavljeni prav s strmenjem zaljubljenega moža, ki se obrne k nebu s prvo in večno ljubezensko pesmijo: »Ta pa je meso mojega mesa in kost mojih kosti.« Med obema se je vzpostavila resnična eno-vitost, globinska občestvenost, ki ju napravlja za eno samo bitje, »eno samo meso«, enost, ki ne ugasne niti s smrtjo, kajti »močna kot smrt je ljubezen« (Vp 8,6). Na tem prizorišču je Bog predstavljen s simbolom stvaritelja. Bog ustvarja dejanskost, ki je tako blizu možu, da jo je mogoče primerjati z nečim, kar sestavlja njegovo lastno bitje, to je »rebro«. Mimogrede VESTNIK 2021 | 79 spomnimo, da je v starem sumerskem jeziku znak rebra pomenil »življenje, živeti«. Le malo naprej bo žena imenovana Eva, to je »živeča«. Žena in mož imata torej isti »temelj« bivanja, isto dostojanstvo, isto življenje. Če bi bila žena omejena na dragoceno igračko - na nekaj podobnega, kot so tiste stvari, ki jim je človek dal ime, potem bi človeštvo strmoglavilo v prepad. Na tem mestu se na besede starodavnega avtorja Prve Mojzesove knjige navezujejo Jezusove besede. Jezus z enim samim zamahom, kakor z mečem, preseka zapletene vozle različnih in nasprotujočih si mnenj glede ločitvene zakonodaje v starem Izraelu. Jezus ne posveča svoje pozornosti slabim izkušnjam, ampak na temeljni pozitivni normi, kjer korenini ljubezenska in poročna zveza in je tako posrečeno izražena na začetku Prve Mojzesove knjige. Jezus stalno poudarja, naj bomo koreniti in celoviti. V tem smislu svojemu učencu predstavlja tudi idealen načrt za krščanski zakon. Ideal medsebojne podaritve terja stalen napor, resnost, pristno ljubezen in ga ni mogoče kar na lahko odpraviti z nekim »dovoljenjem«, z nekakšnim popustom, kot je ta, ki ga je uvedla devteronomična zakonodaja. Res je, da morajo dejanski ukrepi včasih upoštevati človekovo omejenost in krhkost, da jih kdaj pa kdaj življenjski položaj kar terja. Ljubeče razumevanje mora biti in ostati zlato pravilo Cerkve, tako kot je Jezus nepričakovano ravnal s prešuštnico. Toda cilj, ki ga mora imeti krščanski zakonec vedno na obzorju svojega zakonskega življenja, je čistost in polnost ljubezni in zvestobe, ki ju je potrebno vedno znova hraniti. Človek ima možnost in pravico živeti svojo spolnost, toda zgolj spolnost je biološka danost in kot taka slepa in nagonska. Človek ima možnost, da jo dvigne na višjo raven. Edino človek, med vsemi bitji, more živeti ljubezen, ki preobraža spolnost in eros v popolno občestvo, v živo znamenje, ki govori, kako ljubi Bog. - (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2006-2007, št. 1) 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives. First Reading Genesis 2:18-24 God's original desire for humans is to find in each of us a bond of love that runs so deeply that we never feel alone. Second Reading Hebrews 2:9-11 Jesus was fully human and lived a human life, understanding all human needs. Gospel Mark 10:2-16 Jesus had deep concern for the welfare of wives and children, supporting the institution of marriage for the sake of the whole family's well-being. "Anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." -SaL lllustration Today's Gospel is about relationships, particularly involving women and children. More than that, it is about the status of women and children. Today there are many instances in the global south - especially in Africa and Asia - where widows, for example, can find themselves thrown out of households and destitute overnight. "When my husband died, my in-laws told me to get out, so I came to town and slept on the pavement," reported a widow in India. The shock of widowhood can entail a loss of economic means, including access to productive assets, such as land, as well as the loss of protection and status. Around the world there are many instances where children have little legal protection. Tens of thousands of young children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are driven by extreme poverty to seek work in mines, where they can be paid as 366 | VESTNIK 2021 little as £1.50 a day for backbreaking, dangerous work digging for cobalt rocks with primitive tools in dark, underground