............ mdalj PROSVETA —-—— Cana Usta Je »8.00 GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE MDt Uradniški in upravniškl' prostori: 8067 South Lawndala Ar«. Of flot of Publication: 8667 8. Lawndala Ava. Talaphona, Rockwall 4004 K*Ur«4 m »mnmi »I— ter Juna U. IMS, «i Um »Mt-«ffer a» Cfciaaco. Illinois, under Um Aat of c, 1937 Subscription «6.00 Yearly ftTE V.—N l) M HER 23 MILICA ZASTRA-ŽILA AVTNE TÜ-VARNEVFUNTU 0»emnaj»t ranjenih v bitki • policijo . MILITARISTICNA BLOKADA Accaptanca for mailing at ipacial rata of poaUga provided for ta aaetion UOS. Act of 0«t. 3, 1017. authorised on Juna 14. 101» Izkaz imán agitatorjev, ki so projoli »sobno nagrado v (asu kampanjo za mladinski oddolok Ime —Clan društva-št. v Dobil članov Klint, Mich* 2. febr. — Prvič po izbruhu stavke avtnih delavcev so državni miličniki zastra-žili tovarne korporacije General Motors. Ta akcija je sadila spopadu med stavkarji *in kom panijskimi policaji v veliki tovarni Chevrolet Co„ v katerem je bilo 18 oseb ranjenih. Vae druge enote državne milice, o-krog 4200 mož, so bile mobilizirane po izgredih. Nova nasilstva so izzvala nadaljnjo sedečo stavko v tovarni it. 4 Chevrolet Co., zaeno pa so unijaki organizatorji zapretili, da se bo stavka raztegnila na vse tovarne General Motors. Situacija je vsekakor kritična in pojavile so se govorice, da bo predsednik Roosevelt pozvan, naj poseže v konflikt, Državna milica je stopila v akcijo, ko so mestne in okrajne avtoritete informirale governer-ja Murphyja, da ne morejo kontrolirati bojevitih stavkarjev in drugih, ki so zavojevani v ljuti borbi z mogočno avtno korporacije. Okrog 1200 miličnikov je /.aaedlo pozicije okrog tovarn korporacije in formiralo vojaško blokado. Miličniki so oboroženi s puškami, strojnicami in plinskimi bombami. Dobili so |K>velje, da ne smejo pustiti nobenega v bližino tovarn, če nimg > dovoljenja od avtoritet. Sinoči je četa miličnikov prišla v tovarno št. 9 Chevrolet Co., kjer se je včeraj popoldne vršila najbolj vroča bitka med stavkarji in policijo. Vkorakali so v tovarno z nasajenimi bajoneti na puškah in zastražili vse vhode. Bitka se je pričela, ko so-kompanijski policaji skušali razkropiti stavkovno stražo 30 delavcev v tovarni. Kompanij-nkim policajem je priskočila na pomoč mestna policija, temu pa je sledila bitka zunaj tovarne, kjer se je zbrala velika množica demonstrantov. Kobert Travis, organizator avtne unije, je dejal, da je kom-panijska policija, oborožena z revolverji, količki in plinskimi Ixtmhami, naskočila stavkarje v tovarni. O napadu so bili takoj obveščeni drugi avtni delavci, ki ho se zbrali na svojem shodu, nakar so pridrveli na pozorišče bitke. Na apel unijskih organizatorjev so se delavci razkropi' li. Organizatorji so jih urgi-rali, naj pridejo na masni shod, na katerem bodo razpravljali O načrtih splošne stavke v tovarnah korporacije General Motors. Dva delavca, Morley Craft in Kmerson P. Huggard, sta bila težko ranjena v spopadu s kom partijskimi policaji. Poveljniki državne milice ao zanikali govorice o razglasu ob-sednega stanja. Governer Murphy je tudi izjavil, da ne bo o-klical o I mednega stanja, ker bi to bilo v prilog korporaciji v Usnjem konfliktu z avtno unijo, k#r bi lahko izstradala sedeče »tavkarje v njenih tovarnah. Fabijan Honrath .................289 Anton Udovič ....................201 Frank Primosich .................. 63 Društvo št. 115..................... Louis Mrmolja .....................142 Joseph Caeaar ......................715 Joseph Kosich ........................ 8 L. A. Buffett!........................631 M. A. Belin..............................715 Anton Skoberne ....................275 Moiitev 9-letne deklice razburja Ameriko SneedvUle, Tenn., 3. jen. — V*a Amerika se je začela zanimati za devetletno dekletce Eu-»ke Johna, ki je bilo zadnje dni izročena z 22-letnim tel šest iev-tjev \ iaokim farmarskim hru-Zakoni držav« Tenneeeee zabranjuj«jo takih otroških Mitev in zdaj ae oglaša močna «h te v a, da je treba to zabreni-k Mike' kažejo malo nevestJco "f dete napram njenemu še- ri#» John Troha ........... John Orsskovleh Anton Rozanec ..... Anton Bartolj ...... Vera Machek......L. Valentin Ručigay . Ludwik Medveftek . Anton Zornlk ...... Martin Urbaa Jr... Leo Schweiger Frank Bregar....... Vincent Yaksetich Frank Kolenc ....... John Bsn ............... George Smrekar ... Mary Peterlin ....... Frank Pechnik ..... Leonard Werdinek Frank Paulenich ... John Benchan ....... Steve Sfieko ..... John Artach........... John Ambrose ....... Matt Lavrnja ..... ..............138 ••aaaaaaaoaaaa 3 ..............300 ..............518 ..............231 ..............648 .............. 8 • mmmmimI« 97 ..............584 .............. 50 ..............361 ..............407 ..............118 ..............122 ..............442 .............. 21 .............. 29 .............. 31 ..............217 ..........459 .............. 14 .............218 ..............421 Tire Hill Pa............................»3 Ludlow, Colo.........................50 Rillton, Pa.............................47 Jollet, 111.................................42 Cleveland, O. ..........................39 Universal, Pa. ........................31 Chicago, III.............................31 Chicago, IU.............................30 Universal, Pa. ........................30 Maynard, O. .....................„...25 Canada. Anton Zupančič.....................494 Canonsburg, Pa. Johnstown, Pa. , Braddock, Pa. ... Detroit, Mich. ... Primrose, Pa. Toronto, Ont., Cleveland, O. Herminie, Pa. Southview, Pa. ................ Milwaukee, Wis............... ( Hnton, Ind..................... Mclntyre, Pa. .................. Windsor Heights, W. Va Ptttaburgh, Pa................. Aliquippa, Pa...... Cleveland, O....... Pueblo, Colo. ....... Thomas, W. Va. . Sharon, Pa. ......... Davis, W. Va........ Flint, Mich........: Waukegan, III...... Denver, Colo..... Wind ber, Pa. ...... Point Marion, Pa .25 .22 .22 .22 .21 .18 .17 .16 .15 .15 .14 .14 ...........13 ...........13 ...........13 ...........12 aaasstaaaas* 1> ..........:n ...........n .......t...i i ............19 ............10 .......U..10 ............10 Gornjemu poročilu naj dodamo toliko, da je pri agitaciji sodelovalo mnogo več članov kot izkazuje seznam ln ki so pridobili manj kot 10 članov ter prejeli le redne nagrade. Imena tah smo izpustili is razloga, ker bi bil Izkaz preobširen, kar, upamo, da bodo prizadeti oprostili. Vaše delo, te tudi niso Imena objavljena, je ravno tako cenjeno, kot delo agitatorjev tega seznama In upamo, da vsi nadaljujete s agitacijo ga SNPJ. TAJNlfiTVO. Domače vesti Seja gl. odbora SNPJ Chicago. — Letna seja gl. odbora SNPJ se prične prihodnji pondeljek, dne 8. t. m., v konferenčni sobi jednotinega poslopja. Gl. nadzorniki, ki pregledujejo knjige in račune, so že na delu. Obiski Chicago. — Gl. urad SNPJ in uredništvo Prosvete so zadnje dni obiskali: Agnes Bohinjc in Angelina Mirkovič iz Blanforda, Ind., ter Anton, John in Agnes Rose I iz Terre Hauta, Ind. Prvi predsednik KSKJ obležal! mrtev v cerkvi U Salle, 111. — Jožef Stükelj, star 71 let, prvi predsednik Kranjsko - slovenske katoliške jednote, je zadnjo nedeljo naglo umrl na pragu tukajšnje slovenske cerkve sv. Roka, ko j« z ženo prišel k maši. Zadela ga je srčna kap. Pokojni Stukelj, doma iz Semič« v Beli Krajin), j« bil med pionirji. Cez 40 let je bival v Jolietu in v La Salle se je priselil pred sedmimi leti. Za-pušč* ženo, Šest odraslih sinov in hčera, dva brata in tri sestre. Iloah* umrl v Pennl Johnstown, Pa—-Dne 29. jan. je umrl za atŠno hibo Anton Urbaa, star 70 let in rojen v 2iv-ših pri Rakeku. V Ameriki j« bil 38 let in Zapušča Štiri otroke in sestro Mary Jsmnik v Imperialu, Ps. Zens mu je umrl« pred sedmimi leti. Bil je člsn društva 44 8NPJ, društva 36 J8KJ in soc. kluba v Conamaughu. Pogreb je bil civilen. Nov grub v Ohiu • Akron. O.—Tu je naglo umrl Martin Podobnik, star 46 let in doma od Stare Oeeiiee nad Škof jo Loko. Bil je član društva i« SNPJ in ta zapušča '««tro Fran cee Jež, v stari dom r vini pa mater. dva sinova In tri sestre. Pogreb j« bil cKilcn. Trije warli v tleveiaad« Clevelsnd — Rojsk John Bis-tek j« zadnjo soboto naglo umrl pri zdravniku, ko ga j« ta pregie- Madrid. 2. febr. — Poveljstvo španske vladne milic« poroča o novih zmagah vladnih čet na obrežju Biskajskega zaliva na severu Španije in v okolici Gra-nade na jugu. Baskiške čete na severu so okupirale Elbar. Ordl-no in Marquino In v teh operacijah je bilo mnogo fašistov ubitih. Ofenziva v bližini Granade na jugu ae vrši z namenom, da vlada olajša fašistični pritisk na Malago. Na madridski fronti j« potekel že tretji dan brez bojev, rasen eporadičnega topniškega obstreljevanja. Nadupje mag« španskih miličnikov Prodiranje proti Granada na jugu Španije Splošno zatiranje spohih bolezni Ljudstvo opozorjeno na nevarnoat Chicago, 2. febr.—Dan splošne socialne hipi jen« je jutri, ko bodo zdravniki in zdravniške or-ganizacije opozorile ljudstvo na nevarnoat sifilisa in drugih spolnih bolssnl, da tako vzbudijo splošno pogoraost na kampanjo pobijanja tah bolezni. Vodatvo kampanje je previs-la Ameriška gveza socialne higi-jena, kateri načeluje dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, predsednik universe Leland Stanford in bivši notranji tajnik v Hoovrovem ka- .......................binetu. V Chitagu je Illinoiska ....................... liga aodatoe higijene sklicala konferenco, naj kateri bodo raa-pravijali o zatiranju spolnih bolezni. Z njo sodeluje Cikaška medicinska zve» in druge organizacije. Dr. Thomas Parzfcn, član federalnega zdravstvenega biroja, je obljubil sodelovanje v kampanji. O Ameriški »vosi socialne higijena ja dejal, da se je lotila hvaležna nalogle, ker je napovedala vojno spolnim boleznim« ki zahtevajo tisoča Žrtev vsako leto. Kampanjo ja še odobrila konferenca zdravnikov, ki se je nedavno vršila v Washington u ln ipa kateri so raapTsMjali o kontroli apolnlh bolezni. Dr. Wilbur j* dajal, da zdravniška veda lahko za tre «ifilie v dobi ene generacije, ako bo dana zdravnikom prilika, da aplicira jo vsa metode, ki ao bila odkrite v zadnjih letih in ao ae iakaaala učinkovite pri katiranju apolnlh bolezni. i "Kadar bo vJklOMimeriška družina opozarjala avoje otroke na nevarnost. spolnih bolezni, ksko se jim lahko izognejo in kaj morajo storiti, ako se jih naleaajo, ko bo izginila pretirana sramežljivost — tedaj ne bomo imeli več žrtev spolnih bpl«znt", je rekel dr. Wilbur.t "Kadar aa bo v«aka občina zavedala svoje odgovornosti ln odprto sodelovala pri pobijanju spolnih bolezni, tedaj bo amariško ljudstvo v resnici uživalo zdravje In srečo." Predavanje o Španiji v Tomanovi knjiinici Chicago, 2. ftebr, — V Toma-novi podružnici' čikaška Javne knjižnice na oglu Crawford a ve. (Pulaski Rd.) in 27. ulice bo prihodnji petek, dne 5. februarja, ob 8:80 zvečer španski konzul Luis Perez v Chicago predaval o današnji Španiji. Po govoru bodo odgovori na vprašanja. Vsakdo v tsj okolici, ki se zanima za po poklicu rudsr.U^mitt v ftpanljl, j«, povabljen. -4-1" -~4-"FVstop je prost. ■ Dragocene elike • ukradene v I tali ti Vlterbo. Italija. 2. febr.—Naznani tatovi so odnesli Iz tukajšnje katedrale sedem redkih In dragocenih «lik Iz 14. atotstja. Policija j« zastrsžils mesto, ker računa, da bodo tatovi skušsll u tihotapi t i sHke v inozemstvo. — Dalje je umrla e bolnišnici Marie Duša, roj. C«rtek. stara 28 let in roJ«na v Clevcien-du. Zapušča moža. dva sinova In očeta. — Umrla je tudi Marijana Žafran. roj. Kranje. etara ŠO M ln doma Iz Rakitne pri Borovnici da val. Zadela ga j« kap. ŠUr j«jV AmerikiJ« bila «0 let lat« bM 56 let in rojen v Razdrtem Izpušča "»a. a i na, e, Francije In Neo*lje Washington, D. C. — (FP) — Eksekutlva unije United Tex-tile Workers of America je na svoji seji sprejela resolucijo, v kateri obljubuje vsestransko podporo avtnlm stavkarjem pri korporaciji General Motora, poleg tega pa urgirá bojkotiranje produktov te korporacija. Koplje reaolucije so bile poslane delavski tajnici, Johnu L. Lewi su, načelniku Odbora atrijsko organizacijo uniji. V posebnem pismu, eksekutlva naalovlla jem, pravi, "da bo tekstilna unija odločno podpirala to borbo proti mogočni korporaciji. Zavedamo ae, da se borite tudi za naa. Upamo, da boste zmagali in ta zmaga ne bo samo vaša, temveč vaega organiziranega delavstva v Zdrušenih drŽavah." Lewls je v razgovoru s poročevalci dejal, da aedeča stavka v tovarnah korporacije ne bo preklicana. To ja glavno oroftje v sedanjem konfliktu. "Sloanu In drugim uradnikom korporaalja na moremo zaupati, k^ so naa še enkrat prevarali," je rekel Lewis. "Ako me kdo prevari enkrat, je njagova krivda; Če me dvakrat, je moja. Anderson, Ind., nam ja dal dober ggled. Kakor hitro je bila sedeča stav-ka preklicana Je korporaalja mobilizirala armado vlgilantov, ki zdaj ustrahuje avtne delavoe. Poročila govorijo o terorizmu, ki je sledil izpraanltvi tovarn. To Je posledica, kar so stavkarji verjeli korporaciji, da ne bo obnovila obrata, dokler bodo trajala pogajanja. Obljubo je prelomila kakor hitro ao se stavkarji umaknili is tovarn." Unija avtnih dslavcsv Je pozvala delavako tajnico, naj odredi preiskavo napada na unij-sks organizatorja v Saginawu. Mich. fttlrje organizatorji ao bili ranjeni v tam napadu. Lewls Je bil dalja vprašan, če se bo udeležil skupne konf«renče s Fllntsko zvezo in korpora-cijo. "Ml ne bomo konferireli a Fllntsko zveao, ki pomaga korporaciji pri razbijanju stav-ke," Je bil I*wlaov odgovor. Kanada bo inkorpori-rala Dionnove petorke ()ttawa, Ont., 2. febr. — Var-hl Dionnovih petork ao aprejeli načrt, na podlagi katerega Imajo biti pstorks inkorporirane kot "korporacija" a namenom, da Jih bo z«kon ščitil pred neštetimi Hkcrnsmi komercialnega izkoriščanja v Kanadi in Združenih državah. Neštete tvrdke Iščejo do-vol jen j a proti mastnemu plačilu z« porabo imen petork kot tržne znamk« In deklic j« nemogoče zavarovati proti tej in alični no Uiričnosti, če niso postavno In-korporlrane kot nekaJtfna "družila' Stavka kavču• kar je v v Ckicagu Chkago — Dssl a« j« kampanj« aa organiziranje 10,000 kavčukarakih deUvcev v Chire-gu komaj pričela, j« ž« rezulti-raJa v stoodstotni stavki pri U-nion. AmbrnUm 4 Rubber Co. v Cloeru (18. In 64. eesU). Druši* upoaluje okrog 360 delavcev, ki zahtevajo prlsnanj« kavčuk«rake unija tn 2T* povišanj« pU/^ Organizirali ao ae ekrivom« v dobrem tednu In zastavkali do zadnjega delavca, ukijučivši uradniška moči. nasipe ob Cairo, 111. Nižine ob reki MUmaap. pi poplavljene Cairo, III., 2. febr. -- Po vetru razburkane vode udarjajo ob zaailno ateno, kl Je bila zgrajena na vrhu dolgega nasipa, ki obdaja to mesto. V dveh krajih je voda že porušila steno, toda upanje je, da meato ne bo poplavljano. Naaipl ob &alru ao viaoki 60 čevljev ln voda je aamo lest palcev pod vrhom nasipov. Union kCtty, Temu 2. febr. .