Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 545-550. 545 BASIC DATA OF TOBACCO STEMS DRYING Alenka Stefanie Petek,* Janvit Golob Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Aškerčeva 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Iris-Ksenija Brkovič Tobačna Ljubljana, Slovenia Željko Gorišek Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Wood and Technology, Rožna dolina - Cesta Vili 34, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia This paper is dedicated to Professor Roman Modic at his 90th birthday Received 05-2001 Abstract In this work equilibrium and kinetic data for the drying of tobacco stems are presented, which are of great importance for further processing in the manufacture of cigarettes. For three different types of stems sorption isotherms, Luikov's values, difussivities and estimated drying time were determined. The analysis of the process included also mass and heat balances. Introduction Drying (curing) is one of the most important operations in the technology of tobacco processing. During the manufacture of cigarettes shredded tobacco stems are added to the main component in order to lower the nicotine and tar content. The quality of the final product depends mainly on physical and chemical properties of components, acquired in previous treatment. Processing of dried tobacco leaves is a multistep procedure. Stems are separated from tobacco leaves by threshing. After the humidifying (from 10% to 34% of moisture content) they are rolled and cut. To achieve better filling capacity, shredded stems are further exposed to the elevated pressure and temperature to enlarge the volume up to 200 %. Expanded stems are finally dried to 13% of moisture content. Drying of artificially moistened tobacco stems can alter cigarette properties, thus the knowledge of equilibrium and kinetic data for this process is essential. Literature offers very limited A. Stefanie Petek, J. Golob, I. K. Brkovič, Ž. Gorišek: Basic Data of Tobacco Stems Drying 546 Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 545-550. information about this field of research. " The conditions of the tobacco stems drying are very similar to those in the drying process of other plant materials. " In order to investigate the influence of drying on the properties of tobacco stems, the goal of this work is (i) to determine equilibrium and kinetic data for three types of stems and (ii) to analyse mass and heat balances in order to estimate the optimal drying conditions. Materials and methods 1. Equilibrium data Sorption isotherms and Luikov's parameters demonstrate equilibrium data. Sorption isotherms are usually obtained by weighing the material at equilibrium conditions, achieved at four different relative humidities at the chosen temperature. This method can be used for the determination of sorption curves for different materials. In this work, sorption and desorption isotherms for two types of Virginia tobacco stems, labeled as ZVUSSA and BVCLSSA, and for Burley tobacco stems, denoted as IBDLS, were determined using the static gravimetric method, developed and standardized in the European COST 90 Project. Four saturated salt solutions (MgCb, NaNC>2, NaCl, ZnSCU) were used to maintain constant relative air humidity at the chosen temperature, as shown in Table 1. Drying of previously humidified stems was carried out at 82 °C. Relative air humidity q> Equilibrium moisture content of stems (X ) (%) ZVUSSA BVCLSSA IBDLS MgCl2 35 3.28 4.84 3.00 NaN02 65 17.42 14.87 16.95 NaCl 76 27.27 28.05 27.10 ZnS04 88 46.83 59.01 47.09 Table 1. Moisture content of tobacco stems at 20 °C A. Stefanie Petek, J. Golob, I. K. Brkovič, Ž. Gorišek: Basic Data of Tobacco Stems Drying Acta Chini. Slov. 2001, 48, 545-550. 547 100 90 - ^ 80 - 0s >, 70 - -^ TD 60 - B 3 -C 50 - — CÖ 40 - 20 - CC 10 - o - -•—TypeZVUSSA »---TypeBVCLSSA -A--TypeIBDLS 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Equilibrium moisture content of stems (%) Chart 1. Sorption isotherms for tobacco stems at 20 °C Experimental data revealed the minimal difference between sorption and desorption isotherms. Moisture isotherms are usually exponential over most of the moisture-content range. They can be described by the following expression: i M 1 x. ¦ a x In ^— = —i- + b (1) Coefficients a and b are specific to the given substance. When the boundary values are considered, the equation (1) can be re-written as 1 _l