tunnels. The cobalt is used in our batteries, cars and smartphones. In the UK the National Board of Catholic Women released a report last year on the devastating effects of a surge of domestic abuse on women during the Covid pandemic. Many children lived in families which experience violence. Catholics in England and Wales were encouraged to support projects helping vulnerable families. The Church emphasises that the essential nature of marriage is a commitment by the spouses to love and respect each other and nurture children, but many families can face tensions in their relationships. Gospel Teaching Jesus gives us a lot to think about in today's Gospel. He speaks especially on behalf of married women and of children. Both were vulnerable in his society and had little value or official protection. Women were too often seen as property, without social power to protect themselves from the whims of a husband's disloyalty or disinterest. Jesus defends women and speaks out for the protection of marriage. He seems to accept the reality of separation in some marriages but the passage is less about the regulations for ordering relationships and more a glimpse or vision of God's loving plan. Jesus' words urge us to see the importance of marriage, rather than seeing commitment and love as fleeting. Then Jesus rebukes the disciples who try to block children who are being brought by their parents for his blessing. "Let the little children come to me," says Jesus, "do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs." While the disciples see the small children as unimportant, with little economic or social power, Jesus wants to meet them for they are precious and worthy of his blessing. To emphasise their value, he makes the claim, "I tell you solemnly, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Jesus blesses the children because he loves vulnerable people and has compassion for those whose innocence and powerlessness make them susceptible to abuse and exploitation. Application So what does the deep concern that Jesus has for the welfare of women and children say to us today? It is clear that Jesus gives women equality in the marriage relationship. Jesus implies that adultery involves more than violating the property rights of another man or woman. It concerns accountability to a partner, just as marriage does. He highlights that every person is made in the image and likeness of God - both men and women. Because of that, every person is worthy of respect. Every person has great dignity. Every person is worthy of love. No one deserves to be disregarded or betrayed by partners or indeed by people known to their family. How can we respond to Jesus' teaching here? We could identify those in our community who need help - perhaps women recently widowed and feeling lonely or perhaps in families experiencing abuse - and support the church agencies and other service organisations that assist them. We could find ways to volunteer to help those in need, or visit someone we know who needs care and attention. Jesus teaches us not to be indifferent to suffering. Perhaps, too, we could support human rights more widely; for example, in places of conflict, where women and children are often victims. The "little children" represent those who are among the most weak and helpless in society. Are we receptive to the kingdom that Jesus presents? VESTNIK 2021 | 367 ENO n Zbiralna akcija v okviru škofije Hamilton Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00 za našo župnijo. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampanje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bodo vodili vse računovodske zadeve, tako, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku objavimo koliko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kampanjo za našo župnijo preko škofijskega računa in koliko je že dejansko »vplačanega«. Iz škofije so nam sedaj poslali kodo, da lahko sami pogledamo tekoče stanje na našem računu. Na računu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorja Velikega je (Sept. 23st, 2021): $110,540. - Pledged - obljubili $72,175. - Paid - ste že vplačali Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Smo že dobro čez polovico zastavljenega cilja. DIOCESE OF HAMILTON 700 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1C7 OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR MEMORANDUM (905) 528-7988 To: Parish Priests, Deacons and Pastoral Ministers From: Monsignor Murray J. Kroetsch, PH, VG Chancellor Date: September 24, 2021 Reminder re: COVID-19 Protocols for Mass In addition to the Vaccination Policy of the Diocese of Hamilton, which you received earlier this week, I wish to remind you of the following COVID-19 protocols for Mass and the Distribution of Holy Communion which remain in effect, and to provide clarification in view of recent questions which have been received at the Chancery Office. 1. All participants at Mass are required to wear masks. Anyone not wearing a mask is not to be admitted to the church unless they can provide a valid medical exemption. 2. All liturgical ministers (including Lectors, Altar servers, Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers and music ministers) must be fully vaccinated. Servers under the age of 12 who cannot be vaccinated are not permitted to serve at this time. 3. All ministers of Holy Communion are required to sanitize their hands prior to and after distributing Holy Communion. They are also required to wear a mask or shield when distributing the Eucharist. 4. Everyone is encouraged to continue receiving Communion on the hand. 5. Those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue are to receive Communion from the Priest and must receive after all who have received Communion in the hand. 6. The Priest is to sanitize his hands before giving Communion to the next person if he has touched someone's tongue. These protocols are to be strictly observed in every Parish at this time in order to protect the health and safety of all who participate in the celebration of the Mass. 368 | VESTNIK 2021 Our Lady of the Rosary On October 7, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the yearly feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The feast day takes place in honor of a 16th century naval victory which secured Europe against Turkish invasion. Pope St. Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was invoked on the day of the battle through a campaign to pray the Rosary throughout Europe. Pope Leo XIII was particularly devoted to Our Lady of the Rosary, producing 11 encyclicals on the subject of this feast and its importance in the course of his long pontificate. In the first of them, 1883's "Supremi Apostolatus Officio," he echoed the words of the oldest known Marian prayer (known in the Latin tradition as the "Sub Tuum Praesidium"), when he wrote, "It has always been the habit of Catholics in danger and in troublous times to fly for refuge to Mary." "This devotion, so great and so confident, to the august Queen of Heaven," Pope Leo continued, "has never shone forth with such brilliancy as when the militant Church of God has seemed to be endangered by the violence of heresy ... or by an intolerable moral corruption, or by the attacks of powerful enemies." Foremost among such "attacks" was the battle of Lepanto, a perilous and decisive moment in European and world history. Troops of the Turkish Ottoman Empire had invaded and occupied the Byzantine empire by 1453, bringing a large portion of the increasingly divided Christian world under a version of Islamic law. For the next hundred years, the Turks expanded their empire westward on land, and asserted their naval power in the Mediterranean. In 1565 they attacked Malta, envisioning an eventual invasion of Rome. Though repelled at Malta, the Turks captured Cyprus in the fall of 1570. The next year, three Catholic powers on the continent -Genoa, Spain, and the Papal States - formed an alliance called the Holy League, to defend their Christian civilization against Turkish invasion. Its fleets sailed to confront the Turks near the west coast of Greece on October 7, 1571. Crew members on more than 200 ships prayed the Rosary in preparation