G. ZHU et al.: EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg2Ni ... 95–101 EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg 2 Ni: A FIRST-PRINCIPLES STUDY VPLIV Sc NA U^INKOVITOST ZLITINE MG 2 Ni ZA SHRANJEVANJA VODIKA: [TUDIJA TEMELJE^A NA PRVEM NA^ELU Guosong Zhu, Xiaoming Du * ,FuLi School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-09-28; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-12-21 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.980 The effect of metal scandium (Sc) on the hydrogen-storage properties of the magnesium-nickel (Mg2Ni) alloy has been explored using the ultrasoft pseudopotential approach, rooted in the principles of Density Functional Theory (DFT). The binding energy, lattice constant, enthalpy of formation, standard enthalpy of reaction, charge density, density of states and bond order for the Mg2-xScxNi (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) alloys and their hydrides were calculated. Furthermore, the analysis of the atomic bonding and the structural stability of Mg2-xScxNi and hydrides were also facilitated. The results show that the preference site of the Sc atom in Mg2-xScxNi (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) alloys is Mg (6i) under the condition of a Sc doping concentration of 0.25. This causes a de- crease in the stability of the Mg1.75Sc0.25Ni alloy. Moreover, the addition of Sc to Mg2-xScxNiH4 weakens the interaction of H-Ni and H-Mg, thereby facilitating the hydrogen-release reaction and effectively enhancing the hydrogen-release capability of Mg2-xScxNiH4. Keywords: Mg2Ni alloy, first principles, electronic structure, hydrogen storage Avtorji so {tudirali vpliv dodatka skandija (Sc) Mg2Ni zlitini na njeno u~inkovitost oziroma sposobnost za shranjevanje vodika. Uporabili so »ultramehki« psevdo-potencialni pristop, temelje~ na osnovah funkcionalne teorije gostote (DFT; angl.: Density Functional Theory). Izra~unali so vezavno energijo, mre`no konstanto, tvorbeno entalpijo, standardno entalpijo reakcije, gostoto naboja, gostoto stanja in stanje (red) vzave za zlitine vrste Mg2-xScxNi (x = 0, 0,25, 0,5, 1) in njene hidrides. Nadalje v ~lanku opisujejo analizo atomske vezave in strukturno stabilnost Mg2-xScxNi in njenih hidridov. Rezultati analiz in izra~unov so pokazali da so prednostni polo`aji atomov Sc v zlitinah Mg2-xScxNi (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) pri polo`ajih Mg (6i) in koncentraciji Sc je 0,25. To povzro~a pomembno zmanj{anje stabilnosti zlitine Mg1.75Sc0.25Ni alloy. Nadalje dodatek Sc k hidridu vrste Mg2-xScxNiH4 slabi interakcijo med H-Ni in H-Mg vezmi, kar omogo~a sprostitev vodika in tako u~inkovito pospe{uje sposobnost za spro{~anje vodika pri povi{ani temperaturi iz Mg2-xScxNiH4. Klju~ne besede: Mg2Ni zlitina, {tudija prvega na~ela, elektronska struktura, shranjevanje vodika 1 INTRODUCTION Due to the high theoretical hydrogen-storage capac- ity, large electrochemical discharge capacity, and the ability to release hydrogen at 253 °C and 0.1 MPa, Mg 2 Ni was considered one of the ideal candidates for the negative electrode materials in hydrogen-storage batter- ies. Among the A 2 B-type alloys, Mg 2 Ni has garnered ex- tensive recognition as a preeminent contender among hy- drogen-storage materials due to its considerable potential. 1 However, as a medium-temperature hydro- gen-storage alloy, Mg 2 Ni still faces several challenges, such as poor kinetic performance at room temperature and relatively high hydrogen-absorption/desorption tem- peratures, which somewhat restrict its practical applica- tion. Recently, scholars have endeavored to improve the hydrogen-storage capacity of the Mg 2 Ni alloy by modifi- cation using doping techniques. 2 Cui et al. implemented a comprehensive inquiry into the intricate hydrogen-dif- fusion mechanism entrenched within electrodes forged from hydrogen-storage alloys of the Mg 2 Ni type. 3 Through a concerted amalgamation of the potentiostatic polarization method based on the spherical diffusion model, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and an array of advanced methodologies, they ascer- tained that the deliberate substitution of Magnesium (Mg) and Nickel (Ni) within the Mg 2 Ni matrix with va- nadium (V) and aluminum (Al) engendered a notable augmentation in the alloy’s capacity to facilitate hydro- gen diffusion. This heightened modification thereby cul- minates in a substantial amplification of the electrode’s discharge capacity, further corroborating the proposition that the introduction of dopant elements can improve the hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of Mg 2 Ni. Gao et al. also conducted an extensive exploration of the myriad modes of hydrogen absorption and desorption transpiring along the crystalline plane at the interface of Mg 2 Ni doped with rare-earth elements, most notably yt- trium, cerium, lanthanum, and scandium, along the des- ignated orientation (010). 