— Pri Hlckmanu, Ky., ja voda dosegla vrh velikega jez« ln vse kaša, da bo nižjj dal mesta poplavljen. Prebivalcem sicer ne preti nobena nevarnoat, kar se lahko vsak čas umaknejo v gornji del meata, ki aa dviga ob hribu. Reka Miaalaaippl ja tu široka 20 milj. Ako se bodo naaipl ob Hlckmanu zrušili pod pritiakom vode, bo poplava zajela meato Tip-tonvllla, ki leži 18 milj južno od Hlckmana. Vaa dolina ob Hiok-manu ja pod vodo In v nekaterih krajih aa dvigajo is vode le strehs hiš. Voda aq obkolile Tiptonvllle a treh atranl. Reka Mississippi si je izdolbla/ pot v staro strugo ob obronku mesta, ki Ja bila suha dvajset lat. Razen glavne u-lice so vse druge pod vodo. Vse ceste, ki vodijo v Tiptonvllle, so aastrašlle vojaška četa. ^ Kriza japonske Politične stranke odklonile sodelovanje s militarist! , Tokia» S. febr. — Premier 8en-Juro Hajašl Je končno seats vi I vlado ln s tem Je bila kriza, ki se j« pričela 23. januerj«, ko J« moral kabinet premier J a Kokija Hirot« reeigniratl pod pritiskom oatre kritike v parlamentu, končana. General Hajašl, ki Je bil prominenten milltarističnl vodja v Koreji in pozneje ntflltafiatične kampanje v Mandžuriji, je dobil tudi portf«lje ministra zunanjih zadev In proevete. Naotake Sato, japonski poslanik v Franciji, bo dobil pozicijo zunanjega ministra, ko ae vrne v Tokio, Glavni politični stranki, ki vodit« opozicijo proti milltarističnl kliki, sta odklonili sodelovsnje z novo vlado. Mošnost je, da boeta s svojo opozicijo Izsilili razpust parlament«. KIJI Amau, predntavnlk zunanjega urada, k zdaj olslolžll sovjetske avtoritet« nadlegovanja mornarjev na Japonskih parni-kih ter odpiranja privatnih pl-aom Dejal Je, da sovjetske avtoritete to delajo kljub aagoto vllu, da ne bodo ovirale japon ske (»morske trgovine v bližini Vladivoetoka. Japonska bo sdaj vložila protest pri moskovski vladi. _ Ameriški odbor brani Leona Trockija New York, 2. febr. — Ameriški odbor za obrambo I*ons Tro-ckljs je včeraj nsznsnll, ds pričo« kmalu z skcijo s namenom, d« raskrinka procese v Moskvi kot "šksndslosno omrašsnjs" In očisti Trocklj« vseh obdolžitev, ki so bile Izrečena napram nJemu v teh proreal h, K«kor poročajo In Moskve, m» v teku pri-prsve M tretji proces, pri ksU* ram leido na zatožni klopi Hubs rtei, Rikov, K«kovakjj, Trocklj«v sin Sergij in žurn«list Rom V r/men Jenem Ameriškem odboru so med drugimi profesor John |**ey. socislističnl vodj« Nor-men Thorn««, llsrry WTLaider, Gsetano Cslvetilnl, M«z Ksst msn ln prof Psul Brissenden a Columbije. RAZPRAVA 0 VLADIN1 KONTROLI INDUSTRU De la vske organizacije podpirajo O'Maho-neyjev načrt PRITISK NA KORPa RACllE Washington, D. C. — (FP) — Senatni juatlčnl odsek ja pričal a aaališanjem o zakonitem načrtu glede federalnega lloenai-ranja industrij, ki so udeležena v meddržavni trgovini. Avtor načrta je senator J. C. 0'Ma-honey. Ta je po mnenju mnogih najvažnejša zakonodaja, o kateri bo raapravljal kongres v aadanjem zasedanju. . I i Načrt med drugim določa, da morajo vae korporacija, ki so udeležene v meddržavni trgovini, dobiti federalno dovoljenja, toda dobila ga bodo le ona, ki se zavežejo, da bodo odpravila otroško dalo In prlzhale kolek« tlvno pogajanje. Vlada na bo silila nobene korporacija, da to stori, toda svojo trgovino bo morala omejiti na državo, V ka» tari Je Inkorporirana. Med prvimi, ki ao nastopili pred senatnim j ustlčnlm odso» kom, so bill William Groan, predsednik Amariške delavska federacija, Charlton Ogburn. pravni svetovalec ADF ln dr. Charles A. Beard, zgodovinar. Argumentirali so, da ja feda-ralna vlada odgovorna za silen razmah korporaclj v zadnjih letih. Te adaj davijo ekonomski razvoj ameriškega naroda, sato Je dolžnost kongresa, da ta-Ščiti ljudstvo pred brezobzirno eksploatacljo. Possmezne dr-žsve so brez moči proti mogočnim korporacijam} edino feda> rslna vlada Jih lahko kontrolira. Green Je dsjal, da Amarillea delavska federacija in druge delavske organizacije podpirajo O'Mahonejev načrt. "Amerika m Je komaj izvlekla is največje depresije v zgodovini in U jI preti druga,'f je rekel Green. "Ml moramo najti pot, da ae o-meji oblast korporaclj in 0*a Mahonejev načrt nam Je pokazal to pot. Problem kontrole J« zadeva federalne vlade ln ona ga mora rešiti, drugače bo deša-la zabredla v novo gospodarsko krizo." Ogburn Js reksl, da Je feda. ralno vrhovno sodišče s svojim nedavnim odlokom, da kongrea lahko Izključi kaanllnlške Izdelke Iz meddržavne trgovine, priznalo, da Je taka trgovine pod-vržena federalni regulaciji. Nobenega dvoma ni, da bo sodišča razglasilo O'MahoneyJsv zakon za ustavnega, če bo sprejet f kongresu. Hitlerjev reiim financiral 700,000 porok Berlin, 2. febr. — Hitlerjev finančni minister poroča, da j« bil poziv n« ženltev revnih fantov in deklet v Nemčiji, katerim vladsVlsča im^r^tW, velik uspsh. Odzvslo se Je 700,000 (isrov la Ivlsds jim Je izplsčals 150 milijonov mark. Te len it ve so prinesle narijskl Nemčiji pol mUU joos otrok . . . -7" Borah proti kongreš-ni reviziji todiUa Washington, D. C., 2. febr. «á Senator Borah as j« vč«raj v sv«* jem govoru v senatu odprto po* stavil na č«lo opoziciji, katera nasprotuj« vs«ki omejitvi federalnega vrhov nsgs sodišč« s kon-grasnlml nsrsdbami Edin« u-« t sv os In damokratična pot aa I kakršnokoli postopanj« n«pram vrhovnemu sodišču Je amendir»-nje ustav«, je izjavil Borah. 3. FEBRUARJA v obilnem ¿Uvilu. da »i izvoliu d«lt «mu, dm ne bMU potom kriMrnh Naznanja» tudi v Mm članom. da pobiram društveni aeeamaat vaako drugo, tretjo hi Četrto nedeljo t dvorani 8NPJ od 9. are do 11J6. Proeim vrne, da bolj redno plašujeto mesečni aaae-ment. ». Lovk J. Leaaar. Ujnik. ® Uradne vesti društev S^PJ Kip. Mirna.—Vai ¿lani in ¿lanice društva Prvi Majnik št 2«H SNPJ ae opozarjajo, da aa udeležijo v velikem številu prihodnje m je, ki te bo vršila T. februarja v JND ob aedmi (7.) vri sveder. Na dnevnem redu bo vohtov delegata m II. redne konvencijo. Upam, da noben ¿lan ali ¿laniea nt iaoatane! Joeeph MaveU al-. ' predaednik. KAVI bolj« OKUS in AROMO Pittaburgh, Pa^—Naznanjam élan-atvu društva M. US SNPJ, da na seji 14. februarja bo volitev dveh delegatov. Zadetek aeje «h 10. dopoldne. Pridite na eejo vai tor izvolite delegat«, kateri bodo delovali v koriat druAtva in splošnega članstva! John Ban, Ujnik. Cleveimnd, O.—Zadnja seja društva "Vodnikov venec" it. 147 SNPJ je bila dokaj iivahna. V društvo amo ■prejeli dva nova ¿lana, mlada fanta, Petra Nagodo in Frpake Bizjaka. Čl-Uni ao bili trimesečni računi, sledile so raana poročila, nakar aa je ras^ previjalo v koriat društva. Udelešha je bila prilična, lahko bi bila v<*ja kot povprečno v preteklem letu. Pogrešali amo jih velike: Erštoto Pau-licha, Spendala, Grilca, Silo ter mnogo drugih, kateri ao aa avoječaano udejstvovali pri društvu, pa sedaj ne >rihajajo na aeje. V podpore španskim delavcem amo Soseda j nabrali pri Um društvu vsoto 884.26.—Važ-no! Na prihodnji aeji bo nekaj izrednega. Naš bivši Ujnik Ur agilen društveni ¿lan John Opdnavee bo mo-< godno dvignil uma avatlo sabljo ¿aa našo uboge metropole Ur mahnil na levo in deano. Analisiral bo namreč napredni slovenski živel j v Clevtlsn-du, kako bi so moral ta eeatreHsirsti za skupni nastop. O Um aledi diskusija. Zanimivo, kaj?'—Seveda, naj- ...... ■ I 1 1 ■" I RADI BI IZVSDEL| £ kje aa nahaja Jožef DVORŠAK, ka-Uri je šival pred deaetlml leti v dr-lavi Kansas. Iščeta ga njegov aln in brat njegov zaradi zelo vašalh zadev glede njegovega paaeztva v starem kraju. Rojaka prosimo, ¿e kdo ve za njegov naslov, naj to nemudoma naznanijo, ako bo pa sam čitol U oglas, naj aa UkoJ Jivi na naslov: Ivan ali Jo šef DvorŠak, Dolenji Us-kovec št. 88, Rajhenbufg ob Savi, Ja-goalsvija.—(Adv.) a Mi M T TMh M J ilk gractriJakJk prafejalnak ngMl FRANCK SONS - nUIMMJlV ' ŽELIM SE SEZNANITI t poltenim moškim v gUrosti 45 do 50 let, človekom veselega značaju, bodisi krojač ali kake druge vrste trgovec ali rokodelec, ki ima stalno delo. Za vsa druga pojasnila pišito na naslov: PbŠUna Ženska, 2657 S. Lawn-dale Avg., Chicago, 111. —(Adv.) Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON omci aouaa at 8784 W. 26th Street 1 litMilMilMiN Daily TtL Cravfar* MIS at 1888 W. Cermak Rd. 4 ¡10—4:00 a. m. Daily TtL Canal 11H Wadamlar a fcahy to »palrttwU onljr tiaiiaii Tski CmvfnN MAI IT NO answss—call austin i7m Naznanilo in zahvala Z bolestjo v arcu naznanjamo žaloatno veat, da nam je preminul moj ljubljeni soprog ia oče JOHN LOVŠE SR. Umrl je 18. janaarja 1887 hi pogreb ae je vršil 21. jan. t. L po civilnem obredu, kakor ai je aam ielel. Ob amrti je Ml atar 84 let. Rojen je Ml pri Mokronogu na Dolenjakem In v Ameriki je šivel 35 let. Ob ¿aau amrti je bil ¿lan društva št. 82 SNPJ in samoetojneira društva "Maxhom." TV m potom at prav lepo zahvalimo obema gori imenovanima društvama za kraane darovane vence, za sodelovanje in pomoč pri pogrebu. RavnoUko lepa hvala S. N. Domu, Klubu ameriških državljanov in društvu B. S. za krasae vence. Srfna hvala aobratu Andrej Vidrlchu za poelovilni govor, ki ga je imel ob odprtem grobu. Lepa hvala aorednikom, prijaUljem in znancem, Ur vsem sosedom za kraane podarjene vence, ter lepa kvala vsem, ki so naa tolažili in oblakaM pokojnika ob njegovem mrtvaškem odru. Vsem, ki so ae udeležili pogreba, dali avtomobile na razpolago ob sprevodu na mirodvor. Lepa hvala Dorty Brubrecht in Dorty Suhadolnlk, ki sta nabrale za cvetlice med prijatelji In prijateljicami. Še enkrat naša najlepša hvala vaem akupaj In za vae. Pokojnik zapušča tukaj žalujočo soprogo la šeet otrok, v starem kraju pa eno aeatro. Dragi aoprog In o¿t. Ml ai aam dober in skrben goapodar, zelo težko Te bomo pogrešali. Zapaatll ai nas v boli jadnl in odšel od naa aa vedno, po¿ivaj v miru v zemlji hladni na veke Bre¿e«, arečno. Tvoj apomin bo eeUl v naših srcih Se konca življenja aašega.—Žalujoči oatali: Mary Lovše, soproga; Fannie Lovše in Joaephlne PauIIČ, hčeri: John, Frank, Edward In SUaley Lovše, ainovl, vai v Johnstown. Pa. Sion prlrtim društev SIPJ priglašenih k čiksiki federaciji DRUŠTVO "NADA" št. 182 SNPJ bo Imelo maškeradno veselico v SNPJ dvorani v soboto 8. feb. 1887. ATLBTlCNI ODSEK DRUŠTVA "DELAVHCT ft. 8 SNPJ pelted! pleano veselico V Hrvatskem doma v aoboto 8. feb. 1887. DRUŠTVO "PIONEER" št. 558 SNPJ priredi plea Atletičnega odaeka v aoboto 27. februarja I8S7 v dvorani SNPJ. DRUŠTVO "INTEGRI I*Y" št. 881 SNPJ priredi «pomladansko pleano veaelieo v Crystal Ballroom v aoboto 8. aprila 1887. FEDERACIJA SNPJ za Chikaško okrožje priredi PIKNIK v nedeljo 27. jaaija 1887 v Stržinarjevem vrta aa Archer ave. Ia ,87. at. v Willow Sprlaga, III. FEDERACIJA SNPJ aa Chikašks okrpije bo priredila kat navadno avojo božično priredbo v nedeljo 18. deeembra 1887 v dvorani SNPJ. r OPOMBA: Tajalštve federacije SN-PJ objavlja priredbe drmštov pe e» krat aa mesec. Oglma aa drmštvm, ki ae vilaaleaa v federaciji, atoae N cemtov la Je v listu prlobtea eakral aa meoec tolike ¿aaa. ia se vrli pri- redi lev. ▼se prijave la priapevke pošiljajte aa UJalka federacije SNPJ Frank Altih, 2124 S. Pulaski Rd. Tel.: Lawadal* 8881. CHICAGO, ILL. StzMR prirsSb giitn SIPJ priključenih k MllwsuAkl Is W* Allis federaciji ?! «... ' f> W <*• DRUŠTVO MVUOIilCAH ŠT. 747 SNPJ bo Imele ksrino la tofsbole tekmo 88. februarja ma 8888 W. Foad Du Lae Ave. DRUŠTVO "BRATOLJUB" ST. 284 SNPJ priredi domače sabavo dne 17. aprila v S. S. Tem dvorani. DRUŠTVO "JOLLY AIAIB" M. 886 SNPJ priredi avojo domačo zabavo dae 84. aprila 1887 v Labor Hall dverspl. FEDERACIJA DRUŠTBV SNPJ pri-redi piknik prvo nedeljo v septembru 1887 ss skupno slseaoat SNPJ Dsa v Pleaeant Valley Pavka. DRUŠTVO "BRATOIJUB" ŠT. 284 SNPJ bo obhajale avoio 25-letalc« dne 17. oktobra v g. I. Tam dvorani. DRUŠTVO "VENERA** ŠT. 182 SNPJ be slavilo svojo 25-letnico dae 28. novembra v S. S. Tam dvorani, čiaaatvo Jedneto deSMŠe la bttžaje V blagi spomin prve obletnice smrti nepozabnega soproga in očeta LOUIS VIDICA kateri Je b|l ubit pri d«lu v premogovniku dne 1. feh. 19.16 "KamaJ lata ja Minila ai kar al ia»eatil na« Sraat ■«prag In «t«, a nam ta tSi U ia ilavlta lat. aS kar Ta nI «a* nami Mi. TaSa v nailk arrlk ftlvl in ka ilval nti aeapiln na Taka du kanca nailk Sni." Žalujoči oeUli: Josephine Vidic, soproga in otroci, Roundup, Monl. Rrt oaveiujočl In krt čistilni Planinski čaj 8 zavitke |1J8 Poštnina proeta MŠM» aa kraaalaial aaa* MOnlk Sila* Si DOMAČIH ZDRAVIL Naznanilo in zahvala PotrUga area aaxaanjam žalostno veat, da je nemila amrt iztrgala življenje aašemu preljubemu alna la bratu O PO MB At Tajmilšve federacije SNPJ objavlja prireditve društev po eakrat aa meoec. Ogles ss drmštva ki se včlaajeaa v ftdermdji. atome pe 58e ss vaake drmŠtve la Je v Usta prt-abčem eakrat aa mesSS, toliko lasa. da ae vrši prireditev. FR. PRHKO, Ujnik. WILFRED G. KMETICHU Rojen Je Ml 16. aprila 1818 v Cumberlmnd. Wyo. Umrl Je po pet-tedenakl mučni bolezni dne 18. janaarja 1837. Bil je član društva št. 886 8.N.PJ.. katerega ¿lanatvo mu Je priredilo doatojen pogreb. Prav lepo ae zahvalimo vaem, ki ao nam pomagali v čaau njegove bolezni im nmm bili v pomoč ob njegovi smrti in pri pogrebu. Posebno srčna hvala sledečim posameznikom in drušimam: noalkem p^grebeem. hI ao: Robert NaeMeh. Albin Varale, Geo. French. Joe Rudlich, James Ifenron Im MIho Jelaco. Nadalje se lepo sahvallmt Mr. in mra. S. L. Morgan. M. Reiva, drušl. "Svoboda" št. 836 SN .P J.. Dr. Gibbs. mr. ia m rs W. H. Murray. Dr. Blder. mr. ia mra. T. RadalJ, B. P. O. Elk« 684. mr. ia mra. Premck. W. a A., mr. In mrs. J. Copymk Jr.. Ed. S F Krmit*, mr. im mra. F. RemiU, mr. Im mrs. J. Raby. mr. ia mrs. H. Clark. mr. ia mrs. W. P. Saeddoa. mr. im mra. T. Cook. J. Jelovckan. D. Mflateph, mr. In mrs. J. Kamenskl. Hr.. mr. In mra. E. Stcaeck. mr. la mra. A. L. Barker, mr. ta mre. J. Petrovchlch. mr. la mrs. J. I.vtriia. mr. im mra. Dagres. mrs. L. Blocker. mr. im mra. A. Petermel. am J. Fablaa. B. Tlrre S Wkeel. P. Hribar, mr. la mra. L. Sblfrsr. mrm. V obar. Ldltl 8886 U.M.W. of A.. A. K. Tomicb. L. Groabel. G. C. Freach. K Lobabe. mr. la mra. F. Taadore. mr. la mra. J. Nlgro. mr. la mra. J. Kragovlch, mr. ia mra. Cbretlea, mra. Aam Moamer. R. S. Floral. Rone Flower Shop ia M. Verrimak. Še enkrat maša mmjlepšs hvala vaem akupaj za darovane vemee ia za siilsibi pri pogreba. Ako Je katerega Ime pomotama iapmšieao. prmalmm. da aam oprostite. TeM. dragi aim. pa šellme, počivaj v mira v rodni grudi. Zalajočl eeU llt Framcem Kmetkk. matt Amgela Morgam. Mary Kovacbieb. phime Kamennki. aeatre l^mia Tlaker. brat. V starem kraju aa Ročici v Ha v Hi Jak i dolini pa Prmak Tlaker. brat. Wlatoa. Wyo. SpriMRli zi im íivljenje HI.OVENSKI ZADRUŽNI POT.RKBNI ZAVOD (The People's Uadertaklag Cm.) b šiššonjo (perilo) IzoeU-U all ake Je aeradao all bole«* naročite ai aemmdeam mojo etaca-krajako glaaovlto adra vilo. Stan« 88.—Pišite ml i polnim aaapanjem. MM. GRHTA URROTAl ' 867 a T8 St* Near Tat*. N. f. rt m t lat* nota. U ali rakUane NataJ ■araiat« wt ftaamkH kl nlw unas- II • elailll •♦"Jim Imtii.trjw KaJf1»aJ4a la aaj«ai|a léki atoajik aaw-"»•kil aMŠtltt **ak l*4alkat, »a tanak. ST tt nt 4a|o 4aalWlrall a»M « SaSlnianik Aria-vak. Ml ABSOI.UTNO JAMČIMO TO IZJAVO M M It naeaatruM» aek«e —Ima«klkw. PROLBTAREC Is alavmasko glasilo soeisllattfM «trankt v AsaerikL Vamk dola-voe ta rojak, kl se zaaima sa soeéallaoat, M ga moral vaine citait, ker vam kaše l'RAVO SLIKO SOCIALIZMA Varočnlna smnAa HM m teto. $1.71 mM M6 Naslov: PROI.RTARBC 2.101 So. Unmdale Av^ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS V slučajih potreba ss obračajte na iviji delavako podjetje. Cene nil Je kot drugod. Prava starokrajske klobase in želodce Isdelujem In raspollljam po vsej Ameriki. Pošljem 6 funtov ali ve¿. renn 88c fuat. poštnina pln¿ana. Za naročbe 86 funtov all voé asma 86e. Pošljite donar ali Momey erder s aa-reéilom na: JOSEPH LESKOV AR 420 High str. Racine, Wie. Ne bodite sužnji neprebave VAM NI TRRBA TAKOJ PLAČATI Y GOTOVIMI TRPEČI NA MRHURJD ÎN OHISTIII t » Pišite po brezploden vzorec . T rimer's Bitter Wim Co. 884 S. WeSa St* Ct^rngo. IS ' Semd me a fere sample. t Name , i Pn vm* dfiigi*? MRS. GRRTA I WIK OVAR 167 R. 7ted Street. \»t Verb. M. Y. qrbpa. s. februarja Društvene vesti Bt*hemer, Pa^-Društvo it. 97 pri Li veliko malkermdno veselico v uiideljek tveier, dne 8. februarja v lolfovi dvorani. Za najboljše ma k«. so dolodene nagradp. Oddala se it-ps ura in imeli bomo vsakovrstne ttbsve za vse «Ure in mlade. Za |«s bo igral slovenski harmonikar is , ■aids. 0. Kdor ae torej hoče dobra tavati na pustni pondeljek, naj prt-kar na Bessemer in gotovo se ne kesal. Prav uljudno ste vabljeni od blisu in dsleč—is nsselbin Jew Castle, Sharon, Youngstown, Gl-»rd, Esst Pslestine, kakor tudi vsa ruitva i« Bessemerja. Na svidenje ■■feb.! Veueliini odbor. I aiontown. Pa.—Dru*tvo 326 po-ivs in vabi vse svoje ¿lane in ostale ugoslovane, da pridete na njegovo reselico dne 6. fob. ob 7. zvečer. Vr-ila se bo v Hrvatski dvorani na 'ranklin it. Na raspolsgo bo oku-■ prigrizek in dobra pijača, ss ples ,a bo igrala snsns musika Cardinals, 'ridite in veselite se s nsmi! Odbor o preskrbel vse potrebno, da bo obilo ibsve »a vse. Ferdinand Markuši«. Virginia, Minn.