for the battle - as did Christians throughout Eu- rope, encouraged by the Pope to gather in their churches to invoke the Virgin Mary against the daunting Turkish forces. Some accounts say that Pope Pius V was granted a miraculous vision of the Holy League's stunning victory. Without a doubt, the Pope understood the significance of the day's events, when he was eventually informed that all but 13 of the nearly 300 Turkish ships had been captured or sunk. He was moved to institute the feast now celebrated universally as Our Lady of the Rosary. "Turkish victory at Lepanto would have been a catastrophe of the first magnitude for Christendom," wrote military historian John F. Guilmartin, Jr., "and Europe would have followed a historical trajectory strikingly different from that which obtained." Parenting tip of the month Parenting Tip 133: October brings cooler air and the final harvests of the season. It is a time when we see the beauty of nature and the creative mind of God in providing this world for each of us. Children spend a lot of time wishing for things they don't have, instead of focussing on what they do have, including love from family members, their faith community and friends and neighbours who care for them. During this month of thanksgiving, help your children focus on giving thanks for all they have by writing a daily gratitude journal. Each day they can write about the goodness's of their day and at the end of the month they will have documentation about how much they have to be grateful for - both to God and everyone else who contributes to their lives. VESTNIK 2021 | 369 SLOVENSKA |@LJk » update Well, it's been an interesting couple of years hasn't it? Covid has changed a lot of things in everyone's lives but in our community, Slovenska Šola has been continuing to operate throughout this time. Because of Covid, our school board and programme ended in-person classes in March, 2020, so Šola in 2020 basically ended in March that year while everything got locked down and we all tried to get rid of Covid. In May, 2020, we couldn't have our usual Mother's Day Luncheon and Graduation, so we weren't able to acknowledge our graduates from that year, Alexandra Novak, and Lukas Tran. In September, 2020, the Šola teachers and students embarked on a new adventure: Slovenska Šola Online. We switched our classes from Saturdays to Wednesday evenings to give everyone a break from their computers on the weekend. Lorie and I had a huge learning curve learning the online platform but we soon became comfortable with it although the odd technical glitch would come around now and then. Although, it was tough not seeing our students in person, the online platform allowed some new students from Toronto and St. Catharines to join our programme. We persevered and completed the school year in early June, 2021, with 2 students graduating: Marcus Curkovič and Kyle Lukežič. We are now looking forward to the new school year. While we were hoping that we would be able to hold in-person classes, I was recently advised that we will be back on the online platform until Christmas with the hope of returning to the classroom in the New Year. We are still accepting registration for this school year. We will be starting classes on Wednesday October 13, 2021 and classes will run on Wednesday evenings. We are always looking for new students, so if you know a child who is interested in learning about the Slovenian Culture, Language, and Heritage, or have any questions, please contact Sandy Ferletic at - Sandy Ferletič JESENSKI PIKNIK-BANKET Lansko leto nismo imeli Jesenskega banketa zaradi Covida-19, letos smo z župnijskim svetom poskušali organizirati vsaj neke vrste piknik-banket. Zelo težko je bilo natančno organizirati, ker je situacija še vedno precej negotova. Kljub temu smo imeli srečo, da so lahko vsi bili zunaj, saj nam je vreme pomagalo. Sonce je kar ogrelo, čeprav je bilo nekaj vetra. Malo je bilo potrebno počakat po maši, da v kuhinji pripravili porcije in si je vsak vzel porcijo kar v dvorani pri kuhinjskem okencu, saj je potrebno, zaradi pravil Covida-19, upoštevati