Investigation For Output Torque Of A Low Pressure Water Hydraulic Planetary Gear Motor Shigeru OSHIMA, Takuya HIRANAO Abstract: This study concerns a Planetary Gear Motor which can be driven by low pressure as same as civil tap water pressure. Low pressure water hydraulic system has advantages such as low cost, safety and easy usage as well as no risk to pollute the environment if leakage happens. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the structure of the Low Pressure Water hydraulic Planetary Gear Motor (LPW-PGM) and to explain the supposed mechanism of output torque generation and the method to calculate the theoretical output torque. The theoretically calculated output torque is compared with the measured under the condition of very low constant rotational speed. As a result, it is found that there is a difference between the calculated and measured results, and the major of difference is caused by the friction at the meshing parts on the teeth of the stator, rotor and planetary gears. The experimental result shows that a surface treatment on the planetary gears with solid lubricant film which contains Graphite makes the output torque efficiency increase about 15%. In addition, the planetary gears made of PEEK and brass are also tested. Key words: Water Hydraulics, Low Pressure, Planetary Gear Motor, Output Torque 1 Introduction Water hydraulic system which uses tap water as a pressure medium has no risk to pollute the environment if leakage happens. It has been known, therefore, as an environmental friendly new fluid power drive system since the late of 20th century. It has many advantages; clean, non- Professor Shigeru Oshima, Numazu National College of Technology, Department of Control & Computer Engineering 3600 Okoa, Numazu, Shizuoka, 410-8501 Japan Takuya Hirano, Suntory Liquors Limited, Osaka Plant Blend Group, 3-2-30 Kaigandori, Minato-ku, Osaka City, Osaka, 552-0022 Japan toxic, non-flammable, low pressure loss, and so on11. It is also a big advantage that the pressure medium is easily obtained and drained. It leads to decreasing of management cost, too. The water hydraulic systems are considered to have many possible applications in low pressure driving field as well as in middle and high pressure driving. The low pressure leads to the low cost of components, and the easy operation and safety driving of the systems. Studies on the low pressure water hydraulic systems have been carried out to aim to get the low price in compatible to pneumatic systems while high power density and good controllability are compatible to oil hydraulic systems 21,31. Water hydraulic systems have been applied in industries of food processing, beverage bottling and packaging, semiconductor and paper manufacturing, etc. There are also possible applications in welfare equipments, universal house equipments, leisure and amusements park equipments and others 4). For the many of those applications, the low pressure water hydraulic systems are available. Some of them can be driven directly by the pressure from the civil tap water network or the water supply network for the industries. Otherwise, centrifugal pumps may be often installed as pressure sources. Anyway, it is relatively easy to get the pressure source for the low pressure water hydraulic systems. The goal of this study is to develop a Low Pressure Water hydraulic-Planetary Gera Motor (LPW-PGM), which can be driven by low pressure as same as civil tap water pressure. The planetary gear motor has been developed originally in Holland as a low-speed high-torque hydraulic motor. The basic principle and theory for its geometry have been reported in detail in the reference material 5). Based on the theory in the report, we made a prototype to be available for the low pressure water hydraulic systems. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the structure of LPW-PGM and to explain the supposed mechanism of output torque generation and the method to calculate the theoretical output torque. The theoretically calculated output torque is compared with the measured under the condition of very low constant rotational speed. As a result, it is found that there is a difference between the calculated and measured results, and the major of difference is caused by the friction at the meshing parts on the teeth of the stator, rotor and planetary gears. The experimental result shows that a surface treatment on the planetary gears with solid lubricant film which contains Graphite makes the output torque efficiency increase about 15%. In addition, the planetary gears made of PEEK and brass are also tested. 