—Društvo 215 pri-edi maikeradno veselico dne 9. fab. dvorani Moose na Virginiji. Igral iivrsten orkester pod vodstvom rankieja Smoltsa is Chisholma. Od-lalo se bo pet nagrad: najlepii in ajgrii maski ter najboljšemu ple-alcu itd. Vabimo vse članstvo In ojske sploh,' da se udeleiiU v veli-cm številu. Istotako prosimo in v«' imo vsa okoliška in tukajšnja dru-itvs, da pridejo v velikem številu na it so maškerado, nato članstvo pa ¿ef ripravljeno poset po motnosti vrniti, orej ne potabite na pustni torek 9, eb. na nato maikeradno veselico! smčimo vam dobro ssbsvo in po-Itrežbo. Ns svidenje! John Yelenieh, Ujnik. bavu in ples svirat če dobra musika. Ulasnice samo 10c po oeebi. Vabi priredjivački odbor! • Joe. Mihljevlč. Ujnik. Cleveland, O.-^Članice društva it. 187 vabim, da se udeležijo v velikem itevilu seje dne 4. februarja, kajti na tej seji bomo volile delegatinje sa prihodnjo konvencijo SNPJ, kate- „ u B1 ra se bo vriila meseca maja vCleve-i?: 1? ^^ lundu. Seja se bo vriila v*navadnih prostorih ob 8. zvečer, Pridite! Anteinette Simcie, tsjnics. Bear Creek, Mont.—Člsnstvo društva J12 se vabi in posiva, da se ude-leii redne mesečne seje dne 14. feb. v velikem itevilu, da lažje ukrenemo kaj v korist druitvene blagajn«.'1 Mary Gaoser, tajnica. Dawson, New Mex. — Opominjam člane in članice društva 188, da se vsi udeležite prihodnje društvene seje dne 14. feb., na kateri bomo volili delegata sa 11. konvencijo. Prosim, da se vsi udeležite, tako da bomo enkrat vsi skupaj na seji. Ta seja bo veins, zato ste obvezani, da ae udeležite. Jakob Grubeiič, Ujnik. Carliaviiie, III.—Naznanjam članom in članioam društva 362, da se nato prihodnja seja vrii v nedeljo 21. feb. točno ob 2. popoldne. Volili bomo delegaU sa konvencijo. ,, Naše druitvo se je v to svrho združilo s društvi it. 74, 335 in 467. Zato vas vabim, da se vsi udeležite prihodnje seje v navadnih prostorih! Prančes Podobnik. Ujnik. I So. Chicago, III.—Mladina društva klavec št. 8 SNPJ priredi domačo abnvo v Hrvatskem domu na pustno oboto 6. feb. in naša dolžnost je, da udeležimo te zabave v velikem ŠU-ilu in tako pomagamo njihovi blagaj-Igrala bo dobra godba in vstop-ins je samo 26c. Pričetek točno ob tvečer. Zabavali se bomo prav po omače. Servirala se bo okusna ve-rja posebne vrsU. Sklenili smo smreč, da pripravimo večerjo po ristnem primorskem receptu—ribji odet g polenU! Brodet bo pripravil Če ¿lana Menderja, ki ae dobro razu- 10 ns to, ker je izučen mornsrski ku-ar, polenU bo ps pripravila Mary latkovich. Seveda ne bo šlo bret do ačih klobas, ki jih bosU preskrbela farU Porentu in njen soprog Andy. Iljača bo najboljia. Koliko bomo sčunali za večerjo, nismo prišli do kljulkfi vsekakor pa, bomo računali skor v tržaških betulah, kjer si do. 11 po teii svojega topa, ta dva solda olente in za deset soldov ribe itd. Ia naši zabavi bomo veselo peli in zabavali, kajti Mussolinijeva peta a» ne doseie. Ako se želiU prav doti zsbavati, pridite na pustno sobo-gotovo na U ssbsvo, ki jo prireje iludina našega društva. PripeljiU voje prijatelje in tnance! Isti večer mladina oddala lep radio. Morda šel t vami domov, kaj se ve. Mla-ins prodaja listke in že mnogo jih je todsla. Vse U skupaj gre za po-zdigo naše mladine pod okriljem NF'J in jednotinega društva Dels-w št. 8. Na svidenje ob veliki ude-KW^^ Joreph Koelck, Ujnik. Went Frankfort, IIL—Podpisana se kreno zahvaljujem vssm sosedom in rijeteljem, ki so na kaUrikoli način magali v dolgi bolezni ftTbb smrti ■ojegs ljubljenega moža Johna Kuk-. ki j« je umrl 7. dec. m. L v sUrosti ■let. Posebna sahvala Johnu Maj-"u, predsedniku društva 313 SNPJ «'lanom sa pomoč, teko tudi onim ufinam, ki so prišle Ht drgih mest tolažbo in sožalje in ¿lanom ru-irske unije PMA Ur sploh vsem ss ene« in svU, ki ao jih dsli ns raspo-|ko pri pogrebu. Mre. Mary Knkec. Kly. M ina.—Članstvo društva 268 "rad ne posiva, da se vsi bres is je h* udeležiU društvene eeje dne 7. <•»> ob 7. zvečer v navadnih prostori. Na dnevnem redu bo volitev delita sa U. konvencijo in priporočile "Pt«>membe v bodočih pravilih. Jacob K aastet j, Ujnik. Ilterk Sprtega, Wyo.—Rodna seja >' J*tva H. 10 se bo vršila 7. feb. ob ^opoMR* -f ttevoMfcaor deaw. ÄH • konvencija te isvoliti mera me ••■'«■gate. V »led tega sU vabljeni vs. >*ni, de se adeleilU v velikem Mori-Konvencija je važna stvar sa vst "'sne. ta to ja treba, da se Isvolijc delegati, toke da se bodo bo-»«"» pravila isboljtola te članom bolj ' regia. Noben flan naj ne isosUne seje! Jobn Omeye. Ujnik. "•"«»il. M leb.—Poziv ns vesela Wtnnko" društva "Bunco sa Isto * brej 711 BNPJ u «ubotu 27. fob '« u Radnlčtcem doma. 1M8 K *rry ara. Posivi je se cijetelrvpiM sestre našega društva, kao i oeUli "erod. da posjeti evu veeela dru-**čerinku u i to večjem breja "»tek vaéerlnke a 7. sati na večer d« ka«na u noč». JU Vabi Hsimidli Pa^rPeefcam člana in Članice društva 419, da ae gotovo ude-ležijo prihodnje društvene seje dne 7. feb. ob eni uri popoldne. Na dnevnem redu bo volitev delgaU in namestnika sa konvencijo. Kot znano, smo se v to svrho sdružili z društvom 141, ki bo poslalo dva sasUpnika na to sejo, nato društvo pa>bo poslalo tudi dva svoja zastopnika na njihovo sejo dne 7. feb. Bratje in stotre, je pozabite se udeležiti seje dne 7. feb. ob 1. pop.t Michael Klopčič, predsednik. Buhl, Minn.—Društvo 314 prosi, ako se kaUro društvo to ni pridružilo drugemu sa isvoliUv delegata, da se v svrho isvolitve delegsU obrne ns nsie druitvo, ki iUje 69 člsnov.—(Je že prepozno, čss ss sdružiUv v to svrho je potekel 31, jsn.—Ured.) George Pavicb, Ujnik. So. Brownsville, Pa.—Druitvo 398 se to!l združiti s katorimkoli Jednoti-nim druitvom v svrho isvolitve delegaU, v rasdslji deset do 15 milj. Naše druitvo šteje 66 članov in se bi vadi združili z društvom manjšega iUvila, da bi dosegli sto članov. Vsled Uga prosim društvfc, ki se le niso združile, da se obrnejo glede Uga na naslov društvenega Ujnika: Jakob Jaktokovtt, 1518 Sheridan ave., S. Brownsville, Pa., kajti čas js kratek. —(Je že prepozno, čas za združitev v to svrho Je poUkel 31. jan.—Ured.) Jakob Jaksekovič. tajnik. Milwaukee, Wte.—Opozarjam vse članice društva Venera 192, da se udeležiU prihodnje seje dne 9. feb., na kaUri »e bo non^nirala delegatinja sa enajsto konvencijo. Vabljene sU vse članice, da se gotovo udeležiU. Ker smo bile "prekratke" za pet članic, se je naše društvo v svrho izvolitve delegatinje združilo s društvom 492 in bomo volile skupno. Ns seji bomo resmotrivale tudi o pravilih, da se ksj izboljša sa etore člane. Prine-siU s seboj pravila. Obenem vas prosim, da pravočasno plačaU svoj asesment, de ne bo treba nobene suspendirati, kajti nihče ne ve kdaj in kje ga zadene nesreče ali bolezen. Ne rokek imam Adamičevo knjigo MCra Na čteniee pe apeliram, da pridno agitirajo med svojimi prijaUlji in Pisateljicami, da se udeleiijo naše maškerade in sagotovljamo, da jim ne bo tal sa pustno soboto, Če bodo med nami. Na svidenje v soboto 6. februarja v dvorani SNPJ! M teka Aleeh, Ujnica. Loe Angele«. Calif.—Društvo "Pri-roda" broj 462 SNPJ javlja tolostou vijest članstva, da nam je 21. jan. 1987, nakon kratke bolesti srca, umrla naša članica Frances Sirk, rojena PR0SVETÄ Šestmesečni raCun med druStvi in jednoto od I. julija do 81. decembra. 1936 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR SIX ¡MONTHS ' ending Dec. 81. 1981 št. S«. i_ , tlTBT *l-ft»QV OSrttll ' tflftbMM USiaall M Ml »kl Dr «feiau)»' Dr. Um ' iMnM.li Mlati U Ameriku Je došla 1901. U društvo 462 je došla sa prestupnim listom 20. akt. 192(1 od št. 282 SNPJ, u kojeg je prietupila 7. marca 1909. Sahra-njena je us cerkvene obrede po šelji njezine obitelji I pokopana u Calvary čemeUry. U ime št. 462 oprostio se nad otvorentm grobom podpreds. Jacob Ktonic. Pokojna sestra osUvlja ožaloščenog aupruga, tri hčere, četlri sinova i 22 unučadi. članstvo št. 462 kliče slava Ubi, sestra Sirk, 1 pokoj, a tvojemu suprugu, hčerima, sinovima, unučadi i osUloj rodbini naše iskreno saučešče! ObiUlj Sirk se zahvaljuje svlma, koji su im bili u pomoči u času smrti njihove dobre i nesaboravljene su-pruge i majke. Hvala št. 462 SNPJ. koje je okitilo odar cvlječem, 1 članstvu, koji au ju sproveli na vječni po-činak. Hvala rodbini, prijaUlJima i snancima, koji su položili cviječe «a Ms odar pokoj nice. B. M. Rusic, Ujnica. fereleth, Minn.—V imenu društva Št. 69 vabim vse Članstvo Uga društva, da to udelefti prihodnje seje v Društveni dvorani dne 7. feb. ob pol-dveh v velikem iUvilu. Po sklepu zadnje seje, se bo Volil delegat sa aaajalo konvencijo in zato je potrebno, s! 4 Jacob Setnikar, predsednik. ' ( hicago. III.—Članstvu društva 181: Na decembrski seji je bilo sklenjeno, da volimo delegaU sa 11. konvencijo na februaeaki seji, ki se bo vršila U. feb. Dolšnost članstva je, ds se te vatn*eiRje. udeleži in izbere Ur i*vo}i delegšta po »svojem najboljšem prepričanja delegaU, ki bo zastopal na konvenciji naše društvo ib delal ss nadaljni napredek in prflcvit nato dlčne organizacije v vseh osirih. Pri organizaciji kot je nato igrajo skul-nje glavno vlogo is gospodarskegu stališča. Dobro gospodarstvo je vedno prineslo gotov napredek, tako seveda tudi drug« ugodnosti, ki so v korist splošnemu članstvu in organizaciji. Bodimo prepričani, da je od članstva odvisno, kaj ae na konvenciji sklene in kakšni so konvenčnii zakljuCkl. ZaU pa je dolžnoat članov, da se udeležijo društvene seje in si izvolijo delegeU, ki bo deloval sa koristi članstva in jednoU. Apeliram na vas vse, ds se gotovo udeležiU seje dne U, feb., ker bo važna radi voliUv delegaU in radi drugih sadev. Končno pa moram kritisirati govorico, ki kroži po okolici, da je pri društvu v konvenčnem lotu vselej dovolj kandidaUv se društvene urade. Kar se mene tiče, povem, de nI- M«k «MrU immB- | »SSalrti ] Iii KHU KaKMJCNTV--! w un. lir«1 ' Adsa ' Ju»»ml» IM 1S7 .... IM»4 »St, I4SSI H —MÂm ISS IM.tl M84 ist .... »IS.70 40110 ist .... i.ni.tt satt Mil ,,,, ' 4»i.U 4 ~ MAB. IM .... 1,01*.7S ' MMj IM .... 881.81 11.M IM .... 4M.87 4.SS 117 M4.4S 8«.84 ' l.lM.Tti—~ totof IM f.. IM .... 141 1« 1 «asi 8m .... MS.77 mis; 801 .... 714.48 tt.tc' 8M .... 8M.44 am! aoa .... 4m. 77 14.M •4M .... l,4M 14 M a4 804 .... 1.444.41 M.84 IM .... 8m.48 n. aa M7 8.841.41 48.77 IM .... S18.81 4.s0 IM .... mo.m UM III .... i.iaa.47 41.4SI ■ II l»7 II sto 411 .... 88» »4 «.so! III .... •74.81 144« 114 18148 14.Ill III .... SS4.M .mot III .... 1.4m 18 M.ss 117 .... 87s.M 18 07 III IAI4.m M.ts IM .... 844.74 CM III» 4II.M 11.44 MI 117.17 11.44 MI •44.41 48,m 114 .... 111.14 40. M III .... SM.48 88.»t IM ..,. 171 M IIS •17 .... 1M.M 4.10 IIS .... «77 AI «M MO ,.,. i.iai.ti MIS mi .... «80.78 St.4t «m .... IM.si lt.ll Ma .... - 171.IS s.4s «84 I.IM.M 40.00 Ml .... ml.m I4.M M4 ... - »08 7» 11.11 MY .... M4.4I t.to Ill .... 688 »7 14.«4 M» .... «MM Il 4* 14» .... SM.M 41.8« 141 .... Ml M M.t4 141 .... MB.M I4A0 148 .... 800. M 7 0S 144 414 8« 4«.«7 141 .... «4«.«4 40.18 147 .... •4S.M 4» sa «48 ..., Ml 8» II I« Ml .... »A8 «.oo m .... 141,70 «so «18 .... Itl.lB MAI 114 .... i.SM.s7 s» 10 m .... •MM MIT pi IIIS Mit pi Slt.14 17.18 III .... Mt.«« UM Ml .... 1,48« At 81.14 4M .... 44110 18.74 844 .... SM.M -—i«ul _ bm| Ml .... 44I.M 10.0* Ül .... 44«. 18 18.88 117 .... «48.M 4t.t7 Ms .... I.M8.I4 40.41 IM .... 7M.4S 41.18 ....... »70.0» 41.41 174 .,,. 1.4MA4 MM 171 .... «M.M II.M 174 .... as* 74 • 80 17» .... Ma 4i 4«. M I7t ,,., ' 114 SS «77 .... s 11.11 at M «78 .... I.IM.M tl.4t Ml .... BU II II.M MS ,.,. MI.7I II.VI M..... lit.M IIS W .... 7MAI - 11,14 «si ,,., «Mit T.Ml M4 .... 414.47 MIS M« .... 414 U II.I4I IM .,,, 44t.M Il to 187 ,.,. i.M4 18 44A4Í MS MS,(4 MM BBS 1.71800 «8 III Mo ,,,. IM.t7 41.40! ml isas« sis im ,.., 1.804 4 7 4f.m Ml .... St 10 4.40 m4 .... m m ...... m» ,,., •M.71 41 S» IM »71,47 ii.m Ml .... MM. 44 ••a4 an 7m.i4 • Ml m .... 1,488 78 Il m 80s .... 8.1*1 M ium 841 .... u«.«a b 00 im .... 81144 «.4« 844 .... l.tm.tt 40 »4 IM ..,, 87«,Il IT.Mx 8m .... mil»« II.MI m7 ,,,, iii ai il 40 ios ,,,, t7l.l4 m.41 80» 878.«1 • 1.14 Ht .,,. 887At _ • 8144 au ,.,. «SSM II.M na ,... 8,808 T* till 11..... aat M il *» MU 114 ,,,, MB.tl au StO.M m A4 (it ,,,, 4M M UI4 •17 ,... MIIM SS.II Ils .... 448.lt •4 II IIS .... 784AS •4M Mt ,.,. Üb« «4 S.IS t|l ,,,, i.mob» / 41M im .... I.IM.M1 mm Ml .... ».IM 1« • 1 M IIB .... Stlt4! MM «s .... MI.II mm «17 .... SMJI Il M a«s *T7M' iii» Ml IUI 7 Ml 818 .,..! tM Sil ii.m! ¡¡4 .... is» 80 • M m .,,. 78t,ts ls.lt' Ill •••• mm ta4, m7 ..., tm a4 88 74 «m 4m.«* IMfi im .... is m 1 m •m .... iit 71 4ïï- 141 .... i4sm 1441t1 t 4» »41 . rr —MMK 844 ... 1 l,m4 4« m lt 44. 4m m 4im *4* 114 7t 1 «s lit .... 1 1mb» mm 84» ,.,. im Ift It im if Il tt m ... ; sm ss s m; 8m .... ss ii 1 m ill .... sm .to il ii sm ..J 87« »41 litt 4m ,,., sm 8« It.ttl nt ...•! ---rr *f MS .. 4 M«M 14 14 " M» ZI MS4 4M' Ml ... « 1*44 18 M s» Ü .... •II SI 4 t« •SI ;.,. Ml A4 87 M M4 MI 14 il 4« m; ,.. l,4lt 41 m 47' •m ,,,, 4Mer •7 M m* SS IS 44140 1 tOi •71 tM III IAI* s* mm 174 SMIt UM ml ... 1 MI is IM 177 ... m« »i um •Ts 148 «4 s «• fît 1 • «er M mm «m * «SSM stoi. ml MI 4SI um ni lASSJt HAS »•4 IM M SM ,,.,! lit M Il M ~l>MMiaKKMKNTS A.tu Ii Juvenil» 14 to ....... 114 M: >uillii 87 ,M| ........ SM.M ........ Mo. to ........ 14140« iM.ltl •«•ol ......... 70I.S0 ........ 4».M ........i set km % n . v . m tlltol ......... »•»»• ......... uo.to IM.10 ......... IM-Ml ......... 1.147. M, ........ mto ........; 88» lu ......... 1,871.1» ......... M4 00 iss.to 47 ou 84.00 110 10 ISI.IO 1,071.40 AM.oo IM.lt. ) OrMIto I A .lu II N«l. ml SmnIm 4 47 j* M JXL mTfrrrr itt .74 4M.40 Ms.m M.M 477.00 840.lu i4s.iw 41 (ml 84110 771.M 4M 00 17.«o 141.»« «14.04» 487.M l»t A» Ml. M 171.10 IJ70.40 111.40 sao oo 48 MIA» IHM tot« 41 444 M 84» tO 110 M 711.M III. 4M.M ' ' ' ' Í7«',44 Í^Tttttt 188.M |,7M.to mm i, ,i«,,,, »,, •, • •, MIS 1.78 «m •••Ni a.M 7 8» 4M «.M Il su II.M ,«,,,,i«, tiiniii «llltl,l Mil •«••••it iiiiiin • ««Kiitt lui es 1.18 ..... :::::::: IX« It I « < • • I »» « 10 na. 7« 4M itiit 114» M i4.M 4.47 8 44 .U , t «4 Iti. ««ilfl « • « « • « • « i f • f 11 .11 i « » • .47 I»fi M i ail M 7MM mM Ml M 144-M 78 M MIA« 414 M ISS 111 to l.f M M Ml M ijtotoi 1,1144« MM 17» M ........ M, ,«»>••! Il Tàit * st < » •• • Ml •At 71« M s sa (Iteij« na I. strem > M II1 M M 14 M 18 M 47 Ut II to 41 11 M IM IM M IM 18 II M '•I It M «l¡ 7« st M' IM 1« 14 II 74 M 7t 41 II 48 71 II 71 II III 41 «4 II 41 41 44 7« II II 44 M 41 8t I ,2 -i ; K 14 II Tl 44 III M 14 »4 r« «I 14 M M 171 I» It ISS II •I I« I« 15 M •I 114 -H H M 41 S s It M 4t 41 II II I II M I »I •I 4 II t4 II u •t t t i« i« u M U II « I« « •I II II 14 « « U H lf 1 m I« II 1 U a u u « «i s imii 4« 1 8 44 Iff t» M 4t »I m! »» T,i Š :: »f, m »4 t •i. f. s J- N tj f« § H •a 2 IM II Mi V. is N a« h! il • l Š t II I M IM I I 17 IT lf I« M IT I« «I ii I* S i 41 M f •T to S M • 14 I II 1 u II 81 II w i I M II • «i 4 I n M •TT 3 M I« Sik h Maikaradno veselico » Žensko društvo "NADAlî. 102 SNPJ H pu at no soboto dno 6. fobruarja 1937 v dvorani SNPJ, 2657 80. Lawndale Avonuo # Mrf«««l«, m------- " SO.__t LA___j« fililí f pnyinp m. §fi mmm m Pričotok ob S. prostvbt* iz naselbin PR08VETA TUB ENLIGHTENMENT j |,UMU> I« UITNIM* lunrwiw M rooroBN« jiohot« UqM fá Mté |l>» É i kv tto __i M »»■Sil Mst (!■»■• I mm m m. m m « m y*.9lmmémt um. m cu«ae> u cm, flj# m «u m». »« - m i-*. - • M M , . _. ___ ■ .....»n,, ratal Um M« OaMM Kila («M«l <»»■—> »,,4 OMMM M M Mr MM Cklcmm* mmd «MM fI.M M» M». PROBVETA vencev in tskoro petUsoč éinw>v.