we Journal of JET v°iume 8 (2015) p.p. 43-58 Issue 2, October 2015 Typology of article 1.01 Technology www.fe.um.si/en/jet.html INTEGER PROGRAMMING AND GROBNER BASES CELOSTEVILSKO PROGRAMIRANJE IN GROBNERJEVE BAZE Brigita Fercec1, Matej MencingerR Keywords: Integer linear programming, polynomial rings, Grobner bases, nonlinear polynomial systems of equations Abstract An approach to solve the integer linear programming problem (IP) using the Grobner bases theory is presented. We consider the basics of commutative algebra on polynomial rings and their ideals and the multidivision algorithm. Grobner bases were introduced to solve nonlinear polynomial systems of equations; therefore, we first present the generalization of the Gauss elimination method. In order to solve a general IP a special ideal depending on the coefficients of the system and number of constraints in the IP has to be constructed. Finally, a Grobner basis of this ideal, which yields the solution to IP, must be sought. Povzetek V članku je podan pristop k reševanju celoštevilskega linearnega programiranja (IP) z uporabo teorije Grobnerjevih baz. Obravnavamo osnovne elemente komutativne algebre na polinomskih kolobarjih, njihove ideale in algoritem multi-deljenja. Grobnerjeve baze so bile vpeljane za reševanje nelinearnih polinomskih sistemov enačb, zato je v članku najprej predstavljen primer posplošitve Gaussove elimi-nacijske metode. Pri reševanju splošnega IP konstruiramo poseben ideal, ki je odvisen od koeficientov sistema in števila enačb v IP. Končno rešitev dobimo s pomočjo Grobnerjeve baze tega ideala. R Corresponding author: Integer programming and Grobner bases, Matej Mencinger, Tel.: +386 2 229 4321, Mailing address: University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, E-mail address: matej.mencinger@um.si 'Faculty of Energy Technology, Hočevarjev trg 1, 8270 Krško JET 43 Brigita Fercec, Matej Mencinger J ETVol. 8 (2015) Issue 2 1 INTRODUCTION Many modern computer programs, such as Mathematica, Matlab and others, enable solving the problem of integer (linear) programming (IP). There are several algorithms to solve the problem of IP; one of the most known and commonly used is the so called 'Branch and bound algorithm'. In this paper, we consider another aspect of solving this problem, which is based on the theory of Grobner bases, which is the basis of the ideal of a polynomial ring in a similar sense as the vector space (Rn, +), which has a basis consisting of n linearly independent vectors (1,0,0,...,0), (0,1,0,...,0), ..., (0,0,0,...,1). These n vectors are called a standard basis of (Rn, +) and in a similar sense theGrobner basis is called a standard basis of the given ideal. Turning now to the IP, where there are more equations and variables, and a cost function to be optimized, and taking into account that the main objects of the polynomials of several variables are monomials, we can use the fact that the exponent of each monomial is actually a vector. As we will see later, this vector is naturally related to independent variables of IP that are (basically positive) integers. There are many different ways of examining the theory of Grobner bases. In the context of classical algebra, the natural point of view is as follows. We consider polynomials in variables X1, ... with coefficients a„ of a field fc. We call x" =x"1—x^™ a monomial, aa £fc a coefficient and a^x"1 •••x"™ a tenm, and a = a multi-index. The set of all polynomials in variables x^... ,x„ with coefficient in fc is denoted by fc[x1,.,x„]. With the usual