©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2002 Vol. 10, No. 2: 155-160 A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS CARABUS FROM SOUTH-WESTERN TUVA (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE) Dmitry OBYDOV Timiryazev's State Museum of Biology, 123376, Malaya Gruzinskaya str. 15, Moscow, Russia. Abstract C ambus (Morphocarabus) juliae sp. nov. from south-western Tuva is described and figured. Diagnostic data are given. The male genital structure of closely related species Carabus (Morphocarabus) michailovi Kabak, 1992, not previously figured, is illustrated. Key words: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabus, new species, south-western Tuva. Izvleček - NOVA VRSTA RODU CARABUS IZ JUGOZAHODNE TUVE (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE) Opisan je Carabus (Morphocarabus) juliae sp. nov. iz jugozahodne Tuve. Navedeni so določevalni znaki. Prvič je prikazana struktura genitalij samca sorodne vrste Carabus (Morphocarabus) michailovi Kabak, 1992. Ključne besede: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabus, nova vrsta, jugozahodna Tuva. During the international expedition of the Ministry of Ecology of Tuva Republic in 2000, the beetles of the genus Carabus were collected in the mountain tundra near the glacier Mungun-Taiga (50° 16' N, 90°07' E). The collected specimens are rather peculiar morphologically and should be considered as a new species. The description is given below. 155 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unterwww.biologiezkfitftiiWliPillologica slovenica, 10 (1), 2002 Carabus (Morphocarabus) juliae sp. nov. Description: Body length in males 17.0-19.4 mm (including mandibles), width 6.0-8.0 mm; body length in females 19.0-22.0 mm, width 7.6-8.2 mm. Head not thickened, ratio width of pronotum/width of head 2.03; eyes strongly convex; mandibles relatively long and broad, evenly curved and sharply pointed at the apex; retinaculum of right and left mandibles bidentate, strongly prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows deep and long, inside smooth, sometimes posteriorly with a few shallow punctures. Frons smooth, vertex and neck with sparse shallow punctures, laterally vertex and neck sometimes with a few coarse wrinkles. Labrum slightly wider than clypeus, strongly notched, with two, rarely without lateral setae. Antenna protruding beyond the base of pronotum by three apical joints; palpi slightly dilated; penultimate joint of the maxillary palpi equal to last joint; penultimate joint of the labial palpi with two setae. Mentum tooth shorter than lateral lobes; submentum with two or four setae. Prothorax transverse, broadest at about middle; ratio width/length 1.83. Pronotum convex with sparse shallow punctuation, laterally with coarse punctures, posteriorly with coarse wrinkles; rarely pronotum laterally and posteriorly coarsely wrinkled. Median longitudinal line distinct; basal foveae deep, inside coarsely wrinkled. Sides of pronotum broadly margined, slightly bent upwards; lobes of hind angles short, evenly rounded, slightly bent downwards. Lateral margin with two setae: one seta at about middle and one seta near hind angle. Elytrae oblong-oval, widest at about middle or behind middle; shoulders slightly prominent; sides of elytrae broadly margined. Ratio length/width 1.60; ratio width of elytrae/width of pronotum 1.38. All elytral interspaces about equally developed, slightly convex, integral; sometimes laterally interrupted into short links, which conjugate transversely. Primary foveoles indistinct, sometimes well-marked, but not deep; striae coarsely punctured. Ventral body surface smooth, metepisternum with a few shallow punctures, longer than its width; sides of abdomen slightly wrinkled and also with a few punctures; last abdominal segment bearing up to 6 setae on the apex, fourth and fifth segments with two setae, rarely without setae; sternal sulci absent. Legs of normal length; femurs of fore legs slightly dilated, male fore tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Aedeagus (Fig.5) evenly curved, apical lamella relatively narrow, slightly bent downwards. Endophallus (Fig.8): basal ventral lobe slightly convex; ventral apical lobe unilo-bate, relatively small, convex, slightly