i«^ šsBt ^Sasdsr« t*1 HoHdaya. PROSVETA __GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTK 9000 Uradniški in upravnllki proa tori: BM7 South Lawndal« At«. Offict of Publication! 16ft? 8. Lawndals Av.. TaUphon«, Rookwtll 4904 UTO—YEAH XXX MUir Januar» 1«. IMS. •« Um iNUMirtW OltlM «I Marsh I, llti CHICAGO, ILL., SREDA, 17. MARCA (MARCH 17). 1937 In Two Parts—Part I ötkv^number 63 far mailing at special rata of pottage proridad for in aoetion 1108, Act of Oct. I, HIT, authorised on Juna 14, 1911. Španija apelira na Ameriko na temelju Kelloggo vega pakta «Španija ni Abesinija!" odgovarjajo madridski brambovci Mu»»oliniju cibanjeIpanskih monarhistov Washington, D. c„ 16. marca. - Fernando De Los Rioa, španski poslanik v Waahingtonu, je včeraj izročil državnemu tajniku Hullu noto svoje vlade v Valeriji, katera apelira na Zdru-kne države, naj na podlagi Kellogg - Briandovega mirovnega pakta, ki je njih delo, nastopijo proti invaziji španske republike po tujih armadah. Vsebina note Se ni objavljena, porodno pa je, da uključuje na-tsnine podatke in števlllce glede vojaških čet, ki sta jih poslala Mussolini in Hitleriv Španijo. Identična nota španske vlade je bila poslana tajništvu Lige narodov v Ženevi. Madrid, 16. marca.—Španska ljudska milica je začela močno protiofenzivo proti Mussolinije-vi italijanski armadi na guada-lajaroki fronti in razpršila italijanske oddelke v okolici Trijue-queja 13 milj severnovzhodno od mesta Guadalajare in 46 milj od Madrida. Število italijanskih u-jetnikov je doslej naraslo na 280 in plen v italijanskem orožju in strelivu se je zelo povečal. Madridski listi, ki še vedno slavijo snago nad Italijani, pišejo ponosno: "Španija ni Abesinija, Madrid ni Addis Ababa!"—Isto-¿asno je ljudska milica zdrobila ponoven fašistični napad ob Ja-rami. Fašistični topničarji in letaki te dva dfti bombardirajo Madrid. Pariz, 16. marca. — Španski monarhistični beguni v Franciji «o radnje dni začeli trumoma odhajati na špansko mejo v pričakovanju, da Madrid pade vsak k*, ko je zdaj v akciji velika arkada Italijanov in Nemcev v »paniji. Pred nekaj dnevi so na francoski rivijeri konferirali vodilni Apanski monarhisti z zaupniki Francisca Franca in, ukor poročajo, so se dogovorili "takojšnjo obnovo monarhije M princem Juanom, sinom biv-kralja Alfonza. Španskim »anarhistom pomagajo franco-«» faAisti in klerikalci, predam |>a francoski benediktinski m«»hi, ki dobavljajo francoske W'1* liste španskim monarhi-««». Zadnje dni je bil v Mar-*llle*u aretiran neki menih, ki * «nH pri sebi 20 potnih listov. ~ Ti dogodki in invazija Spani- * P® Italijanih je streznila celo ra,'f"*ke nacionaliste, ki niso * tako navdušeni za španeko ^akcijo. Clevelandska kampanja dE ENO DRU8TVO V PREDKONVfNCNI KAMPANJI Društvo Vodnikov vonoc št. 147 v Clevelandu, O., se je pridružilo konvenčni kampanji, katero jo okUcala elevelandska fedora-clja SNPJ V aprilu In naju t. L Vai novi člani ao prosti pristop nine v omenjenih dveh mesecih, kajti plača jo federacija, is društveno blagajne so pa povrnejo stroški zdravniške preiskavo vsem novopristoplim članom v tem letu. Torej sdaj so nudi ugodna prilika vsem onim rojakom v Clevelandu, ki šo niso pri 8NPJ, največji in najbogatejši slovenski podporni organizaciji, da so ji pridrušijo. Vsi prosilci so v aprilu in maju prosti pristopnine in sdravniške preiskave. Apeliram tudi na člano toga društva, da vpišejo svojo otroke v našo jed-noto. Na dok»! Kampanja traja osmo dva meseca. Društvena zdravnika sta dr. F. J. Ksm in dr. 8kur. Prihodnja društvens soja se vrši v nedeljo 4. aprila v Slov. narodnem domu. LBO POLJŠAK, tajnik. Domače Wfí prevzeli ameriiko iznajdbo Memphis. Tenn., 16. marca.— uTmmV ki Je * BV°Jim bra-^ Mačkom vred iznašel stroj pranja bombaša in kateri se ^ ?Vkir vrn'> ¡z Rusije, poro- vlada prevze- Mfce» stroj in ga bo ma.no i V vseh svojih Cklbomb-nih Plantažah v "*-tar,u in na Kavkazu. Bra- * 2 rojl n* u način, da * Mvoji brzina obrata. Ponudbo družbo ^mT-v mtrr*-— Stavku- aa4Ui v '!a f° Vi€rmJ "vnrU po- na ¿t- «aiP^J vr-•a bo konfe- Hn 4a u . Pogojev. Ves tupan Kelly ^Mredovsnjt. povab- Delegatje Chicago. — Po nadaljnjih poročilih glede volitev delegatov za 11. redno konvencijo SNPJ so iz» voljeni: pri društvu 104, W. Al-lis, Wis., Anton Demšar ; pri društvu 126, Cleveland, O., Anton Abram in John Gabrenja; pri društvu 147, Cleveland, O., John Pilipič; pri društvu 812, Cleveland, O., Andrej Boiich ; pri društvu 10, Rock Springs, Wyo., Valentin Sübic in Steve Kavčič; pri društvu 14, Waukegan, 111., Frank 2upec in Frances Artač Avto ubil fanta Lorain, O. — Pri avtomobilski vožnji med Clevolandom in Lo-rainom se je smrtno ponesrečil rMetni Edward B. Zehel, član mladinskega oddelka SNPJ pri društvu št. 17 v Lorainu. Zapušča mater in brate ter sestre. Avto ubil mlado ¿eno Cleveland. — V nedeljo zjutraj je avto povozil Mary A. Kmet, roj. Radenčič, staro 24 let. Odpeljali so jo v bolnišnico, kjer je kmalu umrla. Avtomobilist je takoj pobegnil. Pokojnica zapušča moža, devet mesecev starega sinčka, očeta in več bratov in sester. — Dalje je naglo za srčno hibo umrla Msiry Falbjan, roj. Vidrich, stara 87 let. Rojena je >ila v Clevelandu in zapušča mota, sina, hčer in brata. 361 rojakov umrlo v Clevelandu v letu 1936 Cleveland. — Ameriška Domovina poroča, da je v letu 1986 umrlo v elevelandski naselbini 861 Slovencev. Od teh jo 312 u-mrlo naravne in 49 nasilno smrti; samo avti so ubili 14 cleve-andskih rojakov in 17 je bilo u-bitih v tovarnah pri delu. Izmed 812 umrlih rojakov je bilo le 186 zavarovanih pri podpornih društvih. Umrli očetje in matere so zapustile akupaj 869 otrok. Od umrlih je bilo 287 rojenih v stari domovini, 124 pa v Ameriki. Jolletaki "stavka r" dobil brco Joliet. — Frank Peteri in, "sedeči stavkar" v svojem avtu v May ulici, je 16. t. m., ko je potekel teden dni njegove "stavke", dobil težko brco od mestnega sveta, kateremu je predložil svojo zahtevo za popravo ulice. Mestni svet je enostavno ignoriral njegovo zahtevo, dočim je župan George T. Jone i rekel, da Peterlinova u'ica bo ¿adnja, ki bo letos popravljena ... Delavski shod v Wsukersna Waukegin, III. — Prlhodnlo nedeljo, dne 21. marca, ob osmih zvečer se vrši javen delavski shod v Slovenskem narodnem domu. fiklicuje ga unija CIO in na programu je več dobrih govornikov. Rolns ilsnka Carlin v i Ile, IU. — Članka Mary Poisoly je le dalj čaaa priklenjena na posteljo na Chrysler jeva dražba dobila in junkci jo i \ Stavkar ji *e morajo umakniti iz tovarn Detroit, Mich., 16. marca. — Sodnik Allan Campbell je izdal injunkcijo v prilog Chrysler Motor Co., ki določa, da morajo biti vse tovarne, katere so okupirali avtni delavci po izbruhu sedeče stavke, izpraznjene do devete ure v sredo dopoldne. Besedilo injunkcijo je bilo pre-čitano pred stavkar j i v vseh tovarnah. Nocoj bodo stavkarji glasovali o vprašanju evakuacije. Homer Martin, predsednik avtne unije, ki se mudi v Clevelandu, je dejal, da odločitev zavisi od stavkarjev. Governer Frank Murphy je po izdanju injunkcijo izjavil, "da se morajo stavkarji pokoriti odloku." Governer bo imel danes sestanek z unijskimi voditelji, Industrije! ter reprezen-tanti civičnih organizacij, na katerem bodo razpravljali o metodah zatiranja stavkovnega vala, ki je zajel industrije v de-troitskem distriktu. Murphy je mnenja, da je državna milica brez moči v obstoječi situaciji, ki jo je povzročil stavkovni val. Nove stavke so izbruhnile v Detroitu. V hotelu Statler je zastavkalo 660 uslužbencev, tem pa so sledili vozniki tovornih avtov in skladiščni delavci. Sedeča stavka je bila oklicana tudi pri Newton Packing Co. Delavci so šli v boj za zvišanje mezde In izboljšanje delovnih pogojev. Unija invadirala "opon-hapareko" trdnjavo |flershey, Pa. — Unijsko gibanje je prodrlo tudi v to mesto, ki je bilo doslej pod popolno kontrolo Horsey Chocolate Co. Ustanovljena je bila krajevna postojanka International Bakery A Confectionery Workers unije, ki je takoj šla v boj za priznanje. Kompanlja jo nato zvišala plačo 12 centov na uro, toda boj za pr^ znanje se nadaljuje. "Kompanlja nas ne bo podkupila z zvišanjem mezde", je dejal John Loy, predsednik krajevne unije. Organizatorji so bili uspešni v svoji kampanji. V petih dneh se je tisoč izmed 2600 delavcev vpisalo v unijo. Kompanlja jim zdaj očita nahvaležnoat, ker so se začeli puntati, dasi je prav po "o-četovsko skrbela zanje." Organi-zatorična kampanja se nadaljuje In kmalu bo prišlo do odločilne bitke mod unijo in kompanijo, če bo slednja vztrajala na svojem stališču in odklonila priznanje u* ni je. Jeklarska družba izpila delavce Konflikt med CIO in ADF v Chicagu Chicago» 16. marca.—Konflikt med Lewlaovo organizacijo CIO in unijo ADF je rezultiral v lz-prtju 126 delavcev pri M. Block A Sons Co., firmi, ki izdeluje pohištvo U jokla. Delavci, ki so prišli včeraj'nI delo, so našli vrata tovarna ¿prta. Uradniki firme niso dali nobenega pojasnila, toda Nicholas Fontecchio, eden od voditeljev organizatorič-ne kampanje» M jo vodi Lewiaov odbor med jeklarskimi in železarskimi delavci v šlkaškem distriktu, je dejal, da (je satvoritev tovarne sledila, ker se delavci niso hoteli pridrušiti uniji ADF. Dalje jo rekel, da lisa Zveza Jeklar^ skih In šetezafskih delavcev, Lewisova organizacija, 90 odstotkov članov fied 126 delavci pri tej kompan^i. ■Albert F. Fox, poslovni agent unije ADF, je isjavil, da je med temi delavci 60 odstotkov članov njegove unije. Ti so se uprli, ko se je nekaj Članov Lewlsove u-nlje izreklo za oklic sedeče stavke v momentu, ko je kompanija naznanila sklenitev dogovora z unijo ADF. Ko je bila informirana, da se dlani nasprotne unije pripravljajo na sedečo stavko, je zaprla vrata tovarne. Epidemija sedečih stavk se razširja v Chicagu. Izbruhnile so pri Wilson Sporting Goods Co., Warwick Mfg. Co., DuTOllte Pencil Co., Acme Photo Frame Corp., J. Barsotti Co.» Nu Deal Paper Box Co., Comet Model Airplane a Supply Co.; Dole Valve Co.» Reflector Hardware Co. In v restavracijah Harmofty Co. V teh stavkah je prizadetih okrog 8000 delavcev. Možnost železniške stavke v Kanadi Vlada skuša preprečiti konflikt Ottawa, Kanada. — . C. — (FP) — Nov nevtralnostni zakonski o-snutek, katerega je predložil kongresnik Sam McReynolds, Je Izzval ostro besedno bitko v nižji zbornici. Nsčrt med drugim določa kazni za osebe, ki zbirajo prispevke v Ameriki za obrsmbo špsnske republike In demokracije. Veliko število delsvskih organizacij, med temi unija federalnih uslužbencev v uradih odbora socialne zaščite, Je protestiralo proti sprejetju načrta. Ti protesti so silno razkačili Mclteynold-sa in zahteval Je, ds mora vlada odsloviti vse delavce, ki obsojajo načrt. Mclleynoldsu Je odgovarjal kongresnik Dewey John-son, farmer-lsborit iz Minnesota. Njegova izjava, da ima vsak ameriški državljan pravico izraziti svoje mnenje, Je izzvala o-dobravanje pri progreslvclh. Reakcionarni člani nitje zbornice so se jezili, ko ao pričeli prihajati protesti od članov Delavske zveze, organizacija relifnih in br«*zpo*elnih delavcev, proti sprejetju načrta. "McReynold-sov nevtralnostni načrt je v prilog španskim fašistom in v konfliktu z ameriškimi tradicijami, zato mors biti poražen," se Je glasil protest Delavske zveze. Razštrolba ubila 22 delavk na Pilipinih Manila, Filipini. 16. marca. — Eksplozija v eni največjih tovarn za pokallc« v tem mestu je včersj usmrtila 22 deklet. Veli. ko število deklet Je bilo ranjenih. GREEN ODREDU "ČIŠČENJE" V UNIJAH ADF - I ^ Zatiranje revolte v vrstah organiziranega delavstva izrednaTkonven- cija federacije Washington, D. C. — (FP) — Da je poravnava konflikta med Ameriško delavsko federacijo ln Lewisovlm odborom CIO nemogoča, kašejo instrukcije Willlama Greena, predsednika ADF, pridrušenlm unijam, naj Istre-bujo vse rebelne elemente, ki sodelujejo v Lewlsovl organiza-torični kampanji med delavci v Industrijah masne produkcije. Po po vrat k u v Washington Ii Chicaga, kier Je naatopll kot govornik na ženskem kongresu» je Green« naznanil, da bo sklicana liredne konvencija ADF» ds formalno izključi suspendirane Lewisove unije Is federacije. Ta konvencija bo sklicana po seji eksekutivnega sveta ADF. Kdaj se bo U seja vršila, Green ni povedal. ------------| Okrog 60 organizatorjev, ki so Imeli konferenco i Greenom, Je dobilo navodila glede uatsnsv-IJanja novih unij v vseh industrijah. Green je rekel, da je organlsatorična kampanja še v teku med jeklarskimi delavci, v mlinsrski industriji in med poljedelskimi delavci in da je u-spošna. Uradniki CIO pravijo, da Green pretirava, ko govori o uspehih. On Je poslal J. P. Proyja, podpredsednika ADF, v Pittsburgh, kjer se Je pogajal s reprezentanti kompsnljske unije pri Carnegie-Illinois 8teel Corp. glede uetanovltve neodvisne unije, toda dosegel nI ničesar. Groenov ultimat, da morajo unije ADF iztrebiti uporne elemente, Je že dobil odmev. Nekatere krajevne unije Mednarodne zveze strojnikov ao se postavile po robu, ko so Imenovale svojega kandidata za predsednika organizacije. Proti sedanjemu predsedniku A. O. Whsrtonu so izbrale A. T. Mc-Namaro, ki zagovarja načelo In-duatrljskega unionlzma. Wharton je član eksekutlve Ameriške delavske federacije. Lewisov odbor Je že namignil, da se ne boji Greenovih groženj. Naznanil Je, da je bila Članom eksekutive CIO poverjena oblast izdajanja čarterjev vsaki In vsem unijam, ki se bodo odcepile od Ameriške delavske federacije. jjJ Predavanje o raku v Tomanovi knjižnici Chicago, 16. marca. — Dr. Maud Slye, patologinja na čika-ški univerzi In široko znana špe-. clalistka glede raka, bo prihodnji petek zvečer ob osmih, dne 19, marca, predavala v Tomanov! podružnici člkaške Javne knJHt-nice na oglu 27. ulice In Puiaskl Kd. (Crawford ave.) o najnovejših pojavih na polju pobijanja raka. Dr. 8lye se je pred kratkim vrnila is F.vrope, kjer Je Imela obširno preda vatel jsko turnejo. Vstop k predavanju Je brezpla? čen. Velika poraet dohodnin■ ekega davka v Chicagu Chicago, 16. marca. — Federalni davčni urad v Chicagu poroča, da Je bilo letos v tem die-triktu vplačanega skoro 28 milijonov dolarjev več dohodninskega dsvka kot lani. Računajo, da bo skuptui vsota znašala do 860 milijonov dolarjev. Vač ko šest milijonov iioaamsznikov In kor-poracij Je letos prijavilo svoje lanske dohodke, kar je rekord v zadnjih desetih letih. 1 PE08VETX ZAPISNIK WfRßmU SEJE . ém it fw. iW7 8REDA, 17. MARCA na..... ©1 Uradne vesti društev SNPJ Calamet. Midi.—Drufttvo št 62 j« M ivo jI februar« k i seji sklenilo. d» M potov*jo vsi čkni in čknice na prihodnjo m jo. k| bo dne ti. more*. N« tej m ji m bodo dete vodilo delegatu. ki ko šel v maju iui enajste konvencijo Zo delegate je bil isvo-Ijon podpisarii, so namestnika p« br. Goo. B. Spobor. društveni predsednik. Obenem m todt prosi čknstvo draft tov ItS. 46« in M*. s katerimi s« jo nafte drufttvo idrutilo. do bodo fotovo pravočaano doli d« kgetu no vodi I« osi-priporodi* Posebne vam pripo-i. do m udekftite soj svojega ___ ao katerih s« bo sklopaU> kak-Sna no vodila so do dekgatu.-Nste drufttvo bo prirodilo piknik in s tam proslavilo svojo 30 ktnico. Datum in pvooter se objori posneje. J oba Makavec, tajnik. Ropeblir. Pa.—Drufttvo 6t. ^ Je sklonilo (kakor jo te določik fodtra-ciJeL d» prihodnjo soja so bo vrftik dno ti. marca v Republku. Drufttvo jo »klatilo, da bo soje pri tajniku Miku Unetkhu, to jo na njegov«"» «>mu' ln sicer sate, kar vam Jo znano, da fe-derecija nima nobono pripravo in jo tatevno vaa pronedeti in odnateti. Iste Ja drufttvo sklonilo, da bo federa-rljaka soja pri tajniku. Zastopniki naj vsameje te na «nanj«. PederarlJ-skt »radnlkl so prosilo, da pridojo vsaj ab 9. dopoldne. teko bomo s sojo laMM pridali tečno ob dosotih dopol-dpt. Ta saja bo važna. Volitev dek- Crasprava o pravilih itd. Zate sa ivo posiva. da sa saj« udekžl la da vsak pove svoja m nanje. Mika Uoetk*. tajnik. LovoMvilk. O.—Po si vam vsa «lana la članke društva M. iT, da sa udek-11 jo mesečne soja dna ti. marca ob 1. popoldne Pridite vsi. kajti na dnavnam rodu bo mnogo vainlh sa-davi lavalitl moramo dekgate sa II. keaveoeije. V te naman smo sa adru-žili s društvoma 277 in 44«, toda skup-aa saj» pa na moremo obdržavati. Glasovali ali volili bomo vsak na sajl svajaga drufttva Zato pa so udeležite In flaaujte sa dekgate, da ba vsa« prav, da »o bo ugovarjanja. Sploh pa vm opasarjom, da v voljo m številu prihajate na društvene saja. Co prida U par članov, petem ni mogoče saja «tvoriti. Ootevo pa pridite val na m-ja dno ti. aiarca. da is vol ima dek-gate. Na sridaajat Martin Saldo, tajnik. Jetlet, lit—Društvo lift Ja upra v Mono do snaga dskgate sa enajste konvencijo SNPJ. Po Jed"«tinlh pravilih sme vsak član in članica, ki Ima sposobnosti la sa ja udekftil ene tragi ne društvenih saj V letu pred konvencijo. kandidirati sa delegate. Na koncu 1. točke XVII. «lena pravil na strani M čiteme: "Volitve, ki sa ne vrtijo strogo po tej laiki, sa neveljavne." Upam. da bodo čknl upol te vali pravik. teko da ne bo pri«k do nasporasuma in nepotrebnega prepira. Nafta dolftnost k. da volimo pro vilno, pa naj bo isvoljen kdorkoli. Glavno Ja. da delegat resume pravik lp da mu Ja pri srcu napredek SNPJ. Zate sa čknstvo najuljudneje prosi, da sa v velikem fttevllu udekfti rodne maaodne seje dne ti. marea ob 1J0 popoldne v navadnih prostorih. Na dnevnem redu bo ve« stvari, ki so vaš-no sa drufttvo in jednoto. John Gerl. predsednik. Caddy. Pa. 4>ruHvo SI« bo prire-dlk plesno veselico v soboto, dne S. aprila, v korist svoje bkgajne, član ali «tanko v oddelku odraslih, kateri se ne udekfti vesel ke. bo moral pla-«ati v d ruti veno bkgajno določeno vsote, kokor k bilo določeno na seji. Vabljeni ste vsi od bltsu in dsle«. da as veselice udekftite. Poatreftke bo dovolj sa vse. Obenem se obvoft«ajo «lani In članke, de bo drufttvo imelo kred no sojo dne SI. marea ob t popoldne. na kateri bo volilo dekgota sa II. konvencijo Nafte drufttvo se Je v ta namen sdruftik s dnifttvoma 666 In CIS. f knetve je naproteno, da upošteva te obvestilo. Jaha Jenka, tajnik. Aarora. Mlaa. Oposarkm vse «lana drufttvo ftt. 4.1. da bolj točno In ob «osa plačajo redni drufttvvni asesment, In to do 66. v meaeru, kakor sahtevajo Jedaetine p avik. Kdor ne bo pkftel do tft v mmoocm ivefer, naj sam sebi prt pite, «e bo •ucpeodtren, kajti do-sodaj sem sekkdal sa asesment svoj denar, sedaj pa ne bom ve«, ker ne morem, kajti rs ime rt ml ne dopu ftdaje Toliko v vednost, da bo vsek vedel kaj tma narsrfm. če noče bW ■ospendiren -Jobs ModHs. tajnik. Mariaaaa. Pa. Nasnankm vsem č lanom drufttvs 171, da plačeJo so meseca mere« In april dodatno tftr poleg rednega mvaačnega «»••menu kajU d uit vena blsgejna je |M.d nor mak. laka Meter, tajnik Neoatma. IC,- Nasnenja« čleo. stva drufttvo lop. da Je umri naft brat Plltp Poje dne I» feb v bolniftnkt v sto ros ti as kc Pokojnik so Je ro dil v Skvoaiji. Ril j« dober «kn In Je vedno delal ta dobrobit nafto ga drufttvs. kar se jo tudi pokasale no ajegotom p^rrobu. k| so ga Je udekftite mnofo č|snev, prijateljev la snonoe« pok« »orodnikov. Dali so na raspokgo svok avte. društvo pa me Je e sadnje »love pokiooik ve noc ro« Pokojnik j« bil tka našegS draštvo n kt Pri odpnom grehe aa Ja poskvil od njego dntfttvoni prod sodnik br. A. Septer. Pokojni Poje Bpf«66a šala joto soproge Morija, eoe Mar te ftUri slacw. v imenu druftt va se iskreno sah valju Jem vsem, ki so se udekšili pogrebe. Pokojnemu «obratu naj bo khka kanadska sem-Ija. Prisadeti druftini naše sošaljat Joœpb Koslovac. tajnik. Kaaoas CHjr. K s os Društvo 40* Je na seji dne 21. feb. sklonik. do potom glasite pevabi vse svoje élane ir «kake. da sa gotovo udelefite meso« na seje dne ti. marca ob 2. popoldne to Je tretjo nedeljo v marcu. Na tej seji bomo skupno iavolili delegata u enojsto konvencijo, na kateri bo salto pel društvi 408 in 0*0. Prosim, da so ¿k net v o obeh društev udokši te seje v velikem številu. Po soji bo ¿koška sabevs -pod kaznijo" tfte. Geo. K veter ni k. Ujnik. Laraéae. O. — Obveftéam vsa «Uk ne društva št. 17. do se bo vršila IZREDNA društvena seja v nedeljo ti. marca ob 7J0 zvečer v društvenih prostorih, katere se VSI udektite. Na dnevnem redu bo vašno notranje društveno poslovanje. Anton Jevec, predsednik. Chicago, lit — Prihodnja redna m-ja društva št. 98 se vrši v nedeljo dne 21. marea. Med drugimi vatniml sa-devami bo na dnevnem roda tudi volitev delegate sa prihodnjo konvencijo SNPJ. Uljudno ste vabljeni vsi, da se te seje udeleftite v obilnem številu ter s tem pokslete. da sa sanimate sa društvene aktivnosti, članstvo o-stelih društev SNPJ, kot rasvtdno. se Je udokši k sej. na katerih ao Imeli iavoliti delegata, v sok lepem številu. Prkakuje se, da se tudi «knl našega društva odsoveta temu vabila kar najve« mogoté. Ker je konvencija ki Je tako reko« prod durmi, najvišja oblast ali avtoriteta, Ja prlporoiljivo da vsi rasmišljamo in skušamo s nasveti In priporo«iH pomagati, ds bodo tudi v bodočnosti društva in SNPJ nadkriljevala vsa sli«ne organlsacije. Storimo torej vsak svojo dolftnost, kar bo k nam vsem skopaj v korist. Vsi na prihodnjo sejo dne SI. t m. dopoldne! John Potekar, tajnik. Ckere. Iti. — Vabim vsa «kna in «lanke drufttva 448, da se gotovo udeleftite redne druftt ve ne seje dne 18. marca ob navadnem ¿asu in v navadnih prostorih. Kakor Je vsaka seja vaftna sa «lanstvo, teko bo tudi dna 18. marca, ker bomo voliti delegate sa U. redno konvencijo SNPJ In smo se sdrušili s drufttvom 428 sa dosego sa- Veliko potnikov u mm Jliftij In iullj je pn«l.*.Mh u>-llku iNrtnlhnv vaeS nsra4MwU, 4m Je prnior tm mSsJ rMerutfen ss Mbslerlh semMilh. J m na je. 4s b» v" Um «mu *n»liw» pom.nj-kssi« eruiton. «ImU ns bolillh parnllilh V immw vmbeos Mutntk« O n| ukai pit« ikb reeervlreejs prMiara in brusih p<^nlikih ud*« Oni» •InveMklm potnikom. b( toUio potonil v dr.ilbl *«„jlh rvinkov, niNtlmo alo4e*e «kupna potovanisi It. april« ss ansn«M parnih« a*r««««rU |»leb«» C HdflMIlVfS. 4. nr«|« M priljubil««nm psrnlhu Pavla peak» tlavee. II. SMja na uSnSnaoi parnlhu li—nit i»r«kn Havra I. jnnljs m vrli nal« «l«vn« «kupno pu> tar««nj« n« mo4*rn«oi i>rj«lk«m kraop«r«lku NvrmanSt* peatu Ms v M. laku ton atovanakl •pr»wlj*««lM potuj« a »«• akuplnn o4 N«w Voeks 4n l.j«M>sn«. Skrhal ko m u4abs<«tl nallk potnikov ss pot«. TrMeulIl« m Uj akupial IS. joolja aop«l na psmlk« Hrrmitrli. I*«t«lk« le akspln« «praoiljs <1« Ljubljsn« In Kainka ursSnlk linij«. •S. jssljs ns N«r«M«Sl* likul«s šlgVgRftlil š^fSMlj98llsi Iftil sllfWI Ml UllullSlb a(j nallk polslko* prs» «a ljubljsn« Ss «an« kari m U Is na 4rosa potovanj« v atsrl krsj m «lm pesj obratu na apoSnjl aaske. OINI SA DINARNI POftlUlI Uli- MSMo. SsŠSJS... SS Ur • ».SI... NS M " t «• .. ISS ■ - iijs... iss " - 11.11... ns - - ---------- - " is,— ., ase - - 11^— . i.sn • • »in .. ns " M v«4jtk »«atol aorsamaras popsat m» Hotlljs«« t«41 v 4oUr|ik ~ c«e« pše«rlss« m ot Ana a i roai.i V * a nkiio. Ml«. dostnega števila šiaaitva. Na peso-bite v petek vader 19. macea val no sejo!-—Prask* štargoHe. tajnik. ( kvilsnd, O. — Društvo Slovenske Sokol ke št. šdf vabi svoja dfeake na isredno seja. katera se vrši dne f|. marca ob pel treh pope idas. Haber vam Je snaoa. dri it v o némn dovolj ¿knic ca IseoKtev dekgatlnje, sato smo se sdruftik s društvoma 742 in 748. Torej laMjo vsa tri drafttva skup no saje v svrbo I* volit ve delegata Seja se vrši v dvorani v starem postopki HND. ¡faldnJe soja Ja bik salo skbo oMskana. IJa naj Mdemo vsroke? Kdor sasladuje potek naših sej. bo Vmalu našel odgovor, xa kaj ¿lenice ne obiskujejo sej kakor so Jih. Zate roe prosta«, bodimo eleftne, ker v stori Je mod. Naj kolera predlaga, kaj bi >i!o v korist društvu in Jednoti in boste videla, do bodo sejft oMskone kot «o bik. Dolftnoet veobe ¿lanke Je. da «e gotov« «dekši seje dne 21. marea ob določenem ¿asu. Ta Jaka. Ck Klam, Waak. — Nasnanjave élanom in ¿lanicam društev 7^ in 871. ker smo se sdrušili v svrbo isvolitve skupnega dekgata. da se bo vršik skupno seja 21. marca ob U. dopoldne v Motovu halli. Na tej seji bo Dr a John Ja Zavsrtnik PHYSICIAN A SURG BON ornea aotrag at JjmW.yitaiift M, Ces« feeS till aft ims W. Cenaak Bd. IrSa-SiN p. m. DsUr TlL Csssl IMS I Wihiibr * aesSsr by sppolstMssU self BedMsoes Tat i CrsvlseS NN lir MO ajfswgg—call AUSTIN ITN NA NOVO 90 SE NAROČIL! NA DNEVNIK PK06VKT0 I SLEDEČI: Anna Boskk i Crested »utte. Colo. Marjr Novak B. St. Loals, lit. Joe Slak MIH Clty, Nov. Andre« Skapln l/orain, Okla Joeeph Zapan TIre Hiti. Pa. Jnsepk Kovač Pierce, W. Va. John Petkian Mlheaakae. Wfa. Jok« Krsjsek P. Hrastnik. Jageelavla i i ŽRNITVBNA PONUDBA Sesnaniti sa šelim s šensko staro 40 do 80 let, Slovonka bres otrok ima prednost. Jas Imam svojo hišo, delam tat imam tudi nekaj prihrankov in šalim, da bi tudi ona imela kaj prihrankov. Zalim, da pošlje evojo sliko, katero vrnem na sahtevo. Tajnost jan^ena. če katero veseli naj piše na naslov: STAR ŽENIN, 2057 S. Laomdale A ve.. Chlcago. 111. (Adv.) TRPETI NA MEHURJU IN OBISTtH Bu v krite sN hi ^fft^iltfdM radne sdesvlte. aus« ftl.TS. FIIH« U Ssass s »allai esleiré seoaeajean NBR. GRETA I.BSBOVAB 587 B. 78rd Street. New Tofk, N. T. REVMAT1ZEM N« sbspsvsiU vN. Konlsjl« tepUssis r»»s»«tr«iria • HIIUMO-TAItN Is «UHO nun. s«»« maíllo Is isbtels. Ts ssvs la-n«Nbe «s J« Itkaasls a«Ssvalil?s. Jvir* 8 náro^lloM imlljll« Sv« Solar)« sli orém a s. 4. m es pNlIJs. PI.ORIAN DRUti CO. EH «graáaj«*! im kri êktlkii Planinski Čaj I sa vitke ||jN Poltnlna DOMAČIH ZDRAVIL ■■sip t boMst IHMill MATH PRZDIR ss 771 CHf nall Sta. Me« York, N. Y. SEMENA V «ahrgi imam najbolj*« poljoka, %rlna In cvtlUdng Piftlte po breaptadni cenik. M loge postijo« poštnine proste. MATH PRZDVR box 771 rmr «vall rta. No« York. N. V. r o Som PIARIAN ORI r. CO. CAÍ SA PRHA «sasSOs si Is alovOs «SseaOeml Mb« «Sea «Os. Mm aSOr aa ('•so SNb la II SS «m MRS OB VTA I BRBflfAB t B. T8 It. Bo« Tatà. B. T. nominacija kandidatov (n volitev ds-kgetg ur «flS^estnika sa enojet«> k»n venci/o 8NP?. ki se bo vrftlk v Ckl vekndu v maju. Raspravljali bom? tudi o bodalih pravilih ter o koristih drufttva in jednoto. Za skupni odbor: Ketbertee Oovsoeeea. Yuetioe UbratU, tejnke drastov 78 m Mi. Donite T val Tods KAVI bolj» OKI/Sin AROMO De. F. PAULICH ZOBOZDRAVNIK Phons duro Sili Se. ISad Ave. (Douglas Blevated), Ckere. I1L Ure i Vsskl dee tsvss*ll aeede sd t s. sa. is • p. ta. Ob esSalisb pe Bolnikom, ki trpe na želodcu! N« dovolite. Ss M vam telodln« bolelln« udvaels petjaiso Is normslno «kalatan«o. ki jo drugI »II««Jo I "ftAL'8 ZDRAVILO i« novo idrsvljsnje anssatvvno rsivlto dstl po-mol ao uljsas. pllns. blallns drse« aorodn« lalodln« bolstsl varslan In nsrsvslsi poiosi. Tudi esibujllm al u lajam pomnaa te tmaa Csss J« M. 10 ateSlsSles—11.00 is p«skuano vallksat, as Ssbi prit ,< . ,, Mrsask Phsrn»e«r, llat A Bo. Aablssd Av#., Ohlsifb) 111« Prsprsebt .Pbsrmssr. 1001 Weat »sd 8t., Chl^asu, lil. Oaplnabl l'harmaey, lil N. Aablsnd Avs. Chlaago, III. L. UkSMMtrabl. SI01 Vsn Drb« BI., De trolt. Mlcb.. «M ps raelte valamu leksrnsrj« nsj nseoll as vsa od l4'V0i« •< ZaJenki'« Uboratorie« 7854 8. Hatated Rt.. Cklcaco. III. Velikonočno kosilo ne bo popolno bres najjih okusnih, po starokrajski ftegl prvkajenih klobas, prekojsnih fteftodcev. iine prekajene domače ftunke in prekajenih breskostnlh plečet. Cena Je 85c funt sa vss vrste gori omenjenih jedil. Prakajena mala pledeta 25c funt. Poltnlna vlteta v teh csnah, poftljemo v vse kraje v Zdruftenlh driavah. PoftIJIte velikonočna naročila hitro, tako dobite bkgo pravočasno. Hrenove korenike prosto s vsoklm naročilom. Z naročilom poftljite Money Or der all gotov denar v priporočenem pismu na naslovi JOSEPH LESKOV AR 420 High Street Rodne. Wla. MË I čiftčeaja (parilo) Isoete-k aH ake je nerwdno ali bolela, naročite al nemodoma moje staro krajako glasovlta adravUo. Staae •S.—PlftHe ail s polnim aaapsajsm MM. GRRTA LBMOTAB MT & 71 St., No« Task. M. T. VAŽNO ZA VSAKOM e «ter! bfoli e aseet bea||> aea la »terasa brsjs. KARTE za vm izlet® Potniki s aaftlm pa«rsdsiai jejo najceneje Hi aadoveljaa. tknar«e poftlljke kvrftalemo Hi se«eel)iva po <«SVBI « lIMOaLAVUO T; V «VALU« as I I M..t iss ms Bs I IOS . iss Lir rti .OVEN IC PUBLISHING CO «Olae N s roda—Travel »aro««) ti« Waat la St Meer York. M. Y. ' I. Preglednik otvftM saja gt. upravnega odseka ob uri popoldne. Navzoči so vsi nprovni odborniki. Prvo ea sprejme «planik upravne seje s dne 27. Jefl. t. t. Temu sledi čitenje pisma predsednika sdravnlftkega odseka organizacije National Praternal Congreas, katere zborovanje se vrfti 22. februarja t. 1.. v CMoag«. Plfte, da bedo ne dnevnem rodu vaftne razprave tteoče se podpornih organizacij in vaM, da se nal vrhovni zdravnik «deleži.—Skknjeno, da ee vrhovnega zdravnika otfftesti. de upravni odsek smatra take sestaake sa potrdbne in korkme, ig mu pripiraCa, da amenja-nim roipravaih prisostvuj». Neto se čita pismo tajnika orgnnisacija National Fratarr.nl Congress, v katerem navaja države, v katerih prsti novo nevarnost., da bodp Sprejeti zakoni »a obdavčenje^ podpornih organtBacIJ. OiSanJa dr is ve Wiaconsiii, Vvashlngton in Mexld. ter poziva io se vzame In' za podaljfta- IT TÀ, sftlwiû- Cleveland. akcijo, da se to pi in skknjeno Je. da Jadaafta pri mogoče. Nafta so prsdigdena in nje sledečih popajtl ne spodarskl odsek: ftt. 1: kee. Wis.; ftt. 87 J.. Struthers, O.; ftt. 42 J. O.; in ftt. 8* J., Detroit, Sieh. Čita se pismo br. Uneticha, gosp. zastopnika za Gary, v katerem poroča o stanju in izgledih sa prodajo posestva, na katerem je jednotino posojilo ftt. 24, ki se vso-me na znanje. Čita ss finančno poročila Slovenskega narodnega doma v Clevelandu, 0., ki Je ugodno in se vss me na znanje. Nadalje Je predloženo poročilo tajnika organizacije Six Point Realty Co., v West Altku, Wis., ki se nanafta na transakcije za mesec december 198« in ki se vzame na znanje- ' Predloženo je nadalje pismo, ki se nanafta na sodno postopanje radi zaostalih plačil na posojilo it. 128, v Duluthu, Minn., in ki se vzame na snanje. Temu je sledila razprava glede investiranja jedno-tinega premoženja v federalne obveznice. Upravni odsek Je mnenje, ker nI nič beljftega na trg« in kar vsa znamenja kafteje, da tudi ne bo tako kmalu ali v bližji bodočnosti, bi bik dobro zamenjati nafte kratkodobne obveznice z malim donosom sa take, ki ne dozore tako kmalu id več donaftajo. In sklenjeno je, da upravni odsek priporoča goepodarskemu odaeku, da to upošteva. j Nato je predložena prolnja čikaike federacije dru-fttev sa denarno podporo sa atletične aktivnosti pridruženih drufttev. Želijo vsaj sto dolarjev.