ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME V No. 1-11 January 1952 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1952 \ ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 1 NEW CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant new concessions of temporary importation in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN L. WHIT EL AW, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may he temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 1.. Warm rolled iron bands For the manufacture of electric cables (concession valid fropi 7 October 1951) Kilos 100 1 year 2. Lubricating mineral oil, For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year refined, anhydrous and without acids, viscosity at 50° not less than 26.5 Engler or, at 100°, not less than 3.4 Engler electric cables (concession valid from 1 July 1951) 100 3. Colophony For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year special lubricants to be used for the production of electric cables (concession valid from 1 July 1951) 100 DESCRIPTION OP GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 4. Wooden trunks and For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year roots veneer (concession valid 100 from 27 May 1951) for each quality of wood 5. Cuttings from knitted For conversion into yarns Kilos 6 months cotton garments and (concession valid from 50 from mixed cotton and artificial fibre fabrics, or from mixed cotton and artificial silk waste 11 July 1951) 6. Meat and by-products For the production of sau- Kilos 6 months of slaughtering (tripe, tongues, livers, entrails, sages and for canning, salting, smoking and any other kind of processing 100 brains, glands, etc.) whe- ther fresh, refrigerated (concession valid from 27 or frozen June 1951) 7. Iron, steel, copper, For the manufacture of any Kilos 1 year bronze and brass wire, kind of metal cloth (con- 100 whether raw, polished, cession valid from 27 tin or zinc plated June 1951) 8. Colophony and mineral For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year oil insulating mixtures electric cables (concession valid from 1 July 1951) 100 9. Crude mineral oil For processing and subse- Kilos 1 year quent use for the manufacture of electric cables (concession valid from 1 July 1951) 100 10. Raw and synthetic rub- For the manufacture of di- Kilos 1 year ber, natural and synthe- verse objects (concession 100 tic rubber sap, raw guttapercha valid from 3 June 1951) DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 11. Acrilic synthetic resins, For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year whether coloured or not, either in sheets or other shapes ; synthetic resins combined with polyvynil chloroacetate, wheter in sheets or in other shapes measuring and drawing instruments ( concession valid from 19 June 1951) 100 12. Bracelets To be, completed with stones of the „Strass“ type in various colours (concession valid from 11 July 1951) Kilos 100 6 months 13. Special steel and iron, For the manufacture of spe- Kilos 1 year in ingots, blooms, „bido-ni“ and billets cial iron and steel in bars, rods, plates, etc. (concession valid from 8 July 1951) 500 14. Books, also in loose For binding (concession va- Kilos 6 months sheets lid from 8 July 1951) 100 15. Natural and synthetic camphor For the production of celluloid and diverse celluloid objects (concession valid from 1 July 1951) Kilos 100 1 year 16. Ferro-alloys in combi- For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year nation with tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium manganese, phosphorus, chromium and titanium special rolled or section steel or of steel castings (concession valid from 8 July 1951) 100 17. Celluloid waste For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year various celluloid products and semifinished products (concession valid from 1 July 1951) 100 18. Noble cellulose and raw For the production of accta- Kilos 6 months or bleached cotton linters te of cellulose (concession valid from 8 July 1951 ) 100 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 19. Mineral oils, animal For the manufacture of Kilos 1 year tallow, palm oil, vege- soap (concession valid 100 table tallow, not otherwise enumerated vegetable and animal greases, coco-nut oil (the concession is valid for oils and fats exempt from duty and which cannot be identified in the product obtained, and for those liable to duty but which can be identified in the product obtained) from 1 July 1951) 20. Aircraft' spare parts For revision and repair Kilos 6 months (concession vclid from 8 July 1951) 50 21. Dregs and residues For the production of spe- Kilos 4 mont hs from the processing of cial industrial oils and 500 vegetable oils fats „cime verdi e cime gialle“ destined for the manufacture of soap concession valid from 1 July 1951) 22. Raw honey For refining and packing Kilos 6 months or for the production of caramels and nougats (concession valid from 1 July 1951) 100 23. Cotton linters For the manufacture of Kilos 6 months • celluloid and diverse celluloid products (combs for combing and ornamental, tooth and nail brushes etc. ) ( concession valid 500 24. Pig-iron from 1 July 1951) For the manufacture of pig- Kilos 1 year iron or steel castings (concession valid from 8 July 1951) 1000 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purposes for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for reexportation 25. Hides of any deserip- For the manufacture of Kilos 6 months tion, raw or tanned and gloves (concession valid 25 dyed from 1 July 1951) 26. White or yellow raw For doubling and twisting Kilos 6 months silk („seta tratta“) arid (into weft, organzine, 100 „toussah“ silk crepe, fur, grenadine, ete. ) and/or for making bobbings and the like (concession valid from 18 June 1951)