4 An insightful revelation un- derscores that the incorporation of the rare-earth element Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 1, 95–101 95 UDK 669.721.5:543.272.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 58(1)95(2024) *Corresponding author's e-mail: du511@163.com. (Xiaoming Du) scandium exerts a marked reduction in the cohesive strength at the interface between hydrogen and the Mg 2 Ni lattice. This profound transformation, in turn, contributes to the amelioration of the intrinsic energy barriers governing hydrogen diffusion and desorption, thereby substantially enhancing the efficiency of the hy- drogen storage in Mg 2 Ni. Nonetheless, there remains a dearth of comprehensive research elucidating the intri- cate mechanisms through which the rare-earth element Sc influences the hydrogen absorption and dehydro- genation properties of Mg 2 Ni alloys. Therefore, there is a compelling need for more profound and extensive inqui- ries, specifically focused on delineating the optimal dop- ing concentration and unraveling the underlying influen- tial mechanisms. Such efforts are imperative to not only enhance the hydrogen-absorption and dehydrogenation properties, but also to pave the way for its seamless inte- gration into diverse realms of practical production and daily existence. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of Sc doping on both the crystal structure and electronic configuration of the Mg 2 Ni alloys. Calculations are exe- cuted for a range of Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) al- loys and their corresponding hydrides. The comprehen- sive evaluation encompasses critical factors such as binding energy, lattice constant, formation enthalpy, hy- drogen-absorption enthalpy, density of states, charge density, bond order, as well as an in-depth analysis of the atomic bonding and structural stability. A detailed inves- tigation is carried out to reveal the consequences of Sc replacement for the structural characteristics and hydro- gen-storage capabilities of both the Mg 2 Ni alloy and its affiliated hydrides. These findings unveil intricate traits that often prove elusive in experimental measurements. By illuminating the effect of Sc on strengthening the sta- bility of the hydride structure, along with its cascading influence on the hydrogen-storage capabilities of Mg 2 Ni, this effort is expected to offer theoretical insights that contributes to the refinement of the hydrogen-storage al- loy’s design and application strategies. 2 COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS Utilizing the Quantum-ESPRESSO package, 5 which is firmly grounded in Density Functional Theory (DFT), the computations for this study were conducted. 6 The electronic exchange correlation potential energy was ac- curately determined using the Generalized Gradient Ap- proximation (GGA) of the Perde/Wang (PW91) version. 7 The pseudo potentials used in this study were classified as ultrasoft type, characterized by their reciprocal space properties. The designated kinetic cutoff energy for plane-wave calculations was established at 410 eV. 8 For Mg 2 Ni, Mg 2 NiH 4 , and Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 , the k-point grid numbers were 6×6×2, 2×4 ×4 and 2×4×4, respectively. The wave functions of pseudopotentials for the elements Sc, Mg, Ni and H were denoted as follows: H (1s 1 ), Sc (3s 2 3p 6 3d 1 4s 2 ), Mg (2p 6 3s 2 ), and Ni (3d 8 4s 2 ). 