—Sklanjano, da se dovoli $75 in dB se federaciji pojasni, da moramo upofttevati enako tudi druge federacije in drufttva, sklad za atletiko je pa pičel. , Glede zadeve bivfteg« člana dr. ftt. 844, Pr. Grudna, ki prosi so ponovni sprftjem s prejšnjimi pravicami, je sklenjeno, da se mu to dovoli pod pogojem, da se izkaže zdravstveno sposobnegs in plača vse prispevke za nazaj. Na pismo dr. ftt. 88«, ki pojasnjuje svoje finančne potežkoče ter proei zo isredno podporo, js sklenjeno, da se dovoli 880 ia sklada sa izredne podpore. 2elji dr. št. 141, ki bo obhajalo trideaetletnico svojega obstanka dne 27. junija t. 1. in prosi, da bi se gl. tajnik udeležil kot slavnostni govornik, se ugodi. Ns prošnjo br. Antona Cankarja od dr. št. 118, kateremu je bila pri ponovnem sprejemu znižana bolniška podpora na 50c dnevno, je sklenjeno, ds se mu dovoli sprejem v endolarski razred. Glede zedeve br. Johna Klarkha od dr. št. 218. ki prosi sa odškodnino in katero zadevo je gl. ¿dbor poveril upravnemu odseku v rešitev, je skknjeno, da se mu odškodnina isplaČa. ^ Nadalje je skknjeno, da se odobri prošnja za odškodnino br. Grge Mrleta od dr. št. 818, katero Je izročil gl. odbor upravnemu odseku v izravnavo in končno rešitev. Zdravniftka spričelava izkazujejo, da so poškodbe br. Mrleta tako težke, da ne bo več zmožen za delo. Zatem so predložene in odobrene še sledeče prošnje: Prošnje sa pooojilo asesmenta Applicatioas for Loans of Assessment Dr. ftt. Lodge No. JS— Anton Bisten, tri mesece. 52—Matt PaJdlga, tri mesece. 85—John Erjavec, tri mesece. 02—John Čelesnik, tri mesece. 07—Rudolph M ¡glich, tri meeece. 132—Joseph Prank, tri mesece. 187—Mary Cheksnik. tri mesece. 248—Prsnk Meuts. dva meseca. 287—Anna Trusnoich, tri mesece. 205— Matt Vudlan, tri mesece. 335—Margarete Pinter, trt mesece. 447—John in Rose Hoyak, trt mesece. 488—Vencel Jurečič, tri msaece. Preftaje aa isredoo podpore Applications for Special Benefit' 7—Michael Koter, asesment $4.59. 17—Joseph Kimmel, $15.00. 30—John Kuc. $26 00. 5H—Mertin Raunik, $15.00. 88—Jakob Lenič, $16.00. m~ Prank Ivanovič, $20.00. 00—Joeeph Vogrinovkh, $25.00. OS— F renk Zevert, ssesment $16.67__John Üben. asesment $6.78. 128--Prank in Julija Matover. $25.00. 12« Andrej Krkmančič. $26.00. Ifta- Krnil Zupane, $ 10.0g. * 108 Anton Vidmar, asesment. $6.18. 187 - Prank Maček. $16.00. 1 WS- John Bergant. »45.00. 240- Mary Korach. ssesment, $12.80. .'71 Joseph Ahrin. $18.00. tS6 Prsnk Hribar. $16.09: 206—Peter Trohe, aseameM. $8.82 318—Nina Begoevich, s.ismint $3.78. .144-Leopold Kos, asesment t IBM. .162—Louis Koftevar. $16.0Q. 384—Joeeph Lavrkh. $16.00. 3B6 Drufttvo, $8000 40g—Peter Vesel, $16.00. 442—Morija Zupaneic. $16 00 61S -Tom lala v KaretM. $10.00 814—Praaees Ponikvar. $16.00. ? ^"Af"*"* r*d iUrp** in i»*ednik *akilnii sejo ob 4:15 pop. WJUä VINCENT CAINKAR, y A Vlnp_ gl. predsednik. _ ' ^ ZAPISNIK UPRAVNE SEJE S doe 24. febr. 1017 Predsednik Gainkar otvori sejo gkvneira oo-s»«. odseka ob eni uri popoidd». Nagaoči u» vsi uw!J odbornik. Prvo se sprejme zapisnik upravne seje z e d«, voli prestop v aktivni članski oddelek Robertu Starko vichu, Čknu mladinskega oddelke, ki je vsled pomote zakasnil s prestopom. Na zadostno pojasnilo od dni-fttva Je skknjeno, da se ga sprejme pod običajnimi pogoji sa prestople iz mladinskega oddelka, ako p> ravna vse prispevke za nazaj. Na proftnjo federacije društev za Westmoreland okraj v Penni, ki želi br. P. Godino za govornika na priredbi, ki bo dne 30. maja t. 1., je skknjeno, ds m jim ustrsže. Prošnja br. Petra Krištofa od dr. št. 416, da «e mu izplača odpravnina iz bolniškega sklada, je ns pripo-ročito vrhovnega' zdravnika odobrena. Glede bolniške podpore sestre Katarine Raspet od dr. št. 320, ki ji bik zadržana radi dvoma o upravife. nosti, je sklenjeno, da se ji ista nakaže, in zseno, d« se uvede kazensko postopanje proti povzročitelju poškodbe. Nato so šc predložene in odobrene sledeče prošnje: Dr. Št. Lodge No. j t Prodaje za posojilo aeesmeata Applications for Loon of Aoeessment 29—Alois Pregelj, tri meeece. 91—Pabjan Lakotič, Helen in Paul Cempre, Matt in Jerica Horvatich, Mary in John Shum, John Slivnik in Joe Klemenčič, tri mesece. 181—Nick Mihelich, tri mesece. 163—Charles Bratshun, tri mesece. 168—Vinko Bresovich, tri mesece. ' 220— Math Kutnar, Karoline Štrukelj, tri me*cc«. 284—Andrew Lončarič, tri mesece. 263—Anna, Mary in Martin Spolar, Frank in Anni kiMe, tri mesece. 317—Psul in Mary Najda, tri mesece. Prednje sa isredno podporo Applications for Special Beaefit 51—Frank Babič, $15.00. 78—Mike Kopač, asesment $6.63. 106—Frank Zupane, $16.00. 313—Casper Mediževoc, $15.00. 340—John Dormish,-$16.00. 807—Louis Yudnich, $15.00 ^^ 513— Fred Shuiter, asesment $3.18. Frank Igsnf, $20.00. S tem je rešeno vse, kar je bilo pripravljeno rs to sejo In predsednik isto zaključi ob 3. pop. VTNCENT CAINKAR, F. A. VIDER. gl. predsednik. ' gl. tajnik. V blagi g pom in pnr« obletnice smrti atola te eterege ečelo ZAPISNIK UPRAVNE SEJE s dne 6. marca 1037 Predsednik otvori sejo gl. upravnega odseks ob eni uri popoldne. Navzoči so br. Cainkar, Vider, Grsdishek, Vogrich, Godina in Molek. Prvo Je sprejet zapisnik upravne seje t dne 21. februarja. Nato je prečitano pismo br. Fr. Zajca, gosp. is*top-nika za Milwaukee. Poroča o stenju poslopja, ki j« že dalj časa last jednote, ter o izvrženih popravilih, ki so bik nujno potrebna. Zaeno priporoča, ds se pss* stvo da na prodaj.—de vzame na znanje in rsčun ter priporočilo odobri. Zatem ja predložena pogodba za prodajo po»l«pji v Gary, Ind., na katerem je posojilo ftt 24 in ki je U nekaj časa last jednote. Po primerni razpravi odwk pride do zaključka, da je ponudba sa razmere in okol-nosti primerno ugodna in sklene, da se pogodb« odohri. Nato je predložen račun sodnega upravnike is poslopje v a. Chicagu, na katerem ime Jadneta posojil» ftt. 113, sa njegovo dek, ki se odobri. Na razpravo pride zadeva L. Bregerja. čl. dr. it. H ki Je po nesreči do smrti povozil neko aeebo in kiji* temu bil kaznovan, in glede česar je nastalo vpraknj». če sme te naprej ostati član. Odsek ne smstrs. ds i» isvršil kriminalni čin, radi kakršnega v smislu ns»ik pravil ne bi smel ostati čkn jednote, in »klene, ds m BregarJa obdrži kot člana, savarovanega samo u lunino. Pred laže na je proftnja dr. ftt. 104. ki bo obhsjsl« + 17. aprile svojo petnajstletnico in teli gl. predjed»»" sa skvnostnega govornika.—Odobreno. Nadalje je predložena zadeva članov drufttvs 4t. ki so obdelftenl stevkokofttvo in jih jc drufttvo ks<»» valo.—Odsek smatra, da to vpraftanje spads iiklju*» v področje gl. porotnega odseka in da upravni sd» ne more o Um nič veljavnega zaključiti. Satom se resprevlk e sadovi br. JtnwJa »d dr. ftt. 166. Nanafta se na bolniško podporo ksters zahteva za poftkodbe. ki jih Je dobil v pretepu «n *eeer mu je podpora zadržana. Na podkg< dekssff ki so ns razpolago, /k ni mogoče aaalgnme .1 «t***-v kolikor je Leskovec sem kriv In koliko ni. set« upr»* ni odsek «klene, do se s rsdHvlJo te sodeve fte pete» • tem Je dnevni rod izčrpen in predsednik iskljsf sejo ob 4. popoldne. VINCENT CAINKAR. f. A. VID» gL predsednik. g* JOHN KUHEL ki Je pr#miool dae IT. mareo 1036 Ae **doa T« losos v lro)oam «pomloo v oodSk srrih falajatt ••teli : Mer» K okel -»fa, Udkk« MlrU. Emil io RIHtesl. sftMV«; Peak Roveči'. %ooa RaMČ lo llarioko. AageHœ lo Jeook Rakel, kfeee 1er oesfct ta aooklofe ^o m Ždodčae zdravile iskreno priporoc TRIMER S EI.IXIR OF BITTER WIME coo Mm Mit» su in j t n* prebav nosti ! Isaa g. Wette ŠL. 1 Miha mi kna» telhl Naslov SBEtiMARCA Federacije S. N. P. J. Seja kansaike federacije k «ms — Zadnja seja ^efeTacijepreiMlJ^-ijo SNPJ bo četrto nedeljo ^ ru (28- t. m.) popoldne v ZmJn Tako je bilo zaje ju- bil tud? izvoljen odbor za rešeta-Jt priporočil raznih društev za £*embo pravil. Imenovan, od-^bo poročal na tej sej». Novi Ilcdki prinašajo nove probleme ^medtehproblem^ L« direktno ali indirektno tu-TU podpornih organizacij, kar bo tudi prišlo na dnevni red oate federacije. . Društveni zastopniki in člani la članice ter izvoljeni delegati, udeležite se te seje! John Šular, zapisnikar. Coloradska federacija Wah*nburg, Colo. - Veseli ne. da »o se člani začeli zanimati za našo federacijo društev SN-pj tudi s finančnega «tališča. Ko se je federacija ustanovila, ni nikomur niti na misel prišlo, da bo potrebna velika blagajna. Vsak si je mislil, da iwa le čast, če pcseti federacijsko sejo kot zastopnik svojega društva. Federacija je prvotno sklenila 1« to, da vsako društvo plača lOc članarine na člana letno, kar bi prineslo od 60 do 70 dolarjev letnih dohodkov, to pa le za papir ia poštnino ter najemnino dvorane. Toda že prvo leto poslovanja nam je pokazalo kaj se lahko airedi, da je v slogi moč. Se ni poteklo leto dni in danes imamo okrog $240 v federacijski blagaj-li! Na pretekli seji naše federacije je zbornica sklenila, da se plača nekoliko stroškov zastopnikom za voznino. Razvila se je živahna diskuzija, večina pa je bila za to, da se plača za gasolin in olje. Obenem je bilo sklenjeno, da nobeno društvo nima pravice do več ko pet zastopnikov na fed. seji. Da danes je prijavljenih devet društev, toda vsako teh društev ne bo poslalo po pet zastopnikov, nekatera le dva, druga tri-in tako dalje, bližnja društva, oziroma zastopniki, pa ne bodo zahtevali nobene vozni-ne, oddaljeni pa polovico, to je najvišjo vsoto, ki jo je zbornica odobrila. Vsak naj premisli, kaj bi-bilo najbolje glede voznih •troškov, do prihodnje fed. seje, katera se bo vršila na Ludlovvu tadnjo nedeljo v aprilu (25. a-prila). Mislim pa, da to nam ne bo kratilo spanja ne belilo las, saj delamo vsi za enega in eden » vse. U dobre volje in agilno-*ti ter medsebojne vzajemnosti in sporazuma je treba, pa bo šlo Mprej za naša društva, članstvo in SNPJ! Ker bo prihodnja fed. seja zadnja pred konvencijo SNPJ, ki bp v maju v Clevelandu, je moje "•»nje. d« bo federacija posve-!'k največ pozornosti konvenci-J'- Zastopniki društev in že ir-•"ljcni delegatje tega okrožja bojo Prvič v zgodovini imeli prili-^< * se snj(|ej0 skupaj in raz-J|*vuajo o jednotinih problemih, ,ludl 0 ^devah posameznih Priliko bomo tudi imeli «poznati može, ki nas Z' ^"ezentirali na prihodnji «onvenciji. Miram ,la vsa društva, da * n* svojih sejah poglobijo v probleme, n»tem pa * «tot «kupno prere-'"Sanjski seji zad- ^ ^ Ijo v aprilu. Naprej, bra- moin«j*o Sloven- ° 8*2*,n« Podporno jednoto! M Ton»*!*, predsednik. 5 Proi/e $eje tvesimare-andike federacije k* Z*: Pi - ltvU**k ^ja v li VrtiU 24 ja ¡TT v Herminif, Pa. — 8e- »T« \i biU društ- št. 683. W t». »t h ■■Valley; l'-*1 J1' Hermini«; At. *t. 7, Clarid-"utehami; it. 726, Jt B4 Weit Newton. šiva, ¡n * ui* dx» "»daljnja dru-^ tinirvj1 200' Hermlnie Mtnor Zapisnik «bnrrir OantrirT " "dobrlla $12 za ' rr^vetni matici. Bla- 1 gajnik poda poročilo o zadnji veselici. Sprejet predlog br. Mahko-vicha, da se daruje $10 vsakemu društvu pod pogojem, ako pristopi v federacijo. Te nagrade je deležno društvo 740. Na popoldanski seji pridejo na dnevni red volitve uradnikov za tekoče leto. Izvoljeni so: predsednik John Fradel, podpredsednik John Kobe, tajnica Mary Ga-ličič, blagajnik Joseph Zorko, zapisnikarja Frank Shuster v slovenskem in Joseph Batis v angleškem jeziku. Nadzorni odbor: Mahkovich, Bohinc in Drap. Agi-tacijski odbor: Anton Zornik, predsednik, John Bosic in Joseph Batis. Federacija je tudi zaključila, da se vrši igra in zvečer ples v West Newtonu v prid blagajne dne 30. maja, kakor običajno. Prosimo druga društva, da to u-poštevajo in da se ne bodo pripravljala za kake priredbe na o-menjeni dan. Se raje udeležite naše in vam ne bo žal. Odbor je že na delu, da pripravi vse potrebno in vse najbolje za to proslavo. V tem odboru ko Fradel, Shuster, Lorince, Zornik in Drap. Frank Shuster, zapisnikar. Glasovi iz naselbin Članstvu In delegatom v razmišljanje Cleveland, O. -h Konvencija SNPJ se prične 17. maja v tukajšnjem SND na St. Clair ave. Različna priporočila so bila že podana in bodo še podana pred konvencijo; kako se bi izboljšala pravila in poslovanje, da bo bolj koristno za jednoto in članstvo. Dovolite, da se tudi jaz dotaknem tega razmotrivanja. Kar se na splošno tiče pravil, o teh smo že in bomo še razmo-trivali pri federaciji. Za enkrat se mi vidi potrebno, da se dotaknem: NAČELNE IZJAVE IN RESOLUCIJ, ki kažejo princip SNPJ in jasne smernice, katerih se naj jednota drži bodoča štiri leta in dlje. Dolgo vrsto let so temeljile jednotine smernice na socialističnem principu, četudi je zapeljana manjšina po ekstrem-no radikalnih (tiste čase) do ultra črnožoltih in gotovih skaka-Čev ter osebnih nezadovoljnežev skušala te principe ovreči. Žalostno je bilo dejstvo, da se je ta čudna mešanica združila in skupno nastopala proti socialistično orientirani delegaciji. Vrabci že čivkajo, da bo na letošnji konvenciji mešanica še bolj popolna; k nji se bo pridružila t&kozvana "stara garda", ki ni zadovoljna z militantno taktiko, ki jo je zavzela soc. stranka—ni zadovoljna z revolucionarnim socializmom. Da se bodo članstvu SNPJ pokazali za delavstvu naklonjene, bodo manipulirali 'nestrankarstvo' in v isti sapi zagovarjali "skupno delavsko stranko", katere še nikjer ni in je še precej časa ne bo, vsaj take ne, ki se bi v resnici imenovala "delavska". Njihovo geslo je mikavno in ga bodo podprli, ker vedo, da se z de-magogiranjem lažje zada poštenemu delavskemu gibanju udarec, kakor pa če se bi izkazali odkrito sovražne. Sedaj pa nekaj vprašanj iskrenim delavsko orientiranim delegatom bodoče konvencije in članom SNPJ: Ali ne mislite, če se SNPJ odvzame aktivni socialistični duh in se ga nadomesti s pasivno "delavsko franko", ki jo bodo na tej konvenciji zagovarjali demokrati, republikanci, bivši ultraradikalcr, "črnožolti" itd., da bo to škodovalo načelom SNPJ in članstvu v splošnem? Odkod so prihajale iniciative in aktivne akcije v korist delavskega razreda? Kdo je iniciatiral pomožne akcije v prid rudarjem, ko so bili na stavki in v potrebi ? Kdo za protifašistične boritelj« v Španiji? Itd., itd. Lahko trdim, da devetdeset procentov e-nih ali drugih akcij med Slovenci, ki so bile podvzete v korist delavskega razreda, so inkiatirali in vodili socialisti! Kaj pa na i* obratovalnem in kulturnem polju? Komu naj s« pripišejo te zasluge, ako ne nocialistom ? Nasprotniki so v pravem: Porini-mo socialiste is gl. odbora in vzemimo jednoti socialistični duh. S t«n jih bomo potisnili v ota-dRl kjer ne bodo imeti vpliva in bodo nam (mešani reakciji) neškodljivi. Kaj pa vi zavedni člani, kaj boste vi rekli, kdo naj vrši pionirsko delo na delavskem, izobraževalnem in kulturnem polju v lakem obsegu kot je za delavstvo potrebno? Oni ga ne bodo, ker med njimi je preveč različnih mišljenj. Ali se naj vse to opusti, kar ie bilo v ponos jednoti in članstvu od začetka pa do danes in se nadomesti s slepomišenjem —nestrankarstvom ?! Da, tudi jaz sem za delavsko stranko, in že marsikateri korak sem hapravil v to smer. To je: za pravo delavsko stranko, da bo delavaka tudi v principih, ne samo po imenu, da ne bo indorsira-la kandidate kapitalističnih strank ali "nestrankarje". Za tako delavsko stranko bom delal tudi v bodoče in z mano vred bodo delali tudi drugi socialisti! Dokler pa take stranke ni, glejmo, da obdržimo in ojačamo to, kar že imamo! Delavci-delegati SNPJ! Ko pridete na konvencijo v Cleve-land, bodite v tem oziru na jasnem in ne pustite se zavajati! O tem predmetu se bo govorilo na shodu JSZ v četrtek ve- Vse te ugodnosti, dragi naši čer 20. maja in upam, da bostelprijatelji, vas čakajo pri "Na- vsi prišli in sledili diskuziji. Louis Zorko, 126. Pripomba uredništva: Pri SNPJ ne poznamo nobene "stare garde" in drugih frakcij. To grupiranje naj ostane pri razbitih političnih strankah. Delavstvu koristne akcije v okviru naše jednote so pa dokaz, da je med nami še dovolj delavske zavednosti ne glede na razcepljene politične pripadnosti in naše prepričanje je, da tako tudi ostane. DruAtvo 104 slavi 15 letnico West Allis, Wis. — Društvo "Združenje" št. 104 SNPJ bo praznovalo svojo 16 letnico z zanimivo veseloigro v soboto večer dne 17. aprila v Delavski dvorani (Labor hall) na 68th in National ave., West Allis. Petnajst let obstanka našega društva odkar je pod okriljen SNPJ, pomeni petnajst let borbe za našo ubogo delavsko paro. Potom njega se je nagovarjalo in učilo kako je treba skrbeti zase kulturno, duševno in gospodarsko. Zato pa ne smemo pozabiti te proslave dne 17. aprila. Obenem pa uljudno vabimo vsa okoliška društva iz Milwaukeeja In West Allisa ter vse ostalo občinstvo, da nas posetite na ta dan. Sedaj pa še par besed našemu članstvu! Ker bo ta dan naJ dan, dan društva "Združenje" št*. 104 SNPJ, upa vaš odbor, da ne boste ostali doma, temveč da boste prišli na plan za svoje društvo ter tako pokazali, da ste lojalni Člani ter da je na vas naše društvo In naša organizacija lahko ponosna! Vsak Človek ima prijatelje, in te, prosimo, pripeljite s seboj! Cim več nas bo, tem več veselja in več zabave bomo imeli. Kaj vse bo na programu, bomo objavili pozneje v našem glasilu. Najboljše pa je, da se sami pridete prepričat. Pričakuje •e velika udeležba od našega občinstva. Joseph T. Turek, blagajnik. PIQ«VBT< ~ Domova veselica Verona, Pa.—Naš narodni dom bo priredil zabavo dne 20. marca v svojih prostorih na 312 Arch st. Vstopnina 25c za ženske in moške. Igral bo tamburaiki orkester iz Harmarvilla. Vabljeni ste vsi iz okolice. Odbor. T Godovanje Joietov in Pepc na 20. marca Clevelaajd, Ohio. — Naše pridne Pepce pri društvu "Napredne Slovenke" 137 SNPJ so ie zopet na delu, da se godovanje Joietov in Pepc dostojno proslavi. Ta običaj godovanja se je med našimi prijatelji in posetniki naših prireditev tako udomačil, da si skoraj ne moremo predstavljati leta, v katerem ne bi tega godu proslavljali. Ker nismo te prireditve še do sedaj naznanile, amo se morale že precej zagovarjati. Zato vam z veseljem naznanjam, da bo vse po starem: izvrstna domaČa zabava kot vedno, okusna večerja in za plea nam bodo igrali priljubljene plesne komade bratje Germ, ki nas znajo vsestransko zadovoljiti. prednih Slovenkah" v soboto večer 20. marca v prizidku SND. Vhod s 65. ceste. Vstopnina je prosta. Le pridite! Čim več nas bo, bolj bo luštno! V imenu vseh Pepc pri "Naprednih" vas vabi, Josephine Močnik, predsednica. Ganglova drama r- Pittsburghu Pittsburgh, Pa. — Pevsko in dramsko društvo "Prešeren" u-prizori zanimivo Ganglovo štiri-dejansko dramo "Sin" na odru Slovenskega doma na 67th in Butler v nedeljo 21. marca ob 2. popoldne. "Prešeren" uljudno vabi vse prijatelje lepe drame. Se posebej vabimo naše tukajšnje in okoliške rojake, da pridejo pogledat to lepo'žaloigro, tako da ne bodo v dvorani samo oddaljeni rojaki. Pridite vsi od bliža In daleč! Igra zahteva obilo truda in dela od strani igralskega oao-bja, zato pa jih naplačajmo s našo udeležbo. Kajti v največje zadoščenje jim bo, ako bodo videli v dvorani mnogo občinstva. Pod-pirajmo jih pri njihovem težkem delu za povzdigo izobrazbe in kulture! ' l ' Odbor. I NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 2alostni in potrtih src naznanjamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem širom Amerike tužno vest, da smo izgubili iz naše srede za vedno našega dragega soproga in očeta ANTON SUSTERSIC* Umrl je v nedeljo dne 28. feb. 1937. Rojen je bil v Verdu pri Vrhniki dne 7. junija 1884. V Ameriki je bil 34 let. Pogreb se je izvršil iz hiše žalosti na Oak-wood pokopališče v Waukegan, III., dopoldne dne 3. marca 1937. Društva "8!oga" št. 14, 8.N.P.J., ter Slov. Samostojno Podporno društvo "Waukegan-North Chicago", katerih je bil pokojnik član, sta mu skupno z društvom "Moška Jednakopravnost" št. 119 S.N.P.J., ter društvom "Little Fort" št. 568 S.N.P.J., priredila lep in dostojen pogreb, katerega se je udeležilo veliko število članstva in drugega občinstva kot v znak prijateljstva do pokojnika. Dolžnost nas veže, da se gori "Snubeči" na koncertu v Wau-keganu Waukegan, III. — Pevski zbor Slovenskega narodnega doma priredi svoj pomladanski koncert na velikonočno nedeljo, dne 28. marca, ob 3.46 v SNPJ. Vstopnina v predprodaji samo 35c. Vstop- navedenim članom društev naj-nice se dobijo pri zborovih čla- iskreneje zahvalimo za tako lenih. Koncertni program bo iz- po prireditev sprevoda, za pre-redno bogat in zanimiv. Vsebu-! skrbo nočnih čuvajev in za vse ie slovenske in angleške pesmi, drugo kar spada k temu. Prl- Mlada dekleta bodo zapela srčna hvala tudi pevcem prejš-znano rusko Rdeči sarafan, v ka- njega pevskega društvs "Ljub-teri se izraža dobršen košček slo- Ijanlca", ki so ga obiskali ob njs-vanske filozofije o življenju. Naj- govem mrtvaškem odru, ter mu bolj privlačna sila pa bo enode- zapeli par milih pesmic v zad-janska spevoigra "Snubeči", de- nje slovo. Lepa hvala vsem. ki lo znanega našega kulturnega de- ste dali svoje avtomobile nfe raz-lavca Berlisga iz DetroiU. Je ml- polago in vozili, kakor tudi vsem, čna in zabavna, prepletena z zna- ki ste ga obiskali ob njegovi ranimi popevkami. Ima sedem pri- kvi in vsem, ki ate ga spremili rorov. ki bodo ugajali sleherne- na njegovi zadnji poti ne mlro-mu posetniku. Poleg te domače dvor. Srčna In lepa hvala vsem. operete bo nastopil tudi naraščaj ki «te nam nudili pomoč in to-! v modemih plesih. lažbo v url žalosti. Sploh lepa Obenem vas opozarjam na ve- hvala vsem skupej in za vse. liko pomladansko pevsko slav- Hvala lepa tudi našemu sloven-no«t ki se bo vršila na Wauke- skemu pogrebnlku g. Jos. Negami dne 9. maje. ko bodo gosto- manlchu. ki je vse tako Izvrstno vali na odru SND pevski zbori vredil v našo popolno zadovoljit Chicaga. Mllwaukeeja in La.noat. Ml ga toplo priporočamo Salla Odločite se že sedaj, da vsem Slovencem v tej okolici, pridete v nedeljo •• maje v Wau- Tebi dragi soprog In oče pa kegsn i« vseh naselbin. Ta prlll- telimo: počivaj v miru in lahka tka da bi slišali toliko slovenskih naj TI bode tuja temljice Zalu-pevskih t borov hkrati, ee ne nu- Joči ostali: Marije ftušUršlč, so-d i vsako setono. Več o tem po- proga; Ernest In Anton ml., si-z ne je. R«dolf Skala. IZKAZ DOHODKOV IN IZDATKOV BOLNIŠKIH SKLADOV od I. julija do 31. decembra 1936 •f Receipts and DUbsrsrmenU of Bick BsntfU Fund h from July 1 lo IfecrmlMr II, IMS VPUAČANO — larLAČANO -----U--VI R». 60. K.. II R«. II R» •» Sku,..) V|ii«j«uu I ' nova, Waukegan, III.—(Adv.) (Daljo ae ft. ftrael.) r t PB OS Glasovi ins. m Faiizem na Primorskem in X »»• v Španiji r - Starokrajski liati apet la men ti rajo nad novo slovensko trtvijo iUlijanskega fašizma. Sredi februarja je umrl t bolnišnici v Gorici mlad rojak LoJJfc Bratuž na posledicah groznih muk, katere se mu prisadjali fašisti pred poldrugim mesecem, ko ao tnu nalili v usta smrdljivega olja za malo in pomešanega z bencolom. Bratui je umrl zs;zaatrcpljenjem jeter. Bratui Je bil učitelj, pevovodja in organist. Njegova zadnja aluiba je bila v Podgori in tamkaj je izvriil protifašistični "zločin" s Um, da je na zadnji božič pel v cerkvi neko slovensko narodno božično popevko. Podivjani Julijanski fašisti so ga Ukoj prijeli in ga sa U "zločin" kaznovali s tem, da so mu s silo nalili v ielodec smrdljivega olja pomešanega a atrupenim bencolom. Ko je airomak umrl na poaledicah Uga mučenja, je fašiatična policija odpeljala njegovo truplo v mrtvašnico in ni dovolila blizu nikomur, niti njegovim domačim, niti njegovi ieni. Nekaj domačih je moralo a silo udreti v mrtvašnico, da ao za hip obsull truplo mučeni-ka a cvetjem, nakar ao fašiati tajno, aredl noči, pokopali truplo. Kar je pri Uj aferi najznačilnejšega, je to, da fašiatična posvetna in CERKVENA oblaat na Goriškem molče odobrava to mučenje In U umor! Nihče ni bil aretiran, daai so muči-Ulji znani oblaaUm! Nobena lokalna oblaat, posvetna ali cerkvena, še ni javno obžalovala Uga zločina! Namesto tega je nadškof Margot-ti, kl vodi goriško nadškofljo In— odkar so fašisti nekam pregnali škofa Fogarja—triaško škofijo, odredil nove .teroristične metode zoper slovenski jezik in Slovence na Primorskem. Program nadškofa Margottija. kakor Muaaolinija in oaUlIh fašiatov, je, da ae morajo primoraki Slovenci in Hrvatje zlepa ali ZGKDA preleviti v Italijane In fašiaU! Iz tega je jaano, da v Italiji ni več nobene razlike med političnim in cerkvenim fašizmom. Kdor ni fašlat in lUlljan, je teroriziran, preganjan in mučen ne glede na to, kdo je—navaden delavec ali kmet. aH učitelj ali katoliški duhoven. Prav Uko nI danea nobene razlike več med političnim, vojaškim in cerkvenim fašizmom v Španiji, kolikor Je še Španija pod peto Muaao-lini-Francovega fašizma. Krvoločni Muasolinl-jev fašizem, kl na krut In barbarski način zatira Slovence in Hrvate na Primorskem, je korenito prekvasil španake upornike in z železno peatjo neusmiljeno zatira vae, kl ae mu nočejo podati. General Franco a avojo španako ban do vred je le hlapec Mussollnlja. Muasolinl je diktiral ipanski puč, kakor je avstrijakega na Dunaju leU 1K14! Muasolinl Je poslal iUlijanake letalce v španski Maroka ša pred Izbruhom Fnuicovega upora v začetku Julija 1936! (ki takrat Muiuioiini neprestano pošilja svoje čete v Španijo, dokler nI njegova armsda na ftpan-akem do danes narasla čez 50,000 mož I Isti kryplok Musaolini, ki je odgovoren za umore tlaočerih rojakov In za neštete terori-atične, barbarske Čine doma In v Avstriji, Je tudi odgovoren za zversko klanje preko 100,000 Spancev. med katerimi je čez 10.000 žena in otrok! — _ Voditelji alovenskega katoliškega mnenja v atari domovini in Ameriki kajpada enoatavno ignorirajo vlogo Muaaolinijevega fašizma v Španiji — kakor dosledno ignorirajo vlogo Italijanskega cerkvenega fašizma na Primorskem! Tako so namočeni v atrupeni rimski propagandi proti "komunismu", katero apretno bruhaU Musaolini in Vatikan, da ao alepi in gluhi za vae, kar ae dogaja pod angeljako manko prokle-tega iUlijanskcga fašizma;—nočejo videti ao-delovanja in soodgovornosti fašistične katoliške duhovi*!»* pri terorju na Primorskem, nočejo videti dejstva, da Je "civilna" vojna na španskem od začetka do danm MussolinlJevo delo. pri katerrm mu (»omaga tudi Hitler in mednarodna brigada pravih prostovoljcev, med katerimi je na stotine pregnanih in poštenih primomkih Slovencev, jim je "banda kriminalcev"! . . . Tako so ti alovenaki katoliiki voditelji slepi In zakrknjeni, da ne bodo izšepeUli niti besedice protesta proti terorju fašističttr cerkve na Pri mor» krm, pa magari U cerkev požene vse naše Primorce v lir«verstvo— kar tudi dela. in bolj uspešno kot bi mogla vsaka komunistično-ateistična kampanja, kar \m z NAftHGA STA-UKA menda edina dobra posledica tega terorja I — Toda katoliiki propagandUti. ki vedoma ali nevedoma |>od|»ira)o ta teror, bodo «|»rt rekli, . (UaU» t •«Priporočila društva U Bridgeport. O. — Društvo IS 8NPJ priporoča aledeče prihodnji konvenciji: Načelna izjava naj osUne kakor je, prav tako tudi aplošno glasovanje. Člani gospodarskega odaeka, ki inve-atirajo jednotin denar, morajo biti popolnoma vešči v Um podu, to je morajo biti zmoini In razumeti finančne stvari. Ta od-aek naj kupuje najbolj varne bonde ne glede na velikoat obresti. ProsveU, ako je mogoče, naj izhaja vaak dan, to je tudi ob ao-boUh. Glede paaivnoati naj ae bolj strogo postopa. Pristopnina za nove člane. Bolniška podpora ae naj prične plačevati četrti dan bolezni, In alcer tudi v elučajih spolne bolezni. Za zlomljen hrbet naj se plača polna odškodnina, ako zdravnik doiene, da je 66% neraben. naj bi imele niti na prihodnji konvenciji. Ako bi bilo več hladne krvi, več bi ae doseglo in tudi v krajšem Času. Delegat je v ospredju ao navadno vedno na nogah in debatirajo o vsaki atvari. Imajo peč bolj namazane jezike. Delegatje, ki pridejo z dežele, ao bolj zakreaa* ni in tudi bolj mirne krvi. Večinoma le poslušajo, da gre delo hitreje naprej. Tisti, ki več upi-je, je deležen več demokracija kakor pa tisti, ki mimo posluša. Bloki so tudi nekaj krivi, da se konvencije zavlačujejo. Ce hočemo biti v resnici bratje in ee-stre, delajmo skupaj. Ce to storimo, bo šlo delo hitreje izpod rok in konvencija bo prej končana. Loale Mahkovtz, 862. Za sobotno številko Proevete Cleveland, O. — Od časa do časa se v Prosveti pojavi kakšen dopisnik, ki izraža, da bi rad vi<-, del, da bi ProeveU izhajala tudi ve£' ob soboUh, kakor je pred depra- ^fi^^u/im.'in danes V si jo. Prepričan sem, da je mno-¿2? naj W gla-'*o Ukih naročnikov, med njimi t^JrJ^J^n^S^IJ» Časopis, ki ti ugaja, je Z ^^¡^¿U^jednoto^o mS'podobnegs kakor opij ali MZ754» večje dalja-1 P*, " ~ 2?TShSJE «rilna «SjiKboU pust dan v Udnu, toda Sti S da Jih Soltemu ni vzrok "katzenjammer" današnja 5 •» ^lue mondsy", ampak - ker hudo zmešana. Za društvo 13, Joaeph Snoy, Martin Potnik. Frank Vočko, John Kocjanclc. 0 volltvl delegatov Carllnville, III. — Vaeakozl zaaledujem priporočila In razmo-trivanje o prihodnji konvenciji SNPJ. Tudi jaz aem imel nekaj priporočil, namreč za izboljšanje bolniške podpore in zvišanje ne-kaUrih operacijskih odškodnin. Prav Uko tudi za izboljšanje pravil mladlnakega oddelka. Ker pa Je to delo že izvršeno in spremembe zanešene v provizorična pravila s atranl glavnega odbora, ml torej drugega ne preosU-ja kakor doUkniti ae konvencije. Četrta točka konvenčnega Člena ae sedaj glaai: Vaako društvo, ki ŠUje ato ali več članov, je to-pravlčeno do enega delegiU, društvo, ki šteje 250 ali več članov, pa do dveh delegatov. Nobeno društvo nI upravičeno do več ko dvsh delegatov in nobena skupina društev do več ko enega dele-gaU. Ta točka naj se črta iz pravil In nadomeatl s aledečlm: Vaako društvo, kl šteje 1. JaimaTja konvenčnega leU 200 ali več dobro-stoječih članov, sme poslstl enega delegata na konvencijo; vaa ko društvo, kl ŠUje 500 ali več članov, pa dva delegaU; društva, kl se morajo sdruilti za do aego potrebnega ŠUvlla članov ne več ko enega delegaU; nobeno društvo pa ne več ko dva de legaU. Točka dve IsUga člena, tikajoča ae združevanja manjših drušUv v avrho izvolitve delegs-U, naj ae črU In nadomesti sledečim: Gl. predsednik naj konvenčnega leU Izvrši združitev vseh manjših društev sa dosego potrebnega ŠUvlla članov in izvolitve delegatov. Točka tri UUga člena pravi, da ame biti delegat ta redno ali izredno konvencijo le tlatl član, ki Je zmošen člUnJa in pi sanja. To je malenkostna atvar Namalati avoje ime sns vaak. čita pa lahko tako. da samega sebe ne razume. K Umu naj se Ae doda. da mora biti član v rea nicl za napredek in pokazati, kaj Je ie storil za SNPJ. Ako se dodajo še te točke k pravilom, bo večja zadovoljno»t med članstvom In manj oporekanja s strani nekaterih dru-Atev. kl sedaj vprašujejo glede spoeobnoeti delegaU. Vem. da ae bo kateri oglasil soprr «tik-tatorstvo, toda to aem napisal is laatnih izkušenj In praktlčn^s ne pride U dan ProsveU v hišo. Val delavci, ki so plačani od kosa, prihajajo domov s dela navadno zelo utrujeni. To se godi tudi z menoj. Z utrujenostjo pa je Uano zvezana slaba volja, ali ko zagledaš v poštni akrinjiei avoj priljubljeni čaaopis, tedaj U spreleti nekaj prijetnega, in ko kmalu nato pridno prebiraš, se utrujenost in slaba volja kar neksm rszgubiU, in svet je zopet bolj InUrezanUn in sveUl.