5. NEDELJA MED LETOM 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 6/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 5. 2. 2017 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Luč sveta in sol zemlje Jezus je na svet prinesel novo luč. Razsvetljeni z njegovo svetlobo so učenci luč sveta. Z besedami in življenjem oznanjajo svetu Očeta, ki je v nebesih. V Jezusovem času je bil Bog zakrit: povsod je bila tema poganskih kultov, ki so vero spreminjali v vsakdanje navade. Brez prave luči je svet slabel in umiral. Jezus je prišel, da razsvetli svet, da bo lahko človek zopet odkrival Boga. Njegovi učenci so povabljeni, da nadaljujejo njegovo voljo. Vse od dni, ko je bil Jezus razpet in je vstal, smo vsi kristjani poklicani, da svetu oznanjamo resnico o človeku. Ali je človek v jedru pravičen ali krivičen? Krivica in tema nas usužnju-jeta, ker nismo otroci teme. Naše oči in naše duše so ustvarjene za sve­tlobo. Vendar je naše srce razdeljeno. Odpirajo se nam različne poti: neka­tere peljejo daleč v temo tujine, druge pa nas vodijo domov. Na križpotju nas Jezus kliče k spreobrnenju: »Vi ste luč sveta.« Ob njem odkrivamo svoje mesto v božjem povabilu. Mi smo luč, ki naj sveti ljudem vse čase in vekove, tako, da bo večna luč vzplamtela v slehernem človeku. Le tam, kjer na sol ne pazijo in kjer luči ne postavljajo na svetilnik, je nevarnost, da se sol spridi in luč ugasne. Skromni in ponižni, Kristusu zvesti ljudje ne morejo ostati skriti. Njihova vera mora biti očitna. Tema in naspro-tovanja nam ne smejo biti izgovor. Ne smemo se prepuščati zavajanju, praznim obljubam, se zaradi udobja izogibati težav - sicer bomo tudi mi del tragične, temne plati življenja. Prvi kristjani so pričali z življenjem: Z deli ljubezni in zanesljivim značajem. Poleg služenja pa ostaja še globlji smisel našega izgorevanja: luč je znamenje božjega stvariteljstva in njegove prisotnosti. Sonce je vir luči. Pomembna je svetloba in ne svetilka. Svetloba, ki prihaja od Boga, razodeva njegovo slavo. Človek, ki se odloči, da bo izgoreval le za ljudi, postane ošabnež. Le kdor gori Bogu, je resnično pobožen, vreden spoštovanja. Pred Bogom je odgovorno vse človeštvo in vsak posameznik posebej. Naše veliko poslanstvo je ohraniti luč, biti kot sveča, ki se použiva. 58 | VESTNIK 2017 60 | VESTNIK 2017 62 | VESTNIK 2017 64 | VESTNIK 2017 66 | VESTNIK 2017 68 | VESTNIK 2017 VESTNIK 2017 | 59 VESTNIK 2017 | 61 VESTNIK 2017 | 63 VESTNIK 2017 | 65 VESTNIK 2017 | 67 . Do you want our Parish Community to be here in 10 years? . Do you have any memorable mo-ments that were made at St. Gregory the Great Parish? . Do you have any friends from your childhood experiences here at St. Gregory's? . Do you have any memories of your experiences at St. Gregory's that you have ever shared with your children? . Do your children have any memories from St. Gregory the Great Parish? If you answered YES to any one of these questions, your input and support is nec-essary to help ensure our community’s fu-ture. Your parish council has spent countless hours in serious discussion about the fu-ture of our Faith based, social and cultural community. As times change and the world evolves around us, we realize that perhaps we too need to make a few changes to stay current and fulfill the needs and desires of our members. As families grow older, know that we are always here to support you spiritually. As family life gets busier, we can provide you with a calm environment where families can get away from hectic schedules. As lives get complicated, know that this is a place where you can build life long relationships, come together and share a story or two, or give each other the gift of friendship. But ... in order to do this, we need your help! We need your suggestions and fresh ideas on how to ensure that our communi-ty is a current one. These are difficult questions that need to be asked and we hope that you are will-ing to share your thoughts and ideas with us. We need to hear what you think are the pros and cons of our community, and where you think we need to make some changes. Yes, some of these things may be hard to hear, but this conversation is a necessary one. Along with this conversation, we also need people to step forward and lend a hand a time or two. If you have any suggestions or ideas, or if you are willing to help out in any way, we urge you to contact us by email at: slove-nianstrong@gmail.com or by telephone at: 905-561-5971. We welcome everyone’s input! Remember, . the time to act is now, . the time to make a difference is now, . the time to ensure our Slovenian com-munity lives on is now! The Future of St. Gregory the Great Parish, our