9 To attain the stable structures, the geometric optimization of the crystal cells was executed through the utilization of the BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) methodol- ogy. 10 The total energy of the alloy system is calculated using self-consistent iteration techniques, where the con- vergence threshold of the total energy is set to 1.0 × 10 –5 eV/atom, stress error value less than 0.05 GPa, atomic force less than 0.03 eV/Å. 11 The calculation of the H 2 molecular energy adopts a simple cubic model with a size of 1 nm. The Mg 2 Ni cell model was shown in Figure 1a with a space group of P6222 (No. 180). The model consists of 12 Mg atoms and 6 Ni atoms, with lattice constants a = 0.5205 nm and c = 1.3236 nm. To investigate the varia- tion of Sc occupancy in Mg 2 Ni crystal cells, a Sc atom was used to replace the Mg (6i) and Mg (6f) occupancies in Mg 2 Ni crystal cells. The corresponding cell models were shown in Figure 1b and 1c respectively. Through geometric optimization calculation and analysis, it was found that the optimal site for Sc in Mg 2 Ni crystal cells was Mg (6i). Therefore, four Sc-doped Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) models were constructed and the cell models were displayed in Figures 1a, 1d, 1e and 1f.T o explore the influence of scandium alloying on the hydro- gen-desorption characteristics of the hydride Mg 2 NiH 4 ,a model of Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 (where x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) was built for analysis, as shown in Figures 1g, 1h, 1i and 1j. At standard temperature and pressure, Mg 2 NiH 4 has a monoclinic crystalline structure, characterized by a C2/c G. ZHU et al.: EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg2Ni ... 96 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 1, 95–101 Figure 1: Crystal structure of a) Mg 2 Ni, b) Mg 11 Sc Mg(6i) Ni 6 ,c)Mg 12 Sc Ni(3d) Ni 5 ,d)Mg 1.75 Sc Mg(6i)0.25 Ni,e)Mg 1.5 Sc Mg(6i)0.5 Ni, f) MgSc Mg(6i) Ni, g) Mg 2 NiH 4 ,h)Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 ,i)Mg 1.5 Sc 0.5 NiH 4 , j) MgScNiH 4 (No. 15) space group. The lattice constants are defined as follows: a = 1.4363 nm, b = 0.64038 nm, c = 0.6483 nm, and = 113.52°. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Structural properties To validate the reasonableness of the used variables and circumstances, a comparison is made between the lattice constant of the calculated and the measured value, as shown in Table 1. The data presented in Table 1 re- veals a remarkable proximity between the computed lat- tice constant of the Mg 2 Ni alloy and the empirical mea- surement, displaying a maximum deviation of 0.11 %. This observation strongly suggests that the calculated pa- rameters and conditions used in this study were indeed reasonable and well-suited. Moreover, Table 1 also re- veals that after Sc replaces a portion of the atoms in the Mg 2 Ni alloy, significant changes occur in the lattice con- stant of Mg 2 Ni. With the increase of Sc concentration, the a, b lattice constants and the volume of the Mg 2 Ni models gradually expand, resulting in a volume expan- sion. This phenomenon can be attributed to the atomic radii of Sc and Mg, which were 0.162 nm and 0.160 nm, respectively. As Sc has a larger radius than Mg, its sub- stitution in the Mg 2 Ni cell leads to expansion. This was consistent with the principle that the substitution of small atoms by larger ones causes the lattice to expand. 3.2 Enthalpy of formation The enthalpy of formation was a crucial parameter for evaluating the stability of alloys. Typically, a negative value of the enthalpy of formation indicates a more sta- ble alloy. When investigating the stability of Sc-doped Mg 2 Ni alloy structure, the enthalpies of formation for both Mg 2 Ni and Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) were calculated according to the following expressions: 15 () ΔH xyz Ex Ey Ez E form tot solid Mg solid Ni solid Sc = ++ −−− 1 (1) where E tot represents the total energy in equilibrium lat- tice per unit; E solid Mg , E solid Ni and E solid Sc are the total energy of hcp Mg, fcc Ni and bcc Sc in their stable state per unit cell, respectively; x, y and z refer to the numbers of Mg, Ni and Sc atoms in the unit cell of Mg 2-x Sc x Ni, re- spectively. The calculation of single atom solid-state en- ergy is implemented using the same method as the sum of cell energy in intermetallic compounds. The total en- ergy of elemental Mg, Ni, and Sc crystal cells was cal- culated to be –974.5887 eV, –1356.74886 eV, and –1277.89783 eV, respectively. By using Eq. (1), the enthalpy of formation for each crystal cell was com- puted, and the results are also listed in Table 1. The enthalpy of formation of Mg 2 Ni was –15.47 kJ/mol, ex- hibiting a notable approximation