- Seveda, če ae jaz Uko počutim, to ni važno, toda prepričan sem, da je veliko naročnikov ProsveU, ki gredo skozi isto kakor jaz. Brez dvoma je veliko naročnikov, ki pogrešajo sobotno številko Prosvete, zato je že čaa, da publicijskemu odboru SNPJ v najdemo pot, ki bi to omogočila^ Clevelandu! — de nikdar niaem Ena pot je: več naročnikov. Po mojem mnenju bi to lahko' dosegli, saj ima ProsveU za seboj organizacijo, ki ŠUje lepo število članov, poleg Uga pa je tudi vsak društveni Ujnik sa atopnik Prosvete. Druga pot: več oglaaov. Na društva bi se moralo vztrajno a-pelirati, da je njihova morali)s dolžnost objaviti vsako svojo pri-rediUv, ne samo v obliki dopisa, ampak tudi v obliki oglaaa. Nadalje: člani SNPJ — aeveda tudi pri drugih organizacijah — hitro umirajo, aH le malo zahvalnih oglaaov ae vidi v Proaveti, medtem ko jih drugi listi bolj pogoatoma prinašajo. O Um bi bilo dobro razmišljati. Tretja pot: po aedanjih pravi lih prejme vaak član po en izvod uradne številke ProaveU, za katerega plača lOc meaečno. Ra zumljivo Je, če za nekaj plačaš, da si do tiaUga tudi upravičen, toda v našem primeru je to pravilo neamlaelno, je direktna po-traU denarja. Kaj drugega naj atori družina, katera ima recimo štiri člane v organizaciji, in vaak član dobi avojo uradno ŠUvilko, kakor da a tremi zavijejo lunč ... O tem js ie čas, ds ae nekaj u-krene, aeveda tako ukrene, da bo v korist članstvu in Proeveti» Zakaj se ne bi vsaki druiini pošiljala samo ena ŠUvllka. denar pa, ki ga plačajo oatall člani dru-iine, ae naj bi preneael v tlakov-ni fond, v primeru pa, da se pri to. Ali ne bi bilo stokrat bolj pametne, da bi šel U denar v tiskovni fond 7 CetrU pot: Med uradom SNPJ in uradom ProaveU bi morala biti stoodstotna kooperacija. Kakor hitro dobi Ujništvo jednoU obvestilo, ua je član umrl ali pe izstopil iz organizacije, bi moralo takoj o Um informirati tudi upravništvo glasila, da se uradna ¿tevilka dotlčniku takoj usUvi. Res, da je to nsloga društvenih tajnikov, toda težko je pričakovati uradniške točnosti od ljudi, ki so večinoma preprosti delavci in jim gredo take stvari počasi od rok In se vsled Uga često zgodi, da odlašajo, potom pa pozabijo. Primer: LeU 1961 sva živela s prijateljem F. v isti hiši. Oba sva prejemate uradno ŠUvilko, kmalu nato pa sva se selila vsak v svoj kraj, on pa je tudi izstopil iz 8NPJ, ker ni mogpl več plačevati aaeamenU. Lani ps sem se slučajno oglasil v tisti hiši, in glej, na mizi sem videl Prosveto naslovljeno na mojegs bivšega aoatanovalca, ki ni član jednoU že zadnjih pet let. Ako je čaaopis prihajal pet let, na vaako leto 52 kopij, in če računamo kopijo 2c, potom to znese $5.20. Jaz sem tedaj obvestil dotičnega Uj-nika o zgoraj navedenem primeru, all je on potem glasilo ustavil ali ne, ne vem, toda sedaj, ko aem se na to spomnil, me ima, da bi šel tja pogledat. Iz vaeh teh primerov sledi, da je potrebno, ds smo bolj ekonomični, in potom bomo lahko zopet nazaj dobili sobotno ŠUvilko ProsveU, kl jo mnogi zelo pogrešajo. ■ Dovolj za danes. Prihodnjič spregovorim nekaj beaed, kako se bi lahko ProsveU bolj popularizirala. Se nekaj: Ako sem v svojih izvajanjih zašel ali se zmotil, po-Um se me naj koregira, zakar bom hvaležen. Mllaa Medvešek, (5). Konvenčnemu odbora! Fort Lyon, Colo. — Naslednje vrstice naalavljam kon venčnemu publicijskemu odboru SNPJ Slišal slovenske peaml po rsdiu, zato bi rad videl, če se bi dal kon-venčni radioprogram Uko aranžirati, da bi ga oddajale tudi radijske postaje po zapadu, na pri mer posUja KOA v Denver ju« kajti večina prejemnikov podnevi ne more dobiti direktna zveze s Clevelandom. Vsled tega pri poročam bolj pozno uro zvečer oziroma ponoči, ali pa splošno radijsko omrežje (national network system), v kaUro j« vklju Čena tudi označena posUja KOA, dalje poeUja KSL v Salt Lake City ju, KFI v Los Aiigelesu itd. Potem pa naj se bi v Prosvet pravočasno naznanil čaa in ime postaje, Uko da bomo tudi m na zapadu imeli enkrat priliko slišati alovenske govore In pa melodije naše slovenske pesmi. Upam, da se bo to dalo Isvesti* Pozdrsv! Joseph Marala, 3*1. Kampanja sa nove člane Waleenbarg, Colo. — Na zadnji aejl društva Srebrna gora št. 299 SNPJ v Uj naselbini je bilo aprejetih več važnih predlogov v korist društvu In jednotl. Prvi je, da ae enkrat to leto vrši piknik za mladlnakl oddelek. S Um smo poksssli, da amo za našo bodočnost. .Sprejet je bil tudi predlog, da društvo razpiše kampanjo za pridobivanje novih članov v oba oddelka. V U namen bo društvo plačalo iz svoje blagajne en dolar sa vaakega novega člana SREDA, 17. M A Prt starega kraja je sa nami. In ako hočemo, da bo jednoU oetala na trdni podlagi, moramo nekaj ato' riti. Najbolje je torej, da vaak pove svoje mnenje na prihodnjih društvenih sejah. Ed Tomsic, 299. Za ea bolniški sklad Mihraakee. — Bolniški skladi pri jednoti res niso danea v slabem položaju, toda kljub Umu se mi zdi, da bo bolniška podpora najbolj pereče vprašanje na prihodnji konvenciji. Rekel sem že in še rečem,, da bo to resnica, dokler bomo imeli več razredov bolniške podpore. In to predvsem zato, ker v nižji rszred spadajo mladi člani, v višje pa sUri in v slučaju bolezni so prepuščeni vsak sebi. Apeliral sem na waukegansko konvencijo in tudi na zadnjo, da uvede samo en bolniški sklad, v katerega bi vsi enako plačevali in v slučaju potrebe iz njega vsi enako prejemali. Znali bi lahko, da so mladi člani, izvzemši nesreč, manj podvrženi bolezni kakor sUri člani. Ako bi bili vai v enem skladu, bi mlajši pomagali atarejšim. Kadar bodo pa tisti stari, ki so danes mladi, jim bodo pomagali pa drugi mladi Ako mladi člani dobno premislijo mojo sugestijo za en bolniški sklad za vae člane, ne bodo mogli oporekati, češ da bi se s Um škodovalo njihovim inUre-som, ker to bi bilo v poznejših letih njim prav tako koristno ka-korkor starim članom sedaj. Saj tudi oni posUjajo starejši z vsakim dnem. Držimo ae načela Kar la Marxa, ki je rekel: Delavci vaega sveta, združiU se, ker v združenju boste postali nepremagljiva sila! Mi pa ne moremo biti »druženi niti v braUki or ganizacijl . . . Strinjam se z glavnim bolniškim Ujnikom Lawrencom Gra-diškom, ki je nedavno piaal v Prosveti, da bo SNPJ prej ali slej primorana uvesti samo en bolniški sklad, v kaUrega bomo vsi enako plačevali in v slučaju bolezni iz njega vai enako prejemali. Samo v Um se z njim ne strinjam, ko pravi, naj se uvede samo en dolar dnevne bolniške pod pore. To je po mojem mnenju premalo še za najbolj varčne in skope člane, ker v bolezni je treba kupovati zdravila in plačevati zdravnika; poleg Uga bolnik potrebuje tudi boljše hrane, kar sUne denarja. In če ga bolnik nima, si ne more privoščiti boljše hrane, kar povzroča slabšan je njegovega položaja, oziroma se mu zdravje ne vrača tako hitro. MoJe mnenje je, ako se uvede samo en razred bolniške podpore, naj bo od 91.50 do $2, v vsakem alučaju pa ne manj ko $1.50. Gotov sem, da bi se noben član ne upiral nekoliko več plačevati, dokler je zdrav, da bo lahko v slučaju bolezni tudi več dobil, ker tudi več potrebuje. Joeeph Ule, 16. Odpravnina za atare člane U Salle, III. — Pričeli so se klici od sUrih članov na 11. konvencijo, naj kaj dobrega stori zanje. Nekateri člani so za to, da bi se članom, ki ao v jednoti 30 let in nimajo dela, izplačala odpravnina. Tudi jaz ae atrinjam z njimi. Sem pa zato, da dobi vsak član, ki bi zahtoval odpravnino, vsaj enega novega člana, ki bi zavzel njegovo mesto. Na U način bi jednoU dobila sa vaakega aUrega člana novega člana. Potem bi ne mogli reči: "Saj drugače ne dobim nič, da umrsm." Drugi zopet reče: "Ko bom aUr poeUI in ne bom mogel več plačevati, me bodo pa ven vrgli." To je ree žalostno ališati. Apeliram na vas, bratje in se- zadeti Člani ne bi strinjali a Um. odraali In pol dolarja za vaakega naj enoaUvno pišejo v urad Pro- novega člana v mladinaki odde-, ------------... _ avete In zahtevajo čaaopis, za lak. Kot je bilo že poročeno, je «trf. da o tem debatirate na dru- katerega plačujejo, in seveda se tudi okroina federacija SNPJ na štvenih eejah in v glasilu jedno- jim uatreie. Jaz mialim. da je sadnji seji aprejela enak zaklju- te —rraafc Caaa. 2. malo članov, kl bi hoteli imeti ček. taTW '-jil več kakor eno številko v hiši.1 Članstvo društva je naproše- ljyrwitA *'REPNI8TVA (To ae ie godi.—) no, da gre na delo. ker vsak do- Waukegan, m., J. J.: V dvora- Samo primer: V tovarni med, bi dva dolarja za novega člana,! ni na društveni seji ni upraviče-odmorom aem ČIU1 sredino šte- kl ga pridobi v odraali in en do- na agitacija za niti proti kaaZ vilko Prosvete, ko se mi pribliia lar sa šiana a mladinski oddelek datom sa delegata Privatne a stallšte. Pri izbiranju delegatov sodelavec po narodnosti Nemec -- polovico vsote od federacije gi tac i je zunaj seje pa ne moro pri nekaterih društvih velja sa i~ !,n ^^ društva. S tem nihče preprečiti H | mo prijateljstvo in osebnost, a- K*J P°,na* u l,llt7 ®*m I» "mo Pokazali, da smo za napro- Creeted Butte Created Butte Colo P P * li Uko zvena mašlna. ne pa kva IN pfašal, on pa ml odgovori, da dek *»*tva in jednoU. Torej Zadevo pri HBZ morate poravi »Akacije. | ^ brafj#l.na " ln I"0** nati pri HBZ ProaveU. glasilo naacije. ------------ ;----. I ' """ — J" neu pri HBZ. ProaveU irlasilo Sedaj pa še nekaj o demokra- Slovenka), nato pa nejšo Slovensko narodno podpor- SNPJ, ae ne more vtikati v Uke konvenciji. Popolaom* s,....., ^^ JmŠM dr«* orgaaisaciie. « hr. urednikom glede liar* T* ••■•J n*"»be, «sr ne po trehnevM prerokanja In razburjenja. To, mialim, ne tr* laualak» to ae bi lahko krili dve tet ni naročniki na dnevnik, tisoč primerov pe znese f 1,200 »j na«vei ja. drugih podpornih organizacij. ni na-ilmj Ä^Ä Ukih j ne in kako dobili mladino v na- Z na le- še vrste, kajti priseljevanje iz aislcije. Zakon za socialno zaščito se izvršuje ^ Prvi čeki iz socialno-varnostnih skladov se nedavno odpoalali K Waahingtona v 2 ? isv. To je bil zaČeUk največjega JoL! dr JocUlno oskrbo, ki je bil kdaj'* Social Security Law prizadene milijon. ^ Uvcev - od predilnic v New England^ voaekov na Severotapedu. Dotika se t>2Ž' naatotiaočih delodajalcev. VsakXS prihsja v pošte v. Milijarde dolarjev boT vaeh koncev in krajev dežele tekle v Zli federalne zakladnice v Waahington. V S letih bodo milijarde dolarjev začele Wekat^ zakladnice v žepe milijonov delavčevem Brezpoaelnoatno zavarovanje Zavarovanje proti brezposelnosti je brfkon* najbolj poglavitno poglavje zakona za «ocuin« zaščito ((Social Security Law). Velja TZ deželo in ae že izvršuje. Začenši od 1. januari» 1337 ae od vseh delodajalcev, ki zaposlujejo osem ali več delavcev, pobira davek od 1% na vae izplačane mezde. Davek se kasneje povito na 2% in bo od 1. 1939 naprej znašal Posamezne države Imajo pravico uzakoniti svoje lastne poeUve za aavarovanje proti bret-poselnosti. Ako njihove pofrtfve odgovarjajo minimalnim zahtevam generalnega zakona, bodo U države mogle pridržati devet desetink davkov na mezdah za svoje laatne nezaposlen-ce. Dosedaj je osem držav uzakonilo svoje laatne poeUve v Um pogledu in slični zakonski predlogi so na dnevnem redu v drugih drtavah. Ceni se, da bo brezposelnostni zavarovalni zakon pokrival 17 milijonov delavcev. Mogoč« je, da poedine države ztorijo še bolje kot federalni zakon. Tale ne uključuje poljedelskih delavcev, hišne zlužlnčadi In naaUvljencev verskih, dobrodelnih in prosvetnih organizacij. Newyorfki brezposelnostni zavarovalni zakon pa sedaj uključuje vsa podjetja, ki zaposlujejo štiri ali več delavcev. Pomoč potrebnim sUrcem Zakon za socialno zaščito rešuje vprašanje pomoči potrebnim starcem nš dva načina: Najprej poekuša olajšati Ukoj težave onim, ki so sedaj 96 ali več let sUri. Ceni ae, da imamo v Združenih državah več ko 7,000,000 oseb, kl imajo več ko 66 let in da približno polovica istih je gospodarsko odviana. Vsska država, ki odgovarja federalnim predpisom, bo od federalne vlade dobivala znesek, ki odgovarja polovici njenih stroškov za pomoč sUrcem. Federalna vlada bo torej prispevala državam polovico vaakega dolarja potrošenega v to svrho, ne bo pa prispevala več kot $16 na mesec za nobenega posameznika. f>rugi del programa gleda v bodočnost in ima svrho zavarovati pred potrebami sUrosti one, ki nimajo še 66 let, Uko da bodo mlajii delav-ci dobivali gotov dohodek čim doseiejo staroit 66 let. Začenši od 1. januarja Uga lete ae pobira davek od kakih 26,000,000 delavcev in njihovih delodajalcev. Davčni odstotek znaša xa-četkoma 1% in bo končno znašal 3%; od 1.1942 naprej bodo začenjala plačila upravičenim posameznikom. Po tem načrtu bo najmanjša pokojnina znašala $10 in najvišja $86. Visokost zneska bo odvisna od dolgoeti zavarovalne dobe. Najvišjega zneska bodo deleini oni delavci, ki so ie mladi in so ravnokar začeli delati. Na dru|i strani, ako je kdo tokom deaetih let po 1. 19* zaalužil po $160 na mesec Ukom 10 let, bo po staroeti 66 let začel dobivati po $40 na meiac kot sUrostno pokojnino. Ako pa zaaluii isto še nadaljnjih 16 let, predno doseže 68. leto. ba upravičen do pokojnine $47.60 na mesec. Druge odredbe socialno-varnostnega zakona določajo federalne priapevke za odvisne otroke, za zdravstveno pomoč maUram in detetom m za oekrbo slepcev.—FLIS. Pred drajtetimi leti (Iz ProeveU z dne 17. marca 1917.) Domače vesti. V Roundupu, Mont., j« umrU rojakinja Alojzija Zadnik v ztarosti 36 let. zs-puščajoča moža in štiri otroke. U gi arada SNPJ. Društvo Bratetvo it i Morgan, Pa., je iniciatiralo predlog, da se kon-venčni odbor za pravila odpravi in naj gl nik aeaUvi nova pravila. Delavake veati. Zelezničarske unije m »P* zagrozile s sUvko, če ne dobe oeemurniks. Svetovna vojna. Angleži in Francozi v novi ofenzivi na zapadni fronti. Raaka revotadja. Iz Londona poroisjo. ^» revolucionarna vlada v Petrogradu še nima tro-nih tal. Kljub Umu je Petrograd popolnoms» rokah revolucionarjev, ki atraiijo Carsko v katerem ee nahaja carinja s svojimi Car-Nikolaj se nahaja v Pakovu. odkoder F odhitel v Petrograd. da se "pomiri" s uporms» generali in dumo. (Dalj» la wr* festeaa.) da smo mi hinavci in "paaji lofičerjr. ker ^ aojamo U teror celo nad verniki Yea. mo ga prav*tako iakreno. kakor obeojamo nad brezverci! Prodanci Rima naj pe kleps« kar hočejo, kajti pride čas, ko ss bomo nint) mi — ne oni. ._____— —-— 17. MARCA "V* prosv bta Podpora« iodooto IT. v drimri 1007 J04 , Art.. Chicago, IIL — TOL Rockwell 4004 u glavni odbor s^ju. UPRAVNI OD8BK: —. „ r^m®dnik.......8. Lawndale Aven Chicago, III cainka®, pred«*» ............Uwndala Ava., Chicago, IIL «niCENT CAINKAK, pnj« -- - — ;2W7 g Uwndata Av., Chlcafo, IIL S* A ¿oL odd.2^67 8. Lawndalo Av.., Chicago, IIL SíBENCE GRAUI8H»., »J. ........Zfl67 S. Lawndal. Ava., Chicago, «L «¡i'V0GR1CH, fL .......2667 S. Lawadal. Ava., Chlcafo, IIL 2S G0D1NA, ,MB7 S. Uwndal. Av.., Chicago. IIL JOHN moLEK, ^ —0¡)B0BNIKIí . . nodDredsednlk.......W« E. 74th St., Cleveland, a FIANK SO-RAK .1007 í. 109th St., Cleveland, O. JOHN E L°KAK JB' GogpoDARSKI ODSEK: inrw nrJdiednik............«M 151 * St.. Cleveland, O. MATH PETRO^CH P^nlJi ...... s«neoa Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. jJlHONY CVETKOVICH.......^ g ^^ CUwndon Hllle, IIL ................•.....poROTNI ODSEK: . „ , .nik ............414 W. Hay St., Springfield, HI ,0HN GOElEK. predsednik.. . ..................Box 27, Anna, Kan. 4KT0N ................... .................^ 257, Strabene, Pa. .......................................Box ei. Parkhin, Pa. VtANK PODBOJ...........mil Miukoka Ava. Ctov.la.id. 0. ^NKBAKBICH.......NADZORNI ODSEK: , .nik ......2801 8. Uwndal. Ava., Chicago, IIL FIANK ZAITZ. predsednik........ ^......u ^^ Ptrkt p^, flL ptED MALGAI. • • • .................................4lg ^ gt Ev.leth, Minn. ¡S&fi ^ y -1*«. * SLi^íSiia. mink «I ü mTírróíBK «w. M**«* * »»• ^ Offlco Detroit, Mlch. — Članstvu drufttva 711 SNPJ! Stovana bračo i aestre: Posivate se na druitvenu redovitu sjednicu, koja če se odriavati u nede-1 ju 21. marca u 10. sati isjutra u Hrvatskom Domu, 1329 E. Kirby ave. Ne saboravite, da je ova sjednica vai-na i potrebna sa cjelokupno članstvo; na ovoj sjednici budemo hirali delegata aa 11. konveneiju SNPJ. Zato je potrebno, da su svi članovi prisuti na ovoj sjednici. — Umoljavaju ss članovi, ko j i su primill tikete sa večerin-ku putom poftte, da se isravnaju sa tajnikom Čim prija, tako da moremo dovrliti račun. ioe. Mihsljevich, tajnik. Mj se a^fllele son¡---P U..aakai»a.a Avella, Pa., ae Jpritoiila ^ IX>rotnj ^^ >, J, J« Ki upravni odnek od-'"'^ia. ilo odpravnine iz bol-Xa njenim pokoj- '¡•vni porovni je vzel • * na to zadevo n»- tZi* ''»tine tar skuial do-^ji v rw,nki »odi t ** i ko njenft »htevg C T[\- * porotnl ktol \ ntiti "'kakih do-• ^ ^ ««stri Dolinar po-k»kšna krivic* vsled 'Wiifiu, ly i») »i,* í^^^^ave dogna-J¡¡r k"' >* Porotal oéé '71 dirimí glaaovi protk «^tra iMiwtf. v smi- te odpravnine za pokojnim §opro-gom in a tem razveljavlja raz-Hodbo društvene porote in potrjuje odlok upravnega odieka. John GfiH P^dfi?: Anton dnlar, John TMnU» Frank PndboJ, Frank Bar-blch, porotniki. Organiziranje elektrarških delavcev v St. Low*u St. LouU, Mo. — United Elec-trical A Radio Workera unija je tukaj prideta kampanjo za organiziranje 20,000 delavcev, ki delajo v tovarnah za električne naprave. Pričela jo je » aedefo stavko in pfkntfrtnjem pri E-meraon Electric Mfg. Co. V tovarni je oatalo »00 delavcev, pred tovarno pa jih piketira 1600, Zahtevajo prignanje unije, odpravo akordnega aiatema. minimalno plačo 50c na uro, 10e Clevelsnd. O. — Is urada društva 12«: Vse članetvo tega društva ee vabi na prihodnjo sejo. ki se bo vr šila 21. marca v navadnih prostorih Pridite vsi, ki ste bili na seji ssdnjl mesec in vsi, ki niste bili ns seji. To velja sa člane in članice. Na prihodnji naj se člsnstvo saveds, kaj Je članska dollnost In ksj ni. Oposarjajo se vsi oni, ki trosijo rasne neresnične govorice glede isvolltve delegstov na zadnji seji, da vse take stvari, ako j« kaj narobe, prinesejo ns sejo, kaj ti le na sejah Je prostor, da se res-pravljajo društvene ssdeve. Tske stvsri naj se IsčlsUJo na sejah, ne dru gje. V Imenu morale se prosi vse član ■tvo, da se saveda tega v bodoče In ds skrbite sa napredek društve in Jed-note. — Nsdaljr vas opominjam ter obveščam, da v tem mesecu bom ss čel tirjatl sadetall dolg od čass paslv nosti članov. Kateri ste prisadetl, sto rite svojo dolinost napram društvu In Jednoti, kakor ie Je sa vas storilo New Brighton, Ps. - Posivajo M mi vsi člani In članice, društva M5, da JJ« gotovo vsi prid.j. na prihodnjo mJo, m< ki se bo obdriavala dne 21. marca ob m 2. popoldne na «00 12th st., N.w Brl- m ghton. Kajti to bo vrlo važna seja, na MJ kateri bomo volili delegsU sa 11. kon- JJ vencijo SNPJ. V to svrho se Je naie |T0 društvo sdruiilo s društvom 81« in «71 818. Vsled tega Imemo več kandlda- «JJ tov. Zato ste naprošeni, da prlsost- m vujete Uj seji Ur da glasujete In si m izberete delegata po svoji najboljši vi uvidevnosti. Im Barbara Vradiaa, Ujnica. West A Hiš, Wis. - Društvo Venera št. m SNPJ priredi domačo sabavo dne 10. aprila y Tamšetovl dvorani. Prosimo vsa ditištva in kluba, ki simpstisirajo s nami, da no prirejajo na isti dsn ¿vojlh obenem pa vsbimo vse, d* nas I poselite v velikem številu, kar bodo Venerčanke snals u-poštevsti in vmltl. ' " Za vesel Ičnl odbor: _________ . ...... Mary Masich. Juliet, Ul. r" Društvo 11« uljudno vabi vss svoje člane in članice, da se gotovo udeleiite saj. dn. 21. mar^ ob poldvoh popoldne,' kajti na UJ seji moramo isvollti delegaU sa prihodnjo konvencijo. Dolinost vsakega člana Je, da se udeleil te seje ln voli sa delegata. da ne bo spfit potem kritike češ, da "efcmo en par članov društvo rona." Prosim, pridite vsi ln Isvollte si takega delegaU, ki Je sposoben sa to delo, da bo gledal sa koristi članstva ln Jednote, ne samo da se gre postavljat, da Je delegat. Bes, da ae večkrat, ko pride delegat s konvencije, delegata krltlsira, da nI nič storil na konvenciji sa njihovo društvo. Kaj pa če Je kateri drugI delegat od katerega drugega društva priporočal leto stvar? Na U način ss bi konvencija le savlekla." Glavne stvar Je, ko so volitve sa rasne predloge, da sna voliti ta pravo stvar. To Je vstno! Se enkrat vas prosim, tla se stoodstotno udeleil-U seje In potem bo vee pravilno isvr-šenol — Obenem prosim vse tisto, ki imsto knjišice s listki sa grocerijsko nsročilo v vrednosti 25 dolarjev In ste listke prodsli, ds vrnete kuponi (stubs) ln dener ne kasneje ko 81. marca. KatoH sto bdi srečni s prodajanjem listkov, nas.anjam, da Imam na rokah še nekaj knjlilc. Prosim, da jih še nekaj prodate. Znano vam Je, da Je bilo na druitveni eeji eklenjeno, da vsak član eno knjlileo llatkov earn plača, eno ali val pa naj proda. Caea imamo samo še en meeeet Potrudite •e! Ako bodo vse knjiiiee prodane, bomo lahko ponosni na dobiček v korist društva. Torej ne po sa bi to na se-Jo In tudi ne aa bnjiileel Helen KtoraOa, tajnica. in YflA^fyP ~ ——- IlKtA Rat.10« Hu.|»[l«.l»|tatl»! »«H» »U. 10« Ha. 11 Ha. M __ aacaiPTs---( rArnaNta ^ 21 \ a^ 1 atol 1 Jü 1 Tlel Srn 1 ¡L \ .2- L^ J ......1 m-m .............. it.OOl ......I 110.10 ...... 100.10 ... IfJ M I ihopoJ "raT- M« •17 ■a Ml M7 1L in \ I «Mena pravil anus, waafaaja « n* zahtevane vao- nila na vae tovarne. zvtftnnje na uro, 10% vlljo pla- čo za nočno delo in 86-urni tednik. Kampanja «e bo rafteg Ml M4 1.10 1.10 1.10 111.10 11.10 4.M 1.40 tU M.ie tu» i4.ee ms 07.M OI.M tf.lt nje 1.40 lt in OJO to Tomi 11.00 iff.ee mj M. IT VtV.4 11.70 M.M 71.M 11.00 17.Ml 114.10 M7.I0 140.10 M.M 47.M I If.O. MS.M .••■to •4M ' 114 00 tIHt! • Ml M M.M 1M.00 Ml.10 7t.M M »0 Itt.M Ml.M 1I7.M 111.10 IM-M 4f.M IM.M I M.M 107 .M 147.10 ti 17.M Ni.to 114.M 144.M III.M tt .10 144.M Itt.M Itt.M mm lt.« m.mi 17.tU ' Vl.M 111.00 •tAl 14.M 44.M I07.SO IM.M Itt.M 171 .M ff.lt 140 Ml.fO tt7.lt M7.M 107.10 M. 40 104. M Mf.lt Mt.M 1II.M 1.10 I7.M tMM 4tll 6U M0.40 Mf.lt IM.M IM.tt 140.00 Ul.M Ml.M III.W Itt.M I It.M Ml.ff 114.10 «NS tO 4M.M 7..?t I40.M M1J0 lt0.su ■tri «o IM.M IM.M 14t.4t 11.70 IVf.fi Il4.7t IM.M UMt 114.11 4M.M IM.M 077Af •71.M 4H.7I Itt.M •M.M II« 10 tl.M ' 111.00 IU.M MM Itt.M llt.M 1.40 IM. i 10 tt.1 74. It.l 107 .M 4 It.M M7.M t m.M M.M IM .M M.M MÍO tt.4t llt.M 14.40 loi.te 4M.M •4.40 llt.M MM 1.10 ,,,,,,,,, MM ......... IHM M.M 1M.M ...... M.M MI.M tlt.M I .t....... Al« j ......... llt.M H ......... U.U i ......... 110.70 IMM lft'.fl 1 ao t o • o *«o 4t.ll I m.70 ftt.M 7I.M Mt.M M.M 1M.W M.M IM.oo 1I4.M IT4.M IM.M MM ....... IM.M MM ttlAt M.M IM.M Tt.M •m.m llt.M It.M p..... ftt.M lt1.fi 11 .M I ..i. l •47.40 IHM "Mil-IMS 110.00 is 00 M.M M.M M4.M M1.M 101A0 Hf.M 10.00 ihm MlAt n.M 4M.M I4I.M IM.M Ifl .M I4I.M 1I4.M Mt.M ' 'iti.fi IM.M IHM flMi Mt.M IMM .....«• Mt.M IM.M ttt.M IttAi Wm MM 1M.Ü Itt.M I4.M It.M II.M Mf.M ...... i MlAt tlt.M • 1111.. • i 410 00 M.M ai.i MOM ...... ih um IM.40 it.M 41 40 im. 111.10 ml m m,M IM.M llt.M IM.tt Ml M 1*4.1 4I.M 41 10 Itl.M 11 .M Mole IM.M IIO.I et M IMM 4I.M tlt-M 14 AO Ml imafl k «0; .......J toi.ee ii.m; si.ee tit ao o oe) ........ M M' ........ lit.ee m7o iioaei i4ss0 im.m g M 00 MM1 MM 117*0 llt.M' ssae M.M is' ml 10 ««I 1» •4M MM Itt.M NfAf ........^I IM.M .."•■"i ..'n 00 00 mao M.M' ........ SI oo IMAO' IM 00 IIS oo 14 M' MM1 Ifl M| imm tl.m IM se m40 loose IM>« MAol 14 Mo.ee: 171 10 14.1 1 111 0My the Jol-rhis affair with music furnished by Ray Meadows and his boys. April 24 is the date set b; ly A Ills for their dance. T1 will be held at the Labor hall. West Allis. May 24 marks the date of our annual May Ball. At the committee meeting held last Monday nite at Chairman John Obluck's home, final plans were laid out for this affair. Just what they are Is not yet knopm. but complete details will be given st a later date. The MIDWEST BASKETBALL AND BOWLING TOURNAMENT Is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, April 8 and 4. The Badgers will not enter a basketball team, but sre en tering some real bowling ta*«ML After it's all over, don't aay we dlfoX warn you. Those members who are Interested and have not aa yet signed up. kindly do ao at onee. Others who plan on attending this atfalr and hsve no way of getting there, leave your names with the Athletic board and steps will be taken to arrange this. Further discussions at the meeting tomorrow night. So until then. Fraternally yours. YOYO. » Sunflowers Mark 10th Anniversary Practical Jokers Time was when "practical jokers" were consider«! the "life of the party," whether in busi-nees or out in sods! events. That day. wp are thankful to aay. has departed along with the tin drinking cup and unguarded fly-l>elt. They were too dangerous to have around the house or factory. It uaed to be a great laugh to see some one's chair jerked out from under him, as he was about to sit. and let him crash to the floor. Of course he might develop an incurable spinsl injury, or internal trouble, as a result. That wasn't even thought of. Another "sure-fire" laugh was when one in the party got down on his hsnda and kneea behind the unsuspeeting one, snd the third psrty gave the innocent bystander a push, throwing him over backward. Mayt» he would hit his head on a t>iece of furniture. in the course of the joke, but the jokee-ters "never thought of that." Theae "practical" jokeators finally became a peat and we gradually became educated to a point where their abaence was found more desirable than their presence Since then the tribe has decreased—almoat to the vanishing point. It took us a long time to learn that pranks could be malicious—and injurious. Today, however, young and old are more and ItMiff learning to Think First—and Avoid That Jlasard. -T. V. M. ARMA. KANS.—April will mark the tenth year of the Sunflowers' existence, one of many trials and hardships intermingled with success. The past ten years have not been easy but through the efforts of msny of its members the Sunflowers has become one of the largest as well as the only English Speaking !<*>dge to withstand the depression In this part the state. This Tenth Anniversary would not be complete without having a celebration of eome kind, therefore the Hun-flowers are sponsoring a program and dance for this occasion, which will be held oa Saturday. April 10. the Slovene (Austrian) hall at Frontenac. Ksnaas. On our-program which will begin at 7 o'clock, we will have speakers both In Rngllsh and Slovene, reading*, musical numi-cr«. •Inging. and Up dancing. After the program there will be dancing te the melodious musk of Ernie Kolman and his Harmony Kings, a very popular Bohemian or chestra direct from radio station KFBI. Abilene. KaAaas. This fine orchestra will play old time polkas, waltses. snd modern tunes to delight both the young and old. We are aware of the fact that a program, no matter how well planned and performed, can not be a success without a good attendance, so We aft- psal to frff ear IliFT lodge members young and old and to all our friends to eome and enjoy and help celebrate this Tenth Anniversary of the Sunflower Lodge. Admission is only Iftc for ladies and 85 cents for vents. So please come one. come all. MARY GORKNCE. Lodge 600. The Jugoslav newspapers from abroad have just reported another dastardly crime committed by the Italian fascists upon a young Slovene in that coastal homeland which is a part of Italy since the World War. The young man, Louis Bratui, was guilty of an "unpardonable offense." He, being a teacher and organist, sang a Christmas folk-song in Slovene at the church last Christmas Eve. Upon leaving the church he was attacked by a group of fascists and forced to dring a large quantity of lubricating oil mixed with benzol. Last month he died in a hospital at Gorica, after a month and a half of terrible suffering, from poisoning of the liver. His body was rushed to the cemetery and secretly buried in the middle of the nijtfit without allowing his wife or anyone else to see him. ^ I This fascist murder, as thousands of others, has been ignored by the local fascist authorities at Gorica. Even the church is silent, although the victim was a good Catholic churchman. Instead of protesting againat the barbaric crime visited upon a good f hurch-brganist, the bishop of Gorica has at the same time issued a new order of repressions against the Slovene parishioners to ptamp out their native tongue in the church services. P This fact plainly shows that there is no difference in fascism of the state or of the Catholic church in Italy; the secular and church authorities work hand in hand in spreading faacism and destroying all and every opposition to It. It is even charged by the Jugoslav weekly paper, Istria, published at Zagreb, that some Italian faacist priests preach that "to be a good Christian one must be an Italian fascist . . This is repeated in Spain. Every walk of life in the territory controled by franco's fascist armies must extol the fascist idea, and anybody who will not conform to this idea is labeled a "communist." However, this condition in Spain should not be surprising jince—Mussolini is supreme lord there also. It was Mussolini, who instigated the civil war in Spain; it was he who shipped his airplanes and pilots to Spain before the outbreak of that strife last July; it is Mussolini, who since then is sending shipload after shipload of men and arms to Spain so that today he has there an army of some 60,000 men. There is, in fact, no civil war In Spain. The war being waged there for the last eight months is an undeclared war of fascist Italy against the Spanish democratic republic! And against this Italian fascist army the Spanish democratic government, elected by the majority of the Spanish people, is Istruggling for Its life with the aid of some groups of foreign anti-fascist volunteers among whom there are some hundreds of Slovenes from Primorje who have experienced the bloody Mussolini terror at home, and who, upon coming to Spain to help the poor Spaniards to remain free from similar terror—have found there the same old enemy: Mussolini's murderous black shirts! Such ¿re the black criipes of fascism. These black criipes are ^lready spreading over the greater part of Europe, and perhaps jdbe net far-off day they might reach America. Is democratic America doing anything to prevent this black plague? Not much—if we judge by the leading American press and other avenues of public opinion. Almost all the big dailies of thia country have great fun in depicting the exploits of Mussolini's murderers and robbers as well as of Hitler's; they give them all the free and glorifying publicity they want. And our own Catholic press appears to be their tail-end, especially in smearing and blackmailing the defenders of free Spain apd entirely ignoring the fascist nature of Mussolini's criminal attack tipon the Spanish republic. Moreover, our Catholic press also ignores the fascist crimes against their own religious breth-ern in Primorje, and it would not admit the terroristic deeds of the Italian clergy In the Coastland. Some future historian will be puzzled over this amazing attitude of an Institution which is trying its dardenest to make us believe that it represents nothing but goodness and the best virtuee ... ' Universal Comets UNIVKRftAU PA.