Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150,OCX) American Slovenians No. 49 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 6, 1990 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Recalling the attack on Pearl Harbor by Ed Jerse For those of us under fifty, the attack on Pearl Harbor is an event we read about in history books, like the Battle of Gettysburg or the charge up San Juan Hill. For many over fifty, it is a benchmark and they can recall exactly what they were doing when they First heard the news. But for a few, Pearl Harbor was something they lived through. Edward J. Eckart’s early years read like a history of the Depression era. Born in 1918, Eckart grew up on East 66th Street in the Slovenian neighborhood surrounding St. Vitus Church. He graduated from East Tech one year after Jesse Owens, the sprinter who would star in the Berlin Olympics of 1936. It was the height of the Depression. Jobs were so scarce that Eckart’s father had to take a job in a Detroit foundry. Eckart, at 19, joined the Civilian Conservation Corps and was sent by train to the Pacific Northwest. “They liked to send guys from the East west and guys from the West east,’’ he recalls. For six months, he helped build an irrigation system near Walla Walla, Washington for $35 a month. Returning home, Eckart worked for the Work Projects Administration and then helped build bicycles in Murray, Ohio. As war clouds gathered over Europe, he realized that the prospect of getting drafted was greater than that of finding steady work. On March 24, 1941, he joined the Army and, in return for a three-year enlistment, was allowed to choose his specialty and station. He chose the Signal Corps, the Army’s communications branch, and an exotic location where a new detection system, radar, was being developed. He also chose Pearl Harbor. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Bill Catanese listened with interest to the radio reports from Europe. “Mussolini was on the move,” he recalls. “Hitler was going into Poland. I knew for sure there was going to be a war.” Joining the Army as an anti-aircraft gunner, Catanese was given his choice of four stations. “Alaska was too cold, the Philippics were too far, Panama was too hot, so I picked Hawaii.” He arrived at Pearl Harbor on March 20, 1940. Eckart and Catanese loved Hawaii. Eckart was stationed to the northeast of Pearl Harbor, which is in the center of the southern coast of the island of Oahu. Living in a tent, he was helping build a communications center which would monitor reports from radar posts being erected around the island. Catanese lived in Scofield Barracks, slightly closer to the harbor. Few expected the Japanese to Edward J. Eckart, left, and Bill Catanese recall the events of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Both men were at Pearl Harbor on that “Day of Infamy.” (Photo courtesy of Euclid Sun Journal.) attack. “We joked about it, but we thought they’d be foolish to attack,” says Eckart. “Did you ever think anyone would attack the United States?” Nevertheless, an unusual quiet that came over the island made Eckart suspect that something might happen. On Saturday evening, December 6, 1941, he went to a dance hall to relax, but he went prepared. “Try to dance with a gas mask on your side,” he joked. On Sunday, December 7, Eckart rose early. On mess duty, he was setting tables for breakfast when, suddenly, heard a radio announcer say, “This is no maneuver. The rising sun has been spotted on the wings. This is an attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor.” Nearly fifty years later, the announcement still gives Eckart a chill. He ran outside to a scene of utter confusion. “The Japanese had come in low and 1 could almost count the whiskers on the pilots’ faces.” The planes seemed to be directly overhead and Eckart could see the single torpedo bombs they carried. Frantically, the men began digging foxholes and knocking down the tents which would be easy targets for the enemy planes. At Scofield Barracks, Bill Catanese had fini shed breakfast and just returned to his bunk. Suddenly, the sky became pitch black with smoke and “all hell broke loose. I never got my pants on so fast,” he recalls. “1 went out to Battery Street and I saw Japanese planes flying above the clouds.” From his vantage point, Catanese could see smoke rising from the Arizona, the Utah, and other ships that had been hit in the harbor. An errant bomb struck an adjacent barracks. “A soldifer’s shoes were laid up in front of his footlocker,” Catanese remembers. “The tip of a shoe was cut off clean as a whistle (Continued on page 2) 1 a-toax* I £ END YOUR | ? CHRISTMAS \ SHOPPING l WORRIES l Give a gift l subscription to f 6 the American Home l 6 newspaper. $20 a l f year for first time l o 5» ft 6 o 1» ft ft o ft ft 0 subscribers! ft p Call 431-0628 ft And we’ll even send £ a card to the recipient ft p informing him (or her) ft p of your thoughtful gift! ft 0 ^ Iz Clevelanda in okolice Večer s škofom Pevcem— Jutri zvečer bo v semenišču Borromeo »Večer s škofom Pevcem«, ki ga prireja Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet. Ob 6.30 bo koncert božičnih in verskih pesmi, ob 7. uri bo škof maševal, po maši bo sprejem, na katerem bo govoril o situaciji v Sloveniji dr. Karl B. Bonutti, ki se je od tam pravkar vrnil po 5-tedenskem obisku. Bil je povabljen od Ekonomske fakultete Ljubljanske univerze. Vstopnine za »Večer« ni in je javnost lepo vabljena. Letna seja— Društvo Kristusa Kralja št. 226 KSKJ ima letno sejo v nedeljo, 9. dec., ob 2. uri v Slov. nar. domu na St. Clairju, v novem poslopju, soba 1 (zgoraj). V istih prostorih bo ob 4. uri božičnica za mladinsko članstvo tega društva. Najdene rokavice— V nedeljo, 25. nov., ob priliki kosila društva Kr. Kralja št. 226, so bile najdene usnjene črne ženske rokavice v avdito-rij.u šole sv. Vida. Kdor jih pogreša, naj pokliče 944-0020. Letna seja prestavljena— Glavna letna seja društva Presv. Srca Jezusovega št. 172 KSKJ, določena za 8. december, je bila prestavljena na sredo, 16. januarja 1991, v Baragovem domu, sicer ob običajnem času (5. pop.). Članstvo lepo vabljeno. Ali ste ob dežnem plašču?— Nekdo je pozabil moški dežni plašč in sicer na martinovanju Belokranjskega kluba pretekli mesec. Lastnik ga dobi nazaj, če pokliče 481-3308 ali 361-5115. Nova finančna ustanova— Skupina rojakov ustanavlja novo finančno ustanovo, ki se naj imenuje Slovenian American Federal Credit Union. Za tisk niso še dali nobenega sporočila, gotovo pa bodo. Ko zvemo kaj več, bomo naknadno poročali. Božičnica— Društvo SPB prireja božičnico v nedeljo, 23. dec., ob 3. pop. v dvorani sv. Vida. Vsi prijatelji prisrčno vabljeni. Silvestrovanji— Pevski zbor Korotan priredi silvestrovanje z večerjo in plesom v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Večerjo bodo začeli servirati ob 7. zv. Za rezervacijo, pokličite Vido ali Nado Gregorc na 381-3850. Baragov Dom priredi silvestrovanje v svojih prostorih. Večerja bo servirana ob 7. zv. Igral bo orkester. Vstopnice so po $10 in želijo, da si jih nabavite v predprodaji. Pokličite 881-9617 za rezervacijo. Miklavževanje— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi miklavževanje to nedeljo ob treh popoldne. Starši se lahko pogovarjajo z Miklavžem od 1. do 3. pop. v društveni sobi. Naprodaj ta dan bodo domači krofi. Vsi vabljeni! Obilica oglasov— Ker smo v predbožičnem času, dobivamo pri AD veliko o-glasov, tako božičnih kot navadnih, zato lahko pride zaradi pomanjkanja prostora do zastoja pri obljavljanju dopisov v obeh delih lista. Če se to kateremu dopisniku zgodi, se že vnaprej opravičujemo. Rupel pisal o Clevelandu— V številki 101-102 Nove revije je dr. Dimitrij Rupel obširno pisal o svojih vtisih po bivanju med nami v Clevelandu