|poroéU, hpbodo podan», bo lah- T9 _ _ _ _ . U 'm. ■__. I l*t->. Mal irluh Ali naj posnemamo izkoriščevalce? Opozarjamo čitetelje na članek br. gl. taj-nika Vidra na peti «tran! današnje Prosvete. Ta podučni članek bi morali pračiUti in dobro premislili vzi oni bratje, ki priporočajo, da bi naia jedilo U poekueila še z eno panogo zmrt-ninakigJLjtfiVi Resttk#«|*ntí zavarovalnih družb in ti agentje zeloVaáTreAaj« & T^M&^T^ZZ i dobrega in koristnega za-<>es, uboge pare. Naši»; mladi člani*, ki* seveda ninnjo Izkušenj, [ia to verjamejo In zahtevajo "endowment" tudi za našo Jednoto, češ. da bo SNPJ potem lažje konkurirala z zavarovalnimi družbami. * Kako ae vsi|f motijo! Naša jednota — in robena druga brateka organizacija — ni bila yetanovljena zato, da bo konkurirala z zavarovalnimi družbami. Te družbe imajo drugačne zlateme pozlovanja In popolnoma druge namene. V prvi vrztL je pri njih business, kakor pri vzaki privatni kapitalistični družbi aH kor-poraciji. Zavarovalne družbe ne zavarujejo ljudi — predvsem delavcev ne! — zato, da bi pomagale zavarovancem, marveč samo zato, da zagotovijo,dobre dohodke (dividendo) svojim delničarjem in dobre, naravAost jjrptirgne, (gro-foveke) plače svojim uradnikom. Pri zavarovalnih družbah ni fitina papirju nobenega bratetva; sleherni zavarovanec «j* le VpoHcy-holder'7 pd naše "poličar" ali ena "numSra*^ več, ki. je- kupil polico in U polica je njegova* ff prvMa.ima vidnost zanJMé toliko čkša' f"# dókWr 'redno pTsčuJe določene* premUa Pri določanji teh pfremlj nimajo zavarovanci no-bene beeede. 1 Vae drugače pa j« pri podporni, braUki organizaciji, Ifi ni privatna kompanija* marveč kooperativa ali zadruga, katere dobički gredo 1 \ nrmu Članatvu. Naša jednota nima polic, niti poličarjev, temveč certifikate in, lastniki certifikatov so člani, ki se med seboj nazi vajo bratje In sestre. Med nami nt kapitalistov, smo pa , 'Tbrez malega sami mezdni delavci, ki imamo pri jednoti vai enake pravice in enake dolžnoatl. 0» n I ne plačujejo premij, temveč asesmente in o teh ns<*smentih odloča članstvo po svojih za-Mtopnikih na konvencijah ali direktno a splošnim glasovanjem. Mislimo, da ni člana, ki bi ne videl te ogrom-iic razlike mod SNPJ in zavarovalnimi družbami. So pa nekateri mladi člani, ki nočejo videti razlik — so gluhi za vsak argument in raje verjamejo agentu privatnf zavarqvalpe družbe, dasi lahko vedó,"da agent govori zato, ker je plačan — vse bpgatr zavarovalne družb«; I imajq izšolan« ln lisičje «tfite agente! kakršnih» naše jednote ne zmorejo — in čč bi hrttrl gtfto-riy resQi(toikar se yčffl»»di, ko agent pusti i naif naedklenci za tekmovanje ' Glae starega čkuui ' Qoesly, Wyo. — Prišel je čas za razprave o pravilih, kar Je težkd pričeti posebno starim članom. Star sem 57 lefln delam žfe od* 17. leta. Pri jednoti sem že skoraj 80 let. Pravila res imanto, toda je vprašanje, če so dobra ali nlzo. Jaz želim, da bi atffafcj nakdllkp feboIjMa1,'» ' ithriPfelane. Vse preveč s* da-nes1%teda na friladfno, na nas staNflto pa nič. Zadnjič sem bil boleti 45 dni, dobit pa Sem za 28 dnli kar je enmalo preveč bratstva: ' Mladina ima nagrad ko-irttrifibt*. Ali jo dobi kakšen starštti"8tkn*! N<**ne! ki smo"lwiesli skupaj milijone, nismo! upoštevani nič. Mladina je vse, * * j>"' Nič nimam proti mladini, ali tuk$ rojeni otroci niso iz starega'kraja. Oni gledajo samo za spbrt, toda kaj bo jutri, jim ni mar. kroalo bo 30 let, odkar plačuje za dva dolarja bolniške podpore, prejel pa sem nekaj t moio. bolnltao.fodp^ W bon», čeprav dočakam sto letr" Toda) tmlraj boln ntoral imamo danee v tej naaelblni iti-ri drušva SNPJ. Tukaj imamo »Hfr^ Nekdaj smo imeli, eairo-ma še imamo, tri banke % več mi~ Ujopi, kapitala. Ta kapital je bil predvsem namenjen za poeojila slovenskim posestnikom, t tudi obširno tri nadatropno po. w Je brez dvoma prUika za slopje. Slovenski narodni dOmi j^j^tine inyeeticije. Brez pre-Id bi popolnoma odgovarjata thvzyanja lahko trdim, daW nam vsem potrebam konvencije. mogoče v kratkem Čaau po- Uljudno se apelira na vse de- ¡¡¿^najmanj $1^)00,000 na hi-legate in glavne odbornike SN- ^ tukajšojih rojakov in planov pj; da bi za konvencijo leta 1941 jednote. Ker ao naše ¿brezpoaft [ fi dolbčfli mesto U Salle.1 Večino- ^ f%t tprej mak) iUžjf od, >a®- «re nia vsem glavnim odbornikom bi lahjio izbrali aamo.V^ ^ dobro znana ta naselbina, ^¿ijia. katera so »ajbolj var- J ....... ti nepristranske c£h{fce Ip mESmm «hož^t^ . prek leti igrala precejšno vlogo Našemu članstvu bi se dalo razumeti, da poeojila nieo namenjena vsakemu potrebnemu članu ampak samo onim, katerih ko vaakdo razvUUd, da naš klub a še vedno poseben, ČetMJ se >e brezposelnost znatno zmanj-Torej obdržimo ga! Da ga obdržimo, ga je treba podpirati. Torej pridite ,na aejo, seznanite ae a Iduboivim programom in poravnajte fcliibove prispevke! Simon Trojar. Po možnosti se tudi udeležujejo naših društvenih proslav, ki'so brezdvomno z njimi zelo zadovoljeni. Zagotovljeno je tudi delegatom, da bod0' z nafto nesel bi no zelo zadovoljni. Vae čUin* «tvo SNPJ bo skrbelo za JfA^]^ Mlonjenostr, voljstvo delegatov in za naifre^ dek jednote. John Furar, 9$. Naš rezervni sklad to, praktična. Bila ao za naa ne ;ična iz različnih razlogov, I ■i»*l<>? imeli manjših krajih rajnih držav. jJlafifV>tl(aaeiiment. vsaki $i.M. To je'enma|ajp^vi| stva. '.SIcer Je> ena,točka y pravilih, «da se'preostanek podpore Izplava, ali. mehi se zdi,1 da")e ivj&vms člana, ali pa če je član odvisen od drugih. Toda še to je treba dokazati. In če se odobri; se Izplača, če ne, pa ne. (Jednota ne izplačuje bolniške podpore na ta način. Vsak član dobi, česar je "upravičen v smislu pravil. —Ured.) Mislim, da i« malo članov pri naši jednMl ki bi ne hili odvisni od nekoM|| Na zadnji konvenciji je bil stavljen predlog, da bi s* stari fn članom, k|\še niso prejeli dostr., podporam džla nekakŠfta nagrada. Prddiog je bil poražen, »Prav tako bo propadel tu di sedaj. To sem napisal, ne da bi arielil koga Uliti. . . Itank Tomsic, 10. fiOepoeojUa koncentrirati, dnago. Število naših članov ¿Š^JrtC^^l tako Veliko ker *aMevajo neprestano nždzbr- Ifd »narto rlaš urad in nadiil-stvo in povzročajo precej stroš- ranje teh posodil bl rteiHte v »vj-kov, TiX jepaziti^^ hl^V «1^lprevdlikltii ^kL 'Al«> bl4 dobrem stanju, da eo plačatiHt»1 «a pdeO)ila «brteela, ^pW ^kl in zavarovalnina. Ako so hj- «naj^lžhkO vzMI v poštev še par' la poeojila raztresena po ^ ^ državah, nasUnejo stroški za Ne vem (kako bodo člani viell nadziranje tako vieoki, da nairv na ananje to moje prtporočilo. vzamejo velik odstotek naših bb- Ako bodo imeli večino on , ki v -reatl f rtHjtoilr teh posojilih, ne inveeti- Ali nam je mogoče dobiti ha- ampak pomoč onim članom, čin, da ae izognemo tem izredttfen kateri to pomoč potrebujejo, po-stroikom? Po mojem mnenji I- taairbodo seveda zahtevali i^kaj mamo na razpolago dva načft*. toflrt bilo praktično pred štiri- U Salle. lil. -^J^ribUšuje se fcbrinfr; v katerem bodo BNFJ volila delegate sa bodočo konvencijo. .Ni dvo: 01«, ao vil 4ru|tya SNPJ šl-rom <£dražen)h .držav in Kana de šefe zainteresirana za te voli tve. «Brezdvomno bodo pd svo-jem Najboljšem prepričanju Izvolila delegate, ki bodo na pri hodajl konvenciji delovali i prid* SNPJ in akapnetfa član H«t običajno« bodo tudi na bo<|o£i konvenciji aa dnevnem redu zadeve, ki jih« bo treba stvarno rešiti. Priporočal bi da br se delegatje in glavni od bomiki SNPJ iped drugim tud globojto zainteresirali v razpravo bolniške podpore i in odškod nlnskega sklada ter te dve za devf.po sržSM n^ibotJšeni; ^re- Vrlčsnju fašiliv prid Sl^PJ ln v zadovoljstvi vsega članstva Tudi "zadnja konvencija je bila ielo zainteresirana V JI ža- ;Twta.:da t\fe ljubih isrednih aai»smeutavfcf.So t Cleveland, O. — Posojila pro- , . . prvi vknjižbi smo opustili za- hiŠč Odgovarjajo našim strogim ker so se izkazala za na*V prfedtfiaom im.omejitvam. ,fTlhigo mesto, kjer bi se daio to Triba se Prvi Je: dajati poeojila, ki ao zavarovana po federal Housing administraciji (F.H.A. Mortga-ges). Kakor banke in hranitna in posojilna društva, tako lahltb pravico dobi tudi 8NBJ, da jzva-> šuje posojila na poseetva do^0; odet. ooenjene vrednOeti. rovanj« F.H.A. porodni, , da d* vlada pripravljena, ako pride do prisili^ prodaje (foreclosure), te. vknjižbe zamenjati za 8% garanj tirane bonde. Seveda se danes Še . ne ve, kdaj vjada zopet umakne t***V*rMinje, kajti vpeljano Jif bik) edhrole zato, ker so ^ ^ ke obo^vjjale posojati ha eatate. Toda, dokler je ta zako v veljavi, ne vidim v^rokf. %akaj ne bi itd vložili vsaj ne«*j naf ga premoŽenja v morgiče F.H. Je pa šf drug naitni Ts K začnemo zopet z direktnimi" aojili na hiše naših članov. To-1' da, namesto da raztreeemo nalk' poeojila po raznih državah ln tem povzročimo velike Stroške^Jl nadziranjem, mi lahko ta poepjU' la koncentriramo v pat velikih meatlh, kjer je vrednoet hiš b<$0 stabilna iti kjer živi veliko itH vilo naših članov. Na ta način 8f naši stroški ne bili nič višji k4* kor ao stroški bank, ki se ba^l« jo s tem poslom. Nadziranje pftl zojil v par mestih je veliko bolf4 enoetavno ln ceneje, «stu^ s! M Toda testo se sliši argument, ki je našim bratom aelo prti Juto» hcn: ,lMI smo vsi enakopravni mi Jeti in ni praktično danee. , ^»¿lanke sem napisat ker mi-slim» da je Skrajni čae, da kreneta na drugo pot. Kdor ima belj*£ načrt, naj ga predloži. U-p«nw ,da ga.bo članstvo zaslišalo rbnff predsodkov. Edino, kar želim, , je, da se ne meša bratstvo JiVjbftortM« v eni skledi. Sen-WiWI|t«luo«t je dobra na svojem m^atu, toda ne pui reševanju gospodarskih vprašanj. M Matt Petrovich. Za akrajlanje pravil Manafleld, O. — Naj tudi jaz fittizfm mode mnenje 6 naši^ pra-vilih.rt Popolnoma ee strinjam * glavnim tajnikom, ki je priporo-čal ekrajšanje pravil. Po mojem mnertju Je v njih doati nepotreb-hega in nerazločnega. Imel 4em te dosti pravil, pa eo bile bolj jasne kot so naše. Član čita stran, točko za točko, spodaj se ustavi, pregleduje, toda ve prav toliko kakor je vedel prej. Torej ppdpofročam, da se sestavijo pravila* tako, da ne bo nekaj tu, ne» k*jitam. ji }imj omenim nekoliko še o naši bolniški podpori. Ko to pišem, imamo pri našem društvu slu-6aj,'katerega je vredno, da ga o-piŠem. Imamo članico, ki Je ie 2UM zavarovana za en dolar bolr atšjit.podpora« Do nednvna-je^^ prejela še en dolar. Pred tremi (md#eci je bila na zelo težki ope- z zavarovalnimi družbami silao razočarani. Mnojfl^ltrsSrkifc organizacij jš tč ^tHl^to ^akljlička^da Je poirel» taMMilpajdritžbea rernimi nkemamK ker «o » mikrtl^' bolniške hotele z njimi konkurirati, a so se opekle. Po- "nfytyxifo lil izbhtt^Hi fk odškod sledica Je bila. da so dršavne oblasti, ki nad- [ninskega sklada. Razume se, da zorujejo tavarovslstvo, začele smatrati te organizacije za navadne zavarovalne družbe In jim naložile davek ns asesment, kakršen velja za omenjene druftbe. Danes imajo te organizacije hud boj z davki v nekaterih državah na JUgu In zapadu — In večinoma so si same krive teh sitnosti ln stroškov. Zavarovalne družbe zmiraj skrmarijo, kako bi dobile več denarja od zavarovancev. Tako so Iznašle tudi "endowment** ali gotovinsko vrednost police, ki se isplače p<>l«-g smrtnine. kadar poteč« določena doba, recimo |>o 20 letih. "Rndowment" ni drugega kot hranilna vloga s to razliko, da ne dobiš nolienih obresti, če pa hočeš dobiti kaj od te vlotfe fired časom, dobit le kot "posojilo** ln plačati moraš šest odstotkov obresti od svojega denarja. Ali ni to fina skema?' Od lastne vlog«* plačuješ obresti! Veliko bolje bi bilo, če bi denar hranil v poštni hranilnici in tamkaj ti itlačajo de» odstotka obresti. Ni nič čudnega, če se agentje zavarovalnih drutb tako tepejo sa zaverovanje te vmte. kajti prinaša jim lep "komlšen". ln ne pozabi tega, da je treba za endowmentno zavarovanje plačevati veliko višjo premijo kot za navadno smrtnim* Skratka; to je zelo prefrigano, legalno izkoriščanje ljudi — rsketirstvjf, Ali naj naša jednota poanenfa to raketirstvo in pomaga k izkoriščanju naših članov? v Cfovelandu ln Chleagu pravica dotok posojil, zakaj bkte pravi- članstvo ni nič kaj «adovoljno z izrednim asesmentom. Vendar bi pa rajši plačal potrebni izredni asesment kot pa, da bi se pregloboko omejile izplačl-tva. Dobro se zevediam. da imajo društveni tajniki mnogo posla e pritožbami, kadar je raz-pisfo izredni asesment. Vse članstvo bi se moralo zavedati, da glavni odbor SNPJ mora raa-plsati izredni j asesment, kader ie U» i>otrebna| • * ' *M Kef običajno, jtata fbo , iudi prlHwluja konvencija .počile mesto M konvencijo 144 1941. La Salle i« zdu priiaana «aael -l^is s precejšnjim številom «I«-vt usinž». aaselleneev; Tukaj t» |&aMdruštvo Triglav AL 2 SS'-I^J.nUur je dokaz, da so se tukajšnji rojaki takoj ob rojatvu SNPJ pričeli zanjo zanimati. Dobro se zavedam, da so ustanovitelji tega društva mnogo žrtvovali in pretrpeli, toda vztrajali so in društvo Je vso to dobo zelo dobro napredovslo. Med tem čaenm sa se toka j ustanovila k tri društva, kar tnači, da «¿yi. Sedaj aa adravi ma, D(K <íaní,8Nttí. Ako imate vi člaiiUWlM*tM ufonl zaoelJena. Pravda ji d^ voljujejo 90. dni. oale- bolalšk« ce' nMfneíi tüdl mé člani v • W ^opejj- Creeku-trt G^ass Valleyjur' Da'Je tako mišljenje razširjes no med Članstvom^ ao krivi ord, cijo. Stroškov tam,še nad HPQ Ju^J se vidi, koliko Je brašatva pri .fytyx Bolniška podpora ae mo- ki so vedno trd ilida so"taks f» W urediti, da bo odgovar- sojlla v veliko pomoč revnim Čla» nom. To mišljenje je napačno. A-H morda zavarovalne drušl>e /h-to posojajo na hiše, da s tem H magajo revnim delan-^n? AH vam bankir zato posodi denar, ker se mu smilite? Ne! Banka vam da posojilo zato, ker je qlew)i,svoj višek. uče,- da 'Imajo tudi dteian^ftt^mOD^^ nadu- •he, *ki i^ičnejo' v- novembru napredovati, poje-njdjejrf s koncettl kruirja/ ¿avica ln škrla- M decembra do m$rct, epidemično vnetje rilažganaklh mren opazujejo najbolj od srede januarja do kotica aprila. No-jdce in ošpice dajejo isto tako prednost mrzle-iMu letnemu Čaati. Rahitis ima svoj višek od začetka februarja do konca aprila, kar je po tem, kar smo rekli prej, zelo umljivo. Angine, ki pričnejo naraščati že ob koncu novembra, ae držijo na neveselem višku skoraj do konca aprila. > ; Ta spoznavanja so zelo zanimiva, imajo p« praktičen pomen. Po takšnih spoznanjih je mogoče usmeriti zdravljenje in obrambo zoper "sezonake bolezni.? I maškerada 6. feb.. tna'doba< naša «tfedt^aS, ppsta,,ali pa 4a. ten ploh, kot je v na-«e »m* Jpbhaja, Jh.bo elo Vftč pomene, prire-ke društvo "Nada1 J avojo običajno ma-vesetteo na pustno ao-jruarja zvečer, ogledati po kostumih In maskah, kako naj ee oblččemo/ da bomo deležni krasnih daril, katere je društvo pripravilo za najlepše in najpomembnejše ptaskf/ Oaa hitro bedi in kdor se še ni odtofcil, kij bo predstavljal na veselici, HTjh slišal kake «o se a ee letos Tzo- Sotfe,' da W Mtf^i' rt/. • • ; Vstopnice so »elo poceni, samo 80c la osebo v predprodaji in pri blagajni 40c. Odbor bo skrbel, da bo v dvorani vladal najlepši red; da ne bodo maske nadlego-vane. Sodniki bodo sodili nepristransko in tako Skušal/ zadovoljiti vsakega posameznega, da ne bo zamero. Za lačne, žejne in ple-sažeijne bo vae najboljše preskrbljeno. Igrala bo izvretna godba v zgornji in .spodnji dvorani. Se nakaj, kar je zelo pomenljivo: D» ne bodo maslcirani gostje predolgo lakote in žeje trpeli, jftuodbor sklenil, da ae prične korsšniea (march) ob 10J0 in maske bodo 9dkrite točno ob 11 zvečer, Zato je priporočljivo, da so maske v dverani :pr^j kot i|a-. vadno, da bo 'potem na razpolago več tea za "good time." Uljudno ae vsfcijo vsa bratska | društva iz .C^icaga in okolice, ka-1 kp, tp1 v » l/i- ...... ':< )/ \ . Pred nekojiko; tedni ee je v Londonu ustanovila študijska družba sa proučevanje možnosti medplanetnaga prometa. Popolnoma resni Iju-dJs ao se zvezali s sanjači, ki na podlagi nekaterih uspelih, eksperimentov z rakeUmi v A-meriki trdao, verjamejo, da pride kmalu čas, ko bo mogoče prodreti v vesoljni prostor. 2e danes ae je treba pripravljati na ¿a čas. , Kakor mrzla prha je moralo vplivati na te sanjače predavanje, ki ga je imel v letih dneh sloviti angleški aatronom air James Jeanz. V tem predavanju ae je učenjak bavil poeebno z moi-Vsi ste dobrodošli! Članice na-1 noftjo obljudenosti ip naselitve daljnih zveid, šega dr^vs bodo pa znale upo-1 kakor Venere in Maraa. S tema dvema premič- nicama se je sir Jeana bavil zato, ker so tudi mnogi trezni astronomi bili doslej mišljenja, da bi mogli biti obljudeni ali vsaj primerni u bivanje ljudem podobnih bitij. , Glede Marsa eo se pristaši takšnih teorij sklicevali vedno znova na rasiekovanja Percivala Lowella, ki je kot prvi resno govoril o "prekopih" na tej premičnici in vegetacijskih lisah, ki «e pojavljajo vedno znova na njeni površini Pozneje ao začeli misliti tudi o Veneri zavoljo njenega obilnega bogaatva dušika, da je sposobna dajati življenje slino bohotnemu, cveto- , in .