—Not Win« con-lent with procuring Allegheny Val ley's No. 1 dance band as well ss (•••ing the beet dance hall in this locality, the committee in charge of the Comet«' Spring dance Is planning •t. innovation in "added danc* attrae-tlana.**.« Th* plans ef the eemmiltee have tdtecioeed only te the publicity agont* since this innovation ta \m be kept mere or lee* a ser«*« and •urprtM- The otilv advance Inform ttea are ran relay U the fart that the planned sèrprtee Is really going to He one •# the big ettrarthw»* of the evening Wr can alao •••are you that it «rili prove untieaallg asao*ing te Mhlsoktn as well as parttcipantA. tlite added at tract km Is |«it ene mare good reason why Universel thoaid be the *«tiaa\»B ef alt Westers fens- Cleveland News With a season of experience under our belt we expect to go further this year. All we ask you to do is wstch for snnouncement concerning the first practice session; it'll be soon! see In connection with the convention, the English 8peaking lodges of Cleve-land will stage a program and dance a team composed of girls from our .on Sunday, May 23. All the E8L CLEVELAND, O—Eager to start another successful season (and our boys expect It to be), the Federation »a ft bal I team held a preliminary «feting last Prfctav. March 12, to start the ball rolling. It was decided to enter teams in the MA" and «*•" division of the Interlodgo League. A discussion waa alao held to form •ylvan!a SNPJere en 8sturday, April t. That ceravan of Comet travelers, whkh lneklentally Includea mambers of the publtcit* eommitte. has made a number of stope at dtifarent SNPJ rommunitie« of late and are not be Ing too las in pubiiclstng the coming event. In fact thejr are mak Ing It tholr bostne« to eee (hat Information of the da are Ia spread Accordtng U» repeets. are ran espeet siseable groaps from Canonelturg. Moon Run. Coverdale. Verena. 1 m w renče* il ie. \ ti. |. t i'l|(e Rsport, HannarvUle. |f#r-miaie, and Claridge. .And local ledges. But this matur U tentative pending on the cooperation of o ur girls and the number responding. Girls desiring to play should drop a card to Prank Laurich. IMP E. «2 it., or to the writer at 10102 Way a*e. Members ef laat year's team and any SNPJ member In Cleveland who desires to play on one of the teams should. Without fall, attend an Ian- Crtant meeting on Thursday. March , at the Slovene National Home on St. Clair at 7:10 p. m. Do you re-member the memorable event of last year w^en the team had a grand time playing ia the Interlodg< League and nearly w I an In* the champion ship ... the impromptu affairs alter every gante ... oar trips out of town . . . winning the Detroit Invitational tournament What pleas-ant memories there ... TrUwtance. with the] |fce Cleve landers taking ever the Pie aid of a few Cosset Bnm—s. we may' aeers' bus la the wee hoars of the ho able to induce at least a few of morning, the picnic the sett day . . . tbe fair sex from Library and and the «eason climated with the Brighton to attend. ___ (Winning of the National Champion (Ala la ltklMM.1 I*» I .W.. (ConUaaod etf Pag« I) '•hip la Universal. Pa.. Uber day.— members on the committee should at tend sn important meeting Sunday, March 21, at 2:80 p. m.. at the St. Clair ave. Home without fail, fm-portant matters will be uken up— especially the election of of floors and sub-committees Please be there! eee To the Stragglers. April S and 4 sy mob Use a decade of progreM, and naturally a eause for jubilation. A rich program and several dances la the reealt. But do you know what Is Uking place between midnight on the Srd and dawn ef April 4? It's quite a mysury. but the "Stags at Dawn" (with apologias to.Stnngsl will fiad It tome thing worth coming a great disUnce. Something now . . , and how It win he different? So beware, they're coming* Who? . . . Why, the "Stags at Dawn"! eee Local lodges, reserve November C for the Beac*»' Ninth Aimivaraary Dance. Also November 12 for the Commotio roe' Dane* Pesttval JOHN AYNINK, Lodge «7, Advertising Achievements Miss Watkins, editor of the Fraternal (Royal) League News Letter, writes on "Advertising Your Fraternal Achievements" as follow« : It is a common practice for the average commercial newspaper to fill its pages with blar ing headlines of daring robberies, clever mur ders, gigantic swindles, rumors, spectacular divorce cases, except, perhaps, at, Chriatma» time when "the spirit of good will" prevails. The priceless space at their disposal is very seldom devoted to the Exposition of the good deeds of the world. Is it because there i« so little good to be found in the acts of men? I think not. It is, of course, because the unusual Is regarded as "news." It has been said by a well known publisher that 10% of the happenings of the day were sensational because of the scandal, horror or tragedy behind them, while the other 90% merely contained accounts of the achievements, and humanitarianism of man. Therefore, the 90% was not news and did not rate headlines. Though this same publisher decried such circumstances, he claimed he was powerless to do anything about it. In a personally conducted census which was taken to learn just how many people did read the News Letter, what portions they read and why, resultant statistics showed that about t5% of them did read some portion of the paper, but only 5% of them read the entire paper, while 70% read first, their own council an-nouncement, second, they looked at the pictures, and third, they read the "Jumble Box," the so-called "gossip" column of the paper. The! "Jumble Box" contains, besides amusing personal incidents which may occur, the fine things, the charitable acts, the instances of the practice of those fraternal virtues to which we have all pledged ourselves. Why would it not be advisable to print a column devoted EXCLUSIVELY to the publication of our good deeds? A short time back when tax suits were appearing against many of the fraternal insurance organizations and we were accused of being nothing more than old-line insurance companies, the crying need for proof of our •fraternalism was left very keenly. There was no doubt in our minds, we knew where men, women, and children had been aided in their fight for health, home andjiappiness. We spoke of homes for the aged, orphan homes, camps, sanatoriums and other similar institutions, but they were not enough. These institutions were supported by the parent body. What of the individual councils, lodges, camps and tents? What had they done? In our own society each local secretary was sent a long form on which to fill in each and every fraternal act performed by the council. The result was amai-ing! The supreme body was astonished at the good work which had been done and of which they had no knowledge. In fraternal publications, perhaps my own in particular, much is printed on the "theory' of fraternalism, the virtues of mercy and char-ity, the Joys of belonging to an organization which devotes itself to the individual's welfare. Perhaps we even call each other "iirother and "sister." Members who are not able, or for other reasons, do not attend local meeting«, know nothing of the real meaning, the living beauty of the word fraternalism. Perhaps their only contact with the organization is with the society's official publication. What do they find there to make them proud of their affiliations? Sufficient publicity is being given to the sins of man. Why can't we "give him a break and advertise his good deeds? All men deep within themselves thrill to good works of their fellowmen. Why not include in our magazine* a Fraternal Bureau of Good Deeds, a column where all the fine things done by the vsrjou* groups in the order could be mentioned" Here could be found human interest stories without parallel in reaching the interest of the resdinf public. There can be no doubt that space devoted to a Fraternal Bureau would greati> benefit the entire society. The good that we do is like the bread thrown upon the waters which returns to us a thoussn-fold. The desire to be helpful is infectious sno there can be no doubt that the charitable function* of our organisations would be grestly increased by the adoption of such a program How fine a thing It would be if. when approaching a candidate for membership. J" would open our magaiines to the Frstern* Bureau and say "This column records the ^ tkal application of fraternal teaching- 1 ' Is how we strive to aid our brothers snd inters." People have always thrilled to the kin» and noble acts of men. "8mall-town stuff"? No. merely the edgment of a vast amount of good * 1 fraternalism In the world which is goin* * sung, and which. If unloosed, could 'V, one glorious ai*hem which would ' ' r establish in the minds at thinking peof* J necessity, the pressing need for frstern»' * insurance organisations today. ÍASHES W^zTzTTiiPioneer members P®^ Is* „Pride* March 1», «t the rZS*»**^of SNPJ I* ^meeting will be shown. A I^X .thletic dance, the Mid-■"^«ilpj Tournament, our con-PibS ito to Detroit etc., will be feSS The 16 drawing will also l^ld Our activities have been llurm« .round our athletics a great IffSW "is •bout tiTe that I?t2> other worthy endeavor., I" Com* to the meeting and let'. ■¡¡IB our 1937 activities now. I oor bowler«* «re already Ulking IJ* next season . rolling. They I want to be ready to shoot at the start IT hetow with not less than sue I Mint. Prospective bowler, for next I«!!*) .ft requested to send in their l^now. Zele'. SNPJ Office team II hot last week and took all three Kan from Zavertnik Medicoa. On ■¡Tof that they crashed the season s ISh team series with a 2622 total |thai displtcin? the Boulevard Florid from having the high team sene». 1ft, Floral, copped two of three from | Patrarola Beverages. Many fine ■ nine« were rolled. I * * * I The Executive Committee meet* I Thursday. March 18. All members lire urged to attend. I • * • I J eta Hiatx, 3018 W. 61.t St., ha. I ken added to our sick list.—Oh, oh, Ilook what happened! We reported I that Norma and Steve Dudaa were I («jotting over their new arrival. ISonehow or other, we've alway. I nixed those two boys and we're sorry, lit va* Rudy and Norma who did the I njoicinir.—Lately there ha. been a lilt of Pioneer birthday parties. I Am taker had one for her mother. Lpiul Videjrar saw to it that Bertha iSvrtkk was remembered on her birth-I day.—Last Saturday the gang wa. I treated by Frank Lotrich and Tillie | Vidmar and everyone wa. good, even I the pirates. Incidentally, Tillie and I Frank want us to .say thank, for I them.-Ray, Bob and Bill, from Delimit, tell us they arrived home safely. * * * I This endowment question is going I lo get us into the pre-CQnvention spirit yet. And why not? Isn't it uoing to be one of the major issue. Iof the convention? If so, then we Uould talk u whole lot about it. Not from the individual standpoint as the editor related last week, but from the standpoint if it is sound and good for the SNPJ and its members. Being in close touch with the rank I and file of the member, of at least «* lodge let me say that only a ill number have made any inquiries for this insurance. However, I can add that the number is growing largrr every year. And the bad thing •bout it is they ko elsewher« for endowment insurance and gradually drift away from us entirely. I am clad to hear from the editor that ha doesn't believe we would be any bet-fr»rany worst off with endowment »•unnc*. We might disagree with Jim on that point. I am inclined to Wieve that the SNPJ would *i»vo 11 n,uih worse off had we had ruch insurance in the past by the with-rf and loans. I am inclined to W»vt what Brother Garden stated a **eks a*«. 11« WUtl Hght f.om 'he standpoint of the theoretician. Bu! «he problem is not solved by yro-jounr„,K that it is not good for us. Zlf *ot ^ find a way to mnke it good or a «ubstitute. Fratemaliata, who call < no' kind of insurance a racket over any other kind, had better beware! Insurance ia primarily a business. You get what you pay for. The ume suit of clothes may have different ptice. in two different »tore.. What's more, you ahould gat twice as much tor $44 ae you do for $28. Endowment in* surance ia no more a rackct than our own sick benefit insurance. Worse, in sick benefit insurance you pay ard pay and pay and you never stop paying. In endowment, we'll at least stop being "suckers" after the maturity date. • • e Yes, there are drawbacks and I wouldn't recommend endowment to a person who has no other insurance, because his rate in rejoining after his endowment expired would be exeeel* ingly high. But anyone who has < ne straight life insurance policy certainly should take an endowment when aeeking the second policy. I am inclined to believe that the SNPJ will have to annext endowment insurance sooner or later. But let's hear all that has to be heard pro and con before we annex it. * * • Directors of the Jugoslav Building and Loan Association have changed their regular monthly meeting nights to the second Monday of the n<«nth at the Association's office, 2684 S. Lawndale ave. A ruling recently handed down by Gny T. Holvering, , Commissioner of Internal Revime at 1 Washington, D. C., exempted em-i ployees of Building and Loaa Associa-, tions affiliated with the Federal Home ,Loan Bank from the Social Security , tax because all affiliates of the Federal Home Loan Bank are considered instrumentalities of the Federal gov. ernment. Our Jugoslav Building and Loan Aseociation is a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank. It is Interesting to note *how close to the Federal guardianship we really are. • * • We're having loads of sit-down and other strikes in Chicago. The taxi-cab strike has put taxi riders out greatly and inside information on this strike reveals that some 6000 cab drivers are solid for a CIO union. * » • Did you read where the Labor Party swept the elections in the world's largest city? Yea, sir, they have increased their vote and their representation in. London, England, have the Laborites and we're mighty glad. And it's going to come to pass here in America, too, when labor wakes up and beginq to realise that he really has power. * * I • , i • , • jV . ' A big mass meeting with Norman Thomas, Mayor Daniel Hoan of Milwaukee, Devere Allen and our owr Maynard Krueger will open the spe cial convention of the Socialist Party of America at the fashionable L« Salle Hotel in Chicago on March 26 You're invited to attend. * • • Spain'a Loyalist forces have forced back Mussolini's demons again, ant1 the blockade has begun to put the ropes around whom? I say it can't be done, this blockade businesa. They are not honest! They don't meun it! They arc afraid! see Last minute flash! Big match games Sunday afternoon, Mar. 21, a< the Southwest alleys. Pioneer Act .quad vs. KSKJ, and Pioneer No. ? squad will clash with No. 3. ' Conn down! It'a free. Loads of thrills and fun galore. D. J. LOTRICH. Lodge 660. The Comrade Column I °MEAI)K ( 'OMKNTATOK The coneert *f ñni aPPr*ciative an Mi Belle K- ^__.i—i-. at r« ----- been singing C ; hwM"wU' v"l*ty pro- iZir ",h,'r PTformancea, for • iwffr Mn j - .____ r» vention preparation.. The committees, such as Banquet, Program Tran.portatlon, Housing, Federatioi 10th Annivemary, and others, ar< holding meeting, and diligently di. cussing plan, and preparations. The Engli.h-Speaking Lodges have sat ___________ March 21 as the day for their big ■l*'™"! of time than any other meeting. Each lodge will send fiv< forth* (n* ',,<" ha" b**n w,th UB r*Pr*««ntatlvea for this meeting te io, wKP"1 20 giving his serv- «loct committee officers and start th« V,*' H"ked' Through long ball arolling for the work on the pr* a h,,vM4 training he has ffram and dance for the English tu , * few people real- Speaking Lodge day of the Conven- ' singing with the Inde-' tion (May 28). RKPRKSENTA urn, ' /J,rj" he has mas- TIVES i^LEAHE REMEMBER: •Hi» Ik ., r'ru,t l'n<)r ^ MARCH 21 at 2:30 p. m.—old bulld- " Martha." »ng. St. Clair ave. Slovene Home "R________» "Roiamunda.1 our midst, he In the English supplement of the Z, 'n *°compli*hed~"artist' Kn»kopr»vno.t, Frank Mlakar. Mere- «i hia fZ" Z C£?: ,the "Problem of the Young Slovene," ^^mance |n »wth th. ¡11 V merged It with the Worker's Problem Mhh 1 'he »eWtewm« tor eommmfxlt from yoxm* lUj^-^^ij * 'people. To date, two Comrade« have contributed to the diacuasion, John Alich and Louis Jarta, oach explain ing his version of the problem and commenting on Mlakar*, article. We are,glad to »«a the Comrades inter eated in this Important phase of our existence. Ptokf JS • glva our S^M V,' valuation that in toAs-t r ,lUr training. ka*« ka. JHIHI Wt Th. vention lUrns? We have some very' capable young men in our midst who know this subject thoroughly; it would seem timely to hold a discussion like this. And last—but very important— THE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN and doctor fees are free. Enroll your frienda now. Be a booster of the SNPJ. ? j ? Young Americans I tla girl, 1 March 1. Sally Ann,, who arrived The Raks are finally all settled and are in the Clove Farm Store buainaas. DETROIT, MICH.—Some time ago L*** ot success to you. Francaa and the Y. A. Girla organised a sewing Johnny. ________________club, and it is functioning perfectly , The Bingo party was a big aucce.s. Remember, Comrades, "both*ini'tTation »¡th the cooperation of all members^ Leave it to busy Proxy, Brother There is still a aufficient amount of Frank Cercin Jr. to bring in the work to he dona in regards to the crowd. finishing of the beautiful spread and | 0ur meeting place—the Slovene I am positive that with the continued Dom—haa been newly decorated. So efforts of the members it will be a Nm, 0„e, come all on April 8 to Manor Cadets Lodge 749 MANOR, PA<—The Manor Cadeta, SNPJ Lodge 749, hope to be fully organised by the next (12th) SNPJ convention and we expect to be able to send a delegate. The success of our first Bingo and Card Party has encouraged the lodge into another one. The Committee started to work immediately and have selected March 30 for this second great event. Tickets are 26c and will also be available at the door. Come and get a prise. Manor Cadets wish to start out in^ full after Lenten season. With the cooperation from neighboring lodges, I'm sure we will be successful. An invitation is extended to all. We have a new member in our Lodge, and we are very glad to have you with us, Mrs. Hall. I'm sure you'll never regret the day you joined the Lodge. The Manor CadeU have started wonderful spread to be given away „uk« merry, on the dance nite. There has been a number of tickets printed which are 10c and are to be sold in order to defray expenses for materials, etc. All members who have a number of these tickets are urged to dispose of them as rapidly as possible. Come on, girla, show your spirit. And boys, don't be backward—give us a helping hand. Dancing and drawing will take place at the John R. hall on Saturday, April t. Good music, featuring a popular orchestra for the enjoyment of both young and old. Also refreshments will be served by the Y. A. girls. We THE GANG. Jolly ÁDis Lodge WEST ALLI8, WIS.—Howdy, folks! Well, that's three down and nine to go. Everyone seemed to have a good time at Tony's birthday party after the mooting. Although it's a little lata, Congratulations, Tony.—After all the ballota were tabulated we are happy to announce that Bart Yam-nlk will be the delegate for our Lodge In conjunction with Lodges Vijelic* Admission checking free! Milwaukee, and 486, Port Waeh-. . . , | Ington, with George Goronja aa his also send » cordial invitation Ornate. Due to the resignation of to the Wolverines and all neighboring I AngeU Dergants, Agnes Baraga was SNPJ Lodges. elected our new recording sec'y, An- Membera, we need your hearty co operation to make this dance a success, for all proceeds are to be donated to needy members. So don't forget the danee on April 8 at John "Sand day". A nickle will be collected R j am gort W€ wll| have . d from each member at the beginning t| A MEMBER, Lodge 564 of the meeting. At the cloae of the meeting, a name will be drawn, and the member will receive half of the money. The other half will be put into our treasury "until we are where we want to be." Our regular Lodge meeting was held March 14. The Committee gave Jicir report on the Bingo and Card Party. So until our great event, March 30, Manor Cadets march on1 OSCAR GRAD, Lodge 749. ii Uaasl* that any laauraace eaa give regard-lose of company or money-making aehemee or smooth-tongued agents. For any Insurance can be paly an Insurance i when It takes over the role of being banker through endowment policies, family Income policies, dividend policies, educational policies. It, la simply and squarely gypping the people of their money. Are we, in this stage of progress of our Society, ready to assume this latter rele? Should we be proud of saying that "if It's a good racket for other companies, let's get in on the racket," If we are ready to do that, then the life of our Society is shortlived, It may exist as an insurance company and enter Into real competition with all the others, but the ftpirit, the vigor, the real life will have been sapped out of It. If you are ready to let It become such an in-Itltutlon. then you are ready to dispense with all lodge entertainment., lodge meetings, freedom of expressing your voice In an organisation that you consider "your own," In fact.— everything that has gone Into the make-up of our Society and the role that it has played In the cultural and educational field. Simply pay your dues every 4 or 6 months, and let the agent come Into your house to collect. All else will be unnecessary. MARY JUGG. I"•<•""• — »» p.p Ä Ä! Ä t-S,: £ devitle oerformers, earh and everyone . ' ' |U. . of them orlae winner. of the various. that you gue lt. un.ien et- Sunday radio broadest, with their tori is the world, best remedy for own Master of Ceremonies Little Joe. Earh end everyone of these If arte were awarded let prises at one or the other Sunday broadcasts Here you will receive a variety of entertainment you will never reffet. This and other arte yet te be announced by our faithful publicity partner, Ann Htreuse. Watch for her startling es p«M of the Htrugglers' Rig Hhow of 1P87 in neat week's i.sue. The ed mission for the Veudeville Hhow Is 60 rents. This wilt include your art mis. •ten te the danee in the evening Fori fort is the success. Ills reply was eeurteous Indeed and I may clear up a few disputed pointe in his reply te my article. I think the question of tasatien upon endowment pot irles no doubt will some, ao wilt come the tea on fraternels. After all we may be compelled te pay a tea every 11 me we wneh our face. Everything ie used, so it will not surpris« me if Hro Molek's tea reply doesn't come t rae. The members wilt hone-fit more by an endowment policy (Continued en Pege 8) PE OS V E Tí WEDNESDAY, MARCH u Lodge Letterm PtONEBB NEWS CHICAGO. — Several pa*««f uim tka it took os «1J tku wkik te | Again. ws My tkaaks to «U «i pea who iM to maktag tbs affair m OVfl'vhflBtl( MMMH. We pmi tw cnuttUr to Ik* who m diligeaUy pat •!) tWir effort«, throughout tke entire evening. to «C-tommodtu tke huge >Um4a* K v en with tke lull packed to c*. parity. t M. fntUy nU' «ed H«*mr, k»ift Obluck. a f to the mWUt. We'rv »till «MteMf «ko Um young tody k. tkat Add». of fto AMU, w ptf>M at the daace. It waa my amusing w»tchm« Bok T and Lean h, of Um y. A, bem« taka« to to easy ky two «»I« to !■■» J«st a Wt at advie the right kart da tka work hereafter —Via a littk htrd». tkat flaw to f Detroit, aw learn tkat Matt P. to pot uy witk «torto a krt of kiddtog on tke rotor» trt» haw fro«» Chi. Tka roasoa for Ed'« mM» change to ii jiiwiasai haa kaaa attributed to a certain party arko kos re-captured his heart-atrtaga.—D. t. U will soon to seea «porting a aaw car. and hk brother Ufly to feltew «ait TV past two week-end« ho»* devoted to celekrettag birthday» At Saturday nigkt's party Ufly and TllUe wort our keaered m»»u Bar-tka B. vas atn tkaa mi prisad tka Seterday prior, a* friends gathered at PeuPs to kelp bar tolobrato. Fan ya lor» and. aiy, my. all tha «Up«! THE GLOHl TKoTTlk- city that a rtak will ka Oa oar travwfc tka rfca war» always ready to oar hoys, wart tka Throe of Girefd: M tas J. Strah. I M. Stati; aad tha trto with O. H. V«lencheck rroap. Alt hoya at tka r orar aro eiigihk far Tka Travaltog Barbeta ve only 7 orurtoal members: Frank Roa mar Law and Frmnk Ga-Al Crelhor, Law Stiebly. Q-rgv •a. aad H. Rupert . . So laaig. of tka^ Bo Ita ■ Coneart tka lAdtoiMloa k Aad dea*t forgot watch far tka La Salt» Doai'a bi« Mtk AN NI VERSA IY CELEBRATION te be hoU May I sod I. Aad what a time THAT will to! MEMBEB OP "SOČA" ANO SNPJ "MOHAWKS". YOl'GH VALLEY KNIGHTS WEST NEWTON. PA.—Tha Enighta break lata print again to re-mind yoa of tha great play. "Beah-fal Mr. Behke." This eoloaaal pro-dartton under tha direction of Body, to prograaatog rapidly. This play will be preeoatod April • at tha Slovene Home In ColUnakarg. near Wait New-ton Ft rat curtain goos up at 7 p. m. The cast la itragfllnf hard to maks a «access af their rolaa and you must aao tha great "lava" team, Obadteh Stamp, tka fresh country "Jake," aru the patlto French maid, Julia. Everyaaa la aare to an joy tham I was for there «rill also ka frae dancing after tka play far thoao at-taadiaf. The dancing will begin rickt aftor tka play and and? AU membari af tha VVK have tick-ate, aa be aara to fot your» at once. mind and greet stars af Hallyaraad: (solve) IS HOW TO SAVE THOSE -Detchtowaa." Harlowas. Cables, Mc MEMBERS THAT GET OLD AND Heghs, Bakart Taylors and Patey ARE UNEMPLOYED, AND TO I Re I ley«. Coma an«, coma all. aad SERVE YOUTH OF TODAY. As» with thia invitation I'm including yea far the Praureal Caag»»a» «sato- j-Vrraataaa," "Terch«e," "Keyston-Uaa. if that ba a fact, why that daoa laas." "Caatota," "Excelsiors," "811-tka administratis lammMtos believe a«r Stan" and all you otkar neigh-la ita work aad ntote— to pay tk» hevia* lodgas. Coma and see tka great It THE PROBLEM THAT THE SNPJ .Beep this data, April 9, in HAB FAILED TO CONQUER m« tha gnat ata«» of I WOLVERINE NBWB DETROIT—By merging with tha SNPJ Saginaw Ladga 471, the Wolverine« wara aatitlad to and givan preference by tka Saginaw Ladga to elect a delagate to tha HNPJ Con vent ion. Ann Baualkar was elected and Albln Obad was chosen as alter-nata. By selecting Bistor Raunikar we know that w£*on't forget W» come to the nest Wolverine meeting, as tha new Wolverine song will be introduced. Our new member, Josaphina Stular, will ba at the plana. DANIEL OBKD. Ledge C77. Tka Slovane aectiaa af tka Body CIO. local 46, will hold a math Victory Daace la kal the Slo vrne Morkingmen » BBBav MMBBl K'l only ti cento. All mds are iavitod to attend. Help -e lob rate laker's groa teat victory. JOHN E. LOKAB. Ladga fid. 'Baakful Mr. VIC and LORE, Lodge 78». 