Slovenian Church and Cultural Community Reminder! Our fundraising social is Saturday February 11th, 2017 start-ing at 6:30 pm. Admission tickets are $20 and include entry, a buffet at 8:00 pm and the chance to win some great door prizes. Try your luck and skill on games for chances to win prizes or additional raffle tickets for fabulous prizes. Game and raffle ticket packages will be available at the door and can be purchased for $20 or $40. Try your luck at 50/50, Joker Poker, or Toonie Toss. Additional toonies will be available. Anyone who is interested, we could always use a few more hands on Friday and/or during the event. So If you've got time, please call Heidy 905-317-6002 or Sonya 905-902-6311 to help out. For anyone who loves to bake, we always welcome pecivo and treats to share with the guests who come out. So … bring your family and friends. Let’s Raise the Roof and have a great time! How this will work ... MAŠA PRI DRUŠTVU SAVA IN TRIGLAV V nedeljo, 12. februarja bo ob 12h maša pri društvu Sava - Breslau. Darovala se bo za pokojno družino Fabjan: Viktorja, Marijo in Vikija; in za pokojne starše Antonijo in Alojza Prilesnika - po namenu Marije Prilesnik z družino. Maša bo tudi za pokojnega Pepita in starše Mirt, po namenu Martina Mirt z družino. Ob 4:00 h popoldne pa bo sveta maša za člane društva Triglav v cerkvi St. John the Divine v Londonu. PRE-LENTEN RETREAT St. Ann’s Parish, Ancaster is offering a Pre-Lenten Retreat with Fr. Dave Pivonka. The Retreat will run from Monday, February 27th thru Wednesday, March 1st inclusive, beginning at 7:00 pm each evening. For more information please call St. Ann’s Parish, Ancaster at 905-648-6874, or check out their website at www.stannsparish.ca. All are welcome. Članice CWL vztrajno delajo »nudlce« in tu in tam še kakšna nova roka priskoči na pomoč. PRIPRAVE NA BAZAR 2017 5TH SUNDAY IN OT Response: Light rises in the darkness for the upright. First Reading Isaiah 58:7-10 Kindness towards others brings light to a dark-ened world. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Paul relies on the power of God rather than any show of oratory or philosophy in order to convey his knowledge of the crucified Christ. Gospel Matthew 5:13-16 The disciples of Jesus are to be salt and light to the earth, so that their good works may bring praise to our heavenly Father. “Seeing your good works, they may give the praise to your Father in heaven.” Illustration If you are preparing to take your car to Europe on holiday, it is essential to find out the require-ments of each of the countries through which you will be travelling in regard to emergency equip-ment. Some require a high-visibility jacket for each of the occupants of the car, some a replacement set of light bulbs, some an emergency triangle to place behind a broken-down car. It is important to be pre-pared for every eventuality so that you can both see and be seen. How often it happens that motorists, pedestrians and cyclists are involved in accidents because they wear dark clothing on inadequately lit roads. Without decent lights, they cannot see properly where they are going. Without bright clothing, they cannot be seen by drivers in fast-moving traffic. Gospel Teaching This same principle is true also in the work of evangelisation, as we see in today’s scripture read-ings. For St Paul, the power of the Gospel comes not from his ability to use the clever arguments of phi-losophers and theologians, but from the power of God. Paul simply expresses what he knows about Jesus and especially about the death and resurrec-tion of Jesus, and then he allows the Spirit of God to work in the hearts and minds of those who listen to him. It is the power of God that enlightens the hearts of believers, not intellectual arguments, and that light is to be seen in the simplicity and integrity of Paul’s life and teaching. Reading the prophet Isaiah, we find that when God enlightens our mind and heart, we begin to see things differently. We discover our responsibility for the life and welfare of others, especially those who are poor and oppressed. Enlightened by grace, we are moved to share our bread with those who are hungry, care for those who are homeless and op-pressed; when we do this, we bring light and hope into the darkness of their lives. By the light of God’s grace, we see and we are seen. Similarly, in the Gospel, Jesus lets his disciples know that he hasn’t shared the light of his love with them so that they can keep it to themselves. He wants his light to shine in them and through them for all the world to see. Jesus knows that the witness of lives that have been changed by love is the light