vsa navodila varnosti. Naše praznovanje smo začeli v cerkvi s sveto mašo ob 10h. Tokrat je sveto mašo vodil g. Branko Balažic, župnik pa je bil pri orglah. Še vedno imamo neposredni prenos maše na Facebook stran - pri računalniku in kameri je bil Kristijan Razpotnik, Ivan Vegelj pa je upravljal računalnik za pesmi in besedila na platnu v cerkvi. Gospa Olga Glavač nam je okrasila cerkev, da je zgledala prav slovesno. V cerkvi nas že dolgo ni bilo toliko. Še vedno je potrebno upoštevati razdaljo med družinami in pa maske so obvezne. Po maši so tisti, ki so naročili kosilo v dvorani pobrali svojo porcijo in se ali usedli k mizam v bližini balinišča ali pa so si jih odne- 370 | VESTNIK 2021 sli domov. Hvala ekipi v kuhinji in tistim, ki so poskrbeli, da je bilo vse pripravljeno. Za sarmo -ki so jo pripravili že med tednom - in čevapčiče z vsemi dodatki so v kuhinji poskrbele: Heidy Novak, Sonya Podrebarac, Elka Peršin in Marianne Škerl. Pri vstopu v dvorano so bile še Mary Ann Demšar (One Heart one Soul donations), Pamela Gosgnach, Joe Pust in Tony Horvat, ki je imel čez pijačo in je poskrbel tudi, da so bile mize in stoli pripravljeni. Hvala članom župnijskemu sveta, ki so organizirali in vsem, ki ste s svojim darom podprli našo župnijo pri zbiranju sredstev za »Eno Srce in Ena Duša« nabiralno akcijo. VESTNIK 2021 | 371 372 | VESTNIK 2021 VESTNIK 2021 | 373 Obvestila - Announcements Čiščenje cerkve - Cleaning of the Church Darovi - donations Oct. 9, 2021 Oct. 23, 2021 Nov. 6, 2021 Nov. 20, 2021 Dec. 4, 2021 Dec. 18, 2021 Gosgnach Groznik, Erzar, Rev, Lukežič Lojzka Novak team Lukežič, Volčanšek Jožica Vegelj and team Gosgnach Sveti krst - Baptism V nedeljo, 26. septembra 2021 je zakrament svetega krsta prejela Adelaide June Mazuran. Starša deklice sta oče David Franky Mazuran in mati Kristen Brianne, roj. Parry. Čestitke staršema ob krstu otroka. Naj družinico spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $100 - Steve in Diane Lovrenčec - $200 - Margaret Žagar v spomin na pokojno Frances Brajer - $70 - Manja Erzetič v spomin na pokojno Mio Ferkul (TO) - $100 - Ivan Slobodnik v spomin na pokojne- ga Franka Kapušin in Ivana Plut - $500 - Štefan in Monika Gašpar namesto cve- tja na grob pokojnega Janeza Zakrajška - $120 - Branko Gašpar z družino v spomin na pokojnega John Zakrajšek - $100 - Družina Vučko v spomin na pokojno Marijo in Ignaca Horvat Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam sto-terno povrni vašo dobroto. Heart-to-Heart POPE FRANCIS HAS ANNOUNCED that the next Synod of Bishops will take place in October 2023. The theme for the Synod is: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission. It will be the culmination of a "three-year path" involving the People of God at every level of the Church. Pope Francis will officially inaugurate the event on the weekend of October 9-10. The first phase of the synodal path will take place in each Diocese beginning on the weekend of October 17th, under the leadership of the Bishop. This will be marked in the Sunday liturgies in all our parishes, and most particularly at the 4 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. A Synod Committee has been established composed of David and Linda Dayler (chairpersons), Paula Dawson, Bishop Wayne Lobsinger and Monsignor Kroetsch. They will facilitate the synodal process so that as many parishioners as 374 | VESTNIK 2021 are interested in participating can be engaged. More information will be provided as the process gets underway. /Ex corde, +Douglas, OMI/ Marriage tip of the month Marriage Tip 113: As we continue to deal with the COVID virus in our communities, people are feeling the continued burden of the unknown about its dangers and how long it will last. This causes stress which might cause couples to lash out at the one they love most. Take some time to change the pattern of your life by planning some fun activities for Vtem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v nasih knjigah: Eržen Edward October 5, 2019 Marič Franc October 5, 2019 Kwiatkowski Julie October 6, 1996 Ray Štefan October 6, 2018 Golob Ciril October 