1'NIVBRSAL COMETS (CaaUnued from page I) Is new being made clear to tha M writer tkat tka ana big factor delay- "BOCA*" FASTER CONCERT LA SALLE, ILL»—Plana arc beiag competed for the "Bote" Singing Satiety's Faster Coneart, ta be held on Easter Sunday, March 28, at t:S0 p. m. at the SND. Maay into re« ting aonge are being rehearsed. Hoi* has given several coneerta in the past, but this promises to be one af their best. We urge all who can ta attend. Tha date—Easter Sunday—la very appre> prlate for such an affair. A two-act Slovene comedy-play, "Oospa Kordu- (Lady Cordulla), will also be!will aadangar the whole ayatcm prasentad, and la It galng ta ba a; Catholic achaala. wow! Other attractiona will alao be tog the ratification af the Child Leber Amendment la the emphatic op-poeition given it by a great majority af Catholic priests and bishops. To aaa ao many Catholics opposed to the amandment aeema very strange. Certainly they can't favor child labor. Then what can be the raaaon for tha attitude taken by thesa Catholics? An explanation of their stand on the Issue given by a few opposition-late la ta the opinion of the writer entirely unfounded. They contend that the amondmant will indirectly give the federal government the power to control the schooling of children and therefore a control of Catholic schools. They fear that euch control of the schooling ayatem of tka * federal government to control ackoola, iadi-recUy or any atkar way. If tha federal control af education ever comae, it will net come by raaaon of tha amendment, but through some other means. JOB. M. BERTOVIC. mm Ledge 7 If. PINAL ELECTION BBIDGEVILLE. PA. —The SNPJ Colonial Lodge 782 of Coverdale and Jolly Juniara 8«8 of Sygan have margod together to send a delegate to the SNPJ lltk Convention. Bun day. Marek tl. at 7 p. m. is the date sot for the final election of delegate Each lodge will vote at its respective meeting place. All Jolly Junior members pleaaa attend this meeting. TOMMY GANTFR, Lodge l «4 U» sas a «17 AM «s i in •M as S4 •M ss M» IM asa • • M4 «S SM U M7 17 SM U M» 1» •40 4« Mt M Ml •7 M» M M7 It «48 ISl •M «tj «»1 « I U» i\ «M M| MT . .t al AOt s«v M» v\ $44 MT ISl MS ST! •Tl 1! •74 si «7» «•i «7« S •77 saj «7» '•i •TS ««a S ••• Ml •TI M •M ^ SM 44| M4 •li Ul Ul MS M| M7 •1 Ul SI MS SSS »t sai 4 •a» • m lit MS >4 SM •«5 1M M 7M ► ITI TM n TU TCT nj TSS it 71» ti tU w| 711 4« US I_ag TU 14 Tli « TI« «t| TIS ni TIS a TU «T, TM ti' IM II) TM IS TSi ISl TSS M TM »V Tli 1« TSI II IM H TM II TM IS TM IS TST s TM I» TM IT Ul II ua M • 41 - It TM a TM «>i TSS IS< TST . ai T«S i 4 TSS i M4 i' «MST W^L Ml "T'T I •SM to •ss.Tis.israjnjeRitjMSM IIM gtss rsasanas as smnsjsiati jaaaaRuaanjai MUGI DEL PROS V TA glasilo slovenske M. IM«. M tU Ifc, Ul rf C«™» of M»rat» I, UTS CHICAGO, NARODNE I UHU WE1 PODPORNE JEDN0TE PART IL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1M7 •P" In Two Parts—Part II ÔTEV^—NUMBER 58 Àec«H«BM far mailing at «podal r»U of postage provided tm la «octtep 1101, Act of OoC I, 1HT, authorised o» Jw 14. Hit. Minutes of the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Supreme Board of the Slovene National Benefit Society held at the Society's headquarters in Chicago, 111., Feb. 8 to 12, 1937 first session Morning of February 8 .orfmf President, Bro. Caiakar, celled th. meet fLr*t 9 o'clock in th« mornldg. In a brief outlined the purpOM of th. ET «oSIing hi. belief that all Supreme £5* r: try to labor in the Interest of Secretory, Bro. Vlder. then ealled th« JJTJSr. 3 the Supreme Board. All mem- ^Tiau/Iubmitted the following for approval: ORDER OF BUSINESS ' t Call to order. _ i Ball Call (reading the names of Supreme Board mining the storting and closing Ume of TTporta of the member* of the Supreme Board. I. Discussions on reports and recommendation» of k Supreme Board members. 6 General matters of the supreme office. 7. Miscellaneous. 8. Adjournment. Tte proposed Order of Business was unanimously idopted. Reports of the Supreme Board Members Bro. Cainkar temporarily yielded the chair to Snt Vice-President, Bro. Somrak, who called on Bro. Jsmkar to submit his report. Bro. Caiakar reported: Report of the Supreme President trother Supreme Officera: ThU report more or less includes the work and irthities of our organization for the entire year of IMC, although I have made a report for the first »If of last year to the semi-annual meeting of this Our buMness tranaactions and extensive activities hmttf IWM> have brought favorable results. From tetements and figures already published and from «ports which will be given by other members of the nprrme board, it is evident that conditions in our Ufiety have changed and have taken a turn for Dm better. Many new members, both adult and (mniie, were admitted to our ranks during the Cir past, and our assets have increased accord* ly. The increase in our adult membership Is slg-Hfieant, in contrast to the year immediately Mint, inasmuch as no campaign for adult k* was conducted during last year. It is well te mention the reasona for our gaias Mid the conditions which acted to strengthen our irpniution. One of the chief factors, and one shich »ssures us even greater progress in the near tour*, is of course, the betterment of working con-town». Thriving industries naturally effect the >n>«l*rity of any organization auch as ours. An-Kh" very important factor ia the morale, and I un of the opinion that much improvement has been wdr in that respect too. The right kind of informa-Sm »nd enlightenment through our official organ, tod personal connections of the supreme officers "th the rank and file of the memberahip at various ■dp- gatherings, have created much good will and a»« inspired a trust in the supreme board and the l">«ty Today our membership ia more aware than Nr. of the fact that the SNPJ ia not only a good Praee organization, but that it is also one of »best fraternal benefit societies in existence. The *t>v,t,e. of our lodges and individual members in ■apaigning for new membera have also done much J "<1 our progrsas, and I recommend that auch ac-r™ ** "til1 more enhanced in the future by com-*»u of appreciation and recognition in the organ ■fl by giving awards. Even though It is a moral * 'nuon. or less, of every member to agitate Z thf »nd to secure new members when- Possible, it is not reasonable to expect these to continue to agiUte and work eagerly Ucause of their idealistic Impulses. ', * ""-"t'oned in many of my reports, but I " u. *">phssi«e again, that the future of our **»bership i. dependent upon our juvenile bZn' "'J'1 that U if nec*M»ry to strengthen our 17 'knk!"nd ¡"Prove that department as much «J■ Possible. Th. deciaion of the aupreme board Pimm s juvenile campaign laat year was a , «»p. It brought ua good results, and It is lZ , "m,l*r camP»i*na will again be conducted ^ ** to time. As you will learn from the re- "UPTme **cr*unr, 1077 membera ■ ''y frum thi juV€nil# to th# Mt clMB in ^ „ , Ju, , ptn[, h >• important to note that thia * ? KlWVh,rd' of member, admit- * w«r, U!1 f,aM ^ I" the future, if tt. 2 ' 10 ^ trouble and make the effort, th., IT? °f juwniW tranafew to adult member-I'TJl , -Vin creator than it was in the past. - uLZf"?' ** ftttWB <* ^ department •eu.lt Z* " «irs, the ja-Nurr, / ' ^ u v*nr Important and the best * «he ZZy1 *nd a"urmao* toe tb* trowth Wf mmf J«^lle mem feu u f»r us U incorporate N.. w '»torn ae many indocemenu as lh# member as many "••»Hi- Th* ■MPr*,»e administrative Wm. w " ^ 'bought In mind when K under- ** L to prepare - | I ** Se submitted te yon at this "» by-taws provide for a new form of , ' offering good protect ton, r,,r • of edueailoaal and savings —'n lif ¡"•■fes «k Naa t '^Pt'on of thia form of Inaaraneo should Wtf » new offoetloe moan, fer pro- »' .Ü W rT>#mb«». «»»d We trust that tbey TW of the* opportunities. "•HhaaTT "fr"n,«t»^» eemmltteo eone«It-* «et J'w ^ *f by-laws and r 2 J? h'm* drmfu< amondod by-lawa . h " 1 1 The tontethro hy ^^ ^ VMW ,or m* change«, hat l"*t«-alljr set Hp and oxprote Um r . intent of our business mors clearly; they are more accurate and legally correct. This will avoid ambiguity and miainterpretation by lawyers and courts. Such a change is deemed neeessary and advisable, and the recommendations and amendments which have been proposed will be submitted to you for discussion and correction. The inveatmenta and financial tranaactions of the Society hav. not changed much in the past aix months. All investments made have been reported and you are familiar with them. Investments are still being made mostly in Federal Qovernment Bonda, as they seem to be most dependable, and probably will be so for some time yet. The various properties which have been acquired through foreclosures are being disposed of as we deem beet, and repairs are made where necessary. Defaulted securities are being refinanced in the best manner possible. Detailed report, on investments will be given by the members of the finance committee. Conditions in the printing and publishing departments of the Society are much the same as Was reported to the last meeting of the board. There were no outstanding changes. Hawever, detailed reports will be given by the supreme editor and the manager. Toward the latter part of last year, some of the Cleveland SNPJ Lodgea suggested to the supreme office that we solicit contributions for the workers' victims of Spanish faacisn^, because our people have faith in our office and are oertain that all money collected will be turned over te the proper channels and will be used for the purposes Intended. The administrative committee decided that I shall take charge of this "fund" and I willingly complied with their request although I knew in advance that It would involve much extra work. However, as you all know, in spite of the fact that the cause is a noble and worthy one, there were many who opposed us and they criticised and attacked our action in "Various newspapers, thereby attempting to hinder success. Consequently there were many inquiries aa to the denouncing statements made by the op-position, which neoesattated the writing of many lettera giving true information. But we can be proud of our members who so wholeheartedly endorsed this and showed their noble spirit of true brotherhood and labor golidarity. Many lodges contributed from their treasuries, and a large number of donatlona came direct from our individual members and sympathisers. Borne donations were alto sent by lodges of other societiea. To date aome-thing over $2,000.00 has been received and $2,000.00 of this has already been turned over to "Labor's Red Cros. for Spain". b the fall of this year it will be twenty five years since our fifth regular convention decided to eetoblislt •• JafMiIb department in our Society. Therefore I recommend that the 25th Ahnfvfeeary of the founding of our juvenile department be commemorated by a special jubilee campaign for juveniles, and that our lodges fittingly celebrate thia ailver jubilee. I alao recommend that in order to accomplish better results in our membership drives In the future, that from time to time district meetings be arranged between the lodge officers of our various locals and the supreme preaident or aome other member from the head office and the waya and meana for securing new members be discuaaed. Our experiencea have taught us that the local lodge officers, when they make the effort, are the most succeaaful of our agitators; whereaa in thoae lodge» where no efforte are exerted or where no ability to obtain new membera is shown, there is ordinarily little or no progress made. These meetings would be more or less like a school, where the lodge officers could improve their knowledge and ability to carry out their duties, and above all study the arts and means of attaining suoceaaful reaults in our memberahip drives. The competition given us by insurance companies and other similar organisations necessitates our taking aome auch action, and pur local officer, must learn how to successfully agitate for now members If we want to gain worthwhile results. By numerous such meetings and discussions a great deal of necessary information could be obtained and much valuable knowledge could be imparted among thoee who need it. I am eon-vtoced that any money expended for such a cause would bring worthy returns in J -- This concludes my report for the present. I shall make further report, and recommendations as various problems and eases come up for discuseiea. VINCENT CAINKAR, Supreme President.Fi The report of Bro. Cainkar was accepted without objection. •• j Br. Caiakar again took the ehalr and ealled on Bro. Somrak te submit his report. Bro. Homrak reported: Report of the Firet Vice-President Brethren:—As far as my position as vice-proai-dent of the Society la concerned I have nothing to report, as I have not received any special aeslgn mmt or duties from the supreme office. There are two reasons for this, it seems: I) there Is 1 than one member of the Supreme Board in oar metropolis and 2) our district probably doee not cause much work and trouble te the supreme of-fiee.—Otherwise I wa. active as much as I was able and did as much as could be dene under ex la ting conditions. There is, however, one drawback that always handicaps us, namely, the lack of dollars which are recess.ry if one waate te tek. psrt in .11 the activities of our Soeirty. I suppose all ef you know very well how many different lodge af-fair« we have. For example, there are anniversary celebrations, picnics and dances errengad by HNPJ lodges, ae well as the affair, ef .tngtng and dramatic clubs and different other groupe, that neod aad deserve oar support. A. you remember laat Summer I wee on the other U of the United fctatee herder, while aome ef yoa were in Pennsylveala. I was vielting Ledge e4a la the province of Ontario, Canada. I wont there with the Intention te loam, ae much ae poeelble la surh t short Ume. about the conditions of oar eoaatry tally ef our mtmbsrs Of ». than they hav. reo« >o Idea how hard they fa existente. Most of th » 90st of living seems reoslvod to far. they have to flgtit them perform to be even average income almost fcav^firMUtally no adequate and help from us We, here, have no for their very heavy work. The higher than here and less than hart. They places where to meet When they arrange aa af fair, they may have to travel from 80 to 100 miles from one to another- in4 te make things even worse, they have so-called holiday prohibition there. —Since the Society has Us convention thia year, It would be fair and just to do aomsthlng to help our membera in Canada. On other subjects, such as eampaign, "Prosveta", by-laws, convention, etc., 2 will express my opinion when they come up for discussion. Yours for a bigger aad stronger StfPJt Freak Somrak. The report was accepted without objection. Bro. Lekar, seoond Viee-President, said that he had-nothing special to report Be was always working, to the best of hia abilities, for the best interests of ths Society. Hf said he was glad to oonvey to the Society the sln*re«t thanks of ibe Slovsns section of the Cleveland strikers' committee, CIO, for the $800 sent by ear administrative committee. The report was accepted without objection. Bro. Vlder reported: Report of Supreme Secretary As a more extensive rgpoit for the Eleventh Regular Convention must sqaa he prepared, in order to avoid unnecessary reppUUoa, I shall at thle Ume touch only a few of tk* important points. . Although you are already acquainted, with the more significant evrate ef lest year, I assume that the rsmarkable res Alt of ths Juvenile Campaign do-serves to be mentioned again. The trend of gradual decline in the Juvenile members during the past few years has been reversed into progresa. Recognition indeed, belongs to eur loyal and actlvs members who art willing to sacrifice their time and effort for the Society. The Adult DopartoMnt alao marka considerable progresa although several vsry pessimistic letters had been received at the beginning of the last year, warning that unless initiation fees ars immediately suspended and assittgntt given for tht payment of medical examinations, ft would be hardly possible to obtain new members, Pfc-actlco shows the contrary 1 Those arginf eewettions evidently overlook a large number of the members In our Society who sUU have firm eonvleUte b> tht principlea upon which the Society was errtnlsed* and art willing to work far tham. If the campaign continues year after year without any iiftlrtiiptleat, It naturally lbses its interest aad valuable purpose among the membership. Hsnee, It Is essential to oonduet a campaign periodically« Therefore, when circum stances are favorable for a campaign, a cartful plan must be laid oat and studied by the Board btfort it Is put in sffsct. In addition, agitators, who devote their services for the Society, ahould deeerve full recognition and compensation in the way of awards. The following is • dotallsd report of the memberahip in both deparUaenta for the last yeart Adult Department Membership as at January 1st..............84,080 New admitted members..................... 1,801 Canceled reinstated ....................... 1,140 Passlvs reinstated ........................ 08 there. tfmee lei SNPJ ras mach questioning aad ea Died .............................. 884 Canceled ...........................1,771 Passivs ............................ 21 87,188 2,128 Total memberahip as of December 81st... .86,087 Membership as of January 1st..............84,080 INCREASE IN 1986 .................... 077 Juvenil* Dopsrtamat Membership as at January 1st..............18,862 New admitted membera.................... 1,816 Transferred to the Adult department. .1,077 Died ............................................Se Canceled ..................................110 18,607 Mil Total membership as at Det. 81 et..14,164 Membership as at January 1st.............18,862 INCREASE IN 1086..................... 402 Membership of Adult dept., at at Doe. 81st. MfiVt Membership of Juvenile dept. at at Dee. list. .14J64 it brief, our s specially greater Total membership as at Imimhsr list... .40,111 Total membership as at January lat........ 47,082 TOTAL INCREASE IM 10M............ 1J70 The operation aad disability claims have been In-creased by a in number duriaf the ladt sla months and the sum of HJll.ll mor« wa. paid in the last than during the flrot six months. Appendectomy end hernia are still highest oa the llet ef operations to which ear mambtc. are subject. The report on the operations and disabilities It aa followe: ' DISABILITIES Operations Caeao Appendectomy ...........................7e Hernie ......49 Laparotomy ............»..»*. 41 Hemorrhoidectomy ............ 22 Thyroetomy „,„„«,*••»»•<•• H Gall bladder....................................» Hysterectomy ....................0 Cancer .................................0 Verleooe volna .................6 Mastoidectomy ..........................0 OetoemyllUs .....................8 Gastric ulcers ................................2 Empyema .................... 2 Nephrectomy ................. 2 Caeeereea ................................2 Gallstones .............................2 ......................2 A 8 4,607.60 8.887JO 2J62J60 < 144640 -VSM0 82040 68040 687JO 84040 88640 14046 16040 16040 DtoablUtieo Losa of eyeo—eyeaight..................0 2,700.00 Total loss of eyesight..............1 600.00 Loss of fingers........................10 660.00 Loss of arm and leg....................I 600.00 Total dlsabilltlea ...........21 | 4,660.00 Compromissary claim In full... 1 80.74 Total ..................SS0 $11,066.74 With reference to deceased members for ths past year, as ths records show, there were fifty-four more cases of death than In the year previous to 1086. This Increase li due to the flu epidemic last fall which took ths live« of many of our «Minbero. Tht average age of tht dtotasod members last ytar was only 61 years, which damonstratee how rapidly we are approaching out doom. The do tailed report will explain tht oauaes ef death that gradually diminished our 81ovone Immigrant«: DEATHS Number ef Cease Caaee Heart distasts.......................41 Cancer 21 ' Pneumonia and influensa...... II Tuberculosis ................. 17 Cerebral Hemorrhage,. II Various accidents............. U Mine accidents .............. 10 I 7 6 Am t of $ n,loo.oo IMI0.00 10,660.00 U 460.00 8400.00 ,,#¿60.00 fjoo.oo 6,800.00 7400.00 1,160.00 M00.00 4,160.00 1,70040 MOO.00 2400.00 2,200.00 1J60.00 8,000.00 1400.00 1J00.00 800.00 10040 00040 140040 60040 "Ooo.oo my Auto accidents............... Suicide .<><.«..<.....,,.,,,,. Septicemia .................. Nephritis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 Apoplexy.................... 6 Peritonitis .........................6 Paralysis ...........................8 Meningitis ...........................8 Heat prostration .....8 Gastric ulosr. ...........',... 2 Hemorrhage ................. 2 EnoepheliUa ................. 2 Sllicosa .......<«<«.......... I Burn, .mmmiim,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Diabetes .................... 1 rhyrold ..................... 1 Poisoning .................................1 Lpilspsy ..,..<•••,<. ,.. |«,,. 1 Obstruction of bowtll......... 1 Hodgkia's dissast.......... i ill Total ...'..............197 $ Iff 460.00 From tht.fhmiMial Statement, yta will note that during the last fiscal ytar a sound aad satisfactory surplus hat aotagiulated In all funds with tfee ex* «option of the general and building, where there haa been mprs aspen— involved dae to tlte»sUsa of the building and purchasing of equipment for office«. Nevertheloe«, th«r« «till remains a surplus of $82,080.90 In th« f«Mr«l fund. FINANCIAL REPORT from July I to December It, 1088 ADULT DEPARTMENT Mortuery faad Receipts Disburssments Balance July 1...........$6,726,16640 Unpaid death claim« July I ............... 12J84.00 Aaaeaement ......... 108,712.72 Income from Investmenta 106492.48 Death claim, paid.,,_____... Caah withdrawal ....... Loss on bonds and mort-gag«« ..........,,««,, Dceth claims mipald December 81 ..............88479.80 Balance December 81.... 6476481.66 1 M409.il 111.80 1146647 $6,089,164.96 $6,080,164.06 Disability faad Balance July 1 ..........$ Assessment ,......,,,., Interest ................ Disabilities and Compro mlaaary claims ....... Returned claims ........ Loss on Bond, end Mortgage. ................ 104 H 4 Relance December I..... 66,760.11 68,277.48 82J80J0 904.71 10040 21466.74 Sick benefit fund $ 86,98049 $ 8642049 Belanee July 1 Assessawat .......#«.,.. Initiation fee ........... Interest ......... .«#.«.. Shw bettMR |Am........ Halaiir«* I>«M«rtnl>er I,,,,, ....... i 147847 6 664.96 1IJ0 21.24 140.76 1,712.81 $ 140846 S 149846 126. 12640 186.00 Total operttloaa ê* » S it $1647640 II Balance July 1..........I SSSJSSJS S Aetetamaat ............. 66,71« i" Initiation fee SUM Interest «..».»«».##.#,«« 8,101.2ft Returned Clalme .,..,,,, 228.00 Su k I»,* nt» f 11 paid . ,,.,.., Bdlaneo December ft .... M47846 182460.46 II $ 246486JO $ 8464*8JO Sale nee July 1 .........1 11941041 I Aseoeament .,.....#..,. 70J7SJ0 Initie tien foe ........... 9*'*» Special assessment.,,,,, SSSJS Returned clalme ........ 11440 In to root .........•...•» 1JS.JS Sick benefit paid. Balance December II ... 66,118 J6 186,708.18 ■w Ml476.87 July 1 M perlai urtarott ......... 81 $ 20247647 $ $ 11,18248 I 12468Je 6440 181 JO I00J8 itjeejo I2J67.6I $ 84,16741 $ 84,16741 Special benefit faad Balance July l..........$ Assessment ............ Loans returned ......... Donations .............. Interest ................ Special benefit and eut Balance December 81.... 16JU.17 $ 9,900.46 1,008.11 94.00 276.10 6428.71 11,10141 I 28,48248 $ 86,482J8 Old people's beam faad Relance July 1..........1 14,818.44 | Assessmsnt ........................8,102.62 Interest ................................189.04 Balanes December 81.... 16.IM.00 Building faad Balance July 1 ..........$ Initiation Pee .......... Rent from hall and office Interest ................ Increase In valu« of btyf.. Addition and alteraUon to building Upkeep, taxes, etc.,,.... Bals nee December 11.,.. 0 11,061.00 I 10,666.00 11,177.90 6,711.74 7I4M.1I 44M.10 662.87 14.U01.84 I 100,768.70 I 100,768.70 Ctftvtatlaa faad Bal«nc« July l«t.........$ 06,686JO $ Assessment ..................4J06.04 Interest ......................1,14648 Balance Dtcembtr 81,.,. 71,97741 0 71,077.61 I 7147741 AdmlnltireUvt faad Balance July 1..........$ 86,990J1 f Assessment ............ 86,18846 Initiation f«e ........... 868.00 Inoome of properties .... 844447 Lodf« supply sale«...... Miscellaneous receipt« .. Transfers from Juvsnlle department ........... Interest ................ Salarie« of exeeuUve officer* ................................4 J 10.00 Fiaanct committee ____________ Salaries «nd mise............2,107.60 Mise, expenses «— Defaulted lavestmsnte.... Judiciary committee— Ssltrisa and ml«« •...» Supervising committee ~ Salaries and mis«, «xp. 872 80 Vies Pemtdsnts — Min. M. II 1411.00 Ü7JI .............. Salaries of r«f. «mployeea Salaries of eftfa help... . Salary of Suprême Médical Examiner......... Médical Ex6m*-Doubtful Hll'k lllt'lllber. a., .,,»«. Trav.llng expeneea of of-f icers .......... .... Travellng expeneea of la- vesUgaUons .......... Collection of Interosts---- Exchangs snd «a «h In g of coupons ........... Iniuranoe départ ment f«es Secretery'a office — Rent Lodf« supplies ......... Offles supplloe-stetlonsry Advertlssmsnte ......... Campalgn ....,«,,,..,,. Calendars ,,,,,,,,,,,.,» Poatage and express..... Téléphoné and tolsgrsms Juvenlle magasin« ...... Hupplsment to the offlclsl organ ,...,......•>#.» Suprême Board meeting . Lltlgstlona ............. Kurnlture snd fixturoa.i M lac. exp. on propertles Actuary snd accountante N.K.C. membershfp dues.. Insu ronce- messenger snd Interlor robbery ...... Hubventlons ............ Bals net Decomber 11..... OJO MIS 161.76 - 14.40 1JOO.OO 7440 I.M6J0 1J64.40 601.07 8408.11 617.01 II4J0 8,76647 672J0 84IJ4 IJMJ4 4,666M 1,700JS 06040 11640 6040 017 JS II4M40 1 70,889.84 1 704MJ4 RKPOKT ON FUNDS FU..I.Ikji. SI July 1 Increase Decree««* Mortuery fund ......86J76J8I.66 $6.726,166JO $161,476.76 Disability 6IJ774S IMMJS fund 66,760.11 Sick benefit 4MJ4 fund: 60c.. 1,71281 1J7IJ7 01.. IM2.sd0.46 18646646 2,806.00* 186,712 12 1194IO4I 17,162.11 88. I2J67J1 1I.1M.M I4M4S H peels 1 benefit fund.... 28,108.62 164M.17 6JM48 Old People's 244IJ0 Home fund 16466.00 1441844 Building fund 764M.I2 , 6048446 l,7«6M* Convention 6,86148 fund ...... 7IJT74I M426J0 Administra- 4,lMJt* tive fund.. M4M.ee 86,99081 Net eaeeto.,06J0044IJO $ÄJI8,2264l |II7,716.70 UeMOlleei Unpeid deeth claims ... MJ7040 1848440 9J4648 Duo te Proeveta .. 76 70 46J0 Total Aeaete.OOJMJ62.10 MJMJOOJI $197J00.70 Dletrlbetloa of Assets Laad and Building ..................# Reel eetete ssqalrsd ...... ........ Reel eetete m«rtg«I«« ..........••#•# Usa on certificates ............... U U. S. Government bond............... 1404.1MJ1 10 SVETA ILO.L.C..........................................................46048241 s|fT^p«i and sut* bondi...........2,316,20! AM Stoto and Mi»ldpel heada^defaultod.. 406.220M Industrial bond« ...............mm* 266403.76 Industrial hi»0s-dofault*d ....................32247647 Cash on hand ............................................948246 Harris Triist end Savings Bonk.........18649748 (on unen toi 111. Noti Bonk A Trust Co. 2840744 Lodge Supplies—Bills raceivsble............61 J® MilWi bond. rseeivobie..........................264487.70 To* warrants ...........................................2,400.00 ŠMki . » «t1» »»«.....»».•• .i*. • W^M® Special 0ep.-ChMogo TRI» A Tro* Ce. 40840 $84*849(10 COMPARATIVE TABLE OF FUND« Joauary 1—December SI, 1980 Increase December 31 Jsnunry 1 Doersnos* Mortuary 881744440 funds .... .$847648146 $646648748 Disability 14446.78 fund ..... 86,760.11 6141648 Sfck benefit 688.70 ftmd 80c.. 1,71241 141841 tl .. 162460.46 168,76848 16488.17 f> .. 186,766.12 110,39344 .4M $3 .. 12467 91 842048 448748 Special bene- 3486.86 fit fund ... 28,16648 1941947 Old People's 442046 ' Home fund 16,666.00 12484.74 BMf. fand.. 76429.12 7648948 769.74 Oos vent ion 1046848 Trust fund.. 7847742 63,412.17 Administrative 8,18844 fund ...... 88409-99 264674» Not Assets...$640044140 $6496,19241 $404,74049 Liabilities: Unpaid dooth 9,696.42 claims ... 2247940 18,184.88 Due to Pro- 8.40 70.70 6740 TeUl Assets. $6,623,892.10 86,109,44349 1414,448Jl JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Receipts Solone« July 1............$499,70949 Assessment ............... 18,421.22 Income on Investments..... 9,066.79 Met income from properties 213.16 Dooth «loirn« po Id......... Transfer Into Administrativ« fund ••»•..•.•«•..»>.<>< Mod. Exam. of now m»ra- ...... Misc. campaign expenses... Other m lac. axponaaa....... Fold to members transferred Into Uio sduR deportment Loas on msturad bonds.... Less on aolo of prop«rtios.. December SI...... Disbursements 6,760.00 6,086.00 268AO 669AS 21848 4,49740 896.96 788.76 8607480.99 1626,899*6 $626,399.86 Distribution ef A see t s First mortgage real estoto loans.......S 78*14.96 8m—4 mortgage reel estate loans...... 1,100.00 U. 8. Government bonds of HOLC............89*16.63 U. R. Government bonds............................«4,468.14 Municipal bonds ...................... 146,708.96 Municipal bonds defaulted............................81,186.98 Indnotrial bonds ........ ..........................66,806.26 Industrial bonds defaulted... .Ti..............17*96.00 Cosh on hsnd .....................................848.46 Cheeking account! Lowndale Not'l Bsnk 14,479.97 Reel estoto ocqulrad....................................19,481.11 ■Nik matured receivable..............................6,988AO Totol Assets December 81..............$607.989.90 A saeta July 1......................... 499.709A9 Ineraose •....,................•.•«•..•8 8,2 ho ,iii Increase In first half of 1986.......... 776.46 Increase In 1936.................. Combined Assets Adult Deportment, December 81... Juvenile Deportment, J>ecember 81. TOTAL ................... Totol January 1................... ..8 9,086.76 . 96,623*98.10 . 607,969.99 87,081,882.09 , 8,008,377.10 TOTAL 1NCREA8K IN 19S6........ 8 428,604.99 All I wont to odd to the obov» report Is—if we ahnll follow the present policy along our business lias, regardless of the low interest rote obtainable a« securities, there Is nothing to be feared. As long ne our actual income exceeds the payment of obll-there Is no ground for worry In regord to oaaoesments. Despite of nlterotion on the building, on which the eon tract cost was below twenty-five thousand dollars or $26,811.87 Including the architect, our aa-sola have increased for $200,34900 the last ais months and the total assets for December 81, 1U36, ore $740041448. According to the decision made by you ot the last semi-annual meeting, an organiser hss been em. ployed In the City of Cleveland, who was selected by the Federation and whoee achievement to date ia familiar to you. May I further advise you that a new actuarial system will soon be installed In the office by which the Society will gain advantage in obtaining various statistical Information whenever the occasion do and from which o correct actuarial report be furnished at any time. Entirely revised My law« for the Juvenile Ifepert-moot hove been drafted and shall 1« submitted to you for eppievel. Ceeperation among the l*dge Officers haa been very satisfactory, as well as that of the office forae for which I am grateful to all. F. A. Vide». The report of Br«. Vlder was ncrrpted without • 1» i#»r*l 11,f Bro. GrodtAeh reported: Report of Assistant Secretary Financial Bi element af *wk NewefM Funds fi Jaly I to December SI. I9M 60» CLAM Receipts: Jolt .........................