l Cl ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME V No. 8-21 March 1952 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority oi the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1952 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 43 TARIFF RATES OF, AND CONTRIBUTIONS DUE TO „ASSOCIAZIONE GIULIANA PER IL CONTROLLO DELLA COMBUSTIONE“ FOR 1952 WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for modifications and amendments to the tariff rates and dues payable for the year 1952 to „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I APPROVAL OF TARIFF RATES AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1952 The „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ is hereby authorized to charge for the year 1952 the members („eonsortisti“) of its Association within the Zone the tariff rates and the contributions Set forth in Tables ,,A“> >3“. ,,C“, >3“; ,3“ and ,,F“ annexed to this Order. ARTICLE II DEPOSITING OF TABLES The Tables „A“, ,,B“, „0“, ,,L>“, ,,E“ and ,,F“ mentioned in the preceding Article, together with the annotations set out therein, shall constitute a part of this Order. A copy of such Tables shall be deposited at the Office of the Department of Interior, at the Office of the Zone President, and at the Office of the Association, where they may be inspected by the parties interested. , ' ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of March 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General IT. S. Army Ref. : LDfAI52/41 Director General, Civil Affairs A.M.G. V f.t't. Gazette - Vol. V, No. 8 - 2LMarch 1952 ;125 Order No. 44 NEW SCHEDULES OF CONVENTIONAL WAGES FOR CREWS ENGAGED ON PROFIT SHARING BASIS FOR THE PURPOSES OF OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend, for the purposes of occupational accident insurance, the schedules of conventional wages for crews engaged on profit sharing basis, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. — The national schedules of monthly conventional wages for crews engaged on profit sharing basis, embarked on sailing vessels, on sailing vessels with auxiliary motor, on motor-sailing vessels, as referred to in Ministerial Decree 27 May 1940, as amended by Order No. 309, dated 4 February 1947, and by Order No. 460, dated 6 September 1947, are hereby increased by 25%. Section 2. — For the purpose of this Order cargo steamships and motor-vessels of a gross tonnage of less than 500 tons are hereby equalized to the categories of vessels set forth in the foregoing Section. ARTICLE II The daily average wages shall be equal to one thirtieth of the monthly conventional wages referred to in Article I hereof. ARTICLE III The value of the food allowance („panatica“) shall be determined by increasing by 25% the values as established! by the „Capitaneria di Porto“ of Trieste for the purposes of said Ministerial Decree 27 May 1940, already multiplied by five pursuant to Order No. 309, dated 4 February 1947, and further by four pursuant to Order No. 460, dated 6 September 1947. ARTICLE IV The national schedules of monthly conventional wages for crews engaged on profit sharing basis, embarked on fishing vessels, shall remain unchanged. ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th day. of March 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LDIA/S2I38 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 45 SOCIAL INSURANCE AND ASSISTANCE IN FAVOUR OF JOURNALISTS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to recognize the social insurance and assistance carried out in favour of journalists by the „Istituto nazionale di previdenza dei giornalisti italiani ‘Giovanni Amendolain that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The social insurance and assistance carried out in the forms and within the limits provided for by the Statute and Regulations of the „Istituto nazionale di previdenza dei giornalisti italiani ‘Giovanni Amendola’“, recognized by R. D. 25 March 1926, No. 898, in favour of the journalists inscribed with the said „Istituto“ shall substitute, for all purposes and as far as the journalists inscribed with the said „Istituto“ are concerned, all other corresponding types of compulsory social insurance and assistance. ARTICLE II The rates of contributions, due to the „Istituto nazionale di previdenza dei giornalisti italiani ‘Giovanni Amendola’“ by the employers in respect of the journalists employed by them as well as the benefits which the „Istituto“ is bound to grant to its own „inscribed persons“ may not be lower than those established for the corresponding types of compulsory social insurance and assistance. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 15th day of March 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW . Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/AI52I37 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 46 SICKNESS INSURANCE OF PERSONNEL EMPLOYED WITH CERTAIN PUBLIC BODIES („ENTI DI DIRITTO PUBBLICO“) WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to determine the Body with which the personnel employed with „Enti di Diritto Puhblico“ must be compulsory registered for sickness insurance, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General XJ.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE .1 The personnel employed under whatever denomination with all „Enti di diritto pubblico“ shall be compulsory registered for sickness insurance with the „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza per i Dipendenti da Enti di Diritto Pubblico“. Compulsory registration is hereby confirmed for the personnel employed With the Bodies included in the list attached to R.D. No. 1483 of 4 September 1940, approving the Regulations for application of the Law No. 1436 of 28 July 1939, concerning the reorganization of the aforesaid „Ente“. ARTICLE II The Allied Military Government shall decide on the compulsory registration of the personnel employed With such Bodies whose quality as public juridical persons („persona giuridica pubblica“) is not expressly stated by Laws, Regulations or Decrees. The above decision shall bo effective for the purposes of this Order only. ARTICLE III All provisions laid down in the Law No. 1436 of 28 July 1939, in the Regulations for the application of said law, as well as in the subsequent amendments thereto, shall remain in force. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective as from the first day of the month subsequent to the date of its publication ill the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day of March 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General TJ. S. Army Ref. : LD¡Af62¡27 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 47 EXTENSION OF ORDER No. 7/1951, CONCERNING INCREASE OF SEAMEN’S PENSIONS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to extend the validity of the provisions laid down in Order No. 7, dated 9 January 1951, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-XJnited States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Pending final settlement of the economic treatment due to the recipients of pensions to the burden of the management relating to seamen („Gestione marittimi“) and of the special management of the „Cassa Nazionale per la Previdenza' Marinaia“ as well as that due to the recipients of pensions paid by the „Adria Fund“, the special allowance set forth in Article I of Order No. 7, dated 9 January 1951, shall continue to be paid. ARTICLE II Section 1. — With effect from 1 January 1951 the contribution set forth in Section 1 of Article III of Order No. 7, dated 9 January 1951, is hereby fixed at the rates indicated in annexed table A. Section 2. — With effect from 1 January 1951 the contribution set forth in Section 2 of Article III of Order No. 7, dated 9 January 1951, shall be increased up to 2,500 Lire. ARTICLE III The contributions set forth in the foregoing Article shall also be due for, (a) the special kinds of social insurances in force the contributions of which refer to three-fifths of the year ; (b) attainment of the qualifications necessary for insurance and the age qualification of the administrative personnel formerly registered and who have discontinued their service ; . (c) redemption of the periods of navigation served on board ships sailing under foreign flags. ARTICLE IV The contribution set forth in Article V of Order No. 7, dated 9 January 1951, shall continue to be paid after 30 September 1951 for the same number of months as the number of months after 1 January 1951 during which the allowance set forth in Article I will be paid. ARTICLE V Articles, II, V, VI, VII and'VIII of Order No. 7, dated 9 January 1951, shall remain in full force. ARTICLE VI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Date at TRIESTE, this 18th day of March 1952. Ref. : LD¡AIS2¡35 JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General U. S. Army Director General, Civil Affaire TABLE A SHIPOWNERS Ships having a gross tonnage : Supplementary monthly contribution per each seamen embarked Lire Exceeding 2000 tons ............................................... 6.000.— from 1000 to 2000 tons ............................................... 3.500.— from 301 to 999 tons .............................................. 1.000. — Order No. 48 TREATMENT TO BE GRANTED TO SWISS SHIPS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to extend to that 'part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“) the agreement made in Rome on 20 - 24 March 1950 between the Italian Republic and Switzerland, concerning the treatment to be granted to Swiss ships, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHITELAW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Swiss ships calling at ports of the Zone shall enjoy the same treatment as that reserved, in such ports, to national ships. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day of March 1952. JOHN L. WHITELAW Brigadier General, U. S. Army Ref. : LD/AI52I43 Director General, Civil Affairs Notice No. 19 ERRATA CORRIGENDA TO NOTICE No. 49/1951 The Arbitration Board for minimum wages, with reference to the economic treatment in respect of the personnel in the service of Coffee houses, Bars and similar shops, having noticed a mistake both in the transcription of the award given on April the 27th 1951 and in its publication by Notice No. 49 in the Official Gazette dated November 11, 1951 decided, in a meeting held on January the 17th 1952 that an „errata corrigenda“ as follows be published : With reference to the salary due to scorers and Cash-Register Operators in the place of L. 13.510 to be read L; 11.573. Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of January 1952. The Chairman: Sgd. Walter LEVITUS The Members: „ Francesco DEGRASSI „ Natale ACERBI „ Renato CORSI „ Guido BORZAGHINI The Technical Advisors: „ Ruggero TIRONI „ Giovanni POLI Approved : 26 February 1952 Sgd. de PETRIS Chief Department of Labour Dated at TRIESTE, this 17th day of March 1952. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD/CI52I20 Chief Department of Labour CONTENTS Order Page No. 43 Tariff rates of, and contributions due to „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ for 1952 ................................... 125 No. 44 New schedules of conventional wages for crews engaged on profits sharing basis for the purposes of occupational accident insurance........ 126 No. 45 Social insurance and assistance in favour of journalists ....... 127 No.' 46 Sickness insurance of- personnel- employed with certain Public Bodies („Enti di Diritto Pubblico“) ........................................... 127 No. 47 Extension of Order No. 7/1951, concerning increase of seamen’s pensions .... 128 No. 48 Treatment to be granted to Swis ships ........................... • 130 Notice No. 19 Errata corrigenda to Notice No. 49/1951- ...................... 131