lansko jesen. Članek je sicer vsekakor zanimiv, je pa tudi neodgovoren, ker opisuje med drugim, zakaj določene naše velike ribe sovražijo druge, več teh tudi ocenjuje na ne preveč pozitiven način. Prav radi tega članek ni za objavo v tem listu, branje bo pa pravo uživanje za marsikoga. Tisti, ki poznamo opisane osebe, bomo opazili več napak glede podatkov. Največ pozornosti so deležni vodilni pri tukajšnji politični emigraciji. Če kateri, bo Ruplov članek na debelo fotokopiran. Spominski darovi— Michael Polenšek, Cleveland, O., odbornik mestnega sveta, je poklonil $25 v naš tiskovni sklad v spomin njegovih pok. starih staršev, Franka in Antonije Polenšek, ki sta bila dolga leta naročena na list. Anne Smith, Warren, Pa., je darovala $25 v spomin na pok. mamo Anno Močilnikar. Frances Novak, Josephine Ambrosic in Marie Oražem so darovale $25 v spomin 37. o-bletnice smrti njih matere Frances Oražem, ki je preminula 5. decembra 1953. John J. Gross, Solon, O., je prav tako poklonil $25 in sicer v spomin žene Lillian. Annie Golop, Cleveland, O., je darovala $10 v spomin mame Rosalije Cendol ob 4. obletnici njene smrti. Mary Sholar, Springhill, Fla., je darovala $5 v spomin Mike Sholarja. Vsem darovalcem se iskreno zahvalimo. V tiskovni sklad— Tine Sušnik, Toronto, Kan., je daroval $31. Joe in Steffie Smolič, Euclid, O., sta poklonila $25. Hilary Rolih, Cold Springs Harbor, N.Y., je prav tako darovala $25. Prisrčna naša hvala darovalcem za njih naklonjenost. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 6, 1990 2 Recalling the attack on Pearl Harbor (Continued from page 1) by a piece of shrapnel.” Fortunately, Eckart and Catanese were not in the direct line of the Japanese attack, which was aimed at the powerful Pacific fleet anchored in the harbor. Eckart’s company worked around the clock to complete the radar posts and did not get relief until Christmas. Catanese recalls the sight of tracer bullets and the sound of wild firing at night in the days that followed the attack. “I never closed my eyes for three days and three nights,” he recalls. In retrospect, Catanese feels that the Japanese ‘‘knew Hawaii like a book.” On a post-attack tour of the island, he saw that the Japanese had even dropped three bombs on an isolated airstrip used for civilian flying lessons. Ironically, the “surprise attack” was almost detected by two privates in Eckart’s company. Practicing on radar at a post on the northern side of the island, the men detected a large incoming force, but a superior mistook the force for an expected formation of Army bombers and did not sound the alert. Eckart and Catanese remained in the service for the duration of the war. Eckart served in France after D-Day and Catanese participated in the invasion of Okinawa. Both settled in Euclid after the war. Catanese worked at the Fisher Body plant for 30 years. Eckart joined the City’s Engineering department and, among other projects, helped design the kidney-shaped pond behind the Orr Arena in Memorial Park. He also served many terms on City Council and, with his wife Mary, raised three sons, including Congressman Dennis E. Eckart. Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. As survivors, Eckart and Catanese will be invited back to Hawaii. With the nation, they will commemorate one of the great events in American history and, on a more personal level, remember what they did on that day of infamy. Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Milena Dovic, Euclid — $9.00 Gertrude Logonder, Peoria, III. — $10.00 Mrs. Joseph Zupančič, Lynd-hurst, O. — $5.00 Alojzij Kramar, Weston, Ont., Canada — $9.00 Stan Skrbiš, Richmond Hts., O. — $9.00 Stanley Markun, Joliet — $25.00 Terry Hinkle, Silver Lake, O. — $8.00 Ivan Boh, Worthington, O. — $9.00 Marjan Gašperšič, Euclid — $9.00 SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the aged who have birthdays in December: 12-02, Frances Lawicki, 79 12-04, Mary Grill, 85 12-05, Thomas Quate, 86 12-08, Jennie Stopar, 86 12-10, Mary Augustine, 102 12-13, John Štritof, 81 12-14, James Guarino, 78 12-14, Vida Turk, 60 12-21, Anna I.ewicki, 99 12-22, Richard Mcdvcs. 63 Campbell Labels St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Avenue in Collinwood (zip 44110) is collecting Campbell’s labels of soup, beans, tomato juice, V-8 juice, Franco-American products, Swanson products, Prego, Juice Works and Recipe Dog Foods. In exchange for these labels St. Mary’s school can obtain some much needed physical education and/or audio visual equipment. Labels may be sent by mail or delivered to St. Mary’s parish house. Meeting Waterloo Balinca Club annual membership meeting will be held on Sunday, December 16 at 1 p.m. Call for reservations for the dinner which follows the meeting 481-8659. In Memory The Orazem sisters, Frances Novak, Josephine Ambrosic and Marie Orazem donated $25 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of their mother Frances Orazem on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of her death on Dec. 5th. Many thanks to these wonderful ladies who give so much of their time and talents to Slovenian cultural causes and humanitarian endeavors. AM LA — Insurance for the Entire Family AMLA invites you to become a member of an organization that not only provides benefits for you and your family, but continuously promotes fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common heritage and culture by spon-u r soring many fraternal events during the year, and by contri- ^ T buting to many noteworthy organizations in our commu- /Ji mVlMk "'‘y* Slovenian American and American. We have a wide variety of insurance plans to suit your needs, with attractive rates, including Whole Life, Whole Life — 12 Year Vanishing Premium, Whole Life Single Premium, 20 Pay Life, and Juvenile Term insurance, plus our new Life with Educational Fund plan that has an exciting annuity feature. Current members who wish to increase their coverage or to bring other members of their families into AMLA, please contact your lodge secretary or campaigner for more details. If you’re not a member, please feel free to visit our Home Office or phone for more information. Our Home Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our friendly staff is waiting to greet you in person or over the telephone. We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon! AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Telephone: (216) 531-1900 JOSEF IS BACK... with Tina, Lenka & Brenda at 5232 Wilson Mills Road Richmond Heights formerly Josef’s Hair Design & The Polo Club Call for An Appointment 461.7989 J Expect Success Editor: It is again time to renew our subscription to Ameriška Domovina. Hoping we can expect many years of continued publication of the paper, we remain, gratefully. Frank and Dorothy Cecelic Chandler, Ariz. Christmas Play A Christmas musical: St. Mary’s (Collinwood) School students will present the musical, “Quintillius: The Star That Shone” on Thursday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. All parishioners are welcome to attend. WEST 25th FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES, Inc. mmcri_________________ WEST 25lh FURNISHINGS t APPLIANCES. Il tS ssgiiiiiggegimgiBsMiBEi 2104 West 25th Street (Cor. of Chatham) Large Selection of Living Room, Bedroom, and Dining Room Furniture Springs • Mattresses - Recliners -Refrigerators * Stoves - Washers • Dryers - Freezers - Televisions And everything needed for the modern home. Hours: Mon. and Thurs. 