that can transform a darkened world. When we see our world in the light of the love of Jesus, we will be empowered to respond to the needs of people all around us and they will experience God’s love for them and praise God. Application When we think about all the issues that face our world today, we can be overwhelmed and won-der how we can possibly make a difference. The news seems to get worse by the day. The lives of millions of people across the globe have been dis-rupted by war and violence. Refugees flee from their homes in search of a better life; countries to which they flee are closing their borders in an effort to protect their own way of life and culture. There seems to be no end to the conflict and little hope of a resolution. Closer to home, selfishness and greed seem to dominate our political decision-making and affect even the relationships within our families. Wherever we look, the darkness is closing around us. We need a light to help us navigate through this hopeless prospect. We cannot do it on our own. But we are disciples of Jesus. From the mo-ment of his death on the cross, when darkness en-shrouded the earth, the light of his love, revealed in his resurrection from the dead, has been the beacon shining into our hearts to show us the way to life. He has enlightened us with a Gospel of love. He gives us confidence to persevere in love in spite of all that works against us, whether this is the world around us or the doubts and fears of our own hearts. He has sent us to bring the light of his love to others. It may only be simple acts of kindness and generosity, a word of encouragement or for-giveness and healing. Even these little sparks of love are sufficient to dispel the darkness of people’s lives and give them hope. With the light of Christ, we ourselves can see and we will be seen helping the world to avoid the greatest catastrophe of self-destruction. Vsi, ki letos obhajate pomembne obletnice porok, ste v nedeljo, 25. junija 2017, vabljeni k zahvalni sveti maši v katedralo-baziliko Kristusa kralja v Hamiltonu. Pričetek maša bo ob 1:30 p.m.. Na oglasni deski imate listič, ki ga izpolnite in pošljete na označeni naslov, najkasneje do 1. junija 2017. Za več informacij lahko pokličete škofijo: 905-528-7988 Ext. 2249. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Naslednje pevske vaje za mešni zbor bodo v četrtek, 9. februarja po večerni maši. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI - 11. februar: St. Gregory the Great - Fundraiser event - »Raise the Roof« - 12. februar: Sava-Breslau - Prešernov kulturni dan z mašo, kosilom in kulturnim programom; Triglav-London - maša ob 4:00 p.m. v cerkvi St. John the Divine - 13. februar: Bled - Family Day Lunch - 25. februar: St. Gregory the Great - Pustovanje - 5. marec: CWL -St. Gregory the Great - Letni Bazar GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠATA . 5. februar, 9:30 a.m.: Thomas in Alenka Košir . 12. februar, 9:30 a.m.: Ignac in Terezija Kolenko . 19. februar, 9:30 a.m.: Gizela Hauzar & Emilija Mertuk . 26. februar, 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin CWL KŽZ Bazaar preparations 2017 are well on their way: CWL Blue Lottery tickets - Lottery tickets are being sold before and after both Sunday masses. We hope our parishioners will support and participate in our ticket sales by purchasing them. They are $5/ for 10 tickets. All money raised from selling these lottery tickets go directly to our parish. Please support our CWL BLUE LOTTERY TICKET fundraising effort. Members with ticket booklets please do your best to sell them. Booklets that remain unsold a week or 2 before Bazaar, kindly return them to give the opportunity to sell them to someone else. Strudel pre-orders are no longer available but strudel will be sold in single serving pieces at the Bazaar. Penny Sale and Raffle table: every year we appeal to the generosity of our members and parishioners to consider donating new or nearly new items for our Penny Sale table. Our Raffle table would require new items only. It is this generous spirit in our community that has allowed our Bazaar to be a success every year. We hope this year will be equally as successful. Petcivo - we ask our members to bring baking to our bazaar. Members of our CWL we hope we can look forward to your help and support of our once a year big fundraising effort. Lunch Tickets - will be sold starting next Sunday Feb.12 before Sunday masses. Advance Adult tickets are $15. $20 at the door. Children 4-10 are $5. Children 3 and under are free. Reservation contact number is Teresa Sarjas at 905-560-1218. Bazaar is an over 40 year tradition of family and