to the experimental value of –13 kJ/mol. 6 However, it is important to note that the calculations in this work were performed in an ideal0Ken vironment. The difference between the cal- culated and experimental values may be attributed to temperature variations. It is clearly indicated from Ta- ble 1 that the enthalpy of formation for Mg 12 Sc Ni(3b) Ni 5 and Mg 12 Sc Ni(3d) Ni 5 alloys is lower than that of Mg 2 Ni, suggesting successful replacement of Ni (3b) and Ni (3d) atoms in the Mg 2 Ni crystal lattice with Sc, thereby enhancing the stability of the alloy system. Similarly, the substitution of Mg (6f) and Mg (6i) sites in the Mg 2 Ni crystal cells with Sc improves the stability of al- loy structures. Especially, Sc preferentially occupies the Mg (6i) site upon addition to the Mg 2 Ni alloy. A thor- ough analysis and comparison of the enthalpy of forma- tion for Mg 2 Ni, Mg 1.75 Sc Mg(6i)0.25 Ni, Mg 1.5 Sc Mg(6i)0.5 Ni, and MgSc Mg(6i) Ni indicate a decreasing order of alloy phase structure stability as follows : MgSc Mg(6i) Ni > Mg 1.5 Sc Mg(6i)0.5 Ni>Mg 1.75 Sc Mg(6i)0.25 Ni>Mg 2 Ni. It can be concluded that the optimal concentration of Sc-doped Mg 2 Ni alloy system is x = 0.25. G. ZHU et al.: EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg2Ni ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 1, 95–101 97 Table 1: The cell parameters, total energy and enthalpy of formation of Mg 2 Ni alloys and their hydrides. Models Lattice constants /nm Cell volume /nm –3 Total energy /eV H form / kJ·mol –1 abc Mg 2 Ni 0.5216 – 1.3227 311.7 –19839.4716 –15.47 Mg 2 Ni Exp.12 0.5205 – 1.3236 313.6 – –13.00 13 Mg 2 Ni Cal.14 0.5218 – 1.3212 – – – Mg 11 Sc Mg(6f) Ni 6 0.5219 – 1.3220 313.7 –20143.3562 –16.83 Mg 11 Sc Mg(6f) Ni 6 0.5182 – 1.3411 313.1 –20143.2269 –16.73 Mg 12 Sc Ni(3b) Ni 5 0.5270 – 1.4700 336.5 –19759.2643 –16.33 Mg 12 Sc Ni(3d) Ni 5 0.4934 – 1.4916 332.7 –19759.4255 –16.33 Mg 1.75 Sc Mg(6i)0.25 Ni 0.5220 – 1.3243 314.0 –20465.4659 –17.25 Mg 1.5 Sc Mg(6i)0.5 Ni 0.5282 – 1.3120 318.8 –20750.6378 –17.62 MgSc Mg(6i) Ni 0.5368 – 1.3048 325.4 –21661.0790 –18.81 Mg 2 NiH 4 1.4422 0.6421 0.6513 554.1 –26971.8466 –64.02 Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 1.4343 0.6404 0.6483 546.0 –27579.2132 –49.81 Mg 1.5 Sc 0.5 NiH 4 1.4343 0.6404 0.6483 546.0 –28186.7942 –64.01 MgScNiH 4 1.4343 0.6404 0.6483 546.0 –29402.2551 –64.12 The standard enthalpy of the reaction for the transfor- mation of Mg 2 Ni to hydride Mg 2 NiH 4 , denoted as H, can be calculated using Equation (2), ΔHE E E =−− 1 16 1 12 32 2 ()() ( ) Mg Ni H Mg Ni H 16 8 12 6 (2) Upon computation using Equation (2), the enthalpy of hydrogen absorption for Mg 2 Ni is determined to be –64.02 kJ/(mol · H 2 ). Importantly, this value closely agrees with the experimental measurement of –65.5 kJ/(mol · H 2 ), 16 indicating a slight discrepancy be- tween theoretical calculations and the experimental mea- surement. This provides a method for the evaluation of the reaction enthalpy in the context of Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) hydrides. This computational endeavour draws upon the energy associated with an individual metal atom. The hydrogen absorption reaction can be concisely expressed as follows: 1 12 1 16 2224 Mg Sc Ni H Mg Sc NiH −− += x x x x (3) The standard enthalpy of hydrogen absorption reac- tion can be calculated using Equation (4), ΔHE EE x x x x Sc (Mg Sc NiH (Mg Sc Ni) (H =− −− − − 1 16 1 12 24 22 ) ) (4) The total energy of the H 2 molecule was calculated by employing the Barth-Hedin exchange-correlation po- tential function, resulting in a value of –31.565 eV. The standard enthalpy of reaction for the hydrogen absorp- tion of Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) calculated from Equation (4) is presented in Table 1. The standard enthalpy of reaction for hydrogen absorption in the four hydrides follows a decreasing order: Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 > Mg 1.5 Sc 0.5 NiH 4 >Mg 2 NiH 4 > MgScNiH 4 . This result in- dicates that during the hydrogen-release process, the Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 Ni alloy exhibits the lowest stability, suggest- ing that under the same conditions, the hydrogen release reaction in this cell is more favourable. This result pro- vides further evidence, from an energy perspective, that doping 25 % Sc significantly enhances the hydrogen-re- lease capability of the Mg 2 Ni alloy. 