2 Structre and mechanism of torque generation 2.1 Structure and dimensions The main part of the LPW-PGM consists of a stator, a rotor, nine planetary gears, port plates A, B and a flange as shown in Figure 1. In our prototype, the inside of the stator is formed by a curve with 5 lobes and the outside of the rotor is formed by a curve with 4 lobes. The geometry (shape and size) of the pitch curves of them and the radius of the planetary gear's pitch circle have a tight connection. They are all determined by numerical calculation of the equations derived based on the theorem of friction wheel model 5). The curved surfaces of the stator and the rotor have teeth which mesh with the planetary gears' teeth. Nine displacement chambers are formed, which are enclosed by the stator, rotor, planetary gears, port plate B and flange. The each chamber's volume varies periodically when the rotor rotates. The port plate A has an outlet port and five outlet distribute holes which are all connected with a pentagon groove and the port plate B has an inlet port and five inlet distribute holes which are all connected with a pentagon groove such as shown in Figure 2. The inlet port is also drilled through the port plate A to connect the inlet port on the port plate B, and the five outlet distribute holes are also drilled through the port plate B at the same place of each the outlet distribute hole on the port plate A. The inlet distribute holes and the outlet distribute holes are located alternately on the inside surface of the port plate B and open to the displacement chambers as shown in Figure 1. Each displacement chamber connects alternately to an inlet distribute hole and an outlet distribute hole when the rotor rotates. The volume of each displacement chamber increases when connecting to the inlet distribute hole and decreases when connecting to the outlet distribute hole. Water is supplied to the inlet port and the water discharged from the chamber is exhausted through the outlet distribute holes to the outlet port which is connected to a return line. (a) Structure of main part Figure 1. Structure of the LPW-PGM (b) Cross sectional side view Figure 2. Location of Inlet and Outlet distribute holes on the port plates A and B In the theoretical analysis, the connection of the rotor, stator and planetary gears are treated as a friction wheel model as shown in Figure 3. The tooth profile has been removed from the pitch curves and pitch circles of them. The pitch circle of the planetary gear is always in contact with the pitch curves of the rotor and stator. The stator is considered fixed in space, the rotor rotates around its axis "O", and the planetary gears roll on the pitch curves of the rotor and the stator with no slip when the rotor rotates. them. The practical dimensions of the main parts of the prototype are shown in Figure 3. In practice, the rotor has 104 teeth, the stator has 130 teeth on their pitch curves and the planetary gear has 12 teeth. The theoretical displacement volume calculated by numerical integration is 36.6 cm3/rev. The rated output power of shows the mechanism of torque generation at one of displacement chambers connected to the inlet distribute holes. The drawing of (a) shows the generation of torque by the pressure acts on the rotor surface and (b) shows that on the planetary gears. Note that there is a distance l2 between the center of the rotor and the force acting line of Fr in (a), and r1 is larger than r2 in (b). It causes the torque in clockwise. The same condition appears at the all displacement chambers when they connect to the inlet distribute holes. As the planetary gears revolve with the rotation of the rotor, the displacement chambers move and switch the connection to the inlet The rotor's pitch curve of our prototype is formed by a cosine curve by Equation (1), of which the minimum radius Rr 0, the maximum radius R and the number of lobes NrRL are initially determined by a designer. rR (e)= {1 + cos(NrRL -e+rc)} (1) Planctarv acar Rotor SUllOL" Axis of t lie coordinate systems on (lie sta lor l the ixak to pejik 11.42 Nm 0.59 Nm [>.70 Nm f Average value _ 1,112 Nm — Max. value of the penk to peak _ 0.72 Nm _ 3 Average v;iliie _ 1J03 Nm _ M;i\. value of the peak to peak _ 0.55 Nm _ Figure 9. Measured output torque when using the planetary gears with surface treatment of solid lubricant film (at 1 rpm and Ps=0.25 MPa) the surface treatment with solid lubricant film. There is still remained the difference of 0.15 Nm between the average values of the theoretical and the experimental results. Since the theoretical result contains no torque loss, the difference is due to the torque losses generated at several parts inside the LPW-PGM. The torque losses by the friction on the meshing teeth still may be remained, and also there may be the torque losses induced by friction at the other sliding parts; among the inside faces of the flange and the port plate B and the side faces of the rotor and the planetary gears, at the bearings