9 to 7 • Wed. 9 to 1 Tues., Fri., Sat., 9 to 6 Visit us during our 41st Anniversary Sale and Save 10 - 50% off EVERYTHING You can call wilh confidence on Tom or Alex 241-3604 Free 1991 Calendar \ Your neighborhood 5915 St. Clair Avenue Open 7:00 a.m. - 12 midnight Every Day of the Year Lottery tickets • Cold Beer & Wine We Also Carry Imported Slovenian Wines and Radenska Mineral Water We also sell Daily Lottery Tickets. Julius Sable, Owner FEET HURT TIM McGREW - JERRY KELLER We serve residential and commercial customers with rainbow of colors. All Heights areas, Willoughby, Willowick, Euclid, Richmond Heights, Painesville, Mentor, Solon and Madison. To refresh and beautify your home with a new carpet, call us at 854 E. 185 ST., CLEVELAND Residential and Commercial STORE HOURS Mon., Toes., Thurs. 9:00-8:00 Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-5:00 531-0484 FREE HOME ESTIMATES I V o V o V p V p V p V p V V V p V p V p V p V S p a Happy Holidays VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Raddell’s Sausage Shop “Quality Sausage Is Our Business" (216) 486-1944 478 E. 152nd Street — Cleveland, 44110 m 5 c/r 7? > a o <: o < > o m n m 03 m oo ‘Ice Wine’ from Slovenia by Andrej Dvoršak ‘Slovenija’ magazine Not only for automobiles, but for wine as well there is a waiting list. You can not just buy ten bottles, but only two, or three at the most, and the price is as high as if you were buying a Mercedes of a wine This is the co-called Ice Wine produced by Mercator’s Metlika wine cellar. It has been declared Yugoslavia’s finest wine of 1986, and experts say that at the world level there is really not much competition for this wine from Slovenia. This is but one of the superb wines from this wine cellar, which are marketed under the commercial name of Kolednik. A true ice wine, such as the one of Metlika, requires the following conditions for four to five days prior to grape picking: night temperatures must range between 28 to 23 degrees F. and day temperatures must not rise above the freezing point. On the day of picking, the morning temperature must range betwen 19 and 17 degrees F. At this temperature, the water in the grape freezes, while all the other substances (acids, aroma, and sugar) are concentrated. It is important that the picking and subsequent treatment of the grapes is carried out as quickly as possible. The grapes must be still frozen when they are brought to the cellar where they are pressed without crushing and stemming. The result is a highly-concentrated new wine. “The grape picking was done on Christmas Day and the morning temperature was 19 degrees F. We began at seven in the morning. Everyone pitched in, the general manager as well as the warehouse keeper. It only took us one hour to do the job, and at nine in the morning the new wine from the frozen grapes was already in the barrels.” Not every year is suitable for the produc- tion of this precious wine, and this beverage is rarely present o even at 9 ‘king’s feast.’ It is of such rarity and uniqueness that only true lovers of wines can afford it. Flood Reports Due to the numerous advertisements in this week’s paper, the two Slovenian Flood reports will be printed next week. There are some very generous donations for the flood victims • Next week’s paper will be a minimum of 24 pages. i o 1 { « 0 £ ( 1 \ b ( V '> \ % I I I t i j I 0 } {, 4^4444 A new beginning but... Auld Lang Syne for the Polka Village After twenty years Tony's Polka Village (Records -Tapes) will close its operation (December 30). Beginning January 8. 1991 the Polka Hall of Fame will handle Souvenirs, Records, and Tape sales at 291 East 222nd Street. Room 152. Euclid. Ohio 44123, Telephone (216) 261-FAME (3263). Open daily and staffed by American Slovenian Polka Foundation. 1991 Catalogue Available. , Tony Petkovšek will expand his polka tour promotions with Hollander Travel at the present address. 971 East 185th Street. Cleveland. Ohio 44119. and continue producing his ever popular "Live" radio programs from his same remote studio and office base. His new direct phone line will be (216) 481 TONY (76p9) or nationally the Hollander toll-free number (800) 321-5801. ,1 y‘H»ppy Christmas Greetings ’ &/WJ * '■Uohi • ‘Uohdsr, * J 'Htpp) ■ * 'Hohdtu v 0 1 0 } f 0 0 1 0 0 a l 0 1 S I I S I i I I f 1 f ( f 0 f f 0 0 0 £ £ 0 1 I * 'Holidays 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING •No ATM Fees •Cleveland920E.l85thSt...........486-41U0 •No Monthly Fees • Cleveland Hts.ises Coventry Rd.371-2000 •200 Free Checks KftjfmllAIM #Euciidi5i5E.26othst..............731-8865 • Unlimited Check Writing MjlijpIJnm / •Mav,ieldH,s lasisoMcenterRd 473-2121 •No Minimum Balance MBmmSbM ;ParmaH,st6^PeanRd 845-0200 Rpmiirpri / / Pepper Pike 3637 Under Rd.831-8800 nequireu •RichmondHts.27l00ChardonRd.......944-5500 • No Strings Attached / • soaker his. 20200 van Aken bw.752-4141 .../ • South Euclidl4483 Cedar Rd.291-2800 • WilloughDy Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd. 944-3400 METROPOLITAN wm~ __________________~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 6, 1990 Death Notices PAUL VALENCICH SR. Paul Valencich Sr., 86, died in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Sunday, December 2 after a brief illness. Mr. Valencie was born in Nova Vas Jelsane. He came to Cleveland in 1929 and was a resident o'f Dalewood Dr. for 40 years. He was employed in the shipping department of Fisher Body for 40 years. He retired in 1966. Paul was the husband of Sylvia (nee Polk), the father of Paul Jr. and Roseanne Zak (Calif), and Pauline (dec.), grandfather of Paulette Perry and Steven (dec.), greatgrandfather of Sarah and Hannah Perry, brother of the following all of Yugoslavia Anton, Joseph, Ivan and Milan, and the deceased Maria, Ivanka and Rozalija. Visitation was at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Funeral is today (Thursday, Dec. 6) at 9:45 and at St. Jerome Church at 10:30 a.m. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, day) Dec. 6 at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. INEZ POCH Inez Poch (Dellafiora), 89, a Eucld resident for 45 years, died Wednesday, Nov. 28 in Meridia Euclid Hospital. Inez was born in Graceton, Pa. She was employed on the assembly line for Fisher Body for 22 years, retiring in 1963. Inez was the mother of Isabelle Tomsic, grandmother of six, great-grandmother of six, sister of Edith Skylly, Nellie Legan and Theodore and Louis (both dec.). Funeral services were Dec. 1 at St. Mary Magdalene Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. In Loving Memory Of Our Husband. Father, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather Frank Kosmerl Dec. 7, 1977 We often sit and think of him when we are ail alone. For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Live ivy on the withered oak. When other things decay; Our love for him will still keep green and never fade away. Sadly missed by: Loving wife -Frances Kosmerl Sons - Frank & wife, Joan Richard and wife, Maureen Daughter - Agnes Terček and husband, Albin 16 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren MARY MOREL Mary (Yaksich) Morel, beloved wife of Stanley J., sister of Frank, Steve, Barbara Balko, Frances Fiedlee, aunt of many nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass was at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 1 at St. Williams Church, Euclid. Family received friends at the Grdina-Cosic Funeal Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. last Friday. Interment at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery in Sharon, Pa. In Loving Memory of the Fifth Anniversary Of Our Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather Victor J. Svete He died Nov. 27, 1985. Oh, how patient in thy suffering, When no hand could give thee ease, God the helper of the helpless Saw pain and gave thee peace. A little corner in our hearts Is set aside for you. As long as life and memory lasts We will remember you. Sadly missed by Victoria — wife Children and Grandchildren JOSEPH KODRIČ Joseph