3.3 Density of States In order to attain an insight into the influence of Sc on the structural stability of the Mg 2 Ni alloy and its hy- dride from an electronic structure perspective, Figure 2 illustrates the total densities of states (TDOS) and partial densities of states (PDOS) for Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) alloys, employing the Fermi energy level E F as the reference point for energy. Figure 2 reveals a visible bonding peak in the energy range of –7.5 eV to 4 eV for the total density of states of Mg 2 Ni, with the Ni (3d) electronic orbitals significantly influencing the bonding within Mg 2 Ni crystals. Nevertheless, the bonding effect between Mg and Ni atoms appears relatively modest. To probe the effect of Sc alloying, Figures 2b to 2d show the total density of states and partial density of states for Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 Ni, Mg 1.5 Sc 0.5 Ni, and MgScNi, respectively. A comparative analysis with Figure 2a reveals two notable distinctions. (1) The height of bonding peak of Ni (3d) in TDOS and PDOS of Mg 2-x Sc x Ni decreases, showing the beneficial influence of Sc alloying on the hydrogen re- lease reaction of Mg 2 NiH 4 , leading to an enhancement in its hydrogen release property. (2) To discern the intrica- cies of the crystal cell interactions, the addition of Sc promotes orbital hybridization between Sc (3s4s), Sc (3p), and Sc (3d) electron orbitals with Mg (3s) and Ni (3d) within the interval spanning from –4.5 eV to 0 eV. This observation suggests a weakening of the interaction among the Mg (3s), Mg (2p), and Ni (3d) electron orbitals. Ultimately, it leads to a decrease in the stability of the crystal cells. The primary contribution to the den- sity of states in Mg 2 Ni crystal cells originates from the Ni (3d) orbital electrons. Within the energy span extend- G. ZHU et al.: EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg2Ni ... 98 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 1, 95–101 Figure 2: a) The DOS and PDOS of Mg 2 Ni and b), c), d) Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0.25, 0.5, 1) ing from –10 eV to 0 eV for the Mg 2-x Sc x Ni unit cell, the number of electrons participating in the bonding within the Ni (3d) orbital is correspondingly quantified as 40.1 electrons (x = 0), 38.7 electrons (x = 0.25), 37.1 electrons (x = 0.5), and 35.9 electrons (x = 1). The reduction in the number of bonding electrons weakens the bonding effect in the unit cell, consequently diminishing the stability of the phase structure. These findings agree harmoniously with the results of the enthalpy of formation. 17 To comprehensively analyse the impact of Sc alloy- ing on the hydrogen-release ability of Mg 2 Ni hydrides, TDOS and PDOS of the hydrides Mg 2-x Sc x Ni 4 were shown in Figure 3.InFigure 3a, the TDOS of Mg 2 NiH 4 exhibits the main bonding peak in the energy spectrum from –8.5 eV to 0 eV, and exhibits strong orbital hybrid- ization between Ni (3d) and H (1s). This hybridization improves the structural stability of Mg 2 NiH 4 , and there- fore make hydrogen-gas release difficult under ambient temperature and pressure conditions. This characteristic contributes to the enhanced hydrogen-absorption perfor- mance of Mg 2 Ni alloys. Furthermore, it can be seen from Figure 3a that Mg 2 NiH 4 possesses a band gap of 1.35 eV between its valence and conduction bands, indicative of its non-metallic attributes. In the energy range of the va- lence band, a distinct convergence is present between the 3d orbitals of Ni atoms and the 1s orbitals of H atoms. Conversely, the overlap between the 1s orbitals of H at- oms and the 3s orbitals of Mg atoms is relatively mini- mal. This observation implies that the interaction be- tween Mg and H is substantially weaker in comparison to that between Ni and H. Consequently, the interplay among Ni and H atoms for Mg 2 NiH 4 assumes a pivotal significance in upholding the stability of the hydrides. As shown in Figure 3b, the density of states for Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 reveals that there is a reduction in PDOS associated with Ni and H atoms in the region lo- cated below the Fermi level. The reduction of orbital hy- bridization between Ni and H atoms, a result of the Sc doping, precipitates a reduction in the intensity of the Ni-H bond. Consequently, the dehydrogenation