^fiptri *>i oddajale osrčju na teh planetih ipnogq kWket števati vašo naklonjenost o priliki vaših* prireditev. Agnee Jurečič. IZČRPER ZAPIHNIKA MILWAU-ftKO-W B8TALLI&K E FEDERACIJE Milwaske*. Wls^-Ssja ss Js vrftils das 17. januarja 1987. Predsednik 4ot Vidmar o<|prs sejo ob 2. popoldne. Odborniki vsi nsvsoči. Zastopana so društva It! IS, 104, 192 , 234, 6S4, «8« In 747. taplšnik ssdnje ssjs ss sprsj- 238. kanosno Tudi jednota ne mom Važno je^j, da se člani te ee-jomagatl s poa^Wi neksUt.m ^ ^^ < Podana bodo razna flšndm, «ke» pHtran1 ttpijo kori^ U»^^ ^ delovanju organizaci-sti drugih M.0W 'članov. k«*! j^^t hfWposelnih In tlstlK, nv>ramo ml imeti pred očmi. }e¿ k, ^^ ^ ^^ ue koriat posameznikov, smpak i nfh deUlk ' * korist jednote kot eHote. V ih««t racijo, kaj mislim koisefntrlranjem poeqjU, bom na« vrdel našo mesto Cleveland. N« ' j Med glavnimi poročiH bedo sle- dečei 1. Poročilo o pohodu f Wa*hl n«te*a 15. Jantarja. k^ SMiruj.^ , t atevkovne ln drage aktlVnoetl ker sem ( exelandčan. aU lfirj Mvnih (WPA) 8 N pa zato, ker v Oeveiandu stre ' Sno potrebujemo soj M. Ne! (leveUndske banke i m«jo dosti denarja sa varna po- sojil« proti prvi vknjižbi. Toda, ako «o taka posojila spk>h praktična. petem bi gotovo bHs praktična v Oeveiandu Tukaj živi e-ne tretjina naših ameriških Sk>- iednotinih «o-I^ «'rganlzaclje z« izboljšanje^ jednotinn P^- brespoeelnoatne podpora. 4. Agitacija v W««hingtonu za nadaljevanje javnih del (WPA). 1 V«i Obni. pe tudi drugo občinstvo ee vabi, da ee te eeje »delete. Nekaj članov je precej z»-oataio v meaečnini. Prosi ee jih, da poravnajo kolikor mogoč«. U ds'Hi sa lete list i t volilo 11 ssstopsikev, celilo «pnesaate ns sn«njs. " vakrat na teden. ga-| d« f«krsd|« 4s n»d»lje vstaor vdl«njen« pri ■ Pro-, ' ^oaune^jhii^1« dohodki ta 0 datkih ;«• mm^' ArtštniHr s«' V%šme ,nf «mVK Nsdeom, .sls«>k ds Je prefledsl račune sadnjih treh mesecev tlt nale I poslovanje v najlepšem redu; V Magajni Je vsoU $74.94. PereČilo se odfebri. Pripravljalni odbor sa «MŠkeradno veselico dne 80. Januarja ooroča, da eo vae priprave T IpjHtSe^ redu in da se pričakuje veliki . Mšleftba. Zaitopnlk drultva It. 747 poroča, da bo njih drultvo imelo prireditev dne 28. februarja v S pa rs vi ^vorani na 8052 W. Fond du Lac ave. Se vsame na snanje^ V odbor sa leto 1987 so bili isvo-Ijertt iMbČI: predsednik Joe Vid-SS«lf}*""Pe.r< imi pripravami so sedaj ugo-Je prostega kjall» v ozražju ,trov. tedaj bi znala na Mar- StT^aj 100 in, na Veneri pa le doati manj, namreč SO m. To nedoetajanje proetega kisika pa je po mnenju sira Jeanaa eden izmed dokaaov za to, ds ne mor« biti na teh dveh premičnicah nobenegi govora o Živalskem evetu in človeštvu, ki bi razmeram na zemlji količkaj podobna. Ce dopuščamo možnoet neke vegetacije, tedaj mora biti U zelo akopa in takšna, da bi nikakor ne mogla vabiti na poeet v iste dele vesoljno*«. Pred dvajsetimi leti |VjM|«ie,'da preidemo na raiprave pravfl in "«akljMčk« objavimo v fía- le f«ferar,„ dn» like p« a« priho.1nj< • (Iz Prosvete z dne 8. februarja 1917.) Pomoč« vesta. Dopisnik iz Willarda. poroča o hudih bojih a tamošnjim župnikom zaradi novih "cerkvenih davkov." . /z & urad« SNPJ. Organizirana Je nov« kampanja za tisoč novih naročnikov Prosvet» Določeni^ je 80 nagrad v veoti 200 zs naj- sgiUtorje. Objavljen Je nov predlog društva št 6 is Clevelanda za revitU» člena o suspenziji. Svetovna vojna. Združene države eo P"^' gale diplomatične sUke a N«inčiJ ff «Tt MlMAJli^ m ia» tum« ii4 VM Blut«, HI. i lil J*» Tort ff.to, tU Mik« Ur M» él. ' u3Bp mi»«-HM', GLAVNI ODBOR 8.N.PJ. UPRAVNI 0D8BK: VINCENT GAIMXA*. pradaednlk.......886? 8. Lnwndole Ara., FHBD a. VIDE«, fL tajnik.............26*7 8. LaWttdak A v«., LAWRENCE GRADISHEfc. Uj. bol. odd.»4S7 8. Lamodek Ava., JOHN VO0RICH, gL blagajnik........ ,;§#57 8. Uw*dek Avt<< KI LI P GODIM A. upravitelj glasil. ...... 2867 8. Lawndok Ara, JOHN MOLEK, uradnik gUaik . .VU.. M .WT8.Lowmjale Avt., ODBORNIKI: frank 80IÜU*. mi • - . A .988 B. 74tt It, c john E. LOKAR JR.. drugi podpradaodnik.. 1W7 l 18»th it., <3 GOSPODARSKI ODSBK: MATH PSTBOVIOH, prodeedaik............888 E. lMat 8t., C ANTHONY CVRTKOVICH...;......... .088 8«n0ea Ara.,Broe JOHN OLIP.....................881 B. Ph*p«ct Ave.. ¿Iaftn4< POROTNI ODSEK:" JOHN GORtBK, predsednik..............414 W. Hay St., Spr ANTON fiULAB... JOHN TRiČELJ.... FRANK PODBOJ.. frank barbich U Salle. III.-Clanatvo dniltva lt. I ae obraMa, da m totora udaleál prlhcHinjf redne rajo dne 7. februar-Je oto I. popoldne 8)Mali boato polillo laitopAlkov, ka tora «u lavollll ti prralavo , te-ktnko Bloranakog» narodnefn doma odbor imo lo 0*0 éd* 4no i. februarja, vabljtnl ral, katorl ate btlt liraljonl pri poaéSkanlb dniétvih in na eojl 8nd. 8Mvnoit tOI étnica olvoritve 8ND ae bO vrlllo 1. tn ! maja. Pra4 Malttl. .............19511,M NADZORNI ODSEK; FRANK ZATTZ, pradaednlk FRED BíALGAI........... JACOB AKBROSICH...... H/CtK SKJsSV- ¿M® iitti •• vSimo no »nansP \rH8-; Intk Iman^^droJa">irtoa i| dpredtednika In Jot. Intlharja «4 litolja. Cltajo »o imina odbornikov in dru-rtae Hevilke ter imena aoitopnl-». katerih jt d»< IH «aatopejo 1« u*t|v. Predlog, da ao vhl «araodl ivoraodnl taitoDotl drultra, apto-. Za planik «Mnjl adje M aprej-I. Phmao drultva tli, v katerem Ulj« $1 kot dknerino, tako tudi ima (Irultva 181 (plalaloH), dni-ra 118 lH) m vaame na »nanje. Mila odbornikov ao raamtjo na fojf Jaoob KunatelJ Bogomira, 44 m4 Áal__.MUL. k^ «s L1087? i. a»rn»« a«iw»rt« ¿i. I» ld+tß ' Ao M* NwfeNi. M- je naes^np, pU^^IMo v platno -«j.» 75c umih* UM t\U aapianlk ■ I 1 ''Wffty naalovlte: hi prombtarbc I M! S. Lewedtk Avt. Wl . Cbioafo. IIL . na frovo 00 «i kamc1u na dn1vnv pros vito HLEPETI; Ikever, Oeto. v P^I^Ä^ K fS®®^ Gilbert. Mlaa. Froek Ctoboll KMa. Mast. ' wmw&< MBmPp jajfi^^BPBHÉfc, m- m^T^wn* Jeaepb Setbovk PIUob«r«b. At^N 8aanalb ^ Boato«, ft. I i JebO IfU . ibera«. pa---------— JooMb Ofelia W. Toro«lo, Oni- t enada laja) ao'ipiejme. • Sbkljttdtk dopol-inak« aeji ob oni ur|. Harta otrarl popoldaaako mravanjo ob 1.44. To¿ka I. (poalv-jat). Tekaj H ras^ljb debelo, kalte ao »«delali Jo P!Ka. Portio, Z«aj. ir, KunatoUrKrlab, Senablna. Am-íoalab, Vrhoralk,. Temaalih la Ur. J4' Ambroaieh. Sprejeto d* ae pri-»roillo odbora ta pravila »prpffe. Predlafoao, 4« ae aaplanlk odbora mirne. . Ker je debela aakljtilen^ jvorljo to o pailvnoatl Maaera, Lo-lia, Türk, Marta, Kéaen, Tomaal^h, Irke In Ambroakh, ki peidaai flodt ►alovenja Retvije M ddbeto. 8oa, ÜM (ptt >#etmemho pravil, i Reaoi urijo WPA to apf«lma ter trem poiljt H«rry L. Hopkiaau v IIT 14« MIHfcaHafc lil JM»WM VMNMI iit mantoiv it» rf srspi Vfi H 4 aáa mmklm •H «éry Oelée M. t ijm* m •i Ajtoaki '.flSMJtto...* fiäaretüc da^ * »i b«^|t.bla«tjne |40 i« .lpo»^ »trokd lie»vdoviTer.ve4to p^ü« nt gl. prod-aodnt ka H N P J Vlnrani Calnk.r t. ♦ räfeUe to fvojf taldS7de ime uvrUv.im > Udi v brvodkem joalba. Ambroakh pojooal, 4« «>dbor tt pravilo Je to vo4«o ne 4*1« In aprojo-Sm^totijo. S »etra Poruahok eu-fleWi« do bi ae eniftel« pristopnine, lorar p«, 4« ae «premenijo bo4oto pravila flodo aomeov, aemomorileev - gadua m koal le l«0 ao odobri. Frlbodnjo aoje ao vrli t Bralethu «dne Ü. aprila v dvorani 8NPJ. »kle ajine Jo. 4a «vekUka drakva prlro-dijo aaberá ne 8«. aprik po federa-i eoji ia dobidok «ra v prid dve-i katera ji v Minaeaotl, da apode evektakMn drultvom 8NI'J Sootra Franooe ieHtbar k doravok Mt ao Iponebo elrato, bi ao odpollj«-Jo ■ ©otok vsoto gl. predsedniku 8KP1. Zok IJ oto k aoj« ob 8. popoldo« Moa Marto, prodaedalk J. A. AmbreaMS. «epieoiker POMCILO 0 MAKA*ANI Ml r«0ek lito Ha. Lwk Mai* Ni. Sva b.»* TtoSlB in kila MwO Ma Wime« II«. latOl Plevae ma Mt ion* awi« lil. mi je** uo*«i mi mt iumu J*4*uk liaoe. m«i< imrnmm m, «m ím?u «aÜa'iii, n*«m mi. *>» ■*«!!•« ma Sofeft Year Friende SNPJ Mfn berth ip SNPJ33 Yoan Young Offen Sofet Sound Protection WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 For Member* of Sloven* National Benefit Socimty and American Slovenee PAGE SIX By Stephie and Mary BARBERTON, 0.—The second meeting of the year will be held Friday evening, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p. m. This will be s very important meeting in that the May convention, report on our 9th anniversary dance and the party will be discussed. All members please be present The Buckeyes hsve merged with the Morning Stars, Moon Run Musketeers and Clair-tonians snd our delegste for the convention will be chosen from one of these four lodges. It is not yet known who is winninf the ticket selling contest, for A. 0. will not reveal-bow many tickets the boys have sold but nevertheless, we girls feel that we're in the lead. As you know, the winners will be fsvored with a party by the losers. (The boys want a chicken dinner.) Some of the members suggested nuking this f Yalentine Party. If there are any objections to this, be sure to attend the meeting Friday. The bus trip to Shsron the psst week proved detrimental to some of pur members but only Iwcause they lacked sleep the next few days, other then that it was fine snd dsndy. We hsd the pleasure of having the two Bolha sisters of the Akron Zippers, Fanny Loser, formerly of Vero-ns and now of Akron, snd Jennie Vitsvec of Canton, on this trip with as. Here's hoping you had s good time, girls! Jolly ADis Lodge WEST ALUS, WIS.—The meeting will.be held next Wednesday. After the meeting we will all gsther around tables and plsy cards. Prises will be given to winners. Sandwiches, cakes, cookies Snd candy will be psssed around by the girls snd Eddie Goronja will donate the beer. On February 28, Lodge Vijolica, SNPJ, will hold a card and bunco party st Sparrow park, 8062 Fond du Lac sve. Gsmes will start at 7, there will be dancing in the evening snd s door prize will be given away. The second t«am again takes the /irst team into camp, winning two out of three gsmes lsst Tuesday. Tony Kostanjevec pushes off 253 pins for a season record single game and with a 607 leries lead the pack that evening. At the rate the first team is going It looks like they sre saving themselves for the Junior Prom. Flssh. Jolly Allis will hold a dance on April 24, at Labor hall. Pennsy's good will ambassadorette, Julis Bogatay, Arrived safely in town. See you at the meeting. THE OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN. Athletics In the SNPJ FLOOD CITY JOHNSTOWN, PA—Bingo seems to be all the rage here in Johnstown at the present time, so Lodge Flood City is sponsoring a Bingo Party to be held in the Moxham Slovene hsll on Tues., Feb. 9, snd EVERYBODY 18 WELCOME!!—We sre going to celebrate our 7th anniversary on April 3, so watch this column for further details concerning this event. John and Frances L. Rak have moved to Johnstown from Chicago and have brought their transfers to Flood City. Frances L. (formerly Frances Langerholc) was Secretary of our Lodge for s number of fear« before going to Chicago. We welcome them and hope they will be st active here as they were in Chicago Raymond Dereani is recuperating from the grippe.—A number of Flood City members were in attendance at the Torches' dsnce In Latrobe, where they csme in contact with member« of the newly-organised "Manor Cs detf." We take thia opportunity to wish them success In all their under takings.—A l*«t reminder:—Dw'1 forget the Bingo Party and our next meeting which will be held on Feb. 14 st SJO p. m. JOHN LANGERHOLC JR.. Lodge 712 DETROIT, MICH.—'The Wolverines are «gain sponsoring something new la the way ai activities among SNPJ ledges la Detroit. On tesdsy, Feb-mary 14, at • o'clock la the morning we will depart on the train for Grayling, Michigan. The entire train of twelve ears te occupied by winter sport enthusiasts. Two of the cars are set aside for refreshments. The trip to Grayling takes about four hours. It te a trip through a very picturesque part of Michigan. When the train arrive« at Grayling it is met by almost the entire population of the norther« town. The guests sre transported te the Winter Sports Purk There you may g» skating, skiing or tobogganing. You any rent a toboggan st the park or bring your own from Detroit en the train. The tohoggsn slide is one of Utt longest In the U. S. After a beut I boors of fun the retern trip te Detroit te started. I want to state that no introductions are needed te talk to any person en the trais. Every-one le happy end the people on the train eppesr te eosiprtee oim> Mg happy family. We arrive on our return to Detroit st about II p. n. We have bees fortunate is making reservations for $* people. If yea wish to arsil yourself of any ef theee "SBeegsBSia' pfti must contact the* writer, Joe. Cerne Jr., or John Lach-ner before Monday, February §, st we must st thst time psy for the reservations wo hsve made. Quite s number of Young Americans sre siso going snd thst sssuros us of s most esjoyable Sunday. The writer took S tripe on the Snow Train to Grayling lsst yesr snd would not miss the coming trip st sny cost. The round trip fare is only IC.96 or about % the rogulsr fare You will not regret teking this trip. Dent fail to see the Wolverines perform Is the Times Howling Tournament nt the Imperio! alleys on Sundsy, Feb. 7« The boys sre all keyed up for this event ss there sre prieee st atabe. Our beys expect to carry swsy some of the prise money. CLEVELAND, O.-Jan. 16, the blf nite, must here been forgotten by the other English speskisg lodges. We had s dance est here st W. 180th stand there were four Comrade«, no Straggler«, no Loyalites, no Comm© dores and no Beacons present, and a fow from this neighborhood. We attend your dsneee snd your sffeir*. ae why dent you return the eempl' Members, don't forget Feb. It the meeting slee bank site and fi'* fry. Bring poor dues to sake th year's start clean for the book* IMPORTANT: Bring a eew mem her MICKEY P. DAN. Sec*y. Ledge Tit oral dbswsd. Today, however, we hsve among us aome who lack the high Ulosis and purposes which inspired our founders. They ere largely from our Eng lieh speaker lodre«, snd beesose th»y were raised In s different Ideolo-gy. Is eompsruttvely good tiases and prosperity und did net espertence the suffering and hnrdshipe of onr older you r*member the ¡¡Hod times had st Sffhirs sponsored by this organisation Is the psst. The best of food, drink« and musk are st your dispeesl St their donees Admission only S6e. Musk from • till 1 BUD ANZICK. ivfT'VESDAY, FRBRUA1Y1 ?LASHES M be farther advanced than we ready are. - - .. • „ The worker» should not only b« bandad togeth«r in the economic field. In »troag anion», hut aleo In . .. ^ . th* Political field m wall. Wo all CHICAGO.—Ipqulrkpi *n class C once. while employed with the Ford bnow y^ u u hif|l tlmt that M . --- MMmb|y plant in Kansas City. Need- workers should belong to a strong being answered with regularity. ¡Bee Vese and Mary ianc are the test to transfer to this 20-year paid p clagg which numbers 86 Pioneer» aw. And class B, too, has received Wither recruit making it 20, who irry that policy. During the next mr we predict at least 50 more will ,in class C and 26 matte in class B. A well attended meeting of the hicago District Federation NPJ last Thursday took up ¡Ul problems and elected officers 1937. Upon recommendation of P writer, we are asking the Su-reme Bosrd to plan A MEMBER-HIP CAMPAIGN FOB 2566 NEW UVKMLE MEMBERS DURING SIS, THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY THB JUVENILE DEPART-ENT. To that was added the sug-ution of Bro. Antoa Trejar that ADULT meaaberahip campaign ,r 3000 ADULT MEMBERS BE fAtiED at the aame time becauae ,u> is the 30th YEAR OF OUR IN-ORPORATION. Wa ask the Su-reme Board to divide the member-lip in districts and prescribe quotas the basis of 1036 results. This ill stimulate interest among mem-trs and urge them to greater ef->rt«. We aleo spoke on 20 year ca-tfwment insurance, and contributed 10 to the special fund for the flood. • • » / Frank Pirših" bas returned to lickville, Pa., with a tranafer card. Anna (Repovs) Norrla «urpriaed ua announcing the birth of her flrat ! Minerv» Baric loat three dol-xk by coming to the January meet-ig just after her name waa called to iceive the money. Well have M at next meeting.