STUDY PROGRAMS ACCREDITED AT AMEU ECM 1 UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE DOCTORAL STUDIES STUDIES STUDIES ZETKOV POV SOCIAL SOCIAL SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY GERONTOLOGY GERONTOLOGY K OF ABSTRACTS | ZBORNIK STI | BOOS NO HUMANITIES HUMANITIES HUMANITIES DIGITAL DIGITAL HUMANITIES HUMANITIES STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT COMMUNICATION STI, IZOBRAŽEVANJU IN UMET MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT ZNANO EUROPEAN PROJECT BUSINESS STUDIES MANAGEMENT INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM UT PEOPLE: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ART PHYSIOTHERAPY HEALTH SCIENCES PHYSIOTHERAPY 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO Nursing, Public Health, ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA Physiotherapy, Integrative Health Sciences, V ZNANOSTI, IZOBRAŽEVANJU IN UMETNOSTI NURSING Autism, Logopedia | ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA V ŽBO 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ARCHIVAL STUDIES ARCHIVAL SCIENCES AND RECORD ARCHIVAL SCIENCES ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ARTS ERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION | ALL ABO ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Z MEDNARODNO UDELE organized by Alma Mater Europaea - ECM & European Academy of Sciences and Arts under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor ERENCA DANCE, ERENCE WITH INT CHOREOGRAPHY DANCE STUDIES Maribor, 12-19 March 2021 WEB AND WEB SCIENCES WEB SCIENCES INFORMATION Cyber Security and Cyber Security and ZNANSTVENA KONF SCIENTIFIC CONF TECHNOLOGIES ZBORNIK POVZETKOV / BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence 9. th 9 in the accreditation process 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO Za človeka gre: Digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti / Zbornik povzetkov 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION All about people: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts / Book of Abstracts Častni odbor / Honorary Committee Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia; Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth; Felix Unger, Honorary President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg; Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg; Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President of the World Academy of Sciences and Arts; Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University, New York, USA; Andrej Šircelj, Minister of Finance, Republic of Slovenia; Janez Cigler Kralj, Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunity; France Arhar, Adviser to the President of the Republic of Slovenia for the field of economy and finance; Boris Pleskovič, President of the Slovenian World Congress; Laurence Hewick, President, Global Family Business Institute; Klaus Hekking, President of the European Union of Private Higher Education; Ignaz Bender, International Conference on Higher Education; Ali Doğramacı, International Conference on Higher Education, Bilkent University, Turkey Znanstveni in programski odbor / Scientific and programme Committee: Klaus Mainzer, Ludvik Toplak, Felix Unger, Jeffrey Sachs, Peter Štih, Boštjan Žekš, Mejra Festić, Jana Goriup, Peter Seljak, Peter Lichtenberg, Tine Kovačič, Mladen Herc, Emma Stokes, Matej Mertik, Matjaž Gams, Maciej Wieglosz, Matjaž Perc, Franci Solina, Gašper Hrastelj, Sebastjan Kristovič, Nandu Goswami, Edvard Jakšič, Slaviša Stanišić, David Bogataj, Peter Pavel Klasinc, Dieter Schlenker, Jurij Toplak, Luka Martin Tomažič, Lenart Škof, Darja Piciga, Maja Gutman, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Barbara Toplak Perovič, Klaus Hekking, Ignaz Bender, Mladen Radujković, Reinhard Wagner, Svebor Sečak, Lucie Vidovićová Organizacijski odbor / Organisational board: Ludvik Toplak (president), Matej Mertik, Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, Matjaž Likar, Marko Bencak, Uroš Kugl, Katarina Pernat, Petra Braček Kirbiš, Zala Stanonik, Vanja Jus, Tine Kovačič, Mladen Herc, Jana Goriup, Peter Seljak, Sebastjan Kristovič, Edvard Jakšič, Slaviša Stanišić, David Bogataj, Peter Pavel Klasinc, Jurij Toplak, Luka Martin Tomažič, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Lenart Škof, Barbara Toplak Perovič, Mladen Radujković, Reinhard Wagner, Svebor Sečak Uredil / Editor: Matej Mertik Tehnično uredila / Technical editor: Zala Stanonik Prelom / Pre-press preparation: Tjaša Pogorevc s. p. Izdaja / Edition: 1. izdaja / 1st edition Kraj / Place: Maribor Založba / Publisher: AMEU – ECM, Alma Mater Press Za založbo / For the publisher: Ludvik Toplak Leto izdaje / Year of publishing: 2021 Dostopno na / Available at: CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor 004.9:001(082)(0.034.2) ZA človeka gre: digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti (znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo) (9 ; 2021 ; Maribor) Za človeka gre: digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti [Elektronski vir] = All about people: digital transformation in science, education and arts : zbornik povzetkov = book of abstracts : 9. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo =9th Scientific Conference with International participation : Maribor, 12. - 19. 3. 2021 / [uredil Matej Mertik]. - 1. izd. - E-zbornik. - Maribor : AMEU - ECM, Alma Mater Press, 2021 Način dostopa (URL): ISBN 978-961-6966-74-0 (PDF) COBISS.SI-ID 54791427 Avtorji prispevkov so odgovorni za vse trditve in podatke, ki jih navajajo v prispevku. / The authors of the articles are responsible for all claims and data they list in their article(s). 9. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo 9th Scientific Conference with International participation ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA V ZNANOSTI, IZOBRAŽEVANJU IN UMETNOSTI ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ARTS Zbornik povzetkov / Book of abstracts Maribor, 12. – 19. 3. 2021 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 4 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV KAZALO / TABLE OF CONTENTS Povzetki vseh avtorjev so objavljeni v angleškem jeziku, povzetki slovenskih avtorjev pa tudi v slovenskem. / Summaries of all contributions are published in the English language, while summaries of Slovene authors are also published in the Slovene language. Ludvik Toplak 30 PREDGOVOR / PREFACE Borut Pahor 34 NAGOVOR PREDSEDNIKA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE, BORUTA PAHORJA / FESTIVE OPENING SPEECH – PRESIDENT OF RS, BORUT PAHOR PLENARY SESSION I DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN EUROPE IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ARTS 39 Mariya Gabriel 40 POZDRAVNI NAGOVOR / WELCOME SPEECH Klaus Mainzer 46 DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA, IZZIVI ZA EVROPO / DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, CHALLENGES FOR EUROPE Felix Unger 52 A MODERN CONCEPT OF THE PERFORMATIVE PERCEPTION OF SCIENCES Ivo Šlaus 52 OPENING WORDS Mitja Slavinec 53 POZDRAVNI NAGOVOR / WELCOME SPEECH PLENARY SESSION II SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 30 YEARS OF MONETARY SOVEREGINITY OF SLOVENIA 57 Jeffrey David Sachs 58 Mejra Festić 64 CORONA CRISIS AND BANKS – AN OVERVIEW Laurence Hewick 66 SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION THE DIGITAL AGE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON FAMILY BUSINESSES 1 SPLETNE IN INFORMACIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE / WEB AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 69 Matjaž Gams / INVITED SPEAKER 70 KAKO SPLETNI MEDIJI SPREMINJAJO NAŠE MISLI /< HOW IS ONLINE MEDIA TRANSFORMING OUR MINDS Maciej Wieglosz / INVITED SPEAKER 72 IMAGE PROCESSING USING NEURAL NETWORKS - OBJECT RECOGNITION AND DETECTION FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS Matjaž Perc / INVITED SPEAKER 73 DIGITALIZACIJA UMETNOSTI / DIGITALIZATION OF ART Franc Solina / INVITED SPEAKER 74 KREATIVNOST V ZNANOSTI IN UMETNOSTI / CREATIVITY IN SCIENCE AND ART 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 5 Franc Bogovič / INVITED SPEAKER 75 PAMETNE VASI - KONCEPT RAZVOJA PODEŽELJA 21. STOLETJA / SMART VILLAGES – A NEW RURAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Nevenka Cukjati, Matjaž Logar / INVITED SPEAKERS 76 „SRIP SC&C: SMART SOLUTION FOR GREEN FUTURE“ Jorge Ferreira Franco 77 TRANSFORMATIVE COMPUTATIONAL PRACTICES BASED ON CODING WEB3D VIRTUAL REALITY SPACES AT K-12 LEVELS Andrea Gogová, Jo Milne, Tiny Domingos 78 BIOPOETIC NARRATIVES TOWARDS HYBRID TOGETHERNESS Margot Van Ham 79 BIOCHATTER Stefano Turini 80 NALOŽITE SPOMINE IN ZAVEST: PRIHODNOST BIOKIBERNETIKE IN TEHNOLOGIJE TRANSCENDENCE / UPLOAD MEMORIES AND COSCIOUSNESS: THE FUTURE OF BIO-CYBERNETICS AND TRANSCENDENCE TECHNOLOGY Vanja Samec 81 BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING FOR EXISTING BRIDGES: VISION AND CHALLENGES Tanja Muha 82 VARNOST IN ZASEBNOST V DOBI DIGITALIZACIJE SKOZI OČI REGULATORJA / SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN THE AGE OF DIGITIZATION THROUGH THE EYES OF THE REGULATOR Laris Gaiser 83 CYBER ESPIONAGE AND ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE: A PROBLEM AND A POTENTIAL SOLUTION IN A FRAGMENTATED ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 2 VISOKO ŠOLSTVO / HIGHER EDUCATION 85 Barbara Toplak Perovič, Vanja Jus 86 PLENARY SESSION IV - COMPETITION IN HIGHER EDUCATION COMPETITION IN HIGHER EDUCATION BRINGS GREATER INNOVATION, BETTER OFFER, LOWER PRICES OF SERVICES AND ADAPTATION TO THE NEEDS OF USERS AND THE MARKET Ignaz Bender / INVITED SPEAKER 88 RANKING OF UNIVERSITIES - WHY CONTINENTAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES - EXCEPT TU ZÜRICH - ARE NOT AMONG THE FIRST 25 UNIVERSTIES OF THE WORLD Arif Çaglar / INVITED SPEAKER 89 ICHE AND ITS PIONEERING JOURNEY OF 40 YEARS Franci Demšar, Nataša Kramar, Klemen Šubic 90 EVALVACIJSKI IN AKREDITACIJSKI POSTOPKI NA DALJAVO: KAJ BOMO OBDRŽALI PO EPIDEMIJI? / ON LINE EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION: WHAT SHALL WE KEEP AFTER EPIDEMICS? Stane Božičnik 91 DIGITALISATION OF THE LABOUR THEORY OF VALUE – PROBLEM OR SOLUTION FOR THE MANKIND Rasto Ovin 92 VODENJE FORMALNE RAZISKOVALNE SKUPINE V DIGITALIZIRANEM OKOLJU / LEADING OF FORMAL RESEARCH GROUP IN DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT Maruša Hauptman Komotar 93 ZAGOTAVLJANJE KAKOVOSTI INTERNACIONALIZACIJE V VISOKEM ŠOLSTVU: SLOVENIJA V PRIMERJALNI PERSPEKTIVI DRŽAV ZAHODNEGA BALKANA / QUALITY ASSURANCE OF INTERNATIONALISATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION: SLOVENIA IN THE COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE OF WESTERN BALKANS COUNTRIES 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 6 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ridvana Mediu, Ntovolis Kostandinos 95 IZVAJANJE E-UČENJA V MEDICINSKEM IZOBRAŽEVANJU KOT INOVATIVNI PROJEKT ZA BOLJŠE REZULTATE PO PANDEMIJSKI COVID-19 / IMPLEMENTATION OF E-LEARNING IN MEDICAL EDUCATION AS AN INNOVATE PROJECT FOR BETTER RESULTS AFTER PANDEMIC COVID-19 Glediana Zeneli, Arsen Benga 96 ALBANIAN STUDENT’S PERCEPTION ABOUT ONLINE LEARNING IN THE CONDITIONS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC Venisha Jenifer Dmello, Ambigai Rajendran 97 ADOPTION OF UNIFIED THEORY OF ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY (UTAUT) IN ANALYZING THE EMERGENCE OF E-LEARNING AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS – A STUDY ON LEARNERS PERSPECTIVE Adriana Dervishaj 98 INTEGRITY, SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATIONS, INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND GENDER EQUALITY IN ACADEMIC HE INSTITUTIONS NEED TO BE PROMOTED BY PROPOSING AND DRAFTING A NEW LAW/REGULATION AND GUIDELINES FOR ACHIEVING A HIGHER QUALITY ASSURANCE 3 FIZITERAPIJA/ PHYSIOTHERAPY 101 Emma Stokes / INVITED SPEAKER 102 Alen Kapel 103 REHABILITACIJSKI PRISTOP PRI PARKINSONOVI BOLEZNI / REHABILITATION APPROACH IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE Tadeja Hernja Rumpf 104 DEJAVNIKI TVEGANJA ZA PADCE PRI BOLNIKIH S PARKINSONOVO BOLEZNIJO / RISK FACTORS FOR FALLS AMONG PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON DISEASE Vittorio Zanello 105 THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON FRAGILE HEALTH SYSTEMS AND VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES, AND THE ROLE OF PHYSIOTHERAPISTS IN THE DELIVERY OF REHABILITATION Jan Zaplatil, Zmago Turk 106 FIZIOTERAPIJA POŠKODB PRI AMATERSKIH IGRALCIH INLINE HOKEJA / PHYSIOTHERAPY OF INJURIES IN AMATEUR INLINE HOCKEY PLAYERS Barbara Emeršič Potočnik, Patricija Goubar 107 UČINEK KINEZIOTERAPIJE PRI ZDRAVLJENJU NESPECIFIČNE BOLEČINE V KRIŽU / INFLUENCE OF KINESIOTHERAPY ON NON-SPECIFIC PAIN IN THE LUMBAR SPINE Peter Strelec, Patricija Goubar 108 POMEN STABILIZACIJSKIH VAJ NA BOLEČINE V HRBTENICI PRI DELOVNO AKTIVNI POPULACIJI / THE EFFECT OF STABILIZATION EXERCISES ON THE SPINAL PAIN IN THE LABOR POPULATION Neža Kurnik, Patricija Goubar 109 INFORMIRANOST O URINSKI INKONTINENCI MED ŠTUDENTI ZDRAVSTVENE NEGE NA ALMA MATER EUROPAEA / AWARENESS OF URINARY INCONTINENCE AMONG NURSING CARE STUDENTS AT ALMA MATER EUROPAEA Tjaša Lukas, Patricija Goubar 110 VPLIV TRENINGA MIŠIC MEDENIČNEGA DNA MED NOSEČNOSTJO NA STANJE STRESNE URINSKE INKONTINENCE PO PORODU / EFFECT OF PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE TRAINING DURING PREGNANCY ON THE CONDITION OF STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE AFTER DELIVERY Patricija Goubar, Rok Kajzer 111 VPLIV KAJENJA NA PLJUČNO FUNKCIJO AMATERSKIH NOGOMETAŠEV / INFLUENCE OF SMOKING ON THE LUNG FUNCTION OF AMATEUR FOOTBALLERS 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 7 Nuša Erjavec, Patricija Goubar 112 STRESNA URINSKA INKONTINENCA PRI MLAJŠIH AKTIVNIH PLAVALKAH / STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE AT YOUNG ACTIVE SWIMMERS Katja Koren, Tine Kovačič, Uroš Marušič 113 VLOGA FIZIOTERAPEVTA PRI DOLGOTRAJNEM SEDENJU. ZAKAJ BI MORALI SEDETI MANJ IN KAKO ZMANJŠATI ČAS SEDENJA? / THE ROLE OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPIST IN PROLONGED SITTING. WHY SHOULD WE SIT LESS AND HOW CAN WE REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF TIME WE SIT? Tine Kovačič, Ajda Hrovat 114 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA V KOMBINACIJI S FUN FITNESS PROGRAMOM NA TELESNO PRIPRAVLJENOST IN VEŠČINE ALPSKEGA SMUČANJA MLADOSTNIKA Z MOTNJAMI AVTISTIČNEGA SPEKTRA / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN COMBINATION WITH THE FUN FITNESS PROGRAM ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS AND ALPINE SKIING SKILLS OF ADOLESCENT WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS Aldin Tiganj, Zdenka Šefman, Tine Kovačič 115 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA FUNKCIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI VRHUNSKEGA ŠPORTNIKA PO NEZGODNI MOŽGANSKI POŠKODBI / EFFECTIVENESS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON THE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS OF A TOP ATHLETE AFTER A TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY Tine Kovačič, Ana Vogrinec 116 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA ZMANJŠANJE SPASTIČNOSTI PRI DEKLICI Z OBOJESTRANSKO SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN REDUCING SPASTICITY IN A GIRL WITH BILATERAL SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY Aneja Klaut, Manuela Urankar, Tine Kovačič 117 UČINKOVITOST SODOBNE RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI Z INTENZIVNO THERASUIT TERAPIJO NA FUNKCIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI PRI OSEBI Z ATAKTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO IN TRAVMATOLOŠKO POŠKODBO-RUPTURO SPREDNJE KRIŽNE IN MEDIALNE KOLATERALNE KOLENSKE VEZI / EFFECTIVENESS OF A CONTEMPORARY NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH INTENSIVE THERASUIT THERAPY ON FUNCTIONAL SKILLS IN A PERSON WITH ATACTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AND TRAUMATIC INJURY-RUPTURE OF THE ANTERIOR CRUCIATE AND MEDIAL COLLATERAL KNEE LIG Anže Mastnak, Tine Kovačič 119 UČINKI VEČKOMPONENTNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA FUNKCIJSKO SPOSOBNOST IN BOLEČINO PRI PROFESIONALNEM TENIŠKEM IGRALCU Z LATERALNIM EPIKONDILITISOM / EFFECTS OF A MULTICOMPONENT PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON FUNCTION AND PAIN IN A PROFESSIONAL TENNIS PLAYER WITH LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS Anže Ostanek, Tine Kovačič 120 VPLIV ZAMIKA ZDRAVILIŠKE FIZIOTERAPIJE ZARADI EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 NA PODROČJU DEJAVBNOSTI IN SODELOVANJA PACIENTOV PO VSTAVITVI TOTALNE ENDOPROTEZE KOLKA / IMPACT OF SPA PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT DELAY DUE TO COVID-19 EPIDEMIC ON ACTIVITY AND PARTICIPATION LEVEL IN PATIENTS AFTER TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT Borut Černilogar, Tine Kovačič 121 KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA MOTORIKO ZGORNJEGA UDA PRI OSEBI S FRIEDREICHOVO ATAKSIJO / SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON UPPER LIMB MOTILITY IN A PERSON WITH FRIEDREICH'S ATAXIA Božin Krstanoski, Tatjana Horvat, Tine Kovačič 122 UČINKOVITOST UPORABE ROBOTSKE TEHNOLOGIJE PRI PACIENTIH PO MOŽGANSKI KAPI / EFFICACY OF THE USE OF ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY IN PATIENTS AFTER STROKE 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 8 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV David Brec, Tine Kovačič 123 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA FUNKCIJE ZGORNJIH TER SPODNJIH UDOV PRI PACIENTU S SPINALNO MIŠIČNO ATROFIJO TIPA II / EFFICACY OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON UPPER AND LOWER LIMB FUNCTIONS IN A PATIENT WITH SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY TYPE II Eva Rotar, Tine Kovačič 124 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GIBLJIVOST PRI OSEBI Z OBOJESTRANSKO SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO PO MIŠIČNI FIBROTOMIJI / EFFICACY OF THE NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON FLEXIBILITY IN A PERSON WITH BILATERAL SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AFTER MUSCLE FIBROTOMY Karin Košnik, Tine Kovačič 125 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO DEKLICE Z OBOJESTRANSKO SPASTIČNO OBLIKO CEREBRALNE PARALIZE PO OPRAVLJENI FAZNI FIBROTOMIJI / EFFICACY OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION OF A GIRL WITH BILATERAL SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AFTER PHASE FIBROTOMY Tine Kovačič, Klemen Kozole 126 UČINKOVITOST RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S FIZIOTERAPEVTSKIM PROGRAMOM FUN FITNESS NA TELESNO PRIPRAVLJENOST ŠPORTNIKA Z DOWNOVIM SINDROMOM IN PRIDRUŽENO ALZHEIMERJEVO DEMENCO / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH A FUN FITNESS PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF AN ATHLETE WITH DOWN SYNDROME AND ASSOCIATED ALZHEIMER'S DEMENTIA Nika Leskovšek 128 PROJEKT: RAZVOJ KOMPETENC PRI FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEM DELU S PREBEŽNIKI / PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCIES IN PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC WORK WITH REFUGEES Tine Kovačič, Maja Komovec 129 VPLIV RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S HIDROTERAPIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO DEČKA S PIERRE ROBIN SINDROMOM / EFFECTS OF NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH AQUATHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A BOY WITH PIERRE ROBIN SYNDROME Maša Blanuša, Tine Kovačič 120 VPLIV ZGODNJE NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO OTROKA S KABUKI SINDROMOM / INFLUENCE OF EARLY NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION OF A CHILD WITH KABUKI SYNDROME Matic Topolnik, Tine Kovačič 132 DOLGOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA PODROČJE DEJAVNOSTI, SODELOVANJA PRI ODRASLI OSEBI S SPASTIČNO DISTONIJO / LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON THE FIELD OF ACTIVITY, PARTICIPATION IN AN ADULT WITH SPASTIC DISTONY Tine Kovačič, Mirjam Nedeljko 133 VPLIV RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S PROPRIOCEPTIVNO ŽIVČNO MIŠIČNO FACILITACIJO NA FUNKCIONALNO RAMENSKO ROTACIJO OSEB S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA / INFLUENCE OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION ON FUNCTIONAL SHOULDER ROTATION IN INDIVIDUALS WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL STUDY Neža Rozman, Tine Kovačič 134 UČINKI VEČKOMPONENTNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GIBLJIVOST KOLENA, STOPNJO ŠEPAVOSTI PRI PSU PASME BERNSKI PLANŠAR PO REKONSTRUKCIJI SPREDNJE KRIŽNE VEZI / THE EFFECTS OF A MULTICOMPONENT PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON KNEE FLEXIBILITY, REDUCTION OF THE LEVEL OF LAMENESS IN A DOG OF THE BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG BREED AFTER THE ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 9 Tine Kovačič, Nika Gostečnik 135 UČINKOVITOST SODOBNE RAZVOJNE NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S HIPOTERAPIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO, DRUGE DEJAVNOSTI IN SODELOVANJE PRI OSEBI S CRI DU CHAT SINDROMOM / EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEMPORARY NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH HIPPOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION, OTHER ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION IN A PERSON WITH CRI DU CHAT SYNDROME Tine Kovačič 137 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA V KOMBINACIJI Z INTENZIVNO HIPOTERAPIJO NA RAVNOTEŽJE OSEBE Z ASPERGERJEVIM SINDROMOM / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN COMBINATION WITH INTENSIVE HIPPOTHERAPY ON THE BALANCE OF A PERSON WITH ASPERGER'S SYNDROME Tine Kovačič, Nina Homer 138 UČINKOVITOST DIGITALNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA V KOMBINACIJI S FIZIOTERAPEVTSKIM PROGRAMOM FUN FITNESS NA SUBMAKSIMALNO AEROBNO ZMOGLJIVOST OSEB Z INTELEKTUALNO MOTNJO IN PRIDRUŽENIMI RAZVOJNIMI MOTNJAMI / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE DIGITAL PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN COMBINATION WITH THE FUN FITNESS PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON THE SUBMAXIMAL AEROBIC FITNESS OF PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS Nuša Klešnik, Tine Kovačič 139 UČINKOVITOST RAZVOJNE NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S PROPRIOCEPTIVNO ŽIVČNOMIŠIČNO FACILITACIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO, DRUGE DEJAVNOSTI IN SODELOVANJE PRI OTROKU S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO PO SELEKTIVNI DORZALNI RIZOTOMIJI IN FIBROTOMIJI / EFFICACY OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION, OTHER ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION IN A CHILD WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AFTER SELECTIVE DORSAL RHIZOTOMY AND FIBROTOMY Tine Kovačič, Petra Tešić 141 UČINKOVITOST SODOBNE RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S HIPOTERAPIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO DEKLICE S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO / EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEMPORARY NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH HIPPOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION OF A GIRL WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY Rebeka Senica, Tine Kovačič 142 KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO OTROKA S SYNGAP1 SINDROMOM / SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A CHILD WITH SYNGAP1 SYNDROME Rok Škorjanc, Tine Kovačič 143 VPLIV SEDEČEGA DELA NA INTENZIVNOST NESPECIFIČNE KRONIČNE BOLEČINE V KRIŽU IN Z ZDRAVJEM POVEZANE KAKOVOSTI ŽIVLJENJA / INFLUENCE OF SEDENTARY WORK ON THE INTENSITY OF NON-SPECIFIC CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE Sabina Kep, Tine Kovačič 144 UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO PRI OTROKU Z DISKINETIČNO OBLIKO CEREBRALNE PARALIZE / EFFECTS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A CHILD WITH A DYSKINETIC FORM OF CEREBRAL PALSY Tanja Robič, Tine Kovačič 145 KRATKOROČNA UČINKOVITOST V RAVNOTEŽJE USMERJENE VADBE V KOMBINACIJI S TERAPIJO S PSOM NA STATIČNO IN DINAMIČNO KOMPONENTO RAVNOTEŽJA PRI STAROSTNICI Z DEMENCO / SHORT-TERM EFFICACY IN EQUILIBRIUM-BASED EXERCISE IN COMBINATION WITH DOG THERAPY ON THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC COMPONENT EQUILIBRIUM IN THE ELDERLY WITH DEMENTIA Tim Seničar, Tine Kovačič 146 KRATKOROČNA UČINKOVITOST FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA PRI VRHUNSKEM TEKAČU PO STRESNEM ZLOMU 5. STOPALNICE / SHORT-TERM EFFECTIVENESS OF A PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN A TOP RUNNER AFTER A STRESS FRACTURE OF THE 5TH METATARSAL 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 10 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Urša Horvat, Zdenka Šefman, Tine Kovačič 147 KRATKOROČNI UČINKI SESTAVLJENEGA NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GROBO MOTORIKO OSEB S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO / SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF A COMPOUND NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN PEOPLE WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY Tine Kovačič, Vanja Malus, Miha Kovačič 148 KRATKOROČNA UČINKOVITOST VADBE JOGE PO SISTEMU »JOGA V VSAKDANJEM ŽIVLJENJU®« NA STATIČNO IN DINAMIČNO RAVNOTEŽJE STAROSTNIKOV TER ZMANJŠANJE PADCEV: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA / SHORT-TERM EFFECTIVENESS OF YOGA PRACTICE ACCORDING TO THE "YOGA IN EVERYDAY LIFE®" SYSTEM ON THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC BALANCE OF THE ELDERLY: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL STUDY Vesna Lešnjak, Tine Kovačič 149 KRATKOROČNI UČINKI PROGRAMA MOTORIČNIH, KOGNITIVNIH IN PERCEPTIVNIH SPRETNOSTI OB GLASBI NA RAVNOTEŽJE PRI STAROSTNIKIH: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA / THE SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF THE MOTOR, COGNITIVE AND PERCEPTUAL SKILLS PROGRAM ON MUSIC ON BALANCE IN THE ELDERLY: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA Vid Vauh, Tine Kovačič 140 UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA FUNKCIJSKO PREMIČNOST PRI OTROKU Z BOLEZNIJO NBIA PKAN / EFFICACY OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON FUNCTIONAL MOBILITY IN A CHILD WITH NBIA PKAN DISEASE Blažka Žerak, Tine Kovačič 151 KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO OTROKA Z DRAVET SINDROMOM / SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A CHILD WITH DRAVET SYNDROME Tine Kovačič, Polona Dolajš 152 KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA ZMANJŠANJE SPASTIČNOST PRI OTROKU Z DANDY WALKER SINDROMOM / SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON SPASTICITY REDUCTION IN A CHILD WITH DANDY WALKER SYNDROME Tina Flisar, Patricija Goubar 154 VLOGA FIZIOTERAPEVTA PO PORODU V PORODNIŠNICI MURSKA SOBOTA / THE ROLE OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPIST IN THE MATERNITY HOSPITAL MURSKA SOBOTA Staša Krošelj, Uroš Marušič 155 UČINKI SENZOMOTORIČNEGA TRENINGA PRI PARKINSONOVIH BOLNIKIH / EFFECTS OF SENSORIMOTOR TRAINING IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE PATIENTS Manca Peskar, Uroš Marušič 156 RAZUMEVANJE SPOZNAVNIH PROCESOV Z NEVROFIZIOLOŠKIMI MERJENJI MOŽGANSKE AKTIVNOSTI PRI POGOJIH IZBOLJŠANE EKOLOŠKE VELJAVNOSTI / UNDERSTANDING COGNITION THROUGH NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASURES OF BRAIN ACTIVITY UNDER IMPROVED ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY CONDITIONS Tajda Uršič, Uroš Marušič 157 VPLIV AKTIVNIH ODMOROV NA POJAV NESPECIFIČNE BOLEČINE V KRIŽU PRI PISARNIŠKIH DELAVCIH / THE EFFECT OF BOOSTER BREAKS ON NON-SPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN IN OFFICE WORKERS Kristina Batič, Mitja Gerževič, Uroš Marušič 158 PRESEČNA ANALIZA POVEZANOSTI ČASOVNO-PROSTORSKIH PARAMETROV HOJE Z MONTREALSKO LESTVICO SPOZNAVNIH SPOSOBNOSTI (MOCA) PRI STAREJŠIH ODRASLIH / CROSS-SECTIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE CORRELATION OF TEMPORAL-SPATIAL PARAMETERS OF WALKING AND THE MONTREAL COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT SCALE (MOCA) IN OLDER ADULTS 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 11 Anej Nučič, Tine Kovačič 159 UČINKOVITOST TERAPEVTSKE MASAŽE NA KRONIČNO NESPECIFIČNO BOLEČINO V KRIŽU, ZMANJŠANO ZMOŽNOST IN Z ZDRAVJEM POVEZANO KAKOVOST ŽIVLJENJA / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ON CHRONIC NONSPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN, REDUCED ABILITY AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE Mladen Herc, Patricija Gerečnik 161 SEDEČI DELOVNI POLOŽAJ IN BOLEČINA V VRATU / SITTING WORKING POSITION AND NECK PAIN Maruša Derlink, Mladen Herc 162 UČINKI ZDRAVILIŠKEGA ZDRAVLJENJA PO RUPTURI KITE MIŠICE SUPRASPINATUS / EFFECTS OF HEALTH CARE AFTER SUPRASPINATUS TENDON RUPTURE Elda Latollari, Fabion Braimllari 163 EPIDURAL STIMULATION GIVES PARALYZED PATIENTS HOPES FOR A BETTER LIFE Andrea Backović Juričan, Tjaša Knific, Maja Čeplak 164 DELAVNICA “GIBAM SE” KOT PRILOŽNOST SLOVENSKIH FIZIOTERAPEVTOV ZA PREPREČEVANJE SARKOPENIJE PRI STAREJŠIH / “I MOVE” WORKSHOP AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SLOVENIAN PHYSIOTHERAPISTS TO PREVENT SARCOPENIA IN OLDER ADULTS Eva Uršej 165 FIZIOTERAPIJA V ŠPORTU – ZNANJE IN KOMPETENCE ŠPORTNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTA TER NJEGOVA VLOGA V ŠPORTNI REHABILITACIJI / SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPY - SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES OF A SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPIST AND HIS ROLE IN SPORTS REHABILITATION Vesna Hodić, Dominik Guštin 166 PREVENTION OF SPECIFIC INJURIES IN SPRINTERS AT 100 M Barbara Grintal, Nikolaj Lipič 167 ODNOS ŠTUDENTOV FIZIOTERAPIJE DO OSEB Z DEMENCO / ATTITUDE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDENTS TOWARDS PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Ligita Siline, Loreta Stasiule, Arvydas Stasiulis 168 THE EFFECT OF AGE AND TRAINING STATUS ON OXYGEN UPTAKE KINETICS IN WOMEN Tine Kovačič, Ludvik Kovše 169 UČINKOVITOST FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA SPECIALNE OLIMPIADE FUN FITNESS NA TELESNO PRIPRAVLJENOST ŠPORTNIKOV Z DOWNOVIM SINDROMOM IN ŠPORTNIKOV Z INTELEKTUALNO MOTNJO, KI NIMAJO DOWNOVEGA SINDROMA / THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM OF THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS FUN FITNESS ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF ATHLETES WITH DOWN SYNDROME AND ATHLETES WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES WHO DO NOT HAVE DOWN SYNDROME Žan Tibaut, Mladen Herc 171 UČINKI DVEH NAČINOV RAZTEZANJA MIŠIC NA RAVNOTEŽJE, MAKSIMALNI RESPIRATORNI VOLUMEN IN OBSEG GIBLJIVOSTI ROTACIJE HRBTENICE / EFFECTS OF TWO WAYS OF MUSCLE STRETCHING ON BALANCE, MAXIMUM RESPIRATORY VOLUME AND RANGE OF SPINE ROTATION MOBILITY Zoya Ferlič, Mladen Herc 172 ZDRAVILIŠKO ZDRAVLJENJE PO VSTAVITVI TOTALNE ENDOPROTEZE KOLKA / HEALTH RESORT TREATMENT AFTER TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY Živa Arko, Žiga Mumel 173 VPLIV MANIPULACIJE FASCIJ NA ZDRAVLJENJA SINDROMA ILIOTIBIALNEGA TRAKTA / FASCIAL MANIPULATION EFFECTS ON TREATMENT OF ILIOTIBIAL BAND SYNDROME Živa Arko, Nandu Goswami 174 STIMULACIJA LIMFNEGA PRETOKA Z MANIPULACIJO FASCIJ / STIMULATION OF THE LYMPH FLOW WITH FASCIAL MANIPULATION 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 12 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Tatjana Horvat, Mladen Herc, Lea Križman, Tine Šket, Goran Gumzej 175 ERGONOMIJA PRI ZAPOSLENIH V ZDRAVSTVENIH INSTITUCIJAH, KI DELAJO TAKO Z NEVROLOŠKIMI, KOT PACIENTI Z MIŠIČNO-SKELETNIMI OKVARAMI (RENE PROJEKT - ERAZMUS +) / ERGONOMICS IN EMPLOYEES OF HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS WORKING WITH BOTH NEUROLOGICAL PATIENTS AND PATIENTS WITH MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (RENE PROJECT - ERASMUS +) 4 SOCIALNA GERONTOLOGIJA / SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY 179 Peter A. Lichtenberg / INVITED SPEAKER 172 Jose Cordeiro / INVITED SPEAKER 183 JE SMRT NEIZOGIBNA? / IS DEATH INEVITABLE ? Victor Bjork / INVITED SPEAKER 184 STARANJE, OZADJE, RAZVOJ IN PRIHODNOST / AGING, BACKGROUND, DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE Emil Kendziorra / INVITED SPEAKER 185 PODALJŠANJE ŽIVLJENJA, TRENUTNA MEDICINSKA TEHNOLOGIJA IN BOLNIK / LIFE EXTENSION, CURRENT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY AND PATIENT Adam Buben / INVITED SPEAKER 186 UNAMUNO ON MAKING ONESELF INDISPENSABLE AND HAVING THE STRENGTH TO LONG FOR IMMORTALITY Ilia Stambler / INVITED SPEAKER 187 BOLEZNI, POVEZANE S STARANJEM, IN RAZISKAVE ZA SPODBUJANJE ZDRAVE DOLGOŽIVOSTI / AGING-RELATED DISEASES AND RESEARCH FOR HEALTHY LONGEVITY PROMOTION Aubrey De Grey / INVITED SPEAKER 188 REJUVENATION BIOTECHNOLOGY: WHY AGE MAY SOON CEASE TO MEAN AGING Martin Lipovšek 189 KLJUČNA FILOZOFSKA VPRAŠANJA PRI PODROČJU PODALJŠEVANJA ŽIVLJENJA / KEY PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS ON THE FIELD OF LIFE EXTENSION Alenka Križnik 180 POGOJI ZA RAZVOJ SOCIALNEGA MODELA HIŠE HOSPICA V REPUBLIKI SLOVENIJI / CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIAL MODEL OF THE HOSPICE HOUSE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Monika Brglez, Tamara Poklar Vatovec, Nadja Plazar 191 URAVNOTEŽENA PREHRANA IN IMUNSKA ODPORNOST V STAREJŠEM ŽIVLJENJSKEM OBDOBJU / BALANCED DIET AND IMMUNE RESISTANCE IN THE ELDERLY LIVING PERIOD Nataša Drobež, Nikolaj Lipič 192 STIGMATIZACIJA OSEB Z DEMENCO: IZZIV ZA SOCIALNO GERONTOLOGIJO / STIGMATIZATION OF PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA: A CHALLENGE FOR SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY Marko Kac 193 CENTER SREBRNE PAMETNE EVOLUCIJE KOT ODGOVOR NA IZZIVE AGEIZMA IN SREBRNE EKONOMIJE V EVROPSKI UNIJI IN SLOVENIJI / SILVER SMART EVOLUTION CENTRE AS RESPONSE TO THE CHALLENGES OF AGEISM AND SILVER ECONOMY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND SLOVENIA Lenka Puh, Barbara Grintal 195 MODEL SKUPNOSTNIH STORITEV ZA VKLJUČUJOČO DRUŽBO / MODEL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE FOR INCLUSIVE SOCIETY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE AGEING EXPERIENCE 197 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 13 Arianna Poli, Susanne Kelfve, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel 198 ALI JE RAZNOLIKOST STAROSTI PREMALO ZASTOPANA V RAZISKAVAH O DIGITALNIH ZDRAVSTVENIH TEHNOLOGIJAH? / IS OLD-AGE DIVERSITY UNDERREPRESENTED IN RESEARCH ON DIGITAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES? Marcela Petrová Kafková, Tomáš Dosedel, Lucie Vidovićová 199 UPORABA IKT V ČASIH COVID-19 IN POSEBNOSTI BIOMETRIJE PO STAROSTI IN SPOLU / ICT USAGE IN COVID-19 TIMES & SPECIFICS OF THE BIOMETRICS BY AGE AND GENDER LENSES Jože Ramovš 190 INTEGRIRANA DOLGOTRAJNA OSKRBA - SLOVENSKA MORA IN MOŽNOST / INTEGRATED LONG-TERM CARE SYSTEM - PROBLEM AND OPPORTUNITY FOR SLOVENIA Loredana Ivan, Stephen Cutler 201 OLDER PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY USE: THE ROLE OF INTERNALIZED STEREOTYPES Marek Hasa 202 RESEARCHING THE IMPACT OF PLAYFUL DIGITAL INTERACTIONS ON THE LIVES AND IDENTITIES OF LONELY SENIORS: METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES Vera Suchomelova 203 OPTIMALLY USING VR AS A WAY OF KEEPING SENIORS IN RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES ACTIVE Sabrina Simonovich 204 IZVAJANJE VADB NA DALJAVO PREKO DIGITALNIH KOMUNIKACIJSKIH KANALOV PRI STAREJŠI POPULACIJI / PERFORMING EXERCISES AT A DISTANCE VIA DIGITAL COMMUNICATION CHANNELS IN THE ELDERLY POPULATION Mitja Slapar, Helena Kristina Halbwachs, Marija Ovsenik, Anton Zupan 205 DOSTOPNOST SPLETNIH STRANI ZDRAVSTVENIH INSTITUCIJ V SLOVENIJI / ACCESSIBILITY OF SLOVENIAN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS WEBSITES Renata Možanić, Zlatko Bukvić 206 UPOTREBA ICT U ZDRAVSTVENOJ NJEZI U KUĆI IZ PERSPEKTIVE STARIJIH PACIJENATA I MEDICINSKIH SESTARA / ICT USE IN HOME HEALTHCARE FROM ELDERLY PATIENTS AND NURSES PERSPECTIVE Ana Marija Hošnjak, Ana Pavlović 207 ZNANJA KORISNIKA DOMA ZA STARIJE I NEMOĆNE O KORIŠTENJU „SMART“ TEHNOLOGIJE ZA VRIJEME TRAJANJA COVID-19 KRIZE THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OLDER ADULTS 209 Kieran Walsh / INVITED SPEAKER 200 MEDSEBOJNO VPLIVANJE POLITIKE IN IZKLJUČEVANJA V POZNEJŠIH LETIH TER OSVETLJENE RESNICE COVID-19 / THE INTERPLAY OF POLICY AND EXCLUSION IN LATER LIFE, AND THE ILLUMINATED TRUTHS OF COVID-19 Voyko Kavcic, Anja Podlesek / INVITED SPEAKER 211 UČINKI ZGODNJEGA VALA PANDEMIJE COVID-19 NA STAREJŠE V PRIMERJAVI Z MLAJŠIMI ODRASLIMI V SLOVENIJI / EFFECTS OF EARLY WAVE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OLDER AS COMPARED TO YOUNGER ADULTS IN SLOVENIA L'ubica Vol'anská / INVITED SPEAKER 212 „LET‘S PROTECT OUR GRANDPARENTS, HELP OUR NEIGHBOURS ...“. INTERGENERATIONAL RELATIONS DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC Božena Kotnik Kevorkijan / INVITED SPEAKER 213 UKREPI ZA PREPREČEVANJE IN OBVLADOVANJE COVID-19 V SLOVENSKIH DSO / MEASURES FOR PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF COVID-19 IN SLOVENIAN DSOS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 14 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ana Mihalič, Voyko Kavcic, Anja Podlesek, Peter Seljak 214 DOŽIVLJANJE EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 PRI STAREJŠIH ODRASLIH: PRVI REZULTATI KVALITATIVNE ANALIZE V SLOVENIJI / EXPERIENCING OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC OF OLDER ADULTS: FIRST RESULTS OF A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS IN SLOVENIA Lidija Gradišnik, Jana Goriup 215 VPLIV KORONAVIRUSNE KRIZE NA STAREJŠO POPULACIJO / THE INFLUENCE OF CORONAVIRUS CRYSIS ON ELDERLY POPULATION Peter Seljak, Barbara Grintal, Veronika Gorišek, Tjaša Rojht, Valentina Merdaus, Nika Žurman, Elora Dana Čebular, Katarina Kardoš, Loti Klopčič, Boštjan Jug, Ula Gider, Doroteja Gruber, Monika Slapnik, Nina Kovaček, Manca Repše, Petra Strmšek 216 STAREJŠI ODRASLI V ČASU EPIDEMIJE COVID-19: ZAZNAVANJE SPREMEMB V DOBREM POČUTJU IN OSAMLJENOSTI / OLDER ADULTS DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC: PERCEPTION OF CHANGES IN WELL-BEING AND LONELINESS Veronika Gorišek, Peter Seljak, Valentina Merdaus, Tjaša Rojht, Ana Mihalič, Tjaša Draškovič, Martina Piskar, Judita Anzelc, Naja Šarec, Nina Velikanje 218 POSLEDICE EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 NA ŽIVLJENJE STAREJŠIH LJUDI: KVALITATIVNA RAZISKAVA V RAZLIČNIH BIVALNIH OKOLJIH / CONSEQUENCES OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC ON THE LIVES OF OLDER PEOPLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY IN DIFFERENT LIVING ENVIRONMENTS Mihaela Kežman 219 UČINKI FRAKTALNE RISBE NA STAREJŠE V ČASU PANDEMIJE COVID 19. / EFFECTS OF FRACTAL DRAWING ON THE ELDERLY DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC 19. Janez Görgner 210 KOMUNIKACIJA MED GENERACIJAMI V ŠIRŠI DRUŽINI V ČASU OMEJENIH SOCIALNIH STIKOV ZARADI KORONAVIRUSA COVID – 19 / COMMUNICATION AMONG GENERATIONS IN THE EXTENDED FAMILY AT THE TIME OF SOCIAL DISTANCING DUE TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) OTHER TOPICS IN SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY 223 David Haložan, Adil Begić, Jadranka Stričević 224 PREVENTIVNI PRISTOP K ZMANJŠANJU OBREMENITEV NEGOVALNEGA TIMA / A PREVENTIVE APPROACH TO REDUCING THE WORKLOAD ON THE NURSING TEAM Matej Koprivnik 225 KAKOVOST ŽIVLJENJA PRI STAREJŠIH ODRASLIH PACIENTIH Z MULTIPLO SKLEROZO / QUALITY OF LIFE IN OLDER ADULT PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Julita Biondić, Nikolaj Lipič 226 IZZIVI FIZIOTERAPEVTSKE OBRAVNAVE IN PRISTOPA MULTIDISCIPLINARNEGA TIMA V DOLGOTRAJNI OSKRBI V PERSPEKTIVI POTREB DOLGOŽIVE DRUŽBE / CHALLENGES OF PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT AND THE APPROACH OF A MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM IN LONG-TERM CARE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE NEEDS OF A LONG-TERM SOCIETY Sanja Zgonec 228 PAPIR-SVINČNIK INSTRUMENTI ZA PREPOZNAVANJE DEMENCE PRI OSEBAH Z INTELEKTUALNIM PRIMANJKLJAJEM / PAPER-PENCIL DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS FOR DEMENTIA IN PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Barbara Grintal, Peter Seljak 229 UPRAVLJANJE STAREJŠIH ZAPOSLENIH V DOLGOŽIVI DRUŽBI / MANAGING OLDER EMPLOYEES IN A LONG-LIVED SOCIETY Borut Ambrožič, Matjaž Mulej 220 SPOROČILNA IN/ALI DRUŽBENO ODGOVORNA VREDNOST MEDNARODNIH MEJNIKOV ORGANIZACIJE ZDRUŽENIH NARODOV / THE MESSAGE AND / OR SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE VALUE OF THE UNITED NATIONS‘ INTERNATIONAL MILESTONES 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 15 Jasmina Kristovič 231 DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE – NUJNI POGOJ ZA KAKOVOSTNO STARANJE / MENTAL HEALTH – A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR QUALITY AGEING Jana Goriup, Lidija Gradišnik 232 NEKATERI VIDIKI SOCIOLOŠKIH TEORIJ DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE IN STAREJŠI / SOME ASPECTS OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF SOCIAL CHANGE AND OLDER ADULTS SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA / SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE 235 Nandu Goswami / INVITED SPEAKER 236 FALL PREVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES AND PERSPECTIVES David Bogataj 237 DRUŽBENA VREDNOST POSEBNIH STANOVANJSKIH REŠITEV ZA STAREJŠE OBČANE / SOCIAL VALUE OF SPECIALIZED HOUSING SOLUTION FOR OLDER ADULTS Valerija Rogelj, David Bogataj 238 SPECIALIZIRANE STANOVANJSKE REŠITVE ZA STAREJŠE / SPECIALISED HOUSING SOLUTIONS FOR OLDER ADULTS Eneja Drobež 239 MODEL PRAVNE UREDITVE SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE ZA OSKRBO STAROSTNIKOV V SKUPNOSTI / MODEL OF LEGAL REGULATION OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE CARE OF THE ELDERLY IN THE COMMUNITY Lidija Gradišnik, David Bogataj 230 BIVALNO OKOLJE STAREJŠIH LJUDI V SLOVENIJI / LIVING ENVIRONMENT OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN SLOVENIA Jana Mali, Benjamin Penič, Maša Filipovič Hrast 241 EVROPSKI MAGISTRSKI PROGRAM AKTIVNEGA STARANJA IN USTVARJANJA STAROSTI PRIJAZNE DRUŽBE / EUROPEAN MASTER ON ACTIVE AGEING AND AGE FRIENDLY SOCIETY Jana Mali 243 OCENA RAZVOJA SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE DOLGOTRAJNE OSKRBE Z VIDIKA IZVAJALCEV OSKRBE / ASSESEMENT OF LONG-TERM CARE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FROM THE PESPECTIVE OF CARE PROVIDERS Alenka Temeljotov Salaj, Valerija Rogelj, David Bogataj 245 UPRAVLJANJE OBJEKTOV IN NAPRAV SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE PAMETNIH SREBRNIH MEST / FACILITY MANAGEMENT OF THE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF SMART SILVER CITY Marija Bogataj 246 SO-STANOVANJSKE REŠITVE PAMETNIH SREBRNIH VASI / CO-HOUSING SOLUTIONS OF SMART SILVER VILLAGES Petra Janež, David Bogataj 247 FINANCIRANJE SOCILNE INFRASTRUKTURE ZA STAREJŠE OBČANE IZ DAVKA NA NEPREMIČNINE / FINANCING SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ELDERLY FROM REAL ESTATE TAX Zdenka Milič Žepič, Ana Marija Hošnjak, Aleksandra Ločičnik, Lidija Gradišnik, Mihael Nedeljko, Sanja Zgonec, Suzana Mežnarec Novosel, Marija Ovsenik 248 TIPIČNA HIŠA IZ OBDOBJA 1960 – 1980 V SLOVENIJI IN NA HRVAŠKEM KOT IZZIV ZA OBLIKOVANJE SODOBNE BIVANJSKE SKUPNOSTI – 'SREBRNA HIŠA' / A TYPICAL HOUSE FROM 1960-1980 IN SLOVENIA AND CROATIA - CHALLENGE FOR THE DESIGN OF A MODERN RESIDENCY - 'SILVER HOUSE' Dejan Dokl, David Bogataj 240 AMORTIZACIJA OBJEKTOV SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE KOT ELEMENT CENE OSKRBE STAREJŠIH / DEPRECIATION OF SOCIAL FACILITIES IN THE PRICE STRUCTURE OF THE ELDERCARE 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 16 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Renata Možanić 252 ZDRAVSTVENA IN SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA ZA OSKRBO STAROSTNIKOV V SKUPNOSTI V VARAŽDINSKI ŽUPANIJI / HEALTH AND SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ELDERCARE IN THE COMMUNITY IN VARAŽDIN COUNTY Andrej Sluga 253 DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA JAVNE UPRAVE KOT OSNOVA ZA SKLADEN REGIONALNI RAZVOJ S POUDARKOM NA RAZVOJU SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE / DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS A BASIS FOR COHERENT REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT WITH AN EMPHASIS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE Katja Gorenc, David Bogataj 254 SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA V OSKRBOVALNIH SISTEMIH STAROSTNIKOV OSREDNJESLOVENSKE STATISTIČNE REGIJE / SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE ELDERCARE SYSTEMS OF THE CENTRAL SLOVENIAN STATISTICAL REGION David Bogataj 255 JAMSTVENE SHEME ZA UGODNA POSOJILA VLAGATELJEM V SOCIALNO INFRASTRUKTURO / GUARANTEE SCHEMES FOR FAVOURABLE LOANS TO SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTORS Marta Kavšek, Marija Bogataj, David Bogataj 256 O POMEMBNOSTI STAREJŠIM PRIJAZNIH REŠITEV OSKRBE V SKUPNOSTI PO STAROSTNIH KOHORTAH / ON THE IMPORTANCE OF SENIOR-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CARE SOLUTIONS BY AGE COHORTS Suzanna Mežnarec, David Bogataj 257 IZZIVI OSKRBE NA DALJAVO KOT DELA SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE ZA OSKRBO STAREJŠIH V SKUPNOSTI / CHALLENGES OF TELECARE AS A PART OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ELDERCARE IN COMMUNITY Djurica Bogdanov 258 SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA ZA RESOCIALNIZACIJO / SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR RESOCIALIZATION Marta Kavšek, David Bogataj 259 UPORABA LOSS LESTVICE PRI PREHODIH MED USTREZNIMI BIVALNIMI OKOLJI OSKRBOVANCEV / USE OF THE LOSS SCALE IN TRANSITIONS BETWEEN APPROPRIATE RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTS SOCIALNE INOVACIJE / SOCIAL INNOVATIONS 251 Katarina Vukojević 262 A UNIQUE VISION OF INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE FOR AN AGEING POPULATION IN ADRION REGION – SI4CARE PROJECT Salvatore Fregola, Alessandro Gallo, Pietro Hiram Guzzi 263 A MODEL FOR THE PREVENTION OF VASCULAR THROMBOEMBOLIC RISK Darja Šemrov, Guido Piccoli 264 KAKO USTVARITI UČINKOVIT EKOSISTEM ZA UPORABO SOCIALNIH INOVACIJ PRI MOBILNOSTI IN DOSTOPNOSTI / HOW TO CREATE EFFECTIVE ECOSYSTEM FOR THE SOCIAL INNOVATION UTILIZATION IN MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY Miodrag Miljković, Srdjan Kožetinac 266 SOCIAL INNOVATION FOR INTEGRATED HEALTH CARE OF AGEING POPULATION IN ADRION REGION Simon Colnar, David Bogataj, Darja Šemrov, Vlado Dimovski 267 POTREBA PO SOCIALNIH INOVACIJAH NA PODROČJU DOLGOTRAJNE OSKRBE V SLOVENIJI / THE NEED FOR SOCIAL INNOVATIONS IN LONG-TERM CARE IN SLOVENIA Inga Vučica, Željka Karin, Roberta Matković, Katja Matešan, Ana Grgurević 269 THE HEALTHCARE FOR OLDER ADULTS IN SPLIT AND DALMATIAN COUNTY 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 17 Samo Drobne, Marija Bogataj 260 SUITABLITY OF THE LOCAL ACTION GROUPS FOR A CLOSED NETWORK OF COMMUNITY CARE IN SLOVENIA Bojan Blažica, Mitja Luštrek 271 OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES OF BRINGING ICT SOLUTIONS FOR AGEING WELL FROM RESEARCH PROJECTS TO EVERYDAY USE Anamarija Kejžar 272 ODPIRANJE ENOTE ZA STANOVALCE Z DEMENCO V DOMU STAREJŠIH OBČANOV / OPENING A UNIT FOR RESIDENTS WITH DEMENTIA IN HOME FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE David Bogataj 273 MULTISTATE TRANSITION MODEL SUPPORTING PROJECTIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AND ADAPTATION OF THE COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES Josip Ramljak, Nikolina Vitturi Bagatin, Katarina Vukojević 274 SOCIAL INNOVATION FOR INTEGRATED HEALTH CARE OF AGEING POPULATION IN ADRION REGIONS: SPLIT-DALMATIA COUNTY EXPERIENCE 5 ZDRAVSTVENE VEDE / HEALTH SCIENCES 277 Borut Geršak / INVITED SPEAKER 278 CONVERGENT PROCEDURE – HYBRID TREATMENT OF LONG STANDING PERSISTENT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Mladen Jašić, Mia Becker, Željana Jotanović 279 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NEONATES TRANSFERRED FROM GENERAL HOSPITAL PULA TO A TERTIARY PEDIATRIC CENTER IN A TEN-YEAR-PERIOD (2006-2015) Nika Belec, Marija Zrim 270 VLOGA MEDICINSKE SESTRE PRI ZDRAVLJENJU OPEKLIN / THE ROLE OF A NURSE IN THE TREATMENT OF BURNS Bojana Najglič 281 POMEN VKLJUČEVANJA STARŠEV PRI IZVAJANJU HANDLING METODE NEDONOŠENČKOV / THE IMPORTANCE OF INVOLVING PARENTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HANDLING METHOD FOR PREMATURE Jožica Pozderec, Marija Zrim 282 VPLIV REHABILITACIJE NA SPREMEMBO PREHRANJEVALNIH NAVAD PRI PACIENTIH Z AKUTNIM MIOKARDNIM INFARKTOM / THE EFFECT OF REHABILITATION ON CHANGING IN EATING HABITS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Nuša Polanec, Nataša Toplak 283 POZNAVANJE UPORABE KANABINOIDOV IN KONOPLJE V MEDICINSKE NAMENE V SLOVENIJI / KNOWLEDGE OF USE OF CANNABINOIDS AND MEDICAL CANNABIS IN MEDICAL USE IN SLOVENIA Emil Kendziorra 284 BIOSTASIS - INTRODUCTION TO A TANGIBLE METHOD FOR LIFE EXTENSION Doris Sapač 285 VPLIV THC NA POTEK BOLEZNI COVID 19 / CBD FROM CANNABIS SATIVA AND DIFFERENT IMPACT ON COVID 19 PATIENS Doris Balažic, Marija Zrim 286 PRISOTNOST PREZENTIZMA IN ABSENTIZMA PRI NEGOVALNEM KADRU V SPLOŠNI BOLNIŠNICI MURSKA SOBOTA / THE PRESENCE OF PRESENTISM AND ABSENTEEISM IN NURSING STAFF AT MURSKA SOBOTA GENERAL HOSPITAL Aleš Zavrl 287 POUČEVANJE IN UČENJE NA DALJAVO PRI OTROCIH IN MLADOSTNIKIH Z AVTISTIČNO MOTNJO / DISTANCE TEACHING AND LEARNING IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH AUTISTIC DISORDER 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 18 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ana Vogrinec 288 PRIMERJAVA UČINKOVITOSTI ZDRAVSTVENIH SISTEMOV MED SLOVENIJO IN IZBRANIMI EVROPSKIMI DRŽAVAMI / COMPARISON OF THE EFFICIENCY OF HEALTH SYSTEMS BETWEEN SLOVENIA AND SELECTED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Stefano Turini 289 NOVE MEJE POSTOPKOV BIOKIBERNETSKEGA NAPADA IN VDIRANJA NAPRAV QUANTUM MEDICINE: BIOINFORMATIC DEFENSE / NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOCYBERNETIC ATTACK AND HACKING PROCEDURES OF QUANTUM MEDICINE DEVICES: BIOINFORMATIC DEFENCE Šemrl Simon, Sedonja Simon 280 VZROKI ABSENTIZMA PRI ZAPOSLENIH V ZDRAVSTVENI NEGI SPLOŠNE BOLNIŠNICE MURSKA SOBOTA / CAUSES OF ABSENTEEISM AMONG HEALTH CARE WORKERS IN GENARAL HOSPITAL MURSKA SOBOTA Nataša Cafuta, Šemrl Simon 292 SPOŠTOVANJE PACIENTOVE PRAVICE DO ZASEBNOSTI MED DIALIZO S STRANI MEDICINSKE SESTRE / RESPECT OF PACIENT'S RIGHT TO PRIVACY BETWEEN DIALYSIS BY NURSES Vanesa Bogar, Edvard Jakšič 294 MEDGENERACIJSKI PRISTOP DO VNAPREJ IZRAŽENE VOLJE IN DO DAROVANJA ORGANOV / AN INTERGENERATIONAL APPROACH TO PRE-EXPRESSED WILL AND ORGAN DONATION Irena Jurišić 295 VPLIV ELEKTRONSKIH MEDIJEV NA RAZVOJ KOMUNIKACIJSKIH MOTENJ PRI OTROCIH ZGODNJE IN PREDŠOLSKE STAROSTI / THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS IN CHILDREN OF EARLY AND PRESCHOOL AGE Jerneja Meža 296 E-MENTORSTVO IN UPORABA INFOMACIJSKO-KOMUNIKACIJSKE (IK) TEHNOLOGIJE PRI MENTORSTVU V ZDRAVSTVENI NEGI / E-MENTORING AND USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION (IK) TECHNOLOGY IN MENTORING IN NURSING Ana Ćorić, Jurica Predović, Štefanija Kolačko 297 STIGMATIZATION OF PEOPLE WITH COVID 19 Sašo Ozvatič, Žan Jerenko, Edvard Jakšič 298 TEŽAVE, S KATERIMI SE SOOČAJO DELAVCI ZDRAVSTVENE NEGE SEVEROVZHODNE SLOVENIJE V ČASU EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 / PROBLEMS FACED BY NURSING WORKERS IN NORTHEASTERN SLOVENIA DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC Ksenija Škerbot, Nataša Žalar, Joca Zurc 299 PREHRANJEVALNE NAVADE V POVEZAVI Z GIBALNO AKTIVNOSTJO PRI ZDRAVSTVENIH DELAVCIH / EATING HABITS IN RELATION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN HEALTH WORKERS Sašo Ozvatič, Edvard Jakšič, Erika Zelko 290 PRISTOP DO PALIATIVNA OSKRBE V DOMSKEM VARSTVU POMURJA / APPROACH TO PALLIATIVE CARE IN HOME CARE IN POMURJE Stefano Turini 301 ELF IN DEPATTERNING: MAGNETNI MODEL SNOVI IN UMA: TEORIJE, DOKAZI, EKSPERIMENTI / ELF AND DEPATTERNING: MAGNETIC MODEL OF MATTER AND MIND: THEORIES, PROOFS, EXPERIMENTS Dubravka Gracer, Štefica Mikšić, Metka Lipič Baligač 302 PERCEPCIJA DUHOVNE DIMENZIJE ČOVJEKA / PERCEPTION OF THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF AN INDIVIDUAL Ksenija Zbičajnik 303 RAZŠIRJENOST TELEMEDICINE V ČASU PANDEMIJE COVIDA - 19 / WIDESPREAD OF TELEMEDICINE IN THE TIMES OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMICS 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 19 Boštjan Breznik, Edvard Jakšič 305 POMEN AKTIVACIJ NUJNE MEDICINSKE POMOČI V SMISLU DISPEČERSKEGA CENTRA ZDRAVSTVA / THE IMPORTANCE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL ACTIVATION ACTIVITIES IN THE MEANING OF THE HEALTH DISPATCH CENTER Deja Petek, Nejc Centrih, Miljenko Križmarić 306 PRIPRAVA OPERACIJSKE DVORANE IN OSEBJA PRI OBRAVNAVI BOLNIKOV Z OKUŽBO COVID-19 / OPERATING ROOM AND STAFF PREPARATION FOR THE COVID-19 PATIENTS Jan Vidovič, Marija Zrim 307 ZNANJE REŠEVALCEV O NUDENJU NUJNE MEDICINSKE POMOČI PRI POLITRAVMATIZIRANEM PACIENTU / PARAMEDICS KNOWLEDGE OF PROVIDING EMERGENCY CARE FOR A POLYTRAUMATIZED PATIENT Denis Štumberger, Marija Zrim 308 VPLIV DELOVNEGA OKOLJA NA STRES MEDICINSKIH SESTER NA NEVROLOŠKI KLINIKI V LJUBLJANI / THE IMPACT OF THE WORK ENVIRONMENT ON NURSING STRESS AT A NEUROLOGICAL CLINIC IN LJUBLJANA INTEGRATIVNE ZDRAVSTVENE VEDE / INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SCIENCES 301 Maruša Hribar 312 HOMEOPATHY IN EPIDEMICS AND PANDEMICS Igor Ogorevc 313 TERAPIJA Z ESENCIALNIMI OLJI PRI PREPREČEVANJU, ZDRAVLJENJU IN REHABILITACIJI OKUŽBE Z VIRUSOM COVID 19 Melani Kovač, Jana Bergant 314 HIDROLATI KOT USTNA NEGA V PALIATIVNI NEGI / HYDROLATES AS AN ORAL CARE IN PALLIATIVE CARE Ivan Toplak 315 EPIDEMIOLOŠKI TRIKOTNIK SARS COV-2 / EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRIANGLE OF SARS COV-2 Stanišić Slaviša 316 THE THERAPY OF CHRONIC VAGINAL CANDIDIASIS WITH EUGENOL FROM A COLD-PRESSED AND ETHERIC OIL A CASE REPORT Damnjan Damnjanovic, Zmago Turk 317 SPECIJALNA HUMANUP MASAŽE ZATILJA PRI GLAVOBOLIH / SPECIAL HUMANUP NECK MASSAGE FOR HEADACHES Gordana Marković Petrović 318 REASONS AND KEY STEPS TOWARDS PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE INTO THE HEALTH SYSTEM Kac Katarina 319 STALIŠČA PACIENTOV IN ZDRAVSTVENIH DELAVCEV DO KOMPLEMENTARNIH METOD ZDRAVLJENJA / VIEWS OF PATIENTS AND HEALT WORKERS TO COMPLEMENTARY TREATMENT METHODS Momir Dunjic, Marija Dunjic, Stefano Turini, Miodrag Stanisic, Bojan Rajevic, Katarina Dunjic 310 UPORABA DVODIGITALNEGA TESTA O-OBROČA (BDORT) ZA DIAGNOZO IN VZPOSTAVITEV PRILAGOJENIH PROTOKOLOV ZA ZDRAVLJENJE BOLNIKOV Z OKUŽBO COVID-19, SARS-COV-2 / USING BI-DIGITAL O-RING TEST (BDORT) FOR DIAGNOSIS AND ESTABLISHING PERSONALISED PROTOCOLS FOR TREATMENT PATIENTS OF COVID-19 INFECTION, FROM SARS-COV-2 Stefano Turini, Momir Dunjic, Katarina Dunjic, Dejan Krstic, Marija Dunjic 321 BIOINFORMATIKA, BIOKIBERNETIKA, ZAČASNI MODELI IN UMETNA INTELIGENCA (AI) PROGRAMSKA OPREMA ZA MOLEKULARNO PRIKLOP PROTI SARS-COV-2 / BIOINFORMATICS, BIOCYBERNETICS, PREVISIONAL MODELS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) SOFTWARES OF MOLECULAR DOCKING AGAINST SARS-COV-2 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 20 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Momir Dunjic, Olja Njaradi, Marija Dunjic, Stefano Turini, Slavisa Stanisic, Katarina Dunjic 322 SPLETNO IZOBRAŽEVANJE OTROK Z AVTIZMOM IN MOTNJAMI V RAZVOJU - NUJNOST MED PANDEMIJO COVID-19 / ONLINE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS – NECESSITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Slaviša Stanišič 323 INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SCIENCES AND COVID 19. PREVENTION, THERAPY AND REHABILITATION. REVIEW ARTICLE 6 VZGOJA, IZOBRAŽEVANJE IN DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE / EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALTH 325 Saša Poljak Lukek 326 IDENTIFIKACIJA SPREMEMBE V ODDALJENEM NAČINU IZVAJANJA RELACIJSKE DRUŽINSKE TERAPIJE Z ZASVOJENO OSEBO / IDENTIFICATION OF A CHANGE IN ON-LINE RELATIONAL FAMILY THERAPY WITH AN ADDICTED PERSON Sebastjan Kristovič 327 ZASLONI IN SOCIALNA OMREŽJA – DIGITALNI HEROIN / SCREENS AND SOCIAL NETWORKS – DIGITAL HEROIN Barbara Simonič 329 ZNAČILNOSTI DRUŽINSKE DINAMIKE Z ODVISNIM ČLANOM IN IMPLIKACIJE ZA PSIHOTERAPEVTSKO PRAKSO / CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILY DYNAMICS WITH ADDICTED MEMBER AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC PRACTICE Mojca Arh, Darja Kodrun, Eva Rogina, Mateja Šantelj, Maja Zovko Stele, Tatjana Dolinšek 320 DELO Z MLADIMI S POSEBNIMI POTREBAMI PRI NJIHOVEM VSTOPANJU NA TRG DELA V ČASU EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 ZNOTRAJ PROJEKTA PREHOD MLADIH / WORKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS WITHIN THE YOUTH TRANSITION PROJECT AS THEY ENTER THE LABOUR MARKET DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC Zlatko Bukvić 332 PARENT INVOLVMENT AND BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Polonca Pangrčič 333 DOM KOT (NE)SPODBUDNO UČNO OKOLJE / HOME AS AN (UN)STIMULATING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Jasmina Kristovič 334 ŽIVLJENJE BREZ ŽIVLJENJA – KRIZA SMISLA V SVETU MLADIH / LIFE WITHOUT LIFE – CRISIS OF MEANING IN THE WORLD OF YOUTH Drago Jerebic 335 PRIMERJAVA IN ANALIZA TREH TERAPEVTSKIH PRISTOPOV PRI ZDRAVLJENJU ZASVOJENOSTI Z ALKOHOLOM / COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS OF THREE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTION Nina Markuš, Sebastjan Kristovič 336 PARADIGMA VZGOJNIH PRISTOPOV SKOZI ČAS IN LOGOPEDAGOGIKA KOT CELOSTNI/ HOLISTIČNI VZGOJNI PRISTOP / THE PARADIGM OF EDUCATIONAL APPROACHES OVER TIME AND LOGOPEDAGOGY AS AN APPLICATION OF AN INTEGRAL/HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL APPROACH Tanja Pate 338 OBČUTKI TESNOBE IN POGOSTOST RABE ALKOHOLA V ČASU EPIDEMIJE S COVID-19 / FEELINGS OF ANXIETY AND FREQUENCY OF ALCOHOL USE DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC Irena Kandrič, Nataša Rizman Herga 339 VPLIV HRUPA, KI SE NE SLIŠI, NA POČUTJE MLADOSTNIKOV / THE IMPACT OF INAUDIBLE NOISE ON THE WELL-BEING OF ADOLESCENTS 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 21 Maja Gržina Cergolj 340 ROJENI DIGITALCI IN COVID-19: VIZIJA POSODOBITVE POUČEVANJA / DIGITAL NATIVES AND COVID-19: A VISION FOR UPDATING TEACHING Anja Žavbi 341 POMEN POGOVORA IN SPROSTITVENIH DEJAVNOSTI MED IZOBRAŽEVANJEM NA DALJAVO / THE IMPORTANCE OF CONVERSATION AND RELAXATION ACTIVITIES DURING DISTANCE LEARNING 7 ARHIVISTIKA / ARCHIVAL STUDIES 343 Peter Pavel Klasinc 344 ARHIVISTIKA NA ZAČETKU 3. DESETLETJA 21. STOLETJA: OB ŠESTEM ZNANSTVENO-RAZISKOVALNEM, ŠTUDIJSKEM IN IZOBRAŽEVALNEM SIMPOZIJU, ARHIVI V SLUŽBI ČLOVEKA- ČLOVEK V SLUŽBI ARHIVOV: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA V ARHIVISTIKI / AT THE SIXTH SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH, STUDY AND EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, ARCHIVES IN THE SERVICE OF MAN-MAN IN THE SERVICE OF ARCHIVES: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN ARCHIVES Dieter Schlenker 348 DIGITIZACIJA ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA – ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA SISTEMATIČNEGA PRISTOPA INŠTITUCIJ EVROPSKE UNIJE / DIGITISATION OF HISTORICAL ARCHIVES – A CASE STUDY ON THE NEW SYSTEMATIC APPROACH OF EU INSTITUTIONS Bogdan-Florin Popovici 349 »HRAMBA PODATKOVNIH BAZ« ALI KAJ DRUGEGA? EDEN IZMED VIDIKOV / “PRESERVING DATABASES” OR SOMETHING ELSE? A POINT OF VIEW Aliya Mustafina 350 PROBLEMATIKA VREDNOTENJA ELEKTRONSKEGA GRADIVA / THE PROBLEM OF APPRAISAL OF DIGITAL RECORDS Magdalena Marosz 352 PROJEKT ARHIV NEODVISNOSTI - MEDSEBOJNA POVEZAVA MED ARHIVOM IN UPORABNIKOM / THE ARCHIVES OF INDEPENDENCE PROJECT - MUTUAL LINK BETWEEN THE ARCHIVE AND THE USER Mikhail Larin, Nataliya Surovtseva 353 AVTENTIČNOST IN IDENTITETA ELEKTRONSKEGA ZAPISA V DIGITALNI TRANSFORMACIJI ARHIVOV / AUTHENTICITY AND IDENTITY OF THE ELECTRONIC RECORD IN THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF ARCHIVES Elena Romanova 355 OBJAVA ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA V DIGITALNI DOBI: MOŽNOSTI, ZMOGLJIVOSTI IN NADZOR KAKOVOSTI / PUBLICATIONS OF ARCHIVAL MATERIAL IN THE DIGITAL AGE: OPTIONS, FACILITIES, AND QUALITY CONTROL Grigory Lanskoy 357 DIGITALNE TEHNOLOGIJE V RAZVOJU AVDIOVIZUALNIH ARHIVOV: SMERNICE IN CILJI RAZVOJA / DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT OF AUDIOVISUAL ARCHIVES: DIRECTIONS AND OBJECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT Charles Farrugia 358 VLOGA ARHIVSKIH INŠTITUCIJ V TEŽKIH ČASIH: PRIMER COVID-19 / THE ROLE OF ARCHIVAL INSTITUTIONS DURING TROUBLED TIMES: THE CASE OF COVID-19 Tijana Rupčić 359 OMEJITVE ZAUPNOSTI: ARGUMENTI ZA IN PROTI RAZKRITJU DOKUMENTOV ARHIVSKIH FONDOV, KI VSEBUJEJO OSEBNE PODATKE: ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA ZDRAVNIKI ZA ČLOVEKOVE PRAVICE / LIMITS OF CONFIDENTIALITY: ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST DISCLOSING DOCUMENTS CONTAINING PERSONAL DATA IN ARCHIVAL HOLDINGS: PHYSICIANS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS CASE STUDY 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 22 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Karen Trivette 361 NJENA BESEDA V CELOTI: POVEZOVANJE LJUDI IN ARHIVOV V ČASU COVID-19 / THE WHOLE OF HER SERMON: CONNECTING PEOPLE TO ARCHIVES IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 Robert Parnica 362 DOSTOP DO ARHIVOV IN SPREMINJANJE VLOGE REFERENČNIH STORITEV V DIGTALNI DOBI (SAMOREFLEKSIJA PREOBRAZBE VLOG S KLASIČNE NA SODOBNO REFERENCIRANJE) / ACCESS TO ARCHIVES AND THE CHANGING ROLE OF REFERENCE SERVICES IN DIGITAL ERA (SELF-REFLECTION OF THE SHIFTING ROLES FROM CLASSICAL TOWARD MODERN REFERENCING) Miroslav Novak 364 O VALIDACIJAH METOD ARHIVSKEGA STROKOVNEGA IN ZNANSTVENEGA DELA / ON VALIDATIONS OF METHODS OF ARCHIVAL PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORK Jelka Melik, Aida Škoro Babić 366 ARHIVI IN EVROPSKA UNIJA: SODBA SODIŠČA EVROPSKE UNIJE GLEDE ARHIVOV KOT OGLEDALO / ARCHIVES AND EUROPEAN UNION: JUDGMENT OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (CJEU) AS A MIRROR Zdenka Semlič Rajh 367 ARHIVI IN OBLIKOVANJE NORMATIVNIH IMEN KORPORATIVNIH TELES / ARCHIVES AND CREATION OF ARCHIVAL AUTHORITY RECORDS FOR CORPORATE BODIES Matevž Košir 368 RAZVOJ SLOVENSKE ARHIVISTIKE IN NJENA PRELOMNA LETA / DEVELOPMENT OF SLOVENIAN ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND ITS TURNING POINTS Julijana Visočnik 369 ARHIVI IN ARHIVARJI V ANTIKI – PRIMER PETOVIONE / ARCHIVES AND ARCHIVISTS IN ANTIQUITY - THE CASE OF PETOVIONE Lucija Planinc, Gregor Jenuš, Primož Tanko, Jasmina Kogovšek, Žarko Štrumbl, Alenka Starman Alič, Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič 370 MATERIALNO VARSTVO IN UPORABA KATASTRSKIH NAČRTOV NA STEKLU IN PLASTIČNIH FOLIJAH V DIGITALNEM ČASU / PRESERVATION AND USE OF CADASTRAL MAPS ON GLASS AND POLYESTER IN THE DIGITAL AGE Gregor Jenuš, Lucija Planinc, Jasmina Kogovšek, Alenka Starman Alič, Primož Tanko, Žarko Štrumbl, Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič 371 DIGITALIZACIJA ZEMLJIŠKO KATASTRSKIH NAČRTOV NA STEKLU IN POLIESTRSKIH FOLIJAH / DIGITIZATION OF CADASTRAL MAPS ON GLASS AND POLYESTER Boštjan Dornik 373 RAZVOJ TELEVIZIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE IN VPLIV NA TELEVIZIJSKO ARHIVIRANJE / DEVELOPMENT OF TELEVISION TECHNOLOGY AND IMPACT ON TELEVISION ARCHIVING Nežika Erzetič Drnovšek 375 DIGITALNA HRAMBA ZDRAVSTVENE DOKUMENTACIJE – RIMERJAVA CERTIFICIRANIH E-REPOZITORIJEV S TEHNOLOGIJO VERIŽENJA BLOKOV / DIGITAL STORAGE OF MEDICAL RECORDS - CERTIFIED E-REPOSITORY OR BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY? Luka Hribar 377 UMETNA INTELIGENCA: ZNAČILNOSTI, NA KATERE MORAMO BITI POZORNI PRI UPORABI REŠITEV, KI TEMELJIJO NA STROJNEM UČENJU / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: FEATURES TO LOOK OUT FOR WHEN USING MACHINE LEARNING-BASED SOLUTIONS Aleksander Lavrenčič 379 IZKUŠNJE DOKUMENTALISTOV RAZISKOVALCEV PRI DELU OD DOMA / EXPERIENCES OF TELEVISION LIBRARIANS (DOCUMENTALIST RESEARCHERS) AT WORKING FROM HOME 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 23 Tina Plevnik 380 SINTEZA ZAHTEV ZA ARHIVIRANJE ELEKTRONSKIH ZAPISOV V OKOLJU DOBRIH PRAKS / SYNTHESIS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR ARCHIVING OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS IN A GXP ENVIRONMENT Dimitrij Reja 382 UMETNA INTELIGENCA V SLUŽBI ARHIVISTIKE / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE SERVICE OF ARCHIVING Špela Sečnik 383 ANALIZA VSEBINE IZBRANIH POPISNIH ENOT V PODATKOVNI ZBIRKI SIRANET / CONTENT ANALYSIS OF A SAMPLE OF ARCHIVAL DESCRIPTIONS IN SIRANET BROWSER Manja Konkolič 385 ASPEKTI ZAŠČITE OBČUTLJIVIH OSEBNIH PODATKOV V ARHIVSKEM GRADIVU SLOVENSKE OBVEŠČEVALNE SLUŽBE / ASPECTS OF PROTECTION OF SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE SLOVENIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE Miroslav Milovanović 385 PROMOCIJA ARHIVSKE ZNANOSTI / PROMOTING ARCHIVAL SCIENCE Urška Rok 387 RAZSTAVA ZGODOVINSKEGA ARHIVA EU »EVROPA IN EVROPEJCI 1950–2020: 70. OBLETNICA SCHUMANOVE DEKLARACIJE« / EXHIBITION OF HISTORICAL ARCHIVES OF EU "EUROPE AND THE EUROPEANS 1950-2020: 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SCHUMAN DECLARATION" Boris Smolič 389 POSREDOVANJE ELEKTRONSKIH UPRAVNIH ODLOČB MED EPIDEMIJO COVID-19 V SKLADU Z ZAKONOM O SPREMEMBI IN DOPOLNITVAH ZAKONA O ZAČASNIH UKREPIH V ZVEZI S SODNIMI, UPRAVNIMI IN DRUGIMI JAVNOPRAVNIMI ZADEVAMI ZA OBVLADOVANJE ŠIRJENJA NALEZLJIVE BOLEZNI SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ-A) / SENDING OF ELECTRONIC ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW ACT ON PROVISIONAL MEASURES FOR JUDICIAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER PUBLIC MATTERS TO COPE WITH THE SPREAD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ-A) Doris Lovrec 391 RUSKA KONKUBINA: ODRAZ RESNIČNIH DOGODKOV ALI FIKCIJA? / THE RUSSIAN CONCUBINE: A REFLECTION OF REAL EVENTS OF FICTION? Andreja Kozjek 392 PROBLEM RAZSTAVLJANJA GRADIVA VEČJEGA FORMATA NA PRIMERU RAZSTAVE ZEMLJEVIDOV KARTOGRAFSKI ZAKLADI NA SLOVENSKEM OZEMLJU V NUK / THE PROBLEM OF EXHIBITING LARGER FORMAT MATERIAL ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE EXHIBITION OF MAPS CARTOGRAPHIC TREASURES ON SLOVENIAN TERRITORY AT NUK (NATIONAL AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY) Rudi Jamnik 393 KAM BI DEL? / WHERE TO PUT IT? Julija Furman 394 PREGLED KRSTNIH KNJIG NADŽUPNIJE SLOVENSKE KONJICE / REVIEW OF BAPTISM RECORDS AND THEIR DIGITALIZATION FOR THE PARISH SLOVENSKE KONJICE Iva Lana Lanščak 395 KRATEK PREGLED ZGODOVINE ARHIVOV V ŽUPANIJI ZALA IN ŽELEZNI ŽUPANIJI / A BRIEF OVERVIEW ON HISTORY OF ARCHIVES IN ZALA COUNTY AND VAS COUNTY 8 HUMANISTIKA / HUMANITIES 397 Evita Leskovsek 400 PROMOCIJA VIRTUALNEGA SEKSA V PRIPOROČILIH ZA VARNO SPOLNOST / PROMOTION OF VIRTUAL SEX IN SAFER SEX GUIDELINES 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 24 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sandra Gorjak 401 PRAGMATIČNA ANALIZA IZREKANJA INTENCIONALNIH DUŠEVNIH STANJ V ČASU KORONA VIRUSA / PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE THEOREM OF INTENSIBLE MENTAL STATES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Petra Koprivnik 402 NEKAJ IZSLEDKOV RAZISKOVANJA NEPROSTOVOLJNEGA ZDRAVLJENJA IN VAROVANJA ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC V PSIHIATRIJI / SOME CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESEARCH ON INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT AND RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN PSYCHIATRY Nastja Baškovč 403 VPLIV SPOLNIH STEREOTIPOV IN DRUŽBENIH NORM NA DEPRESIJO PRI ŽENSKAH / THE IMPACT OF GENDER STEREOTYPES AND SOCIETAL NORMS ON DEPRESSION AMONG WOMEN FILM AND CONTEMPORARY CRITICAL THOUGHT 405 Melita Zajc 406 THE FILM AFTER THE CINEMA / FILM PO KINU Aleš Čakalić 407 POSTJUGOSLOVANSKI FILM V LUČI ESTETSKIH TEORIJ BADIOUJA IN RANCIÈRA / POST-YUGOSLAV CINEMA IN LIGHT OF THE AESTHETIC THEORIES OF BADIOU AND RANCIÈRE Uroš Zavodnik 408 FILMSKA UMETNOST NA ZAHTEVO / FILM ART ON DEMAND Darko Štrajn 409 SMRT FILMA IN ESTETSKI PREOBRATI / THE DEATH OF CINEMA AND AESTHETIC TURNS Borut Petrović Jesenovec 410 ZAKAJ JE MARX PREGNAL KONCEPT ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC IZ SVOJE IDEALNE KOMUNISTIČNE DRUŽBE? / WHY MARX DITCHED THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS FROM HIS PERFECT COMMUNIST SOCIETY? HERITAGE AND CULTURE 413 Anja Hellmuth Kramberger 414 VIRTUAL VERSUS REAL – ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE IN MUSEUMS Ignac Navernik 415 VIRTUALNO ALI REALNO 2.0: DIGITALNI KATOLICIZEM / VIRTUAL OR REAL 2.0: DIGITAL CATHOLICISM Štefan Kardoš 416 OZNAČEVALEC ONEJ V PREKMURSKEM IN PORABSKEM NAREČJU / THE SIGNIFIER ER ONEJ IN THE PREKMURJE AND PORAB DIALECTS Jerica Pavšič 417 ANALIZA UPODOBITVE JUNAŠKOSTI V BIOGRAFIJI V STRIPU NAŠ MAISTER / ANALYSIS OF THE REPRESENTATION OF HEROISM IN THE BIOGRAFICAL COMIC »OUR MAISTER« Irena Avsenik Nabergoj 418 VISOKA PESEM KOT ZGLED ISKANJA ČLOVEKA IN IZPOLNITVE HREPENENJA V DIGITALNI DOBI Varja Štrajn 419 WITTGENSTEIN'S AESTHETICS IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION HUMAN LIFE IN THE MIDST OF EMERGENCY 420 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 25 Zvezdan Marković 422 SLOVENSKA VOJSKA V SISTEMU VAROVANJA KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE V KRIZNIH IN VOJNIH RAZMERAH / THE SLOVENIAN ARMED FORCES IN THE SYSTEM OF PROTECTION OF HERITAGE IN CRISIS AND WAR CONDITIONS Tea Kvarantan Soldatić, Nika Đuho, Matea Škomrlj 423 THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF JOURNALISM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Marija Zelić 424 COVID-19 I NADZORNI KAPITALIZAM / COVID-19 AND SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM Mojca Ramšak 425 OD JUNAKA DO MRTVAKA: PODOBA ZDRAVNIKA V ČASU KORONAVIRUSA V SLOVENIJI / FROM HEROES TO THE DEAD: THE IMAGE OF A DOCTOR DURING THE CORONAVIRUS IN SLOVENIA Damjana Pondelek 426 PROCESI RAZČLOVEČENJA: ONLINE SE NAŠA ODGOVORNOST NE KONČA / DEHUMANIZATION PROCESSES: OUR RESPONSIBILITY DOES NOT END ONLINE PLENARY SESSION / BUILDING BACK BETTER – A GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE: AN INTEGRAL FRAMEWORK OF LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS AND EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL 429 Darja Piciga 430 BUILDING BACK BETTER – A GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE: AN INTEGRAL FRAMEWORK OF LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS AND EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL WITH A NEW KNOWLEDGE BASE AND THE MODEL OF AN INTEGRAL GREEN SLOVENIA Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash 431 THREE FACETS OF CLIMATE JUSTICE IN THE U.S.A. Alexander Schieffer 432 INTEGRAL EUROPE?! HOW THE INTEGRAL WORLDS THEORY AND PRACTICE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE BUILDING OF GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE Cliona Howie, MSc 433 A DEEP DEMONSTRATION OF A CIRCULAR, REGENERATIVE AND LOW-CARBON ECONOMY Alessandro Manzardo, Alberto Barausse, Mirco Piron, Angelica Guidolin, Lara Endrizzi 434 NEW APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS IN THE ITALIAN-SLOVENIAN REGIONS: THE ITA-SLO INTERREG PROJECT ECO-SMART Liliana Vižintin, Suzana Škof 435 INNOVATIVE APPROACH IN COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING ON ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AS DEVELOPED BY PROJECT ECO-SMART PLENARY SESSIONARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONS 437 Kelly Bulkeley 438 EXPLORING DREAM REPORTS THROUGH THE MODERN LENS OF AI TOOLS: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO MULTIMODAL COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF DREAMS WITH CLOSING PRESENTATIONS ON AI AND EMOTIONSDREAM TECHNOLOGIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN Linda Koncz 439 LANGUAGES OF IMAGINATION: FILM AND DREAM Dan Kennedy 440 NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION (NER) AND DREAMS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 26 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maja Gutman 441 IN SEARCH OF EMOTIONAL PATTERNS IN DREAM DATA: FROM THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS TO ALGORITHMS Nataša Hodnik Korinšek 442 WELCOME TO OUR HOME: AI IN EVERYDAY LIFE Tanja Petrovič 443 ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE (AI) AND EMPATHY 9 RAZISKAVE KULTURNIH FORMACIJ / CULTURAL FORMATIONS AND CULTURAL MEMORY 445 Neža Zajc 446 O ČLOVEKOVEM DOSTOJANSTVU - ZGODNJERENESANČNI ORIS Daniel Siter 447 PREDSTAVITEV ZNANSTVENE MONOGRAFIJE (TRENUTNO V IZDAJI) Z NASLOVOM ZDRAVILIŠKA OBČINA ROGAŠKA SLATINA V ČASU NACISTIČNE OKUPACIJE (1941-1945) / PRESENTATION OF A SCIENTIFIC MONOGRAPH (CURRENTLY IN ISSUE) TITLED SPA MUNICIPALITY OF ROGAŠKA SLATINA IN THE PERIOD OF NAZI OCCUPATION (1941-1945) Mojca Sfiligoj 448 KANDIDATURA NOVE GORICE ZA EVROPSKO PRESTOLNICO KULTURE ZA LETO 2025 IN VKLJUČEVANJE STAVBNE DEDIŠČINE NA PODEŽELJU / NOVA GORICA'S CANDIDACY FOR THE EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE FOR 2025 AND THE INTEGRATION OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE IN RURAL AREAS Maruša Hauptman Komotar 449 RAZISKOVANJE KULTURE NA PODROČJU VISOKEGA ŠOLSTVA: KULTURNA PRIPRAVLJENOST SLOVENSKIH VISOKOŠOLSKIH ZAVODOV NA INTERNACIONALIZACIJO VISOKEGA ŠOLSTVA / RESEARCH ON CULTURE IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION: THE CULTURAL READINESS OF SLOVENIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TO THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION Verena Perko 450 MUZEJI IN KULTURNA DEDIŠČINA V ČASU POSTMODERNISTIČNEGA RELATIVIZMA. ZA DRUŽBO IN SKUPNOST GRE / MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE TIME OF POSTMODERN RELATIVISM. IT’S ABOUT SOCIETY AND COMMUNITY Daniel Siter 452 VSAKDANJE ŽIVLJENJE V ROGAŠKI SLATINI IN BLIŽNJI OKOLICI V ČASU NEMŠKE OKUPACIJE (1941-1945) / EVERYDAY LIFE IN ROGAŠKA SLATINA AND NEARBY AREA IN THE PERIOD OF GERMAN OCCUPATION (1941-1945) Sebastian Müller 453 CONSTRUCTING MEMORY: THE MOUNDED GRAVES OF THE HALLSTATT PERIOD AT DUNAJSKÁ LUŽNÁ-NOVÉ KOŠARISKÁ, SLOVAKIA Anja Hellmuth Kramberger 454 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MEANING OF CULTURAL MEMORY AND CULTURAL FORMATION IN PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGY Bine Kramberger 455 PREHOD IZ TOSTRANSTVA V ONOSTRANSTVO. O FORMACIJI POSEBNE POGREBNE KULTURE POZNO BRONASTODOBNE SKUPINE DOBOVA-VELIKA GORICA / THE TRANSITION TO THE AFTERLIFE. ON THE FORMATION OF A SPECIAL SEPULCHRAL CULTURE OF THE LATE BRONZE AGE DOBOVA-VELIKA GORICA GROUP Ignac Navernik 456 ISTOSPOLNA PARA V LUKOVEM EVANGELIJU IN VPRAŠANJE SVETOPISEMSKEGA NAVDIHNJENJA / THE SAME-SEX COUPLES IN LUKE'S GOSPEL AND THE QUESTION OF BIBLICAL INSPIRATION 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 27 Maja Hawlina 457 DIZAJN AKTIVIZEM: SUBVERZIJA KREATIVNIH INDUSTRIJ ZA DRUŽBENO ANGAŽIRANO PARTICIPACIJO? / DESIGN ACTIVISM: A SUBVERSION OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES FOR SOCIALLY ENGAGED PARTICIPATION? Luka Martin Tomažič 458 IMPLICITNA KVANTIFICIRANOST PRAVNIH BESEDIL / IMPLICIT QUANTIFICATION OF LEGAL TEXTS Bostjan Marko Turk 459 JAN VAN EYCK: GIOVANNI NICOLAO ARNOLFINI IN NJEGOVA ŽENA - NOVA INTERPETACIJA / JAN VAN EYCK: GIOVANNI NICOLAO ARNOLFINI AND HIS WIFE - A NEW INTERPETATION. 10 MANAGEMENT IN VODITELJSTVO / MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 461 Reinhard Wagner 462 OPENING WORDS Karen Thompson, Nigel Williams 463 RESPONSIBLE PROJECT MANAGEMENT: ACTIVISM BY THE PROJECT PROFESSION Reinhard Wagner 464 PROJEKTIFIKACIJA DRUŽBE V NEMČIJI - RAZVOJ, STANJE IN PERSPEKTIVE / THE PROJECTIFICATION OF SOCIETY IN GERMANY - EVOLUTION, SITUATION AND PROSPECTS Mario Jade 465 LEBANESE CRISIS GIVES BIRTH TO INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Oxana Klimenko 466 THE RELATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY TO CORPORATE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN ORGANISATIONS Seyedeh Fatemeh Azhari Lemraski, Mohammad Mahoud 467 SPODBUJANJE ZMOGLJIVOSTI TRAJNOSTNEGA RAZVOJA V IRANSKIH PROJEKTNO USMERJENIH ORGANIZACIJAH / PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CAPABILITIES IN THE IRANIAN PROJECT-ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS Maximilian Müller 468 EMPIRIČNA RAZISKAVA SKUPNEGA VODENJA V PROJEKTU RAZVOJA IZDELKA / AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH OF SHARED LEADERSHIP IN A PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Maja-Marija Nahod, Mladen Radujković 469 INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR RECOVERY MEGAPROJECT TRIGGED BY MAJOR DISASTER EVENT Ulohomuno Afieroho 470 VKLJUČITEV PRIVATNEGA SEKTORJA V RAZVOJ NIGERIJSKE IZOBRAŽEVALNE INFRASTRUKTURE PERSPEKTIVA POLITIKE IN STRATEGIJE / ENGAGING THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN DEVELOPING THE NIGERIA EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE; A POLICY AND STRATEGY PERSPECTIVE Azamat Sulaymonov 471 ZGOŠČEVANJE PISARN: NEZNANE VODE UPRAVLJANJA NA PODLAGI PREGLEDA LITERATURE / DE-DENSIFICATION OF OFFICES: UNCHARTED WATERS OF MANAGEMENT BASED ON LITERATURE REVIEW Olja Ulicni Niksic, Srecko Gajovic 472 MODELS FOR IMPACT EVALUATION OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS Maja Cvejič 473 VPLIV AZIJSKEGA OZ. ZAHODNEGA STILA VODENJA NA USPEŠNOST TIMA PO ZDRUŽITVI PODJETIJ / ASIAN VS. WESTERN LEADERSHIP STYLE IN THE TEAM PERFORMANCE AFTER A MERGER PROJECT 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 28 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sergey Bushuyev, Denis Bushuiev, Natalia Bushuyeva, Igbal Babayev, Jahid Babayev 474 SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR IN THE “INFODEMIC VS. PANICDEMIC VS. PANDEMIC” COVID-19 SYSTEM Maja-Marija Nahod, Željko Uhlir, Sandra Matuhina 475 THE CHALLENGE OF FINDING EQUILIBRIUM IN LARGE PUBLIC PROJECTS – A GOVERNANCE PERSPECTIVE Darija Ivandic Vidovic 476 THE ORGANIZATION COMPETENCY MODEL FOR CHANGE MANAGEMENT Katrin Reschwamm 477 AI - HYPE ALI RESNIČNI POTENCIAL ZA VODENJE PROJEKTOV / AI – HYPE OR A REAL POTENTIAL FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT Amin Saidoun, Constanta Bodea 478 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AND THE IMPACT ON THEIR PROJECT PERFORMANCE Helmut Schindlwick 479 KAKO JE COVID-19 VPLIVAL NA DIGITALNO PREOBRAZBO - Z VIDIKA PROFESIONALCEV C-SUITE / HOW COVID-19 HAS IMPACTED DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION - FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF C-SUITE PROFESSIONALS Brigitta Vereczkei 480 IS VIDEO CONFERENCING THE RIGHT TOOL FOR PROJECT COMMUNICATION IN COVID-19 TIMES? Mirjana Ivanuša 481 MANAGEMENT ONLINE POUČEVANJA – 15 DIDAKTIČNIH NAPOTKOV IN PRIMEROV DOBRE PRAKSE / ONLINE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT – 15 DIDACTIC INSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE Tomaž Kokot 482 UPORABA VOSVIEWER ZA RAZISKOVANJE ZADOVOLJSTVA PRI DELU IN MOTIVACIJSKIH DEJAVNIKOV S POVEČANO PRODUKTIVNOSTJO V PROJEKTNO ORGANIZIRANEM IT PODJETJU / USING VOSVIEWER TO EXPLORE JOB SATISFACTION AND MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS WITH INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY IN PROJECT ORGANIZED IT COMPANY Ivan Protega 483 THE ROLE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR DIGITALISATION IN RETAIL INDUSTRY IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE WESTERN BALKANS Mohsen Mazaheriasad, Mohammad Mahoud 484 RAZISKOVANJE APLIKACIJ UMETNE INTELIGENCE ZA PRIHODNJA PAMETNA MESTA Z UPORABO METODE FUZZY DEMATEL / INVESTIGATING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS TOWARDS FUTURE SMART CITIES USING A FUZZY DEMATEL METHOD Weiyu Du, Azamat Sulaymonov 485 OVIRE IN VPLIVNI DEJAVNIKI ZA ODPRTE INOVACIJE NA PODLAGI PREGLEDA LITERATURE IN RAZISKOVANJA / BARRIERS AND INFLUENCING FACTORS FOR OPEN INNOVATION BASED ON LITERATURE REVIEW AND SURVEY 11 PLES IN PLESNO IZOBRAŽEVANJE V DIGITALNEM OKOLJU: VES SVET JE ODER / DANCE AND DANCE EDUCATION IN A DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT: ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE 487 Tarek Assam / INVITED SPEAKER 488 ONGOING DIGITALIZATION IN GOVERNMENTAL GERMAN SPEAKING THEATRES – (GERMANY, AUSTRIA/ SWITZERLAND) Darrel Toulon / INVITED SPEAKER 489 Risima Risimkin / INVITED SPEAKER 490 NEW KNOWLEDGE 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 29 Svebor Sečak 491 DANCEFILM Rosana Hribar 492 KOREOGRAFIJA V AVDIOVIZUALNEM MEDIJU / CHOREOGRAPHY IN THE AUDIOVISUAL MEDIUM Andreja Kopač 493 ODER 360° ALI ODER 180°? / THE STAGE 360° OR THE STAGE 180°? Martina Nevistić 494 DANCE ON CAMERA Urša Rupnik, Vesna Geršak 495 PROBLEMATIKA PLESNEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA V VIRTUALNEM OKOLJU / THE ISSUE OF DANCE EDUCATION IN A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT Lidia Krisskaya 496 BIOMEHANIKA IN ZAJEM GIBANJA PRI POUČEVANJU PLESA: PRIMER ZA NADALJNJI RAZVOJ / BIOMECHANICS AND MOTION CAPTURE IN DANCE TEACHING: CASE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT Tamara Leonidivna Drach, Gavelya Oksana Mykolayivna, Olena Cymbalyuk 497 RAZVOJ PLASTIČNIH SPOSOBNOSTI AVTISTIČNIH OTROK S POMOČJO SODOBNEGA PLESA / DEVELOPMENT OF PLASTIC ABILITIES IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN BY IMPLEMENTING MODERN DANCE Mateja Jeler, Gregor Kamnikar, Vesna Geršak 498 USTVARJALNOST JE UČITELJICA IN MI VSI NJENI UČENCI – AKTIVNO UČENJE IN POUČEVANJE NA DALJAVO Z UMETNOSTJO / CREATIVITY IS THE TEACHER AND WE ARE ALL ITS STUDENTS – ACTIVE LEARNING AND DISTANCE LEARNING WITH THE ARTS Nataša Đurić 500 VES SVET JE ODER / ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE Martina Svetina 501 SLABOSTI BALETNEGA ŠOLANJA NA DALJAVO / DISADVANTAGES OF DISTANCE SCHOOLING IN BALLET Claudia Sovre 503 ON-LINE POUČEVANJE BALETA V ČASU KRIZE COVID-19: ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA – BALETNA ŠOLA EASY TALENT ACADEMY V KAIRU, EGIPT / ON-LINE TEACHING OF BALLET IN TIME OF COVID-19 CRISIS: CASE STUDY - EASY TALENT ACADEMY BALLET SCHOOL IN CAIRO, EGYPT Lovorka Puk Tomić, Andreja Jeličić 504 METHODOLOGY OF CHARACTER DANCES - DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA HANDBOOK Bor Sojar Voglar 505 TEKMOVALNI PLES V SLOVENIJI PO EPIDEMIJI - UVELJAVITEV SISTEMA MEDALJ? / COMPETITIVE BALLROOM DANCING IN SLOVENIA AFTER PANDEMIC - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MEDAL SYSTEM? Jasna Čižmek Tarbuk 506 IZKUŠNJE Z UPORABO NOVIH TEHNOLOGIJ V PLESU / EXPERIENCES WITH THE USAGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGY IN DANCE Helena Valerija Krieger 507 CLUGOVA PETRUŠKA / CLUG'S PETRUSHKA Tatjana Christelbauer 508 C-19 ART RESPONSE: "ŽALIKE: WEBSCAPE" PROJECT PROGRAM PANELOV / PROGRAMME OF PLENARY SESSIONS 511 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 30 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV PREDGOVOR Dragi udeleženci konference Alma Mater 2021 Za človeka gre: Digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti. Konferenca Za človeka gre 2021 predstavlja vizijo, poslanstvo in delo Alma Mater Europaea v prvih 12 letih obstoja na področju različnih akademskih disciplin ob polnem spoštovanju raznolikosti in strpnosti. Vizija, poslanstvo in cilji konference naj prispevajo k trajnostnemu razvoju in miru v Podonavju, ki sledi reintegraciji srednje Evrope v Evropsko unijo za doseganje sožitja v Evropi in v svetu. Zato se zahvaljujemo predsedniku Republike Slovenije Borutu Pahorju za častno pokroviteljstvo konference in njegov osebni prispevek. Alma Mater Europaea se odziva na aktualne izzive okolja na različnih področjih in temu je posveče-na konferenca. Cilj konference je soočenje raziskovalnih dosežkov Alma Mater Europaea, z mednarodnimi in nacionalnimi trendi ter evropskimi raziskovalnimi in inovacijskimi programi. Tako želimo v mednarodno, raziskovalno in izobraževalno okolje aktivno vključiti študente in raziskovalce Alma Mater Europaea, za reševanje izzivov evropske politike in jih seznaniti s svetovnimi praksami. Zelo smo počaščeni, da je evropska komisarka za inovacije, raziskave, kulturo, izobraževanje in mladino Nj. Ex. Mariya Gabriel prepoznala naša prizadevanja na izobraževalnem in raziskovalnem področju in nam predstavila smernice za naše nadaljnje delo. Počutimo se počaščene, da na prvem plenarnem zasedanju gostimo najbolj reprezentativne evropske raziskovalce in znanstvenike, kot je prof. dr. Klaus Mainzer, predsednik Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (EASA), prof. dr. Felix Unger, častni predsednik EASA, in prof. dr. Ivo Šla-us, častni predsednik Svetovne akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Drugo plenarno zasedanje gosti enega najbolj reprezentativnih ekonomskih strokovnjakov in finančnih mislecev na svetu, prof. dr. Jeffery Sachsa, vizionarja na področju trajnostnega razvoja v obdobju digitalne preobrazbe. Digitalne tehnologije in preobrazba povezujejo celotno konferenco in so kot take obravnavane v sekciji Splet in informacijske tehnologije s posebnim poudarkom na umetni inteligenci v soorga-nizaciji z Unescovim mednarodnim centrom za umetno inteligenco IRCAI. Poslanec v Evropskem parlamentu gospod Franc Bogovič bo študentom in raziskovalcem predstavil tudi strategije pametnih vasi in pametnih mest. Nova akademska disciplina fizioterapija bo obravnavala digitalne tehnologije in nove načine zdravljenja. Posebna zahvala gre predsednici Svetovnega združenja fizioterapevtov prof. dr. Emmi Stokes za prispevek, pa tudi slovenskim in mednarodnim raziskovalcem. Zdravstvene vede se v obdobju COVID-19 soočajo z novimi potrebami po integrativni (celostni) zdravstveni oskrbi, zdravstvenem varstvu, preventivi, terapiji in rehabilitaciji. O tem bodo mnenja predstavili raziskovalci s področja zdravstvenih ved in medicine. Posebne sekcije so posvečene aktivnemu staranju. Demografske spremembe v svetu, zlasti v razvitem delu nas soočajo z novimi izzivi. Pri tem so pametne tehnologije v digitalnem svetu nova orodja, ki pomagajo pri premagovanju izzivov na tem področju. Posebna zahvala prof. dr. Peter Lichtenbergu, predsedniku Ameriškega gerontološkega združenja za predstavitev izkušenj in vizij svetovnih trendov. Če govorimo o prihodnosti, je izobraževanje eno najdragocenejših dobrin, ki ga je treba negova-ti. Posebna sekcija konference Vzgoja in duševno zdravje preučuje vpliv digitalne tehnologije na duševno zdravje mladih, še posebej to dobiva nove razsežnosti v obdobju digitalizacije, ki jih je treba pozorno spremljati. Nove digitalne tehnologije prinašajo nove priložnosti tudi za kulturno dediščino, zlasti za arhive. V zadnjih nekaj letih so se znanstveniki in strokovnjaki iz vsega sveta redno udeleževali dvodnevnega arhivskega simpozija konference. Posebna zahvala gre danes tudi našim mednarodnim prijateljem za vsa njihova prizadevanja pri digitalizaciji arhivov in ohranjanju kulturne dediščine iz 20 držav, vključno z Arhivi Evropske unije. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 31 Sodobne informacijske tehnologije ponujajo nove priložnosti tudi za novo vodenje in trajnostni razvoj na področju projektnega vodenja. Ključna tema današnjih izzivov in priložnosti pri vodenju projektov je projektifikacija gospodarstva in s tem prehod na projektifikacijo družbe. Ta proces pa odpira številna nova pravna, socialna in ekonomska vprašanja. Raziskovalci iz 20 držav iz vseh celin bodo te trende uvajali v sodobnem upravljanju in vodenju. Celotna konferenca Za človeka gre je posvečena človeku. Filozofi, humanisti organizirajo posebne sekcije iz področja humanistike, ki v teh časih odpirajo nove dimenzije in osmišljanje novih tehnologij v korist človeka in okolja, evropske zelene politike, vključno z etiko in estetiko. Raziskave kulturnih formacij bodo tako obravnavale interdisciplinarne teoretične modele in študije primerov digitalne dobe s področja sodobne umetnosti, kritičnih medijskih študij in politične zgodovine. Znanstveni prispevki obravnavajo tudi teme o razvoju umetne inteligence in njene uporabe v družbi. Posebna sekcija Ples in plesno izobraževanje v digitalni dobi, v obdobju COVID-19, odkriva nove načine komunikacije med ljudmi v soočanju s tako imenovano socialno distanco. “All the world’s a stage” združuje mednarodne umetnike in plesalce, da predstavijo nove načine plesne umetnosti, pri čemer se zavedajo, da sta ples in neverbalna komunikacija sestavni del vsake nacionalne kulture, tako kot je to materin jezik. Nove informacijske tehnologije in zlasti nove komunikacijske tehnologije medijev spreminjajo tudi tradicionalno razumevanje pravne države in demokracije. Znanstveniki v posebni sekciji Vladavina prava v Evropski uniji: med teorijo in prakso bodo preučevali in soočili tradicionalno veljavna pravno ureditev z novimi pojavi, ki jih povzročajo nove tehnologije. Alma Mater Europaea si šteje v čast, da ji je bila zaupana organizacija 25. International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) leta 2020, ki je bila zaradi Covid-a onemogočena. Avtorji ocenjujejo, da se status univerz v svetu se spreminja glede na zgodovinske razmere, ob polnem spoštovanju Magne Carte Univeristatum. Na evropskem kontinentu so bile univerze nacionalizirane v obdobju Napoleona in cesarja Jožefa II. Britanske in ameriške univerze pa so ostale avtonomne v finančnem, programskem in institucionalnem smislu. V zadnjih desetletjih je postalo jasno, da evropske univerze zaostajajo na mednarodni lestvici rangiranja univerz, pa tudi na seznamu do-bitnikov Nobelovih nagrad. Zato se je ICHE odločil organizirati 25. konferenco ICHE na temo „Konkurenčnost v visokem šolstvu“, ob spoznanju, da konkurenca spodbuja kakovost izobraževanja in raziskovanja. Glede na to, da so evropske državne univerze pod relativno zaščito, ostaja odprto vprašanje, kako spodbuditi konkurenco in s tem kakovost visokega šolstva. Izkušnje na različnih koncih sveta so različne. European Union of Private Higher Education (EUPHE) soorganizira panel in sejo „Konkurenčnost v visokem šolstvu“. Najlepša hvala predsedniku ICHE, prof. dr. Ignazu Benderju z univerze Trier, zaslužnemu rektorju Aliju Doğramacıju z univerze Bilkent v Ankari ter predsedniku EUPHE, Klausu Hekkingu za njihov doprinos. Letošnja konferenca bo gostila 360 referatov, kjer se bo v 8 dneh predstavilo več kot 500 avtorjev iz 40 držav ter mednarodnih organizacij. Zato bi se rad zahvalil vsem znanstvenikom in strokov-njakom za njihove prispevke v želji, da bi svoje raziskovalne dosežke, umetniške talente in mod-rost z občutkom etike in estetike, prenesli na mlajše generacije. Ob koncu bi se v imenu Alma Mater Europaea zahvalili zaslužnemu predsedniku Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, prof. dr. dr.h.c. Felixu Ungerju za vso moralno podporo v zadnjih desetih letih. Zahvaljujemo se tudi predsedniku Republike Slovenije Nj. Ex. Borutu Pahorju, da je prepoznal naše delo ter nam zaupal častno pokroviteljstvo konference in predsedniku Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, prof. dr. Klaus Mainzerju, za soorganizacijo konference. Prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak, Predsednik organizacijskega odbora 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 32 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV PREFACE Dear participants of the Alma Mater conference 2021 All About People: Digital transformation in Science, Education and Arts, Alma Mater Europaea is responding to the challenges of the current world in different academic fields, which are all part of this conference. The aim of the conference is to confront research achievements and innovations of Alma Mater Europaea within international and national trends and European Research and Innovation Programmes and furthermore, to involve its students and researchers in solving of European policy and challenges, and to acquaint them with the global practices. We feel very privileged that at the first plenary session we are hosting the most representative European researchers and scientists, such as prof. dr. Klaus Mainzer, president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and prof. dr. sc. Ivo Šlaus, vice-president of the World Academy of Sciences and Arts. The second plenary session is hosting one of the most representative economic experts and financial thinkers in the world, prof. dr. Jeffery Sachs, a visionary for sustainable development during the period of digital transformation. Digital technologies and transformation are examined in the section Web and information technologies with special regards to artificial intelligence which is co-organized with the UNESCO International Center for Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to a member of the European parliament, Mr. Franc Bogovič, also the strategies for smart village and smart cities will be presented. The new academic discipline physiotherapy will discuss digital technologies and new ways of treatments. Special regards to the president of the World confederation of physical therapy, prof. dr. Emma Stokes for the contribution and as well to Slovenian and international researchers. Health sciences at the conference will face the COVID-19 period with the new needs for integrative health science, health care, prevention, therapy, and rehabilitation. Demographic changes in the world, especially in the developed part are faced with new challenges, where smart technologies are very important tools to solve the issues of aging. Special thanks to prof. dr. Peter Lichtenberg, President of the Gerontological Society of America for presenting experiences and vision of the world’s new trends. Speaking about the future, education is one of the most valuable assets that need to be examined. The special section Education in mental health examines the influence of digital technology on the mental health of young people. For Cultural Heritage, especially for Archives, new digital technologies bring new opportunities. For the past few years, well-known scientists and practitioners have taken part at the conference’s 2-day Archival symposium. Special thanks to our international friends for their efforts in the modernization of the archives and preservation of cultural heritage. Modern information technologies are offering new opportunities for new leadership and sustainable development in the field of project management. The key topic of today’s challenges and opportunities in project management is the projectification of the economy and the projectification of the society. This opens many new legal, social, and economic issues. Researchers from 20 countries and all continents will explore these trends in modern management and leadership, where changes are those that are leading us from crisis to crisis. The whole conference All about people is dedicated to human well-being. Philosophers will organize a special section on humanities, which in those days open important dimensions on the human being, technologies for the benefit of the environment (environment and European green policy), and human spirit including ethics and aesthetics. Research on cultural formations will address interdisciplinary approaches, developed theories, and case studies with the digital era on cultural heritage, visual studies, the theory of contemporary art, critical media studies, and political history. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 33 Dance and dance education in a digital era within the COVID-19 period is maybe far more important than we might think, opening new ways of communication between humans confronting social distancing. “All the world’s a stage” brings international artists and dancers together to present new ways of dance art. New information technologies and especially new media communication technologies are challenging the traditional understanding of the rule of law and democracy. Scientists in a special panel Rule of law in the European Union between theory and practice will examine and confront traditionally accepted legal issues with new phenomena driven by technologies, which jeopard-ize the traditional understanding of the rule of law and human rights. Alma Mater Europaea is very honoured to have been entrusted with organizing the 25th International Conference in Higher education (ICHE) in 2020. The status of universities in the world varies according to historical conditions. In Europe, universities were nationalized during the Napoleon and Franz Joseph II periods, British and American universities however remained fully autonomous in financial, program, and institutional sense. During the last decades it has become clear that European universities are falling behind on the international raking list of universities, as well on the list of the Nobel prize laureates. That is why ICHE decided to organize the 25th ICHE conference on the topic “Competition in higher education”, presuming that competition is facilitating the quality of education. Although state universities have protection, there is an open question of how to encourage competition. Experiences in different parts of the world are different. The European Union of Private Higher Education (EUPHE) institutions has been included in the section “Competition in higher education”. Many thanks to the president of ICHE, prof. dr. Ignaz Bender from Trier university, rector emeritus Ali Doğramacı and prof. dr. Arif Çaglar from Bilkent University in Ankara and to the president of the European Union of Private Higher Education institutions, Klaus Hekking for their contributions. Alma Mater Europaea would like to thank President Emeritus of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), prof. dr. dr.h.c. Felix Unger for all his support of the past ten years. We would also like to thank H.E., President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor for the honorary patron-age of this conference, and special thanks go to the President of EASA, prof. Klaus Mainzer for co-organizing the conference. President of the organizing committee Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 34 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV NAGOVOR PREDSEDNIKA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE, BORUTA PAHORJA Spoštovane gospe in gospodje, veseli me, da vas lahko ponovno nagovorim na vaši tradicionalni znanstveni konferenci. Če kdaj, je prav letos naziv konference več kot aktualen. Nedvomno je preteklo leto, ki je bilo obarvano z zdravstveno krizo, jasen dokaz, da moramo biti osredotočeni na človeka. Izkušnja pandemije je v središče našega vsakdana postavila človeško življenje. V središče je postavila družbo in njeno delovanje, njeno zmožnost prilagajanja, njen razvoj in tudi njeno sočutje. Pandemija je prinesla nesluteno pospešitev digitalizacije ter razvoj novih tehnologij in inovativnih načinov njihove uporabe na vseh področjih človekovega življenja. Pred leti sem na vaši konferenci dejal, da če bomo priče miru in stabilnosti, potem bomo tudi priče neverjetnemu razvoju tehnologije. Takrat sem skupaj z vami razmišljal, da bo zlasti čisto človeška, znanstvena potreba vodila k temu, da bomo imeli izjemno specializacijo znanosti, na drugi strani pa bo treba imeti zelo široko osebnost z vsemi referencami nekoga, ki je vse to sposoben razumeti in postaviti v kontekst sodobnega sveta. V pičlih treh letih od te naše razprave se je v nekaj mesecih, v letu dni zaradi nove koronavirusne bolezni zgodila izjemna preobrazba. Digitalizacija tako ni več izbira. Digitalizacija je nuja. Jasno je, da kdor ni hiter, odziven in prilagodljiv, zaostane. Digitalizacija zato pomeni nov razvojni izziv, ki se pospešeno dogaja na vseh področjih, tako na znanstvenem in izobraževalnem kot na umetniškem področju. Epidemija je dala dodaten pospešek najsodobnejšim znanstvenim, umetniškim in tehnološ- kim projektom, ki so v preteklosti burili domišljijo. Danes pa postajajo del vsakdana in odpirajo nove teme za razmislek o človekovi vpetosti v digitalno realnost. Za napredek človeštva sta znanost in tehnologija nenadomestljivi. V tem pogledu mora biti, kot določa 59. člen naše ustave, v državi zagotovljena svoboda znanstvenega in umetniškega ustvarjanja. Le-ta pa posledično prinaša avtonomnost univerzitetnega okolja in vseh raziskovalnih institucij. Samo av-tonomna univerza je lahko prostor znanstvenega udejstvovanja, kritične družbene razprave in intelektualnega razvoja. Zaradi svojih posebnosti mora univerzitetno okolje spodbujati upornega duha, kritično miš- ljenje in znanstveno svobodo. Družba, predvsem pa politika, mora ob upoštevanju tradicije akademske avtonomije ceniti, ohranjati in krepiti samostojno in neodvisno znanstveno in pedagoško delo ter raziskovalno odličnost. Avtonomnost pomeni odgovornost za preudarno, kakovostno delovanje, pa tudi za kritičen odnos do lastnega dela in do dogajanja v družbi, človeški skupnosti in naravi. Neodvisnost znanstvenih institucij prinaša verodostojnost in zaupanje v dosežke znanosti. In za to se močno zavzemam. K temu dodajam, da izkušnja s covidom-19 kaže na to, da je enako pomembna tudi naša pristna človečnost. Pri digitalni transformaciji posameznih področij družbe je tako treba najti neko pravo ravnotežje med tehnološkim in družbenim razvojem. Spremembe, ki se dogajajo, je treba razumeti in jih soustvarjati v prid družbe. To pa je odvisno od posameznika in skupnosti. Odvisno je od vseh nas. Osebno menim, da se je treba osredotočiti na pozitivne vidike, ki jih prinašajo novosti digitalnega. Treba se je predati novim izzivom in priložnostim, iskati rešitve in dobre prakse. Ob tem pa seveda biti pozoren na nevarnosti in slabosti, ki jih digitalno prinaša. Prav čas negotovosti je pokazal, da znanstveniki in strokovnjaki delujete z znanjem, odgovornostjo in tudi s tanko- čutnostjo do sočloveka in skupnosti. Osebno sem prepričan, da bosta na koncu za zmago nad virusom zaslužni znanost in človečnost. Nenazadnje sta bili za sorazmerno uspešen odziv na pandemijo pomembni prav znanost in znanje. Predvsem znanje, ki je bilo ustvarjeno že prej, ko še nismo vedeli, kaj nas čaka. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 35 Epidemija tako kaže na pomen osnovnega znanja in na nujnost temeljnih raziskav, saj nas le-te usposobijo za srečanje z neznanim. Kot primer lahko navedemo prav neverjetno hiter razvoj cepiva proti covidu-19. Običajna pot razvoja, ki traja več let, se je v primeru cepiv proti covidu-19 nepredstavljivo pospešila zaradi preteklih znanj in raziskav, kot tudi seveda zano-sa ter zlasti potreb sodobne družbe. Slovenija na področju transformacije digitalne družbe in gospodarstva trenutno sodi v skupino srednje uspešnih držav v Evropski uniji, kar ni dovolj visok cilj. Izkušnja pandemije ne sme biti želja po vrnitvi nazaj, temveč mora biti vizija, kako s pridobljenimi znanji in spoznanji graditi naprej. Verjamem, da ostaja znanstveni napredek, dodatno oplemeniten z izkušnjo epidemije, odgovor na vprašanje, kako se bo svet soočil z izzivi v prihodnosti. Prihodnost je nepredstavljiva in verjetno polna dramatičnih sprememb. Zato se moramo kot posamezniki in kot skupnost zavedati, da bomo lahko samo pogumni, ustvarjalni in svobodni te spremembe obračali v svoj prid. Skupnosti, ki bodo odprte za drugačnost, ki bodo drzne in svobodne, bodo te velike spremembe preživele. Strah je slab sopotnik našega koraka v prihodnost. Razvoj mora iti z roko v roki s solidarnostjo in človečnostjo, ki omogočata humanizacijo tehnologije in prepre- čujeta dehumanizacijo družbe. Vsem želim vse dobro, lep pozdrav in srečno! 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 36 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV FESTIVE OPENING SPEECH – PRESIDENT OF RS, BORUT PAHOR Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to address you again at your traditional scientific conference. If there is any time when the title of this year’s conference is truly relevant, it is now. The health crisis has given us solid evidence of how much we need to focus on our humanity. The experience of the pandemic has placed the very life of humans at the centre of our daily existence along with accompanying issues relating to society and its functioning, and its ability to adapt, develop and demonstrate empathy. The pandemic has brought about an unprecedented acceleration of digitisation in the development of new technologies and innovative ways of using them in all areas of human life. Years ago, I said at your conference that we would – if we enjoyed peace and stability – witness a dramatic development of technology. At the time, I shared with you my thoughts that a specific and purely human need to develop science would arise and lead to an extraordinary specialisation of science. However, alongside this, humans should have an inclusive character and the ability to understand the context of the modern world. In just three years since then, a remarkable transformation has taken place in the space of a few months due to the new coronavirus disease. Digitisation is therefore no longer a matter of choice but a necessity. Clearly, those who are not fast, responsive and adaptable are lagging behind. Digitisation therefore represents a new developmental challenge that is occurring increasingly in many fields: in science, education and art. The epidemic has given additional impetus to state-of-the-art science, art and technology projects that have stirred people’s imaginations, but which are today becoming part of everyday life, opening new topics for reflection on human involvement in digital reality. Science and technology are indispensable to the progress of mankind. In this respect, freedom of scientific and artistic creation must be guaranteed in Slovenia, pursuant to Article 59 of the Constitution. Freedom, however, requires the autonomy of the university environment and re- search institutions. Only an autonomous university can be a place for scientific activity, critical social debate and intellectual development. Due to these specific features, the university environment must nurture a rebellious spirit, critical thinking and scientific freedom. Society understands this, and it is the political sphere that must accept and appreciate, preserve and strengthen the autonomy of scientific, pedagogical and research work. At the same time, autonomy entails a responsibility for well-considered and excellent action, as well as for a critical attitude towards one’s own work and towards events in society, human communities and the natural environment. The independence of scientific institutions brings credibility to and confidence in scientific achievements. Moreover, the experience with COVID-19 highlights the fact that our humanity is equally important. We must find the right balance between technological and societal development in the digital transformation of individual areas of society. The ongoing changes need to be understood and co-created for the benefit of society. This depends on the individual and the community, i.e. on all of us. I personally believe that it is necessary to focus on the positive aspects brought by digital innovations. It is necessary to accept new challenges and opportunities, to look for solutions and answers, while also devoting attention to the dangers and challenges that innovation brings. It is precisely this time of uncertainty that has shown us that scientists and other experts act with knowledge, responsibility and sensitivity to the individual as well as the community. I have said many times before that scientific knowledge and humanity will lead us to victory over the virus, especially the knowledge gained earlier, when we were still unaware of what lay ahead of us. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 37 The epidemic thus pointed to the importance of fundamental knowledge and the necessity of basic research, as these prepare us for encounters with the unknown. This was confirmed by the amazingly rapid development of the vaccine. The usual path of development, taking several years, has been extraordinarily accelerated in the case of the COVID-19 vaccines due to previously accumulated knowledge and research, as well as the dedication of the scientists involved. In the field of the transformation of the digital society and economy, Slovenia currently ranks among the moderately successful EU Member States, which is an insufficiently demanding goal. The experience of a pandemic must not prompt the desire to go back but must provide us with a vision of how to build on our acquired knowledge and insights. I believe that advances in science, enriched by the experience of the epidemic, continue to be an answer to the question of how the world will face the challenges of the future. The future is unimaginable and always brings dramatic changes. Therefore, as individuals and as a community, we must be aware that only the brave, the creative, and the free can turn these changes to our advantage. Communities that are open to diversity, that are bold and free, will survive these great changes unscathed. Fear is an unsuitable companion to guide our steps into the future. Development must go hand in hand with solidarity and humanity, which will enable the humanisation of technology and prevent the dehumanisation of society. I wish you all the best. PLENARY SESSION I DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN EUROPE IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ARTS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 40 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mariya Gabriel Evropska komisarka za izobraževanje, kulturo, mladino in šport POZDRAVNI NAGOVOR Spoštovani predsednik Republike Slovenije, spoštovani predsednik Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, spoštovani profesorji, raziskovalci, študenti, gospe in gospodje, dragi prijatelji, dober dan. Najprej se vam najlepše zahvaljujem za povabilo, da se pridružim temu čudovitemu dogod-ku. Dotaknili ste se zelo pomembne teme, digitalne transformacije v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti. Govorimo torej o multidisciplinarnem pristopu, človeško usmerjenem pristopu in sinergijah. In moram reči, da so prav te teme ključne vsebine mojega dela že več kot eno leto. Zaradi tega danes tudi z veseljem pozdravljam tako ugledno občinstvo, da skupaj spre-govorimo o naši viziji za prihodnost. Vloga digitalne preobrazbe v vseh pogledih našega življenja ni nova tema. Ta razprava se je začela že pred krizo covid-19 in bo ostala med nami še dolgo po pandemiji. Hkrati je jasno, da so nas naše izkušnje v zadnjih mesecih spodbudile k hitrejšemu premiku digitalne preobrazbe družbe in pripeljale gospodarstvo na novo raven. Pandemija je dala nov zagon potrebi po kakovostnem in vključujočem izobraževanju in uspo-sabljanju, ki nam lahko pomaga, da se hitreje prilagodimo novim izzivom. Posledično je bila močno poudarjena tudi vloga digitalizacije za napredek v znanosti in večjo ustvarjalnost. Kriza nam je zagotovo dala lekcijo, a smo ob analizi rezultatov, ki smo se jih naučili iz krize, na podlagi dosedanjih izkušenj in dosežkov razvili nove ideje in rešitve. Tu moram reči, da je bilo to storjeno v tesnem posvetovanju z vsemi državami članicami, izobraževalno skupnostjo in drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi. Z vsemi smo ohranili te tesne stike, zlasti v prihodnjih mesecih in letih pa bomo sodelovanje nadaljevali, da skupaj uresničimo svojo vizijo. Glede na povedano bi si vzela dve minuti za vsako od treh pomembnih področij, kjer je bila digitalna preobrazba vplivala na vsebine današnje razprave. Najprej o znanosti. Digitalizacija resnično spreminja področje znanstvenih raziskav, saj lahko poveča produktivnost in omogoči nove oblike sodelovanja in odkritij. Pravzaprav vsa področja raziskav postajajo podatkovno intenzivnejša. Posledično je treba razširiti tudi raziskovalne sposobnosti, da bodo vključevale digitalna orodja, na primer zbiranje, digitalizacijo ali harmonizacijo informacij ali uporabo metod računskega modeliranja in simulacije, če jih omenimo le nekaj. Umetna inteligenca je prav tako del rešitve globalnih izzivov. Ta digitalna tehnologija ponuja načine za pospešitev odkritij v znanosti o materialih. Raziskovalci združujejo modele umetne inteligence in strojnega učenja, da bi našli optimalne materiale, ki ustrezajo določenim merilom, ter da bi zmanjšali čas in stroške selitve iz laboratorija na trg. Zasnova sodobne medicine, na primer, izkorišča tudi uporabo umetne inteligence z op-timizacijo lastnosti materiala glede na predvidene interakcije s ciljnimi zdravili, biološkimi tekočinami, imunskim sistemom in vsem tem, kar vpliva na terapevtsko učinkovitost. Zato bi lahko digitalne tehnologije, kot sta kvantna in umetna inteligenca, raziskovalcem in podjetjem na koncu pomagale odkriti na primer nova zdravila in materiale. Drugi primer, kako lahko digitalne tehnologije spremenijo svet znanosti, je evropski odprti znanstveni oblak. Izvajal se bo kot osrednji program za evropska partnerstva v okviru programa Obzorje Evropa. Oblak je zaupanja vredno, navidezno okolje, ki presega meje in povezuje znanstvene discipline za shranjevanje, skupno rabo, obdelavo in ponovno uporabo rezultatov, digitalnih predmetov, kot so publikacije, podatki in programska oprema, po poš- tenih načelih. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 41 Nadaljujmo s področjem izobraževanja. Covid-19 je poudaril, da lahko učinkovita uporaba digitalnih tehnologij izboljša poučevanje in učenje. Prav tako lahko prispeva k osebnostnemu razvoju učencev, dijakov in študentov ter k njihovemu izobraževalnemu uspehu. Digitalne tehnologije pomagajo, da se lahko učni proces nadaljuje tudi med krizo. Zaradi krize pa so številne pomanjkljivosti digitalnega izobraževanja postale bolj vidne, zato je nujno, da jih čim prej odpravimo. Postalo je jasno, da potrebujemo trajnostne in vključujoče rešitve za vse. Danes in dolgoročno gledano je pomembno povečati naložbe v digitalno povezljivost, opremo, digitalne spretnosti in kompetence, usposabljanje učiteljev, kakovostno vsebino in digitalno pedagogiko, če naštejemo samo nekatere. Nov akcijski načrt za digitalno izobraževanje se odziva na ta cilj in ponuja ambiciozen sklop ukrepov za prihodnost. Ti ukrepi segajo od strateškega dialoga o dejavnikih, ki spodbujajo uspešno digitalno izobraževanje, do spodbujanja razvoja digitalnih zmogljivosti. Naj vam navedem le nekaj primerov. Prvič, v zadnjih nekaj mesecih smo bolje spoznali in razumeli pomen poglobljenega sodelovanja v digitalnem izobraževanju na evropski ravni. Zato bomo ustanovili evropsko središče za digitalno izobraževanje, ki bo ustvarilo mrežo nacionalnih svetovalnih služb o digitalnem izobraževanju. Drugič, poglobljeno sodelovanje je bistvenega pomena tudi za visokošolske zavode. Zelo jim lahko pomaga pri pripravi na uporabo digitalnih orodij za učenje in poučevanje. In ko prehajamo v fazo okrevanja, vse visokošolske institucije spodbujam, naj gradijo na dobrih primerih partnerstev evropskih univerz, ki bodo še naprej inovirale in napredovale pri gradnji med univerzitetnih kampusov. Kot primer podajam EDU, Evropsko digitalno univerzo, ki je zgolj ena od 41 tovrstnih mrež in povezav, ki si bodo prizadevale za digitalno podprte medpredmetne in med disciplinarne učne dejavnosti, povezovanje partnerskih univerz, IT infrastrukture in ustvarjanje novih pedagoških pristopov. To pa še ni vse. Podati želim še en primer, ki neposredno nagovarja vašo mednarodno konferenco. Vaše partnerstvo, vaša evropska univerzitetna mreža ima pionirsko vlogo. Omogočala bo platformo za celotno področje humanistike, ki vključuje tako strateško področje tehnologije kot tudi kulturne vsebine in je najboljši prikaz vsega, kar delate. Tretjič, dobro moramo razumeti digitalni svet, vključno z digitalno pismenostjo in poznavanjem novih in nastajajočih tehnologij, kot je umetna inteligenca. Bistveno je pomagati državljanom, da izboljšajo svoje digitalne spretnosti in napredujejo od osnovnih do naprednih. Spodbujati moramo tudi vključevanje in enakost spolov v študije in kariero STEM, zato tudi podpiramo evropsko koalicijo STEM za razvoj visokošolskih učnih načrtov za inženiring ter informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnologijo. To me vodi do moje zadnje točke, kulture. Pandemija je pospešila tudi digitalno preobrazbo kulturnega sektorja. Digitalne tehnologije so, na primer, postale osrednjega pomena za skoraj vse vidike dela muzejev. Po eni strani ponujajo rešitve za zbirke predmetov od njihovega konzerviranja in proučevanja ter interpretacije do razstavljanja muzejskih zbirk, trženja in upravljanja spletnih obiskov in obiskovalcev na kraju samem. Po drugi strani digitalne tehnologije omogočajo izkoriščanje ogromnega inovacijskega in eksperimentalnega potenciala sektorja, sodelovanje med kulturnim, ustvarjalnim in tehnološkim sektorjem, vse pogosteje pa pomagajo prilagoditi sposobnosti kulturnega in ustvarjalnega sektorja za inovacije novim okoliščinam. Pri tem imam v mislih pobudo Urbana, našo digitalno platformo za podporo preobrazbi evropskega sektorja kulturne dediščine. Sočasno pa bi vam rada predstavila tudi druge aktivnosti. Prvič, imamo nov program Ustvarjalna Evropa. Namenski proračun presega 2,54 milijarde evrov, kar je 60 % več kot prejšnje leto. Program bo predstavil kar nekaj novosti z uporabo novih tehnologij, saj želimo digitalno preobrazbo kar najbolje izkoristiti, zlasti s pomočjo medijskega sklopa in s spodbujanjem inovativnih pristopov k ustvarjanju vsebin, dostopu, distribuciji in promociji v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih, s kreativnimi laboratoriji za inovacije v medsektorskem povezovanju talentov. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 42 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nadalje, v okviru našega novega programa Obzorje Evropa se bo posebna skupina, posveče-na kulturi, ustvarjalnosti in kulturni dediščini, osredotočila na inovativni potencial in konkurenčnost sektorja. Tu potrebujemo vaše ideje. Ne zato, ker bi šlo za nekaj novega, ampak ker želimo pokazati potencial in konkretne primere, ki nam bodo pomagali ustvariti te sinergije med raziskavami, inovacijami in kulturo ter izobraževanjem. Prav tako bomo z Evropskim in- štitutom za inovacije in tehnologijo ustvarili novo skupnost za inovacije in znanje o kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih. Preučili bomo tudi možnosti, kako okrepiti ekosistem, saj je zelo dobro, da imamo tovrstna orodja. Imamo instrumente, ker imamo proračune, vendar moramo zgraditi ekosisteme v vseh naših državah članicah in v vseh naših regijah. Zame je pomembno, da si še naprej prizadevam za povezovanje različnih institucionalnih in posameznih akterjev, saj slednje olajša dostop do financ ter omogoča prekvalifikacijo in izpopolnjevanje vseh predstavnikov na teh področjih. Gospe in gospodje, moja ekipa in jaz smo odločeni, da bomo nadaljevali delo v korist vseh naših državljanov in družbe. Še naprej moramo sodelovati pri krepitvi kakovosti in podpore ter digitalni preobrazbi vseh področij, vključno z znanostjo, izobraževanjem in umetnostjo. To bo prihodnjim generacijam pomagalo pri soustvarjanju znanja, veščin in kompetenc za prožno, vključujočo in trajnostno družbo. Zaradi tega smo edinstveni, kar zadeva izobraževanje, znanost in raziskave. Najlepša hvala. Mariya Gabriel Evropska komisarka za izobraževanje, kulturo, mladino in šport 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 43 Mariya Gabriel EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth WELCOME SPEECH Good morning, dear president of the Republic of Slovenia, dear president of the European Academy of sciences and arts, professors, researchers, young people, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. First of all, thank you very much for the invitation to participate in this wonderful event. You touch on a very important topic; digital transformation in science, education, and the arts. And immediately we have to talk about a multidisciplinary approach, a human centred approach and synergies. And I must say that these topics have been at the heart of my work for more than a year. And I'm glad to address such a distinguished audience and speak about our vision for the future. Firstly, I'd like to start by saying that the role of digital transformation in every aspect of our life is not new. This debate began long before the COVID-19 crisis and will remain with us long after the pandemic. At the same time, it is clear that our experience in recent months has made us move faster and take the digital transformation of society and the economy to a new level. The pandemic has given a new impetus to the need for high-quality and inclusive education and training that can help us to adapt quickly to new challenges and realities. The role of digitalisation in better science and more creativity has also been strongly emphasised in response to this goal. We analysed the lessons learned from the crisis and, building on our previous experience and achievements, we developed new ideas and solutions. Here I must say that this has been done in close consultation with our Member States, with the educational community and other stakeholders. And immediately I will say that we would like to maintain this very close contact with all of you, especially in the coming months and years, in order to make our vision a reality. Against this background, I'd like to take two minutes for each of three important areas in which digital transformation forms the basis of today's discussion. Firstly, science. Digitalisation is a true game changer for scientific research, as it has the potential to increase the productivity of science and to enable new forms of collaboration and discovery. In fact, all areas of research are becoming data-intensive, increasingly using and producing big data. As a result, research skills also need to be broadened to encompass digital tools such as gathering, digitising, or curating information or using computational modelling and simulation methods, to name but a few. Artificial intelligence is also part of the solution to global challenges. This revolutionary digital technology provides ways to speed up discoveries in material science. Researchers are combining artificial intelligence and machine learning models to find the optimal materials to fit any given criteria in order to reduce the time and cost of the transition from lab to market. Modern medicine designs, for example, also take advantage of the application of artificial intelligence by optimising material properties, according to predicted interactions with the target drug, biological fluids, the immune system, and all such factors affecting therapeutic efficacy. Therefore, digital technologies such as quantum and artificial intelligence could ultimately help researchers and companies to discover, for example, new drugs and materials. Another example of how digital technologies can transform the world of science is the European Open Science Cloud. It will run as a core programme for European partnerships under the Horizon Europe programme. The cloud is a trusted, virtual, federated environment that cuts across borders and scientific disciplines to store, share, process, and reuse results, digital objects like publications, data, and software, following our fair principles. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 44 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Secondly, education. COVID 19 has highlighted that the effective use of digital technologies can enhance teaching and learning. It can also contribute to students' personal development and educational success. Digital technologies help the learning process to continue during the crisis. However, the crisis has made a number of shortcomings in digital education more visible and in need of urgent solutions. It has become clear that we need sustainable and inclusive solutions for all, including these advantaged learners. Now and in the long term, it is important to increase investment in connectivity, equipment, digital skills, and competencies, teacher training, quality content, and digital pedagogies, to name just a few. The new digital education action plan responds to this goal and offers an ambitious set of actions for the future. These actions range from launching a strategic dialogue regarding the enabling factors for successful digital education, to stimulating the development of digital capacity. Let me give you just a few examples. Firstly, over the last few months, we have come to better understand the importance of deeper cooperation in digital education at the European level. In this regard, we will set up a European digital education hub, which will create a network of national advisory services for digital education. Secondly, deeper cooperation is also essential for higher education institutions. It can help them considerably in preparing to use digital tools for learning and teaching. And as we move into the recovery phase, I encourage all higher education institutions to build on the good examples of the European universities alliances that will continue to innovate and make progress in building inter-university campuses. The EDU, the European Digital University, is one example amongst the 41 selected alliances that will seek to create digitally supported cross-campus and cross-disciplinary teaching activities, bridge partner universities and IT infrastructures and create pedagogies. But this is not all. I would like to give another example that speaks directly to today's international conference. The circle, your European Universities Alliance, will be a pioneering, unprecedented place for humanities, including the strategic area of technology as a cultural form and the direction in which we are heading. Thirdly, we need a sound understanding of the digital world, including digital literacy and a knowledge of new and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. It is crucial for helping citizens to improve their digital skills from basic to advanced. And we also need to foster inclusion and gender equality in STEM studies and careers. For example, we will support the European STEM Coalition to develop higher education curricula for engineering and information and communication technology. This brings me to my last point; culture. The pandemic has also sped up the digital transformation of the cultural sector. For example, digital technologies have become central to almost every aspect of the work of museums. On the one hand, they offer solutions ranging from the collection of artifacts to their conservation and study and the interpretation and exhibition of museum collections to marketing and to managing online and onsite visitors. On the other hand, digital technologies allow access to the huge innovation and experimental potential of the sector, collaboration between the cultural, creative and technology sectors and, increasingly frequently, they serve the ability of the cultural and creative sectors to innovate and to adapt to new circumstances. Think, for instance, about the Urbana Initiative, our digital platforms for supporting the transformation of Europe's cultural heritage sector. Think about our newest elements, which I would like to share here with you. Firstly, we have a new Creative Europe programme. This time with a dedicated budget of more than 2.54 billion Euros, a 60% increase in comparison with the previous programme on top of the financial increase. The programme will see some novelties with the use of new technologies, to ensure efficient exploitation of the digital transformation, especially through the media strand, and the promotion of innovative approaches to content creation, access, distribution, and promotion across cultural and creative sectors, through the creative innovation labs of the cross sector of talent. Secondly, for the first time under our new Horizon Europe programme, a specific cluster, dedicated to culture, creativity, and cultural heritage, will focus on the innovative potential and competitiveness of the sector. We need your ideas here, not because this is something new, but because we need to show the potential and the concrete examples that will help us to build these synergies between research, innovation and culture, and education, of course. And finally, with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, we will create a new impetus, innovation, and knowledge community in the cultural and creative sectors. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 45 They will look at how to strengthen the ecosystem, because it is very good that we have the tools. We have instruments, because we have budgets, but we need to build ecosystems in all our Member States, in all our regions. And for me, what is important is to continue to work to connect the various institutional and individual players, facilitating access to finance, retraining, upskilling from all representatives in these areas. So, ladies and gentlemen, my team and I are determined to continue this part for the benefit of our citizens and societies. We need to continue to work together to strengthen quality and support the digital transformation of all areas, including science, education, and art. This will help future generations to co-create knowledge, skills, and competencies for a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable society. That is what we have due to our uniqueness in the field of education, science and research. Thank you very much. Mariya Gabriel European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 46 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Klaus Mainzer Predsednik Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA IZZIVI ZA EVROPO Računalniška omrežja so integrirana v družbeno infrastrukturo. Zato je treba upoštevati tudi socialne, ekonomske in ekološke dejavnike. V zadnjem času omogočajo zagotavljanje storitev ljudem tudi socialno-tehnični sistemi, ki jih podpira umetna inteligenca. Povezani so s svojim okoljem (npr. internet), odporni morajo biti proti motnjam, se prilagoditi in se občutljivo odzi-vati na spremembe (vztrajnost). Aplikacije so že na voljo na delovnem mestu, v gospodinjstvu, v geriatriji in zdravstveni negi, v transportnih sistemih in v letalstvu. Tovrstne inteligentne infrastrukture so zapleteni sistemi, ki morajo povezovati tehnično različ- na področja. Infrastrukture inteligentne tovarne, inteligentnega zdravstvenega zavoda ali inteligentnega transportnega sistema je treba zapisati v skupno programsko opremo. Programska oprema računalnika razlikuje med uporabniškim nivojem in vmesno programsko opremo s programi za prevajanje v strojni jezik. Inteligentno infrastrukturo, kot je npr. mesto ali letališče, razumemo kot virtualni stroj. Najprej gre za raven integriranih procesov uporabnikov in uporabe, pri katerih uporabniki komunicirajo s sistemom, uporabnik pa vidi interoperabilnost. Takšne storitve bodo integrirane na nižji ravni glede na potrebe uporabe. Nato pa se lahko dostopa tudi do domensko specifičnih arhitektur transportnega sistema, zdravstvenega sistema in industrij-skega obrata. Predstavitev na konkretnem primeru: mestna uprava, ki bi bila priključena v skupno programsko opremo, bi tako morala upoštevati in se povezati tudi s sistemom mestnega prometa, z zdravstveno oskrbo pri različnih organih in z industrijskimi objekti občinskih obratov za oskrbo z energijo ter z napravami za sežiganje. Zagotovljena interoperabilnost storitev tako prejme konkretne zahtevke. Kar zadeva izobraževanje, tehnična zasnova informacijskih infrastruktur zahteva interdisciplinarno sodelovanje tehničnih, naravoslovnih, družbenih in humanističnih ved s fiziko, strojni- štvom, elektrotehniko, računalništvom, pa tudi s kognitivno psihologijo, komunikologijo, socio-logijo in filozofijo. Potrebni so modeli zaznavanja, integracije, znanja, razmišljanja in reševanja problemov, pa tudi sistemski in mrežni modeli sociologije in filozofije tehnologije. Cilj je integrativni inženirski razvoj človeških dejavnikov informacijskih infrastruktur. Namen inženiringa, usmerjenega v človeka, je integrirani hibridni sistem in arhitekturni koncept za porazdeljeno analogno/digitalno krmiljenje, interakcija med človekom in tehnologijo ter integrirani akcijski modeli, družbeno-tehnična omrežja in modeli interakcij. To zahteva postopni razvoj referenčnih arhitektur, modelov različnih domen in aplikacijskih platform posameznih disciplin, ki so predpogoj za zavestno situacijsko in kontekstno zaznavanje, interpretacijo, integracijo procesov ter zanesljivo delovanje in nadzor sistemov. Treba bo na interdisciplinaren način raziskati človeške dejavnike v informacijski infrastrukturi – od klasičnih vprašanj ergonomije, integracije prilagojenih in prilagodljivih struktur v delovni tok ter ustreznih učinkov sledljivosti vse do težav prilagajanja družbenega vedenja pod vplivom uporabe ustreznih sistemov. Kljub večnamenskim in kompleksnim storitvam ter možnostim delovanja je priporočljiva preprosta, robustna in intuitivna interakcija med človekom in strojem. Potrebna je določena mera previdnosti, saj v odprtih družbenih okoljih s kompleksnimi omrežni-mi in avtonomno delujočimi sistemi in akterji vlada večja izguba nadzora, zanesljivosti in zaupanja v sisteme glede varnosti, IT varnosti in zasebnosti. Merila uspešnosti so naslednja: • zmogljivost in energetska učinkovitost (okolje), • zaščita znanja v odprtih vrednostnih verigah, • ocena in vrednotenje negotovih in porazdeljenih tveganj, 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 47 • primerno in pošteno ravnanje v primeru navzkrižja ciljev med različnimi podsistemi, zavezu-jočo domeno in modeli kakovosti, med pravili in politikami, o katerih se je treba pogajati (npr. skladnost). Inteligentne infrastrukture se razvijajo v ozadju spreminjajoče se družbe: spreminjajo se tudi strukture demokracij. Digitalna komunikacija državljanom omogoča hitrejše pridobivanje informacij. Spremembe v družbi, ki bi lahko povzročile nove družbeno-tehnične sisteme, vodijo do občutnega povečanja pozornosti organizacij civilne družbe, nevladnih organizacij in javnosti. Zaradi informacij v realnem času, večje reaktivnosti pri naraščajoči gostoti omrežja in s tem povezanih kaskadnih učinkov se pojavljajo nove tekoče (ne toge in »utekočinjene«) oblike demokracije. Boljše in hitrejše informacije spodbujajo državljane k večji udeležbi pri odločitvah o uvedbi družbeno-tehničnih sistemov. Zato tehnološko oblikovanje ni le naloga tehničnih strokovnjakov, temveč vključuje tudi druž- bo. Večja udeležba civilne družbe zahteva participativno demokracijo. V ta namen morajo tehnične rešitve vključevati ekološke, ekonomske in socialne razsežnosti. V tem primeru govorimo o trajnostnih inovacijah. Kljub večji udeležbi bi morali obsežni družbeno-tehnični projekti ostati izvedljivi, da ne bi ogrozili lokacije inovacij. Trajnostne inovacije bi zato morale biti tudi trdne. Trajnostne in robustne inovacije so tisto, kar sploh omogoča sposobnost preživetja druž- be v prihodnosti. V globalni digitalizaciji, množenju informacij in znanja so trajnostne informacijske infrastrukture predpogoj za inovacijski potencial družbe. To zahteva ustanovitev integrativnih raziskovalnih in učnih središč, v katerih se inženirstvo in naravoslovje pripravljata na izzive družbeno-tehničnih sistemov skupaj s humanističnimi in družboslovnimi znanostmi. V teh interdisciplinarnih raziskovalnih grozdih nastaja univerza prihodnosti. Ti grozdi se križa-jo s tradicionalnimi fakultetami za inženirstvo, naravoslovje, družboslovje in humanistiko. Zato govorimo o matrični strukturi: discipline razumemo kot matrične črte. Matrični stolpci so integrativni raziskovalni projekti, ki zajemajo različne raziskovalne elemente disciplin. Za tem je temeljni uvid, da znanost ne deluje neodvisno od družbe. Brez upoštevanja družbenih struktur in družbenih procesov skorajda nobena inovacija v inženirstvu in naravoslovju (zlasti na področju raziskav umetne inteligence) ne more biti uspešna. Kako bi lahko ustvarili inteligentna mesta (pametna mesta) brez znanja o sobivanju v mestih v prihodnosti? Kako naj raziskovalci razvijejo inteligentne prehranske in oskrbovalne verige za naraščajoče svetovno prebivalstvo, ne da bi upoštevali razmere v državah v razvoju? Kako lahko roboti pomagajo starejšim, ne da bi upoštevali njihove potrebe? Kako naj se obsežni tehnološki projekti, kot so inteligentna energetska omrežja, vključijo v druž- bo, ne da bi se upoštevali povezani socialni, ekonomski in ekološki dejavniki? Ne samo uporabne raziskave, ampak tudi temeljne raziskave se soočajo z vprašanji, na katera brez družbenih in humanističnih ved ni mogoče odgovoriti: Katera merila uporabljamo za svoje raziskave? Kako lahko znanost deluje izven našega splošnega razumevanja? Kako se učimo iz neuspelih pristopov? Vprašanja humanističnih in družboslovnih ved je treba pri oblikovanju tehnologije obravnavati že od samega začetka in ne le v nadaljnjem »dodatku«, ki pride v poštev, ko tehnologija že ustvari dejstva. Interakcije med znanostjo, tehnologijo in družbo je treba preučevati s treh vidikov – znanja, vrednotenja in komunikacije. Pri tehnološkem oblikovanju se ljudje – znanstveniki osredotočajo na empirično preiskovanje konkretnih problemov. V ta namen bi morali v tehnologiji ustanoviti izobraževalne laboratorije, ki izpolnjujejo naslednja merila: 1. Raziskovalni projekti so interdisciplinarni v naravoslovnih, družbenih in tehničnih vedah (»interdisciplinarnost«). 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 48 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV 2. So projektno usmerjeni, tj. vprašanja etike in družbene znanosti razvijajo iz konkretnih projektov (»projektna usmerjenost«, »od spodaj navzgor«). 3. Namenjeni so javnemu dialogu (»transparentnost«, »stekleni laboratorij«). Zato so ti laboratoriji med potekajočimi raziskavami že odprti za javno razpravo. Skupne ugotovitve bi morale biti tudi podlaga za politične odločitve. V vse bolj ozaveščeni družbi je poziv k sodelovanju pri odločanju o infrastrukturnih in tehnolo- ških projektih vse glasnejši. V kolikšni meri je udeležba mogoča, ne da bi zapravili sposobnost odločanja in trajnost družbe? Treba je premisliti o pravilih igre med udeležbo državljanov, tehnično-znanstveno usposobljenostjo (raziskovalni inštituti, univerze itd.), parlamenti kot demokratično legitimni nosilci odločanja, sodstvom in izvršno oblastjo. Tehnično-ekonomsko-ekolo- ški razvoj spreminja politične strukture. Cilj mora biti, da bodo prihodnje generacije inženirjev, računalničarjev in družboslovcev kot del svojega dela samoumevno vzpostavile povezavo z družbo. V ta namen je treba študente vseh predmetov senzibilizirati za naslednje posledice: Tehnično načrtovanje odnosa človek-stroj pri raziskavah umetne inteligence je mogoče le ob upoštevanju človeških znanstvenih dejavnikov. Na velika vprašanja prihodnosti umetne inteligence lahko odgovorimo le interdisciplinarno. Vsak razvojni korak je treba preučiti tako na tehnični kot na organizacijski ravni, da se v dialogu z družbo razpravlja o družbenih posledicah in izzivih. Zato mora biti Evropa ne le vodilna v inovacijah umetne inteligence (npr. na vmesniku strojnega učenja in gospodarstva v industriji 4.0), ampak mora ustvariti tudi privlačno družbeno okolje, povezano z digitalno in umetno inteligenco. Tudi v dobi digitalizacije in umetne inteligence ostajajo zaščita pravic posameznikovih svoboščin in varni socialni sistemi v tržnem gospodarstvu pomembna blaginja, ki bi jo morali prepoznati in ceniti vsi ljudje po vsem svetu. Reference: K. Mainzer. 2019. Artificial Intelligence. When do Machines take over? Berlin: Springer. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 49 Klaus Mainzer President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION CHALLENGES FOR EUROPE Computer networks are integrated into society's infrastructures. Therefore, social, economic, and ecological factors must also be taken into account. Recently, AI-supported socio-technical systems have made it possible to provide services to people. They are networked with their environment (e.g., Internet), should be robust against disturbances, adapt, and react sensitively to changes (resilience). Applications can already be found in the workplace, in the household, in geriatric and nursing care, in transport systems, and in aviation. These kinds of intelligent infrastructures are complex systems that must integrate technically different domains. The infrastructures of an intelligent factory, an intelligent health center, or an intelligent transport system are to be recorded in a common software. The software of a computer distinguishes between the user level and the middleware with translation programs into the machine language. An intelligent infrastructure such as a city or an airport is understood as a virtual machine. First, there is the level of integrated customer and usage processes at which customers and users communicate and interact with the system. Interoperability is visible to the user. Such services will be integrated at the lower level according to usage needs. Then the domain-specific architectures of a transport system, the health care system, and an industrial plant are accessed. In concrete terms, we can imagine a city administration that is to be represented in a common software and that must consider the urban transport system, health care with various authorities, and industrial facilities of the municipal energy supply and mill incineration plants. The provided interoperability of services thus receives concrete applications. Concerning education, the technical design of information infrastructures requires interdisciplinary cooperation of the technical, natural, social, and human sciences with physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, but also cognitive psychology, communication science, sociology, and philosophy. What is required are models of perception, integration, knowledge, thinking, and problem solving, but also system and network models of sociology and philosophy of technology. The goal is integrative human factor engineering of information infrastructures. Human-centered engineering aims at integrated hybrid system and architecture concepts for distributed analog/digital control, human-technology interaction and integrated action models, socio-technical networks, and interaction models. This requires the step-by-step development of reference architectures, domain models, and application platforms of individual disciplines as prerequisites for conscious situational and context perception, interpretation, process integration, and reliable action and control of the systems. Human factors in information infrastructures must be researched in an interdisciplinary manner - from classical questions of ergonomics, the integration of adaptive and adaptable structures in the workflow and the corresponding effects of traceability to problems of adapting social behavior under the influence of the use of appropriate systems. Simple, robust, and intuitive human-machine interaction is recommended, despite multifunctional and complex services and action options. Sensitivity is required for increasing loss of control in open social environments with complex, networked and autonomously interacting systems and actors, reliability and trust of the systems with regard to safety, IT security, and privacy. The benchmarks are as follows: • performance and energy efficiency (environment), • know-how protection in open value chains, 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 50 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV • assessment and evaluation of uncertain and distributed risks, • appropriate and fair conduct in the event of conflicts of objectives between different subsystems, binding domain and quality models, rules and policies to be negotiated (e.g., compliance). Intelligent infrastructures develop against the background of a changing society: they also change the structures of democracies. Digital communication enables citizens to obtain information more quickly. Changes in society that could entail new socio-technical systems lead to a significant increase in attention by civil society organizations, NGOs, and the public. Due to real-time information, higher reactivity in increasing network density and associated cascade effects, new liquid (non-rigid and "liquefied") forms of democracy are emerging. Better and faster information prompts citizens to demand greater participation in decisions on the introduction of socio-technical systems. Therefore, technology design is not only a task for technical experts, but also involves society. Greater participation by civil society responds to the demand for participatory democracy. To this end, technical solutions must include ecological, economic, and social dimensions. In this case, we talk about sustainable innovations. Despite greater participation, large-scale socio-technical projects should remain feasible in order not to endanger the innovation location. Sustainable innovations should therefore also be robust. Sustainable and robust innovations are what makes a society's future viability possible in the first place. In global digitization, information and knowledge multiplication, sustainable information infrastructures are the prerequisite for society's innovation potential. This requires the creation of integrative research and teaching centers in which engineering and natural sciences, together with humanities and social sciences, prepare for the challenges of socio-technical systems. In these interdisciplinary research clusters, the university of tomorrow is emerging. They are transverse to the traditional faculty distinctions of engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. This is why we speak of a matrix structure: the disciplines are understood as matrix lines. The matrix columns are the integrative research projects that pick up different research elements of the disciplines. Behind this is the fundamental insight that science does not work independently of society. Without considering social structures and social processes, hardly any innovation in engineering and natural sciences (especially AI research) can be successful: How could intelligent cities (smart cities) be created without any knowledge about the future coexistence in the cities? How should researchers develop intelligent food and supply chains for the world's growing population without considering the situation in developing countries? How could robots help old people without taking their needs into account? How should large-scale technology projects such as intelligent energy networks be integrated into society without taking into account the associated social, economic, and ecological factors? Not only applied research, but also foundational research is confronted with questions that cannot be answered without social sciences and the humanities: What are the criteria we use for our research? How can science work beyond our common understanding? How do we learn from failed approaches? Questions of humanities and social sciences must be addressed right from the start in the design of technology and not only in a subsequent "add-on" that comes into play when the technology has already created facts. The interactions between science, technology, and society must be examined from three perspectives - knowledge, evaluation, and communication. In technology design, human scientists concentrate on the empirical investigation of concrete problems. For this purpose, in technology, educational labs should be established that meet the following criteria: 1. Research projects are interdisciplinary in natural, social, and engineering sciences ("interdisciplinarity"). 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 51 2. They are project-oriented, i.e. they develop questions of ethical and social science from concrete projects ("project orientation", "bottom up"). 3. They are designed for public dialogue ("transparency", "glass laboratory"). Therefore, these laboratories are already open for public discussion during ongoing research. The joint findings should also serve as a basis for policy decisions. In an increasingly informed society, the call for participation in decision-making on infrastructure and technology projects is becoming louder and louder. To what extent is participation possible without gambling away the decision-making capacity and sustainability of a society? The rules of the game between citizen participation, technical-scientific competence (research institutes, universities etc.), the parliaments as democratically legitimized decision-makers, the judiciary and the executive must be rethought. The technical-economic-ecological development is changing political structures. The aim must be for future generations of engineers, computer scientists, and social scientists to take the link with society for granted as part of their work. To this end, students in all subjects must be sensitized for the following consequences: The technical design of the human-machine relationship in AI research is only possible under consideration of human scientific factors. The big questions of the future of artificial intelligence can only be answered in an interdisciplinary way. Each development step should be examined at both the technical and the organizational level in order to discuss social implications and challenges in dialogue with society. Therefore, Europe must not only be a leader in AI innovation (e.g., at the interface of machine learning and economy in industry 4.0). Europe must also create an attractive societal environment associated with digital and AI technology. Even in the age of digitalization and artificial intelligence, the protection of individual freedom rights and secure social systems in a market economy remain high goods that should be recognized and valued by all people worldwide. Reference: K. Mainzer, Artificial Intelligence. When do Machines take over? Springer. Berlin 2019 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 52 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV A MODERN CONCEPT OF THE PERFORMATIVE PERCEPTION OF SCIENCES Alma Mater Europaea was born out of the spirit of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2000. The basic visionary concept is to act in an interdisciplinary mode and, considering the multinationalism in Europe, focus especially on building bridges. In addition to the main visionary concept, the ethical route is considered, as is giving knowledge to youth by teaching. Alma Mater Europaea Maribor is doing very well – thanks to the great efforts of Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak. Alma Mater Europaea is structured around the cooperation of 7 institutions in Europe, gathered under the Alma Mater Europaea Alliance, gathering 22,000 students from different locations in Europe. The Alliance is based on the concept of being interdisciplinary. An arising concept is Technoscience as the basis of the Alliance for all of the sciences. Tolerance is enriched by respect. Science is maintained as a new way of networking in the future. There is a new construction of science which shows the performative attitude of science. All areas of science are called upon to participate in the new performative actions of science. In the Alliance, everyone learns, it is future-oriented. Arts are indispensable as well as all the natural sciences. This is important for the further development of science. This new performative access is the basis of the Alliance and reflects the future path of all science. This is the main goal of the Alliance: driving education to a new concept of life. Technoscience gives an up-to-date means of education by conducting science. We all learn together, which enriches our thinking. Technoscience is the most modern way of enriching a wider scope of thinking. Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Felix Unger, President Alma Mater Europaea OPENING WORDS Some technologies emerge in a narrow field, e.g. physics and engineering, and then spread across the wide domain not only of science and technology, but also art, business and behaviour. Such an example is the digital transformation intertwined with big data and artificial intelligence, which was one of the crucial elements in the European Commission Research, Innovation, Science Policy Expert (RISE) High Level Advisory Body. Digital transformation is truly our future. Prof. Dr. Ivo Šlaus Honorary President of the World Academy of Sciences and Arts 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 53 Mitja Slavinec Državni sekretar na Ministrstvu za izobraževanje, znanost in šport POZDRAVNI NAGOVOR Spoštovani gospod predsednik Republike Slovenije, spoštovani predsednik Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, drage dame in gospodje, gospod predsednik Alma Mater Europaea, dragi prijatelj prof. Ludvik Toplak. V veliko veselje mi je, da vas lahko na tej mednarodni konferenci »Za človeka gre: Digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti« pozdravim kot državni sekretar na Ministrstvu za izobraževanje, znanost in šport Vsem vam pošiljam dobre želje in produktivne izkušnje tudi v imenu ministrice za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, prof. dr. Simone Kustec. Najprej želim čestitati organizatorjem te izvrstne konference, ker so privabili toliko uglednih govornikov in gostov, da bi razpravljali o enem najbolj perečih procesov v človeški zgodovini. Digitalna preobrazba naše družbe je res tako globoka sprememba našega življenja, da jo nekateri strokovnjaki opisujejo celo kot »digitalno revolucijo« ... Razpravljali boste o vidikih in vplivih digitalne preobrazbe v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti. Sem spadajo seveda vsi pozitivni preobrazbeni potenciali novih digitalnih tehnologij in negativni učinki te velike strukturne spremembe. Izjemen razvoj kvantnega računalništva, umetne inteligence in 3D tiskanja, na primer, že odpira nova obzorja za človeško ustvarjalnost. Tisto, kar je pred nekaj desetletji veljalo za čisto znanstveno fantastiko, je zdaj že resničnost! Ja, hitrost razvoja je neverjetna! Ali smo kot ljudje pripravljeni na tako dramatične spremembe? Ali se lahko ustrezno spopademo z vsemi temi neznanimi učinki procesa? Na številna od teh vprašanj boste danes našli nekaj odgovorov. Pravi odgovori so za človeštvo ključnega pomena, saj bo usoda milijard odvisna od pravilnih ali napačnih odločitev. Evropska unija je pred enajstimi leti sprejela digitalno agendo za Evropo. Digitalno gospodarstvo raste sedemkrat hitreje kot preostalo gospodarstvo. Vendar Evropa še vedno zaostaja za številnimi drugimi regijami, ko gre za hitra, zanesljiva in povezana digitalna omrežja, ki podpirajo gospodarstva in vsak del našega poslovnega in zasebnega življenja. Namen digitalne agende za Evropo je spodbuditi evropsko gospodarstvo z zagotavljanjem trajnostnih ekonomskih in socialnih koristi enotnega digitalnega trga. Ne gre pa samo za gospodarstvo. Poziva tudi k spodbujanju pravih spretnosti za sodobno gospodarstvo, ki seveda zahteva ustrezne strukturne spremembe v nacionalnih izobraževalnih sistemih. Po drugi strani pa ta program poudarja tudi pomen sodelovanja z našimi mednarodnimi, neevropskimi partnerji za boj proti kibernetskemu kriminalu. Digitalna preobrazba spreminja vse vidike našega življenja in dela, zato moramo v skladu s tem preoblikovati vse družbene podsisteme in družbene ustanove, od vrtcev do domov za ostarele. Prepričan sem, da to konferenco organizira zelo usposobljena in kompetentna slovenska izobraževalna ustanova, Alma Mater Europaea, ki lahko s svojo multidisciplinarno odličnostjo ne samo razpravlja o različnih »perečih« temah digitalne transformacije, temveč tudi ponuja nekaj učinkovitih odgovorov in morda celo rešitve na dejanska vprašanja. V zvezi s tem lahko obljubim, da bomo vsa priporočila, ki jih bo podala vaša konferenca, na ministrstvu natančno preučili in jih posledično lahko uporabili v prihodnjih politikah in strategijah. Naj zaključim tako, da vsem udeležencem in organizatorjem konference zaželim zelo kon-struktiven in ustvarjalen dialog! Najlepša hvala za vašo pozornost. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 54 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mitja Slavinec Secretary of State Ministry of Education, Science and Sport WELCOME SPEECH Dear Mr. President of the Republic of Slovenia, dear President of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. President of the Alma Mater Europaea, my dear friend Prof. Ludvik Toplak. It is my great pleasure that I can welcome you in my capacity as Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport to this international conference entitled, “All About People: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and the Arts”. I’m also sending all of you good wishes for a productive debate in the name of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, Prof. Simona Kustec. Firstly, I want to congratulate the organisers of this excellent Conference for having attracted so many distinguished speakers and guests to discuss one of the most fateful processes in human history. Indeed, a digital transformation of our societies is such a profound change in our lives that some experts even describe it as a “digital revolution”… You will discuss the aspects and impacts of a digital transformation in science, education and the arts. These, of course, include the reflection of all the positive transformational potential of the new digital technologies as well as the negative effects of this huge structural change. Tremendous developments in quantum computing, artificial intelligence and 3D printing, for instance, are already opening new horizons for human creativity and what was considered as pure science fiction only few decades ago is now already a reality! Yes, the speed of development is incredible! However, are we, as humans, prepared for such dramatic changes? Can we adequately cope with all the unknown effects of the process? For many of these questions you will try to find some answers today! For humanity, the right answers are crucial as the destiny of billions will depend on right or wrong decisions! The European Union adopted a Digital Agenda for Europe eleven years ago. The digital economy is growing at seven times the rate of the rest of the economy. However, Europe is still lagging behind many other regions when it comes to the fast, reliable and connected digital networks which underpin economies and every part of our business and private lives. The Digital Agenda for Europe is aimed at boosting Europe’s economy by delivering sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market. But it is not only about the economy. It also calls for the promotion of the right skills for the modern economy, which, of course, demands the relevant structural changes in national educational systems. On the other hand, this programme also stresses the importance of working with our international, non-European partners to fight cybercrime. A digital transformation is changing all aspects of our lives and work, therefore we have to transform accordingly all the societal subsystems and societal institutions from kindergartens to nursing homes! I am delighted that this Conference is organised by the very skilled and competent Slovenian educational institution, Alma Mater Europaea, which can with its multidisciplinary excellence not only discuss the various “burning” themes of digital transformation, but also provide some insightful answers and maybe even solutions to the actual questions. In this respect I can promise that all the recommendations that will be delivered by your conference will be carefully considered at the Ministry and consequently may potentially be used in our future policies and strategies! Let me conclude by wishing all the participants and organisers of the Conference a very constructive and creative dialogue! Thank you very much for your attention! 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 55 PLENARY SESSION II SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 30 YEARS OF MONETARY SOVEREGINITY OF SLOVENIA 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 58 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jeffrey Sachs Direktor Centra za trajnostni razvoj na Columbia University (Prepis in prevod prispevka avtorja na večernem plenarnem zasedanju) V veliko veselje in v veliko čast mi je, da sem danes z vami. Vse čestitke Alma Mater Europaea, gostiteljici tega pomembnega srečanja, in za vse vaše intelektualne pobude v Sloveniji, v Evropi ter v svetu. Občudujemo vas. Seveda bi bil raje z vami v čudoviti Sloveniji, enem najlepših krajev na svetu in eni mojih najljubših destinacij. Ni še minilo veliko časa, odkar sva bila z ženo pred nekaj leti na Bledu. Tik pred »lock-downom« sva prišla na konferenco o varnosti in seveda uživala v tistem najlepšem kraju v Sloveniji. Zelo ganljivo in prisrčno je biti z vami ob 30. obletnici nekaterih dogodkov vaše države, njene neodvisnosti junija 1991. In videti na ekranu mojega dragega prijatelja Borisa Pleskoviča, ki me je v tistem obdobju pripeljal v Ljubljano, da bi sodeloval s takratnim predsednikom vlade, Peterletom. Kako čudovito vas je videti, premier, ob tej priložnosti. Rad bi omenil še eno drugo osebo, Janeza Drnovška, ki je bil velik človek, izjemen gospod, zelo spodoben človek, ki me je prvič pripeljal v federativno Jugoslavijo leta 1989, ko je kriza že daleč napredovala. Takrat je bil Drnovšek predsednik predsednikov Jugoslavije in me je povabil, da nagovorim predsedstvo države. Pomagal mi je, da se povežem s Slovenijo in dobim priložnost pridružiti se vodstvu premierja Peterleta, ter da sodelujem z Borisom Pleskovičem in našimi kolegi pri uvajanju valute in tolarja. Mislim, da lahko rečemo, da je bilo to sodelovanje zelo uspešno v tistih zelo dramatičnih okoliščinah, toda Slovenija se je resnično dvignila ob osamosvojitvi in pobegnila iz regijskih vojn. Ravno sem gledal podatke iz leta 1992: Slovenija je takrat dosegala 50 % BDP na prebivalca Nemčije. Ta sedaj znaša 73 % dohodka na prebivalca. To je preprost ukrep, vendar kaže zgodovinski uspeh po tridesetih letih neprekinjenega tehnološkega napredka, gospo-darskega razvoja in miru. To je bil precej zahteven čas. Ampak mislim, da je to velika zgodba o uspehu čudovite države in v čast mi je, da sem povezan s tem. Govorimo o prihodnosti in mislim, da je tema digitalne preobrazbe prava tema. Kamorkoli se ozremo, vidimo izjemne preboje digitalnih tehnologij tistih, ki nas silijo tako v nadaljnji napredek kot tudi v anomalije v vsakem delu našega življenja, kot ste omenili: v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti. Naj torej začnem tam. Dejstvo, da imamo v enem letu od začetka pandemije covida-19 veliko cepiv, je na področju cepiv brez primere in je v celoti posledica preboja digitalne biotehnologije, ker je bila bioteh-nična industrija sposobna uporabiti zelo dovršene odzive na nov virus, ki je bil prvič identificiran 11. januarja 2020. V nekaj tednih so že bila v načrtovanju vzorčna cepiva. Platforma mRNA, cepivi Moderna in Pfizer so primeri digitalne biotehnologije, ki je omogočila ta izjemen napredek. Toda tudi za vsa druga cepiva bi bila stopnja razvoja pred desetimi leti nemogoča. To je odraz digitalne dobe. Izobraževanje je v zadnjem letu očitno postalo digitalno. Tu smo, v najnovejšem zoomu. Univerze so takoj v celoti stopile v splet. Nisem prepričan, kako je Alma Mater delovala v zadnjih 12 mesecih, toda Univerza Columbia je v celoti prešla na spletno dogajanje. In resnici na ljubo, grem danes popoldne po 377 dneh prvič ponovno v svojo pisarno, ker sem bil prvič cepljen. Torej me verjetno čaka kar nekaj pošte, vendar smo lahko popolnoma dobro delovali tudi preko spleta. Danes zjutraj sem razpravljal o napredku spletnega izobraževanja kot načina za množično nadgradnjo izobraževanja v Afriki, ker v Afriki obstaja priložnost in potreba po revoluciji v visokem šolstvu. To mora biti poceni, dostopno, in kakovostno. In kako to drugače storiti kot z zelo pomembnim spletnim elementom? Mislim, da lahko v visokem šolstvu naredimo stvari, ki še nikoli niso bile narejene, tako v smislu hitrega približevanja visokega šolstva množi-ci prebivalstva, kot tudi po nizki ceni. Tako smo razmišljali o tem, vendar mislim, da bomo ugotovili, da digitalni svet na nešteto načinov omogoča revolucijo v izobraževanju. Mladi v osnovni in srednji šoli imajo digitalne spretnosti, ki zagotovo presegajo moje. Moje vnukinje, stare štiri, šest in osem let, me učijo, kako to početi na spletu. Ustvarjajo digitalne predstavi- 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 59 tve. Po spletu pošiljajo domače naloge. Z glasovnimi sporočili se učijo tujih jezikov. Gre za res izjemne priložnosti. Gre za nove veščine, ki jih bomo lahko usposobili za uporabo geograf-skih informacij na nove načine, kartiranje in podobno, kar je sedaj, v dobi velikih podatkov in spletnega računalništva v oblaku ter univerzalnega dostopa do informacij, mogoče. Prav tako je zanimivo dejstvo, da imam na univerzi Columbia, na primer, le s pritiskom na gumb dostop do spleta in do približno 50.000 revij. To so globalne informacije, ki bi morale biti študentom na voljo povsod. Tako imamo priložnost resnično poenotiti dostop do znanja, do knjig in do znanstvenih informacij. Tretja kategorija, ki ste jo omenili, je umetnost in čisto po naključju je včeraj padel svetovni rekord na dražbi digitalne umetnosti. Nisem prepričan, če ste slišali za to, toda digitalna umetniška dela umetnika Mika Winkelmanna so bila včeraj na dražbi Christie's prodana za 69 milijonov dolarjev, s čimer so postavili rekord v digitalni umetnosti (to je skupaj z NFT-jem, za katerega še do včeraj nisem slišal, vendar sem prepričan, da večina ljudi ve za to, da gre za nezamenljiv žeton, potrdilo o digitalni pristnosti). Kupil ga je Ethereum, vendar ne za ameri- ške dolarje, ampak z enakovredno tržno vrednostjo 69,3 milijona dolarjev. Brez dvoma tudi preko spleta. Torej se tudi svet umetnosti popolnoma preoblikuje. Pred kratkim sem objavil knjigo z naslovom The Ages of Globalisation – »Dobe globalizacije«, ki spremlja, kako se je svet spreminjal – bil sem skromen in sem rekel – zadnjih 300.000 let. To je tanka knjiga, vendar sem poskušal podati pregled paleolitske dobe, neolitske dobe, dobe oceanskih imperijev, industrijske dobe. Našo dobo imenujem digitalna doba – iz vseh razlogov, ki sem jih opisoval. Vsa velika preobrazbena področja so spodbujala inovacije. Če obstaja osnovna premica spremembe človeške zgodovine, in mislim, da obstaja, je to znanje. Naša sposobnost je razviti orodja za obravnavo človekovih potreb. Na žalost tudi za medsebojno pobijanje ali za druge vrste konfliktov. Toda tehnološke spremembe so temeljni no-silec zgodovinskih sprememb, saj tehnologije spreminjajo vse glede tega, kako živimo, kje živimo, glede vrste dela, ki ga opravljamo, in načinov globalnega medsebojnega delovanja naših gospodarstev. V knjigi trdim, da je sedma velika doba globalne medsebojne povezanosti digitalna doba. V bistvu je naslednik industrijske dobe, ki se je začela z izumom parnega stroja v začetku 18. stoletja. Pravzaprav sega celo nazaj v leto 1696, če želimo biti natančni. Zares komercialno gledano pa sega v konec 18. stoletja. Za to digitalno revolucijo pravzaprav dajem zasluge velikemu geniju Alanu Turingu, ki je leta 1936 predstavil idejo, da bi nizi nič in ena lahko bili osnova za univerzalno računanje. Tukaj je še en velik genij, ki se je kmalu zatem pojavil, John Von Neumann, ki je na podlagi vakuum-skih cevi izdelal prve računalnike z logičnim vezjem. Nato smo s tranzistorjem zares vstopili v dobo digitalne revolucije s sposobnostjo izdelave mikroprocesorjev. Sledi Moorejev zakon – Moore je deloval v poznih petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja in je za milijarde in milijarde krat povečal zmogljivosti za računanje, shranjevanje in prenos podatkov. In to je svet, v katerem smo danes. Zato v »Dobi globalizacije« ne samo poudarjam vlogo teh temeljnih ali včasih t. i. splošnih tehnologij, temveč poudarjam, kako težavne so. Parni stroj ni ustvaril samo industrializacije, temveč je ustvaril tudi evropsko cesarsko prevlado. Tudi prej so obstajala cesarstva, nadvla-de, toda britanski imperij je bil prvo industrijsko cesarstvo. In vojaška prednost, ki je prišla z industrializacijo, je bila tako popolna, da je pripeljala do evropske prevlade svetu, ki je bila v glavnem podvržena le manjšim pretresom, a se je nato končala v dveh evropskih svetovnih vojnah. ZDA so za nekaj časa postale geopolitični zrak te hegemonije. Mislim pa, da digitalna doba spreminja geopolitiko tako temeljno, kot spreminja gospodarstvo v vseh sektorjih, ker se te tehnologije lahko širijo po vsem svetu. In predvsem Vzhodna Azija je ob zahodni Evropi in ZDA postala elektrarna za digitalno tehnologijo. Tako imamo zdaj tri osnovna središča digitalne gospodarske rasti: severovzhodna Azija, to so Kitajska, Japonska in Koreja; Evropska unija in ZDA. Prihodnost naše geopolitike in svetovnega gospodarstva bo sledila hitrim spremembam, ki jih narekuje digitalna doba. Danes digitalna doba vključuje vse vrste osnovne infrastrukture za digitalne družbe, to je univerzalna povezljivost, 5G, ki bo kmalu, dovolj kmalu postal 6G, vključitev obnovljive energije v promet in upravljanje teh digitalnih omrežij. In seveda 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 60 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV uporaba strojnega učenja, umetne inteligence in hitro razvijajoče se umetne bolj splošne inteligence, za katero menim, da se bo verjetno v prihodnjih letih še bolj razvila. Pri vsem tem je opazno, da je Kitajska v tem zelo dobra, kar ZDA zdaj malo spravlja ob pamet. Prav tako ustvarja potrebo po tem, da Evropa premisli o evropskih strategijah na tem področju. Mislim, da je bilo zelo opazno in pomembno, da je Evropa ravno v preteklem tednu napovedala več sto milijard dolarjev za izgradnjo lastne evropske polprevodniške in digitalne industrije, kar močno podpiram kot pobudo. Na koncu naj rečem, da si moramo na tem področju prizadevati za globalno sodelovanje. Le tako lahko dosežemo digitalno dobo, ki je tudi doba miru, socialne vključenosti in trajnostnega razvoja. Tehnološkim preobrazbam tega obsega pogosto sledijo konflikti, grožnje ameriško-kitajskega soočenja pa so povsem resnične, zlasti glede na trenutno nevrotično stanje ameriške zunanje politike, ki se izjemno preobremenjuje s kitajskimi uspehi na teh področjih. Dejstvo pa je: Evropska unija, ZDA, Kitajska in drugi deli sveta bi si morali skupaj prizadevati za uporabo teh novih tehnologij, da bi razogljičili naša gospodarstva, vzpostavili sisteme trajnostne rabe zemljišč in trajnostnih prehranskih verig po vsem svetu. Z drugimi besedami, doseči programe, kot je evropski zeleni dogovor, in pospešiti konec revščine ter druge cilje trajnostnega razvoja, ki so naši globalni cilji. Zato bom te kratke pripombe zaključil z besedami, da nam digitalna doba ponuja izjemne prilož- nosti, ogromno neprijetnosti in izjemna tveganja. Tako kot vse napake večjih tehnoloških sprememb, je na koncu tudi naša uporaba teh tehnologij odvisna od naših etičnih odločitev in želja, da jih uporabimo v dobro in preprečimo takšen konflikt, ki je v preteklosti tako pogosto spremljal negativne spremembe. Naj se vam še enkrat zahvalim za priložnost, da podam nekaj kratkih opomb. Veselim se razprave. Najlepša hvala. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 61 Jeffrey David Sachs Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University (Transcript of his contribution at the evening plenary session) What a great pleasure to be with you and what a great honor. Congratulations to Alma Mater Europa for hosting this important gathering and for all your intellectual leadership in Slovenia and in Europe and in the world. We admire you. And of course I would rather be with you in beautiful Slovenia, one of the most beautiful places in the world, and one of my favorite destinations. It hasn't been so long since my wife and I were in Bled a couple of years ago. Just before the lockdown, we came for a security conference and of course enjoyed that most beautiful place in Slovenia. And it is very touching and heartwarming to be with you on the 30th anniversary of some adventures of your country, its independence, in June 1991. And to see my dear friend Boris Pleskovič on the screen who brought me to Ljubljana in that period to work with the prime minister Peterle. So how wonderful to see you, prime minister, on the occasion. I would like to remember one other person, as well. Janez Drnovšek, who was a great person, a tremendous gentleman, a very decent person who brought me to federal Yugoslavia for the first time in 1989, when the crisis was already far advanced. At the time, Drnovšek was president of the presidents of Yugoslavia, and invited me to speak to the presidency of the country. And from there, he helped me to bond with Slovenia and to have the chance to join prime minister Peterle's leadership, and to work alongside Boris Pleskovič and our colleagues on introducing the currency and the Tolar. I think one can say this was a successful undertaking in very dramatic circumstances, but Slovenia really rose to the occasion of independence, and escaped from the Wars of the region. I was just looking at the data in 1992: Slovenia was at 50% of the GDP per capita of Germany. And now it is at 73% of the per capita income. That is a simple measure, but it shows a historic success over a 30-year period of continued technological advance, economic development, and peace. And it's been a pretty challenging time. But I think it is a great success story of a beautiful country, and it's a life honor for me to be associated with that. Well, we are talking about going forward and I think the theme of the digital transformation is the right theme. Everywhere we look, it is the remarkable breakthroughs of digital technologies that are propelling us in further advances and disruptions, so of every part of our life you have mentioned: science, education and the arts. Let me just start there. The fact that within one year of the COVID 19 pandemic we have many vaccines, is unprecedented in vaccinology and due entirely to the breakthroughs of digital biotechnology, because the biotech industry was able to deploy highly sophisticated responses to a new virus that was identified for the first time on January 11th, 2020. And within a few weeks, there were already model vaccines underway. The mRNA platform, vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer, are examples of digital biotechnology, which enabled these remarkable advances. But also, for all the other platform vaccines, the rate of development would have been impossible 10 years ago. This is a reflection of the digital age. Education has obviously also gone digital this past year. Here we are, in the latest zoom. Universities went immediately onehundred percent online. I'm not sure about how Alma Mater operated in the past 12 months, but Columbia university went entirely online. And truth be told, I'm going to my office this afternoon now that I am also vaccinated for the first time in 377 days. So there's a little bit of mail waiting for me, but we were able to function entirely online. I've spent the early part of today discussing advances of online education as a way for massive leapfrogging of education in Africa, because there's an opportunity and a need in Africa for a revolution in higher education. And it has to be low cost. It has to be accessible. It has to be quality. And how to do this other than with a very substantial online element. And I think we can do things in higher education, that have never been done before in terms of bringing higher education to the mass of the population at very low cost quickly. So we were brainstorming on that, but I also think that we're going to find that the digital world enables revolutions in education in countless ways. Young people in primary and secondary school have digital skills that certainly exceed mine. My granddaughters who are aged four, six, and eight, teach me how to do things online. They're making digital presentations. They are sending in their homework assignments. They're learning foreign languages with the voice messaging. Really remarkable opportunities. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 62 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV There are new skills that we will be able to train in using geographic information in new ways, mapping and so forth, that are all possible in an age of big data and online cloud computing and universal access to information. It is also the case that for me at Columbia university, for example, I have online access to, I do not know how many, but I would guess 50,000 journals at the touch of the click of the button. And this is global information that should be available for students everywhere. So, we have an opportunity to really universalize access to knowledge, to books, to scientific information. The third category you mentioned are the arts, and it is fitting that yesterday was a world record of an auction of digital art. I am not sure people read about it, but the digital artwork by the artist Mike Winkelmann auctioned at Christie's for $69 million yesterday, setting a record for digital art. This comes along with an NFT, which I had never heard of before yesterday, but I'm sure most people know that it is a non-fungible token, a certificate of digital authenticity. It was purchased by Ethereum, not by US dollars, but with an equivalent market value of $69.3 million yesterday. No doubt, purchased online also. So the art world is completely being transformed as well. I recently published a book called "The ages of globalization", which tracks how the world has changed over - I was modest, I put it - the last 300,000 years. It's a thin little book, but I tried to give an overview of the paleolithic era, the neolithic age, the age of ocean empires, the industrial age. And I call our age - the digital age - for all the reasons that I've been describing. All of great transformative areas were paced by innovation. If there is a basic arrow of change of human history, and I think there is, it is knowledge. It is our capacity to deploy tools for addressing human needs. Unfortunately, also to deploy tools for killing each other all too often or for other kinds of conflict. But it is technological change, which is the fundamental pacer of historical change because major technologies change everything about how we live, where we live, the kinds of work that we do, the ways that our economies interact globally. And I argue in the book that the seventh grade age of global interconnectedness is the digital age. Essentially, it is the successor to the industrial age which started with the invention of the steam engine back in the 1770s. Actually even back to 1696, if you want to be technical about it. But commercially, from the end of the 18th century. I trace this digital revolution to a great genius, Alan Turing, who in 1936 laid out the idea that strings of zeros and ones could provide the basis for universal computation. And another great genius who came along soon af-terwards, John Von Neumann, who built the first computers with the logical circuitry, based on vacuum tubes. Then with the transistor, we entered really the age of digital revolution with the capacity to build microprocessors. And then with Moore's law, kicking in from the late 1950s, essentially killed today, creating a billions and billions fold, increased capacity to compute, to store data and to transmit data. And that's the world that we're in today. Therefore in “The ages of globalization” not only do I emphasize the role of these fundamental, or sometimes called general purpose technologies, but I emphasize how disruptive they are. The steam engine created not only industrialization, it also created the European Imperial domination. There were empires before to be sure, but the British empire was the first industrial empire. And the military advantage that came with industrialization was so complete that it led to a European, utterly dominated world, that was only shaken basically, and ended by the two European World Wars. The United States became the geopolitical air of that hegemony for a while. But I think the digital age is changing geopolitics as fundamentally as it is changing the economy in every sector, because these technologies are able to spread around the world. East Asia has become a digital technology powerhouse alongside Western Europe and the United States. So, we have three basic centers of digital and dodgy economic growth now: Northeast Asia, which is China, Japan, and Korea; the European union, and the United States. A lot of the future of our geopolitics and the world economy will follow the rapid course of change, driven by the digital age. Today, the digital age includes every kind of basic infrastructure for digital societies, which is universal connectivity, 5G, which will soon become 6G, soon enough the integration of renewable energy of transport, of governance into these digital networks. And of course the application of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the rapidly developing, more artificial general intelligence that I think is likely to be on its way infuture years. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 63 What is notable about all of this is that China is very good at this, and that is driving the United States a bit crazy right now. It is creating the need also for Europe to rethink Europe's strategies in this area. I think it was very notable and important that Europe announced just this past week a major commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars to build Europe's own semiconductor and digital industry, which I strongly support as an initiative. Let me end by saying that within this ambit we have work to do of global cooperation. That is the only way that we can have a digital age, which is also an age of peace, social inclusion, and sustainable development. Technological transformations of this scale are often followed by conflict, and the threats of US-China confrontation are quite real, especially given the - I would say - neurotic state of American foreign policy these days, which is extraordinarily preoccupied with China's successes in these areas. But the fact of the matter is: the European union, the United States, China and other parts of the world should be working together to harness these new technologies in order to decarbonize our economies, to establish systems of sustainable land use and sustainable food systems worldwide. In other words, to achieve programs like the European green deal and to accelerate the end of poverty and the other sustainable development goals, which are our global goals. I'll end these brief remarks by saying that the digital age gives us phenomenal opportunities, tremendous disruption, and tremendous risks. And like all errors of major technological change in the end, how we use these technologies depends on our ethical choices and our desires to use them for the good and to prevent the kind of conflict, which has so often accompanied disruption in the past. Let me thank you again for a chance to make a few brief remarks and I am looking forward to the discussion. Thank you very much. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 64 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mejra Festić Faculty of Economics, University of Maribor CORONA CRISIS AND BANKS – AN OVERVIEW In order to fight the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, monetary and fiscal policy announced a large variety of support packages. European central bank has taken several measures, including expanding asset purchase programs to mitigate the negative effects of the coronavirus crisis. To mitigate the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic, both governments and central banks around the world have adopted massive support packages. The US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank announced the expansion of asset purchase programs and the launch of swap lines and long-term refinancing operations to provide markets with additional liquidity. The governments launched programs to support employment and income of the population. The significant increase in asset purchases has stabilized financial markets, which returned to pre-crisis levels after a surge in volatility. In fact, markets have been anticipating aggressive easing by central banks, as reflected in the sharp fall in sovereign bond yields in many countries around the world. On March 18th, 2020 the ECB activated a new Quantitative Easing line of 750 billion through the Euro Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program (PEPP), targeting national and regional government bonds, including Greek sovereign debt, and various private sector bonds. On June 4, 2020, the European central bank almost doubled the PEPP, increasing its size up to 1350 billion Euros. As part of the European Union Recovery Plan, the European Commission has increased expenditure ceilings, granted additional access to emergency loans and assets for member states, and targeted specific funding to hospitals and the agricultural sector. The result was the provision of ample liquidity and credit, the refinancing of existing debts at low-interest rates, and a broaden-ing of the scope of QE policies. The Euro crisis of 2010-2015 exposed the growing asymmetries induced by unstainable GIIPS (Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) borrowing sprees during 2000-2008, funded mostly by Germany, France, and other Core countries. The crisis induced painful internal adjustments and a sharp growth contraction of the GIIPS (Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain); at times when Germany and other core countries mostly sustained positive and robust growth. The GIIPS debt crisis of 2010- 2012 provided a clear lesson about the risk of delaying policy action at times of peril, triggering self-fulfilling dynamics and inducing bad equilibria associated with fire sales, defaults, and financial meltdown. Synchronized actions across countries increase the power of monetary policy. Therefore, global cooperation to synchronize monetary policy must be high on the agenda. Ample liquidity within countries, and across borders, is the prerequisite to the successful reversal of the rapid tightening in financial conditions. The sharp decline in interest rates, combined with growing anxiety about the economic outlook, have also raised investor concerns about the health of banks. Banks’ share prices have fallen sharply, and bond prices of banks have also come under some pressure—likely reflecting fear of potential losses. The good news is that banks are generally more resilient than before the 2008 financial crisis, because they have greater capital and liquidity cushions. This means the risks to financial stability stemming from the banking sector are much lower, despite declining share prices. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 65 Supervisory authorities should, however, monitor developments at banks very closely. Given the temporary nature of the virus outbreak, banks could consider a temporary restructuring of loan terms for the most-affected borrowers. Supervisors should work closely with banks to ensure that such actions are both transparent and temporary. Authorities should also be alert to possible financial stability threats from outside the banking system. This requires an increased focus on asset managers and exchange-traded funds, where investors might liquidate risky investments suddenly. Overall, policymakers must act decisively and cooperate at the global level to preserve monetary and financial stability during this time of extraordinary challenges. The mantra of “hoping for the best, preparing for the worst” has long been successfully deployed. Challenge for the future, how to step-out of the non-standard monetary policy instruments. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 66 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Laurence Hewick INVITED SPEAKER President, Global Family Business Institute SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION THE DIGITAL AGE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON FAMILY BUSINESSES ABSTRACT The digital age is defined by its influence of connectivity, computations and artificial intelligence has truly affected all people. According to Jeffrey Sachs this new economic age began in the year 2000 and it has influenced the globalization of most economic sectors. The digital age has had a major impact on all forms of business whether they are SMEs, family businesses or multinational corporations. The impact has been both positive and negative. The unique nature of family business makes it most vulnerable to the challenges in the digital age. In today’s European economy there are about 14 million family businesses who account for about 45 to 50% of the GDP and 40 to 45% of all non-government employment. Government and education need to work together to facilitate a smoother transition of family business into the digital age. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 67 1 SPLETNE IN INFORMACIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE / WEB AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, SMART VILLAGES AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IRCAI UNESCO INVITED SPEAKERS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Matej Mertik, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Matjaž Gams, Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems Maciej Wieglosz, AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow Matjaž Perc, Univerza v Mariboru, Alma Mater Europaea ECM SMART VILLAGES AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Franc Bogovič, Member of Member of the European Parliament Nevenka Cukjati and Matjaž Logar, Jozef Stefan Institute PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Matej Mertik, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Matjaž Gams, Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems Maciej Wieglosz, AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow Matjaž Perc, Univerza v Mariboru, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Franci Solina, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani Gašper Hrastelj, International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence IRCAI UNESCO 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 70 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Matjaž Gams INVITED SPEAKER Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Slovenija KAKO SPLETNI MEDIJI SPREMINJAJO NAŠE MISLI HOW IS ONLINE MEDIA TRANSFORMING OUR MINDS POVZETEK Naša slovenska, evropska in zahodno-civilizacijska družba se v zadnjih letih temeljito spreminja. Dva vira spremembe, ki jo preiskujemo v tem prispevku, sta klasični in spletni mediji. Klasični mediji, zlasti v času Trumpovega predsedovanja, so se spremenili v medije za in proti, pri čemer je neznatno število klasičnih medijev ostalo nevtralno, objektivno. Klasični mediji v Sloveniji ali ZDA so se tako ali drugače začeli spreminjati v promocijske organizacije. Študija, ki smo jo izvedli, je obsegala naslednja vprašanja: 1. Ali obstajajo pozitivne ali negativne novice o Melaniji Trump; 2. Ton o migrantih; in 3. Ali je bilo kaj zapisov o cerkvenih napadih v Franciji. Izkazalo se je, da obstajajo ostre meje, ki klasične medije delijo na dve področji glede teh treh vprašanj. Ni presenetljivo, da so spletne novice v medijih podobne klasičnim; navsezadnje so vsi glavni klasični mediji aktivni na spletu. Spletna študija je pokazala naslednje presenetljive rezultate: Temno plat spletnih medijev sta v javnosti razkrila "The Digital Dilemma" in "Worldnet". Zna-menito poročilo "Digitalna dilema" je predstavil Svet za znanost in tehnologijo. Pokazalo se je, da več spletnih mehanizmov dejansko negativno vpliva na posameznike in družbo na primeru všečkov socialnih omrežij. Izumitelji omrežij so pričakovali, da bodo všečki spodbujali prijaznost in pozitivna čustva po vsem svetu ter nagrajevali dobre ideje in pozitivne občutke. V resnici pa je bilo ravno nasprotno: uporabniki omrežja so se obnašali presenetljivo primitivno in izvajali velike brutalne napade na določene žrtve, včasih naključno izbrane. Kot da se je ponovil srednje-veški lov iz teme pred stoletji. Drugič, učinek na povprečnega netizena je bil negativen v smislu občutkov in izgube občutka za resničnost. Številne študije so pokazale, da je bilo dnevno število ur, preživetih v digitalnih omrežjih, sorazmerno s količino negativnih misli v preteklosti, vključno z mislimi na samomor. Drugič, znatno se je povečalo število ljudi, ki verjamejo v dokazano napačna, neznanstvena mnenja. Na primer, število konferenc o ravni Zemlji v zadnjih letih nenehno narašča. V Sloveniji rekorden odstotek prebivalstva cepivom ne zaupa, piše The Lancet, ki Slovenijo uvršča med 5 najslabših držav na svetu. V zadnjih dveh letih so nekatere naše študije razkrile vire in mehanizme teh negativnih učinkov. Medtem ko internet ostaja eden najboljših in najbolj demokratičnih medijev na svetu, so številni vizionarji v preteklih letih opozarjali, da obstajajo močne sile, ki bodo moč spletnih medijev uporabljale za svoje (temne) namene. Še vedno ni jasno, ali se ti negativni stranski učinki pojavljajo ali so za njimi še posebej vplivni posamezniki ali velja oboje. V predavanju bomo razkrili nekatera najnovejša in najbolj zahtevna opažanja in hipoteze. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 71 ABSTRACT Our Slovenian, European and Western-civilization society is being fundamentally transformed in recent years. Two sources of the change investigated here are the classical and the online media. The classical media in particular under the Trump presidency changed into the pro- and cons-media with insignificant number of classical media staying neutral, objective. The classical media in Slovenia or USA started turning into promotion organization in either way. The study we performed consisted of the following questions: 1. Are there positive or negative news about Mela-nia Trump; 2. The tone about migrants; and 3. Was there any note about church attacks in France. It turned out that there were sharp lines dividing the classical media into two pools regarding these three issues. It is no surprise that the online news media was similar to the classical media; after all, all major classical media is also active online. Nothing new there. The online study worldwide and by the author was stunning in two ways: The dark side of the online media was revealed in public by The Digital Dilemma and Worldnet. The landmark report The Digital Dilemma was introduced by the Academy’s Science and Technology Council. It showed that several online mechanisms are in effect negative for individuals and society, with likes in social networks an example. The inventors expected that the likes will promote kindness and positive emotions all over the networld, rewarding good ideas and positive feelings. In reality, it was the contrary: netizens behaved surprisingly primitive and performed massive brutal attacks on particular victims sometimes chosen randomly. The medieval which-hunt as if re-emerged from the dark centuries ago. Second, the effect on an average netizen was negative in terms of feelings and loss of sense of reality. Several studies showed that the number of hours daily spent on digital networks was directly proportional to the amount of negative thoughts in a retrospective way, including thoughts of a suicide. Secondly, the number of people believing in proven wrong, unscientific opinions significantly increased. For example, the number of conferences about flat Earth is on constant rise in recent years. In Slovenia, a record percentage of population does not trust the vaccines, according to The Lancet paper, which puts Slovenia among the 5 worst countries in the world. In the last two years, some of our studies have revealed the sources and mechanisms of these negative effects. While the internet remains one of the best and most democratic media in the world, many visionaries warned for years to come that there are strong forces that will use the power of the online media for their own (dark) purposes. It is still not clear whether these negative side-effects are emergent or there are particular most influential individuals behind them or both. In the lecture, we will reveal the newest and most challenging observations and hypotheses. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 72 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maciej Wieglosz INVITED SPEAKER AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow IMAGE PROCESSING USING NEURAL NETWORKS - OBJECT RECOGNITION AND DETECTION FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS ABSTRACT The field of Artificial Intelligence has been transformative in the past decade, and particularly in the past few years not so much in sense of what we can do with this technology as what we are doing with it. In this talk I will cover the development and reseearch on an advanced AI system for automatic detection of tumor cells in cytological preparations taken from skin tumors in canine and prepare auxiliary software tools. The system run in practice and allow the veterinarian to perform an initial examination of the smeared cytology sample what support the traditional analysis. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 73 Matjaž Perc INVITED SPEAKER Univerza v Mariboru, Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Slovenia DIGITALIZACIJA UMETNOSTI DIGITALIZATION OF ART POVZETEK Dvajseto stoletje se pogosto opisuje kot stoletje fizike. Dejansko bi brez fundamentalnih raziskovalnih prebojev v fizikalnih laboratorijih širom po svetu človeška družba danes zagotovo bila zelo drugačna kot je sedaj. Kar je preteklih 100 let bilo za fiziko, je preteklo tisočletje bilo za likovno umetnost. Od bizantinske umetnosti, renesanse in realizma, do popa, zadnjih 1000 let je gostilo nekatera umetniško najbolj produktivna obdobja našega obstoja. Masovna digitalizacija likovnih del nam danes omogoča natančno kvantitativno analizo zgodovine likovne umetnosti, in to na zelo obsežni časovni in prostorski skali. V študiji, ki jo bom predstavil, smo analizirali več kot 140.000 likovnih del od več kot 2300 umetnikov, ki so bile ustvarjene med leti 1031 in 2016. Na podlagi kompleksnosti in entropije prostorskih vzorcev v likovnih delih smo uspeli slednje hierarhično kategorizirati v dvo-dimenzionalnem prostoru reda-nereda in enostavnosti-kompleksnosti (glej sliko), kar nam razkrije časovni razvoj likovne umetnosti, ki se ujema za najpomembnejšimi umetniškimi obdobji pretekla tisočletja. Študija tako nakazuje naslednji korak v analizi masovnih podatkovnih baz, kjer se oddaljujemo od tekstovne semantike in približujemo kvantifikaciji subjektivnih lastnosti del kot so estetika in privlačnost. ABSTRACT The 20th century is often referred to as the century of physics. From x-rays to the semiconductor industry, the human society today would indeed be very different were it not for the progress made in physics laboratories around the world. What the past 100 years have been for science, the past millennium has been for the arts. From the late Byzantine and Islamic art to Renaissance, Realism and Pop art, the past 1000 years are packed with the most productive periods of our creative existence. The availability of digitized visual artworks allows us to perform large-scale quantitative analysis of the history of art. We have analyzed almost 140,000 visual artworks, the majority of which were paintings, by more than 2,300 artists created between the years 1031 and 2016. Based on the complexity and entropy of spatial patterns in the artworks, we were able to hierarchically categorize the artworks on a scale of order-disorder and simplicity-complexity, ultimately revealing a clear temporal evolution of the artworks that coincides with the main historical periods of art. Our research indicates a shift in data science, away from semantics towards the quantification of more subjective properties of artworks like aesthetics and beauty. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 74 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Franc Solina INVITED SPEAKER Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani KREATIVNOST V ZNANOSTI IN UMETNOSTI CREATIVITY IN SCIENCE AND ART POVZETEK V tem prispevku bomo osvetlili pogled na kreativnost v znanosti in umetnosti na podlagi desetle-tnih izkušenj obeh področij. Sodoben hiter razvoj, predvsem informacijske tehnologije oziroma računalništva, od številnih razvijalcev in zahtevnih uporabnikov predpostavlja tako poznavanje tehnološke plati,to pomeni vsaj znanje programiranja, kot tudi kreativne uporabe te tehnologije. Tehnologija se namreč razvija tako hitro, da ni mogoče pričakovati, da se potrebna znanja za uporabo te tehnologije oblikuje v neka specifična orodja, ki bi jih potencialni uporabniki lahko spoznali v času svojega študija. Zato samo tisti, ki znajo to tehnologijo tudi razvijati, lahko zaslutijo, kako bi se dalo to tehnologijo kreativno uporabiti še na druge in nove načine. Značilen primer so na primer razvijalci računalniških iger, ki so v veliki večini po svoji osnovni izobrazbi računalničarji. Zato so se po svetu že pred dvajsetimi leti začeli pojavljati interdisciplinarni študiji, ki kombinirajo tako tehnološko znanje na nekem področju, kot kreativno uporabo tega znanja, pogosto za ustvarjanje umetniških produktov. Tako je na primer področje novih medijev. Med prvimi takimi študiji je nastal študij Digital Media Design na Pensilvanski univerzi v Filadelfiji, ki ga sestavlja približno polovica računalniških in inženirskih predmetov in polovica umetniških predmetov. V Sloveniji je temu še najbližje študij Videa in novih medijev na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani. ABSTRACT In this paper, we will shed light on the view of creativity in science and art based on decades of experience in both fields. Modern rapid development, especially of information technology or computer science, presupposes from many developers and demanding users both knowledge of the technological side, which means at least knowledge of programming, as well as creative use of this technology. The technology is evolving so fast that it is not possible to expect that the necessary knowledge to use this technology will be formed into some specific tools that potential users might learn about during their studies. Therefore, only those who know how to develop this technology can see how this technology could be used creatively in other and new ways. A typical example is computer game developers, who are, for the most part, computer scientists by basic education. As a result, interdisciplinary studies began to appear around the world twenty years ago, combining both technological knowledge in a field and the creative use of that knowledge, often to create artistic products. For example, the field of new media. One of the first such studies was the Digital Media Design study at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, which consists of about half of computer and engineering subjects and half of art subjects. In Slovenia, the closest to this is the study of Video and New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 75 Franc Bogovič INVITED SPEAKER evropski poslanec / Member of the European Parliament PAMETNE VASI - KONCEPT RAZVOJA PODEŽELJA 21. STOLETJA. SMART VILLAGES – A NEW RURAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. POVZETEK Pametne vasi so nov koncept razvoja slovenskega in evropskega podeželja v 21. stoletju. Odgo-varjajo na izzive opuščanja in staranja podeželskih območij ter na rastoč digitalen prepad, ki zeva med podeželjem in mesti. V naslednjih desetletjih bomo podeželje ohranili in razvili s pomočjo novih tehnologij in konceptov ter spremembo načina mišljenja na področjih družbenih inovacij, dolgotrajne oskrbe, kmetijstva, mobilnosti, zdravstva, turizma, energetike… Pametne vasi so nov način življenja. So podeželske skupnosti, ki z inovativnimi in praktičnimi re- šitvami izboljšujejo svojo odpornost, gradijo na prednostnih in priložnostnih lastnega okolja ter na ta način presegajo pomanjkljivosti. Pametne vasi nas učijo uporabiti že uveljavljeno znanje in sposobnosti in ga nadgraditi z digitalno tehnologijo in inovativnimi rešitvami, kot so na primer Pametne srebrne vasi, ki bodo odgovor na izziv starajoče se Evrope. Pametne vasi so pot do poseljenega, digitalnega in zelenega podeželja, ki bo temelj odpor-ne Evrope! ABSTRACT Smart villages are a new development concept of Slovenian and European rural areas for the 21st century. They are a response to the challenges of the abandonment and ageing of countryside population and to the growing digital divide between rural and urban areas. In the coming decades, we will preserve and develop the rural areas with the help of new technologies and concepts together with a paradigm shift in the areas of social innovation, long-term care, agri-culture, mobility, health, tourism, energy… Smart villages are a new way of life. They are communities that improve their resilience with innovative and practical solutions, build on the priorities and opportunities of their own environment to overcome the shortcomings. Smart villages teach us to use established knowledge and skills and upgrade it with digital technology and innovative solutions. One such case is the Smart Silver Villages project - a response to the challenge of an ageing Europe. Smart villages are the path to a populated, digital and green rural areas that will be the corner stone of resilient Europe! 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 76 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nevenka Cukjati, Matjaž Logar INVITED SPEAKERS „SRIP SC&C: SMART SOLUTION FOR GREEN FUTURE“ ABSTRACT EU Smart specialisation (S3) is an innovative approach that aims to boost growth and jobs in Europe, by enabling each region to identify and develop its own competitive advantages. Through its partnership and bottom-up approach, smart specialisation brings together local authorities, academia, business spheres and the civil society, working for the implementation of long-term growth strategies supported by EU funds. The implementation of S3 in Slovenia represents one of the key tools for strengthening and upgrading the Slovenian innovation ecosystem. It was identifies three priority pillars and nine areas, Strategic Research & Innovation Partnerships. Jožef Stefan Institute has applied for the coordination of the Strategic Research & Innovation Partnership for the Smart Cities and Communities topic. SRIP SC&C has 120 members: companies, esearch institutions, municipalities, universities. The biggest competitive advantage of SRIP SC&C is that it has a state mandate to represent the economy in the field of Smart Cities and Communities. Objective: creates and supports synergies: business and research developing, connection between the state and member companies, promotion of members and their products at events and online, information to the members of SRIP SC&C, with new solutions and products, improving the quality of life. Also the European Commission has identified the importance of carbon-neutral Smart Cities as one of the 5-key areas of action, through the Mission’s financial mechanism. Networking and knowledge are our strength: experience in the field of the new technologies, innovative approaches and advanced solutions upgraded with new ideas in response to the new challenges. Preparing and introducing innovative products and services, we continue to ensure a high quality of life for city residents and communities. Keywords: EU Smart specialisation, innovative approaches, Smart Cities and Communities 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 77 Jorge Ferreira Franco Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Brazil TRANSFORMATIVE COMPUTATIONAL PRACTICES BASED ON CODING WEB3D VIRTUAL REALITY SPACES AT K-12 LEVELS ABSTRACT In times of fourth industrial revolution, educating people for acquiring and using cognitive and technical skills referent to informatics encompassing an integration of coding and scientific transdisciplinary concepts within the digital society has been a challenge. Reducing this challenge can contribute to transcend from digitization processes to a state of participatory digital transformation. Attempting to contribute for digital transformation, this work has presented a qualitative action research experience, use cases and their impacts within a primary school learning environment and beyond. The strategy has been using a hybrid of information production and visualization tools, the emerging spatial computing and communication paradigm and its technologies combined with the minimalist computing approach, focusing on inspiring dia-logic and collaborative computational education practices and reflection processes to support educating non-technical people. Individuals have direct manipulated and engaged with web3D-based spatial computing technologies through computational practices of coding for learning across building web3D-based virtual reality (VR) digital spaces interrelated with acquiring and applying sciences concepts at k-12 levels. These practices have provided social good such as acquiring and using transdisciplinary technical and scientific knowledge involving an integration of informatics, arts, math and languages concepts. Hence, computational practices have inspired individuals participating in equitable coding literacy and Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education across stimulating technical and cognitive skills acquisition for dealing with accessible, low cost, advanced information production and visualization technologies. Hence, ones have enhanced visual, spatial and complex thinking abilities and attitudes for knowledge acquisition and lifelong learning with sustainability. Keywords: Coding, arts, computing culture, digital humanities, visual literacy RESEARCH PROJECT HYBRID LAB NETWORK, GRANT AGREEMENT NO 2019-1-PT01-KA203-061449, ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME – KA2 – STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 78 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Andrea Gogová University of Tomas Bata in Zlin Jo Milne United Kingdom Tiny Domingos BIOPOETIC NARRATIVES TOWARDS HYBRID TOGETHERNESS ABSTRACT This paper describes how AI could improve hybrid and interspecies communication, promote environmental care and advance SciArt research and education. We created a framework for the development of biopoetic narratives where hope and remediation take shape through fiction, art and play. Using the plasticity of clay as a metaphor for evolution, creativity and AI, we propose a multilayer approach to generate a concept of hybrid togetherness. A togetherness where respect is given to both local and global forms of non-human intelligence and emphasis is placed on the nature of identity as a process of metamorphosis. The toolbox brings together a range of resources that facilitates research but above all allows participants to experiment in the field while actively generating new visual and textual biopoetic configurations. These configurations are generated through the correlation of motor neural networks and GANs with recorded data, gathered onsite and harvested through the Internet. It aims to create intertwined narratives where lived reality merges with the mythical and the virtual, raising questions about evolution and enabling a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of the living, the mineral and the technological. Keywords: AI, fiction, hybrid communication, environmental care, education RESEARCH PROJECT HYBRID LAB NETWORK, GRANT AGREEMENT NO 2019-1-PT01-KA203-061449, ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME – KA2 – STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 79 Margot Van Ham Hybrid Lab Network Netherlands BIOCHATTER ABSTRACT In our Hybrid Lab Network collaboration we have been thinking about how we could change the relationship of humans with plants. It seems important, especially these days, to teach children the benefit of interacting with green things on a regular basis. One way is to make them think more about plants and their names, trees and their names, and make them understand the way they communicate. We human species sometimes forget that other species are just as intelligent as us, only on a different level, and at a level that we can not always see or understand. If we could hear how plants communicate between each other, would we feel more connected to them, and subsequently, take better care of them? Keywords: plant-communication, translation, sound, observing, learning RESEARCH PROJECT HYBRID LAB NETWORK, GRANT AGREEMENT NO 2019-1-PT01-KA203-061449, ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME – KA2 – STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 80 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Stefano Turini Alma Mater Europaea NALOŽITE SPOMINE IN ZAVEST: PRIHODNOST BIOKIBERNETIKE IN TEHNOLOGIJE TRANSCENDENCE UPLOAD MEMORIES AND COSCIOUSNESS: THE FUTURE OF BIO-CYBERNETICS AND TRANSCENDENCE TECHNOLOGY POVZETEK Možgani so sestavljeni iz dodelanega superračunalnika, v katerem je mogoče vsako posamezno misel, besedo, dejanje, čustvo prevesti v obliki bioelektričnih impulzov. Razvil sem tehnologijo, ki vam omogoča, da ustvarite neposreden vmesnik med možganskim tkivom in računalnikom. Poskus poteka s kulturo nevronov, ki izhaja iz živalske parahipokampalne skorje, kjer se nahaja kratkoročni in dolgoročni spomin možganov, v substrat hranilne kulture, v katerem je prisotna retinojska kislina, ki je bistvenega pomena v mrežničnem tkivu, v katerem prisotni so pirami-dalni nevroni za sprejem svetlobnih impulzov in posledično pretvorbo v električne impulze. Digitalni poligraf, povezan s kulturo nevronov, bo zapisal impulze, ki se bodo poslali v kulturo nevronov, da bi po njihovi predelavi ugotovil, ali obstaja določena pravilnost odziva. Po ponov-nem pregledu zaporedja vhodnih in izhodnih impulzov je bila zahvaljujoč programski opremi za analizo zvočnega spektra izpostavljena pravilnost izhodnih impulzov v višini 45%, kljub dejstvu, da gre za kulturo prvotno neaktivnih nevronov in R2 0,001, kar izključuje možnost naključnih dogodkov in potrjuje prisotnost statistične pomembnosti. To mi omogoča izjavo o možnosti sne-manja subliminalnih možganskih impulzov s pomočjo preprostih orodij. Ključne besede: Poligraf, parahipokampalna skorja, nevroelektrokemijski vmesnik ABSTRACT The brain consists of an elaborate supercomputer in which every single thought, word, action, emotion can be translated in the form of bioelectric impulses. I developed a technology that allows you to create a direct interface between brain tissue and a computer. The experiment takes place with a culture of neurons, deriving from the animal parahippocampal cortex, where the brain's short and long-term memory is located, placed in a nutrient culture substrate in which Retinoic Acid is present, essential in the retinal tissue, in which are present pyramidal neurons, for the reception of light impulses and the subsequent conversion into electrical impulses. A digital polygraph, connected to the culture of neurons, will record the impulses that will be sent to the culture of neurons, in order to determine, after their reprocessing, if there is a certain regularity of the response. From the re-examination of the sequence of input and output impulses, thanks to a software for analyzing the sound spectrum, a regularity of output impulses of 45% was highlighted, despite the fact that it was a culture of initially inactive neurons and an R2 of 0.001 which excludes the possibility of random events and affirms the presence of statistical significance. This allows me to state about the possibility of recording subliminal cerebral impulses by means of simple tools. Keywords: Polygraph, Parahippocampal Cortex, Alignment Softwares, Neuroelectrochemi-cal interface 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 81 Vanja Samec International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING FOR EXISTING BRIDGES: VISION AND CHALLENGES ABSTRACT Bridges are a vital, but also extremely exposed part of traffic network for movement of goods and passengers. Prosperity and quality of our life is also based on a well-established transportation network. Because of that great care must be taken during the design, construction and maintenance of bridges. About 1-2% of the construction expenses have to be invested into maintenance per year. During the lifetime of a bridge a huge amount of data related to all aspects of the bridge is collected and must be managed. With growing complexity, accurate and usable information from the inspection of a bridge is getting more important than ever. There are good reasons for demanding implementation of BIM along entire life cycle of bridges, reducing the costs, errors and saving valuable time. The life period of bridges after their handover is significantly longer than the one during their design and construction. The status of bridges needs to be monitored on a continuous basis in order to ensure their safety and functionality. Mobile inspection helps asset owners streamline the process of planning inspections, collecting and managing inspection data, and complying with government reporting requirements. The maintenance/inspection requires organized, automated, open and transparent digital processes, which should consider both - structure and asset management data. This is currently being done by authorities worldwide via bridge inspection reports. The lack of standardization severely hinders the use of inspection information for knowledge-generation use cases by both practitioners and researchers The vision of BMS (Bridge Management System) would be the complete digital storage and exchange of data, cost as well as deterioration, optimization and analysis models and their interoperability with existing BIM solutions. The vision includes 3D/4D/5D/6D software independent data exchange between different software technologies during life cycle and beyond. The data flow from preliminary design can be used for structural design and ultimately calculation results can be incorporated into the following construction process. The same model can be used for inspection of the bridge over its lifetime allowing for a seamless linkage of information and allowing for proven asset management techniques to be used. Open BIM technology for the interoperability from technical, semantic and organizational point is of main interest. Keywords: Bridges, BMS, Open BIM Technolog 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 82 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tanja Muha direktorica AKOS Slovenia VARNOST IN ZASEBNOST V DOBI DIGITALIZACIJE SKOZI OČI REGULATORJA SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN THE AGE OF DIGITIZATION THROUGH THE EYES OF THE REGULATOR POVZETEK Digitalizacija številnih segmentov družbe prinaša mnoge prednosti in izboljšave. V preteklem letu se je trend digitalizacije zaradi razglašene epidemije in posledičnega povečanja obsega šolanja in dela od doma, občutno pospešil. Ta trend se bo z uvedbo tehnologije 5G nadaljeval tudi v prihodnje. Ob srečevanju uporabnikov z informacijskimi tehnologijami se istočasno pojavljajo izzivi povezani z zagotavljanjem kibernetske varnosti in e-zasebnosti. Pri naslavljanju teh vprašanj je kot regulator navedenih področij aktivna tudi Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve. V prispevku bodo podane koristne informacije o delu agencije, katere naloga je tudi zaščita pravic končnih uporabnikov in se zato izpostavljenih vprašanj loteva nekoliko širše. Ključne besede: digitalizacija, uporabniki, zasebnost, kibernetska varnost ABSTRACT The digitization of many segments of society brings many benefits and improvements. Over the past year, the trend of digitalisation has significantly accelerated due to the declared epidemic and the consequent increase in the volume of schooling and work from home. This trend will continue with the introduction of 5G technology in the future. At the same time, when users encounter information technology, challenges related to ensuring cyber security and e-privacy arise. The Agency for Communication Networks and Services is also active as a regulator of these areas in addressing these issues. The article will provide useful information on the work of the agency, whose task is also to protect the rights of end users and therefore addresses the issues raised in a somewhat broader way. Keywords: digitization, users, privacy, cyber security 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 83 Laris Gaiser Nova univerza Slovenia CYBER ESPIONAGE AND ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE: A PROBLEM AND A POTENTIAL SOLUTION IN A FRAGMENTATED ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT ABSTRACT Experts estimate that the cost of cybercrime to the global economy is likely around 700 billion of dollars every year. More than 25% of cyber crime is represented by cyber espionage. Cyber espionage is conducted on a regular basis by every nation in the world with a cyber capability, in addition to many non-state actors that use nation-state infrastructures to carry out operations and the current method of economic estimation, may not fully reflect the true damage to the global economy. It may slow the pace of innovation, distort trade, and create social costs from job loss. To counter a highly profitable activity, behind which there tend to be important capacities of state systems, it is necessary to support the formation of economic intelligence structures capable of stemming the phenomenon and strategically protecting the well-being of nations. Within an international context that is increasingly fluid but at the same time increasingly competitive, states once again become protagonists of the geopolitical scene and guarantors of stability as far they are able to create reliable economic environments connecting different sectors. Keywords: cybercrime, espionage, economic intelligence 2 VISOKO ŠOLSTVO / HIGHER EDUCATION COMPETITIVENESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN COOPERATION WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION (EUPHE) & 25th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION (ICHE) - UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE INVITED SPEAKERS Klaus Hekking, President of the European Union of Private Higher Education Ignaz Bender, International Conference on Higher Education Arif Çaglar, Bilkent University, Turkey PANEL Klaus Hekking, President of the European Union of Private Higher Education Ignaz Bender, International Conference on Higher education ICHE Franci Demšar, DIrector of the Slovene Agency for quality assurance in higher education Matej Avbelj, European Faculty of Law Nova univerza Barbara Toplak Perovič, Alma Mater Europaea - ECM PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Barbara Toplak Perovič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Luka Martin Tomažič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Klaus Hekking, President of the European Union of Private Higher Education Ignaz Bender, International Conference on Higher Education, Bilkent University, Turkey Phyllis Erdogan, International Conference on Higher Education, Bilkent University, Turkey 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 86 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV PLENARY SESSION IV - COMPETITION IN HIGHER EDUCATION COMPETITION IN HIGHER EDUCATION BRINGS GREATER INNOVATION, BETTER OFFER, LOWER PRICES OF SERVICES AND ADAPTATION TO THE NEEDS OF USERS AND THE MARKET On Thursday, March 18, 2021, as part of the 9th Conference “All About People 2021: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts”, an expert section entitled “Competition in Higher Education” was taking place. The host of the section was Prof. Ass. Dr. Barbara Toplak Perovič, Secretary-General of Alma Mater Europaea and President of the Association of Independent Higher Education Institutions of Slovenia. The purpose of the section was to enable the discussion of experts in the field of higher education on current issues of competition in higher education. The initial discussion of the participants was set with the aim to promote cooperation and networking between public and private higher education spaces. A unique characteristic of the plenary meeting entitled “Competition in Higher Education” was that it was co-organized by three recognized associations from the higher education community. Association of Independent Higher Education Institutions of Slovenia was accompanied by ICHE - International Conference of Higher Education. ICHE is a reputable organization with a 40-year tradition in the field of higher education, chaired by Prof. Dr. Ignaz Bender. This year, the 25th International Conference on Higher Education - ICHE, which brings together higher education professionals from all over the world, including North and Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, was organized within the 9th Conference “All About People 2021: Digital Transformation in Science, Education and Arts.” The tripartite co-organization was completed by the European Association of Private Higher Education Organizations - EUPHE, represented by the president Prof. Dr. Klaus Hekking. EUPHE is committed to plural-ism, the diversity of higher education, freedom of choice, and labour market related study programs. All three organizations strive for competition in higher education through innovation, quality, efficiency, and user-oriented approaches. These organizations base their activities on the fact that higher education institutions contribute to the efficiency and relevance of European higher education and serve the needs of the people. The latter was an excellent starting point for the whole plenary session. The Competition in Higher Education section was divided into three parts. The welcome introduction to the section was given by Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak, President of Alma Mater Europaea, who pointed out, among other that "Private higher education institutions are fast, responsive and flexible, we have shown that we are not lagging behind and will continue to play a key role in the digital transition." In the continuation of the session, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hekking presented his ideas in the "Non-State University of Europe - drivers of progress in higher education." In the continuation, Prof. Dr. Ignaz Bender presented “Why continental European universities, apart from ETH Zurich, are not among the top 25 universities in the world.” The final lecture of the first part of the section was given by Prof. Dr. Arif Çağlar, who introduced the listeners to ICHE and their pioneering journey in 40 years. The plenary session was followed by a round table. The above-mentioned international line-up was joined by Prof. Dr. Franci Demšar, President of the Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, Director of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the Republic of Slovenia, and former Director of the Slovenian National Research Agency, and Prof. Dr. Jernej Letnar Černič, Dean of the European Law Faculty of the New University. The participants of the virtual round table exchanged their views on what still needs to be done to make European higher education competitive with the best universities in the world. They further considered why European universities are regressing on the world university rankings. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 87 Participants also answered the questions about the purpose of higher education, to what extent universities fulfil their role of education, and to what extent they are the driving force behind the development of modern society. Prof. Dr. Ignaz Bender highlighted the fact that “Among the top 25 universities in the world are 15 private universities based in North America. Five of the top 25 are public universities in the UK. Most of the world's top 500 universities are public." Prof. Dr. Klaus Hekking highlighted the finding: “European countries, compared to other leading countries, still face unfair and competitive distortions due to legal, administrative, and financial barriers. Hopes for the better are shown by changes in legislation and court verdicts." The last, third part of the session in the field of Higher Education competition was enriched by 8 speakers from 4 different countries of the world with their reference points mainly related to tackling the COVID 19 epidemic in the field of higher education. The speakers followed each other in a meaningful, thematically rounded order: Prof. Dr. Franci Demšar, Nataša Kramar, Klemen Šubic iz Slovenije with the presentation: “Online Evaluation and Accreditation: What Shall We Keep After Epidemics?”; Prof. Dr. Stane Božičnik with “Digitalisation of The Labour Theory of Value – Problem Or Solution for the Mankind”; Prof. Dr. Rasto Ovin with “Leading of Formal Research Group in Digital Environment”; and Dr. Maruša Hauptman Komotar with the presentation “Quality Assurance of Internationalisation in Higher Education: Slovenia in the Comparative Perspective of Western Balkans Countries.” This was followed by papers from various countries, starting by Ridvana Mediu and Ntovolis Kostandinos from Albania with: “Implementation of E-Learning in Medical Education as an Innovate Project for Better Results After Pandemic Covid-19”; Glediana Zeneli (Albania), Arsen Benga (Kuwait) with: “Albanian Student’s Perception About Online Learning in the Conditions of Covid-19 Pandemic”; Venisha Jenifer Dmello, Ambigai Rajendran (India) with: “Adoption of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) in Analysing the Emergence of E-Learning at Higher Education Institutions – A Study on Learners Perspective”; and Adriana Dervishaj (Albania) with the presentation: “Integrity, Socio-Economic and Political Transformations, Intercultural Communication and Gender Equality in Academic HE Institutions Need to Be Promoted by Proposing and Drafting a New Law / Regulation and Guidelines for Achieving a Higher Quality Assurance”. The message of researchers from different parts of the world was that imparting and receiving knowledge in higher education is, on the one hand, facilitated and simplified through digitization and modern techniques. On the other hand, there is a lack of personal, physical contact, especially in clinical exercises that students must perform “live”. Participants in the section Competition in Higher Education concluded an expert debate with the idea that competition in higher education brings greater innovation, better supply, lower price of services, and adaptation to the needs of users and the market. Prof. Ass. Dr. Barbara Toplak Perovič Vanja Jus, MSc 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 88 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ignaz Bender INVITED SPEAKER President I.C.H.E., Former Rector University of Trier RANKING OF UNIVERSITIES - WHY CONTINENTAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES - EXCEPT TU ZÜRICH - ARE NOT AMONG THE FIRST 25 UNIVERSTIES OF THE WORLD Under the best ranked 25 universities of the world, there are 15 private universities, all based in North America. Five among the 25 are public universities in the United Kingdom. The majority of the 500 best universities of the world are public. The private status seems to be the first criteria for top universities. The 25 best ranked universities are well funded and have (except Beijing University) a high degree of autonomy, further criteria for top universities. Basic research is also part of these universities. On the European continent, German, French or Belgian Universities are not as rich as the 25 top universities. In addition, they differ in their nature from the best universities. In Germany basic research is organized outside the universities in special basic research units. In France, higher education is split in two organisational forms, in universities and in Grand ecoles. The elite of the country comes from the Grand ecoles. Many French universities were in the year 1968 split in several universities (Paris in more than ten) which weakened the smaller institutions. In Belgium, because of ethnic differences between Flemish and French speaking people the famous university of Leuven was divided in the old Leuven and the French speaking University of Louvain. The former top library of Leuven was divided in two libraries. These are reasons why Sorbonne (FRA), Munich or Berlin (GER) or Leuven (BEL) are not top ranked. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 89 Arif Çaglar INVITED SPEAKER Steering Committee Member of ICHE ICHE AND ITS PIONEERING JOURNEY OF 40 YEARS One of the longest lived conferences in the higher education field globally; ICHE began its journey 40 years ago (7-10 December 1981, in Ankara, Turkey) through the efforts of Professor Ih-san Dogramaci, the doyen of Turkish Higher Education. 24 meetings were held in 16 countries on three continents. Current meeting is the 25 th. This is the second time it is being held in Slovenia, the first time was in 2011 and again in Maribor. Throughout its journey, ICHE has been emphasizing university values: academic freedom, institutional autonomy, accountability, social responsibility and equal access. ICHE’s past meetings have been far-sighted and witnessed a changing world and an evolving Higher Education. This can be clearly seen in the themes of meetings ranging from university mission and values, ethics, governance, quality, structural organizations, to financing, market forces, globalization, student mobility and internationalization. As early as 1989, the privatization of higher education, the entrepreneurial university and integration were among the discussion topics of ICHE. The international make up of its steering committee and its commitment to being up-to-date as well as innovative have contributed to ICHE’s relevance and vitality. The ICHE, in the hands of capable new members, will continue to be a dynamic contributor in the future of Global Higher Education. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 90 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Franci Demšar, Nataša Kramar, Klemen Šubic NAKVIS Slovenia EVALVACIJSKI IN AKREDITACIJSKI POSTOPKI NA DALJAVO: KAJ BOMO OBDRŽALI PO EPIDEMIJI? ON LINE EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION: WHAT SHALL WE KEEP AFTER EPIDEMICS? POVZETEK S pričetkom pandemije Covid-19 in z vzpostavitvijo izobraževanja na daljavo v izrednih razmerah se je tudi agencija znašla pred novimi izzivi. Po začetni odpovedi vseh evalvacijskih obiskov je agencija v skladu z letnim načrtom in priporočili ENQA pričela z izvedbo evalvacijskih obiskov na daljavo. Za lažjo in uspešno pripravo je agencija poleg Priporočil za visokošolske zavode in skupine strokovnjakov pripravila natančnejše Smernice, ki jih je posodobila septembra 2020 po prvem ciklu obiskov in analizi vprašalnika o zadovoljstvu, in Tehnična navodila za poenotenje dela. Ker trenutne razmere ne omogočajo trajne vrnitve na t.i. klasične oblike poučevanja in izobraževanja, visokošolskim zavodom priporočamo pregled dobrih praks, izboljšavo ostalih ter njihovo vključitev v redni pedagoško-raziskovalni proces. Prav tako je potrebno zagotoviti ustrezno samoevalvacijo procesa in potencialno prilagoditev zagotavljanja kakovosti izvajanja študijskih programov. Agencija obenem že razmišlja o prihodnosti evalvacij in ohranitvi dobrih praks ter njihovemu vključevanju v še druge postopke. Obenem se intenzivno povezujemo in sodelujemo z drugimi agencijami v evropskem prostoru in pripravljamo skupne pristope k novemu načinu dela. Stre-mimo k stalnemu izboljševanju izvajanja našega dela, tako na področju organizacije in izvedbe, kot komunikacije, saj bodo evalvacijski obiski na daljavo v določeni meri zagotovo eden od načinov dela tudi po končani pandemiji Covid-19. Ključne besede: Covid-19, evalvacija, visoko šolstvo ABSTRACT With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the establishment of emergency remote teaching and learning, the Agency also faced new challenges. After the initial cancellation of all evaluation visits, the Agency started conducting online evaluation visits following the annual plan and ENQA recommendations. In order to facilitate and successfully prepare the Agency prepared Recommendations for Higher Education Institutions and Groups of Experts, more detailed Guidelines, which were updated in September 2020 after the first cycle of visits and analysis of the satisfaction questionnaire, and Technical Guidelines. Since the current situation still does not allow a permanent return to the classic forms of teaching and education, we recommend HEIs the review of good practices and their inclusion in the regular pedagogical-research process. It is also necessary to ensure proper self-evaluation of the process and potential adjustment of quality assurance in the implementation of study programs. At the same time, the Agency is already considering the future of evaluations, the preservation of good practices and their inclusion in other procedures. We are also intensively cooperating with other agencies in the European Higher Education Area and preparing joint approaches to the new way of working. We strive to continuously improve our work, both in the field of organization and implementation, and communication, as online evaluation visits will to some extent certainly be one of the ways of working even after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Covid-19, evaluations, European Higher Education Area 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 91 Stane Božičnik University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering Transportation Engineering and Architecture DIGITALISATION OF THE LABOUR THEORY OF VALUE – PROBLEM OR SOLUTION FOR THE MANKIND ABSTRACT Theory of value is dealing with the basic problem of economics endeavouring to explain the relationship between the value and the prices of goods and services. Price can be also defined as in the quantity of money expressed value. The crucial question of the economic theory is why goods and services are priced as they are, what is the correct price, and what is the origin of the value. Economic theory has developed so far two basic approaches: the subjective and the intrinsic theory of value. Subjective theory of value argues that the value of goods or services depends upon the consumer tastes and preferences. The consumer selects on the market the purchases that give him the most benefit, his self-interest leads him (without conscious calculation) to purchase an amount of goods such that marginal utility is as close as possible the market price. According to Intrinsic theory of value the value (prices) of goods and services are not function of subjective judgement. The value is contained in the good itself. Labour theory of value, as part of the intrinsic theories of value, argues that the amount of “socially necessary labour” (including embodied labour) needed for production determines the value of goods and services. The labour theory of value suggests that the quantity and quality of consumed human psychophysical energy is basis of the value of the goods. Two commodities will be traded for the same price (exchange value) provided they embody the same amount of labour time (psychophysical energy). Concrete measurement of the quantity and quality of the needed psychophysical energy (labour time) for production of different products and services was one of the problems in the field of implementation of the labour theory of value in practice. Digitalisation and modern technology are solving this problem. Microsoft patented a patent titled:‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity’. The patented system uses human biometrics such as body heat and brain-wave activity (used psychophysical energy) to mine cryptocurrency. The human body activity represents “proof-of-work” which is achieved when a user (worker) performs given tasks, or even online activities, such as viewing ads and using search engines. As to how body activity and biometrics will be communicated to servers and cryptocurrency hardware, the patent explains that “a sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user.” Patented solution enables total control of workers activity and simplifies the calculation of wages. This patent on the other hand, if misused, represents a danger for all mankind, most likely paving the way towards modern slavery. Keywords: Theory of value, digitalisation, workers 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 92 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Rasto Ovin DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije Maribor VODENJE FORMALNE RAZISKOVALNE SKUPINE V DIGITALIZIRANEM OKOLJU LEADING OF FORMAL RESEARCH GROUP IN DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT POVZETEK Kriza zaradi COVID – 19 nas je na silo potisnila v digitalizacijo tudi na področju visokega šolstva. Tukaj so imele prednost ustanove z več izkušnjami z online izobraževanjem in tehnologijo. Tako njihovi učitelji in študentje niso v takšni meri čutili preobrata v načinu študija, kot to velja z ustanovami, ki so razvijale le tradicionalni način študija. Še posebej leta 2020 se je razmah-nila razprava v literaturi o škodi za napredek in rast študentov pod s strani virusa vsiljenimi pogoji. Še posebej splošno uveljavljeno interaktivno izobraževanje zahteva strokovno podkovan pedagoški in tehnološki pristop, če naj zasluži to ime tudi v digitaliziranem učnem okolju. S tem, ko je prekinila tradicionalno povezovanje oziroma osebne stike, je kriza zaradi COVID – 19 vzpostavila drugačne pogoje tudi na področju raziskovalne dejavnosti in s tem tudi za vodenje akademskih skupnosti oziroma raziskovalnih skupin. Predvsem šumi, ki se pojavljajo pri vsakem sodelovanju, nastajajo drugače, se drugače manifestirajo in zahtevajo drugačno ravnanje vodje, kot to velja za klasične razmere. Prispevek nagovarja glavne razlike pri vodstvenem pristopu med klasičnim in digitaliziranem okolju, kot jih je izkusil avtor v tem položaju v obeh okoljih. Splošna ugotovitev je, da vodenje in upravljanje akademske skupnosti v digitaliziranem okolju zahteva večjo aktivnost in osebni pristop. Ključne besede: Covid 19, raziskovanje, pedagoški in tehnološki pristop ABSTRACT Covid – 19 crisis abruptly pushed forward digital approach also in higher education. Here institutions with at least some online technology expertise could take their advantage. So their teaching staff and students did not face such shocking experience as those with strictly traditional concept of study. Especially throughout 2020 literature brought vivid discussions on damage that such sudden change of conditions influenced the quality of study. Especially interactive learning requires solid knowledge and technology expertize if wished to be carried out in the online environment. Also in the field of research in higher education the COVID – 19 crisis brought changes especially by cancelling very important personal contact of researchers within research groups and projects. On the other hand however cancellation of meetings and contacts brought new challenge to research groups and communities leadership. Especially “noise” appearing in each team work emerge from different reasons, are manifesting themselves differently and require different leadership approach to keep the team progress. The paper addresses the main differences in leadership approaches as experienced with author’s acting as an academic leader in classical and in digital environment. General conclusion is that digital environment requires more personal engagement with management and leadership. Keywords: Covid 19, knowledge and technology expertize, research 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 93 Maruša Hauptman Komotar AMEU – ISH ZAGOTAVLJANJE KAKOVOSTI INTERNACIONALIZACIJE V VISOKEM ŠOLSTVU: SLOVENIJA V PRIMERJALNI PERSPEKTIVI DRŽAV ZAHODNEGA BALKANA QUALITY ASSURANCE OF INTERNATIONALISATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION: SLOVENIA IN THE COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE OF WESTERN BALKANS COUNTRIES POVZETEK Prispevek se osredinja na odnos med internacionalizacijo in zagotavljanjem kakovosti visokega šolstva v okviru vprašanja zagotavljanja kakovosti internacionalizacije v Sloveniji in sedmih državah Zahodnega Balkana (Hrvaška, Bosna in Hercegovina, Srbija, Črna gora, Se-verna Makedonija, Kosovo, Albanija). V ta namen prispeva odgovore na osrednje raziskovalno vprašanje, kako se v Sloveniji in državah Zahodnega Balkana zagotavlja, ocenjuje in meri kakovost internacionalizacije na nacionalni in institucionalni ravni teh visokošolskih sistemov. V uvodnem delu najprej osvetli širši evropski kontekst razvoja pobud in orodij na tem področju v zadnjih dveh desetletjih. S tem prispevek zagotovi ustrezno izhodišče za poglobljeno analizo politik, strategij, dejavnosti, instrumentov in drugih pobud, namenjenih zagotavljanju kakovosti internacionalizacije v slovenskem visokošolskem sistemu, ki sledi v nadaljevanju. Za tem umešča slovenski primer v primerjalni okvir visokošolskih sistemov in institucij izbranih držav Zahodnega Balkana in na tej osnovi identificira podobnosti in razlike, ki so prisotne v razvoju in izvajanju tovrstnih pobud na nacionalni in institucionalni ravni izbranih primerov, pojasnjuje pa tudi glavne razloge za njihov obstoj. V zaključnem delu izpostavlja nujnost upoštevanja edinstvenih značilnosti raznolikih (nad-)nacionalnih, institucionalnih in disciplinarnih okolij, ki bodisi spodbujajo ali zavirajo razvoj politik in praks za večjo kakovost visokošolske internacionalizacije. Metodološko se prispevek opira na (kritično) analizo raznovrstnih dokumentarnih virov, izsledke polstrukturiranih intervjujev z različnimi deležniki in akterji, ki delujejo na področju internacionalizacije in zagotavljanja kakovosti v izbranih visokošolskih sistemih, ter ekspertne intervjuje. Rezultati raziskave izhajajo iz podoktorskega raziskovalnega projekta (Z5-2658), ki ga financira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS). Ključne besede: zagotavljanje kakovosti internacionalizacije, Slovenija, Zahodni Balkan, primerjalna analiza 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 94 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT This presentation addresses the relationship between internationalisation and quality assurance in higher education from the perspective of quality assurance of internationalisation in Slovenia and seven Western Balkan countries (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania). To this end, it questions how is the quality of internationalisation assured, assessed and measured at the national and institutional level of higher education systems in Slovenia and the Western Balkans countries. Initially, it highlights the broader European-level development of initiatives and tools in this field over the past two decades. On this basis, it provides a proper starting point for exploring policies, strategies, activities, instruments and other initiatives aimed at ensuring the quality of internationalisation in Slovenian higher education. Afterwards, it places the Slovenian example in the comparative framework of higher education systems and institutions from Western Balkans, identifies similarities and differences in their development and implementation at the national and institutional level of higher education, and explains why do they actually appear. In conclusion, it highlights the need to consider unique characteristics of diverse (supra-)national, institutional and disciplinary environments, which either encourage or hinder the development of policies and practices aimed at ensuring the quality of internationalisation. Methodologically, the presentation is based on a (critical) analysis of various documentary sources, findings from semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders and actors working in the field of internationalisation and quality assurance in selected countries, and expert interviews. Research results derive from the postdoctoral research project (Z5-2658), funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. Keywords: quality assurance of internationalisation, Slovenia, Western Balkans, comparison 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 95 Ridvana Mediu, Ntovolis Kostandinos University College Logos Albania IZVAJANJE E-UČENJA V MEDICINSKEM IZOBRAŽEVANJU KOT INOVATIVNI PROJEKT ZA BOLJŠE REZULTATE PO PANDEMIJSKI COVID-19 IMPLEMENTATION OF E-LEARNING IN MEDICAL EDUCATION AS AN INNOVATE PROJECT FOR BETTER RESULTS AFTER PANDEMIC COVID-19 POVZETEK E-learning is a method of working with the students, which becomes an important element of contemporary academic education especially due to the pandemic covid-19. The aim of this paper is to analyze the implementation of e-learning in medical education, exemplified by classes in basic medical sciences. Our University College offers Bachelor and Professional Master studies in medical laboratory science. In our opinion the organization of the teaching process with the use of electronic contents in all education process and also in medicine training, is not only a response because of the covid-19 or the demand of contemporary students, but most of all a proof of the high awareness of medicine teachers regarding the possibility of using technological solutions in education, which doesn’t appear as an obvious use after covid-19 and comes with many concerts about the quality of the education that is provided. By presenting our experience, advantages and the disadvantages of the e-learning method we can encourage educational institutions that offer medical science studies to implement innovative teaching methods for better results. The field research has taken place in the institutions and will consist of the interviews with people involved in the development of the e-learning strategy. The opinions of teachers and researchers are particularly interesting and useful for student mobility always comes after the establishment of links between teachers and researchers who cooperate with their foreign colleagues. Keywords: e-learning, distance education, medical education, implementation 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 96 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Glediana Zeneli Department of Applied Statistics and Informatics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana Arsen Benga Department of Engineering and Technology, American College of the Middle East Kuwait ALBANIAN STUDENT’S PERCEPTION ABOUT ONLINE LEARNING IN THE CONDITIONS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ABSTRACT The measurements taken worldwide in order to tackle the spread of the COVID-19 virus caused a direct disruption to the higher education institutions as all their activities are transferred in the online mode. This is a great challenge for the students that beside the pandemic situation and the economic hardships, have to deal with new learning environment, tools and methodologies. Given that their approaches to learning are influenced by this situation we aim to examine the Albanian student’s perception about the transition to the new learning environment. This study offers several implications for the educational institutions and policy makers in order to offer the online learning in a higher level. Keywords: Online learning, student’s perception, pandemic situation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 97 Venisha Jenifer Dmello, Ambigai Rajendran Department of Commerce, Mahe. Manipal India ADOPTION OF UNIFIED THEORY OF ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY (UTAUT) IN ANALYZING THE EMERGENCE OF E-LEARNING AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS – A STUDY ON LEARNERS PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT Integration of information and communication technology into education sector has emerged as the eminent medium for learning. Massive benefits and rapid advancement of the technology has promoted growth of the online courses. However, literature have evidenced the lower acceptance, lower completion and higher attrition rates in the online courses. Therefore, evaluation of online courses is vital for successful implementation, adoption and retention of the learner. The current study aims at examining the role of government policy in implementing and promoting online courses and evaluate the significant factors that enhances adoption and retention levels of the e-learners. A preliminary study was conducted for a sample of 102 learners. The descriptive analysis of the data shows that YouTube was commonly known platform among the students. KOLB learning style was used to assess the type of the learning style, majority of the respondents emerged to be divergent learners. Addressing the proposed research objectives contributes in giving constructive feedback to policy framers, various higher education institutions which are in the verge of implementing the e-learning platforms. Understanding learner’s perspective aid in overcoming the challenges faced in retaining learners in the e-learning platforms and assist the e-learning marketers to float courses according to the learner’s requirement and maximize the retention levels among the learners. Keywords: Success factors, E-learning, Learner Retention, Higher education. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 98 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Adriana Dervishaj University of Tirana INTEGRITY, SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL TRANSFORMATIONS, INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND GENDER EQUALITY IN ACADEMIC HE INSTITUTIONS NEED TO BE PROMOTED BY PROPOSING AND DRAFTING A NEW LAW/REGULATION AND GUIDELINES FOR ACHIEVING A HIGHER QUALITY ASSURANCE ABSTRACT Nowadays the Reform in academic institutions and society at large is a must in the context of the overall integration of our institutions into the EU. Having been involved in projects and participating in conferences and working groups for introducing ‘Integrity’ in public Institutions has been a stimulus fact for applying it in the first place in our daily professional life inside the Universities and through all walks of life in our country. Historically Integrity has been inherent and rooted in the inner world and behavior of educated people in our country. Economic and political transformations have quite changed the way people look at values they once thought were more important than any material gain or personal interest. “Integrity, socio-economic and political transformations, intercultural communication and gender equality in academic HE Institutions need to be promoted by proposing and drafting a new Law/Regulation and Guidelines for achieving a higher quality assurance and performance of the teaching staff in Universities. Leading Towards Sustainable Academic and cultural transformation cooperation Plans in Universities and research institutions by drafting joint Mod-ules and integrating the existing ones in response to today’s developments by looking at the best practices and policies of transformation that have occurred in Europe by sharing the best values to the best interest of our communities and peoples”. Universities and Academia should precede with application of radical and constructive transformations from within as the main source of education of the younger generations. Keywords: Integrity, research activities, Sustainable Academic transformation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 99 3 FIZITERAPIJA/ PHYSIOTHERAPY OPENING LECTURE Emma Stokes, President of the World Physiotherapy Association PANEL Round table discussion on eHealth/telephysiotherapy PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Tine Kovačič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Mladen Herc, Alma Mater Europaea ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 102 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Emma Stokes INVITED SPEAKER World Confederation for Physical Therapy In April 2020, World Physiotherapy established a Global Task Force on Physiotherapy Education during COVOD19. The members of the task force are drawn from a wide range of organisations and networks, bringing together expertise and experience from different parts of the world and the physiotherapy profession. The task force will use their own personal and professional networks to share and gather information and experiences of what is happening now to help inform and shape the future. The Task Force has completed surveys of the global education community, developed briefing papers (Immediate impact on the higher education sector and response to delivering physiotherapist entry level education, Rehabilitation and the vital role of physiotherapy, Immediate impact of COVID-19 on students and the response to delivering physiotherapist entry level education, The impact on entry level education and the responses of regulators, The impact of COVID-19 on fragile health systems and vulnerable communities) and hosted webinars. In her talk she will reflect on the changes that have been reported by the global community as a result of the immediate emergency response to COVID19 in 2019 and more recent reflections reported about changes that have been adopted which may inform a reimaging and reshaping of entry-level physiotherapy education. Employing content, process and premise reflection as informed by Kreber & Cranton’s (2000) knowledge system of teaching, she will suggest how COVID19 may have impacted on the methods of teaching and understanding student learning as well as what it means for the wider curriculum and how significant changes in the practice of the profession may require a change in teaching and learning for both students and faculty. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 103 Alen Kapel AMEU – ECM REHABILITACIJSKI PRISTOP PRI PARKINSONOVI BOLEZNI REHABILITATION APPROACH IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Parkinsonova bolezen je kronična progresivna nevrodegenerativna gibalna bolezen z motorično in nemotorično simptomatologijo. Obsega motorične simptome, razdeljene na primarne in sekundarne tipe, ter nemotorične simptome, ki obsegajo duševne motnje, motnje spanca in motnje zaznavanja. Metoda: Raziskovanje je temeljilo na metodi sinteze, s katero smo skupaj z deskripcijo, kompi-lacijo in klasifikacijo predstavili konceptualizacijo in zdravstveno stanje oseb s Parkinsonovo boleznijo s poudarkom na nefarmakološki intervenciji – nevrofizioterapija. Rezultati: Sinteza je potrdila kompleksno heterogenost bolezni, ki ima večdimenzionalen vpliv na posameznikovo življenje in zahteva interdisciplinarno nevrofizioterapevtsko obravnavo. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da obvladovanje Parkinsonove bolezni zahteva interdisciplinarni in dosleden nadzorovan rehabilitacijski pristop, ki vključuje farmakološke in nefarmakološke intervencije, pri čemer se nefarmakološke intervencije nanašajo na prilagojene fizične aktivnosti, ki jih študije predstavljajo kot novo zdravilo za zmanjšanje okvar in nepravilnosti pri Parkinsonovi bolezni. Ključne besede: Parkinsonova bolezen, rehabilitacija, interdisciplinarnost ABSTRACT Theoretical consideration: Parkinson's disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative movement disease/disorder defined by motor and non-motor symptoms. Motor symptoms include primary and secondary types, whereas non-motor symptoms include mental impairments, sleeping disorders and perceptual disfunction. Method: The research was based on the synthesis method, combined with description, compilation and classification, that served to present the conceptualization and health condition of persons with Parkinson's disease with an emphasis on non-pharmacological intervention - neurophysiotherapy. Results: The synthesis confirmed the complex heterogeneity is of the disease effecting a multidimensional range of persons's life and demands an interdisciplinary neurophysiotherapeutic intervention. Discussion: It was found that mitigation and management of Parkinson's disease demands an interdisciplinaty approach with combining supervised rehabilitation approcah, involving pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, whereas non-pharmacological interventions are based on personalized physical activities. Studies show this kind of activities as new emerging medicaments insuring mitigation of disorders and impairments emerge by Parkinson's disease. Keywords: Parkinson's disease, rehabilitation, mitigation, interdisciplinarity 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 104 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tadeja Hernja Rumpf UKC Maribor DEJAVNIKI TVEGANJA ZA PADCE PRI BOLNIKIH S PARKINSONOVO BOLEZNIJO RISK FACTORS FOR FALLS AMONG PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON DISEASE POVZETEK Padci pri bolnikih s PB predstavljajo velik zdravstveni problem, so vzrok zmanjšane zmožnosti, izgube samostojnosti in kvalitete življenja. Namen raziskave je bil napovedne dejavnike tveganja za padce pri bolnikih s PB. V prospektivno raziskavo je bilo vključenih 45 bolnikov, ki so bili deležni nevrorehabilitacije na Inštitutu za fizikalno in rehabilitacijsko medicino, UKC Maribor. Primerjali smo bolnike, ki so padli in bolnike, ki niso padli v času obravnave. 66,6% bolnikov je padlo v času obravnave. Trajanje bolezni, napredovala bolezen,upad kognitivnih sposobnosti, težave v ravnotežju in prisotnost zamrznitev med hojo so napovedni dejavniki za padce. Padci pri bolnikih s PB so pogosta težava. Pomembno je ugotoviti vzrok padcev in potencialne dejavnike tveganja. Ključne besede: Parkinsonova bolezen, padci, dejavniki tveganja ABSTRACT Falls in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) are a major health problem. They are the cause of disability, loss of independence and quality of life. The aim of the study was to determine predictive risk factors for falls in patients with PD. The prospective study included 45 patients under-going neurorehabilitation at the Institute of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine, UKC Maribor. We compared patients who fell during treatment and patients who did not fall. 66.6% of patients fell during treatment. Duration of the disease, advanced stage of the disease, decrease in cognitive abilities, balance problems and presence of freezing while walking are predictors of falls. Falls in patients with PB are a common problem. It is important to determine the cause of falls and possible risk factors. Keywords: Parkinson disease, falls, risk factors 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 105 Vittorio Zanello AMEU – ECM THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON FRAGILE HEALTH SYSTEMS AND VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES, AND THE ROLE OF PHYSIOTHERAPISTS IN THE DELIVERY OF REHABILITATION ABSTRACT This briefing paper considers the impact of COVID-19 on fragile health systems vulnerable communities, and the role of physiotherapists in the delivery of rehabilitation in these settings. Whilst many fragile systems and vulnerable communities are located in low and middle income countries, they can exist in all countries. The paper will focus on the change in delivery of rehabilitation and access to physiotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore is examined the impact of decreased physiotherapy rehabilitation services during the pandemic on vulnerable communities This work highligts the potential changes required in human resources and workforce planning to meet the needs post COVID-19 for physiotherapy service delivery and rehabilitation. The impact on the economy is concentrated on the importance of longer term investment in physiotherapy and rehabilitation post COVID-19 that needs acknowledging and planning at this stage. Keywords: Physiotherapy, Fragile Systems, COVID-19 pandemic, Rehabilitation, Professional Education 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 106 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jan Zaplatil, Zmago Turk AMEU – ECM FIZIOTERAPIJA POŠKODB PRI AMATERSKIH IGRALCIH INLINE HOKEJA PHYSIOTHERAPY OF INJURIES IN AMATEUR INLINE HOCKEY PLAYERS POVZETEK Problematika: Inline hokej je modernejša izvedba hokeja na ledu. Razvil se je zaradi potrebe po cenejšem ekvivalentu hokeja na ledu in kot adaptacija za igranje na ulici in treninge igralcev izven sezone, ko so hokejske dvorane zaprte. Inline hokej se igra z rolerji, zato ima specifične vzorce gibanja, zaradi kontaktne narave igre pa je incidenca poškodb velika. Kontakti med igralci in gladka podlaga privedejo do visokega odstotka poškodb med vsemi udeleženci v športu. Ker je inline hokej v začetkih svojega razvoja, je še neraziskan in v diplomski nalogi smo raziskali najpogostejše poškodbe, mehanizme nastanka teh poškodb in kako poteka rehabilitacija poškodb, nastalih med igro. Rezultati: Najpogostejše mesto poškodbe med igralci inline hokeja je koleno s 35 % vseh po- škodb. Najpogostejši mehanizem poškodbe je kontakt z drugim igralcem s 45 %. Večji odstotek poškodb je na nedominantni strani telesa. Poškodbe so enakovredno razdeljene z 29,9 % poškodb zgornjih in 29,9 % spodnjih okončin. Čas rehabilitacije oziroma povprečna odsotnost s treningov traja od enega tedna do meseca. Bolečina po rehabilitaciji se je zmanjšala za 73,3 %. Zaključek: Inline hokej je po svoji naravi kontaktni šport in ima kot tak svoje specifične poškodbe in mehanizme nastanka teh poškodb. Odstotek poškodb med igralci je visok in večinoma gre za hude poškodbe, zaradi katerih so igralci dlje časa odsotni s treningov. Ključne besede: inline hokej, poškodbe pri inline hokeju, rehabilitacija ABSTRACT Problem statement: Inline hockey is a more modern variant of ice hockey. It has evolved from the need for a more affordable equivalent to ice hockey and as an adapted variant that can be played on the street or used by players for off-season training, when hockey arenas are closed. Inline hockey is played on inline skates and has specific movement patterns; the contact nature of the game carries a high incidence of injuries. Contacts among players and a smooth playing surface result in a high percent of injuries among all participants. Considering that inline hockey is in its early stages of development it is still unexplored and this Thesis researches the most common injuries, injury mechanisms and rehabilitation of injuries sustained during the game. Results: The most common location of injury among inline hockey players is the knee, with 35 % of all injuries. The most common injury mechanism is contact with another player with 45 %. A higher percentage of injuries occur on the non-dominant side of the body. Injuries are equally distributed with 29.9 % of upper and 29.9 % of lower extremity injuries. Time of rehabilitation or the average training absence lasts from one week to one month. Post-rehabilitation pain was reduced by 73.3 %. Conclusion: By its nature, inline hockey is a contact sport and involves specific injuries and injury mechanisms. The percentage of injuries among players is high; most injuries are serious and result in long-time player absence from trainings. Keywords: inline hockey, inline hockey injuries, rehabilitation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 107 Barbara Emeršič Potočnik, Patricija Goubar AMEU – ECM UČINEK KINEZIOTERAPIJE PRI ZDRAVLJENJU NESPECIFIČNE BOLEČINE V KRIŽU INFLUENCE OF KINESIOTHERAPY ON NON-SPECIFIC PAIN IN THE LUMBAR SPINE POVZETEK Bolečina v ledveni hrbtenici je med aktivno populacijo zelo razširjena. Namen raziskave je raziskati vpliv ciljno usmerjenje vodene vadbe pod vodstvom fizioterapevta na zmanjšanje nespecifične bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice pri raziskovanem vzorcu. Poleg osnovne deskriptivne statistike in inferenčne statistike je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Vzorec je vključeval priložnostno izbran vzorec ljudi, ki so se vsakotedensko udeleževali organizirane vadbe za zdravo hrbtenico, v starosti od 40 – 60 let. Zbrani podatki so bili analizirani s pomočjo opisne statistike in inferenčne statistike. Rezultati so prikazani opisno, s tabelami in grafi. Vadbo za hrbtenico pod vodstvom fizioterapevta se je udeleževalo 30 vadečih, od tega 76,67 % žensk in 23,33 % moških. Rezultati so pokazali zmanjšanje bolečine v ledveni hrbtenici po VAL-IB iz 5,13 stopnje pred raziskavo, na 2,90 stopnje po njej. Tudi stopnja zmogljivosti izvedbe vsakodnevnih aktivnostih se je po zaključku vadbenega programa izboljšala, in sicer iz povprečne vrednosti MRMV 8,63 stopnje, na povprečno vrednost 4,67 stopnje po vadbenem programu. Rezultati raziskave kažejo pozitiven učinek redne vadbe pod vodstvom fizioterapevta na zmanjševanje bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice. S tem razlogom bi bilo optimalno vpeljati redno tovrstno vadbo v preventivo aktivne populacije. Ključne besede: hrbtenica, fizioterapija, bolečina v križu, skupinska vadba, vaje ABSTRACT Pain in the lumbar spine area is widely spread among the active population. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of targeted physiotherapist-guided exercise on decrease of non-specific pain in the lumbar spine area concerning the sample in question. Besides the basic descriptive statists and statistical inference, the qualitative method of research is utilised via a questioner survey. The sample includes a random selected pool of individuals attending organised exercises for spinal health, aging from 40 – 60 years of age. The gathered data are analysed via descriptive statistics and statistical inference. Results are descriptively indicated and also via graphics. The targeted physiotherapist-guided exercise was attended by 30 individuals, 76,67 % thereof females and 23,33 % males. The results show decrease of lumbar pain of VAL-IB from 5,13 prior to study, to 2,90 after the study. Further, the results showed improvement in everyday activities of MRMDQ from 8,63, prior to study, to 4,67 after the study. The results of the study prove that regular exercise under the guidance of physiotherapist positively influenced the existing level of pain in the lumbar spine area. Regarding the results it may be concluded that efficient exercise is to be introduced to the active population. Keywords: spine, physiotherapy, pain in lower back, group exercise. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 108 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Peter Strelec, Patricija Goubar AMEU – ECM POMEN STABILIZACIJSKIH VAJ NA BOLEČINE V HRBTENICI PRI DELOVNO AKTIVNI POPULACIJI THE EFFECT OF STABILIZATION EXERCISES ON THE SPINAL PAIN IN THE LABOR POPULATION POVZETEK Namen raziskave je preveriti učinek stabilizacijskih vaj na percepcijo bolečine pri delovno aktivni populaciji. Temelji na empirični kvantitativni in komparativni metodi dela. Vanjo je bilo vključen vzorec delovno aktivnih posameznikov, sedem moškega in osem ženskega spola, s kroničnimi bolečinami v hrbtenici. Podatke smo analizirani z uporabo T test, s pomočjo programa JPES. V našem vzorcu smo ugotovili 66,6% prevalenco pojava bolečine v ledvenem delu hrbtenice, kjer je 73,3% sodi v skupino sedeče delovno aktivnih posameznikov. Povprečna vrednost Roland Morissovega vprašalnika je po končani raziskavi padla iz 8,643 točk na 2,857 točk, kar pomeni, da je program pozitivno vplival na izboljšanje dnevnega funkcioniranja. Intenziteta bolečine po VAL se je pri moških preiskovancih zmanjšala za 67,7%, pri ženskih za 47,8%. Redno izvajanje stabilizacijske vadbe je pripomogla k izboljšanju funkcionalne zmogljivosti in zmanjšanju intenzitete bolečine pri sodelujočih preiskovancih obeh spolov, za torej smo mnenja, da lahko s tovrstnim pristopom v fizioterapevtski obravnavi že preventivno vplivamo na pojav pogosto prisotnih bolečin v hrbtenici. Ključne besede: hrbtenica, bolečina v križu, stabilizatorji trupa, fizioterapija ABSTRACT Research shows that physiotherapy procedures have a beneficial effect on the long-term solution in reducing or even eliminating back pain, so it is necessary to explore how therapeutic progressive stabilization strengthening program can lead to a reduction or elimination of back pain. The research is based on an empirical quantitative and comparative method of work. The study included 7 male subjects and 8 female subjects, that participated voluntarily, belong to the labor population and are experiencing chronic back pain. The data was analysed with the JPES Stats program. The results show that the lumbar spine is the most common pain that occurs in the participants (66.6%). Most of the subjects experiencing spinal pain spend most of the time in a seat-ed position (73.3% participants). We have concluded that regular stabilization exercises help to improve functional performance and reduce pain intensity. The average value of Roland Morris questionnaire dropped by about 67% by the end of the study. The intensity of pain measured by the VAL scale decreased by 67.7% in male subjects and by 47.8% in female subjects. Keywords: pain in lumbar spine, trunk stabilization, physical therapy 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 109 Neža Kurnik, Patricija Goubar AMEU – ECM INFORMIRANOST O URINSKI INKONTINENCI MED ŠTUDENTI ZDRAVSTVENE NEGE NA ALMA MATER EUROPAEA AWARENESS OF URINARY INCONTINENCE AMONG NURSING CARE STUDENTS AT ALMA MATER EUROPAEA POVZETEK Urinska inkontinenca ima dokazano velik vpliv na stil življenja in samopodobo posameznika. Nezadostno znanje zdravstvenega osebja o urinski inkontinenci ter metodah zdravljenja je neposredno povezano s slabim obvladovanjem znakov in simptomov. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati ozaveščenost študentov zdravstvene nege na Alma Mater Europaea o problematiki in obravnavi urinske inkontinence. Uporabili smo kvantitativno raziskovalno metodologijo s pomočjo anketiranja, zbrane podatke analizirali s pomočjo deskriptivne in inferenčne statistike, ANOVE ter t-testa. Vzorec je vključeval devetinštirideset študentov obeh spolov, vseh treh letnikov zdravstvene nege na Alma Mater Europaea v Murski Soboti. Ugotovili smo zadostno informiranost o problematiki, obravnavi ter poznavanju simptomov in vplivu UI na življenjske aktivnosti posameznikov, vendar bi pravilna navodila za izvajanje prve metode v procesu zdravljenja - treninga mišic medeničnega dna podalo zgolj 40,8% študentov. Večina bi podala napačna ali škodljiva navodila. Prav tako smo ugotovili statistično značilno razliko v rezultatih med 3. in 1. letniki ter med spoloma. Rezultati nakazujejo na slabšo ozaveščenost od pričakovane. Študenti so svoje znanje ocenili kot nezadostno ter izrazili željo po dodatnem znanju, kar nakazuje na potrebo po dopolnitvi izobraževanja, da se bodoče medicinske sestre primerno ozavesti, saj imajo na primarni ravni pomembno vlogo pri obravnavi inkontinentnih pacientov. Ključne besede: urinska inkontinenca, ozaveščenost, zdravstveni delavci, fizioterapija, konzer-vativno zdravljenje ABSTRACT Urinary incontinence has been shown to have a major impact on an individual’s lifestyle and self-esteem. Insufficient knowledge of nursing staff about urinary incontinence and different methods of treatment is directly related to poor management of urinary incontinence signs and symptoms. The purpose of this study is to assess the awareness of urinary incontinence problems and treatment among nursing care students at Alma Mater Europaea. We used quantitative research methodology with the help of survey questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, using ANOVA and t-test. Forty-nine students of both sexes of all three years of nursing care program on Alma Mater Europaea in Murska Sobota participated in the study. We found that the students are sufficiently knowledgeable about urinary incontinence problems, treatment methods, symptoms and how it impacts individual’s daily life activities. However, only 40.8 % students know the correct instructions for implementing the primary treatment method of pelvic floor muscle training. The majority would give incorrect or harmful instructions to the patient. We also found statistically significant difference in knowledge between 3rd and 1st year students and between males and females. Our results indicate lower awareness than expected. The students assessed their knowledge as insufficient and expressed a desire for additional information. This suggests the need for supplemental education to raise the awareness of future nurses, as they play an important role in the treatment of incontinent patients. Keywords: urinary incontinence, awareness, healthcare workers, physiotherapy, conservative treatment 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 110 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tjaša Lukas, Patricija Goubar AMEU – ECM VPLIV TRENINGA MIŠIC MEDENIČNEGA DNA MED NOSEČNOSTJO NA STANJE STRESNE URINSKE INKONTINENCE PO PORODU EFFECT OF PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE TRAINING DURING PREGNANCY ON THE CONDITION OF STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE AFTER DELIVERY POVZETEK Stresna urinska inkontinenca (SUI) je v prenatalnem in postnatalnem obdobju zelo pogosta, medtem ko ima trening mišic medeničnega dna (tMMD) dokazan vpliv na izboljšanje stanja. Namen študije je raziskati vpliv omenjenega treninga na stanje urinske inkontinence po porodu. Poleg deskriptivne metode je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja. Vzorec je zajemal 141 porodnic, razdeljenih v testno skupino 76 porodnic, ki so med nosečnostjo izvajale tMMD, in kontrolno skupino 65 porodnic, ki tMMD niso izvajale. Za analizo podatkov smo uporabili Mann Whitney in Spermanov test, kjer smo v primerjavi skupin ugotovili, da so rezultati rangov pogostosti uhajanja urina po porodu pokazali povprečje rangov 85,42 pri kontrolni skupini ter 58,67 pri testni skupini in pri primerjavi stopnje SUI 83,93 pri kontrolni skupini ter 59,95 pri testni skupini, kar pomeni višjo pogostost in stopnjo SUI po porodu v kontrolni skupini. Stopnja SUI po porodu se je zmanjšala pri 44 porodnicah, pri 8 porodnicah povečala, pri 24 ostala nespreme-njena. Tako lahko za naš vzorec povzamemo, da je izvajanje tMMD med nosečnostjo vplivalo na statistično značilno zmanjšanje stopnje in pogostosti stresne urinske inkontinence po porodu, kar potrjuje številne trditve, da naj bi bil tMMD vedno prva metoda izbora pri obvladovanju SUI tako med nosečnostjo, kot po porodu. Ključne besede: stresna urinska inkontinenca, nosečnost, mišice medeničnega dna, fizioterapija. ABSTRACT Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is very common both prenatal and postnatal periods and pelvic floor muscle training (tMMD) has been shown to improve the condition. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of this training on the state of urinary incontinence after childbirth. In addition to the descriptive method, a quantitative research method was used. The sample included 141 mothers divided into a test group of 76 women who performed tMMD during pregnancy and a control group of 65 women who did not perform tMMD. We used the Mann Whitney and Spearman test to analyze the data, where we compared the results of postpartum urine leakage frequency rankings with a mean rank of 85.42 in the control group and 58.67 in the test group. The level of SUI in the control group was 83.93 and in the test group 59.95, indicating a higher frequency and rate of SUI after delivery in the control group. The rate of SUI after childbirth decreased in 44 women, increased in 8 women, and remained unchanged in 24 women. Thus, for our sample, we can conclude that the implementation of tMMD during pregnancy had a statistically significant reduction in the rate and frequency of stress urinary incontinence after childbirth, which confirms that tMMD should always be the first method of choice in managing SUI both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Keywords: Stress urinary incontinence, pregnancy, pelvic floor muscle, physiotherapy. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 111 Patricija Goubar, Rok Kajzer AMEU – ECM VPLIV KAJENJA NA PLJUČNO FUNKCIJO AMATERSKIH NOGOMETAŠEV INFLUENCE OF SMOKING ON THE LUNG FUNCTION OF AMATEUR FOOTBALLERS POVZETEK Redna telesna aktivnost dokazano izboljšuje tudi delovanje pljuč, na drugi strani kajenje negativno vpliva na pljučno funkcijo. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti vpliv kajenja na pljučno funkcijo amaterskih nogometaših kadilcih, v primerjavi z nekadilci. Uporabili smo deskriptivno statistiko, kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja, z izvedbo prospektivne študije. Vzorec je predstavljalo 30 amaterskih nogometašev brez pljučnih težav. Homogeno smo jih razdelili v dve skupini kadilcev in nekadilcev, po petnajst preiskovancev. Izvedli smo spirometrične meritve pljučne funkcije za primerjavo dihalnih parametrov. Podatke smo obdelali s Shapiro-Wilkov testom normalnosti, Levanovim testom za enakost varianc in t-testom za enakost povprečij. Statistično značilnih razlik med skupinama nismo ugotovili pri nobenem parametru pljučne funkcije, in sicer FVC (p = 0,755), FEV1 (p = 0,820), FEV1/FVC (p = 0,887), PEF (p = 0,540), FEF 25 (p = 0,314), FEF 50 (p = 0,622) in FEF 75 (p = 0,503). Tako rezultati raziskave v našem vzorcu kažejo, da kadilci v povprečju dosegajo podobne, pri določenih parametrih tudi boljše rezultate, kot nekadilci. Kljub škodljivosti kajenja na splošno v našem vzorcu ni jasno vidnih učinkov kajenja na pljučno funkcijo, kar bi lahko pripisali redni telesni dejavnosti ali negativnemu vplivu pasivnega kajenja. Ključne besede: spirometrija, kajenje, športna aktivnost, dihalni sistem, nogomet ABSTRACT Regular physical activity has also been shown to improve lung function, on the other hand, smoking has a negative effect on lung function. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of smoking on the lung function of amateur footballers smokers, compared to non-smokers. We used descriptive statistics, a quantitative research method, by conducting a prospective study. The sample consisted of thirty amateur footballers with no lung problems. They were homogeneously divided into two groups of smokers and non-smokers, fifteen subjects each. Spirometric measurements of lung function were performed to compare respiratory parameters. Data were analyzed with the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality, the Levan test for equality of variances, and the t-test for equality of averages. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in any parameter of lung function, FVC (p = 0.755), FEV1 (p = 0.820), FEV1 / FVC (p = 0.887), PEF (p = 0.540), FEF 25 0.314), FEF 50 (p = 0.622) and FEF 75 (p = 0.503). Thus, the results of the research in our sample show that smokers on average achieve similar, with certain parameters also better results than non-smokers. Despite the harmful effects of smoking in general, there are no clearly visible effects of smoking on lung function in our sample, which could be attributed to regular physical activity or the negative impact of passive smoking. Keywords: spirometry, smoking, sports activity, respiratory system, football 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 112 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nuša Erjavec, Patricija Goubar AMEU – ECM STRESNA URINSKA INKONTINENCA PRI MLAJŠIH AKTIVNIH PLAVALKAH STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE AT YOUNG ACTIVE SWIMMERS POVZETEK Stresna urinska inkontinenca opisuje nehoteno uhajanje urina ob povečanju intraabdominal-nega tlaka, medtem ko le to kronično povečuje disciplina športnega plavanja. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti razširjenost stresne urinske inkontinence pri mlajših aktivnih plavalkah v starosti med 18 in 23 let ter stopnjo vključevanja treninga mišic medeničnega dna v visoko intenzivne treninge plavanja. Uporabili smo deskriptivno in kvantitativno raziskovalno metodo s pomočjo anketiranja in vprašalnika ICIQ short form. Vzorec je zajemal 28 mlajših aktivnih plavalk iz petih slovenskih plavalnih klubov. Opisnim spremenljivkam smo izračunali frekvenčno porazdelitev, številčnim povprečja in standardne odklone, primerjavo med dvema opisnima spremenljivkama izračunali s Fisherjevim eksaktnim testom pri stopnji značilnosti 5%. med skupinama ne prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik, ne v starosti, ne v frekvenci treninga. Rezultati so pokazali 53,57% prisotnost stresne urinske inkontinence, pogostejše na treningu (100,00%), kot na tekmovanju (0,00%), medtem ko je trening mišic medeničnega dna redko ali le občasno vključen v vsakdan mlajših plavalk. Poznavanje pravilnega stiska mišic medenič- nega dna je potrdilo 85,71% anketirank. Glede na več kot 50% prevalenco stresne urinske inkontinence v našem vzorcu mladih žensk bi bilo zagotovo smiselno trening mišic medeničnega dna redno vključiti k treningom plavanja, ob tem pa povečati stopnjo ozaveščenosti plavalk o posledicah disfunkcij medeničnega dna. Ključne besede: stresna urinska inkontinenca, plavanje, mišice medeničnega dna ABSTRACT Stress urinary incontinence describes an unwanted leakage of urine when the intra-abdominal pressure is heightened. Intra-abdominal pressure is chronically raised in professional swimming. The purpose of this research is to analyse how common stress urinary incontinence is with active swimmers between the ages of 18 and 23, and also to find out how much pelvic floor muscle training is included in high intensity swimming training. Descriptive and quantitative research methods were used with the help of a questionnaire and the ICIQ short form. The sample for the research included 28 young swimmers from 5 different Slovenian swimming clubs. Descriptive variables were measured in frequency, numerical ones in standard deviation and averages. Furthermore, the Fischer exact test was used for comparison of two other descriptive variables. There were no significant statistical differences between the two groups, neither in age nor the frequency of training. Results showed a 53,6% prevalence of stress urinary incontinence (100% in training, 0% in competition). Pelvic floor muscle training was rarely or occasionally used in the training regime. 85,71% of the respondents expressed a familiarity with correct pelvic floor muscle contractions. Given the results, it would be imperative to include pelvic floor muscle training in regular swimming training plans, as well as better informing young swimmers about pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Keywords: stress urinary incontinence, swimming, pelvic floor muscles 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 113 Katja Koren, Tine Kovačič, Uroš Marušič ZRS, AMEU – ECM VLOGA FIZIOTERAPEVTA PRI DOLGOTRAJNEM SEDENJU. ZAKAJ BI MORALI SEDETI MANJ IN KAKO ZMANJŠATI ČAS SEDENJA? THE ROLE OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPIST IN PROLONGED SITTING. WHY SHOULD WE SIT LESS AND HOW CAN WE REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF TIME WE SIT? POVZETEK Že vrsto let je v vsakdanjem življenju prisotno dolgotrajno sedenje, in sicer tako na delovnem mestu kot v prostem času. V letu 2020 pa se je, s pojavom COVIDa-19 in s tem povezanim delom od doma, sedeče delo ob uporabi digitalnih tehnologij, še povečalo obdobje telesne nedejavnosti. To predstavlja pomemben dejavnik tveganja za nastanek različnih bolezni zaradi vpliva na mi- šično-skeletni sistem, srčno-žilni sistem, živčni sistem in druge organske sisteme. Digitalizacija in posledično dolgotrajno sedenje bosta lahko imela velik vpliv na vse nas. Zato so zahteve po novih ukrepih, v iskanju prednosti in slabosti le-teh, v iskanju priložnosti za izboljšanje, v iskanju rešitev na delovnem mestu postali izziv, katerega se mora fizioterapevt lotiti preudarno in učinkovito za bolj kakovostno življenje v prihodnosti. Ključne besede: pisarniško delo, sedenje, stoja, telesna dejavnost ABSTRACT For years, prolonged sitting has been present in everyday life, both at work and during leisure time. In 2020, with the advent of COVID -19 and significantly more work from home, sedentary work using digital technologies, the amount of time spent physically inactive has increased significantly. This is an important risk factor for the development of various diseases due to its effects on the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, nervous system and other organ systems. The increased use of digital technologies and the associated prolonged sitting has potentially far-reaching implications for all people. Therefore, the requirements for new measures, finding strengths and weaknesses, finding ways to improve, and finding solutions in the workplace have become challenges that physiotherapists must address wisely and effectively to achieve a better quality of life in the future. Keywords: office work, sitting, standing, physical activity 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 114 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Ajda Hrovat AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA V KOMBINACIJI S FUN FITNESS PROGRAMOM NA TELESNO PRIPRAVLJENOST IN VEŠČINE ALPSKEGA SMUČANJA MLADOSTNIKA Z MOTNJAMI AVTISTIČNEGA SPEKTRA THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN COMBINATION WITH THE FUN FITNESS PROGRAM ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS AND ALPINE SKIING SKILLS OF ADOLESCENT WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS POVZETEK Uvod: Motnje avtističnega spektra (MAS) so skupina razvojno nevroloških motenj, ki v zadnjih letih predstavljajo svetovni javno-zdravstveni problem, saj število diagnosticiranih otrok strmo narašča. Zaradi tega se sodobna družba sooča z izzivom, kako ranljivi skupini mladostnikov z MAS približati dejavni življenjski slog in jih vključiti v fizioterapevtski program ter s tem vplivati na izboljšanje njihove telesne pripravljenosti in izboljšanje veščin alpskega smučanja. Metode: V raziskavi smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitatvine raziskovalne paradigme in raziskati kratkotrajno učinkovitost 12-mesečnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa v kombinaciji s fizioterapevtskim programom Fun Fitness in terapevtskim pristopom učenja alpskega smučanja na posamezne komponente telesne pripravljenosti (gibljivost, mišična moč in vzdržljivost, ravnotežje, aerobna zmogljivost ter telesna sestava) in posledično izboljšanje ve- ščin alpskega smučanja mladostnika z MAS. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavljamo izboljšanje rezultatov vseh komponent telesne pripravljenosti, tudi telesne sestave, kot veščin alpskega smučanja. Zaključki: z integracijo metod razvijemo bolj zgoščeno razumevanje učinkovitosti omenjenega fizioterapevtskega programa ter širši vpogled v osebna doživljanja mladostnika z MAS, kot njegovega fizioterapevta s specialnimi znanji na področju nevrofizioterapije, športne fizioterapije glede učinkovitosti programa. Ključne besede: fun fitness, nevrofizioterapija, Motnje avtističnega spektra, telesna pripravljenost ABSTRACT Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of developmental neurological disorders that have posed a global public health problem in recent years as the number of diagnosed children rises sharply. As a result, modern society faces the challenge of bringing a vulnerable group of young people with ASD closer to an active lifestyle and including them in a physiotherapy program, thereby influencing the improvement of their physical fitness and the improvement of alpine skiing skills. Methods: The research used the mixed methods research paradigms and investigated the short-term effectiveness of a 12-month neurophysiotherapy program combined with the Fun Fitness physiotherapy program and a therapeutic approach to learning alpine skiing on individual components of fitness (flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, balance, aerobic fitness, body composition) and the consequent improvement of the alpine skiing skills of the adolescent with ASD. Results: On the basis of the analysis of the results, we find an improvement in the results of all components of physical fitness, including body composition, as well as the skills of alpine skiing. Conclusions: With the help of mixed methods we develop a more condensed understanding of the effectiveness of the mentioned physiotherapy program and a broader insight into the personal experiences of adolescent with ASD as his physiotherapist with special knowledge in the field of neurophysiotherapy, sports physiotherapy regarding the effectiveness of the program. Keywords: fun fitness, neurophysiotherapy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, physical fitness 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 115 Aldin Tiganj, Zdenka Šefman, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA FUNKCIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI VRHUNSKEGA ŠPORTNIKA PO NEZGODNI MOŽGANSKI POŠKODBI EFFECTIVENESS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON THE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS OF A TOP ATHLETE AFTER A TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY POVZETEK Uvod: Nezgodna možganska poškodba (NMP) danes predstavlja enega izmed največjih zdravstvenih problemov svetovne populacije, saj pogosto privede do zmanjšane zmožnosti, različnih okvar, težav pri dejavnostih in omejitvah sodelovanja. Metode: V študiji primera smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitatvine raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje konvergenčnega modela triangulacije in raziskali kratkotrajno učinkovitost 3-mesečnega intenzivnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa (PNF, sodobna RNO, hipoterapija, hidroterapija, miofascialne tehnike sproščanja, mobilizacija živčevja, idr.) pri vrhunskem športniku z NMP. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli retrospektivno analizo kvantitativnih podatkov funkcijskih testov, ki so bili uporabljeni pri preiskovancu. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju z nevrofizioterapevtko mladostnika z NMP. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da lahko na ta način razvijemo bolj zgoščeno razumevanje kratkoročne učinkovitosti sestavljenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa na funkcijske sposobnosti mladostnika -vrhunskega športnika z NMP na njegovo dinamično ravnotežje, premičnost, koordinacijo, hojo idr.. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo pridobili širši vpogled v stališče in doživljanje nevrofizioterapevtke glede učinkovitosti sestavljenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa na izboljšanje rezultatov funkcijskih sposobnosti mladostnika - vrhunskega športnika z NMP tako na področju telesne funkcije kot na nivoju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: nezgodna možganska poškodba, nevrofizioterapija, funkcijske sposobnosti ABSTRACT Introduction:Traumatic brain injury (TBI) today represents one of the biggest health problems of the world population, as it often leads to reduced capacity, various impairments, difficulties in activities and limitations of participation. Methods: In the case study we used the mixed methods, more precisely the convergence model of triangulation and investigated the short-term effectiveness of a 3-month intensive neurophysiotherapy program (PNF, contemporary NDT, hippotherapy, hydrotherapy, myofascial relaxation techniques, nerve mobilization) in a top athlete with TBI. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the quantitative data of the functional tests used in the subject. In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with a neurophysiotherapist of an adolescent with TBI. Results: Based on the analysis of mixed methods results, we find that in this way we can develop a more condensed understanding of the short-term effectiveness of a composite neurophysiotherapy program on the functional abilities of adolescents - top athletes with TBI on his dynamic balance, mobility, coordination, walking, etc .. Conclusions: Based on mixed methods design we got insight into the position and experience of a neurophysiotherapist regarding the effectiveness of a composite neurophysiotherapy program to improve the results of functional abilities of adolescents - top athletes with TBI both in terms of physical function and at the level of activity and participation. Keywords: Traumatic brain injury, neurophysiotherapy, functional skills 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 116 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Ana Vogrinec AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA ZMANJŠANJE SPASTIČNOSTI PRI DEKLICI Z OBOJESTRANSKO SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN REDUCING SPASTICITY IN A GIRL WITH BILATERAL SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY POVZETEK Uvod: Cerebralna paraliza (CP) je heterogena skupina nenapredujočih motoričnih motenj, ki nastanejo zaradi poškodbe možganov v razvoju, v prenatalnem ali postnatalnem obdobju do starosti dveh let. Najpogostejša oblika cerebralne paralize je spastična oblika, pri kateri največ težav povzroča povišan mišični tonus, ki vpliva na nepravilne gibalne vzorce in držo. Terapija s pomočjo psa se je uspešno integrirala v sodobno nevrofizioterapijo otrok s CP, vendar njena učinkovitost še ni bila podrobno raziskana. Metode: V študiji primera smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitatvine raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje konvergenčnega modela triangulacije in raziskali kratkotrajno učinkovitost intenzivne RNO v kombinaciji s terapijo s pomočjo psa na zmanjšanje spastičnosti pri deklici s CP. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli analizo kvantitativnih podatkov funkcijskih testov za ocenjevanje spsastičnosti, ki so bili uporabljeni pri preiskovanki. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju s fizioterapevtom s specialnimi znanji razvojno nevrološke obravnmvae in terapije s pomočjo psa, ki je obravnaval preiskovanko. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je sodobna RNO v kombinaciji s terapijo s pomočjo psa pomembno vplivala na zmanjšanje spastičnosti in posledično omogočila lažje izvajanje selektivnega gibanja, ohranjanja pravilne telesne drže ter grobe gibalne funkcije pri deklici z obojestransko spastično obliko cerebralne paralize. Sklepi: Terapija s psom se lahko uporablja kot podporna terapija pri otrocih s CP, saj ima veliko pozitivnih učinkov, vendar bi bilo potrebno njen status v Sloveniji sistemsko urediti. Ključne besede: RNO, terapija s pomočjo psa, cerebralna paraliza, spastičnost ABSTRACT Introduction: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a heterogeneous group of non-progressive motor disorders caused by developing brain damage in the prenatal or postnatal period up to the age of two years. The most common form of cerebral palsy is the spastic form, in which the most problems are caused by increased muscle tone, which affects irregular movement patterns and posture. Dog-assisted therapy has been successfully integrated into contemporary neurophysiotherapy practice in children with CP, but its effectiveness has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Methods: In the case study, we used the mixed methods design, more specifically the convergence model of triangulation, and investigated the short-term efficacy of intensive NDT in combination with dog-assisted therapy to reduce spasticity in a girl with CP. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed an analysis of quantitative data from functional tests to assess spasticity that were used in the subject. In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with a physiotherapist with special knowledge of NDT and dog assissted therapy. Results: Based on the analysis of the results, we find that contemporary NDT in combination with Dog-assisted therapy significantly reduced spasticity and consequently facilitated selective movement, maintaining proper posture and gross motor function in girl with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Conclusions: Dog assissted therapy can be used as supportive therapy in children with CP, as it has many positive effects, but its status in Slovenia should be systematically regulated. Keywords: NDT, Dog-assisted therapy, cerebral palsy, spasticity, mixed methods 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 117 Aneja Klaut AMEU – ECM Manuela Urankar CIRIUS Vipava Slovenia Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST SODOBNE RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI Z INTENZIVNO THERASUIT TERAPIJO NA FUNKCIJSKE SPOSOBNOSTI PRI OSEBI Z ATAKTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO IN TRAVMATOLOŠKO POŠKODBO-RUPTURO SPREDNJE KRIŽNE IN MEDIALNE KOLATERALNE KOLENSKE VEZI EFFECTIVENESS OF A CONTEMPORARY NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH INTENSIVE THERASUIT THERAPY ON FUNCTIONAL SKILLS IN A PERSON WITH ATACTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AND TRAUMATIC INJURY-RUPTURE OF THE ANTERIOR CRUCIATE AND MEDIAL COLLATERAL KNEE LIG POVZETEK Uvod: Za ataktično obliko cerebralne paralize (CP) so značilni nepravilni gibalni vzorci in telesna drža, kot tudi izguba ustrezne mišične usklajenosti, zaradi česar lahko pride do dodatnih liga-mentarnih poškodb, kot tudi okvar na področju telesne zgradbe in funkcije. Zato mora biti nevro-fizioterapevtsaki program individualno prilagojen. V podatkovnih zbirkah ni študij, ki bi proučile učinkovitost Therasuit metode v kombinaciji z RNO na mišično moč in ataksijo pri osebah z ataksijo in ligamentarno poškodbo kolenskega sklepa. Metode: V študiji primera smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitatvine raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje konvergenčnega modela triangulacije in raziskali kratkotrajno učinkovitost intenzivne Therasuit metode na zmanjšanje ataksije, izboljšanje mišične moči spodnjih ekstremitet, ravnotežja, koordinacije in vzdržljivosti pri osebi z ataksijo in travmatološko po- škodbo-rupturo sprednje križne (ACL) in medialne kolateralne kolenske vezi (MCL). V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli analizo kvantitativnih podatkov funkcijskih testov, ki so bili uporabljeni pri preiskovanki. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju s fizioterapevtko preiskovanke s specialnimi znanji. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da se je z intenzivno Therasuit metodo izboljšala mišična moč in vzdržljivost mišic trupa ter spodnjih ekstremitet ženske z ataksijo ter rupturo LCA in MCL, kar je posledično vplivalo na boljše ravnotežje in zmanjšanje ataksije. Sklepi: S pomočjo integracije metod smo pridobili širši vpogled v osebno doživljanje fizioterapevtke glede učinkovitosti fizioterapevtskega programa na izboljšanje funkcije kolena. Ključne besede: Therasuit metoda, ataksija, ACL poškodba, MCL poškodba 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 118 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Introduction:The atactic form of cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by abnormal movement patterns and posture, as well as loss of proper muscle coordination, which can lead to additional ligament injuries as well as impairments in body structure and function. Therefore, the neurophysiotherapeutic program must be individually tailored. There are no studies in the databases to examine the efficacy of the Therasuit method in combination with NDT on muscle strength and ataxia in individuals with ataxia and ligament injury of the knee joint (ACL, MCL). Methods: In the case study, we used the mixed methods design, more specifically the convergence model of triangulation, and investigated the short-term effectiveness of the intensive Therasuit method on reducing ataxia, improving lower extremity muscle strength, balance, coordination and endurance in a person with ataxia and injury of ACL and MCL. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed an analysis of the quantitative data of the functional tests used in the subject. In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with the physiotherapist of the subject with special neurophysiotherapy skills. Results: Based on the analysis of the results, we find that the intensive Therasuit method improved muscle strength and endurance of the core muscles and lower extremities muscles of a woman with ataxia and rupture of ACL and MCL, which resulted in better balance and reduced ataxia. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of mixed methods results, we find that there has been an improvement in knee function. Keywords: Therasuit method, ataxia, ACL injury, MCL injury 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 119 Anže Mastnak, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKI VEČKOMPONENTNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA FUNKCIJSKO SPOSOBNOST IN BOLEČINO PRI PROFESIONALNEM TENIŠKEM IGRALCU Z LATERALNIM EPIKONDILITISOM EFFECTS OF A MULTICOMPONENT PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON FUNCTION AND PAIN IN A PROFESSIONAL TENNIS PLAYER WITH LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS POVZETEK Uvod: Lateralni epikondilitis je preobremenitveni sindrom, ki je precej pogost med profesio-nalnimi igralci tenisa. V študijo primera smo vključili vrhunskega teniškega igralca z lateralnim epikondilitisom. Metode: Uporabili smo integracijo kvalitativne in kvantitativne metodologije in s pomočjo zaporednega raziskovalnega načrta izvedli zbiranje, analizo ter interpretacijo podatkov. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavbljamo, da je 6-tedenski večkomponentni fizioterapevtski program (sestavljen na podlagi z dokazi podprte fizioterapevtske prakse) kratkoročno učinkovit pri izboljšanju funkcijskih sposobnosti komolca in podlakti, ocenjenih s pomočjo modificiranega vprašalnika PRTEE in QuickDASH ter pri zmanjšanju intenzivnosti bolečine (VAL). Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da lahko na ta način razvijemo bolj zgoščeno razumevanje učinkovitosti omenjenega fizioterapevtskega programa za doseganje kriterijev za vrnitev v vrhunski tenis ter širši vpogled v osebna doživljanja vrhunskega tenisača glede učinkovitosti programa. Sklepi: Aplikativna vrednost študije primera na profesionalnem teniškem igralcu z integracijo kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov je po našem mnenju visoka, vendar bi bilo smiselno v prihodnje omenjeni večkomponentni program preizkusiti na večjem številu profesionalnih teni- ških igralcev z lateralnim epikondilitisom. Ključne besede: fizioterapija, lateralni epikondilitis, integracija metod ABSTRACT Introduction: Lateral epicondylitis is an overload syndrome that is quite common among professional tennis players. A top tennis player with lateral epicondylitis was included in the case study. Methods: We used the mixed methods design and performed quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation with the help of a sequential research plan. Results: Based on the analysis of the results, we find that a 6-week multicomponent physiotherapy program (based on evidence-based physiotherapy practice) is effective in the short term in improving elbow and forearm functional abilities assessed using a modified PRTEE and QuickDASH questionnaire and in reducing pain intensity (VAS). Based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative results, we find that in this way we can develop a more condensed understanding of the effectiveness of the physiotherapy program to achieve the criteria for returning to top tennis and a broader insight into the personal experiences of top tennis players. Conclusions: The applicativer value of the case study on a professional tennis player with the use of mixed methods design is high in our opinion, but it would make sense to test the mentioned multicomponent program on a larger number of professional tennis players with lateral epicondylitis. Keywords: Physiotherapy, lateral epicondylitis, mixed methods 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 120 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Anže Ostanek, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM VPLIV ZAMIKA ZDRAVILIŠKE FIZIOTERAPIJE ZARADI EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 NA PODROČJU DEJAVBNOSTI IN SODELOVANJA PACIENTOV PO VSTAVITVI TOTALNE ENDOPROTEZE KOLKA IMPACT OF SPA PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT DELAY DUE TO COVID-19 EPIDEMIC ON ACTIVITY AND PARTICIPATION LEVEL IN PATIENTS AFTER TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT POVZETEK Uvod: V Sloveniji je fizioterapija pod okriljem zdraviliškega zdravljenja (ZZ) posebnost, ki je drugje v svetu ne poznajo v obliki celostne rehabilitacije pacientov po vstavitvi totalne endoproteze kolka (TEK). Metode: Da bi raziskali vpliv epidemije covid-19 na zamik 14. dnevnega ZZ smo izvedli pilotsko študijo s protokolom nerandomizirane klinične študije na priložnostnem vzorcu 10 pacientov po TEK, ki so bili deležni fizioterapevtske obravnave. Izvedli smo primerjalno analizo začetnih in končnih skupnih ocen funkcijskih testov na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da med skupinama ni statistično pomembnih razlik tako, da zamik zdraviliškega zdravja ni vplival na rezultate meritev pasivne gibljivosti, časovnega testa “Vstani in pojdi” ter vprašalnika SF-36 za ocenjevanje z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja. Zaključki: Zgodnja rehabilitacija pripomore k boljšemu in hitrejšemu okvrevanju po posegu TEK, vendar na podlagi primerjave rezultatov pri študijski in kontrolni skupini ni prišlo do statistično pomembnih razlik. Ključne besede: zdraviliška rehabilitacija, epidemija covid-19, totalna endoproteza kolka ABSTRACT Introduction: In Slovenia, physiotherapy under the auspices of spa treatment (ST) is a specialty that is not known elsewhere in the world in the form of comprehensive rehabilitation of patients after total hip replacement (THR). Methods: To investigate the impact of the covid-19 epidemic on the 14-day ST delay, we conducted a pilot study with a nonrandomized clinical study protocol on a random sample of 10 patients after THR who received physiotherapy treatment. We performed a comparative analysis of initial and final assessments of functional tests in the field of activities and participation. Results: Based on the analysis of the results, we find that there are no statistically significant differences between the study and control group, so that the spa rehabilitation delay did not affect the results of passive mobility measurements, the “Timed up and go test” and the SF-36 questionnaire to assess health-related quality of life. Conclusions: Early rehabilitation contributes to better and faster recovery after THR intervention, but based on the comparison of results in the study and control group, there were no statistically significant differences. Keywords: spa rehabilitation, covid-19 epidemic, total hip endoprosthesis 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 121 Borut Černilogar, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA MOTORIKO ZGORNJEGA UDA PRI OSEBI S FRIEDREICHOVO ATAKSIJO SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON UPPER LIMB MOTILITY IN A PERSON WITH FRIEDREICH'S ATAXIA POVZETEK Uvod: Friedreichova ataksija je živčno-mišična bolezen, ki spada med kronične, degenerativne in progresivne bolezni in povzroča hudo funkcijsko prizadetost in posledično odvisnost pacienta od tuje pomoči. PNF koncept se je uspešno integriral v sodobno nevrofizioterapijo, vendar njegova uporaba pri pacientih z Friedreichovo ataksijo ni raziskana. Metode: V študiji primera smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitatvine raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje konvergenčnega modela triangulacije in raziskali kratkotrajno učinkovitost 4-mesečnega intenzivnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa (PNF, v funkcijo usmerjena vadba, principi motoričnega učenja idr.) na motoriko zgornjih udov pri odrasli osebi s Friedreichovo ataksijo. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli retrospektivno analizo kvantitativnih podatkov Wolfovega testa motoričnih funkcij(WTMF), ki so bili uporabljeni pri preiskovancu. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju s preiskovancem. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme na bolniku z Friedrichovo ataksijo ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program z uporabo PNF tehnik kratkoročno učinkovit pri izboljšanju funkcijskih zmožnosti zgornjega uda v kvantitativnem delu študije ocenjenih s pomočjo WTMF. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa (z uporabo PNF tehnik) pacienta z Friedrichovo ataksijo na izboljšanje funkcijskih zmožnosti zgornjega uda. Ključne besede: PNF, nevrofizioterapija, Friedreichova ataksija, Wolfov test motoričnih funkcij ABSTRAC Introduciton: Friedreich's ataxia is a neuromuscular disease that belongs to chronic, degenerative and progressive diseases and causes severe functional impairment and consequent dependence of the patient on foreign help. The PNF concept has been successfully integrated into modern neurophysiotherapy, but its use in patients with Friedreich’s ataxia has not been investigated. Methods: In the case study, we used the mixed methods design, more precisely the convergence model of triangulation, and investigated the short-term effectiveness of a 4-month intensive neurophysiotherapy program (PNF, function-oriented exercise, principles of motor learning, etc.) on upper limb mobility in adult with Friedreich's ataxia. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the quantitative data of the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT). In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with the subject. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the existing case study using the integration of quantitative and qualitative research paradigm in a patient with Friedrich's ataxia, we find that the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program using PNF techniques is short-term effective in improving upper limb functional capabilities in the quantitative part of the study assessed with the WMFT. Conclusions: Based on mixed methods we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the patient with Friedrich’s ataxia regarding the effectiveness of this neurophysiotherapy program (using PNF techniques) on upper limb function. Keywords: PNF, neurophysiotherapy, Friedreich ataxia, Wolf Motor Function Test 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 122 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Božin Krstanoski, Tatjana Horvat, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST UPORABE ROBOTSKE TEHNOLOGIJE PRI PACIENTIH PO MOŽGANSKI KAPI EFFICACY OF THE USE OF ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY IN PATIENTS AFTER STROKE POVZETEK Uvod: Namen nevrofizioterapevtskih pristopov pri pacientih po možganski kapi je med drugim povečati senzorno zaznavo ter posledično izboljšati funkcijo roke in prizadetega zgornjega uda. Metode: V multipli študiji primera smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje pojasnjevalni pristop. Na podlagi z dokazi podprte fizioterapije smo pripravili enomesečni nevrofizioterapevtski program v kombinaciji z uporabo elektrostimulacijske rokavice Tipstim in proučili njegovo kratkoročno učinkovitost na senzorno zaznavo, površinsko senzibiliteto in masovno ter pincetno moč prijema pri pacientih po možganski kapi. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih rezultatov testov površinske senziblitete ugotavljamo, da je prišlo do izboljšanja rezultatov dinamometrskih testov masovnega prijema, testov ostro-topo, toplo-hladno in testa za položaj sklepov, v fazi post testiranja. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirane intervjuje s pacienti po možganski kapi. Sklepi: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da lahko na ta način razvijemo bolj zgoščeno razumevanje kratkoročne učinkovitosti nevrofizioterapevtskega programa v kombinaciji z uporabo elektrostimulacijske rokavice Tipstim na izboljšanje površinske senzibilitete in rezultatov dinamometrskih testov masovnega in pincetnega prijema. Ključne besede: elektrostimulacijska rokavica Tipstim, nevrofizioterapija, možganska kap ABSTRACT Introduction: The purpose of neurophysiotherapeutic approaches in patients after stroke is, among other things, to increase sensory perception and consequently improve the hand function and the affected upper limb function. Methods: In a multiple case study, we used the mixed methods design, more specifically an explanatory approach. Based on evidence-based physiotherapy, we prepared a one-month neurophysiotherapy program in combination with the Tipstim electrostimulation glove and examined its short-term efficacy on sensory perception, surface sensitivity, and mass and tweezers grip in patients after stroke. Results: Based on the analysis of quantitative results of surface sensitivity tests, we find that there was an improvement in the results of dynamometer mass grip tests, sharp-blunt, hot-cold and joint position tests, in the post-testing phase. In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with stroke patients. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative results, we find that in this way we can develop a more condensed understanding of the short-term effectiveness of the neurophysiotherapy program in combination with the use of Tipstim electrostimulation glove on improvement of surface sensitivity and dynamometer mass and tweezers grip tests results. Keywords: Tipstim electrostimulation glove, neurophysiotherapy, stroke 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 123 David Brec, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA FUNKCIJE ZGORNJIH TER SPODNJIH UDOV PRI PACIENTU S SPINALNO MIŠIČNO ATROFIJO TIPA II EFFICACY OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON UPPER AND LOWER LIMB FUNCTIONS IN A PATIENT WITH SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY TYPE II POVZETEK Uvod: Spinalna mišična atrofija (SMA) je ena izmed pogostih živčno-mišičnih bolezni, pri kateri pride do degeneracije celic sprednjih rogov hrbtenjače, zato se posledično pojavi mišična atrofija in oslabelost mišic in mišičnih skupin trupa ter spodnjih ekstremitet. PNF koncept se je uspešno integriral v sodobno nevrofizioterapijo (NFT), vendar njegova uporaba pri pacientih s SMA tip II glede na dostopne podatke ni raziskana. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje s pomočjo konvergentega modela. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli funkcijske meritve pri bolniku z uporabo funkcijskih testov z visoko mero zanesljivosti in veljavnosti pred pričetkom in po zaključku NFT. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo kvalitativne podatke zbrali s pomočjo delno strukturiranega intervjuja z bolnikom s spinalno mišično atrofijo tipa II in jih analizirali. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov funkcijskih testov ugotavljamo, da so se po zaključni NFT izboljšale gibalne sposobnosti, funkcijske motorične sposobnosti in zmogljivosti zgornjih ter spodnjih udov pri pacientu s SMA tipa II, izboljšale so se tudi stoja in transferji, aksialne in proksi-malne motorične funkcije in distalne motorične funkcije. Zaključki: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da kvalitativni rezultati podpirajo kvantitativne in da je oseba s spinalno mišično atrofijo tipa II izboljšala rezultate tako na nivoju telesne funkcije, dejavnosti kot sodelovanja glede na MKF biopsihosocialni model. Ključne besede: spinalna mišična atrofija, PNF, nevrofizioterapija ABSTRACT Introduction: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is one of the common neuromuscular diseases in which the degeneration of the cells of the anterior horns of the spinal cord occurs, resulting in muscle atrophy and weakness of the muscles and muscle groups of the trunk and lower extremities. The PNF concept has been successfully integrated into modern neurophysiotherapy (NFTH), but its use in patients with SMA type II has not been investigated based on available data. Methods: We performed a case study using the mixed methods design, more precisely a convergent model. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed functional measurements in the patient using functional tests with a high degree of reliability and validity before and after the completion of the NFTH. In the qualitative part of the case study, qualitative data were collected through a partially structured interview with a patient with spinal muscular atrophy type II and analyzed. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of functional tests, we find that after completing a NFTH improved motor skills, functional motor skills and performance of the upper and lower limbs in a patient with SMA type II, improved posture and transfers, axial and proximal motor functions and distal motor functions. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of mixed-methods results, we find that qualitative results support quantitative and that a person with spinal muscular atrophy type II improved results at the level of physical function, activity and participation according to ICF biopsihosocial model. Keywords: spinal muscular atrophy, PNF, neurophysiotherapy 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 124 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Eva Rotar, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GIBLJIVOST PRI OSEBI Z OBOJESTRANSKO SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO PO MIŠIČNI FIBROTOMIJI EFFICACY OF THE NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON FLEXIBILITY IN A PERSON WITH BILATERAL SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AFTER MUSCLE FIBROTOMY POVZETEK Uvod: Z mišično fibrotomijo se odpravlja mišične kontrakture pri osebah patologijo mišično ske-letnega sistema, kamor uvrščamo tudi populacijo oseb s cerebralno paralizo. Cilj operativnega posega je izboljšanje gibalne sposobnosti. Therausit metoda se je uspešno integrirala v sodobno nevrofizioterapijo oseb s CP, vendar njena učinkovitost na gibljivost v pred operativnem kot po-stoperativnem obdobju po mišični fibrotomiji še ni bila raziskana. Metode: V študiji primera smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitatvine raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje konvergenčnega modela triangulacije in raziskali kratkotrajno učinkovitost intenzivnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa (Therasuit metoda, v funkcijo usmerjena vadba, principi motoričnega učenja idr.) na izboljšanje pasivne sklepne gibljivosti pri fantu z obojestransko spastično CP po opravljeni mišični fibrotomiji. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je prišlo do izboljšanja funkcijskega stanja pri fantu na številnih področjih, prav tako, da se učinki Therasuit terapije in mišične fibrotomije poleg izboljšanje funkcije gibljivosti odražajo posledično tudi na nivoju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Zaključki: Na podlagi podrobne analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da lahko na ta način izboljšamo razumevanje učinkovitosti nevrofizioterapevtskega programa pri izboljšanju sklepne gibljivosti fanta z obojestransko spastično cerebralno paralizo po mi- šični fibrotomiji. Ključne besede: mišična fibrotomija, Therasuit metoda, cerebralna paraliza, nevrofizioterapija ABSTRACT Introduction: Muscle fibrotomy eliminates muscle contractures in persons with pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which also includes the population of persons with cerebral palsy. The goal of surgery is to improve motor skills. The Therausit method has been successfully integrated into modern neurophysiotherapy of people with CP, but its effectiveness on mobility in the preoperative as well as postoperative period after muscle fibrotomy has not yet been investigated. Methods: In the case study we used the mixed methods design paradigm, more precisely the convergence model of triangulation and investigated the short-term effectiveness of intensive neurophysiotherapy program (Therasuit method, function-oriented exercise, principles of motor learning, etc.) to improve passive joint mobility. CP after muscle fibrotomy. Results: Based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative results, we find that there was an improvement in the functional state of the boy in many areas, and that the effects of Therasuit therapy and muscle fibrotomy in addition to improving mobility function are reflected in the level of activity and cooperation. Conclusions: Based on a detailed analysis of mixed methods results, we find that in this way we can improve the understanding of the effectiveness of the neurophysiotherapy program in improving joint mobility of a boy with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy after muscle fibrotomy. Keywords: muscle fibrotomy, Therasuit method, cerebral palsy, neurophysiotherapy 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 125 Karin Košnik, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO DEKLICE Z OBOJESTRANSKO SPASTIČNO OBLIKO CEREBRALNE PARALIZE PO OPRAVLJENI FAZNI FIBROTOMIJI EFFICACY OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION OF A GIRL WITH BILATERAL SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AFTER PHASE FIBROTOMY POVZETEK Uvod: Fazna fibrotomoija se uporablja pri otrocih z obojestransko spastično obliko cerebralne paralize. V tem trenutku ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede naju- činkovitejše kombinacije nevrofizioterapevtskih konceptov (RNO, hipoterapija, Therasuit, Halliwick koncept) in postopkov, niti podatkov glede njene intenzitete. Metoda: Izvedli smo študijo primera in uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo, kjer smo podatke grobe gibalne funkcije deklice s CP pridobili z uporabo lestvice grobe gibalne funkcijje verzija-88. Glavni namen je bil ovrednotiti učinkovitost kompleksne nevrofizioterapije (RNO, hipoterapija, Therasuit, Halliwick koncept) na grobo gibalno funkcijo po opravljeni fazni fibrotomiji v obdobju štirih let. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da ima sestavljen nevrofzioterapevtski program pozitiven vpliv na področjih A (ležanje in obračanje), B (sedenje), D (stoja), E (hoja, tek, skakanje) grobe gibalne funkcije pri deklici s spastično obliko CP. Zaključki: Obstoječa študija primera nam zagotavlja klinično relevantne informacije o gibalnem napredku deklice z obojestransko spastično CP po fazni fibrotomiji v omenjenem štiriletnem obdobju, ko je bila deležna kompleksnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa. Ključne besede: fazna fibrotomija,CP, Therasuit, hipoterapija, RNO ABSTRACT Introduction: Phase fibrotomy is used in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy. There are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy regarding the most effective combination of neurophysiotherapy concepts (NDT, hippotherapy, Therasuit, Halliwick concept) and procedures, nor data regarding its intensity and effectiveness. Method: We performed a case study and used a quantitative methodology where the gross motor function data of a girl with CP were obtained using the version-88 gross motor function scale. The main purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of complex neurophysiotherapy (NDT, hippotherapy, Therasuit, Halliwick concept) on gross motor function after performing a phase fibrotomy over a period of four years. Results: Based on the analysis of the results, we can conclude that the composite neurophysiotherapy program has a positive effect in areas A (lying and turning), B (sitting), D (standing), E (walking, running, jumping) gross motor functions in a girl with spastic CP shape. Conclusions: The existing case study provides us with clinically relevant information on the motor progress of a girl with bilateral spastic CP after phase fibrotomy during the mentioned four-year period when she received a complex neurophysiotherapeutic program. Keywords: phase fibrotomy, CP, Therasuit, hippotherapy, RNO 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 126 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Klemen Kozole AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S FIZIOTERAPEVTSKIM PROGRAMOM FUN FITNESS NA TELESNO PRIPRAVLJENOST ŠPORTNIKA Z DOWNOVIM SINDROMOM IN PRIDRUŽENO ALZHEIMERJEVO DEMENCO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH A FUN FITNESS PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF AN ATHLETE WITH DOWN SYNDROME AND ASSOCIATED ALZHEIMER'S DEMENTIA POVZETEK Osebe z Downovim sindromom (DS) se na splošno hitreje starajo kot ljudje brez DS, zato je pri njih večja verjetnost za nastanek Alzheimerjeve demence (AD). Zaradi poslabšanja ali upada gibalnih sposobnosti je pomembna vključitev ranljive populacije starajočih se oseb z Downovim sindromom in pridruženo Alzeheimerjevo demenco v nevrofizioterapevtski program in redno telesno dejavnost, da izboljšajo svojo telesno pripravljenost. V tem trenutku ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede najučinkovitejše kombinacije fizioterapevtskih postopkov, niti podatkov glede njene intenzitete. Metoda: Izvedli smo študijo primera in uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo, kjer smo preučili kratkoročno učinkovitost 12-mesečnega fizioterapevtskega programa specialne olimpiade Zabavni fitnes v kombinaciji s sodobno razvojno nevrološko obravnavo (RNO), na posamezne komponente telesne pripravljenosti, in sicer mišične moči, ravnotežja, aerobne zmogljivosti in gibljivosti ter na posamezne parametre telesne pripravljenosti športnika z DS in AD. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih rezultatov funkcijskih testov za posamezne komponente telesne pripravljenosti in rezultatov posameznih parametrov telesne sestave ugotavljamo kratkoročno učinkovitost 12-mesečnega fizioterapevtskega programa specialne olimpiade v kombinaciji z RNO na izboljšanje gibljivosti, mišične moči in vzdržljivosti, statičnega in dinamič- nega ravnotežja, aerobne zmogljivosti in telesne sestave pri športniku z DS in AD. Zaključki: omenjen program bi lahko bil učinkovit pri starajočih se osebah z DS in AD, ki imajo slabšo telesno pripravljenost. Ključne besede: Downov sindrom, Alzheimerjeva demenca, Fun fitnes, telesna pripravljenost 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 127 ABSTRACT People with Down syndrome (DS) generally age faster than people without DS, so they are more likely to develop Alzheimer's dementia (AD). Due to deterioration or decline in motor skills, it is important to include a vulnerable population of aging individuals with Down syndrome and associated Alzeheimer’s dementia in a neurophysiotherapy program and regular physical activity to improve their physical fitness. There are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy regarding the most effective combination of physiotherapy procedures, nor data on its intensity. Method: We performed a case study and applied a quantitative methodology, where we examined the short-term effectiveness of the 12-month physiotherapy program of the Special Olympics Fun Fitness in combination with modern developmental neurological treatment (RNO) on individual components of physical fitness, namely muscle strength, balance, aerobic performance and mobility and on individual parameters of physical fitness of an athlete with DS and AD. Results: Based on the analysis of quantitative results of functional tests for individual components of physical fitness and the results of individual parameters of body composition, we determine the short-term effectiveness of 12-month physiotherapy program of the Special Olympics in combination with RNO on improving mobility, muscle strength and endurance, static and dynamic balance, aerobic fitness and body composition in an athlete with DS and AD. Conclusions: the mentioned program could be effective in aging people with DS and AD who have poorer physical fitness. Keywords: Down syndrome, Alzheimer's dementia, Fun fitness, fitness 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 128 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nika Leskovšek AMEU – ECM PROJEKT: RAZVOJ KOMPETENC PRI FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEM DELU S PREBEŽNIKI PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCIES IN PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC WORK WITH REFUGEES POVZETEK Prebežnik je oseba, ki zapusti svojo matično državo zaradi življenjsko nevarnih okoliščin. Kot celostna oseba v novo državo prinesejo prebežniki s seboj svojo kulturo, morebitne travme, iz-kušnje, jezik, navade in velikokrat družino (European Parliament 2020, 2. odst.). Večina jih ne govori našega jezika, drugače lahko dojemajo bolečino, imajo težave pri razumevanju našega zdravstvenega sistema, čas ima v njihovem življenju lahko drugačno vlogo, kar oteži planira-nje in točnost in velika verjetnost je, da jih spremljajo travme zaradi krutosti, ki so jih videli ali/ in doživeli, preden so prišli v svojo novo domovino. Iz vidika zdravstvenega sistema evropskih držav, katerega del so fizioterapevti, predstavljajo prebežniki veliko breme, na personalni ravni pa lahko frustracijo in občutek nemoči. Leta 2018 je skupina strokovnjakov iz Norveške, Irske, Velike Britanije, Švedske in Nizozemske začela razvijati projekt PREP (Physiotherapy and Refugee Educational project), sofinanciran s strani Erasmus+. Projekt je nastal zaradi povečane potrebe po raziskavah in rešitvah, ki bi pripomogle k izboljšanju kompetenc fizioterapevtov pri delu s prebežniki. V prvem delu so avtorji raziskali katere kompetence so ključne za uspešno rehabilitacijo prebežnikov, v drugem delu pa izoblikovali spletni tečaj, namenjen zaposlenim fizioterapevtom in magistrskim študentom fizioterapije, ki se je pilotno začel izvajati januarja 2021. Razdeljen je na devet poglavji, vsako izmed katerih predstavlja eno problematiko, s katero se srečujejo fizioterapevti, ko delajo s prebežniki. Tečaj bo pilotno izveden, pregledan in končno objavljen za vsesplošno rabo. Glavni cilj projekta je izoblikovati tečaj, podprt z raziskavami, ki omogoča fizioterapevtom učinkovito rehabilitacijo prebežnikov. Ključne besede: projekt, fizioterapija, prebežniki ABSTRACT A refugee is a person who leaves his or her home country due to life-threatening circumstances. As any person, refugees bring with them their culture, possible traumas, experiences, language, habits and often their family (European Parliament 2020, paragraph 2). Most of them do not speak our language, they may perceive pain differently and they are more likely to be accompanied by trauma due to the cruelty they have been exposed to and/or experienced before coming to their new homeland. To the health care system of European countries refugees represent a great burden. On a more personal level, a physiotherapist, who is a part of the said system, can feel frustrated and experience helplessness. In 2018, a group of experts from Norway, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Sweden and the Netherlands began developing the PREP (Physiotherapy and Refugee Educational project) project, co-financed by Erasmus +. The project was created due to the increased need for research and solutions that would help improve the competencies of physiotherapists in working with refugees. In the first stage, the authors explored which competencies are key to the successful rehabilitation of refugees, and in the second stage, they designed an online course for employed physiotherapists and master students of physiotherapy, which began its pilot period in January 2021. The course is divided into nine chapters. The main goal of the project is to design a research-supported course that allows physiotherapists to effectively rehabilitate refugees. Keywords: project, physiotherapy, refugees 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 129 Tine Kovačič, Maja Komovec AMEU – ECM VPLIV RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S HIDROTERAPIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO DEČKA S PIERRE ROBIN SINDROMOM EFFECTS OF NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH AQUATHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A BOY WITH PIERRE ROBIN SYNDROME POVZETEK Pierre Robin sindrom (PRS) se uvršča med redke genetske motnje za katerega so značilne večje in manjše prirojene nepravilnosti povezane z razvojnimi anomalijami. Otroci s PRS imajo med drugim težave z grobo gibalno funkcijo. Glede na dostopne podatke trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede najučinkovitejše kombinacije fizioterapevtskih postopkov (RNO, hidroterapija, v funkcijo usmerjena vadba idr.) v nevrofizioterapevtskem programu za izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri otrocih z PRS. Metoda: Izvedli smo študijo primera in uporabili kvantitativno metodologijo, kjer smo podatke grobe gibalne funkcije dečka s PRS pridobili z uporabo lestvice grobe gibalne funkcijje verzija-88. Glavni namen je bil ovrednotiti učinkovitost sestavljenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa na grobo gibalno funkcijo pri dečku s PRS. po opravljeni fazni fibrotomiji v obdobju desetih let. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da ima sestavljen nevrofzioterapevtski program pozitiven vpliv na področjih A (ležanje in obračanje), B (sedenje), D (stoja), E (hoja, tek, skakanje) grobe gibalne funkcije pri dečku s PRS. Zaključki: Obstoječa študija primera nam zagotavlja klinično relevantne informacije o gibalnem napredku dečka s PRS v omenjenem ocenjevalnem obdobju, ko je bil de-ležen kompleksnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa (RNO v kombinaciji s Watsu terapijo kot obliko hidroterapije, idr.). Ključne besede: RNO, Pierre Robin sindrom, groba gibalna funkcija, hidroterapija-WATSU ABSTRACT Pierre Robin syndrome (PRS) is one of the rare genetic disorders characterized by major and minor congenital anomalies associated with developmental abnormalities. Children with PRS to have problems with gross motor function, among other things. According to available data, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy regarding the most effective combination of physiotherapy procedures (NDT, hydrotherapy, function-oriented exercise, etc.) in a neurophysiotherapy program to improve gross motor function in children with PRS. Method: We performed a case study and used a quantitative methodology where we obtained the gross motor function data of a boy with PRS using the version-88 gross motor function scale. The main purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of a composite neurophysiotherapy program on gross motor function in a boy with PRS. after performing a phase fibrotomy over a period of ten years. Results: Based on the analysis of the results, we can conclude that the compiled neurophysiotherapy program has a positive effect in areas A (lying and turning), B (sitting), D (standing), E (walking, running, jumping) gross motor functions in a boy with PRS. Conclusions: The existing case study provides clinically relevant information on the motor progress of a boy with PRS during the mentioned assessment period, when he received a complex neurophysiotherapy program (RNO in combination with Watsu therapy as a form of aquatherapy, etc.). Keywords: NDT, Pierre Robin syndrome, gross motor function, aquatherapy-WATSU 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 130 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maša Blanuša, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM VPLIV ZGODNJE NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO OTROKA S KABUKI SINDROMOM INFLUENCE OF EARLY NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION OF A CHILD WITH KABUKI SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Kabuki sindrom se uvršča med redke genetske motnje za katerega so značilne večje in manjše prirojene nepravilnosti povezane z razvojnimi anomalijami. V Sloveniji je diagnosticiranih 5 posameznikov s Kabuki sindromom. Otroci s Kabuki sindromom imajo zaradi genera-lizirane hipotonije med drugim težave z razvojem grobe gibalne funkcije. Glede na dostopne podatke trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede učinkovitosti sodobne razvojno nevrološke obravnave (RNO) na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri otrocih s Kabuki sindromom. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje konvergenčnega modela in raziskali učinkovitost 12. mesečne sodobne RNO na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri otroku s Kabuki sindromom. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli retrospektivno analizo kvantitativnih rezultatov lestvice grobe gibalne funkcije (GMFM-88). V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju s preiskovancem. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na otroku s Kabuki sindromom ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program kratkoročno učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije na vseh ciljnih področjih A-ležanje in obračanje, B-sedenje, C-plazenje in klečanje, D -stoja). Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevtke dečka s Kabuki sindromom na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: Kabuki sindrom, sodobna RNO, groba gibalna funkcija, nevrofizioterapija 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 131 ABSTRACT Introduction: Kabuki syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by major and minor congenital anomalies associated with developmental abnormalities. In Slovenia, 5 individuals have been diagnosed with Kabuki syndrome. Children with Kabuki syndrome have difficulty developing gross motor function due to generalized hypotonia, among other things. According to available data, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy regarding the efficacy of contemporary neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) in improving gross motor function in children with Kabuki syndrome. Methods: We conducted a case study where we used the mixed methods design, more specifically the convergence model, and investigated the effectiveness of 12-month modern RNO on improving gross motor function in a child with Kabuki syndrome. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the quantitative results of the gross motor function measure (GMFM-88). In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with the subject. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the existing case study using the integration of a quantitative research paradigm in a child with Kabuki syndrome, we find that the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving short motor function in all target areas A-lying and roling, B-sitting, C- crawling and kneeling, D -standing). Conclusions: Based on the mixed methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the aforementioned neurophysiotherapy program of a physiotherapist of a boy with Kabuki syndrome to improve in the field of activity and participation. Keywords: Kabuki syndrome, modern RNO, gross motor function, neurophysiotherapy 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 132 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Matic Topolnik, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM DOLGOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA PODROČJE DEJAVNOSTI, SODELOVANJA PRI ODRASLI OSEBI S SPASTIČNO DISTONIJO LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON THE FIELD OF ACTIVITY, PARTICIPATION IN AN ADULT WITH SPASTIC DISTONY POVZETEK Uvod: Cilj nevrofizioterapije oseb s cerebralno paralizo (CP) je maksimizirati razvoj potencialov na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja, kar pomeni pri čemer je pomembno načrtovanje kratkoročnih in dolgoročnih ciljev. Glede na dostopne podatke trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije (NFT)glede učinkovitosti sestavljenega programa na izboljšanje grobe motorike, funkcijske neodvisnosti in kakovosti življenja (KŽ). Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje triangulacijo in raziskali učinkovitost 10. letne NFT na izboljšanje grobe motorike, funkcijske neodvisnosti, KŽ. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na osebi s spastično distonijo ugotavljamo, da je NFT dolgoročno učinkovita pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije, funkcijske neodvisnosti in kakovosti življenja, saj se vključuje tudi na področju športa invalidov, končal univerzitetni študij in magisterij ter se zaposlil v podjetju z medicinsko tehničnimi pripomočki. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevtke preiskovanca na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja, saj je dosegel pomembne življenjske cilje in s tem pripomogel k višji kakovosti življenja. Ključne besede: spastična diplegija, nevrofizioterapija, dejavnost, sodelovanje ABSTRACT Introduction: The goal of neurophysiotherapy for people with cerebral palsy (CP) is to maximize the development of potentials in the field of activity and cooperation, which means that the planning of short-term and long-term goals is important. According to available data, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy (NFTH) regarding the effectiveness of the composite program on improving gross motor skills, functional independence, and quality of life (QOL). Methods: We conducted a case study where we used the integration of quantitative and qualitative methodology, more specifically a triangulation and investigated the effectiveness of 10-year NFTH on improving gross motor skills, functional independence, QOL. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of an existing case study using the integration of a quantitative research paradigm in a person with spastic dystonia, we find that NFTH is effective in the long term in improving gross motor function, functional independence and quality of life. study and master's degree and got a job in a company with medical devices. Conclusions: Based on the integration of methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the neurophysiotherapy program of the subject's physiotherapist in improving activities and cooperation, as he achieved important life goals and thus contributed to a higher quality of life. Keywords: spastic diplegia, neurophysiotherapy, activity, participation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 133 Tine Kovačič, Mirjam Nedeljko AMEU – ECM VPLIV RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S PROPRIOCEPTIVNO ŽIVČNO MIŠIČNO FACILITACIJO NA FUNKCIONALNO RAMENSKO ROTACIJO OSEB S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA INFLUENCE OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION ON FUNCTIONAL SHOULDER ROTATION IN INDIVIDUALS WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL STUDY POVZETEK Uvod: Cerebralna paraliza (CP) je skupina motenj v razvoju gibanja in drže otroka, ki nastane zaradi okvare možganov. Glede na dostopne podatke trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije (NFT), ki bi proučile kratkoročen vpliv sodobne RNO v kombinaciji s PNF glede učinkovitosti sestavljenega programa na izboljšanje funkcionalne ramenske rotacije. Metode: Izvedli smo raziskavo, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje pojasnjevalni pristop. V kvantitativnem delu smo izvedli randomizirano klinično študijo. V kvalitativnem delu smo izvedli fenomenološko študijo. Rezultati: na podlagi analize rezultatov modificiranega Apleyevega testa ugotavljamo, da je študijska skupina dosegla statistično pomembno izboljšanje ramenske rotacije (p < 0,001) v primerjavi s kontrolno. Izboljšanje njihove funkcionalne ramenske rotacije potrjujejo izjave preiskovancev, v katerih so poudarili boljšo gibljivost ramenskega obroča, ki jim je pomagala pri opravljanju različnih dejavnosti v vsakdanjem življenju. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevta preiskovancev na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: cerebralna paraliza, RNO, PNF, modificiran Apleyev test ABSTRACT Introduction: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders in the development of movement and posture of a child caused by brain damage. According to available data, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy (NFTH) that would examine the short-term impact of modern RNO in combination with PNF on the effectiveness of the composite program on improving functional shoulder rotation. Methods: We conducted a study where we used the integration of quantitative and qualitative methodology, more precisely, explanatory approach. In the quantitative part, we performed a randomized clinical study. In the qualitative part, we performed a phenomenological study. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the modified Apley test, we find that the study group achieved a statistically significant improvement in shoulder rotation (p <0.001) compared to the control. The improvement in their functional shoulder rotation is confirmed by the state-ments of the subjects, in which they emphasized the better mobility and stability of the shoulder girdle, which helped them to perform various activities in everyday life. Conclusions: Based on the integration of methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program of the physiotherapist of the subjects on the improvement in the field of activities and cooperation. Keywords: cerebral palsy, NDT, PNF, modified Apley test 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 134 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Neža Rozman, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKI VEČKOMPONENTNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GIBLJIVOST KOLENA, STOPNJO ŠEPAVOSTI PRI PSU PASME BERNSKI PLANŠAR PO REKONSTRUKCIJI SPREDNJE KRIŽNE VEZI THE EFFECTS OF A MULTICOMPONENT PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON KNEE FLEXIBILITY, REDUCTION OF THE LEVEL OF LAMENESS IN A DOG OF THE BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG BREED AFTER THE ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION POVZETEK Uvod: S fizioterapijo po operaciji izboljšamo možnost popolnega okrevanja in hitrejšo povrnitev psa v funkcijsko stanje pred poškodbo. Ker je fizioterapija pri živalih relativno mlada veja trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte fizioterapije, ki bi proučile kratkoročen vpliv fizioterapevtskih postopkov na izboljšanje gibljivosti in stopnjo šepavosti pri psu. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje zaporednega raziskovalnega načrta in raziskali učinkovitost 12. tedenskega fizioterapevtskega programa na funkcijo kolena pri bernskem planšarju po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na psu ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni fizioterapevtski program kratkoročno učinkovit pri izboljšanju gibljivost kolena in zmanjšanju stopnje šepavosti pri psu. Zaključki: ugotavljamo, da je prišlo po večkomponentnem fizioterapevtskem programu do izbolj- šanja obsega gibljivosti (fleksije in ekstenzije), povečanja obsega stegna in zmanjšanja stopnje šepavosti, na zadnjem levem udu po rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi pri bernskem planšarju. Ključne besede: bernski planšar, fizioterapija, poškodba sprednje križne vezi ABSTRACT Introduction: Physiotherapy after surgery improves the possibility of complete recovery and faster recovery of the dog to a functional state before injury. Because physiotherapy in animals is a relatively young branch, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based physiotherapy to examine the short-term impact of physiotherapy procedures on improving mobility and the degree of lameness in the dog. Methods: We performed a case study using a mixed methods design, specifically a sequential research plan, and investigated the effectiveness of a 12-week physiotherapy program on knee function in a Bernese Mountain Dog after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of an existing case study using the integration of a quantitative research paradigm in a dog, we find that the said physiotherapy program is effective in the short term in improving knee mobility and reducing lameness in a dog. Conclusions: we find that after a multi-component physiotherapy program there was an improvement in range of motion (flexion and extension), increase in thigh circumference and decrease in the degree of lameness, on the hind left limb after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament in Bernese Mountain Dog. Keywords: Bernese Mountain Dog, physiotherapy, anterior cruciate ligament injury 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 135 Tine Kovačič, Nika Gostečnik AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST SODOBNE RAZVOJNE NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S HIPOTERAPIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO, DRUGE DEJAVNOSTI IN SODELOVANJE PRI OSEBI S CRI DU CHAT SINDROMOM EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEMPORARY NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH HIPPOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION, OTHER ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION IN A PERSON WITH CRI DU CHAT SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Cri du Chat sindrom poznan tudi kot 5p sindrom in »mačji jok« je redko genetsko stanje, ki je povzročeno zaradi izpada genetskega materiala na kromosomu 5 kar med drugim posledično vpliva na razvojni motorični zaostanek. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost nevrofizioterapije na grobo gibalno funkcijo pri osebi s Cri du Chat sindromom. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje konvergenčnega modela in raziskali učinkovitost 12. mesečne sodobne RNO na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri otroku s Kabuki sindromom. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli retrospektivno analizo kvantitativnih rezultatov lestvice grobe gibalne funkcije (GMFM-88). V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju s fizioterapevtom s specialnimi znanji. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na osebi s Cri du Chat sindromom ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije v obdobju 15. let. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevta osebe s Cri du Chat sindromom na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: Cri du Chat sindrom, RNO, hipoterapija, GMFM-88 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 136 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Introduction: Cri du Chat syndrome, also known as 5p syndrome, and "cat's cry syndrome" is a rare genetic condition caused by a loss of genetic material on chromosome 5, which, among other things, consequently affects developmental motor delay. There are no randomized clinical studies or pilot studies, nor case studies published in the databases examining the efficacy of neurophysiotherapy on gross motor function in a person with Cri du Chat syndrome. Methods: We conducted a case study where we used the mixed methods design, more specifically the convergence model, and investigated the effectiveness of 12-month modern RNO on improving gross motor function in a child with Kabuki syndrome. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the quantitative results of the gross motor function measure (GMFM-88). In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with a physiotherapist with special knowledge. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of an existing case study using the mixed methods paradigm on a person with Cri du Chat syndrome, we find that neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving short motor function in the 15 years. Conclusions: Based on the integration of methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program of a physiotherapist of a person with Cri du Chat syndrome to improve in the field of activity and participation. Keywords: Cri du Chat syndrome, RNO, hippotherapy, GMFM-88 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 137 Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA V KOMBINACIJI Z INTENZIVNO HIPOTERAPIJO NA RAVNOTEŽJE OSEBE Z ASPERGERJEVIM SINDROMOM THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN COMBINATION WITH INTENSIVE HIPPOTHERAPY ON THE BALANCE OF A PERSON WITH ASPERGER'S SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Aspergerjev sindrom (AS) uvrščamo v skupino motenj avtističnega spektra, te pa med tako imenovane pervazivne motnje kar vodi med drugim lahko v razvojne motnje motorične koordinacije in pogosto slabše ravnotežje. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost nevrofizioterapije na ravnotežje pri osebi z AS. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje konvergenčnega modela in raziskali učinkovitost 9. mesečne sodobne RNO v kombinaciji na izboljšanje ravnotežja pri osebi z AS. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli retrospektivno analizo kvantitativnih rezultatov funkcijskih testov za dinamično in statično ravnotežje. V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju s fizioterapevtom s specialnimi znanji. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na osebi z AS ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri izboljšanju statićčne in dinamične komponente ravnotežja. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevta osebe z AS na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: Aspergerjev sindrom, RNO, hipoterapija, ravnotežje ABSTRACT Abstract: Introduction: Asperger's syndrome (AS) is classified as a group of autism spectrum disorders, which are among the so-called pervasive disorders, which can lead to, among other things, developmental disorders of motor coordination and often poorer balance. There are no randomized clinical studies or pilot studies published in the databases as case studies examining the efficacy of neurophysiotherapy on balance in a person with AS. Methods: We performed a case study where we used the mixed methods design, more specifically the convergence model, and investigated the effectiveness of 9-month modern NDT in combination with hippotherapy on improving balance in a person with AS. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the quantitative results of functional tests for dynamic and static balance. In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with a physiotherapist with special knowledge. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the existing case study using the mixed methods paradigm on a person with AS, we find that the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving the static and dynamic components of balance. Conclusions: Based on the mixed methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the aforementioned neurophysiotherapy program of a physiotherapist of a person with AS on improvement in the field of activity and cooperation Keywords: Asperger syndrome, NDT, hippotherapy, balance 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 138 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Nina Homer AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST DIGITALNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA V KOMBINACIJI S FIZIOTERAPEVTSKIM PROGRAMOM FUN FITNESS NA SUBMAKSIMALNO AEROBNO ZMOGLJIVOST OSEB Z INTELEKTUALNO MOTNJO IN PRIDRUŽENIMI RAZVOJNIMI MOTNJAMI THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE DIGITAL PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN COMBINATION WITH THE FUN FITNESS PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON THE SUBMAXIMAL AEROBIC FITNESS OF PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS POVZETEK Uvod: Sodobna družba se sooča z izzivom, da ranljivim skupinam odraslih z intelektualno in razvojno motnjo (IRM) v procesu staranja zagotovimo ustrezno podporo pri izboljšanju submaksimalne aerobne zmogljivosti. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti eksperimantalnih študij, ki bi proučile učinkovitost digitalne fizioterapije na aerobno zmogljivost oseb z IRM. Metode: Izvedli smo eksperimentalno študijo, kjer smo uporabili kvantitativno raziskovalno pa-radigmo in raziskali učinkovitost 12. mesečnega programa na izboljšanje komponent funkcijskega testa za ocenjevanje submaksimalne aerobne zmogljivosti pri 36 osebah z IRM (študijska in kontrolna skupina). Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov posameznih komponent funkcijskega testa za ocenjevanje submaksimalne aerobne zmogljivosti ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni fizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri izboljšanju aerobne zmogljivosti oseb z IRM. Zaključki: Digitalna fizioterapija predstavlja vrsto razpoložljivih specifičnih tehnologij in njihov vpliv na sodobno fizioterapevtsko prakso in storitvene modele, osredotočene na ranljivo populacijo pacientov, med katerimi je tudi ranljiva populacija oseb z IRM z slabšo aerobno zmogljivostjo. Ključne besede: digitalna fizioterapija, fun fitness, intelektualna motnja, aerobna zmogljivost ABSTRACT Introduction: Modern society faces the challenge of providing adequate support to vulnerable groups of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in the aging process in improving submaximal aerobic capacity. There are no randomized clinical studies or experimental studies in the databases to examine the efficacy of digital physiotherapy on the aerobic capacity of people with IDD. Methods: We conducted an experimental study where we used a quantitative research paradigm and investigated the effectiveness of a 12-month program on improving the components of a functional test to assess submaximal aerobic fitness in 36 persons with IDD (study and control group). Results: Based on the analysis of the results of individual components of the functional test for the assessment of submaximal aerobic fitness, we find that the mentioned physiotherapy program is effective in improving the aerobic fitness of people with IRM. Conclusions: Digital physiotherapy represents a range of available specific technologies and their impact on modern physiotherapy practices and service models focused on vulnerable patient populations, including the vulnerable population of people with IRM with poor aerobic fitness. Keywords: digital physiotherapy, fun fitness, intellectual disability, aerobic fitness 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 139 Nuša Klešnik AMEU – ECM in Gibanje d.o.o. Slovenia Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST RAZVOJNE NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S PROPRIOCEPTIVNO ŽIVČNOMIŠIČNO FACILITACIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO, DRUGE DEJAVNOSTI IN SODELOVANJE PRI OTROKU S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO PO SELEKTIVNI DORZALNI RIZOTOMIJI IN FIBROTOMIJI EFFICACY OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION, OTHER ACTIVITIES AND PARTICIPATION IN A CHILD WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY AFTER SELECTIVE DORSAL RHIZOTOMY AND FIBROTOMY POVZETEK Uvod: Populacija otrok z obojestransko spastično cerebralno paralizo (CP) po selektivni dorzalni rizotomiji (SDR) in fibrotomiji je zelo heterogena skupina in vsak otrok z omenjeno diagnozo ima svoje individualne značilnosti in posebnosti. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost RNO v kombinaciji s PNF na grobo gibalno funkcijo pri osebah s spastično CP po SDR in fibrotomiji. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje zaporednega raziskovalnega načrta in raziskali učinkovitost nevrofizioterapije na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri dečku s spastično CP po SDR in fibrotomiji. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na omenjenem preiskovancu ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije v obdobju 5. let. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevta dečka s spastično CP po SDR in fibrotomiji na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: CP, nevrofizioterapija, selektivna dorzalna rizotomija, fibrotomija, GMFM-88 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 140 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Introduction: The population of children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy (CP) after selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) and fibrotomy is a very heterogeneous group and each child with this diagnosis has its own individual characteristics and peculiarities. No randomized clinical studies or pilot studies have been published in the databases as a case study examining the efficacy of NDT in combination with PNF on gross motor function in individuals with spastic CP after SDR and fibrotomy. Methods: We performed a case study using the mixed methods, specifically a sequential research plan, and investigated the effectiveness of neurophysiotherapy on improving gross motor function in a boy with spastic CP after SDR and fibrotomy. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the existing case study using the mixed methods paradigm on the subject, we find that the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving gross motor function over a period of 5 years. Conclusions: Based on the integration of methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the afore mentioned neurophysiotherapy program of a physiotherapist of a boy with spastic CP after SDR and fibrotomy on improvement in activity and cooperation. Keywords: CP, neurophysiotherapy, selective dorsal rhizotomy, fibrotomy, GMFM-88 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 141 Tine Kovačič, Petra Tešić AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST SODOBNE RAZVOJNO NEVROLOŠKE OBRAVNAVE V KOMBINACIJI S HIPOTERAPIJO NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO DEKLICE S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTEMPORARY NEURODEVELOPMENTAL TREATMENT IN COMBINATION WITH HIPPOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION OF A GIRL WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY POVZETEK Uvod: Pri spastični obliki cerebralne paralize se prvotne funkcijske spremembe kasneje razvijejo v sekundarne strukturne spremembe, ki se lahko kažejo kot razvojni zaostanek na področju grobe motorike. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost RNO v kombinaciji s hipoterapijo na grobo gibalno funkcijo pri osebah s spastično CP. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje konvergentnega vzporednega raziskovalnega pristopa. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je v primerjavi z normalnim razvojem otroka pri naši preiskovanki, kljub napredku v grobi gibalni funk-ciji, opazen globalni razvojni zaostanek v primerjavi z vrstniki brez razvojnih motenj. Zaključki: Na podlagi analize rezultatov lahko trdimo, da ima RNO v kombinaciji s hipoterapijo pozitiven vpliv na razvoj grobe gibalne funkcije. Ključne besede: RNO, hipoterapija, motorika, spastična CP ABSTRACT Introduction: In the spastic form of cerebral palsy, the initial functional changes later develop into secondary structural changes that may manifest as a developmental delay in the area of gross motor skills. There are no randomized clinical studies or pilot studies published in the databases as case studies examining the efficacy of NDT in combination with hippotherapy on gross motor function in individuals with spastic CP. Methods: We performed a case study using the integration of mixed methods design, more precisely the convergent parallel mixed methods. Results: Based on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative results, we find that compared to the normal development of the child in our subject, despite the progress in gross motor function, there is a global developmental delay compared to peers without developmental disorders. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the results, it can be argued that NDT in combination with hippotherapy has a positive impact on the development of gross motor skills. Keywords: NDT, hippotherapy, motor skills, spastic CP 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 142 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Rebeka Senica, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO OTROKA S SYNGAP1 SINDROMOM SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A CHILD WITH SYNGAP1 SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Najpogostejša manifestacija encefalopatije, povezane s SYNGAP1 je razvojni zaostanek. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost nevrofizioterapije na grobo gibalno funkcijo otrok s SYNGAP1 sindromom. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili kvantitativno raziskovalno metodologijo in raziskali učinkovitost 8. mesečnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa (RNO, hipoterapija, Therasuit metoda) na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije preiskovanca (GMFM-88). Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov lestvice grobe gibalne funkcije ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije na vsakem posameznem področju A-Ležanje in obračanje po vzdolžni osi, B- Sedenje, C-Plazenje in klečanje, D-Stoja, E-Hoja, tek, skakanje, kot v skupnem seštevku področij od A do E. Zaključki: Iz dobljenih rezultatov naše raziskave lahko zaključimo, da je v našem primeru sestavljen nevrofizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije otroka s SYNGAP1 sindromom. Ključne besede: hipoterapija, RNO, Therasuit metoda, GMFM-88, SYNGAP1 sindromom ABSTRACT Introduction: The most common manifestation of SYNGAP1-associated encephalopathy is developmental delay. No randomized clinical studies or pilot studies have been published in the databases as case studies examining the efficacy of neurophysiotherapy programme on gross motor function in children with SYNGAP1 syndrome. Methods: We performed a case study where we used a quantitative research methodology and investigated the effectiveness of an 8-month neurophysiotherapy program (RNO, hippotherapy, Therasuit method) on improving the subject's gross motor function (GMFM-88). Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the scale of gross motor function, we find that the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving gross motor function in each area A-Lying and rolling, B-Sitting, C-Crawling and kneeling, D-Standing, E-Walking, running, jumping, as in the total sum of areas from A to E. Conclusions: From the results of our research we can conclude that in our case a composite neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving the gross motor function of a child with SYNGAP1 syndrome. Keywords: hippotherapy, NDT, Therasuit method, GMFM-88, SYNGAP1 syndrome 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 143 Rok Škorjanc, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM VPLIV SEDEČEGA DELA NA INTENZIVNOST NESPECIFIČNE KRONIČNE BOLEČINE V KRIŽU IN Z ZDRAVJEM POVEZANE KAKOVOSTI ŽIVLJENJA INFLUENCE OF SEDENTARY WORK ON THE INTENSITY OF NON- SPECIFIC CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE POVZETEK Uvod: Številne študije navajajo, da je bolečina v križu najpogostejša bolečina takoj za glavobolom in prizadene večino prebivalstva vsaj enkrat v življenju (80%) posledično vpliva na zmanjša-no zmožnost ter posledično na z zdravjem povezano kakovost življenja posameznika, ki oprvlja pretežno sedeče delo. Metode: Izvedli smo presečno raziskavo na priložnostnem vzorcu 102 preiskovancev, ki opravljajo pretežno sedeče delo in uporabili kvantitativno metodo zbiranja podatkov s pomočjo vprašalnika SF-36, indeksa zmanjšanih zmožnosti Oswestry ter funkcijske lestvice VAL z visoko stopnjo veljavnosti in zanesljivosti. Raziskali smo povezanost kronične nespecifične bolečine v križu in z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja pri osebah, ki opravljajo pretežno sedeče delo. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo na negativno, statistično značilno in zmerno korelacijo med intenziteto kronične nespecifične bolečine v križu in subjektivno oceno z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja (r=-0,465, p<0,001). Na podlagi navedene povezanosti lahko zaključimo, da tisti preiskovanci, ki so višje ocenilii intenziteto kronične nespecifične bolečine v križu nižjo z zdravjem povezano kakovost življenja. Zaključki: Višja intenziteta kronične nespecifične bolečine v križu je povezana z nižjo z zdravjem povezano kakovostjo življenja in nižja intenziteta kronične nespecifične bolečine v križu je povezana z nižjo z zdravjem povezano kakovostjo življenja pri preiskovancih, ki opravljajo pretežno sedeče delo. Ključne besede: bolečina v križu, kakovost življenja, sedeče delo ABSTRACT Introduction: Numerous studies state that low back pain is the most common pain immediately after a headache and affects the majority of the population at least once in a lifetime (80%). Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study on a random sample of 102 subjects performing predominantly sedentary work and used a quantitative data collection method using the SF-36 questionnaire, the Oswestry index, and a high-validity and reliability VAS functional scale. We investigated the association between chronic nonspecific low back pain and health-related quality of life in persons performing predominantly sedentary work. Results: The results indicate a negative, statistically significant and moderate correlation between the intensity of chronic nonspecific low back pain and the subjective assessment of health-related quality of life (r = -0.465, p <0.001). Based on this association, it can be concluded that those subjects who rated the intensity of chronic non-specific low back pain higher had a lower health-related quality of life. Conclusions: Higher intensity of chronic nonspecific low back pain is associated with lower health-related quality of life and lower intensity of chronic nonspecific low back pain is associated with lower health-related quality of life in subjects who perform predominantly sedentary work. Keywords: low back pain, quality of life, sedentary work 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 144 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sabina Kep, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO PRI OTROKU Z DISKINETIČNO OBLIKO CEREBRALNE PARALIZE EFFECTS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A CHILD WITH A DYSKINETIC FORM OF CEREBRAL PALSY POVZETEK Uvod: Diskinetična oblika cerebralne paralize (CP) je druga najpogostejša oblika, ki se deli na horeo-atetoidno in distonično obliko. Zanjo so značilni izraziti nehotni gibi, spreminjajoč mišični tonus, slabše ravnotežje. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost nevrofizioterapije na grobo gibalno funkcijo otrok z diskinetično CP v zgodnjem obdobju. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje zaporednega raziskovalnega načrta in raziskali učinkovitost nevrofizioterapije na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri 21. mesečnem dečku z diskinetično CP. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na omenjenem preiskovancu ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program (RNO v kombinaciji s strnjenimi nevrofizioterapevtskimi obrav-navami v razvojni ambulanti v Stari Gori ter na URI Soča) učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije v obdobju 11. mesecev. Zaključki: Na podlagi integracije metod smo posledično pridobili globlji vpogled v subjektivno doživljanje učinkovitosti omenjenega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa fizioterapevtke in mame dečka z diskinetično CP na izboljšanje na področju dejavnosti in sodelovanja. Ključne besede: diskinetična CP, nevrofizioterapija, GMFM-88 ABSTRACT Introduction: The dyskinetic form of cerebral palsy (CP) is the second most common form, divided into choreo-athetoid and dystonic form. It is characterized by pronounced involuntary movements, changing muscle tone, poor balance. No randomized clinical studies or pilot studies have been published in the databases as case studies examining the efficacy of neurophysiotherapy on gross motor function in children with dyskinetic CP at an early stage. Methods: We conducted a case study using the mixed methods research design, specifically a sequential research plan, and investigated the effectiveness of neurophysiotherapy on improving gross motor function in a 21-month-old boy with dyskinetic CP. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the existing case study using the mixed methods paradigm on the subject, we find that the neurophysiotherapy program (NDT in combination with condensed neurophysiotherapy treatments in the development clinic in Stara Gora and URI Soča) is effective in improving gross motor function over a period of 11 months. Conclusions: Based on the mixed methods, we consequently gained a deeper insight into the subjective experience of the effectiveness of the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program of a physiotherapist and mother of a boy with dyskinetic CP on improvement in activities and participation. Keywords: dyskinetic CP, neurophysiotherapy, GMFM-88 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 145 Tanja Robič, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNA UČINKOVITOST V RAVNOTEŽJE USMERJENE VADBE V KOMBINACIJI S TERAPIJO S PSOM NA STATIČNO IN DINAMIČNO KOMPONENTO RAVNOTEŽJA PRI STAROSTNICI Z DEMENCO SHORT-TERM EFFICACY IN EQUILIBRIUM-BASED EXERCISE IN COMBINATION WITH DOG THERAPY ON THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC COMPONENT EQUILIBRIUM IN THE ELDERLY WITH DEMENTIA POVZETEK Uvod: Preprečevanje padcev pri starejših z demenco je zahtevna naloga različnih strokovnjakov in fizioterapevti imajo pri tem eno ključnih vlog. Izkazalo se je, da ustrezna vadba pod vodstvom fizioterapevta zmanjšuje tveganje za padce pri starejših. V podatkovnih bazah ni objavljenih randomiziranih kliničnih študij, niti pilotskih študij, kot študij primera, ki bi proučile učinkovitost fizioterapije v kombinaciji s terapijo s pomočjo psa na ravnotežje starostnikov z demenco. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili kvantitativno raziskovalno metodologijo in raziskali učinkovitost 10 tedenske večkomponentne, v ravnotežje usmerjene vadbe v kombinaciji s terapijo s psom na izboljšanje ravnotežja preiskovanke. Rezultati: Preiskovanka je izboljšala rezultate funkcijskega dosega, testa stoje na eni nogi, Rom-bergovega testa, testa korakanja v štirih kvadratih, časovno merjenega vstani in pojdi testa. Zaključki: Na podlagi obstoječih rezultatov lahko trdimo, da je lahko večkomponentna v ravnotežje usmerjena vadba v kombinaciji s terapijo s pomočjo psa učinkovita v izboljšanju ravnotežja pri starostniku z demenco. Ključne besede: demenca, ravnotežje, terapija s pomočjo psa, večkomponentna vadba ABSTRACT Introduction: Preventing falls in the elderly with dementia is a challenging task for a variety of professionals, and physiotherapists play a key role in this. Appropriate exercise under the guidance of a physiotherapist has been shown to reduce the risk of falls in the elderly. No randomized clinical studies or pilot studies have been published in the databases as case studies examining the efficacy of physiotherapy in combination with dog-assisted therapy on the balance of the elderly with dementia. Methods: We conducted a case study where we used a quantitative research methodology and investigated the effectiveness of 10 weeks of multicomponent, balance-oriented exercise in combination with dog therapy to improve the subject's balance. Results: The subject improved the results of functional range, the one-legged standing test, the Romberg test, the four-square-foot step test, the time-tested stand-up and go-up test. Conclusions: Based on existing results, it can be argued that multicomponent balance-oriented exercise in combination with dog-assisted therapy may be effective in improving balance in an elderly person with dementia Keywords: dementia, balance, dog-assisted therapy, multicomponent exercise 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 146 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tim Seničar, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNA UČINKOVITOST FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA PRI VRHUNSKEM TEKAČU PO STRESNEM ZLOMU 5. STOPALNICE SHORT-TERM EFFECTIVENESS OF A PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM IN A TOP RUNNER AFTER A STRESS FRACTURE OF THE 5TH METATARSAL POVZETEK Uvod: Večina vseh športnih poškodb pri tekačih je povezanih s preobremenitvami mišično skeletnih struktur, zaradi ponavljajočih se mikropoškodb skozi daljše časovno obdobje. Najpogostejše so poškodbe na stopalu, gležnju, distalnem delu goleni in na kolenu. Za uspešno vrnitev k športu se največkrat uporablja dvofazni protokol za rehabilitacijo tekačev s stresnim zlomom na spodnjih okončinah. Metode: izvedli smo študijo primera v okviru katere smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne kot tudi kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme, natančneje konvergentni vzporedni raziskovalni načrt. Rezultati: Športnik je tekom fizioterapevtskega programa izboljšal mišično moč plantarnih in dorzalnih fleksorjev skočnega sklepa ter mišic, ki opravljajo giba inverzije ter everzije v spodnjem skočnem sklepu, gibljivost v zgornjem in spodnjem skočnem sklepu (L), rezultate Testa hoje na 10 metrov, rezultate VAL. Zaključki: na podlagi analize kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da bi lahko bil omenjeni fizioterapevtski program učinkovit pri vrhunskih tekačih po stresnem zlomu 5. stopalnice. Ključne besede: stresni zlom, fizioterapija, funkcija stopala in gležnja. ABSTRACT Introduction: Most of all sports injuries in runners are related to overloads of musculoskeletal structures, due to recurrent micro-injuries over a long period of time. The most common injuries are to the foot, ankle, distal tibia and knee. For a successful return to the sport, a two-phase protocol is most commonly used to rehabilitate runners with a stress fracture in the lower extremities. Methods: we performed a case study in which we used the mixed methods research paradigms, more precisely convergent parallel mixed research design. Results: During the physiotherapy program, the athlete improved the muscle strength of plantar and dorsal flexors of the ankle and muscles that perform inversion and eversion movements in the lower ankle joint, mobility in the upper and lower ankle joint (L), results of the 10 meter walking test, results of VAS. Conclusions: based on the analysis of the mixed methods results, we conclude that the mentioned physiotherapy program could be effective in top runners after a stress fracture of the 5th foot. Keywords: stress fracture, physiotherapy, foot and ankle function. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 147 Urša Horvat AMEU – ECM Zdenka Šefman AMEU – ECM, Gibanje. d.o.o. Slovenia Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNI UČINKI SESTAVLJENEGA NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GROBO MOTORIKO OSEB S SPASTIČNO CEREBRALNO PARALIZO SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF A COMPOUND NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN PEOPLE WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY POVZETEK Uvod: Razvojne motnje v zgodnjem otroštvu, med katere uvrščamo tudi cerebralno paralizo (CP), onemogočajo normalen razvoj grobe in fine motorike v polni meri tudi pri otrocih s CP z boljšimi funkcionalnimi karakteristikami Metode: S pomočjo predeksperimetnalne študije smo proučili kratkoročne učinke 3 tedenskega intenzivnega, sestavljenega programa nevrofizioterapije (Therasuit metoda, integracija nevro-dinamike z nevrorehabilitacijo (INN), PNF, RNO, Mulligan in Maitland koncept) na grobo motoriko ranljive populacije 20. pacientov s spastično CP. Rezultati: Glede na povprečne vrednosti rezultatov na področju A-ležanje in obračanje je prišlo do 5,52% izboljšanja, na področju B-sedenje do 9% izboljšanja, na področju C-plazenje do 8% izboljšanja ter na področju D-stoja do 7% izboljšanja, prav tako. Razlike v grobi motoriki so bile v fazi pre in post testa statistično značilne. Zaključki: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da omenjena integracija različnih konceptov v nevrofizioterapiji učinkuje na izboljšanje grobe motorike oseb s CP in bi lahko bila uporabna pri tej populaciji, ki imajo slabšo grobo motoriko. Ključne besede: integracija fizioterapevtskih konceptov, groba motorika, CP, GMFM-88 ABSTRACT Introduction: Developmental disorders in early childhood, including cerebral palsy (CP), prevent the normal development of gross and fine motor skills in full in children with CP with better functional characteristics Methods: A short-term effects were studied with the help of a pre-experimental study 3 a weekly intensive, multicomponent neurophysiotherapy program (Therasuit, integration of neurody-namics into neurorehabilitation (INN), PNF, NDT, Mulligan, and Maitland concept) on a vulnerable population of 20 CP patients. Results: According to the average values of the results in the field of A-lying and rolling, there was a 5.52% improvement, in the field of B-sitting up to 9% improvement, in the field of C-crawling and kneeling up to 8% improvement and in the field of D-standing up to 7 % improvement, too. Differences in gross motor skills were statistically significant in the pre- and post-test phase. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the results, we conclude that the mentioned integration of different concepts in neurophysiotherapy has the effect of improving the gross motor skills of people with CP and could be useful in this population with poor gross motor function. Keywords: neurophysiotherapy, gross motor function, CP, GMFM-88 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 148 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Vanja Malus AMEU – ECM Miha Kovačič Društvo joga v vsakdanjem življenju Celje KRATKOROČNA UČINKOVITOST VADBE JOGE PO SISTEMU »JOGA V VSAKDANJEM ŽIVLJENJU®« NA STATIČNO IN DINAMIČNO RAVNOTEŽJE STAROSTNIKOV TER ZMANJŠANJE PADCEV: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA SHORT-TERM EFFECTIVENESS OF YOGA PRACTICE ACCORDING TO THE "YOGA IN EVERYDAY LIFE®" SYSTEM ON THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC BALANCE OF THE ELDERLY: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL STUDY POVZETEK Uvod: V procesu staranja se veliko starejših odraslih sooča s težavami v statičnem in dinamičnem ravnotežju, kar posledično vodi v večje tveganje za padce. Vadba joge se je uspešno integrirala v fizioterapevtsko obravnavo starejših s slabim ravnotežjem. Metode: Izvedli smo randomizirano klinično študijo in 40 starejših and 65 let s težavami z ravnotežjem po principih stratificirane randomizacije razvrstili v študijsko (20) in kontrolno skupino (20). Študijska skupina je bila deležna 3x tedenske redne vadbe joge v 4 mesečnem obdobju, kontrolna skupina ni bila telesno dejavna. Rezultati: Po zaključku raziskave so imeli preiskovanci v študijski skupini statistično značilno (p < 0,05) boljši rezultat testa funkcionalnega dosega, stoje na eni nogi (odprte/zaprte oči) v primerjavi s preiskovanci v kontrolni skupini, ki niso telesno dejavni. Prav tako je imela študijska skupina statistično značilen (p < 0,05) upad padcev po koncu raziskave, v primerjavi s kontrolno, kjer se je število padcev celo povečalo. Zaključki: Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je integracija joge v ravnotežje usmerjeno vadbo v starosti pomembna za vzdrževanje ravnotežja in posledično zmanjšanje števila padcev. Ključne besede: ravnotežje, starejši, padci, Joga v vsakdanjem življenju® ABSTRACT Introduction: In the aging process, many older adults face problems in static and dynamic balance, which in turn leads to a higher risk of falls. Yoga practice has been successfully integrated into the physiotherapy treatment of the elderly with poor balance. Methods: We conducted a randomized clinical study and classified 40 elderly and 65 years of age with balance problems according to the principles of stratified randomization into study (20) and control group (20). The study group received 3 times a week of regular yoga practice over a 4-month period, the control group was not physically active. Results: At the end of the study, the subjects in the study group had a statistically significantly (p <0.05) better result of the functional range test standing on one leg (open / closed eyes) compared to the subjects in the control group. who are not physically active. The study group also had a statistically significant (p <0.05) decrease in falls after the end of the study, compared to the control group, where the number of falls even increased. Conclusions: Based on the obtained results, we conclude that the integration of yoga into balance-oriented exercise in old age is important for maintaining balance and consequently reducing the number of falls. Keywords: balance, elderly, falls, Yoga in everyday life® 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 149 Vesna Lešnjak, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNI UČINKI PROGRAMA MOTORIČNIH, KOGNITIVNIH IN PERCEPTIVNIH SPRETNOSTI OB GLASBI NA RAVNOTEŽJE PRI STAROSTNIKIH: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA THE SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF THE MOTOR, COGNITIVE AND PERCEPTUAL SKILLS PROGRAM ON MUSIC ON BALANCE IN THE ELDERLY: RANDOMIZIRANA KLINIČNA ŠTUDIJA POVZETEK Uvod: Eden glavnih ukrepov za preprečevanje padcev pri starejših je v ravnotežje usmerjena vadba. Vadba motoričnih, kognitivnih in perceptivnih spretnosti, ki se izvaja ob glasbi se je us-pešno integrirala v fizioterapevtsko obravnavo starejših s slabšim ravnotežjem, vendar njena učinkovitost na ravnotežje še ni bila podrobno raziskana. Metode: Izvedli smo randomizirano klinično študijo pri starostnikih med 76 in 101 letom starosti s težavami z ravnotežjem po principih naključnega razvrščanja razvrstili v študijsko (10) in kontrolno skupino (10). Študijska skupina je bila deležna 2x tedenske redne vadbe v 3 mesečnem obdobju, kontrolna skupina pa le skupinske fizioterapevtske vadbe 1x tedensko. Rezultati: pri študijski skupini je prišlo do statistično pomembnega izboljšanja rezultatov Bergove lestvice za oceno ravnotežja (p=0,000) in Tinettijevega testa (p=0,030) za oceno ravnotežja in napovedovanje padcev pri starostnikih. Do izboljšanja rezultatov funkcijskega dosega je prišlo le v študijski skupini, vendar razlike v fazi pre in po testiranja niso bile statistično značilne. Zaključki: Na podlagi analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da lahko omenjena oblika vadbe pripomore k izboljšanju ravnotežja starostnikov. Ključne besede: starostniki, ravnotežje, v ravnotežje usmerjena vadba ABSTRACT Introduction: One of the main measures to prevent falls in the elderly is balance-oriented exercise. The exercise of motor, cognitive and perceptual skills performed with music has been successfully integrated into the physiotherapeutic treatment of the elderly with poorer balance, but its effectiveness on balance has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Methods: We conducted a randomized clinical study in the elderly between 76 and 101 years of age with balance problems according to the principles of randomisation into study (10) and control group (10). The study group received 2x weekly regular exercise in a 3-month period, and the control group only group physiotherapy exercises once a week. Results: In the study group, there was a statistically significant improvement in the results of the Berg scale for assessing balance (p = 0.000) and the Tinetti test (p = 0.030) for assessing balance and predicting falls in the elderly. The improvement in functional range results occurred only in the study group, but the differences in the pre- and post-test phases were not statistically significant. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the results, we find that a reduced form of exercise can help improve the balance of the elderly. Keywords: seniors, balance, balance-oriented exercise 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 150 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Vid Vauh, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST NEVROFIZIOTERAPIJE NA FUNKCIJSKO PREMIČNOST PRI OTROKU Z BOLEZNIJO NBIA PKAN EFFICACY OF NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY ON FUNCTIONAL MOBILITY IN A CHILD WITH NBIA PKAN DISEASE POVZETEK Uvod: Nevrodegeneracija s pantotenat kinazo (PKAN) je progresivna nevrološka motnja in najpogostejša oblika nevrodegeneracije s kopičenjem železa (NBIA) v bazalnih ganglijih. Klinična slika je pri otrocih z boleznijo NBIA PKAN heterogena in vključuje progresivne ekstrapiramidne motnje kot so distonija, diskinezija, rigidnost, horeoatetoza, idr.. V tem trenutku ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede najučinkovitejše kombinacije nevrofizioterapevtskih konceptov (RNO, v funkcijo usmerjena vadba idr.) in postopkov pri omenjeni populaciji otrok. Metoda: Izvedli smo študijo primera in uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme. Glavni namen je bil ovrednotiti kratkotrajno učinkovitost intenzivnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa na funkcvijsko premičnost. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize kvantitativnih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da ima nevrofzioterapevtski program pozitiven vpliv na rezultate časovno merjenega vstani in pojdi testa, ki vsebuje elemente ravnotežja in premičnosti. Na podlagi kvalitativnih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je izboljšala stabilnost pri hoji na krajše razdalje, zmanjšalo se je tudi število padcev. Zaključki: Obstoječa študija primera nam zagotavlja klinično relevantne informacije o funkcio-nalnem napredku deklice z boleznijo NBIA PKAN, ko je bila deležna intenzivnega nevrofizioterapevtskega programa. Ključne besede: bolezen NBIA PKAN, nevrofizioterapija ABSTRACT Introduction: Neurodegeneration with pantothenate kinase (PKAN) is a progressive neurological disorder and the most common form of neurodegeneration with iron accumulation (NBIA) in the basal ganglia. The clinical picture in children with NBIA PKAN is heterogeneous and includes progressive extrapyramidal disorders such as dystonia, dyskinesia, rigidity, choreoathetosis, etc .. Method: We conducted a case study and used the mixed methods research paradigm. The main purpose was to evaluate the short-term effectiveness of an intensive neurophysiotherapy program (NDT, in function-oriented exercise, etc.) on functional mobility. Results: Based on the analysis of the quantitative results, we can conclude that the neurophysiotherapy program has a positive effect on the results of the timed get up and go test containing elements of balance and mobility. Based on the qualitative results, we find that it has improved stability when walking shorter distances, and the number of falls has also decreased. Conclusions: The existing case study provides us with clinically relevant information on the functional progress of a girl with NBIA PKAN disease when she received an intensive neurophysiotherapy program. Keywords: NBIA PKAN disease, neurophysiotherapy 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 151 Blažka Žerak, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA GROBO GIBALNO FUNKCIJO OTROKA Z DRAVET SINDROMOM SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON GROSS MOTOR FUNCTION IN A CHILD WITH DRAVET SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Dravet sindrom lahko definiramo kot epileptično encefalopatijo, ki posledično privede do napredujočih motenj v možganskih funkcijah. Otroci z Dravet sindromom imajo med drugim težave z razvojem grobe gibalne funkcije. Glede na dostopne podatke trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede učinkovitosti sodobne razvojno nevrološke obravnave (RNO) na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri otrocih z Dravet sindromom. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje konvergenčnega modela in raziskali učinkovitost 6. mesečne sodobne RNO na izboljšanje grobe gibalne funkcije pri otroku z Dravet sindromom. V kvantitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli retrospektivno analizo kvantitativnih rezultatov lestvice grobe gibalne funkcije (GMFM-88). V kvalitativnem delu študije primera smo izvedli polstrukturirani intervju z materjo in fizioterapevtko preiskovanca. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov obstoječe študije primera z uporabo integracije kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme na otroku z Dravet sindromom ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program kratkoročno učinkovit pri izboljšanju grobe gibalne funkcije na vseh ciljnih področjih A-ležanje in obračanje, B-sedenje, C-plazenje in klečanje, D -stoja, E-hoja, tek, skakanje). Zaključki: Obstoječa študija primera nam zagotavlja klinično relevantne informacije o funkci-onalnem napredku otroka z Dravet sindromom na podorčju grobe motorike, ko je bila deležen nevrofizioterapevtskega programa. Ključne besede: Dravet sindrom, RNO, groba gibalna funkcija, nevrofizioterapija ABSTRACT Introduction: Dravet syndrome can be defined as epileptic encephalopathy, which consequently leads to progressive disturbances in brain function. Children with Dravet syndrome, among other things, have difficulties in developing gross motor function. According to available data, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy regarding the efficacy of contemporary neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) in improving gross motor function in children with Dravet syndrome. Methods: We conducted a case study where we used the mixed methods research paradigm, more specifically the convergence model, and investigated the effectiveness of 6-month NDT on improving gross motor function in a child with Dravet syndrome. In the quantitative part of the case study, we performed a retrospective analysis of the quantitative results of the gross motor function scale (GMFM-88). In the qualitative part of the case study, we conducted a semi-structured interview with the subject’s mother and physiotherapist. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of an existing case study using the mixed methods in a child with Dravet syndrome, we find that this neurophysiotherapy program is effective in improving motor function in all target areas A-lying and rolling, B-sitting, C- crawling and kneeling, D -standing, E-walking, running, jumping). Conclusions: The existing case study provides us with clinically relevant information on the functional progress of a child with Dravet syndrome in the field of gross motor skills when receiving a neurophysiotherapy program. Keywords: Dravet syndrome, NDT, gross motor function, neurophysiotherapy 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 152 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tine Kovačič, Polona Dolajš AMEU – ECM KRATKOROČNI UČINKI NEVROFIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA NA ZMANJŠANJE SPASTIČNOST PRI OTROKU Z DANDY WALKER SINDROMOM SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF A NEUROPHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM ON SPASTICITY REDUCTION IN A CHILD WITH DANDY WALKER SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Dandy Walker sindrom (DWS) obsega tri glavne motnje: popolna ali delna okvara cereb-ralnega vermisa, cistična dilatacija četrtega prekata in povečana posteriorna kotanja možganov. lahko definiramo kot epileptično encefalopatijo, ki posledično privede do napredujočih motenj v možganskih funkcijah. Sindrom prizadene razvoj malih možganov, ki so odgovorni za koordinacijo gibanja, ravnotežje, mišični tonus in propriocepcijo. Glede na dostopne podatke trenutno ni objavljenih študij in z dokazi podprte nevrofizioterapije glede učinkovitosti na zmanjšanje spastičnosti pri otrocih z DWS. Metode: Izvedli smo študijo primera, kjer smo uporabili integracijo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije, natančneje konvergenčnega modela in raziskali učinkovitost 12. mesečne sodobne RNO in jo primerajli z učinki 12. mesečne RNO in hidroterapije na zmanjšanje spastičnosti v mišicah zgornjih in spodnjih okončin. Rezultati: Na podlagi analize rezultatov modificirane Ashworthove in Tardieujeve lestvice ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni nevrofizioterapevtski program kratkoročno učinkovit na zmanjšanje spastičnosti specifičnih mišičnih skupin. Zaključki: Obstoječa študija primera nam zagotavlja klinično relevantne informacije o funkcio-nalnem napredku otroka z DWS zaradi zmanjšanja spastičnosti specifičnih mišičnih skupin. Zaradi napredka na področju MKF-OM (modela) telesne zgradbe, funkcije ter področju dejavnosti je bilo s hidroterapijo doseženo, da je deček dosegel napredek tudi na področju sodelovanja. Ključne besede: Dandy Walker sindrom, RNO, hidroterapija (WATSU), spastičnost 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 153 ABSTRACT Introduction: Dandy Walker Syndrome (DWS) comprises three main disorders: complete or partial damage to the cerebral vermis, cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle, and increased posterior cavity of the brain. can be defined as epileptic encephalopathy, which consequently leads to progressive disturbances in brain function. The syndrome affects the development of the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordination of movement, balance, muscle tone and proprioception. According to available data, there are currently no published studies and evidence-based neurophysiotherapy regarding efficacy in reducing spasticity in children with DWS. Methods: We performed a case study where we used the mixed methods research paradigm, more precisely the convergence model and investigated the effectiveness of 12-month contemporary NDT and compared it with the effects of 12-month contemporary NDT in combination with hydrotherapy (Watsu method) on reducing spasticity in upper and lower extremity muscles. Results: Based on the analysis of the results of the modified Ashworth and Tardieu scale, we find that the mentioned neurophysiotherapy program is effective in the short term to reduce the spasticity of specific muscle groups. Conclusions: The existing case study provides us with clinically relevant information on the functional progress of a child with DWS due to the spasticity reduction of specific muscle groups. Due to the progress in the ICF-CY (model) field of body structure, function and the field of activity, it was achieved with hydrotherapy that the boy also made progress in the field of participation. Keywords: Dandy Walker syndrome, RNO, hydrotherapy (WATSU), spasticity 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 154 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tina Flisar, Patricija Goubar AMEU – ECM VLOGA FIZIOTERAPEVTA PO PORODU V PORODNIŠNICI MURSKA SOBOTA THE ROLE OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPIST IN THE MATERNITY HOSPITAL MURSKA SOBOTA POVZETEK Nosečnost je preobrazbeni čas v življenju ženske in za njeno telo, saj pride do znatnih mišično- -skeletnih sprememb. Mnoge od teh sprememb izginejo po porodu, nekatere pa ostanejo in po-rodnicam povzročajo številne težave. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti vlogo fizioterapevta pri ozaveščanju porodnic po porodu v porodnišnici Murska Sobota v namen preventive. Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodo raziskovanja s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika. Vzorec je obsegal 30 porodnic, ki so že rodile in so bile v času anketiranja še vedno v bolnišnični.oskrbi. Ugotovili smo, da je kar 93 % (28) porodnic v našem vzorcu obiskal fizioterapevt v času bolnišnične oskrbe po porodu za namen ozaveščanja o posledicah poroda na medenično dno ter preventivnih ukrepov. Kar 83,3% (25) porodnic v našem vzorcu je po analizi vprašalnika dobro ozaveščena s sodobnim načinom treninga mišic medeničnega dna, medtem ko je poznavanje pomembnosti ter načina krepitve lokalnega stabilizacijskega sistema ali abdominalne stene nekoliko slabše. Disfunkcija medeničnega dna, distaza recti abdominis ter bolečina v križu ali medenici so dokazano zelo pogosto prisotna stanja po porodu, ki lahko izrazito vplivajo na kakovost življenja porodnic, zato je vloga fizioterapevta že v pred porodnem in nadalje zgodnjem poporodnem obdobju ključnega pomena za višjo ozaveščenost in izvajanje preventivnih ukrepov, ki lahko vplivajo na funkcionalno stanje vsakršne porodnice. Ključne besede: porod, disfunkcija medeničnega dna, fizioterapija v porodništvu ABSTRACT Pregnancy is a transformational time in a woman’s life and for her body, as significant musculoskeletal changes occur. Many of these changes disappear after childbirth, and some remain and cause many problems for women in labor. The purpose of the research is to determine the role of physiotherapists in raising awareness of postpartum women in childbirth in the maternity hospital Murska Sobota for the purpose of prevention. We used a quantitative research method using an anonymous survey questionnaire. The sample consisted of 30 women who had already given birth and were still in hospital care at the time of the survey. We found that as many as 93% (28) of midwives in our sample were visited by a physiotherapist during hospital care after childbirth for the purpose of raising awareness of the consequences of childbirth on the pelvic floor and preventive measures. As many as 83.3% (25) of women in our sample are well aware of the modern method of pelvic floor muscle training, while knowledge of the importance and method of strengthening the local stabilization system or abdominal wall is slightly worse. Pelvic floor dysfunction, recta abdominis distasis and low back or pelvic pain have been shown to be very common postpartum conditions that can significantly affect the quality of life of women in labor, so the role of physiotherapist is crucial for higher awareness and prenatal and early postpartum period. implementation of preventive measures that may affect the functional state of any mother. Keywords: childbirth, pelvic floor dysfunction, physiotherapy in obstetrics 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 155 Staša Krošelj, Uroš Marušič AMEU – ECM UČINKI SENZOMOTORIČNEGA TRENINGA PRI PARKINSONOVIH BOLNIKIH EFFECTS OF SENSORIMOTOR TRAINING IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE PATIENTS POVZETEK Parkinsonova bolezen je druga najpogostejša progresivna nevrodegenerativna bolezen, ki prizadene celice centralnega živčevja. Zanjo je značilno propadanje dopaminergičnih nevronov v sivi možganovini. Incidenca Parkinsonove bolezni se s starostjo povečuje, prisotna je pri približ- no 3% prebivalstva starejših od 80 let in se kar dvakrat pogosteje razvije pri moškem kot ženskem spolu. Senzomotorična integracija je sposobnost vključevanja senzoričnih vhodov (ki dajejo informacije o svojem telesu in zunanjem okolju) za informiranje in oblikovanje motoričnega dejanja. Uspešna integracija informacij omogoča oblikovanje čim bolj učinkovitega gibalnega načrta za izvajanje dane naloge, pri čemer konstantni senzorični feedback med izvajanjem motorične naloge pripomore k izboljšanju načrta in boljši izvedbi naloge. Ta proces senzomotorične integracije je pogosto moten pri nevroloških motnjah. Naš namen študije je bil s pregledom področja senzomotorične integracije pri Parkinsonovih bolnikih preučiti učinek senzomotoričnega treninga na hojo, ravnotežje, število in tveganje za nastanek padcev. Glede na kratek pregled literature ugotavljamo veliko razpršenost pri vključenih intervencijah, ki so vsebovale eno izmed oblik senzomotoričnega treninga. Izkazalo se je, da senzomotorični trening pripomore k zmanjšanju števila padcev in znižanju tveganja zanje, medtem ko se za hojo ni izkazal kot najbolj učinkovit. Pri ravnotežju smo opazili neenotnost rezultatov pri raziskavah. Ključne besede: senzomotororični trening, Parkinsonova bolezen, hoja, ravnotežje, padci ABSTRACT Parkinson's disease is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting central nervous system cells. It is characterized by the decay of dopaminergic neurons in the gray matter. The incidence of Parkinson's disease increases with age, and it is present in approximately 3% of the population over the age of 80. It is twice as common in men as women. Sensorimotor integration is the ability to incorporate sensory inputs (these provide information about your body and external environment) to inform and shape motor action. Successful integration of information enables the creation of the most efficient movement plan for performing a given task, where constant sensory feedback during the performance of a motor task helps to improve the plan and better perform the task. This process of sensorimotor integration is often disrupted in neurological disorders. Our purpose of the study was to examine the effects of sensorimotor training on gait, balance, number and the occurrence of falls by reviewing the field of sensorimotor integrations in Parkinson’s patients. According to a brief review of the literature, we find a large dispersion in the included interventions, which included one of the forms of sensorimotor training. It has been shown that sensorimotor training helps to reduce the number and risks for falls, while it was not proven to be most effective in gait. In balance we observed non-uniformity of research results. Keywords: sensorimotor training, Parkinson's disease, gait, balance, falls 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 156 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Manca Peskar Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper Slovenia Uroš Marušič AMEU – ECM RAZUMEVANJE SPOZNAVNIH PROCESOV Z NEVROFIZIOLOŠKIMI MERJENJI MOŽGANSKE AKTIVNOSTI PRI POGOJIH IZBOLJŠANE EKOLOŠKE VELJAVNOSTI UNDERSTANDING COGNITION THROUGH NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASURES OF BRAIN ACTIVITY UNDER IMPROVED ECOLOGICAL VALIDITY CONDITIONS POVZETEK Preučevanje spoznavnih procesov med naravnim gibanjem je pravzaprav preučevanje spoznavnih procesov v ekološko visoko veljavnih pogojih. Manipulacija nivojev kompleksnosti tako spoznavne kot gibalne domene pri nalogi dvojne opravilnosti pa hkrati odgovarja tudi na vpra- šanje, kako se omejeni resursi pozornosti porazdelijo med omenjenima domenama ter kateri domeni je dodeljena prioriteta za poseganje po resursih. Pričujoč prispevek najprej predstavi pionirsko študijo ter preboje v tehnologiji in pristopih analize, ki dokažejo izvedljivost preučevanja spoznavnih procesov med gibanjem tudi na nevrofiziološkem nivoju. V osrednjem delu se prispevek osredotoči na izbrane študije, ki preko izboljševanja pogojev ekološke veljavnosti ponujajo vpogled v označevalce z dogodkom povezanih potencialov (ERP) in oscilacijske moči med opravljanjem naloge spoznavnih sposobnosti v gibanju. Poseben poudarek je namenjen (i) ERP komponenti P3, ki je v literaturi prepoznana po povezanosti s procesom usmerjanja pozornosti in indikacijo prostih zalog pozornosti, ter (ii) moči izraženosti frontalnih oscilacij v teta rangu, ki naj bi indeksirala mentalni napor oz. angažiranost med opravljanjem naloge. Ključne besede: ekološka veljavnost, spoznavni procesi, z dogodkom povezani potenciali ABSTRACT Investigating cognition during natural locomotion essentially embarks on investigating cognition in ecologically highly valid environments. The manipulation of complexity levels in the cognitive or motor domain in dual-task paradigms, additionally offers an insight into how the limited capacity of attentional resources are being allocated to each of the domains and what the priority allocation ruleset might look like. The purpose of the present article is to first present the pioneering study together with the advancements in technology and data analyses approaches that demonstrated the feasibility of recording human cognition while in motion using neu-rophysiological measures. In the main section, the present paper introduces selected studies that by making effort in increasing ecological validity, offer insights into the biomarkers of cognitive task performance while in locomotion, such as event-related potentials (ERPs) and oscillatory spectral power. Here, we particularly discuss (i) the P3 component of ERP, which is according to the literature associated with the process of focusing attention and indexing the available pool of attentional resource, and (ii) the spectral power of theta oscillations, which is thought to reflect mental effort or engagement during task performance. Keywords: ecological validity, cognitive functions, event-related potentials 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 157 Tajda Uršič, Uroš Marušič AMEU – ECM VPLIV AKTIVNIH ODMOROV NA POJAV NESPECIFIČNE BOLEČINE V KRIŽU PRI PISARNIŠKIH DELAVCIH THE EFFECT OF BOOSTER BREAKS ON NON-SPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN IN OFFICE WORKERS POVZETEK Obdobje Covid-19 je večino delovno-aktivnega prebivalstva prisililo v daljša sedeča obdobja pred ekrani. Dolgotrajno sedenje in uporaba računalnika sta pomembna dejavnika, ki vplivata na nastanek mišično-skeletnih motenj, slabšanje vida, pojava glavobolov in psihičnih težav, kot so stres, tesnoba, depresija in motnje spanca. Ena najpogostejših težav pisarniških delavcev, ki sedijo večino svojega delovnega časa, je nespecifična bolečina v križu (NBVK). NBVK je bolečina, ki nima specifično znanega vzroka in patologije. Je kompleksen problem, saj se pojavi iz interakcije bioloških, psiholoških in socialnih dejavnikov. Eden izmed najbolj raziskanih in izstopajočih dejavnikov je prav dolgotrajno sedenje in telesna nedejavnost. Zato je pomembno, da pisarniške delavce (in tudi ostalo prebivalstvo, ki se sedaj izobražuje in dela od doma) motiviramo k telesni dejavnosti. S pregledom literature ugotavljamo, da se kaže kot najučinkovitejša preventiva (in tudi kurativa) NBVK, ki nastaja zaradi dolgotrajnega sedenja: ravno redna telesna vadba, izvajanje aktivnih odmorov med sedečim delovnikom, optimizacija načina sedenja in ustrezno oblikovanje delovnega prostora. Aktivni odmor je 10–15 minut dolga vadba za celo telo. Iz fizioterapevtskega vidika je pomembno, da raztegnemo mišice, ki so bile pri sedenju skrčene in aktiviramo mišice, ki so bile pri sedenju raztegnjene in pasivne. Aktivni odmor poleg pozitivnega vpliva na fizično stanje, vpliva tudi na izboljšanje osredotočenosti, zmanjšanje stresa in izboljšanje počutja med delovnim časom. Ključne besede: nbvk, ergonomija, aktivni odmori, dolgotrajno sedenje, pisarniški delavci ABSTRACT Covid-19 time has forced most working people to spend even more time sitting behind a computer screen. Prolonged sitting and computer use are a major risk factor for developing musculoskeletal disorders, vision problems, headaches, and psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. One of the most common problems for office workers who spend most of their working hours sitting is non-specific low back pain (NSLBP). NSLBP is pain that has no specific known cause or pathology. It is a complex problem because it results from the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. One of the most researched and prominent risk factors for NSLBP is prolonged sitting and physical inactivity. Therefore, it is very important to motivate office workers (as well as others who are now trained and work from home) to be physically active. After reviewing the literature, we have found that the best prevention (and also treatment) for NBVK due to prolonged sitting is: regular physical activity, booster breaks at work, optimization of sitting posture and proper ergonomic design of the workstation. The booster break is a 10-15 minute workout for the whole body. From physiotherapeutic view it is crucial to stretch muscles that were contracted while sitting and to activate muscles that were stretched and passive while sitting. In addition, booster breaks have positive effects on the physical condition, reducing stress, increasing concentration and well-being during working hours. Keywords: nslbp, ergonomics, booster breaks, prolonged sitting, office workers 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 158 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Kristina Batič, Mitja Gerževič, Uroš Marušič AMEU – ECM PRESEČNA ANALIZA POVEZANOSTI ČASOVNO-PROSTORSKIH PARAMETROV HOJE Z MONTREALSKO LESTVICO SPOZNAVNIH SPOSOBNOSTI (MOCA) PRI STAREJŠIH ODRASLIH CROSS-SECTIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE CORRELATION OF TEMPORAL-SPATIAL PARAMETERS OF WALKING AND THE MONTREAL COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT SCALE (MOCA) IN OLDER ADULTS POVZETEK Novejše raziskave kažejo, da so spremembe kognitivnih sposobnosti povezane s spremembami parametrov hoje pri starejših odraslih. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti ali obstaja povezava med dolžino koraka in koeficientom variance dolžine koraka ter rezultati Montrealske lestvice spoznavnih sposobnosti (MoCA testa). Metodologija: V vzorec smo zajeli 115 preiskovancev obeh spolov starejših od 60 let iz Slovenije. MoCA test je bil uporabljen za preverjanje kognitivnih spo-dobnosti, za merjenje časovno-prostorskih parametrov hoje pa je bil uporabljen optični merilni sistem OptoGait®. Zaradi nenormalne porazdelitve analiziranih parametrov smo pri preverjanju razlik časovno-prostorskih parametrov (ČPP)med enostavno hojo in kompleksno hojo uporabili Wilcoxonov test, medtem ko smo za preverjanje razlik med skupinama glede na MoCA rezultate uporabili Mann-Whitney U test. Povezavo med ČPP in rezultati MoCA testa smo preverjali s Spear-manovim koeficientom korelacije. Rezultati: Statistično pomembno skrajšanje dolžine koraka in povečanje koeficienta variance dolžine koraka smo ugotovili pri kompleksni hoji v primerjavi z enostavno hojo (p < 0,05). Statistično pomembnih razlik med skupinama v dolžini koraka in koeficientu variance dolžine koraka tako med enostavno kot tudi kompleksno hojo nismo mogli potrditi. Spearmanov koeficient korelacije je statistično pomembno povezavo med rezultati MoCA testa in ČPP hoje pokazal zgolj pri koeficientu variance dolžine koraka med enostavno hojo (R2 = 0,048; p = 0,032). Drugih statistično pomembnih povezav nismo mogli potrditi. Ključne besede: hoja, kognitivne sposobnosti, MoCA test, fizioterapija v geriatriji ABSTRACT There is growing evidence that gait and cognition are related in older adults. The purpose of this study was to determine if there are correlations between step length and the coefficient of step length and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores. Methods: The sample included 115 adults (≥ 60 years) of both sexes from Slovenia. The MoCA was used to assess cognitive abilities. We used the OptoGait optical system to measure spatio-temporal gait parameters. Due to the abnormal distributions of the analyzed parameters, we examined the differences between simple and complex walking conditions using the Wilcoxon test and the differences between groups according to the MoCA results using the Mann-Whitney U test. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to examine the correlation between the MoCA results and the spatio-temporal gait parameters. Results: We identified a statistically significant deterioration in step length and the coefficient of step length under complex walking conditions compared to simple walking conditions (p < 0.05). A statistically significant difference between groups could not be confirmed. The Spearman correlation coefficient could only confirm a statistically significant correlation between the MoCA results and the coefficient of variance of step length (R2 = 0,048; p = 0.032). Keywords: gait, cognitive abilities, MoCA test, physiotherapy in geriatrics 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 159 Anej Nučič, Tine Kovačič AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST TERAPEVTSKE MASAŽE NA KRONIČNO NESPECIFIČNO BOLEČINO V KRIŽU, ZMANJŠANO ZMOŽNOST IN Z ZDRAVJEM POVEZANO KAKOVOST ŽIVLJENJA THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ON CHRONIC NONSPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN, REDUCED ABILITY AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE POVZETEK Uvod: Nespecifična bolečina se pojavlja kar v 80–85 % primerov vseh bolečin v hrbtenici. Obstajajo posamezni dokazi, da je terapevtska masaža eden od učinkovitih fizioterapevtskih postopkov, ki je kratkoročno bolj učinkovita na zmanjšanje bolečine kot specifična vadba, kar pa ne velja glede dolgoročne učinkovitosti. Masaža je bila v študijah opredeljena kot manipulacija mehkega tkiva z uporabo rok, ki ima potencial, da zmanjša intenzivnost bolečine in pospeši povrnitev v normalno funkcioniranje. Metode: Izvedli smo pilotsko študijo z uporabo protokola randomizirane klinične študije (RKŠ) in proučiti kratkoročne učinke izvajanja ročne masaže hrbta pri preiskovancih z nespecifično kronično bolečino v hrbtenici na zmanjšanje intenzivnosti bolečine (VAL), izboljšanje z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja (ki ga bomo ocenjevali s pomočjo vprašalnika SF-36) ter izboljšanje zmanjšane zmožnosti. 30 preiskovancev s kroničnimi nespecifičnimi bolečinami v hrbtenici, ki so čakali na fizioterapevtsko obravnavo smo naključno razvrstili v študijsko skupino, ki je bila deležna sklopa desetih terapevtskih masaž, in kontrolno skupino, ki masaž ni prejela. Rezultati: Na podlagi statistične analize rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je v študijski skupini prišlo do zmanjšanja intenzivnosti bolečine ter izboljšanja povprečnih rezultatov zmanjšane zmožnosti in z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja, v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino, kjer je prišlo celo do rahlega poslabšanja, vendar omenjene razlike v rezultatih med skupinama, niti znotraj posamezne skupine, v fazi pre in potestiranja niso bile statistično značilne. Zaključki: Potrebne so nadaljnje RKŠ s kontrolo nad begavimi spremenljivkami. Ključne besede: masaža, nespecifična kronična bolečina v križu, fizioterapija 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 160 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Introduction: Nonspecific pain occurs in as many as 80-85% of all cases of back pain. There is individual evidence that therapeutic massage is one of the effective physiotherapy procedures that is more effective in reducing pain in the short term than specific exercise, which is not the case in terms of long-term effectiveness. Massage has been defined in studies as the manipulation of soft tissue using the hands, which has the potential to reduce the intensity of pain and accelerate recovery to normal functioning. Methods: We conducted a pilot study using a randomized clinical study (RCT) protocol and examined the short-term effects of performing manual back massage in subjects with nonspecific chronic back pain on reducing pain intensity (VAS), improving health-related quality of life, as assessed by the SF- 36) and disability reduction. Thirty subjects with chronic nonspecific back pain awaiting physiotherapy were randomly asigned into a study group that received a set of ten therapeutic massages and a control group that did not receive any treatment. Results: Based on the statistical analysis of the results, we find that in the study group there was a decrease in pain intensity and improvement in the average results of disability index and health-related quality of life, compared to the control group, where there was even a slight deterioration, but the results were not statistically significant between groups, nor within a single group in the pre- and post testing phase. Conclusions: Further RCT with control of confounding variables are needed. Keywords: massage, nonspeciifc chronic low back pain, physiotherapy 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 161 Mladen Herc, Patricija Gerečnik AMEU – ECM SEDEČI DELOVNI POLOŽAJ IN BOLEČINA V VRATU SITTING WORKING POSITION AND NECK PAIN POVZETEK Delo v pisarni in s tem povezano dolgotrajno sedenje na delovnem mestu mnogi povezujejo z bolečinami v vratnem delu. Problem tiči v posamezniku. V naši raziskavi o odgovornosti posameznika za preventivo bolečine v vratu pri sedečem delu je sodelovalo 30 oseb obeh spolov, starosti med 20 in 60 let (M = 44,43; SD = 10,40). Namen je bil raziskati pripravljenost sodelujočih za vključevanje oziroma izvajanje vadbeni program, za preprečitev bolečine v vratu pri sedečem delu. Raziskovali smo vpliv dvo-mesečne vadbe mišic vratu na zmanjšanje bolečine v vratu ter povečanje obsega gibljivosti vratne hrbtenice pri osebah s sedečim delovnim mestom. Pred in po vadbi so sodelujoči izpolnili anketni vprašalnik in izvedli smo meritve obsega gibljivosti vratne hrbtenice. Odgovornost posameznika za izvajanje preventivnega fizioterapevtskega programa smo definirali, kot en od dejavnikov pojavnosti bolečine v vratu pri sodelujočih. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali statistično značilna izboljšanja gibljivost vratne hrbtenice (p = 0,00 pri p ≤ 0,05), zmanjšali intenziteto bolečine v vratu pri sedečem delu in spremenili delovne navade na boljše. Ugotovili smo močno povezave med izboljšanjem gibljivosti vratne hrbtenice in izvajanjem vadbenega programa (povprečni r = 0,748 pri p < 0,01). Dvomesečna vadba je najbolj izboljšala povprečno gibljivost vratne hrbtenice pri gibu rotacija v levo. Prav tako smo dokazali, da posamezniki, ki sprejemajo odgovornost za nastalo bolečino v vratu dosegajo višji napredek, od tistih, ki sedečemu delovnemu mestu pripisujejo krivdo za bolečino v vratu. Ključne besede: bolečina, vratu, sedeče delo, vadba, preventiva ABSTRACT Office work and the associated prolonged sitting in the workplace are associated by many with neck pain. The height of the chair, the ergonomic shape of the chair, the height of the desk, the position behind the computer and other reasons are mostly just excuses for our neck pain. The problem lies in the individual. Sample included 30 persons of both sexes, aged between 20 and 60 years (M = 44.43; SD = 10.40), participated. We research the effect of two-month neck muscle exercise on reducing neck pain and increasing the range of motion of the cervical spine in people with a sedentary workplace. Before and after the exercise, the participants filled in a questionnaire and we measured cervical spine mobility. The responsibility of the individual to perform the exercise was one of the factors in the occurrence of pain. The research showed statistically significant improvements in the mobility of the cervical spine (p = 0.00 at p ≤ 0.05), reduced the intensity of neck pain during sedentary work and changed work habits for the better. We found strong correlations between the improvement of cervical spine mobility and the implementation of the exercise program (mean r = 0.748 at p <0.01). Two months of exercise improved the average mobility of the cervical spine the most in the movement of rotation to the left. Individuals who accept responsibility for the resulting neck pain make higher progress than those who attribute the blame for neck pain to a sedentary workplace. Keywords: pain, neck, program, prevention 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 162 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maruša Derlink, Mladen Herc AMEU – ECM UČINKI ZDRAVILIŠKEGA ZDRAVLJENJA PO RUPTURI KITE MIŠICE SUPRASPINATUS EFFECTS OF HEALTH CARE AFTER SUPRASPINATUS TENDON RUPTURE POVZETEK Avtorja v članku opisujeta postoperativno zdravljenje po rupturi kite mišice supraspinatus. Zdravljenje v bolnici ter kasneje zdraviliško zdravljenje, mora zagotoviti zmanjšanje bolečine ter vrnitev prvotne funkcije sklepa brez možnosti ponovitve rupture. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 udeležencev (N=30), 15 moškega ter 15 ženskega spola, ki so imeli opravljen poseg rekon-strukcije tetive mišice supraspinatus s pridruženo tenotomijo dolge glave mišice biceps brachii. Povprečna starost udeležencev je bila 55,4 let (41 do 73). Vsi udeleženi so bili deležni 12 indivi-dualnih terapevtskih obravnav. Cilj raziskovanja raziskati gibljivost v ramenskem sklepu pred in po fizioterapevtski obravnavi, uspešnost rehabilitacije v zdravilišču glede na spol ter glede na pred operativno (ne)aktivnost bolnikov. Upoštevano 5% tveganje (p=0,05). Obsegi posameznih gibov so med seboj povezani v razponu od zmerne do močne povezanosti. Glede na spol statistično značilne razlike med gibi abdukcije (p=0,706), antefleksije (p=0,122), notranje rotacije kot razmerje razdalj od styloidnega odrastka radiusa do sedmega vratnega vretenca za levo in desno stran (p=0,345) in zunanje rotacije (p=0,527) ne obstajajo. Statistično značilnih razlik med predoperativno aktivnostjo pacientov in izmerjenimi obsegi gibljivosti v smereh abdukcije (p=0,860), antefleksije (p=0,752), notranje rotacije kot razdalje od styloidnega odrastka radiusa do sedmega vrtanega vretenca za levo in desno stran (p=0,072) in zunanje rotacije (p=0,427) ni. Štirinajst dnevni rehabilitacijski program je pokazal, da je bilo zdraviliško zdravljenje za udele- žene učinkovito, ter da spol in predoperativna aktivnost ne vplivata na rezultate rehabilitacije. Ključne besede: supraspinatus, rotatorna manšeta, rehabilitacija, goniometrija, vadba. ABSTRACT In this article, the authors describe postoperative care after tendon rupture of the supraspinatus muscle. Postoperative care during your hospital stay and later in a health centre should provide treatment to reduce pain and restore the original function of the joint without possible recurrence of the rupture. The research included 30 participants, who underwent surgery to reconstruct the supraspinatus muscle tendon. All participants received 12 treatments. The aim of the study was to research shoulder joint mobility before and after the physiotherapy treatment, and whether patients' gender and their preoperative physical activity influenced the success of the health centre treatment. Statistical significance is 5% (p=0,05). Individual ranges of movement are connected in the range from moderate to strong. Based on the participants gender, statistically significant differences between the abduction movement (p=0.706), anteflexion movement (p=0.122), internal rotation movement as a ratio of the distance from the radial styloid to the seventh cervical vertebra measurement for the left and right side (p=0.345) and external rotation (p=0.527) don’t exist. Statistically significant differences between the patients' preoperative physical activity and the measured ranges of motion for the abduction (p=0.860), anteflexion (p=0.752), internal rotation as a ratio of the distance from the radial styloid to the seventh cervical vertebra measurement for left and right (p=0.072) and external rotation (p=0.427) don’t exist. The 14-day rehabilitation program showed that the health centre treatment was successful for the participants, and that the gender and preoperative physical activity did not affect the rehabilitation outcome. Keywords: supraspinatus, rotator cuff, rehabilitation, goniometry, exercise. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 163 Elda Latollari, Fabion Braimllari Fan Noli University Albania EPIDURAL STIMULATION GIVES PARALYZED PATIENTS HOPES FOR A BETTER LIFE POVZETEK Introduction: Spinal cord injury is a damage to spinal cord caused by trauma or diseases. Nerve damages cause loss of function, such as mobility and/or feeling. Rehabilitation consists of exercises, therapeutic methods, and modalities but none of them gives does not return lost functions. Method: This study is a meta-analysis, literature review of 10 randomized control trails of the last 20 years. All studies have a major focus on the use of electrical stimulation in patients with spinal cord injury. The methodology of studies varies in randomized trails, including 174 patients. Data are extracted from 4 medical data bases. The evaluation is realized with the PED-ro scale. In the other hand I took in consideration 17 case reports diagnosed with spinal cord injury (level C5-C6-C7 and T5-T6 and T7) who received implantation of epidural stimulation device. Device Mapping and therapy were carried out after surgery for 35 days, then patients were discharged. Results: The literature used in this study claimed that electrical stimulation is effective in improving of muscular function, spasticity, and independence in daily living activities. According to PED-ro 3 studies 30% have 3 points studies, 2 studies, respectively 20% have medium level 4-6 points and 5 studies 50% have high level with 7-10 points. In the other hand 17 people in clinical trial treated with epidural stimulation achieved big improvements in balance, coordination, and muscle mass while bladder and bowel control are not improved. Conclusion: We conclude that epidural stimulation device is the best solution for spinal cord injuries. Keywords: rehabilitation, spinal cord, epidural stimulation, balance, coordination 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 164 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Andrea Backović Juričan, Tjaša Knific, Maja Čeplak National Institute of Public Health Slovenia DELAVNICA “GIBAM SE” KOT PRILOŽNOST SLOVENSKIH FIZIOTERAPEVTOV ZA PREPREČEVANJE SARKOPENIJE PRI STAREJŠIH “I MOVE” WORKSHOP AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SLOVENIAN PHYSIOTHERAPISTS TO PREVENT SARCOPENIA IN OLDER ADULTS POVZETEK Uvod: 15% starih 65+ in 50% starih 80+ ima sarkopenijo. Namen raziskave: ugotoviti ali je vadbeni program (VP), v slovenski delavnici "Gibam se" (DGS) za spremembo vedenja, lahko učinkovit za preprečevanje sarkopenije pri starejših odraslih. Metode: Leta 2019 je 75 fizioterapevtov iz 59 zdravstvenih domovih izvedlo 311 DGS. Udeleženci so bili testirani pred/po koncu VP. Mišični status (MS) odraslih so ocenjevali s testi: zmogljivost prijema, izteg trupa, delni upogib trupa, skleki z dotikom dlani in skok v višino z mesta; medtem ko MS starejših s 30-sekundnima testoma: vstajanja s stola in upogibom komolca. Rezultate smo statistično obdelali s programom SPSS, s t-testom. Rezultati: 2888 udeležencev DGS (85% Ž, 15% M) je opravilo testiranje v prvi in/ali drugi časovni točki. Povprečna starost udeležencev je bila 60 let. MS odraslih: zmoglivost prijema (n = 714, MD = 1,12, 95% CI 0,77-1,46), izteg trupa (n = 531; MD = 15,45; 95% CI 11,70-19,20), delni upogib trupa (n = 521; MD = 2,99; 95% CI 2,39-3,56), skleki z dotikom dlani (n = 488; MD = 1, 52; 95% CI 1,24-1,80), skok v višino z mesta (n = 529; MD = 1,91; 95% CI 1,53-2,29). MS starejših: test vstajanja s stola (n = 768; MD = 2,49; 95% CI 2,28-2,71) in upogib komolca (n = 706; MD = 2, 49; 95% CI 2,25-2,73). Razprava: Pri vseh sedmih MS testih smo ugotovili statistično značilne razlike med povprečji pred/po VP. Predvidevamo, da bi se lahko z nekaterimi prilagoditvami VP v DGS uporabljal za preprečevanje sarkopenije pri starejših. Ključne besede: sarkopenija, mišični status, starejši, vadbeni program, fizioterapevti ABSTRACT Introduction: 15% of people aged 65+ and 50% of 80+ have sarcopenia. The purpose of this study: to determine whether the exercise program (EP), in the Slovenian behavior change workshop "I move" (WIM), can be effective in preventing sarcopenia in older adults. Methods: In 2019, 75 physiotherapists from 59 health centers performed 311 WIMs. Participants were tested before/after the EP. Muscle status (MS) of adults was assessed by tests: hand-grip strength test, back extension test, dynamic sit-ups, modified push-up and jump-and-reach test; while MS of elderly with 30-second tests: chair stand test and arm curl test. The results were statistically processed with the SPSS program, with the t-test. Results: 2888 WIM participants (85% F, 15% M) were tested in the first and/or second time point. The average age of the participants was 60 years. MS in adults: hand-grip strength test (n=714, MD=1,12, 95 % CI 0,77-1,46), back extension test (n=531; MD=15,45; 95 % CI 11,70-19,20), dynamic sit-ups (n=521; MD=2,99; 95 % CI 2,39-3,56), modified push-up (n=488; MD=1,52; 95 % CI 1,24-1,80), jump-and-reach test (n=529; MD=1,91; 95 % CI 1,53-2,29). MS in elderly: 30-second chair stand test (n=768; MD=2,49; 95 % CI 2,28-2,71) and 30-second arm curl test (n=706; MD=2,49; 95 % CI 2,25-2,73). Discussion: In all seven MS tests, we found statistically significant differences between the averages before/after EP. We anticipate that with some adaptations the EP within WIM could be used to prevent sarcopenia in the elderly. Keywords: sarkopenia, muscle status, elderly, exercise program, physiotherapists 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 165 Eva Uršej SMILE-E FIZIOTERAPIJA V ŠPORTU – ZNANJE IN KOMPETENCE ŠPORTNEGA FIZIOTERAPEVTA TER NJEGOVA VLOGA V ŠPORTNI REHABILITACIJI SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPY - SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES OF A SPORTS PHYSIOTHERAPIST AND HIS ROLE IN SPORTS REHABILITATION POVZETEK Fizioterapevti, vključeni v delo s športniki, potrebujejo dodatna specialna znanja, ki se osredotočajo na obravnavo telesno aktivnih posameznikov. Za razliko od neaktivne populacije je tveganje za nastanek poškodb pri njih večje, večje so tudi obremenitve na telo, ki lahko vodijo v preobremenitvene sindrome. Pri delu s športniki mora biti fizioterapevtska obravnava čim bolj učinkovita in čas rehabilitacije čim krajši, rehabilitacija mora biti usmerjena v preventivo na vseh nivojih, pri tem pa je zelo zaželeno komuniciranje in usklajeno delovanje fizioterapevtov z drugimi strokovnjaki. V nekaterih državah po svetu je specializacija iz fizioterapije v športu vključena že v predmetnik dodiplomskega ali podiplomskega izobraževanja, različne države ponujajo tudi različne možnosti opravljanja specializacije in izpopolnjevanj po zaključenem študiju. Fizioterapevti v športu imajo v športni rehabilitaciji pomembno vlogo, ki pa se med državami lahko precej razlikuje. S pregledom literature smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšne so razlike med posameznimi državami v sistemu izobraževanja in podiplomskega izpopolnjevanja na področju fizioterapije v športu ter katera so bistvena znanja in kompetence športnega fizioterapevta, ki jih potrebuje za kakovostno obravnavo v športni rehabilitaciji. Ključne besede: fizioterapija v športu, izobraževanje, športna rehabilitacija ABSTRACT Physiotherapists who are working with athletes need additional special skills that are focused on treating physically active people. Compared to physically inactive people, physically active people have a higher risk of injuries, and they are exposed to greater loads that can lead to overused syndromes. Physiotherapy treatments in sports rehabilitation need to be as effective as possible, the rehabilitation needs to be as short as possible, and it should include prevention on all levels. Also, physiotherapists are supposed to communicate and collaborate with other professionals. In some countries, the specialisation in sports physiotherapy is already implemented in the academic curriculum of a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and in some countries different postgraduate specialisation programs are available. Sports physiotherapists play a very important role in the rehabilitation of athletes but their role can vary between countries. With the literature review we aimed to find out what the differences are between countries in terms of graduate and postgraduate educational sports physiotherapy programs. We also tried to validate the competencies and skills needed for a quality treatment in sports rehabilitation. Keywords: sports physiotherapy, education, sports rehabilitation 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 166 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Vesna Hodić Centar Tratinčica, University of Applied Health Sciences / Department of Physiotherapy, Dominik Guštin Sveučilište u Zagrebu / Kineziološki fakultet PREVENTION OF SPECIFIC INJURIES IN SPRINTERS AT 100 M ABSTRACT Introduction: Athletics is one of the oldest forms of competition, and the 100 m sprint is the most attractive discipline in athletics.The aim of this study is to investigate which injuries are characteristic for Croatian sprinters. Determine the type and frequency of injuries in sprint discipline on 100m. Identify the causes of their occurrence in training and competition in order to provide the most effective physiotherapy method in injury prevention in the shortest possible time. Methods: Subjects are male sprinters on 100 m in junior and senior category/age. 23 of them come from 8 Croatian clubs.The research was conducted retrospectively for the period from 29.02.2019.- 01.03.2020., a survey questionnaire consisting of 12 general and 6 specific injury questions.The collected data were statistically processed and presented through graphs and diagrams. The research was conducted in accordance with fundamental ethical and bioethical principles. Results and discussion: The average age of seniors is 23.25 years, body weight 77.5 kg and height 182.16 cm. The average age of the juniors is 17.73 years, body weight 69.3 kg and height 181.6 cm. Athletic experience averages 7.44 years. 69.6% of them train for 2 hours a day, the rest train for 3-4 hours,30.4%.The most common are hamstrings injuries 36%, foot injuries 23%,groin and spine 13%, knee and lower leg 5%.In seniors, the average is 2.08 injuries with SD 0.9, and in juniors the average is 1.27 with SD 0.78. Conclusion: Physiotherapy procedures and prevention programs can reduce the number of injuries to a minimum. Keywords: physiotherapy, prevention, sprint 100 m, sports injuries 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 167 Barbara Grintal, Nikolaj Lipič AMEU – ECM ODNOS ŠTUDENTOV FIZIOTERAPIJE DO OSEB Z DEMENCO ATTITUDE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDENTS TOWARDS PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA POVZETEK Uvod: Za poklic fizioterapevta je pomembno krepiti osebni, delovni in kreativni potencial študentov, njihovo ustvarjalnost ter uporabo novega znanja. Vse to prispeva k opolnomočenju študentov za kakovostno opravljanje njihovega poklica ter h krepitvi njihovega samozaupanja. Eden od pomembnih vidikov pri izobraževanju za poklic fizioterapevta je tudi poudarek na odnosu do oseb z demenco. Fizioterapevt je namreč eden od članov multidisciplinarnega tima, ki nudi osebam z demenco kakovostno obravnavo. Metode: V raziskovalnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop, kjer smo z metodo anketiranja ugotavljali stališča študentov fizioterapije do demence in njihov odnos do oseb z demenco. Anketiranje smo izvedli med oktobrom 2020 in januarjem 2021 na vzorcu 268 študentov prvega letnika programa fizioterapije na Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor. Hipoteze smo testirali na podlagi rezultatov t-testa. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da študenti fizioterapije večinoma prepoznavajo potrebe po podpori oseb z demenco in se zavedajo pomena ustreznega pristopa pri fizioterapevtski obravnavi oseb z demenco. Prav tako so jim poznane določene omejitve in zmožnosti oseb z demenco. V primeru, da bi se sami soočili s to boleznijo, bi se odločili za iskanje pomoči pri partner-ju, starših in zdravniku. Sklepi: Z raziskavo potrjujemo pozitiven odnos študentov fizioterapije do oseb z demenco, vendar je na nekaterih področjih njihovo poznavanje pojava demence nekoliko omejeno. Zato je potrebno v študij fizioterapije vnesti nekatera dodatna znanja s področja demence in obravnave oseb z demenco. Ključne besede: študenti fizioterapije, demenca, osebe z demenco ABSTRACT Introduction: It is important for the profession of physiotherapist to strengthen the personal, work and creative potential of students, their creativity and the use of new knowledge. All this contributes to empowering students to perform their profession in a quality manner and to strengthening their self-confidence. One of the important aspects in education for the profession of physiotherapist is also the emphasis on the attitude towards people with dementia. The physiotherapist is one of the members of a multidisciplinary team that offers quality treatment to people with dementia. Methods: In the research work we used a quantitative research approach, where we used the survey method to determine the attitudes of physiotherapy students towards dementia. The survey was conducted between October 2020 and January 2021 on a sample of 268 first-year students of the physiotherapy program at Alma Mater Europaea - European Center, Maribor. Results: The results of the research show that physiotherapy students mostly recognize the need for support for people with dementia and are aware of the importance of an appropriate approach in the physiotherapeutic treatment of people with dementia. They are also aware of certain limitations and abilities of people with dementia. Conclusions: The research confirms the positive attitude of physiotherapy students towards people with dementia, but in some areas their knowledge of the phenomenon of dementia is somewhat limited. Therefore, it is necessary to include some additional knowledge in the field of dementia and treatment of people with dementia in the study of physiotherapy. Keywords: physiotherapy students, dementia, people with dementia 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 168 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ligita Siline Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas University of Applied Scienes Loreta Stasiule, Arvydas Stasiulis Lithuanian Sports university THE EFFECT OF AGE AND TRAINING STATUS ON OXYGEN UPTAKE KINETICS IN WOMEN ABSTRACT We examined the effect of age and training status on the oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics of untrained and recreationally trained women. Young (20–35yr), middle-age (40–55yr) and older (58–71yr) recreationally trained (YTR, n=10; MTR, n=12; OTR, n=9) and untrained (YUT, n=12; MUT, n=10; OUT, n=9) women participated in this crossectional study. Breath-by-breath VO2 and near-infrared-spectroscopy-derived (NIRS) muscle deoxygenation [HHb] were monitored continuously during increasing and constant walking exercises. On-transition VO2 and [HHb] responses to moderate intensity walking were modeled as mono-exponential. The data were nor-malized for each subject (0%–100%), and [HHb]/VO2 ratio was calculated as the average [HHb]/ VO2 during the 20- to 120-s period after the onset of moderate intensity walking exercise. The time constant of VO2 (τVO2) was longer in OUT(23.8±2.4), MUT(25.4±5.1), YUT(23.1±3.4) than in YTR(16.2±2.0), MTR(16.7±3.9), OTR(16.3±2.8) women (p<0.05). The [HHb]/VO2 ratio in OUT (1.31±0.18) was higher than in YTR(1.08±0.05), MTR(1.13±0.09), YUT(1.12±0.09) (p<0.05). It is concluded that recreationally trained women had faster VO2 kinetics along with better matching of O2 delivery and utilization at the site of gas exchange in the exercising muscles. Keywords: Recreationally trained, Aging, Muscle deoxygenation, Oxygen uptake kinetic 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 169 Tine Kovačič, Ludvik Kovše AMEU – ECM UČINKOVITOST FIZIOTERAPEVTSKEGA PROGRAMA SPECIALNE OLIMPIADE FUN FITNESS NA TELESNO PRIPRAVLJENOST ŠPORTNIKOV Z DOWNOVIM SINDROMOM IN ŠPORTNIKOV Z INTELEKTUALNO MOTNJO, KI NIMAJO DOWNOVEGA SINDROMA THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PHYSIOTHERAPY PROGRAM OF THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS FUN FITNESS ON THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF ATHLETES WITH DOWN SYNDROME AND ATHLETES WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES WHO DO NOT HAVE DOWN SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Sodobna družba se sooča z izzivom zagotavljanja ranljivi skupini športnikov z intelektualno motnjo in razvojnimi motnjami (IDD), med katerimi so tudi športniki z Downovim sindromom (DS) v procesu staranja ustrezno podporo pri izboljšanju telesne pripravljenosti. Namen naše študije je bil raziskati kratkoročni vpliv dveh različnih programov telesne dejavnosti v okviru SO na telesno pripravljenost športnikov z DS in IDD brez DS. Metode: Izvedli smo komparativno eksperimentalno študijo z uporabo kvantitativne raziskovalne paradigme, da bi raziskali morebitne razlike v posameznih parametrih telesne pripravljenosti športnikov SO z DS in športnikih SO brez DS. Rezultati: na podlagi statistične analize rezultatov, ugotavljamo, da vadbeni program učinkuje na izboljšanje posameznih komponent telesne pripravljenosti (gibljivost, mišična moč in vzdržljivost, ravnotežje in aerobna zmogljivost) ter spremembe telesnih parametrov (telesna teža, mišična masa, odstotek maščobnega tkiva, odstotek puste mišične mase, odstotek vode v telesu, visceralna maščoba in indeks telesne mase ITM) pri športnikih SO z DS in športnikih z MDR brez DS. Športniki z DS so primerljivi v rezultatih telesne pripravljenosti športnikov brez DS, vendar se med njimi kažejo razlike. Omenjen fizioterapevtski program ima večji vpliv na naštete parametre v skupini športnikov SO z DS. Zaključki: Fizioterapevtski program je primeren tudi v prihodnje predvsem pri športnikih SO z DS in brez DS, ki imajo slabšo telesno pripravljenost in visok indeks telesne mase ter slabše parametre telesne sestave. Ključne besede: Downov sindrom, razvojne motnje, fizioterapija, telesna pripravljenost 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 170 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Introduction: Modern society faces the challenge of providing a vulnerable group of athletes with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (IDD), including athletes with Down syndrome (DS), in the process of aging, adequate support in improving physical fitness. The purpose of our study was to investigate the short-term impact of two different physical activity programs within the SO on the physical fitness of athletes with DS and athletes with IDD without DS. Methods: We conducted a comparative experimental study using a quantitative research paradigm to investigate possible differences in individual parameters of physical fitness of SO athletes with DS and SO athletes without DS. Results: based on statistical analysis of the results, we find that the exercise program has an effect on improving individual components of physical fitness (flexibility, muscle strength and endurance, balance and aerobic fitness) and changes in body parameters (body weight, muscle mass, fat percentage, lean percentage, muscle mass, body water percentage, visceral fat and body mass index BMI) in athletes with DS and DSR without DS. Athletes with DS are comparable in the results of physical fitness of athletes without DS, but there are differences between them. The mentioned physiotherapeutic program has a greater influence on the listed parameters in the group of athletes with SO. Conclusions: The physiotherapy program is also suitable for the future, especially for athletes with DS and without DS, who have poorer physical fitness and a high body mass index and poorer body composition parameters. Keywords: Down syndrome, developmental disorders, physiotherapy, physical fitness 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 171 Žan Tibaut, Mladen Herc AMEU – ECM UČINKI DVEH NAČINOV RAZTEZANJA MIŠIC NA RAVNOTEŽJE, MAKSIMALNI RESPIRATORNI VOLUMEN IN OBSEG GIBLJIVOSTI ROTACIJE HRBTENICE EFFECTS OF TWO WAYS OF MUSCLE STRETCHING ON BALANCE, MAXIMUM RESPIRATORY VOLUME AND RANGE OF SPINE ROTATION MOBILITY POVZETEK Uvod: V raziskavi je ugotavljano ali selektivni nadzor nad mišicami vpliva na izboljšanje ravnotežja, maksimalnega respiratornega volumna in obseg gibljivosti hrbtenice. Primerjani sta bili dve tehniki raztezanja, somatske vaje in klasične raztezne vaje. Metoda: Raziskava je potekala en mesec s tridesetimi testiranci ženskega in moškega spola, starih med 20-25 let. Pred izvajanjem in po izvajanju somatskih in razteznih vaj, so testiranci primerjani z uporabo treh testov: Y balance test (YBT), merjenje forsirane vitalne kapacitete (FVC) in goniometrija. Rezultati: Pri testiranju dosega z desno nogo je ugotovljeno, da je somatska skupina dosegla statistično značilno izboljšanje (pri p ≤ 0,05) v primerjavi z rezultati kontrolne skupine v smeri anteriorno p = 0,000, posteromedialno p = 0,001 in posterolateralno p = 0,000. Pri testiranju dosega z levo nogo je ugotovljeno, da je somatska skupina dosegla statistično značilno izboljšanje v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino v smeri anteriorno p = 0,000, posteromedialno p = 0,004 in posterolateralno p = 0,000. Maksimalen respiratoren volumen se je po vajah v somatski skupini statistično značilno izboljšal v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino (p = 0,000). Rotacija hrbtenice v somatski skupini in v levo in desno stran je statistično značilno boljša od kontrolne skupine (p = 0,000). Sklep: Za povečanje gibljivosti telesa in zmanjševanje mišičnega tonusa je priporočljivo izvajati različne in nove gibalne vzorce, saj se z njimi poveča dotok senzornih in motornih informacij v možgane hkrati pa je pomembo, da se raztezanje izvaja s pomočjo telesne občutljivosti. Ključne besede: ravnotežje, dihanje, hrbtenica, somatske vaje, raztezne vaje ABSTRACT Introduction: The study determined whether selective muscle control affects the improvement of balance, maximum respiratory volume, and range of motion of the spine. Two stretching techniques were compared, somatic exercises and traditional stretching exercises. Method: The study was conducted for one month with thirty female and male test subjects aged between 20–25 years. Before and after somatic and stretching exercises, test subjects were compared using three tests: Y balance test (YBT), forced vital capacity measurement (FVC), and goniometry. Results: When testing the range with the right foot, it was found that the somatic group achieved a statistically significant improvement (at p ≤ 0.05) compared with the results of the control group in the direction of anterior p = 0.000, posteromedial p = 0.001 and posterolateral p = 0.000. When testing the range with the left foot, it was found that the somatic group achieved a statistically significant improvement compared to the control group in the direction of anterior p = 0.000, posteromedial p = 0.004 and posterolateral p = 0.000. Maximum respiratory volume improved statistically significantly after exercise in the somatic group compared to the control group (p = 0.000). Discussion: To increase body mobility and reduce muscle tone, it is recommended to perform different and new movement patterns, as they increase the flow of sensory and motor information to the brain, and at the same time it is important to perform stretching with the help of body sensitivity. Keywords: balance, breathing, spine, somatic exercises, stretching exercises 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 172 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Zoya Ferlič, Mladen Herc AMEU – ECM ZDRAVILIŠKO ZDRAVLJENJE PO VSTAVITVI TOTALNE ENDOPROTEZE KOLKA HEALTH RESORT TREATMENT AFTER TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY POVZETEK Uvod: Zdraviliško zdravljenje je del rehabilitacije pacientov po vstavitvi totalne endoproteze kolka. Metode: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 23 pacientov (populacija ljudi med 55. in 65.letom starosti po vstavitvi totalne endoproteze kolka zaradi artorze kolka), ki so bili napoteni na zdraviliško zdravljenje. V času zdraviliškega zdravljenja so bili ti pacienti deležni individualne kineziotera-pije, balneoterapije, magnetoterapije, protibolečinske elektroterapije z interferenčnimi tokovi in terapije z laserjem. Testirani so bili prvi in zadnji dan zdravljenja. Uporabljeni testi so bili test hoje na 10m, vstani in pojdi test ter goniometrija kolčnega sklepa. Rezultati: Čas izvedbe sproščene hoje in hitre hoje na 10m se je pri meritvah zadnji dan skraj- šal v primerjavi z meritvami prvi dan. Pri obeh je bila razlika statistično pomembna (p=0,000). Tudi pri testu vstani in pojdi se je čas izvedbe zadnji dan skrajšal s statistično pomembno razliko (p=0,000). Tudi med meritvami antefleksije, retrofleksije, abdukcije, addukcije, notranje rotacije in zunanje rotacije je bilo ugotovljeno izboljšanje in statistično pomembna razlika med prvim in zadnjim dnem (p=0,000). Ob tem je bila ugotovljena srednja do zmerna povezanost med testom vstani in pojdi in gibi: antefleksije (ro = -0,471, p=0,023), retrofleksije (ro = -0,675, p=0,000) in addukcije (ro = -0,533, p=0,009), medtem ko je bila povezanosti med testom vstani in pojdi in gibi abdukcije, notranje rotacije in zunanje rotacije, neznatna do nizka (p>0,05). Zaključek: Ta raziskava potrjuje pomembnost zdraviliškega zdravljenja po vstavitvi totalne endoproteze kolka za izboljšanje pacientove funkcionalnosti, hitrosti hoje in obsega gibljivosti v kolčnem sklepu. Ključne besede: endoproteza kolka, zdraviliško zdravljenje, učinki fizioterapije, artroza ABSTRACT Introduction: Health resort treatment is part of the rehabilitation of patients after total hip replacement surgery. Methods: The study included 23 patients who were referred for helth resort treatment. During the health treatment, They were tested on the first and last day of treatment. The tests used were a 10m walking test, a stand-up and go test, and goniometry of the hip joint. Results: The time of of performing relaxed walking and fast walking at 10m was shortened in the measurements on the last day compared to the measurements on the first day. In both cases, the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.000). Also in the test get up and go, the time on the last day was shortened by a statistically significant difference (p = 0.000). Improvement and a statistically significant difference between the first and last day (p = 0.000) were also found between the measurements of anteflexion, retroflexion, abduction, adduction, internal rotation and external rotation. There was a medium to moderate correlation between the get-up and go-and-move test: anteflexion (ro = -0.471, p = 0.023), retroflexion (ro = -0.675, p = 0.000) and adduction (ro = -0.533, p = 0.009), while the correlations between the get-up and go test and abduction, internal rotation, and external rotation movements were negligible to low (p> 0.05). Conclusion: This study confirms the importance of health rersort treatment after total hip replacement surgery. to improve the patient’s functionality, walking speed, and range of motion in the hip joint. Keywords: hip endoprosthesis, spa treatment, effects of physiotherapy, arthrosis. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 173 Živa Arko, Žiga Mumel AMEU – ECM VPLIV MANIPULACIJE FASCIJ NA ZDRAVLJENJA SINDROMA ILIOTIBIALNEGA TRAKTA FASCIAL MANIPULATION EFFECTS ON TREATMENT OF ILIOTIBIAL BAND SYNDROME POVZETEK Uvod: Sindrom iliotibialnega trakta je pogost preobremenitveni sindrom, ki se pojavlja med teka- či. Povzroča bolečine na zunanji strani kolena med in po teku. Bolečine so lahko tako hude, da tek onemogočijo. Obstaja več načinov zdravljenja sindroma iliotibialnega trakta. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali uspešnost manipulacije fascij pri terapiji sindroma iliotibialnega trakta. Manipulacija fascij je oblika manualne terapije, ki preko vzpostavljanja normalne funkcije fascij vodi v učinkovitejšo rekrutacijo motoričnih enot in medmišično koordinacijo ter rezultira v optimalni motorični funk-ciji in zmanjšanju bolečine. Gre za pristop obravnave globoke fascije s katerim ocenjujemo njeno mobilnost v vseh prostorskih ravninah in na mestih, kjer so restrikcije gibanja opravimo terapijo. Metoda: Opravili smo longitudinalno študijo primera 6 tekačev (3 moški in 3 ženske, 22 do 47 let) na srednje in dolge proge, ki so imeli sindrom iliotibialnega trakta. Stanje tekačev smo analizirali pred začetkom obravnave z manipulacijo fascij in po 3 obravnavah z manipulacijo fascij. Opravili smo 4 meritve v treh tednih. Bolečino smo merili z VAL lestvico, enonožno stabilnost smo testirali s štirimi testi, statične in dinamične obremenitve nog smo merili z baropodometrijo. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, zmanjšanje občutka bolečine po manipulaciji fascij v kolenskem sklepu med tekom zmanjšal. Po manipulaciji fascij rezultati statične baropodometrije niso pokazali, da je prišlo do bolj enakomerne razporeditve teže med stopali, dinamična baropodometrija pa je dala nasprotni rezultat, izboljšala se je enonožna stabilnost. Bolečina se je zmanjšala in povečalo se je število pretečenih kilometrov pri treningih. Zaključek: Manipulacija fascij je pozitivno vplivala na izid zdravljenja sindroma liotibialnega trakta. Ključne besede: sindrom iliotibialnega trakta, manipulacija fascij, tek, stabilnost, baropodometrija ABSTRACT Theoretical background: Iliotibial tract syndrome is a frequent overuse syndrome in runners. It is causing pain on the lateral side of the knee during or after running. Often the runners stop the training because of intense pain. There are a lot of different approaches to the iliotibial band treatment. The effect of fascial manipulation on the iliotibial band treatment was observed in this study. Fascial manipulation is a manual therapy that tends to normalise the fascia and achieve different therapeutic effects due to normal fascial function. Method: In present research a longitudinal study of six long- and middle-distance runners (3 men and 3 women, 22 to 47 years) suffering from iliotibial band syndrome was conducted. The assessments were done four times. Four measurements were conducted in 3 weeks. First assessment was done prior to fascial manipulation and the other three were done after 3 treatments. Observation lasted 3 weeks. Pain was assessed with VAS scale, single leg stance was assessed with four different tests, static and dynamic baropodometry was used to assess static and dynamic load of legs. Results: The results showed the reduction of pain during running, static baropodometry showed no influence on static weight distribution, but dynamic baropodometry showed improvement of dynamic weight distribution, single leg stance stability improved, pain during running reduced and the running distance improved. Conclusion: Fascial manipulation improved the condition of runners suffering from iliotibial band syndrome. Keywords: iliotibial tract syndrome, fascia manipulation, running, stability, baropodometry 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 174 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Živa Arko, Nandu Goswami AMEU – ECM STIMULACIJA LIMFNEGA PRETOKA Z MANIPULACIJO FASCIJ STIMULATION OF THE LYMPH FLOW WITH FASCIAL MANIPULATION POVZETEK Uvod: Limfedem je kronična neozdravljiva bolezen limfnega sistema V zahodnem svetu je najpogosteje posledica zdravljenja raka. Pri kroničnem limfedemu se pojavijo zapleti in fibrozacija prizadetih tkiv. Ta zmanjšuje učinkovitost kompleksne dekongestivne terapije, ki se v fizioterapiji uporablja za terapijo limfedema. V klinični praksi smo pri takih bolnikih izvedli manipulacijo fascij in kompleksno dekongestivno terapijo. Opazili dodatno zmanjšanje volumna prizadete ek-stremitete in podaljšanje učinkov terapije. Hialuronska kislina se lahko uporabi kot biomarker za ocenjevanje pretoka limfe. Cilji: Manipulacija fascij ni z dokazi podprta terapija za limfedem, zato smo raziskavo izvedli na zdravih preiskovancih. Metode dela: Vključenih je bilo 16 preiskovancev (12 moških, 4 ženske, 25.5 ± 6.95 let, 74.93 ± 15.98 kg, 176.1 ± 7.4 cm). Med raziskavo smo preiskovancem odvzeli dva vzorca krvi in med seboj primerjali serumski koncentraciji hialuronske kisline pred in po manipulaciji fascij. Rezultati: Primerjava vzorcev je pokazala statistično značilen padec serumske koncentracije hialuronske kisline s 17.85 ng/mL (11.17-22.85; min-max: 9.61-66.55 ng/mL) na 13.49 ng/mL (range: 8.07-19.95; min-max: 6.56-42.72 ng/mL) (p = 0.04). Sklepamo, da manipulacija fascij ne pospeši limfnega pretoka pri zdravih preiskovancih. Nepričakovani ali nezaželeni učinki se pri poizkusu niso pojavili, zato lahko nadaljujemo z raziskavo na bolnikih. Razprava: Rezultati raziskave niso potrdili, da manipulacija fascij pospeši pretok limfe pri zdravih preiskovancih. Na prehod limfne tekočine iz intersticijskega prostora v krvni obtok vplivajo številni neraziskani dejavniki, zato so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave. Ključne besede: manipulacija fascij, limfni pretok, hialuronska kislina ABSTRACT Background: Lymphedema is chronical incurable disease of lymphatic system. In western countries it is mainly consequence of cancer treatment. Lymphedema is accompanied with repetitive inflammations and fibrotic changes of the affected tissue. They cause additional retention of the lymph. Complete decongestive therapy is used for conservative treatment of lymphedema in physiotherapy. Patients with lymphedema with changes in deep fascia were treated additionally with fascial. They showed additional reduction of lymphedema and prolonged effect of therapy. To our knowledge, no study has investigated impact of fascial manipulation on lymphedema. Hyaluronan has previously been suggested to act as a biomarker for lymphatic flow. Aim: The aim was to establish if fascial manipulation promotes lymph flow in healthy participants. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 16 healthy participants (12 males, 4 females of mean age 25,5 years +/- SD 6,95, mean weight 74,93 +/- 15,98 kg). Blood samples were taken before and after fascial manipulation and were blood for plasma concentration of hyaluronic acid. Concentration of hyaluronic acid was assessed using highly sensitive immuno-fluorescence test. Results: Concentration of the blood plasma hyaluronan showed statistically significant decreas-es after fascial manipulation significant decrease after fascial manipulation from 17.85 ng/mL (11.17-22.85; min-max: 9.61-66.55 ng/mL) to 13.49 ng/mL (range: 8.07-19.95; min-max: 6.56-42.72 ng/mL) (p = 0.04). Conclusion: Our results suggest that fascial manipulation does not promote lymph flow in healthy subjects. The intervention did not have any undesired or unpredictable effects in healthy participants, future studies in lymphedema patients can be carried out using fascial manipulation. Keywords: fascial manipulation, lymph flow, hyaluronic acid, physiotherapy. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 175 Tine Kovačič, Tatjana Horvat, Mladen Herc, Lea Križman, Tine Šket, Goran Gumzej AMEU – ECM ERGONOMIJA PRI ZAPOSLENIH V ZDRAVSTVENIH INSTITUCIJAH, KI DELAJO TAKO Z NEVROLOŠKIMI, KOT PACIENTI Z MIŠIČNO-SKELETNIMI OKVARAMI (RENE PROJEKT - ERAZMUS +) ERGONOMICS IN EMPLOYEES OF HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS WORKING WITH BOTH NEUROLOGICAL PATIENTS AND PATIENTS WITH MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (RENE PROJECT - ERASMUS +) POVZETEK Uvod: Ergonomija je v zdravstvenih ustanovah zelo pomemben dejavnik, ki vpliva na kakovost dela, odsotnosti z dela in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Pri analizi ergonomske ureditve delovnega mesta v določeni zdravstveni ustanovi je nujno določiti, katerim grožnjam so zaposleni izpostavljeni pri opravljanju svojega dela. Metode: Cilj preliminarne raziskave je bil zbrati ustrezne informacije o nadaljnjem razvoju kulture preprečevanja tveganj na področju ergonomije v zdravstvenem sektorju in s tem izbolj- šati delovne pogoje ter kakovost oskrbe. Pri projektu RENE sodelujejo strokovnjaki s področja ergonomije iz Finske, Slovenije, Litve, Estonije, Portugalske in Španije, z namenom pridobiti podatke v zvezi z znanjem, kompetencami in razširjanjem orodij ter najboljših praks na podro- čju ergonomije. Rezultati: S strani vseh 51 vključenih zdravstvenih institucij smo vključili v raziskavo 100 zdravstvenih delavcev, ki ocenjujejo, da obstaja v povprečju 4, 74 visoka ocena tveganja (5 visoko tveganje) za nastanek mišično skeletnih poškodb pri zaposlenih, ki izvajajo transfer pacientov. 85% vključenih ne pozna ergonomskih standardov, niti EU smernic. 94% jih ne ve natančno ali obstajajo smernice/priporočila za število dni usposabljanja za medicinske sestre fizioterapevte/ negovalce v zvezi z varnim ravnanjem s pacienti.91 % jih navaja, da imajo univerze velik vpliv (ocena 5) pri promociji ergonomije ali varnega ravnanja s pacienti v zdravstvu. Zaključki: preko predstavljenega projekta RENE 98 % udeleženih pričakuje, da bo prišlo do optimalnega razvoja orodij za izobraževanje in usposabljanje po vsej EU v zvezi z uporabo ergonomije pri pacientih v zdravstvu. Ključne besede: ergonomija, projekt strateška partnerstva Erazmus plus - RENE 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 176 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Introduction: Ergonomy is very important factor in health institutions that affects the quality of work, absenteeism and employee satisfaction. When analyzing the ergonomic arrangement of the workplace in particular health institution, it is essential to determine what threats the employees are exposed to when performing their work. Methods: The aim of the preliminary research was to gather relevant information on the further development of a culture of risk prevention in the field of ergonomics in the health sector and thus to improve working conditions and the quality of care. The project involves ergonomics experts from Finland, Slovenia, Lithuania, Estonia, Portugal and Spain, in order to obtain data on knowledge, competencies and dissemination of tools and best practices in the field of ergonomics. Results: From all 51 included health institutions, we included in the survey 100 health professionals who estimate that there is an average of 3.74 risk assessment (5 high risk) for musculoskeletal injuries in employees performing patient transfer. 85% of those involved do not know ergonomic standards or EU guidelines. 94% do not know exactly whether there are guidelines / recommendations for the number of training days for physiotherapists /carers regarding safe patient management. 91% state that universities have a great influence (score 5) in promoting ergonomics or safe handling of patients. patients in healthcare. Conclusions: Through the presented RENE project, 98% of participants expect the optimal development of education and training tools across the EU regarding the use of ergonomics in patients in healthcare. Keywords: ergonomics, Erasmus plus - RENE strategic partnership project 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 177 4 SOCIALNA GERONTOLOGIJA / SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY ADDING YEARS TO LIFE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE AGEING EXPERIENCE THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OLDER ADULTS OTHER TOPICS IN SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE SOCIAL INNOVATIONS INVITED SPEAKERS ADDING YEARS TO LIFE Victor Bjork, Heales, Belgium Jose Cordeiro, Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science. Director, The Millennium Project, Venezuela Emil Kendziorra, European Biostasis Foundation; Berlin, Germany Ilia Stambler, International Longevity Alliance, Israel Adam Buben, Leiden University, Netherlands Aubrey de Grey, SENS Research Foundation, United States Peter Lichtenberg, Vice President of the Gerontological Society of America DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE AGEING EXPERIENCE Arianna Poli (Andreas Motel-Klingebiel), Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Linköping University, Sweden Marcela Petrová Kafková, Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Linköping University, Sweden THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OLDER ADULTS Kieran Walsh, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology Institute for Lifecourse and Society, Ireland Voyko Kavcic, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, United States Lubica Volanská, Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia Božena Kotnik Kevorkijan, Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Slovenia PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Jana Goriup, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Peter Seljak, Alma Mater Europaea ECM David Bogataj, Alma Mater Europaea ECM ADDING YEARS TO LIFE INVITED SPEAKERS Victor Bjork, Heales, Belgium Jose Cordeiro, Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science. Director, The Millennium Project, Venezuela Emil Kendziorra, European Biostasis Foundation; Berlin, Germany Ilia Stambler, International Longevity Alliance, Israel Adam Buben, Leiden University, Netherlands Aubrey de Grey, SENS Research Foundation, United States Peter Lichtenberg, Vice President of the Gerontological Society of America 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 182 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV prof. dr. Peter A. Lichtenberg INVITED SPEAKER World Confederation for Physical Therapy The problem of training social service providers on new tools and then having those tools implemented into practice is a challenging one. The creation of digital trainings and technology to administer new tools helped us overcome this great challenge. Through technology we were able to provide training and certification to thousands and see our new tools implemented in several countries. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 183 Jose Cordeiro INVITED SPEAKER Single Global Currency Association (SGCA) and the Lifeboat Foundation Venezuela JE SMRT NEIZOGIBNA? IS DEATH INEVITABLE ? ABSTRACT Is death inevitable? Since our humble beginning, the history of humanity has been shaped by this fatal fact. Religions, philosophies, civilizations, borders and progress are born from the atavistic fear of death. Until very recently, that fear and that desire for survival only found consolation in religious paradigms. Fortunately, some experts now believe that by 2045, thanks to exponential advances in artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, stem cell treatments, organ printing, gene and immunological therapies, for example, will solve the problem of aging and even reverse it. We live between the last mortal generation and the first immortal generation. Keywords: humanity, artificial intelligence, cell treatments, ageing problems, (im)mortal generations 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 184 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Victor Bjork INVITED SPEAKER Heales Belgium STARANJE, OZADJE, RAZVOJ IN PRIHODNOST AGING, BACKGROUND, DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE ABSTRACT The past decade has seen an enormous growth in the area of aging research, fields such as se-nolytics, proteomics, cellular reprogramming and aging biomarkers have emerged. However a major issue is to be able to translate the developments in the lab to therapies that treat age related health problems. What are the major roadblocks that we are facing and how do we as quickly as possible get to a point where we will be able to radically extend human lifespan? Keywords: aging, health, senolyics, protometics, aging biomarkers 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 185 Emil Kendziorra INVITED SPEAKER European Biostasis Foundation Berlin PODALJŠANJE ŽIVLJENJA, TRENUTNA MEDICINSKA TEHNOLOGIJA IN BOLNIK LIFE EXTENSION, CURRENT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY AND PATIENT ABSTRACT Medical Biostasis employs ultra low temperatures and specialized cryoprotective solutions to preserve a human in cases where current medical technology can not save the patient - for example terminal cancer or end stage heart disease - in a state in which future medical technology might be able to revive the patient. It‘s important to note that this is an experimental procedure, meaning that while human cryopreservations are possible, no patient has been resuscitated from a cryopreserved state as of now. It is generally understood that for resuscitation significantly more research and advanced technology is required. Nevertheless, Biostasis is a tangible possibility for people interested in longevity and life extension until other methods become available. This talk will serve as an introduction to the topic covering various aspects such as technology, research, ethical consideration, and the general logic of Biostasis Keywords: biostasis, cryopreservation, longevity, life extension 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 186 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Adam Buben INVITED SPEAKER Leiden University UNAMUNO ON MAKING ONESELF INDISPENSABLE AND HAVING THE STRENGTH TO LONG FOR IMMORTALITY ABSTRACT Unamuno believes that longing for immortality is what motivates nearly all of human behavior. Unfortunately, in a world in which many people despair of ever achieving true personal immortality, we increasingly turn to what he calls mere “shadows of immortality” for comforting ideas about how our names, energy, or basic material substance will carry on in our absence. Unamuno advocates fighting against such despair, staying out of the shadows, and longing for personal immortality even when it seems impossible. Unamuno’s approach to this issue resembles, in a few significant ways, Kierkegaard’s struggle for the cultivation of subjective selfhood. At the same time, it also runs afoul of Nietzsche’s derisive claims about immortality-seekers. Whereas Nietzsche sees longing for immortality as a sign of being too weak to make the most of mortal life, the more Kierkegaardian Unamuno counters that it is a sign of strong appreciation for life to demand, without surrender, that there be more of it. Given the proper understanding of Nietzsche’s claims about the eternal recurrence, I think he and Unamuno might not be quite as far apart as it initially seems. However, exploring the latter’s critique of the former suggests an intriguing way of seeing the contemporary analytic debate about the desirability of immortality. Building on Unamuno’s position, one could argue that pessimism about the value of immortality is actually indicative of a flawed character and an impoverished relationship with life. Keywords: Kierkegaard, meaning, Nietzsche, self, Williams 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 187 Ilia Stambler INVITED SPEAKER International Longevity Alliance Israel BOLEZNI, POVEZANE S STARANJEM, IN RAZISKAVE ZA SPODBUJANJE ZDRAVE DOLGOŽIVOSTI AGING-RELATED DISEASES AND RESEARCH FOR HEALTHY LONGEVITY PROMOTION ABSTRACT The research and development for the prevention of aging-related diseases and for healthy longevity promotion can significantly improve public health and solve urgent challenges of the aging population. Public support is a necessary condition for the successful adoption and implementation of the healthy longevity research and development. Major rationales for the need to publicly support healthy longevity research, as well as several successful public initiatives and future directions to support such research, will be surveyed. Keywords: ageing, research, longlivity, promotion, development. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 188 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Aubrey De Grey INVITED SPEAKER SENS Research Foundation REJUVENATION BIOTECHNOLOGY: WHY AGE MAY SOON CEASE TO MEAN AGING ABSTRACT People are living longer - no longer because of reduced child mortality, but because we are postponing the ill-health of old age. But we’ve seen nothing yet: regenerative medicine and other new medicines will eventually be so comprehensive that people will stay truly youthful however long they live, which means they may mostly live very long indeed. I will discuss both the biology and the sociology of what will be the most momentous advance in the history of civilisation. In particular, I will outline the accelerating progress that has occurred over the past few years as the science of rejuvenation has caught the attention of investors, leading to an exponential explosion in the umber of startup companies developing such technologies. Keywords: aging, rejuvenation, longevity 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 189 Martin Lipovšek Filozofska Fakulteta UL KLJUČNA FILOZOFSKA VPRAŠANJA PRI PODROČJU PODALJŠEVANJA ŽIVLJENJA KEY PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTIONS ON THE FIELD OF LIFE EXTENSION POVZETEK Uvod: V pričujočem preglednem članku avtor sprva predstavi in poda definiciji podaljševanja življenja in sorodnega pojma dolgoživostnih tehnologij. Pri tem posebej opozarja na pogosto napako v razumevanju pojma podaljševanja življenja. Pojem namreč govori o cilju, da se dosega življenje, ki obenem v dolžini presega biološke meje, po drugi strani pa to življenje skoraj do konca ostaja zdravo in mladostno vitalno. Avtor nato predstavil cel spekter temeljnih vprašanj, ki jih podaljševanje življenja odpre, in razlaga, kako so se s temi vprašanji spopadali različni filozofi. Metoda: Metoda, ki jo avtor v članku uporablja, je analitična, saj zbere celo vrsto filozofskih vpra- šanj in možnih odzivov nanje na sistematičen in pregleden način. Rezultati: Članek je prvi v Sloveniji, ki sistematično prikazuje paleto vprašanj, ki jih obravnavana tema odpira. S tem da citira obsežno zbirko literature, je nepogrešljiv za vse, ki se odpravljajo na pot raziskovanja tega področja. Med drugim avtor obravnava vprašanja iz filozofskih področij etike (na primer problem prenaseljenosti Zemlje in vprašanje kaj je izpolnjeno življenje), politične filozofije (problem pravične razdelitve podaljševanja življenja), filozofije duha (vprašanje obstoja osebne identitete v scenarijih izredno dolgega življenja), eksistencializma (vprašanja smisla še daljšega življenja) in nekaterih drugih pomembnih področij. Razprava: Zbrana vprašanja in literatura dokazujejo, da podaljševanje življenja odpira mnoge stare kot tudi nove filozofske razprave. Avtor trdi, da lahko podaljševanje življenja ravno zaradi eksistencialne bližine (vse namreč skrbi za lastno življenje) ljudi močno nagovori in s tem aktu-alizira predstavljena vprašanja, ki so v tem primeru posameznikom nekaj, kar jih osebno in ne le oddaljeno zadeva. Ključne besede: podaljševanje življenja, filozofija, ključna vprašanja, etika, eksistencialnem ABSTRACT Introduction: In the present review article, the author first presents and gives definitions of life extension and a related concept of longevity technologies. In doing so, he draws particular attention to a common mistake in understanding the concept. Namely, it speaks of the goal of achieving a life that at the same time exceeds the biological limits, but on the other hand, this life remains healthy and youthful almost to the end. The author then presents the full range of fundamental questions that life extension raises and explains how different philosophers have dealt with these issues. Method: The method used by the author in the article is analytical, as it collects a whole range of philosophical questions and possible responses to them in a systematic and transparent way. Results: The article is the first in Slovenia to systematically present the range of issues raised by this topic. By quoting an extensive collection of literature, it is indispensable for anyone embarking on a journey of research in this field. Among other things, the author deals with issues from the philosophical fields of ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, existentialism and some other important areas. Discussion: The collected questions and literature prove that life extension opens many old as well as new philosophical debates. The author claims that prolonging life can strongly address people precisely because of existential proximity and thus actualizes the presented issues, which in this case are something that concerns individuals personally and not just remotely. Keywords: life extension, philosophy, key questions, ethics, existentialism 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 190 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Alenka Križnik Slovensko društvo Hospic Slovenia POGOJI ZA RAZVOJ SOCIALNEGA MODELA HIŠE HOSPICA V REPUBLIKI SLOVENIJI CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIAL MODEL OF THE HOSPICE HOUSE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA POVZETEK V obdobju krize razvoja držav blaginje in neodvisno od aktualne epidemije, se je neprofitno-vo-lonterski model hiše Hospica znašel v središču pozornosti že pred časom. Mnogi so v njem videli akterja, ki bi poleg države skrbel za blaginjo državljanov, ki umirajo, a zanje svojci ne morejo več ustrezno poskrbeti. Tudi zato, ker so sami potrebni strokovnega svetovanja in pomoči. Njegova posebnost je, da delujejo v skupno dobro, njihov cilj pa izpolnjevanje poslanstva, a ne generi-ranje dobička – ekonomski rezultati zanje pomenijo le omejitev za njihovo dolgoročno uspešno delovanje. V prispevku želimo predstaviti možnosti razvoja socialnega modela hospic oskrbe s pregledom primerljivih ureditev v Evropi in svetu. Uporabljena bosta deskriptivno-analitična metoda pregleda umeščenosti hospic oskrbe v realno življenje umirajočih in njihovih svojcev in pravne ureditve Republike Slovenije in metoda komparacije za prikaz stanja v tujini. Sistemati- čen pregled poslanstva hiše Hospic je opozoril na neurejeno tako normativno kot tudi družbe-no-ekonomsko ureditev v Republiki Sloveniji. Avtorica izpostavlja potrebo po razvoj sodobnega socialnega modela, ki bo, tako kot kaže analiza v nekaterih državah, optimalno poskrbel s čuječ- nostjo razuma in srca za optimalno oskrbo pred in po terminalni fazi hudo bolnega posameznika v luči človekove celovitosti, njegovega telesnega, čustvenega, družbenega ter duhovnega sveta. Ključne besede: Hiša hospica, holističen pristop, pravna podlaga, socialni model ABSTRACT In a period of crisis in countries of prosperity and independent of the current epidemic, the non- -profit-voluntary model of Hospice House has found itself in the spotlight a long time ago. Many saw it as an actor who, in addition to the State, would take care of the well-being of citizens who are dying but can no longer be properly cared for by their relatives. Also because they themselves need professional advice and assistance. Its peculiarity is that they work for the common good and their goal is to fulfil the mission, but not to generate profits–economic results for them are only a constraint for their long-term success. In our paper, we want to present the possibilities of developing a social model of Hospice House and hospic care by reviewing comparable arrangements in Europe and the world. A descriptive-analytical method will be used to review the placement of hospice care in the real life of the dying and their families and the legal regime of the Republic of Slovenia and the method of comparation to show the situation abroad. A systematic review of the Hospice‘s mission pointed to the disorder of both normative and socio-economic arrangements in the Republic of Slovenia.The author points out the need to develop a modern social model of Hospic House which will provide optimal care with the mind and heart to optimal care before and after the terminal phase of a seriously ill individual in the light of human integrity, his physical, emotional and world. Keywords: Hospice House, holistic approach, legal basis, social model 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 191 Monika Brglez AMEU – ECM Tamara Poklar Vatovec Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za vede o zdravju Nadja Plazar AMEU – ECM URAVNOTEŽENA PREHRANA IN IMUNSKA ODPORNOST V STAREJŠEM ŽIVLJENJSKEM OBDOBJU BALANCED DIET AND IMMUNE RESISTANCE IN THE ELDERLY LIVING PERIOD POVZETEK Uvod: Zdrava in uravnotežena prehrana predstavlja pomemben dejavnik dobrega zdravstvenega stanja v vseh obdobjih življenja. Prehranski vnos, prehranske navade in prehranski status so povezani tako z nastankom kroničnih nenalezljivih obolenj kot tudi z imunsko odpornostjo organizma. Namen prispevka je pregledati in primerjati obstoječe raziskave s področja pomena in vpliva ustrezne prehrane na imunsko odpornost starejših. Metode: V prispevku podajamo sistematični pregled in komparacijo znanstvene in strokovne literature v bazah podatkov EBSCOhost, PubMed, Web of Science ter vzajemni bibliografsko kataloški bazi podatkov (COBIB.SI). Prispevke smo iskali s pomočjo ključnih besed: starostniki, aktivno staranje, prehranske potrebe, zdrava prehrana starejših, imunska odpornost, kakovost življenja. Pregled bomo prikazali v ustrezni preglednici. Ugotovitve: Ugotovitve kažejo na pomen ustreznega prehranskega vnosa in prehranskega statusa na imunsko odpornost pri starejših in posledično na višjo kakovost življenja v starejšem življenjskem obdobju. Razprava in zaključek: Lahko trdimo, da starejši ljudje z ustreznim načinom prehranjevanja in za-dostnim vnosom makro- in mikro-hranil vplivajo na imunsko odpornost organizma ter odsotnost oziroma omilitev bolezni in s tem vplivajo na kakovost življenja tudi v poznem življenjskem obdobju. Ključne besede: starostnik, prehranske potrebe, uravnotežena prehrana, imunska odpornost ABSTRACT Introduction: A healthy and balanced diet is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle for all age groups. Dietary intake, nutrition habits and nutritional status are associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases as well as the body‘s immune resistance. The purpose of the paper is to review and compare existing research on the importance and impact of proper nutrition on the immune resistance of the elderly. Methods: The article presents an systematic overview and comparison of scientific and professional literature using the EBSCOhost, PubMed, Web of Science and COBISS databases. We searched the articles with the following keywords: elderly, active ageing, nutritional needs, healthy nutrition of the elderly, immune resistance. The overview will be shown in the corresponding table. Findings: The findings show the importance of adequate dietary intake and nutritional status to immune resistance in the elderly and consequently to a higher quality of life in the elderly. Discussion and conclusion: Older people with an appropriate diet and sufficient intake of macro- and micro-nutrients affect the body‘s immune resistance and the absence or alleviation of disease and thus affect the quality of life in late life. Keywords: elderly, nutritional needs, healthy nutrition, immune resistance 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 192 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nataša Drobež, Nikolaj Lipič AMEU – ECM STIGMATIZACIJA OSEB Z DEMENCO: IZZIV ZA SOCIALNO GERONTOLOGIJO STIGMATIZATION OF PERSONS WITH DEMENTIA: A CHALLENGE FOR SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY POVZETEK Uvod: V starosti smo izpostavljeni različnim boleznim in težavam. Demenca je bolezen, ki je pogosta v starostnem obdobju po 65. letu starosti in z napredovajem bolezni pogosto zahteva odvisnost od svojcev. Pri tem je potrebno poudariti, da je že sicer v današnji družbi starost pogosto stigmatizirana kot sinonim za obdobje s slabim zdravjem in ostarelim videzom. V diplomskem delu smo želeli raziskati pogled in osebno mišljenje različnih starostnih skupin o demenci in ugotoviti, kako močno se pri njih izražajo razlike glede stigmatizacije oseb z demenco Metodologija: V raziskavo smo vključili tri starostne skupine in preučevali njihovo osebno stali- šče do stigmatizacije oseb pri demenci. V raziskavo smo vključili 150 oseb, po 50 iz vsake od treh generacij. Vzorčenje je bilo najprej stratificirano in nato še priložnostno oz. praktično. Rezultati: Ugotavljamo, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med starostnimi skupinami oz. generacijami v stigmatizaciji oseb z demenco, da ni statistično značilnih razlik med spoloma v stigmatizaciji oseb z demenco, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike med izobrazbenimi skupinami v stigmatizaciji oseb z demenco in da ni statistično značilnih razlik glede na kraj bivanja v stigmatizaciji oseb z demenco. Ključne besede: demenca, stigma, medgeneracijske razlike ABSTRACT Introduction: With old age we are exposed to various diseases and problems. Dementia is a disease that is very common after age of 65 and often requires dependence of relatives as the disease progresses. Dementia due to diseases changes marks the individual. This often occurs in dementia, as their social image is often stigmatized. It should be emphasized that in today’s society, age is often stigmatized as a synonym for a period of poor health and aging appearance. Methodology: In this thesis we wanted to explore the view and personal thinking of different age groups on dementia, and how strongly they express differences in stigmatization of people with dementia. We included three groups of people in the study and examined their personal attitude toward stigmatizing people with dementia. We included 150 people in the study, 50 from each of three generations. Sampling was first stratified and then occasional or practical. Results: We find that there are statistically significant differences between age groups in stigmatization of people with dementia, that there are no statistically significant differences between the sexes in stigmatization of people with dementia, that there are statistically significant differences between educational groups in stigmatization of people with dementia, that there are no statistically significant differences according to place of residence in stigmatization of people with dementia. Keywords: dementia, stigma, intergenerational differences 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 193 Marko Kac AMEU – ECM CENTER SREBRNE PAMETNE EVOLUCIJE KOT ODGOVOR NA IZZIVE AGEIZMA IN SREBRNE EKONOMIJE V EVROPSKI UNIJI IN SLOVENIJI SILVER SMART EVOLUTION CENTRE AS RESPONSE TO THE CHALLENGES OF AGEISM AND SILVER ECONOMY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND SLOVENIA POVZETEK Staranje prebivalstva kot eden ključnih ekonomsko-socialnih izzivov za prihodnost Evropske unije zahteva temeljit premislek, poglobljeni vpogled v medgeneracijski dogovor in odločno ukrepanje pri sprejemanju in udejanjanju razvojnih politik. V članku se osredotočamo na evropske in slovenske demografske izzive ter problem zapostavljanja starejših ob upokojitvi. Opredeljene izzive obravnavamo skozi pregled strokovnih virov in politik srebrne ekonomije, pametne specializacije in dolgožive družbe. Iskanje in razvrščanje virov smo izvedli po protokolu PRISMA-P, opravili primerjalno analizo ter skozi lastna dognanja ponudili rešitev za opredeljene probleme. Za premostitev izzivov ageizma in dolgotrajne oskrbe so potrebna dodatna vlaganja v tehnolo- ške inovacije in človeške vire, kar prinaša izboljšanje proizvodnih procesov in upravljanja z resursi, večjo konkurenčnost in trajno rast BDP. V povezavi s pametno specializacijo prinašajo demografske spremembe tudi velike priložnosti. Srebrna ekonomija je, kot odgovor na izpostavljene probleme, pritegnila pozornost snovalcev politik in gospodarskih subjektov, saj ob staranju prebivalstva prinaša večjo gospodarsko rast in nova delovna mesta. Do leta 2025 bi naj doprinesla 5,7 trilijona evrov v evropsko ekonomijo. Srebrna ekonomija poudarja pomen aktivnega staranja in dobrega zdravja, ki prinaša starejšim vitalnost in jim omogoča potovanja, dolgoletno delo, pridobivanje novih znanj in ohranjanje neodvisnosti bivanja v domačem okolju. Odgovore na izpostavljene izzive iščemo s projektnim modelom Centra srebrne pametne evolucije, ki predstavlja potencialno rešitev za problem stigmatizacije starostnikov. S tem želimo prispevati k spreminjanju percepcije o njihovi koristnosti po upokojitvi, predvsem ob vključitvi v procese razvoja in inovativnosti na podeželju. Ključne besede: srebrna ekonomija, ageizem, pametna specializacija, dolgoživa družba 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 194 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Population ageing, as one of the key socio-economic challenges for the future of EU, requires thorough reflection, in-depth insight of intergenerational agreement and decisive action in adopting and implementing development policies. Article focuses on European and Slovenian demographic challenges and neglecting of elderly upon retirement. We address identified challenges through a review of professional sources and policies of silver economy, smart specialization and long-lived society. We‘ve researched and classified the sources according to PRISMA-P protocol, performed a comparative analysis and offered solutions to identified problems through own findings. Overcoming challenges of ageism and long-term care requires additional investment in technological innovation and human resources, leading to improved production processes, resource management, competitiveness and sustainable GDP growth. In conjunction with smart specialization, demographic changes also bring great opportunities. Therefor silver economy has attracted attention of policy makers and economic stakeholders, as it, beside ageing, brings greater economic growth and new jobs. By 2025, it‘s expected to contribute 5.7 trillion euros to European economy. Silver Economy emphasizes the importance of active aging and good health, which brings vitality to the elderly and enables them travelling, long-term work, acquiring new knowledge and maintain their independence of living in home environment. We‘re looking for answers to exposed challenges with the project model of Silver Smart Evolution Centre, representing a potential solution to the problem of stigmatization of elderly. Thereby we want to contribute to changing the perception of their usefulness after retirement, especially when involved in development and innovation processes of rural areas. Keywords: silver economy, ageism, smart specialisation, long-lived society 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 195 Lenka Puh Zavod Jazon Barbara Grintal AMEU – ECM MODEL SKUPNOSTNIH STORITEV ZA VKLJUČUJOČO DRUŽBO MODEL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE FOR INCLUSIVE SOCIETY POVZETEK Uvod: V današnji dolgoživi družbi identificiramo potrebo po vzpostavitvi modela skupnostnih storitev z učinkom družbene vključenosti vsakega posameznika. Vključujoča družba temelji na ustvarjanju sobivanja v skupnosti in ravnovesju v medgeneracijskem sobivanju, ki izhajajo iz posameznikovih psiholoških potreb. Ustvarjanje družbe po meri človeka je koncept, ki preko kro- žnega gospodarstva zagotavlja družbeni in gospodarski razvoj. Etri načela, ki so ekologija, ergonomija in etična ekonomija, tvorijo vrednostni sistem in način delovanja, ki vodi do vključevanja socialno izključenih ljudi in s tem do družbenih koristi. Metode: Raziskava temelji na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. Z metodo anketiranja smo proučili posameznikove psihološke potrebe, ki so osnova za oblikovanje skupnostnih storitev. V neslučajnostni vzorec smo vključili 1208 anketirancev iz vseh treh generacij. Hipoteze smo preizkusili s t-testom in korelacijsko analizo. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo pomembne razlike glede osnovnih psiholoških potreb tako med generacijami kot glede na urbano in ruralno okolje. Ljudje v ruralnem okolju zaznavajo večjo skrb s strani skupnosti, kot ljudje v urbanem okolju. Sklepi: Za uresničitev skupnostnih storitev je pomembno medsektorsko in partnersko povezovanje med različnimi deležniki, katerega glavni cilj je ustvariti vključujočo družbo oz. družbo po meri človeka. Dolgoživa družba mora pri oblikovanju skupnostnih storitev temeljiti na načelih pravičnosti, dostojanstva, odgovornosti, preglednosti in zanesljivosti ter izhajati iz osnovnih psiholoških potreb vsakega posameznika. Ključne besede: skupnostne storitve, vključujoča družba, dolgoživa družba ABSTRACT Introduction: In today‘s long-lived society, we identify the need to establish a model of community services with the effect of the social inclusion of each individual. An inclusive society is based on creating coexistence in the community and balance in intergenerational coexistence arising from the individual’s psychological needs. Creating a society tailored to man is a concept that ensures social and economic development through the circular economy. The ETRI principles, which are ecology, ergonomics and ethical economics, form a value system that leads to the inclusion of socially excluded people and thus to social benefits. Methods: The research is based on a quantitative research approach. Using the survey method, we studied the individual‘s psychological needs, which are the basis for the design of community services. We included 1208 respondents from all three generations in the non-random sample. Hypotheses were tested by t-test and correlation analysis. Results: The results of the research confirm important differences in terms of basic psychological needs both between generations and in terms of urban and rural environment. People in rural areas perceive greater concern from the community than people in urban areas. Conclusions: For the realization of community services, cross-sectoral and partnership connections between various stakeholders are important, the main goal of which is to create an inclusive society or a society tailored to man. In designing community services, a long-lived society must be based on the principles of fairness, dignity, responsibility, transparency and reliability, and be based on the basic psychological needs of each individual. Keywords: community service, inclusive society, long-lived society DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE AGEING EXPERIENCE INVITED SPEAKERS Arianna Poli (Andreas Motel-Klingebiel), Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Linköping University, Sweden Marcela Petrová Kafková, Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Linköping University, Sweden 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 198 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Arianna Poli, Susanne Kelfve, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel Division Ageing and Social Change (ASC), Linköping University ALI JE RAZNOLIKOST STAROSTI PREMALO ZASTOPANA V RAZISKAVAH O DIGITALNIH ZDRAVSTVENIH TEHNOLOGIJAH? IS OLD-AGE DIVERSITY UNDERREPRESENTED IN RESEARCH ON DIGITAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES? ABSTRACT Introduction: Much research is conducted for evaluating digital-based solutions for healthcare. However, little is known about the extent to which such evaluations succeed in representing the diversity that characterises old age. We present an analysis of participation in two evaluations of digital-based interventions: (a) an exergaming programme for improving physical activity among individuals with heart failure, and (b) a mobile-based monitoring of post-operative progress of individuals who underwent a day surgery. Methods: Participation is conceptualised as resulting from three processes of selection of individuals: pre-screening (i.e. individuals are or are not screened for participation), recruitment (i.e. individuals are in- or excluded due to study criteria), self-selection (i.e. individuals decide to participate or not). Based on field information and survey data, we modelled (1) the (non-)participation and (2) the individual decision to participate (or not) in the two evaluations. Results: Main findings indicated that increasing age enhances the likelihood of not being screened, not recruited or to decline the invitation to participate, and those not recruited were most often ineligible because of technology-related barriers (e.g., no or insufficient mobile phone), time constrains, and health limitations. Decliners and those who decided to participate differ along the lines of age, gender, job, health status, and digital skills. Keywords: exclusion, inequalities, digital technologies, participation in research, ageing 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 199 Marcela Petrová Kafková, Tomáš Dosedel, Lucie Vidovićová Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno UPORABA IKT V ČASIH COVID-19 IN POSEBNOSTI BIOMETRIJE PO STAROSTI IN SPOLU ICT USAGE IN COVID-19 TIMES & SPECIFICS OF THE BIOMETRICS BY AGE AND GENDER LENSES ABSTRACT Introduction: Biometrics is an increasingly evolving method of identifying and verifying individuals. Still, it carries a considerable risk of abuse, partially because of the relatively limited knowledge of its mere existence and functionalities among lay social actors. Despite the increasingly massive use in various fields of our daily lives (e.g. unlocking the phone with a fingerprint), we know very little about the ways and motives of use. The current COVID-19 related situation has significantly increased ICT use, as many activities are happening online, from communication, education or goods and services purchase. The crucial question is to what extent older adults use these technologies, what role ICT knowledge plays in their identity-building and quality of life. Methods: The data set includes 2341 respondents, aged 18+, the age group 70+ representing 13% of the sample, collected between April and November 2020 in the Czech Republic. Results: We present preliminary results on the ICT usage, knowledge and attitudes towards biometrics to describe the age and gender differences. The data prove increased frequency of Internet use, but still almost 50 % of people 70+ have no Internet connection. The considerable drop in the frequency of Internet use starts as early as in the cohorts aged 50-59 years. Still one third of the older adults 70+ group owns a smart phone and one fifth uses advanced methods of identification when using the phone. There are much smaller differences in “expert” (more-than- -just-user) knowledge of biometrics, esp. in men. Keywords: ICT, older adults, biometrics, attitudes, usage 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 200 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jože Ramovš Inštitut Antona Trstenjka za gerontologijo in medgenercijsko sožitje INTEGRIRANA DOLGOTRAJNA OSKRBA - SLOVENSKA MORA IN MOŽNOST INTEGRATED LONG-TERM CARE SYSTEM - PROBLEM AND OPPORTUNITY FOR SLOVENIA POVZETEK Pri reševanju nalog ob staranju prebivalstva je prva od štirih javnih nalog vzpostaviti nacionalni sistem humane, finančno in kadrovsko vzdržne dolgotrajne oskrbe; druga naloga je zdravo staranje, tretja gospodarska učinkovitost ob staranju zaposlenih in četrta vzgoja vsega prebivalstva za novo solidarnost med generacijami. Tem zahtevam danes odgovarja oskrbovalni sistem, ki sinergično integrira: zdravstveno nego s psihosocialno oskrbo, formalno oskrbo z neformalno, naloge države z lokalnimi kompetencami, različne oskrbovalne programe, vse človekove razse- žnosti ter oskrbovalno storitev s človeškim odnosom. Tragično dejstvo, da Slovenija zaostaja pri vzpostavljanju tega sistema za Evropo, nam daje možnost, da ga oblikujemo na dobrih izkušnjah drugih evropskih držav. Ključne besede: dolgotrajna oskrba, Slovenija ABSTRACT First of the four main societal tasks in time of population ageing is construction of national humane, financially and in terms of human resources sustainable long-term care systems; the second task is healthy ageing; third, economic efficiency amid ageing workforce and fourth, education of all for new solidarity among generations. To answer all this needs modern long-term care system has to be synergistic integration between health care and psycho-social care, between formal and informal care, between the national and local community tasks, between wide spectrum of existing care provision programs, all human dimensions, relations and services. Slovenia is legging behind the Europe in development of such a system. At the same time that allows us to build up a long-term care system based on good practices of other European countries. Keywords: long-term care, Slovenia 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 201 Loredana Ivan National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest Stephen Cutler Department of Sociology, University of Vermont United States OLDER PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY USE: THE ROLE OF INTERNALIZED STEREOTYPES ABSTRACT Ageist views have typically held that older persons are poor, frail, and resistant to change. One facet of this ageist portrait of the older population has to do with their lower willingness and capability to learn and with their decreased openness to change (Cutler, 2005). Many of these ageist views are held by young people, resulting in a bias about the development and designs of different technologies. However, these same views are sometimes shared by older people themselves, resulting in a reluctance to adopt different technologies and the underestimation of their own performance or technology skills (Beckers et al., 2006). In the current work, we analyze the reciprocal relationship between ageist stereotypes and technology, focusing on the implications of negative stereotypes of older people. On the one hand, we emphasize the self-fulfilling prophecy: that technology, designed mostly by young people with the youth market in mind, creates prototypes that are more difficult for older people to use and algorithms that often fail to predict habits, interests, and values of older people (see, e.g., Rosales & Fernández-Ardèvol, 2019); on the other hand, we examine the role of stereotype threat impacting older people’s performance and technology adoption: e.g., situation-specific anxiety when older people face younger adults who present greater digital skills (Ivan & Schiau, 2016). Keywords: Ageism and Technology; Internalized Stereotypes; Stereotype Threat 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 202 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Marek Hasa Charles University RESEARCHING THE IMPACT OF PLAYFUL DIGITAL INTERACTIONS ON THE LIVES AND IDENTITIES OF LONELY SENIORS: METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES ABSTRACT The current pandemic only highlights the ever-increasing public health threat of loneliness which is especially dangerous among the often socially isolated population of the elderly. Various types of digital interactions or virtual experiences may prove to be effective technologies for implementing cost-effective solutions without further contributing to the alarming lack of human resources in social care. However, even though the use of new technologies such as AR/ VR, social robots, smartphone applications, or voice assistants in the remote social care context has been largely researched, there is a clear lack of more in-depth evidence on the impact such digital interventions may have on the identities and everyday lives of the seniors. Therefore, this research project aims to understand the lived experiences of the elderly through data collection and analysis methods of digital phenomenology. In May 2021, 15 elderly people will be enabled and motivated to regularly interact with 15 volunteers via various platforms including voice messages, video calls, and simple social games. In his proposed contribution to the conference, the author strives to present and unravel numerous methodological challenges he had to address when preparing for field research in the extraordinarily intimate context of lonely senior’s homes. Keywords: social isolation, loneliness, new media, digital communication, phenomenology 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 203 Vera Suchomelova Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia OPTIMALLY USING VR AS A WAY OF KEEPING SENIORS IN RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES ACTIVE ABSTRACT The paper discusses the optimal way of using Virtual Reality in senior facility program of activities. Unlike other technologies, virtual reality (VR) can provide the user with an almost perfect feeling of physical being in an imaginary world or a place representing reality, and the user can actively influence the storyline. Those aspects predetermine using VR as a tool to keep seniors active. There are four parts necessary for meaningfully using VR in keeping seniors active: a proper interactive scenario, a suitable spatial background in the facility and trained activity coordinators in the field of VR and the connection of the “virtual” and “real“ world of the person. The content and storyline of the virtual experience, as the degree of interactivity and the motion control in VR, have to involve two factors. First, respect for sensory, cognitive, or motoric limitations of the elderly users. Second, support meeting key psycho-spiritual needs of the elderly, such as the need for self-awareness, the need for meaning and continuity in life, or the need for beauty. The activity coordinator should be primarily a safe guide in VR, motivating the elderly to enjoy the variable benefits of VR. The coordinator has to know how to assess the suitability of using VR, to know the possible risks of VR and how to deal with them, and how to maintain VR headset hygiene, especially in a time of increased incidence of respiratory diseases. Keywords: Virtual reality, seniors, activity, activity coordinator, senior facility 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 204 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sabrina Simonovich AMEU – ECM IZVAJANJE VADB NA DALJAVO PREKO DIGITALNIH KOMUNIKACIJSKIH KANALOV PRI STAREJŠI POPULACIJI PERFORMING EXERCISES AT A DISTANCE VIA DIGITAL COMMUNICATION CHANNELS IN THE ELDERLY POPULATION POVZETEK Uvod: Ob nastopu pandemije zaradi pojava virusa Covid-19 je nastal popolni komunikacijski zastoj. Izvajanje storitev na področju vadb je bilo prepovedano. Med obravnavano populacijo, starejšo populacijo, se precejšen del le-te sooča ne le s preventivno vadbo za zdravje in dobro počutje, a predvsem z rehabilitacijo in terapevtsko vadbo zaradi poškodb ali degeneracijskih po-javov. Za te osebe bi lahko pomenila prekinitev vadbe pojav bolečin, težave v funkcionalnosti telesa in omejeno gibanje določenih delov telesa, posledično potreba po pomoči. Za njih je bilo nadaljevanje vadb torej ključnega pomena za ohranjanje samostojnosti. Metode: V ta namen je bil izveden eksperiment s katerim sem svoje že obstoječe in na novo pridobljene stranke pospremila skozi proces vzpostavljanja in obvladovanja sodobnih komunikacijskih kanalov. Z vsako stranko sem opravila fokusiran intervju in naredila analizo trenutnega stanja znanja uporabe digitalnih komunikacijskih kanalov, skozi opazovanje z udeležbo spremljala in ugotovila težave, ki so se pojavile in katere bi lahko bile izboljšane. Rezultati: Skozi proces eksperimenta so bili preizkušeni nekateri različni komunikacijski kanali in ugotovljene njihove prednosti in slabosti. Poudarek je bil vedno na doživljanju s strani starejše osebe in ugotavljanju najbolj prijazne poti zanjo ter ugotavljanju potrebe po razvoju novih komunikacijskih poti prilagojene starejši populaciji. Razprava: Eksperimentalna metoda je bila uspešna in je omogočila ne le vpogled v področje za nadaljnje raziskovanje (komunikacijski kanali in platforme po meri starejše populacije), a je tudi omogočilo redno vadbo kljub prepovedi osebnih stikov vključiti v rutino sodelujočih starejših in s tem poskrbeti za funkcionalnost in zdravje njihovih teles. Ključne besede: Digitalni komunikacijski kanali, starejša populacija, online vadbe. ABSTRACT Introduction: At the onset of the pandemic due to the Covid-19 virus, a communication stalemate ensued. The exercise services were prohibited. Among the studied elderly population, a significant part of it faces not only preventive exercise for health and well-being, but rehabilitation and therapeutic exercise due to injuries or degenerative phenomena. Stopping exercise could mean for them the onset of pain, problems with body function and limited movement of certain parts of the body, resulting in the need for help. Continuing to exercise was crucial to maintaining their independence. Methods: For this purpose, an experiment was carried out with which I accompanied my existing and newly acquired clients through the process of establishing and managing modern communication channels. I conducted a focused interview with each client and made an analysis of the current state of knowledge of the use of digital communication channels, through observation with participation, monitored and identified problems that have arisen and which could be improved. Results: Throughout the experiment, some different communication channels were tested and their advantages and disadvantages identified. The emphasis has always been on the experience of the elderly and identifying the most friendly path for them and the need to develop new communication channels adapted to them. Conclusion: The experimental method was successful and provided not only insight into the field for further research, but also enabled regular exercise despite the ban on personal contact to include in the routine of participating seniors and thus ensure functionality and health of their bodies. Keywords: digital communication channels, elderly population, online exercises. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 205 Mitja Slapar, Helena Kristina Halbwachs, Marija Ovsenik, Anton Zupan AMEU – ECM DOSTOPNOST SPLETNIH STRANI ZDRAVSTVENIH INSTITUCIJ V SLOVENIJI ACCESSIBILITY OF SLOVENIAN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS WEBSITES POVZETEK Namen: Dostopnost spletnih strani ni enaka za vse- velika skupina, ki se sooča z ovirami, so starejši. Ovire v dostopu spletnih strani v zdravstvu vodijo v posledice za zdravje ter poglabljajo neenakost. V naši raziskavi smo želeli osvetliti spoznanja o dostopnosti spletnih strani zdravstvenih institucij v Sloveniji ter ugotoviti njihovo skladnost z mednarodnimi standardi. Metode: Opravili smo sistematični pregled literature ter kvantitativno analizo spletnih strani šti-riindvajsetih zdravstvenih institucij. Kvantitativne podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo deskriptivne statistike, Cochran Q testa, hierarhične razvrstitve s pomočjo hi-kvadrata, Wardove metode, ANOVA ter post hoc Tukey testa. Rezultati: Podatkov o dostopnosti spletnih strani zdravstvenih institucij je do sedaj zelo malo. Ugotovili smo, da spletne strani dveh tretjin slovenskih zdravstvenih institucij niso izpolnjevale niti polovico kriterijev osnovnega nivoja dostopnosti. Med tipi zdravstvenih institucij nismo ugotovili signifikantnih razlik. Diskusija: Standardi dostopnosti spletnih strani so jasni, na voljo ter opredeljeni z zakonodajo. Dejstvo, da večina spletnih strani zdravstvenega sistema v Sloveniji v času pregleda ni dosegala niti minimalnega nivoja dostopnosti, je zaskrbljujoče in kaže na pomanjkljivo zavedanje o pomenu digitalne ločnice. Zdravstvene institucije bi morale obravnavati dostopnost spletnih strani kot prioriteto, saj neenak dostop vodi v v mnogo resnih posledic za posameznika ter celotno družbo. Ključne besede: dostopnost spletnih strani, zdravstvene institucije, ranljive skupine, starejši ABSTRACT Purpose: Website accessibility is not equal for all- large group encountering barriers is the elderly population. Barriers to the access of online data in healthcare lead to health consequences and inequality. The purpose of our research was to overview the current findings on the healthcare institutions‘ accessibility and determine the extent to which they comply with the accessibility standards. Methods: A systematic review of the literature and quantitative analysis of 24 healthcare institution websites was performed. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive methods, Cochran Q test, hierarchical clustering with chi-square distance, Ward method, ANOVA, and post hoc Tukey test. Results: There is a lack of research on the accessibility of websites of healthcare institutions in Slovenia. Two-thirds of institutions in the healthcare system had websites, which didn´t meet even half of the basic level criteria. There were no significant differences between different types of institutions. Conclusion: Website accessibility standards are clear, available, and harmonized with legislation. The lack of compliance by the healthcare institutions in Slovenia is troublesome and possibly connected with low awareness of the digital divide consequences. Website accessibility should be considered a priority due to its important effects on the individual and society. Keywords: healthcare institutions, website accessibility, disadvantaged groups, elderly 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 206 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Renata Možanić Ustanova za zdravstvenu njegu Lekić Zlatko Bukvić Centar Tomislav Spoljar for upbringing and education UPOTREBA ICT U ZDRAVSTVENOJ NJEZI U KUĆI IZ PERSPEKTIVE STARIJIH PACIJENATA I MEDICINSKIH SESTARA ICT USE IN HOME HEALTHCARE FROM ELDERLY PATIENTS AND NURSES PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT In the dynamic world of advances in technology, medicine, nursing, and other sciences, an important aspect is secure retrieval and transmission of information. ICT affects health care because of the transmission and the provision of health care at a distance. The ways of information transmission, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, service provision depend on the personal characteristics of nurses and users. This paper investigates the experience and use of ICT in the daily life of home health care users and the professional work of nurses, which stems from research that indicates a lack of ICT use in communication with patients and professional development. Furthermore, the potential for active aging involves the use of ICT and the preservation of mental health, but the old ones consider technology learning to be the least important. For the purposes of the research, a questionnaire of ICT use with open-ended questions was applied. The sample consists of home care nurses and their users. The obtained data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, and where possible presented in absolute and relative frequencies. Nurses use ICT more in personal development and communication with each other, and less for monitoring and supervising the health status of users. Compared to the respondents from the group of users, they use ICT mostly for entertainment and leisure (TV) and communication (telephone) with close people. Nurses list several advantages of ICT in everyday life, professional development, and application in user‘s home health care settings. Keywords: ICT, home health care, elderly, nurses 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 207 Ana Marija Hošnjak Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb Croatia Ana Pavlović KBC Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb Croatia ZNANJA KORISNIKA DOMA ZA STARIJE I NEMOĆNE O KORIŠTENJU „SMART“ TEHNOLOGIJE ZA VRIJEME TRAJANJA COVID-19 KRIZE POVZETEK Uvod: Eksponencijalni porast starijeg stanovništva na globalnoj razini podudara se sa sve brže rastućim izazovima digitalnog društva u različitim socio-kulturalnim kontekstima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati znanja institucionaliziranih osoba treće životne dobi o korištenju tehnologije i digitalnoj pismenosti. Metode: 10 korisnika Doma za starije i nemoćne „Jordanovac“, Zagreb sudjelovao je u polustruk-turiranom intervju 1:1 koji je bilo izveden tijekom siječnja 2021. godine. Ispitanici su odabrani prema sljedećim kriterijima: (1) dob 65 godina ili više; (2) osoba posjeduje vlastiti mobitel i/ili se koristi digitalnom tehnologijom, (3) jasno razumije svrhu i cilj ove studije te želi sudjelovati (4) bez akutnih simptoma bolesti. Svi narativi bili su snimljeni, zatim prepisani u tablice i prošli kroz proces analize sadržaja. Rezultati: Svih 10 sudionika koristi se i posjeduje mobilni uređaj, međutim samo njih 4 koristi tzv. pametne uređaje. Za komunikaciju najviše koriste obični poziv, a od aplikacija, kod svega 3 korisnika, podjednako su zastupljeni viber, whats up i video poziv. Samo jedan korisnik koristi se skypom kako bi komunicirao sa svojom obitelji. Diskusija: Bez obzira na dugotrajnu izolaciju, ispitanici ne vide tehnologiju kao mogućnost za uspostavljanja i održavanja socijalnih kontakata te ne posjeduju dovoljno znanja o korištenju iste. Većina se educirala sama ili od strane obitelji što nam može biti dobar polazišni argument za razvoj strategija u vidu aktiviranja volontera koji bi po završetku Covid krize poučavali starije osobe o mogućnostima korištenja digitalnih sadržaja. Ključne besede: smart tehnologija, COVID-19, starije osobe THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OLDER ADULTS INVITED SPEAKERS Kieran Walsh, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology Institute for Lifecourse and Society, Ireland Voyko Kavcic, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, United States Lubica Volanská, Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia Božena Kotnik Kevorkijan, Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Slovenia 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 210 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Kieran Walsh INVITED SPEAKER Professor of Ageing and Public Policy (Economics) Chair - ROSEnet COST Action CA15122 Director - Irish Centre for Social Gerontology Institute for Lifecourse and Society Ireland MEDSEBOJNO VPLIVANJE POLITIKE IN IZKLJUČEVANJA V POZNEJŠIH LETIH TER OSVETLJENE RESNICE COVID-19 THE INTERPLAY OF POLICY AND EXCLUSION IN LATER LIFE, AND THE ILLUMINATED TRUTHS OF COVID-19 POVZETEK Zaradi dinamične narave javnih političnih okolij in življenja starejših ljudi je treba stalno ocenje-vati njihov vpliv. Pandemija COVID-19 je pomemben svetovni primer potrebe po večstranskem medsebojnem vplivanju politik in izkušenj izključevanja v starejših letih. Očitno je, da bo vpliv te travmatične krize dolgo živel v našem globalnem kolektivnem spominu. Ne glede na znatno tveganje za zdravje starejših posameznikov in neposredne posledice virusa za dobro počutje, se je za pandemijo jasno pojavil mehanizem izključevanja za starejše ljudi, povezan z odzivi politike. Ta članek prikazuje nekatere od teh mehanizmov in vprašanja, v kolikšni meri gre za nove oblike izključevanja starajočega se prebivalstva ali pa so dolgotrajna vprašanja znotraj družbenih okvirov staranja in starejših. Ta kratka analiza odkriva številne resnice, ki jih je razkrila pandemija, kar pomaga osvetliti izzive, s katerimi se soočamo pri zagotavljanju pravičnih starajočih se družb med in po pandemiji COVID-19. Ključne besede: starejši ljudje, javna politika, izključenost, Covid-19, pandemija ABSTRACT The dynamic nature of public policy environments, and older peoples’ lives, demands that the impact of policies are continuously evaluated. The COVID-19 pandemic marks a significant global example of the need to attend to the multi-level interplay between policy and exclusionary experiences in older age. It is apparent that the impact of this traumatic crisis will live long in our global collective memory. Notwithstanding the significant risk to the health of older individuals, and the immediate consequences of the virus for well-being, there has been a clear emergence of exclusionary mechanisms for older people associated with policy responses during the pandemic. This paper charts some of these mechanisms, and questions to what degree these are new forms of exclusion for ageing populations or are long-standing issues within societal framings of ageing and older people. This short analysis draws out a number of truths that the pandemic has exposed which helps to illuminate the challenges we face in ensuring equitable ageing societies during and post the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: older people, public policy, exclusion, Covid-19, pandemic 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 211 Voyko Kavcic INVITED SPEAKER Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, International Institute of Applied Gerontology, Ljubljana Anja Podlesek Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, UČINKI ZGODNJEGA VALA PANDEMIJE COVID-19 NA STAREJŠE V PRIMERJAVI Z MLAJŠIMI ODRASLIMI V SLOVENIJI EFFECTS OF EARLY WAVE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON OLDER AS COMPARED TO YOUNGER ADULTS IN SLOVENIA ABSTRACT It has been a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased fears and worries and created uncertainty worldwide. These abrupt changes had negative effects on mental health, especially in the most vulnerable populations. In an online survey conducted in April 2020, we collected various data on Slovenian adults aged 18 and over: data on generalized anxiety, emotions, perceived stress, purpose in life, changes in fatigue and sleep quality during the epidemic, selected relatively stable personal characteristics and the impact of various difficulties encountered during the epidemic. We will present the results from a sample of 168 older adults (age > 65 years) (68% women) and compare these results with those obtained from younger adults (age < 65 years) sample (n = 733). We found that older as compared to younger adults experienced less home- and work-related issues (with regard to family relationships, intimate partner relationship, and reduced privacy, stressful relations with children, work-related problems, academic problems, economic problems), but more health issues (physical pain, fatigue/sleepiness, worsening illness). In the older age group, higher self-reported generalized anxiety during the first wave of COVID-19 was significantly higher for females than males (p = .001). Generalized anxiety was associated (R2 = .75) with older adults’ more intense emotional response, their higher vulnerability to COVID-19 pandemic, higher evaluations to the COVID-19 restrictions (health- and home-related issues) and their personality characteristics (lower emotional stability, higher extraversion). Keywords: older adults, COVID-19, generalized anxiety, gender 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 212 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV L'ubica Vol'anská INVITED SPEAKER Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia „LET‘S PROTECT OUR GRANDPARENTS, HELP OUR NEIGHBOURS ...“. INTERGENERATIONAL RELATIONS DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC ABSTRACT In the period of social isolation during the COVID 19 pandemic, many people became more aware that some phenomena in our society do not work well enough. Problems that are „silently present“ have become more obvious. In the media and public discourse, the debate on the situation of seniors as one of the most vulnerable groups has often come to the fore, prompting us to reflect on several ethical dilemmas. In this paper I will address the issue of unifying and simplifying the perception of a group of seniors as a single mass: for example, in the field of intergenerational communication using modern technologies in connection with digital inequality, in the field of institutional care for the seniors often based on high-capacity facilities, ageism on various levels, as well as forms of intergenerational assistance within the family and relatives. The paper is based on data obtained from an online questionnaire survey on everyday life during the coronavirus epidemic in Slovakia shortly after the first emergency measures were introduced in March 2020. The aim was to map people‘s attitudes and immediate reflections by answering (especially) open-ended questions without pre-defined limitations. We were interested in what the respondents themselves would highlight in the individual answers, how they would describe their current everyday life, especially in the context of the issues of intergenerational relations, division of labour, communication and cooperation between family members and kinship. We supplemented the pilot survey with data obtained from diary entries from the time of the epidemic. Keywords: intergenerational relationship, paternalisation, family, COVID 19 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 213 Božena Kotnik Kevorkijan INVITED SPEAKER Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor UKREPI ZA PREPREČEVANJE IN OBVLADOVANJE COVID-19 V SLOVENSKIH DSO MEASURES FOR PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF COVID-19 IN SLOVENIAN DSOS POVZETEK Marca 2020 nas je presenetilo širjenje koronavirusa, ki povzroča okužbo covid-19, v vsej Sloveniji. Kmalu se je izkazalo, da so najbolj dovzetni za okužbo starostniki in da je umrljivost med njimi višja kot v drugih starostnih skupinah. Pojavljati so se začeli izbruhi covid-19 v domovih starej- ših občanov (DSO), ki jih na nivoju države nismo uspeli obvladati. Uvedeni so bili številni ukrepi, nabavili smo osebno zaščitno opremo, širjenja pa nismo uspeli zajeziti. Ministrstvo za zdravje je imenovalo koordinacijske skupine za vse slovenske regije in te skupine bi naj pomagale zau-staviti širjenje koronavirusa po DSO. Vzpostavili smo sodelovanje, pomagali s kadri in izobrazili osebje v DSO. Kljub tem ukrepom in premeščanju stanovalcev v zunanje namestitvene kapacitete smo opazovali posledice na stanovalcih, ne samo povečane smrtnosti v DSO. V času drugega vala epidemije covid v jeseni 2020 so bili domovi nekoliko bolj pripravljeni, a se je okužba razširila praktično po vseh DSO, bilo je veliko kadrovskih problemov, v nekaterih DSO so se okužili skoraj vsi stanovalci in velik del osebja. Od decembra 2020 je na voljo cepljenje in stanovalci DSO so bili kot najbolj občutljiva populacija cepljeni prvi. O uspešnosti cepljenja starostnikov in odpornosti na nove seve covid-19 okužb zaenkrat še ne moremo soditi. Ključne besede: starostniki, Covid-19, DSO, smrtnost, cepljenje ABSTRACT In March 2020, we were surprised by the spread of coronavirus, which causes covid-19 infection, throughout Slovenia. It soon became apparent that the elderly were most susceptible to infection and that mortality among them was higher than in other age groups. Outbreaks of covid-19 began to occur in nursing homes (DSOs), which we were unable to control at the state level. A number of measures have been introduced, we have procured personal protective equipment and we have not been able to contain the spread. The Ministry of Health has appointed coordination groups for all Slovenian regions and these groups are supposed to help stop the spread of coronavirus through the DSO. We established cooperation, helped with staff and trained staff in the DSO. Despite these measures and the relocation of residents to outdoor accommodation facilities, we observed consequences for residents, not just increased mortality in the DSO. During the second wave of the covid epidemic in the fall of 2020, homes were slightly more prepared, but the infection spread to virtually all DSOs, there were many staffing problems, in some DSOs almost all residents and a large part of staff became infected. Vaccination has been available since December 2020 and DSO residents were the first to be vaccinated as the most vulnerable population. The success of vaccination of the elderly and resistance to new strains of covid-19 infections cannot yet be judged. Keywords: elderly, Covid-19, DSO, mortality, vaccination 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 214 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ana Mihalič AMEU – ECM Voyko Kavcic Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Mednarodni inštitut za aplikativno gerontologijo, Ljubljana Anja Podlesek Oddelek za psihologijo, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani Peter Seljak AMEU – ECM DOŽIVLJANJE EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 PRI STAREJŠIH ODRASLIH: PRVI REZULTATI KVALITATIVNE ANALIZE V SLOVENIJI EXPERIENCING OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC OF OLDER ADULTS: FIRST RESULTS OF A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS IN SLOVENIA POVZETEK V začetku epidemije COVID-19 so bili s strani državnih organov sprejeti ukrepi za preprečevanje, širjenje in obvladovanja te epidemije, ki so vplivali na življenje vsakega posameznika in povzro- čali različno doživljanje in odzive. Namen naše raziskave je bil bolj poglobljen uvid v posledice ukrepov za omejitev epidemije Covid-19 pri starejših odraslih. Empiričnem del članka je temeljil na kvalitativnem pristopu pri katerem smo uporabili metodo analize besedila. Podatke v obliki besedila smo pridobili z odprtim vprašanjem, ki smo ga umestili v anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo raziskovali doživljanje in učinke Covid-19. Raziskava je bila izvedena v aprilu 2020. Pri od-prtem vprašanju so anketiranci lahko dodatno pojasnili in osvetlili kako je epidemija Covid-19 učinkovala na njih. Podatke v obliki besedila smo pridobili od 89 odraslih starih med 55 in 94 let in jih v nadaljevanju obdelali z metodo kvalitativne analize besedila. Epidemija Covid-19 je na starejše odrasle učinkovala različno in na številnih področjih. Rezultati analize kažejo, da večina starejših odraslih epidemijo Covid-19 doživlja negativno. Ukrepi, med njimi predvsem omejevanje gibanja in socialnih stikov, prav tako pa tudi razmere v politiki, so v njih vzbudili občutke strahu in negotovosti. Občutili so tudi utesnjenost in osamljenost, kot tudi jezo zaradi nastale situacije. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave lahko zaključimo, da so ukrepi za omejitev Covid-19 pri starejših odraslih niso bili dobro sprejeti. Predvsem se je to nanašalo na omejevanje gibanja in zmanjševanje socialnih stikov. Ugotovitve bi lahko služile kot smernice ravnanja oblast v bodočih zdravstvene krizah in oblikovanju takšnih ukrepov, ki bi jih ljudje lažje razumeli. Ključne besede: epidemija Covid-19, starejši odrasli, kvalitativna analiza, socialni stiki ABSTRACT At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, measures were taken by the state authorities to prevent, spread and control this epidemic, which affected the lives of each individual and caused different experiences and responses. The purpose of our study was to gain a deeper insight into the implications of measures to limit the Covid-19 epidemic in older adults. The empirical part of the article was based on a qualitative approach in which we used the method of text analysis. Data in the form of text were obtained with an open-ended question, which we placed in a questionnaire to investigate the experience and effects of Covid-19. The survey was conducted in April 2020. In an open-ended question, respondents were able to further explain and shed light on how the Covid-19 epidemic affected them. Data in the form of text were obtained from 89 adults aged between 55 and 94 years and were further processed using the method of qualitative text analysis. The results of the analysis show that most older adults experience the Covid-19 epidemic negatively. The measures, including restrictions on movement and social contacts, as well as the political situation, aroused feelings of fear and inse-curity. They also felt cramped and lonely, as well as anger at the situation. Keywords: Covid-19 epidemic, older adults, qualitative methodology, social contacts 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 215 Lidija Gradišnik, Jana Goriup AMEU – ECM VPLIV KORONAVIRUSNE KRIZE NA STAREJŠO POPULACIJO THE INFLUENCE OF CORONAVIRUS CRYSIS ON ELDERLY POPULATION POVZETEK Koronavirusna bolezen 2019 (COVID-19) je hud akutni respiratorni sindrom, ki ga povzroča virus SARS-CoV-2. S pojavom koronavirusne bolezni je konec leta 2019 in v začetku leta 2020 nastala nova socialno-ekonomska kriza, ki se je razširila na ves svet in na vsa področja človekovega delovanja. Te motnje niso prizadele le srednje starostne skupine, ki je izmed vseh najbolj aktivna, ampak predvsem starejšo populacijo. Največje spremembe za starejše so se pokazale ne le na zdravstvenem področju in v obliki gospodarskih in družbenih sprememb, ampak tudi v medse-bojnih odnosih. V prispevku bomo orisali posledice, ki jih je v starajočo se družbo prinesla koronavirusna kriza, in pomen solidarnosti pri skupnem iskanju rešitev. Ključne besede: koronavirusna bolezen, starejša populacija, telemedicina, socialno-ekonomska kriza ABSTRACT The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS- -CoV-2 virus. The emergence of the COVID-19 has established a new socio-economic crisis at the end of 2019 and in the early 2020 and has involved the whole world and all areas of human activity. To a great extent, the consequences have affected not only the middle age group, which is the most active one, but also the older population. For elderly people, the largest transformations have evolved in the health services and in the form of the relations and economic and social changes. In the article, we review the consequences of the coronavirus crisis on ageing society and the importance of solidarity in the affected community. Keywords: Coronavirus disease, elderly people, telemedicine, socio-economic crisis 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 216 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Peter Seljak, Barbara Grintal, Veronika Gorišek, Tjaša Rojht, Valentina Merdaus, Nika Žurman, Elora Dana Čebular, Katarina Kardoš, Loti Klopčič, Boštjan Jug, Ula Gider, Doroteja Gruber, Monika Slapnik, Nina Kovaček, Manca Repše, Petra Strmšek AMEU – ECM STAREJŠI ODRASLI V ČASU EPIDEMIJE COVID-19: ZAZNAVANJE SPREMEMB V DOBREM POČUTJU IN OSAMLJENOSTI OLDER ADULTS DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC: PERCEPTION OF CHANGES IN WELL-BEING AND LONELINESS POVZETEK Uvod: Ukrepi in omejitve preprečevanja, širjenja in obvladovanja epidemije Covid-19 so vplivale na življenje vsakega posameznika, še posebej pa na starejše odrasle. Namen raziskave je bil pri starejših odraslih raziskati posledice ukrepov in omejitev epidemije Covid-19 v zaznavanju njihovega dobrega počutja in osamljenosti. Metode: V raziskavi smo uporabili kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop, pri katerem smo uporabili metodo anketiranja. Podatke smo pridobili z lastnim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki smo ga deloma oblikovali na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč, deloma pa smo uporabili strukturiran vprašalnik WHO-5 in SWSL. Anketiranje smo izvedli od decembru 2020 do januarja 2021, s katerim smo pridobili podatke 311 starejših odraslih. V raziskavi smo uporabili metode opisne in sklepne statistike, pri čemer smo postavljene hipoteze preverjali z metodami korelacije in regresijske analize. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da večina starejši odraslih meni, da so ukrepi in omejitve in omejitve preprečevanja epidemije COVID-19 vplivali na njihovo vsakdanje življenje. Največje spremembe so zaznali pri druženju z drugimi. Rezultati kažejo, da je bilo duševno dobro počutje starejših odraslih slabše, njihovo zadovoljstvo z življenjem pa zadovoljivo. Ugotovili smo, da starejši odrasli zaznavajo spremembe v tudi občutenju osamljenosti. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave lahko zaključimo, da so ukrepi in omejitve preprečevanja, širjenja in obvladovanja epidemije Covid-19, bistveno vplivale na življenja starejših odraslih, tako v domačem okolju, kot v institucionalnem varstvu. Pri tem posebej iz-postavljamo vpliv na druženje, duševno dobro počutje in osamljenost. Ugotovitve raziskave so izpostavile, da lahko zdravstvena kriza povzroča močne spremembe v življenju posameznika, še posebej v življenju starejših odraslih. Ključne besede: starejši odrasli, epidemija, dobro počutje, zadovoljstvo, osamljenost 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 217 ABSTRACT Introduction: Measures and restrictions to prevent, spread and control the Covid-19 epidemic have affected the lives of every individual, especially the older adults. The purpose of the study was to investigate the consequences of measures and limitations of the Covid-19 epidemic in the perception of older adults well-being and loneliness. Methods: In the survey we used a quantitative research approach, in which we used the survey method. The data were obtained with our own survey questionnaire, which was based on theoretical background, and questionnaire WHO-5 and SWSL. We conducted a survey from December 2020 to January 2021, to obtained data from 311. Methods of descriptive and inference statistic were used in the study, and hypotheses were tested using correlation and regression methods. Results: The results of the research show that most older adults believe that the measures and restrictions and limitations of preventing the COVID-19 epidemic have affected their daily lives. They noticed the biggest changes in socializing with others. The results show that the mental well-being of older adults was poorer and their satisfaction with life satisfactory. We found that older adults also perceive changes in their sense of loneliness. Discussion and conclusions: Based on the results of the research, we can conclude that measures and restrictions to prevent, spread and control the Covid-19 epidemic have significantly affected the lives of older adults. Findings pointed out that a health crisis can cause strong changes in the life of an individual, especially in the lives of older adults. Keywords: older adults, epidemic, well-being, life satisfaction, loneliness 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 218 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Veronika Gorišek, Peter Seljak, Valentina Merdaus, Tjaša Rojht, Ana Mihalič, Tjaša Draškovič, Martina Piskar, Judita Anzelc, Naja Šarec, Nina Velikanje AMEU – ECM POSLEDICE EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 NA ŽIVLJENJE STAREJŠIH LJUDI: KVALITATIVNA RAZISKAVA V RAZLIČNIH BIVALNIH OKOLJIH CONSEQUENCES OF THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC ON THE LIVES OF OLDER PEOPLE: A QUALITATIVE STUDY IN DIFFERENT LIVING ENVIRONMENTS POVZETEK Uvod: Ukrepi in omejitve preprečevanja, širjenja in obvladovanja epidemije Covid-19 so vplivale na življenje vsakega posameznika. Namen raziskave je bil pri starejših ljudeh v podrobno raziskati posledice ukrepov in omejitev epidemije Covid-19 na različnih področjih njihovega življenja. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu, pri katerem smo uporabili metodo intervjuja. Podatke smo pridobili s polstrukturiranim intervjujem, ki, ki smo ga oblikovali na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč. Deset intervjujev s starejšimi ljudmi smo izvedli v januar-ju 2021, od tega pet v domačem bivalnem okolju in pet v organizacijah institucionalnega varstva. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da starejši ljudje občutijo posledice ukrepov in omejitev epidemije Covid-19 na različnih področjih življenja. Ugotavljamo, da je pri starejših največ posledic zaradi ukrepov in omejitev epidemije Covid-19 bilo zaznati na področju njihovih prostočasnih aktivnosti, katere so se v tem času bistveno spremenile, predvsem pa omejile. Posledice so se pokazale tudi na področju stika z ljudmi. Pri starejših je bilo zaznati tudi strah zaradi nevednosti, izoliranost ter občutek osamljenost, predvsem zaradi posledic omejitve stikov s svojci in prijatelji. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave lahko zaključimo, da so ukrepi in omejitve preprečevanja, širjenja in obvladovanja epidemije Covid-19, bistveno vplivale na življenja starejših ljudi, tako v domačem okolju, kot v institucionalnem varstvu. Starejši na tovrstni način življenja niso bili pripravljeni, predvsem pa so živeli v strahu zaradi nepredvidljive situacije in zaradi izpostavljenosti medijskim vsebinam, katere so jim še dodatno vzbujale občutek strahu in nevednosti. Ključne besede: epidemija, ukrepi, omejitve, počutje, zadovoljstvo, prosti čas, osamljenost ABSTRACT Introduction: Measures and restrictions to prevent, spread and control the Covid-19 epidemic have affected the lives of each individual. The purpose of the study was to investigate in detail in older people the consequences of measures and limitations of the epidemic in various areas of their lives. Methods: The research was based on a qualitative approach. The data were obtained through a semi-structured interview. Ten interviews with older people were conducted in January 2021, five were in the home environment and five in institutional care organizations. Results: The results of the study show that older people feel the consequences of measures and limitations of the epidemic in various areas of life. We find that in the elderly, the greatest consequences due to the measures and restrictions of Covid-19 were perceived in the field of the leisure activities, which were significantly changed and limited during this time. The consequences were shown in the area of contact with people. Fear of ignorance, loneliness and isolation were also perceived in the elderly, mainly due to the consequences of limited contact with relatives and friends. Discussion and conclusions: We can conclude that measures and restrictions in preventing, spreading and controlling Covid-19 epidemic have significantly affected the lives of older people in the home environment and in institutional care. Older people were not prepared for this way of life and above all, they lived in fear due to unpredictable situations, because of the provided media content, which further aroused a feeling of fear and ignorance. Keywords: epidemic, measures, restrictions, well-being, satisfaction, leisure, loneliness 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 219 Mihaela Kežman Zavod za podjetništvo, turizem in mladino UČINKI FRAKTALNE RISBE NA STAREJŠE V ČASU PANDEMIJE COVID 19. EFFECTS OF FRACTAL DRAWING ON THE ELDERLY DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC 19. POVZETEK Starejši se na različne načine soočajo in spopadajo z osamljenostjo, krizami in vsemi stiskami, ki jih s seboj prinaša pandemija Covid 19. Fraktalna risba je oblika art terapije, za katero so značilni različni pozitivni učinki. V prispevku se želimo osredotočiti na fraktalno risbo, kakšne učinke ima na starejše v času popolnega zaprtja javnega in družbenega življenja. Zanima nas, ali in če lahko dana metoda pomaga pri premagovanju stisk in kriz starejših v tem času. V empirični delu želimo z intervjuji raziskati, kako učinke doživljajo starejši v Večgeneracijskem centru in kako v domu upokojencev. Narediti želimo primerjavo med tema dvema institucijama. Ključne besede: starejši, fraktalna risba, pandemija, Covid 19 ABSTRACT Elderly people face and cope with loneliness, crises and all the hardships that come with the Covid 19 pandemic in different ways. Fractal drawing is a form of art therapy characterized by various positive effects. In this article, we want to focus on fractal drawing and what effects it has on the elderly at the time of the complete closure of public and social life. We wonder if a given method can help overcome the hardships and crises of the elderly at this time. In the empirical part, we want to use interviews to explore how the effects are experienced by the elderly in the Multigenerational Center and how in the retirement home. We want to make a comparison between these two institutions. Keywords: elderly, fractal drawing, pandemic, Covid 19 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 220 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Janez Görgner AMEU – ECM KOMUNIKACIJA MED GENERACIJAMI V ŠIRŠI DRUŽINI V ČASU OMEJENIH SOCIALNIH STIKOV ZARADI KORONAVIRUSA COVID – 19 COMMUNICATION AMONG GENERATIONS IN THE EXTENDED FAMILY AT THE TIME OF SOCIAL DISTANCING DUE TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) POVZETEK Leta 2020 se je svet soočil s širjenjem okužbe s koronavirusom Covid-19. Kot najprimernejši način varovanja življenja in zdravja je svetovna zdravstvena organizacija priporočila izogibanje fizič- nim oziroma socialnim stikom med ljudmi, kar je prizadelo kvaliteto življenja. Nastala situacija je motivirala ljudi in družbe za iskanje novih rešitev v smislu uporabe informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, ki jo sodobna tehnologija omogoča. V našem prispevku predstavljamo kvalitativno raziskavo – študijo primera širše družine, ki jo sestavlja več generacij, ki ne živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu. Uporabili smo metodo pol-strukturiranega intervjuja. Določili smo raziskovalno vprašanje: Kako širša družina oziroma generacije, ki živijo ločeno, komunicirajo v času, ko so bili fizični stiki med ljudmi omejeni. Kakšne tehnologije so uporabljali in kako ocenjujejo kvaliteto socialnih odnosov v času omejevanja socialnih stikov. Raziskava je pokazala, da so generacije našle načine komunikacije kljub omejitvam socialnih stikov, vendar je bila komunikacija manj kvalitetna kot osebni stiki. Člani širše družine so ohranjali določen nivo kvalitete življenja, vendar se je pokazalo, da je osebni stik še vedno najpristnejši. Raziskava je doprinos k razumevanju kvalitete življenja med ločenimi generacijami v situaciji, ko so socialni stiki omejeni. Ključne besede: širša družina, komunikacijska in informacijska tehnologija, socialni stiki ABSTRACT In 2020, the world faced the spreading of the coronavirus (covid-19) infection. The World Health Organisation recommended avoiding physical or social contacts to be the most appropriate way of life and health protection, which affected the quality of life. The situation motivated people and societies to search for solutions using information and communication technology that modern technologies allow. The article presents qualitative research – the case study of an extended family consisting of several different generations that do not live in the same household. The method used was a semi-structured interview. The research question was defined: How does the extended family or separately living generations communicate at the time of social distancing? What technologies they used and how they assess the quality of social relationships at the time of social distancing? The research has shown the generations were able to find ways to communicate despite social distancing, yet the communication proved to be of a lesser quality than through personal contacts. The extended family members were able to preserve a certain level of life quality; however, personal contact still proved to be the most genuine. The research contributes to the understanding of the quality of life among separated generations in social distancing. Keywords: extended family, information and communication technology, social contacts 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 221 OTHER TOPICS IN SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 224 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV David Haložan, Adil Begić, Jadranka Stričević UM Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Katedra za zdravstveno nego PREVENTIVNI PRISTOP K ZMANJŠANJU OBREMENITEV NEGOVALNEGA TIMA A PREVENTIVE APPROACH TO REDUCING THE WORKLOAD ON THE NURSING TEAM POVZETEK Zdravstvene motnje pri negovalnem timu lahko delno preprečimo s poznavanjem vzročnih dejavnikov, pogosto prisilnega položaja telesa, intenzivnega gibanja, sprememb nezdravega nači-na življenja. Negovalni tim je potrebno seznaniti z obremenitvami na delovnem mestu, ki pres-topijo v preobremenitev in s tem v kostno-mišična obolenja. Potreba po upoštevanju in izboljšanju ergonomskih načel pri delu negovalnega tima je vse bolj prisotna, ker zdravstveno osebje pogosto podcenjuje svoje zdravstvene težave. Številne poklicne bolezni negovalnega tima v zdravstvu so posledica pomanjkanja humanega delovnega okolja in obremenitev ter nepoznavanje načinov razbremenitev na delovnem mestu in v delovnem okolju. Najpomembnejši korak pri preventivi vključuje izobraževanje osebja o možnih poškodbah in boleznih, torej o vzrokih mišično-skeletnih motenj in EMG meritve. Pomemben del preventivnih ukrepov je razumevanje pozitivnega odnosa negovalnega tima do lastnega zdravja. Ključne besede: negovalni tim, obremenitve, preventivni pristop, EMG ABSTRACT Health disorders in the nursing team can be partially prevented by knowing the causal factors, that is often forced body posture, intense movement, and changes in unhealthy lifestyle. The nursing team needs to be acquainted with the workload in the workplace, which turn into overload and thus into muscular and skeletal disease. The need to observe and improve ergonomic principles in the work of the nursing team is increasingly present because medical staff often underestimate their health problems. Many occupational diseases of the nursing team in health care are the result of a lack of a humane work environment and workload, as well as ignorance of the ways of workload relief in the workplace and work environment. The most important step in prevention involves educating staff about possible injuries and illnesses, that is, the causes of muscular and skeletal disorders, and EMG measurements. An important part of preventive measures is to understand the positive attitude of the nursing team towards their own health. Keywords: nursing team, workloads, preventive approach, EMG 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 225 Matej Koprivnik University Medical Centre Maribor Slovenia KAKOVOST ŽIVLJENJA PRI STAREJŠIH ODRASLIH PACIENTIH Z MULTIPLO SKLEROZO QUALITY OF LIFE IN OLDER ADULT PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS POVZETEK Uvod: Kakovost življenja pacientov z multiplo sklerozo je pod vplivom številnih dejavnikov. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti vpliv posameznih demografskih, kliničnih in socialnih značilnosti ter razvad na telesno in duševno komponento z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja pacientov z multiplo sklerozo po petdesetem letu starosti. Metode: V presečno raziskavo je bilo vključenih 130 pacientov z multiplo sklerozo, starih med 50 in 73 let. Ocenjeni so bili z vprašalnikom Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 (telesna in duševna komponenta z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja), indeksom telesne mase in vprašalnikom o značilnostih pacientov z multiplo sklerozo. Uporabljeni so bili Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Spearmanov koeficient korelacije rangov, Mann-Whitney test, analiza variance ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test in Linearna regresijska analiza. Rezultati: Na telesno komponento z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja vplivajo bolnikova starost, indeks telesne mase in tip naselja, v katerem bolnik biva. Na duševno komponento z zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja pa vplivata bolnikova starost in uživanje alkohola. Razprava in sklepi: Pri starejših odraslih bolnikih z multiplo sklerozo mora biti kakovost življenja redno spremljana in podprta z bolniku prilagojeno strokovno pomočjo. Ključne besede: multipla skleroza, kakovost življenja, značilnosti bolnikov, staranje ABSTRACT Introduction: The quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis is influenced by many factors. The purpose of the present study is to identify the impact of individual demographic, clinical, and social characteristics, as well as of patients’ habits, on the physical and mental component of health-related quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis after the age of fifty. Methods: The cross-sectional study included 130 patients with multiple sclerosis, aged between 50 and 73 years. They were assessed with the Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 questionnaire (Physical Health Composite Score and Mental Health Composite Score), per their body mass index, and through a questionnaire on the characteristic symptoms; the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney test, analysis of variance – ANOVA, the Kruskal–Wallis test, and linear regression analysis were all used. Results: the Physical Health Composite Score was affected by patient’s age, body mass index, and the type of settlement patients live in. The Mental Health Composite Score was affected by patient’s age and alcohol consumption. Discussion and conclusions: In elderly adult patients with multiple sclerosis, the quality of life should be regularly monitored and supported by patient-tailored professional help. Keywords: multiple sclerosis, quality of life, patients characteristics, aging 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 226 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Julita Biondić, Nikolaj Lipič AMEU – ECM IZZIVI FIZIOTERAPEVTSKE OBRAVNAVE IN PRISTOPA MULTIDISCIPLINARNEGA TIMA V DOLGOTRAJNI OSKRBI V PERSPEKTIVI POTREB DOLGOŽIVE DRUŽBE CHALLENGES OF PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT AND THE APPROACH OF A MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM IN LONG-TERM CARE IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE NEEDS OF A LONG-TERM SOCIETY POVZETEK Uvod: Trenutno veljavna ureditev zagotavlja največji obseg pomoči starejšim, ki so vključeni v institucionalne oblike storitev. Osebe, ki ostanejo v domačem okolju, pa so v slabšem položa-ju, saj pogosto nimajo dostopa do integriranih storitev - tudi fizioterapevtskih storitev. V Sloveniji še nimamo vzpostavljenega sistema dolgotrajne oskrbe. V preteklih letih je Ministrstvo za zdravje podprlo izvedbo treh pilotnih projektov, ki naj bi v nadaljnih korakih na osnovi evalvacij in usmeritev prispevali k implementaciji sistema DO v okolje. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti in ovrednotiti aktualne izzive fizioterapevtske obravnave in multidisciplinarnega pristopa v timih DO v perspektivi potreb dolgožive družbe v Sloveniji. Metodologija: Uporabili smo kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili polstrukturirani intervju. V raziskavo smo vključili štiri fizioterapevte, ki so sodelovali v pilotnih izvedbah projektov DO. Intervjuje smo izvedli med majem in septembrom 2020. Zastavili smo si pet raziskovalnih vprašanj. Rezultati: Fizioterapevtska obravnava pomembno prispeva k celostni obravnavi posameznika v dolgotrajni oskrbi. V okviru dolgotrajne oskrbe je fizioterapevt pomemben član multidisciplinarnega tima, ki mora biti strokovno voden. Izkušnje kažejo na potrebo po sodelovanju z uporabnikom in različnih služb na področju zdravstvenega in socialnega varstva. Fizioterapevt je ključen za prenos ustreznega znanja glede obravnave starejših na neformalne oskrbovalce. Izbor merilnih orodij v fizioterapevtski obravnavi uporabnikov DO v domačem okolju mora biti individualiziran. Razprava: Četudi so se pilotni projekti dolgotrajne oskrbe formalno zaključili v letu 2020, pa je tudi v prihodnje smiselno spremljanje kazalnikov kakovosti fizioterapevtske obravnave starejših in multidisciplinarnega pristopa v sistemu dolgotrajne oskrbe. Ključne besede: dolgotrajna oskrba, fizioterapija, multidisciplinarni tim, fizioterapevt, starejši 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 227 ABSTRACT The current regulation provides the greatest possible assistance to the elderly involved in institutional forms of services. People who remain at home are at a disadvantage, they often lack access to integrated services - including physiotherapy services. Slovenia does not yet have a long-term care system in place. In recent years, the Ministry of Health has supported the implementation of three LTC pilot projects. The purpose of the research was to examine and evaluate the current challenges of physiotherapy treatment and multidisciplinary approach in LTC teams in the perspective of the needs of a long-lived society in Slovenia. We used a qualitative research approach, using a semi-structured interview to collect data. The study included four physiotherapists who participated in pilot implementations of LTC projects. Duration of collection May-September 2020. We asked ourselves five research questions. Physiotherapy treatment contributed to the overall treatment of the individual in long-term care. As part of LTC, a physiotherapist is an important member of a professionally guided multidisciplinary team. Collaborate with users and of different services in health and social care is needed. A physiotherapist is key to transferring relevant knowledge regarding the treatment of the elderly to informal caregivers. The choice of measuring tools in the physiotherapeutic treatment of LTC users in the home environment must be individualized. Although pilot LTC projects are formally completed in 2020, as well as in the future monitoring of quality indicators of physiotherapy treatment of the elderly and a multidisciplinary approach in the long-term care system is important. Keywords: long-term care, multidisciplinary approach, physiotherapy, elderly 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 228 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sanja Zgonec AMEU – ECM PAPIR-SVINČNIK INSTRUMENTI ZA PREPOZNAVANJE DEMENCE PRI OSEBAH Z INTELEKTUALNIM PRIMANJKLJAJEM PAPER-PENCIL DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS FOR DEMENTIA IN PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY POVZETEK Življenjska doba narašča tako pri splošni populaciji, kot tudi pri populaciji oseb s primanjkljajem na intelektualnem področju. Ob tem se soočajo s starostjo povezanimi problemi, med katerimi je en najpogostejših demenca. Še posebno ogrožene so osebe z Downovim sindromom, ki ne zbolevajo le pogosteje, ampak tudi pri nižjih starostih. Pri osebah z intelektualnim primanjkljajem je diagnosticiranje demence lahko oteženo, saj znaki le-te pogosto ostanejo spregledani na račun intelektualnega primanjkljaja. Poleg tega je populacija zelo raznolika, kar otežuje vzpostavitev enotnega instrumenta. Iz tega vidika je nujno potrebno, da se za to populacijo pripravijo novi ali prilagodijo obstoječi instrumenti, ki bodo omogočali zgodnje in ustrezno diagnosticiranje demence. Obstaja vrsta instrumentov za diagnosticiranje demence pri osebah z intelektualnim primanjkljajem, se pa skozi raziskave kaže, da niso nujno vsi skladni med seboj. Z namenom zagotavljanja natančne diagnostike in nadalje ustrezne oskrbe, obstoji potreba po vzpostavitvi zanesljive-ga in natančnega instrumenta. V večini primerov diagnostičnih instrumentov za demenco pri osebah z intelektualnim primanjkljajem gre za vprašalnike oziroma ocenjevalne lestvice. V skupino ocenjevalnih lestvic lahko uvrstimo instrumenta ABS in CAMDEX-DS (znotraj tega tudi CAMCOG-DS), v skupino vprašalnikov pa ADD, CLD, CDR, DSQIID, DLD in MMPI-168(L). Instrumenti CAMDEX-DS, CLD, CDR, mCRT, DSQIID, DLD, TSI in WDTIM testirajo izključno demenco, medtem ko so ABS, ADD, DMTS, MMPI-168(L), mini PAS-ADD in PCFT v osnovi namenjeni diagnosticiranju različnih psihiatričnih bolezni. Ključne besede: intelektualni primanjkljaj, staranje, demenca, diagnostični instrumenti, Downov sindrom ABSTRACT Life expectancy is increasing both in the general population and population of people with intellectual disabilities. As they age they also face age-related problems, including dementia. People with Down syndrome are specially at risk because they not only develop dementia more often but also at younger age. In this population diagnosis of dementia can be difficult, as the signs of dementia often stay unnoticed. In addition the population is very variable which makes it difficult to establish a single instrument. From this perspective it is necessary that new or already existing instruments are developed for the population in the name of early and appropriate diagnose. There is a various number of existing diagnostic instruments for dementia in people with intellectual disability, but research show that not necessary all agree on each other. In order to ensure accurate diagnosis and further adequate care, there is a need to establish a reliable and accurate instrument. In most cases diagnostic instruments for dementia in people with intellectual disability are questionnaires and rating scales. In the group of rating scales we can include ABS and CAMDEX-DS (also CAMCOG-DS) and in group of questionnaries instruments ADD, CLD, CDR, DSQIID, DLD and MMPI-168(L). Instruments CAMDEX-DS, CLD, CDR, mCRT, DSQIID, DLD, TSI and WDTIM test exclusively dementia, while ABS, ADD, DMTS, MMPI-168(L), mini PAS-ADD and PCFT are basically designed to diagnose various psychiatric disorders. Keywords: intellectual disability, aging, dementia, diagnostic instruments, Down syndrome 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 229 Barbara Grintal, Peter Seljak AMEU – ECM UPRAVLJANJE STAREJŠIH ZAPOSLENIH V DOLGOŽIVI DRUŽBI MANAGING OLDER EMPLOYEES IN A LONG-LIVED SOCIETY POVZETEK Uvod: Učinkovito upravljanje starejših zaposlenih je dinamičen proces, ki ga je potrebno prilagajati tako potrebam sodobnega sveta kot potrebam organizacij in zaposlenih. Posebej pomembni so fiziološko, psihološko in motivacijsko stanje starejših zaposlenih. Tako na družbeni kot organizacijski ravni je potrebno načrtovati in uresničiti podaljšanje delovne aktivnosti starejših zaposlenih, saj dolgoživa družba že kaže pomankanje delovno aktivnega prebivalstva. Metode: Raziskava temelji na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu. V neslučajnostni vzorec smo vključili 482 starejših od 55 let. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo strukturiranega anketnega vprašalnika, hipoteze pa preizkusili s t-testom, korelacijsko ter regresijsko analizo. Rezultati: Starejši ljudje so s prilagoditvami na trgu dela zadovoljni, predvsem z delovnimi pogoji ter usklajenostjo delovnega mesta in procesov njihovim zmožnostim in sposobnostim. Ugotavljamo, da obstaja povezanost med zdravstvenim, finančnim in materialnim stanjem starejših ljudi in njihovim zadovoljstvom s prilagoditvami na trgu dela. Sklepi: Z rezultati raziskave potrjujemo pomen ustreznega delovnega okolja za podaljševanje delovne aktivnosti starejših ljudi, ki so pripravljeni podaljšati svojo delovno aktivnost v takšnem delovnem okolju, ki ima prilagodljiv delovni čas in prostor, ustrezne pogoje dela, prilagojena delovna mesta in procese, omogoča prenos znanja ter ustvarja medgeneracijske sinergije. Najbolj učinkoviti modeli upravljanja starejših zaposlenih so tisti, ki so osredotočeni na potrebe starejših zaposlenih. Ključne besede: upravljanje starosti, starejši zaposleni, delovna aktivnost ABSTRACT Introduction: Effective management of older employees is a dynamic process that needs to be adapted to the needs of the modern world as well as the needs of organizations and employees. The physiological, psychological and motivational state of older employees is especially important. At both the social and organizational level, it is necessary to plan and implement the extension of the work activity of older employees, as a long-lived society already shows a shortage of the working population. Methods: The research is based on a quantitative research approach. In the non-random sample, we included 482 over 55 years of age. Data were collected using a structured survey questionnaire, and hypotheses were tested by t-test, correlation and regression analysis. Results: Older people are satisfied with the adjustments in the labor market, especially with the working conditions and the harmonization of the workplace and processes with their abilities and capabilities. We find that there is a link between the health, financial and material condition of older people and their satisfaction with adjustments in the labor market. Conclusions: The results of the research confirm the importance of an appropriate working environment for prolonging the work activity of older people who are willing to extend their work activity in such a working environment that has flexible working hours and space, appropriate working conditions, adapted jobs and processes. and creates intergenerational synergies. The most effective management models for older employees are those that focus on the needs of older employees. Keywords: age management, older employees, long-lived society 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 230 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Borut Ambrožič AMEU – ECM Matjaž Mulej Ekonomsko poslovna fakulteta Univerza v Mariboru SPOROČILNA IN/ALI DRUŽBENO ODGOVORNA VREDNOST MEDNARODNIH MEJNIKOV ORGANIZACIJE ZDRUŽENIH NARODOV THE MESSAGE AND / OR SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE VALUE OF THE UNITED NATIONS‘ INTERNATIONAL MILESTONES POVZETEK Skoraj vsak dan prinese nekaj novega, iz česar se lahko nekaj naučimo in prenesemo naprej v okolje, kjer živimo in delamo, in s tem lahko postajamo družbeno odgovorni, če novost podpira sedem načel iz ISO 26000: pristojnost, preglednost, etično obnašanje, spoštovanje interesov deležnikov, vladavi-ne prava, mednarodnih norm in človekovih pravic, s tem pa krepi odgovornost za vplive na družbo, soodvisnost in celovitost pristopa. Združeni narodi podpirajo razvoj družbene odgovornosti ljudi tudi tako, da so v ta namen določene dneve, tedne, leta in desetletja opredelili kot priložnosti za spodbujanje ciljev te mednarodne organizacije. Le ta je bila ustanovljena po drugi svetovni vojni z namenom varovanja svetovnega miru, razvijanja mednarodnih prijateljskih odnosov ter pomagati pri uresni- čevanju mednarodnega sodelovanja glede izboljšanja kakovosti življenja revnih ljudi, premagovanju lakote, bolezni in nepismenosti, ter pri spodbujanju spoštovanja človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin za vse ljudi. V prvem delu prispevka bomo podrobneje predstavili Organizacijo združenih narodov, kot sporočevalca teh mednarodnih mejnikov, v drugem delu pa družbeno odgovorno sporočilna vrednost in način, kako sporočevalec meri njihov vpliv. V sklepu bomo dodali oceno, da IRDO Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti, katerega člana sva avtorja tega prispevka, podpira delovanje OZN z letnimi mednarodnimi konferencami, na katerih je nastopilo že preko en tisoč avtorjev iz vsega sveta, s preko dvajset knjigami, z usposabljanjem za družbeno odgovorno delovanje mladih in zaposlenih, s podeljevanjem priznanj Horus ipd. Tako tudi INPEA. Ključne besede: OZN, DO, sporočilna vrednost, ISO 26000, IRDO, INPEA ABSTRACT We can learn and transfer to the environment where we live and work alot, and thus we can become socially responsible, if the innovation supports the seven principles of ISO 26000: accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, respect for interests of stakeholders, the rule of law, international norms and human rights, thereby strengthening humans’ and organizations’ and society’s responsibility for the impact on society, interdependence and integrity / holism of the approach. The United Nations also supports the development of people‘s social responsibility by identifying certain days, weeks, years and decades as opportunities to promote the goals of this international organization: protecting world peace, developing international friendly relations and helping to achieve international cooperation to improve the quality of life of poor people, overcome hunger, disease and illiteracy, and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all people. In the first part of the article, we will present in more detail the United Nations as the communicator of these international milestones, and in the second part, the socially responsible message value and the way in which the communicator measures their impact. In the conclusion, we will add the assessment that the IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, of which we, authors of this article are members, supports the work of the UN through annual international conferences attended by over one thousand authors from around the world, with over twenty books socially responsible activities of young people and employees, by awarding Horus awards, etc. So does INPEA. Keywords: UNO, SR, message value, ISO 26000, IRDO, INPEA 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 231 Jasmina Kristovič AMEU – ECM DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE – NUJNI POGOJ ZA KAKOVOSTNO STARANJE MENTAL HEALTH – A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR QUALITY AGEING POVZETEK Znanost in stroka pogosto spregledata, da do težav na področju duševnega zdravja, osmišljenega življenja, zadovoljstva in kakovostnega staranja prihaja zaradi problematičnega načina življenja. V Evropski uniji se zaradi težav v duševnem zdravju vsakih 9 minut zgodi samomor. V 90 odstotkih do samomorilnega vedenja pride zaradi duševnih težav, najpogosteje zaradi depresije in zasvojenosti z alkoholom. Kljub dopolnitvam in različnim deklaracijam vezanih na kakovostno staranje in duševno zdravje med starejšimi problematika duševnega zdravja vsako leto narašča. Polovica odraslega svetovnega prebivalstva ima težave v duševnem zdravju. Več kot 20 odstotkov odraslih, starih 60 let ali več se sooča z duševno boleznijo. Po 50. letu starosti se začnejo težave v duševnem zdravju še dodatno stopnjevati (depresija, agresija (do sebe in drugih), zasvojenost, brezciljnost, apatičnost, samomorilnost) in kakovost bivanja upadati. Kakovost bivanja se kaže skozi posameznikov način življenja v povezavi z duševnim zdravjem in izpolnitvijo smisla. To se kaže na način kako posameznik v starosti doživlja sebe, svoje življenje, preteklost in temeljne življenjske odločitve. Zaradi naraščanja števila starejših ljudi se bo v prihodnosti v Evropi povečevala prisotnost duševnih bolezni. Kljub temu Slovenija še vedno nima celostnega strateškega načrta za rešitve starajoče populacije. Problematika duševnega zdravja in kakovosti življenja je večplastna in zajema različna področja. Duševne bolezni ne prizadenejo samo posameznika ampak tudi njegovo družino in bližnje. Duševno zdravje predstavlja resen problem in obenem tudi izziv družbene, socialne in zdravstvene narave. Ključne besede: duševno zdravje, depresija, kakovost staranja, smisel, starostniki ABSTRACT Science and the experts often overlook the fact that problems in the areas of mental health, meaningful living, satisfaction and quality ageing are caused by a problematic lifestyle. In the European Union, mental health problems lead to a suicide every 9 minutes. 90 percent of suicid-al behaviour occurs due to mental problems, most commonly involving depression and alcohol addiction. Despite amendments and various declarations related to quality ageing and mental health among the elderly, the issue of mental health is growing every year. Half of the world’s adult population has mental health problems. More than 20 percent of adults aged 60 or over face mental illness. After the age of 50, mental health problems begin to escalate further (depression, aggression – towards oneself and others – addiction, aimlessness, apathy, suicide) and the quality of life declines. Quality of life is reflected through an individual’s lifestyle in relation to mental health and the fulfilment of meaning. This is reflected in the way individuals experience themselves, their life, past and fundamental life decisions in old age. Due to the growing number of older people, the presence of mental illness will increase in Europe in the future. Nevertheless, Slovenia still does not have a comprehensive strategic plan for solutions regarding the ageing population. The issue of mental health and quality of life is multifaceted and covers various areas. Mental illness affects not only individuals but also their families and loved ones. Mental health is a serious problem and at the same time asocial, societal and health challenge. Keywords: mental health, depression, quality of ageing, meaning, elderly 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 232 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jana Goriup, Lidija Gradišnik AMEU – ECM NEKATERI VIDIKI SOCIOLOŠKIH TEORIJ DRUŽBENE SPREMEMBE IN STAREJŠI SOME ASPECTS OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF SOCIAL CHANGE AND OLDER ADULTS POVZETEK Avtorici problematizirate življenje starejših v sodobni slovenski družbi v luči doživljanja sprememb s sociološkega vidika; ko skozi sociološke teorije družbenih sprememb razmišljata o pravilnosti, deter-miniranosti, linearnosti in zakonitostih vezanih na vprašanje družbene spremembe kot stalnice tudi v življenju starejših, saj tempo in oblika sprememb v zatečenem času in prostoru pomembno variirata in da je povsem brezupno poskušati fenomen družbene spremembe pojasniti v okviru enofaktor-skih modelov, saj tudi družbena sprememba, (ki ni zgolj posledica epidemije), zagotovo vsebuje in/ ali ponovno vpeljuje element preteklosti. Tudi zato, ker je vsak fenomen lahko ob progresivnosti (v smislu določenih kvantifikatorjev) tudi regresiven. Ob tem avtorici zagovarjata tezo, da so v primeru, ko pride do legitimizacije določenih zdravstvenih ciljev za starejše, poti do uresničevanja teh ciljev, relativno omejene in da ob tem sprožijo procesi, ki so nepredvidljivi. Avtorici skozi analizo nekaterih socioloških teorij izpostavljata, da slednjega ne gre razumeti v striktno determinističnem smislu, saj vedno obstoji možnost, da se vzpostaviti drugačen sistem ciljev in resnic, ki, ko dobijo zadostno podporo, redifinirajo sicer vedno fluidno vsebino napredka v življenju starejših in za starejše in, posledič- no, potek ter smer družbenih sprememb, v katere so neminovno vpeti. Ključne besede: starejši, postmoderna družba, sociološke teorije, družbena sprememba ABSTRACT The authors problematize the lives of the elderly in modern Slovenian society in the light of experiencing changes from a sociological point of view; when they think through sociological theories of social change about the correctness, determinability, linearity and legality tied to the question of social change as a constant even in the lives of the elderly, because the tempo and form of change in the swollen time and space vary significantly and that it is completely hopeless to try to explain the phenomenon of social change in the context of one-factor models, since social change, (not only the result of the epidemic), certainly contains and/or reintroduces an element of the past. Also because any phenomenon can be regressive in terms of certain quantifications (in terms of certain quantifications). In so doing, the authors argue that, where certain health objectives are legitimising certain health objectives for the elderly, the paths to achieving those objectives are relatively limited and that they trigger processes that are unpredictable. Through the analysis of certain sociological theories, the authors point out that the latter cannot be understood in a strictly deterministic sense, since there is always the possibility of establishing a different system of objectives and truths which, when they receive sufficient support, re-define the otherwise fluid content of progress in the lives of the elderly and for the elderly and, consequently, the course and direction of social change into which they are inept. Keywords: elderly, postmodern society, sociological theories, social change 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 233 SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA / SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 236 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nandu Goswami INVITED SPEAKER Medical University of Graz & AMEU - ECM FALL PREVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES AND PERSPECTIVES ABSTRACT There is a steep global trend towards demographic aging. A central challenge of old age is frailty, in about 10% of older persons - a syndrome of functional, cognitive and social impairment, often accompanied with multi-morbidity and compromised quality of life. Currently, primary health care as well as institutionalized care for older persons in most countries is an under-resourced area of practice. Detection and treatment of frailty, though of high economic impact, are not yet considered in the health care processes of either acute or community care in most countries. Therefore, there is an urgent need to improve individualized comprehensive assessment of health and physical and mental functional status of older persons at different care levels. Such an approach will lead to personalized and more effective procedures to maintain healthy aging, to enhance fall prevention, to integrate all bio-psycho-social dimensions in order to limit functional-cognitive decline (FCD). Person-centred evaluations and fall prevention guidelines derived from such assessments are expected to secure the participation of older people via self-empowering behaviour and activities, enabling them to remain involved in meaningful activity, and in a healthy lifestyle and better health. Therefore, it is important to identify early risk factors, design personalised and available fall prevention programmes and importantly, assure satisfactory adherence to them. The presentation fills the voids of prior literature by presenting falls and the associated risk factors among seniors, with a particular focus on the current fall prevention and rehabilitation programmes in the community. Aspects such as the need to develop model for development of community fall prevention and rehabilitation program including strategy addressing challenges in geriatrics care; strategy addressing health promotion in the community setting to ensure compliance to fall-prevention interventions used in the communities using “buddies“; and models of statistical data collection and models for measurement of impact of the program will also be presented. This presentation emphasizes the need to develop community-based fall prevention and rehabilitation programme, integrating the following disciplines: (a) public health, (b) medicine, (c) nursing, (d) social science and (e) actuarial science, which refers to the analysis of time-to-event data (‘survival analysis’). Indeed, public health, medicine and nursing care aspects and social sciences can be used to develop a comprehensive database for the analysis of risk of falls and falls risk causes (risk drivers) related to untoward events leading to injuries and ill health (including prolonged bedrest confinement in some cases) to be used in the competing risk / multi-state transition model (from actuarial science). This talk concludes by discussing the impacts such community falls program can have on older persons care, their quality of life as well as reduction of costs related to care. Provided in this talk are also recommendations for the government and local agencies, including the need to build up suitable fall prevention programs. These guidelines could be applicable in many regions and countries, including Slovenia. Keywords: Fall-prevention, Rehabilitation program, Social innovations, Community care 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 237 David Bogataj AMEU – ECM & Zavod INRISK DRUŽBENA VREDNOST POSEBNIH STANOVANJSKIH REŠITEV ZA STAREJŠE OBČANE SOCIAL VALUE OF SPECIALIZED HOUSING SOLUTION FOR OLDER ADULTS POVZETEK Poročilo o staranje 2021 kaže, da naj bi se javni izdatki za dolgotrajno oskrbo podvojili, v nekaterih državah članicah EU pa celo potrojili. Iz obstoječe literature in lastnih statističnih analiza pa lahko ugotavljamo, da obstaja močna kontingenca med neustreznimi stanovanjskimi rešitvami in povpraševanjem po selitvi v dom za starejše (DSO), vendar pa noben članek ali politični dokument ne upošteva izdatkov za dolgotrajno oskrbo v odvisnosti od zgrajenega okolja. Stanovanja, prilagojena funkcionalnim zmogljivostim starejših odraslih, lahko ublažijo nevarnost padcev in socialne izolacije, vendar sistematičen pristop k ocenjevanju družbene vrednosti (SV) naložb v specializirana stanovanja še ni bil razvit do te mere, da bi ga uporabili v konkretnih državnih ali lokalnih politikah. V tem prispevku prikazujemo, kako je mogoče kvantificirati družbeno vrednost, ustvarjeno s spe-cializiranimi stanovanjskimi rešitvami, in predstavlja pristope za merjenje vpliva naložb v stanovanjski sklad na javne izdatke za dolgotrajno oskrbo. V te namene je razvit večdimenzionalni model mnogoterih pojemanj. Predlagamo delno prerazporeditev javnih finančnih virov (zdravstvene zavarovanja) iz kurativnih v preventivne. Ključne besede: družbena vrednost, dolgotrajna oskrba (DO), oskrbovana stanovanja, starejše občani ABSTRACT The Ageing Report’s data indicates that public expenditure for long-term care (LTC) is expected to double, and in some Member States, even triple. A strong contingency was found between inadequate housing and demand for relocation to a nursing home, but no documents consider LTC expenditures dependent on the built environment. Dwellings adjusted to the functional capacities of older adults can mitigate the risks of falls and social isolation, but the systematic approach to evaluating the social value (SV) of investments in specialized housing is not developed yet. This paper aims to show how social value created by specialized housing solutions can be quantified and presents steps to measure the impact of investments in the housing stock on public LTC expenditures. The multistate transition model is developed for these purposes. It is suggested to reallocate the financial sources (health insurance) from curative to the preventive. Keywords: Social value, Long-term Care (LTC), Assisted Living Facilities, Older adults 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 238 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Valerija Rogelj Zavod INRISK David Bogataj Zavod INRISK, AMEU - ECM SPECIALIZIRANE STANOVANJSKE REŠITVE ZA STAREJŠE SPECIALISED HOUSING SOLUTIONS FOR OLDER ADULTS POVZETEK Občine so odgovorne za organizacijo in financiranje storitev dolgotrajne oskrbe (DO). Ključno vprašanje je, kako zagotoviti ustrezno zdravstveno oskrbo, dolgotrajno oskrbo in bivanje za vse večje število starejših odraslih, ki so odvisni od tuje pomoči. Izpostavljenost tveganju, povezanem z grajenim okoljem, lahko povzroči nesreče, kot so padci. Osamljenost je glavni dejavnik tveganja za starejše odrasle. Ugotovili smo, da stanovanjski sklad v Sloveniji kot v drugih evropskih regijah ni primeren za podporo prehoda z institucionalne oskrbe na samostojno življenje na domu. Približno 90% hiš v Združenem kraljestvu, 70-80% hiš v Nemčiji in vsaj 60% v Sloveniji ni ustrezno zgrajenih, saj predstavljajo starejšim ovire za dostopnost. V pregledu literature na to temo predstavljamo, kako koristi adekvatno grajenega okolja ter iz-kušnje, pridobljene v (a) vaseh prijaznih starejšim in (b) samostojnih vseživljenjskih skupnostih, (c) oskrbovanih stanovanjih, (d) domovih za ostarele in (e) CCRC, prispevajo k razvoju soseske, ki zagotavljajo življenjsko okolje za vse generacije. Prostorsko načrtovanje, razvoj in upravljanje vseživljenjskih sosesk kot strategija za zmanjševanje tveganja hitro starajočih se mest je še posebej zanimivo. Predstavljamo, kako je mogoče posamezne rešitve od (a) do (e) uporabiti v vseživljenjskih soseskah in kako to zmanjšuje tveganje za nesreče in socialno izključenost ter ustvarja vrednost za skupnost. Bivalni prostori, ki prejemajo pomoč, in druge vrste specializiranih stanovanj lahko starejšim odraslim omogočijo daljše življenje v skupnosti, hkrati pa ublažijo vse večje javne izdatke za zdravstveno varstvo in dolgotrajno oskrbo. Ključne besede: bivališča z oskrbo, oskrbovana stanovanja, CCRC, srebrne vasi ABSTRACT Municipalities are responsible for organizing and financing long-term care (LTC) services. How to provide adequate health care, LTC, and housing for an increasing number of older adults that are dependent on the help of others is a crucial question. Exposure to the risk associated with build environments can cause accidents like falls. Loneliness is a major risk driver for older adults living in an urban environment. We found that the housing stock in Slovenia like in other European regions is not fit to support a shift from institutional care to home-based independent living. Some 90% of houses in the UK, 70-80% of houses in Germany and at least 60% in Slovenia are not adequately built, as they contain accessibility barriers for people with emerging functional impairments. The literature review presents benefits of the built and social environment and experiences gained in (a) Retirement Villages and (b) Independent Living Communities, (c) Assisted Living Facilities (d) Nursing Homes and (e) CCRCs can contribute to the development of lifetime neighbourhoods providing a living environment for all generations. The spatial planning, development, and management of lifetime neighbourhoods, as a risk mitigation strategy of the fast-ageing cities, are of specific interest. We are presenting how the solutions from (a) to (e) can be implemented in lifetime neighbourhoods and how it mitigates the risk of accidents and social exclusion, creating value for the community. Assisted living facilities and other types of specialised housing can enable older adults to live longer in the community while mitigating the increasing public expenditures for health care and long-term care. Keywords: Housing with care, Assisted Living Facilities, CCRC, Silver Villages 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 239 Eneja Drobež Ustavno sodišče & Zavod INRISK MODEL PRAVNE UREDITVE SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE ZA OSKRBO STAROSTNIKOV V SKUPNOSTI MODEL OF LEGAL REGULATION OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE CARE OF THE ELDERLY IN THE COMMUNITY POVZETEK Za kakovostno staranje je izjemno pomembna socialna infrastruktura, ki obsega starostnikom prilagojene bivalne objekte, pa tudi dostopne sprehajalne površine in dostopne storitvene dejavnosti za starejše. Bivalni prostori, ki so prilagojeni ljudem z zmanjšanimi funkcionalnimi zmožnostmi, podaljšajo samostojno in avtonomno življenje ter bivanje starejših v domačem okolju. Zakon o urejanju prostora za socialno infrastrukturo uporablja termin "družbena infrastruktura", vpeljal je tudi zahteve po univerzalnem dostopu do nje. Gradbeni zakon skupaj z na njegovi podlagi iz-danimi podzakonskimi akti določa standarde, kako naj bi se gradili objekti in naprave, vključno z oskrbovanimi stanovanji in socialnovarstvenimi zavodi. V slovenski pravni ureditvi tako poznamo pravne opredelitve oskrbe v institucijah in v oskrbovanih stanovanjih, nimamo pa posebne pravne ureditve za primer kohabitacijskih skupnosti za starostnike, kot so na primer "srebrne vasi" oziroma skupnostna stanovanja. Pri tem manjkajo zahteve po statusnopravni ureditvi skupnosti. Nedorečeni so tudi gradbeni standardi, po katerih naj bi bile takšne skupnosti zgrajene, še posebej za skupne prostore. V prispevku bomo naredili pregled različnih statusnopravnih, organizacijskih in gradbenih rešitev poznanih po svetu in predlagali model pravne ureditve kohabitacijskih skupnosti, ki bi bil primeren za Slovenijo. Ključne besede: pravni temelji, srebrna vas, socialna infrastruktura, družbena infrastruktura, starejši odrasli, oskrba v skupnosti ABSTRACT Social infrastructure is extremely important for a better quality of ageing and includes accommodation facilities adapted for older adults, as well as accessible walking areas and accessible services. Living spaces that are adapted to people with reduced functional abilities prolong independent and autonomous life and the stay of the seniors in the home environment. The Spatial Planning Act describes the term "social infrastructure" as well as requirements for universal access to it. The Construction Act, together with the implementing regulations issued on the basis thereof, sets standards for the construction of facilities, including "housing with care" and social welfare institutions. In the Slovenian legal system, we are provided with the legal definitions of care in institutions and in housing with care, but we do not have a special legal regulation for the case of cohabitation communities for the elderly, such as "silver villages" or community housing. There are no requirements for the status of the community. The building standards according to which such communities are to be built are also vague. In this paper, we will review various aspects of legal status, organizational and construction solutions as known around the world and propose a model of legal regulation of cohabitation communities that would be suitable for Slovenia. Keywords: Legal foundations, Silver village, Social infrastructure, Social infrastructure, Elderly adults, Community care 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 240 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Lidija Gradišnik AMEU - ECM, Medicinska fakulteta Maribor David Bogataj AMEU - ECM, Zavod INRISK BIVALNO OKOLJE STAREJŠIH LJUDI V SLOVENIJI LIVING ENVIRONMENT OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN SLOVENIA POVZETEK Življenjska doba se v zadnjih desetletjih podaljšuje, z večanjem deleža starejšega prebivalstva. Kadar starejši zase ne morejo več poskrbeti, so se velikokrat primorani vključiti v različne oblike skupnostne oskrbe ali institucionalnega varstva. Večina starejših si želi ostati doma, kar pa ni odvisno le od njihove samostojnosti in zdravstvenega stanja, ampak tudi od funkcionalne značilnosti okolja, kjer živijo. V prispevku bomo predstavili različne možnosti bivanja, ki jih imajo na razpolago starejši v Sloveniji. Že uveljavljene oblike njihovih bivalnih okolij so domovi za starejše, oskrbovana stanovanja, bivanje v domačem okolju s podporo domačih in prostovoljcev oziroma z oskrbo na domu in bivanje v obstoječem bivališču z dnevnim varstvom v dnevnem centru. Razvijajo pa se tudi nove oblike bivalnih okolij, ki jih do nedavnega pri nas še ni bilo: sobivanje starejših v skupnosti, bivanje v večgeneracijski stavbi, gospodinjske skupnosti in bivanje z drugo družino ali posameznikom. Alternativna oblika so bivalne skupnosti v obliki pametnih srebrnih vasi, ki bi poleg namestitev omogočale tudi vzpodbujanje razvoja in oživljanja podeželja. Ključne besede: bivalno okolje, starejši, bivalne skupnosti, pričakovana življenjska doba ABSTRACT Life expectancy has been increasing in recent decades, resulting in the ageing of society. When the elderly can no longer take care of themselves, they are often forced to take part in various forms of community or institutional care. Most elderly people wish to stay at home. This depends not only on their physical and cognitive independence and health but also on the functional characteristics of the environment in where they live. In this article, we discuss various accommodation options for the elderly in Slovenia. The oldest and most frequent forms of institutional care include nursing homes, serviced apartments, assisted living supported by family and volunteers, and partial homecare including care in a daily care centre. In recent years, new possibilities are evolving, including community and multigen-erational residences, household communities and living with a family or individual. An alternative form of residential communities is smart silver villages, offering accommodation and influencing the revitalization of the countryside. Keywords: Living environment, Elderly people, Residential communities, Expected lifespan 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 241 Jana Mali Fakulteta za socialno delo, Univerza v Ljubljani Benjamin Penič Fakulteta za socialno delo, Univerza v Ljubljani Maša Filipovič Hrast Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani EVROPSKI MAGISTRSKI PROGRAM AKTIVNEGA STARANJA IN USTVARJANJA STAROSTI PRIJAZNE DRUŽBE EUROPEAN MASTER ON ACTIVE AGEING AND AGE FRIENDLY SOCIETY POVZETEK Projekt naslavlja izzive, ki jih prinaša hitro starajoče se prebivalstvo Evrope, z razvojem interdisciplinarnega in v prihodnost usmerjenega magistrskega programa na temo aktivnega staranja in starosti prijazne družbe. V triletnem projektu, ki poteka pod okriljem Univerze v Ljubljani, so-delujeta Fakulteta za socialno delo in Fakulteta za družbene vede. Skupaj s sodelujočimi par-tnerskimi univerzami in fakultetami iz Finske, Avstrije, Grčije, Irske in Portugalske dopolnjujta mednarodno in interdisciplinarno skupino, ki s strokovnjaki s področja psihologije, socialnega dela, sociologije, družbenih ved, fizioterapije in sorodnih tem, soustvarja bogat nabor znanja, kompetenc, dobrih praks ter izkušenj o vrzelih v znanju, ki jih lahko novo nastali magistrski program zapolnjuje. V projektu se načrtovanja novega programa lotevamo z identifikacijo spretnosti in znanj, ki so nujna za strokovnjake na področju aktivnega staranja in ustvarjanja starosti prijazne družbe, z ozirom na krepitev moči starih ljudi, da lahko samostojno odločajo o svojem življenju in aktivno prispevajo v dobrobit družbe. Interdisciplinarnost projektne skupine bomo prikazali v kurikulumu magistrskega programa, katerega cilje je ustvariti kompetentne strokovnjake, sposobne reševanja izzivov s področja starosti in staranja družbe tako na nacionalni kot evropski ravni. Prav tako je cilj ustvariti dolgoročno uspešen in širše prepoznan magistrski program, ki se ponaša z diplomsko listino priznano in podpisano s strani vseh partnerskih držav. Prednost novega magistrskega programa bo njegova široka uporabnost, kompatibilnost z drugimi študijskimi programi, da se vanj lahko vključijo tudi strokovnjaki z navidezno nesorodnih področij, ki pa vendarle prepoznajo nujnost znanja, ki ga bo program ponujal. Ključne besede: demografske spremembe, aktivno staranje, starosti prijazne skupnosti, izobra- ževanje, magistrski študij 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 242 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT The project addresses the challenges of the rapidly aging population in Europe by developing an interdisciplinary and forward-looking Master's degree program on the topic of "Active aging and age-friendly society". The Faculty of Social Work and the Faculty of Social Sciences are involved in the three-year project, which takes place under the auspices of the University of Ljubljana. Together with the participating partner universities and faculties from Finland, Austria, Greece, Ireland and Portugal, they complete the international and interdisciplinary group, which together with experts from the fields of psychology, social work, sociology, social sciences, physiotherapy and related subjects, create good practices and experiences for knowledge gaps that the newly created Master's program can fill. The project aims to create a new degree program by identifying the necessary competencies for professionals in the field of active aging and creating an age-friendly society, with the goal of empowering older people to make independent decisions about their lives and actively contribute to the well-being of society. The interdisciplinarity of the project team will be reflected in the curriculum of the Master's program, which aims to create competent professionals able to solve the challenges of aging and aging societies, both at national and European level. It also aims to create a long-term successful and widely recognized Master's program with a diploma recognized and signed by all partner countries. The advantage of the new Master's program will be its wide applicability, its compatibility with other study programs, so that it can involve experts from seemingly unrelated fields who nevertheless recognize the need for the knowledge that the program will provide. The availability and flexibility of the Master's program will also be justified by the online delivery of the course and the study in English. The project partners are addressing the identification of the knowledge needed to successfully address the challenges of aging and aging by systematically reviewing existing research that identifies the needs of students and professionals. Keywords: Demographic change, Active aging, Age-friendly society, Education, Master's degree 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 243 Jana Mali Fakulteta za socialno delo, Univerza v Ljubljani OCENA RAZVOJA SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE DOLGOTRAJNE OSKRBE Z VIDIKA IZVAJALCEV OSKRBE ASSESEMENT OF LONG-TERM CARE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT FROM THE PESPECTIVE OF CARE PROVIDERS POVZETEK Za socialno delo predstavlja dolgotrajna oskrba (DO) svojevrsten izziv, saj paradigmatske spremembe v oskrbi razumemo kot priložnost za razvoj strokovnega ravnanja, utemeljene-ga na socialnem delu. Pomoč ljudem, ki potrebujejo DO, razumemo celostno, transverzalno in povezovalno, da bi razvijali takšne oblike pomoči, ki učinkovito zadovoljujejo potrebe ljudi. Socialno infrastrukturo DO definiramo na treh ravneh: mikro ravni, ki predstavlja socialno infrastrukturo v družini in socialnih omrežjih, mezo ravni formalnih organizacijskih struktur in makro ravni družbe kot celote. V prispevku predstavimo rezultate raziskave, izvedene v temeljnem raziskovalnem projektu J6-9396, z vidika mezo ravni, ki išče načine, kako skupnost sploh mobilizirati. Obstajajo trije formalni sektorji, ki zagotavljajo pomoč starim ljudem in so temelj formalne socialne infrastrukture DO. To so javni, zasebni in nevladni sektor. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kako trenutni akterji na področju DO ocenjujejo ustreznost oskrbe glede na potrebe starih ljudi. Opravili smo 50 intervjujev s predstavniki domov za stare, centrov za socialno delo, izvajalcev pomoči na domu, medgeneracijskih in dnevnih centrov, predstavnikov občin in društev upokojencev. Glede na sektorsko delitev smo v vzorec vklju- čili 78% predstavnikov javnega sektorja, 18% privatnega sektorja, 4% nevladnega sektorja. Vprašalnik smo zasnovali na kombinaciji kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih podatkov, saj so vprašani odgovore ocenili na podlagi Likertova lestvice ocen od 1 do 5 in nato podali opis posameznih ocen. Rezultati kažejo, da ponudba pomoči na domu, oskrbovanih stanovanj in domov za stare ljudi v manjši meri odgovarja povpraševanju in potrebam starih ljudi in da je smiselno iskati rešitve za razvoj socialne infrastrukture DO v skupnostni oskrbi. Povečati je treba oskrbo na domu (pomoč na domu, dnevno in začasno varstvo), kakor tudi namestitve v domovih za stare in resno razmisliti o gradnji naselij zanje. Ključne besede: dolgotrajna oskrba, socialno delo, skupnostna oskrba, institucionalna oskrba, socialna infrastruktura 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 244 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT For social work, long-term care is a unique challenge because we understand paradigmatic changes in care as an opportunity to develop professional behaviors based on social work with older people. We understand helping people in need of long-term care in a holistic, transversal and cohesive way in order to develop such forms of help that effectively meet people's needs. The social infrastructure of long-term care is defined at three levels: the micro level, which is the social infrastructure in the family and social networks, the meso level of the formal organisational structures and the macro level of society as a whole. The paper presents the results of research conducted as part of the basic research project J6-9396, from the perspective of the meso-level, from where it looks for ways to strengthen social networks, how community organizations can contribute, and how to mobilize the community at large. There are three formal sectors that support older people and form the basis of the formal social infrastructure of long-term care. These are the public, private and non-governmental sectors. In this research, we were interested in how it perceive the adequacy of care. We conducted 50 interviews with representatives of old people's homes, centers of social work, home help providers, intergenerational and day care centers, representatives of municipalities and pensioners' associations. In line with the sectoral breakdown, 78% of representatives from the public sector, 18% from the private sector and 4% from the non-governmental sector were included in the sample. The questionnaire was based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, as respondents rated the answers based on Likert scale with scores from 1 to 5. The results show that, the provision of home help, assisted housing and old people's homes meets the needs and demands to a lesser extent and that it is useful to look for solutions to develop the social infrastructure for long-term care in the community (home help, day care and temporary care) needs to be increased, as well as accommodation in old people's homes, and serious consideration should be given to building housing estates for the older people. Keywords: Long-term care, Social work, Community care, Institutional care, Social infrastructure 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 245 Alenka Temeljotov Salaj Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Valerija Rogelj Zavod INRISK David Bogataj Zavod INRISK, AMEU - ECM UPRAVLJANJE OBJEKTOV IN NAPRAV SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE PAMETNIH SREBRNIH MEST FACILITY MANAGEMENT OF THE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF SMART SILVER CITY POVZETEK Mesta v EU se starajo. Vse večje število prebivalcev, starih 80 let ali več, ki živijo v mestih, ima težave z osnovnimi vsakdanjimi dejavnostmi zaradi neprimernih stanovanj ter fizičnega in kognitivnega upada funkcionalnih zmožnosti. Ponudba storitev dolgotrajne oskrbe (LTC) je nizka, povpraševanje po njih pa na urbanih območjih hitro narašča. V zadnjih 20 letih so nove tehnologije, kot so brezžič- na komunikacija, internet stvari (IoT), senzorji, inteligenca okolja in računalništvo v oblaku, odprle možnosti za razvoj kiber-fizičnih sistemov (CPS) z različnimi aplikacijami, ki podpirajo starejše odrasle, da ostanejo fizično in duševno aktivni ter živijo samostojno, medtem ko so vključeni v svoje skupnosti. V mnogih državah EU je funkcija upravljanja objektov vse bolj pomembna. Ta članek kaže, da je socialna infrastruktura na urbanih območjih premalo raziskano območje pametnega mesta v primerjavi z digitalno infrastrukturo, prometno infrastrukturo in komunalnimi storitva-mi na splošno. Predstavljamo vam, kako spodbuditi skupnosti Upravljalcev objektov in naprav v mestih (FMs- Facility Managers), da uvedejo programe za podporo starejšim občanom v njihovih mestnih bivališčih, če ta oskrba institucionalno ni urejena. Cilj tega prispevka je tudi pregledati digitalno preobrazbo socialne infrastrukture za starejše odrasle v pametnem mestu, ki temelji na novih tehnologijah, ki bi bila v pomoč tudi upravljalcem objektov in naprav v mestih, in predlagati prihodnjo raziskovalno agendo kot prvi korak k novemu programu teh združenj. Ključne besede: pametna mesta, socialna infrastruktura, objekti in naprave, starejši meščani, upravljanje objektov in naprav ABSTRACT Also, cities in EU are ageing. The increasing number of seniors age 80+ as urban residents have difficulties with basic activities of daily living due to the inappropriate housing and physical and cognitive functional decline. The supply for the Long-Term Care (LTC) services is low and the demand for the LTC services in urban areas is rising rapidly. In the last 20 years, emerging technologies such as wireless communication, Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, ambient intelligence and cloud computing have opened up the possibilities of developing cyber-physical systems (CPS) with various applications supporting older adults to remain physically and mentally active and live autonomously while being engaged in their communities. In many EU country the function of facility manages is becoming more and more important. This paper shows that social infrastructure in urban areas is an under-researched area of a smart city compared with digital infrastructure, transport infrastructure and utilities in general. We wish to present how to motivate the FM community to introduce the program for supporting the older citizens in their agendas. This paper also aims to review the digital transformation of social infrastructure for older adults in a smart city based on ambient assisted living technologies and propose a future research agenda as the first approach to the FM association. Keywords: smart cities, social infrastructure, facilities, senior citizens, facility management 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 246 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Marija Bogataj Univerza v Ljubljani – Ekonomska fakulteta & Zavod INRISK SO-STANOVANJSKE REŠITVE PAMETNIH SREBRNIH VASI CO-HOUSING SOLUTIONS OF SMART SILVER VILLAGES POVZETEK V skladu z "Operativnim programom za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike za obdobje 2014–2020" je Slovenija opredelila spodbujanje zasnove in izgradnje cenovno dostopnih, trajnostnih in kakovostnih zdravstvenih in socialnih storitev za stare in zelo stare prebivalce kot ključno področje, vendar stanovanjska oskrba in logistika za te prebivalce do zdaj nista bili v centru pozornosti. Program bi bilo treba razviti za (a) podporo občinam pri načrtovanju socialne infrastrukture in storitev v skupnostih ter (b) zagotavljanje možnosti, da socialno podjetništvo vstopi v postavljene sistemov dolgotrajne oskrbe in spremljajočih storitev. Na podlagi naše študije potreb po oskrbi starostnikov v Posavju in drugih štirih lokalnih akcijskih skupinah, ki jih sestavlja 38 občin, predlagamo nekaj rešitev za so-stanovanjske in druge so-nastanitve v slovenskih vaseh. So-stanovanjske skupnosti in druga so-bivališča so primeri stanovanjskih trendov, ki vse bolj vstopajo v zavest Evropejcev in v prakso evropskega prebivalstva še predvsem na področju stanovanjske oskrbe starejših prebivalcev mest in vasi. Za so-stanovanjsko skupnost velja, da fizična razporeditev stanovanj obsega več samostojnih domov v kombinaciji s skupnimi prostori in objekti. Ti skupni prostori in objekti podpirajo boljše življenje v skupnosti. Omogočajo uravnoteženje zasebnosti in skupnostnega življenja. Prispevek predlaga kon-ceptualni pristop k organizaciji bivanja starejših in dogovarjanju o skupnem bivanju z razvojem večdimenzionalnega prostorskega okvira v kombinaciji s študijem različnih vrst oblikovanja sostanovanjskih enot. V prispevki podajamo analizo želja in možnosti izgradnje takih objaktov v Posavju, s čimer zapolnjujemo empirično in konceptualno vrzel v slovenski in mednarodni literaturi in praksi ter poskušamo pristop raziskati bolj sistematično. Ključne besede: stanovanjska oskrba starejših, socialna infrastruktura, objekti in naprave, starejši vaščani, socialna oskrba na vasi, so-stanovanjske skupnosti, sobivanje v skupnosti ABSTRACT In accordance with the "Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy for the period 2014–2020", Slovenia identified the promotion of the availability of affordable, sustainable, and high-quality health and social services for old and very old inhabitants, as a key area, but housing and logistics for these inhabitants is not considered. The program should be developed for (a) supporting municipalities in planning social infrastructure and services in communities, and (b) giving the opportunities that social entrepreneurship enter into the set of LTC systems and accompanying services. On the bases of our surway at Posavje region and other four Local Action Groups which consist of 38 municipalities, we suggest some co-housing and other co-habitation solutions in Slovenian villages. Co-housing and other co-habitation are cases of housing trends receiving increased interest. These are increasingly entering the consciousness and practice of the European population, especially in the field of housing care for the elderly inhabitants of towns and villages. The physical layout of co-housing comprises several independent homes in combination with shared spaces and facilities. These shared spaces and facilities support living better together. They enable balancing privacy and communality. The paper proposes a conceptual approach to the older people cohousing and other co-habitation arrangements in Slovenia, by developing a multi-dimensional spatial framework combined with an investigation of the different designing types of co-housing. By presenting an analysis of Posavje case of co-housing, the paper fills an empirical and conceptual gap in the Slovenian and international literature and practice, trying to explore these more systematically. Keywords: housing care for the elderly, social infrastructure, facilities, elderly villagers, social care in the village, co-housing communities, community co-habitation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 247 Petra Janež Zavod INRISK David Bogataj AMEU - ECM, Zavod INRISK FINANCIRANJE SOCILNE INFRASTRUKTURE ZA STAREJŠE OBČANE IZ DAVKA NA NEPREMIČNINE FINANCING SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ELDERLY FROM REAL ESTATE TAX POVZETEK V ospredju trenutnih problemov pri politiki in zasebnih pobudah je primanjkljaj v zmogljivostih slovenskih domov starejših občanov in drugih bivališčih za prebivalce z znatno upadlimi funkcionalnimi zmožnostmi, kot so varovana in oskrbovana stanovanja ter gospodinjske skupnosti. Večina slovenskih občin ne more slediti povpraševanju po objektih, ki so potrebni za zagotavljanje storitev za starejše. Temeljni problem občin je zagotavljanje financiranja oziroma zmožnost investiranja v socialno infrastrukturo. Prispevek obravnava potrebe po investicijah v socialno infrastrukturo slovenskih občin. Podaja sestavo prihodkov občin, kot sledi iz Zakona o financiranju občin. Eden od davčnih prihodkov so sicer dajatve na nepremičnine, ki vključujejo davek od premoženja, nadomestilo za uporabo stavbnega zemljiška in druge davke. Poskušamo uvesti davek na nepremičnine, vendar se procedure zatikajo. Nova davčna zakonodaja, s predvidenim davkom na nepremičnine bi lahko znantno vplivala na občinske prihodke, s tem pa na zmožnost občin, da vlagajo v lokalno socialno infrastrukturo, tudi v skupnostno oskrbo starostnikov. Predlagamo, kako v ta namen opredeliti standarde socialne infrastrukture v okviru prostorskega načrtovanja tudi za zagotavljanje skupnostne infrastrukture za starejše občane. Predlagamo, kako bi lahko za gradnjo teh objektov namenili del prihodkov iz naslova davka na nepremičnine. Če izhajamo iz predloga zakona, bi lahko okrog 60 milijonov letno namenili za te investicije in s tem za dvig kakovosti življenja starejših občanov. Drugi vir za te investicije bi moral biti na voljo iz zdravstvene blagajne, saj bi s tem, kot pravi Claudia Wood, močno razbremenili prav denarne tokove iz zdravstvene blagajne. ključne besede: dolgotrajna oskrba, oskrbovana stanovanje, obdavčenje, finančni načrt, investicije ABSTRACT At the forefront of the current problems in politics and private initiatives, there is a deficit in the capacities of Slovenian homes for seniors. Most Slovenian municipalities cannot keep up with the demand for facilities needed to provide services for them. The basic problem of municipalities is the provision of financing or the ability to invest in social infrastructure. The article deals with the need for investments in the social infrastructure of Slovenian municipalities. It gives the composition of municipal revenues as follows from the Law on local self-government. One of the tax revenues is real estate taxes, which include property tax, compensation for the use of building land and other taxes. We are trying to introduce a property tax, but procedures are stalled. The new tax legislation, with the envisaged real estate tax, could have a significant impact on municipal revenues, and thus on the ability of municipalities to invest in local social infrastructure, including community care for the older citizens. To this end, we suggest how to define social infrastructure standards in the context of spatial planning, also for the provision of community infrastructure for senior citizens. We suggest how a part of the real estate tax revenues could be allocated for the construction of these facilities. If we start from the bill, we could allocate around 60 million a year for these investments and thus for raising the quality of life of senior citizens. Another source for these investments should be available from the health fund, because, as Claudia Wood says, this would greatly relieve the cash flows from the health fund. Keywords: Long-Term Care, Serviced apartment, Taxation, Financial plan, Investments 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 248 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Zdenka Milič Žepič AMEU - ECM, Mednarodni inštitut za aplikativno gerontologijo, Ljubljana Ana Marija Hošnjak AMEU - ECM, Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb Aleksandra Ločičnik AMEU - ECM Lidija Gradišnik AMEU - ECM, Medicinska fakulteta Maribor Mihael Nedeljko AMEU - ECM Sanja Zgonec AMEU - ECM, CUDV Dolfke Boštjančič, Draga Suzana Mežnarec Novosel AMEU - ECM Marija Ovsenik AMEU - ECM TIPIČNA HIŠA IZ OBDOBJA 1960 – 1980 V SLOVENIJI IN NA HRVAŠKEM KOT IZZIV ZA OBLIKOVANJE SODOBNE BIVANJSKE SKUPNOSTI – 'SREBRNA HIŠA' A TYPICAL HOUSE FROM 1960-1980 IN SLOVENIA AND CROATIA - CHALLENGE FOR THE DESIGN OF A MODERN RESIDENCY - 'SILVER HOUSE' POVZETEK Staranje je proces, ki pripelje do slabenja telesnih in duševnih sposobnosti, kar neizogibno vpliva na zmožnosti starejših za samostojno življenje, še posebno v velikih hišah. Cilj sprememb je za-dovoljiti spreminjajoče se potrebe nove generacije starejših glede na njihove bivanjske potrebe z željo po čim daljši samostojnosti, samoodločanju in individualnosti. V zasebni lasti je v Sloveniji 81% in na Hrvaškem 89,9 % vseh hiš, od tega nekaj več kot 40 % v lasti upokojencev. Gre za tipično gradnjo druge polovice 20. stoletja, običajno objekte za najmanj dve družini, največkrat prevelike, z nefunkcionalno razporeditvijo prostorov in energetsko potratne. Skupni projekt 'srebrna hiša', ki ga predstavljamo, je oblikovanje idejnega koncepta konstrukcijsko, organizacijsko in lastniško preoblikovane tipične, podeželsko-primestne hiše, v sodoben dom bodočnosti za 4 do 6 oseb, za čim daljše zdravo, neodvisno in uspešno staranje. Konceptuirana je prenova za-puščenega objekta-hiše, katere lastnik bi bil pripravljen to nepremičnino prilagoditi in nameniti bivanju starejših ali jo participirati kot soudeležbo pri vzpostavitvi hišne skupnosti. Za stanovalce 'srebrne hiše' formalno skrbi strokovni, multidisciplinarni tim, ki sodeluje z ostalimi institucija-mi v okolju, pokriva določeno okrožje 'srebrnih hiš', ga koordinira socialni gerontolog, in nefor-malna mreža prostovoljcev. Kakovost bivanja nadgrajuje samooskrbni sistem permakulturne narave, tehnološko podprt strokovni načrt socialnega gerontologa za preprečevanje padcev in integrirana 'high-tech' oskrba na daljavo (IKT). Uvedba koncepta 'srebrnih hiš' lahko pospeši in poveča ponudbo storitev za starejše, omogoči razvoj novih programov, odpiranje novih delovnih mest in zmanjša odseljevanje mladih s podeželja. Je sodoben, uporabniku, okolju in skupnosti prijazen model visoko kakovostnega bivanja v starosti. Ključne besede: sodobno bivanje starejših-'srebrna hiša', socialni gerontolog 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 249 ABSTRACT Aging leads to physical and psychological decline inevitably affecting the older for independent living especially in big homes. The goal of new dwellings is to satisfy the needs of older generation for staying independent and maintaining self-determination and individuality as long as possible. In Slovenia and Croatia 81% and 89.9% of all houses are privately owned. Slightly more than 40% of them belong to retirees. These houses are typical construction from the second half of the 20th century, built for at least two families, mostly oversized, and energy wasteful. Project 'Silver House' represents the new concept of construction, organization, and ownership of typical, rural-suburban house into a contemporary home for 4 to 6 people, enabling independent and successful aging. The renovation, based on the participation of the homeowner, is conceived as a residential community. ‘Silver House’ residents are formally cared by a professional, multidisciplinary team that collaborates with other local institutions and proved services to other ‘Silver Houses’ in a region, coordinated by a social gerontologist, and an informal network of volunteers. The quality of living is upgraded by a self-care system of a permaculture, a technologically supported social gerontologist's professional plan for fall prevention and integrated 'high-tech' remote care (ICT). The introduction of the 'Silver Houses' concept can speed up and increase the new services and programs for the elders, create jobs, and reduce the emigration of young people from rural areas. It is a modern, user, environment, and community friendly model for high quality living in old age. Keywords: Seniors' contemporary dwelling-"Silver House", Social gerontologist 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 250 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Dejan Dokl AMEU – ECM David Bogataj AMEU – ECM, Zavod INRISK AMORTIZACIJA OBJEKTOV SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE KOT ELEMENT CENE OSKRBE STAREJŠIH DEPRECIATION OF SOCIAL FACILITIES IN THE PRICE STRUCTURE OF THE ELDERCARE POVZETEK Stroški, ki v poslovnem procesu nastajajo, so sestavni del lastne cene proizvodov ali storitev. Amortizacija je eden izmed potroškov prvin poslovnega procesa, je strošek oz. vrednostno iz-ražen potrošek osnovnih sredstev (kot v našem primeru: objektov in naprav, namenjenih starej- šim z upadlimi funkcionalnimi zmogljivostmi). Ti izdatki v veliki meri v delovnem procesu predstavljajo neizogiben fiksni strošek. Razumevanju pomena razmerja med fiksnimi, variabilnimi ter celotnimi stroški oz. razmerju stroška amortizacije in operativnega stroška same oskrbe v preteklosti ni bilo namenjeno dovolj pozornosti. Tako so se ti fiksni fondi v Sloveniji siromašili iz leta v leto bolj. Z namenom zagotavljanja optimalnih rešitev v tem segmentu sistema socialnega varstva, bomo to področje podrobno opredelili in umestili v sistem oskrbe starejšega prebivalstva. Izpostavljamo poglobljen vpogled v mnogim nejasen segment sestave cene, tudi elementa cene socialno varstvene storitve, ki ga poznamo pod pojmom ''amortizacija''. Vsi stroški, ki v poslovnem procesu nastajajo, morajo biti sestavni del lastne cene proizvodov in/ali storitev. Zaračunani stroški materiala služijo poplačilu ali nabavi novega materiala za nadaljevanje delovnega procesa, kot zaračunani stroški dela služijo za poravnavanje plač zaposlenim. Tako bi se moral, po tej analogiji zaračunan strošek amortizacije uporabljati izključno za nadomeščanje osnovnih sredstev, ki se pri delovnem procesu porabljajo. Glede na perečo problematiko neustreznih prostorskih kapacitet na področju institucionalnega varstva starejših oseb, se po-raja vprašanje, za kateri namen so v preteklosti akumulirana sredstva iz naslova zaračunane amortizacije in investicijskega vzdrževanja, trošili v premnogih domovih v Republiki Sloveniji. Naša raziskava skuša vsaj delno odgovoriti na ta vprašanja in postaviti ključne zahteve, da se to ne bi dogajalo še naprej. Ključne besede: amortizacija, struktura cene, dolgotrajna oskrba, socialna infrastruktura 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 251 ABSTRACT Costs incurred in the business process are an integral part of the cost price of products or services. Depreciation is one of the elements of the business process, it is a consumption of fixed assets (as in our case: facilities intended for the eldercare). These expenses largely represent an unavoidable fixed cost in the work process. Understanding the importance of the relationship between fixed, variable and total costs or. the relationship between the depreciation cost and the operating cost of the care itself has not been given sufficient attention in the past. Thus, these fixed funds in Slovenia became poorer from year to year. In order to provide optimal solutions in this segment of the social protection system, we will define this area in detail and place it in the care system of the elderly population. We highlight an in-depth insight into the many unclear segment of the price structure, including the price element of the social security service, known as "depreciation". Charged material costs are used to repay or purchase new material to continue the work process, just as charged labour costs are used to pay salaries to employees. Thus, by this analogy, the depreciation charge should be used exclusively to replace the fixed assets used in the work process of eldercare. Given the burning issue of inadequate housing capacity in the institutional eldercare, the question arises as to the purpose for which the accumulated funds from charged depreciation and investment maintenance were spent in too many homes in the Republic of Slovenia. Our research seeks to answer these questions, at least in part, and to set key requirements so that this does not continue to happen. Keywords: Depreciation, Price structure, Long - Term Care, Social infrastructure 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 252 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Renata Možanić AMEU - ECM ZDRAVSTVENA IN SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA ZA OSKRBO STAROSTNIKOV V SKUPNOSTI V VARAŽDINSKI ŽUPANIJI HEALTH AND SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ELDERCARE IN THE COMMUNITY IN VARAŽDIN COUNTY POVZETEK S staranjem prebivalstva Varaždinske županije se povečujejo potrebe po zdravstveni negi starej- ših občanov. Za obdobje 2012-2020 smo analizirali število pacientov po starosti in spolu ter in-tenziteti zdravstvene nege. Preverili smo ustreznost normativov. Na temelju preteklih podatkov za Varaždinsko županijo in projekcij demografskih parametrov, ki sledijo iz EUROPOP 2019, ki ga je pripravil EUROSTAT za obdobje 2020-2060, smo izvedli projekcijo potreb po zdravstveni negi, ki se izvaja na domovih ter preverili ustreznost normativov za to izvajanje. Model podaja napovedi potreb po človeških virih – medicinskih sestrah za zdravstveno nego v skupnostih Varaždinske županije. Ključne riječi: varaždinska županija, zdravstvena nega na domu, normativi zdravstvene nega, socialna infrastruktura ABSTRACT With the aging population of Varaždin County, the need for nursing care for the older adults is increasing. For the period 2012-2020, we analysed the number of patients by age and sex and the intensity of nursing care. We checked the adequacy of the norms. Based on past data for Varaždin County and projections of demographic parameters that follow from EUROPOP 2019, prepared by EUROSTAT for the period 2020-2060, we performed a projection of nursing needs, which is carried out in homes and checked the adequacy of standards for this implementation. The model provides projections of human resource needs - nurses for nursing care in the communities of Varaždin County. Keywords: Varaždin County, Community health care, Health care norms, Social infrastructure 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 253 Andrej Sluga Nova univerza - EPF DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA JAVNE UPRAVE KOT OSNOVA ZA SKLADEN REGIONALNI RAZVOJ S POUDARKOM NA RAZVOJU SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS A BASIS FOR COHERENT REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT WITH AN EMPHASIS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE POVZETEK Osnova za razvoj vsake družbe je sožitje med mestom in podeželjem. Za slovensko podeželje je značilno zmanjševanje poseljenosti, ki je posledica vedno večjega razkoraka v kakovosti življenja v urbanem in ruralnem okolju. Na kakovost življenja bistveno vplivata dostop in kvaliteta tako gospodarske javne kot tudi socialne infrastrukture. Tehnološki in znanstveni napredek in predvsem razvoj digitalnih tehnologij razkorak samo povečujejo. Uporabno vrednost digitalizacije so najprej spoznala podjetja, spremembam v gospodarstvu pa sledijo tudi spremembe v širši družbi in po poti digitalne preobrazbe je prisiljena stopiti tudi javna uprava v najširšem smislu. Pri tem digitalizacijo ne smemo razumeti izključno kot reformo upravljanja z dokumenti in prenehanje uporabe dokumentov v papirni obliki. Ugotavljamo, da se je operativno delovanje javne uprave skozi razvoj informacijske družbe zadnjih 40 let sicer temeljito spreminjalo, temu pa žal ni sledil organizacijski vidik javne uprave, saj politični in upravni sistem ni sledil tehnološkemu razvoju. Da bi podeželje lahko sledilo razvoju urbanih središč potrebuje izobražene, kreativne in inovativne kadre z ustreznimi kompetencami in afiniteto da razvoja podeželja, ustrezne finančne vire za vzpostavitev infrastrukture, v veliko pomoč pa bi bila reforma javne uprave s teritorialno, upravno, politično in fiskalno decentralizacijo, kot je to predstavljeno v prospevku in je še posebej očitno v poskusih deinstitucionalizacije dolgotrajne oskrbe. Ključne besede: ICT, javna uprava, podeželje ABSTRACT The basis for the development of any society is the coexistence between the city and the countryside. The Slovenian countryside is characterized by declining population, which is the result of a growing gap in the quality of life in urban and rural areas. The quality of life is significantly affected by accessibility indicators and the quality of both economic public and social infrastructure. Technological and scientific advances, and especially the development of digital technologies, are only widening the gap. The useful value of digitalisation was first realized by companies, and changes in the economy are followed by changes in the wider society, and the public administration in the broadest sense is forced to follow the path of digital transformation. As demonstrated, this digitalisation should not be seen solely as a reform of document management. The operational functioning of public administration has changed radically over the last 40 years through the development of the information society, but unfortunately this was not followed by the organizational aspect of public administration, as the political and administrative system did not follow technological development. To follow the development, also the rural municipalities need educated, creative and innovative staff with appropriate competencies and affinity for rural development, adequate financial resources for infrastructure, and public administration reform with territorial, administrative, political and fiscal decentralization. It is clearly seen in the attempt of the LTC deinstitutionalization. Keywords: ICT, Public administration, Countryside, Quality of life 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 254 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Katja Gorenc Nova univerza - EPF David Bogataj Nova univerza - EPF, AMEU – ECM SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA V OSKRBOVALNIH SISTEMIH STAROSTNIKOV OSREDNJESLOVENSKE STATISTIČNE REGIJE SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE ELDERCARE SYSTEMS OF THE CENTRAL SLOVENIAN STATISTICAL REGION POVZETEK S staranjem prebivalstva rastejo tudi izzivi zagotavljanja socialne varnosti starejših prebivalcev in s tem razvoj primernih oblik oskrbovalnih sistemov za njihovo bivanje. Slovenija v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi državami na področju ponujenih kapacitet bivanja starostnikov nekoliko zaostaja, saj v večji meri koristimo le institucionalno oskrbo oziroma domove za ostarele. Šele v zadnjih dvajsetih letih se pojavljajo tudi druge oblike oskrbovanega bivanja za starostnike, kot so na primer oskrbovana stanovanja, bolje organizirana oskrba na domu ter medgeneracijski centri, ki temeljijo na ideji o podaljševanju samostojnega bivanja starostnikov. V prispevku bo izvedena primerjava socialne infrastrukture za oskrbo starostnikov v Osrednjes-lovenski statistični regiji, s socialno infrastrukturo za oskrbo starostnikov v drugih statističnih regijah Slovenije. Poleg tega bo raziskava proučila tudi pripravljenost občin osrednjeslovenske statistične regije na zagotavljanje oskrbe povečanemu številu starostnikov. Ali se občine osrednjeslovenske statistične regije zavedajo, v kakšnem obsegu bodo morale povečati kapacitete za oskrbo starostnikov, z namenom ohranitve trenutnega nivoja oskrbe in kakšne bi morale biti kapacitete, da bi se stanje v prihodnjih letih izboljšalo. Ključne besede: Starejši prebivalci, Osrednjeslovenska regija,Socialna infrastruktura, Oskrbovalni sistemi ABSTRACT As the population ages, so do the challenges of ensuring the social security of the older adults and thus the development of appropriate forms of care systems for their living. Compared to other European countries, Slovenia lags slightly behind in offering accommodation capacities for the older cohorts, as we only used institutional care or old people's homes to a greater extent. It is only in the last twenty years that other forms of care for them have emerged, such as the assisted living facilities, better organized home care and intergenerational centres, based on the idea of extending the independent living of the elderly. The presentation will compare the social infrastructure for the care of the elderly people in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region with the social infrastructure for the care of the older adults in other statistical regions of Slovenia. In addition, the research will examine the readiness of the municipalities of the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region to provide care to an increased number of elderly people. The questions were, are the municipalities of the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region aware of the extent to which they will have to increase the capacity for care of the seniors in order to maintain the current level of care and what the capacity should be in order to improve the situation in the coming years. Keywords: Elderly population, Osrednjeslovenska region, Social infrastructure, Supply systems 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 255 David Bogataj AMEU – ECM, Zavod INRISK JAMSTVENE SHEME ZA UGODNA POSOJILA VLAGATELJEM V SOCIALNO INFRASTRUKTURO GUARANTEE SCHEMES FOR FAVOURABLE LOANS TO SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTORS POVZETEK Evropa se spopada z dolgoročnimi potrebami po naložbah v socialno infrastrukturo za oskrbo starostnikov. Ključne so vse večje zahteve po oblikovanju ustreznih finančnih instrumentov in izbor finančnih posrednikov za usmerjanje naložb vključno z naložbami v oskrbovana stanovanja in gospodinjske skupnosti. Komercialni posojilodajalci se pogosto ne odločajo za tako financiranje, ker se jim to zdi preveč rizično. Zato države vstopajo v investicijske aktivnosti z garancijski-mi shemami. Znaten interes držav za podporo razvoju socialne infrastrukture dokazujejo nove jamstvene sheme na Škotskem, v Veliki Britaniji, na Irskem ter Nizozemskem in v Švici. Te sheme omogočajo tudi koriščenje sredstev EIB. Za učinkovito koriščenje sredstev EIB moramo tudi v Sloveniji razviti nacionalno garancijsko shemo, ki bo omogočala garancije za podporo dolgoročnim naložbam v socialna in cenovno ugodna najemna ter lastniška oskrbovana stanovanja in Zelene hiše. Mednarodne izkušnje nudijo ustrezne napotke za oblikovanje nacionalnega jamstve-nega mehanizma za razvoj cenovno ugodnih najemnih in lastniških oskrbovanih stanovanj. Med neprofitnimi stanovanjskimi skladi, ki so koristili finančna sredstva, zavarovana z garancijami nacionalnih jamstvenih shem, je bila dosežena ničelna stopnja neizpolnjevanja finančnih obveznosti za posojila za izgradnjo socialnih stanovanj. Izkušnje kažejo, da so upravljalci nepro-fitnih stanovanjskih skladov dosegli finančno disciplino z ustrezno podporo in regulacijo prihodkov, dobrimi praksami upravljanja in poslovanja ter skrbno strukturiranimi garancijami, vključno z dobrim nadzorom. Ključne besede: garancijske sheme, bivališča za starejše, obratne hipoteke, socialna podjetja, Stanovanjski zavodi ABSTRACT Europe is facing long-term needs for investment in social infrastructure for the care of the elderly. Increasing requirements for the creation of appropriate financial instruments and the selection of financial intermediaries to guide investment, including investment in serviced housing and households, are crucial. Commercial lenders often do not opt for such financing because they find it too risky. Therefore, countries enter into investment activities with guarantee schemes. The significant interest of countries in supporting the development of social infrastructure is evidenced by the new guarantee schemes in Scotland, the United Kingdom and Ireland, Dutch and Swiss. These schemes also allow the use of EIB funds. For the efficient use of EIB funds, we must also develop a national guarantee scheme in Slovenia, which will provide guarantees to support longterm investments in socially affordable rental and owner-occupied housing and Green Houses. International experience provides appropriate guidance for the design of a national guarantee mechanism for the development of affordable rental and owner-occupied housing. Among non-profit housing funds that used financial assets secured by the guarantees of national guarantee schemes, a zero-default rate was achieved for loans for the construction of social housing. Experience has shown that non-profit housing fund managers have achieved financial discipline through appropriate support and revenue regulation, good management and business practices, and carefully structured guarantees, including good oversight. Keywords: Guarantee schemes, Housing for the elderly, Reverse mortgages, Social enterprises, Housing associations 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 256 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Marta Kavšek Zavod INRISK Marija Bogataj Zavod INRISK, Univerza v Ljubljani – Ekonomska fakulteta David Bogataj Zavod INRISK, Univerza v Ljubljani – Ekonomska fakulteta, AMEU – ECM O POMEMBNOSTI STAREJŠIM PRIJAZNIH REŠITEV OSKRBE V SKUPNOSTI PO STAROSTNIH KOHORTAH ON THE IMPORTANCE OF SENIOR-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CARE SOLUTIONS BY AGE COHORTS POVZETEK Že pred 15 leti je Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) sprožila mednarodno gibanje za aktivno in zdravo staranje v starosti prijazni skupnosti s poudarkom na grajenem okolju, zdravju, socialnem okolju in storitvah. Vprašanje je bilo izpostavljeno, kaj bi bil najboljši svetovni model za različne kohorte starejših odraslih z različnimi preferencami glede lastnosti skupnosti, v kateri bi radi živeli na starost, čeprav so dokaj dobro ocenjene pričakovane agregirane vrednosti preferenc. Namen naše študije je bil preučiti razlike med Baby Boomerji in starejšimi generacijami. Rezultati Z+4 testa kažejo na manj značilne razlike med temi starostnimi skupinami na preučevanih področjih v primerjavi z rezultati iz ZDA. Pokazale pa so se predvsem velike razlike v preferencah na področju želene stanovanjske oskrbe. Na podlagi teh rezultatov našega raziskovanja in glede na to, da je za izgradnjo ustrezne strukture stanovanjskih enot potrebnih veliko let od prostorskega načrta do končnih možnosti za vse-litev, bi morali čim prej začeti z zasnovo gradnje za potrebe Baby Boomerjev. Način, kako razviti projekcije zmogljivosti zdravstvene in socialne oskrbe, stanovanj in okolja za te kohorte, je predstavljen na podlagi modela mnogoterih pojemanj. Projekcije potreb smo tokrat izvedli ob predpostavljenih razlikah. Ključne besede: zdravstvena oskrba, staranje na mestu, aktivno staranje, okoljska gerontologija, bivalne skupnosti, zdravo staranje, Baby Boomerji, starejši odrasli ABSTRACT 15 years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated an international movement tow-ords an active and healthy aging in the age-friendly community by focusing activities on the built environment, health, social environment and services. The question was exposed what would be the best global model for various cohorts of older adults with various preferences regarding community features although knowing typically aggregated values across the generations. Our study aimed to examine the differences between Baby Boomers and older generations. Z+4 results indicate less significant differences between these age groups in studied domains comparing with the results from USA. But especially preferences in housing are significantelly different. Based on these results of our survay and regarding the fact that to built the proper structure of housing units need many years from a spatial plan to the final possibilities to move in, we should start to constract for needs of Baby Boomers as soon as possible. The way how to develop the projections of capacities of health and social care, housing and environment for this cohorts is presented based on the multistate transition model. The projections are made for the changing structure of these considered cohorts. Keywords: health care, ageing in place, active aging, environmental gerontology, livable communities, healthy aging, Baby Boomers, older adults 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 257 Suzanna Mežnarec AMEU – ECM David Bogataj AMEU – ECM, Zavod INRISK IZZIVI OSKRBE NA DALJAVO KOT DELA SOCIALNE INFRASTRUKTURE ZA OSKRBO STAREJŠIH V SKUPNOSTI CHALLENGES OF TELECARE AS A PART OF SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE ELDERCARE IN COMMUNITY POVZETEK V starajoči se družbi naraščajoče število starejših odraslih trpi zaradi upada funkcionalnih zmogljivosti, zato je njihova mobilnost vse bolj problematična in šibkost narašča. Upad kognitivnih sposobnosti, senzoričnih funkcij in vprašanja socialne izolacije lahko povzročijo težave pri opravljanju potrebnih vsakodnevnih aktivnosti in povečajo tveganje padcev in drugih dogodkov, ki vodijo v slabo zdravje in invalidnost. Telecare tehnologije za oskrbo na daljavo omogočajo sprotno podporo in spremljanje starejših odraslih, ki živijo v skupnosti. Pomožne tehnologije lahko omogočijo naraščajočemu številu starejših odraslih z upadajočimi funkcionalnimi sposobnostmi in z več motnjami bolj samostojno življenje v skupnosti. Pregled literature in izkušnje na terenu so pokazale nizko stopnjo sprejemljivosti teh tehnologij med oskrbovanci. Osrednja vrzel v pregledu literature je že samo pomanjkanje socialne infrastrukture v skupnosti, ki bi podpirala uporabnike telekomunikacijskih storitev. Za zapolnitev vrzeli se predlagajo nadaljnje raziskave, predvsem pa usposabljanje starostnikov za te vrste oskrbe. Ključne besede: dolgotrajna oskrba, oskrba na daljavo, okoljska gerontologija, IKT ABSTRACT In an ageing society the growing number of older adults suffer from a decline in functional capacities, and, therefore, experience decreased mobility when frailty increase. A decline in cognitive capacities, sensory functions and social isolation issues can lead to difficulties in performing the necessary activities of daily living and increased risk of falls and other events leading to ill health and disability. Telecare technologies facilitate real-time support and monitoring of older adults living in the community. Assistive technologies have the potential to enable a growing number of older adults with declining functional capacities and multimorbidity to live autonomously in the community. The literature review and our experiences during a fieldwork showed a low level of acceptance of telecare technologies by users. The central gap found in the literature review is the lack of the community social infrastructure that would support users of telecare services in the community. Further research is suggested to fill the gap, but specially much more trainings should be available to all who would like to use it. Keywords: Long-term care, Telecare, Environmental gerontology, ICT 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 258 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Djurica Bogdanov Nova univerza – EPF SOCIALNA INFRASTRUKTURA ZA RESOCIALNIZACIJO SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR RESOCIALIZATION POVZETEK Najbolj razširjeno in v veliki večini razvitih družb najstrožjo obliko kaznovanja predstavlja ka-zen odvzema prostosti. Odvisno od dejavnikov, povezanih s kaznijo, načinom prestajanja, odnosom do storjenega dejanja in dolžino prestane kazni so obsojenci razporejeni na oddelek zaprtega, polodprtega ali odprtega režima. V zavodih so zaposleni uslužbenci različnih profilov in strokovne usposobljenosti, ki s svojim delom, skladno z predpisi, ustvarjajo pogoje in skrbijo za nemoteno funkcioniranje ustanove ter izvajanje vseh dejavnosti, povezanih s prestajanjem kazni. Poleg omenjenega na različne načine skrbijo za resocializacijo zaprtih oseb, potrebno za njihovo ponovno vključitev v družbo po prestani zaporni kazni in posledično zmanjšanje reci-divizma - povratništva. Pomemben faktor za zagotavljanje uspešne resocializacije predstavlja izobraževanje in usposabljanje na vseh ravneh in področjih, ki obsojencem po prestani kazni omogočajo lažjo in hitrejšo zaposlitev kar je eden poglavitnih problemov ponovnega vključevanja v družbo in zmanjševanja tveganja za ponovitev kaznivih dejanj. Če obsojenca izpustiš iz zapora z enakim znanjem, katerega je imel ko je prišel, se bo zatekel k istim dejanjem, zaradi katerih je v njem pristal. Prav zaradi tega smo ZPKZ Koper začeli in še naprej izvajamo projekt usposabljanja za pridobitev Nacionalne poklicne kvalifikacije – Pomočnik kuharja, pri katerem se ponavljajo predvideni rezultati. Iz vsake skupine udeležencev usposabljanja jih je najmanj 25% dobilo službo v gostinski dejavnosti v kratkem času med 30 in 60 dni. Kar nakazuje na pravilno odločitev o začetku, izvedbi in zastavljenih ciljih projekta. Ugotovitve tako zastavljenega šolanja velja prenesti na sorodne institucije. Ključne besede: resocializacija, socialna infrastruktura, zapori, izobraževanje ABSTRACT The most widespread and, in the vast majority of developed societies, the most severe form of punishment is imprisonment. Depending on the factors related to the sentence, the manner of serving, the attitude towards the committed act, the length of the sentence served, ... convicts are assigned to the closed, semi-open or open regime department. The institutions employ employees of various profiles and professional qualifications, who, in accordance with the regulations, create conditions and take care of the smooth functioning of the institution and the implementation of all activities related to serving their sentences. In addition to the above, in various ways they take care of the re-socialization of prisoners necessary for their reintegration into society after serving a prison sentence and the consequent reduction of recidivism - recidivism. An important factor in ensuring successful resocialization is continuous education and training at all levels and areas, which enable convicts to find easier and faster employment after serving their sentences, which is one of the main problems of reintegration into society and reducing the risk of recidivism. If you release a convict from prison with the same knowledge he had when he came, he will resort to the same acts for which he landed in it. For this reason, ZPKZ Koper has started and continues to implement a training project for obtain-ing the National Vocational Qualification - Assistant Chef, in which the planned results are repeat-ed. Of each group of trainees who served a prison sentence, at least 25% got a job in the hospital-ity industry in an almost incredibly short period of time between 30 and 60 days. Which indicates the right decision about the start, implementation and set goals of the project. The findings of such education and training should be transferred to related institutions. Keywords: Resocialization, Social infrastructure,Pprisons, Education 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 259 Marta Kavšek Zavod INRISK David Bogataj Zavod INRISK, Univerza v Ljubljani – Ekonomska fakulteta, AMEU – ECM UPORABA LOSS LESTVICE PRI PREHODIH MED USTREZNIMI BIVALNIMI OKOLJI OSKRBOVANCEV USE OF THE LOSS SCALE IN TRANSITIONS BETWEEN APPROPRIATE RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTS POVZETEK Sposobnost samooskrbe je odvisna od starosti, dinamike upadanja funkcionalnih zmožnosti in ovir v grajenem bivalnem okolju, ki je starostniku na voljo, je vanj vpet in v njem prebiva. Ocena sposobnosti samooskrbe temelji na 15 temeljnih človekovih potrebah in pomanjkljivostih, ki so: prehranjevanje in pitje, inkontinenca, gibanje, ustrezen položaj telesa, spanje in počitek, oblačenje in slačenje, ustrezna telesna temperatura, osebna higiena, izogibanje nevarnostim v okolju, komunikacija, stik z drugimi, sistem pravil in vrednot, zaposlitvene aktivnosti, rekreacija in sposobnost učenja. V članku bomo prikazali, kako je mogoče LOSS lestvico povezati tudi s prilagodljivostjo grajenega okolja. Sposobnost samooskrbe je v različnih zgradbah različna, za vsak tip stanovanj in nanje vezanih oskrbovalnih mrež pa je mogoče ugotoviti, katere lastnosti po LOSS lestvici so potrebne, da v posameznem tipu stanovanja starostnik še lahko biva samostojno, in do kolikšne mere samostojno lahko tam biva. Ocenjevanje po LOSS lestvici poteka po več komponentah. Prikazana bo optimalna alokacija oseb z ocenjenimi funkcionalnimi zmožnostmi v izbrane tipe bivališč in razumevanje teh metod kot ukrepov za blaženje rizikov realizacije neželenega dogodka. Ključne besede: LOSS lestvica, okoljska gerontologija, blaženje rizikov ABSTRACT The ability of autonomy and independence depends on age, the dynamics of the decline of functional abilities and obstacles in the built living environment that is available to the elderly person. Assessment tool for the care-dependency is based on 15 basic human needs and defi-ciencies, which are: eating and drinking, incontinence, exercise, proper body position, sleep, and rest, dressing and undressing, proper body temperature, personal hygiene, avoidance of environmental hazards, communication, contact with others, a system of rules and values, employment activities, recreation, and the ability to learn. In this presentation, we will show how the LOSS scale can also be related to the adaptability of the built environment. The ability of self-sufficiency varies in different buildings, for each type of dwellings and related supply networks. It is possible to determine which properties of environment according to the LOSS scale are necessary for an elderly person to be able to live independently in each type of dwelling and to what extent. Assessment according to the LOSS scale takes place in several dimensions. The optimal allocation of persons with assessed functional abilities to selected types of dwellings and the understanding of these methods as measures to mitigate the risks of the occurrence of an adverse event will be presented. Keywords: LOSS scale, Environmental gerontology, Risk mitigation SOCIALNE INOVACIJE / SOCIAL INNOVATIONS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 262 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Katarina Vukojević University of Split School of Medicine A UNIQUE VISION OF INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE FOR AN AGEING POPULATION IN ADRION REGION – SI4CARE PROJECT ABSTRACT A unique vision of integrated healthcare (IHC) for an aging population and social innovations related to older dependent persons present major challenges in the ADRION region. SI4CARE project aim to jointly define a unique vision of IHC of ageing population supported by Social Innovation and to enable different stakeholders to translate the common vision into concrete actions in their regional and national contexts. Working package 3 (WP3) will be performed in five activities (Definition of common standards for shared strategy and action plans; Elaboration of shared Strategy for Social Innovation in integrated healthcare services for ageing population; From shared strategy to customized action plans; Action Plans Monitoring and Evaluation for Policy Recommendations and Capacity building) with interlinks between other WPs. The deliverables from these activities will contribute to the definition of the core steps for the development of the Transnational Strategy (TS) and the regional /national Action Plans (APs) in ADRION region through definition of the core elements (structure) of TS and Aps and through definition of the interlink with the other work packages and deliverables. The main outputs will be: ADRION Strategy on the IHC for the elderly; ADRION Action Plans for Social Innovation in IHC services for the elderly. Successful project performance will set up an efficient long-term care ecosystem based on social innovation process, enabled by digitalization (technology) and empowered by national and regional legislations, to support ageing people, not only patients/users, also in remote areas, to keep them in the community and to make public spending more efficient. Key words: SI4CARE, Social Innovations, Aging Population, ADRION, Strategy 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 263 Salvatore Fregola EthosLab S.r.l. Alessandro Gallo EthosLab S.r.l. Pietro Hiram Guzzi University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro A MODEL FOR THE PREVENTION OF VASCULAR THROMBOEMBOLIC RISK ABSTRACT Health care of ageing population is one of the key challenges for governments of Europe. In Italy the median age of the population is continuously increasing as well as the diffusion of complex and chronic diseases. In particular, in south of Italy the combined effect of the increase of the median age of population and the lack of both efficient services (e.g. broad band) and best practices, creates severe problems to population. From this scenario, the need for the study, design, and introduction of novel way of delivery of services for ageing population. Small town, like Miglierna may constitute an extraordinary opportunity for designing experimenting and delivering innovative methods for social services. In the SI4CARE context, the Municipality of Miglierina will contribute to the study of best practices. The output of this study will be the design of a Decision Support System for supporting public devisors. The basic idea is presented. Keywords: Municipality of Miglierina, SI4CARE, Decision Support System 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 264 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Darja Šemrov Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana Guido Piccoli ALOT S.r.l., Italy KAKO USTVARITI UČINKOVIT EKOSISTEM ZA UPORABO SOCIALNIH INOVACIJ PRI MOBILNOSTI IN DOSTOPNOSTI HOW TO CREATE EFFECTIVE ECOSYSTEM FOR THE SOCIAL INNOVATION UTILIZATION IN MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY POVZETEK Projekcije prebivalstva v državah regije ADRION kažejo, da se bo delež starejših odraslih z upadajočimi funkcionalnimi sposobnostmi v naslednjih 40 letih potrojil (Eurostat 2019), torej se bo povečalo število ljudi, ki bodo potrebovali pomoči drugih in bodo potrebovali storitve dolgotrajne oskrbe. Z naraščanjem deleža starejših prebivalcev se povečujejo izdatki za zdravstveno in dolgotrajno oskrbo, hkrati pa se na žalost ne izboljša kakovost življena starejših. Iz uradnih podatkov sledi, da zdravstveni sektor v državah regije ADRION porabi 3–9% BDP, nesprejemljivo velika razlika med državami pa odraža neenakosti oskrbe starejših. Neučinkovitost zdravstvenega in socialnega varstva odraža razdrobljenost institucionalnih zmogljivosti in prizadevanj odločevalcev pri zagotavljanju zdravstvenih storitev starejšim, pomanjkanje povezovanja in usklajevanja obstoječih inovativnih orodij IKT za zdravstveno in socialno oskrbo, ki se običajno preizkušajo in izvajajo ločeno, ter pomanjkanje skupne vizije o učinkoviti obravnavi tega spreminjajočega se vzorca demografskega stanja. Drug pomemben vidik obravnave starejše populacije je, da se ljudje zaradi sedanjega načina življenja in drugih razmer ne starajo enako hitro, zato enoten pristop (institucionalizacija) ni smiseln. Zaradi raznolikosti funkcionalnega in zdravstvenega upada na eni strani ter morebitne personalizirane dolgotrajne oskrbe na drugi strani se je treba staranja lotevati na različne načine, celostno in družbeno inovativno. Socialne inovacije imajo tukaj pomembno vlogo, saj z uporabo zdravstvenega sistema ustvarjajo socialno vrednost z učinkovitim vplivom na družbo, združujejo potrebe in interese, povečujejo udeležbo državljanov in krepijo socialno kohezijo. Ta prispevek opisuje kako ustvariti transnacionalni učinkovit ekosistem za uporabo socialnih inovacij pri dolgotrajni oskrbi starajočega se prebivalstva s poudarkom na mobilnosti in dostopnosti starejših ter na treh glavnih področjih posredovanja, in sicer na individualnem pametnem bivanju in staranju, tele-oskrbi in interakciji med ljudmi in sanitarnimi ustanovami (zdravstvena in socialna oskrba na daljavo) ter upravljanju z namenom izboljšanja zmogljivosti zaščitnega sistema za dolgoročno oskrbo na celostni način, ki obravnava zdravstvena in socialna vprašanja. Ključne besede: ADRION regija, SI4CARE, socialne inovacije, kohorte starejših in najstarejših, ekosistem, javna uprava 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 265 ABSTRACT Population projections in ADRION countries show that the proportion of very old adults with declining functional abilities will triple in the next 40 years (Eurostat 2019), most of whom will be dependent on the help of others and require long-term care services. Analysis of the current situation also shows that the ageing population is a driving force in health and long-term care spending, without any visible improvement in the quality of life. In fact, in the ADRION regions, the health sector consumes 3-9% of GDP and the gap is unacceptably wide, with growing inequalities. The inefficiencies in health and social care reflect the fragmentation of institutional capacity and stakeholder efforts in delivering health services to older people; the lack of integration and coordination of existing innovative ICT tools for health and social care, which tend to be tested and implemented in isolation; and the lack of a shared vision in the county/region on how to effectively address this changing pattern of demand. Another important aspect of dealing with the elderly population is that due to current lifestyles and other conditions, people do not age at the same rate and therefore a one-idea-fits-all approach (institutionalisation) does not make sense. Due to the diversity of functional and health decline on the one hand and possible personalised long-term care on the other, ageing should be approached in different ways, in an integrated and socially innovative way. Social Innovation plays an important role here as applied to a healthcare system, it creates social value with effective impact on society, aggregates needs and interests, increases citizen participation, and strengthens social cohesion. This paper outlines how to create a transnational effective ecosystem for the application of Social Innovation in long- term care for the ageing population, focusing on mobility and accessibility of older people and focusing on three main areas of intervention, namely individual smart housing and planning for ageing, telecare & interaction between people and sanitary institutions (health and social care from distance), and governance with the aim of improving capacity of public authorities to manage long-term care in an integrated way that addresses health and social issues. Key words: ADRION region, SI4CARE, Social Innovations, Aging Population, Ecosystem, Public authorities 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 266 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Miodrag Miljković, Srdjan Kožetinac Special Hospital MERKUR, Vrnjačka Banja SOCIAL INNOVATION FOR INTEGRATED HEALTH CARE OF AGEING POPULATION IN ADRION REGION ABSTRACT Special hospital Merkur will present the current situation in Serbia, exposing the new obstacles for elderly people caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Throw project SI4CARE, focus will be on the development of an ICT tool and Protocol to provide support to elderly people with diabetes to improve their general wellbeing directly at home. Project activities will result with transnational strategy, ICT Decision Support System (DSS) and National action plan, which will convey project's results into our national policies and planning instruments, thanks to the direct involvement of the Serbian Ministry of Health, which will act as ASP and user of project outputs. The main directions of these activities will be presented and solutions demonstrated. Keywords: SI4CARE, Elderly people, Diabetes, COVID-19, ICT tools, Protocol, Homecare 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 267 Simon Colnar, David Bogataj School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana Darja Šemrov Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana Vlado Dimovski School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana POTREBA PO SOCIALNIH INOVACIJAH NA PODROČJU DOLGOTRAJNE OSKRBE V SLOVENIJI THE NEED FOR SOCIAL INNOVATIONS IN LONG-TERM CARE IN SLOVENIA POVZETEK Število celotnega prebivalstva Evropske unije naj bi se dolgoročno zmanjšalo, prav tako pa se bo v večini zlasti razvitih držav, vključujoč Slovenijo, bistveno spremenila starostna struktura prebivalstva. Poleg tega naj bi se v prihodnjih letih koeficient starostne odvisnosti v Evropski uniji bistveno poslabšal. Kronološko gledano je le-ta leta 2010 znašal 29%, v letu 2019 se je povzpel na 34%, po najnovejših napovedih pa naj bi se do leta 2070 še povečal na kar 59%. V praksi to pomeni tudi premik z nekaj manj kot štirih delovno sposobnih posameznikov za vsako osebo, ki je stara 65 let ali več v letu 2010, na manj kot dva delovno sposobna posameznika v letu 2070. Trenutno najnovejše raziskave že opozarjajo na potrebo po ustreznem reševanju izzivov staranja prebivalstva in terjajo razmislek o odzivu na vprašanja glede zagotavljanja dolgotrajne oskrbe v praksi. V okviru našega prispevka menimo, da bo v primeru Slovenije, ki je že danes preobremenjena s prošnjami starejših, ki potrebujejo takojšnjo institucionalno oskrbo, potrebna implementacija socialnih inovacij v praksi, posebej, v kolikor želimo razviti nove oblike zagotavljanja dolgotrajne oskrbe, ki vključujejo tudi zagotavljanje višje kakovosti življenja starejših. Sicer lahko socialne inovacije opredelimo kot nadgradnjo obstoječih, kreiranje novih in implementacijo tovrstnih idej kasneje v praksi, kar lahko vključuje izdelke, storitve in modele, ki so potrebni za izpolnitev naraščajočih družbenih potreb. Pri tem gre tudi za ustvarjanje novih družbenih odnosov in za spodbujanje sodelovanja med različnimi deležniki. Podobno lahko socialne inovacije definiramo kot novo obliko odzivov, ki so namenjeni reševanju perečih družbenih izzivov, ki vplivajo na proces socialnih interakcij in so v svoji osnovi namenjene izboljšanju blagostanja posameznikov, ki so člani naše družbe. Na podlagi sekundarnih podatkov in literature lahko opišemo trenutno stanje na področju zagotavljanja storitev dolgotrajne oskrbe v Sloveniji in predlagamo nekaj teoretičnih izhodišč za potencialne izboljšave. Poleg tega želimo s svojo študijo prispevati k napredku pri razumevanju socialnih inovacij v okolju dolgotrajne oskrbe v Sloveniji. Naši rezultati so usmerjeni tudi v dvig razumevanja in prepoznavnosti socialnih inovacij v okolju dolgotrajne oskrbe. Področje socialnih inovacij je v Sloveniji premalo izkoriščeno v praksi in bi radi v prihodnosti spodbudili več razprav in dosegli napredek pri tej pomembni temi. Naša največja omejitev trenutne raziskave je, da je naš prispevek predvsem teoretični pregled trenutnega stanja, kjer bi radi v prihodnosti naše ugotovitve obogatili z dodatnimi empiričnimi (kvantitativnimi ali kvalitativnimi) podatki, s čimer bi lahko podprli ali ovrgli naše raziskovalne predpostavke ter s tem povečali veljavnost in zanesljivost naših raziskovalnih ugotovitev. Ključne besede: Dolgotrajna oskrba, Socialne inovacije, Staranje prebivalstva. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 268 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT The total population of the European Union is expected to deteriorate in the long-term and its age structure will significantly change, especially in most developed countries, including Slovenia. In addition, the European Union’s demographic old-age dependency ratio is expected to increase in the upcoming years. Chronologically, in the year 2010 it was 29%, then it had risen to 34% in 2019 and according to the latest projections is expected to additionally rise to 59% in 2070. In practice, this also represents a shift from less than four working-age individuals for every person of the age 65 years or more in 2010 to below two in 2070. Such population ageing trends indicate that the share of elder adults with declining functional capacities that will be dependent on the help of others and in need of long-term care services will significantly increase. Current state-of-the art research therefore highlights the necessity to appropriately address related challenges to population ageing and to respond to contemporary issues in long-term care in practice. Within the scope of our paper we argue, that in the case of Slovenia, which is nowadays overburdened with requests of the elderly that require immediate institutional care, social innovation and its implementation in practice will be integral if we wish to develop new forms of long-term care that include ensuring higher quality of life for the elderly. Social innovation can be explained as advancing existing, creating new and implementing ideas (products, services, and models) that are necessary to meet the growing social needs and to create new social relationships and collaborations. In a similar vein, social innovation can be determined as new responses aimed to solve pressing social demands, which influence the process of social interactions and is ultimately aimed at improving the wellbeing of individuals in our society. Our paper relies on existing literature and available secondary data for Slovenia. On the basis of secondary data, we are able to describe the current state of long-term care services in Slovenia and theoretically propose some suggestions for improvements. In addition, with our study we also aim to contribute to the advancement in understanding of social innovation in the environment of long-term care in Slovenia. Our results are aimed at raising the knowledge and recognition of social innovation in the environment of long-term care. To conclude, we believe that currently social innovations in Slovenia are underutilized in practice and would encourage more debate and progress on this important topic in the future. For future research, we would like to compare our findings with other developed European countries, with a particular emphasis on countries within the ADRION region. Our biggest limitation is that our paper is a theoretical overview of the current state, where we would like to gain additional empirical quantitative or qualitative data in the future to further support our research assumptions and increase the validity and reliability of our research findings. Key words: Long-term Care, Social Innovation, Population Ageing. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 269 Inga Vučica, Željka Karin, Roberta Matković, Katja Matešan, Ana Grgurević Teaching Institute for Public Health of Split and Dalmatian County, Split, Croatia THE HEALTHCARE FOR OLDER ADULTS IN SPLIT AND DALMATIAN COUNTY ABSTRACT In Split and Dalmatian County (SDC) as well as in the Republic of Croatia (RC), there are ongoing demographic processes of population ageing (16.59% SDC; 17.70% of the RC residents aged 65 and above, Census 2011). The aim of this study is to determine needs for different types of the elderly healthcare in SDC as well as to compare it with the conditions in RC and EU. The methods of descriptive epidemiology were applied in this study. The data from Croatian Institute for Public Health (CIPH) and Teaching Institute for Public Health of Split and Dalmatian County (TIPH of SDC) were used. According to the population estimates, as of mid-2018 the proportion of the population aged 65 or above in SDC increased in relation to the Census from 2011 and amounts 19.17%. The elderly population can be classified into three age groups: young-old 65-74 years, middle-old 75-84 years, and oldest-old 85 years and above. The effect of chronological age is evident in the growing share of persons with disabilities, thus the share of seniors having difficulties with activities of daily life in the young-old group is 35.44%, in the middle-old group 50.79% and in the oldest-old group 66.90%. In RC there are residential care facilities within public and private Nursing homes for the elderly providing accommodation for 29 414 persons, i.e. 3.68% of residents aged 65 years and above. In SDC, the number of residential care facilities providing accommodation is below average of RC and amounts 2.60%, i.e. residential care facilities are accommodating as many as 2170 persons. According to the European Commission, within the regular Report on the elderly healthcare, in Croatia there are only 200 beds in Nursing homes per 100.000 residents, as opposed to Sweden with 1300 beds, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic with 700 beds, respectively, Slovenia with 900 beds and Austria 800/100 000. Comparing to other European countries, in RC as well as in SDC, the accommodation availability of residential care facilities is inadequate. ICT innovations could ensure high quality healthcare for larger number of the older adults in order to enhance their quality of life. Key words: Older adults, Healthcare, Nursing homes, ICT innovations 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 270 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Samo Drobne Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana Marija Bogataj School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana SUITABLITY OF THE LOCAL ACTION GROUPS FOR A CLOSED NETWORK OF COMMUNITY CARE IN SLOVENIA ABSTRACT In the EU, Member States are responsible for the planning, financing and management of dein-stitutionalisation processes in long-term care (LTC), which is more expensive in rural areas due to the higher travel costs of caregivers. The LEADER approach to community-led local development (CLLD) helps to take into account the potential of rural areas. It has become an essential element of rural development policy and enables inhabitants to participate actively in decision-making processes. In Slovenia, 37 local action groups (LAGs) from two or more municipalities have been established, covering the whole country homogeneously. On the other hand, in the quantitative iterative regionalisation algorithm, the Intramax method defines the functional regions (FRs) that analyse the data on commuting. The method for evaluating functional regions (FRs) and their central places for different networks in an area is presented and applied to the determination of the best grouping of municipality to optimise the community and institutional care for the older adults. The results are compared with different other approaches to the delienation of regions and provinces in Slovenia. We analyse the effectiveness of LAGs and vice versa FRs for the allocation of investments and services in LTC. The results show that the system of 37 LAGs is more cost-effective than the 37 FRs modelled by the Intramax method. We have shown that the CLLD can achieve a more cost-efficient territorial organisation due to demographic change.We are looking for such allocation of investments in the social infrastructure for seniors in FRs and their delineation, where the costs of communication between a municipality centres and centres on the higher level as a central place would be minimal if also amortisation is included in the calculation of optimality conditions. The presentation is structured as follows. We shall first define and explan all about the ideas of functional regions, local action groups, and smart villages. Further we will provides a methodology description, including the ideas about the services in a given time windows.. This is followed by a short results presentation at the end of presentation. The presentation is concluded with adding discusses about the results and showing directions for further research especially regarding growing number of older adults in the eldercare systems. Keywords: home care, community care, functional region, investments in facilities 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 271 Bojan Blažica, Mitja Luštrek Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems Ljubljana OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES OF BRINGING ICT SOLUTIONS FOR AGEING WELL FROM RESEARCH PROJECTS TO EVERYDAY USE ABSTRACT Nowadays there are many funding schemes to support research and development of ICT solutions for aging well: from EU framework programs, to initiatives such AAL and EIT Health, to regional grants from national ministries of health and even municipalities. As the largest research institution in Slovenia, Jožef Stefan Institute has a long track record of successfully implemented research projects leading to a variety of solutions including a portable ECG monitor, a smart balance board, sensors and algorithms for activity recognition, real-time fall detection, stress detection, unobtrusive physiological monitoring, hospitalization prediction, personal health systems for chronic diseases, applications for nutrition monitoring, scheduling home care for the elderly, and more. In the paper we will focus on three promising ICT solutions available at our institute: the Open platform for clinical nutrition with its tool for meal planning for groups in larger institutions such as elderly care facilities, a mobile application for self-management of congestive heart failure, and a tele-medicine device for isometric muscular asymmetry measurement enabling remote data analysis, rehabilitation and training program preparation. The development of these solutions has been supported by numerous research projects as well as private funds. We argue that taking additional steps to 1) systematically evaluate these solutions against challenges found in a region, 2) pilot the solutions to see their performance and usability in large real-world scenarios and living labs, and 3) include them in (trans)national strategies for ageing well will dramatically increase the impact of the contributions spent during their development. More often than not, these steps are missing and the solutions do not live up to their full potential. Keywords: ICT, ageing well, nutrition, congestive heart failure, telerehabilitation 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 272 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Anamarija Kejžar Faculty for Social Work, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana ODPIRANJE ENOTE ZA STANOVALCE Z DEMENCO V DOMU STAREJŠIH OBČANOV OPENING A UNIT FOR RESIDENTS WITH DEMENTIA IN HOME FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE POVZETEK Ljudje z demenco potrebujejo prilagojen prostor, ki jim omogoča gibanje, občutek varnosti in domačnosti. Prilagoditve morajo biti ustrezne tako v arhitekturnem smislu kot v smislu oskrbe. Individualna oskrba, poznavanje življenjske zgodbe, navad človeka in ustreznih motivacijskih aktivnosti so nujne za ohranitev neodvisnosti in sposobnosti ljudi z demenco. Predstavitev predstavlja primere dobrih praks prilagajanja za osebe z demenco v domovih za stare v Sloveniji. Preučuje tudi načine za doseganje celostnega pristopa s poudarkom na individualizirani oskrbi, pa tudi na procesu komunikacije med stanovalci, oskrbovalci in svojci. Oskrba, osredotočena na človeka, vključuje tudi vrsto možnih motivacijskih dejavnosti za ljudi z demenco vsak dan. Motivacijske dejavnosti, ki jih je treba ponuditi in individualno preizkusiti, so na različnih področjih, kot so: umetnost - slikanje, glasba, vsakodnevne dejavnosti, fizične aktivnosti, ples, kognitivne dejavnosti (spomin, družabne igre, križanke, tombola), uporaba IKT, multivizijske sobe in drugo. Ni univerzalne aktivnosti, ki bi ustrezala vsem, in ni enega odgovora - edini odgovor je na človeka osredotočen pristop in oskrba, ki ju je treba prilagoditi napredova-nju bolezni. Ko vzpostavimo tak sistem življenja ljudi z demenco (z multidisciplinarnim pristopom), lahko življenje ljudi z demenco in življenje njihovih svojcev, kot tudi delo njihovih oskrbovalcev postane manj obremenjeno, z več trenutki veselja. Predstavili bomo tudi primere dobre prakse v okviru SI4CARE. Ključne besede: demenca, prilagojeni prostor, individualizirana oskrba, navade, motivacijske aktivnosti, SI4CARE ABSTRACT People with dementia need adapted space that allows them to move around, feel safe and at home. Adaptations need to be appropriate both architecturally and in terms of care. Individualized care, knowledge of life history, habits and appropriate motivational activities are necessary to maintain the independence and abilities of people with dementia. The paper presents examples of good adaptation practices for people with dementia in homes for elderly in Slovenia. It also examines the way to obtain integrated approach, with focus on individualized care, but also the communication process between residents, caregivers and relatives. Person-centred care includes also the range of possible motivational activities for people with dementia daily. Motivational activities to be offered and individually tested are on areas of art – painting, music, everyday activities, physhical activites, dance, cognitive activities (memory, social games, crosswords, bingo), use of ICT, multivision rooms, and other. It no one activity that would suit to all and there is not one answer – the only answer is person-centred approach and care which has to be adjusted to progression of illness. When we establish such a system of life for people with dementia (with multidisciplinary approach), the life of people with dementia and life of their caregivers can become less burdened, with more moments of joy. We shall continue with this investigation as a case of good practice in the framework of SI4CARE. Keywords: Dementia, Adapted space, Individualised care, Motivational activities, SI4CARE 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 273 David Bogataj School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana & AMEU – ECM MULTISTATE TRANSITION MODEL SUPPORTING PROJECTIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AND ADAPTATION OF THE COMMUNITY CARE FACILITIES ABSTRACT In accordance with the "Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy for the period 2014–2020", as a key area Slovenia identified Promoting the availability of affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health and social services of general interest also for old and very old inhabitants. These services include the long-term care (LTC). The key issue which until now has not been answered is how to develop a quantitative model for measuring the quality of social care services for the elderly, and how to plan the facilities for needs of seniors which will be available in accordance with the demand. As stated in the Operational Programme, Slovenia does not have a compact system for regulation of long-term care. Services and rights are arising from the different existing systems - health, pension and disability insurance as well as from the social welfare system. Given the demographic structure and projections developed by European Commission and presented in The Ageing Report 2021, there is a need for reform that will enable the establishment of a uniform system of high-quality community-based services for ageing in place and for those that will need institution forms of care. For quality care of the elderly, we need timely spatial planning of social facilities for them and planning of human resources for quality care. The first is related to the long-term adoption of municipal spatial acts, and the second to the years of education of the young generation and the policy of including the migrant population in care. European and thus Slovenian projections of population aging are based on various assumptions about migration. Assumptions about healthy aging are also various. All this, however, affects the reliability of projections of the needs for housing capacities and the required number of human resources in the care of the old and very old population. In this presentation we shall first present the projection of demand for LTC based on different assumptions. At the second part we shall consider the development of the multistate transition model (MTM) which enable us to study the structure of demand regarding housing and other facilities as well as the demand for integrated care. The projection of needs will be presented based on this model and our field research regarding preferences of seniors in the East Slovenian Region (NUTS2 level). Keywords: Ageing, Long-term Care, Community care, Spatial planning, Social facilities, Human resources 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 274 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Josip Ramljak, Nikolina Vitturi Bagatin, Katarina Vukojević University of Split School of Medicine SOCIAL INNOVATION FOR INTEGRATED HEALTH CARE OF AGEING POPULATION IN ADRION REGIONS: SPLIT-DALMATIA COUNTY EXPERIENCE ABSTRACT The demographic ageing of Croatian population has the biggest increase rate when compared to other countries in the EU. Regarding Split-Dalmatia county, projections are showing that the number of elderly people will rise approximately up to 43 per cent by the year of 2041. Therefore, the number of people dependent on help of others is growing faster than in the rest of Croatia. Current number of institutions for elderly care administered by Split-Dalmatia county is four, with a capacity of about 950 beds. There are approximately 30 nursing homes for the elderly people which are either privately owned or administered by religious organizations. Unfortunately, the capacities of these institutions cannot support the growing need for assisted care and usually they cannot be affordable for most of people. Social and health care innovations in Split-Dalmatia county are scarce. There is one centre of telemedicine administered by the Croatian Institute of Emergency Medicine. Regarding other types of social and health care innovations, there is a substantial space for further development. The availability of health care staff and doctors in remote areas is not satisfying and the assisted care as well, which is only limited to urban areas. The island part of Split-Dalmatia county is often facing issues when interventions are needed, due to geographical position of the islands and distance from urban areas. We can conclude that there are few health care and social innovations in Split-Dalmatia County, and some are still in the process of development. There is a great discrepancy between rural and urban areas of the county in the terms of availability of the limited capacities. However, with SI4CARE project implementation there is an opportunity to gradually reduce the flaws in the system, in order to reach out to general population. Key words: SI4CARE, social innovations, aging population, ADRION, Split-Dalmatia county 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 275 5 ZDRAVSTVENE VEDE / HEALTH SCIENCES HEALTH SCIENCES INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SCIENCES PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Edvard Jakšič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Slaviša Stanišić, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Marija Zrim, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Nandu Goswami, Alma Mater Europaea ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 278 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Borut Geršak INVITED SPEAKER CONVERGENT PROCEDURE – HYBRID TREATMENT OF LONG STANDING PERSISTENT ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ABSTRACT Atrial fibrillation is a disturbance of hearth rhythm, which eventually leads to heart failure and premature reduction of life quality and expectancy. Catheter ablation has played an important role in treating patients with lone, paroxysmal AF, however, results in long standing persistent type showed to be less effective, less durable and in demand of repetitive ablations. A new combined treatment, of a hybrid nature emerged with the aim to produce better and more durable results. The convergent procedure is a multidisciplinary, closed chest treatment solution that ablates the posterior left atrium and isolates the PVs. Cardiac surgeon creates full-thickness lesions along the posterior left atrium endoscopically, the electrophysiologist confirms the extent of the posterior left atrial lesions, and complete PV isolation by connecting the epicardial lesions at the pericardial reflections. More than four years outcomes indicate the convergent procedure provides a promising longterm treatment solution for patients with persistent and longstanding persistent AF. This procedure was introduced with great success in many countries all over the world, and the recent prospective randomized trials are confirming the results of multicenter studies done in the past. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 279 Mladen Jašić Orthopaedic and rehabilitation hospital "Martin Horvat" Rovinj-Rovigno Mia Becker Health centre dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor Željana Jotanović General Hospital Pula EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NEONATES TRANSFERRED FROM GENERAL HOSPITAL PULA TO A TERTIARY PEDIATRIC CENTER IN A TEN-YEAR-PERIOD (2006-2015) ABSTRACT The goal of our study is to present epidemiological characteristics of neonates transferred from General Hospital Pula (GH Pula) to tertiary pediatric center in a ten-year-period. In our retrospective research we analized medical histories of neonates hospitalized at our Department from January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2015 and transferred to a tertiary pediatric center. There are about 1300-1500 live births in our hospital every year. In the ten-year-period 14266 neonates were born and 158 (1,1%) of them were transferred to a tertiary pediatric center. In forty-seven neonates (29,7%) had to be used mechanical ventilation during the transport. Thirty-two (20,3%) premature infants born before the 32nd gestational week were transferred to UHC. The reasons for transportation to a tertiary pediatric center were: congenital heart defects and rhytm abnormalities (N=41), respiratory problems (respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, neonatal meconium aspiration sindrome) (N=25), gastroin-testinal disorders (N=21), disorders of central nervous system (N=15), disorders of hemato-logical system (N=6), sepsis (N=7), perinatal asphyxia (N=3), disorders on extremities (N=1), metabolic disorders (N=2), chromosomopathies (N=), disorders of genital tract (N=2). Forty-one neonates were resuscitated after birth (25,9%). All premature infants born before the 32nd gestational week and all other premature neonates and term neonates that require long-term mechanical ventilation, specific diagnostic and therapeutic approach or surgical treatment are transferred to a tertiary pediatric center, using vehicles for ground transport with all the necessary equipment and with escort of our medical team. Keywords: neonate, neonatal intensive care unit, transport 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 280 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nika Belec, Marija Zrim AMEU – ECM VLOGA MEDICINSKE SESTRE PRI ZDRAVLJENJU OPEKLIN THE ROLE OF A NURSE IN THE TREATMENT OF BURNS POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Opekline so premalo cenjene poškodbe, ki se lahko pripetijo vsakomur, kadar koli in kjer koli. Sodijo med pogoste poškodbe, čeprav njihova pogostost v zadnjih letih upada. Lahko puščajo hude posledice, ki vodijo do slabše kvalitete življenja. Pri takšnem pacientu predstavlja zelo pomembno vlogo medicinska sestra. Metoda: V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, za izvedbo raziskave pa smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo dela z anketnim vprašalnikom, izvedenim med medicin-skimi sestrami iz dveh različnih enot, katerih znanje o opeklinah smo med seboj primerjali. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da je teoretično in praktično znanje medicinskih sester s področja opeklin dokaj dobro. Ugotovili smo, da je znanje medicinskih sester iz enote UKC boljše. Vsi anketirani so že imeli stik z opeklinami ter so dobro ozaveščeni o oskrbi, zdravljenju in prvi pomoči pri opeklinah. Razprava: Zbrani podatki nam povedo, da imajo medicinske sestre kljub premajhni ponudbi to-vrstnem izobraževanja vseeno dovolj teoretičnega in praktičnega znanja s področja opeklinskih poškodb, saj so ga večinoma pridobile v praktičnem okolju. Ključne besede:opeklina, prva pomoč, oskrba, zdravljenje, vloga medicinske sestre. ABSTRACT Theoretical starting points: Burns are such an underappreciated injury that can happen to anyone at anytime and anywhere. They are among the common injuries although their frequency has been declining in recent year. They can have serious consequences, which leads to a whorse quality of life. In such a patient, a very important role represents a nurse. Method: In the theoretical part was used a descriptive method of work, and for the research we used a qualitative method of work with a questionnaire, conducted among nurses from two different units, whose knowledge of burns we compared. Results: The results showed that the theoretical and practical knowledge of nurses in the area of burns is quite good. We found out that the knowledge of the nurses from UKC MB unit is better. All respondents had already had contact with burns and are well aware of the care, the treatment and first aid for burns. Discussion: The collected information tells us that nurses, despite the under offered education, still have enough theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of burn injuries, as most acquired it in a practical environment. Keywords: burn, first aid, treatment, care, nurse role. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 281 Bojana Najglič AMEU – ECM POMEN VKLJUČEVANJA STARŠEV PRI IZVAJANJU HANDLING METODE NEDONOŠENČKOV THE IMPORTANCE OF INVOLVING PARENTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HANDLING METHOD FOR PREMATURE POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Prispevek predstavlja problematiko prezgodnjega poroda, nedonošenčka ter pravilno ravnanje z njim. Namen dela je bil opozoriti na pomen pravilnega ravnanja (handling) nedonošenčka za njegov psihofizični razvoj ter vzpodbuditi starše k izvajanju le-tega. Metoda: Raziskovalni del naloge je kvantitativen. Vzorec je obsegal 116 staršev, ki se jim je rodil nedonošeni otrok in je v času anketiranja star 3 leta ali manj. Rezultate raziskave smo obdelali s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali na sorazmerno dobro poznavanje pomena handling metode. Zavedajo se, kakšen pomen in vpliv ima takšna metoda za pravilen razvoj nedonošenč- ka. Anketirani starši so z osebnimi lastnostmi medicinskih sester zadovoljni, saj jih ocenjujejo kot dobre. Anketirani starši prepoznajo etične in moralne lastnosti medicinskih sester, saj le-te ocenjujejo kot dobre. Razprava: Menimo, da bi bilo potrebno nekoliko več vzpodbude za starše na eni strani in hkrati več aktivnosti na strani medicinskih sester, da le-te spodbudijo starše k večjemu sodelovanju. Izboljšati bi bilo potrebno predvsem učenje in vključevanje staršev pri slačenju, oblačenju in kopa-nju ter tudi pri prenašanju in hranjenju. Podali smo predloge za boljšo prepoznavnost in izvajanje handling metode med starši nedonošenčkov. Ključne besede: prezgodnji porod, nedonošenček, ravnanje (handling), starši. ABSTRACT Theoretical starting points: The bachelor’s thesis presents the issues of premature delivery, premature infant, and proper handling with it. The purpose of the thesis was to draw attention to the importance of proper handling of a premature infant for its psychophysical development and to encourage parents to implement it. Methods: The research part of the thesis is quantitative. The sample consisted of 116 parents who had a premature infant which was 3 years of age or younger at the time of the survey. The results of the survey were processed utilizing Microsoft Excel. Results: The results of the research showed a relatively good knowledge of the importance of the handling method. They are aware of the importance and impact of such a method for the proper development of a premature infant. The surveyed parents are satisfied with the personal characteristics of the nurses, as they rate them as good. The surveyed parents recognize the ethical and moral qualities of nurses, as they rate them as good. Discussion: We believe that a little more encouragement for parents on the one hand and, at the same time, more activity on the part of nurses would be needed for the nurses to encourage parents to be more involved. In particular, parental learning and involvement in undressing, dressing, and bathing, as well as in carrying and feeding, should be improved. We made suggestions for better recognition and implementation of the handling method among parents of premature infants. Keywords: premature delivery, premature infant, handling, parents. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 282 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jožica Pozderec, Marija Zrim AMEU VPLIV REHABILITACIJE NA SPREMEMBO PREHRANJEVALNIH NAVAD PRI PACIENTIH Z AKUTNIM MIOKARDNIM INFARKTOM THE EFFECT OF REHABILITATION ON CHANGING IN EATING HABITS IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION POVZETEK Uvod: V Sloveniji bolezni srca in ožilja predstavljajo najpogostejši vzrok smrti, med katerimi ima najhujši potek akutni miokardni infarkt, ki se razvije ob zapori venčnih arterij. Po prebolelem akutnem miokardnem infarktu in zdravljenju se prične bolnišnična in nato ambulantna rehabilitacija. Rehabilitacija je najnujnejši program, ki je usmerjen k obvladovanju srčno-žilnih dejavnikov tveganja in promociji zdravega načina življenja. Zelo pomembno je zavedanje, da neurav-novešena in nezdrava prehrana vodi k pojavu ateroskleroze, kar vodi do zapor žil, ki oskrbujejo srčno mišico, in posledično do ishemije srčne mišice. Metode: Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodologijo. Raziskava se je izvajala od novembra 2019 do avgusta 2020 s prirejenim vprašalnikom »Z zdravjem povezan vedenjski slog« v ambulanti kardiološke rehabilitacije, v katero je bilo vključenih 19 udeležencev rehabilitacije. Rezultati: Ambulantna kardiološka rehabilitacija ima vpliv na spremembo življenjskega sloga anketiranih in na pridobivanje novih znanj, predvsem na področju dejavnikov tveganja za akutni miokardni infarkt, pri nezdravi prehrani, kajenju, pitju alkohola in telesni dejavnosti. Anketirani svoje zdravstveno stanje po končani ambulantni kardiološki rehabilitaciji ocenjujejo kot boljše. Zaključek: Akutni miokardni infarkt je dramatična bolezen in vodilni vzrok smrti in invalidnosti. Obramba pred akutnim miokardnim infarktom predstavlja zdrav življenjski slog, ki je tudi temelj rehabilitacije po prebolelem akutnem miokardnem infarktu. Ključne besede: akutni miokardni infarkt, dejavniki tveganja, preventiva, rehabilitacija ABSTRACT Introduction: In Slovenia, cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death, the most severe of which is acute myocardial infarction, which develops when the coronary arteries are blocked. After overcoming an acute myocardial infarction and treatment, inpatient and then outpatient rehabilitation begins. Rehabilitation is the most urgent program aimed at managing cardiovascular risk factors and promoting a healthy lifestyle. It is very important to be aware that an unbalanced and unhealthy diet leads to the appearance of atherosclerosis, which leads to blockage of the vessels that supply the heart muscle, and consequently to is-chemia of the heart muscle. Methods: We used a quantitative methodology. The research was conducted from November 2019 to August 2020 with a modified questionnaire "Health-related behavioral style" in the cardiac rehabilitation clinic, which included 19 participants in rehabilitation. Results: Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation has an impact on the change of lifestyle of respondents and the acquisition of new knowledge, especially in the field of risk factors for acute myocardial infarction, unhealthy diet, smoking, drinking alcohol and physical activity. Respondents rate their health condition as better after outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Discussion: Acute myocardial infarction is a dramatic disease and the leading cause of death and disability. Defense against acute myocardial infarction is a healthy lifestyle, which is also the foundation of rehabilitation after suffering an acute myocardial infarction. Keywords: acute mycardial infarction, risk factors, prevention, rehabilitation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 283 Nuša Polanec, Nataša Toplak AMEU POZNAVANJE UPORABE KANABINOIDOV IN KONOPLJE V MEDICINSKE NAMENE V SLOVENIJI KNOWLEDGE OF USE OF CANNABINOIDS AND MEDICAL CANNABIS IN MEDICAL USE IN SLOVENIA POVZETEK Uvod: Kanabinoidi in konoplja v medicinske namene se v medicini uporabljajo kot dopolnilna terapija, oziroma kot dopolnilo k uveljavljenim zdravilom. Zanimanje za kanabinoide in endokanabi-noidni sistem je pripeljalo znanost do pomembnih informacij o terapevtskih učinkih kanabinoidov. Metode: Raziskavo smo izvedli s kvantitativnim pristopom. V prvem, teoretičnem delu raziskave smo uporabili metodo pregleda literature za opis rastline konoplja in njenih rastlinskih organov in tkiv, pregled slovenske in svetovne zakonodaje na področju uporabe konoplje v medicinske namene ter možnosti dopolnilnega zdravljenja s kanabinoidi in konopljo v medicinske namene. V drugem, empiričnem delu smo naredili analizo lastnega anketnega vprašalnika. Za sestavo in objavo ankete smo uporabili spletno stran Anketirance smo izbrali z metodo snežne kepe. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 319 anketirancev, od tega 141 moških in 178 žensk. Rezultati: Rezultati našega vprašalnika so pokazali, da večina anketiranih podpira zdravljenje s kanabinoidi in konopljo v medicinske namene. Rezultati vprašalnika so pokazali, da sta subjek-tivna ocena poznavanja razlik med kanabinoidi in konopljo v medicinske namene in podpora uporabe kanabinoidov in konoplje v medicinske namene med seboj povezana, ter da je subjek-tivna ocena znanja anketiranih o naravnih in sintetičnih kanabinoidih slaba. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da med anketiranimi udeleženci primanjkuje znanja s področja uporabe kanabinoidov in konoplje v medicinske namene, vendar je zanimanje za njeno uporabo v medicinske namene veliko. Ključne besede: kanabinoidi, konoplja v medicinske namene, CBD, THC ABSTRACT Introduction: Cannabinoids and medical cannabis can only be prescribed as additional therapy or as supplement to established medications. Due to an increasing interest for cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system, science has obtained important information concerning their therapeutic effects. Methodology: This research was conducted using the quantitative approach. The first, theoretical part of our thesis provides a description of cannabis and its parts, as well as an overview of Slovene and international legislation on use of medical cannabis and potential supplementary treatments using cannabinoids and medical cannabis. The empirical research of our thesis provides a detailed analysis of the survey. For creating and publishing our survey we used website We used snowball method to gather the data. 319 respondents were included in the survey, 141 of them were men and 178 of them were women. The results indicate most of them support treatments with cannabinoids and medical cannabis. Results: The results show that their personal understanding of differences between cannabinoids and medical cannabis is linked with support of their use for medical purpose, while respondents' general knowledge of natural and synthetic cannabinoids is poor. Discussion: We can determine survey participants lack knowledge in use of cannabinoids and medical cannabis, however, they take a great interest in using them for medicinal purposes. Keywords: cannabinoids, medical cannabis, CBD, THC 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 284 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Emil Kendziorra Tomorrow Biostasis GmbH Germany BIOSTASIS - INTRODUCTION TO A TANGIBLE METHOD FOR LIFE EXTENSION ABSTRACT Medical Biostasis employs ultra low temperatures and specialized cryoprotective solutions to preserve a human in cases where current medical technology can not save the patient - for example terminal cancer or end stage heart disease - in a state in which future medical technology might be able to revive the patient. It's important to note that this is an experimental procedure, meaning that while human cryopreservations are possible, no patient has been resuscitated from a cryopreserved state as of now. It is generally understood that for resuscitation significantly more research and advanced technology is required. Nevertheless, Biostasis is a tangible possibility for people interested in longevity and life extension until other methods become available. This talk will serve as an introduction to the topic covering various aspects such as technology, research, ethical consideration, and the general logic of Biostasis. Keywords: biostasis, cryopreservation, longevity, life extension 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 285 Doris Sapač VPLIV THC NA POTEK BOLEZNI COVID 19 CBD FROM CANNABIS SATIVA AND DIFFERENT IMPACT ON COVID 19 PATIENS POVZETEK V raziskavi se ukvarjam s vplivom CBD na potek bolezni COVID 19. ali so tisti pacienti, ki so jemali thc, uživali kakršen koli izdelek iz industrijske konoplje, preboleli COVID 19 - lažje ali težje. Vse skupaj bom podprla z dokazi, ki so delo priznanih avtorjev na področju zdravljenja s CBD-jem in ki so tudi javno dostopni. Želja mi je dokazati, da lahko s CBD-jem posledično zmanjšaš hujši potek bolezni COVID 19, si izboljšaš (tudi med samim potekom bolezni COVID 19) imunski sistem, do te mere, da ne prideš na respirator. Pomembno vlogo pri tem imajo predvsem Cannabionidi,CBD. Želja mi je preučevati, kako je dejansko vse skupaj izgledalo v tujini, kjer so tovrstne študije tudi preučevali na pacientih s COVID 19, žal v Sloveniji še takih raziskav ni. Ogromno raziskav iz tega področja pa je narejenih v Kanadi, Franciji in drugje. OD tu prihajajo tudi dejanske raziskave, ki dokazujejo, da lahko jemanje CBD prepreči marsikatero smrt. Ključne besede: industrijska konoplja, CBD, Covid19 ABSTRACT In my work i was researching how did CBD changed picture of COVID 19 on patient. CBD has impact for better picture on people, which did take CBD durring the duration of the sicknees. While in Slovenia we don`t have sure evidence of this, which impact CBD had on patient with COVID 19, we can find a lot of evidence in other countries, wich shows us, that CBD has significant role during COVID 19. Cannabis sativa, can reducing severity and impact of COVID 19. The mayor role has Cannabioids and CBD. The best evidence how CBD works on COVID 19 we can find in researching from countries like Canada and France. We can find also evidence, that using CBD can help aver fatal COVID 19 ending. Keywords: Cannabis Sativa, impact on Covid 19 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 286 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Doris Balažic, Marija Zrim AMEU - ECM PRISOTNOST PREZENTIZMA IN ABSENTIZMA PRI NEGOVALNEM KADRU V SPLOŠNI BOLNIŠNICI MURSKA SOBOTA THE PRESENCE OF PRESENTISM AND ABSENTEEISM IN NURSING STAFF AT MURSKA SOBOTA GENERAL HOSPITAL POVZETEK Uvod: Diplomsko delo obravnava prezentizem in absentizem. To sta dva nasprotna pojma. Prezentizem govori o prihodu na delu kljub bolezni, saj delavec kljub fizičnim in psihičnim težavam le-tega opravlja. Je dokaj neraziskan pojem. Absentizem pa je pojav, ko zaposleni ne pride na delovno mesto, čeprav delodajalec od zaposlenega to upravičeno pričakuje. Raziskovalna metodologija: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela za opisovanje obstoječih stanj in dejstev. Za raziskovalni instrument smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo zbiranja podatkov – standardiziran vprašalnik IDTS 2012. V raziskavi so prostovoljno sodelovali zaposleni v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota. Dobljene podatke smo obdelali v programskem orodju IBM SPSS. Rezultati: Dognali smo, da je najpogostejši vzrok psihičnih in fizičnih težav pri zaposlenih s področja zdravstvene nege v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota stres, da se prezentizma poslužujejo predvsem zdravstveni delavci, ki so zaposleni za nedoločen čas in da raziskovana delovna organizacija izvaja ukrepe na področju skrbi za zdravje in varnosti zaposlenih. Na podlagi hipotez pa smo ugotovili, da se absentizem v večjem deležu pojavlja pri zaposlenih za določen čas s področja zdravstvene nege v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota, da se zaposleni, ki imajo slabše odnose s sodelavci, v večji meri poslužujejo absentizma in da med starejšimi in mlajšimi delavci ni prihajalo do statistično značilnih razlik v pogostosti dvigovanja težkih bremen, ki lahko potencialno vplivajo na pojav absentizma. Diskusija in zaključek: Pri delavcih sta prisotna vedno večja utrujenost in napor zaposlenih, kar privede do absentizma ali prezentizma in vseh ostalih posledic, ki pridejo za tem. Ključne besede: zdravstvena nega, prezentizem, absentizem ABSTRACT Introduction: The thesis deals with presentism and absenteeism. These are two opposite concepts. Presentism speaks of coming to work despite illness and carrying out the work even with physical and psychological difficulties. It is a fairly unexplored term. Absenteeism means not coming to work, despite the employer reasonably expecting it from the employee. Research Methodology: We used a descriptive method of work to describe existing states and facts. For the research instrument, we used the quantitative method of data collection - the standardized IDTS 2012 questionnaire. Employees of Murska Sobota General Hospital volunteered to participate in the survey. The data were processed with the IBM SPSS software tool. Results: We found that the most common cause of mental and physical problems in nursing staff at Murska Sobota General Hospital is stress, that healthcare professionals who are employed in-definitely use presentism, and that the researched work organization has care measures in place for the health and safety of employees. On the basis of the hypotheses, we found that absenteeism is more prevalent in nursing staff at the Murska Sobota General Hospital, that employees who have poorer relationships with co-workers are more likely to use absenteeism and that older and younger employees did not show statistically significant differences in the frequency of lifting heavy loads that could potentially influence the appearance of absenteeism. Discussion and Conclusion: The staff in turn experience greater fatigue and stress, which leads to absenteeism or presentism and all other consequences that come with it. Keywords: health care, presentism, absenteeism 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 287 Aleš Zavrl ZAVOD ZA GLUHE IN NAGLUŠNE LJUBLJANA POUČEVANJE IN UČENJE NA DALJAVO PRI OTROCIH IN MLADOSTNIKIH Z AVTISTIČNO MOTNJO DISTANCE TEACHING AND LEARNING IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH AUTISTIC DISORDER POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: V zadnjih dveh letih se pedagoška stroka spopada z izzivi, prednostmi in slabostmi poučevanja na daljavo. V uvodu so predstavljena splošna dognanja in strategije v povezavi z izobraževanjem na daljavo in specifik, ki vključujejo izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra, v nadaljevanju MAS. Metoda: Prispevek temelji na raziskovalnem pristopu. Vključeni prispevki so bili objavljeni v zadnjih dveh letih kot znanstveni članki v mednarodnih bazah podatkov, obravnavale pa so tema-tiko izobraževanja na daljavo z vidika države, učitelja, učencev in staršev. Glede na začetna in končna vključitvena merila smo v natančnejšo analizo uvrstili tri prispevke. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da so v izobraževanje na daljavo tesneje vključeni vsi družinski člani. Prehod iz rutine, ki je potekala pretežno v izobraževalni ustanovi, v domače okolje, je za starše zelo zahteven. Člani družine so primorani, da izraziteje prihaja do delitve dela, ki je povezan z nudenjem pomoči pri šolskih obveznostih za osebo z MAS. Starši izkoristijo prisilno podarjeni čas s svojim otrokom za osvajanje novih socializacijskih veščin, povezanih z varnostjo in socialno distanco. Poudarek je tudi na poglobljenem spoznavanju kulturne vloge spolov. Razprava in zaključek: Poučevanje na daljavo se je dotaknilo večine šolajoče populacije sveta. Razlika je predvsem v pogojih in načinih dela, s katerimi se je spoprijela populacija v bolj ali manj razvitih delih sveta. Tako lahko zasledimo na eni strani čisto improvizacijo, ki temelji na iznajdl-jivosti pedagoških ustanov, staršev in posameznikov, po drugi strani pa sistematičen in od vlada-jočih institucij podprt in voden sistem izobraževanja na daljavo. Ključne besede: avtizem, izobraževanje na daljavo, starši, socialni razvoj, tehnologija ABSTRACT Theoretical background: In the last two years, the pedagogical profession has been facing the challenges, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. The question arises as to how to best replace classical teaching in educational institutions in a given situation. The introduction presents general findings and strategies and specifics, which include the education of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Method: The article is based on a research approach. The included articles have been published in the last two years as scientific articles on the international databases. They studied the topic of distance learning from the perspective of the state, teachers, students and parents. According to the initial and final inclusion criteria, included 3 studys. Results: Research showed that all family members are more closely involved in distance education. The sudden transition from a school routine to a home environment, is very challenging. Family members are forced to help more with school obligations. Parents take donated time with their child to acquire new socialization skills related to safety and social distance. Emphasis is also placed on an in-depth understanding of the cultural role of the sexes. Discussion and conclusion: Distance learning has affected the majority of the world's schooling population. The difference is mainly in the conditions and methods of work faced by the population in more or less developed parts of the world. On the one site, we can trace pure improvisation and, on the other sites, a systematic supported and managed distance education system by the goverment institutions. Keywords: autism, distance education, parents, social development, technology 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 288 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ana Vogrinec AMEU – ECM PRIMERJAVA UČINKOVITOSTI ZDRAVSTVENIH SISTEMOV MED SLOVENIJO IN IZBRANIMI EVROPSKIMI DRŽAVAMI COMPARISON OF THE EFFICIENCY OF HEALTH SYSTEMS BETWEEN SLOVENIA AND SELECTED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Zdravstveni sistemi držav članic Evropske unije temeljijo na skupnih načelih, ki so univerzalen dostop do zdravstvenih storitev, solidarnost, pravičnost ter enakopravnost. Za varovanje zdravja torej skrbijo zdravstveni sistemi držav, ki jim pravimo tudi sistemi zdravstvenega varstva. V Evropi prevladujejo predvsem Bismarckov, Beveridgeov in mešani model. Slovenija je država, ki spada med bolj razvite članice Evropske unije in ima zdravstveni sitem urejen na podlagi zdravstvenega zavarovanja. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti, ali obstajajo pomembne razlike pri primerjavi kazalnikov zdravstvenega varstva med Slovenijo, Nizozemsko in Veliko Britanijo. S pomočjo štirih kazalnikov kakovosti, in sicer pričakovana življenjska doba ob rojstvu, petletno preživetje po raku dojke, tridesetdnevna umrljivost po sprejemu v bolnišnico zaradi akutnega miokardnega infarkta in traja-nje bivanja v bolnišnici, se v nalogi ugotavlja, katere so bistvene razlike oziroma slabosti in prednosti posameznega zdravstvenega sistema, ki se kažejo predvsem z učinkovitostjo in rezultati zdravljenja. Metode: V raziskavi je uporabljena kvantitativna raziskava, in sicer analiza statističnih podatkov. Za obdelavo in analizo podatkov je uporabljena deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati: Na podlagi rezultatov je Slovenijo mogoče umestiti med države z zadovoljivimi in uspešnimi rezultati zdravstvene oskrbe. Prav tako pa so vidne pomanjkljivosti sistema zdravstvenega varstva in področja, kjer je možno izboljšanje. Razprava: Raziskava je pokazala, da ima Slovenija najbolj vzpodbudne rezultate pri pričakovani življenjski dobi ob rojstvu in tridesetdnevni umrljivosti po sprejemu v bolnišnico zaradi akutnega miokardnega infarkta. Z dobro zasnovano ureditvijo bi lahko izboljšali kakovost zdravstvene oskrbe v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: zdravstveni sistemi, kazalniki kakovosti, zdravstveno varstvo, učinkovitost, Evropa. ABSTRACT Introduction:The health systems of the EU Member States are based on common principles that act as the universal access to health services, solidarity, justice and equality. In Erope there are three models that predominate, and these are Bismark Model, Beveridge Model and a mixed model. The aim of the research is to find out if there are significant differencies in the comparison of health care indicators among Slovenia, The Nederlands and The United Kingdom. With the use of four quality indicators, which are life expectancy at birth, five-year survival after breast cancer, thirty-day post-hospital mortality due to accute myocardial heart attack and the length of hospital stay, it is found out which of them are essential differencies or weaknesses and advantages of each system which are manifested by the effectiveness and the results of a treatment. Method: The research uses quantitative research with the analysis of statistical data. Descriptive statistic are used for data processing and analysis. Results: On the basis of results, Slovenia can be ranked among the countries with satisfactory and successful health care results. Additionaly, there are also visible shortcomings in the health care system and the areas of possible improvement. Discussion:Slovenia has the most encouraging results in life expectancy at birth and in thirty days of mortaity after hospitalization due to accute myocardial infarction. The quality of the health care system in Slovenia could be improved with the well-designed health care arrangements. Keywords: health systems, quality indicators, health care, efficiency, Europe. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 289 Stefano Turini AMEU - ECM NOVE MEJE POSTOPKOV BIOKIBERNETSKEGA NAPADA IN VDIRANJA NAPRAV QUANTUM MEDICINE: BIOINFORMATIC DEFENSE NEW FRONTIERS OF BIOCYBERNETIC ATTACK AND HACKING PROCEDURES OF QUANTUM MEDICINE DEVICES: BIOINFORMATIC DEFENCE POVZETEK Pred kratkim se je pojavil primer ruskih hekerjev, ki bi po neuradnih virih izvedli hekersko oper-acijo proti napravam, kot so srčni spodbujevalniki in inzulinske črpalke. Posledice bi lahko bile: takojšnja zaustavitev takih instrumentov, vnos frekvenc, ki bi lahko spremenile funkcionalnost srčne mišice, prek algoritma samega računalniškega virusa. Razvil sem idejo, iz katere je izhajal projekt, da so vse elektronske naprave, povezane v omrežje ali računalnik, ki je nato povezan v omrežje, lahko vdrli. Naprave, ki trenutno doživljajo največji uspeh, zlasti v vzhodnih državah, so naprave za kvantno medicino in energetsko diagnostiko. Če bi jih vdrli, bi bilo mogoče spremeniti frekvence pošiljanja do pacienta, z možnostjo povzročiti spremenjena razpoloženja ali spremembe v celičnem metabolizmu. Dr. Andrija Puharic je odkril biološki učinek ELF valov (eks-tremno nizke frekvence), nedavno pa je italijanski fizik in inženir Clarbruno Vedruccio patentiral napravo za diagnostiko prezgodnjih novotvorb z metodo elektromagnetne analize anizotropije v organiziranem kemično-organski sistemi. Instrumentacija je zaznala tri frekvence, povezane z razvojem raka v organizmu, kot so: 465 MHz, 930 MHz, 1395 MHz. Ustrezno zgrajen računalniški virus lahko v algoritem vključi takšne frekvence, ki lahko, če so poslane pacientu, povzročijo, kot je navedeno zgoraj, spremembe na molekularni in / celični ravni. Metode za obrambo pred tovrstnimi napadi predstavljajo prihodnost Bioinformatics Defense. Ključne besede: kvantna medicina, računalniški virusi, ELF, Bioscanner, Andrija Puharić ABSTRACT Recently, the case of Russian hackers emerged who, according to unofficial sources, would have carried out a hacking operation against devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps. The consequences could be: immediate stop of such instruments, input, through the algorithm of the computer virus itself, of frequencies that could alter the functionality of the cardiac muscle. I developed the idea, from which the project was derived, that all electronic devices connected to a network or to a computer, in turn connected to the network, can be hackable. The devices that are currently experiencing the greatest success, especially in Eastern countries, are the devices for Quantum Medicine and Energy Diagnosis. By hacking them it would be possible to modify the sending frequencies towards the patient, with the possibility of inducing altered moods or alterations in cellular metabolism. Dr. Andrija Puharic, had discovered the biological effect of ELF waves (Extreme Low Frequencies) and, recently, the Italian physicist and engineer Clarbruno Vedruccio, patented a device for the diagnosis precocious of neoplasms, through the method of Electromagnetic Analysis of anisotropy in organized chemical-organic systems. The instrumentation has detected three frequencies that are associated with cancerous development in the organism, such as: 465 MHz, 930 MHz, 1395 MHz. A computer virus, suitably constructed, could include in the algorithm such frequencies which, if sent to the patient, could cause, as mentioned above, alterations at the molecular and / cellular level. The methods for the defense against these types of attacks represent the future of Bioinformatics Defense. Keywords: Quantum Medicine, Computer Viruses, ELF, Bioscanner, Andrija Puharic 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 290 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Šemrl Simon Alma Mater Europaea –ECM Sedonja Simon Splošna bolnišnica Murska Sobota VZROKI ABSENTIZMA PRI ZAPOSLENIH V ZDRAVSTVENI NEGI SPLOŠNE BOLNIŠNICE MURSKA SOBOTA CAUSES OF ABSENTEEISM AMONG HEALTH CARE WORKERS IN GENARAL HOSPITAL MURSKA SOBOTA POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Vedno pogostejši problem v družbi je pojav absentizma oziroma druga- če imenovana začasna bolniška odsotnost z dela. Prekomerna odsotnost zaposlenih negativno vpliva na produktivnost organizacije in moralo delovne ekipe sodelavcev in sodelavk. Cilj: V raziskavi smo predstaviti absentizem, njegove najpogostejše povzročitelje, predstaviti stres in izgorelost v povezavi z absentizmom ter vplive delovnega okolja na absentizem. Glavni cilj je bil ugotoviti vzroke za bolniško odsotnost z dela in najpogostejše dejavnike, ki vplivajo na absentizem v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota. Metode: V raziskavi je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Uporabili smo kvantitativno metodo dela z anonimnim spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki so ga izpolnili zaposleni v Splošni bolnišnici Murska Sobota. Vzorec raziskovanja je predstavljal 218 sodelujočih. Pridobljene rezultate smo ponazorili grafično in tabelarno. Rezultati: Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so zaposleni najpogosteje odsotni z dela do 30 dni, najpogostejši vzrok odsotnosti pa predstavlja bolezen. V delovnem okolju zaposlene najbolj moti slaba možnost napredovanja in stresno delovno mesto, kjer občutijo neustrezen način vodenja in preobremenjenost z delom. Za izboljšanje promocije zdravja bi sami želeli več izobraževanj in delavnic na teme, ki se navezujejo na promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu. Razprava: Absentizem se pogosto pojavlja v vseh organizacijah in v vseh starostnih skupinah, ne glede na spol. Z zagotavljanjem dobrega delovnega okolja lahko zmanjšamo absentizem, kajti dobro delovno okolje daje motivacijo in željo za delo, kar vpliva na zmanjšano količino absentizma. Ključne besede: zdravstveni absentizem, fluktuacija, zdravstvena nega, stres. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 291 ABSTRACT Theoretical background: An increasingly common problem in society is the phenomenon of absenteeism or otherwise called temporary sick leave. Excessive employee absences can negatively affect the productivity of the organization and the morale of the work team of co-workers. Objective: In this thesis we want to present absenteeism, which are the most common causes of absenteeism, to present the stress and burnout associated with absenteeism, to present the impact of the work environment on absenteeism and ways to manage it. We want to find out the reasons for sick leave from work and which factors most influence absenteeism at the General Hospital Murska Sobota. Methods: A descriptive method of work was used in the diploma work. In the research work, we used a quantitative method of working with an anonymous online survey questionnaire, which was filled out by employees of the General Hospital Murska Sobota. The research sample represents 218 participants. The obained results were adjusted graphically into a spreadsheet with the help of Microsoft Excel 2010 and the results of interpretation. Results: Hospital employees are most often absent from work for up 30 days, the most common cause of absence being illness. In the work environment employees are most disturbed by the poor possibility of advancement and a stressful workplace, where they feel inadequate management and overwork. To improve health promotion ourselves, we would like more trainings and workshops on topics related to workplace health promotion. Discussion: Absenteeism often occurs in all organizations and in all age groups, regardless of gender. By providing a good work environment in which they are employed, we can reduce absenteeism, because a good work environment gives motivation and desire to work and affects the reduced amount of absenteeism. Key words: medical absenteeism, fluctuation, nursing, stress. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 292 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nataša Cafuta Rešilec, d.o.o. Šemrl Simon AMEU - ECM SPOŠTOVANJE PACIENTOVE PRAVICE DO ZASEBNOSTI MED DIALIZO S STRANI MEDICINSKE SESTRE RESPECT OF PACIENT'S RIGHT TO PRIVACY BETWEEN DIALYSIS BY NURSES POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: V članku smo opredelili problematiko pacientovih pravic do zasebnosti. Namen članka je bil opozoriti na pomembnost spoštovanja pacientove zasebnosti s strani medicinskih sester (v nadaljevanju MS) med dializo ter proučiti najpogostejše kršitve te pravice. Metoda: Raziskovalni del naloge je kvantitativen. Raziskava je bila izvedena v Splošni bolnišnici dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj na dializnem oddelku. Sodelovalo je 18 MS in 20 pacientov. Anketiranje je potekalo julija 2019. Pred izvedbo raziskave smo si pridobili soglasje službe zdravstvene nege v Splošni bolnišnici dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali statistično značilno razliko med MS in pacienti glede zapiranja vrat bolniške sobe, pokrivanja telesa s posteljnino, prošnje, naj se ostali pacienti v bolniški sobi diskretno obrnejo vstran, prošnje, naj obiskovalci zapustijo bolniško sobo, in glede zagotavljanja zasebnosti pri pogovorih. MS ocenjujejo, da te ukrepe izvajajo pogosteje, kot to ocenjujejo pacienti. MS statistično pogosteje spoštujejo telesno zasebnost, kot to ocenjujejo pacienti. Ugotovili smo, da med MS in pacienti ne obstaja statistično značilna razlika glede ocene, kako pogosto je pacientom med dializo kršena pravica do zasebnosti, in tudi ne glede ocene, kako pogosto MS med dializo kršijo dolžnost poklicne molčečnosti. MS ocenjujejo, da je pacientom statistično redkeje kršena pravica do zasebnosti med dializo, kot to ocenjujejo pacienti. Raziskava je še pokazala, da ne obstaja statistično značilna razlika med nobenim od razlogov. Razprava: Raziskava je pokazala, da MS v glavnem spoštujejo zasebnost pacientov. Kljub temu obstajajo določene šibke točke, ki se jih da odpraviti že z opozorili MS, da se zavedajo neupoštevanja določenih ukrepov za zagotavljanje zasebnosti. Izboljšanje bi lahko dosegli že z ozave- ščanjem MS o pomembnosti izvajanja posameznih ukrepov, ki zagotavljajo zasebnost pacientov. Ključne besede: zasebnost, pravice, spoštovanje, pacienti, dializa. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 293 ABSTRACT Theoretical starting points: In the article we identified the issue of patients privacy rights. The purpose of the paper was to highlight the importance of respecting patients privacy by nurses (referred to as MS) during dialysis and to examine the most common violations of this right. Method: The research part of the assignment is quantitative. The research was conducted at General Hospital Dr Jože Potrča in Ptuj at the dialysis department. 18 MS and 20 patients participated. The survey was conducted in July 2019. Prior to conducting the survey, we obtained the consent of the Nursing Service at said hospital. Results: The results showed a statistically significant difference between MS and patients regarding the closure of the hospital room doors, covering the patient with bedding, requests for other patients in the hospital room to turn away, requests for visitors to leave the hospital room, and privacy while talking. MS assesy that these measures are performed more often than patients estimate. MS are statistically more likely to respect physical privacy than is estimated by patients. We found that there was statistically no significant difference between MS and patients in assessing how often patients had a breach of the right to privacy during dialysis, and also how often MS during dialysis violated their duty of professional secrecy. MS estimate that patients are statistically less likely to be violated of their rights to privacy during dialysis than the patients would think. The survey further showed that there was no statistically significant difference between any of the reasons. Discussion: Research has shown that MS generally respect patients privacy. Nonetheless, there are certain weaknesses that can be addressed with warnings from MS. Improvement could already be achieved by raising awareness of MS about the importance of implementing individual patient privacy measures. Key words: privacy, rights, respect, patients, dialysis. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 294 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Vanesa Bogar, Edvard Jakšič AMEU - ECM MEDGENERACIJSKI PRISTOP DO VNAPREJ IZRAŽENE VOLJE IN DO DAROVANJA ORGANOV AN INTERGENERATIONAL APPROACH TO PRE-EXPRESSED WILL AND ORGAN DONATION POVZETEK Teoretično izhodišče: Vnaprej izražena volja v Sloveniji še ni pretirano znana. Zaradi slabe infor-miranosti, se ljudje težje odločajo za njo, saj niti ne vedo kaj to sploh pomeni. Vsak človek ima do vnaprej izražene volje drugačen pristop. Nekateri so za, nekateri pa proti. V svojem življenju se vsak posameznik odloči ali bo po svoji smrti podaril organ ali tkivo. S tem dejanjem lahko reši drugo življenje. Vedno več ljudi je ozaveščenih o tem, vendar se jih še večinoma ne odloči za darovanje organa ali tkiva. Metoda: Raziskovalno delo je bilo izvedeno po deskriptivni metodi dela. Za pomoč pri raziskovalnem delu sem uporabila anketni vprašalnik. Pomagali smo si še z elektronskimi in pisnimi oblikami virov. Napisani so bili v slovenskem in tujem jeziku. Raziskava je bila izvedena na 190 naključno izbranih anketirancih vseh starosti in spola. Rezultati: Osredotočili smo se na generacijske razlike, poskušali smo ugotoviti kakšno je mnenje ali razmišljanje med starejšo in mlajšo generacijo. Starejšo generacijo smo uvrstili v starostno skupino od 40 let naprej, mlajšo generacijo pa do vključno 40 leta starosti. Ugotovili smo, da ne glede na generacije ima večinoma oz. skoraj vsi popolnoma enako mnenje. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da je vnaprej izražena volja zelo slabo znana, saj nekateri sploh ne vedo, o čem je govora. Nekateri, ki temo poznajo in razumejo, pa se za podpis obrazca za vnaprej izraženo voljo nebi odločili. Iz raziskave smo ugotovili, da se za darovanje organov in tkiv vseeno odloča zelo malo ljudi. Ključne besede: vnaprej izražena volja, generacije, darovanje organov ABSTRACT The will expressed in Slovenia in advance is not yet overly known. Because of poor information, it's harder for people to make decisions about her, because they don't even know what it means. Every man has a different approach to the pre-expressed will. Some are in for it, some are against it. In their lifetime, each individual decides whether to donate an organ or tissue after their death. With this action, he can save another's life. More and more people are aware of this, but they have not yet decided to donate organ or tissue. The research work was carried out using a descriptive method of work. I used a survey questionnaire to help with my research work. We also helped each other with electronic and written forms of resources. They were written in Slovenian and foreign languages. The survey was conducted on 190 randomly selected respondents of all ages and genders. We focused on generational differences, trying to figure out what opinion or thinking is between the older and younger generations. The older generation was classified as an age group from 40 years onwards and the younger generation up to and including 40 years of age. We found that the will expressed in advance is very poorly known, because some people do not even know what it is about. However, some who know and understand the topic would not have chosen to sign the form for the pre-expressed will. Research has found that very few people make organ donation. Keywords: pre-expressed will, generations, organ donation 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 295 Irena Jurišić Fakultet društvenih znanosti dr. Milenka Brkića VPLIV ELEKTRONSKIH MEDIJEV NA RAZVOJ KOMUNIKACIJSKIH MOTENJ PRI OTROCIH ZGODNJE IN PREDŠOLSKE STAROSTI THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS IN CHILDREN OF EARLY AND PRESCHOOL AGE POVZETEK Danes se otroci srečujejo z elektronskimi mediji že v zgodnjem otroštvu. Njihova nenadzoro-vana uporaba negativno vpliva na otrokov razvoj. Dolgoročni rezultati takšnih procesov niso v celoti raziskani in razpoložljive ugotovitve različnih študij so v veliki meri razdeljene. Izhodišče tega članka temelji na predpostavki, da otroci zaradi pogoste uporabe elektronskih medijev povzročajo motnje v komunikaciji. V prispevku so uporabljene metode opisa, analize in primerjave rezultatov prejšnjih raziskav. Rezultati kažejo na morebitne negativne posledice pri razvoju komunikacije pri otrocih zgodnje in predšolske starosti, kar pomeni, da vloge presejalnega in elektromagnetnega / radiofrekvenčnega sevanja, ki ga oddajajo te naprave, ni mogoče in ne sme zanemarjati, zato je treba stalno spremljati in opozori na to. Ključne besede: komunikacija, mediji, motnje, otroci, starši ABSTRACT Today, children encounter electronic media from an early age. Their uncontrolled use negatively affects the child's development. The long-term outcomes such of processes have not been fully explored, and the available findings of various studies are largely divided. The starting point of this paper is based on the assumption that children due to the frequent use of electronic media result in a communication disorder. The paper uses methods of description, analysis and comparison of the results of previous research. The results indicate possible negative consequences in the development of communication in children of early and preschool age, which means that the role of screening and electromagnetic / radiofrequency radiation, which these devices emit, cannot and must not be neglected, so it is necessary, by experts, to continuously monitor and warn about it. Keywords: children, communication, disorders, media, parents 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 296 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jerneja Meža Visoka zdravstvena šola v Celju E-MENTORSTVO IN UPORABA INFOMACIJSKO-KOMUNIKACIJSKE (IK) TEHNOLOGIJE PRI MENTORSTVU V ZDRAVSTVENI NEGI E-MENTORING AND USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION (IK) TECHNOLOGY IN MENTORING IN NURSING POVZETEK Prispevek preučuje inovativne metode e-mentorstva ter uporabo IK tehnologij v mentorskem procesu v okviru študijskega programa Zdravstvene nege. Kot podlaga se uporablja mednarodni projekt Quality mentorship for developing competent nursing students (QualMent) v katerem sodelujejo mentorji iz partnerskih institucij iz štirih EU držav: Slovenije, Finske, Litve in Španije. Informacijsko in komunikacijske tehnologije so spremenile način dostopa do informacij in način ravnanja z njimi, pomenijo novo komunikacijo v družbi in nov način gradnje odnosov, ki se preslikava v vse sfere delovanja družbe in posameznika. Močno vpliva torej tudi na področje izobraževanja in s tem tudi na področje mentorskega procesa v programih katerih pomemben del je tudi usposabljanje v delovnem okolju. Obstaja velika raznolikost novih tehnologij, ki se odzivajo na različne učne metodologije, njihova glavna prednost pa je, da študentom omogočajo aktivnejšo vlogo pri učenju. Prispevek se osredotoča na raziskovanje možnosti uporabe IK tehnologij in e-mentorstva pri izvedbi kliničnega usposabljanja v okviru študijskega programa Zdravstvena nega ter tudi na odnos mentorjev do uporabe te tehnologije, saj ta odločilno vpliva na to v kolikšni meri se bodo mentorji pri svojem delu posluževali nove tehnologije. Pri obravnavi teme se opiramo na ugotovitve dosedanjih raziskav ter na ugotovitve v sklopu izvajanja projekta QualMent. Ključne besede: inovativne metode, e-mentorstvo, IK tehnologije, klinično usposabljanje ABSTRACT The paper examines innovative methods of e-mentoring and the use of IC technologies in the mentoring process in the framework of the Nursing Study Programme. The International project Quality mentorship for developing competent nursing students (QualMent) is used as a basis, involving mentors from partner institutions from four EU countries: Slovenia, Finland, Lithuania and Spain. Information and communication technologies have changed the way information is accessed and treated. They pathed the way for new communication in society and a new way of building relationships that reflects into all spheres of society and individual activity. It therefore has a strong impact on the field of education and thus also on the area of the mentoring process in programmes of which training in the working environment is also an important part. There is a wide variety of new technologies that respond to different learning methodologies, and their main advantage is to enable students to play a more active role in learning. The paper focuses on exploring the possibility of using IC technologies and e-mentoring in the implementation of clinical training in the Nursing Study Programme, as well as on the attitude of mentors to the use of this technologies, as this has a decisive impact on the extent to which mentors will use new technologies in their work. In addressing the topic, we draw on the findings of previous research and on the findings of the QualMent project. Keywords: innovative methods, e-mentoring, IC techologies, clinical practice 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 297 Ana Ćorić, Jurica Predović, Štefanija Kolačko Kb "Sveti Duh" Zagreb STIGMATIZATION OF PEOPLE WITH COVID 19 ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the feeling of stigmatization in people with COVID-19. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 201 subjects, persons with COVID-19, participated in the study. The instrument of this research was an anonymous survey questionnaire, specially constructed for the purposes of this research. The results of the study showed that people positive for coronavirus expressed the highest general feeling stigmatization, followed by a sense of stigmatization at work, while the person is positive at coronavirus feel the least stigmatized in the circle of their family and friends. Studies of this type could help identify the most vulnerable groups of patients in the context of stigmatization and thus help direct the provision of psychological support to these groups in society. Keywords: Covid-19; subjects, stigmatization 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 298 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sašo Ozvatič, Žan Jerenko, Edvard Jakšič AMEU – ECM TEŽAVE, S KATERIMI SE SOOČAJO DELAVCI ZDRAVSTVENE NEGE SEVEROVZHODNE SLOVENIJE V ČASU EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 PROBLEMS FACED BY NURSING WORKERS IN NORTHEASTERN SLOVENIA DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC POVZETEK Uvod: Koronavirus je povzročitelj virusnega obolenja, ki se kaže z simptomi podobnimi gripi. Virus je bil prvič zaznan v Vuhanu na Kitajskem, decembra 2020. Poimenovali so ga SARS-CoV-2. Obolenje, ki ga povzroča ta povzročitelj se imenuje COVID-19. Hitro širjenje virusa je zajelo veliko držav, kar je povzročilo preizkušnjo ali razgalilo organiziranost zdravstvenih sistemov po svetu. Zdravstveni delavci so neposredno izpostavljeni okužbi in intenzivnim delovnim preobremenitvam. Članek temelji na kvantitativni raziskavi, ki je bila izvedena med zdravstvenimi delavci severovzhodne Slovenije, ki so se v svojem delovnem procesu srečali z okuženimi pacienti oziroma stanovalci v domovih za starejše. Metode: Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo dela, kjer smo anketirali zdravstvene delavce z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika zaprtega tipa. Vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz 25 vprašanj, ki so se nanašala na demografijo ter obremenitev pri delovnem vsakdanu. Podatke smo statistično obdelali s programom IBM SPSS 23 in Microsoft Excel 2016 ter rezultate predstavili v obliki tabel. Rezultati: Glede na pridobljene podatke ugotavljamo, da so zdravstveni delavci v času anketiranja, ki je potekalo v prvem valu epidemije v Sloveniji vendarle bolj obremenjeni kot nasploh. Večina anketirancev meni, da je njihovo število delovnih ur ostalo enako in se ni spremenilo, vendar kljub temu pri nekaterih opazimo povečanje števila delovnih ur. Delavci se soočajo z nezado-voljstvom, nerazpoloženostjo in utrujenostjo. Razprava: Epidemija s COVID-19 je v severovzhodni Sloveniji zdravstvenim delavcem prinesla kar nekaj skrbi in prilagajanj, obenem pa tudi novih izkušenj. Ključne besede: epidemija, zdravstveni delavci, zdravstvena nega ABSTRACT Introduction: Coronavirus is the causative agent of a viral disease manifested by flu-like symptoms. The virus was first detected in Wuhan, China, in December 2020. It was named SARS-CoV-2. The disease caused by this pathogen is called COVID-19. The rapid spread of the virus has spread to many countries, causing a test or exposing the organization of health systems around the world. Healthcare workers are directly exposed to infection and intense work overload. The article is based on a quantitative research conducted among health care workers in north-eastern Slovenia who met infected patients or residents in nursing homes in their work process. Methods: In the research, we used a quantitative method of work, where we surveyed health professionals using a closed-ended questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions related to demographics and workload. The data were statistically processed using IBM SPSS 23 and Microsoft Excel 2016 and the results were presented in the form of tables. Results: Based on the obtained data, we find that health care workers are more burdened than in general during the survey, which took place in the first wave of the epidemic in Slovenia. Most respondents believe that their number of working hours has remained the same and has not changed, but some still see an increase in the number of working hours. Workers face dissatisfaction, displeasure and fatigue. Discussion: The epidemic with COVID-19 in north-eastern Slovenia has brought health workers quite a few worries and adjustments, as well as new experiences. Keywords: epidemic, health workers, nursing 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 299 Ksenija Škerbot, Nataša Žalar, Joca Zurc AMEU – ECM PREHRANJEVALNE NAVADE V POVEZAVI Z GIBALNO AKTIVNOSTJO PRI ZDRAVSTVENIH DELAVCIH EATING HABITS IN RELATION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN HEALTH WORKERS POVZETEK Zdrava in uravnotežena prehrana ter redna gibalna aktivnost sta ključnega pomena za ohranjanje, krepitev in varovanje zdravja. Za uspešno življenje in organizacijo posameznika ter produktivno delo in zadovoljstvo pri delu je nujno potrebno zdravje, ki temelji na zdravem življenjskem slogu. Raziskava temelji na empirični kvalitativni metodologiji. Uporabili smo polstrukturirani intervju, ki je obsegal demografska vprašanja in šest tematskih vprašanj. V raziskavi smo uporabili neslučajnostni namenski vzorec, ki je zajemal šest zdravstvenih delavcev različnih strok. Zbiranje podatkov smo izvedli v začetku meseca aprila 2020. Intervjuji so potekali individualno na delovnem mestu zdravstvenih delavcev. Vsi intervjuji so bili zvočno posneti in dobesedno transkribirani v pisno obliko ter jezikovno in tematsko urejeni. Zbrane podatke smo kvalitativno analizirali na osnovi kodiranja, kategoriziranja in opredelitve osrednjih tem. Intervjuvani zdravstveni delavci so mnenja, da je zdrav način življenja zelo pomemben, saj vpliva na njihovo telesno in duševno zdravje, razpoloženje in telesno težo ter posledično na splošno zadovoljstvo v službi in v osebnem življenju. A zaradi narave dela, tempa življenja in vsakodnevnih aktivnosti zdravstveni delavci pogosto zanemarijo pomen zdravega načina življenja. Iz različnih razlogov pogosto izpuščajo zajtrk in malico na delovnem mestu. Zdravstveni delavci so gibalno aktivni večkrat tedensko. Je pa zaznati, da v obdobju, ko so najbolj življenjsko aktivni in imajo največ obveznosti, interes in volja po gibalni aktivnosti precej upadeta. Ključne besede: prehranjevalne navade, gibalna aktivnost, zdravstveni delavci ABSTRACT A healthy and balanced diet and regular physical activity are key factors in maintaining, improving and protecting health. Based on a healthy lifestyle, health is essential for an individual's successful life and organisation, productive work and satisfaction at work. The research is based on an empirical qualitative methodology. We used a semi-structured interview, containing demographic questions and six thematic questions. In the research, the non-randomised purposive sample was used, comprised of six health workers from different disciplines. The data were collected in the beginning of April 2020. The interviews were conducted individually, at the workplace of the health workers. They were all recorded, transcribed word-by-word and edited in terms of language and topics. The collected data were qualitatively analysed by coding, catego-rising and defining the main topics. Health workers consider a healthy lifestyle very important, as it affects their physical and mental health, well-being and weight, which consequently results in overall satisfaction at work and in their personal lives. Due to the nature of their work, the pace of life and everyday activities, health workers often fail to acknowledge the importance of a healthy lifestyle. They often skip breakfast and snacks at the workplace. Health workers are physically active several times a week. When they are occupied in their personal life and have other obligations, however, it can be observed that their interest and willingness to be physically active considerably decline. Keywords: eating habits, physical activity, health workers 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 300 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sašo Ozvatič, Edvard Jakšič, Erika Zelko AMEU – ECM PRISTOP DO PALIATIVNA OSKRBE V DOMSKEM VARSTVU POMURJA APPROACH TO PALLIATIVE CARE IN HOME CARE IN POMURJE POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: V članku so predstavljeni pristopi pri paliativni oskrbi v Pomurski regiji v domovih za starejše občane. Prikazani so dejavniki tveganja, ki poslabšujejo kakovost paliativne oskrbe pri izvajanju zdravstvene nega pri zdravstveno-negovalnem kadru v domovih za starejše občane v Pomurju. Metoda: Uporabili smo anketni vprašalnik zaprtega tipa z 30 vprašanji, s katerim smo anketirali zdravstveno-negovalni kader v Pomurski regiji v domovih za starejše občane. Literaturo in vire smo iskali v naslednjih bazah: COBISS in GOOGLE UČENJAK. Podatke smo uredili s programom Microsoft Excel in obdelali s IBM SPSS. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da imamo neke oblike pristopov, vendar pa se zdravstveno-negovalni kader še vedno sooča z težavami pri kakovostni paliativni oskrbi kot so pomanjkanje kadra in premalo izobraževanj s tega področja. Ugotovili smo, da se paliativna oskrba v domovih za starejše v tem delu Slovenije izboljšuje zaradi pridobljenega novega znanja in izkušenj mladih zdravstvenih delavcev. Razprava: V ospredju paliativne obravnave je lajšanje težav pri starostnikih v domovih za starej- še občane, poleg verbalne komunikacije tudi lajšanje bolečine, dotik in preprečevanje nastanka razjede zaradi pritiska. Zelo pomembno je, da se kot zdravstveni delavci držimo pravil paliativne oskrbe tako v strokovnem poklicnem življenju, kot tudi v domačem življenju pri ozaveščanju splošne populacije. Ključne besede: paliativna oskrba, domsko varstvo, starostniki ABSTRACT Theoretical background: The article presents approaches to palliative care in the Pomurska region in homes for the elderly. Risk factors that worsen the quality of palliative care in the implementation of nursing care in nursing homes in Pomurje are presented. Method: We used a closed-ended questionnaire with 30 questions, with which we surveyed the health care staff in the Pomurska region in homes for the elderly. We searched for literature and sources in the following databases: COBISS and GOOGLE SCHOLAR. The data were edited with Microsoft Excel and processed with IBM SPSS. Results: We found that we have some form of approach, but the nursing staff still faces problems with quality palliative care such as staff shortages and insufficient education in this area. We found that palliative care in homes for the elderly in this part of Slovenia is improving due to the acquired new knowledge and experience of young health professionals. Discussion: At the forefront of palliative care is the alleviation of problems in the elderly in nursing homes, in addition to verbal communication, the relief of pain, touch and the prevention of pressure ulcers. It is very important that, as health professionals, we adhere to the rules of palliative care both in professional working life and in domestic life in raising awareness of the general population. Keywords: palliative care, home care, elderly 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 301 Stefano Turini AMEU - ECM ELF IN DEPATTERNING: MAGNETNI MODEL SNOVI IN UMA: TEORIJE, DOKAZI, EKSPERIMENTI ELF AND DEPATTERNING: MAGNETIC MODEL OF MATTER AND MIND: THEORIES, PROOFS, EXPERIMENTS POVZETEK Možnost izkoriščanja uma so sanje, ki prihajajo neposredno od zore časa. Zdaj je znano, kako nekatere psihotropne snovi, kot so LSD, DMT, Psilocibin, delujejo na možgane, vendar aktivni biološki učinki elektromagnetnih valov in zvočnih valov z določeno frekvenco še vedno ostajajo skrivnost. Raziskovalna skupina Grimaldi et al., CNR v Rimu, je ugotovila, kako lahko dolo- čene elektromagnetne frekvence povzročijo aktivacijo epifizne žleze, pri čemer se molekule sprostijo enako. Tu omenjena raziskava vključuje snemanje možganske aktivnosti in biometričnih parametrov pri osebi v stanju globoke meditacije kot izhodiščni ali kontrolni vzorec. Nato bo za isto osebo opravljen postopek Depatterminga, tj. Elektromagnetna indukcija, izvedena s pomočjo posebej pripravljenega frekvenčnega vlaka, s posebno programsko opremo, imenovano AudioPaint. S tem sistemom je mogoče slike pretvoriti v zvoke, ki bodo naslovljeni na preizkušanca, tako da bodo vsadljeni v osnovno strukturo parahipokampalne skorje, sedeža spomina. Nato je bila oseba spet postavljena v stanje globoke meditacije in opaženo je bilo statistično značilno povečanje možganske aktivnosti, predvsem pa Theta valov. To kaže, da je indukcija možganov verjetna hipoteza. Ključne besede: Depatterning, EEG, poligraf, cerebralna indukcija, zvočna barva ABSTRACT The possibility of harnessing the mind is a dream that comes directly from the dawn of time. It is now known the effect that some psychotropic substances such as LSD, DMT, Psilocybin, ex-ert on the brain, however, the active biological effects of electromagnetic waves and sound waves, having a certain frequency, still remain a mystery. The research group of Grimaldi et al., Of the CNR of Rome, has determined how specific electromagnetic frequencies can induce an activation of the epiphyseal gland, with the release of molecules by the same. The research cited here involves recording brain activity and biometric parameters in a person under a state of deep meditation, as a baseline or control sample. Subsequently, the same person will be subjected to a Depatterming procedure, ie electromagnetic induction performed through the use of a specially prepared frequency train, with specific software, called AudioPaint. With this system it is possible to convert images into sounds, which will be addressed to the test subject, so that they are implanted in the basic structure of the parahippocampal cortex, seat of memory. Subsequently, the person was again placed in a state of deep meditation and a statistically significant increase in brain activity and, above all, in Theta waves was noted. This indicates that brain induction is a plausible hypothesis. Keywords: Depatterning, EEG, Polygraph, Cerebral Induction, Audio Paint 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 302 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Dubravka Gracer Dom zdravlja dr. Andrija Štampar Nova Gradiška Štefica Mikšić Fakultet za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo Osijek, Sveučilište J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku Metka Lipič Baligač Spošna bolnišnica Murska Sobota PERCEPCIJA DUHOVNE DIMENZIJE ČOVJEKA PERCEPTION OF THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF AN INDIVIDUAL ABSTRACT Introduction: Every person has its own belief as to what makes one’s life meaningful. Perception of spirituality is complex and a part of our human experience, and as such has cognitive, exper-imentaland behavioral aspects. Purpose of this work is to identify what is the general public’s perception of spirituality in life and connection between an individual's spiritual dimension and health, and its influence on a person's quality of life. Research and methods: 178 adults of the general public took part in the research. They were selected randomly. Research was conducted by an anonymous survey with questions based on the study of literature dedicated to this field of research. Results: For the majority of people who took part in the survey spirituality is an important part of life. 127 (71,3%) of them, who are of older age, said that spirituality helps them to deal with health problems. To a question about how they practice their spirituality, most of the answers were that through prayer, activities in nature and socializing with other people. Conclusion: Perception of the human spiritual dimension is important to understanding the influence of religion and spirituality on an individual's health. Spirituality as a person's autonomy has to be respected. Keywords: spirituality, quality of life, religion, health 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 303 Ksenija Zbičajnik Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor RAZŠIRJENOST TELEMEDICINE V ČASU PANDEMIJE COVIDA - 19 WIDESPREAD OF TELEMEDICINE IN THE TIMES OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMICS POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Pandemija novega virusa imenovanega COVID-19 je ohromila zdravstvo po celem svetu. Kot odziv na pandemijo in za ublažitev razmer je telemedicina v času COVIDA-19 doživela velik razcvet. V svetu jo uporabljajo praktično na vseh nivojih zdravstvenega varstva in za obravnavo tako akutno obolelih kot za obravnavo kroničnih pacientov. V času pandemije telemedicina ponuja priložnost za zmanjšanje stroškov, ki sicer nastanejo z uporabo zaščitne varovalne opreme, prav tako pa zmanjšuje izpostavljenost zdravstvenih delavcev okužbi. Izraz telemedicina pomeni izmenjavo zdravstvenih informacij iz enega spletnega mesta na drugo mesto preko elektronske komunikacije za izboljšanje paciento-vega zdravja. Metode: V raziskavi je bil uporabljen sistematičen pregled znanstvene literature s področ- ja telemedicine v času pandemije COVIDA-19. Podatke smo zbirali sistematično iz obstoječih podatkovnih baz. Vzorec raziskovanja je obsegal literaturo med letoma 2016–2020. Iskanje literature je potekalo od 28. 12. 2020 do 17. 1. 2021 Rezultati: Telemedicina se je po podatkih, pridobljenih iz strokovne literature, v času COVIDA-19 najbolj razvila na področju spremljanja pacientov s koronavirusom, ki so se zdravili v domačem okolju. Omogočila je večji dostop do zdravstvenih storitev, hkrati pa je zdravstvene delavce va-rovala pred množičnim izpostavljanjem virusu. Rezultati raziskav so v večini pokazali pozitivne rezultate in zadovoljstvo uporabnikov telekomunikacijskih storitev v času pandemije. Razprava: Uvajanje telemedicine v zdravstvo pomeni veliko finančno in edukativno naložbo. Napredek tehnologije omogoča, da se marsikatera stvar lažje in hitreje postori. Treba bi bilo izvesti raziskavo o zadovoljstvu nad telekomunikacijo z zdravnikom tudi v našem prostoru. Poznavanje sodobnih tehnologij in način življenja ljudi vpliva na uspešnost telemedicine. Ključne besede: telemedicina, covid 19, pandemija, pacient, zdravstvena nega 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 304 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Theoretical points: The pandemic of the new virus called COVID-19 has paralysed health care all around the world. Extraordinary circumstances began to reign in the world. As a response to the pandemic and for the mitigation of circumstances, telemedicine experienced a major bloom during COVID-19. It is used in the world practically at all levels of healthcare and for the treatment of both acutely ill and chronic patients. The term telemedicine means the exchange of health information from one site to another through electronic communication to improve a patient's health. Methods: A systematic review of the scientific literature has been used from the field of telemedicine in research during the COVID-19 pandemic. We used eliminatory criteria, selection of appropriate literature for the examination of literature, examination of articles and final key findings. We used descriptive method of work. Results: According to the data obtained from the scientific literature, telemedicine developed the most during COVID-19 in the field of monitoring coronavirus patients treated at home. Telemedicine has provided greater access to health services while protecting health workers from mass exposure to the virus. The results of the research mostly showed positive results and satisfaction of users of telecommunication services during the pandemic. Discussion: The introduction of telemedicine in healthcare means a large financial and educational investment. Advances in technology are making many things possible, easier and faster to do. A survey on satisfaction with telecommunications with a doctor should also be conducted in our area. Keywords: telemedicine, covid 19, pandemic, patient, nursing care, communication. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 305 Boštjan Breznik, Edvard Jakšič AMEU - ECM POMEN AKTIVACIJ NUJNE MEDICINSKE POMOČI V SMISLU DISPEČERSKEGA CENTRA ZDRAVSTVA THE IMPORTANCE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL ACTIVATION ACTIVITIES IN THE MEANING OF THE HEALTH DISPATCH CENTER POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: V članku smo predstavili spremembe v aktivacijah splošne nujne medicinske pomoči po začetku delovanja dispečerskega centra zdravstva. Analizirali smo aktivacije nujne medicinske pomoči Lenart v obdobju od oktobra do decembra 2019 in jih primerjali z akti-vacijami v istem obdobju leta 2018, ko dispečerski center zdravstva še ni deloval. Metoda: V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo retrospektivne raziskave uporabili metodo pregleda medicinske dokumentacije, natančneje pregleda 171 poročil o reševalnem prevozu, opravljenih v službi nujne medicinske pomoči Lenart v predvidenem obdobju 3 mesecev. Rezultati: Pregled medicinske dokumentacije in obdelava podatkov sta pokazala, da ekipa NRV Lenart mesečno opravi več kot 50 intervencij 70; da se je po začetku dela DCZ Maribor število intervencij NMP Lenart povečalo; da je ekipa NRV zaradi intervencij s stopnjo prioritete 70 dnevno v povprečju odsotna 2 uri in 8 minut; da je bilo od 171 intervencij s stopnjo prioritete 70 opravljenih v trimesečnem obdobju 26 (15 %) intervencij s končno lokacijo NMP Lenart ter da je bolnišnič- no zdravljenje potrebno v okviru 50 % intervencij. Razprava: Z raziskavo smo dokazali povečanje števila intervencij NMP Lenart po začetku delovanja dispečerskega centra zdravstva. Ključne besede: nujna medicinska pomoč, dispečerska služba zdravstva, dispečer, triaža. ABSTRACT Theoretical premises: In this article, we present the changes in the activations of general emergency medical care after the start of operation of the dispatch center of health care. We analyzed the activations of Lenart emergency medical care in the period from October to December 2019 and compared them with the activations in the same period in 2018, when the health dispatch center was not yet operational. Method: In the empirical part, with the help of retrospective research, we used the method of reviewing medical documentation, more precisely reviewing 171 reports on ambulance transport performed in the Lenart emergency medical service in the planned period of 3 months. Results: Examination of medical records and data processing showed that the NRV Lenart team performs more than 50 interventions per month 70; that after the beginning of the work of DCZ Maribor, the number of interventions of NMP Lenart increased; that the NRV team is absent for an average of 2 hours and 8 minutes per day due to interventions with a priority level of 70; that out of 171 interventions with a priority level of 70, 26 (15%) interventions with the final location of NMP Lenart were performed in a three-month period, and that hospital treatment is required within 50% of interventions. Discussion: The research proved an increase in the number of interventions of NMP Lenart after the start of the operation of the dispatch center of health care. Keywords: emergency medical service, medical dispatch service, dispatcher, triage. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 306 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Deja Petek FZV in UKC MB Nejc Centrih UKC MB Slovenia Miljenko Križmarić FZV UM in MF UM PRIPRAVA OPERACIJSKE DVORANE IN OSEBJA PRI OBRAVNAVI BOLNIKOV Z OKUŽBO COVID-19 OPERATING ROOM AND STAFF PREPARATION FOR THE COVID-19 PATIENTS POVZETEK Uvod: Pandemija koronavirusne bolezni COVID-19 je presenetila celoten svet in potrebno je bilo v zelo kratkem času reorganizirati delo v bolnišnicah. Namen prispevka je analizirati, kako poteka priprava bolnika in operacijske dvorane za operativni poseg. Metode: V kvantitativni metodologiji smo v kliničnem okolju analizirali kako se bolnik transpor-tira v operacijsko dvorano in kako se operacijska dvorana in zaposleni pripravijo na tak poseg. Rezultati: Ugotavljamo, da je za obravnavo COVID pozitivnega bolnika potreben multidisciplina-ren pristop, delo in ekipe morajo biti organizirane in seznanjene z ustreznimi strokovnimi smernicami na tem področju. Izpostavili smo pa tudi težave z katerimi se srečuje operacijsko osebje pri obravnavi takega pacienta. Razprava in zaključek: V razpravi smo pregledali ustrezne strokovno literaturo in izčrpali smernice, ki se nanašajo na perioperativno obravnavo pacienta okuženega z COVID boleznijo. Pri perio-perativni obravnavi pacienta pa je tako pomembno pravilna uporaba osebne varovalne opreme, ustrezna organizacija poti prevoza pacienta v in iz operacijske, ustrezna organizacija in lokacija operacijske dvorane ter čiščenje in razkuževanje hodnikov, dvigala in same operacijske dvorane. Ključne besede preprečevanje okužbe, operacijska dvorana, osebna varovalna oprema ABSTRACT Introduction: The COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic surprised the whole world and it was necessary to reorganize the work in hospitals in a very short time. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the patient and the operating room are prepared for surgery. Methods: In the quantitative methodology, we analyzed in the clinical environment how the patient is transported to the operating room and how the operating room and employees prepare for such a procedure. Results: Through observation, we found that the treatment of COVID-positive patients requires a multidisciplinary approach, work and teams must be organized and familiar with the relevant professional guidelines in this field. However, we also highlighted the difficulties faced by surgical staff in treating such a patient. Discussion and conclusion: In the discussion, we reviewed the relevant professional literature and exhaustive guidelines relating to the perioperative treatment of a patient infected with COVID disease. In the perioperative treatment of the patient, the correct use of personal protective equipment, proper organization of the patient's transport route to and from the operating room, proper organization and location of the operating room and cleaning and disinfection of corridors, elevators and the operating room itself are important. Keywords: infection prevention, operating room, personal protective equipment 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 307 Jan Vidovič, Marija Zrim AMEU - ECM ZNANJE REŠEVALCEV O NUDENJU NUJNE MEDICINSKE POMOČI PRI POLITRAVMATIZIRANEM PACIENTU PARAMEDICS KNOWLEDGE OF PROVIDING EMERGENCY CARE FOR A POLYTRAUMATIZED PATIENT POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Obravnava hudih poškodb se v zadnjih letih zmanjšuje,kar lahko pripišemo tudi kakovostnejšemu delu reševalnih služb in boljši organizaciji dela v bolnišničnih ustanovah. Politravma je stanje, pri katerem imamo poškodovanca, ki ima poškodovana vsaj dva organska sistema, vsaj ena poškodba pa direktno ogroža življenje. Zato je primeren pristop k politravmatiziranemu pacientu ključen. Raziskovalna metodologija: V prispevku smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo zbiranja podatkov in kvantitativno metodologijo raziskovanja z anketnim vprašalnikom.Namen je bil ugotoviti znanje reševalcev o politravmi ter oskrbi le tega na terenu. Izvedli smo neslučajnostno vzorčenje v mesecu juliju 2020, dobljene podatke smo obdelali v programu Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je znanje reševalcev o politravmi dobro, saj znajo reševalci na terenu nuditi ustrezno oskrbo politravmatiziranemu pacientu in da imajo veliko izkušenj s takšnimi stanji. Razprava in zaključek: K boljšemu poznavanju dela na terenu bi pripomoglo več simulacij na primerih znotraj posameznih reševalnih postaj ter vsaj enoletno mentorstvo bolj izkušenega sodelavca. Smotrna bi bila tudi uvedba obveznih tečajev ITLS in ATLS ter dodatnih protokolov in algoritmov. Ključne besede: poškodba, politravma, reševalci, oskrba pacienta ABSTRACT Introduction: The treatment of serious injuries has reduced in recent years, which can also be attributed to a better quality work of ambulance services and better organization of work in hospital facilities. Polytrauma is a condition, where we have an injured person who has injured two organ systems, which one can be directly life-threatening. Therefore, a suitable approach is crucial to a polytraumatized patient. Research methodology: In the article used a descriptive method of data collection and a quantitative methodology of research with a structured questionnaire. The purpose was to determine the knowledge of paramedics about polytrauma, care of a polytraumatized patient. We performed a non-random sampling in July 2020, and analysed the data with a programme Microsoft Excel. Results: Based on the hypotheses and the research question, we found that the knowledge of paramedics about polytrauma is good, as almost all questions where it is necessary to provide knowledge were answered correctly in high percentages. The results of the questionnaire also show that paramedics in Slovenia know how to offer appropriate care to a polytraumatized patient in the field and that they have a lot of experience with such conditions. Discussion and conclusion: More simulations on cases within individual rescue stations and at least one year of mentoring by a more experienced employee would contribute to a better knowledge of field work. It would also be useful to introduce mandatory ITLS and ATLS courses and additional protocols and algorithms. Keywords: injury, polytrauma, paramedics, care of patient. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 308 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Denis Štumberger, Marija Zrim AMEU - ECM VPLIV DELOVNEGA OKOLJA NA STRES MEDICINSKIH SESTER NA NEVROLOŠKI KLINIKI V LJUBLJANI THE IMPACT OF THE WORK ENVIRONMENT ON NURSING STRESS AT A NEUROLOGICAL CLINIC IN LJUBLJANA POVZETEK Uvod: Stres se vse pogosteje pojavlja v sodobnem svetu in proti njemu ni odporen nihče. Prisoten je tudi pri poklicih v zdravstvu. Pozorni moramo biti, da ga pravočasno opazimo. Takrat si vzamemo čas za počitek, drugače nas lahko vodi v izgorelost. Raziskovalna metodologija: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo zbiranja podatkov in kvantitativno raziskovalno metodo. Za raziskovalni instrument smo sestavili anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo ugotovili vpliv delovnega okolja na stres medicinskih sester in predstavili, kako se z njim soočajo. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo na Nevrološki kliniki v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru v Ljubljani. Pridobljene podatke smo statistično obdelali s programom SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Rezultati: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da se več kot polovica medicinskih sester, kadar so pod vplivom stresa, počuti izčrpane in utrujene (68 %). Praktično brez tveganja trdimo tudi (p-vrednost < 0), da obstaja statistično značilna povezava med nočnim delom in stresom (koeficient korelacije: 0,45). Stres pri medicinskih sestrah povzroča tudi delo po standardih zdravstvene nege (37,8 %). Diskusija in zaključek: Medicinske sestre na Nevrološki kliniki so zelo pogosto pod stresom. Presenetil je odgovor, da so bolj pod stresom tiste z nižjo izobrazbo (srednje medicinske sestre/srednji zdravstveniki). Predvidevali smo, da bodo bolj pod stresom tiste z višjo izobrazbo (diplomira-ne medicinske sestre/zdravstveniki), ker imajo večjo odgovornost. Iz raziskave lahko razberemo povezanost med stresom in delovnim okoljem na Nevrološki kliniki v Ljubljani. Ključne besede: stres, stres na delovnem mestu, izgorelost, tehnike sproščanja ABSTRACT Introduction: Stress is becoming more common in the modern world and no one is immune to it. It is also present in the medical professions. We need to be careful to spot it in a timely manner. That is when we take time to rest, otherwise it can lead us to burnout. Research methodology: In the diploma we used a descriptive method of data collection and a quantitative research method. For the research instrument, we compiled a survey questionnaire to determine the impact of the stress work environment and to present how they deal with it. Data collection took place at Neurology clinic at the University Medical center in Ljubljana. The obtained data was statistically processed with the SPSS program. Results: The study shows that more than half of nurses feel exhausted and tired when exposed to stress (68 %). Practically without risk, we also claim (p-value < 0) that there is a statistically significant relationship between night work and stress (correlation coefficient: 0,45). Stress in nurses is also caused by work according to nursing standards (37, 8 %). Discussion and conclusion: Nurses at the Neurology clinic are very often under stress. It was surprised answer that those with lower education (Bachelor’s level) are more stressed. We anticipated that those with higher education (graduate nurses) would be more stressed because they have more responsibility. From the research, we can understand the connection between stress and the work environment at the Neurology clinic in Ljubljana. Keywords: stress, stress at work, burnout, relaxation techniques 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 309 INTEGRATIVNE ZDRAVSTVENE VEDE / INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SCIENCES 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 312 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maruša Hribar AMEU – ECM HOMEOPATHY IN EPIDEMICS AND PANDEMICS ABSTRACT Effficacy of homeopathy has been demonstrated in the treatment of several individuals suffering from acute or chronic diseases. Historical review shows efficacy of homeopathy in the treatment of epidemic diseases. Homeopathy has become very popular globaly in epidemics: epidemics of diphtheria, scarlet fever, cholera,malaria,yellow fever, flu, dangue.. Homeopathic treatment boosts the immune system and diminish side effects from conventional treatments. Antimicrobic resistance is an increasing problem making conventional medicine inactive and alternative approaches are needed. Vaccination programs are not available for many diseases that keep undermining the health and development of developing countries. Homeopathy could play an important role in the treatment of diseases where we have diminished immune system. There are several reasons why the homeopathic option for epidemic diseases deserves serious consideration: • Homeopathic remedies create no side-effects • Homeopathy is safe for pregnant women, babies and elderly people • Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive • Production, storage and distribution of homeopathic remedies is simple • Homeopathy does not induce antimicrobic resistance • Homeopathic treatment does not create more dangerous viruses and bacteria • Homeopathy has been effective in many epidemics in the past and indications are very strong that it is effective in today’s epidemics From the past there are sufficient evidence on the effectiveness of homeopathy in pandemics and represents a sufficient challenge to explore the role of homeopathy in this new COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: homeopathy, epidemics, antimicrobic resistance, Covid 19 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 313 Igor Ogorevc Planeth of Health, Ljubljana, The Evolutive Naturopathy School, the Jean Monnet University of Brussels TERAPIJA Z ESENCIALNIMI OLJI PRI PREPREČEVANJU, ZDRAVLJENJU IN REHABILITACIJI OKUŽBE Z VIRUSOM COVID 19 POVZETEK Minerali so ključnega pomena za ohranjanje dobrega zdravja. Novejše študije jasno povezujejo posamezne bolezni in njihov razvoj s primanjkljajem mineralov. Vzrok je dolgotrajno fiziološko neravnovesje. Način za dosego ravnovesja je vrnitev vseh mineralov v telo na njihovo optimalno raven. Oblika, v kateri se minerali telesu ponujajo skozi maščobe (olja), je eno najmočnejših sredstev. Če jih uporabimo kot naravne prenašalce, se minerali vneseni v telo, zlahka absorbirajo in v celoti izkoristijo. Sam postopek pridobivanja olja zagotavlja njihovo vzdrževanje brez uporabe kemikalij. Pristop je uravnotežen in blag, a hkrati močan in učinkovit. Glavni razlog je ta, da se začne z vsakodnevno pravilno prehrano telesa, kar utira pot naravni obnovitvi zdravstvenega stanja iz sedanjega stanja. Poleg tega se pretok limfe spodbuja kot pomemben način razstru-pljanja telesa. Človeštvo je že dolgo pred uradno medicino razumelo pomen zdravilnih zelišč, njihovih izvlečkov, plodov njihovih plodov in olj, pa tudi njihov potencialni vpliv na zdravje ljudi. Po vseh priporočilih strokovnjakov o dopolnjevanju pomembnih mineralov, elementov v sle-dovih pri preprečevanju, med boleznijo in med rehabilitacijo so eterična olja našla pomembno uporabo. Olje 77 je mešanica hladno stiskanih, nefiltriranih, nerafiniranih olj sezama in oljne ogrščice, eteričnega olja eukaliptusa in eteričnega olja timijana, vsebuje Ca:35 mg/kg, Mg: 26 mg/kg, K 22 mg/kg, p-cymene, beta-phellandrene, Eucalyptol. Olje 1 je mešanica eteričnega olja evkaliptusa, eteričnega olja sivke in eteričnega olja lovorja. Olje 10 je hladno stiskano, ner-afinirano, nefiltrirano sojino olje, eterično olje lovorja in macesna in vsebuje arabinogalaktane in prehranske vlaknine. Olje 12 je mešanica hladno stiskanega, nerafiniranega in nefiltriranega mandljevega olja, hladno stiskanega, nerafiniranega in nefiltriranega olja oljne ogrščice ter eteričnega olja jasmina. Olje 45 je mešanica hladno stiskanega, nerafiniranega in nefiltriranega sezamovega olja in eteričnega olja klinčkov ter vsebuje naravno prisotni evgenol, linolno kislino (C 18 : 2 = 41,2 %) in oleinsko kislino (C 18 : 1 = 40,5 %). Olje 54 je naravno hladno stiskano, neraf-inirano in nefiltrirano makovo olje in vsebuje veliko organsko vezanega cinka 96 mg/kg. Olja so še posebej učinkovita pri zmanjševanju neželenih učinkov po cepljenju. Ključne besede: Covid 19, eterična olja, zink, vitamin D 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 314 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Melani Kovač, Jana Bergant HIDROLATI KOT USTNA NEGA V PALIATIVNI NEGI HYDROLATES AS AN ORAL CARE IN PALLIATIVE CARE POVZETEK Aromaterapija, uporaba eteričnih olj in hidrolatov, kot komplementarna medicina in vzpostavljanju dobrega počutja ima tudi v sodobnem svetu vedno večjo vlogo in pozornost. Predvsem poznamo delovanja eteričnih olj, nekoliko manj pa hidrolatov. Oba produkta pa sta del skupnega procesa, parne destilacije zelišč. Vedno več pozornosti se usmerja v proizvodnjo kvalitetnih naravnih hidrolatov in njihovo uporabo. Tako je leta 2019 pod vodstvom in organizaciji Melani Kovač iz Aromaištituta izvedla projekt “Hidrolati kot ustna vodica v paliativni negi” v domovih za starejše. Ta je pokazal, da v 75% vključevanje hidrolatov v ustno higieno pomaga osvežiti ustno sluznico in izboljšati zadah, hkrati zmanjšuje obloge na jeziku, popravi okus in odpravi še nekatere druge težave ustne nege brez kontraindikacij. ABSTRACT Aromatherapy, the use of essential oils and hydrolates as a complementary medicine and the establishment of well-being, play an increasing role in the modern world. Above all, we are fammiliar with the effects of essential oils which are well known, however slightly less of hydrolates. Both products are part of a common process, steam distillation of herbs. Recently more production of quality natural hydrolates and their use gain more and more attention. In this paper we will present a research project “Hydrolates as an oral guide in palliative care”, which was implemented in homes for the elderly Thus in 2019 by Melani Kovač from Aromaištitut and collegues. This project showed that in 75% the inclusion of hydrolates in oral hygiene helps to refresh the oral mucosa and improve bad breath, while reducing plaque on the tongue, so correcting the taste and eliminating some other problems of oral care without any contraindications. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 315 Ivan Toplak University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty EPIDEMIOLOŠKI TRIKOTNIK SARS COV-2 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRIANGLE OF SARS COV-2 POVZETEK Ugotovitev novega koronavirusa (poimenovanega SARS CoV-2) v mestu Wuhan leta 2019 na Kitajskem in nato hitro širjenje po vseh celinah je do temeljev pretresla življenje posameznikov in zelo obremenila sodobne zdravstvene sisteme držav po svetu. Kljub hitremu razvoju in splošni blaginji smo naenkrat priča dejstvu, da je tudi sodobna človeška civilizacija še kako ranljiva in nemočna ob soočanju z novim virusom. Dnevna poročanja o milijonih obolelih in več tisoč umrlih zaradi bolezni (COVID 19) ter soočanje posameznika in družbe z vedno novimi ukrepi, so postale stalnica, ki jim ni videti konca. Kljub vzpostavljenim ukrepom in začetku množičnega cepljenja, pa bo za obvladovanje te virusne bolezni potrebno poiskati tudi dejanske vzroke, ki so povzročili pojav pandemije SARS CoV-2 in ponovno preučiti temeljna spoznanja, do katerih se je človeška civilizacija v preteklosti preko izrednih posameznikov in obdobij hudih kriz že dokopala. Vseživljenjsko izobraževanje, dvig zavesti posameznikov, zdrava prehrana in življenjski slog, odgovornost do sebe in družbe, solidarnost, skrb za šibkejše in ranljive-jše skupine, medsebojna pomoč in spoštovanje so temeljne vrednote razvite družbe. Sedanja pandemija je zato tudi priložnost in izziv, da se kot posamezniki in družba ozremo nazaj in ponovno ozavestimo temelje, na katerih sloni sodobna civilizacija. Ključne besede: SARS CoV-2, epidemiologija, nadzor bolezni ABSTRACT The discovery of a new coronavirus (named SARS CoV-2) in Wuhan in 2019 in China and then its rapid spread across all continents has affected the lives of individuals to its foundations and placed a heavy burden on modern health systems of countries around the world. Despite rapid development and general prosperity, we are suddenly witnessing the fact that also modern human civilization is even more vulnerable and powerless in the face of a new virus. Daily reports of millions of cases and thousands of deaths due to disease (COVID 19) and the confrontation of the individual and society with each week new measures have become a constant that seems to have no end. Despite the measures in place and the start of mass vaccination, the control of this viral disease will also require finding the real causes that led to the SARS CoV-2 pandemic and re-examining the basic findings of human civilization in the past through extraordinary individuals and periods of severe crisis which they had to face. Lifelong learning, raising the awareness of individuals, a healthy diet and lifestyle, responsibility towards oneself and society, solidarity, care for the weak and more vulnerable groups, mutual help and respect are the fundamental values of a developed society. The current pandemic is therefore also an opportunity and a challenge to look back as individuals and society and to become aware of the foundations on which modern civilization based. Keywords: SARS CoV-2, epidemiology, control of disese 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 316 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Stanišić Slaviša AMEU – ECM THE THERAPY OF CHRONIC VAGINAL CANDIDIASIS WITH EUGENOL FROM A COLD-PRESSED AND ETHERIC OIL A CASE REPORT ABSTRACT Candida albicans is normally present in the body and the vaginal mucosa. It becomes over-developed in cases of a low immune system, after the use of antibiotics, steroids or contraceptives, diabetes, disorders of vaginal acidity-pH. I.V. A 35-y-old married employed woman, one childbirth, was admitted with intense vaginal discharge with foul odor, itching. Candida albicans was isolated from the culture of vaginal swab. Treatment involves the use of local antimycotics and probiotics. After therapy, there is a short-term improvement. To the patient after nine months of disease duration, there wos psychological problems, depression, painful intercourse, abstinence, ragades in the mucous membrane of the vagina, and an enhanced feeling of pain, burning, itching. Changes to the treatment of cold pressed oil Oil 45 a natural mixture of cold pressed non-filtrated and non-refined sesame oil and essential oils of cloves, and contains naturally occurring eugenol, linoleic acid and oleic acid.and Kandidol a natural mixture of cold pressed, non-refined and non-filtrated flax oil and etheric oils of cloves and larch. After seven days the symptoms disappear baking pain and itching, stop problems with headaches and pain in the shoulder, and painful defecation. After 15 days of therapy there are no symptoms of candidiasis. After three months of therapy, gynecological finding is neat. Keywords: vaginal candidiasis, eugenol, cold-pressed and etheric oil 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 317 Damnjan Damnjanovic Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede Zmago Turk AMEU – ECM SPECIJALNA HUMANUP MASAŽE ZATILJA PRI GLAVOBOLIH SPECIAL HUMANUP NECK MASSAGE FOR HEADACHES POVZETEK Zatilni glavoboli predstavljajo okoli 60 % kroničnih glavobolov povzročenih zaradi sprememb v vratnem delu hrbtenice. Tovrstne glavobole običajno zdravimo s kinezioterapijo in protibole- činsko fizioterapijo. Možen vzrok za nastanek teh glavobolov je tenzijski pritisk obvratnih mišic na nasadišča vretenc posebej atlasa. HumanUP masaža je metoda, kjer z vibracijskim pritiskom poskušamo spremeniti prikrajšavo in minimalno dislokacijo vretenc. HumanUP masaža se izvaja z masažnim aparatom, s katerim masiramo ca. 1 do 3 minute nasadišča obvretenčnih mišic. Testirali smo 22 kroničnih bolnikov z zatilnim glavobolom, ki so že prej absolvirali vse metode fizikal-ne terapije. Bolečine smo testirali z VAS lestvico, MQS, MIDAS, HIT-6 vprašalniki in vprašalnikom sestavljenim iz 36 splošnih vprašanj ter meritvami gibljivosti vratnega dela hrbtenice. Paciente smo vključili v raziskavo, ki traja ca. 6 mesecev. 70% pacientov je po prvem tretmaju zmanjšalo VAS lestvico za ca. 30 %, po drugem tretmaju za 60% in po tretjem tretmaju za 85 %. Merjenja antefleksije, retrofleksije in notranje rotacije so pokazala izboljšanje gibljivosti za najmanj 25% že po prvem tretmaju, 30% po drugem ter 35% po tretjem tretmaju. Približno 20% bolnikov ni navajalo izboljšanja. Predstavljena metoda HumanUP masaže zatilja je nova integrativna metoda ter obenem razmišljanje o vzrokih vratnih bolečin in zatilnih glavobolov. Raziskavo bomo nadaljevali in analizirali vzroke nastanka zatilnih glavobolov in vratnih sindromov. Gre za prvo preliminarno poročilo razširjene raziskave, ki še traja. Ključne besede: glavoboli, VAS, HumanUP masaža zatilja ABSTRACT Occipital headaches represent approx. 60% of chronical headaches caused by changes in the cervical spine. These headaches are usually treated with kinesiotherapy and analgesic physiotherapy. A possible cause for these headaches is the tension pressure of the neck muscles on the vertebral joints, especially the atlas. HumanUP massage is a method where we try to change the deprivation and minimal dislocation of the vertebrae with vibration pressure. HumanUP massage is performed with a special massage tool, which we use to massage spinal muscle implantation approx. 1 to 3 minutes. We tested 22 chronically patients with occipital headache who had previously tested all methods of physical therapy. Pain was tested with the VAS scale, MQS, MIDAS, HIT-6 tests and a questionnaire consisting of 36 general questions and measurements of cervical spine mobility. Patients will be included in the study, approx. 6 months long. After the first treatment 70% of patients reduced the VAS scale by approx. 30% and after the third treatment by 85%. Measurements of anteflexion, retroflexion, and internal rotation showed improvements in mobility at least 25% after the first treatment, 30% after the second, and 35% after the third treatment. Approx. 20% of patients reported no improvement. The presented HumanUP massage method is a new form of integrative method and thinking about the development of neck pain and occipital headaches. We will continue the research and analyze the causes of occipital headaches and neck syndromes. This is a preliminary report of the ongoing extended research Keywords: Headaches, VAS, HumanUP neck massage 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 318 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Gordana Marković Petrović Primary Healthcare Center Zemun REASONS AND KEY STEPS TOWARDS PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE INTO THE HEALTH SYSTEM ABSTRACT Looking for a more wholesome approach to preserving good health and treating illness, a growing number of patients and health-care professionals worldwide are showing interest in the application of integrative medicine methods in diagnosis and treatment. More than 20 years ago the WHO gave recommendations and instructions to help form national regulations and facilitate the implementation of integrative medicine methods in the health care systems of different countries, in regard to the application, research, evaluation, and quality control. Despite that, a clear legal framework for their safe implementation is still not provided in all countries. Having in mind that, according to the WHO, over 100 million Europeans currently use at least one of these methods it is crucial that the application of these methods be transparent and incorporated into the health care systems in a safe and reliable way. As possible interactions of simultaneous application of western medicine treatment and integrative medicine treatment may have negative effects if not combined properly, it is important that these evidence-based methods be applied by adequately trained and educated health care professionals. Experiences from the countries in which the application of these methods is regulated by law show that proper implementation of integrative medicine methods requires working in the following three areas simultaneously: the legislation, the education of health professionals, and informing the general public. Keywords: integrative medicine, health professionals, legislation, evidence-based, holistic medicine 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 319 Kac Katarina Slovenia STALIŠČA PACIENTOV IN ZDRAVSTVENIH DELAVCEV DO KOMPLEMENTARNIH METOD ZDRAVLJENJA VIEWS OF PATIENTS AND HEALT WORKERS TO COMPLEMENTARY TREATMENT METHODS POVZETEK Namen prispevka je predstaviti stališča pacientov in zdravstvenih delavcev do uporabe komplementarnih in alternativnih metod zdravljenja in potrebo po vključevanju teh metod v formalne izobraževalne programe zdravstvenih ved. Za potrebe kvantitativne raziskave smo podatke zbirali z dvema anketnima vprašalnikoma. Raziskava je zajela 191 anketirancev (99 pacientov in 92 zdravstvenih delavcev). Pridobljene podatke anket smo analizirali v programu IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Opravljena je bila opisna statistična analiza, kjer smo uporabili frekvence, odstot-ke, povprečne vrednosti, standardni odklon in analizo s Hi-kvadrat testom. Zdravstveno osebje konvencionalne medicine ima bolj pozitiven odnos do uporabe komplementarnih in alternativnih metod zdravljenja kot pacienti z obolenjem ledvic. Komplementarne in alternativne metode zdravljenja uporablja 92,9 % pacientov in 97,8 % zdravstvenih delavcev. V 53 % pacienti dobijo želene informacije od zdravstvenega osebja. Zdravstveno osebje konvencionalne medicine večinoma nima etičnih zadržkov pri podajanju informacij in spodbujanju pacientov k uporabi komplementarnih in alternativnih metod zdravljenja. Večina anketiranih (81%) je mnenja, da bi bilo dobro, če bi bile nekatere vsebine KAM v rednem študijskem programu. Glede na razširjeno uporabo komplementarnih in alternativnih metod zdravljenja med pacienti z obolenji ledvic (in prav tako zdravstvenim osebjem) bi bilo smotrno razmišljati v smeri dopolnjevanja teh metod zdravljenja s konvencionalno medicino, ob podpori in v sodelovanju z ustrezno izobraženimi in usposobljenimi strokovnjaki. Ključne besede: konvencionalna medicina, integrativna medicina ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to present the views of patients and health workers to complementary treatment methods and the need to include these methods into formal education programs of health care. For the use of a quantitative research, data was gathered with two questionnaires. The research included 191 respondents (99 patients and 92 nursing staff). The gained data was analysed with the program IBM SPSS Statistics 22. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted, where frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviation and an analysis with the chi-squared test were used. Nursing staff in conventional medicine has a more positive attitude towards the use of complementary and alternative methods of healing than the patients with kidney issues, Complementary and alternative methods of healing are being used by 92,9 % of patients and 97,8 % of nursing staff. In 53 % the patients are receiving the wanted information from nursing staff. Nursing staff in conventional medicine usually doesn’t face any ethical concerns by giving information and encouraging the patient to use complementary and alternative methods of treatment. The opinion of most of the respondents (81%) is that it would be good to have some sort of CAM content into regular study programs. Regarding the widespread use of complementary and alternative methods of healing among the patients with kidney issues (as well as the nursing staff), it would be reasonable to think about complementing these methods of healing with conventional medicine, with the support of adequately educated and trained professionals. Keywords: conventional medicine, integrated medicine 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 320 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Momir Dunjic Ob/Gyn & Integrative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pristina, Faculty of Pharmacy, Novi Sad, Faculty of Health Science, AMEU - ECM, President of Serbian Association of Integrative Medic Serbia Marija Dunjic Military Medical Academy Serbia Stefano Turini Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Microbiology, School of Physiotherapy, AMEU - ECM, Project Manager and Main Researcher of UNIQUE TREATMENTS-Belgrade and BDORT Center for Functional Supplementation and Integrative Procedures Italy Miodrag Stanisic Clinic of Surgery, University Clinical Center Pristina-Gracanica Bojan Rajevic BDORT Center for Functional Supplementation and Integrative Procedures Katarina Dunjic PhD Student, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade UPORABA DVODIGITALNEGA TESTA O-OBROČA (BDORT) ZA DIAGNOZO IN VZPOSTAVITEV PRILAGOJENIH PROTOKOLOV ZA ZDRAVLJENJE BOLNIKOV Z OKUŽBO COVID-19, SARS-COV-2 USING BI-DIGITAL O-RING TEST (BDORT) FOR DIAGNOSIS AND ESTABLISHING PERSONALISED PROTOCOLS FOR TREATMENT PATIENTS OF COVID-19 INFECTION, FROM SARS-COV-2 ABSTRACT The SARS-CoV-2 infection, called COVID-19, appeared, for the first time, in the Chinese town of Wuhan, at the end of the year 2019. The virus immediately showed a high level of infectivity, cor-roborated by a global mortality rate which, in the peak maximum phase, reached 7.1%. This virus can affect different organs by binding with hACE2 receptors. This global pandemic has become a challenge for all medical practitioners, both clinicians and researchers for diagnosis as for treatment, especially discovered many mutations of virus. Conventional treatment modalities were changing according to our knowledge on virus, last months, included different antiviral drugs, antibiotics, antiparasitic, antimalarial drugs and many supplements as Vitamin D, Vitamin C, sele-nium, zinc, medical fungus etc. The main goal was prevention and epidemic measures as a social distance, wearing the masks etc. Personalised Medicine is the best approach in diagnosis and treatment of patients. BDORT as a part of Integrative Medicine is a very important tool to provide personalized approach to patients. At the beginning of pandemic, the challenge was to establish technic for early and precise detection of present in the certain different mutation of virus in the certain part of the body. Next step was to test optimal and synergistic doses of different drug and supplements for each patient. We could detect presence of virus many days before appear symptoms and to prevent severe stage of illness. Keywords: Covid 19, BDORT, personalized treatment, natural oils, MMT 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 321 Stefano Turini Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Microbiology, School of Physiotherapy, AMEU – ECM, Project Manager and Main Researcher UNIQUE TREATMENTS DOO-Belgrade and BDORT Center for Functional Supplementation and Integrative Procedures Italy Momir Dunjic Ob/Gyn & Integrative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pristina, Faculty of Pharmacy, Novi Sad, Faculty of Health Science, AMEU – ECM, President of Serbian Association of Integrative Med Serbia Katarina Dunjic PhD Student, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade Serbia Dejan Krstic Faculty of Environmental Safety, University of Nis, Serbia. President of Non-Ionizing Radiation Section of Serbian Association of Integrative Medicine Marija Dunjic Military Medical Academy Serbia BIOINFORMATIKA, BIOKIBERNETIKA, ZAČASNI MODELI IN UMETNA INTELIGENCA (AI) PROGRAMSKA OPREMA ZA MOLEKULARNO PRIKLOP PROTI SARS-COV-2 BIOINFORMATICS, BIOCYBERNETICS, PREVISIONAL MODELS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) SOFTWARES OF MOLECULAR DOCKING AGAINST SARS-COV-2 ABSTRACT SARS-CoV-2 appeared in late 2019, in China. It is the aethiological agent of a pathology known as COVID-19 which leads, in the most serious cases, to severe dyspnea with possible onset of respiratory failure. The peculiarity of this virus is that it can affect different target organs: heart, brain, lungs, vascular endothelium, intestine, kidneys, as all these anatomical structures express the molecule or receptor to which the virus binds, that is the hACE2 enzyme. The approach in the study and development of the oils made use of the advanced Bioinfomatics technique known Molecular Docking, which allowed to calculate, with precision, the binding sites of the main components of the oils and binding energies. Artificial Intelligence software returned a forecasting model that allowed us to define how some components present in the oils had more affinity, for the molecular determinants of the virus itself, than some of the compounds used in the therapy of choice, applied in the protocols. A study included in this work has made it possible to highlight how some natural products such as: 3-Deoxyadenosine and Adenosine, those have a high affinity for the viral glycoprotein Spike, the antigenic molecule par excellence, expressed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The definitive innovation consists of a series of six peptides (pentapeptides and hexapeptides), developed by our group, whose Molecular Docking, has claimed to have very high binding affinities towards the Spike glycoprotein. This could represent a future in the treatment of viral diseases not only related to the SARS-CoV-2. Keywords: Bioinformatics, Biocybernetics, Molecular Docking, hACE2, SARS-CoV-2 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 322 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Momir Dunjic Ob/Gyn & Integrative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pristina, Faculty of Pharmacy, Novi Sad, Faculty of Health Science, AMEU – ECM, President of Serbian Association of Integrative Med Serbia Olja Njaradi Speech specialist, BDORT Center for Functional Supplementation and Integrative Procedures Marija Dunjic Military Medical Academy Serbia Stefano Turini Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Microbiology, School of Physiotherapy, AMEU – ECM, Project Manager and Main Researcher UNIQUE TREATMENTS DOO-Belgrade and BDORT Center for Functional Supplementation and Integrative Procedures Italy Slavisa Stanisic Ob/Gyn & Integrative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Pristina, Faculty of Pharmacy, Novi Sad, Faculty of Health Science, AMEU – ECM, Vice-president of Serbian Association of Integrativ Serbia Katarina Dunjic PhD Student, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade Serbia SPLETNO IZOBRAŽEVANJE OTROK Z AVTIZMOM IN MOTNJAMI V RAZVOJU - NUJNOST MED PANDEMIJO COVID-19 ONLINE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS – NECESSITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ABSTRACT December 2019 was the beginning of a change in the entire world scene. In a short period of time, the appearance of the COVID-19 virus has left an indelible mark on health systems, the economy, as well as on the lives of individuals. Every segment of society is affected. Proportional to the speed of the spread of the virus, it had to be the speed of finding solutions to all the challenges it posed to society. One of the basic questions was how to continue the educational process in the new circumstances. Given the way this virus is spreading, the use of information technology has emerged as a natural solution. Different models of education have been proposed, but most of them have included online learning in some segment. The aim of this paper is to present the recommendations of relevant institutions regarding the conditions in which education should take place in the ‘new normal’, changing the roles of educators, students and parents in the online educational process, with special reference to the implications that this model of work has, applied in working with children with developmental disorders. Also, a brief overview of the model of working with children with autism spectrum disorder in a non-school institution will be given. Writing about changes of such magnitude, we cannot help but look at the psychological consequences they leave on every person. Keywords: COVID-19, educator, children with developmental disorders, parents 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 323 Slaviša Stanišič AMEU – ECM INTEGRATIVE HEALTH SCIENCES AND COVID 19. PREVENTION, THERAPY AND REHABILITATION. REVIEW ARTICLE ABSTRACT Integrative medicine includes the use of the best possible treatment and procedures of science, allopathic medicine in combination with the best methods of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and is based on the individual needs of the patient. On the basis of scientific achievements of official medicine in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, integrative medicine has taken the best of complementary medicine. Integrative medicine is essentially the application of a holistic approach to health care that re-integrates science and the art of healing. Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19), the disease caused by the Novel SARS-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), was first described in Wuhan, China in December 2019. SARS-CoV-2 is a large RNA virus of the coronavirus family. Its route of infection mimics other members of the Coronaviridae family, which are responsible for many common upper respiratory infections. Viral infection of mucosal epithelial cells occurs and may be followed by aggressive replication that spreads the virus down the respiratory tree to the upper and lower lungs. Integrative medicine emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapies. As more effective conventional treatments for COVID-19 become available, and as primary prevention with a vaccine is developed, integrative approaches are likely to remain critically important in re-establishing well-being. A focus on restoring ho-meostasis plays a key role in IM. Even when diseases do not have clear treatment, practitioners can use the principles of IM to facilitate recovery. Keywords: integrative medicine. COVID 19. Prevention, therapy, recovery 6 VZGOJA, IZOBRAŽEVANJE IN DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE / EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Sebastjan Kristovič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Jasmina Kristovič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Polonca Pangrčič, Alma Mater Europaea ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 326 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Saša Poljak Lukek University of Ljubljana IDENTIFIKACIJA SPREMEMBE V ODDALJENEM NAČINU IZVAJANJA RELACIJSKE DRUŽINSKE TERAPIJE Z ZASVOJENO OSEBO IDENTIFICATION OF A CHANGE IN ON-LINE RELATIONAL FAMILY THERAPY WITH AN ADDICTED PERSON POVZETEK Pri obravnavi odvisnosti relacijska družinska terapija izhaja iz naslednjih predpostavk: odrasla oseba je odgovorna za lastno vedenje in s tem tudi za odvisnost; pri odvisnem vedenju gre za kompenzacijo primanjkljaja v odnosih; odvisno vedenje vodi mehanizem kompulzivnega po-navljanja zadovoljevanja neuresničenih odnosih potreb in specifično regulacijo afekta (sramu, jeze, žalosti). Pandemija Covid-19 pa je pred izziv postavila tudi relacijsko družinsko terapijo, ko je bilo potrebno temeljne predpostavke aplicirati na oddaljen način izvajanja terapevtskih srečanj. V predstavljeni raziskavi študije primera smo ugotavljali ključne trenutke spremembe pri oddaljenem načinu terapevtske obravnave zasvojene osebe. Predstavljena je terapevtska obravnava zakonskega para (poročena sta 17 let), kjer se moški že 5 let spopada z odvisnostjo od alkohola, pri čemer zadnjih 10 mesecev vzdržuje abstinenco. Par je bil vključen v en terapevtski cikel, pri katerem so bila prva 4 srečanja v živo, nadaljnjih 8 pa oddaljeno. Proces spremembe v terapiji smo prepoznali v naslednjih dogodkih v terapiji: (1) pretirana afektivna reakcija klienta, (2) regulacija identificiranega afekta, (3) povezava z notranjepsihičnim doživljanjem afekta in (4) dvojno zavedanje. Pri začetnih terapevtskih srečanjih, ki so potekala v živo, je bil kot poglavitni afekt prepoznan sram, v nadaljnjih oddaljenih srečanjih pa afekta jeze in žalosti. Raziskava podaja izhodišče za nadaljnjo raziskovanje identifikacije terapevtske spremembe v oddaljenem načinu terapevtskega dela. Ključne besede: relacijska družinska terapija, zasvojenost, regulacija afekta, sprememba ABSTRACT In dealing with addiction relational family therapy is based on the following assumptions: the adult is responsible for his own behavior and thus also for addiction; addictive behavior is about compensating for a deficit in relationships; dependent behavior is led by a mechanism of compulsive repetition of satisfying unfulfilled relational needs and specific regulation of affect (shame, anger, sadness). The Covid-19 pandemic also posed a challenge to relational family therapy when the basic assumptions had to be applied in on-line conduct of therapeutic meetings. In the presented case study, we identified key moments of change in on-line therapeutic treatment with an addicted person. The therapeutic treatment of a married couple (they have been married for 17 years) is presented, where the man has been struggling with alcohol addiction for 5 years, while maintaining abstinence for the last 10 months. The couple were involved in one therapeutic cycle, in which the first 4 meetings were live and a further 8 were held on-line. The process of change in therapy was identified in the following events in therapy: (1) excessive affective response of the client, (2) regulation of identified affect, (3) connection with interpsychic experience of affect, and (4) double awareness. In the initial therapeutic meetings, which took place live, shame was recognized as the main affect, and in subsequent on-line meetings, the affects of anger and sadness. The research provides a starting point for further research to identify therapeutic change in on-line therapeutic practice. Keywords: relational family therapy, addiction, affective regulation, change 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 327 Sebastjan Kristovič AMEU – ECM ZASLONI IN SOCIALNA OMREŽJA – DIGITALNI HEROIN SCREENS AND SOCIAL NETWORKS – DIGITAL HEROIN POVZETEK Zaslonska zasvojenost in zasvojenost s socialnimi omrežji je postala nekaj tako vsakodnevnega in »normalnega«, da tega sploh več ne opazimo. Zdi se, da so starši postali povsem imuno-to-lerantni na zasvojensko vedenje svojih otrok. Zadnje raziskave kažejo, da mladostniki in otroci samo pred zaslonom telefona v povprečju preživijo okrog 5-6 ur na dan. V ZDA je bilo leta 2019 povprečje 7 ur in 22 minut. Če se prištejejo še ostali digitalni mediji čas naraste na 11 ur in več. To pomeni, da povprečna 15 letnica v enem letu preživi 2190 ur tako, da zre v telefon (to je 91 dni oz. cele tri mesece, podnevi in ponoči). Če prištejemo še ostale zaslone pridemo do resnično šokantnih podatkov – 4015 ur in več preživetih z gledanjem v različne zaslone, kar pomeni 167 efektivnih dni (24 ur na dan) na letni ravni – približno dobrih pet mesecev. Z začetkom socialnih omrežij so se med mladimi prav tako skokovito povečale različne duševne stiske in bolezni, kot so npr. anksioznost, depresija, samopoškodovanje, agresivnost, apatija, življenjska pasivnost, naveličanost, utrujenost, motnje hranjenja, motnje spanja, kemične in nekemične zasvojenosti, neempatičnost, pomanjkanje življenjskega smisla in samomori. Med otroci pa predvsem motnje pozornosti (ADHD), hiperaktivnost, trma in neupoštevanje vzgojnih avtoritet, govorne težave, zmanjšane kognitivne sposobnosti, nesamostojnost, debelost, zmanjšane koordinacijske in telesne sposobnosti, nestrpnost, nervoznost. Ugotovitve kažejo celo na to, da so posledice izpostavljenosti otrok zaslonom identične nekaterim motnjam avtističnega spektra. Komparativna analiza, preko analitično-sintezne metode, zadnjih znanstvenih raziskav dokazuje izrazito negativne posledice uporabo zaslonov in socialnih omrežij na otrokove možgane, na kognitivne sposobnosti, ustvarjalnost, razvoj njihove identitete, na njihovo nadaljnjo življenjsko uspešnost, duševno zdravje in na otrokov celovit razvoj. V svetu se vedno bolj uveljavljajo izrazi, kot sta »digitalni heroin« in »digitalni kokain«. Veliko raziskav, ki preučujejo delovanje in razvoj otroških možganov prihaja do enakih ugotovitev: zasloni imajo v otroštvu na možgane skorajda identičen vpliv, kot trde droge. Ključne besede: logopedagogika, vzgoja, digitalni heroin, zasloni, socialna omrežja 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 328 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Screen addiction and social media addiction have become something so mundane and “normal” that we don’t even notice them anymore. Parents appear to have become completely immune to and tolerant of their children’s addictive behaviour. Recent research shows that adolescents and children spend an average of about 5-6 hours a day just interacting with a phone screen. In the U.S., the average in 2019 was 7 hours and 22 minutes. If other digital media are added, the time increases to 11 hours and more. This means that the average 15-year-old spends 2,190 hours staring at the phone in one year (that is, 91 days or three months, day and night). If we add other screens, we get some truly shocking data – 4,015 hours and more are spent looking at different screens, which means 167 effective days (24 hours a day) annually – approximately more than five months. With the introduction of social networks, various forms of mental distress and illnesses such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, aggression, apathy, life passivity, lack of interest, fatigue, eating disorders, sleep disorders, chemical and non-chemical addictions, non-empathy, lack of meaning in life and suicides, have increased substantially. Among children, afflictions such as attention deficit disorders (ADHD), hyperactivity, stubbornness and disregard for educational authorities, speech problems, reduced cognitive abilities, lack of independence, obesity, reduced coordination and physical abilities, intolerance, and nervousness are increasingly common. The findings even suggest that the consequences of children's exposure to screens are identical to some autism spectrum disorders. Comparative analysis of recent scientific research through the analytical-synthetic method proves the markedly negative consequences of the use of screens and social networks on children's brains, cognitive abilities, creativity, development of their identity, their further life success, mental health and overall development. Terms such as “digital heroin” and “digital cocaine” are gaining ground in the world. A great deal of research examining the functioning and development of children’s brains comes to the same conclusions: screens have an almost identical effect on the brain in childhood as hard drugs. Keywords: logopedagogy, education, digital heroin, screens, social networks 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 329 Barbara Simonič Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana ZNAČILNOSTI DRUŽINSKE DINAMIKE Z ODVISNIM ČLANOM IN IMPLIKACIJE ZA PSIHOTERAPEVTSKO PRAKSO CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILY DYNAMICS WITH ADDICTED MEMBER AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC PRACTICE POVZETEK Kljub digitalnim tehnologijam, ki omogočajo skoraj brezmejne možnosti povezovanja na daljavo, so družinski in intimni odnosi še vedno okvir, kjer sta potrebni in pomembni fizična komunikacija in bližina. Te pa družinski člani zaradi različnih dejavnikov niso vedno zmožni vzpostavljati in ohranjati na primeren način, zato smo velikokrat priče izredno patološkim odnosom v družini, ki ne omogočajo zdravega in optimalnega razvoja njenih članov. V družini, kjer je prisotna odvisnost enega ali večih članov, je doživljanje običajno organizirano okoli treh prevladujočih tem, ki so v središču nefunkcionalnega družinskega sistema: zanikanje, sram in kontrola. Soočanje s temi temami vodi v tipične prepoznavne nefunkcionalne vzorce, ki se kažejo kot težave v čustveni regulaciji, uravnavanju konfliktov, povezovanju z drugimi in težavami pri skrbi zase in za druge. Ti vzorci na poseben način vzdržujejo dinamiko odvisnosti in pomagajo (pre)živeti z njo. Za učinkovito soočanje z odvisnostjo in okrevanje družinskega sistema je potrebno te teme in vzorce osvetliti ter preoblikovati. V prispevku bodo orisane omenjene značilnosti ter podane im-plikacije za psihoterapevtsko prakso z družinami, kjer je prisotna odvisnost. * Doseženi rezultati so delno nastali v okviru projekta št. J5-2570, ki ga je financirala Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz državnega proračuna. Ključne besede: družina, odnosi, sram, zanikanje, kontrola, psihoterapija ABSTRACT Digital technologies allow almost limitless distance connectivity options, but in family and intimate relationships physical communication and closeness is necessary. Family members are not always capable of establishing and maintaining appropriate closeness. The result is extremely pathological relationships in the family that do not allow the healthy and optimal development of its members. In a family where the addiction of one or more members is present, the experiencing is usually organized around three overarching themes that are at the heart of dysfunctional family system: denial, shame, and control. Dealing with these themes leads to typical recognizable dysfunctional patterns that manifest as problems in emotional regulation, conflict management, relating with others, and difficulties in caring for oneself and others. These patterns in a special way preserve a dynamic of addiction and help to live with it. To effectively deal with addiction and strengthen the family system, it is necessary to address and reshape those themes and patterns. The presentation will outline the above mentioned characteristics and give implications for psychotherapeutic practice with families where addiction is present. * The results were partly obtained within the project No. J5-2570, financed by the Public Agency for Research of the Republic of Slovenia from the state budget. Keywords: family, relationships, shame, denial, control, psychotherapy 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 330 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mojca Arh ZIZRS Slovenia Darja Kodrun Centerkontura Slovenia Eva Rogina Centerkontura Slovenia Mateja Šantelj Centerkontura Slovenia Maja Zovko Stele ZIZRS Slovenia Tatjana Dolinšek ZIZRS Slovenia DELO Z MLADIMI S POSEBNIMI POTREBAMI PRI NJIHOVEM VSTOPANJU NA TRG DELA V ČASU EPIDEMIJE COVID-19 ZNOTRAJ PROJEKTA PREHOD MLADIH WORKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS WITHIN THE YOUTH TRANSITION PROJECT AS THEY ENTER THE LABOUR MARKET DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC POVZETEK Ljudje smo v normalnih pogojih sposobni brez večjih naporov usklajevati svoje notranje na-petosti z zunanjimi vplivi okolja in v skladu s tem reagirati na spremembe v okolju. Krizne situacije pa zamajejo temelje našega delovanja, saj v krizni situaciji naše izkušnje in običajni vzorci in načini odzivanja niso več ustrezni, da bi se lahko uspešno spopadli z novo situacijo. Zato je izredno pomembno, da poiščemo nove načine odzivanja, ki bi bili primerni novonastali situaciji oziroma že obstoječe primerno prilagodimo (Lavrič in Štirn, 2016). To je še posebej pomembno za strokovnjake, ki se pri svojem delu srečujemo z osebami s posebnimi potrebami, saj so le te v kriznih situacijah pogosto najbolj ranljive. V času epidemije COVID-19 je bilo zato ključnega pomena, da smo se strokovni delavci, ki delamo z mladimi s posebnimi potrebami hitro prilagodili novonastali situaciji in bili že od začetka na voljo mladim, ki našo pomoč potrebujejo. Mladi, s katerimi delamo so mladi z različnimi vrstami posebnih potreb, ki zaradi svojih težav praviloma težje vstopajo na trg dela kot ostala mlada populacija. Znotraj našega projekta rešujemo zelo pomemben problem brezposelnosti med mladimi s posebnimi potrebami. V prispevku bomo poleg samega projekta in metod, s katerimi uspešno pomagamo mladim na njihovi poti proti trgu dela predstavili tudi specifične metode, ki smo jih uporabili v času epidemije COVID-19 in so se izkazale za učinkovite. Ključne besede: mladi s posebnimi potrebami, trg dela, epidemija COVID-19 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 331 ABSTRACT Under normal circumstances, we are able to effortlessly coordinate our own inner tensions with the external influences posed by the environment, and react accordingly. Crisis situations, however, shake the foundations of our actions, because all of a sudden the prior experiences that drive our usual behaviour patterns are no longer appropriate for successfully dealing with the new situation. Therefore, in order to adapt appropriately, it is extremely important to find new ways of acting or to adjust our existing actions to any new, somewhat unusual situation (Lavrič & Štirn, 2016). This is especially important for professionals dealing with individuals with special needs who are even more vulnerable during crisis situations. Therefore, it has been crucial during the COVID-19 epidemic that professionals working with young people with special needs within the Youth Transition project had the ability to adapt quickly to this new situation and found ways to be available despite the imposed restrictions. Within the Youth Transition project, we are addressing the significant problem of unemployment among young people with special needs. The target group we work with is young people for whom major problems are anticipated during their transition to the labour market and/or during their employment. The project itself, its objectives, and the working methods used to successfully help bring young people with special needs closer to the labour market will be presented along with the specific methods that have proved effective during the COVID-19 epidemic. Keywords: young people with special needs, labour market, COVID-19 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 332 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Zlatko Bukvić Centar Tomislav Spoljar for upbringing and education PARENT INVOLVMENT AND BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN ABSTRACT Parental involvement in the educational process is a protective factor in children's development. It is estimated that in the primary school population about 15% of children manifest behavioral problems. It is assumed that children with pronounced internalized and externalized behavioral problems assess weaker parental support. These parents rarely come to school and have poor cooperation with the school. Concerning the age of the children, we predict that older students have more pronounced behavioral problems. Data were collected by the Student Behavior Questionnaire and the Student Demographics Questionnaire. Appropriate descriptive and multivari-ate methods will be used for statistical analysis, and if possible the sample will be made up of students with disabilities and students of average development. Keywords: behavioural problems, parent involvment, primary school, students 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 333 Polonca Pangrčič AMEU – ECM DOM KOT (NE)SPODBUDNO UČNO OKOLJE HOME AS AN (UN)STIMULATING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT POVZETEK Najbolj običajno učno okolje je učilnica oziroma šola. Z modernizacijo pouka ter nenehnimi izboljšavami, se je učno okolje preneslo izven šolskega prostora in je lahko le drug prostor izven šole, vse bolj pa se uporablja virtualno ali digitalno učno okolje. V začetku preteklega leta (2020) smo v vzgoji in izobraževanju bili priča bliskoviti spremembi učnega okolja učencev, dijakov in študentov. V nadaljevanju prispevka bomo odgovarjali na vprašanje ali dom sploh lahko smatra-mo kot učno okolje. Upoštevati je treba dejstvo, da se otroci doma počutijo varno. Otroci prihajajo v šolo navajeni, da so njihove potrebe hitro zadovoljene. V šoli pa morajo kdaj potrpeti, po- čakati, se navajati na samostojnost, odgovornost, sodelovanje, strpnost ipd. Sredi tega procesa je naenkrat dom postal učno okolje. Dom, ki je do sedaj pomenil varno okolje, kjer so sicer delali domače naloge, a še zmeraj so bili v poziciji otroka. Naenkrat so se doma znašli v poziciji učenca in nemalokrat so starši (praviloma mame) postali učitelji. Ob vsem tem so postale tehnološke zahteve pouka izjemno visoke in pogoste. Prispevek bomo zaključili z možnimi načini, kako in na kakšne načine bi lahko zagotavljali vsaj nekatere zakonitosti logopedagoškega učnega procesa in ali je to pri pouku od doma mogoče. Ključne besede: učna okolja, dom, pouk na daljavo, logopedagogika ABSTRACT The most common learning environment is the classroom or school. With the modernization of teaching and continuous improvement, the learning environment has been transferred outside the school space and can only be another space outside the school, and a virtual or digital learning environment is increasingly being used. At the beginning of last year (2020), we witnessed a rapid change in the learning environment of pupils and students in education. In the continuation of the article, we will try to answer the question of whether home can be considered a learning environment at all. The fact that children feel safe at home must be taken into account. Children come to school accustomed to having their needs met really quickly. At school, however, they sometimes have to be patient, wait, get used to independence, responsibility, cooperation, tolerance, etc. In the middle of this process, home suddenly became a learning environment. A home that until now meant a safe environment where they did their homework, but were still in the position of a child. Suddenly, they found themselves in the position of a student at home, and quite often the parents (usually mothers) became teachers. With all this, the technological requirements of teaching have become extremely high and frequent. We will conclude the article with possible ways, how and in what ways we could ensure at least some of the laws of the speech-pedagogical learning process and whether this is possible in home lessons. Keywords: learning environment, home, online learning, logopedagogy 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 334 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jasmina Kristovič AMEU – ECM ŽIVLJENJE BREZ ŽIVLJENJA – KRIZA SMISLA V SVETU MLADIH LIFE WITHOUT LIFE – CRISIS OF MEANING IN THE WORLD OF YOUTH POVZETEK Duševne bolezni predstavljajo najhitreje rastočo kategorijo bolezni. Po podatkih Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije ima skoraj polovica svetovnega prebivalstva težave v duševnem zdravju. Duševno zdravje je pomemben pogoj za psihosocialni in kognitivni razvoj mladostnika. Na svetu je samomor drugi najpogostejši vzrok smrti med 15. in 29. letom starosti. Vsako leto je v Sloveniji hospitaliziranih več kot 500 otrok in mladostnikov zaradi težav v duševnem zdravju. V Evropi se je v zadnjih 25 letih porast duševnih bolezni zvišala za 64 odstotkov (do 18 leta starosti). V sodobnem času se kriza smisla pri mladostnikih najpogosteje kaže kot depresija, agresija in zasvojenost. S kvantitativno raziskavo smo izvedli analizo trenutnega stanja med slovenskimi mladostniki in verificirali stopnjo duševnega zdravja vezano na krizo smisla in duševno zdravje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 409 slovenskih dijakov. Uporabljen je bil standardizirani merilni inštrument The Purpose in Life Test avtorjev Crumbaugha in Maholicka. Raziskali smo v kolikšni meri slovenski mladostniki ocenjujejo svoje življenje osmišljeno. Ugotovljeno je, da vsak deseti slovenski mladostnik kaže te- žave na področju krize smisla in duševnega zdravja. Poznavanje celostne problematike težav v du- ševnem zdravju je poglavitno za izboljšanje duševnega zdravja, preprečevanje upada duševnega zdravja in zgodnje prepoznavanje problematike duševnega zdravja med mladostniki. Raziskava je bila izvedena v okviru projekta Holističen vzgojno-izobraževalni proces in krepitev duševnega zdravja katerega financira Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS), Mednarodni inštitut za psihoterapijo in uporabno psihologijo ter Alma Mater Europaea – ECM. Ključne besede: duševne zdravje, depresija, kriza smisla, mladostniki ABSTRACT Mental illness is the fastest growing category of illness. According to the World Health Organization, almost half of the world's population has mental health problems. Mental health is an important prerequisite for the normal psychosocial and cognitive development of the adolescent. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the world between the ages of 15 and 29. Every year, more than 500 children and adolescents are hospitalised in Slovenia due to mental health problems. In Europe, the rise in mental illness has risen by 64% (up to 18 years of age) in the last 25 years. In modern times, the crisis of meaning in adolescents most often manifests itself as depression, aggression, and addiction. Using quantitative research, we performed an analysis of the current situation among Slovenian adolescents and verified the level of mental wellbeing related to the crisis of meaning and mental health. 409 Slovene high-school students were included in the research. A standardised measuring instrument was used; The Purpose in Life Test by Crumbaugh and Maholick. We investigated the extent to which Slovenian adolescents assess their lives meaningfully. It has been established that 10% of Slovenian adolescents present problems pertaining to the crisis of meaning and mental health. Knowledge of comprehensive issues of mental health problems is essential for improving mental health, preventing a decline in mental health and ensuring the early identification of mental health issues among adolescents. The research was carried out as part of A Holistic Educational Process and Mental Health Promotion, a project financed by the Public Agency for Research of the Republic of Slovenia (ARRS), the International Institute of Psychotherapy and Applied Psychology, and Alma Mater Europaea - ECM. Key words: mental health, depression, crisis of meaning, adolescents 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 335 Drago Jerebic Teološka fakulteta Univerza v Ljubljani, Družinski inštitut Bližina PRIMERJAVA IN ANALIZA TREH TERAPEVTSKIH PRISTOPOV PRI ZDRAVLJENJU ZASVOJENOSTI Z ALKOHOLOM. COMPARISON AND ANALYSIS OF THREE THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTION POVZETEK V prispevku bomo primerjali tri terapevtske pristope pri zdravljenju zasvojenosti z akoholom in zasvojitvenim vedenjem povezanim s spletom: realcijska družinska terapija, na čustva usmerjena terapija (EFT) in brainspotting. Skozi metodo primerjalne analize bomo analizirali njihova znanstveno teoretična izhodišča pri razumevanju pojava zasvojenosti, njihove terapevtske intervencije ter kateri so ključni procesi v zdravljenju zasvojenosti znotraj njihovega modela. Primerjali in analizirali bomo koliko vključujejo klientovo sistemsko, interpersonalno in intrapsihično vpetost v problem zasvojenosti. Pravtako nas bo zanimalo, koliko posamezni pristop vključuje v terapevtsko obravnavo klientove telesne senzacije, emocionalna doživljanja ter kateri del možganov s posameznimi terapevtskimi intervencijami naslavljajo. Primerjali bomo tudi vlogo terapevta v terapevtskem procesu v vseh treh pristopih. Ključne besede: zasvojenost, relacijska družinska terapija, eft, brainspotting, alkoholizem ABSTRACT In this paper, we will compare three therapeutic approaches in the treatment of alcohol addiction and web-related addictive behaviors: Relational Family Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and Brainspotting (BSP). Using the method of comparative analysis, we will analyze their scientific and theoretical starting points in understanding the phenomenon of addiction, therapeutic interventions and key processes in the treatment of addiction within each model. We will compare and analyze the extent to which they include the client’s involvement in the issue of addiction at the systemic, interpersonal, and intrapsychic levels. We will also be interested in how much each approach includes the client's bodily sensations and emotional experiences in the therapeutic treatment and which part of the brain is addressed by specific therapeutic interventions. Finally, we will compare the role of the therapist in the process of the three approaches. Keywords: addiction, relational family therapy, eft, brainspotting, alcoholism 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 336 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nina Markuš AMEU – ECM in Osnovna šola Franca Rozmana Staneta Maribor, Podružnična šola Ivana Cankarja Košaki Sebastjan Kristovič AMEU – ECM PARADIGMA VZGOJNIH PRISTOPOV SKOZI ČAS IN LOGOPEDAGOGIKA KOT CELOSTNI/HOLISTIČNI VZGOJNI PRISTOP THE PARADIGM OF EDUCATIONAL APPROACHES OVER TIME AND LOGOPEDAGOGY AS AN APPLICATION OF AN INTEGRAL/ HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL APPROACH POVZETEK Na področju vzgoje se v sodobnem času veliko govori o razvajenih in hiperaktivnih otrocih, nesamostojnih in neodgovornih otrocih ter otrocih brez cilja in smisla ipd. Na področju vzgoje vlada nekakšna zmedenost, saj so starši izgubili vzgojno avtoriteto in velikokrat čutijo nemoč. Čeprav so še nekaj desetletij, ali celo pred stoletjem ali več, vedeli o vzgoji veliko manj, kot vemo danes, se zdi, da tovrstnih težav in zmedenosti ni bilo. Vzroki za vzgojno zmedenost iz-virajo iz različnih dejstev. V tej raziskavi smo imeli v ospredju tri pomembne vzroke: 1. otroci preživijo veliko preveč časa v virtualnem svetu (telefoni, tablice, video igre, TV-ekrani, …), ki nadomeščajo ustvarjalno igro, socialni stik in vlogo staršev, 2. zmedenost in negotovost star- šev v poplavi literature in številnih »strokovnjakov« na področju vzgoje in 3. naglica sodobnega sveta. V raziskavo smo zajeli zgodovinski razvoj in sistematičen pregled različnih vzgojnih pristopov vse do danes. V ospredju so ugotovitve relevantnih avtorjev o vzgoji, vzgojnih stilih in vzrokih za različne težave. Preučili smo tudi raziskave iz teh področij in raziskali različne povezave vzgojnih stilov na različna razvojna področja otroka, upoštevajoč otroka kot telesno, duševno in duhovno bitje. V vzgoji bi bila potrebna aplikacija tistega vzgojnega pristopa, ki je zasnovan holistično/celostno. Izbira le-tega zagotavlja celovit razvoj otroka na kognitivni, emocionalni, telesni, duhovni, socialni in vrednostni ravni. V prispevku bomo predstavili tudi ugotovitve logopedagoškega oz. eksistencialnega vzgojnega pristopa, ki v največji meri zagotavlja otrokov celoviti razvoj. Ključne besede: logopedagogika, logoterapija, holističen/celosten pristop, otroci, vzgoja 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 337 ABSTRACT In the field of education, topics about spoiled and hyperactive children, dependent and irre-sponsible children and children without goals and meaning, etc. are frequently used nowadays. A sense of confusion exists in the field of education, as parents have lost their educational authority and often feel helpless. Even though a few decades ago, or even a century or more ago, less was known about education, there seems to have been no such problems and confusion. The causes for an educational confusion stem from various facts. This research will focus on three important causes: 1. Children spend too much time in the virtual world (phones, tablets, video games, TV screens …), which replaces creative play, social contact and the role of parents, 2. The confusion and uncertainty of parents by the amount of literature and various educational “experts”, and 3. The haste of the modern world. The research included a historical development and a systematic review of various educational approaches to date. At the forefront are the findings of relevant authors on education, educational styles, and the causes of various problems. We also examined research analyzing these topics and explored the different connections of parenting styles to different developmental areas of the child, considering the child as a physical, mental, and spiritual being. In education, the application of a holistically/integrally designed educational style would be necessary, as this decision ensures a comprehensive development of the child on a cognitive, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and value level. Therefore, in this article, we will present the findings of the logopedagogical or existential educational approach, which greatly ensures a comprehensive development of a child. Key words: logopedagogy, logotherapy, holistic approach, children, education 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 338 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tanja Pate Univerza v Ljubljani Teološka fakulteta OBČUTKI TESNOBE IN POGOSTOST RABE ALKOHOLA V ČASU EPIDEMIJE S COVID-19 FEELINGS OF ANXIETY AND FREQUENCY OF ALCOHOL USE DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC POVZETEK Epidemija covida-19 je z ukrepi za preprečevanje širjenja okužbe z virusom, vključno s socialnim izogibanjem, pomembno spremenila vsakodnevno rutino, sprožila stres in s tem povečanje močne želje po alkoholu tako pri ljudeh, ki so zasvojeni z alkoholom, kot tudi tistih, ki ne pijejo. V raziskavi smo želeli preučiti pogostost rabe alkohola med udeleženci v času epidemije ter ali in kako je povezna z občutki tesnobe ter demografskimi lastnostmi. V raziskavi je 186 udeležencev s povprečno starostjo 30,7 let (SD = 10,4), izpolnjevalo vprašalnik AUDIT, ki meri pogostost rabe alkohola ter vprašalnik za anksioznost. Rezultati so pokazali, da je v zadnjem letu alkohol uživalo 93 % vseh udeležencev, 64,2 % pa se jih je vsaj enkrat v letu opilo. O tveganem pitju alkohola je poročalo 29,4 % udeležencev. Moški (M = 10,2; SD = 7,5) so v primerjavi z ženskami (M = 4,3; SD = 3,2) poročali o signifikantno pogostejši rabi alkohola (p < 0,0005). Mlajši moški udeleženci so pogosteje posegali po alkoholu (rho=-0,424) in mlajše ženske pa so poročale o več tesnobnih občutkov (rho=-0,253). Pri ženskah so bili simptomi odvisnosti (rho=0,171) in posledice uživanja (rho=0,265) pomembno povezani z večjo anksioznostjo, pri moških pa te povezave nismo odkrili. Ugotovitve kažejo na pomen razumevanja uživanja alkohola kot načina obvladovanja psiholoških stisk med epidemijo covida-19 in poudarjajo potrebo po longitudinalnih raziskavah za razumevanje učinka izolacije na pitje alkohola. Ključne besede: Alkohol, tvegano pitje, anksioznost, COVID-19, socialno distanciranje ABSTRACT The COVID-19 epidemic with its safety measures to control virus spread, including social distancing, has profoundly changed daily routine, caused stress and thus increased strong cravings for alcohol in both those who are addicted to alcohol and those who are not. The study aimed to examine frequency of alcohol use among participants during an epidemic and whether and how is correlated with feelings of anxiety and demographic characteristics. A total of 186 participants with mean age of 30.7 years (SD = 10.4) completed the AUDIT questionnaire, which measures frequent alcohol use, and the anxiety questionnaire. The results showed that 93 % of all participants consumed alcohol in the last year, and 64.2 % were intoxicated at least once a year. Risky alcohol consumption was reported by 29.4 % participants. Men (M = 10.2; SD = 7.5) reported a significantly greater increases in alcohol consumption comparing to women (M = 4.3; SD = 3.2) (p < 0.0005). Younger male participants had greater increases in alcohol consumption (rho = -0.424), younger female participants reported of experiencing more anxiety (rho = -0.265). Women with more anxiety had more symptoms of addiction (rho=0,171) and consequences of alcohol consumption (rho = 0.265), while in men this correlation was not significant. Findings indicate importance of understanding alcohol consumption as a way of coping with psychological distress during the COVID-19 epidemic and highlight the need for longitudinal research to understand effects of isolation on drinking behaviors. Keywords: Alcohol, risky drinking, anxiety, COVID-19, social distancing 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 339 Irena Kandrič, Nataša Rizman Herga Osnovna šola Ormož VPLIV HRUPA, KI SE NE SLIŠI, NA POČUTJE MLADOSTNIKOV THE IMPACT OF INAUDIBLE NOISE ON THE WELL-BEING OF ADOLESCENTS POVZETEK Raziskave pred poukom na daljavo so pokazale, da je več kot polovica slovenske osnovnošolske populacije preobremenjena s hrupom. Zastavlja se vprašanje, kaj se dogaja na tem področju s prehodom v domače učno okolje v obdobju učenja na daljavo. Prispevek obsega primerjavo dveh pilotskih raziskav znotraj ene osnovne šole (OŠ Ormož); prva je bila izvedena pozimi v šolskem letu 2019/2020, druga pa v začetku leta 2021. Raziskavi sta vsebovali metodo analize virov, meritve hrupa in metodo ankete, rezultati pa so bili primerjani z določenimi obstoječimi raziskavami v Sloveniji in svetu. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so tudi v raziskovani šoli meje hrupa presegale dovoljene vrednosti hrupa in da si je kar 81 % anketiranih učencev občasno zaželelo mir in tišino. Zanimalo nas je, ali je učenčevo učno okolje pri pouku doma tišje. Raziskave v času klasičnega pouka so pokazale, da učence, ki uporabljajo slušalke, nenehni manjši hrup ne moti, medtem ko je tretjino ostalih učencev tak hrup motil, kar kaže na spremembe pri dojemanju hrupa po uporabi slušalk. Povečana uporaba slušalk pri pouku na daljavo pri mladostnikih je zunanji hrup usme-rila v dolgotrajni notranji hrup, ki ga okolica ne sliši, a pomeni zaskrbljujoč vpliv na psihofizično počutje mladostnikov. Ključne besede: hrup, pouk na daljavo, zdravje, slušalke, sluh ABSTRACT Research before distance learning has shown that more than half of the Slovenian primary school population is overloaded with noise. A question arises as to what is happening in this area with the transition to a home learning environment during the period of distance learning. The paper includes a comparison of two pilot studies within one primary school (Primary school Ormož); the first was conducted in winter of the 2019/2020 school year, and the second at the beginning of 2021. Researches included the method of source analysis, noise measurements and survey method. The results were compared with certain existing research in Slovenia and in the world. It was found that the noise limits in the surveyed school also exceeded the permissible noise values and that 81% of the surveyed students occasionally wished for peace and quiet. We wondered if the student’s home learning environment was quieter. Research during classical lessons has shown that students who use headphones are not bothered by constant low noise, while a third of other students are distracted by such noise, indicating changes in the perception of noise after using headphones. Increased use of headphones during distance learning in adolescents has directed external noise into prolonged internal noise, which the environment does not hear, but has a concerning effect on the psychophysical well-being of adolescents. Keywords: noise, distance learning, health, headphones, hearing 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 340 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maja Gržina Cergolj Osnovna šola Lucija ROJENI DIGITALCI IN COVID-19: VIZIJA POSODOBITVE POUČEVANJA DIGITAL NATIVES AND COVID-19: A VISION FOR UPDATING TEACHING POVZETEK Čas epidemije COVID-19 je udeležence vzgoje in izobraževanja postavil pred dejstvo: ostati brez pouka ali pouk nadaljevati na daljavo. Podobno kot druge države, kjer se je širila epidemija, je tudi Slovenija začela s poukom na daljavo. Vsi udeleženci tega procesa, da so lahko pouk na daljavo izpeljali, so morali v najkrajšem času osvojiti ali posodobiti spretnosti rabe orodij informacijske tehnologije. Otroci, ki jim poučujemo, pripadajo generaciji rojenih digitalcev, ki v družinskem okolju že zelo zgodaj svet doživljajo tudi skozi orodja informacijske tehnologije. Čas pouka na daljavo je učiteljem približal dojemanje informacij rojenih digitalcev, ki je vezano na življenjsko in šolsko okolje ter tudi na virtualno okolje. Učitelje je ta čas spodbudil k razmišljanju o viziji po-sodobitve poučevanja z orodji informacijske tehnologije. Ključne besede: pouk na daljavo, COVID-19, rojeni digitalci, informacijske tehnologije ABSTRACT The period of the COVID-19 pandemic confronted all participants of the education system with one simple fact: remain without classes or continue teaching remotely. Similar to other countries where the COVID-19 pandemic spread, Slovenia also started teaching remotely. All participants in this process had to acquire or update their skills of use of information technology tools in a very short time in order to be able to teach remotely. The children we teach to, belong to the generation of digital natives who experience the world through the information technology tools, already in the living (family) environment from an early age. The period of teaching remotely brought teachers closer to the information perception of digital natives which is related to the living and school environment and also to the virtual environment. This period encouraged teachers to think about a vision for updating teaching with information technology tools. Keywords: remote teaching, COVID-19, digital natives, information technology 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 341 Anja Žavbi OŠ Toma Brejca POMEN POGOVORA IN SPROSTITVENIH DEJAVNOSTI MED IZOBRAŽEVANJEM NA DALJAVO THE IMPORTANCE OF CONVERSATION AND RELAXATION ACTIVITIES DURING DISTANCE LEARNING POVZETEK V sodobnem času, še posebej v izrednih situacijah, je izjemnega pomena poudarek na duševnem zdravju. Varovalni dejavniki so bistveni pri krepitvi duševnega zdravja in kot slednjim jim je potrebno posvečati posebno pozornost. Šolanje je v preteklem letu potekalo na nov, sprva neznan način dela. Pri tem se je potrebno zavedati, da so številni otroci izgubili varno šolsko okolje, ki jim je pred tem omogočalo napredek, razvoj osebnosti in pridobivanje življenjskih izkušenj. V prispevku so predstavljeni primeri metod dela tekom pouka na daljavo, ki so bili namenjeni spro-stitvi ter nudenju psihosocialne pomoči osnovnošolskim učencem. Preko sprostitvenih dejavnosti, pogovorov, iger s pogovornimi karticami ter ozaveščanju čustev je bilo otrokom na daljavo nudena pomoč, z namenom zmanjšanja stisk in občutkov tesnobe, osamljenosti. V kratki analizi evalvacijskih vprašalnikov, ki zajemajo odgovore učencev po posameznih izvedenih dejavnostih, je izraženo njihovo razpoloženje ob začetku in koncu ure ter ocena dejavnosti. Ključne besede: Vzgoja, pouk na daljavo, duševno zdravje ABSTRACT In modern times, especially in emergencies, the mental health care is very important. Protective factors are essential in strengthening mental health and they should be given special attention. In the past year the education took place in a new, initially unknown way of working. It's important to be aware that many children have lost safe school environment that previously allowed them to progress, develop their personalities and gain life experiences. The article presents examples of work methods during distance learning, which were intended to relax and provide psychosocial assistance to primary school students. Through relaxation activities, conversations, games with conversation cards and working on emotions, children were given help in order to reduce stress and feelings of anxiety, loneliness. A short analysis of the evaluation questionnaires, which include students' answers by individual activities, expresses their mood at the beginning and end of the lesson, and the assessment of the activities. Keywords: Education, distance learning, mental health 7 ARHIVISTIKA / ARCHIVAL STUDIES DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN ARCHIVAL THEORY AND PRACTICE PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Peter Pavel Klasinc, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Miroslav Novak, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Zdenka Semlič Rajh, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Aida Škoro Babić, Alma Mater Europaea ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 344 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ARHIVISTIKA NA ZAČETKU 3. DESETLETJA 21. STOLETJA: OB ŠESTEM ZNANSTVENO-RAZISKOVALNEM, ŠTUDIJSKEM IN IZOBRAŽEVALNEM SIMPOZIJU, ARHIVI V SLUŽBI ČLOVEKA-ČLOVEK V SLUŽBI ARHIVOV: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA V ARHIVISTIKI Arhivski simpozij je organiziran v okviru 9. znanstvene konference na AMEU-ECM in ob 6. ARHIVSKEM SIMPOZIJU z namenom, da bomo zraven tradicionalnih tem Arhivi v službi človeka-človek v službi arhivov, obravnavali specialno temo digitalna transformacija v arhivistiki. K pripravi prispevkov smo v prvi vrsti povabili profesorje in študente iz vseh treh stopenj študija Arhivistike na AMEU. Na simpozij smo povabili tudi nekatere arhivske strokovnjake, člane Mednarodnega in- štituta arhivskih znanosti ter tiste, ki jih specialna problematika 6. Arhivskega simpozija zanima. Stopili smo v tretje desetletje 21. stoletja. Čas hitro teče, vsakodnevno smo priče novim spremembam v vseh porah življenja človeka. Nas arhiviste zanima arhivistika kot samostojna, akademska, multidisciplinarna in interdisciplinarna znanost, ki jo razvijamo in se kot arhivisti moramo angažirati v zvezi s tistimi novostmi, ki jih lahko uporabimo pri svojem arhivskem strokovnem delu in tistimi novostmi, ki lahko vplivajo na razvoj in izvajanje arhivske teorije in prakse. Prepričan sem, da moramo v zvezi s temi novostmi izrazito pozornost posvetiti izobraževanju arhivistov in obvladovanju problemov v zvezi z arhivskim in dokumentarnim gradivom, nastalim v klasični ali digitalni obliki. Izobraževanje arhivistov in poklic arhivist je bila tudi prva tema 30. konference Mednarodnega arhivskega dne, ki ga je organiziral Mednarodni inštitut arhivskih znanosti Trst-Maribor skupaj z Alma Mater Europaea. Konferenco so podprli Generalna direkcija arhivov Italije, Državni arhiv v Trstu, Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije ter nekateri sponzorji. Za prvo temo so prispevke pripravili: Dieter Schlenker (EU, Italija), Liudmila Varlamova (Rusija), Francesca Nemore, Giulia Campanelli, Giulia Villani (Italija), Magdalena Marosz (Poljska), Špe-la Sečnik in Anja Prša (Slovenija), Jelka Melik (Slovenija), Azem Kožar (Bosna in Hercegovina), Meena Gautam (Indija), Živana Heđbeli in Nikola Mokrović (Hrvaška), Pekka Henttonen (Finska), Mikhail V. Larin (Rusija), Grazia Tato (Italija), Jozef in Michal Hanus (Slovaška), Flavio Carbone (Italija) in Aleksander Lavrenčič (Slovenija). Za drugo temo, ki se je nanašala na digitalno arhiviranje in elektronski arhivi, so svoje rezultate raziskav prispevali naslednji avtorji: Lanskoy Grigory (Rusija), Stefano Allegrezza (Italija), Majid Mohamed Al Mughairi (Sultanant Oman), Dimitrij Reja (Slovenija), Marie Ryantova (Češka), Tina Plevnik (Slovenija), Andrei Rybakou (Belorusija), Boštjan Dornik (Slovenija), Elisabeth Schöggl- -Ernst (Avstrija), Aliya Mustafina (Kazakhstan), Markus Schmalzl (Nemčija), Aleksandra Lobanova (Rusija), Manja Konkolič (Slovenija), Luka Hribar (Slovenija), Bogdan Florin Popovici (Romunija), Istvan Hegedus (Madžarska) in Vlatka Lemić (Hrvaška). Vsi prispevki so objavljeni v 30. številki Atlantov, zvezek 1 in 2, in v Atlanti + za leto 2020, številka 1 in 2. Digitalna transformacija sodobne družbe se posredno in neposredno odraža tako v pojavnih oblikah arhivskega gradiva ter njihovih vsebinah, kakor tudi v delovanju arhivskih služb in s tem posledično tudi delovanju pristojnih arhivov. Dejstvo je, da digitalna transformacija že poteka po vseh nivojih od lokalnih, nacionalnih in mednarodnih, kakor tudi na vseh področjih po posameznih nivojih. S stališča arhivske teorije in prakse pa je ta proces predstavlja izvajanje vseh aktivnosti s področju upravljanja z dokumentacijo izključno v digitalnem okolju, in ne tudi v fizičnem ali hibridnem okolju, kar je bilo do nedavnega splošna praksa. V arhivih sledimo prehodu »iz splošnega k posebnemu« v najširšem pomenu besede. Tipično se ta prehod kaže v procesih vzpostavitve namenskih e-repozitorijev namesto e-repozitorijev splo- šne namembnosti. Podobno lahko sledimo pri prevzemih arhivskega gradiva npr. zelo podrobni dogovorih in kompleksni postopki prevzemanja digitalnega arhivskega gradiva od ustvarjalcev v pristojne arhive. Kot primer pa naj navedem še izvajanje podrobnega in kontekstnega popisovanja arhivskih vsebin kot jih predvideva npr. RiC. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 345 Da je tak prehod iz analognega v digitalno okolje sploh mogoč je potrebno vzpostaviti norma-tivne okvirje. V tem kontekstu ima pomembno vlogo veljavna arhivska zakonodaja, kakor tudi dogovorjeni in uporabni standardi, (interna) pravila, predvsem pa določene metode in principi za upravljanje z arhivskim gradivom. V teh postopkih digitalna transformacija generira različna vprašanja. Prvo se nanaša na vrednotenje ustvarjalcev arhivskega gradiva. Ali in v kolikšni meri se bodo njeni vplivi neposredno odražali v posameznih arhivskih strokovnih postopkih na dolgo dobo, je težko predvideti. Zagotovo pa vsaj v zgodnjih fazah teh sprememb ne smemo zanema-riti uveljavljenih postopkov vrednotenja in dejanske skrbi, ki ga morajo ustvarjalci posvetiti ele-ktronskemu arhivskemu gradivu v času do predaje v pristojni arhiv. Ta arhivska strokovna aktivnost sicer na začetku digitalne transformacije arhivske teorije in prakse ne more biti v bistveno drugačna od že uveljavljenih rešitev, ki jih poznamo vrsto let, bo pa nadgrajena z metodami in postopki izvajanja vrednotenja s sodobnimi algoritmi npr. s področja umetne inteligence. Pomembno področje razvoja arhivske znanosti v kontekstu digitalne transformacije predstavlja arhivska strokovna terminologija. Ta se že razvija v smeri natančnejših terminoloških rešitev, pri tem pa seveda ne odstopamo od definicij, kot so npr. kaj je arhivsko gradivo, pa čeprav je to v digitalni obliki. Posamezne obstoječe terminološke rešitve, ki so že dostopne v standardih, pravilih, ali zakonskih določilih bo potrebno zelo dosledno uporabiti v vsakdanjem arhivskem strokovnem delu. V nasprotnem primeru pričakujemo informacijske šume, ki bodo lahko imeli nepredvidljive posledice tudi na ohranjanje arhivskega gradiva. Digitalna transformacija prinaša tudi mnoge varnostne izzive. Če smo se do sedaj srečevali z “okuženimi” napravami, zlonamerno programsko opremo, krajo identitet in dokumentov itd., lahko v nadaljevanju razvoja pričakujemo težave s sistemskimi napakami, prikritimi zlorabami podatkov (špijonaže, politične aktivnosti, kraja in prodaja podatkov, itd.), različnimi hekerskimi napadi in še bi lahko naštevali. Pri tem pa ne smemo pozabiti tudi na tiste grožnje, ki so mno-gokrat bile vzrok za uničenje arhivskega gradiva kot so, poplave, potresi (npr. v nam bližnjem Zagrebu in Petrinji na Hrvaškem). Podobno lahko zaključimo to razmišljanje z znano ugotovi-tvijo, da lahko največ škode v zvezi s hranjenjem arhivskega gradiva v klasični ali digitalni obliki naredijo neizobraženi zaposleni. Napake teh so lahko usodne in velike pri klasičnem arhivskem gradivu, še večje pa, ko gre za elektronsko arhivsko gradivo. Formiranje in ustanavljanje samostojnih digitalnih arhivov ali skladišč digitalnih objektov (npr. ARCANUM na Madžarskem) izven profesionalnih in pristojnih arhivov predstavlja vidik v razvoju digitalne transformacije sodobne družbe. Prav zato je potrebno jasno povedati, da je to potrebno izvajati na podlagi poglobljenih arhivskih strokovnih razmislekov ter na podlagi zakonodaje ter s tem povezanimi arhivskimi strokovnimi standardi. Pozitivno gledam na nekatere projekte digitalizacije, ki se izvajajo v knjižnicah, kjer se digitali-zirajo tiskani mediji. Z enako naklonjenostjo gledam tudi na digitalizacijo arhivskega gradiva, ki pa zahteva drugačne pristope kot v bibliotekah in se njihove izkušnje ne morejo enakovredno uporabljati za shranjevanje in dostopanje do arhivskega gradiva, ki ga hranijo pristojni arhivi. Ob tem se arhivisti lahko pohvalimo z bogatimi izkušnjami pri digitalizaciji kakor tudi pri kreiranju projektov podatkovnih baz (SJASnet) oziroma celoten sistem za ohranjanje arhivskega gradiva v projektu E-arhiv. Izr. prof. dr. Peter Pavel Klasinc, arhivski svetnik Predstojnik vseh študijskih programov Arhivistike na Alma Mater Europaea 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 346 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV AT THE SIXTH SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH, STUDY AND EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, ARCHIVES IN THE SERVICE OF MAN-MAN IN THE SERVICE OF ARCHIVES: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN ARCHIVES The Archival Symposium is organized as part of the 9th Scientific Conference at AMEU-ECM and the 6th ARCHIVAL SYMPOSIUM to discuss the specific topic of digital transformation in archives in addition to the traditional topics Archives in the service of man-man in the service of archives. We primarily invited professors and students from all three bologna levels of study of Archival Studies at AMEU to prepare papers. We also invited some archival experts, members of the International Institute of Archival Sciences, and those interested in the 6th Archival Symposium's specific issue (or topic?). We have entered the third decade of the 21st century. Time passes quickly, and we witness new changes in all pores of human life every day. We archivists are interested in Archival Science as an independent, academic, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary science that we develop. As archivists, we must engage in those innovations that can be used in our professional archival work and those innovations that can affect the development and implementation of archival theories and practices. In connection with these innovations, I am convinced that we must pay special attention to the education of archivists and the management of problems related to archival material and records created in classical or digital form. The education of archivists and archivists' profession was also the first topic of the 30th conference of the International Archival Day, organized by the International Institute of Archival Science Trieste-Maribor together with Alma Mater Europaea. The conference was supported by the General Directorate of Archives of Italy, the State Archives in Trieste, the Research Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, and some sponsors. Papers for the first topic were prepared by Dieter Schlenker (EU, Italy), Liudmila Varlamova (Russia), Francesca Nemore, Giulia Campanelli, Giulia Villani (Italy), Magdalena Marosz (Poland), Špe-la Sečnik, and Anja Prša (Slovenia), Jelka Melik (Slovenia), Azem Kožar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Meena Gautam (India), Živana Heđbeli and Nikola Mokrović (Croatia), Pekka Henttonen (Finland), Mikhail V. Larin (Russia), Grazia Tato (Italy), Jozef and Michal Hanus (Slovakia), Flavio Carbone (Italy) and Aleksander Lavrenčič (Slovenia). For the second topic, related to digital archiving and electronic archives, the following authors contributed their research results: Lanskoy Grigory (Russia), Stefano Allegrezza (Italy), Majid Mohamed Al Mughairi (Sultanate of Oman), Dimitrij Reja (Slovenia), Marie Ryantova (Czech Republic), Tina Plevnik (Slovenia), Andrei Rybakou (Belarus), Boštjan Dornik (Slovenia), Elisabeth Schöggl-Ernst (Austria), Aliya Mustafina (Kazakhstan), Markus Schmalzl (Germany), Aleksandra Lobanova (Russia), Manja Konkolič (Slovenia), Luka Hribar (Slovenia), Bogdan Florin Popovici (Romania), Istvan Hegedus (Hungary) and Vlatka Lemić (Croatia). All contributions are published in the 30th issue of Atlanti, Volumes 1 and 2, and in Atlanti + for 2020, Volume 1 and 2. The digital transformation of modern society is directly and indirectly reflected in the manifestations of archival material and its contents and the operation of archival services and, consequently, in the operation of competent archives. The fact is that digital transformation is already taking place at all levels from local, national, and international, as well as in all areas at individual levels. From the point of view of archival theory and practice, this process represents the implementation of all activities in record management exclusively in the digital environment, not in the physical or hybrid environment, which was until recently a common practice. In the archives, we follow the transition "from the general to the specific" in the broadest sense of the word. Typically, this transition is reflected in the processes of setting up dedicated e-repositories instead of general-purpose e-repositories. Similarly, we can follow archival material takeovers, e.g., very detailed arrangements and complex procedures for taking digital archival material from creators to the competent archives. For example, let me also mention the implementation of a detailed and contextual inventory of archival content as envisaged by e.g., RiC. For such a transition from analog to digital environment to be possible, it is necessary to establish normative frameworks. In this context, the current archival legislation plays an important role, as well as agreed and applicable standards, (internal) rules, and above all certain methods and principles for archival material management. In 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 347 these processes, digital transformation generates various questions. The first concerns the evaluation of archival material creators and whether and to what extent its effects will be directly reflected in individual archival professional procedures over a long period is difficult to predict. At least in the early stages of these changes, we should not neglect the established evaluation procedures and the actual care that creators must pay to electronic archival material in the time leading up to the transfer to the competent archive. At the beginning of the digital transformation of archival theory and practice, this archival professional activity cannot be significantly different from the already established solutions that we have known for many years. Still, it will be upgraded with methods and procedures of evaluation with modern algorithms, e.g. Artificial intelligence. In the archives, we follow the transition "from the general to the specific" in the broadest sense of the word. Typically, this transition is reflected in the processes of setting up dedicated e-repositories instead of general-purpose e-repositories. Similarly, we can follow archival material takeovers, e.g., very detailed arrangements and complex procedures for taking digital archival material from creators to the competent archives. For example, let me also mention the implementation of a detailed and contextual inventory of archival content as envisaged by, e.g., RiC. For such a transition from analog to digital environment to be possible, it is necessary to establish normative frameworks. In this context, the current archival legislation plays an important role, as well as agreed and applicable standards, (internal) rules, and above all, certain methods and principles for archival material management. In these processes, digital transformation generates various questions. The first concerns the evaluation of archival material creators and whether and to what extent its effects will be directly reflected in individual archival professional procedures over a long period is difficult to predict. At least in the early stages of these changes, we should not neglect the established evaluation procedures and the actual care that creators must pay to electronic archival material in the time leading up to the transfer to the competent archive. At the beginning of the digital transformation of archival theory and practice, this archival professional activity cannot be significantly different from the already established solutions that we have known for many years. Still, it will be upgraded with methods and procedures of evaluation with modern algorithms, e.g., artificial intelligence. An important area of development of archival science in the context of digital transformation is archival professional terminology. This is already evolving in the direction of more precise terminological solutions. Still, we do not deviate from the definitions, such as, e.g., what archival material is, even if it is in digital form. Individual existing terminological solutions that are already available in standards, rules, or legal provisions will need to be used very consistently in everyday archival professional work. Otherwise, we expect information noise, which can have unpredictable consequences for the preservation of archival material. The digital transformation also brings many security challenges. If we have encountered "infected" devices, malware, identity, and document theft, etc., various hacker attacks and we could list more. We must not forget those threats that have often been the cause of the destruction of archival material, such as floods, earthquakes (e.g., in nearby Zagreb and Petrinja in Croatia). Similarly, we can conclude this reasoning with the well-known finding that uneducated employees can do a lot of damage related to the storage of archival material in classical or digital form. The uneducated archival employees' errors can be fatal for classical archival material and even worse when it comes to digital archival material. The formation and establishment of independent digital archives or repositories of digital objects (e.g., ARCANUM in Hungary) outside professional and competent archives represent an aspect of the development of modern society's digital transformation. That is why it is necessary to clarify that this needs to be done based on in-depth archival professional considerations and based on legislation and related archival professional standards. I look positively at some of the digitization projects carried out in libraries where print media are being digitized. I also look with equal favor at the digitization of archival material, which requires different approaches than in libraries, and their experience cannot be used equally to store and access archival material held by the competent archives. At the same time, archivists can boast of rich experience in digitization and create database projects (SJASnet) or the entire system for preserving archival material in the E-archive project. Assoc. prof. dr. Peter Pavel Klasinc, archival councilor Head of the departments of Archival Studies at Alma Mater Europaea 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 348 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Dieter Schlenker Historical Archives of European Union, Florence, Italy DIGITIZACIJA ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA – ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA SISTEMATIČNEGA PRISTOPA INŠTITUCIJ EVROPSKE UNIJE DIGITISATION OF HISTORICAL ARCHIVES – A CASE STUDY ON THE NEW SYSTEMATIC APPROACH OF EU INSTITUTIONS IZVLEČEK Dopolnilo Uredbe EU o arhivih 354/83 iz leta 1983 o odprtju institucionalnih arhivov EU za javnost je leta 2015 uvedlo nove in sistematične politike digitalizacije arhivov. S to spremembo je bil storjen pomemben korak k posodobitvi arhivskih služb institucij EU. Od takrat naprej so vsi institucionalni arhivi EU sistematično digitalizirani in so po preteku 30 letih v digitalni obliki na voljo javnosti. Ta novi digitalni poudarek institucij EU ustreza splošnim digitalnim smernicam EU, v okvirih sektorja kulturne dediščine. Digitalizacija je bila od tedaj naprej vključena v letni delovni načrt in proračun institucij v skladu s predpisanim pristopom. Nova politika digitalizacije postavlja tradicionalno vprašanje hranjenje in sporočanje krhkih predmetov arhivske dediščine in nudi odgovor na nevarnost hipermnezije na eni strani ter preglednosti in povečane raziskovalne možnosti na drugi. Politika digitalizacije zahteva novo oceno glavnih vprašanj arhivov o ohranjanju, hrambi, dokumentaciji in valorizaciji. Ključne besede: digitizacija, ahivsko gradivo, Evropska unija ABSTRACT In the 2015 amendment of the EU Archives Regulation 354/83 of 1983 on the opening of EU institutional archives to the public, the EU took an important step forward towards modernisation of its archival services, by introducing a new and systematic archival digitisation policy. Since then, all EU institutional archives, prior to their opening to the public after 30 years, are systematically digitised and made available to the public in digital format. This new digital focus of EU institutions corresponds to the general digital agenda of the EU, in this case as regards the cultural heritage sector. The digitisation policy has since then been embedded in the institutions’ yearly work programming and budgeting following a formal policy approach. The new digitisation policy poses the traditional dilemma between conservation and communication of fragile archival heritage objects and gives an answer in a new way, pending between the danger of hypermne-sia on the one hand, and transparency and enhanced research opportunities on the other. The digitisation policy requires a new evaluation of the main questions of archives on conservation, retention, documentation and valorisation. Key words: digitization, archival records, European Union 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 349 Bogdan-Florin Popovici National Archives of Romania, Brasov County Division, Romania »HRAMBA PODATKOVNIH BAZ« ALI KAJ DRUGEGA? EDEN IZMED VIDIKOV “PRESERVING DATABASES” OR SOMETHING ELSE? A POINT OF VIEW IZVLEČEK V tem prispevku sem poskušal podpreti idejo, da se »ohranjanje zbirke podatkov« bolj osredotoča na tehnični vidik, in to je le del zanimanja arhivistov, ki se osredotočajo na ohranjanje informacij kot arhivskega gradiva. Podatkovno bazo lahko obravnavamo kot nabor strukturiranih podatkov (baza podatkov kot vsebina) ali kot tehnično orodje za lažje organiziranje podatkov (baza podatkov kot mehanizem) ali kot mešanico obeh. Zbirke podatkov niso neodvisne enote, so del poslovnih sistemov. Nadalje baze podatkov shranjujejo komponente digitalnih zapisov, ki jih ustvarijo ali zajamejo poslovni sistemi. Da bi jih dolgoročno ohranili, ne bi smeli biti »arhi-virani« ali hranjeni vsi podatki, ki jih poslovni sistemi ustvarijo v podatkovni bazi, ampak samo tisti, ki prispevajo k sestavi evidenc. Poleg tega preprosti podatki v zapletenih sistemih ne bi za-dostovali, ohranitev pravil za ponovno sestavljanje informacij (branje zapisov) iz podatkovnih komponent in v ustrezni obliki predstavitve je tako ključnega pomena. V zvezi s tem na podlagi primerov v prispevku menim, da je primerneje reči, da so ohranjeni zapisi kot „register šolskih razredov“ ali „register vozil“ bolj kot »baza podatkov šole« ali »baza podatkov pisarne za regi-stracijo vozil«. Kajti nenazadnje je zapis tisti, ki je pomemben. Ključne besede: podatkovne baze, hramba, arhivsko gradivo ABSTRACT In this paper I sought to support the idea that “database preservation” is focusing more on a technical aspect and this is just a part of the interest of archivists, who are focusing on preservation of information as record. Database may be regarded as set of structured data (database as a content) or as a technical tool to facilitate organizing data (database as a mechanism) or a mixture of them. Databases are not independent entities, but they are a part of business systems. Further, databases store components of the digital records produced or captured by the business systems. In the attempt to preserve on long term, not all data generated in a database by the business systems must be “archived” or kept, but only those who contributes to the composition of records. Moreover, simple data would not suffice in complex systems, the preservation of rules for re-composing information (read records) from data components and in a proper form of presentation being vital. In this regard, using the examples in the paper, I find more appropriate to say that are preserved records as “the school grade register” or the “vehicle register” than “the database of the school” or “the database of the Vehicle registration office”. Because, in the end, it is the record that matters. Key words: database, preservation, archival records 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 350 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Aliya Mustafina The Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan PROBLEMATIKA VREDNOTENJA ELEKTRONSKEGA GRADIVA THE PROBLEM OF APPRAISAL OF DIGITAL RECORDS IZVLEČEK Namen: Sodobna informacijska tehnologija je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih revolucionirala vrste dokumentov in njihovo vsebino. Velik del informacij se pojavlja in shranjuje v elektronski obliki kot del različnih informacijskih sistemov. Elektronski dokumenti, vključno z bazami podatkov, so postali pomembno sredstvo za zaščito, shranjevanje in izmenjavo informacij, katerih obseg se vsako leto znatno povečuje. V povezavi s tem dobiva poseben pomen vprašanje ne le zagotavljanja njihovega ohranjanja, temveč tudi določanja načel, metod in meril za valorizacijo elektronskih dokumentov, ki bodo vključeni v Nacionalni arhivski sklad. Ta študija se osredotoča na celovit, sistematičen razmislek o teoretičnih in praktičnih vidikih organizacije in izvajanja valorizacije digitalnih dokumentov, da bi ugotovili obstoječe težave in poiskali možne rešitve. Metode / pristop: Raziskava temelji na analizi nacionalne zakonodaje Kazahstana in empiričnih podatkih, literaturi ter preučevanju domačih in tujih avtorjev. V raziskavi so bile uporabljene informacijske in sistemske metode, metoda strukturne analize itd. Rezultati: Avtorica meni, da je opredelitev vrednotenja dokumentov nujni pogoj in podlaga za organizacijo katerega koli arhiva, vključno z arhivom elektronskih dokumentov. Na podlagi izkušenj z uvedbo informacijskega sistema »Enotni arhiv elektronskih dokumentov« v arhivih Kazahstana se preučuje možnost uporabe metodologije in prakse preverjanja vrednotenja arhivskih dokumentov v klasični obliki za elektronske dokumente. Ocenjuje osnovne probleme izbire elektronskih dokumentov za trajno hrambo in predlaga možne rešitve. Zaključki / ugotovitve: Na podlagi opravljene raziskave avtor ugotavlja, da bi morala metodologija za ocenjevanje vrednotenja elektronskih dokumentov temeljiti na praktičnih izkušnjah dela z arhivi z elektronskimi dokumenti. Tradicionalne pristope k preverjanju vrednotenja je nedvomno potrebno prilagoditi in razviti na podlagi tehničnih lastnosti elektronskih dokumentov, ki zagotavljajo možnost njihove nadaljnje uporabe. Ključne besede: digitalno gradivo, vrednotenje digitalnega gradivo, digitalni arhiv, avtentičnost ponovnih zapisov, dolgoročno hramba 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 351 ABSTRACT Purpose: Modern information technology has revolutionized the types of documents and their content over the past two decades. The vast part of the information is occurred and stored in electronic form as part of the various information systems. Electronic documents, including databases, have become an important means of securing, storing and exchanging information, the volume of which is increasing significantly every year. In this regard, the issue of not only ensuring their preservation, but also determining the principles, methods and criteria for the selection of electronic documents to be included in the National Archives Fund, acquires particular importance. This study focuses on a comprehensive, systematic consideration of the theoretical and practical aspects of organizing and conducting an examination of the value of digital documents in order to identify existing problems and search for possible solutions. Methods / Approach: The research is based on analysis of the national legislation of Kazakhstan and empirical data, the study of literature and study the domestic and foreign authors. The research used informational and systemic methods, the method of structural analysis, etc. Results: The author considers the definition of the value of documents as an indispensable condition and basis for the organization of any archive, including an archive of electronic documents. Based on the experience of introducing the information system "Single archive of electronic documents" in the archives of Kazakhstan, the possibility of applying the methodology and practice of examining the value of paper archival documents to electronic documents is being considered. Assesses basic selection problems of electronic documents for permanent preservation and suggests possible solutions. Conclusions / Findings: On the basis of the research conducted, the author concludes that the methodology for assessing the value of electronic documents should be based on the practical experience of working with archives with electronic documents. Traditional approaches to the examination of value undoubtedly need to be adjusted and developed based on the features of the properties and technical characteristics of electronic documents, which ensure the possibility of their further use. Key words: digital records, digital records appraisal, digital archive, authenticity of records, longterm preservation 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 352 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Magdalena Marosz National Archive in Krakow, Poland PROJEKT ARHIV NEODVISNOSTI - MEDSEBOJNA POVEZAVA MED ARHIVOM IN UPORABNIKOM THE ARCHIVES OF INDEPENDENCE PROJECT - MUTUAL LINK BETWEEN THE ARCHIVE AND THE USER IZVLEČEK Projekt "Družinski arhiv neodvisnosti" zajema celotno Poljsko in je namenjen vsem, za katere so domače zbirke dokumentov, ki včasih rastejo več generacij, neprecenljive vrednosti. Družinski arhivi vzbujajo osebna čustva. Takšne zbirke, ki še vedno niso v celoti cenjene, najdemo v številnih domovih. Pogosto ustvarjajo družbeno zgodovino, bolj barvito kot zgodovina učbenikov. Cilj projekta "Družinski arhiv neodvisnosti" je združiti nacionalno in zasebno zgodovino ter poudariti vlogo neznanih ljudi, družin in lokalnih skupnosti pri obnovi samostojne Poljske leta 1918. K sodelovanju v projektu spodbujamo vse tiste, ki gojijo spomin na svoje prednike in iščejo strokovne nasvete, kako skrbeti za družinske arhive. Takšno pomoč nudijo arhivisti v 33 državnih arhivih na Poljskem z izmenjavo svojih izkušenj in znanja. Ključne besede: družinski arhivi, spomin, arhivsko gradivo ABSTRACT The project "The Family Archives of Independence" covers the whole of Poland and is addressed to everyone for whom home collections of documents, sometimes growing over many generations, are of invaluable value. Family archives evoke personal emotions. Such collections, still not fully appreciated, are found in many homes. They often create a social history more colorful than the history of textbooks. The aim of the project "The Family Archives of Independence" is to combine national and private history and highlight the role of unknown people, families, families and local communities in the restoration of independent Poland in 1918. All those who cultivate the memory of their ancestors and seek professional advice on how to care for family archives are encouraged to participate in the project. Archivists in 33 state archives in Poland offer such help by sharing their experience and knowledge. Key words: familiy archives, memory, archival records 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 353 Mikhail Larin Head of the Department of electronic records management systems, Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Russia, Moscow Nataliya Surovtseva Department of electronic records management systems, Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Russia AVTENTIČNOST IN IDENTITETA ELEKTRONSKEGA ZAPISA V DIGITALNI TRANSFORMACIJI ARHIVOV AUTHENTICITY AND IDENTITY OF THE ELECTRONIC RECORD IN THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF ARCHIVES IZVLEČEK Ena ključnih lastnosti elektronskega gradiva je njegova avtentičnost. Zagotavljanje avtentičnosti upravljanja elektronskih dokumentov v vseh fazah njegovega življenjskega cikla od trenutka nastanka do dolgoročnega shranjevanja nam omogoča, da odstranimo ovire pri digitalni transformaciji arhivov. Pristnost elektronskega gradiva je bila predmet raziskav v okviru mednarodnega projekta InterPARES. Gradivo velja za avtentično, če so bili zagotovo ugotovljeni njegov avtor, kraj in čas nastanka, pa tudi dejstvo, da to gradivo res prihaja od ustvarjalca, ki je to gradivo ustvaril. Da bi zagotovili to lastnost elektronskega gradiva, ob ustvarjanju tovrstnega gradiva niso potrebni le postopki preverjanja avtentičnosti in elektronskega podpisa, temveč tudi ustvarjanje tako imenovanega zaupanja vrednega okolja, ki je zasnovano tako, da zagotavlja ohranitev ustreznih metapodatkov zaradi postopka nadzorovanega upravljanja. Poudarek bi moral biti na informacijskem sistemu kot celoti. To razumevanje verodostojnosti elektronskega gradiva je bilo zapisano v mednarodnih standardih za informacije in dokumentacijo. V ruski praksi se koncept »avtentičnosti« uporablja zelo redko, in kot se uporablja za upravljanje elektronskih evidenc, predvsem v smislu identitete nekaterih izvornih zapisov. Takšno razumevanje vključuje izvajanje primerjalnih postopkov z nekaterimi referenčnimi zapisi, ki naj ostanejo nespremenje-ni. Hkrati je v elektronskem okolju, v katerem poteka delovanje elektronskih evidenc, praktično nemogoče zagotoviti nespremenjeno varnostno datoteko (datoteke). Glede na družbeno naravo tovrstnega gradiva moramo razumeti, da je nespremenljivost elektronskega zapisa relativni koncept in zadeva ohranjanje družbene funkcije gradiva. Zato moramo dovoliti le relativno prepoznavanje identitete elektronskega gradiva, dopustiti možnost nekaterih sprememb, znotraj katerih elektronsko gradivo ohranja svoje družbene funkcije. Razlika med kopijami elektronskih gradiva v tem razlikovanju nam omogoča, da govorimo o verodostojnosti gradiva. Ključne besede: Elektronsko gradivo, avtentičnost gradiva, identično gradivo, terminologija, dolgoročno hramba, arhivska hramba. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 354 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT One of the key features of an electronic record is its authenticity. Ensuring the authenticity of management electronic records at all stages of its life cycle from the moment of creation to longterm storage allows us to remove obstacles in the digital transformation of archives. The authenticity of electronic records was the subject of research within the framework of the international project InterPARES. A record is considered authentic if its author, place and time of creation were definitely established, as well as the fact that this record really comes from the claimed author. To ensure this property of an electronic record, not only authentication and electronic signature procedures are required at the time of creation of the record, but also the creation of the so-called trusted environment, which is designed to ensure the preservation of records metadata due to controlled management procedures. The focus should be on the information system as a whole. This understanding of the authenticity of the electronic record was enshrined in international standards for information and documentation. In Russian practice, the concept of “authenticity” is used very rarely, and as applied to management electronic records, it is used mainly in the sense of identity to some source record. Such an understanding involves conducting comparison procedures with some reference record, which should remain unchanged. At the same time, in the electronic environment in which the functioning of electronic records takes place, it is practically impossible to ensure the safety of the records file (s) unchanged. Given the social nature of the record, we must understand that the immutability of an electronic record is a relative concept and concerns the preservation of the social function of the record. That is why we must allow only a relative recognition of the identity of electronic records, allow the possibility of some changes within which the electronic record retains its social functions. The difference between the copies of the electronic records within this difference allows us to talk about authentic records. Key words: Electronic record, authentic record, identical record, terminology, long-term storage, archival storage. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 355 Elena Romanova The All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Records and Archives Management (VNIIDAD), Russia OBJAVA ARHIVSKEGA GRADIVA V DIGITALNI DOBI: MOŽNOSTI, ZMOGLJIVOSTI IN NADZOR KAKOVOSTI PUBLICATIONS OF ARCHIVAL MATERIAL IN THE DIGITAL AGE: OPTIONS, FACILITIES, AND QUALITY CONTROL IZVLEČEK Prispevek predstavlja značilnosti obstoječih pravil in tradicij objavljanja arhivskih dokumentov in drugih pisnih virov v Rusiji, ki določajo merila za ocenjevanje kakovosti katere koli znanstvene publikacije. Ta merila in načela so bila določena pred več kot 30 leti, tehnika in tehnologije pa so od takrat precej napredovale. Novi pogoji ne spreminjajo glavnih načel, ampak dajejo več svobode in omogočajo izbiro metod in pristopov, ki se uporabljajo glede na glavni namen objave arhivskih dokumentov. Poleg tega pomenijo nastanek novih dodatnih zahtev. Dandanes se digitalne tehnologije pogosto uporabljajo pri pripravi tradicionalnih publikacij na papirju. Hkrati postajajo elektronske publikacije vse bolj priljubljene. Avtor predlaga, da bi te publikacije razvrstili v več skupin ali kategorij, odvisno od ciljev, za katere so se odločili, da jim bodo sledili. Vsaka od skupin ima svoje posebnosti. Pri tej klasifikaciji je posebna pozornost namenjena tako imenovanim »znanstvenim« ali »arheografskim« publikacijam. Njihova predstavitev v digitalnem okolju zahteva spoštovanje klasičnih pravil njihovega temeljitega in podrobnega arhivskega opisa, zgodovinskih in arheografskih zapisov z elementi filoloških in jezikovnih analiz, utemeljeno izbiro in sistematizacijo predstavljenega gradiva, natančnost prenosa besedila in tako naprej. Po drugi strani pa objava digitalnih kopij arhivskih dokumentov zahteva večjo pozornost opisu tega digitalnega predmeta kot samega sebe in njegovi korespondenci z izvirnim virom. V teh okoliščinah se uporabljajo mednarodni opisni standardi, koncepti, sheme in formati, očitno pa je tudi, da so uporabljeni posebni instrumenti za pripravo specifikacij zahtev pred izvedbo enega ali drugega projekta objave in za nadaljnji nadzor kakovosti vsaj na nacionalni ravni. Predlagane so bistvene značilnosti bodočega nacionalnega standarda ali uredbe na tem področju. Ključne besede: arhivi, objava arhivskih dokumentov, elektronska objava, uporaba arhivov, Vse-ruski znanstveni raziskovalni inštitut za dokumentologijo in arhivistiko (VNIIDAD) 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 356 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT The paper is providing the characteristics of the existing rules and traditions of publication of archival documents and other written sources in Russia, which set criteria for quality evaluation of any scientific publication. These criteria and principles were laid down more than 30 years ago, and technics and technologies made much progress since then. The new conditions don’t change main principles, but give more freedom and provides choice in methods and approaches applied according to the main purpose of publication of archival documents. Besides, they imply the emergence of new additional requirements. Nowadays, digital technologies are widely used in the process of preparation of traditional paper based publications. At the same time, electronic publications are becoming more and more popular. The author proposes to classify these publications into several groups, or categories, depending on the aims they declare to pursue. Each of groups has its specific features. In these classification special attention is paid to so called “scientific” or “archaeographic” publications. Their presentation in digital environment requires, from one part, observation of classical rules of their thorough and detailed archival description, historical and archaeographic annotations, with elements of philological and linguistic analyses, well founded choice and systematization of materials presented, scrupulousness text transmission, and so on. From another part, publication of digital copies of archival documents requires closer attention to the description of this digital object as itself and its correspondence with the original source. In these circumstances the international descriptive standards, conceptions, schemas and formats are in demand, but it’s evident also that special applied instruments for preparation of requirement specifications before conducting one or another publication project, and for further quality control are indispensable, at least at the national level. The essential features of this prospective national standard or regulation are suggested. Key words: archives, publication of archival documents, electronic publication, use of archives, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Records and Archives Management (VNIIDAD) 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 357 Grigory Lanskoy Russian state university for the humanities, Russia DIGITALNE TEHNOLOGIJE V RAZVOJU AVDIOVIZUALNIH ARHIVOV: SMERNICE IN CILJI RAZVOJA DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPMENT OF AUDIOVISUAL ARCHIVES: DIRECTIONS AND OBJECTIVES OF DEVELOPMENT IZVLEČEK Prispevek bo namenjen predstavitvi dejanskih usmeritev in analizi ciljev diverzifikacije digitalnih tehnologij na področju zbiranja, organizacije, opisa in objave slik ter zvočnih zapisov. V okviru uporabe tehnološkega potenciala digitalnih tehnologij bo posebna pozornost namenjena organizaciji oblikovanja in uporabi kopij avdiovizualnega gradiva z vidika materialne in intelektualne lastnine. Med pomembnimi problemi bo v prispevku analizirana tudi možnost integracije celote in vsebine avdiovizualnega gradiva, ki se nahaja v arhivih, muzejih in knjižnicah z vidika dostopa do tega gradiva Ključne besede: avdiovizualno gradivo, zapisi, digitalen slike, informacijski sistem, opis ABSTRACT Paper will be devoted to presentation of actual directions and analysis of objectives of diversify-ing of digital technologies in sphere of collect, organization, description and publication of images and of sound records. In context of using of technological potential of digital technologies special attention will be oriented to organization of forming and of using of copies of audiovisual documents as the objects of material and intellectual property. Among important problems in paper will be also analyzed possibility of integration of community and of content of audiovisual documents presented in heritage of archives, museums and libraries in interests of public access to these sources. Key words: audiovisual archives, records, digital images, informational systems, description 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 358 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Charles Farrugia Department of Library, Information and Archive Sciences, Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences, University of Malta VLOGA ARHIVSKIH INŠTITUCIJ V TEŽKIH ČASIH: PRIMER COVID-19 THE ROLE OF ARCHIVAL INSTITUTIONS DURING TROUBLED TIMES: THE CASE OF COVID-19 IZVLEČEK Ta članek preučuje odziv arhivskih ustanov v času negotovosti. Ali te faze navdihujejo arhive, da se preoblikujejo v aktivne udeležence družbenih sprememb, ali pa pogosto postanejo pasivni opazovalci? Metoda, ki je uporabljena za to predhodno analizo, temelji na začetni literaturi o temi in organizacijskem opazovanju. Prispevek se osredotoča na covid-19 in njegove vplive na arhivske institucije. Kaže, da so se arhivske ustanove med pandemijo odzvale in reagirajo drugače. V nekaterih primerih so si arhivi oddahnili od neprekinjenega stika z javnostjo, da bi izkoristili čas in sredstva za prepotrebna vzdrževalna dela in popisovanje. Druge arhivske institucije so izkoristile priložnost, da so bolj komunicirale z javnostjo in izkoristile novo občinstvo. Ti novi pristopi pa so zelo odvisni od tehnologije. Lahko rečemo, da je večina institucij bila prisiljena k boljši uporabi tehnologij za interakcijo z zunanjim svetom. To bi lahko predstavljalo zlato prilož- nost za arhive. V primerjavi z drugimi akterji na področju informiranja, kot so knjižnice in muzeji, so namreč arhivi manj konkurenčni, ko gre za digitalne prostore, ki jih zasedajo. Ta raziskava je še v pripravljalni fazi, saj pandemija še vedno traja, vendar lahko utira pot poglobljeni analizi spreminjajočih se temeljnih stališč in perspektiv. Ključne besede: arhivi, covid-19, novi pristopi, modern tehnologije ABSTRACT This article studies the reaction of archival institutions during times of uncertainty. Do these phases inspire archives to transform themselves into active participants for social change, or they often end up as passive observers? The method used for this preliminary analysis builds around the initial literature about the topic and organisational observation. The paper focuses on Covid-19 and its impacts on archival institutions. Indications are that archival institutions reacted and are reacting differently during the pandemic. In some cases the archives took a break from the uninterrupted contact with the public to utilise the time and resources for the much needed housekeeping and stocktaking. Other archival institutions took the opportunity to interact more with the public and tap into new audiences. These new approaches of reaching out are very much dependent on technology. One can say that most institutions had to force themselves towards better use of technology to interact with the outer world. This might have presented a golden opportunity for archives. When compared with the other role players in in the information domain such as libraries and museums, archives might have been less competitive when it comes to the digital spaces they occupy. This research is still at a preliminary stage as the pandemic is still ongoing, but can pave the way to more in-depth analysis of the changing underlying attitudes and perspectives. Key words: archives, covid-19, new approaches, modern technologies 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 359 Tijana Rupčić Central European University OMEJITVE ZAUPNOSTI: ARGUMENTI ZA IN PROTI RAZKRITJU DOKUMENTOV ARHIVSKIH FONDOV, KI VSEBUJEJO OSEBNE PODATKE: ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA ZDRAVNIKI ZA ČLOVEKOVE PRAVICE LIMITS OF CONFIDENTIALITY: ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST DISCLOSING DOCUMENTS CONTAINING PERSONAL DATA IN ARCHIVAL HOLDINGS: PHYSICIANS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS CASE STUDY IZVLEČEK Glede dostopnosti do osebnih in občutljivih podatkov obstajajo številne dileme in poskušala bom ponuditi nekaj koristnih odgovorov v prid ter proti uporabi takšnih podatkov. Za oceno razlogov, zakaj (ali ne) razkriti osebne podatke, bom uporabila smernice, ki jih ponuja EU v GDPR (Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov), da bi ustvarila okvir za oceno občutljivosti podatkov, ki se nahajajo v HU OSA 386. Poleg tega bom uporabila smernice, ki jih zagotavlja splošna politika omejevanja OSA. Nadalje bom analizirala celotno zbirko HU OSA 386 (vse serije) in na konkretnih primerih odgovorila, zakaj bi nekateri podatki morali biti na voljo in zakaj nekateri ne. Na koncu bom to študijo primera preučila z dveh vidikov - imetnika gradiva (arhivist) in uporabnika gradiva (raziskovalec). Namen: Kaj so občutljivi osebni podatki in zakaj jih je nujno ščititi? V tej študiji primera bom analizirala fond arhivskih fondov, HU OSA 386 Evidenca projektov zdravnikov za človekove pravice v Bosni in Hercegovini, ki se hranijo v arhivih Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society. Z analizo dokumentov iz te zbirke bom poskušala ustvariti okvir za razpravo o razkritju občutljivih osebnih podatkov. Metoda: Kritični in analitični pristop do dokumentov (v papirni in video obliki), ki vsebujejo ob- čutljive osebne podatke žrtev in njihovih družin, ter primerjava s splošno prakso razkrivanja takšnih dokumentov javnosti ali raziskovalcem. Rezultati: Nekaterih razpoložljivih informacij se ne sme razkriti. Zaključki: Arhivist bi moral to dokumentacijo na vsakih nekaj časa pregledati, da se prepriča, da so informacije, ki so v danem trenutku dostopne, tudi v skladu s predpisi o osebnih podatkih. Ključne besede: osebni podatki, občutljivi podatki, OSA, žrtve vojne, Bosna in Hercegovina 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 360 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT There are numerous dilemmas concerning the availability of personal and sensitive data, and I will try to offer some helpful answers for and against the use of such data. To evaluate the reasons why to (or not) disclose personal data I will use the guidelines offered by the EU in GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to create framework for evaluation of the sensitivity of the data contained in HU OSA 386. Besides this, I will use the guidelines provided by the OSA's General Restriction Policy. Furthermore, I will analyze the entire HU OSA 386 Collection (all series) and on the concrete examples give answers to why some data should be available and why some should not. Finally, I will examine this case study from several points – the holder of the Fonds (archivist) and user of the Fonds (researcher). Purpose: What is sensitive personal data and why it is essential to protect it? In this case study, I will analyze holdings of the archival Fonds, HU OSA 386 Records of the Physicians for Human Rights' Bosnia Projects kept in the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives. By analyzing the documents of this particular collection, I will try to create a framework for the discussion about the disclosure of sensitive personal data. Method: Critical and analytic approach to documents (in paper and video form) containing sensitive personal data of victims and their families, and comparison to the general practice of disclosing such documents to the public or researchers. Results: Some of the information that are available should not be disclosed. Conclusions: Archivist should revise this particular documentation every now and then to be sure that information available in them are in line with the regulations of personal data at the moment. Key words: Personal data, Sensitive data, OSA, war victims, Bosnia and Herzegovina 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 361 Karen Trivette Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center, Maribor Fashion Institute of Technology-State University of New York (USA), Gladys Marcus Library unit of Special Collections and College Archives (FIT/SPARC), New York, NY USA NJENA BESEDA V CELOTI: POVEZOVANJE LJUDI IN ARHIVOV V ČASU COVID-19 THE WHOLE OF HER SERMON: CONNECTING PEOPLE TO ARCHIVES IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 IZVLEČEK Namen: Namen tega prispevka je obdelati izzive in uspehe, ki so povezani s prizadevanji za premostitev razdalje med uporabniki arhivov in digitalnimi kopijami arhivskega gradiva zaradi pandemije COVID-19 2020-2021. Metoda / pristop: Preučila bom različne spletna odložišča in platforme, ki arhivskim repozitori-jem omogočajo povezavo z obstoječimi in novimi uporabniki ter na podlagi statistik obiskovalcev ali uporabnikov ocenila uspešnost. Pristop bo vključeval različne platforme socialnih medijev, spletne tehnologije in razširjeno resničnost. Podrobno bom preučila obisk pred pandemijo ter v času pandemije za platformo Omeka. Rezultati: Analiza različnih spletnih platform za ozaveščanje kaže, da digitalni ali virtualni arhiv, če je učinkovito načrtovan in izveden, lahko poveča obisk uporabnikov za skoraj petdeset odstotkov. Zaključek / ugotovitve: Tudi v času globalne pandemije arhivisti lahko uspešno dosežejo številne uporabnike arhivov, obstoječe in nove, ter ne samo, da lahko izpolnijo njihova pričakovanja, temveč jih presežejo na nove in inovativne načine. Ključne besede: Digitalni arhivi; doseganje; promocija; spletne tehnologije; virtualne razstave ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review and share the challenges and successes associated with efforts to bridge the distance between archives user populations and the digital surro-gates of archives materials themselves while in a state of remote operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021. Method / Approach: I will examine various online outlets and platforms that allow archival repositories to connect with existing and new user populations and, based on visitor or user statistics, gauge the success or failure of a given vehicle. Approaches will include various social media platforms, web-based technologies, and augmented reality. I will examine in detail the visitor-ship before and during the pandemic for a singular platform, that being Omeka. Results: The analysis of various online outreach platforms demonstrates that when planned and executed effectively, digital or virtual archives outreach can increase user engagement by nearly fifty percent. Conclusion / Findings: Even during a global pandemic, archivists can successfully reach a host of archives users, existing and new, and can not only meet their expectations but also exceed them in new and innovative ways. Keywords: Digital archives; outreach; promotion; web-based technologies; virtual exhibitions 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 362 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Robert Parnica Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary DOSTOP DO ARHIVOV IN SPREMINJANJE VLOGE REFERENČNIH STORITEV V DIGTALNI DOBI (SAMOREFLEKSIJA PREOBRAZBE VLOG S KLASIČNE NA SODOBNO REFERENCIRANJE) ACCESS TO ARCHIVES AND THE CHANGING ROLE OF REFERENCE SERVICES IN DIGITAL ERA (SELF-REFLECTION OF THE SHIFTING ROLES FROM CLASSICAL TOWARD MODERN REFERENCING) IZVLEČEK Namen: Ta članek raziskuje, kako zunanji in notranji dejavniki vplivajo na dejavnost referenčnih služb v mikrookolju, ki je zelo pogosto nezaznavno. Avtor sprašuje, kako je nenehna notranja dinamika stalne in zapletene interakcije med raziskovalci in referenčnimi arhivisti spremenila tako navade uporabnikov kot referenčne arhiviste. Metode: Študija primera predstavlja rezultate zasebnega in univerzitetnega arhiva. Za analizo in opis statističnih podatkov v 17 letih uporabljamo kvantitativne in kvalitativne metodologije za ugotavljanje zunanjih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na referenčne storitve. Opazovanje in samorefle-ksija sta se izkazala za koristna z institucionalnega kot tudi družbenega, izobraževalnega in celo političnega vidika. Rezultati: Statistični podatki, vključeni v zbirko podatkov raziskovalcev institucije, so izsledili ključne trenutke, kot so politični, izobraževalni ali pandemični, ki so vplivali na referenčne dejavnosti, kot so število novih raziskovalcev, obiski, skupno število zahtevanega gradiva in digitalne reprodukcije. Avtor ugotavlja pomemben premik v intelektualni presoji uporabniških arhivskih zapisov, kar se ne zgodi v čitalnici, temveč zunaj nje. Takšna sprememba raziskovalne strategije je povzročila težave pri arhiviranju in pridobivanju množične količine podatkov. Nazadnje naj bi referenčni arhiv pridobival nova referenčna znanja in uporabljal čustveno inteligenco pri vsakodnevni komunikaciji z uporabniki. Zaključki: Referenčne storitve so v stalnem postopnem postopku preoblikovanja in zrcalijo makro dogodke v svoji mikro skupnosti. Čeprav je ambiciozno zasnovana, je ta študija skromen poskus nakazati kompleksno naravo sprememb, ki znatno vplivajo na interakcijo med uporabniki in referenčnimi arhivisti. Ključne besede: Referenčne storitve, referenčno znanje, referenčna interakcija, ustvarjanje znanja 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 363 ABSTRACT Purpose: This article investigates how external and internal factors affect the activity of reference services in a microenvironment that very often remains under the radar. The author inquires how the continuous internal dynamic of a constant and complex interaction between researchers and reference archivists changed both users' habits and reference archivists. Methods: The case study presents results of one private and University archive. We use quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyze and describe statistical data in 17 years to ascertain external factors affecting reference services. Observation and self-reflection proved useful from the institutional point of view and the societal, educational, and even political. Results: The statistical data encapsulated in the institution's Researchers Database traced crucial moments such as political, educational, or pandemic that affected reference activities such as numbers of new researchers, visits, the total number of requested materials, and digital reproductions. The author ascertains a vital shift in users' intellectual assessing archival records, which does not happen in the research room but outside of it. Such a change in research strategy caused difficulties to archive and retrieve a mass quantity of data. Finally, reference archivist is expected to acquire new reference knowledge and apply emotional intelligence in daily communication with users. Conclusions: Reference services are under a constant process of gradual transformation, mirror-ing macro events on its micro-community. Although ambitiously designed, this study is a modest attempt to indicate a complex nature of change that considerably affects the interaction between users and reference archivists. Keywords: Reference services, reference knowledge, reference interaction, knowledge creation 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 364 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Miroslav Novak Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor O VALIDACIJAH METOD ARHIVSKEGA STROKOVNEGA IN ZNANSTVENEGA DELA ON VALIDATIONS OF METHODS OF ARCHIVAL PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORK IZVLEČEK Namen: Na podlagi implementacije arhivskih strokovnih standardov v različna arhivska infor-mativna pomagala ter na osnovi dosedanjih strokovnih izkušenj oblikovanja vsebinskih in konte-kstnih metapodatkovnih celot nameravamo raziskati in razviti ter utemeljiti uporabo postopka validacije metod arhivskega strokovnega in znanstvenega dela tako na individualnem kot tudi na vzajemnem oziroma nacionalnem nivoju. Metoda / pristop: V raziskavi je bilo uporabljenih več metod, ključne pa so: metoda povzemanja in abstrahiranja rezultatov študij s področja oblikovanja vsebin in kontekstov popisnih enot, metoda implementacije arhivskih strokovnih priporočil za različne kontekstne rešitve, izkustvena metoda, metoda dokazovanja, deskriptivna in primerjalna metoda. Za samo validacijo pa je pre-dlagana uporaba metode strukturiranega vprašalnika. Rezultati: V prispevku je uvodoma utemeljen pojem »validacija«. Na tej osnovi je izpeljana uporaba validacije metod arhivskega strokovnega in znanstvenega dela v vsebinskem in konte-kstnem metapodatkovnem okolju. Rezultati analize kažejo, da je to potrebno izvajati na nivoju vsebinsko zaključenih celot – npr. na ravni popisa arhivskih entitet ko tudi na nivoju elementov teh popisov. Za potrebe izvedbe validacije je razvit osnutek strukturiranega vprašalnika, v katerem so upoštevani mnogi vidiki uporabnosti rezultatov in s tem tudi uporabljenih metod njihovega oblikovanja. Sklepi / ugotovitve: Avtor ugotavlja, da je metode arhivskega strokovnega in znanstvenega dela potrebno validirati na podlagi znanstvenega utemeljevanja rezultatov njihove implementacije. Sama validacija pa je nujna tako s stališča izbora načrtovanih metod za doseganje jasno postavljenih arhivskih strokovnih in znanstvenih ciljev kot tudi za njihovo neposredno uporabo. Prav tako je pomembna tudi s stališča ugotavljanja kvalitete produktov arhivskega strokovnega in znanstvenega dela, zagotavljanja njihove dogoročne vzdržnosti, interoperabilnosti itd. Pri izvedbi validacije metod je potrebno upoštevati mnoge dejavnike, v prvi vrsti pa obliko in pojavnost formalnega in vsebinskega opisa rezultata implementacije posamezne metode, kontekstnega okolja, tehnoloških rešitev, arhivskih strokovnih in raziskovalnih procesov itd. Ključne besede: arhivski standardi, opis arhivskih vsebin, validacija arhivskih metod, preverjanje kakovosti arhivskega dela, arhivsko strokovno in znanstveno delo 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 365 ABSTRACT Purpose: Based on the implementation of archival professional standards in various archival information aids and previous professional experience in creating content and contextual metadata units, we intend to research, develop and justify the use of validation of archival professional and scientific work methods on both individual and mutual national level respectively. Method / approach: Several methods have been used in the research, the key ones being: method of summarizing and abstracting the results of studies in the field of content design and contexts of census units, method of implementing archival expert recommendations for various contextual solutions, experiential method, method of proof, descriptive and comparative method. For validation itself, however, the use of a structured questionnaire method is proposed. Results: The article introduces the concept of "validation" in the beginning. Based on that, the validation of methods of archival professional and scientific work in the content and contextual metadata environment has been undertaken. The results of the analysis show that this should be done at the level of substantively complete wholes - e.g. at the level of the inventory of archival entities and at the level of the elements of these inventories. For the needs of validation, a structured questionnaire was drafted, where many aspects of the usability of the results and consequently the methods used for their design were taken into account. Conclusions / findings: The author notes that the methods of archival professional and scientific work should be validated based on a scientific justification of the results of their implementation. However, the validation itself is necessary both from the point of view of the selection of planned methods for achieving clearly set archival professional and scientific goals, as well as for their direct application. Moreover, it is important from the point of view of determining the quality of products of archival professional and scientific work, ensuring their long-term sustainability, interoperability, etc. Several factors should be considered when performing method validation, especially the form and appearance of the formal and substantive description of the result of the implementation of an individual method, contextual environment, technological solutions, archival professional and research processes, etc. Key words: archival standards, description of archival contents, validation of archival methods, quality control of archival work, archival professional and scientific work 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 366 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jelka Melik Alma Mater Europaea Aida Škoro Babić Arhiv Republike Slovenije ARHIVI IN EVROPSKA UNIJA: SODBA SODIŠČA EVROPSKE UNIJE GLEDE ARHIVOV KOT OGLEDALO ARCHIVES AND EUROPEAN UNION: JUDGMENT OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (CJEU) AS A MIRROR IZVLEČEK Namen: Namen prispevka je opredelitev pojmov arhiv, arhivsko gradivo, dokument, dokumentarno gradivo, ki se v državah Evropske unije med seboj razlikujejo. Za potrebe skupega delovnja držav povezanih v evropsko družino bi bilo potrebno te izraze opredeliti in uskladiti. Začetek te poti nakazuje sodba sodišča Evropske unije, ki je ugodilo tožbi Evropske komisije proti Sloveniji. Sodba, ki nosi datum 17. december 2020 zadeva arhive. Metoda/ pristop: K problemu smo pristopili s spremljanjem terminologije na področju upravljanja z zapisi in arhivskega izrazja v različnih evropskih državah kakor tudi v pravnih aktih EU. S primerjalno metodo ter zgodovinsko kritično metodo smo nato ocenili perspektivo harmonizacije arhivske stroke in zakonodaje. Rezultati: Sodba Sodišča Evropske unije v zvezi z arhivskim in dokumentarnim gradivom Evropske centralne banke jasno izraža, da je treba področje arhivistike in njene terminologije harmo-nizirati. Zaključki: S primerjavo različnih prevodov evropskih uredb in direktiv ter drugih priporočil ugotavljamo v tem prispevku, da je naloga, ki jo podajamo kot predlog nujna. Ključne besede: arhiv, arhivsko gradivo, dokument, dokumentarno gradivo, EU, države članice EU, arhivistika ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to define the terms archive, archival records, record, current records, which differ in the countries of the European Union. These terms should be defined and harmonized for the joint action of countries linked to the European family. The beginning of this path is indicated by the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which upheld the lawsuit of the European Commission against Slovenia. The judgment of 17 December 2020 concerns the archives. Methods/ approach: We approached the problem by monitoring the terminology in the field of records management and archival terms in various European countries, as well as in EU legal acts. Using a comparative method and a historical critical method, we then assessed the perspective of harmonization of the archival profession and legislation. Results: The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the archives and documents of the European Central Bank clearly states that the field of archiving and its terminology must be harmonized. Conclusions: By comparing different translations of European regulations and directives and other recommendations, we find in this paper that the task we present as a proposal is urgent. Key words: archives, archival records, record, current records, EU, EU member states, archival science 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 367 Zdenka Semlič Rajh Alma Mater Europaea ARHIVI IN OBLIKOVANJE NORMATIVNIH IMEN KORPORATIVNIH TELES ARCHIVES AND CREATION OF ARCHIVAL AUTHORITY RECORDS FOR CORPORATE BODIES IZVLEČEK Namen: V prispevku so predstavljeni problemi oblikovanja normativnih imen korporativnih teles in smernice za njihovo oblikovanje. Metoda/pristop: Da bi ugotovili potrebe po izdelavi smernic, smo izvedli serijo dveh raziskav. Prva je bila raziskava uporabnikov in uporabe slovenske vzajemne podatkovne zbirke SIRAnet, kjer smo pregledali sistemski dnevnik spletnega strežnika scopeArchiv Query. V drugi, kvalitativni raziskavi, katere osnovna metoda analize je bila analiza vsebine, smo pregledal izbrane domače in tuje arhivske podatkovne zbirke in izdelali naprej določeno kodno tabe-lo, na osnovi katere smo opravili analizo rezultatov. Raziskava je bila izvedena na javno dostopnih uporabniških vmesnikih, v 54 tujih arhivskih informacijskih sistemih in njihovih podatkovnih zbirkah. Velika večina obravnavanih sistemov (63 %) deluje na programskem orodju scopeArchiv, preostalih 37 % analiziranih arhivskih sistemov pa uporablja druge rešitve. Rezultati: Na osnovi ugotovitev omenjenih raziskav, smo brez dvoma utemeljili potrebo po izdelavi smernic za oblikovanje normativnih imen korporativnih teles, in jih tudi izdelali. Le te bodo uporabnikom zagotavljal uspešno poizvedovanje po arhivskem gradivu. Ključne besede: arhivi, normativni zapisi, korporativna telesa, gesljenje ABSTRACT Purpose: The author discusses the problems of creation of archival authority records for corporate bodies and presents the guidelines for their creation. Method/approach: In order to determine the need for the development of guidelines, we conducted a series of researches. The first research that analysed the Log Viewer of Scope Query Web Server focused on users and the use of Slovenian mutual database SIRAnet. In the second, qualitative research, which used content analysis as a primary method of data analysis, we examined selected domestic and foreign archival databases. We analysed the results according to predetermined coding. The research was conducted on a publicly accessible user interfaces in 54 foreign archival information systems and their databases. The vast majority of the analysed systems (63 %) works on the software tool scopeArchiv, the remaining 37 % of the analysed archival systems are using other solutions. Results: Based on the findings of these studies, we have certainly justify the need for preparation of the Guidelines for the design of archival authority records for corporate bodies. The final result of the research was the creation of the Guidelines, which will provide successful information retrieval for users Key words: archives, archival authority records, corporate bodies, creation of headings 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 368 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Matevž Košir Arhiv Republike Slovenije RAZVOJ SLOVENSKE ARHIVISTIKE IN NJENA PRELOMNA LETA DEVELOPMENT OF SLOVENIAN ARCHIVAL SCIENCE AND ITS TURNING POINTS IZVLEČEK V prvi polovici 19. stoletja se je vzpostavila povezava med zgodovinopisjem in arhivi. To je tudi pospe- šilo ločevanje starejšega gradiva in ustanavljanje posebnih arhivskih ustanov. Kranjski deželni arhiv je pričel z delom leta 1887, prvi ljubljanski mestni arhivar Anton Aškerc pa v mestnem arhivu leta 1898. Deželni arhiv v Ljubljani so leta 1926 preimenovali v Državnega, poleg Mestnega arhiva ljubljanskega, pa je bil leta 1933 ustanovljen še Banovinski arhiv v Mariboru. Imeli pa so komaj vsak po enega zaposlenega arhivarja. Dotedanji Državni arhiv pri Narodnem muzeju v Ljubljani je leta 1945 nasledil Arhiv Republike Slovenije, v letih 1955/56 seje začela v Sloveniji izgrajevati mreža regional-nih arhivov. Razvoj arhivistike je omogočil izdelavo sintetičnih del. Uvodna poglavja Sergija Vilfana v publikaciji 60 let Mestnega arhiva ljubljanskega (Ljubljana 1959), ki so nastala v času njegovega sodelovanja pri pripravi jugoslovanskega arhivskega priročnika Iz arhivistike (Državni arhiv Srbije, Beograd 1959) predstavljajo prvo sintezo arhivističnih preučevanj v Sloveniji. Prvi arhivski zakon v Sloveniji (Zakon o arhivskem gradivu in arhivih RS Slovenije) je bil sprejet leta 1966 in je omogočil izgradnjo arhivske mreže. Naslednjo razvojno stopnjo pomeni priročnik Arhivistika, ki je nastal kot skupno delo Sergija Vilfana in Jožeta Žontarja (1973). Gre za prvi in temeljni priročnik iz arhivistike. Oba avtorja sta sodelovala tudi v jugoslovanskem Priručniku iz arhivistike (Zagreb 1977). Sledil je še učbenik Arhivistika avtorja Jožeta Žontarja (1984). Razvoj vede je ustvaril osnovo, da je bila s šolskim letom 1978/79 arhivistika vpeljana na oddelku za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani. Profe-suro je prevzel dr. Žontar, ki mu je šlo nedvomno mesto prvega poklicnega strokovnjaka za moderno arhivistiko pri nas. Pestrost arhivskih dejavnosti in teoretičnih preučevanj pa se je nato vse bolj širila. Ključne besede: zgodovina arhivistike, Slovenija, razvoj arhivov ABSTRACT In the first half of the 19th century, a connection was established between historiography and archives. This also accelerated the separation of older material and the establishment of special archival institutions. The Carniola Provincial Archives began its work in 1887, and the first Ljubljana city archivist in 1898 was Anton Aškerc. In the 1926 the Provincial Archives were renamed in the State Archives. In addition to the City Archives of Ljubljana, the Banovina Archives in Maribor were established in 1933. However, they each had only one employed archivist. The former State Archives at the National Museum in Ljubljana succeeded the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia in 1945, and in 1955/56 a network of regional archives began to be built in Slovenia. The development of archival science made it possible to produce synthetic works. Sergij Vilfan's introductory chapters in the publication 60 Years of the City Archives of Ljubljana (1959), written during his participation in the preparation of the Yugoslav archival manual From Archival Science (1959), represent the first synthesis of archival studies in Slovenia. The first archival law in Slovenia was adopted in 1966 and enabled the construction of an archival network. The next stage of development is the manual Archival Science, which was created as a joint work of Sergij Vilfan and Jože Žontar (1973). It is the first and fundamental handbook of archiving. Both authors also participated in the Yugoslav Handbook of Archival Science (Zagreb 1977). A more recent work is the textbook Archival Science by Jože Žontar (1984). The development of science created the basis for the introduction of archival science at the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in the 1978/79 school year. The professorship was taken over by dr. Žontar, who undoubtedly won the position of the first professional expert in modern archiving in our country. Then the variety of archival activities and theoretical studies, was expanding. Key words: history of archival science, Slovenia, development of archives 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 369 Julijana Visočnik Nadškofijski arhiv Ljubljana ARHIVI IN ARHIVARJI V ANTIKI – PRIMER PETOVIONE ARCHIVES AND ARCHIVISTS IN ANTIQUITY - THE CASE OF PETOVIONE IZVLEČEK Arhivi so skozi zgodovino obstajali v vseh razvitih civilizacijah, kot njihov nepogrešljivi del. Po-mislimo samo na najstarejše kulture, ki so se razvile v Mezopotamiji ali na Hetite v Mali Aziji. Arhivi so veljali za zakladnice podatkov, a predvsem tistih, ki so omogočali normalno gospodarsko delovanje države in njenega davčnega sistema. V rimski državi obstoj arhivov (tabularium) nikakor ni sporen, njihovo poslanstvo pa je mogoče najti prav v nadaljevanju zgoraj omenjene tradicije. Na primeru Petovione je mogoče jasno predstaviti inštitucijo arhivov v pomembnem provincialnem mestu, ki je bilo sedež raznih uradov in služb. Na votivnih in nagrobnih spomeni-kih pa so dokumentirani arhivarji in drug (pomožni) arhivski personal, ki je praviloma sicer res sodil v najnižji družbeni sloj (sužnji), a bil obenem med najbolj izobraženimi. Ključne besede: Rimska država, Petoviona, arhivi, arhivarji ABSTRACT Throughout history, archives have existed as an indispensable feature of all developed civilisa-tions—we have only to think of the oldest cultures which developed in Mesopotamia or of the Hit-tites in Asia Minor. Archives were considered the treasuries of information, primarily that which enabled the normal economic operation of states and their tax systems. The existence of archives (tabularium) in the Roman Empire is not disputable in any way and their purpose can be found in the continuation of the above-mentioned tradition. The case of Poetovio can clearly present the institution of archives in an important provincial town, which was the seat of various offices and services. On votive and funerary monuments, archivists and other (auxiliary) archival personnel are documented who were generally part of the lowest social class (slaves), yet were at the same time also among the most educated. Keywords: Roman Empire, Poetovio, archives, archivists 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 370 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Lucija Planinc, Gregor Jenuš, Primož Tanko, Jasmina Kogovšek, Žarko Štrumbl, Alenka Starman Alič, Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič Arhiv Republike Slovenije MATERIALNO VARSTVO IN UPORABA KATASTRSKIH NAČRTOV NA STEKLU IN PLASTIČNIH FOLIJAH V DIGITALNEM ČASU PRESERVATION AND USE OF CADASTRAL MAPS ON GLASS AND POLYESTER IN THE DIGITAL AGE IZVLEČEK: V arhivskih fondih in zbirkah se gradivo nahaja lahko v najrazličnejših oblikah in na najrazlič- nejših nosilcih, ki imajo vsak svoje zahteve glede materialnega varstva, rokovanja in uporabe. Negativi katastrskih načrtov na steklu in poliestrskih folijah, so poseben izziv. Avtorji v prispevku predstavljajo materialno ureditev kot del celostnega pristopa ureditve katastrskih načrtov Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije, ki jih hrani osrednji slovenski arhiv. Dolgoročna rešitev za dostopnost predstavljenega gradiva je tako bila njegova celostna ureditev. Ta je vključevala natančen popis gradiva, konservatorsko-restavratorske posege in njegovo digitalizacijo. V tem prispevku je podrobno predstavljen konservatorsko restavratorski poseg in materialna ureditev gradiva, v drugem prispevku, prav tako objavljenim v tej publikaciji, pa je predstavljen popis gradiva in proces digitalizacije Ključne besede: Kataster, fotografsko gradivo, negativi, steklo, poliester, folije, konserviranje, restavriranje, digitalizacija, uporaba ABSTRACT: Archival holdings and funds contain archival records of various forms and in various materials, each of which has its own requirements for material protection, handling and use. An example of an interesting archivalia are negatives of cadastral maps on glass (glasplates) and polyester. The authors of the contribution present a comprehensive approach in the arrangement of cadastral maps of the Survey and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia on glass and polyester, managed by the Slovenian National Archives. The only long-term solution for the usability of these archival records was a comprehensive approach and its re-arrangement.. This included a detailed inventory of the records, conservation treatments and its digitalisation. This paper presents the preservation and conservation of the fragile archivalia, while the second one, also published in this volume, presents the inventory and the digitization of the records. Key words: description of archival records, conservation, restoration, digitization, metadata, negatives on glass and polyester, cadastral maps 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 371 Gregor Jenuš, Lucija Planinc, Jasmina Kogovšek, Alenka Starman Alič, Primož Tanko, Žarko Štrumbl, Jedert Vodopivec Tomažič Ministrstvo za kulturo, Arhiv Republike Slovenije DIGITALIZACIJA ZEMLJIŠKO KATASTRSKIH NAČRTOV NA STEKLU IN POLIESTRSKIH FOLIJAH DIGITIZATION OF CADASTRAL MAPS ON GLASS AND POLYESTER IZVLEČEK Namen: Kot zapuščina naše preteklosti se gradivo hrani v najrazličnejših oblikah in nosilcih. Glede na njegovo pojavno obliko to ni le izziv za njegove uporabnike, ampak v prvi vrsti tudi za arhive, ki morajo zagotoviti njegovo trajno varstvo in uporabnost njegovih informacij. Primer zanimive arhivalije predstavljajo negativi katastrskih načrtov na steklu in poliestrskih folijah. Avtorji v prispevku predstavljajo njihovo popisovanje in postopke digitalizacije, ki so potrebni, da arhivalija na tem krhkem nosilcu najde svojo pot v digitalno dobo. Metoda/pristop: Okvirje pretvorbe arhivskega gradiva iz analogne (tj. fizične oblike) v digitalno obliko določa slovenska arhivska zakonodaja. Avtorji predstavljajo izzive, s katerimi se arhivisti soočajo pri pripravi in izvedbi projektov digitalizacij, saj je moč zaznati razkorak med zakonskimi zahtevami in prenosom le-teh v prakso. Kot edini pravi način, da zagotovimo zakonsko skladno digitalizacijo, se je izkazala poskusna digitalizacija, v kateri »tehtamo« najbolj optimalno razmerje med vhodno-izhodnimi podatki. Rezultati: Avtorji se v prispevku posvetijo popisovanju arhivskega gradiva, kontrolnemu seznamu za digitalizacijo in končnemu rezultatu pretvorbe iz analogne v digitalno obliko. Opozarjajo na izzive, s katerimi se srečujemo pri pripravi in izvajanju digitalizacije; še posebno v primerih, ko digitalizacije gradiva na nevsakdanjem nosilcu. Prikazana digitalizacija predstavlja primer dobre prakse, ki je lahko osnova za nadaljnje raziskave in podobne projekte digitalizacije. Prispevek je smiselni zaključek celostne ureditve gradiva negativov katastrskih načrtov na steklu in poliestrskih folijah, ki je vključeval materialno ureditev in konservatorsko-restavratorske posege, predstavljene v posebnem prispevku tega zbornika. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Med teorijo in prakso je pogosto velik razkorak. Napredek informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij in zahtev uporabnikov je v ospredje postavil srž problema – arhivisti se moramo prilagajati hibridni dobi nastajanja in rokovanja z gradivom v analogni in digitalni obliki, kar zahteva naše stalno izobraževanje in pridobivanje dodatnih kompetenc. Ključne besede: popisovanje arhivskega gradiva, digitalizacija, metapodatki, negativi na steklu in poliestrskih folijah, katastrski načrti 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 372 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: As a legacy of our past, archival records occur in a variety of forms and media. Depending on their “appearance”, archival records present not only a challenge for the users, but especially for archival institutions, who must ensure not only their permanent protection, but also the accessibility of their information. An example of an interesting archivalia are negatives of cadastral maps on glass (glasplates) and polyester. The paper present the description and digitization proceedings that are necessary to ensure that this fragile archivalia find its way in to the digital age. Method/approach: The framework for the conversion of archival records from its analog (i.e. physical) in to a digital form is determined by the Slovenian archival legislation. The authors present the challenges faced by archivists in the preparation and execution of digitization projects, as there is a gap between the requirements set by the archival legislation and the implementation of the law. The only correct way to digitize this interesting archivalia is through trial and error in the pre-digitization stages in which the digitization parameters are determined and therefore legally compliant results are achieved. Results: The authors focus on the description of archival records, the checklist for digitization and the outcome of the conversion from analog to digital form. They point out the problems and challenges faced in the preparation and implementation of digitization, especially in cases of the digitization of archival records on an unusual medium. The presented digitization represents an example of good practice, which can be the basis for further research and similar digitization. The article is a conclusion of the comprehensive re-arrangement of the negatives of the cadastral plans on glass and polyester foils, which included the material re-arrangement and conservation-restoration interventions, which are presented in a separate article in this publication. Conclusions/findings: There is often a large gap between theory and practice. Advances in information-communication technologies and the requirements of our users have brought to the forefront the core of the problem - archivists need to adapt to the hybrid age of creating and handling archival records in physical and digital form, which makes it necessary to educate ourselves and acquire additional competencies for our daily work. Key words: description of archival records, conservation, digitization, metadata, negatives on glass and polyester, cadastral maps 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 373 Boštjan Dornik Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center, Maribor RAZVOJ TELEVIZIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE IN VPLIV NA TELEVIZIJSKO ARHIVIRANJE DEVELOPMENT OF TELEVISION TECHNOLOGY AND IMPACT ON TELEVISION ARCHIVING IZVLEČEK Namen: Hiter razvoj tehnologije je v zadnjem obdobju doprinesel k spremembam dojemanja družbe kot modernega sistema. Razvoj televizijske tehnologije se ne kaže zgolj v sprejemanju novih televizijskih vsebin, ampak tudi v delovanju televizijskega sistema kot celote. Eden izmed elementov tega sistema je tudi televizijski arhiv. V raziskavi želimo prikazati na kakšen način televizijska tehnologija vpliva na televizijski sistem ter posledično na arhiv kot njegov del. Tehnologija naj bi namreč krojila delovanje televizijskega arhiva izključno v obdobju t. i. digitalne televizije, nas pa zanima predvsem zgodovinski vidik oz. kakšen je bil vpliv na delovanje arhiva skozi različne stopnje razvoja televizijske tehnologije. Metoda / pristop: Z metodo deskripcije smo opisali nastanek in razvoj televizijske tehnologije od nastanka do danes, z induktivno metodo raziskali vpliv tehnologije na televizijsko arhiviranje. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili tudi izkustveno metodo. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da tehnologija že od samih začetkov televizije pomembno vpliva na način in proces arhiviranja televizijskega gradiva. Ta vpliv se je v času elektronskega arhiviranja še dodatno povečal. Vzrok je na eni strani potrebno iskati v razvoju televizijske tehnologije ter z njim povezanimi arhivskimi sistemi, na drugi strani pa na to pomembno vpliva tudi umeš- čenost televizijskega arhiva v samo shemo televizijskega sistema. Zaradi vpliva novih tehnologij se je namreč arhiv z mesta, ki je predstavljal zadnjo postajo proizvodnega procesa, premaknil na njegovo sredino. Sklepi / ugotovitve: Arhiviranje televizijske produkcije je močno vpeto v televizijski sistem in zaradi tega odvisno od tehnoloških sprememb. Kljub temu pa je potrebno raziskati, na kakšen način se lahko televizijski arhiv ponovno vrne na svoje mesto v proizvodnem procesu in ponovno prevzame vlogo na koncu proizvodnje linije. Umeščenost televizijskega arhiva na sredino pro-dukcijskega procesa, ki je posledica tehnološkega napredka, povzroča izgubo pomembnih podatkov, ki nastanejo, še preden se televizijsko gradivo posreduje gledalcem. Ključne besede: tehnološki razvoj, televizijska tehnologija, televizijski sistem, arhiviranje televizijskega gradiva, vpliv tehnologije. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 374 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: Rapid technological development has recently contributed to change perception of modern society. Television technological improvements are seen in new television contents and in changed production elements. One of them is also television archive. It seems that only digital era has influenced changes in archive, but we will demonstrate that whole history of television technology (analog included) has somehow changed it. The research question of presented paper is how some television technological improvements influenced activities in television archive during its history. Method/approach: We used description method to outline origins and development of television technology from its beginning to present days. We investigated influence of technology on television archive with inductive and experimental research methods. Results: Research shows that technology has influenced archiving process from its beginning. Technological impact increased after introduction of electronic archive. Main reasons for that were new electronic archiving systems and changes in archiving process. Archive that was at its beginning stand apart system gradually became more involved in production processes. Conclusions/findings: Television archive becomes more and more integrated in television production processes. That makes it more dependent to technological changes. Integration sometimes causes loss of important data that must be archived. That is why it has to be reconsidered the actual position of television archive in production processes. Key words: technological progress, television technology, television system, archiving of television material, impact of technology 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 375 Nežika Erzetič Drnovšek Alma Mater Europea - Evropski center, Maribor DIGITALNA HRAMBA ZDRAVSTVENE DOKUMENTACIJE – PRIMERJAVA CERTIFICIRANIH E-REPOZITORIJEV S TEHNOLOGIJO VERIŽENJA BLOKOV DIGITAL STORAGE OF MEDICAL RECORDS - CERTIFIED E-REPOSITORY OR BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY? IZVLEČEK Namen: V prispevku bi radi predstavili dva različna načina hrambe zdravstvene dokumentacije pacientov: tehnologijo veriženja blokov in e-repozitorije. Razmišljamo, na katerih delih zakonodaje o varstvu osebnih podatkov moramo biti še posebej pozorni za uvedbo tehnologije veriženje blokov, saj so nekateri strokovnjaki na področju tehnologije veriženja blokov v dvomih, da je to metodo možno izpeljati skladno z zakonodajo. Metoda/pristop: S komparativno metodo smo primerjali dva različna načina digitalnih hramb zdravstvene dokumentacije pacientov in sicer digitalno hrambo v e-repozitoriju in hrambo s po-močjo tehnologije veriženja blokov. Rezultati: Z digitalnim načinom vodenja zdravstvene dokumentacije pacientov je delo zdravstvenega osebja lažje, kvalitetnejše, varnejše, bistveno hitrejše, pacienti so pa deležni kakovostnejšega in hitrejšega pregleda. Pacienti lažje dostopajo do svoje zdravstvene dokumentacije na povsem varen način. Oba načina hrambe, ki ju v prispevku opisujem sta skladna z zakonodajo o varstvu osebnih podatkov. Sklep: Spremenjen način hrambe medicinske dokumentacije spremeni marsikateri ustaljeni proces dela v zdravstvenem sistemu. S transparentnim načinom obravnave pacienta se preiska-ve ne podvajajo, z avtentično revizijsko sledjo se zniža možnost neupravičene obdelave podatkov pacientov, z enostavno in hitro dostopnimi podatki o pacientu postane obravnava pacienta krajša, hitrejša in kakovostnejša, za zdravstveni sistem pa to predstavlja finančni prihranek in razbremenitev osebja. Ključne besede: tehnologija veriženja blokov, osebni podatki posebne vrste, GDPR, certificiran e-repozitorij 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 376 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: In this article, we would like to present two different ways of storing patients' medical records: e-repositories and blockchain technology. We consider which parts of personal data protection legislation we need to pay particular attention to the introduction of blockchain technology, as some experts in blockchain technology have doubt that this method can be carried through in accordance with the law. Methode/approach: Using a comparative method, we compared two different ways of digital storage of patients' health records: digital storage in an e-repository and storage with the help of blockchain technology. Results: With the digital way of managing patients' medical records, the work of medical staff is easier, of better quality, safer, significantly faster, and patients receive a better and faster examination. Patients find it easier to access their medical records in a completely secure way. Both methods of storage, which I describe in the article, are in accordance with the legislation on personal data protection. Conclusions/findings: The changed way of storage medical records changes many established work processes in the healthcare system. With a transparent way of treating the patient, medical examinations are not duplicated, with an authentic audit trail the possibility of unjustified processing of patient data is reduced, with easily and quickly accessible patient data the patient's treatment becomes shorter, faster and better, and for the health system this represents financial savings and relieving medical staff. Key words: blockchain technology, special type personal data, GDPR, certified e-repository, special categories of personal data 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 377 Luka Hribar Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor UMETNA INTELIGENCA: ZNAČILNOSTI, NA KATERE MORAMO BITI POZORNI PRI UPORABI REŠITEV, KI TEMELJIJO NA STROJNEM UČENJU ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: FEATURES TO LOOK OUT FOR WHEN USING MACHINE LEARNING-BASED SOLUTIONS IZVLEČEK Namen: Orisati želimo zgodovinski razvoj, pojavnost in značilnosti umetne inteligence (UI), nakazati priložnosti rabe ter ugotoviti morebitne zadrege pri uporabi v povezavi z muzejskim ali arhivskim gradivom. Metoda/pristop: Z uporabo deskriptivne in komparativne metode bomo preučili primarne in sekundarne vire v znanstveni in strokovni literaturi predvsem s področja informacijskih znanosti in arhivistike. Osredotočili se bomo na nevronske mreže, ki so ena izmed metod strojnega učenja, ter jih tudi praktično preizkusili na primerih transformacije gradiva. Rezultati: V skoraj 70-letni zgodovini razvoja UI kot znanstvene discipline je bilo največ napredka na področju aplikativnih rešitev doseženega v zadnjih desetih letih, ko je zmogljivost tehnologije dovolj narasla, da je uporaba UI uspešno prešla s področja idealiziranih in poenostavljenih primerov k realnim (sicer še vedno ozko domenskim) primerom. Rezultati praktičnega preizkusa obarvanja črno-belih slik s pomočjo generativnih nasprotniških mrež (angl. Generative adversarial networks – GAN) so potrdili: (1) da so razmeroma uspešne pri obarvanju slik, ki so podobne tistim v učnih podatkih; (2) njihova prepričljivost strmo upada, če morajo obdelati (sicer podobno) gradivo, ki pa v učnih podatkih ni bilo zajeto. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Verjetno bomo nekatere rešitve oz. modele UI, ki temeljijo na metodah strojnega učenja najemali, kot oblačne storitve, skupaj s predhodno naučenim znanjem. Poskrbeti bo potrebno: (1) za mehanizme preverjanja učnih podatkov zaradi nadzora morebitne vsebovane pristranskosti; (2) za ocenjevanje primernosti učnih podatkov za izbrani namen; (3) za načine izvedbe nadaljnjega učenja z lastnimi primeri, ki ne bodo negativno vplivali na delovanje rešitve. Vprašanja prevelikega zaupanje v UI, globokih ponaredkov, odgovornosti in etike UI ter bodoče vloge človeka v procesih, kjer je in bo prisotna UI, ostajajo še odprta. Ključne besede: umetna inteligenca, strojno učenje, nevronske mreže, obdelava slik, muzeji, arhivi 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 378 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: To outline the historical development, appearance and characteristics of artificial intelligence (AI), to indicate the opportunities for use and identify possible setbacks in use in connection with museum or archival material. Method/approach: Using a descriptive and comparative method, primary and secondary sources in the scientific and professional literature were examined, especially in the field of information sciences and archiving. This paper focuses on neural networks, one of the methods of machine learning. We also test neural networks in practice on examples of image material transformation. Results: In the almost 70-year history of the development of AI as a scientific discipline, most significant progress in the form of applicable solutions has been achieved in the last ten years, as technology advanced enough for the use of AI to move from idealized and simplified cases to real (otherwise still narrow-domain) cases. The results of a practical test of coloring black and white images with the help of Generative adversarial networks (GAN) confirmed: (1) that they are relatively successful in coloring images that are similar to those in the learning data; (2) their abilities sharply declines if they have to process (otherwise similar) material that was not included in the learning data. Conclusions / Findings: It is likely that some AI solutions based on machine learning methods will be used as cloud services along with previously learned knowledge. Efforts should be made: (1) to develop mechanisms for verifying learning data to control any bias involved; (2) to assess the suitability of learning data for the chosen purpose; (3) for ways of carrying out further learning with own examples, which will not negatively affect the functioning of the solution. The issues of overconfidence in AI, deep fakes, responsibility and ethics of AI, and the future role of man in the processes where AI is and will be present, remain open. Key words: artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, image processing, museums, archives 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 379 Aleksander Lavrenčič Radiotelevizija Slovenija IZKUŠNJE DOKUMENTALISTOV RAZISKOVALCEV PRI DELU OD DOMA EXPERIENCES OF TELEVISION LIBRARIANS (DOCUMENTALIST RESEARCHERS) AT WORKING FROM HOME IZVLEČEK Namen: Namen raziskave je pregled trimesečnega dela dokumentalista raziskovalca od doma, predstavitev težav, ki so se pojavile pri delu od doma dokumentalistov raziskovalcev. Cilj raziskave je odpravljanje težav, ki se pojavljajo pri delu od doma, kar omogoča bolj kakovostno delo v prihodnosti in večji izkoristek zmogljivosti. Metoda: Primerjali smo starejši članek, ki je opozoril na priložnosti dela od doma, s praktičnimi izkušnjami v letu 2020. Opravili smo intervju z avtorjem članka osem let pozneje. Izvedli smo anketo med zaposlenimi v televizijskem arhivu. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da so delodajalci neupravičeno zanemarjali oziroma odklanjali delo zaposlenih od doma. Delo od doma se je pokazalo bolj učinkovito kot čakanje v prvem delu epidemije, ko delodajalci še niso izkoristili vseh priložnosti, ki jih lahko izkoristijo pri omogočanju dela od doma zaposlenim. Delodajalci še vedno tudi niso našli zadovoljive oblike za delo od doma za vse zaposlene. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Pričakovano je, da bodo uspešni rezultati, ki so jih dosegli delavci pri delu od doma povečali obseg te oblike dela v prihodnosti tako v matičnih delovnih organizacijah, kot tudi pri delu izven delovnega časa, izobraževanju, udeležbah na medmrežnih konferencah in koristnem preživljanju prostega časa s povečanim številom ogledom kulturno-umetniških in izobraževalnih dogodkov. Ključne besede: delo od doma, arhivi, avdiovizualni arhivi, Radiotelevizija Slovenija, množične in nalezljive bolezni ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the research is to review the three-month work of the librarians at television archives with their work from home and to present the problems that have arisen at their work from home. The aim of the research is to eliminate the problems that arise at working from home, which enables better quality work in the future and greater capacity utilization. Methode/approach: We compared an older article that pointed to opportunities to work from home with practical experiences in 2020. We conducted an interview with the author of the article eight years later. We conducted a survey among employees at the television archives. Results: The results showed that employers unjustifiably neglected or rejected work of employees from home. Working from home has proven to be more effective than waiting at home in the first wave of epidemy, when employers haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities of the work from home. A satisfactory form of work from home is still haven't found for all employees. Conclusions/findings: It's expected that the successful results that were achieved by workers from work from home, will increase the scope of this form of work in the future. This can be expected in work organizations as well as in the work outside working hours, education, participation at online conferences and useful leisure time with an increased number of visits to cultural, artistic and educational events. Key words: work from home, archives, audiovisual archives, Radiotelevizija Slovenija, mass and infectious diseases 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 380 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tina Plevnik Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor SINTEZA ZAHTEV ZA ARHIVIRANJE ELEKTRONSKIH ZAPISOV V OKOLJU DOBRIH PRAKS SYNTHESIS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR ARCHIVING OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS IN A GXP ENVIRONMENT IZVLEČEK Namen: Skoraj vsaka dejavnost dobrih praks v farmacevtskem podjetju ustvari neko obliko elektronskih zapisov. V raziskavi sem preučila pomen ustreznega arhiviranja elektronskih zapisov in identificirala zahteve za arhiviranje, ki jih farmacevtskim podjetjem nalagajo predpisi in smernice dobrih praks. Končni cilj raziskave je bilo oblikovanje celovitega seznama zahtev za arhiviranje elektronskih zapisov v okolju dobrih praks. Metoda/Pristop: Z metodo analize vsebine izbrane literature sem podrobno preučila in analizirala predpise in smernice dobrih praks v farmacevtski industriji. Osredotočila sem se na segmen-te, ki se nanašajo na arhiviranje elektronskih zapisov. Z metodo primerjave ugotovitev in metodo njihove sinteze sem oblikovala seznam zahtev za arhiviranje elektronskih zapisov. Rezultati: Farmacevtska podjetja morajo zagotavljati popolnost in natančnost zapisov v njihovem celotnem življenjskem ciklu, saj podatki in njihova dokumentacija določajo kakovost, varnost in učinkovitost izdelkov podjetja. V skladu s predpisi in smernicami morajo biti zapisi stalno dostopni, zagotoviti je treba njihovo varnost, ohraniti avtentičnost, celovitost, berljivost vsebine in integriteto podatkov, določiti posameznike odgovorne za arhive, pripraviti načrte neprekinjenega poslovanja itd. S širjenjem elektronskih sistemov je postalo izpolnjevanje zahtev glede integritete podatkov bolj zapleteno. Sklep/ugotovitve: Neustrezno arhiviranje zapisov in kršitve integritete podatkov lahko povzro- čijo probleme z regulatornimi organi in negativno vplivajo na ugled podjetja ter imajo lahko za posledico tudi izjavo o neskladnosti, opozorilna pisma in poslovno škodo. Farmacevtska podjetja morajo imeti ustrezne sisteme in procese za dolgoročno hrambo elektronskih zapisov. Ključne besede: elektronski zapisi, dokumentacija, arhiviranje, dobre prakse, farmacija 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 381 ABSTRACT Purpose: Almost every GxP activity at a pharmaceutical company generates some form of electronic records. In the research I examined the importance of appropriate electronic records archiving and identified the requirements imposed on pharmaceutical companies by legislation and GxP guidelines. The main goal of the research was to prepare a comprehensive list of requirements for archiving of electronic records in a GxP environment. Method/Approach: Using the content analysis method of selected literature, I studied and analysed in detail the regulations and GxP guidelines in the pharmaceutical industry. I focused on the segments related to electronic record archiving. Using the comparative method and the synthesis method, I prepared a list of requirements for archiving of electronic records. Results: Pharmaceutical companies must ensure the completeness and accuracy of records throughout their life cycle, as data and their documentation determine the quality, safety, and effectiveness of company’s products. In accordance with regulations and guidelines, records must be permanently accessible, their security must be ensured, the authenticity, integrity, readabil-ity of content and data integrity must be maintained, individuals responsible for archives must be identified, business continuity plans must be prepared etc. With the proliferation of electronic systems, meeting data integrity requirements has become more complex. Conclusion/Findings: Inadequate archiving of records and breaches of data integrity can cause problems with regulatory authorities and negatively affect a company’s reputation and can also result in a declaration of non-compliance, warning letters and business damage. Pharmaceutical companies must therefore have appropriate systems and processes for the long-term storage of electronic records. Keywords: electronic records, documentation, archiving, GxP, pharmacy 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 382 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Dimitrij Reja Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor UMETNA INTELIGENCA V SLUŽBI ARHIVISTIKE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE SERVICE OF ARCHIVING IZVLEČEK Namen: Pregledati in ugotoviti konkretne načine uporabe umetne inteligence v arhivistiki. Metoda/pristop: Pregled zadnjih objavljenih člankov na področju umetne inteligence in arhivskih znanosti. Rezultati: Pregled konkretnih primerov uporabe umetne inteligence ter njihova dejansko uporaba z vsemi prednostmi in slabostmi. Sklepi/ugotovitve: V procesu vrednotenja arhivskega gradiva nam umetna inteligenca ali orodja, ki jih uporabljalo pri različnih postopki znatno pripomorejo. Ključne besede: umetna inteligenca, globoko učenje, naravni proces učenja, arhivske znanosti ABSTRACT Purpose: Review and identification artificilal methods of use archiving. Methode/approach: A review of the latest published articles in the field of artificial intelligence intelligence and archival sciences. Results: An overview of concrete examples of the use of artificial intelligence and their actual use with all the advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions/findings: In the process of evaluating archival material, the artificial intelligence or tools used in various procedures help us significantly. Key words: artificial intelligence, deep learning, natural learning process, archival sciences 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 383 Špela Sečnik Mestni muzej Krško ANALIZA VSEBINE IZBRANIH POPISNIH ENOT V PODATKOVNI ZBIRKI SIRANET CONTENT ANALYSIS OF A SAMPLE OF ARCHIVAL DESCRIPTIONS IN SIRANET BROWSER IZVLEČEK Namen: V arhivski znanosti se za popisovanje arhivskega gradiva uporablja standard ISADg2, ki arhivistom narekuje obvezne elemente popisa, med katerimi pa ni vsebine. Področje elementov popisovanja ureja tudi UVDAG iz leta 2017, ki v 60. členu navaja obvezne elemente popisovanja, med katerimi prav tako ni vsebine. Slednja je za raziskovalca, poleg naslova in datacije pomembna, saj mu nudi delen vpogled v vsebino arhivske škatle in samo gradivo. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti doslednost pri upoštevanju standarda in pri opisu, sicer neobveznega elementa popisa, vsebine ter izpostaviti problematiko, ki ob tem nastaja. Predpostavljali smo, da pregledani zapisi vsebujejo vse obvezne elemente popisa, nekoliko manj pa je popis dosleden pri vsebini. Zanimalo nas je koliko popisov je skladnih s standardom in kako so posamezni elementi popisa oblikovani. Metoda/pristop: Uporabljena je bila metoda analiza vsebine, vzorec pa je sestavljalo 494 zapisov iz podatkovne baze SIRAnet. Analizirali smo naslednje elemente popisa: signatura, naslov, nivo popisa, datum in vsebina; znotraj naslova še zadevo, pojavno obliko, datum, kraj, osebo/ korporativno telo, znotraj vsebine pa osebo/korporativno telo, kraj, pojavno obliko gradiva, datum, obseg popisne enote in podroben opis vsebine. Rezultati: Med najpomembnejše ugotovitve spada dejstvo, da je odstotek zapisov z navedbo vsebine relativno nizek (67, 8 %), ostali elementi pa se dosledno uporabljajo (vsaj 98 %). Sklepi/ugotovitve: Najbolj zaskrbljujoče je dejstvo, da se element popisa vsebina pojavlja le pri 2/3 analiziranih zapisov. Zapis brez vsebine je lahko za raziskovalca neuporaben in posledično se gradivo ne uporabi, kljub temu, da bi se njegova uporabnost v praksi izkazala za relevantno. Ključne besede: popis arhivskega gradiva, analiza vsebine, ISADg2, SIRAnet, vsebina 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 384 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: For the purpose of describing archival records, archival science uses standard ISADg2. It defines 6 mandatory elements of description, but content is not one of them. Beside the standard, Decree on the protection of documentary and archive material (UVDAG, 2017) also defines rules for archival description, but content is not defined as a mandatory element of description. However, content is an important information for a researcher (along with title and date), since it offers him a partial insight into archival records. The purpose of this research is to define the consistency of compliance with the ISADg2 standard when describing archival records, especially the elements 'title' and 'content'. We assume, that all of the archival descriptions from chosen sample include all mandatory elements of archival description, but only some include the element 'content'. Also, we were interested in the quality of the description and their consistency with the ISADg2 standard. Method/approach: For the purpose of conducted research, the content analysis method was used. The sample consisted of 494 archival descriptions from SIRAnet browser. We analysed these elements of archival description: reference code, title, level of description, date of creation and content; the element title was furthermore examined – we took a more detailed insight into subject, type of archival record, date, location, corporate body/person; also, the element content was furthermore examined – we were interested in corporate body/person, location, type of archival record, date, extent of the unit of description and detailed content description. Results: Among the most important findings is the fact, that the percentage of archival descriptions with described element content is relatively low (67, 8 %), nevertheless other elements of description were more or less included (at least 98 %). Conclusions/Findings: The fact that worries the most is that the element of description content is present in only 2/3 of archival descriptions from the sample. An archival description without the element content can be useless and therefore archival record is not being used, but it could in fact be relevant to someone’s research. Key words: archival description, content analysis, ISADg2, SIRAnet, content 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 385 Manja Konkolič Alma Mater Europaea ASPEKTI ZAŠČITE OBČUTLJIVIH OSEBNIH PODATKOV V ARHIVSKEM GRADIVU SLOVENSKE OBVEŠČEVALNE SLUŽBE ASPECTS OF PROTECTION OF SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE SLOVENIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE IZVLEČEK Namen: Namen prispevka je preučiti in predstaviti način zaščite občutljivih osebnih podatkov, ki nastaja pri ustvarjalcu arhivskega gradiva, torej v slovenski obveščevalno-varnosti agenciji. Metoda/pristop: Uporabljen je sistematičen pregled obstoječe znanstvene in strokovne literature ter metoda kvalitativne analize besedil in interpretacija iz strokovne in znanstvene literature. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Ugotovitve kažejo, da je pri specifičnem delu, kot je obveščevalno-varnostna služba, varovanje osebnih občutljivih podatkov izjemnega pomena. S takšnimi podatki je potrebno posebej skrbno ravnati, saj v nasprotnem lahko pride do zlorab. Prispevek predstavlja raziskovalcem in praktikom opombo, kako pomembna je zaščita osebnih občutljivih podatkov. Ključne besede: občutljivi osebni podatki, varovanje, arhivi, obveščevalno-varnostna služba ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine and present the methos of protection of sensitive personal data created by the creator of the archival material, in the Slovenian Intelligence and Securuty Agency. Method/approach: A systematic review of the existing scientific and professional literature is used, as well as a method of qualitative analysis of texts and interpretations from the professional and scientific literature. Conclusions/findings: The findings show that the protection of personal sensitive data is of paramount importance in specifc work, such as intelligence and security. Such data must be handled with special care, otherwise abuse may occur. The paper is a reminder to researchers and practitioners of the importance of protecting sensitive data. Key words: sensitive personal data, security, archives, intelligence and security service 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 386 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Miroslav Milovanović Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center, Maribor PROMOCIJA ARHIVSKE ZNANOSTI PROMOTING ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IZVLEČEK Namen: Namen članka je predstaviti področje marketinga, oziroma ožje, pristop k promociji arhivske znanosti ter predstaviti nekaj osnovnih kanalov promocije in kriterije za izbiro promocijskih kanalov, ki jih lahko avtor znanstveno raziskovalnega dela na področju arhivistike uporabi za promoviranje svojih del oziroma sebe kot avtorja. Metoda/pristop: V članku je uporabljena metoda analiza vsebine. Raziskani so bili različni pristopi za promocijo znanstveno raziskovalnih del na področju arhivistike v povezavi z aktualno dobro prakso ter razvojem marketinga in promocije glede na uporabo različnih promocijskih kanalov. Rezultati: Predstavljeni koncepti in pristopi k promociji znanstveno raziskovalnih del na podro- čju arhivistike kažejo na to, da je potrebno k promociji pristopiti organizirano in celovito, predvsem pa z jasnimi cilji kaj želimo s promocijo doseči in na kakšen način bomo to dosegli. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Članek omogoča pregled osnovnih možnosti, ki jih ima avtor znanstveno raziskovalnih dela za promocijo svojih del, način in pristop kako izvesti promocijo ter kriterije na katere je smiselno, da smo pozorni pri izbiri različnih kanalov za promocijo. Ključne besede: promocija, znanstveno raziskovalno delo, kanali promocije, učinkovitost promocije, arhivska znanost. ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present marketing concepts and an approach to a promotion of archival science with presentation of some basic promotion channels and criteria for selecting promotional channels that the author of scientific research in the field of archiving can use to promote his work or himself as an author. Method/Approach: The article uses the content analysis method. The article shows different approaches for the promotion of scientific research works in the field of archiving in connection with current good practice and the development of marketing and promotion with regard to the use of various promotional channels. Results: The presented concepts and approaches to the promotion of scientific research in the field of archiving show that it is necessary to approach the promotion in an organized and comprehensive manner, and above all with clear goals of what we want to achieve with promotion and how to achieve it. Conclusion/Findings: The article provides an overview of the basic possibilities that the author of scientific research works has for the promotion of his works, the way and approach of how to carry out promotion and the criteria on which it makes sense to pay attention when choosing different channels for promotion. Key words: promotion, scientific research, promotion channels, promotion effectiveness, archival science. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 387 Urška Rok Alma Mater Europaea RAZSTAVA ZGODOVINSKEGA ARHIVA EU »EVROPA IN EVROPEJCI 1950–2020: 70. OBLETNICA SCHUMANOVE DEKLARACIJE« EXHIBITION OF HISTORICAL ARCHIVES OF EU "EUROPE AND THE EUROPEANS 1950-2020: 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SCHUMAN DECLARATION" IZVLEČEK Namen: Evropska unija je leta 2020 praznovala 70. obletnico Schumanove deklaracije. Minilo je sedemdeset let, odkar je francoski zunanji minister Robert Schuman 9. maja 1950 predstavil de-klaracijo, ki upravičuje ustanovitev Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo, ki postavlja temelje današnje Evropske unije. Evropsko skupnost za premog in jeklo so leta 1951 ustanovile naslednje države: Francija, Zaho-dna Nemčija, Italija, Nizozemska, Belgija in Luksemburg. Vendar bi se lahko pridružile tudi druge države, če bi želele biti del te skupnosti. V skladu z izjavo je bila Skupnost ustanovljena za zagotovitev trajnega miru med državami članicami in s tem preprečitev nove vojne, potem ko je druga svetovna vojna Evropo spravila na kolena. Metode/pristop: Zgodovinski arhiv je za pripravo Schumanove razstave uporabil različne vrste arhivskega gradiva. Ta članek predstavlja predstavitev znanstvenega dela, ki ga izvaja HAEU, in analizo literature, ki je dostopna na spletu. Rezultati: Zgodovinski arhiv Evropske Unije (HAEU) je za obletnico Schumanove deklaracije organiziral razstavo "Evropa in Evropejci 1950 > 2020: 70. obletnica Schumanove deklaracije. "Obi-skovalec razstave je spodbujan k potovanju skozi evropsko zgodovino, ki se razvije v dve ločeni, a medsebojno povezani poti. Prvo pot vodijo ključni stavki Deklaracije, ki dajejo naslov petim tematskim sklopom. Druga pot omogoča srečanje z ljudmi, ki so bili vključeni v proces evropske integracije. Z obiskovalcem delijo svoje razmisleke o tem, kaj pomeni biti Evropejec/Evropejska v dialogu med preteklostjo in sedanjostjo. Zaključek/ugotovitve: Celotna razstava je opremljena s QR kodami, ki obiskovalcu omogočajo dostop do avdio in vizualnih vsebin. Razstava je bila s pomočjo zunanjih sodelavcev prevedena v več evropskih jezikov in je v elektronski obliki na voljo na spletni strani HAEU. Ključne besede: Schumanova deklaracija, Evropska Unija, Zgodovinski arhiv Evropske Unije, obletnica, razstava 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 388 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: In 2020, the European Union celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. Seventy years have passed since French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented a declaration on 9 May 1950 justifying the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community, laying the foundations for today's European Union. The European Coal and Steel Community has been set up in 1951 by the following countries: France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. However, other states that wanted to be part of this Community could also join. According to the Declaration, the Community was created to ensure lasting peace between the Member States and thereby preventing a new war from happening, after the Second World War had brought Europe to its knees. Method/approach: The Historical Archives used different kinds of archival material to prepare the Schuman exhibition. And this article is a presentation of the scientific work, which HAEU carries out and the analysis of the literature available online. Results: On the Schuman Declaration's anniversary, the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) organised an exhibition "Europe and Europeans 1950 > 2020: 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration". The exhibition visitor is encouraged to take a journey through European history, which develops into two distinct but inter-connecting paths. The first path is guided by key sentences of the Declaration that give the title to five thematic sections. The second path allows for a meeting with people, as they were involved in or affected by the process of European integration, to reflect on what it means to be European in a dialogue between past and present. Conclusion/findings: The whole exhibition is equipped with QR codes that allow the visitor to access audio and visual content. The exhibition has been translated into several European languages with the help of external collaborators and is available in electronic form via the HAEU website. Keywords: Schuman Declaration, European Union, Historical Archives of European Union, anniversary, exhibition 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 389 Boris Smolič Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor POSREDOVANJE ELEKTRONSKIH UPRAVNIH ODLOČB MED EPIDEMIJO COVID-19 V SKLADU Z ZAKONOM O SPREMEMBI IN DOPOLNITVAH ZAKONA O ZAČASNIH UKREPIH V ZVEZI S SODNIMI, UPRAVNIMI IN DRUGIMI JAVNOPRAVNIMI ZADEVAMI ZA OBVLADOVANJE ŠIRJENJA NALEZLJIVE BOLEZNI SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ-A) SENDING OF ELECTRONIC ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS DURING THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW ACT ON PROVISIONAL MEASURES FOR JUDICIAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER PUBLIC MATTERS TO COPE WITH THE SPREAD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ-A) IZVLEČEK Namen: Prikaz možnosti posredovanja odločb, ki pri upravnih organih v Republiki Sloveniji predstavljajo arhivsko gradivo, prek elektronskih poti vročanja v skladu z Zakonom o spremembi in dopolnitvah Zakona o začasnih ukrepih v zvezi s sodnimi, upravnimi in drugimi javnopravnimi zadevami za obvladovanje širjenja nalezljive bolezni SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ-A) spre-jetim v času prvega vala epidemije. Metoda/pristop: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda s katero smo pregledali slovensko zakonodajo na področju poslovanja upravnih organov, predvsem tistih, ki izvajajo inšpekcijske nadzore in se navezujejo na upravno poslovanje, ki so bili sprejeti zaradi spremenjenih okoli- ščin, ob pojavu virusa COVID-19 na območju Republike Slovenije in pregleda dokumentnega sistema, ki ga upravni organ Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije uporablja za vodenje poslovne dokumentacije. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da upravni organ, Tržni inšpektorat Republike Slovenije na katerega smo se osredotočili, ni spremenil načina poslovanja in posredovanja odločb naslovnikom, saj je bila v času veljavnosti Zakona o začasnih ukrepih v zvezi s sodnimi, upravnimi in drugimi javnopravnimi zadevami za obvladovanje širjenja nalezljive bolezni SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) izdana in posredovana le ena taka odločba. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Uzakoniti možnost elektronskega posredovanja arhivskih dokumentov, brez celovite ureditve področja poslovanja se je izkazala za neustrezno. Lahko smo videli, da je poslovanje upravnih organov kompleksno in prepleteno s številnimi zakoni in predpisi, ki zagotavljajo vsem deležnikom ustrezno pravno varnost in zakonitost v postopku in je s hitro pripravljenimi spremembami ni mogoče uporabiti v praksi. Ključne besede: arhivsko gradivo, upravni organi, odločba, zakon 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 390 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Purpose: Description of the possibility of sending decisions that represent archival material from administrative bodies in the Republic of Slovenia across electronic channels of service in accordance with the Act on provisional measures for judicial, administrative and other public matters to cope with the spread of infectious disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) (ZZUSUDJZ-A) accepted during the first wave of the epidemic. Methode/approach: A descriptive method was used to overview slovenian legislation from the field of operations of administrative bodies, especially those that carry out inspections and relate to administrative operations, which were accepted due to changed circumstances, when the COVID-19 virus appeared in the Republic of Slovenia, and analysed the document system used by the administrative body of the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for keeping business documentation. Results: We found that the administrative body, the Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, on which we focused, did not change the way of doing business and sending decisions to the addressees, as only one such decision was issued and forwarded during the duration of law Act on provisional measures for judicial, administrative and other public matters to cope with the spread of infectious disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Conclusions/findings: Legalizing the possibility of sending electronic archival documents, without a comprehensive regulation of the field of business, was proved to be inadequate. We could see that the operations of administrative bodies are complex and intertwined with a number of laws and regulations that provide all parties to the proceedings with adequate legal certainty and legality in the process and cannot be applied in practice with quickly prepared changes. Key words: archival documents, administrative bodies, order, law 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 391 Doris Lovrec Alma mater Europaea RUSKA KONKUBINA: ODRAZ RESNIČNIH DOGODKOV ALI FIKCIJA? THE RUSSIAN CONCUBINE: A REFLECTION OF REAL EVENTS OF FICTION? IZVLEČEK Namen: Zgodba romana Ruska konkubina nas je navdušila zaradi vse te ruske in kitajske zgodovine, okrog katere so oblikovani dogodki. In ker je pisateljica romana Kate Furnivall v svojem inter-vjuju povedala, da čeprav je zgodba romana popolna fikcija, pa je njegova postavitev resnična. Na podlagi tega smo se odločili raziskati, ali gre pri dogodkih, opisanih v romanu, dejansko za resnične dogodke, ali le za plod pisateljičine domišljije. Metoda/pristop: V našem članku smo raziskovali rusko in kitajsko zgodovino, zato smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo, ki je pripomogla razumeti vsebino naše obravnavane literature, da smo jo lahko potem tudi interpretirali, si zastavili raziskovalno vprašanje in oblikovali izvleček ter vse druge sestavne dele tega članka. Rezultati: Dogodki iz romana v določeni meri odražajo resnične dogodke iz ruske in kitajske zgodovine. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Pisateljica je za oblikovanje svojih dogodkov uporabila resnična zgodovinska dejstva. Ker pa gre za fiktivno zgodbo in osebe v romanu, dogodki, v katerih nastopajo literarne osebe, niso popoln odraz dejanskih dogodkov. Da smo lahko prišli do tega spoznanja, smo morali raziskati zgodovino Rusije in Kitajske, kar pa ne bi bilo možno, če ne bi imeli zapisov o zgodovinskih dejstvih, lahko rečemo tudi arhivskega gradiva in arhivistov, ki so za to poskrbeli. Ključne besede: Ruska konkubina, kitajska zgodovina, iskanje povezav ABSTRACT Purpose: The story of the novel The Russian Concubine impressed us because of all this Russian and Chinese history around which events are shaped. And because the writer of novel Kate Furnivall said in her interview that although the story of the novel is complete fiction, its setting is real. Based on this, we decided research whether the events described in the novel are in fact real events or just the fruit of the imagination of writer. Methode/approach: In our article we researched Russian and Chinese history, so we used a qualitative method that helped to unterstand the content of our litarature so that we could then interpret it, set it research question and formulate an abstract and all other components of this article. Results: The events in the novel to some extent reflect the real events in Russian and Chinese history. Conclusions/findings: The writer used real historical facts to shape her events. However, since it is a fictional story and the characters in the novel, the events where the literary characters appeare are not a perfect reflection of the actual events. To be able to come to this realization, we had to research the history of Russia and China, which would not be possible if we did not have records of historical facts, we can also say archival material and archivists who took care of it. Key words: Russian Concubine, Chinese history, searching for connections 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 392 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Andreja Kozjek Alma Mater Europaea-Evropski center Maribor PROBLEM RAZSTAVLJANJA GRADIVA VEČJEGA FORMATA NA PRIMERU RAZSTAVE ZEMLJEVIDOV KARTOGRAFSKI ZAKLADI NA SLOVENSKEM OZEMLJU V NUK THE PROBLEM OF EXHIBITING LARGER FORMAT MATERIAL ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE EXHIBITION OF MAPS CARTOGRAPHIC TREASURES ON SLOVENIAN TERRITORY AT NUK (NATIONAL AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY) IZVLEČEK Priprava razstave je dolgotrajen proces, ki zahteva temeljito načrtovanje, oblikovanje, pripravo gradiva, nameščanje pa vse do končnega uokvirjanje in postavljanja razstave. V času trajanja razstave mora gradivu izbrana razstavna oprema, ki ga želimo razstaviti, nuditi primerno zaščito. Na primeru razstave Kartografski zakladi na slovenskem ozemlju, želi avtorica predstaviti problematiko razstavljanja velikih formatov zemljevidov. Pri tem je preučila možnosti in zahteve varnega razstavljanja tovrstnega gradiva. Ključne besede: razstava, razstavni panoji-vitrine, pritrjevanje večjih formatov zemljevidov, razstavni pogoji ABSTRACT The preparation of an exhibition is a lengthy process that requires thorough planning, design, preparation of material, and installation all the way to the final framing and setting up of the exhibition. During the duration of the exhibition, the selected exhibition equipment that we want to exhibit must offer appropriate protection to the material. On the example of the exhibition Cartographic Treasures on Slovenian Territory, the author wants to present the issue of exhibiting large-format maps. In doing so, it examined the possibilities and requirements for the safe exhibiting of such material. Keywords: exhibition, display panels-showcases, attachment of larger map formats, exhibition conditions 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 393 Rudi Jamnik Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski center, Maribor KAM BI DEL? WHERE TO PUT IT? IZVLEČEK Pripravili smo svoj zasebni digitalni arhiv, ki bi ga sedaj radi zaščitili pred izgubo. Ta bo temeljila na varnostnem kopiranju in na strategiji 3-2-1. V prispevku v prvem delu zato raziskujemo nosilce na katere bomo podatke shranili, kakšna je njihova trajnost in kako jih optimalno izberemo. Ker bo ena od kopij podatkov dostopna tudi s spleta smo preverili ponudnike tovrstnih storitev, njihove cene in pogoje uporabe. Druga tema, ki jo predstavljamo v prispevku je varnost naših podatkov, to je zaščita pred njihovo izgubo, krajo, spreminjanjem in nezaželeno uporabo. Preverili smo dobre prakse in tehnološke rešitve, ki jih lahko uporabimo, da jih zaščitimo. V tretji temi prispevka pa se posvečamo vzdrževanju naših podatkov – preverjanje celovitosti, poškodbe datotek, zastaranje tipov datotek. Preverili smo kakšne tehnologije in postopki nam pri tem lahko pomagajo. Ključne besede: zasebni digitalni arhiv, varnostno kopiranje, arhiviranje, strategija hrambe 3-2-1, USB ključ, DVD, NAS ABSTRACT We have prepared our own private digital archive, which we would now like to protect against loss. This will be based on backup and a 3-2-1 strategy. In the first part of this article, we are therefore exploring the storage media on which we will store data, what is their durability and how to choose them optimally. As one of the copies will also be accessible from the Internet, we checked the providers of such services, their prices and conditions of use. Another topic we present in the article is the security of our data, which is protection against their loss, theft, alteration and unwanted use. We have checked good practices and technological solutions that can be used to protect them. In the third topic of the article, we focus on maintaining our data - checking the integrity, damage to files, obsolescence of file types. We checked what technologies and procedures can help us with this. Keywords: private digital archive, backup, archiving, storage strategy 3-2-1, USB stick, DVD, NAS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 394 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Julija Furman Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor PREGLED KRSTNIH KNJIG NADŽUPNIJE SLOVENSKE KONJICE REVIEW OF BAPTISM RECORDS AND THEIR DIGITALIZATION FOR THE PARISH SLOVENSKE KONJICE IZVLEČEK Namen: V članku je predstavljen razvoj obrazca, ki je uporabljen pri krstnih knjigah. Narejen je tudi pregled stanja in samih zapisov v krstnih knjigah in kako so se ti podatki spreminjali skozi zgodovino. Krstne knjige so od leta 2020 na voljo tudi preko spleta, kar je velik korak v smeri digitalizacije tega gradiva. Izpostavili smo tudi prostorsko stisko slovenskih arhivov. Metoda/pristop: V prispevku smo uporabili študijo primera, saj smo raziskavo osnovali na fizič- nih primerih iz krstnih knjig. Med pregledom krstnih knjig smo v osnovi beležili spremembe v načinu zapisovanja podatkov, obenem pa smo bili pozorni na razne zanimivosti, ki se pojavijo med zapisi. V povprečju smo pregledali vsako 10 stran v posamezni krstni knjigi. Nato smo na osnovi podatkov, ki smo jih pridobili pričeli z iskanjem literature, ki bi nam objasnila zakaj so se pojavile določene spremembe pri zapisih, z uporabo deskriptivne metode smo obrazložili razvoj obrazcev in zapisov v krstnih knjigah. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo da je razvoj obrazcev in zapisov spreminjal glede na zgodovinske okoliščine tistega časa. Iz najbolj osnovnih deskriptivnih opisov, se je postopek zapisovanja poenotil in razširil. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Čeprav smo že čvrsto v digitalni dobi se še krstne knjige vodijo v fizični obliki, ampak vse več duhovnikov se poslužuje tudi digitalnih zapisov tudi v smislu varnostnih kopij. Tako kot so digitalni zapisi veliko bolj nestabilni, se tudi pri fizičnem gradivu velikokrat pojavi neberljivost posameznega zapisa zaradi različnih pisav, jezikov ali pa zaradi slabega fizičnega stanja knjige. Ključne besede: krstne knjige, arhiv, digitalizacija, obrazec ABSTRACT Introduction: The article presents the development of the form used in baptismal books. Also an overview is made of the condition and the records in the baptismal books themselves and how this data has changed throughout history. From 2020, baptismal books are available online, which is a big step towards the digitization of this material. We also pointed out the lack of space in Slovenian archives Methods: We used a case study in this paper, as we based the research on physical cases from baptismal books. During the review of the baptismal books, we recorded changes in the way the data was recorded, and at the same time we paid attention to the various interesting things that appear between the records. On average, we reviewed every 10 pages in each baptismal book. Then, based on the data we obtained, we started searching for literature that would explain as to why certain changes occurred in the records, using the descriptive method, we explained the development of forms and records in the baptismal books. Results: We found that the development of forms and records varied according to the historical circumstances of the time. From the most basic descriptive descriptions, the recording process has been unified and expanded. Discussion: Although we are already firmly in the digital age, baptismal books are still kept in physical form, but more and more priests are also using digital records in terms of backups. Just as digital records are much more unstable, the physical material often makes an document un-readable due to different fonts, languages, or the poor physical condition of the book. Key words: baptismal books, archive, digitization, form 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 395 Iva Lana Lanščak Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center, Maribor KRATEK PREGLED ZGODOVINE ARHIVOV V ŽUPANIJI ZALA IN ŽELEZNI ŽUPANIJI A BRIEF OVERVIEW ON HISTORY OF ARCHIVES IN ZALA COUNTY AND VAS COUNTY IZVLEČEK Namen: Namen celotnega prispevka je bil podati kratko zgodovino o arhivu v županiji Zala in Železni županiji in posredno prikazati, zakaj sta le-ta pomembna tudi za Prekmurje. Metoda/pristop: Pri pisanju prispevka sem se osredotočala predvsem na prebiranje literature o zgodovini Prekmurja ter o zgodovini arhivov na Madžarskem s poudarkom na arhivih v županiji Zala in Železni županiji. Kot bomo izvedeli iz prispevka je Prekmurje zgodovinsko spadalo pod za-grebško in győrsko škofijo in je bilo razdeljeno na distrikte. K omenjenima škofijama in posameznim distriktom so seveda spadala še naselja na današnjem Madžarskem v Porabju in pa tudi na hrvaškem ozemlju v Medžimurju, ki pa jih v prispevku nisem omenjala, saj sem se osredotočala zgolj na današnje ozemlje Prekmurja, ki je spadalo pod županiji Zala in Železno. Rezultati: Informacije o sami zgodovini arhivov županije Zala in Železno predstavlja samo arhivsko gradivo, ki ga ta arhiva hranita. Prav tako tudi večina literature o zgodovini Prekmurja izvira iz samega arhivskega gradiva teh arhivov. Sklepi/ugotovitve: Arhiv županije Zala hrani arhivsko gradivo svoje županije, prav tako pa hrani tudi arhivsko gradivo za tisti predel Prekmurja, ki je upravno spadal pod županijo Zala kot spo-dnjelendavski okraj (alsólendvai járás). Arhiv Železne županije pa hrani arhivsko gradivo svoje županije ter ahrivsko gradivo za tisti predel Prekmurja, ki je upravno spadal pod Železno županijo kot murskosoboški okraj (muraszombati járás). Ključne besede: Arhiv Županije Zala, Arhiv Železne županija, Madžarski Narodni Arhiv, zgodovina Prekmurja. ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the entire article was to give a brief history of the archives in Zala County and Vas County and to indirectly show, why these two archives are also important for Prekmurje. Methode/approach: By writing this article, I focused mainly on the historic literature of Prekmurje and the history of archives in Hungary, with an emphasis on archives in Zala County and Vas County. As we will see from the article, Prekmurje historically was a part of the dioceses of Zagreb and Győr and was divided into districts. These two dioceses and individual districts also included settlements in present-day Hungary in Porabje, as well as in Croatian territory in Međi-murje, which I did not mention in the article, as I focused only on the present-day territory of Prekmurje, which belonged to Zala County and Vas County. Results: Informations on the very history of the archives of Zala and Vas County are presented by archival material itself, which is kept by these archives. Also, most of the literature of the history of Prekmurje originates from the archival material of these archives. Conclusion/findings: Zala County Archives keeps the archival material of its county, as well as archival material for that part of Prekmurje which administratively belonged to Zala County as district Dolnja Lendava (alsólendvai járás). Vas County Archives keeps the archival material of its county and also the archival material for that part of Prekmurje, which administratively belonged to Vas County as district Murska Sobota (muraszombati járás). Key words: Zala County Archives, Vas County Archives, National Archives of Hungary, history of Prekmurje. 8 HUMANISTIKA / HUMANITIES MEDICAL HUMANITIES IN THE DIGITAL ERA FILM AND CONTEMPORARY CRITICAL THOUGHT HERITAGE AND CULTURE HUMAN LIFE IN THE MIDST OF EMERGENCY INVITED SPEAKERS PLENARY SESSION: BUILDING BACK BUILDING BACK BETTER – A GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE: AN INTEGRAL FRAMEWORK OF LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS AND EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL Darja Piciga, Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash, University of Washington, Seattle, USA Alexander Schieffer, Trans4m Center for Integral Development and Home for Humannity, Switzerland/France Cliona Howie, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Climate-KIC Alessandro Manzardo1, Alberto Barausse2, Mirco Piron1, Angelica Guidolin1, Lara Endrizzi2, 1CESQA, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova & 2Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy Liliana Vizintin & Suzana Škof, Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia *Organized and cosponsored by the ARRS research project »Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy« (J7-1824; project leader Dr Lenart Škof), conducted at ZRS Koper and AMEU ECM with the collaboration of the University of Innsbruck. PLENARY SESSION: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONS Gorazd Andrejč, University of Groningen & Science and Research Centre Koper Kelly Bulkeley, Director of the Sleep and Dream Database and Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press Linda Koncz, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Daniel Kennedy, Software Developer at Small Multiples and a Co-founder at Dreamcloud Maja Gutman, Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press *Financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Project J6-1813: Creatures, Humans, Robots: Creation Theology Between Humanism and Posthumanism. PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Lenart Škof, Alma Mater Europaea ISH Darja Piciga, Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia Maja Gutman, Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Alma Mater Europaea ISH MEDICAL HUMANITIES IN THE DIGITAL ERA 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 400 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Evita Leskovsek AMEU – ISH PROMOCIJA VIRTUALNEGA SEKSA V PRIPOROČILIH ZA VARNO SPOLNOST PROMOTION OF VIRTUAL SEX IN SAFER SEX GUIDELINES POVZETEK Zmenki in intimne prakse so se med pandemijo COVID-19 dramatično spremenile. Upoštevajoč priporočil preprečevanja širjenja bolezni in fizičnega distanciranja vse več ljudi zamenjuje medosebne za virtualne interakcije. Ta prehod v virtualne interakcije povzročijo niz izzivov. Video zmenki, telefonski zmenki, sexting, spletne klepetalnice in skupinska video srečanja so načini izvajanja spolnosti brez tveganja za okužbo z COVID-19. Tovrstne alternative se promovirajo v novih mednarodnih priporočilih za varno spolnost (CDC, WHO) in nadgrajujejo klasična sporočila o varni spolnosti s promocijo kondoma od zadnje pandemija HIV/aidsa. Video in virtualen seks je vsekakor varen pred COVID-19, ni pa varen iz socialnega stališča. Številni raziskovalci opozarjajo, da dostopnost do robotov za seks z umetno inteligenco predstavlja naraščajočo psihološko in moralno grožnjo tako na individualni kot družbeni ravni. Deljenje informacij ali slik telesa v živo ali po spletni kameri ima velik potencial tveganj. Obstaja naraščajoče tveganje za škodo, kot je zalezovanje, ustrahovanje in spolno izkoriščanje. V določenih delih sveta zaznavajo naraščanje kibernetske trgovone z ljudmi in prostitucije, vroče linije, ki zlorabljajo intimnost in primere por-nogtrafije iz maščevanja. Priporočila in preusmeritev v digitalni seks niso uspela zagotoviti informacij kako varno in spoštljivo krmariti v digitalnem prostoru. V prihodnosti moramo zagotoviti spolno zdravje s celostnimi priporočili, kurikulumi in viri informacij, ki bodo slonela na spolnih pravicah, človekovih pravicah in dostojanstvu. Ključne besede: COVID-19, preventiva, virtualni seks, zmanjševanje škode ABSTRACT Dating and intimacy practices have changed dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow fizical distancing guidelines and protect the spread of disease, more and more people are substi-tuting in-person connections for virtual interactions. This shift to virtual interactions introduces a new set of challenges. Video dates, phone chats, sexting, online chat rooms and group cam rooms are ways to engage in sexual activity with no risk of spreading COVID-19. This alternatives are promoted in the new international save sex guidelines (CDC, WHO) and they are upgrading the classical save sex messages with condom promotion since the last pandemic of HIV/AIDS. Video and virtual sex is certainly COVID-19-safe, but not always socially safe. Many researchers warne that the availability of sex robots with artificial intelligence poses a growing psychological and moral threat to individuals and society. Sharing information or photos of bodies online and web camming have great risks potential. There is an increase risk of harm, including stalking, bullying and sexploitation. In certain parts of the world there is a record of increase of cyber-sex trafficking, intimate image abuse hotlines and revenge porn cases. The recommendations and the shift to online sex have failed to provide information on how to safely and respectfully navigate these digital spaces. In the future we have to insure sexual health with comprehensive recommendations, curricula and resources of informations which are based on sexual rights, human rights and dignity. Keywords: COVID-19, prevention, virtual sex, harm reduction 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 401 Sandra Gorjak Arisa, izobraževalni center PRAGMATIČNA ANALIZA IZREKANJA INTENCIONALNIH DUŠEVNIH STANJ V ČASU KORONA VIRUSA PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE THEOREM OF INTENSIBLE MENTAL STATES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC POVZETEK V nalogi raziskujem vsakodnevno govorico in uporabo jezikovnih vzorcev skupine ljudi v času korona virusa. Zanimalo me je, kako je njihovo izbiranje besed povezano z vplivanjem na oblikovanje stvarnosti, ki jih obkroža. Na področju vsakdanjega življenja se mi zdita v času korona virusa zanimivi dve zapažanji. Prvo izhaja iz obsežne pojavnosti izrekanj močnih čustvenih stanj. Drugo zapažanje pa se nanaša na učinke izrekov z zmožnostjo argumentacije kot izraz dejanskih stanj v področjih vsakdanjega življenja, ki nastopijo kot gibalo iskanju dobrih rešitev in s tem povezanim oblikovanjem stvarnosti, še posebej v kriznih časih. Zato me v nalogi zanima, kako se v slovenskem prostoru v času korona virusa argumentacija na področju vsakodnevne govorice izkazuje kot sila za oblikovanje stvarnosti in kako se le-ta izkazuje v obliki izrekov, kot so izražanje stališč, izbiri besedišča, osebnih opazkah in podobno. Vprašanja, ki se odpirajo v kontekstu takšnih razmišljanj, so usmerjena v raziskovanje izrekanja posameznikov skozi prizmo pragmatičnih konceptov analize besedil. S pomočjo proučevanja pragmatičnih fenomenov kot dinamičnih procesov dojamemo pomensko delovanje jezika in spremljamo dinamično tvorjenje pomena v jezikovni rabi. Ključne besede: pragmatika, govorna dejanja, analiza besedil, argumentacija, stvarnost ABSTRACT In this article, I research daily language and the use of language patterns of groups of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to find out how their choice of words influences the fabrication of the reality that surrounds them. In the field of everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have found two interesting cases. The first stems from the widespread incidence of the utterances of strong emotional states. The second refers to the effects of theorems with the ability to argue as an expression of actual states in the areas of everyday life, which arise as an engine of finding good solutions and the associated creation of reality, especially in times of crisis. Therefore, in this article, I am interested in finding out how, in times of COVID-19 pandemic, argumentation in the field of everyday language is proving to be a force of creating reality and how it is manifested in the form of theorems such as expression of views, choice of vocabulary, personal observations and the like. The questions raised in the context of such reflections are directed towards exploring the theorems of individuals through the prism of pragmatic concepts of text analysis. By studying pragmatic phenomena as dynamic processes, we understand the meaning of language and monitor the dynamic formation of meaning in language use. Keywords: pragmatics, speech acts, text analysis, argumentation, reality 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 402 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Petra Koprivnik AMEU – ISH NEKAJ IZSLEDKOV RAZISKOVANJA NEPROSTOVOLJNEGA ZDRAVLJENJA IN VAROVANJA ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC V PSIHIATRIJI SOME CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESEARCH ON INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT AND RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN PSYCHIATRY POVZETEK Bolniki s hudo duševno motnjo, pri katerih presojamo utemeljenost neprostovoljnega zdravljenja, predstavljajo manjšino specifično ranljivih bolnikov v psihiatriji. Neprostovoljno zdravljenje je v evropskih nacionalnih zakonodajah utemeljeno zelo raznoliko. V grobem ločimo dva, bolj natančno pa vsaj štiri pristope, kar govori za različne interpretacije abstraktnih človekovih pravic. Tako zagovorniki neprostovoljnega zdravljenja kot njegovi striktni nasprotniki se sklicujejo na posameznikovo avtonomijo (in z njo povezano pravico do zavrnitve zdravljenja), zaščito posameznikovega dostojanstva in človekovih pravic. Predstavila bom nekaj zaključ- kov svojega interdisciplinarnega raziskovanja, pri katerem sem uporabljala metode hermenevtičnega branja, analize, shematizacije, sinteze, študije primerov in vključila razpoložljive empirične izsledke. Avtonomija subjekta s hudo duševno motnjo, dostojanstvo in iz le-tega izpeljane človekove pravice delujejo v kompleksni soodvisnosti. Bolnikova bolezensko zmanj- šana avtonomija je med najpogostejšimi razlogi zavračanja zdravljenja – bolnik nima uvida do lastne bolezni. Zakonodaje tega ne upoštevajo zadostno. Odločitev proti neprostovoljnemu zdravljenju je hkrati odločitev za opustitev zdravljenja. Zato bi morali v specifičnem kontekstu tehtati med posledicami neprostovoljnega zdravljenja za dostojanstvo bolnikov in nedosto-janstvenim stanjem nezdravljene bolezni. Človekove pravice so soodvisne, da omogočimo ko-riščenje ene, moramo pogosto poseči v drugo(e). Ključne besede: neprostovoljno zdravljenje, človekove pravice, dostojanstvo, avtonomija, bo-lezenski uvid ABSTRACT Patients with severe mental disorders who are subjected to involuntary treatment decisions form a minority of specifically vulnerable patients in psychiatry. Involuntary treatment is variously regulated in European national legislations. Roughly we can speak about four different approaches, which indicates different interpretations of abstract human rights. Proponents as well as opponents of involuntary treatment both refer to subject autonomy (and the related right to refuse treatment), to the protection of dignity and to human rights as well. I will present some conclusions from my interdisciplinary research which I did using methods of hermeneutical reading, analysis, schematization, synthesis, case studies as well as including available empirical data. There is a complex interplay between the autonomy of a subject with severe mental disorder, his dignity and human rights. The patients’ weakened autonomy as a result of a mental disorder is among the most frequent reasons for treatment rejection. Legislations almost always ignore that. The decision against involuntary treatment can be seen as treatment omission, therefore we need to consider what happens to dignity in the case of involuntary treatment compared to the case of an untreated disorder. Human rights are co-dependent, to protect one we often need to compromise another one. Keywords: involuntary treatment, human rights, dignity, autonomy, disease insight 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 403 Nastja Baškovč AMEU – ISH VPLIV SPOLNIH STEREOTIPOV IN DRUŽBENIH NORM NA DEPRESIJO PRI ŽENSKAH THE IMPACT OF GENDER STEREOTYPES AND SOCIETAL NORMS ON DEPRESSION AMONG WOMEN POVZETEK Razumevanje duševnih bolezni v družbi je odvisno od kulture in časa, v katerem se nahajamo. Prevladujoči diskurz v družbi določa standarde normalnega vedenja, ki se razlikujejo glede na biološki spol človeka. Duševno zdravje pomeni več kot le odsotnost simptomov. Pomeni, zmo- žnost človeka, da v družbi dobro funkcionira, se uspešno sooča s težavami in je zadovoljen s svojim življenjem. Duševno zdrav človek je torej tisti, ki je dobro prilagojen družbenim normam. Kaj pa, če je njegova življenjska situacija preveč stresna, da bi se ji lahko prilagodil? Če se ženska soo- ča z nasilnim partnerjem ali je zanjo duševno zdravo, da se prilagodi in v odnosu vztraja? Ali pa je njeno nezadovoljstvo in odpor bolj zdrav odziv glede na situacijo, v kateri se nahaja? Depresija je tudi odziv človeka na dejavnike iz zunanjega okolja. Pa vendar so bile ženskam duševne bolezni pogosto določene kot posledica naravno danih bioloških in psiholoških slabosti. Skozi zgodovino so bile ženske, ki se niso obnašale v skladu s pričakovanji vezanimi na spol, v družbi označene za deviantne in bolne. Obstajajo različna prepričanja vezana na spol glede tega, kaj je duševno zdravo za ženske in kaj za moške. Stiske ljudi z duševno boleznijo so resnične in se izražajo v okviru družbenih pričakovanj. Stres, ki ga posamezniki doživljajo je resničen, kategorije duševnih bolezni, znotraj katerih so obravnavani, pa so družbeni konstrukti. Socialne determinante, kot so stanovanje, izobraževanje in zaposlovanje, močno vplivajo na fizično in duševno zdravje ljudi. Ključne besede: depresija, ženske, spolni stereotipi, družbene norme ABSTRACT Cultures vary widely in how they label, interpret, and respond to mental illness. Culture defines the standards of normal behaviour and experience are different for women and men. Mental health is more than just absence of symptoms. It is the ability to function well, to cope with problems and to be satisfied with one’s life. A mentally healthy person is called well adjusted. But what if a person’s life situation is too difficult, problematic and stressful to lend itself to adjustment? If a woman is trapped in a violent marriage is it mentally healthy for her to adjust? Or are dissatisfaction and resistance more mentally healthy responses? Depression is often a reaction to conditions in the external environment. Depression among women has often been attributed to inherent biological or psychological weaknesses. At times in history women who have refused to live by the rules for the feminine gender have been labeled as deviant. Women and men have traditionally been expected to adjust to different role expectations and behavioral norms. There are different role expectations of what is mentally healthy for women and men. Although mental illness may virtually always indicate real distress, the form in which that distress is expressed is, to a certain extent, dictated by cultural expectations. The distress is real, but the categories of mental illness are social constructions. There is increasing recognition that addressing the social determinants of health such as housing, education and employment has a profound impact on one’s physical and mental health. Keywords: depression, women, gender stereotypes, societal norms FILM AND CONTEMPORARY CRITICAL THOUGHT 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 406 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Melita Zajc AMEU – ISH THE FILM AFTER THE CINEMA FILM PO KINU POVZETEK Pandemija koronavirusa je pospešila digitalno transformacijo, ki je že pred tem potekala na vseh področjih življenja. V članku bom proučila oblike in razsežnosti te transformacije na področju filma. Vlade širom sveta se trudijo omejiti širitev virusa in pri tem zapirajo kinodvorane. 125 let po tem, ko se je v Parizu zgodila prva filmska projekcija, se širijo strahovi, da je nastopil konec kina, kot smo ga poznali doslej. Na drugi strani pa spletni prenosi filmov doživljajo nezaslišan vzpon. Mnoge filmsko produkcijske hiše se v celoti izogibajo kinodvoranam in predstavljajo svoje filme samo na spletnih platformah. Netflix, Amazon in drugi, ki so že pred tem prevladovali v digitalni medijski krajini, zdaj pobirajo tudi prihodke klasičnih kinodvoran. Vendar pa so kinu napovedali konec že ob vzponu televizije v 1950ih in ob nastopu video kaset v 1980ih letih. V članku si bom zastavila vprašanje, kako se sodobna digitalna transformacija razlikuje od teh dogodkov. Kako je zaprtje kinodvoran kot fizičnih prostorov, kjer so se odvijale javne projekcije filmov spremenilo same filme, še posebej, kako se je ob tem spremenila filmska govorica? Analizirala bom izbrane sodobne avdiovizualne vsebine, v katerih so te transformacije najbolj očitne. Konceptualno bom raziskovanje digitalnega filmskega jezika in njegove estetike utemeljila na konceptu “dispozi-tiva” (“le dispositif” v francoščini) kot situaciji in postavitvi, v katerih občinstvo gleda filme - torej, kot konbinaciji mehanizma, naprave za distribucijo in projekcijo na eni strani, in gledalca kot konkretne, enkratne, individualne osebe, ki gleda film na drugi strani. To nam bo omogočilo, da v koncu zaznamo nov začetek. Ključne besede: film, kino, jezik filma, spletne platforme, dispozitiv ABSTRACT Coronavirus pandemic accelerated the digital transformation that was already taking place in all spheres of human life. In this paper, I will investigate the implications of this transformation for the film. As governments try to keep the virus in check, cinemas have been forced to shut down all over the world. The fears that the cinema as we know it might come to an end abound. But the streaming of films is witnessing an unprecedented growth. Many film production companies are directly premiering films on streaming platforms. Netflix, Amazon and others that already dominated the digital media landscape are now taking over the revenues of standard cinemas. The death of cinema has been predicted before, with the introduction of television in the 1950s and the advent of video cassettes in the 1980s. How the recent digital transformation differs from these events? How did the closure of cinemas as physical spaces change the films, especially how the film language changed? I will analyse those contemporary audiovisual contents where these transformations are the most manifest. I will ground the exploration of the new digital film language and its aesthetic in the concept of “the dispositive” (from French “le dispoisitif”) as the situation and a setting in which films are being watched - the combination of the apparatus of distribution and projection on the one hand, and the viewer as the concrete, idiosyncratic, individual person watching the film on the other. This will enable us to see the end as a new beginning. Keywords: film, cinema, film language, steaming platforms, dispositive 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 407 Aleš Čakalić AMEU – ISH POSTJUGOSLOVANSKI FILM V LUČI ESTETSKIH TEORIJ BADIOUJA IN RANCIÈRA POST-YUGOSLAV CINEMA IN LIGHT OF THE AESTHETIC THEORIES OF BADIOU AND RANCIÈRE POVZETEK Postjugoslovanski film razumem kot korpus igranih in neigranih filmskih del, posnetih od leta 1991 naprej, ki se ukvarjajo z vprašanji razpada Jugoslavije in/ali nedvoumnih družbenih posledic tega razpada, ali ki preko postspomina vrednotijo Jugoslavijo, zlasti njeno mednacionalno zgodovino in politične režime. Z vidika sodobnih kulturnih študij je ključno razlikovati med dvema velikima tokovoma postjugoslovanske filmske produkcije: instrumentalnim postjugoslovan-skim filmom, ki služi prenašanju političnih sporočil nosilcev oblasti, in avtonomnim postjugo-slovanskim filmom, ki z umetniškimi sredstvi posreduje občinstvu družbeno kritiko, nemalokrat pa tudi zagovor splošnega in kozmopolitskega humanizma ter medkulturnosti. V prispevku skušam osvetliti zlasti avtonomni postjugoslovanski film in nanj aplicirati estetski teoriji sodobnih francoskih filozofov Alaina Badiouja in Jacquesa Rancièra. Z Badioujem se vprašam, kakšne umetniške resnice proizvaja avtonomni postjugoslovanski film, z Rancièrom pa, ali avtonomni postjugoslovanski film korespondira z njegovim estetskim režimom umetnosti, osvobojenim re-prezentacijskih norm. Osrednje vprašanje je, kaj je za avtonomni postjugoslovanski film resnica razpada Jugoslavije in jugoslovanskih vojn. Ključne besede: postjugoslovanski film, sodobna estetika, instrumentalnost, avtonomnost, umetniška resnica ABSTRACT I define post-Yugoslav cinema as a corpus of narrative and documentary features that since 1991 have dealt with issues of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and/or its unequivocal social consequences, or, on the other hand, that have, through the use of post-memory, valorized Yugoslavia, especially the history of its political regimes and of the interactions of the country's nations. From the point of view of modern cultural studies, it is essential to differentiate instrumental post-Yugoslav cinema, which has served as a transmitter of political messages of powerholders, from autonomous post-Yugoslav cinema, which makes use of artistic means to convey to its audience social criticism, often backed by a support of general or cosmopol-itan humanism and interculturality. Here, I shed light chiefly on autonomous post-Yugoslav cinema and how we can apply aesthetic theories of modern French philosophers Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancière to it. With Badiou, I inquire into what artistic truths does autonomous post-Yugoslav cinema produce, whereas concerning Rancière, I wonder whether autonomous post-Yugoslav cinema corresponds with his aesthetic regime of art, free of the norms of representation. The central question is what, for autonomous post-Yugoslav cinema, the truth of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and of the Yugoslav Wars is. Keywords: post-Yugoslav cinema, modern aesthetics, instrumentality, autonomy, artistic truth 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 408 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Uroš Zavodnik AMEU – ISH FILMSKA UMETNOST NA ZAHTEVO FILM ART ON DEMAND POVZETEK Vsesplošna svetovna pandemija, ki jo je sprožil virus Covid-19, je posegla tudi v filmsko industrijo. Kinematografi so se zaprli, filmska produkcija je bila ustavljena, filmske premiere čakajo vrnitev gledalcev v kinematografe. Hkrati so zaživeli on-line filmski portali, kot so Netflix, HBO GO, Amazon Prime Video, Voyo ali Apple-TV. Filmski festivali so se bili prisiljeni preselili na splet – primer ljubljanskega filmskega festivala LIFFE. Vendarle, če hočeš uspeti, ostati, moraš biti pogumen in si ob vsej tehnološki revoluciji, ki soustvarja tako produkcijske, kot distribucijske zmožnosti filma, upati nekaj več. Ko film še zmeraj pripoveduje zgodbe, saj je to tisto, kar išče publika, je to morda interaktivna filmska zgodba, v katero lahko gledalec poseže in sam odloča o usodi glav-nega protagonista skozi antagonistične posege v zgodbo, ki so mu dane na razpolago. In kaj je z režiserjem, scenaristom, avtorsko ekipo, ki ustvarja avtorsko zgodbo, ki jo ponudi gledalcu, da si jo lahko poljubno sestavlja, če to ni samo iluzija? Ključne besede: filmska umetnost, film na zahtevo, režiser kot avtor ABSTRACT The worldwide pandemic, caused by virus Covid-19, significantly influenced the film industry. The cinemas were closed, the film production stopped, the film premieres are waiting for the spectators. In the same time, the online streaming film portals like Netflix, HBO GO, Amazon Prime Video, Voyo or Apple TV skyrocket at the entertainment market. Film festivals were forced to move on internet – e.g. the Int. film festival LIFFE in Ljubljana. Although, if you like succeed, you must be courageously. You should do something more by using the current technological revolution in the movie production and distribution. The prime goal of the movie is still to tell an excitement story, the spectators are awaiting it. So perhaps the solution is in the interactive narration, inside which the spectator can make his own decisions about protagonist destiny through the antagonistic interventions, among which he can choose. Yet, what happened with director, screenwriter, the whole author team, they are creators of an author narrative, inside which the spectator navigate, if this is not only an illusion? Keywords: film art, movie on demand, director as author 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 409 Darko Štrajn Educational Research Institute and AMEU – ISH SMRT FILMA IN ESTETSKI PREOBRATI THE DEATH OF CINEMA AND AESTHETIC TURNS POVZETEK Estetika kot kompleksnI vseprisotnI agens spodbuja daljnosežne družbene preobrazbe. Hkrati pa te preobrazbe reflektira na svoj poseben način. Sama estetika je totrej – kot teorija, umetniška praksa ali celo nekakšen način življenja – ujeta v dialektiko množice raznolikosti teh sprememb. Posebnemu pomenu filma v množični kulturi v Benjaminovi konceptualizaciji se ni mogoče izo-gniti kot predpostavki za kakršno koli razmišljanje o učinkih nedavnih tehnoloških preskokov. Kot poudarja Benjamin "/ ... / je za sodobnega človeka predstavitev resničnosti v filmu neprimer-ljivo pomembnejša od slikarske, saj ponuja ravno zaradi temeljitega prežemanja resničnosti z mehansko opremo vidik resničnosti, ki je brez vse opreme. In to je tisto, kar lahko človek zahteva od umetniškega dela«. Pojem »realnosti«, ki je bil v podobni refleksivni gesti izpostavljen v Cavellovem pisanju o filmu in, v tem pogledu tudi v nedavnem Rancièrejevem delu, zaznamuje področje sodobnega sprejemanja digitalno ustvarjenih umetniških del v celotnem nizu različ- nih zvrsti. Koliko je pojem »film« – katerega »materialna bit« kot celuloidnega traku izginja – v vse bolj metaforični prisotnosti odločilnega pomena za razumevanje umetnosti, ki postaja zdaj »virtualna resničnost«? V kolikšni meri je »reprezentacija navidezne resničnosti« subvertirana z učinkom neposrednosti, kakršno je uvedel Walter Benjamin? Ključne besede: množična kultura, kino, navidezna resničnost, estetika, umetnost ABSTRACT The aesthetics as a complex ubiquitous agency instigates far reaching social transformations. At the same time, it reflects them in its special way. Therefore, aesthetics itself – as theory, as artistic practice or even as some modes of life-style – is caught in a dialectics of multiplicity of these changes. A special importance of film within mass culture in Benjamin’s conceptualisation cannot be avoided as a presupposition for any thinking about effects of recent technological leaps. As Benjamin points out “/…/ for contemporary man the representation of reality by the film is incomparably more significant than that of the painter, since it offers, precisely because of the thoroughgoing permeation of reality with mechanical equipment, an aspect of reality which is free of all equipment. And that is what one is entitled to ask from a work of art”. The notion of “reality”, which was in a similar reflexive gesture exposed in Cavell’s writing on cinema, and, for that matter also in Rancière’s recent work, marks the field of contemporary coming to terms with the digitally generated art works in a whole range of different genres. How much is the notion of “film” – whose “material being” as a celluloid tape fades away – in its increasingly metaphorical presence decisive for understanding art that is becoming now The “virtual reality”? To what extent is a “representation of virtual reality” undermined by the effect of immediacy, such as it has been inaugurated by Walter Benjamin? Keywords: Mass culture, cinema, virtual reality, aesthetics, art 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 410 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Borut Petrović Jesenovec AMEU – ISH ZAKAJ JE MARX PREGNAL KONCEPT ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC IZ SVOJE IDEALNE KOMUNISTIČNE DRUŽBE? WHY MARX DITCHED THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS FROM HIS PERFECT COMMUNIST SOCIETY? POVZETEK Namen prispevka je podrobneje ugotoviti, kakšno mesto imajo človekove pravice v Marxovi misli. Najprej bo prikazan širši kontekst razmišljanj o človekovih pravicah, ki so relevantna za razumevanje marksizma, potem pa je pojasnjena Marxova teorija razrednega boja s poudarkom na konceptu svobode in odtujitve, predvsem na podlagi njegovega Prispevka k židovske-mu vprašanju. Podrobneje je preučeno Marxovo razumevanje človekovih pravic, ki jih dojema precej drugače kot francoski revolucionarji leta 1793. Članek sklene prikaz Marxove vizije bre-zrazredne družbe in mesta človekovih pravic v njej, ali bolje, zakaj je imel človekove pravice za odvečne in škodljive. Prepričan je bil, da mora proletariat z despotskimi posegi nasilno strmoglaviti buržoazijo in uničiti vso dosedanjo privatno varnost, odpraviti buržoazno osebnost in meščanskega lastnika ter nasilno odpraviti stara produkcijska razmerja, pa se bo rodil novi človek, srečen in svoboden. Vendar pa lahko resnično emancipiran človek uspeva samo v družbi, v kateri ni prostora za odslužene buržoazne koncepte, kot so človekove pravice, zasebna lastnina, denar, družina in morala. Ključne besede: marksizem, človekove pravice, emancipacija, odtujitev, judovstvo ABSTRACT The aim of the presentation is to find out in more details, what position do human rights hold in Marx's line of thoughts. Initially, a broader context of reflections on human rights is presented that are relevant for understanding of Marxism. This is followed by explanations of Marx's theory of class war emphasising the concepts of freedom and alienation, mostly based on his text On the Jewish Question. Marx's understanding of human rights is put in contrast to the notions of French revolutionaries in 1793. The contribution is concluded with the portrayal of Marx's vision of classless society and the role of human rights in it, or more precisely, why are they actually superfluous and harmful. He was certain that the proletariat should overthrow the bourgeoisie with despotic interventions and destroy all private security, remove bourgeois personality and bourgeois owners and thus violently eliminate old production relationships for the new, happy and free man to be born. But a truly emancipated man can only thrive is a society without outdat-ed bourgeois concepts such as human rights, private property, money, family and morals. Keywords: Marxism, human rights, emancipation, alienation, Judaism 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 411 HERITAGE AND CULTURE 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 414 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Anja Hellmuth Kramberger AMEU – ISH VIRTUAL VERSUS REAL – ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL HERITAGE IN MUSEUMS ABSTRACT In recent years, digital media have increasingly found their way into the archaeological exhibitions of museums and archaeologically oriented cultural tourism. These range from interactive boards to smartphone apps, augmented reality and virtual tours. Virtual tours in particular allow visitors to visit and experience the exhibition and exhibits, even in times like the 2020 pandemic, when a visit to the museum is not possible. On the other hand, the digital media lack haptic perception, which is particularly important in the reconstruction of archaeological objects and in experimental archeology in general. The possibility, for example, of taking a replica of a Stone Age flint stone blade and try to cut with it, offers a completely different experience than looking at a hologram. The perception of each individual is undoubtedly shaped by personal interests and preferences, but it is questionable to what extent virtual media can actually create a replacement in the museum of the future, or rather not just complement it. Keywords: digital media, museum, virtual tours, augmented reality 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 415 Ignac Navernik AMEU – ISH VIRTUALNO ALI REALNO 2.0: DIGITALNI KATOLICIZEM VIRTUAL OR REAL 2.0: DIGITAL CATHOLICISM POVZETEK Iz zgodovine krščanstva so poznani spori okoli načina Kristusove navzočnosti v evharistiji, ki se je za katoliško stran zaključila s slovesno formulacijo vere, realiter, substantialiter tridentinskega cerkvenega zbora. S tem je bilo vprašanje rešeno na dogmatični ravni, ni pa zaustavilo teoloških premislekov. Virtualno ali realno je vprašanje, ki se, ne zgolj v pastoralnem in administrativnem področju katoliške skupnosti, vrača danes še toliko bolj. Spričo epidemije covid-19 so bile žu-pnijske skupnosti prisiljene spremeniti svoje utečene načine delovanja in tudi obhajanja svojega cerkvenostnega bistva. Redko se je poprej zgodilo, da bi bile vse cerkve v neki državi zaprte za evharistično bogoslužje, nekaterim se je to zgodilo prvič v njihovi zgodovini. Realna navzočnost je do vernikov prihajala zgolj po virtualni poti. S študijem in analizo tako teoretičnih premislekov in nekaterih praks bom opozoril, da se bo tokratnemu valu virtualnega katoliška skupnost veliko težje izognila, kot se je prvemu. Zlasti se bom ustavil ob eklezioloških vidikih, ki so to pot bolj v ospredju kot zakramentalni vidiki, čeprav je oboje soodvisno prepleteno. Ključne besede: virtualno, digitalno, Cerkev, maša, administracija ABSTRACT There are known disputes over the manner of Christ's presence in the Eucharist from the history of Christianity, which for the Catholic side ended with the solemn formulation of the Council of Trent: vere, realiter, substantialiter. This resolved the issue dogmatically, but it did not hinder other theological considerations. Virtual or real is a question that recurs all the more today, not just in the pastoral and administrative field of the Catholic community. Faced with the COVID-19 outbreak the parish communities were forced not only to change their working methods but also the way to celebrate the Church herself. It had seldom happened before that in some country all churches were closed for the Eucharistic celebration; for some churches, this pandemic closure was the first in history. The real presence did not come to the faithful except virtually. By studying and analysing theoretical considerations as well as some practices I will point out that for the Catholic community this wave of the virtual will be much harder to deflect than the first one. I will dwell on ecclesiological aspects, which this time may be more in the foreground than sac-ramental ones, although the two are interdependently intertwined. Keywords: virtual, digital, Church, Mass, administration 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 416 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Štefan Kardoš AMEU – ISH OZNAČEVALEC ONEJ V PREKMURSKEM IN PORABSKEM NAREČJU THE SIGNIFIER ER ONEJ IN THE PREKMURJE AND PORAB DIALECTS POVZETEK Beseda onej iz prekmurskega in porabskega narečja spada v posebno vrsto označevalcev, ki sicer nimajo nobenega konkretnega pomena, označujejo pa nasprotje same odsotnosti pomena. Onej je podoben slovenskemu oné, vendar pa je v rabi še živ. Če njegovo rabo opazujemo z vidika vzro-kov govorčevih zadreg, pri katerih si le-ta pomaga s tem označevalcem, ugotovimo, da ti vzroki včasih tičijo v govorcu samem, drugič v družbenih prepovedih, tretjič pa v naravi oz. tistem, kar še ni simbolizirano, je neznano. Pešanje v rabi je verjetno posledica krhanja družbenih tabujev na eni strani in razvoja znanosti na drugi, saj je znanost v moderni družbi temeljni interpretacij-ski sistem. Raba prekmursko-porabskega onej v nekaterih govornih položajih tako kaže na zelo arhaični obraz tega označevalca. Ključne besede: onej, oné, označevalec, označenec, tabu, prekmursko-porabsko narečje ABSTRACT The word onej from the Prekmurje and Porab dialects belongs to a special type of signifiers, which otherwise have no concrete meaning, but denote the opposite of the very absence of meaning. The onej is similar to the Slovenian oné, but it is still alive in use. If we observe its use from the point of view of the causes of the speaker's embarrassment, in which he uses this signifier, we find that these causes sometimes lie in the speaker himself, secondly in social prohibitions, and thirdly in nature or in that what is not yet symbolized, and so is unknown. The decline in use is probably due to the breaking of social taboos on the one hand and the development of science on the other, as science in modern society is a fundamental system of interpretation. The use of the Prekmurje-Porabian onej in some speech situations thus indicates the very archaic face of this signifier. Keywords: onej, oné, signifier, signified, taboo, Prekmurje-Porab dialect 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 417 Jerica Pavšič AMEU – ISH ANALIZA UPODOBITVE JUNAŠKOSTI V BIOGRAFIJI V STRIPU NAŠ MAISTER ANALYSIS OF THE REPRESENTATION OF HEROISM IN THE BIOGRAFICAL COMIC »OUR MAISTER« POVZETEK Biografije znanih osebnosti so v zadnjem obdobju priljubljena knjižna zvrst. Konec leta 2019 je izšla tudi biografija v stripu z naslovom Naš Maister o domoljubu, pesniku in vojaškem strateškem voditelju generalu Rudolfu Maistru (1874–1934). Ob koncu 1. svetovne vojne, 23. novembra 1918, je general Maister v Mariboru razorožil nem- ško varnostno stražo, s čimer je mesto Maribor v celoti prišlo pod njegovo poveljstvo. S tem je odločilno vplival na to, da sta Maribor in Spodnja Štajerska ostala v slovenski posesti tudi pri nadaljnjem poteku določanja meja in vse do današnjih dni; 23. november 1918 pa se je zapisal v slovensko državotvorno zgodovino. Biografija v stripu avtorjev dr. Mihaela Glavana (pripovedni del) in Damijana Stepančiča (stripo-vska risba), ki je namenjena srednješolcem in odraslim bralcem, dokazuje, da sta general Maister in njegovo življenje zanimiva za knjižno upodobitev tudi v današnjem času. Moj raziskovalni izziv je analiza, na kakšen način in s katerimi sredstvi je v literarnem delu upodobljena junaškost ge-nerala Rudolfa Maistra. Ključne besede: general Rudolf Maister, junaštvo, biografije, strip, domoljubje ABSTRACT Biographies of famous people have lately become a popular literary genre. In the end of the year 2019 a biographical comic with the title Naš Maister (“Our Maister”) about General Rudolf Maister (1874–1934), a Slovenian patriot, poet and military strategic leader, was published. On 23rd November 1918, at the end of the First World War, General Rudolf Maister disarmed the German Green Guard in Maribor and de facto established his command. He decisively intervened in determination of the border between the new states (the Austrian and »Yugoslavian«) in the Lower Styria and importantly influenced the preservation of this part of the Slovenian national territory in Slovenian possession. The biographical comic written by dr. Mihael Glavan, with the comic sketching of Damijan Stepančič, intended for older pupils and adults, proves that General Rudolf Maister and his life are attractive for a current literary representation. The gist of my research is to analyse how the heroism of General Rudolf Maister is represented in this literary piece. Keywords: General Rudolf Maister, Heroism, Biographies, Comic, Patriotism. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 418 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Irena Avsenik Nabergoj VISOKA PESEM KOT ZGLED ISKANJA ČLOVEKA IN IZPOLNITVE HREPENENJA V DIGITALNI DOBI POVZETEK Digitalna transformacija v izobraževanju, znanosti in umetnosti se je zaradi pandemije Covida 19 po vsem svetu pokazala za zelo koristno in nujno, vendar lahko ob novih načinih komuniciranja povzroča tudi osebne stiske šolarjev, dijakov in njihovih staršev, študentov in učiteljev. Ljudje smo ustvarjeni tako, da smo bivanjsko naravnani drug na drugega in lahko le ob dobrih osebnih stikih živimo in se razvijamo v celostno in harmonično osebnost. Ker je posredovanje in pridobivanje znanja iz okolja osebnih odnosov zaradi višje sile prestavljeno pred digitalne zaslone, se med ljudmi krepijo stiske zaradi pomanjkanja osebnega stika, ki ga povzroča zapiranje šol in drugih izobraževalnih ustanov. Vse močneje se pojavlja želja po čim prejšnjem odpiranju ustanov, ki omogočajo normalno življenje v dialoških odnosih. Človeku so v njegovi prvinski potrebi po osebnem stiku in dialogu lahko v oporo umetniške stvaritve, med drugim literatura duhovne vsebine, ki mu pomaga pri premagovanju osamljenosti in stiske ter pri iskanju odgovorov na temeljna bivanjska vprašanja. Med najmočnejšimi viri duhovnih vsebin je Sveto pismo, ki je razširjeno po vsem svetu in razkriva bogastvo osebnega dialoga v razmerju do Boga in človeka. V 20. stoletju je ruski filozof jezika in literarni kritik Mihail M. Bahtin (1895-1975) opozoril na temeljno dialoško osnovo vsake človekove komunikacije, v zadnjih dveh desetletjih pa so številni literarni kritiki in biblicisti na Zahodu prav v njegovi teoriji govornih žanrov našli ključ za vrednotenje osebnostno naravnane dialoške narave svetopisemskih besedil. Celotno Sveto pismo temelji na principu dialoga v obliki nenehnega pogovora med človekom in Bogom, prav tako svetopisem-ska besedila vsebujejo mnoštvo dialogov med svetopisemskimi osebami, pa tudi bogastvo človekovega notranjega pogovora ali monologa. V tem prispevku bom posebno pozornost posve-tila Visoki pesmi, ki je med svetopisemskimi knjigami najmočnejše pričevanje o moči dialoga in človekovem hrepenenju po izpolnitvi ob osebnem srečanju z drugim v njegovi intimi. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 419 Varja Štrajn ICK WITTGENSTEIN'S AESTHETICS IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ABSTRACT Wittgenstein's interest in art is diverse, as it includes the film, architecture and sculpture, music, literature and poetry. Wittgenstein's practical preoccupation with art from 1926 to 1928 extends to the areas of building design and sculpture, but after 1930, it transforms into theoretical consideration about aesthetics and art. Although Wittgenstein in the period of philosophical consideration did not pay too much attention to aesthetics, which is not entirely accidental, as he held the view that the nature of aesthetics is not appropriate for abstract philosophical discussion, the art, especially music, had a paramount place in his life. Wittgenstein’s critique of aesthetics, which is unusual for classical philosophical discourse ends with a finding that aesthetical questions belong to the field of art criticism rather than philosophical theory; otherwise, they quickly end with aestheticism. And precisely the critique of classical philosophical theories in the area of aesthetics reveal the true essence of art, with which it attributes to the understanding of culture in the era of digital transformations. With the emergence of digital technology, there has been a fundamental transformation in art. It has been encouraged by the development of digital techniques that enabled fundamental changes in traditional art, which influence the understanding of modern aesthetics. HUMAN LIFE IN THE MIDST OF EMERGENCY 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 422 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Zvezdan Marković AMEU – ISH SLOVENSKA VOJSKA V SISTEMU VAROVANJA KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE V KRIZNIH IN VOJNIH RAZMERAH THE SLOVENIAN ARMED FORCES IN THE SYSTEM OF PROTECTION OF HERITAGE IN CRISIS AND WAR CONDITIONS POVZETEK Kulturna dediščina oziroma dediščina so območja in kompleksi, grajeni in drugače oblikovani objekti, predmeti ali skupine predmetov oziroma ohranjena materializirana dela kot rezultat ustvarjalnosti človeka in njegovih različnih dejavnosti, družbenega razvoja in dogajanj, značilnih za posamezna obdobja v slovenskem in širšem prostoru, katerih varstvo je zaradi njihovega zgodovinskega, kulturnega in civilizacijskega pomena v javnem interesu. V Slovenski vojski je skozi institucijo delovanja Vojaškega muzeja Slovenske vojske vzpostavljeno sistematično ter s strani pristojnih institucij nadzorovano in usmerjano varovanje vojaške kulturne dediščine. Obravnava delovanja subjektov nacionalno-varnostnega sistema v kriznih razmerah in vojni je danes izredno aktualna problematika, saj se iz dneva v dan srečujemo s številnimi grožnjami za obstoj družbe, države in celo mednarodne skupnosti. K temu zagotovo prispevajo tudi intenzivni globalizacijski procesi, ko se svet spreminja v eno veliko skupnost, a se hkrati pojavljajo močna protiglobalizacijska gibanja. Ključne besede: Kulturna dediščina, Vojaški muzej Slovenske vojske, civilni nadzor ABSTRACT Cultural heritage or heritage are areas and complexes, built and otherwise designed buildings, objects or groups of objects or preserved materialized works as a result of human creativity and its various activities, social development and events typical of individual periods in Slovenia and the wider area, whose protection is due to their historical, cultural and civilizational significance in the public interest. In the Slovenian Armed Forces, through the institution of operation of the Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces, the protection of military cultural heritage is systematically controlled and supervised and directed by the competent institutions. we face many threats to the existence of society, the state and even the international community. Intensive globalization processes certainly contribute to this, as the world changes into one large community, but at the same time strong anti-globalization movements emerge. Keywords: Cultural heritage, The Slovenian Military Museum, civilian control 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 423 Tea Kvarantan Soldatić AMEU Nika Đuho, Matea Škomrlj Catholic University of Croatia THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF JOURNALISM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ABSTRACT The emergence and growth of information and communication technologies “revolutionised” the process of collection, production, storage and distribution of journalistic content. Journalism is in the process of “transformation” with outcomes still uncertain. Digital journalism is, however, underrepresented in European context despite the need to create rich content, online channels and interactive platforms such as “podcasts”. The pressure for digitization has been felt especially during the time of the current pandemic. Besides its economic impact, COVID-19 pandemic has blurred the role and identity of journalism in the shared information space while at the same time accelerating its digital transformation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the challenges and potential transformation of journalism. This was achieved through: 1) exploring the current situation (strengths, limitations, opportunities and challenges) in digital journalism by evaluating specific examples of such content, 2) exploring the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on digital transformation of journalism and 3) exploring the desired forms of its transformation. These objectives were achieved by conducting semi-structured interviews on a purposive sample of journalists, interested in the topic trough their professional experience. The preliminary data suggest that digital transformation of journalism is a necessary but also a long-term process. It also shows that the pandemic, despite its negative impacts, initiated and accelerated the process of digitization. Finally, from the data obtained, we derive recommendations that can serve as a starting point for future development of journalism. Keywords: data journalism, digitization, Covid-19, interviews 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 424 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Marija Zelić Faculty of Croatian Studies COVID-19 I NADZORNI KAPITALIZAM COVID-19 AND SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM ABSTRACT This paper, relying on the main analytical concepts of the author Shoshana Zuboff, will deal with a theoretical analysis of the relationship between the phenomenon of the process of total digitalization of social life in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the modern phenomenon of surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism, in the last thirty years with the help of technologically generated transformations of social life, has become the leading biopolitical tool for profiling the collective and individual to fully economize and control every social possibility of public and private action. In the context of the process of total digitalization of social life and the digital transformation of society, the COVID-19 pandemic served as a Trojan horse to facilitate and quantitatively increase the possibility of greater expansion of the mechanisms of surveillance capitalism given. Pandemic reality led to the fact that forced form of connecting the individual and collective spheres becomes a digital and connective form whose necessary condition is a constant online connection to virtual technological tools that allow increased control over society in the data sphere that we announce by entering the digital sphere. This theoretical work aims to examine the level of increased control of systemic surveillance capitalism through the contingent events of pandemic reality that served as a justification and legitimation of the compulsion to implement online connection with the environment, thus leading to easier access to individual and social data and the possibility of more adequate profiling for biopolitical engineering and control of society. Keywords: surveillance, capitalism, COVID-19, digitalization, biopolitics 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 425 Mojca Ramšak Univerza v Ljubljani OD JUNAKA DO MRTVAKA: PODOBA ZDRAVNIKA V ČASU KORONAVIRUSA V SLOVENIJI FROM HEROES TO THE DEAD: THE IMAGE OF A DOCTOR DURING THE CORONAVIRUS IN SLOVENIA POVZETEK V času epidemije koronavirusa v letu 2020 in 2021 je javni diskurz o zdravnikih na družabnih medijih nihal med skrajnostmi, ki so se gibale od malikovanja oz. junaštva, zaničevanja, do ver-balnih in fizičnih groženj. Te diametralno različne podobe zdravništva so sovpadale z ukrepi za zajezitev epidemije in posledicami v življenjih ljudi, ki so nenadoma izgubili eksistenco ter občutek svobode. Diskurz o zdravništvu, spremljan eno leto od marca 2020 do marca 2021 na omrežju Facebooku, je pokazal, da je na zdravstveno osebje padla vsa teža do tedaj pomanjkljivo kadrovsko ter sicer slabo urejenega zdravstva, dolgih čakalnih vrst, ki jih je COVID-19 še podalj- šal, kar je bilo pospremljeno s stopnjevanim besednim in fizičnim nasiljem. Odvzem pravice do zdravljenja vseh v razumnem času, ki je grozil zaradi koronavirusa, je sprožil hud gnev, prostaške psovke in primerjave vseh vrst, fizična nadlegovanja in grožnje s smrtjo posamičnim zdravnikom in neupravičeno ter neustavljivo nezaupanje do medicine nasploh. Sovražna in žaljiva spletna komunikacija, ki se je prelila v realno življenje v občasnih fizičnih napadih na zdravstveno osebje, je v članku analizirana na treh reprezentativnih vzorcih: živalske psovke, športne prispodobe in najpogosteje uporabljene vojne metafore. Ključne besede: koronavirus, zdravništvo, javni diskurz, metafore, zarote, nasilje, Facebook ABSTRACT During the coronavirus epidemic in 2020 and 2021, public discourse about physicians on social media fluctuated between extremes ranging from idolization, hero worship, and contempt to verbal and physical threats. These diametrically different images of doctors coincided with the measures taken to contain the epidemic and the consequences on the lives of people who suddenly lost their livelihoods and sense of freedom. The discourse on doctors observed on Facebook for a year from March 2020 to March 2021 shows that the entire burden of staff shortage and otherwise poorly regulated health care fell on medical staff who had to deal with long queues, exhaustion and escalated verbal and physical aggression. The deprivation of the right to treatment for anyone within a reasonable time, which loomed over the entire health care system due to a coronavirus, triggered fierce anger, vulgar insults and comparisons of all kinds, physical harassment and death threats against individual doctors, and an unjustifiably growing and unstoppable distrust of medicine in general. In this article, hostile and abusive online communication that in real life is discharged in occasional physical attacks on medical personnel is analysed using three representative patterns: Animal curses, sports parables, and the most commonly used war metaphors. Keywords: coronavirus, medicine, public discourse, metaphors, conspiracy, violence, Facebook 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 426 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Damjana Pondelek Urednica, d.o.o. PROCESI RAZČLOVEČENJA: ONLINE SE NAŠA ODGOVORNOST NE KONČA DEHUMANIZATION PROCESSES: OUR RESPONSIBILITY DOES NOT END ONLINE POVZETEK Razčlovečenje se zgodi, ko človek v sočloveku, ki ga oceni za drugačnega, motečega, uzre sovražnika. Vanj projicira svojo jezo skrbi in strahove in ga začne izključevati kot manjvred-nega. Nevrednega prijazne besede, empatije, pozornosti, sodelovanja, sobivanja. Na družbenih omrežjih se to zgodi zlahka, saj lahko človeka brez posledic, celo v varnem zavetju anoni-mnosti, žalimo, diskreditiramo in blokiramo. V znanstvenem prispevku bomo analizirali, kako se proces razčlovečenja skozi družbeno nesprejemljivo, vendar nesankcionirano komunikacijo, nemoteno odvija na družbenih omrežjih. Pod drobnogled bomo vzeli srdite obračune med zagovorniki in nasprotniki ukrepov, ki jih prinaša epidemija. Iz virtualnega sveta se razčlovečenje kot virus širi tudi v realno življenje in v naša delovna okolja in medosebne odnose. Procese razčlovečenja moramo zato pravočasno prepoznati, prekiniti in tako preprečiti izključevanje drugače mislečih. Profesionalci in ljudje smo, zato moramo in zmoremo sodelovati in sobivati. Tudi z ljudmi, ki so drugačni od nas. Dolžni smo varovati dostojanstvo soljudi. Tudi dostojanstvo ljudi, s katerimi se ne strinjamo. Tudi online. Ključne besede: razčlovečenje, sovražni govor, komunikacija, družbeni mediji, humanizem ABSTRACT Dehumanization occurs when a man sees in a fellow human being who he considers being different, disturbing, an enemy. He projects his anger of worries and fears into him and excludes him as inferior. Worthless of kind words, empathy, attention, cooperation, coexistence. On social media, this happens easily, as a person can be insulted, discredited and blocked without consequences, even in the safe shelter of anonymity. In this scientific paper, we will analyze how the process of dehumanization through socially unacceptable but unsanctioned communication that smoothly takes place on social networks. We will inspect the fierce showdowns between pro-ponents and opponents of the measures brought about by the epidemic. From the virtual world, dehumanization is, like a virus, spreading to real life and to our work environments and interpersonal relationships. The processes of dehumanization must therefore be identified and stopped in a timely manner. We are professionals and we are people, so we must and can cooperate and coexist. Even with people who differ from us. We have a duty to protect the dignity of our fellow human beings. Even the dignity of people we don't agree with. Also online. Keywords: dehumanization, hate speech, communication, social media, humanism 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 427 PLENARY SESSION BUILDING BACK BETTER – A GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE: AN INTEGRAL FRAMEWORK OF LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS AND EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL INVITED SPEAKERS Darja Piciga, Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash, University of Washington, Seattle, USA Alexander Schieffer, Trans4m Center for Integral Development and Home for Humannity, Switzerland/France Cliona Howie, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Climate-KIC Alessandro Manzardo1, Alberto Barausse2, Mirco Piron1, Angelica Guidolin1, Lara Endrizzi2, 1CESQA, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova & 2Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy Liliana Vizintin & Suzana Škof, Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia *Organized and cosponsored by the ARRS research project »Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy« (J7-1824; project leader Dr Lenart Škof), conducted at ZRS Koper and AMEU ECM with the collaboration of the University of Innsbruck. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 430 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Darja Piciga Co-founder, Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia, Slovenia BUILDING BACK BETTER – A GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE: AN INTEGRAL FRAMEWORK OF LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS AND EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL WITH A NEW KNOWLEDGE BASE AND THE MODEL OF AN INTEGRAL GREEN SLOVENIA This paper addresses complex challenges related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and argues that this ambitious global programme has to be strongly supported by integrally framed, holistic, trans-disciplinary and trans-sectoral policies for sustainable development on all levels, including integrated metrics, from local to regional and global level. Despite growing adoption of the SDGs and other policies that strive to increase well-being without sacrificing the environment, measuring the Ecological Footprint (EF) and Human Development Index (HDI) reveals that very few countries come close to achieving sustainable development. Furthermore, when we look at the European environment we acknowledge that the long-term outlook is not as positive as recent trends may imply. Therefore, fundamental transformation (sustainable transitions) of societal systems (energy, transport, food and material use systems), that are at the root cause of environmental and climate pressures, are urgently needed – i.e., through profound changes in dominant structures, practices, technologies, policies, lifestyles, thinking. Ecosystem-based approaches with promoting social and technological innovations have key roles in this process. Enabling sustainability transitions will, among others, require a transformation of the knowledge system supporting governance and public engagement. The new knowledge base and recommendations proposed by SOER 2020 (EEA, 2019) can be seen as key to achieving several SDGs and implementing the European Green Deal – the plan to make the EU's economy sustainable, by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities, and making the transition just and inclusive for all. The Green Deal is also at the heart of the EU recovery plan, of the “Building back better” policies and funds for a greener, more digital and more resilient Europe. The model of an Integral Green Slovenia represents an innovative and holistic societal and economic agenda for sustainable development, including the concept of smart integration of the EU’s sustainable development policies and applying the knowledge base for sustainability transitions. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 431 Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash University of Washington, Seattle, USA THREE FACETS OF CLIMATE JUSTICE IN THE U.S.A. The first and the most salient facet pertains to the disproportionate impact of climate bads. Research on environmental justice suggests that the underprivileged are disproportionately exposed to pollution or environmental degradation or both. Although climate change results from the overuse of global commons, its costs are asymmetrical across countries, regions, and communities. Governments can reduce climate vulnerability, but inequities are at play with their policy responses as well. Political and fiscal considerations lead governments to invest in climate adaptation to protect high-value areas populated by the rich and the powerful. The second facet of climate justice pertains to the ease with which citizens can benefit from environmental public goods provided by the government. Because accessing public goods often involves incurring a cost, those from rich households disproportionately access these amenities. Furthermore, cities have a revenue incentive to provide public goods that favor richer neighborhoods. They tend to neglect the poorer neighborhoods in their distribution of climate-proofing amenities, such as tree canopy cover that can provide some protection from heat waves and thus reduce household energy bills. The pro-rich structural bias extends to federal policy. The third facet, perhaps the most controversial one, pertains to who bears the cost of environmental protection. Environmental policies often impose concentrated costs on specific sections of the population to produce environmental protection benefits for all. For this reason, some organizations believe that the transition to a low-carbon economy will not necessarily be just. The backlash from some labor groups against climate policies could stem from perceptions of the unjust burden imposed on specific industries and communities for mitigating climate change. To create an equitable environmental governance framework, the first step is recognizing that climate justice has multiple facets. Next, policymakers need to decide how to translate these equity concepts into concrete policies. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 432 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Alexander Schieffer Co-Founder, TRANS4M Academy for Integral Transformation, Geneva, Switzerland and Co-Founder, Home for Humanity, Haut Valromey, France INTEGRAL EUROPE?! HOW THE INTEGRAL WORLDS THEORY AND PRACTICE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE BUILDING OF GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE This contribution introduces, in overview form, the Integral Worlds theory and practice as a unique approach to fuse and evolve the paradigms of sustainability and integrality to holistically and transformatively address the burning issues of our time. The concept base, developed by Geneva-based TRANS4M and its global action research community, has been applied, inter alia, to the fields of economy and enterprise, offering a viable alternative to the mainstream non-sustainable economic paradigm. The Integral Worlds approach is based on some 20 years of researching cutting-edge theories and advanced best practices to sustainable development, on an organisational, community and societal level. It emphasizes dynamic and regenerative balance among four mutually reinforcing dimensions (nature and community; culture and consciousness; science, systems and technology; finance, enterprise and economics), with an integrative moral value core. Past and ongoing research demonstrates that such holistic and dynamic inclusion of all parts of a living system is vital for the long-term resilience and sustainability of our social institutions and societal infrastructure. Building on the existing integral knowledge base and the growing global practice field, this contribution explores how Europe can “Build Back Better”, thereby fulfilling its ambitious European Green Deal, by: • placing fundamental values, underlying the European cultural heritage, in the centre and as the starting point of visionary thinking as well as practical policies and measures; • by rooting integral sustainable development in nature and community; • by revisiting the economic paradigm that is to a large extent responsible for current environmental degradation, social and economic crises. This input will conclude with a brief exploration on the potential of the EU to become a driver for a truly regenerative economy and society – on a global scale. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 433 Cliona Howie, MSc Head of Circular Economy, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Climate-KIC A DEEP DEMONSTRATION OF A CIRCULAR, REGENERATIVE AND LOW-CARBON ECONOMY The scientific and policy communities strongly agree that the current situation that we are facing constitutes a climate emergency. Continuing to innovate through gradual, incremental changes will not be enough. What is needed now is a fundamental transformation of economic, social and financial systems that will trigger exponential change in decarbonisation rates and strengthen climate resilience – what the IPCC Special Report calls, “rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society”. The central role of circular economy in climate mitigation has been widely described (for example, in the European Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan) and its potential for emissions abatement is both substantial and economically attractive. As a cross-cutting topic, circular economy is closely tied to the UNś Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and included in key EU and national documents and strategies such as the “European Green Deal” and the “Slovenian Development Strategy 2030”. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge & Innovation Communities (KICs) sit at the heart of the EU’s innovation architecture. The EIT KICs are the world’s largest open innovation partnerships aimed at societal challenges. KIC learnings have shown that ‘point’ and ‘incremental’ innovation are not fast or powerful enough to trigger transformative change when addressing climate, sustainability and resource utilization challenges. As such, EIT Climate-KIC (CKIC) is delivering a systemic approach to innovation, harnessing partners from the private, public, knowledge and third sectors, as well as public authorities. Engaging people, as citizens and communities is fundamental to this. Deep Demonstrations (DDs) or “testbeds” are an initiative led by CKIC to drive transformative change. These start with a demand-led approach, with a multi-stakeholder framework committed to zero-net emissions, resilient futures. CKIC matches this demand with supply, bringing the full force of our innovation community to tackle multiple levers of change simultaneously through rapid experiments. DDs are initiating across diverse European regions and cities, such as Glasgow, the Dolomites, the Mondragon Valley, and the cities of Copenhagen, Malmö and Maribor. On the national level, collaboration between the Government of Slovenia and CKIC and EIT RawMaterials started in 2019 to position Slovenia as a European leader in harnessing circular-ity to transform and decarbonize its economy while fostering a green economy and designing and promoting the smart and circular transition of local communities through a coordinated and coherent national approach based on international best practice. The paper will present and discuss the DD concept and its implementation on various levels with special emphasis on the Slovenian case. The proposal for the strategic national DD project envisages that between 2021 and 2023 a partnership with Slovenian authorities and stakeholders will be established to roll out a portfolio of rapid change to a circular, regenerative and low-carbon economy and society, building on key processes, policies and activities already underway. As a result, wellbeing and prosperity for all Slovenes would be advanced and secured for decades to come and greenhouse gas emissions significantly reduced to support Slovenia in reaching its targets. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 434 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Alessandro Manzardo CESQA, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy Alberto Barausse Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy Mirco Piron*, Angelica Guidolin CESQA, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Italy Lara Endrizzi Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy NEW APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS IN THE ITALIAN-SLOVENIAN REGIONS: THE ITA-SLO INTERREG PROJECT ECO-SMART Ecosystems and their services are vital for human existence and good quality of life. As such their conservation is central to international polices for Sustainable Development. Despite playing such an important role, ecosystems quality has significantly degenerated in past years so that globally, about 75% of the terrestrial environment and 40% of the marine environment are now severely altered1. Within this framework emerged the need to develop and test new approaches to facilitate the conservation of ecosystems and their value. Europe has clearly stated the importance of preserve and restore those ecosystems that are more at risk due to the effect of climate change3. Among the different ones, coastal transitional ecosystems of the Adriatic, due to the delicate balance that characterizes the habitats of these areas, are a priority in regional environmental policies. The aim of this paper is to present the new approach developed to improve the climate resilience of NATURA 2k sites within the project ECO-SMART. Funded by INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Program 2014-2020, the project builds on the principle that the value of ecosystems services can be assessed and properly evaluated in economic terms. Through the application of paying for ecosystems services schemes, this value can be increased and the quality of ecosystem improved so that coastal regions can become more and more resilient to the effects of climate changes. The new approach will be presented and first project outcomes related to pilot applications in three NATURA 2k sites (2 Itay, 1 Slovenia) will be discussed. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 435 Liliana Vižintin, Suzana Škof Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Science and research Centre Koper, Slovenia INNOVATIVE APPROACH IN COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING ON ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AS DEVELOPED BY PROJECT ECO-SMART Capacity building is often a relevant component that assures stakeholder involvement in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation initiatives and projects. Based on the UNFCCC capacity building framework, it could be defined as a multi-stage process (at systemic, institutional or individual level) in which climate change and sustainability challenges should be effectively addressed. During the process, communities or individuals obtain, improve or retain their knowledge and skills, change attitudes and behaviors, maximize the benefits of participation, knowledge exchange and ownership. Indeed, vulnerability and adaptation have been highlighted as one of the priority areas. Moreover, the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change supports capacity building to strengthen adaptation actions in EU Member States, especially in vulnerable sectors, such as in transboundary coastal management. Actions to bridge knowledge gaps (e.g. on adaptation costs and benefits, frameworks, models and tools to support decision-making and assess the effectiveness of different adaptation measures) are thus promoted with this approach. The aim of this paper is to present the innovative approach in capacity building on ecosystem services and adaptation to climate change as developed within the ECO-SMART project (Ecosystem Services Market for an Advanced Policy to Protect NATURA 2000 areas) funded by INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Program 2014-2020. In the innovative approach of the project, all other implementation activities (ecological and economic assessment of ecosystem services, vulnerability analyzes, adaptation measures supported by innovative PES schemes) are underpinned by a community building plan and activities – with the aim of facilitating transboundary, transnational and interregional cooperation and harmonization of management approaches to protect the biodiversity of Natura 2000 sites as well as increasing the resilience of communities to climate change. The theory of Integral Development by Schieffer & Lessem, implemented in Slovenia in the Integral Green Slovenia (IGS) initiative, and the CARE principles derived from it (such as communities' activation, consciousness awakening, responsible innovation and research, fostering and embodying transformative effects of education) are included and explained through the proposed practical implementation in the ECO -SMART project. PLENARY SESSION ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONS INVITED SPEAKERS Gorazd Andrejč, University of Groningen & Science and Research Centre Koper Kelly Bulkeley, Director of the Sleep and Dream Database and Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press Linda Koncz, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Daniel Kennedy, Software Developer at Small Multiples and a Co-founder at Dreamcloud Maja Gutman, Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press *Financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Project J6-1813: Creatures, Humans, Robots: Creation Theology Between Humanism and Posthumanism. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 438 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Kelly Bulkeley Director of the Sleep and Dream Database and Co-director of 2020 Dreams under advance contract with Stanford University Press EXPLORING DREAM REPORTS THROUGH THE MODERN LENS OF AI TOOLS: A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO MULTIMODAL COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF DREAMS WITH CLOSING PRESENTATIONS ON AI AND EMOTIONS DREAM TECHNOLOGIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN From the earliest days of recorded history, humans have used special tools to explore dreams and amplify their powers. Today, the technologies of enhanced dreaming are more powerful than ever. These new tools offer exciting new possibilities, and also raise serious ethical questions. This presentation will start by reviewing the dream technologies of ancient peoples around the world, including rituals of dream incubation, methods for inducing lucid dreaming, and recording dreams to track patterns over time. Modern scientists are not the first to try influencing and shaping people’s dreams; this has been a human desire since the dawn of history. The difference today is the power of modern technologies, which enable us to peer more deeply into the dreaming mind than ever before and observe the fundamental processes of the nocturnal imagination. In addition to the findings of cognitive neuroscience, new tools of digital data analysis have been applied to dreams, with very encouraging results. This presentation will show how these modern tools can be applied to the study of dreams from the pandemic era, revealing the dynamic interplay in dreaming of individual and communal concerns. The year 2020 provided a kind of natural experiment of dreaming during a multi-dimensional collective crisis. The initial findings of a project devoted to the study of dreams during that year suggest that we give more respect to dreaming as a part of our natural emergency-response system, providing creative insights and healing resources not only for personal disasters but also for social disasters, too. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 439 Linda Koncz Cultural Studies at the Catholic University of Lisbon, Portugal LANGUAGES OF IMAGINATION: FILM AND DREAM Linda Koncz co-created the online collection of 1.700 dreams found at These are recorded talking head interviews of people describing what they dreamt at night in London, Lisbon, and Budapest. Patterns emerged from the collection and categorization of the interviews. The most recurrent cultural and historical characters mentioned in the dream stories are Hitler, Michael Jackson, Spiderman, Superman, Indiana Jones, and God. This finding led to a further investigation of how dreams and films influence each other. We live in a visually dominant era, where not only dreams affect cinema but, inversely, filmic representations affect the way we dream. Linda’s Ph.D. research examines how the two visual media, dreams and cinema borrow tools from each other. It further explores how cultural patterns circulate between these two medium within the theoretical framework of Narrative Theory, Psychoanalytical Film Theory, Critical Theory and Cultural Theory. The research aims to shed light on how cultural constructions move between different media and how the subconscious mind plays an active role in transferring, modifying, and stabilizing cultural elements in cultural memory. The author has curated several exhibitions in London, Budapest, Lisbon and Berlin, where she invited local artists to choose dreams from the collection and use them as inspiration for their art pieces. The author will also discuss Improvisation Performance, Animation, Exhibitions and Installation. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 440 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Dan Kennedy Software Developer at Small Multiples (Sydney), Co-founder at (working app title) NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION (NER) AND DREAMS Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a type of AI which attempts to pull keywords from texts and classify them into broad categories ('person', 'place', and so on). This has powerful applications in the field of quantitative dream analysis. By automatically identifying salient features of dreams, it can make the task of identifying patterns in dream reports much easier for the dreamer or researcher. Collaborating with two other programmers, Gez Quinn (UK) and Sheldon Juncker (USA), I have been working on a prototype online dream journal that uses this technology. Though it's still in development and under a 'working title', it's online at It's early days yet and 'private journaling' is the only mode available, however we have all noticed strong evidence of meaningful patterns in our dreams. We will be discussing some of the design decisions we've made so far, and the broader implications and possibilities of this technology in the field of dreams. As much as it relates to professional dream research, this technology really is ‘all about people’, giving individuals the power to be researchers of their own dreams. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 441 Maja Gutman Co-director of 2020 Dreams under advance contract with Stanford University Press IN SEARCH OF EMOTIONAL PATTERNS IN DREAM DATA: FROM THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS TO ALGORITHMS Due to its complexity, dreams have always been tackled from different disciplinary angles, ranging from anthropology, philosophy of mind, religious studies, psychology and, recently, cognitive science. In this talk, we will highlight how some theoretical frameworks can lead to computational examination of large collection of dreams. One such approach is based on the concept of emergent systems, omnipresent in nature. It is in human nature to search for patterns in seemingly noncoherent elements. Dreams, too, can be considered as natural phenomena (of the human mind) and can be examined for patterns. Automated recognition of such patterns can be of symbolic nature, for example, we can search for the most frequent symbols, conveyed in words or phrases. Since dreaming often times appears to be very intense nocturnal experience, the interpretation of patterns inevitably leads us to emotional aspect of the dreamed content. Random neuronal firing theory aside, what is the function of emotionally charged dreams? We will look into the second theoretical framework that deals with the notion of the self-regulating system of the psyche, where mental health activity is considered to be the key function of dreaming (also known as the compensatory function of dreaming). Would it be possible to detect pre-vailing moods at the population level and ultimately have an insight about the global patterns that emerge in our dreams? We will discuss the role of emotions in dreaming and highlight the current challenges in automatic detection of emotional states (‘moods’) in a large collection of dream reports. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 442 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nataša Hodnik Korinšek AMEU - ISH WELCOME TO OUR HOME: AI IN EVERYDAY LIFE Technological revolutions affect people's lives by changing the nature of work, which in turn also affects everyday life and living space. "Industry 4.0" as the latest revolution with digitalization and automation is partly shaping our everyday life, but the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we are not sufficiently prepared for major changes. Although the flexibility of work, working hours and work from home has been debated for many years, the development of digital and smart devices has been mostly a one-way process, as we were forced to open the door to the digital world in our homes during the pandemic - without an individual being able to choose. This raises the question of the perspective of digital technology developers, especially given the extremely low percentage of women in this industry. Given the fact that technology and artificial intelligence are coming to our home, the empowerment of women in technology could play a key role in the level of readiness for artificial intelligence to enter our homes. With emotion AI technology, also known as affective computing, home appliances and AI assistants would be able to detect and respond to human emotions in order to provide more personalized human experience. In this view, we will also discuss potential risks of collecting and analysing biometric data for recognizing human emotions. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 443 Tanja Petrovič AMEU - ISH ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE (AI) AND EMPATHY Empathy is part and parcel of our functioning in the society thoughout our history. Nevertheless, technical advances faced us with a novel, yet key question of how to succesfully co-exist with robots (AI), in bussiness environment and at home. Are empathy and other prosocial emotions important in this context ? What are possibilities and is there a realistic need for this kind of empathy ? In the field of Healthcare there is an increasing demand for AI development, especially in medicine and caring for patients. Socially assistive robots (SAR) are developed for taking over some parts of caring activities executed by the staff, especially more routine ones. SAR are caring, for instance, for a patient with dementia and thus contribute importantly to lowering risk of burn-out of the staff. Ethical and other questions are also widely discused. SAR can be effective tool in learning, for instance, of autistic children in order to improve their skills and functioning. With a view of AI »coming of age« in a step closer to a human, there is a dire need to develop also a field of emotions. 