and the shaft seal. The reduction of those torque losses will be expected to get the higher torque efficiency. Table 2. Average values and the maximum peak to peak values of the fluctuations in the output torque when using the planetary gears with surface treatment of solid lubricant film Kotatiimill sptH.'ti (rpm) Oui pi 11 torque Ps=Ql2 M Pa Ps= 0.25 MPa I's 0,3 MPa 0.1 Average value 0.98 Nm 1.26 Nm 1.53 Nm Max. value til the peak Lu |ieak 0L30 Nm 0.27 Nm 0,39 Nm 1 Average value 009 Nm 1.28 Nm 1.S5 Nm Max. value of 11k peak Lu peak 0.28 Nm 0.23 N m 0.3S Nm Average vahie 0.99 Nm 1.28 Nm 1.53 Nm Max, value of the peak to peak 031 Nm U,2fi Nm 0l36 Nm 3 Average value IJOO Nm 1,25 Nm 1.53 Nm Max. value of the peak to peak 032 Nm 0,27 Nm 0,33 Nm planetary gears made of PEEK and brass are also tested in the same conditions. The average values gained at 1 rpm are shown in Table 3. It is found that the planetary gear made with PEEK gives pretty good improvement in output torque while the brass dose not so good. 5 Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results The calculated results of the output torque shown in Figure 6 and Figure Table 3. Average values of measured output torque when using the planetary gears made of PEEK and Brass (at 1 rpm) Planetary Gear Ps =0.2 M l'a Ps = 0.25 M l'a Ps = 0.3 MPa PEEK 1.06 Nm 1.34 Km I ,fi<> Nm Brass 0.91 Nm 1.16 Nm 1.38 Nm 9 are shown comparing in Figure 10. The ratio of the average value of the measured output torque to the theoretical average value is increased from 74% to 89% by the reduction of friction on the meshing teeth by Clear periodical variation is not observed on the measured output torque wave. It is considered that the friction inside the motor disturbs the smooth motion and the presence of the teeth is also one of the causes. £ i> & i—i č 16 1 4 12 1 08 06 0.4 02 0 -Theoretical result Experimental result (0,25 MPa, 1 rpm) 100 200 300 Rotational angle of the rotor cc [° ] Figure 10. Comparison of calculated and measured output torque (at Ps=0.25 MPa) The theoretical calculation carried out in this paper is based on the contact wheel model in which the presence of the teeth is ignored. 6 Conclusions The structure and the working principle of LPW-PGM, which can be driven by low pressure as same as civil tap water pressure, is introduced. The mechanism of generation of the output torque is explained clearly and the method of calculation of the theoretical output torque is revealed based on the contact wheel model. It is confirmed that the calculation gives the appropriate result by comparison with the average value of the theoretical torque calculated by another method. The mechanism of generation of the periodical variation in the output torque is also explained based on the theoretical considerations. The measurement of the output torque with a prototype of the LPW-PGM is carried out under the condi- tion of very low constant rotational speeds. As a result with the original prototype, the ratio of the average value of the measured output torque to the theoretical average value is 0.74. The surfaces of the planetary gears are put a treatment with solid lubricant film which contains Graphite in order to reduce the friction on the meshing teeth. It increased the ratio of the average value of the measured output torque to the theoretical average value to 0.89. The output torque efficiency increased in about 15% by the surface treatment of the planetary gears. The planetary gear made of PEEK gives also pretty good improvement in the output torque. It is found that the friction on the meshing teeth has considerably a large effect on the output torque efficiency. As a result of the comparison of the theoretical and experimental results, it is found that there is still the difference of 0.15 Nm between the average values of them even with the surface treatment on the plan- etary gears. The more reduction of torque loss is expected to improve moreover the output torque of LPW-PGM. References [1] Modern Water Hydraulics - Your Choice for the Future. Booklet of Introduction of Water Hydraulics published by NFPA, 1995, pp.1-5. [2] Aaltonen J. & Koskinen K. T. & Vilenius M. & Kunttu P. 1999. Experiences On The Low Pressure Water Hydraulic Systems, Proceedings of the Fourth JFPS International Symposium, November 15-17, Tokyo, Japan, pp.357-363. [3] Kunttu P. & Koskinen K. T. & Vilenius M. 1999. 