reaction of Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 becomes convenient. It is indicated that Sc alloying enhances the hydrogen release for Mg 2 NiH 4 . Moreover, the orbital hybridization between Ni and H atoms in Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 hydrides is significantly reduced. In Figures 3b to 3d, it is evident that the bond- ing peak of TDOS shifts towards a lower energy region due to the substitution of Sc, leading to a similar shift in the PDOS of Ni, Mg, and H atoms towards lower energy levels. The 1s orbitals of the H atom in the valence band converge more extensively with the 3d orbitals of the Sc atom than with the 3s orbitals of the Mg atom. This ob- servation implies that the interaction of the Sc atom with the H atom demonstrates greater potency compared to that of the Mg atom with the H atom for Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 . Moreover, the overlap between the 3d orbitals of Ni and the 1s orbitals of H in Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 is much smaller than that between the 3d orbitals of Ni and the 1s orbitals ofHinMg 2 NiH 4 . 18 This effect is particularly noticeable when doped with 25 % Sc. The doping of Sc accelerates the weakening of the interaction between Ni and H, which helps to improve the hydrogen desorption effi- ciency of the hydrides. This conclusion agrees with the results obtained from the analysis of the standard enthalpy of reaction of hydrogen absorption. It further confirms that Sc alloying positively affects the hydrogen desorption reaction of the Mg 2 Ni hydride system and im- proves its hydrogen desorption property. 3.4 Differential Charge Density As shown in Figure 4, a differential charge density plot of Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0, 0.25, 1) is provided to explain the interactions between different atoms in Mg 2 NiH 4 , Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 , and MgScNiH 4 crystal cells. The inter- action between H-Ni is stronger than that between H-Mg in the Mg 2 NiH 4 (Figure 4a). It is indicated that the addi- tion of Ni in Mg based alloys weakens the interaction be- tween H and Mg atoms. The calculation results are iden- tical to results based on density functional theory by Paula et al. 19,20 In the Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 crystal cell of Sc al- loying (Figures 4b and 4c), it becomes evident that the G. ZHU et al.: EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg2Ni ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 1, 95–101 99 Figure 3: The DOS and PDOS of Mg 2 NiH 4 and Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0.25, 0.5, 1), a) Mg 2 NiH 4 , (b) Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 ,c )M g 1.5 Sc 0.5 NiH 4 ,d ) MgScNiH 4 interaction between H-Sc is greater than that of H-Mg. It coincides with the results of the DOS. Comparing the differential charge density of Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 cells with those of Mg 2 NiH 4 cells (Figure 4a), it is found that the Sc-H interaction generated by the addition of Sc weak- ens the interaction between H-Mg and H-Ni, which is particularly significant in the Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 cells. It is beneficial for the hydrogen-absorption and desorption process of Mg 2 Ni alloy. This is because the addition of Sc reduces the binding energy between H atoms and Mg atoms, as well as between H atoms and Ni atoms, which is beneficial for promoting the progress of hydrogen re- lease reaction and hydrogen desorption reaction. 21 3.5 Charge Population Analysis To quantitatively analyse the bonding characteristics of each atom in Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 , we examined the bond or- der of hydrides. The strength of the interaction between the atoms can be determined by the bond order value (BO S ), calculated as BO S = BO/BL, where BO represents the bond length, and BL represents the charge population between the atoms. A positive value of BO S with a larger bond order indicates a strong covalent bond and a more robust interaction between the two atoms. Conversely, a negative value of BO S with a smaller bond order indi- cates stronger repulsion between the atoms. 22 Table 2 presents the calculated values of BO, BL and BO S of H-Mg, H-Ni, and H-Sc in Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 hydride. 