9 RAZISKAVE KULTURNIH FORMACIJ / CULTURAL FORMATIONS AND CULTURAL MEMORY PROGRAMSKI ODBOR/ PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Alma Mater Europaea ISH Jurij Toplak, Alma Mater Europaea ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 446 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Neža Zajc AMEU, ICK, IKZ - ZRC SAZU O ČLOVEKOVEM DOSTOJANSTVU - ZGODNJERENESANČNI ORIS POVZETEK Prispevek bo predstavljal prve razprave o človeku kot individuumu od zgodnje renesanse do začetkov 17.stoletja v osrednjem evropske prostoru od severne Italije do Rusije (Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Cristophoro Landino, Angelo Poliziano, Girolamo Savonarola, sv. Maksim Grek, Montaigne, Blaise Pascal). Omenjena zaostritev misli se je zgodila še očitneje po padcu Konstantinopla leta 1453 in s sklenitvijo florentinske unije. Prispevek bo vključeval predvsem obravnavo literarno-filozofskih dosežkov, ki so tema-tizirali posameznika, meje njegove svobode ter možnosti njegove transcendence. Izvor omenjenih nazorov pa je mogoče iskati že v predhodni misli italijansko-grškega porekla in v bizan-tinski zgodovinsko-teološki filološki pismenosti (Francesco Petrarca, Dante Alighieri, Maximus Planudes, J. Gemistes, J. Chrysolaros). Ključne besede: humanisti, zgodnja renesansa ABSTRACT The paper will present the first discussions on man as an individual from the early Renaissance to the early 17th century in Central Europe from northern Italy to Russia (Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Cristophoro Landino, Angelo Poliziano, Girolamo Savonarola, St. Maximus the Greek, Montaigne, Blaise Pascal). This aggravation of thought occurred even more evidently after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and with the conclusion of the Florentine Union. The article will include a discussion of literary and philosophical achievements that thematized the individual, the limits of his freedom and the possibilities of his transcendence. The origin of these views can be traced back to previous thoughts of Italian-Greek origin and to Byzantine historical-theological philological literacy (Francesco Petrarca, Dante Alighieri, Maximus Planudes, J. Gemistes, J. Chrysolaros). Keywords: humanismus, early-Renaissance movement and thought 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 447 Daniel Siter AMEU – ISH PREDSTAVITEV ZNANSTVENE MONOGRAFIJE (TRENUTNO V IZDAJI) Z NASLOVOM ZDRAVILIŠKA OBČINA ROGAŠKA SLATINA V ČASU NACISTIČNE OKUPACIJE (1941-1945) PRESENTATION OF A SCIENTIFIC MONOGRAPH (CURRENTLY IN ISSUE) TITLED SPA MUNICIPALITY OF ROGAŠKA SLATINA IN THE PERIOD OF NAZI OCCUPATION (1941-1945) POVZETEK V letu 2021 bo pri znanstveni založbi AMEU - ISH izšla znanstvena monografija z naslovom Zdraviliška občina Rogaška Slatina v času nacistične okupacije (1941-1945), katere osnova temelji na moji triletni magistrski raziskavi (2016-2019), dodatno leto pa je bilo sinhrono z vključevanjem novih primarnih virov namenjeno prestrukturiranju poglavij ter nadgradnji in razširitvi vsebine za namen pretvorbe v znanstveno monografsko delo. Monografska publikacija tako predstavlja izvirno štiriletno raziskovalno delo, ki na podlagi doslej še nepregledanih in neobjavljenih arhivskih virov, redkega slikovnega gradiva, šolskih kronik, matičnih knjig, občutljive osebne dokumentacije žrtev okupatorjevega nasilja in ostalih zasebnih zbirk, posnetih spominskih pričevanj še živečih prič (ustni viri) ter raziskovalnega dela na terenu (uporaba LIDAR tehnologije in detektorja kovin) celostno proučuje in analizira oku-patorjevo oblast v spodnještajerski zasedbeni občini Rogaška Slatina v vojnih letih 1941-1945 z vsemi svojimi daljnosežnimi posledicami. Znanstveno monografsko delo bo pomenilo prvo obsežno publikacijo z doslej najcelovitejšo in najbolj poglobljeno zgodovinopisno proučitvijo turbulentnega obdobja nemške zasedbe Roga- ške Slatine. Ključne besede: Rogaška Slatina, Spodnja Štajerska, okupacija, druga svetovna vojna ABSTRACT In 2021, the scientific publishing house AMEU - ISH will publish a scientific monograph entitled Spa Municipality of Rogaška Slatina during the Nazi occupation (1941-1945), which is based on my three-year master's research (2016-2019) and an additional year was beside inclusion of new primary sources intended for the restructuring of chapters and the upgrading and expansion of content for transformation into a scientific monograph. The monographic publication is an originally four-year research work based on hitherto unre-viewed and unpublished archival sources, rare pictorial material, school chronicles, central registers, sensitive personal papers from victims of Nazi violence and other private collections, recorded testimonies of living witnesses (oral sources) and field research (use of LIDAR technology and metal detector) comprehensively studies and analyzes the occupier's power in the Lower Styrian occupied municipality of Rogaška Slatina in the war years 1941-1945 with all its far-reaching consequences. The scientific monograph will be the first extensive publication with the most comprehensive and in-depth historical study of the turbulent period of the German occupation of Rogaška Slatina. Keywords: Rogaška Slatina, Lower Styria, occupation, Second World War 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 448 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mojca Sfiligoj AMEU – ISH KANDIDATURA NOVE GORICE ZA EVROPSKO PRESTOLNICO KULTURE ZA LETO 2025 IN VKLJUČEVANJE STAVBNE DEDIŠČINE NA PODEŽELJU NOVA GORICA'S CANDIDACY FOR THE EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE FOR 2025 AND THE INTEGRATION OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE IN RURAL AREAS POVZETEK V letu 2020 je Ministrstvo za kulturo vodilo postopek izbire Evropske prestolnice kulture za leto 2025 v Republiki Sloveniji. Kandidaturo za Evropsko prestolnica kulture je vložilo šest slovenskih mest. V dvofaznem postopku je mednarodni svet neodvisnih strokovnjakov za Evropsko prestolnico kulture priporočil skupno kandidaturo mest Nove Gorice in Gorice. Čezmejna kandidatura Nove Gorice vključuje tudi območje zalednih občin na podeželju. Stavbna dediščina na podeželju sodi med najbolj ogrožene skupine dediščine. Finančne vzpodbude za sofinanciranje obnov kulturne dediščine poleg kriterijev, ki vrednotijo dotrajanost objektov in kulturnovarstveni pomen, zahtevajo vključevanje razvojnih komponent ter programsko vpetost v širšo lokalno skupnost. Projekt Evropske prestolnice kulture je najpomembnejša kulturna pobuda Evropske unije in priložnost za vključevanje stavbne dediščine. V prispevku bo predstavljeno vključevanje stavbne dediščine na podeželju v program kandidature Nove Gorice za Evropsko prestolnico kulture. Program kandidature sem preučila v prijavnih knjigah za predizbor in za končni izbor. Zasledovala sem vključevanje stavbne dediščine na podeželju kot kulturne infrastrukture. Ugotovila sem, da kandidatura Nove Gorice vključuje posamezne primere revitalizacije dediščine na podeželju, predvsem rudarsko dediščino. Iz opisov ni razvidnih obsežnih inovacij in prebojnih ukrepov, ki bi znatno revitalizirali degradirano dediščino na podeželju. Ključne besede: Evropska prestolnica kulture, Nova Gorica, stavbna dediščina ABSTRACT In 2020, the Ministry of Culture led the process of selecting the European Capital of Culture for 2025 in the Republic of Slovenia. Six Slovenian cities have applied for the European Capital of Culture. In a two-phase procedure, the International Council of Independent Experts for the European Capital of Culture recommended a joint candidacy of the cities of Nova Gorica and Gorica. The cross-border candidacy of Nova Gorica also includes the area of hinterland municipalities in rural areas. Architectural heritage in rural areas is one of the most endangered heritage groups. In addition to the criteria that evaluate the dilapidation of buildings and the importance of cultural protection, financial incentives for co-financing the restoration of cultural heritage require the inclusion of development components and program integration into the wider local community. The European Capital of Culture project is the European Union's most important cultural initiative and an opportunity to integrate architectural heritage. The article will present the inclusion of architectural heritage in rural areas in the candidacy program of Nova Gorica for the European Capital of Culture. I examined the candidacy program in the application books for the pre-selection and for the final selection. I pursued the integration of architectural heritage in the rural areas as a cultural infrastructure. I found that the candidacy of Nova Gorica includes individual cases of revitalization of rural heritage, especially mining heritage. The descriptions do not show extensive innovations and breakthrough measures that would significantly revitalize the degraded heritage in rural areas. Keywords: European Capital of Culture, Nova Gorica, architectural heritage 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 449 Maruša Hauptman Komotar AMEU – ISH RAZISKOVANJE KULTURE NA PODROČJU VISOKEGA ŠOLSTVA: KULTURNA PRIPRAVLJENOST SLOVENSKIH VISOKOŠOLSKIH ZAVODOV NA INTERNACIONALIZACIJO VISOKEGA ŠOLSTVA RESEARCH ON CULTURE IN THE FIELD OF HIGHER EDUCATION: THE CULTURAL READINESS OF SLOVENIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TO THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION POVZETEK Prispevek postavlja koncept kulture v kontekst (internacionalizacije) visokega šolstva v okviru treh vsebinsko zaokroženih in dopolnjujočih se raziskovalnih enot. V prvem delu se osredinja na konceptualno razsežnost pojma 'kultura' kot niza obstoječih vrednot, stališč in načinov vedenja, ki je izoblikovan in okrepljen s ponavljajočimi se praksami skupine posameznikov v določenem kontekstu. S tem zagotavlja ustrezno iztočnico nadaljnje razprave o razmerju med kulturo in visokim šolstvom, ki ga analizira z gledišča disciplinarne in institucionalne tradicije kulturnih študij v visokem šolstvu. V drugem vsebinskem delu prispevek posveča pozornost konceptu organizacijske kulture kot dejavniku, ki bodisi spodbuja bodisi zavira proces visoko- šolske internacionalizacije, in ga naslovi z gledišča najvplivnejših tipologij, modelov in okvirov kot orodij za preučevanje vplivov organizacijske kulture na razvoj in izvajanje (internacionalizacije) visokega šolstva. Na ta način zagotovi ustrezno izhodišče razprave tretjega vsebinskega dela, ki postavi koncept organizacijske kulture v kontekst internacionalizacije izbranih slovenskih visokošolskih zavodov. S pomočjo poglobljene analize različnih dokumentarnih virov in še posebej institucionalnih strategij internacionalizacije (upoštevaje poslanstvo, vizijo, vrednote, strateške cilje ipd.), prispevek izbrane slovenske visokošolske zavode najprej umesti v matrico štirih glavnih pristopov k internacionalizaciji visokega šolstva, v nadaljevanju pa s po-močjo modela kulturne pripravljenosti za internacionalizacijo ovrednoti specifične vplive, ki na mikro, mezo in makro ravni visokega šolstva podpirajo ali zavirajo kulturno pripravljenost izbranih slovenskih visokošolskih zavodov na internacionalizacijo. Raziskava naslovne teme je potekala v okviru raziskovalnega programa Raziskave kulturnih formacij, ki ga sofinancira Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Ključne besede: kultura, visoko šolstvo, strategije internacionalizacije, slovenski visokošolski zavodi 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 450 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT The contribution places the concept of culture in the context of (internationalisation of) higher education. Firstly, it discusses conceptually the term ‘culture’ as a set of existing values, attitudes, and behaviours that is shaped and reinforced by the repetitive practices of a group of individuals in a given context. On this basis, it further elaborates the relationship between culture and higher education in terms of disciplinary and institutional tradition of cultural studies in higher education. Afterwards, it considers the concept of organizational culture as a factor that either stimulates or inhibits the process of higher education internationalisation, and addresses it from the perspective of most influential typologies, models and frameworks as tools for studying the influence of organizational culture on higher education development. In this way, it investigates the concept of organizational culture in relation to the internationalisation of selected Slovenian higher education institutions. With an in-depth analysis of various documentary sources and institutional internationalisation strategies in particular (considering the mission, vision, values, strategic goals, etc.), it firstly places Slovenian higher education institutions in the matrix of four main internationalisation approaches and then, it evaluates specific influences at macro, meso and micro level that either support or restrain the cultural readiness of selected Slovenian higher education institutions for internationalisation by using the model of cultural readiness for internationalisation. Research was conducted as part of the research programme Research of Cultural Formations, co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. Keywords: culture, higher education, internationalisation strategies, Slovenian HEIs 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 451 Verena Perko AMEU – ISH MUZEJI IN KULTURNA DEDIŠČINA V ČASU POSTMODERNISTIČNEGA RELATIVIZMA. ZA DRUŽBO IN SKUPNOST GRE MUSEUMS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE TIME OF POSTMODERN RELATIVISM. IT’S ABOUT SOCIETY AND COMMUNITY POVZETEK Prispevek je namenjen obravnavi razvojnih značilnosti muzejev in njihove družbene vloge v posameznih zgodovinskih obdobjih. Podrobneje obravnava naloge muzeja v sklopu identite-tnih, izobraževalnih in razvojno gospodarskih potreb sodobne družbe. Odpira vprašanja nalog sodobnega muzeja, medija, do skupnosti in dediščinskih okolij v luči holističnega teoretičnega koncepta kulturne dediščine. Srž razprave pa se nanaša na vprašanja muzejske profesionalne etike in družbenih vlog dediščinskih institucij v okviru modernizma, totalitarnih sistemov in postmodernističnega relativizma. Na podlagi filozofsko etičnega prespraševanja odnosa postmodernistične družbe do identitet, civilizacijskih vrednot in skupnosti, ki so temeljnega pomena pri identificiranju, vrednotenju, varovanju in ohranjanju kulturne dediščine, osvetljuje pomen in vlogo dediščinske politike. Prispevek se posveča tudi vprašanjem (multi)interpretacije preteklosti in nastajanju kolektivnega spomina, ki so presodnega pomena zagotavljanja demokratičnosti sedanje in prihodnje družbe. Ključne besede: kulturna dediščina, muzej, čas postmodernističnega relativizma ABSTRACT The contribution is intended to address the developmental characteristics of museums and their social role in individual historical periods. It discusses in detail the tasks of the museum within the identity, educational and developmental economic needs of modern society. It opens up questions of the tasks of the modern museum and the media to the community and heritage environments in the light of the holistic theoretical concept of the cultural heritage. The core of the discussion, however, relates to issues of museum professional ethics and the social roles of heritage institutions within modernism, totalitarian systems and postmodernist relativism. Based on a philosophical and ethical questioning of the attitude of postmodern society towards identities, civilizational values and communities that are fundamental in identifying, valuing, protecting and preserving cultural heritage, it sheds light on the importance and role of heritage policy. The contribution also focuses on the issues of (multi) interpretation of the past and the formation of collective memory, which are crucial for ensuring the democracy of present and future society. Keywords: Cultural heritage, museum, time of postmodern relativism 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 452 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Daniel Siter AMEU – ISH VSAKDANJE ŽIVLJENJE V ROGAŠKI SLATINI IN BLIŽNJI OKOLICI V ČASU NEMŠKE OKUPACIJE (1941-1945) EVERYDAY LIFE IN ROGAŠKA SLATINA AND NEARBY AREA IN THE PERIOD OF GERMAN OCCUPATION (1941-1945) POVZETEK Na podlagi primarnih arhivskih virov, okupatorjevega uradnega časopisja, slikovnega materiala, ustnih pričevanj, spominskega gradiva in ostale literature se avtor v okviru mikroštudije posveča specifični temi krajevne zgodovine, v okviru katere raziskuje vsakdanje življenje prebivalcev zdravilišča Rogaška Slatina v času nacistične okupacije (1941-1945). Nemška vojska je Rogaško Slatino zasedla 11. aprila 1941, čemur je sledil proces prevzemanja občinske uprave in kompleksnega vzpostavljanja lokalne civilne uprave, postopnega oblikovanja represivnega oblastnega aparata z nameščanjem okupatorjevih organov, raznarodovalno-ponemčevalnih organizacij in zvez ter policijskih vzvodov. Avtor ne želi podajati celovite zgodovinopisne analize štiriletne nemške zasedbe takratnega spodnještajerskega zdravilišča, temveč se fokusira na izbrane in najbolj reprezentativne vidike vsakdanjega življenja podjarmljenih prebivalcev pod nacističnim gospostvom. Slatinčani, kakor tudi ostali prebivalci nemškega dela zasedene Slovenije, so bili med drugo svetovno vojno podvrženi temeljitim rasnopolitičnim pregledom, raznarodovalno-ponemčevalnim ukrepom, zaukazana jim je bila zapiralna ura in prepoved iz-hoda, v začetni in končni fazi vojne pa so bili tudi priče (in žrtve) letalskih bombnih napadov. Omejena preskrba z živili in življenjsko najnujnejšimi potrebščinami je bila racionirana in izva-jana s pomočjo posebnih vojnih nakaznic. Življenje v vojnih razmerah so prebivalcem »lajšali« nekateri privilegiji, s katerimi se ni moglo pohvaliti veliko mest pod nemško zasedbo: zdraviliško kopališče, kino in orkestralna glasba v paviljonu sredi zdraviliškega parka, od koder so odmevali ritmi dunajske glasbene klasike. Ključne besede: Rogaška Slatina, nemška okupacija, rasnopolitični pregledi, kopališče ABSTRACT Drawing on primary archival sources, official newspapers of occupying forces, pictorial material, oral testimonies, memoirs and other literature, author is focusing on a specific topic from local history, in which he is researching the everyday life of inhabitants of health-spa resort Rogaška Slatina in the period of Nazi occupation (1941-1945). Rogaška Slatina was occupied by the German Army on April 11, 1941, followed by the process of the occupier's overtaking of municipality administration and complex establishment of a local civil administration, the gradual formation of a repressive government apparatus with the establishment of authorities, denationalisation organizations and associations, and policy levers. Author focuses on selected and most representative aspects of the daily life of the enslaved inhabitants under Nazi rule. During World War II, the residents of Rogaška Slatina, like other inhabitants of Nazi Germany occupied Slovenia, were subjected to a thorough racial and political examination, as well as denationalisation and Germanization measures. They were living under the strict "closing-hour" rule and curfew, at the beginning and in the final phase of the war they were witness (and victims) of air bombings. The limited supply of food and life necessities was strictly controlled and maintained through ration cards. Life in the time of war was made easier for the inhabitants with the help of privileges that many German-occupied towns could not boast of: a spa bath, a cinema and orchestral music in a pavilion in the middle of the spa park, from where echoed the rhythms of Viennese musical classics. Keywords: Rogaška Slatina, German occupation, racial-political examinations, swimming-pool complex 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 453 Sebastian Müller Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies, South Korea CONSTRUCTING MEMORY: THE MOUNDED GRAVES OF THE HALLSTATT PERIOD AT DUNAJSKÁ LUŽNÁ-NOVÉ KOŠARISKÁ, SLOVAKIA ABSTRACT One of various factors that allow for the cohesion of a society and for the identity construction of its members is the collective memory, which consists, as the research of Jan Assmann has shown, of different elements among which the ‘communicative’ and ‘cultural memory’ are the most crucial. Cultural memory is the only instance that enables pre-literate societies to store and recall their identity-securing narratives and knowledge. According to Assmann, the cultural memory is recalled through rites and festivities by the community. Although the content and the process of these performances are not accessible without additional sources, they might have left traces in the archaeological record, in particular in burials. In order to explore how burials possibly contributed to the formation and recalling of the communicative and cultural memory in a prehistoric community, the mounded graves of Dunajská Lužná-Nové Košariská in southwestern Slovakia are being discussed. The mounds, dating to the Hallstatt period, were the chosen burial type of the elite which had a specific interest to maintain the cultural memory. As will be shown, the communicative aspect of the graves as well as rituals that were performed during the funeral created memorable events that became part of the communicative memory. Emotionally charged through a dense layering of events, combined with their monumental size, location and longevity, the mounds transformed into mnemonic devices. Together with other reference points in the landscape they became part of a mnemotope that provided tangible evidence for the narratives included in the cultural memory. Keywords: cultural memory, Hallstatt-period, mounded graves, Nové Košariská, Slovakia 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 454 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Anja Hellmuth Kramberger AMEU – ISH AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MEANING OF CULTURAL MEMORY AND CULTURAL FORMATION IN PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGY ABSTRACT Culture in the sense of all material and spiritual expressions from the past and present made by man surrounds us every day. Its perception, however, is strongly influenced by personal interests, and the same applies to the way we are dealing with it. The cultural scientists Aleida and Jan Assmann regard human legacies in pictorial and written form as well as in the form of intangible creations (intangible cultural heritage), which still influence or shape our world view today, as cultural memory and part of the collective memory. Cultural memory manifests itself in different ways, in Europe for example it has different characteristics than in East Asia. In Prehistoric Archaeology, the emergence of culture(s) and cultural memory can be grasped solely through material legacies. In general, it can be stated that archaeological research focuses on the acquisition of information regarding past forms of human organization on a social, economic, artistic and spiritual level. In doing so, archaeological research makes a particular contribution to the study of our cultural memory, the cultural formation and the cornerstones of modern society in all of their different forms. The contribution aims to provide an insight into the various aspects that arise in the field of research in Prehistoric Archeology in relation to the question of cultural memory and cultural formation. Keywords: cultural memory, cultural formation, prehistoric archaeology 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 455 Bine Kramberger Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (ZVKDS), Center za preventivno arheologijo (CPA) PREHOD IZ TOSTRANSTVA V ONOSTRANSTVO. O FORMACIJI POSEBNE POGREBNE KULTURE POZNO BRONASTODOBNE SKUPINE DOBOVA-VELIKA GORICA THE TRANSITION TO THE AFTERLIFE. ON THE FORMATION OF A SPECIAL SEPULCHRAL CULTURE OF THE LATE BRONZE AGE DOBOVA-VELIKA GORICA GROUP POVZETEK Na območju Krškega polja, Brežiških vrat v dolini reke Save in Hrvaškega Zagorja je zaznamo-vala razvoj na koncu 2. in v prvih dveh stoletjih 1. tisoč. pr. n. št. skupina Dobova-Velika Gorica, ki jo arheologi razumemo kot regionalno različico srednjeevropske kulture žarnih grobišč. Eden od osnovnih pokazateljev te skupine so posode z eno ali več luknjami v ostenju, ki jih srečamo, v različnih oblikovnih variantah izključno na pozno bronastodobnih grobiščih na tem področju. Očitno je, da gre za žare, oziroma posode, ki so bile namensko izdelane za shranjevanje sežganih kosti umrlih pripadnikov skupnosti, pri čemer so imele luknje verjetno simbolni pomen oziroma so povezane z razumevanjem koncepta prehoda iz tostranstva v onostranstvo. V pričujočem članku obravnavamo različna vprašanja glede uporabe takšnih žar v pogrebnem ritualu pozno bronastodobne skupnosti Dobova-Velika gorica, glede na analize grobov (spol in starost pokopanih ljudi, spremljajoče grobne pridatke, itd.) ter glede na primerjave na prazgo-dovinskih najdiščih po Evropi in etnografske primere. Rezultati analiz nam osvetljujejo formacijo te posebne pogrebne kulture. Ključne besede: Pozna bronasta doba, skupina Dobova-Velika Gorica, žare z luknjo, pogrebni običaj ABSTRACT In the area of Krško polje, Brežiška vrata, and the valley of the Sava River and Hrvatsko Zagorje the development at the end of the second and in the first two centuries of the first millennium BC is marked by the so called Dobova-Velika Gorica group, which archaeologists understand as a regional variant of the Central European Urnfield culture. One of the basic characteristics of this group are ceramic vessels with one or more perforations in the wall that we encounter, in various morphological variants, exclusively in the Late Bronze Age cemeteries in the area. It is obvious that these represent urns, respectively vessels that were purposely produced to keep the cremated bones of the deceased members of the community, while the perforations probably had a symbolic meaning and are associated with the past understanding of a certain concept of transition from this world to the afterlife. In the present contribution we discuss various issues regarding the use of such urns in the funeral ritual of the late bronze age Dobova-Velika gorica community with respect to analyzes of graves (sex and age of the deceased, accompanying grave goods, etc.) as well as comparisons from other prehistoric sites in Europe and ethnographical parallels. The results of the analyzes will shed a new light on the formation of this special sepulchral culture. Keywords: Late Bronze Age, Dobova-Velika Gorica-group, urns with perforation, burial ritual 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 456 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ignac Navernik AMEU – ISH ISTOSPOLNA PARA V LUKOVEM EVANGELIJU IN VPRAŠANJE SVETOPISEMSKEGA NAVDIHNJENJA THE SAME-SEX COUPLES IN LUKE'S GOSPEL AND THE QUESTION OF BIBLICAL INSPIRATION POVZETEK Evangelist Luka je v svoji mali apokalipsi uporabil tudi zapis o »dveh«, ki bosta na isti postelji in »dveh«, ki bosta skupaj mleli, v času nastopanja božjega kraljestva na zemlji. V vsaki dvojici je eden sprejet in drugi puščen. Tradicionalna eksegeza odlomek razlaga kot božjo suvereno od-ločitev za vstop v kraljestvo oz. kot sodbo po notranjih namenih, ne glede na isto naravo dela, ki ga na zunaj opravljajo posamezniki. Vendar to ni edina možna razlaga. V parih moremo videti dva istospolna para. Raziskovalec Ronald Goetz v svoji razlagi in umestitvi odlomka opozori na zgodovinske okoliščine v Galileji Jezusovih sodobnikov. Pravoverni farizeji so želeli multietnično in multiversko Galilejo očistiti vseh poganskih vplivov, med katerimi so bili istospolni pari še posebej nezaželeni. Zapis naj bi tako v apokaliptičnem ključu opozarjal na konkretno zgodovinsko nevarnost. Postavlja se vprašanje, v kolikšni meri je mogoče brati takšno LGBTIQ inkluzivno ekse-gezo kot del navdihnjenega besedila. Prispevek opozori na tri pomembne ravni, ki govorijo temu v prid: samo nastajanje bibličnega kanona, pomen navdihnjena Svetega Duha kot odločilni razlo- čevalni element znotraj različnih krajevnih Cerkva, kakor tudi tradicionalna raba hermenevtike in hermenevtičnega kroga za interpretacijo besedil. Ključne besede: queer, navdihnjenje, svetopisemski kanon, hermenevtika, apokaliptika ABSTRACT In his little apocalypse, evangelist Luke used the image of “two” who will be on the same bed and “two” who will grind together in the days, when the Kingdom of God will appearing on the Earth. Within every pair, one is taken, the other forsaken. Traditional exegesis interprets the pas-sage as the sovereign decision of God to permit entry into His Kingdom to whomsoever He wills. The other conventional possibility understands it as a final judgment in which internal purposes precedes the nature of a person's actions. However, those are not the only explanations available. We can see the “two” as same-sex couples. In his interpretation, Ronald Goetz highlights historical circumstances in Galilee of Jesus' contemporaries. The orthodox Pharisees wanted to purge the multi-ethnic and multi-religious Galilee from all pagan influences, among which same-sex couples were previously undesirable. The record in Luke is thus supposed to point out a concrete historical danger in an apocalyptic way. The question arises as to what extent such LGBTIQ inclusive exegesis can be read as part of an inspired text. The paper draws attention to three crucial levels that speak in favour of such understanding: the very emergence of the biblical canon, the importance of the inspiration by Holy Spirit as a decisive distinguishing element within the various local Churches, and the traditional use of hermeneutics and the hermeneutic circle to interpret sacred texts. Keywords: queer, inspiration, Biblical canon, hermeneutics, apocalyptic 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 457 Maja Hawlina AMEU – ISH DIZAJN AKTIVIZEM: SUBVERZIJA KREATIVNIH INDUSTRIJ ZA DRUŽBENO ANGAŽIRANO PARTICIPACIJO? DESIGN ACTIVISM: A SUBVERSION OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES FOR SOCIALLY ENGAGED PARTICIPATION? POVZETEK Zadnja leta, tudi zaradi zaostrenih družbeno-političnih razmer, raste polje kritičnih intervencij v javnem prostoru. Ti rezi, ki so pogosto povezani z umetniškim, kulturnim, družbenim in medijskim aktivizmom, se pojavljajo pod različnimi imeni – npr. urbana gverila, afektivizem, artivizem, rebelart, dizajn aktivizem – in predstavljajo željo po družbenih spremembah. Vsem je skupno, da prepletajo interdisciplinarna znanja/orodja – umetniška, medijska, komunikacijska, dizajnerska – vendar v različnih razmerjih in z različnimi poudarki. Prispevek preučuje dizajn aktivizem (DA), njegove specifičnosti ter potenciale za doseganje družbenih sprememb. Odločitev za DA temelji na dveh razlogih: ker je dizajn eden od najpomembnejših stebrov kreativnih industrij in ker je obenem pomemben del vseh družbeno angažiranih akcij. Že hiter pogled na dolgo listo discipln, ki so povezane z dizajnom, odkrije, da je dizajn prodrl v vse aspekte naših materi-aliziranih/virtualnih svetov. Pa vendar postaja DA šele v zadnjih letih resnejša tema akademskih raziskovanj (Fuad-Luke, Markussen, Thorpe, Raunig, Bishop, Vodeb). Dizajn aktivizem je najpogosteje definiran kot aktivizem, pri katerem igra dizajn osrednjo vlogo in temelji na oblikoval-skem razmišljanju/imaginaciji in praksi. Ti so uporabljeni za ustvarjanje proti-naracj, s ciljem do-seganja pozitivnih družbenih, okoljskih in ekonomskih sprememb, pri čemer prepletajo pahljačo disciplin, vse od umetnosti, sociologije, politične teorije, komuniciranja, medijev, urbanizma itd. Pričujoči prispevek želi osvetlilti, kaj je dizajn aktivizem, kako deluje in ali lahko predstavlja obliko relevantnega aktivizma – ter s tem preveriti ali se znotraj kreativnih industrij, ki so paradni konj neoliberalnega kapitalizma, lahko skriva/rojeva potencial za njegovo subverzijo. Ključne besede: dizajn aktivizem, kreativne industrije, javi prostor ABSTRACT In recent years, also due to the aggravated socio-political situation, the field of critical interventions in public space has been growing. They appear under different names - e.g. urban guer-rillas, affectivism, artivism, design activism - and represent a cross-section of diverse creative expressions/practices with a desire for social change. What they all have in common is that they intertwine interdisciplinary knowledge/tools - artistic, media, communication, design - but in different proportions and with different emphases. This paper deals with design activism (DA), its specificity and the potentials for social change. The decision for Da is based on two reasons: design is one of the most important pillars of creative industries and an important part of all socially engaged public interventions. A quick glance at the list of design-related disciplines reveals that design has penetrated all aspects of our materialized/ virtual worlds. However, DA has only become a more serious topic of academic research in recent years (Fuad-Luke, Markussen, Thorpe, Raunig). DA is defined as activism in which design plays central role and is based on design thinking/imagination and practice. These are used to create counter-narratives, with the aim of achieving positive social, environmental and economic change, intertwining an array of disciplines: art, sociology, communication, media, urbanism, etc. The paper seeks to shed light on what DA is, how it works and whether it can be a form of relevant activism - and thus tests whether within creative industries that are the flagship of neoliberal capitalism, is hidden potential for its subversion. Keywords: design activism, creative industries, public space 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 458 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Luka Martin Tomažič AMEU – ECM IMPLICITNA KVANTIFICIRANOST PRAVNIH BESEDIL IMPLICIT QUANTIFICATION OF LEGAL TEXTS POVZETEK Prispevek bo proučil možnost analiziranja sodnih odločitev na osnovi predhodne sodniške razlage nedoločnih pojmov. Zatrjevano bo, da so tovrstni pojmi implicitno kvantificirani, in da so torej lahko, kadar so združeni s podatki o predhodni sodni praksi, podvrženi kvantitativni analizi. Pri izkazovanju pravilnosti te trditve bo izhodišče Viskovićeva pravna teorija, s posebnim osredotočenjem na pomenske nejasnosti. Kritično bo ovrednotena ideja, da je nedoloč- ne pojme mogoče prevesti v matematični jezik. Raziskani bosta razlikovanje med različnimi tipi podatkov in možnost oprave raznih statističnih operacij. Obravnavana bo tudi potencialna uporabnost predlaganega modela, zlasti glede možnosti oprave matematične in računalniške analize verjetnosti različnih interpretacij nedoločnega pojma s strani foruma, na osnovi njegovih predhodnih odločitev. Ključne besede: Implicitna kvantificiranost pravnih besedil ABSTRACT This paper will explore the possibility of analysing court decisions, based on prior judicial interpretation of ambiguous notions. It will be claimed that such notions are implicitly quantified and can thus be, when coupled with data regarding past court practice, subject to quantitative analysis. To show the above to be true, Visković’s legal theory will be a starting point, with a specific focus on semantic ambiguities. The idea that such notions can be translated into a mathematical language will be critically evaluated. Differentiation between types of data and the possibility of different statistical operations. Last but not least, a potential use of the proposed model, especially regarding the possibility of mathematical and computer analysis of probability of different interpretations of an ambiguous notion by a forum, based on its previous decisions, will be evaluated. Keywords: Implicit Quantification of Legal Texts 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 459 Bostjan Marko Turk University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts Slovenia JAN VAN EYCK: GIOVANNI NICOLAO ARNOLFINI IN NJEGOVA ŽENA - NOVA INTERPETACIJA JAN VAN EYCK: GIOVANNI NICOLAO ARNOLFINI AND HIS WIFE - A NEW INTERPETATION. POVZETEK Danes izstopata dve interpretaciji slike Giovanni Arnolfini in njegova žena (Jan Van Eyck). Prva, ki trdi, da gre za poročni portret (Panofsky) ali celo za morganatični zakon (Schabaker). Druga, ki predpostavlja, so upodobljeni liki v resnici slikar sam in njegova žena. Pričujoča študija predlaga drugačen pristop. Sklicujoč se na likovni artefakt, ki določa sliko (mise en abyme), razkriva zapleteno mrežo simbolov, ki jih slika vsebuje. Na tej osnovi določa tudi njeno interpretacijo, stran od ustaljenih tez, s katerimi argumentirano polemizira. Slika je v svojem poslednjem bistvu posthumni portret, na kar kaže obraz Nicolaja Arnolfinija in linija portreta, ki jo določa zrcalo. Izginjajoča črta, ki oži vizualni prostor dogajanja, vzpostavlja most do večnosti, edine tolažbe za žalujočega soproga, naročnika umetniškega dela. Ključne besede: Van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini, kritični pristop, portret, večnost ABSTRACT There are two interpretations of the painting Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife (Jan Van Eyck) that stand out today. The first would argue that it is a wedding portrait (Panofsky) or even a mor-ganatic marriage (Schabaker). The second is that the figures depicted are in fact the painter himself and his wife. The present study proposes a different approach. Relying on the pictorial artifice that dominates the painting (the mise en abyme), it reveals what is at stake in the conno-tations that the painting presupposes. Jan Van Eyck has used a symbology which itself indicates plurivalence and the opening up of many interpretative paths, yet convergent. The portrait of the Arnolfinis cannot be interpreted uniformly and in one block, without taking into account the spirit of the time. As for the narrative place of the canvas, everything suggests that it is a room in which most things are linked to the future birth. In this context, the most likely presupposition would be that Constanza died post partum. The pain on Nicolao Arnolfini's terrified face confirms this. The vanishing line, which shortens the space of the painting, prolongs the narrative range to infinity thanks to the convex mirror. It establishes a bridge to eternity, the only consolation for the mourning men. Keywords: Van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini, critical aproach, portrait, eternity 10 MANAGEMENT IN VODITELJSTVO / MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES FOR DELIVERING PROJECTS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIETAL DEVELOPMENT INVITED SPEAKERS Arvi Kuura, University of Tartu, Estonia Vladimir Obradovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Yvonne Schoper, HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany SUSTAINABILITY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT Gilbert Silvius, LOI University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands Raji Sivaraman, Montclair State University, USA & WAFA, Denmark Per Svejvig, Aarhus University & Half Double Institute, Denmark Karen Thompson, Bournemouth University & Responsible PM, UK PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Mladen Radujković, Alma Mater Europaea ECM Reinhard Wagner, Alma Mater Europaea ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 462 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Reinhard Wagner Managing Director of Tiba Managementberatung GmbH OPENING WORDS “During the last couple of years, the number of projects and their importance for the development of our society has significantly increased. In project management research this trend is called “projectification” and some experts already foresee a “project society”. Projects are a means of resolving complex challenges, and as our society is faced with many challenges, such as climate change, global risks, poverty, urbanization and migration, capabilities for delivering projects on all levels of society seems to be in great need for the good of society. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are setting the bar for all parties involved in decision making and execution of projects. However, far too many projects are still failing, are running out of time and budget, or are clearly missing their original development goals. In parallel we are witnessing that each project, even small ones, influence the community by some aspects or the community influences a project. Projects can be seen as a tool for transformation and improvements. Many stakeholders are affected, and expectations far too often follow the motto “better-bigger-faster”. Project management was developed in the business world and has achieved amazing results there, now we believe it is necessary to achieve the same efforts in the context of societal development. The stream consists of three keynotes, a panel discussion on sustainability in project management, and about 20 parallel paper presentations. Participants from almost 20 countries are featured. The presentations address the projectification of society as well as circular economy and showcase a broad mix of research results on different capabilities for delivering projects. In particular, many presentations explicitly address the increasing digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, and the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic." 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 463 Karen Thompson Bournemouth University Business School Nigel Williams University of Portsmouth RESPONSIBLE PROJECT MANAGEMENT: ACTIVISM BY THE PROJECT PROFESSION ABSTRACT Thirty years ago, the important role of project managers in influencing the outcomes of many challenges facing humanity was highlighted (Laszlo, 1991). Climate change, ecological crisis and social injustice were well recognised, and the transition from national to global economies and interconnected societies was underway. By 2015, the need for global action on society’s challenges could be seen in the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The project profession was slow to respond. There have been a range of ‘green’ and ethical initiatives, but these have fallen short of equipping project managers with the mindset and skills “to coevolve the enterprise together with its wider socioeconomic environment” (ibid.). From within the profession there have been calls for action to address the challenges facing (e.g. Morris 2017). Responsible Project Management is one response to such calls. This paper traces the origins of the Responsible Project Management movement (RPM) and the initiatives that have set in train a new way of thinking about projects and project management. RPM is distinguished from earlier initiatives by focussing on the individual project professional. RPM brings together and engages academics, practitioners, and students as the project managers of tomorrow, together in social learning. Finally, 2021 as International Year of Responsible Project Management is discussed. The paper concludes by setting out a road map for the future and highlighting the contributions educators can make to delivering projects for the shared benefit of all. Keywords: Responsible Project Management, social impact, education 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 464 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Reinhard Wagner AMEU - ECM PROJEKTIFIKACIJA DRUŽBE V NEMČIJI - RAZVOJ, STANJE IN PERSPEKTIVE THE PROJECTIFICATION OF SOCIETY IN GERMANY - EVOLUTION, SITUATION AND PROSPECTS POVZETEK Vodenje projektov je v Nemčijo prišlo v šestdesetih letih in od takrat uživa vedno večjo priljublje-nost. Na primer, v poslovnem svetu delež delovnega časa, porabljenega za projekte, nenehno narašča na več kot 40%, trend pa se nadaljuje. Trenutni trendi, kot so digitalizacija, podnebne spremembe in energetski prehod, pa tudi izzivi, kot je pandemija Covid 19, vodijo k nadaljnje-mu povečevanju potrebe po strokovnem znanju za upravljanje projektov. Naraščajoči pomen in število projektov se v akademskem svetu imenuje izraz "projektifikacija", v Nemčiji pa so ga preučevali predvsem z vidika gospodarstva. Dosedanji razvoj na področju javne uprave in na drugih področjih civilne družbe je bil zanemarjen. Manjkala je izčrpna analiza razvoja na družbeni ravni. S svojimi kvalitativnimi in kvantitativnimi raziskavami sem preiskal vzroke, poti in posledice pro-jektiranja družbe v Nemčiji. Ta članek povzema glavni razvoj, sedanje stanje in prihodnje mož- nosti ter opozarja na potrebo po ukrepih za raziskovanje in poklic Ključne besede: projektiranje, družba, Nemčija ABSTRACT Project management came to Germany in the 1960s and has enjoyed increasing popularity ever since. In the business world, for example, the proportion of working time spent on projects is rising steadily to over 40%, and the trend is continuing. Current trends such as digitalization, climate change and the energy transition, as well as challenges such as the Covid 19 pandemic, are leading to a further increase in the need for project management expertise. The increasing importance and number of projects is referred to in the academic world by the term "projectification" and has been studied in Germany primarily from the perspective of the economy. Developments in the area of public administration and in other areas of civil society have so far been neglected. A comprehensive analysis of developments at the level of society has been lacking. With my qualitative as well as quantitative research I have investigated causes, trajectories and the implications of projectification of society in Germany. This paper summarizes the main evolutions, the current situation and future prospects and points out the need for action for research as well as for the profession. Keywords: Projectification; Society; Germany 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 465 Mario Jade AMEU – ECM LEBANESE CRISIS GIVES BIRTH TO INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ABSTRACT “Crisis situation” creates disasters, disregarding its type, form and category. Mainly it provides a negative impact on the project management, the workflow, the society and the power of production. But on some business levels, it might generate new opportunities to investors, yet de-molishes different production line in several sectors. Three different crisis types shocked Lebanon last October 2019, and made a very rough turbulence in its business and social environment: 1- “political crisis", 2- “economic crisis”, 3- “health crisis”. This paper will spot a comparison of three frontline business-sectors, during the overlapping of the three crisis categories: 1- the mutual health sector and the support to community, 2- the coaching system to aid enterprises resistance, 3- the printing and creative production to manage their business by coping with the situation. It will evoke adaptive business strategies to resist and push forward to strengthen the system and back it up. This will influence the community on different and various level. Interviews were the drivers to the study and the results were collected in a qualitative form to mould the active operation within the society/community transformation. Keywords: crisis management, covid-19, global crisis, strategic planning 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 466 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Oxana Klimenko PM Alliance Russia THE RELATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY TO CORPORATE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN ORGANISATIONS ABSTRACT Many organisations nowadays consider the sustainable development concept in their everyday activities as well as in executing the projects. The aim of the paper is to present the relation between the sustainable development strategy in the organisations and corporate project management system. The research questions are: 1) how the sustainable development strategy of the organisation impacts the formation of project portfolio and 2) how the projects contribute to the sustainable development strategy realisation in the organisations. The methods used are content analysis, comparative analysis, case study. The GRI reports of the leading Russian companies have been analyzed and the results are going to be presented in the paper. Keywords: Strategy, sustainable development, project management, sustainability in projects 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 467 Seyedeh Fatemeh Azhari Lemraski Sustainable Development Strategy International Group (SDS) Mohammad Mahoud 3M-CEPM R&D Institute Iran SPODBUJANJE ZMOGLJIVOSTI TRAJNOSTNEGA RAZVOJA V IRANSKIH PROJEKTNO USMERJENIH ORGANIZACIJAH PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CAPABILITIES IN THE IRANIAN PROJECT-ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS POVZETEK Cilj te študije je bil kategorizirati in analizirati dejavnike, ki spodbujajo trajnostne razvojne zmogljivosti v projektno usmerjenih organizacijah iranske naftne in plinske industrije, in na koncu ponuja rešit-ve za njihovo izboljšanje. Danes se je na mednarodni ravni povečanje zavezanosti organizacij njihovim dejavnostim močno razširilo in upoštevali so se družbeni, okoljski in gospodarski vplivi (tri načela trajnosti), ki izhajajo iz dejavnosti organizacij, in prizadevanja vseh držav članic OZN doseči 17 ciljev trajnostnega razvoja s sodelovanjem in interakcijo na nacionalni, regionalni in mednarodni ravni. Vendar je zgodovina trajnosti v Iranu bolj povezana z oceno vplivov na okolje in manj pozornosti je bilo namenjene socialni in ekonomski trajnosti. Zato ta študija zaradi velikega pomena in velikih družbenih, ekonomskih in okoljskih vplivov naftne in plinske industrije v Iranu preučuje dejavnike, ki spodbujajo trajnostni razvoj v teh organizacijah. Poleg tega gre za uporabno raziskavo in opisno raziskovalno študijo, v kateri je bila za analizo podatkov uporabljena kvalitativna analiza vsebine. Z zagotavljanjem neke vrste klasifikacije (z vključitvijo Porterjeve vrednostne verige, dejavnikov organizacijske sposobnosti in načel trajnostnega razvoja), dejavnikov organizacijske zmogljivosti na vsaki stopnji izvedlji-vosti, načrtovanja, nabave, gradnje, zagona in infrastrukture s treh vidikov: socialnega, ekonomskega in okoljskega so bili pregledani in razvrščeni glede na pomembnost, za vsako zmogljivost pa so bile zagotovljene rešitve. Glede na ugotovitve raziskave so bili na prvo mesto uvrščeni kulturni, strateški, finančni, upravljavski in človeški viri, na drugo strukturni, procesni in tehnološki dejavniki, sistemski dejavniki s tretjim mestom pa so najmanj vplivali na spodbujanje zmogljivosti trajnostnega razvoja. Ključne besede: trajnostni razvoj, organizacijske zmogljivosti, trije stebri trajnosti ABSTRACT This study aimed to categorize and analyse the factors promoting sustainable development capabilities in project-oriented organizations of Iran's oil and gas industry and finally provides solutions to improve them. Today, at the international level, increasing the commitment of organizations to their activities has greatly expanded, and the social, environmental and economic impacts (three pillars of sustainability) resulting from the activities of organizations have been considered and the efforts of all UN member states to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through cooperation and interaction. However, the history of sustainability in Iran is more related to environmental impact assessment and less attention has been paid to social and economic sustainability. Therefore, due to the high importance of three sustainability principles in the Iranian oil and gas industry, this study examines the promotion factors. Moreover, it’s an applied research and a descriptive exploratory study in which the qualitative content analysis has been used to analyze the data. By providing a kind of classification (integrating Porter's value chain, organizational capability factors and sustainable development principles), organizational capability factors in each of the stages of feasibility, design, procurement, construction, commissioning and infrastructure from three perspectives: social, economic and environmental were reviewed and ranked in terms of importance, and solutions were provided for each capability. According to the research findings, cultural, strategic, financial, managerial and human resources factors were ranked first, structural, process and technological factors were ranked second, and systemic factors, with third place, had the least impact on promoting sustainable development capabilities. Keywords: Sustainable Development, Organizational Capabilities, Three Pillars of Sustainability 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 468 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Maximilian Müller AMEU - ECM EMPIRIČNA RAZISKAVA SKUPNEGA VODENJA V PROJEKTU RAZVOJA IZDELKA AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH OF SHARED LEADERSHIP IN A PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT POVZETEK Projekti za razvoj izdelkov (PDP) so bistveni za konkurenčno prednost podjetja in celo za pre- živetje organizacije. Naraščajoča zapletenost PDP-jev in posledična negotovost ter dvoumnost predstavljajo velike izzive za celotno projektno skupino in še posebej za vodje projektov. Veči-na raziskav na področju vodenja se osredotoča na enega samega predanega projektnega vodjo, vendar že obstajajo dokazi, da skupno vodstvo (več voditeljev) v projektni skupini prinaša koristi, zlasti v zapletenem projektnem okolju. Znano je že bolj realistično stališče, da je v komple-ksnem projektu več voditeljev. Kakor koli že, v empiričnih raziskavah skupnega vodenja v PDP obstajajo vrzeli. Ta članek je razdeljen na dva dela. Začne se z določitvijo meril za vodilnega v PDP in nadaljuje s pogledom na trenutno delujoči PDP v avtomobilski industriji. Merila vodje so opredeljena s pregledom literature, ki se osredotoča na vsakodnevne naloge vodje. Podatki za empirično raziskavo so zbrani iz posameznih dokumentov, kot so dnevniki ali "seznami opravil" in dokumentacije skupine, kot je "seznam opravil v skupini" ali vstopnic s konkretnimi nalogami z jasno dodelitvijo naloge osebe. Obdobje opazovanja je dva tedna s pogledom na ekipe PDP in v fazi razvoja izdelka. Cilj je zagotoviti preglednost pri vodenju in prepoznati formalno predane voditelje in neformalne voditelje v PDP. Ključne besede: Skupno vodstvo, projekti za razvoj izdelkov, zapletenost ABSTRACT Product development projects (PDP) are essential for firm’s competitive advantage and even for the survival of the organization. The growing complexity in PDPs and the resulting uncertainty and ambiguity are big challenges for the whole project team and especially for the project managers. Most leadership research focuses on a single dedicated project manager, but there is already evidence that shared leadership (more than one leader) in a project team brings a benefit especially in a complex project environment. It is already known and a more realistic view, that in a complex project is more than one leader. Anyhow, there is a gap in the empirical research for shared leadership in PDPs. This paper is distinguished into two parts. It starts with an identification of the criteria for a leader in a PDP and continues with a view of a currently running PDP in the automotive industry. The criteria of a leader are identified with a literature review focusing on the daily tasks of the leader. The data for the empirical research is gathered from individual documents like diaries or “to-do lists” and team documentation like “team to-dos list” or tickets with the concrete tasks with a clear assignment of the person’s task. The observation period is two weeks with a view on PDP teams and during the product development phase. The aim is to bring transparency in leadership and identify the formally dedicated leaders and the informal emergent leaders in a PDP. Keywords: Shared Leadership, Product Development Projects, complexity 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 469 Maja-Marija Nahod Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb Mladen Radujković AMEU - ECM INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR RECOVERY MEGAPROJECT TRIGGED BY MAJOR DISASTER EVENT ABSTRACT Natural disasters, like earthquakes or weather strikes, are becoming more frequent and devastating than ever. Relatively soon after emergency interventions, a new megaproject arises for restoring life to normal mode. It requires significant construction activities including housing, rebuilding, reconstruction in parallel with the temporary relocation of people and enabling operations of key infrastructures, facilities, and institutions. The main management challenges are related to balance among emergency, safety, humanity, funding, and numerous stakeholders. Quick response is essential, so the traditional megaproject planning phase is overlapped with execution, having a fast-track approach. The paper presents the institutional and organizational framework within the construction aspect of recovering megaproject trigged by several devastating earthquakes. Although the case is taken from Croatia, there are several similar examples in Europe proven like major challenges for society at large, where regular management must be significantly adapted primarily due to timing, priorities, objectives, and criteria for success. The paper provides the sequence of the current events, stakeholder engagement, main critical challenges, and management model in comparison with options known from international project management practice. Key conclusions and proposals for disaster-trigged megaprojects are suggested. Keywords: organization, megaproject, framework, disaster 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 470 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Ulohomuno Afieroho AMEU - ECM VKLJUČITEV PRIVATNEGA SEKTORJA V RAZVOJ NIGERIJSKE IZOBRAŽEVALNE INFRASTRUKTURE PERSPEKTIVA POLITIKE IN STRATEGIJE ENGAGING THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN DEVELOPING THE NIGERIA EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE; A POLICY AND STRATEGY PERSPECTIVE POVZETEK V nigerijskem izobraževalnem sektorju ni manjkalo kakovostnih naložb v infrastrukturo, kar je predstavljalo podlago za izboljšanje kakovosti izobraževanja. Premostitev te infrastrukturne vrzeli v obliki gradnje nove infrastrukture in nadgradnje obstoječe zahteva velike kapitalske na-ložbe in tehnične zmogljivosti. Nigerijska vlada je v okviru dogovora o javno-zasebnih partner-stvih spodbudila zasebne vlagatelje, da gradijo in upravljajo državno infrastrukturo; trenutno pa v izobraževalnem sektorju ni projekta, ki bi zaradi pomanjkanja dobrega upravljanja infrastrukture prišel do finančne zapore. Ta članek preučuje izzive razvoja izobraževalne infrastrukture javno-zasebnih partnerstev v Nigeriji z uporabo odprtega, induktivnega in kvalitativnega pristopa k zbiranju in analizi podatkov. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da pomanjkanje jasnosti in preglednosti v politikah in predpisih, ki urejajo javno-zasebna partnerstva za nigerijski izobraževalni sektor, ne tolaži vlagateljev iz zasebnega sektorja, čeprav jih na splošno tolažijo jasne metode interakcije s ključnimi subjekti javnega sektorja, kot so poenostavljeni postopki obdelave. Pomanjkanje jasnosti in preglednosti je bilo razvidno iz pomanjkanja vzpostavljenega finančnega mehanizma, ki bi olajšal razvoj izvedljivih projektov, zlasti v tem sektorju. Predlagani so načini za krepitev obstoječih politik, regulativnih in institucionalnih okvirov, ki urejajo javno-zasebna partnerstva v Nigeriji. Nazadnje se priporočajo dolgoročni cilji vizije sektorja in strateški pravni sistem. Ključne besede: JZP, infrastruktura, politika, izobraževanje, naložbe ABSTRACT The Nigeria education sector lacked quality infrastructure investment and this has posed as a bane to improved quality of education. Bridging this infrastructure gap, in form of construction of new infrastructures and upgrade of existing ones, requires huge capital investment and technical capabilities. The Nigerian government has leveraged on private investors, under the PPP arrangement, to build and operate the nation’s infrastructure; but there is currently no project in the education sector that has reached financial closure due to lack of good infrastructure governance. This article examines the challenges of developing education infrastructure PPP in Nigeria using the open-ended, inductive and qualitative approach to data collection and analysis. It was discovered that the lack of clarity and transparency in the policies and regulation governing PPP for the Nigeria education sector is not comforting to the private sector investors, even though they are generally comforted by the clear methods of interaction with the key public sector entities as well as the simplified processing steps. The lack of clarity and transparency was evident in the lack of financial mechanism put in place to facilitate the development of viable projects, especially in this sector. Ways through which existing policies, regulatory and institutional frameworks governing PPP in Nigeria can be strengthened were suggested. Finally, a long term sector vision objectives and the strategic legal system is recommended. Keywords: PPP, Infrastructure, Policy, Education, Investment 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 471 Azamat Sulaymonov International Business School the Hague ZGOŠČEVANJE PISARN: NEZNANE VODE UPRAVLJANJA NA PODLAGI PREGLEDA LITERATURE DE-DENSIFICATION OF OFFICES: UNCHARTED WATERS OF MANAGEMENT BASED ON LITERATURE REVIEW POVZETEK Lekcije iz pandemije Covid-19: večino nalog je mogoče opraviti na daljavo brez večjega pad-ca produktivnosti ali kakovosti. Prilagodljivost daleč najbolj cenijo tisti z dolgimi časi vožnje. Dolgoročno je osebna interakcija potrebna za nemoteno napredovanje sodelovanja, vzposta-vljanje odnosov, reševanje zapletenih izzivov in ustvarjanje idej. Stalno delo na domu podalj- šuje delovni čas, širi meje poklicnega in zasebnega življenja in zmanjšuje duševno počutje. Še vedno je malo sistematičnih dokazov o tem, kako so zaposleni zaradi teh nepričakovanih šokov spremenili vsakodnevne delovne dejavnosti. Ali se delavci in organizacije, ko se prilagajajo novemu delovnemu okolju, spreminjajo v različnih dimenzijah sestankov in e-pošte, na primer v pogostosti ali obsegu? Ključne besede: prilagodljive delovne prakse, delo na daljavo ABSTRACT Lessons from Covid-19 pandemic: most tasks can be accomplished remotely without significant drop in productivity or quality. Flexibility is by far the most appreciated by those with long com-mute times. In the long run, in person interaction is required to smooth the progress of collaboration, build relationships, solve complex challenges and generate ideas. Permanent home work extends the working hours, diffuses work-life boundaries and reduces mental wellbeing.There is still little systematic evidence about how employees have changed their day-to-day work activities as a consequence of these unexpected shocks. As workers and organizations adjust to a new working climate, have different dimensions of meeting and email operation changed, such as their frequency or scope? Keywords: flexible work practices, home work 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 472 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Olja Ulicni Niksic, Srecko Gajovic School of Medicine University of Zagreb MODELS FOR IMPACT EVALUATION OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS ABSTRACT Relationship between financial value of the grant and the final project impact is complex. Researchers are frequently asked to prepare detailed budget plan and to justify the use of the financial resources. Funding agencies are under pressure to be savvy with their spending and are keen to allocate funds in the most efficient way. Consequently, question of how to measure and assess investment returns in research, remains highly relevant. The researchers still mostly use bibliometric indexes instead of measuring more long-term and significant research impact. In recent years, there is a growing number of frameworks that try to better describe and understand such issues. Research impact assessment frameworks (RIAFs) are defined as a conceptual model/framework and/or collection of evidence designed for research evaluation beyond the traditional academic outcomes. This review is trying to summarize existing methodological impact frameworks in biomedical area. Research showed that project methodology beyond the initial citation analysis is neither a tidy nor linear process. This review will allow researchers and funders to consider pathways to impact at the design stage of a study and to understand the elements and metrics that need to be considered to facilitate prospective assessment of impact. Keywords: research impact assessment framework, Research impact, Project management 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 473 Maja Cvejič AMEU – ECM VPLIV AZIJSKEGA OZ. ZAHODNEGA STILA VODENJA NA USPEŠNOST TIMA PO ZDRUŽITVI PODJETIJ ASIAN VS. WESTERN LEADERSHIP STYLE IN THE TEAM PERFORMANCE AFTER A MERGER PROJECT ABSTRACT In the past years there has been research in regard to influence of CEOs leadership style and their competences on stimulating creativity in teams. This article wishes to build on the conclusions and broaden it with the understanding of team performance after a merger has taken place. There is a gap in research on the level of middle management. We will explore the different comprehen-sion of team success in Asian and Western culture, as well as the influence of the team leader’s leadership style on the team’s success. For that, two research questions will be explored: Is there a will of an Asian team leader to adapt his leadership style toward the Western leadership style to achieve success of the team’s performance after a merger has taken place? and How adequate is the Asian leadership style, to fulfil the need for the cross-cultural leadership style when leading teams in acquired companies in the West? In order to address the research questions, two sets of surveys will be performed. First set will be among the new Asian team leaders and the local Western team leaders, and the second among the team members. Since the practice of mergers and acquisitions is one of the most common tools for growing the business, it is crucial to understand the influence, the leadership style of the team leader has on the team’s performance after a merger has taken place. Keywords: Asian & Western leadership style, team performance, mergers 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 474 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Sergey Bushuyev, Denis Bushuiev, Natalia Bushuyeva Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Ukraine Igbal Babayev, Jahid Babayev Azerbaijan SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR IN THE “INFODEMIC VS. PANICDEMIC VS. PANDEMIC” COVID-19 SYSTEM ABSTRACT The article deals with the problems of social behaviour in the “Infodemic vs. Panicdemic vs. Pandemic” COVID-19. In the process of managing COVID-19 projects, managers try to model creative behaviour and are based on creative technologies. Emotional behaviour is considered as a social and psychological mechanism of transferring the mental mood of the manager to other stakeholders of the COVID-19 projects, social impact in the face of direct contact, and the inclusion of the individual in certain mental states that affect the effectiveness of management. The object of research is to simulate managers’ behaviours, educate and create new behaviour in panicdemic, deadly and aggressive external conditions. In times of crisis, the social behaviour of the project manager and his infection with the project team is exacerbated by external uncertainty. The stakeholder infection model is based on an understanding of the life cycle of the project manager, which is presented as a curve for personal changes of the manager of innovative projects and programs. Emotions are considered in content, reflecting the various aspects and meanings that caused them. To apply the psychophysiological formula for assessing the impact of the social state of the stakeholders of innovative projects, these influences have been transformed into a competent model “Infodemic vs. Panicdemic vs. Pandemic” COVID-19 system for managing health projects Keywords: Social infection, COVID-19, Pandemic, Infodemic, Panicdemic, Modeling 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 475 Maja-Marija Nahod Faculty of Civil Engineering Croatia Željko Uhlir, Sandra Matuhina Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Croatia THE CHALLENGE OF FINDING EQUILIBRIUM IN LARGE PUBLIC PROJECTS – A GOVERNANCE PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to analyze the main objectives and drivers of a governance framework for the public project from the perspective of project stakeholders. It’s crucial to accept and respect them, otherwise, its possible great contribution to boosting the development of society wouldn’t be used. Good governance is strongly related to project management. As it was started 40 years ago, a bureaucracy, which truly represents all segments of the population, can best serve the interests of people. This means a representation of each kind of diversity at the public bodies, ministries, and state administration bodies. The paper gives a descriptive analysis of state-of-the-art governance bodies and population in the whole of Europe, as well as a case study of Croatia. Results show the strong relationship between macroeconomic measures and project management characteristics of EU countries. It’s obvious that the development of societies encourages stronger people-orientation and vice versa. On the other hand, people's recognition and implementation should be the natural result of civilization. Its artificial stimulation without a real change in the mindset of people simply does not yield the desired results. Keywords: Good governance, Representative bureaucracy, Efficiency, Accountability 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 476 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Darija Ivandic Vidovic Ekspertni softverski sustavi za podršku efikasnom razvoju talenata d.o.o. THE ORGANIZATION COMPETENCY MODEL FOR CHANGE MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT There is a saying that change is the only constant in business. Organizations that do not plan and implement change management programs are relatively stagnant, and their projects have limited success. A number of internal and external factors require organizations to develop the effective change management system needed for a successful organizational transformation to achieve its goals in the coming period. Establishing a change management system affects strategy, projects, culture, operational structure, people and processes. Therefore, the development of an integrated change management program is crucial to motivate and initiate the organization and to make it operationally ready to implement change. Change management in an organization should be established at three levels: organization, project, and individual, with a synergy of competencies across all three levels ensuring an important prerequisite for efficiency and effectiveness. The paper describes the results of research on the digital transformation projects for cases of organizations that have or do not have integrated change management program. Also paper research related competencies at all three levels: organizations, projects and individuals. The main result of the comparative analysis are guidelines and recommendations on how to develop competencies in change management and establish an integrated change management system in project management. Keywords: change management, project management, competency model 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 477 Katrin Reschwamm AMEU - ECM AI - HYPE ALI RESNIČNI POTENCIAL ZA VODENJE PROJEKTOV AI – HYPE OR A REAL POTENTIAL FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT Since the late 80ies researchers have been looking into the application of Artificial Intelligence in project management. At the beginning the focus was on particular tasks or functions and how those could be supported by AI. The early focal point was on the construction industry due to its more standardised processes, larger scale and availability of data. Computers were at that time not widely used and rather expensive which was another factor that larger construction projects were more suitable to think about using AI. At that time, researchers concentrated on planning, scheduling, controlling and monitoring (sources) and thought about automating them. After a long period of no real revolutions in project management, AI technologies could transform not only the life of project managers for the better but also project management itself. Although AI research in other domains, especially from technical or functional perspectives, seems rather advanced, within project management the topic is emerging. In computer science the number of papers has exploded over the last years whereas AI has not been considered yet as hot topic in the International Journal of Project Management. Based on a literature review covering the last five years, we will present the current state-of-the-art of AI technologies in project management, its potential for transforming the way we do projects as well as future research areas for the successful adoption of AI technologies in managing projects better. Keywords: Artificial intelligence, project management, AI technologies, transformation 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 478 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Amin Saidoun France Constanta Bodea, University of Bukarest DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AND THE IMPACT ON THEIR PROJECT PERFORMANCE ABSTRACT In many organisations, digital transformation was intensified during the Covid 19 pandemic, especially by IT-infrastructure changes on which the organisation is managing data and communication between stakeholders at organisational and project level. As many other organisations acting in the field of science, education and arts, non profit organisations (NPO) are impacted by digital transformation, especially the projects that they are running. The IT infrastructure is a key moderator of project performance in NPO in the digital transformation context and therefore it is a critical perspective that will be highlighted in this paper. The paper will firstly address the recent developments of socio-technical system design (STC) theory in which transformation of organisations is embedded. Secondly, the authors will analyse some common performance elements that NPOs have at organisational level. Thirdly, a literature review on digital transformation in NPOs and their main impacts on project performance will be elaborated. Fourthly, the authors will underline the importance of IT infrastructure as a moderating factor of the communication among the project stakeholders. And finally, the paper will come up with some recommendations on how digital transformation might be studied more deeply, based on a business case conducted within one NPO. Keywords: Digital transformation, NPOs, IT infrastructure, Communication, project performance 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 479 Helmut Schindlwick BBU GmbH KAKO JE COVID-19 VPLIVAL NA DIGITALNO PREOBRAZBO - Z VIDIKA PROFESIONALCEV C-SUITE HOW COVID-19 HAS IMPACTED DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION - FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF C-SUITE PROFESSIONALS POVZETKI Namen te študije je razumeti, kako je COVID-19 vplival na digitalno preobrazbo podjetij po vsem svetu. Študija je obravnavala številne pod-vidike, povezane z digitalno preobrazbo podjetij, vključno z gonilniki za digitalno preobrazbo, vpliv na ljudi in družbo ter vpliv COVID-19. Raziskava je temeljila na interpretivistični paradigmi z uporabo kvalitativnega raziskovalnega pristopa in metode razgovora, kjer so bili zbrani podatki iz kategorije C-suite izbranih podjetij iz Kanade, Indije, Nemčije, Avstrije in Švice. Rezultati študije so COVID-19 opredelili kot najpomembnejši iz-zivalni dejavnik za preoblikovanje podjetij, kjer bi jih pomanjkanje skladnosti med zaposlenimi in nezmožnost ljudi, da se prilagodijo tehnološkim posegom, lahko demotiviralo in povzročilo motene operativne dejavnosti podjetij. Rezultati študije so tudi predlagali, da se podjetja osredotočijo na usposabljanje in razvoj zaposlenih, da se usposobijo za prilagajanje novemu običaj-nemu delovnemu okolju. Ključne besede: COVID-19; digitalna preobrazba; veliki podatki, umetna inteligenca ABSTRACT The present study is aimed at understanding how COVID-19 has impacted the digital transformation of businesses globally. The study considered numerous sub-aspects related to the digital transformation of businesses, including drivers to digital transformation, impact on people and society, and the impact of COVID-19. The research was based on the interpretivist paradigm using a qualitative research approach and interview method where data was collected from the C-suite category of selected businesses from Canada, India, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The study's results have identified COVID-19 as the most significant challenging factor for transforming businesses where lack of coherence among employees and inability of people to adapt to the technological interventions might demotivate them and cause disrupted operational activities of businesses. The study's results also suggested for businesses to focus on training and development of employees to capacitate them to adapt to the new normal working environment. Keywords: COVID-19, Digital transformation, Big data, Artificial Intelligence 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 480 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Brigitta Vereczkei Redbridge Consulting Ltd. IS VIDEO CONFERENCING THE RIGHT TOOL FOR PROJECT COMMUNICATION IN COVID-19 TIMES? ABSTRACT The appearance of Covid-19 has significantly changed our lives. We had to change our habits, our routines almost overnight and adapt to a new reality in which the most natural form of human communication – face-to-face communication – was no longer adequate. Although the use of different media and digital communication is common in the world of ICT projects, the elimination of the possibility of face-to-face communication is also a change for on-site project teams. In my research, I examined - with the involvement of ICT project managers with more than 4 years of experience working large companies with an advanced technological background - what media have been used to replace personal communication and what impact this has had on themselves as managers of this communication. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews along pre-defined questionnaire and follow-up questions to responses, within one hour after project communication was completed. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 481 Mirjana Ivanuša Mirjana Ivanuša-Bezjak s.p. MANAGEMENT ONLINE POUČEVANJA – 15 DIDAKTIČNIH NAPOTKOV IN PRIMEROV DOBRE PRAKSE ONLINE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT – 15 DIDACTIC INSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE POVZETEK Koronakriza je v letu 2020 tudi poučevanje preselila na splet. Tako študentje kot predavatelji so se znašli v novem učnem okolju, ki zahteva nove didaktične pristope ter nove načine poučevanja. Zaslon računalniškega ekrana je postal naš »študijski« vsakdan. V članku bomo raziskali in prikazali 15 didaktičnih napotkov in primerov dobre prakse. Management online poučevanja je tukaj. Sprejeti smo ga morali tako predavatelji kot študentje. Sedaj je potrebno medsebojno deliti znanje in primere dobre prakse. V času, ko so šolske učilnice prazne, spletne učilnice pa se polnijo se moramo pedagoški delavci naučiti novih prijemov ter načinov poučevanja na na daljavo. Ključne besede: online poučevanje, didaktični napotki, primeri dobrih praks ABSTRACT The Corona Crisis also moved teaching online in 2020. Both students and lecturers found themselves in a new learning environment that requires new didactic approaches and new ways of teaching. The computer screen has become our "study" everyday.In this article, we will research and present 15 didactic instructions and examples of good practice. Online teaching management is here. We had to accept it from both lecturers and students. It is now necessary to share knowledge and examples of good practice with each other. At a time when school classrooms are empty and online classrooms are filling up, pedagogical workers need to learn new approaches and techniques of distance learning. So the greeting of today’s online time reads: See you on the other side of the “screen”. The Corona Crisis also moved teaching online in 2020. Both students and lecturers found themselves in a new learning environment that requires new didactic approaches and new ways of teaching. The computer screen has become our "study" everyday. In this article, we will research and present 15 didactic instructions and examples of good practice. Online teaching management is here. We had to accept it from both lecturers and students. It is now necessary to share knowledge and examples of good practice with each other. At a time when school classrooms are empty and online classrooms are filling up, pedagogical workers need to learn new approaches and techniques of distance learning. Keywords: online teaching, didactic instructions, examples of good practices 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 482 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tomaž Kokot FlawlessCode Slovenia UPORABA VOSVIEWER ZA RAZISKOVANJE ZADOVOLJSTVA PRI DELU IN MOTIVACIJSKIH DEJAVNIKOV S POVEČANO PRODUKTIVNOSTJO V PROJEKTNO ORGANIZIRANEM IT PODJETJU USING VOSVIEWER TO EXPLORE JOB SATISFACTION AND MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS WITH INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY IN PROJECT ORGANIZED IT COMPANY POVZETEK Članek vključuje študijo o tem, kako s programskim orodjem VOSviewer pridobiti rezultate znanstvenih raziskav na področju zadovoljstva pri delu in motivacijskih dejavnikov v povezavi s pove- čanjem produktivnosti v projektno organiziranem IT podjetju. Poglobljen pregled literature na izbranem področju zahteva primerjalno metodo, s katero lahko primerjamo podobna dejstva in procese ter ugotovimo njihove podobnosti in razlike. Danes pa so rezultati znanstvenih raziskav (v različnih publikacijah, strokovnih revijah) že tako številni, da je analizo pomembnih izrazov in vzpostavitev povezave z ustreznimi zapisi, ki jih potrebujemo za nadaljnje raziskave na našem področju, težko izvesti s tradicionalno obdelavo. Ker se te povezave povečujejo in je medsebojna povezanost zapisov vse bolj zapletena, jih moramo obdelati z naprednejšimi orodji za odkriva-nje odnosov v takem naboru podatkov. Le tako lahko odkrijemo vrednost sorodnih podatkov, s pomočjo katerih lahko pridobimo pomembne informacije. Pri tem nam je lahko v veliko po-moč vizualizacija podatkovne povezljivosti, za katero bomo v predstavljenem članku uporabili omenjeno programsko orodje. Z njim bomo analizirali bibliometrične podatke na izbranem te-matskem področju, s pomočjo katerega bomo zgradili mrežno strukturo pomembnih izrazov. Iz ustvarjene bibliometrične mreže bomo uporabili najprimernejšo literaturo, s katero bomo pridobili raziskana dejstva na terenu. Ključne besede: vodenje projektov, VOSviewer, projektno organizirano IT podjetje ABSTRACT The article includes a study of how to use the VOSviewer software tool to obtain the results of scientific research in the field of job satisfaction and motivational factors in connection with increasing productivity in a project-organized IT company. An in-depth review of the literature in the selected field requires a comparative method by which we can compare similar facts and processes and identify their similarities and differences. However, nowadays the results of scientific research (in various publications, professional journals) are already so numerous that the analysis of important terms and establishing a connection with the relevant records that we need for further research in our field is difficult to perform using traditional processing applications. data. As these connections are increasing and the interconnection of records is becoming more complex, we need to process them with more advanced tools to detect relationships in such a dataset. Only in this way can we discover the value of related data with the help of which we can obtain meaningful information. The visualization of data connectivity can be very helpful in this, for which we will use the mentioned software tool, ie VOSviewer, in the presented article. With it, we will analyze bibliometric data in a selected thematic area with the help of which the network structure of important terms will be built. The created bibliometric network will be used to obtain the most appropriate literature, which can be used to obtain researched facts in the field. Keywords: Project management, VOSviewer, project-organized IT company 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 483 Ivan Protega JYSK Croatia THE ROLE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR DIGITALISATION IN RETAIL INDUSTRY IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE WESTERN BALKANS ABSTRACT Digitalization is becoming an increasingly important element of business improvement in various industries. Retail industry is not omitted by this trend. On daily basis customers get new opportunities as a consequence of digitalization. Also, within retail industry, huge number of projects with goal of implementing different digital solutions are not externally visible, but have a huge impact on improving business and processes internally. Process of digitalization could be more or less complex, but crucial role within implementing new digital solutions play Project Management. This research would be focused exactly on role of Project Management within process of digitalization. Research will cover various cases from different retail companies presented on market of the Western Balkan countries. Aim of the research is to get answer does Project Management has an impact on digitalization in retail industry in Western Balkan countries or improvement of business through digitalization is just consequence of global trends. Keywords: Digitalization, Project management, Retail Digitalization 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 484 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mohsen Mazaheriasad Plan and Budget Organization of Iran Mohammad Mahoud 3M-CEPM R&D Institute RAZISKOVANJE APLIKACIJ UMETNE INTELIGENCE ZA PRIHODNJA PAMETNA MESTA Z UPORABO METODE FUZZY DEMATEL INVESTIGATING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS TOWARDS FUTURE SMART CITIES USING A FUZZY DEMATEL METHOD POVZETEK Pametna mesta močno vključujejo tehnologije in podpirajo inovacije v zvezi s sposobnostjo zagotavljanja trajnostnega mestnega družbeno-ekonomskega razvoja. Naraščajoča stopnja urba-nizacije in »metropole« z več kot 8 milijoni prebivalcev, kot je Teheran, povzročajo težave pri razvoju trajnostnega in stroškovno učinkovitega okolja ter kakovostnega življenja državljanov. Za obvladovanje te omejitve so potrebne najsodobnejše tehnike umetne inteligence (AI), ki spodbujajo rešitve informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT) in implicitno povečujejo konkurenčnost mest. Ta raziskava preučuje odnos strokovnjakov do vpliva aplikacij umetne inteligence na značilnosti pametnega mesta in odkriva pomen in medsebojne povezave teh funkcij. Metoda Fuzzy DEMATEL se uporablja za določanje prioritet in razmer med vzroki in posledicami zapletenih sistemskih dejavnikov pametnega mesta ter statistični testi za prikaz vpliva aplikacij umetne inteligence na prihodnje funkcije pametnih mest. Strokovnjaki organizacije za načrt in proračun Irana prispevajo k tej študiji kot ena najpomembnejših organizacij, ki vključujejo prihodnji razvoj mest. Rezultati povsem novo prispevajo k razumevanju pomena tehnik umetne inteligence za izboljšanje življenja v mestih. Ključne besede: umetna inteligenca, pametno mesto, informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije ABSTRACT Smart cities vastly integrate technologies and support innovations regarding the ability to provide sustainable urban socio-economic development. The growing rate of urbanization and “Metropolises” with more than 8 million inhabitants such as Tehran, cause difficulties to develop a sustainable and cost-effective environment and a high-quality life for the citizens. The cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are required to To deal with this limitation, boosting information and communication technologies (ICTs) solutions and implicitly enhancing the competitiveness of cities. This research investigates the experts’ attitude towards the impact of AI applications on smart city features and discovers the importance and interrelationships of these features. The Fuzzy DEMATEL method is applied to determine the priorities and cause and effect relations of smart city complex system factors and statistical tests to demonstrate the impact of AI applications on future smart cities features. The experts of the Plan and Budget Organization of Iran contribute to this study as one of the most important organizations involving future urban development. The results make a brand-new contribution to understanding the significance of AI techniques concerning the improvement of urban living. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Smart City, Information and Communication Technologies 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 485 Weiyu Du, Azamat Sulaymonov International Business School the Hague OVIRE IN VPLIVNI DEJAVNIKI ZA ODPRTE INOVACIJE NA PODLAGI PREGLEDA LITERATURE IN RAZISKOVANJA BARRIERS AND INFLUENCING FACTORS FOR OPEN INNOVATION BASED ON LITERATURE REVIEW AND SURVEY POVZETEK Odkar je bil koncept odprte inovacije (OI) prvič uveden leta 2003, je vedno bolj prepoznan kot pomemben dejavnik uspeha podjetij. V zadnjih 10 letih so inovacijska podjetja spoznala tudi izzive in ovire v praksi. Številni raziskovalci imajo študije o ovirah za OI o različnih vidikih, vključno z identifikacijo ovir, ki dajejo pomen njihovi kategoriji. Nekatere raziskave so bile omejene na MSP, nekatere pa so posvečale pozornost določenemu področju ali področjem, na primer živil-ski industriji na Kitajskem. Glavni cilj te raziskave je nadalje analizirati in kategorizirati ovire za prakso OI z analizo in primerjavo rezultatov literature o tej temi ter tudi z anketno študijo. Naš obseg ni omejen samo na MSP, niti na določeno področje ali področja. Naše ugotovitve o ovirah za OI lahko nudijo širši vpogled v nadaljnje raziskave IO in lahko pomagajo podjetnikom, tako da jim pomagajo pri izogibanju oviram in uporabljajo pozitivne vplivne dejavnike za pospeševanje inovativnega napredka. Ključne besede: Odprta inovacija; ovire; kategorije; vplivni dejavniki ABSTRACT Since the concept of open innovation (OI) was first introduced in 2003, it has been increasingly recognized as an important factor in the success of companies. During the last 10 years, innovat-ing firms also realized the challenges and barriers in practices. Many researchers have studies on OI barriers on different aspects, including identification of the barriers, giving importance to their category. Some researches were limited to SMEs, and some paid attention to particular domain or areas, for example food industry in China. The main objective of this research is to further identify and categorize the barriers to OI practice, by analyzing and comparing the results of the literature on this topic, and also through a survey study. Our scope is not limited only to SMEs, neither to certain domain nor areas. Our findings of OI barriers can provide wider insights for further IO research, and it can assist entrepreneurs by supporting them of avoiding barriers and applying positive influencing factors to foster innovative progress. Keywords: Open Innovation; barriers; categories; influencing factors 11 PLES IN PLESNO IZOBRAŽEVANJE V DIGITALNEM OKOLJU: VES SVET JE ODER / DANCE AND DANCE EDUCATION IN A DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT: ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE INVITED SPEAKERS Tarek Assam, Egypt - Germany Darrel Toulon, Dominica (Caribbean) Risima Risimkin, North Macedonia PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Svebor Sečak, Alma Mater Europaea AP Rosana Hribar, Alma Mater Europaea AP Andreja Kopač, Alma Mater Europaea AP 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 488 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tarek Assam INVITED SPEAKER ONGOING DIGITALIZATION IN GOVERNMENTAL GERMAN SPEAKING THEATRES – (GERMANY, AUSTRIA/ SWITZERLAND) 1) Use of digital media on stage and in the dance studios. Video use on stage in the recent years – using video beamer projections on stage rather than Dias or Photos. Audio sensitivity through rising audio technology. Stereo Surround Systems and 4 channel technology in the auditorium. Video used for teaching and learning choreography – tablets and laptops connected in studios to learn as normality for dancers rather than choreologists and dance captains teaching the choreographic material. Live teaching or rehearsal direction via Zoom or other platforms Social media to promote and show choreographic work Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. – company channels or theatre channels in future 2) Contracting difficulties for regular solo contracts for dancers in theatres. Ownership Rights of the theatres for publishing Videos excerpts and Photos. Reduced ownership rights for streaming of videos of performances in social media during the Corona Pandemic. (Artistic choreographic and creative rights.) Privacy protection policy in German speaking theatres. Sharing of digitalized contents in media. 3) IT support changing into IT departments in theatres Multiplication of importance and availability of manpower and qualification. Digital auditions and streaming as opportunity during the Corona Pandemic. 4) Cinematic psychology in theatre streams Reaching out digital in order to approach the audience in a different way; gain new audience (Generation You Tube) Outreach education resources / digital classroom Videoclips for dance – effects, speed, cutting technology 5) Outlook into the future of digitalization What did we learn through the Corona pandemic? How must we develop digitalization concepts? What is the aim of digitalization? Do we need to save the “live“ experience for the audience of the future? Is the “live“ experience something we want to transport digitally into virtual reality? 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 489 Darrel Toulon INVITED SPEAKER Since the Covid-19 pandemic quickly covered Europe at the beginning of the year 2020, many countries went into a lockdown. Remote schooling had to be quickly implemented across countries. This was also the case in Austria. 1) On March 12th, 2020 the Federal Chancellery announced an order to shift all teaching at universities to distant teaching starting with March 16th, 2020; all universities followed the order immediately and closed on March 12th. 2) After a brief period of normality resuming in September, another lockdown followed on November 17th 2020, similar to that of the Summer Semester but this time made more severe by general fatigue, shortened daylight hours and the harsh temperatures of winter. This second disruption in face-to-face teaching continued until Austria’s lockdown was lift-ed on February 8th, 2021. Working remotely from home, I teamed up with Anatomy Teacher Randi Randolf-Liebnau, modifying my ballet class to teach an applied functionality of body mechanics mapped onto the vocabulary and semiotics of classical ballet. Spatial limitation of students confined to working from home removed any possibility of having their bodies balletically unfolding expansively or exploring dynamic trajectories along diagonals and pushing away from the floor. Instead, the focus of attention was turned inwards, for an awareness of the deep torso core architecture as well as the musculature of the metatarsal arch, as salient nuclei providing stability and efficiency in limb extension and body propulsion. The flat screens of the computer or smart-phone, while negating the possibility of 3-dimensional cognitive teacher transfer and student reception, prove instead to be ideal as interface for sharing and analysing anatomical diagrams. Functional relationships of muscle chains and fascia connections (e.g. in the diagonals of ballet epaulement corresponding to the thoracolumbar fascia) were made experienceable through massage and activating exercises, also remotely taught, restoring the otherwise defunct aspect of tactile teaching and sensory perception necessary for forming and informing the learning process. This example of tandem teaching effectuates a heightened articulation of the language, and enhanced understanding of the demands of ballet as a contemporary dance technique. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 490 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Risima Risimkin INVITED SPEAKER NEW KNOWLEDGE Dance and the performing arts as a whole are facing one of the toughest challenges, probably in the last 100 years. The main problem is that the moment we live in, not only prevents us from working in our profession, ie. to dance, but prevents us from pursuing the essence of the profession itself, ie. dance to be a way of communication, in terms of its practice so far - creating and performing live, in an interactive relationship with yourself and other dancers, as well as with the audience. Experiences from the past year have shown us that working online can work to some extent, but not in the long run, at least not if we want to stay on the recognizable route on which the dance has led so far. So, before us is a huge challenge of finding new forms of functioning in dance, of communicating with other dancers and especially with the audience. Experience tells us that it is really difficult to work in such conditions, that for us as performers the relationship with the audience is very important and that despite the whole situation, which is reflected on the whole world around us, the most important and best way is to perform live, in front of an audience. We faced frustrations that, in a way, helped us think differently and try to find a new way of communicating. Motivated by these motives, some of us started producing dance films, went live with the performances and reached a certain, new audience. Personally, I think that in the future, even if normal conditions are created for the performing arts, ie. to return to theaters and stages, however, our performances will be different and that video elements and the possibility of live broadcasting will become a daily part of our future projects, because they give us new dimensions. How, where and in which direction we will move exactly, is uncertain at this moment, but I think that this new knowledge should not be rejected, but on the contrary to be used to create different visualizations of the performances themselves. We need to use all the knowledge and opportunities and create special rooms, ie. scenes in which our productions will take place virtually. In collaboration with computer and video experts I think we can reach a large audience and develop new relationships. Of course, live contact will be most important, but it may only be available to a much smaller audience in the future. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 491 Svebor Sečak DANCEFILM ABSTRACT We live in a post-postmodern paradigm with many faces. One of it was named digimodernism: while in postmodernism we read, watched and listened, in digimodernism we click, surf, down-load and use smartphones for recording. It has become an increasing issue due to the COVID-19 situation and life in physical isolation where dancers record, edit, share and promote themselves via online platforms. That is why this paper offers an insight into the historical perspectives of the diachronic development of dancefilm/videodance: a variety of film types which include dance on screen from the late 19th century until today. It makes a clear distinction between a dance film/ video as documentary work and dance for camera that is choreographed and edited for the purpose of an artistic dancefilm focusing on the latter. Key words: dancefilm, videodance, digimodernism 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 492 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Rosana Hribar KOREOGRAFIJA V AVDIOVIZUALNEM MEDIJU CHOREOGRAPHY IN THE AUDIOVISUAL MEDIUM POVZETEK Prispevek obravnava problem premeščanja izvorne koreografije v žanr plesnega filma. Film je, tako kot ples, umetnost gibanja. Kamera ima, poleg tehnoloških, tudi svoje psihološke, prostorske, svetlobne in kompozicijske zakonitosti in v smislu predstavljanja neke podobe je plesni film postavljen pred enake izzive kot odrski ples. Dobesedna premestitev plesa z gledališkega odra na filmski set brez predhodnega razmisleka o tem, kaj to pomeni za izvorno koreografijo in na kakšen način se odvijajo rezi in ločevanje posameznih segmentov v odnosu na celotno koreografijo, ne prinese stapljanja teh dveh žanrov, temveč ravno obratno – vsaj enemu bo nekaj umanj-kalo. Zato se prispevek ne loteva plesnega filma z vidika njegove emancipacije skozi zgodovinska obdobja, temveč se osredotoča na sinkretično spajanje dveh različnih žanrov, kjer se struktura filma oziroma struktura kateregakoli digitalnega medija in struktura živega plesa mehko pre-pletata v enakovrednem estetskem, čutnem in intelektualnem soglasju ob upoštevanju, da je ustvarjanje sugestivne gibajoče podobe, ki fascinira onkraj običajnega pogleda proces, ki je ima-nenten tako plesu kot avdiovizualnim medijem. Ključne besede: plesni film, koreografija in kamera, sodobni ples ABSTRACT The article deals with the problem of moving the original choreography into the genre of dance film. Film, like dance, is the art of movement. The camera has, in addition to technological, also its psychological, spatial, light and compositional laws, and in terms of presenting an image, the dance film is faced with the same challenges as stage dance. Literally moving dance from the stage to the film set without first thinking about what it means for the original choreography and how the cuts and separations of individual segments take place in relation to the whole choreography does not merge these two genres, but vice versa - at least one will be missing something. Therefore, the article does not address dance film in terms of its emancipation through historical periods, but focuses on the syncretic fusion of two different genres, where the structure of film or the structure of any digital medium and the structure of live dance are softly intertwined in equal aesthetic, sensual and intellectual harmony, that creating a suggestive moving image that fascinates beyond the ordinary view is a process that is immanent to both dance and the audio-visual media. Key words: dance film, choreography and camera, contemporary dance 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 493 Andreja Kopač ODER 360° ALI ODER 180°? THE STAGE 360° OR THE STAGE 180°? POVZETEK Ko govorimo o digitalizaciji sodobnega plesa, moramo ali si vsaj drznimo misliti nove postopke in nove perspektive »pogleda« na sodobni ples, ki izhaja iz VR tehnologije (Virtualna realnost). Prispevek na konferenci bo izhajal iz »srečanja« s postopki testiranja novih tehnologij, ki se v zadnjih mesecih intenzivno razvijajo in bistveno spreminjajo percepcijo gledalca. Prvi postopek drugačnega pogleda poteka ob uporabi kamere s kotom 360 stopinj, drugi pa 180 stopinj. Oba postopka prav tako temeljito spremenita »pogled gledalca«, vsak na svoj način, skupno obema pa ni nadomestiti živega pogleda, temveč razširiti perspektive zaznavanja in načine gledanja. Na konferenci bi spregovorila o postopkih »novega pogleda«, ki se razvijajo v okviru mednarodne mreže sodobnega plesa Aerowaves. Gostja predstavitve bo slovenska režiserka in kore-ografinja Enya Belak, ki je v zadnjem času (poleg koreografa Iztoka Kovača) ena ključnih strokovnjakinj na področju razvoja virtualne realnosti v sodobnem plesu. Pri tem izpostavlja: »To je eksperiment na področju novejših tehnologij navidezne resničnosti. Kar trenutno razvijamo, še ni na voljo na trgu in je nekaj novega. Postopek nam predstavlja velik izziv, vendar ima tudi svoje omejitve. Takoj ko ples postaviš v novo okolje, najsi bo to video ali digitalni medij, dobiš novo obliko, ki ni enaka kot plesni nastop v živo.« V prispevku bom poskušala slediti tudi slavnemu Shakespearovemu izreku »Ves svet je oder«, vendar v primeru, ko je oder virtualen, in kjer je izbira med kotoma »pogleda« 360 ali 180 stopinj vse bliže. Ključne besede: sodobni ples, tehnologija VR, pogled gledalca, kamera, razširjena resničnost ABSTRACT When we talk about the digitalization of contemporary dance, we must or at least dare to think of new procedures and new perspectives of “looking” at contemporary dance, which comes from VR technology (Virtual Reality). The paper starts with the point of “meeting” with VR testing procedures, which have been developing intensively in recent months and fundamentally changing the perception of the viewer. The first process of different viewing perception is created using a camera with a 360-degree angle, and the second 180 degrees. Both procedures also fundamentally change the perspective of the viewer. The purpose is not to limit live experience, but rather to broaden perspectives of perception and modes of sensation. At the Conference I would like to talk about the new procedures of “looking” that are being developed within the international network of contemporary dance Aerowaves. My guest will be the Slovenian director and choreographer Enya Belak, who is (besides Iztok Kovač) one of the key persons of VR development in contemporary dance, who said: This is an experiment in the field of newer virtual reality technology. What we are currently developing is not yet available on the market and it is something new. The process presents us with a great challenge, but it also has its limitations. As soon as you place dance in a new environment, be it video or digital media, you get a new format that is not the same as a live dance performance. In the paper I will try to follow Shakespeare's famous saying All the World's a Stage but in the case where the stage is virtual and where choosing between the 360 or the 180-degree angle is really not far away. Key words: contemporary dance, VR technology, spectator's view, camera, augmented reality 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 494 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Martina Nevistić DANCE ON CAMERA ABSTRACT In these uncertain times, there is a question about digital art forms. Dance artist Martina Nevistić has interest in work that combines movement and other media, in order to present choreography in new formats and approaches to work. The artist presents and elaborates her work, referring to her video dance projects Sisyphus Pink (2013), Apollonian (2017) and Pulsar (2019) and introduces her thoughts on the topic of the choreography of the frame, over the choreography of the body. The artist shares her statement about dance video art, how she sees this double action, meta-choreography, which allows her to re-organize the understanding of different relationships between the environment of the movement of the frame and the environment of the physical movement; i.e. the relationship between the moving body and the moving image (video), the moving body and the still image (photography) and the moving body and the framed space (stage); and how these different combinations contribute a different perception of the viewer and optic of watching. Key words: dance video art, dance on camera 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 495 Urša Rupnik, Vesna Geršak PROBLEMATIKA PLESNEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA V VIRTUALNEM OKOLJU THE ISSUE OF DANCE EDUCATION IN A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT POVZETEK Tako kot vsa ostala področja šolanja in izobraževanja se je v času pandemije in vsesplošnega zaprtja javnega življenja tudi plesno izobraževanje bilo primorano preseliti v spletno okolje. Že od samega začetka plesni umetniki in pedagogi opozarjamo, da virtualna učilnica oziroma virtualni plesni studio nikakor ni sprejemljiva in primerljiva alternativa izvajanju študijskega procesa v živo. Ko govorimo o šolanju plesnih profesionalcev oziroma nivoju izobraževanja, ki stremi tako h kvaliteti v učnem/študijskem procesu kakor k vrhunskim rezultatom, pa je razmislek o izvajanju programov na daljavo še toliko relevantnejši. Kljub mamljivi dostopnosti plesnih klasov in delavnic z vrhunskimi plesnimi ustvarjalci, koreografi in pedagogi širom sveta, ki jih ponuja selitev na splet, je ples v prvi vrsti (umetniška) dejavnost, ki jo osmišljamo skozi svoja telesa, ki torej potrebuje, če ne celo zahteva, fizično prisotnost in bližino. V duhu ohranjanja pozitivne mo-tivacije, psihološkega občutka bližine in povezanosti z vrstniki, somišljeniki in vzorniki tak način izobraževanja na daljavo definitivno ima svojo vrednost. Učinkovitemu, visoko kakovostnemu in vrhunskemu študijskemu procesu pa umanjkajo neposreden nadzor in korekcije, ki so možni le ob fizični bližini študentov in profesorjev; primerno velik in opremljen plesni studio, kar domači prostori študentov nikakor niso; pa tudi medvrstniška socialna in fizična interakcija, ki gradi tako posameznikove interpersonalne kompetence kakor vzpostavlja kolegialno plesno skupnost. Prispevek s pomočjo SWOT analize predstavi in evalvira prednosti, pomanjkljivosti, priložnosti in ovire praks poučevanja sodobnega plesa na daljavo. Ključne besede: plesna pedagogika, izobraževanje na daljavo, plesni profesionalizem ABSTRACT During the pandemic and the general lockdown, dance education, like all other areas of education was forced to move to an online environment. From the very beginning, dance artists and pedagogues have been pointing out that a virtual dance studio is by no means an acceptable and comparable alternative to a study process carried out live. When we talk about the training of dance professionals or the level of education, which strives for quality in the study process as well as top results, the consideration of the implementation of distance learning programs is even more relevant. Despite the tempting online accessibility of dance classes and workshops led by prominent dance artists, choreographers and educators around the globe, dance is primarily an (artistic) activity that lives through our bodies, which therefore needs, if not requires, physical presence and proximity. In the spirit of maintaining positive motivation, a psychological sense of closeness and connection with peers and community, such distance education definitely has its value. However, an efficient, high-quality and top-quality study process lacks direct supervision and corrections, which are only possible with the physical proximity of students and professors; a suitably large and equipped dance studio, which the students' home spaces are by no means, as well as peer social and physical interaction, which builds both the individual's interpersonal competencies and establishes a collegial dance community. With the help of a SWOT analysis, the paper presents and evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of online dance pedagogy. Key words: dance pedagogy, distance education, dance professionalism 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 496 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Lidia Krisskaya BIOMEHANIKA IN ZAJEM GIBANJA PRI POUČEVANJU PLESA: PRIMER ZA NADALJNJI RAZVOJ BIOMECHANICS AND MOTION CAPTURE IN DANCE TEACHING: CASE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT POVZETEK Članek podaja pregled trenutne stopnje biomehanike in uporabe gibanja v poučevanju plesa in sorodnih področij. Trenutno so takšne tehnike drage ali pa jih je mogoče uporabiti samo v okolju, kjer se uporablja profesionalna oprema za zajem gibanja. Nadaljnja omejitev je tako materialna, kot taka potreba po nošenju markerjev ali posebnih kostumov, kot tudi teoretična, ker učitelji še niso pripravljeni na možnosti, ki jih učencem lahko prinese poučevanje na daljavo na podlagi umetne inteligence in naprednega računalništva. Nedavni tehnološki napredek nam daje razumno upanje, da bomo plesnim pedagogom omogo- čili manj odvisne od opreme pristope, zato pozivamo k razvoju novih teoretičnih in praktičnih učnih metod, ki se uporabljajo v oddaljenih ali celo virtualnih okoljih. Ključne besede: biomehanika, zajem gibanja, ples, poučevanje, digitalno okolje ABSTRACT This article reviews the current stage in biomechanics and motion capture use in dance teaching and related fields. Currently, such techniques are either costly or can be used only in environment where professional motion capture equipment is employed. Further constrains are both material, as such the necessity for wearing markers or special costumes, and theoretical, because educators are not yet ready for the possibilities that remote teaching based on the AI and advanced computing can bring to the pupils. Recent advances in technology give us reasonable hope for providing dance educators with less equipment-dependent approaches and therefore call for a development of new theoretical and practical teaching methods used in remote or even virtual environments. Key words: biomechanics, motion capture, dance, teaching, digital environment 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 497 Tamara Leonidivna Drach, Gavelya Oksana Mykolayivna, Olena Cymbalyuk RAZVOJ PLASTIČNIH SPOSOBNOSTI AVTISTIČNIH OTROK S POMOČJO SODOBNEGA PLESA DEVELOPMENT OF PLASTIC ABILITIES IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN BY IMPLEMENTING MODERN DANCE POVZETEK Koreografska umetnost kot sredstvo za razvoj avtističnih otrok je vprašanje, ki je pomembno v vsakdanji resničnosti, kjer med duševno zdravimi otroki obstajajo primeri avtizma pri otrocih. Pomembno je, da se ne oddaljujemo od teh problemov, temveč iščemo načine za njihovo reševanje, raziskujemo možnosti kreativnega razvoja takih otrok, kar bo prispevalo k njihovi nadaljnji socialni prilagoditvi. Glavni namen študije je določiti metode razvijanja ustvarjalnih sposobnosti avtističnih otrok s pomočjo sodobne koreografije. Za to smo dobili naslednje naloge: raziskati glavne znake avtizma in značilnosti vedenja avtističnih otrok, prepoznati pomembna ustvar-jalna področja razvoja avtističnih otrok, raziskati možnost uporabe koreografske umetnosti pri razvoju avtističnih otrok; opisati program sodobne koreografije za razvoj avtističnih otrok z uporabo kreativnih pristopov in sodobne tehnologije v koreografski umetnosti. Ključne besede: predšolski otroci, avtizem, sodobni ples, učne metode, sodobne tehnologije ABSTRACT Choreographic art as a way of development of autistic children is an issue that is relevant in everyday reality, where among mentally healthy children, there are cases of autistic children. It is extremely important not to stand aside from these problems, but to scientifically solve and explore the possibilities of creative development of such children, which will contribute to their further social adaptation. The aim of our research is to determine the methods of developing the creative abilities of autistic children by modern choreography. To do this, we need to decide the following tasks: to study the main features of behaviour and plasticity of autistic children; identify important relevant creative areas for the development of autistic children; explore the possibilities of using modern dance techniques in the development of autistic children; to characterize the program of modern choreography for the development of such students by applying creative approaches and the latest technologies in choreographic art. Key words: pre-school children, autism, modern dance, teaching methods, latest technologies 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 498 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Mateja Jeler, Gregor Kamnikar, Vesna Geršak USTVARJALNOST JE UČITELJICA IN MI VSI NJENI UČENCI – AKTIVNO UČENJE IN POUČEVANJE NA DALJAVO Z UMETNOSTJO CREATIVITY IS THE TEACHER AND WE ARE ALL ITS STUDENTS – ACTIVE LEARNING AND DISTANCE LEARNING WITH THE ARTS POVZETEK Učenje na daljavo je prineslo izzive za učence, učitelje in starše. Sedentarno učenje je v času pandemije prišlo še bolj do izraza, pri čemer je manjša fizična aktivnost učencev pripeljala do zaskrbljujočih rezultatov na področju zmanjševanja gibalnih zmožnosti otrok. V prispevku predstavimo primer inovativnega učnega okolja, ki je v poučevanje na daljavo vnes-lo aktiven, izkustven in utelešen pristop učenja in poučevanja s pomočjo umetnosti. V sklopu povezovalnega projekta »Stik analognega in digitalnega sveta« smo razvili model učenja, ki je povezoval učence petih razredov, dva učitelja, plesnega umetnika in strokovnjakinji s področja plesne oziroma lutkovne umetnosti. Projekt je nastal v okviru projekta Razvijanje sporazume-valnih zmožnosti s kulturno-umetnostno vzgojo (SKUM), katerega ključni cilj je razvijati didaktične pristope in nove oblike povezovanja vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela z umetniškimi dejavnostmi. V prispevku s pomočjo kvalitativne analize, narejene s triangulacijo refleksij 37 učencev, staršev, dveh učiteljev in umetnika predstavimo prednosti vključevanja umetnosti v učenje in poučevanje na daljavo. Pri učencih se prednosti tovrstnega pristopa kažejo v ustvarjalnosti, pozitivni samopodobi, moti-viranosti, spoznavanju novih oblik izražanja v digitalnem in analognem okolju, stiku z naravo in s samim seboj, sproščenosti in njihovi pozitivni naravnanosti do aktivnosti. Projektno delo so pozitivno ocenili tudi starši učencev. Pri učiteljema je ključen izstop iz običajnih pedagoških okvirjev. Umetnik je s sodelovanjem pri projektu spoznal, da je temelj in začetek vsakega učnega procesa spodbujanje uporabe kompetenc vsakega posameznika, kar se dalje tvorno širi tudi v neposredno socialno okolje in s tem ustvarjalno prevesi odgovornost za učenje s posameznika na skupnost. Ključne besede: pouk na daljavo, kulturno-umetnostna vzgoja, plesna umetnost, ustvarjalnost 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 499 ABSTRACT Distance learning has brought many challenges. The already prevalent sedentary learning in primary schools became even more pronounced during the pandemic, leading to worrying results in the reduction of motor abilities of children. We present an example of an innovative learning environment that has introduced an active, experiential and embodied approach to learning through the arts into distance learning. As part of the connecting project A contact point of an analogue and the digital world, we developed a model of learning, which in the creative learning process connected students of fifth grades, two teachers, a dance artist and experts in the dance i.e. puppet art. The project was formed within the project Developing communication competences through cultural-art education whose main goal was to develop didactical approaches and new forms of connecting education and artistic activities With the help of a qualitative analysis based on the triangulation of reflections of 37 students, parents, two teachers and an artist, we present the advantages of integrating arts into distance learning. The advantages of this approach are the development of creativity, positive self-image, motivation, learning about new forms of expression in the digital and analogue environment, contact with nature and oneself, students’ relaxation and their positive attitude towards activities. For teachers, the cooperation with the artist in co-creating project activities is shown as a departure from the usual pedagogical framework. By participating in the project, the artist realized that the foundation and beginning of any learning process is to promote the use of competencies of every individual, which further creatively expands into the direct social environment and thus creatively shifts the balance of responsibility for learning from the individual to the community. Key words: distance teaching, arts and cultural education, dance, creativity 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 500 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Nataša Đurić VES SVET JE ODER ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE POVZETEK Iz perspektive študenta, lahko se reče naj je študij v času epidemije kar izziv za bodoče plesalce. Ko se zgubi kontakt z plesno dvorano, profesorji, odrem ter publiko nujno je poiskati nov vir inspiracije. Izobraževanje v digitalnem okolju vpliva na motivacijo in potek ustvarjalnega in uč- nega procesa. Ampak, ni vse tako črno ker zdaj obstaja priložnost prenesti oder povsod okoli nas oziroma ga transformirati celo in v dnevno sobo. Zlato obdobje digitalnih medijih omogoča plesni umetnosti neomejeno število gledalcev. Ples in kamera sta se pokazala kot izredna partnerja ki se dopolnjujeta. Četrte stene ni več. Eno izmed glavnih vprašanj je kam se lahko postavi publika, da lahko vidi karakteristike prostora, ki avtorju pomagajo pri plesni zgodbi. Perspektiva! Ključne besede: motivacija, perspektiva, mladi plesalci, kamera in ples ABSTRACT From a student's perspective, it can be said that studying during an epidemic is quite a challenge for future dancers. When one loses contact with the dance studio, professors, the stage and the audience one is forced to find a new source of inspiration. Education in the digital environment influences motivation and the course of the creative and learning process. But not everything is so black because now there is an opportunity to transfer the stage anywhere around us or to move it even to the living room. The golden age of digital media offers dance art an unlimited number of viewers. Dance and camera have proven to be extraordinary complementary partners. The fourth wall is gone. One of the main questions is where one can put the audience to be able to see the characteristics of the space that help the dance story. Perspective! Key words: motivation, perspective, young dancers, camera and dance 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 501 Martina Svetina SLABOSTI BALETNEGA ŠOLANJA NA DALJAVO DISADVANTAGES OF DISTANCE SCHOOLING IN BALLET POVZETEK Epidemija koronavirusa je čez noč ustavila slovenski šolski sistem, katerega del je tudi baletno šolanje. Tega izvajajo glasbene šole in Konservatorija za glasbo in balet v Mariboru ter Ljubljani. Šolanje na daljavo je prisililo učitelje baleta v obliko poučevanja, ki je bila dotlej videti nemogoča. Poučevanje in učenje preko videokonferenčnih kanalov predstavlja v danih okoliščinah, v katerih šolajoči se posamezniki ne smejo pridobivati znanja v za to primernih ustanovah, edino možnost za učenje, kar pa nikakor ne zagotavlja primernega načina plesnega šolanja. Prispevek izpostavlja slabosti baletnega šolanja na daljavo skozi perspektivo integriranega modela avtorice Jacqueline Smith-Autard, v katerem so plesanje, ustvarjanje in gledanje plesa poglavitne aktivnosti, ki razvijajo estetske, umetniške in kulturne cilje izobraževanja plesa kot umetnosti. Uporabljena je študija primera, kjer z deskriptivno in komparativno metodo evalvira-mo učni proces v 2. valu koronavirusne epidemije z vidika uresničevanja in razvijanja poglavitnih spretnosti, veščin in konceptov v baletnem izobraževanju. Ugotovitve izhajajo iz učne prakse izvajanja pouka na daljavo v baletni šoli preko videokonferenčne aplikacije. Neustreznost pogojev za plesanje, kjer se muzikalne izvedbe plesa ne da preverjati neposredno, izoliranost učencev omejena na lasten dom, poglabljanje razlik med bolj in manj sposobnimi učenci, vpliv socialnega statusa družine na proces šolanja od doma so spremljajoči dejavniki, ki so postali del neizogibne realnosti. Ti dejavniki učencem odvzemajo možnost za kvalitetno, varno in enakopravno izvajanje plesne aktivnosti. Baletno šolanje, v katerem so možnosti plesanja omejene zgolj na nekaj kvadratnih metrov prostora brez ustrezne talne podlage in ob prisotnosti učitelja v objektivu kamere je postavljeno na preizkušnjo svojega obstoja. S šolanjem od doma je učencem onemogočeno uresničevanje in razvijanje spretnosti, veščin in konceptov, ki zajemajo poglavitno dejavnost zaradi katere učenci balet sploh obiskujejo – to je plesanje. Ključne besede: šolanje na daljavo, koronavirus, balet, umetnost plesa, izobraževanje 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 502 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV ABSTRACT Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the Slovenian school system which also includes ballet schooling was stopped overnight. Ballet education is held by music schools and the Conserva-tory of Music and Ballet in Maribor and Ljubljana. Until now distance learning in ballet seemed impossible. Teaching and learning through videoconferencing channels is, in given circumstances, in which schooling individuals are not allowed to acquire knowledge in appropriate institutions for schooling, the only opportunity for learning, which in no way ensures an appropriate way of schooling. The article discusses the disadvantages of distance schooling in ballet through the perspective of Jacqueline Smith-Autard’s midway model in which performing, creating, and watching dances are considered as main activities to develop aesthetic, artistic, and cultural goals of dance education as an art. The case study is based on descriptive and comparative methods. The learning process of the 2nd wave of the coronavirus epidemic is evaluated from the perspective of possible realization and development of skills and concepts among pupils of ballet. The findings are based on teaching practice in a ballet school through videoconferencing application. Inadequate conditions for dancing with the performance which cannot be directly musically verified, the isolation of pupils limited to their homes, deepening the differences between more and less capable individuals, the impact of family’s social status on the schooling process are accompanied factors that have become part of reality. Distance schooling shows that pupils are deprived of the opportunity for safe practice, quality, and equality in performing dance activities. The conditions where dancing is limited to a few square meters of space without adequate floor surface and with the presence of a teacher in the camera lens are putting the ballet education to the test of its existence. By learning from home, pupils are prevented from realizing and developing skills and concepts that pertain to the main activity of a ballet class – dancing – which is most often the main reason for attending ballet school. Key words: distance schooling, coronavirus, ballet, art of dance, education 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 503 Claudia Sovre ON-LINE POUČEVANJE BALETA V ČASU KRIZE COVID-19: ŠTUDIJA PRIMERA – BALETNA ŠOLA EASY TALENT ACADEMY V KAIRU, EGIPT ON-LINE TEACHING OF BALLET IN TIME OF COVID-19 CRISIS: CASE STUDY - EASY TALENT ACADEMY BALLET SCHOOL IN CAIRO, EGYPT POVZETEK Današnja COVID-19 situacija je praktično zaustavila svet. Pričakovali smo, da bomo virus prema-gali v nekaj mesecih, vendar je ta spremenil naša življenja za precej daljše obdobje. Začeli smo se prilagajati novi situaciji na razne načine. Na srečo nam današnja stalna dostopnost s svetom preko internetnega omrežja in nove tehnologije ponujajo nešteto možnosti delovanja. Tako se je nenadoma razvilo poučevanje plesa preko spleta, največkrat skozi aplikacijo Zoom. Kar se nam je še pred kratkim zdelo nemogoče, je postalo vsakodnevna realnost. Avtorica analizira sodobno uporabo recentnih teorij učenja in poučevanja v kontekstu plesnega pouka na daljavo, na primeru sodelovanja z baletno šolo Easy talent Academy v Kairu, Egiptu, v času prvega svetovnega lock-downa, spomladi 2020. Pri tem se poleg črpanja iz lastnih izkušenj, naslanja na relevantno gradivo avtorjev kot so: Jacqueline Smith-Autard, Julia Buckroyd, Muska Mosston in Sara Ashworth, Graham McFee, Alysoun Tomkins, David Carr, Lorna Sanders, Chris Kyriacou, Royal Academy of Dancing in drugi. Ključne besede: baletno izobraževanje, on-line poučevanje, on-line tekmovanje, pristopi poučevanja. ABSTRACT Today's COVID-19 situation has practically stopped the world. We expected to beat the virus in a few months, but our lives were changed for much longer. We started to adapt to the new situation in different ways. Fortunately, today's constant access to the world via the Internet and new technologies offer us countless possibilities. Thus, it suddenly developed the teaching of dance over the web, most often through the app Zoom. What seemed impossible to us until recently has become an everyday reality. The author analyses the contemporary use of recent theories of learning and teaching in the context of distance learning lessons in the case of cooperation with the ballet school Easy Talent Academy in Cairo, Egypt during the first epidemic lock-down in spring 2020. In addition to her own experience, she relies on relevant material from authors such as: Jacqueline Smith-Autard, Julia Buckroyd, Muska Mosston and Sara Ashworth, Graham McFee, Alysoun Tomkins, David Carr, Lorna Sanders, Chris Kyriacou, Royal Academy of Dancing and others. Key words: ballet education, online teaching, dance competition, teaching approaches. 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 504 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Lovorka Puk Tomić, Andreja Jeličić METHODOLOGY OF CHARACTER DANCES - DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA HANDBOOK ABSTRACT The lack of textbooks in Croatian language and the lack of (written) language in the teaching of dance on the one hand, and on the other hand, the possibilities of modern technology to make dancing steps easier and better documented, analysed and transmitted, resulted in work on developing didactic tools: character dances for the first year of teaching aimed at systematising and developing the teaching style of dancing dances in Croatia. The work was completed on the third year of the BA studies of ballet pedagogy at the Academy of Dramatic Art of the University of Zagreb, in a collaboration of the Department of Dance with Departments for Film and the School for Classical Ballet in Zagreb. The presentation, accompanied by video examples, presents and evaluates the specifics of the process and methods of this dance-film collaboration and its result: a modern didactic tool replacing the conventional textbook and consists of classic textual scripts and multimedia web-based videos based on the principle of video guides whose basis consists of systematized video clips of all curriculum steps, examples of exercises and short choreographies performed by students of the School for Classical Ballet in Zagreb. Also, verbalization in the teaching of the dance is problematic: from the question of translation and harmonization of the standard Croatian language with the jargon of the profession and professional dance terminology, to an adequate-effective verbal description of movements and actions applicable in everyday teaching practice. Key words: methodology, character dances, multimedia, digital handbook, didactic tool 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 505 Bor Sojar Voglar TEKMOVALNI PLES V SLOVENIJI PO EPIDEMIJI - UVELJAVITEV SISTEMA MEDALJ? COMPETITIVE BALLROOM DANCING IN SLOVENIA AFTER PANDEMIC - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MEDAL SYSTEM? POVZETEK Tekmovalni ples je v Sloveniji dobro organizirana športna dejavnost, ki je bila predvsem v de-vetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja izjemno razširjena dejavnost mladih. V prvih desetih letih tega stoletja je množičnost ukvarjanja s tekmovalnim plesom ter konkurenca med plesnimi klubi rezultirala v zlati generaciji slovenskega tekmovalnega plesa s številnimi svetovnimi prvaki. V zadnjem desetletju pa je opaziti velik upad v množičnosti ukvarjanja s tekmovalnim plesom. Najboljši slovenski trenerji poučujejo pretežno v tujini. Epidemija korona virusa je situacijo še poslabšala. Tako domače kot mednarodne tekme so že skoraj celo leto odpovedane in samo najbolj motivirani plesni pari vztrajajo pri rednem režimu treningov. Kaj se bo zgodilo s slovensko sceno tekmovalnega plesa po epidemiji je težko napovedovati. Zelo verjetno je, da se bo, zaradi izgube sezone in pol, na tekmovanja vrnilo še manj plesnih parov kot pred epidemijo. Zato predlagamo alternativo obstoječemu tekmovalnemu sistemu v tekmovalnih plesih – »sistem medalj«, kot ga uporabljajo v številnih državah v Evropi, Ameriki in Aziji. Sistem lahko deluje kot neodvisen od tekmovanj Plesne zveze Slovenije, lahko pa tudi postane del tega sistema. Sistem, ki je podoben »sistemu pasov« pri borilnih športih, temelji na predstavitvi znanja in uporabe plesnih tehnik ter plesnih figur pred pristojno komisijo, ki presodi ali je znanje zadostno za bronasti, srebrni ali zlati nivo. Slovenija je ena redkih držav, ki sistema medalj nima vpeljanega. Čas po epidemiji je priložnost, da se sistematično uvede sistem medalj na področju tekmovalnega plesa in AMEU Akademija za ples je lahko pristojna organizacija za njegovo izvedbo. Ključne besede: športni ples, standardni, latinskoameriški, zlata, srebrna, bronasta medalja ABSTRACT Competitive ballroom dancing is a well organised sports activity in Slovenia. In the 1990s and the early 2000s it was a very popular sport among the Slovenian youth. The large number of dancers, competition among dance clubs and teachers resulted in the Slovenian Golden Generation with many World Champions. In the last decade however, we are witnessing a drastic decline of active competitive dancers in Slovenia. Best Slovenian teachers teach couples abroad. The COVID-19 pandemic rendered the situation even worse. National and international competitions are cancelled and only the most motivated couples are still holding to their regular training regimes. It is difficult to predict what will happen with Slovenian ballroom scene after the pandemic. Most likely the number of couples returning to competitions after the loss of one whole season and a half will drop substantially. The alternative to existing Slovenian competition system could be the “medal system”, common in many countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia. The system can be independent from the competition system by the DanceSport Federation of Slovenia or can be implemented into the system. The bronze, silver and gold levels are achieved by demonstrating the knowledge and usage of the dance techniques and figures in front of expert adjudicators similar to the “belt system” used in combat sports. Slovenia is one of the few countries that does not practice the medal system. The time after the pandemic is a great opportunity to systematically implement the ballroom medal system and AMEU Dance Academy could be the competent organization for its implementation. Key words: Dancesport, standard Latin, gold, silver, bronze medal 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 506 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Jasna Čižmek Tarbuk IZKUŠNJE Z UPORABO NOVIH TEHNOLOGIJ V PLESU EXPERIENCES WITH THE USAGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGY IN DANCE POVZETEK Prispevek prinaša izkušnje z uporabo digitalnih tehnologij v plesnih predstavah Vrata percepcije, Premikani prostor in Fragmenti. Predstave so bile narejene in izvedene v obdobju od 2012 do 2015 s plesalci Umetničke organizacije Fronesis in v sodelovanju s Fakulteto za elektrotehniko in računalništvo u Zagrebu. Med nastopi smo uporabljali različne metode dela. Za vsako predstavo so bile narejene in uporabljene posebne metode. Kasnejši nastopi takoj so uporabljali tudi neko obliko digitalne tehnologije, kot je kodiranje v živo v glasbi in aplikacija, zasnovana posebej za štetje glasov občinstva v predstavi Dance Democracy, v kateri občinstvo odloča o poteku predstave. Študentje za delo na predstavi Vrata percepcije so bili nagrajeni z rektorjevo nagrado za aplikacije, ki so jih programirali posebej za to priložnost. S skupnim delom na predstavah so plesalci in inženirji spremenili ustaljene predsodke drug o drugem: o inženirjih kot hladnih in suhih ljudeh ter plesalcih kot iracionalnih in precej čustvenih posameznikih, s skupnim delom pa so le obogatili izkušnje in razvili ustvarjalnost. Uporaba tehnologije je predstave naredila bolj razumljive in zanimive ter bližje širši publiki in jih tako potegnila v plesni svet. Ključne besede: Ples, nove tehnologije, programirane aplikacije, kodiranje v živo ABSTRACT This work is a record of experiences with the usage of digital technology in the dance performances Doors of Perception, Moved Space and Fragments. The performances were created and originally performed between 2012 and 2015 in collaboration with the dancers of the art organisation Fronesis and the engineers and students of the Faculty of Electrotechnics and Computer Science in Zagreb. In the course of the collaboration, various work methods were applied – each performance used its own computer application. Later performances used digital technology in some form as well, i.e. live coding of the music used and a computer application designed especially to count votes of the audience in the performance Dance Democracy, in which the audience decides on how the performance will proceed. The students that worked on Doors of Perception were given the Rector’s Award for the applications they programmed especially for that occasion. Through their combined effort on these performances the dancers and the engineers have changed the preconceptions and prejudices between the different disciplines: The engineers had proven not be cold and dull, while the dancers were not irrational or overly emotional. Working together they enriched and developed the creative experience. The use of technology made the performances and the world of dance in general more under-standable, interesting, accessible and appealing to a wider audience. Key words: Dance, new technologies, programmed applications, live coding 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 507 Helena Valerija Krieger CLUGOVA PETRUŠKA CLUG'S PETRUSHKA POVZETEK V sezoni 2018/19 je bil v Bolšoj teatru, v Moskvi, premierno uprizorjen balet Petruška slovenskega koreografa Edwarda Cluga. Premiero smo lahko v Sloveniji spremljali preko live streama v Cineplexxu, ki v zadnjih letih z digitalno abonmajsko ponudbo predstav svetovno priznanih gledališč omogoča gledalcem enkratne umetniške izkušnje. Clugova mednarodno odmevna koreografska kariera ter delo v enem najprestižnejših gledališč na svetu zahtevata posebno pozornost in prav ta izjemnost je bila povod v poglobljen vpogled v njegovo koreografsko stvaritev. Koreografski pristop, interpretacija naracije z uporabo lastnega plesnega jezika, scenskega prostora in kostumov, je obravnavan v historičnem kontekstu, postavljen ob bok Petruški Michaela Fokina, ki je pred več kot sto leti, v inovativnem slogu, združil pantomimo in formalni ples in s tem revolucionarno spremenil koncept baletne koreografije 20. stol. V plesni analizi je bila uporabljena deskriptivno komparativna metoda raziskovanja. Podatki so bili pridobljeni tudi z nestrukturiranim intervjujem in analizo posnetkov predstav. Analiza je pokazala, da je pri obeh koreografih zaznati individualni pristop, odmikajoč se od tradicionalnega. Koreografski stvaritvi poskušata definirati podobne karakteristike rojevanja edinstvenega sloga znotraj družbeno zgodovinskega konteksta. Drugačni koreografski pristopi in koncepti sicer vstopajo v polje baleta, vendar njegove narave ne spreminjajo. Tudi ne bi mogli trditi, da novodobni ples baletne konvencije omejuje, saj je klasična baletna tehnika temelj plesnega izražanja na najvišjem profesionalnem nivoju. Ali se balet odmika od samega sebe ter vstopa v polje sodobnega? Da in ne. Prepletanje različnih stilov rojeva inovativne oblike izražanja, vendar vir navdiha večinoma izhaja iz klasične baletne tehnike, analogne odrske prezentacije in baletnega kanona. Ključne besede: Clug, Petruška, Fokin, zgodovina baleta, digitalizacija ABSTRACT In the 2018/19 season, ballet Petrushka by the Slovenian choreographer Edward Clug was premiered at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. We were able to watch the premiere in Slovenia via live stream at the Cineplexx, which in recent years has provided viewers with unique artistic experiences with a digital subscription offer of performances by world-renowned theatres. Clug's internationally acclaimed choreographic career requires special attention. The choreographic approach, the interpretation of the narrative using its own dance language, stage space and costumes, is considered in a historical context, placed alongside Petrushka by Michael Fokin, who more than a hundred years ago, in an innovative style, combined pantomime and formal dance and thus revolutionary changed the concept of 20th century ballet choreography. The analysis has shown that both choreographers had an individual approach, moving away from the traditional one. The choreographic creations attempt to define similar characteristics of the birth of a unique style within a socio-historical context. Different choreographic approaches and concepts do enter the field of ballet, but they do not change its nature. Nor could we argue that modern dance limits the ballet convention, as classical ballet technique is the foundation of dance expression at the highest professional level. Is ballet moving away from itself and entering the field of the contemporary? Yes and no. The interweaving of different styles gives birth to innovative forms of expression, but the source of inspiration mostly comes from classical ballet technique, analogue stage presentation and ballet canon. Key words: Clug, Petrushka, Fokin, history of ballet, digitalization 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 508 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV Tatjana Christelbauer C-19 ART RESPONSE: "ŽALIKE: WEBSCAPE" PROJECT ABSTRACT Presentation of a virtual multimedia art project on European mythology in Zeitgeist, created by 5 female dance artists and one musician/composer How can art practice support mental health, especially in a crisis situation? How can virtual space be used for community outreach? And what would be advised by wise women from Alps "Salige" (in Slovenian "Žalike") nowadays? Considering the effects of the C-19-pandemic on art in a societal context, project participants have thematized the potential of the natural environment as art exile in which they could continue their art practice during the lockdown for one month. A shared theme for inspiration was found in the Alpine mythology on "Salige"- the wise women from the Alps a year before. The cooperation was extended in the virtual landscape of a Fb-group in which the "imaginative community" could continue to work on their art project. The focus was put on effects of artistic expressions on mental health and wellbeing in challenging times. Individual dance and music works have been exchanged via Fb and emails and composed together in a smartphone-movie-collage. Collection of photo images, drawings and writings in Slovenian, Croatian, German, and English was documented in a poster format, as a multilingual landscape. Applying their virtual project, participants have created a digital training format consisting of movement sequences for feeling well and multilingual talks for cross-generational practice in daily life: Žalike. Key words: Žalike/ Salige, virtual art project, mental health and wellbeing 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 509 PROGRAM PANELOV / PROGRAMME OF PLENARY SESSIONS 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 512 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV PLENARY SESSION I DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN EUROPE IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ARTS KEYNOTE Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer: Digital transformation in Europe in Science, Education and Art President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg, Technical University Munich PANEL DISCUSSION Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg, Technical University Munich Prof. Dr. Ivo Šlaus, Honorary President of the World Academy of Sciences and Arts Dr. Franci Demšar, Director of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak, President of the Alma Mater Europaea ECM Prof. Dr. Jurij Toplak, Director of Alma Mater Europaea ECM PLENARY SESSION II SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OPENING WORDS Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak, President of Alma Mater Europaea ECM Mag. Andrej Šircelj, Minister of Finance, Republic of Slovenia KEYNOTE Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University, New York, USA PANEL DISCUSSION Prof. Dr. Jeffery Sachs, Columbia University, New York, USA, Dr. France Arhar, Adviser to the President of the Republic of Slovenia for the field of economy and finance Alojz Peterle, President of the 1st Government of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Boris Pleskovič, President of the Slovenian World Congress Prof. Dr. Laurence Hewick, President, Global Family Business Institute Prof. Dr. Mejra Festić, University of Maribor, Slovenia 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 513 PLENARY SESSION III – RULE OF LAW Moderators: Luka Martin Tomažič, Jurij Toplak RULE OF LAW IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE PANELISTS: Petra Weingerl, University of Maribor, Matej Avbelj, European Faculty of Law Nova univerza, Rok Svetlič, Science and Research Centre Koper PLENARY SESSION IV - HIGHER EDUCATION Barbara Toplak Perovič, Alma Mater Europaea and Slovenian association of independent higher education institutions. Co-chair: Luka Tomažič COMPETITIVENESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION PANEL IN COOPERATION WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION (EUPHE) & 25th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION (ICHE) - UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE WELCOME INTRODUCTION Ludvik Toplak, President of Alma Mater Europaea and member of the I.C.H.E. Steering Committee OPENING LECTURE EUPHE Klaus Hekking, President of the European Union of Private Higher Education Non-state Universities in Europe - Drivers of Progress in Higher Education. OPENING LECTURES I.C.H.E. Ignaz Bender, International Conference on Higher Education Ranking of Universities - Why Continental European Universities - except ETH Zürich - are not among the first 25 Universties of the World Arif Çaglar, Bilkent University, Turkey ICHE and Its Pioneering Journey of 40 Years PANEL DISCUSSION Klaus Hekking, President of the European Union of Private Higher Education, Ignaz Bender, International Conference on Higher education ICHE, Franci Demšar, Director of the Slovene Agency for quality assurance in higher education, Jernej Letnar Černič, European Faculty of Law Nova Univerza Barbara Toplak Perovič, Alma Mater Europaea - ECM 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: RELEVANCA ZNANOSTI IN IZOBRAŽEVANJA 514 ZBORNIK POVZETKOV PLENARY SESSION V - HUMANITIES Darja Piciga Moderators: Darja Piciga and Lenart Škof BUILDING BACK BETTER – A GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE: AN INTEGRAL FRAMEWORK OF LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS AND EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL OPENING WORDS: Lenart Škof, Science and Research Centre Koper & AMEU ISH INVITED SPEAKERS: Darja Piciga, Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL WITH A NEW KNOWLEDGE BASE AND THE MODEL OF AN INTEGRAL GREEN SLOVENIA Nives Dolšak & Aseem Prakash, University of Washington, Seattle, USA THREE FACETS OF CLIMATE JUSTICE IN THE U.S.A. Alexander Schieffer, Trans4m Center for Integral Development and Home for Humannity, Switzerland/France INTEGRAL EUROPE?! HOW THE INTEGRAL WORLDS THEORY AND PRACTICE CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE BUILDING OF GREENER, MORE RESILIENT EUROPE Cliona Howie, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Climate-KIC A DEEP DEMONSTRATION OF A CIRCULAR, REGENERATIVE AND LOW-CARBON ECONOMY Alessandro Manzardo1, Alberto Barausse2, Mirco Piron1, Angelica Guidolin1, Lara Endrizzi1, 1CESQA, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova & 2Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy NEW APPROACH FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS IN THE ITALIAN-SLOVENIAN REGIONS: THE ITA-SLO INTERREG PROJECT ECO-SMART Liliana Vizintin & Suzana Škof, Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia INNOVATIVE APPROACH IN COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING ON ECOSYSTEM SERVICES AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AS DEVELOPED BY PROJECT ECO-SMART *This panel is organized and cosponsored by the ARRS research project »Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy« (J7-1824; project leader Dr Lenart Škof), conducted at ZRS Koper and AMEU ECM with the collaboration of the University of Innsbruck. 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 515 PLENARY SESSION VI - HUMANITIES Maja Gutman Moderators: Maja Gutman and Lenart Škof ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMOTIONS: Exploring Dream Reports Through the Modern Lens of AI Tools OPENING WORDS: Gorazd Andrejc, University of Groningen & Science and Research Centre Koper PLENARY LECTURE: Kelly Bulkeley, Director of the Sleep and Dream Database and Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press DREAM TECHNOLOGIES, ANCIENT AND MODERN SPEAKERS: Linda Koncz, Universidade Católica Portuguesa LANGUAGES OF IMAGINATION: FILM AND DREAM Daniel Kennedy, Software Developer at Small Multiples and a Co-founder at Dreamcloud NAMED ENTITY RECOGNITION (NER) AND DREAMS Maja Gutman, Co-director of '2020 Dreams' under advance contract with Stanford University Press IN SEARCH OF EMOTIONAL PATTERNS IN DREAM DATA: FROM THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS TO ALGORITHMS *This panel has been financially supported by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Project J6-1813: Creatures, Humans, Robots: Creation Theology Between Humanism and Posthumanism. STUDY PROGRAMS ACCREDITED AT AMEU ECM 1 UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE DOCTORAL STUDIES STUDIES STUDIES ZETKOV POV SOCIAL SOCIAL SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY GERONTOLOGY GERONTOLOGY K OF ABSTRACTS | ZBORNIK STI | BOOS NO HUMANITIES HUMANITIES HUMANITIES DIGITAL DIGITAL HUMANITIES HUMANITIES STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT COMMUNICATION STI, IZOBRAŽEVANJU IN UMET MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT ZNANO EUROPEAN PROJECT BUSINESS STUDIES MANAGEMENT INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM UT PEOPLE: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ART PHYSIOTHERAPY HEALTH SCIENCES PHYSIOTHERAPY 9. ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA Z MEDNARODNO UDELEŽBO Nursing, Public Health, ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA Physiotherapy, Integrative Health Sciences, V ZNANOSTI, IZOBRAŽEVANJU IN UMETNOSTI NURSING Autism, Logopedia | ZA ČLOVEKA GRE: DIGITALNA TRANSFORMACIJA V ŽBO 9th SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION ARCHIVAL STUDIES ARCHIVAL SCIENCES AND RECORD ARCHIVAL SCIENCES ALL ABOUT PEOPLE: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND ARTS ERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION | ALL ABO ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Z MEDNARODNO UDELE organized by Alma Mater Europaea - ECM & European Academy of Sciences and Arts under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor ERENCA DANCE, ERENCE WITH INT CHOREOGRAPHY DANCE STUDIES Maribor, 12-19 March 2021 WEB AND WEB SCIENCES WEB SCIENCES INFORMATION Cyber Security and Cyber Security and ZNANSTVENA KONF SCIENTIFIC CONF TECHNOLOGIES ZBORNIK POVZETKOV / BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence 9. th 9 in the accreditation process