7, 1965 Gričnik Maximilian October 7, 1978 Kapušin Katarina October 8, 2020 Lukšič Jožefa October 9, 1998 Selšek John Janez October 9, 2014 Žonta Ferdinand October 10, 1994 Virag Franc October 10, 2000 the two of you, communicate truthfully about how you are feeling, acknowledge that your spouse may not be at their best because they are stressed, hold hands and hug often as touch can relieve stress and pray together that God will give you strength. Feeling united will reduce stress levels for both of you and create a more peaceful environment to help you deal with the unknowns. /Diocese of Hamilton/ MAŠA ZA STAREJŠE IN BOLNIKE Zadnjih nekaj let imamo na sredo po zahvalnem vikendu mašo za bolne in starejše. Sveta masa bo 13. oktobra 2021 ob 11:00h dopoldne, kot je to že tradicija. Med mašo boste lahko prejeli bolniško maziljenje. Zakrament bolniškega maziljenja je srečanje vstalega Kristusa in njegove Cerkve z bolnikom, po tem zakramentu bolnik prejme milost sv. Duha, pomaga k odrešenju celega človeka, bolnik prejme zaupanje v Boga, napolnjuje ga z močjo v trpljenju in tesnobi pred neznano prihodnostjo in smrtjo, okrepi ga, da ne podleže skušnjavi hudobnega duha, lahko doseže ozdravljenje, če je to v njegovo dobro in rešenje, podeli odpuščanje grehov. Velikokrat ljudje mislijo, da je bolniško maziljenje popotnica umirajočim v večnost. Je več kakor to, saj zdravi dušo in telo. 26. Nedelja med letom 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26. September Kozma in Damija, muč. Slomškova nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m.--------- t Martin Simončič Žena Kathy Materi božji v zahvalo Družina Horvat ft Marta in Viktorija Sestra Zorka Rev tt Pok. sorodnik iz družine Cvetka Milosavljevič z družino t Elizabeth Gerič, obl. Joe Gerič t Brajer Frances Margaret Žagar z družino t Štefan Horvat, obl. Žena Marija z družino SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call III one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-don bosco 561-5971. VESTNIK 2021 | 375 v 4. 10. 2021 — 10. 10. 2021 svete mase - masses Ponedeljek - Monday 4. Oktober Frančišek Asiški, red. ust.. ff Franc (obl.) in Marija Marič ff Franc in Katarina Kapušin f Franc Antolin f Viktor Glavač f Emilija Jazvic 7:00 p.m. Družina Marič Sonya in Joe z družino Štefan in Francka Antolin Žena Olga z družino Ljubica Novakovič Torek - Tuesday 5. Oktober Marija Favstina, red. f Ignac Horvat ff Marija in Ignac Horvat f Dominik Zorčič 7:00 p.m. Terezija Donko (Whitby) Marija Hočevar Jožica Vegelj Sreda - Wednesday 6. Oktober Bruno, ust. kartuzijanov Po namenu f Teresia Yerič f Štefan Ray, obl. ff Kathy in Branko Vidmar 7:00 p.m. Jožica Vegelj CWL - KŽZ Family Sonja Langenfus četrtek - Thursday ff Pokojni iz družine Hočevar 7:00 p.m. Marija Hočevar _ _ f Ignac Horvat Manja Erzetič /. UKTOBER f Marija Zelko Matilda Bratuž Roznovenska KB. f Bj Frances Manja Erzetič Petek - Friday 8. Oktober Pelagija, spokornica ff Katarina (obl.) in Franc Kapušin f Joe Prša f Drago Ferk, obl. f Slavka Mramor Na čast in v zahvalo sv. Družini 7:00 p.m. Sonya in Joe z družino Žena z družino Žena z družino Francka in Štefan Antolin N.N. Sobota - Saturday 9. Oktober Janez, red. ust. Abraham in Sara, sp. očak in žena f Matthew Kennedy 5:30 p.m. Družina Mlačak f Barica Mus Prijateljica ff Pok. iz družine Jesih Marija Mlačak f Jožefa Lukšič Hči z družino f Lojze Prilesnik Žena Marija z družino ff Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Alois in Agata Sarjaš f Franc Raduha Žena z družino f Ana Ferenčak Družina Raduha ff Marija Juraj in Ivan Fabina Nikola in Marija Fabina 28. Nedelja med letom 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10. Oktober Florencij, mučenec Zahvalna nedelja Thanksgiving Sunday Za žive in rajne župljane Matthew (obl.) in Frank Čurič Branko Ježovnik Frances Pust, obl. Marija in Evgen Ferletič Ignac Horvat Frank Saje Joe Lackovič Paula in Franc Pelcar ff f f ff f f f ff 10:00 a.m.--------- Olga Glavač Žena Dorothea Družina Pust Milan in Sandy Ferletič Gizelle in Steve Kovač (Edmon.) Žena Joe Gerič Stan Pelcar & Josie Dube z druž. 376 | VESTNIK 2021