—The parenta of laie and Louiee Micklautz and Rena Klieka have moved back to Nonius, 111., where Mr. Micklautx pro-ired work.—Wa hear that wedding >11» are due to ring for Mary Merael Feb. 6. Happy landinga.—Auguat arolt was over the othar day and talked quite »ome time on the tu »trike. He related his expert- leas to say, after his experiences he is pulling strong for the hoys in the auto plants to get a union becauae he knows what it mean* to work there. That's the ticket, yoe Struggle»; struggle hard tp> win the strike. We're all pullifig wi|h you. In fact, the Pioneers have been pulling in that direction for over eleven year» becauae we understand the makeup of thinga. • • • Arthur McDowell, a prominent young SociaSat and union organiser, apoke at the meeting of Branch No. 1, JSF, Jan. 22. He told ua that union organisers are making good progreaa in lining up the workers of the Dry-den Rubber Co. plant for a genuine union. - At opce, the writer recatled that many Pioneers work at Drydena. We go to bat immediately by urging all of you who work there to aign up with the union. You have a right to do that. Why, even Preaident Roosevelt embodied that into the NRA, and later the Wagner Act gave you that right. Remember that a labor union mean» better wagea and better working conditiona. A labor union also meane that restitution will be made and protection will be given, you if you are let go without account. It's protection for you in every way. Join! ru \ Farmer-Labor party. The capitaliata like to aae the people fighting amongat themselves and belong te different organisations. So the sooner we bind ourselves economically and politically as well the better off ire wiM he, and these United State* will be a decent place to live in, and not alave in.— y Hate off to our Brothers in Cleveland, Detroit and the other cities where the atrikea exlat againat ths biggest automobile corporation in the U. S. A. To the Badgera: Please attend our next regular/ meeting, becauae the election of a delegate to our next convention will be diacuased. FRANK BOLKA, Lodge 684. Links r/ "Nads'." annual Marie Dance Sat- ÂifîîÂ'ÛÎÎÎ urday, Feb. 6. at the SNPJ ha«. At- ,0* of 0M ******* ■ W tend! . d The Ksrrarro-SalUtto Defense Committee, f to which the Pioneers contributed some time ago, is still struggling to keep these two Italian workers from being deported to Mussolini's hangpen. They are hoping that aome legal means may be found to save the lives of two brave workers whose only crime is that they were labor organizers. Write to Secretary Perkins asking that they be kept in the U. S. D. J. LOT RICH, Lodge B69. StrugglerS CLEVELAND, O.—"F u 11 speed ie»d," Is the motto of the newly tted Entertainment Committee of ie Struggle«. Plans that have been the making for some time have nully gotten under way. The Strug-em' Tenth Anniversary promises to i the biggest.and best celebration rer sponsored by this lodge. Two II dsys of fun await you. SATUR-AY, April 3, will be the opening te with a gala reception for our, it-of-town friends and neighbors; JNDAY, April 4, a Mammoth Vau-ville Show starting at 2:30 p. m., id what a show it will be! Prehand formation has it that Cleveland's ifety Director, Elliott Ness, will •a«I the speakers' program. Yes, Ik*, he is the former G-man, and hu been Cleveland's racketeers' wt bitter enemy. Information has that those two beloved Slovene irigbirds, Josephine Lausche and ary Udovic, will head the Slovene of the Big Show. Besides this, iecisl radio acta .pre being booked, n't miss the Big Show of '37; get >ur tickets early, make sure that >u wofi't be disappointed. Strike News From the battlefield of Cleveland ammoth Fisher Body plant we have *n informed that everything is pro-[ing smoothly with the Slovene legation, which numbers «ome 2000 the kooo employees, being organ-•i shout 96%. Special Slovene day »grams are sponaored by our Slo-"«• Ktrikera. Dances and parties (being held at the Slovene Workmen's Home regularly to raise »'"> The hall has been given to ■strikers FREE of charge for the 'ike activities. Over $700.00 has ready been contributed by the varl-I* Slovene lodge* in Cleveland to ' their fight. The public la with 1» »trikers and the word la, "Re-irdle*» how many G. M. plants are "• I NEVER WILL THEY OPEN LEVE LAUD'S FISHER BODY I.ANT, until the CIO terms are ft," More newa next week. „ < oavaleoctwg '*<» Htrugglar members have just 171 taken to the hoapitol, namely— Judge Frank J. Lausche, who under went an emergency operation for appendix, and Bro. Frank Gubanc, who has already returned to his home. The Strugglers wish both of you a speedy recovery and hope you will be with us soon. V • I Select the Beat Election of delegates takes place this month to the SNPJ convention to be held in Cleveland starting May 17 at the St. Clair ave.~81ovene National Home. As usual this convention promises to be a live wire; plenty of important decisions as to the future of our Society will be discussed. Pertaining to the young generation many problems of vital interest will face the delegates. Being a propounder of endowment insurance I am of the opinion that unless this type of policies is installed into our organisation we will not move forward. A» the Baying goea, YOUTH MUST BE SERVED. Thla and other important deciaiona must be made. Athletics must be given due consideration, as the work of certain outstanding leaders in our Society must po^ be overlooked. In plain words, "The SNPJ must look to youth to carry the burden of future years." "Life Insurance: A Legalised Racket" This book has been read by the writer and it is his persons! opinion thst the book itself is s racket. This book is s boomerang for the insurance companies, for if they can keep our fraternal societies out of the en dowment racket, then their 1-- SPRINGFIELD, ILL. —Our first meeting of the year was held Friday, Jan. 16. After attending to routine matters and electing Bro. Joa Grobelnik to the office of Recording Secretary to succeed Sis. Maty Mi-helcic, we discussed plana for our Eleventh Anniversary celebration to tp on March 14. We*xe going to start the day with CHICAGO^t'a bare again! The Annual Pioneer Athletic Dante will be held on Fe£. 27, at the SNPJ hall, 27th and Lawñdale. Steve Pallo and ular hotels. Wouldn't it be just grand ff we eould have everyone of our members come out? . Now, all you have to do is put ^ one, dollar bill aside where you won't aee It until March 14, and make your reaerva-tiona with the committee in charge, Ann Banlch or Ann Patia. You'll say it was. worth it after you've set your teeth into a juicy steak, mashed potatoes, vegetables, hot rolls, deaaert, and what have you. Make your reservations as soon ss possible. The little books containing threu hundred one cent "stamps" will be distributed among our members to be sold to their friands. A combination waffle iron and grill that (a worth every bit of ten dollars will be given away. On your toes, members, for there's a free banquet ticket to everyone who sells three hundred tickets. In the evening we'll dance to ths ihythmic tunea of a popular tan-piece orcheetra in Redman hall on Monroe atreet, right in the heart of town for the convenience of thoae who have to come in atreet cara, busses, and ,f ven trains. We're hoping to sea some of our out-of-town frlenda from our aister lodges here for the event. Yes, we'll have beer and refreshments. Admission fee will be twenty-five cents. Our next meeting will be February 19, and we hope to aae most of our members attending. After the business meeting we promise you a social evening of bunco games with prises for the winners. Meeting starts promptly at eight o'clock. CHRISTINE NADVESNIK, Bec'y, Lodge 667. his orchestra will be there to delight the dance loyers onee again. With a few additions to his oe&eetra, Steve promises some very sweet and peppy music. Admission will be 3ic with a courtesy ticket and 40c at tke door. As moat of you kaow, the proce.da of thia dance are uaed for the purpose of promoting athletics. We've started the teaU a-eolling again, so let'a ail eome oat and help the boy a and girls make a aucoeae of this dance. There will also be music in the lower halt. Gurda's Blvd. Florists are still pepping It up in the bowling league. > In taking three gamea from Pat-Ra-Cola's last Tuesday, the Florists knooked over a new three game high aerlea. shooting 2543. Considering the fact that moat of the boys in the league ara new bowlers, we have a pretty fair league. Only twelve more nights of bowling are left, so come out some Tuesdsy night snd wstch the beys whoop It up. The Pioneer baaketball team got away to a good start in the Chicago Boya' Club league. They have won their first two gamea. Bolstered by the two Zadel brothers, the Pioneers qaintet will be a mighty hard team: to beat. • ^ The Pioneer Reamers (minus one) trgvelled to Wauk^an Sat. night and reported • very good time. Seems that a couple of the Pioneers ara pretty anxioua to go to Waukagan now and then. Don't forget Feb. 27! ' ED of EM und ED. Per*/ I would like to see fnore at thla meeting as there will be much to discuss We have merged with the local Lodge te be able to have a delegate at the coming convention. Dont forget, members/ bring your new members to this meeting. Let's gat together and make thia next meetiag a typical Golden Eaglea meeting. Those that d member of the SNPJ au p port« It was very gratifying to f* ««I a recent issue aa article by r> '"kar. He statoa that quite a * of '»ur members of the SNPJ in fv* »»d are out en strike or par-l«l">r In the ait-Sewn strike. r * «f ua in the SNPJ give eer » i rw»íbly fiase He I aeppert W4f »"other» that are ae naibly fur the right* of all werklag •fs» ' * that atrikea are a if the big boeeee are »• eatf do net want te iW. which it waa conducted. At that meeting we diacueaed a party which we agreed to have following oar aee-ond meeting of the year which falla (en Sondey. ftbrmry 14. §t. Velee-1 tine's day. The girta agreed to pre-ride the food and the fettewa the drtaka. A« la the custom ef a party, everybody will be fully enteHeined. There will be something for each and evety member to do. If yoe ae da-• ire. you are perfectly welcome to bring a friend with you We decided to have ear aaeetine a little earlier, We UniversalComets UNIVERSA!. PA—We urge all Comets to attend the next regular meeting on Feb. 7. It is of especial importance. ' So that we might bu represented at the SNPJ convention, a merger was affected with the J. Z. Jrs. I/odge of Library. The next steps will be the nominations und the election of a delegate. The convention is the supreme body,- and the fact that it meets bat once In four years is reason enough to Interest us In who Is going. Moreover, meeting night la benk-altov1 and one must be present to win the S2- That ought to be an incentive. I am *U for local autonomy in the individual breaches of the SNPJ. Still, I think that the «rowing practice of fining or suspending members for noa-attendsnee at,«nestings is sn unwise move on , thai Pert of the lodges. If the practice I*, continued, 'It will pwohably lead (te the detriment of the organisation,/net to the good. The honeat purpose behind it all can be understood, but there ia sometimes a big difference between the Intent and the reault Surely there muat be other means. LOUIS V. KUMER, Lodge 71«. Musketeers' Musing MOON RUN, PA^fltj attempting to carry out a ifew V'tgr's resolution and to fulfill our dutlla as members of the publicity committee, the following Is the result. Plans are being made for the MUSKETEERS' SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY affair to be held at Portman's Grove In Moon Run on June 18 and 19. A feature of this event will be the drawing of 826. Wstch thia column for furthkr detalla concerning our annlveral/ry celebration in the forthcoming Issue» of the Proaveta. In the meantNab. make a very specisl note In your de<* book—June IS, 19 —with the Moon Run'Muaketeera. We enjoyed leading "More Natives Return" and are among thoae who'd like more srtielea by Isidvtck Zupsn-cic. Alao contributing to fine reading are Women's Roortd Table, the John Smiths strip and the Upper Crust cartoon. We see by the paper» thst the eastern lodges are being asked not to have an affair called SNPJ day competing with the Milwaukee affair which was dealgnated aa the official SNPJ day. All of which brings up the question, what »hall the event being planned by the local E. S. Federation be named 1 CHRIS end MARY KRALY, Lodge 706 Golden Eagles with the repreeentatlvee of rhoaen by the mon nad women in a certain induatry. the only thlng te do ia te ebow th*m hew streng the union le. Oar dear Mr. Sloan. Président of General Motors, wanled Ut aee ___ _ ^ t _ ____ how »tronc the union waa, ee 1 think ai 1 or 7*6 e'eloek at the 1ate»l by thie time b# ha» found oet |oet are givlng eerh month s door prise how atrong the union la. We ail ef 10» ger member attendlog the hnow that thi» atrike i» golng te be a»eetlng. wh*h la te be drawn frem ■ to the lechy m»mber Programes EUCLID, OHIO.*-M o n t h a have passed and ngaln Progresslvea are holding a dence, but thla time it la to be held at Slovene Society Home on Rechar ave. The date ia Saturday, February 13. The time ia « o'clock. Music by the moat popular Johnnie Pecan. Admission will be 26 cents. Then there will also be a door prise. Sincere invitatiun is extended to all SNPJ members and their friends. You may obtain your tickets from any Progreaalve member.—Our next meeting la on February 9. Hoping to see all members attend. EMMA KOKAL, Treasurer. Pioneer Newt SNPJ PIONEER GIRLS' CLUB STRABANE. PA.—The January meeting of the Pioneer Glrla' Club, held at the home of Josephine and Mary Sveton, was probably the heat meeting ever held by the club. All were present with the exoeption of Agnes Curtis who waa alck in bed with the flu. Laat month we had the pleaaure of initiating Anna Kamln-ski and Vic Krall. The newly elected officers for 1987 are: Mary Tama-sine, Pres.; Frances Podboy, V. Pres.! Frances Florganlc, Bee.