operations of addition and multiplication, fc[x1,.,x„] is a commutative ring (i.e. the multiplication in the ring is symmetric). We call a = a1 + —ha„ the full degree of a monomial xa. The degree of a polynomial /, denoted by deg(/), is the maximum degree of a monomial of /. For any natural number n, the space fcn = {(a-p..., an): a1,. ,an £fc) is called n—dimensional affine space. The set of polynomials /1,... ,/ is naturally associated with a system of equations A(X1,..,XJ = 0, • (1.1) /S(X1,...,X„) = 0. The set of all solutions to the above system can be defined as the affine variety, K, determined by polymomials /1,...,/: K(A...../) = {K.....aj efc":/(a1.....aj = 0 /or 1 <7 < s}. It is clear that there are many families of polynomials defining the same variety. For example, if /1 = x — y, /2 = y —1 and 51 = (y — x)3, =y2 — 2y +1, then V = K<51,52>-To understand the concept of an affine variety better we need the notion of an ideal. 44 JET Integer programming and Grobner bases An ideal in the polynomial ring is a subset / of satisfying i. if /,,gG/ then / + $ G / and ii. if / G/ and h Gfc[x1,_,xn], then h/ G /. Let A,...,/ be polynomials of We denote xjix2x3 >X:LX2X3°. This monomial order is called a lexicographic (monomial) order. More precisely, xa x2 >xf, the leading term of / is LT(/) = 2xfx|xf, whilst the leading coefficient is LC(/) = 2 and the leading monomial LM(/) = xf xl xi. Finally, note that any vector c £ Rn defines an monomial order < in E[x1,.,xn] in the following way: .»■¡j (?•£? y. i/i - s + y Qi : i __T_ fi xy-i y'x2y -f xy2 + y2 x2y — x xy2 + x + y2 xy2 - y x + y2 + y yr+ y -> x y2- 1 1 —> x + y 0 x + y+l Figure 1: The scheme of multivariable division procedure On the first step, the leading term LT(/i) = xy divides the leading term LT(/) =x2y. Thus, we divide x2y by xy, leaving x and then subtract x ■ /i from /. Next, we repeat the same process on x y2 + x + y2. We divide / by LT(/i) = xy again. Note that neither LT(/i) = xy nor LT(/2) = y2 divides LT(x +y2 +y) = x. However, x + y2 +y is not the remainder since LT(/2) divides y2. Thus, if we move x to the remainder column, we can continue with the process. If we can divide by LT(/i) or LT(/2), we proceed as usual, otherwise, we move the leading term of the intermediate dividend (the polynomial under the radical sign) to the remainder column. We continue dividing in such a way. Now the polynomial under the radical is y2 +y. It is not divisible by LT(/i) but we can divide it by LT(/2) yielding 1 and the subtract 1 ■ y2 from y2 +y. The obtained polynomial under the radical is y +1 and neither LT(/i) nor LT(/2) is divisible by LT(y + 1) = y. Therefore, we move y to the remainder column and obtain 1, which is also moved to the remainder column. Thus, the remainder is x + y + l and this concludes the example. Thus, we can write / in the form JET 47 Brigita Fercec, Matej Mencinger J ETVol. 8 (2015) Issue 2 f = x2y + xy2 +y2 = (x + y) • (xy — 1) + 1 • (y2 — 1) + x + y +1. In contrast, if we change the order of polynomials f and f2 in F, i.e. if we divide f by the ordered set F = {f2,f}, we obtain f = x2y + xy2 + y2 = x^ (xy — 1) + (x + 1) • (y2 — 1) + 2x + 1. Obviously, this multivariable division is very sensitive on the order of f1,f2. The order affects the multi-quotients q,1,ql2, as well as the remainder r. Dividing the polynomial f with the (ordered) set F = (f1,f2), one can simply write: f = {{q,1,ql2}, r} instead of f = ql1f1 + ql2f2 + r. Using this notation, in the first case, we have f = {{x + y, 1}, x + y +1} and in the second case we have f = {{x, x + 1},2x+ 1}. Figure 2 shows the last results obtained by the MATHEMATICA computer algebra system. The multi-quotients and the remainder are also changed if we use another monomial order. lm[l]:= PolynomialReduoe [ x A 2 y + x y A2 + y A2, (ij-1, y A2 - 1} , {x, y] ] lr[2;:= PolynomialReduoe [x A2 y + x y A2 + y A2, {y A2 - 1, x y - 1} , {x, yj] Figure 2: Results obtained by MATHEMATICA fon the case above Now, we present the basic definitions and properties of Grobner bases. For any ideal, / we define = = . A Grobner basis of an ideal /cfc[;e1,,_,xn] is a finite subset G = {fl^,...,^} of / such that = . It is a special generating set for ideal for which the multivariable division algorithm for a given f returns the remainder r = 0 if and only if f £ <51,...,5t>,[4]. Using a Grobner basis, we obtain the uniqueness of the remainder, which was not assured when we divided by an arbitrary set of polynomials, [2]. We now describe an algorithm for computing a Grobner basis of a polynomial ring. Let f,g be from fc[x1,.,x„] with LT(f) = axa and LT(g) = fox^. The least common multiple of xa and x^, denoted LCM(xa,x/?), is the monomial xr = x[* •••x,n such that = maxfo,^-), 1< 7 < n. The so-called 5—polynomial of f and g is = x^ x^ = ZTcf) — ITcg) •g. Buchcbengen's basic observation was the following criterion, [2]. Let / be a nonzero ideal in fc[x1,.,x„] and let < be a fixed monomial order on fc[x1,.,x„]. Then, G = {g1,g2,.,gt} is a Grobner basis for / with respect to < if and only if for all i , 48 JET erteggr progrnmminGandGrdbner bases This criterion is the essence of the famous Buchberger's algorithm, which produces a Grobner basis for the nonzero ideal / = (/1,...,/s). Buchberger's algorithm is shown below, [11]. Buchberger's Algorithm Input: A set of polynomials {A,..,/} £fc[x1,..,xn]\{0}. Output: A Grobner basis G of the ideal (A,..,/). Procedure: G: = {A,-,/}. Step 1. For each pair fl^fl, EG.iij, compute the 5—polynomial Sg^. and compute the remainder r^ of division Sg^. by the set G. Step 2. Check if all r^- are equal to zero . If "yes", then G is a Grobner basis, otherwise add all nonzero r^ to G and return to step 1. It is proved in [2] that the algorithm terminates and returns a Grobner basis of the ideal / = y is computed in systems MATHEMATICA and SINGULAR, [9], respectively. We see that in both cases the result is {y3 —y2,xy2 —y2,x2 y — y2,x3 — y}. In[6]:= GroebnerBasis [ |-k3 + y, xzy-y2}, {x, y} ] Figure 3: Output of Grabner basis in system MATHEMATICA JET 49 Brigita Fercec, Matej Mencinger J ETVol. 8 (2015) Issue 2 SINGULAR A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations by: U. Decker, G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann FB Mathematik der Uniuersitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern > ring r1=fl, (x,y),lp; > poly f1=-x3+y; > poly f2=x2*y-y2; > ideal I=f1 ,f2; > ideal G=groebner(I); > G; G[1]=y3-y2 G[2]=xy2-y2 G[3]=x2y-y2 G[i|]=x3-y > I Figure 4: Output of Gnöbncn basis in system SINGULAR A reason to use more special systems than MATHEMATICA offers is to compute the Grobner basis with respect to some special monomial order. In Figure 5 we compute the Grobner basis of (—x3 + y,x2y — y2) using SINGULAR with respect to the weighted monomial order with weight vector c = (1,3). Note, that the result G< = (x3 — y,y2 — x2y) is not the same as the Grobner basis with respect to lexicohraphic monomial order G<)pr(v>r) = (—xs + x6, —x3 +y). SINGULAR A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations by: W. Decker, G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann PB Mathenatik der Uniuersitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern > ring r1=B, (x,y),Wp(1,3); // ** redefining r1 ** > poly f1=-x3+y; > poly f2=x2*y-y2; > ideal I=f1,f2 ; > ideal gI=groebner(I); > gi; gl[1]=x3-y gl[2]=y2-x2y Figure 5: Grobner basis G<( ) of (x3 — y, —x2y + y2) computed in SINGULAR Recall that to solve a system of linear equations, an effective method is to reduce it to the form in which an initial string of variables is missing from some of the equations, that is, the so-called "row-echelon" form. The next definition and theorem provide a way to eliminate a group of variables from a system of nonlinear polynomials. Moreover, it provides a way to find all solutions of a polynomial system in the case that the solution set is finite, or in other words, to find the variety of a polynomial ideal in the case that the variety is zero-dimensional. For any ideal 1 = (fi, — ,fs) c fc[x1,x2,^,x„] the I— th elimination ideal /; is the ideal of fc[xi+1,xi+2,.., xn] defined by / / uersion 3-1-> \ Jan 2012 \ / / uersion 3-1-4 B< \ Jan 2012 \ 50 JET Integer programming and Grobner bases In the case of solving a system of nonlinear equations (1.1), this means that / — (/1,...,/), but the elements of /; are the equations (polynomials) that follow from / — 0, ...,/ — 0 and eliminate the variables Concerning the Grobner bases and elimination ideals, we have the following Theorem, ([4]). IfG — {fll,...,St} is a Grobner basis for / — (A,...,/) c fc[x1,.,xn] with respect to lexicographic order with >-->xn, then for each 0y >z, the Grobner basis of ideal (A,/2,/3) is G = {fl'i.fl,2.fl,3.fl,4.fl,5.fl,6}, where = x + x2 + yz ,2 = xy + z + z2 ,3 = z + xz + yz + z2 + 2yz2 ,4 = y + y2 z yz z2 2yz2 ,5 =z2 + 2yz2 +z3 + 2yz3 ,6 = z2 + 3z3 + 2z4. Thus, the system /1 =/2 =/3 = 0 is equivalent to the system ,1 =,2 =,3 =,4 =,5 =,6 = For a generic system (1.1), a Grobner basis may have significantly more complex structure than obtained in this example. However, if the system has only a finite number of solutions (i.e. the ideal is zero-dimensional), then any reduced Grobner basis {gf1(... ,,„} must contain a polynomial in one variable, let say, ,1(x1). Then, there is a subset of the Grobner basis depending on this variable and one more variable, say, ,2(x1,x2),.,,t(x1,x2), etc. Thus, we first solve (perhaps only numerically) the equation ,1(x1) = 0. Then, for each solution x^ of ,1(x1) = 0, we find the solutions of ,2(x1,x2) = ••• = ,t(x1,x2) = 0, which is a system of JET 51 Brigita Fercec, Matej Mencinger J ETVol. 8 (2015) Issue 2 polynomials in a single variable x2. Continuing the process, we obtain in this way all solutions to (1.1). Thus, in the case of the finite number of solutions, Grobner basis computations theoretically provide the complete solution to the problem (see e.g. Section 2.2. of [1] for more details). 3 GROBNER BASIS AND INTEGER LINEAR PROGRAMMING In previous sections, we considered the process of multi-division and the Grobner bases theory. Before the formal definition of the integer linear programming problem, note that the essence of the problem concerns the integer solutions of a linear system Ax = b (constraints), which optimizes the so-called cost function. Therefore, it would be quite convenient if the rows of the matrix equation Ax = b (i.e. the equations) could be presented (in the first approximation) as exponents of some new variables. In order to make things more straightforward, let us consider Ax = b (where: [A]tj = atj and b = (bl,.,bm)) with the following restrictions: atj £Z, btE2 and Cj E R with i = 1,2,... ,n and j = 1,2,... ,m. We want to find a solution x = (xl,x2,.,xn)E'n to allxl + ai2x2 + + alnxn = bl • (3.1) amlxl + am2x2 + '" + amnxn = bm, which minimizes the cost function c(xl,x2,...,xn) = Y^n=l Cjxj. We call (3.1) an integer (linear) program (IP). In the matrix form, we have minimize c ■ x", subject to Ax = b, whene A EZmxn cnd b = (b^... ,bm)Elm. Note that all coefficients (including the solution vector) are generally allowed to be from the set ', but for now let the coefficients be limited to be natural numbers: N. The main mathematical idea which makes use of Grobner bases when solving IP (3.1) is to associate new variables Xk for k = 1,2,... ,m (one variable to each equation) to (3.1) to represent the k— th equation in (3.1): X1 >2 ••• /n " r-ai c"2 ran\ J1 >2 •••>{ J which is in the ideal K = — >^,„>51 >•••> 5n. Then a Grobner basis for Knfcft,.., 5n] will be precisely the polynomials of the Grobner basis of K that do not have any X variables. Obviously, for a given homomorphism O, any monomial / £ fc[51,., 5n] is not in the image of O. Let us denote the Grobner basis of K = <51 —/1,., 5n—/n) obtained by the elimination theorem by G. According to the above results, we have / £ Ker(O) o 3h £ fc[55L,.,5n] s.t. / - h, which is then the key to the solution of IP (3.1) constrained by the cost function c(x1,x2,...,xn)= Hn^ CjXj. Finally note that, if take care that the monomial order which is used to compute the Grobner basis, GX2 >Y1 >Y2 >Y3. We obtain r — f V 6 _1_ V 3v Y V 4 V 2v v V V 2 v 2v 2 y y 3 w Y 2v G — t_ y2 + X1 y3,X2 y2 1 Y3,X2 ~ X2 ,X2 Y2 ~ X1r3,X2 ~ X3, ~X2 Y2 + X1Y3,—Y1+X1Y2,X1X2 — Y2}. Then, we divide monomial XlX2 by G and obtain Y11Y21Y31. Therefore, the non-negative integer solution is (x1,x2,x3) = (1,1,1). Example 2 ([8]): We show how to optimize the cost function with respect to some constraints Ax = b, and the coefficients are now allowed to be also negative integers. Following (3.1), we have to minimize the cost function c ■ x = 1000x1 +x2 +x3 + 100x4 subject to 3x^1 2x2 hx3 X4 — 1 4x1 +x2—x3 =5. 56 JET Integer programming and Grobner bases The solution to the above example obtained with system SINGULAR is shown in Figure 6. Note that the weighted term order is used with C = (1000002,1000001,1000000,1000,1,1,100) to ensure that X1 > X2 > W > 71 > 72 > 73 > 74 and to ensure the weight order (1000,1,1,100), corresponding to c = (1000,1,1,100). Note that, for example, the monomials XSWg and XA2W2 are: X%g =X1"1Xf =X1"1X2"1 -X^f = W1X26, X^ W2 =Xj"2X2 =XJ-2X2-2 -X22X2 = W2X|. The optimal solution x = (1,3,2,0) is obtained from the result of the multivariable division: W1 X26 - 71172373274°. SINGULAR / A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations / 0< by: W. Decker, G.-M. Greuel, G. PFister, H. Schoenemann \ FB Mathenatik der Uniuersitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern \ > ring r1=0,(X1,X2,U,V1,V2,V3.V4) ,Up(1000002,1 000001 ,1000000,1000,1 ,1 ,100); > poly F1=V1-N13*N2ii; > poly f1=Y1-X1~3*X2"it; > poly f2=V2-X2~3*LT2; > poly F3=Y3-X1~2*U; > poly fii=Y4-J{2*W; > poly FB=N1*N2*W-1; > ideal I=F1,f2,f3,F4,F5; > ideal gI=groebner(I); > reduce(W*X2~6,gI); V1*V2~3*V3"2 > I Figure 6: Computing the optimal solution in system SINGULAR uersion 3-Jan 2B12 JET 57 Brigita Ferčec, Matej Mencinger JET Vol. 8 (2015) Issue 2 References [1] W.W. Adams, P. Loustaunau: An introduction to Gröbner bases: Graduate Studies in Mathematics. 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