181 Research article/Raziskovalni prispevek PEPTIC ULCER HEMORRHAGE: COMPARISON OF EFFICACY OF TWO METHODS OF ENDOSCOPIC HEMOSTASIS – A PROSPECTIVE STUDY* KRVAVEČA PEPTIČNA RAZJEDA: PRIMERJAVA UČINKOVITOSTI DVEH METOD ENDOSKOPSKE HEMOSTAZE – PROSPEKTIVNA RAZISKAVA Pavel Skok1, Marija Skok2 1 Dep. of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, General Hospital Maribor, Ljubljanska ulica 5, 2000 Maribor 2 Health Centre Dr. A. Drolc Maribor, Ul. Talcev 5, 2000 Maribor Arrived 2003-08-04, accepted 2003-11-21; ZDRAV VESTN 2004; 73: 181–6 Ključne besede: peptična razjeda; krvavitev; endoskopska hemostaza; argonska plazemska koagulacija; injekcijsko skle- rozacijsko zdravljenje; prospektivna raziskava Izvleček – Izhodišča. Akutne krvavitve iz zgornje prebavne cevi sodijo med pogosta nujna stanja, s katerimi se srečujemo v urgentni medicini in gastroenterologiji. Peptična razjeda je najpomembnejši vir krvavitev. V Sloveniji je letna incidenca krvaveče peptične razjede 118 bolnikov/100.000 prebivalcev. Bolezen je povezana s pomembno umrljivostjo, še zlasti pri starejših bolnikih s pridruženimi obolenji. Po podatkih iz literature so endoskopske hemostatske metode in zdravljenje v usmerjenih intenzivnih enotah vplivale na zmanjšanje umr- ljivosti pri teh bolnikih v zadnjem obdobju. Namen raziskave. Namen raziskave je bil ovrednotiti učinko- vitost in varnost argonske plazemske koagulacije v primerja- vi z injekcijskim sklerozacijskim zdravljenjem pri krvaveči pep- tični razjedi in ugotoviti umrljivost teh bolnikov v prospektiv- ni, kontrolirani raziskavi. Bolniki in metode. Raziskava vključuje 100 bolnikov s krva- večo peptično razjedo, 63 moških in 37 žensk, povprečne sta- rosti 57,1 leta, SD ± 16 let, v razponu od 26–80 let. Med njimi je bilo 50 bolnikov z želodčno razjedo in 50 bolnikov z razje- do dvanajstnika, zdravljenih zaradi krvavitve v naši ustano- vi v obdobju od 1.januarja 1999 do 15. maja 2000. Vsi bolni- ki so prvič zakrvaveli zaradi razjede. Ob nujni endoskopski preiskavi je bila aktivnost krvaveče razjede ocenjena v skla- du z Forrestovo klasifikacijo. Po randomizaciji smo pri 50 bolnikih opravili endoskopsko hemostazo z argonsko plazem- sko koagulacijo (instrument ARCO 2000, skupina A), pri 50 bolnikih pa injekcijsko sklerozacijsko zdravljenje (z razred- čenim adrenalinom v razmerju 1:10.000 in 1% polidokano- lom, skupina B). Bolnike smo zdravili v enoti internistične intenzivne medicine, kjer so bili hemodinamsko nadzorova- ni. Prejemali so simptomatsko zdravljenje, vključno s transfu- zijami. Skupini bolnikov se nista pomembneje razlikovali gle- de na starost, spol, aktivnost krvavitve, uporabo nesteroidnih protivnetnih zdravil in pogostost pridruženih obolenj. Key words: peptic ulcer; hemorrhage; endoscopic hemosta- sis; argon plasma coagulation; injection sclerotherapy; pro- spective study Abstract – Background. Interventional endoscopy has largely reduced mortality in patients with peptic ulcer hemorrhage. Study aims. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of endoscopic hemostasis with argon plasma coagulation and injection scle- rotherapy in bleeding peptic ulcer and determine the morta- lity of patients in a prospective, controlled study. Patients and methods. The study includes 100 patients with peptic ulcer hemorrhage (male 63, female 37, av. age 57.1 years, SD ± 16, span 26–80; gastric ulcer 50 patients, duode- nal ulcer 50 patients) in the period between 1 Jan. 1999 and 15 May 2000 treated in our institution. The bleeding activity was determined according to Forrest classification. Fifty pa- tients were randomized to receive argon plasma coagulation (ARCO 2000 Electro Surgery unit, group A) and in fifty pa- tients injection sclerotherapy (sclerosing with diluted adrena- lin 1:10,000 plus polidocanol 1%, group B) was performed. The groups did not differ with respect to age, sex, site, severity of bleeding, use of NSAID and additional diseases. Results. Clinically and endoscopically diagnosed reebleding occured in 7/50 patients (14%) in group A and in 9/50 pa- tients (18%) in group B; p = 0.78. The majority of reebleding occured within 48 hours after endoscopic hemostasis, group A 4/7 (57.1%), group B 7/9 (77.7%), p = 