-Tress.; Elisabeth Grsytok, Rec. Sec., snd Mary Progsr, Publicity com. The birthdays celebrated this munth were of Dorothy Frankovltch, France» Flor-gsnlc and Anns Orsvie. The club wlahes you all s happy blrthdsy and hop« you hsve many more In the future. The club is »ponaorlng a polka dsnce Feb. 7 st the SNPJ hall. All are invited to attend and we assure you will not go home disappointed. (All girls holding the tickets please return them to Frances Florganlc as soon aa poasible.) Bowling: Josephine Sweton takes the lead with a score of 128 snd ia followed by Mildred Batista with a aeore of 118. LA HALuE »I.I—Here we are again after a very nice meeting, on the road to auccess for the year 1987. The meetiag waa weU^eUended, thanks to all the membera present. The activity committee met Jan. 18 and la making plans for the celebra-tien of the tyohawks' Uth anniversary. No del» ha* been set aa yet, but tt la tentatively planned for April 10 and II. It la to be a two-day affair. The committee met again Jan. 29, I • The meeting of the Mld-Weat not be able to collect on thia atock until Up third generation comes up in about 1M4. Now they are demanding the «ashing of thia ateck and a 86% ralae In wages. This common stock was forced upon them before they were organised Into a union. In the February Issue of the Amer, lean Magasine Ilea a very Intereetlng atory by John Janney of the coal mining aituatlon In the eastern section of Pennsylvania. It seem» that the large Interests are trying to smother out the poor minera who are League Conference at Waukegan was, seeking out a living from slope mines a very interfating one. The Mo-¡which they have atarted. Thla haa hawks have a basketball and bowling gotten to be quite an Industry In the team entered. Any other members bard coal district where the large wishing to tfy for these teams, see* mining Interests absndoned mlnea Rudy Novak for basketball and •\Starry" Brinovec for bowling. The Sports committee will meet shortly and all of the memberj that are in< terestea are urged to be present. The Mohawk Lodge has bean merged with lodge of Granville, 111., for the purpose of electing a delegate to the convention. Thia will be our flrat representation at the convention. Joe Jakse has left the Mohawk tribe for good to take up a job In Chleage.' Sorry to see you go, Joe. , With the sit-down strikes becoming a fad, we have one here in La Salle. The Mill snd Smelter Workers' Union of Americs has gone on strike at the M. A H. Zinc Co., one of the largest line ore smelting and rolling mill plsnts In the United States. During the years of 1038 and 1988 the employes were receiving 40*t of their wages In oommon atock Inatead of caah. Now they demand their wagea or rather cash for their atock and the company told them It waa a flat cut. In 1988 the company filed a voluntary bankruptcy for reorganisation. Under the terma of the bankruptcy the employees will which, they aald, were not paying. Since It has started to hurt these large interests they have put up S big howl, published large headlines about the millions of dollara being stolen In Penna. A great bootleg ooal syndicate being protected by the law. They have forgotten tne part they played In causing this situation. It is too bad that the large mining capitaliata can't stamp thla out, 'cause they might be unable te take that trip te Bermuda or Havana thla winter. U is 6 great development which haa made the working elaaa of people to awaken to the fast that no one shell kelp them unleaa they help them»elvea, It «till requires a lot of technique to make tawa In thla country, A handful of men can be picked out of the rank and file to go to the front and fight for their rights. W» were all given the aame amount of brain and the power to uae It. But It is our own wlll.powar that will help ua to develop our brain-power. So let ua go to vftrk and study our labor aituatlon and work out some Ideas to better It. One good one ia— Join In unionism snd buy union. JOHN KLANSKK, Lodge A7H. Spirit' O- Grams By Wheeslt ST. LOUIS, MO.- "We" sre happy I will be to snnounoe that our Brother "Pete" Koksl hss reported himself well sn' Is bsck at the tasks of life. The accident In which he figured would have taken a far greater casualty for Its toll were It not for his unselfish and heroic efforts. As "We" understand it, Bro. Kokel la cradited with the At thia writing (Ja^ saving of two Uvea (names not avall> UÊÉÊ^M ' 22), F. Florganlc's team is In tb. Übte). The results of the lesd about a 1000 pins. Keep It up, glrla. MARY A. PROGAR, ^^^^^ I'ub. Com. SNPJ Union Office Em* ployees' Benefit Dtiice CHICAGO.—There waa once a young man who had an outaide Job as a truck driver and he, ae many, many others, had a great desire to become an inside man, a white collar worker. So—he spent moat of his lelaure hours at buslnaaa study and after quite a long period of Intensive and exhaustive study, he was in u position to secure hi» desired Job, sn ln»ide Job, u position as an assistant for the samet company he drove trucka. Indeed, he waa very happy ie hia new work and aa hla ambition was tireless he continued with hi» studies in order to become eligible for a higher office position. All this concentrated and caasingless study, beside bis regular work, caused a geaeral break-down and he fall ill with pneumonia. It toq); many months for him to regain sufficient strength, leaving him with weakened lungs and the doctor's order: "If you must resume work, it must be outside work." What irony! But no doubt, he was glad in later years thst cireumatance» made him again a truck driver, for in thia field of work much higher wages were paid, due to union oigfnitttiea, This little story shows thgi at 6S6 time office workers held an esteemed snd deeirsble position In the business world aad therefore the field wa» •oon overcrowded, so that the hosae» ran hire snd fire at their will snd pey outrageous wagea. What other remedy can there be than that ef union organisation? The qaeeUen oI union organisation took maey years to gain the attention ef the office worker» and now psogreaa ia being made slowly bat surely ifcraugh the Stenographer», Typiete, Bookkeepers and Assletaate Union Thla Union wa« organised to provide the office therefore were confined to minor in-Juriea of tke two, a*td Bro. Kokal suffering a badly battered leg which wss struck by the mschine. Congratulations, Bro. Koksl. • • • Dud dies I Attention! — Huddles of the Spirits' Buddies Club sre reminded to get their correspondence off the shelf snd dust It off for the . coming Valentine's day. Yours truly Is wondering what hi» unknown Buddy hss In store for him? Time will tell. Kasler Dsnce At the'lsst regular meeting Ihe Spirits chose the following for the Easter Dsnce Committeei Jske Ks-rin, Frank Koksl, snd John Spiller. The committee ia getting under way with quite s few detail» to he aolved. It should, therefore, he needloaa to try to Impreas upon the memberahlp the Importance of watching thia column for further detalla regarding the dance. Federal Ion Newa The Central lliinola SNPJ Federa lloa will have Ita nest meeting In Springfield, III., on April 88. There a program snd dsnee, we underatand, on the aame date with the Springfield lodge* handling *o affair.—Llncolnltea, we'll be looking for you In Springfield. Be there In full colors, Let's make thla reunion even greater than our last one. ' Maybe we eould do some bowling, eh what, Ltncolnttes, in Springfield? How about getting ether lodges In* tereated In thla matter T What eay, Pioneers, Waukegan, Mohswka, Integrity, Badgera, ate, Ufa have an She wee. Integrity Broadcast CHICAGO, ILL—All membera of ! Few. e at th. Me. *!**« 4*cn' POBIAUTV COM MITT 1| ■ ■ ■ ■ LATROBE, PA. The.-Torch of l iberty* lodge dance was a r**l success In every reepeet. W* bed with us not only • large group from our neighboring Ledge 318, but the Yoegh Valley Knight«, Keystonlan«, Manor Cadet« (recent addition to the SNPJ family) and eeveral others. It was a pleasant evening with pleasant people. The well known Martin hcrre's or-fhestr* Won the *pprov*l of every dancer. The old folka bubbled ov*r whoa the polkaa took tke crowd by •torm, a oil the Hroodway hits, too, we awst set forget to mention, won recognition. These radio artist« can draw the crowd- -eo we «ay, "con» graialfttioes." We *re »led thai we bane ee orcheetra en the air that aaa give the Amei uen public a last*. I ef the real Sloven« mu«ia, mu«ie that ha« kept th« Slovene race alive and happy. We thank all the lodges prce [ cnt for their hearty eooperatloa. You can aspect ee st your seellal affaire. I • • • Have you eve* heoid Martin Set re's «n being preeent. A rich program will lie outlined for the day A Town Revclettes' Club I g**aa by now all ef eer raedera knew (hat a new R. S lodge ho» been ergeaiaad I* our eeunty. It baa been * *iae«ere to meet thi« newly organ-i «ed greap, Ihe "Manor Cadete," et eer dene« and ia tar* we their I AMHKIDGK. PA - At the annual meeting ef the Hevelette« th« following officer« were elected i Prce., ! Chrlatine Geult Vice Pre«., Jennie Iteskyi Secretary. Rachel DeMaeiet Keeerdiag decretory, Jennie Reneh; Treasury, Margaret Pelts, with s i large attendance present at the meetiag We heve «elected Feb. 18 fer a Card Party to be held at the new Slovene h*U. It* Merchant st, start ing promptly at S p. m Pris** will t«e awarded and refreshment« served i admiaio* tic Doni tor gel the dale. Feb. 13. aad Card party en Jaa. JENNIE RftMCN. Udg. 6SS. PROSVPTA Lodge Letters / roioH valley knights WE8T NEWTON. PA—The Yough Valley Kmghu «till exist with jndicaUoas of a little mors spirit prevalent than has been la the past. The regular monthly meeting will be bold SUNDAY. PEBRUARY 7. at 1:30 p. m. and all art urged to be present as there art eeveral things of importance to be taken up. The Entertainment Committee la contemplating potting on a play early la April. A cast of IX la required aad there art still some pans to be let. Anyone deeireas of taking part, please get la touch with the lodge secretary or aay member of the committee aa soon aa possible. Some trouble was experience in getting a cast together for the short comedy given on Christmas eve; we hope we have more oooperaUon this time. Remember, brothers aad sisters, we need your help, and the success of this play la depeadent on the extent of your efforts. CAN WB DEPEND ON YOU TO DO YOUR PART? Jaaaary S3 found the Y. V. K. en-joyed themselves at the Torch of Liberty Polka daaee. ' Aad to finish the day up right the orchestra and a number of at were Invited U) the Fradel home aad the memories Kill linger. net to be forgotten for a while, the wonderful hoepitality given us. Yea can bat your la* dime that we wig go book there a gal a. « .u The newly ocgaaised Manor Cadets «ate woH represented by an active let of members. Had the opportunity to meat the whole executive committee awt also all the rtet ef the Cadets aad enjoyed making their aoqealnt-a nee. Oh y«a, if anyone didn't get a ticket for their bingo and card party at this dance, It waan't the fault of the Cadeta, aa they surely made a great effort in selling them. We hope that their first social undertaking waa § success. In conclusion, I again wish to remind the Y. V. K. of the regular monthly meeting, Feb. 7. JOHN KOBE, JR.. Lodge 73«. follow the example of other fraternal benefit societies, whose only objective la the building of nn insurance organisation through entertainment and athletics, witg total disregerd to promoting the welfare of its members through workers' education and or-gaaiaation. In many inataneea, such organisations are even controlled by individuals possessing a different dam interest than ourselves, and lacking the comprehensive democratic identity of our SNPJ. So far my comments have touched only the purposes for the organise tlon of our Society, and the tendency among some member* to make ath letica the principal interest of the SNPJ. Such comments, in my opin lea, are Justifiable if we are to ap predate the principal interest for our existence. Let us now be more sped fic with the question of athletics in our organisation. (Continued next week.) friends te attend. A spedal invitation is extended to the varioua Societies from the surrounding territory, to come and help make a merry evening. EVELYN AMBROSE. LODGE NO. 7 HOLDS DANCE CLARIDGE, PA.— Lodge No. 7, SNPJ, la inviting you to attend a dance at the Slovene National Home at Clarldge, on Fob. 6. The music will be furnished by Bud Tragessar's orchestra. We art hoping you will attend and enjoy yourself. Alao members of the SNPJ Lodge No. 7 are requested to attend the meeting on Feb. 7, for the election of a delegate for the eleventh convention. FRANK ZUPANCIC, President. . JOLLY ALLIS LODGE NO. MS WBBT ALLIS, WIS^Woll, and again I say. "What's new on the Rl-alto?" If I'm net mistaken I was to have a successor to me In writing artkJes, but aa I tee it now I'll have to continue for another term. Never-theless, It will be a pleasure, eh, Adle? Und howl The annoaneement of Sister S. P.'t engagement to P. K. has been made not aa long ago. The day la said to be on May 3. Qengratulatlona.— Speaking el engagsments, Rudy, how about lettlag as in ea your big day? It'« coming, bat when, I don't know. Then tbero'a Bro. f, and he, too, ha« hit mind on the same thing. Wall, Freak, ha a good boy and tell us tht date set for the big day. Though It amy be somewhat late, I wieh that two of our membera had happy birthdays, Slater Agnes Botha and Bro. Phillip Yeraln. Phillip received a new watch, "and Is she a LADIES' CLUB MASK BALL DETROIT.—The Ladlca' Club of the SDD will hold ita first dance this year on Saturday, Feb. 6, at the SDD at 487 8. Livemois ave. at 8 p. m. It trill be a Mask Ball. Three prises will be given for the masks. Admission only 28c. Wt cordially invite one ami sJL ,f, ■, PAULINE BAHOR, Lodge lfl. VERONIANS' NEWS VERONA, PA*—"Just recovering prom na epidemic of floods; hope we get a dry epell; give us a chance to eettle down and place the furniture," familiar saying here the last week. Let oc forget the water locally and other neighboring Lodges, join us with our Vslentine Dahce this Sat., Feb. 8, at our National Home, to the rhythm of Leo Zornik and his swing band. Repeating, spend the evening with the Veronians. JOS. STEFANCIC, Lodge «80. ' Bowling. Well, it has happened, the second team haa gone out and slipped three times to the first place team. The first by 4 pins, then by 10 and 18 pins respectively. Our anchor man along with the ever reliable Eddie, "did ua dirt," and failed to come through In tht pinches. Ws are still in second place. Anderson's 807 and KoatanJevec's 801 led tha team. After regular bowling the boys went out to trim each other. Emll Tertkan took on KostanJevec and was trimmed, und hew! However, Emit, neat Tuesday la eaotber day. You can't beat a fellow whe shoots a flgurt over SOS fee the three games The girl* ate still al It. Some day they ftgurs on giving the boys a msuh. Practice some more, girls; the boys are also get- "ILIRIA" HOLDS DANCE CANONSBURG, FA.-On Saturday evening, February 8, the Slovene Singing Society "Illlrija", under the tutelage of Anthony Rotanc Jr., will sponsor a dance at the £NPJ hkll. The Moonlight Serenaders have been secured for this occasion with dancing in order from 8 until 12 o'clock. Music will be played to de-light both the young and old, ao If possible, come and epend a gala evening as a good tlm* is Ih store for yon. They have appeared at various todal functions. Therefore It It urged for all members and their I/ODGE 282 SOCIAL CLUB i SHARON-FARRELL, PA. —Our first annivereary dance was a big auccesa, and one of the largest crowds to ever attend a social affair in our city was present. The Barber-ton SNPJ Buckeyei hsd the largest group, with Niles, Akron, and Canton alao being present with a few members from their district. The feature of the evening was the Bergant Sisters' orchestra. They sure proved to be very popular with the crowd by their snappy polkas and fox-trota. The Social Committee of our club wishes to thank all those who were present.—So watch for this date for another good time—April 10. H. RUPERT, Lodge 262. Current Matter MASQUERADE BALL W. NEWTON, PA.—The Slovene Singing Society of Collinsburg is sponsoring a dance at the Slovene hall on Sat., Feb. 8. One of the largest crowda that ever gathered in the hall is expected. The music will be furnished by tht popular' Dlxoniant orchestra. Prises for maaks. Admission 81-00 per couple, and 18c for the children. FRANK ZORKO. LODGE NO. 78 CLE ELUM, WASH.—We, the members and officers of Lodge 78, SNPJ, deeply mourn the passing of our throe Brothers who died last month: Paul Kolar, David Matajfja and Frank Mladenlch. MATT M LADENICH, Pres.; KATHERINE DEVEREAUX, Sec'y; ANTON LUCICH, Treas. HEAR ABOUT SPAIN CHICAGO.