$ (MAS August ...................... 93.46 Bsptombet .................... loo 10 October ....................... us 70 November ..................... Tout regular assessment,, ■»... ... 8111 (,«..a,..«■..• llJi Total ............................$ 61946 Disbursements : July .......... August ....... Boptoasbor ... • October ....... November .... Total ..........».................• 180.78 surplus ..........................• 488a4 lis Inno» June 30 .................. 1,273AT Bolonce December 81, 1888.........« I.TItAt $1 CLAM Receipts: July ,.».....,.»•...»•..•».»$ 848.10 August ,«.,»....».••.....♦.. SRI«48 September .................. 1848440 October .................... 14487.10 November .................. 14,116.20 December................... »428.90 Totol reg. assessment....$>6,716.10 Interest .................... 8,10146 Initiation ................... »8^0 Sick benefit return.......... 188.00 Total ............................• 60,27048 Disbursements; July .......................81148640 August .................... 8488AO September ................. 1648748 October .................... 10,74040 November .................. 941140 December .................. 1148440 Totol ............................8 8347846 Bolonce June 30 ..................818646848 Deficit ........................... 240840 * Bolonce December 31, 1936 ......... 8182480.48 82 CLAB8 July ...................'..,..818463.00 August .................... 18469.60 September ................. 18447.00 October .................... 1842940 November .................. 1841040 December .................. 1848640 . Total reg. sssessment... .879,97640 Interest .................... 148746 Special Assessment.......... 980.00 Initiation ................... 9840 Hick Benefit return,......... 214.00 Totol ............................8 8846846 Disbursements: July .......................812491.00 August .....;................................10468.00 September.............................1144640 October ............................10,89940 Novemlwr »«,.,#•..*««.,»».* 9,486.2ft December ....................................11,684.80 Totol ............................$ 66,U8.2(r Surplus .......................... 17,168.11 Bolonce June 80....................... 119,610.01 Balance December 31, 1986.........$186,768,18 Receipts: July...... August ... September October .. November December $8 CLASS •so«««« •«•ese« $ 844840 2,12040 8477.40 2,12040 2,108.20 2,089.80 Totol r«g. assessment. ...812,66340 Interest .................... ■ 186.98 Special Assessment . ....... 84.00 Sick Benefit return ......... 13140 Totol ............................8 13,024,98 Disbursements: July .......................$ .1,098.00 Auguat ................«... 1,763.00 September .....................1,076.00 October..........................................1,778.60 November ....................................1,687.00 December......................................1,368.00 .........$ 11,699.60 Totol................ Surplus .......................... 1,488.48 Balance June 80................... 11,188.48 Balance December 31, 1930.........8 1246741 On account of omlaaion of two monthly aaaei menta, the 81 cloas shows a decrease of 88406.00 for the last sis months of previous years the pa y men to out of thie elees also Increased greatly. Totol sich benefit« paid amounted to 8140,071.86, or $948444 more than In the same period of the previous year Nevertheless the net surplus in the fund la $16408.68. The reserve of combined class*« reached at the time of closing the annuel accounts $8S8Jtt8.78. During past years our sick benefit funds were el-moat continually without reeer v«*, therefore Mm eels t Ing reserve may seem high; but if wo divide It equally according to the number of all members In-sured for sfck benefit, we get an entirely different picture, because each m t1 mber s share is only 81 MS. This shows clearly that the sick benefit, paid to sick and Injured members, le covered moetly by dt of these members who during their memberahlp period receive oaly a little ft no sick benefit. Or In other words, siek Benefits besed solely en oscocs-menta paid by on individuel member emount to about aa much as a drop In the ocean. Noteworthy is the feet that we built this roe« during the times of grcotoot unemployment. After all there might be some truth thet during the crisis we learned to save. In the so-called prosperous times nobody thought ef a reorv», we wanted only high benefits, and this nearly bankrupted our etch benefit fund. ___ We have before as now the question of whether we ore going to adhere to a practical system of etch benefit pe y men ta, ar If we shell ge baek to the old custom of collecting special aoee>»ments, which for many years ce need dissatisfaction among our ON hers. For the time being this problem was solved by limiting sich benefits Rut sooner or later stoto authorities will farce us to adopt s more stmpttfted system and our funds will have t« show a specified reserve My personal spin ion and racommsnOuttou la that this meeting dtsases this quest Un and- Mum r ride to adHet* in pttmiple to tHr present eye« of paying siek Wnefits I will not ehfect W la »• coses IK* be eftts be increased Thors I ef tn#reeving benefits according to nu poors or to lower the oeeesement. for lower In »«her cose the membership would profit. __provisions Ruling the benefit* for certato diseases shall remain, because experience toeght oo they fulfill the ra^iramente and fcrtentioi* H to also advisable to grant greater powers to the supreme medical examiner eo that he may to more serioae cases of sttfcsess prolong the period of sfck benefit payments. The provision limiting the benefit to two years did not prove practical, and it would be advtaable to remove it from the by-lows. It is my duty to coll ottontion to the fact that every change In this rsepoct means higher payment of sick benefits, therefore it is necessary to be extmcftr cortices in mekis* any such inewasss, ff we want to proeerrs the eadrtiag reserve. At the dose ef Rm six month period sedtng December 81, 1986, the number of members insured for sfck benefit was as follows: 60c class hod 281 members; $1 doss, 26,127; $2 class, 6487, and $3 class 088. Ths total number of members Insured for 884*8. or 361 more than sfc months hi Canada the number again decreased, from 266 to 848. Regular assessment amounted to $146840; sfck benefit payments amounted to 81488.66, or $73340 mere than the receipte. The sped*! assoosmont a room ted to $1,68246; members insured for $2 and $8 daily sfck benefit era still paying this special seses* merit. With the special assessment the deficit was covered, snd a surplus of $286.80 was left ovsr, Lawrence Gradiiek. The report of Bro. Gradisek was accepted without objection. Bro. Vegrich reported: Report of the Supreme Treasurer for the Period from July 1 to December 81,1886 ADULT DEPARTMENT Summary of the Checking Account: Bslsnce July 1: Harris Trust and Savings Bank ..................$ 6449643 $ Continental Illinois Nation- si B. A T. Co............. 23418.12 88,909.76 Deposits from July 1 to December 81..........»................ 848480.99 Totol ........................8982490.74 Disbursements from July 1 to December 81 .„..................... 718,484.97 Balance December 81, 1936 ............. 8214,105.77 Bonk Statement December 81: Harris Trust and Savings bank ....................8196,48240 Unpaid chscks Doc. 81.. 10484.97 8186497.88 Continental Illinois Nst'l Bank à Trust Co.......8 42,169.62 Unpsid checks Dec. 31.. 18,98148 2840744 Balance of ohecking account In both banks December 81...........8214,106.77 JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Summary of the Cheeking Account: Balance July 1: f' Uwndole National Bank............ .$ 21,070.14 Deposits from Julyi to December 81.....«.'................ 46,18044 Totol ........................$ 67480.68 Disbursements from July 1 to December 81 ........................ 88,770.71 Balance of checking account on Doe. ^—-- 81, 1986 ............................8 14,479.97 Bank statement Dec. 81...8 14,674.47 Unpaid chocks December 81 19440 Balance Dec. 81, 1936.....8 14,479.97 INVERTMENTS Purchased for Adult Department: Purchase Par value: price: U. 8. Treasury securities.. $896,000.00 $801496.82 Municipal securities....... 80,060.00 81476.00 Totals ...............$888,000.00 $338,170.82 Bought for Juvenile Department: U. S. Treasury........... 80,000,00 80,800.01 Bought for "Prosveto" and SNPJ PRINTER Y : U. 8. Treasury .............. 12,000.00 12410.00 Total » 4 M8M4Í Juvenile Department: State of Oregon Highway Par value: $ 12,00040 litechos Parish, La Minor Beneficiaries Fund: Tew« of Boeaenser City, II. C................... 1400.00 Totol............>"-9 18,000.08 (Maturity of the last two issues was extended.) Total All Departments. .$164,00040 First Mortgagee: Ps44-sp No. 9-K Milwaukee, Vis.. .8 748840 " 104-A, Chfcage, IB....... 8406.00 " 16-J, Detroit, Mich..... 700.00 « 64- J, Chicago, 111....... 608 00 * 88-J, Milwaukee, Wis... 3,OW.OO Total both depoitmente$1448948 Properties Sold Mortgsgc Mo. Losn: Sold for: Loue: 15-A, Chicago, III....$3476.88 $2,500.00 $ 5764B 11 -J, Cleveland, 0... 3,948.73 3,214.97 788.76 Totol for all departments.. .8867,000.00 8876,180.88 Bought for Juvenile *<"*■**»......... e««mim».'.........'• » 25.HK.M snd Mailing Dvpt. Kxpen^.... ¡¡»¿¿Rf Expc»b® ......... plÄf^;;;;;;;;;;;; SÄ? (Ïcupano^al Tax '. ! ! ! ! Expense.................. 31.62 168.37 610.60 1,261.60 108.86 13 .70 1.91 285.22 5.00 46.1 14. .........6 27,649.60 Six Month. 2,260.36 .................6 29,900.86 ToUL';uriti'cs' '(General Oglethorpe 1^,5 on betunu« i ^ 9,299.00 Jfi Option, Vor Six 'ûontto.... 2,200.36 .$ 7,038.64 U)SS in Department...... DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS: . ¡n Anmleamated Trust & Savings Italence in Amsigsm.t ............^ 18,999.07 fcS in Millard State Bank (In Re- eeivership) ......................... Accounts Receivable .........¿'¡lil"" ¡trials Inventory (Paper and Ink).... Work in Proce«« Inventory. S*»sts (Municipal and Industrial Bond*) ............................j fcmtmuU (First Mortgage Loans and Bond?» 10.694.87 687.26 1,640.84 20.66 35,991.08 18,060*0 Mwhlnery and Equipment (at cost)..... 51,013.63 Unexpired Insurance .. Nailing Dept. Inventory........... fcblirstions Postage Inventory.... Pore Inventory ............... Shipping Dept. Inventory.......... _______ Total ........................••••^W;-?} Leas Depreciation Reserves......... 48,877.17 64.60 68.30 191.89 45.83 7.20 __ — ---»••-« s -'— TOTAL ALL ASSETS.............• 88,288.34 LIABILITIES, NET WORTH AND RESERVES: Account* I'ayable ................... Accrued Wages & Salaries.............. te trvf for Federal Unemployment Compensation Tax ......*............... Allowance for Deprecistion.......v ..., Oriicinsl SNPJ Investment............. Surplus ............................. • Total .......................$137,165.51 Less Depreciation Reserves ........ 48,877.17 187.70 151.20 285.22 48,877.17 50,000.00 37,064.22 AND NET ............$ 88,288.34 TOTAL LIABILITIES WORTH ........... Bro. (iodiua's report was accepted without ob- Jtction. Bro Molek reported: Report of the Editor The editorial department of the Society's publications records no particular report outside of the day-to-day routine—the results of which are -evident. The department loyally cooperated in the campaign for new juvenile members as well as in the campaign for the daily Prosveta. There were no outstanding complaints against the editorial department during this time; the ordinary and. for the most part, minor complaints always exist. These are solved as they occur. More or lesj important conflicts, partly internal—with the swmbrrs and, for the most part, with extra-So-ciety opponents, continue. The latter have, in recent nonths, become uncommonly daring, but the editorship regards them cooly and has no worry on their sreount. The Prosveta has for many years had to contend *ith reaction upon the "right" and the Jugoslav ex-titwirts on the "left". There is no doubt that this tisflict with both extremes will continue until the opponent* desist from their attacks. Just now the fonilict with reactionaries is due to Prosveta's sympathies with the Spanish democratic forces, and ihr i;c of the clericals has been so much more Mphssised nince the collection for the victims of Ipsnish fascism proved so successful. This is all self-isderstood, and mention is made only in passing, It has been reported that the assistant editors •*e joined the Newspaper Guild. On Feb. 6, the JfrnenUtives of this union paid us a visit and »Ml before us their agreement regarding wages and demand*. In the main, the question is in-re-Wd tr. waxes. The union asks a minimum of $40 *«-k and that this scale be approved immedi-«e'y. Our answer was that there will probably be r" »ction until the Convention but that the Su-P-m« Board may take it under discussion. My Phonal opinion is that a raise before the Convent-•i would not be an advisable move; however, if "•sentiment in favorable for a wage increase, the 7>renu Officer, should be included. The assistant •Jw» six. basing their claims on the higher cost 0!_'V'n«?. but this affects everyone. The committee for the freethought school, of which •»*> » member, took no action in the last six . Twt having been notified of any ,ly- 1 (lid not feel the need of bothering the memMrt with call to special ¿onfer*nce. 'UN M<>LBK, Editor of Society publications. ^ report was accepted without object- It m Petrovlrh reported for the finance committee: Report of the Finance Committee Ur'V^1**1 ^ y*mr of lftM« from June I aarr > tJ*I!l*IMV•• y°w Finance Committee hae wZ'"' of securitias of which 6337,- *a>r u" and $30,000.00 Municipal *r Revenue Ho.^a. *,!on Corp. at the prevailing market T"*r to viKm1 »V U» Ccîï" | term bonds and the yield i* <0 The market for Governments T hijrh, but your Committee has '»ne reaaotf for this is the strict Munir pal bonds by State Insur-• «^udes from our portfolio the the officers and employees for the cooperation received during the courae of their audit. The same eourtasy and willingnees to cooperate was accorded to us in every deportment. TOTAL AHMET* The total emoent of all Departments on December 81. 1086. was r.840.g4JI.07 Htx months previously K »■• $7.1».6*4Xn, For comparison we rite yee the following figures: Dec 81.1086 June 60.1096 Insurance Department..$7,043,088 71 $6,686416.26 Publications A Printery 1«.144J6 166,636.17 Minor Beneficiaries..... 1I4JM4.6I 1IOOJ4 $7,340*43*7 fltfijmJ* ITEM: State and Municipal Bonds, Arrears........ .«h .. .$ State and Municipal Bonds, Defaulted........... Utility and Industrial Bonds, Arrearp............. Utility and Industrial Bonds, Defaulted.......... Matured Bonds Unpaid.......................... Dec. 81, 1086 91,000.00 896,000.00 26,000.00 323,306.87 2;{f),644.00 June 30, 1986 187,000.00 471,000.00 25,000.00 409,806.87 135,044.00 -Interest Dut Not Pti*. Dec. 81, 1886 $ 8*280.00 188,188.04 1,686.18 4*600.00 6,886,00 Juns 80, 1986 $ 4,600.00 110,676.76 8,086.18 69,796.00 TOTAL BONDS ................... .........$1,069*49.87 $1,177*49*7 $189*29.17 $186,006*8 First Mortgage Loans—Regular......... First Mortgage Loans—International..... .........$ 62,469*6 ......... 817*6 $ 104,608*9 8,971.14 $ 8,484.76 .66 $ 4*19*8 49*1 TOTAL MORTGAGES.............. ......... 63*77.81 108,474*8 8*86*1 4*69.18 Total Securities—Adult Department..............$1,188,187.08 $1,886,884.80 $141314.41 $190,676.01 In January, 1937, we noted that of the above securities in arrears, the following were placed in good standing: Par Interest State and Municipal Bonds.....$ 10,000.00 $260.00 Regular—First Mortgage. ..... 14,926.00 248.12 Totals ..................$24,986.00 $486.12 Excluded from the above list is the sum of $40,-268.48 involvsd in mortgage foreclosurs proceedings as compared with $62,966.08 at June 80, 1986, and $64,016.81 at Decembsr 81, 1986. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT ———Par Amount- , rS* Dee. 81, ITEM: 1986 State and Municipal Bonds, Arrears..............$........ Stste and Municipal Bonds, Defaulted............ 30,800.00 Utility and Industrial Bonds, Arrears............ 10,000.00 Utility and Industrial Bonds, Defaulted........... 18,000.00 Matured Bonds Unpaid.......................... 7,000.00 Juns 80, 1986 30,800.00 10,000.00 18,000.00 7,000,00 Interest Due Not Paid Dec. 81 June 80 1086 1086 6,848.00 860.00 4,488.00 860.00 TOTAL BONDS ........................$66,800.00 $66*00.00 $6,696.00 $4*88.00 First Mortgage Loans...........................$11,706.40 Second Mortgage Loans.......................... 600.00 TOTAL MORTGAGES .................... 12,806.40 $18,468.16 1*00.00 14*68.16 $ 107.14 6.60 118*4 817,46 49.60 266.96 Total Securities—J u ven i Is Department............$78,106.40 880,768.16 $6*11.64 $6,104.96 4 • • Assets of our Socisty, liabilities, and surplus funds, compared on a percentage basis, ars ; -% of Total Dee. 81, June 80, ASSETS! Book Value 1986 1886 U. ft. Government Bonds and Obligations.........$1,781,714.60 28.66% 16.46% Home Owners' Loan Corporation Bonds........... 608,169.88 6.9K 7.18 State and Municipal Bonds....................... 2,960,841.09 40.66 44.88 Utility and Industrial Bonds..................... 780*17*7 10.04 12.06 Maturad Bonds Unpaid ......................... 241,680.88 3.82 2.00 Tax Warrants .................................. 2,400.00 .04 .07 First Mortgages on Real Estate.................. 627*44.66 8.63 9.76 Second Mortgages on Real Estate................ 1,100.00 .02 .08 Real Estate Acquired ........................... 84,086.28 1.16 1 06 Home Of floe—Land and Building—Net........... 78,080*6 1.00 .82 Common snd Preferred Stocks.................... 84*76.00 .48 .14 Cash on Hand and in Banks...................... 290,482.64 3.90 2.96 Loans on Certificates of Members. ............... 1,886.92 .02 .01 Accounta Receivable ............................ 968.74 .01 .01 Inventoriea—Newspaper and Printing Department 1,668.49 .02 08 Furniture and Fixtures—'"Prosveta"— Net......... 1*94.12 .02 -„ .02 Machinery and Equipmentr— Printing Dept.—Net... 2,186.46 .03 *8 Deferred Assets—Newspaper and Printing Depta... 914.69 *1 01 Cash Deposit—Chicago Title A Trust Co.......... 400.00 *1 .01 TOTAL ASSETS ...........................$7*76,724.61 • 100.00% 100*0% LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS FUNDS: * Adult—Unpaid Deeth Claims....................$ 22*79.80 .81% >8% Accounts of Minor Beneficiaries.................. 108,496*0 1.42 1*1 Accounts Payable—Newspaper and Printing Dept. 666.96 .01 ...... Accrued Expenses and Wages Newspsper and Printing Departments ......................... 666*6 .01 ...... Surplus—Adult Department ..................... 6*00,941.60 89.86 H9.21 - Juvenile Department ........... ..... M7*8$*f 6,08 7.06 " —Minor Beneficiaries ................... 11*66*2 .16 .14 « -Newspaper and Printing Departments.... 127,744.11 .1.76 > *9 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS.......$7*T«,TI4*I 100*0% as follows: Insrease Derreaae 4.80% .80 3*8 2*8 1.82 .68 1.12 .11 .18 .84 1*8 .01 .12% .0« .01 .01 .14 .0« .02 .18 I During the second half of the yeer 1986 (Exhibit G in Accountant's report) securities involving $861 r 918.70, book value, were either sold, exchanged, matured, or called. The net less waa $11,722.70, which really was not a loss, but the emount peid for bonds ebove par value when they were purchased. In the books they are listed at cost value. When theee bends ar« matured or called, they are paid to us at par value. DI*M RNKMRNTS BT FUNDS, ADULT DKPAKTMKNT, The standing of the Adult liepartment, as per InveetmenU end funds, is es foliewsi BALANCE IN PUNDX, DECEMBER 81, 1986 Accounted for as follows! U. 8. Government B".di and Obligations Home Owners' Loen Corporation Bonds ...... State and Municipal iionds................... Utility and Industria! Bonds ................ Real Estate First Mortgage Loan*............ Reel Estate Acquired........................ Heme Office- Land aM Building Net........ Matured Bonds Unpeid...,/...,.,..'......... Tes Warrants .............................. Common and Preferred Stocks ............... Loans on Certificat*« of Member»............ fash I>eposit—Chicago Title é Trust Ce...... Lodge Supplies Accounts Receivable ........ Cash ea Hand far DepeeK................... rash in laoks............................... TOTAL AMETS-ADl/LT DEPARTMENT --% ef Total Asset« Book Value ... 11*04.166.21 ... 460*62.81 ... 2.724 *22 2! ... 6UO,770*2 ... 620,716.00 64*06.12 78*00*6 .... 264*87.76 2,40000 84*76.00 1*96*2 400.00 61*0 9*88.66 .... 214.106.77 I« Dec. 81, 1966 84.44% IM 41.76 8.90 6.12 . .99 1.12 1*0 >04 *2 m Ml 0 » »0$ » .14 8*6 ... 100*0% June 80, 1986 20.44% 7.26 46.ON 10.98 9*4 .77 .92 2.18 m .16 Alt *l *6 1*0 100*0% Increase D»erea— 4 00% .22 4.28 2*8 1.12 .22 .20 1.47 *4 *7 *l OUR REAL ESTATE HOLDING* On De<'. 31, 1966, our Society possessed 14 Firsl Mortgage Loan properties, which we were compelled to take over for non-payment of interest and of principal. Our investment in them is $64,086*8. Our expenses with these real estate holdings were $4,037.91, and for rentals the Society collected $4,* 784*7. The Croatian Home in So. Chicago is not yet included in these properties but it will be as soon as customary court procedure will be ended. BUILDING FUND The cost for the additional story to our office building and other alterations was 826*11*7. The comparative statement of the Ruilding Fund, Income and Expense, for the six month period, ending December 31, and June 30, 1936, Is as follows: -ail Montha Kndad Da«. II, June II, Ineraaaa 1MI IMS Dacraaaa wrong * Rant front In.uranc« Dept...! 1,400 00 | l.tOO.OO | ...... Kant from Frlntia« Dpt .... l.HOOOO I.IM.00 ....... Kent from "I'roaveU" Dapt ., 100 00 IM.M ....... Auditorium Nat Hantala 7M 10 1.M7.4I Utt.lt Initiation Faaa ..................UI.OO «74 00 VI00 TUTAL INOOMK ...........I 4,410 10 nfMMNi Fuel, Uafct an« Cleantn« Supplie. ..................I alt.sa Janitor'« Waeaa ............ Dap recia I Ion — Home Office Hulldlnv .................. Mulldlag Hepa I ra ........... Wala» Ttaaa ..,,,.,,....... Heal Matate Tsaea-~IIU Building Inauranaa — Firs — I Yaar................... MiaaallaseouH BulMlns K«< 1.114.00 4tl an t 4.140.41 t Ml.lt t 1.117.11 I 141.14 •AreKltacfa Fee Account of I'rapoaed Addition to Home (If flee II u i l•»• Vmtmm liWlBNMl Kacarilise V|)m4 el Casl ii Ammtmm .............. «.mom mum 4.ot4.m total Assam ........ «iu.miai an«»«»«« ai.m.ia uasiutucs amu auarum „ rumu Dm to mtmM «MMfutoriM itea.isa as |ier.«M.7i ia.ass.aa pees (SeMMi ". u.asa.aa a.aesea i.ait.is TOTAL, IJABlIJTIKe ANU suan.ua ruNu .... nuja« si tiit.taasa n,«i.ii I m mi M liml < IM, h»u,< t»»* r*«ii sara w aae ie m rt w«l f IS uum* rwewtuw. t aee NuiSirt M4 rutaM •« Cm*......,....,.......... a.iiaie 1,1 rnHmt I > Bill » Kl>»I I V a Trass«** O ti «•leases m niim um is »ta m O. a Treasevf IV-'«• < at .••««• (*•«) •« (m . adnata v a. r t , $% m r»#» at i t us ss tut A l. Aaaarrs UAMunaa, aaaatavsa anu auari.ua am i», ........... | tista A»mm* Was« ............. 1MB» Os—lli i «m Ium.M. Tea Farraa ......lit»» Imw*« far ImsmOUn r«riH«N ,*4 rii^n»,.,. 4titst «■ a,su aa tat se SM It u se Ml a,M4«s I» Ml 11 a.eia ta PRINTING DEPARTMENT During the second six month« period of 103« the Printing Department wrote off its holdings of General Oglethorpe Hotel Bond«, thereby auatetotog a loss of fy&VM. This loss was determined at this time by reason of receipts of a first and final dividend as follows: Coat of Bonds...................19,776.00 Final Dividends ................ 478.00 The investment« of thia department a« to the arrears of Internet, amounts to December 31, 1036, $46,662.00 and the interest due, «6,036.78. The accountants made a detailed examination of all account« showing balance« due to Minor Bene-firiaries, and audited all change« therein during the paut els month period. The surplu« fund amounta to 111,366.62. Wo quote from the accountants' report on thia department the following: "For many year« pa«t the Tru«t Department for Minor Beneficiaries ha« been governed by the Supreme President. In our previous report, we called attention to the recommendation of the Insurance Department of Illinois that the work Involved in handling minors' claims should be attended to by your own Insurance department. Since the care of this department requires to a measure clerical work and etnre the investment« require only a minimum of supervision at this time, It 1« suggested that your Supreme President be relieved of the clerical detail, and to have this work performed by the employees of the insurance department. This procedure will enable your President to devote more of his time and effort toward the guidance of the Society'« general problems " This was not the first time we conferred on this subject. After seme deliberations we derided that the Supreme President should be relieved of thia duty, The reconla of thia department were found in proper order. PUBLICATIONS The eipensea of our official organ MPro«veta" and of our other publications were covered by regular income and besides that the net Income (profit) amounta to 11,804.61 for the period of JulyOecem-bar, 1036 In the previous «ix months it wai $8,-370.03. All voucher« of thl« department were examined by the accountants and by our committee. The pay-rolle were scrutinised In detail. All inter-aodoty transaction* wens traced Into proper departments. Suhacrlptions received were checked All advertising hills were examined. The aaeeta and liabilities of the Publications Department are aa follows. Dai II. J una te, l»in>a A «arm i ttsa isss iwnm Cask ts Marts»,« Tr*~i Cm attest St IIM»I II It.tel.IS t «A ta MlllaeS a*au *a»t - ' Balance, Loss ........................ In the machinery and other equipment of the printery, coet price, was inv««ted from the beginning 861,013.63. Keeerve for depreciation amount« to $48,877.17. Net book value of equipment aa per December 81, 1036, was 82.1864«. Moat of the equipment is atill to very good condition. In the second 0 month period tho Printing department la showing s 82.260.3« net profit, before considering s loaa of 10.200.00 on General Oglethorpe Hotel Corporation bonds. Before considering this extraordinary item of loaa, the Printing Department increased its profits «657.27 over tho first six months period of 103«. Net loaa of the Printing Department, due to before mentioned bonda, was $7,038.64. The total surplus of this department was on December 31, 103«, $87,864.22, SNPJ original investment ta the Printing Department was $60,000.00, total $88,-286.84. The accountanta stated in their report, that records of Printing Deportment aa of every other department, were properly maintained. LABOR'S RED CROSS FOR SPAIN The President, Brother Vincent Calnkar, was receiving contribution« from lodges snd individual«, and atill la, for the Labor'« Red Cfoaa in Spain. We ascertain that all the contributions were properly recorded and money forwarded to David Dub|n«ky, Treasurer of tho Labor'« Rod Cross. Brother Csin-ksr requested him to inform us how tho money thns collected is «pent. The following are excerpt« from Mr. Dubinsky'« letter«: -Tho money we are collecting 1« not being expended la thia country for sny purpoae whatsoever. All purchase« for Spsin are made by tho International Solidarity Fund, which haa direct contact with s relief committee and tho trade union« to Spain. The enclosed copies of two report« received from Mr. Schevenel«, dated October 31 at and January 6th, contain a Hat of monie« received from tho various countrie« and a report of the monie« expended and the purchaee« made, which will undoubtedly be of intereat to yon. We have recently received a wire from Mr. Schevenels asking for additional funds, snd to response, trsnsmltted $10,000. A further substantial sum will be «ent in tho next few daya. You will alao be intereited to know that up to this time we have collected more than $114,000.00." "Tho total cpllected up till now smounts to $410,000, the Isrgest contributions hsving come from Great Britain, with $110,000 (figures are approximate), United State« with $106,000, Sweden with $«0,000, Belgium with $60,000, Denmark with $30,-000, Holland with $20,000 snd Norwsy with $18,600 and other smounts having been received from a great number of amaUer countrie«. In addition, Franco 1« running a separate relief campaign, in which a total of 8426,000 haa already been collected, and the International Traniport Workers' Federation is also running s separata campaign, but I have no figures of the amounts collected, "The International Fund haa spent 8180,000 and, as far as I am Informed, the French Fund has spent nearly $375,000 from its own collections. The following are the main goods which have been sent out to Spain: ambulances, with serum, considerable quantities of medical supplies, bandages, etc., three fully equipped medical unite hsv« been sent, with our financial assistance, to different fronts on the governments! side; flour; sugar; condensed milk; corned beef; bacon; coffee and a Tory large quantity of clothing (raincoats, leather clothing, underwear, knitted goods, etc.) A great campaign is also being prepared to find accommodation for children to France, Belgium and Switserlsnd. We expect to find shelter for sbout 20,000 children who will bo accommodated to private families, but for whom we have to bear the coet of transport, medical examination, supervision, etc." J. R. Z. TRUSTEE FUND Under the supervision of throe members of tho Supreme Board of SNPJ and three members of the Executive Committee of J.S.F., the funds of the die-solved J. R. Z, are managed by these six trustees in accordance with tho resolution passed by the last convention of J.R.Z. to 1022. The records andjgooks of the Trustees were examined by two members of our Supervising Committee and two membera of JJI.F. Auditors. Tho report of J.R.Z. funds waa prepared by Its Secretary, Mr. Chas. Pogoroloc and 4s a* follows: FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF J.R.Z. TRUST FUND FOR 198« RECEIPTS: Administrative fund in bank Doc. 81, 1936 $ 367.88 Interest: Jugoslav Bldg. 4k Ixian Assn.... 108.00 Interest: Kaspar American State Bank.. 8J8 Interest: Federal bonda....................0.76 tas is ISS.TI is* aa as .ta Mill t IM M itt.aTs M an.ssi ii ta.iaiAt Total ............................ DISBURSEMENTS: Sureties for sec'y and treasurer..« 10.00 Part of interest to "Proletarec" . 104.2« $ 431.66 Total .............................$ 114.28 Bank balance Doc. 81, 1936............$ 367.66 OTHER ASSETSj Uan: Peoplea Preas, Maribor. Jugoalavia. .$10.000.00 Jugoelav Bulldlng and Loan Aaa'n ...... 6,300.00 Prlklad Butldtnt and Laan Aaa'n........ 2.620.00 Saving acct : Keapar American State Bank 660.00 Federal Bonds 800.00 Total »m,167.68 OTIIKR FUNDS: Strlhere' fund ......................... 795.1.1 Educatlonal fund ......................_ 408.66 Total .......................;-.... $SM«JM Striker*', educatlonal and administrative funds ha ve their accounta to the folhmlng banket ADMINISTRATIVE: ha.par American State bank... .$167 56 STRIKRRS'1 Kaspar Ameiiean State Bank ...$366 33 Miltard State Bank ............. 430 00 SUPERVISING COMMITTEE For SNPJ:—Fred Malgai. J. A. For JAJL: Aatea Garden. Vlaha PER DIEM AND TRAVELING EXPEN8E8 To the delegatee of tho next convention our Com-mittee will eubmit a plan to aimpllfy payments for traveling expenses and per diem« while traveling, as we promised to do after the experience« at the last convention. Thia concludes our report. Freak Zaitx. Fred Malgai. Jacob Aasbreskh. Supreme Supervising Committee. The report of the supreme supervising committee was accepted without objection. Bro. President adjourned the meeting at 12 o'clock noon. Tote! .................$796.33 s.eiaia vista m i« i so i stat« EDUCATIONAL: K «»par American State Bank Millard State Bank......... TT» M AMI lit IM, aaavaa amd auaru;e Nina '"f samas • taeast Total Chicago. III. .$1 S4.94 317.71 $402 66 MUll . H.1II4I IWcemWr 81, IMS I ha*. Pagaretee, Secretary. second session Afternoon of February 8 Bro. President called the meeting to order at 1 P. M. All supreme board members wore present. Bro. Vlder mentioned that tho American Red Cross expected a donation from the Society for flood relief. He moved that $600.00 bo donated for this worthy purpose. — Bro. Malgai eaconded. Bro. Teriet) counter-moved that $260 be donated to tho American Rod Cross for flood relief. — Tho motion wa« seconded. A abort discussion followed to which Brethren Cvetkovich, Lokar snd Vogrich took part. Tho motion of Bro. Vlder was carried by a majority vote. The Society therefore immediately donated $600.00 to the American Rod Cross for flood relief. Bro. Olip moved that the administrative committee recommend to the trustees of J. R. Z. to donate a reasonable amount to the victims of Spanlah fascism. — Tho motion waa aeconded and Unanimously adopted. Bro. PodboJ inquired if Moody's service wss worth what it soots. — Bro. Zaltx explained that different membera of the administrative committee and also the Society's counselor stated that they often used the information supplied by Moody's, and that they believed that Moody's service was worth its sub-scriptlon price. UNIONS IN THE HEAD OFFICE Bro. Sonrak referred to tho report of tho supervising committee regarding employees in the secretory'« office, in tho manager's department snd in the editorisl department, and their unions. He moved thst this msttcr be considered immediately. Bro. Calnkar ruled i that this subject could be discussed at once, there'being no objection. Bro. Zaits said thst he had heard that representatives of the American Newspaper Guild intended to come to this meeting. They had already conferred with the heads of the different departments to the head office. In his opinion S.N.PJ. in its educational and propagandists activities had always supported unionism and the workers' struggles. But now we have before us a problem that must bo solved not from ths standpoint of union sympathis ers, but ss employers«« „It wss his conviction thst we were obliged to recognise the union, if not now, then st the convention, which Is not far swsy; snd an agreement should bo reached which must be equally fair for tho 8oc|0y aa for the employees. Bro. Tercel) said that he favored unionism, but thst in our esse tho by-iaks restricted the action of the supreme board. Jfi Bro. Godlna described minutely the conference with the representatives of the American Newspaper Guild, to whom he Clearly explained that our Society is u fraternal organisation, which was not founded for profit. Personally he hsd nothing sgsinst the union, but every agreement of this kind should be on a sound baSis, that Is, it should not only enumerate the obligations of the Society, hut slso stipulate that the employooa muat be capable and efficient. It would be, of course, mopt advisable to postpone this matter flntll the convention. Bro. Vlder considered this question very important As far as the question of unionism se auch la concerned, the standpoint of the Society and of the Supreme Board Is entirely clear. In principle we had always favored unlotolam. The employees to the editorial department have a very good reaaon for their requests, which wo can not readily Ignore. They perceive very plainly and painfully the difference between union workers to the S.N.PJ. Printery and themselves. Editorial work la not worth leas or of lesser importance, but neverthelesa their pay la conaiderably lower. When the employoee of the printery flniah their tour of duty, that'a all there la to It But our employooa are active for the Society to their lodges; at least, thia is expected of them. It seems advisable to dlscuaa this matter now, ao that the member« of the euprome board will be able to take a definite «tend in caae this la brought up at the convention. — Ho added, that, under existing conditions, certain demands of the employee« could not be mot, for example, the demand that every employee perform only certain «pacific duties. In our offices it is necessary to perform the work, aa H cornea. Bro. Gradtaek considered this an awkward matter. He thought it would be neceaaary to recognise the union, to be conalatent with our principles. But personally be was certain that the Society's employeea did not really need a union. They had had one years ago, but had permitted It to break up. Bro. Bearak moved that tho supreme board go on record as favoring recognition of the union, and that the queetlon of signing aa agreement bo loft to the convention. Bro. Petrevich read the provision of the by-lawa fixing a maximum wage. Supreme board could not and would not break the by-laws. For thia reaaon, If for no other reaaon, it would bo neceaaary to postpone thia matter till the convention. And to oar future by-la wa make no provision for a fixed maximum wage. Determining the wages «hall be left to the discretion of the supreme board. — Our employees know that we are a fraternal organisation and that we are not exploiting them. They should take this fact into consideration and alao explain It te the organisers of their union. Bro. Melek seconded Bro. Somrak'a motion. Wa are forced from time to time to atete that we favored and do favor unioaalam. But a anion for employees In the head office would be more of academic than material meaning. — He then dee-cribed the experiences with the first union, a member of which he himself had boon. He also that to his epinlon an Important point waa that they were attempting to make their )ohe secure, ao that the new supreme board would be unable te discharge the preaent napleyeea and te replace them with its awn folio vara. Bto. V«trick atated that the supreme board weald not refuse ta recognise the union. But that they r*uld not algn an agr »stent. because they were bound by the by-laws, ,.ne section of which prescribes a maximum pay of $83 weekly. The convention la May of this year might authorise the an-prense board to *>*•> m agreement It «eems that employee« in the -Mortal and la the manager'» department» are fuigettta* that ta aa «neonate bar of year« the daily "Proeveta" will discontinue publication, because the elder membera will die out and among our youth there is not enough intereat. At that time, of courae, aU those employooa will have to bo discharged. Bro. Barbie* called attention to the need for organising the employees of all Slovene newspapers, otherwise "Prooveta" would go bankrupt if it had to meet all the demande of the union. At present, the main queetlon is the recognition of the union. The question of an agreement and minimum pay would have to be discuaaed later. Bro. Malgai waa for recognition of the union and for raieing the wages, but this should be deferred till the convention. If sny employee could not wait a few months, nobody would hinder him if he wanta to quit. Bro. Calakar said ho would like to know whore the rumor originated that the administrative committee waa oppoeed to unioniam. Ha aaid it waa necessary to again declare that the administrative committee aa well aa the supreme board always favored unionism snd higher pay for employooa aa well as for heads of our departments. But tho important question is. whore la the money coming from? If tho price of subscriptions is raised tho number of subscribers will fall off. Wo must not forgot that we are a fraternal organisation compoood chiefly of laboring people, and that newspapers of ths workers are dependent to a largo extent on tho voluntary cooperation of all of as. When the vote was taken, Bro. Bomrak'a motion waa carried unanimously. CAMPAIGN Bro. Vlder reported that tho federation for Chicago and vicinity and Lodge 115 recommend a campaign in the currant year. Poreonally ho did not favor a campaign, because H seemed unadviaabie to him to conduct campaigns one year after another, Also, because the administrative officers would bo too busy with work duo to tho approaching convention to be able to devote enough energy to such a campaign. But next year, when wo celebrate tho 86th anniversary of dor juvenile department, a great campaign could bo Conducted. Bro. Zskx moved that the question of the campaign for new members and now subscribe» to "Proavote" bo referred to tho supreme board st its meeting after the convention. — The motion was seconded and unanimously adopted. Bro. Vlder reported that the Cleveland federation desired that a special membership campaign bo conducted in Cleveland and vielnity, to laot until tho convention. Personally ho had nothing against such s campaign, bat he thought that other lodgea and federations would consider themaelves slighted if Cleveland were favored with a special campaign. How ever, there should bo a great deal of enthusiasm in Cleveland anyway, for the aimple reaaon that the convention will bo hold there; besides, they have an organiser of their own. Bro. Bomrak explained that the Cleveland federation hsd s deficit to their treasury, caused chiefly becauso inclement weather spoiled their big affair laat year. For thia reason they decided to ask for a special campaign. If the Society furnished fl nancial help, they thamaelvea would conduct the campaign. Bro. Somrak was of the opinion that it would be adTisable to keep the organiser, aince he waa not a detriment to the Society. He proceeded p to narrate different cases aa wall as his own experiences in detail. Often new members are credited to the lodge secretary, althou they wore actually contacted by the organiser. An organiser is noces sary, if for no other reason, because of keen competition from insurance companies, who happen to have among their agents a number of young Slovenes. Bro. Terifelj wss convinced that the present organ iter was active and vary Industrious, but that conditions were such that the results were not as great ss might be expected. It would bo preferable to give the federation financial support, and let the fade-ration pay the organiser or organise the campaign. Bro. Godlna moved *that the Cleveland federation be given $800 for a campaign which ahsll last till the convention in May 1987. ■— Bro. Tercelj seconded Bro. Barbleh described and explained conditions to Cleveland. His opinion was that there would bo greater success if better inducement« were offered to prospective members, rather than depending too much on an organiser. Bro. Zsits moved that the organiser's position be extended till convention. He called attention to the fact that the Society was built to ita present greatness by unpaid organisers. He voted for an organ iser with the expectation that an actual teet would show whether It vu advisable or not to have paid organisers. Thia trial ahould bo continued until the convention. — The motion was aeconded. Bro. Vlder atated that the organiser had eecured up to thia time forty new membera for both departments; ahho seven of them have not actually joined the Society yet. Bro. Petrevich thought that our initiation fee was a big disadvantage when eolldttog new members. It wonld be adviaable to dlacontinue thia fee. When the vote was taken, Bro. Zaits's motion regarding continuation of the position of organiser to Cleveland was defeated by a majority of votes. - The motion of Bro. Godlna was carried with a majority vote. Therefore, 8800 wil be given to the Cleveland federation for a campaign to last till convention. Bro. Malgai moved that the organiser'e position be abolished with tho laat day of February 1987. — The motion waa seconded and unanimously adopted. ' Ten minutes recess. Bro. Vlder read the recommendation of the Cleveland federation regarding a radio program at the time of the convention. A lively discussion followed, with nearly all membera of the supreme board taking part The general opinion was that radio ia a modern medium of propaganda, which wa have to use alao. The coat—altho on flrat glance seeming very high—Is not exorbitant If we take Into consideration that via radio we come Into the homes of our members and uncounted other ceutrymen who may yet become members. The radio la especially effective ia reaching the younger p»oPlr Bro. Malgai moved that an expenditure not te exceed 83.000 be allowed from the convention fund for a radio program te be given during the convention. — Bro. IWcol) seconded. — Unanimously adopted Bro Vlder read the petition of the Chicago federation, aaking for the refund of the amount paid aa rental for S.N.PJ. Hal! for their Christmas party. Bro. I*kar moved that the amount they paid, being one-half af the regular rental, be refunded -The motion waa naesnisd and unanimtkialy adopted. Bro. Vtfer presented the invitation /the Caakar's Foundation ia Cleveland aaking the Society to be-eoaie a founder member. A debate followed. Brethren Somrak, Tercotj. Molek and Podbaj spoke la favor af the magasine that thia foundation Intends to publish Brother. Barbirh and Petroviah told of their ImjUweelons and alee expreaeed their doubte. Bro. Gor«ek expiws sad hie fears that each a magasine would harm the existing progroaaire newspapers. Bro. VMar aaid he could aee no future for auch a «omu. because our older Slovene people are dym* Bro. Melek moved that the Society Z^ ^ foundation $200. — Seconded. Bro. 6alar counter-moved that $100 i* r for thia purpoae. — Bro. Barbich aaoonded When the vote was taken, Bro. Molek'«___ I waa defeated. The motion of Bro. ftular wa« by a majority vote. Accordingly the SocJvj! contribute $100 to the founder«' fund of ¡wT Foundation. Unki* In the case of Sister Panliae Joger, Lodira at. Bro. Vider reported that one phys.cian eor, Jr one of her hands to be 76% uaelest, while physician had conaidered it 90% useles« the circumstances no diaability could be psid nccoH. tog to our by-lawa. 8he has naked for stuH $160, aa that ia the amount ahe owe« the ho,piS Bro. Godiaa moved that tho previou*ly named ia. star be given $60 out of the special benefit fund Seconded. Bro. PodboJ moved that the question of ptym^ of diaability be deferred, since the convention wtt probably adopt new provisions governing disability — Seconded. When the vote was taken, both motiong were car. ried, each with auffident majority. Sister Joger will therefore, at once bo granted $60 special benefit and the final diepoeition of the ease was deferred! Bro. PodboJ moved that Bro. President app01nt a special committee of throe members to exurmn« complaints and appeals. —- The motion was wcotd. ed and unanimously auloptod. Bro. Calnkar appointed Brothers Lokar, Cvetka-vich and Olip. — All throe accepted appointment Bro. Lokar presented the offer of "Strugglen" Lodge 814, for an advertisement to their souvenir booklet to bo published on the occasion of their tenth anniversary. Bro. PodboJ moved that the Society contribute f# this purpose $26. — Seconded and unanimouilr adopted. Bro. TeriSelj reported that he had represented ths Society at three different lodge affairs and that, to accordance with the decision of the supreme board at its last mooting, he believed thst he was justly entitled to bo roimburaod for hia expenses, eipecial-ly since the lodgea had requested bim to attend, lb wss very disappointed to have his claim rejected br the head office. Bro. Lokar reported that he, too, had had ont auch experience. , Bro. Vider explained the deciaion of the suprant board aa contained in the official minutes; the administrative committoo was obliged to abide that decision, according to which expenses are be paid only when the head office sends a speaker upon a request from tho lodge or s group of lodfss, Bro. Zaits was satisfied with the decision at stated in the minutes, because it gives the head office full control. Of course, the supreme board has authority to reimburse Bro. Terfelj and Bro. Lokar and alao others for their expenses. Bro. PodboJ moved that the bills of Brothers Ter-delj and Lokar be paid. — Seconded and unanimously adopted. Bro. Calnkar adjourned the meeting at 5 P. M. third session Morning of February 9 The meeting waa called to order at 9 A. M. All Supreme Board members were present. Bro. Zupan read the minutes of the first session. The minutes were accepted as read. The minutes of the second session were read and approved with corrections. BY-LAWS OF THE JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Bro. Vider read the by-laws of the juvenile department aw drafted by the'administrative committee in cooperation with the actuary. A short discussion was held regarding section II. Bro. Podboy moved that it be stricken out; Bro. Tercelj seconded.—Bro. Vider explained.—When the vote was taken, Bro. Podboy's motion was defeatsd by a majority vote. Bro. Vider explained, according to propossd bylaws, the children will be admitted to the juvenila department as soon aa they are born. Bro. Vider then road the ecales. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the new educational car-tificate, whereby tho duoa are pro-rated and an amount up to $800 in cash shall be paid to s men-be> upon attaining the ago of eighteen yesrs, this in addition to the death benefit inaurance scalim up to $1,000. Bro. Zaits wsa surprised that the administrsti* committee offered this kind of insurance, becsuia from articles of Bro. Vider he hsd received the impression that Bro. Vider did not fsvor so-csllsd dowment insurance. Bro. Vider stated that personally he d<*i not favor this typo of insurance. Bro. Calakar explained that the administrates committoo favora this kind of insurance becsuia h provides for educational endowment, and bscauw there is a great demand for this type of iniurnsii. Bro. Lokar compared this new certificate with tte policlea offered by private insurance compsnieat» inquired if this scale specified any extended insurance to case of diocontlnuance of payments of aa-sessmeiUs. Bro. Vlder stated that our insurance should be compared with polidei of insurance compsm^ it is not our purpose at all to compete with pmata companies. Ho mentioned further that Illinois coa-missioner of insurance holds that insursnce, ^ known in our Socioty under plan B, is the best. ara. Vlder then explained to Bro. Lokar that si*** Insurance would cause a great amount of W0IV the head office; we have a special benefit fund fr« which we could pay aaseesmente for worthy m«m«*r*. It is not advisable to inaugurate endowment tsasr-ance, because it ia poasible that if we do «o tb« ^ dety would bo taxed In different «tates; some sU»» actually started prescribing such tesee S» me f», ernal organisations already hsve had trouble Is "» respect Extended insurance could be inrluded^P which caae a plan would hare te bo work*JJ^f our actuary recommended, however, that initam extended insurance loan value be granted has* the individual .«^.t*. . Bro. Podboy recommended that the new »csj* ' educational insurance be approved as submitted the provision regarding loan valae be odded tabulated by actuary.—His conviction was thai-inauguration of this new type of to»ur«r>«. help the campaign far new members that the by-lawa of the jnvonile departm«" Ing the scales he approved aa submitted ^ Bro. Peteovleh sanested that this tn'«rer- oro. I'etrovteh suggested uiai mis p"-- ^ called "insurance with the educational f«^ " ^ It really la, ae that It woold not bejoniw*~ ^ t t He the cndowi boy's motion. . Iltr« Bro. Podboy's motion was oaanlmouil) Bra. Vider moved that the reeerve ft* *". ^ nlle members who transfer late the " men t be teeroaecd from the present $11 ta H» * ^p^p^march it. . ^iSTST'that thi. can be effoefd, as iT^ that ths by-law. of the ju- ftoii« i,l*37.--S«conded and unanimously Jjoptfd Te" tSSSS^ in detail cm. where mem-Brv MrnJ!loated depression, were compelled f. °ofP£^but when they expressed de-^P:t.dm ttl/they were forced to pay again •rtW . ; fee which, however, wa. paid when * lB,tl'U^v To'ined the Society. Feeling the in-°Tf VoviIion he recommend* th.t form-^ t » reentering the Society are exempt from L f* for the second time. He moved of the supreme board uphold thi. JLt at the next convention. H^r/j calling attention to the by-law., as-.t ti supine board .hould not make de-¡¡¿itlS question. He moved that thi. mat- described a £ which 1« twuï kn were had per »on« 1 knowledge, pointing out that there _W¡on. where such reacission of fea. would "ÍÍ Vi^wamed that great cauüon .hould be JS-d in thi. matter He mentioned ^e pre-•"Tconvention opened the door to former mem-Among those who did return the majority ' thüS1» aft*« that '<» * •«««•ad at 4 P. M. iiw 1tom f"riher attendance at the meet- Hi m.i rHurn hom* do* Plasta* work, txt. ' * ^"«»t waa granted without objec- ¿„¡l1!"1 ,t,,orttd that he waa a member of T ? ,ryrh *udii*dot th. « Z. Th^re are no changes in th» \\ that the receiver of the Millard another ft% 'dividend*. Detailed *'Oded in the report of the supreme mlttet^ aecegü4 without objection, •rx'-ated that In the future the »ublta^ any more attack, on John r »bor le»aders. Industrial worker. 1 ( nc a aerioua atruggle. and it orgaa to give the flghUr. all opít J 110 ^«»••tion If we are of '"! *f »»ot- The preaent uné thwforw all bitter de-, W «mitted. , "»»nutely his position and the '" h.« L It U impoe- " ar 7. comn,ttnnations Wfere » ttJ »i- r0gW 40 th*1 u,,n^f• ' Ul, J'* P»oaii«ed that gr*aUr rare regarding publkatl«, r, tnii-H —• wat» i *Uu Hark J u at i 4 m tiona. Of course, it wijl not be poaaible to satiny all the writers. It should not be overlooked that it is not necessarily the editor's opinion what the writers say in their communications. The editor expresses his opinion in editorials for which he is always ready to accept full responsibility. Personally he does not, for example, favor attacks on Lewis. Bro. Sular doubted if it were advisable to stop communications. Such criticism will iA due time ^ cease to be written. Bro. Goreek recommended that all captious expressions and innuendos be crossed out of communications. Bro. Barbich was surprised because Podboy, who persistently fought for freedom of expression, wants now to suppress all criticism. The members shail have the right to .voice their opinions, even if they are hypercritical. Bro. Tercelj described conditions in Pittsburgh where the progressive element is not in especial esteem. In his opinion the standpoint of "Proeveta" is entirely correct in respect to struggles of steel workers in Pennsylvania. Bro. Petrovlch did not favor attempts to restrict the authority of the editor. We ourselves want freedom of expression, therefore we must grant it also to the minority. Of course, caustic phrases could be eliminated. Also the communications should be limited to one column only. Bro. Zalts described in detail his experiences and impressions. Great eare should be taken so that no dangerous controversy develops in "Prosveta", which might greatly impede the struggle of organised labor and alee the prestige of the Society. He described the existing conditions in Pittsburgh and explained why such reaction predominates there. Bro. Vider was convinced that Bro. Podboy's in-1 tentions were laudable. Assaulting communications devoid of any proof should not be published. Bro. Barbich stated that he was not a sympathiser of Lewis, but it had to be admitted that Lewis' . present fight is succestful. Bro. Gradiaek narrated one of hi. experiences which converted him to the realisation that industrial unionism is necessary. He suggested that communications from members, containing, attacks, be not published. . . Bro. Lokar pointed out that communications of this kind do great damage to the Society. Imagine what an impression the letter published todsy will have on our Brethren who are striking at Fisher Body Co. in Cleveland! Bro. Vogrich emphasised the fact that letters from members should not be considered as the editor's opinion. Even the Chicago Daily News and the Tribune publish letters criticising their editorial policy! Bro. Ollp criticised the editor because—in his opinion—he is not impartial when assigning space in the paper. The communications of supreme officers are printed as special articles usually on the first page; but the important article written by Bro. Petrovlch was relegated among ordinary communications. Bro. Godina explained that Bro. Molek has not time to read everything that is presented for publication. For example, the editor has not examined Bro. Petrovich's article before publication. Bro. Cainkar stated that no injustice was done in thi. case. What Bro. Petrovich sent in, wa. in the first place a discussion on by-laws. Bro. Cainkar then ruled that the order of business could be resumed. Numerous opinion, were expressed and the editor will undoubtedly consider favorably the suggestions regarding communications. And the convention will deoide regarding the iutura. : Bro. Lokar read the following resolution, which was adopted at the meeting of representatives of Engliah speaking lodges laat Summer in Pittsburgh and, as far as he knew, other English speaking lodges not represented at that meeting, also were fully in accord with it: RESOLUTION Calling for a Campaign and Athletic Fund Appropriation WHEREAS, it is well established that Athletics, when prudently applied, are an invaluable contribution to human health, and exert a very benevolent effect on a life and health insurance business; and WHEREAS, Athletics promote friendship and good fellowship, and invigorate mutuality and proper understanding of true fraternalism; and WHEREAS, Athletics can be vervadvantageously employed as a means for furtheranfet^jnterest in the continued activities of t»s memby* of the Slovene National Benefit Soclety\nd th^e who may become Its members; and \__/ WHEREAS, Athletics can be one of the greatest factors in campaign work among our youth and can be very usefully and successfully employed as an effective maans for solicitation of new members; and WHEREAS, Athletics can be an essential in-strumentality for dissemination of the SNPJ principles and ideals and an important asset to the Society, and the money alloted for athletic activitiea within its ranks can bear a profitable return; therefore . BE IT RESOLVED, that the Eleventh Regular Convention of the Slovene National Benefit Society, assembled in Cleveland, Ohio in the month of May, 1937, approve the creation of a new fund for that special purpose, to be known as the Athletic and Campaign Fund, and a contribution of one cent per month from each member Into that Fund; and that the contribution Into the regular Convention Fund be that much less; and BE IT RESOLVED, further, that the Supreme Administrative Committee of the Society be authorised to guide the spending of the money in this Fund; and BE IT RESOLVED, further, that an Athletic Board of five qualified members be appointed by the Supreme Board, (selected on a national sec-tiona I bas la from names submitted by either local lodgea or federation, of lodge., or both) te outline and promulgate the best poaaible program for athletic activities within the SNPJ; and BE IT RESOLVED, further, that ereation of thi. Fund shall be retroactive aa of January 1, I0S7, and Its actlvitlee begun Immediately after the officers elected by this convention assume their of flees. ^ e A lively discussion followed, with all member, of the supreme board participe ting. General opinion was that it was advisable for the convention te adopt thi. reeolwtlen. since it I. necessary and