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Nomenclature tangential forces on the surface of the rotor, which are generated by pressure acts on the planetary gears radial force on the rotor, which is generated by pressure acts on the rotor forces generated by pressure acts on the planetary gears distance between the contact points of the next two planetary gears' pitch circles and the pitch curve of the rotor distance from the center of the rotor to the force acting line of Fr number of lobes on the rotor number of lobes on the stator pressure in the displacement chamber supply pressure minimum radius of the rotor's pitch curve maximum radius of the rotor's pitch curve minimum radius of the stator's pitch curve maximum radius of the stator's pitch curve radius of the planetary gear's pitch circle radius of the rotor's pitch curve at a given tangential position ® distance from the center of the rotor (and also stator) to the contact points of the planetary gears' pitch circles and the pitch curve of the rotor distance from the center of the rotor (and also stator) to the contact points of the planetary gears' pitch circles and the pitch curve of the stator theoretical output torque torque generated by pressure act on the planetary gears torque generated by pressure act on the rotor theoretical displacement volume width of the rotor, stator and planetary gears rotational angle of the rotor's rotation tangential position angle on the coordinate systems defined on the rotor (see Fig. 3) tangential position angles of the contact points of the planetary gears' pitch circles and the pitch curves of the stator and rotor, which are given on the coordinate systems defined on the stator (see Fig. 4) Raziskave izhodnega momenta nizkotlačnega vodnohidravličnega planetnega zobniškega motorja Razširjeni povzetek Prispevek obravnava nizkotlačni planetni zobniški hidravlični motor, ki deluje na vodo iz pipe. Nizkotlačna vodna hidravlika ima prednosti, kot so nizka cena, varnost, enostavna uporaba in predvsem prijaznost do naravnega okolja - ni tveganja zaradi onesnaževanja, ko se pojavi zunanje puščanje hidravlične kapljevine. Namen prispevka je prikazati konstrukcijo nizkotlačnega vodnega hidravličnega planetnega zobniškega motorja (LPW-PGM) in razložiti verjeten mehanizem generiranja izhodnega pogonskega momenta motorja ter izračun teoretičnega izhodnega momenta. Glavni sestavni deli vodnega hidravličnega motorja (LPW-PGM) so (slika 1): stator, rotor, devet planetnih zobnikov, ventilska plošča A in B, sredinska plošča ter prirobnica. Predstavljeni prototip LPW-PGM ima stator s petimi krivuljami in rotor s štirimi. Na krivuljnih površinah statorja in rotorja so izdelani zobje, katerih oblikovni parametri so enaki kot na vmesnih devetih planetnih zobnikih. Geometrija LPW-PGM definira devet komor, ki jih določa rotor, stator, devet vmesnih planetnih zobnikov, ventilska plošča B in prirobnica. Volumen posamične komore se periodično spreminja med vrtenjem rotorja. Iztisnina predstavljenega vodnega hidravličnega motorja je 36,6 cm3/vrt., izhodni moment je 0,75 Nm pri 200 vrt./min in tlaku 2,5 bar. Moment zobniškega planetnega hidravličnega motorja je sestavljen iz dveh delov (sl. 4). Prvi del momenta nastane pri delovanju tlaka na površino rotorja v posamezni komori. Pogoj za nastanek prvega dela momenta gi G 2 F f f 1 ' 12 ■RL rSL r 0 i 0 R R R R Rp rR (0) ri r2 i, i; Tth T 1 G T Vth Wp a 0 0, 0 2 2 je ekscentrični položaj te ploskve glede na os vrtenja rotorja (slika 4. a). Drugi del momenta pa nastopi pri delovanju tlaka vode na planetna zobnika posamezne komore (slika 4. b). Rezultanta momentov obeh planetnih zobnikov v posamezni komori deluje v smeri, kjer je planetni zobnik bolj oddaljen od središča vrtenja rotorja. V primeru na sliki 4 se rotor vrti v smeri urnega kazalca. Teoretično izračunan izhodni moment je primerjan z izmerjenim pri zelo nizkih vrtljajih gredi hidravličnega motorja. Ugotovljena je razlika med izračunanimi in izmerjenimi vrednostmi. Glavni razlog odstopanj je v trenju med statorjem, rotorjem in planetnimi zobniki. Povprečni mehansko-hidravlični izkoristek osnovnega prototipa vodnega hidravličnega motorja je bil 74 %. Eksperimentalni rezultati prikazujejo, da površinska obdelava planetnih zobnikov s trdim mazalnim filmom, ki vsebuje grafit, poveča izhodni moment hidravličnega motorja za 15 %. V nadaljevanju so bili testirani tudi planetni zobniki, izdelani iz polimera poli-eter-eter-ketona (PEEK) in medenine. Ključne besede: vodna hidravlika, nizek tlak, planetni zobniški motor, izhodni moment Acknowledgements This work has been supported by Dr. Shimpei Miyakawa and Yoshihiro Oobayashi of KYB Corporation, Basic Technology R&D Center, Water Hydraulic System Group. The authors would like to thank them for their support with production of the prototype of LPW-PGM. Naboj za razvoj Razvoj in ip.raizjMjH t-.; - števcev «OTTOgSS 'l - merilnih in zaščitni - merilnilflii»fflra - stikal, varOya|RBW Razvoj in proizvoanjtH^lll-b^V: in naprav za industrijsko avtomatizacijo Hk'y Proizvodne storitve na CNC strojih « v —- ,, i - i — robosapiens fSKRA AMESI, d. o. o. Savska Loka 4 SI-4000 Kranj Slovenia Tel.: +386 k 206 42 65 Fax : +386 4 202 26 11 E-mait: