International Scientific Conference »Research and Education in Nursing« Book of Abstracts September 29th, 2020, Slovenia Editors Majda Pajnkihar Klavdija Čuček Trifunovič Sonja Šostar Turk Gregor Štiglic September 2020 Title International Scientific Conference »Research and Education in Nursing Naslov Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca »Raziskovanje in izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi« Subtitle Book of Abstracts, September 29th, 2020, Slovenia Podnaslov Zbornik povzetkov, 29. september 2020, Slovenija Uredniki Majda Pajnkihar Editors (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Sonja Šostar Turk (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Gregor Štiglic (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Review Margaret Denny (Waterford Institute of Technology, School of Health Sciences), Barbara Recenzija Donik (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sabina Fijan (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Vida Gönc (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), David Haložan (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Barbara Kegl, (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Anton Koželj (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Mateja Lorber (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Nataša Mlinar Reljić (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Jasmina Nerat (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Urška Rozman (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Maja Strauss (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) & Jadranka Stričević (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences). Technical editor Jan Perša Tehnični urednik (University of Maribor, University Press) Cover designer Marko Uršič Oblikovanje ovitka (University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences) Graphic material Grafične priloge University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences Published by / Založnik Co-published by / Izdajatelj University of Maribor University of Maribor University Press Faculty of Health Sciences Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Žitna ulica 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia,, Edition Izdaja 1st Published at Izdano Maribor, September 2020 Publication type Vrsta publikacije E-book Dostopno na Available at Conference Konferenca Online International Scientific Conference »Research and Education in Nursing« Conference date Datum konference September 29th, 2020 Location Kraj Online, Slovenia Programme Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Majda Committee Pajnkihar (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sonja Šostar Turk Programski odbor (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Gregor Štiglic (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences). Organizing Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Aleksandra Committee Lovrenčič (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Ines Mlakar (University Organizacijski odbor Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Majda Pajnkihar (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Sonja Šostar Turk (University of Maribor, Faculty Of Health Sciences), Gregor Štiglic (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences), Marko Uršič (University Of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences). CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor 616-083(082)(0.034.2) © University of Maribor, University Press / Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba MEDNARODNA znanstvena konferenca "Raziskovanje in Text © Authors & Pajnkihar, Čuček izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi" (2020 ; online) Trifkovič, Šostar Turk, Štiglic, 2020 International Scientific Conference "Research and Education in Nursing" [Elektronski vir] : book of abstracts : September 29th, 2020, Slovenia / This work is licensed under the Creative editors Majda Pajnkihar ... [et al.]. - 1st ed. - Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- E-zbornik. - Maribor : University Press, 2020 ShareAlike 4.0 International License. / To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje Način dostopa (URL): avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 4.0 Mednarodna. ISBN 978-961-286-392-0 (PDF) doi: 10.18690/978-961-286-392-0 1. Pajnkihar, Majda COBISS.SI-ID 29479939 nc-sa/4.0 ISBN 978-961-286-392-0 (pdf) DOI Cena prof. dr. Zdravko Kačič, Price Brezplačni izvod Odgovorna oseba založnika For publisher rektor Univerze v Mariboru ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (ed.) Table of Contents Online International Scientific Conference University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences “Research and Education in Nursing” Spletna mednarodna znanstvena konferenca Univerze v Mariboru, 1 Fakultete za zdravstvene vede “Raziskovanje in izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi” Majda Pajnkihar Invited lectures Vabljena predavanja 5 Unitary Caring Science and Evolving Nursing Theory Jean Watson 7 A Middle Range Theory of Unitary Caring Marlaine Cappelli Smith 9 A University and Hospital Network Group: Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practice Forum: Collaborative Innovation 11 Marie Carney Self-care of Patients with Chronic Diseases: Description, Analysis and Evaluation of Theory Samooskrba pacientov s kronično boleznijo: opis, analiza in vrednotenje teorije 13 Lucija Gosak, Dominika Vrbnjak, Gregor Štiglic & Majda Pajnkihar Providing Spiritual Care in People Living with Dementia in Nursing Homes: A Nursing Staff Perspective Zagotavljanje duhovne oskrbe starejših oseb z demenco v domovih za starejše: vidik negovalnega osebja 17 Nataša Mlinar Reljić, Blanka Kores Plesničar & Majda Pajnkihar Assessing the Psychosocial Factors that Affect the Mental Well-being of Older Adults in Prishtina, Kosovo 19 Arta Dalipi, Margaret Denny & Suzanne Denieffe Model zdravstvenega prepričanja Health Belief Model 21 Marija Horvat, Dominika Vrbnjak & Majda Pajnkihar Relationship Between Religiousness and Cultural Competences Among Nurses in Poland Barbara Ślusarska, Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak, Barbara Niedorys, Jadwiga Bąk & 23 Danuta Zarzycka ii Kazalo. Patient Safety and Nursing Handover: Findings from a Large Retrospective Study Design 25 Jessica Demaria, Valentina Bressan, Francesca Valent & Alvisa Palese Vodenje in upravljanje kriznih situacij v zdravstveni negi Crisis Management in Nursing 27 Mojca Dobnik Relationship between Caring of Managers and Nurse Job Satisfaction: International Cross-cultural Study 29 John Nelson & Dominika Vrbnjak Stakeholders View of Person-Centeredness in Practice Environment Na osebo osredotočena oskrba - vidik sodelujočih v praksi Mateja Lorber, Majda Pajnkihar, Gregor Štiglic, Dominika Vrbnjak, Brendan 31 Mccormack, Ruth Magowan & Sergej Kmetec Improving Healthcare Students’ Competences to Support Behaviour Change in the Self-Management of Chronic Diseases 35 Mara Guerreiro Using Online Learning in Nursing: A Case of »Digital Toolbox for Innovation in Nursing Education – I-BOX« Project Uporaba spletnega učenja v zdravstveni negi: primer projekta »Digital Toolbox For Innovation In Nursing Education – I-BOX« 37 Nino Fijačko, Lucija Gosak, Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič, Gregor Štiglic, Carolina Chabrera & Esther Cabreras Italian Nurse Managers Interventions to Prevent and Minimize Missed Nursing Care: A Positive Deviance Approach on Behalf of the NM4Safety Project 41 Jessica Longhini & Alvisa Palese How to Create Intergenerational Contact between Students and Older People with Dementia: A European Pilot Project 43 Lucia Cadorin, Cristina Tommasini & Alvisa Palese Primerjava higiene pripomočkov za večkratno uporabo med dvema zdravstvenima ustanovama Comparison of the Reusable Devices Hygiene between Two Healthcare Institutions 45 Urška Rozman, Darja Duh, Mojca Cimerman & Sonja Šostar Turk Simulated Patient Monitor: Review of Mobile Learning Smartphones Apps Pregled mobilnih aplikacij za simulacijo pacientovega monitoringa 47 Nino Fijačko, Jure Nežmah & Matej Mažič Mental Well-being of Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy Duševno blagostanje staršev otrok s cerebralno paralizo 49 Petra Janeska, Merima Šehić, Klavdija Čuček Trifkovič & Leona Cilar Perception of Nurses about Pal iative Care in Nursing Homes in Slovenia Sergej Kmetec, Mateja Lorber, Nataša Mlinar Reljić & Zvonka Fekonja 53 Kazalo iii. Obravnava žensk s poporodno depresijo na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva: sistematičen pregled Management of Women and Postpartum Depression in Primary Health Care 55 Kaja Olaj & Barbara Kegl The Potential Use of Mobile Applications as Vision Screening Tests Potencialna uporaba mobilnih aplikacij kot presejalni test vida: pregled mobilnih aplikacij 57 Adrijana Svenšek, Saša Cigut, Gregor Štiglic & Nino Fijačko Prepoznava in pravilno ukrepanje ob pojavu neželenih učinkov tarčnih zdravil v patronažnem varstvu Recognition and Correct Management of the Target Drugs Side Ef ects in Community Nursing 59 Patricija Greif, Petra Klanjšek & Barbara Kegl Nudenje prve pomoči v odvisnosti od vrste osebe, ki pomoč potrebuje Providing First Aid, Depending on the Type of Person in Need 61 Anton Koželj, Jana Goriup & Maja Strauss Acute Cardiovascular Diseases in Emergency Care - Grey Zone Investigation in the NSTEMI Patient Population 63 Gabor Priskin, Bence Schiszler, Balazs Toth & Balazs Radnai Vpliv fermentiranih živil in fermentiranih živil s probiotiki na zdravje Influence of Fermented Foods and Fermented Foods with Probiotics on Health 65 Sabina Fijan, Evelin Leber & Irena Rogelj Prehospital Ultrasound Use in Patients with Blunt Abdominal Trauma Melinda Jauch & Attila Pandur 67 Težave pri prehranjevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami Problems with Feeding Children with Special Needs 69 Adrijana Svenšek, Barbara Kegl & Petra Klanjšek Poznavanje fermentiranih živil in pijač med Slovenci Knowledge of Fermented Foods and Drinks in Slovenia Sabina Fijan, Maja Šikić Pogačar, Mojca Fifer, Lea Vohar, Domen Korošec, Lucija 71 Lešnik Bolnar, Neja Cimprič, Sanja Kolman, Marko Borko & Dušanka Mičetić-Turk The Risk Stratification of Pulmonary Embolism at the Emergency Department Bence Bogár & Attila Pandur 75 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Online International Scientific Conference University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences “Research and Education in Nursing” Spletna mednarodna znanstvena konferenca Univerze v Mariboru, Fakultete za zdravstvene vede “Raziskovanje in izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi MAJDA PAJNKIHAR Dear and esteemed lecturers and conference attendees! To celebrate the birthdays of the University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences we annually, in June, organize an International Scientific Conference “Research and Education in Nursing”. Our great hope and wish was that the corona virus, which brutal y affected our personal and social lives, would weaken over the summer and that we wil be able to hold a conference at the faculty. Unfortunately, the world epidemiological situation in September is not favorable, therefore the conference will be held online. The conference is an opportunity to present research and pedagogical work, exchange opinions and experiences. Socializing and strengthening connections among professors 2 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. and researchers from our partner institutions on national and international level is important for cooperation of tomorrow. Maintaining personal and professional contacts is even more important today as it was in the time we were used to. Modern technology enables us to maintain and carry out our work in al areas - we also conduct online conferences. The central focus of this year's conference is the presentation of the use of theories and concepts that represent the core and principle of work in all areas of nursing care. The rationale for work on theory and scientific research was already provided by Florence Nightingale, with an emphasis on patient care. The human caring theory will be presented again by the world-renowned and respected theorist and founder of care, Prof Jean Watson. Professor, theorist and visiting professor at our faculty, Prof Marlaine Cappelli Smith, will also present the importance and necessity of care for people in nursing as presented in her theory. I am extremely happy and proud to witness the successful presentations and applications of the theories of our colleagues and students. The strong link between practice, very successful scientific research work, education and successful international networking and cooperation wil be presented as part of lectures and presentations of research projects. Emphasis will be placed on scientific research work and interdisciplinary integration of nursing care with other scientific disciplines. Research represents a strong link between practice and education and contributes to the recognizable social development of the nursing care discipline, especially for the development of theories and concepts and evidence for the changing needs of health care and society. The conference is enriched by the contributions of distinguished domestic and foreign invited lecturers and researchers from universities, with whom we successfully cooperate in the field of scientific research and education.: − Watson Caring Science Institute, Colorado, USA − Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing, Florida, USA − Higher Nursing School of Lisbon, PT − Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, IE − Queen Margaret University, Division of Nursing, UK M. Pajnkihar: Online International Scientific Conference University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences “Research and Education in Nursing” 3. − Waterford Institute of Technology, Scholl of Humanities, IE − University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health, HU − Pompeu Fabra University, The Tecnocampus School of Health Sciences, ES − Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, PL − The University of Udine, Department of Medical Sciences, IT We consider it an honor and a privilege to follow the contributions of distinguished and recognizable domestic and foreign lecturers at the conference, and we look forward to further successful professional and scientific cooperation. Spoštovani in cenjeni predavatelji in udeleženci konference! Ob rojstnem dnevu Univerze v Mariboru, Fakultete za zdravstvene vede v mesecu juniju že tradicionalno organiziramo mednarodno znanstveno konferenco »Raziskovanje in izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi«. Upali in želeli smo, da bo koronavirus, ki je brutalno posegel v naša življenja na vseh ravneh osebnega in družbenega življenja, čez poletje oslabel oz. izzvenel ter da bomo lahko konferenco izvedli na fakulteti. Žal epidemiološka situacija v svetu tudi v mesecu septembru ni ugodna, zato bo konferenca potekala na daljavo. Konferenca pa vendarle daje priložnost za predstavitve raziskovalnega in pedagoškega dela ter služi izmenjavi mnenj in izkušenj. Druženje in utrjevanje vezi med profesorji in raziskovalci iz naših partnerskih ustanov na nacionalni in mednarodni ravni je pomembno za sodelovanje in povezovanje za jutri. Ohranjanje osebnih in profesionalnih stikov je v današnjem času še pomembnejše kot včasih. Sodobna tehnologija nam omogoča, da lahko vzdržujemo in izvajamo naše delo na vseh področjih – nenazadnje lahko na tak način izvedemo tudi konferenco. Osrednji fokus letošnje konference so predstavitve uporabe teorij in konceptov, ki predstavljajo jedro in vodilo dela na vseh področjih zdravstvene nege. Utemeljitev dela na teoriji in znanstvenoraziskovalnem delu je podala že Florence Nightingale, in sicer s poudarkom na skrbi za pacienta. Skrb za človeka bo ponovno predstavila svetovna priznana in cenjena teoretičarka ter utemeljiteljica skrbi Prof Jean Watson. Profesorica, teoretičarka in gostujoča profesorica na naši fakulteti Prof Marlaine Cappelli Smith bo predstavila pomen in nujnost skrbi za človeka v zdravstveni negi, kot je predstavljeno v 4 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. njeni teoriji. Izjemno sem vesela in ponosna uspešnih predstavitev in uporabe teorij naših sodelavcev in študentov. Trdna vez med prakso, zelo uspešnim znanstvenoraziskovalnim delom, izobraževanjem ter uspešnim mednarodnim povezovanjem ter sodelovanjem bo predstavljena v sklopu predavanj in predstavitve raziskovalnih projektov. Poudarjeno bo znanstvenoraziskovalno delo in interdisciplinarno povezovanje zdravstvene nege z drugimi znanstvenimi disciplinami. Raziskovanje predstavlja trdno vez med prakso in izobraževanjem ter prispeva k prepoznavnemu družbenemu razvoju discipline zdravstvene nege, predvsem za razvoj teorij in konceptov ter dokazov za spreminjajoče se potrebe v zdravstvu in družbi. Konferenco bogatijo prispevki uglednih domačih in tujih vabljenih predavateljev in raziskovalcev z univerz, s katerimi uspešno sodelujemo na znanstvenoraziskovalnem in izobraževalnem področju: − Watson Caring Science Institute, Kolorado, USA − Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing, Florida, USA − Higher Nursing School of Lisbon, PT − Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, IE − Queen Margaret University, Division of Nursing, UK − Waterford Institute of Technology, Scholl of Humanities, IE − University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health, HU − Pompeu Fabra University, The Tecnocampus School of Health Sciences, ES − Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, PL − The University of Udine, Department of Medical Sciences, IT V čast in privilegij si štejemo, da bomo na konferenci spremljali prispevke uglednih in prepoznavnih domačih in tujih predavateljev ter se veselimo nadaljnjega uspešnega strokovnega in znanstvenoraziskovalnega sodelovanja. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Invited lectures Vabljena predavanja Unitary Caring Science and Evolving Nursing Theory Jean Watson (Watson Caring Science Institute, United States of America) A Middle Range Theory of Unitary Caring Marlaine Cappelli Smith (Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, United States of America) A University and Hospital Network Group: Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practice Forum: Collaborative Innovation Marie Carney (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Ireland) 6 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Unitary Caring Science and Evolving Nursing Theory JEAN WATSON It is my position that Unitary Caring Science is the most mature, evolved philosophical-scientific foundation for the discipline of nursing. The discipline of nursing is foundational to evolving theory and nursing knowledge, consistent with timeless values and unitary human-universe phenomena. This position supports historic, current and future advancement of nursing theories and expanded nursing knowledge, specifically related to human caring/healing/health for all. This presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of nursing phenomena that require an evolved transformative worldview of unitary human caring science, and theoretical thinking; accommodating human-unitary, physical-metaphysical field experiences, such as expanding consciousness, non-local consciousness, intentionality, transcendence, pattern, prayer, subjectivity, meaning, distant healing, spirit, infinity, mystery, miracles, unitary energetic fields of presence, authenticity, touch, movement, sound, silence, voice, along with heart-centered caring-compassion, Loving-kindness, mindfulness, and equanimity. Nursing Theories that are located with this evolved unitary caring science, disciplinary foundation inspire informed moral practice/praxis, which sustains and advances knowledge and practices of human caring, dignity and integrity, healing, and wholeness. One example of such theory -guided unitary caring science praxis is Watson’s Theory of Human caring/Transpersonal Caring (2008, 2012, 2018). This evolved theory is located with unitary caring science and guided by the 10 Caritas Processes®, universals of human 8 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. caring literacy. This expanding view of science, theory, and praxis embraces nursing phenomena of unitary human-universe (known and unknown) experiences, of the sacred circle of life/death and beyond. Reference Sources Lee, S., P. Palmieri, and J. Watson. Global Caring Literacy. New York: Springer. Newman, M.A., Sime and S.A. Concoran-Perry. (1993) The focus of the discipline of nursing. Advances in Nursing Science. 14(1);1-6. Newman, M.A. (2003) A world of No Boundaries. Advances in Nursing Science. 26(4) 240-245. Newman, M.A., Smith, M.D., Pharris, and D. Jones. (2008). The focus of the discipline. Revisited. Advances in Nursing Science. 31(1); E16-E27. Smith, M.C. (2013). Caring and the discipline of nursing. In M.C. Smith, M. Turkel, and Z.R. Wolf Eds. Caring in Nursing Classics. An Essential Resource. New York: Springer. 1-8. Watson, J., Smith, M A. (2002). Caring science and Science of Unitary Human Beings. A trans-theoretical discourse. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 37(5): 452-61. Watson, J., Smith, M.C., Cowling, (2019) Unitary Caring Science: Disciplinary Evolution of Nursing. In W. Rosa, S. Horton-Deutsch, J. Watson (eds). Handbook for Caring Science. New York: Springer. Watson, J. (2008). Nursing. The Philosophy and Science of Caring. New revised edition. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado. Watson, J. (2012). Human Caring Science. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Watson, J. (2018). Unitary Caring Science. The Philosophy and Praxis of Nursing. Louisville, CO: University Press of Colorado. Watson, J. (2018-19) Nursing’s Global Covenant with humanity: Unitary caring science as Sacred activism. doi: 10.1111/JAN.13934 Keywords: knowledge; human caring; healing; health for all; human-universe About the author Jean WATSON, Watson Caring Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado, United States of America. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) A Middle Range Theory of Unitary Caring MARLAINE CAPPELLI SMITH A significant body of literature in nursing explicates caring as a phenomenon that is central to nursing’s focus as a discipline and profession. An analysis of the literature reveals that caring is a multidimensional concept that assumes multiple meanings depending on the framework within which it is situated. (Smith, 1999). This middle range Theory of Unitary Caring was developed through examining the meaning of caring through the lens of a unitary worldview. In the process of theory development, assumptions, concepts, propositions and empirical indicators were elaborated. The assumptions of the Theory of Unitary Caring were synthesized from Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings (1992), Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness (1994, 2008), and Watson’s Theory of Transpersonal Caring (2008; Watson and Smith, 2002). The seven assumptions represent a synthesis of the definitions of human beings, human-environment interrelationship, wellbecoming/healing and caring from these three foundational conceptual models/grand theories. The five concepts of the theory are: manifesting intentions, appreciating pattern, attuning to dynamic flow, experiencing the infinite, and inviting creative emergence. Propositional statements are developed to elaborate each concept, and empirical indicators are developed to guide nursing practice and research. The theory has been applied in practice and research and examples are provided. The theory is fully detailed in Smith (2020). Reference Sources Newman, M.A. (1994). Health as expanding consciousness. New York, NY: National League for Nursing Press. 10 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Newman, M.A. (2008). Transforming presence: The diference that nursing makes. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Rogers, M.E. (1992). Nursing science and the space age. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5, 27-34. Smith, M.C. (1999). Caring and the science of unitary human beings. Advances in Nursing Science, 21(4), 14-28. Smith, M.C. (2020). Marlaine Smith’s theory of unitary caring. In M.C. Smith (Ed.), Nursing theories and nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis, 493-502. Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring. (rev.ed.). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press. Watson, J. and Smith, M.C. (2002). Caring science and the science of unitary human beings: A transtheoretical discourse for nursing knowledge development. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 37(5), 452-461. Keywords: nursing; wellbecoming/healing; human-environment interrelationship; concepts; practice About the author Marlaine CAPPELLI SMITH, Florida Atlantic University, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Boca Raton, Florida, United States of America. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) A University and Hospital Network Group: Advanced Nurse/Midwife Practice Forum: Collaborative Innovation MARIE CARNEY Introduction The aim of this initiative was to support advanced nurse and midwife practitioners (ANP/AMP) in their research, education and professional development through a dedicated advanced practice forum. Background This innovative collaboration between a university and a number of its partner hospitals was developed in response to International studies identifying research as the main domain of competence that was underdeveloped within the ANP/AMP role. The drive to establish the forum was primarily capacity building in recognition of advanced practitioners as intel igent consumers of evidence based research and practice and their ability to deliver enhanced healthcare outcomes. The main question to be answered was to determine if research relating to advanced practitioners was being used by them as supporting the delivery of enhanced healthcare outcomes in their areas of practice. 12 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Methods Three phases were undertaken: Initiation phase through a survey of needs; Implementation phase through extensive literature review and development of evidence-based research and Evaluation phase through focus group interviews. Participants were 75 advanced nurse and midwife practitioners working in the hospital-network-group (2018-2020). Results The survey results showed that ANP/AMP’s welcomed this collaborative initiative as enhancing their research and practice innovation through the regular evidence-based forum newsletters and face-to-face communication between the coordinator and advanced practitioners. Discussion and conclusion ANP/AMPs acknowledged the forum as supporting them in their clinical practice, education and research and the newsletters as relevant and timely. The ANP Forum strategic board recommended that the initiative continue and consequently it is on-going. Furthermore, the forum demonstrated the importance of having a collaborative university-hospital based approach to supporting advanced practitioners. Keywords: initiative; support; research; education; professional; competence About the author Marie CARNEY, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University of Medicine and Health Sciences Dublin, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Self-care of Patients with Chronic Diseases: Description, Analysis and Evaluation of Theory Samooskrba pacientov s kronično boleznijo: opis, analiza in vrednotenje teorije LUCIJA GOSAK, DOMINIKA VRBNJAK, GREGOR ŠTIGLIC & MAJDA PAJNKIHAR Introduction Chronic ilnesses are among the more prolonged and slowly developing conditions in which the proper self-care can help maintain the health and wel -being of the individual. Theory of self-care of chronic illness can be used to guide the care, but needs to be described, analysed and evaluated before implementation into practice. Methods Literature review of Web of Science, Elsevier, PubMed, CHINAL, ScienceDirect and MEDLINE databases was conducted using the keywords: "middle-range theory*", "self-care theory of chronic Illness" in addition to Google Scholar search results. The following inclusion criteria were considered: a topic related to the description, analysis, evaluation, or application of theory in English. A model according to McKenna, Pajnkihar and Murphy was used to describe, analyse and evaluate the theory. 14 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results 33 hits were included in the final analysis. Retroductively developed middle range theory focuses on the self-care of a person with chronic il ness and indicates how to maintain and promote health. The central concept of the theory is self-care, which is built from three concepts: maintenance, monitoring and management of self-care. Simple yet complex theory is adequate for application in practice. The propositions are measurable, and the theory can be tested. In practice, theory is useful for maintaining health and promoting healthy lifestyle, monitoring and managing various chronic diseases, and is used as a theoretical framework by many researchers and educators. Discussion and Conclusion A review of the literature confirms the usefulness of theory in the clinical setting, research and education, but additional research and testing of the theory in the Slovenian setting is needed to conclusively confirm its usefulness. Keywords: chronic condition; disease management; maintaining health; nursing Uvod Kronične bolezni sodijo med bolj dolgotrajna in počasi se razvijajoča se stanja, pri katerih lahko z izvajanjem ustrezne samooskrbe vzdržujemo zdravje in dobro počutje posameznika. Pri tem nam kot vodilo služi teorija samooskrbe kroničnih bolezni. Glavni namen prispevka je teorijo opisati, analizirati in ovrednotiti pred samo uporabo v praksi. Metode Izveden je bil pregled literature v podatkovnih bazah Web of Science, Elsevier, PubMed, CHINAL, ScienceDirect in MEDLINE s pomočjo ključnih besed: "middle-range theory*", "theory of self-care of chronic Illness". Dodatno smo identificirali zadetke v Google Scholar. Upoštevani so bili vključitveni kriteriji: tema, ki se nanaša na opis, analizo, vrednotenje ali uporabo teorije v angleškem jeziku. Za opis, analizo in vrednotenje izbrane teorije je bil uporabljen model po McKenna, Pajnkihar in Murphy. L. Gosak, D. Vrbnjak, G.Štiglic & M. Pajnkihar: Self-care of Patients with Chronic Diseases: Description, Analysis and Evaluation of Theory 15. Rezultati V končno analizo je bilo vključenih 33 zadetkov. Retroduktivno razvita teorija srednjega obsega se osredotoča na samooskrbo osebe s prisotno kronično boleznijo in nakazuje kako ohranjati in krepiti zdravje. Osrednji koncept teorije je samooskrba, ki je zgrajena iz treh konceptov: vzdrževanje, spremljanje in upravljanje samooskrbe. Enostavna in hkrati kompleksna teorija je ustrezna za uporabo v praksi. Propozicije so merljive in teorijo je možno testirati. V praksi je teorija uporabna za ohranjanje zdravja in spodbujanja zdravega življenjskega stila, spremljanja in obvladovanja različnih kroničnih bolezni, kot teoretični okvir pa jo uporabljajo številni raziskovalci in edukatorji. Diskusija in zaključek Pregled literature potrjuje uporabnost teorije v kliničnem okolju, raziskovanju in izobraževanju, vendar so potrebne dodatne raziskave in testiranje teorije v slovenskem okolju, s katerimi bi dokončno potrdili njeno uporabnost. Ključne besede: kronično stanje; upravljanje bolezni; ohranjanje zdravja; zdravstvena nega About the authors Lucija GOSAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Dominika VRBNJAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Gregor ŠTIGLIC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Majda PAJNKIHAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: 16 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Providing Spiritual Care in People Living with Dementia in Nursing Homes: A Nursing Staff Perspective Zagotavljanje duhovne oskrbe starejših oseb z demenco v domovih za starejše: vidik negovalnega osebja NATAŠA MLINAR RELJIĆ, BLANKA KORES PLESNIČAR & MAJDA PAJNKIHAR Introduction Nursing staff in nursing homes should provide a quality, person-centred, holistic nursing care. Providing spiritual care is crucial in holistic nursing approach for people living with dementia in nursing homes. The purpose of this paper is to present nursing staff experiences with providing spiritual care of people living with dementia in nursing home. Methods The study was conducted in nursing homes in Slovenia, using a qualitative research design. Purposive sampling with six focus groups of nursing staff were conducted. A phenomenological hermeneutical approach was used. 18 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results Three main themes emerged from the study: Spiritual needs of people living with dementia; Meet the spiritual needs; Experiencing spirituality in nurses. This paper presents and discusses about the findings from the theme “Meet the spiritual needs”. The nursing staff were unsure about whether they actually provided spiritual care. We found that spiritual care was integrated into physical needs care in the form of physical touch and presence. The nurses also expressed shortage in theoretical knowledge about spiritual care. Providing spiritual care was commonly based on intuition developed through experiences with people living with dementia. Discussion and Conclusion The findings present the nursing staff experience with providing spiritual care of people with dementia in nursing homes. It is important that nursing staff quickly recognize the spiritual needs of people living with dementia and respond appropriately. Findings from the study can serve as guidelines for nursing staff for planning and providing spiritual care for people living with dementia in nursing homes. Keywords: spirituality; care homes; nurses; older people About the authors Nataša MLINAR RELJIĆ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Blanka KORES – PLESNIČAR, University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: Majda PAJNKIHAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Assessing the Psychosocial Factors that Affect the Mental Well-being of Older Adults in Prishtina, Kosovo ARTA DALIPI, MARGARET DENNY & SUZANNE DENIEFFE Introduction Kosovo is the youngest country in Europe, which is now facing different socio-economic chal enges as a result of the Kosovo conflict. The study will focus on assessing what the contemporary psychosocial factors that affect the mental wellbeing of older adults in Pristina are. Methods The theoretical framework underpinning this research will be Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment. The framework involves individuals, families, and communities carrying out transactions in different environments with the aim of goal attainment. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design will be used. In quantitative strand convenience sampling will be used and data will be collected with Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale, Perceived Stress Scale and the Bergen Social Relationships Scale. In qualitative strand focus groups will be conducted using purposive sampling of older adults aged 60 years and above. Gaining access to this sample will be performed by contacting daily care centres, nursing care homes and the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo and seeking permission to recruit the sample. Results/outcomes: The findings are expected to identify the contemporary psychosocial factors and their impact on mental well-being in the elderly. The results of this study are 20 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. expected to contribute to guiding implementation policy and specific psychosocial intervention programs for older adults in Kosovo. Discussion and conclusion The findings will contribute to a conceptual understanding of the factors that affect the psychosocial wel -being of older adults in Kosovo. Recommendations for change in their care will be informed by these key findings. Keywords: Imogene King’s theory; Community care; Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale; About the authors Arta DALIPI, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Margaret DENNY, Waterford Institute of Technology, School of Health Sciences, Waterford, Ireland. E-mail: Suzanne DENIEFFE, Waterford Institute of Technology, School of Health Sciences, Waterford, Ireland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Model zdravstvenega prepričanja Health Belief Model MARIJA HORVAT, DOMINIKA VRBNJAK & MAJDA PAJNKIHAR Uvod Presejalni pregled za rakom dojk je zelo pomemben preventivni program. Zaradi slabše odzivnosti žensk so potrebne spremembe zdravstvenega vedenja, pri čemer nam lahko pomaga Model zdravstvenega prepričanja. Namen je bil opisati, analizirati in evalvirati model ter ugotoviti njegovo uporabnost v praksi. Metode Izveden je bil pregled in analiza relevantne literature v podatkovnih bazah: CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, SAGE journals, s pomočjo ključnih besed: "health belief model" AND "prevention". Za opis, analizo in evalvacijo je bil uporabljen model McKenna, Pajnkihar in Murphy. Rezultati V končno analizo je bilo vključenih 33 zadetkov. Model zdravstvenega prepričanja lahko uvrstimo med teorije srednjega obsega, retroduktivnega razvoja. Vključuje izvirno štiri koncepte in vse koncepte metaparadigme. Zaradi svoje enostavnosti, kompleksnosti in adekvatnosti sodi med najpogosteje uporabljene in testirane teorije za razlago in napovedovanje zdravstvenega vedenja na področju presejalnih programov. 22 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Diskusija in zaključek Izbrani model se uporablja za napovedovanje širokega razpona zdravstvenega vedenja, njegova glavna pomanjkljivost pa je, da ne upošteva človeških stališč, prepričanj ali drugih dejavnikov, ki narekujejo sprejemanje zdravstvenega vedenja. Uporablja se lahko na področju preventivnega presejalnega programa za rakom dojk, vendar ga je pred uporabo v praksi potrebno testirati. Ključne besede: teorija; zdravstvena nega; preventiva; medicinska sestra Keywords: theory, nursing, prevention, nurse About the authors Martina HORVAT, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Dominika VRBNJAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Majda PAJNKIHAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Relationship Between Religiousness and Cultural Competences Among Nurses in Poland BARBARA ŚLUSARSKA, AGNIESZKA CHRZAN-RODAK, BARBARA NIEDORYS, JADWIGA BĄK & DANUTA ZARZYCKA Introduction Understanding the level of cultural competences of nurses and their conditions is an important element of research in nursing in a changing society. The aim of the research was to assess the relationship between the religiousness of nurses and their cultural competences. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a group of 238 nurses using the validated Nurse Cultural Competence Scale (NCCS) and the Your Religiosity scale. Results The dominant religion in Poland is Catholicism. Nurses had the greatest intensity of religious orientation in the Seeking Religious Orientation subscale (M = 35.90). Over 51.7% of nurses had experience in caring for patients from a different culture. Nurses showed an average level of cultural competence. The highest scores were obtained for the Cultural Skil s Scale (M = 43.97) and the Cultural Consciousness Scale (M = 35.84). Discussion and Conclusion 24 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. A higher level of cultural competences occurs among nurses who looked after a patient who is culturally different and those who have a higher level of religiosity. Cultural skills should be one of the elements of professional competences acquired by nurses during their education. Nursing is faced with a process of globalization and migration which requires the acquisition of knowledge and skills about different religions and cultures in order to provide holistic care for every patient. Keywords: religiousness; cultural competences; nursing; NCCS scale; transcultural care About the authors Barbara ŚLUSARSKA, Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Department of Oncology and Environmental Health, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Agnieszka CHRZAN-RODAK, Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Department of Oncology and Environmental Health, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Barbara NIEDORYS, Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Department of Oncology and Environmental Health, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Jadwiga BĄK, Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: Danuta ZARZYCKA, Medical University of Lublin, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Lublin, Poland. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Patient Safety and Nursing Handover: Findings from a Large Retrospective Study Design JESSICA DEMARIA, VALENTINA BRESSAN, FRANCESCA VALENT & ALVISA PALESE Introduction Nursing surveillance represents an important component of nursing care, and when it decreases, as during shift-to-shift handover, patient safety decreases and the occurrence of adverse events, such as fal s might increases. This study aimed to analyse differences in the occurrence of fal s during nurses’ handovers as compared to that occurring when nurses are available in the unit. Methods A retrospective study was conducted in 2018 in an Italian academic national hospital and healthcare facility. Falls occurred in units where nursing shift-to-shift handover meetings performed far from patient bedsides, and that reported in other moments of the day from 2013 to 2017, were analysed. 26 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results A total of 1966 falls were analysed: 226 (11.4%) occurred during handovers; 1740 (88.6%) during the remaining part of the day (P= .861). The majority of falls occurred during the weeks (1452; 73.9%) in non-handovers times (1280; 73.6%; P= .006). Differently, in week-ends, the occurrence of falls was higher during handovers (64; 28.3%) compared to those reported in other moments (460; 26.4%; P= .037). Discussion and conclusion Findings suggest that there is no difference in the occurrence of falls during handovers and non-handovers time, except during the weeks-ends. Although some fal s may not have been reported, collected data underlines the need to implement handover safety “bundles” including components as work processes and organizational culture, likewise the implementation of nursing practice as bed-side handover. New research is needed to explore effective nursing surveillance processes features, and to evaluate their impact on patients’ outcomes. Keywords: handoff; incident reporting; fal s; patient outcomes; adverse events; nursing surveillance About the authors Jessica DEMARIA, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Valentina BRESSAN, University of Udine, Udine , Italy. E-mail: Francesca VALENT, University Hospital of Udine, Institute of Hygiene and Clinical Epidemiology, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Alvisa PALESE, University of Udine, Department of Medical Sciences, Udine, Italy. E- mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Vodenje in upravljanje kriznih situacij v zdravstveni negi Crisis Management in Nursing MOJCA DOBNIK Uvod V kriznih situacijah je vodenje izjemnega pomena, potreben je celosten pristop. Pandemija pred voditelje postavlja izziv zagotavljanja varne in kakovostne zdravstvene oskrbe. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti težave vodij na področju zdravstvene nege v krizni situaciji. Metode Uporabljena je bila kvantitativno deskriptivna metoda raziskovanja s kavzalno-neeksperimentalni dizajnom. Raziskava je zajemala namenski vzorec zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi, v večjem zdravstvenem zavodu. Vključitveni kriterij je bil delovno mesto strokovni vodja zdravstvene nege klinike (n = 4). Raziskava je potekala v juliju 2020. Uporabljen je bil vprašalnik »COVID-19, vodenje skozi motnje«, povzet po Gal up World Headquarters. Podatki so bili analizirali s pomočjo EXCEL, za namen članka so uporabljene opisne metode. 28 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Rezultati Anketiranci so bile ženske (100 %), v starostni skupini 42-54 let (M = 50,25), z 20-37 let delovne dobe (M = 30). Anketiranci se v 75 % delno strinjajo, da ima vodstvo jasen načrt delovanja v krizni situaciji, poskrbi za dobro počutje zaposlenih in da so sami dovolj usposobljeni. V 50 % se delno strinjajo, da za vodenje prejmejo dovolj informacij. Diskusija in zaključek Krizno vodenje mora zajemati vse strukture organizacije. Potrebna je jasna opredelitev ključnih procesov, nujnih aktivnosti, ki jih mora organizacija izvajati, kdo, kje in kako bo izvajal, kako bo organizacija komunicirala, kako bo torej teklo krizno vodenje - hierarhija, pooblastila, odgovornost, urniki in načini komuniciranja. Ključne besede: management; COVID-19; zaposleni v zdravstveni negi Keywords: management; COVID-19; nursing staff About the author Mojca DOBNIK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Relationship between Caring of Managers and Nurse Job Satisfaction: International Cross-cultural Study JOHN NELSON & DOMINIKA VRBNJAK Introduction Previous research has shown that nurse job satisfaction is predicted in part by caring, and clarity of role and system. An international work environment model for nurses was developed and tested and the purpose is to present how caring of the manager relates to nurse job satisfaction and clarity of role and system. Methods International cross-sectional study was conducted in 8 countries: Brazil, Canada, China, Israel, Slovenia, Turkey, and USA on a convenience sample of nurses (n=2,236) in 11 hospitals. Seven of the eight countries used the Caring Factor Survey – Caring of Manager Survey, Scotland developed an instrument based on the 2009 guidelines of caring devised by the National Health Service Scotland. Nurse job satisfaction was measured using psychometrically tested instruments for a total of 108 items. Results were analyzed using descriptive and structural equation modeling. 30 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results Caring of manager predicted job satisfaction directly as well as indirectly through clarity. The five countries that had 2,046 nurses who responded to al items in questionnaires that evaluated caring of manager, clarity, and job satisfaction had the exact same findings, with caring of manager impacting both job satisfaction and clarity of role and system. Discussion and conclusion The impact of caring of the manager on clarity was found to be important because clarity predicted nurse job satisfaction. Although sampling limits the generalization of the results, study confirmed the importance of caring of the manager since this promotes clarity and job satisfaction for nurses. Results can benefit management in terms of improving healthcare work environment. Keywords: nursing; management; survey; work environment About the authors John NELSON, Healthcare Environment, New Brighton, Minnesota, United States of America. E-mail: Dominika VRBNJAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Stakeholders View of Person-Centeredness in Practice Environment Na osebo osredotočena oskrba - vidik sodelujočih v praksi MATEJA LORBER, MAJDA PAJNKIHAR, GREGOR ŠTIGLIC, DOMINIKA VRBNJAK, BRENDAN MCCORMACK, RUTH MAGOWAN & SERGEJ KMETEC Introduction Treating patients as persons is a focus of contemporary healthcare policy globaly as indicated by the continued focus on dignified, compassionate and humanistic care in healthcare practice. In such a global context, the need for healthcare education programmes to strategically plan for a workforce that is ready to respond appropriately is obvious. The principles underpinning person-centred healthcare practice are universal but are context-dependent in their operationalisation. This study aimed to identify the key principles that will inform the development of an international curriculum framework for educating future person-centred healthcare practitioners and leaders. Methods An qualitative research methodology with a focus groups method was carried out. The study comprised three focus groups with 4-6 participants (nurses, nurses’ students, nurses’ managers), the duration of discuses were between 50 and 60 minutes. For the data analysis, we used a thematic analysis. 32 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results Through, the thematic analysis, we identified four main themes. (i) Prerequisites for Person-centred healthcare practitioner; (ii) Strategic process; (iii) Supportive local environment and (iv) Supportive mezzo-/macro-context. Discussion and Conclusion Healthcare policy has a person and people centredness at the core of their strategic position statements. In such a global context, the need for health care education programmes is ready to respond appropriately is obvious. Education curricula need to be innovative in proactively for developing person-centeredness workforce. Keywords: healthcare policy; person-centred; thematic analysis; education Ključne besede: zdravstvena politika; tematska analiza; osredotočenost na osebo; izobraževanje About the authors Mateja LORBER, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Majda PAJNKIHAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Gregor ŠTIGLIC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Dominika VRBNJAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Brendan McCORMACK, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, Division of Nursing, University Way, Edinburgh, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: M. Lorber, M.Pajnkihar, G. Štiglic, D. Vrbnjak, B. Mccormack, R. Magowan & S. Kmetec: Stakeholders View of Person-Centeredness in Practice Environment 33. Ruth MAGOWAN, Queen Margaret University, Division of Nursing, University Way, Edinburgh, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. E-mail: Sergej KMETEC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: 34 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Improving Healthcare Students’ Competences to Support Behaviour Change in the Self- Management of Chronic Diseases MARA GUERREIRO Introduction Adherence to medication and beneficial lifestyle changes in prevalent chronic diseases is often unsatisfactory, leading to health complications and increased costs that threaten the sustainability of health systems. Behaviour change is key to achieve better self-care in people with chronic diseases and health professionals are expected to support this change process. However, the literature and our needs assessment indicate that students present a skills gap in behaviour change support. The overall objective of the Train4Health project is to improve health care students’ competences to effectively support behaviour change in chronic diseases. Methods The overall design includes 3 phases: 1) Paving the way to the development of key educational products; 2) Key educational products development; 3) Piloting the key educational products & learning outcomes evaluation. Each phase, in turn, is comprised by several studies. Phase 1 encompasses a two-round e-Delphi panel for consensualising a European multidisciplinary competency framework on behaviour change support in the self-management of chronic diseases, which will inform the definition of learning outcomes-based curricula. Another phase 1 study is outlining unmet needs and requirements of key educational products through multicentric focus groups with 36 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. academic educators and students from the target disciplines (nursing, pharmacy and sports sciences). Ethics approval has been granted for these 2 studies. Results Analysis of the final round of the European e-Delphi is on-going. Two multidisciplinary pilot focus group have been conducted, transcribed verbatim and subjected to a first iteration of thematic analysis. Discussion and conclusion Phase 1 is expected to provide a sound basis for the coherent development of an innovative educational package on behaviour change support in chronic diseases, aligned with the European agenda on digital transformation in education and training. Keywords: self-care; competency framework; learning outcomes; case studies; MOOC; simulation software About the author Mara GUERREIRO, Higher Nursing School of Lisbon, Train4Health Project Team, Lisbon, Portugal. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Using Online Learning in Nursing: A Case of »Digital Toolbox for Innovation in Nursing Education – I-BOX« Project Uporaba spletnega učenja v zdravstveni negi: primer projekta »Digital Toolbox For Innovation In Nursing Education – I-BOX« NINO FIJAČKO, LUCIJA GOSAK, KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ, GREGOR ŠTIGLIC, CAROLINA CHABRERA & ESTHER CABRERAS Distance learning has increased dramatically throughout the world during a coronavirus disease pandemic, including in the field of nursing. The latter opens up many possibilities for projects, such as "Digital Toolbox For Innovation In Nursing Education" (I-BOX), for the possibility of promoting and implementing electronic content through online learning. Modern nursing involves both online education and more advanced teaching methods. Healthcare professionals also need continuing education to maintain their qualifications and skills. Online learning thus increases their access to information and the flexibility of continuing education. In addition, it is wel known that due to the rapid advancement of science and technology, knowledge acquired in educational institutions is rapidly becoming obsolete, making lifelong learning a necessary alternative. As a result, we are facing the rapid development and use of new educational approaches, such as e-learning, m-learning, gamification, simulations and virtual reality, etc. Based on this, we can conclude that higher education will no longer take place in the traditional way but will be replaced by more modern teaching methods. Distance education and distance training 38 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. are examples of teaching methods that allow a student to engage in a learning experience outside the traditional classroom. Creating learning environments with the help of modern technologies enables flexible teaching. This al ows students to learn within their abilities and pace and from a place of their choice. Also, such teaching methods al ow flexibility because students have access to learning materials 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Due to many challenges, such as lack of time for study, transportation costs and the availability of teachers, more flexible learning methods are needed, such as online learning or e-learning, which are part of the I-BOX project. The main purpose of the I-BOX project is primarily the design and development of materials that will be intended for teaching nursing interventions in a simulation environment and wil be constantly available to students. Keywords: e-learning; nursing; project; I-BOX Uporaba učenja na daljavo se je v času pandemije korona virusne bolezni povsod po svetu drastično povečala, tudi na področju Zdravstvene nege. Slednje odpira številne možnosti projektom, kot je »Digitalna orodja za inovacije v izobraževanju na področju zdravstvene nege« (Digital Toolbox For Innovation In Nursing Education – I-BOX), za možnost promocije in implementacije elektronskih vsebin preko spletnega učenja. Sodobna ZN vključuje tako spletno izobraževanje kot tudi naprednejše metode poučevanja. Zdravstveni delavci prav tako potrebujejo stalno izobraževanje, da ohranijo svojo usposobljenost in spretnosti. Spletno učenje jim tako povečuje dostopnost do informacij in fleksibilnost stalnega izobraževanja. Poleg tega pa je dobro znano tudi to, da zaradi hitrega napredka znanosti in tehnologije, znanje pridobljeno v učnih ustanovah hitro zastara, zato vseživljenjsko učenje postaja nujna alternativa. Posledično se soočamo s hitrim razvojem in uporabo novih izobraževalnih pristopov, kot so e-učenje, m-učenje, igrifikacija, simulacije ter virtualna resničnost ipd. Na podlagi tega lahko sklepamo, da visokošolska izobraževanja ne bodo več potekala na tradicionalni način, ampak jo bodo zamenjale sodobnejše metode poučevanja. Izobraževanje na daljavo in usposabljanje na daljavo sta primera načina poučevanja, ki študentu omogočata, da se vključi v učne izkušnje zunaj tradicionalne učilnice. Ustvarjanje učnih okolij s pomočjo sodobnih tehnologij omogoča fleksibilno izvajanje poučevanja. To študentom omogoča, da se učijo v okviru svojih zmožnosti in tempa ter na lokaciji, ki si jo sami izberejo. Prav tako takšne metode poučevanja omogočajo prilagodljivost, ker imajo študenti dostop do učnih gradiv 24 ur na dan ter 7 dni v tednu. Zaradi številnih izzivov, kot sta pomanjkanje časa za študij, stroški prevoza in razpoložljivost učiteljev, so potrebne bolj fleksibilne metode učenja, kot N. Fijačko, L. Gosak, K. Čuček Trifkovič, G. Štiglic, C. Chabrera & E. Cabreras: Using Online Learning in Nursing: A Case of »Digital Toolbox for Innovation in Nursing Education – I-BOX« Project 39. je spletno učenje oz. e-učenje, ki so del projekta I-BOX. Glavni namen projekta I-BOX je predvsem oblikovanje in razvoj gradiv, ki bodo namenjeni poučevanju intervencij Zdravstvene nege v simulacijskem okolju in bodo študentom vedno na voljo. Ključne besede: e-učenje; zdravstvena nega; projekt; I-BOX About the authors Nino FIJAČKO, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Lucija GOSAK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Klavdija ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Gregor ŠTIGLIC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Carolina CHABRERA, University Pompeu Fabra, TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme, School of Health Sciences, Mataró, Spain. E-mail: Esther CABRERAS, University Pompeu Fabra, TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme, School of Health Sciences, Mataró, Spain. E-mail: 40 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Italian Nurse Managers Interventions to Prevent and Minimize Missed Nursing Care: A Positive Deviance Approach on Behalf of the NM4Safety Project JESSICA LONGHINI & ALVISA PALESE Introduction Missed or rationed nursing care are widely recognized as events affecting patient safety and Nurse Managers and Nurse Directors play a main role in promoting interventions in order to prevent them; however, few evidences on effective interventions aimed at minimizing missed nursing care are available to date in their practice. Hence, the research question was: given the lack of evidence, what is the interventions adopted by Nurse Managers and Nurse Directors in their daily practice to prevent or minimize missed nursing care? The aim of this study was to identified positive interventions used by Nurse Managers and Nurse Directors and the levels involved -structure or process, unit or department or institution- on a daily basis that prevent or minimize missed nursing care. Methods A qualitative descriptive study design based upon a positive deviance approach was adopted and developed according to the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research. Positive deviance is a bottom-up approach aimed at identifying from the experience the strategies used by organization to achieve exceptional performance in an area of interest. 42 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Twelve Nurse Managers and Nurse Directors were purposefully selected, working at Hospital, Healthcare Trust or Nursing Home levels, Italy. Participants were interviewed in two focus group sessions. A content analysis of the audio recorded narratives was performed by two researchers. Results Shaping the work environment to enhance safety through the establishment of supervision systems; developing appropriate nursing records; designing adequate and flexible human resource management; educating nursing staff on missed care issues, and promoting relationships to facilitate positive communication, trust and sharing, are all strategies, based on structural and process nature, implemented on a daily basis to prevent missed nursing care. Discussion and conclusion several positive interventions to prevent and/or minimize missed nursing care, that could be successful used by Nurse Managers and Directors in daily practice, have been identified from experience of participants. Interventions mainly referred to human resource management, work-environment safety and communication process as well as education. Monocentric nature of the study and lack of the validation process of interview guide were the main limits of this research. Further experimental studies are needed to trial effectiveness of identified intervention. Keywords: nurse manager; nursing management; missed nursing care; rationed nursing care; patient safety; nursing leadership About the authors Jessica LONGHINI, University of Udine, Department of Medical Sciences, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Alvisa PALESE, University of Udine, Department of Medical Sciences, Udine, Italy. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) How to Create Intergenerational Contact between Students and Older People with Dementia: A European Pilot Project LUCIA CADORIN, CRISTINA TOMMASINI & ALVISA PALESE Introduction The increasing number of older people in the world is generating a great deal of interest in terms of consequences on heath care. The literature suggests that using innovative and creative methods (e.g., art, drama, and music) in the care of people with dementia can result in constructive interactions and positive practical experiences for health care professionals. A pilot course aimed at advancing students’ knowledge of dementia, at promoting their familiarity with older people, and at giving them opportunities to use creative methods was designed and performed. Methods A course devoted to health care students were piloted in four European countries between October-December 2019, and it was dedicated to theoretical and creative practical lessons, with experiences in Dementia care units. A mixed-method evaluation system was used to assess the pre and the post-pilot data. Students’ attitudes toward older people was assessed with the validated Aging-Semantic-Differential-scale ; it was also evaluated the quality of the course, participants’ satisfaction and learning outcomes. 44 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results Slight changes were found in students’ attitudes toward older people between the pre- and the post- pilot phase, with the post-pilot evaluation revealing slightly more positive attitudes than the pre-phase. Students learned about non-pharmacologic approaches and creative methods for communicating with people. Students were motivated to learn, demonstrating satisfactory achievement of the pilot’s desired outcomes. Discussion and conclusion The experience was useful for all participants. Some suggestions for Higher-Education-Institutions emerged, including training for and use of creative methods of teachers/professors, and the involvement of health care professionals. Keywords: elderly; cognitive impairment; creative methods; mix method; creative teaching; creative learning About the authors Lucia CADORIN, University of Udine, Department of Medicine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Cristina TOMMASINI, University of Udine, Department of Medicine, Udine, Italy. E-mail: Alvisa PALESE, University of Udine, Department of Medical Sciences, Udine, Italy. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Primerjava higiene pripomočkov za večkratno uporabo med dvema zdravstvenima ustanovama Comparison of the Reusable Devices Hygiene between Two Healthcare Institutions URŠKA ROZMAN, DARJA DUH, MOJCA CIMERMAN & SONJA ŠOSTAR TURK Uvod V zdravstvenih ustanovah se za ustrezen nadzor in preprečevanje prenosa bolnišničnih okužb preko pripomočkov za večkratno uporabo za razkuževanje intenzivno uporabljajo biocidni proizvodi, ki morajo biti v skladu z Uredbo (EU) št. 528/2012 o dostopnosti na trgu in uporabi biocidnih proizvodov. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti higieno pripomočkov za večkratno uporabo ter preveriti prisotno mikrobno populacijo na takšnih površinah. Metode V dveh zdravstvenih ustanovah smo popisali pripomočke za večkratno uporabo, uporabljena dezinfekcijska sredstva za razkuževanje površin ter protokol čiščenja. Površine smo vzorčili z jemanjem brisov. Prisotnost mikroorganizmov v vzorcih smo kvantitativno določili s klasičnimi gojitvenimi metodami, za identifikacijo morfološko različnih kolonij smo uporabili metodo MALDI – TOF. 46 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Rezultati V izbranih ustanovah za razkuževanje pripomočkov uporabljajo razkužilne robčke Clinel universal wipes in Sani clothes wipes (70 %), površine pa po končani terapiji razkuži fizioterapevt ali delovni terapevt. Na površinah pripomočkov smo zaznali prisotnost mikroorganizmov že pred uporabo, prav tako pa tudi po uporabi in celo po razkuževanju. Identificirali smo 17 različnih vrst iz rodov Acinetobacter, Bacil us, Corynebacterium, Exiguobacterium, Fictibacil us, Micrococcus in Staphylococcus. Diskusija in zaključek Za ustrezen nadzor in preprečevanje prenosa bolnišničnih okužb preko pripomočkov za večkratno uporabo je nujno poznavanje mikrobne populacije ter primerna izbira sredstev za razkuževanje. Pripomočki so lahko kontaminirani že pred uporabo, prav tako pa mikroorganizmi na površinah ostajajo tudi po dezinfekciji, kar je lahko posledica nepravilne izbire razkužil ali nepravilnega postopka uporabe izbranega sredstva. Ob intenzivni uporabi razkužil obstaja možnost nastanka pridobljene bakterijske odpornosti proti biocidom, kar lahko posledično vodi tudi do bakterijske odpornosti proti antibiotikom. Ključne besede: razkuževanje površin, biocidi, bolnišnica, dom starejših občanov. Keywords: surface disinfection, biocides, hospital, nursing home About the authors Urška ROZMAN, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Darja DUH, National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Mojca CIMERMAN, National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Sonja ŠOSTAR TURK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Simulated Patient Monitor: Review of Mobile Learning Smartphones Apps Pregled mobilnih aplikacij za simulacijo pacientovega monitoringa NINO FIJAČKO, JURE NEŽMAH & MATEJ MAŽIČ Introduction High-cost simulated patient monitors are already part of nursing education worldwide. We aim to present a low-cost mobile learning solution in the form of a smartphone app for patient monitor simulation without high-fidelity mannequins. Methods In June 2020, we searched for smartphone apps in Google Play Store. We used a key string »simulated patient monitor« without using Boolean operators. We excluded smartphone apps that were developed for simulation of only basic patient parameters (i.e., heart rate), do not have adjustable patient parameters, and were not appropriate for use in a nursing simulation environment. 48 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results Out of 248 smartphone apps, only four were included in the final evaluation. One app (i.e., ReSimulate) was free of charge; the other ones were available in paid version (i.e. SimMon; 21.99€) or had in-apps purchases (i.e., Simpl - Simulated Patient Monitor; €10.99 per item). All apps were developed for adjusting patient parameters and changing ECG rhythms with included defibrillator/pacer function. Discussion and Conclusion We present an affordable, portable, and highly realistic mobile learning solution to change low-fidelity nursing simulation into high by adding simulated patient monitor in the form of smartphone apps. Because they also included different electrocardiography rhythms and have defibrillator mode, they can also be a part of basic or advanced life support nursing courses. Mobile learning is becoming an increasingly important part of the educational environment in nursing. However, there are still a few obstacles to be conquered before implementing them into the regular nursing curriculum. Keywords: mobile application; mobile learning; patient monitor; simulation; nursing Ključne besede: mobilne aplikacije; mobilno učenje; pacientov monitor; simulacija; zdravstvena nega About the authors Nino FIJAČKO, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Jure NEŽMAH, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Matej MAŽIČ,University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Mental Well-being of Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy Duševno blagostanje staršev otrok s cerebralno paralizo PETRA JANESKA, MERIMA ŠEHIĆ, KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ & LEONA CILAR Introduction Cerebral palsy affects about one in 400 children. Cerebral palsy can be described as a non-progressive disorder of the development of movement and posture, which is the result of disorders in the development of the fetus or child brain. Parents of a child with cerebral palsy generally have higher levels of stress and poorer mental well-being, compared to parents of children without developmental disabilities and the rest of the population. Caring for a child with a disability, such as cerebral palsy, creates an emotional strain for parents and can lead to a severe form of burnout. For this reason, we want to explore what kind of mental well-being parents of children with cerebral palsy have. Methods A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted using the survey method. Parents who have at least one child with cerebral palsy were included in the study. The research was conducted in non-governmental societies and associations for cerebral palsy in the months of January - April 2020. Results 50 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, we conclude that the parents of children with cerebral palsy have a good mental well-being. Parents devote an average of 11 hours a day to children with cerebral palsy. They devote an average of 2.3 hours a day to themselves. As part of the analysis, non - parametric testing was performed with the Mann - Whitney U test, which finds that there is a relationship between employment status and mental well - being. Using the Kruskal-Wallis test, we found that the level of education does not affect the mental well-being of children with cerebral palsy. Discussion and conclusion Parents of children with cerebral palsy definitely have a different life. Such a life requires a lot of renunciation and adjustment, which in turn affects their mental and spiritual wellbeing. Keywords: child; parent; cerebral palsy; mental wel -being Uvod Cerebralna paraliza prizadene približno enega na 400 otrok. Cerebralno paralizo lahko opišemo kot neprogresivno motnjo razvoja gibanja in drže, kar je posledica motenj v razvoju plodovih ali otrokovih možganov. Starši otroka s cerebralno paralizo imajo na splošno višjo raven stresa in slabše duševno blagostanje, v primerjavi s starši otrok brez razvojne oviranosti in ostalo populacijo. Skrb za otroka z invalidnostjo, kot jo cerebralna paraliza, ustvarja čustveni napor za starše, lahko privede do hude oblike izgorelosti. Iz tega razloga želimo raziskati, kakšno duševno blagostanje imajo starši otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Metode Izvedena je bila presečna deskriptivna raziskava z metodo anketiranja. V raziskavo so bili vključeni starši, ki imajo vsaj enega otroka s cerebralno paralizo. Raziskava je potekala v nevladnih društvih in zvezah za cerebralno paralizo v mesecih januar - april 2020. P. Janeska, M. Šehić, K. Čuček Trifkovič & L. Cilar: Mental Wel -being of Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy 51. Rezultati Na podlagi analize pridobljenih podatkov ugotavljamo, da imajo starši otrok s cerebralno paralizo dobro duševno blagostanje. Starši se posvečajo otrokom s cerebralno paralizo v povprečju 11 ur dnevno. Sebi namenijo v povprečju 2,3 ure dnevno. V okviru analize je bilo izvedeno neparametrično testiranje z Mann – Whitney U testom, s katerim ugotavljamo, da obstaja povezava med zaposlitvenim statusom in stopnjo duševnega blagostanja. S pomočjo Kruskal-Wal is testa smo ugotovili, da stopnja izobrazbe ne vpliva na duševno blagostanje staršev otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Diskusija in zaključek Starši otrok s cerebralno paralizo imajo vsekakor drugačno življenje. Takšno življenje zahteva veliko odrekanja in prilagajanja, kar posledično vpliva na njihovo psihično in duševno blagostanje. Ključne besede: otrok; starš; cerebralna paraliza; duševno blagostanje About the authors Petra JANESKA, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Merima ŠEHIĆ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Klavdija ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Leona CILAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: 52 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Perception of Nurses about Palliative Care in Nursing Homes in Slovenia SERGEJ KMETEC, MATEJA LORBER, NATAŠA MLINAR RELJIĆ & ZVONKA FEKONJA Introduction Development of health and economic reforms has contributed to prolonging the life span of populations. With increased life expectancy, the possibility of developing non-communicable diseases in individuals also increases. Non-communicable diseases are accompanied by disturbing symptoms that affect the quality of life of patients. Palliative care is an integrated and holistic approach that addresses the patient as an individual living being and considers their needs and values. Integrating palliative care has a positive impact on reducing depression and improving the quality of life of patients. This study aimed to investigate the nurses’ perception by providing pal iative care in nursing homes. Methods Qualitative research methodology with seven focus groups was carried out (professional caregivers, nursing assistants, registered nurses). The discuses were between 50 and 60 minutes. For the data analysis, we used thematic analysis. 54 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results Through the thematic analysis, we identified four main themes. (i) Prerequisites; (ii) Perception of providing palliative care; (iii) Person-centred approach and (iv) Mezzo- /macro-context regulation. Discussion and Conclusion Nurses and nursing homes managers need to be aware of the increasing number of people with non-communicable diseases and accompanying disturbing symptoms, and on the other hand, there is a lack of specialists in palliative care. For that reason, it is important to have an approach that includes the person-centred pal iative approach, sharing of decision-making, multidisciplinary team approach and provision of the support for care partners. Keywords: person-centeredness, nursing, nursing home, pal iative care About the authors Sergej KMETEC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Mateja LORBER, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Nataša MLINAR RELJIĆ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Zvonka FEKONJA, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Obravnava žensk s poporodno depresijo na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva: sistematičen pregled Management of Women and Postpartum Depression in Primary Health Care KAJA OLAJ & BARBARA KEGL Uvod Namen reproduktivnega varstva na primarni ravni je skrb in oskrba žensk pred in po porodu. Reproduktivno in duševno zdravje sta med seboj zelo povezana. V času pred, med in po porodu se lahko pojavijo različne težave v duševnem zdravju ženske. Poporodna depresija spada med duševne motnje in je resna duševna bolezen. Pomembno je pravočasno odkrivanje in obravnava te bolezni, ki prizadene veliko populacijo žensk. Namen prispevka je raziskati obravnavo žensk s poporodno depresijo na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva. Metode Uporabili smo sistematičen pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature. Literaturo smo pridobili iz slovenskih in tujih iskalnih baz podatkov (PubMed, ScienceDirect, SAGE Journals, COBISS). Pri tem smo si pomagali z vključitvenimi in izključitvenimi kriteriji. Vključili smo angleške in slovenske članke, objavljene od leta 2005 naprej ter polno 56 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. dostopne članke. Za obdelavo in analizo podatkov smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Rezultati V podrobno analizo smo vključili devet člankov. Ugotovili smo, da so ženske v Sloveniji celostno in kakovostno obravnavane na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva, saj so vse ženske vključene v preventivne programe, ki vključujejo tudi preprečevanje poporodne depresije. Diskusija in zaključek Pregled literature je pokazal, da se obravnava žensk s poporodno depresijo na primarnem nivoju zelo razlikuje med državami. Izvajanje preventivnih programov za ženske je izredno pomembno, saj pripomore k zgodnjemu odkrivanju poporodne depresije in tako tudi k preprečevanju. Potrebno bo nameniti več pozornosti pri obravnavi poporodne depresije, predvsem v smislu preprečevanja, tako pri nas kot tudi v tujini. Ključne besede: nosečnica; otročnica; patronažna zdravstvena nega; dispanzer za ženske Keywords: a pregnant women; women after birth; community nursing; outpatient's clinic for women About the authors Kaja OLAJ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Barbara KEGL, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) The Potential Use of Mobile Applications as Vision Screening Tests Potencialna uporaba mobilnih aplikacij kot presejalni test vida: pregled mobilnih aplikacij ADRIJANA SVENŠEK, SAŠA CIGUT, GREGOR ŠTIGLIC & NINO FIJAČKO Introduction Mobile applications are more and more often used in clinical healthcare practice. The purpose of this contribution was to examine the suitability of mobile ophthalmology applications and evaluate their potential usefulness as a quick vision screening test. Methods In May 2020 we conducted a review of mobile applications found in the Apple App Store. By using search words and inclusion as well as exclusion criteria we came to the final number of mobile applications. We managed the appropriateness of mobile applications with the help of the PRISMA flow diagram and presented it descriptively. Results From the total found 88 mobile applications we included ten mobile applications into our final analysis because they were developed as quick vision screening test. Five mobile applications were multifunctional because they included the option of implementing the Snellen chart, the Roda test and included picture boards. 58 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Discussion and Conclusion On the market, there are many mobile applications for testing vision, but rarely some are used in regular clinical practice. The mobile application Smart Optometry is suitable for use in a clinical environment as well as in the home environment since it is easy to use and offers quick insight into eye defects. The results of testing vision with mobile applications can be compared to the results measured with the professional ophthalmic apparatus Optovist. The vision screening test performed with the help of mobile applications allows us to regularly monitor and control our health condition. Keywords: Apple App Store; ophthalmology; testing vision Ključne besede: Apple App trgovina; okulistika; pregled vida About the authors Adrijana SVENŠEK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Saša CIGUT, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Gregor ŠTIGLIC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Nino FIJAČKO, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Prepoznava in pravilno ukrepanje ob pojavu neželenih učinkov tarčnih zdravil v patronažnem varstvu Recognition and Correct Management of the Target Drugs Side Ef ects in Community Nursing PATRICIJA GREIF, PETRA KLANJŠEK & BARBARA KEGL Uvod Patronažne medicinske sestre pomagajo pediatričnem ali odraslem onkološkem pacientu in njegovi družini na njihovih domovih pri soočanju z zdravljenjem z biološkimi zdravili in z možnimi neželenimi učinki. Namen prispevka je ugotoviti prepoznavo in pravilno ukrepanje ob pojavu neželenih učinkov bioloških zdravil pri pediatričnem ali odraslem onkološkem pacientu v patronažnem varstvu. Metode Uporabili smo kvalitativno metodo dela. Izvedli smo namensko vzorčenje. Vprašalnik smo zasnovali na podlagi pregleda literature. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 34 (86 %) od 50 patronažnih medicinski sester. Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili deskriptivno statistiko. 60 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Rezultati Rezultati kažejo, da je pojav neželenih učinkov bioloških zdravil pri pediatričnem ali odraslem onkološkem pacientu v patronažnem varstvu redek. Patronažne medicinske sestre menijo, da so o pravilnem ukrepanju ob pojavu neželenih učinkov bioloških zdravil premalo usposobljene vendar so bili njihovi odgovori v večini v skladu s priporočili v tuji literaturi. Patronažne medicinske sestre so se o neželenih učinkih bioloških zdravil poučile same. Diskusija in zaključek Patronažne medicinske sestre menijo, da so premalo informirane o možnih neželenih učinkih bioloških zdravil in pravilnem ukrepanju ob le tem. Omogočiti jim je potrebno večje število izobraževanj namenjenim neželenim učinkom bioloških zdravil. Ključne besede: patronažna medicinska sestra; stranski učinki; znanje; pediatrični ali odrasli onkološki pacienti Keywords: community nurse; sde effects; knowledge; paediatric or adult oncology patients About the authors Patricija GREIF, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Petra KLANJŠEK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Barbara KEGL, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Nudenje prve pomoči v odvisnosti od vrste osebe, ki pomoč potrebuje Providing first aid, depending on the type of person in need ANTON KOŽELJ, JANA GORIUP & MAJA STRAUSS Uvod V nujnih zdravstvenih stanjih oseba potrebuje čimprejšnjo pomoč. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti ali je nudenje prve pomoči pogojeno tudi s tem, katera oseba potrebuje pomoč, ter izvesti primerjavo med študenti zdravstvenih in ne-zdravstvenih smeri na Univerzi v Mariboru. Metode Izvedena je bila presečno opazovalna študija, s kvantitativno metodologijo. Za izvedbo ankete smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik zaprtega tipa. Za namen raziskave smo anketirali 836 študentov Univerze v Mariboru. Prvo skupino (N=401) so predstavljali študenti zdravstvenih fakultet na Univerzi v Mariboru, drugo skupino pa študenti ne-zdravstvenih fakultet članic Univerze v Mariboru (N=435). Cronbach alfa koeficient za omenjen sklop vprašanj je znašal 0, 943, kar nakazuje zelo dobro statistično zanesljivost testa. 62 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Rezultati Ugotovili smo, da je pripravljenost nudenja pomoči določeni osebi pogojena s tem, katera oseba potrebuje pomoč. Obe skupini anketirancev bi odreagirali enako, ko bi pomoč potreboval njihov svojec (p=0,25). V vseh ostalih primerih pripravljenosti nudenja prve pomoči določeni skupini oseb (npr. neznanec, nosečnica, otrok, opite osebe itd.) pa smo dokazali statistično pomembno razliko v pripravljenosti nudenja pomoči (p<0,05) med primerjanima skupinama. Diskusija in zaključek Študenti zdravstvenih fakultet so pri večini situacijah navajali statistično pomembno višjo stopnjo pripravljenosti nudenja prve pomoči, kot študentje ne-zdravstvenih fakultet. Slabši rezultati druge skupine anketiranih nakazujejo potrebo po dodatnem izobraževanju iz nudenja prve pomoči. Ključne besede: prva pomoč; smer študija; zakonodaja; različne osebe Keywords: first aid; course of study; legislation: different persons About the authors Anton KOŽELJ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Jana GORIUP, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Maja STRAUSS, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Acute Cardiovascular Diseases in Emergency Care - Grey Zone Investigation in the NSTEMI Patient Population GABOR PRISKIN, BENCE SCHISZLER, BALAZS TOTH & BALAZS RADNAI Introduction According to World Health Organisation statistics in 2016 the most common cause of death was ischemic heart disease. The latest European Society of Cardiology guideline recommends the use of hs-cTn assays diagnose acute coronary syndrome. However, the elevated, but lower than 99th percentile values are advised to be remeasured after 3-6 hours. The aim of our study was to determine whether the waiting time of grey zone hs-cTN assays can be shortened. Moreover, we sought to answer whether the normal or multiple times of the normal troponin values have different effects. In addition, the correlation of troponin and the clinical history was analysed, and it was assumed that mortality correlates with higher troponin levels. Methods The quantitative methodology was used. We collected data of 300 patients who were admitted to the Emergency Room of Pécs between 2015-2018 with troponin levels in the grey zone. After exclusion, 270 patients were left but only 71 included information about coronary occlusion. We measured 8 different risk scores and reviewed blood test results and clinical history. 64 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results HEART score proved to have the highest sensitivity (94 %) while FRISC (fast revascu-larisation in instability in coronary disease) had the highest specificity (94 %). Troponin’s only significant correlation was established with the CRP value of the patients (p=0,023). As we lacked mortality cases, no correlation with troponin values was shown (p=0,825). Discussion and Conclusion Based on our findings we assume that using HEART score to rule-in and FRISC score to rule-out can decrease waiting time. Categorizing troponin values only made no significant difference. Keywords: troponin; cut-off value; ACS; HEART About the authors Gabor PRISKIN, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health, Department of Oxyology and Emergency Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: Bence SCHISZLER, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health, Department of Oxyology and Emergency Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: Balazs TOTH, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health, Department of Oxyology and Emergency Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: Balazs RADNAI, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Emergency Care and Pedagogy of Health, Department of Oxyology and Emergency Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Vpliv fermentiranih živil in fermentiranih živil s probiotiki na zdravje Influence of Fermented Foods and Fermented Foods with Probiotics on Health SABINA FIJAN, EVELIN LEBER & IRENA ROGELJ Uvod Fermentacija je proces, ki izkorišča rast in encimsko aktivnost mikroorganizmov za preoblikovanje osnovnih surovin (mleko, zelje, soja, meso,…) v živila z značilnimi fizikalnimi, senzoričnimi in prehranskimi lastnostmi ob istočasnem ohranjanju kakovosti in varnosti živil. Probiotiki so živi mikroorganizmi, ki imajo koristne učinke na zdravje gostitelja, kadar jih apliciramo v zadostnem številu. Probiotiki in fermentirana živila kažejo pozitivne učinke na zdravje v primeru njihove dolgoročne uporabe in so dokazano koristni in nepogrešljivi pri zdravem načinu življenja. Metode Izvedli smo analizo literature na tematiko vpliva fermentiranih živil v podatkovnih bazah PubMed/Medline in ScienceDirect. V analizo smo vključili polno-dostopne članke dvojno-slepih randomiziranih kliničnih raziskav, objavljenih med leti 2015 in 2019. Po pregledu smo našli 87878 člankov. 66 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Rezultati Na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev smo v končno analizo vključili 22 člankov. Najpogostejše fermentirano živilo je bilo fermentirano mleko, predvsem jogurt. Med najpogosteje dodanimi mikroorganizmi pri pripravi fermentiranih živil so bili sevi iz vrst: Bifidobacterium animalis subsp . lactis, Lactobacil us acidophilus, Lacticaseibacil us rhamnosus, Lacticaseibacil us casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum in Lactococcus lactis. Diskusija in zaključek Uživanje fermentiranih mlečnih živil je zmanjšalo pojavnost želodčnih težav, sindroma razdražljivega črevesja, napihnjenosti, driske, povišane ravni glukoze v krvi, LDL-holesterola, trigliceridov in pojavnosti plakov v ustni votlini. Izboljšali naj bi se tudi parametri duševnega zdravja in znižala incidenca nalezljivih bolezni. Prav tako je uživanje fermentiranih mlečnih živil izboljšalo odvajanje blata in ugodno vplivalo na imunske parametre. Uživanje kefirja je zmanjšalo tveganje za nastanek črevesnih bolezni. Pozitiven vpliv na zdravje naj bi imelo tudi uživanje drugih fermentiranih živil (soja, artičoka, sadje), saj so dokazali, da lahko uravnavajo črevesno mikrobioto in izboljšajo parametre tveganja za srčno-žilne bolezni. Ključne besede: koristni mikroorganizmi; fermentacija; zdravstvo Keywords: beneficial microbes; fermentation; healthcare About the authors Sabina FIJAN, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Evelin LEBER, Visama, zdravstvo, storitve in izobraževanje d.o.o., Videm pri Ptuju, Slovenia. E-mail: Irena ROGELJ, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Domžale, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Prehospital Ultrasound Use in Patients with Blunt Abdominal Trauma MELINDA JAUCH & ATTILA PANDUR Introduction The point of care ultrasound devices become increasingly popular in prehospital and hospital environments as wel . It has diagnostic and therapeutic advantages and may improve the management and treatment of patients. One of the main causes of young adulthood death are traffic accidents in Hungary and other countries as well. The aim of the study was to perform changes in prehospital therapeutic methods because of ultrasound use especially in flight/helicopter cases. Method Our pilot study was longitudinal and retrospective, the quantitative methodology was used. We collected the data from official electronic system of Hungarian helicopter emergency service and use those patient’s cases who had polytrauma, multitrauma or/and blunt abdominal trauma. Research sampling time started 2020 January 1st till December 31st. 68 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results We have 42 patients’ data from the electronic system currently and data collecting is in progress. Most of these cases were caused by traffic accidents. When prehospital team use ultrasound device on the patients, average therapeutic time was 26 minutes and average amount of infusion for patients with abdominal injurie was 431 ml. Prehospital team used the ultrasound device in 28 patients. Conclusion When possibility of abdominal bleeding arises, knowledge of a positive or negative ultrasound diagnosis become key information and crucial point in prehospital settings. The most important parts of therapy are small amounts of fluid replacement, haemostasis medication and ultrasound diagnosis. Thus, prehospital team can more accurately select hospital or clinic and predict necessary information to the emergency department team. This can gain valuable minutes for the injured patient. Keywords: emergency, prehospital, ultrasound, fluid therapy, average therapy time About the authors Melinda JAUCH, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing and Patient Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: Attila PANDUR, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Težave pri prehranjevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami Problems with Feeding Children with Special Needs ADRIJANA SVENŠEK, BARBARA KEGL & PETRA KLANJŠEK Uvod Vzroki in posledice nezadostnega vnosa hrane pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami so bistvenega pomena za učinkovito zdravljenje in zdravo življenje. Namen raziskave je opisati in raziskati najpogostejše težave v prehranjevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter ugotoviti povezavo med alergijami na hrano in podhranjenostjo. Metode Uporabljena je kvantitativno metodologija. Raziskovalni instrument je vprašalnik. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 35 staršev. Uporabili smo neslučajnostno in namensko vzorčenje. Podatke smo analizirali in prikazali z uporabo metode deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati Premajhen vnos hrane vpliva na izgubo mišične in maščobne mase. 25,7 % otrok ima težave pri prehranjevanju in ne morejo zaužiti zadostne količine hrane. 22,9 % otrok ima alergijo na določeno živilo. 17,1 % otrok ima težave z zobmi (zajčja čeljust, izpadanje zob, vnetje dlesni, karies, bolečina zob, izguba zob, nošenje proteze ter razbarvanje zob). Za tedensko težavo pri prehranjevanju so starši označili bruhanje, zaprtje, drisko, bolečina, refluks ter slabost. Ti otroci imajo tudi nižji ITM ter pri njih obstaja večje tveganje za 70 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. razvoj podhranjenosti. Alergija na katerokoli živilo ni statistično povezana z nagnjenostjo k podhranjenosti. Diskusija in zaključek Starši in otroci s posebnimi potrebami se srečujejo s težavami v prehranjevanju. Le te lahko zelo vplivajo na prehranski vnos, saj otroci zaradi njih ne morejo zaužiti zadostne količine hrane. Tudi alergije, ki omejujejo in izključujejo določeno prehrano iz vsakdanjega jedilnika, lahko vplivajo na podhranjenost vendar tega v naši raziskavi nismo potrdili. Prilagajanje vnosa hrane pri teh otrocih je ključnega pomena, da ne pride do podhranjenosti. Ključne besede: manjši vnos hrane; alergije; podhranjenost; prehranjevanje Keywords: lower food intake; allergies; malnutrition; eating About the authors Adrijana SVENŠEK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Barbara KEGL, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Petra KLANJŠEK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) Poznavanje fermentiranih živil in pijač med Slovenci Knowledge of Fermented Foods and Drinks in Slovenia SABINA FIJAN, MAJA ŠIKIĆ POGAČAR, MOJCA FIFER, LEA VOHAR, DOMEN KOROŠEC, LUCIJA LEŠNIK BOLNAR, NEJA CIMPRIČ, SANJA KOLMAN, MARKO BORKO & DUŠANKA MIČETIĆ-TURK Uvod Fermentacija je proces, ki izkorišča rast in encimsko aktivnost mikroorganizmov za preoblikovanje osnovnih surovin (mleko, zelje, soja, meso,…) v živila z značilnimi fizikalnimi, senzoričnimi in prehranskimi lastnostmi ob istočasnem ohranjanju kakovosti in varnosti živil. Fermentirana živila (jogurt, nemastni sir, manj mastna skuta, kislo zelje, kisla repa) so tudi sestavni del prehranske piramide, ki jo je izdal Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje Republike Slovenije. Z raziskavo je bil namen ugotoviti znanje anketirancev o fermentaciji in fermentiranih živilih ter pijačah. Metode Uporabljena je bila pozitivistična filozofija raziskovanja. Kot raziskovalni instrument je bil v okviru anketiranja uporabljen validiran vprašalnik s 30 vprašanji; s katerimi se je ugotavljalo poznavanje fermentiranih živil in pijač. S pomočjo aplikacije 1Ka se je priložnostno zbralo 336 anketirancev. Anketiranje se je izvedlo med majem in junijem v letu 2020. 72 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Rezultati 80% anketirancev je poznalo definicijo fermentacije. Najpogosteje izbran mikroorganizem, ki sodeluje pri procesu fermentacije so bile kvasovke (75%), sledile so mlečnokislinske bakterije (70%). Fermentirano živilo, ki so ga anketiranci v največji meri izpostavili so bili: siri s plesnijo, sledi kislo mleko, kisli kruh z drožmi, kisla repa, mlečni kefir, kislo zelje, zelo trdi siri (parmezan), mehki siri (skuta, mozzarella, mascarpone), jogurt in poltrdi ter trdi siri. Diskusija in zaključek Dokazano je, da uživanje fermentiranih živil dobro vpliva na zdravje in nudijo podporo črevesni mikrobioti, zato je njihova uporaba priporočljiva. Raziskava je pokazala tudi željo anketirancev po več informacijah o različnih fermentiranih živilih, zato je pomembno izobraževanje, kakor tudi dodatno raziskovanje in objavljanje izsledkov raziskav v domačem jeziku. Ključne besede: koristni mikroorganizmi; fermentacija; informacije Keywords: beneficial microbes; fermentation; information About the authors Sabina FIJAN, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Maja ŠIKIĆ POGAČAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Mojca FIFER, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Lea VOHAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Domen KOROŠEC, University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: S. Fijan, M. Šikić Pogačar, M. Fifer, L. Vohar, D. Korošec, L. Lešnik Bolnar, N. Cimprič, S. Kolman, M. Borko & D. Mičetić-Turk: Knowledge of Fermented Foods and Drinks in Slovenia 73. Lucija LEŠNIK BOLNAR, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Neja CIMPRIČ, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: neja.cimprič Sanja KOLMAN, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Marko BORKO, Borgla, kreativa in storitve, d.o.o, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: Dušanka MIČETIĆ TURK, University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail: 74 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA M. Pajnkihar, K. Čuček Trifkovič, S. Šostar Turk & G. Štiglic (eds.) The Risk Stratification of Pulmonary Embolism at the Emergency Department BENCE BOGÁR & ATTILA PANDUR Introduction The pulmonary embolism is a venous thromboembolic disease, which comes with diversified clinical signs and causes life threatening condition. The main goal is that the less time pass by for the exact diagnosis and definitive therapy due to high time factor, thereby the mortality rate will reduce. To reach this we need to search for accidental alternative diagnosis options, as wel as form protocols and score systems. Methods This is a quantitative research which contains retrospective parts. The target group was patients who were recorded to the emergency department with internal medicine nature. The sampling procedure were comprehensive data collection for those patients who were older than 18 and were recorded and provided with internal medicine complaint. The study was performed at a central Emergency Department from December 1, 2019 to February 1, 2020. 76 ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020, MARIBOR, SLOVENIA. Results The study examined data from 265 male and 257 female patients. In the present pilot study, the leading complaints were chest pain and dyspnoea (p=0,05). Several diagnostic tests have been performed on patients with multiple underlying diseases (p=0,02). Comparing the score systems, the sensitivity indices of the Geneva score are better than the Wel s score. (p<0,05). Discussion and Conclusion The first phase of current research is a pilot study to prepare for prospective data collection. Overall, based on the partial results, it can be said that the Geneva score is more objective, thus its sensitivity indices are better than those of the Wells score. Keywords: pulmonary embolism; clinical risk stratification; chest pain About the authors Bence BOGÁR, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing and Patient Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: Attila PANDUR, University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing and Patient Care, Pécs, Hungary. E-mail: ONLINE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE »RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN NURSING« MAJDA PAJNKIHAR, KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ, SONJA ŠOSTAR TURK & GREGOR ŠTIGLIC University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor, Slovenia. E-mail:,,, Abstract University of Maribor Faculty of Health Sciences is organizing the Online International Scientific Conference »Research and Education in Nursing«. It will be held on September 29th 2020 at the faculty and e-proceedings of the conference will include most recent findings of domestic and foreign researchers and students in nursing and health sciences. The conference aims to explore advances in nursing research and education and it is intended for knowledge and experience exchange of participants about the impact of research on Keywords: health care in Slovenian and international arena. It will provide an nursing, opportunity to promote the development, dissemination and use of health knowledge in the field of nursing and health sciences for nursing sciences, conference, practitioners and educators, furthermore they can exchange research research, evidence, models of best practice and innovative ideas. education. DOI ISBN 978-961-286-392-0 SPLETNA MEDNARODNA ZNANSTVENA KONFERENCA »RAZISKOVANJE IN IZOBRAŽEVANJE V ZDRAVSTVENI NEGI« MAJDA PAJNKIHAR, KLAVDIJA ČUČEK TRIFKOVIČ, SONJA ŠOSTAR TURK IN GREGOR ŠTIGLIC Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede, Maribor, Slovenija. E-pošta:,,, Povzetek 29. septembra 2020 Univerza v Mariboru Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede organizira Spletno mednarodno znanstveno konferenco z naslovom »Raziskovanje in izobraževanje v zdravstveni negi«. Ob tej priložnosti je izdan e-zbornik izvlečkov mednarodno priznanih in domačih strokovnjakov ter študentov s področja zdravstvene nege in zdravstvenih ved. Namen konference je raziskati napredek na področju raziskovanja in izobraževanja v zdravstveni negi ter izmenjavi znanja in izkušenj udeležencev o Ključne besede: vplivu raziskovanja na prakso v zdravstvu v slovenskem in zdravstvena mednarodnem prostoru. Predstavlja tako priložnost za spodbujanje nega, zdravstvene razvoja, širjenja in uporabe znanja s področja zdravstvene nege in vede, zdravstvenih ved kot tudi odlično priložnost za zdravstvene delavce konferenca, in visokošolske učitelje da izmenjajo raziskovalne dokaze, modele raziskovanje, izobraževanje. dobrih praks in inovativne ideje. DOI ISBN 978-961-286-392-0 Document Outline Invited lectures Vabljena predavanja Unitary Caring Science and Evolving Nursing Theory Blank Page Blank Page