0.74. Repeated endoscopic hemostasis did not prove successful in 8 patients (group A 3/50, 6%, group B 5/50, 10%), p = 0.71. Seven pa- tients were treated operatively. The total mortality rate was 9% (9/100 patients, group A 4/50, 8%, group B 5/50, 10%), p > 0.05. Only one patient died due to peptic ulcer hemorrha- ge, other 8 patients died due to concomitant diseases. Conclusions. Argon plasma coagulation seems to be an effec- tive and safe alternative to injection sclerotherapy and other hemostatic modalities in peptic ulcer hemorrhage. ZDRAV VESTN 2004; 73: 181–6 * Data were in part presented at the 21st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency medicine, Brussels, 20–23 March 2001 (abstract number 141– S65). Podatki so bili delno predstavljeni na 21. International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency medicine, Bruselj, 20.–23. marec 2001 (izvleček številka 141-S65). 182 ZDRAV VESTN 2004; 73 Rezultati. Klinično in endoskopsko smo potrdili ponovitev kr- vavitve pri 7/50 bolnikov (14%) v skupini A in pri 9/50 bolni- kih pri skupini B (18%), p = 0,78. Večina ponovitev krvavitev je bila v prvih 48 urah po endoskopski hemostazi, v skupini A 4/7 (57,1%), v skupini B 7/9 (77,7%), p = 0,74. S ponovljeno endoskopsko hemostazo nismo bili učinkoviti pri 8 bolnikih (skupina A 3/50, 6%, skupina B 5/50, 10%), p = 0,71. Zaradi neuspešne endoskopske hemostaze smo 7 bolnikov zdravili operativno. Skupna umrljivost vseh naših bolnikov je bila 9% (9/100 bolnikov, skupina A 4/50, 8%, skupina B 5/50, 10%), p > 0,05. Samo en bolnik je umrl zaradi krvaveče peptične razjede, ostalih 8 bolnikov pa zaradi pridruženih bolezni. Zaključki. Argonska plazemska koagulacija sodi med učinko- vite, varne in cenovno dostopne metode endoskopske hemo- staze pri akutnih krvavitvah iz prebavne cevi. Rezultati raz- iskave potrjujejo, da je učinkovitost te metode pri krvaveči pep- tični razjedi primerljiva z injekcijskim zdravljenjem, ki je v Sloveniji med najpogosteje uporabljenimi tehnikami hemo- staze. Umrljivost bolnikov s krvavečo peptično razjedo je pra- viloma odvisna od pridruženih obolenj, ki vplivajo na razvoj zapletov in neuspešnost endoskopskega in/ali operativnega zdravljenja. Introduction Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is a frequent emer- gency encountered in family practice, urgent medicine and gastroenterology (1–3). This condition usually necessitates ho- spital admission, often to an intensive care unit (ICU) for fluid and blood resuscitation, hemodynamic monitoring and urgent endoscopy. The most frequent causes of severe he- morrhage are complications due to peptic ulcers of stomach or duodenum and hemorrhagic, erosive mucosal changes of the upper digestive tract (4, 5). Helicobacter pylori infection and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) account for the majority of benign ulcerations (5). The importance of NSAIDs as a major cause of peptic ulcer bleeding may de- cline in the future, because the new class of NSAIDs, selective cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors, holds a great deal of pro- mise in terms of reduced gastrointestinal toxicity. Various statistics have confirmed that 20% of all peptic ulcer patients have at least one incident of hemorrhage in their life. In Slovenia, the incidence of peptic ulcer hemorrhage is 118/ 100,000 inhabitants, with a significant mortality (5). At all ages the incidence is higher in males, except in the age group over 80 years. Emergency endoscopy is the most effective diagnostic and therapeutic method in peptic ulcer hemorrhage (6–10). This treatment modality has considerably reduced the number of emergency operations, length of hospital stay and mortality (4, 5, 7, 9). Different endoscopic techniques including elec- trocoagulation, laser therapy, thermal probes, mechanical de- vices, injection of fibrin/thrombin glue or injection of adre- naline with or without a sclerosant or dessicant score a simi- lar therapeutic success in peptic ulcer bleeding, but recurren- ces of hemorrhage and the development of hemorrhagic shock still represent alarming problems (3, 5, 6, 9–11). Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a special procedure of contact- free electrocoagulation in which energy is transmitted to the tissue through ionized and therefore conductive argon gas (i.e. argon plasma) (11–19). APC through a flexible endoscope provides a new technique for thermal devitalization or blood coagulation which was introduced by Grund et al. in Tübin- gen already in 1991 (11, 12). The main objectives of this prospective study conducted at our institution were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of APC in comparison with injection sclerotherapy (IS) in bleed- ing peptic ulcer and to evaluate the mortality of these pa- tients. Patients and methods The study includes 100 patients with an emergency hospital admission due to peptic ulcer hemorrhage (male 63, female 37, av. age 57.1 years, SD ± 16, span 26–80; gastric ulcer 50 pts, duodenal ulcer 50 pts) in the period between 1 January 1999 and 15 May 2000. The study was approved in 1998 by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Republic of Slovenia (No. 90/09/98; The influence of Helicobacter pylori eradica- tion on development of reflux disease of the esophagus in patients with bleeding peptic ulcer) and carried out in accor- dance with the principles of the Helsinki – Tokyo Declarati- on and the Code of Ethics of Slovene health workers. At our institution all patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhage are treated at the Department of the Internal Medicine where the only endoscopy unit is located, situated directly next to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The organization of work ensures the 24-hour presence of the endoscopy team. In all cases urgent endoscopic investigations of the upper digestive tract were carried out to determine the origin of hemorrhage within two hours after admission. Prior to the procedure, each patient was acquainted with the aim of the investigati- on and he gave his written consent to the endoscopic proce- dure. As premedication prior to the procedure, butylscopo- lamine 20 mg/ml (Buscopan, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ger- many) was administered in the iv. form, as well as local anesthesia with 1% lidocaine spray (Xylocain, Astra), usually 1–2 insufflations. All investigations were carried out with an Olympus GIF Q20 and GIF Q30 device (Olympus GmbH, Hamburg) and the EVIS (Endoscopic Video Information Sys- tem, CLV U20) with OTV-F3 OES TV system (Olympus Opti- cal, Hamburg GmbH). Vigorous washing with the USW-1 water pump (Olympus Optical, Hamburg GmbH) was per- formed to remove adherent clots from the ulcer floor to better inspect the ulcer base. The bleeding activity was deter- mined according to Forrest classification. In all patients en- doscopic hemostasis was performed. During interventional endoscopy patients were randomly allocated to either of 183 two groups by using sealed envelopes which has been distri- buted to endoscopists. Fifty patients were randomized (gro- up A) to receive Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC), and in fifty patients (group B) injection sclerotherapy (IS) was per- formed. The groups did not differ with respect to age, sex, site and severity of bleeding, additional diseases or use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). APC was per- formed with ARCO 2000 Electro Surgery unit (Söring Ltd, Quickborn, Germany; the angle of the probe app. 45° in rela- tion to tissue surface, distance from tissue app. 10 mm, po- wer settings: 70 W, gas flow 2 l/min, using Argon gas of 99.99% purity). During endoscopic hemostasis, APC was first performed around the bleeding source and if the vessel was visible, also the vessel was coagulated. IS was performed with diluted adrenalin 1:10,000 and 1% polidocanol (Sclero- vein® preparation, Resinag AG, Schwyz). Injection treatment consisted of diluted adrenaline which was administered in aliquots of 1 ml close to the bleeding site (up to 6 ml) until the hemorrhage stopped. Subsequently up to 3 ml of polido- canol were injected closely around the bleeding lesion. After endoscopic control of bleeding, patients were admitted to the ICU. Blood pressure and heart rate were continously monitored. Each patient received 40 mg omeprazole iv. (Lo- sec® preparation, Astra, Södertälje, Sweden), which was follo- wed by oral treatment with 20 mg omeprazole twice daily after 3 days. Conventional supportive therapy including in- travenous fluids and transfusions were given as required. Transfusion of packed red cells was administered in order to maintain the hemoglobin level at approximately 95–100 g/l. In cases of clinically evident reebleding (hemodynamic in- stability: systolic pressure < 100 mm Hg, heart rate > 100 beats/min, hematemesis or bloody aspirates after clear lava- ges from nasogastric tube, passage of melena with a fall of hemoglobin level of 20 g/l or an inadequate increase in hemoglobin after transfusion) the patients were reendosco- ped and the same hemostatic modality was repeated. In ca- ses of second reebleding surgery was recommended to the attending physician in the ICU. Each patient received anot- her endoscopy four days later for Helicobacter pylori detec- tion, biopsies were taken from antrum and corpus, rapid urease test (Jatrox®-H. p.-Test, C. H. R Heim Arzneimittel GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany) was performed and histologi- cal examination in case of gastric ulcers to exclude mali- gnancy. If Helicobacter pylori infection was confirmed, re- commended antibiotic treatment (metronidazol 400 mg twice daily, claritromycin 500 twice daily for the period of 7 days) was combined with proton pump inhibitor, omepra- zol twice daily. Ulcer healing and Helicobacter pylori eradi- cation (rapid urease test and histologic examination) was registered 4 weeks after introduction the eradication the- rapy. If first line eradication therapy failed, treatment was given according to the antibiogramm. The minimum observation time for the 91 patients who sur- vived the bleeding or operation connected to hemorrhage was 12 month. During the follow-up period patients were ma- naged as outpatients. One year after inclusion in the study, 84 patients (84/91, 92.3%, group A: 42/46 patients, 91.3%, group B: 42/45 patients, 93.3%) came to the gastroenterologic OPD for a follow-up endoscopic investigation. Seven patients re- fused the investigation. Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed statistically using the program SPSS for Windows (Version 8.0, SPSS Inc., 1989–1997). The statistical data were expressed as arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The Mann-Whitney U-test was used for the analysis of nonparametric quantitative data and the interaction of categorical data was determined with χ 2 test. Conclusions were reached at a risk under 5% (p < 0.05). Results One hundred patients with active bleeding or stigmata of re- cent bleeding from peptic ulcer were included in this study: 25 patients with spurting arterial bleeding (F1a), 25 patients with oozing bleeding (F1b), 25 patients with visible vessel in the ulcer (F2a) and 25 patients with adherent clot in the ulcer (F2b). Patient characteristics are summarized in table 1. All patients included in the study had their first episode of peptic ulcer hemorrhage. After initial endoscopic hemostasis, clini- cally and endoscopically diagnosed reebleding occured in 7/50 patients (14%) in group A and in 9/50 patients (18%) in group B, p > 0.05. The reebleding rates of ulcers with diffe- rent Forrest criteria are listed in table 2. If only clinically dia- gnosed episodes were considered, the rate of recurrent he- morrhage compared well between groups A and B, with 8% (4/50) and 10% (5/50), p > 0.05. The majority of reebleding occured within 48 hours, group A 4/7 (57.1%), group B 7/9 (77.7%). Reebleding ulcers were not significantly larger than ulcers without further hemorrhage (1.55 cm vs. 1.45 cm, re- spectively). The transfusion requirements were greater in group A (1116 ± 216 ml vs. 1044 ± 144 ml, p = 0.05). Repeated endoscopic hemostasis did not prove successful in 8 patients (group A 3/50, 6%, group B 5/50, 10%), p > 0.05. After repeated endoscopic interventions (21 in all, average 2.6, group A: 8 endoscopic interventions in three patients, group B: 13 en- doscopic interventions in five patients), seven patients were treated operatively. One patient refused operative treatment. Apart from the bleeding peptic ulcer, every patient had at least one coexisting disease. In three patients, the cause of hemorrhage was a gastric ulcer and in four duodenal ulcer. Regarding the type of operation, 4 patients were treated with gastric resection according to the Billroth II method, three by hemostatic suturing. During the postoperative period three patients died (3/6, 50%, group A one patient, group B two patients). Comparison of the outcome for patients in both groups is listed in table 3. The total mortality rate was 9% (9/100 patients), group A 8% (4/50), group B 10% (5/50), p > 0.05. Only one patient (1/100 patients, 1%) who refused ope- rative treatment died directly due to peptic ulcer bleeding, other 8 patients (8/100) patients, 8%, died due to concomi- tant diseases, three among them (3/100 patients, 3%) after emergency surgery. Causes of death included: respiratory failure (2 patients), heart failure (2 patient), cerebral ischemia (1 patient); among patients after surgery: multiorgan failure (1 patient), heart failure (1 patient), pulmonary embolism (1 patient). At control endoscopic investigation, which was carried out four weeks after introduction of eradication therapy, peptic ulcer healing was confirmed in 42/46 patients, 91.3%, in group A and in 39/45 patients, 86.7% in group B, p > 0.05. H. pylori eradication treatment was efficient in 29/32 patients, 90.6% in group A (two patients with Helicobacter pylori in- fection died, one after surgery, the other during hospitalisa- tion) and in 29/33 patients, 87.9% in group B (two patients with Helicobacter pylori infection died after surgery), p > 0.05. The results of the follow-up endoscopic investigation, one year after inclusion in the study, are summarized in table 4. None of these 91 patients were treated for repeated hemo- rrhage during this period. Discussion Significant advances have been made in understanding the pathophysiology and management of peptic ulcer bleeding, including improvements in endoscopic techniques, advances in resuscitative measures and development of more potent pharmacologic drugs (1, 2). The diagnosis and treatment of SKOK P, SKOK M. PEPTIC ULCER HEMORRHAGE: COMPARISON OF EFFICACY OF TWO METHODS OF ENDOSCOPIC HEMOSTASIS 184 ZDRAV VESTN 2004; 73 peptic ulcer hemorrhage remains one of the most challeng- ing and potentially rewarding parts of interventional endo- scopy (3–10). In addition, emergency endoscopy can be use- ful in predicting which patients are at higher risk for reebled- ing. Although peptic ulcer bleeding is self limited in approxi- mately 80% of cases, in the other 20% of patients who have continued bleeding or reebleding during a hospitalisation, mortality rates may be as high as 30% (1, 4, 5). In the last twen- ty years, numerous effective methods of endoscopic hemo- stasis were developed, making it possible to arrest most he- morrhages from the peptic ulcer which did not stop spon- taneously (1, 3, 4, 8, 9). During the last ten years, a large num- ber of clinical trials have established that different modalities of injection therapy (fibrin glue, thrombin, sclerosing agents, ethanol, cyanoacrylate, cyanoacrylate glue, adrenaline), ther- mal methods (electrocoagulation with monopolar or bipolar probe, heater probe, laser photocoagulation, microwave) and mechanical methods (hemoclips, rubber band ligation, endo- Table 1. Patients characteristics. Razpr. 1. Značilnosti bolnikov. Group A (APC) Group B (IS) P value Skupina A (APK) Skupina B (IS) P vrednost Number of patients Število bolnikov 50 50 Age (years, SD) Starost (leta, SD) 56.7 ± 14.5 57.8 ± 14 ns (nz) Sex (male/female) Spol (moški/ženske) 32/18 31/19 Additional disease (%) Pridružene bolezni (%) 46 48 ns (nz) NSAID (%) NSAR 32 30 ns (nz) H. pylori (%) 68 70 ns (nz) gastric ulcer želodčna razjeda 64 64 dudenal ulcer razjeda dvanajstnika 72 76 Hemoglobin (g/l) Hemoglobin 103 ± 22 105 ± 20 ns (nz) Ulcer location Lokalizacija razjede Gastric Želodec 25 25 Duodenal Dvanajstnik 25 25 Ulcer size (mm, SD) Velikost razjede (mm, SD) 13 ± 3 13 ± 4 ns (nz) Forrest classification Forrestova klasifikacija 1a 12 12 1b 13 12 2a 12 13 2b 13 13 ns – not significant nz – statistično neznačilno Table 2. Reebleding rate of ulcers with different Forrest cri- teria. Razpr. 2. Ponovitve krvavitev pri različnih razjedah glede na Forrestove kriterije. Forrest classification Group A Group B P (N, %) (N, %) value Forrestova klasifikacija Skupina A Skupina B P vred- (štev., %) (štev., %) nost 1a – spurting arterial bleeding 2/12 (16.7) 2/12 (16.7) ns (nz)brizgajoča arterijska krvavitev 1b – oozing arterial bleeding 1/13 (7.7) 3/12 (25) ns (nz)mezeča arterijska krvavitev 2a – visible vessel in the ulcer 2/12 (16.7) 2/13 (15.4) ns (nz)viden krn žile v dnu razjede 2b – adherent clot in the ulcer 2/13 (15.4) 2/13 (15.4) ns (nz)krvni strdek v dnu razjede Av. reebleding rate (%) Povprečna ponovitev krvavitve (%) 14% 18% p = 0.78 ns – not significant nz – statistično neznačilno Table 3. Comparison of the outcome for patients in both groups. Razpr. 3. Primerjava učinkovitosti zdravljenja bolnikov v obeh skupinah. Group A Group B P (N, %) (N, %) value Skupina A Skupina B P vred- (štev., %) (štev., %) nost Failure of endoscopic hemostasis Neuspešna endoskopska 3/50 (6) 5/50 (10) ns (nz) hemostaza Surgery Operativno zdravljenje 3/50 (6) 4/50 (8)* ns (nz) Mortality – after surgery Umrli – po op. posegu 1/3 (33.3) 2/4 (50) ns (nz) Total Skupaj 4/50 (8) 5/50 (10) ns (nz) ns – not significant nz – statistično neznačilno * – one patient refused operative treatment – bolnik je odklonil operativno zdravljenje Table 4. The results of follow-up endoscopic investigations in 84 patients one year after inclusion in the study (seven pa- tients refused endoscopy). Razpr. 4. Rezultati kontrolne endoskopske preiskave pri 84 bol- nikih leto dni po vključitvi v raziskavo (sedem bolnikov je preiskavo zavrnilo). Group A Group B P (N, %) (N, %) value Skupina A Skupina B P vred- (štev., %) (štev., %) nost Number of patients 42/46 (91.3) 42/45 (93.3) ns (nz)Število bolnikov Peptic ulcer (recurrence) Ponovitev peptične razjede gastric želodčna – – duodenal (1) dvanajstnika 1/42 (2.4) 1/42 (2.4) ns(nz) Peptic ulcer bleeding Krvaveča peptična razjeda – – H. pylori (re)infection Ponovna okužba s H. pylori gastric ulcer (2) želodčna razjeda 1/42 (2.4) – ns (nz) duodenal ulcer (3) razjeda dvanajstnika 1/42 (2.4) 2/42 (4.8) ns (nz) (1) Both patients were using preparations of acetilsalycilic acid in the last week before endoscopic investigation and were H. pylori negative. Oba bolnika sta uporabljala pripravke acetilsalicilne kisline v zadnjem te- dnu pred endoskopijo, okužbe s H. pylori nismo potrdili. (2) The patient had H. pylori infection at inclusion at the study. Bolnik je imel okužbo s H. pylori ob vključitvi v raziskavo. (3) The patient from group A had H. pylori infection at inclusion at the study, from group B one patient had also H. pylori at inclusion at the study. Bolnik iz skupine A je imel okužbo s H. pylori ob vključitvi v raziskavo, iz skupine B pa je imel okužbo s H. pylori ob vključitvi v raziskavo samo en bolnik. 185 loop, endoscopic sewing) control active bleeding from peptic ulceration and decrease the risk of rebleeding (3, 6, 8, 9, 17– 20). Their success is similar, to a great extent the success de- pends on personal training, experience of the investigator and the quality of instruments for interventional endoscopy (3, 6). Injection therapy is widely used, because effective hemo- stasis can be accomplished with injection of various solutions, including vasoconstrictors such as adrenaline, sclerosants such as 1% polidocanol, ethanolamine, hypertonic saline and 98% alcohol (3, 4). In Slovenia, sclerotherapy with polidocanol is the method which has been used most frequently in the last fifteen years (1–3). This method is still considered effective, safe and economical. In clinical trials the amount of sclero- sants is usually limited, because of the risk of ulcer extension or perforation with larger volumes of injection. Serious com- plications of endoscopic sclerotherapy are unusual and only sporadicaly reported: extensive necrosis of gastric mucosa, gastric ulcer, cholestasis and duodenal hematoma (3, 4, 8, 9). Potential adverse effects of injecting adrenaline include syste- mic absorption, which is rarely clinically significant (3). APC is a recently introduced treatment in gastrointestinal en- doscopy. This