23 The data reveals that in Mg 2 NiH 4 , the average bond length of Ni-H was 0.155546 nm, and the average bond order was 0.69 nm, showing a strong covalent bonds between Ni and H, and there is a strong interaction between Ni and H atoms. To release hydrogen from Mg 2 NiH 4 , it is neces- sary to have conditions of high temperature or high pres- sure, which explains the difficulty of Mg 2 NiH 4 releasing hydrogen under low-temperature conditions. In Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 (x = 0, 0.25, 1) the interaction between Mg-H and Sc-H was weaker than that of Ni-H. There- fore, to improve the hydrogen-release performance of the hydrides, it is necessary to reduce the interaction be- tween Ni and H. A comparison of the H-Ni bond order values in Table 2 demonstrates that the Ni-H interaction is weakest in the Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 hydride. The addition of Sc can improve the hydrogen-release kinetic property of Mg 2 Ni. This result is consistent with the previous con- clusions on differential charge density, density of states, and enthalpy of the hydrogen-absorption reaction, further verifying that Sc alloying has a positive impact on the hydrogen-release performance of Mg 2 Ni hydrides. 4 CONCLUSIONS The crystal structure, thermodynamic stability, and electronic structure of the Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0,0.25,0.5,1) alloy and its hydride Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 (x = 0,0.25,0.5,1) were studied using a density-functional-theory-based, ultrasoft-pseudopotential method. The results indicate that with the increase of Sc content, the structure stabil- G. ZHU et al.: EFFECT OF Sc ON THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE PERFORMANCE OF Mg2Ni ... 100 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 1, 95–101 Table 2: Bond length (BL, nm), average bond order (BO) and unit bond order per unit length (BO S , nm) between atoms in Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 (x=0, 0.25, 1) Hydrides H-Mg H-Ni H-Sc BO BL BO S BO BL BO S BO BL BO S Mg 2 NiH 4 –0.008 0.214840 –0.04 0.108 0.155546 0.69 – – – Mg1.75Sc 0.25 NiH4 –0.023 0.210030 –0.11 0.054 0.158793 0.34 0.018 0.214279 0.08 MgScNiH4 –0.013 0.207878 –0.06 0.074 0.160386 0.46 0.014 0.218836 0.06 Figure 4: Differential Charge Density of: a) Mg 2 NiH 4 ,b)Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 and c) MgScNiH 4 ity of the Mg 2-x Sc x Ni (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) alloy gradually increases, and Sc occupies the Mg (6i) position. The cal- culation results of electronic density of states indicate that the addition of Sc leads to a decrease in the bonding peak height of Ni (3d) electron orbitals in Mg 2-x Sc x Ni al- loys, greatly reducing the structural stability of Mg 2-x Sc x Ni alloys and facilitating the occurrence of hy- drogen-release reactions. In Mg 2 NiH 4 , there is a strong interaction between H and Ni, while the interaction be- tween H and Mg and Niand Mg is weak. The charge den- sity between H and Ni and H and Mg in Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 decreases. This is due to the addition of Sc weakening the interaction between H and Ni and H and Mg, result- ing in a decrease in the binding energy between H atoms and Ni atoms, as well as between H atoms and Mg at- oms. This helps to promote the hydrogen-release reac- tion and improve the hydrogen-release ability of Mg 2-x Sc x NiH 4 . The calculation results of differential charge density, hydride bond order, and enthalpy of hy- drogen absorption reaction show that the interaction be- tween Ni-H in Mg 1.75 Sc 0.25 NiH 4 is the weakest and the structural stability is the lowest when the Sc content is x = 0.25, which is helpful to the occurrence of the hydro- gen-release reaction. These results reveal the beneficial effect of Sc alloying on the hydrogen-desorption ability of Mg 2 Ni hydrides. They emphasize the enormous poten- tial for significantly improving the practicality of these materials in the field of hydrogen-storage technology. Acknowledgment This work was supported by Liaoning Provincial Ap- plied Basic Research Project (2023JH2/101300233) in 2023; Basic Research Projects of Higher Education Insti- tutions in Liaoning Province in 2023 (JYTZD20230004, JYTMS20230193). 5 REFERENCES 1 E. Roennebro, D. 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