—Senor Luis Perea, acting Spanish consul, will speak on the "World Import of the Spanish Civil War," at the Toman librnry forum, 27th st. and Pulaski road, Friday, February 8, at 8:30 p. m. A question period will follow. Everyone In the vicinity of the library should takt advantage of hearing the intide story of the Spanish government buttle against the outraget of Faaclsm. Admission free. Women's Round Table By Mary Jagg Now for the comic side of life. Yes, air, the day la routing. What day? That would be telling. Well. Joe, when is It? The hearts of our two girls art still In the eastern part of the rountry. All I hear Is Joe thla and Albert that. If I had a plant here, I'd give you both jobs working for me. so you rould settle down over here and take away the misery that theae girls are la. Adie Is also get-ing leery, yeah, s certain little girl is coming fret») I'ennay, I auppoee Just to aae him. Travel a«toaa the country for a dance, or what hatj you? or sumthin'l Well, we certainly will be glad to tee her. Well, folka, Joe la waiting for me, ao again I muat aay. "Tha's all thar' am. fa' thai' hain't no mo?" No^ung. SNIPPY ATNLETIt S IN THE SNPJ (Continued from page 6) letica, which ta an enjoyable recreation and aport. and which raqulree the minimum mental strain. The •eriousnesa of thla practice Is tho tendency to build a society for athletics. Thus, the raal differed«* of opinion on the athletic question can readily be appradaiad. On the one hand, we have many membera with a aortal viaton—the doaire to eatohlteh better eondiUena and higher living a ton darda foe ita member« and human society through »orMil enltgktonmont end elaaa coneciotisaeas. And an the other band wo haw mo* membera whe either ignore theae tSadl« ea Urely, 0« revolt at their •oggeattoo They would rather ear Setietg would Rocommtndcd: Anton Garden'a article in last week's Prosveta. Since endowmenta are another form of racket, why should our Society participate in instead of expose .them? a • - I'radar I tea far U«6— a Investigste before you bite! Make this an iron-clad rule for anything you intend to buy because of Its ad-vertising, and you will rave your health and money. Why? why? doean't the government do something to s{op the aale of poisonous, adulterated, fake products? Because it It powerless. Why do the newspapers continue to take the advertising? Because it'a their source of money. Why do the people buy pmdueta that seriously impair their health? Be-causs It'* easier to bluff people than annoy them with the truth. a .I'MhUw far Uaa— r'R * a 4 If you want to read a halr-raialng account of what all la sold under high-pressure adviy-tising and what results from ita so to your nearest library and ask for ths "American Chamber of Horrors* If you can survive all the detailed deacription of what resulted when people took fat-reducing medteinea, eyebrow and eyelash dyes, halr-ramoving salves, d is be tea, rancor, and rheumatism cures; If you can "still take it" when you read all that goes Into the end-leea advertiaod iaxatlvea and reducing diets; then you're all,sot for the gooey chapter "Your Peek of Dirt." where Inapectors of creameries tell of an operntor "finding rata In his cream ao bloated that In order to get them out of the cana he had to puncture them He didnV aay what he did with the croam." And another whe opened a can of cream "that had many maggote a «rimming and trawling around In It that be called i be former back from the at root aad told him to take It away. The farmer est very much put out about hi If he had known there was going to be so moeh fuea about a few worms, he would have strained his cream before ho brought It In." a a Thla book by Ruth deForast Lamb doarrlbes a case of deoth after to vera suffering due to aa advert teed reducing remedy It tells of eaeihef woman whe suffered total Mtndneaa and a horrible diaflguratkm of t «■lire faee from using nn eyelneh dye. Uaage of a particular heir-re-okovtog aoive eeeulted in euaoe of poraiyoM, that baffled even the Mayo Clinic. One of the moat striking Illustrations In tha book Is that of a testimonial ad bearing the woman's picture which says. that "she has had good health ever since using the medicine" and Immediately besido It In the column of "Deaths" is her death notice! a —Praderitea far Dae— a People are taken in by such fakes that It sound» hardly believable. Herd are some the author mentions: whittles for developing wsak lungs, nose straightsners, ear trumpets, bust developers, tyt exercisers, stretching machinea for increasing the height, arch supports, otc. etc. Some of these frauds may be Just merely of no aeoount, but when people tamper with such things as cures for cancer, tubereuloaia, sexual dlseasee, pneumonia, and Inftuensa, it's high time there should be some control and prohibition. a eraOarMaa far Haa— a Why isn't something done about it? Becauae ainee the passags of the Pure Food Law in I SOS, there have boon very few amendments. Because this Mil providea for correct labeling of the product* and says nothing about advertising. Because there Is no provision for cosmetics and It simply prohibits interstate and foreign commerce of products. Bocause there are numerous ways of getting around the low to escape aolaora. *. a —erataMtaa far tea— a The moat Important thing of all Is that every man who haa tried to dean up the fraud* has had most of the manufacturer« of them together with the new «pa per* on his neck! To read alt the opposition that went on during the attempted paaaage of the TugwOll or Cope land Bill la to real-lae that theae ruthleea dealer* and the aewapapera that thrive from them would ge to any meeaure to oppoee a "Production for Uee" pro. gram. No, you aront got law a to safeguard your health "and "fcapplneea unions you put a preaaurt on It. There's too mueh profit Involved! o »t UNIVERSAL, PA.—Recent of the Proevcta have contained official commente on some of the problems which confront our Society today. They have not been dealt with in detail, and auch apparently was not the writers' intention. The intent seemed to be: tq set In motion the thoughts of SNPJ members along suggested channels to .tip end that some sort of solution to the problems might be obtained; further that the whole conglomeration of ideas suggested might run the gauntlet of discussion, and flnslly condense itself into one, or perhaps two solutions. This In turn could be proposed to a convention already familiar with it in every detail, thus eliminating—in part at leaet~thc Tower of Babel which seems to be the unfortunate lot of every convention. Let us review some of those problems suggested: 1) How lo Invest Reserve Fund of Death Benefit Fund? 2) How shall we deal with the problem of Athletics? 8) The question of Juvenile and Adult Education. 4) What aort of Editorial Policy shall we maintain? 8) How can we increase—and hold—our membership? In addition, other contributors have raiaed the question of "What line of insurance policies shall wa carry?" Other question* of greater or less importance alao suggest themselves. One of these it, "How can a merger of the SNPJ and other Slovene Lodge or Lodges be effected?" It is the writer's intention to deal with some —or, perhaps, all—of the above named subjects in subsequent issues of the Prosveta, Group Inauraace A recent Proaveta editorial commented favorably on the work of the Fraternal Ordera Committee, working with the SWOC (Steel Workers' Or-ganiging Committee), in making a study of the system of Group Insurance. Thia form of insurance is maintained by most busineaa conearns, and like anything else which is given (??) by employers to employees, It deserves careful acrutiny. But the above suggeits a thought. Could our Society not prepare a ques- tion? This questionnaire could bd filled oat—voluntarily, of course-by each member, aad woald contain all information relating to each membera' occupation and other circum. stances of his employment. Tha questionnaires could be kept in the Society's Hies where they would WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l fT Odr^li >it. Sr. oddelek VPLAČILA Mil St SU ! Odraali JEtkv^i Ma. serve as a quick, ready reference for any* questions which might arisd^ ¿to whose solution would accrue to tha benefit of the membera. Beaides tha question of Group Insurance, information concerning membership In Unions, Citizenship, Occupational Diseases, etc., would be accessible. Prevent Alien Deportation Now that Congress it in session, our Society should renew efforts to intervene in behalf of aliens—many of whom are Slovenet. All unauthorized stays of aliens expired last summer, but the U. S. Labor Depart, ment has been disinclined to start deportations thus far. However, if Congress does not intervene and rescind deportation orders the Labor Department will have to act even though it is opposed to doing so. Secretary Perkins and Immigration Commissioner MacCormack have examined all caaes and found none to belong in the "immoral claaaes," and that the worst crime of any of them has been only that they entered the country illegally. Further than that, Harold Fields of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Immigration at Ellis Island stated from figures compiled in 1933 that there are 4.500,000 aliens who in due time are eligible for naturalization. Of these 1,600,000 have taken out first papers, a half million are die-qualified by age or residence from ber coming dtlaena yet, and of the other 2,600,000 many are attending night schools so aa to learn to become citizens. At any rate, our Society should proas the pledge made by President Roosevelt in his inaugural addreaS that, "We will never regard any faith-ful law-abiding group within our borders as superfluo"« " MAX KUMER, Lodge 715. Ample Reason "I need a holiday," said the pretty cashier. "I'm not looking my beat," "Nonsense." said the manager. "It isn't nonsense; the men are be-tionnaire for submission to its mem- ginning to count their change." « BP.* yti 6tS 121 1*4 IIS' M »as sts SM SSI •ta IM W4 IM *¥ 117 IM IM A40 Iii 14« »il 144 in 141 IM MS IM M4 Ml Ut »•> 414 Mi m M7 IM MS 57« 171 171 171 in, 171 ISO •II M2 IH u. 116 MI M7 MS Šestmesečni raCun med društvi in jednoto od 1. julija do 31. decembra, 1886 financial statement for six months ending Dec. 81, 1836 (Nadaljevanje s 8. strani.) ----ypff čila—isplaCila-[ krav, članov | (>drMU M lad In »k I Odra* 11 Mla.iln.kl I ki. Ar. I oddelek !f oddelek ( oddelek RBCf.ll TB---1—DISBURSEMENTS—I [Dr. SsMruJa; Dr. i «a aaa*. ' kredita Udea No.1 Adult \\ Juvenil«........ Adult I didn't knew that the Ma rued Lamentera have accepted (. K rhoaterloai as their ratlgieoe authority! They rould st leoat have tos need a atatemont from tho pope aad lot a poor English esseytst rest i m peace' Ot la the Roman office aad poteeaiaf baakiuptl 117 MN INS YS« 391 MS ;iim m m 197 11»« toa 40t 4SI 4SI m 407 'M 4M 411 III 'IS 114 4IS 411 ttl m 411 41« iti 41« 41T 4M 410 4SI 4M 4M 414 4SS 4M 4M 44« 441 441 44S 447 4«a 44« 4M 411 4S4 "i .m' I " "t .... 4»7 ,,,,{ 4SI 417 M« «ta 471 «TI 414 471 4f« 417 4Ta «T» «M Ml 4M «as «M t Ai- »••»Of urna' 1.1SI.S4 ' 4,0 7i rfi7.tr mu; 110.14 mm» I44.SS IM.ISl 1447.4« XB •4.84 IJM Ml nt i «»* « I .SM.lt' tl7.»! asa 74 sir a|) •M '.7 mu' MS.44' ti» M is* m! 7M.I1 l«a .!«< Stt.4ti Ml.M' «a* SI1 I, »S«,77 IM.I4) •SI.Tt' sans4{* »oi os, 1S7.S4, um m »03*4 87B.M} laa «a IS. 11 M«.01 j 4104 MS JI S «m m MO Ml IJI« «t Ml «o »sssa«. IM Of 4ft. tí) mm4i i7a sai Juvenile ijada« Deblu ■I Dr. lam ) Odraal kredita ¡oddelek ' No. of Lode* 1 Crédite ! Adult Odr**lí: Miad. ' oddelek Member» Adult 1 Juv. 77.11 14.Ml •4M M.M tl.it, 15.M 14.M IS.I0 1.10 I.40¡ •7.48 t I»■» ' 44.11 1.10 40.41. SOM ll.lll MM' -I4.S« »«..to IJI SS.S4 m.mI 4«.41' M.SI M.IOl 140 1.10 MM 11.M «7.0* II.M IS.71 la.«ti 11.14 M. IS 11.47 tt.aa «.Ml ISO 4.00 1140 1.41 V IS.M MS4 M II IM« M. It IM« 14.M 7.M. M.M ««.Ol MS IM tU ' im! Ml I.4S. 1.441 60 ....... ....... III 64 111.04 ....... ....... 74 M 119.00 ....... •........ ....... ? 77 •0 Il7.f* .. ....... t 4,1 ....... 16 23 IM.OO .. ....... * ......... •0 • * 117.10 ....... ..... k. •. 42 14 17.00 •• ......... ....... »1 19 w 14 IHM ,, ....... M.SS .....». 11 14.10 ., ......j ......... ....... U 1 4.0M.M 766.60 G00.00 ....... IM 74 v .. . ni •4 18 1.702.(0 1.00 •1 7 89 1 4M.M „ ....... - ■' i'.* _'' ::::::: 106 81 166.00 ....... .....;. •4 14 16.90 . ....... ......... II U 116.90 160.06 ......... !!!!!!! >8 ta M9.50 ....... • 1 • IM.M ....... ::::::: • '149.60 .. ....... M 10 1,260 (Hi ...... ; «I M . 7« oo ....... to 7 71.oe f i' ....... 16.97 11 n IM.0O ....... l.M ' • » .f* M M moo 171 ::::::: M 32 169.00 ., ....... ....... M » •4S.07I ....... 1.7» « 14 49 IM ....... II 1 ' M.Ofl ! .. ....... .60 M • - 497.60 • l.M 40 17 IM 00 '"".M M H 1.874.60 ....... III 17 ...•.a.... i .. ....... " 17 1,161 OA ....... ....... f 44 U M9 M >00 0O ....... U 14 ISMS . .. ....... M.SI II M •0O0 ....... ~ • 7 17 289 0« f ' r 800 «4» ""¿il M 11 »00.0 ....... ::::::: »• U 419.69 ....... ......... M 19 199.60 " " ....... U 7 1 1 M.60 :: .!!.... ....... 71 M - S t» « 19* 00 .. ....... II' 9 9M M ....... »0« • 41 II »60.611 41 M M7.M •MM ....... . ....... M 11 >96 66 ....... ........n ....... •a • 41 SMJ4 .. ....... M 14 17*06 ....... ..... M 11 ' 48.M ,. ....... 14 7 : 884« .. 41 14 IM.M' M M 41 SS L: " ....... .171 •6 M ■ • . ...... f 1 SM M M • •14 M ,, Mlll t j 11 I UM .74 ■ M m ■ mm ' tSMtj ....... ......... ——3S 4 la 6 i ^ i jm.nl .. ....... ......... • 9 • » » • 9 «I u • SUM ....... • I7.«7 •1 7 SM «O ....... i...***1 s»! M S.M •46 aa j: ::::::::: te M M 1 U I 1 M6 aa ....... M " M MUS .. ....... 141 II 10' M IM M ...... 1 »« M • 41 .......1 tt| te fj* .. .......J II « U« .. .».«•.J .M • tSJM .. "••«M ......... 1 i 666 sa ....... •m •a 41 ltSSSl .. u • ta rat il' 1 isa BMA* ::::::::: » u it -ÜI • 4 SA ■■ ....... IO| ti m M • IJItJO. .. •a»aa«»*6 *••««»* m 16 sasai .. NMg .. ....... 14 1 II » MM 1 1 ao e a s e oo M • M It 4' I SHJM .. •f..... t M tm • : "1 M IV ■ SMJ« us a» M II rmri3 M - 82.83 883.S» 1.220.49 112.2«' 226.64 188.42 419.11 ! MS.41I 111.14 017.M 4,141.Il| 411.10 ttl.7ll 241.08 II«.17' 1,887.0t M4.M i,M7.«el «79.11 1,704.17! 741.111 4M.S1* 121.02' 711.Ml 471.7«' ZHfi.Hi 114.74 im.7s 729.2H 441.34 »00 86 1,171.41 205.M /1.941.19 154.11 1.141.61 790.79 178.16 117.11 717.71 tM.M tll.tl «06.28 441.71 114.41 81«.tR M7.80 111.36 181.14 110 9* 118.08 80«.Ot 814.17 177.84 - 212.«2 ml.«« 1.771.20 411.99 m.m 4m. m lll.lt iM.tl i14.ll 117.m 44i.m »s.m: ms.lt. 97s.s1 »08.94 1,111.71 si.ir 111.99 111.41] 111.47. 111.77 141.4« »M.10 140.0« MR.M . 283.64 1M.I«: IM.7« 114.48 S7.06* I4.ll! 419.71 j 874.47 44I.4SI t67.tR 441.18 IM.71' 70S.lt: 4«.!8 lu» «I Ml.14 117.M' MOM 198.20 111.71 470.1?: M7.74 MIA! j 147.M lei.so 117*41 602 12 111.I» 114.7« W. 70.4t I M.M MS M 200 9»; MS. 14 • M7.AS IM.at 881.Si' JuvaaUa «Jtl < 4.1 n.a 71.7S LM I.M 22.9« u.m! «.tel q 21.74: 11.11 ll.lt HM M.M 14 14.1*1 t.«0 x 1M1 . »0 10 4.1« l.to 14.67 17.7« M.Z1 26.87 19.40 t.40 4.m; 31.62 16.40t Ml 10.01 129. Ml Mil Ml 1.11 U.M • ^ 52.10 ».M 17.11 1I.M U.M U.M 1«.S0 1 OH 14.Ml «.toi 11.Ml l.to 14.42 40.14 l.tt M.M tl.M «.M 41.4» 17.41 «.Il 20.62 1«.M l.M 17.41 19.01 I.Ot MO 21.96 8.04 25.84 l.M U.M 10.17 tl.M 4.11 l.M l.M M.M 11.49 .11 11.71 l.M l.M 1.10 4.80 MO «.00 81.M 17.8t M.1« 11.11 9.90 «.M 7.10 10.08 7.M MO 11.69 «M 2.18 3:60 17.11 1.17 U.M ll.40¡ 1.4« 16.SO IMS M.I7 SM« Mt 9.M IM« II.M ll.ll «M 47.S7 11.4« 4.8« 11.42 ll.M 894 11.19 9.M MladlaaU Dr. 4el«uje Dr. la. ou,«, uddatefc I edSalefc aa aeaa. ¡ kredita «tdri,k D1SB U KäEMKN TS—-| l^f^^ Juren!te 1 Debita ) Crédita i Adult M.M 1.M7.M 147.10 17I.M 4Mt 94.M tl.M 18.90 111.60 44. ........'I 197.90- 1.118. 1M.M M.M M.M 110.M M.M «4.M 489.00 279.60 2M.M 4M.M 60.00 tOO.M 111.19 M.M tlt.M 2,111.00 M.M 1M.M «tl.lt lMJi tl.M 4M.M 144.10 «77 Jt 1I.M 1I.M It 41.0*1 121.00 •U.M 2M.M 200. I74.M 1,614.00 t.M 1M.M 82.00 I M.M M.M 1.414 AO 117.60 1M.M 1I.M 18!.M 600.00 •l.M • U.M 1M.M I44.M tM.M 4I4.M 141.14 410.M 177.60 * 7«.M 179.9* 114.0* S17.M IM.M 8».60 749.90 411.M M7.00 2M.60 ll.M 1. 94.00 111.M 111.M 44.00 17.M 84.00 I U.M Ml. 90 17 M.M 144.00 .......... .....IS 7.M l.M 411.0o IM.M 87.00 ltt.M 179. M I,«U.M IM.M 17» 11 t.M •M.M mW M.M STm M.M M7.M IN 4.041 171.00 M7.M 4SS.M . 199.M 14.M 14«.90 IU7.M1 44.M m.M'^ 4- i«. 2441.97 .1« %............... M.M ....... ::::::: ....... .......! .10 .7» tl.M 4.11 tl.M l.M 86.01 1114 1141 14.14 1.8« 1.14 ....... - •1.7« 22 41 .44 1.71 ll.m 1.71 106 30 "f Ml IM 14.M - m 144«. 771M H4.4T.M I S „M« S I g I I 0 I 0 *