coagulation method is a special procedure which transfers high-frequency current to tissue in a non- contact manner via ionized and therefore conductive argon gas (i. e. argon plasma) (11–17). The argon gas is ionised in the high-frequency electric field between the electrode of the applicator and the tissue. This method of endoscopic hemo- stasis was introduced in our department in 1998 and replaced the use of Nd-Yag laser in different hemorrhagic lesions and gastrointestinal tumors (17). Argon is a colour- and odour- less, non toxic, inert gas. It illuminates in ionised conditions, which makes the use of the high-frequent alternating current under visual-endoscopic control possible. In the past, this method has been successfully used for hemostasis and de- vitalisation in open surgery. Liver transplant surgeons use a similar device to treat the bleeding surface of the diaphragm and the liver following blunt dissection. Over the last decade this method was also introduced into laparoscopic surgery (11, 12). The development of special probes, which can be handled via flexible endoscopes, has made this method applicable for interventional endoscopy as well. From the beginning, APC was used for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and endosco- pic hemostasis in hemorrhagic lesions (11, 12, 17–19). APC is becoming increasingly popular also for treatment of Barrett’s esophagus. The method proved to be highly effective and easily used. The advantages of this technique are particularly evident in difficult hemostasis situations, i. e. over large sur- face areas, profuse hemorrhaging, in instances of difficult lo- calization or critical wall characteristics (11, 12, 17). Due to shallow penetration depth, this method reduces damage to adjacent or submucosal tissues and also reduces the risk of perforation (1, 12, 15, 19). Depending on instrument settings, power settings, argon gas flow and the type of application (axial, radial, retrograde), the penetration depths remains between 0.5 and 3 mm and is therefore particularly suitable for endoscopic hemostasis also in the duodenum and thin- walled colon (11, 12). According to the results published, APC is suitable in angiodysplasia, watermelon stomach, radiation proctitis, bleeding peptic ulcers, obstructed stents, multiple polyps and residues after polypectomy or mucosectomy (12, 17–19). When compared with laser treatment, APC has a better advantage-risk ratio. Ease of learning, low cost and mo- bility of the equipment are additional arguments for choosing APC rather than laser. However, the extensive gas production and related painful distension of the intestinal wall and risk of perforation must not be underestimated. The results of our study indicate that APC is a safe and effective alternative of endoscopic hemostasis in peptic ulcer hemorrhage. No per- forations, uncontrollable bleeding or other serious complica- tions were seen in treatment of any of this patients. Although no significant differences in efficacy were found comparing two hemostatic methods, in the group of patients treated with APC, lower rebleeding rates and lower mortality were obser- ved. Another advantage of this method compared to IS might be that repetition is harmless. In our patients no serious com- plications developed after retreatment. The results of our trial also confirmed that only one patient (1%) died directly due to peptic ulcer bleeding, other seven patients died due to concomitant diseases. There is no doubt, that due to development of interventional endoscopy and hemostatic therapy, allowing a successful arrest of hemorrhage in as many as 90–97%, the mortality from peptic ulcer hemorrhage has decreased (4, 6, 18–25). The association between continued or recurrent bleeding and high mortality in patients with peptic ulcer hemorrhage has been already recognized in the past. According to various authors, the mortality rate is still 5–14% (4, 5, 18–20). In our group of patients it was 9%. There are several clinical and endoscopic risk factors (different risk scoring systems: APACHE – Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation scoring system, Rockall risk scoring system, ASA – American Society of Anae- sthesiology classification, Baylor bleeding score) that have been suggested as predictive of an adverse outcome in these patients (1, 4, 5, 17, 18, 24–26). Development of clinical pre- dictive scoring systems has the potential to provide rational and scientifically based criteria for diagnostic and manage- ment decisions such as triage to an ICU, repeated attempts of endosopic hemostasis, elective versus emergency surgery and early discharge from ICU (19, 27, 28). The demographics of patients with peptic ulcer hemorrhage suggest that this po- pulation is older and includes many patients with significant medical conditions which increase mortality (3, 4, 6, 21, 26). Reebleding is considered one of the most important risk fac- tors for mortality and occurs in 10–30% of those successfully treated, although there is still considerable disagreement about what the most important prognostic factors are (1, 5, 6, 26– 30). Many factors independently predict the risk of rebleeding. According to some authors, the activity of bleeding at the time of evaluation is a key prognostic factor (1, 19, 24, 27, 31– 35). The risk of reebleding from gastric or duodenal ulcers can be estimated on the basis of endoscopic signs and diffe- rent other criteria (36–41). Endoscopic stigmata of recent bleeding – including the presence of an active spurting vessel, a visible vessel or a fresh clot – are predictors of an increased risk of bleeding. Ulcers on the proximal lesser curve of the stomach and on the posterior surface of duode- num generally have a higher chance of rebleeding because of their proximity to the left gastric and gastroduodenal arteries (42, 43). Patients with bleeding gastric ulcer develop recurrent hemorrhage more often than do those with bleeding duodenal ulcer. Other important independent predictors of rebleeding are mainly shock at admission, age older than 65 years, ulcer size (diameter greater than 2 cm) and comorbidity (36, 38, 39). In treating a patient with peptic ulcer hemorrhage, it is vital to strive for definitive endoscopic hemostasis. If continued bleeding cannot be stopped, a timely decision regarding other therapeutic options must be made (30, 38–40). Mini- mally invasive surgery, as well as radiological techniques, par- ticulary arterial embolisation, are valid alternatives to repeated attempts of endoscopic hemostasis (43). A surgeon should be notified immediately after interventional endoscopy if endoscopic hemostasis was unsuccessful or if an ulcer at high risk of rebleeding was diagnosed. The combination of endo- scopic stigmata and clinical risk factors should guide our punc- tual clinical decisions and increase the accuracy of predicting individual risk in patients with peptic ulcer hemorrhage (34, SKOK P, SKOK M. PEPTIC ULCER HEMORRHAGE: COMPARISON OF EFFICACY OF TWO METHODS OF ENDOSCOPIC HEMOSTASIS 186 ZDRAV VESTN 2004; 73 39, 44–49). Optimization of diagnostic and therapeutic mana- gement may help decrease the mortality from peptic ulcer bleeding in the future (50, 51). Conclusions During the past twenty years, endoscopy has developed as the modality of choice for determining diagnosis, prognosis and therapy for peptic ulcer bleeding. Clinical trials have con- firmed that different methods of endoscopic hemostasis in- cluding injection therapy, thermal coagulation, hemoclips and other modalities are effective in decreasing bleeding from this type of gastrointestinal hemorrhagic lesion. The method used for the individual patient depends on available resources and the experience of the endoscopist. Argon plasma coagulation seems to be an effective and safe alternative to other hemo- static modalities in peptic ulcer hemorrhage. No serious com- plications were related to application of this hemostatic me- thod in our study. Further prospective studies should be di- rected towards refining our understanding of which ulcers will rebleed and why, and optimizing therapy on selected high- risk patients to improve their outcome. Acknowledgement The authors thank all participating in the study. References 1. Skok P. Incidenca krvavitev iz zgornje prebavne cevi – petletna prospektiv- na študija. 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