friends coming together for an afternoon of fun. We look forward to your support for 2017! Our proceeds go in support of our parish. Thank you to those members who have paid their 2017 membership fees. Outstanding membership fees can be given directly to Pamela or Milena or placed into Sunday masses collection baskets. Please continue your support, renew your membership, non members....come join us! ... become a member. Let us continue our 48 years tradition ... we need an infusion of new people, fresh ideas and helping hands to continue successfully. Your membership and help are very important to us and our community. CANADIAN SLOVENIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY 13TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DOM LIPA BOARD ROOM 52 Neilson Dr. Toronto, ON M9C 1V7 We are inviting all members and friends of the CSHS to attend the 13th Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday, February 11th 2017, starting with registration and refreshments at 9:30 a.m. The executive members of the Board will present re-ports of the activities held during the past year. You will have the opportunity to meet new Board mem-bers and volunteers and visit the Archives office. Join us and help us to preserve the history of Canadian Slovenians. We appreciate your interest in the CSHS, as well as your comments and your sug-gestions. - ALL WELCOME! KANADSKO SLOVENSKO ZGOD. DRUŠTVO TRINAJSTI REDNI LETNI OBČNI ZBOR V DOMU LIPA, BOARD ROOM 52 Neilson Dr. Toronto, ON M9C 1V7 Vabimo vse člane in prijatelje KSZD, da se udeležite trinajstega letnega občnega zbora, ki se bo vršil v soboto 11. februarja 2017 v spodnjih prostorih Doma Lipe (Board Room), pričenši z registracijo in prigrizkom ob 9:30 zjutraj. Člani izvršnega odbora vam bodo predstavili poročila o delu v preteklem letu. Ob tej priložnosti se boste lahko srečali z novimi člani odbora in prostovoljci KSZD ter si ogledali Arhivsko pisarno. Pridružite se nam in nam pomagajte ohranjati zgodovino kanadskih Slovencev. Zelo so cenjneni vaši nasveti in pripombe. VSI ste DOBRODOŠLI! SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO SAVA - BRESLAU: KULTURNI PRAZNIK Slovensko društvo Sava vabi vse člane in prijatelje, da se nam, 12. februarja 2017, pridružite na praznovanju Prešernovega dne, ki je največji slovenski kulturni praznik. Ob 12:00h se bomo zbrali v društveni dvorani k sveti maši - vodil jo bo g. Drago Gačnik. Po maši bo kosilo in nato, okrog 2:00 p.m. kulturni program. Gost kulturnega programa bo, slovenski igralec in posnemovalec dr. Franceta Prešerna, Pavle Ravnohrib. Obeta se nam prijetno, družabno in kulturno popoldne. Razveselimo se vsi skupaj in ohranjajmo naše kulturne korenine. Cena kosila je $16.00 po osebi, za mladino $10.00, za otroke do 12 leta pa je brezplačno. Za rezervacijo kosila pokličite Zinko Mirt na telefonsko številko 519-884-6194 ali Angelo Prilesnik na številko 519-579-8620. 5. NEDELJA MED LETOM 5. FEBRUAR Agata, devica-mučenka † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Štefka Rihar Franc in Vera Paulin Štefan in Verona Prša 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Mož Družina Košir Jože in Marija Magdič PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 6. FEBRUAR Doroteja, mučenka † Stan Terhljan, obl. 7:00 P.M. Joey in Kathy Terhljan TOREK - TUESDAY 7. FEBRUAR Nika, redovnica † Vera Murn 8:00 A.M. Družina Klepec SREDA - WEDNESDAY 8. FEBRUAR Hieronim, redovnik † † Jožef Nedelko Neža Mihelčič, obl. 7:00 P.M. Štefan in Francka Antolin Helena Špiler z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 9. FEBRUAR Apolonija, mučenka † † Frank Novak Vid Kstelic, obl. 7:00 P.M. Žena Romana z družino Žena Milka z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 10. FEBRUAR Sholastika, redovnica † Jože in Štefan 7:00 P.M. Brat Ignac z družino SOBOTA - SATURDAY 11. FEBRUAR Luška Mati Božja Benedikt, menih †† †† † † †† †† Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Za duše v vicah Marija Hausner Marija Hausner Rožman Olga in vsi pokojni Guido in Melita Krizonič 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino N.N. (2) Jože in Marija Magdič Terezija Zadravec Družina Mlačak Sam Husič 6. NEDELJA MED LETOM 12. FEBRUAR Evlalija, mučenka †† † †† †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Ignac in Marija Kolenko Ivan Tompa John Recek Pokojni člani društva Sava Pokojni šlani društva Triglav 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 4:00 P.M. Ignac in Terezija Kolenko Verona in Joe Tompa Žena z družino Sava-Breslau St. John the Divine-London SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 5. 2. 2017 Do 12. 2. 2017 RAISE THE ROOF