bent upwards; dorsal apical lobe small, slightly convex; dorsal lateral lobe small; median lateral lobe reduced; right basal lateral lobe broad, convex; left basal lateral lobe very small; ligulum slightly prominent; aggonoporius consists of two small symmetric plates. Body bronze, dark bronze, dark copper, copper, copper-bronze, brown or black, sometimes with poor bronze, copper or green lustre; primary elytral foveoles rarely 156 D. Obydov: A new species of the gssniféfCfl/íffej^áfípjíaiitJi^iwestem Tuva (Coleóptera: Carabidae) Figs. 1-4: 1, Carabus juliae sp. n. (holotype); 2, Carabus juliae sp. n. (paratype); 3, Carabus chaudoih czadanicus Obydov, 1997 (holotype); 4, Carabus michailovi Kabak, 1992. green or bronze; pronotal and elytral margin sometimes copper, bronze, bronze-green, brass, dark blue, copper-red, copper-green, dark green or green; mandibles, tibiae, coxae, claws and four basal antennal joints (apically) reddish brown; ventral body surface black, rarely blackish brown. 157 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unterwww.biologiezkfitftiiWliPillologica slovenica, 10 (1), 2002 Figs 5-10: Male genital structure of Carabus uliae sp. n. (5, 8), Carabus chaudoiri zaikai Obydov, 1999 (6, 9) and Carabus michailovi Kabak, 1992 (7, 10). 5, 6, 7: aedeagus (lateral view); 8, 9, 10: endophallus in complete extension (lateral view). Remark: Probably will seem that in fig.8 endophallus is not shown in complete extension. However, form of endophallus is identical in all investigated males and precisely as illustrated in fig.8. Differential diagnosis: The new species is no doubt related to Carabus chaudoiri Gebler, 1847 (Fig.3), but clearly differs from it by more convex pronotum, less rough sculpture of head and pronotum, less convex, integral, equally developed elytral interspaces (at Carabus chaudoi i primary elytral interspaces more developed, interrupted into relatively short links; secondary and tertiary about equally developed, interrupted into short and long links), often bright coloration of the body and the male genital struc- 158 D. Obydov: A new species of the genus Carabas from south-western Tuva (Coleoptera: Carabidae) ture: at Carabus chaudoiri aedeagus (Fig.6) strongly curved at the base, in distal part nearly straight, apical lamella very narrow, not bent downwards; endophallus (Fig.9) with strongly convex basal ventral and ventral apical lobes, dorsal lateral lobe bigger, strongly convex, median lateral lobe not reduced, left basal lateral lobe much bigger and more convex. From Carabus michailovi Kabak, 1992 (Fig.4) the new species differs by pronotal and elytral sculpture and the male genital structure (Figs 7, 10). Type material: Holotype male, labeled: "Russia, Tuva Republic, Mungun-Taiga, Khindiktig-Khol Lake, 2400 m, 22.-29.VI.2000, M. Beladič leg."; 26 paratypes: 14 males, 12 females, same date and same locality. The holotype is preserved in the collection of the State Museum of Biology (Moscow); paratypes in the collection of the State Museum of Biology (Moscow) and in the collection of Milan Beladič (Bratislava). Distribution: Up to now known only from the type locality. Dedication It is a very great pleasure to name this new species in honour of Miss Yulia Kalinkina, who assisted in my work. Acknowledgements I wish to express my hearty gratitude to the members of the expedition: Mr. Dušan Čatloš (Bratislava), Mr. Milan Beladič (Bratislava) and Mr. Martin Česanek (Bratislava), who kindly loaned material for studies. References Gebler F., 1847: Verzeichnis der im Kolywano-Woskresenskischen Huttenbezirke Sud-West-Sibiriens beobachteten Käfer. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, Voll. XX., fasc. I: 263-361. Kabak I.I., 1992: [A new species of ground beetles of the genus Carabus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the South Altais]. Zool. zhurn., 71, 12: 140-141. [in Russian]. Obydov D., 1997: New and little known taxa of the genus Carabus from Siberia and Far East Russia (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Coléoptères, 3 (5): 77-91. Obydov D., 1999: The new taxa of the genus Carabus L. from Central Tuva (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Lambillionea, XCIX, 1: 104-108. Received ! Prejeto-. 27. 10. 2001 159