ERK'2019, Portorož, 144-147 144 Reducing the Number of Solutions in the Unit Commitment Problem Using Variations with Repetition Izudin Softić 1 , Nedžmija Demirović 1 , Marina Pejić 1 , Midhat Umihanić 1 , Samed Bajrić 2 1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Jozef Stefan Institute, Laboratory for Open Systems and Networks, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Abstract. In this paper, a new approach has been presented to reduce the number of solutions in the unit commitment (UC) problem, using variations with repetition, which can not be used in power system exploitation, due to the impossibility of meeting the loads and limitations associated with the minimal operation time after the start-up and minimal pause time after shutting down thermal units (minimum up/down). Each variation that repeats is representative of the corresponding drive status and the number of thermal units from the economic dispatching (ED) process will be executed for a given time interval. The problem is formulated as a complex mathematical optimization task that includes both binary (power status of thermal units, on/off) and real variables (production of active power of engaged thermal units). The suggested approach is tested on a system with ten thermal units showing very good performances. 1 Introduction In everyday life, we often find a series of problems whose solution is necessary for normal function of power system. By developing the power of today's computers, part of these problems has become trivial. However, a large set of problems still poses an extremely difficult challenge. These are the problems that we can not solve with today's computer development by using complete enumeration (counting) of possible solutions, due to extensive requirements at the time of the budget. One of the typical representatives of this type of problem is NP-hard problems, which is also a UC problem. Due to the large number of thermal units of different characteristics, as well as the dynamics of the system, this is a very complex task of optimization, so the researchers' efforts are focused on seeking a suboptimal solution, with moderate demands on the time of budget and computer resources. The most commonly used methods for solving UC problems are list priority methods [1], dynamic programming method [2], Lagrange relaxation problem [3], Benders decomposition [4]. Recent results also include some heuristic methods such as taboo search, simulated annealing, neural networks [5], genetic algorithms [6], and fuzzy logic [7]. 2 UC problem formulation The UC problem aims at minimizing the total production cost over the scheduling horizon satisfying all constraints. In addition, the total production cost comprises fuel cost, which are related to operation of thermal units, start-up costs and shut down costs. In this sense, the general form of the UC problem can be described as: 1 min ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) TN TC i i i i t i i F F t u t SC t v t         (1) where: i : Index of thermal unit t : Index of hour TC F : Total production cost () i Ft: Fuel cost for thermal unit i at hour t ) (t u i : i-th thermal unit status at hour t (ON: 1 ) (  t u i ; OFF: 0 ) (  t u i ) () i SC t : Start-up cost for thermal unit i () i vt: i-th thermal unit start-up/shut down status at hour t (if the thermal unit started ( ) 1 i vt  , otherwise ( ) 0 i vt  ) N : Number of thermal units T : Scheduling horizon The main component of the operating costs is the i- th unit cost function F i (t) which can be viewed as a quadratic function of the power output at hour t: ) ( ) ( ) ( 2 t P c t P b a t F i i i i i i    (2) where: ) (t P i : Output power of i-th thermal unit at hour t a i , b i and c i : Cost coefficients of the i-th thermal unit The start-up costs in the thermal units change from some of the highest values when the thermal units start from a completely cold state, to considerably lower values if the start-up is carried out after short cooling of the thermal units. In other words, the start-up costs are the functions of the cooling time of the boiler and mathematically can be presented in the form of 145 : ( ) () : off off off i i i i i i off off i i i i hc T X t T cs SC t cc X T cs           (3) where: off i T : Minimum down time of i-th thermal unit () off i Xt : Duration that the i-th thermal unit is continuously OFF i hc : Hot start-up cost of i-th thermal unit i cc : Cold start-up cost of i-th thermal unit i cs : Cold start-up hours of i-th thermal unit Note that if the number of hours less than cs i we use hot start-up costs otherwise we use cold start-up costs. Different constraints of the system are to be satisfied while solving the complex UC problem. Moreover, the constraints that must be fullfiled at specific time are as follows:  System power balance ) ( ) ( 1 t P t P N i D i    (4) where: ) (t P D : Power demand at hour t  Minimum up/down time () () on on ii off off ii T X t T X t        (5) where: on i T : Minimum up time of i-th thermal unit () off i Xt : Duration that the i-th thermal unit is continuously ON  Output limit of thermal units min max () i i i P P t P  (6) where: max i P : Maximum power output for i-th thermal unit min i P : Minimum power output for i-th thermal unit After the defining the UC problem together with the function of total production costs (1), its components (2) and (3), as well as different constraints (4) – (6), there is need to choose an appropriate method for solving the UC problem. 3 Variations with repetition When the ordering of objects matters, and an object can be choosen more than once, we are talking about variations with repetition, and the number of variations is: kk n Vn  (7) where: n: Number of objects from which we can choose k: Number of objects we can choose For instance, the first element can be chosen in n ways, the second element can be chosen in n ways, the third element in n ways, etc., k-th element in n ways, because it is allowed to repeat the elements from the set. Since the operating status of the i-th thermal unit at hour t (ON: 1; OFF: 0) is used in solving the UC problem, it is n = 2, while the whole number of repeating variations for a one-hour period is defined by the expression:       12 2 000...00 , 000...01 ,..., 111...11 k (8) 4 Solution methodology The daily load curve is characterized by a big disparity between minimal and maximum loads despite efforts to make the load as balanced as possible. At all times, the load