Kodrič, 98, beloved husband of the late Mary (nee Kolenc), father of Mary Short and Rose Hyote (Ariz.); grandfather of five, greatgrandfather of 10, and great-great grandfather of nine. Private services were held at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. In Loving Memory of the 2nd Anniversary of the death of our Beloved Husband, Father, and Son, Brother and Uncle Joseph S. Gerich, Jr. who died Dec. 8, 1988 A million times we needed you A million times we cried: If love alone could have saved you You never would have died. In life we loved you dearly In death we love you still; In our hearts you hold a place No one else can never fill. Sadly missed by: Loving wife Andrea Children - Julie. Joseph III and Benjamin Mother - Veronica Brothers - Stanley. Matt. Stevie and families Cleveland, Dec. 6, 1990. In Loving Memory OF OUR PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS AND GREAT-GRANDPARENTS Josephine Trcek JohnTrcek October 25, 1985 June24, 1976 Dear parents, so gentle and kind, Look down from heaven above and Know that the care you gave is Returned in our love forever more. Sadly missed by: Son — Albin & wife Agnes Daughter — Josephine Zaman and 9 Grandchildren 7 Great-grandchildren JENNIE TROHA Jennie Troha (nee Jelnikar), 64, died suddenly Wednesday, Nov. 21 after an automobile accident. Jennie was born in Cleveland, a resident of Mohawk Avenue. She was the wife of Philip, the mother of Steve. Private services were held with burial in All Souls Cemetry. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Home. ALMA COLARIC Alma Colarič (nee Muti), 73, died Thursday, Nov. 29 at her home in Independence after a long illness. Alma was the wife of Ben, mother of James, daughter of Ada (nee Ricci) and Steve (dec.). Funeral services were held Monday, Dec. 3 at St. Christine Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge, Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 Events... Sunday, Dec. 9 AMLA Children’s Christmas Party at Slovenian National Home. Sunday, Dec. 9 Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 50 Dinner and Social at I p.m. at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland. Tuesday, Dec. II PSWA Circle 2 Potica Baking Day. For poticas call 531-3595 weeks in advance. Sunday, Dec. 16 St. Lawrence Lodge No. 63, St. Joseph Lodge No. 146 and St. Anne Lodge No. 150 Children’s Christmas Party at Slovenian Hall on E. 80th St. at 3:00 p.m. Monday, Dec. 31 Slovenian National Home, E. 80 St., New Year’s Eve Party. Sit down meal with bottle of cheer, Music by Joe Tomsick, followed by Continental Breakfast. Donation $55.00 a couple, $30 single. Call 341-7540 or 341-6136 or 641-9664 after 5 p.m. GRDINA-COSIC Funeral Homes 17010 Fake Shore Blvd. 1053 K. 62 Si. 531-6300 431-2088 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor Affiliations f Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 Slovenian Christmas Spotlighted “Christmas in Slovenia,’’ a free theater performance based on the colorful Slovenian holiday customs was presented in Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry’s Auditorium on Sunday, Dec. 2nd. Mr. Anthony Caber is this year’s tree and program chairman. The theater performance featured Slovenia’s holiday celebrations and colorful Christmas customs, as presented by the parishioners of St. Stephen’s Church. Collinwood Pensioners News The meeting of the Collinwood Pensioners was called to order by president John Habat on Wed., Nov. 14 with 179 members in attendance. Antoinette McGrath of the By-laws committee read the new by-laws which were approved by the membership. Our next meeting is the Christmas Party on Wed., ACKSHAW CHEVROLET, INC. 543 EAST 185th STREET . EUCLID, OHIO 44119 216/486-4400 • LAKE COUNTY 951-3784 STEPHEN M. JACKSHAW President Bus. Phone (216)486-4400 Lake Co. (216) 951-3784 Wishing the Slovenian community a Happy and Healthy Holiday and New Year! For any of your automotive needs sales • service • parts or body work, call me personally! Steve Jackshaw Happy holidays to all our SLOVENIAN FRIENDS from Alex and Peter Paparizos First Annual NEW YEAR’S EVE GALA Join Us for an Evening of Fine Dining and Dancing in our Executive Party Room 7 p.m. • 1 a.m. OR________________ In Our 2 Dining Rooms • Lounge We’ll be serving: Steaks • Lobster • Veal • Prime Rib • Seafood NEW YEAR’S EVE 11 am - 1 a.m Our 6 rooms con accommodate up to 575 people: Private Rooms Available for 30-175 guests. Reserve now for Holidays or ony special occasion Visit the New Home of / ^ RESTAURANT 22305 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid (formerly Smith's) 731-1800 Dec. 12 with a cost of $5. Julia Zalar is the cook. New names proposed by the nominating committee consisting of Antoinette McGrath, Doris Sadar, Justine SkOk were as follows: president John Habat, vice president Matt Zabukovec recording secretary Jennie Tuma and treasurer Louise Fujda assisted by Ann Bechert. Bake Sale St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans 1655 Ladies Aux- Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORN FA-AT-L AW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 iliary will have their annual Bake Sale and Raffle on Saturday, Dec. 8, after the 5 p.m. Mass and on Sunday, Dec. 9 after all Masses until 1 p.m. in the Veterans Chib Room. Euclid, Ohio Beverage 635 East 200 St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 486-0595 Open 10 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. Except Saturdays, open until 6:30 Closed Sundays _______ We have a great selection of imported and domestic fine quality wines, beers, liqueurs. VIPAVA — CHARDONNAY We carry fine Ohio quality wines - CHALET DEBONNI? (Madison. Ohio) GENESEE and GOORS • PARTY BALLS • The Briggs - owners Carst-Nagy Memorials 15425 W aterloo Rd. 481-2237 "Serving tne Slovenian Community.’’ TASTE THE FINE WINES V I N E Y A R This Holiday Season, choose the wines of Chalet Debonne. Nationally recognized as a premium producer of fine vintages, including Chardonnay and Riesling. Consider custom labeling for business and personal gift giving. Call us for details: 216-466-3485 7743 Doty Rd., Madison, OH 44057 Ask for our wines in fine Northeast Ohio wine shops and restaurants. Corporate and custom labeling accounts invited. > m n c/V > a o o < z _> a m O m co m oo cr> CO CO o f Jyi^^^Christmas Klobasi*: \Kronski Sausage\ \ Kronski sausage — a f gift from the old country \ s for friends, relatives or for yourself. Call and Order Now! 5 lbs. Kronski Sausage ..$20.45 10 lbs. Kronski Sausage .... .. $38.40 Prices Include Shipping We Can Ship Anywhere In the U.S.A. — Call Now! Toll Free 1-800-443-3833 1 * 1 CORPORATION SAUSAGES S5SS8SS\\ kTION J| * § V, P.O. BOX 1539 i l ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING 82902-1539 \ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 6, 1990 6 SLOVENIA FLOOD RELIEF Torrential rains on November 1 and 2, which dumped tons of water, brought catastrophic flooding to large areas of Slovenia. The Slovenian Red Cross has reported to the Alliance of Slovenian Americans that 33 municipal districts (občine) were flooded. Thirteen of the 33 suffered grievous damage: Brežice, Celje, Domžale, Idrija, Kamnik, Krško, Laško, Litija, Mozirje, Sevnica, Škofja Loka, Velenje, Žalec. Early reports estimate that more than 3,000 families suffered serious losses. In some areas, villages were almost completely inundated. Torrents of water cascading down hillsides uprooted trees and swept away buildings. Adding to the destruction in some areas were mud slides which buried homes. Bridges, schools, day-care nursuries, homes, factories, roads, communication networks, clinics, all were seriously damaged or swept away by this “once in 100 years” deluge. Tons of topsoil washed away as flood waters spilled over fields and in many cases swept away this past year’s harvest from storage bins and warehouses. Worse yet, the loss of topsoil will affect adversely Slovenia’s harvests, for many years, perhaps even permanently. In one “občina,” 300 persons were left without a roof over their heads. Damage has been estimated at upwards of one billion dollars, truly huge for a country Slovenia’s size and population. In order to rebuild the infrastructure which was destroyed or damaged, and help its citizens repair or rebuild their homes and farmland, Slovenia will shoulder a staggering financial burden. The Alliance of Slovenian Americans has established a relief fund to try to help ease that burden. Checks can be sent to SLOVENIA RELIEF FUND, c/o First Federal Savings Bank, 1215 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114. All contributions will be acknowledged. All the money donated will be sent to the Slovenian Red Cross, earmarked specifically to aid victims of the floods. We in the Alliance ask you to open your hearts this Christmas season to our Slovenian cousins — and contribute to the Flood Relief Fund. Lift their hearts in this troubled time by showing with your generosity that you care! And to those of you who have already donated, we give our warm thanks. Florence F. Unetich Anthony Hiti, Alliance Treasurer, reports receipts of the following donations in the last week: Our Lady of Fatima Lodge 225, KSKJ.............$35.00 Dr. Anthony F. Spech, M.D.....................$100.00 Stella Rupe....................................$25.00 Dr. Rudolph M. Susel..........................$100.00 Marie J. Shaver................................$25.00 Josephine Turkman..............................$25.00 Drago and Slava Prelog........................$200.00 Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, O.............$100.00 Frank and Joanne Poliak.......................$100.00 June Price.....................................$25.00 Ivan Berlec...................................$100.00 Antoinette M. McGrath, In memory of the Antončič family.........$50.00 Tony and Dorothy Spendal, in honor of Frances Kapel on her 90th birthday . $25.00 John and Sophie Zele..........................$100.00 Thomas and Angela Žabjek.......................$20.00 William and Jean Sterling.......................$5.00 Mary Čermelj ................................. $20.00 Stanley and Mary Ziherl.......................$100.00 Sally Furlich..................................$10.00 Alice Arko.....................................$10.00 Helen Novinc....................................$5.00 Anna Silc.......................................$5.00 Andrew and Mary Champa........................$100.00 Total....$1285.00 Anonymous Cash Donations......$0738.00 Total....$2023.00 Previous Total...$1750.00 Total to Date...$3773.00 WHOLESALE CANDLES, MART1KAKIA RETAIL BOUBOUNIERIS ATHENS PASTRIES AND IMPORTED FOODS Patraiki Wines...Olives...Feta...Gyro...FMIo...Homemade Baklava 2545 Lorain Ave. George & Becky Alex Cleveland, Ohio 44113 (216) 861-8149 Recipes OHIO CHICKEN BREASTS IN OHIO RASPBERRY CHARDONNAY SAUCE Zona Spray, The Cookery, Zona Spray Cooking School 4 Ohio-raised chicken breasts, skinned and boned Salt and freshly ground black pepper (to taste) 1/4 cup all-purpose flour l tablespoon olive oil 1/4 cup raspberry vinegar 2/3 cup Ohio chardonnay wine 1/2 cup full-flavored chicken broth 1 tablespoon butter (optional) Lemon juice (optional) Fresh herbs (for garnish) Over high heat, saute seasoned and lightly-floured chicken in olive oil until cooked halfway through, about 1-2 minutes. Turn and cook until springly to the touch, another 1-2 minutes. Remove chicken to warm platter while preparing sauce. Pour raspberry vinegar into pan; raise heat and reduce vinegar completely. Add chardonnay; raise heat and cook chardonnay until only 1-2 tablespoons remain. Add chicken stock, and salt and pepper to raste. Remove from heat. Swirl in optional butter to thicken slightly and give shiny appearance. Add squeeze of lemon if sauce is a bit sweet. Slice chicken breast thinly on diagonal and arrange on plate. Pour sauce over top. Garnish with fresh herbs. Serve with glasses of Ohio chardonnay wine. Japan to Help Build GE Jet Engines General Electric Co. and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Inc. said they will work together to build a new generation of jet engines, marking the first time GE has taken project investment from Japan. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1990___THE PLAIN DEALER Why should Slovenia want to exit? By PETER MILLONIG ww Then Slovenia co-founded %/m/ the state of Yugoslavia in V T 1918, the new arrangement was then considered to be, more or less, a voluntary union of nations. Today, Yugoslavia is a union of nations that have hardly any stronger desire than to become sovereign. What caused this turn of history and why is Slovenia, the most advanced republic, in the forefront of such aspirations? Slovenia’s per-capita income is at near $6,000 a year, way above the Yugoslav average. It has only 8% of the total Yugoslav population, but it produces 20r/r of the GDP and close io 30% of exporting goods sold to EEC and EFTA countries. There is almost no trade imbalance and a neglible budget deficit. And since April of this year, a parliamentary democracy is trying to free the nation from the bureaucratic shackles of the previous communist regime. One could, therefore, initially conclude that there are no reasons for Slovenia to demand a different Yugoslavia. But these are precisely the reasons. Yugoslavia, like all communist countries, is not only economically in shambles — which makes life unbearable for those who work the hardest and get the least in return — but it also never managed to resolve its severe multinational crises that have, for instance, led to bloody clashes between ethnic groups in Kosovo and to various forms of oppression of dissenting ideas. If destabilization is not stopped, the country has the explosive potential to undermine the foundation of the new European home, with the prospect of thousands of refugees flooding the continent. The question is, can this continuous deterioration be reversed and how? The U.S. government seems convinced that all problems are solvable through democratic changes, such as free elections, market reforms and respect for human rights, provided that the foremost political prerogative, territorial integrity of the state of Yugoslavia, is not violated. In my judgment, this attitude lacks the understanding that not much can be changed, unless every nation in Yugoslavia has the right to self-determination. Or, as former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski recently said on "Meet the Press,” democracy can be estab-Pshed only through self-determination. He, of course, referred to the Soviet Union, but the same principle applies to Yugoslavia, which is, due to its multinational structure, often rightfully compared to the Soviet Union. It is true that an established parliamentary democracy would put the Communist Party, whatever its new name, into oblivion and pave the way for constitutional guarantees of basic social and political freedoms. But the completion of such a process presupposes that there is unanimity between the nations of Yugoslavia as to what alternative to choose in restructuring the country once and for all. So far, there is no unanimity at all among the constituent parts, since Serbia, the largest republic, detests loosing control over Yugoslavia, and all other republics and provinces detest implementing reforms that do not include the right to self-determination. How can there be unity among the nations of Yugoslavia — a prerequisite for democratic changes — when there is no mutual consent on the type of government, internal arrangements and economic policy? Territorial integrity requires an attitude of parity; the notion that differences can be worked out only through continuous compromise. It is no compromise when Serbia, the extended arm of the federal Communist Party, manages to abolish the autonomy of two Yugoslav provinces, Kosovo and Vojvodina; v/hen it imposes a trade embargo, duties and other restrictive economic measures against Slovenia; when it instigates ethnic unrest .through its own population living in other republics; when newspapers in Serbia write that a military coup against Slovenia is imminent, for it has decided to hold a referendum on whether to declare independence. Yugoslavia had 45 years to show the world that it is capable of solving its economic, political and multinational crises. It did not succeed. Why not give the concept of Slovenia a chance to prove it works? This concept rests on three pillars: on the right to self-determination of the Yugoslav nations, on European integration and on the establishment of strong economic ties with the East. Sovereignty of individual republics seems to conflict with the current structure of the federal state. In reality, it is a transformation to a more advanced stage of statehood, in which individual nations in a federation shall exercise sovereign powers and also decide what types of stately duties they wish to transfer to common institutions of a supranational character. President Mikhail Gorbachev is already aware that the Soviet Union can be solved only by such a legal structure. Yugoslavia will have to become aware of that reality, too. European integration is imperative for any country located ai the fringes of the new European economic movements. Slovenia, bordering on Italy, Austria and Hungary — clearly in an advantageous geographic position — does, of course, not wish to miss out on new opportunities. At the same time, it is uniquely qualified to play a significant role in increased economic cooperation between East and West. All Slovenia needs is support in the understanding that Yugoslavia can only survive the transition from communism to capitalism in a peaceful fashion if it becomes a union of sovereign nations. If that is understood, then Slovenia, a leader in the movement to restructure Yugoslovia, can solve the Balkan conflict — and prevent the powder keg from igniting. Only then will there be no Lebanon in Europe. Millonig is head of the Bureau of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina " a 1>T> n ri LMi ;tV Vaše ime Vaš naslov American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my check for-----------for a □ $30.00 ad; □ $20.00 ad; □ $10.00 Christmas ad to appear in the Ameriška Domovina. My name My address City and State »c*-* Kanadska Domovina NEDELJA V TORONTU Za nedeljo, 25. novembra, so članice Katoliške ženske lige pripravile zajtrk in kosilo, kot vsako leto. Po mašah so ljudje šli v dvorano, se malo pogovorili in pokrepčali, kot običajno ob takih prilikah. Treba je res priznati pridnost in požrtvovalnost teh žena. To se pokaže tudi v številkah. V blagajno je prišlo lepo število dolarjev — čez 2,100. In to bo spet šlo za razne potrebe doma in po svetu. Da je bil finančni uspeh res velik, je treba povedati, da je bilo darovanih mnogo stvari za to priliko. Naj omenim le nekatere: sladkor, čebula, kislo zelje, sadni sokovi in klobase poleg peciva. Čim manjši so bili izdatki, tem večji je bil dohodek. In vse to je izraz dela in požrtvovalnosti članic KŽL pri Mariji Pomagaj po eni strani, po drugi je pa treba dati priznanje tudi drugim članom župnije, ki se odzovejo povabilu in radi pridejo v dvorano k lepo pogrnjenim mizam. Občni zbor Hranilnice Tudi v nedeljo, 25. novembra, sicer popoldne ob 3h, je bil v dvorani pri Brezmadežni v New Torontu 34. redni letni občni zbor Hranilnice in posojilnice Slovenija. Dnevni red je bil kot je običajno ob takih prilikah. Člani odbora so prebrali svoja poročila in spored je hitro potekel, ker je bil dobro pripravljen. V dobri uri je bilo vse razloženo članstvu in tudi so bili soglasno izvoljeni v odbor odborniki, ki jim je bila letos potekla mandatna doba. Iz poročila upravnega odbora je razvidno, da se je vpisalo 137 novih članov in da se je dobroimetje povečalo za 2 milijona 600 tisoč dolarjev (v odstotkih, za 10,1%). Tako se hranilnica uvršča med prvih 10 odstotkov finančnih zadrug v Ontariju. Letošnji dohodek znaša približno 3 in pol milijona dolarjev. To je do sedaj najvišji dohodek v zgodovini te hranilnice, ki je v tej poslovni dobi narasla za 25 odstotkov. Stroški poslovanja so bili pod 15% vseh dohodkov, medtem ko so druge kreditne zadruge v Ontariju porabile povprečno 23%. Od dohodkov je bilo vrnjenih 80% članom te ustanove. Kot prejšnja leta, je tudi letos ta finančna ustanova podarila kulturno nagrado. Dobil jo je pisatelj Zorko Simčič, v znesku $1,500. Tako je ta argentinski Slovenec dobil priznanje za vse, kar je napisal v letih svojega pisateljevanja in nesebičnega dela med Slovenci v Argentini. Predno je bil dnevni red zaključen, je bilo žrebanje. Nekaj lepih daril so dobili člani, ki jih je zadela sreča. Vsakega člana je pa čakala še malica pri dobro obloženih mizah. Tako je to nedeljsko popoldne kar hitro minilo v prijetnem razpoloženju. Marija Markeš RESNI); R.& fl.Gd 1 Gpa $ 100 ROVANS’EK Vida Sudbury t 100 SAJNOVIC Stan ( 100 SAKSHE6 Sidonia « 100 SEDEJ »atija » 20 SELJAK Tone Ing. $ 250 SLOBODNIK Jože t 100 SLOVENIA Par. Credit Un. $ 500 SMOLEJ J t H. t 100 STAJAM Ludvik « 100 STARC Rev. Nartin US ( 200 STARC Joseph US ♦ 100 ŠTIH Anton » 50 STRLE Martin * 100 ŠTRUCELJ Eaa « 100 STRAfAR Frank » 100 T.M.S. Ottana « 250 ŠUŠTERŠIČ J. & J. t 100 ŠUŠTERŠIČ H. 1 R. t 60 TKALČIČ Alojz $ 10 TOMŠIČ Frank « 100 TOP GRADE J.Slobodnik t 100 TRY HARD F. Ferko ( 200 TURK Jože t 60 URBANC Peter t 200 VIDERGAR Francka » 140 V0YSKA Jože t 40 ŽAGAR M^ksa » 100 ZAKRAJŠEK Ivana » 50 ZUPANČIČ Lojze » 50 NN us » 200 NN » 40 NN New Toronto » 422 skupaj Kan » 11.017 aenjava US$ -.843526 »9.293 direktno v USA t 1.360 skupaj v USA $ 10.653 Prejeli: Mendoza otr. » 900 Roznanov doa * 4.541 Lanus /st. doa t 2.422 Zveza zena » 2.040 SKA pos. zelja t 250 Vinc.konf. » 500 skupaj » 10.653 Nabirka v prid pomoči potrebnim slovenskim rojakom v Argentini Prejeli smo s prošnjo za ob- javo sledeči seznam daroval- cev za pomoč rojakom [ v Ar- gentini. Ker ni bilo nobenega spremnega besedila, ga objav- Ijamo v obliki, v kateri je dospel. Ur. LISTA DAROVALCEV ARGENTINA 1990 AMBROflC Anthony % 200 ANDREJAŠ Mihael t 20 BANČIC Janez f 100 BERLEC Ivan US » 40 BEZJAK Pavla » 50 BOH Antonija Lethbridge » 150 BOH Ivan « 200 BRATINA H.J.k G.S. » 300 BRATOV? Borut t 20 CAJNAR A. 6 M. » 20 CERAR Frank 1 500 CERER M.J. US t 20 ČUJEŠ Rudolph Dr. t 50 CVETEK Gpa Haa. $ 100 DEMŠAR M. Gpa t 20 DIE JM Ltd /Lub. 4 Škof » 200 FERKULJ Edi 1 50 FERKUL Mia » 100 GOBETZ Edi Dr. t 30 HOČEVAR Frank » 50 JOHN KREK Credit Union » 500 JUHA Marija t 50 KASTELIC Jože Const Ltd ( 350 KAVČIČ Slavko $ 50 KAVČIČ Ivan st. » 500 KODRIČ Ivan t 10 KOKELJ Frank « 200 KOVAČ Joža » 50 KRANJC Stane » 10 KRHELJ Marija » 20 KUS Frank t 50 KUS Rudy » 60 KUS Rudy st. « 20 KUK Augustin Prof. » 75 KVEDER Pavle » 100 MARIJINE sestre $ 20 MARKUN Florijan » 100 MARTINČIČ Mini t 40 MARN Ivan st. t 50 MATAŠIČ druŽ. Haa. * 100 KATE Milka » 30 MEDVED Stane » 100 MERALA Marjan US » 300 MEVLIA M. 6d 4 Gpa » 100 MIŠMAŠ Franc » 50 MLAKAR A. t 150 MRAVLJE Tine Lethbridge » 200 NOVAK Peter * 10 OPARA J. » 200 PEPEVNAK F. Dr. » 100 PLANINŠIČ Rayaond MO US » 500 PLIBERŠEK Frank » 2M PONIKVAR Lojze Sr. » 100 POGAČAR J.It E. real est. » 1200 P0HL Jože * 50 POTOČNIK Blaž $ 70 PREŽEL Ciril » 100 PREŽEL Jofe » 100 Denar je bil ze predan, osebno, ob pri'liki obiska v Argentini. V nemi arg. rojakov se zahvaljujejo nabiralci: Blar Potočnik, R. Šušteršič Lea Urbanc Toronto, dne 18. Noveebra 1990. Snjatel s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! NABIRKA ARGENTINA (Zahvala in poročilo št. 3) CLEVELAND, O. — V imenu naših pomoči potrebnih slovenskih argentinskih rojakov se vsem, ki ste pokazali, da imate čuteče srce do tistih naših, ki trpijo pomanjkanje (in to ne po svoji krivdi), iskreno zahvaljuje nabiralni odbor za vašo dobroto in sočutje. Od 22. septembra t.l. do 29. novembra t.l. smo prejeli sledeče darove: Frank Skvarča, Racine, Wis., $100; Anton in Cilka Žakelj, Cleveland, O., (drugič) $100; Fred in Ludmila Odar, Richmond Hts., O., $100; N.N., Cleveland, $80; N.N., Willowick, O., (drugič) $50. Do 29. novembra 1990 je bilo nabranega skupaj $5,505. Kot je bilo omenjeno v prvem dopisu, je bil denar razdeljen na štiri dele in sicer takole: Vincencijeva konferenca, Dušnopa-stirski urad. Zveza slovenskih mater in žena, in Rožmanov dom. Vse te ustanove so v velikem Buenos Airesu in skrbijo za naše najbolj zapuščene in potrebne rojake. Ko smo začeli z nabirko, je bil naš namen in cilj, da pomagamo tistim našim rojakom, ki nimajo zadostnih sredstev za skromno življenje. Kot nam je v pismu pisal msgr. Luis Starc, so v Argentini slučaji, ko si ljudje ne morejo kupiti potrebnih zdravil, katera so zelo draga. Naš cilj je bil zbrati 10 tisoč dolarjev, izgleda pa, da bo to težko doseči. To dobrodelno kampanjo nameravamo zaključiti s koncem leta 1990. Zato podpisani še enkrat apeliramo na vse rojake dobre volje, da po svojih močeh darujete za naše potrebne brate in sestre v Argentini. Spomnite se evangeljske prilike, ko je gospod Jezus rekel: »Karkoli ste storili enemu mojih najmanjših, ste meni storili«. Zato, prijatelj: »Odpri srce, odpri roke« — vse Ti bo obilno povrnjeno, če veruješ v posmrtno življenje. Denarna nakazila naslovite na »Socialni Sklad Argentina« in pošljite na enega spodaj podpisanih: Viktor Tominec Stane Vidmar 24912 Pleasant Tr. 22400 Lakemont Ave. Richmond Hts., OH 44143 Euclid, OH 44123 Lojze Bajc 963 E. 179 St. Cleveland, OH 44119 Frank Šega 2918 Emerald Lake Wickliffe, OH 44092 Z bratskimi pozdravi! Za Odbor: Frank Šega IZ NEWYORSKE PROSVETE (nadaljevanje s str. 8) je imel pa John Tyler 15. Najvišji je bil Abraham Lincoln, najmanjši pa Andrew Jackson (6 čevljev 4 inče, 5 čevljev 10 inč). Najtežji je bil William Taft (332 funtov). Štirje so bili umorjeni: Lincoln (1865), James Garfield (1881), Wm. McKinley (1901), in John F. Kennedy (1963). Washingto-nova plača je bila $25,000 na leto. To plačo so imeli predsedniki vse do Ulyssesa Granta, torej 69 let. Srečni časi, ko niso vedeli, kaj je inflacija. Ko sem leta 1950 prišel v New York, je bila voznina na podzemski železnici 10 centov, danes je pa $1.15 in že pišejo, da se bo povišala po novem letu. Prvi del sporeda je zaključil Silvester Mihelčič. Na elektronski harmoniki je igral svoje in drugih skladbe in nas očaral. Mnogi nismo še nikoli slišali igranja na elektronsko harmoniko, prav gotovo pa nobeden od nas tako lepega igranja. Mihelčič se je rodil v Metliki v družini z glasbeno tradicijo. Zdaj je ravnatelj glasbene šole v Črnomlju, a že nekaj časa v Hamiltonu, Kan., kjer vežba učence slovenske šole za nastop v njegovi glasbeni veseloigri za otroke »Maček Muri«. V odmoru smo se spomnili vzornega člana naše prosvete Jožeta Groma, ki je nenadno in nepričakovano umrl po operaciji v bolnišnici in smo ga pokopali 7. novembra po o-bredu v naši cerkvi. Jože se je rodil v vasi pod Kumom in je bil leta 1941 z vso družino iz- gnan v Nemčijo, da so napravili prostor za Kočevarje, ki naj bi bili predstraža na bodoči nemško-italijanski meji. Molite zanj, bil je dober katoličan in zaveden Slovenec! Pozdravili smo v svoji sredi župnika iz Hamiltona Franca Slobodnika in profesorja glasbe Silvestra Mihelčiča. Preči-tali smo karto, ki jo je vsem prosvetarjem pisala nekdanja članica naše prosvete Minka Sturm ob 10. obletnici, ko nas je zapustila in šla k hčerki v lepo Kalifornijo. Še vedno se rada spominja naših ur in z zanimanjem bere poročila o njih. Ponosna Gorenjka, hvala za pozdrave in dobre želje! Enako Vam želimo Newyorča-ni! Drugi del je začela z igranjem na klavirju skladbe »La-go di Como« edina slovenska udeleženka maratonskega teka v New Yorku Kazimira Lužnik iz Slovenj Gradca, sestra naše zobozdravnice in solistke dr. Dominike Lango ter znanega direktorja Antona Nanuta. Na obeh poljih je dosegla lep, zavidljiv uspeh. Obljublja, da bo prihodnje leto zopet prišla in tekla. Kar pridite, vedno ste dobrodošli! Mala Metka Zupančič je nato zapela solo brez spremljave in sicer pesem »Kje so moje rožice?« Metka je skromna deklica, a odlična pevka. Ravna se po zgledu svoje mamice. Le tako naprej, Metka, vsi te imamo radi in smo ti hvaležni, kadarkoli zapoješ nam v zabavo! (dalje na str. 12) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 877. Č.s. Jeanne Elizabeth Pogorelc OSFS, oblatinja sv. Frančiška v Južni Afriki, je »po dolgi bolezni umrla in odšla v večnost. Bila je vzorna misijonarka. Naj v miru počiva na misijonskem pokopališču v Matje-skloofu. Saj se tudi me že bližamo dnevu, ko nas bo Gospod poklical k Sebi, da se izpolnijo naše želje.« Tako piše iz Koelenhofa njena sosestra Therese Alojzija Šteh 10. novembra, ki je še toliko pri moči, da za svoje osebne potrebe sama poskrbi. Ostali čas pa dela družbo bolnici, s katero molijo skupaj za vse potrebe in se tudi spominja MZA, vseh dobrotnikov in g. Lenčka, ko se Bogu zahvaljuje za vse dobro, ki so ga iz zaledja prejele. Njena sestra Therese Benigna in s. Marie Vincent Novak so še tam. Vse seveda v visoki starosti in zelo izgarane. S. Šteh je v pokoju s sosestro iz Avstrije, ki je dopolnila 91 let in je privezana na posteljo. Zadnje pismo je rajna s. Pogorelc nam pisala 5. januarja 1990 iz Port Nolloth: »Pri Gospodu sen z Vami neprestano. To iz hvaležnosti za dobrote, pomoči iz preteklosti, številne dobrote, razdeljene med ubogimi po Vašem trudu. Bog povrni! Za začeto Novo leto Vam želim, naj bi Vas božji blagoslov spremljal in vodil po svojem navdihu, da z delom še nadaljujemo in skupno orjemo v Gospodovem vinogradu za bližnjega. Molim in upam, da Vaše zdravje še drži. Moje zadnje čase — nisem več za kakšno rabo — razen pri Gospodu. Imate visoke izdatke za študij mladine. Vem, da ne štejete izdatke za dobra dela. Tiho smo preživeli praznike. Vsemogočnemu gre zahvala. Marija nas varuje. Delo duhovnika je težko, skrbi velike, vendar ga molitev dobrih povsod spremlja, četudi je to samo skopa tolažba za tako požrtvovalno delo. Novo leto 1990 smo začeli mirno s sv. mašo, prosili smo božji blagoslov za ves svet, za vsa ljudstva in potrebe. Le duhovnik je naš zastopnik pri Vsemogočnemu. Danes je do-šlo Vaše lepo darilo ‘Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije’ (MZA) za uboge $500. Molimo, On bo povrnil. Oprostite moji pisavi in napakam. Ves denar bo uporabljen za naše uboge, za njihovo hrano. Z Novorojenim Zveličarjem Vas pozdravlja v hvaležnosti s. Jeanne Elizabeth Pogorelc.« Morda se ob tej priliki spomnimo v molitvi požrtvovalne rajne sodelavke gdč. Mary Hudolin iz Clevelanda, ki je kot čebelica pridno leta zbirala material, da je pošiljala pakete dobri s. Pogorelc. Menda sta se še iz domovine poznali Seveda je obenem vedno tudi zbirala za sv. maše in druge darove za rajnega jezuita o. Stankota Podržaja v Indiji. Naj vsi počivajo v miru! Iz Ljubljane sporoča o smrti dr. Franceta Mikuža, ravnatelja slovenske Družbe za širjenje vere, sestra Tiburcija Lenassi 7. novembra. Zahvaljuje se za naše informacije o misijonarjih na terenu. O rajnem piše: »Gospod Mikuž je bil že dalj časa bolan, seveda ne tako, da bi moral ležati. Imel pa je skoraj vsako leto gripo in jo kar stoje prebolel. Pred pol leta mi je pripovedoval v Misijonski pisarni: ‘Zdravnica mi je rekla, da imam zelo slabe laboratorijske izvide.’ Imel je visok krvni pritisk, srce mu je pešalo, zelo veliko je imel v krvi holesterola. Po mojem bi moral svojo bolezen bolj resno vzeti. Popolnoma bi se moral odpovedati kavi, kajenju, držati dieto, skratka skromno živeti. Res je pa tudi, da je bil preobremenjen. Na župnišču so sedaj delali fasado, potem verouk, priprava na misijonski simpozij, ki bo drugo leto itd. To je vse pripomoglo k tako nenadni smrti, da smo bili šokirani. Kuharica mi je rekla, da se je držal zdravniških navodil. Ona bolj ve, kot jaz. Torej, 18. oktobra, v četrtek zvečer, mu je postalo zelo slabo, tako, da je padel. Nato so ga odpeljali v bolnico, kjer je v petek, 19. oktobra umrl za možgansko kapjo. Na Misijonsko nedeljo 21. oktobra je bil pokopan na Dobrovi, ob veliki množici ljudi in duhovnikov. Od njega se je v Šmartnem pod Šmarno goro poslovil gospod dr. Alojzij Šuštar, nadškof in metropolit, s sv. mašo in lepim nagovorom. Pokopan je bil na Dobrovi pri Ljubljani. Mašo in pogreb je vodil pomožni škof Jože Kvas. Tako smo izgubili našega ravnatelja misijonov v Sloveniji. Sedaj čakamo, kako bomo naprej delali. Bog z Vami! Lepe misijonske pozdrave od s. T.L.« (Detroit- Windsor, dalje) Darovi iz Detroita, Michigan (v oklepaju je število darov, ki so bili dani za srečo-lov): Alice Belanger $16; Joseph Briški $10; France Gerkman $41 (3); dr. Marjeta Jam-šek-Tehlirian $80; Antonette Koshochy $16; Miha in Mary Košir $26 in še veliko peciva je Mary spekla (8); Pavla Košir $16 in zvila je vse listke za srečelov (2); Ivanka Krek $10; družina Franci Martinčič $25; Jože in Milka Martinčič $106, spekla pa sta tudi veliko kre-movih rezin in dala lep dar za srečelov, jerbas, z ribenško robo 12 komadov, kar je bilo vsem zelo všeč; Jožefina Prazen $16; Mary Trambush $200 in Stanley Vihtelič $25. Skupaj zbranega iz Detroita $485 za vse, $10 za afriške bogoslovce, in $20 za ljubljansko semenišče ter $42 za srečke za glavne dobitke. Iz St. Catherine’s Ont., so darovali: Mimi Grebenc $5; Mary Grebenc $5. Skupaj $10 za ljubljansko semenišče. Iz Londona, Ont., so dali: Pepca Sitar $6, Mary Škufca $19. Dobrotniki, zbrali na avtobusu na romanju v Midland $150 in sicer $50 za vse, $25 za afriškega bogoslovca, $60 za ljubljansko semenišče in 15 listkov za glavne dobitke. Še o rajnem dr. Janežu (konec) »Bolničarka, ki je trenutno odgovorna za operacijski blok v največji bolnici v Tajpeju je dejala: ‘Za mene bo dr. Janež ostal vedno naj višji vzor službe bližnjemu. Od njega sem se naučila postaviti interes bolnika pred vse drugo. Za nas Kitajce je predvsem presenetljivo, da je človek, ki bi mogel zaslužiti toliko denarja, polagal tako malo važnosti na denar. Ta njegova poteza in duh nezainteresirane predanosti služiti, je povzročil, da so kar izginile njegove slabosti in kar ga je vsem priljubilo.’ Dokler ki deluje v bolnici St. Mary’s, je izjavil: ‘Imel je pravega duha kamilijancev in ker je bil laik nam je bil v duhu zelo blizu.’« Dr. Rizzi končuje svoje pismo: »Osebno me je najbolj v njem, posebno v zadnjem ob- DR. JANEZ JANEŽ je v sredi tega posnetka, desni pa p. A. Didone, ki sta oba omenjena v poslanega s Tajvana. Na levi je p. G. Rizzi, na člankih o dr. Janežu č.g. Wolbanga. dobju njegovega življenja, zadela njegova fina občutljivost duha. Nikdar ni pozabil, ko je že vse oslabel od bolečin, zahvaliti se za vsako zaslugo in do konca se je zanimal za svoje prijatelje v daljnem zaledju.« Napis predsednika vlada na otoku Tajvana je dejal: »Tvoja dobrota bo živela vekomaj.« Za vsakega, ki veruje, je dobrota enega človeka skromen izraz dobrote Boga samega. Tako se moramo zahvaliti Bogu, ki nam je razodel košček svoje Dobrote po »Velikem zdravniku dr. Janežu«. O. Rizzi nam je v pismu obljubil v bližnji bodočnosti bolj temeljito študijo o dr. Janeževi osebnosti, poklicni usposobljenosti in podobnem. V nekaj dnevih bo tudi grob, kjer bo počival, dokončan. Prihodnjič bomo prejeli še več fotografij in več o »skladu za uboge bolnike«, ki so ga osnovali v dr. Janežev spomin. Priložen foto je eden iz zadnjega leta, ko se je dr. Janež dogovarjal z glavno tajnico gdč. Sonjo Ferjanovo za srečanje na otoku, ki je sedaj odloženo za bodočnost v večnosti. Takrat ji je pisal, kako je zaposlen in da bi našel kak čas za obisk morda kak večer, po končanih dnevnih operacijah. Nehote, kadar sem imel kak stik z dr. Janežem vsa ta leta, sem mislil na svoja leta dora-ščanja. Hodil sem na klasično gimnazijo v Maribor iz Pragerskega, kjer je bil moj oče železniški uradnik. Po neprevidnosti me je nekega dneva, malo pred prihodom na postajo, blizu kurilnice študent pahnil, da sem padel iz vlaka in bil 11 dni nezavesten v mariborski bolnici. Po 13 mesecih zdravljenja sem moral k dr. Kocmurju na bergljah po pol ure daleč zaradi preobvezave rane na nogi. Težko je bilo in leta sem si želel, da bi postal zdravnik, ker bi lahko hodil zdravit bolnike na domove in bi jim ne računal, če bi bili ubogi. Osem let mi je vzelo, predno sem se pod vplivom Katoliške Akcije in pogostnega prejema sv. obhajila odločil za duhovništvo, namesto medicine. Prepričan sem bil, da bom v tem poklicu lahko najboljše služil bližnjemu in samo zdravil ter pomagal. Božja Dobrota je naša življenja rešila, ko smo bili v največji nevarnosti, da nas komunizem uniči. Poslani smo bili v svet oznanjat Ljubezen. V Baragovem misijonu na Kitajskem bi dr. Janež moral biti naš zdravnik. Bog je drugače ukrenil v dobro mnogih, ki so ga na Tajvanu potrebovali. Mi bomo zanj molili in v njegov sklad za uboge bolnike darovali. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Iz newyorske prosvete (nadaljevanje s str. 11) In za njo je nastopil naš neumorni, zvesti sodelavec Nejci Zupan. Citiral je duhovite humoristične zgodbe v slovenščini in angleščini in nas vse spravil v dobro voljo, da smo se od srca smejali njegovim duhovitim šalam. Naj omenim samo tri najkrajše: 1. - Moj dentist me je rešil otekline mojih dlesen in prav tako otekline v moji denarnici. 2. - Pred 400 let so vladali v tej deželi Indijanci. Takrat ni bilo ne davkov, ne narodnega dolga, ne mednarodnih zaplet-Ijajev in žene so delale vse. Ne morem razumeti, kako je mogel beli človek misliti, da bo izboljšal ta sistem. Ob hudodelstvih mladine, zločinih, inflaciji, streljanju voditeljev in uporih, mislim, da bi morali imeti Indijanci bolj stroge zakone o imigraciji. 3. - Nek možak je rekel: »Predno sva se poročila, je moja žena rekla, da se ustnice, ki so se dotaknile alkohola, ne smejo dotakniti njenih ust. Strinjal sem se z njo in je že 40 let nisem poljubil.« Končal pa je spored S. Mihelčič, ki nam je zopet igral na svoji harmoniki prelepe melodije — domače in tuje. Ko je nehal, nam je bilo žal. Radi bi ga še poslušali. Dr. Zdravko Kalan MALI OGLASI Slovenski video (VHS) se dobi »Slovenska Sprava«. Kočevski Rog, julij 1990. 2-urna kaseta, s sv. mašo za domobrance in vse druge pobite ob koncu 2. svetovne vojne, petje, govori. $29.95. Send check or money order to: Slovenian Video P.O. Box 28 Unionville, OH 44088 (49,51) For Sale Grovewood, 5 & 5 Double. Excellent condition. Owner broker. Warehouse. Brick, 22,000 sq. ft. Northeast area. George Knaus Real Estate 481-9300 (48-49) Apartment For Rent Lake Shore, E. 185 area. Lge, modern 1 bdrm apts. Appliances, air cond, carpeted. Gar. inc. Quiet bldg. Lease. $325-$350 per month. Call 338-3205 (x) Off Lake Shore Alum. 3 bdrms. Col. Fireplace in L. R. Natural woodwork. Tastefully decorated. 21 x 10 deck. 2 car gar. $61,900. Anton Matic — 338-3205 (x) House For Sale Euclid. 3 bdrms. Alum, sided. Walk to St. Christine church & school. Call 449-1560. (47-50) Apartment For Rent E. 156 St. area. 62 or over, handicapped or disabled. $271 per month. All utilities inc. Call 531-3820.