beneficial for the Society te support the athletic activities among our youth. Different opinions were voiced rsgarding the financing of this project. Bro. Heffetli. secretary of Middle Weet Athletic League, wae permitted te ha** the floor for five minutes, and by citing statistic, he proved that M is worthwhile for the Society to give financial support to athletics. Exactly by way of athletic activities the youth can be reached. And we have te depend exclusively en the youth as the source of - _PROS VETA' ^ssanaaetaMaa—csass i ai w to grant out of the general expense fund not over 12000 in one year. — Seconded. Bro. Petrovich counter-moved that annually $8000 be transferred to the athletic fund out of the general expense fund. — Seconded. When the vote was taken, Bro. Petrovich'. motion was defeated by a majority of votes, and Bro. Vider'. motion was carried by a majority vote. - Ten minute, recess. Bro. Vider reported that there are at preaent quite a few temporary helper, in the head office and it would be advisable to tranafer one to the regular statua, aa one regular poaition waa vacated thru resignation. He moved that Siater Angela Kobel be appointed a regular employee. Bro. Somrak aeconded. Unanimoualy adopted, that one copy of every issue of uProsveta" is reg- Bro. Godina stated, to an inquiry by Bro. Somrak, ularly forwarded to the insurance commissioner in Springfield. Bro. Zalts suggested that the draft of the proposed by-lawa be now read and discuased. Thoae who worked on this draft should give explanations about any major changee. He would also like to know why the proposed by-laws wen not printed. — He further reported that Bro. Malgai recommended that' the old people's home fund should be merged with the special benefit fund, out of which support could be given to those old meubara who will not be entitled to federal old age pensions. Bro. Vider explained that the proposed by-laws provide the merger of the two funds. — The draft was not printed because the attorney and the actuary have not completed their work in time as expected. Bro. Petrovlch moved that each aection be discussed separately. —- Seconded. Bro. Cainkar explained that the tentative by-laws are more practically set up, more accurate and legally correct. «» * Bro. Petravkfcta motion was unanimously adopted. Bro. Vider. reported that the administrative committee will have the new by-laws translated Into Slovene, because there were many requests and because this seems necessary. At the convention the by-Jaws could be discuased in the Slovene or the English language, but ia the minutes the English original of accepted .action' should be entered; the Slovene version should be considered as translation. Bro. Godina recommended that It would be advisable now to decide rpg^fdlng the reports of supreme board member.. Bro. Podboy moved that report, be sent to the head office on or before March 15 and that the supreme president be authorised make corrections and to have the report, printed. — Bro. Godina seconded. — Unanimously adopted. ' Bro. Cainkar, upon Inquiry by Bro. Petrovich, stated that members or committees of the supreme board may give reports in Slovene or English, and the head office will have them translated into the other lunguage. The minutes of the convention's proceedings will likewise be in both languages. Bro. Cainkar submitted the order of businaM for the convention. Each paragraph was discussed separately and a few changes were made. Finally, upon the motion Of Bro. Eaits, which was duly seconded, the order of business for the coming convention was unanlmoiisly 'sdopted. The meeting was adjoufned at 5 P. M. The discussion crystallised Into two motions: Bro. Vider moved that suprima* beard be authorised fifth session • Morning of 'February 10 Bro. Preeident called the meeting to order at 9 A. M. All supreme board members were present, except Bro. Malgai. The minutes of the thlfd session were read and accepted as read. The minute, of the fourth MMion were read and accepted with a few correction.. Bro. Cainkar submitted, for approval the Rules of Order for the coming convention. Each paragraph was discussed,separately and after a few corrections were made, the Rules of Order were unanimously approved. Report of the Committee on Appeal§ and Complaints Bro. Cvetkovieh reported for the special committee: Lodge tlfc Bro. John Klarich was injured on October 10, 1938, his back and right leg having been broken. The disability waa not paid because the opinions of physkiana regarding Incapability to perform work were different. Bro. Klarich appealed to the judicial committee, but as the appeal reached this committee too late, the judicial committee handed the appeal to the special committee with the approval of this meeting.—The committee examined all the documents pertaining te this case and moved that the case be referred to the administrative committee for disposal. Seconded and unanimously adopted. Lodge 111: Bro. Oeorge Mrla was also injured and his case is similar te the previous ease.—The special committee moved that this case be also referred to the administrative committee for final disposition. ) Seconded and unanimously adopted. Ledge 27J: The ease of Bleter Mary diajsc,—The committee moved that the decision of the aupreme judicial committee be upheld. Seconded and unanimously adopted. Bro. Cvetkovieh reported on behalf of the special committee that with tbfa all the matters coming before them were disposed of. Thi. committee wa. comprUed of Brothers Lokar, Ollp and Cvetkovieh.—The report waa accepted without objection. Bro. ZalU preeented the report of the trustee, of J.R.Z. The book, wore audited for the aupervlslng committee by Brothers Malgai and Ambroslch.—This report-will be included In the report of the suprems supervising committee. The report wae aeeepud without objection Bro. Zalts reached back into the history and do-scribed how J.K.&--the only one of similar organisations—regularly reported Its receipts and disbursements, and It did not spend everything. This latter fact, it seeme, especially irks our opponents and Is the cause of all their Ma tent howling. He himself is continually being attacked, altho he worked hard for J.R.Z. and donated for thla worthy cause about hundred and fifty dollar« He explained what the laet convention of J.RX decided regarding the assets end bow the asset« «hould be administered To that convention different fraternal organisation» were invited, but others failed te send their reprs. aenta lives! Upon an Inquiry. Bro. ZaHs told iWorlglnelly IKMJOO «jar II7.M. Gabriel VMhlnJa IM. Ml John Kuajak It, Cteyl Matko 110. 171 Rudolph Muakvn |*0.M. 171 Oeof«e Majkaa 10. 17» Frank Kurent IIS, Frank Menpor 141. Ml. Ill, Emma Zgonc IM. MaU Mikulieh IM Frank Moenik M7 Joaephine F. IM, Loul Ml AO. Ml Anton Kolone MS. Lao Marinik lit. »M Antonia M Chalo» Ich M. 4M Mary Cerm»U MS. 407 Frank Koiene IM. 411 Alex Hatte! 14.15, Peter Slkieh IM. Steee Knetevich lit. Anna Jakee Ml. John Or-bee 117. 411 Luka Paska» IM. 411 John Sueanj Ml. John Afrieh 117. George Hrana |4I. 4M John 8uenjnr 117.40. 444 Frank Poeee IM. Jeeob Kukovie 114. 4M John Mean Iah 114.40. Georg» Bieanieb 117. Krnil Perkevich |14. 4M John Riefen Ich 111, John Tiear III, Ivan Orainele MS. Frank Zapar IM. 44t HeUn Sehroeter III. 4M Paul Jealb IM. Johu Ru«ei It. 471 Frank Jurada |14. 414 KaU Buehan 141. 407 Peter Kralj M4. • »M Mary Ronek III. Mato Cuk 120. 420 Frank Bereie 127.40. 4M Sava Bumba 61S. 147 Emma Heehimovleh M. Arthur 'IM.fto. MI John Oornis IM. Peter Kau» 814, Pela-■ia Walsak III. MO Prank Matko III. M7 William Btone 14.60. IM Mary Graten 141, Andrew Prosen M. Jeeepb Babnik M. MO Albert Zalekar 14t, Andrew Bo»tlan MI. 177 Anton Stupar M. 182 Mike Vrtin 141. Ivan Btriclch IM. Bar-toi Sulina MO. John Wolf |27. Anton Nikaieh MI. Franjo Mlkuiiele M4, Nikola T. Butkovieb IM. 404 Mary A. Keaina 117. IM John O»terman Mt- 40» John Maaanovieh I17A0, Peter M. Ljeae-vieh Ml, Mika Biluk IM. Philip Vuktnl-rovieb IM. Mike Lakov Ich IM. III Ausuat Kotehnik IM. Klara Kočnik |10. Louia Eraek IM. 417 Ceeilia Jurkovieh MI. Stefan Pele IM. Mt Joaeph ru««l 18. Or«a Jauk 117.(0. 440 France» Kacik III. 44« Martha Predovich 112. Herman liiUcrlkk I». M7 Nikola Lukich MO. Joaeph Mrian |4. Nikola Markovi« MM0. 47» Kate Blasieh M4. Stephanie Schwtrti K Slava Ponarieh MO, HeU-n Hua» «42. 417 John Fine M. Paul FinU 125. 488 Frank Vidersar 128. IM Mary Zupančič 122. Joaeph Skrlj |7. Ae ton Lipich 144, Mike Marinac »Si. 4M Joaeph Vidmar 141. 4P» Alvin Murehets M4. Ann» Ku^nbrite MO. 702 Andrew Maasaroa 141. 710 John Ipavee 114, Michael Pcnku I» 711 Aana Kaue 17. 7M George Semaon 12. 710 Helen Peniiieh III. 711 John Zagoian III. Skupaj—Total I7J1I.25. Lawrence Cradiiek. pomoini tajnik -Ain't Sec'r- Morna rnk i dela vei v San Francincu, Cal., glaau je jo o končan j u aUvke. SEZNAM UMRLIH ČLANOV Se N. P. J. v letu 1936 POMOČIM) O NAKAZANI BOI.NIftKI PODPOÄI Hebaaaaa Sna 4 a lest Pa» I Aalen tHm 4. IMf 4Mm Van» |lt M J» I» Marita «amena» IHM M Merp Jar—44. Prad B>»honh« I Ma» n.--» I«I M SU*» Ltael Ml Frank Iqim» »M M» («bertw Marak Ml. Peni SUaMber M4 44 St^en G»4I 111. Frank lerbe 147. Uni»» UMIM III. M Manta Umm 14« M. Marte PeUk 117 M. 4 «A a i —aa< M» VI Jabn S rali IM 7» < a.in.tr tteb-N |M. AnpaMee lan^M M*. Jabn A Meraateb M. *«•<»( Mt AU)» A»e»«~a* II« OUno 8e«|a* Ml. M>U l.aillrb III M Pa»a« NUMi MS. Met« Jia«4»b Ii« Praek Urat Ml M«sS Matais IIS, i— a»«b MAInva*» Ml S4 JeMb Grit» M4 Se Sata.««» KmmO MS. MinnU 1Mb« M4 M Satan Seiipml lltae. Ai 11» iii«llii MeSaak II» I. pale» M* M Un PU«MO M» An«« aise»1—' M». Me an»»« M* WíDNgDA^JARC^ annual statement SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY for tfM Yiai Ended December 31, 1996 I JV.J-Í free • ** x . niirlfaf* Mw "84« ^ w—'» * r*M .1 »IM4«. mi,»«» _ Im .II a«fcer aaareae Cactlftaetos. It. ^«M»« «I Ito «•» !L , ...... muss* «i tea«»- balUlM* ......... ¡¡¡¡¡¡J Srh^l.l. A....................... „ ^ (I bit* «pp"* ...... J ||J««Ueaeeo. Receipta^--........... î SJTSÏ ^r^-rf«.«:::::::::::::::: S iiMtk aw« Ret»«* • j.............. î Zm -»• * -'t'ri,r jf'te*. P*r IKW.1. D.......... g. TOTAL INCOME ^.............. X^ir" tarried I1.IM.M MM III.ÎI 1,111.41 .M 14TL41 I.IO.N 1.1U.U 1.M i^nU kreegbt tor» art I4U.I1 4M444.M M.4I4.M 244414.T4 •Mi officer*. ui I»»* eUtal* ............ ,A) p.mase.» diMWUitx dates......... Itdi (»4 arrl4f"t (tal«» .... *oome wholly dependent The question of our report and rec- upon their relatives or some charit ommendations to the convention wa* able institution. That would be a discussed at length. Duo to the fact very unsatisfactory situation. But If that the assets of our organisation the husband had insured himself suf are constantly growing and that the ficiently so that his family had his question of our Investments conse- equivalent Income for perhaps two or quently require more work and at- three years, the wife might be able tentlon, it was decided that we re- to make an orderly readjustment In commend to the convention that the the family life, and equip herself for Finance Committee be increased from Lome sort of job by which she could three to five members. support horaelf and her children. It was also decided to recommend From the foregoing then, It !• evident that the Supreme Treasurer shall be that next to providing for himself and an ex>officio member of the Finance his family while alive, it Is most Im Committee inasmuch as his work as portant that he ineures hlmaelf to the treasurer makes it imperativa that he greatest extent consistent with his In is well acquainted with all our invest-1 come. Or as a husband once joking menU, and his membership In the |y "T want to insure myself high Finance Committee is therefore rec-Lnougf, M that my wife can get ommondable. It is also the belief of aroun<| Hml marry a GOOD husband the members of the Finance Com- for H change." mittec that such changes In organ!- Now t|t«*n. with his limited income, sation would facilitate and improve whtt kin«*«■»bor II af srarlaaa paar, aa aar M«a H toal tfci flit » IM • I.III.M M4tr l4t.4TI.4l 1S4TI 9 IM4M4I *.................... 14, ase IM.IM4I 9. A. VlhBH. Haar Bae> LIABtLITIBB ACCORDING to ri'NM y » ».....«— mr rw w ptfja^ Mst.aei T4 1 MfJHJf •■1/.U t MS 4M. ft m.tm-ii Ml 44 M4M.M flUttA m4.isi.tt —ct.ml tf •m.iii m Bowlinir teams met visiting bowling thing as that. I say that It Is unwise teams in match games and were vie- for worker« of limited income -such torious in throe of the five Htatdiea.IM most of us are to buy Kixluw The Pioneer flmt team defeated the ment Insumnce in preference to Young Americana' best; the Pioneer Straight Life Insurance (CIbm A) aeoond team defeated the WoJv«iin«»;| twr the eeme reaaon that a poor work the Pioneer third team defeated the jng man Is foolish who spenda all hia Young American 2nd team. The Plo money on a diamond ring while starv naer girls lost their two matche« to h„g for tack of food. Endowment _!!. inM"',C*n and L,U,t' Kort|,n,ur«nr* ■hou,<' emphatically not be placed on juveniles who do not need girls. The Scores I Pioneer 1st: NOP, WH7. 807; 2H03; Pioneer 2ndi 780. 72A, «73: 2»40; | Young Amerloan 1st: »32, 1M0, «77: 2888 { Wolverines: 807, H27, 787: 22(11, Pioneer 8rdi 788, 8t8, 778, 2lftl; Pioneer Regulars (girls): 00*4. ftAM, «48: IN48( Pioneer Stars (Girls): 82«, B4U, 807: 1879j Young American 2nd: 78U. 722, 877: 2188; Little Fort (girls) i m, «07, 744: 2188; Young American (girls): t>82, 82!!, «12: I7E7, A large crowd of br>wllnx fans were on hand to watch the teams bowl. Sportsmanship wa« shown by all participants. Many thanks to our host and fellow member Hill Arba-nas, manager of the Alleys. The Young Americans are anxious to aponsor the National SNPJ Bowl, ing tournament. In the near future, the National Athletic Committee will decide the place of the tournament. All lodgee having bowlers should organise their teams and should plan to enter the tournament. While plan, ning on bowling wa should also plan on our coming indoor baaehail (soft ball) eeason. Just fix months from now the SNPJ Championship will be held in Miiwaukao, Wis., in conjunction with the Annual HNPJ Day on Labor day, Sept. 8. Mid-Wool Bowlers ant Hat»* up teams to enter In the Mid-West tournament sponsored by the Integrity l venttn-nt in ynur inmninre jtolUy They art om mUtdletnen in thia rctpeef, nnd ih« laryer the amount of invutt» ment feoturet in your ftoliry aa l/i Knduwmani Inauranra- thn yraaiar tha yield to tha Inaumne* enm/mny thrnuyh the uaa of YOUN money. Why not eliminate the middleman, and if yoa by chsnrg have money to inve«t, put it Into tho«e same kind of seeuritics in which the Insurance companies- end our Ifeciety - inveet? In cloeing I suggest that If any change It to l»e mad« In our Life ln> surance Policy, that the rosxlrnum amount he increased from 92000 to 9500(1. Another plare where oould make a great improvement is in an increase in Maternity Benefits. Much of our nwmberahip consist« of young girU, many of whom are Marriageable age. Provision could he mad* in our By laws for surh an In create so that hospitalisation and other necessary features sttendiag maternity might lie mad« available. MAX RI'MER, In addition, several partinent yum» tioas were answered during the question period. (Q.—I) You mentioned something about oar Horiety acting a« a m ddie-man Is that not an umlesirahie situation? (A.—1) It is unavoidable. Assessments whan collected can net be hep! liquid and idle. They must be Invested te yield sufficiently to take eare of our Model y'a ekpensec. The main thing to remember is that our Society ia e non-profit organisation, and that each member not only has a theoretical right, but he <*Rn In a practical way eeerelse that right through the machiaery set up eo es to eontrol every phaae of the Mariety's «cmtiles That Include« the control af our Society's flaaaeec I should hardly need to add that Uit alluaUoa CLEVELAND. — Within recent weeks this most Important book dealing with the problem of irredentlsm on the European continent has appeared under tht sponsorship of the Jugoslav Union of League of Nations Societies, Ljubljana. It Is edited by Dr. Uvo ¿crmtlj and was translated Into English by Fanny S. Copeland at Ljubljana University, This parW icular publication deals with the fat« of the Jugoslav minority in the Italian Irredentist area bordering the northwestern portion of the Jugoslav nation along the Adriatic. A perusal of the factual and statl-stlcal contents of this volume, together with an evaluation of past political experience, leaves the reader with the impression that so long as dictatorships and extreme nationalism In any form manifest themselves there will be a so re spot In any area which oontains (he nationals of one nation under the jurisdiction of another. It seems obvious also, that a plethora of nationalistic feeling will not be conducive to the solution of the grave soclsl problem! attendant upon such situations unless there is a willingness to examine their liases ami to apply reasonable measures for their correction, ThU volume, besides giving ut statistical and factual data Illustrative of the methods used by power loving and power hungry nations in the attainment of their end«, give* us an excellent presentation of a still more i nil r ii i Im. iiii iii till- denatlonaliKNl inn and nationalisation of irredentlstsi the indoctrination of the most susceptible - children and youths-with alien philosophies, accompanied by the most effective agents of propaganda, praise and reward. These are things to who«« attraction we are all prone, They blind us to the greater significance of the motives underlying these temporary rewards. They give us a sense of false security which we have tlm« to rue only when it It U>o late to realise that we are th* victim« of duplicity. This work of Dr. Cer-inelj's should receive a wide distribution in order that the problem of Irredentists, particularly those of the Jugoslavs In Italy, may be understood ami intelligently dealth with, The n {indefinite period for self-gain and to the de triment of the security holders, If that was to the advantage of these ra rkrieers; or foreclosing them pre maturely if thay ceuM get manage ment for themselves and their own re reivers And that is not all. Up to the time that our committee alerted it« investigations theae pro lecttve committees had tefused to give any Information to the depositing ss runty holders; up to that tima they had reorganised JitLILf'* of the pro pert les for the benefit of the small investor. We found that trusting investors, to afford counsel, or whose cal i tie» wheee banda were Involved. Aa usual. R was ahowa that no naem-bers ef the committees had a single dollar invested la tke aecaritiea. The defaulted iadaetriai Issues, which we have also beea able te investigate, were shown to be ia a ■mat chaotic eeaidWea. Oar precises report deals with the attention in detail. bat ae an Ínstanos I du tke caee of the Flak Tire Co.. meatéoned ia tke report. A majority of the atockkold to existing defaults in taxes and in-llMML j». The committees formed by such baaaaa weald uae the names of out ^ _ ______ standing eitisens, who, unfortunately. ^r were ~forcad—dua to conditions— permitted this practice, ia many in ^ iMft for o 1 cent on the ■tances. without realising that their I ^^ ^ |he ^fyt 3 ^„^ oa names ware merely being used a»; ^ doJUf, tj,U M the »46,000,-"window dressing". j ^ ptont m M|d for $2AOOfiOO, not- It was aaay for theae individual; „lthllUn^ that there wee M00.00D cash in the treaaury. In the case 0/ the Amoekeag Corporation in New Hampshire, which waa the *ubject of our October hearing in Manchaator and Boston, we uncovered the manipulation of the company's officers in unloading over $30,-000,000 in steck to the public just prior to the time the company ceased manufacturing ita oaly paying product. The loss to investor» waa enormous, and resulting unemployment had a wide affect in the entire New England States. Yet after tkeae plants were closed in 1935 the officers continued to draw about 1180,000 in salaries, although they admittedly visited the plante but once or twice a year. There are now pending reorganisations of many defaulted industrial issues, which require searching cxaminatloa so that the investing public will not be victimised. If those responsible for the frauds perpetrated upon the public are permitted to continue in the saddle, as they undoubtedly will unless they are properly supervised, we will later regret our failure to act. During the past summer, after the committee had received many complaints about life-insurance companies, we obtained the service of three outstanding insurance actuarial who helped us to inveetigate that sltuatloa. The urgent pleas of many policyholders showed that tremendous loaaes ware being suffered by benevolent, charitable, and labor organisations. The Modern Woodmen of mum fate in store for the holders of America, for example, together with msny more millions of dollars worth the Royal Neighbors of America, and ef Isaac to control the entire situation, aa they were the only oaas who had the namei of the security holders. They would immediately proceed to contort them and to obtain the depoalt of bond« and seeuritiea, on the assurance to bondholders that it was tke only way their interes ta would be protected. Yet in practically no case did a member of a protective committee own a single bond, nor have any interest whataoever in the property. Collusion by the committees has re-tul ted in the discharging of guaran toca, releasing of claims against Insiders, and outrageous reductions in lease réntala. In the Chicago heariags of this committee in November and December, evidence shows that the prospecte« which waa sent to tka public urging them to inveet their money in bonds, specifies that the Harding Theater was rented for IIM.000 per year. Without consultiag the bondholders, however, this rental was reduced first to 9100.000, and later, with the sanction and approval of the 'court, to $26,000. You can form your own ceaclusions at to what haapened to the bonds as a result. There are many such instances where rentals have been reduced and new teases made by these so-called protective committees and receivers for terms of 10 and It years at shams, fully low figures. It is deaktful that interest will ever be paid to holders of millions of these bonds because of such practices. The future has the WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 FIRST FEDERAL OLD-AGE BENEFITS PAYMENTS CERTIFIED BY SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD ia Chicago, New York, Detroit. Milwaukee. St Louie, San Fra»c:«co. Las Angelee. Miami. Boston. Man cheater, Washington, Philadelphia, aad other places where theae abaaee were prevalent. Aa a reauit there have bean numerous indictments and conviction* f I can assure you of one thiag. This has bean bo junket. Our committee members have worked hard and faithfully to bring to tke attention of the House and of the American people f^ g^ial Security Board started the existing «onditiona with reference another chapter in this Nation's so-te defaulted seeuritiea and the manner cUl ^^^tion history bv niacin* its In whkh they are being reorganised, approval on the first eight clnims nd in the hope that legislation wlIl|f|W for lump_,am paymente since be enacted that wil prevent in the t||# |luufliration of the Social Se-future similar abuses and robbery curit Act's Federal old-age benefit* To that and the committee prepared m on Janua^ j, 1017. More last seaaion a J»ill which was report- fthtm Ur500,000 wage earners are now ed favorably by the Judiciary Co«- accumuUtinr cr isss sa.Mi a i.sss.es s a.aes.se a t.m.ss 1 isi.ae 1 1es4.ee! III.UM1I sii.sst.iT - IS»» »■««•• la rdttMrli Ms*.« A*» II* Male Isatis I al« |s A «■*•»* Ws#4«a»Sf* (Itlatra netswSsa lltkmlli ies.se 1 ...... a t Ut It 1 1 se.ee 1 ., • • •MU •MM! SI« .M sseei .... ,,,, •4T.M »MM lia.M 11.ee .... ,,,,, II« M 8M.M suit •:s :::: ,,,,, tae.u •MM IUI« ,,,,, tei.ie M8 M IlM lie»' i.sMst SJtl.tt MS Ml IM U si.ee .... ,,,,, 4SI.M •MM tt.ie ie.ee .... •.., > SSS.4S MS SS ISSJS SM ... » •. ». «S« M IM M •a« T» lies' .... » M ..... tU tt 8SS.II IM M Sta u s » « 4 S MS ae ssajsl IlM 1.« Ml.ll Mii.es JsHMria ................. torssri» ................ Marra .................... Aprila ................... Usía .................... J an I |a .................... i «Illa .................... Arasais ................. Map lam fcr a ............... «»labra .................. Na«ambra . ............... Darrmhra ................. S 144.SS 144.ee I44.W i aa.aa 144.M I44.SS IM.as M4.ee iae.ee 144.ee I 144.ee ies.se ; 4 «4.aa sa.ee sa.ee iT.aa •' 41.es SS.S1 41.es ie.fa un aa.re TS.SS M. ta ss.ee et.es 4S.S4 41 45 S4.SS 4S.SS 4S.SS 44.81 a.ia ¿se S.SS ui ut • ...... saa.11 T.ee i.ee i».ee i.ee 4 Sl.M i.ea ST.87 ses.sT T4.ee S.SS 4.S» as.ee se.ie NJI ST.SS 4m • 114.44 S4S.IS MTS.4I are.ie S41.M ssT.ee ses je SSS.T« nui SSS.TS saue «ba»ai a i.sssM a una 1 i.sit tii • ue.es a i.tei u hs.mi.it| is.aet.if too small to warrant engaging in dependent rutin se!, were beaeiged by "prosy chasers" and so called "pro tort tve" c«»mmlUees. N«H only vre/* «10 dividends being »aid en stock, no interest œ the billion* of dollar* of hand* but many wore being ce 11*4 «pen to coatriUale additional cash. The hoeeos of ieeee reused com «Hi"» Invariably composed of their ■genu ta be formed. It was these same booses whieh had issued theae bonds and mt,rtgsge» aad cert if *ate* on escvaaiw valus tien» ef prcp^rites based an unwsr rant«H and high aparaiaaU It wa* theae same a varíeteos houses ef issue, aided by u »isr re pu lue» contractor* aeeeentant ». and apprslaors. arhieh had floated sec rftd-eierlgege an I leasehold bond', and which had re sold many «tefaulted ieeee t again In ord« r to belt oat many hanks an t themselves wttboet informing Inveet era af actual renditions with regard ISSS J*aa**t* a 4 »MM 4 ~ 4M4H . 3. M» M »M M ttaae » ae.ee ........ a1 ett je Mai.a •. • I MS S* U« I« it.ee ,,,,,,,,, Ml i* »*«ila sa IN »MM mee1 Mee ......... •si as Mala «M M utee' mm ......... tts.aa Jaail* laHia 1 M a m «MM m» M ihn et a» uee' um issue S.44S.I8 ttt.ae A »aa»«* «•e«**bra . M o m MS M •mm aesM 1» m MM stt.sei 4m tes use ......... ii« m «T4.es im se ^a*»«abia . Imawbra \ Ml mm MS M eesae se» Je »M «0 a ijee.it ItSJS t.Mî «t >1 a iaee.ee a laesss 1 t.mee « s4i.ee • s.tiasT ais.ssa.sT is.imit —- ISM l«*a*l|t r< M< ! S ses m « m u i ae ee « sm ss assM •mm Msm !a*«»s A»«aai* las SS aSSJSj SM M MS M •■Matt* **«»iS»a iseae»' imw' tut« las is leee lies hm ia.se a«s.aa IM M inj» es m •rae •I M an M m stae aaee u aeviä! ..... J HH •Mar i.MS-ST «basai ..... SI JTS.SS 1 • STS.SS a 8S1.TS s MS.T4 4 SSJS 1 SIJU.1S 1 S sM.ee .j S IJM.SS 1 Jsaaarla . ................. a 144. M 1 4S.SS a ISSJS 1 81.88 1 4.se • si.ee a TS.IT S 4SS.1S l'abraar la . . U4.se la.M 1MJ4 j SS.S4 .. ...... ........ S8.T« 414.41 Marra ........ ,.,,... •••«.......... iM.se UM MT.TS TT JS T.M TM.Te IS. M ' 1J4SJI April* ............... ...... I44.M 11.se SSJS •T.se ...... ........ # ...... MS. M M*|* ..... .............................. 144. M Sl.M 4i.es U.lt I.U T.M S4.M SIS.M Jam la ...... ..a..*................». iM.ee •4 et ...... - «Ma .. ...... ........ ..... • Stt.M J ailla ........ U4.ee UJ4 . ....... S4.ee T.SI ........ ...... IM.4« Attirât a .,.,,. 144 je tee.ee II.4C • a»Je M.T4 ai.it •• ...... ie.ee SIM8 SS.TI S4SJS siejs OS labra ...... ................ ............. U4.ee II.4C ....... SS.M .. ...... ........ 4SS.TI eiMi Ilaraaibra ,.,. U4.ee us.ee sa.ta MM ts.te ui.rs M.lt M. 11 " ...... MUS 18.88 a.ss sst.ia 1.118.48 si ........... •mts.ss • «us 1 s ssa.es J s sh.ss | a s4.ae | ei.aas.se | a ese.sa | ee.ies.u | e.ies.iT iss» Jsaaarla ............ mfssli* ....... •.. Sanes» .. ............ asma ..,»..«,«••*•. (Ml lakes • U4.ee U4.ee ies.es im ae iee.ee lee je 4 14.a 4t.ee ss.ts «t.fs ssjs ssjs »sm im.et ssjs IMU ss.s4 4sj4 SI st ts.ss ini« 4 ai.ae esjT 41j4 is .84 ee.78 4vjs u je ss.m st.ee si je ts.is 1js ms «m s.c4 . ijs ar.se Tje aaa.sa a ss.ts 4js i8.se iet.es ssjt 184 js ss. ts 4 44SJ8 sssji ss4.se 4s4jt ssiji sssji SSS.TS l.ltt.U ars.va •asja . ehaesi ........ ssj44.ee 4 4m.m • es».4s • sm.n S uji ; a ■ss.m s mmt 1 uj8818 j BV ■v • 1 torn—* la „1......... a im m • hm 9 im.i« • ta.44 a 1 Mt s b.m 4 ! ajs S 4ss.m m***fp A? m iii..........»....... ..................... ............ se».»» inn 4M! um 1 im.m ISt.tl ta.m tata •• a.ie mjs m4j8 Apr»»* ,, .....TTX"....... ............i im.»e 1 »TM j ti.ee ! si IS ...... ; t.m ssjs nm «»»ji ! sto|* ..., »nn IJS tsji ism 4 je 4M.m smn Ja*«»* ...««»...t.a ' inn »sm •s It ,, ...... ni.ts Jal»|* ... , ... ra.» . . ... ...... inn »•T.m ...... SS.« t 4.M IM.m aesjs j A*eosM . .««»••.».,,. mSvI»»*» ,.«...... ».«*». .y*. .....«.*».»a» atea» inn «MI ssjs - • ....... SIJ» «S .m »n •• TUM » min ISS. TS l.SMJl { i.iis m Itb labra . .*.....«.«...t..».t. •m ja ssm 81.m Ml« .. •..r». ua Tarje i.uua SxmW, • a»....«•»•jMf ■••»»• in n issjs ii« m mm tt a» ajt u je ssjs MM» Vl "Lt,-1 liât im j» T8.8T ...... ! «sjs ins» 1 ajean ■Sa**| • » msm asses»» a 1 tasse* S m» se 4 i.smm aiajetjs' tejetee is m IS»» IM« »se« • SM diru v • ierra a i m s» a tacas» • t m es 1 ism m tasses «sut« I MS «• t eM m s mm »SM M I m M J J issjs a i .»M m m .tas «r usee its«»» u.Mi it tttae iM»ir usasat ^tff au im m «i» «m m msm m eisea»e mmi «t «»• »t* «* s«t.eesM 8B.iasje • m».et • ea«.u I s tet m S ssst euss.es I «.»M ti ISM , IN» UM UM ............ ......1 »l.etSN 1 ......( IJtSM ..... t.ttut 4 StSJS •MJS «MJS »MJt Šili • nil S MJS S4.M IUI MJt j si .Mau 1 1 .«NU MS.M • INN es» je MM.rs J gJM II MM.lt ajease s,IN 88 eaiifA4 v st.essje ei.sM u j sajetj» mjm u MI J» 1 M MS.SS 1 at.m m 1 sssjte.ve 4SSJM.M sa« Me aea «sOm tsa» -ab« M i. S laiMLIw Mwb UM S» SI. i WS I8M S* M. Osa* >wswOis teas,............. «stn ises................. .............. .............. .............. .......a*»«.» .......satjssje ....... ssjtat»