value must be fullfiled by using a production of thermal units. This means that just a few number of variations with repetition will be used, due to the impossibility of loads to meet its value and constraints associated with the minimal operation time after the start-up and minimal pause time after shutting down thermal units. In order to obtain an optimum or suboptimal solution, the initial solution of the problem is represented by a binary matrix of dimension T x N where all elements are assigned the value 1 (all thermal units are ON) as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Initial solution 1 2 3 N 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 Each row vector in the solution matrix is the representative of the corresponding drive state of the thermal unit for the time interval T and indicates the number of thermal units over which the economic dispatching process will be executed [8]. For the first hour, after the ED procedure, a low-cost solution is adopted and replaced in the initial solution, and verifies whether the solution is applicable. If the solution is applicable, the ED process is executed for the second hour and replaced in the lowest cost solution solution matrix, and it is again verified whether the solution is applicable or not. This process is repeated for all hours 146 in the time interval T. If the solution is not applicable for a given hour, then it is replaced by the first higher occurance for that hour and so until an applicable solution is obtained. 5 Results To illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method as well as solving technique, testing was performed on a test system whose data is given in Table 2 [6] and the 24-hour interval. The optimum number of thermal units involved is continually changing with the time-changing load. In practice, it is common that an one hour is the minimum time required to switch the selected thermal unit from off to on, so it can be stated that at any time step (one hour), the assumption of constant load could be supposed. This represents the conversion of a continual problem into a discrete problem as shown in Figure 1. The exact solution of the problem can only be obtained by fully enumerating (counting) the possible working conditions of the thermal units, which is impossible to achieve on systems of realistic size due to the large number of requests at the time of the calculation. In order to reduce the number of variations with repetition in the UC problem with the operating status {0,1} and the total number (k = 10) of the thermal units in the system for a time period of one hour, it is possible to obtain: 1024 2 10 10 2   V variations with repetition       1 2 1024 0000000000 , 0000000001 ,..., 1111111111 Because most of the above variations are not applicable to a power system exploitation due to impossibility of loading, Table 3 shows the number of variations with repetition that are applicable in the power system exploitation for different loads occurring in the system. Table 3. Number of variations with repetition that are applicable Hour Load (MW) Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 700 750 850 950 1000 1100 1150 1200 1300 1400 1450 1500 1400 1300 1200 1050 1000 1100 1200 1400 1300 1100 900 800 671 623 498 359 314 242 222 187 121 53 34 18 53 121 187 276 314 242 187 53 121 242 422 564 Table 2. Parameters of thermal units Thermal Units No. a i b i c i P i min P i max T i on T i off hc i cc i cs i Initial state 1 1000 16.19 0.00048 150 455 8 8 4500 9000 5 8 + (ON) 2 970 17.26 0.00031 150 455 8 8 5000 1000 5 8 + (ON) 3 700 16.60 0.00200 20 130 5 5 550 1100 4 -5 - (OFF) 4 680 16.50 0.00211 20 130 5 5 560 1120 4 -5 - (OFF) 5 450 19.70 0.00398 25 162 6 6 900 1800 4 -6 - (OFF) 6 370 22.26 0.00712 20 80 3 3 170 340 2 -3 - (OFF) 7 480 27.74 0.00079 25 85 3 3 260 520 2 -3 - (OFF) 8 660 25.92 0.00413 10 55 1 1 30 60 0 -1 - (OFF) 9 665 27.27 0.00222 10 55 1 1 30 60 0 -1 - (OFF) 10 670 27.79 0.00173 10 55 1 1 30 60 0 -1 - (OFF) Figure 1. Conversion of continuous into discrete problem 147 An example of the calculation costs using the described method for 24-hour interval is given in Table 4. 6 Discussion In addition to the fact that the problem UC is a highly complex mathematical optimization task that includes both binary and real variables, the additional complexity of the problem is the presence of dynamic constraints on thermal units. In order to solve these problems, the number of solutions in the UC problem has been reduced and from the obtained results it is possible to see that by applying the initial solution in which all the thermal units are in operation, using the variations with repetition it is possible to find the applicable solutions much faster than the initial solution is given by default. By limiting itself to choose the lowest cost solution in a given hour, a path that matches an optimal or suboptimal solution is chosen. 7 References [1] G. B. 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Operating and startup costs, load and schedule for 24 hours time frame Hour Operation cost ($) Start up cost ($) Load (MW) Generation schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 13683 0 700 455 245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14554 0 750 455 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 16302 0 850 455 395 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 18638 1120 950 455 365 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 19513 0 1000 455 455 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 21860 1800 1100 455 455 0 130 60 0 0 0 0 0 7 22879 0 1150 455 435 0 130 110 0 0 0 0 0 8 23918 0 1200 455 455 0 130 160 0 0 0 0 0 9 26184 1100 1300 455 455 130 130 130 0 0 0 0 0 10 28768 340 1400 455 455 130 130 162 68 0 0 0 0 11 30583 520 1450 455 455 130 130 162 80 38 0 0 0 12 32542 60 1500 455 455 130 130 162 80 33 55 0 0 13 29222 0 1400 455 455 130 130 162 0 68 0 0 0 14 26184 0 1300 455 455 130 130 130 0 0 0 0 0 15 23918 0 1200 455 455 0 130 160 0 0 0 0 0 16 20896 0 1050 455 440 0 130 25 0 0 0 0 0 17 20020 0 1000 455 390 0 130 25 0 0 0 0 0 18 21860 0 1100 455 455 0 130 60 0 0 0 0 0 19 23918 0 1200 455 455 0 130 160 0 0 0 0 0 20 30485 920 1400 455 455 0 130 162 80 63 55 0 0 21 27167 0 1300 455 455 0 130 162 73 25 0 0 0 22 22546 0 1100 455 455 0 130 0 35 25 0 0 0 23 17795 0 900 455 445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 15427 0 800 455 345 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 548862 5860 27100